S jp ti ✓. ~ { .ice.- ~~r~~~.. ii~~;, -- -• it:4r; loi i i! : R#;:,-**- . In, 0 ithout‘!.,4l4r.: ~) :::-.7i',. - ~-1 .4, 0 4.40, , „, .:ail'aiisktt.:4l7l ~,,----1-:::-.;;;,,,,i,, - ii.,414,,, ,- ,.. ..7" - . . '':l*.f..., •:"..10,10 . ~.. r,..,:, ~..,---:,.,-,-0.; - , , ,Or` i., '''.: , f•'''401110..,-zia;, , of ;thy tO ! i i ti ii i k A tk i.44 `iwhibp.iiind' ' ;liiirstraii.4,....h.ect"Fie • 'T'' .., :.- ' .• .-..;;11111111, ' 110 - , Ail --......, ...A.' ' '. 'lella„thi,- -.‘4..daiLle ' jilti4thetilliti, ,:„- -''.' --7 .---7,---iiiik' • t , .. bit! .'. '.._411, • ' 1iiie42,1,..a.;m7,_ , :',' _ -1-.-47-74.111114,AW" : •• z ~-;i;st 'th.....7-' 3' . Araiiiiii.- - arl !,,,,,;,--,'',/kit.,, ' ' • ' ,t: 1141111 / 1 111-, !lii iii„, i t .- .. ktfigatikuagraiir` , •-St - - ' 4140 ', -- roe SW si t Oa ... 'z yp . '.11.1.' a `atoll's?. AMAIN:: ii...iei- —ill:, =:,.?„..dak t1.,_,,, .4,. ,Bair4(,,, . -- s iz- t, .0 -ow , 00.. -*mg r. ..,...„, . ow. „to., 2 Loubbmia. ..: , ~„).. ."ltior,..lik, . iii now I% ._-_. i'Vtie7,o , .il.gt *l4l' ltii'it tull*Or -:#11.0! - - 'the' .f*kilitl.llll4.. -.- , T s •._ irt,,,,, _ to* •,, 11.0014,4 a......., --•,, '1..._._:0f rn,titt 4110,1 , -1 I 0.4 ,g,m - '.., and ibie , I .. ~ _„....k..,..:ftrj4-- direct i'w 't ;pm ~umily. .' ws is .;_47, augoiif "OM m,...dy 14,1trev!!!*, -:.:1-- 14.1:714.-7bie4 i ' --.ldure,sil tot, • ..t ifir'.-11r bsoit . , :,- ',6l:l)rapr,Dars° 4l-,` f_:,.: ill .fryisais.- Abaci= un Itct w ouldt4"6.-._ • . .-i.., - lab- t 40" the - equal inn - es E 4 ." • to tha t of " b, ste p , h, 0 4- ..-,:`..it •fehikle • nePdePerlf.,4i; _I! ,Tata,onryi--11:,174.7 4 1, 47- 1 4,4,- ti„ of . ,iik4c,flkift,,i 4.,cßift, u 11 ,7 17411 z,, i , 7 1!,-% ‘4ll,,tuadm,"` . miim'-t -t° -11,t!k*,)!i.' 'r' - of the ,Artn, , $ 0 ,1 4 „..., , it.,,..„-- ~,„ - rt e*: • .- ';-..144914.414.......„' itti'' fl ees .% ealtstmelin: itn. -;s4,‘ . ,ppwria.... !-ft,lol'..,,,sista!llt world ,•- 41""rit04.1"ir 1- ' gh" tateit! -N4vi..4.,•.L4111' '.l this't; 11 lit,,? ' 3t; ..-,,,,-.... .-7:iild' ---1ir....„ ..4,1i1......,- :,- ii-. , ..1., ..„.- ill --- up, • lititailf;X, , _ ,. . -- ',vlll!°Y. - .cbt, hick arfm,a otil -:.---=*---,7214h11119-I'.ls lIIIIT`- ,-OTll' -“ct, ..vb i th,,A ~t.__.*l4l-47 1 otajr=2,ll-z-1 , `4,41# - . neeeee 'ata!!,, - ''''4- . iht't's • - ~,, , R IA : 'All°l_, elikee',: 1 -- ,-,..', ' - irk . • Atai ,or:thf! ' '-' -e -0 ' , - • ' ..i l. leieele 14811117tassp of ilestitt"sll.l*''' .., ,z,f1,14.11.• " ' ,i,,saii!" ....i.:'',#!ink/rl* • =,: , „ 44.1*_,1--.--.41.. tinblt.,,,, - - Pfl s;-'. ,IM''‘`-"liii'4., he.. t - . .. - ;`'. •*-;o4 ' '' --:' itii4:lt;i4l.4l' • -. If 0i,_.,7 .6wia:, ~,...,. • _..,,,.444-0, " ii#:; , ,....F.,' Ithatiogitk7 • , ~,.&,,rLt: ~..eo#_,. - '''oldl-111°Tw, -*,4-iiirtz,74.o4:- ir,1erfi t :..414',... 41. Z.,.titthim# t,4* ' - i,A1441,: -7-7 r i,-• 7 -,414=4.,R41.4 t=r,, ' • ' le '0,43- ': o i • '''''lt.r,A":"."oll li b !:1111!?1% -011-eii, It' , -_,•,, _. ~4 , - i,-.'4.,114-47i1 ,4.fuit!#- ‘, _ t.' lhi-,:31 ,:lft!ett444;-Mi ltt' '' . < 4r t.•,' '":. --tirtg titi- ---I*-'‘ .. - ortl7_,_pit-41114fiek . : ~ it' , ' ',,i'zr ~2 .."9.16i1eivf.,4,,, ii,-,ir.s falt - 04.ime'-‘l4lof#ar.7 ' 4 .77,..1-,,we, if ~ , "., u:4-,..;t:igiik _.t T. -; :2 ' ,Ili 6.4.ak1i-lt-,4±414,:i4r#170,,44-7.ninet ,__,_..ito„iii*, tbat 4 ;0141.79F-1/ . , `116,6!,5•40,*';" . " a„a„.l6' l ' il rMl.lll.,".tai 63 rs,,,,iii tbui4 6,,_ idat.urf :' ' -7, ~,..,11, . - •' eslatikim#l.l,ok*gi' : ' -I; I*-iti 416 n t i .. "..-.414 -; ..11111- 1:‘, -;v451/11''';1714,4,' £..*' ,=1.1.' ''', Ili - , • ‘-',,'?..3,' ,:,14 ..': -.z...,, '-'ll,l. .„ pi g - 4 t!i(1:47,1* ....*4,, ,„.00,100, bu?, fi l le* 1 1 ! i i 11,e-hS#O.• r . ,4* vet. "--1,- 4 1 1 5.-',....,ies at timiss'•r-.71-7, : • ' or' sh z.w.r.Timiew I? . ' . :,-sj.i7L, l,""? ; "=- ' - `III. .• - o**'-rtirbigt..... :tbk7-7 , beat Twir.........,,-- ~,,r,,,...,- itk.,.. - .011, 4„ ......-.)* - - ....._, , .....,.1.. ~w, .., ,kik , ~,....._ rt,,, , `,v, - `olt-f,ied,ii ,-,..., ----440.itti%ig':0" Paso ~-.E.ti,_l44o.,!ttitt 4..1 --,66, _P on. tic4ol4.Al4)' Abgrgi .....,-4.4..„..„:„.„,,,,,,,4,2_,, _ , _ ith„,i4 lii . .., , •:: 41' '' (Illailtr3lWllll4l-71 ;l4ll6llfratut• ri, . %/ftril', - Mart ha, het ( tai, sad L . soLitaafc onnaw,''' angst ero% ' ' • ..-441.'' is 19t7 -00411.01.- U. t=iiir'th° - - •:: ' swth, -*llea' ' r`t, ,T, 41 Itii ifid.,..tl4rsqoo:: , -oura6”. • -`.X., 'lkc.ll.-- . ..tik•-• wAich jour,4 --,:amd• ' .4TR I P; p0i344'1 41k ilie,G7"ll:l4 iiii4r, , ..., . ~_,,,, ow- or, are , sod chase show-.- I> oteakktg•rgis`mi th aul,red'ilqr,...l4.' to . • -4•0: ~.. ag, fq The •of t'—''. ' --,'';;6l. . , ~,,4414 NO, ' til - - 11- ' - 'lsh i i. Quall,-A f Nil 'that ' "sitsli ;11eff.iii . 10, ...... lad+ oil ..,, ~, I:be door-eeB( .4e"l"l"iiiWoies",;', . - - '' •• 14,a -,. •,_ • i - T'' .•,.,1..,_, ";`,4•,,iiti,,,the-' • Oa: ~...1 fatsseeted,', ,!'lliii;', - NS" sTot thi..-Padies, r_'-: 6: ' rl.l4tsurklbotifU` ~, ssatioe a 2tva l r fr ." of,h,"l`74'' ____ a , , , t ', : ,o, ,- , ' ,rti '=iih'44, . was.; int o °'74. ',V; ',-- ='=.'-` Ipoizrt VW, i without %: a d*: 4ll.*lirdi rlita. svelatftal ' o 6 , ll !iiiifcVar ~: '. 7-ribtaliniiitifilLl't* ''l*ll,,ill : "2;a4ftit''b46 , i,..,d iiii,-,?--,- --o.*AL:ser; o#, AdriCa*,%7707143 10 *.! i 764 to ibat a*,1111,11111,,i to al _ll63sllZl^ :'417•444',11-01".“1"14rwii="ai ‘. - '441104 - , raid SW"! - a Losinte ar. - - l'" , 1110 ? itt )041"r"awor Al4"' ".'r ::-44, outholitl! id Nnvigi "4 ' ;aid g w,4 !'' el* 1 .:, The AiliPsrb4 - ' „vb.—J:ll4.: , T i 6 4. - wsai 4eliti,, . _Limo fter Aka rtiiiiiiv Ag. , . „..LA , bp.cm, -,.. i - -iv- i.40.,,.,,,;.,:ie -:,....-.:7= "N"4"Fr,,,,,,„,..,.. , atiak.J.Y.,--.. t=p4 a .‘sof,-- "iii,fr, ' ~_$- , / -00$140100 ,' 1100,c4!'7.^ :. .',,e-iptc. ,- _ - ~'ll4ohit 4o4&'' 4004 EMI ~, .ingusrer relaitente the Protestant Eidsc‘}- China ba'Engissof II not without Intermit tosrairieroos person thiscoup* who hold ' the religions tenqta iljoh i , lisaohea • Therefore:the , ibllow*P ' -.' •`'-'; :', gg 1 ' 'petite_ Incident imirealla 1 .4. :y 'al our • 4 010, Madera. -_ ' , C',.,..."'' ~ 4„ t! - - :-"'7l ,-. , There hist ..' . `iYa ' : akfitjl** iitig. ai INirPainauttWl4anilTei 'Chniah oi Engliad , . "A l l It law eatabl ithed," 'and the various re litters* tiOalicirho - dissent . from' that Mato: : li e 11 01:::*./4:QUakIn' illetbOak , ,1041411 ,dieB ilagfrie* Aid Presbyterian, dq-, . I , l "ihiiiintpornti . ' , OrAsith, agree In one of ~':- • • itinvildePlitelellber balletAtisliP , -6 04444'4enpilzpleneslit religious . worship for 00*elniV:0 4 . ie. - le:00# 'FM; *dot the "*Saiist imoirdiiliV4' the '4WD' . te;-his)l4,, and •nnstritalnis.Mysir l'andiheakdiliY, the ' clitnchei 4484014:thit*Iiibtiriotist'llittOiko 14.4i4igibi41 , ... ! _i trmieithe, ~.iscui.s, oi Oe 10 1 ,;pokes.rigt,phiseiter.. , are . , qqmpilhAte 4044*_**, ,tft... ,r.:***44.0., iuttiatn,_ 7 -raily . - notos, 4acinr!ng , that; each: sect shottig au # 6 # oli ' .ol o 434T 4 ***id 4i P i 4 Iti. iie..4H . , ;4 4 4144; ~ , ~,- 0,,1 ? uocitsil iy a!Paii.th 10 change. this : aildem . o""•,ll4age'-,WPOitimint;, *tali: ivitfi :.giii.eniiiiit iiitol'‘;,,:,ia.iii 'mi. toiled. ',.The `OiLtrit ,qt AIWA htterea4 bag i' . l l6 l o .*lr ',* ) 1 1°, 4 * 14 0,_ . _*,; , . _ . ,...._0 0 , 11 *** .... _ 1 1 . i. 4 4 OrOikkin... ghei crowns mi.s.,orus, •-•. One ot.sne meet era42o*, and neefqttetiris,nliw'Euit# 4 1 ! 1 '. 0)4 Itir% # . _:).441//***PlPFili-Ooei,-4riiii Ina been adasmi-wesidnipsirOchlai, clergyman daring the ,V,r7t l WII# ' l9, * 0 V 5 3 0iitri 'frOm AsiAN: 44 0 0"f:fiAM 4<toeds;tiont 1287 -. mk t Last year, he lie , appointed' Dana 1 '• 1* CAtai-la Vanlistin4fpal ,IdAiratrire - iii )%ia • latisii'ciiiiiiisSok _iii A* siatkoT i akt i ini:risite,4o,,derleil or layi has More 'strong= 1 '/*:,,'.**•o4ol,lWririceiiity of ;Odicatingithe' l PeOPhi` Oftiiiiland, ,'" - .-- .., t. lt,4, l. ltirW .i ttaV••Dean Root talk iquiral i to,l tiOlitisilfttpssiiiriiiaf ChichqqMr 4 ln fiivor 'AI the milatersaace.or clawarmAten+ , e Reia bl ii,l *P 001i!ra...11 26 4 1 P,001i0 4 , and n#ri- *6 diva:0.44444; rV9:tatfq boa ilabcdi;' fit he , willaitioqpt *se mitres-here' does he-give *lo4** Aierislitt„te' the ..iood, by pub: , 4. l oY, 4 olo4 l 4 . 4iiietTinhntien oF th 4 v on' which makes one church pay for AEC nusintie #lo,;;;lf 40(0: - { He re he : Prltctie.44." point tc , ;:tho auperior.iyaiemin thin country / whelp' the Mindsets' rti! eiels , pennies! oil support their :o w in clergymen d* and 'inn churches... : • Thia refusal:, of . Dean" Hooa's is a decided blowlskliertir.of the' yoluniarf principle; as, it iiihiteirricatiul. ;:, In England, a Catholic and Dissenter voluntarily pays for the maintenance off' 'Own,' charch, "mulls also titled for the maintenance of,the Church• of England, while 'all Menthe?* !of Ake , latter, ti establishment" thetr r, n,lnt ehl4:o4alene- This lien' "lhirj stal-Ilifin, HOOK'S action against it is at once bold and,luit;heneet and li beral. , biol. been'...AA tot idiotic' and Dissenters, by members of , the, Anglican Church, it our *oft of worship tire open to you;:you may , esker them if you;please,- wagon must there fore; keep , them in malt." But;-in point of " 41 / 1 61 1: n b ir P e k es mind °Pon in* Vnikiin except: to, &hope, who pay heavy pew-renter which' nentriblett-lailnent la en evil in del ehnShea "anfOnntry. As Rows Toots Bald: Your churches are open; so bi-the tendon Tavern,- but the landlord never isles Ott,*, Atte 'AO Pei; hint tor dinner witO tote not entered into hishonse and dined,” - , • ,100 04 ) *titare . .)nalkr made ' le th is country *Vie anti /AU* *it', especially In large Dales; vasti,nnmhers of the **Mutts do not iftenann, Oen How 'an, theywh,en enormous rentals, are • obtained for re, gala entitle fn.the nhurellea of various ae kwinth4ioi(or /7 1 ;e4 chninkes, with ctin.nealn for all, sad the awn' =will gladly Woolf. ein,rtrinan' s vihe, win " (OW ititiiinit but iiirithlt,ooo gear instead of itorii4s,oeo t0,0,0p0, Rev. +Moir, sr.o4-Bazo_ 4l. * 1 v , 16 ea $16;066 per iinnura In amidpub thePlationn,) but sorely men AO', not , enter into the sacred 'office' for the. MOAT, iii4ec'An annual' neinne of $1;009, eenatiarehlY leers than the average incom e ittieltraohigu twooteristont yield, and a seltde lifisylfh4sterofthe'Gospel should be con haVe hranoln4 off into : a'rmbject which triiiiiteuttlii enter into more fang, sad. Shall inter/lade With exprealin" g fell approbation of ‘teintllnini% *lend` and, 04 1 ,44 a coaiet tinie Christer*, **little liberal% thought, slid natant►: 11'111,116 ;Aiasistoteati. the'piessitt Wash It *liliogp'Tee{ed. • , , 41 , watwasinerass amours, tits Frsash, sompaar waisa thadirsettas• at Monsieur 'ilifOra • Ohl osaini, #614M,, ,'Wiptikomilky arid '')lrldiw. r . The first ; N tit bi isti,sist 09PW ast Olive, 'What- ea , Ist dieltahtaa," whieli had to mints:x*l4o' • e afal hi ol o 44 ' l l l lilitit. - 1 1 .1 4 1iili **OW Pr i o`:. wip b. under the 4tilik*4ll:ll.o4lloll:Vainiiat: lbe.stiturripticia haw Allisti vary well, and thaw Yuma vials, no ,dwilitoriii by solos 'attractive sad popular noir 'tliastibavists last psis:, We hops that the .400 4 .4 1 4 70 11 `le a tht 4 411 ” play of ' unllte I' o,,r*„T,anttlisfal lad (A)adapted _English vet.: _40 114 ,1 1 0. 0 0 1 iketY,.toSilk - *7 6 1 the lb Salisdtt (arias the ih'e ta.t`'teefriars: That won* ' • iht . -A r seVatiist Theta* the -damatitio'sdapta; ..t*Wiettylteant. Alward's and *Ws Willaskot , sholinsehl Itaassiae fa PoorTsuag Min t ", Will hi piedasitthis , svesbn. ::It has *a ami apatkattatashil at,Waliask'S Theatre, Bow York, . sad ibtatra,Whastistsai Mikis We parsituat , the t -4 1 1 * tiktaiiii*io-#:slo_, a s AP*. r,* .faay win he thaws into was repssiwastuns, with, sosiesz' hissiturir • appotatiasiats,' Sad poi *Lac bashis iliontailildy'siblwiiwiaA, so that, ove - fiiii:**kP 'all PN:00004 may be At the SatioiseirTbastre ; this +remiss, a eourplir inset,* boandtfirdif ' Wan ta• Kr. John R. 'lMMonsisiglkby ainairous frienda iri ihid city, 4,t0 intaiddik.thits adastration of Mandela* es an Astor,: dad: . his axon* y ,00adoot as a 'ma. testimonial;` Karntkomli " Hsieh 'Oriipitei` can best serve .1 14*inio )4 1 4 ig!)inn sinks , Mifir! 'POfccOsln of .40 n i roJihirsh:nUl 110.n..int *V** . ni.Mnil as th 9 additio nod beentiliti• wilt Lids *gala the. as 0 laaablid.; lay ••tasopirt abwomi my hisairsiton of It 4n4; SAiik bli--.4 1 14P1M4140 1 0. an! zn9r! , * •Pnoffr. NOM, Alitsad n oltarrnistenenl4lll peS. ult.!' • 'The :lid* . tiiaant•• iiVd eeriaist of,:" PE • Ifts'i,nf - .•!bg . ll*,="Miiideld , "b7 NM' litagesind. ;Hoftri' dir„HoDonnigh.' :nitt aninta; Snn , !Comas zro , -;4!Dnoluiliernear i " - in- whioh • :Herr, 11,A212.*D01009111tans Hark, Harry ()AU and Hine' !antenna will sirr pear, ,-)0. IfiPeloitt? . 1 0 11, 0 1 Melif will Pauli' to mlrMila eatortidniseanii eso .theVarkstrowpavuow attested' to the • - ‘ 4 Galeides." Tde barleogie often! and I 'mad display of firer . Wallin WI iha Piribroseneed. MOMS; 9.:,9: &short and I. K. Theism hate kindly air ; . towed sane of their best artists to Play for Mr. me , Thine ,wl.ll , be no fewer than forty.siren performers and twenty meld= rail& onennon, A isagessnaber,of Nan and istAdi: lista aJnadp been engaged, and • ibis willaortainlybo a groat bomb. • , 'tide la , OW hat Tree% of Signor perform. 0.40;:..406000:00eit so'ren t in it'll city, ,He WM lirrni:perldirrannadartary ernilag; and also on Aretwitoy ant Setaiday afternoons. . ; AtWaput•striiit flentre, tit Thumb, *mini, tbi sassi iitit,sifAppialatioieprthe F f isbeeeptb ward * PI /*li :11#.** 04 f1 Vusul s tod :;earrition'a, inroeUent itoak emptily, le WAWA ibialuril "rwill be Itireawat*d, Mr. Al-, food siosilit ifisirieldr4 4tritfaf4rakGiosOr ,11!1! OietkOosoi sio'lmOo*findirol; Oho of M44 ) 1 61 0*.' • ; 4 , o oooo cmil irpirs 4WD 24.riis.-=B.I so% sou this most bit eidoeir, 00 dos, diseases* lima, ter: voltiatisa Ask b0u1•' 4 ,04 ath' " .111 14 !' Aik IfirApill'7.-=.4lHinityi EWA - -11011 Nmeandi it6lllsi,vto *alto srralfflitiontb Jos tlofotlittoodisa otoomoio to, cudt at'Dtirry of W mobiAliaitslitoinieirln to inn ti!- prowelasiowiadlAn'i• tvf iimlitiliusar • *4ll be OA int Wires* #404 ANC2hat ,y4l,lo'ciiis,4o.7tah'iho ?ern •innoilfontY'for IlliirOtlologispilr 4nil Anti. Leta x1112'1414 • ZoritosilirrOkoOril4Mit-1.-4iforiaistioit from lewd WillaiolliMOiso • - OA of troobleth ,f2l l / 1 1 ,aiiK.P 6l olloll' routes out of to litiositteei riooinf 1101,4"10 1 4 . - *AV!. .11: deity' ,4 l # 6 . 0 t 141 : 1 7 lrsrala rttird' 41,0=rtatur iturtiOdutiri Of A.M. h i m (OW triat'wfd - d -- "" ---- teltottautOpflqtatiqtrt)0 4 tictbo 1 P , •••_<. ~.4 ' .. i 0; .00.400.400bifitriCifeler , ;14,110k24*.um,-*Olfi-i•lfiguirAlsker• of thi 4 Aiideos_4lifitik4beffsupoilei Ailas.-4 Biekloyi mid 1 41 0 1 1 14 _, W 4, TAlNlSlNOsitilisAtipstailliadovfallbtof. A-444, - Ta , -4 . 4 ;144,4,, - 4, 4 i,.., ,• 4 ;.;• - • 4. 4 ... i . ,,,- ... 4 •• • ~ 4 , . „_; , . _ • - Owykis• p!(:‘,..- t sr o , i i, ) Iwo - - Latifundia naffed f.” ganonstmAtatia of T 1 • • - - • 1 - - dafello . _ .1 . , 8 i Ow ~,,ft'! f aiblp44lo. o. more die. usual te 10Mes. It 40.erpriidnetiliit'im irpet to produced biliiiim...**** during the "elderralsealt. this pretreat:6l'4olol9 l o-s Amuse ments languish. The doors of ilusihsty are closed, and Wall those who do not TO** the Inetitn. Son so strictly kept by the meuthentuf the Catholie Inch -Dpiempal;denominetionty defer to the eastern. That universal. favorite, Me. J. 8. Clerks, of the dish-skeet Theatre, will -begin whet' Promises to.l 141, • 1°1 4 T . Ft!"*. • anitemerit at.Oanadie Balcony, to-morrow evening; in the famous Modem ploy oil "Everybody's Priestd.! l : • ‘tekop r u n kedill bola COMA of exellement:diritik tide and next week. The hotels are rapidly dntng up, poll donne Of all stripes are smiting by every tutu, and et every. street comer yon hear the pre. vailing i toplo of the , Prmidentielaominatiou this. rested. - Caueizsis will be of nightlY - occurrence, end stoodiatt: of the work will be oat out before I the' dioleggitailiaire , for the Nene; of their labors. Inti 4 B , ont aVidtkindi are ineOnteektitlori. The sharpest postiee will be freely renirted , to by the ,adteeatee of Mies different eandidates...: The 'oil - ._vet4lll* of ,rnany apolitical eampeiga, are ,notiv,ely. angsged reviving the expedients resorted isilefonnerlOotrientiOns, Inthe midst Of these /Ante 'and 'reinnterplets the 'Selo,. of tha people sofas te• be'billitile regarded. The ' polltitiiane chain' to IMldttite mine,' and If they are permitted be drfvethie Datiooritio platy to de:deflation, they will unquestionably do in, It Amfortunate that the hundreds of Amman& . of Democrats Inter ' rested in the Seleotion of the eandtdite for the next - Presidintribeitld nothetan pettei opportiMity of] beingheird. ' . , Yanoeyvoi4labams, who is ad. retitled as intending-to''Pak , for •an IndenOte number of iltAite . ..4o2diV.l.l%• norearietienef 'Mr. r X*O 4 l l, 41 44 k ttMlthe iipts. I Judaea; Mat• this 'sloe time ittipr the most gifted anit.taientid of Ale Ma- hen no . personal erikity - tolbe &gator Aim Ilitaote. Ile pays the I his tutettieteet' aid ',perscial knelitleg,i7,o : ,!44*.t.**te; etstkersatto ,M 7 that . *hen: Mr. Douglas: made hie- woo, It ;at NewAtsrlesu*. late In the fill'of 1858," be (Mr. - Yokayy ate Almost Madtread I ,agelust hie will. He ,bedievee'thet - tke f initeisistints 'and- elletion Cof VASUg)aishaid extend the tsar, cd:euditerisettaie, tLe,Ualon..ot this States, maCelatertaining , the idea-that there Is no:safety foil 'the SutiOn' of 'HMI* its' the - Drilint, and that . the , 'MAY iSititO:Prptiet slavery' in the States where: it 'orate is for them to leave .theConfedersoy, he.will resist every thing like the selection or a conserve,' tire, popular.soverelmsty Democrat. • Mr. Yancey has represented the South in former National Con. :options, bas ratted in Cougrese, from the Mani ' gninery r Alibrituadistriet, and its friends! *soft, ill the, only niseOf tittles BoUthern ,staienrien,,,e p,able of weiirl4 the Maittli or.felm, 0. 'Calhottn. '1 rementberiltting with In the National og res:dim twelve years egt• 'At -Mid Cane his *lf fel appearance and uncommon eloquenee'rnade . blm an objeet , of peat ; admiration: When I lest het , him basest* to he toenty•liveyeate older, and el though hityracthe same refined and frank,hearted gentleMan,;the se:reset ,life were marked ln .the larrewl,On his' Cheek, and the boyish expression ' bed keen effOlisf hi he evidence of the long etrug ite hid in polittee'eadin &Action pro • . I havejfisireturned from the Capitol after hoar ing regrown: fro*.the new deplete . .of this Hoawr , yotir . townsman ) . the; Their* H. Moolctoth. The hall, was orowded with ladle, and , geptleinen, among whom I recognised number 'SentiMis, Mol Hepresentativas, and dietitigutehmi Men mire l Washington. , Mr. Stookton wonpted this oleit'i desk, and was Seated se he delivered hie 11111120013: . His pale ; "asdavereni face,'face,' his loan emaciated. form, and his long, enoltlarklte oval° estifliation an alnietit inpernaturel. ef feet., ,tneriewas apectraleonnd in his robe; 'and his appeal, polished and powerful Si kw*, seemed to math the- hearts of hie bearers.. He cares Inge fez the reach, and 4 41 4 that hia dinilaye itan6iiii long tri the land, alai* the right of pointing oat thecriorepf hit wad hilvenntigthe Tairenalighicinitlene and lise of this great political and sociallsentrei:.• ' v ; How.different the appearance of-the kit/ while this mad addressing himself to his .h. ~.*lterg;=-Th*Al P 9 4 6 e 4 oh* we* lieroo., and no nound,, sere the proa4er'a !vino, s tirred the, rep giefin gnlet. Holuiy poses ism fro*** to east; po eigiYHepriMentistive 'dictated flat yo*** against I his irdieratrY; no beetle' and coalleiforr la the AtsfistirrowVit the bitni of tieifie; all, as batons, wilt be It oonfiston won* cenfetinded,," and V very few will moiled the'adinonitioli which:they. seemed.* day to vlay,tio - .olosely and sincerely '.to their heart. - • 7 , ' fkoaitortit.: .k:A,'7I.ST.N.F.WS Oi:Ti!i3o4 . o ~; * , , llhei!'ll.;. ; _ WMIZEiNCITC W . siirreeres t• « iitinv, . „:WAsanysrps, April 8. wince ow vim 311D1CUUM contrrisn on ran < '-irtionnerr's yairrasT : To-iriorrow, - Mr. Menus, this eheirmnii of the oenimitte• on the sualouri; 4111 prtsetir to 'the 'Roam ; ot Roptemoitatives; The ;committee's report on the President's Protest int WM .makei 'eight document pages, and will redact the views of that:Mowing members of the oommittoe : Tour Hurwwerr, of, Penn4ivania (AutkLeeompton'Demooret)';' of Ohio (Relpahltein); TittiKkb 'A. B. liWi.sett, o f .Terinacsee (South American); WILLIAK Memnon, of lIUnoL (itepoblum); Joel R. RITNI*DtIi of NeW ;York (Anti-lbee,omptiva' Demoorat); Ozzie. roistni - RonieWox, of Rhode Island (American Republican); Azusa G. G. Palmas, of Indhuis (Republican). Thee* members, it will be obeeried, represent three distinct parties.' ThirePort, it hi said; litree from tray attempt at diipliJ,,and is void of bitter vituperation. It is not verbose, but gess direetly to the point presented by,the President,' and limits that the House, rest lotions of 617411,000 kt.: into ths ,oOnduct of tie Exesithre of ; no charges whitever, but %Utile &von* consiittse, based upon thole ruolutiontrores mired oily to inquire into and investigate whether than are any groimds for ihugoi ;' and 'it shall be shown that there an, the question ef "iv:smelt. vtiilfoliow, and the Tioneemill then me its Olin aeration him to triat the subject ; • the Condi*. Mon preeeriblug no rules to it, but leaving It per featly ties to adopt its own.' ' , report:situ ..141101011% POLE, ItiIADOLTH,. Onetime, and other eminent authorities,, to sustain the conclusions of the committee: They recommend tha'adobtion of a resolatlcia to the effect teat Ohs. Souse diseonta tru n the dOStrines of the special riessige of the • President; that the extent of power eontmnplated, le the adiption of the main idoniof insMry of Much b, IMO, is necessary to the proper disoharge of, the eimetttutiouel duties devolved upon COrigiesi; that iodide! detertaind ttors, the opinions of 'Presidents JAI:loon and Pot's, and uniform usage, sanction its exercise, and that to abandon , It. would leave the Ilateadve Ilapitimeat St, the; goverriMent without super idsiOri-, Sr ,rMipondbility, and would be likely to lead :to eonOcutrailen of power In the hands of the Preidthent dangerauslo the rights of a free • ' • .raxenimmer, ITAYB - gamey, Cola's assistant Secretary of the Tree- Miry, openly declares that if Dount.mi to nomina ted at Charleston be will not support -him. ; Con aiming that Ida. CLieson was a nmpent hnow- Nothing a few years ago, his influence against the " Little . not be eery considerable. Bach menu fivitennita, Tooltse , tend Lultrsta will take oars of gurgle on the day of the election.. lion.:Ww. A. itionanneoes, of Illinois, arrived, In this city MO night, an ratite for Charleston. Ile was acoempanled by several of the Mingle delega tion. Col. l'.o anaoo is the leading tiououss delegate of the Northvale, and is fell of hope. The contest between the friends of Humus man and Ovum at Charleston will be extremely animated. Leading Damao:ate from Ohio, Indiana gan, Wisconsin, sad other of the Nortt:weetem %ask Ware that DOVPLAII ID the only Democrat who oan cam that ration In November. If no ta not nominated at Charleston * they say that the *hole Northwest, and probably Iditwourl, will be . Theoppor9no of, Gov. :Rsurtan In the poittrAnki.M.t,tor.t.le, Tenn of The Meotione in f; o6 :nitOßoni and Rhode Mod rocky be, vess.rdra ie ovidionok thit he 11 not an available; onvAlciatei ter ttithdlitreiqnraly (iordMoni that Miotdd the nomination of Dora LAB be defeated, Mr. BZWARD een cagily be cleated. • „Qom., %.'noefee!olve, lately elected printer of the House by the , Etepublfoaes, has announdett Meisel( In favor of Doveras. ' -' • " The letter of Ron. Wit. Dninion, of Ptinneyi isCia; hi firer of the 40nationsif Dachas; hes made a 'great linpriesion.. Mr. Primuma is one of the anti two Leoempton men re.eleoted !rem Pena , sylranht repreemiting, data, the Tenth tigion ; htr , deoTetißen will hare great slitretng That, nolirtilistandlag he. agreed **Abe Administration upon Ismonapten, he feels with the truisms of the people of hie (Markt ' 'ltoiL:EttawAra Bionalen and not Asa Pieri• in, sib° IMO' thigelegates front Mr. on/infix's 'di.- Mkt tikii.Ohirloston Convention,. me both mid t 6 be oppoiled . tcoillt. - DonaLas. There Is reason to tailliree that Ragniiian Will not long Mehl `the tide.of. public, feeling among .niesses:of ' -the The ."'Teung America ' ", of the Republican par- ty, Banes, of idassaehisetts,le rapidly looming up; and hafinettlitstleehed Pertionsifriends iihis'orri,orgaidastion , :thati any corer min; after Governor. BsWeini itaterinirid MuismoN.. • ropeat'my fonaeidespitab, Old Iltr. Burnie* urspectionsibly for General Jon LAtint of ,'" - • PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, tioNDAY, APRIL 6, 1860. Morrin litinke b. liie beiterjebeated. into the ciouyeavat o otuth, "OloiDomidiorlst „ Ak ita Ids bsok,*ipiteni 000.t&Ide s oittitituttl, 0 ° 1 °Pg1 1 • ' ~A, ' rril lr. }4ll/ P - : sylvitidee.,,,„ie ti -ter eveneteltima during the iinitt-'44dri in • tititidniktur onlialit ;Op Zdtra*Wiiiivitiffitit Pitioiti,"lll tr* sam 4,ll sak ,2 4.4**OriAl-1 4 ,W imam iioits3t4 iiii* Mai A 0147 NA* 011 1 ! i "lag - th 4 :l*: . `., 44 11 miiiii , 14 . tinned. --.:;-.:.' .-, .-•'. r.'":f. - • -, - • - " - - • - wesnallar" The Senate were engaged all day Saturday on the 41, 114 OrCellita#7, ir4 1,11, t001 1 9 6. itisimen. It eloltes ilinnet al *Moll %tired among ghtt Offeror - of. Washington - es the ant any tiptskid ,pre)lat did IttPhlladelyble. . tantwast ita t.,,OUFTVE.6B. --• • . _ • ,Thet; meraborn the /19100 of RatiineenfOree ere bard at work. 4. Mere bruthtem been dine op to thirperted,no*tbatamitng M1,10114;40) prerloim the organisition; then , bean done before In many years in the same time. 4 •'4 • - Oceamonm.'. TipNs* ybionk.,4r.,a FRAIN, akar* The Annnexatlon of Tuscany Fox:o . :l , , allt vAceepted by Sardinia.:: RUBIEk; PRUBBIA, AND:AtipTRIA ACCUi/VIIE THE 'FRENCH ARMY QUITTING:44I4f. MARDI' AND OCCUPYING_ 111.LVOY., FRANCE plqdrOWSAlirE VISOICK QF " • - • VIRAL .MONVERII., I4A plkocrsbitios ItvPAntriniErnr. tkis'nrooftz-TAi idarso T 43 CettiriN BtEADY-:CON80L8 4LXO24X. HALWAX, April I,lsl6o.—The royal mail Mona ship Niagara,' from Liverpool on Saturday. March 24th, arrived. at this port this afternoon. Her O rion are three days /star than ,was privionaly Te atime& The captain of . the Niagara reports - paining Jim steamship Milos at 12.30 P M., on the 25th .4, Sailers. . - . The Niagara sailed for Emden at? o'clock Oita evening, where she will be des on Sunday evening. The ship Qbamplon et the lieu, from Melbourne, with 24,000 Ounces .In gold had, : arriTlidvnt,Livr. pool. The steiniatip Ba'bee Was to lesiellem*iol Halifax and New York shortly east ihe-Niagay taking thia,pisee,otthe Jura. The - ste. -- dilp Edinburgh, Th; 'stitimshiP Edinburgh, frdin New' Yerk, sr rived at Liverpool at' 9.40 on the mining of e' . 22d ult -- • - i• - ; The news is interiating. The Xing of Sardinia had formally Wieepted toe annexation of, Tossup, stud signed • decree that e ff ect. .• • • . ' The Preach army was daily withdrawing Lombardy and,would occupy Savoy. The Paris C onstitutionnel, in an editorial - no clog those Movements of the arm , - says : "‘ Twit not to be regarded as showing coldness towards Ber. dinia, bat is because :the independents of Itelyile irrevocably assured." . . • The Sardinian thiilis had commenced the erecter tion of Savoy.. ; . • The despatch of the French Government,.exp la ing the necessity for the annexation of Savoy, has been published. It contains no new points, further than those set forth in Napoleon's 'peach on the, opening of the Legislature, *inept -(111e statement that " Trance disavows the theory of natural iron tiers.') ' ' • ' The prooenitnAt in the British 'Pexliement w l e4e nnimpertant Fdtthatv pfdigidie tied been m e with thelkulget, ella the income tax aimed to; The debate on the Reform hitt had been TIM Paris correspondent of the London MOSE saps that all the Great Powers bad replied to Fraooe in relation to the annexed= of Savoy. Gnu* Prussia, and'Anstria have ail sequiedoed. A Pundit frigate has arrived off Mies, tad seve ral regiments were en route for Nita. ' The et-Ifilre of Taman* *ea 'aretaring pea . teat apiastble exprdsion. , The agitation In Itunt m ry matinees, and the 4- iosts eentinne to be ail ato The Makes from Ind report the elltkrYA crop is favorable, The merc6►nte of litsuellester pioteet against tie inoresied rate ofAnty in India on Mean. , TWA/LIMY •QUESTION. . The Parte "'wag gays that the Sardinian troo have commented the evacuation of Savo"; and tha the lint detachment of Preach trona retied , • from Umlaut, will write at Savoy on.the 23th o March. ' , „ , • ht. onvenal's last despatch to Mont de Pei , cloy -containing explanations from the lirttiali llovernment relative to the annexation of Savoy, was published in the -Atoniteur on the 22d. It con tains little ,bbt what has been previously dated. It points out the neeessit's for the revision of the French. frontline; reiterates the Emperor 'e %rot y for wiistingitreaties Maims that this is purel ausxoeptional WIN sho that the Caon 411111 Mt Aide without violence ws and free' from nt all constraint, and eonoludets by expreesiag eottddenCe that - England will see that the attention of Preade has required the' onsummation of this molest. The london Times, in an editorial, admits that the annexation must be quietly allowed, but at the memo time .denounces the sot as one of ~SpollatiOn sad wrong, and, in .prinelpits, aa had ea s marsh um the Rhine, or a sudden attempt: on Antwerp. It adds, 4 ' It meet leave neon %hear& the envie lie thee there Is no safety except in continual watintulness and armed prepvretten easiest the aggeemlesse of a sovereign who thus seism upon the psessastem of a friendly Powfir.r The - Parte' oorreepondont of the London rir4, we that all the Powers boa replied tolerance No lative to, Seem and gtv,iss the .following as the mistime of their notee "-L. • , Roasts says that so long as thii right of edi people to select +heti raters is not put Mtwara by France, and that ea the present change does not affect the.balanoe of Europe, what Sardinia does with Savoy it no balmier of hors. Prussia says that,"as the Emperor of France for mally disavows the &patine of natural frontiers, the transfer of Sivoy is no business of here. Austria declares that the certainly does not ap prove of any annexation of the hind, .but as Eu rope stood by when other annexations were ef fected, oho door not see what she has to do with the emanation of Savoy. Six French regiments are said to have 'labia passage's of Oliabials and Yranolgny. A French frigate had arrived off' Nice, sad semis rel regiments were, expected there on ;the 26th. The population .of Nies had signed i petition against the representatives of the municipality. In the House of Commoner the' Savoy caution was again debated, and the oondtect of the British Government was censured by several members. The budget rwas taken up, and Mr. Gladstone moved a resolution, imposing an fulsome tax often penes on the; pound for one year.' An amendment was Offered,- reducing the tax to nine pone., but it was rejected 'by tifty-fire ma jority, and the original resolution agreed to. Several other provisions of, the - budget were adopted. . • , The London Times views U. S. Senator Seward's late epee* favorably. The notes says the funds opened, on Friday, at a decline of one.elgbth, but soon rallied; and ad yawed under favorable telegrams from Paris. The demand for diseounts was very active, And the rates in open market, eireasionallY,vere above four per tient: The Herald's sit -article soya the general rate for three months' bills was eissif per cent. The new Brazilian loan closed without elent Sub script/ono; and the Rotbsohilde to* the amount litttssllß7 to complete the loan requited. The Parliamentary proceedings were of little in terest. In the Home of CoMmone on the •210.,- the bill limiting, the home of labor of women and children in the bleaching and dyeing work' wee palmed by a large majority: - - • pn the 22i, tie, debate was resumed - on the re. 'form bill ; Sir Jobn Paklngton being' the ptinelpal speaker in opposition to it, Re was followed - by other speakers, when the debate was further ad journed. On the 23d, In the NOM of Lorda, the Duke Of New Castle said that the (government had received no information from either France or Sardinia re lative to the recent vote of the ninnlelpality of Rice on the 'object or annexation. Oat. Dann melted the Secretary of Stake for Foreign Affairs whether he was aware of the intended ad -ranee of the Spanish army on Tanglike, and what .guaranty he had received from theelipantett Go vernment that. there would be no permanent or even protracted occupation of a place so essential, to the au ply of the fortress of Gibraltar. Lord John Remelt asidlhat the tipasieh Govern ment bed' replied to the representations of her bfejesty's Government with rasped tea prolonged occupation of Tangiers in a friendly manner, and the correspondence, had already heed laid on the table. The Reform hill was regarded with much aplpy by the press and the public.' The merchants of hialehester had ippointed 'a deputation to wait on - ISir O. Wood to *Bra repro . sentations against the increase of duty in India on cotton yams and twist. The London Ttates,in speaking of Senator Se ward's speeoh, treats it as the programme of the Republican party, and sees in it 'evidences of the dawning of a more friendly feeling between the Northern and Southern Stateis. thinks that Wi der the organisation of the Republicans, and with the moderate programme *stetted bp Mr. Howard, the North may be able without plotting or bluster to roll haok the tide of shtveholding "Aragon. den. Debut, 'nth' h on a speehl Inteslot+ from dwitaarland, bad all Interview with the Emperor, and expteemal himself satiate& alet Ms four snaps to ?tweet the Elwin Interests. The tett at Toritoio heetioa oiaere to lie ready for sea— . - • The 'NAG Boom had theome Anne?, On the 22d there was a deckled !improvement, tend rata aikvantte. to t%I. %Ch. It Is asserted that the French Government while AttlVvetalnlas Obablals and Fraurigny, is Indisposed to give,most solemn guarantees to Sutherland sad 'Europe that Swiss interests will be protested. The Grand Duke knotted of Russia bad arrived at Toulon lament:to, where be is inspeoting the nowipeonstructed portable gunboats, with a 'slew to the. appliestion of the system On 04, Amoor river. Orders had been Issued for the formatioU of two camps additional to that of Chalons, one consisting of infantry near.Btomer and the other of Imvitiry, at Lunerville, near the Russian frontier. Le Nord says the repay the British Govern ment bad reached Paris ' and it wee understood that it had not renounced all. Wile .ot presenting the annexation of Bsvoz , or at least of redacting it to *proportions which would lattlo it a opastaat ammo of embarrassment to Franco.._.. The if trm_eror Kapoleon,-in readying thedepute don from Savoy, stated that the reunion of. Kayo and Nicole Yvan°e bee been resolved on in princi• pie. ' The assent of Piedmont and of the population had been obtained, , and the negotiations with the Powers who signed the treaty 0f.1815, permitted the hope of *favorable eleinination of the queetkon _by the greater,part of . that. Meals Is said to hivieent a d ispatch to Yield In opposition to an annexation, and protesting against the application of the theory of national remitter:l. Baron Rioamoit reaohed Turin on the 22q, end presented to the Ring of .13ardinia: the vote of Tuscany on the annexation' question. The King, in response to a congratulatory speeoh,by Rieasoll, said': "I feseePt the vote of Team*, *bleb, after beingvespressed by the National Assembly. Is noer eonileined by an unithitultY of popular midterms. Tuscany, In amootating her destinies with GREAT BRITAIN FAANON it t oo_ of Piedmont, far from renounning, eau. avtor 4 11 , 0 Marlene tradilione, , ,asg ~rents i thelifopOrtenee by unitinti% l tbiggibf othav *O4 of *it:, BUM*. The.- fAiil . :whirtit !lho iep!rollkt,., . ativea of Titgink ', 1 ' tikkoi nontli , to will Pl.thnent'v'MffiiilTd7,- ntid.-lbt?, liltid* vat 'br - theAsitiX. the ' on= t 4 with' al-primtgitiiinstbf _illett( -liberty:- Than, Tognanj 1 084.0.* the . willow orinjotiaistratifo,autiteit., 44riglontItioltontngatittio02, •ot''power onli i h n e . 1 =o;iiP Oi l ;thb li sio natty e ir gra t ifiatry d; ipoiciont , '..- - „•• ..,. , The king then Agned a deem annexing Tummy to Sordinia.• ITALY, .2210 - Ereneh 'Amy Loiabardy communed its rereturn on the 2)et • 5 - • kTbe Hardtaiatt C(ItIV3 4bf SSA% 'Mk& atAtatil tbs 0011007alit, conCluded braustria with , tbo Pope, lorbteding - - The ex-Duke of : Tuny...is preparing to protest agatqtAte Ate; • A t.782'44' 1 4. . • , aittatton Manglity coritlimad, mime: roue arrests had been made In Peath. knew,loan of 200,000 brine had been autboti rad: • It-ii repayable by iottery daring Ca yam, at 6 pee neut. ItUBSIA Avpikatooes Indicate. thattho oft - ening of navi gallon would be late this splint. TNbIA AND CHINA. Iteoent telegrams atete that , the Tussah silk omit); tit the loweSt part of Bengal, was expected to prove a partial failure. A Calcutta telegram. of March .1. reports that the Dank ernengel had - raised the rate of dieomir.t one pet cont. Indigo had advanoed b nipeos, and Srns still rising. Exchange on London 2Sid. • eili , ll3l; ;14th Feb.—Tea very iteihre at un ihaaged rates. Exchange 4e. 9tda4e. Sid. • A oolllelon,.endhig fatally, took place at SwatOw between the Angb3.(lhlneee nustoms service and a British vans]: 1 : -' Trade wanaative'at Shemghaa. Exattatute Be. idt. General Montauban, oommander of the Frenbh tureen, has landed at Hong Hong. &The rebellion ligniningstrangth in the North. TEE, LATEST. „ , (ErVeligriph i;:o.QcteetietOwn.l QIIMINSTOWIf, Saturday —There it no later mint than tippeam in the Liverpool pArits of Battitfigq, which is all embraced hr the tore/fps summary. Loitonli,Betavdtty everAng.--Bintar quiet. Coffee firm. Tea quiet; common Comm nominally la 6d. Nice firm the haulm deans to-der le at atilt rates. Saltpetre firrp,Akttyattn Glow meuiry. Tallow quiet; Wee for delivery in March at Cs ffel ; April alone, 67s ; April to Same. Ms_ , and October to December, M.. UNDO?* MONEY IWASBIST.—The, stook market hadbeen dell, but the Iluetuations' were Slight. On the BM the market showed a slight improvement. The el rnaPtilor 'honey octant... brisk and no trangeations were 'reported belSWltip bank minim= of. four ppr ' -The A llives isseitsthr notwithstanding rentradlstuSeti r the ,Tur riOrivernment are soaking to no.ftoilSiNs aqa Po n aside rable Joan. e trate stecatry 6 sags the funds opened on ?May at a motional Improvement, and subpeauentls Warne animated• wider the' tvivanots'on , the , pans olosed at 1g ad mime oaths pregiohs Thoneouind for modes on Friday was very 'soh*. Ott thpand_elsewhere. • LATF, MARKETS t o t QUEENSTOWN. LiPmtv. o...llopdsr, Slam S..—pottou-Bales pester , 'o4,tono behm. metn.ing I: to *peculators and ex porters:the market olliolltOg Wet but steady. Bread stuff. Irin.it u rovisions ittnet.,-• ' , s Lonox, oh Se P. m —Console aloe ,at 94.1.604% zfihrthonagotad f o r award. • COmmercial lutellig9nce. ,SLIVIIIM 4 ii•;.6OITON MAilirr:LThe Ts rokotte uvular repine the sales of the week at 6 800 bales. of Which 6400 were to speculators. and 10 Otr) to exporters. Holders offered freely, but showed no dterionition go Rot mks. In Upland' there was a larse beaming at et d oes, brit quotations were unohanged. Boma itir MIMI report the middling and lowergrades 1- led. tower. The sales of Fritter Were 8,000 bales, the mar ket closing steady at the following authorised quota : tioVN: Fa Orleans MO: middling do, aid • fair brobilea , • Ma; Middling do, 630; fair Uplands, To ; middling do, Old: The 'teak partway estimated at 84,t00 bale., of ...bleb MS ODD were American. STATE OF TRADE IN MA.NCIIESTER.- - lbe ad !vibes' from - Manchester rve favorable. There was a better Monti and priors had an ',damming teodeneri LI VERA. L BREADISTIIPES MARRET,Adessre. Wakefield. Abh. & Co. rerkort Flour firm. with bolder, deinandins adeltnea dad.. Bales of Ohio at twee.; :IPhtiaaalablaaaa Baltimore kt Melan 6r, Wheat firm but quiet sines Tneeday ; sales of red at Ida 4dalo. ad and whits at Ms 6de Mead. Corn dull; 'ease of yellow at SSA and white at no LIVERPOOL PROVISIONS MARRET.--Idesars. Biglann, Athys. & Co. mad Wakefield, Nash, & Co. re sew Beefg met; sales of rime mew at 76080.. Pork:— More tnnutry, at easter pones; Wes of old mess at eks 6d. and newat fast 77./ dd. Bacon in good demand, buten a &Withal slightly declined. Lard helm at 6Tettna. Tal lote—tlucontiona nonnnali toherP bas • ~LIVERPOOr. PRODUCE' I AcARKE P.—The Brokers' otrettlar resnrts got eats* nu et ,at. 21%05e5.6.1.,...and peer l ashes inactive at Sac Saga rgajet and . orimiz i n c . " trite C s ° gfirkist steady% ad! 43)Til l itarti omprotA itir a seej stew. Rosin du l l , and al enantlAi ℧ Wined ; sales of common at tlkleWit ; good common s 6d. ant medium . es ederg. Otis, Tareenone dull at .fra ddetSge. lea Co* ofaale,' t lierinea tatthout fault tion. eldverkeed, abses Os for American red. WITMSTINII - FROM CALIFON/A tf1.500,000 EN ROUTS FOR NEW YORK Arrival at a 'massive Item Cervettt. FIRST NATIVES VIISBEL PROM JAPAN THE VISIT OF THE JAPANESE IS2IIBASSY. Idstor's Brayton, April 7.—The overland Ca lifornia Mail, from an Franoisoo on the 19th nit., arrived here at noon to-day. The steamship Boners, whiela via to leave on the 20th, would take out a million and a half In trauma ter New York. The Japanese ADAM corvette Candinaraavich ar rived at San Franoieoe on Saturday, forty days from Jeddo. This corvette is the first native vet ted ever permttted to leave the shares of Japan. It hrhigs the information tharthe Japanese embassy was to leave for the United Statue, on the Powha tan on the llth of Bablillry. The corvettehrtn Uo onions and crew of the steamer Fenimore Cooper, recentlyw rooked al' dim eoast of Japan. Lteut..T. N. Brooke, of the Baited iltatea navy, at The request of the Japanese Government, eon sentedlo assist in the navigation of the cortege across the, ocean. The cadet ssimtral of the Japanese navy oame is a passenger. The steamer will mask& at Sin Premature Aosta the Mild et thel'ewhatan, when ,phe will . return to report the progreu of the era bawl- The Japanese aorroptte, is VG tons burden; ear ties ten guns, and her *Tow apostate of fifty-seram mon. , The people of flan Francisco are .delighted with the arrival of the Japanese, and are doing everything' in their power to entertain their visit ors; hoping thereby to stimulate the luoraltive trade already aommenoed with Japan. Boma ex:Goveroor Of Missouri', is dead. The BIZ Bramante money market was easy, but only paper of the choicest quality was being clia *minted. The export of wheat ooßtlnaes ; 10,000 sl a k e worn an board ahip for Callao, and 12,000 sacks b e d b een ppurobosed for Australia, at about two °na t e lA , ound,. The emigration was brisk from all parts' of the State for the Wasboe mines. The correspondents of all the leading Californiapapers tell shout the same story regarding these mines. They dwelt) the oonutry bordering on the Sierra 'Nevada mono tains, on the ,eastern side es a vast region of mine rale,' and wonderfully :lois in silver and gold. Al though a large number of people continue to doniit the reliability of these aoomlnts„ which Cr. proba bly somewhat exaggerated, still the popular opinion 'is greatly exalted in their favor. PROM OREGON. The advises from Oregon are to the 12th ult. The proposition for a plot convention of dele gates from Oregon and Washington Territories, to urge Congress to build the 'Patine Railroad from St Paul to the Columbia river, was strongly advo; eated by the Oregon newspapers. - • . General Palmer was at Danes preparing to opo'n the wagon-road to the Semilkamen mines, $3,000 baying been subscribed for that purpose. Rich auriferous quarts had been found at Bondi harnen. The river had also been prospected. Rif ninety miles: and *roved to be rich in yield. • - - WASHINGTON THRPATORY. The reports of the assessors estimate the white population of Washington at 70, 1 40, and the text. joie property !f3.99o ODD. BRUISE! COLUMBIA The dates from British Columbia are to Mardi 1. The ship Princess Royal was soon to sail for Lon don. with furs for the Hudson Bay Company valued at 1,60,000. • The Indians on Vancouver's Island were con• straitly committing robberies and outrages on the roads. The Victoria Colonist says that lance the lit of April last,releven wholesale jobbing home, with an aggregate capital of $20,00, had closed their business, but still the city of Victoria was impro . ving rapidly. During the previous month one•third of the popu lation of Viotorla bad gone te , Frneer river. • SANDWICH ISLANDS. - - ','be bark Prances Palmer bad arrived at Hap Francium pith Baud*leh Ward` dates to February 28th: The stip Syren arrived on tho 23d February, from Boston, and had already been engaged to carry a cargo dell and bone for New Bedford. • The volcano at Kitanca was in an active state cif eruption. Washington's birthday was generally celebrated at 'Honolulu. Trade bad been very dull for the previous three mOntbs. . . SAN 'Flamenco, Maroh 19.—Arrived on the 17th, ehip Reporter, from New York ; 18th, Aroher, from do, Flora, from Hong Kong, IRVIN CONUES.-VIRST SESSION. U. S. CAPITOL, Waihington, April 7 SENATE. Mr. Tarrmetru, of Illinois, presented a petition of ottizene of Illinois, setting forth that, as a apirtt ofalienation - exists among the people of the Union, caused by the agitation of the subject of slavery in Congress, they pray that body to recommend to all the State Lerslaturee a change of the Constitu tion i _ so as to establish a geographical lino through the etates and Tearttoties, north, of which slavery shall bo prohibited, and south of whiob it shall not be interfered with by Congress or the States.' Aft. Taugnurz moved Its reference to the Com mittee on the Judletary. Mr. Gage( of Missouri. Att It affects the Terri tories, it habetter go to the oommitteo on that subject. Timinvta.; supposed that es the petition asked for a change In the Constitution, the Judi- Clary Committee would he more appropriate. It wee so referred. Mr. Viu.son, of Massachusetts. offered a resolu tion, calling on toe Poet °Moe Department for all the correspondence with Mr. Brooks, late postmas ter at Chicago, in relation to the condition of that °Moe. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Gloms, the bill concerning the District Ooorts of Rams was passed. Business relating to the District of Columbia, being the special order of the day, was thou con• eldered. The bill to inoorporate the Pennsylvania avonne passenger railway company, °coupled the attention of the Senate until a late hour. 'Without taking a Anal vote on the question, The Renate went into exeoutive _session, and sub- INnently adjourned. • ROUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. ' , The. Hones proceeded to the oonelderatton of the private calendar, and peened fourteen pine. , Adjourned.) . Arrival of stile Canadian at Portland. PORTLAND, April 7.—The steamship Canadian', from Liverpool and Queenstown, has arrived. Her dates are the same all furnished, by the steamer . Kangaroo at New York yesterday, 7.171 - aragratton at Manchester, Ohio. l , LOSS $50;000, 'Oriretteriii, April 7.—A deetruottee tiro omit red at Manobeeter, Ohio, yesterday. Pony build !tittit'yrktelittnati and the less Amounted to leo4ooo THE CITY. —) AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. NArtortia, T . Walnut street. between Eighth ima Ninth.— ',l'isrmro"—. Dechelnmeau" Yonne Geaten , "^" Gran d Olympic' Aot"—"Burlessne - 49roner Werrn.r-li 'HEATHY. oernet Was. - eike POPtief- - .." Le Modem des Enfants." . Itriessrtati in • 07..ta ere Anoit-elynety Tea - A:ins, Anstuegrent. above Birth,--A , llomanoe of a goo! Young ailaDopeovir's GAISTIIII. Race Meets WOW Thild.— ElltSitilllMellt6 nightly. notrz.n 07 WONDEIig, rwrthertit corner Tenth end Cheetnut etteeta.—flignor Slat. AC4DIIIII 01, FINS Aare, /024 Cheat:tat stre e t.— Statuary, paintlnge, GE AND ,RATIFIATIOIS 11.111ETINGS qg, 6 ATU AX ,;SIf;BE1101,,.. GREAT: ENTINSIASM,OII 110111.111 DES. . Beth the great political lefties heddiinasni meetings on Saturday evening, to ratify the nominations made by the thatieetWir Conientlons for Municipal Milberg. ,The De ""orPtio oitetiolt was held in front of tudependernie 115.% end wee aver, line we erithopleutio assemblage. The attendance was so n ume roue that it was imeossible Spy' e great PirtiOn ot UM audie'nee to hear the irpeaking front the stand. and a branch meeting wog organized on the steps or the Revolver. of Taxes. corner of Sixth Land Oheetnot Streets. from which point speeeher were msde by /event! distinguished pentlemen. The scene about 9 0 cloak was a most enliveningone, nearly the whole square. between Fifth and Sixth streets, being crowded with a heaving man of huniatuty. De legations from the various wards and districts ware ar riving. with lanterns and banners, with appropriate in ecroptirms, marehing end countermarching around the speaker's stn to the sound of excellent music from several band& Some or the fiemoorsity had a Smell cannon, erbieh they fired at Intervale,' meting the wel kin ring main. , Titers wawa dire display of fireworks at this meeting, but in this particular the members of s the People' party far exceeded the Premoonste—for on casting' one eyes westward towards Concert 11.11. where the other minting was held. bright parti-oolered Gres were seen lighting up the whale street. white Ben— Kola behte were burnt, turpentine bails thrown, Mid rockets discoloured ad -tipleftwon,, which presented a most beautiful sight. During the eyeninctbe deleesti"ne of both parties from several wards passed each other on Cheetnat ;treed. The ,utmost ;nod. feeling Was elthWn, tond one +teemed to vie, with theothier se to. whigh'coold shoot loudest and the longest. and give the most " ferociolui hirers II gather passed tor, -. . At' tioncert fray. - the People's meeting filled every available feet of sitting and standing nuon , all the melee end passareways, end the platform. being crowded. The ward delegations and the People's campaign clubs successively arrived. with banners and mimic, and marched into the Hall, but a• it iron impossible for tea room to contain all. the a- ream then turned outward.. and two meetings were organized from the steps of dwellinee, one on the north, and one on the south side of the street. • • • • ~, The - big guns" held forth to the meeting on the braids. while the "lesser lights." whoa), ardent desire it to ' becomeosome time or other s " first-rate 'Weak en." were only alad of an opportunity to harangue the Multitude from UM door4tePe tit the direllinge referred to. The entire dentonstratiorrof the Yeolite's party was very large and enthumaatio, Both, parties seem to, se confident as to the revolt, and earth is certain that its candidate for mayor will l•ei the lucky man. • ,`his much for ifitroddeuon—now for thetemeeedingg The Democrati c meeting was organised by Frederik Fraley. Esq.. nine called spout to preside. On taking the chair, Mr. Fraley remarked that, the issue was mit Purely a municipal one, but 'Of a tuitional cha t= I;f r tlllntrattl Y bAtt e r penaly.tilig. t t g Everett." mitke theAuestion one ot periods importance. The, Weise CO telccue the , slavery queer on. end Shag want to interfere with tl ift institutions of other Staten. Under these circumstances. it was for the Hemiwiratio tarty to ParvY the eleetiOrritt - Idag; and thus settle the Presidential contest. Sado , p Y....remotion/4 .the , first maker. lie sold if those eeetit logved'the unitte.the Conetltution. let them come to theelution mu May. wits the firm deter mination-to elect their/011M: Take Mr. Frehey'reepeeth home. reed tressure it up, se Containing matter worth considering. it weir years stone Mr. P. had made a (teach before a political 'assemblege, but he corisidat rod the present mansion one calling tor the aid of every Democrat. 'hi the - Moon to be ',reserved t Is the Pe ctination Woolaimedm independence Hall to be handed down ? If they are to benrafteryed, let even man rail to the import of the, itletooornio _early. The koestiOn was not one or muni ci pal control, Petit was one to test whether the Conatitutron god the, Wilco ant* he pre- served. The other party support themseivel by the cry of the slavery queetion. They wish to interfere with other States in the regulatinn of their own con- . cams. Mumma andh Carolina. should come here and interfere with -nit, d it epogre they Would undertake to regulate Mir adibret Wlluid nbt our Mood boil at such an attempt,' Let the Pouth reclines their own &nom If they are right, Yoh We no fight to take the lento:m ann from them; if they are wrong, let them regulate the matter themselves. , , , The speaker centre at theiresent snout Oruolitiosl parties with that of thirty years ego. Genera .Isairson encountered a storm when he . removed the depoalte.yet where is there a man now bat whit itoknowledges the Justness of the COSMO Wilma by-the General? Now-a il ty g they do things differentlY.. iri IllroWn would not rest satisfied with the removal p the deOmitsi. hut he made an inroad .ietti the' State or iteirdo for the pur pose of carrying Off allitib Maven. • [Cheers,/ • ' The national contest depends on the issue in May. f f the Denman's% atiocieed in thee municipal mimeo Ono* is no doubt of who will be President of the United P tate , for the text four-ears! 'Therefore, let every manwho hes a vote go to the Donate May, and votethe Denroors the Utast. and for the principles annonnoed in Isyne's Halton - January last. -- Have not the people blot* taste taof the character of the map to ;Opted mid sustained r the opposite party I Look at the tothadedings of:the late Legislature! Wee there ever a more corrupt set of men? Their attempt to carry through the infamoue Police bill was suffoneAlto stamp them with opprobri um, without reference to any roher act. • Referring to the.nomieseri.thespeater said he didnot intend to speak indiVidnelly of the men, or to review their personal character, but be would make 'the broad allatationtnlit liVery Than oil lase tlemoinagie ticket was better than any on the other side; /Cheers.) Henry IC Dechert,* rtoodure for Chip Solialtrit.eras next introduced, an receive With sheers. Me ad- dressed the' meeting as follows." r , FbllOw•CitiZtant , My own feelings suggest the wci priety of my silence at this great and humans. retinas tion Jineeting of the nominations made by our Conven tion. I will have frequent opportneitlea of meeting my fellow-citizens in thy different ward meeturna to be held during the oamptugn. I believe it is proper and right that the people should see and hear from those who ask for their sugrages. end so fat as the Demoomey have committed into my baud* their Linens& and their h opee, I steno hate to night, andehell ever be reedy. to ad vent's them. mall victory shall be achieved. The encomium peon which we have entered inyolves no pentorial Mona (irate shut lttitiortant mutations ', i iimal. State, and National policy bang upon the verdict to be rendered on the first day of ..May , The patty in lever vent into Mites redee m ed ory.cif retrenchment and reform, Have their their high-solidding Promises? The public debt boa beeninoreased ." donna the last two years,' 81111 01)0.: '.These -emelt expenses have beeirincurred without._ great correspondingymblic improvements completed; or even Mitered upon. No nudges love; been leak; no leading thoroughfares opened ; no militia lmodines have been emoted ; none of those - homy enterprises have been carried through, and yet tee Netneeding baldly and rominent!. that our coy deenhaabeep ipmett to then dimensions. Mors n teting. it us kilatrufri We 'one herons me that. within a law tuontlitheity,wat Hints vitbeen sold In the streets at a Mtge rate of disemant,b•danse therenasao owner in the City Tolatenrt MK o f 'Whine they could be paid Temporary and permanent loses have 'been resorted in by the party trove in power, but Mite together could not fill a treasury depleted by bogs and unneemisary appro priations to the , different depsyrtssems. The city con muse • .Devemoctent, *edger W. - . Rulty.Whono - w ashen re-elronon, mate the yahoo Aeon the amount reamovid i under Steph en e Tat tor.•.&M,, our tame Controller. The Highway partment ham very largely *needed the amount spent under the fest DlMMOyatis 11410nkprmitias. notwithstanding there am now over vedette miles o f streets—those tnasttrawelled ver—whieb do not most the city and dollar fOr repartee he ,II shwa y Diapattment, i donne the year MT. epee ed 8360 101111; during the rear )83.9, ifitegt,driddi or ' ordinal gypsum and 37:6 OW More for extraordinary Ottainsee: thus showing , a balance sealing Ottumw em..eimartmeat of_ .$91.417. Remember this feet ; that at th e oentritting et the year 1559 Councils . onle,appropnated so this department $342 700, so ' that this department alone exceeded its appropmation tinwares sof, •3100000. I take _these Navies from their own docomenth end know whatil tar. ['will not delay Jou by a tatereorde to th e othe r departments; they are sulholent to show us why a high rate of taxation has not autficrui r tir beep the Tremont' from temporary' bIIIikTIOMISS. axe. are now being Paid. and the Treasury is easy, bat 10 aunty as the stun set this evening in the west, so merely wilt a continu ance of the present expenditures lead to a like stage of things. However NineineSttOnatile Mayor HUM may his, be personally, he most be ttweed of by the ants of administration. Such Innen these present no mounds for s renewed confidence. (Loud cheers and applause,) But we have another reason presented—certainly a novel one—by the Opposition. People's or Republioan part], why they shouid triumph at the May Wootton. t he recen 'pectinated C.maert Hall, all the speakers' from Governor Corwin, and Colonel Curtin down to the last speaker. claimed that our spring election would de cide or have a great influence - upon the Presidential elect-roe. They want to give the Chicago nominee - a lift, and for that purpose the want to use year shouNcry. my fellow-coitmens of Philadelphia. Mayor TienrY, in answer to a serenading or ed. said, a few nights ago, " that the throng there; he trusted. ' wag the pre einem 01 a grand lIOSOIM girIMOTM in the oatmeal corn ellen Usually cautious and steady. be laid down his plat ortneWhich do Imitate of this city are not ready to stand upon . The sympathies of the present cite admi nistration are alt Republican. or their associatierla be lie them- At the name hour and at the same polls, at wince Mayor Henry and those with him on the haat were nominated. delegates were elected to Chicago. Who and of whet stripe are they? "The First, r econd, and Fourth distriSte are to be npresented at encase rabid Republican . . orminal premont-men of Am. 1 / wo of therm are rank Abolitionists, and one of them is a to omega Ilene! Mager Henry. These are bouts of the "urns" of that "national campaign.' Tee Republioani in Mg did not .. poll 10000 votes in , thin city. la Phileilel_phirt_ prepared to sta n d u p on ' the Republican platform " John Biewninin, led. Urination. and wild anti-slavery agitation have no foot ' hold among the great majority of our people. Our great city is naturally a conservative one. flue education o I her people, their business' lamed', their love for this glorious Union, forbid all sympathy with those who in vade Suites. or with those won, by the netnews saltation of dangerous theories. disturb the happiness and Ml parity of the people of all the States. Yortland. Hartford, New Haven, and Providence end' Hew York city have ssoken in thunder tonell, On th e side of the Constitution and the Union. Phlialielphm will not be the firs great city to break his electric 'chain of sympathy. Ir run* throw h her great heart. In troublous tinter she tour always been true to th e mast ';.- and'in these nail, ' When Republicanism is decaying at the Ent , her soil shall not be used to give it new root to flourish as the Upon tree, bringing a blight and death to everything withih its circle. after Mr. Deohert conclude I three cheers were given for him. , The resolutions were then read as follow; i . RESOLUfiCNS. The Demooratto citizens of Philadelphia. assembled in general town meeting, in Order to ratify the nomina tions made for the approaching local election. have Resigned, ' 1 hat their tioneidance of moms, aside from the high personal character of.their eaididates. rents upon the conviction.that a mammy of the citi zens of Philadelphia a not only faithful to the Union end the Constitution, but utterly optioned to ail mean nations, in shy way effected, or to any extent tainted. 14, ecotionansm or disroyaltY. Besotted. That every hour end every new &vim. merit make MOTO apparent the immennive loot trot 'he Republican or People's party, as wasting in Yenneyl• venni, in in close and direct sympathy With the fanatics of the North and ettql, and with those who, amongst ennelvee ' in secret wont for the triumph of seolannati. rem • and that its 11110011.1 here, at the coming election, will be claimed. and will in reality be. a new victory for those who defy the Constitution, and disregard the obligations it creates Resolved, Thaw regarding the issue before as. the Denmoratto tarty Imperil with confidence to the practi cal rind patriotic, men of business in Philadelphia ,to show by their Pottle on the Met day' of May next that sectionaham and fanaleism have. as yet, taken no rout here, but that the city where the first Con aaaaa met, and where the Conatitution was framed. is an true as ever to that Constitution, and to the spirit which. in the Revo lution, made tut, of the South and North. brethren. Ersoiced, That. appealing to this seutiment. we offer for the votes of this community the names, of men, as our candidates for lewd trusts, of the purest ohmmeter and most respected vowel position.. and we oak for them the cordial support wit oh their individual characters and sound national opinions so eminently deserve. The reaolutious were edoved by acclamation, after which ea-Mayor ',aux. tilt. It, J. Wildman, ej Harris burg. and Mr. Clark, of Rhode Island, made drama I after which Gametal Walbrichte, of AM(' York, Wall -ta troduclea. He said it hail not been Mr intention to. add es the MedtiuX,lll 'KM of the eloatteet rem re ake of former speaker but an he stolid here a Doane transpired that made him determined to addrese the assemblage. Re saw aboanet ems with the itiliatiption," We SO tot the nominee of the Chicago Convention." In a few days there would be a Convention bald in Charlesion--st Con vention composed of deleottes from all the States—and shortly atterwarde.at Chicago would assemble another Coeventtotion wh ich hut orte-half of the !States of the Union would be represented. It struck him as no out rase that a banner containing sivh an meeription should peas through the streets of Philadelphia, and in front of a Hail in which our fathers pledged their au lot alt the Mates of the Union. The meeting then adjourned, with cheers for the whole ticket. A IlTeat portion of the meeting not being able to hear the useekers from the stand, another meriting wits Or- FOntZed at the corner of 81 xth and Chestnut: streets. where apasehes were made from the steps of the ollhie of the Reeeiver of 'Pekes. At this meeting John McCar thy, Kee., of the Sego id ward, _prenificd• Addresses were made by Judge Pomona, Wilson MoCantiteee, Wm. A. Edwards, and others TfII"PEOPLE'S" MEETING' was organised by the selection of Henry Davis • f the lath ward, as presiding officer, after which twenty four vine presidenta and twenty-four secretaries were chosen. The first speaker was the Hon. Henry D. Moore. He said he felt he was dmoharging with pleasure a ;twat ditty in coming there to ratify the nominations made for the munimpel offioere. He was sled to findpremnt so many business, working. and ,laboring moo, coming up to ratify the ticket. It was evidence that good men were upon the ticket—men whose nominations would be ratified by the people. ' We had Alosander Henry for Mayor, at the tined of the ticket. [Cheers. A voice, Ihe will be nextjelayer, The epenkar eulomed Mr. Hervey a model Mayor, an and able citizen, and one who could not be intiinidated. He had ability to conceive, and 1 / 1 101gr rO eizeoUte,..malitoe peseeesed to "deems snore thorouthly Manlier Mayor we have had for twenty-flue years. Mr. Moore enumerated the various public mate of Mayor Haar?, and dwelt upon the boldness with which he contained Me laws in thethlngerlio4 cake t, how he 4efended Currie from those who wish to intimidate free speech, and how he aultalned, a citizen or Virginia in recovering his property. lie , dentninced the Demo. meths Convention for penning a nniMinitiOn w f censor.. , Were we to understand ken if Mr. Mobbing wee emoted Mayor he would protectlndy , those who sympathised with , hlar.2 He could draw no rthre inference front the notion of those whs.: nominated Mr. Robbing. (Here the 'Pwerity- birth Ward Association entered the room Enid tend iihters.l tiroth i e l : Man On that eke % with. r. Henry . the speaker fe lt M :better men °Clad not eelsoted, He cionoludedirti en appeal to the sum. , ore to telltarolled the ?debt and now, its eleettork ildtase,ifse, meld the follograng Preembht - rot &strong et weft et , N, amid meek apejhuiss blaring asumbled to ' • e ittlantati by th . an d en reediest? s e ore° fun t Chief etamstrate deb made Mee nf 'returnee , demote, ite pee seltergemon to their moment Zits ter itemorpel canvass. There: R:t4ried.lbet *he *Jon which here els - dime Ors Priames ,4 etopovrev,tileencidad eomraeged Corp a . and o f with smolt gootidenete gluier& hody of the citizen have shown the Worthy of the fathom Mae t.oson theta. herring given rie an administra t ion charge. UMW by extreme carefulness m the . 2 , 3.7 th, mantle Tend., and while men of probity an SOW beep , ex' :1• 147 A z a rgr i e r d tec t l , tro r i f t t = , depraved, have been ea abided froth 10404 1 - ta t jllooollK ty, and every department Mai erhiln WIWI eve movement. to__ • • ` le. A iteJared Tbacthe Mx' pareil neve vivify xemeon to feel eatiefied with the umninima simprement Math* I those twnymne." The name bilDtettes karns Stela eq dined, while the megaton e of the city' have been ea ereesed frothoteit sonnet* sad wOrki ot decided value have been topdertithea add asirrientrpgirarainth MOM ' fieqlotd, That, the triumph (Mlle eislailelPart, the tnateph of Jew and order over not ilied du-order. Of) honest government over ourreetum and peen mien: of prudence in the manseemeat of Our insaaam of asaight encd progress in wore* °futility; Mel that we therefore tied untie all men who wneht. Mime temeettnsulte to come forward and supprot at the polls the candidate' whom irezent geisha soden Re.. wed, Thee moth lax sr min fof ir Maynr. Char/ thrLeX Os (Vulgar' Garese r iff arty for - Controller, Williem P. mot for Receive; of Taxes. sod John A. Housileignicrn City, Commissioner, every °lemon will haver fresh assurance of good. governineni. They are the men for the positions, and well deserts the confidence of the people, mast( as as tt will lieu) )lity next by their triumphant elerges. , - Resolved, That we are unaltersh e in favor of a tariff - • , so framed 44 CO twofer protection upou the manuthein nag itttereste Vble.b ,Philadelehut has invested so much of her capital and em eters so is thousands of her toonle. That the Present Tree usde tariff haa Ple ven danstiouiliin its remits, and unless repealed must uponlnflict as vericidmal financial monde` Resolved, 'that the ayatematio mammon fostered and sperm/Ned by the menmenttie padre° seittumal Melee. for the Purpose of tonfiting by the mem ofthe ihnuil and coniersative. Is (taught with lasting Minix he Illue Re public; and renal! open all men who love them esontry above the UniMeh ot gall . . Vb.:kir/elm Mervegention of the liberties uttered y our forefathers to rally tO the supeort of our candidates at this election. Resolved, That the freedom of spersoh ie it right too precious to freemen to be abolished at the behest of mobs. and dieter meal_pordunly endorse th e reetion of our model Mayor. the mon Alexander Henry. In pro tecting a peaceable tactilely in the premise of that right. bowevee we may differ with the sentiments uttered ter mom upon that ocesaion, firmly behaving with Jefferson that error of opinion nap be safety tolerated reline yes- POll is left free Wombat it. Rtsidetd. a hat we age In favorer the hornestese net pewee by the Depeerion mejonty in the national House ol Reuresentatives, believing It eareamin pre emie.. and esimiletsw to beeeet Me great mese of the people while it must materially advance the eettlemetit of oat Western wilds. Bereingd, Thai in the nomination of R •n. Andrew U Curtin for eloyeraor of this Commonwealth we have presented to no s ottedidisie worth. of the enthusiastie support of the People 's may. and that he deserve. to be elected by sr. immense majority. Bon. JOT Morris was the next speaker , and was reeived wish Wee 'Mem. He had emu freer Wseh tattoo to speak at this meeting. for the ea , pose of sus talsenktite man whostistsened thevight ef tree discus sion. If there were no lune other thee this one, it would be saillplent to navvy aa the, _canvass. „. On this single issue. Alettendeetileary Weald `go - before the grand jury of the people, and he knew tiler would tee. umphently onsblin MM. Ile metier belonged to the Demooretio party nor to the Republioan party-to the pro slavery orgattisatme. eon the antyslavary oreanigi*. tion,but to an orsainenthin steering between-Mae of the Peoples Wulf. Cheers 11 It wee not the time for nisi to attibMpt, a de rime of els course daring thectori test preceding the elsetkie Otßpreker t his vote needed 1 no deleime. loud, long, and enthusiastic, s h een ., I Whenever be did anything as the imiresentative of hie constituents reetunng en apology, he would lay down his communion Ana retire Into private life. (Cheers) fee stipendiary ealnniniatme who had assailed blot might howl ea (Chasm.] Re,felt that he was voting for the interests of Pennsylvania in voting for Mr. Peer nington ; and tie conduct et that nom. as emeakerr rewards Pennsylvania, proved to. truth of his contrite bong. Mr. Menu. .11 trer elledttiVto ttle "era lean Peters Congress, end the proem o Pennerleanot at last, receiving adequate proteetion from the GA yernment, concluded amid bud earners. Phiiio ti. White. RIM, wade the seratierneele sod itrais followed by Justin 8. Moretti. meanie! MColigrom fro* Vermont, who said he happened to be lit the eitr y ki Men t, and desired to have a teete of the moats ot politiiis. a oonterided nut the teemocreor were mimosa:de for the agitation noWextelkileg over this country. ahe melamine( agitation bad been me al rested upon us. am t we were WHIM° 18° to O t Ot °t ° t°° evils they carried t r train. The hearts of the prie elevate total to the Union. and in Maine at least the would vote a halter ro any one who was Melo, • I (Cheers j They• contemplate ;no poislable or probable contras enc. in which the Union may berAisaidved. If the Convention at Chicago mete a selection that slit harmonize and combine the elements of the OPPosittoP dimity:boat file legd, ammeter's in the melon, will xe m antoptete sett has been m the Bute of Penns/lemma.. (Cheers) • , Wllllll4l o: _ upon, and ssisb Broo m Esse , made shott addtesses, biter which Mr. Charles a, Len, tee pomineeof the reople's party far City Soli citor. being celled upon, came Tumult and aerie I are hers tonight. at the cull of-my fellow citizen:B, to recognise the propriety of the custom who ch reverse constituentsute tem °Mee to present lumselT before eitil In order that frit mar knew lehe'and what manner of man he is. est deeply eemibla ottha honor conferred upon nut. by thenominarson f have re ceived• and thern iny fellow-citizens fer this mark eit their eonfiderice. loan only promise that if this act on their part obeli be retitled at the opining electipn by my elevatior to °Moe. Iwilt endeavor to duicharge my glum to the best of my ability. It ts net tag intention to make what Mealiest a "Aid eal aesetib.) I ltexamver taken Mitt satiVeJtert O nto& I Olvo ItOO:tod myself, Mee my admission te the law, to the active Motu* of, my proleashei, and 1 eloinl to betting to &barge clogs the Community. who. being eeeendent upon their own esertionsoof mamas. I nave 'Namely devoted& motor abate ef their attention the admmistretkon of the of government. Still ( have always held it to be partly the dote a gond coll een, when Waled upon, to assume any tans Ms MlMl pitmen, may estrted him aria. I limed epee thogeri *depletes ethers I remestieW for a a nd pierliel 'ow,, of the wards of our ody is her Coingestehiunberes eon these ate the Motives which influence me ot mom. the present nostmetidte, which have received throng the partiality of ahem. , . Wheat I have men others beim; setivelr erimeed political, I here always had decided views in 'attain ei to the evationatand' • nue Addanistratiotreet noveyntnent. i consider and claim my self to he ern MU sad sincere member of the 'arty 1 ma sow addiositains as any one within Toone of my voice, deeming Its netainine ant twenties end protective. end eminently ealeulated to ' advance the best interest' of our co mmon itewa test • as n member of that party I can say not hing lin Direr Sit, myself.but ought_to leamt the ratiffmene of my noted: ' nation in the betas ot my fellow-eitigens. and to theft decition in the midget orntest) feeling assured Melt no r! h liel h . l. a l l . 4 l:xlr " ?,h t : ire u ern a g e :d%Ter. cne. " Two nicotined were organised outside, one at . the etepa of the dweihng on the west aide of the Ball and ' other on the the stone of a dwelling ore the loath side of I , Chestnut motet, otelem_ito the 'Rail Chestnut At tne meeting on the north aide of t atreet reuse M. Williams eresided. • Addresses were nude be Win. Month o..ender. Dr. • arilthit. /gr. Bethel. Benjamin H. Raines. M. H. Remborger. end Colonel iirettle. On the south side Robert N. Shake eresided ' iperehmwere reeds at tide paint by A. R. tfloanaket. David Williams. and Philip S. White. At half east ten o'clock the meeting adjourned, and the•orowdstowly dummied. • , - MOWS. FARM ASSOCIATION.—An adjourned mastins or *it saioSialton timbal at she Atineeltural I loom, Chestnut street, below Seventh, on Seem* raoriontalist,.. - Pnrildset4.ll.lloberre in Michele. A code of by-laws was Presented.which tontemempoeg I Me provisions one reenlying the appointment of ode vice president of 'the assosirsticot frOntwalk of the ; noontime rePresiated therein. - - The meatier was principally grecupled is hearing the reverts of the committees from the ..everat cenucties, in relation to the esleation of a imitable !Ite ro m for the somosed Model • Pam. end Rename Oath a. • - 5 Ulm*. mittee of Montgomery county reported t ugh .p . oilvanr, t at ffortistown, the eight following pro s Konen in that county. as having been offered for tiro purpose:,ln Lower Menon tosquhip. cree each of 115 r gates &vitiations; in Rory• Moen townehio. one of LIU , sores n µ baron townelts, one, each.of Ile acres, 110 noies. and 133 acres; m Wattematek township, one each r f 276 and 160 tome_ ~ Dr..l. K. i'sbteman, of Dommingtown. reverted in be half of the Cheater county committee four properties in r Rut Cele 'township v i a: Opt each of t eg mire', lei acees,l2o. seats. exel . lso atm. Other•teneashed hsen , offered in Chester tiouttry; but the tetras , ika. had been communicated to his melamine, Mr. 4. L. Darlington, mato was unevoldithly absent. Fur. Y. Walter. of Delaware county, repotted in be , halt of les oommittee the following offers in that county: '- Ridley township, a farm of mg *area; 'leaner town , ship, one of e.O acres; vne ip 'Morin:try township of IM cores; one in art y township of ISO gores; one in New town township of 110 acres t one in Upper, Derby of Igo sorest one In cocoon:I of Winery& The committee teem Philadelphis meaty reported one of LIS acres in Twenty-third ward, and one of IM acres in Twenty-fourth ward. Mr. Landreth reported thittln tehalf of Sucks onuntY he had no/parotid offers to , present but should the Al - soclation nelarmine to Meats the Model Farm in that county he bad no doubt that improved Property. Mince oient to the altY. and every wry adapted to the mumme r could be had at the rate of "MOO en acre. Be deprecated h..iity action, and hoped no county would be selected until its citizens hist *absented Morelli tewarda the object. Let the question °flotation-other the:l4omin the same-de nil upon Iciest subecriptiohe. Dr. Hirers Careen. of Montgomery county, felt that more time woo requited by his committee. it was a 'politer no little tenor to examine fermi teed report ad - visedly as to their eligibility. Par. A. P. Morgan, of Delaware enunty, wan sore that the local eotrunitteee were disposed to sink all per sonal preference for situ, and ream:emend those mile which. In View of the intertets of all the counties. would he the hest. Dr. A L. Kennedy wanted an energetic committee. corn resod Drone or more frdm each county, to which offers approved liy the local committees should he re ferred with Mato:tenons to r aspect. compare, and re vert upon the advanteLes o teach: whe remain. Mr. Y.B. Walter, of Delawaye meant?, offered the fol lowing resolution : Baseless. That one member lie added to bean of the present comae committees. and the committees this constituted be. end they are hereby , Inettrotied awes, am the !amount °Tarok which willmobably be sub scribed in each counts : to advertise therein that they are ready to view eligibly ideated fit mat to emoted, when necessary to meet sueh examination and te re lent rush memo to the next metres of this saiwonation. The tesolution sea agreed to, and ine following sea- Osman were needed to the committee. Teepee ively Delaware county. V 8 Walter; Chester county. lima W. Vanleer; Books county. David Landreth ; Montso- M. ry county, Dr. R. Carson; Pbtlatialehia, Perachall Morris. the committee cope:ads of the °theme of the lerniXdo lion, and three members In each or the five counties. The advantages which must accrue to that section in which the Model Perm mid Delano, Garnett art a:tasted, seemed to ba fully roalezed by all present. and gave much animation to the proceedous, which were quite prolonged. The asset:nation adjourned, to meet in the same place on Wednesday, 26th instant, at Mk o'clock P. M. CHANCE IN TUB LICENSE LAWS—INPORTANT Td Boyce.-11Esidins AND CONsTADLIS.-The late Le gielatme partied en important supplement to the pre set t license law. Which is now in force in this city, the supplement having been approved by the liovernet. Ihe County Cornmissionera are now issuing licenses under the provisions of the new leer. so th at 'here nt excuse for parsons selling without a , litiensa. The penalties are very severe. as will he seen by the follow ing. which le a copy of the eupplement as it mum Neettion I Os it erected by toe Benue end House of Reprosentetivelof the Commonwealth of Ponnsylvanie in Geneml hue. bly met and it is hereby scented by the authority of the same That itsionl hereafter be the duty of every °mutable of the city of Philadelphia to make return undo, oath, to the Courted Quarter Peg sions of said eta , end county, on the first Monday or each and every term of said court, the names of all Persona vending intoxicating liquor., either in an inn, twerp, restaurant, eating house. or ethomme, within the ward of which he is conmehle. who his not ruby' oomel ed with the provisions of the 14th, let h, I6th.l7th. and lath sections of the art of April El, Ina, entited. A sevyleMent to an act to regulate the elle of intoriaatiny Pe nerd, mita/toed the list day of March. A. H. 1555,15n0 When. upon 'Reelect or refusal to perform the duty here by enjoined, "hall he guilty of swOurr. Sections. That hereafter the hereof (lumber %ps alm,. of the city of Pluaadelee,a shall collect from the Perron obtaining a li cense ender the provisions of the net above mentioned, the sum ot one dollar tor the eon - stable of the ward in which the restaurant or eating noille is situated. be paid to the Wald teValitithle as a eonapeingation for the service aforesaid. Section S. That any person returned a. aforettid i hy said ward oremtables, for grinding liquors without b rawn, shall• be tried in the said court. end• if found entity of guch, offence, shell be heed n sum not ex ceeding two bundied dollers,,and imprisoned t"ors term of not more than two years. - emitters 4. That any tureen proposing to open &hotel. inn tavern, restaurant, or eating house in Amid city. after the time now toted by law for the mantles of tooth licenses, may apply to the commissi enamor said end UpOn compliance with the several provisions of said net, a lletltle may be granted. to expire on the Bret de' of Jima, then nextsumeeding, end upon payment of a sum in proportion for the time such license dual be gmeited. Sestina Y. In case toy person who shall have obtained I etittificate, under the premiering of the fifteenth emo tion or seid eat, shell neglect refuse to ray. the City Trensurei, and hi take nut %license as therein provided. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer. at any time error the firer day of July of each year, to proceed to collect the amount of such lieeiise, with fees and costs, 111 the crime manner as retailers ' licenses are now con tented in the mid rimy. Section That the prommons of any act inaonstitent herewith bo, and the same are hereby, rePealed. , LC:MR.IE DorreTtorts.--The treasurer of the Philadelphia Association for the Relief of Disabled Firemen gratefully acknowledges the , following done bona for the association : From the Pennsylvania Piro ininitariee Company, $100; Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance , SUM; Ingaretteia Compeer' of Noph Americ IS; American Fire feme. c on _ east, OM; Fame Fin Insurance Comptin t a roL i FIRE ENGINE FOR FRANK/ORD.—The Wash ington Engine Company have gold their hand engine by the Franklin Fire Company of. Franktbre, for one thew; sand two hundred dollars, a little more than half whet it cost. The engine is Irt first rate order, having been built only two earn. The Waatangtne. having been I long emote twitted as ti 'team fire-engine company, bed no one for the hand engine. It will prove highly nsefid to the mosens of ti rankford. Moix Poßotaa BOSS roa ..STEAM Dap _ENG twss.-The Tivoli Rom Company (Teen(- fifth and Brandywine streets). on Friday evening, appointed a committee to purehase Tetoo feet of terpieoli doeled pvleteflOglitar 1191 1 11 fat *team fire-sagims,Mett anew crab' o mi 0 sac lugs to cart! it. ,Thin is a most arcane}, Vs, an plenidanob or tbrotayAsst at Free *al " 111 1, r , ,*• au x 4 4 1 : 1 • 1 f"Pg're ilitarniCaP, • . . i ., put of hie Inwire;qltimr - ow alb , ans tandnamM" Ilat'ilindinamodp-inemmagarmakildniner r o ll. Tfd•gmb A pipfeson 4 =l Apo iinjef SOW ri in IntlinnilliMMUSlng Itheddlbeseespeek Mr. lloOreth. eft ettaistel eheed rodamennlmelemd s• omarty with ll* mama of ide frown and ea Ind ay be woe removed:The MON lledtest for the restowel wu that he had ommaini, anteeellaissfte thethestiol in ffatio ll 4 dllii*r. oB ‘thdd wr theArghletWe'lallt ;Mal 44, Voil itlieott MUm emitemn, 01, - ineM and*. . 0 1'1 . - . " Dfi "" dl i °t i e d 4 C - !,! i ' ilel 28 41.01014 ;C , huratikin_bliell II dndinAninte- 'O4O WOW/ 'a/thin - 4W it Nr.at hip isfbeee•t_ JrodiMalfr, Itidlno, who is a DeutOerst. and not Diu i =t ib i a a v a ns who acs notit•MMIS Mrthe forep,whirilekeet to the Petiole a pact'. sad mew haft opealy r thew the maks efteletthe. , , Atew Jet. , aft.o -- 1015 - a-sin/81W of the Marro " burr cfpnlllllln4llll, : 1116 • Inn Iniiii. , lift the. tome • sounfte is - the nalrelfte Oka to VW OnPßlT,CollPrineffar. nWle in* illnlaillartanikin in ninon of alderman : and a Munk. em %mom, was the author of 411110M11101118171111stoinfitimortg of tha P wkikeeray, ~-reoc r anizrei ors , tialm x t ga l l IBMISIRInnnn IV to W a rt enfigOrralrli um ""' , 1 pi natant — bora of • inminrmAlo./nesee it rah ,m. ei iire -Tin tails:in , mein to -- 441401i on 6aiolds7, big nothing et it gellillitteL The Heretic !mbar turret ease was postponed is the Common Ithee, no so fte it of JudeeTbeemptee . bat* ismised id, O. ( Wig' ter Stallions. la the Callaille.47•Walike /Sifts vm waged on the Motion List. In the Poettiot Court. Judger' Shanwood. Stroud, sed /jam Vern inannen In the Motion Lint. Yhe heanncor tstutpoannElnin 1.1“- seaed nntil next Saturday. Mrs , ache YneelAsilt• Jas. - tme tread. yea softest/a Warta/ th e .rtiutr Lzat. at the quarter flesetrat,'Judse •facefteon. the le ft ot W1:11. Wa . dlluote. reamed vita 'Weepy. was eftodpfter thejury readenna a velftiot of " not . nifty." Tat cam of John Donnelly. couvreted et leftism' delft 'oft/. Pm heard on a motion for a now trial. Daemon at- CITY: ITEMS; A ORAND GALA-Dar Axone ysit LADIZS.—W4I hese not for anew' Jeans witeassid-se-neaseefol "Milliaaff , OhiselteS". in this eitt an that of Ifrawca. Lincoln. Wood. and Pliehole. which oasis awe Thurs day of this week, at theirhapatar eatablisiuraim. Tts. Chestnut street. The day Itself was peculiarity atte. pistons, radiate unreel* ffinong withvitnth them Wes retail rooms were crowded from i 0 A. Af 'OSP. X., stS• lorded no inistaunderabla eindeaiiithait'the eommenda- Me- Worts ol this Arm witidu the Past law Infer W era sent to the Lichee of Yhiladelphia anestetdishment in a 1 respects worthy of lhair yektrosulle. have brae crowned with deserved success. Within um Yours above named over mervEmigas hradrislisdies. number ing among them the tam elite of out tray, visited their stane.•therar ft/trim/ searSelY tit": egenoment damn this interval in which there were lean than two bunend persona in their Morel jn wesising, se we did. abort noon. the number amounted to nearly double that. so that it was really with considerate. difficulty that wis were enabled with oar characteristic diffidsace ander nob circumstances to mein" our way throesh the Wis. Scrubs esiiof orbiolinevrathere• emocanteinitiithevaisi. charge of our repettorial duties. in pmeine an opinion • upon the extent and variety'of tie - neer fashioned Min now" exhibited, we confess to betas governed more by tatrittidentit doimplimiate we hailed passed *poi them by the ladies, than our owe unaided judgment • Snob aniveuaiooaceaeonoaam wars oiliapvlsessied seed-essiconnomawirm that the dowder.tres is Mee ! evicts ant trailed in the '• mlth n Ofelliall " Insmblor Oar ear, oaspuod us with a new- last Orient of Phan ' delnhia pride, as the reossunent wra warrant damp those who appeared to ismer ' that OW ostesOna" aeration fairir surpassing any saran' similir, metropoli tan exhibibou tel Milivines/ 'With tier Mukrameristie !ustiipi Plutedelpl* , - • thi =ens prima - Me from a reel sheen, as the ladles b) norm wore nitinatend the new. and neatly lettergad leirie"4 of boatels of the esaimito ttteii covet* hestlw wart= interest:l= imentaine,ise wialineht awn, Isom what rys guar, matthemeanat dines tot tae dal mat have been *Ammons. Thwonet aninter_of de.dded no velties was a misname= feature. sad handsomely at tested the talent sad eiterater mitt arm. '145411714 Aria I in an, whether menet with ranter& to ini Sinintol rpm= •114 narmatinestarenstn the ennui or taws *nand in the toodientntMeCite the Neiman' of the oiau - or =rams IL intrainstf; thir" - Oniimd - o*Teid '' of Liatiotariliteed,it 'Minim*. en Thursday' UM, Is worthy of being =roweled me dize - of the most eratifyini sealui.et the iitase... TIM* sae Imdredw 2 denbAlses, who were, omen t t Magid the *moist 'ainpawatio, sive ludo titm what venni in ParrhOP,Pettleirdafaroaratliai thrtriiiistfasofardslit at 'their Ova. ocarvenraoe.,sout itettlaraS- task lialiDess• stook would eorgo.to warniat au rialiiathkfilisetait 111104 it tot weal alOarpreitiatta be obis to is cord. to tottliaoP l / foroatat.'.'oodlioto to kayo =mak& si tM. slime lietvollitis to ,airua ass,reatterm of earotar "alostaryksisms, tart alma .that Lat. port Hoot dipartmaim Wear ?stall bid*. - - f' Two licrusaa. Eatratia.—. goatkaiii - eo irtia sreipirial:of tivi-Tosia,Meara Vbaitioa Aesociatrea,tleallitrrateary Martaikteadotsr. D. D., one of the most edogaitiat Dying ihrawa, aid will traowa to tae hisetialbareetiarrataldt lifted sae soon est oodasioaility; has emataittad al drake* two Jeetvies in thus eat! before_ his dapaulare for Latta- -The Ira of these will Do gavial:at Vowel ItilWas limas, ma im nut. aosamasaing at a edaskorkilai MS- sottoolt mn.be Tresuposadmtatiisa." litsaatoesalatall be difivinetoalhatala , l Gram Ng Xoihrwhia,:ettae 'Late Motor or Thou 'isho'have Obi zit Mang Asa ca4taidoe4 Ocala tliee *AI paw, UMW - laistraihaaat to fao4oirhololoositilisintuitato Solid SiS4irs seal sail Sairhurt. will probitty ha necessary for Maui lira.- care their tickets in abatis% Os order to *Ol, NM DIFIMEATiON drat 11ILB To our own Giuliano we pool fib rqiha4 law Of all others to Inman_ irearahles-Arr : the alck—by which we mean *very aleastipthia'-ef , erseata. 0 0 4 10, a. °Yaqui adlantr; ter'-a - tb• Gnat Central Cravat Eiaphrinor of 11111: I" A. liahlaraaa, Dia as cbssassestria,:lsodei All.'. saatlamaa has saatamcskix ,apokaat an Araaldiatuantasioatially Minim front l tons oy,o4 o olAktaamatrb. kathapata ca' / d g "Ifil ar w st " - -Tlor tr raw ;ZI T r t° form some Aio of ibr pallYammiliatf,siontrati soa r gained lu this mac!. stopkon..sept.ceitt latatitail that the akioes of thew ranortrom dottors apieos. In ttas article of skirts les lass ales avid* Tern sation, aed it is said that bemenafietersi • ?WY Alia riot artiole at he rata of major vitas stoitera. , a*mos , rantiarthoolly would do saittollioactliamaatiaaawat _ - Box lifor.—DiaLog at tha:Coatieautal the °that day; a allaakeloo ram*, colowintutt Oa axami_ Ma textioix sisatroilliAt dui *Namur to ow •q*Jitore -IY, tabs hart. MCP Is 31¢014" It wasallterward• di•- aovarad that fegint i. eaiet Taaira Fair, and saandy iaitreakaatal la settra at Owe Fara fo r O r airville stakes, the aalatiratad Claimer sad Fa shioner Het" CM‘tautattost. - • Zot.uow'-',PARAD..--7116 Philmhelphre Zones* corps mites a parade the oilier wails iiiftena. Tits tatterioieliti eyed- pentalooisi raddri e reff Ai% tens inch etotnditt asst. and hatofghe fewssgtera.the dews being 'an emirate imitation of the Garde bawls! Zounees. The gentle melt composing the corps tries in their eharaoter of privets Div zoos; alrare 4fitos lands sons gronnord at the Brown MIAs Clotkin 114 of Pm OS mid Of Chestnut street. above Sixth: A GREAT WART SUPPLIED.-111E. Gco. C. Bower, &assist, uovihistia 'corner of Plinth end Yine streets. bee /aptly invented ea ertieleesekieb ke Item ei Meath. Medicated VIPs, e safe - and goody eats Tar Imartes ocentiveness. sick end neieceis healftiellinokysposione. eat all bilious affections. Thew Fiji are inialrentat par* Alexandria - Sepia; skilfully eelehined with liziEßEltial end while they set as missals purge, yet they do net weaken the system. Put up in double buss at tie and _ . papetpdani dente par box. " _ Macias Hewing - shall I long ? -Laid, Webster, & Co.'s Improved Look-Stitah _Machias - has given more enifetar.'ssti.discitioa than sag other sewing machine in the world. It is rims.. Ann. and sale d doing good work. Call sad see: or send fora molder. Leap. W assurs, k Co.. - tgro Chseiset Names A artereentit wooden pagoda whiOtt we brought from Brinan'a, towing bean broken able on sideboard, we were very animas to hire it reteired, and tried several aorta et One; teateritlitist meow. oar atten tion wee celled to Elpe'dnis'e Prepared Glee. sold at se I , llAt- auto. Ws ire tonna to fir' klaspertstie. The Merle' appears now to be itroefleoese and rant* seen by etas; et the- gees of- itaa•Anewiese 'apart, - apt p Wit YLIIANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Tim Money Allarket. Pau4viraa.artc,Ont7.l4lo. A seri fair butanevs was traiissetad at he sank boar! to-day.. North Penasylvania Sailmed bonds. boat the luxes and the chattels, advanced, as also did Audis, Railroad skate* and State and city Mama Cloastaat and 'Witlnut;street Railway mold at Si, West Phibsdiaphis at biaond . had Third attest at 20. and Frankfort and Southwark at IL A taw Alarm of beak *took otiamtail heads at ramatprissiona isaotationla ,The money:market °mailmen to *alibi: pent Nash and the rates mile low for' dl kinds of toad Patin Mid lidoiedat MUI Tuesday ate the lad atrifor thohretkiMit- Vise bowtholcera of the Williamsport and Elmira Si .4- road Company to deposit their bonds and Ma weer meet with their attorneys; H. 8. Whitten to Co. '1 hOhlt. Pleasant branch—the last notion of the Ten nessee and Alabama Railroad—hie just bites completed. and the ears now run into AIL Pleasant, one of the mod beautiful and thrifty villages in the State. It is contemplated to change the West Philadelphia Sayings Institution into a bank,ander the setieral bash ing law, es soon as the povision of as law will *Saw- It Is very stotsule thus number of the whom wrings institutions in the State will to haewissi.' - • taIIADZLITLIA no= RaCHANGE April T, REPORTED ETD, E. DLAINANZE. stiX WalatititmiL FIRST BOAID. • . 8000 Fends uonp iSX 2000 idd City do ..Myatt% 1(K) do . JON 2466) do IL 8 ' 11/1% *OO do MI do stew.los 100 N 'Palms R 85 Wu I, ehigh /MN ranee Ft de- • • ...ed3l IIX W Chester 100 Reeding R .. . 215 E NO do . 6 .L 16 do NETWV. 1000 Chi Corm tuo r oh Nev .te:rs 22d Sd etR. 6619 , - sucbii) ...Too Penns Coup 683,18.05,44 4.00 do .........24a 964{0 Tuts City Es— zoo do .... tfi 4000 do itne N Penns R 70e. —SO UOl%l Reading Mt% es;1111.11%' I W WO Elm 11.7 e, 1 Mon. . . 66 /U „ Ilea chll . _Pe tow Rea 68, 7 6 Walnut-6t.2i 12 Bealr Aliad R 20 do ..... 58 2 du - ass—srSADlr. Italtv stook—. ft 8)( Wivrvt. kW... 1 1 Is let mon. as„ 'aorta% u Loos Ishistd R.... n3i , LalytirACco6&ll,l4l3( BS% X Pepin —... 9,31( 16 Yenon 60..- 66i6 MINIM • 6o lot 164 tht.,- ZNAlitbSer-it 1 ei Rao* tc V ine-st R. AO 26 oLosure 6 IOW sked. Nittal R.... ...... 101ise 1.0136 11w. __... .10e 106 Penns . It 944, Reading . -MUM S.l 81 112 " mart te " do 'N.7 t 3 Penzs z l— nriiii ..- :: : XIX aloLi.'nl f ISohn!1 Sohn!) ay 14 . . " Imp% .M ",proferred.l73i 78 Markete lw Telegraph. Biaarmowit. April 7.—FlOor dell; Wes of Reward Street at g8873f. ta haat buoyant, trt,_nat , l4. for 'white, and 5t.4301.41 for red: Corn" r ea r ea ad vance flo • wnite.721,74, .rellorr 70107A5. yrcnden,.. o steady, St $lB for meta, end Sts for. prune. :Jammu to h'eld at Mi. Whiskey is dad at Zto. , Arosurt, April 6.—Sales of ,Cotton totdap.:loo Wee at 10 trlpXo for middlinn t - talite of the lent Thane; receipts 1 6 MO hams. • 978 for the same' el* n year. menials at this port are imam baler *heed c . aapier. The total exports of the 1/10111011VO ben is stook of cotton in Pont la 1/I,loo,lmhte. Oest e . - 640 / 1 to avenami %d: Prldeatete Illness are nominal. Exchange on 111111 r York XeikE sresimun. change 808%d eintaollo., • CIPICH.IFFATTi I.—Floar Ilt 4/140Z46101511 dull • VOthin °tar 'iness_park. Ilacce droopt,;••_ ' Itsw i satihsj o u ,t 'own for go, ingwar fiwdt awj I* Resettling : -UN 13Norri6 K 49. Pe rte ' do ... . 9 Frank fr. * cough . 20 6 commercial Minivan le do - ......'..5aws NO 4 do 84151L111 5 Rink of Kentook7. ./23 lON MA t R.— ...bass a St of Penns I 0k0...24 , 0 o do UOMILD. i 0 Lehigh Nay -.— . MX ql. re,nne. R 161 14 do .. --- Ow° 10 WE 4. nits. R ea l 'n - do' ..... —... ~.i, W Rending R edvret.lt eatimpork_lL_ ft zs Southwark - Rk...... V( 17Commtotta bk.sbyrn99 4 do .. 46417,150 2 do • . •-• • —awe t o 14 FUCA tr. Yeelis olual.lits 9 do ' 54.4 d 1 do 95.63
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers