~;t ' e - ~ r^ N -~' Or ''.' .. - 1 1 * 41 11' ' — --17-41 ,0g - -,.,- ~ - ,: 7117.;' , ,1 - ‘ -, r, ': -.;.*...,..• • Li -,!*, 7 some ':'• i 54 .11 , 4ri ......L=. 14 , 6 - 1 44.! 1 - 1 ! —.4 , : , ' 4 , - , "; 1,...-1.; ' 1 : idir - Wpsiikiii^kAliti****Di!OiTOoti '4 , 040644 4 R0t0ireti 44441 A14 , 1 1 1 -- -4 Alm ,e4,:ftfildioki*Noiiirlizaviimet*, iiiki:pg r'-: : xiiBll44(VW,ooo ll oes*O -41 '0, ::. , tcnp. -, : .-•-. itilet, . .. , . :,„ ~.., wilwat *wit/ pttwoth !., 3 ,i.'r r - ,<.i: ti p •- .- 4 . teleaßT ' rat t , ` .- ,bitatifili! iteWtf' 4 .0 0 4*-'r4:47.**_o#l . ‘o, ,- _4tor - , ,, T4Vi..il'n = fr iirt _ . ~. _ . rte : izOtratte --- ----- i ,ge.freMir!t s i rtrk or the right of easy% r v itstion Pip-. e irtneh rpzientrx s li prllitett i • aViiir redneotivo -Tights in- one of ' the! - Wise/ on it Ito lode— putt hay, raised euestige. to be tett tbr - their at . tution to he nrinnue. • Now snob a resort 'ugly 11344 . the trannomtentOttiljtc• ithate, h boa geoCli*gum tool a tisk In oils et ' . -m - preleare • laltri gengo respoiseih r e or thent;end hog time drat • the dead put Migyriltdesd.• In atieng eaboosakm - cif yews of my - • inter* asalAnterecmarse. no ielerepts Us become , ow:6k imakkgryll, aptimA i b u z . , lightly ! .- mar lin th LUlMikitt•lT sheet him .•- woven I' _ (Nottomiluitio' Ninny intelligent Hug ... antrolat . Imam that '.• ) r i ga l es .1n 1 :to -thee omi - WireetV i ctoward ee rier ea. pfeeeentr without being weakened YOU rel; In. ; unlitNitailetweekkaan, Ittlre.troakiAltsanuthastgalio. - plumb* extent lOW TesoilTeeil irlibeet Maud 414 awe tee hotetutreaulta orograrror artdr. . From our socftraphtos4o4loo. + MP* , ASV agid helots 'of our twonglei•naltrig t rtemenkt: of ~ -We are rletedit e lert-TEIO,I IN,..l f fatlaf i i ts , • ' sod reet a a tatte; earei- -• -sMereirtruiTit i t. . , Iweisht 4000 . 71eCellielt SAW 'Besot et Geri* , e Irkin leek litielet rims," "Vikk4 - 7411,1"''A i "tti geeigekeir Anil reituatiti,ereitent gardifig.. I 'X* arigthWtotatoniregat eget moons tur hoolocear, tamers, egkroietteetkar.yrnit beeektletelleleatl, , llo Jetwitthea Me wospeneroget antereetaiageannlykait loge aiteali Minh . he Wont Manta, and goir the agewrity -ay roliataleillatelll NM hbowirommtionoutenat Bri tain tatouteteattin rehttone ingittoirge.gpowee•and - eal• ;trOttratt intheiteat WhieltakeititatialetiMialt allp a tkie ileellti4 eh • • te ria Prle= r at'iiirweg Wei* Into- ''' *hoed.' will re that we are Age Bata no .--end that we arerAir stronger, than' aim which treaties or latent& . Lettgeepestaof interest areaway* made - toy the•tta , arnagbettatierligeettowesugh.orine;•er gittlibliglk billalltidgeatO. ' II angrembone of Judaea. tg a W e ltallOir lgrAmt,tlranc , Eder Pt ''' Rat a la a .Ca 40 . 44101 it be rentattgolt .. At Mac owe . $ artlyrtiderbr aWibiEll leserMaal eas Muter iii ... - _ - Htnekto:=4oln, OA*? to ttetworEpoolligiorpryt4 r 4tilittleitatiat i t Boteatiaa. a1ia,41.0,46,;,. stearrs t% i. tbf,litot-jatettpr,tweeoplatt to the ConstottteeSs 11 red.:Saws nouns Mak athlketlthit t; jttet a.aa loom tpit to l T imi zatn 6t itatil lit io r uagar ra S. inet tz tesAthe l fgeteutpatou they mar biata eaatair.,lllllloll it iiikti _NriIArCPT2Der or lai l ignaTt s tparii,rgeltatk il. f m l; env y -Itelitealts- :At _notk-ifitettereneer ev , one . artrark=at.o424os4:4444, IA LI% Aqiiiwt r OlAttettlift•at:4. , l".• sAtrrai .ALsaissiitirs 'tat,* at kiseat tad tatter Viitr o la t illeirlit Acialt;M:at Thane*, • Hit Oa, tiestaat'tahiti, ID3dO a ititi* diet iiittitfatittr :yonag girt, iinka.fitilitat'aktitimiiimormot raier ty '450 fit but - lbers.tstt adtkal 'to, it. The wi t a Artittliek dereotA wo - 'slies — y.attesspts of his ~to tit*AiPilti.baitetifi theirsibitik;_avaieditron, Mut rue uttstketut thelostross is toosirdstsisess ty enSy" wh* eai43cYie suit aiiiped as loLlyne She tti-bp# 11,44f)frai in attonvilit litiniCAtbnYht , in aealtplat. ittrealtiOttktaattatil The letre i law havirroWisa brit odd last *in, Sadie xleit ' 4 o4lCir, -, 144 5 **1 1 t.' 'tittYp lieett - resid Attßetti ti;bowitit . .."l**4ll's ..#o4ll4l"lfitzt!`t!iq;',vir rod ,ti 40 1 . DaidefitraoSibliititi itiCLVßiatimil;=Mttiltolipati "AlU4llnia, - ona'of tba'atnitet tttibilittasettatliaL 607 ATfittellTX,ll4~iibit itatititt Posttaittor t abb. iitft" direct dm gatinti lan, in Vit -4lt'kitias;:: is DmetittibieltiMit'aliaotiOotal • at tt 'ettitlbti "tti ell rod' ark* ;.40,,1b Federal ExselstissNALT scosiSsr . titevorebd fiir tie r :Alia: l J iis : j.!.5, 1--- -- " - '.?: . ?'.; .- :IMMO i ; 1,. ... 4 Masiertimlsti ' k 6 . . it tP4 -46 .; 80_010144e , aI,T.A . boolivarill: wr s o ....mnel= Mateo lb -I lie 711/D - 171 11 mnAiTia 1741..no4.7Ziratie s ' sit -0.1%.* • w ".... .a." kt 4 " ., Ibtets W'Higing . .kt i ii r. do - B . & , 13 7, -eiterinom_l4 4 . ff ii,k, m i t ~4 r. ,„a rir,:404, 4 11. , 4 ;:114nriLymilliMegitif zmagtatrag till , .. 1111:11 4 X11111111= r' " INV= , --,,,-- 410 4 ,1- • tiq*2 o 4 , * • ,17 A -41%%7 ; see-11111.614 ratravihen, a sonento , 11.411Wiker- . 7- i''h vwe % . -211 q4 ~M4D . P.Ol O* * 4441M1LL.5:1-C9I9UP!"7-XI;II.4*ITL: ENE= -- , '--.. - ttwltztgiii!,ooo.4l 9. trowgzi ita11%,".. iiii, - ,..7..:* ,1,7«,:= i si*filianKwift.4,-.,- WeAtition - ' 4% r, r:r t .7.:iitZiatt= Vit k lte r tig: l l , t44; kgri: = p • Poi 'Wssr,'Uokstt o r Vi t be e m y l er.. 6 ,--F %ow u, PM I be : earnir l Ut i grl ' aill dose. will h 4 ' i f t = t err=ifi l g °1. r . 42 1 10 1 ZiWt 11 46 1 iiilifil i4rCioasstobPd litalMlSZniZiotrrlifii!!*,,!luPir'ik• 3Zl,!* - MtiNglwtoptitio**6l. - ',•; 411*, - pr • 191119, MM4Miag=fo 4*t:' - ',.. T ' Ltaarashrmini• irmm 2114:Fi fl Wsittex. 1 i tig: 4- ,14.1i .,.. WPeeti oirti f *pet sat 1.,, 0t,, , cate nv .ii.“ ' - : 144 IMMO ligairnlUDOL with, as • -,lllkartatidfatjeb, eri dooktevetNew Yeiltr: -.-, i 474 1 1-tfar e lifirlfifik,7,7 _•--. -.. ' ' Se r-Flie ht. - pier. .ffilsortiolr;-= -.'- • - 4 ' Neu4tatithiannaPri t ralr. --, • rail (Mbyte iiiirmiro. PE at Yea&. 4-13ae1tr11.1441- ima, frik oar ark: ,- ,•- ' • - Bahr . Cada& mason. widow. , i , ll•hrlir . - ;Balboaltifrant law fleamd.:. &ear 30aa . Katahalswftem retallsavaa. 'str Phaat. i ;26 haute fraellow - Tal&orittE - =doe to W M Co. W i t air 34 koala froarNivir York/ tM il ‘ T ik • • b - ma % it . ..rd & . . i....,>•1. , •: , . ~.... . kArlilicaali -J3 ~.. a..0 7 fit. : x....14 1 .: visfina&am Irm Nay, -York. ' tir4b, .t- .. ---..`• r...." . „ v. , - ..7 , .... — .' - I=JOMI6IIt. -...- ' .' *-••-. .7::, , Piro a *VrecielP ff 4 ' 44.114"-7-7‘4411* - 14'4i0,,4" ri ...sig oi ltitex e mitiprzi4inatt leatos hrst.ll7:ftilk rig r o.ig in br ow mob. ith D., ill .*' ~ 7 1, Bahr said Esith,, oritili _, 111. 1 / ; , ',B4thrAlhotnieritnt: hin t asibri,illiaW -vet &fir .p , xes'Epyj Ml* :se Cs. i i 4 Sant 1, MAirtimi. , or - , i 1 .1 ; Ponr M, wet. t .. IGiewr i ; , :-. , , , iat ' I ',I AS is ; ' 1 : 74 4 11 Wrte. 110 1 *lg . ' tt r , t 'Att eit' IC' ici.i.A . e .t mi 4k pt. , k , vi. 1 , bun; ; It litr 1 ' he ir% )tr il4 Ir ' ' '..4 ~ fp; ~_.„ ~.. a ..: ,•••,A.,.... • , T i Ptf 4, , , ~..., , !TOFi 4 *Tios,_, ikilt l 4o l l4 l 4. ~ ICi .Y 0 441rgffirigir i al i gsj i - ''''' ' I . moolaist it i ,-._ Tikloryognim Alt ittorimortat ow radar t Zarrivrt,Minkaart of fair ti ,-4-ti o .- MI NI ittillt . VUlllll ... . 01 1111 *P" Wiii° f." I "V ,1 , ,v- ',I•A 1 , . -' ' "'' , ,: :•A ';''—' l ,*''' ;,' , , V ' ;1 - 1 4 14 :r 14,1 W h i s ' 'VI 14 fta l i :i '; it :,Irrivit i i ellitlilittitiolly Pario47ll.- 1 , I Wilt , t ;., ;1 4-64 VA tgr a m I sad! . rig - , 1 i ,,,, •• .i. i Arri" it , ' *e' 0 .1 . 1 ' lowa Assamoi . 140za, 0 ' olts ~,-, ithitronmpst, ..,.--.”. oki vs) , - :1 , sos tOastairlnvo&near?, t--tc•t",t,:;'..`.ll.4.lPtie:'!7l"`,, r104 0 01111.010•E UVIRMIT.t..V,A7 ~„. IFINW-ItrinnwAnort, , l..7o; 1 31T 4 thilStri i4ml, *K. tnikAtt. *met,: A • dll 4011449 I Attnittielgrinliirit" iitr_TO RIiNZ-41he - 111044 go, .126:N0.ril nigaaltaTJAPITH. W4 : effsor,ofSilliff_t i r e t i ulhr‘ , Abno•otors blic k l i m tu t l ll4 ",;46. ist of , **Dope: - Pariesaion en: wen* apriL : ry-tiri% , - , - , wOOTINTItY .ioiy.Pr nn oricromilAmdG . lnmn-limiNameMAlA. 4k4 6t m~ ate 444144""114"2"4"1"Wr r h in ts0= ~fabititt orititr g "i lt e r f 'IIZ al , • tgtitblPW4*Vib:m - '' , ff • #,, .N -, • egvimwr • , i1„0,0 , :0LA vrl -- 0,z4,% x,0...Ne( ,-4 0 ,.,,0ymi L„„„,,„:„ 111 P Al, zkO!ND Street.' msr: ' . illpri n M t E i 9 IVA*COP TRY BAT Onto as rim tOkkxzji* . tkintante_wn. PO* qat, AV Wir licioireisi , t:t 01/PeiSteeil ylnoti, , , goo:brim ituvitidlit4w i t o•imib i",l l "" t ri= MI kitelisminititr , • ill ibit•Md low a 6 #0 0 2 . . Ably nt pirpri.y! , $ 9, , lk, MENDI3I.I4N. ri, BOK fttleilltif WOW .- '-' '"' '' " ' '.1061114t . 11: kiilik-S ikia Sit Dia' , YFATINIL - - A l t Titrittit4l mitt , ALll.vmenivittlirgiitste a i;iker, *in a 'alalinlglkinilaiabbta,laa. all' wk.ivettaw *Evart ttaiaastantiligTtaarate: ."""1" rag'in Oh* "0//Joialna tbebo., m relat"i t . "l l 4 6 :N e4 r r Ot tra la e°4 4:77 l / 1, 1 1 1. h g e , f4, Irajdip o r o tr i am=saggfiri! , eat•C a nun estreamia wader VOLUM Wallah eke-raila/f L alatabalalprawlailaah-rakaaar• are lit ZroTahlTakV4.4.)ll/"De:Orrigtal! - WC r - to WWII . E1R4;113 4 0 4 1 41 11' 1 N InllitiVeti, tir ih tdtn adage ataalesaalrara Tersoarto; 1 6 )17 4n -, :t : . l la k e rt"t i ' da " t*N " '- ' ' ''' • fe• t o vß OK, Antal , • 'alb, a 'Ara 0•011, Iteekell al . MtPtirn. PC airilrirkEitYl44l4ll/4-411Ft • BROOD : was P/T.l.LiTyt COLI,INRY, situated at elhandends=6 !Thal:teem Coal Resdn,and tn. litatetetpre 'Valley, and' Roy/mills. Railroad. . he Own the tiontplehloiroLtha nostovemente. a9 A 44 re . ire "W " .-. it 't • ih 3 ' 4iroMetes e • a qeene on • opeptiv449lll_lll2 o PP,fact.iblet, hp COIL r • SUS*. M11e.% IV* ane two attained , a tusk regutattott where-. ewer lise-been-aatrodeoed highly valued and wept a -yeadyttale in Baltimore and autenned late sinew, 'able& it fit keetbrith by canal sad railroad: A. alitrieNt ll•Vbiffea4pioned%lbr this aid •Neetbertat. f.•rer-shisotent. to' tee 'feet it mel' be . take* to Delaware City;_andoeqa` the emulation -in. 40340:14ht;Orth, eleauVostof, RaLroad nontieethrtth neentoene, alley write Raitnattr y aerna be "pppdsc Rio (mpoild, - *•-• ••• • mo am will,;MeV front threw to four Mindy t i kuussud Anne 4t&rnotratrjevs2 ;i; There nt e 9ther 164" 117 4 4 114"" 1 "4. - 11, "' qty are el* I • saysoity,e .t etrittgaiPe 4 Pees fermium— • - --"llsirg. APhattnas4 un Anbatiork iww., cr: c re .‘en ; lq !. • thIWALS sem in4Y - - - —0) ni: BASTWIu i'(Nomt Intir.fAteet 1111r.4 7 .9r3P.AirrORYi Fog BAtar, ,IN Tiaissa. Tt • Ir, prltattranNa. • 111.0 //RING- COMPANY Vii,twat St F•410,60:...t 31.4 u, BIOA , Moline.: la trltter - lieemeitri wEtrir.B FAY, tre sem nay of ,tearroti,VOQ k eOleek t M O ki Pr r tY tite%l r ti , , •Thit.giteding Cotten • 41, Abeiste An Riastlitib•Heyks , riansty timeliest% of .Yennitylwlnista taitistfroos bps water. at hiledel his. and • rty front' S&L warn , acting. W eg ,el sereen n blinding Zl2x6S eoonsionno of three -stories mind en attic., with elate mer s _two • wings, ass- for-botter house and retnir shop, 1061111 Ott, sod tbri other ameekar's room. Ma rem hr sdititionts in Mg* resisidei led Atone House 1701 feempaitkamatek rem: watts Wors.oht . beta elm ti swim itirtfreia *mash this 'lettere Ind; WOO. owlet l mivaterialtere rue emu Is dropped wittiest •saditalti on pestbrtisr Pailleows%Stat (moos of iMbarea power. with tyro essorste se abatis's, railroad I . :pun:atm:drawn di tt.W to '.. , Tate ease 4 bwine.otyllieetting, Dad amittotite "Air ore p nitoolgoollo by ony,oity in thy AI pion, w i e,tko- Anent, twrasultaril, rename the Huns ow .7llidittnOMPnktnntaFkota aWndontand chum FigevirsAii of gl:onnttaititelted tO the MT. wb: elm be mat yete balloting Ws. .inl t TliVtli e lgAir•ltt= i ci n orplit i o n te g aklZt rsomem., • emove desirous kit obt Merit intormstioticandoeo by aalintig Pulltinaltr nnteiot adtiremaing by letter, un s?-"" 14 ' l°l ll . llo ECKEILT. WhIAN BELL, Readingol4moh Committee. .3AI. " ,sums-Making sitablishMs2t: hiMatu OBtb i i . C o Mor tzoi h tlt. vr=iresvg o rortruth,zar•ii ir dZl fbeatspao v ragentivrfri mogul= %a n : be th s iroluttiti on Jowled Vary ratiaoaapin terse. or lowal t ior a tern/ A3DII E.• EAD, Portsmouth, Ira., or,st.ZVtrjil & WATSON, .604 GHESTNUT.titnet. taighl,liii illvirCoß. BALE, OR<T(I.ILENT,- & Ihrge - and oommodiont Cottage - at Riverton, N. J., wl ib tee.aajo tbe oily stab% _woes daily by steamboat or eared ma , grace aurrodaded with fruit trawl dud nrebber/ in bearing order, with et ,beauttfut taisdiag, down = to.tha camel/admix a Valit.ATuriVi nti-istg:e . . VO•RENT:—Tiiit 'beautifully situated denbie hosmi.woal shaded - , with coesoh Amex .ad frokliortilltectid. tioVactet Thaikittkedoilit mil* NAM 'ltleonT• threiptuatters of tolls From PA•A itilztr!ePOt at BridtabuTs. Apply ihir 1 0 tiAPITSLISTEG;4OIt " SALT.— owamm,-mactuagry..stotal, and Tztos re p lete large lalsoutletori of PAPEitHIMPIGINGII, , with wary oosoonfoomforoormog on as ostensive bun-- I . olll44Tabittaavirellet to moon of energy who Wu; t i l t; fit ' 0 IMO' gitlV4gtrah"` the Jattleriaittit &ART; MONTGOMERY, & MK!'OR-SA OR TO' MINT StAke No. ' 4 40' Eiviliti r WHARVES, 'abijo PiOe 'street, tan ninotrtAlpletpyWatayspilytylas NA. Apply to E. um. & co.,elowAt.ri UT et. mainmlmif VORI33LE—iaA , DWELIING HOUSE -ion' 111 OH etimwaiki Morton; GERNLAWTOW y. within af o trtamatawallsof the Germantown Depot and astattonen the Chestsnt rtailroa4. The bODIO it bent et stons,striejed. sad yerfettly title bas*S., T ot, Library. Mid dining-IoORIOnd-dOtable kitchen on Dist -assetlimajam sta r e room. 140- roost. &a., On 18001111 hereon NAM Boar; beau, ! 11I !' 16 °5l P r P! °. Stone, stable, with room for servant. About SOO feet ga r r vines. tall maturity; 611 , .veglabl n e t and filer e tt 141,:tin frpes,V*,4;44.7l7l lll ilratti: Cham - birlitOtt any day.'sgter 4 o'tsoelt f i r !"- oostrnolating. - 11,00 ..• YU/idioms /sans. o,o* / SA 746r.A . 15wellizignoutie, war the ay. igUltou.s:iiiitaiiie for oisio CH A K L a n tHOADL . 12,04111 . „ UT Sired. -1 • . 7 rlaa .11 177 • 1,, _ a &sou t Cattalos. math *bout two soros of ground, stable, fruit trees; optd Itooomible frmo the sit 07 Tall, ID etiostes,-114, ewe& day. and by a sestet WI spike atom mil& fret& NC", tams mtg. ApV to - atitg-loa* fat WALNUT Street( FO R SALE—The. two HOUSES, mime. a 2 sad tWoort stow. • piUMAB sTrzApirtenbg.4t. Inkl-lnt* , GIIOI4STOWN P& f Plant. vArammts ;may zirrAns FOE Eim.a. Tlie Partaiind CouitrYßeia, iiOntsixeinit '146 wee of , highly ealtiwated land—situated in the town ship of Riennantoen.,biladelphia ambit,: and within Goalies of the depoy.in Germantown. inteatioa o f this lifisperttsi not lo befirdnereed, wag bougided oar divisor* by wasitinaton lane, on Ow oeot by Township tine wad, and cm the, smith by Raines sheet, and within one-mghth 'Of s mile of the (yiwied, Twra_lislte, end &sinister of simile of two eta. tione o thy Gamiteut liili_broneh of the Gertnantown Railroad, Hub etresit;aed Weishilagtoo hoe. _The location of the above property high and heal thy, the laaS we ll Armored lyitis very advents rnsisbi for Cottage - Rime. commands. so extended view of the eirrrogedips poetry , and._ se an recto ed br Ai souls means nem isorsiesinses, as laid: down oath* atirraYor's Wan of that &Griot. The property is laid mit nyi Ilve, pier, htliograPh in plena of which oaf/ he olilatne4Jitithudimatuni to 'Ghat of the under- • - - catA s - valosble es4l handsome . ending L e t, attested iroetreetaleet fleas rouir ri Tsetoon. 40*- in fre9L op NM lariat UR *et. sod In deth shoot Mitt fins, }h snot 'Of t 4 sores. whe grOU lost boot And slopes emu& ahem street, opoS snook 'vont, OA row of taro sad elessot dads trees. , . . )t Vg. _ ll6 It. riliatilik tAtil. o loholuisi so 4 in the rifiwit mire. , as mattock. ensainallra. . - - rECI g 1:4 "a jimarient o t . ... lY ,. - tthini t -.• , • :•_•• • ' ...., cop, K ised vie A, La4T oat-igitt; ' :- " ." .', of , PP Z.V MPligric B 4 l 4- 0 / 4 "Tlill PE& Mink eirtßSAßlcit,iN. to close' wet:sworn. boom & Anationeerm.Nery ealnenleForm9l. ,W,tesablea*a w i sae. , near MIMS eNOT. L.• Otos rover frog • rhito - ,, A,0139‘ =1,1,1110. with 810.0111111114 11 I'VE AO REI4 FIS 9. tin M99DAY- A tenet MIN, April N. NB, at I &cloak. Rillbirletall& • ptlb ie °without nerve. to "kw ** ie *9 4 / 1 2 1 . witthearesetese, slttoot ViliviDlO.lot Or five estlelbensthal lel ate. ittaete on theireste=ly else of alr•Osith neaL.Chestnnt Hill. shoot oleo miles' fneas_th iledelphts.- Tint I wtpineetnev to consist of • Istriletem4 , eenereMtens , modern , three-story ur me "01 1 :4;r1=,°.7.17171111r4; twenty boron. lenne—tircethieie of the perebeee money may re relkieLo_wlwartgas, _ eon the prenteses. • • . +N , = , •. < . ow go DO paid at the 4010 the property is streak , torPilte.:oitese e;el, beentitcpuniser road * ._ locakts nape named for health sop poauty.! ftwoo be well adapted for either& private reildenoe, liF li ffirnt i ale r rglo h arrittiO4 Seine or - ••te Mlallohing le SONS. ila Red lit *with Pootth Tbiliidelthill. Feb. NOM. 41193111 e A A 0111116 BILLIARD TABLES POE t figit- eimikiitird.Tablec rrith,M irlok eelli elm- /Meat unproved , amnions, made lest king— ovum's at the Mount Vernon liouee,re above. nab striet. iteadles, 'Avg zu RA. &NU. Hoare, figv-gf „ _ Reuling, Fa. • EIDW/N,OXAR/08 ' , ' ' : Cal 2 .. =: ii/ORLYAriOVED atlOnfanyrahaltqa o r . OlapcnnArl Boning.a• .Mann& T Fianna. at , • •‘ , Dads • operstion at t i tti t iarjllf . rt o m r mpagtl 171 hi i tg,,. tr,rlv.r,liir,t4iin t vez.,74 7 1: long , ...,tru i t t uur anima it. Matt 6001Paaa, et a, loughs MO *n i sei with hat We more Ono tux horse, power. fus E eltra,extrh.nnittflno,imd all °aim low- 1 er stance o o ur end the different binds of oral , • yro - flour tuutailn acelltl to the bed hoar madelC, t l aga i d viii . m . r44 . 1 .. 4. ,.1 4 ,, 0t h r0 t mg.. r. 1 . 4 ." .1 r t. of linallall la two barrels of superior flour per A . - is tr. osatiwie4oonlptetts; aid elle/irked Boor =mnu I hes an oats( al i rdned toy many lif o th: moll! ad mil= 4 4 , r crry , „ ls m j nii% and -hew Pi tag en:itah l uid of' Itn inirmlie laperlort tplilli its 'ta . Pillists. nn i l i t i gs ntsretiants, capitalists, splieets totti• p taknond, OW intanotcolit Invited to fl/ ikukly road sad mar pole nigi rat la Intormaluanteneninithallbe ntrilune of tha Patent 1 tofal l itrthrtir= " ;tn i nelt= Vire .* eferriatfy 341101411Alde l lit A prieletugraetrisa, 411: AMP/Avow* yawl Nook trndbrngteit. No:138 'RACE. nt., below Tan!, Md's; , Mirror farther inforinatig• !Claiming nue celebra nod low mill. please at MA MO lelkow headballs, de wittier it. me Iv AVA. IPLY-4141V- 01:IMAM 'PAIPER.-- movi aiiirdeir , j i L l e u rrtel 1 C h . il% fita - mhx•ine,.. , „ 114141110.111. BURGESS' TROUT, BASS AND SAlpt MA(IL ROD&— lIIILJP "UN & COe. W tmt. Who-M i . • ektte Asian ,bt etkinsto72 o , easig iumd ..o. : t om i ml4 ,„,ws zec i mes.z O.I4*.°BIIRGIV4B. A NEW AND WONDERFUL DI B OO4 XS. VMSAlrntitte Goats Two in•Leii• aid t teat oit wofidenoko. jell be teso cost' Moo -smoOlo , for the above diet! goit "t ee* bythe 'ne erageZir i . .F e 'rge 9 ll 4Dint•Ztir yie vararl ..tig ..0, 0, - 'the leagent. „ Eld r al4lieg il- ' !* 4 s4llXitk l ' e. ,113i14. WIIRTO(C•N;MUM3IUaiIM which tsm4 d W4ARBvI4/01:4400 `ikesgiri to ligArne tSN .I .rftk l eatinU 4:45114 - meld n ro rgusisrar ssis by WITILIMILL a liClNWlnglqufTli,lascr NEW PITELICATIONS., t tlor.putuurrpg ARMITECTIIRR.— - 1 Iri "arid lifichisics''lcifirital, of 7th until—being the oonnseheement 'Air , A.lsew volume end nlarged sise—the feet of it series of articles oa the Move flpOt WSII tkippVlT, AMP/Ma- With diagrannt, tted.of er etteralde) tole eonstrneters.' Cor bset,na trial five weeks for 26 meets. $2 e year. PublOher, LAX. HA Wrill 441 . 128 FULTON Street . New York. To be bed of ell News Agents. inhSe raw/. SOUTH AND NORTH ; , • „ t&PRESSIONS RECRIIPP. IV. DURING A TRIP TO CUBA AND THE SOUTH. 'pi • 12m0.. oas l'_lll.l Flom ° MU: TH,f TruYip l eTie t. 'realism 3O 'hr,etO d e mbbe ate m e e r an eeNe i tr i p u d i t Jodi 'll6 reli1111111•111 / staphio troy 'the measures of,siadens• wtntib • ,•• • • , • " 80NITAZIAN NTIOSIASION 110 WTINNITIBAI - 01/IT-PUNNONA kaNdeWNOBANIOOITIoIpg. tbe,erasy Neal of fOBIA Broferfd, - he 'bottle that his 'heroic selt-dtmidd for eheioregeed sots to ahem° the coward fury of, the, !l e n rne oftriteion. yo me tone ot the book, while !eis -t tilitrtnilder urstenes.kind and sends not :tiartlian. hut L:Christies.-Ife ! Hate the South to the - simple. remedy ;freevettng evil. by substituting stags*, tor •the lash, labor forloeroed _ • • - Prom the New York Tribuse. ;distilimated deiatititinnai MAAS Credit:nese and eor. , of its tone. arendered to owe, it a favomble re ',mutton. even With rtadlyi er. Ito direr Most wide ly from aim in Majnloo. • • ' • • • , ; • "; The topics to, whleh this waning is deiroted, and the spirit - Id -Widely they are disarmed; though they tea ianottee tinttaisakof toptottion' from theta who tegatd 'aiieeee es the only guarantee of safety, will secure it wide circulation among- - - • - - - f Tam Palettes os Pazatoox throug hout the oouetry, krone/Ma Atfasta( Go.) Confederate. It is a CONTNIIPT/BLZ ABOLITION PRODUCTION, writ "ten ins vet TT I•evistile•aty_le,,sadvellotdoulated to taint the mindti.of 7il;irrihe Deireit Christian Herald. , It furnishes TALIISDis isroatitsTreel Ott the 411ISSId01111 4 , 1v /V)A s ai r gs ° 4 l 44Fietiil4 s esi; His Iropeessione are snob Nt would tre derived by sal honest. fmr•minded Northern Inez. IT Is WARM, DI ; ILOVENT. Rom As Noe York - Observer. The book is intones!! and rivow . dly Abolition. ABBEY de. .Alll3O P, Publishe , Intall-ena&w-bi 1.10.119- Nassau Street, rs. Y Ge G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK S OBE 14a. 439 CIIESTNLIT Street. FTI Nag:: • . Buy o it BOOKS AS EV ABS'. the best slims in We ci %As are sold as cheap as at any oilliaistoie, and YON t , lpa t lit i rl e viM o o raw: , sits anudg with each book. BOn 1111-- = - - - - THE HAUNTED, SUASESTES — D. A wilestion 0 4 04 V ethelew -AO /41. nikilithirotth. With a encit 4/16. WAS,WONDEILFDis THINGS. With a gift. Pries . 1 T HE MARL FAUN. By Assam,. , With • THE rice HABI BOF GOOD SOCIETY. With a Si ft Price 31. EGYPT. .III ARABIA, PETRA'S: AND THE HOLT , LAND. Br D. Millard. New sod ecisrged, edition. With s 68t. Prise VS. ALL Tilti NEW 000111 AS SOON AS ISSUED, asil is Gift with *soh. Coif sad owe trial well assets ass ant the but P , 414141 Mt Wily eskers you C E O B E OR ouid E ywrchase Boo N ks is . EVA GIFT BOOK EfiTABLISHWEET 641 catEsTrivr St., Philadelphia Below Fi ft h, on the upper se. UrAii3YALM. J . E. KNOiIR ife CO.. IMPORTERS AND ANOLNSALIII DIALERS IN WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, ETC., RAVE REMOVED FROM 101 WALNUT-ST., AND SI GRANITS IT• Gal MARKET STREET. Poor doors below SEVENTH. north aide. talatt-ton REMOVAL.. • The An'f.ETON'S e g . ltie f CYCLOPEDIA • - : 19 " e " our eTit g ral i o n Pabo lii v Sl e 'ro C B h E e!trai. JOAN McFA WAN, Altet for the atates of Fen ' -firmr.,At 4 • neriradla end Delaware. . • HI ~ .„., . . WLL& KEENE, , • .. .- • -- . _ - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' . - Hu REMOVED from No.MO Walnut strut to No. 288 South THIRD Strut. - - - . - _ mbtr-9m! ItEMiArAli.—,--4, MALL & CHANDLgRo WHOLESALE GROCERR_ Oxive removed rem ba NorthosECOND Atreet, ,to,l* M A RKET Street. above Frontaiorth - dies. : " - 'MS INSURANCS COME64NIES. . F 9EFE INSURA.NCIE ANI:i 'TR,tirST , 00M varY.;,,T.At ±PENN MUTUAL : 4.1).T.J12481.1- 2,ArtUR CdtrAley, Northeast anther or TULED and WOK St sem. Assets, 5P57,601 53. . LNIZELFVEB for the 'whole term pi dife—lrreale ' MEL ' ,' tip. aif:l=sroVi r i c tlrdalgg r lfit " ti: sontingenome ore; They sot ea eetttorsrrs, Aellaiss Trustese.and ordina l; • . -- • 1 .u. , ... ,. ._,, , Nnita. 19,11 rib; • . W i lliann nerN te. W.bol4 , r i llaleg am : 1 14 .:1 0 : 11 7 ... wi a ...„ fl irt. . ..lcsanal. Trotter, .. rat% r an. _ , Theophln i uldints ir Edmund it, der, • P r i (Alfa: " r i 8 47 1 : We h i L.' " 8. o sr, _ '...ciiiillamartinlarrnany. gni . Masa/its • mph AL Thomas, '. . Warns: M. Resin . .Ig l int i. 13 t • insr . • , P. B i : Tr, _pi. DA L._M q a .E IL Preedent. - 8 i . . Sr° , %ride Pros% /01111 W. Ronson. retsr►. , - , ants r'xcLlANaz INS I7 RANCIE ' COMPANY —office NmSici,WALIVUT street. , _VIRE taravAiarcE on Holmes sail 11111r0hamiise centrally. ea savorable arms, either Mama or per ; Weal. • . - - . IRECT.9Ma: .-- - Jeremiah Bongs% D Adward D. Bohm% --___.... _:- John Q. fiinnodo. .tohn J. Gnat . , onus • arsh. John Illotkpr' Slat" ena°4HTEßibin' mili(3l4SHAttelertgfalt JifiII*Q:GINNODO, Vim Preiudent. &main W., DAVID. Pieretellr UAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA- W-NY—YRANKLIN lOC WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND BUR PLUS. *SAM 70,—Inenree againstLou_er pained*. by F ire. and the' Perils of th e dee. Inlaint filavigation and Tranepartatma. GIioRGE H. ART, President, E..P..R4/88. Vioe President • Hs IL - COOGAHALL, Heo'y and Treaallret IS. 11. DllTLER,,Ageletant Beoretarr. • • DIRECTORS. E. P. Roue, : Foster 6. 'girth''. LIITZ Geor .B ge H. Hart e.,Catten, " B. W. Bader. - ff. ft. Coggehall. Hon. H. M. Boller. A MEKIUAN FIRE INSURANCE Co., DALX iNCIWORATtp 181 D--CHARTER PBBIBT. N 0.310 WALNUT Street above Third, Fbiladelplua. Having s levee zedd.up lands) Stook and &trellis In vested in. round 01 oval able Securities; Continue to Ce r tta o l a n roil! " rd ihre q s, l ,r ; p 4 7.l , , , z t leroggti promo. ...oi r e ii rah, and prolog., Ljuated. DIIIIICTORS. Thos. R. Merle. • - taint T. Lewis, • eniWolah,- .... • da ta. R. Campbell, in tel C. Morton. drnand O. Sunlit, ok Brady. - Chap. W. Poultney, Israel Alorne. THOMAILIS. two% Frinfdank ALBERT C. I:. ORA W FORD. SeoTetnry. 1•22-11 FAMlia' INSURANCE - COMPANY, NO. we CHESTNUT Emit, PHILADELPHIA. INCORFORATIOLAPAIL, We. EY THE STATE OF LNN.r4BYL v Ali lA, CONFINED 7 . 9 FIRE AND INLAND RISES. . Irsel Sirbibt, m2l l l Y. Birsee. • Wm, W. waiters, . W. EverreaS, t a iir, ifr,? %tea jr i yLnargl6,- & reaV i gfri. % H p Day A gresill . :p WILLIAMA I. B Att r e i llik — eltaiy ae . riaßL-tf FWAWAKE 111UTIJAY,_ SAIKTI,, 1N; "IIItrRANCS COMPANY. RR 0 7 MORPORATED SY L PHS LEfIiSLATO Ortirfai L ZARIN V AIMA II3I4 AI'4D WALK?. Street., It=is., - " MAIL 1 lig NeeitAmais , . oN VEMiklf.) a ~ , T:o ila parte of the Well. itiriiT . t INBURANCES On *Goode, tw Rii i i i f 'Weis, Late, and ant Carriage . . n union.' ir il filtirtiLeßoze . . : on Metal ItittoriY• OS Morse w Is rat,Ao. COMPANY. Far. - -Market ratra.l loßtaMastoids City I Ilk eent.6oan—flrl,foO OQ ronnolvailaystate o,r at. an ad.m. 001 10,000 Samentivante, State 6 ge on Lonn----:;11,CtIO 00 ,QOO, U. S. Treaann , e3 l, V' cent. Bald and . lowest duo -- ..... WKS s4' 58:1X0 U. 8. Treasury 6 tr , etalotes and inter- , 110 6111 00. MOM Tempotarylepan to time Otte of ads- , , delphia -- -,,,, -- 00,000 00 8110,000. Pennsylvania pailrOiLl PalirohWe Iyr cent. °ads._ , .., _...--. amo oo' dm " Nnr4liPenney vanit k :Kailroad - allort- ..,. , age 6ge omit. ads-- -- Max 00 SUMS Wes t ltd Pawnor Railway Company.? W at. coupon bonds.... 12,030 00, 11114;04.1 'shaven stook Gennantown Or doiiii,„7,Geiisriiidiii.,o 4 . , irim ...d.by Iho oily or run- I , fame, no Ojai' Peraiiigiciii7Riiiiiiiid- II " Ill ' ConalrY—... 7...... .. w..... CM! W I *LOA IN obaroo orth Pennsil.-i- —1- road Connally- . . --. NM 00' 111$0,ibstaradorphis lo . a . .lioaraitifitoom dit Comp y. Philadelphia and reanibbpaarktir - -••-- ^- ,afasuleili%taia yalic ,0;71.4 Todaini ealellg • fucatvad 11,110 ,11/4Ilic1; 06 e..0 l a tiortnnneer en a Seed Eetetn, Of-lildne at iiins rZivaCt KairiGift;lraili' — '' — ' Th 2" Datance duo at Agent:nee- rennume nn Ms. 12 69 nne Volieies, %await, and other debts due : the C0mpen.—......-. Itene Sod stook of dbaldry'lliiiaZi',47o6j ...... -UAW./ Cooktooll,eio — att ittilsiti - -:------ "" ' Ivy -p........... , ;TORII. ..tin..:,liiiirrib . and DaniS t . Intlrrill ' , ' mail 0; i, i'.. mebe hillga l l_.: . I D.Nilrarlatio , t u t P icl y pi e .; iiteall7g. l P *l'l= l ! 1111 ; i mlmpwittvi, i jarr,..... - • f.'- e 7 7 04' . 'nil z it i o,t 3:46 : fi re, .rrtir.. rr i ol s kie.. , 6 71.1411 oliarlityconr , , Vde lIIENRY 1417,1SURN. hie t! l tNPU44II9I €OI4P4NY OP Tine 'ffifilitaArdarrikaineßrnd utatrAlii;liiiicacs-'4,;•ti4,6,ai'y ii U SW teellerill • 1.114 IT;litillitefil6,iii _011•1 ti lle4rtlartiOr 4.11 217 . 1 1 1 s ean 1:1,15i1 w : , !'‘" 1 10;1 glialS; 'i' ' 1 . -.. ig. grlieo ''• licryiL lao ~ Air ., 1, - - :- ' , Mla ttt • %‘ ' wi N to etan nid I t,, ....,, ~.0 . Itiar, ! ID ' P ja r t d e t I ktisß4Orktiat At4).AttAttlti,i'ti: i 3 Oproyed oVt• nod lin'oh , ll4t*So tbdeliaMtion 01 - VEdrultot - tAgil 400 i WittrAirOftwolt to nfo'doir , Vittitt •Ploo.lloo2,frOotoo , ._ai • Bei; Ali IItMLAIOIIIII, 11) irtyPptio Ali of , ittootioti4tiii to roostrint }iiti,fl9P A llMl l r M el jriifftl l titttijte i 0 treat. hi ElniN 'tWHIMArr es t rio w m in=, & Netsw. t BR ,ffifiliNGAJMEq—.POrqnk) kvitnrr ABELPInAi AVEDNESOMF—MARCH S __ 01112111KILII. ~NA'VIGATION, CO3l- pANTI-0,10114:03nit Er:mm.4llA, NA VIGATION CQMPAW Nevelt 12, 1116.—The otlefne 'or the use of DUI end for. Toll Anti+ se Ite Conl, ear ' led on the Bohjillltill.Oleeleetiels, -Will 'be se follows f ront this data. sedge continue Until %teem. notlho t • !YO Phil Manayunk..»...—.- • E a r ra g ohi l aa7 ..... Wrejljn n e'd'''' r icge.. .. .. .. .. I t El ' i r ce t I ' Z ' ; Pottstown Lanaing • ..... ; Roading .... . 1 Hamburg. - ...„ 4. ; . 4.. • • OrvngsbargDinding•-•-• .......... . The oltssrge will be per ton of 2410 'lbs., lash five per peat allowance for Waate.,ah venal, and no 'charge lora than twenty-five pants Rey ton will be made krill) , Me :Waco. op order of the Monitore. Ibbn-lm • P.TRA LEY, Traildent. ‘-r FFNE)OF,THE ' 1 IrEAbINCI RAILR •, • 171,Pg88•414.1.fretigiet ow' 8 Is terspasiy wilt tfs as ,rfortitirr tioeut: • • . !SOK ' . - „ 1 a , i a -, - r.) 9:1 1 6 , -4 e e , v , g .g 1 -4 M 81 cg 6 g - - - To Billhoiond..- ..... ... $1.68 8 1 . $l.. 8129 81 16 Philadelphia..._...... 1. 1.47 1.40 160 128 Inclined Plans ..... -. 1. : 1.47 1 4.1 1.80 126 tieetcrOrti7... ...,....... 1, 1.4 ;1 . . 160 1.25 rmantown . R. 8 1.4/ 147 1.41 131 1.26 ohs of Schuylkill-- 1.4 1.4 7 1 126 1.20 ..t ri bert'a. .. ',...........:. , 7 1 • 3, Lis 3,j0 gh0h0cken.......... 1.16 1.27 1 1.10 tot Swede Furnace.,,..... 1.26 121 1. 1.07 - 1 01 PMb0'11........ 114 1 . 11 1.1 1.06 101 rrist'n or 13ridgepo 1, 1. 2 1.1 los LW Fort Kennedy......... ' 1.17 1.16 3. 90 94 Valley F0rge.......... 1.14 1.14 LI. 96 91 PluPoi x villa ......--. 1. , • 1 . 07 1. 1 90 86 Roy F0rd......, . 105 1. 04 5 7 87 82 A rally ng0..1..; ... r...: /49/ 7.v' 7 ' =s7 lti Lune nok. :. - ...... ... 1.03 1. 0. 66 171 ' 86 711 ou g lass pilie.. - ..... 94 9 ' 75 71 .111on,vuoy .............. 9 / : 74 n irdsboro. Reac1ut5.,...,........-. ,83 9 7 - 63 66 a lltl 7l 67 Tic okertoa. '........... - 81 . 1 Leesport ...-.... 7 7 60 156 76 7 I 67 da V ohniville amburg I 73 ea 60 Orwigsb'E and Ai bit rn.l 5 60 --- By order of the Board of Mane mhl2.3m W. 61 Mal L 4187 VSTATE OF JOEL JONES, DEOEASED. AL- 4, -Whireitti,"Letteili Testamentary on the Edits of JOEL JONES. late of the city of Pblitidelphia, &- clamed, have been duly granted to the undersigned. No tom is therefore hereby given to all persona having claims against the same to present them, and thoss In debted thereto to make payment to- NLIZA S. 8. JONES, Exeoutrix. 124 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. ESTATE OF JAMES C. DONNELL, DECEASEti, Letters testamentary on the estate of JAMES C. DONN FM,. deceased, lowing been granted to the un dersigned, all persona indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment. and those having olaims against the same ate to present theta to SAMUEL R. rp.RxlNs, i • '6s7 Walnut Urge!. ADOLPH E. BORIE, - 10* Spruce street, Executors.__ mil:I-wet . TN THE DISTRICT COURT YOR THE CITY AND COUNTYOF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM 8. PEI R CP; AildFrioe of John M. Pomeroy, vs. CHARLES M. REYNOLDS. Lem PA. Deo.. /ME N 0.1,086. HENRY W....C40.1,LT vs. CHAI L . REYNOLDS, - v;;;J:Yfx: 13;3;7:16 - 1,7o."10. -- Thp Auditor appointed to report distribution of the Proceeds theiproperty eold under the above write. cur exceptions filed to the special returnee( the (Merit& said property heitig described as follows: All that certain nnfiniehed toree-story brick mesas .3 or tenement and lot or piece of ground. situate on 114 the south side of Cane street. at the distance of 99 feetwect ward from the west side of Seventeenth street. in the Tenth ward of the city of Phdadelpius. cantabiles in front or breauthon the said Race street 19 feet 9 inches, end extending .tn length or depth southward Ht lest. Bdunded westward by ground.now or date of Rehetica combos, eastward by ground formeift of Henry Pratt. and northward by said Rade street. The rear end of the said ,the breadth of 10 feet north and south, to gether with some other adJoinirg around. by a °titian indenture Vora Famitel Riehards and others to Eamuel Wetherell.-Jr.. recorded-in Deed. boos. M. (go. gl. page 667, lee., was agreed to be opened in. eontineatian of a certain t -feet wide allay. as therein s.l firth and stipulated °Ming the same premien.* which, Thomas M. Wetherill and wife, by their ettoivey feet, Mar-,tenet 8. Wethertil. by a 01)TLIII 1 IrlderttOrtlia greet SO4 convey unto Charles M. Reynolds in fee.) Will attend to the duties of tuiv appointment on THURSDAY._ the 29th of March, 19139 d. clock Y. 11.1.. i lit his offteri,Tra. 4W Walnut street; Pht h idel phis. when and Where all persons interested are requited td present their Maims, or else be deterred from coming in on said fund. . 8. rarcuma. reamix. • • Auditor. RAVING FUND—MUTED STATFS S .I•Rusr COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Suva. barge and amen some received. arid' nod bank on de: tonna witoilut novae, wait FIVE PER CErer.peTE REaT from the day ,or del:peeit to the do 7 or with- . . Moo boors. front o'9ll 6 o'oloolc evert der, end on 111106 F SVEN NUB tom/mall Po oloOlr. OR 13 for sa • Orr mautd, !Tolson, sod Scotian& f m inowards, • • it L aitr7k..iimarr. , ,• - nev-ir AVING- FUND—FIVE PER CENT I Nr- Par- TEREBT.—YATIONAL ' SAFETY TR'. TCOMPANY, W A LNO r Btreet. *mimed some r 'PHI KO. Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Otate of Penaiiii- Penis. hioney.ta received in any sem, large or swill, and in tercet from the day of deposit to the day of with • The office to open every dity from nine o'elookin the morning till ■vo o'clock in the evening. and on Monday sad Thursdny evenis till eieht o'clock. ROBERTRY' L. BENNER,. Pr HELFRIDGE, Vice 'rctid o nt.r WH.usst .1. Itzgo, SearevorY • imiecToßig Ron. Henry L. Bender,_. ~07t1;troll Brew. ter, Edward 1.. carter, Joseph S. Bart, FebB/I Selfridge, Francis Lee. Samuel K. Ashton. . josepli 'Starnes. C. Landreth Menne: , James L. Ste B 'is'on. .- Monet is received and payments made daily. The investment' are.mads, in conformity -with the provisions of the b arter, In Beal 'Ratans Mortj ages, Ground Rents, mach first - elan securities ea will al ways inure per sot security to the dem:wit-ors, and which cannot fed to give permanency and stability to this Institution. , aul 17 %PRING GARDEN RAVING FUND 80- Kw ("MTV OF PHILADELPHIA. Dena, No. 331 North THIRD Street, Corwin mien Bank Building.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN- S v LVANIA Deposits rece Go l d. withoutf One Dollar and upwards. and repaid in notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit tilt with drawn. relmonsibleand reliable Saving Institution bee long beernt n needed in tho Northe n re part of fhe city: and '• The tlfe .gtlistie B O v llet i n v :Li:rag; Iy ea t A l ine= t b y y . The Managers. in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a dews to accommodate the boa -11 eel interacts and wants of the very Mull and enter prleong-population b 7 whloh it Is lurrounded. •OPF CE OPEN . Dia From 9 to SH o'clock ; also, on Monday and Thursday from 5 until 8 o'olook in tiro evening. MANAGIRS. Frederick Klett, 1 Stephen Smith, John P. Leer. Hon. H. K. Strong, Daniel llnderk offer . Frederick Stooks.. Frannie Hart, • 'Joseph P. LeCiere, • John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James S. Pringle. Jacoo Cook • • Joseph AL Crowell, lion. Win. Millward, George Woeleeer, hien. T. Thorn. Peter O. eilinaicerßobert B. Davidson. JANES O. FR/P4I3LE, President. F ANCIII HART. Secretary.• lalluif if - - - - - WHEELER da W 1 aSON - - SEWING MACHINES. 41,1MitY 00Y, Agent, LS CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, klanhineo, with operators, on hire to Fririto'FlMlSNl. BIANCLI 01171CII: • - Waft STATE Street, 'Fronton, N. 1. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Fe. Jal9-4nl • ,WI L 0 0 X& GIBBS' SEWING MA. ORIN - E.—The grdnt and Menntaing demand for Wpeot 11,43lbbe' flerving.ldadhine li a guarantee of ita error ereellenne. Pnoe Bee. , Fog male at FAIR ft KW Bade Warehouse, 711 OREIrt UT Street, , !& e. 'e4's e. < I , —,- -,. , ,GENTS' EIIMIMING GOODS. _ I w. _S(X)TZ 7 .,-late of the Lim .of Witt ••• ehistl i ar, ' Soott—filf NTWIS'S FXIBII - and filit T , t...afillTO Y, Et . i . h , ssrest ) (ninaS 'owe terns til ir used IN: il - *told alpine tfollr'eall the attention) of fils soli6r a:4mm and friends to no new store, mg is ars- pored to fill only* for_ollllll.9 at slow notice. ,4, miv i z i f.„ 74l ,,,,, l a i th .i Wkoleettle Trade weetilai.Viat FOSEPLI 0. TURNER, • e. • /oTTORNEY AT LAW no WALNUT Street, intends visiting the Western anti Nonni...stern States in a fir weeks. Be win attend to the Collection of Claims, Payment of TAM. Redemption of Lands, and other neatness en treaded to hie care. References 'oen. tolad mwDit", SAMUEI, Q. BLO.IN, RBAT.,, ESTATE BROKER AND COLLBOTIN6 mht3•Sete Si. PAIIL, Mianzion. *saga a ILItSDURI LAND! 8. E. BILBROUGII it CO.. - ;. COMM Land ant! it_ eat .Eitata Dealers in Land WarrAnta. EMI • 1110.• ..NOTthßeit OOTZiet VintD and Cit.W3T dBtrieett, . att,,ention'paid to antenna Oradaated ands. =AO • ore* for gala at maim fang tug from Ma a part: c l :tl.ed and taxes paid, . Unitise mama for Plat and intro manta. WM. Y. 082121111. W. HARICNRIM. GREINER & fIARRIifESS, felt..m PHILADELE,.", LFRIOVETOMr, PAPPft P•IANUFAOTURERS' AAENT, dfrasolielted tor every destotitt_of man PAPER-MAN '8 mATBRIMA ibitZt 0 .- 1100 . 1,1 1/X 7 , 11 SUP, • PAW,t,9OIi & NWHOLSO.N, •, • . ROIL 619 Awnrims M PPLATIL I PItt n" 4"4". . My*, • ,- "Wei: 4 l. • • Aet wo,X10001;40N. f ik, I R AJORSON.''REA X 'TATE pRo, ALIB; 6 'ICAR AND it*NleßY4,ls9Elt, Not* ocnvf li A:n. j5O partioftivion Bnon,FrnontsoitztrYiate ' 111 47144Wnat i r1 "4" ' ay? B: PM-Ain't:l ADVERTISI*I AND, y , ittaittiri t : l rit qigNoy, for Prinelielifewir , erg ti , cried re Multi Coprart,, rii p, ow- F ' ~...."5 5,,,,,.. MICR:' I Philmieletrii. JOB-ilm rft 0t1;.... , AE, - lii.DVILE r Attinney at-Law; -; - E7i - , -- riaTtro e4intli WEI/ RTW Went. ratilltEBs fficartia=VEVV:cara r rtr a t i :A i Ot ammeter( n wit other t h. .• w t nt4l we to a • I #ll - 111111=4 11"6 4 • NOTIOICHA lITLADELPIII:AAND 'AI comtANY. k • DELPECIA.. MAT 610,1660. •Hs ow eadi trannpnled br allows from March 111 son- LEGAL. SALVINO SE VyIN 16,1t1Aquil 1 ei.Es. BUSINEISS CARDS. ' MEDIUM-L. Vet SWORD'S POWDEII.-4. was afflicted ',a -se a Start tiniaaihne W - 11R 1 pUtiid-Sore thriiitlito that my life was despaired of, and had the beet medical aid, but found no relief. I wee induced to try RAD FORD'S Powdor.. PWith (lye applioatmna, I vine re (doted toperfoot hhitith. ti . .rcENNEDy, No. ere South 8 ACIIND Street. prepared only by 711., , lAM SATTERTRWAIT, • tk" , — ptoi 957 Nortti;: IXTR (drove. 111HELISBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRII, REIMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU % ERI;XUIdIiD 4 I EXTRAC4 F RPSN 'AT P l/ " 716 :' rm.: GREAT DIURETIC. EXLMBOLD'S EXTRACT THE. GRI , AT DIURETIC.' ihed s Positive and Speoifio Remedy for P/50211106 of An Kidneys, 13 : 1 7 11Grdaievrs'I . ; Otranto Westin's& 1) ! QPIll' Tnis ' lttedierne 'novenas° t b . eower or Digestion. and exotics the AtiS ' Otlt.NTB at, healthy legion, by ashleh the WATKRY OR CALOAk EMIR depolit.ons, and tel UNNATURAL ENLARGEMBNTB aro re • awed: CO well as PAIN AND INFLAMAIA I lOPI, and is pOod for EN, WOMEN, OR CHILDREN?. rt4ow_ D o ef f o t tottl i p r nt s h ir LE t N , F T l Lo d t e r i o v e h t li. . REM ARR OF COUNTi.R.FhIi 8. ANT) ,UNP RI , CIPLED DEAL* , RS. i Who Ondeator to dispose .• L OII'2IITOR own" and " °yeast" ARTICLts Os SUit TiItrUTATION AT TAMED BEIAIROWEI OnNITINE PREPARA I lONS. •• ; , . TAPE WORM-TAPE WORM. JAYNE'S SPECIFIC FOR TAPE *rOitril Has never been known to fail in a uncle instanee to 'remove this trouble.ome It ix as neatly taken alien ordinary purgative. and is followed by no 'moles, pant e ff ects. The worm Is WWI, expelled in from Area tonight hours after the medicine is taken. It want up is atlas with d 'motions for ti e W. By:Writirlg tti Dr. D. JAYNE * SON. 21.10HESTNUT Street, vbiladelphia anolosmit two dollars for each dose. the medicine immediately be forwayrded ~ by , maul to any part of the 'World. • • RBAD:THE.FPLLOWING OPRTIRJOATE SMIENICTADT, N. Y., INGT. xi. 1857. Dr. D. Javne—Dear Sir: I received the package rf 'your Braefilo for tape worm. and took it according to the direetions. About four hours after II taken It. I ,Passed a tape worm meaturittir ,z f r p . ll . s t44l: i et in Engineer on N. Y. and Erie Railroad. NJCIIFIVLD, ltdo.. Jan. tg, iss. Dr. D. Jayne — Sir: hello for eight years been afflicted ,with that terrible dioorder—the tope tdorm. Donne that time I bad tried various remedies, and the best medical skill in thinned the adjacent cminties. ulthout obtaia lug any relief. L was advited to send forour remedy. At that time I was almost reduced to a ske leton. unable to attend to huitinese. and my rude ring was lioyond 'ueription. t took two cones. end then passed WV foot .of the warm. lam now strong audio rood hcaltn. Mr. Perry Dower writes: FRAKEII. " Pour GM!" Ark., Feb. Id. 1855. • "After taking your Speodie for ram worm, it had the ;effect to expel a worm measurins to all terentl4 o of 'lest." • Eatrset of a letter from Mrs. George E Doug. dated ' " Carmon, 'nog& Co., N. Y., Feb. 9, 1858. "About a year Since we received from you a dose of the Tape Werra ereetile.p hush my {maimed •t it as 'eordingtoduaotions, and the reault was, that hir pulsed :nearly laxly feet of the worm." PHILADELPHIA, March 21. 2859. Dr. D. Jayae--/istir bir: I. had been - ,for some four can af fl icted with that h o rrible disease, tape worm. Having tried various rernedien withollCauaoess. I was at last emopelled to use your til'ECiFlig. I say compelled, for had great rope?mimeo to advertised medicines. as I considered them all humbug', so it was with great dif ficulty I Wes tridueed, to try your relrfildy. I took throe Awes. and the result has been the com pote eleutiOrf of my tormentor. I twee mowed some eighty feet—the last 'eight or ten feet tapering gradually until it was no thinker than sewing cotton, With a head as largo as the head of a pin. I believe if I had taken your medialna• in the begin ning, before Vault boo‘me accustomed to Smile, one dose woe vs been sufficient. Feeling ifigb a duty I owe, not only to you, for hav ing saved NO s.cn an early grave: where' tnydisease would have lasvitably placed me, but also to those who ate aDheted as I Was I make publto these facts, Yours gratefully, 'n.i.01316 Nv marina, Fifth and Oheatuut street". ELI Z•BETX. ills. June 17.1 M. Gentlemen: Your 'APIs, WORM- Iit'ECIFIC has been administered aaeordinx to dtreetiont: Fist dose at seven in the mermen. ♦t three In the afternoon the worm was expelled entire. Your SPECIFRI has sus tained Its pratenstons. and I have no Misttation in• re, eemmendtng It to the public. JAMIS B. LEWIS, M. D. PORTiritiiVILLI, Tenn:. AO 14, 7869. Dr. D. Jayne & Bou—Dear Vim: A I,tne girl about Wren yearn old wee nufrenog with rape warm, and had been unuer medical treatment for come time, without benefit. Your SPECIFIC was given according tq di rectionai and in about three hou a fifteen feet or the worm Came away. whieh, from the description, 1 think must be the entire worm. R. Montr.L. DENAIIILT. N. Y. .All 7. 15. 1559. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir; I took your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC according to direction.. - Eight hours after wards I disoharged }without pain) Ms wmmship, who measured twenty eight feecin length, end contained more than 050 link.. LUTlllta MYERS. Utica, N. Y.. Anr.l6, 1869. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: Last wank Mr. Idlers made taqusries or us about tour TAPE WORM srEciFic, and immediately wrote to you for meow This morning he called lion us with a Imttle containing the tape worm. Wagrisit lc RAY, Druggists. 7(aW BALTIMORt, MICh.. Sept. 71.1869. Or. D. Jayne & Son—Dear Bust I took your TAPE WORM 8 P Rill el (.1 according*, direction*. 110 worm was expelled in six' hours/ length twonty -six feet. Yours, &o„ , ..Loors &rm. 13xtraswicx. Mo., October 7,1869. Dr. D. Jayne & Eon—Mr, Riley Price has been in bad health for come years, subJeet to spells of rankness at the stomach, and cuintinued emaciation. About a month ago he threw op about twenty-five fee. of tape worm. t broke, a t art rernainins'in his stomach We procured some of your TAPE WORM oPECIFIC, which he took according to direetions. lle soon diseharged &taint Silttlett feet of tape worm, and thinks he is now free front it. Yours. kp.. RLVI & DAVENPORT, lOWA, Oot 26.1 2 d2. Dr.)). Jayne—Dear Sir I took your SPECIFIC for tape *oral, aooording to dtrettiona. and in four hours the worm wee lisgicataa TIORIINIA. Couro &co ? C.ll forma, 00t.51,1869. - Dr.D. Jayne &.Bon—DePiP 81re: Ido not beintato nor dot delay ,to %ire my testimony to the s teat ~ x onienoe And superiority or your '• TAPE. WORM 81 , k CI ul C " I lately had an occasion to have the virtue of this melt mne tested. the result of which wag the expelling o. tans worm of enormous lentil. which had word the pa tient down to a skeleton. hut who now looks fleshy and healthy. lam at liberty to give the edemas or the lady from whom this troublesome animal vas expelled •, but a quarter section of it now on exhibition_ at my °Mar k le °puler proof or what have written It has been Wit nessed by hundreds who have called to sea it. Yours, trill, E. G. tLERAFIL mintifkurivamAlto TlannAvi t .. fWOFt - arty - a by ode dose of DR. JAYNts'o TAKE WONAI SPECIF/C. HIMLY RILL. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE et. SON, 112 Cstss - No? street, where all Dr. JAYNE'S VALIJABLt. D40114E8 way be obtamed. mb2l.lm COUGH! COUGH !! COUCH !!! EVANGeII.LBRook Wle., Sept 6, 183. , Du. D.J ame : Dear b jr — Mr. Nathaniel Blokes. or thie olece.authorised me 10343/11 Unit hu with was taken to her bod one year ago wilt Lung Disease. which the Physicians pronounced Consumption. He dowered for sin months to no purpose, &tiling which time he had heard ) tb.r Lxi , Eo PUKANI' spoken of Vera , highly, end concluded to try it.,He • bought. or tour - Agent a hal6dezen bottles, and he wile commenced teeing It. and hoe been getting better *vier since. hilly can go out even now, and is gaming daily in strength.• EXPEaTORANT FOR LUNG FEVER. Roe- ant, Ohio, Dept. se. lASEL Dii.D.JAT:tss I OSTO made Use Of your NAT EC TO IAN a for Lung Fever, an 4 it effected a our., with the aid of Your excellent SANATIVE RIL G. W. HOWEINAT. THE SWEDISH MISSIONARY. Entreat of a letter, from the Rev. A. Wiberg. dated 8 °campus. Sweden INT. Your invaluable Medicine, the EXP OTORAN , has been of very essenti.l service to my, t roat and breast, sod I can scarcer do without it a single day. Several of our friends, to whom we have *emtionally given some, express themaelvve as being much benefited. THREE YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. ' StoCIETON. Owen co., Indiana. Sept. 4, INT. DR. JAYNE ; My wife having been severely afflicted sone three)ears with Broncidtie,,and having heard of the wonderful e ffi cacy of your hICEN.O ORANT for Coughs, Asthma, Difficult, of Breathing. Spitting of Blood. ana other Diseases of the Lunge. I purchased one bottle of it. and one box of SANATIVE Ell 1,4. and am hap gvto infor ml?:`tZrlNltklraTT wtr,hr t;.g.ate:presad,r. tleuley of breathing one pain removedproducing a free and easy eutoemoration, and io ONE hioNr effected a cOhirlthala 'CURE.• J. P. Salyut. Prepareu only at , melt tin r JAYNE'S. CHESTNUT Street. ILIUM:ETON% COD LIVDR OIL, PGA CONSUMPTION THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, • DALLEYI BISOICAL, PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all other OintineeM_ and healing • applications in both the Eastern and westerallemispheree, wherever intro. dueed; and its intrinsic merit a s he tree 'suet of its success in all enteseous ailfselimen. whether the clam be tissidsat or disease. sacs &A SCALDS{ . 0 are instantly relieved of t; their 'garnish, pain and inffarnmatlon, by ti timely " , 1"' application of this mar vellous heater, and the flesh is renewed as if by a charm blemish Oi soar remaining. THE FRIEND OF g THE NURSERY. Children are frequent offerers from externaljn juries, expecially from _Mid and Camphene Jiz plosioss—therefore every A mother should have this healing preparation eon- stantly on hand. It Foals sore Breasts, and quickly a. removes the TETTER or RINGWORM, so preen- lost its the nursery.. • • TO TRAVELLERS ay SEA AND LAND. The Machinist the Ta veller.and every other In dividual whose ot in life throws him within the 'Manes of acci dent fromtb explosion, Are, or velli. aims, should bear in mind ther. this Magna Isxtraotor is his beet and only friend. It to both portable. ens cheap, and should ever be co hie companien, as a friend in need, e are thou- •• vii Me, living igitnnelvis to testify t outsmarvellowa ,vir Me, who owe tbeir sound Jambe and muscles tO Its seeing efficacy. The following am a few the leading diseases for which DALLEY'RAIAGI- FAIN EXTRACT OR ad a PahVENTIVE q as well as CURE Puree, EryulpyyygYSssslna, Sores of all kinds, Braises Fie , Shot Wounds, Boils,' • Frog Bites,Scrofula, Broken Breast. Fever Sori, Scurvy, Rites of Reptile'', Felons, Scalds, Cancer, Glandular Din - Souyf, Creaked Lips, oaths, Scold Head, • (Mapped Heade, Morminal Soros, Bernina. trona generally, Small PDX, Stamp. melee, Tumors, ontraoted Cords, des, Tatter Chafes. Poi son, Ulcers, D i seases of theheumatiam, Venereal Some. • Skin, runes. Re. Sold at the gingival Depots,l4 Broadway, New York, Obartgoi street, New Orleans. by J. tc CO., General Agent. It can also lie ob tamed o an respectable Louvain and Morohnnto throughout the United States and Canada. 'T. W. DYtiTT & SONS, 118 North sr,co.ND Street, far Wholesale Agenlo for Pennsylvania. P1A14019. no PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS !! PIAS. MELODEONS. PIANO FoRTEB. MELODEONS, • PIANo• FORTES, AIELOD EONS. PIA NO-FORTES. MELODEONS'. &tads M Rsveo, Baden. & Co., Nunn, ar Clark, Jr Co., and other,. J. E. GOULD,_ royl4-Ir SEVENTH and 011S8TN UT. MK*STEINWAY:& SOWS NEW PA TE:KT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, FQV RE GRAND, AND /SQUARE .riA,Nos..w._ ~.1 I. concede and in private roles by the beet performers. Received the Bret premtums over the beet makers, from Judges like Gottechelk, Mason. and other:. Ohallenee competition. ' BLASIUS BIIOTHERS, de-1v lOW CHESTNUT Street. igieLARGE • AND VALUABLE STOCK &Wes selling' out et Greatly Reduced Pnoes, at 6t URESTII UT !Arent. 412).000 worth ntaniard Weight Scales, comprising i llo a riftr R i ght! a gTfl'orm, Warehouse, Hon Coil, e lk i r e plim a i ll eri tn en lar farr i t o r. their interest to call aid amine the above awat at • No.,,tte ORAATNUT I STREET, Philadelphia. OHAti, DADUELS. aihit attention of ocatitry merchants is called to the above Wok. • , fag Sm. FAIRBANKS' PLATFOLUTSOMAS ORIPA - I. For %Mob) , PAIRII4IIAVL EWllei • .nn MIRA i'nl/ aroAt. 1-11% ,1 1 r. GROOMI & CO. Mos 146 Bonen FOURTH Helve, 1416 E STR.ViT, SCIWYLKLIA, Dealer' and 813191/611 ' • - 11 " u P hi134161511 1 ,u.4 . 1 1 . and Bohailui ktaieltaidiae, tAtoziun vtiln,vg:C.,:. rlll2llSlr.=- CZ:Ws' liiiikimetailiirty oAttn, in morn And • Wulf by .0. SADLY R te ! ClOll .14u#.111rea. goar nbovii grail& _ ''stuttta'BOAßDlNta. • s'llitiADEL vA , It RI I IOING RAILROAD. • 'PION IIIP.P.I.RES I On and after APRIL2d. 18V. Commutation Tiokete, ith tweroy•eheeounens will he' nomedt good for the bolder and-enr Member o ' f his family, on any Passenger Train, and at any time. They will be sold by the Treasurer atthe office of the company. No. TN Neagh trollyit net. tree t, at a reduntion of twentyrhve per cent. from the regular farce. Yarties wishing to enjoy .the Surronerin the Country we findthis-a very dealrahle route. ilmtieburlkill end Lebanon Valleys being amonir the meat ben:mini and healthy, in tile State. and aCCed al WA by four trains front and to PhiladeMhitt daily. - UN ADFORI), Treasersr. PHILADELPHIA, March 28th. 1460. , • rang/ tr IF t gamif : WEST CaIESTER ANTS .Pl - 11LADELPHIA 'RAILROAD, V/A..511111A. SPR NG ARRANCIRMEIT. a'nd after SUN DAY; March 25th.'1850, the Trains wltt leave Philadelphia (tom the Stvion. , Noytheast 01. ner of end MA RK Pa Streets. at 7.50 and 10 30 A. M., amt 2.00 and 515 P. M. Leave West Chester. from the depot, on Eeet MA q xer 6troot, at 7.00 and 10 00 A. 21 and 145 and 435 P. M. . . ON SUMO %NS, Leave Pluladelphia, at 8 1 0 A. M., and 200 P. M. I,eavp West Cheater at 7.50 A. 81.. and 4.r0 P. M. ' he Prairie leaving Philadelphia MT rtland 10 80 A.M.. 16(16.16 P. M.. and leaving Wet is hhi eter fatal and 10 00 A. M.. and 4 45 P. M , conneetnt Penne' ton With the Phi lade)phia. and 11%.tizere Centrai'Riiil l ,,p,l for Concord, Chadeford, nenneit, and Avondale' iEN ßi w . ,61) ,. General Superintendent. TO WESTrOUESTFE , 11=-m and intermediate 2Ain . .Lai Ina ME DIA: 'battle for Wout Eheeler leave r hinteeien is fr° a; tho D. t. northeast corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Strom, at 8.10 A. 61.0uad t andetait P. M., On SUNDAYS at 8.16 A. M.. and I P.k. Passengers for atatinne on the PHIL EVEHIA and BALTIMURE ,OENTRAL HAMM) will take tke 410 Anat.:and AMY.- 81. Traine. , 1.: , •• - talg.tf alt • • • •. N0T190.-; 7 OIIESTER BENGEK 8_7 en0L4414414144,An TERNEDIATE BTATIONE4 iii , OII4I/ o %.*Lju i p ite • w b irr g 6 ,4Vor 7*. Petit r o l l th e Pious,- aelvhin end Roadtriq'_ Cotnpang•:. earner of BROAD and CALLOWILIL fittest', (psaaenger en trances on Callowhill. . . ?HORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at lAILY tgonaats Mooed , Y 7 order of th e mad o fMaXagain Of the Philadelphia f4d Rebal" " iir "VV P ,S% irrvwxry L4DELPIII.. ROAD, MOANING LINE, for p AND 3r E riligi l at Net ING and at • Leaves the new Depot; at Garner of BROAD and CALLOWIIILI, - Streets, tentranoss on Callowhilld at lad A. M., DAILY, ( Sundays expepted,) for POTTS VILLE, IiAItRISBORG, and all intermediate points, connecting at Harrisburg with trains manta: to Fitts hung, Ohaintimt,nrs,Carlials,Sunburl, &o; AFTERNOON LINES, Leave at AXIL M., DAILY, for FOTTSVIIIE and / . LARRISfiIIRG. At 440 P. Al., DAILY, (Stindaysszoopted,) for READ ING, and intermediate points. d 6 W. ff. 11401,147NNV.Fts.rtrwts.rs NORTH PENNUL VANIA RAILROAD. •WI TER ARRANGEMENT. ' For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN,' EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH quurrx. HAZLETON. On and after AIONLAY, November 7th. Jae?, Passen ger Trains wilt leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, DAILY (Sundays excepted:) For Bethlehem ,- Easton, Allentovai Manch Chunk, irr t Chl t ot/ fflrient at 7 9a0 1/ and II .P. M. or Doylestown, (Aboonunodation,) at 0.40 A. M. and t ; , o Port Washing'ton,( .. 1 4_tontrnoiatillist P. M. TRAINS FORTHII,ADELP A:` Leave Bethlehem, (Exeresed at 8 . and tie Ir. M. Leave Doylestown,, (Aeooromodahon,) at 7A. M end 8.30 P. M, t Leave Fort WaahingtothijotooMmodition,) att. A.M. ON SUNDAYS: rladelehis for Fort Weektinaton L ate.lo A. AL hsladelphia, for Doylestrn. at 4. Y.?". ylentowo for Ph:lodate itt, at 7A. . Fort Washington for t'hiladelphia, 2.410 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, Sleet to Manoh Ohnak, UM; to Flaten• 41.60; to Doylestown, 80 oents. Through tioirota must be proonted before entering the Otifi. All Passenger Trains (egosnt Sunday Trains) eon neat at Barks street with Fifth and &nth-streets, and Reoond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. 07 ~ ELLIS CLARE. Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA _RAILROAD LINE— QUICIEST ROUTE to Elmira,Wilkesbarre Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Island, Niagara Palle, Milwantee, Bur- Elngton, Montreal, M. Pa e, Detroit, Duallet , and St. ,LOTIIN. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read in; Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CALLOW DILL StreatsT)AlLY. (Sundays exceuted,) m follows: 1.30 A. AL, DAI EXPRESS. For Eimira,_Ningara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwltulcee,Roalr alma , St. Burlington, and Bt. Louts. 1.19 p, M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Batfato,Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee. Rock Island, Galena, St. Paul's Burlington, and St. Louie. The 730 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. trains run through to YIARRISB U stopping at all Stationa on the Lebanon ,Valley Branch. The7.lo A. hl. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes- Istrre._Pitiston, Stanton, and all Mahone on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURORAILROAD., . . _ - ..• - • • • - - - . . baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension 'Bridge.-. 183,.. Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and 'E ..aire. Railroad Line a Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, l -I and at the Passen ger Depot, oefner BRO AD rod_CA ',how'LL. 1 HROU OH EXI RESS PREILIIIT TRAIN Leaves the De pot, Broad street. below 'Vine, deny, (Sun 'day excepted, I for all Went. West and Nortn, at 6 P.M. vrelchts must be delivered before S P. it ?. to Mears gong ``he itire n itiinf * Tr y dt" .44 on psi] r7 at - , AB, below The Or to 0 .S. ArPE , liepe7l_4l l3 6ent ial ' N. yrr. clamor SIXTH and CHESTN T tree p]-tf . . • hi sdolvh a• ogstaRma PIIILADELPIIIA,WIL MINOTON. AND BALTI MORE RAIROAD. an alter MONDAY. November_ 11,181110_,_ 'PASS&ER TRAINS LEA VE PHILADELPIFILL For Baltimore at 6.18 A. M., 11 noon, (Fanross,) and 11.10 P. M. for Cheater at 8.14 A. M. le noon, 4.30, and 11.10 P.lll. or Wilmington at 8.18 1 . M., 12_, 4.90 and 11.101 0 , M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. AL. and &VP. M. For at 8.16 A. M., and 4.60 P. M. For Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 4.30 P. 1,1. rr Milford at 8.13 A. M., and 4.80 P.JI.J. or Seaford at 8.16 A. M., end 4.30 P.M. or Laurel at 8.16 A. N., and 4.30P.M. TRAINS FOR PRILADELPRLA. Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., (Rxereamy 10.111 A; and 4.25 Leave Wilittington at 7.16 A. M. and 11.68 A. M"l.4sarlS 6.40 P. M. -- 17aVeI Leave Mlltord at 7.50 A. M., and 435 P. MO Leave Dover at 9.06 A. M., and 6.00 P M. Leave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 7.06 P. M. Leave New Cantle at 10.66 A. M., and P.M.M. Leave Chester at 8, 12 A. M.. 9.= and P P. AI, Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at loan A. 31. - TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.4 k A. M., 12.28 and IMO P. AL 3."1.70 Wilintngton at 9.za A. IS., /JAI P. N., and IL% e. M, AIRWAYS Only at ILIO P. ht. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at tos.P. AL. from Baltimore to phaa. with PABSSRGER CAR attaohod, wall run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate phoes at 3 P. P.M. Leave Wilmimaon for Perryville and intermediate places at 4.45 P. AL Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate slues at 3.4 a P. Leave Baltimore for etemmer's Run. Chase's, and Elarewood at 8.34 P. hi. ne Al. FELTON, PresideaL A. eI..W xsT & Co Ark FOR TAB SOUTH —CHARLES- ToN AND SAVH REDU C ED EAMSHIP& FREIGHT Heavy Freight at an avers e of 'OPTION per cent. be low Now York Steamship ra es. FOR (IRAK _ _B. C. ' The U. S. Mall Steamship KEYSTIEDSE STATE_,_Cari tale Charms P. lgarshman, will Lail on Friday, March Mot 10 o'clook A. M. Whroush 4.3 to BO hount—only 40 hours at Bas. • ' } O R SAVANNAH. GA. The U. 8. Mail Steamship S'PATE OF' EOR.GIA. Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Tuesday, April S. at 10 o lon kA. M. 1 brough in 58 to 63 hours—only 411 hours at Sea. SIGI - Sailing days et :wised from every Saturday Waver/ five days. boos received, and Mils of Lading signed every splendid a I. first- 'Mill side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE. STATE and STATE: OF GEORGIA now run as ry above eve ten nays, tuns forming a fire-day oommu nicAtton with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. - . At both Charleston and Savannah, these Bhipe con pact w.th mammon. for Florida and with railroads, &0.. for ail places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE. Freight and Insuranoe on a large proportion of Goode .sipped South will be toned to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. D.—lssuranoe on all Railroad Freight ia entirely unnecessary, briber than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. It EAT RE DUG I'ION IN, FARE. Fare by this route 23 to 45 per sent. cheaper than by the Inland 'Unite, as will big seen by the following dule. Through tickets front Philadelphia. via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS en the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery - tsLawn PAIS. 1 To Charleston...,.--el5 00 Charlestonl--._...28 00 amanita.— 15 00 8 avannah— —.• 81 00 Augusta.-- SO Ou Augusta --.--. NI 00 Matson-- 21 00 Macon— --. „ 82 90 Atlanta-- _— . 23 (V Atlanta.. —..--.. 81 03 Columbus --. —. 23 Ma ColtiMbni..:—...- - .. 38 40 A jbany ... ... ._.. 24 00 Albany.— —.—. 8700 Montsomery__, 28 00 Moatsomery.....— ~38 00 Mobile.. _ _ ..—. 35 00 Mobaie. ....._ .46 00 New Orleans 32 72 Now 0r 1 ean5 .... ., 111 00 No bills of lading signed atter the slap harsalled. For freight pr roma te apply oa board, at second wharf above Vane street, or to . LEX. HERON, _lr. Southwest cornerettlßT a and CHESTNUT, Agents in Charleston,_ .Q.atT. O. BUD p, Savannah, HUNT ste ameranniz. For Florida from Charleston,Carolina every Tnosd ay. For .blarlda from Savannah, Steamers St. Mary's and St. John'a, every Tuesday and Saturday. dukFOR ENGLAND AND FRANOE._ NEW YORK AND HAVRE BTEAMBHIp RONLVANY. The United States Nail Steamships ARAGo, 2,c00 tons, David Lines, Commander, and FULTON, 2,500 tone, James A. Wotton, Commander, will leave New York, Havre, and Southampton, for the year JNQ, on the following dayst To meet new requirements of the Peet Chloe Depart ment, the days of railing of the A RAGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAhIPTON, after their present voyogee, olianeed as follows from NWK YORK, cave in the ease of the present d,sparturis of the FULTON, which 'Till take pines on the nth December, the sohedu , o remehin unaltered: Ynon NKr/ T .„• ITAVnlit 80171nAMPTON, FULTON—. Jan. r•Gl;. e. MINVN::. - 1411:21 1. ...r.f0ebb..11 . . JL LT.21,9: it Tnete ntervroo-o, built normal). for Government ser vice, with doable engines. under. deck, every attention has been legal in the oonotruction of the hull and ma ohttiory.to Neu aafoty and erred. The chins have fivo water-tight comportments. enclosing the engines; en that in the avent of collision or etranding, the water could not ranch them.and tho pumps being free to work, the gaiety of the vessel and paesongors would be se cured. Roof experience has donionstralied the abso lute neomonty of this mode of constmotion. - The rumommodritions for panel:more are believed to oconabme every comfort and convenience that can be de nod. . yronf New York to Southampton or Havre—Finn • Cabin, Slae; Second do., 079. From Havre or Southampton to - New York—Pirst Cabin, 709 francs; Second do., WO francs. - To passengers going to London theseateamers'offer One advantage of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered, in London. No passage secured - until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and win e/Fe must pave through the Poet Office. (neat otimmage apply to DRAYTON, Agent, Broadway, New York, WILLIAm. ISALIN, Agent, Ham. CROSKEY Ic. CO. Arsine. Southampton, • • AMERICAN EUItOPEAN EXPRESS 00hipAzty; Agent Pans. Wlt?. NEILSON, Agent, Udine, Tobacco Warehourre, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Pluladelphia. • Plans of the ening can be seen. rdle-tmhali TUB '811121.611 AND NQN,TII 8 , . 13. . AItIERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM PROM NEW YORE TO ravaipoot, Chief Cabin Paseage...—...... . * ...$llO Second Cabin Passage.. ..,. . 76 PUOM BOaTON TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage.— ~...............311% Second Cabin Passage. .,..... . . 60 The sham front Boston call at iligifax. and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkine, CANADA, Capt. Latm, ARABIA, Capt. 3, Stone, AMERICA, Capt. mi liar, I ASIA. Capt. E. O. Lott , ' , IAO A 11A. Capt. Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, nov: bui Wins.) These vessels earLy a c oar White r gi v t „ i at masthead; ..f e kr i r, t gt r onli.leeliT, I N r . e Pir n k, v Waonel;ilay Feb'y - 23 EUROPA. Lunch. " Boston, Wednesday; March 7 AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, March II AbilittlCA,llaillar, "' Roston, Wednesday, March 21 ARIA, Lott.. N. York, Wednesday. klaroh 28 LI I NA DA, Lallgi " Roston, Wpdndsdar, April 4 NA 11•A,' Stone, . N. York, Wednesday, April II lAGARA, .111111er, " Boston, Wednesday, April la PERSIA, Juukihs, . N. Wirt; Wednesday, April 26 Bertha not secured until paid tor. , • - • • An experienced Surgeon on board. The ownere of those ships trill not be accountable for! Gold, lailver.lßullion: Rpecier.lesvelry, Precious Rtonese or Metals, unless bingos lading are signed Ottorefor. and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pelisse apply tO E. CUNARD, $ Sowlissi emu Zi ff Tv& aoo w....5~ -eia+t~~-..~amo~s Atl 14 AP jirlrf R~li'l'iPllx, AillpttrM4 ,. ....f :- , - . 7.:'1 ____.,_.- '4 . ; -,,,,,,,- .- - -4.44, ;.,,.;14,.Ti Frl7rum . :4; - 4. . eith i n r •,4 - ' , . " ,:: . 1 At& .. . •ai — T tllly.`,.o‘ SALE . :111111 (Wedeosdaf )'• • .... 1- !.. ' ...W.,14;g 1 4 1 .., AT •O. 4 TVL a i •• e - .. A ~ .. dos , i„ A CARP.'— 'bur ea ts' this t , adaes4tVafilte e rdaToh.2Bte4 at to O'otc¢ i' r • . wAr,ositnettitiebdat, ("elk& or desirable so*lse to whiOlt the atterektoe or the toe, , • , • ~ , Is requested.: NOTlOR—To'Acialters.`% hi sale this wornini wi found— • • A /IP,"Paris , " • ohsotiiiy point mantles... o. olsin homstiohed via LAN; CAW': "br " lure rn tn ii r g i N s Edlinen ' - brio hasdkerohrel'y. taittl6 - needlework 6 oambriolsoonet soril• ' collars and sett. .1 " banded'colisrs, ko, ~. . . . NEW EITTLP.. EMBROIDERED COLLARS AND fi FTS- 0 1 , TILE CELEBSA i ED ..MAIN ()FACTURE' OF .4. hlf.h2t...Elt tIME.INECn.... , - ' • Thin Morning, An invoice-new ntylo high coat needlework em- - bordered collars and sets; for city trade. , • ~.. HANT .---- 7 .BLAcg c 1, Y LACE MANTILLAS. , This Morrung. An In Colon of Chantilly black laeo•inentillitie arid tab' mas. . „ . A , ' .VLAIN IYEMBVTCIIF.D AND PRINTED'LINEN ; - CAMBRIC HATILKFACIIINF3.' ' A fall lipe of, wdnien'A plain and heinataibed Ilneb cambrlo handkereniefs: A full hoe of mon's printed borders handkerchiefs. PAitlis BL , CR FILIJE I MI -TS. An attrruni re and desirable assortment. of-Paris blank fillet long ana short mitre. - .. , PARIS MACK. LACS 619 N PELF.t.9, POINTS. 4 0 . • 1 his Morning, 60 lois Faros blaik silt lace matelots. , • lOC* Paris bloc* silk loos points. —lots Parmblaok silk talsuis and bcraritocus.- —fors Paris blao lc shawls; lots Paris bias& inseams. FS kNess ~ .11SaSi•SHIRT 8030/110.. -100 dos mil rakish Dim shirt bosoms. • „ . • ISPEI lAL SALE OF DRY GOODS. • Ta March Ed, at 10 o'olookisi, • Mornbvi, • • • BALE OF FRENCH-DRY GOODS. Friday Morning • • , • Mandl SO. at 10 o clock ~on six months! credit— ' 600 pookageS and lots of toner and staple Frond' dry • . Samples no astalokuss early on the isorninHt of , , R ISCIOTT, Jr:, ACIOTIONEFAR,:I46. 431: .x-P• CHESTNUT STREE'I,,,,' appoaiti the .CRartoza Douse. betwa.ta FOURTEttind ElPTllStraeus, • - Fherint Sale at N 0.48 Chestnut Street. SHERI/ F's SAL, ,, OF A LA ft G PI STOCK OF ENO ' LADD AND AMERICAN SI,LY ER - 2L/TE,D This Morning. Marsh 23, 1860. b• awalorue. commencing at ID cielooli, by order of Wm. H. Kern, yherilf. The ent.re sloes of a faro, ar d well known msourao tannic firm, coumnsms every variety of fine silver plated ware, conssting, in part, of fine double and Ireble silver , pleted tea sets, single pieces, waiters Pitchers, castors cake. fruit, and card brulke , e; des ,e rt, and teaspoons Land forks, fine cutlet - Y. as. ' Also, a greet .vaketg of fine china; mid glassware, Parian, bisque, and ' rose ornaments and figures, Monza clocks, lunar fan - Y. As.. &e. UNYINISHE D M. ORR. ; Also. included in sale, at same place, a large quantity and complete assbrt meat ht the above-mentioned ark cies, in various grades of completion. Also, on the morning of the 2Jth inst., previous to the above sale, upon the premises, XID Chestnut street. (en• der -.The Continental,") the fixtures, good Will, a, d lease of stole. MACHINERY AND MATE YIALB. On Thursday Morning. _ Mandl 29, et o'inood,,nrill be cool, et the taktoty Nos. 4 a and 414 Moe street the snparioi machinery o the e•Mehelitheht,7teetihee WWI the tools. mulls glassware.. glllVedlie batteries, solutioni or titingi ni iver and goldi press. died, ke., BALE OF EILBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWER'S, di o. • On .Friday Monmr., • • March 30, by catalogue; on a email., conimenalng at 'lO o'clock, consistins. in part,_ot—via • !. - E3lBeitilDERLEs. Rich new style embroidered jaeonet, cambrio and .book collars and eat., Japinvt bookrkeunoin g bands, and ed.:lnge. dimity bands infants' waists, 'oboe, .ko. RI BELIES aril) /MILLINERY titiODS. Also, spring styles vault de soie bonnet ribbons, rich , 00lorsbonnet crapes, Paris artificial flower, .ke. • Also. ladies' tress trimmings, ribbons,llringes, tas sels, tee. Also, a line of black silk Calvet ribbons, silk blonde lace, 80., LACE POINTS. Also, ladle.' black silk French lace mantles and potrltC LINENS, ROBES. tto. Also,line of seperior sh irting, Organdy robes, ker. pt HILLP • FORD .L .00 , AIJOTIONIZER, NO. 530 MARKET Ctroor, and al MINOR RtT er.t. BALE or lad' CAREN BOOTS, &num, BRO. WINS, &o. On Thursday blornitt• Marob 2911, at 10 o'clock pre. 1604, will be sold by .nataiegue, en four months' oredd, - 10i10 Vaal! men's, hoya' and youths' calf and kip boot s ; calf, buff, goat. and k ip brogan. calf and patent leather gaiters, Ox ford ties, paten t brogans, walking a. oes and opera boots; women's, misses', and children's calf, goat, buff.mo roeco, kid, and enamelled boots, heeled and satin, ; Indies' superior sawed goat morocco ei.o4 glove-kid Congress heeled boots and l oads . Also, a large cc sortment of hint class city-made,soods. 'the above sale will ern brnee a full assortment of hoots and shoes of the tan mtality, adapted to the oar and country trade, Also, samples of 150 cases Scotoli gingham noi brellas.' Oar Goode open for examination, with catalogues early on 6-e morning of sale. At commencement of mile— • A largehnd desirable invoice of ladies' and raiiaes Legirin bloomer a, flats, laonnuts. &o. liull . B4R" ai,..HEET Street. SALE , OF FOREIGN AND DOIRStaTIO DRY GOOLE, NOTIONS. MILIAN HY GOODit. Bolen& ts, FLOWERS. 110 ' T.sKIR IS. HOSIERY, IN 0000$, HEAD it -mADR. OboTHINO, &c. ua Pridsy Merlons, March fd, commencing at M o cloak, we erg! sell, without reserve a deeirabtezassortment of the shove goods. to 'which the attention of the trade is invited. J. WOLBERT it CO., AUCTIONEERS, im 67D laClUStreet.'bekreen Fifth and Butt& REGULA SALES. Dry ti loods, clothing, straw goods, earwig , book, shoes, a., in lots adapted to the city aSd oonntry re tail •tr e. by catalogue, and for caab, every Tuesday nod Friday morn.ng. Fan:lmre; sauna, glass. &43., every Wednesday morn ing.. . Trees,plants, vines, ke..every Thursday and Satur day morning during the season.- Special sales of all or any description of property at any tams to suit the 001ireit.81/00 of the owners thereof. STORE FIXTTIRNc - rcauces, Sc. This litorninc Sdth inst.. atprecieett 10 o'clock.-st the southeast corner of rentb and Thorepaok stre•te. the satire stock, fixtures, and good will of an established ding store. rlcs , Bale pomtive. LARGE BALE FURNITURE, CHINA ! /co. This Morning. 28th inst., at )0 o'otoolc, at 319 Arch street— A large assortment of housolWo Amuses* superior Frenoh ohint, elver-plated ware,.PlißtinSe. engrav ings, mgrain caryB43, OMI mirrors. a. 0., SPECIAL SALE OF WIRSEOSCOP/C PICTURES, 130.X.A. As. This Wormer. March 38, commencing imprecisely 13.1, o'clock, ern) Arch street— Consi..ting at a fins asgortment of beat oolored Bas kin 'troops and scenery, London, Irish. and trimsviews, views, ...3101 . 3u5U &ornery, illuminated pictures, statu ary, Ica. BOXES. Also, natant revolems boxes, fine single mOll,OlllO rotewood, and walnut etereoscopet, Aro. TREES, PL ANTS _ - VINES„ ke. On Thursday Morning. 99th islet, at 31 &elm*, et 519 Arch /Vast— • Wee assortment of the, finest standard ann dyad fruit trees, evorgreena. grapevines, small fruits, So. 1.500 MOM AND RYBDID PENPRIDAD ANNA On Friday Afternoon, 30th Out., at 3 o'ololc, at 519 irrott street— UN muss and to hr.d astyetnai Susan. all hard,/ and grown on their own roots, Duni the nursery of Y. A. Alarose Augusta. Os. RT Catalo.nes on Thursday. NUPERIOR FURNITURE AT PRIVATE FALE. A Iwo vkantity of very supanor walnut furnituremanufactured by find-alnas city workmen, for sale a , very reducea priors. MOSES NATEIANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, am:thee/4 corner of SIXTH and RACE Stzeota. MONEY TO LOAN.! $200 ; 000 to line, in large or small amount, - or stooks, ;told and silver plate, diamonds, watches. Jewel ry, furling pieces. dry goods, clothing. groceries, ci- Mgars. hardware, cutlery. musical instruments, furniture. adding, horses, vehicles. harness, and on all artieleS of value, for any length of time agreed n •n, on mere liberal terms than at any other WWl'. °eat in this city. GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. At private sate, splendid piano forte, in rich rosewood case, cost Stre. price 3190; fine 10-caret gold hunting ease patent lover watch• double time and independent soconds. only 1$ ; fine gold hunting-cane Anglich pa makeever watches, of the MINIM epproved and tuna , from 412 e, to $lOO fine gold double bottom Eng lish patent lever watches, best make, from 820 to ea; fine 13-caret huoUng,onse detached patent lever watches. 13 jewels, from $l5 to $3l; open face do., from gdo to ail •, fine le-caret 8010 Lenin° hunting ease watches at..S2O; open face do. from $lO to 03o; silver English patent lever watches, in bunting canes and double bottom, ofthe mostapproved and best make, from elo to 370; American hunting owe silver patent lever watches at 830;. hunting' ease silver duplex watehee ; ditto double time. from sl2bs3l; Wanting taco silver lever watches', .411 jewelled. winds without a key, from 81.6 to 00; Leyine do., fruit en to $l6; hunting case silver detached lever watches, 13ewels, from $3 to .#11; open facie do., from $5 to ell; hunting case solver Levine watches, lull_ jewelled]from $7 to $10; open face do., from $3 to c,6 ; wirer gnarlier watches, from $3 to , 36; silver French watches, from 131 to SS: gold patent -hunting cape and open face Ipver and Leone. English, Swiss, and French wenablea. tram et to ism; toe gold vest, fob, and neck chains at Decants per dwt. ,• fine gold sets of ear-rings , breastpin/, and bracelets; bands, finger rings, andlewelry, GI every de scription. for lees than half the usual selling prices. 3750.000 to man, maims to mut applicants, on dry and every kind of goods, at less rate of charging than ant other establishment in tie city. Attended to personally by the auctioneer, et eery law enrages. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Consignnients of all said every kind of goods eolieltot.' for public male ; two -thunte the value of the goods will br advaneed enteipation of the auto. MORES NATITANYS. COPAR rNERSMY NPTICES. (10 P Alt T NERSIIIP.-CHARLES ADAILS has this day admitted into Partnership hie son. CHARLES R. ADA . ' The style of thn firm will be CHARLES ADAMS. & SON. who will oontinno the WHOLESALE and RETAIL URy-ttu , Ao BUSINESS settle odd stand, S. E. corner of ....MR= and ARCH Streets. CHARLES ADAMS, • CHARLES H. ADAM* Philadelphia, third mo. 1, IM], onto ULAR. • The imbsoribers respectfully inform their friends and the piddle Dist t hey Povo mod° important alterations to the Old end are now prepared to exhibit ix large and splendid stock of FANCY AND 8 PAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of Families. Particular attention is also elven to the choice or PLAIN GOODS. Desirous not only of retaining all the old customers, but or enlarging the business , the, undersigned trust that, with additional care and attention to the wants of purchasers ) they will receive an unnamed share of Pa tronage: CEARIAIe ADAMS /c. SON. mhl lm S. E. corner ElOrf tit and ARCH tits. pISOATORTAL SPORTS. PHILIP WILSON lc Co— as' CIIRSTNOT St., would Layne the trivets of PISCATORIAL SPORT to the Inept assortment, and Best Quality, of, TACKLE ever offered in this city.. - Such a. , Surges.? world - renowned Trout, Rasa, and Salmon Rode. Superior Trout, Sam, and Salmon Flies duper extra Limerie. Virginia, Carlisle., Salmon, Ind Ram Hooka; Reels Restate, Artlff mat , Batt, Silk and Bair, Grass, Linen, and Cotton Lines. mlut-Sem DRAWING AND PAINTING ?JAM"- Engineers and Architente' Stationery. Eirecisa Painting_ Materials. Potiehernarus Designs and Vases. Paint Boxes =for Uhildren, and also for Artists and eVit7ir• es and Picture Framers. Flaring Cards: American and Freze'i. qats'opea gratis to the trade. - SCHOLZ & JANENT7XY • • No. lib .Bonati TtIiIITH &teat WIIOI,VA/11.1.1 A N VT al(. , IE4 AINIS AND S 6 1)1.1)C118-1,9001'nces A-1-CUy Smoked 'trams and Shoulders ; alsO. SW flow; extra auanr-eored Hama, for male l y C. O. SADLER & 00.. AR CH Atrwat. 2,1 door stbovn mot. tnh3 3JOBbls. mut Zl4'l largo No. 3 Mack erel. 190 Lads. and 00 hrs. small No. 3 Mack ere ressiend per schooner Frenoil Edwald‘. and Yor ace by V9II.I.IAhrd...ITAYLOR mht7' in and 114 NORTH WIT A RYER. - 120 Ilf. bbls. extra Mackinaw White Fish, in atom and fornale by • VoEFLNED (paahed, rrsi ' 1"1 4 , 7 61 , 6 ; 414 ,„; 51 ; ;„' 6B, N ". bittrAttifBll4llllr- - - eo hhits prime now omiC&o. Num, tor 1/01 117 011A.)141,&[ & 00,, W1T441. /Ws% ;4 1 °- .06, 41411161111,111GALIJCSIIM.; „ . „ • • 1;f 1 ( C. ' it Igf 14,1114 WIWI% . 1111 7 B tfral • UUM4llo4l";Sirreill. . begbaimmar.. ~..,111Ctilfela bens &mac ; • -. Ttrignuti"A;ll:l7 I tliggilire=gl4l as PlAtitts. givin g 6.6.:44,1). - jhesdbin! k.TIX/CS TRE MOW all" a® sto at' Rs gi 7o46 -6 : tit 61"..1711Th "lb 11W Contnbittors limastae o Da of e tnei isle, Randbilhe aPsea Jpeoptiret olooloonaorr. - addition to 3410-011,wq anoint', 04 tns mmftj: f . 1 1 1 710111 the stlitorrne tkyonsend eiit:atore es; in liseemes the 0.10-o - tivinnill• de.4139? 'menet 1111: Be yzweibilk tAtbs )0 ink , aeqj 'HEAL , TA,. 'AT PRIVATE SALE. - , ; We lirvo a kirgi rgeterga ePerf 0.0100 0t gems . ralo,lnoludin3q every desenglcer eztr awl Went, r2OPMI7. • Yrinted lists km. beolintretien nem Ati.v4TE Neil& fuse l • • • 1,47` Real raUte entered on oaf irelvtl* sale & Frer hOl l 0 4, vottieed eeenaionetlY.lll Gat sobll4 144 ara to ' 4, [ 0 011 Wineetem Wernted wookly,lfroo 0 Charge sTookb,fliwri, • a T uorda. M. at IS o'elo O ok, noon, 'win bo•Note, It di. Yl44l'ls.."E gy j OVl l etOr Adm,inietratoi. — - Pe , " NO:4snot•h aisle Hall trout, Mara: - Pew No, at micd'e nate Bt. Luke's Church. • Atao for Other aor nllllll4 share Miladelphis Olney; , ; 1 share Merelutile Labrau. „ NINTH SPRING .ALE—MARCH A lin taw,'” peresietori Bele. "THE CAMDEN CUBA LT &No NICE EL WOW" AND TRACT OP AIN ACILL'a LAND. - On 1 hutsday. Mush 29th, at 12 o'clock; nowt. trill be Pali stint** Late, with reserve, at the " West Jenne Rotel," , perttce Cainden, New Jersey, the two following described pew , No.. ,1 The " Castdin, Cash and SCA Wa r k i .si with lot of twp atireiland. end wharf on Co pees creek. Alio, two • brick dwedinge r 0012•Parg-b2/ 10 ,Ric, ores mite from fem. et No. 2. Tract of thteihuudrsel Xeres fa %Will resew itaiiht homes and paessogardi,ot, at Write /OW • At.oll. nn fad Atlmitiff .A 1111144. Yri2ll4VW township, Camden counts. it• illEir Sale of both absolate ; without ieWitte!, by order of Assignee.- BPRIAG SALE—APRIL N. • ; - tlt o'clo Em Probers"' Court Bel A e —Zest. o ck f , - Joe. s, L. Bobefer. deo% "; -- 6,....xtry o r lon a , bar 01 , °ROUND. -teerdski bb Mean. Mount Vernon. Wife/Wein eknd Twenty first sta. ;Four Poem 'orphans' eourt Rata—Mate nt Deborah Rehaffsr. deed. Lune sixth ..of larks LfitOY,AiIiLOUPID. bounded by Greco, Mount Vernon, Twentleth and Iwont7 first 'motto. t•cor frost.: • - r halt cut ur s. Yerempthif soli—Esteta ,of _Jos. Grata. chact teed. t_ V aLUABLF. 1 1 TANDS. —2 thrs•-story brioh stores. Nos. 216' solo 211 SouthYroot %treas. ex towitng thronh to Water stmt. Two fronts. Ifilsale bsoluto. ELEGANT RE.SI DEMOB r - WALN UT STlfih'T. Kn. lOW L'o 1,11,111w:3. vest of lenth aqua. SI feet front, 426 feet dees,with,fitable and Coach House ie. the reef., itrir leriate nossession. • Ar..En.Y VALiliati.E BUILDING LOT, North wide of SaTaae aLfeel, east of Eighteenth-street,' Eld feet front. 103 feet dean. Tvklrenui. HAMIi/bOalb refObN RESIDENCE. 'Brown street, west of Turtifith street. - INF issmealate *asseues. •_._ JLESIDENCE, soothe - sat comer, of Six— teenth and Linden streets, above Christina street. 39 feet front. , ; .VALUABLY....BIIBINEBB PROPENTY—Pour stem , brine hotel and eomeltmg nratheestommer et broad end `foe-house, streets. with 'tircek oonfectioners, iterdeer `foe-house. and large lot, with ' three fronts. ' Peremptory Pofe MODERN:Hach 'DHAOF.. rrittsentrhis front and side stmt. No. NZ vette nrsteerph street, Anew* .Nenssu. /fir 4 44.111.ittentate. , , Immediate rertif i NT-4ititdilome [Sodom four story brick residenee,-No. 17se Green .Itreet.witstot Ne ver Weigh street. • 5 • - - ELEVENTH SPRIIVG - SALE—APRIL ad, At 7 o'clock Evelyne, Or_plaimo , Court suite of David &att. dse'd. "TWO. DVIELLINGB.—T.N.- and-,throssore Wick wolf north•ast c later Fourth a nd Manor stmt., Same stste—T VV ' DWELLINGS. —3 two-stud rink &mining,- north-aide-of Master ltraot, seat of Bawl Eatage-TWo., 'ME1:16 1 2106.-1 three-0 0 r/ brick dwellings. N. W. sorner Muter and Pink Weer, east of Fourth street. - . . . 'Bathe Estste.—TWO-BTOIIY -FRAME STAR=, weimeide Pink street, north of Masser one.. name Estate—D %YELLIN il AND Writ BLE.—Tbree story bride d east side of Fourth street, north of :Mister with frame stante in rear on. Fink street. Enmo Estate—ElGoT D WELLINGB.—Teree Mow MM, and live four-story brick dwellings, cwt side of Fourth street. north of Master street.• . . . . , . MODE is 14 DWI:LLANO. Ifo. 41* @mint Eigatruralt street: N. W. comer of Addison. street. below Pima It. NEAT 3101.).EHN .E.ESIDBNCE. nth largo mg* MM.. No. 1.Z.5 Brows street. 'Toot' of lir/Mk. 31 tut front.•• - - - - MEAT MODERN REBIDENCB, No, 22111firul betwee; linonort Ent Thera streets. • TWO 8WEL1,11 , 16.9 AND LARGE LOT.-2 dame story brioic,dwellinas and large 'meant lot. 6834 feet rot Brown Street: 6636 fee son BIOKO stirring., tad s (Mt ow Frfraentls street. Throe frwsts. • TWELFTH aritrroiita,E-Ann. lath. - At la o ciatat. nom!, Execetor's Bale—Fstate of Jacob Key ter. deceased. LA tIGIS VA. I.IABLB LOT, woill three frame stores, ind dwelling. Ittirreet street. wort 4oventenath, lot s feet trout, Ltd feet deep to Beaker street. Two (mots. Same Es' tote-3 'PEWEE-STORY BRICK DWELL oe. 1.513 and IBM Cherry street, west of Fif teenth. • Assignee's Peremptory Bale—TßE VALUABLY PROPER EY known as r Tut& KEASBAW and large lot of ground, Twenty-fourth ward. admintan the Cathedral Cemetery groan flanPreeentents-7 stone end I brink freterri J store dwellms. barn: stable sad out-houses, ateam-enstues. maehtneryi ' - • Sale N 0.130 North eiteenth /beet. NEAT PURNITUitE PI 41 , 10-FORTh, Oatthint • C, 4 Eft:TlVAtt. - 2eth t h eist. at 10 ce - ortio - Ir M , at ml Yeat North Eineele2h . street. the taco t' femme: eiana+thrte; Bressehroar pe ke., of a family le/matt UM GM% Mr: .3141 etrattuaed at d o'alooh oh the teorzung of sale. . SALE OP SPPERIOR PURNITERS. Et.v.gan RONEWOOTO PI/00 FORTE.. LARGE. AND lOU PERIOR BOOKCASYd. GAY. CHANDRLIP,IIOI; :PLAT NORM AND COUNTKR SCALES. NAT TRESSFR. irEDn AND REDDING, ORLNA A.PID WiSs WAR. Re. OA R D.—Our saki tomorrow morning'. at the Ideate Store w,il compiles. betide/ 600 loss of excellent • well head furniture. elegant rosewood piano- erten lane *ad .aperiur b ',Accuses, peso 114 MaChlllo. rr staatidehers, large Was, WI chairs, SO large honk utattiteteit, tsrda and bedding, Chins and'utessware. II este of *Wining and counter scales: An , form= sat attractive alillOtt ale nt wo rail the at4entioekoljedies and eases de eirous of purchasing. Cubit vies imaged mem at Itos.lS9ead 141 soma stmt._ SUPERIOR UrtIfrIATILE,'FR =WM = LATS MINA KORB. HANG-Foturlii4, BRILIAR 14RFSTE. ca TkurAls Mormag••• At 9 n'alcol. at the Aestion,,atote. as estortheat at excellent second. hand fern.tnre; eiegantsliono-foreee. hoe mirront. carpets, etc., frost - tanxillee deenahra honeeheetanx, removed to the atomtor convenient* ot Cain - . EM==l . . . . . . . Also. severallarse, aud superior bookrumses. saistisc eAtee s . o u dima-table, ;ea obandeller, is*. . . rgeoutor's hilde—' , o. 105 North Nineteenth ste t e to t zB Liti E ß. FIN E NUANKTNRaINIA.ICUTuaLAM . CIIINgBIs GOODS. &a. - On Fridsy Morning. Seth inst., at 10 o'clock. as No Na North Ninebegais street. above Arab, br estslogue. by order of the lax. cow ors 'or the late Commander Geminger, the entire household furniture:including' a "quantity 01 line Nab , kin china, Chinege_gOOdth INT Full perticunini in catalogues. o'elr May be gummed on the scorning..ol gals at • oel. • ED IICA.TIONALL. A ISIESICAN SCLICKM INSTITUTE is a .L -2 . reliable medium through which Se heels ace Fami lies my obtain eortent teachers. Penta may ob tain. iretratounlY , f oricepioeld circulars of the best 'ohms. !TH. W arditle, & CO.: ail SHOADW Y, New Yort, or 1132-0 flap CHESTNUT Street., Philadelphia. NEW .15.0A1it1liti 813110,01:: TUSCARORA FRNIALE FITUTZ Wall be opened at ACADEMIA. Juniata county. on the let day of MAY sent- For annonnoenteets taming foams. &b., apply by latter. or personally. Tin let April, to the subscriber, et 1711 FINE Street, rhilade!-- phut; after that at All ADEN/LA. inmate atounty,_ht. W. G. E. AGNEW, /711 VINE etreet. feti-d myl" 11.1Al`IT STItATTUN't4 T 101st ALi JA-P MERCANTILE COLLEOES, located at Ells. E delphia, Z. I. maser t.F.VENTII sad CHEST 'VT; Now Ives, HAIRS°, Cleveland, Cnicano, and et. tir. For irformation. oall or amid for Catalogue., ret-ei CIGASILF.. TODACCO, &c. FUGUET & SONS: • IMPORTERS OF HAVANA. t'lOLltil. No. Ble South PhONT Street, Receive regularly a full assortment of desirable CI GARA which ther - afer at low num, for.essli err sip p ro v nred it. lIA.RDAVARg VAV,KAG., UOUSES. PACKAGE -11AUDIVARE 13()U,sE.—we would tellteotrallr tail the attention of the een4- ral Hardware Trade to oar extensive lStook of MR HARDWARE, whioy we offer at mug advance by the 'memo, • , • , , Orders for threat importation lotioited. and 000 di A &gni tither in this oar, Now York, or New Orissa& W G. LEWIS ti Non, 411 W, 4. Street, Inzeortins and Commission Merchants. .Ind Agent. S or Fore:gu and Damesto Hardware. 41-111-11 MA.109111.1E11 E ikri 1. , IKON. 5i.1101117. lr. Vittell4V WiLL/AK 8 . aiZIBiCI. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON MEETS, ParzanaLrata. MERRICK A SONS, ' - ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Mnaufisoture High and Low Prawn° Stem Engines, for Land, River, and Marine serene. j3oders, Gasometers. Tanga, Iron &tate. &a.; Castings of all grade. either Iron ass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Warlos, Work Shops, Rail. road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Maehinery of.tke latest and most im proved oonntruc lion. - Every description of flantligiota idaehinery, snob as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mils, Menem Pnia Open Steam Trains, Detonators Filters, Pumping Engines,ho. Sola Agents for'N. RiLlieux's Patent Sugar doihng Apparatus., Naemyth's Latent Steam Hammer: and Rasa/van Wolsey's rate= Centrifugal Sugar Dram- Inc Machine no6-T COAL. PAUL P. KELLER. KELLEa & EMORY, Office N 0.140 WALNUT street. Philadelphia, Pa., SOL NTB PCB B. flordae sup o rtor Broad Mountain White Ash, and IL Naas:tor Jr. Co.'s eolobrated Black Reath and Otto C 0 A . Shipped bruins! and railr L oad from Bohnidkill Haven, mohoylkill fel4-em • I_IOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR . 1 .-Kinterett.' Buy your COAL AT HICKS', where nothing but the Yery best ninthly of Lehigh and aelryl till Coal is offered at the following reduced proms: Lehigh. Broken, BEF. and 4 II peg ten, Bahortlall." 00 Large Nu.. Sp warm.,. free from elate . 01:13:iis end full weiglit, at MOW Southeast corner MARSHALL and . WILLOW'. Cell and see. . - onlegin . THE ROOT AND HERB DOCTDRS' OF -AL Plata in whereW.COND Street:Harley the Philadelphia, he can be orientated the first ail days of every month. Fla halt opened an aim, at Mr. J. A. B LE , TOR'S, Heston- where he can be consulted defies the month of March. Also, the Nth, 27th, and 25thof A pri l. Also the 28th , 29th. and '9oth el May. He treat* al l diseases that flPeh is heir to. Children with weakjointa made to Oralki in a short time. All di•saires of a delicate nature stnetly confidential. W. 8.--12ee Circulate. mhle-tAtil OIL W. LIVINGSTON EFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— DONOGRUS Will continue tattiness until May next., at. IS South WA:ft Street, and now odes for sale, 411 the lowest ma et erusea, far otuds.Or on ap- Provnci shurtOredits,',4. barrels steam:refused Sagan andaSYtttps, of various grades, inoluduag I.osasme g Crnsitsikundinlveruced and Meller's Yatent-eut Leaf Sugar-v.:Also, ilia and Java CoffealAdamantine Can dles. amt Weu• • riannh ltranrh radmini. lart-Ssas QI TEAM 'REFINED SUGAR SYRUPS. DoNouttuE, 'Booth WATER atieet, with thn view of clown.? bukinese on, the lit of May pelt, Sow olfore for sale, at, redookil prices. for case, or on ap prolehorr- credit. the balance of hie . stock of imam refir, Saeani sad Syropel, includiThe a iargo and tetHiral awe 'meet of Philaidelotne. New York, and' 4allaimora manufacture. Also. , Adamantine Canalqi. of OM soak*. ii Kelly ly Preneh-brash colorite. miat-talid7 ~ . _ At=M K ER.Ig. --,-545 Bbls: , . bloa.' 1,,?, & 3 PA Mackerel . in esc orted on geokardet, of Meat extol', lot tale t T i r G. 0. SAIVA4 An w.....ar 4 et gtraat Aat ii.r.v *bor. r,vnt W N Pr Priikto obtain t o contents . Addams IV/ Tripp Po. e.„ fr.Z.V. D. Tt4oBl.
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