;t . 1N..- 1 ti tedi r . ettk t i - • 'el • s :NL, uta.-sags * iriparthr.tc..v.li r it. •." ._ , 114 .:1r0 ; .11( plow 1 4. ~,;.. -, !I f 4 1 04,030#0/1 iiit.A -•1: ~..-_, Phial a • - :.1 . 1 f. , j 1 / 4 , 7 - !7 It i r t: ;R am ~, I lia*; , . law , mbio l i, .1 12 a B .p 1 1 .41,;.4 ,- ; ":,;,. H ater al, ir.. - :::: sa. 8 y i MINE, - ' 4 '..i . ;,,- t trium,llll , ' A .1 , Angst' A 116 A iii Ji,,`!.., , ' , , A I VY '' . U B atsehitrA,Bq ! , t 2 , i i pm. • ikg, / ~ ::,1 I„, / , tac. 1 1 :17;t 4i iii t ' r ,:: ,:t AglaTak4 , . IV: : •r as - - ..'." iii4. go 1C oh+ -' LartioukTillimuL t ,b - ', L it . I" eig h h i Aptc Cl: Pal. .71 1 1 , - - 5 i 1 ,, ,, , ) N. f i e. Toia. ~ oat , jzo i rr,„, o tri leusi..,. t . L.:, VosiiCa.tijri v i t , '..7",; . , '.•.," :-!;-.. • , R . New Harlot : _ &Awn, NY.., .. ~w.TWAr r i uiskin , ellthiD 1101 et* enkar * ifinti, - M 6 era** woo , '',.! VOPt i y ij i m it aht nt - ChtyYsge ' Vret Green, at, L i u ~ , i on, m „,,, l a --"" , • , 11 , Ir Atm!, 8ki . ,......_ :, ,r-F,' J ' l. *ir g Irezykrarr - 77.---o , 'p c 0 John Wier, 111, A 81914111i10fit -• , 111 , 1 rWllllOll. lm Ckll4 a „ ~, ',, 0 Will i i, r • V.l I* 'NI( y • 17 1 lilidokb , , ti 11... . • 1 4 1114 1. *lli 11‘ 11.i ltadr 1 "0 , 14 11 ' o ll lln . 1)4 1 / 4 4 "Nettl".'A" intillifi=r t ha t t i l b or 'll V, leg oni in ge nee * , V r „, 40 . tt." ••" 1 ticrkt v. • , iti her L ary; ;We; Oit it LIPW I T W W •Watilllt." WaliMll 'l' Dia u, • * D. X y IThaw. N 0 - ILI' %AO. trait 1 Kweastatrear it XII". W V ' d Pith titt.Atipbmorai =TN r IA fi r ' ' . 1 i lhden d I ' ' ;71 trAillat, • dk ' - "i iir capPl ' Alt r N eherd I Perierture:Otue ' ' s *re Berereeri, (Ship = ‘ d gr e ' . ' r rt s u i , : ' , ..")ifirritrig - Vriwe s xiain.i;ta-' , ;, -- - sefiltis4 city: i...„. .1.,g ~ , I nt.& a , Ver*tiir ,e 7 ; cog Lie r, > _ 0 codin iviii - iii — t i oir ..::: it % K i t t rd Et4N:n&4 ! ;„] - 114tnoo i l lits,Cona i?Whitney. X J , .. tre ) , X V Mitt Ithrailtal irT Xtrittrteh. lt 'label* fletere . "l,Vo••Y '' • 41 Merl= le lolta Efe iliticse ek Ind -',. •.-. B enrai;oh i ra lt , . 1 , , 66 ,II itrioll; N.l 71 . 1 140 11 , ', S i Mea t, e t _rinnTil . ,.! r. imaszbrd 0 ' " :::7 1 T atriii b b"vir 7: lerla t txtr... i t 7 , , , P se r. Could' a 0• i v J st 411 . sultraTimgw a ' 4 J i t ,N L i t plePhilit ~' ' 1 , I. ,talOn'Ve ' =7, it Mtn .'., "...,., iit r a3l i ii ci t zrhig ~, Cl.. rule Virslii.Y:- - et ttie; %AO* , cod %Oa, Wild= . 9 t =„i , 3 e, spintm, it , 1 Haneity. Tenn ,' i 0 0 w aeon, 0 neerde 0 P o ,I. J Neseey, rafts R Stone. 0 , • Ala liarnsoaos C on .1 ChtleKibbin,Cip AMERICAN 110711 L- Ibastain stmt. share Filth. P,E Norris Erie, Pie - - I t o •rp te ani a " 1 I t :till iftli `1 telesd 1 ' ' ' 43 MO ! ' i l v Ai N d 1 r "I rri jil4 o; u Cjill' -' .' : 11: M tli nl' Atd e 'L rre ' : 11 :: ° Jt hi, pet L. .s irr .„'" Pl 'lltb l' f s p ß itfrart :l 7P. Nr . 7 Veast**4 ll:lll 4; 4' : : 1: rd rimtti iraildi liatihr I, . o., rour d A .. 00..„ ': w it i 00.0. eostioe v erth iromia . Coil , 1 t giv=-Niiiiii , ~I,Vol4l,ol,„ii i ii,„ # menr• 31° , ' 140 ' 4, 4 I,.' , o..xtui,ar 41* Y a lErte n itt e ci lva .' i t t;WW;;Tald , ' eiriiikamOon ROTElllaskitlitroot.aterziki , WaS% . York po , . , .1 Widoilovearkplo r .P".l. - Leyr - • il , -,-, ,-, :, •41, mama . Alto ~ , . ~.., r i p imiu. _ ~.,.., . 1,, isomotlrr ef t om* lb "i. - , - , iik:f: t heii t m t ill 1= . - '''!"• ,4 ,. - - :7' , ' . J4itir - * M. Afiltallii. . a 4 • 11 - Ily ,I , ern' tina 44.: lioriltrizi • -", • r o d arlijo --,t- t gfitiki, - 1 mer, SI opipe .- It& - ' 7 “7 : T grifroz kNatiaki. At ieuks•tt; :!. -, d • J hirtirtfiabwatilp' • - lagarthilbirse• 81`; LAU/11 HOTZlr—Ckmti*t.,ahcffo,TklF4i .tr,k.ry ' - -tri m, • ECU. ..ET ~ 77 ,: .1410,110 ire '.l'll6osits. MY. - .',- ' -;!' - i'M PI . Y' 4. sPite tkitit....._,"KiLeititau_ ..,,, ,- 2--„,-. t ... , ....„„ , ~„.. 1w ..., ~,,.,...,.8,:.. :, , riidtalt „.. ,' 4 ‘ ,lAkrl a r• I .e . A - C; • •'' 14 Itme an kr fr i ` ‘' '" • - 100arWinahipi-yiew' '. , ' " -, - , • - - -, ' . l YONStr•H - rllll.4oAseintiptiosttslole,reith. s • vr, n.B4l“... tiom i'Lnu ri t ',t ames — .' '' Monstimi if 47 ' •L ' ' • 0 iri :, -, , Ma rt ini Tioxiii, , ' •. / 3 ----', •,1 , ,- . sum Mornoir . :r! ..*;-• , aim Levu. ii y • , ~,_ , ,_ =ma, tia ; , -,. I . I D ris, , Abe l:: = - .....,, , 0 ma,/ ~,, • , ; tulivird‘ 'Y'' . ' '-. f.iney i licii . - •'•..-' - K - Yincripi. WOK- '. ';L:-' c r N' Ormes, hay, RI - -i . win et o ver, N Y '- - ' --' • 1. Strop, 1114 - • I „ ~ : ' l .: TO, vivwit }mg r omilierdit,lo6• Thud WlNAtimini id gifilr -."--. 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 010,Wirel; Oj .., 311.., wilitsas. Ohio . . . cPrigebv,ol ; ._,,,,._ y ' S it r i tt" ~'-''' '''' ' I V rie 'IF' ""` ' I ImA -..-... • • ..4. . w ..i.i.i.,:i.... ass OLi Ohl% &ma - • -,' NV._ trratlisid, 0 , . " 11 4 T: 1 16gli ° l ar i t r iter 44 tft 4 k - - 1 4, 0411 t;'••'::':'- s -s T ;RA! . .• . : „,..- -:'=-:: i 7-NA21014.1.-.lliwiiiirod ' iiiv• Tkiliii* tetkal. , torltW . -CV Solar ..,-:-r, • 7 1 essusrti , 1 A? MAieerA :;„ Miketi,iAop ep _LiliritoaalkOparse - i fretta5.,...."*.0.,.."884,:: Mrifirr: ', 4:;4 - 1 e ig ........,.',' tfig Oil" I. ,;..ii,,VM;Yti:-4,74 11 :§ 11 !• i assi4,llliar'iiill •_ ri4We a) ' " brif6" Pi7' :: Llnheiter a' tarr ul •iki - atitoi A S l4 ' 7 ' ll1 4: ? tor oti teb la a lastarta: bt : s an os at .irr74)va v. !- " Gatoget, Pa. t ows SD VOA .„ 2 : - ;4oJatt,Ad . _..„. g =i llitatat.M lll )l o2 l l4 4 ll44 * o o o !*.S o UoirJ mu DEntsi, NroAPP-:-:; b r i rmt•wo —. -,--I - :t fie. , x.. . ir ~.,..,., Pe . 1 , -,K; smims 4"l malblorltikarfoir v T .' „ ‘::, ar ia Vl T L mi n t st r ike - to rre pi i'ltirtXTAlN RO j Tet•=l.Mitild ettiet_•4bra,Maiot., ''. '6l" kir &kit"' ' ' 4 2 8 tiIMPOrt Bat; -t ' ' - Da- ' „, ii ,, ; • D‘r ., 4 ~._,... ___. : km .,. -- , .-,- •,, i st '' emp r il2” ' 1. 11 11 g l u _watidai'Pal -- - --- '' k .( Mil r ke.: '' ' . -.' ' ,' ' -1 • '• ''-' - ' '' — OM- ni . at.. t." - ttisitiu. .: litin ui h tsb , _ ~ .rrionnati" / at P tit , ; - ~,, , ,,.. ..,10 0,W bis r.l; Bl. ; 84, t ri_eluTMlt. ..., .. ~.. . ...ttilh...lll .- V g 111. Dan ner - •.:110 - jir. K - - ,16-1,,-- 7 7 -I , •*:' -.. .J '- : • i ~'.-'" - ,Ti t7. ~ , .lii; 11 01, mb. - 144 7 1 ,i igrldaret. r. ‹,:,,- •- 0111 ID .W. MIR i1a=1111.7:777 A -.. P 6l ii 41 .!.. 16, t# 1 10, r,'•-- Iry twitiv i xiddsvo., AltVallettr,[:- - MIAMIllnk:7/MLIAGENCE: , ''' ","'; t • _,jI.IOI,OIIAND - 4 :-::_". ''".• ' " 1 - - '- V• ]. ' - -ClaltiAtigstiliiiioliiiridi bloom,iiii(iira at iffy Tara yostordoi— ' - ~- i • •li. • ca ur 4 - e - han i., .„ attft. 4 l%pasitaebAr,Ql . ... fr) , 44. • . . AI!, 91114 — kUiWil_ ,o Fara, for "LoolltiOni*i ' lligni down tan roar from 11J1110111.11* JIM ! 611. ~ : , Snip IThersoyi 41100, for Anton, sailed fr om pangor f:, Ittre l i4o;iiiiii:laiifilPoiii iiiitid; iirPiad at ' t ,46. - , .." - -. 11 :-.114n;:trriat neaa - *pritiaiirao..iiii* at . 4 110 , 4 ,!PIM I° ., ' fiiiv* 9 1 0 4 10 1 . 40 fh, ferfrri4i, ..1' :aiwopeds, ,Lowat:--fOr - ,Pbs.. 'OW" from ',._ .-ri tiv atirtf a ri f.4,64101ii30:ii at=ifir smut; itiiitoisii&i: kusa lir Vind • ou r ilr it , w eh mat • ---d , ,-- - - • fsioaltallotia I. - fitY 1 1 0E" , r Wittb i,,e,,, „70; for - lb „padotaktt t olearod at Ifiltd• '...-, - -, ralta4 - 4orliali.foiNiiviuM. iarmiad at Mi , lo =;_i-; . rs ..loataii --'r.o. k 0 4 a t #. 41 - 0 Vor ii t hilt Tat, 7 1 , - - : i *toi , G*ii4:ii4 . - ' 6 ' - ” ,lt 6' ' ' . • -' l . il 1.1 ilo.k i f :iblliolWALlalt -- ohm sort 1110 „ .aaf 0 7. - 1. , IMPW I ." I4 V , timaa stF )14 •y:1.;1179. ,lorr ,r7 r • A . l hPrre ll ' "' - errir - e* unrintessio NlN n,-- tinahrWitMl.F4d vir 044104#;91,ect gir , [ 11MDICIAISION;.ligCr i phliPigt:71111# the Pipit New Jernieleia , Ivor Seib**, I e. oOjner of BROAD Slldllite t VWlNE Streets. 1 !, vs ivring 9 ao. Platt Los , _ Weed go theleer- V frittro la r a , sie j t4 l ,,Fr w it t ra n ,,, SUN digr t.f tea eekmir. ,-, riewi . .4 ) .:SArterkgrky 4 M -tactic)). ri 'll therogneines. ; The menthe% of thAilillerenti 'new , C tug& amebae in ,end . around .:Pitil 'phis:And Wrgio geel en interest dm the. Slew Shure deatnplie ( .1 4 1 revialed by Swedenborg ' ) or who MS , (lecke to em ere neat on the oceesettle ate invited Widened< ~. , Ir* F . rgoinctr.. :4. spuvrarotreariNa Or the pl i Well Me 'Atiootation of Print:ital. of • is 8, - Awn try held ay,Abe 014. MatoLuohdol ildlus, hBTE Street, , oS &WO* , lONtr %nth ugh, it 10 o'oook. IS Very memoir • gautiot= y requusiad to be, pesent. as business of greet im soltenee will bei brought before theyugeB4B, -; ' ' ' • MY ot4er,of thel!resiteot. , • -.• ' It JAMES tl. BARWELL:O. S.- rrr. SUNSHINE: OW THE: TRUE 1411 Lo. &WRY OP LIFB-riev.''A: WILL. , ETS, deliver is Looter* on , - the abotre,sobjeot, In the PleeenA United Presbyterian Church. RAW. tetree.r, v i rrteenth; on MONDAY EVENING Mareti o n o nn. r ot a _benefl . to!:,the , f!Abhath A,righsa.3tyl, JOHN ASHTON WILL LECTURE before the PEI LADEt.PHIA LYCEUM. at the L. Southeast earner NUS EN and SPRING GAR. EN Streets. ow SATURDAY gYENINO wiz . Wit, the F., AVM o'clock. ,betnect. ••• Lade Thinp.',"l'ne lelblio Invited. Adamstown free.' , - mhIS-11*' two. .OFFS ERMITY OF PERMSYLyANIA, -,:FARTMENT. OF ARTS: e ;ouiteunettori of the , Jimlo6 , Soyhontore; did Freshems Classes, e t the alone of the Second Terre, will beheld in the followsed order : Faddy:Merck 23d. Front 9 to It. 'FmthoMirits ;by irret FOOVorie,./ and Skerlarsee, by Prof. KeVall, Wglzo cm.' From 11 to 1 - , funtors; by the ice, ( Naar - Saturday. Sit& _ rooi4 to o,44:tOrsib, Prof. Keay aly&(iairrottial tysteix,) wriace, ' • ' 9lth.' 'rote', to .l'uniard;by leek- Grotwo2l./ sad Fortioniona, by ; the:Floe-Provo:a; Luawat3l:4 of the INlettaltrids;) tontr.exi-yrom 11 to I, Freshmen, by Prot. Atillo.“99Yliorr -0104 ""• ) Tuesday:l74. ..Prem9lo; 11, - 5 ocOrtorrs, br Prof. ICIALLIACTri. soliaMsiff/lrrittes.. Fro nt to Juni or*, rrai•Alleti (441pArdlOrOi „IllintroroMia_ of fid afides'afdd,l,9Bl4.'•Viont 4 toll 'Tunics , by Prof .099pati. tyrferat"PhOosoyhy:") From 11 to' 1, Sopho 'P&P", br ( 21istestridei._ , Thstridort.2ll:h. From 9, to .11, :isalonen. trr'-Prof. tr. History.) From 11 to half-past I, Sophomores, rf. Jookoin4Toeitur's Ristorset.t day,,3oth. From II to 11, Flvshmea, by Prof. Jack ado. (.I:yry,l . • ' OnTralarevening. the 30tb, an Ex. bibition of Declamation of onainsl 4ompoeitioas; by Er ten of the Junior Clase.naarittltste!! Steretartrof theraciatv ar Arts. • RMB illrfltilifC t rriTptql 3 d l 4. 6 l :Xittre MST OF iAuRELv MU SIC, on n TundloAY EVENING, March 27t__,I) Me, in the UNITARIAN CHURCH, corner of. T.168il IL and LOC MOT Streets, to 00mMenee t 8 o'clock. .Ttekeis, SO cents ea c h ; may he had at Messrs. Book & Lewton's, corner of Cheatont and •- Pesonth streets. And at the door of the Church on the evening of the Concert. • MRS. NEVI, NB'll CONCERT. • -PROGRAMME —TART I. Quartotte—" When I pour out ray. foul in 'river ...... liolo='! The Supplia9t's T h omas D net—" co Baintana' —.Dow settt nolo—. ngels ever Bright and Trio—" Pnoteot - us through the 001/2i13 Night". : ...... Curgehmun bolo—" Pro Peeeatis"..". .' . • onions Quartette Onide,me. 0 ifoikifteat . Sehovait".:Flotow PA Quartette-" 0 that my load o Bin were gone"— Verdi Bohr." I will extol theti, 0 Lord"— .., ...Costa ginet—For Tenor and Baas— .... .... Laudate:Eltrakoech mim ye"— . Vera l Bolo—" Tel me , re winged . . Marden guartette= 1.-" Father Benignant"........ Frans ranlS-4 . . itr.6slsN DELPVIA AN D .READINGi4 t. oolelaY.triel BOUTAfaaani &M , • ~ • PariAvii,,iita. March 21, ISM •• To avoid 'Olfaction, the'libittent of Coupons of thu ComaSAY,' Otiot' on the 'lst PrOuuno; me salvaged to 'leave them ' at '014,011E4 , 0n rir before the got instant, when reosipui will tie. man, and ;cheeks will be ready for delivery Op the Oguturimoin exchange for. &RIO ro *amts. • ' ilit.a?PoB.o • Irr'NoTteisit-Tur•FottOVirlri42 , ll DI; bets of the North Pennsylvania Railmad 6 per tent.,bonds havetp.entostand payment,ol coupons due Januar 1606 , and bona has been stopped: , ..,.. - k One 1.005.510. PAIS, with coupons. 1012 e 500, No. 765,•*ith coupons. • • .111110.-0138' 811 OW kind. No. 2116 'or Pittsburg; Fort _ ,_and Chinas° Railroad ongstruotion 7 per cent. Wake dentlieoupons, inokidlng one duo January 1. 1860. ~ mh2l.3t* •:- ' ' ''' : • , D. , 51. bIiWARR. , _ _ ire LECTURE:BEFORE THRPIERIAN INOTITUrt, II WILLIAM ROUTS, Jr., age S. E. clorneror Ninth and Blinn( Garden streets, an PRIOMF ownninSathe lad ins at 73(o'olook. Sub ject. "Small Vices." The panto of both men in sited. Admission free. ' mlai4t* OFFICE OF THE - PHILADELPHIA. GERMAN TOWN,AND NORNISTyWN RAIL AD CO EP ANY; March 17th. 1850. ' The Board of Managers at their meeting of the Bth Inst., Osclared a Dividend of 4 per cent. on the capital stock for the six month, ending the Slut met— parabm on and alter Monday. - April Pd. Transfer, will not be " made for ten days after the 28d t. J. WILSON, Treasurer, sohig-tapt-Tawf rA CAItD. TO TUX PUBLIC , otiose of the stnks of a portion of oar men, about eine-third of the whole number emplored, and an adver tisement _of an ssimmation which engendered, and is endeavonng to maintain. en antagonism batsmen work ape entlikOrinC kering appeared in the papers, we notes them tbeorreetthe misstatements- - t isnot tree that we are desirous of -employing men MON than ten hours per day; neither is tt true that we lave resturad the'ence for overtime. The rule which • empecintion &Erse us to change or abrogate to as • Work necessary to-be done before or after regular :haus will berated at time' and 'quarter. tints, and, It is `g ri tsted *tr - y one will do ,his part cheerfully when uponi his rule has been in operation two _years and two mouth.. wi c l e pt alteration or modincatton. It is print ;id in large ty , sad contentiously placed in every work ; room tAnd es in' our establishment- since January% :1168:‘ Vhiii was thellnit asdisily Ault irl ever had 'On Oki PIOVIOUI to thig we had no published rules, andeurerwork iris dose at vitrkeis rate-Mae foreman and imam agreed into* ; but genetrillyh mid prinemally t at time Mud quarter ti me. or X per cent- advenos on day swages. In staking the isle the raise; was - paced at the, highest -average rates of other 'city shove twork done at the sutra Axed is a lon to the-, proprietor. We therefore 'virtsally abolished, and so worded the rule—i. e.. when Neu laary, tad on no other aecousit do we permit it-- - To thine ,our 'estimation of-overwork, we will stets that. dating the year or 180, the Memo -amount of overarm* per man was three hours, and the &derma° tothe map, it his waggle b» U per day, is IS cents per swum, : at our rates 75 cents, at the association's Mail° cent s, It Is evident, from this statement, that it St hut • pea to got Use control efshops in whisk that members are employed, and te prevent employment of any Who are of members of the association. And ite a further Drool of this. guote the ad article of' the non mutilation of the assomationr. - - • Theetnects of this Union shall be to unite And as newels together as far as , praistionble. the efficient workrpen of the two trades represented in this Assooia boo: 10f the purpose of seerunsur concert of action in whatever mar beregarded as pond noire to ;heir united' interests, aurae Ittatemeot of e. fair rate or wages. the altairWung of and rendering uniform the hours of labor, the Eging of a mover ratio of apprentices to journey men, the protection of the reaulayiy-aparennoed me chanic, and the abolition of obnoxious and oppressive Westin 'work/shovel , - Tlis e orgameatios, screening' itself from responsibi lity la 'Orel character, not only governs its own mein rsi- but peek, , by intimidation - end threats; to prevent those from working who, are anions and ifil• lins get do ea. They deolarem Mel preamble that The-relate r tietween .emsita and labor must, of amessa, fa. ar as the pima o the latter is con sented. malt nan astagirammo intimate." think• -othertrim, and Intend tomanage one own brainier in the recognition of the- mutual, interline ex isting fistula/in our men and ourselves. 2 4 0-etdebtifin the, practical operation of, our roles ham' been menu - rated by *or workmen outng led.- Pe -0-Pritlypv thin araociation. litany of those who ere mambas mob Maras trent regrets at the strike, sad would resume work at once It free to follow their own i lflt i gia6M6tairiiMs'iheiis the natter el alai Ault ment pis " 1111. %W. attIADW/K.A.00. nrals/P - deIrFICE AI/fP LS 141:11R0,4)) COMMY: -- .; • Meech, 196). The hinsietittif the Wadi* this Compinyi due 3 / 1 17 1, V*, min now reeettie,'lmoir appfigation at this othee. 10 c reel:rt. dri sash, upon the hums /specified in the Oma ha holden" are slim entitled to thebenefit of s flint ..lllind or pleositoo por enpum, es esteMbehed by the stockholding' at their amour meeting, held Janaary 0, MD, and in pommies of the Contract, entered into by the smarmy said drdy reeorded to parry the ennui into 'Sects • , ailtahDPOßth Treasurer:. , Notice to Ms Holden of. ltadripans Mitt Reading Antirend Company Mortgage S o mer s , dye July linil6o. These.bolideare *cared by thmortgages on the row.'eteounqet - le the mental, to $3,19,400. The net renegue for the Isat fiscal year eau as times the =minor the sunset interest oars' bog& -The managers propose to etten them lore period of twenty Teem the hoiden retei es, the bonds and the seenrity or the mortgages in the - precise condition in Wlttcs m ody ste now held - , Fresh - gimp of eouposs for the steroid- med. halrqwerly, be issued A us et to per moot. will be given to the holders. in Sods deletion of their amenting to the extension. This bones be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signings receipt and presenting their respee tve bonds st. the ,otloe of the Company, or to its agents, foyendomenient. Forms of rereiptyind endorsement will be famished I s9l4Y lZ dtalle , 47 * Ik rt. d' LE - tifallllo. ammo,. LOOSING 6L;AOSEE. LOOHING-GLABERS; POIETRAIT AND PICTQHF.FRAMES, , IST GRA*/NPg. • ' •OIL PAINTIIOB, 48:;&a. 44xEs s. EARLS & sox, wrioLniALk- Rs razi; Apazipfs. , , ' .EAIILE'S GALLERIES, P9'11., A.—Tile A 1 sa=ibooper. E. C. Knight, esptain Whitlow, will *boa with despatch. For freight or passage, limrly to— • „ • MADEIRA & aßktia, - 204 Routh FRONT threat. K- WEST -Or ENGLAND" TOILET • • 80A PB.—The Agents for Shale superior Toilet Articles invite the attention of Draggles rind others,whe have not yet examined them., riotwith stewing V eit recent introduction they are to be found in mani c our largest houses where they have siren good sat ideation and sell readily. -A single trial is suf ficient to prove their superiooity.. Agents, Writ. EVANS, & CO.. - South FRONT fitreeta A LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGR APH IN Of L baa ell the advantoee of an Oil Palming and a i h ark a ftrAtOßta l a n gia i trALVIN, " II . ECOkg Btreet, above 0 REEK . It. ‘7l_,Ji.E A S B.=-100 bbls patent Tallow Off SIC 180 half do. do: gr dodo, keg' do. "" ill atop,an ittraiiii YASHBURF, & CO, tuba . •', - , No. $ liinuth WHARVI4I4. QPIRITS TURPENTINE.-200 bbls IN- 7. llpiritiiTrivirenttie, iti "litre I ion4inist_ eked tAks. in store, see for sale by •• —lipF,Orir t AsgilmiNE - ;i4zu mos - • T 10.13 Elosttb mewv Ea.. £:O.' MOHR:B SPLENDID NW, YOlttli , lM4oB. from 060 MDWYttd 6 to 4161/0: -awakes - 4o kniak—isvotobly hnown for ' their . 0 1 .14147 of term, exterior. nod duzabillty. .l o si s ect-r m ounly.ipats t iments. [rola CO to itl,lo, or rgN o rg a mirtmtata other r j itirt froth exile! Ekrathollt . 8 1- iltEkt ebo.Eb"K' *Y~ t~ITI~ ,•.~~~ I'ONEW - VATENT, - 111ITTMWORKER. ''A l ffettomtfdatotiantsiThitrrtrienjland_ others 'Who Wlltariltbd i n the operation of working mutter, or re- Sit Mar seeking it 'for• distant , markets. are in- Is — nSes . r - SUMS the soon,-ntentionent !wahine is now on mr_alltbitirsi'at Mir Union Rotel. on Aron street, below Irtalf6V-IrbatO • all'aellena entkged in 'the • business nrivinviterlctb colt and see thir greatest labOrasving machine am introduced for that'purpone.: „ P,ORSIC ' AND - 'O.IIINESN' t GOODS, .1 4 ' aiur h , tii i ii de td her IT no ioe to.t, oottaistityf k Cl&P . M = D e ‘ nigiV ".. ...I , '.. 4P iell!r it a., lA% lois% t.',& ...nal o ti 73 ., rtohlr wood, with nat i ortgosi ro A l N in -vented paint ( owlet stmt./ ilisehotiWr Odra* Bitorketit. B Ug l ifi IV) ie: RICH:MU:Vet —En:WATER is 4 ,Jrcr lA , ' glad *diet '11151: for Mimed sore eyes. ; •t. outErs:to i VlL. o lig luankow , Direction. - 51 404 4 . Irg 7 . ft . -12:1.111101.114 - ,_ - - - •, . • ,-, -:, ‘,. '-, !. , who* ,: 71,39*HAT - Jiir t i s s • and , ipp;, , . 44 .11,ror r it. w. R e emiail.su , el 6 611.138TNUT STREW. Philsdslpbia. T.4l4o4tvils tivia : ;t io d,*\7•4 - tiovstr : 7 • 62 ‘,Vir-17 N V Efvt, , ,ler.eov,tv , ,;7.= iMPQAWr MO:R.APIE BUYERS !' `• eistensiVolaittonage bestowed open the 0111G1N4.14. 3 GIP MOM ENTERPRISE, 'INtt'TITitSED•IN 7861, • GEORGE G. EVANS,; - Al 4 neireetneanentlyloosted in the large Iron Building, No. U 9 'CHESTNUT STREET, ; , PfilLini,LPHlA;' Anil, from the inoressed facilities of the establishment; and the induoements offered by the leadinenutaufais hirers andiiubliehers, he le now prepared to distribute MORE VALUABLE GIFTS Tikes heretofore to all who Ostronize big liberal method of disposing of New and Standard works. And to award A LARGEI.,PgR, CENTAGE TO AGENTS Tian any other entabliehment in the country. IF YOU . WAI4T'A BOOK, r - ' Alin* To • - • • :Eft, QAT A TER , or , GrEOlialg . ': , Cl-:' :EVANS, ,„raprgwacut OF. THE, 01 1 RE6T AND LARGEST .GIESEGOIC.. ENTERPRISE_ IN THE WORLD, No. 4119 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. "Where all books are gold at the publisher's 'lowed erten. and you have the ADVANTAGE ofreosiving A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from 80 Ceara to 100 Dollar., wait KWH BOOR YOU CAN ORDER ANY BOOKS that you may want,'(of a moral character,) in any department or literature. of which the retail price in at. armors, and. if in print, they will be furnished at the publisher's prices, "and promptly sent, accompanied with Gifu, to any Mort or the world. I PERFECT.BATISFACTION GUARANTIED to all who may favor tie with their order". SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE of Books, which contains a fall description of over 16,000 Volumes ' compOling the writings of all the yowler and standard authors of the age. This Catalogue will be sent free. • - , - . SELECT YOUR BOOKS,,eacloee the price. with the oust required ,fOr postage. and'one trial will satisfy you thet the beet place in the country to purchase boas re et ~!, , , - - THE EXTE SIVE GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT GEORGE G. EVANS. No. 439 CHESTNUT STREET, PRILOELPHIA. IN 8 FINDING FOE. BOOKS, The title should only be wed ; the writing plain ; and, to avoid mintage', give the name, post °Moo, county, sad State. • da order for Teas Books, and upwards, should be sent by Express, if possibM, al it is cheaper than by Mail' unless at it great distanoe. Warn Books are ordered by Ewen, the money re quired tO prepsy poesye need not be sent, es the freight eau be paid upon receipt of the Books, by the parties ordering them. AZI Mom, if convenient. should be gent In the form Of a draft, payable to the order of 0.0. EVANS, as it ti the West plan. MONEY MAY BE BENT AT OUR RUM, Provided it is enclosed in presenoe of the postmaster, properly sealed, and witnessed by a respeotable and responsible person, and regisiered according to law. AGENTS WANTED, To whom' greater iirducermenia Olen ever are offered ' Any orriol, eltheemato or female, who is deairous of entailing In an - - _ NONDRABLE AND fROFITABT,E.BMPLOYMENT, Iteauinns but little time, and no °alio , of money, and ;by :witch ilkeygratin. • VALUABLE A PINE 004 D WATCH. AND GRAIN, .A HANDSOME SERVICE OF PLATE, A:RPLENEID .I3ET Or JEWELRY, Or ,anyof the ohoice articles enumerated in the Lint of 'Gifis,can'do so by acting as an agent for this establish ment. Any pirson, in any part of the oountry, oen be an agent., simply by forming s club, sending the lint of boob, end remitting the amount of money required for the same. ' - SEND FOR. A CLASSIFIED UATALOGUE OF Which,will be sent, untie, to any person who will send for It, and which contain. a, Complete list of Books, Gifu, and -all the desired information relative to &can dies and the formation of *lute. Now is the time, as we ire determined to maintain the iemitation 'and character that. has already been bestowed upon thhapetablithment. - - • - And, to irlifllfl3 'prompt attention and honorable deal tug, addrraiall orders ,to -„ , 'GEORGIE G. :EVANS. pnbljehar;'end Originator of the Gift-Book Enterprise, VRESTNUT 'STREET, NOW• READY: OUR BIBLE-CLASS:, AND THE GOOD THAT OAHE OF IT. BY CAROLINE E. FAIRFIELD, Teacher of Composition to the Packer Collegiate In - stitute, Brookhn. , • one neat Mao. 81. [From the, Prams.] This boOk hes been written to meetwlot was believed to be a speeific want, It is a fact deeply, to be lamented that io many children of pious parents yearly leave the Sabbath•sohool and Bible-class, at just that period of life when their forming ohmmeters most need the whole some and restraining influences of religious Culture. To such, the history of OUR BIBLE-CL,ABS offers a word of counsel and invitation. If it shall be heeded, and if the book itself shall prove to be the pioneer of a class of religious literature, designed especially for such minds, the purpose of the writer toward the youth of her country will have been fulfilled. The book has still another aim, directed to more ma ture minds; the adult members of the Church should bold themselves responsible, in a great degree, for the welfare pf the youth. To snob, whether of high or low estate -. whether blessed of God with talents or not—it is hoped that the example of Unpin Timothy may be beneficial. Beymid this, the author can only invoke the blessings of the Great • Teacher himself upon her labor, and prayerfally and reverently resigus its issue into his - • DERBY---& JACKSON, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK. Conlin ma by mall, poet paid , on receipt of prIo• by Fn blithers. ' TUE HUDSON FROM •TIIE WILDER. NEN TO THE SEA. "THE ' ART ',TOVRNAL for March, oontatatng Part HI of 14. - J. LOsiiMg's papers on the i.fudeon. as new ready, profwiely illustrated with Engravings on wood. • This number also °annulus three beautiful 'tee) Ur/MP ; 1. THE MS • . ~kosraved by H. BOURNE, from the Picture b_r Quintin hlatsys. In the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle. 2. THE COW DOCTOR. Engraved by C, COUSIN, from the Picture by C. Tscheggerm, the Royal Col lection Elt. 000 rne. . , S. MADONNA DI SAN BISTO. Engraved by W. RoLL, from the Pinture by Rafaelle, in the Royal Gal lery at Dresden. The number for January cornmenoes a new volume, and affordsa Womble oppo.tunity for new subscribers. Rubsooption ell a year, or 75 cents per mouth. VIRTUE & JC . ,' ' No. VI JOHN street, N. Y. REMOVAL. The °Moe of APPLETON'S NE W AMERICAN OYCLOPXIDIA Is removed to at SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Steond entrance above_c'hestnut. , JOHN McFA KLAN. Agent for the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware. . renEl-fmw at 151111'R IME 'S SWITZERLAND.—Letters from Bwftlerland. By Samuel /MMUS PIIIMS. Il lustrated. 12m0,_ 01. - HESTER AND IT Or, Detrain of Worldlineu: 'By Mr,. Blanton. Ihno. SO cents. - QUAKERISMt Past and Presents Being pri Into the Causes of its Decline in threat Britain and Ire lad. By J. S. Itountree. Al cents. JULIAN ROBS, A Tale of College Life. By the author of "Erie." 12mo. SI. A WORKING CHURCH. By Rev. Wm, P. Breed. Pamuhlet. 18 cents. MEMORIAL' OF J. ADDISON' ALEXANDER, D. D. LIMP cit edges. 26 cents. For irate by . WILLIAM S . & it,ntgri BARMEN, malt No. 896 CHEITrNirr htrest. BOOKS FOP:- CHRISTIAN FAMILIES THE Atm. DR. STORK'S WhIRRS. , LINDSAY & BLAKISTON Publish: i ROME somOs OP THE NEW TESTAMENT; or. Christ in the Family. 1 vol„ naa. el. This voluhie yid be a welcome waiter to the family oirole."—Christian lifOror. THE OMILDREN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT., I ...TVarr Ticnt itkisoletf the moat lntermi t -Me and Valour his of It kind that have tot slung time been presented to the publio."—Lutheran Oboonir. Hi. AN 11,LUBTIIATEO LIFE OF MARTIN LUTHER. ootsvo. *1.60. " Wen safely recommend this book es one that is worthy of f s Place m every dwelling, and we hope its oiroulation may be sewidit es its merits are deserving." , — " "e t e lliart z li f hLAßlSTON. Publlsheri l - Nn.2o Street. seer, Oheetnet. lISTA large assortment of Religious end Miseelltine • Micah ns constantly on hand at very low *ries.. Mal DU p , mhl3 gig ,NORWAY PPRIIOEI AND WEY MOUTR PINES, ilf,eV sine and beauttoritb, gabgliriniVlAaarst.r", 81 "'" : 1 '1 0 0 1, .11 GR SC illith*A*Atlrk. Wain= v f .l h am, k, PRA;.-LELP TilVe 2Q Q COPIES 'SOLO TH : ' SIX 'M'b N T'H S. • A DECIDED, AND BRH,LIANT SUCOESS I •DERBY 8.1 JACKSON • • Have in Press , ' THE TWENTY-FIRST EDITION' OF • t BEULAH; • BY AUGUSTA. J. EVANS, OF MOBILE. One. volume. #1•22. , . , . . , From many hundrpd reviews and nate eq of this wor k we append the following: • • • r, , [Boston Traveller.] "Standing out front the masses of American novels like a palm tree in tits desert." [Mobile Register.] "The kick is one of the most remarkable ever writ ten," , • New York Evening Poet.] • .f Wido not remember any work of fiotion whioh bar been produced hi this country for yesis whit& is written with more power them Beulah." • •IrOlUMbus (05..) Times.l " Full of etattling incidents, vigorous, thoughe, profound philosophioal disquisition." - -• • tllos) "Itis healthy in se A ntim to en n t pure in its influences, and grand in its treatment of great moral questions." DERBY. & JACKSON, Publishers, It . NEW TORE. JOURNAL; DES DEMOISELLES. FOR Pe dePlobt e—Just erfiVed from Paris . Sabeeriptioa, VI IPREraIIB.IIItALS received regularly.everf (orb:light. special orders dempatohed by every steaLEY mer. POLDT ' • F. , inhl3.3t • litl F el r itf u lg o er clialtilfirtrtengit. BAZAAR, ' NINTH AND BAN EOM STREETS. ' • (Rear of the " Continental lintel."). AUCT/OK SAGE OF BORSEI3,.VERICLES; On Saturday Morning, ' • At 10 o'clock, comprising-- A pair of gray-carriage hones. (to be mold separately.) A Watson Germantown wagon, with sash doors and winter front; double harness, too. Sir Sale peremptory. • Also A pair of 'veiy superior back horses, (horse and mare.) A shifting-top Watson wagon, pile and shafts, cost 4360; Pearce doable harness, oust Sag; single har ness. blankets. robe, likes, k.o. rar The property of a gentleman breaking up hie stable. Sale peremptory. • Also, A very superior fast-trotting brown horse. A light trotting wagon, sulker, harness, Re. tine share in the Point Breeze Park Association. PET The whole the property of a gentleman breaking up his stable. Bale peremptory. Alen. 'A bay horse, coming 6 years old. 'A fine gray horse. lei hands high. • A shifting-top buggy wagon, by Branin. - • A brown horse. 15 hands high, 6 years old. .A vety stylish Northern-bred gray horse. • A dapple-gray horse, 8 gears old, 16 hands high. A fast-trotting bay horse. 7 years old. "A Northern-bred dun horse. 6 years old. A fast trotting gray horse, 6 years old. A bay horse, 7 years old, 15% hands high. A very stylish bob-tail gray horsed years old. A long-tail brown EMS. 8 years 0 ' An express wagon, on three springs. A bay home and dilution' wagon. • A gray horse. Si years old, 15 heads high. A dark-brown horse, 9yearn old. • A bay rnate.:B years old, 1a hands high. • A black roan horse. 5 years old. • A bay bone, on !mount of whom it may concern. A Brawn no-top; harness, blanket, whip. Bs.A superior bay saddle horse ano Watsongelkey. The celebrated, Black Hawk stallion, ...Tom MoKlb ben." . • • A roan work horse, 15,% hands high. Also, other horses. - Aso, At the commencement of l the sale; will be sold— A large collection of desirable new and eeoodthhind carriages. wagons, harness, Ac., including— An extension-toy, barouche. by Rogers, cost $4OO. An exteneton- top baronohe, by Rogers , with pole. A light no-top wagon, extra high wheels. by Rogers, A Boston chaise. as good as new, coat $176. Alight no-top Watson wagon, polo and shafts, cost WO. • A well-made hay wagon. . ; Also, dearborn and express wagons. Alec,eingle and double haulage, saddles, As, SW No postponement on account of the weather, . . ALFRED H. lIERKNESS, mh.22-3t if Auctioneer. MBAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN SOM STREETS. • SOO CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. TWENTII44INTS SEMI-ANNUAL TRADE BALE AT PHILADELPHIA. On Wednesday Morning, March 20, at 10 o'clock, at the BAZAAR, NINTH AND HANSOM STREETS, Mr the rear of the "Continental Hotel.") Will be sold— Over Two Hundred and Fifty CARRIAGES. including fift m y of Dunlap's beet Buggy Wagons, with and without to NW' Most of the work will be warranted. • W No postponement on account of the weather. Sr Bale peremptory. Terms each ALFRED M. HERICNESS, Auctioneer. ' Bfiniff! 50 DUNLAP WAGONS AT • The subscriber will sell at auction, at the Trade Bale of Alfred M. Harkness. On Wednesday Morning, 28th March, at 10 o'c'ook, at th o PHILADELPHIA BAZAAR, NINTH' AND SAIIBOIII ST H Rita 13. PHII.ADELPHIA. ABOUT FIFTY BUGGY WAGONS. . With and without tope and coins light Germantown and Reekaway Wagorin. war• These wagons are built in a esperlor manner, and of the beer. material.,and are flatly equal, in all re sprio,AtoNifhirgl. at i ls b y factory 4t r d bilt u r ordek w4e to the FIFTH and Burrorawottu Streets. mh40..0t if ' , Philadelphia. BELLS. OAST-STEEL BELLS. FOR CHURCHES, • ACADEMIES, FIRE ALARMS, FACTORIES, PLANTATIONS, Lo., MANUFACTURED AND BOLD BY NAYLOR & Co.. 020 COMMERCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. These Belts hap e been extensively in use in all parts of Eurose , the United 6tatea,•and Canada. for the past hoe years. We are, therefore. now prepared to state their principal advantases to he as follows : Ist. Great strewth and elasticity of the Material. Sd, A very pure and melodlouv quality or tone, combining. sweetness with noun, in a remarkable der MIL 3d. An average saving of 40 per cent. in cost, as compared with that of ordinary bells. lever y Ben is warranted for one year, with proper uer p , Ina y climate. Chimes of any dimensions 0.. t to order, witt grea t accuracy. m TS tf CHOICE TEAS. FIFTY HALF CHESTS OF CHOICE OOLONG TEA,, !OE BALE BY 0. H. MATTSON. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mhi3-tr ' ARCH and TENTH Streets. PHILADELPHIA COAL OIL IN BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS, MANUFACTURED AT TRH WALIIONDING COAL OIL WORKS, Aral for male in store, or to arrive, by WILSON & MERRITT, GENERAL AGENTS, 2O MARKET BTREET. The attention of the trade is called to the above OIL, as , t, has no superior, and is; for quality, hrillianon prine. eto., the cheapest Oil ever offered in this market. We invite all tames interested to oall at our °Moe, or Send for a same e, and examine for themselves. Bales only try the pao age. it-ti If OPENING OF RICH PARASOLS. LE BOUTILLIER BROTHERS WILL OPEN, ON - . . THURSD,AY, MARCH 22, A Large Assorlment Of• . RICH PARASOLS., Whiob they aro enabled to otter At Manufaeturers' Erloes. Auso, la LOTS OF SILKS FROM 42.11CT10N. mh2l-at* 912 CHESTNUT Street. BLOOD'S PENNY POST—For . . the de livery of Lettere,' Circulars, anti Pamphlets of Hank, Insurance, and Meeting notices throughout the ° l.O:A d Jo o r r tti h e e r c e o oZtr of VW= i ro. U it t t l M n o l N i tf the prineiPeil drug: and other Stores 'throus;hout the city. DAY, for ci naf ty ro & m alt the boxes FOWL 'IhIES EACH liver,. Lettere for - U. B. Matte collected and delivered to the Poet Office FIVE TIMEtt EACH DAY, an even= col, Motion being mode at 7 o'clock P. Al., to meet the night mails. •• City delivery, one cent eaiih letter, if prepaid, or two cents, collected on delivery. LeVers to the Yost Office and answers to advertisements must alwar a be prepaid. Directed circulars, cards, or pamphlets, In quantities, deliveled at very low rates. Inviettion and wedding cards will be delivered with out Warne or mark of any kind, at a charge of two cents each, a separate azeotting,being made of seen matter, and especial care being given them. Insurance companies. some tea, banks, ko., using a large number of stamps, supplied at a discount. Dispatch and Government stampe.for sale at all the principal box stations. Speoial meseages sent from the office to all parts of the city, at a charge of five cents and upwards, accord ing to dateline. Persons advertising in the nevem, under any word or name, care of Blood's Dispatch, by rending their ad dress to the office, can have all answers enveloped and for rn n th . conveni ence rp sent to them without char. ofu `Plidrvaeter latter - hexes - at " person s "t h off aving g oad ease, Rent, one dollar for six months. Money, jewelry. and -other articling of intrinsic value, will not be received nor delivered by Blood's Fenny Post. except by special messenger, in which ease the article must be left, at the principal office, and reps tared; and the proprietors of box stations are requested in all cases to unties such articles. Notice that the name ef Blood's" Is on every box end sign before you depoeit your letters. APPlioatiotts will-now be received from persons do elrlag i n their Runes, and the boxes supplied when the neighborhood will warrant it. New signs are being made, and will be furnished to every !dation in the course of a 1 - ear Weeks. and. new boxes to each station in a few months. The stations will be supplied with,its many of the new show aside as desired. The propriety/ 'consider It afavor to receive t i t .' formation froni. . non of the slightest neglect Or , delay on the part eoarriern. El. T KOCH ERSPEROER, ' ' I Bloods refine' .Prist Qlfice, mh23-2tif s r No. 42 south FIFTH Street., CONUNDRUM—WIiy is a stump politi outn like a whale 1 'Demme they are both scooters. " Very like a whale." Dan Rice rosy put the above in Me vocabulary, on condition that he eel le _for us at lout one set of lINION. GARMENT PATTERNS. at No. 301 CHESTNUT Street, third etory, in the-City of Bro therly Love. ' tithe; St°, J. R. SHANKIAND WHITE CURTAINS. ENGLISH . LADES v for 32, f 2.50, es , ,v,re A n i tt i t7t gait, Nrlde and 10m 21.6t. , 719 CHL3T.NUPitreet. REGLISH , OARPETINGS. . , ..--.A Tapestry, ,Brussels, Ingrain, and Vonitian eo:r ,netingn. Also, American Cerptings and Oil Clothe, in' great variety, for sale, at t e lowest neigh prioes. by REVE L. KNIGHT, Importer and Dealer, Ns non* SECOND 'street, , mbll•lin • ' . , Above Sprees, Melt 11130. 1111BEBOLD 'BRO.'S fine • Baltimoin %TOMATO 39 , tise_bo bi g oted do/ in the woe, end onlr e&oe in Minds Inn st ',toll ,pluolt, jot mAlutia. Sold, niter/ [ ( pet pent • weer dean z NEW PUEifEATEONS. SALES BY AUCtION. ERIDAy; ,, mARCII-.43;1186C4,:r. RETAIL , DRY 43100D8.,- SPRING OPENING. ~:-., THOS. W.' EVANFI da 00. 'WILL JIM TIME r , INCEST OPENING OF SPRING MANTILLAS' , • on THURSDAY, 22d inst., THE ASS9RTMIINT WILL OOMPiIIIE ALL THE LATEST PARIS NOVELTIES, 818 and 826 CHESTNUT STREET. maai•at . 1~0.OP"ING. 1860. THIS MORNING, AND DURING TILE WEEK, 'SPRING MANTELETS s AND NEGT,IIGE CLOAKS. in Greet Variety; at the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM t J. W. PROCTOR, 'mhl7-tf No. 709 OHESTNIIT Street. CLOTHS, UNDER JAYNR'S HALL. OASSIMERES, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. VESTINGS, • UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. , LADIES' OLOAKINEIS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. BOYS' WEAR, . , AT ESHLEMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Cloth Store. No: 623 CHESTNUT Street. under JAYNE'S HALL. inhl4.tawllirt VERY HEAVY RUSS TA TABLE, LINEN, finest.ds wide. 50 , eta ; 2 yards wide. 75 els., and he Bl. Ruokabaos Towellins, 1234 ots all linen. I bale Russia Crash,B eta.; I do.. 10, and one very fine, 12%. 1% yards wide Englistr Oil Cloth, Canton flannel baok• be ots. Also a smell lot of laid Cambrian, R B. RAINES, 1234 tar? No. 101.2 MARKET fit. above Tenth. ; REAL OASHMERE'SNITTING ZEPHYRS, In double, impale, or BAIL are offer! ed, for the eresent.itt THE SAME PPSIOE jiti THE_ IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM gIiALITIES OF, ZEPHYRS ARE SoM m oe A n x ian u ot. at SON TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS. ND ZEaKYRB : if ELEVENTH and OILE,'STNUT. SHETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, TEN °EDITS PER OZ. • BEETLAII WOOL. rIRTRA QU ALITY. TW 'LYE CENTS PER ._ , . BARGAINS 114 BERLIN ZEPHYRR, Double Single. and Split. J. b. MAXWELL & BON, ftla.rpts. , Taßiglic.hirtaan,dancliEZehhor. ;NEW STYLE OP BALMORAL. A new Spring gills Bnininral Skirt. sat-U ; BILARPLESS BROTHERS. ,REMOVALS. '3" . E. KNORR 8a CO.; IMPORMIS 'AIID WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, .ETO,, RAVE REMOVED FROM 121 WALNUT ST., AND 91 GRANITE ST., TO 601 MARKET STREET. Poor doors below SEVENTH, north side. mh2o•lm REMOVAL. JESSE WILLIAMS Toren - us big Mende aril the public, that be has removed his place of bus,ness trom Second street to Zi0.733 ARCH STRSIST/4 doors below Eighth, coon SIDS, Where he, irds Imams a general assortment of seasonable 'ls y GOODS, to which he respeotfully in vites their at cation. FIIIL•MPRIA, 3d mo. 20th, MO. mh2o-6t* HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has REMOVED from No. 3O Walnut street to N 0.268 South THIRD Street. mh2l-3m* WI. D. 'KELLEY AND - GEORGE A. lf VW', Attorney:l at Law. have removed to 129 Smith SIXTH Street below Chestnut feßt-Im' REIVIOVAI 4 .--SMALL CLIANDUER, -a•••• waoNERALE GROCERR, helve removed from id North SECOND Street, to 1.13 MARKET Street. above Front. north Aida. • Jae HEATON (V DENORLA, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 601 OOMMEROE and 610 NORTH STREETS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OP OUT NAILS, HOLLOW WARE. OAST, BLISTER, AND GERMAN STEELS, Whtoh, with a complete assortment of AMERIOAN HARDWARE They - oar for sale at MANUFAOTURERS' PRICES. fell-whnam if CARRIAGES. OP ?WI NANIMPAOTIIRD OP WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, • No. 1009 ORESTNUT STREET. .191 1. M e SHEW &Co ' PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. 99 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, • Above Chestnut. This is the only establishment in the city devoted exolusively to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES.. A greater variety of OVAL GILT FRAMES on hand than can be found in any one establishment In the United States, and prices lower. * Bring your PhoMgraphs, and have . .them fitted without extra oharge. teh9-3m ChISTIANI & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF PERFUMERY, IMPORTERS OF DRUOOISTS' ARTICLES, No. 48 SOUTH. FOURTH. STREET, Rave - now oven their assortment for evrins sales. Country merchants would do well to eaainine their stook. mhls-im AWNINGS ! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS I ! WM. F. SCHEIBLE. 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Manufsotnrer of Awnings, Flags, and Fancy Window Awnings. • '" • AU Awnings made at this establishment are proofed to Prevent mildew, without extra charge. fe2d-im WALTER'EVANS Sc 00.'0 BOAR'S-HEAD SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON, Superior to aay ever imported, in strength, amoothneen, and elaatiaitY, for machine or hand mewing. LENGTHS TCARILINTED. • "We have tried Evans & Boar's-Ne+d Sewing Mnohine Cottons, and Lind them exoellent."—Wnamata d %Mem M.,F. G. C0.,1105 Broodway.ll, T. 0. OAIWILLE. General Agent, New York. ' ' J. B. HOWELL, Agent for Philddelphis, 6 t. FINKLE & LYON ' S SEWING - MAONINE ft 913 Chestnut street. Mhll7-3m, SAT. SODA. . ..., ... .... _ N- 7 .IOS. ELKINTON it' 80N8 • Pier to'imo dal Nods. in outs or barrels, delver/Hi frond noriontim, In, ikipt t ntitles to oullgorobonero. sußbia-sla • In South niorduill) Streo`., F DRXIqO OP el 4011010,0! !FURRY,' - .46 L.M 1pfr01,7218 - 5 Attli , , CLO*HB CABB•IMERSB, Have now 04' hhlld 11. large and well-seleeted 'took, which they are "'prepared to Belt at to lowest market rriees. mha-am jr, W. :31.1138S & ,SONS. , No. 01 1 11.A1 , 1231'1 4 FREST, Are now opening their 8.1 3 .R1NG STOGIC9.I!„ poobs Adapted • , , MEN'S WE'A'R. In phial' will be found a Ain assortment Wt CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VE8T1N013,1%0111114011, AS-Stu A. W- LITTLE do CO. , BILK GOODS. ,No. 825 MARKET STREET. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 00., INPOIITZRN AID Into Lints DWALIIHN LW DR' GOODS. LINENS, wain . GOODS, - ; °LOTUS, iDASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, io patimif N 6. 711 diIESTNUT Stmt. WATCHES, JEWELRY, BUTLER & McC.A.R,TY, NO, 181 NORTH SECOND STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEA - LERS IN ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES. trthS trnrll VINE JEWELRY, AT MANIVACTURER'S PRICES. F. P. DU.IIOBQ .8c 80ri. MANTIPACYLIENRA AND IMPORT/W .4 i Havo now on hand a Cull aneartment of et Pearl,. Pearl and Jet, Idrusoan, and Enamelled ewelry, of the beat quality, NO. 1028 CHESTNUT STREET, • Pldliall#LPlOA. Alao, a fail saiortmeat of Plated Ware. " 8. W. PEPZR, ' ra22-wfram Superintendent. „ . JOSEPH - B. COOPER, .WATCH MAKER and JEWELBE, No. Il3B' SPRUCE treat, firs d below SIXTH. oor • Particular attention given to Repairing Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry.' . . te26ew". WINES AND IaIQUORS. PURE MERMAN WINES, . _ From the most eminent Wine growers of VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, and PENNSYLVANIA listirlding, Still, Sweet, Dry and Communion WINES, Warranted the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, ' mhl4-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. virE CALL - ATTEMTION OP' TRH • • TRADE to thle really Rtmerior article : ALFRED RENAIM COGNACS. A simply in assorted osokages Constantly on hand. • Orders reoeived for direct importation. Also — }fennessf Cmgneo, Leßoy Cognac, London and Rolland Was, Claret in Wood end Cases, Champagne', high and low Priam. LONGOEFAXPOmportdr. 0110-em 111 South FRONT; Thiledelphle. G EORGE WIIITELEY_, , .. No. INI t3outh FRONT Brawls Importer , of Brandy, Wines, &0., otters for rat, in bond on!). the followmg. among other atandard brand. of brandy: Pmet, CaMillon, & Co., Thom. Hines & Zo i , • Jule., Robin, & Co., orard,Dupny, & EkINZ .4„, Beignette, rarer, cameos. r arer, .2Q. Proprietor:. o Dusont & C. 0., J. & F. Marteue • - Jac Menne:mi. , Smart'. Pauiey Malt 'Whiskey, mid the I:hole: 1 4 B r lger Arge.,l, tnaogeheereiri, tor t Santa and Rhine Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &0.. &o :spiv MEDICINAL. TAPE WORM-TAPE WORM. , h JAYNE'S SPECIFIC FOR TAPE WORM Has never been known to fail inn single instance to remove this troublesome animal. It is as easily taken tie an ordinary purgative, and in followed by no unplea sant effects. The worm le usually lapelled in from three to eight hours niter the medicine is taken. It limit up in doses, with directions for its use. By writing to Dr, D. JAYNE & SON. 242 CHESTNUT Street, Philailelphia.enclosing two dollars for each dose, the medicine will Immediately be forwarded by mail to any part of the world. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATEe: SCHENECTADy, N. Y., Nov. 23. 1857. ' Dr. D. Javne—Dear Sir: I received the package of your Specific for tape worm, and took it am:taming to ithe directions. About four hours after I bad taken it. passed a tape worm measuring full fi fty.two feet in length. PETER Vaal Voris?, Engineer on N. Y. and Erie Railroad. RICHFIELD, Mo., Jan.ls, 1858. Dr. D. Jayne—Sir : I have for eight years been afflicted with that terrible disorder—the tape worm. During that time I had tried various remedies. add the hest medical skill in this and the adjacent counties. without obtain,- log any relief. 1 was advised to sand for your remedy. At that time I was almost reduced to a skeleton. - unable to attend to business. and my suffering was beyond de scription. I took two comes. and then passed fifty feet of the worm. lam now strong audio good health. AI:. Perry Brewer writes: MASON Fsaices. • • Forty GIBSON* Ark., Feb. 3d.1858. "After taking your Specific for tape worm, it had the effect to expel a worm measuring in all twenty-four feet.' Extrnot of a letter from Mrs. Goma E. Houk. dated Cartoon, 'bogs Co., IC Y., Feb. 0, lasB. About a year since we received from you a doeo of the Tape Worm tipectfle. which my husband took , ac cording to directions, and the result was, that ho passed nearly sixty foot of the worm." lIILABILTIIIA., March 21.1851 Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir! I had been' for mine four yenta alibied with that horrible disease, tape Worm. braving tried various remedlB.l without mimosa. I was at last Compelled to use your dP.ECIFIO. I say compelled, for I had grant repuznanue to advertised medicines, as I oonsidered theta all humbugs, so it was with great dif ficulty I was induced to try your remedy. I toot three doses, and the result has been the complete election of my tormentor. I hove passed some eighty feet—the last eight or ten feet tapering gradually until it was po thicker than sewing cotton, with a head as large as the head of a pin. J believe if I had taken your medicines in the begin ning, before my stomach Gomm° accustomed to drugs, one dose woeld have been sufficient. • t .•• • • Feehn: it to be a duty 1 owe, not only to you, for hav ing saved me from an early grave, where my disease would have inevitably placed ma, but also to those who aro afflicted as I was. I make publics these faros. Yours gratefully. Louis Wgorign, Of the firm of Wagner ec alcUmgan. Lithographers. Fifth and Chestnut streets. ELIZ .3cTH.lils. June 17. 1852. Gentlemen: Your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC has been administered according to directions: First dose at seven in the morning. At three in the afternoon the worm was expelled entire. Your SPECIFIC hes sus tained Its pretensions, and I have no hesitation in re commending it to the public. JAMES B. Lzwis, M. D. Polvznevium, Tenn., July 12. 1859. Dr. D. Jayne & Son—Dear airs: A little girl about seven years old was suffering with taps worm, and had been untier medical treatment for some time, without benefit. Your SPECIFIC woegiven according to di rections, and in about three hews fifteen feet of the worm came away, which, from the description, I think must be the entire worm. It. bleDim.. DEERFIELD. N. Y., Aug. 115. ISM Dr. D..layne—Dear Sir: I took your Tril'hi WORM SPECIFIC according to directions. Eight hours after wards I discharged I without pain) his wormship, who measured twenty eight feet in leng . th. and contained more than SW links, LCTIIKR MYERS. UTICA. N. Y., Aur. 15, 1859. Dr. p. Jayne—Deer Sir: Met week Mr. Myere made inuutries ue about our TAPE WORM seEciFic, and immediately wrote to you far come. This morning ho celled upon us with n Wino containing the tape worm. • WARM!. & HAY. Druggists. Nato BALTIMORE. Mich.. Sept. 21.7869. Or. D. Jayne it Son—Dear Sirs: I took your TAPE WORM El PEOIFIO according to directions. The worm was expelled in nix hours; length twenty-six feet. ' Yours, deo., Lours arras. BRUNSWICK. Mo., October 7, len. Dr. D. Jayne & Ron—Mr. R iley Price has been in bad 1, 01 00, for borneyears subject to spells of sickness at the stomach, and continued emaciation. About a month ago he threw up about twenty-five feet of tape worm. it broke, • part remaining in his stomach. Ws procured some or your TAPE WORIII eIPECIFIO, which he took according to directions. Ho soon discharged about sixteen feet 01 ape worm, and thinks he is now free from it. Yours. &a., &Int & DotraLses. DAVENPORT, lONA, Oat. 26.7459. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: 1 took your SPECIFIC for tape worm, according to directions. and in four hours the worm was expelled. HERMANN TRORENDE. COMPO Saco. California, OaL 31,1859. Dr.D. Jayne & eon:Dear Sire: Ide not riesititt; nor do I delay to give my testimony to the great excellence and superiority of your 't TAPE WORM itiPhCl FIG" I lately lied an (mansion to have the virtue of this medi cine tested, the result of which wee the expelling of tare worm of enormous length, which had wont the pa tient down to a skeleton, but who now looks fleshy and healthy. lam at liberty to give the address of the lady from whom this troublesome animal was expelled ; but a quarter section of it now on exhibition at my dries, is ocular proof of what I have written. It has been wit nessed by hundreds who hare called to see it. Yours, Mil, E. 0. SUMACS. Rim.szonotrotr, 111., Jan. 25, 1880. My daughter, long afflicted with a tape worm, wea en tirely relieved by one dose of DR. JAYRE'S TAPE WORM SPECIFIC. IlErray Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON 20 Cuzey- NUT etreet, where ad Dr. JAYNE'S VALUABLE ME DICINES May be obtained. mh23-lin COUGH! COUGH ! ! COUGH !!! EVANSVILLE, Rook CO.. Will., Sept. 6,1E08. Dn. D. JAYNE : Dear Str. —Mr. Nathaniel Rinker. of this piece, authorised me testate that his wife was taken to her bed one year ago With Lung Disease , which the physicians pronounced Consumption. He doctored for six months to nopurpose,_during which time he had heard your EXPECTORANT spoken of Very highly, and concluded to try it. Ste bought of your Agent a half-dozen bottles, end his wife commenced taking it. and has been getting better ever since. Rho can go out even now, and is gaining daily in strength. A. IL. Wan Co. ' EXPE3TORANT FOR LUNG FEVER, NOS e nxu, (thin, Se t. 2/3,1858., Die. D. JANtitt. :hey° made nee ot . lour EXPEQIII- RAN A for Lung 'Fever, and it °fleeted a cure. With the aid of your excellent tiaNATIVE P 11.1. S G. W. HoIvBXET. THE SWEDISH MISSIONARY. Extraot of a totter, from the Rev. A. Wiberg. dated. BrocKnomr. Sweden, March 10 1807. Your invalbable Medicine, the ExrEcToßArtr, has boon of very essential service to my,throat and breast, and I can seance ydo without it a single day. Several of our friends. to whom Iva have oomisionally given some, express themselves as being much benefited. THREE YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. • Srocirron, Owen co., Indiana, dept. /, 1887. En. JAYNE : My wife. having been severely afflicted some three years with Brononitis,_and having heard of the wonderful einem!' of your PIXPEC lORANT for Coughs, Aethrits.,_DitTioultr of Breathing, Bpitting of Blood. ann other Diseases of the Lus, 1 purohased ono bottle of it. and one box of SANATIVE and ant MIT u to inform you. that after mine the EXPECTO- T, her cough was immediately suppreed, the dif fiou ty of breathing and pain removed'producing a free and easy exnemoration, and In 1/11E MONTH effected a COMPLETE CURE, J. P. extra. Preparen only at • mnsi im JAYNE'S, CHESTNUT Street. WALL . AND CURTAIN PAPER..-- Great ridueements to cash buyers. Eottrely new styles for Series trade. No. - 33 North BIXTN, a bove Market street. mh&-Irri• I. J. VAN aTS'AR. TO BOOKSELLERS AND, STATION AL ERB.--Btereeeeopio Instruments. roannfailtared la Various mom and qualities: aterensoopm Vies. re oentiy Imported from England and F 'sums, and soldost the lowest prices to the trade by t. J. FRANKLIN, I yam oaf 112 South FOURTH St.l below Oheetnak , =ME WANTI.D.-7-.A _Partner with 1 519,000 to • *woo, in an esiabliehed fronDissiness, rot thi paron of starting ark Iron Foundry in cogneothon, with the name. The Wien Me almost natant,' for Mb: end the above is an excellent OpplrtaniV for doing .ferge and safe banana. Address' /Fon Fenn_ ,der ". at MIS °See. - •• - - serana‘ WANTEDL—By a , sniail family ;for six u month... or a year, TWO' OR, TRASH UNFUR -ming uvom S. isithZist beard, in As _pleasant. mbar bln neighborhood. X.location accessible by the Els -valith•Street or Ridge-gbenhe Saderer preferred, The ir o ocino . rea r s o t n kl r o , s,t . g . h . r . e c tcluccotid fteons..rd to WANTED=—A ' G'ood' Teacher - ork, ;the 'Violoncello._, Addrese, itatipg " Resin's."' at this office.mbls-11* A YOUNG• LADY, capable _of tiaChing ..rif Imo and the fivaah haaanage, rhea a Situ, tion as Teacher in a private family. Address "T. IL," at Ma office. rah33-Et' A GRADUATE ',of the HIGH SOHOOIi A wishe r * a Situation in 's Wholesale Dry-goods House, where a knowledge of the busmen can be ob tainmed. Address A. 8;' canoe of this paper. h23-4t. WANTED --By a. Young Ulan - , a Situ ation as wayatuntseman• or, Porter. - Writes a Rood hand. understands book-keeping. and would be willing to Apply hie talent to the beet advantargie of hie oniglorer. Good City reference' given. ' addreme ' 0 K.' L., o ffi ce -0( Po Press.tah2S-St" wtINTED—:-.ln a Trimming sALysiviv, who ie thorougMr ;Wittskit with the wholesale and Weil Clothing Business in tria l gte. Addresa, with name and reletenoe, Boar. Pat mint for 86,10). one yeerr; on note of responnble p arty. stock of a. 'any compeMYStlillig 10 trnl °rig divi de nd punotugaty ) .‘ r lil be depouhrn as 00 collect dividend for the interior. .Address , at th °the. WANTED --41: situntnini by a young an of brudneu rapacity and g ood oharseter, who can 'total' German fluently, in a w h olesale house, either as travell,pg agent qr gateman. he. and country reference given. Address • ' .l, 15. Press office. 1n1121.3t• WANTED—A Situation by *Young Man of good antecedents, to not as Salesman, Book keeper, Or Courepondent. Sponge and writes English. (lemon. and French, Silently. Does not ohient to travel hug antler Sonth of West,ins he has an extenaivb ea • quaintance throng heint this Union. tPlease address" ht. box 107. Philadelphia P. O." mh2l.3t* • viTANT ElY—Bjr,a young man ! a situation es Book-keeper or desiateult in a idlOifilaie establishment. Beet of city references given. Midreu "B. F," office of this paper. . - rehrf-et• ECHANICS WANTED — Ddichiriiata Am-E • and Blaeksmiths will Red steady employment, good wages; and P"" IffirtrLDWlN & 'tahl-rwfm3nt Car. BROAD and HAMILTON streets. WANTED =l , OOO Ladies to send for !, • DE RI.JSET great book. ,P.Tory pooni rn arid WOK= ocatteraptsung Rol y weAtoor Remold ye tine book. Enclose 16 Genii to Boxed, Philadelphia ,U. fen ' FOR SALE AND 7eo LET. el TO LET—The modeni-huilt DWELL .IIIIM I NG, Z3BIJROWN Street, above Race. Rentliee Inquite ot. ' - - , ROSSiIIT oCDDEni, .. mbl.3 30 ea a KOH Street. ,•. sl.ooo' - -FOR SALE =- A' very . _rare obanet4ltoOrilind Piste*. of a Mott and Auld Store, doing &CAS H business of 011,000 per annum and van be doubled, the beet stand in tint arty for Mlf Peed. and requires but 81,000 in 41,500 and pays from Am.") per nest. Rent very low. ems footory reason/ st e in tor selling out, and will be avid low if applied for icon. Address "AL K.," at office of The Press. mb2S St. fffi FOR SALE - Low, and 'cid very easy terres—P. desirable Residence, with mra proventents, No. IXO2 Green street., ADA,' from 9 MI I mb93•2t* • SPLENDID FARM AT PUBLIC CORON. Real Eidatel Broker, will sell at Wile sale, on THURSDAY, March 29.1 g 0. at I o'clock, on the promisee. a FARM containing Tr Imre., more or less, in Nortiton township, adjoining the bo rough limits, one mile from the Cour tHouge. The ins roomsentia s t onewostory stone house, with 'wren large barn (double decker') one of the finest barns in the towns hip; stone spring house, car riage house, and all other necessary out buddieys. The land is in a high state of cultivation, arid beautifully 10 7 nutted, With a running stream of water pacing through the property near the improvements. The fences are good, a nuttier of which are stone, well put up. Alen, about 4 acres, of timber land. The proprietor being about to leave for Europe, the property wiltMeitivell be sold. and immediate posseseion given. Terms to suit, and will be made known on day_of fifths lip It. R. CORKIOff., Agent rehll ft For Oscar Reichenbach, Norristown. Pa.- TO' . OAPITALISTS.:--FOR SALE— * The Maelrinery.'Stook, and Fixtures of a large Manufactory of PAPER EAPIOINO/3. replete wish every convenience for carrying on an exterurirs busi ness. A desirable investment to persons of energy who can push the business. ' For 'sale with or without the building. Inquire at 3V CHESTNUT Street. - - - 1418afnitf if BART, MONTGOMERY; k CO. fity FOE SALE OR TO RENT--Store No. Met YO South WHARVES. above Pine street, ran , Ent through to Water street 99% by 136 feet. Apply to E.& WHELEN &C0.,309 WALNUT Bt. mh7-wtoilmif BOARDING. I'AMILIES AND GENTLEMEN WlSH lNGrmanent or transient boarding , will please nail at ISIS C pe HESTNUT Btreet. above Broad. Also . a front office fora Phyonnan or Dentist m1123-Ott r IWO PLEASANT CHAMBERS VA -11 CANT. with Board, at UP WALNUT Bt. mhi-1m• PERSONAL. PER SONAL—Cash will be paid, and the Ingbasionis, for Lune's' and Gant? east-off Clot m hing. by - addressing' Box Offr blood's Dispatch. - 1t74-12t. POLITICAL. RECEIVER OF TAXES; JOHN C. HELLER, FIPTHRNTH WARD. sir Subjeot to Democratic mice. EMUS-12V' FOR CITY CONTROLLER, . • GEORGE W. RUPTY, _ mht2-tn FOURTEEN'fIk WARD Di" Subjeot to thesules of the People's Pasty. CITY . CONTIIOLIMR- - STEPHEN TAYL OR, NINETEENTH' Subject to Democratic rale& m7-ta" PREPARED GLUE. SPAL.DINta'S PREPARED GLUE! "A STITCH IN TINS SAVES NINE." ECONOMY: SAVE THE, 'mass DISPATCH As ase+denle will happen, even in 101111411glaala families. It ix vary desirable to have some cheap and oonvertient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke ry, /v.o. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE . - meetit ell spell emergencies, and no household can afford. to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick ling point. There Irmo longer a neoessity for limping chain, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the artaole for cone. shell; and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being che mically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable nuahties of the beet cabinet-makers' glue. It may be seed in the place of ordinary muoilage, being vastly more adhesive. - - - ttr..IBEPUL- IN EVERY HOUSE." - N. B. A brush acoompaniee gash bottle. - PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Wholesale Depot, No. 43 CEDAR Street, New York. Address HENRY 0. SPALDING CO., Bo: No. 3600, New York. Put up for Dealers la Case, oontßinnig four, eight, and twelve dozen, & beautiful Litilpgrapkto BROW-CARD accompanying each package. %TA 'lngle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED•GLUE will save ten lime ite oat annually to ovary kosaahokl. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers * Groeers. and Tanori Stores. • • Country Merchants ahoold make a note of SPALDiNG'S PREPARED GLITZ, alien making no their list. IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMAX& dl6-mw(-g UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLMALB UMBRELLA AND PARASOL ktANIIPAOTURERB, Vo. 83 MAIMET EMMET, 46 CA7?.ARACT" WASHING MACHINE,, (Etersld'o Potent, October 25,1(118.) Coneisting era metal cylinder, with °loots on the in ner surface, and an Interior oylinder of wood, with cleats. une crank tome both cylinders at the aame tune in emelt° directions. rapidly cresting a eude, forcing the water through .the clothes, end effectuedly removing the dirt. TRH ONLY , MACHINE EVER INVENTED COM BINING THE FOLLOWING REqUISITIES: FIRST—A SAVING. og TACK ORB MALT TO THREE QUARTERS 111 TIME. SECoNII—(I. SIMILAR SAVING Or LABOR, AVABINO BE ING ENTIRELY DIIIPSNIMSI WITS. TRIED—A REMAREADLE SATIN, OP OLOTHEs, AS THEY ARE TIIOROIIONLY CLEANSES, WITHOUT INMIRY ,TO THE rINEST FAVEICS. rIT TIIONOTISHLY CLEANSES FLANNELS, WITH NO rossisiLivr Or sPIEINIMNO THEM. FOURTHr-Vrar ?GT SIMPLICITY or CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGELIENT, cosismno WITH ISREAT DURA BILITY. By the nee of these machines—so rapid and thorougjt in their oneration—more fatuity comfort will be lealised than b ll any houtegeeping article ever before offered to the pulic. They are equally valuable, ether for large °remelt establishments. A machine can be seen in ,operation sga dell at No. lot JON Ka' ALLEY FRONT ST - BRET, rrico3: $l2, *l4, and + l6, according to' size. A 11- bora' co: t Stmcivarr & Hy t a he rr tl nt —d anufseturela, No. et Beekman Street. New Yoric. MIMI-If JAMES B. RODS : ERB., JOHN DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT • AND DEALER IN DOMEbTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE. HOUR lON. TEXAS.. Collections made endlorompt rennttaneet in Bight Exchange, at cartel:it, ratecon New York, Bo!itoe,er New Orleans. - Rana. 7O' CRESCENT CITY BANK , New Orleans. • ' Messrs. HEMMINGS ik GOSLING, New rock. W. H. PRICN,Esq., , New York. Messrs. PIERCE Is BACON. Bodoni mhls4tistll4 STEAMREFINED SUGAR SYRUPS. C. DONOCIRUE, 75 South WATER , Street, with the view of Mooing business on the let of May nest, now offers for sale, at reduced prices, for cash, or on as proved short credit the balance of his etbok of Steam ,. and t rust. , intalldlPir lane and iteßend 6717t d M 13 e u n ' t% Philadelphia. New York. and Baltimore mannhootate. Also, Adamantine OandlOa.ofoitTenske, and Kelly a Frenoh-brandy oolonna.. mbliZtoOn NEW CROP NEW'ORLEAITS:SUGAR.—: ee htLd.kriv.k .Sew ercre'N.ft Soar. for Na. la JAEES LETIT/A Street, , . 1 ,21 WOLFS CARL Sir4fi g: 44* taz - • FOY O,P Tan AXLIM I SAVIT Bto Y naa" Pf6r ""tdoordatgartr agi tnre : emote, d to . b _ s •S ea llks i tk r aunts' Aka' • Dollag.ain .2 - il lt at the &ai grandMroVoP 11e0 a 'frau Ar. waernoobeltantatron.:- • - mi 11341 rieSM RI 0044 tritRAT" SHOW, NATIoNat. `1111lArtE; WALNUT llimset. above Eighth. • , • l&r. Si Psicts.—Drw circle . Pri e ir rt . teAt= i oZaze CHAttan or Tilen.—Dottri at imaarter beam T. To bommence'st7X. . , - ShIN_FIT old Su-T. ILICORSAII. TRIM (FRUPAYI F.rsaull Musk SLUM SAi r lplee n S i mf o rt With new and gorgeous Scenery, .6Wiese, and Apr pointmenta MR. TONY TASTOR Will %Mar his most telling Jokes,Songe. and E.- " ttitkittoriainments Will include a vemsty of ACTS IN TEM RING, By the molt Talented Teeny* in America. WALNUT-STREET.THEATRE. v Bole ressie--:—Mrs. i al. atEENFTEDIf tip,ett7:=...l6:lok t.Riffik4 l uitt nifiguesarip , TES_PIEW DRAMA, PAR EW L OF L 11. OATEN- THIS(FRIDAYIBVENJW,WrajOS, Mr- , THE HEART OF KM-LOTHIAN,: Or, Jimmie NILO& Jeanie Deans,...lliss J. Y. Dsvomport Etair=s, Mi." Adams; Wiklfirs. Arm Arm% e 0044 Robertsou, Mr. L. It. Shovel; David Davao. 111 r. 11/Tyrter's Spacrosousod ontboot intro shark*. boon ono at ,7 o'clock; Curtaza r at hill WLINATLEY & OLARKIII ARM ,. • • STREET THEATRE. , FAREWELL - BENEFIT OF AUL COI LOW. . 11118 (FRIDAY! EVEIMXte. Hama XL THE IRIBILAMBAIXADOE. Sir Pstnok Mr: TR a; WRONG PASSENGER. Perm's McCarthy. Mr. Collins. To conclude with TEDDY THE TILER. . Teddy Mullcnirney, Mr. Collinia - 00anr. , or. Piticaa.—Adnnaalaci X ' ants • Reexted Beats in Dream Circle.lOß cents; Earsnet.o Heti. i m ltir r r 3 : h zir at, eX ; tartan: amass ,to eaimaisse at “THE HEART OF THE ANDES” • WILL .CLOSE ON SATURDAY, ale? MABOH. AT Till . ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, loss onsernurr mum. ,Open from I? A. M. UlllO P. M. AttroMoioa ff and& mhl9-M , rib EXHIBITION OF CHURCH'S GREAT FALL-NIAGARA. •GIGNOTTI'B i NIAGARA IN WINTER. AT EARLE'S GALLERIES, 610 CHISTNIIT MEET, WILL scloit cLoBa. RCr isle your Opera Ginasee. law Rlf NOTICE TO THE PITI3,LTO. A Mr. HENRY DRAYTON,of the Drayt=ing week at this Maryland en aged And e ll a r illirg t r do so on amount of severe sit dispoeition, renders it necessary for TRIO DON'm ART MUSIMIII • TO REMAIN IN PAILADEIooPHIA FOR SIX NIGHTS MORE. MWhile accounting for the prolonged stay of the Ant useum. the management would embracer thus ninny of thanking the publio for the extremely g support which they have given the Ant Misses W.' the seventeen weeks. ' r ut SIX NIGHTS MORE. SANDERSON'S 14XHIBITION ROOMS. ;tune's Commonwealth thew) CHEIMIVI qRE EIGnT SEAsH TtIIMEnAx enn . Dnfliggng Internet! nemunplec Sumer Ormi nalitv! idid Milen. ImposingTableata I Oom mendingßlrrePressubleatughteri ONLY SIX H IGTS. ONLY SIX NIGHTS • ONLY SIX NIGHTS. MODEL EXHIBITION OF THE AGE. Thiodon's Art Museum has attained a reputation ea • povel and charming entertainment, unequalled by aa y ether in this country or in Europe. Most positively the LAST WEEIrof • THIODON'S ART •MIUSEUM. . _ - ADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS. I Tangier, Washington. Bonepartei Bearuat., Bete Par termer, therm at Sea. &a., Ao. • FAMILY MATINEES on WEDNESDAY and SA . TUMMY- AFTERNOONS. Evening Entertathment—Doorsopenat fo'itinekri eons r=iclLAdults. II eta.: altlldnia.ll eta' Wall AIroDONGUGH'S GAIICTIES--RAOE Be.. lyi _ TAGE 'et ZE T ra l art . . . - . . aßiirizrazz. 1 RN GA atifikiri Of tin C r el•bes FELIX CARL° BaLril i MßOnf t. • The above Trinpe will appear VER IN% ;They are the most wended 's] portomeris sad 'were received on Saturday evening with the mates thiamine applause. PIERNAZ! - • 'And j the a talent:d'Cotrany appear. 1 ret, " TEFIVeCARTY ii. TWE., TY-BEVEre PzININWL nrEMPLE QF WONDER& -a• Northeast comer of TENTH and Cll 'Streets;Wili soon close. Come than and amiT3 l 47. In Me Magical Iduaions. Ventrikyainam, -40'1214 'Canary 'Birds, Bobby and Wenderfal Antonia** Sump 'Dancer. i Attractive Entertainment* every evening. • • cies at 7N o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. at 3 o cloek. ' Admission IS cents. Children 13 cent*. tohll-lit DENNSYLYANIA ACADEMY 01 THE lITMEARTA. KOS cHESTRUT STREET, opp Wad, (Sunders eureepted.) from A.M. ti V %IL of % Ta nta ;Oa vohloo Urbis &wow Admission l or f pent& ChAirra order IS pee MIS prioe Sha res of Stock SM. iff-tr fIERIKANIA OROBLESTRA.—Pubba Be ,LA trate every SATURDAk at MUSICAL. FM? MAL •• st Syo , opok J. M. , Orel! to be balt at p Andre c. ana bial & wton s Mama Storm sad as ; the soon Isil4lo . . . INSURANCE COMPANIES. CI INTON COUNTY LIFE AND GINE. IL/ RAL INSURANCE COMPAS I Y__ PLATTSBURG,MISSOURL Chartered in 1860.—Authonsed Capital. OM DIRECII , RS R 5. H. Whittington, Winslow Turner._ T. R 1. George W. Culver, James H. Bireb Jr. 11. WIIITTINGTOkaiest. 7. N. HOCKADAY. Sao. and Treas. Special attention paid to Collections, awl Money romptly remitted. Business solicited. mhEI-sm• THE' .b,NTEitEttlitiE INSURANCE COMPANY OR PHILADWELL MILE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) 0031PANI25_ EiTILDING A S. WI. CIMIFER "Warm AND WALNUT STABSTe. • P. RATIMVOTIM BTANX,• .. NORDIC/LI L. DALweow, WILLIAM MAUL ro. - H. firtrAAT. OEM H. Itiowsr NALBRO PRAZIMR., Joss M. ATWOOD, A. Rutarzrrai. Mem. T. TEMDICIC. _ AMDILMM D. CASE, HENRI WHARTON, _ J.L.I.IIINGIIt. F. /LATCHFORD STARR, Prssidost. CHARLES W. CORE. Secretary . . folli-lf TIE MUTUAL LIFE INSURAEOII COMPANY OF NEW YOWL Arleta: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, lIIVIIITID IP/ 71IIST 11101111/1 081 7.11.111 777471 r WORTH OVER fISAILIMIL The premiums bre were thee in many other s ales, bad bad the Drvideeft Won baba swum • This is etriod, Mama. 042111/11a.y. 114 ft. • SZOOT°OIOTO. 90 that ALI, THOS MOP • LO.OIC To Tall INSULT°. -Pamphlets'. apd evert information. MY he hid inATIS. On SMlDatiOn TC VD F. RAPWORD QUM_ O. W. °Omer FOURTH and WA.LNUTifatin. PHILARRLEETA REFERS t. oTerer L b' . Mom. • t i01t,w1.16.4. raw M. Stroud, B i . j polan, ohn - 13 Myers, , osoph Patterson, ohn M. Atwood OM, H. Poweirs. illiammoltes. . % sa y ° Lim 1 - Arths- 0 Aril,.nos.oo-Inif• JOSEPH LEA. NOB. US AND ISO CHESTNUT STARR% Invites the attention of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED 000D8. MADDER PRINTS, New light end dark spring tees, a great varlet, Irani MESSRS. BAWL SLATER & BONS. BUTTON MANUFACTURING CO.. MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also, • THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including many ner sinndard Patterns. NEAT SLACK & WHITES, PURPLES, LAV.'S, &a. SAXONY A SHEPHERD MAWS, A SIDEBANDS, BLAOX AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE DUSTS& Sri LES. PITILAPELVHIA. WO orff FANCY OAPSINERES sad DOWNING, Ito., FROM ROOK COM., GLENDALE COM, NEW ENGLAND DON., OBABTOBD HILLS, BROOK DALE! AND OXFORD MILS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DOESKIN AND BILE MIX TURES. ..latin i atn and Printed, of en colors and twin tea ; , Jeans. Twills. Gordo, Gashmarstte, Kersey it side , am:wising ono of Um best stocks in the country. 'AMERICAN LINEN COM. CRASH, RUCKS, /MEETINGS, &o. lakt..lm SPEOTAOLES, CORREOTL PITTED TO THE EYESIGHT. OPERA-GLASSES, MICROSCOPE& MATHEMATICAL STRUAIENTS, EIgy.r b ISCOPES AND VIEWS, HoJil e_t. the lowest :112 M. cgllitiNiart:,GeelioiiraShesenut. piatii MR. WALKER: I have had one of HAINES BRO.'S (N. Y.l PIANOS in Use for seven years, and I - consider it isal geed NOW ,Sl3 'VOW* I purchased it. I have not had it tamed elf anything done to it for nearly sloe years, and yet it ie in, perfect order. I would recommend them to permits wishing an matmment that will stand in tune had wear well. Yours truly, CHAS. P. L'AAq. SOS bIARKIsT Street.' GEORGE L. WALKER. Sole Agent for these undi .lldiod Instruments. •-.Warerooms. floutheast sonar of SEVENTH and Ailteliansee. monso-n° 01110X.ERING .& SONS, MANI - , FACTIIIIIIIB of stand. Bone@ -sod tight V4 l lO FOR Eff, Woreromno.Bo7 puma_ rionoajo_ et, token in widow', Wed. grielidtru=" g ••• • full soe•r - Amur .DtPrilkAtN AND WEsTEEN cilidnrrd are -partmagtarty invited WWI and toxemia. more= ■ ofeadtassortiorst /1.11 . 1= r 2 the reofTs CabW ee llitr a p min to Ogle. Thome Rotel. - -Lit ',ALRVIAJI Dißsatims.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers