-11 .0 1 * 1 0%, • .-,:. ~. '- - B o; .' ' *NM, • v . - . f , 16 ,0 f, v. 4rn• i r* ak , , vt V-io • 4 , ./ x s wot • ' 1.0 1 4 1 -bit 4 " *94 i'''''.44lPAlVOMtriii,! 4a t" A vetiherievii ' ' 414000 411 *. smug Mjaieliers mit#.4 -.-.- ,_.,*,il ~ilO ll 4 / rb,.. eat reamistipi**o47 - #o. i ".-Nr. ,li e had let SAA,llOll4 l l B O B f*,- 1 1" 3 0 " 1111 P/ 30 / 11 ' lirnelfilif , l 6,,,, *14#4 ,10 ;*04 tripe' blisKjtit*Wit )7? .. 1*,1,14n, I v wq= In:hie' • , ..W4ft, _, Ai i i."*liiilib !.if PPM, , 1 " - in 'alli 14'1 1 1$ 1 neyorA/ 1 0 . : 0 11 4 161 tit big repatetiOW tar PulPk*loPrOlt so-iglia"r•il l esesie LSO Alik , tial ' 01*1114M . . tilZt `inifided for kis ibmaik,ireo!lAyofwesitta, - .09p. 1 . 1 $40: 'word.: „ t „, , -..: '''. ' • ''' '' f r•: y• s' , i " YlT•rri'4lll,l4i,ilti://iiiiii* Sinai Aix;Pi whickwiii.beiiisi li th e tritelmtellrif,S,he teillf ""4" 1 4(*, 11 1 11441 0:01 4 .0 1r -et Iliiit';='; /AZ 4li o 'itei:setakft wi V t that a r ti. ' ei On thee i ,11fi0, , L , ~„ tiled whether or * ea bac onii. tit ono Side it WiiiifietOk .Mitit PC , 1111 4 0 ' ,OVir Sit h' 4l sense of storineninnirian4;ol.shifrithaoattti baterwatiluariSolL INA* Milt a m * whilataiiie IlA'.l.!!'llas held thus ~,n a l unoliatiaOfterid - eould'alS lititilbly , , ,'' of rush sameherion. For his own sort lia' -, riottoa and therearileeileow nit* Sigtg'sidi • llie thought, torabiladly,Tilimisiittlak audavol-iditliitie winsusivues.- genk-inenirisik stiel**4 l o4l.l4 - engetsgted gem ospaysilwfuu.- tin than men suilosity. - -(ltiviallta Wanscrta • hie to Attila* holiiQu o tiay lidtspralish, we Atigidatsta 41y,* . Sli Stand ard, would mite In. 110- a r:Wi -la Map least desme. - Anterir: his , proitesair iy. To illastrate this point, the ispesitsv gesgegesgtf etsi = plated, the differeneet oven ,_iteAreiariniiilditiailli this pat . 4 1 17, *bowing, that vibile Some would, - um s er altimeostwours, InareYwd with, filar tn A . or gasvOleri k _••, '„AISIII,Itie iki.,,lasti ,Irsteible of what was - Stessi'sneee, Ittrahl els' ' mairimaalak _llior •,-1010rwiliari,tlt was lively vild hi laturt annietelForiso ' !spaniel iodise upon the benoh, who, surrounded with contending sad emitted emu* sad 'multi tudes agitated:lf idietwAhn, traalihi o rhieharrre hisown duty in thaw. withenithe *t weak sung of his pulse. That - he was a led thus to net, did rot prove him to be any more devoid of semy (m. maga than, others, but newt alit halitilderporortitio surmountasek.wkiellathe best indication of his fitness fbr the poet. Trem this the speaker reasenei that all saikestruiard manifestations of grief, or pity, or rage, or re venge, or lire,,yume At rimy , imtleatisma o f Amok • turn, and: IMAM, *WA 'nor% 'Miley - three at tributable to Ged. Ile aloe& this atudytied intro duction with thaWleiiiiss Sairiaissi Slat it was always wiser, and more nistillsble. to Mod 'the t3oriparee i with t'ilito 'Amid ,et Attie! eidiellYwli than with, the itching curiosity of notaphydoiess, Teen up the import re -Itix- amen theme-more espeolelly, he said that the *OW .Sioad it& beiletw; in his Addle respecting theheal :t in the eau* ot, the lion mislAtmapaeprien Applied to his text, for in it were (mash* • strongut doc trines, pnA out of it. eamethe sweetest of Christian hope be fur* Witte Bible: In the fret place, he wished his hearers to bear in mind that wherever the term J. *seal' *quid in the scriptures, respecting God's &Oho with man, it alwayapr a te Me mercy, *in disoundas the sus Yea 'i- liii mishit ea-do as under . tiro Odra Moans: ilnkliret • the Lord 'liana" r his .13en, and; Stecotiffp; WAy its" 'dossed' the' Lord" to .. 4 tinder thelrst Of these beads - h ow the Lord bruised Jews Ohrlek Nis Son—the soaker dwelt upon. Christ's perfect toosatetient tit hitlii'L Imo truly Goa, yet boosain so truly men. AP'ot ronree of the bruise, wh ich Be endured is His in etoOlon was said, to be the ootrowo Wired by Me loin brethren on amount' of Mir sine. lit viewattkis the prophet •had obi truly, a He wee wounded for or towAreesiesse, Herne braised for our iniortittai i 't de, The pienalty,inearred by men in hie fall was cleati—the deeth of the whole min, WO ind , awir?lt pleased the Lord, therefore, to "*.abe" HU fieu, • im body sad is moss.' Nor Mr rtit Ma lash r and , blood was aorta, even as owe and from Me birth mede SW Illailillet to•pain and all the weekneases and_WHO of humanity Hemerifit resdised through life, and at list, after having sugared Yowl •braises for the greater part ot three di^ Its gave, up the ghost upon the cross So He ambled oat ono of bitternell fa us. , ADtitia point the speaker miaowed; ia his own impressive - style, in speOeplw „Of rare beauty • to hie braised Lord, ~IOWA it oigloo :, _li Ah I moor Lord, how fai th ful Thou `- meat ill ,adoring It all ! What *old , Air ass be willing to endure Mart of thai laulitee,lie_prisidid, =Of' by the, hainle of men, Wet• God had aced 0 kl i p ; s u m meats. He imdeniferild greitlyitem themallgeity of men. kett welt li aLida emetee were par aitittak4e mark by' the resil of • God. He might add, moreover; that nothingited. hap pened lever ; Lod _While upon the earth, which • might not happen teeny este of id) filitittal Ml6*. ere. The *greet al Mutat'', webringa Were wet esowAY OWN, Mlatot thew cure; could Ut; bat , the dose and seamier et them wateumentiellithe wow 4ltritt mad mot quire isideled aip of the bribes impend upon hinfwhlie Intimidate; for the sepirm, as be Wiest ahem that•in , reeNft He would have bean netting himaedfi en againet his Father. Ile sold lave' : OW • it aiwits, - istettifosepeivid.Set tie mouth i• • hewed. ht,, retie* - 10001,1adellWith Our Implied-PAC Pert "Father; not ar will, but *a Thou wilt." this, said the weaker, mar grotjdrentplar had left „.„ an undying proof that fhe as Am afer seekate ,iarts, was forms to emigre m e ekly whatever suffer ing God penehted to eome Via tlkiltretidk aoi , medium, for rie might het aemred wit it was just as eettalaly sot to o'er Goa, as if He stook us with kfirormi 'Maaradd to bisloss w e , soli the .• , subject. othisoterellips will. _ , bier: wagn° 73lMrileasit ' gr, • lfrifet r V i s or, vt Hootour. tt Wis sertninly Os•be f cote Be Visa attpy witiv/afer OW record ' which Ile gave from heaven soneerniag him was "-This.lo any beloved Bon, bs_whow I ma !di plereed." • It was at, ben, from any dbpleaser* that He " gave , him up for to elf," else swould lie not again have received tin into Itessen'aisd given hint the place of honor• by-the staid himself, will kin. WWII of thorwo uolehung _for ,s diadem Of' mus athiso splaidort Not OM im. Mm Ase , Pet end' net with kirernetl ear hoe itt no -hurled in hisgtsve. The- of of kb, ObWah, at It fa to be ..„ Plwritlat before lipoirsibmoi liatoiworisere be ever meth to We intamiskii, , ' this sholVOdte " the , hat of :the ,tnnß of seal," pararrtad, I. his IllibtOooo. WM , trisnlig death.- lii - that death throxati if fait atiosident for &that *all bailiff!, = 1 . 4 , g o 4 4ll kTait UOWO44O4IOIOIWiII a fat more in Haltd to oinsormitte this violets adentikebr ham the Nadler bath glywriiim." •We saw, then, that it was because - OW-delights in lb. Olvtdon toll Omen that Be • bruised the Saviour of einnere.. :, There,,_WMP no other way for =Nice to whin* thillarfitelfal end oonififently with his divineMdsa. , , el , , . In sendlusion,.lo6 wisbed•ls dimintlutfow Putt cal boor NM Aide - rattiest. -Niest : we were • taught !Weld to :treat in the abeendingsmee of the arueltut for: ourAiteiloor and. lA RfOlracP gro.f.:`now to* , ldslotor Met Nei heist Melo every' siniairTieterifOr the sinnefreakw -He gave up has sinflo Mean imnahriess 'death ! Arid hew i ttiet*Woo mei be the salvation per. ediahltat OA po7lo' ti met eateriag I - Thea, ad dressing the inikinOrted , portion - of Ms hearer& the op.eher portrayed mith thrillies power the cup witiest o t ie fetionr drunk thr t r ies, adding. that the 11 le endured WEI)* attained all the Decompress He died to earn. aad not Awl willed upon sepia,' about the Miter Apange implied ic tfielentooll of 1 5,1114 kind Death!'- „'...ctub , W4l.wre in everissAing barekr;" other would holm the "Jeris of Clivilit' persuade thew.- He hoed that mine Proot mad make it Van foe ciarios to have died by rotalallif NW Pershoed OlhetiOn ; hi tioring *deaf oyes the loving venkreatleg of Alit ,k*lt kaimod tai ldwmi' b e , l f lt !IP, wean ill PraY ! 7 - *The ee n ~ d limn to tteretresreftMlL this abject wulfer Qtaistiome to Mibilit with eheerfaleess to mi MikiixtAil dam.lt they Imo Mod Wont faith in moo, they ere tike'eadren of. God 11180, 1 aid should Weston .44 wins* eralars eltaatlre. meat as holt %els elder .`, , leleataiLlogabled „.ohtlatlar, ors salvation; He bruised rut for the same weselfal end. Net Indeed that Or satisfied. could add any Ar or selvidion l - this vat already ,mmiiiehmi t adoli ti miliL ie mdrerisim of Christ Neverthe kw, Ititi tiotiPei• I Prigear ' id ir ilug fOr4MIT Mr • - 2le austSer, 41,1 4 14P16 4 from *Mot illattortP l 7 PPM tees W tic sineld re.' • ectre if wil-good,,,oad as Rept, in ropordone with' the father's INSI , gib . ifettlikti* Infer for ns, sorely Weligid not dlifeladdia ;;tee to , • eadeDfor_Waresho, r wins Or reasentber, b°‘ 441"Ight . will th e 014 !hoeof10•INP, s ew sa t es& an now wit OW ,Wilecels. ,N OW ~ }arm those whir befit.' .41 WO; to thaw who did No trot there. AM tithe - when they , wield knit batik 4 with roar ‘i ay bong tioilklrotthr to offer fir name seas. Heft liblowskor Sao oat•tO a illawimpeidy as heeanttonwiltitid the hope of Christian, eon in this life—Gte Wag !blob the Wryer is`permitted to breathe Int' writs knifed this' dwelt *mgt. His eleillati~eirwi'bissidinteleholit WO whole , stilumist, opit mtsly be said to hen embillied. almost 1114 angle elOtwo, the Obit ef the Mire tailors,: The In et• it :was Ws; fir God took si. wok Meow Iss hlo beloved Soll ; and if tbellesttook 'OD smelt la IWering for ear Ard in it ts kiej Ait *old ste net willing to tour* I et, lion.lio, now jolting for tMIs thiteaMHetkra Ix " thitiontil of hie soul."--situ r," labor gm. a k/Slitthi 'Vhoseihriti sa faitittaliyetryew" -"- LiNhillitiM henistletklA, "May , Get Meer you for '.,:wwdoeurapreAP , Mao 1. , 2 , „ „,, ;,. , -,,,, _- • This sermon who delivered in Dr. Bedtime, SIMI hapreestre•, sly% limi tvtimlistfted to with the mod_espot Wired: - Taking It AM all; We biased 'dm 41111 *Alt dimmers. WOO • " 91.1.1/1 4 iiiiiilli tilli* l loll464o -11 m iiiiiiiiiir" amisim than was tWateliiiiiio 'allied eiliviikiblit• alio ii 4 1 .00 gooplik.:‘ , .!lST s , '4;; - ',l Ai•Tarrson on Camp BA - *ATiis.—Tik• I oho 042, bottle mod pit he rit MOO swift of rtill l ol l4 , l "Pa' iThes-4111301 sorts with • i tgitto of trio.' The , iikeniiillre perfeetly Ak sebredZithe OM* oisitt. , 4u steer 'MAO *a 16 . 14 .114 Al , /WNW pool vast - arao -appro..% orra Or rdoittly me atit or , the , llama • will - be visible In a ilaitireMakelend itt the "'notreidt Ike I toweibi r lt I l loat . Ol i i a r° l l t°' the , alo ilkllfYi, boa* lit't , a fraidis p ~rum the ne l : w ' Pee' meow one. • tor OW 'Of ;, HOU sibupitlitt iMpetiotto tits, barometer two* Oafs Geribiley. , w _ ,4,11,01 ' ' l " Aria ' 14n11W4* " . ' lidir n. ' ,- • ,rio , . *Utak '** - vo,s 11' . .11. yr. oda!" bawl: llo *W , i s! gm A 46 04 l itiioir nuft' . Seed •Oa- ' A t *MI"— • 4 ' di : l l ',• . „ , '''`l Aftalgis, set, ~.. , trrOVI , utitml.eirdw, . N i,, or t.t -, . r q iallitilo **NVi rt aila iiii i r is iiiniiitiiitea* becialXa , 'Fllli l W,Yelyi - whielt, liteimodwpnesriumeth =t i t i i titled& it eh b WM** of the nowt, illialtialliii:dtelbetsofilbe mmeilso fay as _WO rreptirbathed pip* OW to imeeitain, O 'thew, a. Pillilday,;tbe iith • ttild., the 10(4;2.:A. Min t °Chat L. f iitatliti •fellrlP Bor , sailed from ' Mti.bt eptintr on i=llollSter to Vimilbe,a 0 , .AI Y. , llie 190tind, harlot - ;o 01 ,1=rte ells Tessin Sok sill and wont to TM* dmiewidelitime die iris Militia until yore,— Slay litoralnit,wbinidts waa ploked ay heaven the W • • ik and the limier phoids t It by Se sehOoner t eif ateldindoe *et teeir•rprit gene, a [ i. 1 ' refiroMetec:rerarei i it ZZge .l I.' i a AtttitiWnleila it t Oohs - y.• . lie etarboord , mane, vat dee ad t anuer.triarlr y , tier, bolitla s nati,„. Ta ir r nili. twat 10 ..01r o_ P.o_it. Illi t tl: Os 1igra „, ....va . ,174 RA . , aur 4.: at her, atwent ooth, Gam d l ottimeadoesti- .. its* res. Captain trirevez ea era; atienia n icgier to t l r t .r . IS tar, ars V O L l Zl oo,4 . l4 .Y4 "4 l" tiali k, rbele F ter i 1 xe.L.• 1P: 44 * d i la ; 4:1, 6 1.1111,. - mi ri ...... ~. 4,.. then .X . ril —' ; fr'''" ' 3 442 t h isP ' titi 'al the • „,, ~.. •to WIWI. i Mt data - yr el e tt 1 . is etinirataitio CleaWn ki ss 's-a/so- cvrmrg t i e b7_ A .,:t il itgri ..- , ~,,,5• „ ,....,,d= „, t ...m m iviarti r ~.,„,„4"tukita=rtr-lifteiss opii A t s i inn talks Aimee Awes Min , 0' ~ . tO•ithe boW eye; y wi t i , t ri at wse in 4, ar 0 / 4. 1 . ' t rli to being a t e r mem I' ' ''' maw mere tam And owe 'ming the „ f . , l th in l " rn 4 ? Hato f i t nin" t ireeee m l” , 1t. 7" , !b • es „Tigh imolai. Wil MOO ehtered• awe only Ir w in heir blood and 44.atf00 hair ream of what bOrin hemanJite. _The Boor. swim veto et Wit. the inove. and 'Blake or WeilaWill aria , " onaratiat o tth bicied. EveratbiLwat in 114111111 , vara.. 4 lr,l 4 tryli .. .., Cj u rlialkik. , OViena.r.t r.TerbannniiripailiC u llasolga, to irk eitt ln liefl Vit t = t w ill. re. nei n !! i n e l i n igiii:o n n in ts b yir! oneentaseaseiminos trf the itrardem or raurdere A =wet weeds° round in the awe. wit h eitel a rre of tliiiit hair r etiekirit to t, ihowinA that tide been ret,erobably es a weapon oF defends. an artery" au op implementer_ Wader. Ala elol, a tremendous boated hail t a ken ewe in the eabitil mar which the radius ~:pry to have drait lid the body or bodies ea deist, an t ere, making a moods' tommerner.-Iselley its drii lb trail. to have I r Veto* the m rto th ora r i rat: T itrr i t li c a ' t eV e ve the ra eVe n g • to utter* try wlattn. anent: mot lady, at ~ tint 11111100auoltj•Oti *pleb entsenbett ea dee .' thil examitabon 1e . 2....i30 doubt Whideeet h WOK balite. mid told i:1,- ; ,-. iCa_ .!'ai'maigin An b IN Otiardo.rlt yr OS of lob e d' appeared to nee Writhe or a at teaill the heelball of feet ha a rg y elita r thwo on al incur dampe • d foot tEl taunt evident at different Portions grewegeard." or et tbia met another terrible had takes pixie— A pool of blood lay there,,ez. banding to the .beWi, and ihrthimeeatrihnm s he mbed IMO swam *maim wee moot POW, t istite, end tn• rows, jeers idll sidorti• or me beinneared, and ,th m i er „,",..... set now • human band had left its , ,f ~la nee& farther Immiry,igi n tign oi lic i tated • ran into • the • sehowear John ' 111 • awn obczndeatir4. 7 B ,o narfillist 0 eAtell ed. in title sicsi dae n g tenreert , rt Eiga i iWta i ? a l a la n , fig ra n i -V eta On- euee, where •ArrWai • , . , Mamie dela thikehrn the 'collision took * l to thaw woo- olt• ' MSti .iet wan, and as wallet the W Belt 119 others were seen en deck. ' Atthat time the boat weirommualiothedainte. 4ust maths yeeaelifwere rotate strike. man referred too no toward the • bow. he eines irtilxik t ti ethooeer &boat m 0 hips, aimed 1 ..111. 1 8 . .,i= e h / W ar, i f r n " ga niroloh net but when Tong billkienirrati no w wad on board , end the boat hut kepi cut *Way in t he amts. It is iatmoseid that when the sloop Warted from the eity ii i i mam had eo i r r atia hie dediessn,rh win be Inteased,to a tOttO, o o the grjr,, ,,D net toe% loi abs,. t r iTy t to . a t l ia:Ef e it . gir g4l Woo a eludatgara ao lied been Anot,,,, the ay.. The BilaWal et the two WIN were Ram Walla and Oliver wittia..ae name or toe Laird Wan visa not dietioyered. The es walla ye ar. or aye, and kW Family reside at Win, . ..' .. , _ ' Belem WPM* have keen adv an ced relative to this strain One leaflet the 'Winton had oh board a good mime mm of mosey Ala inet was aearilleneOo the rover Idris, wh o ha probably Kona on b board the ara t eg g iris:27T I s dank, tif • A w ffi rd U s t 4d ca tlietin a ttl r , akerwathrowien mit - beaten into nt4 the water. Ano ther theory te that. on the Wight Aifaday, or eerie on 'Wednesday mooing. me laird deo and. wham MUMS el teateetre.llll4lll.lllll44 the tragedy of the Eudora Inacieue, a st Hen Gate. It la inuatioaxt dual. hi., been .Pa ni air . In eldVt ia !ir t rig s a n la n ltr t = t tfi:ore; ow wire oelair in their moths ;Ist tine man went for %nal; sad entwrised and wade the hot on the look out, terweadof • the• dm& where tas Am pool or blood et hi ts r. orre end theabomidrittw_elrilloirurrojididttionetnalebrezt forward, ii t in thi l ea n" t nti l to Th: vn "t rir t ial naPtn ei: in iwit, Owe* for en ho. a d d to the do% V. lot Louse. wan thea dratted on door, and committed to 'lle Man at Ow helm, *hen the oollision took place between doLV . ressfte. at Be'ekiek yeaterday latireing, aa~aaiaatwed lash, murder; for It the emits= priye han i reen wore, Mel would 'have 'made their apeawanea at reek ii Thent. When the venal We VA ni hili kad lot in t a tio at. r A al „ ow an mums oxwith the affair awaits the tee its . TM voiles me woman me maker up most dilmeatlyotaa will OtOrar *My Okra, with o view to :l i i i i i lgiorierY did armed of megErator, whoever he 7 :At moans, tbssearha struesle in twee pr are tU o , iim ed eie rata or the means IMPORTATIONS. tiLoportod for The Elosij clENPUßoos—ashr L l a t i rrias, conmarbta Of too.doytbblo do 40 maurreB , • REMADELTIIIA BOARD OF 'SUM 44.6k011 , 1,. 131/ZBY. " • trit E ic ylgi at ai „ CO , , XIWITIIi OP MI MONTS. LIITTAit !NAOS 4.lPilt ' Ifle Mitill4lll. NFILUIIILPXIL. tilt. i em ......BuTZ•b=raa,---44=:= 0 Btki bastion . I,4,ratts...;.:4.oemao k wyg i tgra. ..a. 94:iirovale2...111,1ffir°'adgn, goon ng Elia l teli g hiM g "7:2 titiftirde a bit = 01 1 ',-*lng FROACTIOC warm STATE& OkaPi"; -- "'irl , • IWAR. ' DATE li c il t lialf w i t elOt. n . ,. o itat i ve T. rpoot ..,.-:-§tt it t :sticar. : 2 : an..:_ . mit trorpool. .....:: .Msroh iiii nein- -...- err ork-Lirereec.:»...:Mert 38 Rohn B• 111----.. ow ork:-Glargow ...-. • ..' March AS Fraisten...--,New ork-ftisy_.,.:..:mtiohs ton :-.....- -.New iork-Hairse....-.--Meroh 3t ontents,.....lfitr Yortlinatbstr.....--Apn 1 phseeifie-4-.- - ..,' some 'Liverpool .......-. April e suair.........FortiAni-fAverpool ..-- -.Apr{ 7 nnt..-.........N5w York-Liverpool .... ...--. April 11 431....-:liew Yorkirol....- April 71 eibleeia .......- ow Xork- awe- ...----Awill4 eisi nsiars osia. r ....- ‘,.......7 .. in 'l=ll 7 . wi t:cu r ...„...../pril 13 0r50...... ...... 7.ziew Yoriaive rim \ --- - - " 1 " rpoo --April 23 TO AMY& 506titvao1 .. rvwk........tar Mraoookter..Werra° -tear York....—...hisroh 7 rod& • ••• —.- rool,Ekoton-._......•..d01ar0h lu t aNtiiiiizi r Nig irerocarr Y 1 4141i.:...........11 " r e 0t 1 1 0 4 rotor* w ool ' j'Sov Arork —.. -March if l iroiroo.—Poothorooton:4row York 3I Weia.:... - -.¢oottraatpros-kkow f0rk........Mar0p IS ..Eiosjkaurkto.Ark ark- ... —.. m 4 Ponus..—. iavorpooLNew ork...4.—Bisrob Si zeirsTk . 4lo e railroarar mil from MT York on krairortavo l a it ar ort a t e kd a Ttb, moat . • C•' A . 4 J a w . dam ' . - fii ettn - iik . S . .. 4ke siokrk - afrmm•lYo4 l o B /4 mai Pe, °TIMM NI 'EAVGNE INTELLIGENCE. AnitivED. Rehr L 8 Lemming; Corson. L don from Mourne:on with UM end mama to $ & W,Welah. it 6 i= D:w r tiliri f tAidiglioe. Bo r Ant stem ory, inveroport, OA men, Nor ton co. Bohr ljni dams . . do Mr a aloof: asidatore. do Fatair, nu, A Ilium. Jr. giorrgegonda• • phiaßiehange.) 0 B 8 X -.. Misch g•-• PM. .nt brig 0= 18: Alo roin ayagoes,cd eohr Pra t t ; 4Pw4oL , Tia•herios n lyrigiriilo Tr. , Kew 0rt,40 rear - Miaow. or &Amnon. watt SO taw eThe etwerwer enstebee t tor ew York,' w•ia r et, I °Vaal' . hot evening. Tbe • *WM, hit Ow a. trogi..swoott,md .aa mamma bona mg, rale arterinood. .wiad 000;4 grout northward; witather goat tad enema. Yam, to. TROil xs. BLIGEBIL a lit 18 4 , - ne k nirot t Akhlor Bitd• Janeiro, cleared ... 2.2 r. for itfo Al• Janeiro and a mar ktig ;Pr 'W i tiner,lo u r t kitir York. cleared at; Weilgit gr4t. , I ilaSug Atnint; sailed from flew Haven: guittri or hoggetta„.: . _-, A sa h ttel . to . Ilithedrag, berme, arrived at , griii Okay Mol a rs Ins:moll, for Philadelphia, milled tr Earnva d gelle see ,7,74,loi Wilmington, NO. cleared at Bar, Ymt_ 314 net, SC= riene,... i Waiver, from Charleston, at Jack- Behr Soho fieiiinnt,ll•ll:hene• for Providencia, passed Newport last. Bohn 0 dortor, BabiOok, and W Wallace , Soup, for Pkilade Moore* to saa From charienton_ltit unit. 800 0 narthittaeeily, for New York, went to , " Pr= fliessinn..refier i r t. Bisudywine, sailed from A iasdria Mit lot. airia, Itteaseriron: 0, CI AUfor, Penton, hence, arrived at Alex. lin ' , , RETAIL DRY GOODS. rI ~,,g oi c t 7. .. • ip , 0 13LO l ALS ati '• _ ... ~ .i llia ttta i liz z le. ` i • - ' .00•14gradsto'ailin. • • • -' ' , AislaritrAßL. GRiSAUXY4 'AND GRAY: GOODS._ isingtorli ofthlia•Orirlte for, - li zisecv . soitz,br i reni cireralir WANOY SILK DUMPS VERY CHEAP. Qs aro isoiioiror is a lot Pagel Nyrinit B') k. St prime amok Wow a- goat u importation, raving area pastausa saver! .1: , • rEafa,., .. laPßlNfi 4ia OMISIMIRES. t r -- tars t ,„ 09. ,filfkr, Saw, law NT= oWwwairm, - WM ..1 -A la' " "`, - Wei fo rs sad awl 0 . r yi:, ;.‘ • ajar. ' ' lig ilietri bar ''' , ,11 It 0-al Sta. . ;• FOR itALicAnpz ., . 0.-LET , .„. StOOK4t - FIXTuREsv.or.TRThfigiNG ItiniarßPAlSiggigP'"Rl - '')l) l 4 lw E r EN W lit - ,A;s' OF THIS . CITY, Ulu telittt pelckgi 'lk villa:able itnitetilei; the' toolairrodrais "staftiVittn i th Nos to 'o6oltite introdutlien: eadribtericeli giyettout4 retuirecl. A 0404 1 ." llemilt ; on, rhiladeP phia P. 0, inds•St* OLLIETCYIO CELE DILATEDI.III3 FIDIrEIt COLPltnif, situated et ithemokin, in ll the Shamokin C oal main .~ and on the t i n Ware ' e lf g e l; ti e o n n n ort t it a Improvem entsll My in pzogyeer. 6 • ' There are tw'vene cif Red Ash Coal aostied Oil the Imports, each seven feet ttook, Tte oust is of a eliPe loamy, d has attained niteputation Where . r hag be en Inttodpoeil.. It highly valued and °S . *ands ti NW): ale In Wallin and Intermediate to nioh It IN cent both by canal and ratirostl. .mezitet hey also been opened tor Hu omit in the NOM and Rofthweer. Foy abironent to tbe Rut Ruay. be taken' to' IMaitare city,ane, neon the completion in Julie next. of the extenems of the Mine Thu Rallmul to connect withibe Ithemoltin Talley and' Pottsville ,Rghoett, tt oatt shtimedat Riohnxind. - These veins vri yam from three _to four 'hrutdred tht i tsand tone above water level. There, are other ne of White. Red._ and Gray Asti: Mut on .the ' Which are easily atioessible. The enmity oldie or~a er a fay thotteead to annum. •i he Colliery CM be uamlited on application to A.W. .0. Cleaver, on the premises. torlulther informatiohapPly tt. __A. M. AATWick, , N 0.1141 VIPER Street. Pp rd OQTTACIE tOR EMMA --A desira ltte ColUda,Wjth large Gardenrylantt it and atiabbtam. AW,. ko. Maly to T.L.LITTbkFILD, TWIJA iatreatio•st Plank toad. inhll-st* :Fr OR It A Lt.-TUR STOCK, GOOD. WILL, ixturee and lean (haring two years to a Retail Dry GoodsBtore,id one of the beet tons in the city, and doing an excellent Waimea, -6.•."lnfictlEtliafiVfigei4.343"BlllF-0. large Carriage and Har ay nem-moking isrtaW situstoon_ths corner of two of gr i i:idostg Mason% vs. • doing fitedtt loafer iatt:iTlV"anulVd4=4, 4, low nod very ressonliblo torms,os Issimmtfor iL ta int of yams: .Apply to • uiRO. R. arlEAu. • or at 'EVANS & W Portsm A ffouth itON. Vs., - • mhlo-lin 110•1 OREBTNUT attest. A PUREBRED - HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For Oartionlare twoly_ on t epremier% nontnreet, eonaer of NINTH and LOOMIT troset.c. ITO RENT—Two Beautifullysituated doubts bonsai, well shaded: irith bbse6 yousat slid gardens attsotod. Tsoony Plank Road one below Tacopy. and thresanartane of s mile from Vas- WitStalirtgate"' at Brnissbuit. Apalr irt_ mht7 tf 0 RENT—Two late well-lighted and god fits& room!. with GrweitralingTe. wly at the building. lo" tahltet • • • MeCAMBRIDGE, PRY, tt CO. FOR SALE—A Dwellin o s i l t iouse, near the etst• lbws. liziltablo for Doi. 011 A RMADS, mhilt-lio* 436 wA uT Street. ME SALE, in HADDONFIELD, N. J., me, t Cottage, with shoot two semi of ground, stahle,lrnit tress, and aeosuible from the city, bi rail, in In minutes, See times a, day, and by it, gravel Maya. or= tulles. Fries sil,ooo, terms easy. Aptr - • , AGN, WALNU Street. FOR SALE--A new three.ntory brick dwelliu, South Tenth Wee.. Doable three store back balding', male modern improvementabitMlt is the beet manner. likauire at l'io.lll Youth TENTS Street. intrlO-IW, F 0 R SALE—Tho two -HOUSES MILKON. AMlSZYtnelt__ mhz-be BTzwkilDll92l,lr., 414 rRUri is Moot. a FOR SALE OR TO.RENT.—A large andootamodious Cottage at alvarton,N. soaves to lee city eight times daiiy by steamboat or oars. The place surrounded with fruit-trees and Shrubbery in bearing order, with a beautiful lawn ex tending down to the rigor, oorninanding • a beautiful view of tee river Delaware. Apply to Yes. Willis. X ItORTIfFOI.IItTH Btreat. ' mhlttetmwf• ' TO LET—In Oermintown—A double tbreartin dinanygot p i odt= fanitlisibetani, :43 meilasueet." mtd2-mwrai" COTTON FACTORY FOR SALE, IN WA THE CITY OP READING PA. The READING NIMIUPAO'rUEINO COMPANY Will oi ly o f Public Salo, _atthe MASSION HOUSE, in the city of Readi on WEDNESDAY. the 28th day of March, 1800, at 1 o ' c lock P. ht. the proper ty known II " The Reading Cotton Mill," locale in the city of Neediaityke county, and State of ennsytrania. 68 miles from tide water, et philndelphia, nog miry fcom the Coat ;legions. oontaming 13.136 Mason • !elf -noting Mole Spindles, avid 300 Looms. Main building 222g68 feet: consisting of three stories and an attio, with Slate roof two wince, one for boiler house and repair shop, Mum feet, and the other a picker's room e 6136 feet. addition to an °Mee outside, and a Store Eimse eat with a slam roof, and a turn-out from the !leading road through the latter, and thence over coal sohntse, where the oral is dropped without handling, p• the Furnsees. An engine ofMO horse power, with Wo separate seta of boilers, railroad communication dl reel to Philadelphia and New York. The general health of Reading, and the purity of its Veteran probably unequalled by tiny oily in the 'Union, While the bawd amioultural regions in the State sur round It, seaming for lta marketaitti abundant and cheap of provisions: • - ••There are several euree of ground attached to the Mill *which can be ant trp into building tote. • The whole Mill, witty its machinety. is in 'good order, and Is well worth the attention of capitalists and Mann factinorre.- ' • * Persons desirous of obtaining information min doe° try malts personally upon, or (Worming by setter, thetut dersigned Committee ers. ISAACa ggire ECKIERT: • - RMi TYSON, BOWMAN BELL, , Reading March 0-fmw-tit • Committee. 47 1 ,,ERMANTOWN, PM/PEATY. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE YOR BALL - The nimble Faun and Country beat unburied 101, same of highly eultivatfd land. situated in the town ship of Germanfolen: Philadelphia (unsay, sad Within ktiles ad the d•pot in Germantown. situation of this propetfa not to be surpassed, being bounded on the north by Washington lane, o l the [nos by Townshi [nos raid, an ox the gout by d Runes street ; end within one-eighth of a mile o rthe Limelubi Turnpike, and a quarter of sante of two Sue ti.tmoniz IPtant Bill bran.* of the Germantown fugent, sad Washington lane. :Tli., e loeation of the shove property is high sad heal :Fain land well* watered and lying very &drama s o f - • for Cottage Mtge. it unman& an extended stew ke mirroundipg country. and is intorysole4l by the streets running from Germuitown, as laid down on the Surveyor's plan of that &Knox The property is laid outran Ave &Ore lots. ittkOSISIAIo, plans of nation may be obtained on application to either of the under sit * a l% . **ruble and hagdsome Building Lot, situated on street, noir Plank road, Germantown, con tain ng g rim n(tnt on mud atreet iff feet, and in depth about WO; feet, Pairing an area of pbouj g urea. The ground Imo high and slopes toward. manheim street, num , which front is a row of large and elegant shade rZe, *avail fine Building tote adjoining and In the *unary of Fisher s-Stair, Germ l an t rro, For Mb, t I N t irdrE al AJNlTlk " Yr i .i inert_ ' ii. E. oar. EILETRie yr Alai u Silesia. ' . Or to mbl-Ina• i lk B I Init Br 'LLLIARD TABLES 808 OALB.—Two itret-elses Billiard Tables, with la' lush iambi, beds, and latest inorovild_ousidoes, inallast .Iday— lay_ssing at this Mount- Vernon, Hesse, finlyibOY• VIM Sept , Reading . Apt to H. A . Alf east MARNE Spurs, • • ilt*.if Reading, ra. JONES'. HOTEL-PHILADELPHIA • - The Woe and fernitgye of this noted Hotel are nor sale et • great bargain,— The furniture is entirely new. hiving . been yuktn i tbin a yoar,and home now ins Rota , or of P. Q. BA BORI. No la MURRAY ift..lY. hit Y. SAYING FUNDS. A!OHIOAN SAVING FUND---Compa "s Building, notitbesst eorner WALNUT and FOURTHassets.. Open drub; from 9 till g oMloak t end on MONDAY MI Bin th• evening, Ws Old Institution has always for i hnjektrnftind i a t ioStltioties. , All sums yard book demsn_A, golii and silver. TIIO9ITEYS. ALEX. WMILIEN, President. OA Up WOKE, Vioe President. Joint 0. Parr; T. E. Jeer, Osingerge=4 John Arapseb, Jr, iikad .aine. Alb. 0. ilmen, Jobs. Mums.. =Mat Bowmen E dodge, Win, J. Milliard. JOHN B. WILBO , Treasurer. JOHN O. 81M11.11soretarr. lnbl7-it SPRING GARDEN RAYING FUND tat! C ! S( l4 ANAL' t t z illlWiTENTria IL. °mos- Deposits riser r looms o One Doll!: an_dignnals, isladi =CM NA,Atli' gut t u z io v i d .. rwuvu Nap= w i ll w ar otanoreM diots'inV it . - .1 26 Z%1,7 44 . TerY " ad " a l? , IFI VAIr ti jai Li • o ll et ia in the elaW niurilY WM. &keit. . , onoUlitt4; ' as. 111= 11. Masan Halm . SAVING ._' ' UND.-urn ZD STA.TES 4 RUNT ouIIEPARY, earner MAD and . ORRM- S a ollusall mai rooi.. . Dottie Corldi Fin litt i ltriArt In tral th o oya r s,a L ya, thcizaws. a n 11 I i t i OQ alg o tan and on M BRlffe mill nod, 41, anuloolland. ribZ 120..piike HUER PM. fora—J R. t ,rll . Aotuss. - , . sell-1, ' 'td' UND IVE PER., CENT. 'lN ihwa, rifgItALWATLYLIVIIIMICA .I•Ianrwerrorsior by data!, ol LnairrX komer i• • rat IS/ la largo r txtr44Eirt )i thtty Ordei;osit Atr.7o:W a ikti waL f t atriati; Went 1!" WILIAM P Ira 2.11•41 r. • rase lr° CarrilZedet, riel linosd ,; amp ;••. em . r•oilra am ps !LIM 0 8a4n i l aztwr i tt e h the Loa Matirealire-olea• reourities•• irs,pr • morrirr rit t u = y •ep•sitoyi k end M 4 =l. " 1"121:41 COPAHTNEESIIIP NOTICES, ia 1 1 4 RTNERS HI P.-011.ARLES Ant litui dud/rutted tato tartnerahil hie e likist4 t io oritsirin CUILLRIACADAMBAj3O7i, tk i virm t hlianTMLLtatt.i.E3Al o ONT, and . 8 :ME e.tv26. "Philadelphia, third me. 1, 1810, CIECIIIL.AH. thl h W e iFe7Ltlvastr,,..ttlia i rrenve, d the WU meat, an are now prepared toexhiblt a large INN etok o - FANCY- AHD APL'S DRY GOOD% adapted to the ven t. 0 F . Finien. partlonler Montilla:a wen to the choice of • . , ~. cOD& Destroy., not oali oi ti reenlns all the old customer bet OrellUirtleg t • bus riee , tug undertleaed trust that, with edditiona oars and attention to the wants of pnrcAeaere, they, _trill reoeivp an. increase share of pa tronage. CEA rtlettfr ADAM & soN, inai.ba B. H. corner BIM= and ARCH Ate. , . .. . . GENTS' 'FbitNISHING GOODI3. W. tilOOTT—Aste of the Jinn of Win .:iii; esetriPM E insar in i X74l:.Stmt.( Soeiolite the yam aje l d • 1 the atteetioi of his s poiri al io7%s new Sore I rn Ne l itoefedit nee • Vngiarettielieteist till)Y)'ePßßia-MEM.DWWIII -rßDAYium,,wu c , 23. 1869 I NEW' 1 1 11111LICATIONIL 'PENNY MOBS fANIC THE JUMPS. ow ••••The expooklea of this . 6 SfoLet 'Political Order." I na 11.1001 5150 o ltais g t .att o vbli k lt Il l. " cabalist oomgr . Rees ani n hisdieon. . rrat t air. r n tripits T tlai h r a tiNCElNg a. r00k.°11,....th, be Amur. - ' ' s r i dc. ria AVenli t a tigi F ia l hit u . West eiii . OM. Nit non t Sign aktroy. mh.l2 Bt* E BOuhis AZABD 7 S, 724 OUR MUT Stitt/ FUNDAMFNTf ID VAS y miggivirri * ExpERImENt DATA. y' A. fito M.. Vey.tsa Vs t rgr %bil l :14 6 0 I , lll:rgiger 's . b OTA,I ' 4 'l. b 4 • , 810., •:, oth. IL STAUNTON4 CHESS tROXIS. A Sarileyntint to the er"Chessll Pl 7 eyees Hand. Hook. One vol. Bottn's M in. LETTERS FROM SWITZERLAND. By Samuel Nevins Prime, author of "Travels in the Eat," &o. pg_e vol.. cloth. 4115. THOUGHTS IN FFLICTION. By Rey. A. S. Thel was, A. M.,Trlnity College ; to which is added BK RHAVED FARENTONSOLER. By John Thorn ton. Also. Sacred Poetry, °aurally selected by a clergyman. ISO °onto. OUR. BM W& 11.888 AND. THE GOOD THAT C.AME I I)F IT. y miss Caroline .S. Fairfield. rIY INGS. ' orr y Haws.t4Mtuntight. i EA AND B ART, FRUITS. A volume of hive ni • Poem% By . Read. rohrtat SOUTH AND NORTH; ' oit IId.PREJPSIONB RBOEIVELDURINO A TRIP TO PIMA AND T ' BOUTIIt , BY: &agog?. volt,unni., Saa_pages. Price $l. -VOACK Thift, PARiddl. • 'Promtki New York grurepredent. he VIRT HIST NOOK Ott BLAVERTTNT lelolo. Bound, In cdots. kind, 41:nation. and mut timaly_and fat cam, The author rehearse, in s graphic way the nfeaeltrea violence:y:ll op, • • , BOOTHeltet .400RteelOtt . hall o f lit Ito eysteineti. oily mimed • and. while condemning [ the oraity seal of John Brown, he shows that his heroic self - denial for the oppressed putt toshame the coward fury of the South for oppression. Yet the tune of the book, while oan i ld, frank and manly, is always kind and gentle- Vol fIeCTIoNAL, ROT PRATER:IAL; not enrtlsan, but Chrtitian. Ile points the South to tile :ample remedy tiyxialit i rros i , v b e r d substituting t wages for the lash, ft Yd es Hsu, York aken. , . to animated descriptions, and the frankness adisor diality of its tone, are adapted to ive it a favorable re- Option, even With reader:ire diner art widely him in opinion. , , . The topics to, Whit& Ms volume IN devoted, and the spirit in which they Cr. dialoged, though they may arouse tt tempest of oppOsitsll from thole who regard since es the only guarantee of safety, will secure it a w de circulation among at FRIENDS or Ftartuou throughout the country, Prom the Atlanta (Oa.) Confederacy. It is ft CONTXMOTIBLZ ABOLITION PRODUCTION, writ ten in a very readable style, and,wellolllootated to taint the mindeor the poring. t • Prom CU Detroit Christian Herald. - It furnishes VALOARLI thrloltereTioit on the questions which now agitate our coward. From the Hartford Evening Press. His imreuions are such as would be derived by and honest, l air-minded Northern man. IT 15 WARY, DI- IteCT, ELOQIIIINT. " • 11•0171. the' New York Observer. The book lit intensely and avowedly_Abohtion. mihts-nn&ir- lm ABBEY & ABBOT, Publisher*, No. Ile Nassau etteet,-IM. G. Q. EVANS ) GIFT BOOK t3TORB, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY YOURBOWAN AT EVANS' , BUY YOURBO OKS AT EVANS'. Buy YOURBOOKS AT EVANS'. 'Ti. the beet plane in the atty. / Books ise sold u cheap as at any other store, mid yintkaile atvantsiii CENTS g a handsome OA, WORTH FROM AO TO Ii G 1 with each book. NEW BOOKB• THE HAUNTED 'HOMESTEAD. A seMotioi- of Ghost Stones. By Mu. Soutimorth. With a Gift. ?nos $1.46. HAS-WONDERFUL THINGS. With a Ga. Prioe .THE MARBLE FAUN. -BY Hawthorne, With a Gift. _Prime $llO, "ME HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. With a 0 t R Pride Ls. EGYFT_, ARABIA., FET_RAE, AND THE LAND. NY D. Millard. NOV and eniarned edition. With &Gift FriosiSLINL ALL THE NEW ,sooKs AS SOON AS /WED, and a Gift with sash, Call is. and 0.111 slat ail! IttlXVI, you that. Gut.taa but 'Gus is Ha Oh taf ma ' , ter n Arts 48 GIFT ilKa_ BLDIRMENT, ea Below ins F t radolphist low • ati • nue r ewe. INSURANCE COMPANIES. ifiIRCTIANOE INSURANCE COMPANY R.L . • --Office N 0.409 WALNUT Street. , FIRE INBURANOR on Rouses nod Merohvalise itenstralll. on favorable terms, caner limited or per petual. I)1 azaroit ,' 174 n 4, a . b O l ittirig: ftrililge,"B. °Ana T. Owerh, , eoben O. Hale. - homes Marstu , - JohnlifeDowell. Jr.; Sarni. L. Amato, _ • • huh T. Hal., Bellefonte. • XEIVEMIAR HONBALI Presidium. ' Vn i Za C k 4 1 . N DTM:F v err e ets P r i l I,:de,nt. otLAKICR CITY. INSURANCE 'COMP.& "FilitKalfe2YlLDenheat WALNUT FlTl F iedait, !t-Inirsit etatir 1....."!=1ii ue, and the Pink ol we Bea. nland a ongation am ratisportatton. OBOROE ti f. HART, Prestdent. $• P. HO BRA Fteatdent. ... ' H H. CO OBRALL, tgeo y and Trosnrst. • 8. H. BUTLER,'Asatstant 8....t.n. • DERECTORB,_ George H. Hart, F. P. Roes, A. W.Taliti. Foster 8. Perkins. H. R. Coggsn'all, &g:i e erraZ a r e ff s ... Hon. H. Si. Faller. . mht-tt , 1 .IFE INSURANOR AND TRUST 00M m . • • 710 1 .4MMnilt l of i filinti - UM ' - '4 , ' or Us - War i a l if at •ta grill i ts :" 4. 1 ereentreota dates "VIA nerZt% tom Askaiiieenetem Mid/ion Ilintwahaisi „fts a k.Sallar,. 1 ' i r , t i l . - %%tke?. = Xme lT,ll.4l Witham . ern. . . .-: •J gi o i " 7 11. -- t , . ek . Str ila I batten. i Wanl /I, Atiob 1 .. Jam W. lialutos. Soar, A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., -L - JIL INCORPORATED MW-CHARTER PERPET UL. No.lllo WALNUT AD above Third, Phi ladelPhi.a. Having a large paid-up Capital i Stook and Burptua in 'redid in sound and avm a Beeurities,oontinue to WIG IVI VI D A:rn Vt a grd g iAr 11it_1441.7 6 , and oth er P a n d im e e d Property. Au losses bergs, and promptly ij= DIAICIOI6. • Thos._2. Maria, gma. Las% Joint welsh,. R. Camball, &maid C. Morton. raupstO. veto, Patriot Snub', Chap. W. Ponitney, IV g kryta,„ _ _ , T 0 R MARLS, President,. ALBERT C. L. ORA F D;leoretary. , APPN 1" NESUR.A.I+IOE VOIMANY OF TM finH A NZAVN-Vel i fia l tato: was. si v e ragr a re i dj aao a 17111-.oivisl 111100.01*-Amsti, January 1, Aft Inviated in l icrena sail snilable soiritier-ooli. 21==A ag Att t ra g".• 211144 / 4 " l°th 1 5mg0 v.4 TY D. Ohms , • Strip kat e rtor .1 Oil bl i pi t : AN if r "." B. tk, et 'Maws. m L hit . 0b.%. =", h WILLIAM laili I T . Liffilek i ao, Is 4.111::1; VAMP. INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. OS CHESTNUT street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED PE A_PRIk. ISM,SY THE STATE OF NNSYLVANIA: CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKBo ' nut Mons:. 1 flAire4 r wisit s, .B. truer, vv. mum. ar. A ll39 4 :goon, eruz w ,7 15 1,44.. Pirklivt. "Zig"' ern. 616 oFAI 6f. W. DAY, *MOO. __JONAIIMI J. EILOII M, vine Pres% WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD. Syrstary. Pal 41 WIIIIYLKILL NAVIGATI PANY—oFFWE OF THE SOH. VIGATION COMPANY. March 11, • ffoh aofar s skill fkrl i afn An thUotge%nOnuoi w it rom date, a so oo To Philndiriplus....- - ........ lidanayunk..-. -......- ..... .... Spring Mill.-.... -.........-.....--- ponnhohooken -- -..-.... VrilrOd?"m .... ' --- *: - '" Plornetown.,.... -.................. PtAnedy...............- ..... ... ValleeForgo...... --...-.......... &who'll Dam.........-.............. Fort Pr0viden0e........... ...... .... bconixvillp..... —....-. - ... Pottstown Ford... lr ................... i ortwnwirg......o 0..---.----••.:•..... trogborongn. • • :. .. • • Art ad' houiei........:.. . .... .................... ggi;l ' AV i g. e .. . 4 : .....:;.--- -.... .. : .. .... Orwigsburg . L.sn ' inni.........::::. ........ .. The oharge will be per ton of 11,140 lbs.. less five per oent. allowenne for wrests, es usual, and no charge less then twenty -lt y slitrz to n nwn, be made for any dis t% ord er . lY. e PhAtatir. President. (IFFIOE OF THE • "Lir READMO NAILTV Pet .The 't;at tsrfreicAt anti ift r ut se t p Ü be at brtee: f To fohroond..— ~.. biladelphla-- ....... ooliged F1ane.............. teetown. . le a rmantoirialt= . . els of Schuylkill..... m r t ipik. ....... ...... Isonehoiiiiaiiiii. ... .......:: wade Furnsce........ mbo's... .. .. orriet'n oriiridgepo . • ort Ke0nedr.......... eller Forge... flicenlxvile....---. Borer's Ford ...... ifa i a.: .---...... ..: otbtown.,.. ..... ..... ugh...vith........ ,Td.b.r................. rVtlii:: . .::::;: - .::: r=.,,,,....—... .mburs .... rtrigsb'g and Au burn ...-• • Br order of Om mh1.1.3m ' W. MINIMAL-WATER APPARAITS, OF LTA- the nlioet spyrovad„style end Re would also oat' the attention of all dnissysts and dealers In spedseeranie, Amor to examine Uln,,en Platting Pi pe klyruping Apparatus!. Also, none ol all kinds out and rushed to order. All kinds of brass work executed,' 151,—_Partioultir attention paid to repairing of all kind. of Mineral- Water APPaTaPui.J$ O .5. nifraDENEY$B4 SIP MINOR Street Philaditonist. parvx, WELLS CLEANED' AT A LOW , Th o.. l ,o 4micAtr ientig. Adder WI N ~ NOM MOND knot Zi.frato w • nortior. Eldro Prn li fitivimen Proidoet. I • . fiT9 oe mrt. itala NOTICES. ON COM- L . /Mb NA •..—Tbe charge 11 rpoite be as fo l lows her notice: lIILADELPHIA AND t AD COMPANY. IDELP/Ilit t Mo.roh 10 $ IMO. oils on emit trammortsd by Mows from March IVA am- .i ' 1L 31 1113. 1 % 4. 1 . - - Zolig h., Ootric, Cantict, Ckgda, Conch*, Colitsii u lighSi c 9 1, ° ;15 17. G- , 0 H oli " Co : :11 1'. t :091 6 ::1111 71 Colds, ' .. 411g,. f.' ftlre, ii.-- ~...„ peal., liorinmers; BrOnchttis, Hoareliness, • • , polio* Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Ho4l,o4lniag, : . - ' Asthma, Asthma, . . • . Whooping Cough, Orough . glh o Oging Cough , Croup , 'Whooping Cough, ogoun, WlglopUg Otnigh, Croup, . . . . ' Cop on, Olonsumsdion, Consumption, Coa CanMon en , Conautl iptionimp Oetion, stainatioas and all like dillo4lllolll, dad art unPilling antidote, a read, relief, arid a aura and 'meads onre, in that great and uniVersally approved Ilemeds, WO:MAR.'S BA L SAM OP WILD OftgltßY, WIEVTARIS BALSAM. OF WILD CHERRY. insiittory. - Da. VfFeralt , ll am or Wr Osisity.r.At this season o fthe year, as well e a a t ~, saws.. It is imps , - tant to have on hand a remedy or Minges, and colds. we speak for the hand or our reagent; whea'lla to, commend to_them *he alio/ named temedYr !MIA been adyertilied., °Ur ref fbr mime time, W. have had occas i o n to Ilse I n our family for congas and other throat atrectone, an n ail such owe it has erred the complaint, We nowldeem it In indispensable arti cle, for we always prefer to have a reliable remedy on hand for these complaints, to wnloh all are Liable.— Christion Prremors slid Family Visitor. Rea the /Molex , ' Letter from a,highig respoctabla Gentleman. Ligtzsgola a, Montour no.. Pao NA. $405 9. This is to °edify that I was pronounced by severel. m hymoiane as oonsutoptlve, and Midst' the:yield/ Severe o f the disease in lle woret form, atoll Se cone pg. pains •in the chest, shortness of breath, n ght.mweate. and extreme weakness and lassitude In my- WWII, Syr ho o teat. ,My famil poexi.gne' ha vV4 g , d eg a n o Vn e d irre a tii` Fedex ; given ut surouglithe Nerrumon 'olf +ol4vrartjgr &lced to try Or., ovular I Balsam rif w , The • Mit bottle relieved me tionitiderably.• • and the 3 ird tie cud me entirely. I noW feel iie well ak I liver did in my li fe, and ant aide fdllow day 000illaUbd as fernier , aslfiellsyce as am tri.atnere adraneed.idati of the die sale, having been oonfined to her bed for Over 4 year. and pronounced _biond hope by mily.beat. physics':lA . She WO was entire y oured by the Wild Cherry, bat it required six or eigh bottles, and she still takes it rum messily as a preventive, being naturally weak -oWla woeld skeerely_ tole all whoa,* Art 7, 1 11111004, tOtrr UR. W Ist's DLLs/LWOW WIIM, VII JIM I satisfied that, t for our own valu e • rem 3, my / deer and mysel would not now be living.' I was miser folly answer any one who maY itddrdes on e sub , Jest, and state our oases more fully. . • iSigned JAB 18.11113Ri EwARB OF COUNTEX Eiti BEWARE OF COUNTER FE I TS v Such letters as the following, from a merchant, are' dairy received Maman. Delaware, a:X.2O,INA , 8. V. FoWmt & Co., Beaton v Fleas* send me rt ply of Wieran's BaLsa, as I am neerly,ont, aria teem great dentandlor it it is doing VrOnglers ;it 04ree Congas, Asthma, Whooping Cough, and awes rtes, without rail. There has never been any of the , grouts here until you sent tne a lot some time mace, but plenty of the eounterfett. -• • • • • • Yours, Oaf, J.A04111 Y. FOITLX Wnwnwerm.inalasrolut, an who so* Malta, OM Otgufes has the WRllllgn infeature of . t jr. BIUTX, as weans thet printed hells of the 'Propete tors, SETH W. FOWL'S & CO., Botta*, on the out side scraper,: Tann no orris *; arineiltiottei Welded and health Jeopardised. , WISTAR'BI)3ALBANI OF WILD auRAq. WIBTARI BALSAM OF WILD CHERa For sale lo_Fitiladelohla, at wholesale 454 retail, by T. W DYOTT 1803(8,, Ho, 318 North SBOOND Street. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSA, DEBILITY OP • DYSPEPSIA. DEBILITY WE MYER COMPLAIN ACIDITY, .LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY; BILIOUS coMpLAMTS. esucK Ruzicrax, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, DION HEADACbEhr, FLATULENCY LOSS OF APPlttr. FLATULENCY: LOSS OF AFFIX' TB, And the numberless other &sestet Milikas Dam lead sestion, and functional dirordirs of the gi remark, fled when the disarm e is not beyond the pewee of meditate, ready relief in that established and sterling remedy. HR RELIABLE TESTIMONY. • n n b t g h mi o th r ! l ot W Md. letter foarofimtrhreeseitdt: Mionx,wrowx, Conn. Feb a le. , Burn W. POWLX & Co.—Gretienbei arm a use of the OXYGINA.TXD Btrraite Wale Wren or ei g ht tears since. Having suffered for twenty years bow form of DTSPIPIIA, whieh was attended intri a naTINDA eadaehe, on an average of not lees , than one day An a week, I was induced by the unpretending recommend'''. tion of Dr. Green, " to try one bottlel. and if ao benefit was received to discontinue the use.' The use of one bottle warranted &further trial, tollie extent of emits three or four, with a careful observance of' the alomPaliring directions. The result weir eh almost ant re relief from the usual dyspeptic synretomei and their depressing, painful oonstelueltells. I believe, these bitters produced an entie change in the hablet Of • my 'piton, and upon the active energies of the diges tive organs. I now deem myself as exempt from dys pepsia as most persons. These bitters have ales been of service to other members of my family. Very respectfully yours. AUGUBT_CB W. SMITH. Yana. Livingston co, M. Y. Oct. I, let., Masan& 8. W. iroWLs Co.-Biis : I have , been soli cited by r our agent to present toyou a testimonial of the restorative enable. of your " Oxesteared Bitters;' to which I cheerfbilY comply, in gratitude to you, sir.. also in the ;ince that many more may expenenoe Its invigo rating effects.- _Dyspemia, with its numberless asiocietes, took up its abode with me in opposition to the skitkof many of the molt celebrated phyeicianl. until the spirit we. *Wine (if no relief could be loud) to surrender, and bid scion to its earthly tabernacle, when I was inducad. by , the urgency ot a friend, to try ) our bitters, alms dreaming that the (Mead was in the boundlesa sea of Patent medi. eines, as it was the first draught I was ever induced to anaff, but, thank. be to God, war a Calm, and a most effieient and grateful onCloo. Th. moat eggravating symptoms inmy case were the immoderate and irregu lar beating of the heart immedistely after taking fo, attended with - greet prostration, and very Iretnently violent attacks of palpttation lasting from twelve to twenty-four hours. leaving tlja stomach so perfectly . Power teas that even a snoop vi oi milk or nee water 'Dula seem berdenaome. I commenced the use of th I m litt:a by tailing half a teit-spoonful—t extent was a full one. mime very perseveraratil had taken three bottles; then, at inte ,have taken two I bonen to reeling Its genial etTeets immediately : side, it ip extremely grateful and refreshing aa a beve trig., which s i re , charm that hut few medicine. can boast of. I would ;viola Arartits and earnutip beg all wbo are steamed with Dwane& in ally fora) to test your Oxygenated Bitter*. as I do esteem them inveinsme. Very respectfully, Hiss M. STOCKING. Iâ(,) (I P 111 T. W. D A. YOTT & SONS, 218 North Beoond street ' hit/Werra. 21. ANDS & CO., New York. CANB OILDLN, & CO....Bedtmore. Sold by mrtigymes arid Meronanta everywhere. derr-eomm d& w RUSHTON'S COD LIVER OIL POI. INAO-Sm. CONSUMPTION. THE ogrEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN NXTRAUTOR VIAS universally supplanted all other ,Olnimenta and healing applloations is both the Eaatern and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro duced; and lta iternWrie malt Is the true sewer of its va cc ine in all cstan4QUl ent(OXS. whether the °auto be arrident or disetoe. BURNS & Se r tHIALDS e pre instantly relieved on; thou snritigh. paln and thuatautsuou, or a timely 4 apputnuen e this mer volioni healer, and the flesh is renewed an if by a C4'll'l'l 'l4 ' l PRIEIID 0 E. IIEII6ERV. lam sh r soai ems i n. Children are frequent VI insferers from external in- Junes, eepeoially from Fluid and Compaes e jgx plosions—therefore every mother should have this healing preparation con- Mandy on hand. ft heals sore Breede r and ithickly a, removes the TETTRR or RINOWOJted, se prota- 1 lime es the eitorsem_ TO TR4VELLERB ny. SEA AND LADD. The Maohimet, the Tye- 0 yeller, and every other In dividual whose lot in fife .. throws. !um within the °hence of ae,oldent from IX' explosson. Are, or colic mos, should bear in mind ; that this Magic Extraotor ta Mx best and only friend. It Is both portable and cheap. anikehould ever be m his 00113/ftvicin, 11/ 11, friend in need here are thou- r sands of living witness..s tt to ties yto its ruarvellons a virtue, who owe • their sound gibs and mantes Ito its saving efficacy. The oilowilia MAGI C A L koduie_dmeaire kr wean LYLE PAIN EXTRACT OR is a ERR ENTIVE itt as well as CURE: Rothe, Bunlpens, Bores of all kinds, Anuses, Fistula Bhot Wounds. Bode, Frost ates, Borofula, Broken Rthaat, ever reS, Rolm). Bites of Reptilea. Felons i ocalds, Cancer, Creaked le. ease lani s u e l t ar Die-Sour, field Head, Chapped ands, hferounal Sores, Omahas, Chilblains, rains generally, Email Pox, Cramp, maples, Tumors, Contracted Cords, tiles, Teems., Chafes. 01501:1, Ulcers, Disease of the heumatian, Venereal Bores, Skin, • Raohea, &o. Bold at the principal Depots, 11 Broadway , New yol, and 11 7d im Madre. street, New Owing, oy . ithal W & CO., General Agent, It can also be o - Mined o all respectable Drugc r ets and Merchants throughout the Muted States an Otutada. T. W. D OIT & SOS, Ha !forth SECOND threat, rely Wholesale Agents for FBIIIIJ7IIIIIIIB. PIANOS. If igo PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS !! PtAifb-Fo RTES. MELODEONS. PIANO FORTES. MELODEONS. • PIANO-TORTES. MELODEONS, PIANO-F M ORTPB. E LON S. Made by Raven, Bacon. & Co ./ Nu OlM nno & Clark, Balled. David, & Co., and others. 0011 myl4-1y SEVENTY! and CHESTNUT. Niffi S INWAY & SON'S NEW pA. A I rtyßalloiNG warms, 1:51 3 GOO erteand l io private circles bylbe t ro t ern °rook fecroveg the brat pretuuna over the beet Chem.,mottzu2o.ustgaygniira* de-lv IONI trek BUSINESS WORDS. MISSOURI LAND! B. N. BILDROUGH k CO., General 11end Real Betide Agouti, Dealers in and warmntelcs. .too Northwest comer ' YURD and ORFATNUT Streets. OUIS. El Pa rt icular attention paid to erring en Guadtiated Lands. 000,000 Ames for sale at gimes ranging from LIM Is 7 orper sore. Monts moored and taxes paid. solose damp for Dlat and particulars. feltllm - - WM. M. GU MM WM. W. MARCIMMI GREINER** HARIINESS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, foltim lll SOUTH WHARvEg, SH .LADELPRIA. ALFRED L. 110 13 011, PAPgR KfiNUFAOTURERB' AGENT Onion notioked for eyery desotirtion of PAUR AND PAPER-MA atATERSALLf. for.e ra n o t ,l7 South ELM /IL street, Philadelphia. pAWBON t NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, NOB. 11.9 AND 11l MINOR STREET.. Between Market pRILADEP and L ChlA.eetnut Wee% JAMES PAWSON. 3A R B. a. NICIIO/..SON. jr,el4y* RR. OURSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. • JEER AND CONVEVANAIER, NonNlOwn, Pa. 100 Farms for sal 0 in Dnokl u liontgomory, and Chute er e , Catalogues of lane , with full gleaorlr Inns. sent by mail. 104-3 m . PALM • , SAD ' " " t" rie m , deem A Wads h L 4131 1 . 7 l e o p i k N o 2: 7213 f a r ; at i r t , t ° to , 1 3 7: " Frilfe 9 t m e" 'ST • • HOB. M. BEDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. S7l South FOURTH Strut. on sm• TIM ADAMS EXPRESS CO., 0 " 0/1 in ORES NUT Welt, forwaydi Paroela, ne ws. Morohandirs,Bank Notes, and HI either." us own blnefor_ig connear zrith othel prom! 1 6 12}Itter tit 9 s. ,11Aii ni, , ee i *snared Bum ntsin I _ AND WON lERFUL DISOO VE.arfor the OureLot Rheumatism and Gout. rrESLIET ARTHRIT/01 PILLS. This medicine is offered with the utmost confidenoe of its being the most effeotual remedy' for the above dis easep over yet discovered. lgo danger need be spore- Minded from its use by the moat delicate. Price $1 per box. Cori be sent by 011111 i, on enclohng one postage attune end Dribs of Pills. For LwilEX. obv 7. t1 e ole agent. AARPER, • N 0.142 Booth FRONT hv attest, icehie. COLUMBO ROOT—For sale py WItTRE RILL & BROTHER. 47 and I,rtorth azoomo • WI VHENOH (ELATINK WHITE, BEST— ,isI Korth IN . - 41111,TOZellatag ' Fek . Vlar/ Flair r Liniwtifnrs. urn . itenk be letyliew Y Or 8 an A it . 0 . ..-• ,;- '" W Tile U. S. Mail Steamthip yadiki r szaTN,_Oap- WA Charing P. Marahman. trill pad on Friday, March BO 'i' l lir i gii 3 l ing tle ' i'a l , ~,,,l i 0 'h.' .. .- i 84. —, . wOR BoVAN ' AO. The - U. #3, Matt Stasmahlp,g, A OF GEORGIA., Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on atdrday, mMtlh 14, at IP o'clock A. Nl, , . ..throash in &I to 40 boant—oalp dB lxierlilt Elea: ..' I ..'7. op-samar days ot armed however , : Batwing toevery five &yd. Goons received, -and Ails of Lading signed totem da l ". The op endid brat-olidgi gide ..Ighl DYlLidnebilla EBY ' STIDNe, STATE and STATE OP igEtiittilA *Miran os Stknfe every WI OW, thus forming a ive-dat *amnia lunation twith'Ohafienton and , Bievatmh, and the Math and Southwest. At both Cliarlton o and Plivaanah, tbsue. Shipp eon neat with a cam a i t i , Tga,atid With radronai &0., filt l an places is the „ le l usathweat,, Freight and Insurance on &Yogi proportion of:tis shipped Booth will be found to be lower, by things e ipii than by sailing vessels; the premium being one- ll the rate. . N. 8.-Inimryidee on 01l Rallrood Freight is entirely unbetiolicinry, farthor than Charlogton or nagitunab. the Railroad Common. tallglii all righiLfroin these Pointe. • .5. GREAT ItEDUCTIOX Ilf •Faft.N. Pare by this route 26 to 40 per oent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, ail will be seen by the following gobs 'dote. Through bokets from Philadelphia,eie Charles ,ton and Ilatatinah statunshina.lNCLUDlNG ss I~A 1 Son the whole route, glean from Charleston and !Javan- nate to Montgomery e , . . . a Mann VAL 'ZlClharledon.....-816 00 Charleston— —NM Is Bavannalt.—..- 115 00 Smoinnati— --, el 00 Augusta. .... fa 00 &fagots .-.......— 110 00 Mation.---, 21 00 leseon— - a 75 Atlanta-- 23 00 Atlanta...-. —. El 00 i Columbus—. -. 2300 Columbus—..... 36 00 ilbanY.- •-•--" ra 218 lban?.7- —. 5800 tdo o rfir, . e - -, •6300 '; Vl g e °,l2 "...= ' 46 90 l a New ' Orle a ns . *7B ew__TO leans -• .- 100 VI.CLIV3IO,itydIETS ro VAN OffAIIMS ON vONY.B2I 10 .....,.....•... 1 L ..-- .... ,11 • No Inns cif 1 iteg .0.1.e1t di; .tur, „,„,„,:, Tor freight - towage 7Y' OR w.larf above Vine littlest, or nopthwest. aornerf U Agonto in Oharetelliff• Pi_ • Ch.2 l Savannah 111111•2 kuA i t . 11 _11E . ION r.. . . For Florida from ohirtenton, ether Oat& every Tl Po 4 4l4 . orids4 ' frOm Reivafenah, Moamar' at. MAW' liftd Bt. Jo hn'a , every Tuesday and .ftarday. AFOE ENGLAND AND FRANI:X.- I FM YOU ACID; lOU , DTBAIIIIMP TheLlinl Y test fitster Mail litearnahlite 4114111), 2,100 Wu, David lanes, OOmmnden' iuld •FuLToN, IMO toil lames A, Wotton, Commancler t will leave NM Yor , Havre, and SolithanitdontrOX the year 1819, on the olio/ink dare: To meet um requirements Wet Olibie Ilea*: spent, the irMitah , . rnd , F in AL • zoN present voyagee, be Misused as follow, trem.lel . l'Olt.Koleve in the plum of the present departure of the FULTON, which will take pace on the Wth December, the sohednle remains unaltered: niow new YORK, 'Sava' 'AND 110IITNANIPTON. FULTON-1100.17. „ FllLTorr—lan, M.-Ir./I. ARN2 1 2, 7, 216e..• T. ARA6IO,L.. -Jen. 31.... awl. Y U da ll -- fil4. F itel, N .:-.. - Mll 2ll . if... 111 ri. rULTON....IOh. : dre---A.,el. a1...,Ap1. la. These steamers , built expressly roe bovernment ear -1 Moe, with doable engines, tinder deals, every attention has been taken in the omit - ruction of the hull and ma, ohinery ti to h ipare safety and speed . The shine hare Ave al i t r ra Aie gre n a l iceli t iir lori n tit r o t gair e , n l i tg e rn t: could not roach , . aid the map, toomitrootp wok. the Wet/ of the ve r er e ead•weeealt i lecte t t.let:_or flf, l il6.7Aff`tittn4.lll4:4ll.g. ' "? , e.° - r ' . In. every wild a ru ll'o=llr Tit can ' ll • ved be d t e? 14 , • tom lifew _lilt to Not ; - tthi it Ettillintt' Cabin, lOW ; almond do. inv , -, - , Cfa m tca li tt= Etrilniorjr. York-First To pliseatri goats tile=llre t tralallitL til• EIVAILLQIIFCO . WSW matratricra oislenovom tools *Avow. New sad iurs rrt m ertif i roib "g e h arift ri fti yiky . , mi, i int. W l9lll itt i t A & g o& II itbs h 0 A N .11 OOMPAIII's 4 Natt.94l,so%Ageetl6ollloe,Tolaeoe Wareboasei DOCK ma Rater atreela. Fbnsimpoia. , Plum of the Wee ran be teen. na•-tinbai di sert' ;R1 Min AND NORTH AMERICAS ROYAL MAIL MARI 0. PROM 742 W Toll TO tivezrooz.• Chief Cabin Passage.— Beograd Cabin Passage . ._— - 76 PROM BOSTON TO LIV22;OOL. Chief Cabin ....... 8110 Second Cabin Passage. -,.,... ,". , GI The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judking, 'CANADA. Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, CaPt. ASIA. Capt. B. G. Lott. NIA GARA, Capt. Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon Eugoke, Capt. J. Leitch. SCOTIA, (now building.) ' These vessels carry a c l ear white light at masthead; green on starboard bow ,• red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone, leav e N. York, Wednesday , Peb'y. EUROPA, Boston. Wednesday, March 7 AIF_RICA, Shannon, " N.York, Wednesday, March 14 AMHNICA, " Boetorr-, Wednesday, Meech 21 ASIA. Lott. " York, Wednesday, Meria") CANADA. Lang, "Bo York, Wedne ay, April II Wedge ay, April 4 ARABIA, eltPPer •' N. BIAGARA, " Boston, Wedne April 14 PERSIA, .Taakins.. " N. York. Wednesday, April M Berths not secured until paid lor. 4 1 4e 8, fifr " nelinr i dit r iniTa n w i lli a rik be accountable for Gold , Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bill' or hiding are signed the and the value tliereof therein eaprassed. For r .rrefstit of e sYY 4 Bowling Or e Een LEGA.L. : NOTlOE.—Letters of Administration to 'A. meats ofJAhIEB LESLIE. late of West Philadel. phis, deceased, having been pasted to the suhaoriber, all vOlllOlll indebted to said deaeseed are requested to make payment. and all persona basing Maim aro requested to preoent thorn (Or llllYtemst • rATlgivos LESLIE, .Administrairix, l Oith&k West Marsh btb, 18004-6 i• IN THE ORPRA.NS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPEIA. Estate of SAMUEL GITHENS, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle • and aoliestethe first and final account of 111 ARIN HAEMEITEA D. Administrator of the estate 'of acid SAat EL OITHENS. detailed, and to make distribu tion of the balanee in the hands of the acconntant. will meet thepatties interested. for the purposes of his ap pointment, on TUESDAY, Mari* Mth. eta o'clock F. M.. at his office, No. 113 South FIFTH Street . in the city of Pluladelptda, • C. M. HUSBANDS. mble-fmrew at Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP Plifft i AlltilLPHlA• WILLIAMS. PEIRCE, Assignee o Johh M. Pomeroy, vs. CHARLES At. REY OLDS. ' • Lev. Fa. Dee.. 1949. N. 5.1,083. HENRY W. GAULT vs. CHA nLES Al. REYNOLDS, Vend. Ex. Dec., IBM No. I,o£o. The Auditor aopointed to report distritmtian of the preoeeds of theproperty sold under the above writs. Cur exceptions filed to the speoiel returns of the !Sheriff, said property being described tui follows: •All that certain unfinished three-stars brick moorage or tenement and lot or niece ofarena. situate on the south side of Race street , at the distance of 99 feet west ward from the west aide of Seventeenth street. in the Tenth ward of the oity of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said,Race 'greet in feet 9 inches, and extending in length or depth southward 144 feet. Bounded westward by ground now or late of Rebdeas Mambas, eastward by ground formerly of Hoary ?fad , and northward by laid Reoe Street. The rear end of the raid lot , to the breadth of JO. feet north and south, to gether with some other adjoining ground, by a certain indenture front Samuel Riobards and others to Samdel Wetherill. Jr., recorded in Deed-book M, R., N 0.32, page 601, &c,, was agreed to be opened in continuation of a certain 11S-feet wide alley, as therein sot forth end stipulated. [Being the same :premises which Thomas Weibarill aid *re, by their ettomey fee, Mar garet S. Wetberit, by • imitate indentures did grant and convey Unto Charles M. Reynolds in feed Will attend to the dutteof his appointment on s_ THURSDAY, jhe lath of March, WO at I o'clock P. M., at his ollSoe, No. 416 Walnut street, Philadelphia, when and where e lf perhaps interested kfeXeCuremixtwo present their claims, or else be debarred from oo in on said fend. CHARLES B. PANCOAST, mhll-Iot Auditor. HARDWARE PACKAGE Houszis pAcquias HARDWARE HOUSE.—We ••• "mild reac . r roall the ettentlog of the GT FV ° V; z IofA AA HAiaiA I extensive Direr laeoe bi the at (Inters for in imrott&tion trolioited, and Goods de livered either gum airy, New yc i l, or New Orleeee• •W. 11, Wlll Bon. 411 CO P.&SRCE, Street, irozprting and Comnuenon_lllerohanta Arid Aunts far °reign and Dammam Kaady asae-t! 111AOULINERY AND IRO/V. SAKIIIL V. MERRICK, I. VA.171/HAM miasma, AM M. MUSICS. FOUNDRY,_ SOUTH WARK FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRREITN, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK k SONS, RNOINEERB AND MACHINISTS, Mainifiioture High and Low Pressure Steam Rnsines, for Land, River, and Mariniservioe. „Sinters, Gasometers, Tan .Iroa Boats, &a.; Outings of all kinds. either Iron or rms. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shope, Rail road Stations, ko. Retorts and Owl Machinery of the lama arid most Im proved oonstrnotzon. Every desoriptien of flanhstion Mailunery, mob es aufr. Saw. and Grist Mile , Veourun rasa. s is Steam Soris, Defecators,iners, ktroping sco., e Agents for s. Militia's Patent stir &alms mnitas; for MeM. Yatent - team ammer anti Aspinwall k Wolsere ratent Centritusal /Misr Drain ing Machine. endi-y stiLAROW AND VALUABLE, STOOK s_calos own oat at Greatly Pankeed Prices, at Mg UnkieTelllT estreit. 1110,000 worth Standard Weight Scales, comprising an assortment of an Mega Counter, Portable Platform, Warehouse, Hay, Goal, Cattle, and Railroad genies, rupture a tt Eno it for, their interest to call end "a licrilli e ollitartaßPorsT, Pkiladelplash HG. A. DerwaLlt The attention or country merchant* is called to the shove stook. ren•sra PLATFORDI SOALEB. Y°T-'6l.7Nalifilktutly3Pll. THE ROOT AND HERB DOCTORS' OP. PICE in North SECOND Street:Barley Sheen-fete', Philadelphia, where he oan eeneulted the first six days of every montt 6 lie has opened an omoe at Mr. J.A.BLETOR'S, ton. where he ran be consulted during tits month o Marsh. Also, the eeth, 17th, and 18th of April. AlllO ttke filth, and Beth of May. lie treat' all disown that COM is heir to. Children with weak joints made to Walil In a short time. All disclaims of a Acileate nature Monty eonfidential. N. 13.—Bee Ctroule.re. mhlo-tApl DR. W. LIVINGSTON 110pailliED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— ..Kw C. DoNoomiz will continue business until May next, at IS South WATER Street, and now offers for sale, at the lowest market proms, for cash. or on ap proved abort ofedite, CAW barrels steam-refined Su a various grades Ino~ndmg Lev p au ru d ti f e r d u rd - forms. Ritand Java Coffee, Adamanti • ti ler. and KS les Frsnoh Brandi' (hoarier. Mir 300 BIM Primo Halifax and Eastport Herring, 000 boxes Boated Herring, 000 halt bble Whit...Fah, in Igor° iti o fo* a t e rfal t 4h c° " ast : In wo4l arvows W. 011.00/4.10 P•7 O MOO 14 qopta FOUR.= Bun r, /UNE IITreEZ BORin Bahian 111111,Pall Mari Mountath,o A = & 4 WWII o Marehandise taker on wha e. AND PAINT w MAU- I-. RIALIL gineelp IWO Atittr i patienena eplan a atm to . potat o rioo a l i g . Ind a nd r Arum' end Tents. OW or Lo ri n g and Picture ;Primes. sing Cards, American and Frenc h . tatoraes grata. to the Irsde. SCHOLZ & idIrZNTZIKY. WHOLKSAIM Street. nm•.• - BIimAiESS" TROUT, BASS, AND SAL. MON ROM— pimp WILSON 3c CO.; 432 OBESTMIT Street, having taken the Sole Agency of my celebrated Trout, Bass, and Salmon Rode, Reels. /t ip. will supply my friends and the trade, at the lowest prices. in c-nm G. W. BURGESS. 10111 ISUATORIAL 81'0111'84 • • PAILIP WILSON & co.. ennrESTNUT WOW invite the lovers of TWAT° AL SPORT to the finest assortment, and But qua ity, of TACKLE ever offered in this city. Suoh a* Rumen world-renowned Trout. Rau, and Salmon Rode. Surl rlor_Trqut, Baas, and Salmon Flies Super extra Minerva, irsinia, Carlisle, Salmon,. and Rase Hooke, Reels, Baskets, Artificial Bait, Silk, Silt and Hair , Grass, Linen, and Cotton Lines. • •mhLSm PUBBBO—For isle by WINKER= & .1 60 , WWW4I4 , or, ad emu* INANYMPAMI.. kJ ovc DS-TNI VW,/ ar A. ie.,- .itititad A'Clwa 'attention Nartkra th im iday , to oar int lotadvp morn*. listen 11$6 t % w e. nontriuni aarniment of ' . - • NoTION SETAIIXIN, • • The SHAWL/REM GOODS AN D KUM non potatitta•ia• attad to oar _saw or . itiniotirc t a i wbs,' nionling:o lb, itUpOrVADia Of flier 'Hi Nanstount k aoolliPrilinlg nitnwm 'pp Nina M blaaka and elon gol L ona, dNa toa d s , binak cow ad . TO:MERCHANT TAILOID3. jjrf inde,ibia morning . — sineekr l iyane ali-wool black-drag drete, siperb oualinm _ poliflfirt AND 'VELVET .111DBONS. - • wohits mob de sole bonnet ribbclui t • No. Dian. al!•-' , nik Y VAIO DINBB4II. ' SB,PODLAII:ptir Ho. Plaid and c h i Foulard ,ilka. • Enrage And chine ponit do sow black era de Mines, ko,, kn. BALE OF FRENCH OOODS. ' This /derma. packages an d lob and lots of Caney and staple French dry gouda. . - ALL WOOL PARIS DRAP VETE. 7-4 all wool Para-black-drop d'ate, Sae to insearline qualities. BALE OF IIIaW.I.AMP Of the importation of hi +BBBB. H. HENHT.QUIN & CO, 1 his Mrng, March 23, UM, a:maiming of—. 1,080 choice and new styles of OliegoW and Paisley Printed cashmere shawls. in great varietyof patterns and qualities, toady of which ere not to be !bend ebb- Where. 2,000 rich. Faris printed ell wool cashmere and thibet idimr aleelmettee, fond elm, tam, Vitalism. and ei'hordwe—comynsing a largo variety of dew and tele east designs. 2,000 nob ell wgiolJParui brooks bordered stadia shawls, comprising stall end complete SiIeOrtEMSISPI the pew ees and .modirt desirable patients. among which w i n b e Wand *Mime line of • UHALES A'RIVIEBRE rititeGlEß I,4te.trteket. The Latest IlaVeluff il of tht itsiedn. • I Silt% ti ' w l ity k l FA ( it t al, tom it.'10 1 '.12..V.L11:2°• lm attention ot onus is reopeettithy solicited to ill sale, whiell contains an gnaws! prftortirm of bleak and dhoioe colors. sititable to the rink of time, • • reius BAKEGE Rona. This 2i10n44, 200 Faris barest. robes. PRINTED CLIALLI.O3. LAWNS. AND PRINTS. ;cariesprinted &allies. - 4 mums V Et prunes lawns. 01/1010-$ tenet , _prints. !Rica Lear, UURTAINft,FOR CITY =ADE. f it large incdide of extra nob tambourd lack curtains rerr superior make and sty les. NkauLk.WOkIC,EMIIINOWERED cOMATte. 220 lota needlework embroidered collate. Z I,OOS PIECES RAXONYMOVER DRESS GOODS. This Mamma, — . casein superfine rrOr etyfe °bailey royaL 0111101 superfine eaUnlboesne oballey royal. ' • MASH/Vita, MINTS, ROBES, &o. Solid oheok gingham,. Chintz. colored and black and white brinks. Same, organdy, and jaconet robes. Mohair mixtures, and cross ovens. Also, gum suseenders, fillet mitts, shirt fronts, silks ko., eco. DALE OF /IMPORTED DRY GOODS Ott Tuesday fdornins, Nardi 27th, et to o'olook— foo wasps@ and lots of imported On dpoda SPE CIA. 1; SA.I-,E OF DRY GOODS On Wednesday fdoraing. i hdareh IS, at le o'clock. Hair ..Partioulate hereafter. B.BOOTT, Jr.; AIIOTIONRICR I No. 431 eOHFATNUT MEN to the Oneinc Boant:betenren rovm: Stoma SALE OF VIREO IRMO 1) CADE4I STRAW GOODS: Tlie Hornung. Mirth IS. hi catalogue, on a coedit ? , ercananeing at ltr o!oloeir, oonsigno, yen, of Lee new ogles sap lab straw pedal braid, brown and wiute Leghorn, Lowy IMO, tutu; and dienas trimmed bonnets. • OLOODUIRW FLAT& Alechlkne "bite Leghorn end brown sea-side bloom ers' Arltuatder, War trimmed gate, te., to. • , • NNW. A d BOYS' HATIL Melee ale Wel braid Lamborn aid Piitams 8,4:. SPECIAL SALE OF STEREOSCOPIC 'PICTURES. Boxes, Ito. On fiaturditY Morning, Manin Nth, commenerna at 10 o'clock, coneistirut ofa fine assortment of nest colored Engleh groups and scenery. London, Irina. and Dwiss views, American Inanity, illumina ted pictures statuary, &c. Boxta. Patent 11190/VlCift boxes. Etna sines morocco, rose wood, and walnut boles, &o. Sale by order of Assignee. SALE OF EP BUPJ RfORBOi.E ',BATHER TRVNKS ? e. Ort Monde, Adorning. March Yfi, at 10% orolook, will be sold, a quantity of superior sole ieather travelling trungs4adies' French dress trunks, valises, &o. Sheriff's Beloit N 0.428 Chestnut Street. SHERIFF% BALI, OF A LARGN STOCK OF ENG LISH AND AMERICAN SILT ER -PLATED WARE. On IVedneiglay Morning, March 23, lea, h . . - c;aiii3l6;: -. C . Ohiritencing at 10 o'clock, by order of Wm. It. Rem. sheriff. The entire stook of a large and well-known niannfac toting • firm, comprising every variety of fine silver plated, ware,:connsting, in part, of , fine double and treble silver-plated tee Sets, single poxes, waiters, pitobers, Gigaton ; cake, fruit, and card baskets; table. dessert, and teaspoons • and forks, fine cutlery, &a. Also. great varlet of fine china arid glassware, Perim, bisque, and tones 0111501011171 and figures, Mons* *looks, fancy fans. fic.. fro. 'UNFINISHED W ORK. Also, included 111 sale, at same place, s large quantity and oomplete assortment of the abore-raentioned sat. ales. in various grades of completion. Ate), es the morning 'of the ftA Cast., previous to the shore sale, upon the premises, Mkt Chestnut street. (un der "The Continental.") the fixtures, good will, and Wage of store. MAORTNERY AND YerEIWILO. On Thunder ,hlorning. Marsh M , at 10 o'etocligerall be sold, st a b l ing:4ol'n Noe. 411 end 414 Prane going. the euperiet eery or the .4011mM:tent, together watt the tool*, nt• glagsware.. {etyma blatantly eolettone or hquidit van and tad, ems. deer, ate, ko. HUBBARD to GORMLgY, AUCTIVREERS, 730 atARKET IStmot. PHILIP NORD xOO , ATIOTIONEERS, No. MO MARKRT Stroud, sad an MINOR Street, SALE OF IMN) OASES MOTS, SHOES. BRO GANS, &Q.'. - • On Thursday Morning. • Marohfigd, at dealook prialtively, Int/ bireold' Dv. catalogue, on four months' eredit, owe teen's, bogs', ano youths' nail sad LIP boots: oat: bu, 11; goat, and kin brogans, oaf and patent leather gaiters Ox , ford ties, patent leather walking eoes and opera boots; women's, misses', and children's calf, goat, bag , zun f=,. kid, and enamelled boots, heeled and mins . superior sewed goat morocco and glove-kid Congress heeled boots and 'Speer& Also, a large as sortment of first-dein city-made sonde. lbe above sale will embrace a full assortment of boots and shoes ofade. the first quality, adapted to the city and country tr Abio, samples of ISO omen Scotch gingham um brellas. SW Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. Ge. J. WOLBERT & CO., AI7VTIONEERS, 019 ARCH Street. between Fifth and Sixth. REGULAR SALES. - Dr!toads, clothing, straw goods, carpets, boots, shoes, a., In lots adapted to the city and country re tail trade, by catalogue, and for cash, every Tuesday aid Friday morning. Zurniture, china, glee, ko., every Wednesday morn "tem plants, vine", ke.,itvery Thursday and Satur day mommy durin the sewn. Special sales of a l l or any description of prom*? it any time to suit the oonvemence of tke owners Mercier. LARGE BALE OF N FRU %ITGo. TREE% GRAPE VIE On Saturday Morning, The Sea inst., at U o'clock,. at SlSArch street— Standavd and dwarf -year, cherry and plum trees peach. nectarine. apnoot, and evergreen tree.; whit • and red Cherry, ourrants..laarton, blackberry, ragpber thltheit.liee O th er fleets. Stare Mee. 40.. ace. FANCY PIGEON& Mao. it coramenoementof sale. au line fanny pigeons the property of a gentleman amateur. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS—FOR C On TueedaY Morning, *7th inst at 10 o ' clock , at 019 Arch 'treat, in lots adapted to city and country retail sales, by catalogue, 260 lots of staple and fancy dry goods, comproing— LT Particulars hereafter. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast earner of SIXTH anid_RAOE Streets. MONEY TO LOANA .8940,000 to loan, in large or small amounts, on stooks, gold and Myer plate, diamonds, watches, jewel ry, fowling piece', dry goods, !dogmas, groceries, ci gars, hardware. cutlery, rmudoal instruments, furaitare, bedding, horses, vehicle., insmess, and on an &Moles 01 value, for any length of time agreed _aeon, on. more liberal terms than at any other eetsbliahment in this QRS. GREAT CITIANCR FOR BARGAINS. At private sale, splendid piano forte, in nab rosewood ease, cost 0400. price $1611; fine 18-riaret gold hunting case patent levekwatoh, double time and todsomideitt seconds, only *ln; flat. gold heating-ease Engliati.Ps tent ;ever watches, of tne molt approved and nest makes, from OM to $100; fine gold double bottom Eng, halt patent lever watches, best make, from 1110 to 00; fine 16-caret hunting-oue detached patent lever watches. 11 jewels , from $ll to_0311; open race do., from 000 to illak; #lllll 16-Caret gold Le rie hunting case 'watches et ; open [sob do., from qm; aihet English patent lever watches, in hunting oases and doable bottom, of the most approved and best make, from 1/10 to $lO American hunting use salver patent lever watches at 0M; hunting came Silver duatila watches; ditto double limp. from be 1110; hunting case silver lever watches,mottled. winds wtthent a hex, from $l6 to 1110; lepine do., from 413 to $ lB l huntip /silver detached lever watches, 13 Jewel", frOui to 13; open face do., from shunting$ hunting cage ver tune watches. full Jewel lled, from 07 to $10; open face do., from' NJ to ii; silver quartier watnheefrom $3 to $3; silver Erman:watches, from $1 to 4118 9 ; gold patent hunting ease and egeri face. lever and 7 r„.. English, blwtss, and French watohes, Men 01 to 10 Lfine gold vest, Mb , and nook OAS= at/ft/cents ggp d s ;Vnits o , l gn7e t r . hi l i c ili le a jal u j g elie l l;VeCy a d n e! mogption, for lens than t he usual Ming prices. mow to loan man= to snit applieantli. on dry and every kind of goods, at leas rate or charging than any other establislunentin eke city. 01-DOOpt pAust Attended to personally by the anotdoneer, at very le, aies CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Consignments of all and every kind of goods soliolten for nubile' sale ; two-tkirde the value oldie goods will be adranoed in anticipation of the saIe. SES NATHAN& SE WING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING sMAOHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, 13e CIiEBTXUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Machines, with Oneratore, on Mre to" Private Families. BRANC7I omens: T Weet STATE Btreot, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL EQ.I4IItE, Easton, Pa. islsl-7m WILCOX & GiBBS' SEWING MA CHINE.—The great and increasing demand for Wilcox & (Abbe' SerringMaotune is a guarantee of its sup W rior eneollenee. Frio° $3O. For sale at FAIR- B L E Seale Wareilonse, Ms CHESTNUT Street. eg-t3 LIPSCIN CLARK'S RIGRLY IMPROVED Jug and newly Patented Combined Grinding and Bolting. or MERCRANT FLOUR MILL, Daily in operation at Ne. 225 RAMS MASKS, 3SLOw Taran, PIULAD'A. This unrivalled Flour Mill, including the complete grading and bolting nuuchiriery, occupies a specs of only 4 feet wide, el Ott feet high, and twenty-atue feet long; manufacturing within this small compass, at a single operation, and with but little more_theneix horse power 4 family extra, extra, superfine , an d ofthe low er grades of hour and the different kinds of o fal ; pro duoin flour aqua in quality to the best flour made f a rom a given amount o wheat, by the best Merchant Floor Mills to the United States, or in Europe. Its average rate of grinding is two barrels of superior flour per hour. This new, compact, complete, and celebrated flour mill hps been carefully examined by many o f the most experienced millers in this country, 1111 d. they unam mouldy bestow upon it the highest commenilattorui Land havegiven their testimonials of its intrinsic superiori ty, and its immense utility. Millers, mill-owners, merchants, capitalists., 'people tors, and t he public in general , are respectfully invited to call and examine this highly useful and Justly cele brated flour mill. Information concerning the purchase of the Patent Rights for States and counties, and the mills, for every portion of the United Mates, Great Britain, France, ermany, Russia, rind other Agricultural countries, be given to all persons addressing their letters to EDWIN CLARK. Patentee, No. 235 RACE et., below Third, Milled's, 116 r For further information concerning this oelehra ted flour mill, please to read the yellow handbills, de seribins it. ma is 4 u.s.-3,500 gallons extra bleaebed:El — e- . O giant Oil j 4.41 gallons extra bleached Whale MU and do, racked Whale Oil ; and ad bble. extra No. iLar Oil, in 'tore indfoe,NOWLN sale b I;AB It y ' UNNEIN inhrf„ • Na RA il eon hanink SEE • "111A17 3.; . 13 . 8 - 0 ,Noo I riligT, • :_ A • siniOnimn*r • clumsy. den. t S r 1 5,96 : CLOW I I CI rill ' : an trait of 30 0 Iwo, 4 „ 'nth Bovine. nann.Aoril ado noon. at Ni• ay/nib Ha ring 111,140.700nl 'memo: ail* r • 44» it 710 e liart 6.lth r o Mad bills fiT'oaoh of 1110:iiirro atMO 4, IP 4 111 trthi 4 for 2 andotone la M iriace. IUM oWpt ion of l u il la im o j il l i l d 3 o jl p ll4' s' SiP Handbills iblr simikrinNritz oddition to whiolir sead oosoma. °awl to the &Jo kiwi . is firing lull d ew or t AVitOPOSist tots oh the o READWiIkr I'SIVATS SALL • • 1 Sir Wallows Inns issoasasi at aatala st ' • ale, inalsdair ev i essittk. "4 = moon' , . .P: am at i to 1 , ,PSIOA Sr Rohl ostato as 474 Sir sail advattamS • ss oar as_ (st waioal,ooo saris' us satassla inieswillia rrac TaeaftY, firth mat., at La Bel ot , noes, Inn be sold at tree En- Mange.— I Melva share (Ig seir alarm) Ban Tian/risen Land Ananotation. ti bares West Philadelphia Mntsusl Baring Prod and - Treat Company; par, fad. 3 first .mortgage bands, Hal each 851111.4 Pantry's& and ,C(11 Company columns, from, foot. inclusive. 3 second mortgage bonds, NIKO esob, same Company. Rams coupons. SO shares - Barclay Railroad and Coal Company, par Bah NU Fed. Hl share Continental Hotel. *share Philadelphia Library. • - I she Mermankla LibrarY. EIGHTH. SPRING SALE—MARCH Nth, • skt. ataak- mos. NEAT MODERN .RESIDEN at CE, atetheast former of Teeth and Pitawater streets. Executors' Peremptory thala--Patata of Ann E. Taykit, THABEATOAY, littr id Efarnl.fitO, Na. Brian stmt. betwasa Aral and Race, and ascend aid Third armee absolute. TWO BUILDING LOTS,sonthirest aids Of Germs fauns rend. northwestotlnth !greet. BUIIINEI3.B na.ND hrea-story brink idol* and &reline, No Looir street. Twozrrosy PRA E DWELLING, (rough °seta west side Greenhill street,: Itetween - ,hlasterad 0 .7- b4rt- and 4lntsentli and f!eyres;teenth streets; Tr aatiatk VALUABLE LOT. northeast corner of Franklit pot Jefferson streets, Minton. Frasktin fitreekand 4. feet onerson atrost,„twentiettorant," Twortrouta. VALUABLE „LOT,. north aide of aelferson streets east of tho above . { met on Jefferson. Al feet dent VALUABLE LOT, northwest droner of Seventh_end Jeffersonlaterite,* fest on. Seventh. Po tea Oa .I.lllW km- " 'Pon fronts. FOUR BUSINESS STANDS.-Fonr two-story Drams stores and dwellings, apethend corner of Frost Rod Thommon atrests, late Kensington. . CAAIDEN.-Two story frame cottage, nortlieist tide of Ferry street, moo theaatof Vaohook street, • Kaighn's Point; Camden t N. J. • NEAT MOD itN DWICLLUSG, with thre e-stor y hulk braidings, o. SYS North Eleventh street, above Parrlah street. VALUABLE BUILDING I.OT, east /idiot Twelfth stare,. north of Cherry attn.. if r est Don. TWO VALtTAWLE lOTA, 0/SRMANTBWR. south_ wart ludo of anon inset, monthweat of /Mune street,atehiOn feet front eV) a O2 iILE DWULLING, stable and coach hose. 1025 lq:bert street. west of Fifteenth. GEGUNU-REN F, ISMS a- year. on lot:ai feet om Germantown road. 44 feet ow Broad 'treed. ahoy. Bee ler street. Three fronts. Gs OUND-BBNT, 8 / 2 5 a Year, of lot Irla fart OR EA W. side of Clearfield street. is feet on seetheast side oti Tulip street and 04 feet on northwest aide Of Apt! street. Ninetesnta wart,. Three front.. - VARY VALUABLE FARM, 1.14 mores, late of Jae* Glint, deceased. with good inivroceirants. Glouespiew county, New_i•rwhi. nen Carpenter's Leading. ioer mile. below wampum, minnor fruit, very entailers" Vapory, s o le and pear oreWud, _foie garden , Ao, it In web water . bee an innhanstible marl pet. Only ail Y* required in rash. . _ EL SGANT MODERN RESIDENCE. No. UN Chest- nut street 21 feet front, lot 295 feet diet to daserwit glint, finished in ben meaner. with ail models lot • provemente. Term.-114000 may remain. - NINTH SPRING-WALE-WARM Ak i rmse's Pareniptonr We. °THE GAUD SOBALT AY. D IVICIE_NUYVOLIOV . AND' Cr OF 109 ACRES- LARD. Theraday, . March Nth, afl2 o'clock, noon, will be-sold athebbs saleAwithout Deserve, at the ••• West Jersey motel," Camden, New Jersey, thirtirefollowing described hrec tertian No. 1. The "Camden Cobalt "end Mond Worts." with lot of two sores land, sad wharf on Cooper'. oink. Also. two brick dwelltsga, contin-hogar, Am. see mile from ferry. - - hu e a No. Z. Tract of three hundred eerie land.-with kin* dwelling, freight houses, and pessengel depot, at win. low stature. Camden end Atlantic Raufresd, grinalor to Bate Camden county, R. 4.. sate of both absolute. without rertiffmhbf eider of Assignee. ' • TENTH SPRING! SALE—APRIL ht At 32 o'clock, noon. , Orphism' 'Court Selo—Estate of Joe. L. Sehelfer, deeitL One-math of large LOT OF GROUND, bosed tor Green. Mount Vernon. Twentieth end Twenty lanai. Four fronts. • - Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Deborah &heifer, diced. G O e n n, oa lon of Ve e o LO , T - T we PG eRtO UN , T b w ou e n n d ty e - d I n 'treats. Four fronts. . • Executor'e Peremptory Gale—Estate of Joe. Greta. • deceased. VALUABIMUSINEFIS TANDS. three-story brick stores. W. ens tat South Front street. ez towline through to Witter greet. Two fronts. sir• ego absolute. LIELEGANT RESIDENCE, WALNUT ellUirr. - No. ow South side. west of Tenth street, II feet fron t tra feet deep, with Stable and Coach Row at the rear, VERYeflistf_posseerst. • ~ - . . VALIUAULE B UILDING LOT, North Bid. of Borneo street. lest of Eighteenth street, RS feel frout.los feet deep. - Two front*. ...- . . itAISDSOME MODERN RESI DENCE No. 1N Brown sweet, west of Twelftketreet. air limettiatil posardmi. • htullartN RESIDENCE, southeast earner al list mend, and Landau sheets, shove Ckeetaitt MOO. Xi Pat front. ,-, ~ . ~. • . VALUMMX BUSlrdieli RROPEITY4foir atorr - N.J.* hotel ead Oweibae, eorttreassearner or Drage christiaa streets,, with. hetet eastfeettewery, it .t lee-home. ais4 lane w its three haste. • rerentetor Sala— DSOME, MODERN IllEn- DRtsCE, with warble rent and Wee yard, too. R a ll= Siatseask Attest, .asave Biornps. rirside rim:m.l.o . . _ 1 Daismi pomp jandsoise modern four liket7 brink residence, No. 17eS Grasp *mot, went of Seven ' teenth amt. ELEVENTH SPRING SALE—APRIL 3d. At °Week Drente/. - omhans' Court Sole—estate of David Swett. aed. TWO DWELLINGII.—Two and tbrwaten bunk dwellings, northeast comer Fourth and Master strew. Same Estate—TWO DWELLINGS.—.S twowterg. brink dwellings; north side of Master street. sera es Fourth street. Same EstatO—TWO DWELLINOS.—II three-rind brick dwellings. N.W. corner Matter end-Pink ettestes east of Founts street. Same Eatale.—TW-STORY FRAME NTABLE. west aide Pink street,. north of Master street. hams Estate—DWELLING AND STABLE:—Three story bnek dwelling, east side ofFourth street, north of Manor, with frame stable in rear on Pink street, Same Estate—BlG.. T D WELLINGS.—Tente three-. story. and five Corr-store brick dwellings, seat side o f Fourth street. north of Master street. MODERN DWIaLLI aO, No. Ito South Eighteenth street, N. W. corner of Addison street. below ?In* st. NEAT 310DE1tN R.E.SIDENCE..with large side yard, N 0.1235 Brown street. west of Twelfth. 36 feet front. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 213 Vine streets between Second and Third streets. • . TWO ..•..• • - . . • TP7O DWELLINGS AlVil LAROR LOT.—I am atory brick dwellings snd lane vacant lot. RN feet on Brown street. &di Mt on Ridge avenue, and a front OA Fifteenth street. Three fronts. - Sale No. 31 South Eleventh Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. rIANO. GAS CHAN. DYILIER. Id BRUSSELS CARPETS mat . in. On ondsvlo. .18th instant. at 10 o'clock. _at 'No. 31 South. Eleveatili street, the handsome furn iture. boudoir .Inano-forto. gas fixtures, flue Brussels carnets. bre hate teattressell, fine engraving., rosewood etareelleePe With mews, kitchen furniture, tto., of a genneman declinusg house kelltiln'fie unhurt furniture wart made to order by 0.. T. Henkels, calve in excellent condition. • Sir catalognes sal Mag tifexannued at a o'clock on the Sternum of e, with Administratrii'• Sole—No.7ll South Bluth Strait. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, Platy), OAR VUL TURES. BRUME S'S GARRETS, kde. On Themtas Morning. 17th instant. at 10 o'clock. at No ni Booth Ninth Street, by order of administratox, the or.perzor Rum titre. piano. gee fintirreq. Broomall carpets. &o. be examined on the morning of the male at o'elooki Sale No. 610 North SixtiLouth Street. NEAT FURNITURE, _PIANO-Fula/4 BRUSSELS Ott.RPMS, &o. On Wedzmeday Montimy,. 28th Instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. Ike North Sixteenth street the teat furniture, biano-forte. Bowl' oar ye a. &0., of a family leaving the city la* May be examined at o'clook . on the naming of sale. gate at Nos. 1.19 and 141 you Fourth &nat. BIRERIOR FURNITURE, PUNUEPLATE Ma alox& PLA.NO : F9RTES, BRA/ ME/L.5 CARPR.cti. On II 1- rang, - At 9 &Stook, at the Austion titore, an amortment of excellent second-hand furnituie, Cosset vane-fortes. fine mirrors, caseate, etc.., trona families dip:dining housekeesuit i removed to the store for ooneenietese of sale. EDUCATIONAL. A KERMAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE & s .n.A. reliable medium thinandierldehßetools and Faml- Use um' optain oomVia i timiehers. pinata &ay ob tain, aranotonsly; in o on "re of the beat inshoole. 8 H,_W , & 0.. ROADWA gf nu-tt K oHESTNUT threat. Philadelphia. NEW BOARuLNG SCHOOL.- T USCARORA PENA LE INRIUTUTE Will be opened et ACADEMIA. Juniata county, Ps.. on the let day or ALA Y next. For attnounoernents °at tendee terms, Zto., apply by letter. or personally. till tee April, to the subscriber* at 1711 VINE Street, Philadel,. Phis; after that at ACADEMLAJuniata coup_ ty_ r _Pa. W. G. E. AGPLEW, In' VINE !Meet. fe2l-dtmyl• URIANT A, MAT:TOWS NATIONAL MERCANTILB _GRS, tolphis, 8. E_. corm CO LI SEVEDITA sad .B.TEVT; New York, Buffalo, Oloveland, Ohromo, and elt Ws. !or luformation. oat or send for o.Weinio. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. FUGUET & SONS, Kg• IMPORTFOIB OLHAVANa. CIGARS. N 0.216 Soot RILONT &met, Receive reNularly a f aasortnient of desirable CI GARS., which than offer at low rates, for cash or ay I Proved credit fold-1v COAL. PAUL P. EBLLEK KELLER EMORY, Offioe No. 140 WALNUT street. Philadelphia, Pik, 801,E &GENTB FOR B. Bordas' superior Broad Mountain White AA. ant It. ileekatter M Co.'s celebrated Black Beath AI Otto C 0 A L. Shipped bicanal and railroad from Schuylkill Haven. Sohuylkal co.. Pa. telS4rin OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR w-w-intereat. BUY YOU? COAL AT BIOXB', where nothing but the Per) beet Inality of Lehigh end BOW kal Coal la offered _at the following reduced prices: Lehigh, Broken , IV. and Stre--,—.114 veY Bohuyikill" 4 as Lune Nut— , " Warranted f ree elatei or duet and full velar s at WOKS'_yead A southeast tarter If A VIM v , tau WILLOW. Cell and Re. off-en REFINED bbls. crushed, i tt i.. ezrz i rt Attalreee co ead .. ape MACKEREL— No. 3CO j b ei t it oll. o 2;thEs u l d T p e r i i rS me . order. For male kr 'WILLIAM J. TAYLOR h. CO.,_ WI aed lii NORTH WHARVES,. COG AC, SORIN AINE, in 1 2s, 1-4 end I-Bs, Pele and Dart for wde br, m bond. MEEffd, hORMAN, & ME mbllo4t N o . es LINN • Y Street, New York Bbls. and 340 hfs. large No. 3 Mack erel. 190 bbls. and 460 Us. email No. S Mack erel rioeivad per Widener Fransla Edwards, and for made by 'WILLIAM J. TAYLOR & whir • 129 and 121 NORTH WHARVES. BRICK -MAKING MACEMF„g w hi c h t em . gir mses ' Vi2i'Vh,. K1b 0;41,. 45 4.9.0 r4 8 * ""AziPIN HAMS AND SHOULDERS-1,900 Pieces City Smoked Hams and B boftlderft Idfto extra sugar-eured Haan, for tab by C. C. & CO.. &RCN Rtreftt. Awn. above Pm, t. MAUKEREL —545 bbla. Nos. 1,2, & . Mackereli is anoited ongigal esokoioo. of Al Wited oatoh, for gale tly C. O.S&&L.Ri & t.l9 , inqr ^boa. B 4614 114 t1.U.1.1) ) ALUOINno, and Carriphene, in bowfin Ana half barrels, aissateo end. and. tor sale br_ .011111,11.NE/pp lahli No. NI Sea* WSW. D. =M.
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