V l ` ,- ~. p, . , ~. 4 .° )4ll o*****ttriPiesrum '-'I::LtA..4 - .'rikk,4lo.kalt.m4k . risit: .:: ~ :"411Firguiink,44timinfanivirmort IZMIR - Timms Cititiiiilitelrlaivit,.*Withiceitimi, ilitrekistialit tie 0 164ithiciWasal rill airrtrir.r 'Ora les - ou - g, you Luitatitosysuk! 110111 *DbaajAs milt* ileirtitip4o,4ls ad' Wit.** TILIOICLUILLT 4 now 'Mom eisOwiimii, at fit i‘set,;l l ,71.1411 P-0 _ ~',ANIVAiRMIII.7.OI4.IOOIC 0000. AI4D "AWLS' . - 44:301HUA' L. BALLY. -tt Yrrai MENTION AOINITUIRIT OF - P A:1E1.1:.5?k,0qP31 PHAWL9. *m34 , o46rme aAuoTION BAZ.FAS, *Avoids; awl lb. ails halal°, the - `GOgT: OF IMPORTATION. =Ell D.14.E. QUILTS. IiI:THE CASE. 10R .UL BY JOEIII,.U.t. IlkirtialtEßT STAMM /AZ If oOLNITOOR, GRANT, CV., • nirroATAIA Irjouniam, D7!►UM IN owing. OALIEUNBRis, • . TAILORS' TRINEMINGS„ MUM (UP EWA) Ara eiresadmitioireWel Soak, N latish they to. atstiostieNib~dttiettede: ' ' 1110141 a EITEWiltr 111/0111110 116 a=4llller, ZAK ram9r AiTairsoces. • .4,0 4 1 4 . 4 i 4 4- letrldiraVAT l = - OMII I I I7 tIX tar i ll OHS B. STRYKER &co.. *vim is#l9EFt w . f.:mini lam AL =RD. 10:7A - Tl`X 11 nA IA ANNA RIIMAX JUNO& AND AI . few, atiothii. wake ama, - • AT Amman! Anis mai 371Q.'it. ).: :::aiisoil a faplis.. /, tes ""ra t irtt nit igio; 4- CLOTH% •' 1 ,! ,_ - I • ; v , - Ail - J r p i ' ~."•••• • 1 - I,fr'•llk . . alle l a .1.4 %Mtn; PRIOE.4IOXXLS. ' autumn AN .TOSAIM 07 'AND I INAVAIr,", 'N.;-sta .cgia„arizar,-. , iii**,4lll.llll;# 71 :Of srusss,',_ , vasorii. oms. 1 40 811 , KATITARD; - • iliponeri ail wiholassie Danipla is • :D . • B G. 9_o ti El• - was Ite.l iILIMINT Atm*. Plillildipida. Wil/MS, AUSTIF:'& MoViaGni ' 111.101Tiii AND iiililllll4l 1, DRY G CO, OPAL . !Witte r "am, s rtir Alr itl. ire. ' rieigiA. JONEB..Ib 00.". ~- - W40 1414 0 PL/ 410 is • • I~OU I AND DONINYTW • D Wit GO 0D 8. No: 140 KARIN; 11111111. WiN eooa 11101111414 "Iral:dti 164 • COY AND NEAR 'TRAM Ni saAipr:Exali mm„ , aloo inuTat.*Dio. - _.- AMBANDIRLIII4 DO. SW sia4tiwr num o;igis bat ibuOtege Illn=lnntrasi non nouns to Inn 6100101. Y; A is • -•-• - Tee- tkres ' Apea. MN at sleek ari,6fewi4ku7lltoak Vablameimodolgaselisk - r.RitA g t ' r - C 104• -, - . - --PAIFTUCRXT. 4.1. • 111 3 4 NET T ,:. .: -:1;• - :11ExTOS:_ ',„16111411.14. OEN - • :trAbtot mai.= licetiair ! mars ruitigleftiMiveoive, - - LAD rotr Avg:zit lIIMINIPIOII. 1114ITIHIMIOsil Wool. resinadiV e zugr , , • - ims se meta 'Swift slum Ate "UN', "nab tr op , 's. !II OPILING, Im_PORTATIONE! 1111191:11111 HOSIERY. • ' ' IpAavir; imukt,f; WAIMI:' • 4 Twnu notnazi* Alarm To govituns A 5 1 , 1 .1 =t •arstass.- • • • - 2.7 ANlCeat - litlOPEtei ,Di&fritse T if T, - *iiithanat wiaLauitidi.4vicso4lolo,4o l ollt9u4 exikst-tsproVitae„ ,- - • - ; • • EL* T 4 43 w. toots, ' ;'- 'Arftt litl l "*l '" ; " -ask• ,471.0144-4,,,te 7St i grOW I Z rfriv - iktitt.;!r: ',;',ii,Ri664tAltr: It la lit 0. , 10.44 7 1 ,6 0 14 : 4 1‘w, 6 0_ 01 +A th0b tailiejtip„ . , , . . ~ ,, , , , J , „, - ,-,... ~ .7 1: 2• X p,r.: • '.)-,•.)--- . , - -,-- -. _ .• ''"i,',": ''''' 7•''''.."'' . .:) . .)'.•:,:' ' ).1.,•''4 % -r t/# / ,;)),-. . '''''"•:'—' •'• - ' - -.- )- ' ' '• -.. %:-) . :T. •,,• •••• ) , r , l'' • '.... - )r .- -- t. • .- )-• 7 •- - • . _ _„,..,....,_____.—....—... L• • - N,'- . \\ \\ I I i /, 7 . "." . , ' * * 4 . *:.."`''' --• ' '-' • `','! ..,.. tn.: •••• 44i , —, . - : : ~ ... 4 21. ~-...„ , -6- •;‘ , -,: .. e.; , 4 , V AI. 1 1, c ~,, I I ; . - NI. . 44 .: 1i , 0.r :r...r‘,..., : 34 - .4. ; 4.. „ . „, . C- Ir 7 -;.Zl,74!'i"', • - •:4c:r ".- --,' -,• . , .. . • ' : ,rc• tr , I ,I• 4:tt ...: •T. ...,-,.. I .....„ -,/ : . 4..,:, ~ .c.7„ r ;., r , ;-:,. , ' --5 .-- • ~w...----- --- -' • - '"--;-- - ir° '''' ---1101-1 1 .......! ,x' ••• y t ; _.; 411 '.....4'" ) _,- 1 1), 7 I, .._,.., '' -•--- -4 ' -- •••":,`‘,,,,1‘ 1 ,1, :if , ~....-/' f ..._,-_,- ~, ~,,,- v ,,.....-• , ~t ..,Llizzlw,vi , u*mt..; 0.-.11011 ir . . -- -, .- ,' -,.- -:,e/ . i \ 1 . lir , ~ i i IR i, F A / • ~..:-,, ,- _ ,\ it , \ , ~:,,:.- . ~.__ ',, . ~,,,,,„,t 4 z..-,v.z* . i ,_,.. ~v....,„- - -.vw4.. 4 0P„:;_-=-,.. - mr- --. • ;' .' ' 1 ',:, , , ~, :, ~,k! .• :._ :_,,- ' . ~,,,- -, , -,A), A A,,,,,,,, ; ~,,.. ..e"n .;,,,, e - , ".11:i. ,ivi . ; : .,- ..., -, - ,"4 - --.-'_'- -,,&...... - r. Nor .:' .., ,t. ,-,. - _ w i g _ i , -; e l !,- ...,,,,,--,.,-- „,„., 4 „ 3 „., :. r ...:.,,, ; - _,_„, . i .. p , ., ! ~ , , . „,,1 e 4.., . 1pe,,, , x/:-4 :4 ,0 4 ..--------.7-_-_-_--- _, - - - - -, ...... , .---....„1 , i-- ~ 1i....,..........- ,"' - ,4. - - • -, l t :- ' . "-. A I- r. 4 --= ' l ''' •M.L.-:-L : -4 41 ' f ifi,! , :j!) . ''' rt -1 ,1',..t---•;-'4, 4 --, _ .;:r.---2•2:- - -._ . ~ - ilit .--"..-"."...'"..0....:....t../ • . ' , , '. . • . . , . . , . VOL. 3.-NO. 199. THYRD.IiTgENT JOBUINO DOUSES ItAI4aUEL,, MOORS, & Co.; ASO AND 1199 NORTII THIRD:STREET. Aro now °pontos flair usual largo oaWoinuont of PAINCM.EI, BatTll3ll, GERMAN, and =NM DRY GOODS. To which the attention of CASH and SHORT-TIME SIFTERS Li mattliatlisly mitild. JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. . DLPORTNRB AND JODBIBB DRY GOODS, nil. NO AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ' - • - ABOVE RACE, ' itosobtfults javiti =t=on of boron to their &sites AND COMPLETE STOOK 7VORAWN AND ROMSEITIO ROODS. • A 610115 *blink Wipe, found talllinon of gATEW 2141.11 , .1110 _YORX OOMPANT'S WT. - TONADJun. , LABOR :VARIETY' 0114 w iod cackled Bty!ea -PRINTS. micitaptiteir SECONDS, ¢. 1104 a 1860. SPGI 1860 BUNN. EtA ItIN ucituraz. at Co., II ONTI= AND JOIIIIBEO Ili -•. , . VANtrY DRY GOODS. mini' Tanta, 8T J, Aa etsparee to esAlbit at their ealeereoree the meet iteateiete Mak of goods ever offered by then. present isissereal attraettase to the trade temendh. The mmoak eoYreftiw deoutplet• aseonadett of even Van* • ' .411483 GOODS, WHITE GOODS,' . , **ROIPICRIRS, VRSTIN423,I *ROBIRRY dlav4B.; :• - TRIMMINGS. . Ater: LfYB std eeserel esiortMeat Ordering - 81-14LWX.B . • . , . ‘f To all of which they invite the attention of QM AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS O. K. BUNN, Y. 0. BUHL .8. N. RAIOUNL, W. W. KURTZ. - • ' IL F. BUNN. fa Wes 1860.. - 8 P 1 1! e 1.860 • :T. WA. Y 00., IMPORT= AND WROLDSALII MAXIM rer EOZBIGIM'AND DOMESTIC -• D Y - ODDS. xci,lll3'NOitTE,TithtD ST.. Are me, midi for the '1" it'l 1•7 TRADE„. koe, co cora irel prompt six ehmtthelleyere. Gee of the • . • • ;', • 'LARGEST , • - : - MOST ATTRACTIVE - STOCKS 'ln the ooentrf, and at Priem Mat will etch competi tion. not only in tins. bat in eni other city. Pantheism will Sod our Stook well warted at ill 11111000110 of the year. 7. T. WAY, t 711.8. DOXLATi VS. P. WAT . I gla-301 1050. P. War. y ARD,GILIANIORE. &CO. - NOS. n AND a NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN • : ' S I'L H - • AND TAROT' DEP GOODS, WEITE GOODS,• LACE& LINENS, EMBROIDB - RM. HOSIERY, GLOVED, KITTS. AND ,6114 a SHAWL& ARISPAOI34 REED; 84 CO., . WHOLIEILLI MUMS IN .DRYG 0•0 D , 15. no NORTH THIRD OTRBBT, ceossisi.Tunin AN a aa sm./ PHILADBLPHLi. Z. Asi ' itars. IL.. OHS. B. 611111.41.011, WM. AIMPIPACE. - Lis. M. Run, DAviti N. SWAIM: ;110 =TOW copra& MY, Y. ROM D. WOll. COOPER, PARMA, & WORK, naosTsudranUFACTITILEREI, AND JOBBERS 0/ HATS. OAPS. Amp STRAW - GOODS. NO. al NOp THIRD STREET, Oosa111;:a am aime h easortzangi Dittiteisriavare, • ire34m • FAUST. WINEBRENER, liaOD73RB AND WHOLDBALB DBALERN IA _ HARDWARE, mi. -4 111ORTE THIRD STREET #4II:M OW** Stool, orootimi on the TIIILADELPRIA. PAM IMIXT. D . 111. WX • , . IAZELL & HARMER" . .*ANUIIAO - o#l , lBs ' • 1140/a BALI ill4llllU BOOTS AND SHOES. EURO WISIOIIt iledlirsortimatOf Oltratis lliookaad mkoeseaa 014als4.shaad. , art.Ap to LAING & MAGINNIS. I: , , - VAlnoves anAWholssalio Detain in c : *EL ENGLISH, AND AMERMAN • -'-' SHOE 'THREADS; - ,;''' '-,. IFINNON AND .F.NOLIBII LUTING& APSi MY CT D E ITR, S WFA C AI S . 8010T ' • fink, nd Up .M'. c ‘••-•••''' '4 • 0. 0 NortliTilliD Strut. fiLlm sowmt; BARNES, a CO., pan scioitaLL*ll E4I ; , Iktra,otarstso, or IWO AND En, =SOW ONOLOOZ, OMMIP iroutikvarramirrices MUNI; ko.• A le'. iroirrimilto mast fol-ko T uvart.sTaEFr-soimma HOUSES 1860. SPRING. ' 1860. GOODS. RIEGEL. BATED. 8a CO.. , IMPORTF.RE AND JOBBERS or . FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. N 0.47 N. THIRD STAMM. !PHILADELPHIA. Woald naapoolfalli - Invite the attention of Country Holahan% to LARGE AND WELLLBELEOTED STOCK OF FRESH GOODS, witch the* asa row molting in Store. elif - Bleraliantitwould find it to their advantage to nail end 153111011)8 our atOOk• fe3.9m rrio Id BAUMAN T S BUYING OIL • MAMBA AND WINDOW MADER. ' .S.IJAB(.3N & SMITH; MANVIAOTURERS OF OIL•OLOTHS, 146 41ort8 THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Ws invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE; AND 'CARRIAGE OIL oLvos. GREEN GLAZED OLL CAMBRIC, a :bosut ". artiole for-Shades. The lament stook of WINDOW' • SHADES and 'BUFF.ROLLANDS m the • market. 111 wives whit& defy ooMpetition. feg-gm DOMESTIC PAPER HANGINGS. deco. 1860. O STYLES, 1860 . OF • WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOITEXE, Pasatlfaoturem and Important Or PAPER HANGINGS. No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, below Market'. Offer tunumal facilities to Southern and Western bee rs, a splendid atootof goods to !Nitwit front, and all of be newest and beat desists. WINDOW CURTAIN RA , PERS in fondless variety., ferl-tin L 'PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, • v Wholesale` and Retail, at reduced pricey. 148 NORTH FOURTH Street . below Race., Housekeepers and others would:do pelf to give me is cell, sad examine our stook before eurehasing elsewhere. Rooms papered at the shortest notioe_, bioareful workmen. Don t for rilthe number—Ha NORTH FOURTH Street. belaw IdoEVOY OOLE. mS-dtm - TO ' CLOSE BUSINESS. HART, RONTGORERY, & 00., go. 812 CHESTNUT STRUT, Will Nil out through We winter and next spring, their large stook of , PAPER HANGINGS. astaisthig of every variety ooneeetedwith the bueinem, AT. GREATLY REDUCED PRIORI. INE'PREROII , PAPERS AT $0 PER • CENT. BE- LOW CO 3T. Meese wanting their Home Papered, egg get great /4-A.843.A1N5. DR(IGS AN CRENILICALS. B- A. FA.HNESTOOK. & 00. . DRUGGISTS, /DCPORrERS, AND WHOLESALE, DEALERS IN DRUGS, - ORBMICIALB • CORKB, SPONGED, airaireas lab roaatea 3161111171.4.1. AnA'Afeiandiatureng pm! Sole Proprietor* of - B. A. RAHNRSTOOK'S wantrruni, Noc I and 9 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Haat aide, a few door, above Market, fell-La PHILADELPHIA DRUGS, GLABI3, PAINTS, ao. ROW E SHOEMAKER & CO. iitniimeAND RAU STRUM, WROLBSALS DRUGGISTS, juratters and Deals= IA WINDOW SLAda,PAI2I773. IliA., Invite the attantiosi of COUNTRY MERCHANTS In their large stook et foods; Which they eller at the larmillt market rates. coi-tf LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON Hoc now in store witty large and shOiee assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. ALL TUX • BEST FIIHNOif PLATES, • - And of s quality superior to any imported during the Mat few years. The designs are of the newest and most elegant oharaoter.inoluding all the French and tins halt novelties. Looking Wastes made to order, to fill every ,1111111fa01 4 11" of space. and at the very lowest rates. Enti lames forynotiest, on aliostion , by mail or otherwise. ENGRAVINGS P ORTRA I T . ~ and RHO TOURAYE. FRABIEB--the finest aolleettou to the oountry. EARLE'S GALLERIES, - mitl-tf , 815 CHESTNUT STREET. MOORE.HENSZEY.& CO. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, No. 46T MARKET, and 416 COMMERCE EtTesta PRILADWLPHIA. STATIONERY. STRANGERS ARE INVITED TO, CALL, AND EXAMINE ONE OF THE LARGEST ASSORTMENTS of ACCOUNT BOOKS • E3TATIONERY. OHMS, DRAFTS, NOTES,. COPYING BOORS AND PRESSES, ENVELOPES, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, to be found in any establiebnient In the 'UNITED wrAlts. Sold Wholesale, and Retail, at LOW and UNIFORM PRICES. WILLIAM MANN. WM. H. MAURICE'S NEW BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, 325 CHESTNUT STREET, Oi 1118 BrILEAD ELat,s,) jp now fully supplied with the following articles. which will be sold in large or emell quantities, very low for cash: Ledgers; Journals, Day Books ' Receipt Books Cheek Books, Dill Hooks, Copying Ocsake, Oiled Paper Copying Presets, Quills, &eel Pens in great variety penknivee, Solomon, Shears, Lotter, Cap, and Note Paper of all kinds, Envelopes, ko., Ranks, Insurance Offices, and Merchants supplied on favorable to . , fe29-lm ROSS' BROTHER, & Co., NO. CIO MARKET OTREI3T, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Neep a large and well-neleqted stook, IMPORTED, DOMESTIC, and of their own MANUFACTURE. Wholesale and Retail at the yens- lowest prices. BLANK BOOKS On hood In large quantity, or made to order, of any desired pattern, of the very beet material and work manship, • We are enabled from our extended facilities to offer superior induoements to purchasers. A oaths solicited. • - ' fe29-gm rTON'S ZNOATISTIO TILLS tc: Alitors. pa d erneel Chi nt nywj n oia fo . r oottevic trigiOrgior dime sad Wailer stederters. 11190 1 W orif PY, r , rata`. HARDWARE. and GUN WA:!EHOUSE, 48 BOUTII FOURTH Street. PM.pELPIJIA, MILLINERY GOODS. 18604 • MILLINERY , GOODS. VRINO, 1800. The subireriber bee now oßona.suaorior etookof MIL LINERY GOODS, consisting lant of— • RIBBONS BILKS. °RAPP'S - 4 • Rdoni, " IR OR PkOWEgg, and LACE owns.. • • STRAW BO NETS, -• . PLATS, BLOOACEIt, AND ,STRAW T R,I AI, Ai I•Wq.,Di All of the latest and Most frobionah4 styles ,- to . be invites the attention of Morohants and MilliMrre. Those wishing to rave money by buying Ohosa wllf do well by calling on him before autohasiag - elsovrbAge• ' M. BERNHEIM,' ; ',:` No. 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET, mhl-em Below Market sireet., 1860. STRAW GOODS., 1860 • , THOMPSON ,8c ETEN4 . IMPORTERS AND 4oßingte ' OF STRAW GOOD* HATS AND OAFS, SILK BONNETS, !;- ARTIFICIAL FLO RU .101,'Ao NO. 6t.319 MARKET STREET,' Buxom are malted to examine oni:atook, THOMAS F. FRALEY in mimed elithithe above home, and whom the' natronata of hie fifebds. feX-9m MILLINERY • AND - STRAW (3-00D8 EXCLUSIym,Y. , • ROSENHEIM. BROORS. • • an MARILYN STREET, NORTH blan,l Are now opening, for the Spring Trade,the nip*: ex tensive and choicest stook in their line ev'er oolated together under one roof. RIBBONS of every conceivable dedoriptien. BONNET MATEIRIALB.. . FRENCH ARTIFICAL FLOVMIIIS. RudnEs, and all other millinery artlates r . STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY.' CHILDREN'S AND MISSES GOODS, DO. BLOOMERS, SHARER HOODS, ke. Conscious of our superior facilities in obtaining out sapplies, we flatter ourselves that superior Waco. meets, tioth ea regards ohoire of selection end inciter& !ion in prices. cannot be met with, - leS-3i STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN, WOOD, & " NICHOLS, . zio. 7116 ONESTNIIT STREET, • (Between Seventh and Eighth ' ) Have now in More a . COIMLICTR STOCi 01? . SP RI N G.' GOODS. O R D AW S . ZMARACING RAW S BATS C Aab B i ONNETS. ONNET& A BE Y 'AN CRA L EB EN NET T , GOODS. RENON IrI,OWERS. RIBBONS. and MILL.INERY GOODS IN.GY.NERAL, To which they reopeatiully invite the attention i.l merchants. Cash end short-time buyers wall rind speoiallUiVarl' tags in examining thin etoek before varohaaing. fivAnui JONES„ • Importer and Mannfootiarer of FANUY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, - Ttstratiottloti of City snd Country testers Is - 111 i to el lone sad vaned stook of the abotie goods Ist' - 432; MARKET STREET. feg-em 'Below Fab. 18611 SPRING - 8 T 0 OKlll2gfk ARRANGED. • AA- 7 "k'. One of the largest and most complete stocks of goods in our line in thin country, The best terms and the cheapest prices. 0. H. GARDEN & 00.. Manufacturers of, and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, OAPS," FURS, BILK. and STRAW BONNETS, and BTRAW GOODS. AILTIVICIAL /LOWERS, /FATHERS, arena.. to., Nos. pOO and 602 MARKET STREET, B. W. corner Sixth. fe7-em SPRING OP 1860. " MARTINS, PEDDLE; • HAMRICK, 6.3 CO., No. 80 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store, and are daily rooeiYina, complete lines of the following desirable goods, vie.: HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PARIS AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB, BELTS,' • PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND, Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to which we invite the attention of first-class nuyers. fe34m BOOTS AND SHOES. BOXER & BROTHERS. , MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE MIMI IN CITY AND EASTERN-MADE , BOOTS AND , SHOES. Not, 489 and 434 MARKET STREET, Below FIFTH Street, South aide, fal-ant PHILADELPHIA. LEVI() liRASIN. as 00.. BOOT AND anor, .WAREIIOI3IOI • MANDR A A N OTORY. NO. 103 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wa have now on hand an extensive stook of BOOTS and SHOES, of every desorienon, of 'OUR OWN AND EASTERN 31A.NUFACTURE, to whloh we invite the attention of Bouthern*and Western buyers. fea-am MEDICINAL. MRS. WINSLOW WI. AN EXPMENCIA NURSK AND FEMALE VilYeininnt prose:lto to the attention or mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitating the procebe of teething, by cottoning the gums. reducing nil inflammation; will al lay ALI, ands pasmodic action, and is WIRE TO It.Efillf.ATE THE BOWELS. Depend uPen it,mottiers, it will give met to yourselves and 11ELIt,F AND HEALTH We have put Upend sold years, fear*, and can Y. in con what we have never boon, medicine. NEVER II nhi OLF. INSTANCE, TO timely used. Never did dawdler iction by any one trary, all are delighted speak in terms of highest eal effects and medical vir matte} " what we do =rent pledgeour ;Tient of what we here de instance where the infant exhaustion, relief will be Minutes after the Syrup is This valuable preparatton of the most . EXPERI RS'EII in Now England never-failinialCOCElS in T 10 UBANDC It not only relieves the vlgorates the stomach and and gives tone and energy grin almost instantly re- BOWELS AND WIND 'ruhliongtwhioh, if not death. We believe it the the world, in all eases of RINEA IN OHILDREN, teething or from any they every mother who boa a the foregoing complaints. nor sufferingtudces of your Mold and 8 UNE—yes. AIIBOLUrE lsoe s o fo rus m wil c an e m genuine unless the Inc st• KINB, Now York, is on 07' Hold by Druggiststt gal Office, N 0.13 CEDAR. Pilot , 25 cards a bottle. TO YOUR INFANTS. thin artiolo for over ton Hone° and troth of it, able to any of any other IT FAILED in a BIN F SOT A OUSE, when we know an instance of rrho used it. On the eon with Its operations, and eoinrnendationof its rnavi tuen. We speak In this know," after ton years' reputation for the fulfil dare. In almost evetj is sullorimr front pain and foundin tirteen or twenty pdministered. the prescription of one IINUED AND SKILFUL and has bran usod with OF OASEEI, child from pain, but In. bowels, corrects acidity, to the 'whole system It neve Oltil'lNG 1,1 TIIE , lOLIO and overcome con speedily remedied, end in beet and surest remedy an DYSEDITNiftY and WAR whether it arises from cause. We would say to obild suffering from any of do not let your prejudices, others, s t and between the relief that will be OILRE—to follow the timely used. Full three pony enoh bottle. None mile of CURTIS & PER the outside wrapper, out, Now e Y wo k l . d. Priuoi -3726-4 FLAGS! FLAGS!! FLAGS ! !! U. S. FLAG DEPOT, 48 soirra THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. WM. F. SOHEIBLE, Wholesale and retail manufacturer of Flags, Politi eel Banners, and Transparencies. Flags of all sizes on hand, and made to order as cheap, if not cheaper, than eau be had elsewhere in the oar. fetri-lm JAVA COMPFX.-1,900 pockets prime 6. Codes: briANIA,II.IIAUM & 00„ LBTLTIA Stmt. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1860. Comm sxoN, itenrsEs. SHIPLEY ; HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON NO. 114 CHESTNUT ST., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE 00015 S. Enhil Ent WELLING. COFFIN, & Co.. HO CHESTNUT STREET, Offer b 7 the Faokage, the following desoriptlont of AMERICAN GOODS Of standard makes and in great variety: PRINTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY STYLES., BLEACHED AND DROWN MEETINGS, SHIRTING% AND DRILLS. OsNABU.RGS, DENIMS, AND STRIFES. CORSET JEANS, SILESIA% AND NANKEENS.' CANTON yLANNBLS AND PRINTED LININoB.* • LINSEY% KENTUCKY JEANS, AND COT TONA DE!!. ALL-WrL,A.SIB UNI,Off:',CLOTHS., a 'l, ,1 1 3 CAOkiND'FANCY OASSIMERES. ' BLACE AND MIXED DOESKINS. SATINETS AND UNION CASSIMEREB. ,6tmy3 ; TWEEDS,' OASHIHARETS,'&o.... - • FROTHINGIiAM . . Za-VELLS. , _ • 34 801111( FRONT. • - AND 30 LETITIA STREET,' ' Are ADMITS for the 'aloof Ooode Manafaettired by • .the following (Minimalee, VIA MAPNACTIO.ETTe r LJCO, ORN.A.7 PALLS, LY14614, OA. eser, DWIGHT. • • fritactss, Irswieu, BLIITLET Brown, Illeaohed, and Coloren ,Sheetingsi /sari& and Drills, ROBESON,'S,BL,I3T PRINTS, lIAM.PDEN:COMPANY'd IrWEEI)3'AN.D COTAINATIES in great radian WASIIINDTON - MILLS • (Formerly Bay state) Bliande, Piano and TOM Covers, Printed Fallings, Flannels, All-Wool and Cotton Ware Cloths, heavy big and blue Beavers, Caltsimeres, and Trloots. Also,Ker sere. Batmete, and Tweeds. ol•stut-em PATENT FUR AND SEAL S.KIN COATINGS. THE EItIitSCRIBERS. SOLI AOSSITS mi TEE MitTED STATES or the faxfve desonption of goods of the well-known MESSRS. EDWIN FIRTH k. BONG. kIEOKMOND'W IKE, YORESHIRE, ENGLAND. Are preparing to exhibit/oracles of the various quali ties, and to take orders f or immediate pr future deli ery. to suit the convenience of the trade. The goods cannot he purchased through the custom , channels in England, and all orders for the United tutee must ko through the subscribers. WRAY & GIGLII, AN. PHILADELPHIA,and FANBHAWE, AIILLIKEN, B TONVIRIEND. jell-tathdtotra New Yiirk. WEST,, FOBS, '& LLOYD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 219 CHESTNUT, AND ' • 30 STRAWBERRY STREETS. 07711 E IfOL SALM.- COTTONADES. ' TICKINGS curgeks, SIIIRTING STRIPES, DENIMS, and 1114tADELPRIA-MADE GOODS GENERALLY. , 'Alec, a full assortment of ATM= (LAMM ,151.15 .. ..,,.‘91-IYO_OLIALYNS. , or Amirante maxim and styles. • fe9-th m-tf LAST ARRIVALS. FARRELL & MORRIS: IMPORTERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 939 CHESTNUT STREET. Have reoeived by the latest Steamers a full eaeortnlent of GERMAN and SAXONY CLOTHS and DOESHINS, among whioh are all the grading of I. A. KESSELLKAULT whole end halt pieces; °EVERS & SCUM do. do. B. 84 L. CELEBRATED B, F. &B. do. do. With it NI line of the very popular IMPERIAL and ELECTORAL DOESKINS; SILK mixpn COATINGS; COTTON WARP CLOTHS; COTTONADES rind VEST PADDINGS, All of Wlnoh are offered for tale ON FAVORABLE TERMS. fat WOLFE 65 00.. ' • WHOLESALE CARPETING, OIL-CLOTH, AND MATTING WAREHOUSE. NO. U 2 CHESTNUT STREET, Agenoy tor Philadelphia Carpet Mitaufaaturere. fe34m S DOE FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS & SON. IHPORTER AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, and GAITER MATERIALS ; LASTINOS, GALLOONS, MEETINGS, PATENT LEATHER. FRENCH KIDS, LACETS, SLITTER UPPERS, Sc. N. E. CORNER FOURTH mu) ARCH 19TREE76. to-nrs HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 'ROUSE FIJUNISIIING STOKE. ' WILLIAM YARNALL, No. 10%10 CHESTNUT STREET, (tatmediately opposite the Academy of Sine Ante,) Inrites the attention of HOUSEKEErERS and others to his extensive assortment of USEFUL HOUSEKEEPING (mow. SABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CHAFING DISHES, FIRE SCREENS. PLATE WARMERS, mtl-thtostf TEA POYS. ko.. &c. IVIIQLENALL CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT. HUNTER, & SCOTT. MANUFACTURERS - An WHOLE/TALE n DEALERS IN CLOTHINer , 424 lIARRET Street, and 412 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A All and ooNlote line of every style and lass of medium-mode Lathing, lolly equal to that maim toted h any other nay. •feS-arn prtINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, FROM DE VENOGE & CO.. EPERNAY, FRANCE. Bold by all Respeotablo Dealers throughout the country. This fine brand of CHAMPAGNE, which until the east acne wee confined exclusively to the beet tables of the Continent of Ecrope, has now obtained the most unbounded success and popularity in this country. It is reoomnended by some of the first iyhysioinns of the olty of New York, over all other wines, on account of its es- Immo Ouritypaid delicacy, and those who once try it rarelyY use ate other brand. Although only one year has clamed since its introduction into this country, the demend is enormous and constantly increasing. Our arrangements ore such as to insure the quality of the Wine teing maintained nt its present high standard. prelim Inmerinl is imported solely by us, we being the soli Agents of Messrs. De Vermeil k. Co.. in this country; E. V. HWO NewO., llon. 488. 490 and 491 BROADWAY, York. Bold in this oity by REEVES & DEAL, inll3-3n fp uO4 MARKET Street. THOMAS 80 MARTINI Sir 011ESTifUT STREET, HAVE FOR eALII APAQUAG SEAMLESS BAGS, IN ALL SIZES. faintn ROSIN. -1,500 bb,is Shipping Rosin, in Atom erut for lut W le HOLEY, AtHIBURNRE, tidal N 0.15 South WHARVES. matinfootuta of NIW PUBLICATIONS. HEAR A GREAT STATESMAN!--Paid 'ma statesman: 0 I eopsider it the part awls:. doin and common 00118 f) always toopoografe bOhIE PRODUCI'IOI4B, when they are BE rrbtr. than those from other places." This le the reason who all Penn- Wynn:arm should patronize the suet Philadelphia !.the BIT4R) Y EVENING lO l sale byptwvrio..idenl.Priaef:,re HEAR - A GREAT STATESMAN!—Said a great Shulman 3 " I consider it the inirt of wie dom and eornmen avoie alwa , s to eneourase fIODIB PRODUCTIONS. when they are UTTER than those from other Dig ces.'l This is the reason that all Mimi vanians should patronise the greet Philadelphia peqn_ir. the SATURDAY .Ie,YENING POST. For sale by all the principal newsdealers., Price four ;Ante.' HEAR A GREAT STATESMAN!— Said a great statesman:. " I consider it the peat °Vino dim and common sense always to encourase ROME PRODUCTIONS, when they are NET PER than those from other places.° • Time is the reason that ail Penasyl- IliVisiNtaiiNVlMeogrivag.'"F%°l':it pap er li the'prinoi nal newsdealer& Prioe four cents. „ „ WAR A GREAT' STATESMAN!—Siad great statesmen: .1 erniiider it the pert of wit. , eom and oommon sense always to encourage -11 0 M-Fi PRODUCTIONS, when they are' BE UTER than those from other plates." This to the reason that all beitesyl peweee shoots patronize the great Phiholelphia payer. the SkTUNDAY rsVC,NIfs POST. For sale by fei the principal newsdealer.. Price four cents. "TEAR A URRAT STATHSMAN!= 2 -Skid a groat statesman :," L 00 - eider it the part of wis dom and common sonno alwaya to encourage 11051 E PROIIIJC [IONS. when they - nre It then' those from other pincer." This in the reanon that ntl Pennell ,7llll74llVileVel PCII , IG S NAT. h Nor raid py efl tho prtholp:lnearedoatera..Prise fourconts. HEAR A, GREAT S CAlLEFSbiatit greAnuttencnen "7.olntliderinaititstiar, ' o m t p j ,n , ntunniro.nentte etweytt• to ennourara ir RoD ucbDNS, , when they ate. BETT Wt . then these' 'from other places:l This in the reason that . all Pennsyl vaniana should patroni re the great PillindeiVhili paper, the Rea tIRD AY lIVI3NING YOST. -.Per sale by the Principal nowedealers. Price four cents. , PEAR A GREAT STATESMAN I -Sbid ry great statesman: " I consider it 00 Part of wis dom and cOmmen ashes always to ens rage ROME PRODUCTIONS, when they lire BETThI ou R than those ftonfother places " This is the reason that all Penns) I varonne ehould patronise the seem Philadelphia paper. the SATURDAY bYEtlifiG:PofilT. For sale byaU the principal newsilealers, Price four cents. _ EAR A.GAEAT STATESMAN!—TSaiii .a.."... ! L great statesman: " consider it the part awls-. dote and common sense always to encourage HOME PROD UCTlONB,yrhen. they are BETTER.than those from fro other phw , el ' This is the reason that all Perinsyt• vatiiittis shout& ;streets., the great Philadelphia paper, the VATURDA EVENING .POET. For-sale by all the puma newsdealer& Price four cents.. ITEAR, A GREAT STATESMAN I—Said a great statesman: "'consular it the part or win dont and common sense always to encourage HOME PRODUCTIONS, when they are BETTER than Unite from other places.' Thl,s is the reason B. at all Pennsyl yeomen should patronize the great Philai'elphia paper, the SATIIRDAY , EKENING YOST. For sale by all the principal newsdealers. Price Cour seem . _ [TEAR A GREAT STATESMAN,!—Said xi- n z Teat statesman: "I consider it thevirt of sale dom and common mho 'always to eneourSge HOME PROD [lin lODlS. , whop they are BETTEK than those from ether places." 'hos Is the reason thh aaliPennsyl yamsna shon'd_petromee the great Phifedelphia paper, 110 SaTll it DAY EVEIVINGFUSI'.. For ante by all the prinmpal nesssdeelers. Price four cents. "". DEAR A GREAT STATESMAN!—Eaid , a great statesman: "I consider it the part awl/l ama and common Renee always to'eneoitrage ROME PRODUCTIONS.ffhen Amy are 13E.TTF.R than those from other ;dawn. Thus Is the reason that all Fennsy I vat - liana should patronize the great Philadelphia papot, the SATURDAY EVENING POST. , Fur sale ty the pone' pal newedealers. Price feur cents. yi EAR A GREAT .14T:ATE,5 SIAN - 1 1- a great statesinne ""r consider it the part of Iris down and common sense always to ertrourage HOME PHODUCTIoniS. when they are lIETTga than those from other videos." This is the reason that altPounsyt• vanjans should katronize the great Philadelphia:paver. tho SATU,ROAI EiVENING POST. For sale by nil the principal newecieslers. Price lour cents. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS. • 100. SHEETS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, of new end ollowe stylfs now initore. • No. - 9,4 0 dESTN tIT DAILY & BROTHER,. 1000 YARDS . INGRAIN ,CARPET§, part cotton, at 37S mute a yard good patterns. No. 920 CHEST NUT Street, BAILY & 13R0211-.IER. 5 000 .YARDS suptut THREE-PLY CARPETS. /net opened, new st)len, at. No. 920 CHESTNUT Street, BAILY & BROTHER. 10,00 YARDS ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS. Ju;t reeelvedtto be geld at ONE DOLLAR A YARD. No 990 CHESTNUT Street, DAILY 'AI BROTHER: AN INVOICE • ,_• • NEW ETYLEB ENGLISH slioltuarms: Just received by etoamer. BAILY & BROTHER. No. 920 CHESTNUT Street EDALLION VEINEP CARPETS. Crosby's last new pattern Just opened. DAILY & BROTHER, No. no CHESTNUT Street. DOOR MATS. A very large lot front Auction, at No. 920 CIIESTNUT Street, BAILY & BROTHER. mhlo-etti&tll3ln 1860. PHILADELPHIA IQtan out,. CARPET WAREHOUSE. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN BUYERS Are reenectfinly invited to oall and examine our ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF CAR FETING S, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, ENGLISH SHEEP SKINS, &c., Just received by JOHN LEMON, (sucowor to Richard M. Hunt,) No. 47 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. m1;13-1;n ARCII-STREET CARPET WARLUOUSE. OT ,T) kv• AP- ItICKNER. 832 ARCH STREET, - TWO DOORS BP,LOW ;NINTH., (South side), Rave a splendid stock of VELVET, BRUSSELS, 5-PLY INGRAIN AND YE NITIAN CARPETINGS. which they aro offerins at reduced preen for cash. ENGLIsH BRUSSELS. One Dollar per l ard. DRUOGETS, OILCLOTIIS, odtl4-Im CARPET b. F. A. ELIOT & 00., Noe. 3 and 34 North FRONT Street, are tho SOLE AGENTS in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY, and have oonatantll for sale a full assortment ofyELVET and TAPESTRY CARPETS, of choice patterns. Also, a large supply of the various kinds of CAR PETS manufactured in Philadelphia city and county, from nearly all the beet manufacturers. Dealers will find it to their interest to call and examine these goods, which are oared log sale on the most favorable terms. 21. B.—F. A. ELIOT Yr. CO, being the Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of the Worsted and Carpet Yarns spun by the Saxonville Mills (formerly the New England Worsted Company') and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton, and Abbott Companies, have peculiar facilities for keeping oonstant‘y for side the vitriolic kinds of Carpets manufactured in Philadelphia, on the most favorable terms. ial7-3na MCOALLIJNI. & CO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN RCIIO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, Also, Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS. • MATTING, RUGS. &O. WAREHOUSE ND CHESTNUT ST., (Oppoei to the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are reeveettally invited to on% foe Ina CHINA /OM QUEENSWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS tN CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. Non. 23 and DO SOUTH FOURTH STREET. bu t i z st and Chestnut streets.) Air Pyrrserrno Ocitss Aortey. QLABN. OPIN On an TOR PACXAGE, as. MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fele-sm B OYD Sc STROUD. rAIPORTERS k JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete Stook of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. At their Old Stand, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH pt., four doors below Merchants' Hotel, to which they in vite the attention of tvIIOt,K9SLE !MYER& oirAGUNTIS FOR PITT SUURG Wass. fe3-9m U ARUN & QUAYLE'S LTA STATIONERY, TOY. Ann FANCY GOODS EMPOKIUMA • 1036 WALNUT STRB.P.T, BELOW KIAVYN r 4, C 024-11 PHILADELPHIA Constantly on hand Perfumery and Toilet Artielea. NEW CROP NEW ORLRAIT.B SUGAR.— a ' 1 1= rao ° , 71 5 :2 1 14 ) IT'Aifik r 0 " 10 t JAMES (3 41' TWO'. CENTS. TITRBi)AY,`:*OII 22. 1860 TEE CAPTURE OF .TEE 1111/31011 "NAVY." Our Ditllunitiee with!MOiieCkt rE AirrAcicu*ori yeas intuz, TAX TEA:R*I;ES Ira* BORDERS OF TEE RIO fuIANDE The'Mexican, vesseti isoontly pap tared by the Al:Wei-kali' epietireit nevi Vern Crui were tilted out' to aesioi - 3ttraßthii. A °or rexpondent or the 14;r OileansPi&yiTe,`Writini, fromaavana,'lmier dete of Mare 3,- soya : • • "1 have already given you the theta tom/ling the expedition on the waythither from Havana; tinder the commend of Marin., That it has been -fitted ,out with fhe knowledge of .tke Captain General, and by his permission, ntleast, there 'carilie no doubt. • ult Is a well-known feel that the Spaniel/ Go 'VOrnment 'doeirriot allOw any class of materials Or I whatever on the • itlarid Of Cube; except' those which belong to tiny Eloyernpmat t , , iffittri,, the stastel• knee,„*.-and; been, bu, p rleY, in. Ar t t:to keep Atte.pdoi"thaberis OhoCW a shat her o . prw isive , itrtawfsment. • , ; ) It: 410 7 " Is it,not most extraordinary, that, the Awl*, Government, offer , hiving been so loud in tt . M.Sin , nunolationa ignited AinOrlotin•i(tiblisterigaz, Vitt she should for a moment allow a ptratissil'exiesdiu tion of thugs , to be Aided oat .in. Mamma , In ape,,n day ; and ebb lending or giving her girlie and mu- Inittone 6f ,frar :in eider' to siesietlfirenien to put •down the Lib e:ral canoe-fn Nobel ~..Whatnein 'be her °Nee; ? r ',answer—, it in to,tharlio the*mert-, can treaty with the i ltiaret Government and in= ,crease Spanish itiffdenoe in MexteeThAitlf Poesible; extinguish Abe - , isperix- of liberty) WM: ,ligheed and Tepidly ... increasing I n this, ushetipy . . country, 'naturally se rich in = the ;stemmata of wealth . and greatness,: which, if left,r,id herself, and by. Moist— log Amerthari ideals of , golemment would ,very noon . be:porno one of the brightest, stare in. the grind 'constellation of liberal nifforieon thincoiv , "•What wilt, the ftlibne, tering sp4dtei an,depapa 7 , thlierd Of the poor oppressed Cabana six ' to 011,1 'They , will-demand of the ttiited Staten Congress the annulment of the 'neutrality,lamiti that they may, pounce, down , on Cuba in ,an overwhelming force, to rellele' the Oppressed from their bondage to the Spanish yoke.; '• ' • • • • • I deeply, &JOIN) „11l ibestetingin,all its forme, and I fear that this open and hoetile,set on the par Cot the Captain General' or Citia, will arouse that pent-up epirit, and wilt givd Mlbusterraplea to again, make their illegitimate athlete upon the Island of 'Gabe. Sh'ould this be the result, Spain can only latttibnte it to herself, and herself alone." Marin, who colfuninded it, was-formerly afi offi cer in the Mexican ,navy, :which had, hon.:4er, more of a theoretical than w practical existence. The Spanish' officers at Havana appeared' to be confident, when they deartatehed _the two vessels which our nevi captured, to the astisbanoe of Miramon, that b ! 'yfould'l;4l - . cinitlAOd, with their aid, to obtain possesslon'Of Vera Crux... Marin's . expedition nailed' from • liavons under Spanish colors; but raised the' Mexicali' flag When it got outside. • "•' General Marin sent book to Havana letters by the Mexico. Bo far as known, his plans.ivere to attempt a landing.somewhere on the lower coast, at or near the month of.the Medelin river, whence he could easily communicate with Miramcln'e camp. He would not go into Seariecies. General Merin had on bnini a large_trantity of. ammunition, Stores, and provlSions; also, twelve twenty-four ponders. = It wait believed that' Seve ral other vessels had sailed train Havant: 'on the same mission. A well•latlen sohorter: is knoin' to have sailed on the 16th, == When it was !mums: at Vera area that Maxiwa expedition was about coming tb the easistareo of, Miromon in his ' attack upon the city, the Justres Government stationedgunkOansall along the coast to intercept it, and 'Planted a battery at the mouth of the Medelin riverte fire upon it._ Jimice aisO declared • the expedition' to' be' contrary to the laws of nations, illegal and Oman!. The reoklewt conduct of the followers of Mira mon after the battle near the olty of Mexico, last year, and his general disregard, of.the ,rights of Amerieon oitisens,, also created sk fear that if he, was triumphant at Vera Cruz the lives and proper. ty of our citizen ei residing there would be in imrol2 4 Went peril._ The el:Hoots of.our spathes th%eretaXxi demanded a full.explanation of his intention!, and,' from their subsequent' Retied, it' is .. isi(Stsildis did not give them auoh assurances as they deniand: ed. The general position of affairs at Ter* CIIIE up to the 3d instant was thus described by Lient. Oar, ter, who loft the city on that day, on hie arrival_ at Now Orleans: • . , " Genertil I%Framou made his first appearance boforo Vera Crnz on the `nth. Ile is accompanied by some five thousand men and a numerous train of artillery. lie Game down himself by thelca- Hone] road, though it is believed the trains artil lery, ammunition, stores, SA., came down by lho other Toad. Be encamped on the hills near the old Powder House, between Medelin and Vera Cruz, and about four miles from the latter city. His headquarletevera at the village of Modelle, some five miles distant. ; ,„ . . , . " tip to the 3d no attack had been made upon the oity, nor had there been any step taken towards planting a battery. - The General and hlslsuitb, however, had made their appearance several limo on the sand bills above the city, Apparently to snr. Toy it. . "The troops, like the rest, seem to have come by both roads; those from Jalapa under the command of General Roblof. and those from Cordova 'alder the command of General Negrete. The greater part had made a junction at the camp between Vora Cruz and Aladdin. A portion of the Jalapa. , division, however, had been detached to Antigua, another portion to Vegeta, and still smaller de tachments bad been stationed at various points on the roads leading into the interior." CONDITION OP 1 , 41 U CRUZ-PLIGIM Or 71IR PEOPLE In the oily ofNera,Crus, long before declared in a state of siege, martial law had been proclaim ed. The' garrison slept nightly upon their arms in the publie plass. The people—men; WOLLM, end children—had tied in every direction, to to TlaeaMpon, Tuepan, and : all along the coast in the interior, whithersoever each' family thought best. ' Only the soldiery, and those Who -wished to take part in the defence of the city, were left. They numbered some 3,000 to 4,000 men—were all in the best spirits. •• The city was well supplied with arms and am munition, and everything in, the best state of de fence. General Inglesias was in command, with Gene-al Ampedia chief of artillery, assisted by Colonels Zorega, Lane, and others:, Colonel Lane, who is an Englishman, is in command of the new sand-fort recently erected at the right of the ceme tery road. ' This fort mounts six 81-pound guns of long range and certain aim. They protect tho bar., racks, and wilt make it unpleasant work for Mira men to plant a battery anYwhere within three miles of the city, on that side, if the men remain faithful. ADANDONIIRNT OF, ALVARADO. , On the approneh of Miramon the city of Alva rado wag abandoned, and the fort dismantled. The guns, stores, ammunition, ilco. ' were all taken np to Ver s a C`rua.. This stop Wee taken 'because of the belief that both places could not be - successfully defended. Of the people of the abandoned city we have no intelligence. We presume. however, ibat, as at Vera Cruz, there was a general flight, At a late Hain on the night of the 19th inst. the Secretary of the Navy received .the following brier account of the capture of the Mirmnon vessels : Naar °utast...re, .Maroh is; 1850. MN. ISA,tc ToncEr. Secretary of the Navy : Sin : Lieutenant Chapman loft Vera Cruz on the 11th instant, in command of the prize steamer Marquez of Havana, as bearer of despatches to the department from Captain Jarvis ; ,but learning on my arrival here this morning that be had not arrived, I deem it toy duty to forward the follow ing report to instant, : - On the sth 0 encral Miracion commenced the siege of Vora Cruz, and on the fib General Marin appeared before the city with' this end another steamer, mid not showing his colors, Com mander Turner, in the Saratoga, with detach ments from the Savannah and Proble, in the steamers Indianola and Waco, was ordered to pro costa to the michorszo of the steamers, off Anton Lizards, and ascertain their character. 'Upon nearing them one of them was teen to be moving off, when a shot was fired ahead of .her to bring her to, and the Indianola tent to oTerhard her. The hail front the Indianola was replied to by a fire from the General ItUramon's one, cotta volley of musketry, whew the Saratoga Aral a broadside, and the action became lioneral, resulting in the capture of both of Marin 3 steamers, with himself and a largo number of men ori beard. Captain Jarvis ordered both prises to this port. be Preble will be hero in a few dap, with Marin and most of tho prisoners on board, tho rest being distributed between this etearner and the Marquez of Havana. Your despatch will reach me here. Respectfully, It. D. Marron, Vont. U. S Navy, Commanding prize steamer lien. Miramon. Additional intelligence was received on the 20th from Lieutenant Chapman, who had then arrived at New Orleans, in command of the Marquez. After communicating the facts contained in Lieut. Minor's despatch, ho said I am in charge of one of the steamers. The Preble accompanies the other, with the majority of the prisoners—the loss of life small, and among the crow ouly. They fired the first shot. I will be in 'Washington as soon as pos sible. The engine of the vessel commanded by me broke down at sea. By order of Captain Jarvis, I am directed to say the ships at Vera eras are very short of provisions, particularly broad. It is im• prudent for any of them to leave Vora Cries at this time in the present state of,fealing there. A Washitigttin correspondent of the Herald says: "The most important feature in the MOM from Mexico is the seizure by the United States of the war steamers that_ werei.,fitted eat, armed, and manned in a Spanish port, and allowed by that Go vernMent to put to sea 'ender the - Spinish flag. That to regarded here by the.authoritlea as 'rem. Maing filibustering with a xengeanae. That aot upon the part of Spain, after the constant and sad. IMM!E!! THE WthWit t Oir I:,RESEL 'Tint siostiiiitiam citr..4, - toot to thaittpiont mairesor Niers' Three Collier ! Leei Five °oriel._ &ea , Ten " . MOO TwentyCoetee = Woes addeme)llo.o* Twenty Cofirei;erever,",: . • tra address of esokaggraiber,) «mak— I.** For Flab. of Twisty-4mi et irmer.we will WWI la oars onerr Ur time Seller-ite of Wei& M 4 :lESiMii=lEl CALIFORNIA PRIMO. Isansd semi-Rom* In ,Calandis sts;Ainnic. , • ••-• r • - • easeful elfin : hi of ilifiderninzont td asppnan budertrig, boa otiitail an= Intone* einitennwat ham among poilliolene of all Notions. AMU to saspand our neutrality laws as to Spain will ist or. be' in trodnoad: - whinh, Is believed, - will' ',weft_rwi, and 'roan In costing" Spain the bland of Cabe. The reprieele and prime kill give employment to many worthy and -atont-lhen}ted men who Ira now lying idle' id NeWlhigined-ntel elaewhare,who tn./ desire to 'enrich - thermelveir m their predennimote did." " • While these dlillealOsit said at Vera Ores, the mevemeetappon ,t4e . Rie Grande are thastleseribed by the New Crrleins Z4.lfat ot the Isth htstaat '"ARMY MOVEMILIITO- , -121Z litO OILANbI elerzunr.' " We Published yeateraer, trent our Waildriptou correspondent; an order' of the Wear Department, making soma new,, miff, apparently ,baportant, changes le the • dhpolition of 'the - VOW States forees, egneetally along - the western' mad - Iwwitif-' western portion 'of Tsai*. -'4l deasatteb," of more recent date, says that the Dorarnminit expels to have fair thousand Mint Conien ,tralnkian tkii bor.' dory of Mexico by the IMF Of Jim& NO : details are given; and nothiag else It:jun:lly thisatmertioi,, - except the , sarsaiass•:of -Abe:- tempaph, reporter. ra a therefore take the iibeety,of believing that the GovernmentdCes not exposit any,suels Mbg• • " Th 4 only 01 5041 mri Seaside information eareit. ing the movetneat.•ot;fieoPo. ix Stosttaitrd- in sue 'order from the War Department, .alrealy referred 'to; and that dins, not , IMO/ , a_ _,_ _` o "" litai ,,,_ th v k lf. troops! omits Texan, froutler . to anyarnag wee we. ;nutuhoi otfOor %owned MIR, i 1 any Has Our the ihrit'OrJine. it may he" trim that fags Seamed men are to be concentrated eloogthe Mahan freid tier within half Or firemosetheATlnkthis disposi trenicethe-forces, pketty_olearit ladleates that the r%a s Govartinierat - hit 'smile 'info : - denier, • merreustetais view,' Ifig that lee ' ye policy f thatporgen Wirt& Prolidetit's relating :demean affairs is thane to be derilloped its some C l l6tlaall3d'tiriCftiVi.fiVnt ,ti' - :‘,:' • • • _-‘. eracisedy, witat't programme the Goverment ' has. adopted,: the plablm .is not yea Whew& Judging from the Military diepontions flolr being • ;pude, we fr om that `,,tffa deli* 'Li to I I?. , ;preach the Mellott' terrif y 'ffi..tbe side of Chi- - :iu.siona ;and Iffstethr this vocrpose, tin bleeps! here - 'been ordired della- Irmo Utah--Into Mew Meilen and Arisonsa,„ Atom ;that, *Who • theWepublie of Mexico hat prectiestl abdiaated ibt.fulletiens- thie shown itself usab le to proton - OS 'O , ll tiepas iron the defoideditaibnirtrietar beinlitti ..ible t°thlealse.72ll4, VIAil Nikita ICAsemsties"l ...abiii - , nutions by praysiMinir, Me zevelkiLvobor gng 13Mtee 'by big lemillifit 'lave . from ' its {order*:. kntate , ,of - way esists,- la - pothrof ; set, althonih it hex not bun ,preeetled.-,by,. ,oth- . la declare - gaup ',and - 'orient "proelautations. .It eats bi the teeter Maio° ; blahs, b her Sateen r inability ternak itriSmiliitimil3 Alio". she > " become resnowdlatt tot the eensectunusce which aye - arisen.' This pasition was anaunertiff _very 1 orcibly atittid; by Mtilleetkeimi , in Alibied met age , Butit NPl.iso. , ril.ts Pawls :Vain Sane to : be - W . & Grande fr o ntier than to' the thinly-peopled ordeik 'of Niirink.- '' Within 'the - lest lefiraenths Wee phenomesa-cd , actual :war have "beta pre- - entect in eoulbirestMa Telesp;:invesiorui and re-: - rases ; Sieges and 'alike; batting, victories, end create; marches and , :eediltiiimirebes; have ehaz- • acteriged 'the ftio,6ltrude.nsaladr af this la. , net war in Ilatne t It pi surelysase its tact . 1 ~W e hid,' thetelbreontpposed that' the *mere- Mein would. A cheese this held forildhciair the ' fikke-' ' pa h a problem, nd_ not for. - thesel Mena : ere are otkeirs net as 'couvineint s . The sere . eighty of Tenet i ininfted ; • her - 101l invaded by a foreign enemy; ,her bine* are besieged . smd plundered; 'be y citizens era essaminated. or dmen • . rom their homes.. Iricthiir duty of the Federal -, Government te-Maiouielatst came. irsol to extend over her the Weld cletheitational preteistioia. It . Would be degradicg to the dignity of, a Gassers ant like that of the United Stater to - AGMs off s highest responsibilities tipon e single State; it acid be an anomaly is ourhistory mad a solaeism • a our institutions to suffer a,single State to bear - he expenses and enigma the conduct of a foreign' 1 " For these reasons we regret thatskliirger fore*-. has not'been ordered to . Western Texu. _The ten . bompeolee Of tbelOtliTafentry, which are to 'be ?hallooed At hlagstold.-,Biarsaircand Fort ',Butler, pre Oct. enough for . saliva operations.; starcely nough, 'considering V* extent of country they eve to guerdOtreputpoikii of- defeiee. , 'We learn n good authority, thetSorether Hesston does Nei oneider this force it, all • teremensarate with. the , scessitlis ' of ' the 'ease ' - Major McCullough, " ho has. .just passed "through - tine' -e a is wen to, Austin,, is , ot) tbo, lame .wales:', t is believed, that:unless the Federal94mm, _ sat consent to "arigment Referees 'aleig do Die , sande, sad, ake speedy sad i eskive ragiagarsa for • t be relief of Terse, end bet fature secuellY: afts— rernor liomstort aoll" himself assume the responsi bility and take tbelnitiative. - ' Wei fruit; therefore, ' that there will he no farther delsy at -Washington. ,The moment isanopheles's. • -The Ilk Grandam no .. longer a reelnisable boundary. 'The natural ram part of the Sierra Madre, lying heYemd ilsitfrillie ' alleys and broad plajasei Coa/mileand - Talmaa-- : i pas, offers the onlyscournproteation to !unlock ester's froMier."- - -- " • - larreaar Ash Assivasta.. , -”The-Lroden. eissaiK i • " The controversy on the tilhakspearien' ith which the name of Mr. J. D. Collier _hag U . onto plinfully*nd ProminentlY connected; and to blob Teem time agii - •drew aftenttou, in eonsee ion with alleged diseoveries bf-Mr. Collier's Allegne bISS:st Dulwich, rag' - among: be antiquarier. , The stilli'ng.of a-angry waters ill not be -bolped by the Peppery' article in this - eek's .Athmalsys. at present, ,itia clear that the uthorities of the Britt& Museum have only done air duty hi:exposing the most iinpadent and els rate deception mince days of Ireland ;.and hough it may be a matter of regret that this ex ..sure should lay Unties' grave suspicion a scholar - old • and respected es Mr. Collier, it cannot be airly alleged that Mr. Baninton- hes strained the - ate, or gone out of his way to apply them; tor the •orpose of giving a dirention‘ lb theses suspicion. bile on the subject of Literary-antiquaries and heir doings, I mey remind , you that some months 'nee reeled poor readers attention to the case -f the so-called Milton MBB.' in the late Dawson rnees collection, (receipt, for. payments on ea , tint of Paradise Lost,),whieli were mold at that ntiquary's tali to in American collector for a high rice., I then etated.what bee now. on iturestipi. •• on. been proved ,ocarect.-that the Dawns Tuner receipts' wire u6t this originids; bat 'Copies - from . riginels in the pissession of the Cullum family; by hom they were lent to Mr: Turner many_ years go for doe .in connection with a work on Milton 0 es then contemplating. These - originals were opt by Mr; Turner for a louts while, and at last ,i•tunsed to their owners. -It .0 probable that he . ad far similes executed, perhaps for the purposes . his contemplated work, but these fac•rsesau ,• ere certainly never expressly eo described by t. oar possessor, and hie family seem to have been nder the impression that they *ere the original moments. /he money received for them has p w ce l , 11 . elio . ve . , been repaid to the purchaser of the An Unrinn(Montan RAILROAD ftimingn Scorn.— The recent kidnapping of John Brown, a free man of color, in Sadtbury township, has brought to light certain facts, which leave no doubt of the existence, odattempted establishment, of en under round ,railroad, running from the neighborhood of t e Gap to some point beyond the Maryland line. I will be • 'recollected that when Brown was in ieigied from his home by Hull and Wilson, he gas taken to a retired place , a few hundred yards at his house, where he was tied and placed in a carriage, and with revolvers pointing at his heart, was threatened with instant death if he attempted tO give the alarm. Hull and Wilson did not cc- Tlmpany the earthy very far, when a change ~ agents" took plea", and , with the new cam meters, Brown was harried te liberal's Ferry, but unable to trees the river at the early hour at which they reached that point, they were compelled JO remain all day. This piles wee apparently not a very secure one, and was not intended to have keen made a stopping place, a certain barn in Bartonl county, Md. evidently b leg the depot Itr securing the " ohatiel." This depot wet reached three o'olock on the morning after leaving the rry, where Brown was kept until daylight, and then conveyed to a Baltimoreslave jail. The man der in which Brown was changed from agent to agent along the line of the route seems to prove Tfonolusively the exiatence of a regularly organised aompany for the transportation, iv the free-pass system, of all ouch likely darkies as are unfortu nate enough to fall into the hands of the directors dr runners. , What makes this supposition the more plausible Is the fact that Within the last tire or six months several colored men have disappeared from the neighborhood of the resent kidnapping, and were ne v er hearda of afterwards. Some time in Decem r st olored man, living at !fount 'Vernon, Laneaster county, directly on the line of this new underground, turned up missing, and diligent in quiry by his friends in every direction afforded no cue to his whereabouts. Probably by this time be is in the cotton fields or rice swamps of South Carolina. Certain investigations now going on will soon Make this matter clear. In the meantime we can ot help remarking, that a morn bungling party of iirectora and conductors, who base charge of this road, never anywhere existed, and they will event. Ually discover that their stooks, rolling and other wise, Is the poorest investment ever made. Carry. leg passengers on the underground from South to Zl,orlb, is an offence involving the agents in serious bodily diffieulty—very often an unwholesome vibra ting between heaven and earth—and the carrying of a free darkey in the opposite direction is apt to subject the conductors teconllnement within prison walls for a period of from dye to ten years on very lbw diet. To embark in the business in either di rection is very unsafe, while the receipts_ seldom cover the investmeuts.—Lan caster Express. SLAVERY IX 1715.—The following are roma eta nonce of the old colonial days. One hundred and forty-five years ago, in the reign of George the Villa, the ascertained population of the Continental Colonies was as follows : White men. Nom slaves. 9 500 1511 94,000 2,0e0 600 45 COO 1 600 • 27 4 .000 ,000 21 000 1.600 2 500 9 600 ..---72,000 • MAO 3700 . 6 IMO 10,800 08.550 New HerneAldre Merenehueette.- Rhode Island. • Vonneetteut New York New Jersey.... Penns! -• Maryland Virginia ..... . North Carolina. oath Carolina. WISO AND /UNTIE., 1N VIR - Curu.---The Ilona nig says : "We have been not a little I,ls;4leaten at the trirr .. thiegs have taken amoral of thooleotoral districts in which ,Conventioni hays reoentli been held for the appoi ntment of delegitai to Charleston. In three districts in the West;-:in the Wheeling, the Ranawnex and the_Birpar's Ferry district—delegates•in favor. of lloater,for the presidency have been elected to the Charleston Convention; while one district In the wst, the serfolk, has selected deLegetea ecauttithrd to the ,nomination of WW.'! .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers