;- Alloll4o4sMo rr ia* ; Vt - L.' 'TX AL, a v .o.4...P.awitre, itagoi.`' tit efit.4l.lfATV: /1•44 ,Ighoia r,* e 4! .• ;moat woli r 4 47 ..10tf bat skiiiity ibiueit=l,4 for Os- diamilliffilllV4,ll4olZthiggios,l4lfe,ol Alkyd. • P1114ill&Pliiitilll& VII= Eltallaliell'etw, , . . - ,; ~ y -..„ ‘,4 , -- , :e-,- - --- . 1. , \ i...imumti!.l.ll. 4-.• ' ' • -" ' i . ;Aa••:.. ',. :`,.. „4 - ,'; LIMINI - 1/0111qh '•c' , , -Ise giti 414:-...- - . Nrirw.sur?.. -14 rofiejd.'. 4,, • - • • • rll4.44lPoddleTd.. - ...• 2 1d .”,-,,, ... i do ...,11......• a•- do ..,-,..•.,-.,40 W. -4s. • -,-- • • • • 4 3 • Sac do NI WC id Idk adv - - -• • •• 1 11 illedgiddarltedi lut M-, • 'IV - - - 1 - ::....,---. IIS, tdik .. - -Z, ,,, r, - 3 ,(• , , -.." sidd.lol le ' • - •••• •• • • -t• ••••ni ' -- - 1 7 80711-P44611167..xiti,f NA lb 'Visa ILi . : B 4 ...07 Obtelf, t . ..•;;,.:: 111. I I r 111 G i;:' ' „lug, - .•z•-A4BoV i ld i elk ' IWwila.. .‘htikal mini » S t 1414 1 04 "----" ta Ream lei * caw , tl. y -...;,... ~ ard o )ne ... .47 : do ...4;:•172:2..ff1i SND', MANE Itiisiniii:pait " * — " ral . 614 ° 61 ,1 1 ,._‘ Ii issi a l luMe tar lu ft no - .17/4 ..,..-• . ::....111, ./11 P4ili R::: . ...:... jig II MIMS) •14 "lal tp l iaiiii - AC:SA ' r ,o s 4 , 1 . . , —l-10iim461110,....innz. ~., , .. .• -!4,,'', 7 ‘..iiii. lAideol: , --• • c 'OM. deddt. fail & au„,ar , - .ftektistrr - fix ,4 ;, ~ poiiAlrorfor . 111 -: WiddAt.Tiod.:. 1 .• - PR : l i gillitc''''' rgirlik ill l a 4 $ 1 _.,•-• ....,_. 'l,,,,iird, Pltir.. '' • siii -1 114 'fi x ''''' e'' rs ' - 4,r • ••• , Ib .-'' iht ./., :.....1-........, . •. i tipar A t , 43 - I,llll Tat A "tri- -- le, , ;'..,,, 'B. _ ''orkild Y ' ' tyviatajoi- . ~.. ~.,..,...., ...•. - , , , ~,, ThiChiteriitHrailAiiii t iiitilitlitistiiliii'tor`opisie ~ siewsdioncrimo:Jko.,..moiniietlakieraap• & 04 '!, !liwikeddellocdteddiliThirdstriett ' ' :, ' ''',, i '''' ( Me m: Ut il. "T° V irgl i lgt" "Bee" ~... - -i.aiii.:::::lis, ltdso&d•-iiir 64 , ••'' z ••,, ',‘ .•;..1 Jai to _ ~. :.-,. .7.11 ... r ....,.. -. -, 77 ,..., 11 -. vani,,,,!,,„:4:::ta - Fig. ,., 1a ... :,.... c , L , .44.....- ski. • 4.4 lr i .ivioto ..... to . " . i . ,• " -^ * 4 .t . ,. Ns., ~.e: , - ....s to .: ~.;*---, w. , ...-gio .. tt. . 4 ...... ,.. .- 2, so 1.- 18.... IX srl , ay, 7 , Ar1101,*11 1 94- Ilharike . n6; - ' „_ ' . x241 . ailr4l.:ao atiaia*Pala , tia Irks* 11l "Fitipt,illl4.lritie :A-".«..:;**1-ankr!,; AIN '149114.' Mk go, -._ - it WNW IlitliaPiii:4l6 tor eiztra. 'sad - sly Mk for -- • boor, - ariatia - sa - idde l 4, - ,7anolabbos ilionsar l iiii• tkie.aifiliiiiiiol'iiiii . Lliotal 16 atity the Lama ..;,,Vmllo. 11,10,iiiiii iiili r litsal,aol,tukt, *claimer , :;. :' , .;logititiallittltrtio‘at;iad , !ta lattse attic !tr. bbl- ,2„1 114 KW aoh*- ';''' -:-, ? l l'', ' -,-- 2 ''."--. -' i „12ztii . iggi i rgiii_ mo ; l'iibi - bad t i o rt At: i v rAt 1 is. Vt. and i fyi atestall .... tartar tossaaa. i %too , 7 lalma Zoothina yotioar • - rto a matte - taniE labgeig - ,_ViZarris ad: tats 444- it.14:18=0: 4- Ona . 111 ,.. S 9 vli: .- - '” itriitif voaks, itt,tploo 6:4 sir tat So. I ° "I I ii'',-,-.,. * lli ,vc• .. ",iniglicit it io a f rtopit' , Bo&kiiiimmar;for-. i! -.- --‘ -- " "4141 ,--„ ~...,,i ~1 --" frobj &S.!: ' ' . ''' AlsOlatata. ' ' O w ,:'7' ,, :V o t;iaiiiio» is, Jam.- OM il* ''' 'lab Viel - 1, 414 ilk% 1141*.0 slorriaima,7 oft; ),,,.. lgataL mm it tat iiilist- -' . 1 04- 1 6111404% ' ----,‘ . _ --7411 ; .t 1, '':` luir &iambi - A*4 : -. : 1 41 1 71 0-:log! la Huta ataViaiotiidi' i" t i 4* - 10 It iraatod. mati.....0401 • sad A p e setaaasassd M:If li Nitiiirii th hehaagid;',"/ beas• iffaii=j4,; d ate": C•,, 4 4 2itiodo;Sostsoma 'aka: Nampa ma; d -,...: 4: rid kballi*Vill POrgiakin• - :• . - 1,. , , 1 10. "" TgailfAi Ta l P i n?" dokoiL - Tho Pfloo• lloilln iit the WOW* Otitis othe be estimated with . , Mae •thotamod in mimes of the ommuta, from its '-dididTISIOdOPIPOPO Pool do MOUT liotoote by laioritild'im' If etio;IPOrootO in do put -"d 'r:.. Item ins hen only , as rapid al in das yeas _ , , A pritnAms„ Mir poloalathe mnat now be 81;510,902; ' ~." -tamil Wit itsolbook la the usu. ,roportion. m that '-``fiaosl7olso DES loOtloot ji„PolododoL of 31 1 1,78 , - '"fle,i4'-"letitit.inotsentehaito, o lt'll, It hal ,„donto Z . ~. _lt '-,' Iridi‘4*Widad oo4 l 2 487 d OM ao 4 1 191'M ~-oh-t -,'; / ° 1611 ;4 1 o$ 408 ; ; -61 1896 ' 76 ' 652 ' atit q' i 11814 - WI, ;.• and- in 1180 , . 447109 , lifft. , ' , • r''''' . !,..0 islet to e° o 4/ 116 ths r dia is t i k •,. '. , -: , . -- .- - Iritlitout the *rent parts of Wake. Ili '.- Am*, the Whidssippi valley-had *WOW %held. ;•; • :,.thittio; while Guff," oB,l co IhmAtiantso,' ti' ,-..`. 'slii4.-141 Moo the Mesh°. Thote-was not g'l-, 0. ool,isibleliplimerou'pest otthe- Witaissippl. In 1850, '-- ~, . ,JAIIIIroI- rem -JIM. itt i ltitt is i a nti . on Our Ihnoldo , ' I 4P OIO- Ml'Aohillilibe th "tansy ;42,7". f . ,,,t- c TUSKS' rairtett hitirtlo - 1,182,9112 ,in the. t''''` , met lad brest•Mi -the 'Allestediopf *Merin i _:, 2 ::,1t0m th e,Oulf. • --, In 41100„ - :87.2 per coat. alba Op , , ..t, iiiikonof-sr•Aktoaveria WO Sails,, `-- KO in: thiftestein pow:. imtt. pi . ' " ; -I'lludivii the Saha boner of: ma (money, oseater4- .„:,_.'l6,lthilikodfoidjh ~,ponmagi;;:,..---;:_,,,•,,,..—. ' i -'' 1 t ' Mil 48.8 ' ._, - lei: , irTkiLitea' sis r l, •-- .l. -*Arthito A pomoseesswlCONoo d 4 lde d"'''' 7-m , • ,- .;"ogmlustintehoorlastheadille,lloo: Imeellelmes t , li , l , --', ll °, l l l #l,_ldtlid4W ,oo o ,, s,eatoli‘s o l" - thins4 l tith ''''" 4 R•r , ww.smiessvii , ittaidk >rheiciadieldei is not , %Mil thstaithria timai~ the' Om* ,In ; 7., -; -- mal • ~ uk - Oars .whilo 885,80501, Ad= Ike 80d b, ' end Acqp. tiviiialrorth:; ~, . _,' _ • - Ms States *idol bthentsreates the matte Pop : - . --Manor Mom itittlito•'lBso, ere Wheoesin, lowa, Arkounth,"Blleidigth; mad Mimic `..llimiothit hairs tommemired Ate toast is .that time AM V•rfatilii, - , Atom Hanspoitheo, Huth ;; Caroline, North Carolina, Vistula,. Of thee, Vermout ill Om doosotr, „ ', sad Nor th Oersdinailei quielmet, iu loaretute. , ~. Tho wean* tunas. of population, therefore, ~ "=, ' Vieth' lit"-thro Outral States, iiptimay, in ;ow -,- ~., Wortityremiond ikunkmost, whisk Ms ouseeptoseily, "..” to theentoeireptiationt the dummies polith '. ' ` B r - Tanyuanled PO - iikeiblv ititiii. ,- Wole*o . inivoihea,mors flu Athes-Oalitorata, - admitted u• hi,- tleothethu, JIBIS, , sad 02r sand' Ili these tio 0. , 40t 185$1 , anal the Sometionise tab; NlM,Nomboo,' ' WooKeiltolly.Alebtaska, and „lianass, organized In ~, r Oh lest Mu Team , Jour other Torniterka aro Pro. z' • roe& o'cllttimess, Dotoolui,.__JoroPoOto sad liVeodi:- - 4 r oo ottittoldol lo Al- .oio dosede,:fysility, hal ~ II AlOO neon MA* 4,leiritiny.,,and • , 10,09 0 "iu• ..-. - intiothury wilerie"ationthstais."lfextrooms. •DPOOPkii 1 111:olliAat softt.' 0 and 'lowa, has • tea Si 4 . 1 d3 oddd Pis* r lidPir IdOd 8 .0 00 Otimbl- V' .' l 5lO *el linnet of Neirlds and Jelhonoth, ex "1 - - - eitist thit for OW !Mar Cilllbials, and the Utist *Wain" the haw* Piko's Peak aim.. The ' lichee Of Arisen% emu* in minsuas, Duatal u y '“‘ p it Z A* Ik - P odge 04 WM Wortlment.,,s la -,,- ladminserapidip. "-Brofore'the of 800, dm seated will fathe Out notitereStly , • ~.-, M !'ilijg!", ' ' M lb. Vol of the ''',V..'''''''.•'!'-I=-7.; . - -ttITY irrEas.- •,,,,,.,„,,„,.,..,,,,,~ ~, , , A Pesti on LAMS -Oa • Wodatedii evuleig, skr ea.: - .6iiiigissipeat, In behalf i ehiriteb!e elitist, yes siren.' ,Weehhistoso Wail, Withdo sad ernes Om/ft , r ~,, 1, i tWi. 0 dpidlat i th e it'444ll4llll s t i e , asvetel et or Int i d a ll i r t L tliterV ii t ititd- the Perfen_tetttiret Jaen( Alier' the fre % ';1111111Alielitortie Olietdl4: v eer Middy swarmed by, tho 1 ",,....... -, ' y , ' 7hoo henry Imbue woe an alveoli pa.* on "Xs lier,",,dtvred lif limesMA. piton. Au., a ssettemum of illaWbred Ast i sad Many, formerly of Mahal ", . , Ithasolen ayd iner,s, Melton of Oh city.'' The thrum' - Shut& aid aesiret , ii.eilioa of the mem were in the Woo- dune , enbinstohr to ne senior; set it vs. oollooddir sad iteetively delivered. From the lastortele ~. releettelit der th e thrum* of oo promo a tbemeAlto . •, 1 ' idle 444,6teemer. cos admit of that nviginative skliir • , irtuleV" babe tonh ca. wan of wage unkceink7 or ' that °loth Meese Ikea Waves to torkithardto earth Or ,- , haves:" lot. *lbw Mr. Same'. Winton this cama. , 1 ; ' 'Meehan thstiag-mbth Mat Us*, . ~.., ~. Ir Pomo. Those Onerous su it i" ' ',non iotrOlo etair. alto Or Dallif '' .. "'lliiimsist insisiremteMiyuelonosithe f'_ mins; tre AMPiendr se ilmt•• mos or do °° ll- ' 7 "'f":0 aria 10 6 : 61 OkNi 00.00.10 tIC we, MU i .N, the - w`nimmeirof amain% Whidtwelith as nuthildly am- bodied_ la ere imer'm resolies:,la ihilf thiloOdolO It s•: A 0. , -.4thoenuothoftehiirmdi-liisetoitoesperi at thou ker, 4- - el hiserorrnm: verstid re the extrovaciad. "*". The somomeirtelminossea rieuresting the tree nobility= " Orjrafeti, eigiiMalevabal tersioner of its itinetloral ,l, Applffilpimi ibitkith mots irditElous, so% iroihtors °Pine. - heASSAOI I / 1 100114b7 111 " 1 " /11 0 1 1 42 MON of nor Aeon sempologrir;' Thine nu eimisatly meth re *OM esseherthia.modiselas this prim, sad: Smola the owsneilliel me tatilimod, it is wor th y of foommat re. • .:"..bennetto'i_.". " ...: - _•., _ .... . ltaxint Raiiiaiii.44r; ear iritti &s #64 ot , iiiidr.oliii4mostioeislatir*twiSevo th • r ' s terni,lNigitrirs until altr4orattwolkitiobardiee. l f r 2 ° It • 4!A"lia".. s hoo mi st Nom W. wiorpoitt of tkovo isi miiroo otiOditles of *Swim* tho trokiot his eon ' r'l wltl}'bats,:tlis ntest;osNbntssd:sstasfsn- MIL Ow***is.o4llo9!!!l for ?o• ‘ 4 , llll .. ,ll W atie ti ; t: • -1 41 4,06 01140isin , -to.-16'invitie'siteittogiiottis •• 4, - .11614* - Miltisoultaiewi alt~aoluicis eitiotsutoi'• Wit' e'' so, take phst oa .it empalkent note - wider 211i%CosNilpyU., goes .."0,100.1 , 4t nuliati , of worse. 4,o,oo",„unikielli;b7..thi Wan - 11C'etkai, VIOOPOIONIIO6* aithOsit Om areOlii ihietisilliFft Air Agoigi* Or ? a it. ron..r iffk•bion:iittoloi tt , besOto' tia sT! b t ., ` , 414.16,1r. Ow — siiaja' : vii=ll2l=Vbleo=ll4.ttairs! 'Thu,* litt*l p ta Moire/tot : 9 , lfirtglik iii*Unalmii tat bi " iiiknisi,lllll6 lila WON* a. _ ita* 411iii**111. - Ipait **stoat; Cai , APNllll.ohroilltatfi lure Ottnit - ,01 ZAL a BowrarA e rd Vino. !it* . 4gitiaoift Imokoltroti catigutri & • P ..t1111!?11"1"11., uromA FRlDAr. _ mAttell , • • • • • - ear vro• T.. - . 6 . 5,. , • MEM! 1 Aatatiitlif latriuNcipAL OTELEI, 1 rilY , r: , : iii.iiiiiiii,oilXikilisiiiiiiii; 4,.,e,1 in .. !.... , 'lc •-• • -- • : •-' -• . - n-... 00'4111004 . Ardr4k**ooilior o,Nlotli Old Cliesimit: elititfoo:lO T ~" , ' • : illiJolmiwaiphlii,',". • .; Po Frowenfeld. Pittsburg Darsetresaer, Pekin; 111 . Wtp Fr . ._Pokin, Al - ,- Mabeirriprernima. lit IN Ca rr: halt - -W A Hark & wt, Mow lee Dorke•MiLas, .. • A, A. °Wien, Petersb'g,Va WOK A.Gholsoa. Vt , . • /Diu M a Sts k, films; rBo,Mojdo ,i • - J *Brown, Wash. l'a C j trtoo Nowliowoo; 2 344.11LAdowei Boson ; r now & Is, N g , .0 /1 Holm's- It 1 , i-ll- wl!slkarTrart 81 ' ~,, aL lowlr.Burlinston, NJ les Lilian, adaMs,R. 5 .-,. R&VA & la. N Y ,' Clitaner4onst, -- • , , --8 0 0 admit, b.. C , la, N i 'Cti t tit = ll.P" , N 17: 8, tr . A, t 7 ' fileo l'lltl it l io : he ri fi ' s ' i n. P °P. _, !°- " 1 Randall 1Y N ., , ~, . , - C Ili 8remman.1.4.0,...r f,..tylitn,igtr.:ArY- '- ;4 It ° 141 1 :' PIYAdYn G. 8rmi.,.... -. D Clark,. lowa.' f' ni TRayes. Chester co: Pa `F C Brewster Phil& •', Wm Thompson & la, 8 0 .111Mellor. Pittsburg 8 G tiayes.•N 0 ' -. ' .. ', , Any T Fltot. N J % T an 4i°kleal " ' • AI lowtjtiohmond , Va -W Diardette. Wulf, .g:ic a M Lawyer, Huston .0-4 , Gardener. PI 0 ,„ 0 P,O,handler,ll Y g Prow& la. Chowigo J NI L oixbi. II 1 - 4 ',' Walk& la, 0 ,J 11 Former. Ala ' • ID P' Loran. Al entown ' - N N camphetur I W It Brown, Prttskital--- -UDE Halsor i_B 'T Miss J Bohm:m.)4,N ,X ~- -4._two_CMAtta Y 'Jim Ellatkrns,•wit -• '' '• w Virtu.' x JBLootnts & la, Id •• - " r grmwold & la, N Y John t Cook, nor -.: ,::,WlLldolg.tdregy V tt i ogriii:Ar '' ' ' ' —" :; ••A T r EttAlli Hallo 4 P Snow, Boston „ ' - JIM !kr- Halt ' • R P Rankin, Dalt ' - ~ : ' • blurs Webb,Wornester Ai B inneg. wigs . , -"it G ettlealii rt Y:_ . :pirs% r. w n B :raiLP!!' - g.°-:17:. 0 , tar' T Butte, Chicago ,:` •', F. , Goddarm Prey, N I W wChspig; Proc. RT"-• A E Deitch. Ni t I ' TrO Pratt, Tia •' , • ' E aitland, N _ ! , • I, W M O•r li rrIll, 1 " ; " Pr1air t ,17. 1 ,41 3 , . • ... 8 4:.,..N,T; -- • Mrs A'Alw_ace,•• Y .. 14 - ...,,N11. 3 - - - " -.A.Z1.114.,nri, 7 .!- L P ark, Wllllbillgalt, , ~ V V i i c ;aker, ret .„.. n f-trio.-0-., : 1r ' & I Nott e ll ' D til Wait, lair- - - : 0 D Meanly. Y , M a Jones, radon rJ Id Pry & la, MO • '011,8,82 110050—Chestnut fit..lllow Ninth. W 0 Camp. X k. NJ ir 1A a Bnentwall, NN F imact,...s . , . •, , pahbott, N Y O L . c.Atign _ la. /IT: My" , Ti v 'cat i r ii aji,, p y t re a l i v e n far W* . chets ' Chicago - TIM' A Mullin: Ohicag o . Mr r& to 8 Y t t , . LMcjl.Vonald, Ohio. „ , LWi Rams. Oho r 8 Bunter, Boodmit , Tft Minting, Y- - _ _ V B Winatog & ho, Mau ' I Morrison. Pi Y- z ,.. _. 8 Mullen & la, X I , - Obvistian Itteimyr R. tot; Md r a WolL - Md 0' 8 Carlini . PI Y so gu M lag, Y Homo@ Martin, Bath •13 vis,'Poi . .Waias, Ps , " illitivard & la, Ps . P Igaggio, Vs _, 8 Magraw, Lancaster ram - tRUL Olin, y Mrs 1, S Hunter, Reading utr. N Y , - : WPUJohnson &la. Ohio Ito rho. Nlr'-. ' • •-.. t r CUTIIMiIIIpI, Canada - s t d *ditch Wilm, Doi , It hi array, NY. John Rah. Boston. W. 0 Flint', .Bostmi , - vet B Banning k wf,,Vis -, i - B X Phillip/I, Boston Vft Allen. Tann _,,,, - , ~. Alton T.A...littlif_ t 11.0, fait z W , Waillr. : ,_ .. .! ", ;2 • VortY a ' alf ' L. Illiaia ‘ AcHiasa, tit'. W ditintell, Cleveland, 0 °MOM; ,. , -i d rtkinspn,,P , _ , • It ' %Li. a,•' , '. - I:ol:W r etwor i Nf r atexia.) - .14 lio t. INewJaniey,,, is i Perirl• Ilrfighi D 0 OW , , „. ; • , It Yeatams, Oin, tt ~,folm ,-- --,,,,_ ~, MC .elewhall, Lynchburg' OM I T** A Waging, Own NconnoirioNott s lc , 1 . - .. - KBiri. Uses' 0 o halloos, ~ i, 8 A w B rs, indienspolig Mr Ws - era & • Jpring lios rated, Brooklyn Zogiron , Aldniaton. Oa - ri m' : M utMngham. 0 o no Palkner & 2 oh, N Y .1 W Lawson,',Hila:: - Pal Kamer. XC ' • - W i l t irilinl j orgi _ . ,, 1 - A tt i mps °l°l ;l l4 . AW"*" .f qkine. n ponnerrnl4 ': .W.trzionkins,_Connergyle CIL VL .-", ' , X 8 Andrews. Bait ohn err, Md • • . , W,B Pasoan:ld. Bait ki Atom , ~.,.., ..L. r 'Muth, D 0 8 Ward . New York ' Hon 8 Latham, Cal DHarrison, Wooster, 0 . ~ -C W. iltiam. Boston W a nds. Boston . '- ' ' 39: 13 1kd r it r a' "' ow ro a rk Pd. MmlOsOtt, AMY: Ydr ~ : ;, ~ -..,_ ~ , , MRMOMANTO MOTML— Fourth Mreeit,below AToh.' IH' u MeiriirllSOsi. 0' ' "SI P Ciiirmint_ail '01W... 'Ogre— ;Ohio, -' 8 &Taylor, N ,Y.; '' I , T ("PTA. ' ssois , '.,:. ,' - o r lin' Hopi. ' ' ' , dot ei g i llyif -hi,- '"' '- $ Ligfett;WciCeier.o , ' 4, Leggett, Wooster. oWil Win, K. , ...IL Obrblittanton.' lito ' - Harpjee'renueliged , , nett. witteebscr• ' ' PLl?Dinennenbar. genent u R. MOM*: teeer Piffle M Overlield. Kentucky , i Mimi.. N 0 ' : ' __ , J 0 Hens. Wspoonown ' Kunith Robinsot,- ROMs B. Robinson. Misan , 1 Vtultb, Snow eilldeld - 'P W Leinbnch, N C , ' J. Ccy, Mitten ~ . W 'Leiner. Pa „ ~ . 0 - ivie,-Vs' ' , • J Q.YoungenenL Miliiinli g EIT The neg. Muncie. Ind i, 'LI _Treharn. Al Wm.* , Lo F Oregii n vrerrilgs' j .las geTli i rer. r iur r lilite Lcl wndes. - yp ''• SR Fot, N 0 - , ACI mberlake, vs ' L rielsoniAlabsms Ir S 14s, Columbia., Pe, ' • JONES' HOYEA—Ohistont street. below Seventh. 11 "4 14,_ B. lirtr a ii Jr. 2 hill' Itilitmitigi.lity D.it rtu r s.:Pet Beo W Parsons, Rochester Reim atm. 14 Y DI 11l florae. N Y LP' Diffenbeeker.loWa K Rosenberg. Tease wLt masts'. ilokkg 6o J 'torn, Aware oo DI„alto. 14 = Y El Jenks. N J Et Itosera, N J J H oenruson. Baltimore .1 Pitorriejlelttroore Coo Prink, Baltimore P_Ptioe, Baltimore M Denning. Vs W Er Croft. Mau. JR Van noose. Ark team Worlahorrange, II Y i i p. Meranall. Phila °JIM." ' ” i rr a ' vfts“"l'l • ' Nor folk. v • i gg 1 1 4 4 if f.Gzfai,, iest NAN arr, Liberty, Mo, -AMMIIMMIIMOTEIO--C,6inatti On*. Oove Pita". i h i ll tri g 41111,4,5;; '.Jpregajallfa.BgriVille P it i WV! ' '' ' ' arVar t ratot i tt Md R T m ireilaratana Balt , Wen C Banta it ha, ?I Y . Maw man, 4 Y _ , tarsal Pins • J 'Awl* A vrt,lll am t? Magee, N Y Ihi Raven. 1 4 1 V' . Thee W ?motor, H 0 W A rot e R 0 21 Horn, N C., ir, ie. Va • ^.li MAWR. Mid p 0,,y SIN var & I ~. kearlins F B recool), Ind i W %dein. Pr,Y- • P flondell,& ha, Conn f -- se R A Gla r e II I . l f)6rin vi ntimagf e e apasil 0 4 • Wei/ teeNall. fa • a, llerishaw, Zil If 4feltr e‘ 1 1 9:t V AL - -wok Wolf; Mimi'', 4 Ilt Pyle & ta, Del I f...,:73 . 0.1,00111 7 41QT1*- - Onintaist. rteors 'Third. ,, • Wailusiglagi ..- , Panel jtoberta:PhlM i .1, 1.1 •• -,- •.-,. : • :•.,..i- W liver..Phils . : r 4 owls, Philif - . : IlleSert• 1N Y ~ -I,Melitami.N.l. - ,- , ~ Atiehseht. Ity A tr, yie. West Chalker '- Wilmette; N Y • . Kobe toki Detjelo. - '• ,P, Moyne:mar, o_o i F Mattitial Waahen, D 0 1 h....nn Celhre n th, Del 'nrk D e l '' ' • ', - ' - '' 6 W IPt A til l e'Teire Haute Wm K Leme,Rettale, Ps ,tChemnaa,N X. JO Oelline - r Y' ' , - 111140 tiOdil+Jd. MOW IC POI Judtitilte . 00 - • . ' Raymond, Ihnitor,..hte J Ftankel.' . • —, lime; Frenah Byrom. N J tar bmrimme, N Y .3 F Wilkinson. imaonis ad K PIM*. Washington ' .t lanrkin, Athena T W ohnsou. WftselKoM WMotley WaMangton ft 3 Maims, Ileum •.. Fl Ewing, Philp O T Morrow. Ta Y ' -'l'_o Teem. o, FMK P Fireman. Tifibi 0 , " ' D Kohustan, N Y . Jhe A Talbot li - Y , - , .;•• -MIES Wlol 4 =f; HOTEL-Arch street. Above Thal. 3' Thinitaii Cosistlue, Onto , Henry Thomas. Ohio i G H Mears Pa. .: ; - W Garrett. lowa , t i rairellr e r ' - •- , .. ' fa r it i llero l ht ra ' ' - il WM itnir i,,,--- '., 13 11 3 4 it i r e o. ° & w .atent ry r7Pi ° C Wheeler, - Reeding Henry &moan, H ead in g- D-F Greer, Mineral Point . wr, c Bleed. Vs • ; ,r i l i 4ll4ola, Asters. Ind. , 1 . ..1imb -Sager-Md.-- : Itii_ .t . t, e Vroiti d ville 'ti rilt i s is 2 I. B l ea syrtM; Ind isa m uLenai Y - - - - des Brownlee '' , mttebarg --- , . „ a SilElila'i failliAT 119T/00-131Wintel W.. below Vine... A liCideralladira Pa ... , - •'.: • Vaiitorn, Pa •;- •. Peter C Huff, J i i so i o , - ;', ,. ~ , or e sgisotburn.A. son. Pa G iIIZ E I; ke i r-Pik• i;0 : -. -, e nd' Pikro l oi! rg / 4 orno,-War e l3rOlie.. , ell, eenaniesville , Own- *WIRT VERNON BliaTEL=Seenial st.i above Arch. I Kati; lands do stall GAY. Del ' ' iWeei . Del - _,, as Myer'. NY " ' ill Howell, Fa - B Instinct, Pa ' ' Buffalo:tril l itt : . Ili Y - . . . • . . .. • STATES MON SO $l,-Market Street, above Birth. Jel Paten, 01, , •' -- , E_Bietrofiend & son. PA Win Malllsary,flolythyd - W Thompson, Juniata - .1 W Eby , Carlisle - .IAo Ilrtarrrood, Carlisle - - - I W Lania,l'a ; ' ; Mlle Walsb,'Adrean ' Alfred MOMS: G Y ' Jas at MoOlere. Fatten io r el D Hisasustaowa . • - . Boos Mender: Pittsbg, , Po. Baal Dias, Albany -- - - - O.F Chamberlin, Ohio Ba l m pash,,,unany!:i - -- - Mi i r 0 Whiteside, I'arkesb T a Jones,' Philo,' .' ;'' D Harley, Fhila if ti Orono; Harrisburg , I Solomon, Philo .1 7 Thswiddie. Pittsburg ' Band J Parker, W Chester I kyrol. W Ql!t_l_t_ter •,' -V F trrafh t , 01ica.24,y llier=i;Wriiirtai , ; trar7iid e , VV . i' j :410MI VlCipti ‘ IEOIII4-rilinals at.. above Chestnut. pKs ,-. la . , . . • Itt Taylor, Bucks no - .1.01111'4 . 0We-1W: Philos ' C P 1 eller, Brownsville iti Chandler kis. He SC. C fret. Plc. BR H. raot Bartoiet. Head ng ~W T Seal. Carversville yr Roberts, fiusnizsille - W Fop Chester co' ' l Broosciet. Coatesville John Mercer ' ts Davis. tottsvil le, .. I :Riley, Pa , „. , , POUNTAMe HOTBI, - -Secerad street; above Market 811MMOTM.Beaterd.Del',' fil_T vi afid, d ßt. , ?ektra ' t V i tqlt tetra OEloneettl,'Del B Sautb,Peareare Yonaa, Del &Deck. Delaware A ik Whitmlr VI ereekka, Jr; - 13 Caldwell, ari% - '-• 111110NAL HOTEL—Race street: shove Third. Frei 01,46•21 , ,' "_.- "- , -" Se - - M Fetter.," • 0 Kreider i _lisupbta. , _A. ox. !Nair co. VS Li ityltili, "‘- , 0 I/bents, Hollidayebto re sisipes, Reading _ 0 Orstuun, Pittsburg L _ Antiatrigrastaittsburg „Jolla A nnsirogras- !,_ , yea k. aiIINIIT. oßroadbeati oodona ;-, NO is - Young, Dogs/town , . BOTZt—Thlid abave - Ceatowhilf. Lothik ItAuorres, 0 •I'&llist Keller & le, 0 ionuen /iamb, 0 - l i efe j e C kjira l Og b4 ti:V sZt e . XonnteUW t o rcgt, ps sadutg - Be=l , tk e zrhilli A &Nair, Reading - • ERCIIANTIP HOUSE—Third at jpeDiaweomon -Berwick Josiah Toei,N J Pa4hal9lltalen, Jockteakerpa. - Chao .w.Lordwii,-Ps, • D ißldeptowdr. Pa n.miuismai,..now. co ; .I) , thiumngs: Mont g Co, Pa y-Dnien_trtiler t ra_ Ni_t_n Kum, Reeding • Aim( ,ColuMbis. 1 , 0 .u-Deunpiteil, Yu 4-M1 rCatitsiMis - E A Phardt,•bobanon 'III4kItINIE INTELZIGERCE: BAY Fousru Pres. .. ~ .._' . _,,' - „-- ' 11t Tri ' 47,g wi t h wandai Jo M M Liverpool tight of 18th mdee and ee passengen to Cope Brom For three days rind MOW between tat 442, long 47 26, end lat ag, long W, was rationed to go natter very easy sail, owlet to tha guretalaseo of aloes* fog. and the tempo -WM% Of UM wigtat saver up to the freeman Point dit irwlyjkbe time, Tow ad up by tea AfflielieS, -, Lindai lientittArom Cienfuegos 7th inst, with th elwitgbtl *m• -WY - Weigh. Left bark Cordoba, Ro 'bents. for :Philadelphia, in a (swarm.; bark John Poison . _ 1 Crowell, from Philadelphia, dleohn. and wham- The U It steamerMjaadot_te, Com Ottinleb.put into Cienfue, cog on the Wong& for llnter; sod ammo limn next day evalibl - rall Welt. The toads was lowed through the attest! 14, Jae, entrance of , the harbor br the Wyan _. k, Simi Cliallett, Little, V 'doge from Melanges, I with gnat, ee. to Nutter, Newhall # Co. , , Meapplitart tifer.Cettpliq, ecartear. dl doff ' frOm rt. iita ..: , le ra ss 'o l v7e ea r si l lrg e r and easels, date from i ; wa vi lang to jolu ila t i alitiZAlllig dikttidatailiast hot % I , eenaeop, Zrieldr.i e rLys then Indian Niver, lit torn to .1 Lmetrler co, , C . mow mart; Riekarde, 1 day from Camden; Deli with tier* tol L BoWlej Is Co.- -• _ - - - *Mr pfs. Tinto:4, I dam from Laurel, Dal, with lorii *l4elay & Co. , ', • • . - ',ll Mum, Allen,Sl hours from New York, With . ... . _ . ~. i ll ereM; York, - .1 tilderdioe. lal:firgiLlMlnglAg ~, . , • ao . A - Gro d ves, Jr. - MANI. hiladelphia Exobange.k. D, Pr, J.. perch 59: 1 5 Pat. ' = l l4: Velal i e 'rai l r mate Breakwetet. • 4:o9thlS. ftUelliEß. lmui; - • •• • • mom eared , at New Yor k ~ ' To4l. hens , *rayed at .nofi r ridt, from liavana Mai ...eenwerifer:loveripool, Cleared at kis& ~' jci*:4oaiall fOr ii Yur i k; , . , All a root Callao, arrieed hp at Haiti-, Pr l / 1 140:Ineltred at; Neer _ 'milk Oran ' aritTori at N. optte**4 7 l , troop Monrovia Schr BanTlibbriitletersoni !Ulnas, arrived it New York jests *Y. Bahr T is" rleilließryi frOW,'-'ltondotit for , phut;Tut st New York systerday. Nebr enryday, Hoover, from Baton for Baltimore, •wim a t kOrk yesterda. • • Bohr ft, Cosgshall, Wiuntimston, NO. arnved atßoston Illth mat. ; • , • Behr B , F tlolliday, Beaman, from Alexandria; at Box toa oath tout. Bohr 4ane „ CI Patterson, Mind, hence, arrived at Oh lento irth mgt. fiehr MeHoiniton, Russell, from Boston, arrived at Mobile lath Met. klohriJudke 'lrfarrinaten, Halter. Lodi ffteollr, Baker. and Dant, ?domain oovora arrived at Wilmington, Del, 'yesterday. ..21ohr Maria , Fhtming, lbw, for New York, will sail Rom Wilmington. Del, to-day. Bohr David N. Wolfe, Hansen, front Wilmington, N pt - into Washington; N 28t , Inst. in distress, with sof deck load, ate, Mould go on the marine railway for repairs. , kohni Corderv. Allen L Crisis, Renear ; David Smith, Smith, and ll;rink,Dooghty, henna, arrived at 'Boston 28th inst. 8 .hr 8 A Hammond, Paine, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 28th inst. . Bohr "Reza, Hawes, hence for Attitueta, sailed from Holmes' Hole 28th hist. dam Southerner, Bellows, for Philadelphia, cleared at New °deans list inst. • eohrW U Mershon, cleared at New York yesterday, • for Houle. gidir B Watson. Willeby, from Smyrna for New York. was spoken 15th inst. let 24. Mn 29.30. • Bohr Centeno. Russell, sailed from New Bedford 28th insr, tar liiippeoan, to wed for Phi lade)pb)s. BEO/2+.1. Norri4DEM Bseiv X BAYING FIII6 — NOiTirAI 9 BT 00111 M &COMA luta Witstit litwasys,'-Deposits awed in amstl and , large amounts, from a ll glasses of the oommanity, and allows Interest at the Me of FIVE 'YEA OEN r, per annum.' ' ' Norms may ba drawn by Minsk' without Ewe of in terest. ' • , Olfloe open deity. from Mail 11 eolook, and, on Pion ass-and Saturday:Distil nine in the evening. Ftesl 'dent. FRLNIMIN FELL: Tseelleref and SlNFetirl , OX is: AI, "mum Boupsim IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. , FIRST PRISIIVII.AT STREIT PAT/. Philadolphia Otlw. DO ARCH Bt., Acenp wanted. h 21 - ,„ IMPORTANT TO TAILORS AND OTnttS.— •The Orover & Baker Sewing-Machine Company have Just introduced a new and superior Shuttle-Machine, large sise, high speed, with latest improvement& Price 860. For Sale at No. VA) CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. ~ &r., mm= poem-Plioop BApma.—A very largo axsortment of SALAMANDERS for tale at Year mumble vriool, No. $O CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. 'EVANS & WATSON. „ „ Mfg , 1.41611.LT5S HAIDBIRCE. 1$ 616.11TAGICI. —This is the purest arhole of Chen/Vigils now in the market; and is called Charles Ileidsieolc.” Gamma No. 336 South Fitotii greet, is the e6ent, fe6-mth Sm SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAYNYY TRUST Gobfratty.--Chattered by the State of reansyliatos. 1. RULES. I. Money m received every dey, and in any amount large or email. , 1. PAVE PER CENT. interest Is paid for money from the day it Is pt 4 in. I . . 8. The money is always paid bask in GOLD !rheasyes is called for; end without none.. ' ' " 4. Moog la reoeivoo from Ezeent err, Admisisiksters, guardians, and ether Trustees, in large or small anima to inmate a long or short period.' a. The money reesived from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee. Ground !tenth and other East. alma eemaritiha . 41. Office open. Iviiiriday—W4NUT Sirest, iontherest Vomit Third West, Philadelpkia. Jste - Tam' l:rums liam.—llow many persona abuse this delicate end - beautiful ornament, by burning witb alcoholic washes, and plastering it with grease, which has no &Mint/ for the skin, ano is not absorbed I Burnett's Commies, a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &o. ■ unrivalled as a dressing for the hair, is readily ab sorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to Its various condi tions, preventing its falling of, and promoting its asiddisgro i sth. See eatertfiement. dill-s3rn ONE" PRIOR . CLOTHING OF THE LATEST &rites. made in the best manner, expreuly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Flgures. All goods made to order warranted 'eats faotory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhere to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES teg-tf ' ' - Ett MARKET Street. RIA.RRIED. RODOKIBS—LUItf.---On the 21th inst.. by John G. Wilson. V.l). ht.. Mr. Jacob Haitians to Miu Bouvet Lnm,both of Bristol Pa. JAIJOAtID-11k.LM.—On the lath inst.. by Rev. John McDowell, &meal jusird. , ".br Glouoeetor county, N. J . to Mies Mouths. A. Helm, of this city. sHow.gut—DONNE',l,El.—un the Uth inst., by the Rev. John .titreet, Mt. David Showell. of Athiolo 001111te, N.J.. to. Mies Margaret J. Donnelley, of Coin beriantl comity,. N. J. Dl* Ht . --ROEIBLER...-On the 21d inst., by Rev. O. A..Wensel: Mr Henri Diehl to Mus RabeflOa.S. , 'Roessler, both of this Olt.T. MED. ' HART - --On the VSth list, altar a lingering illness, in the 37th year of her age, Elisabeth, wile of IL 1. art. The Mondial' the family ire requested to attencithe funers_,l from the residence of her husband, No.. o 7 Month Eleventh street.bebtw Chestnut. this ( Friday/ af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. .- • • IMBRIE.L-On the iftemoon of the 28th inst., John R Imbne id the 4.1 d year of Image. His remains will he taken to Washington Pa. foil in tannest,- • Funeral from the Commercial vie. Sixth. Street, below Market, this (Friday) niornmy, moth at it o'olock. DULL --ion the 26th inst., Mrs. iPOILIMS, wife' of ' stinnpall. axed 63 year*. liner from her late rendition, No. 193 d Front it.. be ow Master. thief Snday) afternoon. ist 2 o'clock • V.RN3I.—On the 7fth inst.. Ida Louisa daughter of A t glom and Rhboocti Ann Kerns. aged 8 jeers. Funeral from the residence of her parents, N iohmond street. near C umberland , this (Friday, morning, at 9 o olork• . . . Y . BO LE.—On the 29th inst., Mrs. Sarah Boyle, rellot of the late James Boyle, in the 78th veer of her ago. Formal from her bite residence. N 0.748 Branson at., below Almond on Seturday . nfterunon. at 3 o'clock CARLON.—On the 27th inst., Jane Carlon, aged 47 year'. Funeral frbm the' residence of her brother-in-lew, Wm. Curler, No. tom Wistar street. Tenth st.. above Sprint Garden. this( Friday I morning. at 9 o'clock. • PARKELL.--On "the 28th inst.. Catharine, daughter of John end. Ann Farrell, aged 181-ars. Funeral from the resicence of her parents, Jones st., between Twentieth end Twenty. Brat, above Market,- this I Friday) morning .~ at t.tg o'clock. SID IsLL.—On the 28th inst., Maty Cathanne Fidell, aged: years. ' Fn oral Brno her lata wisidenes- Hartman Street, be low est, Camden, N. J.,. this %Friday) morning. at.lo, o'clock. aFurrirls.—cla the Beth test Elikabeth Oriltths, tit the tisk year of her age. Funeral front -late visolonee.• No. 243 South t tre Wolook Flentli street, a Spruce , vs Min (Friday) afternoon, • , - HAP.--dn ebe 27iti inst.. Jacob Haas, in the lath year of his age. _Funeral metfrois late residences, ilharraels street, 11411441140w0. Sunday afternoon. at o Omsk. SYNCH MAN.—On the 21th inst A Imere, daughter of Wm. R. and Rlias, A. liinohman, aged 3 years, 3 months. and 3 days.. PUMP.' from tne residence of her parents, southeast corner of Twelfth and Buttonwood streets. this (Fri dae I afierncoo, at 2 o'olock. McflAßßEN.—on the 29th init.. Jacob Stephenson, son of Jacoh B. and Josephine McCarron, seed 2 years. • Funeral from the residence of hie paren.a, back of No. art Christian street, this ( FendaY) afternoon, at . 4 o'clock. . . . . . PRINSOL.—On the flith jnyt..AlM& Maria Pelrsol. relict of the tote Jeremiah Peirsol, ta the 80th year of ht.,. Ste. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Mott. No. 831 North Twelfih street. this ( F.riday)afternoon, at 3 o'elk. WEAVER.—On the trth ant . Mrs. then Weaver, wife of Mr. John Weaver, agedlW years, MOURNINO,SILICS.-13ESSON & SON have removed their Mourning store , to No. 948 OREBTNUT Street and offer for ea% at their BILK COUNTER Black Gros Grains, Pooh do Solos, Grog de Rhine'', natant foiled elite. figured grid griped Bilks, Foulards, diodes, Maroell , nes. Lastrin... &o. SECOND MOURNING SILKS. Gray and purple. gray and blank. purple and white and black and white dries Belk'', bleak and white nal cheek and striped Silke, black and white, blank an Purple, and plain lead Foulard 81W.s. nthge cr. FIFTH WA4T KET DEMOCRATIC COMMON COUNCIL. WILLIAM AL BAIRD. WILLIAM LAIR. JOHN OASAIN. SCROOL DIRECTORS. • • • Witold id R. GREBLE. PIR. J. R. COAD. • JORN KELEFI. THOMAS FITZGERALD. CONSTARLIES. JOHN CRAWFORD. PHILIP TRIIMAB. WILLIAM GALLAGHER. DERMEN• JOKN WHITE. JAMES incOAHE v. EDW. F. M'GEOY, President. 6cin' R. (PRittine, ' 10. CONCANNON. "".Itt - MODEL WARM ASSOCIATION.—THE undersigned, Commissioners to oven books in ikfadoilphis, and - receive subscriptions to the Capital thoolrof this Asamiattoni will sit for,the purpose in the AGRICULTURAL 'ROOMS. No, Oa CHESTNUT latreet, Monday. Aprand, The obieet of the MODEL, FARM ASSOCCATION, is the establishment, on a comprehensive and practica ble plan, of a MOOR!. FARM or BO PANIC( GARDEN, and an AGRICULTURAL. SCHOOL, in one qf the Southeastern Counties of the date and oonvenient to Philadelphia. The Genital Stock is fixed. by the Aot of Inoorporation,at .80.000. divided into 1,009 shares of eboeneh. No inetalment on any subscription will be called for until now are subscribed. C. W. HARRISON, A. L. EI.,WYN.II. D., 'A B..RBERTS JOS. RARRiPON, JR., M. W BALDWik. . J. Ml l'C HELL, D. ROONEY Kt G, P. MORRIR. " • J. M. BUTLER, A. L. KENNEDY, M.D., • m1130.3t. Commissioners. NOTICE—A SPECIAL MEETING OF the Philadelphia Aetnxintion of Prinoipala of r P I: 21; Schools trill be held at the old Model Bohont ClinBTEFt S treet. on SATURDAY MORN ING. Mat moat., at 10 o olock. Every member in pa.rti cutely requested to he preeent, an buoineee of great im portance will be brought before the meeting. By order of the Frei:Wont. • It* - JAMES G. B+.II'SWE L. O. B. i r t r ovkricE OF THE SUNBURY AHD ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, No. MI WAL. N Street, - PIrILADiILPiTTA, Mach 20th. 1860. Notice is hereby given that the Coupona due April let" 1800, on the seven per cent. Mortgage Bonds. will be Paid on presentatmn at tau Ofile.• on end after the 24 proximo. (mhn3.Bt) JOHN LINDSAY, Treasurer. MMAN Hit N INSTITUTE.—A SPECIAL melting of the institute will be held _at their , 15 aotith _SEVENTH etreot, on THURSDAY EVSNINGI. tie 21-ith test., at 8 o'clock. Members are earnestly desired to bo present, as a report upon the Present Misses' condition Of the institute, with a plan for its relief, will be subnutted by the Board of Mana gers • - • ~= • • JOAN M. ARIES,. Chair. Special Corm on Finance. P; OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, ANT/NORRISTOWN RAM COMPANY, March 17th. 18 1 30. The Board of Managers at their meeting of the Bth o.olared a Dividend of 4 per cent. on the capital stook for the six months ending the Met Inst.. payable on and after Monday. April Yd. Transfers will not' be made for, ten days after the 2.3 d inst. W. J. WILSON, • Treasurer. 'Ere A:LECTURE WILL DE DELIVERED nt CONOERTHALL before the "Melville hi, temr, Society ," on FRIO Ale EVENING. March Seth, at eight o'clock. by AAMIJEL M. CLGV ELAND. illubject—" Words from the Egyptian Eld." Ticketi at Gaut &, Volkmar'is, and at the door on the evening of the lecture. mh2B•St• PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD SOMPANT.— Office 227 SOUTH W - Street . - PWILADELPHIAITIVIIIMI 21, 1860. To.avoid detention, the holders of Coupon. of this Company. due on the let proximo,' are requested to lasso them at this eine on or before the Stet instant. when receipts will ne given, and cheeks will be ready foe deliver; oaths 2d proximo in exchange for said re amts. • O. BRADFORD. mhze-tt - Treasurer, {CrMERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY. —An Adjourned General Meeting o t Stockhold ers of the Mercantile labralry Cornn s ill be held in the iiIBRItSY,' on TUESDAY -EP. I (1, the 3d of A A pril. ua attendance is particularly fa nested. business o sptiattd impottance will be laid before the meeting. By order of the Hoard of Direetors. • -- • - -- ----T. MORRIS PEROT, President proem . t ,; JAMES LESIYET, ht., t3earetary. , ' -m047-Tt - ii:EftErsegq fi _N r o. E tist; 4 f4 171 t , when aa blootion 1 0 ' r Direcno "t wairge 3. °'6l°° W. W. .NUEIWORSH, saii74l.•iSeoretaq, PE(IPIRELTAPIIA, DSPAKT9trAT OF ARTS. •. examination of the Junior, Sophomore, nd Freohman Clasieg , at the ologe of the Second TOM, Will be hold in the following order .ftulay. Aye* 2:ki: From 9 to 11, ifighlwrotere*by proy-copre, Logic,/ gad Fl'eshrogis, by Prof. No 11. cAlsebra, written, From 11 to 1, Juniors, by eke 01- YrOVOStp Dynamics.) Satuniag, 84th. From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. 15en dell. ( Differential Calculus ' ) written., Afenday, Nth. From 9to 11, Juniors, byrnp hick eon, (/*rootal,) end Strphomores, by the.Vioe. rorpet. (Chemistrg cif Pig written. From IL tO 1, Freshmen, b_y Prof. All ,Y lisTallonius Malmo.) _Theyday,i(thir Front g to 11, s o yeo meree ,, by Prof. itendall.(Trixonornetni.)wrilien. From 31 to 1, Jilni^ MI, by Prof. Allen, ( Xenopllon's Aft morabitta: P. crates.) Wedneiday, 1911 i. From 9 to m, Yunfors, by Pydr. Coppee. (11itental PAS/asap/y) Prom 11 to 1, Senhe mores. by Prof. Allen,) TAueydidet.L Thursday 29th. From 9 to It. Frethmen. by Prof. Coppec(uisterit.) From 11 to italf-peet 1, Sophomores, by prof. inekeenii Tam tMil int's Hirtor F}rday. WM. From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jelok: aonaiidayty.) F L r evening, the 30tu, at eight O t alOOk. an Ex hihition of Delolamstion of originsl compositlongi by membere of the Junior Cleat, will be held in th l college fiEOllO_,S. ALLSN,, innxi.7t Secretary oft he Vete/tit Or Art.. ..cv OFF RE A D I NG RAIL R OAD LADELPI AND fdancyt,lBllo. The holders of the bonds of this Company. due lolY LIO, anti now receive , upon applioationost this office. 10 Far eglit. in (lash, upon the terms specified in the onion 6Tretrolittiii are also entitled to the benefit of a fink.: ins Fund•of /Inoue° per annum, as established by the stoekholders at their annual meeting, held Jan 0, •11160, and in purituance of the contract, entered into by ho company and dilly recorded, to oarry the same into ReADFORti, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. Nottee to the Holders hl Philhdelphia dad Iteadixr - Railroad Company Mortgage Donde, dug ti I,IIAO, These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the toed, amounting in the aggregate to 83,309400. The net revenue for the last fi scal year, was eix...tunee the, amount of the annual interest on these lmnda The managers propose to extend them for a pettod of twenty, rears. the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the preolos condition In which they are now held. Fresh sheets of convene for the Interes4 peptide heilf-yearly, will be issued , A 'bonus of 10 per cent. will be given to the in oonsideration of their assenting to the ettteillhon• bonus will be paid inh to the 'moors of the bonds, on their signing a receipt And presenting their respect tine bonds at the Offiol4 of the Company, or to he scents, for endoreenneet. • Forms of teoelpt and endorsementwill,lie tarnished os application. Br order of the Beard of fdahatem, • WA! W. H. Mel LHICTiHY. Seenikerv. SATE AND CAPS. TO THE'I4A.MES. SPRING OPENING. ON SATURDAY, 31ST' OP MAROH, wg WILL OPEN A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, OP MISSES', ROW, AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS.'" or TEN LATEST PARISIAN FASHIONS, CHARLES OAKFORD'& SONS, UNDER THE CONTINENTAL; HOTEL. utli .10. ft .LVOAL. TN THE COURT. ON COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA . Feats of CHRIBTIAN HtILSEMAN, a Lunatic. The Auditor anointed by the Court, to audit. edge, and adjust the account of DIETRICH HIMBRMAN, Committee of Estate of said Lunatic, nod to make Nii4- tribution of the balance in the hands of the a•ocrantnn!, will meet the partite Interested, for the purpose of hie arpomtment. on TUTDAY. the 10th day of pri I.1&10, at 4 o'clock p. Jl.. at is °Moe, 242 South FIFTH Street, in the oity o Fhilade his.. T. J. BARGER. Auditor. FottAnzumtle., March /9. 1860. nitiBo-fmwoft LOST OW STOLEN CERTIFIO.A.TES. Abngt sit years aid were lust by. or stolen from. Bligabeth Jonea,,t hen of Philadelphia. bet late of Bead ing. _Pennsylvania., deceased, the following described certificates orate*. toarit t, Numbers 1790.1791, end 3915, reiptieticoly. the first two for two hundred millers each, of the United States Loan. redeemable in 1957, and' the last for one thousand dol late of the sailifoany Also,s certi ate for four edam of the capital stook of the Bank of , orth America, in Philadelphia. statidint on the books of the said bank ca the name of Elisabeth Pringle, deeessed. A suitable reward'prill he paid by the advertiser upon the delivers ofthese ear tifieatecor t i ther of them, with staweeks after which time appt cation w la made twee Treasury Department rifjbe nited plates and to the'Bank of North a rnenon, respeetively, for the Imes or new certificates in the place of those lost or stolen es Isforessid., J. .PRINO JONES. Adm'r of Elisabeth Jones, Deceased. Reading. Penn. mh3o fin SALES BY AUCTION'. 13AAAft, NINTH AND, SADISPAI frinisyp. (iIE - AND' 4TTRAeTrrii,s,v.i. 311.0R4E18, CA RR AOFS, Arm HARNESS. , - On Saiontay Mornmr. At IQ o'clock. comprteine. OVER FORTY 'HORSES. and a large eollention ordestrable new and gecond-hand CarriaggiL Also, mingle and double WV nese. Bedding. &e. • ALFRED Al. ILERICret.BB, r0b30.2t if Auctioneer. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ri UST A VUS G. B,M NE RS and GEORGE W. !SMITH have this day. associated th-mwAyes in the Marblelmsiness. at Kn. 1308 01RA RD ./tV END H. far the manufacturing of all kinds of marble work. Partial, in want of Mandan, Monuments. Drava wa , k •of all kinds. and building work. will Mease glee us a 00.11 as above. Promptness and satisfaotion guarantied. inh3o-3t, , • RAILROAD LINES. TO WEST COESTER PO•PITS. 9IA MErtWV AND INTERMEDIATE rA7. Triune for West Cheater leave Philadelphia from the depot, northeast corner' of Eiehteenth and Market greets. at 7.30 and 3030 A. M. cad at I and 610 P. M. On Sundays at A A. M. and 2 P . Pawnee» for .tat ions on the Philadelphia and Bal timore Central Railroad will take the 7.30 and 10 30 A.M., and 640 P. Trams. ,• • • mh3o WANTS. A SITUATION IN ANY CAPACITY.- nags babt. a ira t r i l v e e x y prrne m n " truga bu in i t "ago d un c tVitN i n i d i la r mse l n.e t Pa a en"n d ;i uses and th a soue. ayeratiry. Ad:ss Dispa'oh. mh29.3t. LITHOGDIAPIDO PRINTER WANTED to go Booth. Apply to R. W. ROW FLL, at the card Home, from 1 to 2. and from 0 to 7 o'ctook P. M. mna-3t• w • AN'i'ED—To purchase a Lot in the Southwestern part of the city. PUitsb'e for a 2' ac tory site. Address L." at this Office, statine pros and particulars. WANTED —l,OOO Ladies to send for • - DR RUSE'S great book. Ever young man and woman contemplating holy weloak ould have Ude book.' - Enclose 26 mix to Pox% Phil elphin P. O. fella Int• FOR SALE ,AND TO LET ADJOURNED PUBLIC SALE.—By ma virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Mont gomery county, will be sold at public sale, on MON DAY, tient 2, 1860. on the premises, all that certain CoTTADE TENEMENT, AND LOT OR FLSI)E OF LAND. situate on Airy street, in the borough of Nor ristown. Montgomery county adjoirung the Episcopal Church, late the property or Rev. Nathan Stem, de ceased. . The Lot is 43 feet 10 Inches front on Airy street, ex tending back 130 feet. The house. which is built in cot tage tyle, ie SN stories high, containing parlor, library, dining room, entry and kitchen on the and floor, and 0 rooms together with bath room, on the seeond floor. The lot is tastefully and handsomely, fitted up, mak , ing it one of the most desirable resmenees in Nor natown. For further information, call on R. T. hTEWART, Fim., in said borough. Bale to commence at 2 o'clock F. M. Conditions by niti3o-3t • DAVID FOTTD, Trustee. , 11 A TO, 20 DOLLARS A DAY 'MADE.- -N-F- A Small Capital required. One of the beet paying bwiiness there is out for an active,' energetic. perenu. Inquire at 103 WALNUT, front °Moe, up strum It el DESIRABLE FOItNISIIED 110 USE, =Lin Germantown, to Rent after April let. Address "'Price," at thu o ffi ce. it* GERMAN TOW 1 , 1-. —For sale, on easy terms, a handenme pointed Stone RESIDENCE, near Manheim street. Plank roan, and " Calvary Church." House has ;qui, water. and all modern con veniences. The situation is not entrusted in German town. J. B. HUGER, mhSO-12t kori South FOURTH Street. 110 RANT--A. large Wholesale Wine and Liquor Store. with the Fixtures tor poqtifyins i and Distlibtry for sale. Aryl', by totter, to • Comoro,' at thin office. m h3O-30 111 BRIM NTILE LIBRARY READING "... ROOM.— The new Neve:r.ver_...Rettatila x _end 011151/ oom, on the third fl oor o Library will be opened for the use of tookholders and Rub northers. on SATURDAY AFTEKNOON and EVE TYING. the Diet March. Thome of the Publio who feet an interest in the Li brawl- are invited to atteno. mh3o 2t JAMES LESLEY. Ju. Secretary. TAPANESE AND 011INSE GOODS, 8 8/r uk r:3o ß e r iv oc eLli e tNi n t o inH ri o n ito p , p & i. o. n .c r o a rg e Vti ff iC a lig r a er faLtnt; Japanese Work-boxes. Waiter., ko., richly inlaid ; curious Desser t Set. of Jade atone, richly carved, With a variety of curiosities. finely-a:cm tsd_paint irlS - of 'Shanghais. at No, 8 WEnT PENN &MOW. (Marsh* street') first house above Market et. mh3o fit REIMER, SECOND, ABOVE GREEN, has the fame of taking the finest of Photographs and Ambrotypes, equal to any in the city. life-size Photogrephe in oli cannot be surpassed. It* " FAMILY FLOUR," CHOICE BRANDS, FOR SALE BY THE BARREL, BAG, OR POUND C. H. MATTSON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, • ARCEI ANH TENTH STREETS. mlO.O CARRIAGES. OP TUB MANUPAOTORP OP WILLIAM D. ROQ•ERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STREET._ Htilo4olnlirf MANUFACTURERS OF PERFUMERY; LKIOR'I'EtW OF '.l7lttififilff6' ARTICLES,: z , r o :4ik-iolitrtzotriktisArtufix; ,; Heve now open their assortment for sprint( sal* u Oonntry,inerohants too would do well to examine thew NEW PUBLICATIONS; HARPER'S 'WEEKLY For thoi week, [SECOND EDITION NOW READY) Contain* FOUR FINE ILLUSTRATIONS of the " E. A. JOHN . SON" TRAGEDY, to wit 1. A PORTRAIT of the PRISONER JOHNSON alias HICKS. 2, PICTURE of the " E. A. JOHNSON" SLOOP. & VIEW of the DECK where the FIRST STRUG -0 LE took place, with the BLOODSTAINS. 4. VIEW of the CABIN to which the CAPTAIN Was KILLED. A FINE PICTURE of Ms SLOOP " SPRAY... A PORTRAIT of the CHINAMAN JACKALOW A PORTRAIT of EPPLE CAI/STANG, luid a VIEW of the TRIAL of the OASR of OARSTANO versus . SHAW, with a REPORT of the wasee. A PICTURE of he NAVAL ACTION between the U. 8. BLOOP-OP.WAR "SARATOGA," and the NIEXICAN BTEAVIERB MIRAMON end MAR QUEZ. • A PORTRAIT and BIOGRAPHICAL BKRTOR of Hon. JOHN S. PHELPS, of Ido WILEIE COLLINS'S NNW end THRILLING STORY, " THE WOMAN IN WHITE," oontlnued, with illustration; by MoLicsAN. FITZ MIMI LUDLOW'S NEW TALE of AMERI CAN MPH, "THE NEW PARTNER IN CLING MAN & CO.. UNREEL" oontinuoiL—THE DEATH OF LUKE OREM THREE CHARMING LOVE TALES—complete no usual 1 4 ounnet it .E4ltortals, Cannonlines, and all the • Mire id' the Dal. PRICE FIVE CENTS. a:1 R -RIPM FRTTIT GATHERED. Mt. CHICSRSING'S SKETCH OF A CON- ArFit'PED YOUNG I,AWYER.—This beautiful little volume is dodicated to the YODIIE Men's Christiah As- KnalatiOn of Portland and is specially adapted for cir culation amourmfassional end other roving men. OPINIONS OF TPIF. PRES. A small volume of 'meat excellence'. beauty and worth. The example is so bright. attraottve. andusefol.that we would have all young men reed, study, cod imitate it. N. (Mercer. „ Young men of a 'doubtful mind staking '''What is Truth .'l will here meet with much in a small sone to convince them of the reality of religion.—Baron Re corder. A grateful service 'rendered to the cause of the Master and to the memory of a devoted Christian friend.— Portland Transcript. Thu, volume is inscribed to the Portland Young Men's Christian Association. Young Men's Christian also (nations of ot , er cities would do well to circulate it.' It cannot fail to interest vonng men, and especially young laere—Portiond Mirror, Abeautiful tribute to the memory , of Mr. E. L. Cum mings. who wen converted during the acid tual refresh ing of 1863, and thenceforth Isd a life singular devoted ness till called home.—Congregationalist, Boston. A chinning tribute to the memory of a highly-gifted young man. It ought to be in the hands of all young men —Concord Journal. Price 673Leente. Por eale at the . PA T. EPHittoP L BIOK TIRPORITORY. reh3o 6t Mt CHESTNUT Street, Phila. AIM WETHERILL'S NEW BOOK. Bay and Seal. By the author of the Wide, Wide World. 3 vols., limo 52. Miss Niahtinsale's N otes on Nursing, CO cents. Marion's Sundiye ; or, etories on the Ten Com mandments. By the author of " Elhe Randolph," 18mo, 40 cents. Biotic/ of the Ornsan ; or. Gems of Seafaring Lire. By Rev. J. T. Bectuttime, laino. 30 cants. The Toll-Gate. 13mo.,ocnts. Mark Noble; or. the Button Necklace. IBmo. 30 eta. Biokand In Prised Vidua. Second thousand. etc No Lie Thrives. Second thousand. larno. 50 etc CS The Yng Maroonera - Eighth thousand. 75 ots. For sale ou by WILLIAM B. ti ALFRRY` ARTLSN, No. We CHIN RNUT street, mh3o Philadelphia. NEW EDITIONS IMPORTANT LAW BOONS JUST PUBLISHED BY I LITTLE, BROWN, & Co., 112 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. STORY ON BILLS OF EXCHANGE Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Esehange, Fo- Wig* and Inland, as adm metered in England and AlTherioa.wi h oeensional Illustrations from the Com mercial Law of the Nations of 'Continental Europe. By Hon. Joseph Story. Fourth edition, and Revised, Correoted, and Enlarged, by Edmund H. Bennett, Esq. "The present work, though not so large u that of Kr. Chitty, °contains ad the essential dueness on the sub leot mtre•ully arranged, and established on their proper rinciples. Nothing is more grateful to the student of p the law than to lati able to discern the reason on , which index are founded ; Then he mall truly hail 'the glad- Lome light of jurisprudence,' which hie great master, ord Coke, was sq MO of contemplating. In the trea tise before ue, as in ell that have preceded it from the seine source, the author has constantly aimed to present the principles of the law. But the work has the addi tional praetical value derived from the collection and proper arrangement of the 'authorities bearing on the suldeot."—North American Review. TAYLOR'S LANDLORD AND TENANT A Treafise en the Amerioan Law of Landlord and Tenant, embraoing the Statutory Provisions and ludi cial Decisions of the several United States in reference thereto, with a selection of Precedents. Sy John N. Taylor, Esq. Third edition, revised and much en larged. 8v0.., , .... -"" This Is a learned and valuable treaties upon:the American law on thin suldeot."—Kent's Corn. vol. iii. "From !hi. examination which w e have been able in make of the hook, we should think that Mr. Taylor had been emmentirsueoesefol is the exeontion of his plan. and. that he has en to the proies4ion, end to ! hose two large classes. the letters and the hirer., a complete " ‘ ' `Flirw t e e' l l re b lew .' — w j aOr e pirn "e a r ny branch of legal ecience, better or more methodically arranged, or em bracing within the same space a more fell and practical summary, or more reliable. than As to be found in this volume."—From the Ron. Samuel rielon, of the United States &promo Court. ••A praetical. lucid, and comprehensive treatise upon an Im p or tant bran c h of legal science, !Wanted • to this country, eqccinotly develotang the progress of reform, and exhibiting an equal regard to the rights of the ten ant, as well as to those of the landlord. wee a dodders turn, which thus work has ably supplied."—New York Evening Post. RAY'S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE OP IN SANITY. A TREATISE ON THE MED CAL JURISPRUDENCE or INSANITY. By Dr. Isaac, Ray. Fourth Edition, re vieed and much enlarged. aye. S. • , Dr. Ray is, withoutdoubt, the most elaborate author extant on the medlealiurismudence oflineanitr.• . . Feld can read hie pages without gaining a deeper knowledge of human nature. and a wide f and more liberal view or human infirmity."—Goaton oat : " I hold in MY hand perhepa the most so net the trea tise that the age has Produeed on the iitbieot or insani ty in relation to Jurisprudence ; tt irt be work of Dr. Kay. an Amerman writer on Medical Jurisprudenune , — Mr. Cockbu f rn. Attorney General of England. mh263t-i mwf MEDICINAL. !]JEST INDIAN BITTERS.—Theso cele • hi-uteri Bitten. are meeting with general favor. They most effectually end permanently cure all diner der. arising out of et want of prayer tone.nor d . healthful . se t t , i 15 d ri2 t da digestive y o r f,llO. They h i gh l y t the recom mended Stites and - gur ape for the speedy cure of Oye vpste, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Fever and &o. THOMAd F. liftApLEY, • Principal Anent, /3. W. corner SIXTH. and SPRUOI3 Ellreet a. lAIPORTANT.--Eawyer's Himse-warming, Ventilating Furnace. of new oonetruetion, can, be seen in operation, Builders an d pootrootoro t for on 'pots or pohlio buildinpi, are ovited to ties fur them ; selves. • - JACO F. PLNIS & 80N, • . mh29 et" • 121 North BECONn Street. FOSEVI _O. TURNER, - • .ar '1" 0 R NB T L'AW, - roillt, 4 4lllB B t t a r t e en t in n ing l geh ng °"s@atbrn and He attend to the Collection oeCiatine, Payment of Taxes. Redemption of Lone, and other hipline's en- Itinititit to tilt earn. Kotoronool mon. trtattlawat* RETAIL iciliv,aooDi. HOSIERY. THOS. W. EVANS & 00. Have now oven A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND GENTS' ENGLISH HOSIERY. OF TER MOST IMPROVED MAKES AND SHIITES, To whloh they Meneattully invite the attention of their Customer*. ALSO, JUST RECEIVED. An Invoiee of JOUVINT GENTS' KID GLOVES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. mhfe•at 1860. 1860. SPRING STOCK NOW OPEN. Full Stook of SILKS, Full Stook of SHAWLS, Full Stook of DRESS GOODS, Pull Stook of LINEN GOODS. Full Stook of COTTON GOODS, Full Stook of BLACK GOODS, Full Stook of WHITE GOODS, Full Stook of LACE GOODS, New Materials for DUSTERS, Novelties In FRENCH GOODS, Ise. EYftE & LANDELL. FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, Philadelphia. N. B.—STOREKEEPERS, may at all time, And Good Bargains, daily front New York and Philadelphia AUCTIONS. P. S.—BLACK RILES, at Net Priem decidedly Cheap, Inlar-tf 1860 . OPENING. .1860. THIS MORNING, AND DURING THB WZRX, SPRING MANTELETS AND NEGLIGE CLOAKS. • la Great Variety, at the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. reltl74l No. 709 MEM UT Street. CLOTHS. UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. OASSIMERES, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. VESTINGS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. ' LADIES' OLOAKINGS. UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. BOYS' WEAR, - AT ESHLEMAN'S Wholesale and ROAR Cloth Store, No. 626 CHESTNUT SUM. undlit - JAYNE'S HALL. - mhl2-vowfLo SEVEN AND NINE- Flounce Barone Robes. Three-flounce and pouble-skirt do. • 26, 31.37. and 41 cent Figured French Bare Noel One lot Figured Bilk Challeys.46 oenta. , One lot London Plaid Alohrors,26 omit& • . atodenllArool Os Lames. s7,7anta. - . . High oolore extra GR Roe do. for )6 oents. AY GOO Plaids Mixtures!. Chime. striped, Oto. Ottoman Gray and Brown Poplins. Silk and Wool Mixture*. Plain &afield Mohnirs. BLACK GOODR. Black Wool De LAinits. 37% to cents. Bina k Bummer Bombazines, IQ to 01.26. Black Swages, bilk.. Alysteae, e. - ~. • , Black and Purple It Lames, UM cents. Near Blank and White Wool De [Aims,. 37% mints. HEMMED HANDKERCIEFS. Cheap lots Handkerchiefs sod Collars. tiPit ING CLOARB In great variety, now rat. pR & _CONARD, mb2B . NI N T H and AIARKET Rte. riIHORNLEY OHLSM, Calepeeist attention to their Stook of 81L1C8,__ BRAwIIS. DREW' GOODS. CLOTFI DUSTE SILK MANTL R. BARGE AI/OLAT D STERS AND DRESSES. also to the Richest Stock in Philadelphia,ef— Eresdh Lace Bournous. Fregah Leo. Pomolommies. French Lace Eugenics. French Lace &hew!". • • French Lace Pointe". French Lace M antles, French Lace Talmea. Cambria Lases. ChantinaLaoes. Ao., tem BOBGEIT FOS. CASS We invite attention to our Staple Goods, viz Best Family and Fronting Linens. Beid. Shirting. Sheeting. and Pillow Muslin'. Sprint and Summer Flannels and Clisimeres. Mixed Cloths. Black French Cloths. ko., Beet Rid Gloves, Bilk Gloves, Rosary, Linen, Rand kerchiers._acc., kn. Northeast corner EIGHTH. end SPRING GARDEN. , mh2t TIIF.. HARRISON BUILDINGS." , SHARPLESS BROTHERS , Offer a full line of CRIRIKED SILKS. The most desirable colorings of Fine Cheek' and Stripet, in very glossy and perfect Goods. Ail colors and qualitimi Lyons and Swiss solid colored Silks, comprising an amortment of Two hundred pieces. m023-if CRE9TNUT end EIGHTH Streets" NEW STYLE OF BALMORAL. A new Spring ogle Milmoral Skirt. mit-tf SHARPLESS BROTHERS FERTILIZERS. • TO FARMERS. • PHOSPHATIC GUANO FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND S WEST INDIES. THE RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE OF LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. ' eft contains over 80 per cont. of Done PlMsPhate l of Lime, being 00 par cant. richer in Phosphate of Lime than Bone Duet. FOR SALE BY THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS, AT $3O PBB.•TON OF 2,000 LBS. ; JOS, B. 1-IANSON it "Co, Sole Agents In Philadelphia, nthtl-fmw-tin No. 39 NORTH WATER Street. GENTLEMEN HAVING CO UN TR Y BEATS and GARDENS, who have nOtnufficiont manure of their own, or who are desirous of a quick growth and arge and early wont of vegetables, a beau tiful lawn and grass plat, will find what they need in the POITD REITk. OF THE LODI MANUFACTURING COMPANY. This fertilizer in neat, bandy, without odor, peeked in now barrels, and has the advantage of 1301 injuring• the seed or plant by direct eontaot therewith. end of be ing known for twenty years as a reliable article. Price 81. so per barrel. for seven barrels and over Pamphlets wi•h directions. Re.. free. Apply to THE LODI MANUFACTURING GO.. NI South DELAWARE Avenue, Phila.. itnll3o-fraw.lm HEATON it DENOHLA.. HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 007 COMMERCE and 610 NORTH STREETS, AGENTS FOR THE BALE OF OUT NAILS, HOLLOW WARE. 4 CAST. BLISTER, AND GERMAN STEELS. Whim", w ith a complete assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE They offer for sale at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. felt-wfmeno if A N OPPORTUNITY IS NOW OFFERED -c-it to tat those that have Mirk offloel,stores o l',r beim manta to have them lighted with the Patent Diffusive Daylight Reflector at a reduced price. Cell and 506 wimples and recommendations at the Mount 'Vernon Rotel. North Second I.street. • ruhlf-fit* W.F. puLLINORR. Bole Proprietor. PEA CADDIES. SPICE CADDIES, OIL stsnds,noggsateg stands, gees gtandi,Srobers• aotin ter miles and Weight,. sna graben , general tinware, drugnlnt.' /punter and prits6nption soden, and 1 , ea to,njur n;iofd9n . nenlesh I riIAR, PITCH, AND ROSIN.-250 bbls -A. Wilmington Tar; 300 kegs do do 1 1 453 Pitob ; 2 000 WA& )n aood orderjor sa o by mb2B" RW"Y'lto8.1116BElliolltIMAIRRIL 1 . .11/ INS' , V:IM ENCAUSTIC TILES , /OR AY.= fluent, Ornamential - Chir irern2 l l;;Hidell and liinringins Vases. Fotlntatisi" ittinedDrain and Heat l'ipe. Vitnfied Chimney klues. imported, manufac tured. and for sale by S. A..HAMBON. WM SOO cillitlTrila nueit. DICY.GOODI JOBBERS. TF=y, PRICIS, & Co., 955 MARKET BTREET, ' . AIM /0115111.1 01 (MOTHS', CABBIMEREB, &0., Have now on ?sad a large mad wall-selsoted stook, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market yrioes. mhakm ' W. GIBBS & SONS. 110, Sp. MARKET ETIIREIN Are now openins their • ' SPDING iifGCS 'OF GOODS Adapted to MEN'S WEAR - . „ In which will be fotutd a fi7l erwortntwet of CLOTHE, DOEKKINS, YEBTINERI. TRAILIKIRES.ko. fen-fm A . 'W. LITTLE & 00.. BILK GOODS. No. 825 litAziar STREET. reo-em JAS. R. CAMPBELL 4: co.. DIIPORTBIII AND WINOL.IIIII/1141 MULLEIN II DRY GOODS. WRENN, WHITE GOODB, • MTH% CAligainiTM, BLANKETS, STOYS GOODS, So UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL lANI77A4=UI;NI, No. 836 MARKBT BTBX6T, REROIFIANT TAILORS. E o' 0. THOMPSON ; • • MERCHANT TAILOR N. E. CORNER OF NEVENTR AND WALNUT STS. %import&lly invites the - attention of all those eafenna from -the Inconvenisnt. of bad•fitting paataanons to his su'penor method pr totting and Swanning important This is, in' (set, an strange universe: earn plaint. The truth is, however, that the faalt ineaoryr lira with the nassined matter. who tout never seam ed for or made himself muter of the tine method: Rao 171 g. in a measure, made this department a gpordalty. t invite all who are interested to give me a pall. I have always 1111 hand a complete sasortment admirable Stkitls for Coatmts, Pantaloons, and Vesting., of the lame Myles, Partially (Amy own importation. nthet-ain PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUEY "A STITOR IN TIM& NAVES PUMA" ECONOMY! BAIR TIM FIZORS! D A TC H As decedents wilt hones, tees is tee/Frorstated families, it to very desirable to have come sheep Paid convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toy*, Crooke SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets Ml such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick- Inc point. There is no tomtit a necessity for liumins chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken °ladies. It is Jost the 'mole for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, So popular with ladles at rodasassit end taste. This admirable preparation is used °old, being che mically held in solution. and maiming all the valuable qualities of the beat cabinet-maim' glee. It may be need in the place of ordinary mucilage, being Tardy more adbe■ive. ' , USEFUL fl EVERY N. B. A brash accompanies each bottle. PRIOR TWENTY-F,IVE CENTS. Wholesale Depot, No. a CEDAR. Ntroot, New Yodh Address RIMY C. SPALDING a CO., ' Box No. INK" Now York. Pat up for Dentate in Case, containing fear, *Jibe, and twitive dOria, s besuttrid Litlograptno 13now-cnan sooonspanting each vsokann. IPA single tattle of SPALDDW'S PRBPAREVOLyII will sort ton tintOs Its oast oannogy to every hottiotiokt. Sold by al yroawnent Staionere, Ihuggisba, Herd ware end Funiltdre - Dsesni, &QM'S. and Fliner Storm Country Merchants should make a note of • SPALDING'4 PREPARED OVA when meting up their list. IT WILL STAND ANY 014 MATA. das-mwf-y • INSURANCE COMPANIES. VIINTONCOUNTY, LIFE AND GENE ILAL INSURANCE COMPANY,: - PLAT muse, .hI.IBBOIIRI. • • • Cluu . tored 11460.—Authonsed atonal, $lOO,OOO. ntnacTost : H. Whittington. Winshrw Turner,_ R - Erndley, George W. Culver James 11: Bach. Jr. 11. WHITTINGTON, Frei. I. N. HOCKADAY, Bee. and Tress Special , attention paid to Collections, and Money romptly remitted. Business solicited. mh43-3no THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF FRILADEPHL&. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING , : S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS.. - __. . F_ , RATCEMORD SIALS. idO/ILDZCAI L. Dawson, Wn.i.ux MoKE2 - , Gso. IL B,trAn.T. Nr.inso Faaand, Tons H. Blows. JouN .... 1,4 ..'MOOD. B. A. FAIININITOCir Haw. T. Cu:lnca, Anntsw 1). Cain, USNRY WHARTON, .1. Laimunesa. F. RATCHFORD STARR, Froxident CHARLES W. COX E. Secret:am L . ii 1617 THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW IDYL Assets: SIX. MILLIONS OF'DOLLARS, IN WART IIoRTEAGNS ON WELL NW/Arlit WORTH OW k supooomx. The premium arozoisoin than in mai other Cornea nigh and tea Dividend" have bash Qi2iTll2. Tali hp a 'Mit:db . Mutual, Coml. EVIOIII ZAP 8/...khOldlTl. so that ALL P ROMO . /111L0110 as TM/ nisnymx.. Pamphlets, and every Information, may be U 1111•11'111. 011 61)111.10011011 00 F. ItATCHFoRp_STA, _RR,asent, B. W. comer FOURTH and w.ar..NUT etreets. 'PHILADELPHIA 1, REFERE;CEB t Thomas !Labial!, John Wo Mordecai Damson. George H. Inas% MgV 114g? • '. E. 8. Whalen J. Fisher Leairs. Joseph Patterson, John M. Atwood. William 0.1, Wlti Arthtt - 0 Co n. Thomas H. Powers, George W. Tolland, `. William Magee. Thos. Wattsoa.nlll-ITIP WALTER EVANS & BOAR'S•HEAD .-ELLCORD • spdor_i COTTON. Superior to any ever imported, an strength. smoothniss, and elasticity, for machine or hand sewing. LENGTHS WaRRANTED. OWe have tried Evans & Co.'s Boar'iwlfeaS Sewing Machine Cottons. and find them excellent."—Wnanum & Wagon, M. F. G. Co., OOP Broadway. N. Y. C. CAR VILLE, General Agent, New York. J. B. HOWELL, Agent for Fhllddelphia, At FINKLE & LYON'S bEWING MACHINE ROOMS, 912 Chestnut street. mhl7-3m* JOSEPH- LEA. ' NM. 1211 AND 1.30 CHESTNUT STREET. Invitee the attention of the Trade to Ids Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. New hght and dark spring tying, a great variety him MESSRS. BAWL SLATER R SONS, BUTTON MANUFACTURING CO., MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Alm, THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING Including tunny new standard Patterns. NEAT BLACK /t MUTES, PURPLES, LAV.'B, &a, SAXONY R EfIEPHERD PLAIDS, & SEDERANDS BLACK AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE DUSTER BTYLEB. WOOLLENS.. . FANCY CABBIMEREB and DOESKINS, are.; FROM ROCK 00M., CILMOALE COM., NEW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK- DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' 4 , SUPERIOR BLACK DO !REIN. AND SILK MIX TURES. flatinetts, Pledn and Pruited, of nil eolors and snail tias ; stank? Mum Twills, Cords, Cashatlinits, Kersey's '.Nreede, comprising one of the bast stooks to the country. AMERICAN LINEN COM. CRASH, HOOKS, SHEETINGS, 810: lagl•Pm JOHN DICKINSON, _ - ~ 0010118310 N MEACHAM' 1 a NI? DEALER IN DOMES 10 AND FOREIGN, , XCHANGR. ''.. ,' ' HOUSTON, TEXAS:. : I Collections made and prompt remittsnoicilt_ Stght W.aohange, at current eaten. on New York, Beaton, or New Orleans. .... - . - _ REP SIRS TO CRESCENT CITY BANK. New Ottoman, - Memo. HENNINGS & GOSLING. Now,Thie W. 11. PRICE, Esq., New YoEk. Mourn PIERCE & BACON. Boston. mhl6-Intif CIDER. -43 bbls. Pure Wayne County (N. Y.) CIDER, in thiur and forty-gallon mare; warranted pure. Pure Cider Vineg P ar. mh27 80_ 210 North NECDN. lIENRYD Rtreet.: . 300 BULB Prime Halifax and EastOrt Herring, HO boxes &sled Herrin* alert .bbl. Whits Fish, to store find for imi•pi - • WM. R at eß_____. gold =Fn.. bbls. extra Mackinaw White Fi'4' is VlELdtigtalleTbil4hi. 001, Ll3l and 134 L. OR ET R. v.l. SPIRITS TURPENTINNr,t-276, bbls aPlritaT nNtAl t tititiltirrit t iro . umt,a3_ • - No.llBowth W NARY • GEORGE B. BLOAT CO 'S INSWING MACHINFA maw4lr tio./033 CIiZSTVIUT sums, _ tAk:4,:mit mum. _ _ AINUT:411VIIIIPVT11114 .-- tmit altar z t#Lan. ii milrmier TRBITALTIPEVAI I ika.sa I.l l tir at THE MERCHANT OF VENIOr z . Ebyloob, Id.r,Barryßnilivsa:_rortie. Mrs. D ally. DOH. C.BIBAIL DE BAWL Mr. Barry Sullivan as Doe Cow. Brass Circle id _earth • Par net. Ing dab: Tier and Famill circle , bird Tier, m eelarS Hox.e, es art ; &site. beats in Orchestra. Private Boxes,,Ta vents. Seats &soured wlthost axtra charts. Home seen at T o'clock Canals will zits at halt UJBEATLEY & CLARKS'S ARCH yr. T REATIP. - -Sooeloomars arias Drummer ♦RCH ttu OCTOICON! OCTO C_1011111! _OCT° wk. , Will bo „olsrod Er xRY Inbar Tllll3 WENC.I96I ELATWitury, btarrh am, wkilik vitt b i , ELAT E LAFf pi r r. r ßK l .,airr TIT, Tint 1,A,9 1 HT; • ,MR 'AST N °HT ; THE LAST NIGsT. THI ..AsT n GMT. To dud* with THE GOLDEN Fossil. c43° SECUirs I OUR 'EATS! RIM) GREAT BROW, NATIONAL TIMM% WAL NUT Stmt. above Eighth. fttcze.-brew Circle ' SI ants; naily_chure z _ menu nests in Prime Aimee, 7S seats ; Wass git Ce Boxes. AS sad As hstmes or num.-Dom spa at a emirs before 7. Taco r ass • ;PALI hsY) EVENING . lYaaa► la. MIS. Wi revised the exciting regyeeetßatioasisa • BAGMAN; 1111 , KYLIS CHASE. • Brand Chinese A:imbibed*, milled WA IIDI3IIIBBIO e TO CHINA. With sew sad gorgeous 80111/11174 Dream sal As. - Shipments NIL TONY ?ASTON Will assail is his 'lost Sem Mee. /eye. mad Ns hastrieStes. • '- The Entortainesgsto int! te s rileA. hmety ACTA IN JUNO. By the mart Tainted rasps is Ameriee. DRAMATIC AND _POITICAL REAn. OFRIDAY) RVW44. st_tever- AL PlirM Hat L. br EOYORE Ammar?. (bar first arroaranes onaldie.) Boasetkaval fro road fa costume. Ytraeta Jo &rota Can boo olaraused a& tie le 1 4 1111 S T ANNI3AL IXHIBTTION .IN AL - LECTURE ON GYMNASTIC iND BODILY BXERODPEN. on /POND* iLrminzwat April sa, MP. at ,the MUSICAL FUN HALL. To &mimeo*. at TM o cloak. Tao aabiletion Ihe tie mow boor of Profotooro ,HILDEBIt4+I corner BW/W OW, NMITIO INNTITUTB, northeast of Jack and Niath streets . Tick .o N. 11.—Mombeol eau at the Iratitoto and pot thou complimentary Dakota POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. PHILADELPHIA. "THE HEART OF THE ANDES" SATURDAY. 31" MARCH. AQADEMT OF FINE ARTS, Om boat A. WI is P. M. Adikaisaallipsols, alyl 11 • ' S IX NIGHTS MORE! SANDERSON'S ERNISMON ~,.% Jayao'n CAnsounaw•alth inew) 121li .1116r177 street nes" ...rsts. vs. NINETIIIENTR TRIUMP En Sangria Into at. : Unexaimis• F. Cbr.a4- nslity I Bllendid zifeeta : laim is ! Cant nand nu r ansastrs! irrstr.•••l Tbs scenery mad IMP WSW • Fir.,....taa .W . s M st="s b e i st i tail l* teitali yea ia - Yota and this Gan (mewl& by no , r n ten aannowlanavilari i in to p at A ons dr Doors open at 7 o'otoon; oosnienee at Nil. - • Admission—Adults. 71. ow: Cantle& Jia Ma MUNI AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUWU AO=GRAND OPERA MORT& - TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. ADM 2d..5ct Atit. ► Th N eam b lijo are t.a.epeettells informed that the DLL -1411,41t. eTitABOISCIi COMPahIY. of their trey to New Itmlr, givit throe Operas, cm the sheve-tees tweed dates. . • • -- • MISB PATTI will appear (prior to her 4e kir Entopelio two new onanicten—tiat of whionion, ism York. and in ant of 1 7" 0 1 INti g E r t e rorsul 1 1 soft the him, just ceded to her :overlain. which eb Intl perform for the AM tune mos her OPINUMIOO al tie stage. tha the same occamon,MADAME 00X,8021 n►l! mg her femrell smsesnmes Philadeblue. MMONDAYKaIe % d BR - I M N NT I. R I, AJU—NAYO*sATTL TUESDAY.—THN SICILIAN VlUMllls—Madmaas CO BON. WKDNEBDA.-4Fouritirely the tut idethtlMl PABQUALI, with the .mos t perfect. ea 4 Opera hae serer bees Orem le Aerepee_ertZeit—HZ PAITI.BNIGNOLL FFJtNI, The Sale of &We for ou.lpref tee three aieMs,aeat mesas. pa THURSDAY. at area IL at the Asallata ; at Chiotering's, No. M 7 Chasm: stria, sad at z w =li lotertoa's. MODONOUGEVB GAIIMIM---81101 Bt., J..- 11 . bola* 8 TAOS Maa s ....% -o i r vaUDIAMT) NZ FLTX C i A OM - or The above Troupe will 111% They are the moat irondeMrfoneeni KASS. NA were received on flatardar eve allel INA lA. MN 011 • cinema tie applause. 11131NANDEZ 1 And the talented Coven?' *near. Fuss apemeaca as V Wa .l Ta&% lil s S. - - rrODIPLZ Or WONDIRI3, Northman earner ne 'SW= see imergrninn Streeta—LAST WE$ ROT TWO...Como thin sea, ate BLITZ- la lea Naomi Droainon. vantydoenteek. the Learned CaLaalf Aida, DabaY and Wandllalldia• nommen Row Delmar. Attractive Rntertaintmente every evening, Mninnes. Om et 7)6 Wand. end on WADNIXDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. - .et 3. °look. Adadenion X minty. Children IBri. . neidl-tt pENNSYLVANIA AOADEMY or TEX. ?" 1 * 4s l is tn ii= ex lill ` PEN %tit. .( ) . freoll • The Teeth volume of " Theis Moses riles. of mum span n yes had pries. to-ti Stamm of Sleek - CI_ERMANIA ORCHICSTRA.—Pubbe Re- ILA beanials overt B.ll74Pea r i at D1C031041 , now tufa. 83,0'e j ook P. M. wickets to be sae at th Asap's', sad noels it Lesion's Kuno .111corsie pad at the door. Run. AMERWAN WIMP, - From the most eminent Wins sroverierVlNOlNi.d. NORTH mutoLINA,, OHIO, sod paturtignirAnu , sparkling. NH, awfmit. Dri 11 4 I "dini WINFOS; Warranted the PUHISJOICE OF THE GRAM ALRENT C. ROBERTS, DBALER. IN FINE Etocinum, rebti-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. BR'A NDIE S.—Now lauding from on board of brig Mane Brockelnian, at fret ,wharf below Mouth street, 315 casks of Pinot. Cantillon, asd Co.. and other fine cognacs, TIMOR* vintages. pale cad dark. in 34, pipes, .ig,_aad mute. Imported sad f H or sale by ENRY BOHLEN & Co.. mb24 fit 221 and 1121coutb FOURTH Street. WECALL ATTENTION 0/ TIM TRADE to thi• thAperiaraticcio r ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. c, 'apply in aeoortod aackageo oa had. dere received for dueet in alu Hennes"! CcaseA, Leo y %tar_oe - I.olldelt NA Ro land Gina Mast is Wood aid to end km prices. LONGO.I76r P' r. Warm 111 Booth FRONT. niladebrale., G EORGB WHITEUrt No. 2.111130uth FRONT amt. famortor of Braady,•Wineo Re., offers for mho , tit hood only , the (ohms', ani ons other ateadead bread, O f brandy: . igit e To l f i n i lb a. " tmalerr..4 .....gootto, ..t r iktM ' • r py4s listo _ Mt. kinurtsy. We. Mned Bva rrets t r it iora w e l % s"M . %Ines. wax Rum. Bordeaux tiCio. - 4.% -.1111. ' 4- ' 11,417- BELLS. CAST-STEEL BELLS. FOR CHURCHES, ACADEMIES, • FIRE ALARMS, FACTORIES, PLANTATIONS, Be., MANUFACTURED APED SOLD BY NAYLOR & 580 COMMERCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. These Bells have been extensively in use in all parts of Enron., the United States. and Canada. for the past. five year .. We are, therefore. now prepared to Mate their principal advantages to be as fo we ; let. Great strength and e/astioity o the material. 3d. A very Pure and melodious Quality of tone, eombmuul sUreatllfaa with POW 4 to a remarkable degree. Bd. An arm," savior of per cent. in cost, ea compared with that of ordinate bells. livery Bell is warranted for one year, with proper usage, in any obviate. aootira oy Chimes mh of any dimensions oast to order, with 35 treat . -tf 31 e SHEW&Co PPLOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. 39 ROUTH MONTH Street, • Above Clientnst. - This iv the only establiehment in the city devoted exclusively to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMER. A treater variety of OVAL GILT FRAMER an hand then oan he found in any one establishment in the Vatted state*. and otiose lower. - go - Bring your Photograph*. and have them fitted without extra charge. mh9-3m SHAD. 14 TREES, EVERGREENS, 4WD FLOWERING SHRUBS. &o —Those who Mal pleader - during this Bering should visit ROSEDAL NURSEURIS, whore will found the largest an finest 00l Oen of Ornamental Trees. isverreiruk Re.. in the country; thousands or handsome specimens of Ev e r t een that wit , sive an immediate effect. NORWAY SPRUCE, handsome shape, 3 toe feet, $27 to 31110 • • 8001Crt FIR,% fine on eimene. 3 to 8 feet, CO pen U. MAPLES, for A.venim Planting, M to 18 f o ot, nig per lldoo ATRIAN PINES.w few hundred of extra glad eye e twee. from 8 to 10 feet, of portent form TElthld EASY AND PRICED LOW. BUIST & 90's. Proprietors. Warehouse, 923 and 924 MARKET Street, above Ninth. Sir The Darby Railroad Cars yam the Nonsense every hour. (Fare IO oente.) mh2B 6t lA% J. it C. FISCHER'S SPLEIIDID NEW YORK PIANOS, from9loo upwards to sow according to finish—favorably known for their beauty of tous, exterior, and durability. For sale on monthly instalments, from 1910 to $lO, or for cash at a liberal discount. - Also, a large assortment of other Pianos, from excel lent manufacturers, no hand. S TREE T BI.LLA 279 arid au soot! F.IF STREET ahoy* BM*. nah2S-/m" w ßiv, OHIONKRING SONS, RANT,- FAcTums of Oran& 1340wn Ada Roo "IR ..,Wiartoomo,tvf_C in gle s tr „ et :. r if ulosjo_ , oxen oxotasso, m o v ed, Also, uk OtMilled011: ato 'took Panda ovum Myrna Vtrwri• - latt-augur LA MPBLACK—Ground pnie - in Oil WETIMItILL k 024.. . 47 and 0 nor* SECOND hhalit- REFINED SIIGI4IR.-0010)18. - ' i n gy dirMitZt . t ara WILL CLOSE in. CHNITNUT ITIK6T ISMS AND LIQUORS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers