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".r.': , :-.4100 10 1.-1 11 WeillftiliA efillatir 010411 1 . 1 4 11 ' '' ' - ' - ••' '- .- -- , '. k -:, , ---; ' ' , -'':&tAlliir - WhillW-1 0 0 1- IWIWO-ttalititairlollolloo , I -•- - „ _ _ , , . , . • ; : -• ' : ', oq"eltrn --' lOl - ftailliflintlilPAlMM“Mhbil '':' ' - ' ' " ''. : -" ' . . , - , . . , --- "m"' , . . . •i, , , ',.,1- , 1-+ , ],".. - ,,,, , ,,,, , - ,:, 7- 7_=. , , - .-,,,... , _,,,1„;, , ,:,-,',,,._.0 , , , ,-'..ft-1‘, , -.,3' "t- 1 ' -,- ..' - ' '....",„'„ .• , ' - ~., _:': , _ , ~ . , . , , , 1 _. . • , , ' proOllDOir EMM; - - - - : A; Ta.—BALLY. ; • /WOW ATMIRIIOII-' -," iiimitimin 'Vollige ll l -c r oon►■ =22:1 * 4O AXICTIoN 5AX1116 ==l t , PICIPOWAT.T.OW6 MOO FT' DALa Q ' ":16, m .ctiak; /*IWO. aoinctrA, L. 13 At ILY, hisipunirielt:Eirt. w.; -- in **oll4ll74l- - " iru ais.llAlpl.,ll • '" wirsioistar M 0.0.- , rata Airm!„. trrzwaark as co.. mokintilmawmige. OIL K MIME AM'S "101111 . - pa • % Lir. )offtra'STßYlLEit &CO., aft; supisalapioa.poirra no* As.lorii. r.: T "Tn-, , t-Tvx.7 l 1l N MINOR* AND AMMAN - a. 90 D -:ttiatti0541i0:44,26,4,0,40e*/* PM.B.E ASA T.-111111.11.1V1' Flu 09,4: - Aist jou:, "r -WO" . - 1:0 iIV-2'l‘ ta ,, 0. • f ' ? - 1 * • likh- 11 1. *Own' 'PSILADIVPHIA. GIN „ . ..k.g.S. IS:1M 2: - Tir,c-KAam,#mtriril#, ....sr. ....a...g. * THING. " 164 , "Mr rdhad**6 111,1ThATIO4 1170 TM • • • sitraiiintas i pu 0 O'Da 10 11 1 7, 1 4 4 4JON:F" & Agluo ARD DO Pl!.A'''...e!a O'D - Br; .1%:;: - : i 1f.:*iiiiiiirritals*.;:-. i . ; -Arr.loo sllll4Tl"tit'atUi• &, " ao.. ".• - - 4 - rri..ar es ne m , *init 13001*._ ' ens • ,inuocalossris. "%Aso swim rum • - • • ffir ma. ant *mow irtiw for IN lir ariitiorsoline int irrt -'IIPA7McV Dar Aeons. sots 'aid. WA at 0 101 *** 4 • 1 01IP 011 , 414 . 40,1104 1, Resbeqiii *dolt wadi O. stres! AMA .1 : 31 1 ; i?IiATT &"C7c., . rAirtwart. a. L -.BILIMINICTIN- '7-7. - .4- • - 11 111 M I XO,N•Ak • . - .-i'5W8A.163404 5 / 4 1 iiesW;4 ritigtir Goornri,„ Aimitua r mums - 11011tigin dmrataur wow, • s, IP,' *XIII laing474,ool#3ll44lginffilitY 1) 1 4 1 0 G. °°i . ; • , "SOW et Mk SO • As* rim soutfiektit 116. -Her 6-41 6 4TIONS ''".'1111111til* A INV , e rr ir roapsego '"" • . - - tioo,R" - - - • ' ' - - i igi , -, 12. - ',':-, -.. " - T- 07:1.111- , • 4 jimiisaALll. ,'-. . ~... ,„ ..0 Pr...A '''' , •'- - , : op; , AND . 77. l'ANurmtiewoou.aiat.amulrei" , lwit.4l ii,c4;:itki., L ib • ,-, , • '-410itiaL *yam, gr , .., : -- ~104;vrigrAtrim- wertrotim ria at Liiiik Th _"'''.. - .It-, ......6,616' _,• li Alio/ lie MU vio--,gtog- w ri , T rv , - - .AUNIONt.JIZILMO it 004 ~ ,,,Y licivel:-., ,-,-,,,,, , ' .• .- l• ' • • ---,2:Se• '.--",•?• sc,En. S • ; ,ran:_ 4es`e , 7 - 4 -*, ... ,- -t- ,'. , --liirli :•10311.14 ~, • i ,r - ' .r.. - `. ' • `te a '' . 4'' '' '' , ,•1 1 a i l i Wi ll " 1 . 1 " r i ", , - . _,-,1; 4 7 ; f' :4' , 1 71 ; 1 *Al* ' olr. lita 1110111114 " VOL Si-= , NO. 203. I.(nslN!Am'' TitttiOiTattre JOBBING nowise 1 7 W9VEL, MOORE, do Co., Ari arisiks guar snug lapis ammotaFar. at lerellbb be iltpubb hp waft is *vitt& jAblEd. KENT. SANTEE. 110111. MI AND .$lll !NORTH TRW) OTNINT, ABOYB RAM ' iiiiiwttair 1170 P Vie=dale of lessee Ict !bair 1011111111 N AID DOMNISTPY 00008. Maass with& will be finial! MI Um oar AT MUM! ANUS & COMPANVO cOT- 1.0101 TAMMY Kow, satilealiad &Asa a/ PRINTS. MHILRIVAC,C BRCONDIS, 4. 1860. SPRING TRADJ, 1860. ~IINN. RAIGUEL.. FANCY DRY GOODS. 'MEM b axilitit , it *Mr 110111/00111111 tai sat *101110111"10sok of goods awed by thaw, piNisat 111011104ii istmeloss oMa trade gitaml*. Tikeeeskeinkilleaolllo, it Wear/ amrs, 1M1.130115, Datil! eoothip,l/s7ra'ooo.oa, :Expiomazass, CLOTSS, 111'41**Dilli AND VNTTINGS, • ;:itaillitT; , • • It ~ ,~--. .Y: OEtib.NMS - MANTILLAS. 4 Mall atvlike lailboligir atioristke of OAK OND AROIOT strAuname wrens. 1. T. o. syn. H. s. 24.1cHrai, W. w.inatrz. a. 7. surix. f• 211-an Ia ipso 4PSN - 7 186(). J.T'WAY&,CO., MIPOR.TRMAND WHOLIMALE MMUS , - ' iA • 1910311GN AND DOMMITIO , • .DRYGO X. 11$ NORTE THIRD IT.. Aits row !lady Ibt tM -T R DE, "Acre,* Oa oar,' Rs aim *ad sprosapt at- Maar Suet* ars of the ;ARGENT AID MONT ATTRACTIVE MORO la the wintry. and se ?rim tim sal/ dith cefferetS- Stom, mot caly,Di this, bit tI say other city. Parebasere vif Rad out Moot tr.o amearted at all eatioai of the yew. m T. WAY S PAL IL =NUM MIL P. . iiil4lll 1510. P. WAT• tiManguMe" *els y ARD, GILT,LMORE. &00. mos. r AND r sown/ Tuutri OMEN% uuorrns AND =Alan IN BILK AID PAROT DAY GOODIS, 11111=11 11001111, LAOSIk LIIIENL ZItBROXIII - 301111127, •LOVIS. 111TT11 0 .4.11D MN= ' SHAWL& - AIITEW9.9,TX, REED; & 90.. WHOIALUX DRAMS ITT - .DRY 00 O . DS. eir?. XIIATS 74 1 / 1 111 MIMI% • (mum WIWI MTh WIZ= AraiXl4ll:4 3Pl . l "tilui ;111; AIWA= w*. kasztax ha. X. litax, Dam X. Raau. outlaw ammo; Wit. Y. raxsait. son. wfflut. COOPIM, PARILAM, 41k WORK, 111111111:114NMOTO11,2111./.210-30/0/11NO HATS. CAPS: STRAW GOODS. NO. 9 7 401 an AsAV),lnr•rie ae er FAUST. WINEBRENER, • Al CO.; Aura witimisiza Awaits w • ' HARDWARE, NORM TOritt sl, 1511 t on a. ersaat Namamplua. ,1 " 3 " 1 "`"? w.w.imig 141 ' 1 " mini (vizi:Lid& HARMER. mumnoruilas • WIFILMILiraI MUMS BOOTS AND SHOES. 110.119 NOME THIRD STRUT. At.a an.ata.itotOtfm.i. Boob sad Moir mu Mails on had. 9111-ti9 10 . . l i Anqa . & MAGINNIS. llmpoMom aid Wholmes Daily, lo ' UMW, ENDUED, AND AMERICAN . - . SHOE • THREADS; ir MN AND ENDURE LArillee. u a- ''' • 40 fralergaUl tar OW/- a t k i io=l FOR _.&tipiti _ .4 a* Wk. AAA thfrAeld's `7 l -7 7 -7..Vcn• 'faith 'IMIRD Stmt. fol-Ain SOWER. BARNES. 6 li, An INN NORM TITIR'D STREET. , illiglff4 aitatir, sad Dal" GOODS. r-r AI po.. Thcroanu AND JOBBNIEW DRY GOODS, IXPORTE,BA AND JOBBERS ZN 301:111 'TRIAD IMUNT, NM. BOOMIZIZZaI tr.:.:" "Wait lox!'" 'or - I pilkojor oirriame Iwo AHD Mat 2111111010'.8SOLoGY. 1000113titosma.,..tirrstirrios. 04“...mgr..00xia, as. 1te.:47 NOWA 'TRIED , 01141111, alut skier Mow tai hrest.) THIRD.STREET,JOBIHNP HOUSES 1860. SPRING. RIEGEL. BAIRD. & 00.. narorrius Asp ,JOSDARS 07 FORILION AND 4131:111,10A11 DRY GOODS. HO. ay H. THIRD ISTRIET t - MULADHLPHIA. Weal temotfally invite the attaattos of 09994ry 111,49Tht0 VW: LAI.OIIIIIII WIRLd,SELBOTZD STOCK OF FRESH 13PRING GOODS, Willa dor annoy roativins In tiorohaata would Ind It to their advantage to eUI and outruns our stook. • time-tm rlOO,, M EC' ANTS BUYING -" CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADEac . BLABON to SMITH; MANUFACTURERS OF OILCLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We Invite the sttentiou of dieters to our large stook of FLOOR, TA6L,R, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED O.L CAMBRIC, • besatild &Mole for Shade*. The lewd stook of WINDOW. SHADES sad BUFF NOLLANDS in the market. at oriole whioh defy competition. foitur DOIEWITIC PAPER HANGING.. Amu 1860. SPRING ISTYLZ9, 1860. WALL PAPERS. • HOWELL & BOUEKX, Ilinaholiamrs and Importm PAPER HANGING'S. Mo. 11 , 8011 TM POURTH RITREMT, below Market. • Olrer **real facilities to Soother* sad Westin ber m, a s►lMdtd stook of goods to ..feet from, owl all of ke newest and best clovisme. WINDOW CURTAIN PA bk-eaOlees Twisty. fall-fm WALL PAPSRS, WALL PAPERS, Wholmale _and Retail, at reduced priced, Hi NORTH FOURTH - emend. below Rama Honeekeemers sod othe w obld do well to give vs a call. and examine our Wefore mtrehasinit elsewhere. Rooms papered at the shortest normal Irralmsful workmen - Don t tor g•tteuzabor—Mil NORTH FOUR TMeIiIA Street. below vOY OOE. • TO CI4OIIiIE BUSINESS. HART, MONT 00101121", & 00., M. in 01111MITTX STRUT, win NU oat, Quota this winter iihil nut uptissi their • - , • ' IRO stook of PAPER HANGINGS. 44;6415: of imary, varlet ! ' conseoted with the baldness. AT GUEATLY BiDITOBD MOM. unl Fatioz rAPras AT El PER mum BE- !line, wanting their Roam revered, sea get grog 'IBARGAINS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. B. A.FAHNESTOOKik CO. DRUGGISTS, LISPORTIM AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 1I DRUGS ) _ ‘VIDOLIOALS, , 00&103, SPONGES, 4611311110,Uf AID TOBJIMIN 1151121 MAL 01:40 1 And Atanifieturnsinid Sob fraprlososo of B. A. -gegairapors teRMIITUGUI, NO . FIFTH EITREST, Bud Adslilt doors sbors Morlsr. Pniumarzu. '•Upittag, MA* kcp. ROBT. SHOEMAKER & cosr (loam' DOUBTS AND RAM MEM IIr,ROLISALS DRUGGISTS, barinter. asbd Dealers 16 WINDOW 111,4205,PA1N70, homlavtte the atteattoa of COUNTRY MERCHANTS to their Wee pool[ of Goods, 'whisk they offer at the lowest market otter oai-tf STATIONERY. STRANGERS ARS INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE MI OP TIM LARGEST ASSORTMENTS ACCOUNT BOOKS LAD STATIONERY, ONCCES, DRAFTS, NOTES,_ COPYING BOOKS AND PEESSIN, ENVELOPES, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, to be fond to any notabilidunint in the UNITED STATES. Sete Wholaste, and Retail. at LOW and UNIFORM PIMA WILLIAM MANN, sain-W 43 SMITE FOURTH Street. WM. H. MAURICE'S NEW BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, No. sal 0.112312 NET bThW, Man es Jun,) L. sow WI, guirelted with the following artless, Whin% will be told in large or small ettentitise, very low for 'soh; Worth Journell, Deg Bomb, Receipt Book. Cheek Books, Hill Books. awing Bo ok., Oiled Paper Coning Premien, gigs, Stool i Pons in great variety Penknives, &loan, .eksern, Letter, Cap, aid NM* Paver of all Wade; &minim, ke., &s. Banks, Id/warm Mem and Moreheats melted on favorable terms. feva-ra MOSS. BROTHER.. & Co.. • ' , IfO. ASO MIRES! !STREET. BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, AND BLANK-800Y MANUFACTURIIRS, Rae alone and weil•eeleoted Moak, IMPORTED, DCMESTIC, and of their own MANUFACTURE. Wholesale and Retallst the yery lowest prises. BLANK BOOKS Oa head In lane anantlip, or made te ander, of any desired 'attars, of the vary boat dealanal and work saaankip. We ars enabled honk our altandad SWIM*/ to oder superior induounenis to parobessru. • A sell is solloited. felP-pm 11011SE.FURNISHING GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALLIA, , No. 1090 CHESTNUT STREET. aittntediatelp opposite the Modem of Fin* Are,) Invitee the attention of HOUSEKEEPERS end atone to Ms extensive assortment of USEFUL HOUSEKEEPING 000133. EASLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CHAFING DISHES, runs SCREENS. PLATE WARMERS. enht-thtustf . TEA POVS. &c. WHOLESALE CLOTHLTiIL LLPPINQOTT, HUNTER, &SO 0 T T MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALESRALEKS IN CLOTHING, 4114 MARKET Street, and 419 MERCHANT Street,. PHILADELPHIA. ANS and complete line of every style and lump of machine-made Clothing, fully equal to that reanract tured in any other alb. -fea-lm 1 %1 AMIN & QUAYLE'S im STATIONERY , p TOYkAND FANCY 000 DD oi u,m„ wALNUT ESTKET, Meow zizusvit invn =WY NI kind Perigatety sartoalellitott 1860. PEXt3H GOODS. LOW COOT PHILADELPHIA,,,,rI7:4I3.po ‘II,ARCII 27, " 18;60. MILLINERY GOODS. STERN 80 COOK, NO. 726 CHESTNUT BTREHT. - Hare now In atom selected expressly for their i :WHOLESALE TRADE, - A stook of , t MILLINERY AND, STRAW coops, I: To whioh they invite the attention of Wiwi. nit& statitim 1860. ' 1860. • MILLINERY SPRING, MOO., The sibewilber tea now open a mmetiot Beelike( hElEe":' LINGAT GOODE, mudding in gut ' 1111110/ti ms, OGADEC. DOolll,_ll • " GNOR mytati FJE , mac LAOS OM 4140 , f STRAW BOIsTICETS.. - ; PLATS, DLOOMMS, AND - DTDAW, • TA•INN/Nflll, itt of the lateet meet lisehienahle he Invitee the attention of Nerithante and Those 4rtehien to lane money by booing eheap antiao • well by selling on iii3l2 Wore pnrehaning eleivitema M. BERNIIEIM. xo. S 1 lOU= IBCOND ISTRGITT, mhl4o - , Aglow Market *sea ' 1860. mum , Goons:: 1860 THOMPSON & JENKINS. • )][PORTERS AND JOBBERS OF • - STRAW GOODS:' RATS AND Ws, DILI BONNETS, ANTIFDNAL FLOWINS. RUM& ilts. NO. SUS MARKET SWIZZ - .Daysts ars rsasested to examtias car Awl& =onLto F. Fie Wilt M essistsd'ldo iess skews koala, sad NOMAa tks astroasas lOs itiss4S. to-ast MILLINERY AND STRAW GOOD X EXOLUSIVSLY. ItOISENHEIM. BROOKS. & CO.. 481 *ftlasT STREW, NOE= DI . Aie now cozening, for the Swiss Trade, the most ex tensive and ohohmat stook in their Imo over Oollkotod together under one roof. ALBBONS of ivory imselvable doeuripttea. SONNET BUTEN [AL& FANNON A.STIVIDAL 11,0Wg.1114 ' , AUGURS, and all other taiWners Arita", •„, • - • IFPRAW , BONNETS IN IMMENSE CHILDREN'S AND MOWN §IOOOII. DO. sbophins, so A it FA mous, ac Coonetous of our impeder thoilitien.. in °Mandist.* anpelier, we flatter ourselves that eneenor Mthmt. , , month oath an regards ohoioo of holootion end modemr tins is prior, cuutnot be mat with, , STRAW AND MILIINNRYIIOODS. ''l ._ . . .., . . ~. ... ..„ Luquoi,l4..woori, it • NlO/1,01,9, - i No. 7!5 CHESTNUT STREET, . 011iitwesa thweinix and Eight/id -• Rays wow is store it _. CONOPTACTS 1717C11 01 -` -. 1 -- 4 ; • SPRIN* . 00C 0 Dtii. , .1111(111.MPLIVI • ' RAW HATS Act" BONNETS r ___, Iffir AND CfnIiDRENI, STRAW BOOM, A CY AND CRAPE BONNEIB, R NCH FLOWNRS, RIBBON S, sod fIAINERY GOODS IN aNNERAL, To wino!' tiny respectfu ll y incite to. attention <Ol . wirodsnia. , ! 10 Mk and Oott-timo buyers will Sad spolal mulviti toss is 'maims this stook before purohasing. felaniu J e HIT. BORN JONES. Importer and Manufacturer of FANUY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. Arraloimi ?LOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, ka. The attention of City and Country Dealers is tantad to a largo and ran did stook of the above goods at 432 MARKET STREET. feASin Dolow Fifth. 1860.SPRI RRANOEJ) . trNG STOCK.IB6II B. Oats of the largied and most omelets stook/ of foods in our line is this country . , The Net terms and the ohsaycst prices. O. H.. GARDEN it CO., Maaufaeturers of, and Wholesale Dealer* in HATS, CAPS, FURS, BILE and STRAW BONNETS, and STRAW ROOM A1.717101.4.L PLOMMtIi, entruzna, Intones. Sc.. Noe. 600 and 606 MARKET STREET, O. W. oorner Sixth. fe7-3m SP&NQ OF 1800. MARTINS, PEDDLE; HAMRICK, & 00, No. $0 NORTH FOURTH ISTRINT, Have now In store, sad are daily noel:ins, eomplele lines of the following desirable goods. Thu HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS. PARIS AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB BELTS, PARIS COMBS AND DRUMM NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND, Mooted to Southern and Western Trade, to'whiek yes invite the attention of first-oleo buyers. fegnern HOOTS AND SHOES. BOXER at BROTHERS, WANUIPANZIERBIN AND INHOLIOALE, MALMO Di °ITT AND EASTERN-MADE , BOOTS AND SHOES, Nom 48111.40 . 434 KARIM EITRIMP, stow MYTH Btzeit.aosith ado. ==! LEV.IO KRASIN. & CO.. BOOT ABB MOE WAREROUSII AND MANUFACTORY. NO. $O5 MARKET STREET, ROILADIiiITIA. Wo have new on hind sa eitensise stook of BOOTS and !IRONS, of every description, of ' OUR OWN AND RASTRRN MANUFACTURE, to wklek we invite the eta:intim of Southern end 'Menem buyer'. teS4m NES ICINAL MRS. WINSLOW, .tirm- AN EXPERUMEN NU 5N ANN FENALN Phyaietan. prevent" hi the 104111110 of 'mother' her SOOTIIING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, L eh ni g re t tl ii r t Orion e oir gjeuenfil L t d lay AL:l 6 +i end opnomodio notion, and 8 R TO ItEOULATS TUE BuWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will giro root to /ourselves RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. this article' for over ten [donee and truth of it, , hie to say of any other FAILED f u n a SIN g got' CURS, when we know tin instance of who used it. On the eon with its operations, and eoinmendationefitsmaz li. re speak in this know,' after ten yearn ' repntatfon for the fulfil •lme. Is almost every auflorinfrom pain and foundin tutees or twenty administered. VIRVATIMItkIit and has beau used with We have not up end sold years, and eau say, In oonl what we have sever bean medicine. NEVER Ilikl4 qt.E INSTANCE; r 0 F. , timely used. Never did dissatisfeetion by any one trary all are delighted speak in terms of highes t oat laical nd mediae' vi r matter • what we do experieriee,ood pledgeour agent ei whet we hers de instanue where the isilan eahaustion. relief will be minutes after i he Syrup is Thle valuable preparation Val F.:g i ft N et e l aVan ei never-failing eveoess in 'FIII)IISANDS Xt not only relieves the stgoratesthe stomach and and gives tone and energy will almost !oedemas re- BOWELS AND WIND vulgione. which, i( not' death. We believe it the the world, in all onsee o teHetChßinAl N r f CH m LDR o E i N, every mother who has the foregoing complaints nor the .prejudices o your suffering ohild and SURE—yes. A 115.01,11313 use of this medieine I hone for using will ae com Leonine outage the tae si- KINB, New York, le o Ha' Bold by Drots t pal Office, No . lB DAR Price 25 cents a bottle. OF CASEY, •hill from pale, but in bowele, otorreote acidity, to the whole kr stem It lave ORLPINQI IN THE cOL IC rind overcome eon speedily remedied, end in best end sweet remedy in DYIIENTKRY and DIAN whether it arises from cause. We would sew to child enlferine (rummy of do not let your preluthera,, others, sea d betwe the rebel - that will LY SURE—to follow t timely need. Full dime psnY each bottle. None mile of CURTIN & REX the Outside wrapper. gdoot the world. Prim' pot, /low York. 1726-11 noon RICHARD'S EYE-WATER IS ft, wife end perfoot rare' for inflamed sere eyes. Try it. endprove its all -healing euttlittoe. Ihreotione rotted the bottle. To be lied (led eremitism sad whole-. rile of CHADWICK Ic, CO., SP STRAWBE.RRY Street, Philedelphis van et TtrA 00F f F r l st,; — t hig ra p o o s ch k ete m triame. co*akissioN uousgH. VAIPLEY, HAZARD, & SUTOIWitipN NO, no oREBTPRIT Er., COMMISSION' MERCHANTS • FOR THE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE Gootts. sitattia WELLINO. COFFIN ) - up CHESTNUT STREET, Off* DJ the Poetises, the following deeeriptiona of AMERICAN GOODS Of stsadsnl makemo awl 12 great nett/1 PRINTS OP STAPLE AND FANCY STYlonlk , RGRAORED AND BROWN eliourrniad ORIRTINGB, AND DDILLI. eIISNABURIi f SNIMD, AX3 TRIPE& am= JEAHOOSILESLAIS. m NARK9ZIII IieI.NTOI 4 IFLANNELS4sDPRIN'iIiI4IIIXBB; LINS!TL XEDITIJOIET at? TONADEE. ALL-WOOL AND.UNION OLOTILS. • BLACK AND FANCY, OABBINKRZEL ' BIACK AND MIXED DOZAKINS. BAitAKTS AND UNION oessistaxis. , :; iatot ; nrin TWEEDS, CASIIMAiLITe, deii. LAST ARRIVALS. FARR:ELL & MORRIS. IMPOSTERS and COMMISSION MNEOHANTO, SSE CHESTNUT STRAIT. Nisei received by the latest Steamers • tell aarortareat of GERMAN and SAXONY MOTHS aad DOMINO, 111110114 Whioh ara all the grades of J. A. XESSELLICAUVB whole and halt pleas s 'JIVERS & BOILIBDT 'do. do. B. te L. OBLBBP.ATBD DOBSKTB. Ir. &B. do. do. ' With a full line of the very popular IMPERIAL and ELECTORAL DOESKINS; ELLE MIXED COATINGS; COTTON WARP CLOTHS; COTTON/MRS sad TEST PADDINOS, All of 'but ore Wend tot als ON FAVORABLE TERM& fss FROTHINGHAM • 6c WELLS. 1$ SOUTH FROST, • • '• AND 36 LETITLA !STREET. Are ASSIVII foi'the male of Goods Menufsotuitid the following Companies, Tier ,Messecolvezyte, • LACOVIA, , UMW FeLie, • wA (743214 • PISMO, BAILTLif UMBrWown, Bleaohed, sad Ooloted Sheetiage, Shirpkter , sad Anus ISOBBSON , S BLUE PRINTS, -•' RAMPDkN COMPANYM ~‘l7 =Da AND. COTTONADES in grimi variety. 'WASIIINGTOM MILLS , • (Formerly Bay diets) liewjej,,Meete_erit Table Covers, Printed Feltinse, Alt woo Snit 00a013•Way Plotail,;aleytat . 113 . 6 or_ , were, Amman's, and noote. , xer sevekneunete. ond , rweeds. • 01-sta .41xa pi TENT'EMIR AND. BEAL SKIN foiDATINGs. . TRU SUSSCRIBERIS. &Ls Asamrs IN TEE UNITED STEVIE '''6l4ll / I"dmirti ifupiipiion of 'leo& of lb's, well-kaown 'llutettinsoture of WM% EDWIN FIRTH & MONS, REDERIONDWIKE. YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND. Ass preparing to exhibit samples of the variotm quell /ea:end to take orders f or immediate or future dell Teti. to snit the convenience or the trade. "The goods cannot be guroheeed through the eastern art obannets in England, sad KU orders fog the United States must go through the subsoriben. WRAY & GILLTLAN. PHILADELPHIA, and FANSHAWK, MILLIKEN, /c TOWNSEND, JalO•tuth&stx. • Now York. WOLFE Sa 00.. WHOLEBALB OARPBTING,DIL•OLOTN, AND RATTING WAREHOUSE. NO. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, Aiszoy for Philzdelphin Csspet Ittsataisetafins. fe3.3m WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ao. SILVER. PLATED WARE Of the finest q,a41127. at NLANUIriOTURERS' PRICII3. J. B. JARDEN t DUO., MiNVIACTIIIIIIks AgbI.IIPORTEMI4 Have now on harden elegant stook of fret-olatte Goods to their lino, at their new stors,_ NO 1003 CHESTNUT STREET. A full aseortment of Jowelry, Silverware, and Table antler" oonstantiv on hand. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, fen-Who-3m Superintendent. lifit JOSEPH B. COOPER, WATCH MAKER and JEWELER. No. , 533 SPRUCE' treat, first door bolo,' SIXTH. Particular attention men to Rapairtne Wateliec i fu the Olaoks, and Jewalri• SIIOE FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS & SON. IMPORTER AND DRILLERS IN BQOT, SHOE, and GAITER MATERIALS, LAGTINGS, GALLOONS, 01111ETINGS, PATENT LEATHER, . ?KENOS HIGH, IJAGETS, SLIPPER UPPERS. &e, N. B. CORN= NOURTit AN. ARCH STREETS to3-am LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING -GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, ENGRAVINOS, OIL PAINTJXOE, &e. &• JAMES S. EARLE k SON, 1.1170.177NN, MANUFACTURERS, WIIOLX SALE AND RETAIL //BALSAS. FABLES' GALLERIES, 116 CHESTNUT STREET. Philadelplabh CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. TLIRNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS AND • WITOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND rr QUEENSWARE. Dios. 93 awl SO SOUTH FOURTH STREET'. (Sotween Market and Chestnut atreete.) kr.PITVIISIIRCI (ILA'. AcnalleT. GLASX, OPEN OA sr tux sAcceez, sr MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fel6-2M BOYD &a STROUD. IMPORTERS & JOBBERS, Have now on hand a oomplete 4tolok of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and • ENGLISH CHINA their Oki Stand, No. ag NORTH FOURTH et. four doors below lore - mote' Hotel, to valet' they in vile the attention a WHOLEAALI nustsas. 4 firAensurs YOU PITTSVIIRCI GLASS. fendim FLAGS! FLAGS ! ! FLAGS !!! U. S. FLAG DEPOT. ft SOUTH TRIAD STREET, ABOVE CHEBTNIPT, PHILADELPHIA. WM. F. SCHEISLE, Wholesale and retall'imanntseturer of Flan, PQM'. al Dammam, and Transparenolos. F 1.4. of Ott sixes on Land, and made to order as *hoar, if not shearer, than tan be had elsewbars in the ett7. • fe76 lm WALL AND CURTAIN PAPER.- &teat isdasements to sash buyers. Enettely sew at lee for Spring trade. No. Ss North SIXTH. lbged ia l.rketittgOU J. F., YlUt AIWITIN. NEW' PIIBLICitTIONS; SATURDAY EVE. NING POST I , MRS SATURDAY EVSNERGI'OSTII i THE S*I i ttILDAY grEtilyNCf POST!; . . THE SATURDAY EIVENING POST !t - VIE POST for this wort. vabllsked, this too'r4ns. +tantalum the iscond vtition of the Groat Rintobati+4. !dory, QUAlarlt PARTIDLNII. Bead it, sad otici LiVI PREASUADND" Mg Nana OPPICISS/ - . LEVI "TER/SUADED" THE BRITISH ourctiat LEVI 't I'IIRAI ° U.II.II)E . D!' TSB -BRITISH OPPTC6I . , . LEVI " TERIIIIIADED" TIES BRITISH OPFICBIA , • *LBW "PERSUADED" THE BRITISH OBP/ORS LIM , " PHRSUADED" THE BRITISH- OFFITIV , ' Mataltse's hasi of other good ',Clio:l4'6m we mar mention •'` THE EARL'S DAUGHTERS—A sPpERDrD SToRT INDIAN BADlELtqcrions; cArmisatant,zto TER NENE FOOD FOR THE SICK. Dr FLORENCE, NIORTWOALE. SCOTCH newt% ADYENTUREM PAW& DEATH IN THE GOLDEN LAND. BY MINIVAINE ROW Alpv 4 r,• Pon-opwcz swim AMERWAN MUNCRAMIEN. A TIGER FIGHT. DEFENCE OF ]OE WITH. ENOLIBE CULTIVATION OP THE POTATO RECEIPTS, RIDDLES, AND comumuttims. THE SHARK ; A 1 A.DYENTURE AT THE PEARL. FISHERY. THE TEETH-HOW TO PRESERVE TREK REYIYALS IN IRELAND. ECONOMICAL toLptIZIAGEB ! WHICH IS JOSE THE LITTLE RED MOROCCO HAT. BY AHNT ALICE. SIACAULAY ON AMERICAN INSTITUTION& BITUMENIZED PAPER PIPER. ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. AN ARMY REVIEWED BY A LION THE AMERICAN AG HE APPEAREI IN ENGLAND REBIGNATION OF MR. OMEYMEY, &c., I he . . THE POST is for We by an tits prinsinal Diewideal ars, and at tha odloo 1311 Sostli THIRD lamb :Back numbereAurnished either by the I:rewadealers.!er at he ofiloo, PAN 4 Cents. 100 'SHEETS FLOOR OIL O.l.Orad, of new and shotee styles now in More. No. 920 0 dESTNOT Indent, BAILY & 13R+5THEli.' CARPET/1 AND OIL CLOTH l . 1 000 - YARDS -e • 1 INEMAIN CARPETS, 'VI cotton, at WM atom' pied good gettona. * • No. IMO CHNIITNUT Eltitest. GAILY & BROTHER. 5 , 000 . ' YARDS SUPER TIIRER-PLICOARPETS. Tun opened, new steep, at . No. 9? CHESTNUT Bt, BAILY. & BROTHER.. 10,000 - YARDS ENGLISH TAPESTRY OitIPETS. hat tswitad, to loofa at oNETOLIAR - t • - "• - No. f4O CHESTNUT 16614 BAILY & BROTHER, AN INVOICE - NEW STYLES ENGLISJI BRUSSRLII.I Just toosived by Mesmer. , DAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT Strait MEDALLION' • vELvar CARPETS. Croibes latt now -pattern.- Just opentd. DAILY & . BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT Stmt. DOOR MATS. A very large lot from Auatfoo, at No. 920 CHBall; UT Streit. DAILY & BROTHER. - mblOatufrtham 18 6 0. PHILADELPHIA lan ut,. CARPET WAREHOUSE. SOUTHERN AND MOT/UM BUYERS Are rommtrally fantod to eel and examine one • ENTIRE NEW STOOK 01 CARPETING'S, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, INGLLSH SHEEP SKINS, .te.; lot molted tf JOHN LEMON. (Emommior b itishard li. Mudd No. 47 SOUTH FOURTH . STREET. mh 15-1 m ARCH -STREET CARPET COLIDIA,IN & R RIOKNER. 532 ARCH STREET, TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, (South side). Have aogler/aid _stook of • VELVET, BRUSBELB, S-FLY INGRAIN AND VB IVITIAN OARPETINGS. wllbtp i e t ur i v t iftri s ias e , re p opl ir rises , fo i l' , o d eoh. CLUGGETB, OILCLOTHS. r uilll4-Inl CARPETS. F. A. BLITZ k CO., Nos. es and Si North FRONT Street. are the SOLE AGENTS in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY, and haves manta:Alp for sale a fall gssortment of VELVET and TAPESTRY CARPETS, of :Amos patterns: Also, a large scanty of the inflows kinds of CAR PETS inanufaetnokt in Philadelphia city and county, from skirls all the beet manufacturers: Bealsre will find it io their interest to oall and animism these goods, which era offered for sole on the most f►voreble terms. N. 8.-7. A. ELIOT k 00. being the Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of the Worsted and Canng Yarn nun by the Eiszonville Malta (formerly the New -England Worsted Company,) and being agents else for the Baldwin, Wilton, and Abbott Companies, here peculieq fee/title, for keeping eon/tautly for gale the various kinds of Carpels manufaotured an Philadelphia, on the 'mutt favorable terms. inky-gm • M'CiAI.4IAUM & 00, CARPSt MANDZAOTORBUS WAN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTSWN. Mow, Importers and Donlon In OARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING. RUGS, &O. WAREHOUSE lOU CHESTNUT IT.. (Opposite the State Emma Southern and Western buyers are raiment:fully Invited to nal fed 1m COLUMBIA HOUSE, AT • CAPE MAY. WITH THE FURNITURE, IN FOR SALE OR TO RENT. API.7 to RICHARD SMRTEURST i Truitoe, mtal-et a. R. soy. FOURTH and PRUNE Rao PRINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE. FROM DE YENOCIE & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. 101 l by all Respectable Donlon' throughout the country. This fine brand of CRAMtAGINC, which until the nest rear was confined eloltunvely to the best tables of the Continent of „Norope, has now obtained the meet unbounded swank and pormlanty is this count It is recommended by some of the find yhymoisna of th ry. e city of New York, over all, other wines, on account of its al t . treme purity and delicacy, and those who ones try it rarely us any other brand. &Malan? only one yoar bee elapsed since its introduction into Ids country , the demand is enormous and constantly noressing. Our Uli a n n e g lgler li ntrnteld u at t anga h t e hlNT. rg i d e , The Prnoe limpertatis imported solely 1?! us , we being the sole Agents of Messrs. De Venus. & in this country. Noe. SM. SOO and an BROADWAY, New York. Sold in this oily by REEVES & DEAL, • nahn-am tb OO4 MARRET Eitrret. 88 1-CARD. SODA.-400 kegs for sale by ' WEVIERILL k BROTHER, bll4 'Ad kt orth SECOND Owlet% : 1 1Y- 0 COTS. TU2Blidir,, SOH 27, 1860. The Record of iriphssid'Coert. - ?lately; when e - ngefell Yak 111 of the PP. , . Fund •of - the Ristorical Society; of PeMisyl r inisornpromised to return *to 4ne of it; which greatly Interested a The Record of Upland Court, from lath Ito :veer*, 1e46, to' IRV June; 1681." ''Thli been edited, with_ groat care and ability m by_ en excellent antiquarian, Mr. Edward Arm strong. It presents picture of society and elletteent M they existed- during. the six years preceding the * grant to. , Penn ; ref, the Ccent: ithi ;id tt Upland (Dowel& Chester) , Poe fleseedjarieliction, dell, judicial, and- toil*, ,shiattell---Its powers were ntoltifirionii. 1 - :,4ltr. ,, Areastrong traces the hid* of ithe and Swedish Courts, spot " noir,`preeturk.infliresatloti,:whethet nerds el i tssrOsitlei lierrisburt lad is;l6: illustrate an, (de point hit pegraphy, Scone** Swedes , were , almost air, peal; *Meng the Welsh. ' Iteredieary immarnes are salt... unknown in Sweden before the -Fourth., ry. meet' laterdate mute be amigned peered' het' wheyt became permanent, for eurneees ererejnot In . every. , woe witabllebed 'along Ithe Swedes in Pennsylvania, until Emu thucafter the arrival of Penn, when intermnivitepeand the More rigfd usage of the lengliale Compelled ebonite adhere to the last emithination 'as, ibi ithithMle, with re spect to the named" Ofte.Pastelliii, the I Wine' be came permanently affixed to name, and emitted to distinguish the degree of relationship. No! lit tle oonfusien, Ai an examination of early deeds will prove, has also arisen Troth. the trettereition of names. For instance. Brie 'Clorauselit Brie the eon of Goren, and Goran Briekeare Gotan-1 the eon of Brie. Peter Petersen 'ft Peter! the eon of. Peter, and Swensen was originally Sion. _Nilson or Neeleen may be,found „Nhinsposed to Jones, as in the ease ofthe eons of Jesuits', Nilson, who are styled Monne, Andrsi and Neils ' Jones. Sometimes an alias lends Its ale to puzzle the inquirer, as in the ewer of ' Peter Matson, Oka Dalboo,' ' Peter Lykell, alieitNealbone The rupee of Sans Icistaenett Wise Illeohj e and Pelle Limeade (alias Put pale), in a kubsequent part eef , thif re 'cord, may also be instaneed. The different modes , In which, the genie,. name. is spelt, sometimee oc ourring tbe ohristian, sometimes in the eurnime, le another aerate of confusion, examples of which May be found upon almost every page of this Re.; cord. e The orthography of many Of the alines 14 the above list of Titheabfer,'.,tues, in the course of time, been materially - changed. . Beneks• et Rengsten, i, . now Bankson • Boes, has belome Boon or Bond; Steen or Seen.'BWanteteli Coe k,' Yocum ; Men or Kyle, Keen; Mort nie, Morton. Laurens or Lesse•Cook, eon Cele s leek, wee afterwards called Golsen, which name w re tained by his descendants, some of whom mimed Allison, now or recently held ' property'derived from their ancestor, Odle Cooke." Printe e who was the Swedish Governore was ' a man of portentous dimensions,'Whom .14ving has immortalized in his KniekerboCker. He had his troublee on the Delaware and tlsie, where. Aid Mr. Arefetrong notedtlie fotlow- Ing fqeta,Which pre in a measure new ; 1 ' "The following incidents concerning Prini ace derived from ante by Aeralitie • Prins, Toltan, ennobled July 20,1642, confirmed' in the order, 1643—serted in the Pruden and'elerman war (the thirty-two *n e n' 'wer,)-aderaticed' to the 2Lieitten. ant-Colander of the 'Wait Gothic Cavalrit,ll,l4 22, 16.78-11140; shatnefuliverirrandered the Fprt of Cliemniz without power or permission of the Veld- ' Marshal, John Dewar; went to Stocklialin t *blue he was pet in prison; but,-giving bail, set at liber ty, beano. however, I ce appear before a Court Mer tes!, by which be was sentenced to be deprived of his employment. and the sentence ()enlivened her the Council of the Kiogdom, Feb. lei 1641. After.' wards, Aug e '25,1842, Goren:meet New Sweden, and returning home, was madiColonel and Goverpor of the golernie ant of donkepine (Sonleloping in Prov. Stealandisel.6sB: Diedel663, without male beim': Althouglieheererding, to this staterieent, - Prines lest , his commend because 'of a dlegnitieful sari der, yet It is 'difficult toe reeormile his oondernna done as atiseetid - bY Von' Stiertunan,' with his -enbeequent entiobtainitat. ,eired tits' freeetteleg, ' emphatic expressions; by the 'bonne governeaent, of oontidenee In his goal and fidelity while Clover-' nor of New Seedefi, and his later pros:Emden to the more Important trust in Smalandia, without belleveng that after-proofs if they did not entirely exouse, greatly extenuated his conduct. If Prints did his duty at the Delaware, the ministers did not do theirs at Stockholm: No Governor weans Weak-. i ly upheld, and no colony,' with Rua elating to sympathy and protection, was more -badly treat ed. The dispatches sent by Prints were 'filled with earnest and oft-repeated prayers for relief; and no reader, after - the 'lapse of, two centimeter, can ponder the last sentence of the following extract without being, in some degree moved i have frequently, aeconling to nay defy, in . the . most, I bumble way, reported to your Excellency What- ' ever here occurred, asking for snore people and means of defence; but, dunng the whole some of three years and six months, have resolved no orders and not the fret mutterer assistance from the old country. Every day yet lam toitli 7 great anxiety expecting it; for myself,' too; I beg of your Grace to be released. Gods knows what 1- leave suffered hose three long years ."--(Prints to Oxenstierns, Aug. let, 1651. Inse. •Arelltives, Dist. Soc. Penes." Printe wits worried on another point, which would have - proved a still more serious annoy ance to some of his Modern succeasors ' , The GoVernor of the Swedish 'colony, Prints, found that his military cdneatiou disqualified him as a judge in civil oases. Irrespective of the diffi eulties he encountered froni the want of precedents as applicable to the colony, and the complication of questions presented far decision. he felt, as pre. trotor of the interests or the West India Company, jbo embarrassment of noting in the capacity both' of judge and plaintiff. In a report, dated Feb ruary 20, 1617, to the West India Company, he stated his troubles ripen these pointe: " 16. * * *-Again, I have several times so- Hefted to'obtain shamed and 'able man. let To administer justice and attend. the- law buelnees, sometimes very intricate cases occurring, in which it is difficult, and never ought to be far one and the acme person to appear in court as plaintiff as well as judge. 2.1. To not as seetetery, especially in the Latin language, for it messy times has hap pened, as is proved by the annexed paper, that ! - have received Latin lettere from all parts. These it would he welt to answer in Lstin, as 1 really have attempted to do in the best way possible for me; but I do wish, and submissively entreat for the future, to be released from such a :work, through the assistant's es above eteted of a proper and /earnest man.' (SwodiSh MSS., Archives His. Soo. Penns)." It is not an uncommon impression with per sons, otherwise Well informed, that when Penn came, in 1682, he found a r , howling wilder ness:" So far from this being correct, the shores of the Delaware Bay and river were pretty well settled, from Cape ffenlopen to the falls opposite Trenton, the land being in a great measure taken up, and the site of Phila delphia then owned by the Sweneons, or Swan eons, had for many previous years been in their possession, and under cultivation. A perusal of the Record will well reward. Dan,llice on the ‘f International" Prize Fight—A Suggestion. To TUX EDITOR OP TIII PRIM : The• article recently published in a number of Amerioan pa pers' from the London Saturday Retina in re• Bard to the great prise fight, induces me to ask room for the expression or a few lieu upon the subject of prise-fighting, which, if not particularly brilliant, will, I think, at least possess the merit of being founded upon common sense. I do not intend to discuss the moral elect of such exhibi tions, nor the manner in which they are conducted. Neither do I wish to advance any opinion as to the relative "braising"qualificattons of the bold 'Benicia Boy" and his antagonist. But, in re gard to the krota/sty of a ring fight, I believe that very erroneous ideas prevail. If the pugilists be labored each other fro* vindictive, malicious feel. logs, it would cortalaly be a very shocking and disgraceful spectacle; and persona afflicted with weak nerves would doubtleu be able to find seve ral species of amusement that would afford them more gratification then the view of any prise fight—a visie to the Great Show," for instance. I believe, however, that in a ease like the coming match,, where both parties have a great degree of /aspect for each other, the blows exchanged may be considered In the light of exaggerated 't love-puts," although it may certainly be set down as an in stance in which. It would be much better to give than receive—ls principle of charity upon which all such affairs are conducted. If a person has an aching tooth, a mustard plaster is frequently re sorted to for relief,- the sharp smart prodiced by the plaster affording a pleasurable contrast to the dull pain of the affected molar or incises.. 80, when a stalwart, robust fellow is so full of Strength and activity that he is fairly "aching for a fight," I believe that the blows be receives serve the same purpose that the mustard piaster .does in the case of toothache, and that the visitation of his adver sary's " mauleys " upon the various portions of his person, which it is considered fair to fire away dt, create decidedly a pleasurable sensation. This wog the ease, a whi gratitude and affection for the antagonist who has done him the favor, provided it has been a fair, friendly contest. Under these circumstances, and in consideration of the marked attention which the Sayers and Heenan fight has reeeived from the press general ly, I am led to put forth a suggestion, which, if adopted by our national legislators at Washington, obtdd not fail to be of immenseadvantage to the interests of the country. A great dee' of Valuable time is consumed during every session of Congress inforooions talk , by members having pet grievances which they wish to ventilate. Now, jr Nygren would have a twenty-four-foot ring etaked but upon the Capitol grounds, and adopt a rule that any honorable gentleman having a disagreeable feeling against any other honorable gentleman, instead of sera gosh gosiik " • ' - _Lee Ws "Web, _ Lie Tea, “ • - • 0, llll.llO Twee, Coiisi Twenty cop(, Vs& Subset' Raid 1 For i Oki of 'raise/4es 'ixt mt r inevialeal abllltG es lieimis if Ills lerPskiesesersoussesseg to edam lam he vaz,411044 Issas. - Isetbit tot- tie 0111160. Stssasenr.. 4 - taklitriithea brias i m i t bow l *. .spambeet, ihoral ' take it. eat"- O. a. fhiaadly s bout ,fa. no otototabi nag: the *plea *no' efelitd• leo alsio• • ialika, lbe pertteilfeluerorammo `heioistreffshose• Wed, Ind a delightful etatsetieeraiasyNeellid be the resale. krosthar-liealt,Mteihi lea I Setferal•- eiruifatitia io'atlelh a ttgltlignia , etgeogease alltheloteilabta gasktiabeleohor is $l, Imo 'ipeusag 1, that eater *a, proposed .arsog- sae ftt * -woad eadederet to FOTO laseeiot 4 fg l fltO g i i r ill" Agrees? - It Uwe Aida ? Wiwi Aloft laAmeephgle apßepriattotut toe atakeejead xopeeptpeelpahethee eolith:aa appThitteaahialmeß a ea• itof edoidoeat4l ha.ieidafitaddiggen Ai Shoff /We fewara:fertsg#fe_4ll,,firqslbek• talcs pihle fa of otc Mr* erl Mei* biltbi - iss sovsiNt-lotlcidldi. " [ withrit az i lr74 , l4skalittrilk GAF .flb*.r ‘. 000l4ketiO1W 40 Weueve.ptaft• - Tong ._ ..saajeestrigir, 6 1-042 r WOW. -•.; - - r , a -PS i.: File= .. Pthint Of thi ~.- _: t _ steirtOtt: Vivi, ts -•- . , rat iurirptOr **A listi44li*: irlixiiiiisiiimis • I , ' , -• • e Irvine 1101111.-11 - I•" r r ' i/7 ova theiser. Oileiaalfemoutt i l - • The Awe atomisers Uratied hertihe u_. _ . tott Metes eleop - a-wailikeitegei,Aleihetattemaa' ahmeo sad .beolktil JAMS! - aalllo,lPeumgelt. -th. 9.xilt Via l i l ef il" "kilieles e A. . _ Botli the hiergaelde H apdAileasra . t Allramonirere possulaid7 Sag on lb. Cuban ttoa' . ' lathe. knotra ea Correo- MO: They Inithdielk weletdiene, atertewhere , et the laorth, than la k tra)d to have,pited mithageraid, her purehasobr the SOCrilets: bieiaauc RC' whet name is not atated- - - - 7 , 4 thwadust k nationality of -the stiiyiNeVave diverse report's. That moat racy, that, beford fitting out Air this lid they had been transferred to some agent of the 7diramon. Government- The pareltase areney. $5.1,Q00, - , is add even to have been transaftbal thrraiibitlie French Cantalateat Vistatehn. - 1 ' It is dosewhet aingsdar,bowevor, itthriraaa. fer was actually made, as ,Teyetted,thet. Sue e[ them at least should 'be 'weeded 'dears" aa a Spaniard. 'The Havana enitindlteult isioteer sea very tonal' end proverbially eantra4o l ;4 , Itia aka somewhat, eiagelar, if true, as reported. Mil: both crried the Spantah gag di they idled from tho porta Havana- - ) _ , After they bad _gotten out to sespall nea t ealtie agree that the Mexican gag ;wail hoisted, _and the rune mounted': ' This le Inertia bylhiasteoliondp Mss o,whieh leak thenrataisatam the Ildi,ioeas. Thomas Marin was then in valantend of : . the gape. bearded the AlliZiee . htAbet O , IIPNW and lent baek derniteles HavdiaLliY 'hat.; Both vaseleireratbea sinned el Wan -; CAPITTFF or 721 simutwort-raatmlLial, ' .21 1 4340ititiiNT. ' 2n the meantime the OosiAtihrtional r ativerasanti tit Vent eras bad it spied aproelannitlee,,deelariag hiarin,a pirate, and antbeftng wbetrwer,ebenid eneounter him. or his' vario - f* - *stirs elf Mexico;- to capture them.' es same' pktreheny, in 'violation of the law of *damn 7 • - - - ; Whitt day the stainers left Blasi 'ne ars iset fn. fnrnied, but they mad. their appears/ me of vim Oros about noon of the Ilth:-,-Thdrisoississme diatety signalled from, the castle ma suspialogs yew eels, and the news circulated rapidly thrones the town, where it produced great trzeitesaiiit.- 3 In . the :meantime the steinsericeinthused, under full ateam, rapidly to-advance. They passed be hind the Castles of Ban Juat de Mae. in the dime. Bon of knii• finally ran "into Anton LI- • saido,,wh OTO a flag, previously saliedity ifiyamon,. indicated the place of rendearoun harm= was at this: time before Vera Cruz. ' - • • The etestnOis bcirenio fiege,ediatemir *bin they passed the esetle,por did they hetet them either thep er Sterittetes, though they wee ordered VD to do; first bill Act from the fortreee,"atilattine. wards : by. the , ll. S: &op flisiumxteh. ems troy, they steamed hallyirerwerd } eairthic a look of datiamm :du* :witti'prOutskid .toAirstiael thim: ' - 'The Freneh; Spanish, and, - English Teasels at, Sooriflobs :did not notieo tba.snephdeee ibmazgAgi, or at lent did not order them to thew tbetinolara. Captain Jarvia:of•the sloop-ofwair Sim' lanai. In the senior United States.ogte e ee at Teak On*. Ba saw with his own eyes thin eontereptawmoirhshition or rho law ornitiono—twis vessels or iiadarsat to tbt teeth . , pawing coolly 19 Wittemggivirig I signal or hoisting her colorsgiag toril AO ; tedp—asid tools . bui e rtourskd ectissitp _ ei • Ue ilgniedintely" aidedadtheiaollossi tow • es oga, on 7 8 , 877 1 8 g, ig • - 100 0 0 0 1 ' by the - eteamera' Indianola, of `this port, and ma Wave, 'Plying onthe - MiMicancoast. - The Marin steamers bad jest emit Smelter- at An ton Lizardo, when the Saratoga came ep with them. They still had, steam, up, however,_ and memsd to have taken a pedant self to pmt st oneete Na in 'Mum of being overhauled:' TiosEra. begetter, seems to have taken them One% 0110 moou_was planing brightly, .ard'at oneelook:• Der SitiOn to ant of all retreat: than repaid as if to gtvelight.• • - • • `‘-• • , In the meentime,.Captain Tamer daspatelusd • small boat to the steamer', with a flag' to deineid thetinationality. Marin fired upon it.- The beat, however, continued its some Marin • Arad urea it the emend time. , The Saratognthen launched 8 broadside upon. the steamer, commanded in wan by Marin. This was this General - Idirstitou, and seemed' beet armed. She waa piloted- by, a men named Flores. well known at Vera Cruel, - The other steamer a commanded by one Capt. Saneher, formerly of - the:Mei:loan war steamer Democrats,' which be betrayed. One,saeount says Marin fought, like- a lion, but 'others Say that, on the opining of the fire, both steamers tried to - ran away. • They were, hewer*, intercepted by the Indianola and the pave. It was, however, two or three o'oloek In the morning before Marin sirrendered. - He was taken on board the Saratoga:- Nearly all thp 06881 sad °Tetra of bothateamers were IMP raptured, either by the Indianola or Wave, and taken ap to Vora Cruz, where they were did - 101W between the Sa vannah, Saratoga, and Prebre. The number of the 'wounded on boaid the two steamers was about thirty. They were talon, on board the Berate" and thdr wound. promptly dressed. Among the wounded was Captain Pions, who has since had his arm amputated at 1 /818 Cruz. The number of Americans wounded was threw— one mortally. We have not learned his name Be belonged to the Preble. A few of .Idarin's men made good their - einsip• to the chore, bat a number of Miramon's men, who bad already gone on board the eteaniers, were captured. Among these last captures was lifirsinint's prin cipal agent, who is said to have hid Islmeelf in al obscure corner when the firing hegasi r brit - had the misfortune after all to be badly wounded. The Gen. Mirarnon was very,badly Waved by the ffaratoga's broadside, and only gotten afloat with difficulty. The Indianola also rneeived myth mil shots, but they did her no serious injury. 110 soon as the action commenced, the two steamers hoisted the !Spanish flog. After their arrival In Vera Crum, several of the prisonere made apnblio statement, in which the detailed the history of the whole expedition-It does not differ from the above. They all tastily that the Mexican deg was not raised until after both steamereleft the port of Havapa. While the firing was going on at Anton Lizard°, the enemy encamped before Vera Cras -seem to have caught the spirit and- settled out in several small parties In ,the direction of the town. They hadslnring the whole day and livening, been siding about on the sand hills, coolly survey ing the city. About midnight they made a deioant upon the first and second lines, between, the railroad and Helm whore - they were teeeived with a good can sionadink, and tear about twenty minute, retired. They teem to have had only a few small pieces with them, nor was the number of men giant It appears to have been only a union of several small scouting parties, who caught the spirit of the tan • nonading distance, and thought they would see what they mold do before the bairn. - At last accounts Miramon Wari eneemeel before the city, and screed upon ' the %reign repro. mutative!' the usual notices of his intention io bombard it. Whether, however, be bu now the meane,,ahlee the capture of the steamers; math a matter of doubt.' All agree, however. that to the latent adviee• he still threatened the city. No one, however. seems to believe he will take it "firemen bas with him a large number of very fine .cavalry, which is constantly parading oa the satanic DEMOSPASIO Ssests HxnerrrlTll 0011711TTB11.— The chairman of the late Dencotwatie State Con vention hag appointed the following DOMOarlitie State Exeoutive Committee: • CAnirmas—Wirxtax IL Waxes, (by resolution of mvention). lirrt District—City of PhiladriAin—John Enrcnt too, Jr., Vnioent Bradford. S. Henry Aakia. Benin min EL Brew/tar, William Morgan H. R. Li damn n, Charles W. C.arrigarw.Robett McCirLEdrinattl D. Clary. Hush Barr, Hooray W. Imp John F. McFadden , A. C. Celli, Henry Mules, Steilien D. Anderson, _C. M. ti noovan. Dm,. Leech. F. F. agee. John K. Chadwick, George Link, S. O. Mitchell. Daniel Salomon. Second Distrirs—Charles D. Manly, Robert E. Mona ghan. Third District—George Laner..7.ll. Hribbard. Fourth District—Stokes L. Roberti, Jobe DAVI/. Fifth:District-0.11. Meyers. Nel.on Wsiaer. • Sulii Dictri .I—Dr. Merles H, Center. Howard Maller,Dr. H. H. Muldenbent. J. Lawrence Gets. Dr. t. E. Hrelsecier, Reuben F. Brown. - Scventh Distract—Bernard Hedy, Samuel H. Shan non. Eighth District—H. B. Burnham, Jackson wood. Ward. Ninth Distrfet—John F. Menus, Wham C. Ward. Tenth District—£. B. Chase, D. IL RandalL Eleventh Distrist—EL Gu•rtisey 8. C. Hyde. TtoeUth Dis , rict—Henry L. Dtefreoheich. W.ll. Blair. Thirteenth Dietrict—Peter Ent, I. Woods Brown. Jno. Cummings. Reuben Keller. Fourteenth District—John R. Bretton Jns. W. Parker. Flfteen:h District—A. L. Rournfart, Thome* C. Nfo- Dowell. William IL Miller. Rada, Dougherts • J. Mon roe Keenter, William 1). Boas. George W. Bowman Joseph Wein,. Wm.rt. Bottles, John H. Ziegler. Stzteenth District—Frederick 8. Ps ter, Dr. meal Parker. James wr. Clark. Dr. A. Bare. Seventeenth District—Peter Molnt, re, A. Megan; Glats. Eiyhteenth flittriet—Henri S. Btehle, J. B. Gansorrf. Nineteenth District—B. F. Mere'''. H. Bruce Petr..- ken. TWEstieth Distria—Rnbett L. Johnston. Israel Test. rn ty-first District—J. Alexander Baton, Jalapa MThmas. ' Twenty-second Th.orics—James C. Clark, Thomas B. Senright. Twits-third District—George W. Miller, A. A. Pnr men. nventy-FourtA , Distritt—Anttrew Burt.. John M. fr. se t a. John M. MeClanry, Waltam IL McGee. Hiram B. Bt. tleor. Edßarr. ward Camphell, Jr., F., K. Hutchinson. James P. Deems-fifth Dtstriot-.Thensas Cnnnineluun, John Graham. Twenty-sizt4 Distriet—Theinpeon graham, James W. Kerr. Tama: y-seeenta Distriet—Wilson laded. IMO. E. Merfkliftd. ricenty-eighth Disrefee—WlDisin T. Alexander, Jen. 4, Hyde. - - .e-~~-~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers