.5,i - , 4 .' , '..''''- ' 44- _ =7. _ :4110PliarlitNEANS,00 1 /0;- 1: ',. 1 ' '.,r l 4-1"; r, .41111 TTO IX+A)W:OrS,: . 94r ,' or , _ .0945 S PillefThlakilkodk Elh'tdr*callottl reed stesseedei - 'l,o4llloArbilettn.s44Nl i nti l4, d o dde , .. therAlleenipio. TO ,„.;;0.1.•., fr om r •_ om '. a ri . te ' ishd it 'l.4l4o"gad'or the UM; sal MA7* at t . Viitiati e = cll"l.l =4 ativai at amiklwapioa oft ***venlig of - , - ,'• --. A- .4 "V: ' -.„Oinuer Barr 4.uv__:- ~:- , • - , .. ak,NetrWiettortigninkr. cer thtilinll inert ~ , IFilmtni4Vftwilt UM 1121,411110 i Or eff i rtil ~ ,of elltaywit of ,tlia Me n WI: 44 - a o=f;to iilo: r iiiiii: lavd Tinitalt *scow, wthi the Room tli_ . NIVO in att Id la ..,1017r1".,,e,)1 We r _ lete d is ......`” i.. 1. EM =air . Dombrowski - RA _OTIEZ_ . : aftetetriti o lirA7 4l4o4 l927l , t o ' aliebesteir .. sot INllUMlTilebbillo nom tatedi. et vie* oaths /may boor Mt* s9llllf -thg tilt Hi ltit l 'P ray& _ %nip _ e& ngr s alrett: ' NI. Allk•teekalll tor the wernisreetall-, , p, 1 ef Cewri i tt. on the rimelogaina4nr wits • te in the weer melee. , .' ialitsi med ge2 tgo v o a ll ks trojnt mia b iti .71- 4 0 ulltio %V: , 111 ! 1 8 2 ! Ir 11 , 641. 4 . .tudWilia.o%)c* Ante of Ns- • , td: 'be • 10 . 444% wifi res ls l ts Al' ~,t , A....F . .. ,nterPothrsx ~ix the • - „baba terellidthilltiolily ii Eta Mot of awl Weds. la' ' t 'within tho laMtWattl-foor hottri ' • a eiroslar deetmdeb Elam the lorentili Odrernment nila-• tape set:tor sitastrei,kul II: rived, bat he 'VW tot ~hallo ytt beans *Wane. • ovom nt Common& Mr, b ee n asked If Vi.' -ttia "" tere 9f gle nds. ° 4 ""tr or Er ger b ill e ! no b" : bleV •a mostr tied bilYMEbbilleit b• at Prow& earornwent ? moo 7ohit sowirsirsisolthat 141 n .inies bad boo refer. sto tie law allow* of Ho . who were of ocin 1 . ,,,, 011.7131,1te1l 436 1 %11%11111# not vtoleted the _ =jot nW! " .', i sitittiti stakester Bto that be, • - Dr la et-weweastis la the petit H on*. , OW Wieeeiteal top a 4 =2 111 C%,= 'Or reir rerm.4.., ~ .i 1. ,,..... eate=ni iit o.di 'ca - rat e. ...;.... - en o voy re Ant a cre. any demise p.-..ie : e twit te .,.llft_ ztr= 4 1 i .., ~..-Ari.d..z.)". wa - litifi n lo t ittatarat eNuidif. rthe Tmentot.weeld tiro w* r ' libi " blre bi tli al ame b l ed t. ill ".. "461k . r' , 'Oben " lia lahonant voted adwpst ftettygr i . Perm Nspolson. and caned on Ne t ' If nowise Ins torideet. • 7 1,7 - fidie• awn wade some sitelanatleam in retard Li u ti s itr ' s m r ." Vd gr Pe • tilf a bo *a tr ed 11 1 41 or e V gay thed it elairld not be done' u their terms were re- EuoL-- Aro indemnity would be demanded. and it not ' acieelitel betas the Tomes arrived, it would be' Warted twin Tile Donee would be of snob a strength es to eagainst Were. it Anorthoore aposecuent, w s would he made tor tint autibeistdors to reels at Shearliss, and to ottainemilly. visit Peldn, although it Wm thought don while tbst Rhino should he the place ot rosidesoe. Pennell and England were both actuated witb the moetnioderate and wide intentions. and he Ub sew 1 7 1•1 : I , o4 "bri. difiY# 4l 41 3 4 0 1 . b. I °- tid ta.` et re termialy condemned the pallor of Mr. 13mee. . ime Pal ral mo - drstonebat7d"eferinedded. in whi rs M. r. and liri siu gh d i t an ha d t ' EktiZid WOW rear hat 1 ellebrawd bpgritting to tire i traitrew irlt the eisnoen ito had met with. He hello that that the of 04ine woe poi "VitofiZire - tho 1g A li i iiitToltY :hullo. Wel .. The emotion mosey of Edina on thi.eoneension4or ' tit n i t n t fel 1 14 1 g re in a n tel e ri mooted rop e ' l' A d a (i e .. willOpleaL IC elated tir eve been inil ir nerid to pe° the paaisb wiabOr et Finamielat UM* *O. Mom creak Co. The tine will • item eosthied nosh vi• the rams I ' oeland.Airern ' vit sod Lehner to. Caned& • , e United !Rates ; eed * , l %NT•te . rereesated -Or have been re b1,....4 irewolllo- =hey wade by . ' . 'en wadstldar no gave esidernio flora the Clowasktee of the Haase ot wet.saw..! M. Valovr ouss or. g r a ftlets ratintiV i s am. „Wdhigner sossotioner. on thai ettircd. o Taw altur Grata Tian= . whisk &wired et Wray • Irmo rioleards. with-over Igoe use Who retired ' . the-Mild wolf , on tire refer pelts 'East In ' ,lie Ws strews to the otishigovennyout. lad = ' L e unmet of 'absent and into bey au board. It 4. , -- thatewing to bad soil hat provis i on . the, wow of oroper whom tow MI iihie %perfect i whop hospital.- here wore at Tie liskiNteren else on hoard. o,' r ho Milt,' died at elis:ead a a Imether were Mad.d at Liverpool .in a eels' state: grovernment havestigetion into the emitter had berseessmemett• - Items motored i t kw jitist gur u grown Vic. Alopiwill bold m a t pray! iseportion of thit videntiers • , eau he together Is c ,,,1a althe a, ' to she rawer law Irrearme at Chatham. :to sni nil herl i_va te r.d en do issi e ed as s t ir: lt :4 % 4 x Inl ine.efi lit battta rear and h oth N ir . ikeet i on• anew tons. spit els to of Mow dilf ' ' ;',. ' llieg i lir MI, MT b illitn? "1 "6 . 4 j w at m ;:r! ‘,.. vow rimeidwit some of the 9 thus elks - Chan= sinew of the Exchequer. , titian, were adopted , i-hoenhisamsfir schie or the --tiroposed -new -tails and - ithAtles. se likely term* hemmers toes nnesrop.. • . to,Cipt,oBo Mokilenee, capital antherismd by the - Phi, Carron bad ell nows Mail four by `the boidem, meths , pobeenittion net was ekrid.• • , ' - ' - ' ' Latta. • ' " ' '' ' - ;The lovilir Nies of Merritt me that if the etstment , seepsemee the mode of eating Seem be cermet the- Mist mill Is mom vinous in As eltimate end nom- Pat Anwo.sterno-. thou stir whfeA has- cod stem NW Put o f the mint Nap ol eon . Nemosforth. notmen ... Ms meet tottomme _will be able to Maim in the_nntin ..r - =lnt SPOOL , ASIPPS haat° rectal with s. power wow* IWO, **meet emus* rill and who' "Seaper e• MINNA for syst/Ibine bat mate rial form. twister ritrope_mill dot itnol compelled fn • ems to mallets thisPover mains tbet imuts of ,i, :p e ta=ns: a t ,h mt eee ttr t a s z e rp reii =wow d beat team& Alav of Nies trait, te Pram. *ham mem thutopu. as its • Memo eatengetitm to Franee et sitintalt T.:-If , Wit ooloot .01 Wert ~ thenjihnory beekkeethatellan teleolsellel muo—if Om Newarre - weft Mill he ..mtwatmnill Os the meettlrommt in wer nits ofwmptirmi fuel olltemitlon on tho u e' s States whieht Weyer,* OM - ' Mr" ri • ... I.o* r Th .o llew: 4lll r , "Z`' / ... esuArle:r z F'do l oaa'ar e; to . -.. a fl a s r g,dl 11 .- 4 . 'b. fa atarr" finfanfl '' -, '..• '' ISA VEIT Ltizerr.- •', • irti. liesilept.--Themitnitof-Mtr MUM in the . 11 1, , a umniArit . ....v i rowst , f the noes holii : ', gots mpondwarTrir, e hmlielatele the donee er entoommtureetiont been sent ' me_ l4"l /11 4141 Jt e t1 41 82 ai Vena t e t r V i ts 9"373l- In timed. . ' -• ow 1 , 01 , 1110, of .r i Alle , drairomm, , ropier:4 at_ , _J'Apotm4 AM* 11.00100 d Wilirlatirlit they , are to , Altilellmil. U. I te lOweherv, the espi Mow- - --, , bli or t .e. Lpf sti e v i =se to pht Tan o t . to so bs i and a r- he la; 7 . 714 , 11 M • sempte Pm, annezetion of a 'aortreioohmilaft Mali onorter• to tot NW, to in , i Pane 11188 JUt organised' thi , stniv into Soar . ' IM . L . Mtamiltbs oomposed Mame divisions; two or t.a.i the third tom Cmatralltalt . . ~.e tmsto met owe or the Kra liete 0 thellorern f s W id et ri togrAl i rr o mm e )to_n det,,ll, _set Innt de , spm is ili t o mow soma mnt •en . . '''' Moire( Oltileepr, tile groat roo s ' i NClaritag2 the ig , to_ at - • tag!' timatia Bus envoy at P • had, in... P=,„..,*=,„ilmcr,w-i=at. irt.,„nrax. .....16.6.,.....t..,.:„,„,e22wheejn:72he - UM Coss llttint.Tienes, for Memsiatintame stei rtr r t I triP ila terjar t # ll 4=ta i . 9" 1 "1"- ma lis B rdial r it Goesnopent la mid to Issin a reenfad to 41'splwasa° 11 wiit".1....:43":11517e h; he od the Vote ~.. ''': r Itr, territory ' ? I"- "NM at eft2o Looklei Timm me It fplll/$4Ol SW, the order to the Frisch arm. in Lowbar , -41 - 4, , 1 , NI 11.0 SPII2IIOII. It lb atcesenre notice, hi. been NOM ..9PWATMAlenirettr nonirsome. , that Government bed r al ' a f0ie1k,,,,r2- n.ogollst.if e Profit* for de &n tate 12k lams to nansfsetaren Assegai arni Taprenrament of their machinery, callaM !MOM tOnt•Ming the modillastons of the - e A= l eer gai .Vm ert g ry i l i li•Ait ' of iturna t z e mai r......r• , . ti t LTime=trtlet !SA il l =twiteslarno=eit ex em, Elt. Tha is Mewed by &deems notaira u d' "lin pyrrpoilitl c on , A , 1 '' -This Potte relersTr i t newt mos that sn .. ',,,, r w, Nam Nan avow orepolsonomtehm , at eaprr MOM .hedll2llllltd IFA R IVestor EroMannelt . he twpOrtmo WM* the - Ning to somet TUMMY in pie owe notWithelmadMir mint tor Of m yelin! se a. Be may'names prises o in own imam ft. et ; end, moordiefo t o the eeme re,2t, he le dstetroaon e rowing Noumea viluoh - r ros tm il i vii FogiiTai A r agir Cll t tat m ."l : 4 1.16 to m . • sod erfArWeatire molest tnetennantion of , blur mil , lir elk 7 to Proem. or the'ireaty or NM Mann of the neutteliod dimness of be - woe to my other 'Power than Mee terlned. , . The Mwerter dm AMrs announces that the Pion' end ftat r ain ree n r• of dragoons .44 ,t , f:oiYost Orden to see for Cheaftw . , -7 11t1FParts &num k nehmen %mid rim* Mho* *Our bpi Nantes Mead* t'l- on PM, Milk _ - ..- Anhkostel rem It 4*P g ir. ht Tronerii Ms tees; ,-• imictscomtwcter riN.Bll/1148 mei s total - ` - ppour NOM. MAWPm sonomitioo. 011•01; for -.swore raises. Nina t40444;44, title. ~ _ too from the Emboli protium are site mom ilgetot -Tao osia p ra in _femur annexation to-Pied mont ate 'm . owe t 'rho . nopmee, geme) ; m o .. ' dies. -neat,; 12,02t 2 4 1 4111. „The number of votes for 48 wirS*o ,111840111 BB4' not boo wit en noonoed in i rt= ti p " ol4 l iesi ;list fp 'tho Trmuns there were c 'Am q Illmtlefe inikiwor of a sio•rat• w iplonu -. '44tothogookolo Govoirooloot &mg la advsooo its r ' s"."tfa rota "LA I.ol'...oarat=re:tr. . '-' - f- , MUM' g t i„., that Priptle Humbert: tt eon ef the Ittsgt , of Berta's, *MC be promeed - .* AMA. • - ir liottois "mut Itoolft Anwanne . th• Irbitrser.pro - 'retott the UMMllleNnt, I$ 8181 natter of sweats Ill'sgrVlel nth slid to bei. tom oils sosio 4 o %my:47room sat, mo nttenteg i .--10. ai liliZ r as wined& ,„ . to. sod romatill a r wond f aTllLl on . 17 "gr. Wit t WS 8 • 00•01112211 OSA - ,.. 1 kM I O.I O ot a t t re d•ag e bo on i• .." at aid It 1/ BYO mat nir ti . „ oit . wanner yr kink. • ~ , ,, , a ilk ear time,, '- 7 '-- b d" " ' , 71. ri Emt ,vC=4:4loAl kiti rt a 14 i tgr. At rateGht ‘. ' l ' tkei fildOthll2 forn fon 1141406 isliiWd to 1 E gilitt - es rounliKistod with Or hint id thestrae,he was ' . . er.artt AriD 110)10000. , ' sand minim ststec num on' the ifth March, a 'lBl4oBBlBftto'4llllBBr44 18 , 1 0 08 i to. Nernst - ell-:wrap the Eottoror of Monett* pronemeng 2 r .suia vegetating ow st u tyi to fun - -: / 0 4 44-4 80 188 .6111486 ould o . * I4B' ad - to bo g w ie v t.Goo. . t. ' ,l . l l .l =tioll tool iloompimonto ot Tolosa. . ,on Ow litio roool . Astil MI?, liootoopho vitro •virrli. gumillhi o ,, -_, --gm: ,„,A, ,osiiiir t iiiiiiiiimis a - risiiida_ i IS ttilixtiiis owoass sites, r ta le!' itsaiss at SIM for ,Aiii irketskrit‘ r awftw.,. !tsars itss.rilios, ss , 4iw ill ta =Sr " l esn a t i rsrli ria:Asie 1 i lvirjras or 179,6 g/ &frog . Usk. . -. •_. In 1174 Owl snote•llsr rst is-Os's,' Dot— rs' ISO ' ,r, - rl , . Or serts, landecwri. tiViiii4ooS.Weis, %m -••••=ft eflefillatf*11.,11111011‘10:101C40100011 to _NAL, .. , , ' VOniniiiielea Utelitreace:' eusO-lidareit fltb.--Ootton,-The Broker,' Cis- A rea ry" I t ( Thip- market , llred in • fist jut: net. beta lc lrom i t e lrloriel. Bork no to 4 oet : • , „, OL ," toter' r, i ntZaliaedereer.s3,d W. 4.9 re liras' ik decided disPosltion tolarebase this -o Of Cotton' in -quantity, an via da7'sausei Moshe& IMO bales, _about half to spec tats and ainsiortlins. - eirterder (Thursday) the demand. wed &Mitt lame ler e ems* ittlitlititia, ISA •the day =111......ir1rts U.BO baleg.6.o36to'wecrodatme and exporters. Swamp maven WM- the 4over b pro- rioarr iscopted. so tat. compared with Iva rlicel Se 0118: prordiference u now trifling." The,..Ti." • Dder.wWe libeet 801/ bales, 11.000 184 0 .4 ,2, 4 02 • fer Mort, tbis market 0004 firth at the rtmowing , • •i • • p a il., ffiddling. • .... Fa n . • ' • o 6d. Mot& la port a 30,110 bales, of whit as, MOWS Aweridui. " - • . At Nranobasteri trade hashoWn a guest improvement I,ntotaginers Tuesday. ere los been more_tmuirr, .4 . ,1714 6 1r1 1 4.11 aw k a i li dd nulll,ollo lB bales. tariktr,m,ektiattegl3petll!errxeiimit F r.. 1 et bot anchsaged ; roshes at 330395. Worm alums Mrdedir it:roved tone, itail eldent.ti o rtiti rreiViN a rd2ilo?; Atilt:OA:4 7,l l ";hit:ios • ••.ititclea t Coot stals9dvAllitild or ir trallteir:4lloif in 2••••• A ffett••" • -sed of the :21 4 1Anta 162 44111:JiaTelE l iii4Vis l iTt= WOO sales lower m dul l have to be neeephsk Bunn quiet but arm. Lard dull and rather k 01761 T MUM vetoes from MOM* ed. Tallow dell and unsettleel.and loweir. , Butehmse_Association 690 &V 'New York eityrendered sold at, Mil,' PROD (1013.- , Aribito quiet ; polaUseale ad for old ; 30s for new. Peethalle. Nuitionsbettled‘_under the.expeo tation of redueoldettes lajtranoti. • Refining savanesil tal, bet this was Oct quite_triailttained theologe.. Cof fee sales unimportant , Rice in -good demand. and low deeeripttons Sesigal 0405ddersrer. • gumshoe Bark steady at "soft 84 for Phtbsdelphia and 8s Ikl for Baltimore to ..arrive: Saltpetre. excited and 208.1 dearer. owing to the Caloutts news , Linseed Coshes ip good demand at .410 for - ameripan; sales of Cod 00 at SO; Sperm AIM; .Lisesed Oil In steady, request at 381 MOM fid. ROMP rather lowly ; commas a Mots 441 ; and medium i=3d. Sho t. of Turmatme quiet ; father more polio toll et Ms Id. Tess isTsbericol. LONDON, MAERBTS.-Itegeni. Baring• Brothers Te * BriadeWffe-A Tailor better feeling. and English WOKS qr. dearer. white American 47049 s ; red Minffs. F lourlllo2Bl. Iron Osier at ..E3 10305 llis for ham end rails. Bootoh Pins gas Id. shosns m good de arted,2saci gd dearer, ander themammal'a projected redaction of the duties in Fraaos. Tallow dull; Y. C. teas en tie snot.: Tess quiet. Congo £1 4.l o£l as Md. Spirtitof Turpentine dull at Ms Coffee steady arid Arm. Copper on the Uth sour Onleclid lid 4, IS on nianufacturedand W ton On tounanufsoturee. Jun 7:4rakes Coot and ginsbanged. Sperm Oil firmly held 1231;•Cod AM. Pale Soil OIL Limed In good de mand at Wand filleoPie for fetal. delivery.. Rica in some instances rattier dearer. saltpetre greatly excited hi heath the Ints t rest cinotatiorLowmg to .111W i e . 0 -'41 31 .2r t1:41 1 1Tr tlib; melusive. a ca. and sole ' Laws lower ; pies of the week only &100 Wee at 106 f - for New ()r -isme' tree evinnairs ; and 11111 for btu. Stook In port 211,030 bales, Breadstuff' dolt and Wheat lower. &thee dull tat firm. Coffee active and prices stiff. Oils toadies dornripertzeularly whale. Rho in steady deenciad.and rm. Suited 111100 d demand, and dearer. WWII sad d devoid of animation. Whalebone dell &ston. AiILERIOAN FROURITIES.-Ifieurs. D. Bell, [Son & enamor& as follows: . . oblivion the pudrreektlig market for Amencan Se cantirstsaN szt i :n . asje i tis ro srd i l k srl d thg a t v ran i s i to t ir c i , . extent to afr. ! prom whrog remain withou eaenngpaanrt ' Uattaid 'hottingeent bonds 1883,......... r 7 is 99 Do Sor cent. bouts 1074,.. 9 ihEo 921,1 Ahbama off_ cent bonds— ..... .. 76 077 ,natty 64F cent. bonds, -. 90 93 aryiaw b , W dent, St. b0nd5............. 96)i es 95 - Mrpmtts& Sr tout. St. bonds IN 0103 illpi air cent. Union Bank bonds- 14 18 Oh 04 net. stock.. ' .97 is 98 Penes, value g Br- cent. stools- —.... St 083 _ • . Do. •3 W cent. bonds, 1877.......... 851io Bt Booth Oismilinsts 4' cant Wilda . 85 oe - Tennessee a 4, Bent. bonds Diver 5.......... 79 o 81 Nittinia SW mat. bonds UM,- .... 83 086. Do 5 bent State bonds /SM.- 82 aB4 Nottotal 6 V meta. 11331 80 83 Illinois Centre) TiF Bent...-.... e 82 •.- p. tent._... . 7 8 a7B . 7 emit Fresh: s.. 86 es 88 Kiehigalllttritt BIF cent.,lii 78 0 80 New TorEbeatral 6W cent.— —B5O 85 - 1p 9t 090 • 88. 0 68 Now York& Elie 7 Woent., -.... 87 et 89 ' t.; 1 211 5 5 9 '.......... " Do 7 cent., JUL-. 28 032 Do • shares.- .. - . 9 oso • Panama Sterling, 7 W cent. .0103 Do , 7Br nent.,1872. ..... .. 100 Fenno. Central a 41F Gana .......--. . 67 089 TbeiTisn' es of Saturday lays Attleriealt Securities are' stuidy,,ecid knot's-sales : 1111nois Central shares 433(0 44 dia3 Sew York Ceatrallginking Fund, OS ; tine shares aellentsil, MeV; niansylvasis Csatral second wort.' • • ' TILE LATEST. litftisifot..Settririv: March 17.--The sales of Cotton trotho hare been 7,900 bales, the market olcialtig quiet. Arspeiptifni are quiet and mime m. iffe/*ANXIOUS a re also quiet. _Lard, la dull, with sales at mMeid. _ &Oar fine at id advance. Cops quiet. Rios firm. wall an edvance, caielfy. on iaferioranalitl en, of isM, -Rosin to beirryswith %decline for all qualities. Spirits - ntoseetiee dull. LONDON wenn& March 17.-Wheat olosedwith nu advsamer tendency. Sugar is buoyant at &I advance. Rios lino, with a partial advance for all qualities.. .- American Securituts. ere nonentity unchanged. Con sole closed to-dey - at 94.1 Letter from New lork. A• Liss OP .mooli D 01701411 immix BEADY TOE • ' trossiestioS .TEE 11ARPRIS—Daw Rosin. BY THE lwrion OP. pia sins—sasLoos ir CO'S EtYIIOLOGY 011D1-OiNTIRDIAL ' • SilitON. DT DR. issautr—DE. ADDIDSON; IDI TILISOIDIASTrIDD •'-LIMANDS PROPOSE 'TO BUILD • sass ostreow.-stsss assistrst LAW—DE. ossimws .1111 D STIIIOIID —.N7TNAD ADD [Oorrossoods solsiiTis Pram] • Nsw Toss, Ntsroh WPM ' he elever editor of the Chicago Times, le in towi. rsvi. eR the proof-sheets of bis Life of Jed ge Deoglse, *Melt mill , be publisbed in about three weeks. 'twill malts a video* of between five &nada hundred plosiend 'rill Prawn • well-oondeneed, elessiT Writ;- ion sketch of ilia distiagaiikeit flenatoesi (miser, anoint ognied with raised, fronangsseeelies on the Itneortant kawitioas that. have bees agitated in Congress during hie hogisiedirsaffirattr, aid as which he km oecupled this fortainiknomition haforilhe eonnity. The RUNS* hi , . !output to stess amnia Monier 'noisdhati:Sineig thin* a new story hy the - author of Adam Bede. Sheldon k. empire beveled gonelnded an arrange meal with the Mom tiso. Y. Marsh, to edit the Anod e** edition of Heitaleigilkedgewoode 'Celebrated ,gfaide Oa BeriggegYo' now in merge pablieation to ; Leodee, WM - reboot & CO. White thig; entire original ada dad Walla lad fa retained, Mr. Moab will msktm edietinettre Meer lame additions and annotations. fb list *dame linearly through the Press. Onfelds,, the 77th inst., the Rev. Dr. Bernie, reel er of Trinity Cherte: preached hie semi-centennial etrinini that dair thieving, completed a half century sleep he received deaenne orders in at.lnbn'a chapel, igthueUy. , It was full of interesting details of the grogrium of the City, and the obereb. At the time he entered the eliniatry. old St. George (Beekman street). Trinity. andlt. - Peuys were the only Episcopal dumb buildings in New York. Now there are over fifty. Be ' sideehis label - in the pulpit. Hr. Berrien, daring the eat beg 'Century. lass nemedl.oll4 couple, baptized I fienperneras, end attended the funerals of 2400. Speaking of °hurdle , . I learn that the Brothers La ma. the popular proprietontof the Metropolitan Hotel, -41 this oily, have determined to build a free church in Lindgren,: Bennington amity, Vermont—the quiet hfthi town in which poly were born. Prospered in liminess beyond any anticipations they could have in dulged in while living in that secluded nook among the (free. Mountain hills, they have, with good taste and propriety as creditable as it now-a-days is nausea!, de termined to expend e, portion of their wealth in build im luta finishing. Musa and substantial style, a thumb edillogadeneate to the wants of the people of the town, end mint Ipartaitit - Tree Church for all time to come. It ie a very agreeable duty to allude to an incident -of this obarsotem and to 6oremined lt .to the imitation of those who, like the Lelandy, have risen from humble beginaingX in a cronntry village, to prominence end opulence in the first commercial city of the country. Mr. Anderson; the tragedian, has been peering a few days in then. but will mil next week for England. , affecting thelatereete of au immense number - of Teeple, who were made bankrupts by the financial tor ludo that swept over theeountryin lON, has been passed alvlbit tinialolotely by the Senate of this State; and will dentitime mist with (petal favor. in the Assemkay. , It provides that-any debtor, two-thirds of whose-debts have Wen dee Oil year, My, 01 filing an inventory and Making en aselguntsetr be discharged from mah debts forever. Trustees, executors, and guardians are inclu ded, Ale eminent lawyer of tide city, who, the ether den wee asked to sign 'a remonstrance against the proposed law, refused upon the ground that, according to his ix- Pereneer. the present statute prompted and fostered perjury, and the sooner it wee abrogated the better. An audience of five or sir hundred were gathered to gether t h e other evening; at the Cooper Institute, at tweed doubtless by a bogus announcement that Mayor Wood and Henry Ward %ebbe, .wonid address them in behalf - of the Leen strikers. Of Course, the gentle men were not apparent. But 'Horace Greeley was on band, and addressed them in his usual sententious and effective language. ' Thu only fault he found with the Lynn strike was, that the strikers bad not first held a friendly *imitation with their employer*. and,made them a fair proposition, or, if they did so, that sm. skryirre bed not accepted-It. : He also suggested that the workineninight Organize s'workshop of their 'own; end open a/Herein this intyfoi the We of their products, which he thought would receive a liberal' Wigwags from the nubile. He concluded by advising them to do eometiifig inneediately, and not remain in idlenete longer' than win aboolietely necessary: - mom announces, in Ilyotomee,. If mo., The Life and 'Lettere of WaMinitton Irving., by Pierre M. Irving, h» literary neeutor: The, drat edition will be printed in mini or style for mibaeribers. Mr. Putnam has also in prep; so mainly new edition. of "Salmagundi," nth led with notes, by ;wort A. Ttnyehlisok ; to be prLoted on due tintid paver, . Letter trots nitrngberg's SOorreseondenee of The Preen.] - - • HARRIIIII3O. March it The}ewaoeaty of.Cantron—named Tn honorgif our VOW Mates Senator—is .a fixed that, tits Governor mined the bill thiii morning. it awed the, Rouse without' opposition, it being shown that many' "ersatz were eompelled to - go fromlifty to sixty miles in attending court; end in the Senate, Mr. Bleed; of Jefferson, was the only pereon who objected to its passage. An amendment to the Constitution, adopted a few years ago, fixes the prinimuna number pf swans inilim'ef any neer chanty formed at 400, but Column °minty considerably exceeds , thls,, as it; number, 410 miners miles. From Clinton, Elk. and Mclean, each is subtracted 118, and from Potter RI square miles, and to show that no injustiee is done to any of those counties, I will merely state that each haigovet into squnie miles within its liMito When the Sunbury and Erie Railroad is finished the emerges of Cameron county will be deviitoned,' and I predict, from personal knowledge, that It will boozes tine of the wealthiest portions of our Commonwealth.. Within her borders are the finesteine and heinkiek timber !Audi; the *alleys are extensive anti admirably adapted to agriculture and grazing ; and her mounlibur have the very finest veins of coal and lionotito'be found in the State. Carbon, Delaware, 'Juninter; labenon,•Lebigh, Mifflin, Montgomery, gum van, end Wyoming have sash from PT to 420 square *Gee, and hays, therefore, less territory than Cameron tree banking law Wes under consideration in the Siesta , morning. 'A number of amendments were orered. OM of- whieh - iyas making it obligatory on the diver:tern of any bank to reside within the county in whisk it lii loomed, and it was adopted. A motion was made by Mr. Smith to rodeo* the amount of specie on Wad from twenty to ten per tont., but it was voted ThIP voting is vary Glom and there is a disposi tion manifested to defeat -tki; hill by clogging it with emsadinintig'.•lt will be a it Palen in a ny skape ThflT,Wiji TeTWOOTITT44II to anybody. The Pei for Mita of this plies announces that. "in panantnee ibenrovielour of articles of Gonad nen** entered into between 0; Ramie, R. .1.-17alde nieui; riod—T.o,-111.40Dowell,"dated 'November 18. WI, said Haldeman has no father cionnierion' with 'this (that) payee, either issediter - tir - arom.l.o/.., , Regret* e.d MaeDowefl will haveifter .rionihnit the ze ,812..At Was thintpit'strinje thek the retiring partner. Om/dletallah xlO viliplietOre, ii;t it is accounted far by •thoriiit,ftg4t iso tisififigteer wielding qf hi. Wine heel 7es#l4. -iiiik•ww the mite* in!Enesday'a -Peittior. left haakcit. be by Yr. Reldennot *getout Barrett rigg. aid 'able tkilutiol•oppioted) whin we **eV 0141 otos *4ll* diestaprt „ - I== --- Fmmaammuxuareor TRADa. -- 080/10131... NUEBY, B Birgc COM/1111111 01P TUE Wirf. C. E thdLE. BAGS Olga ifignowante ° IXCHanea, PllttADlLlpita. ghlop sizr, Pp behest an i r etiott. Watts,......uoando p . W A , soon ark Thou Dolled., VA— -- Lump Ts. ke. soon Brig cllooe.Thaltolts.t.i..„.4......:—.Bnencis Amiss. EWA Fore Watt y ckiiip 'ow Aratei—A latter bag" will be tomratotiod from the Foreign Letter Office. PhiladelPhla Platt ofll3 o l l AID M proximo. Letters and paokages latenaio for the Atrial= Sq uadron: lir penning on the East, will be forwarded, if sent to the Exchange free °loannina prior to that date FOR VALPEEI6I6O-rA letter Axis will be despatched teat the' sama"tune for- alparaiso and ports on the st Cout of South America. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Match li, MO. BIJNitRIES-5 46-BUN 1316T8-.- 6 16 wATER-- -, 9 31 ARRIVED. Brig Bello, (Br) Dodge, X days from Kingston, Jain, with ioswood and pimento to D N Wetzlar & Co. Behr Itinow Flake Weever. 10 dare from Jacknonville, Fla, with lumber to ' Twills, Mellon & Co. Bohr Woodrlitt' Rims, Mason, 4 days fmmYrovidenee, in ballast to eamain. Behr Nunem. Griffin, d days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon, Steamer Nr•velty. elf 11l hours from New York, with mdse to W M Beim) & Co, ' Steamer Anthrnoite, Sores, 24 hour. from New York, with mdse to W *Baird & Co. CLEARED. Bohr L A Danenhowar, Weeks, Mobile, Pettit, Mar tin & Co. Bohr A Downing. Rine, Newham NO, Pearson & Co. Bohr . Woodruff' aims, Meson, Boston, L Rothermel & Co. Bohr I R MoFee, Townsend, Suffolk - , Va, captain. • L. The II M s teams hipaßeystorie Capt Mash man,. for Charleston, sailed at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, with a fail freight sod a number of passengers. (Correspondence of the — Philadelphla Fegehenee.)_ LEWES. Del. M areh 29, 9 A M. The harbor has been entirely bare of vessel'. since my last, except the tug Americo, whioh left this morning. Yours: • • W. M. HICKMAN. ET TELEGRAPH. (001TEGEOTId0110 41 of the Philadelphia Exchange.)_ CAPE ISLAND. N J. March 9a4l)i A M. • The bark Mary H 'Kendall came further on the beach lut night , and her cargo is being thrown overboard. Wind west Vann. ke. Tison B. WHOILER. (A steernev WAR GelliEtohed from PitikultiVkla yesiar darmornlng to the eissistanoe of the Part.) (Oorrenpondenee of The_Priow.) - EAYRE DB GRACE. 'Marsha). 18M. The Wyoming leaves here shim morningarrith four boats. none of whither° from higher up tha Tidewater Canal than Bare Harbor . The Pennsylvania Canal is not yet in order. These are the first hoate to Philadel phia 'moo the two of the 27th inst. The four are laden and consumed as follows: Bend Bright and John Griffin, railroad iron. to Reeves. Abbott & Co: Mary Ann Mo- Conkris. pis iron to J P Morns & Co; Gen B. Fleming, do to Norristown. MEMORANDA. Steamship Cambridge, Howes, hence, arrived at Bos ton 29th inst. - Steamship Matting's', Liesagang, from Matansaii, ar rived at New York 29th inst., - Ship Betsey Williams. Nickerson. for Valparaiso and Callao oleared at Pangaea's 2lst inst. Ship . Cromwell, Symms', for Calcutta, cleared at Bos ton 29th inst. Ship Crusader, Hall, for Valparaiso, cleared at Bolton 29th init. Bark Warren Fisher, Crowell, from Providence, ar rived at New Orleans El inst. Bark Cordoba. Roberts, for Philadelphia, sailed from Cierifneyos Est mit. Bark Ann Elisabeth, Norgrave, for Philadelphia, aid from Havana Ed met. Bark P 0 Alexander. Merryman, for Philadelphia, weepit Matanzas list inst. Brig Alfrod Exall, Headline, from Cardenas for Bos ton,-was irpoken 19th inst. lat 3314. long 7103. Brig Elizabeth Watts, Bryant, from Trinidad, at New York 29th inst, Brie Molunkue, Niokels, for Philadelphia, sailed from Cienfuegos 20th inst. Brig Goy Bell, Arthur, hence, arrived at Cardenas 231 Brig T Wi Perkins, Limas, for Philadelphia, at Ma tanzas Eat inst. Bohr B E Sharp. Mayhew, cleared at New York 19th init. for Jactionville. Bohr Mary P Burton, Hazard, from Lewes, Del, ar rived at New York 29th Met. r Bohr Black Diamond, Young, from Delaware City, at Pawtucket 29th Inst. Bohn Frank Herbert, Parker, and Edw Reed, Hinck ley. for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 29th init. Bohr W n ye, Sprague. hence, arrived at Petersburg 28th inst. - - Bohr Jane N Baker, Henderson, from New York, ar rived at Charleston 27th inst. Bohr H P Simmons, Godfrey, for Great Egg Harbor, cleared at Boston 29th inst. Bohr Chas 11Rogers, Langley, henee, arrived at Car dents lid inst. Bohr Mary J Hoyt, Hamilton, for New York. was at Baena 20th inst. Bohr B English, Bliven, for Philadelphia, sailed from HMI Rive 18th Bohr M Platt, Smith, hence for Norwich, at New Lon don 28th inst. Bohr Independence, Hewitt, lienoe, arrived at Port land nth inst. inst Bohr Elonise, Thatcher, hence. arrived at Boston 29thant. NEW .PUBLICATIONS. Published This Ds], SAY AND BEAL, • BY The Author of " Wide Wide World," AND The Author of "Dollars and Cents." 2 vols. l2mo. Priee 122. MY NOVEL; Or, VARIETIES IN ENGLISH LIFE 4 vole.l2mo. Recently Issued, THE CAWI'ONES: A FAMILY PICTURE. 2 vole. Limo. Forming the first volumes of LIPPINCOTT'S BRARY EDITION of the Works of Sir EDWARD BULWER LYTTON. Prime per vol.. Cloth, 11. Sheep, SIAS. Haif-oalf, •L 75. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., nrii29-3t n and 24 North FOURTH Street. .E 1 I'R 8 T RIPE FRPIT GATHERED. -a: DR. CHICKERING'S SKETCH OF A CON VERTED YOUNG LAW ER.—This beautiful little volomo is dedicated to the Young .Men's Christian Ari satiation of Portland ; and is specially adapted for Mr , oblation amen riyinskg i o . g th iim ng men. A small volume of greatexcellepos, bemu s e andworth. The example is so bright. attractive.and useful. that we would have all young men read, study. and imitate it.— N. Y. Observer. Yonne men of a doubtlgi mind, asking "What I. Truth t'' will here meet with 1411C4 )11 111444 to convfmie them of tfur nullity of nobs ca.—Barton RS corder. A gratefid service rendered to the canoe of the Master sad to the memory of a devoted Christian friend.— Pwitand Transcript. This volume is inscribed to the Portland Young Men's Christian Association. Young Men's Christian Assn oiatioas of otner cities would do well to circulate it. ft cannot fail to interest 'mum men, end especially young lawyers.—Portbrad Mirror. A beautiful- , tribute to the memo of of M. B. L. Ou mints. who was converted duringh ing o ISM . and thenceforth led a li e singular devoted ness till milled home.--Conarmaiimmairt. Bastin. A charming tribute to the memory of a highly-gißed young an. It ought to he in the Minds of all young men --Ceartwd Jinmaal. Price Mif_peopts. For sale BOOR PROT. EPISCOPALTISPORITORY. - mhlO et 1221 CHIBTNUT Street, Phila. THE 4th VOLUME OF THE REISSUE of Benton's Abrolgentent of the Debates of Con grela, will appear on the 241 of April. The WE*, re removed to • 'BbMITH METE BTRERT, ilieennd entrance above Chestnut. JOHN MeFARLAN,Asene For the States of Pennsylvania and Delware. mb27-tuthset ii(iTHE NEW BOOK*. a WALTER AERWOOD. ope Vol. Irmo., Muslin, Tinted Parer. rrir 81. By P.m Otoevout (Author ot "Etobndoterns, east- - tat love story. Op moues and deseriptions of wblob are lardehiefl at - Niagara Chamouni, Wiesbaden. and Interlachen. THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. One vol.. large ligmo, Pnee 6l.l6. ' An interesting and readable hand-book for ladies and gentlemen. With thoughts, hints ; and anecdotes con cerning imolai observances. nice pointsof taste and good manner*, and the art of making oneself agreeable. Re printed from the London edition. WOMAN (LA FEMME.) One Vol.. 72m0., Muslin. Price SI. The Sequel to "Love " (L . amour ' ) by the same Author, Ati .t. Miohelet. Translated f/orn. the French by Dr. Palmer. This remarkable book, as well as " Love," has produced an impression upon the reeding public almost without parallel in lateS h years. uo audaci ty and delicacy. Inch rigorous analysis and -ten der sentiment. were similarity ever before no artistically and effectively combined. The style is fit for its lm pertain thorns—dignified, eloquent, vigorous, end chaste. THE 'GREAT TRIBULATION, First and Second Series. idmo.. Muslin. From SI each. Nothing of a serious character hoe recently appeared from the press which has attracted so much attention from every religions denomination as this last work by London's most celebrated divinedhe Rev. Dr. Caminito/. The sale both in England (where Bentley annoonoes the Iltb thousand) and in this country (where its summit has been even more marked,) is unprecedented. ..* Any of the above books will be seat by otel4 postai'e fret, on receipt of price, by RU_EID CARLETON, Publishers, mbi9•th&stf No. =I GRANS Street. New York. d‘ M ISS WETHERILL'S NEW NOVEL." SAY AND VAL By the author of The Wide Wide World. to., is for sale - MIS MORNING. _ vols. 12in0., cloth. $2. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE'S NOTES olr NURS ING t what it I. and what it is pot. In 1 vol. 60 cents. A fresh supply of this valuable.little book, the sale of Which has been extraordinary; a book which is receiv ing the bighest enoomiums from medical men through out the cenntry, and a copy of which should be in every RAWLINSON'S HISTORY 0 g_HERODOTUS, Vo lume Three , reprinted from the Flatfish edition, with VONdie ° SIM AleteiB l l4 I NN WILDER NESS. A Story of Cone-tacky. By Charles D. Kirk. 1 vol. ^loth. $l. LETTERS FROM SWITZERLAND. By Prime. A charmiagli dewt t iptive amount of a Tour in Switzer land. by as aut hor thoroughly caable of appreciating the beauties of t at famed land. Ivor. el. WEE BEFORE HIM. 'the new American novel of which the wee; say no author, no m %Rig. how celebra ted he may be. need be ashamed to attach his name. $l. AGAINST WIND AND TIDE. The new Story by the author or those charming - books. Sylvan Holt's Od S' I OLKS. A new editio. reduced in pries to 75 ciente. A most immune and well-written book, by a contributor to the Atlantic Neenah,. and which has had &large sale. A-LIFE tiTYUGOLS. By Miss Pardo. The new novel by the authoress or these well-written books, outs KIVU/ and Preemie Ist. For sale by - SAMUEL HAZARD, ja., mhZ9 at Mi CHESTNUT Street. THE MARBLE FAUN; Or, The Bo moos of Monte Boni. Er Math. Rewthorne Two Nolo, 12mo. 13L10. - Alp. lust Out, SAY_AND MEAL. By the Anther of " The Wide. Wide world," eta., etc,. teole 12mo. For sale by .LI DSAY le. BLAEIMTON, WS No..lnBouth sIxT strilet,aboviimEwthuT. 911(111 VOLUMES CHEAP BOOKS meatli bound. Only gd cents per YOlublo Consisting of 16 CENTN—Poetry, lastory, Religious Vior No CENTB=-Tels. &a. KNDERsorod, SS CENTB—mhZS dt No. Ogg ARCH direst. Gti. MANS' GIFT BOOK STORE • No. 43 CHESTNUT Street. rUrY YOUR BOOK• AT RVASIS'. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT )VANS' Y YOUR BOOKS AT BY ANS'.. .r. r .z Time in She oity. Moan are sol ea °heap as at any other store, and you have the vantage of getOng & handsome OUt MORTIS FROM tiO CENTS TO Siva FRO each book. . . . . . NEW BOOKS: THE or AUNTEIY HOMESTEAD. A selection or Ghost Stories. By Mrs. Sonthworth. With a Gilt. Price Mae lA,OOO..WONDERFUL THINGS. With a Gift. Pries THE MARBLE FAUN. JAT Hawthorns: With 8, Gift. Prise SM. THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. With a Gi ft Prioi& EGYPTA,RABIA, PETRAE, AND THE IFIOIY , LAN. By D.Millard. New and enlarged edition. With a Gill. Fries 01.96. ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS pox AS ISSUED, and a Gift with *soh. Chit in, and one trial will assists you that as but Flossie Gis city NAM you afienkt_psircliare Books is tirE G. EVANS* OIT A TIBLISHMENT ag 0 St., Pho istidphfr. low .011 the never dik HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. Encases HARDWARE HOUSE.—WO ' gm re tru i ll iollt:in t e l leePOrla o♦ano.r . wide rst a Itimatal in ra i rtNir l t i rt Ki d W i er • 413 * OW DZifit " Mk . dCo • oa. AM Aram rrrAng and Dom wawa». *DE. (7 1 ,1COR,QE BLOAT &CO 'S 40' " 4 " l 9AUs li firarsin stye', THE PASS.:-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY,. MARCH 31; 1860: 'SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! prAimirteva PREPARED 6LV.,kI SPALDING'S ,PREPARED WAYS! DESPATCH ! !T " A STI7OIIIII TIMIS 1141 , 111 NINE." -1111 ECONOMY I As amides's win hempen, eves in well -regeforsdfami lies, it Is very desirable to have some cheap and con venient ;fray for restating Furniture, Toys, °rookery, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies. and no household can afford to be without it. It, is always ready,and up to the stick ing .point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs. splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken bradlea. It is Just the article for cone shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable Preparation is need 'cold, biros 'chin& oil held in solution, and possessing ell the valuable qua atm' of the best cabinet-maker,' Glue. It may be use in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vast y more adhesive. " UsEPUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. 19.—A Brush seeomparues eneh bottle. Price 25 Genii WIIOLICIA.LE DEPOT, No. NI PLATT ST., NEW YOlll4 ' Addreu HENRY C. SPALDING & Co., Box 3,600, New York. Put up for Dealers in cure containing four, eirht. and twelve dozen—a beautiful LithograPhlO Show-Card accompanying each package. mit - A single bottle of BFALDdriell PREPARED GLUE will save ten times Its coat ananalls to every household."Wil Bold by all prominent Stationers, Druggist", Nord ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Paw litotes. Country merObants should make a note of SPA IND'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up thetr It will stand an climate. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUBI USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD DY DRITOGISTIL , PREI I ARED GLU_ BOLD BY HARDWARE-DEALERS. • - SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE amp BY nousa-puiltunulge mime. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY FURNITURE D.EALERIL SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PREPARED GL_VE, SOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY. Manufastared by HENRY C.SPALDINO & 00., 48 CEDAR Street, Now York. Addren Post Mee, Box No. SAIN. Annexed is an Alphabetical List of Artistes which, If damaged, may be restored to their original strength and usefulness by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. A—Nteed. ACCOUNT BOOKB—.— —.A D.... Mends BUREAUS—..--„ C....Mende ORA DLE8............. D.. —Mende DOLLS .Mends ETAGERES . o....Mende g Mende HARPS I..—Mends II AID-WORD` J.... Mends JA K L i sv i k ie, o l"_ R T iff .: 7) .* —.Mende TILRRO —.mends NEWEL-P05T8.....—... . ... . . . . 0. -Mends OTTOMANS_., .. ...........-..-.....0 F. Mends PIANO-F0RTE5........... ..... . ..... .. - i . o.....Mendi 4.111 LT FRAMES.. ...-.......-...- 14.-Mende ROACING•HORSES --.--..... T.... end. TABLES . .. -. . _„..-. .. ....... ....T U-.. Mend• UMBRELLIATIOKS...- . ..1 . -- ,-11 V. -Mende VA 8E5.,... ~_ ........-- ...-,....V W ....Mende WORE- B OXES..- . ---W f - L - All: itaitt'Atigk7.... 4 ~25 ! ,k 7----. 7-. • is z:-Menda ZEPHYR WOOD- .....K..7........-......Z k....1n conclusion, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE is useful in Litnarisi and &bOO% 1....5. -Mend. 130 FAR-. . -.19.. . 1 2. ...P....Mende P1TGUY.1 . 4...,...„ - : . .... - ..-. -P..... 2 & ...A....Mends ACCuRICHn. .. ' . 4.... L.: -Mende LETT% • ISE6I,ING .--.....1...... 4 9....1)....969101.DAGUE OTYPECASES-D.... 6 t-. I -...Mende IhIAGES. ...- 1..... 6 ....N....Mends NEW BRUitiaoitr::. ..... 4.... 7 & ...G....Mends GUN 8 POOKII_,. _. ......... -. t*.... 6 11....8....Mends SOROOL-1.81166.............- 8-.. 2 10......P R- ..Mende PA U RASOLS....-...» .-.i.ii. - h - i - : -- 10 IL- F -Mends ERLLERS. . i 11 ) M - -.... me nd s PAPTR R 6 I GIN loi -.." ... .12 14. '...A....Mende A RM.CRAIRB...I4 M.-R.-Mends RICKETY FURNITURE-4 -LS 16....E....Mende FRASER HANDLES......:. FURNITURE .-- 4...16 IT-..D....M•nd1l DE K 99 .-............ -..-...-8....17 IA -G.-Mende GEODES -..., , _.__.,.- - 0....11 H....L.....Mends LOOSENED LEAVES- -L....12 20....U....Muds Upholstered FURNITURE:- U.... 20 21.....E....1116nde EGG-BEATERS ............-.....E....91 29 - -.Mends ACORN-WOKIC .- - .......... HI 0 --...Mends OHEBB-BOARDS..- ----.23 24-- -Mende PIDDLES,.,-„..- ..... -. --.24 26-.... M ends SHELL-W 0RK....... ...- --- ES 69-..........MendsFLLET-WORE -..........-- ......-.26 27.........--.Mende OBBY-RORSES.. - -.. -...-- 27 28-. Mend- AL_E.DOsOOPES.--...- - 28 29 -...'.. - -Mende HONEY-BOXES . ~,.,. ... .......- .... ..29 30--.. Mends PICTURE PRAMEB---..........30 81._.-- Mende S_HORETARIES-..............-34 - 39....- V Mends ENEERING ---99 se....._.Mende SCHOOL F URNITURE........- .63 34........- Mende PAPIER-M AARE - --........114 31--Mende Wi t irßß „...........--. --Ad 116....--..Mende PA I 74 SI BLE- -....16 37-. ...Meads r ..... . , 3&.....-: mend' ASP-n.IIIEIIE-* -... .611 30.....- Steeds WIRY-190 K., ---..- 99 40-•-• • Mond, AVIR-SA ES-...........--....07 4.1....- Mend' VC URN.5.,,,,...--. -....-41 41- -.Mends U I4D-wHEp3...........:4.....49 0 --- .. -Mends ()WHIG-BAC ..-....--..43 94....-- inends . WAsiisT434 8...........-.•••-• .44 45-.--Mends BISDSTEADS -...- 45 46....-. Mende DRGM El . . .„......... - - - . - ...46 47'...,....- Meso9 0 HESSHEN.„ ~_.... - ....-.47 1 49.........- ends B Sj.4OT-80L15.......- -- ...49 49-......... ends EIK ends I RIAILIVAI .............--__49 a 0........... end. BAC GOMAN-80ARD5........50 11.7..:. ends LACK •BAMS-.........---.--= . .- ends ASIOIIO ~ •• le Lt.-- ends [TAD ABLE'S- ... - --... Ad 66-.....- ends li i i lABB-CURB..- -..-00 RE-.-- di 0 ....... ... . 57..........1Zi1l IG ifh. - - ... - -Al 8.............. ends .10K-rj . A .-................ 69 ra-....1921ds - R 6.- - - --.......6) 60 -.... 09109 US - DLES.-.„...-._69 81--- ends B 111110-13.. .--. -...--..-..61 62.......-lir en t RIWNETB -...,.............• • •- SI 63-..-....... nsr 87748. -„ A ...........-- - -.66 OK OAII IR 65.- -- -Mends ORU 0Rkg1,....,„ 1 66 06-......:Mends CUPBOARDS... -.......--- --MS a -,.....Menda CORTA INS-- ........ - 67 60........-Mende CADDIES- ......---. ..... -.AO 70......-. Mends CAMPLEAS---.,.-.....•.......-.70 71....-Mendi ORA 018..........-......- --......70 7L ...- Mends CHARTS., ~ ...,,„..... _I: 73.............A1end• CLOTHES-lAISES ...... ........7 74.......-.... Mends CA RD- OAS E -..................7 ende CH S '8 76-- -Mende IA Ft E 5...,..- '-. -.76 77.- Mends WORR-STA) .8. „- -.77 M. .-- blends DRAUGHT - BO A RDS. - - .... ..... .78 ends 80....,-..... Mends IVAN 8L --Mends ICE-BOXES- .......,.....81 M.-- Mends DOORS .. .. 121-....Alende DOMINOE__,S. ~. .• ................ea 84-... Mends tilt_ltBOARDS- . -. .. .... - _.94 86....-- Mende W=B . _..,._. . . As 86....- monde ALL - U5T:888.... -.- ..... -..80 87....-- Mends 01..A55WAR8............ ..... ~..-.9,7 88.-- Melds HANDLES. _,..-•,* . ~........ ...93 ea - _ ... -Mends GUTTA-PERCHA W 11. - RE.. :-.89 9.-.....701ends 'KITES-- - - -90 91..........Mende TOPS. £0.........- Mends 0RGAR5:...:...:7- . .2.: - ...=.=.....:98 93.- - Mends MOD ELS.-t iI se 24.----Mende SEWINO-SaiNWSTINIS....I4 96 -Mend, PAN I , .91 _9O 96.-- Mends PASTEBOARD WORK »»...»_ . 96 97....- Mende PATTERNS. ~ey 90 - - -Mende SID EFIC4RDS._, _... - -.- -.06 66 .--. - ....Mende WOOD WARE. • - 29 100- ..-Mends W ILLO WARE. -. .100 SPALDIBG'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDIN(PS PREPARED GLUE. BOLD BY DRITOGIBTB. BEALDING'a y'REPARiaI GLUE, BOLD BY GROCERS. SPAM:OIEO'OI PREPARED GLUE. BOLD BY RARDWARE STORES. , • SPLDING'S PR_EPARED GLUE, BOLD BY HOUSE-PURNISHING STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS. SPALDING'S MERC H AN T SDIME, BOLD BY COUNTRY GENERALLY Manuikettired by HENRY C. SPALDING 4 cO., eg CEDAR street, New York. Addreu Post Office, Bak No. 5,600. Put up in cases containing either Pour, Eight, o Twelve dozen each—A beautiful Lig SOOII A rale &BOW CA RD accompanying eaph papiutge. Sge-sly jr . E. ENORR & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLASALE DEALERS IN WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, ETU., HAVE REMOVED FROM 191 WALNUT IT., AND 21 ORANITES IT., 631 MARKET STREET. Poor doors below SEVENTH. north aide. 'othlo.lm HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Has REMOVED from No. MO Walnut street to No.2M 'South THIRD Street. mb2l-3m* REMOVAL.—SMALL & CHANDLER, WHOJAHALE ORCKlERhaveved from ett North NECOND !Wont, to us mexxxV mbroft, above Front. north Moe. ted “fro PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS !I • PIASFOR TES. p f I oNS. Lu ThE io FORTEON&ES. MEWL/ PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO- PIANO-F ORTES. OEON MIAs Raven, Barron . &C o EL Nonn D i &S. Haan. Dans, a Co., and other.. J. E. GOULD. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. II STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA . TRNT OVRRAITRING itdi vi ND Puma, II BRE GRAM). AM) EIQGARE 08; ow t bre ' erred ie. concede sod in onvete 4) r o u es by the best Performers. Received the first prem nasty over the beet makers, from Judges Idol GottachstlrZn A pEiMent. Challenge au competition. BLAME B B 0 . di-lv , . 1008 0 NUT Streit. - -- 4LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK Reales selling ont at Greatly itedtmed Pnees, at SO ORkiliTle UT btreet. snow worth Stattiard Weight Scales, comprising an anuortment of all mires, Counter, Portable • platform, Warehonee, nay, Coal, Cattle, and Railroad Bottles, Purehassts and it Tor theirititlntoSttocalland examine the above good/ at No. US Ofilitifft UT STREET. PhilivielVilit. CAS. A. LA TRU!. The attention of oosatry merchants nt *ailed to the above stook. fell-fm FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM WALK& F " .B2° biortiMMAMM2RI. SW. GROOME • Mae 10 Mouth FOURTH Eltrukt. WHARF, FMB FARM Namnruakst, ftgers and OW4Ms OF Mout 0 Mountil o z. Lehr sad 11.1bAyOrM . • Merehandise taint! on whs O . olefin BURGESS' TROUT, - BA Ss AND SAL- O , eaßirPru t tlilletllg i g B N ole_4 *. lsti_ 4 s my aalyMated . wroa t i, Dais, and v. , almon Ittan e meols, ct..lrat wanly in fiend' 1 0 .^, tt t mama , 1 77/ --V-1111=1" JAVA conms.,. LilMUY'injer saw eft! PREPARED GLUE SAVE THS P1130E8: SPALDING'S PR urs. SOLD BY GROCERS ...--. - § REMOVALS. PIANOS. lockets prime PRAKAK 7k Om , op NOTICES OFFICE OF E.'S. WHELEN cfc CO., No; .100 W LNUT street g 7 lT aratiotecrol,awitfiviradig ott.g. roads of the Oompenv. who have Irdward S Whitlea their Atternen are re -111.6 Irth wi l? to deposit their Bonds at hli Ofilee, T Street, and pay an Wessment of has ER OENT. thereon; and ad Bondholders who have not utiltnd To power or attorney to Mr, Whe lks. and deers to o so, are re n ested to g all at slog Va c ': seal exeotite t n i t e . '1,24! age Wil4ti° lu s r.ll Ar Rho IW, es after e that d e ay signatures to the same will not be received by him; and who shall not have si g ned, paid, and deposited their No before that t at n %ai tad li be vi e r o i n hui side o re r d th em e dr c.i lim , n u g n to de u r ni t t h e e rn d t e h c e re c e on o - f the Court. ELLJP EWIS. Chairman. MONOORE ROBINSON, CRAM LES GIBBONS, WM. H. BRAYTON, 'SIMARD S. WHIMEN, Committee of Tint Mortgage Bondholders. phosdelphis, March:WOW. mhl7-taple•stuth THE PHILADELPHIA., - WILMING. TON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COM PANY, March IL Ifitek—Tm Directors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend pf THREE PER CENT. on the Capital dtook of the Company, payable on and after the Id of April next. mat etn&th titp3 ALM 43) HORNER, SearePT. guilo LISILL NAVIGAT So PANY—OFFIC •TRR SCR `VIOATIOofOMPANY. 1 1 11areh .. for the use ean and for Toll on Antli ried thishe Bohuytioll Navigation wit o date, and No continuo To Philedelphm...._______...... l gn i rzu it r i t = -- - _ _ ....... ... , -- ....—. Conshohocken ........... 'Plymouth Dim.............- . - Bridgeport. ....—... - • .•••• •• • Port Kennedy....---.. ... alley Forge. — .—.......--...• . i styling 9 Dam........ .... .... Fort Pr0v1denee............. • •.... hcemxvi Ile _ _ oter's Ford. .. . -Fort Union'... - •.. • HB &ding .._ ohrsville.... - .._ ...__•• • • •-:- antburg...rwigsburg finding. ••• - • • •-• • ........ The eherge will be pet ton of 2.71-0 bee fiveTer wont. allowance for waate. as simnel, and no obarge lace than twenty-five ciente per ton will be made for any dle tam. hy order of the Manages. mlil3-1m F. FRALEY. President. oFFICE OF THE • `Lor READING RAILR HILADELPHIA AND # AD COMPANY. A.DELPNIA• Marsh 10;18130. oils ors coal transported by Mom from Marta 12#4 Tits rates of freight amid Mis contpany will be as tinter ts Nies To rohnond..— .., . hiledelehia nohned Plane.... -- ' Rice town.. . —.— GermantownlF& r. of Sohuy kill tanertnk........ ..... . ti.onshobeeVen......... wed e Furnace....... Orlist'n or iirldiegor ort Kennedy......... alley Forge.— Phcsaixvllle .. ..—. Royer's F0rd . .............. ig amino ... .. ..... .reti0i..1..:::.. our 0wn..—... .. . ouglassville_........ Vrdshero. ...... —.... Needing .... ..... .—. gAwr...-..--.--.7.. ohrsvllle ...... .... tribute ... rerigsb's and Auburn tehll.4rn W By order of tW. SAVING FUNDS. . A little, but often, Os the Purse." pRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No.I 136 South FOURTH Street, between Cheat nutl and Walnut. Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. . Depositors' money secured by Government, l State. and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort, gages, ko. 't his company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with dorm- Elora' money, but have it at all times reedy to return. with /5 per cent. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. Tnis Company neverl , suspended. F•males, married or single, and Minors. can I deposit In their own right. an d deposits can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual, Incorporated by the State I ofl'enneylrenisi with authority to reoeive money from trustees and executors. LARGE AND atdALL SUMS RECEIVED. °Moe open daily, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'elk. DIRECTORS. Jacob Bk Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shindler, George Russell. I Malachi W. moan Edward T. Hyatt. Lein/ Krnmbbear. Henry Delany. 1 IMohnlas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. R. Sattertheraite,_ Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. Lippincott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President CYRUS CIDWALLADIg t Treasarer. "A Dollar saved is twice earned." AMERICAN SAVING FllND.—Compa- PodCD, rel l 4 i i:t' O m pe u n"ri t i y r n' tiTt'reApillotleliC and and on MONDAY till a in the evening. om Tim Oialnstitution lute always paid in full. on demand. without notion. INTEREST FIVE PER DENT. Ail mem gaud back, on de and, in gold and silver. TR UST en EEd. ALEX. WHlLLDlN,Pregident. SAM L. V ORK, Vice President. 3.0 r C. Farr. T. E. Harper. Semite Nugent, oti Arum:46 Jr., Stool T. Saline, Alb. D. Roberts, n kmnn,. Jonas Bowman. H. Eldndge, W ALI U S. sigh. S. WILSON' 1 rinuntre r. mblidet SAVING FUND—UNITED STATFS TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST- NtJT Street. Large and small sums received. and raid hook on de mand without notice, with FIVE PER. CENT. INTE REST from the dil of deposit to the day of with drawn!. Moe hours. from 9 until 8 o'clock avers dal, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from until 9 o'clotk. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from Ft upwards. resident—STEPßEN R. CR aWFORD, reriavrer—JAMEn R. HUNTER. LLNY FISK. Amass% V,AVING RIND—FIVE PER CENT IsT .TEREt3T.—NATIONAL SAFETY TR. ST COM. PANT, ' WALWST Street. sonthwest corner of 'Nile I), Philadelphia. Inaorporated by the tante of Penney,- Money is received 10 any sam, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office ie open every day from nine o'olook in the morning till Ave o ' clock In the evening• and on Monday and Thstiedy evening s till eight o'clock. Mon. RY L. BENNER , President. OBER SELFRIDO.E. Vice President. WILLIAM J. REED. Secretary. lion. Heavy L. Bonner, F. Carroll Brew. ter, Fdward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Frannie Lee. ?..amnel K. Ashton. Joseph Yorkers, 9.Landreth Jame. L. Stephenson. Monier Is received and pigments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter. in Beal Berate Atortgages, firound Reale, ani such first-olass aeouritise as wilt al. ways insure perfect security to the depositors, and whioh cannot tall to give permanency and stability to this Institution. mut If S PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO. CIETy OF PHILADELPHIA, Moe. No. 831 North THIRD Street, iConsoll - ntinrt . Bank Budding.) CHARTERED BY THE HOISLATURE OF PENN- I:IV L AMA. Dspoeits resistive.' in sums of Ono Dollar and upwards, and. faro,' in Gold. without notice, with FIVF: re.R. DENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A reaponsible and reliable Sapling Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of rhe city, and •• The Spring Garden &wince Fund Society" was chartered by the lessislatUreef Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in organizing and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the busi ness interests And wants of the very large and enter pricing population by whie l h it leintrrounded. OFFICE PEN DAILY. Front A to 4)4 o'clock ; a so, on Monday I*Xitureday from a until 8 o'clock in the evenings: )WMI4IOEII7 Frederick Kim, 1 Stephan SmUh. elm .F._ _Levy. lion. H. K. teen& • impel Underkofibr. Frederick Stacks, Franc' Hart, Joseph P. LeCiero, John Heasley, Jr., George Knecht, James S. Pringle. Jacoo Pock Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. Miliward, game Woehmar. Ueo. T. Thorn. rater 0. Ellmaker Robert B. Davidson. JAMES S. YRINOLE, President._ 7IANCII HART, Efillerefilliv rose -tf if GENTS , FIFENISHING GOODS JW. SCOTT—late of the firmof Win • chaster & Boott—GENTIENSWEI SSRB . IIBII- E 0 O_TCIRE and SHIRT DIAN ITFACTORI , 814 FirrNuTStreet.(nearlyepposite the Girard lionse,) Melphia. ' J. W S. would rimpeotrally oall the attention .of hie fotTioatrone and friendl i rdr I,,js new store, anti is pre ps!' to fill orde t r for R.lll at short notice. ..1 I:voV:wp m :4 , 1 4. Who seals Trade etioolml,:tte BUSINESS CARDS. • 1.7 A ISAIIEL G. SLO•N, REAL EBTATE BROKER AND COLLECTING AGEGT, GT. NMI, MINNINOTA. MIBBOURI LAND ! 8. E. BILBROUGH & CO., General Land and Real Estate Agents, Dealers in Land Warrant!, §totins. &0., riorthwext corner THIRD and CHMTN UT treeta, ST. LOUIS. Sir Lands. Partionlar attention paid to anterior Graduated BOOM® Acres for sale at prices ranging from 12lf, to /mate per acre. Patente 'enured end taxes paid. 'Enclose stamp Mr Mat and roartionlars. WM. Id. ORISINRR. • AVM. W. HARKNESS GREINER At HARKNESS, COMMISSION MERCISANTfI, 181 SOUTH WHARvES f•l{-Em 19 ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, Orders solicited for every desoriction of PAPBR ANWPAPP,B,MAKEIVB MATEIAL& N 0.17 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. fell-0W pAWSON & NICHOLSON gm , toomuNly PIO& 619 AND Owl MANOR. STREET, Between Market and Obeatnut streets, ILADELPHA. JAMES PA MO PH N. JAB. I B. NIOILOLBON. a 27-1 • RR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE, BRO. * KER AND CONVEYANOER, Norristown Pa. iao Farna for sale in Bunke, Montgomery, anti Chim er Counties. Catalogue, of Farms, with full Oesorig,- lona. lent by mall. feRI-3m V B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • • 813180RIPTION AGENCY, for Prinobtal News creinirenodeto44ll%tend Gauntry, IL E. oar. Addrem 411. &Metall Philadelphia. Jal.s-Sm THOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. 2,11 South FOURTH &root. nlB Ilm• TIIE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE lee CRESTNIX Street, forward/1 Percale, Paok ogee, Merchandise, Dank Notes. apd Beetl, either by Ira ovieLtatekor utoonneetion with other Exereu corn. mien., to eti the pro:l44le twee Red lfin or the NnitedStates. E. 8, SANDFORD, tal-tr 4111pmerftlfluirerintendexti MACKEREL 2 S4S libls. Nos. 1,2, & 3 gt!ctr agrifflidao.rastiziotaimcirigiv CUBIRIS--Iror sole by WETIMILL sio/rwmx.a %ad it h MONA 4 1 4444 , tia gish:FOß THE SOUTE.-CHARLEI TON AND SAVANNAS STEAMSHIPS. • FRBIONT REDUims. Rimy Freight at an svemii i of insnuot per cent tow New :York Steamship • _FOR CHARLE TON, S. C. IlThe U. S. Mall Stesmahip KFVEITONE STATE, Coe bin Charlie P. Idsigtensa, en Saturday, April 7th. st 19 o'olook A. . Through in 49310 BO lichini—e_ _sly V hem at Sea. FOR Rev./001k The U. S. Mad Steamship STATE GEORGIA, aptaln John .1. Garvin, will sail on aesday, April S. at 10 o'olock A. M. • '.l hrough kg to Whom—rely 48 hours at Sea. nirftsain ye dtanged from every Saturday to every 'five days. nods received. and Inns of Lading signed every 171 T el . Pdi_d_firet-eitUte side-wheal Steamship. ;My- STONIN STATE and STATZ OF GEORGIA. now rua as ahove every ten dam ttine forming a Dve-dav eonunia meation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South end Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, theee Ships oon neat with steamers for Florida. and with trifiruua• to., for all places in the South and Soothing!: INSURANCE. rreight and latruranue on s large proportion:Vs shipped South will be round to be lower by th . ps than by sailing the premium Wile Mae - the rate. N, Th—insuranoe on alt Railroad Freight is entirely unueoessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies tatting all mike from these points. GREAT REDIJCIION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per cent. oheaper than by the Inland Rome, as will be seen the following ache dale. Through tickets from F °labi via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, IN CL UDI NG MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Illontromsev • CR ARI f EBTON CONVENTION. COM KILL NA- The charge to Coal. oar a as follows r noti oe : _ . The goulash's KEYSTONE tl9 ATE. Coot. Marsh mem, will sill for Charleiter' on IaF,DN'Ec DAY,pril IS, at a o'clock P. M.; arrive is Charleston onFRI DAY, April to. at S o'clock P. M.; and remain there until LiA CIISDAY; April 2, unless the Convention about') ndlourmsooner. Exnurston Tiokels Inoludintßoard and Berths in Charleston until Apr il la, $ RO. For any detention after that date, a per day. INLAND Falk To Charleston—..--. 0111 00 charleston— IM Savannah,— CO Savannah— --. 81 00 Augusta 10 00 Augusta MOO SUP OF 75 Atlanta.—. —. 23 (I 0100 113 0086 00 —.. 84 00 A WHIT— 87 00 iontgomery--, 16 00 Montgomery—, 16 00 0000 • MI 90 New Orleans..... 112 71, New Orleans.. 11,1 CO tiou bills of lading mined alter the ship has sailed. or freight pr plumate apply on board, at seeond f above Vine street. or to ALEX. RERGN. Southwest corner _FOURT CI and CHE STNUT, Agents in Charleston a. & T. G. BUDD. Savannah.ll3UNTEß k GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolllll% every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's and St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. Art:FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— Nw YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP OOMPAN y. 'The United Statile Mall Steamships iit+ClO, UM torue,•David Lines, Commander, and w ill OW, UM tons, James A. Wotton, Commander, leave New York, Havre, and Southampton, for the year Me, on the following days i To meet TIM requirements of the Feet Mo Piteelt* rant, the dirte of millo 7 ftheAßAGO and FIJLTON from HAVIU and SOUT HAMPTON, wllli after ttielr yesent voyage,, be o god ea follows from NEW RK. mays Aire o the present &leaner* of the LTON, whioh II take Piaoo on the Ilth December, the schedule re pasitsred i 17tON NEW TORE. Vail A BOVIVAXPION. FULTON-IMo. rt. F _ J an. 10....Jana1. ARAGO —Jan. T. HO III. ...Feb. I. FULTQN , , -Feb. g, °PL.-eb.M... .s.Feb.2lo. A 30.-..-... Ptah. I. 130........Mch.r...M0h. H. TheseN- -Mob 81. U T0N....Ap1.114....Ap1. M. steamers, ballt expreeely for Government set vies, with double engines, under deek, every attention ha, been taken in the construction of the hull and ma chinery to insure safety and speed. The shits4ve five water-tight compartments enclosing the e es, ao that is the event of collision or stranding, a water Gould not reach them, and the MIMI. being free to work, the safety of the WOW sy m passengere would be se intod..Recent experience demonstrated the abet.- necessity of thrt mode o eonstruotion. The socommodations foy passengers are believed to combine every comfort end Oonvenienes that an be di- From New York to SouthaMpton or Havre-First Cabin, OHO; Second do. MM.. From Havre or Southampton to New York-Flint Cabin, Na) francs k Second do., SOO Danes. To passengers going to London these steamers oFer the advanqi of economy both in time and expense. Specie delive In London. No passage minted until paid for. An expe eased mrgeon on board. Ali letters and Mrs! papers must pass through the Post Mee. For freight ovpasmge apply to cc S. DRAYTON, Anent, i .Broadway, New York, LLIAM MALIN, AgetiL Havre. AMERICAN CO., Agente,Southmepton. EUROPEAN EXPRESS COMPANY, Agent. Faris. , ISM NEILSON, S t reet s,, M, Tobacco Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Philadelphia, Plans of the ships can be seen. nIP-tmhill s l2 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.20 1.16 1.10 1.06 109 MaTDB BRITISH AND NORTH i AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- of Mantuer oILIIENNk. PROM SWOP TORE TO LIMP POOL. Chief Cabin Passage ..180 Second Cabin Passage - -1— PROM ROSTON TO LIVIRPOOL. Chief Cabin Second Cabin Faasage. 60 The ships from Boston ca ll at Haltom e n d pork Har- F. HRSIA, Capt. Sulkies. !CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone , AeIER/CA, Capt. Millar, ABU, Capt. E.G. Lott, N AO RA,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Bhp nosEUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, now building.) These vessels oarify 11,4 ear White light at masthead; reen n A 8 , t tro b igi l nfeig re d York,o port bow. al F•WY fi A P l att " Boston , . Ycr, 1 Wednesday, Marob 16 A ERICA, M,liar, "too. Wednesday, March 21 ASIA, Lott, . York, Wednesday, Marotta!, CANADA, Lang, " 0, Wednesday, Apr, 4 ARABIA, Stn " N. ork, Wednesday, Aim 11 SHAGARA., e, " Itoirtots, Wednesday, Apr. 111 PERSIA, Junking, " York. Wednesday, April M Berths not assured until wad tor. An experienced Surgeon on board, The owners of these shies soli not be scoonntable for Cold, Silver, Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless tills of lading are signed therefor. and the Caine themef therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to . OUHARI). fa/ 4 Bow li ng Groin. Now York. PAUL P. KILLER. KELLER % EMORY, 018 es N 0.140 W LE ALNUG ENTB T street. FOß Philadelphia, Pa., 80 B. Border' superior Broad Mountain White AO, and Booksber & Co.'s oelebrated Blaok Bomb tod Otto Shipped b 7 Wing ailerellroad bola Schuylkill Raves, Schuylkill no.. rel4-$m riOUSEKREPERS LOOK TO YOUR interest Huy c a r lo r tthilEdflENZ,ai n eg k u ts I ins i bu ji t olrei:d a i t the 1%144: rednoi l a price.: ti gh, Bralfea riF as StOirs..—....-.114, i pt. tea. a lkill, . ' ' ~ ._ iop 4Nit ,-t . ,- 11 to I:muted free frixTelitistir'fitistMl irsifight. it gAi ii. ase Wa l t s o4 l . rd delre:d :e. o r oN-Itin TO SAN FRANCISCO IN EIGHT DAYS CENTRAL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA PIKE'S PEAK EXPANNS COMPANY The Brit Courier of theAPony F,xprees will leave St. Joseph Mo., on TUES DAY, April the 3d, eta o'clock P. M. and will run regular y weekly thereafter; carry ing a letter mall only. Thepoint of departure on the Missouri river will be in telegraphie connection with the EAST, and will be announced in due time. Tele graphic massaged from all pert" of the United States and Canada, in oonnection with the point of departure, will be received up to e o'clock, P. Moat the day of/sav ing, and transmitted over the Placerville and St. Jo seph telegreiphio wins to San Franoisoe and iniermedi ate points, by the connecting express, in Ef 913 T DAY S The letter mail will be delivered in San Pramual° in TEN DAYS from the departure of the hXpreas. WiThe k :press mimes through Forts Kearny, Laramie, and Bridger. great Salt Lake City. Camp Floyd, Carron City. the Washoe Silver Mines, Placerville, and Sacra mento ; and letters for Oregon. Washington Territory. British Columbia. the Pacific, Mexican porta, Russian Porses.ions. Sandwich isiands. China, Japan, and will be mailed in Sen Francisco. Special Messengers. bearers of letters to connect with the express of the 3d April, will receive communications for the conrier of that (my at No. 481 Th.NTII STREET. Waster g ton City, up to 2.46 P. M.. on Friday, March 30; and in New Yorkat the otter°, J. B Simpson. Boom No. 8. Continents. Rank Building, Nassau street, up to 6.80 A. M., of the 31st March. Full pari molars can be obtained on application at the above places, and agents Oche company, W. B. 11118.7.4:1...L. Prerldont. Leavenworth City. Kann.. Match. 18 6 0 . °Moe .New York—J. It. SIXP6ON, Vice President 8•0117111, & ALLEN, Agents. Mt. Louie. H. J. tivent.nino. Agent. Chicago. Sue. Pa. VAN HAAGEN & MoREONFf CELEBRATED ORIENTAL DETEHn VE, CHEMICAL, OLIV EXTRA PALE, PAJ.E. BROWN,PULLING TOILET. So. roksalz i fil Te r n ge N t li ti n i g i e s peto t kuie v rt s. Also wholesale dealers in _COCOANUT, COTTON SEED, PALM AND ELA INE OILS. felll-swtf CANDLES, PARRAELIE WAX, r uRE SPERMACETI, CHEMICAL B . pßit ADAIRADITIrus. Assorted sizes. r aoked toplain or fanei bass to snit an market. For aßie by tne anent,. or t • montdoeturias, TRAM & rdoKMON .11 and US. wiI&RVEN relamstr . E ll IN IN CLARK'S HIGHLY IMPROVED and newly Pi ee t6" ilt e g ' PLAT i lt d iM.L an . d. Bolting. or Daily in operation at NcLai RACE STREET. BELOW THIRD, PRILAD . B. This unrivalled Flour Mill, including the complete grinding ivd bolting machinery, occupies a spans of only 4 feet wide, ei.ht feet high, and twenty-nine feet long t manufacturing within this small compass, at a single operation, and with but little more than six horse power, family extra, extra, superfine,and all of the low er grades of floor, and the different kinds of offal ; pro ducing flour equal in quality to the best flour made from a given amount of wheat, by the beet Merchant Flour Mille in gr in din g ed !tales or in Fortino. Ito average rate of is two lirrels of meaner flour per hour. This new, oompaot, complete, and celebrated flour mill hes lan carefully examined by many of the moat experiencedmillers in this country, and they unani rno wily . bestow upon it the highest commendations ;.and have giver) their testimoniali of its intrinsic superiori tygintrigt7nTronwalseli,liritiye'r.ohants, capitalists, specula tors, Find the public general , are respeotfuilv invited to call and aim:tune this highly useful and justly eels. hinted flour mill. Information orineernitic the purchase of the Patent Rights fir States and counties tknd the mills, fey every portion of the United Hates, (neat Britain, rranen, tierinany, Russia, and other grioulturnlociuntries, wi ll he given to all persons addrassing that" letters to EDWIN CLAwK, Patentee, No.lag RACE at., below Third, Philad'a. ma- For further Information concerning this oelebra led finny m,II, please to read the yellow handbills, de sor,bms it. m 8 iv TIII PUBLIO. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent is deemed. by soienti6o and praotl oat then. to be the very best ever offered to the nubile, and needs only to be seen in actual operation for its merits to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced Is so perfectly adapted for ventilating private and public buildings, schools. hospitals, engine houses mines, steam and sailing vessels. and for the cure of smoky old meta they have no equal. ' Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and retail, at utn the liestand Ventilating Warethothe of CH +S. thILLIAMQ, 11111 MARKET Street, Phila. Personal etttentiotkerdl be given to all deeariptions of heating and ventilating b,y the undersigned. who ham been nutPY years pluctioeVY engaged in the apo7e busi ness. Awe for sale, Cub is Justly-oelebreted warm-air rummies, cooking ranges. bath belle. rertetere. An.. by etre Iftatutherrs MIAS. WILLIAMS. WHOLESAL DRUGGISTS • AND PHTSIVIANS. Mrs. JAMES NETTS' INVENTIONS POS. LADIES.— Approved of and highly recommended by the Medical profession throughout the United States, Thirty Thou sand Invalid!, having been advised by their phrstoisos to uso her Surgical Applianees. She would caution hloroliants and others against purchasing except at her rseidenoe. WV WALNUT Street, where she can be consulted daily, between the hours of 9 and 5. Her book of testimonials will be given on application. tell-statth-lv EFINED SUliAlib AND SYRUPS.— C. DONOGHUE will continue bashing Datil May tleXti at 35 South WATER Street, and now offers lot side, at the lowest market urines, for cash. or on an proved short tidal. d , OOO barrels steam-refined Sugars andiSyrupa, o various grades, including Loverms'a Crushed and ulvermed and s Patent-out Loaf Sugara. Also, Rio and Java Coffee, Adamantine Can dles. and traiiv , e French Brand. (Inlorinr. 1107-am' ir.IiEMB.-33U Boxes lierkimor County no. Chnrlteßtraeeße In storulyi forme. by O. C. SADLER & ... WALL AND CURTAIN PAPER.— bov Greet [aslortennentii to wish buyerr. Retire], Dew lee Soria Atttrade. No. 86 North ae fo rstr enhe-Irn• J. V. VAN MATER. VEEN till Unita WRITE, MST PAWN nOMUtillina., SHIPPING. COAL. TRIO. D. EMORY. lIALES - BY - AVOTIOW rTEMISIL Oa Ma switlr a gg. N o z oivisninerip. Dix Goon. Op Tasslay Magus& or triES, 1? 6 stook, ):y eatarogas, an six snatruar ' 400 packages and lets - of fanny and. staple reported dry pods. . , BALE OF N ENTIEF CAREE OF NEEDLEWORK NeuiltOlDEßflgri. Just landed, suited to the jobbing and Mail trade. On Wednesday Morals& April 4th, at 10 o'clock, bycatalogue, ott sin mouth!' credit, as entire invoice o f 12 case., Just landed, con sisting of— ine to euperane book muslin Jets, o atk 0agamA0.,„t.H.,,,. • Do : infants' embroidered sass. kerohiefs. embroibered linen cambrie hand, N.ll.—Some of these goods will be sold in large kits, and worthy the attention of the jobbers. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. On Pdro Morning* April 6th , et 10 o'clocek— sos packages and lots of fanny and staple Pronels dry goods. n SCOTT, Jr., AUOTIONEKEt, No. 431 e OEIRSITIIIT STREET. between FOURTH and -infndar auto„ BALE OF THREE HUNDRED GASES STRAW GOODS. On Monday Morning. April Id , by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10 o'clock. Included will be found— Ladies' new styles pedal. biaid. Leghorn. English straw. fanny lace. and gimp bonnets. Fin, brown and lead colored do. Also. brown end white Leghorn and braid Sais,bloom eri, and Gipsies „trimmed and nntnmstaid bats. Alen's and bo_ys' trimmed .and untrimmed P•dair branl. Leghorn. Panama. and canal hats. Me. KT Catalogues ann samples early on morning of sale. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES. WHITS GOODS, RIB' BONA TRIMMINGS, On Wednesday Morning, ,Aprildtb, by catalogue, on a °recta, antemciein at to 0 °took, embracing a general *merriment of new sad desirable goods for present sales. HUBBARD & GORMLEY, AucrnoratEßß, 730 MARKET West pIP FORD I CO., AUOTIONRIRS, No. OS BLAU= Yd MINOR 1 1 trent. RALR OF ISIO CASIRS OOT& Rlfaigl, BRO. GAMS AND STRAW GOODS. On Thtundsy Moran*, April 6th. at in o'clock preeusele. will be sold bv catalogue, on fon mop credit, 10111.1 ams boys', and youths and kip boots Low, but. goat. and kip brew's'. ca lf and patent leather getters, Oz ford ties, patent L ather walking it , oes and opera boots; women'e. muses , and obildren's calf. smi4 btdr,.mo roecm. kid, and enamelled boots, hooted and sem', Indies. superior emb'd goat. 11201'0000 • lag 111111,•• Congress heeled b oo ts-end gimlets. Also, a lone as sortment of first—se eity-made sonde. 9he above sale will Imbrium a full assortment of boots and shoes of the first quality, adapted to tho MO and ooentrY trade. . . Aleo, ;samples of 1713...0a5es Seaton gingham am -At commencement of We— Jt large and desirable assortment of ladies' and mimeo Leghorn Bloomers. Bata, bonnets, to., kis. SP" Goode open for examination, With eatalognes, early on the !minion of sale. J WOLURT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, ‘-/* West. between Fifth and guilt REEIIThdR DALES. Dry goods„ clothing, straw .goods, carpets, barna. shoes, &0., in lots adopted to the city and ona_PtrY re tad trade , by catalogue, and for tun, every 'lnanity and Friday morning. Purintare, stunt. alga. &G.. erar7 Widnes/ I ff 'UM - Trees, plena, slats, ito., every Thursday and Situ day morning daring_the 110411•011. anemia sal of nil or any deserrption of property at any time to s ui t the oenveampos or the owners thereof. LARGE SALE OF TREES. PLANTS, VINES, Se. Thisg, The lust inst., at 519 Arch M soteetrnin— A large amorlment of fine trait and other yrees, plants, grspa-sines, do. IMPORTED AND DOMBEGIO DRY (100139. (By C Tues atalo da au y Morni ng . ash) On adapted t o o at 10 o'cloc re ta il attest, in lots adapted to the city and e ouut ry trade, • large and desirable assortment of imported and doesesue Macy and staple dry gouda. kit. MO lots lace mantillu, drew silks, moos de laines, •. nernipola, Printed :now s, , abirtine hoops, printed L. 112 room ribbon*, fancy bracelet., tilt Uitttlif, gauntlet sleeve., Maltese dollen. Maltase sets. Int- Hants, fringes. Met mitts, large assortment of white and brown cotton bosuary. neck hie. suspenders, silk handkerchiefs. idyls! collars, embroidered skirts, hoot skirts, nape, gloves, Melia and barer, shawl., lace points sewing silk, suspenders, linen table sloths, French punts, rko., Ac. Ltd window shades, Fancy soap, Cologne, Day rum, ft o• LARGE SALE OF FURNITURE, Aa. On Wednesday Morning. April Ch. at 10 o'olook,. at our sales room, a Mrs* am sortment or household furniture and house-forMahiall goods, French China, carrots, looking-glasses,pamt lugs, prints, Ac., Ao. - SUPERIOR FURNITURE AT PRIVATE PALL A large quantity of very saviour waling farattura r manufaaturad by 11111%-olaas city workmen, for saki at very reduasa prima. MMOSES NATRANS, AU OTION E ER 00 1 sm nier naltiLMO o N all i ngotßANT. methanol • ROW': • 'Po WAR., • #5130,000 to loan, in large or mosß ageonAls. al Moots, gold and alter plats, Mamonas, watches. jewel- IV. fow li ng gisoes dry goods. clothing, g ones, el gare.hardware, onagg7, mmiaal instrunientaurture i := l ....3 n ErZr.Urt= " 46%",...r . L °sl"th on o ' lite.. Lerma than at any other satabl i t is site. GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. At private sale, splendid piano forte, to nen rosewood omo, cost *1(0. paw Me; Ins Wearet gold iambi:w ow patent leveLwaten, doable time end Mosendent seconds, only ens ; fins Jr lmatunt-essa „ e i tia. ~,,.t laver watches, of MOM aggro sad roe, from #U to SIN; no gold doe - k potent lever sratenes. DUI vt 4 . • e 16-cumet le N inting-dass lover watches. Winn .....rrowt NU la ;opus . .a r m .810 to lOU, __• Jae irstoOs at en; npiin &iiiio.. --- latier 'limn patent leaver watches, a him suss fromdouble bottom, of the most a/ rayed but maks, from 010 to MO .• American hut= owe silver patent lever watoltss' at egg; Mar a one silver dudes' watches ; ditto double time,. OM to IIS; Imensit ease salver lever watehes. MI Jewelled. ing#l almost a key, from tub VD • Limns do., fro Val homed silver di lied I T Abswele, from to 1.1; open Go. rola Sato # ; lint Ant embalm Levin, etp has, io twelied, gr. go WO; open ram do., wom el; silver gaikm watch% from IN to llg ; .lv rozb misse s . . SI 19 Oa : gokl i sentustillate_ open Ili tf la ill? ine firel a v i l t. l 3 -.raw% ,41111 r ort., Vic . g i sle ow- tagArs. allid Snapsliits; ds, syus, we Ig m sist 'mutton, for WI Ulm MU ll* wawa do= isp gang so nut &Miguel, co dry sad every ki . goods, %ranger sharging Via Sa7 other at in . - UT 11=apeg Attended to goroolally by ea . at von WI 11 41 1 .• . corumetontht 1 Consignments of mad Fly 0. goods goli4dig for publio sale ; tw o-- - rda • of tie goods will M1,11=441= annomation o the al* KOSHIS NATRANII. NT. LOUIS, MO. WITAMS a BOYLE AUCTIONEERS A L :T i ••D_ 00111B118810Neit0HANT8, No. II Noah MAIN &root. BT. LO ido..tfortoorly vi.th Mauro. Myers, Claghorn. . Mir their eeroleek to the merehaate, umauloonliots. and others of Philadelphia. tor the ode or 4137 80041. olka. po li t p l=B4 .4 ) 3 T: zo grd. are.jewetrr, ko., es, a.a.....j."4:,« 7.7= XXXXXX PICEA. Mtn k eßi r g o ic .: +& Co.. " Btuart Van Wren, Towssand,w, liarrno, 'Mew Tent *ctd ß , .CVLl:4 l. l 4 C eqlr r azt Crow, 261101:1118,7, 4 " zahliFtlralrly SEWING MACHINES. WHRELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HUNT COT, Agent, al CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Maims, with Operators, on Mrs to Moats Familia" DEANCS MICH: I West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Pa. e Jal9-am WILCOX a GUMS' SEWING MA OHINE.—The great and inemaing demand for Wileox k. Glblue Sewing Machu:La ta a guarantee of its lupliikltTlNPL:hor6Z7Pdalarilil COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. GUST AVMS G. B VINTNERS and GEORGE W, sMITH have this dav essoniated th•mssives in the Marble business. at N 0.1106 °IRAK° AVENUE. for the ruanofeeiuring of all kinds of marble work. Parties in want of Mantles, Monuments. ()me wo• k of all kinds. abd baildion work. will please give as a call as above. Yrolnytneas and satisfaction suarantisd. mita, St. CIOP ART N ERS II I. P.-CHARLES ‘...• ADAMS has this dal sfilluttdd into Eitsbistskii his son, CHARLES H. ADAMS. The style of the firm will be w will CHARLES W H OLESALE eontisue OM and RETAIL D -64 toDS BUSINESS at the old stead, 8. E. earlier o !BETEL and ARCH Streets. CHARLES AD CHARLES H. Ilk& E Philastolphht. third mo. EMA CIRCULAR, The subscribers respeotfally ieferm their friends and the public that they have made important alterations to the Old Establishment. and arenowprepand to ealubit a large and splendid stock of FANCY' AND STAPLE DRY GOODE. adapted to the wrists of Families. Particular attention is also given to the doles of JrLAIN GOODS. Desirous not only of retaining all the old postnasal tat of enlarging the business, the undersigned true{ that with additional oare and attention to the wants o purchasers, they will receive an hummed share of pa tronage.• CHARLEN ADAMS & SON. ntlit•lm B. E. sorner EIGH PH and ARCH Mc PISOATORIAL SPORTS. PHILIP WILSON & 0n..159 CHESTNUT St., woold invite the toms of PISCATORIAL EITOnT ttpo the Remit essnrtment;and Bast qualm, of TACKLE over offered in thin city. Snob a. Burgess' arorld r renoweill Trout, Bang, and Salmon Rode. .So perior.Trqut, Bus, and pawn Flies Super nitro. Lunen°, Virginia, Carlisle, demos, nod Hass Reeks, Rees, Ranee, artificial Bait, Bilk, Silk and Hair, Grans, Lulea, and Cotton Lines. mhiahra %IRE ROOT AND HERB DOCTORS' OF NI(IN in North SECOND etrimS. Farley Ellt es flifoteh Philadelphia, where he can be aonsulted tlie first six dm of every month. Be has opened an 036 ea at Mr. J. A. SECTOR's, Enatoe. where he Can be consulted donne the month or March. Also, the with, 27th, 28th of A pril. Also the 28th, 26th. and 30th of May. fie treats all diseases that ts sh is heir to. Clot/Iran With weak . :tinte made to wait in a short time. .411dtteases of a itoate nature stnetly eonfiilential. N. 11.—dee Caen re. othlo-tAel PRIVYWELLS ()LEANED AT A LOW Price obtain the contents. Address WILLLAM lribiliON, Pondretta Office, feB Isn• Nn 111 Nnyth RTTNINTI /Oran. PSWIE-MAKING MACHENES which tem. trigrjhr oLay o reric h *LAT per dcy, Brick ir!Coal Liiro,'Ait oelatkan d airt Tv who , . pr. h oft Oat 1.741 m A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO VERY for the Cure of Rheumatism and Gout. hESLIE'S ARTHRITIC FILLS. This medicine is offered with the utmost confidenoe of its being the most effectual rem.dy for the above dis eases ever yet discovered. No danger need be appre hended from its use by the most delicate. Price It per box. Can be lent by mail, on enclosing ole postage stamp and price of Fills. For sale b the sole agent, LEX. F RONT PER, No. I S Routh Street. Philadelphia. MINERAL -WATER APPARATUS, OF the most approved style and fin , ch. He would Men Can the attention of all druggists and dealers s o d,-water M. 1.671 4 ,116 to 0111.1111120 6111 new tire end Thaftina Pipe and Byruping Apparatus. Also, Bells of an kinds cant Igld,4llllllled to order. AD kind of brass workegeauted. N B.—Particular attention Paid to repairing of all kinds of Mineral-Water Apparatus. &o. - JORER MINDEMYRN. 617 MINOR Street,Vhilanolohin. SAL SODA. JOk. ELICINTON & lONS Offer prime Bat Rode, in rusks or barna,, delivered free ofporterage, in girOintltiel to rait perobenere. eshmtth. TIM Boo th nECOND Striae, nAMS AND = SHODLDER I S-1,900 Peeves AIAL Natoksd Una sad Boulders ; al WA11if1174644.W0W AtirtititiAs - tt sow - - Aloe. nmatign ft sail erituge ail. AND Ita.m.„ - xwaTz. lottiNsist 31. Monti it tbs Elebsanin. ^Da ItPtint eels—Astil ,evesunS, st tbs, l 44leines., ID& P IPTINgSOII-.AIIIII nom Niles ezebante. /3 'h gyring galt—swillttb:evenine;st th e Fown.... 14th gyring &do—April 13th, on the prenneel, telt Arch stnet—Handsoine modern militants. DTl's. remst o l7 !We - - • apnea Sal —April 14th, on the pietenies. Sworn's. titessivs itibbst. DA. ew - is• re ale a t lir sof bandbbbi for "eke: the &Unit Still Now rasa. CAlt_9.—.P lin i f e r i gaT ile 0 MGM AT I WR &WM livithi oda am stoatseven Toesdar, at the Sultanas. Chtfiteitani BA, ..ing the OSIOU Ot sathermhs, sar anabill• of addition to winch we irt — rbiG7As flatarla i r tilb - to theaSt one thalami mitich la PM* elr t r !q e .a anon 1 1 0 sresertien to be 110,4 on the Ela TA /NT PRITATII SALL - , sir 41114 e a large amount of mil imitate at appal" asla,ittatiltiting VATS amal eity sad apica property, riry tialataastam mood sir Real estate sate mo r t ar Tafe r end advertised cenasionally tn oar publut salea a itt (Of Which I,o9eaopma are priatsd wastliata• at lAta RPOO On Taseday. -- - April 9d, at It o'clook, noon, will b mold. at thit PhiMdsiplus En 'hangs, • - By (odor of Administrator, • Pew No 48 nor th male Chorea of the Holy Trinity-.. Rev. Dr. Iflotoo. rector. Ifir Cale abeolaup. Pew N0.51[515510 nisi* Bt. Lults's Cliarsti—Stim. Dr. Howe, rector. - CIF racers. for somunt of whom it may 005011t15,. 500 shares Hopewell Coal apd Iron Company. ilatildie absolutst. Amo, for other acoonnts-- sham. Amerman Aoademy of Mule, with tialtst. sham ?mho:lemma • 'Crary. 1 ajnue Idereentde I abates Eastern Placket Lernsanr--par 8T00%71 AND REAL ESTATE.—TROSDAY NEXT. Noon and Erma; Sales. Datafhist eahowtesee now . readyeononning fed ths. iodations of all tire projoatttes to b s station Tmday... SI Aprll. at Mt n`o oat - noon end 7 in the *rented: :WE a het orogen °Mb, Llkk. whom, oh.h. 1 7th. led ietk April, oonnpritung a large amount or valuable pronertr. TENTH OFRING SALH—AFRLI. Id. °mime , Om; gian—g o at ok f n os m &hear. doetd. Chre-euxth of_ large LOT OP GROUND. bounded lef Greens, Mount Vernon, Twentieth and Twenty drat MO. Four fronts. Orphans' court gale—Fatate of Deborah. Iteltstrer. &Pea. trne sixth of large LoT OF GROUND. bounded by Gegen, Mount Vernon, Tweatieth and Toasty- Area stmts. Four fronts. Executor's repreueptorY Etalt—Estste of Joe. drug. &waded. VALUABLE BUBIN/CllO STAND& Nolo-storT brick morn. Nas.Met sae IM South Front tweet. or tootling through to Wster attest. Two (roans. A?del* absolute. ELEGANT RESIDENCE, WALNUT qTRVEt No. lOiO Booth side. west of Tenth tenet, to feet iron% 116 feet deep, with Statile and Coaeh HMO is the reef. Immect ate possesisioe. VERY L VALUABLE BUILDING OT. North sido of Spruce street, east of Eighteeeth street, hill•feet front.lol feet deep. Two fronts. HANDSOME !MODERN RESIDENCE, Na UM Brownstreet, west of Twelfth stmt. Ifier — Lnetedkeee poolosemon. htUDAsEN RESIDENCE, sontlesue. joiner of teenth and Linden etiolate, above chestnut weft U feet front. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY—Fear Uwe brick hotel and derogate, witteasteorner et Snead and chrietten streets, with brick oonfeetsenery, eardelle toe-house, and itor with time fronts ferempthry ANDSOPSE MODERN REQI DKr. CE. with m arble met and aide yard. No. 81 +oath Sixteeeth street, coo,. 11,11100. gir Bale Immediate poessesion. GREEN STREE T — Handsome sondem foot der y brisk residence, e. 1716 Gillen street, west ea Sessie. tomtit street. EIXTENTR SPRING SAIJS—APRIL AET eelcok Etrenmr. Outlier's' gout seats of Devitt Soon. doled. TWO AWELLINGS.—Two sod three-stort bash StulthlSO, Banktain earner Foote aid Muter streets. Suss suite—TWO DWELLINGI.—I hro-otors brink dwellings, sorth Nits of Mosta' street, eon d Fourth Same Estate—TWO DWELL threantow bunk dwellisgs. N. W. corm Mailer and tinkling= =et of Four= tow. Same Estate.—TWO-STORY FRAME STABLE. wain Ede Pink stunt, north of Master nine. Saw* Eatage—DWELLlNbi AND 8 TA BLRThree story brick dwelling, east side of Fourth street, north of Master, with frame stable in rear on Flat *tram. Same Estate-1i le T D rr.fiLLtriGil.—Torse three story , and five four-story brink dwellings, east aid, M Fourth strhet, north of Master !street. - MODEMN DWELLING„ Oa South Eightoodit stmt. N. W. corner of A dd sou street, below Pins at. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. with large able 7 ard, -No. ISIS Brows an= west of Twelfth. M lest I n tAT MODERN RESIDENCE. No. MI Tins sthailk between ?Wooed and Third streets TWO OWELLANGEt AND Le.RISE LOT.—s throe story brink =skis= sad largo Meant fist, Mk hat pa Brown street, egEt lest on Rut= ovum, sad a frost ea Fifteenth strong. Throe fronts. - LARGE SALE OF LIVERPOOL WARE, PER IMO? PAM FLUSH. On Monday Moraine. .Aertt I. at o eloelt s at the amnion store. Noe 113 and 341 South Footh nbvist— Consisting ,of &lame. plates, ones *ad sieves V toliers, tear-rota ; engwrs. crams. jogs, aowle. batter bane. tureens, covered dlabei Piet ;ea. easasSor , ets, soap trays, as., ko., to to sold without vinare., for ease, VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY. Oa TopaUp Evaluate. April B. at the aueuon store L 4 be KM, a primate library, which Iscludes many valuable and deauabla authors on interesting subjects. lir For partacuara Bee catalogues. Pale at Ma. Da sad la Spatkitcart} SUPERIOR. FURNITURE, rkl 10R8. PLA2IO4WITEII, tIMILYWIta. 70ti At o'eleek, at Inc A notion clone. an navertincal of excellent second band furniture, elejwpnuen-ftortet. nat mirror., earneta, eta, trout- amines _ nests tun konsekaajneet, resioned to tin store for eennememeee of kt. SALE OPAL' coutcriotir OIP vAtvasus Lot. DON ANQ_A 4 0.13R1A.411 BOOK& - Oa Tbaraday Evening. April S._ it tie elletipa Mr*, a collection of elatio• as valuable Anoka oa vamps autPiarm. Alf, of treat lbw toads' sditmea. • • - Mir 'Far slirthimaill MI plan' GEORGIA ARROW ROOT., The ereeial atteelioa of phylieithe And Itheilthe eighth to the 'openflt. , of thee *Meet. „thiketheidly seppeae CU o th er kir& - aid all these pith lathe thee It Ere II the emit perfenacra The _fol. their* =trees, Sawa Alitrtilea, Se fa be ft toes*/ the " CuL far OW thelkialk mei Mellen is ilelealt the ttaerpie AIIOW Shwa late by there 'wittier% or the ialearal , L etoteethea.yes hare to it It.. lmte pow ,am uts, or WO ennid s lor 1. • athlete Uet 01truetto wale, es scum pokey meat eult, t he ihLholl:to that* th e meet deleotous.ettieles for the wmu.. FOR SALE, WHOLESALB AND RETAIL. • FRFDERFCK BROWN'S DRUG AND CHEMVAL STOLE. N. E. CORNE R Fl en! and CkinnTNUT Stream, FRILADELP,eIA, an. AY FREDERICK &OWN, S DRUG AND CH:lce AL BTtl. h B. B. Corner of ot 'Head CRESTIII: " Striate. Under the " Coot:mental" EssleL FAILADtst..PRIA. "I have ozsrroin.d and moved some Arrow Root. msnufaolured by CeL flatettova. ol*St. Mary's, Qs outs. Jo bay the be. quahly at that vanity of fiesula atm.'s toot with NOM 11101710/ to any illermsda or other Ar. row Root I have area. SAMUEL JACKSON. M. T., louse tarty of Pennsylvania." "I have examines et sample of Ano Root manu factured by Cot. Bedews., of St- five 's, Geerpia, and exhibited at the but f it of tre Atherosaa Inatatuee Mr. Borkhaltet, of Obi city. he emote aof the eery beat quality, end, from the experiments made open Ir r find it to contain es large a proportion or norm:iota matter, and to be in every other ressect laity eto.el to the beat analiq of A rmw Root obtained from Bermuda. It beam of seal importance to invalids Last such alginate artteles oftbet be sure ' ) feel hied of the oppor toottyto sneaks.: favorably of tbe Georgie Arrow root 1161M-Im " JAallb BR. CHILTON. M. " H E! BOLD'S EXTRACT EUCLID, _ 5 GREAT DI VRETIO. REIAMBOLD'S EXTRACTT R SHOW, HS GREAT HELMBOLD'a EXTRACT T MICR U. DIURETIC. ME GREAT DIURETIC. lIIILMBOLD'a RETRACT RUCH 0 ; T HE GREAT DIURETIC,. Aad a Paddva and amine Reined) for Dawes or • Bladder; - Kidneys, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. This Medicine increment the.nower of I:lineation. and 112010.11 the A ilSOit SYNTH tut, healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALOAN HODS deposmons. and el •UNP•ATURAL ENLARGEIdhIYIa are re cased. cc well se PAIN AND INFLAhIISI.9 L lON, and ts good for HEN, WOVEN, OR CHILDREN. Depot. 104 south TENTH street, Dolor CHES r ' 4 IIT Street, Philadeights. B% WA RK OF COON . / r•RFP..I, AND UNPRI.CIPLED DEAL , . Rd. Who endeavor to dispose "o 7 lima owir" and "OTKIR" 411.21.CLX11 ON THE ENPIITATION WIL_NAINND DI HELINDOLIPS tiaNCINE PRtiPARATIONd. mb81.17 RUSHTON'S ialo-ha. 00N81774:PTION AA MERIOAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is M.. reliable medium throu‘kwhieh &toots ana Fami lies may Gleam cam tent teachers. Parente stay °b leat. erarMeoltelY, rmattott_ and cfrettlere of the beat whom. TH, WOODMAN, & CO., etaXWAY, New Yonk, or HUT Street. Philedelehus. N.EW BOAR.UThIi 8011001, TUSCAROILA FEMALE IN*I'ITUTE Will be opened at ALCADEMIL.. Juniata. eounty, on Ma ISt dal of MAX next. For arutouneemenur eon tainins tonna, &0., apply by letter. or personally. till 24 Apnl, to the subeeriber, at 1711 VINE Street, lob iladel plus ; after thstat ACADEMIA. Jurists county. ?a. W. G. E. MiNEW. fdll-dtmyr. till VIN btreet. IRRIANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL KERramcouv...E., located as Phila delphia, 8. . _oorser B.ISIWITH and. CHESTNUT ; New York, uffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, and Est. Li Cie. For hatorrostion. ca ll or and for CsWocus. d S FIIGIIET & SONS, • IMPORTERS OP BANANA CIGARS , No. 216 Routh FttON T Street, Repoirererularly a fun aasortinent of deairabia CI GARS, which thy ot t er M low rate., for out or alt vowel credit. • - tw)16.1 • saalrat. v. atinalcc, J. VaI:COHAN =MUCK. WILLIAM N.AIfERXICS. SOUTHWARK FOUNORY,_ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PAILAIIISLPHIA. MERRICK ch SONS, ENGINEERS AND _MACHINISTS.. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Ens - biee, for Land, River. and Marine service. Basta, of ß a g l i l l t;d2 s :gr eh m, T 42 g i g t a r . In L g kg " °axtul" Iron r ramie Roo& for Gas Worse, Work *Lope, road Rail- Eaton' on dGa o s Machinery of the latest and most im proved eoustranuon. Every description of Plantation Machinery. such as Sugar, Saw and Grist Mi Is. Vacuum Pans. Open steam Trains, Defecators,Filtere. Pnyn pins Eames. &o. Sole Agentsßillieux's Patent Smar Sollung Apparatus; Namayth'ir tatent Steam Hammer nt; Aspinwall & WolseesPatent Ceatriflntal Sugar Drain. ing Machine. arta-) DIL W. LIVINGSTON tRAMNG AND PAINTING MATE "J peers AM ' cud Arolortecte Statham. rtun Parent* *Utensil,. oraohonanualinumm cant Vases. Bases for Children, and Wee for Artiste en* stu dents. stares cad Pieta!' names. QU RN OArdir, American end Frerol. ' . gratis to the trade. BCHOLZ t..1.*-111INTZKY. No. ire wrAlt, *ouch eiterliTit etret. Irwoußamm Am, te MO-Itne STEAM REPINED SUGAR and SYRUPS. O. DONOGHUE, ,15 South WATFR Street. with the view of closing homiest' on the Ist of May next, tm , offers for este, at reducod tomes. for cash, or oh nts „, protahort eredit. thd Wane* of his stock of steam reli &team and Syrups, including a large and senora/ ent 'Philadelehia. New wk. and kialeynore Yu:misfeasor., Alec, adamantine Candies. of CIO' mks, Cod Kelly's Freeoh-bmely eninylee. - yel,gl.medy 300 Bbls. and 340 hfs. largerNci.A,Mack *rel." ISO bbla. and 400 we pu. No. 3 Maga. erel tfooivicl poi ait r mit F iR d.. and for 04 *AI Ifs sad 0 H ARVER, NEW CROP NIN MILOS 8110 A- L ~aa. s~ iii MEDICIAIAL. OOD LIVER OIL. ED VIJA.TiONAL. CIGARS, TOBACCO. 4ice. MACHINERY AND Lit'ON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers