1.41,-;14.V.k , n < 1;:f ; !?Ze .--'-' • t , , ' • -•,. •-"vi ' - -,,,-'se",-,',....,v-iikentmoiratoititit ~koinew, .• , . ... ... .-,..> . .. , 11 ' 6610 br i ii, .--- Let_ T theiorbMio ' . bt * V S - ' s. I • \';.4,,k • - 4 , . 1. , •-• , • ' , ~, : l:i, : , : ilkki •'. ' via' " ,' l4 *-', .., , . ' L , iv..4444 1 i pa* , er d =At. itk i . & ''' t ... , P",,,7 ' Wise; Ottoyorir , , - , :,',.' . ' .. .•-.•4441. 94,- -' , ''. I:t-; S'''Filliilidllit•dith -- tiriini s trek TO 1 416"? t1C44.• sraVolteithrort ' i iiihro - * ''' .haelii,l4ll4iii , : t al GoodaihN t i afire ~ Irolit i lhollhoir , • f n t4W.4o**** - AtiAli*WiiVrniiilkOtl l o il if - 4 * 7 14,,,Pi' itt sZ ' t*°47ll°e. _ . ab l * . 4 l o;althkikh44ll - .. proikt ,i ii . lii- hi di 'fc'• 0 ..4 t , tlo O . ertrosi revs,thiriorir, PO ~ iii/W64l:4o l4 r•Okiligil;liat sii - cilb6 . It sitar . Ohi o 1 ••,. 0 Pries N V • T4 Petter'r. It 4. 1 0,4W44, 1 t OP 01,0 . 411ttio, Ado dilleety s M.PCioor go S_Slathaanky, Ind theitja id Sitattitikat;-,Thip . marom• iiaditi.4, i ?tietwir, C onn :, w Cook'. Sotoonm orav_ iteit :iiiii*noiii - fi l d i N s oiT e .ll, k io f J floalVi e qacia . : vrazvcan , ,i, ~..- , 040, i.p4;:irAtrtetr:tkorsairiTt looks a pm- Mir 1114 ""er t Aid ' . '19, / i a teigiP " ra ' - , 4 Geo Potts, Ti, . . -. :1 1 .0 1 . 1 4,M10k--:.14- 11 , 11 .,1 11 4 1 . 11 04 1 7. 13 4 011. 'ii t )40114P •Irollo-.-eatiTta; .4.e. beia; etyma. is T . improsibiAs:l494 namthlnsasini if' asWith- ~ , L AW ' cedi r . Va „_, II Crawford, Va • 11414.011 f SIiaIICWSki4S;SIOSOISI , iaI• DSO D g a# 1 1 . 0 1 :00o - . rt s t n .- 7 - 4 n - - - 'mg AY 'theenetif - alibi* - aliacidth •or " deli. ''- I B umw ati l ltekrln I idlot t iFl N ap t ri ' y dams," itlk.Salik alitillatitt la.* rdloir_tedfirdeld A B Wardliger!Pa nik ' S Goshonl. Vie *001 44 0" ''!.....,..:=. 1.1 . °C . A. ....fr i k e I _,.` & . ._tbm* - ra t e,_ .!: i.l. Vr e t rigi ' yntiztixt mealle'..;sw.thims, num- " the oared° /emit of IC 0 ilorium l u. Bait 9 it A. Antony. New York th R- 110 *;1 0 *l7 4 :inin mi .". l . i . ,1 4• 343 1" 0 7 egagigyMnr7, l ll` - 11 R mitggvit;: r4 ' the oratte - !!shisaid theil !asp, the cable Itself - ^4oMeerw tlt . .0 De Raiding, wash. D C wilt kik faikenti.,4isiinnylortitat event be Ins-• ij i g l n,dl3; 4.1..., 151ci Pitcher ,e'illgmt media/sly mipPliet with another " attachment .' , Ar y n n u ri err i lk TM eableAth igthitallon WelgtMlibeak one thundeed A infic, 7 N to kww : Tjein'enir t i ti a rkl in iPe a r i !if ;i r r or 7 k *rk and Any puiu*Sla,kti estimated to be ,hil t' equal i n. ) frAg:gt, Ve, . ' tnigast eo to strength* saordthary Cable et the , same pro- ,__ ' ' ...... . - ' w ow, , r ~ - ' - -,- -2 , ' ~ -, - ‘ . . - _ BT. LOUIS HOTEL-Oneetnet. Om Third. _ Th. Waal Whidi this llVllitipl, b 7 Kr. Wright, 3 PI - a, filgeorenra" v al t in to s i tc hoo reined io4 y, has_ l / 4 47 44 biat iivii fel iatetv t, blit ia thn ii "h uwa tilit . .16 1 7F.Il lea r i rml, -, , IR LI p li s it it is h iv il a rl i d ik; N . I tee; Wiriptie. liii iiiin*, uth.':'tiseerevesowies r .wti t rWebb .: - fitlIi::: 111°44;:iffx 1 i . will *Naha° • llo .4 oo94 AthKiiibeit *ill be , 6 or e , ' G A reirtfiZi. pa a -- L Amid,. .-10.4yweit WSW/4 4 to th a mirth sad" th e F Wthigi. N 1 1 , as' ere - lient'ithilisis,' VA& ......Thrglojui , ii imp" ••• o t 411Cruch Detroit' • • il li h ' Fi rt on T eA l et i , N'Y ' - -..-. •••••• - ~,, ••..--c•-• - - , ..t - :II wolf., • Y • ' at wa r ranted. Plots. 414?u,r44 /, ..h• yrirdatiod to halt ,i 017.. shed nirett. -; The_ : s C sawyer. Mose -. M Bordm an A wf, N Y 9W*. • Itgt• - : ritinil;t 4- . 4-,4 onsid._ sivt_,. biPail. L u W b itlitd ir rSlZD ' e I , : CATal,s7g: Wadlotown eittlegh *r AIN of handred , intos bilthen. . ' AV.,11 Painter. Westollostor J 0 Shore, Phila - -,Wet may stank Jii , gondolas, that, tor oar own C ' La e " ' 3 Y -- - - joo is asatiethisatteri.`ira do no% elates in- ' rignion4,•• havtlth.qdniona - ne pniettoal ses,Awing men ham bessi.eniressed that's Alp at amther;, in alinidij sidn„wontd ' tide` With g reater NlS and ".sat: ' , with the all of: t . this - deed*, sl atteehment," than with thiiii:Ordblem egibilig ;"_,411 who examine tkartissioditht4 Ite_lithignithry thinatons affair, iirrumb;daiptigniiataiiiiim at it by the , person in sttiokiliew lowa bat in doubt of its complete rillikithlitt7 , • --- - ' ' : ler3 siteseke t ' and ss~eaL awn s o Peithilied. aid is - essay eseicals the sene*. er nt idt:teeitte hisbese ibastmLbe Pneer tenentre. that woo reliable .reodien for re- - feAskii: tea beeetiokind easily of *noise, is almost wore tbaa baits: omen Snead Miele& bit London Testers' 4. - enter; bet we • destitute of this eauentinial anal, ode 'le , 414111.1111) MAN OCIEFM)I.• Immune. wee drieltiatodin the oily of Pew York; *nal its list se biddisieuetirnibteentseidel w ine nitereakend bass iiiikedlued`eith itirlioptetars; beeete of the illesitieif *tea OrliellY stead Itie fee days of ' lab ystifof isreneesa,ia leirieltork; and the sweet fettle eat?. It litbstelauti to -ha; Properly spertudend by tie edeestioaireeininualty. Amen ill paWerlief many of lb Wein/ edestors of the stn= rat dente& r beep rsianied al eat Of the initial - tease tbereonstry: beset we wish to oall - attention to its leading obsieb—remily.to sad in MOO, in , And him yetis, ead r oulleies with oiravitc# teaches aad AA a beobestier iseereini, niesslitted books, so •-i:,=; • tle - otedseeters tine eslitito bream neeasinted with terishi*4 itikebite:VerAreto. this' sou eine - reliable kospecessents. • bey an 1210/11$•fliteril odugation. °r em sueessez fal eirLeolinesi as tieddten. beim will able-to lode* of eidualltbdeloniattetehere.' AO - traitikes'i their Ml*, • *a*Ntle• ifiNgwiik at Lthiiitriatesinals "mat be Atli» toteriptent Ode tier vill - isoktsiteauissi. iseconpeumt aid's sweat Imo 'or erne ,tabi right 'ermine to the. triekt 'etrn - Airlateil• dotes Tatiylaciw tilde** dee* depostee of efentedite doeserrebe tie better esiroole of eentny.-. bedates elia seldom him iimpormositY - •v!r• Molinari** tbroiStaltil 'berate* lb.- molts • tie beeolitirbiel. they would ystioniso; Ansa it is ainindet *at- %boy Anal; have eons Ewa medium thateardilqao)l iltog Jew* Nan Oes gortioibui of good Jkaistcii dlciawia -Issdreggif "el•Pfoay awd olfeetstally molt Nagar of tie edwationsi liisetta or ea:atm :lts 'lawmen, aos onorgotio. bosoribli, war graittiortity SW. Wo aro wirtsatai eoliout:ease. oatonstioartspoosses won sad - ,sitottlargte: win Ow sore ad son prom,- itself a s:. 4l # 4 l;!*ollteleit.EdoostiOnsfAursop 1t o~tr~D'Platt.—K - thotoso, Bower, Slatit iderfill3s litiffiitrallogi wat asifit gadjogi-, leg awdhissat,,lt 464405a10. t „olloioitt:seentativo sifsgo aiiiiillfidagottsaiwida if law garostAkessadtg • liodoi.iiidlt:,thealligOiW Osoikg oodstitatot tdosSistialit !Said Jmfe4liifitgodfeitte tdrat-Of lows fnut.7 tattoos; gaistwaso 1 glass • new . sasadod thesedigsso ea istraisusblo tosdadas for bsededAssa isd,j patios. soasttgatioposad irrog Wat.ftisoof Ake listen • 'mu Ina! vow 4sp.Lai;iit . —ln soother pirt of , ' osr,peper lords, inn feesdittie own of hlrs Conrad. IfeckfilifieS,asitealiews Lei .ffieriag Weis- Tirestrisdy temiiiirsorbe are aesialot-' -ed' • Wads illipertment; are - :miff that the libelant novelties of the muesli iii 6rsftfgssdiahsi'itooki!WAN* ito ere set. Mia100L.04111111014711/ 16114tigidthg hit .•!ffpontrg) , bolieiits;of emirs deleiistioa, are lastareeietestitthe ^ - Vitiltisto Alsadide. 7 4atattelit. Murdock Wt., iiliibiits adatellassousteed. resiattiateliwailiheisieews, Reett - Afros, ,414 a *we sketch - froin tie Pideriek - . ..ttirisic* no. -mi . vieh " , tegtsiniseesitvvkisit mot* , iatiolveted. sea the winks Viiikielithekiolieedis ere kvbe toplind. will, Be ilealAi:kttnisknOvensiksik - flee adirttiesseati • "'lftistosi yowl ladies of ~., , „ • . .thekitiiireWerstiwalsaelsool Olga gevisital .. , -„„easkite&easeo' tc-esercowetwaher. • .1.4 newest Peal anoseds ei r theweseera IWO varehaee of a for the use Peens of the „whoa _Besides aohic tif Pod aims& preitarati 'et Waiie will lead their ^ sasgslise; We prillet ea eisrllvelwalsoese: Wait saillaireet tilli i,Sled to tiara that Labia, tbe'liorldrienotraed • polismar et ?rail; has witelaished as meats in this the-isle of hie lams Powderraweallatewid ' with it. ewe, wider Wei* Seasneston. To he ems. thiifeaVe weigiatloasiwwweli.led, which. lb far frees *Bevies the irrititiest of the skin haeidiont 411itt , ishatir. prodiee , st. lad Aso isairrir rail to dam, *sift °CAW' trefeeff., whelwele seam= WI Michel laiihthe It. Z. otitis of Fraith sad Smith streets. It he. he obatiaist K all the triseii,lArat ltimiilati6 - AM I biky "SlLatii, Welabit'AtWaliaartwitt' ightildair hes truss save intifogri sidgeatlea toss ear other *swine weeklastallirevarid. „Itie eltelth!. itrws.aadsnrsof - do* deattwo i l liedeeeor Ailed far oiterlit - • . tam, Wessicee, AO*, ;119) tamisiest street; eyeterbesit tragedy,' is NeWirott,a4 the eiadovi... lelostioat sod lb. fe - vitive.: to stir se aoa ` lid to mks, 41 - Tab* , ling , Ta c all;waireekt ser4lwee tw' readies^ ant. meths et the *oath's ;weer &Wight mesh* Vairwillassei.Cietidair Bea of tookkill & Wal - sea, Neale twel fie Cliestsiit street, above Sixth. • - jiiißeff - = hiviiinte to eve, lawietimes I'm low, linlibeasslNl ',a hills. , • Illesseueseareshish.seaseasWee l'atkrar .^2'c • Swieetisses Pa swift. eliwettweel'ss slow. `niessedesiii f some ivitiovessenei mai iikifiliailevies Soso " miloutsis kith. lama time leal.sed the bessar-hr ;.^ - , 1 Watimigistisetleahetenea thefollie do, erSkt sot. bay of Granville 11486 , - • • Ito. iN Cautatrt MINOR ARIVAB ,111t-niticeit spTritiirs oiewozyri, ze!T. 4101MTSICTAti4. Z. obirser of Ntiat&aad Clestast. I Ph usr,,g,,. i v . .l, - •.. fia11t.b.,.. - " Iv y., 14:4::' gout emot t4,n%. ~, 7 , , A u., 4 7 , Znart,,, :<y 4li ttil4., 1: ,, ,:, ~-s,-- . :'Lliecrta . f, 1 11: 6 8,1... .4471 4 1P 6 q 0 ,r : ' o w ; ils,:r..- tit i 1 . ,:c .- .Ps , 4 4; .i a LIFV:::' , ` a ti nhfirS,- 1 7 _ I 11" ' i - fi r tieu mn i..., et . : , ..., tiwa y . .., idrz t., et, ;,..01 ! • anti lk ti a lt: f.N 7 . t . l ' - ,, ' -- ,- '; ' ll* id Ala.. .....---,- olm ' • I. -_ - it: J- -- . ~ A n tac t l& ~ - - • ' -4114., T ' - it n ii,... i. , rreir.ll“ 'A **," v ,o, Pylk, - :„.., , , : : . - 1 •11 lift" -- ' -. a , NY , ' •.-- mas t Pron • I ' i i :: ..4, * . . rki 1 . ,-, , :i-- ?List avi i : 4 3l 4 Y, 114 ' • .''• ...;, ,; V iss ratiiiii ', ,_ " ' . . ~, awl* - 2.-'. ' ' It ,It 3 . F*Cfli A 'Vl l: t m =l4l:l l6 Ita ' / - • ' • 2 .. - ° ?! .41- -- tEt M is ter' Vii. - i --;,, , ''' Alt Aces ix & ia. M - 9,114 , 1 2.0 - Jahtl 0 titer:Bait • earl , Doudf4 . , l o r iv illio cou •,: c e it ir .. - , met to - : / '‘Tirleniieli:-..,i , sittui atolls, ...- , • i Nibro, es - - 14 1 ,11' 1211 ,47 11. "10!': - - lEnci ',AMERICAN HOTEL-7Chasteut street. above Fifth., /4,Coieeths, N J . , N Nader. N O Troll. Oh io J Patton. Ohio J." Carothers; Jamey El b ore Jae W Newton, 'tre. Bred ri Pa fl M Wdlaame,Mem 'B J Mee/ - J F Jennings N Y .„ F ninth, Retsbne r 'adman:Ye C Otbboes, Va P_W Circa ' X, Fol. KV Wnllenshaw.E Y Geo W Orrast; Ha H Bryan. ktozbure, , Mese Den Boxburyddess - N Omen & Is. Mass R T Douglas. Brooklyn W Gootee, !Rd Wp fiontem..fhit - J omitp Minenville Jos Virilitsms. Tlrene, Pa F. J Laseelle. Pe. E 0 Carr, Obto N Coots. !dish R Merlansk. CVIIMUCPII% Rev FL Maintiffin , Pa Dr ti Robust Haven H Tihhitts. &hart Haven I Vie,. Robin , Haven W Kaufman, Pa P W wali,NY W T Pdeeoh. NY -11 Dentbit. NO , Alf Belo. N C R fttoft, Ohio Watfons. Conn I If Shaman & de. N J Muss /Dolman. N J A B Noah, Conneettent .as F Gordon. Nese J Ellen Doren. NY JA Roy), Tenneses 11.11f , Eteld. moth Caroline A Foil. North Caroline A 0 Plumbs. Tennessee H R Leber. N C 1 Newlin. North fhwolinst T Stout Virginia - James le Mas are Brown marsiand Rai lON N ewyork P Reynold', N C TWEIVNIOWIIOTBLe-Areh street, above Thud. 0B W Wilm, Del .3 0 Liiimek. Ohio 1 „ 1 , 11 *on.. L , 71 3orms, Ohio els e gra r d J Canton, GB Harper, Ohio Awl Shove, Tam en ,Berij Harwood. Pabrville Loot*. bannister B Q,Billrter & sr; Mass Mrs Kelley Bali k`Volli ß iAin• 11% John Pliers, Ohio Thee B Wilson. Pa H Williams, Ohio J BI May, Kingston: 0 li f i lan n Obio J WlLutehineon, Pa Pond Hook. Perrysville Cnas Tatman. Del Iltrvle S eibert 0. b. re)* gt: i 4 gPencer Hawley. Pa Avid Menagb. IT I (Ims Dixon. 14 3 • • F Horner, Bostoo, Mass D Homey, Ikaton, MUNI , "UM -, P Y • - Wa Wolfe, Balt H !Unman. Mariettai O' Mrs & Mansfield, 0 „ • BUOY _BEAK HOTEL - Third a tiai Dahawhin, -P F - . Thin Birney, Danville W 14 Miller, FieW 'Thomas, iainville Jacob K Bid, W Horner, Pennabony J Babb, Petinebort .P.K timeline. Pa Jar Portaiii Datielerille‘ r Danboro W Bechtel. 43reoW Wolr, Danboro B oksoKer. Beading,- , Hain i.etnitio n dent B Long . Long Swamp W K. Oilm. hoyertown Wis iilrnap, linssertowu W Bildoos, Moreland J_Welker. itisaborg F Dochman, Hamburg w me/ovine W Chemin:Ma. York oo Chealearoer, enheneown Swish. Bumneytown }LB Fisher: Heading • Isaac Levan, RearliniL lt I/ Marino!, Tyliliwort, Pa Mira Lark, Lebanon, Pa ISEN FOURTH Paes. AItRIVNG• Behr Mountain Avenue. Greenfield, 3 days from New York. with mdse to Crowell fr. Collins. Bohr Mary Emma, Nendareon. 3 days from New York. with media to order. Bor 011 1 / 1 11; Fox,l day from Odeus , Del, with grain to nstmalc Curran. r Bantams. Themponyn. days from Laurel, Deb with lumber to Jai L Be trier, & Co. flame 001 E Kenriek„ Canfield. days from Albany, artta malt and feed to Daniel &Locator. ittuarniarn. (Corressongenee or tse PhiWielphis Exchange.) - CAIN ISLAND. n March 21-0 PM. ' MI bark AMOR Ithwer, for Africa. and four south eni.soond mho; went to nes thie Rarnoon. Nothing in. sight at thw time inward tans). Wind NW. Nouns TRW B. giIIOBEB. eT TZLIOTAPO TO TIN plums. Noiteota, North W,—Ths Brittse. ship Robert Treatoef -Paheotathi - U.8., from Liverpool for City rola. te sabots on Coulomb. Amostsnee has been sent ker. Tim Alp ./enitits, from .Liverpool for Baltimore, has tope ute iteir in *damaged condition. 'rim steamer Pocahontas is hourly. exPioted to sail for N!prit.Crite. cpw Vslatadrs,"Msenti Stl.Arrived ships Palmonth, Bordoen'tc; Fleet Wood, Napoleon, Wm. hit •Braes Sargent: Henrietta, MOOT, eat from Havre. - Asterion. from Boston ; Canova. from New York Bobs: rumon and Sarnia, from Savannah; Wasters k moire., Carroty,. and Mary Lord. from Li vertpool Berk /Olen Stevens, from Metonym . . . . IIitISOBA‘ ' theireablp s6t. or Gerrhiata N rr A in . , honor, arrived at Savannah at 7 A IS ysaterdar. &ganef:lig' Kinnetatat Haaai; hefts. attivad at NOW York lestarrtari sad ekotywi to ram. Stearasto f p DO, Solo: Bullock, cleared. 'at New YOrk -Bt4l4lrtfrAtritt Sante ' ailed from Richmond 211{tk hum. for Poiladelphet. Serionshierasta, Lott, cleared at Now York yesterday for Liverpool. , • Bark L• 1114 samiiir; tar o Phahia, was at Messina St Inst. v;ith part of carg on board. .Bark Warren, Hanes, troarAlgos flay for Boston, at 'i sailvaanla aith that; Soar Teems Mx, Belt. from Mahon's Data, Del, at New York yeSterear. Propeller Animas. Pastor. *hand at New York yes terday far Philadelphia. •• Piaci 'ues tom-err:on Satrrni Sswnost MACHINES are the beet io the market o werrauted to do aU Muds of family aroviric tailorlat is the beet manszeiier the 'Prise rettilded.Prise PO and upwards. _ - an CHESTNUT Sreet, MIX-laths - - an stairs. LONDON' Mut; BAuc .-ThIB celebrated caretear!thanorb later' introdoced. Into this, eituntiY by Phibt Bros., London, end now being generally used thimighout the hailed atalairipieemees ax onnralle.3 richness and ifelitmorof , tante superior to all .others, is aft age* lent. aid to digestion. and in highly recom mended for dreresebb It takes ' , scalene* of the War. seeterehlre Sane,. and is sold at half the price. Bold by A.. 1. PA ILK 88. wholesale agent for the United Hutton. and respe.flable gloom and dealers In Mokles and PrIMMITTN. mbllbthatulm BSA IIX 3 SAYING FUND —NORTIIWNST ODIS2II. ISNCONI) and WALNUT OTN.NNTL—Deposits atitesd in small ate large amounts, from all classes of the community, and alknrsintsrest at tha sate of FLYS YER OEN I. par arIUMIL Mona mai* drum , by awoke without loos of in terest. Woo won daft, frank !until o'olook. and on Mon. day and ilignolar intil elan in thi avennut. Preel dent. FitANKLLN FELL; Tronintror and floarotory. =AA M. 111011.111/L . IMPORTANT TO TAI LORE AND OMAR& Th. Grover t Baker Sesing-Meobine Company have Ind introdueed a 141111 and superior llbuttis-Machine, Ihrvi sin, high speed. with latest improvements Pam SW For Sale at No.lllo OMPETNUT STREET, • less-f[ Oss - Ciit,Onoo _op TEE LATEST brims, made is tiaa but manner, expressly for RE TAIL" BALM LOWEST aping Newts marked In Fiala Figures. AU goods wade to order warranted agile *won. Oar ONE-PRICK system is imiatly adhere to; as we Senile, this to to the oily fair way of dealing. All are am* torats4 ahlts• JONES 00.. rred-tf IDt RAREST Stmt. PAXe*Annie Fres•Pitoor SArktt.—A very large iimportaissi - of 811. SAUNDERS for sale at refs !losable "doss, 21544/4 CUERTNTJT AG, Philadelphia, Wtrktrit k WATBON. SAVING ; tIiND-4511.T10/141; &PETE TEM Costeserr.—Dhartered by the Melee of Penneylvams. RULER. MOUSY a »Weed *von Asir, end 1D soy =wont large or smell. PM PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it 'pot in. & The maw is always paid boar in GOLD whenever it leashed tor; sad "'Moat notice. 4. Roney is receives from ExeritOrS. Administrators ; Oman:ids', and ether Trusteee; Lz large or small sums, to remain a long dr short period. g.The Mole, received from Depositors is Invested in Real Estate. Mortgages, Ground Rent*, and other &e;• olio maritime.' I. "Gee open everyday—WALNUT Street. southweet sneer Tbira *trios*. 7hillodigsbia. lan ' FCCH T. , tha 37th Ind,. giAbil , p, daughter of - Abraham SAII:7,11 tenth Foohti In the nth' 'l-1 3: 1 1 ft r l4J3 .r f il - e' enddeniv. on the Nth hut., of of in ' t uba he ettujeer ok bovine. Wise Feting, daughter 'Ja,.. l n a Annie id, Earnest. The friends or the family are invited tit attend the, !anent from her parents' random:o, No Ste blelltwein ligieVite l lud Woof ' ) on Thunder, the With inst., al 1 -ANN& T,,-.on the Nth Jot., Qbailes. Only child of , Charles O. and Marianna P. Abbas, aged 3 ',Arista 3. months. . The relatives and friends of the familir are invited' tO attend the fonerai, without farther notice; frotn i gin fatherwiresidene_,e N. N. *enter Of Sixteenth and ban-' ra e m., on zonaday afternoon, 29th inst., atarg Monday, Moretti. Inst., Mrs. Anne i re , let tf the late Italia° Twirler, In the 91st Thp viati g l ide of r ate belted to attend ear tantrai, f rom, b ar r es idence, late m 1 110. 1102 &mine rrkity s trirrim, owning, g Seth Mat., at .11 34e 1. 1 4 1 1 lath to fifoCorian the Nth, riiihikL i tin resigavgg, !Ones 'treat. be tWitetti th and Fedend, below Ninth, thia ( Wad. = i 4etp on l i e s o . .. d elook. The menu of 0., • the P d oiladelp a Ipo., r it i trY-eal l'e n In' aft u rirstVa;et Balsa, vrife * of liturv-hri, i o rna i tirof age. „ rose trona nos 6 POW .e/ pll2l • MAIO - WU Thirty-sixth, Ode ist s a s to, Vur 411 snt*h c d. .1 ' a", ii mmo• - der s insbandi No, Ul vet ifire'ieeP ~~_ EG=Z3 MARINE 'INTELLIGENCE. BLEARED. Steamabip Cambridge. Rowel, Bolton. H Witio9r. lat'r B. li:Gaer,'lter. Baltimore. A; (holies. Jr. SPECIAL* NOTICES. !lassie' Boum& Swiss , IMPAINED itOtIILS4HREAD. iftillT Pas IMI AT EVSILT rms. PhiWOO& Oleo. TAO ARCH qt. Mesta wanted. 1111-1 MARRIED. PIIINIRII.-DAY.-On Saturday, the 16th inst.. by gm E. C. Sharp, at the reeidenos of the bride's rather, le Milieu/ Chto, Mr. J. M rainier , of Co il m in i n gs na he itef l a m . !mow n y riy of Chestor . eounty.'Penna. H rto -mcrePPEN-Ll:Vire.=.o tote h ' .Ei i Mietor a:S.V i laton.,?ame: ro.sizt.tty c 9 the .......rd .... aria. traci, ,all ot Cit y.thit_ rs t BK-PCO er If.-Oa the MO ',lost., at Cir theopiry the Right Rev. Atonso Potter. P. p. Abr: het r, Jr., sad. Rebsees I,..ideughter of the late . -. 22 141 1 2 fak-FISMOn the Ilh of Fe b ru ary , Meo, by Rev. Alfred Cpokaiaa. NI. tighnird 81111111nA ffEtAollll3lol) t righNl. Idi or m i me. . . ...x fil ti,- Oi~tha MO %Of, Rev. m, hip Yayish , hit', homage 0., Asyner to ~ gwn. sem all of Menem Iliii, rellatteleltht. ' . ___ __.___. • . • DYAD. www101023 , 25ra :Itichwereget 11Punigiforpliblo, late ratmlenee ♦ 11th et, boy, on_Tinfteilay mortiing. M, 11 M 6 . ° 20 92 ...4./a Maik Onto ter, or lomeriad•TA kti DibortibiWßtoWPal ' 11 4 3 or her ass. FusierratfroM the residence of hereareat r e;Thlit4L, homer Market, Camden, N. thie (WedneedeY ) alter ' noon, at o'clock. , ..„ • CHANCE,—On the 28th inst.. Da . vd" Ciieginrci Chance. son of John- B. and Mary Ann Chance, aged 9 years and 6 months. • Funeral trout the:residence of his marmite. No. 34 Norfolk street, 'late Union alley,) this (Wednesday) afteirnoon4 at 3 o'olock. •• Setae RE.—On the 25th inst., Elizabeth Clark, in the 117 , 11 year of her are., . Parterat , from her late reaidenook No. .13.14. Marsh4tll Street. on Thursday afternoon. at go clock. COBS.—Oa the Me Ind., William Cobb, Br., late of Oarden, in the 70th year of his ace. Funeral. from - his late maiden°, Seventeenth end Tones streets. , above Market, this ( Wednesday) after ' noon. at 3 o'clock- • C011,1204.--un the 26th inst., Bridget Collins, in the 50th year of her age, ' Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Caldwell, N 0.1223 Fitzwater street. this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at o'clock. CU IuNINGRAM.—On the 25th lest., Florence, daugh ter of Peter F. Cunningham, aged 9 years and 4 months. Funeral from the reaideneo of her father: No, 216 youth Third street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, tt 2 o'clook. • CLENDENIN.—On the 26th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Thos. J. Clendenin, in the 47th year of her age. Funeral from No 115 Coates street, this (Wedneethil) - Morning. at RI o'clock. HANNY.—On the 18th inst., at Columbia ,_Tenn, James N. Hardy, son of the late J. H. Handy, M. D., of Phibintlehia. in the 2 1 3th It at of his a: p. KEIM.—On the 26th inst.. Josiah Reim, in the 61st year °this age. Funeral from his late residence. Twenty-first street, shove Arab. this(Wedneeday) afternoon, at 2 ti'e oak.. io ßli o talFF. 4 7tin the Ilth MIL, Mary Radcliff, wife lin. aced 65 years.. Funeral from her late reaidenow. Warrington, Enke caunty. on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. hIoNARDBON.—On the AM inst., Carman Riehard eon, In the39l3 yearof Menge. • Funeral from his bite residence. Marcus Hook. Dela *are county. this Wednesday/ afternoon. at 2 &Meek. , TROUT.—Oa the 24th inst., Mrs. Lydia Trout, aged 61 years. Funeftsl from her late residence. No. 216 Currant alim. this Mednesditylafternoon, at 3 o'clook. • W ILLIAMB.—On the 36th inst. Anna Penrose. wife of Martin 11. Williams, and daughter of Thos. N. Pen roserin the 40th year of her nee Fiatieralfrom the residence of her parents, 'N. E. Corner:cif Twentieth and Lombard stream, this (WV 'leader/ afternoon. at 3 o - MOURNMOURNING BILKS:-BESSON, & SON ING have removed their Mourning Store to' No. 918 CHESTNUT street and offer for said at their SI LK COUNTER nook Gros Grains i Poult de Some Grua de Rhine, patent Boded Silte. haured strived Silks, Poulerde; &lodes, Maraellinee, Lostrlnee. &o. SECOND MOURNING SILKS. War and Purple, gray and black. aurale and white ,' and Meek and white dross Mk' ike, black' and white nea ohm* and striven Sake, blank •and *km. blank an purple. and plain lead Foulard Silks. mh2o NOTIGE.—A GRAND ENTERTAIN- Meet wilt be given on TILURSD&Y EVE N ING , arch gmb, WA at HAND Kt. and HAYDN HALL, Eighth and Spring narden stroote. A Piotorial Pilgri mage to Egypt and Palestine; painted from Photographs taken on the spot. Boors open at seven o'clock. Tiokets Twenty-five eente. Children Ftßeen renal. N. R—Exhihitione riven for the Benefit of Sabbath Schools and Beneficial Societies on 4110' most liberal terms eget offered. Whtt. hi. FLY, Agent mhiS-2t' B. B. cm Eighth and Spring (Arden sta. A LECTURE WILL BE DELIVERED at CONC ER TtTALL, before the • • Melville Li terary Sooietv." on FRIDAY EVENING. Mandl 30th, at eight o'oloc_,k by SAMUEL, M. CL PAr ELAND. Subject—. Words from the Egyptian Eld." Tioketa at Gent & Volkmar'e, and at the door on the evening of the Motor.. - mh2B-3t. ne".. , MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY. 133 —An Adjoued General Meeting of Stockhold ers of the Mercant ile Library Company will be held in the LIBRARY, on TUESDAY EVENING. the 34 of April. A full attendance is particularly' requested. as business of special importanoe will be laid before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. T. MORRIS PEROT, President pro tem. ' JAMES L ESLEY, Beoretary. trinl7-7t MSEVENTH( ST. GEORGE BUILDING AND LOAN ISOOIRTV.— . I he Pourth Stated g will be held' on WEDNESDAY s v SNIP°, March .58th. at N o'olns_k.itt Mr. WARD'S HOTEL, CHERRY Street, sibt.ve Third, to receive the dues. and loan -the funds. The Constitution of this Society le based on snob liberal principles that it only requires individuals to read it ro be satisfied of the some. fate reet only charged on the net amount loaned, and reduced annually by dednating interest on the amount paid on the stook. Borrowers ranpay oil' their loans at any time without losing any of the bonus. and can pay one or more shares of their loan at anytime, and reduce their monthly dues and interest. Shares S 2 per month. Stock can be subscribed for on the evenins of the meet ins. ADAK H. DIETRICH, President. JOHN VOIARMAR, Secretary. mh27-2t. TrNEW CREEK COMPANY.—THE Annual Meetin theire Ntookholdere o petty will be held et Oflioe. No. 511 WALNUT street. on THURSDAY, March 29th, 1860 at 12 o'clock Atorhen an kleetion for Direcbore will be h.ld. W. W. ROLLINUS WORTH. tah2l.9t• Neoretary. UNION CANAL COMPANY.—AN AD- Vmsleingn i y l t i .la t ira g nllltt . llll l llVAtliVlla Mae.) at II o'olook A. . Room 30. Merchants' F.sehaese. (formerly ism:mined by the Board of Trade.) for the purpose of lie trine the report of the Committee appointed Januar. 25.1860. By order of the Committee, V. BRADFORD. mh27-3t Chairman. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, I DkPARTMENT OF ARTS. he examination of the Junior. Sophomore, and Freshman Classes, at the Xiolto of tho Beoond Term, will be held to the following order: Friday. Mare/. 2.3 d. From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof Coopee,(Logiejand Freshmen, by Prof. Randall. Ateebre,i tortSteX. Front tot, Junior', by the Vico' Provost,(Dyearnies.) , &sterility, 24th. From n, Juniors, by Prof. Ron. dell. ( Differential Cateslug,) toritten. Monday, 91th. From 9to /I, Juniors, by Prof, Jack son, (Int:mato and Sophomores, by the Vioe-Provout. 'Wham:try of the Ater:lf:vide.) written. From 11 to 1, Frathtitia, be Prof. Allen,(APPollenius Rhodins.) Tuesday. Pith. From 9 to It, Sethomome. by Prof. Kendal. l Trisonomerrod written. Prom 11 ro 1, Juni ors, by Prof. Allen. (Xenophon's AftmorabOits of do crates.) , Wednesday, Mt& From 9 to n, Ainiots. by Prof Coppee. (Mesta( Philosophy) From 11 to 1, Sopho mores, be Prof. Aire n, Thucyithies.), ThursdaY,99o. , Fjom 9 to 11, FPeshsits. by Prof. , Coppes. History.) From 11 to half-past 1, Sophomores, ,by rol..tackeen. Tasitug's Histories. i .Fridny. SUL From 9to 11, FPeshmen, by Prof. &tot non. (f.try.) ' On Friday evening. ihe 30th, at eight o'clock. an Ex hibition of Declamation of orieinai compositions, by members of the Junior Clans, will be held in the College Hall GEORGE ALLEN rah23-7t Secretary of the Fae silty of A rts. lir:: - orrxer OF Tine PIIILADELPUIA. f DERMANTOWN.AN D NORRISTOWN RAIL- D COMPANY. March 17th. IMO. 7 - DJ/add' Managers at their meeting of the Bth test. 4:teetered a Dividend of 4 per oent. on the east streArlot the six menthe ending the 01st inst., pare le Oa "CI 4, " 1 " - m”.. 41 ...L-Junil td. Transfers wilLnat_ msde for tenders atter twesmills. -- Vt. - J. W[LBON, , , rahld-tapg-nrwf Treasurer. WEHILADELPIIIA AND READING RA , ILROAD tiONXANY.—Officie M 7 BOUTti RTH Street . PIIILLDILPIItki March 21, 1800. To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company. due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this office on or bofore the 31st instant. when receipts will his given, and checks will beread,' for delivery °tithe 2d proximo in exchange for wild !re. mots. B. BRADFORD. mh224t Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Manta, ttlE. The holden of the bonds of this Company. dub in n ly 1, 1987. oda now receive, neon application at this ones, 10 pet Moltch inal. Cash, neon the terms speelfied tb? Wnren netta he holders are also entitled to the benefit, of s sink ing Fund or /Immo per annum, as established by the stookholdere at their annual meeting, held January V. 1811/, and in pursuers* of the contract, entered into by the company sad duly recorded, to carry the same into feet. li.jditAleFOßn, Treasurer. CIRUUGA et. Nolen to the Holders of PMlndelPhia and Readier Railroad Company Marlin's Bonds, dire July 1. on These bombe are secured by the lire mortgages on the read, amounting inane aggregate t0155..U.,4011. The net revenue • for the lad (noel year as as times the amount of the annual in , greet on then bonds. The managen propose to extend them fOr a period of twenty rears. the holden retaining the bonds anti the security of the mortgagee in the precise condition in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interestpayable half-yehrlY, will be issued A beers of 10 r cent. will be given to the holders. in consideration o ftheir assenting to the esternion. This bonns,will be paid in dash to the bearers of the Whin, on their signing a _receipt add presenting their Teepee.. live bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Form, of receipt and 'adornment will be farniehed oa application. fly order of the Board of Managers, ml-tf O. R. McILRENNY. fleoretary. rip MRS. CONRAD begs leave to inform YAW bet !Wendel and outhimets, that, she will been a ettlettdid ateortneent of SPRING MILLINERY oft THURt4DAY MORNING. March tteth, at het rams. 918 CH efir.NUT Street, tolaneS she invitee.their at tention. nth2B.2t* gab S. IJAREPi WILL I OPEN ON ',uvular. Mara 29th, at her room. No. UM HPRUCE great, a oeleot anortment ollipring mka9-2t• TWENTY-FOUR PHOTOGR AP HS suitsblo'forvisitinf i v i i r ds. ht 81.00. Ambrotypeg at, 411 prieee. Three for #. hotoirenhe for $2. WOW* for 46 at ItEllith '8 Osbert, SECOND street, above GREEN. It* INTON'S ENCAUSTIC TILES FOIt , floors. Ornamental Chirtmel i 'S one, Cardln alld SWilViltur Vetoer!. vountna, Vitrt e Crean and H f ent Pipe. Vitrified Chimney Allem. reverted. menu &a ttired. sad for tale by 8. A. HARRISON. nell2ll 1010 CHESTNUT Btreet. NOME—SEALED PROPOSALS, EN domed "Proposals for furn'shine Books to the Sops' and tittle' High School." will be renewed at the Office of the Controllers of Public Sehools, southeast corner SIXTD and ADELPHI Streets. addressed to the updersignel, until SATURDAY, March 3.1,18 W. at ten • elect A, W., for the supply of "Tooke to be used in said Schools until the 81st of December, 180 Q, The list of Books, as authorized by the_Board, can tio scull on application at the Seereterr's once, Dr order , of the Committee on Bepplies. RuBERT J. sEirIPHILL, m 62 3 St Secretary Contr •a of Publto Schools. AMERICAN SAVING FUND,—Compa ny'n Building, southeast corner WALNUT end FOUR Streets. Open daily limn till 8 o'clock, end on MONDAY has always paid in full• on demand, without notics. INTEREBT FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid back, on demand, in gold end miner. T R MITERS. ALEX.WHILLDIN, President. BABIL. WORK. Vice ice Sohn C. Pary. T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspaeb, Jr., Bowl T. Moline, Alb. C. Roberta, John Aikman. Jonas nownr,n. H. Eldridge, Wm. S. Howard. JOHN 8. WI MN, Treasurer. JOHN O. SIMS. Secretary. - mhgB 6t TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OR PIIILADELPHIA. Estate of JOSEPH Re..x, The Auditor appointed he the Court to audit. settle. and adjaat the account of Won. M. Rex and Willougobr M. Rex, administrators of Joseph Rex, doseas.d, and to make distribution of the halance in the hands of the somountsot, will meet the parties interested for the our poles of his appointment. ou MONDAY. April 9th, at 4 *Week P. M.. at his Ofies, 0.9 Booth SIXTH. Street, in the city Philedelphio. WM. D. KELLEY irstaii.insrt 10t Auditor. • is MIXED LAWN GRASS SEED. A superior mixture of the finer varietiesof Grasso' eepeoinlir adapted , for Lawas, Parks Gram Plots &o For este by R. BITIBT & SON, Reed Warehouse, Nos. 922 and 924 MARKET bereft above Ninth. is EARLY 'KIDNEY POTATOES-In ...W. tinge. *AA tor Sole. hy BUIST itr 80. 84,E WAREIIOIIBE, It Hoc MI mid 924 MARKET Street. Above Ninth. SHA.DE UEFA EVERGREENS ...Tso FLOWERING 511R1.16.9. eco —Those who intend 84anting_during this Spring should VMS ROBEDALB tiultBERIEB, where wilt be found the largest and finest oollection of Ornamental 1 roes, Evergreens, &a., in'the eountrg thousands of handsome specimens of Evergreens that wd , give an immediate offent. NORWA': BPRUCE, handsome. ehape,3 to 6 foot, 07 to p:leer 100 ROMOri. FIE, fine eprolmens, 8 to 6 feet, $6O psy. 100. • 81.AME1ifor Avenue Planting, 10 to 18 feet, 8 2 3 Per 00. AUSTRIAN PINES. a few hundred of extra mined specimens from Bto 10 reet, of refloat form. , , !FISRAIe EABY . Awl, PRICE] LOW. H. BUIBT & Feri. PrOprintorg, Warehouse, 922 end 922 MARKET Street, above ilia 4 The Darby Railroad Cars imsa the Nonfarm& every hour. (Pare 'ln cent...) mh2B et FINR, PITCH, AND ROSIN.-250 bbla _IL Wilmington 'Tar; 300 kegn do do 166bbL. Pitch 2,000 bblt Itonin.in good order, rot tale by ROWLEY, *SHE URNER,A CO., rniaa No. El Booth WHARVES. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-275 bbls /baits Turpinsine, iq store. and for sale by ROWLIOI - ,ASHBURNER.,kfO No. Id South wileavzs. IfiINOLISH CARPETINGS. Ji—Af Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrain, and Venitima Car Pokings• Also, &merlon Carpeting. and ()if Cloths, in area eagtety, tor sale, at trairtiftysle r fitintry imparts. lead aler, In Botta' OBCO D fittest, Aliktl-gon - - Above tiptues, Wet ado. PRFMO- 7 1411WIELPfflA, r WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1860. WHITTLER, BEECHER, CHEEVER; LOWELI., STOWE, BUTLISIL, Ulan% THE INDEPENDENT has the largest eirenlation of any religious nevispapor n the world, and the daily mail. abundanily, nrovo that the eubtio:spereentte the new witten, pima "DIOS hive resent's' espeered In Its columns. The eontributioes of the Rey. Dr. TYNE!, WILMA/VT ALLEN BUTLER, Esc, and WILLIAM M. EVART& Eat., aro geoured to thw paper by copyright, and, tpere• fore, will not appear In any other Journal SLAVERY IN 'FEB FREE STATES WILLIAM M. MATS, PK., one of the most dtetinettiehed members of the Atneztoso Bar, will oontribute the first of a series of artioles on is above subjeot. ConelOring their ernmont aouroe, hello articles will doubtless oommand general attenl THE METHODIST CHURCH, REV. DANIEL CURRY, D. D Dr. Curry'm reputation as a writer among Ohrlatiari men of all denomination, eepeoisily M the Methodist, Choral', will inane for those brtiolen great oopoloritrt, end special interest, in View of the approme tans General Conference, to laid' reference will be made MRS. E. BARRETT BROWNING. This beautiful poem N to the author's happiest rein, And will be immediately roooynieed as one of her beat efforts. The following at the opening linen Her hair was tawny with gold, her oyes with Purple were dailc ; Her cheeks' pale opal burnt with s red and restlese Never waa lady of Milan nobler in name and in rape ; Never was lady of Italy fairer to fee in the face," REV. STEPHEN IL TYNG, D. D., - REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER THE INDEPENDENT published EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. and furnished to mail subscribers at Two Dollars a Year. or delivered by carrier in New York and Brooklyn at Two Dollars and a Ralf. FOR SALE BY NEWS AGENTS. mh2S-tt NEW EDITIONS LITTLE, BROWN, -Ss Co., in WAStHINGTON ~ BIBXRr t BOSTON. STONY ON BILLS OF 8X011.013E. Commentaries on the Law of Bill, of It aohangt, Fo reign pnd Inland, an adm nistated in 'England and America. wi.t, occasional Illustration. from WeCoin- Metaled Law of the Nation* of Continental Europe. By Hon. Joseph Story. 'Fourth edlhon, and Revised. Carrot:tad, and Enthrod, by 'Ed Intind H.l3ennott, Esq. - - "The present work, though net go large withal of Mr. Mktg. conttaainsail the eeeential doctrines on the sub ject °Mendip arranged. and established on !belt proper principles. Nothing Is more grateful to the student of the law than to be able to Moment the Toulon on which rides are founded ; Then he _may. truly bad 'the glad some light of junsprodence,' which his great inflater. Lord Coke, wail so fond of contemplative. to the trea tise before or, as in all that hare prenehed it from the same source, the author has constantly aimed to present the principle* of the law. Bat the work has the addl• tiotual practical value derived from the collection and proper arrangement of the nuthornieg bearing on the eutdeet."—North Amerman Review. TAYLOR'S LANDLORD AND TENANT. A Treatise on the Ameriorin Law or Landlord and Tenant, embracing the Statutory Provisions and Judi- Oral Deeisiotis et the stnierell [felted not?s ftl reference thereto, with a seleotion of Precedents. By :Oho N. Taylor, Esq. Third edition, revised and much en larged. This is a learned and valuable treatise upon the Arearican law on this subject ." —Kellt's Com. vol. W. .Front the eueminatien which we have been able to make of the book, we should think that Mr. 'Taylor had been eminently successful in the exemiticin of his titan, and that , he hes sigen to the profee.ton, and to t h ose twd terse Masses. the letters nod the hirers, a comp l e te en 'll ra her t ei e / t re b oo f l o c ; — work: R til lm ort d rn . y branch of legal science, better or more methodically arranged, or em bracing within the same Spat, 0 a more foil end Practinal summary, or more reliable, than is to be tonna in this volume."—From the Hon. Samuel Nelson, of the United States Supreme Court. A praotical, lucid, and comprehensive treatise upon aft imptlrtatit branch of ,leßti marines, adapte_d to this anti t trig . :7o: tretrgT oht, as wet , as to those of the Landlord, was a desidera. turn, which this work has ably supplied."—Tiew York Evening Post.. RAY'S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE OF IN- SANITY. A TREAT/4X 0/1 THE MED CAL JIIRDWRIIDEII4X OP INEARITT. By Dr. LOW BAT. 'Fourth Edition, TO vised and much enlarged. thro. es. "Dr. Ray ie, without doubt. the mos. elaborate author extant on the medipeljuriapradence of insanity. . . Few can told hie p►gee without gainini a deeper lanowledice of humeri nature. and it wide and more Ittlernl view of human hilirthity."—flOilton Oat. ." I htijd my, hand Perlistle the whet What* tree. tie n that thp age has oromecen du the sim atnesni ly in relation to Jurorprudeoce lit th e wor kor Dr. Ray, anitmerimin WI - Heron Medical Juriaprudenoc " Mr. Cockburn. Attorney General of England. mhZd St. if mwf VOLUMES CHEAP BO(Did, 2,o(kr Co wetly g o wetly b oun f d. Only .25 cents per volume. 25 CENTlg—Poetry, History, Religious Work„, No -25 (lENTR—vela. &c. HENDERSON'S, 25 CENTS—roIi7B et No. 525 ARCH Street. ” MY DIARY IN INPIA.'s—SYIV - 711 - : RUSSELL. tbil Thrice dorresolindent. vets. , 0104 i ' Ehellell edition. 515. With illostrations. A free supply of We mist entertaining book, the dertilnd for which has been en great in England that the pub ',ohms hat o heretofore been unable to supply the Ame rican MOTHER GOOSE FOR GROWN POLES. A new edition of this most capital and funny book. Price, 75 cents. LOiRING'S PICTORIAL FIELD-BOOR OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: or, Illustrations with Pen and Pencil of places oelebrated in the hintory of the Revolution. 2 vols., cloth. 1111. Only a few copies for sale. THE SHOT GUN AND SPORTING RIFLE. By Stonehenge, 1 vol. With illustostione. Price 51.50. A oa_pltol hand-book for youns Spoilsmen. ...WORCESTER'S NEW mos) , °unarm r ptartoN Atty. !Area 41:110t0. Sheen. GOODRICH'S ILLUSTRATED NATIONAL 1115- TORY. vole., Pro. Splendidly illustrated in Various etplr of binding. note, with ALL the NEW ItOOKS,find LABOR ASSISETIVIENT OF BOONS in every DEPARTMENT of LITERATURE, by SAMUEL HAZARD ,_ln., in1117.5t 721 CHESTNUT Street. MRS. HOFFMAN ! ! TIRF. MARTYR. MIRSIGNARY! A NEW end C IEAPER EDITION of the LIFE OF MR9. VIRGINIA RALE ROFFMAN, late of the American Protestant EPiscopal hliiieion to Weetorn Africa, b the Rev. Oeo. Cummins D. D. Rectos Ft. Pate es Church Baltimore. wit" a beentitill EN GRA P"T"A paagifi e a ° Mit PREM. '",Thin is a wok 'which will take lie .plaee beside the biographies of Henry Madre, Barnet s well, and ether devoted servants of Christ In their 5 outh."—ltlOn treat Wither's. We may search the pages of hietqrsr In vain for a bmtliter example of heroism than the life of Mn, Rolf men."—Providonce Journal. , • LINDSAY re BLARISTON, Publishers and Bookseller/1. No. Pa South RIXTII Street. above CRLENTNTIT. MP ALL WHO ARK TRUIA INTERESTED in the cause of Christian Monona, should read this deo_p I mb ly Interesting volume, A HOOK Tit should read PLAC in even •BCROOL LIBRARY. 27 LJBER AL BOORS FOR INDEPENDENT .au THINKERS, sont by mail, postage free . sn re ceipt of price. The Trade. and Clubs who buy in quan tities. supplied at n htreral discount. For C11t010111 , 39, liddre/111 C. EL ANCH.An . trib2l4t N 0.76 NAIdBA.II Street, New York. fil OEVi HE STARS AND THE AN. On -11- the Slit of March wid be published ework of ex traordinary intexesr. entitled 7710 STARS 41t11) THE ANtsELS. I vol. lbw: NOTICXS 710) , I THE ENGLISH PREM. The first part is a really able, and, in various re/hoots, fresh argument against the attenuant onnolusions that have been drawn from the facts of astronomical dis oovem-Cirisfiea Too zoury. In thepecond part the author treats of the physiologl- oat relet Mee damn to the angelic and merely efilfaill creatures. We cannot bet notice the chapter on the Physiology of the Spirit " as an admirable example of seientifio acumen, rioripturel knowledge, and daring speculation. The whole work. whether as regards the importance and sublimity or the sublect, or the study and research of the author, merits blab commendation , ne evlnnes an exegetical and critical skill oommeilsa rate with his selentiflo knowledge.—Seortish Gaitirdran. to w i t h by WILLIAM No L,FRETI CH ES T NU T 606 CHESTNUT Street, - • niht7 Philadelphia. f • vru T • 8 ' to all those that have datiroillossotores, or ease ments to heve them lighted with the Patent Damara Daylight Relleetor at Teamed- mite. Celt and is. wimples and reoommendettemi et the Mould Vargo. Hotel. Ninth [keen/ strew{. w. F, rUbilitiG.B4.l3ol, .NEW .14511LICATIONS CURRY, BROWNING, TYI4O. CONTiNtil Of TUl■ WSZK'S XIMIDSR PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE The first of a eerie* by the A NEW AND ORIOINAtePOEM. ~ A COURT LADY." Will contribute hie Ninth Lotter on SUND.AY-SOIIOOLS A SERMON JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, Publisher, No. 4 BEEKMAN Street, Never Yak. IMPORTANT LAW,BOORS. JUST YUBLIMIED BY PBX. GOODS. • QEVEN ANO NINE— -I,7Fionnon llsregs MAW. . ! Throe- flounce Plaid Double-skirt ' '• ' 26i 111.117. and 46 oil Planted French Barflies. I . One lot Figured All Ohallers. cents. , One lot I.ionuon_Pla d Mcdl26 oenta. Mode all-wool De Lames, ST ciente. nigh oolong extra Ana do. kr %4 gents. DRAY GOO ii. Plaids Mixtures, Mena. Opined, Be. Ottoman Onto and Brown ?opium,. Slik and Wool Mixtures. Plain and rlsid Mohair.. BLACK 000119. ' Blisok Wool De tialnes, 37)4 to 66 cents. Illaostmmer Bombazines, 613.6' to 81.25. i.ilaok &roles, bilks. alpacas. /mi. Dlook_and Purple Latrine, It% quintal. ?Oar Moak and White wool Ho 67)4 cents. IlishfalßD fIAtiII.KLACHIEPB. ' Cheap lots Handlteretters and Collars. kIPitING CLOAKS • In greakveriety, now rerirlf• wklan coupEß CANARD., NINTH and MARKE T Sta. Aso• 1860. SPRING STOOK ROW OPEN. Full Stook of 'SILKS, Full Stook of SHAWLS, Full Stook of DRESS GOODS. Full Stook of LINEN GOODS, Full Stook of COTTON GOODS, Full Stook of BLACK GOODS, Full Stook of WHITE GOODS, • Full Stook of , LACE GOODS. Now Materials for DUSTERS. Novelties in FRENCH GOODS, Ito. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTIf dg AROU STREETS, Philadolphla. N. B.—SIOREKEEPERS, tray at all ram find Good Bargains, dally from New York and "Philadelp hia AUCTIONS, P. B.—BLACK SILKS, at Not Prices it'd:Mildly Cheap, mb27-tf 1860 . OPk,NING. 1860 . THIS AIMING, ANH DURING TRH WEEK. SPRING MANTELETS • AND NEGLIGE CLOAKS. In Ore%t Variety, at the PARI.4 MANTILLA EIIIPORITIM. J. W. PROCTOR. tame No. 70S CHESTNUT Street. CLOTHS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. OASSIMERES, UNDER JAYNE'S CALL. VESTINGS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. LADIES' LOAKINGS. , • UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. BOYS' W*Ali, AT. ESHLEMAN'S Wholesale end Retail Cloth Store." No. 643 CHESTNUT Street. atter JAYNE'S HALL. SHARPLESS BROTHERS Offer a fall lino of CHECKED BILK!. The most desirable oolorings of Fine Checks and Stripes. In very glossy and pedant Goods. Ali colors and qualities Lyons and Swip solid colored Two hundred Steen& Bilks, comprising an assortment of mn93-if CH ERTN7Jr •nd Erownr sonata. 9pHORNLEY CRISM, A. atingle attention to their Stock of -31 LKS • 110iVLS. OttEtilu GQODS. CLOTH DUSTERS. SILK MA nTLREL BARGE AUOLAV DUSTERS Al , ni DRIIBBI3IO. also to the *wheat Stook is htladelphia, Freneb Lane Holmium Frech Lace hccolommiee. Drench Leon Eugenio,. "'nob 4406 Shawls . . • French Lace Vointee. French Lace Mantles. Frenoh Lace Tatman. Cambria Lanett. Chantillit Lanes.tre. BOUGHT FOR. CASH ! . 'We Invite attention to our Staple epode. viz Beat Fanny and Fronting Linens. Beet Shirting. Sheeting. and Yillow . hlueltue. rip Cot ! B e lga TO t ' a m .q, " ll;. Best d Gloves. , Hand keroltieg,kc i Northeast 'tomer EIGHTH. rind SPRItBO 6A1133214. mbit TRH" If t RR ISON BUILDINGS,' I b4-I w - V to.rfivis; CA.RRIA.GES. • or r.r BUZIMMOITIRI or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOS/TORY, No. 1009 auEsTrim STRIDE?. ri2.2onii, HEW &Co PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, Ho. 39 SOUTH EIGHTH Street. Above Meeting. This Is the oat! establiehment in the city devoted axe/naively to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. A greater variety of OVAL GILT FRAMES on hand than can be found in any one establiehment in the United Statei, and prices lower. Bring your rhotograpti, and have them Wed without extra oharxe. mh9-3m CRISTIANI & CO., - MANUFACTURERS OF FERFUME'RY, IMPORTERS OF DRUGGISTS' ARTICLES, No. CS SOUTH FOURTH STREET, el:lltrrnggnt t a h li t ouri .G dOW7ll g r eu l urgrn g t3 stook. mha-luir BELLS. OAST-STEEL BELLS. FOIL MUMMA ACADEMIES, FIRE ALARMS, FACTORIES, PLANTATIONS, Av., &e. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY • NAYLOR & C 0.., 520 COMMERCE Street, PRILADELVEIA. These Della have been extensiveiy is tlee in all parts of Europe, the United States. and Canada, for the past Dye Years. We are, therefore. now repared to state their Principal advantages to be as fol l ows: Ist. Great strenith and elasticity of the material. 2d. A vary pure and melodious Malt? of tone, combining 'wetness with pews, fa a remarkable deuce. Sd. An average saving of 40 per cent. in cost, as compared with that or ordinary bells. Evert Dell is warranted for ono year, With proper a dage, Tamar climate. Clinteg of any dinienteibris east to order, with great accuracy. inh33-tf "CATARACT" WASHING MACHINE, (Blownld'e Potent, October ta, 185&) Connoting of n metal gander, with Meet* on the in ner outface, and en interior cylinder of wood, with clear One crank turns both eybudero et the came time In opponte directitnis. rapidly oreatinr a gild,, forcing the Water through the clothe*, and effootually removing thadirt. THE ONLY ArAonitru EVER INVENTED COM BINING THE FOLLOWING REQUISITIER: Entity—A cornea 011 lIRONI oast HALT I'o THINS QUANTERS IN Benonn—A JnHILAE SAVINCLOW LAION, NUBBIN° BR ING lINTrItI , LT DIersNIIILD . THIND-4 ICILMAIXABLIC IIAitING or 01.0TUNI, Ae THEY ARE THOROUGHLY CLEANSED, WITHOUT IN/OET TO THE PINES' /MINION. rT TNORVUOTILT CLEANSES VLANNNLII,WITH NO POINIAILITT OT SHRISEI2IO THEM. FOURTH—rdItEIIOT NINIPLINITI 011 CONSTRUCTION AND zunorMvir, comomb *ITN ONNAT DURA BILITY. By the use of thee. mitehlnes—so rapid and thorough In their operation—more family comfort will be realised than by any honeeteeping article ever before °Tared to the pubtid . they are equally valuable, ether for large or email establishment's. A ninahinneni be seen in operation tiniiy At N0..104 JUN E.ti ALIJA Nl. AR ' , HUNT STREET. tomtit: 812, 314, and Sle, wording to lite. A li beral disoount to the trade. SULLIVAN & HYATT. Manufacturers, No. at Beekman Street. New Yort. mitre-WU JAMES B. RODGERS. CEIOICE TEAS. PIPIT HALF CHESTS OF CHOICE OOLONG TEA.' TOR GALS C. H. MATTSON. DEALER IN FINE GROCERINJ, ARCH and TENTH Streets JAPANESE AND CHINESE GOODS,' received Der ship Horatio, aro.; eondsting of Drapes: Bilk, Brocade. sad PineAssle Dresses, Boast's, &a • Je panose Work-ho=op,Waiters, acs., richly cumin' Dessert Bet , Jade stone, richly carved, with s variety of „antiorotles. atom. a fatty -executed Wok 111: ? r i lok h genTI ' llia t i ro%B. a r e 4 t e ll Q at t 2 R 6V MACKEREL. -964 bbls large Nos. 1,2; for sate and Maokerel, in assorted saokag_es, infitorigarni DILL ls ir_ • pitlat4t 4 84 NORTH WHaßVliz. ' , , N. B.—Orders solicited end promptly filled. ' SLUR VARNISH.-75 bbis No. 1 Ship N. 7 or bright Varnish. A good A rtioN. 'For sals by ROWLEY. ASHBURNE It. & 11_,0 =kat Tin. la MOUTH WHARVES. SPERMACETI CANDLES.-50 - 'boxes . v ie n b e y w Bedford R mge w rnal y et: A c s an u ok tu g iit nd for =foe No. it SOUTH W NARA& 309, g itLis Prime and Zsstport . J isiattikWVl4,, OLD ESTABLISHED STORE, . , NO. 39' BOOM 94.0019,; STREET, ABOVE OIIESTPIW/". , • TOWNSEND & CO.. • • Importers and Dealers in VELVET, , BRUSSELS; • • _ 'III,NiItiPLY, and INORAIN 0 A ,E ) .E T S. ' Of the hest English and Awnless mire: MATTING, OIL CLOTHE,' Ire. , &a, wbiob ettintion le solicited: , .m1329-Nstmem DRY-GOODS JOUSERN. TERRY, PRICE; & CO., ', Dii MARKET ISTRi3E . T, 110017.1111 AND 7611111 ow • CLOTHS. OASSIMERSB, to., Hare now on hared is large and wen - air/acted Mock, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market J o W. Le3IBBS &SONS; lto 691 MAXICII7e6TRES7, ,Are now opening their SPRINGI 412'001 OP 'OOODB ' Adapted tio MEN'S WEAR. In whit& will be totind s this areortmeni of °LOTH% DOESKINS, VOTING% TRIMMINGS. kn. finl.3 A. W. LITTLE 4* CO.. SILK GOOD'S. fa lmNo. 825 KAMM' STUFFY. ,AS. B. CA MPBELL & AND WRODUALLE DIALII2O 11 DRY GOOD'S. LINENIi, WRITE spODS, . CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS, BLANKETS, STLINF GOODS, ao, No. 721 oIiEsTNUT street. Jel4l-11m1f UNIERELLAS: SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANDFAMDERS, No. 330 MARKET STREET, fes•tm PHILADELPHIA, MERCHANT TAILORS. E • 0. THOMPSON - MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER OP SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., Respectfully invites the attention of all those suffering from the inconvenience of bad-Htting pantaloons to his serener method occulting end fitting this important garment. , Thla is, in fact. an almost universal com- Pplaint. The truth is, however. that the fault generally ea with the unskilled nutter, who flea never searched for or made himself master of the true method. Having, in a measure, made this department a epecialty.l Invite ail who ;re interested to give me a call, I have alway o l on hand e complete assortment of desirable goods l COMiblia. Pantaloon*. and Vesting*, of the latest styles, partially of my own importation. mhal-km INSURANCE COMPANIES. CLINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RAL COMP.M4Y. ItGATTBBURG,aussouRr. Chartered in 1880.—Author ised Capita!, *MOW DIFOLCV,PII; IL Whittington. Winslow Turner T. R Bradley, George W. Culver, James k Thrll,, Pres. Jr. IL WHIT I. N. HOCKADAY, 800. and Tlll6ll. INGTOaN Special attentionlaid to Coileations, and Money rometlY temitted. Business solicited. mIW-3nt" THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF POILADEPIEVEA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING , . S. W. CORIV/ilt FOuATHA.ND WALNUT STBIBTA. DIRSOTORS. P. R►TcatOHD STARR. MORDECAI L. DAEMON. WILLIE)! Mot GEO. H. 8 ruART. NALSIO FRAZIII4 fiTii.;,fitinl.,., JOHNv. kvrooD, BM. T . Eno( ' .A.EDDEVE D. Hasa, Rimer VrEutArzt J. L._Haxmarit, TCHF RD STAHL Pzesiderit. CHARLES W . MXIS, Secretsry. feH-Ir THE MUTUAL LIFE INSUBANOE OOKPANY OF HEW YORK. ets: eIJC MILLI 4/148 OF DOLL AR L / L I - ilvasTa 3WORTHMVERIB4ON.OO U s. 7B/A TIM The premium, ire Lomat thin in many other UonOW niaa, With, Dividends haw. b een ammo. - This is Oe strlatly hicostrm. ammy. Thamp_nra DT —ommEholdero ao that Al.l. THE PRO. 3 - • • .114)11111 TO TEN INSTRID. hirOTTITOPr ....a. .. --- Z, y STATIC, 00 applioahm '''''''' .---"'"'”— ' p. RATORFORR_ RTARR,An= i. R, W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT 8 . 3 4 nADELPHUL JILEFEKONOEN: Zhom Mans John Welsh. Flordemu Dawson, Eleorga H. Stuart ohn ut N i llgond. r E. O. Whelan, J. Fiahir Leming, omph_ranation, William O. Ladwite ohn M. _Atwood, Artba- 0 Colt°, homaa H. rowers, Goons W. Tolasd, William Magee. 'Thou. Waimea. nri-lilf• WALTER EVANS & CO.'S BOAR'S-HEAD SIX-CORD ' SPOOL. COTTON, Superior to any ever imported, in strength, emoothness, and elasticity, for machine or band sewing, LENGTHS WdIRR.INTED. "We bare triad Evapa & Boav'ev'Ele..l Sewing Machine ike . 1 F. I[ v' . d 0 1a , d4 . 7 3 7.4.tiv a ur r ! i ..."ei.....zR C. OAAVILLE. General Agent, New York. J. B. uowELL, Agent for Thilddelphia At FINKLE & LYON'S hEWING MACHINE ROOM& 912 Chestnut /treat. rnh 174 m JOSEPH LEA. . N 05.1% AND 1% CHESTNUT STREET. Invites the attention of the Trade to Ms Stock of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. New hght and dark spring tiles, a great variety from MESSRS. BAWL SLATER tc SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO., MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also, THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including many new standard Patterns. NEAT BLACK & WRITES. PURPLES, LAV.I3, &a SAXONY & SHEPHERD PLAIDS, & BIDESANDS. BL OKAYS, AND CHOICE DUSTER L K WOOLLENS. FANCY OABSIMERES and DOESKINS, &c., FROM ROCK 00M., GLENDALE 00M., NEW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MU. g, BROOK. DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO 'SKIN AND SILK MIX TURES. &dinette, Plain and Pnnted, of oolors and quell. ties; ntereky 31=11, 3,1111111. Cords, CAMMISTetts, Keriey's weeds, compris ing one of the bait awoke it the country. AMERICAN LINEN COM. CRASH, !WOES, MEETINGS, &o. THOMAS & MARTIN, 21/ CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE VOX BALE APAQUAG SEAMLESS BAGS, (N ALL STZVA. fatft-am JOHN. DICKINSON, COMMIEMON 2411KRCHANT AND; DEALER IN EXC DOME RANOR. ATIC AND FOREIGN NOUN rOrl, TEXAS. Colleotions made and nrompt remittances In Bight NtohAnSe, at currant rates, on Now York, Boston, or New Orleans. UIVETts TA °NUGENT CITY B atilt, New Orleans,. rsßars. HENNING'S it GOSLING, New York. . H. PRICE. Esq., New York. um PIERCE. Sr. BACON. Boston. mble.lnatf 910 MR. GILBERT GAW —DRAB, Silt: I have a large number of Signatures end Reoom rnerideheell in favor of my system of UnthIHNT BRA WHITING, which have never been published. I value them ell but none more thou n the one given me by Yourself. I value it bensule I know you ere net a PO son who usns tif -end-of-the. tongue talk. but who speaks as he thins's; ancl.beeause son are noto. novice in the scienee. Ale you intended, I shall avail myself of the benefit of its publioatlon. Rospeotfultr, J. R. SHANK LAND, 'leacer of Garment Draughtingnd • Garment-Pattern (utter, mb.27-31` , 504 CHESTNUT street, Thir Story HOTELS IN TOWN OR COUNTRY.— A CARD. The subacribece are now prepared to furnish Hotels in the city, or first-olnes Hotels or weterine. places in the country. with ever , article of LINEN r or COTTON ABR neotiseary for their purpose. hey are also Lrepated, at the shortest notice, to furnish end put op HADES and CURTAINS of every description, and r the manner in which the work isrformed are per mitted to refer to Mr, Srs VENS, o tee Continental,. /SHEPPARD, VAN HA FILINGS & ARRISON. • Curbed" and lionae-huniateue Dry,goods Ktere. mh27-6t No. 1006 CHESTNUT Street. LUST -A PROMISSORY NOTE., drawn and endorsed by Chanel', Stout tg. Co., to their own order. "for merchandise boa ht of Mount. Hall it. Co ilia'!" kit, hod payable at N u mberinTs and Me.: ebonies' 311 ks Philadelphia. 1,53/14; dated October 19.1839, eight months, for e11d.19. All persons are osutloted against receiving or nego tiaMting imid Note, as payment of it has been stopped. ad 3t* Cbbla. Pure Wayne County IL-/ (N. Y.) CI DER, In thirty, and forty-gallon casks warranted pure. Pure Cider V hangar. - 210 North ISECOND Street. nah274t* - W. P. REAM'. AIIACKEREL-300 bbls. 290 hfs. 100 qys. *AiZi"Velaollietiyl4°"" bat received, cad in prime WILLIAM S. TAYLOR & I! and of NORTH wamtvs.s. - VANILLA BEANS.—I case for sale, by 'rgEltuit. & BROTHER IntiX4 E w a an 4 a Nona MORD 5M411. WANTED—A %lent - Iki , 'ActiVel , Part- III! wire el/ to sbeo_ ,000. by a Hata* talcs! York, hseta'art eetaahod. autos. . atth and • Prd.." gide. i n the Intrarteetrat et Binning:am, abetneld, and London (ioode to toll T. Addnits, with re po iv." and address. se none other, will roomy& attention. mress. M. r.. ft." New York City. WANTED—To purchase a Lot in the • • Southwestern Pert of the cute. iontab'e for a Vac tory Mt°. .• L.' , at thls Office, sta m tnte m a t.os anti parhowara = A LADY wishes to be companion for a Lady.l or Governein, Reference given. addraps pR. L., ' Pro/4 aloe. • • ' 11.• RIK CHANCE.—Partner Wanted in a soreitteai cheitilot-etieet neetaaniot;ooipietati lined 11.. .1144 la, all. ossration t _343 s sois per son, torten ems. Apply* to JOHN A . OWMIB. lip Routh BEVRNiit Street. - It° - YOUNG 146 N, A, - GRAPOATF. OF .A. _ the' High d esire and who' liss„a kaoarls_dse et Bonk-keeping, 00411111 situation in s tarsi:ding stooge, andllyill make hilloseit generally useful. Addams ' Ba ker," Blood's Dispateh. - - mlit74/1. WOTTD—By a .17tung Man, aged 23 lidinstlon, BOokiri*Per oritteendanti n a g "tchoteasle Grocery Diryr 1.30 e, or saufaeso Eitaboshment. iisihad several pear expensneei this pus and the est. Pipo , ounse city reference. Please address " Philadelphia, ' !him Pio*. sat27-.lt• • WANTED—By. a' Xoung i mail, a Situ• titian on Werobostenteut4;orter. Write* • good hood. tutdor•ottolo Wok- mut vro•id b b.• antlirt to sgmhts i tai lt to the . advn id taLlt:l, t ra f' Ofir of Tho Pri r si.. " lac " atbst4t* ~ co WANTED -- 1;000 Laillea to send Ibt DE RUEINT groat book. • EtV i llg mai listd woman emit. roppiatir violas • nave law bop,. Emma so mono to 140, JP.V. re) he WANTED—By a null family, for . six the Ors YeSt• TWO, 011. THUS 1:114141a- III:91100,V8, wit= Ward, is F i arlawra u gat ; :41troireet r or iledgAtaventriirri - the rooms meal be co% too dna sod wield noors. 111 0.rept low. Address ..E., ' Presoaks.- whi t-tr FOR SALE AND TO . LET TO RENT—A DESIRABLE ma country residence, with ex spree or Taus' toe hood, atabhari orchard, rte. about' one mile from Chestnut Hitt, Apply WW A. BLIGHT, SID WALNUT btreet, No.lo, second floor.' MIMI et • EN TO LET4---A FURNISHED HOUSE. Bet —Rent taken ont in Hoard with theprivilege el taking other board', re. None need apply witkont means. Address J. A. sa.." Presscane. It. g'GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR. RElST.—Alarge modem4iniltecorirenient MOUE% On •Bahont-bnair Lane, saw Towasluy Lim mar-be • rentad for the Purruwar 'or by_the year. Win pas And water intradotsPd t good aranling, vegetable Etaraen, 'Ore.; furnished ;or Boomer if desired. Also, another NOUS% adjoining the abase ,with the water and gee if daintier ; good etablind, Vegetable Gar den, &o. Apply to - CHAO. RHOADS', mh2B-2t* 436 WALNUT Street. (beak room.) TORENT, A THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE. No. Of Nod!' RIGHTS street,, in ler feet order. Bent WOO THOBIASI.3t_FF_BIRS, nahni-et• Bock of uIitARD H O Hid. 'FOR SALE—A Mineral-Witter Appara tus, good 'oider, with Folttltalite sad Draeght- Stand complete. Will_be meld very Ipw. Apply to t./OHN C SAVERy, Who're/4j Drutort. m *IR RET Stret. stuas-ist• BOARDING. BOARD WANTED—By' _ Cfentlemsn, Wife.and one Child. a pleassat room, with Board. where there are few or no other boarders. No *Mee tions to Mantua. er West Philadelphia. addrem. with location, room, and tonne," Bon MP Philadelphia P. 0. . mhlbbt. BOARD WANTED IN THE COUNTRY doting the elcimuisr roonthe ; location near come Railroad Station, triable • few miles of the eity ; Bo ooramodttions rerned for from three to lye _venom Addreu B. ' Blood's Dtroatob. d pAMILIES AND GENTLEDINN ING permazentor transient bonding. Vinyl/sae call at Ma GRES T? 4 uT &rest. above Broca. Also, a front o ffi ce for s Physician or Dentist , i0h.21.6t* Two PLEASANT - CHAMBERS VA CANT. 'with Bawl. wt flit WALNUT Et. vrtbt-lm' PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—Cash will be paid, and the htghatt price, for Wien' and Gents' 'otat•ndr Clothing. by addressing Mg gib bloodly Diggatah. tnh3l-12t. SALES BY AUCTION. OW, BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN. BOK STREETS. TWENTY-NINTH TRADE SAL CARRIAGES, Match 2gth. Cornprusing TARES BUNDsse.D L/ONT 'CAR RIAGES. Among wbieh will be FIFTY DUNLAP WAGONS. Also. some seemtd-hand Wagons. An elegant coupe itookaway, by_Watsott, cost Seek and but little used. ALFRED hL - h9-1t if • Auctioneer; SHERIFF'S SALE OY ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SILVER•PLATET) WARE, FANCY GOODS, lib, The entire stook of one of Dia tangent tnenufsetanng firms in the Upton, ooinprising a oomplete amorticent of FINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED WARE,' A large quantitg of nufiniehed work,- BO eases Ohm ware, riot Paris Pans and Opera Gloom, Branum Wares °clamant:2, and Vaasa, to ha gold ON WEDNESDAY MORNIND,ARARCII 211,. Na.- 408 tram.ven - r2_43l.etesET, — . CommonOing at 10 o'ciliWk orteisely„ Alto— TIitiNBDAY MONPSING, MAECE M.- - FACTORY, Nos. 4.111 AND 414 PRURN STREET, Superior Machinery, Metal., Materials, Liquid Gold and Silver, eto., Au. Inns et -0 : 1,007 1`, Auctioneer. FERTILIZERS. TO FARMERS. PHOSPHATIC GUANO PROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, WEST MILES. THE RICHEST FORMATION, OP PHOSPHATE OF LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. It contains over E 0 per ant. of Dona Phosphate of Lime, being le per cent. richer in Phoaphate of Limo than Done Dust. FOR BALE BY THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS, AT po PER TON OF 2,000 IBS JOS. B. HANSON irk CO. 8010 Agents In Philadelphis. mliff-fmw-2m No. 39 NORTH WATER Stmt. ENTLEMEN having COUNTRY SEATS G and °AROMA. who have net sufficient manure of their own, or who are desirous of a quiet growth and large and early moss of regetenes, a beautiful lawn and grass plat, will And what that need to the • POUDRFITTF. OF THE GOD[ MANUFACTURING COMPANY. This fertilizer 14 neat. handy, without odor. , peaked in new barrels, and his the advantage of not injuring the seed matelot by direct content therewith, and of be • mg known for twenty years Sc a reliable article. Pnoe, 51-50 per barrel, for seven barrels and over. FamPhletawith direntions ke.. free. Apply CO , . Hr. , _ Lora ma C 136 South DELAWAttE Avenue, Phila. wilted mwlm pint, DELPHIA WARhI I N O AND -a. VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. NEW OAS-CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. This Warm-Air Farm.. Me now been in vas in this tilt; and all parts of the United States, aid, after four levy, trial. they have proved to be the eriateit Econo- M tzars of fuel, sod mat IPOWERFTJ.L4 HEATERS ever used, es hundreds of references will prove. Call and see them, et ARNOLD & WILSON'S, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. B. hi. FILTWV.L. Su" mhl7-s&w3m ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS, Manufactured from Pennsylvania Slate Stone, and enamelled and marbleised in imitation of the richest and moat rare Noy pben Spanish. fiord Antique. enrol, and other desirable Marbles. They are highly polished, wal not stain or discolor by Oils, aside. Gas, or Smoke, are eIX times as strong as marble, and are sold much cheaper. They have been used in this Country for the last fifteen and in Europe for the last forty years, wi h acneamaatesf ahond Aorehteo e ß m u n de he m n . Mealnun factured and for sale by ARNOLD it WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT STREST, B. M. F.st.vvrann, Philadelphia. mhl7- sitirram COOIKING RANGES. CHILSONT PATENT ELEVR ANGE ATED DOUBLE-OVEN cooKnia . s om ething now and dooldedly the bast end moat com plete Cookwg Range over Qffered to the Public, war ranted to love settersotaon to ell owe.. Call and sot than. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. B. M. FILM/Lit Mari. mh77-gitwßin REATON & DRNOI3II,A, HARDWARE , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOT COEMERCE and /do NORTH STREETS. _ AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CUT NAILS, . HOLLOW WARE. ._.• CAST, BLISTER,AND GERMAN STEELS. Which; with a eotattlete awatitnest of AMERICAN HARDWARE They oSer for sale at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fea.ethatti. it COLUMBO ROOT—For eat. by WITRE RILL 4 OPTIEWS. Wea Isom a we* ° S • 4 . F . 4 .' 4" WALNUT-STREgt TWISTER. ,- _--; • • • niaiLuses....._._..si t iicic o o k ItriL2rwrirc77! , FWV:lP Taltui.NEo OW BUIRII- TSB (WEDIFS fid Is v.ENI KO. ii.jaik SELiB C " dinwit it e af-t= . r ts " li ..., 1 C A .v au i. . lisusrat, Mt. ALA 11JVC/RP less: Pisa .Cirole t po pilati; . t. 3S cub: Tier 'and Farimr Orem - bed b 'no; is seuti mt.vato Barbs. VOW i max *W . SW/. A 14 4111 Otabodcb Nod Pri Boxas n Doug iiiisittril raboweilisabsto. Doors open * O'filboki Purism i 'rill - 41 . 0 at Wt osatT. ;DAN :R ors 'GAUT SHOW - , itaioNAL .211BAMLE. WAL LI UT 'book lAkfell Mem, , t , ,Pau se{ -11 in in alitykr44011465, 1 1 F Mato; 10 oentoi Sotto 111 Yr SOW, 71 ; vote Ama, Cuomo, or 31,..-Ditot toott silt itioullw itga T iri ~ 1 1* T "'"em° 911•ArT e rA 60 . A A tint* Ds 1 , tab 14111 WiliW & for Mims p es. TH 18 iWEDI4 ifftliAY) rMige. Ranh MI. Oa A exhast %ism liiimts o ...q t y.' WAIro MR ili - TO 14 00 WA s. _ With taw sad ;ammo tionary, MI Ar potato:mato. , 31IL, TONY Niftol '- WiVr ist hia omit tollign JoosAtois, ord Ifir wn ~ who dijairin 4hotho 4 ninety or Br tho mat siesta° rodeo to Allgeriell. ' VVIIRLTLE Y ' 4 .- OLARK:II - 8 'AROII- . • BT. TORATIR.—TNIRMIDNERDAT)WIN ;MN% Ifftb mat of BowNesalthmrgrs gig .pf the 00 roßoos% f • oir) OCTOROON! • ocTo 00 ! OCTOROoN 00Tol&Oif OCTOROON! • OCTO I - ocrroNoox : • ocToNo4, I • oCTußovx I• • - o 0 vox 'ocToßooN t o u clbr OCTOROON! OC • • OCTOROON! 0 N: • - 'y'IItAMATIDREADDiII AND BECITA TIONB.I3S- IatftDOCII, Esq., The estearated tradmitaa. la aids! this Chssiti tarts'. This us tits allttasstme of Mt. thadostt sessgs, he harlot eX t tutdr delayed his &loaders (or Its. Unit to loaf abmrs chanty. Tido entoitalseseet_wil .xol•lst.Or MISCELIaSISOUS X.S.A.DINGEI sod BECITATIVefi 'sortie ske froze Miasmal list'' , :yr yke., toottAzat fl a ratile.- Matek 11. 'lBlO, at it o cloak. Tiekdsee mite, far sat as tift drag storm, hates. and at Conseil gab. - pOBITIVELY THE LAST ,WILICL. ft THE. HEART. OP. THE ANDIB" WILL CLOSE SATURDAY. 81'r MARCH. 1==!I ACADEMY or ram AST% 1026 CHIBTXUT 1T1137. Open froeti tilt 10 P. M. Adiaiiieez ends. Nth* et A: NIGHTS MORE! - . - S - lIANDERSONII - E2111111171011 ligit h i pruir .tey*We CaMmelmeeele l i enti_ ... ..n i, iniiirryffitnnir — W IM. Unnegooy , tenet: , ANIVI/atied UM? ! tkplesittd UMW 'mellow, =:: ! 41111- mooting ragman I tooloomom imehtoll - The seasery mod wee minted eopmcdy the Ms Art Mageom br Al; Lotus Mow: The Billubitbm Ms sehzemdfa eelebeity to No Old Maid:, sad is Now Yet* and this el Or. eneenalled by any otlierm exVy. - It is sekoowxed by tbt!eas awl yabitrel ea• t MODEL EXHIBITION or A Door!, °rims. 7 ceetoeintIOIDIIIIMOO at M. , Adotoeson—AdeM.M ma.; Ohildna. id aid. . wiliiHlt AMERICAN , AOADEMY OF WSW. THREE TU E SD A Y_ER merlin MONDAY, WEDNESSAY. April 2d, ad, kb. - • The publin are respectfully int...weed that the ULL MAN & BTIMX9BCti. COMPANY, ow their way iv New York, will stye three Sparea, we the alienre-arme tViltiVri-it will . to b.. t u bf.T.L. 's b.V.,.. "l ...g egt agro te riessai tluit ° oa f sad in thet of NOIII A to DON PASQUALE, a she has just added to her repertoire , and - IMO she Perforrn for the and time since her apperewearie em the nage. Os the, iewiWoecienon. MADAME OOLIONsoII sake, her farewell aPpearenee is Philadelphia. • MONDAY,' Ayr&IITMA-V i r PAM MM. WyAMW,_ BAINOLI, .10N TUDADAY.-"THIS MODAAN YAM Mwkaws COMM. WsDNESDAY.=Theritively - the had irisidj-lar PA OpeV, UAL), w b ig, the mose i. pd A tfeet . sage tinetfav Trikilarweeirital, slt MIA" The dale of Pears for aro of the tome niehtrotem wooer on THDRB °AY, Name NA at tioealesdassr de Chieterhog'e, No. ecn Oheatant street, and at bit a Lawton's. made MUSPAL ENTERTAINMENT, BY THE TOMO:litre OP - MONROE_O_HA A it SCHOOL. ON THURSDAY EV ING, *web 29, 18.9. At Thr' (Moak. - ' • Tickets. . —X . trfilbir Viiffnail.- emir Proneeds fer the parobeee of a Library. - aihal4e CARL WOLLSORICS AND CARL DOTOM E ENA• FIFTH CIeASSICAL SOlltb - • Will taka_plaoe on THURRDAF,Mareh 21tb__011/a,st ties FOYER OF TWE AORDSKY'OF 1111U_goL For Prottraatates and varbeaboo 061 at Ult Pa" Store& Solvoribera are reemeted to abov maw batons. binge 'Ticket' One Dollar; eau he had an tis ning, at the door. - The stand over-striated Etaidway Piave a hem Mb Bluing vaTIITOOPIS. 1906 Chestnut stmt. rabX-St MoDONOUGIEVEIVALIMIL2-11.&04 tiolow THIRD. STAGE MANAGES ArINANDIIi zseastiffritlV FELIX CAROPIIIMTTRAIF The *hove Troupe wilt voyeur EPSA They ern the _a ,- ooderfal perfotesen% ll 2 ware "ra d ".! 54 •T viil mama. - • HERNANDEZ: And the talented company *ppm, Find appearance of TENEeCARTY Bp.onusza, THEIff Y-SEVEN Muroximul; Trxxxx Acopwatarats, aw • on aelignitr:LlEr6cst WS +K BOT ait l4-11112 tomaton Ram Daao•F-- - Attnustiw,_Erasewinsiones lona, irrelal4. -161 . 111. AFTSEMXII6 phENNSYLVANUI ACADEMY OP MI FINE ARTS °P Icda . NUT BUMS?, tilli AN ,211 DAIL, ,(Batalaauaxasatadol frame A. life FinWad—The Tent h mime at " Mitt Immo ials." of Pi 4dmionoo *UM Madan War El psi asit PTIOD. alarm of Stook OIL - ALtS CIERMANIA OROHESTRA.—Pubbe ; iireOOATIMDALIT, 1117810Ai. FUND RW 4 at iNu:e4ock P. K. Teske* to be had at ta. Andres,. sw Beet le ierwlen'e anme Stores, end ii the door. „ Ail in WINNA AND L 144130311. pURE AJWIRICAN WINES, From the most eminent Wine stamina lIIRODILIy NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, and PERNOTLYAELL Rsatkliny, Btlll, Sweet. Dry and COINUSIIII4O WINES. Warranted the PURE JUICE OF THE HEAPS. ALBERT C. RORRItTS, DEALER IN PINE RROcERIER. sa6l4-V Corner ELEVENTH sad Vill Stresola BR A N IS B.—Now 'lndio; from on A-. board or brig Mario Brookahnan. at bat .had below Sontb weft, 3D ming of Pinot, connon, Co.. , ttall other Ins Comm, various 'vintages. gab, and dark, in H i mos, H. god H 3( casks. Imported Ng for solo by - HENRY BORLEN t Co.. tab 24. gt 211 and gt 3 houth FOURTH !Meet. CALL ATTENTION OP Tan to thin really. tinges-w amnia ALFRED ttENAITD COGNAC. A windy In annorted.pokants donate, ntly ea %den trosived for direct I Alro—Hennessy Cognacs. Laor ' enaso. London sal Holland Wan, Claret in Wood and Conn. Cham pa nno high and low erica..l.oll6CWllnt . 010-6 m 617 Saitk FAOhU. Phdadelph G EORGX . WHITW, No. LSI south FRONT Stmt. Importer of Sroodp. Wino.. the., ram ler % v ita l bond only, the ton,p, MOO/ 0T.41r 14114414 i of brandy : rtnet, Cata/xi, & 00., Than RUN & 00.. - Jule* Robin, & o*. °lard, DRIPPY, 4 Oa A rtPt644l. Montt. . tea, Pelleurcumn, ' Dupont & Co., Union Proprietor* - . & F. hlartolle. Jae. sBl:l4er 7. * stout's Puska Net Wbirkel, mad the ohoitter4 Tarim:ea of Madeira, Sherry, Port. ttoristady,_ en* Rhine Wines, Pelm Tree 1.14 n. Jamie.. Rem, bent* Crus Rum. Bordeaux Oil. 10.. Is • d!-ir .45" Mt. EPECTACLau, with the finest Periasopie or Cylindrical Glasses; mounted in Gold, Silver. or Risen, Stool. EVE,GLASSES. is Gold, Tortoise Shell, India-rub ber, Ste or Rom. MICROSCOPES,_or Um best ouclitise. OPERA- GLOSSES and IIinRINR-GLAIMES, panned. Ism, or Fowl MENT MATRENIXIICAL and SURVEYOR'S INSTRU ,. 8•F 6REOFctRES rAanofsetured in esetT STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, recently imported. 6.4 Cold at the Very t I°w" af. r i ee PRINELIN. Optician, roots-at nt South FOURTH St.. below Chestnut. yolm J. it C. PISUHERE SPLENDID NEW YORK PIANOS. from *IN upwards to Vaecordin ex fgaisli—faeonibly known for IlmSor beauty of toneerior. sad durability. For sale on mouttity instalment', from Sjo to IR, or for eash at & liberal discount. Also, a large assortment of ether Pianos, from *zee". le t manufacturers, on hand. .1 AS BELLAW. 271 and litEloatti PIP ra STUN r, above Spruce. ental-lm' & 1:10Nb ; MAO t. vianntsfug of Grand, n right PIANO FORTNS. Wareroomp,l937 &matt . pianos let. token in itaonango L taped. malted. Maoza oonnootion. • fall k mock i i I m Pagilir Blume. Nk, Noon Hnn ka.a. WORD TO 110.1tSEMEN.—Da. PEARSON'S BARRER% EMBROCATION Ig deoylettly the beet stews/ion. in nag for the core oe bruises. sprains. oda, fi rs. old or fresh wound", switches, SWeeo44l i t i kk i 4Vll. &o. Pd.. 40 conniver MIAs. be W. R. BURTON, No 660 North SEVPIRTE Street. below Grose. MIA sold at No . tau North FOUR. Street. JENKS & OGOe PI, No. HO North 7 lard street. GILBERT & CO.. NO, 6t4/ North Third street. A. WI LTBE RhERi N 0.1615 North Second wrest. J.B. EVERTONbEeriond street. below Booth. No. 001. And where midwives ate kept for We generally. ' nibit-sznalit* ' .- - F A.VA N A.—The A sehooner. S. C. Knitht, Captain Whirlov. will teal as above with deepsieb. Firt ovpaseage. apply to MADEIRA fr,_ ABAD.A. ethlt•St MI Smith F ONT Btreet. Tali PHRENOLOGICAL C. :MET. 1„'• BITABLISNIND sr Form , , & IS 0 e dam and evening, lot the sat e of Boon a lk& - ,. 11 5tr,,,vih r stet-Clem &e. t raimulacur FacougATtorr& ,TtiTrlttek? ne olo 4/. is the Intakes of Ile El in nv4t74lPA=ifet of eetiirli sacin sr au inteihgent venom sr &TO e4Jith aoessist- Its facts. • rittiiii- deeniptioret how degtooteolgVe will be te l v=ta raltri ftt64 NaL. OATEN. • ' - la M g Ml= geralLiarnita. MM. Irian, tr. Warn, POOR RICHARIPO EYE -WATZR 18 a gala and nartaatAmarn foT laaaaed ialra aim& Toll" It, an p ove fb:l2tVal A. OQ.. de aT.KAWBEIRY raw 'Phitadeln ia, -• • idallHk . _ JAVA - Oa ja...„4,000 , , fAiritaietoPPA.P.W 'MN - BALM 004 LAMPHLAOK44round pure in Oil. • WETHERELL &BROTHER. and 0* liostli Mit+
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers