Ai......-- Trattril, ... i t iat ,titui l / 4 61. a •iy - ' A kiii - -' 4 ' - Aakratit: - 1,..,, ANL"' ...- f, . ----T a: _ n , ':%ate;:,_ r. ,~.S 'K ~ ` i Fes,' . Ez'~~fii 7 , • .•••• ' " -t• - ; 1, 7 • os'; - 4 - , 44:' , .1" ••4C, •-•: - h • •-,•;¢ • Mar* • -. 4100 7 " , :'-ix-OP -' . 7 ' - 1 is .. . J et '( - .1 .. ..6 6•i - Nu) P,..5, • r,... , , ear , i1 1 •74:-'1 1 " skl-lisecreitiov . 1 ,:•• Ninat a ir,:: oternA J - Wattherileriiti? 1 - Waithor•Jor . 1 '-, Webb-RIM Water Oaf, 0., t , 1 - 1 IRA Wentworth it 6 , , ' - .. -- Wetwoire'SE 0 , . 1 libjP3lll- weet J ' WO. F O S I4 AIVI I ANYO ii ,-: 1 ~tte --,• , ' l r ;p i . ec co v . ;:•Whittater J wl=l:7l`,l l , i Os ' • 4 `Whit. a gr.V.RS, Whiteheaagri J ; r= I li l i r W trlpilL i o r r ~. ~.. .: , w n ittln4i.;, l i letilid t • to hornet . -, ~_`l v r 2: li A t , _ .... :ydm" : du l i ' i -- - 4 , 4 rra&l I Arm: - WI 4 • i el i tork i " wc Ax...f, , ). ,. .,1 5 .. t .t m oo to R I i ,' i s fr il, - ; ; ; Wdocur,Jos hi - ' i Aositt7ol_,,i ....1- We W. 1W wi ii : 2o . - Dlbvt 4 ' 1 1 40. 1 Ja i i: • ; 1 .it , owlet c.pi ~. t . is tor Joirti «::i7 " i'ii:::l7lt l TF44 . o64-'. n ut: i', 4:so, 4 1.7..10e:x.t.i1id,....1..Jaii,1, ..:'-' 10 ' MliOn JI . , . . zit , n, vv,frA, !' ar,,rfit , .. , ;:_ Pr- ,:c.,,t, -.. littlia:-: - : , ntei-- - ,r*- " Ibt le :nit Wf1ag 0 ,4 1 4„,.. . Seaderotii- I:l i z.ii i i . -,;,. -; r iroodsZto 11 1( taw Si 'Val itt IP Sin," .W7ll, irC W, , i . Tor, we torkw. : !. , ),wyk.e 1r IL. I = l l-k i lr o v i ttee , bererlif a , : rialt o :w e°, ~ 1 Walt; ta 7iffo4 ii . :*Ztigi • ' 1 ad rd. , , El .• , ..- VSI3IOOR JUISING , , A 41 ' born lei W Vexoseb_litenrr 1 -rdbxed 4. -..- - Itodspdon , Aldit los* &Agog , - E Bear. , ', set 'Jaunt ' . dis PArdpi_ las -,. Mk -' 1 p rie 'lrkiklllie,wiliminal:l6,..: it ,oexd film* - 1, - ;Alex ' Yetis _ut i , ~ - 1 rs eloAl Co Yorieebuo J:, ! , F., .„.„.,.•. ,7,, , :5.:i —IC'S. ditOWNli, Par: .1 I or — initiiks : 1 - nr. ' oll:= l4 Mihn , Wsagiejiluill ; nial i k, ol - 41 ; .4!4"--r , , Ciiii"ari;iiiiiPiimiiga,: - , ',• ' . ,' . . • • i -41.4 1 Ft Arra. .Blisabetki-72 hbds ' 1W bo is , - surraire Sr isr-werah ;las bintir - 14.5 bqvar w - Cumi mums k - BagalLdß boast sugar Joan, a lc co • ••itY I ,3A. X e rerallA L i t s 641 1 %1114 1 11441 " 4 1. 1 7 1 1 Jio 3 B Osamu WO dyer il,Sierlo 1.83A00 .0 . ,10,011/stin ; • 'W.IIW 2 W'Yea.* 1,1 1 10 , W .0.00. =. v& &Co • 116,&11 do 111.AggsArradrres A lino; SAO al.; ,cars-A igkiss; ims do B• X Weals' Air obis oi•! , ratstses lets Bros ; MO* do &W ass A filr -Jr; Mtwara. &gam* ¢oWattowthem 11 , . loial. WOW aware 0 beamtvwci roost & i t - 11UW•itikni esmseiswittiNALA 1 : 1 , 111 , 1 *,0 8 1/,g!ifol / .NANklackylostam, order:.: .,, •-• '2 . , -•" 1 lazomml.—slsestAk amoVNA=7 l 4i b ozos le mods 2 , 1 0 0 d0 °BMW oaaiars Grit do - ark i woacibbubt MAU& it , POBTO , IIABEI4O—Bsdc Zoe Didlett-244 bald 411111•11,11irthideitattaits awes Ballets Bros. r , • . ! IF SilL-1/011 -1 , 41 Saltettis Valpiursiso SNIP , WCA:ron • , OLTILADA c I'r Y OP lEN MO I, ka-P ,iooloiTts - &ittfunamun ak.:. • ,1,4 1 4 1 IPA':" 1 1?" 4 " 1 " 1 °A? onfiliita - ipstairomuu6 Apki 9,1909. , -., _....aV013e* .t. leieri,r = , : , ,_ i "'IN leleto r . i re tttl% p folktiv, I _, . . arms ..n.r•••• . . - 7 '' . -: - - t iltiv a ll- - . l 4°t' i wal e i YlT"iii li b 12"-gie rStir Web; ' r dsi ro . 4 11 m t . .61 .1n 11 6 ru 146" taMitliar - Que•n, via 4 ' '..tu r. Jer ir l a g o • gni' Xesksi ISO 4Oissichaer 111Lirer. 'trot Mier .- ~, ~,, - , ~.. ~ ~..., , z , Stasaubiz i rlabvialge , *=„tt War s77f !itii mi. vmsenr_ n ut; „chi xin , T roi a ICY York - 49.r im sdas i isdirsisirli th ts . 4=r oi bi Urn. „at 5, I,llsy, saw S .okt . r i d zji tao. , . . ~, • .• 41 L i t h yea*, ° ltood7 &pin= . Peak) tobollo, •i Vi ii.o.lst Damn Drab% tiolo,..r i atims m Irsisnai ll S i ` jr_tialibrt fri?!01• 11 04 1 4 Feb; di It 'ii ',Atli =IWO Tiri 7 dcli;frout CionfoesOs .•;.kilit.or'l""Aa,a ,lida-itioritli 'i l etr iV u Tge, -* P l ',ldsi rim - amtnis :1)e 1 ; ..sit llr ' - to ' isouslis. y & Oa.' , -:: - , ' .: Ktrasseg e ~,, br it 1 dor Plei',Cisaiiion.Aoli wail br i t - "''' Atici iiiii r raqiiinilkonbtsl; iltru trmi ',..,.b5- , ..-r i ' 0 rt, o ;_. - . -: - , , - Mr , I lasift,:lt Writs ere , -I r 6l a c rsSr ! l l 'III- W l ' 3)441;' '4 ba"ll4"4' T " a 'fro Pi Voir IL - Apes - 8 ritolost. noon, II sys. m ~ , : lifthlkirisy to Iflamet,colliaa & Co. ~ ,„,,, . , L A Sofir ill m -W iliyuds.lll.ll44l,l , 91111 Iltopl•74illWY o r k; : 7 11a 1 Mat a irtr i t,/ , .asie,idays floss New Hazen ' ' 91166r ir ss i. '" ' o soss*P aa i 'ti t = c r i sw Lactdo ll4" tu n. •: : ' -.-. t : - Ist „,,...,•.vm... ..),....- ' I T ,. ' . :6-iiiii.„: , ask: A nsarkg , nom , from New i te4=4 ° ,, - Plogo * .1 hotka eloia:11.-Yisk, wilt! sit ..03 % M . , v‘ sill oe. ic hciti : r , "i_ro ,; 6l „, l q _ ll ,:7 l ,Ct jaho 411111 IDA • ! 2 ' 1 ta r c e ow/ f '3!'h tor 1•• •'1 ti 4 k 4 Ltp , , in iI-.1i,,,.;#14, 94111.4.••• A, K 3 i l ißti fontioA 4 Asii " rtg a - on, .• or , ' l r liliiirkiiiio; Yeitiiiii•B;;B A loads* ''.... - -...:- -,-.., ii -..W.„,,' , , , ' ~ .., kgr ir 1 " 114 l gr s .4=e i rra Lllylynt r, 2=s IM, , t• iv'ltiiiii.ii,),oo.-, 1 y.av,,. i....A t , !r .0.,.... !.....hp,...dgmig, ..irkiikki • '; . *.11 like:lk! Cie Ca : ; rup, rale ti erokt• t com ir a A i iiiictu ' ff•4lll-Blieir : .f. #B. 414•1014 Pomo, gotrOlna, palmy & Foe * i ':,'.....,.."-',,,,,imptiii... '':.., 1n.....: , f'll I VIII,A91 . ,:50111%011'. eilli• , -- we '' - - - lircene - Viletadria, T ',Meter: Jr , I .•••••••a•• akin, Dam* %Wore, A Grover. Jr.' , ~' "---• ,'- • ' ip , - TWO, b li•B•m4 5 1•••••• Slate, Owitilarah s - Alla. • for. i stiWi t 4 47 0 „At ejgogrjgol2 wiviog, *tut ea ! i x oti. l SNOW ri ss s ta na Ajtterunitarer . • - ir i x 0 7 ~...y .tuaiwo Marten. 44 , 1 . 1i=341317•10. 14 tr8= 14 .411 . (34! *0643 4B. 4 . JAW! . . 'in a1.."4 e . : i '' i 14 " P l i T ir ah "qr i girji ' • ! i nli4gil* ellinetos, or Mon, /et . 111Lefigh MOO 011kjeMPII in sanswiarr.. MSC 5411 ' MIS' l'i .il.lsli 1 0110.16C-' 1 . , .",4 ':,-:.-- :qi •- „:: Ilr• M. MORMAX. t....., MAN iXY.I 4 :A g i _ Osillinith, from New Orloase ittik elt. , via- nth , amvied at bletr York' Mt but; 8 w. samneta, ceramic:twat 'ikidtimorat art riv4hk P"44- ftrairoiNi. rr : Livorooo -' 'I, ' Olsen' thi 8114 , , Z w E ,.. 1.......... 0r1eatte lettawi.tio . !Alt ot co= ii tioWt• l•- , -,. ',-- ,: ~SILIP aftl .01 .01 .IS T PW,II - r. rai k l4 7,"* . te# i ' ,e l ' I I ICA141113:' , „111441011N .111ilitdalphia. - aillatt *opt Vet aki t t t ' ...... , 1,2,, , . '" . , . • 1 ",- . , j il t l' aitr . * n fi re r ';' M l.. . he ! l P W : lrt !” ll-" , 4 -- irjtairaltair, helm, arrived - at Oledilteged i ug 4 4 L P4I , i4 ' 4 ' isis4iliee;ll . ode, henco nriiied ac' Haree . . , . .14, G . . ot,Nalt, k'nutird, t.',14 1 , lit : ! 111 ./ It' . 'it,44*. f'.,pw.4i.l4 , iiido!!!--4 941:Ar "I ;`,-ii.' glors 'otugowiyiii, towed i 4 41,4;n In tly 11" %ta n to.i - luo 'as Zealll . o - 0114 WM/ 7 Ltiv4l.4 . infemv!vtii tug: . ‘ ' '' " 4410411tegt,",_T'..!".1 1 .."°s" o, lull_ ,v,f. 41 1 Mork - , , x0X1 , ,fill!Wo.:XXIorpoo, at 800100 - Oth L ~ Brij 0, ,B••••,LprioN, Arri•?•4.• ,cie•Alei :1•1 fairit••••••; B•Or.e9Bilma' ? I, l v o -4 - ut -1- "; I *lg . Bier**,;Biphis; sailed ' --' 41.. Ceeii34l;ll;h ilia #•••1•• st rT 4 • law , - Corti f. P ' - .' - - / 14 4. , . e atr a W . ,, , Lt poet for r , , li , • tt, *ION Naeseila,FiliolBlll*...4 ,-7.--ii... Iliiiawii4 - rtoire,ait 3641408 falba ler sys. /OW le /04, VlO_Vii**4o,•. kttOt_lo4 1.44.14 ‘ tr ae."Mi te l oll B l n tlan t riPtrra a t 81111•Adar, Wulf ad as 4 11:7 1 nsattelaat, Whoa she IlinlOk I 31 , 64, igiiiialklal bill( & SP_ i inelt11401:111110rVerl vr ez..-r, 4ezimmtvara. ..i... ho;. Plooodoom --- - • " - - , !i ttl ! X „ .... .A.Al4i4yr . iiall:/*xforPOOlo ! It . iry•g t ;wiel , ro t t t fmcife w it Whit eist. , -.! ,' ~., •-, --. i e„wir far ...Pla t tioiaajta., , altoorsd at My ea 111Xf 114 . WILS Ili offao . rk Xionji , " .4 . *Xio i LoOkixi!,___es s es_:; : no ;4 7 . itSUD ,ti WI" , :l!C ,t'' ._ ,9111 , • , Alig7... ISM illringl' ! ... ii.•••••;. • •A CI E ""4- 1 2 • mown " S•••••••••16ata• Nsyr, _...._ - - , — ilminatbri. N C, Oilreaten; ar9 r v.Orr r irai AU: N 1108 iiiiiiinesi. lYork ft mato Iit,AULYI", !IC , 4. 4 4440+4 'O/ 144 6 4 0. 1 V 64 6. t , . ' i11iii:0444 91- 11 19 0 . Pliti°o ll l lor il aft aPattadaitStri, :cc, •. , : 1 4. 41 1 k V iv a I 141 = .4076 tDrrri rm. "I m i t P s ' ,0 arrived at Aram OAT, st• iMc4- lL * Wloomors, trOor Roir - Idoisoo for *sit Nownott irch le - or, rad fortool 'Groin 6tp, ' from woodbriasoi..PE , Ji-for Tolmfon, #11,1!ort dtri irorG ' • - • • t . 4. 1011,0 , '.'-• ''. l DltltoiD itaoitic , .21.144:41111:- ‘` 44.1404". I , . Ta t ; i s AA / ft re"ltt fWiMAUMilir:* - 4 vP.f . ." . d 6 ' OEM MUM=2II A11.74W1)14 4-1'•11-7. . I, • t. - TBIRTY THOUNAN LA D COPIES Sta.;Di IN ENGND. SAY ANTS SAL. BY ,TEE:4111 . 110/CW' WOE. WIIH*ORIA" I AND THE AUTHOR OF "DOLLARS AND CENTS." 2 vol., Hitio. ;Price at. • In fi s eidenee of Abe, ltrest,poptarity of,tlitework, ,w.l nebil dol. 'say thated2W QOM orthe edition: have already been told, anther, to the present time, have been unable, ao; terhiai'dhe Amoks es rapidly ordered. We invite attentioltte_thit Rilleteies 110130 "The eithVtiliiveiniiiidtheir intelleothil wealth to: the best purposes. Snob books are better thee hundred. of mere oontrovereial seriaone."-71R,,Shelion, Rtad - 1 kensie. " Say and ,SeeS , is. indeed , a• true r hnantifol home' book, that t ill bs read'with delight and profit by tens of emends of our people."--(Evenin4Butletin. Decidedly the best book emanating ribm the authol rf es or. wide, Wide World.' "—floculrer. •• A delightful book it is."-{The tress. . I " It is superior to • Wide"Weild. l " - --INoith , American. „ J.f.I3, I III,I2TtNOOTT & CO., 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street.. THE BIBLIOAL'ItEASON WHY. A /1/110-11001( 101 BIBLICAL BTUBBFra, AND •BUNBAY,EOHOoI), TEACRE/ta, i GUIDE TO RAMTIAMPTURE READING,z Large Omo.l i a t tr u fai ' stiflralla. Prioe S 3. 7'his boa mikes thaßilile 'plea'asityse welt as pr 0.2., 1011t141 outtieot otatudr. it leaven utt difficult pr. obscure pomt - unaxplatoed. it leaden every "mace' elem; It al exactly the volume that even family. wbioh made stall, Imperatively needs to place beside thelliblat a► its best somp.moo. ,TlllB VOLUME /MOWERS-1 493 tkUNATIONS ;01., " TESTIMONIALS'OF THE ()LEROY. ' • } 4' I, have amen some attention to the... Biblical Reason, hy,'t and fNt bound togay that it ionize tome tocoial tale a vast amount of information on,Bibletal sublects.t .conveyed to a elsor 110aker, illustrated by may, vainsi bie wood cats. and printed on paper . It ennatlintlut a vartiablo . addition lo the audtrattus , ortisolfeactier. rsnn itglirAMlNOV l ClitAlf,- ' Bishop to prassylvaain. " I bane eltantined the ' Biblical ROMPOWWhy: and find itto ties repertory Aar - on Biblical eubjects. Mot „resat's:is plain and.ln lhgtbleiv . Indeed, lam our-, ,pruladattho suumA ssatter to • compriptood Into 'this Polaine,' For use rufgatilt, and War% no der it the boot book lot tholond I havestooni , • ••• • •-• • •- • •-.Retr. /ORD XOPIE; D. D 4 Vic D.. • •Prisittent er Dow•.(fastgrasty.itadPcstor OE4 Paul's Church (Nstgodist Etristorl), pray York. The' a tt end) prl ave w vn lour giitae s in that itcaunot fail to give important aid to all students ot the Bible. and , especially that large' cleat who -have neither time, museum to bestow- on larger or, Mote orttiestworlro. Who plan Pty ourvork itrancollorst, and the matter well emotion: It shoUld haves large area lotion. It wilt certainly be of great use In the study of' the Holy Bortptures." Bev. JOSEPH H. KENNARD, Pastor at Ski _Bleak-soca Apptiat Citurchqkflo; ' Published b 7 , '2 DION ,kIPITZONNALD, - •No:IB , ANN treet. New York: For bee bY J. a LIPPINCOTT ,k CD,. I FOURTH Street. Copies of the above book etott byyttall, to any address': free PootagoostoosiDe Dee r. I,oooAgentaSontia in every seotlou of dip Coital try to seh this !spa ocher popular books; for parboulers: acdress the %abilities, ' • „ 1 SOUTH .A 10 ). NORTH ; , . IMPRESSION - ( ECM .b DUAING A TRIP Td CUBA AND 'HE Joan L O.' .A.llllotr. 4 I . - 1 101_02a100163thall._ VMS". v. • - VOICE . , , PR* the New ork Sidepeadent. • alto vinv,arsT soolc Oa Sisal sY sss ISetisb. markt, Slit:dons, kin d, w Cknetta and moat timely and faithfuls • • 7 , 4 10 author rehearses taw grephio way the A e tr a gli4:l l 74X 4l l l l.Bl or late so systematil oar armed t- and, whim oondamntror the gunny zeal cif John Brown, he shows khathie hereto ten:dental for the oppressed - knits' to - shame the coward - ray! of CIS South for aperemftn., Yet the • tone of the book, While candid, fraa and manly, te always , kind and gentle; manly t • . t • not - pirtissn but 'Myr sIeeTIANAI4 Sibt 'lll/171111V1 . Christian. - gm Monts - the Synth to the simple remedy for existing evils, by subialentinir wage. for the Nall free labor for coerced toil. •" - I•Proat thor_New York Itriblse.. , ' : Itianininted descriptions, saA the frankness eind eor4 'dial ty or its tone,' are adabbed. "tve it a favorable' re+ caption, even with readers who direr ni_OSS from him inn pinion. " " The tonic(' to which thissvolame eyoted, and 'the spirit` in with% • they are •disonssed, though . they may amass a tempest of opposition from t who regetd Internist marl* only guarantee of safety, 11 secure it a wiAa eiratilation among' an Faustus or Fammom throughout the tutuntry,l • - .Fkrmt the Atlanta ((itt.)Ceektederaty. - ht is a cornmwayougu - anoutroMiwontromoni Len ins very readable styli, and well caleulated to taint the minds or the young:, , • • • , , Props -Detroi t Christian- Iforaid. • t furnishes vh_tvistx istronzitrion on the question' which now agitate out ooustry - -. , Front the Horrgerorke(olieg Prise. ' ' , As Impressions ars such as would be derived . bf ny hone s t, isir.minds.l Northern man. ly is Willi, Di. „I ,: 94oaiws. _ . neat the Stela -York Übe . The book is Inkwell sell avow.tily_Abo Mon. roldo-fut&w- lmAlluitY & Aotiow, Publishers, N 0.119 Nassau street, IS. Y. : PUBLINIIKD VHS DAY. • RNPOSTA OP THE • MAJORITY AND MINORITY OF TRH COELHO:THE Op iIuNDHOLDEIUS moor( TP.Lititqle of.ths Awn) sigiostrt DA r. Moe IS _oenty,op so oy - - • itso „it BROTHERS, ap6-St .” •• • e O. , 3118- CREerNUT *rest. ClEOßall 9, • 4tv*Nti, • RIFT 11094 snots:, • - _ sityner t irsiise4. • • a ibe '' I ." r BooV vNo au/ at say start. 11,1 r" ktiaredzieng. • irt.stmettot, • ALL a Tp , ffitzw , umwps To Rig isuyif MltTry, - 1111 11 Mt a tiOli OP E1T6101.04.1:4 ta sten , whoop, or Literature. at Ahe aim' =War 0r , ....50i sari aso.,eit• reseat ;ars i r l ts bast tare is au cur when Oak fart Sots is • 1 1 bl 3 - 4" ' 11OPA~tTN1*$HIY' 6:iO 4 :ifitikasrar dM.uhrittrillitra t rlN* V 115 4 : 4 4 1 ;; ~ umuidb, ummum. J. E. Knorr manor. The hair of Os Is t• 'Am: will be settled by ouktmigit st. the old, stead, No. 641 il&AKKrir treat, where eu persons hams maims wlq Wdleetlt , them for , 00ttlosoeut, t r . Ladobtodwill mak...m=oC". , • oRG.. : C B. F. TAGGART. !, T. pIITED. , iPARTNERSHIP.—NOTICE m-• iii hereby:go, god the otittioni dint have formed ihinited - pothoon, pe amireabLy tothe sot of a Sbly of the °minim Wei ftwol imam. approved. oil Md. 1 51 5 , entitled "An sot remise to Limited r ' I li ft 'lt= t i l ' iVergrZlTA' the said laittiSrl Ale is to be ootoknelotio of!' eIfAILLSIS .r. TAGT °ART." i The semi& natu of the'lsiodnees to be misoteit im ask arm loi.VmPottontand Whol pealeis in' W 1010 zoo don e in thp city of PAllsOlo in.- i The' Immo 0 the nellellil Darr to .0:111,t, LES Pt TAGGART, whom, pot* of led epee is at 0.1.610 Chuntott *tent, fa he °lts of ijodolPar and tel -WWI fd 1.,, ipso* partner fp' 1/LIA itZ alGlo TAGGI,WhoIIikOWIO. resides In the o ty of ,Pittlal dolphin* 04rdOtith Flit** t olyeet._ • • , The a Loitod.• 'partner. the *ld wiLbleht WENDEL, TAEleit RT. hos tiontributed toe notinnon Mo4of the Arm thesym of tea th ousand d olle d in omit.' .T4O 110V104 OT. which;` said settnerehip Is to oomr osmosis the 4thdAy or AerikltdO; and is tet - terniMsup onthe eth der okilqcd,ll 0 G lene. ._ .. 1 16 ARZ •-. p,,1F41 1, so** -.' ' ' I VI,LIA,OrUX, itt TAGGART.' • ► I I E' IC BERETO_i FOK exuding ItibreencloB 'B. FORD and GTO. W f'D AV o - Ander the name tri PADA te thlts day domo ved by mutual cousant. ' The Munn.= will h continued by JOB. BONA% at the old &mini. 1208 CURT r 8 Btr JOB. 13, FORD. ape St• - ' - - G. W. DAMS. VOPARTNEEISHIP.—A. W: RAND hag ‘,... TMI3 pAYrtill&trirEhip " • • • TM, idyls 91' llie' rm will by_ - , - •• , - s , ND it ALLEN, 7 V I 4II.IIAV INI 01y - ' 4714 URN ADE. COONING.mAND44I.InagaIIi. all, and BTEAM4. A ll; ~ I q DVIIINE6B, At Yr ! CI•,!411 ten d . •' - NOTtil !MYTH Bireet, ihiLadelolus. April LIN& , ' -,' . ! '', ••• , ..'.. apt•lea. i EXPRESS CINII.P.ANIES: gPILING 'MAD . - - ptEEDlEdostatv es mif ak Nl tEgv,.. 0 TAA ADANA -JUL „ft C U ET r*"." il3 "" U "- I4 ePO ,134, • • Poiretall , , _ 2.llMitsys ,ervmg, - , With ratee,Bleetted to destinabion.whioh guasan T tee will be as Mir as dams of any ' other regponinble Em 14.64%4Ineibritit which we pu t eiaribtlonaof ratollier .... . V to o rtt e sbz i g ;a t t . . rteMitt i tf i Flu I V Lotil'Oaarvillig, and Other des anir Towns Tata Wort. gannet tete - noshed by any other Company, Also, Ds our Southern Hamm., which hair leteltbeel established over the great line or Redman, vies Urand 7unetson and Missigejem, Central , ' through New Orleans to Baltimore, Washington. Alexandria, Lseohtettyi Wrigtoli KnosedloiChattatmoga, if estivate, Huntsville. Meulphm. Grand JunetionCanton,leekeon, Vicksburg, and New Orleans, and al l nicer cities, an d towns in the South and Southwest. •; • - - Expresses loansMr the' Wegt end Routh from ou Office 323 CHESTNUT Street, daily; at 7 A. M. and at For New York, at 6.6: audit and 6 and II rm. , . tftla daily (*Madam tweeted.. Steamship Express,. for Charleston anrannah,istose at our officeY at 7 Y. M. on thgdaysbeforeimihn i v... • ‘.. , Clay Wagon* will esti tor.rmods in any part of the oitir within the iolttns ant i -Behirrare and Bonn, ik* rivers, And andSoutti streets. provided notion be least mu ol6oe before five o °leek P.-M. Merohante hanging oulithe.CaluCardeor.the Adams lExpreas Conn. Palsy, may depend upon our driven giving stria atterlf• tioiitp,theitaisf. -For leasespartiolarcip jp_pjy to the _._ ADAMS APRSBB CMAY, AMA:, F•bizo. MID. an JonN BINGHAM, OUp't, '• , II(IZI.II.CILCIIitIi'.•TAILORII. • r . .g L , .' ( THtiMPSOI4, ,:'' : .; _ ! , '0 , ,, , -, ~ . mEIiCILINT TAILOR; i N. E, CORNER CtFIEVENTE ,ANDNANUT,STEL netralti heVikli tilt igUintiOn (PUSH Woos sang , ononeonvaatelee,f , ..bad-Whee :pith to pa s tratjArrial l f i lteiV=P g ytm=a t . .1.0.4.: - Th i s Intim., oweererAhat the molt gramfle * letrim, f ligi tilt th.1, 1 4,7n1ati4212 i . m a measure, et e department a epaprle e. ail who ars intorestaa to give me a call, 1 have a yap on hands oomniete,oesortatent of desirable go Coatings, rrintaloosei add Tegtinos, of the latest atria portions of mr own importation. ImM-9m ; nomitiati ritidAßEl Alw . BYRUPS.4 AAR CUTONCNIIMIDIF*4 I irontlinii Wined' nfiffit next, et le Booth WATERStreet, 444 nor onery lot 041 4 id um *Pm* mar s s, gr i i 4 rose . Grin of - proved shorterdise 4 be * m-refinild and 1t i lti varfous gran% minding Lover anA Iverieet and; molter fesent-ei4 k gn l n etdir i ntv RennUartiontir R-F 464B lNEr . PM7 4 _,"barrels Downer' Keiriaaaa illiunnuitina_o_*l jut recetsad and is aala_kx OLY.V. AARBSkiER, & CU/ PIM ts souws WHARVES. • ' aPa QPI'I TS TIRPENTINE.-2118 „Tw_ s ty i lc% r rireAiffifig l it r C7,1 1 %. 1 41 wirAltvge. ohm ; ILIASIL—Yellciw , -10•-•White , Grease ; for •.; lipabiajailorted pmluit:t o r ma , 4 Aui .11.49M.411::.w+P IVIAOKERSOO.bbIi.,I9O 100 qrs kilbss No. .Jurt received, and in pa in . rolar le an 114 MINTORS'!: BM:41313110 ATLXkON,;) ' 13 stab • • • ...X. k , - ;•. 7 44 hltf - • Vll2l PitIONAPRILADMIVIIIA,nIWONDAV;APRIEvIt 1800: 1011UBLT0 8A JO t ItiZABA WORKS. SOPHIA P] s litNAbg. &e.—BB virtue of authority vested ut as an Trustees tor aortal* medico's,: of Pollard McCormick. and iq pursuant* of a deoree of; MO Abu CoestdfSLlUntMay county. Iptqly Common wealth cr tenni, Mune; in No. - 8 lif tenvepther tenn i r 18/10. we wi encore te_antillo sale, at pi. ',Jeroboam ; blaohange on YoUILTH fittest. in the city of Pittabzi , on the tepidity of April,lB3o. commencing - It ILO" I A. M.. the Rolling Mill and Nail Pinholes, situate pear New Castle, M ill ettolt,_Pennsylyania, larT,C,:trailifignl44: l4 7e4Vl ll ll l l.4i Meek Rolls. Nauseam, se 'URI Mecham one WriNilbt_Bei do fie form antiNetueing_Narl —10 X. ato AIN/Lthe Blast Pqrnace, lapin Bophili n almye works. wblen is °era* of turning out tone of Pig Iron per g rit. ' • ' Also several of ground, ltdioining. and 'leveret phscPsof lead acentto the, Dom W, orlts, oontaining • Coal, Iron Ore. Methane. and Noe Clay. Tanqs.—One fourth of the purchase money to be paid' in cash, on the acknowledgment of the deed; the ba... lance in one. two aid th roe years from the time of sale, with interest from ' that time; tub deferred intyments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. onAxLEB Kr+ aP, ' ' ISAAC M. PENNOK, H. BRADY WIF.XINP, WM. X. NIMICK. IN THE ORPHANg 2 COURT FOR THE ICITS" AND COUNTY. OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of.ALEX ANDEL HALL. Deeeased. The Auditor appointed hp the court to audit, settle, and adhsetthe accouot ofALBERT B. LETCHWORTH. Administretor d. b. n. o t. a.. of.ALEX ANDER HALL, deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the aceoentant.will meetthe parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on WE nN ERDAY, April it 180 e. at 4 o'clock P. M., at hie Office, No. 280 North FlFTH'Etrepti in the tutpfhiladelphia. ap4-wfmst* GEO. W, THORN, Auditor. N. ,THE. 0,01710 FOR. TILE - 1 1-4" - CITY ANDtINTY,OF PIMADELPHIA. BStAte Of IL deceased. 'sod Auditor iteedinted'hy the` Court to BIWA. MD*. 'and adjoin the drat account of DAVID CONRAD,citi of the Executors of the last will and testament of de ceased, and to make distribution of the Balance In the hands of the secoorttant. will meet the parties Interested for the' aureoles of hls appoihtlnent, on MONDAY. April 16t 1660, sty o'clock A. at his O ffi ce,. No. 221 South FIFTH. Street, in the Doty of Philadelehla. ape. wfmdt Joint O'BRINN, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THEI AND'Cormy P vamensurfuLA.; Estate of JOSEPH RbX. The Auditor abpointad by the Groat to audit, settle, and adjust the soeount of Wm. M. Rex and Willonge M. Rex, admitilidtators of Jetiteh- Reit. 'deceased, and to make dastribution of, the Warm in the hands of the atmountant, will meet the parties interested for the par ooses of big .arisonatioevt, on MONDAY,Aprit 9th, at 4 o'elock P. at his•Ofßotills South SIXTR Street,' in the city of Shtladelithia. • - *At. -KELLEY, ml43.mwt - Auditor. ME - VOURT ON COMMON-PLEAS IN FOR TEN 'CITY 'AND COUNTY' OF PILIDAJ DELPHI*. Estate of OftRIBTIAN,HITLSEMAN, Lurtailo. The auditoyarmahmed b , i_the Court to audit, settl and adjoin the account of DIZTEICE HULSEMAr4,! Committee of Estate of eant - Lonatio and to make Mel tributioa of the ba;aneisin the heads f the aroomiteat o will meet the melee interested. for t he purpose, of hie; appointment t on TUEHDAY, the 10th day of *mil, at 4 o'olook at hie °Moe, fa dodtb FIFTH Stree n the olty o Philadelphia.J. BARGER, , • • ,twititor. Pititeostmne,,Neron Pa, , rahaD-fmw.St , - IN THE COURTrOP COMMON PLEAS A. FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PRILADLL-1 MIL& Mattei MAN.s of the aistigiafitattette of D., R. & H. 0 - ,'CRESSI The Auditorsippoloted b_r_thd Court to audit, _settle,' and adjust the aettoant of Thoninef Diehl, Assauteo i trust for the benefit of creditors o 'Relies R. Criminal and Deur& Oreamin, , late tad .ea R. R. & R. 8 Creasman of the Oar of Ph il adelphia, and to repo Metstisatautta iliChataidie its thehauds of tha arautsep. wilt meet the parties interested the purple . a of hulk' :1 1 a n k41;10% Prb-Mond a y , 6 A , Nut u ivisi pub* t.iti.of Phil a. spli-mwut 8461 41LL1 AM ERNST, 'Atiditof.- (TATES:WaIt 'SEMINAttY.—This `kJ in slitution is - lonatedln Coategville: Cheater obuntyy Pa., on the Central Railroad, about lid miles from Phlls delphis, and ell Irdm Kenmore.. It is easy of Wear front any part o f - Union:and is in the -midst of al l moral and refine:copulation. , It posisiass the advan-, takel'Of lialittla I ally ffiall, a telegraph .olfle, and am Adams' 'Express e. ;The buildings have barn erected!, with Waren°. tosunited 'domains' of both isseson the; bassof swell-regulated Christian family. BO healthy lel the looaticg. theatre as of Maker has oeetlired in the heel: t several students 0 weakly ooneratntiont have become *trona and robust.' The dourae of instruo-I Con comprises eyerythiari that is,taught in the best colleges td eelainfild.p Oat tiouptry.- Bend for a. Catalogue. or FOURT Hrineittal at illelClßßlNts'itter4 ohstda Roel. Btreetallailadelphis.the nth,/ llth. and IRO of April, frtng 1 wattle o'alsok. • splaqt. • JAMES Z. CIFFIII.-A:ar:Prindipal. ENGLISH - AND 'OLASSIIIAL BOARD-1 INO SO 001, FOR YOUNOMSNAND BOY-4 JOY;Leueaster oottety,,T6.' The Bummer Iteniol Opens Ma Ist. For Qireulare ca ll at Ametio4n 8000 • MOS* _ sue. CRESTN UT Street. or address the hoof - -Principal, E. L. MORE. FAI4 IL Y SO . OM' 'OR BOYS,- i'ae POTTSTOWN , Mootsemeri wants, P.k—Th t : esti ssu auto! Bummer Bece *nl commence ED V.d4 DAY, May 3d. Carmen. with fall parUattlare, fur. rushed, on applloctlon to Rev M. MEIGB A. M., Fthempal , Referencia—Bishop Potter, Bon. Owen Jonee,_• Memel James B._c_elderell. James L. Clechorn, loon W. Om. born, E. Waltzed Bailey , Edward Roberti!, Jospeh 11.% Evans, A. I Glace, Robert Wood. aps-lat` A MERWAN , SUBAXYLi IN 8133! lAN is 1 z - AL ritiatte tiedflun thiouginitifolL &tools and ramp, lies may . o login 00 , pa O Mt tuahep_i. ra.Mqll,,LaYai mnPa st6 , ' ~ :, • I B izim A r into lo 1 4 3 nl2-ti IN 0 ElTNUT r atireeerbihmuiphis. , NEW BOARDINe ,SOIIOOL. TUSCARORA 'FEMALE ITINDITUTE i Will be ape at ACADEMIA. Juniata oountr , riL e l on the let day MAY tient For announcements eon talnina tem', e•.Appl7 ti lettatokrartaii.tin I Apnl to ute ipbeenber, A ridii i rl Dad, node! Phis': after that at AOAD J ts 4 IN . CAM) li. I felt-dtmil• MI VT.,tratiettti BRYANT STRATTON'S NATIONALi or information. WI or setrior . - TUN BRITISH AND NORTE!! 'AmmunitztßoYAL - Vali, SERAM4 'lox ,lo Tolidirlyo LivicitPoo4 o .. Me thibikrialliMP4o--. .12114 i . , await thibut-Pasaate . :.... 171- el Ott M l' 96l" tr to 11';"I f?° 1 " 1. Tim .... i ascend Ca bia r=a4 g riZ.: - ....... 7 "- '.?.....,.. -.. ', et 1 The "hip from 89.t00, 91'4 ,at *lila ilea bog Her . ... Pt/au, vt jumbo, CANADA t Capt. Lae& ARBIii, 67. lase, ~. Atillitgliapt. 211.bir..1 Slfol,taatleatatoii, Bino7.rbaMiteh/ ~. —.. stioTIA, ‘hey v tr e Tti , , Theae-wiala ulna a ear 1 ig tat masthead{ vie on sta_rboattt WI , t az t , e,,.. 3 e DO i al da ., 4 1 4.. ip A. A. l .Lam bif . her ler. April — o n rilterlesaai: A april tit i llifittl i t , Itt it' '" trl t iCk; Wii ..0. I: a is. I. Abi RICA nit. " Boaton, Wedae t May t. 1 gqII.IO I =2 6 :44IVPIUN ;A l ai AE , tt‘ " ova. Wadheahty, May 23. , Berths not redurid aittdesidot.; .- .f., ka expetienoao SOrgeor on bard. ' Vie °amen or es the P• Wil not be aaavatable to Gold, &tear, Hallam Bowie; Jewel; PrIKIIMILEItoses or 22.01.15, mamas W. or, ladnat ate seal the (or, to the 2afte :Trod therein expreue . Yoe...y:4M o passage ape e,to , _• , ~ -._ E. 01124 feer-vin4 , ,„-- , ' &Bowan/ 01 , 0013. Bay Mr- graFOR TUE . bOU TH. --OBAELI23, sTON AND kISSAPINAR ernmeawa. 1 . FiIEIONT •REDUORD. I Nein /pit at anayet e szof nun= per cent. bet low new Yor Steamship . ORt CHAN. tyS_IN, B. c.- • 1 , Ir the V. R: I ntesmalup K ILBToNts STATE, Cap tain Chair P. Marahman. II Small on SMarchsp, Apra) rth. at lo o cloak-A. in.:- - • - - - r -01 . 0141 h in Sato 04 hours—only* hover' is tee, - 1 , 0- ,_., _,von,se.v4NN4cm,ge.. 0, , ' Tie -U. S. Mad Steamship STATD OF GEORGIA i Captaip)ohn J.Garvm, will sail or Raturdas. Atone, nttoo otook A. Id. I , :-MmAMMIPIWIMIrod;III , IIInatMitt, i alertirr•! l L l :We:Zed, aridlnlfo :Mine " 62' , *IST 4day: , ! T aplandld 'first-that olde-arbeei 0 lo KEY. DTO Is STA'rE and STATE OF OzOft il iftw run et above eirevy ten asas,,tbus tornoins a !fivirdav atrium. nleotton irith Cha rleston and ttavtuihsh, and the Done and tionthwest. , • . . AC both Charleston and Ai.vannah, these Shine oorpt neat with steamers or Florlac - and with reflocno. &chi tor tilltriaose in• the Betitiatattlauttiwoot: • ' , INSuKARCE. , ', iin of 43 1 4=l. im South e!*1 1 :711, 1 1Viet e tre i rt t y l Dame r e Nan by militia, Teelviir, the proadrstabelng one-half t is Pi, 8.-Inpiranitt an all Railroad Freinht la entire unaeoessarr,rather thad Charleston or Savannah t I, Railroad o. o 3Medi t tr E WAß i sle N fz i l it tess point/1i Far4y this MOO as to SIP per , perit,oriair than hi the In na port, sari ll be eepaz tht Wenner . : dais.' hroash meats Lc h_ ton Baveasah steaersbyttaisCLt n elkAU on the sr ole route, alattat rom Caw - alid "Vaa l ' 332 i 4913011tintnert t , '.• • • - , • , 5 5 ' 5 CUARb aiToN SONVENTION. The steamship &SYSTOPIE d'lLATß,_cept._pdansh4 tesai will itil for Charleston on wEDNYADAY, Apra 18, at 3 o'alook P. M. t• to Chalton- op FBI. DAy, Ar il ao, at 3 o olah, P. M. i remain there vat), . vituAy, April it; suttees e , ConVention shoal° onrn_soonar., , Excursion Tidies, inoludina.Boantind Botha in Ohs flatten until Mull se, 49110. For NW &amount' alter that date,•sll pada. -, , .:: ~ » . 016 _,_ _,, nrs,alm wan. , To Oharleatoi-, au 10hartarton.-:-.-. US NI lvenna2.— -,1 00 Savannah...-..... .. 31 arrasta-1.--.... -SsGO • itaiturta ' _:.,:,.. IVI, 11:.«.............:. , 31 03 Vason...-17.,..-. IV 7 Atlanta._._. _ , . 1 33 00 At ...- ---. 31 iinnbas:.-:-:-.1 'l3 00 : Columtee—,... 86 ban,- -.--.. 24 00 , Albany. , —.,, v ri i iiir e 7 7- ;`4 6 ,6 ( 4 0 1 ' • gle e" ----4 . , W sts Oileiani= NI n, new 0deZi...7.77 ,- , Mil R r byg i ct t imins 'eszifd ate pule ht :,,, kair visited. wharf snot, Vir r t r e=l,, e one 7 , P n . , , , , ,' at , 11.° " , i Arr engln th errlorP U .PT 4 W ND 611% I po *. . fiavanush,IFIUDITER . & tiAMMELL. , 01 1 46 7700 Anarleston, steams, Carolina aver, Pag tin 4l:t e d v a i fr y ot i Bairnaa. steamer, 114211 - 14'• an 3 esa y allo BAtiosir. . ~ WINDS AND lIEE AMERICAN WINES ) From the moat militant Wine 'traverser VIROINI4 NORTH OAROLIN.h, ',OHIO, and ITINNIIITLYAI4II Sparkling, BCD, Sweet, Dry aid Communion WINES; Warranted the PURE JUICE OF THE CRAPE. ALBEAT R - 04111148,, „ DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, O • mhil-tt Corner EI:EVENTH 'and VINE Strome. L AGUERENNE (t. TRAEOLL, ' ' • successor. to P, L, Lag airman°, ' 1 , NO. 1011 South BROBT Street. ' Offer for sale, from Alnited States Bonded Warehouse, of their own unportauon, --' " Brandies, 'L .k ' . 1 Cognacs, Pinot, Castillon dt Co., of various vintageir and In all ' - cog4l4llnr.'- , II ..L, Lanerenne: " ~ itochelles, „j A. Stinnett., ' Pellovoisin, - -- •• ~ A. Cams, o i . , Charet Winv,s in O&M. , % , - I 4 aultaitn• Wines. of Various brands, Bordeaux Olive Oil, in baatets, (P. L. Laguerenne brand.) , .- - . . - •. •- - - t 1411./M DALE ATTENTION or um Wsh elflo in looottod rolooron ooninno, on "ann. erimprod rmiszotanljtaw'kedit nd ifo nd Girul,o4 rain WOO d nog, EgeOROB WHITELY , "too ..-{.. '.pi l l'eric i a t . q .m.q , ,A for .6„ hi boind - - oz..' afeimLe, immix other standard brand! 0r bfpng ' pelt &N., - f ) lb' ' tau & Co., I wee: o u, Oa. a Cnn. & . I Bei nett*, • - • '• ''. - i .' & 1 ~, l'ilitillin 15 W e % it o i r iTithr '' ' kW& '.• i , 4:l4 deta ir - a. i4 i ' ' 1 1 441 “ ' I l i p i n r . , . atii JllllllllOlll 11134 ''. I ' RUM j 6 ' ea= ' . / 0 0.. 0 • . - TA I ADI R,EFINED SOGAR anti ,: It ` URB4 £ D t" litt ttatelt h tt7AVit a yl,M,Ta a t . 1 11 / 4 . Vivrt4:4* i'lr c rili ° Of it i e "4 4 N it? Ytte r EOlt:n al f44 = OA rate 1 0.44 7 ,4 1 = di i aWi, EDUCATIONAL, SHIPPIIIIIG. : •';.k+I;IIIDICINAL CIIREVOICORGIk .ARROW ROOT:, mbkyMljit qotatiim7" - e ontilortilre 'mops to toMxterioreoCuoit il iiljt le ril i ptd i ly =Tv th.l.avz.tioxiTaltmop Forigroxtroots nom isootoo.On lboatoiorro, map orrphorrol Pot. h•Lowirs, • Voooor o eettnenoßJOl tite `COMA Artow. Root le o op; throing=TtL:""al NW : "I , IriFtt? Nave mer one Dowd; ea% anti, or hro /Anode foi AL Complete metruotione accompany each pephefte. eltotT-: '124,11011 1 . 0 Meld . th e , host ;dolloioth articles for rtiol Ara4isALE AND iltE Am, R OK BROWN'S LIMO ~ /..ND • OKLMICA. L • PI. S. CORKER ir/1 1 _,Rl'. sad OatsbTß , • 1 btiteout,PRILOJJK.LPRIA, ' • ARD AV FREDSEKOK agowli. JAL _ 1 DRUG ANECHEMICAL 8T1.) R' • til:RCorner NON Rand ORESTRteStienta Under. Ina" Canna:An - I*" Rotel. lELADRI. I have a:alibied/milvieyareili' !KIWI Allow Root, 1116U1111MAUTOd by CO:: Hallowell. of lia Mary% Goorgia. IC hag the beet qualittof that; variety of feehula I have met with. bem6 impator to any Bermuda or other Ar row R00t ...' have ra. ifU EnLi7AORBONe, n M n D lv"Uvornty of Pya nia.". " I lump examlnid a sample of Arrow'Root. mann.' factored by Col.iftilovres, ot St. Mary's, Georgia, and; Ehibited at the lea fair of they American Institute by r. Brirkhalter. of this city. The article is of the you , st qualityand, tom the experiments made tipori fiatilt to co ntains large proportion of nutritious' 'mater, arid to be m every other redirect fully equal • to , the itt eitality ofArripio Root obtained from Bermuda., " it beim of Ktal Importance to invalid; that such , delicate ortiales a diet be pare,_ I fuel glad ot the oppor 'Wray to sPlaksofavorably of the Georgia Arrow of t. magerlm "JAMES R. CIIILTON, , IIf: D." T APB .'WeRIIIO- 3 1A.PR WORM., „ • • —.• • JAYNE'S d ECIFIC IrOft,,, is TAPE r Has never beer known to fail a tingle instance to remove this trobleicme animal. It is as easily taken, man cardina l. variative, and tafollowed by no uncials-, santenecte..llo worm is ummuy expelled In from three , to eight hours after the medicine is taken. - It is nut Ma; In doses, with directions for its use. By writing to Dr. D. JAYNE es B,ON, 2a ORESTNIIT! Sweet, Philadekiiiiit. enclosing two dollars for each doom+ the medicine immediately be forwarded by mail to, MU nit of the world. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIF:NATE3I ficuseacratre, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1861. • Dr. D. leyns—Dpor .Bir: receiv e d the Dockage of your: tjeeetne for tape warm. and took it aaamaing to , the directions -.About four boars after I had takes it, I used a tar 'worm measuring full fifty-two' feet in length. _ PETBB. Va!, VOICBT, Engineer on N. Y. and Erie Railroad. RICHFIELD, Mo., frin.l6,lMk. „Ar. D. ; 'have for Eight years beet afflicted' lb. terrible disorder—Abe it tester. During that, nre Mid teed varlets remeaids, ETA thE beat medical , skill iktblearif the adlasenketonntlet: wit oak obteue-' ink an.t mks', rwas advised to,eend for your rAmeoy. Ai that filo. I wan aldweit redhead to a skeleton: unable to attwattribwiltsees, and my suffering srah, boned die-' seriphs% I teak two onset an d then plumed hrty net Or trieWorm. I airi noir strong roadie !rood health. Mr. Perry Brewer writest PoWr — eisean Ar MA4 k.,:b. F 6r. s. w otter taking Tour Apeolfio for rape morn, it had the edikatto expel a worm unnieuring in all tirenty-four .fi m „, t .ie r 3744 1 W4 of a letter from Mn, GEMS E. Bonk, dated Anson. Tiolia 00.. le. Y., Feb. 9, 1858. - the ayear linos we required from you a dose of - the TM` worn dpeoMoiwinOir LOY husb an d took so - oording to direatiops, and the rank was, that he passed, tuult sIIAY test of tae worm." rittLaDiMptits, March 21,1E69. • DIAL Jsyne—pear Sir: I had been for some four mimrelicted with that horriole disease. rape Worm: tried various remedies without swarm. I wee at QTo.7..mlled to use yoer SPECIFIC. I say compelled,' . ye or had great repognanoe to advertised methoines, aa, considered them sit humbugs, SO it wag with greet dlr.. oulty Iwasinduced to try your remedy. I took three dolma. and the result has been the complete election of tormentor. I have passed some eighty feet—tbe last eight or ton feet tapering • traduelly until It Was no, thither than sewing cotton, with a head as large as the bead be ta , I evil if I had taken your medibinee in the begin ning. fore my stomach became accustomed to,druge, _M a treg w iet l it a :l l try e l l O t el;:t e oreely you,fer hay= ing armee me from an early grate, whets thy disease wouldlisve inevitablyiebteed me, but also to those who are atthetedee I wwsj make public these acts. Yours gratefully, Lours Fifth and Olaastant rarest& Emzannin, Ina., Jane 17. teen Gentlemen • Your TAPE WORK. SPECIFIC has administered aooording to dii lonez First dose; at seven in the morning. Atthres in the afternoon - thee worm wee expelled entire. -Your SPECIFIC hes sus tained Its pretensions, and I have no hesitation in rai commending it to the public. JAMES EL Lawie, PoWrictiovlLLE, Tenn., July l 9 1809. Dr. D. Jayne & Boa—Dear faiyai A little girl about seven years old was suffering with toys worm, and had been unuer mediae' treatment for some time, without benefit. YourBYECIFIC wag in riven According to di rections, and about three hours fifteen feet of tbei worm name away. which, from the desoription. I think' the entire worm. .11. - hiciln.c. ........... //satirist'', N. Y., WORMig. 18,1889. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Mier I took your TA PE WORM Pft: aecordinr to directions.' Erg t hours after. wards I discharged without rain) his wormaiiy, whl iritMoUred- tWontpe gilt feet m length. and ocataine More than 980 Linn. • . , Jityrnak.navais. Utica, N. Y. Aug. la, Vag. ' Dr.V. Et J—Dear Sir : Last week ?dr Myers made inquiries of J ul about lour TAPS WOAi t SVECIFICI and immediately wrote to you for some. ' his morning he oallod upon as with a bottle qmitainms the taP4 worm. WARNER. RAY, Druggists. 1 ..„ flew Deventostarldich., Sept. XI, 1857 -• I Dr. D. Jayne &Son—Dear Sus : I took your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC according to directional. The worm was expelled in mx hours; length twenty-61x feet. - Yours, &0., - Lorna 81111. • BRENMICK, My., October 7, X 869. i - Dr. D Jayne & Son—Mr. d) ce Riley iley P has been m bad health ( t or some years sub act tomato of Pinkness at the stomach, and continue emaciation. About a month ago lie threw ED about twenty-five lest of tape wittret, it broke, a part remainimon his anyanaoh. We procured some or your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC, which he rolt e ar larding to directions. Ile_soo_n about ! .. 11 _ 1 ,„. feet 03, 1 t1 u .1 . 7 0 ‘1:: and thjaks lie is now free Bove A Dotronass. DAVENPORT', lowa, Oct. !8 1869. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir I took your BrECIFIO fot tape worm, wording to directions. and in tour hours the Worm Wag expelled. HERMANN TIVIRENDe. ; CoMPO Sac, California, Oct. 81,1850. , Dr.D, Jayne & Bon—Dear S ires Ido not hesitate not do 1 delay - 10 give way testimony to the great excellence End superiority of your" TAPE WORM 'SPECIFIC I Lately had an occasion tojraVe the virtue of this medi cine tested, th e result of which wsf the...uniting or a tape worm of enormous length, which had worn the pa tient down to a skeleton. but who now looks fleshy and Owl-thy. 1 ct-liberty to give the address of the lady from whom t hus troubles/me Entree 'was expo led t but • WAlirter IleotiQA OIL now on exhibition. at my office, in ocular proof of What / have written. It has been wit nessed by hundreds who have called to see P . , Yours, truly, E. 0. 'sonagog. , IlmmiacmougH, /IL, Jan gg, , My daughter, long riMipted ',lib a tape worMiwilric- Wre o lield . v i tt i q c o . ne dose of DR. JAYBVS PA PS BxnaT i Prepared only by Dr. D. JAIME & 13011, NIIT street, where Dr, JAYNE'S VALV&ldte Esr- ME- - DfOIN&P may be obtained, nihM•lm ' COUGH! COUGH !! COUGH !!! EVAIISVILLII, Rook 00., Win., Sept. 6.1858. DR. D. Jsyss t Dear Igar— .Mr. Nathaniel Illekey, of this Wass authorised Me testate thistle is wife wits taken to her *one year ago with Lung Disease, *blob the ehYsteigns pronounced ConsumPtion, He dootored for six months to no p_umose,luttng which tune he had beard poor EXPECTORANT spoken of very highly, end oonoluded to : try it, He bought of your Agstlt* balf•dosen bottle*, and his wife commenoed taking it. and bee beengetting better ever since . She can go out even now, and is gaining daily ht strength: • • A. XL gr, Co. , EXPECTORANT Felt LUNG FEVER. . KOsstitif, Ohio, Bept. Pg,_lB9. Da. - D. JAVitel t tome made visa of 70tIX SaPISCTO RAS i for Lung Fever, and itattests& a cure , with Cif aid of your excellent SANATIVE Et. W. itownsam. TYCO SWEDISH MISSIONARY. Extract of a letter, from the Rev. A. Wibere. dated STOCKHOLM. Sweden , arohlo, 38 0 7. Your invaluable Medicine, the EXPECTORANT, bag been of very eseential serviee to my, throat and breast. and can coerce ydo without it single day. Several of, our friends, to whom we have occasionallygiven some, enuresis thenteelete ac being much benefited. THREE YEARS WITH: BRONCHITIS. ISTOCXTON,Oinen no., Indiana, Bente, 1857. • DR. JAIN*: Idy wife. halting. been severely afflicted some three years with Bronouttte,_and having heard of til the wonderful •eeacy of your EXPEC °KANT for Voughs, luithms,Difficulty of Breathing. s p itting of Blood, anu other Diseases of the Lunge, I purchased one te bo x trie Tr o t,o ff h ! if is z nd tini o z o v e tz t vlrs im ial rte liE tph .p r i ia r i Ll ed,p .at rire: faulty of breathing and pun remoy - ed. P Produaine a free arid_ tout expeotoration. and I n O NE MONTH erected comnatE cults. P. SMITH. Prepared only at mh.73-011 CHEBTIVT Street. ; BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHII, THE GREAT DIURETIC. RELMBOLD'B EXTItAOT BUONO.. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'E EXTRACT MICRO T Ci • • HE AT DIURETIC. RELUDOLD'S EXTRACT BITCH THE GREAT DIURETIC, Aid a Positive and flpeolfici Remedy for Disease* of ,Bladder. Yj Oravel, d ra i iiy, Organia Weakneee. This Medians. in reuses the, power of Digestion, and excites theAD i SORBENTB Into healthy notion, by whioh th e W ATERY OR OAL,OADEOUe deposit - 4one, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEhtENTD are re ducesci, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, and w good for _ ALE,N, WOMEN, OR CHILDREN. Depot ~104 Bonth TEN/A three:, liE Below OSTNUT Mallet Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTNRPIIIB, AND 'UNPRINCIPLED DEA iitE. Who endeavor -to diepoee "op THlllg own" and ° VrtitI R O T ITIP 8•111:111a " itIIERTON'S COD LIVER 0116, 701 CONERJNIPTiON. THE onntr AMONG TEN THOUSAND, _ PALLET MAGICAL, FAIN EXTItACTOR II AS universally supplanted all other • . Oinbnente and heeling,' aphlications in both the Eastern and Western. Hemispheres, wherever intro duced; and Its regrioute mow ne /he true seoret of its be in all temeerrin affections. whether the Oillee be esculent Or disea.O. BURNS & ie SCALDS c tfYrardt, relieved iti. j I h ve:llitlrt't it': taaan4 .1 oar. healer ' and the a flesh *renewed at if by a charm Vihnitigiri 4. / 7 7 1 V.A l li f ligEitY. Children are reeuent sufferers rem tea in- Sullen. especially from Maid mid Compute' Br plosioms—therefoir every / mother should have this heal* cremation eon- mainly on band. It Neale Sere le , iler stud' ttnekly ix, removes the TETTEN or RING 0 hi, se preset- . 0! We the nursery, RAVELLEBB '4 SEA AND LAND. ,• The aohm.iet, the Tra. c, ve ler. and every other in dividual whose lot in life .. thrown ,him , within the change of acoident from C 2 , expiosics , gra, or cells iiorns, should bear in_ paled M 4 bet this Mario Rxtractor s his best and only Mend. ‘4 , it,, is both portable and obese, end should ever be in his comPanion, as a friend in need There are thou- sands of living witnesses to me to its marvellous virtue , who owe their so ad =and mumites ~., to f eta v.v .. Tr ay. f . I whieh AELIVIAI47- CAL° PAIlicz.: 1 11 3 1 8 of oft le a rius,v.EnvE pi al well am OCRs: Barns,' g r o ar r, ' 017,41r,""h Bores of all kinder , Bhot Wonsibi, ? Prod mites, Borofula, Broken Breast, —Fever Bore". .§ourvir. Bites of Reptile', Felons, Beside, Cancer, , Glanilular Pie- &art, °umbra Lips,. ' wee, &aid Reed. Chapped RIM% VerOUllel Bores, Sprain., kWaletWs '' , linill getieradY• mail Pox. amp, mrcea • union, .. atmated cords 'flee , ~ • 'atter, Cleafei. ' , onion, , DLeeelee Of the #t z e i eumattiem. , Ve nere al &reef vterort heir, .fre. t otn a jm uh deNlFClargr If; - gt',7eywitaTI: L. 3 47 V—IN '.l. Ca'afaAfeal gent. Vil also ha roagtcOata4 l l4utatt prvtaal t a pes . DY NENE, Ind AgentsECOND Street, Wholesalefor Pennitylverilit.' d r in tAßON 'AND VALUABLE, STOCK fit s n t " " sti r a tili 120.000 worth Standard Weight gkielee , oomirellins se semortattegi ar4 - 31: tar h *dam W:atahouse, Re!, goal, el+'n inntl i lt tor their interest to obit Ind attEaggaßEET, Philathdot ah ~ T h; attention 4 . 0011110Y' ltlegirrittl L lPOWe r d E t l oi l ab ahoy* stook. , fatt.tra ; ' pitii!altwrießßAßTlA:k gREITNIJT Htmot,phila irown::4,om,T pockets • ptittlio Ws ti MOO UMIAK 00.4 it , - =Md ISM PAN ;'FIRE ViAt . trimpioz cora.vor;Ainitgw •• • 'The IREOTOnghsvo thur dos &lola s' antinend °UPI .DOLLAgno PER' SHARE r the last sm. mentitiowhiob will be said to the nTOOKROLDERS . or their ler& representative/, on sad after the Ifth inotont. lizolasive of Ohne Tait. .opf4att ••• AL,I3gRT C. L. CRAWFORD. &lief. ROHOYLKILL _- NAVIGATION' (Mil -I,' Rtui - v-opTioaoF 13011.11LRILL charge COMPANY. Such 14, le4o.—The charge for uee of Care eudfur on AnthrsaiteCoal. Car ved on the Sehoylittil Navigation ' ) will be as , follows front this date, and se &Mine° Until further puttee: ` ' FROM To Phileulelyhts......—.-- ,••••—:—..:... •••• Ppl'alumnltc...... --- _ — _ -...,_ • Conshohocken -- .--.. . VdTotre— S, '.. ‘'.—.--..---.'.. '' ...." i orristown...... —.......••••• • sort Keenedy.....—....— .... ... lley' fflorfe--" .---.....*—.---- , &whore arn. • • -•—•••-- • Fort FIVVi auce.. , ......••—••••—., hceninvdle.-- Ler'a Ford.'" ...... .............. ottatown Lending. --•-- • • on Union.-- udi5b0r0ugh.....,...., .... ithZll . 6:::. - .::: - =:::=:...: • 11,%1114•Gatia.: .. .. .... . The charge will be per ton of 1,940 1144' len five. _per cent. allowance for wute , as ruttish had no eharge lon than twenty.five,cents per ton will be =de for ear dim " twice. lir' order of the Monomers. mhl3-1m F. FRALEY. President. i n i FFlop, OF THE PHILADELPHLVAND REA.DINO RAILROAD OOMPAIITi FarLs.DECrina. Maroh•l9s MO. The rates' .21 intiOt and tons on coal traassorta bu this company loaf be as follows from Mara 11th fiddhpr notice: To ..... Phil 'lnclin 4LQt ed Germn on F atw it. Fella of fdennyunk .• • ••-••-• Conshohocken Swede Furne0e........ tirrist'n or Bridget* or rt - alley Forge...—. hrerdzyllle ...-- Itoyer'e ii;deboro ember B.. Oringstig andAuburn.t By order of the 3 mhl2-3m W. "A little, but often, Alum the Purse." PRANKLIN SAVING FUN 1, AL - 133 South FOURTH Street, between Chest- I nut and Walnut. Pluladelptilis, hey. all Deposits on demand. DePOsitnile; money scoured by (government, State. and City Loins, Oround Rents, Mort gei rd . tiompany 'bathe safety better than large Profile; consequently will run o nsk with depo sitors' money , but have it s tall all times ready to return, with 6 per mint. interest, to the tremens" they have always done. Tam Company never eueoended. . .Femalesp married or single, and Minors. can deposit t heir own and such distouts min be with rawn oxxv by their consent. , • Charter ptimetust. incorporated uy.the State of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from trusyies end executors. • LARGh AND SMALL SUMS REcEnrED. °moo open daily, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings kohl 8 9'olk. DIRECTORS. 3soob B. Phannon, • Cores Cadwallader. John Shindlor, George Russell. Malachi W. eloan,• • Edward T. Hiatt, Lewis Krombbear, Henry Delany. Plioluilas Rittenhouse,' Mahan emedley, nCot t Satterthweite sar fehr i aint Blaneherd, Jeooll b ß. Crave OADWALLAIMR. Tressarer. miavy .ADOWMPOdistiIHIMe4MW." AGING lIIND—UNITED STATES e..Y. TRUSTT. COMPANY, TRIED sad CILIEfiT7 MIT &tee . • - • Large as small midis recteild. ajid_peid book on dvi mand Without notioe, with Flo . FER CENT. INTE RESIT -from the day of deposit to the day of Irak drswat. • Ol i es boar {. 9 until 9 o'clock every day, And on IVDAY I.VENINOS lama 7 until. 9 o'clock. APTB for sale on England, lrelsad. and Scotland. from it upwards. - tresident--8 3 TEP AM ABAY I j e r r i aWFOßD, PrANY " FlitE, Aotasri. , . &VINO- FUND-FIVE PER CENT IN- NgEEATIONAL SAFETY :TR PATWALNUT &met. southweet corner of THIRD, Ineomoritted, by the Mate of Peolisyl- Vera Moller isreceived m any gum, large or mall, and ja tarot Paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The °Moe us open every day from nine o'olook in the morning till flys o clock In the evening. and on Monday and Thursd rmb e li n i n flitt il f & si ii i tOtt, floolfatT 8 'LYRIvi).E. yo e epp Proment. • W =Lux. J. Barn. Peeretam • D111.13.07_01.11 - - Hon. Henry L. Renner, R. Carroll Brander. • ndward b._catter, Joseph B. Ban, . Robert Ilielfridge, mums Lee. • il a titl I r C a g rg e n x iis, frai l a l g t e lt ;neo n . Moony is received and payment. wade eau/. The Inveatmenti ars made, in conformity with the provisions of the Chatter. in Real Estate Mortgages, Ciround Rent., and such first-slams securities as will al ways Imre perfect security to the depcmdtors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability to this institution. atu lyl SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SG INEVI OF-PHILADELPHIA, - Office. No. MI North - THIRD Street, t Oonsoliration Rank Buildins.) CRARTHRED BY THE .I.EGIOLATU. OF PENN SYLVANIA, DepOsita received in fume of One Dollar Red o pwardp.. K and maid in Gold. without • notice. with FIVE PE CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Saving Institution bee long been needed In thejtorthern part otile city, and The Penne Garden Savings Fund S o ciety' wee chartered by • the Le_sislature of Pennsylvania to supply this neoessitY. The Illiinagers. in organising and locating it. have been goverped'wholly by a desire to sooommodate the best nem interests and want of the very large and enter prising population by 'which it surrounded. OFFICE OPEN From P to 1)1 o'clock; also , on Monday arid Thursday from it until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick - Metairie, Smith, John P. Lev e l. Hon. IL K. Strong. A z irri g Ugg rt koffer, k i ll i giii..kLla c az , • ohnif essleir: Jr., George Kneoht, James S. Pringle,. • Joseph H. Crewel, Hon. W m. Millward, George Woelyeer, • Gee. T. Thorn ' Teter C. Eilmaker Robert B. pqdion. J - JAMES S. PRINGLE, resident. ' Plasm HAvr, , SooretarY. .140-ti ff: GENTS• FWRNISHING GOODS. W. SOOTT--hite of the thin of Win- S, oheitertt Soott—GENTLFKINCB FURNISH ING IVORY, and- SHIRT .NAIS9AcTORY, 81,1 gi(MlMTntrest,(nearly op-pouts ts Omni Howe,) W?". would' same' Nally ea the attention Obis former 'patron" and friends to his new store, and is pin g% %a= ri.°"47212 a4,:dtwjap.nuervi4 woo Shirts and Whim RAW - EL G. SLO 4N, REAL-ESTATE BROKER AND COLLBCTLNO Br. Psac, MINNICOOTA. • mb2l ft. MIEISOURI LAND I B. E. BILBROUGH & CO.. (toner& Land and Anal Estate Afe Dealers In Land Warrants, Stook,. .. ltorthareat comer THIRD arid OILEBTNUT tirttta, 'BR LO tl MIT Particular attention paid to entering Gradiatell Lando. *OO,OOO Aorea for lab at amen ranging from .773 f to 7 or par acre. &tants Damned and taxa* paid. - !Wows stamp for rlat and partionlars. feld-aro eusnum. wm. W. 1 1 / 1 11M111. REINR NHAR K m N E P E H S }ST,A ' felt Sml Ammi uT O H W ? AD T E A L B HA ALFRED L. ROUGH. PAPER MANITPAGTGREREP AGENT. PAPERlicited for evr/ description AND PA PERM A KER'S MATERIALS No. 11 South SIXTH Street, PAilettelphm. fell-Am* PAWSON & NICIIIO.LSON, • • INDEI% NOS. no AND ADA MINOR STREET. Between kras i tap . ott dreet,A, al* PAWBON.. B NACIROLBOX. RR. VORSON, REAL M9T4T.11 BRO e KER AND COMYAN_DER,NortiotowniPs. 2R Farrar forms t it Buoky,Monbromory, and Cho* or ommtmc Cs mom of Farms. with fall aaeaonp lone, Bent by mai fes-3m v B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • • SUBSCRIPTION Aojwcy, for PrineiAal News papers and Periodicals of Oity and Country, E. Gra ns! FIFTH sod HFATNOT, Address " V B. PALMER." Philadelphiii. ALlktin MHOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law No. N 8 South FOURTH Street. nlB Bm•' VAUTI ON I—ASPROLOOY,!---LOOK OUT!—LOOOD NRWB FOR ALL !— The never:- failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the beat; phe succeeds when all others have faded. All who are tn trouble, all who have ben unfortunate, deceivet by false prolnilee, fly to her for advice and comfort La lone etifairs che never Bhe has the runlet of \polling the affect lions of the onotlte Rs:. It la this fact which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, an 4 way her advertieement. ba the shows you the likeness of your fu ture wife husnd, or absent friend s , It is well known to the public at large that she is the fret gluten]." tor sion who can show the likeness in reality. and Win give entire satisfaction on all the concerns of life, which can be tested and, proved by thousands, both married and single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one I come all: to No. 1338 LOMDARD Street, between Jant per and Broad. apD-st. reltICK-MAKINia MAW:IMES which tem• . 1 - 0 tpup olay e tiVre OP 1" day, Briolerrespes, Efiriffg;lt BAMB P rigtrA il tfron dbers• 0-1111. RATA SODA. JOS. ELXINTOrg & SONS Offer prime Sal Soda, in casks or barrels, deli Vere free ofporterage. in quantities to suit Ignohaaers. tahla4m - VD South SECOND Stiee,•; WOBias. and 340 hfs. largo No. 3 Mack- Arel t 190 bble and 460 bin. maU No. 8 Mink erel received Per , unifittr A cisyris Ay itrAtidk t end fm tele by mbN , • US end 194 W ORT WRAR'irEs.i etIiERSE,-330 Bose lierkimor Count N- 1 Oniipte2, in einrettonal. by q. 0. BADLIR 00,. A HUH FitroAt. nonr othcom Vtnnt., mry FiKELIOII WilbAlll4 IG, 1111123, IMST-L - ma Elea WITATA L M* ""Th". zislV nURGEt3S 7 TROUTi-BABS AND SAL. , LmAr'i MON'. RODS. —, PHILIP WILSON Ic, CO:; 40 CIVESTNUT Street, he L ythg taken the Bete Agennti Ply 04sif brekted Trout,. Bass, end Salmon - ltods,'Nee kn., will supPir,rai ( " 2 4 and. tkLf 4 1titt l ite ter proem. ' 'ln 6- 3 111 ' • 6. . 0,...a. VAS z Am" We • :ILL mia.;ninnuit, iiitinifialis.uscauremou •1.90 1 • , 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.13 SAVING FUNDS. BUSINESS 'CARDS. K=IE LARGE 13ALR OFf s tf i lZ_BLaillAND • itp,Fituitiont• it . **l-.: 4l dTif Wig" ks' 16th is~att,, ,CA • BxO[DI9RRL~Ri. Jest 0/ 1 4a)k:sig4 Jana:net molls's. book awl 4/001/0: We. nwerimelif finnvioansi, ho. ALB°. EMBRVIDERIES, OF TRH • MaNDFACt TURE OF A. XURRLER. • • -A tame and luu3dians variety of, oolburi. 4 ,lOoVISii sem in Jaoonet, cambric, *a, of tkiii oalabratiKaanal Cantata. PRINT,Eir •AND BROIME • Also. a full boa of Paris gnntM , wool And Molt inentaahanit, sawed onlip*Ooro. • •.- • • • 612403HANIE); Also. - • ORIN*LIV I V Ir ( 1 111 4" fiDer 4t4 CMP lhani° 8._ ; ',Also. a fall has of men and boy printed buoy' pocket handkorohiefo SALE OF IIa.PODTDD'DRY GOODS. • On Timidity Stonung, April lOth, at 10 o'clock. on six meter coo pieltaps mixt tots of imported sad domestic, dui goody. , • „ AN D „ PAEIS , IMIACIC LAM? POINTS MANTILLAS; FOR RETAIL TRADE. • ' tUa-Toolods. • Morning, • • '- TO lota newest BUN” Pons Montilla* points matins'. PAESI HAREEM ROBES, 7 AND -e FLOUNCES. Also, so il/Poiolll , ol , Fano • loorosir rodeo, I sod lonnnes. An invoice of joOonet taboo.' ” " duoolroboo. - - NEEDLEWORK ..EMBROIDENIEL • Tneedey ntorrnsw. A large invoice or new to needlework embroideries. • - —BLACK OROS DS ARISES. - - rhi A nos.n Invoice o!2! l 0 39 4n0h high lustre tAAek _ono do - - 6-4 ELACK.DRAP D'STE. 04 fin o if Nftp D RIL LS n AH E DOAr & NO ke L lain andpdiled linen 6rplir. eD CATIAA' AND COCOA' MATTINO6 4 4 white Canton matting.. • 4-4, 6 . 4, and 6 - 4 moos snatlinli• LARGE linClll, SALE OF FRENCH GOODE, 0 MES9II.B. t O h E e N i ra tl gi n H o U f WON. Orr Wirdnegrlay Morning, April 11, at 10 o'clock, on dm months' credit, corigi at nig of— • • 000 - pieces plain mouselia' de lease, high onion; blacks, and modes. ' - • - MO stripes de bellies high' colon, Modes, and block,. 400. gripe marets.` firs to gory flan, all colors. - 200 " lamarinet, all color,. 800 ' ", banging. bongos, high °Mors, model; 40 blacks. 900• " printed bareirep,6„ and 10 ardor*. 20E1 printed moushn de tales., new &Niro,: • 100 oblate printed groundless, Ter, 'oostly. 00 " 6 8 end 8 4 drop Wets; ins to very 6/14 nankin ty. IEO- " • etts. plain,plot& Bud bands. 7011 " berege robee,7and•9 lloOneed and double Jun , . • -200 " rich dreste'siOis. 100 auk roues, 7 and 9 flounced, brotieds'and - • - - ..200 " printed foulards, chintz oolore. 100 tants replan. a ' favOtne article. • • 00 ' fprinet cloth. all silk. 50 " bleak taffies.' and grog de rhino'. 100 " white brilliants and Pique clothe. 00 " plain eolored.pemWee - atteml4. LOCO ex-superfine qualities modes, blacks, and. high colored silk fringe tbibet shawls. ike very fine wool fringes thibet shawls. 800 new !style rich printed do. do. • 000 new style high edioned Stripe timne sheerly, _for slimmer wear. - N:ll.—The above tale will oompriso a very large and fail assortment of the mat ,desirable goods—many Just landed. ' ,• • • - • I $1.15 7.25 1.55 Ll 7 1..5) 1.03 1.07 SCOTT,Jr. AUOTIQNM, N0.;43( ONO THITT STARET. r melle flaseosi 1111/31 and t irrlttir. or ago DOZ. NTIRSCVP/G , Viz Pil-rbINGLE ArikiikivoLvm 148. Isfinnar. Anil! ith. INN. commentate:l at .16% o'clock. giniansting In porta Sao Wain collated; Stemma azi views, American scenery, Niagara mire. Wenn= , pictures, 40., &iv BOXES. • [ Dana revolving boxes, for se. se, and 311 pictures( Rug single mahogany, rosewood. end moronewbOWNl. - OiL PAINTINGS. -- ' A ll O.lOO framed oil paintings of ides/Ong eald sots, en; graving', Photographs, 4e. - SILVER PLATED-WARE. This Kamm. • Pik met., at 10.o'olook, by older of the Sherif, s qtaa tay of silver plated-ware, cutlery, &a. LARGF: SALE bF EMBROIDER 8, BONNET AND t TRIMMING RIBBoNo. LIKEN csaigaib Low . XEmviimys, Will 1:15 CluoDe. /se. , On Wednesday Morninef ttlBBo., by catalogue, on a credit, oostnerunna at We o'oloot. • • Included in tbicsale will be founds toast desirable as nutmeat of seasonable goods. well .worthy Wee often = ton of, the trade, - • wa' Samples and catalogues molt ols ti. ooruing uf PHILIP FORD 00 t ACTOTIONERRS, No. Ale MARKET Street, WOW MINOR Stretd. SALE OF LOS OASES- 0811, BRO. GABS, - AND STRAW GOODS. 1 • , .0n Thataisy Mormag. - t ' April 12, at 10 O'clock areolsetr, will be sold of oatal t oste, oil four manthe' oretht, 1.1100 game max% bop. ,and youths' caramel kip bosh, ; paw. buff. acct, and kin brogans, oalf and patent' leather patters, Od ford Des, patent leather Walking shoesand opera hoots; women's,. news', and children's oaf , gos 4 roooo,_ hid, sad enamelled boots, beeleit and semis ; ladies' superior emb'd goat morocco and elove-lud 'Comma heeled bris t and aliots. - Also, • lane as sortment of first.° otty-mMe goods , he above sale will embrace ft - assortment of Pools and -shoes of t e e find quality, adaptsd to the any and -oosuntry trad. UMBRELLAS. Also, samples of Mu cases Scotch gingham MIT brellas. _ • STRAW GOODS. . At c ommencemen t misses' a nee d meteigtroftlisaleityamiz_tti of ladles', bonasta, ladies' and misses' Emma* braid h co on new style do. French ship and- do. trimmed Fto renoe Adelside, first quality misses' shakers, • Sc.- 'Mg Goods open, for exammatioa, with catalogues, MAY= the mornlat of sale.' . HUBRARD & GORMLEY; AtlcTloi!Eri katorr BALE OF .. 0 0 .11. Tannin/ M orning. "Y On Tannin/ Morning. triPPriticalers on Tannin, morning. J. WOLMilli & CO., AITOIIONNERS, • su ARCS f3tr . sat. Latvian Pi:fthaad &Mk: • itkouisa Dry oode, clothing, strawgooga, wpm, *with sham, ko., lots adapted to g s arty and 001 LP= tall trade. bg catalogue, and ea=i every "A and Frldoty ntortneg. • = lug Furniture, chum, filer, 4e., ever/ Wildsiods7 morn' , • Trees, gimp, Vint' t IVO., every Minds,' old Be*. da gr u X7 Z4 a cii n sil 0rT4,7 afavoria of arty time to nut the *account°. • • ownertitinTiot oAlil)—M4 < RO'B ME; We will sell, This Alorsung. At II o'clock, for Air. G.Nero, Astoria, a largo assort merit of all the Stout staedard and half standard roses standard and dwarf pear trees, dowering shrubs, ke. for whioh we refer, • purehasele to catalogues and plants now open for aSalaatiOD. I,firo'slCieolal Palo. STANDARD ROBES- DWARF FILM TREES, &a, This laornmn 9th Inst., at 11 o'clook, at 619 ARCH street. Standard and half-standard room, Chinese tne *ti nges. dwarf year trees, of the Bne■t vaneties—all from Mom's Nursery, Aatorus, New York. IMPORTED AND Do/emir DRY GOODS. In lots Wanted to the int/ and °entry retail trade. tio Tueimar Mamas. ,10th lrist..'at 10 o'clock. at 519 ARCH Street. - • Marge assortment of imported and domestic staple and fancy dry goods, byeatalogne, and for cash. Comprising high lustre blk grog de Mines, blk IWian cloth. new sole spring bonnet ribbons, fancy trimming', flour:pinta: Maliese sera, collars. &c .; parasols silk dress trimmings. French lace mantillas. all silt „ cambric handkerchiefs. white and , Mo hose and half hose, collars and sleeves, lane bordered kerchiefs, }sooner embroidered shirts, shirt trouts, hummer robes, black' velvet poi I de ohevre..hlsot &mamas, shirting linen, table cloths, foulards, brilliants, mow de lames, prints, artifiwal flowers, Kentucky Mane, fanny all wool wounment e. Union shirting, &0., ho. SW” For full particulars see catalogues and samples earl, on the morning of sale. 11019311ROLD FURNITURE.On wedveada. Morning, 11th inst., at M o'cilook. at 019 ARCH Street. A large assortment of superior walnut aurniture and hocuse4urnishing articles. COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS AT PRIVATE SALE. 20 chamber nuts cottage furniture orith and without marble tom' pIIPERIOR FURNITURE AT 'PRIVATE PALE. A large quantity o) very aupormr walnut furniture, manufactured by first-olnaa oily workmen, for gale at very reduced priers. ST. .I,OIIJIS, MU. WILLIAMS Ak AtrOTIONBEAti AND commii:lstarr . IfErjail, t(e. North MAIN' Street , BT. LOUIS, thtrormerly NOl Mer u& Mum. Chighonw.A. Co.. tu MEM& a n their eermui•to the meratutatu others or Mitladelphia.for there pea boom, shoes. bard* are. iewelrr. __ Cub ad varies' made oft race pt Or was. war Settlements made three dare after sale. - , ._. Womanly. Memo. Myers. con Own, t.c.o.,PbiladeOhlw .. Stuart & Brother. rtnhanwjEwa. - New Van 'tryok, Townondot. w WOW!, Pl York. :.; iend , .o ( tgli, & & C & A _V7La M , "' Crow, frio‘ayary. & ~... " mliiii.tbatily- H 4 t :xu,~u Lu*l $. SUMMER BOARPINGi PLEABURE IMERRE% persons desiring to spend the enamor vnth their fami lies in the Qouatry. willbud many delightful places along the line of tee PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. With a view to accommodate and encourage the-largeend increasing travel in the moinity of Philadelphia. the Pennsylvania Radrond Company have made a very li beral reduction in fare. and. an in previous years,WlLL FURNISH TICKETS 24 COUPONS AT A Die- CO UNT OF FROM HI TOX PEE OEN T.BELOW THE REOULAR RATES, aooordiris to distamm. Persons desirous °Teeming boarding will and every advantage in the well-appointed hetet; and ;Mums 9 y summer resort all along the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Tickets,good on any of the acconunodation Indic ti be had, with larger information. at the 'Depot. South+ cant corner of SL.F.V.ENTH and aItAIIKttT 800•14/.. apt-tta TROMan MOOfte., Anent. ON , WEST WESTER RAILROAD TRAINS via ELEVENTHNAi' ,, INLROAD. Lem Repot. cornea and M ARICRT aPvelta,..dady taxosat Sunday) at 8 A. M 2L 13.10 Y. M. and 4P. M. Leave Meet Chester at 7.10 A. M... 10.90 A. M.. and AM P M. if TO WEST CHESTER POrNPR I ND d. Trams for West Chester leave "Philadelphia from the depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.90 and 10.30 A. M., and &Li end ea P. liti Oil Sundays rit 8 111. and 2 P. M. Passengers for stations on the Philadelphia lea 'Bal timore Central Bailreilid will take th e 7.111) sad 10 20 A. M., and 5 15 P. M. Trains. - mtado I P R H E I A L A DE L P TL n it U DAD V ID *EDI roxfoN FA - REir On and after APRIL, 2d, MO. Comutation Tickets, with twenty-six, morons. wilt he ta m ed,m goorl for the `holder and env member of his family, on any 1 assenaer Train, and at any time. 'l'hey will be sold by the Treasurer at the °Mee of th e conteany. No. VT South FOUR rieti treat, at a reduction of twenty-five per moot. from the regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the very (10BITSMIO Bummer iti:the Country fi nd this among route, the Bahullktit and Lebarion it a i . n g acodio the most beaan ul and healthy in t. etate, Th a utile by four trains from and i e. int AS l FO;t i fi h , MOTOb nth; tees. mbeMs • NOTWE.---WIEST,I4 ati,VY RAITADAD—Pm!. RENDER TRAINS P _ix DOWNINOTOWN AND in. TWOMADIATII 18TATIONIL—On ud. after Id /wit laaa, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINOTOWPI will start f ro m n. , l the new Fneeenaer Dna. of Diann/IL t i tt " 64 Railroad Comsear. eorner AD a amtiVIIILL Berme, crummier til trues* on Callsortittl, A. M , , MORNIN TRAIN for Downingtown. !eaves al 14 G a AFTERNOON TRAIN for DoWninal own, lawns ak i. M. AILY (t aha!romonted.) , . . ina r= of_Meeete , ali of the DMlsie!lda so " V aI" IiENNE 1 W. H. GIL Y, fieeretarr.. FRILAD,ALP.III4 -NDjuliNG juafr Ogal H I PRN DM, fotrinTa ILLH,PR/In= ! ISO And RAKKISBIiIit ,_ Leaves_l4 Derr lassca, o'oo o f 0A1.1,0.1L1. Streets, .teatraa n t b e r s i oii at 7.3/1 A . In.. DArL_X,I VILLE, HAHHH44URra i rin* ) atsafdati, 00m2goung at Hamsball . Man 'inn& burg, Chunbers ktiriarN b i °. - „ : L I T P. I AM S . far POTICHIMiIag sad At II . , 7 441 0 (eradays alesidad,) larlllidai rtd4, dad 00 . IretlitlaHßi.llosisimil. WA L L ANS) , CURTAIN PA?2.ll.—i Groat te : sationte milt betpre;' &a new styles for print trade. :21146:11iivzioak eatimriv itihrWet Ms 1)1 . tt. VAPLAIRTIRR. lIIILOARIL-BODA.w= 2 M , keti:LlC awl • • . u•adis4 T ET 0 IC TEO * 001 1 1 IrmaB,.. '. .., - • -: - . DAL* 'M. aim visa,. A - —, -iiissm. I,"t iothif . Koos agig seaitaa gigiog. -: , : — sdn•Wimsz oel the prolhortiairie•to AM _ • **ADM. &tit Vesely said 7 iiiilbe t 40444 grigr a ti -07 ,1 7 , 7 :11 1 rtou slitivizie , min.! laming a, tsrgramount. v rim Fsy. . .„. .: eriniti : mme—irmlill AND - 11.DAS;101ATT. 12th P o n t Bale—Mprit Wu row& tr it = rillt i linsir B.l. B,l6-llMM.7aie - '14 re,41117 *A77 7% 7711— gin 7 . 76 9. 7 4 071 71 1 7 4 71 7! 7 . 611.7. - , , - - • ~ - ay big 84 , 164.ApnINDA. 0 .1 1 7 e analwa..._ hie f.w a idyei4Fge7., .. , a........ ~... " O c gssal.**DiDa' tgi,otiegettiiiAbipA'fike , .. . .. • • ' riWAri r TN ; 44141 .1 +, 'MOD ,_ and 6 took, sveiv .., ,a ' '' '' - . air Contributors Waver. ~,..„ Ai -r. • air Handbills Cr . ' .- addle ntol*iin •As ' stfilas _ - ost thsp t -_ . , _:-_ - l' • bay. a Iwo e , ...„...i wow .. . Nor Maikaggits entered eig au FRO% gad adyartudd oritaimesilbja °waa* (.41inualk 14111140,1,1 Us vimistilteNfirogia PEREMPTORY SALE:-STOCIE: 802 1, `ka. I n g o , Oa eh, at 1f o'oloo4 at the pytl chawill Is sold. without meerve...raseesailidediem it s e e , a 0 Is Vest Chester sad Pauaaelvlue Rseivisiitess. bonds 8 ver cen _ Sit OW Monto u r Iron Csaspaes boob. 111,001) Lackawanna , sae s loomaleire _Railroad Oems pee Londe- A by yartporkagient, for *west of, Thous it 111111 000C11/11.— • - • 81500 shares Hopewell Coal sad ken Cosevear. Oar bales solute. shires West Philads/phis Mutual Mated Yasd—par SW Exam:We oat&„ , _ 1 shave Piuladelveis Libretri inhere Meroaatale tams. ' sh B r B u Rundle en 4 'Philedolobis Steamboat Yonv , Also yt , without semis, for &Saud of trims It sir oespern -Bix El per cent. poupo r n bonds dlliall4aat D0it . 1.40 Attf i r u. oo . . a ss i a ) af t r=a m MaJ y is ha s rsle 'WM:id Laud sad Build:* aeiseiriatio Pew WO. 'aS middle aisle Third ItelorMed Dumb Charobi Tenth end Filbert Amite, • _ . TO GEItiTtEMEN " O C P A T E R TI E 'AR 41N WO K, BELLKEB. • LARGE 4D ibIEORTANT BALE OF LAWIOO7OI. we ere, now preparing catalogue of as -asemenre collection of valuable law books, lamb entbreese woe entire libraries, to. :to- sold, by miss of mo tetsamme reed others.. Included me many of the best aM tdear tile English:and 'Amenoan Eeports,'Dlionsb sot at." maw works. sir Date efeele will be 'engem:atlas (*wellies. _TWELFTH SPRING BALE-ArKLIINII. 1 • At 12 e'ribteir. lam. Ruda tor" a Baia-Estate °float, Kmissr. Wer. LARGE VA. LIABLE LOT. yakking* flame dem and dwelling*. Mallet greet. west of Berea i t.-I,W tit feet front, 176 feet du yto Barker saw. frlti 11188.,1 me MT"i3l and R 1169 Mali " i t 'I) ent-f -teen2L. , ii , " - , ... , pa A nniclf known e “as ' T B R "- B ilt htffi r AelWi's and lam* tot of grosad.Twents-fourth wad. the Cathedral Cannitory annum matte and f.bria Mao/nit surge Owe Mane awe out-houses, Meaut.enignies, machinery* Me.- lir Pale abeolete.___,_ ,_ • . - - __. ..' • . OffEeTNOT SIELL-,Handsonni mare rsesselner N. E. winner ollwaintt street end Patesestatimine, Chestnut-PtM. flag b,5210 feet i.. __,-- • NLEOANT BROWN, SClit iIiESFIZ) ;with all maternal:wear o. Sit Wad Peremptory Bale- N ALE PitgetWlrat, Germantown,' N. , side at - James etreet, _Log Green garret Lot a feet front, ate fisendeep so Mesa* street. BT Saleateolute. ' Inure thews_neemeneme. , , VALUABLE LOT. & W. corner altelanine alb nue andCallowhill street-I8 feet fro i% ai i t ill t a t Mir. veLuaiLY..Lor, south side of between- Water street and lielawarin amige ri A front. 81 ONE MANSION AND vaufailx LafT.. - 1.-E. corner of Frankford road and Somerset street, PIMP. teenth ward. Lot 147 feet oa Ptanhfordneed, At feet on Somerset street. with fear halite. Peremptory Bala-THREE.BIIAY BRUM DWljfi,- LINO, onanipliAmiset, N. W. of /I l” fitWita, ll2 ! l- toe , th ward. WW - bayol.lmolata. - Peremptory' Hes -TWO FRAME - (bnutpanedi AND LOT 11 .W. , . f i r= anti Norris struts- Lot :(.fe et On, WWI feet on Norris street. Two foiling: . bale POUI-nTOfLY BRICK OWN ff; Mile* slderoi 1. 7 64 ltior street, between Mail - ; Tamarind Ara 41 12 11tnadDEN '' - is '- .l%iae .. elf. (cottage Mg west of Tiff street, Twenty.forutft , werds set • . deltas. - _,, _ - • - • Peremptert ftale - B RICK F A OTORt. kisii L A IB E L OT, Fron t street. %almond street" end Co j"'"Lal.ntl* Wasp ,) 90 feat Traw Tie. - 1.0.. B! abapiata. _,_' Pareinatbryeidit , !-TEREE•BTOgriIL6S /*IT.- Li er 43, No: Hdr North Sixth street. *boss Brows West. iiiii* Sale absolute. • aIOogikan.DWZLLING„ liftic iiikSysid. 'Pro. HI Franklin Most, oboes Win .tter'fi. : ~ - '- : THIETEErpt SPRING' iffitifte:43Plll4, 1111, MODERN 111101/M.D iA SIWTZW-fr - mall stiqsl ata latl i siffi r r e L'atr dern inii!""mu, "iag, TWO mister P4INGS- Mors dwellings. Nos. Mg. and IfIT Cava stresk Whales Beveassenth sod RitliteentA, OM Lostioni asp &tab streets. . Perankiiiii Ga l lo -;- . .ORISE 144 WMTlirlis 'tort brink dwelling, eastern cornet a, and °Miler attroata. Pijashanah ward,with br Mk dwellings, mamas on Thomann weft, absolute. ._., ' '-• , , ... , NOSTEI EIGHT* :STREET a il lailk avow& MOUE Lig lartliabth_l3 swath' Martar. NEAT R4 DatiLLlNUt." a th ' Wad street, corner of Cents street, west ?if Asset. BALE cir 11180ELA.ANE01.11$ 1110iMUL - On Temsday Broom',:- April . • ••• 1 0, a aollootioa of valuable ou various - 114 : • c itor yartionlaii we outulogalle.: • 8A8.W.. VALUABLE. GNOME AND Al[Bit cAN woKK A cop..BaTION oF, INDECTS, 14. . . o, W siaedi! Lvs!u6r AMU It. at the suction storkwal besoda &dilation of rare sad valuable books, on noasatant gad istageot ing maggots, many of them fine London odium* Also for en &moue; of so estate, a oofteresa Sr In sects. embracing about 10.000 specumens from issiens COMA/kW Mr For naittoulars see oateligaant _ itt; i rO atr AVltiftil l n 1 11016.1 1R114 -H . rattt!PTANO-FAEWIMati 'At Iloilealt.4 4l Z• Amman • exoeltent wand-band {unitary, Ems onnots,' carpet% of Trim' . • ' or houselotooyot. romovoll to the uteri oostrootooto We. r Peremntort - - ' PRLVATE COLLBC pion. OF OftOTOF AND 1 , 41 - ABLE_ EIMOPRAN-PAINTINOF. Works of eminent • Dihtseldor f thank_ SEWS H*14)14141 Marble statue or IMMECaIg”'" I n Saturday Morning. Axing. at:110 MOGI, at the animas ,tommik.Stiti. And ill Sean 'roorth .troet. shit be. golgoinumnt ga rberya, titivate eolleetion of °holes and besotiftdiXl Paintings, by hutment European artists: Also, - - ISTEMILKLYBEILIif EIPLENDID 1116811148 Irld7/37.11 NT Cataloguer OFbeP S re Y ady three dm previous. Paintings now nrrnaggodfor emasculation. - H4LDI4IO. 613 WOOD STREFfr, DOIIB.EDOLD FURNITURE, Ta r DSTJLY PATH, , , '• On Monday Mendnit. 18th inst., at 100'0199k. at N 0.613 Woot Iltrrat; 410 en tire Bousehold and Kitehen Fmnitenr•Talestrr pats, Hair Mattresses, a t e:, of a gentleman ihrellaing nbusekeening. air May no examined at 8 tech:ink, on the akanaltr of the sale. . . • r- IN'NEW tORK; BY 11ENRY. li. LEEDS & • Co".''- Os Wedneedal Nrognine„ • April l/. a/ 12 o'clock. at theilisrelartm , Jimshame, For account of whom it may concern— The celebrated Oil Fainting.— !Moths's!'" o[ Geo. "%Vaccinator', by James Barna, formerly mihitted to ro the rotund') of the Capitol._ at_Washintton.w re it elicited universal admiration; ass of Paintinela Or LI feet e beatn. The design of the - Picture erabnoleg the fraternization of the nations of the earth—is emu flified,le the glorifying of,Osakutitton by 3:Angelic orma—Equality. Fraterio ty, and Liberty,' in the pre sence of a Dammam% body of admiring palliate : th e most prominent geishas represented beteg thole gullet renowned in their reoective countries ler th eir exer tions in the cane of Freedom. &a. • —, For the adornment of 60seminect btoidierp institution, Private Gallery, or Publ.., tifrubtuoe. this Naming is pecuitarly*ppropriate. The Pieter* ix new on exhirstion at the MeraCaute- lifitohange. where it will be sold on the del , above awed, without any yo. servo, for whom it may concern. Atir,lolow eh view. ' .ae9 et MOW NATHANS; AUCTION /11Z ANA. pour minuataarz anatitedet comer of SUL en simo TO C Ittnetk• -• • GO LOAM . - '- IMMO? loess tn 0. r gmbroltd, atooket, Koki mire Nate vatelmma TN footing _ , - m . itirdware, on , , , horsee tim , ois 0041 4 . ei 71krajor SAY *Sal AXIS n . • ail arn hbetal Serpi ,M YU Satyr GREAT CRAG ,FORIGLRGAIRG.- • - At private WO. lige a il gorge, in • • •• • mese, ecet Geilk blies 1 'IA-Nitil IN • • ossm natentlitml_ _roGet_ead • ~,,,, ~., ectinds, onlY a ra, ssiAIIASIAIS • . 101- 4 7 teat lever lir beet IP th e meet 4 W w. ' .' Ll 7, from GII to IRO; Gatrinsid "• • L' - 0 1 sot rover erammis aeig make, Tom to II fine 18-scoot kantidg4ase detached . t.-Imres watches:l3 jeweis, from Ili to op en , • . MN MO to SS. Ana •aset. sot SS aroshat -Oemr watcher at lir ;In facej , i o ), a is to GIS; sum s. •in bantam; : °elite - it u td b2k onblelottm, ;f a ro% mostalsroved aba beet Mash from $lO e r; American Nitrous name cam= lever Tate at ,V 7 13; , hunting owe ether watches ; di tto don time, from it 1 1 i ll to 111111; base miser lever wets as. fell Jiro. . win d st= a kex, from GM to Vi a legialat, n o r to int unsa y O ; ke do r vale efeereis, from to 111 t atom Roe do, from to r aMHI o Takata. tail -- OM, OW ; Open- • do., from Si to al; . -NM= watobee, front $0 to 1M; elver From& G 1 to IP ; gold MINN hunt= sass and OM= and g,eame,"Entilish, Bolas, and Freud; an to $lO giroolokt oust fob, and peek ardi i tt 4s 1 4 0 M I A per dot. ; Ins old masa ear- ,- Dll'ooloB ; ban hater pleas, and ro, abbroile. imio * .„ 80Aption, for lea than halt the plums , IMO.OIOOtO loan, inane, to cm dry led every kinti of needs, au tism nit " l , dos sr other eiromarosienit o kr i kir. Attended to gemonalit by =armor, nit Vero hi. • "mg" - CONSIGNMENTS 801101 TED ., • Consignments of all and every kind of goods soliette4 for Nabtio gate ; two-Oft& tbe raise asks MAN NM lii ii advanced in 111101p100n of the aNe., . M MATRAIei - CIGARS, TOBACCO, MOD - 2T & SONS Ni• 4irar s ty "Atil Street , • Reepive re 17• a eeportakent of tit GAM, which the/ o or et km nide% tot or WI proved credit. ld ➢IA.CRINERY AND IRON. •AMVIL V. 11211SlICt rair VAIIIIIW1111111:10111a, sounivrA wa ßK, r l / 4 " Pa r 'TE AND 'WASDINDTON aIVBBTII4 I eb N ENGINEERS AND BA Magnfaotare Roth afi l LoW nassara Ra t h WOW, fcrfrLand..River. and - rine Samba , dem Etya. tors, nts, Itch loge% &A; Clam o all Mad& eight iron 0? JSMIO, Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works * Work IMOles, road Statham, !co. Retorts and Ciao Machinery of the Joliet and int nursed oonstrastsm Every desonetto r y Plantation Maehinclaig e z Suter, Bow. and von Pao. Thar", Defeeators,_ liters, fan; s h sole Agents for 0. Rattietsa'S 7Wa;. ioiltae ASoaretar .lUljjles tavola g Mo* & lefolaicre Patent Gen al MI maga „ saa., DRAWING AND PAINTING:MATR. - ' R z mi t iL r ki r ' ' teciiirii.: . 147tiriatisft a iac,fraimilii.' ' 1 Bosse efr , _ . aad the !IA Poo apt gsg ai sti.-- . lit etpra azLitit= to gribta ., !!!tl e 0 - int otawaii &14. 1 11 W ~.s -, . A. tors,.:-Wrlitira) • Dove yfintr4ii it ni turti eWiri Zei tsa t as sea ever y i er dmoororod.rWaroaser headed from Ito rum by,tia moot dolisoor; -PIUS Art ariMotrAt i r - • 1 ' j •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers