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'-- ' ;' ' , :x! * - • . - • ' ''' r- ~4„..• ~f " ' ._...,. :, ~ ~ ~ ..,V 1 ,%11 /, , la i • - 4% - . ..._ _. , , , . . . . , . -.. , 7 ic,-.. , ...,- ,:.:- • ,---,,- - A . , ''fr.v .. •,' 4,.....? - , ,3• . 71 .„ ; r „ ~...• , ;, ,. ,;1 ' ,1 .. ' . . ' ..." , , .Aitf•y2 y .....-. ...?,:..• ••. • • ' •• . ,i i 1: „ . ......"' • 'Ai. .. re : • • • . . , , . ~' i? • g , '' • . . ' , Orr aannii. ,-- ' / i . . . , , k.,. L--..•:;?, , .. - il , , , fr.. ,r, XoNttOf bl , '3,.. ,,,, ,4- • r ;01 " r i' h ' - h , . , ~, ~.. ~1 I \ ...!," - .. . • - .' 41110 . --;''''''' •••' '''.- - • x o '''- ••'. --.lee 4;:4,4 -• .:„ ,„. . , „,.„.., ~- , -''.l"' ---, , liftwa . T.. ~_,.,,,,,e ........." ,„....,,„:,:„...,...„„,„,..,,,,,,,,...„,„.....,,,,,,,..„.,,,,.,t,......,... _, , __ ~,,„,,,„„., ,_,._.,.. . ~.„ ~.•.......-.‘ I ,-).., I ~, ...„1 . . : oft , PO . .. i I pf , ' t'r, , , -.- . , :14ti MgaNG"1111.1""1 : 1. .of ::'1 '. . .. , , .. - , ,"4,..4,. - - -. , n, „ i til t d i e'lh :•rl - ".. • =f,'" - ,'''.' i , .'' . .iri , qri , . `;- -, '. ' '-,'' t *'' ' F',.' 4'L' :'%" %" -: • "" - t ", - 1 ';',! v,,) -I -. " " !I4 to' .. , . NMI , 1 • ; ' '.• ''%- • r• - > * . T 111 .0" 10 . 11.0.- "I g r i fr ai tt - - ' •-• ' • ''' \,- - , r- - ' ' - :N , ''' . ''' :."--.-- - -."''', .i t ` l3• Vii - - .'-V , "`' , ' - 4°... ''' , A 4 ' • 1:::._-'t -- I- - ":- - - 'lli , . 11 ° - • Z= - - - - -- ---- -- , ;-•',.„44 , - - '-_.l 1 : f. , ,,,....„...4 ... -...4'." ''?,l7 •-_--...._ ---• , - .111.1111 M 0097,tkialki ~ /*V 111110MH1111811101 •11 1 IC ' ''• ••'{. ' ." '' - • •' ' . ,I , ' :- - ' - 2 - i ' ' . " • . . ' - ' . ~.„ : , - ~; • Posimikeirs " • 1 . . . , '.`"i%.%:,..,Uk1-`,,, , ',, !...%1111Liisi....-. , , ~ . 'lt ad ** - ',„= 444 : 401141411/ oA i r t osP.P 4 sr- .-- -,-*- Oh. 3.-NO. 208. - - - ' ~..i..- ilsowtmov, •k.;-5•.` ,4 ,i-;•,,V,,-Z.-- - ,- -- .;-.!,•:,-,:' ,-, '..,1 .. . , .. . . „ . '' PHILADE/I' I P - 1 - IL4►, '., MONDAY, APRIL ' 2 1860. . • . , : . • ~ . TWO' CENTS. - s i jli " 15°411-) - . . , _ . r•• . - :1114_WIFT iduLiztq - Bay.GOODS: ,Qllll~t 1~N'• , ... . ..,. -. ~, ."-• ~ . ..,....,,,-. • .„ _, - 411 -, i•iihniniiii•ifigificrikanieltor.lisgoc!"tr, .•-::"="':,...-:.',.- .i.' l "1' " ". ,-- •' • , ,',. . . . , I,44!4iiillutibitA, . - ,---. 2 ' . ' •,:';.' :- - .- orillgarlat, ..-AJOKI-. siimAvcr BONNErki 7, ,"...,., n r Airn`• 1: W::: ► 'ltaiiainill':77 6 - - ' - iiiiiiit tit aa, icklr 2 •ii'' os 'Ma' ' ihmitads ampt--,, , =•is. do Ali b* „- jim 4 ,-- - Al 6l loll " atturislah.a.mnti b. 4" itt=r-vanowhigaMmill" .' ' :8E,_1413;14 - ai illaiMrlMtirre 1860.;,''ir "( 3) 860. TA JDJ 80r de JENiCINB, larzaTiztku. Joillunia •'• 'ISTRAir epcn: l osi, 11"141121 eCali PlAnnn. aVallia. tutw o ntier; ** i *Riii: woos» '.roe* 60, above Woe, ofial Clie primmest kik teiseds B-Tsa OP 0-D ratiunnuivt, . _ ROISENHEOL" , liftoOWS . . tbitiiKerersigWiessi .;* LORI* !liIIIR.4OA, - r Iranian JUITIFICAL PIOWIW - • • ' Altai* aati al 014 i :'<ogumeszes AND mesas GOODS, :DO; - MUIR ! " cioimiiiwrst.,..tiotiisi. iieb4ieief Our 404101.1 i ars illaitereembres. Oak .seiponee =deal nalt oristards ekalaier **motion rad mod law,' dosOtimriews. moot be out„ - , lYbda •. _ • xasitsow. wortri:,a -,,l„ziepr.Toica. 4 ,41 i ow winis w eoc,Di. 1 A ,1-6 . .nl9, ' ll r Pieatiall, of ters %Oft wt. 40 4444 6,1 4 / 4 1:4014E0,;- [, ,'• 144 `.4 • '' I A N C Y aftt APlTger BpNNETIC AND ::.:*****7 4 lo,l l . ll o', ati.Ndoig 7s-7 4witAii • Maw:. . WO SEPIA II Ef T 9.1E1Q041 - '40 1114 -G r a "-low* ofigatiOrpiiiimc sit mot solapia• *oar a NMI :=Uslo tis thir,o). The' boa tams awl do 01)ff; GARDEN co. 40 „,„"...„,0 40 114. What*, Doubts is. HATS.'OAP,, S','FUl 4 l 113, MXkid OWE *MPS , Irn4t.w GOODS; aarilsw;nowasso liAinute.turnmar Wog. 60famidell$114111,E1FriTIRSIVII. W wait JIM* : t , - 1111-111 K ' M:.:1 - ,;.,, rkl"g:( 7 ~ * ';-ii '',':,: , );4,-,,..* tifstii**Oti-444,-, _...,_ iii,i, 4,.iiiiiii -4,44 w, „,,,.,,, .:: 11rci.r.1,60,64„4.4.016 .:._,._,,, itmlnywo .r.pßomps.,. *mancraoftitimoil.nxi. ~.„.f rAils-Algr, 111M111111Wrilr •- • - I PAIIIIII:0011)1114SD. VAlMltalq, :' - t4:4[ollo.oglicif .110,110119401 , 114`.. ft /MkA4l4le WIIIIARTiIidif to *MO hoi4ok `4 lO- 9 111 */$ lO 001Sii• BpxzEt ! .& BROCEk f*lirl*AdTult** , , l h io *A! A ' isasist ay= +` P,i;Oo r rl4 'AND tat 010.1041:t311 MOM ' 17.313"1 _ Of *ate and 111.110. • LEVIts ICRAOIN; & 004 Riodis . iia,viocwalazom ICAL N TON A 01. 0 Y- • .o.l4ocaiwiinkr grusir, .yr . .... isr*oisaa intiouty• ate•iFa srnoTs ria#oo** ,-, 4 lestr.ass s S9StypSosissi 1111101V-40iIIVADY1* ' - -ALVOcW..-1 1 / 141 ?" 41 r9M- 1 ' A.141' 4 1C - r, . loot Tom ki!" loollifereloattelTht!isil 64 11 04* Val tO,STAPL, :KOOK 11411111101111;1i. PAM, Z0ND0V.4111,1470112% MA IM* A11f;r,171,11,-"1"11111(TIMIN.22 L j .l j g w, e = _ k rseseLa r i etr",gpien it gerst r saneotrmi l , v P COMEINSION BONIER. R[i~Ll9~l, HAZARD & liIITOItINSON, No.ll* cnisTbruT its. • a. 09111X4ISTON ILBRORAIM YO& THE SALE OR ,- p • 4. • ELVKI.A.-32EADE GODS: JEAN L ,421. • , °OFFEN. .4 Co.. • • • ois O,I4IIiTNITT' STRAIT, ociibiliiiitwag*:l4 'daseriptleas of AttrAttcAN'.,GooDs nutrio'ttfarLa Aluilocer orrYintL , athriatiiii easirrtrom manse% AND Diuth.a. . , ciapapiitgiit,' AMYL Aro Tatrra. .. l oo*urr mixa.suhisiAL , AND mammy& "CANTON AN;PiairrilD yrunpoi- murrcroxy ;Lure. Axe' oar , istur.kozo. • ALL-WOOL AND Intion mom. NOE AND FANCY, cusansurage. • Blain AND NIXED DOEDILINS. flatware AND Trim 041111INIRIB. stil n TWNSDB, OASHMARITI, to. SILKS & WQOI44E,Ns MOLLWAINE & BACON. Na.. 186 C/ITSTNUT. STREET, ear the let* arrivili, resolved s leas stook of 11110 .ad wpol,purejr, adephskts the Moth* and Aiittbiag Tre4e, mow slash are the fothretes pessla r Inaba of cliSthel :; 7 42...101148aki1itt on. M.) Whale 64 Rath Nadi. Pail o /44.1RT 1001 ii.. , . 4 24141Z80T.Vg AMMAN ." " 11410N7 014710;4 an intim; Abp. 44 and 4-4 D0E8141144, CASSIMEILM, FAN dr 'do., mou,Nre grut MIXTURE@ slid W- W*, SATIN DE OEMS, BLAME SILKISATINS, OOTTON • BACK ds, ELEOE SILK . VELVETS, ELAM esd ;FANCY SILK VESTINGS, Rio., al. •An bl vbiek * brio offered for 'sale on femme Ids tenni. LAIST - JUUtni.AL§. FAREELL &. MORRIS. wpoitTzas and 00/011ISSION MERCHANTS, i 3 ONZJITIOJT EttIA.KEt. Hays meelyed,by the fates . t Stamen a NU arsortmen tOialait aid SAXONY monis aad DOMINO rii l o 46 ,****** tL e l/044 xicasmlicau,ve "bale sad katipleass I ' "4 idindlAT 'ata. , - ^ `t•: : • L. 0111L1gBitaTBD DOESKIN& 41. 406 • 112=EZSMI iiastitrrotAL DOSSESIII; EU , •-: 00:RTOK WARP: MOT/WI • • - '•OOTTONADM-find ' • TEST PIODLIMI, aids IPAYOSABLS 1103 wa-o , L4s-A-L ‘.‘ • • -”") •, .P t, - girth sir Ageses'for Clanpost 111 Leasts. wAtexissi'mwEr4w, &c. BUTLER & `MoCARTY, Armin mint BBOOND STREET, AMERICAN WATCHES. GOLD *ND GILVED DADA At'MitE ILOWRIT'3OISILM3' FRIO= . . .. , ... ... • ,010,14IWYALILTrj: . - ... _ _ al - T JAAKUPACITUAERT PRICE& , - ~ „ _ , , _ , . - .` i `` ." - F. P. EMBOSCI, k BON. ' . ' ...2 , ~1 .-itawaraatviraliemartaddr9s.L i p..nri ' =... ^ sm r c " •Wilf 6ll ' .asI I "It i m A n ... ',ma . lerisirTot TearLaadAstf" i sad_ 'o l m°l4 T6 tr 3de ointaTtillT.apiliarr. - paa...Las.i.p* 4,7. ,- Also,' - is ha mist ocastao warip i . EpliEß, :`,-.Sii..v/siiiii ~., _- : , • , , 15!iporintenAint. JOBBPH 'B. "COMB, WATCH _ HER • pad .TV.WHIBit., No. NB OPRUCE , door, below BISTIC -; Ir i ttAr SWIM to Hopointig fi liat t ar, • ffiltag:FitiDlN.(4ls. 5H? . ,13/4.11,12119 GODS. Ayala rwMe«►f write die attention of WOE AND GAITER MPITRAOTGREREI Toil large and weitaelieted stook of • . • SEOE STUFFS. , This goods ate, 111 &lidera' thing, imported by me, direct from the Idennteetarete, - -sad I have reason to believe; from my, elsonenee in the badness and my hatiotedse of, the:miner of the' Bitoe Trade. that I oan 'etre/ ineaMorienti Lima to any in the basmese, ZdY Meek smosists in part of the Wowing: - Illsokepd Colored Blink sad Colored Satin Pomade& - ,Slmstr. mod Colored caseintere. • Blaell end CokiredSagiale Clothe. Ooltiled end*** Union Galloons, -5. d . tereee. sad Bine Ea* Galloon. Blank Silk Galloons andatibbone.' Mote, Sack, sad Wel& 'dipper Standee. thettrem (ilitee-Weth !root 4 in, to Win. ilitepe-rPaper Battens. Cotton. Wks sod Lutes Lewes. i• Mute itaittunt-Pliek.CoutOt V•ivid• iiedgelhiUs. sad Lbws Ludsgr. • WY , mil Iti aidlessteratent. Leather. • 'ilidititTatinferein ai delit Luther. ti ntakate° OlneMdltid. Seem nadttimi of OW Ilmistmea She*, Thread-OMo, ". , IBaton Zoete and Shoe Pangs& EDWIN •Virr.: PAYNE. twe ßv ib s , 4101, VIM OTRY.,IIT. WM. JOHNS & EON. 1110,1';5110Z and Q 4 IVO& tidITIRIALS, •_ KAISTINGS. GALLOONS, SHEETING!. PATENT LEATHER. REENDE KIDS. LAClers, vpiresa UPPERS. Lo. 111.:' N. *nit 1013BT11 A$ AIM STEAM HARDWARE. ROTT. 13R0.. & CO.. '4XLI O . 0/4,1110W ABA WHOLESALE DRALEBEI .1 If.ARDW4I:4E, poinficr, (Arms, TlSTOl l B,,fico.,, , 119 " 1 . , Liu:ft 5225 n, 529 , BBp pw.azvra. xoaTs BIDS, ' itindpvit,pitu' MtiolkEaiirmaizzirogc co 0011.11111 r, ind GITM ifN. -1* MANS?. "M. 410 OOMMERCE BUN,* " nIIA"*LPMA' -I.4DISSAS" - 111 MARTIN , STREgt, . • MATS IOS A - 11 A 0 • ry.? tr . 13 A 8„ 1'A'4,14;" CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. 'OLD ESTABLISHED STORE, NO. 39 SOUTH wow> STREET, ABOVE CREBVIUT. TONNSEND & CO., Importers and Dealers in VILVET, BRUSSELS, tCARPETS. Of Ow belt and :Amman mks. MATTINOO, OIL OLOTEL &s., &s.; ko, Ta irrhiols attexition . 6l, l OhSd *ml43-whatm 'lB6O. 41 ' 16 ' 1 ) 1411 " 1860. ateiliPET WAREHOUSE. SOUTHERN AND WAlTitalt BITTARS Are respootronihintiod to sall &Oil "mottle or ENTIRE NEW STOCK os CAR PETINGS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, ENGLISH SHEEP SKINS, &0., hat yeasived by JOHN LEMON, (Ettaalauor toßiabard M. Haat.) No. 47 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. mhr3•lm ARdILSTREET OARPBT WARRRODSI3. • arADD et: eti at RICKNER. - 832 ARCH STREET, :TWO D 711 8• IIL3W MINT.% (Booth w)dah 4171ste HRUa aft i t ',Y ßTA ß e A" YE -14 they are offerharat reduced,prieee for sash; Litill_BßOBBßLa. One Dollar per yard k , R °GETS. OILCLOTSB, &o. mhl4-1m CARPETS. -. Fi A. ELIOT do 00.. Nos. IN end K North FRONT Striet. en the SOLE AGENTS in EhEadelcbte for the ,RORBURYOARPRTOOMPANY, and have ooze - tenni tbr eale a hal eamortment of VELVET and TAPESTRY CLARPETtIi Ochre°, patterns. Also. smite nicely of the various kinds of CAR PETS manufactured In Philadelphia arty and county, tom nearly alLthe bast mansfitaturera. Ocelots will find it to their` interest to call and !Amain!' these geode; which are offered for sale on the moat favorable terms. • A, ELIOT * CO, being the Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the mile of the Wonted and Carpet Yarns spun by the Banonville Mils 'formerly the New England Worsted ContteMy,) and being agent/ also for the Baldwin, Wilton ' and Abbott Companies, hare pecinliar &Milt's" for keeping constantly for sale the various kinds of Carpets manufaotured to Philadelphia, oa the most favorable terms. lal7-am VNGLISH OARPETINGS. JUA TaputrY. Brtowell, ingrain ' and Wallis* Car "Attg,linittrilpen Carpeting* and 0i) Clutha, In Brant variety, for root. a.‘:-UriNtinifflGlTT. -Importer and Dealer, 362 booth SECOND /street, ADovO tiPTUO6. Welt Rd** 3.I7CALLTJM & 0p..; CIARP.pT MANUFACTURERS, •LBN ECHO MILL 9, OERMAN'POWN, , MID, Immtenoand Dealers to OARFETINGS. • , 01.14 CLOTHS; WAREHOUSE /is CHESTNUT BT. ' (Omit* the State House.) - Southern and Western buyers are respeotfully invited fel in DRUGS AND "CHEMICALS. ILA! """ AND WIKILENALB DBALERIS IN MOON, OBERIOALB, CORKS, AMERICAS AND rORRION EISSIMTIAL ORM, LO., And lifsaufaetunire arid Sole Proprietors of B. A. FARNRSTQCSI4 V.BBMIPUGH, Not. I sad 9 NORTH PI TH STREET, . Haat aide, a few doors above Market, PRriAnacparA DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, U. ROBT. RBOgiMAH:ER & 00. coma rms MID ItAOll num 1111911318.111,11 DRUGGISTS, floorters and Dealers in WINDOW SLAM P.A11478, //mi., lava* tka adman% of 00t1"NTRY MERCHANTS ire Choir largo stook .1 Goode, whisk they offer at the ienreat market rates. CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. TURNBITLL ALLEN, & 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE. DEALERS IN CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. Dios. 23 end 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Between Itterket grid Chestnut streets.) 67' PITTSBURG aLASS GENCy. GLASS, OM OR EY TAE psonAns, AT MANUFACTURERS' FAMES. (el5-2m WRIGHT, SMITH. & cam, OLABB, AND QUEENBWARE, PITTSBURG AGENOY, GLASS, NAILS, &0., dehvered from the i rotor/ AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. S North Finn Sheet fri-fravent FNMA nit LPRIA. BOYD & STROUD. . IMPORTZIta a JOBBRRS, Hare now on'jituttl • complets Stook of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and R NOB and ENGLISH cams At their Old Staid. No, 39 NORTH FOURTH et. 'four Oooro - below, orphan& Hotei. to which they to intott. Om attention o WHOLUALZBtfilltill. • air AGENT! Toe PITTRIMIIIII ULAN/. • fa-am WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERB WHOLESALE CLOTHING, 494 MARKET tared, and 419 MERCHANT Mica, PHILADELPHIA. Afa and emaciate line of every style and lass o maohine•made Clothing, folly equal to that tnentlto tared In am other nit,. 'lO3-lut PRINCE IMPERIAL -CHAMPAGNE, PROM DE VENOGE lc: CO., EPERNAY. PRANCE. Bold by all Reeves table Dealers throughout the country. This fine brand of CHAMPAGNE, which natal the rratzwaiitt::.° l ll"iiir,l'orwtootgiteelt grerni f t unbounded iroceesasnd peesaanty this eonnt. 'lt is recommended by lame of the diet physlelane t u be city of Neat York, Dyer alkether vines, on scogunt lt es blame purity aid' delicacy, and those who one* try it E dna use. any °Oar brand. %Altbotigh - only one year le a = sr shun ate la a i r oZta I t n 'i st a rritia n n t :,. 7 l;l' =411111111141 , are with us to aortae the sunlit, of the gains masses at ate loosest high standard: Tke Pm** lopenal ampowedwadsly by ne, VA being the eels Agents of mieg, ,, DAl vonsoge_& Co., In Uns eountry, v. RA.uOIIWOOT & pee. IN, eerie MI EROAIIWAY , New York. gold IR thie oaf REEVES & DEAL, yolo-Sat fp ' got MARVA` Street 11.10TELS:IN TOWN OR COUNTRY.- 6 CARD. The subsoil here are now prepared to farnfeh Hotels in the city, or first-blase Hotels or waterier places in the country. • with ever. *mole of LINEN or COTTON lt ABM° necessary for their purpose: They are also revered, at the %hottest notice, to furnish sed,out up lIADErt And CURT/do:8 of every deeerietton, and of the esarnettel in higthfihTTlVArCtrvgPagnaZtlilr: nu tted shpippAßD, TAN NARLINSEN, & ARRISON, . Curtain and lionee-furnish.ne s t y-e n nde .tdre, settlf.at No. moo hSTN UT Street. WA~SHOUBb', CIDER. -41 bbls, Pure Wayne county (N. Y.) OIDF,R, In thirty_ and forty-galloncuria warranted yam. rare eider Vintagar, a u- • 210 North SECOND O Ft eat. nahlti3t* • VT. P. ItErelltY. 10(1 111. bbls. extra Mackinaw White .4" Pi4l4 in att niiiM a l le T b .ZYLOß . .k 00. 1 yob 122 and 124 NORTH . WHARVi,,R. HIRTNEp SUGAR.-500 bbls. crushed, TIIRBE-PLY, and INGRAIN SPONGES, ARY.i , 6OO.664OiiirMRS. DIOLSS 'GOODS AND 'Sii&WLS. 40011:ITJA L. BAITAr - N0.'2111 MAOIKETSTOST, Arnaprrumr,,., j ' • A • 131.1PSRB AHBORTNIARTIIII , , , ' • DRESS 43, - O0t)E( AnD A SZAWLS. 'Vim she siest • • • AUCTION SAL/0.1 Noviopm sad his sate kr below the I) - • OOST OF ' IMPORTATION. I( inton-if ALLEND.A.IX. QUIL. BY THE CASE, JOSHUA L. BAI.Lae FOR SALE BY Sl3 MAREET STREET 31 . c0T,INTOGIE, GRANT, & W., -- : ~, te LIMPORTIRB AND WHOLE/MLR. DZIAL Ri CLOTHS, OAIMILifIatE:Bi VEATLIX . , . £ID TAILORS' TRIMMINI* No. 803 KARIM BMW, (UP 13e4) . , Are ow ONOling their Serino soak, to whiah rite the attention of the trittiei WM. B. ISTEWAR,Tds ISIPORTBRA AND .TOODDRO OF SILK 'AND FAHOY DBMS GOODS, !1, 7 ;11;r1 , ..,; See MARICAT Eleiril, t=We ittorg, and are constant!, ,re ♦ 111 ostment of New and Desirable BPRINa 00008, okntinulrite OTC ell hawker Bla rarahwd (op owh, to r e., svut Fancy Silk, ' and all • pay etytes of Printed Fabrics constantly on hand., J OHN!STRYIKgR*O?.. x 0.310 NIARK3VP HIDE, AB. 013/D. PHILADELPHIA. Wl/0/4ESALICREALERB. BRrrign, Roman, mrp extaw4o..„ DRY C OO oilsolotnaosna :matting% boitgit dad! lincal" 'l3 l BgD AT REDIMED PRIORS. Rhin JNO. B. ELLISON &SONS, no XkiLICET STREIiTi ' (aleoond door below Fourth.) IWToursaa A..R D J0w1)... o'r • ' owns, OAB9 MERSB, _MT1?.•I08. •AaF TAILORS , MIMING% . . - • IVOuld• !Write • motif of , buyer!. to thejgr a , ones of FAN CrOAtig; alsEhY Alai NI3 crerrt makes o F OR t ; OLVDIIB and tw Macke wad trei , agi• oder the en) ye r aw n:4r of 1.13 It 8 celebrated oast* of %Oka no t a , a noon% aelocalAyearsated• g y r . . to e pruiaddartd•ALLOßlND /lain' ilestitoo- V I ITER. PRIOR: & DEPONTENA AND .10DB.NDD*1 FOREIGN 4ND D 8 3L PSILAVELPH%A • SPRING. .1.860.' A Alr iirNg"l.EN. OW:168a, cavVnt 'D TND, ALBBID R, Po u f. It. WOOD, *ARM, A HAYWARD, Importers and Wholesale Dealers is D R Y GOODS AIM CLOTHING. lell-3m No. 309 MARKET Strost.Phitottelobht. WURTS, AUSTIE. & MaVEIGH. 'IMPORTERS AND JOBBERa IN DRY GOODS. , No. DI Third, ARKET STRNBi , Above T Elor WOG, attg e ndOVeiiiiti &Wollner. oh Beam. FITI-lIAN, JONES. & 00., WHOLESALE DEALERS • Ix FOREIGN AND DONESTIO DRY GOODS. No. 240 MARKET STREET fIKW GOODS 10601Vitlg OMIT day for CITY AND NEAR TRADE, to3-Ain SHAPLEIGH, RUE. it CO., Importers of WHITE GOODS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES. • • RO. 809 bLARKET STREET. la' Our present stook, seleated in the best Mire Penn %imitate by ourselves, is the most oeutplete 'ire have yer offered. fmlem GOODtit, HOUSE EURNLSHING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALt, No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, ' (Immediately opposite the Academy of Tine Artie,) Invitee the attention of ROUSEKEEPRRS and °thereto hie extenetire assortment of USEFUL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CHAFING DISHES, FIRE SCREENS. PLATE WARNERS, TEA YOYE. So.. fen. cub! -IbtumEl HATBAND CAPS. noOP . ES & DAVIS, No. 517 MAR'SET STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, SILK, OASSIMBRE, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS. CAPS, BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES, FALAI & WILLOW HOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &o. We respectfully Invite the attention of cash and prompt paying bayou to our large and well-genutod took, • • felt Am LOOKING . GLASSES. LOOKING -GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND ?MIME FRAMES, ENGRAVINGS, 6ILPALNTINGB, ha., ho JAMES S. EARLE & SON, IMPDXTIMS. .AumuucTunixs, WHOLE BALE AND RETAIL DEALERS EARLES , GALLERIES, 816 CHEST?? UT STREW, 'MACKEREL - 300 bb15.,290 hfs..loo qrs. 4 -" ,- and 210, kdea No. la suit reboived,.and in prime order. For sale by WILLIAM J. TAlell! lc C 0.," 122 and 12.1 NORT witAgl/Zl3. COLITAIIIO ROOT —Foy salo, ShimRDA; & BROTHER, U end I R T. T S TURPEIITINE.-2 1 8 bbla. M:rititarrAtne.,ANlxArSi; for I t rap , il4, for n souT4 witaNE. mi°,4sl flfteASE.—Yellow And ',What) Greise, N-A. for greasing Machinery, Ja. assorted ttoksee_s; for Isle by ROWLY, AtHinitt.NErt; & CO., Ha SOU rit. WHARVES. 01.L5,:--13,500 ellons ext..ra Bleached hi* A d mi t t , ar p t , t ed egiti r b i t • /Inn t llr t 4 ) MONDAY, A? IL 2, 1800 , Thomas Buchanan Bead's Poems.* The affinity between Poetry and Painting has long boon understood. What words are to the Poet, hues are to the Painter—the mind equally tracing the Idea of the poem add the design of the picture. Aristotle that started the • comparison be tween the slater arts. Then oame the brief apho •rism of Horace, "lit picture poEsis." Neat, Oornellue Agrippa, in the_twenty-fourthohaptor of his remarkable Treatise, De ineertitedine et vanitate omnium Bolentiorum et artium," has the sentence, Dialler exam picture non ailed (nem Peas& tacene: Pasts Toro picture loquens ; tairseunteibi invicern' athires." Later still, pry other:English writers noticed the affinity betWeen;"poetry and Paintirig._, In Framm, Amur - seen adapted not.ordy the idea, • bizt pa very words of Agrippa, :and; hie haiini done so was noticed brEboneser - Elliott, wito onto() t'Ffi41 1 ,1,1 13 2 1 41116 . lin;id smoke from' the isifilea r ito,6,lteld, gat hi Ids, spirited lines to Aadlibcs,iSigiitierraturediat, • ` Painting is silent music; so geld title • Who prose is sweetest Writing." , 'Thomas llochanan Read, a -native of Chester 'County, in till., State, holds two patents of nobility from bis Crootor. Bois a Painter-roat, and it Is :diMoult to detormine in which branch of art be excels. Ho made, himself known by his pencil be fore be 444 wonfomehy his.pen, and ranks now among the isost imaginative and mostanceesaful of American painters. Wa need not here mention more than his piotures.of , "The LMit Pleted" and t" Tho Apotheosis of the Innocents," both in Li ,verpoel, (England,.> his exquisite!' Undbee," which, in stow the property of a gentleman- at Newburg, and "The Spirit of the Waterfall," iwthe collets tion of June L. Olaghorn, Esq., of lids dip., In' poitialtura, he has notheen lesallneousful. Yar din and J. liner, Esq., of this•elty, a liberal And appreciative. patron ofart and letters, specially en ,gaged Mir. Read to take, the portraits -of Mrs. Browning, the English poeteeer otOliver Wendell :ItoLues, that most gmßal of gifted men, and of :Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the poet. More. ,oier, BO established Reed's reputation as an ,Ititiet:that he has recently, beep,,essiumiseloned to /14ritAsi, portrait of ' Mri Dalin*, Anniebrest ;fiisl in !Liiildori.-.is Work whiek; at tIO dfiltittidati ski !nd si 'we hope, in that gallery :WOO , 'slain worthies whiel soldornaaibi to'nw4tan the 'petriotio emotions of visitors' to this city. .1. , Mr.Meatibi Mrtationewith the Muses commenced kiefltaifel-74d41freb netisiapef':F,e , qrkteltions haiinelifiitlfe — O'Wteiirite teas' , Ito oame before the public witii a volume of *nis i ", When he was twenty-five. Illapbsequent `volumes have contained " Lays and Ballads," "" The House by the Cosi" "Syl,xia; Or the Lost Shepherd, " " Airs from .Alpland," " The New Pastoral," (written, like mush of his later poetry, while.residont in Italy,) and a variety of lyrics. These last, to our taste, are the most• perfect ac complishments of his mind. Indeed, Buchanan Read's Vries are as well known in England, and as highly appreciated, as almost any American poetry of the present time. One, in particular, called "Passing the Icebergs," was quoted in the Quarterlit Retnew, for its pie turesque beauty and truth. Others are running the rounds of British journalism, making their author's name a household word and a living interest in far-off lands. . We are bound, after this praise, to justify the Judgment by showing some eviderme of the Poet's power. hero is a lyrio which, we believe, will be Tebognised as realizing the great sentiment "'lid' made Campbell say, that i 4 Bong is but the eloquence of Truth." The subject bag often boon treated before, but never with leee morbidity- of feeling or delicate beauty of expreasion TILE BINGER. Attar into our twilight fall, !Memo peasant homes in vales rernoto ; Men morrelled not twit all the dell Was waked as by a bugle-note, Tb., leonderotnt the wibliazad.ban, And 'Yet, amid theli air:horn Joy, They bade him tend the herds and swine. lint ha knew neither swine nor herds,— Idle shepherd soul was otherwhere; The gooks he tended were the birds. And stars that fill the folds of alt. To sweeter song the wind would melt That fanned him with its perfumed wing Flowe re thronged his path aa if they felt The warm and flashing feet of Spring. The brooklet flung its ringleta wide, And leapt to him. and kept his pace,— . Fang trhen ho sane. nud when he sighed, Turoed up to him its starry faun. Through many a dawn andnoon andniglit The singing boy still kept his course ; For in his heart that meteor light Still burned with all Its natal force. Re sang.—nor cherished thought of mire,— Is when, upon the garden-nine, A bluebirittlirills the April air, Regardless of the herds and swine. The children in their May-time plays, The maidens in their rosy howls,' And matrons in their autumn days, All heard and flung him praise or flowers. And Age, to chimney nooks beguiled. Caught the sweet musio's tender closes And, gazing on the embers, smiled . As on a bed of summer roses. And mania heart, by hope forsook, Received his song through depths of pain. As the dry ohannels of a brook The freshness of a summer rain. 1==1:t!!I Ilut when he looked for house or breed, The stewards of earth's oil and wino shook eternly the reproving head. And bade hint tend the hords and swine Ho strayed into the harvest plains, And 'rind the sultry windrows sung. Till glowing girls and swarthy swains Caught muck. front his charmed tongue,— Caught music that from heart to brain Wont thnlling with debeious measure, Till toil, which late had seemed a pain, Became a meet Arcadian pleasure. The farmer, at the day's decline, • Sat listening till the eve was Into ; Then, offering neither Dread nor wine,' Arose, and barred the outer gate,— And said, " Wpulcl you have where to sleep On wholesome straw, good brother mine, You need but plough, and sow, and mop, And daily tend the herds and swine." The poet's locks shook out reply; lie turned him gayly down, the hill; Yet left a light which shall not die. A sunshine on the (armor's sill. Re strewed the vale with flowers of song ; lie ERNI the homes with listiteemweei Which round those hearthstones lingered long And Still makes beautiful the Maim. The country . , hamlet, and the town Grew wiser. bettor. for his songs; The roaring city could not drown The voice that to the world belongs To beds rif pain. to rooms of death, The soft and solemn music stole. And soothed the thing with its breath And gamed into tho mourner's soul. And yet what was the poet's mend? Such, Bard of ailoway, was thine The soul that eines, the heart must bleed, Or tend the common herds and swum. The nation heard hie uatriot lays, And rung them, like an anthem, round, Till Freedom waved her branch of hays, Wherewith the world shall yot he crowned Hie war.songe fired the battle.host, Hie mottoes on their hump re burned ; And when the foe had fled the uoaer. Wild with hie songs the troops returned Then at the feast's triumphal board. Die thrilling music cheered the wine But when the singer asked reward, They pointed to the herds and swine. "What! hen bard ? Then bid him go And beg``—it is the poet's trade ! Dan Renter was the first to show The rank for which the bards were made ! " A living bard ! What's he to us ? A bard, to live, aunt first be dead! And when he dies, we may discuss, To whom belongs the poet's head l" 'Preath suns that burn, through storms that drench, Be went, an outcast from his birth. EBB! singing—for they could not quench The fire that was riot born of earth. At last, behold cold orison bars,, By colder natuSes unforgiven. His frail dust Starved! but 'mid the stare Big spirit fiAted its native heaven. Now, when a meteor-ipark, forlorn, ieso•nds upon its fiery wing, I melt to think a soul is born, rohariees to suffer and to sing:— , Its own heart a consuming pyre Of flame; to brighten and refine A singer in the starry choir, That wall not tend the horde and swine. , Thibuldlphis Little more space have we, after such a lull quo• tation as this, ,to speak of Road's performance's, Yet, let its remind the gentle'reader, who, with us, may adMire this effusion, that 1t is only one among many which 'are to be found in the new and en larged edition of Buchanan Read's'pooms, just pub- lished by 'barter d Folds, of Boston. Among these, let lbe loader eagerly turn to the poems 'severally entitled The Closing Scone, The Deserted Road, Rndymiou,' Lines to a Blind Girl, The City of the Heart, The Beggar of Naples, The Soulptor's Funeral, The City of God, Venice, the Bloomed Deed, Boatrlets t and Drifting, These ; or any of WINRE or sEcnn a Poems, by Thomas Buchanan Read. A new and en larged edition. In tiro voituner. Ironton 2 Ticknor A Fie*. these, vindicate Buchanan Read's claims to the bays. Of his longest poem, chiefly in blank verse, called " The NeWPastoral," in whiCh be gives a gra pbio and faithful view of rural life in Middle , Penn. Sylvania, with inoidents of adventure dunng the emigration of household to the Mississippi, we have Made 'no mention bore, because that, as un doubtedly his most ambitious and best-sustalned effort, is worthy of amore elaborate and analytical notice than we can afford, at this moment, when news and advertisements literally overflow in our columns. We shall return to it, for it is as epiaal as it is unostentatious. THE GME,RA.f, BANKING LAW. AS FINALLY PASSED' EY EOTH ,pll.4ocna9. OP THE 1=33 , Tito amendments of`the /tats Senate! IQ the Gene 'ralThinklng Law, having hoen tiOnOnyre4 in by the noutii, it' htis passel finally both brtsnohee of the State Legislature, aid is now, in . the hands of the Governor. ft to generally opposed that tha.bill will ret'leive his'aelootion, and, thus belt*e a liw of the State. We give below an abstractof its Itrovi. stone : Stratton 1. Rre it yea cted by the Setidte and .Son y Ctf 1 ? peatalitle erthe Coatmanwenilk etf Petinseiva. "a ifirfar y LVDPlNV ralq,zeit it in Ispre4y msaptscl r by ne 171 077/10 earn. That any numbef, of par .i.6...11.,at 'irlivflopartinstesdoe araseestaattoritnisi outimarige of this actyrnal elabliehlienlis of diseennt, depomt and ofroulation..suldeot to the terms, orinditibin, coritumencies, annttriotkone , and. liabilities hereinafter presoribett;„ but the capital of no bank setablished under' the Provisione of this ant Shall exceed one. million or do Mrs, or be less than filly thousand dollars. -. , Sec. 2. That 'whenever any such partnership . or netro4 ciation of , citizen. desire - to establish onankb or teetering its 'capital. they shall make a ourtificste,to be hereinaf ter described, under hie or their hands and seals.and shall coma a notice of the Name Itt 'be advertivat for at least six mnnths. ,D 1 at. least three • newspa. pers. one' published at the seat of Government or the State, and• the, other in the eity or.earinty wham such hank is to In locoed. ono ell' W Dlinn - Elvin, be in tha., German Innsuitemif suoh newspaper is published. which certificate. after due notice of the same shall be published as aforesaid, than be submitted to and aka. mined hi the A ttorney General of the Cemmonweelthi and by him certified to he properly drawn and siewl., and that the nol 419 to the same has been dale and ear. I really erive-aised accord:az to law, and - that the certifi- este and the publiehi3d notice Is inconformity with the Constitution and the laws of , tine Cinerpoirsealth. - for which xerviott the Attoppy gm:tarsi ettnal,he entitled to a fee orifice dollars: , , • ' " ' • ' 1. The names; of aaoll barrens, partriersbia or astecirt4 Hon, and the games and rerolences of emili.ntember of 0 maitneriluper assoolation. . ' ... ~ ~ i 4 Village, 2s: The leitte of business,designatina the city, town.ne and the enmity where the contemplated bank isi to be located, and which location shall not be changed withont the consent of , the Auditor General after gut menthe' publitf notice. ' . ' I S. The amount afeagatal stook of see h an association, the number of shares into which the cams 'Manly, divi- dud. , together with any contemplated increase otaallitai 1 stook. • . , 4. The names end pieties of 'resideneeof the shame, holders, and the number of abases held by each of they respectively. - Sae -5 provides fora proper method of recording; tber eitatifieete betexeferreettO. -e, Sem, preps for the continuance of the Operations et the bank for twenty snare • empower ,'it to treeeset the mineral laziness of banking. then collection of its debts, /te e See. b. That it shall be duty of theltiditor Generalle report annually to the Legislature, within three daye from the commencement of the eminent, a Rummer-Ye of the state- end condition of every encionowided banke or bankine metier:tom, and every private hook front which Mode have been received for the preeeding'vetiri at the admiral dates to Whiebeuch reports refer.. lee,eriene. ' Gan. 8. Thet any inerenea Of capitol alteration or ne diliteri shale be advertised, as provided far in the-2d e anfttion of thisiset. for - six months, and then lie rub '" to the stockholders et a general meeti tie milled for that purpose, and by them approved - and farther any such ineleaee of capital alteration or shall also be approved by the Auditor General ; and if 'tip• Mired by the same. shall be attested end recorded, and published nk. as ts provided In the original formation of said ta Soc. 7. That the Auditor General of this Common= wealth shall came to he engraved and printed, in the heat manner.•to guard neidnat counterfeiting. such quantity of circulating notee ill bi- nk of different de. pominatienti. not lees than five dollars. each of which is authiviztel te be mood by this banks of this Coin. monwenith incorporated under this not. as lie me.y deem neoessery. from tone to time, to carry into -attest the provislooa of thin act; said notes shall be counfereorned be the Miriam General or by a clerk appointed by him for that purview. numbered and registered in Ida Moe in manner as directed by lure in a book kept for the purpose, and all notes isatied by him shall lie uniform, and they e hell have staiMped On them, Secured by the deemait of - public stook. Sec. 8. That the plater. dim, and rneteriels to be weal cured by thq Auditor General, for the- printing pod making of such bills or notes for emulation, shall re main in his custody rend under his direction. and the expenses neeesearile moneyed in executing the provi Mote of this act shall be audited by the Auditor Gene ral. and paid out of the treasury on his written order, and for the purpose of reituhursing the same the Audi tor General is hereby authorized and required to charge against and receive from each bank or banking emacia tion applying for pooh MOW for circulation snob rote per eentturrthereon as will repay the expenses naeeese rile incurred, as before dirneted. , Sac, 9 provides 'that the Auditor Geneve], with the approval Other Governer. shall devise a seal with a mut ateeemianpt•on. for this branch of his duties. ko. Seer. le. That banks established under this act. noon Welly easigning totted depositing with the Auditor Gen , eta) the bonds or evidences of debt of this Common wealth, or of the 'United Vates, shall be entitled to re oeive an mount of such oitoulating notes in blank, of the denominations such as they may recto re. numbered. revistrifed,oonntersigneft and s'amped ati Is herein pro vided for, the lionde and stooks to be taken e at bee per Mint. less than their market value : Prouided, That the same is not aboye par. Awe It provides that the Auditor General may. at his d aeration cleansee etteh bonds or evidences of debt. • ossx_a_thistnesin leAlano,Otn,el ',MEAT o# - O s t'fild - United Stetes, eie s e leze•er , re f e - Bsc. 12 provides that lank or bankingassociation toinaffirrine bonds or evidences of debt to the Auditor General tame receive the interest that nec,ueA thereon, unless delimit shall be made in paying the bills or Dotes to be countersigned as atereesaid. er unless the bonds or evidence. of debt so pledged shall become, Insufficient security for the payment of turli bills or notes. And It further provides Inc a semi annual valuation of said Public stoat., that if they decline so low in market value as to he unable to secure tioteholders, the banks may be compelled to give further security. e - Sec. )3. That the affairs of every honk shall be ma naged by mot lees than' five nor mere than eleven di rooters, and they shall 01100 Se one of their ember ns president of the bank. Every director shell be a citizen of this Commonweelth ; each director ehall own, in Ins own name and right. at least one per cent. of the capital stook of the bank. no to two hundred thousand dollars. and the half of one per r ant. unite capital stook over two hundred thousand dollars: emit director BMA take en oath that lie will. so fey as the duty devolves on him. dilieentlY and honest) y adminater the affairs of the bank, end not knewingly violate, or willingly permit to be violated. any of the provisione of this Bet and that he in the bona fide owner, in his own right. of the stook standing in his name on the inxiks of the hank, and that the same is not hypothecated. or in env way pledged as mourity for en y loan obtained or debt owing. which oath, subscribe d by himself, and eerti God' by the edict: - before whom it wee taken, shall be filed and carefully preserved in the office of the recorder of deeds in the count,' en which the bank is located ; but no person shall be president. madder. or director, or either. of mere then one Milk at the seine time. Sec. le. Tbat the directors of an hank Mist elected shall hold their places until the first lifenday in Novem ber next thereefter. and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. MI subaegnent elections shall be bald annually. ttpon the first Monday in November. end the directors so elected shall hold their places for one year. and until their successors are elected and quali fied; but an director removing from the State, or mias mic to he t hin owner of the requisite amount of stook, shall thereby vacate his plane. Any vacancy in the board shall he filled by appointment by the remaining directors. The director so appointed shall hold his place until the next annual election ; and if, from any cause, an election of directors shoul d not be made et the time appointed, the bank shall not for,that came be din- ' solved. but nn McMinn may be held on any subsequent day, thirty days' notice thereof having been given to a newspaper printed in the county whore the bank is lo cated. Sec. 15. That in ell electives for directors, end in de ciding all questione at meetinre of the stockholders, each Mire Shall entitle the holder thereof to eve veto. Stockholders may vim's by vox,. duly authorized in writing, if dated within thirty days; but no officer, clerk, teller, er book-keeper of the bank, shall net ea proxy, and no stacliholder, whose liability to the bank in pant due and un peid . shall be n Rowed to vote. Sec. 16. That no bank shall be permitted to eminence to carry on the business of banking under this act unless at least twenty per centaur of the melte' stook of such bank shell lie paid in gold and silver coin or bullion. end shall be in the metal consomme and bona He the property of the bank at the time of lie commencement of its bankine husinesi. and at the place designated for carrying on Ettah business. tif a. 17. That the capital stook of each bank shall lie divided into thee)ses of fifty dollars each, and manne r as aienable on moks of lie hank in such as the by lawn ahall prescribe; but no shembolder shell have power to reel or tract or any shares held in Ins own right, so long as he shall ho liable either tie prim es! debnor, surety cr otherwise, io the bank for any debt, without the consent of a majority of the directors:. nor Shall such shareholder when liable to the hank for any debt flint is overdue and unpaid, be entitled to receive anyeliridend.interest,'or, profit on such shams Fishing as such liabilities shall continue ; but all such dividends, internees, or erolite shalt he rote' ned by/tho bank and op plied to the discharge o snob liabilities. - gee.lB. That if any shareholder, or his assignees,shall fail to pay any instalment on his stook, when the same shall be required to he paid, the bank may eel such stook atpublic, notion , having given three weeks' pre vious notice thereof, in two newspapers. in the count , where the bank is located, if two ate publishpi, and ff two are netpublished. then in one, to t. e highest and hest bidder for the same. and the excess, if. any. after paying the expensee of the sale, shalt be refunded to the delinquent stockholder. Sec. 15. That if any bank, authorized by the provi sions of this ant. shall refuse to pay its Rotes of circula tion. or any of them. in gold or silver e.oin of the lawful currently of the United States, on which payment shall be lawfully demanded et its banking-house or customary place of doing banking butanes., during,usual banking hours, the holders of such protested notes may cause the same to be protected for non-payment by a notary nubile, ender his Memel seal, in the usual manner, end the Auditor General. on receiving and filing in his office such protest. shall forthwith give notice in writing to the maker of such note or netee. to pay Cite name, pact If they refuse to pay the same with interest. costs. and pretest. for (twenty I days after such notice. the A udder General shall thereupon declare such hank to have eom nutted nn net of ineolvennee tine. 20. That the Auditor General unon receiving reli able information that any hank has Committed an act of inselvenoy, Mall forthwith appoint a committee of three Judicious and discreet citizens of this Commonwealth. who shall receive five doll ire per day rash, and their ' 1 travelline, and neoeseary exponees. all of which to be peel by mad rank, who shell make immediate inquiry into the tenth of such information nod report thereon to the Auditor General of the Commonwealth, and if the said committee, or a majority of them, shall report , hat Ruch bank has suspended payment- or its notes in geld and silver, he shall forthwith appoint a suitable ra t:Meer, who shall take immediate possession of the books. monde, money. ohms in Fietlert and property at suoli bank, of every desen Mien, lneludine the securities deposited with the auditor General, and hold the mine for the joint use of the meditora of the failing bank ; the compensation of such receiver shall he live dollars tier dry each, and travelling and,neemearY expenees, to e paid by Reid bank whose meets hots appointed to take possession 01, Sec. 21. That the receiver appointed SS provided In this not shall be required to give bend in such cum, and with such enrollee, as the Auditor General and Governor shall deem sufficient...and under the direetion of said Auditor General shall proceed to settle up the adman of such bank. and shall convert into money all rte a net., of every kind wheesoever, with the least possible delay. The money lo mails shall bo applied 1. To pay all the liabilttlea on Recount of the notes of eiroulation e to pay the mune on demand, and set riside a sum nutriment to meet all the said noteq °emending. 2. Then to pay all the deposits of the hank. 5. To the enynlent and discharge of all the remaining liabilities of such bank. . 4. end the reside° shall be divided among the stock holders of the failing hank in proportion to the stook by them respective) held. Sec. 22. That t she 1 he the duty of the cashier of ovary bank to nu nth monthly in one pewspaper of said county, wherein the same may be situate, If there be I two) published in said county, one of which shall be in the German language. if such a one is published in the county, the entire amount of the mime of the bank as herein provided for. and every elms Of items therein, under separate heads, netting forth the amount of the epital stook actually, paid in, the entire amount of In debtedness and liabilities of Sale bank, the amount of circulation, the amount of leeposits, the amount of gold and aliver in the vaults of the bank at the time of mak. in g the exhibit, the amount, of Mlle, bonds, notes, and other evidences of debt, the value of the real and per sonal property o f the bank. Sec 23. That the directors of each bank shell. Sorel annually. on the first Monday of May and November, (Moan a dividend of so much of the net profits of the bank es they (hall Juke expedient. and pay the same to the stbekholders. on demand, at any time after Ike ex piration of ton days therefrom, but such dividend /bail in no care exneedThe mount of the net profits ncf aally Immured, eie that the capital stock of the bank shall never be thereby impaired. and if the di regime of timber* shalt make nny dividends which shall impair the eapitel suelk ef the bank, the directors cementing thereto shall la Jointly end severally liable, in any action of debt, noire facins, or bill in equity. in their indivoloal oapacities, to such corporetior for the ameuet of the stock so di vided. eind each-di rector present. oe othereeite. when seen dividend shall be made,eta l 11 atijelked to be coneentine thereto, unless lie forthwith enter hie protest on the minutes of the board, nod rice VOW° notice to the stockhelders Mettle declaring of such dividends., Sec. 21 provider for the amount of tax:the new banks shall pay into the Treiteury Of the State, • Sac."2s. That oil inch dividend dal the isehier make a fall, clear:and decorate statement or extoltit of the condition of the bank, as it obeli be en that day. Af ter del:Oaring' the dividend, 'which shall be verified by the oathol the preeident ond °nattier, setting forth— , , The amount of the. capital stook actually 'paid in and then re/raining, aA this Douai mspissi stock of the bank. .The arrionnt of .theinlis andnotes of the bank thee In inronlation, specifying the amount of each denomi nation., & 'Etta greatest •emount of. notes in circulation at any tiros 'ghee the makins or the last previous statement, specifying the time When the same ( * c u rled ' 4. The balancing:lnd debts of every,kie4 due to Minks of this State. end .the moult duo to; books not of this Stitt, . , -5. T5O nmcnuit due todepositorn. ' ' '' It The total amount of debt, and liellilitioe of, e ve n . deecriptfon..and the greatest , amount 'since the ' last previous statement,apeoifying the tl4ll, wbell th e Wee. • (neared. , • 7: The total amount of dividends declared on the_ dig of making the Diatom ent. 1. 'rue arnonit bank.d and raver coin d banieh hal ,l longing to snoh and in „nosimmion at . thei tune of„ 'making itho litateMent, degignating ~ t he 'Antolini 'or each. 9 The amount on'hartd - Of bilis 'bond. "totem 'and - gt i t e CA v P i ti d elP;ilfg e g e rittri u 'trie t l ' irttrtreo t eg 6 iM i 'debt, the amount °moldered i n • sinstant emsislart: , ed doubtful, and the amount in mit or Judgment. li 10. The manner .the mil and Plimenal - Mein" held' it 'fon the convenience of, the bank , speeifying the an neat 1 °f lrPhis ntof . • en ford bta due e b a i c ' s 7 l° j , J sit) o o. "lo ' l 4 0 ts, The amount of the,undiyhted profits piths bank. .- tlli l FielPog i t a ttig:f t ;gnlgTh4l; l l l" liii t i37tr .. itasi th. a unt of snob liabilities as prin>spir to terer -,-. --- .1 gross einetdit eseneoreergra enretie .', - - - -• '" li. The totaiNnOtint, of liebihties to thebatilthy.the stockholders treoreolleotively, specifying the gnus a z tint a ltomh liabihnes, an ormensiddeinore. atia - the le a tit Ai &Maniere or sureties. which statement 1 4m. titeitat'SrAnlenitted. to th e Aptitor 0 evil 'of he Comralth. en ds .005). them.; int pribittliggt HMO - re:two , essesisar t . in rob*, . WA' , IM O / "MT .5 thP seine *IP pu t i vicci, , ,q h s a *blow espereshen • tee irethe German 13 A=.' w q 1 11 1 eil h rrn e r a C,T. o ti l tIt t rwtrl i N i e p ,A1,1L; G r emi shall bevy .nstitnte proceedings on. 'meow* of NPY sonPoted , ant of i c e d pyeecri bed in. th wt. Shalt deny* haunts oarimittodiatioh act of in-. . e9tvermy, (mob „bank ;nay empty to any court of romp*, "eat Ilu neat , . non for a isrit ol injunction to WWI 'IMIIIIIIT. general, to snipe nd all further proceedings age instsugh , Leek he an insolvent b.rik, and Bitch edam, alter Citing • sant - Auditor General Co appear and show, cause why act ie writ :to t e ld n i ttg k t h e:: t(id. ll a t n d alter the u w fl,t3 . C . r fill c i ontinn u es. su t e o redeem, in 'l t i old u ind ° s ' iTre i r ' coin. its notnenf eirculatlob, shall aket an' rder r nielnlne the , ka L lltor General from all urther proceedenge (veined lehankOit eettitiot of the supposed act of insolvent on itiellsull proeeedinse were , inentoted, end them. open' itthe rattily and assets of sooh bank shall' be ' Tertarod,Co itedirtedners. , -- ; . ~, ~ ~, . 4EO' 7. That irthe Auditor General jn any ems fail to ; 1 Proceed in ie inatiner presoribed lathe foregoinfeec,l Vitionid th is e ac t ,l " T ii" ' far r e h"rlinPfr4 tope ' tes o runt ano n-aa ot er in I i es o I . ha fattier link., and ni,ektung (the Afaire qt . - any o r,l rhat sha ll are ocinitritaen an act of hieoureneg." ..--, ttif,regrbtald:gtirc'f.l7:44=2l,ll%oo.!;ll 1 tif 111.5.1i0,101.451/r5 ) lliT5 Itag,teee tionnockwhenthterfatly _ ilh anded and re minnunpald.apply to anY court ermin es ntlurtadietion. for its writ comntandutt the Auditor' Ge oral to t hat eed. tops.. .r s e , A' 155 210. if env'tpank Skill rieittirtiW lefties' to Ca l l w"h rieTtli e fg r the reof A n u e d rth i t ' tig i. V e t au 0 h 4a.,...,.....4. .4in, .„.„ to :4 ' A:te n ! lamer amount of specie or other meanie, or to pay to its ' rrilla i l ' il r e: IS I. ‘ ll (Wi s craVeVAry 'r att: ` ,Z=TVllll . ; seeurity oft he noteholderesed othl r ltrulMigi We , Auditor General may apply to any g competent , jurisdietion. by 'petition, in whinh te ' lt ter Oaten*. shell be made Me retitioner, and theibanig,Eplinatte' 4 defendant. setting forth the substitute - Of sue order or (mist.. and such_ neglect -or refuted On the rt of the trick Its officers or agents, and the Auditor General having made ntlidarit of such neglect or refuse), then lb shell be the duty of such Judge to allow an intimation. ko. dm. 29. That upon the allowance filmy seal) 'lnjune ties, the property. creditors. securities. liens. Wed M eets of every dererietiori of such batik. shell forthwith veld in the Atelitor General. who shell napoint e re 'one ear pr rename, to take possession of the same, ag ne_provuled heretofore by this act, Aco. eitc. 20. That no bank shall take as security for any lean or discount a lien no any pert of its glottal stock but the prime secoritr, both in Sind and amount: shell be required of ohereholders alio( persons rot shareholders, and no hen & shall be the holder or purchaser or any ein tinn of its veldts!. or of the eanital stock of any other' incorporated bank. unless such vokhase shall be ne ceesary to preventlogaupon a-debt preview/Ty orintracted in good Nth. on security which at the tiros sae deemed mice:lsta to inanre the payment of sunk debt. indepen. debt of any lien upon sech clock. or in nose affords:titre Of sleek for nonpayment of the inetalmenti dew there on. fle Provided in this act ; bankstoo *0 Purebred Isbell in no este be held by tee soeOrehaseng or. a Merin prireareof time than aix menthe. if the some can bie sold for what the stock cost the sale bank, or at par; nor shall any bet k. either di reeklynr indirectly, pledge. , hy'pothecate. or exchanre any of its notes of oirculatron for the purpose of securing liumerter be paid in on its capital stock, nor p'edge or hypothecate, directly or in directly any such netee -to be said Mits'onlinary busi •ricss operations._ Pro. 31 ; .That each' bank' shal l times hive 'on • , band in 'gold or. silver emu. or .1M equivalent.- in tee eve nits. an amount refuel to twenty per centdm °fail its di ieulatine notes of every ,deserninon vhatsoster, and; west:lever the Ammer of its outstanding eircidatior notes shah. *veil& the'. above-named. proportioe‘no nire of its notes shell be paid nut or.otherwies pat OphitillthbY such bank, nor shell, uch heck Inertellete" it liabilities by pinkie eisny rimiest* or, illenteesor melte any dimdende oil ntpr o llibe,trettlthe Metalled pro-' Puritan between its ouMandimseisentatien notes, and. gold an silver coin. netts iseuivalent,ehidl De reetOred. • Pir.c. 82. That no peak ,shaD, during the time Wallah 'continue ifs operations, withdraw, Or lie runt to be with d rewn,either in form of dividends, loans to Itkeltheld. ere, or in env other manner. any nodion of thiesepital, stock: and if' lessee Shad at any time hare Mee ens-. Mined by the:battle, equal tot or exceeding leemsdmidell profits then on hand; no dividends' shall b. made.' arid no dividends shall ever tie made -by cabitekeritilelJt shall continue its banking operations, to an" 'mount. greater then its net profi.e then oe hand, idednetting. therefrom its losses and bed and 'responded cefits,add all debt* doe to the beater% which interest is paid, entril and unpaid fora penod or me months., unless the rime shall bevell seemed, Alts hut bean scones, of colleettent. ^417,71 - 11171'. 4 ' 1 "" 4 *.`"" d.t•ye-- 3 .Addiv i rmittimov,asow t .e. or ham. ,Arice. certificate of - deposit, or othertivideivein . . which from rte character or spree - ranee, shall be (emu. toted. or intended to circulate' as money, other than siteh notes of circulation as are by this sot described, . aqd which inch hankie by this not atithorieed to issue for the purpose of being eironlated Re ;none Y. • f so. 34. That each bank shall receive at par at the - office or banking hourrieif snob' bank, in payment cf. 'bias payable at such bank. for notes of hand. bills of exchange, or other evidences of debt. deeminted or Purchased by, or belonging to such bank. , the pates of circulation issued by any other solvent bank, ineereee rated under-the provisions of-this act. Sec. 315. That every bank mar take. reserve, receive, and oharre. on nny loan or discount mndo. or neon any rote or bill of exchange, or other evidences of debt, at the rate of e x ner centaur per annum on the amount of nue snob note, bill of exchange. or other evidence 'of debt so diumunted. and un more Provided, however. That interest may be reserved. or taken in advance. at the time of making the term or discount, =Minding. to toe usual rides of hanks g, den., &e. . bee. 36, That all transfers df notes, bonds, bills of ex change, end sneer evidences of debt owing en any bank, oil of deposits to its credit. all Me ienments nf mortgages or other securities on reel estate. or 'of judgments or decrees In its favor. all deposits of money, bunion, or other valuable thine for its use. or for the use of any of it) etookluedere or creditors, all ,payments oft money to either, made after the commission of an lied ,111001. Yeller nr in contemplation thersof t wittra view to pre=" vent the ,application of its assets thq ;mariner pre sgrlhed by this sot. or With 11, view to the_preferenee cue creditor to another, 'miser Papa rmentrof itessirett , lating mewl, shall be held utterly null and yoid, ere. 37. , nett,' if the directors' of nine 'bank shall' knowingly violate, or knowingly porta anx of the °in-,. cars. agent., or servants of such bank to motets, any el, the previinonsef this set alt the rights, privileges end. frenehiseaof such bleak shall theretoo be forfeited. Such violation shell, however, be determined and adjudged by a court of competent juriediationc erg.' . Bee. 38 provides for theunishment of.evers meg-. Went, director. cashier. tell_ p er, clerk, or agent of any hank. who shall embezzle, abstract. or Wilfully misap ply rine of the moneys, funds or credits of 'etch mink, or elite' Without authority from the directors issue or pat recirculation any of the notes of such hank. or shall without such authority issue or put forth any certificate of deposit. draw any order or bill of exchange, make any acceptance, sign any note. bond, draft. tell of ex change, &0., by - confinement in the penitentiary athard labor net lees than one nor more than ten years. tiEo. no. That the several banks and banking moms lions of the Commonwealth incorporated for the pur neves of banking under special charter'. are herein , auittorieed, be a vote of the stockholders of sairilinstl-' tutions, to call in and caneel their circulating notes and to carry on the business of banking under the provisions of this net. Ratedo. That the notes issued by. atm-bank lacer par.. under this act shalt at all times be receiva ble in payment of all etata taxes and other State dues. ttec 41. That the General Assembly may alter or re pent this not at pleasure, but no act altetine or repealing thus not shall impose mar injustice or wrong upon the stockholders of any book; and that any_ association of citizens who have declared their intention to make ap plication to the preemie. Lectelature for an not of incor poration to organize a hank of issue, and have caused stich advertisement to lie ninde of the same as is raget red by law, may. with their &sweeter., establish a blink un der the. provielons of this act a , root time, after its pestinge. Purer suche Attorney General is setisfied and dries certify thatailiertisement hits been made in ennfoonity with the Cocustitntion and present lawn of this Commonwealth. Pittsburg and ,Allegheny County. For The Press.] The whole Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is grossly wronged and insulted.by the conduct of Pittsburg and Allegheny , county, at the present: time. If it might be supposed that ihey were honest heretofore, in making a show of resistance to the payment of their debts under oolor of law, all room for the farther exercise of any such char!. table judgment is now certainly at an end. It has come at last, with both county•and city, to the dime of open, unblushing repudiation. They re fuse to honor their own bonds, after their_bindlog_ obligation has been established m form by the highest courts in the land. In opposition to all such authority, they sot up the “highorlaw," as they impudently hold it, of their particular will. They not only make 'veld their own faith, but undertake to nullify and set aside at the same time the politi cal Constitution of the land. Taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case, it is the most offensive exhibition of revolutionary radicalism that has yet had a place in the history of the nation. The celebrated Whiskey In.rarreceten of 1194, fn the same region, was less deliberately rebellions, and bad more to plead in its favor. - A 8 far as the present move ment goes, it is the subversion of all civil order, the breaking down of all law. For who - does not ego, that if the principle of it were to becomb gene ral, it must involve nt ones the dissolution of g - vernment, and the overthrow of society? :Let the • example of Pittsburg bo followed by Philadelphia and other cities ; let every other county claim - the same right with Allegheny to repudiate, at plea- - Euro, its most solemn oont mots, and toeet at defl= noes, in doing so, all judicial decisions and decrees; nay, let every individual in the land assert ter him-, , self the same ulterior liberty as ho certainly has, iierfeet right to do in this eeheme of political ethics ; and what than - becomes of the organization of the State ? The doctrine of any - semi liberty as 'this, whether for corporations or individuels'• is jecoblnical, and strikes at the foundations of all law. Pittsburg and Allegheny county, in the practioal exemplification they are making, of It at this time, stand justly oluirgeabie, before tie Wed,' with treason to the beet Interests of-, Pennsylvse.- In this view, the whole State has,roation tti feel_ highly indignant at their condi:let — 'There h a wrong here, which goes beyond that •Inflieted on the immediate victims of this base repudiation; and which deserves to bo resented by all as of, general and far mere serious account. The question of property, after all, le' bythe greatest which is here at, stele. Tithes- repudiators show themselves li3o onetnies of law and government. They repudiate truth, justice, right, the vory_pil— len of our political - existence. They disown the' supreme authority Of the State. Their conduct' is blow struck at, what is most vital in its constitu tion. Is not, this a fit subject for 1 0 111 arid' angry pretest, from till parts of the Commonwealth? In the nature of things, Moreover, the honor and credit of the State aro made to suffer along with such an' example of dishonesty within its hoonds. Pennsylvania ',is disgraced before the "country at large, and- in the-ayes of the whole civilised world, by the - disgrace of Pith burg,and Allegheny eounty ; and this in proper Mkpr_ 11. Ra. Irin be'eNt, ildseesse Ni..- . 7ine' • • wie " - -- LIMP • ~ • - YAM " " aitrearif- Traiorzestait'Annse. , gitisowatillisamed- • era are reinasted Ammo fiiir Cetilir tuz Alm he ticeilibinie; „ . N preelseiy to the ititiertinee of Itoth in.** af- , , ga to argent of the ttste. Ai the toed name of a' triple/family to injured by the hi& emoliet .01 ass -- • or hnoreeof Its members, se fa the good,Muse seat!, St te wronjgad and ish ,Mied(hz.mrhstwoms'istemr.,., fa y done within its belore. It ismor - to' , loll Ist de trey the titleoheasse Painesvaahi...le astitsai.: • to seseoists. with r.our -thiskes„socl o om i4 .4 G rmso oliasseter„the 'reputation ..O(1111111efnel l e t fr ad.: , Erery Peiniseybrentin lure rerew tii ,- - -'-''' follthe stein which is pet 1 3 11 0 1 11 11114 eillempiXtr .'- / th way. ,and may „well Mr- Allersd .le Awe . with indignation againit the mend olltr= .' - is f)one to him peremally; by meek is.whe vie: • Istionot,rillsoolid 4ner,essilpils#4lll.thf ,_,- . ii"he ease beeomes still. worm whom At is, am• ' ' H ered that' the 'faith 'of the State is,- to a - Willa . e etesetioelly ierolvedin the bad stelaga. of iihlii • d ardttexpity :and county. They hsvelt , i,it t allitt,-,.. T ed villitieredit, no pne este 'Ober , ”' ' mink (dreads mesiloipal-priesiseela-01,410e?' , cb AM , 1 arsOslllti .14 -ttm , woriCr. W ( Alaga; ; , w I& tim, *PO of ,PUtilllgg i iiii to 10k/elm - lin able at command iit' 5..! to -irr aselleht, aside Akan its Set , at rtimlslims.,: -- 7 to isina to..the., greekt and heassille Venassee.....- ; it Ith of Tenesylyttniar the - stisisolawt•Str - - th Rae iris the gmertiiittia '-'iittlati psi thas;-' lif "' - th -eyes of fereigaess r their maim seewsky mg -,, - w h.. Had .not.thwitt'ste dashirstsboit 11111411 -30. —, be oimitiMtionsrand valbUl '.. Ito!, 1011 ' tioolar; home& nadir Spayed tied of 1 reolot iPon theta in esswaseesvaa Ih,, Pe i of the, Co4l.l9oRWOthill T- - 2fey, , d ... _ at........ 1d, stet the 8 te, it the earnest datra of thigh fo minsey;ssist los , the eery , - - I - o Fai-: -. 701 l' - th r,..h.sPis fniti lir W. ley _PPM to Investment/14 alt f liiht,hcbrial., _a . ibis depoittoWitsr the eteiesitlirteir&Y;4,Wtr , • "., ttfinlad. isteleinZ -. 4l t.thtin - elehiatitairy; ea: .' _ to W 43 .,SUppOikiid,Viag• Of • the ilseurifies, au& .--,r hi ed Ici eve them credit in the marliel - Who wi Say; : dna' in .thesa - etrocubstewens; - msri=sa..l ✓ ter of t ttm,.alateisf , n9t. sesioesbr eempromitted„ e. -eirotb, oonoty,and,at.tlr,midestelte,,es.they aow to turn theist it We.intoaa =eh meats pair? ,-.- _ bra- lnost - nionstrcheit.wrong.wpini the fitate, Mt Nit COO 'lgalmraolous AL. frs,a4' .aboard , Imre heirs , 4 , oerided forward„under the banner of its Coaetiter _. - tioh, en - &-Ist osteralhle contort with` iti hails if' ' lesaslatlonr. 7sraey, may we net tall It ityintke hi h seas of trade end COMMOTON. throe. ~ ss. bas} i pr stitutien of the glorious oh), flag _ of reunsyfr ik IDi ?-'bet thsCaltates feel' the ' , dreams incligmttlea of 1 he etsomsaity, - lab ! whose honey 'ik,ey _kin stewed themselves to trail() is to ini a s it). ~ 1 . •,1 I -. An. . . _ . , ..., - • ~ _ .. - The Tei h to 1 BY 010111.-11181 1 HSU 1 . Wsinigrartyt, Plink IrT, .- - • . I . SENATE. f be Senate met at noon,, and the' 'ganglia"' trete opened with' the reading of theintrnal„ - • - ,_ F. mootarrin j of Wiaeonalii. prenatal Um pe tit on of Samuel Colt, asking for as" extension of hil d patent for the rotating pistol. ~, .. . - r. PITCH ' of Indiana, made a report In rarer el pr nting the President's inessage;tati . Inc documents, etc.. The reporter)", _.... The' regular order of the' diy --.l"eing pc 'lathing to the DiStriat of Co lombia—was Owl tabon up.-- t .,. • : • ' . ~- ' -- • Mr. n oi r e , Of . Mississippi,. inoved that . the 31. yore' of• Washington - and Geoigetownhe nisei- - tec. to the trier of the Senate on'thia; day, *pin -. thproceedings relating tothe District. Agreed to , ha bill ' granting , eartain lots "of land for the t bo silt of the pilaus Sebdolibf the Distsiet et 'Cos ":•-• lu bia, was takenetp and passed. . -------: .: Thethe, passage of several minorhi ll a,. ' - , -L-•-,-:- The bill providing for i'etty railroadi - Wirer* Washington and Georgetown was--tut af er a lengthy discussion, woe poreptied tat So- to day next, and that day. wart eat spar* Iv, Ihnal-' no , 3 relating to the DistriAt. - ' ' - Several other hilla niating to the Distriot wens co eil on. And. after an execnilia nesion, th e Senate 04 , -, jodrned . . HeUSE. name or ti _Ropreeontiveo.wat set In siniesk t 4 day, paving adjourned over WI Nandei. llexicaliAlEsars. PR9ZENT OF `bor. M111.13-4111111SwridAw: - . ACCOVIIIP < or Till CAPTintlf. Raw Onvistrs; 'Match 31.--Marie; . the cowl ndsreCitwo'Nexiban prise sfeaineri, pablitaile Protest Snit* the osphua, ,He Says that unbent:, j the Serntogs,lndianola, nor Have, showed Asir en ors. He kneir the two letter' were Janine it& set, and estimate& them to belowiliriretind boats' = to Us.* him, • • attempted to eitape, wham tit; ihote Iwo . • • - he returned: As wood se he ordered the *leg rhiek the attack 4. Alba p stesme i ri Roam. ?) Elerinaftiol464 ed . 'sue And 1 46. esft. • - litxPral at *Wow' Ate:ages at Bistaa Cfki" toop:ot : war rulasaitea, tido Atrailda anstato Masa:. bs.4layar bark Offiaai, obit :Africa: Later from Havaim E CIT ZMEXT IX RELATION TO TEE )14111-IEATILIMIC. RSV ORLEANS, MINA fdeamerEnsPiro Cyty has arrived frotri &vane, inth . dates to the 27th inst. 'Greet excitement pieveihrit in, regard to the capture of the Marin eitnedities. The papers denounce the capture seen sot armor. ,lIAVANA - 11tARKETS.;—Tlie litifar 'market Mond bioyant at %MI reale. The stook In port islii.,ooll Ilros, anairtoi, 209,000 boxes at theemne time hoe year. Molasses is selling at 3} teals.. Frolgikto b4ve /lightly-deemed. Sterling outing. e.l3tsill p r cont. premium. - - , ,A Blentbei ;ot 'ConiOohs jWasnennion, Meiroh '31.-...keeene - betWoen-two pengroonnen` this nothing Onessione - oorneonelte- - r. Van Wyoli, Of, N ew, York, m_eatinelfe. ilnd mhn, of Arkansan, an ilit1110; held' oat tda iuwa - in, friendly. recognition," Otos - Mt. Hisansiti led r to - take it, making we tholgordaf parted. To . n, A—Cocoundreljon - hav• denvetwil pooch not ofilyinintelzigloilffelY b4t ovary gellUaataa_ 1.'7 At tan Aran MOW 114 sond e a movement with hie left hand toirardiAr., Vhn Wyok's face, as if additionally to' inellt lam; Mr. Hindman then" pawed on. de far -as known, ' 'flier° was no attempt on /Mr. Van Wyok's pert to resent the insult. Accident near Easton. ASTON, March 31.—A sad accident 000urred altout noop to-day, at the Cooper furnace, pear this city A load of stone, which 'ries being hauled away, was dumped into a stack; where men were ' wrking. ‘.Thrim of the men, brothers, were amok b* the stones, and Several} , injured. Their names are 'Thomas; Samuel, and John Sthnebeck. The inlurios received by, the two first, named .are eon 'siered of a fatal character. John watt hut slightly • injured. Itturder of a Physician. WA:say/LLB, Tenn., Maroh aI.—P.P.-Trivia, of Sparta, called on Dr. Carrow, for professional se siStance at the Commercial' Hotel, to-day, and while the latter was writing prescription, Trevitt allot the unfortunate physician, killing hita in stintly. Thei 14 Is attributed to ait of sturnla a-potu, under which Trevitt was lnbasing at dm time. • Fire at Kenosha, Wiscolisie: - ,CHICMIO3 Marstr3.l.--A •Are 00CulTea garti- Fin, Wis., to-day, deatroyingsal the barldiAger.ea Main street, between Market, and Pearrnttletr; eScept drpgnods. store, .ixtd the ;with side of Market spire. ;Thrktene eitimited it ito,- 00, and the inraranne nnlyslll,oo.' Burning of se..Cotton Nam ORLEANS. March 31.—The ship indepaid• elle°, from Bath, Maine, with a oarga'of 314K1 bates of cotton. on board, has been on firsalr.the . maga/ in the hold, and irill.probOly pry* a beta; Burnins ;EVANSVILLE, Ind.; hfainh 31.—The steamier Eiate and Meg, laden with 700 .bales of cotton, was burnt this Morning, wheh opposite Carrollton. The bolt and OaTga are a total loss No lives Were lost. The fire wae the. result of an aoeridont. Departure of Europea - O Steamersowith nearly 9600,0000 . NEW Yon x, March .31.—The • Mewing-named steamers salted for Europe today: the Initac, with :200,000 in Specie; the 'Vitamin; with Mee 000, and the City of Manchester, with sllkooo. The Ohio tit Pittibuyi. PITTSBURG, Marih 31. 2 -There — are- four toot eight inches of water th. - • the channel-to day, and „ The weather is .clear, dry; and very indy. Death of Itlittor F. N. Page, 1.1. S. 4. ' Sr. Lome, March 31—Major F. N. Pige, of the United States army, died' et Fort 13orith,-trkon. ems, on the 25th meet, • • • • , _ SIN9utjaCCABE or tmaskrunnm.—Darbm the latter pallet htetweeir. aiiiseoWrk wie tilde by G. Fryans,of the Gift Book ;borer Gheetnut ettorst4lisiow iftb, that one of his clayks_bad been defrauding hun of a large sum Of money the exact amount of whieb not yet teen MetettMeed, although it is helierred - tbe ag gregate Corn will Teeth needy 420 000. Borne • 'taw mends of the - alibre appeared in one or two ofths gapers. withent mentionhet ths - panie of.thisdeliespent -ea Mr. ! , yrandtrerpleyntatarsts - Mmibity'orclerti on e book-tele- Ors: they Rf.threlly fool amorievdd et web: publioatiense yhioli indirectly untheated 'A all whor_patght be implored in the iterein that capon ttri-' ceorMrutly: Tome 'twen ty of them hove addressed a letter to mr. Erraxer. re questing hiectoeecntpatertbem frin .d v-oozi T tlieiti is thetranmenon. Mr.Mwahs haslet Meerlet terat, extemmting them t ethane-I: h= of the r ass appear to be ea follows: A yentas luau, 7:map D axis, who has been employed about -two' ais in the store; had °barge of thry t'oader" &wart- Ment, and renewed letters eront the past Offie4 Contain : rtig money for beets to -be sent by mad: The whir* matter hems under his - chants: kewonld worm:rotate" the money from the lettere. make nonete of Mr maderred the boots. -As soon sea don was wins to, his ho nesty.a watch was set , upon ,the Poet Oiler, and by wander the number of hookagent away.'exid the elm hey of orders Mitered upon the Muot-ImPhr Oradell/Wm or was eiscevered. - ripen .being caught. be • owned UP." told the whole editor:and - stated that he had il l - - vested the moneyrin huddles , bermes down town. He had built a row of oottage-housee pork:new:lnk street, hetwee leutlt and Eleventh. First ward. ix oue.of. which he lives. 'Be was also abdot contra:Ater to bond others. The empette been turned dyer to -Mr. Evans. who inn probair lose little or nottnex br. the transaction. This will probablyba the end of -Ate mat ter, as there deal net seem to .be 'a dtspositiopap the part of Mr. Evans to prosecute. Lle EXhED TAY Mille' lye ,PHILADEI.MMA.. entiirdny was the last Mir in which ..appticapti hi e tavern license! were entitled to tale them Mit for the present year. The county cortorossionencronart Shag between 2.400 and 2,soolioeuees have been greeted • bet _ they were unable to stye the exact number, thialirtt oat b,,,,rne been added rap: This ta nothalf mustier 00 , gaged in neither hiller by 'lea susatier6 theratiogasrl. District Attqrperßann should notgelex:lo mug to phrustitorint those selling Withent .S :.~.~: ~: <. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers