v*,'„:, -,.',7;1:1,4-,-;,-- " 5' ~,J - `•-%•• -•- ' - -3.twe• ,--,;•'. IA - •; 7 ,•:('' ' ' , ' - *'••• r 4 t I -- •`', '.! - ' "'' :- -' Ismg '''e - • ( L''`,. '.- ' It _=•'-i."' , ricW }4,-....,".•-___,..______e, ,;-:_ • ~ ''' A6lo:' ihl l ll ll . l l l W 1103121.* " ' ' ,l, -- ' ' : ..- ,, , ' :.,,- , 5 : ,--:::: '''' l - 1 , '.. ~.--.• .-,.- :.. ' ,:' i :, i.,, .?:::' , , , ,A4 --- 461 . 4.V.,T vt(l,..ta J0rr1 , , .... 1 i t '" t ' J i.• 9 t moy. - " ,- ,, '1 : : - ,': i7: - -Ti ~ .1 41r ibera:4 1“ 0 11110, 1041 6 ,,P,A, ' lo '1 6 -,- ',f,''...1: ” 1 - '—',-14sr 'll,lliliNseiiiiimeNwOligilielki..,_o•Mata• s":7,ltervAPNlVllo44,l4l**AV.=""'" ' - * ' ; ,;- 1- " -43 - # 10 00 6 :-* 1111 410 1 0 11 . AO r-!. ,-,7.0.1_ . '"; , ` ' 1110,11.01.01WW, q , e,. L -, .!,_ • • ' '..,,, , f --::. '''.- ' ' ' F '''''''' '°l"‘ • - */lii kiiiii*At, Iniiii.::;l-- ~:, 1 ' .:-. ;;P. ,- -4 ' lloo o , 4 l 4l o i*Earmers' 3l4lo ,?-r" ,`"- ' "- a,'„ , ; issiingsAilliadr ait.ilint :',,-; ~•:--,„'-!--,','; ~ ` , , .fTrzS ati~•Yv ;,•,~~.6looD~r'. ~i~. 860 -44 , en001 . --• 4, • - e : „..Mtrt.ltntktrit :GOOD& afglaillOOMosalatisisia „ 434:TAr •, 1460 0 0 0$ 4 ; 40; ‘ ; ''' • 41 . 44' 4 TA 1 :7 1: 4 1 :,'1 1 t-1.*., /,1 . 41-0 • 11 ' 7 • : 1,-,;;AXl=4loo 4 l.**.it iiddialibir OA& 16)44 . • v-7 Ai timaistialiet.,llardwits.asd Milliarn.r . ~ ;Tafsitievalkiife tiol4,ll4loiiii•• - well la Minuet e • j2,1_,5,-,21F .1 , a A t. , BEEN 4401044 - 4.oltanilrrikAlit ' ,; 1/11•44. t k 4860. .610010. " 1860 'VliblirVISON , I*-11t*Iti,Ngt. ,GOODK - . MMUS. r2rrA• • 0 • , u, - - 110.411.1taudirr , , St **di. ,b 4 1001414 0 40 : .o , asoimisi heft: • "Y"' :!: 2 4 ' • • - .•: • • F ° .• .Jr ' ‘: :.% ' .4 1,4 90 . 43bra1 t131 G , . .„..,, i,,komai aaillf *ASILIO, , - -,.., 1 _,:6ii , 7,- , : , -7,7_:,,::'T-',; iiiiiiiitt4W64 lioglim-, AstrAimarle, .-,,, -'iopiivillisdiliamel,V ,4% -.,;, .a,i - :.•,:- , .1 I ':-....: „e 1 „r.j : '4 Is',4 c onatirlilli* , , '"... ...........- • 4.... r Amy-- ttogi-nor,wm.h..--_-• 1 ' • ~, ,: -.:::t• ; ... ,, - 1. - :. miiicra,:,. ._.- • , .".,„,„ • -, von, timitinign,ol,l4l,wm. ..,.„.... ,f,F..:., tv--AEirs*— • MUNN 000.uoi , DO. t ' ' I. ''' -4°.l: ' - - - .•, ,: -,11k,7...• .... ~: .._ • 1 ...•_..-:..,-.- • ... - ..1;: -. .;,-,;-_• - •, - ± I-77,, • , 1„•.- • - - ...,:,..,., ~ ., 1 •:::::.,,, „ A „ ,_ ~,,„,,,h , u airt .":.,4;:kiiiiirs . ,)'-or-figr Fir 1 -0 eTM7.74014 - itaditewk ' = **l".l = - 0=471101 4 16411_1 , 4Kodirs.j '''P l:' ' . 101411-..&... billifirkik: -, t , - , -,"•.:1-', ; ' ' ' - '' .7i1•11111111401 et Oa** tnDwkTU L ` ntttl4 , ~ TialfilkaitOni**loliit#oolC 48 f 4. 34 6 / 111 f$YrAWAVOYM .:-,: ~,;, EV:9 ,T OVICIBM isaiutexcw inset eitrest soattiMa Ask Ws ta tiOlosiMAT: 19u bimit tear awl the lEL'a t tRDEPT. . - )asitis 'll Alll4 RBi; :•!`4ll;lltoiswrlawliONNETsraedirramr 809 DI, wx*evvistazirtaw*Miviuntiousireinm ihf**l4ll6ol4hll4.lll. UrPMUUrr; ;;.1411001119 . 1.1860. •PEDDLE; , ' - .l.:rtolc. a CO., ionii gnat' Moss. ad, we • aitty asetetal att* 0 , 0 , 100 44 / 0088 dogimai• r t f , - • .WWlllllty,__Alfp•OLOVNi. , Astsit,r , 1 , n‘ r *MUM BUM. • .) - „ 4WD situ*. , 4 .1 , NOllO/111.00 , ZAWIT WNW e. , -;,116016 W Ilealtest ad Waters lade, is era* la 1 1# 1 " *a - " r",*, , 100 4 7. 4 4. 1 1.! .Pfast!: • Milo , mpovirmip[•!sliogs.: -: , 1--,0WCKtltna limitmtapswourPlaaail arn-isultssosmawrs -1300T8 AND SEW A19114'. # Evw KB Ri ovo W 714 Icy" A. 0 FO 11'6 WC11410"41 44, 4 11 $1 11 !/1", " eijor(Sor k !l' 1 ,c;141110110: PtAXPERIV2I);="I - pirtrillALlC M~Meaaolimusbar - 3.IIO:OTHINIYASYR.I3T. - it ',lkr %.; r v S =ME= li' s'o f';'11BOICINA!.:.;: , . •. '';'„- ' r , ila. t • ef: ' I. ~1, i ,...1:. ''r 1 Ati I ;(J• ' off, '; $ , 5.( lA.ii .. , t . -. ...',..3 0 ! ....; = t , v• v.. ‘, . .....t., 1, 1 f -P...,' , 4:4•1 1 I'.? x / , . . k., A.- , ' 5 ' -..` -,,. - , . , ~,, .._,,,44,<\1\: C-:,..,,,/,,16,:a. ~ .',11',...-,,~,'.'''''' ~, ~,..rKar,l....r,V,rif,lo -,,..111,,VgAir,54r7V-...."..,` "*.74.'''''''''''''''''''.).4'.,.... .. , ,....41,7,4,X.Mi'` - ' , 4, -W'" ' , -- -- 2 -- ! --,----,---,,, --' - '': - '..' ' ''A.:,. , ,10.,..m1": - 1 - '''''"'' '"`"'"'- - 1 - , 7 — 4*..,..., ............... Y 1,41 ' J et" ' • .- .4 •0 ~ ,M k. , • , .. ...., .k_. ~ ~,,..,,,ils,„, ___ ,„ '3 : , , , !;1 T., i ',” :-, ,"•1:•.,......,,"-,' ' . ,' :i . .: ' !, ' ,. : • ,;. ::;','-' .4 ,1'.0.-' 1 . ;7;., .: 1- , - . , - ,c --> ~. i; -----' l, ' ~..' :.' .:!;;—", bn„... ---- , -- -.. ''''' °).\ : , \1(41.1 0 . 1- 7 -' 4 i ; -II a ' '''."*' 'I r. , .. . :, , tvee ,-- ",'.h;'"-- . - ;-: : -I till ) r t - ..\ • . ''''' r . '..,. 17;'r11. 1 / ' ' ` ' lr ' l' ' '':-:111:41 ' "13.1fMr. 11: Cl' .141,1 ilfir` ~ .4. :-...• *lte • ' tt . • sv.,a • .3 ) li.ii,l! IRA .t. • , j i ll4 .; !: I ' -.' • 1, -,,, 11 r • .° i ' tifer.. 1,0 ... n',"l Co, I ,>1 . 1 \ ll, „, .. '.” ''. ^1..." - ^4. 7 - 0 . infamiUjo. ' ~1 .. s. . " 17 111 " ~..,!: . : 11: T h. ,..i. 0111 :r!.. 1117:; ,. ::... , :...... /. .. 41 1A: " ~_.;*. ...2.' , Kri ./.. —Ol f' l " 3. 1 '-'. „;...,„,,,. 1 ~_. „•.t.„.,„ .., ~..T ..„. ',... ~ ..,I .: ' '' : ':: '_ ' ' .. '. ,'.. ' .-,.;...:.;•_,,,...:::4..,,gt-...... ~.1" ;44.,1'..- l i i ..;.:..., • ~.. .., _- - -, :2 .gait ,, 1...- -- '''- '" 4 - ",- iiiiwg= ~77, -,- --....41 1 0 ~'.- -i-A-;';"-..::::nen.-`6"-` I. "' '...1`1 .. • " .: 717•••" "; '“ ,21 '...,,--",:.•• :* - -,: , t, X. __ :,, •'' • - ' = 4 \ „ y " ' - ' 1 ' . ~ . , '' itiAlt. ' "-..iii i 'irti:-.1-....::' ,-, . • . : 1. Itur , 1 r - :', - vmco. - ..0:2',06. . HOUsEs.' MPLEY, 'HAZARD, it RUTORINSON, PPD. 110•iiligerTNIIT , • ' ' -,00/111ISSION • Lux ." V.DETAPIIWALLIDE ,z:, _GOODS. COFFIN... &s.- STRUM, of lAA LE til , trA47 - a OODS , Iflimlormii . jui gime variets • , - AND' PAkCY Bram . ill:4 . aria " AlcD SAO Pit Basin/14i usinauftes; If~'DItILL9. 't - ,•, oertozuvro,•: mxime, Jag !num, • - OORIIDT Jlal i Imam/. AIM NAIIXM2 I I -;'.. • ' IRANTOMPLANNELILunkIanTED LININGS. Immergr. rrartri!oxy ,DIANs. AND Doi , ALL-Irqukop unitorr qualm. 'lDtcrt. AND TANcrtHoAuIKDDIs. •.\ ariAorAiti BAT/1932:11Arip:werox 401rirEDDs. ka. LIAKIS.-& • WOOLLENS.! • MOLLWAINE & BACON. N0. , 186 CILIMTNtIr STREET, Ram w thalslosi ueltab, ,reaah.+a lan* stook of SUM AAA iwpaz4,o6,..dood to the , ciethilwssa maim Tniad l / 2 164au widisi w the OAkywOo' toPtilsa : aaessof Alathofi-.- -- lAwfieri Of .) , ' 4 11101 , • sa4l italf io#OAlrire. sore ' I ifieuts4oie eurritua , su ri;14.4, 48Blurass, F AN 'or as.,..mousra slut "gairli.REt •1011111- COTO', BATIK DE MIKES; BLACK'S= FAT'S, COTTON BACK de., BLACK SILK VELVET& BLACK t AAA FANCY SILK , YZNI'INOO, ko: AN al vitt* sarill'op , ,isd for Ws oft AmorablA Omits. , LAST .AARIVALS. , ATWELL & • " Okiintpiso,sad colskamaoN sisaamois, ' 'i>lf 0111111TnliTT niinnT. , • pite#4o tri nib Obit ellommirs a NI RoottiSieng rf 011INAN C/Avani DOnt3ICINO *NO lir~d~i of nitinwitAtiA vicar and au 1ie1341111 Bonn* do. , • thl*tallitiTSD D° 2l9 *. 9 re & '- 11101, . 60. • :; "1 0 1 411 tAt#,A 6 0. 4 1*-rorr Poitslat lOPO ; ,110t.,mix*: Mer/X O , , OOTTOK•IVARP , CLOTHIS - •,c OOTTONADita.mod t_iTEkr .„;,„4 Nis ON FiVoaklrLlt IiV bXA RTA, 90 1 .11ait `ao, Attarimai, stofsionc AND Alum:lie .W.fatEiriOUSE, 10.'1$1;•pazirrifpr'wript4T, joei:iinidathi. a:4yd ximeacturets W ) .k1 55 ,, 4*VEI!Hrt.,&o. '71 1 4R . 'ISel9Ol RTY,. Nom I,a*llooxil AME*CAN: WATCHES. - • 1110Lp 4ND SILVER 048119, AT . TDB. Lowswr .TODDDII.MODN: JEWLRY, - , MAXIMOSTUREER PlitlON24, , . -' " 1 L '• , :,'": 4;, r p.4itiaoll4l. 'lt 5001 . - • ~ '',..'lleirirviciir *az Alizin-ruilests4 at •i mi : l'' aorta; OL =a l 4 - 71:1147 -.few ogr*, - oi t II Vs i a *tv • • .'` ' • " ' IiET• . ' lag cialurrNBT 8T • --- PRILLDE ?NIA. , ..Abia r • rail aosoatmost, of rtatol i nvo irEppEß. -, iapolantendent. , losi•wrmlm •, ' - , — JOSEPH, MORO, WAT T • • tAtola a g t it w .lrsee, go. 'Ns onyxes , J e r a ro ltr . Plip to Rominos. 'Snot 4 16 1 VING 0. ' ' 2 SII94IIWWW 'GOOD& • ttoltd merisiren, atbmstion of ,lIROS AVM Gum MANCIPACTURNRB 'To inlaid slid inlinlaand non of 'r, SHOE . STUFFS. !am roods an. adi a mineral dilirt. lairgitad bi diliottivel the idaratlnneari, and, I nn ninon to ,tididnii rpm aidmimum Aka Millen sad my kandedge of tb rids of-the Mu,* Trade. that offiellailmnain , anal toanis tlu Immo. ' My *Mk manta Is part of the todann: .1 Black and Goland MIMI Leaden Edda* dad Colored datin Frannie. Blasi dad CaloinOminom. Bleak and tokirad Eugenie Cloths. OalorN fed BIM Valois Galloon. . itpdrOredai'nel Ain Edge Pewee& Ordlanind raiding. Wheals alo4o6lllloifft OUTOPef et :!.:acireiyoir w•p; - frolio ie to is hi; ; 4411ttd"rvine ; ~motto a; alit f Nd Luiscub..&'; Inn diattras—Damt Cott** Velvet. BM Din; Mae Luting* • I - - hi NW &Mad Amman Patard - Loathisre ' Amarilad Pined Orals or lOU Leather. :.IM.l l l.o l Cliga Olnad Omni mild*, of dalf Otan Hoban's BM Tlimad—Ohos Mob end !Shoe Panohn EDWIN W.PELYNE__„ -pmarwrig AdROll STAMM, JOHNS ,'*iroipita :AND DiAt..131531N - 11 . 00 T, , 41#1,0 to, tuasoorii.'' ' ~ ,.400:11Mrliscis.- r ATEre2.r.alamut. FAEROE SIDS. LACETS, . Burma ,MERB. ke. CO*ll . u ARCH meßaini. --= ItftlettWAßE'l - T i mm ‘o,.ficy„,..& CO.. 11 ;p011,milimillT*101,110ALE DAALNito CUT I 4 I IYy-GIINfi r PIBII)LS, 629 utar 1113 , 119!, i, 401121 ‘,10TD8. of p~nta~: 1.111 .I,OI,DELPHIA. 140 4 :j1.%011LNMZE1 7 ,& CO. iumirwmisi - • ,r(nrnauty, • and OJZ , wA:mxtoigre. #4lqqat,'iwa 41$ cpummtaatitrists WHiEM= L i oltut,„ o bto-29ous. no ' q rs. : i tosprirsarrt rf!. Ir Jrt naive, Ind is rims l i atralgif - Vikagit 4 . llW om nEgitigi.,4WOLV,hirgeNoa, 1,2, 'llo' ,"s l lut agnt edul -IL " -NokaattalM' ,fidt - R -,B*; plega 9 1 9 Stor÷ror 411 44 1 11 44: 1 00 Pomo if bus .AllO 0114 , CLOTHS. /VD ESTAT.W.SHED STORE, ' O. 80 SOUTH 680088 STRUT, • - ABOVE ORESTAUT. ~TOWNSEND & 'OO.. ' " Imvortirs &mill:Naive mn • VELVET; litttiSSELS, -" 1111188-. PLY, and • • INGRAM R P. E T S.: Of tiin:bnidinglndr and Amnnoss! make. CLOTHS, ho, To iitiOitattictfola Ie snlinited. , ' '1860: . P /144)34 .q 1 f P414' 1860. o:4l4 s Et t 0174110 V*. isovivra* AND wasi*Rii 'Axii - tmg i muay invited to mid sad eziontne our ENTIRE %lEW STOCK , ,L CAR PETINGS. ,• Rl7ok• Oils PLOTRS, MATTINGS, IiNGLISH , SIIEEP SKINS, :hist rooldved by - JOHN . . . LEMON. - (iluoaeueor to Retard M. - NO; 47 SOUTH FOURTH 612E8T .' nob la•ua - ;ARCHSTEMP T WARELunutne, , _ orT - N.,610 . ,L4 • R K NIOER,. AMA STRBBT 4 • , IT'WOliO9.llll BELOW !NINTH, (Boeth ge/BIL cri v ail l 3 l ll4Bl4 4 t. r S•PiaT INGRAIN AND V. w OARPBWl' l Llefia. eiesah ygio ' ailfirieh lr ett i r terolre r 4e . r 7 1.1, ' OfilaTtli OILCLOTHS. &e. . • • mel4-1m 'CALI'R E , F. A.am it in.. Nog. MI and IN NortA FRONT iir• We - SOLE ACSETS to rhiladelekut foi tke RORSCRY CARPET COMPANY, and have oonstautb fbr Ailf isiOrSoluit of VELVET sad TAPESTRY CARPETS, of dotes patterns. litien; a, lerni'ionnly ,Ete various kinds -,of CAR PETS nuunatasteritt in 'Philadelphia cab sad "Bulb from the,but nietiviinnatrer& ' Aieelen:tiill Ind it to their itaerent to °stetting eginsinegitste goods, which s»oofs - red for sale on the moat terino,, - • -' • RLIOT & CO; being the Bate Agents in Philedniphintor the stile of the Woirtitg and Carpet Vaniti intne by thigiiinnville. Mills Contorts the Kew Znithuad Worsted Conteanr,) and bens 1111611 is also for the • Baldwin,. Wilton, and- Abbott 001altard•a; bare ilakkiil4 . %With& for keepinenonttaittly for We; the ' , afloat kindle - Of Csivets manufstitured to Philedelithis, on the men, feehrible ternur. • . OARPETIMS. ' ALA i'apeetry—inavos, lastain, and Vanities par. ialfara Ipati4aa: Oatattliaw mai -Oil st a rest ser.m.s., al the pinta mule moos, Dy . L. KNllig Ikoporterind ter, ISt eolith 'CO altruist, : - .Abov• pruodh - vist dik 411:CALLUM &00.. ' :CARPET austryAcrrtriume, maw *ow Alapi, p"merrr•wrt. ; ; ~;=; AlseanteinteissedDeeten is OeittPETT S N . , „ „, OIL' CLOTHS. 8.E01414 . !:31.. 140015, 40.• t/lEFATHUT 8%6 • , Teeesiut the awe Rowed enikeini-t,iniireo,olmg,iuminiesearttifted lOttl,Gs' s AND . , ,CIMIWALS. B.A.FAHNESTOGIC& ,u,s*inTaut,, Aii,,wHoLitamas DEALZRO IH - taupe., • OBBMIOALS, CORKS, SPONGES, ; ananictsx IXD roman semovuu ems, 01., -AM MikadasturersiOd Sok Proprietors of ' . B. A. NA lINESTO9ICI3 VBRAILVETGLI Nos. 7 sod 9 NORTH Ping ternißT. • Seat aide; I few doors abase karktf, fsit-Sks , Vxmanst,ritra. M% 6 44 88 : PAINTS) & 43 . • HOEirk. ISHOgIVIAIKER do CO. . . „ • NORTIMADT CORNEA 11:g4TH I 4D{D ILA9I 9razarta, iraciraissA.LE ABll . llGltiiN r lasortersand Naler . 11% WINDOW emase,PAurn. ape., invite the effete:Loa of ' COUNTRY MERCHANTS Ili their Imes stook of foods, whiskiiiis offer at the limennuutetrasea. • of -ti CHINA AND QIIEENSWARE. WRIGHT,' SMITH,* CO., pwria, GLASS, AND QDERNSWARE. PITTSBURG, AGENCY, GLAGG, BAILS, km., delivered from the k 'dm AT MANUFACTURERS , PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. G North FIFTH !!treat, feS4mirena PHILADELPHIA. TURNBULL, ALLEN, it 00., INPORTHREI AND WHOLESALE DEALERS A. Ail' in gtrEENSWARE. Rim 93 and tin SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Betweea Market sli a d ay: t;A stt n i ii l t•tr i este. p f xst OR vui ST pAcsAes, Ie s tANUFAO IT.R.BSREP o PEIOES. • felf-fm- BOYD & STROUD. ' • IMPORTERS *4OBBlais,' zire now 1600 - a oomolete Stook 0 4,4tIkENSW4RE. 'iiILABIWARE; and ••• • • I "• • ' , • .81401.18 H . ORM, 'At iinsir (1111 Sta i r leo. NORTH-FOURTH at, Slur .ooote below Mer chants ' Hotel s to which thel in-, este toe attention o witot.ismi avenue. IP' Aomori ens Pirrastreo WAIL • fee-em WHOLESAJLE . UPPIT‘sTOOTT„ HUNTEXi„ iSe SCOTT, SIAN OFAOTUREREI WHOLESALE DEALERS ITC CLOTHING, MN MARKET Street, aid 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A o r endoinplete line of every atyle lei} of sale ee.-Ine4e clothing. MET equal to that,trigio tor In any other oft,. - COLUMBIA HOUSE, • ' AT -.CAPE MAY. ' THE YU/LNITURS, • • FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Apr • 'ETOSA-19:0, PUBTEol6T,,Trustea,, E. cot. FOURTH and 'RUNE Rs. PRINCE IMPERIAL CHAPAGNE, PROM Dfl ITENOCiE & CO.. NPERNAY. FRANCS. Bold by all Rosso table Dealers throughout the country. ,This fine brand of ORAWAONE, the oast year was oonfined exolumpely to the best ts. lea of - the idontlnent of Europe, bag now obtained the post nabOtinded summon and Tpulanty in this oountry. It is recomrnended.by some 0 the first physician* or the oily or New York, over ARM er wines on ammunt otits e treme purityand delmaol, and those ' who ones try st rarely use any other brand. Although cab. ens ;year has elapsod ranee ins introduction into this country, the demand is enormous and °militantly inureneing. Our wuniments are such as to insure the quality or the ine being maintained adtN present high standard. The Prints ;mom! is imported Solely by tl4_, W 4 *MI the sole Meats of Messrs. Re Venom, la this *matte. B. V. HAUOttwein & CO__,. Nos. 08,400 pnd 490 BROADWAY. New York. lloht in Ode GAY lir BEEVES iitiEAL,i nab • ,m 904 MARKET Street.' QIIIP VARNISEL —75 bblEi No: , Ship, ?-7,orbright yarjash.orpd ajt j aN EN Fok gro . melt R OT AR1466, BI -CARE ., SODA,-400 ' kegs - for sale; yidby ' WETHERTLI, tr,,IIRVILER; ' 47 mind 49 North SECOND Street. QPERMACEVI , crAwDrapo..4 - 4 1 ,!„:,.boxitt ,k.. 7 .New woof Setnit9444( C 49,019430 ,, 0k979 VO7 943 e by. .ito,6tt, Aon & • i11i194 r tiving Wit Q;111KII)DIFW . :, ,SitELETON -situp*, THE BEST: LS THE OHEAPEST;:' I ' '''.. 'lBOO. . ' leoo. " WOVEN GORE TRAIL""-' 1 • : , SKELETON - SKIRTI. 1 ' ORIN01411;TE OE PARIS. Then There Ituthionakte Goode meet Islttr ,, seteerelfeses by the Crittool Trade; sad for ' - -, i ' ' , ~ QUALITY OP MATERIAL, , , , " ZEOELLENOE OF woßkmAißir. , • • AND SYMMETRY OF FORM, , Thee* Doe& Elena OnilsoNad. ~; , , FOR eels EVERYWHERE BY THE I A. Elmore many wortblesilieltatlonti, leetlee be petttetuler N we that OUR NAME is stateeid I d AC Ba/Hi ar Seery Skirt, at a ;Mil liaaraat4 . . , . , .. . : ' • , ' quality; . , 4 0813011 EBO,CHg*SIS 0 1• •• 1 • • - -- , ANSONIA, 0, , mhtlorfnam ''' NONNEOTIODE...,*. LADIES' DRESS Wl7/1/47, GORE T . .IC4L. -121- 4 11 t:" r FRpzitilt CORSETS. •; " TIIADE SUPPLIED BY . EVANS'S: HASSALL. ar sopli FQUICIV 13TABET. Eska-haw 1m DEVAGOODS 4VIEWEEIt: DRESS GOODS ; AND: MAWS. JO!lIHIIA L. .P4ll.4tiV NO. 11111 MARKET STNNNT,r. INVITES ATTStiTION' ♦ 1117PBRII Assoltrtsmi Off DRESS Goopg, ♦iin ;. SHAWLS, Frey the greet AUOTION If!meta*. nod Ibis% tar below, tit, COST OF IMPORTATION. 4LT.47IBINII,jA.LE RI T CASE, . 47 YOB BALI BY , JOSHUA L. 'ri.Yl 51cOUNNICK, 6 : • . onvimisteamplyzepwi l ownlii, 0/1813MBRIC8, TAILORS' TRIIIOVI4NGO, 40. iiiigaitiari &re oe monist their Spring Moak, to With* thty In wit. the ettentioa of tke trade. • • fo,S-3m WM. EL STEWART ; IMPORTERS LNG JOBBERS GP' j • ' • SILK"' FAWN DRIBS GOON, 306 MAIMILT littreeL _Hera Now is stotoe sod Sr. oonotaattr rodolrittl annostasent of Nu. and Donnrablo I SPRING 00008, Purahootd for two. to votoh, thet u lovlto the iittet• VoftiVNTILIZTartIIII. grl t u th e new 'Jo.. Printed Fiona tiochttly . rt hand . al-Em ~ 1 104 N B. !STRYKER &I d°. NO. 810 MARKET 4T.. MOUTH SIDE, AB. PNILAVELPHIA. WHOLESALE WALE= MIKA END, Aseamelli RY GOODS. t=rpsts, 011-Cloths, sodPiattiuga, binaght !dad., • 18liD AT RXDUOSTO ‘ YRICII6S. leifstos . Jl4O. B. ELLISON dasolis. MI .MAILICHT STREET > , '. . • (Swami door below Fourth,) 11UPOIMIE11 LAD JOBBIRS OP CLOTHE,' OASSIMERES WEBTINChI, 4.1 TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, kvilfmeligkiittEntrag.b#l4nTitgetittoir ti ft r nt makes of FORBION CLOTHS and DO.. I Wks and Illolorai apd oder the exclaim a le In alphis of; HILGBR 8 oolebrated make of Clothe oeakina; also, La Favorite Hewing., (warranted II ON. to the pozukdo sad MACEINX 'TWIST la all 00. . . tors. fedttan BITER. PRICE. & CCI.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBBRS OF , FOESIGN 41W DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. 815 M.MICIIT BTRENT. 1 PHILADELPHIA la4m SPRING!. 1860. Ettwxv..Tl4l4.lzA ETATzntVlrn. y.ti/WNSIND, ALYRXD A tkOsTBI. B. WOOD, MAIM, k RAYW D, t !madam and Wholeaala Distant In DRY GOOD'S! • AND CLOTHING. Ma-sni No. 800 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, WIIRTS. AUSTIE. & MoVEIGEt. ' naroitilsits AND 70DDISIMI I , IN ' DRY GOODS, ' No. all 1114,111TET STREET,; Above Tend. r A.T.llrtat: 'l' ' - • , itoi,T. e moVeigh, • IittILUMTNIA. bn i g i Bu t i met, I fo3 Ma VIITHIAN, JONES, as 00. WHOLESALE DEALERS IA FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO D-RY GOODS; No, $l4O MARKBT IiTNEET. IfE9V 00CDO rooming ovary dm, for CITY AND, MAR TRADE, foI-Lot SHAPLEIGH. RUE. & CO. Importers of 'mos, WHITE GOODS, LAO.EB, en 4 . EMBROID.9IIIEB, NO. 899 MARKET OTRFET. kr Our present stook , sibleoisd 'nibs bad liar peen frlarkebe by outaelves, in the next &ensiles we the ;per offered. ' ' 4.11. nm HATS AND CAPS.' ' 1 ILTOOPES Ba DhetVlS, No. 117 MARKET ;VANE , MANUFAOTORERS OP. AND WRoLE ALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, SILK, OASSIM RE, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS. , OAPS, MONNETS, BLi)OIMEM9L RULIMES, PALM & WILLOW MOODB# ARTIYHMAL PLOWBRSj ese. 4 11 'We respeetfully Invite the" itiSition`of we sod ligeut 4 paying, buyers to ony lorga • stUrPrellJesi soled • .. • ',„ ' . fur -dm .LIOTELS IN .TOWN OR COUNTR?(.— AAL. A BARD. • 'rho oubeoriPors now 'pure to &thigh lot/ in the city; or lint-class Hotels or wasorir,4 Diatom the country. with' every artlote of LINEN nr 430 -lABRIO totoossorf for !hair, ravine. Thor• ent. cite rayyared tar 4 7,411 9 6,1%1M14Aga,,,,a72,tu1a wortho.manowc whloh_tko work Triormea ere Per raitted•to_rerer u, hironlovirflgi 0 too Coottnental. AreiserAßD, , ,yl i rs ugat tftGE , Cartain trltrAntifirrat .totre, Utit big Ntri' fitioot, ' 71.1411.11w11111.111111"1"111111111111111- ii 1' „ . ~ 4 i. ': .„ i , . , t, ~.:. r s.,_ v FRIDAY, MAROg ',3,0; 1860. Pere Coulon. •., I ..,,' ' • A few weeks ago, there died in the Rui St. Il onora, Faris, one of themost remarkable 'men,;in his peculiar way, that flourished Mt.: - tween the Fall of ono Empire Ana #4 .3 1 480 of another. This was Eugene Coulon,; oat- monly called Pere Coulon, who nail ep ysl clan by protbSiden, sad the, very prin o ,of mimics by nature and ; practice.; Whs. art actor this Maniyould hive rootlet : . .' In ,the Landeallitstusuitt..,there is a ike chy ,l I account of Couloth : which we shall here- raw' upon, but : we:kttv.e fkrther itifortuatien: rola' ,other sources,. and ,ive lad, the pleat/tit of personally knowing !the •gen,tleman. ' Itf ; i 1 6- *wean does atit',OVitn 4iofittep:,l4B, name i of 4 e. : i large Dictionnatredes.Oontemporaites, nOr-is., he' mentioned in, Eldot'S dcetfvelle 13legra hie :Irniverselle. : ifeVerthileits,,Felie Qoulon de -00rVes to he notedtand remembered: tt Fir t.at '41.1,. : 1et iis say rho'lim :10,1:(4cito,:', , ore tie ) 1, •;;•;•ribe his spftcialite. . ..„. . „, 1 ... ; • 7u t b -": 4 lki bettors' the close of tho last cen tury, Auger' 5..,.., ,_ • ; destined by his - b fa r t a h ri e c r h , a or p t r h o e v , i r.e ncl oti vet:s acien, for'tho higher : :to become a doctoutee,ined r idleel,to Itaritr: , troduetions to DI% Aliber4 . wheseelyl::M4 ior him, and ,pstle,dhitu:rterY.ll!ll94l• ::,,: • 7.f..t9—. . . i 1 . Baron Alibert, 'who died in 1837, athhe ll: , ,'age of 77, was: notified , for his'abilitr, by the elder Napoleon, w ho, hid,' 144. 'agnio '0 his, medical writings, and afforded him liberal) Pe-. enniary assistance towards publishing his 4reat folio work on Diseases of theSkin,eommeneed: in 1806 and completed in 1826, with' fiftione immense plated., Sevcral editiene and abrillge-', meets of this book . were published, and !Alf hurt's, `reputation mainly rests upon it, theugh ho Was'a voluniineue writer---ekelusiveliupoil professional subjects.. • • ,• • ' • i '1n4803 ) Alibert wia placed at the bead of the Hospital St. Louis, specially dedicated fiir tho,treatment of cutaneous . diseases and. ficro fnl4'. ' ;He ,chutinned,here until tile itesto:.: ration,wheir Louis XVIII. appointed him one of hie oypiclans in ordinary; and he' was !oon after made Professor of ihiteria lliCdica in tbe' Medial. School :of Paris;. and finally: created , ... Baron. - ' . Eugene Coulon very soon exhibited a 'von. derful aptitude for mimicry, and hero is one of - the anecdotes told of him,. It was his .loge to accompany Alibort in his clinical visits to the , hospital. After% we are.told,' some times exercised his 'art in a singular' mariner.: At his hospital he would occasionally stand at, the door of a ward, glance at all , the lieds,T and, without entering, point to each Occkasintr, affer the' other, saying, „Ipeca, ipeca, as many, times as there were- beds in 'the rooms . And ipecacuanha was given nvery44tiont: At the next ward he would Six the same; thing; only changing, the rsmody. Coulon peas so. thoroughly masternf thq • • liarities, of Ober& that ho, too,, would inifne_ tiniesshow himself at the door of a ward, and, itnits#nic,the,,voice, the face, and the' fifitir', of his patron, would say--Ipeca, ipeca, ip ca JO, that, when Alibert himself arrived, the -Moses viould,say--g Doctor, you have already Paid'yeur visit,"—and Alibert would doiart, Atitnitished that he had forgotten thefact.: , , :.4*payil,g; (co. mluxuriouts living, arid.* bad habit "iarlbodyi,teeded the attendant Of his surgeon every day. , The famous .Engliek physician, ,ItadeliFe, (who founded one of the great libraries l a - Oxford,] was' called iri, on one occasion, to dress the ancles of King Wit. linnkthe Third, greatly swollen with' drZipsy, and, wheri asked what ho thought of theta, bluntly answered, o Why, I would 'not have. yolir Majesty's two legs for your three king dOms,".-L-a remark which lost him a royal pa tient, for the King never again would see him. Alibert was much more polite,. He personally attended,on the obese Bourbon, and dressed his limbs with his own bands. ''7he only as sistant he employed was young Coulon,;who held the requisite bandages, ointments, &Q., on a sitter tray, by his side. - ' • „ Posseased of no small degree of literati taste, the King took a fancy to Coulon, who hid been well - educated, and had a lively turn for satire. Besides which, the dither - Oman says : Alibert had mentioned to his Majes ty the peculiar talent of the young assistant for imitation, a proof of which its possessor immediately gave by mimicing his master behind. his back. 'Louis XVIII. 'shouted with laughter, and, from that Unto ; Coulon' was every day called upon to shorten the te dious, ,and sometimes painful operations. of the surgeon by his genius for mimicry. Ho found plenty of practice amongst the courtiers and court ladies in attendance, or waiting for audience, whom he encountered on his tynY to the King's chamber. His Majesty would ask him whom he had met, and Coulon, without an swering, would copy face, gesture, and Walk ot 'each person. : Ali! yes,' tho King would exclaim, laughing, that is very good; there is M. Laing,—that is M. de Cazes,—tho Duchess do Blacas,-=-M. de Serres.' And he would laugh till ho cried." His faculty of imitation extended, like Garrick's, even so far as to enable him to make up his features into a striking resemblance of persons whom ho had known. Thoro was no good portrait of M. do Villde. Coulon one day remarked this to ,Gros, saying that the subtle and mali cious expression of the Minister of Finance had never been reproduced upon paper; he, at the same, time, putt the desired expression into hie own features. : Gros was struck with the resemblance, and made Coulon sit to him for the hest portrait of M. do Tillele extant. There is also a 'portrait of M. Thiers, and of the Count Mole, for which Coulon sat. , Coulon did not practice medicine, though he took the degree of Doctor. He continual to pay, his daily visit, with Baron 'Alit:ell,. to King Louis—to whom, as an, amusing compa nion, ho became necessary. Sometimes, on being questioned by the King as to whotulre had met;.Coulon would not answer, and Would rata embarrassment; by way of explaining that ho did, not dare to copy the persona he had seen. "Go on, go on," the King would say ; I allow any thing to you. Then Coulon gave imitations of the princes and princesses 'of the Royal Family. But ho was a good courtier. Ho mimiced the 'elder branch with reservations; but on meeting a prince or princess of the younger ho kept back nothing, but gaire his talent full play. Tho Duko of Orleans, afterwards known as Louia 7 Philippe, the Citizen-King-was in bad odor with,the elder or reigning branch of the Bourbons, and Coulon used to give c. remarka ble imitation of hint. The Duke, on meeting him one thiy in the Tuileries, said; "Monsieur Coulon, you imitate me wonderftilly; I was enabled to fudge for myself yesterday.. Ono email detail is alone wanting fin the conlple tier; of tho portrait; but that, to an Balk like yourself, is en important one." to What is it, Monseigneur 7" asked Coulon, rather embar rassed. .:I always wear this diamond in my cravat," said the Duke; , 4( permit me to 'offer it to you; that you' may render the ,imitation perfect." And, unbuttoning the pin, helpro sented it to Coulon, who bowed, and said— " Al: I Monseigneur, your Royal Highmiss is too generous. As an Imitator, I had- only a 'right to paste." , , , A fortunate' marriage with tho danght4 of a Marseilials; who was a great speculator and Go vernment contractor, placed Cordon at the top of the ladder. Tho atheneum says that the father-In-law was a wholesale maker of shoes for the Colonies, of guns at St. Etienne, of fifili:Ora at Paris, who dressed leathers at St. Germain, made china at Villediou, sugar at и and Kirsch in the Black Forest. ,He farmed the gaming houses of Baden, Vienna, and ; Per;ris. He possessed hotels ' chateaux, millions ;• he es corted'his wife to Longehamps In a glided car riage .draWn by show-white horses; '4lned thirty parasites at his table daily, gave a Jinn to his daughter as her marriage portion; ran through all his fortune, and, invested the few crowns that remairted: teb prevent him from • tlyingnt a hospital. • -I-r, - • • Morweareful Sand more - forttinitte, Cloultiu preservedlts wife's 'income tethe last, great "detil'ef coed Ned>fipaii for b!aligniu - ilayr dinners Were` tiontfers ofgaitietioniy4 +9ltet ,in" society, as' t ,c 6 titers#lonitit; "Wrote ,iritty 'squibs many,, pal?, ,ca ions, anal:turned young artists, 'anti, ,corlee t tett 'groat.. many fine' paintings, which are of a pariloulerttindirr. eXtlr. . 1 -10 would hiTe Inttlting.hUty9rl s r o gst them are some by, TitiatOrand7l64 and Velasquez ; but it is said to be'espec)ally, cetnplete as regards more retent Ihneti, in- Chiding •th e portrait of'every greatnuther) and ovary, great than, bf, etiery reign; 'trent th'at- of Lotifs the, 'f'iirteinith":to Ant of ,setond I t elni„b 4 Ce; • PI4P c 3 4 6 .4t9riAir9 o _4 Pliintings," .pastels,„crayons„'enamels „1,1 y 1 etitet,c)err gravings, lithographs, photographs, busts, a 6. reliefs, and medals. • • But the Inevitable autzttnehsvetee; and'Pere, COulpti 'End to obey It. ' flie, f irftE;AvhiY)Peed him ,d#tiFi,, euyyived 11165;Wffre, ' I f i PPy.) I I . .C I IIW'• , _, 11 1f93. 1 */ in then+ 4eathe were,not loni;,4lp . tkot, ",:i - LT , -„.9 , 9•Ystfig cß.i.m."#(!rfri J-,349p0p0501v inur,tatcsitlittuover oftsouthirniximaidgrh,wiastatirioomertiratlyt deavoring • to: control the , Dernoeratio party ; and who, when they do , dopare +eddy to ruin It; than , thel inirhich-thdtharlepton Mercury; *Mai id d faltMhl 'rtioinee'xitativp *of 'their :Sentilitvitta',. thit"iikiroWling j:ki:atinrial'o4.n:yimtion,l.4:o,ead4Ucing va4 xlety of eireitinstinees"i4 fnittOy f the landlords in making exiortiohate nnother'vieW ofithsi t t fro, it says: - ;. klbr • 's ( ° s fEle nly borne :in' min the a Oharledion; for thet want of hotipit...„. callous -not melt tto.m Conventioni:PP party portions et the I..zepresent ber.- • There are s .!'9att3r.. n ont. uarq State who take upon the b... 4„ 'bole; -But itts well known' that of South Varolina es agatust z if n all "a a veafrrieeleteTahnedmbeeadtliyngi event -p3 apported Ilea. Throughout the State . the whole is leoked , upon-..with profound indifference an. trust.' .The appointment to meet at' Charles*. is regarded, too, Ss en effort to enlist out;poOPle end' In fact inaugurate and Thnild up a spoils patty in ;the;.Stabs: muck-emote , attached td - partyehaie the State ever has been...;With .thLs feeling. and. these views prevalent, it It absurd' to expect—what has never anywhere else been:espeeted-41nboutided hospitality to be lavished on the Conventien, its Ping-Ugly bullies -and corps of campfollowers, .toha, from, the galleries, would overawe the body by outside pressure: The ideaira piece of Yabkee insolonee, which we are surprised to hear Southern men re-echo." . . . .. The Union Sen ti ment iir :Yirgifii 3 O.' Som weeks ego, wo publi hed an artiele de seribilig itimrie inlitethintnid;lirgiitli,tiii regard to the flags of. the State reezrof the-Union, illustr i ttlie of the Union - sentiment of the State. The ith 'mend Disptitch • btatbs' that our artiele 'dontained several• errors; in regard to the names Of thicefl)oetit if:the' yolimteer "cerni.eitilesengaged s the,da i r on ,which!the eaourrence happened,-;(1t being,* the 22d of Foi;ruery, -instead- of`tbe 4th of July,) and the name-of the Governor of , Virgielaerthelteis. Aerfording ! . 4? o,Disivch,,th:eittiie yer,itiop the' ineldeet we referred to 4e avfollOws;. ' ,',-. .. _itthiths!..2ll of February, 1833; (not the -4 "id' i ,July), Governor Floyd ceased the State-Bag lb bo hoisted op the Capita —Whether it was hoisted along with the.natienal, ensign , we do . not Anew ; but the act —A very eimple and a very appropriate ,one, surely—oansed 1 eonslderable diseatisfaction, eud• led , 10 -5014 - diemiesion , in the newspapers, which resulted in a hostile correspondence between a member of the Governor's family and , a•gentle. man at that time relddleg in - this City. 'Friends intervened on both Irides, red-the parties were'pre vented from coming to extramitiee; but we -never .1011171mi' that anything farther • grew -- Our - of; the' transaction. , Dertaiulyi there' was •no pdblie do monetratiote of popular wrath on the day in - lees ilote,4otorring, the•Aetra, botreeter i tot.Orrierstor Ts:swell, . - who succeeded - Governor "Floyd,? we believe - ors the 22d ofFebntry, 1836; a °enablers- ' Ida • commotion was 'excited •by the • neglect of the Governor , to Wig the 'flag en - the• Capitol, We know not whether the neglect •was triton- Gourd or not-the Beg wee aerially bolted byt the 'captain of the Pnbile Guard, by virtue of orders from the Governor-..we do not 'kilo* whether the Oovernor - negleoted to give thertecesdaty order de signedly or - net; but it' was not hoisted; and the excitement was filter:4e'. 'Col.' ,Tosoph S. 'Watkins, then representing the dainty 'of ileoehland in the lower branch of the - teglelature—a' strong Demo orat; representing the -'most 'thoroughly. Demo orate conatititeney , ,,bi'this 'part of Vliginiatee oompatied lay Col.- FayetteMehlodlen, and,proba bly tonne Other member Of Member!, went tO the gun-house, at the earner 'of 'the - square; where the bell4Mnse now is, seized S Rag lying there,' and hoisted it on the Capitol. with 1111 own hands, .It was neeeseary for bite to pass along the line of the • Rithmoud Dines, who wore 'drawn up where the Washington . monument - now stands, under the command, of Captain' Bigger„ the' postMastrir If this city. As be did se , the'lllues' 'hand struck 'np 'the Star Spangled Banner,' t ithith they con tinued to play, until they ea'w the - national ?flag waving ever the'Captfol. This spectacle was healed by a tremendous sherd, of applause from -that, aa sembled' multitude, .whteh seemed ' alniest, Jena • with' enthusiasm, and the teitant the applause aut. sided the salute in honor of the day'vree flied.! As webers said,. we do not know whether Governor Tazewell intentionally,negleoted to ' give - the ne oersarr order or not , but we thitik it' would be Very illiberal to infer fromhis not having given it that he was a disunionist.' In feet, we are confi dent that be never was a disunionist, although he was in favor of a strict construction of the Con stitution, as many of the best patriots , have been and Mill are. The omission, on the occasion in question, if intentional-Land we know not that it was—may have been ill-advised; but it ought not to" he received as a proof of hestility, to' the Union ' ' "With respect to Governor Floyd, we personally knew that he was anything else but p disunionist.' On the contrary, be was the mere ardent in his 'views of 'State Bights. because be believed 'that unless 'they were properly respeoted,.the result must inevitably be a dissolution. of thellnion., - In this view lie was sustained by the opinion! of some of the wisest statesmen Virginia has aver produced. It is possible that hii high spirit, and ardent. tem perament might have urged him, to greater, lengths than colder natures would think it prudent, to go; but he was, nevertheless, as true a patriot, as ever lived." , EMOVLAR GAOII--"-QUESTION •OF iMINTITY-- STRANGE VERDIGT.-4 Correspondent of the Brie . tol News; writing • from Bllsabthten, 'Tennessee, gives the following particulars in regard to a case tried at the late term of the Circuit Court, for . ' Carter county : ' e. In the ' month of .Tune 1845, a negro-trader came to the town of Olisaliethton and purchased a negro girl of one Samuel B. Patterson. The trader called himself John Mornay, - of Bowling Green, Kentucky. ,It appeals that be paid Pat terson for his slave live opo•haudre{l•dollar }idle, purporting tobe money lamed by the Southwestern Railroad and Banking Company, Charleston, S. 0. The money was goon found out to be fraudulent and worthless, bat Mr. Thomas ,had left ammo , diately with the slave, and was not hoard of for ten, years. " In 1855, Mr. Patterson thought be had got on the trail' of Thomas. and in Claiborne county, Tenn., he Found a man so fully answering the do. sorlption, of the trader that Ips, had him arrested end brought to trial. The name of the accused is George 11. Cheek, and he solemnly averred at the arrest that he bad never been in Carter county. On the trial, several witnesses tif. intelligenee j and respeetability swore that, George ,R. Cheek, of 1860, and Jo'bn Thomas, of 1845, were ono and the some. The defendant proved an alibi—that is, he proved on they trial, by a number of warrants, judgments, and executions, that hp. was in Clai borne county, Tenn., ninety-live miles distant from Elizabethton, the very day it was alleged ho had bought the slave. An • authentiosted transcript from . Claiborne County' Court •shows that he was acting justice of the peace for that county in 1845, and these old documents -were brought up to dhow that..ho was-either possessed of übiquity, or .could not have been in Carter sound at the time John Thomas-bought the slave. But• the jury returned n verdict •of. guilty, and sentenced him to,tbree years in the penitentiary of the btate. His coun sel, have 'appealed to the Supreme Court, which convenes In Knoxville on . the third Monday of September." 1317111 . ED Awyoi.—Within a few months pest, says the Albany Knichlrborker, necessity has demanded that the German Lutheran barial•ground, on the Bowery, ehould be stripped of its sacred rites, as a sepulchre for the dead, rind Improved with dwelb, Inge for the living' T.,iust week, white' engaged In removing coffins,, the men came across one con taining the,body of a man named Worts, who'died and wits burled eighteen months since. From 'some °nese or other, persons present, *hether friends of the deemed or not we cannot say, were prompted to open, the coffin, When they did so, imagine their surprise on beholding the body face dewn ward, and the fingers of the man grappled in his hair ! From this it is evident that Mr. Warta had been buried' alive, and;inhis ,ititony of distresi on becoming consoious of his entombment, had worked himself into the position above described. This is a horrible gate of things to be realised bY the friends of the deceased: - • „ The, oil exeitement has sprung up in the vicinity of Parkersburg, Va. Two thousand sores of land In Wood, Wirt, and 'Ritchie counties have been bought'or loksed by parties in Pennsylvania,' ,srbo intend boring for oil. Oil on nttgh's river,, Wood county,,nro yielding as much as thirty barrels per day. Twenty miles from Parkersburg, on the, Northriestern Railroad,' eannol °oat of a 'euporiorqadity bee been itisnovered;atql a distill• ing apparatus is being put up. Near Cairo Eita .tion, thirty miles cut of Parkersburg, a mineral -bitumen lies been found; WWII yields alatrflite gallons of oil per ton:, -f , 4 ,9- 7Lo •-• 1 Arch Etna. auoito auto • • - 11, ktreiieV TWitittiri WI/Wit rfresfittlik cttrwvtalumstmliaitriag -, wiinbr AlMerrAtrolmsCor? V. 4 4/011 , 11,24WANtirt4 ply s;1 ,7'41 tgl l itNlMater diWo Muslim of Art. ; VeZl74=4l7 l 4K 4 Rq . 144 1 11141 ". 3.11 Adi ihiralalelft,'44ok 1 Chao:01 _ FUGITIVE N I StrA YE' 9Vaini iikroOrtL'amiT- ft The' Hearlit - . :" :12.3 eF ' eaterday molitini4bon . itl • ViCit7Ttitittl", ,44,cceedda latirettolihkinx "Abet on. wifinaim• to them:mad Out oarty-enie Pt . l ls, „ 6 .lTiihkt , ,_thatityoKlp firiye n tp r She Bultbnora pipet. • 'Aiwa" fjpgra "trot et hipara and,wtotes(t:i7 lat 'ter' NM* thlitiatgh*ltheett, attracted to "( tips "pet: itY).fri'hetti the t•thion sod thd dtinsot;•ba there, 'tiaaaotthealiablatttatdrterenoe with thar • a /' '.lO - 1 0 1?Settai Wromm boiti lirllttf,lo6oo to/OPPri ** f!,°,1”!Th15a•0r.4117.0141-.oaarder togn reach i ng , the' apitt;,,the &Meta; 1 . 11;1 the ftigitirbi Were sneedinetoutte, wed earn them. ' • • moTninr, at teccio)ock Os. watt to ,the CCM TPA ,F 1 0011Wati OrOlpled to ,1,4 )ittneoltatn The 'lowly eivemnietlinititd: State"' Thittiof Mtn] 'Gaeta.' re vrtigrtith; , 2.4., , . the on Pleis , na - private. otratzetlwrialrott:: Mr. tfdhlOrtriffi atenaemkaii .A.r the thartheLl Jq Thempum and Alnicut appeatad on,the bineh.. • The ftdiptrini ratfira ;Ws/tot:lade Writ . bi marshal'. : „•, - . 7 71 .•: RETURN:TO THE'WEIT:.; ~ i . To the Honorable Joseph AJlisen. one of, the . Jodgpm . f the Cenot of (birdeter Newton; Of the Elena of th ' ' a And . Coontr of Phibulel Wm 37..:i ~aciCll7i. . ,The_rMurn ofJacqh S. foet to Ow Ilitoolisti wli rs - Belletfullt ehoweth: That e IC. and wad at tbe me f the' service of the dammed writer habeizt .earytis4,.tkit itr-' abed of the United Ptates in and rot the Esetelro-D a ftet' or Penturylyamet : that before .thei sideevetit Was ' ed non., ipme the Hollerith/a. Joke Zedweilldera. one of the tnd Felker the Circuit Coert or the Visited eta*, i ' knd fa the raid EaetilarDiattiell eidoitMteieeittiff e te n ' tn • this resPoOderd. as-marshal,- as i aro esid ” ," mimed out er the said doubt wider - Ur Anil I the, sold : court ,., and-' signed .. by- ,the. iistd*.ledie 7, - Vi.. t.. r t e e ;:i e r m po ' ag e t i :e , o rst :c o rt ili t twi l 1 4 e a 7di d d i a M t r : v ose e iir i 'id nit.b.. o or in : I l i , i t e hn d , r. h W d i ri T il n . 3 f e g " ni r t .,:: : l : M to dew ~t ir ' . c Mctiedi a in. thee wit to ea t, .aid v i,,,, d b„,, ge 4.. be o - the ' r. l: 1 ' t l' h trninali tindred em an o d i t i ft : El f tires frOm Ditties sa of T theit ernerteer, a -ebinetelltstrbs . the atone having heart the sue o Titled an act t r ,so "tult reti - ' elairnant as grained& of t , h T tql,,," tifinate for the_ delivery of the - .T„ - r' """ * • ''''r • belled Mimes Homer. hi, Chitties 7..u r e .s s e r r• Bede ebe of tbesiud mote.. ae a fugitive freed' 14. " m „ t n e d s eL said. a- copy of ir r rind emel, ' -118. co v e annex and lade part p of this totem. Th o tu ant of making/the saidpriler and erantiathe , ea -6 f ... - ate, and whilst mod Jacpb e. ifoet ‘ me notesha United Stildee tis aforwaidibeld the, bed:, of the aid rev tinderitbet prover , Seat above reeiteolened bete th deli vety,of the raid fugitive t ithe said Waimea.; far ,theeordaledrnesairawitterevolbytitehatieliaidthorltjed;oentwozwthetitaii d th e Iva a ll e g t d e ar f Congress: whereby the gam trope le. y at, ar: 'Meilen ofee'esaid; wurregultedeotarneWPAS inall7 Per t • squeal he might demowecessate teprevent aim eof Me wird Wee*, brfeiree.lroinf theeedd•Ctrailes T. tt ley,befere them!! Mises ehoehl lbe, takeni bor on the limit. of the ewe of Pennell:ante. Theeintiarsua eof the eaid orders' writ and eettifiente.eiedlof Hotta! 'eel.. i and en rsuent to, and at the retreat tif the mod cti ries T. Balm , . the dein:Ant ad aforeseid. this responde t, its ' marshal of tba,-;Unitedi States eattfoneasid. - rettel the body ef .thr. ma Wiles. 1101110nUle• ~,callitif Nome of g 'nee; the tenon named in the ' - wilbiti writ, in Ur rto retitle himio tbelthite or VirgiSistertimta. be fled. il ad there to el ver him to the raid c hat es T.. 11 ler. the clalthembeiael - orelemd, whilehtremovelrfewthe ur pose ef said •deliveryewee commenced before glio et^. 'Vie:o'o the Wi th in Writ. end hen ow bola made; ee ili a/meat id -, by She -said ant orConsrele the with ate. prevente eil molestatine,he the_ remoyal of the sai fp . it dive I o tee ttehrof Virginia, by tee etibeshillan bl i , air count,' jedfiet. , imagistneei ofeitha tiergurEb 0-. ever. this respondent res_peotralv stetes and re mit -that he cannot heve LtheeNly of ins maid Mies% lira m ' it Haar. pas - by: the mistimed pan totes m 'niAnded.- ' ' JACOB S. YO . Jacob S. Yost. being duly sworn. Says Ail the ante loge/thin the Conegologretato Mitten* i. - Sworn and aubeoribed; thibt ItYth- May fir Mardi. A.D." MO. before me, . " ei • . ift.-.llo(ttst . ' Clerk of.Cdort of commie PI ' Tbe dertilleate'by Judge Cadwalatter:Mitffinikin this -ointments tones such neeesawar fetes to relate" tit fu gitive to the-estate of 'Pinions. wee then read. - --' • Mr. Earle enterrtroted there:deeding; byitakini ere Arne tberroaa - ur , obedirnee to telEtrtit. , tratel an ewer way merle he objected to soy reading or 1104 re, --Me , tentlitt• shesulWbar.teneiired•mtallter p t he Mt. hfo Madrid Wa Prepared to Speireir.if it w de -4 kited. 1 hey hadVaten compelled todienbey the wit in • thug respect. in compliance with an impowitive mit of Congress This, army. was Welted mein the mahal by the highest cart In th e land . +- Theinaraketti the' t is Supreme Court, le comm.nded to makes prniptir Yet OS ; . to maketknown to the Siete Judge or' court the Ruth rity .I,lr.whieh he heldethe whitener, Set. el the seine time, 'st is Its duty not to obey tAo proteso uf Me State olimo city. but to obey and tnelilie , the Process:a the United Stow. , - - Judge Albion aid Ire thought the counsel for thelbei tive was mistaken in supposing it was abeeltitelr b eel nary to have the body.preseut before areturn .. auk d be made. , suppose the petson mentioned in the win a truld die eft.. the. eroceemoisued ? • •• .. -,^ - • • „ Mr. IlloMurtrie next read the eertiewile Of'hfr. B '" that he-had placed] tee negro Inthe , onstinly of the shah for remqval. . He then reed the deeigUan Or then Wein° Court of the United' States. in t h e Booth ( consinl case. "- , . . The sylabus of that mute set out the point& decided as' follows: • a he emcees, of a Stilts ooart or ;Mite hasten entimrt • tv beyond the limitaof the sovereignty which nor fen the judicial power ... • ', - , - • • 1 , kluMens corpuq : issued by* State judge or court: has no Authority within the Jimite rf t e eovereignte as signed by the Constitution to the United Steles, endof a State. which are distinct end Independent of each other within theirrespective spheres tit action. elthough t foth eXilitited exercise th eir .poweril within the same rri torial limiis. I When awrit of beheas'eorpteritraerved nn a marehal or other person having a presoner:lneunedfneder the ' authority of tbellinitedlitetes. it is bin duty by eprer return to mg ke known to the State judge Or- engirt the authorite,l,iy, which.bo, bolds i hi m. „ Bei. itt•Oieso me time: It hi his ditty nbt to obertaileoeeaSof the St ate authority, but to obey sad exeunt, the promo p the United states. - - - 3 tie rout° has appellate' seirer in all 'rink i., sing under the Conetitutme and laws. of the United Stetee. 'with such exceptions and regulation. as PODereel may I make. whether the cants alma in a State ain't eras in , ferior court of the United States. A; d under the net of Congress of 1789: when the decision of the State moot is ltrilltltt the right Claimed under the Constitution or law' Jr the United Staten, a writ of error will lie to brine the udgment of the RAO , court before this open for re-ex amination and revisal. . I The act of Congress of September 18, ISM useallr called the fugitivemlave lawm aonstitutional in all its provision.. The commissioner eppointed by the District Contt of the United States for the district of Wisconsin. had au thority to mane Me warrant and commit the defendant in • rmr, for an offence against the act of beptember IS, 1260. , .. - Tee DeitrielCourt of the United Slates hail exclusive iwiedietion to try rind punish the offence: end the va lidity of its proceedings and judgment eminot berelet nmined and get aside by any nthertribunal. Mr.. Earle desired to _traverse theyeturn. -He withed to show that at the time , the emit was served en the marshal, he had the man7ln his ousted!. and In thin re a meet the return less ineerre et. ety.Earle then review ed the decision ;4 Booth's cam. That ease had bead re moved from t hi:Supreme' Corot of Wisconsin Co the Su preme Court ,of the United ,e htem, upon a;sthterpen't wepered gem the notes of some at orney engaged in the ewe. ' The Supreme Court of Wmoontin ~1 di .reeted their clerk not certify the record to the V ited States court. and Mr. Earle thonrht Very pro rly. Thin' It world Repeat that the decision was based Upon a cabled th e mstaent. - ~ . - .. Odom ue CO wilt. Air. Earle was_proceeding to discuss this part of, the aee. when Mr. Wharton desired to be informed exact ly what Mr. Serie proposed to do. IC hie entumenterce directed to the admission of testimony, he would nil his witnesses; they could object. .11e supposed t h e return before the court wan to be discussed. Mr.Earla replied that if the United States Distriet Attorney would have walled it few momently, he would Were understood hie willow' If the:WattlltiOUil be of opinion that the writ of habeas corona wai to be tit tered away in this member; then the retard by the sr ehel was sufficient. If, however. the court 'Weald be of opinion that the wit most be obeyed. then lie would kroceed with his maenad moint. i His Minor bad been, ind enough to make the return to the writ at an. Fly , hour, but if the court was not prepared to go on ith the case. he should be ;happy to acquience , O 1 lii in. POnallleill. i' Judge Thompson. Icame here for an entirely diffdrent pnr' me, and knew nothing of the case until I awe into court. Judge Allmon. There is notheng about it exoept the ordinary petition setting forth ,that a person wad re strained of his liberty. The writ Wal granted before I undentocd that the age was etanothist °oat I greened 'heit, of course, and batons it palmed mit Intynends I risked the usual quest ion,whether 111111'nm:I Ile in cue tedv. and the reply was in the affirmative • , that he I was in the ougtody of the marshal; but nothing was maid Omit his being in the emitody of the triaralal , in hie official, capacity. The writ was of • comae allotted, nothing' appearing on the face or the potition to War rant any different course. i Mr. Endear:us about to proceed with his argument : when the 'Judges interrupted him, for the purpoee of conferring together„ In a few moments Mr: Earle was allowed to pro deed. He W. liallitlartd to•see the flag of defiance net ep in this case In respect to thin court the marshal should have prodneed the man. Yet he comes here end eats he had the man when the writ weer erved, but lie-has:sent him on. Bo bad warned the gentleman of the reeponsi batty lie Maine cd in &sober= - the writ.' Br thirteen° the liberty of -every citizen. of Remmilvania was etrecit down, undeir the pretence o f °tutting . an - order of the 'United States crime. The court should take a stand now, end say that its process should be obeyee. Judge Allison eaid the euestionaresented ii self tq the; court in two Replete: first, wpather this,wrikwas p at. - I. dently s ot improvidentlr gra ed ; bee-ause if a pet t i on hail been presented setting forth the true state of to, na they existed at that time', it would hare beep a um tion for floe gout; to gar whether thewtit would eve been granted., He would,not have directed , She wit tO another court while the hearing . was nrogreesing fore r ,., r , , r r o rcempetent Jan:diction. If it end been rented at the time themmlieation was matllwas Cadwalader, and that he wag m the a teal , before that ‘ this a m a : e n onstody of allowed' we doebt very much wheth 'we' ehould has, the writ.. Under these , oirenm guinea. the cede oneht to be considered in the light of an a eplioation'for the welt upon 1. petition presented. If. :rise ° . Id it ith a ilbre l g r th e 1 a moat. eerione oonfliot Ultehe y ..._ ledge *would hays refused to recognise the. writ. had .n been served while the cue wee progressing. This briogtup another question . Was cperson at the time of 'the isewne of. the Infra the ustody of the marshal? The marshal the court and was responsible for hie 'delivery' t/ the.; master, if it should be decided that he had any 0 aim. had him fore Yet the, petition upon which this writ was uunie sms Ile 'bottling but that it certain A. B. is elegaty restra ined of hie liberty by one Jacob S. Yost- while the 3 fact was that the hearing was pro-rending. Thus the two inies7- tient, ante: , Whether the Man leas seta iy restrained of his liberty. arid secondly, Whether the court Would have granted this writ if it hed been stated theta, the Unto It was issued the tioaringrl,gto.Arolgestlig. , nn rime the The court, in the Williams° against the nil ht o t else .i 0 . , , . re faced'e.t i ruleu 4 to w we showe usually l l c a y ti. i t l e e . . „T ti dtrtern upon .r heard ,toaa tub; canes, : s wit tieingn e a t t t o b n i b ov , it. Therefore, ii this "mews' militant ntly granted. it le our duty to gusset. , , Mr. Wharton said he supposied feet intethe point. and therefore he had interrupted Mr, Eityle. inorderlo learn the line of argument to be pursued. The , marshal, in making hie return, had been actuated by a desite to n'rgiany contempt. of the owirt tiis case the man was restrained by the order If the Circuit Court, and not:liy the marshal in hie sidle dual Cs.lluadalaY...ellisori. ' What wat prop`osed tot.. ettairted by this it we- cannot exactly understand.. If arwere asked to go into a re-he a rin g of the emit e we e ,T,LI . il !I ir c ould not eo it. - frit appeared upon rtie.ract o;..rj: turn that thin man wag etilt in the custoell of the t e l h o a r, l . ,' the proaiectien of the man wou:: a b p e o an ni tit, e h d e th r hl ;e h e- e In the °tumor Idersbal ley rilroor. ° woody o ;he semener. an he c ra h l u s a m i T m il b h e y d i t t h b o a a I d lo k3 t l t t it o e h f a l co m a tu n i i ,.,..... l a tu e, ou e vs o f t ti tobovi t ir el e vested an or the l a tv ,h.imurC lte tin p.c.o ; knennitteeed the nu l " ir ' - ' e ordered him Mid one biz biz refusal to obey the writ W 4 U ' e ' il t h t IY i 7 3 . c p ° r n m e i ta l d e l :,C . d e ca n e ls t :fit:l r i 1 ~,,t h0:11th ci ted rte'' Ifrthis us law, iti,,,,,.., i t e t> d v y e , i s b h u di t i n i e : i t i s b i 6. decision 0 n t . States does seem to _ ..e7t_: . ,f.r i l not bound to proe , :i:Viie. e r ..dife,eutxr:ew would to, tion of the court i n tti i- CO it B SA, we are bad to obey it, but nullify R. he ..,„ no m 0 presen ted to 'us to make insect. "cigar ..1 b e some tribu to test .tbese euestionat weed C h e t t r a u t - point is reecho Atte the date of MOB as ' - Tenpa • . ' - eiti4eas to obey the lo"'• w. ~ , , . - :VrplSEss. nut W i i m%lngigri'ller%4l as* ftilkudien apittietalmilLik 1/40,001104f r -“' .4* Five Col*/ ass Tam " 1 1...-. - X.IZ-1.?b,7, , * i I Matti Twepolcop;or, 11•1•1006•1•111114/1 yvnalitrc,iii4ll4ol.:N arohir Lie is: .11 Mad AndimairtioligiratilMwitt Cab. - ' Tx/LI lcrN:mu.Yssemotoo se* sidaeseld a Was AO.* fae : miss. - • • ' - --car.riesigu.-Faxas. • 100rk.... „. sparar r liar br le • IliiilhoLs < tjavv:AVlUt thirdeWv*tuit foalthrs= • rere k Uibt thetslrer4t t-4174,112%tt1l •y Stag 1111401=• t leothelstrdt haw saw twat' t Scam an • get. wra The 11114,7 Warta shah toisimita thr ase ` inete know tithiemirienid War 41=7.11ageflaTeithat pe l rhsea iipc be hot- Pageta ta,atallM il V al L lMl.t mg lift4earlat • say .1.2.4•1 thom were napartaat admtemon• 1 11 the Mare A b ...lisAyMaik. st 144 ha. adiamed U. /ow inswasw. - AMA:, Warm r:itztcrtarlit ~"I"rfmtaet arV i reetaati-WOV th If a Ad* at al e facts were poilt Ma • sae *MN *NW **Ws bon aulikwohostras peaaa wawa alma) ,:),faltaffhabripk, The Wilke*? th got Jacob 8 Yost ad se ahead., 40' tha ataasuaal Oars fare, the apphaation Wu rental', ned•rh atell•iehme. ' 1,41 crosas• t ••bile ilmeNtlt. •tth• taaeThorwrt wi araad tti "Yart,APElitXtr4 Alistusaknovoiamt ittllts' M, E. Can ,_ ~ . ?. ..WIIIIIQ,IAN ree. ,- coti?estene_lees opened ve‘a.nrney morning .y o'clock, Btaken•Beker .la the . ..Rant. salvAtiond Wield Delmer. l% • . ' 412 %rirerpt.,ATVM= 4 ” 11 . - Iti' it Manistee Whoa? iii3etineer lisilialidiri • it eseete, Verna , r.... :••: ni ;- n.5. - 4.11v....:1 :;,:,, l t.: .., - W.IMIAII. TOP RAO APIVV•111 lg. ttiri=jas 0(611 r ebeiruedenaminettoes of thee' Mt} we more then non members.. m•-eansieltisoh; - non of the consolidltsd WY, finish In &Voce t plinrchesp. end that if filled to theif ty these ertmld'cot be sedoinmodations in oer 4 ni , 'cakes I :.r Roll lletalri.teeinuerelintectleltteale SOnokition, the. leaving a vast mitt erithSest *harsh naeottimeeet lees ;70.0ti =whet/4o t en Instesed lit .this number about,* Onlenkldrith betwfle Pe Ilinkar Aire bid fi fteen yearn nhametriot imitlittaairta, OM.- Vo k iZittVitilf d tro %MAM We/AM atailifirir,ot.rrelti fi n i iy li Var ill irt- %eV:a t weesel , twe!inneelon epild&Yi 1191oxibr OIL forOt:holoto of ii:44,3. ItUko C ueZmo i nig i lp : ar h tm ip i” m iwox i • ,I=4loi•blllemraiterligttor lOissitoe. ' sod: thezefore.inereceneg its eeneseteneility,nr.entation to theinanal Woad tlis Grum °Um': thellgoir••,_ Rea olved..Thid. Mille Pi are' tint bee mooned the /Corti' of t K. Chanel.. hattlie olls. nr tin:ewe, elm** . ell me see sine , afeeplT contemate.thetial PR. lot Ineegny t iV I sure of hart ioreeentor arse - rentioaree ,ntr e ap r liyant to dedateui aild Apo ol . toiloor . A i .. - Thitt er. relsonntised the • Keel itod tag •.t.e.m. tleinet &mie Ono, _lti. gi abllille.f til 0 !AIM" 1141111/Selehle. "tti the Etivrapha oeihreletenl t at ae L lTit . „ t attd;atsil goat it'slio hie. to iliolorilioi I nrliao"ang MT borf .- Th.: reading otters rem; seee_n me e a: , a ji, l i b. ..,, .J. B. fecenliceieb eleent" tie* `ltalZrei "e ear 0 1111 - 1101,11 tab:Me Ofhlit t ' wai n in conve Antll4ol_ . at* me - - to MO) 0i ni t te....,....' tr y ___ ,ill Fle i nftld ''''' itlir'"' ti , 140 ... i....,".. „.„ f o r that hen... , foreign landsek 'Mild , ~4- r -I. :-,1 ' e - Cbnitlf , 74'll\ aTvO5l Otsoafar wawa aotyor romos- e tilled minis city, eras, tow ILOWI: ne. rewellent let ,fortddion;lfar they'd:Limiest* nW atbiaki . m u ar d If be an desires; wheresson use . taftiAmn otireltsticisal mirror be "i. v ol item Rev., Me ss rs Coortr. P., Ccrobec AM Millet htetrill; se !ewers! ether/. Abe relent el.e.k feeelWinienl ePlew. 'Weis UN - , •_- - • ;!li t tra . C94. •UilLiMaßktit• oa the Mission at memearal Bat R iraatir!re, was .4.l4.ritirstanc valtrAMltinisentg kginttitk?..,Thi, . m4fqt. ,Y!!!,1 *44 ,4 3 Pod Rea. Mr. Deim. of the Minion at Ifaalmgy. area Om [otrody Om °Wartime. thalretrThaverrethiteWthirtniasllll to be bristle that , . recArksoni: atelamtdvemaairar. Centimes at Me hem* • The; ergot et the slag, Malleigerig meg then taken,on. . , stentand Winn PreinistaftiAlhetfekriniNil. 414174 fi te 41 4triiiirtf agatkar i of net ts the ; u.K ebertii, et thteeitrverer regflostmaa; Al* Ur koti CMII*II4 11 4•41•in41*-1.*; • 111741 n. niVilleaMtlp • '-- ' * klaga4. • ; Are $.l . gonfergetnimitig °Wont:T..ll,i gfbarth to tee itinding oreevend tte• meitirgr,inneoat taking tiathe4partimageadincigaggialgagaiMilmone ing season, , otrak.. , a neatal tneeting Or, the 'SoakOC - FiAeitrOthe Peer wee 'held= iartaideg-iiitiritingi 'M Mir akar terfirreatk . . . bii 00 . onr‘ fie , Ottr. a whe. bad. oont*nold :t c 9. 4 a . nulk coal to, the Bond et mi. 117 per ton; sent ilia ma eetiprt settled( fott_tt diet in =mummery of,ltiejeetbility to Quoin the Teetneitel becyinty; ho sotild9.oospalled 1011 1 0 V n. 9 An• llCatrialtV " • Mr. hems Mictsglay Petra t. , •• EMU 10V114 (St 921ehttue.eentiset award94lo him. • • - After the tvionaotion of eon" Ip:opponent ,loNte Woe the Botta idftittnied. - • - • • • Ira later s; 8a: is THE , ALLY° Sir Rumens large ratinber of the Needs slut symeatkisersof th•lmidarlid left ar rested on Wednesday eventar t the 0411 1 ? - e }letting to riot.'arid attempting to`rtireen the fettive alii•• not looted. arimnd the. urt .11ous. The wawa' not, however, „ takerlace, hVind -been 0 0 . 21 PQ 00 t 1 Mad to"' ti 4 ,14../ It HI understood ra nt the oteteete ns the tray of •arinr,e.the,want of s, District. Attorney -to rears seritihe .Uovankrnent: , l4lr. Wharton has - not yet re ceived the necessary- oredentiale, and Mr. Vandyke sot choosinn to actin thetaatter.. : , cparsaaa's Came— . A married, attars,' named George Gleim, _residing, in ninth strait. t ODPosite_tke itiue r wae Imbd doja tee- yeeterrtay tuoysontq• nPrPnOT Wine intoeet 7 nedjanderadet raelltekefriesth from natorareeness.- I. , i i, .i" = ... i ge d 75A - . , ' 'Aemomer.— nr. - an, yams, wag an ack in Ow. boa i liii i niskaz• .._% aaluniai lifter. noon whits dwaincoli ~.twtan ottnit,near Twist' toatlinnd sersorely vn •Hro:wna' amen.lio lini ma donee at Ta innllle r il l t! d ig c li . ” l ".t . ': --,"'":" 'Titii -- .1'33,14i..—The Honey .Bun town-Bon inull intendpl.) inz a itrind . aptit ' monde' 'on taator Xtotalay afternoon, 'meter at ttuank enlist sat Pima road. otrotantown, sottordunt to the ran! or the di genie. ' ..., . . GEN F‘R..ikl, -- NE WS. A totow ,DitsCarrTiON oPlitirtetzsor.A.—An at torney in Minnesota, who had received from ano ther State Rani:4omA foi eolientlon, after acknow ledging the receipt •Of I the letter of inatruetionr e replied as follows: - "Now, I am' Perfectly debenished at for sending a claim out here for tallest's; in those time.- Yon might as well cast your net into the lake of fire and hnmstone; expectant to catch s enalietWor 'lnto the celebrated Stigma .pool to catettmcided trout; ae to try to collect money here. Money have a faint nowt- Melon of having seen it wheiel was a eessaloy. I to -I,eve It was given me by my uncle to toy candy with- Mid mind) , 1 do remember.) But it halt been in long since 1 - bare ',peanut that I abated forget whether gold is Insdo of Lopro_er mustard, ,or totes: of white ornonror fish suntan. ' VII hr. 111 r, WO l ive With Mt seas,. You're behind the times. Ulm s relic of barbarism—of ages put.' We lore by eating, sir—we do. Hoot, man,' the millennium is coning, the year of jubilee les some, and. ell debts sae said beta na °mob as they S ill be, on loss on take • prows.' The word • mosey' is not in °tallies/bulgy) , ;, is the, latnt Webster crowed for this meridian) it is marked obsolete, formerly a coin repro senttog money. and need as a media* of eomamme few small pieces can .he seen in car - Historical So ciete, collection. where they areaxhibited as marked ties. along stab the eltelletenef the 'mastodon,' Sticah'it old boots, and Adam's apple.". CiltraCH Ankara ar Odessa Cou'rier publishes a letter from Sebastopol, , shle h states _that one of the most honOrabOmhabitante of that town has ribullt,. at Ws own expellee, the church in the cemetery, which was destroyed du ring the siege. , The correspondent adds: _ ." The fine architecture of this church, with iM glit tering gilt cupolas, produces deep Impression In th e ' midst of the .balf-ruined , monuments of, Ike -em ins tory. The chch was commended on the - rentiary of. the Mt bombardtneut of eh. town, in 1834. .The new ohprch, thous h conenterably larger than Its predeoseig? ,r was too small to contain altthe persons who cams Orentnemerthe intereeting cemenotig. Many who foutht to the last war. were precook stn tt among them RearAdratrals Kislineki and VersiOdu ; Captains Komontow,Dandevek.Qhnitayne.Badeow.and Ohms. After the liturgy and a Te De= for theilsosertal amity, the church resounded with the todohtsg mtanat st the De Pretend's. In commemoration of khntrevent, the frith Priest nembenoraoh, almonerof the Cethedrel of et. Peter and Bt. real. whoheetr ceased. his forietione daring the whole swag. has resolved to osiebrate every year, on the ath. Octet:mt.& solenanmass for the brave men whorell on the Saki Of battle." - Thti~tato of indienti has recently last, by death; one_ erns . James Bangs. ` : We 'ftintan hhittiniY:noticnof him in a Hoosier paper: •.` lifeitur . Ediitor Jen' bangs, we are sorry to stag, hits :demised Ile deserted Ms Lite leatmundy.' Jem wtuq gYnerally oolli4eifed cud feller. Re due at the are or 23 years ol . e went Ith witheet say drool° and each-ii; Lite. -1u Da we are as pePPer limes—nnty smart—to Mortar we arc stnelowalike a elowourneer of the srbwritil AJeni kept a aloe store, which his wife now wares on. Bit vurchews woe numerous. Manny is things we bet at his grower), and we are happy to state that he never °homed. epeshally Intim wets of meekrel. which woe tote and smelt sweet arid hie serrpin wife is the same we. We never new him to nut sand ta his ehogar, tho,he i ts ii d L a i . opt sand ear in front of his house; 111VdT.f-`:."Alo. to hiarAinVe 91 ' `` ' , River run Put Rondar Wortinthe Painirellenntsonnn POE El. ruszan - REvEkt, SnenarS CONNECTED WITH rue CextisssionaL:L--In the Northent Circuit 'Court. at Darhan4Engtand, a man was . recently brought to trial for stealing • watch. Among the witnesses Was Father Holly, a Roman Cathode priest, through whose bands the watch had been returned. to the prewutor. 'Being asked from whom be re ceived the watch, he replied that be reeeived it In oonneotion with the confessional. ;lie,. was then told that be was net asked to disclose, anything stated in confessional, bit to rev's' a simple fact. Mr. Holly said the reply to that question Would im plicate the person whehed siren kith 'the - watch, and would render, certain Aka-ows.:mispsnudon for life from the funotione of his office. t histle. Bill, w ho-presidedrdettied-thie calidityof this plea, and the reverend gentleman persisting in his refusal,' was committedto jail forcontetapt of eourt.-- The prisoner was found guilty on the testimony of other witnesses, and" sentenced to six months imprison ment. A TRIAL CONDUCTED 'LN THE ABSENCE or TEE CRIMINAL.—The right of an asoused,person to be present at his trial end oonfroriVeltnesass hie per sonal right only, and le , understood' to. be warred when the prisoner voluntarily Absents himself, u did James A. MoOosikle i dersuifu t oaehter of the People' s orailehmosa, itho was arraigned ataentieollte;abd the -1 ;1'14y; empanelled, on Tuesdsy - lasr,Vidllie tout - adjourned sotil the ifeit'neerning. - The 'iiiietning 'eareek,' , Enie not the prisoner—he had inn away.l-Judgi4 Perkins, of the Suprema- booek orbriid the ~on in his Osenee.., Higoonngei r oJeieted anlye up the oase. he 'Unit connect ' ' ]ha trial proceeded: Aftir the *flit hail pinta iiiitiewbat therigolgevrall tisiiiitter-brotight bra; *said the coneitision of: hie trilkeaskwaivalsookeykort. d seR vuovt.totksplOttothurtaLl9l44._•ow
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers