MOM ISMS . , -,-- • iiiiin kens. .. . , . - , 44. :"1. . ,'-- - -• 1 ;•-• „-*'• loom soon 1 , zit, - - - - ; 7 :-- 2_1'r:" , " .. 4 .• 3 - "." ~ ,_ A. soon "IT"t l. tt l oi r kA s Zt itoVit W irden: ... . ik ~.. twist, ' - .604 " apes ,1 , , , 1 • linZeut ~,„ , oaths w 4 ...:,„ „, toi 40 .' e t - ii rt_ _...y , in!, _ . _., 0 Ave -11174 " r f got AA:6=A_ _ il,' F - ill 1 .6 ' it i t tk — I o 6 0 d .' • ii,hong WA luso :Mv on the rAliWonlitoonW &MOW 4 , " 4 ' w` , ' ' • `, .. - , lINIMI , 'f,l/o,ll,loloW__' 10000.THZAXWilirtifAMIgiuk: .. :1141,,bill,rolltilft091111. :i 0m...-.........r . ~ „- Vl4fa n , g40 001 ;Tr,;f• 81 31 eri 'R; Lx.rPotsbiliC . „....a,""1 . on si - -:' , - = .;l- -- '''-- I,4 •ii-Itow r 4%. bi "•-r-,'' —, .44-Apvi 1 t.4-S t li ' . 111411e * A . ) 44. - 1 , 4/43•TOtk! - 41 1 :::i."•".4..4A13r111 , -- - .1.- Adrudie.,... , X4A:r 1140467 i.r. 5it5,",..•...... ...April 4 -: ..v . _•tprssisr:t.„--; YOS .;•. , ;•11/41316 .. 2 . - F - ' 4 ' . 14 :•-- •: , isassa:_e J.... ~.• 1".. .C.V.7413r 1$ 4a41r 1 1"-Witf ttk#4. ll l, iX9ol4TiiiiaWl . k. lot iii •' - - N - , '- - to mutrirs. ; a .. , ,,Amirmar•rot ; etutiv5,,F4, , 447 , , , - :,17nr4 vs - crielill3 441verti 4'l: 1011111 , 4444L. , .;: c.„4,-. 11 • i .5t4011 4 0 - *44, -7 14 1 ,1 ':4.14 4 ....n t ,,,toF : 1 41- V idill A t a li seat i" ? "6"i tt Nl T r k " - Ilif i k mr iplui m ,-;_',....,....._2 120. ... ... ii, Wail aerldhgliaNadeporliret ` 4, 4314 , 64t . :d - , ,-- - t ' theaftve fhb" hO WM= Is '''4'--- st ''. , - .-.3111#1 . Jig*.airsiSeom , . -IMINgP;=M •=.1•••••.1311914, ~,.' l rilT r 4 - 4 . . . , i,i,;, .1 4 L,,, t;,-c t ,'4 r. 4 .P - A111111CD:-..? 1 - -,,-"-:-''' , I , , wll. rtivrabip'Neeestmo i . Ifni, StAtearafretwlte v izi k i ;xi:lmp. p=sextiatz-szeb„.. )T- - 11%-romajlimwarva. ~i. --:,,,,,, ,1111 S AV11N11H1.L.......• ' on A. ' l4 it `M i tragt7 R: 0., ": New,- York, i k t. - *34 • " ' ' ' ' Vtrdi.V.l t- T? ' 'j..' ' " i 11:0,1.1 riPATlrea Dr iww , _+4 ,, ii.:: .i. . ,,, , 1 ''-::.• i --, PAl*oll,Mrrinera6,' 0n.... ,-- i '• • goitii4WaiWpr, f' NU ifeibil ' i. '2 , ' - , , "- g - ' e t' iftlogl l 'ellAriltaitl.ltil,'lrta %di ' , - lie nun ,tmlwielter,2, .....Bit p , V=. 14 tft " riir L_Foßga l aria7rai.4 & Co. &." • '.ltohr,W tDa nee. Stoillee. Sentia m lnupvaut Co Mit Allot Lawrence, Stanley, , meta, Ogle . _ it Co. . .„ - 211 • Nl' , B°l4°, P i i r e ' l ! .l.ll"lk9l4° * z-- 7 - 141;i , i V tim ` ;,;!&viir lientoi ' ; -. .10 , -i ' Seer Ulan, Weaver, waidatuton, Vas Damn. Noi, i • • . &heft Glati, o ri ffla, Chelsea, Slanieteon it. Glover. .',. •, 1 . i i • (°°" _,l 4l"ll6 ,AHll* l' 11 ,....tect l it il iSTI -., Thu ....A .-4f -......:.., f rom eefeeol. wept fa ; ~ • " E o i 01 la li ttAZ i r vi tg o traV u fit 11 , ~, . w4irc..,B,wear.dry.b-i ?At __-• A r a WAIT r igi no !ALL* • lz . .d aw , r .. 15 ,,..a 4.„ 1- Pirt . • l'"17,1-7(r7. ... 7 " ... " . " . T .. ... - T-VATl , '" ~ir , tr .. *„7 7 ) . .••; , '4 - , 2... - **.s. ' , twit, • ;_..= ••A' 7 e.T: tfalUv,l P . : Ini. ..Tit" , 415 1. ,5timm: , 1„,...„, _ . s . ,-- ~, y se , - - , „„.. ,, 5i...,4 - estomoto.4 m p....-i_ .:. , 4141 7 . 7 ,..t.„ 1 3w4;,4.46,;.;80,", , i„ , .... -4.':( 1 .-. - ' 'for Motif limb was r' 4 • ft • ft„,... l4 V' !-P 41 4 1 ! 01 - 1 ' ,, , , -.- -{!, •,,,,,P , it TanitlO Csilinitie:lieraie,inrl* et ,faelnion . vi le ibtitagt4 .f., 1 , t1111 , te,1 ,, 1`,., ~,:a ~- ...:.•, - ,4 ,, ,..,‘ -1 ,- ,v , psehrstseibtAkAvisk_kml2_, ,_,_ • !or! - : ler l itemova hate's; iiviiii it teleaea- Seljelilneeti ,Criierellii&n,,, - arrived at Mil - folk ne.l4%ifiliiiiii6lkilai did L veit46 arrived at . • r - Bike r. „, • NOW York biota,. - ' ' • • I igil i :43"ft . B ` ' i ;', ll 7 lln , , :" 2 ,„ _, .. ! t, ' 7 , er l4H ! ° , hr eitoe'atiow,Risi. malt W Wren Nolan , '''' li de 0; ktmod lit holism Mb utak_ ~,• , . 64red ' 6l - - 44 i Vaa 74 14i / fa mn.,m7rhdas • ._. 1 ~,_ .• h i" wt..... iginuit:i:au_ Ediiii.-iiryaliaoi: for -. • •I•o r 7l I.l4'olitare4 et New Yerk Me ILO. • :-' • • ~ fr,t , , 41r ,eb*p memes, like, hopes armed et New ,.. '-" - 111/14i tii -.--- , --, - ~., -- -- , -- • ,- • 04 . 0 --1 .0. T am , i j .. - Iw irestor, for Philadeletia, oleared - • . -. l' , ' I f ' ' •,14 Z, - ' ,,164. 44 - Neike `,nt N lipric ,IT' at r est, , , '- 1 11, :,#,'„ t!!!" arrived'-at ?ors -;---4-AtritfiltstliiatzW-Acii4,l,l 2 .‘*:*.hll --' 'ApßoksakAkkows,wiistatz ' 'Pt -- FOR 'ONCE.' 'Atli) TO LET."' i . . +610, - SALL AT , A Neil ---,,Ay-iiikiittetaroutaa Nut- cmgmr s i dei ~.motsontmitratriwt.. A' VERY DESITIASEMISMW 61 ! .V . TAK:Viiiit t efor t. . f lintzUr an iV . Nitia killer,. not. For lo k E irgettriMIT I OIAWHISt- Wk. . blk 111 , ,!..,:t9;.'F . ', 0.2 4TOBEI/R4BPE 31 11.`iimit*Iii , tanee;`wItii7stit i ;rtifottstrit -me Nam; puthinigiabatd,sl4k, _a t - mom% ftpla Obeatuut BilL 411 to*,pl4ollllTo MO , WALIVAJT , - Eitrett:Ne. pa 'Moor. JekllS ett' - Alle — 104 010tOtialeKNT—A WO ' a"i 71140144 a lbl i 4'llll t , er gr e**-I v.wwi l it i Zia ir arisaaaproitamosso . -macaw* •Itt Ifg;:: 3l4lwitur prmr,;,7n ' ilv , fel 'lava IT 4 .._ ~,i t. ...v . ,.,.,....1 , „,..„,,,,„, •-- 0 37tftltisi ' will 'l4 , * tun. net. 'f . 5 '.:,,f a ,I,..biWaiir .qB.4voßk - litut-- I "mM= l ,,,4lo lo lliretttt _ Vs bal . : , ir w toi • " 'et ririer • - 7104gAn y APOICSAMOR."I I OIIM 7 4Itoie ottb - WHARVIDUaIicincA st sF tli eat. tun ); reir r SO flittialarjritaWaitriatia 750 TO 04; 114131' 4 .A TEMEII43TONr ?RICK 40 - o.*-isi tf_vielpWMAßer „gent Olt t okirit4wimi t „- O .I , O•AfANIVIAIRSMALLOKII4 - 817)MB , POR - 8A1,4-1 •• • ',Maki I 'L l gitt sitiediei r late” bovi :4 *iftitslAshal ensra n av ii• ma..-Assipostimrstees.-frr- ELSON. It elm% Awn, ;1' =MN" O Ii VI tRY. TO L : , T.--THII Ott& .i - .W-VATATI AMT.k.MI4.IIOO44r9iY, sitteited the the 41-414 i ' ralideLhse W m Mr a llel l OMrmid, • 0-to.leeleetre the Vzo plr. oi 1 theAseprovemente eV it ti MM. • There WO ti.kvinpo of it Aski Coal owned 01109 roperte, t eseh s jeltp , feet i th k V east htot a me : treil! k a l etnitteen. in* -8. t il le rill? load And e ttmem - emanande-4.MAIMe• ' amt etenseldtete- Atm. two Me Wisertet _ Eh Ipeet a kte Mined A market hal shod Ma ape - Per MIR in the North - . Elt . . - *Meti .i tta , ' gum:ittrir d „ eV I:: -.., 1/Ifirk Reitiortelt etteltem .. te• Hill r med i , Vt o meept .111, i1 W .GU 9.. sad, ire 1, -,3 Y, Meet oe Ram, f o ot kindled 4..1 'Thu - *Me mei =la =rm - *hit* to , ir; thatelaatiVratif , level. -There other•it tetml- JAW ' mid seVidkpoot h Aas ' ore 'gait re kt i rthoust=piir aatelti. •• f " --•— Tbe_Colliery esti be Ammted oaappkioetion to D.W. c' ki V. °NSW; OA ltrefliquM, ~ ~... . . • , ~- i - -- For ;farther tateneuttioa; Apply , - I I . •- -..--,. . -'-- -, _- ,_.A. , 14 SASTWICK,i „„sulsll- t:`: ' -r, 140:111 TINE/hod: Phil/149)0u Cokillice-andjAr ,„ jahrijalting ....apimateet; shams WA, Wiper ,por lig or- da irielareits INEMBROWit. &On l•rie=tilearNMPClallt.' "P"ittb.uuvio rm ISM& MEEN altwit:ed 4411141414 4 voll i saidididi 414 "WIT I -Pad Sardelg on *soar Altoodioso 121 oolow-Toopor. ttorapootVo 100 • c mum from Vas , Vier Ir, Mot h . m!roata., - ,applz .ny la rr g:',FORPArit-.4ltikeli '-...1 -- . - , . 1 - w ei th e ~,... _ 1h.4. -- si, - ,:i.iideol.t ~ ~. ~,..,,, iggityfek aFOR SALE, in HADDONTJELD" . ek,pAlisi, et WWI, sone Vtt' s , Ark& z= Taw oniumile". Irmo . • nuas•un. , - • AtiiwAZWlFFerat. , AI F 0 R ROME, MILNos.4IS a4441i " Jr 414 Alms ktriet. J ''''o,jrit . IIOPERTY. ‘-n -?VA IAT =AV EOM FOR GALL Ti mh 4 ptibiltrealit Ciaatrrarat, act Wm 1101 m vor 4 1 1 1 flissuletiOs i =. sad in e. gu n i •-• AI , - 1110 „ 11411 . 4 .110,01 1 17 ti So tok soussoisd, ~,,r Siss •er winiaittioa;tre m*--. A* , S 4 , a. tlsolrissl i t_,..., s on A, . . ,4 7 s.';;Ie ll As am sassiurs: *'-' L ' . im atuad , hist 1 11 . - • 4 f•s' ' =s at win: ° ~ii . . 14, pi " „:... .11 Vissmeas xears t 4, - . I%f d i s F vil ..t Ir e , ' to . 6 im i m i lUa ß i i - N .1 - ittiff&iiii -- ' ---- iiii, -- . in Ut r. ....04 wit 11 170 r" * til l ' 'Wet. .ittigrot,, - , , W e al lt t! ~,,,i O, . 20}s4alus sad iu s 1 ,t.le, glid il' 7 :,r td - i, . •• ' ' '. ..-n1 . .,`,.! ' .': p 4.) . ,14 • . ii • . „L. ,z.„,„,,,,,,,,, r4l I , :f ' , ”•ei4,,' , 1 ' I 4 4 . .•• '. . . ' • .. 4 _1J14...a .' I: , ,AlgltalolAa.D4 Pk. SIMPIPOIL? i - AtllLuMiro , ,4.,,,4,,e1, spli_Alllard 1' , "irilitlforiad r ig , - ,...Z.A.ta .4:,.. , ,..1 , -ti-..a. , v•vpi ~ •:,•4.,,,T.,,, 116 16L: - . I so tyr 1 1* . . : „!, ` 4414;1***7454-:' los. il-01, 4- • Gf. OEI ' - e .ar, = Agrik I h r i ge tw erlinfn meg" v. alum or rot oroOlooaoog.;sediorr , 4 „ , Pro&I too * ' ,'Oll4/0/4/1111-w-YA. --- rr ,. ; y t~s, ~t.ex+ ."_ :4:4 1 4.4_1 1 1 1 1 - CwN r}3.314' SAY- -A-NDW-- - :--zr • • ; The Aotho> of ilitidllll Wide world," t t. • - 1 Th. Author o r t!-Vollsw awl Conte." . • 1.0*A5cP... 1. 148: 1 1% • Or t IPARIST i RE IN LIkIE. _Recently : 13/1041.100118: .A -FAMILY PICTURE.', , - Forages. the area Notomes of LIPPINCOTTI;LI EDITION of the Woiki of eir EDWARD BULWER LYTTON.- , t Pnee per Cloth, IL sheep. J.:Pi:LIPPINCOTT & 00. i •• ,n sod et North FOURTH 8 treHt. a(.168 WETHERITLL'S NEW NOVEL." WV RAY AND PEAL. - Bythe @Athol of The Wide Wide W,oo44o4ll[WigtmtbiiNG; rte- "dit s iitirrs 311ri ritlitEs as iru s, A e imn s #.16 _4l.V.A i ttrVitit. : book L " L "ttl e ato' widow bmFatuswOsasrf *boor *mob is ivolav - Wirth' inn st ancinmumi from medical men Omagh- Fut t W ePsietfitaillloll)7 abofnd be in every a r&WLINSOB'S ' HieTORT OFHitRitiIOTUIL *U lnae :Arm r tri homtlrnsilsh edition. with Milo eau II mum O tH IP. - WOOING AND IN rag -ont,Dir.R. pek—A-ster. of olut..tuan- •By eaaries . D; Birk. l+Dent BWItZiRLANt. By Primal A eharefungl. esorlctivit amsountore Tour in Swjtirer 'width" easumßror Ittormastd, eapabte •or appreoistms tkie bcantiel wand famed ind. vet. dl. • ' LIPS_ ninTroltts j111%.,1 he new Amerman novel of wbbsb Vim ante° Maw*, so =Ater how celebra ted he wise M . need be ashamed to attach his name. 'St. -AGAINST WIND;AND•TiItP, The new ling by the author of thole channinn Sylvin unbter. Kathi te, I vsl. , aI. I MOTHERIarAR GROWN FOLKS. A new edition. reduced in Pries to 76 cents'. A most amullint sidrerelhWrOWniklolt. be I contributor to the Atta4gu. ndoorbtly,and whion hes had a Wine rile. ItIFRATALI/041,1i, By Mute Pardo4: The new MAO anthorcps of _thsec,well-crittan ,hoolte. Lajouir tit and Maine Ist For ee l to ' • GAZA RD,,_11., WO Et , _ . 734.CHESTB UT Street. GEN:IVAI:REW-AGNIN !1 ; ''. - JUST RECEIVED. 1 . HY LINTWAY'A;BLAKISTOPI, Publishers sod Bookoellork No. 1 . 8 P... tO OISTH &vest. above C HICSTNUTj ?mit' , WAR Iry NIOAELAGUA.. Written by Gam. War...ui. ContAls OisAftio sytol oorraviscof 44onoral Wolin'. and O. 0 0,01,1 a XI, or Bloom us. ,Larzo Vow. 1 vol. . i 60. iffiefiriMi:l°a° be Mann* AT /ILE LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, _., 1 mob* .; II( , 'l6llouth SIXTH Street. above CHESTNUT. TEE MARBLE - IP/MN j: Or, The Re -441;64.4 ante' 'Nigh. 3,lawthankc , 14".Agst r t tli o'l* Wi de , QM' the' n Or r :_Vri r ritt ,-7 ."6 1111: 1 / I ,2 TIMACONONL WNW PO. .001 11 1 11 3 4 A r liEgirethabov• enba I NUT. 2 i o(K)' , _V,9LUMES CHEAE Booo ' , sway taint, Only' 115.8yenti' Der volume. • 31,O s ig- Wean. Rebtinte Werke, NO . .e Velhate. linlesigHOONll,. =MA• VS /MOO &reit. .„ 'a::'::(l,AkirAliitrairVllOCHE 7 / 3 TORE ..741411, . t; ~: .. .t.t - , ,I. 1 i a - Waite Nirretrest. p.,-Pg ti .13 •1 B ei AT $ qt.• „Avg . .1, i are am ( war &Sans o-wer store, .ead4rio the van a ens a handsome Gift. - ORTR omotoTT .1* rino • ,"' - 1 - with nob book. NEW BOOKS THE HAUDZED HOMESTEAD. rA , sideatto pf Olkowetones." try Mn: rentntrorth. = With - a UHL rnoe /LM. SMOS,WONDERSOL. _THINGS With a Gift. Pries ....L._ S_.l HE MARBLE FAUN. By Hawthorne. With a c hh T ilmitirbii 000 D SOCIETY. With a 6ift Prior& EG PT, ACA... PETALS; AND THE HOLT , WI By • .Iddlard. Now and erdargad edition. GU Gift TO YS . s . ALL THE AS SOON AS ISSUED, and a Gift with esah. Van Is, sad ens trial viii tuns* son that the esst stews fa Gls city Wars YOU stionkrperchass Books to GEG. EVANS' . • '"- - - , GIFT . d T SLIMMEST, ,el • r T S i., S Pitiladelphia,i : ow ' . swum upper rid*. , , aSUTH AND NORTH; ' loaronletwib - DURING A TRIP 'TO -• •- • - • • CUBA D•THR SOUTH. • . ions B. H . Apart.. IVol.;l2mo.,olltsees. Priem 1. ' • . •YOICIS OF Tan PxLrBB. . Dom the Now rork- ifidowaident. • vite.(lllFliT 1/001.01!AILKVZIT Try 11111171 D, 1105111 d, imp Is: Oftration. and moot timely and faithful. Tl izauthor b rehforeeste • graphic ray '!!!! ' llco m l u rt ' unr o f A4•• rrigo w n 4 lies of late, so eistemati oally mingled t mall White eondemaint the °may sea l - tabu mount:Al chows that hie hereto dolt-denial for thltopFtliMei to shame' the toward fury oft ,ie fount ray otonweion. • Pet the tone OA. book. whle outdid, Iraq. ,sail,maidy, to filtrate tu na and gentle manly • • • ' Nmenclittet,' Pre 'emaillityriol hot sortie/tn. but Chrnittan. *poseur the Span: to the &mei* remedy tor enlisting' *TIM, by: enbettbitang wages for the Loh. Moe labor for coma Will. ape New Ferk•Trilismar ''• , t; Ida animated deaerietione, and the foutiraess and °or di•Uty of tie toss. are adapted to give it • favorable re '-peenlttionr,ens With readers ztkoadilrer most wid!ly fro m in °Onion " * * ; The tarot to which this-volume is devoted, and the °Milt whinti•they are Misimeed, though. they may gems Wisest of topowtioft Irogi those who wind silence as the only guarlaitft cr " 1 4. 4 tY! will amours !t. %Ida circulation smoir - Ti. Faison tp FIIKEDOX thtoushout the roughs, Avon the Atlanta (Oa.) Confisionelf. It is • toetttternLtt;inoLtTtytflplpDncTtox, wyrt ten very fordable style, and , ctellcalealated to taint thezetedecy tkeloadm; • • .•• •., • , - From the Detroit Christian Herald. •' Itrirdith“ YALUMIVINIMAKATION on the Questiono whi now mama our eanatry. - • ' 1 0 ,111° Si. Mulford Evosiviit Me irDIPT1111•10111. ar• such as would be derived by any honest, f sir minded- minde d- man. IT Ia waltie,Vi _, •.1 Sin Mg Now York Ohstrom Thebes& unnteneoly mid rivaled ly Abolition. • ABSEN & ABBOP. Pubbeh Inhkitial&w-lm .• Raman stree t,. Y. PONSTBUCTITir.II,AROLIITECTURC— ‘-• /a the trehiteets', sod Afeekalics' of 7th neriv-agegirtee nonmennement or a new volume end enlarged aix•-the brat of a -Noria of articles on .the Abovo i snlnacit snow, illoatratod Inth: md or Mist to a il constrnotors, Cop salt on e i sr e stagliei a ntritilars'erlu . LN P u l no°,7' Rob* urn 41WiAnonta. 411 • , tonan e mwf It Vat FRANCISCO' ' 1 , -.,1T .E'l G H T. D A. Y S , ~.i. •- , • : • - ilaY Milt , ;owit,AL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA ' , r , . PIKE' 3.FEA.E.EXPRESI3 COMPANY. . The hici,occorlior of the foe y Parisi Will leave the Maraud mar dn TUESDAY, A prilithe 3d, at 6 o'clock P. It, sad goblins Issolies•mask thereafter, carry int a te m tlei twill lady. Thepornt of departure' on the Miami TOT W il l be in telegraebm •010111110t1013 with pelt cad Mill Is 6 onaonnad in dile time: ' Tele rertsd g o mageedes from all parte of the ' United States so •an eenneebon with-rho point or departure, vrill be netea o'clock ; t M..of the day of 10/19 fit% tniallUttilld , 011111. the ylaarinliii sand ilt. Jo imp bre wire to &sr Fronated and hortennedi ate a i y the eeeneotiog express, in BIGHT DAXI3 The le tter I will be delivered in Ban Fromm° in TEN DAYS frem the departure of the_Exprose. 41h ia i r=t t tarbi l if t estri l lOicres= ally:the adios lillar Minee,_lecandlis, area Sacra mento ; lettere rot Wagon, Washington Territory. %Mist' Co umbia.ithe hung. Mexican ports, Russian Permiononi. Ilandwrair labuide:Chins, Japan, and India, wiltbenridied in Sea Francisco. Special bleagengers, bearer. of later■ to connect - with the ewers pith. 3d Aoril,will ready. pcarmaiestawip Coy the canner of thilt iraiF N 0.461 TEltnt REST. Washltda_thar. to P. M.on Friday, Meath st.; end in lIW Ye lie o aol L B Simpson, Room No. B,'Coa mita k Building, Maim street. OF to did AJI6., of the O tat Marsh. . .. . - Pell panialiars eon be °Milliar on applicationot the above loftioar, sad *Leavitt the company, • • .• • W. B. RUISONLL, President. ItellirltoTli. x ll.DeLgtr,kfirPrealdent. • • rain. & I Ltax, /teems. XL Lads. • rabliFtS ' -, J. Statizabbo, Agent, Chicago. , , . EDWEN MARK'S IMMIX Illf PROVED aid mat) Piltlitsd Capaissd Orindhtud Bolting. or • Min 'ANT FLOW'.m _ lf in oundamat itew i cri ti ne e l 91 1 ,1 1 'net e gola j da t :' tre n rittle to grinding and Um maolticiu, ortutme a Mot Of only 4 mot 10 1 .1a:lit fe t ia n F , ana email comps's, at a single operatioa, sad wt but ale more than (in horse trz i l e stillugra, extra, r a m p and all o tie low , and the Manua bode of o al ; Tio dunizat low serail ltrUnahtt to Ms best flour made from • given amount of wheat, by the best Merchant Flour fltilla 1U thtl united ['Liam. or in 4urone. Its average rate or snadaor la tWO Wish; of ulterior lour Per W fha new, 60Milliat complete, and , celebrated floor min Opo Wee earetally examined•by many of the most experiineed millers ia this oountry, mug they nazi mouslg lrestaOrod kt i =if i r i tl i x=d=hrg Wizen mar' MU ti lifillelt=t h e t te6fis oartallets, inteenla tors, sad yobbo as diaptst,ass tcosokrsUy invited Ito axioms' twa aigiuy went ima Justly eels- WU. • _ emeellyaing the purchase of the Patent ME VI ararries, tiod this trg, itr evert tliMgliimeia, 4 mil ot ' re' grgital.Z6l2 4 ll CY SITIO to ail venom ailikeslaib ty tatters to ,' 7 er ANL, Asterdoe i Pro. mg IA et, below Third, Philail rt. W For farthe r information ammonium tlue celebra ted d ew ena. plume to read the yellow handbills, de llitrflitlfll ie., , • • ma IT PHILADELPHIA AND Isi fig 6) . 3 1 04 7 ~,w , fr..... •r."fr e, t, eth,sad t. o ^! 4 ~. • • .. ~, • . . . n'i,:ii; ! li te. * g thaft i°l 4 1 01inr hillat - .I . . . Fi 'it , • ' a• 63 . 1 •.- ~ ~'.„ , r. - 11.;-gtn i ggi lijk, nhi - ' ' L e ' tji , ' r iiides. ' at.. iit - Irtria - . . I, W . . , •It aid U 0 k. lii. trains rui ti tisigli to ; -4 141,•0102 . gat•lletetiostion • barn us •', ik eotuaaiii, i st Raped foy "Wilipm tieLAGUE- 1- , .. . • „ft , • ~ , . and FroPeD4 o2 . - •. • • - ',.. • alighitictodft r % . .1, . , . •10 .11 i •Vai . • ' t erinmmin g.lor , ...,. lternt 4 ; ..IN,` ~. • .1 1 1 . 41V 21 , ; iiii NITE : 1 . omit, bekr, nt,.. y i int ' iiiirrbs ":44,1ZW1.11.111.inifiri , 4t,i 'i t ; a11 ..1 ~ b•loW Viz*, . j o r b ~.... i rt - _Az , , : S r o. 0 illat t. 4317.4011 MW, ! lit 'll'4 - bal• A . niv .0D - WoNDERETTIOII. RlBO.O - L ' -- , v#lltillpti the' ciDett - 1 6ft:ipso le ed 104 oonfidenee of e seam rimed, rot the above Me yea ammo , ' BOdanier need be snore -5117114 Wit tor e - pion itelketto, Price ;it ‘ "it' '' . nilitiVait i r l e k r " l " M iss 4j,El. PAIN - . - -- • --- '' No Le Zoe altos; .''. -1 * FkOrf . 11 ladolvhie• -31P 1 gRALV ATAR "APPARATU S, the =e.d'imrysd _ OF vie San .6-Fjoima. casdzigimolkidiflllav ittrinetaktAU Fariel.4l 6 41 Wai4 ,' * ada' • • ` - fa,VO - OPRTAIN is". ad i r , be it, 74 '4 lllk , VAir - •i?f 7 ) ; • t ( • I- So: • - 4110111 1 ,-":BASS, -AND' ISA.' Ott 'Kum , - *item '413 r a f .. 011/01 dew "', , 1fift: - • -0 ;1'44 - 6 ka-Za;ea .4= o -YAl o l:o..e.nitl, - SaTzI,IN.I.ItPA. ElcirNOßß' , & 430., ! IMPORTERS AND waotithiiit arr ... 'WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, ET0.,1 HAVE RSHOVED FROM . 191 WALNUT . ST.; AND ' 91 E,R.LNITE ST.; 681, rMAR , HET. IFr.IIFaE7I 4 , Four doors below SEVENTH, ncrth Nide. mblo-119 IlEtkiKyiEi. KEENE, .1 • - ••; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rau REMOVED from No. dlO Walnut ONO to No, MO South THIRD Strout. ;'" , i mhR-Sm• ItEMOVAL.----SMALL & 011ANDLR, hitye" ftom iss ria l taccuND Street, to US MARKET Street, Lbws Front, north side. JOS INSURANCE -COMPANIES. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST OCO- L,6 4 E N TOM E N ' yligthafo u rn A L . oP l 4lffiNfili i i atirArtivVrzthlrh'ott ___t'enni ollfe—gr . eats vanities sad endowmenM—mironases llie interning in Real Estate, and make, e 5 gent:mote depending onghe oontingenotes of Lifb. , , , They sot se Egeonter% Administrator% bedgnillel lirestees, end Guardia. tiel L. fillie% 7"6l njankin poem, ' F' -3: ` rin l i Vitrgit e l . ' Willianajlt u ßern, th. - -tiyt.,,A7...--- i., c.Townserui. i li' ' olphrent, " m . Cam 4Elr o c tL isinii : MI *saner Rail ~, l' ilgt _.- Jelmi W.,Rentionaleoial EEL/ Samuel B . !Stoke% ' William Merlin, iviwin It kKg g e t i r T 9 alma tiMe_s_.;,; 1 "' Ti l l , to a tg 13" ' n li s i v. i l atehmirmia Ilia 8. Aso Tel:: 4 ' 1 r .i,,,,,,,h,......,,, tri aseph M. Thomea, , Ali: GI #T11111:101'. 1 ilti n iT ,E.L pregdralit . sfaials. .o. Preset _ sap :NSITILANOE.COMPANY OF V 1 fregenAgMientegil l iffirt HZ Gl atma izilidisi sixi,c4,-,,5,t.,.1trai4 1. i t i t a vitata l lOwl;sli r v4.ll6l.leci allim uritiee— timtoirtor , istr ae rie au Cia rms: j B it,,,,, too IVAPegn 4 - , ' ' stottMk. e 8: th,'' : ' Z ti v ffinl,,, 1 B - t. - ;1:: miry A /Pramual.. 1.,1-4 10 1 43 ? . W4jakal . ialkliaaretarv. • ,i17!..%11-4111 EXCIIANGE. INSURANCE OURPANY —ol64ts MA IN:WALNUT Street.: -.. • , ME INSURANCE , on Rotuma and IderillAnflan SittekaLly, on favorable terms, either limited or per- DIRECTORS. . . Jemiah Bowan, Edward p.. Roberts, , ' John Q. Ginnodo, John J. Griffiths, I ' Jigetout T. Owen, Reuben C. Rails. 'norms Marsh, JohnldoDowell. Jr,. Sarnia.. emedle . Jaa.-T, Rale, Belle font*. I JEREMIAH tIONSALL, Prelude*. LnliN Q. GINNODO, we President. MDWASD W. DAVID, VeVretary Mlik. QUAKER" CITY INbuRANOE Itz = FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, WALIMT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND BUR PIRA 111369,745 70:—Initure. against LOBli_or plumage by Fire, and the Peril, of the Bee, Inland Navigation end Transportation. GEORGE IL HART, President. X. P. ROES. Vice President. • H. H. COSIOSHALL, Bea and Trainmen. B. H. BUTLER, Assistant Beoretary. D1R*92 0 „," • G A... "1 . 0. U r tte a" ll, Foster B.Perkins, Andrew J ones , m.ll Chenbe_ ,. re. Samuel ones, m. D .. .aon. H. M. Fuller. A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., U 3 LANCONPOILATED - 1810 7 .-OHAR.TE It PER.P.*T , AL. No. tqo WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and evadable Beautifies continue, to Port on 4welltnee, Stores, Furniture,Merchandise, easels in ro and t,eir cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally sad promptly adjusted. . . i • . DISLECTOR.e. ..... . .•• '. ' pri . Ni t ' I; air '' • Pa n e f it'. 1:I I n idr a I r mud C. Norton. Edmund G. Out lh, &trick Brady. IsraelMo Chem W. Fonitne.T. rris. • i THOMAS R. MARIS. PloYident,. ALBERT C . L. CRAWFORD. 'Secretary. , fell3-tf PAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. -•-• es ,paisarNtri , stmt. PHILADELPHIA. • INCORPORATED AYAILOBBS AN , DY THE STATE OF BY.LV • PENNLA... CONFINED. TO,FIRE AND RISKS, - • DINICTOIIII &mei Wright, D. B. Rimy, W. Everman, ghtuk_EitAgutlioa,• jtear7 West, DSvtej „. • E a v c :: zo.mtrird , B. artin, menkg &Orr:. ••• _•••`•' • - E - i'pl e t. Iici.LIAMB I. BLANCHARD. rotary. Jed -tf DELAWARE . bruTu - SAFETY IN; ihwoß/OLTTMWEITALA 7178.1 OF OFFIOS B. E P . R efil9 6 1 1 1 16 AND WALNUT AfreogY, ti etANA , vicArt To all pi, of the World. INAURANORO OA itatita: Rivas coaaltv i geti r d Lana taaetiaaa -mewl. A A ell, OA atom at Dwe o il l ases k.e. o 'cordwAifir, raw. • ° "" 1 1! to raw ... , rans. fikilsdel u ,sllty 411 1 t0nt.L0an: " ... 1433,000 uu 22=1: i ta a l s CL) 31.030:17:1"8"7,0 ."44°_L ANtoXe i t t rAmo t %Air " A " " 00,fill 00 811,000 Teri " 17roan ... f...tiaiC r itY2 . fililif ~6 _ 00 "MC' N W , ? l a& Pe r .. . id , = ,- 316- t e elm so wow gorth...trr varia---Z--- - Lugo owe iiimirmibili 1 Treoug eos arlie=7 Cot•ea .. me i to town 2 °WM" ga la r . ° IT, !tel. - Tarr , saaran i n t ed Dr It WO dalahls..— _.... %Off 02 fffmffE, RR Id i.ras Ponnrylvaida atitiroadi ....... MA ssish=rruTriiiiiigirai ' 81 ." . '''' n MOW d u "' Plut64°lll I I i firl re= a=2,1c56,4.,..:4 4 , i .._ mghrniatiaili..pril , K ... yrs de 'ewe Steam ow t r=ro r , ntladelphis ra" --- • iri so --...--..= ---,—. same SI Lanileallßlortraatia, $a ad Raid Estate, Of- Rafi e reoenva m ffi friiTrurras — oei - itaii smuna . — i - 7 6 7."1223 11 3 I "'"Dr,°,..tut, tvg.rat th er de bt. due 14. e isig —...., —... , . .... ... UM RI Strip and Mut of nary Insuranna Cotopit•• o 041 Oli n di eL aiiiiiioiria — .= 7 — :. CO sp Wal 0101,0111 ff Ilr Fratm h d o ß AMk : 4 11: 1 ,115r .' fill TM 111111nrrh , t ll O' C. Lardy. p h . It . E i nem. ut ou gar e l fy, T . I t JERRIE , / LYIJRZIe . I RE. IBaal E. onto~ F. Petiteten, _ ira ri rlea l tagftsi . Jonas Brooks, ‘ , Doer wayspor- ge n ft a n c l ut . n ' ug n ' Jacob P. Jost,: • ' James H. hiarlalsis joshes P. Eyre, lebu B. Semeo,Plitab's, D. T. Morgan, A. B. Berger, • , MARTIN, Prashiett, RAND, Yam Pnundsak rotary. dli-aD LE GAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT TOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OrPHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOSEPH Rh , X. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the Recount of Wm. M. Rex and Willoughby M. Rex, administrators of Joseph Rex, deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the handl of the accountant, will meet the partite interested for the our rs of his appointment. on MONDAY. April 9th, at or3lock 'P. td., at his Office, 198 South SIXTH Street, n the oily of Philadelphia. WM. D. KELLEY, , .mh9B-mwf.lot Auditor. IVOtlO.E.—Letters of Administration to "1,79 i estate of .TAMES LESLIE, late of West Philadel- Phl. ,a deceased, haying been granted to the subscriber. all Persons indebted to said deceased are re limited to make payment. and all yawns having °tail= are nitrated to pres ent thegilit Raiment to • - .P.Arrizsm.k. LESLIE. Adreinistratrix; logo ogsa Streak, • Maroh gth, 18:04-6t. Philadelphia,' N . THE VOURP VP 'COMMON PLCA' ADII [A IN AN IR D FOR , THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DME TROMAO NR. , ORE or. MARY VIRGINIA BROOKE. Ruby in Divorce. Deptember T 4i 1859.. o. 9. Ow .motion of THOS: MILLETTY,, P sq., for Libel ant, a Role bee beep 'milted. returnable April Tth,06 1 :4 at 10 o'olook A. M., in Nola Court to show (MIMI why a divorce a vincula nuttrimonit should not be decreed. Personal mimes of this Rcle bovine failed, oncou n t. of the Ounce, the Respondent, the Court has dir ected this riablioation. Maar VlCotxrt B11.001E11; • • 'ltrihMturtt. puooll. I wo PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS ! I • •- -PLARO-FoyEs ME1.,0 ROsis. riii Q.. PVT • REJ,.O OP% rt -F R.F o s t • 11.0 0 NS. . t • • • • ••• rill 0-FORTES. ' , .111FM)DEONS, 14pd• kr Saw% Batton. & 00., Annus ac Cleirk Irquott• op.7uff. 16 um, nu other,. , /1104-1 r SEVEN : 7II a l ild .ls b rIIaT"NVT.: STEINWAY ,ft SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-BTBIN_G_ G RAND . PIANOS, § HARE GRAND, AND SQUA RE AgANOB; now pro lesnadtteinr 1 Collvel d a: =Zit f.trot%rte b ait maws, from Mom lake Gottmtutlktekson.A.ndojhenr. Cluillogge competition. BLASI 11 BROTHERS, 10176 C EBTNUT Street. LARGE AND VALUABLE STOOK Beiges selling out at Greatly Radtured kgioes. at 426 UHF BTNUT !greet. - 00.1100 worth,Staadard Weight Stales, oompriaing ! n c oo gs.° 47 ° Por table pis s e:Storm, Warehouse, Hay, ~at and Ralf. ir for their interest to oall and examine the above epode et *AIM ClitinflTZlUT The attention of eountyy merohants is nailed rode above Moot. ' - fear fro FAIRBANIPY PLATFORM BOALIM3, Far male /iTAIIIIMIRMIL SGROOKE & 00. I _l • MOO 2411 Oman FOURTH MYNA, WHARF, FitiiBTtt l irET, BoHUTLKILI. MOM end ahlIPPOnl Lesaet Monutais, o fe A i kle. and ElokuadU taken on wharrsili (11-8* • ;d'l` .1 ;se .i .4; .I`r I • ; - V.:DONoelies will ocatiane Mutineer nail kla • at 31 Smith WATER Street, and now offers fo . I°, the lowest market prices, for ca tt sh. or on a oa • • alien apiditav 4400 ideam-ridir o d Sas ~ t r .71"1 % . Ve\ ILikaa was Cones, Ademuuttine [tan and' r.a ruin h anted, (Warier. larAlm. --- rajlEE43-880 'BOxert, Betkipaer,(76un 'LAC CHINA Is wore a#l, ; ortale' AW,TIR firrnot.„7/1 Ann , othnvir Frnnt. • AL mom.. • r t ok. ELNlNTotetc.iges " • ; • vryc DTlaward rods.'lrkwkd Or, nolf,,dellyiled ',l43al t in r r is g e. rs,nt•railtrarernArgioe. MitICOH,(I.It,ATINS - 1111,T,R, :1* -a-441P.M11`:/'""Me ERZ THE PRESS.-PHELADELP,HIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1860. AtISE. St. ' . . N OIIOIO-141EALTDU`PROVOSALS, Ent. - - doraecrtpnists- for furolshing--Books to the Rate ap d tittrlii lA* &boo,' his roostvad at the ffslie`or os - non otters nr , Patio t3ohooli, , Southeast corner SIXTH and ADEI,PHI Streets, addrisied to the undersigns_ until SATURDAY.,_Maroh SI. MO, it ten o'clock A. Id , for the SUDO! of Bonhs to be used in The on trillo3eltr • u a n u t tli cre b the ebt rtt l il ae lt n a l rlf 'mine wan on Br order of the Cornmrttee on Sup lice. secretary Controllers o Publics Schools. QOHUYLKILL NAVIGATION COM-, " PANY—OFFICE OF TRH CRUILICILL NA VIGATION COMPANY. Maroh 12, 11210.—The charge for the use of Cars and for Toll on Anthracite Coal. oar will be as follows t date.. ud so continuo until further notice : To Philadelphia— •-- Senna oeshoboaken Darn --••••••••• Bridgeport..... or•••• - • • • Valley For_ge— . awling's Dam ,ottatown • ' ....... tog., . ..... Althonees. . ..... Orwasaburg .... :1:: The charge will be per ton of 2,210 the., hiss five nor cent. allowance for waste. ae usual , and no charge lees than twenty-five oents per ton will be made for any die, tattoo. ny order of the 1q1112111(01.1. nitil3-1m F. FRALEY, President. OEFICE OF TIIE,PLIILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. ' _ PHILADELPHIA, March 10, 11330. The row offssight mid tolls on coat tronspo.ted IM 3 co ff sponv wilt be as follows from March nth "m -ei/ the, otics o Richm0nd._........... kiilladolphia....«.... - anal Plane-. setown.... „... 41 -- Germantown . .ll.. ... Falle of dohuylkll ~.... %ben's. - ..... —. Conshohocken. Eg li /i n cr . ,. 2/ 2 1! 60 . . 111 : :............. • orrist'n or ilridaeis; Fort Kennedy.......... Talley Forge-- -...... Phoenixville ........ Royeen F0rd..... . reiningo...... ..... ... .„.. linen 0k........ ..... .. . otts town ........,..i.... tiglessville.--:. ~.. onoeftoi . • • - • • Er dsboro.....--- - . - . pokerton- ..............-. *sport, ...- ...--.... . Ohm/ills • --..:- giiii t atiFin - nii Ili girli • By order of the mhll-3m W. " A little, but often, fine the Puree." RANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. F latElouth FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government, State. and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, &e. This uompany deems safety better than large proftt'consequently will run no riek with depo sitors'money, bet have it at all times ready to return. with A per oent. interest, to the owner, ea they have always done.' This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors. can deposit in their own right, acid such deposits can he withdrawn on t.y by their consent. Charter PerPetual. haeorporatad by,the State or Pennsylvania with authority l to receive money from trustees and executors. LARUI, AND SMALL, SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9 too'olock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 Wolk. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shiedler, George Hornell. Mental W. elosn, kdward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaer, Henri Dallier, Nlohnlas Rittenhouse, Nathan t meetey, job. B. Bettertiotraite, Nehraim Blenonardr roseph W. Uppineort. • . ~ JACOB B. BRANNON, President CiSUB CADWALLADIIII, Treasurer. tabre-y " A Dalai saved is twine earned." AMERICAN SAVING FllNl).—Compa nT's Building, southeast goner WAL NUT and POUR PH Streets. Or dady Dorn 9 till 5 o 'clock. cod on MON DAY till Bin t evening. Thus Old Institution ham always ymid in full. oa demand. without notios. INTEREST FIVE FER All soma paid ban demand,. in gold and silver.. " - 'TS.UBV.E.ES. . • AbEXWAIL LOIN, President. Safill,..V9 ORR, Vice Premident. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspaoh, Jr., Mimi T. Uoaiae, alb. C. Roberts, John Altman, Joas Bowman, ' H. Rid ridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN 8, WHAM, %Cremator. JOHN C. SIMS. Secretary. mb3B4t SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and solidi mums received. and paid book wilt , rod without noting, vita FIVE PER CENT. INTL LENT from the day of dapping to th e der of with- Zg al ehonre,from 9 until 5 o'oloek every day, and on Mall AY EVENINGS front? until 9 o'olook. DRAFTS for, saloon England, Ireland, and Seotiand, Flom Lt upward s. • resident—STEPHEN R.-CRAWFORD, resaurer-- JAIdEII R. ninggit. IVRY FISIL-Aettiary. `LAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT, IN 11,7 TBRFACL—wATIONAL. SAFETY TR.:I.T COX OANT, WALNUT Street. thweet some r THIRD Ph iledelyphis. lueoroonetod goo by the Mete o fPeormil viola. ' Money.isresolved in any sum, lame or small, and in terest paid from the day of dereett to the day of with drawal. The ogles m open every day from nine o'clock in the morning WI. five o'eloek ta the 'meninx. and on Monday and Tinned! everunsa till 'eight o'oloek. on. HENRY L. BENNER, President. 001ERT nELFAIHITho Ytee President. Wuxuar FearetarY. DIRECTORS t Hon. Holm L. Benner, F. Carroll Brew.ter, Edward L . Carter, Joseph B. Barr, obert Balfridte: Prams Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, 4oseph Yorke". Landreth Munns, - James L. Stephenson. ones Le received and payments made dully. he investments are made, in conformity with the tivonsione of the Charter. in Real Estate fliortaagos, tiround gents. and such Bret-clue securities as will Si lvan! Insure perfect sisourity , to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. aul Is QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OP PHILADELPHIA. Ofiloe, No. 331 North THIRD Street, I SO)..^Stion Bank Building.) OHARTEREV I BY ' THK LF.I9IBLAT GR.& OF PENN ' SYLVANiA Depoeits received in fume of One Dollar and !inwards. and _repaidl Gold. without notice, 'with kWh: PAR CENT. INTEREST from 'the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible end reliable Saying Institution bai king been needed in the Northern vett of s he oily, and 4. The Npring Garden Savings Fund limpet) . " was chartered by the Iwgielature of Pennsylyania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in organizing and !tainting it, have been governed wholly by s desire to accommodate the bust ness.interests end Wants of the yet) large and enter prising population by which it IC surrounded. OTPICE OPL,N DAILY. From 9 to_ o clock; also, on Monday seillahureday Nom IS until 8 reelect in the event values's. I Stephen Smith. Hon. H. K.' Strong, Frederiek &sok*, Joseph P. LeCiere, George Knecht, , Jason Dock. Ron. Wm. Oeo. T. Thorn. Robert B. Davidson. 8. kRINGLE, President paw If FrederioliKlett, John P. Levi. Darnel Underkofer, Franois Hart, John Kessler, Jr., James A. Pringle. Joseph Al. Crowell, George Weeliner, Peter 0. thrasher YEASE.9 I FAANCIII RANT. tiecretsr: PAUL P. KILLER. KELLER EMORY, • Cato No. 140 WALNUTofter,l'hiladolohla, BOLE AOLBTS FOR Aordae noaerin Bnig A hiouraPiati White Axh, and idechattor & Co, ■oe raYid Bork wad Otto 0 . ith : g t imia l yzal as air railroad from Cohorkil e rar, HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR -interest. Buy your COAVAT 110K8', Veit ll .. !fr i br o t i tigry t Itztp o rgr n o i f ie Llh ig all : us - rb , l%, brOkiri. Ow and Elte*.--....f.05 ° 4 ton. obuyitll t —..-- 03 epr .. Warranted free frr slate or &Mn nt. at Watt j o erd dai r i rgAt e ar . , garner MARS H ALtaxa -em GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. J W. SOOTT.-late of the firm of Win it74; trtftrEk . .nififylll__ _TOM!1 113 11i MESlT i NgTStreet,(nearlso to the anissosanse,/ a oi wsid seeeeoQi oall the attention of his lie7irrstrosui end Mende his new store, and is ve to nil orders .1 RTB AA short notioe. A Cie It t i Vard r a t ost. ' ' 47.4. "Wart - - SAMUEL G., SLO ers REAL 'ESTATE BBOENE AND COLLECTING AGENT, brit•Birl* • - Er. PAUL, 1111411.0 TA. 'LAND ! S. E. BILBROUGH & CO„ General Land and .Real Estate Agnate. Dealers in LAO Warrants. Staples. d 0.., Northwest sorest 'THIRD and OftEBTX el OUlS treeti, ST. L Partleular attention puid to entering Graduated Lands. 100,000 Aare: for sale at prunes ranging from 111% to 7 oars per aore. Patents seamed audits:es paid. melons lump for Plat and partial:dam. MIBSU WY. Y. SRE Nil. WI. W. lI6IKNX6II. GREINER it HARKNESS, • OOMMINIIPN AIERORAN I.IIII_BOUTH WHAv7t fel4-lbs '' .' ' riiILAD LP • - A MED L.' HOUGH - , PAPML M.O.NUFACTIIKEIRI. fei -em Or? aouentdpr ejerwr i mplinai vEßuax I'4 , 0, lqouthilTipir Stmet, RitiridelPhia - • p AW NWHOLSON, e tio Er setween mar Bhp litaut raBET,_ hes% L JAMES PAWBO . JAB A ll, Mammon R R. OORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO RER AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown, Pe. 160 Farms for 6Alto in Buolin,_Montsomary, and Ohyn. Sr counties., Catalogues .Osfos, with run Oniony tons, rent by mall. 144-11 m 'IL,PALMEIVS ADVERTISING AND • v • sWISSORIPTION#ENCY,fo r Prinotßalffevri piiiteeg Fencelhel bt. and Country, /.4. E, 1 .40, 4 :V - FA 4R:" Philedelvhia. / 1118- Sm !MOB: , M e BIRDLE, Attorpay at Law, No. 373 thl th FOURTH Street_ IS Um• ADAMS . •EXPRESS; 00.; OFFEOIC CiffgUirStsett, Pomo% Pock iv. . mink:re, twv, either O 7 Fro. notl#orsonoo ontli ot or tamp aamtr Urea urs o Li4r - ' • 'lnvent! fhweßnten eist VUBSIIS—For Bali by WETHERILL & aginiktaLlead INeO4 BIM* lita ie. 66 76 0 7U 80 67 W 66 66 43t - MM! SAYING FUNDS. COAL. Tl3O. D. IMORf. BUSItfESS CARDS. 1151 1 0 0,7-m , plißlerdiS9RfifA-fAROW - ROOT. , The .tUtetblaPaDetitlespol ephysioitots and %When ta -.Milled to the. eutertoritt tat thts extols. , It it. ramdir supplanting all other kindet.and all thote , who lave. peed It mote it the Meet , deeided'4referencuto The fill lowint eltraots prom vent Mimes In the; hand' of'tlio mantsotnyer, • Col. fiettowse," will show the high etomatiqn In which the Georgia Arrow Root is held by tthllese gentle me deit. er the method professton who have tulle examine SO" one pond, mg cents, or two ;wands for V. Complete Inetreetione aooompany emelt peoknge, show me boil to make the moat delteuhut artioles 'for the table. • • FOR BALE, WROLE9ALE AND RETAIL, , FREDERICK DROWN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL ISTOIiE, It &CORNER FIFTH and ottheartuT btreete, PHI La DELP dIA, FREDERICKBRO W N, • Jea DRUG AND CHEMIC AL STOR _ , B.E. Corner of NINTH. and CHESTNUT Streete. Coder the "Cmatnontel" Hotel, FlilLe Oht,PHI.A. ' I have examined and ptepered some Arrow Root. manufactured by Col. Haliower. of Bt. Mart's, Georgia. It has the boat quality of that variety or fteoula I have niet with. being' superior to Any Bermuda or other Ar row Root I /two teen. " SAMUEL JACKSON, AT. 11., " University of Pennsylvania." " I have examined n sample of Arrow r Root. manu factured by Cot. 11.011,1WZ of St. Mary Georgia, and exhibited at the lost of the American Institute by Mr. Burkhalter. of tide city. The article is of the very best quality. and, from the experiments made upon t. I find it to , contain as largo a proportion of nutritious matter, and to bop every other respect fully equal to the best quoin, o Arrow Rnot obtained from Bermuda. " It being of vital importance to invalids that such delicate tatielee Of diet be cure. 1 feel Glad of the oppor tent tY to apes:tau favorablof the Dem.. s. Arrow WOOL mnhaam "JA MES R. CHILTON, M. D" I_IELMBOLD'S EXTRACT REMELT', , _THE GREAT DIURETIC. BIiLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUM-IU,, TILE GRIA.T DIURETIC. RELMBOLDOI EXTRACT 81 1 01111. THE GREAT DIURETIC. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC HU, THE GANA:IDIURETIC. fiend a Positive and Specie Reatedy for Dlsearep of Bladder," Gravel, Dropsy, Ortmnio Weakness. This Medicine Ineretwee the power of Digestion, and exeites the ARBOR BENTS into healthy action; by which the_ WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depoeit.ons, and an UNNATURAL ENLAAREMENTS are re-, diced. as well as PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, and to 1061 %EN, WOMEN. OR CHILDREN. Dept,. t. lot South TENTH S treet Below OH EST 'RUT Street. Philadelphia. HEW Alt Ps. OF COUNTNRFEI iS. AND UNPRINCIPbED DEAL Who oFfelii.ii — tArdilipOtui -4. oir Tilsit city:o and OTILZR ARTICLES ON __YYIIE EISPIITATIoN ATTAINED El BELWBOLD'S O.ENUINE PRVIPARATIONS. mh2l-ly TAPE WORM-TAPE WORM. JAYNE'B SPECIFIC FOR 'TAPE WORM Has never been known to fail in a single instance to remove this troublesome animal. It it ER easily taken as an ordinary purgative, and is followed by no unplea sant *Teets. Tho worm is usually expelled in from three to eight hours after theinedione lb taken, It is put up In doves, frith directions for Its use. By writing to Dr. D. J.* YNE & BON, 342 OHEBT4UT Street, r hiladelphic enclosing two dollars for each dote. the medieine will immediately be forwarded by mall to any part of the world. READ THE FOLLOWING CPRTIFICATEo SCHENECTADY', N. Y., Nov. 23. 1241. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir I received the package of your Bpeeifie for taps worm, and took it according to the (We:Alone. About four bourn after I had taken DO passed a taps worm metteuritm full fifry-two feet in length, PETER VAN VOMIT./ Engineer on N. Y. and Erie Railroad. 110 11 19 / .01 02 1 /.00 94 ICTIFIELD. A1'1.15,1858. Dr. D. Jayne—Sir: I have for eight rents been afflicted With that terrible disorder—the rope worm. burins that time I had tried vermin remedies, and the best medical Skill in thja and the adjacent counties. n Rhein obtain ing any Teller. I was advised to card for Sour remedy. At that time I was almost reduced to a skeleton, unable to attend to b 41616 1 ,11, Ind my sufrerind WAJI beyond de toription. tolik two noses. and then passed lift, rest of the worm. lam now strong and in 'mod bealtt.. . . . . Mr. Perry Brewer WTI : M.teos Fatite.a. Fogy. GLUON, Ark., Feb. SA. 1383. " After taking your dpeottio for tope - worm, it [mottle effect to expel a worm measuring m all twont)-four feet." Extract of p letter from Mrs. George E Houk, dated eceook. Trots Ca. is. Y. Feb. 9. 1848. " About a year mince we received from you a dada of the Tape Worm timid°. which my husband took , ac cording to diratMong, and the result was, that he passed nearly sixty feet of the worm." • PHILADILPITIA, March someBso. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Eir: I had been for four years a/Rioted with- that horrible diatom, tape worm. Having tried varietal remedies without success. I was at last compelled to use your ISPF.CIFID. I say controlled. for I had great repaanauee to advertised medicines. as I considered them all humbugs, ea it wiUrstith - great dil• Realty I was Induced to try your remedy. I took three doses. and the result has been the complete election of my tormentor. I have passed some eighty feet—tbe.laat eight or ten feet tapering gradually until it was no thicker than sewing cotton, with a head as large as the head of a pin. I believe if I had taken your medicines in the begin ning, before my.stomach becisme accustomed to drugs, one dose would have been sufficient. Feeling it to be a dart owe, not only to you, for hav ing loved me (root an early grave, where my disease would have w:tenably placed me, but also to those who are afflieted as I was. I make publio these Role. Yours gratefully,'Louis - Waerren, Fifth and Chestnut streets. Masser:TH. Ills, June 11.1869. gentlemen: Your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC has been administered aiseording to dareations: First dose at seven in the morning. At three in the afternoon the worm was expelled entire. 'Your SPECIFIC has sus tained its pretonsions. end I have no hesitation in re commending it to the public. - /slots B. Lzwis, Al. D. ORTERsVIL4II, Tenn., July 1x,1849. M. D. %erne Pc ton—Dear Sirs: A httle girl about seven yeani old was suffering with taps worm, and had bean sneer medial! treatment for soot, tims, - without benefit. Your 81'e,C1F10 was given aceording to di rections, and in about three hottia fifteen feet of the worm came away. which, from the deaoriotion, I think must be the entire worm. • - Dasnelatu, N. Y., AO. 15. 1859. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: I took your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC according to directions. Eight hours after wards I discharged(without. pips) his worms/lip, who measured twenty.. eight feet in length. and contained more than Unica Lirrilla Mona. N. Y., Aurae, 11369. Dr. i. Jayne-Dear Sir: lout week Mr. My era made Inquiries or us about jour TAPE WORM SPECIFIC, and immodiatelY Wrote talon for some. This rnotning he called upon tte with a b.ttle containing the taps Worm. - Wassail & HAT, Druggist,. Naar ExlmNloin. Hltoh.. Bopt. 21• 1 6 59 . Pr. D. Jayne & Ron—Dear Sirs: I took sour TAPE WORM SPROINIC sorordins to directions. Tho worm was expelied in ors. hours ; lanzth twantr-six fast. . Yours, kn., LOUIS 81.111 i. Bitoreswicir, Mo., October 7, 1 & 19 . Dr. D, Jayne ~4$ Son—Mr. Riley Moe has been in bad health for aomo years snlgnot to spells of siaimus at the immesh, and continued emaciation. About a month ago no threw tin about twenty-five feet sof tape worm. .t broke, a tart remamino iu his stomach We proodred some of your TAPE WOltM BPECIPIC, which ha took aooordnat to chreohona. ffe soon dumbaraed about sixteen foot of tape worm, and thinks he it cow froe from it. Yodrs. Ac., &vs Jr. DOUGLASS. DAVANTORT, lowa, Ol . t PA. Dr. D. Jayne — Deny dir : I took your BP Cline for tape worm, meording to directions. and In four hours the worm was expelled. Examwax TV:MU:IDE. Cowro Seco, Cq tonne, Oot. 91.1559. Dr.!). Jayne & son—Dear BIN: Ido not hesitate nor do i delay ronive Iny le•timonj to the crearnebence Ind superionty of y otir " TAPE WORM d ECIRIC " I luelv had an occasion to have the virtue o this mada me tested, the result of which was the expellihs m tar e worm of enormous lerm th. which had wore the pa tient down to • ske , etno. bat who now looks fleshy and healthy. lamat li boat , to rive the Wrens of the lady from whom this troublesome animal was expelled .but a quarter motion of it now on exhibition at my ace, is ocular proof of w hat 1 have writtet. It hes been wit nessed by hundreds who have tailed to see it. Yours, tru.y, S. O. SCHRAM. iLtssonoreir, 111.. Jan. 25.11100. M y daughter, long afflicted with a tape worm, was en tirely relieved by one dose of DR...JAYNn'S 'PAYE WORM SPECIFIC. - REMIT RILL. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 542 CHM mil meet, where all Dr. JAYNE'S VALUABLE ME DICINES may be obtained. . mh29-1m COUGH! CO UGH ! ! COUGH ! ! r, Array iLLR. Hook co., Wit, Sept. 6, IBM Da. D. Dans Dear Sir—Mr. Nathaniel Milker, of this place, authorised me to state that his wife was taken to her bed one year Nos wirli I ung Disease, which the physioians pronounced Commoti e dootored for six months to no purpose c during which tune he had hoard your hICRECTOKANT spoken of very highly, and concluded to try it. He bought of your Agent a half-dosen bottles, and his wile commenced taking it, and has been gritting better eve). since. She can go out even now, and is gaining daily iu strenstb. EXPECTORANT FOR LUNG FEVER. Kos- orn, Ohio, Bop t. f 8.1868. DR. D, agate a cure. with the Jerre : I hove made use of our P EOTO RAN a for Lung Foyer, and it aid of your excellent cIANATIVE PI tii. THE SWEDISH MiBBIONARY. Extract of a letter, from the Rev. A. Wiberg. dated. ocatioLia. Sweden, March 10,1867. Your invaluable Medicine, the EXPECTORANT, hes been of very essential service to my, throat and breast, and I can loam y do without it a single day. Several of our friends, to whom we have occasionally given some, express themselves as being much benefited. THREE YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. Brimsroe. Owen 00., Indiana, dept. 4,1857.* DR. JAYNE.: My wife. having boon acverely rifilioted gorge three years with Brononitis,l.o ilfiVi rig- heard of the wonderful efficacy of yoar P./4XE%; GRANT for Coughs, Asthma Difficulty of Breathing, dpitting of Blood. ono other ' Diseases of the Lungs, I pure lased one bottle of it. end one box of BANATIVE PI ' , L I. and am haproo inform you. that after using tau ExPLaTo.. R ANT, her sough was immediately suppressed, the dif ficulty of breathing and pain removedproducing a free and easy egpsotoration, and in UNE NON effected a comebliTE CURE. J. Y. 8141 TH. Prepareu only nt mbSt lm JAYSIWIL CHESTNUT Street. RUSHTON'S OOD I,IVDR. 011,, You CONSUMPTION, /A Z L I LEEY 9 S ll IIMFYA G Am CA n PAIN H XTR ND iO N 11 AS universally supplanted all other JUL Ointments and healing. ap ' elioations in both the Eastern and Western Hemisp heres, wherever intro duced; and its infringes mere; is the true seeret of its eutoese in all cutaneous offertioos. whether the sense be /mutant or BURNS BURNS & OS SCALDS 0 Ire instantly relieved of t 1 their anguish, pain and nflammation, by a timely '-' aordioation of this mar talons heater, and the 4 flesh is renewed as if 07 a Oharla,np blemish or soar ~ remaining. THE FRIEND OF `-' THE NU 'WRAY. Children are frespent d aufferers Omit ex ternatln juries, espernally from ''' Fluid and Corny/me Ex plosions—therefore every Z mother ehould have titre healing preparation eon- stantly on hand. It heals sore Breasts, and quickly a, removes the TETTER or RINGWORM, so preva- f t in the nursery. _ TO TRAVEI.LE RS BEA AND LAND. The Machinist, the Tra• 0v ler. and every other In dividual whose lot in life ..throws, Wm within the chance of acoident from a?, explosion, fire, or eons frog, ehould bear in mind..., -4 their Ode Magi° Extractor Is Ms best and only friend. Se l t is both portable and Icheap, and should ever be to his c ompanion, as a friend n need, There are thou- sands of living witnesses to testify to its marvellous virtue, who .owe titetr sound limbs and muscles to its saving maw,. The following_ are a few of the lendoes_dissessafor which DALLIN'eI.hIAOI- CAL FAIN EXTRACT OR us a YREVENTIVE tzi as well ea CURE: - murpir, Elt11°, 1 ". Ogrot"4' f oTl ll llt i ld. d a' 8131150111 t Hods, root mites, Scrofula, Broken Breast. fever Bores, Scurvy, Bites of Reptiles, eloils, Scalds, ' (Beni lular Big- Sourf, S a re l :l2A Mee, eases, Scald Read. Chapped liande, hieraunal BOTI4I, Sprain& Chilblains, Yaine generally,Email Pox. Cramp, - Pirnplee, %ruiners, Contracted Cords,Ls , Tatter, C hafes. moon, Moore, Illeeewite of the heumatiern, Venereal Bores, Elkin: hes. Ice. Bold at the principal Dslpots,l4 Broadway, New York, and 21 and 111 Chant.. a street, clew Orleans, by .Y. WRIOHT & CO., General Agent. It can also tie ob tained ofa,ll respectable Druggists and Merchants' throughout the United States Arld Cenv_lda. T. W. DVOTT & BONS, 218 North 13 ',COBB Street, rely Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. 12RAWING AND PAINTING MATE RIALS. gineers' end Arohlteeta' Stationery. Grecian Painting Mat petioh QlnanleDeai i e end Vases. Paint Boxes for Children, end also fer Avails and Iltidenta. rioturee and rioture Framer. Rgling Cards, AMP 6311,1 and Ffecoh. OratilMl to the trade. SCHOLZ & JANSPITZIYi wiromsAtn 0 4 . 1 1 .,r 1 ,, V 7 0 , u n 5h EHHEtTIi kitreket. fdfl-es , . STEAM REFINED St GAR and RII.PS. 0. DONOGHUE, 15 south WATER, Eltroet, with the view•of closing Inniinese on the let of May next; now offers for sale, at reduced pr,een,. for oath, or on 11M prothori 'oredit, theebalanee of Ws stock of steam red Bums end My Inoludipe a large and Reno IA moo ant of Philadelphia. New York. and Baltimore inanntaetnrili Adandusiipie Candles, of city mako, iNilla4entio.o 4 044igi, I#lB4Ftifir CZEISI TWA RV TRIG DISUSES: A'Q ANA•LUNG DUIBAEIBB. P. 1 . 1 ' .°-I trA/kI 3 :4UNe Di""EB . Cough S. c,ds, Cougps, Colds, Coughs, Colds,. Omaha, 13 rOuellitig• Sore • broat. Bronchitis, te . .uhroat, ettima. Gluing/. Asthma, Quinsy. Ast hma, QuinsY, Croup. Whooping Cough, Groue, Whooping Cough, influmnistion of the Throat, Lunge or Cheat; Commotion Consumption, Consumption, All 111.0 , 1408 of the above nature readily suomunb to that now universallemedr, - WISTAIVES BALSAM. OF WILD CHERRY. WISTART HALSA:SI O °WILD CHERRY, The cures performed by truly remarkable remedy bear the attestation of many of the best and most relia ble individuals in the herd; the written testimony of the thousands who' have. Pom its use, been the re cipients of the g routes , . worldly blessing, restoration to health.le the most reliable and practiced kind of evi dence, 90 recommend, It to the attention of the af flicted as the oldest and, as all who have used it know, the boat and most;reliable Court , Bataan e/tant• TESTIMONIALS. Important letter from Rev. Jacet. Sock!or, Well known, and highly rexpeoted throughout the 'State l of Penney'- yards.: Itanovatt, Pa., Feb. 16, 18S. stesero. 8. W. POWLE & DO.T(.X—Delr Sirs: Having realized in my family important benefit from the uee of your valuable preparatio4.-rWiater s Balsam of Wild C'herry—i , affords me plealipro to recommend - it to the public. Some eight years Noon* of my dough tern seemed to be in a decline. and little hopes of her recovery wereent4rtained. i then procured n bottle of Your exoelant Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the battle there was s peas improvement in her health. I have , in my individual case, made frequent nee of your valuable 1110111101 DO, and have alwan• been benefited by it. I soould, however, caution the public crgainst imposition, because teens is a gonct deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam rif Wild Cher ry artorit throughout the country. JACOB HECKLER. • Fresh and Reliable Tatitnony. " V 7111141013 BaLeAld OF ,1 1 VI:D cal ' the attentionlof our readers to the, Advertisement of " Wader's Balsam of Wild Cherry, - in another column, " and mince them they can find no better remedy for " coughs, colds, asthma, bronchial affections, or any " disease of the throat or lungs, " In August, VW, an estimable friend of ours returned " from a visit in the country, much emaciated, and la " boring under a severe cough, which had made such "rapid inroads upon her conatitation, that we felt "something must be done at once, or she would become " a viotlm'of consumption. Having known the heath " offal results which have occurred from the use of WI.- " tar's Balsam, we made purchase of some for her, and " we are happy to ear • that before she had taken the " contents of one bottle her cough had entirely left her, 'and she is now in tho enjoyment of excellent health' [Olive Branch, June 25,1869.: Testimony from highly respectable citizens 41 Greene. GREENE, N. Y., Nor. 29, 1259, B. W. Fowls & Co.. Boston,— For several years I have been obliged tO have occa sional recourse to 4011110 Cough Itemeity, being atßioted ,with a pulmonary complaint, the nature of my business being such as to greatly aggravate the disease. I have used moat of the popular remedies of the day, as well as the prescriptions or eminent physicians, but -have never found anything that affords the relief which Dr. Wistar's Bottom of IVslct. Cherry always. has. I can tinily say that it is the but cough remedy in exis tence. 1 know front. experience that there are worthless counterfeits of the tiaisam sold by unprinoipled dealers. The senutne is prepared by you and ha. the ;unties signature of "...I% .Butts" on the outer wranner. I would also add that f have used the - Balsam in my family, by the advice of physlemns:with the happiest resume. Yoursi trnly,_. Jo.4r-eat ADAMS. . " We can assnri onr friends that Wistar'a Saloom is "an excellent medicine for. coughs &o. There is no "mistake about it "—Lew i stown Fails Ado mate, " Of all'iliserves, those which fasten themselves on ":the throat muss or orient, should Mahn our first at " teimon as neglect often leads to fatal results. The " remed y theme diseaseini Wistar's Balsam of Wild "Cherry. It is trier' a Balsam with "healing on Its " wings. '—Nashua Gazette. " This standard medleine which has long since ,re . ceived the endorsement and recommendations of "medical men can. be used with entire confidence for "the amelioration and cure of the various complaints " for which tire prepared.We feel that we do the af " Meted a service in calling their attention to IV— Maine Farmer. " Witter's Baleam of Wild Cherry has achieved "many remarkable cures of pulmonary diamdere—its " ammo being en great that taken in time it in deemed " a speinfio."—Saratogran. Nothino hat we can say will add to its renown or " virtues. Tiloso who have tried it and experienced "its healing effects are its hest Judges. such are con " etandy praising it."—Bennington Benner. "Years of steady trial have placed this remarkable "remedy in a position rarely attained by any relent " compound, and it has become an article of household "necessity every where."—Ballou's Pictorial. 4!i who use this invaluable Remedy speak in like terms of WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. WISTAR'S - BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, A SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR THROAT AND LIMO DISEASES. Coughs. Colds. Cauchy, Colds, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, ll•onehitis. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma. Quinsy, Asthma, Quinsy. Asthma. Queasy, Croup. Whooping Cough. roue Whooping Cough, Inflaination of the Throat. Lunge or Chest, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, All diseases of the above nature 'readily suoountb to that now -universal remedy. WIFFAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. BEWARE OF VILE AND WORTHLESS 001 IN TEE ONLY GENUINV, PURE AND MEDICINAL Written with alien, and the printed name of the pro " B. W. FOWLE & C 0.," On the outerarrapper. To purchase any other Are MONEY WASTED AND HEaLTH JEOPARDIZED. The genuine RETAINS ITS VIRTUES IN ANY CLUSTATX It cannot clutoriotste, but improves with ago. PINTA/ ND IT S. W. FOWLE & CO., Fo. 13 TREMONT Etreet, • MOLD BY Druggists, Donlon and Merchants, throughout the T. W. AYOTT & EONS. Wholesale Agent, No.lllo North SECOND Street,Philadelphla. Jab-3meow d&W FOR THE SOUTiL—CHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSEIVI. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy F_'reirt at an average of liltreari per cent. be low New Yee Steamship rates. OR CRAKLESTON. S. C. r The If. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE BTATH, Cap tain Charier Marshman, will tail on Friday, March 30 at 10 o'clock A. H. Through in 48 MN hours—only 40 hrmrs at Sea. 1.• OR env ANNAH,_GA. The U. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Tuesday, April 3, at to o'clock A. M. 1 breast, in ea to eti hours—only 48 hours at Bee. WirSading Jaye em anged from eve Saturday to every five days. Stomas received, and to ll. of Lading signed every clay. The splendid Bret-mitre side-wheel Steam/111pr KEY STUN h. STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now rue as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day COMM*. moation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest At both Charleston Savannah. theme Ships con. neat steamery for Florida and with railroads; An., for all places in the NSUR Beath anAdNCE &inthwest. I. . rig ht and Immune one large' proportion nfl:F pit da chipped South will be found to be lower by them then by sailing vessels, the i,temitun being onw the rate. N. B.—lmmune' on all Railroad Freight is entirely annaaaneary. farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies taking tall risks from these paints. ORRAT REDUCTION IN Paßb. Fare by this route 26 to 40 per cent. phoniest then by the Inland Ronte, aswill be seen by the follow, sche dule. Throush tickets front Philadelphia. via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the wide route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to jqpntennsery • CH ARI.ESTON CONVENTION. The steamship KEYSTONE ill A'IE. Cant. Marsh man, will sail for Charleston on 16rEDNEe DAY, April 18. at 3 o'clock P. M.; arrive in Charleston on FRI DAY, April 20. at 3 o'clock. P. M. ; and remain there until SA Me DAY. April 28, unless the Convention shoulo adjourn sooner. Excursion Tickets. including Board and Berths in Charleston until April 22, 620. For any detention after that date, Sb per day. INLAND /ATAN. To Charleston—.—.Bls to Charleston— —..521 60 Savannah.— 16ot1 Savannah.._.__. 31 00 Augusta 33.1 00 Augusta 26 00 21 oo Macon.._ SD 75 Atlanta.--- 23 00 Atlanta.. —..«._ . 21 CO XI 00 C01umbu5........... 36 00 C01umbu5......... 14 00 Albany 00 ontsomary...—. 36 00 Montgomety— . 68 00 011...... 46 90 New Orleans... 99 76 New 0r 1ean5.......51 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has tailed. For freight or pawn's apply 011 board, at second wharf above Vine strati', or to ALEX. HERON, Jr.. Southwest oornor "DORT and CH E STNUT, Agents in Charleston, T. It & T. G. BUDD. Savannah. BUNTER & GAM MELL. A. /I. Wits? & Co 0 3:w. HOWD3III. For Florida from Carolina every Tuesd Florida For Fo from Savannah, steamers St, Mary's and St. John's. every Tuesday and Saturday. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— war YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP OPANY. The 'United States Mail Steams Mpg Aug% 2,1100 tong, David Lines, Commander. and FULTON, MOO tows, James A. Wotton Commander, will WIWI! MP York, Havre, and Southampton . for the year 1869, on the following days: To meet new requirements of the Poet °Hoe Delrt ment, the dims of Wilmot the APtAGO and FUL ON from HAVRE sad SOUTHAkIPTQN, will . after _ t w proaent voyages, be ohanged as follows from PI YORK, save in the page of the present departure of the FULTON, which will take pleas on the 17th December, the schedule remains unaltered: sacit_ssW TOIII. naval AIM 1101PHIAMPT011. FULTON-...Dee. Ir. .FULTON—.Jan. la.... Jan. IL rl3O-In. Y. ARAGO.._ Jan. PL.-Feb. 1. LTON..- ob. d. FULTON..... - .Feb.25,..%Feb. 29. RA(10-- oh. S. ARAG0.......k1eh. nr...Meh. PS. ULTON.....fitch. at. FULTON....ApI. 24....Ap1. 25. These steamers, built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, under deck, every attention has been taken in the oonetruotion of the hull and ma chinery to insure safety and speed. The ships have five water -tight compartments enclosing the .angines, si that is the event of collision or stranding, the water could not roach them. and the pumps being free to work, the safely of the passe/ tuf passengers women be se cured. Himont eXperninee as demonstmbed the abso lute steamily orals mode o Constrootion. The eII'OCITIIVI bens for passengers are believed to combine ovary eumfort and convenience Ilia Call be do sired. From New Took to Southampton or Havre-First Cabin, 4/130; Finland do., 875. From Dam or Southampton to New York-First Cabin. TC9Ranee t Second do., MO francs. To passongere going to London these steamers offer the advantage of economy both in time gad expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage instated until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and news perref must een throngh the Po et °Moe. • W4irLSLNDIAIItiVIIA6ILIIiargASCht .Broadwa y, N ew T ed 1 " 9,7WArt nitillTlOMMO'bordreriy, Agent, Parm. WM. NEILSON, Agent, Offloe, Tobseee Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets, PhiladelPhla. Plans of the shins can be seen. • TOR IRITISH AND NORTH SHI AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM PS. ChiefPEObt TIEW 108 f TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage.-- ....... ......... Ipso Bewail C.tbin Passage...-...-. - 74 PROM BOsTON TO trvimpoot.. Chief Cairn Passage - —•••- • ..........61D0 Second Gitlin Passage •.- .... . 60 The tildes from Boston call H ali faxa and'Cork Har- MURI. Capt. Jnakins, 'CANADA, C.apt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AZ , IBRICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA. Capt. E. G. Lott, to inoARA, Capt• Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EV RO,PA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA Infra' ballainr.) Those 'easels earry,a clear white light at masthead; ZrA n in i , Stone b ):: 'I • r . o i ) (f ' rlc P. l.' t e ,l rn7iSi Sy, Feb'y. 29 AF R IC A. Leiteh. 9 " Boene, ' Wedge lay, March 7 AFRICA. Shannon," N. 1 - ,.-4, Irt - , , ,losisiay, March 14 AMERICA, Millar, " Ramon. Wettn ,, a,l4 , , March 21 ASIA, Lott. " N. York , Wednesday. March 28 CANADA. Lang, " Down, 111 ednoe , ley, April 4 ARABIA, Stone ... .D ; York, Wed/m:ll/A, Aprll 11 NIAGARA hider, " sten , Wednioler , Apr/ 11l P .t MEGA, Junkies , " . lork, Wednesday. Apnl z , rthe net sneered until paid for. n elperienoed Surgeon onbriar& he owners of these ships w 0 not be at c?untahle for Gold, Silver. Bunten. Speole, Jewelry, Pomona Stones, or Metals, unless hills of lading are signed therefor. and the value thereof therein expressed, For •freight or Passage apply to E. CUNARD, fell 4 Bowline Green. New York. ,ITAMS AND STIOULDERS-1,900 Pieces etty Smoic.d Hams and Shouldars also 81 , 0 Pieces gAtra etigar-eared flame, for sale. by C. 0, SADLER ; 00.. ARCH Rtront, 2,1 door abova Front.. , mbN 300Bble, and bfB. large No 3 Mack-. .601. 100 bblo. and 00 f o all No. 3:403- :i:I f l iootrOd sna:4We I Una for WIN jge AtEDICAL: TESTI3IONIALEL Diu) York, TERFisITS BOtsAM. Hoe the name of ...I. SUITS" If IN dLtmb 1 BALES BY AUCTION. 1 00. —• - 'rlßnar_z $4101471-I,ititt4i,, -ulAast *MIK ••• BALE OF BO LOTS FMB . AV( Fri day.) moRMNG:-MAttast ;q1F4, , , OIL A OARD.—Tho oPoljtosatillaro"UOTO.,_if "VW" toour MI!) of 41/0 iota growl' dr/4904.44mA (f rianYt. morning. of ERB, at 101, Obintionfopt Btole assortment of aegulogablesoods , • • , NOM, E..—To Retailers. • , In sale th is morning -140 noes riph s ilks. Pans• 140 printed Manlier,. 'lOO " aide. band and plaid nankinette. 10oPirie printed hareges. ;- • 200 " " " barege robes. i 200 0 , organdy and chador robes. • 70 " muslin de chine. 100 " 1042111 4 Marseillti Also, shirt 'fronte. fillet Butte, parasols, nimbler IS,' embroiderien.'.k e. NOTICE—To lieniers in Bonnet 'Ribbons. RICH FIGILRED BONNIsT ItIBBONS. 100 lota No 13 ino R‘ured poult de note ribbons, richest goode imported. for city trade. lobs blesaveieet and trimming ribbons. ' • Artificial &Ars. • SALE OP FRENCH DAY GOODS. This Mornunt. March PO, at 10 o'clock , on *ix months' credit— • goo packages and lots of fancy and staple French MT goods. Samplas and 'catalogues earls' on the inonilng of sale. PARIS PRINTED BAREGEB, CELALLEYB.• LAWNS. he. This Noting.' . 100 Dienes Paris Dristcd caress. , 300 . pl , iid and fi4ured ohalisle. 1W •" madder lawns. . . IW, . strmei, monnin de chins. . 100 " . laconet Bounced robes. 40 , " flamed silk gramulines. BLECK CHAN/11.1A LAOS MANTLES lap tiA • tiw. black chantilly lace man ` and shawls. primed caehrnerg and &mils Shawl.. VKLVer•RidatlNB. No. 1b( to No. no super blabk silk velvet ribboruk LIN KA% DA ItIA •11 -NAPKINS RETAILI—OF 'SUPERIOR. MAX P . F O RTRADE. Alto, an invoice of s‘ll‘ snowdrop and damask. rnen napkins • lsnatirl.rni947ldillifukFen!en napkins. 1 0 x ;alVOl i e u Vinaii r dalugic u ti..en..apkins, • , .. -) 0 - An invoice of 0-5.10-4, and We vlitte, pink, end !Ann Marseilles quint. .. • MALE OF IMPORTED DRY• GOODS. Os Tusadm Morning, April 1, st 10 o'clock, by oatslogoo, on M.:months' credit— lOU oftoksgss and lots of faioy and itspie'lrnmirted dry goods. SPECIAL SALE OF DRY GOODS On Weanesday Norm, Apnl 4, at 10 o'clock. SW' Particulars hereafter. BB(JOTT, AUOTIONETI, No. 431 e CHESTNUT eTREET, opponto the Caste% lianas. between FOURTH. and FIFTH Streets SALE OF 1. tBROIDEItIe.B, IIIBBONti, FRENCH. FLOWERS, An. TbicMornins,. , •• March 90, by catalogue, on a crealt. commencin g at. 10 o'clock, coanistint. u, tiart,of—vi z • WO .01 ',HALES. Rich new style-embroidered jaconet cambric 'and book cohere and sets, jaconet and book flouncing bands, and editing.. dimity bands infants' Wimps, 70116.11, 44C. RIBBONS , Als 0111,1,1NERI WOOS. ; . spring styles poult da woe bonnet nbhous, glob eolors bonnet crapes, Paris amanita flowers, Also. ladies' drew tnmmings, nbboas, inates,lae sels: Also, a line of bleak silk velvet ribbons, silk blonde lace, Re., &a. LACE FOl/ITS. Also, ladies' black silk -Prenchh lute mantles and points. LINENS, ROBES. lea. Also, line of superior shinny, Organdy robes, Ito, SALE OF THREE HUNDRED OASES STRAW -OOODS. " ' On Monday Morning, . ' Aril 2d, by ,catalogue, on a. aredit..oornmeneirin at 10 o clock. Included will be found— ' ' - , , , 7Ladtea' now styles pedal, braid, Leghorn ! Englian straw, fanny lace, and gimp bonnets. I Fine brown and load colored do. it 1..00a1.e. Rd. Also, brown end *jut CoghOrnOnd braid flatarbloom nlskfe% G ird " b . 0 . 7 t 7P;i1.1. 5 4 uan:iiiniumig,!.ttsea nodal, brand; Leghorn, r/1115.Mft, and benat hats. &a. , WCatalogues ono samples earty on morning of ode pIiILIR FORD CO , AUCTIONEERS, is- No. 5.10 MARKET Street. and 01 MINOR Sheet. HUBBARD & GORAILEY, • ; AUCTIONE MI ERS MARKET Streit. BALE OF FOREIGN AND D031E81:10 DRY- • GOODS. This Morning. • March 30, commencing at hi o'clock, wa will sell, by catalogue, a desirable aseortment of fancy and staple dry goods, consisting of cloths, cassimsres. clothing , millinery gonds, merino shirts. wool jaokets,zotione, &a. Also, LEO dozen blue fluxed cotton hose. SALE OP FOREIGN AND DoMERTi o DRY GOOD 3, NOTIONS. IVIILLINKRY 000D14. 13oNNEi8, FLOWERS, DOOP-sKERTS. HOSIERY, TAILOR.. INS GOODS, READY-MADE cLieratrp, This Morning, • Itlarch SO, commencing at 10 0 clock, we will Neil, without reserve a desirable assortment of the above goods, to which the attention of the trade is invited. 1 J. WOLBERT AIIOTIONEERS, • 1319 ARGIL Btrect. between Fifth and Math. REGI.4,A El SALES Drs goods, clothing. straw goods, carpets, hOote, shoes, kc., in lot; adapted to the city and country re tail trade. by catalogue, and for sash, every Tuesday and Friday Furniture, china, glass. tea., every Wednesday mOrn- Irises, plants, aims, &c,,every Thuredsl and Mgt& day morning during the sewn. Special sales of all or any description of property st any time to suit the convenience of the owners thereof. CARD—included •in sale 44 • this morning, at 10 o'clock, will be found — dreu saki. • Moe , mantillas, /to., to which we ask the attention of puranasers. JAIPORTED AND DOMES= DAY GOODS—FOR. This Morning 30th inst., st 10 p'olook, at 519 Arch Street— - • A large anddesirab:e assortment of inaported.and do mestic fanny ens steple dry goods eomprismg rich dress sil ls .. figures! poult de sole e rend:, °Matzen. plaid vomit de site Ct swan plaid'. moue de laines. lfalmdrai moults, silk handkerchiefs. velvet ribbons, needlework waists,sconet collars, lace points, steeltrained 'para sols, po ll de oheyras, French challe lawn lobes, bnl haat', shirting linen, Swiss muslin.. isunnelm elnc hams prints. cloths eassimeres, liVtlollll. lustros, boa r et ribbons. silk velvets hosiery. linen cambric Mine kerchiefs, Mal mwge. ho., together with a general as sortment of fenny good, liar Particulars 1.2 catalog - nee early on the rooming of sale. and to winch tie attention of city and country purchasers is respectfully invited. i,acto AIM AND HYBRID PERPETUAL ROBES.. Thu A Rerrhou. 30th Intl.. et o'olo,k. at M 9 Arch street— Leoo.nioss and hl brut perpetual roses. all hardy, aid Town on their own roots, from the nursery or .1 0 . A. Moss Augusta, list. CataloLuse on Thursday. LARGE SALE O OP TREES. PLANTS, VINES:do n Saturday Worms, The lit hut.. at BR Arch atreet— A large aaarelment of fine fruit and other trees plants, grave-vines. &o. IMPORTED AND DOME/1110 DRY GOODS.' (By Catalo,me for Cash.) on Tuesday Mertens. April 3, at 10 o'clock. at tile Arch street, in lota adapted to the city and denary retail trade, s, large and desirable assortment of imported and domestic fancy and staple dry goods, ho. SUPERIOR P UR INI TUR E AT PRIVATE PAWL A large %amain, of very eupylrfor walnet furniture manufactured by first-class city workmen, for male a very reduced priors. ATOMS NATHANS, AIIOTIONEER otvna:rtPB3xPTIMBIATE MEXOHANT , 4fflqhfail ALONE r TO LOAN.t $830,000 to loan, in large or ail aimgramte, on /11100101. gold and mlver plate, dounon watches, Jewel ry, fowling pieces . dry goods. al g, grooenesi ci gars. hardware, cutlery, minus' inatnunonte. furniture bedding, horses, vehicles, harness , and on all of value. for any length of time aimed upon. on more terms than at any other utablishment in t h is Mtg, GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAIN!. cares,,rivate eats, splendid piano forts, in rich rosewood cost 5100, price 8130 ;•fine la-carat roll hunting- WM patent lever watch, double ' time and independent almonds, only eats; fine gold hunting-mule English lie tent lever watches,of the mom approved and best makes, from NO tosloo ; fine gold double-bottom Eng lish paent lever watches .- bat make , from sfo to 4 40 :: fine 12-caret hunting-case detached patent lever watches. 13 jewels, from $l3 to 836; open lace do., from gm to 3211 fine 13-caret gold Levee bunting oats watches at f2O ,• open fans do., fro 8/0 to 830; silver English patent lever watches, m in hunting cases and double bottom, of the most approved arid best make, from 810 to 88): American hunting case silver patent lever watches at Ste ;hunting cue sliver duplex watches; ditto double t ime, from VI to $9O; hunting cane silver lever watches, full iewsolled..winds without a key, from file to eim; Lem from ne do., sl2 to $l6; hunting ease silver detached lever watch'', laiswels, from 89 to au; open face do., from $0 to fte; hunting case silver Lame watches...full jewelled, from $1 to 810; open face do., from 83 to &et silver cuartier watches, from $3 to 815; silver Frenahvratches, from $1 to s3'; gold patent hunthig mum and open face lever and Lepine.English, Sews, add French watches; from $1 to slo' trup gold vest, fob, &Wick ghouls ato3conta per dwt.; fine gold sets cif ear- s, breastpum, and braoelets I bands, finger rings, and swelry, of every cm soription, for tau than half the usual estfirog prices. $150.000 to loan, in sums to suit apyluants, on dry and every kind of goods, at lea rate of Charging than any other establishment in the city. UT-LIM Attended to versormalO y D byOO R the S auctioneer, MOM' low ohm's". CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ' Consignments of all and every loind o of goods tollgate! ir/dry pc b ti re'Vt two-thirds a. ta the Lc"' b • • MOSES NATHADS. SEWING MACEINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COL, Agent, eita CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. - Maohitos, with Operation, on 'um to Private Fan+ilts& PIBANCE 07711:11,1: 7 Went STATE Street, Triatoa, N. J. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton. Pa. 1414-Set WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE,—The great sind increasing demand for Wilcox & Gibbs,' Sewing Niacin no is a guarantee of its superiors xcellence. Priee Fo r sale at FAIR BANKS' Beale Warehouse, fig CHESTNUT Stmt. fes-tf COPAR CNERSHIP NOTICES. VOPARTNERSIIIP.—CHARLES ADAMS him this day adchtted into Partnership hie soyy CHARLES H. ADAMS. The ■fyle of the fi he OHARLza ill ADAMILtt SON. who will continue the WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRY- Goo DA BUSINESS at the old stand, S. E. corner of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. CHARLES ADAMS. CHARLES H. ADAMS. : Philadelphia, third m 0.1,1960. CIRCULAR. Thesnbeerlbers respectfully totem their friends and the nubile that they have made nuportant alterations to the Old Establishment. and are now prepared to exhibit a large and splendid ening of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY 600DS, ?ideated to the wants of Families. Particular attention is also teen to the choice of PLAIN la DODS. • Desirous not only of retaining all the old customers but of enlarging the business. the undersigned t that, with additional care and attention to tie . wants purchasers, they will receive an increased a are of pa tronage. CHARLES ADAMS SON, mhLlm S. E. corner PAM:ILLY. and ARCH Sta. PISOATORI AL SPORTS. _ PHILIP WILSON & 4 , eg CHESTNUT St., would invite the rousts of PISCATORIAL SPORT to the Inset assortment, and Best quality, of TACKLE ever offered In this city. Boob 901 Burgess' worl&renowned Trout, Baas. and Salmon Rode. Superior Trout, Banc and Salmon Flies Super extra Limed., Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon and Bass Hooks, Reels. Baetets, artificial Batt, ' Silk, Silk and Hair, Grass, Linen, and Cotton Lines. m he-am THE ROOT AND HERE DOCTORS' OF VICE in North SECOND Street, Barley Sheaf Noel, philadliptua, atter% tie n t , in e be rinneulted !Ist six "aielaT,'"Enston ChUl in h e c a mt: be :colla r d . ddrinq the Kemal month Al the Nth, 27th , and zith of Sprd, so th e 28t h,and 38th qi May. He treats all diseases that posh is hem to. Children with weak Joints 'mule to walk in a short time. All 'Dosses, of a delicate nature strictly se sea l. N. Circular s, mhlo-tAI DR, W. ptvomerox pRIVY WELLS 'OLEANED AT A LOW Prigo, to obtain q. Adltreas PoanrOtto worm , ee Aar jrct:l4 Na KAOAraatirhibli ten, *sr* masiond skele,oeo D e 8 ,Rviekfetwiles, • s4,ono i l l e 4tr Al e & e .• i ...r- c e. .~-.1 .a 4:. /ALBS BY AUCTION, IMPrai4M-- er as'nirrriesar , • / BPRENCiv./3 33AL MATE. •Mt ; .ITit k iki a grha i tte. ,pttog erfirlitrtel l pe thil Adeltinse. 13' lit h Spring Bala—A pril h eveturmat the Anaheim*. Inh bpnntliale—Arrtl 13th: en the preaneVe_tall T A e rlt to r ry trei ia t— a # A nd mme modem modem ,. p e _ • MA tiering Bale—April 16111. on the preeturc Whir hlokon— L3rre dwelling, extensire atatiling. ite. Mir e• temptort tre of . - - Mar Yert f the handbills for Mali of its shave ram now reedy. -- CARA—runic RAAJCII REAL RETATE IV MOM AT, VOA. rad issistai an staolui *VW Tsisaalib Ise Aseasass. ilair Col:animators Mous toe option et atom sells. Handbills or Sisoh -neap maid sisparotalt, addition to wool we publudii °nine Itatalday frarnine to the ODA lliolteend ma* =talk fans, swing fah disto%llona of sit ‘o• romp to I* WI " the I fieritrr l itiT.FETATZ' bases Wm, agoilintof /la 14 141 " 1111 ode, inaludina (WM ds s e r ltra c r 41( = otopeits. Pnptedimbe Oar aware PRIVATE HALE RE - Real estate catered oar and advertised can Robin (oftrhieh lOOtioostsii ate snatadEssitab irNdeiun arikaon aletvr. an ar. .Ea. 4.0. • April Bd at o'clock. noes. will pi, sold, at thw Philadelptao ~t By order rir Adraisiatrator. Pew No 46 n0r..6 aiiler Chereti of the Efrily.Trfattrw Rev. Dr. ton. rector. , ST , it ale attaduta. - New No. 5t mutate alela et.-.l.4ultrea.Cturrott—itav Dr; Bowe. rector. . - • . . tamer reserve. for iervirantirf erhorkit MST sockerers.. 50 share* lieDVltell Coat and iron Comperkf ards l6 absolute. Ave. 101 Other erreoonte— o share. A merican Assailer of 8511 siv. with ticket- Share fintadaistia r ibrso • Ishere Ileferattle Library. - 8 +hares Etalern,Market t ocavair—iir out - TENTH ginuave OALE-.APAIL • L AI 32 - rieloore soon. Orshans' Cotirt.S i Jos. L. Soberer. aies , Estet deed. One-sixth of /arse Liff GROUND. bounded be' Greert, - MouptVemon Tweittieth and Twenty last ate. Filar mom._ _" Orphans' Court thsleZ-Es tate wf Deborah Bolsterer:dee% Une sixthlof large LOILOF GROUND. - landed by Green, Mount Vernon, Twentieth. aid Twisty first streets. Your front.. E - Extoutor's Perempto Sale—Estate of -Jos. Gratz, deceased. VALUABLE BUSTNS SS STANDS. - . 1 -2 thieeLstory brick store.. Nee.-215 ono 191 Booth noes S SWtondtne through toNater street. Two fronts. Sir absolute. ELEGANT RESIDENCE, WALNUT STREET, Plio, Woo SOOth aide. west of Tenth safest, 96 law front, DS feet deep, with Stable aid Coach House is the mat Sir Imbleciate possession. VERY - ; VALUABLE BGLI.DING"-LCT, -North side of - Semen street. east of Eighteenth street, $5 feet front. 105 feet deep. Tzo i r t ronie. liaNDBoalb atOD R RESIDENCY,. go. JNi Brown stteet:Weet Twelitit stalset. Immediate porsemon• • . • MO.DeRN RESlDENCE,southeast corner of Six teenth and tendon:streets, above chestnut street. II feet trout. - . - ' • • VALUABLE BUSINESS PR OPERTY—goer story brick hotel and 4wellgigotorthessteorner of broad and Phnityan streets, with tout confeebosten r aardens limns. and Jan. 104 wit h, thrwi /mote -1 Peremptory bale —feIiDBOHE MODERN sign. M DEACE. with Marble front and side yard. No. 951 ~o at 4 Sixteenth Stmt. , above Spruce. Sir Bale absolute. Immediate possession: - • !- • GRY.EN STREET —Handsome modern foar story brick residence, - No. VS G. Gen street. west of Seven teenth street. . • • ELEVENTHSPRING SALE-APRIL ad s At 7 o'clock, genial!, Orphans' Court Ssle-L•P state of'Dersithrott, diced. • TWO . DWELLINO2I - . , -TerttAtst three-stow' WS* dwellings. northeast earner Fourth And /SWOT stritetea -Same Setate-TWO twoiaorr dwellinge, hardy eldei of Mester etreet, east - of Fourth Street. Fourth Eitatoz-TllO *ELLINGB.-1 three-etorr brtek dwellinge. N.' W. genkor idastorand Fink streets, east of Fourtn street. - • Same Estate.-TWOAITOBr,PRAJCS . STABLE, tress side Fink ;t r eat. north ofldaatar stress. banie YatataL-D W.ELLI Nu , '4I,ND 8 rest:E.—Three itorY hrJohOwelhog;ertoteilde ot Fourth etA,tet, /torte of Master, with front* stable in rear on Fink West. tianse ' gstate-vElen,T DWELLINOB.=Teree thrust story. and five four-atorr hriek dwellingw, east side of Fourth street north or Mater street. - mODERN . B O BFEELIPiW 410 Booth Eifi" bteonth st of. u below Pine an" Art.ttrto:stse Yard, No.lSle grown street, Ives* of INeeifil. U feet MDT. NEAT MODERN - REIEDENCe. No. US Trine stmt. between heoonclond Third streets. • TW 0 .OWELIANOB AND LARGE LOT.-2 these story brink ctweltings and large 'mutat lot, 6831 feet os Brown street, 663 d feet on Aids. assists, sad a Mod on Fifteenth street. ,Three frottta. • TWELFTH lIPMENOSALZ-1-PALL Mk. At Et Vetoer,. noon. 'lLleentor's iSsle=ttstats of lush Keyser. demised. LA KG E VAv (TAMS LAM with three frame stores and dwellings Startetatieet. west of Seventeenth. Let 46 feet trout.l76 feet deee to Barksrstreou Two trouts. Same Estate-3 THREE-STORY SHIOK DWELL INGB, Na. Me - and Mg Cherry street, west at Pit- Asaignee's 'Peremptory Bale—TEE PftuPERTY known -as "THE E.E.NISHAW and large lot of gxround, Twenty-fourth ward. adjoining the cathedral Cemetery groan.. inierovenisnle-2 stone and briak factory. lacono dwellings, barn. stand sad out - hoaref,mandutery, AT Bate abaninte • . CHEsTNUT PILL-Raskimme modern residues*. N. E. corner of otbsomit street and Prospect, nesnies, Chestnut Alit. Lot no os seo feet- - - ALEOANT BROWN B_stre(ii REALDENCE, wfti et modern convents._ ,dees No. smWest Lo _ten Severe. Peremptory Bahs-MANDBOME Ms* ibriltrENOr s Germantown, N. W. side, or Jo. won street, E. of - Green street. Lot SO feet front, XlO rest deep to Nortat street. lAir Sale atmsolute.- Imp dram VALUABLE LOP. S. W. corner oflelri s air i Tere.. Moe and CaPombi IF street-18 feet froatiffest= se VALUABL 42 E,LO. souse ode of unwire between Water street and Deism's, arenas-ii feat free. SLO NE MANSION AND VALLUABLD 1;02.1. E. corner of Frankford toed and Sommet-street, Nam teenth ward.-Lot - 10. lest On Fribakiont toed , 1 9 9 het on borherseritreM, witb Tons treats. - - Yeremprors eate-THR LS St oar, BRICE" DWEI, LING, missmea street; re; adasorrrestreet. NOW toe tb ward. eir el* a , sofaw. - • - Peremptory tea ' TWO FRAME SW CANOE, - ( Mut paned) AND LOl, - rt .W. - corner of %mood and Non as streits..;lol P 2 feet on tltiolsmond guest, ar baslas f iO o IYR N -n r itit c f cii'Vliet g, Ltltt: k Noma stteeri imtipeen ;elfish - end 'slsrita.rusi.-.lllaser. , and Vine. - . NEAT IOW.) Byrom/ strait, west of TLI moot, Twouty-foortA ; , Fird, MLA dolDbia. .Porvo_ptori fis/o—Nßielf-FoICTOR AND ales LOT If street: Naehmouit okolgi sod Ottbootoialt C000l: f.n.xleentki Ir.aro,l SA lon. Irma. now koala • Periotptormalo—THD.lKE blitf C LI kG. No OJT eh Sixth street. atm Ilitowlsteget. kale otoouto. - • - TEIRTEENTICiPAING finVE-0.11.1L iO. - . At 7 o'clock in the e .MODERNIIII.OftrorkeiD • 4,181 la I TI M—Fonr-stairr • brtelt state and recasnae,- with landorn tanntoreeellati. o. 753 nouth-Filth 'tient; shoveos,lmm. TW ti HAT DWEIALINO4—Tv) ihtes. otitis brink; dwelings. fide. 1715 and 1717 Cave: betelist - B.eventeenth and Eighteenth, and Ember* an, Ikezth street. . • Peremptory BaIe—THREE D WET J.,INGS--Threir story trick 4tvellinc. eastern corner or Thoniceun itrat (relater streeia, Nineteenth ward. with two threti-etory Mick dwellings, sdioduna on Thdratiriiin strut- Arta'. ab•olat e.• NOßCO' ElCtilTa BTREEr—frhreo-Ron Mak dwolht I, No; lot North Eighth stmt, log or Nato/. Nt•AT MO uh.RN DWht,LlNtir. Ho- MO -I,4lmhud groat, oornrr of Grua street, woitt of FiftottoNt stmt. FOURTBENTB SPRING BA LE—AP all, It peremptory Eale—oe the premises. na. ,ANDrch et.— RAND: OAK btODkaill REA Ifit,NCE. FlLltfil- TBRE. Oa Prides Mertuag, /rani /S. et to o'oioth. will be geoid. anthem* meerve, on tee premises, an that semmor modern thee* story brick re. 1151115415. with doable teree-stort bank tadld in. tied tot or ground. North side of ^ rah street. west of Broad street, 26 feet a inches Bout. MS teat deep, replete with an the modem imerormaents end conveniences. rerr Sea handbills foy.inf pertieolare. Clear of all ineumbranos. 1 erem—essruo earth, til3s 00 within twelve month.; batting* may remota on mort gage for a term of years. FIIttNITURIS The entire houvehold Wafture. piano, &0., will be gold immediately atter the sale of the house. OW Bale absolute. without reserve orlithitation. Executor's Ws—No. 106 North Nineteenth Street. O UP h" RIOR FURNITURE. PIANO. LIB An Dile- LIENS. FINE NANKIN CHINA, CUT 'LAM, CHlNtills GOODS. ke. This Mossunr, nub inst., at 10 o'clock, at N 0.105 North Nineteenth street, above Arch, by catalogue, by order of the Ex ecuicue of the late Commander Gemmeet, the entire household furniture. ineludinn a Ittinant, 0 1 tine Nan kin chine Chinese Chinese goons, no. WM Full pertieularein issualosaes. &IT" May us examined on the snossinx at sale at I LARGE BALE OF LIVERPOOL WARE, PER BRIP PAM FLUSH. Or Monday Morning. April S. at 70 0 cloak'. at the averton Moro, Non. 133 audiM South Fourth street— . . doneisting of &she', Watts, ouPg and salloers; pitchers. ten-pots; augers. °resins, jags, hods, bakers butter baste. tureens, covered dishes. pickles, chamber fOl.B. soap trays, se., &e., to be Bola offbeat reserve. or esah. - VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY. On Tuesday lgvemeg. April 3. at the /motion dm' 'mit basal& a private library, winch mcludae many valuable and clearable authors on interesting subjects. Kr For particulars see ce.belogned .11. ale st Masi.% sad lal South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE., FRENCH-PLATE MIR RORS. PIANO-FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS. • On .Thursday Morning. At • o'clock, 14 the Assam mare, as aasorteseat of excellent second- furniture, elesearamtac,-fortes. Hue mirrors. *waste, .ete., from amities destinies RenseXceautr. removed to the store for 00IIVellieIII511 of sale. SALE OF A COLLECTION OF VALUABLE LON DON AND Ar.gmt,,AN BOOKS. On Thursday Britoil:lr, April 5. at the auenoa store, aeollection of choice and valuable broke on various subjects, many or ILem fine t ondon editions. Ifir For oarnoulara see oatalocues. ED V CATIONAL. A?MICAH SOHOOL INSTITUTE : is s reliable iinsclitun throashir/Ook &tool, son Fami lies msy obis= corn ant teacher& Pariratemal et:e l:Wm, gratuitously, in °matins und et Ore OYU bort schools. 8 1 ITH, WOLUI.,M & OM. . see SoaDwAri Noir York, or till-tf $O9 CHESTNUT Street. Philedelehl& NEIN BOARDikal SUILUOL. • TLISCAROILA. }BMJ Will be opened at ACADEMIA, Juniata county, FM., on the lit day of MAY next. For annottneentente.non- Imams term*, Br.e., apple by letter, or personally . 14 April, taithe subsoriber.ntiM VINE Street. rhldel phia; altar tbat at ACADZMIA. Juniata conntl a. W. E. ACNE •r at3-dttnyl" 1111 E Etreet. BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE CO L 1,51, toosteLat pita delplue, e. E. oorner SE VENT and O,l‘T ; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, &Igo, and fit. For /Information, oar or send for CaWorue. lea-13 CIGAR: • TOBACCO, &c FUGUET & SONS Ng 0 . IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS, N 0.216 South FRONT Street, Receive regularly a full assortment of desirable 01-11ARS, 11ARS, srlueh thee offer at low rates, for cash Or apt DrOvnA aredit f•16.1v HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PialiAGE HARDWARE 1101J&E.—We would respectfully call the attention of the Gene ral lisrdwam - Trade teour extensive Stock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, whiels we offer at • email advance by the paohsge. Orders rnr direct importation a:Melted, and Goods de livered either in this tnty, New York. or New Orleans, W. G.LEWIS it Son, ell COMMERCE Street, Imwthre and Commisnon Illerehnntri, lad Agent" for rano in and Domestic Eardwkm, MACHINERY- AND IRON. IIL.III7EZ V. 11.11 RICK. J. 'WHILE IIITIMICE• WILLI A FOUND D RY Lit_,XIIIIILICK. SOUTHWARK , FIFTH AND WAHHINGToN STREETS. === MERRISS & SONS, • ENUIBEBRII AND AISCRINIBTB,_ Matrature High and Low Pressure &sem Engines, for d. Meer, and Maine smelea. Bo; gm Gasometer,. Tants. Iron Boats, &a.; Castinss of an kinds, either Iron or rse& iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works. Work Shops. Rail road nation., to. Relorte and Gas Maahinsry of the iskyk and moat ha provOd isolletturitton. Evert dmetripti_on of Vantiggiest M IL: sash an Linger. baw l ; and Girt; kh.fraaar tt aassOvisiZteas Tram% De a n d en ilem raise um. 6 1,.. Bole Agent, TOT . '211111111% • Apparains t Basmyth'lL katent_ &mum Rammer ;.-- Aspinwall & Welgsrarateat Gim,, t ai Bazar Dram tna Mashing ans-P MAEICERgI..2—ttt 11b1A: Kos: 1,2, & 1 "*"*I.IA sisoftoA niipi W pactsgrig. of t the lowa tottbli. tor platen y :11 t. ELMER ar- MP A IS rterwkar,4o „ - : , row CROP ORLEAES SUGAR.- 4 4504 1 410 raitileMiat"
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