-~ i ~__ ~~ . . tiNtatititt — rso riiii6o,looo . ; 114iliOsitisC • ..9t . 4 .1. 0M) . . estlCU' 0.- -. ' iffieW -P . 'IW —iffaldi.l•l:- ,t01'11.):::77.2....1.,te5c- 1::, - L ' ...... ' . -- 7,.. 4 ,.•,,. , ,5, ~',...r . .. 1i ,1 . , , . a ‘ ,L ~ ,•t k ik . witatira, s ! -eraslix itia,ll6-.: 11441216. 1,4 " 4 / 1 1 : 2 111:: , •, filii i, estlins-; ' - Ti l e ri v vidX u eilf - ' -- 'lol4utiti irl : ‘ T . c rmlViai' - : - - ' inbitlouti '• r - t va a L a rapnowikiws.:. -', - 7 NW. / Iti•Oset t **X4. :,,,- - ~...., 11 5 kti1t.21,1,. -, - • --- -iibtasoolosii. t.iii: itiatk. . - rentieltrtili,Vd , -, f r tb..., `‘. tall.“ 4114•- ia idatrivy . ,_, , _ lirs i r wit:: '" - ' 'liiit, liar it. irwrimieet Ri f pour V - - - it : . ifiktlr it kt it i matite lit ea *Omni& '''' • ' • I JA2 4l l9 l . lll ..bilsaltb i ten, , li [ fi litA .; : ._ 5 7 : .'s asttra ct. ,a, ivi, - , piss Cook .s. :, - tiler. XV- - -•• , li t, i ii rona lb ~_ •-,--,- f - - - .. ,- Iv i kowirat manor ' lurgigintei. Poi6 . viiis '.-Letsatra Zia. Vs.'• - • •. rats* -44,10 „ , ovgaigivity9lll ot . ' - 4,. ' , [- . l „t l 4Priti t. ,l - -•- - '''' - A". 4:ooCo l W.irliy - ' - ' 2- 1 1 4 11.° li pt: ' il No` i -•• ' - %V a ra% Y "--. I" ''''- ' tevaoL k tiP's Ellr' --°-','`' -- ':' li z WiVtores' ' ''• `'-; ": it. 5 .i.,,,..„..„ ,---,,,, (9* -1,, ili - :,,,'''sf , X ra. .. ._f o g i v i g i tt e, ,,,: -,,Pcitv i i. ioni!l'iilE, . 11 **414, sifii#riii. I,..tegetik'Y ~ ,- •A l f:47e, V , Stfor:g :: - . firwo b rzt,'"g , - t a lTaktionia _.: . • IN , A. ilielit. - P IVII. L ! k. - , -, . itimr.i i_ Ti T a F 1 ‘ 41010 1"P H 1 6:0 1C ' '-•ifi ' 2:, - 1 0 4 111:1 1 N W"dV f 714 ' li =1;1: 2 11 /1i ; Vitaitt i al n L, ' .• -, , .----; I i slitici i hkr - . : . . eigessmy. "Z '. .., ii&lbla:l 4 4l .-- • rrtaiY 10 11 -: • .- :- -, 7' ~- , 614 1 66 . 1 i. :: •,"- ara,, Yr ~,,,iikurnW. 2.:_ ,i t Tr irie l tiarr, a l • , Firrra,.'l IA :- ilt 4 .silt f oam Mrtia . 1 1, 1t4;611:2i 1 : 1 •. - , 16'0514 8 . 1 • i 0 ' a .4:,.., , ,,, MO% _ Mo t , I I l'et nn_ ."---- ' - ipia . ra; - . it la v os . a u kaL, ins te,oceek4 ,-- .OK 1727,04 boleti Arab. ~;• .4 , - ".,t,i'. :.;iiiitibrisi, , , . ..• . . , :1 ~ ,,7 ,0 li r ~- 4 %,-,.. • , .-:,. 0 : ' r' - ,_• --, „ '684 4,..:- ITr aliJ.f& •-• ` VW e -w • e w ir i k u la L iV I " d P ' il ,, 1 ai r: ma Tisen ed,, 4 :tk " :l: 77: ' iillenill. VII- '' 1 liiri V i r s Ollt 0 " -i 14, .•' . ..' . % sane&Olamben b 0 o'. .A salo igt =. - y .*, Xatip".*Mnr . :9loo6o.loo4.,leithir 1 I.vezik. -. ', 0 Oril64ottig , '', „ nt isThorw ol i o '; : :, ~,,,.,,,, A , Pr?'• -"-,.. :, .. 'Say. ~. n .........1k x .....,_:......._ti0 c i!::; :11.,,.....4 1 44.,,,c1•1 7 ,1,41.f.....'..:; iew. :ilic.„_:___:cl,l6-57"' i s • ---:-',..--_-: . •.. la. iii It yiNfoniii Na , m m ' . .5i .4 nett . Psao ' barger t e a l ' - , 5 f trp - utiTh . aF . ' • .ennansi' ll i ' J tin. Hatt - f 1444 * 141 . 1°I ! r# '4l7 l lr b iar , - ' 1 .1 - ii .' -',':-.,":*; B 4 ,M L , 1 4. ~ 0 1, !,. ir! --• if ilL si alq, f 7 :•' . • ..,q A • ‘•• ',. . • keit; a - 7 --.- ',•-• - ' meni L ,_4tolui •- - 4 , ott 27: 1 I pe, 0 ,: _, r, ~ rik, ~::,, '-: T-„, IX INAT•111111,1 , • ' . . ' sr. Looli ETEL-;47bespiat. abovi This& ' tital l lt ifit *l° '. r !' I LV I I II" I L, • it ,-, r,.,, - , .. tr.t.u. Kw -, !r ifil- I • , ' 'to r-- . ilk e si t glisi l a.. tow :,4 it.h.b -: .. w- T liirtn. I was ', ' - ' . • ' _rfjWil m iga S o' g. N V ise r4lo , re i i ii , ' , - - ' I tirratz. i till*:,lol!Sip - . I,... lij r —i i rir r iii.# O . Ili ffi: 1 1 •14 6n O: till ;_ 0 : . r .,.... T • , fill. fp : 44,Tit ..,„ .• , ~... ..._, • ,4 •F• - ,.. , .. r4l . 4_ .. ll!Xikireit • iimi • , ta t -, ., -_, , a= 1. , pemmerar, ; - ?ittirbenr 4 _oo - WOOMeßOTlMAhdEatietsib*Oppl - , 10*01d. Lipase°. i Low, t i,, tis ...„, i r lir - 10;latay lN ri frart t 4 ... ~.., :•••,... 4. 4 i tiMbli i wbett eiltiirt '.. '4, - A rimik aw .... 4 ,m,; v 7, , z N ll l l' , .•'''• ' 1 0 . 1 • • fa. 11/104 f itekoIn ' ' ' •-• :: ^ ,' •••- • Mob trismor. Pa ..-_ 111.' ii - r ittmu,i6Na a iii.,44, - iirift:l;., ~,? , , risiiiit l .l., , a,,s,c .: lll ..• .,, rkV 4 clop 1104FOr te . Ili, OW WOO :174.. '''' :- „ :- 1,-,.... .......0 ~.,......:,.. ir r ir ,.7 , )/I:_, = „ - el 6u j u t* A tiero / itit. k 4.,..,,,_ ~.•,-7,,__,.,.tititaillosivise, _......,.,„.,„..,:,...„..,,,,•,_, ,•. —..0004--.-1,4,4,„b.0.i.iiini.,.• . .„..... 0 0., 5ai „..„... •:, , ,• 7 t ii,..-6;7.117, T it et And.. os- , . 1- ' ' ,f,-: as o,:ror.ra 1.. aft w .. r, w w ... psis,` _,, .., 7 . 1 ! ....1 . 0 10 6 1 ,1 , • ow*. M;l=c2==l=M --7.---___ , v A ONAMtigii-Liar% '. . , ikbalryidi . .• . • i trerii . . ba-vr1,1„11 JP.1,41,14::, eriitietrrrs, Vigir 4. tit t ivls, 1 greber. AII•UtOWW - firliesidoshi l a - „ Maxi. Cat , - , 1,13 itosidAtungp "i: ' ..t.' illmAn; JonlitoWA' , '' 0 OM Oita k -,' , lire m' —, :.. q Asiumgi, Calton so 13. .: Oseble, PA ; J - '. -' - .? •. Otto, PLIT.TAL — TAlt,;, a bo ve " Stromlo, BrideoLurg . '' Watson DO ne . Or doileg ,a 3 Siam Hooks Go. • . 811 WOlOl. Moots oo M r ageti l Atir l4l ' 7.0 4Pitr. I ' 6 R WI los OMR. e. slig Argria", 4 ': :-gra10:42,1111"'" :. rmilmotitliorxx..44,b,aboiliii Cheirtnut. ikon. NV- •,- —-r , • Imille lin , P k t"' M t c = Ant, Del and Cornett, hcenlivll4 3 Platt, affido •. . Monholl, Md . g Wien A r Phile • J Albrielkt,, , Lowsistor on L L Foal, Auddlebure, 0 T,Brown, riometoun, - - --- `:a~tlrdm: , MARINE INTELLIGENCIL, FOURTH l'Affit. : ' • ARRIVED. " Sohr Lnoy L Sharp Blew It days from Dieksownller With lumber to °until t Gilvip. • Bohr Hornetatenles r e Gaya from 'Portland, with Indus tb order. eoltS H Herne. Roark. 10 daya from ' , standar', with 1,2 1 / 8 shels wheat t r Order. Rehr Jokus Oadwahrder, Claiton, It dais from Bolton, With Mdire to E n si noer & ,, Co -• • . wi llahl i vatt a ii i no c ail dare !rout Milton, Deli • Rohr Manship, Morrie, I day* from Megneha, Dsl,. with eorn H nrColier. • to esa fterah, Zonal SO hours from New York, with Jades to es Valour, ilorrison, SO hours from New York, masa tow ht Band & Do.. - • With MBA lie. Grimier. SD boon from New York, With wades to W Saint 00. •••• • • Btterarr Aon Eliza. Robinson, ID holing from N York, week mdse to Win Baird & Co. • Rely, Riehnlondr dior Tho Man• Websiar. Jr. - Bark irma, Wort:insert Barbados and Mataosibo,Frs 'V S e ir R re, uh Willing. Maypole, taltimore. _AOroven. Jr. (Er Concord, Norman, New York, w AI Baird & CO. , • Wornispondanse °Una Philabiphia Exchange.) 011POLI;• Marsh 19, '• The wreaking sehr H W Johnson, Lewis, from N O. whion arrived here yesterday wonting, Fs having basin blown off in the tale on - Monday' loat nor mate and one man overboard, and had end &infs.**, jihiwn awe/. • • ' • - 'Bohr threw( or Bridgeton. N JJ from Bombers N Cr let tail; for Sew York, was blown of in /wary weather, pad was ferried to pat in here with logs of fore sail, Sy pus e lko. and deck Im pr o s bids roam thrown over- Ward. Will repair and d. • • ; FM 'ii # 7 O g k i tj-''.:•••7r• Ohio • ' '- • • los ssunisitsis. • (Consspondenos of the Plunsisistits Exohangs.)_ OAP It ISLAND, W. J.. Natoli 10, iPM. ' -A shin and two barb wood in this morning, and two barks sad several sobs. this afternoon. Wind ri_we t . - Ymni, 40. THOU. B. /WORM MEMORANDA. /Illumine RsYstons Elta(e, Morshman, hems, arrived atch4rleston_yeaterdar morning. Itteanntep North Star, Jonas, for Aspinwall, Cleared at New York yesterday.. eteentidole AuStin.lemeal, Oared at New Yorit yes terday for New °firma& - Etpaniship Perusno. Hall from N York for MR o, pot into charleston .otl4 lost. , with slight damage. • laminable Aturtraisiusa. Anderson, for LiverpOol, abated at New ork yestertaY. _.,_etstarnship bausylvarna, Teat, ma il ed from Riohmond leth MIL for Ylidladslybm, tkeirart, Prentiss, from Baltimore, at Rid voet mina - Bhis . A remnant gth . Horton, for Hong long, cleared at Boston I feet. -Itiltiot Baker. Allen, cleared at Liverpool, kb Inst., for Pni adelphot. 40 stanutoo, Taylor, stHew York yesterday from rdam. rkitelah, Gould, oleared at Boston Dth mot for l'hlladd his. , _ Nark , kestrand, Ahem*. cleared at Baltimore yes. Malay Reindeer a. Bark :Lanfair; °lssued at New York-yester day for Barbadoes._ Bark Viroma(thy, Gorham, for Ikarior Ayres, old at New York yesterday Bark Arcadia., Kalloch,'lM London for Philadelphia, sasead Cheshiret. Bark Reed, from Noatavideo Jan $6, an at Re* Volk yastereav , - Brig ylotor, timbal. from Providence for Philadel phia an atnewport yesterday: prig Warepp,Bosarman, fin N London for Philadel phia,arr MD York yesterday. Brig Kolas, Lichtenberg, kenos, arr at Rio de Ja neiro &hull -Brig New Ern, Welker, fin Rosario for 'Now York, Katona rook near Martin Garcia but came off after dissng part other cargo, (wool. Am,/ and craved at Buenos Ayres Jan Er for survey, iko. - - Behr I Goma. Smith, for Pluladelphic cleared at New Yorkicsterday.• Bshr w Harp, Eolith, hence, arrived at New gartlatb ins . -‘ Behr A Townsend. Townsend, from Galveston arrived at New York yettenfay. Bohm North omolins, Bunting, W Kennedy, Christy, and (iolden knle. Wilbert, kenos, arrived at R ichmon d G test BohrC P Stiehl/v. Garwood. from Jacksonville for 'Briton.iwas at Holmes' Hole loth inst. Behr silver Marmot. Peril, for rhiladelpida, sailed for Gloucester 19th inst. itSB-41311.11.11A the 4th Met., bt,Ree o iill. J le:Clli'o""a.jOrt,t,fan'ittlrot eclors n3l/I.9—WAIIIDEN.—On the Ihth mt.. by Rey. I. Boone. Mr. Wm. I. Rome to Mies Dalai, S. War dm'both or this atty. • )4011011N—MILLER.—AcAiltmore. ea the 18th in by 'rev.ME, Spotty. Mr. Charles F. Eichorn . to Wee Ann hiarla•Miller, all of that otty. ", Mc(10111110ALA-0 the 4th lest, James MoOrmiti. g in th e Oath year o Au see. • abe relatives end friends, and alai the Montgomery Lodge No 19. A. Y. M. are respectfully invited to at tend les funerei , from his late residence. No. 2407 Cal 10Whi street, on Folds, morning, at 10 o'elork. trtthong &Wier notios... latervoset at mom:meek Cemetery. AnNtitc-Qa the 19th instant, him Otis, infant ;laughter or lWph ft. and , liesian, F. Warner. sett a VrO t rAttrirtit instentJEary S t y Elisabeh, daughter ht James mi iudEgmatteth Fox. aged ears and 11 *Friel Ilia the 91. sues of her parent?. No:, N 1 4 4044141 0 41 th i11ex t r .. 4hy I .:o. lll'ra.= o , fars. Fromm! from the irldenergof his pareete, southeast Znertrg . 'Eleventh slid Carpenter sta., this.; Warier '77A) E1P41191 iiil3M Bl last., James Fatten, In the 1 year *OA* age.- nee from hie late residence,7l7 Jamison Or, (DAILY neriday stremomi, at o'okielg --Un the 19th iiingemt, Mr. John Milli. sea SO I " l =real from 13• ireaderiee. Damilon'street. above Irish aid role, yripenteuth ward, on dunday afternoon ~..FlVltl i tZ)4 711111:.sti:ei4th, via or loam F. Borki aged altars. - Funs yogoi the resolenee of her tieband. southeast Writer 0 Ninth and Market, this (Wednesday) motn ulittltrrit.Digiten the 17th inst., Elfgabetig K. Rich- Wean, wife ofJanob_a lebards. aged 40 ream.. Funeral from the residence of her husbayol Na 1331 Whighth - at, below Wharton, this ( wridneedey) ~m2gfetook. - 1 - iiirATT.--On the 19th instant. Mn. Elie bath Tarten. wife OP Meaty Tartett, in th e 22d year or her ass. - - Funeral from her late nisidenoi,llos Lombard street. on Ibpoidey afternoon. at a eoloolt. • • " am TO2.--Orr the 1119, instant; Mr. Ell Toy , Or., bi .. , . T joaunal from his hie maiden.* Tort - Street, above " 4 EI Wen rbillaelehah this tWeanseday/ enamor, esitelarek. KW An the 19th Inst.."st Blackwood town, N. j, t y •lionter 'dean/ L ased 4i years, late Astor of the IPutralln rc. t=rin pu morning Md inst. at 10 o'olook. Ventre) 'steles sight Baptist Churegi •• oo 'Of , :13COTT.•-On the 15th Meg, Lablita the nth W•- • , Funeral from Meld* residesee.,Bonth street, between Twelfth and Thirteentl4 t44is wedsised &ay ) afternoon, at 3 coak. • • ••• 2131.-=On tW 12113 Meg. the 41st year of his M. Wm. Quinn. Plasm! from hie late alMiddiaae, Market itraot, below nrterlway, Pettit Camden, 14. J., this Teduesday) ?f -liettionnAe3 &cloak. - aiT'Fir.z-(1% the Illth inet.,'Join Batty, a native of land ul f their year *floe age. • tumoral ors s hoe meld/al e , Good-Intent. Wes t i Irleit."-lalharaV Wank!! son?1?:4: Itotirg'or :1111:211Z"of Or t p d ots,7l3l'll%l4. watoos ! n rdo g ieggie-eragletenitig t , margsr,i isaor mink, in the 381 tear of her age. Funeral from the residence other &thee.. Andrew McCann& EN Bestir below Elhlppen, Una (Wed rit'fdes&Nokr.744 11"34% Instant, lie=. MoConnel, 90 • " Jrinierio from his late itridenee t back of No. 612 south ' Third egreet, this (Wednesdayl mien:eon, at 2 0 °look. VOY.--On the Eta 'Mutant, Martin Evoy, aged 36 7 7u g e lseeil t on a-i bothve a e hs tnut i,gWed BBo a ah Ma r&W- e-14%! 4 - 2 4= Itth Lila/nes P. Ellis, in the 4M !eel of his ag. Funeral &iv his Fite reerdenoe, No. 604 North ligaveeth em it t ErgiOrr l tt i ttil ;Tr, E n lititeal l' onVo k Of John , F i purke, and dayehter f ib Brady, aged 41 «.41 1 11r LTNlTMNl l , o igiviozmrtzt ing, at 9 o'clock.. _ lUOURNING SILKS.—BESSON SON oassitr7T7=datrOrtiri"9". No. WI BILK COthiVire :14410a Grains, Pt de Noted, Oros de Mines, "Pideormothipdkilta, - ,artackand striped Bilk., Foulards, ' r! 461.11" 74 1 63: . .6 at i latakSLKß. ,:ay and pup'', gray sod block. curate add white, and black and whitcdreas &Ike, black and whibonalt 0,0404 caripaa Bilks, black and white, black and dad plain liidd oulard Bilks. miali) IarMOTIDE.—TIME FOLLo,l7lo.4lifr bogrhrgh:er aiti'airdisimilyntont of coupons ititi JlMllmy atitt,Lo. Ataa owl inoggildr - Qim ilening szp i ricrioceuvorys. I. ono 110011rind=186 of Pittaburg. Fort rsil:o. and Oideago Railroad canary otion 7 par cent. with coupons, including ono duo Januargi. Wt. - ' D. M. SWARD. Crr - ' LECTURE BEFORE THE PIERIAN - IMITITU eh, by WILLIAM ftOIIKRTn, Jr., 01 11. E. eornerof .ffintb and Senor Garden street'', pa IL DAV evening, tbifl3d inst.. at TR ci cloak, Sob- Het. .Ifinall Vi 010." WO piddle of both sexes pt. whoa. -Adraisaion free. rinal-gt ter". • tiPIitITUALISM.-1111155 EMMA HAlt - L 1. 3. DINO It, of Nes York, one of the most able an 4 nest epithets of-thitme. Wilt lectors et CON C RIM A L, on TOURfiDAYthe had led., at I 0 stook. clots 10 CORM ' Fat . sale at 8. Barry's, Fourth sod leeteut strews ; Plo.Miltortti Ninth etreet I NO Prank he Motet lll Spring %Men street ;44 Ocean street i NO Atek street ; or et the doer or the halt. tablatt. Alt VMS REQUEST OF MANY OF Tr . our *leisure. R.Py. A. 4. WILLITB most 7. oosolor, and poittiOtio lootors " A Plea for gpalrrOoa In IS s TrNAI, _HAD 4. Jilliftg ET Br., aboeurwsotb.orr-Tll ItBDAY EVES 0, March W. Tickets* amts.: or sale et the _ll'lll64W book t r i aorVlLA t tt ; bestow. °Messrs Borns & MOON , 'roost; And at, the door. Doors o ■at 'frootrossmos at IS o'clock. - robla-se - SANK Or COMMERCE, PRILADEL. 13;t . 9111#, , lt Web 11. tote. 40 s t4V - Tin!Woll:P tie D 1 ,114tneihid rbrii•frEali.4.ene': tr:A:m. ar i . i/ ha figli be rre . Law PI, a. A lrer anaelnicrinly tort e ,. ,iethipron tk.; lbelle et . II?. maw, 117 I =6'o. Spud.. ebilt-ite* -. ; , ROME FIBBER. lee Preeldent. • '' ie ' j2 16- , 11 / 1 ,1- ti 0 14 ead .-creArattnin6. - 041% - , et eelocer et Ws TO N. B. Chorildo Fourth nowt, De arw Areb: - , , • - - /lieriler * mi nor will poi Matti IN the Arc Georis ! I blowpipe. N. ' , 7i Rev ; Dr. ,Castw, ritiklie ow, Parr. " -- , Vilat t NAN. 1 1 0 k 0 0 . 1D F1T, 5 1 . ,7144. : J ... GLAUDINO. Committee, ; ablZ4t lirr'. AND fir yfiIs_rkiILADELPAIIA AND SNA.l)ilfo MAILMOAD COMPANY. " . "1 . rilimen,lBoo, .Thit hoiden of the limb of tide Company, deepily f t NHL sea eseerrepeive , upon sheilolitlotilit th is omodi le Pi.reest. hi Vaiih, iiposl the terms named lo the ono*- , larerd . ,_. 1 Nampa oleo ootttlad to thibotisit pra O AN! MO 01 , 111/ikee her Ku l it, se established by the rheu at tbeir Milt meetifie. held Ammar, ii, , aad la pareasekale or oontractoro u tred /el by l':4 111,17111141 , Imi " 1 ram i t ! ai t Z . the "ii: Ailitit. dr' tad Readfair leo Joist I. teas. an a s ?VIII I tLt. timer the MARRIED. WED. po nod of • the lords VW the ;mum atiouttoids • aMaid samosa fOr utheAold i er i Am. ala•P; a•texiNmitt =Eti • c & t „ • 1.., f ct ELpiim ; • wEDNEs D A T ., mutes- - IC — i 3 INIOVI4Vti l a 1. • n iklo4tis „, Ems,. it:811114:AMbtall eu phialra or tiltat' *al agiVAStr i Altie . g PatiOVilgt b a nuditlor ten don after the ambit ex*" • CART. • TO two PUBLIC. nrotieeil of the onkel o a portion of our men, nbout one -4111 10i tneWheile number employed. and In *Over tisement o assomatmn which engendered, and le .., endegiv° .. do f to. maintitin. an antagonism between work ano employer., having appeared in the papers, we ge them to oolvect the mutruitemefts. in yin men t ts t r true that ars are deeirto p s mit s e t tree tnat we n ifr ; 4s rt r nib, which "have rm i u d‘Wit lel %Ten abrogate is se }414 vie : st iiifl i re a rtga l arti lie rtietri b riZe o r r trn f ir, anaitis crated every one will do part cheerfully when as led nn," him naa ovemition to:eare and two Months', Without teration or modi eallon. aim print ed in begs tope, and oonspionously p in every work- , room And aims opt establishment alnee January, 1555. This was the find end only 'Baia we ever had on the subject. Previeus to thieve had no published rules, and overwork was cone at various ratite, as foreman and MS agreed upon ; but generally, and prineirelly,at time end quitter time or 25 per cent advance on day'sweixes. II making the rale the pries was fixed at the highest overate rates of other City shops; work done at the rates xed is a loss to the Proprietor , We therefore T abOliehild, and so worded the role—i. e., wales To end on no eit i tiir amo overwork permit it. To show our atm on of we will state that, during the year. 0 r 1969, the average amount of overwork pa .r man was three hours. and the diffe ranee to the map, 11 hie wages are en per day. is 15 cents per annum, viii at our Meg 76 cents, at the esioolation's otteit 90 sent& It Is evident, front this statement, that it is but a plea to get the control oFsbope in which their members are employed, and to prevent it znoloyment of any who are not members of the associat on. and as a further proof of this, we quote the 2d • 401 the con ablution of the association : The.objetta of this Union shall be to unite and ait soomte together as far as 'practicable, the efficient workmen of the two trades represented In this Aseoolll. ben, for thyself-pose of securing concert of Mtion in whatever may be regarded as oonducive to their united interests, lit he attainment of a fair rste of wages. the shortening o and rendering uniform the hours of labor, the fixing era Dipper ratio or apprentices to Journey men,, the proteation of the regniarly-eperentioed me chanic, nod the abolltunt of obnoxiotui and oppresetve rules in Workshop,. This organisation.' screening itself from iiistonaibi lity by its 'worst character, not only governs its own members, but peeks, by intimidation and threats, to prevent those from working who are anxious and wit to do as They declare in the! preamble that The relation between capita and labor must, of necessity, (so tor as ,the time o the latter is con cerned.) result in an antagonism of interests.' We think otherwise,and intend to manage our own basinese in the recognition of the mutual interests *s ng between our men and ourselves. No objection te the practical operation of our roles has been manifested by our workmen satin g irde pendentlg of this associstiort Many of those who are members freely express their_ regrets at the strike, and would resume work at onus if free to follow their own it iri n tritils statement we leave the matter to the Judg ment of the yobbo. rabid .1 W. BALDWIN & CO. RETAIL DRY GOODS. SPRING OPENING. THOS. W. EVANS lb CO. FIRST OPENING OF '•,e t - THURSDAY, 22d Inst., TUX ♦UUOETYINT WILL COMPRIB2 ALL THB LATEST PARIS NOVELTIES. 818 and 888 CHESTNUT STREET. men-st NEW I3IL4KS. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. Reiroottally ennowsoe to the puLblio that they have JUST OPENED. And offer for the week, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OP NEW SILKS. 11JEJT LANDED FROM TRH eTtAMER JUBA, ALL NEW STYLES. AND ELEGANT GOODS, NEVER OFFERED IN AUCTION,* BUT WILL SE RETAILED AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. A LARGE LOT OF RICH FIGURED BLACK SILKS, AT ONE DOLLAR PER YARD The above, with their immense stook, forms the moist auertment in the oft,. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. mb93-3t - 1860. SPRIN 1860. NEW FANCY, GOODS L•. J. LEVY Be. Co. WILL OPEN, ON MONDAY NEXT, SO II OI.IIES OT XXIV AND siLtuvrin 0000 a 1011 LAOIS'S SPAIN() a moat DRESSES. Justhended from STEAMER AFRICA. This addition to the auortment maimed b 7 previous arrivals, maker up one of the , CHOICEST STOCK! of new and beautiful fabric.' which have ever been pre sented to the public.. Thor will be offered at very mo derate prollta. 809 AND 811 011138TNUT STREET. Mora l% INC mhl94t 18 60; ENGLISH HOSIERY. 1860. L. J. LEVI' & CO. Heys now in store a full assortment of ray ' SUPERIOR ENGLISH HOSIERY, Comprising their natal full assortments for SPRING AND SUMMER, Op SILK, MERINO AND CASHMERE SKIRTS AND DRAWN:RC mhlo-18 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. 1860. OPENING-. 1860 . THIS MORNING, AND DURING THE WEEK. SPRING , MAWI'ELIETiIi AND NEGLIGE CLOAKS. Ii Emit Varlet,, et the PARIS .MANTILLA EMPORIUM. • J. W. PROCTOR, irohl7-tf No. 708 CHESTNUT Street. REAL 0 ASHMERE KNITTING REAL ZEPHYRS, in double, mask', or split, are offer -4 ed, r the present, At _ _ %WS i l tdri RE n i i , I MAM N ARE Bo elsewhere. Iffmt. J. % I. M. SON, TRIMMING% R _,_A.MO Zgr t igli t ,,,.. hall 4 It v ran. and 0 • SHETLAND WOOL BERLIN QUALITY C sionlerst IB TliturY, BAR I EL ; f AfirYBIL TW atui ßLe ea" , kffatil er: NSW; BTYLI OF Roam& AA.ttmw"durtlatitbrumuilis. BKELE Dpi SRftTS. THE BEST IS THE CHEArEO, 1860. 1860. ei WOVEN GORE TRAIL" SKELETON SKIRTS. iniNgraisir, DE PARIS. , • These fashionable Goods Met with nniveraal favor by the Critical Trade; and for QUALITY OP MATERIAL, EXCELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP, AND SYMMETRY OF FORM, These GOods stand FOR BALE EVERYWHERE BY THE TRADE. As there are many worthless imitations, Ladies should be particular to see that OUR NAME is stamped upon the Smut of Every Skirt, as a sure guarantee of qua lily. OSBORNE dc CHEESMAN. Al 4 80MA, mhlllwfmlna CONNECTICUT. NEW PUBLICATI ON 11. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS Publiehea by SHELDON & CO., 116 NAVBAU Street, New York. NOW kNADY, A oompaillon volume to PRIME'S EUROPE AND THE EABT SWITZERLAND. By B. !Rasmus Pamir, D. D.. Author of" Europe and the East," "Power of Prayer," " Bible in the Levant," &0., &o. 'lllustrated with six choice views of Bwlsa scenery. I v01.1kn0....».. ILLUSTRATIONS. INTERLACHEN AND THE SUNGFRAU, THE MONUMENT AT LUCERNE. THE DEVIL'S BRIDGE, • HOSPICE OF ST. BERNARD. CHAMOUNI AND MT. BLANC, UNDER THE GIESBACH FALLS, A few of the subJeete treated of are t . . Balee and the Rhine; An Alderman in Trouble; English Manners; Girls in Holiday Dress; Constantin and Zurich; A Decaying Town; Fat Woman on a Donkey; Ascent of the Rini; Sunrise; Glory of the View; Getting Down Again ; Fat Man Done Up; Lnoelne and the Land of Tell; Avalanches; Ramble Among the Peasantry ; Hay-making ; Pass of St. Ootbard ; A Lady in Metro's ; My New Friend; A Wonderful •Youth ; Glaciers of the Aar ; My Leap and Fall ; Pedestrianism; Beggars ; Glorious Mountain Scenes; Battle with Bugs ; Wengern Alp; A Real Avalanche; The Sungfrau ; Cretin, and Goitre; Inquisitive Lady; The Char-a bane ; Monks; A Monk's Kiss ; First flight of Mont Blanc; Geneva; Dr. Malan ; Dr. Clauasin;SaxonSwits: A Model Guide, Re. THE ELEMENTS OF INTELLECTUAL PHI LOSOPHY. By FRANCIS WAYLAND. D. D Ivo!. 12mo, Prtoe 81.25. This valuable work stands, without question, at the head of Text-books in the line of Intellectual Philoso phy. It is the work of a great mind whioh has had the largest experience in teaohina, and combines the result of many years of the most laborious 'renewal. It has already been extensively introduced into our colleges and higher seminaries of learning. Xlo teacher or pro fessional man should be without it. AN OUTLINE OF THE NECESSARY LAWS OF THOUGHT: A TREATISE ON PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC! By WILLIAM Twozerson, D. D., Provost of the Queen'a College, Oxford. 1 vol. 13mo, cloth. Price el. This book has been adopted as a regular Text-book in Harvard, Yale, Rochester. New York University, ato. VIRGINIA BAPTIST MINISTERS. By Nev. SAC. B. TOLTLOIo With an introduction by Rev J. B. Jsrza, D. D. In two Beries—sl.2e each. told separately i(deaired, This will be round a most intareatting work. Than sands will amanita in these Memoirs a truthful por traiture pf men who were loved for their work's sake. RESTER AND I; BEWARE OP VORLDLINP S 3 1 vol. HMO. Price .50 coati. SHELDON at CO. have been making large additions to their list or SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, .They have now ready about 400 volUmes , all valuable books, itub. imbed an the beat style and fully illustrated. bend for IL 4. co: oomplete Catalogue a RIIIMAI-Oebool /Mu. Moslem SHELDON it 00. beg to aunOunee, es nearly ready for publication. a IrEW BOOK. by the author of ()RAMO TRUMAN, Mrs. S.M. FORD, of Louisville ,Kr. MARY BUNYAN, THE DREAMER'S BLIND DAUGHTER. The great popularity of the author's 'ormer work (of wh.eh about 30,000 copes have been sold) will secure for this one thousand), of reader.. it truant the history of a period of most traria interest; the religious persecution and intolerance gulch marked the reign of Charism If. of England, and the trials and suffering, through which Banyan was willed to pass, to order to prepare him to be the author of the immortal " hboals's Ploessmi." THE FLORENCE . STO-RIES. Vol 2-otustent—By /mon Annoys', author of the " Rollo Books," /to., with instructions &joined by Herziok. 1 vol. Unto. Prue W oents—uniform with "Florenoe end John." THE OAKLAND ,_BTOtIE B . Vol. s—coVISIN Guy—By 0 go. B. TAYLOR, of Vitg, nia, with illustrations, designed by Lumley. 1 vol. 16mn. Price 60 cents—uniform with " Kenny." ABBOTT'S AMERICAN "HISTORY. VOL 1. - -ABOaloiltAL AMERICA—DT JACOB ABBOTT, 1111- that of the " Rollo Booha," Ro. Barbell imbed with twenty illustrations, in the best style, from original de signs, by Darley, Stephens, Yorkine, Derrick, Mullins, Demons, Chenin, and °then, ivol. Hino. Price 76nents. 1 mh2l-we2lWlt W . ILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES THE GREAT FAMILY AND SPORTING PA PER oe AMERICA, for this week, will contain the first letter from Loudon of Ita eater and proprietor., Mr. (Moms Wilkes, who le there for the purpose of giving a full report of the various events in which American in terests are so closely concerns°. The SPritt' will also contain graphic letter from John Heenan 'agent, a and all the latest moidents connected with the coming contest for the Championship of the World. together with a full report of the gallant battle between Maoe and Travers, with all the latest news of every descrip• lion. Secure your copies early. It. WHAT THE CRITICS SAY OF HAW THORNE'S OREAT ROMANCE, THE MX.II.BIJE FAUN ; OF THE ROMANCE OF MONTE BENI. "Man exertion of poetic and imaginative?power, it takes as Cigna. diva, and certainly a far wider sweep Romany of his former efforte."—Phila. North Amen- • . " Every way worth _y of the high and peculiar fame of the writer. Y. Evening Post, "We are charmed beyond expression with hie ex quisite _pictures of Italian scenery and works of art."— N..Y. Independent. N. As a_poem to prose, breathing of the sunny South, it Is the best key to Rome, past and present, ever fabri eated."—Phifa. Press. "The story possesses a seductive enticement, which few 'will be inclined to resist. It abounds in sweet and gentle episodes, illustrative of Italian nfe, vivid de• soriptions of some of the most celebrated works of art. and_prolound discussions of seethed° prinemica."—N. Tr Y. ibune. " The story. as a story, is rnansigedwith singular art istic power, both in regard * to protons' Minot and hte rary notatruotioi. " The ent ire romance le a stroke of the old Hawthornean magic. "—Saturday Rinsing Pest. THE EIGHTH THOUSAND f 8 NOW READY. 2 vole., leino. $l6O. mlal-when 'MAN OK& FIELDS, Publishers, Boston. OPENING OF RICH PARASOLS. LE BOUTILLIER BROTHERS WILL OPEN, ON TH lIRSDAY, MARCH 22, A Large Assortment Of RICH PARASOLS. Whloh they are enabled to offer At Manufacturers' Prices ALeo, 16 LOTS OF SILKS FROM AUCTION. mb7l•3t* DIA CHESTNUT Street. ESTATE OF JADIES 0. DONNELL, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on the estate of JAMES C. DONNELL, deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, alt persons indebted to the said estate are rermented to make payment, end those having olaime agslnd the same are to present them to SAMIAL 2i. I'e.RKINS, 627 Walnut Street, ADOLPH E. BORIS, athal-wet Mg lames street, Raeoutors. CONUNDRUM.—Why is a stump politi matt like a whale t Because they are both ',pouters. " Very like a whale' Dan Rice may put the shove in his vorAbulary, on condition that he sena torus at lewnt one let of 'INBAR 13.61(YdEN T PAT rEfurs, at No. 30-1 BRESTNI.II 4 Street, third story. in the taty of Bro therly ova. mhui Zit' J. R. BIIANKLAND. WHITE CURTAINS. ENCLISII LACES for 42,82 60,83.4 . 4, 13 gnd 07 a nem, wide and W IL IaItRYL & B 0., lormirl; o 21.6 t 719 OtlEtaft UT street. TWENTY-FOUR PHOTOGRAPHS, suitable for Waiting cards, for $1.60. Ambroty Res at all tittnen. ITUOTITIOT POOLOPOOTOS for 03, twelve for e 6, akILSIMEIt'd Battery, Ist CUND street, above GREEN. It" REIVARD.—Lost, on the 20th inst., yrE-0 a package containing notes of into, es. &0., of no vslne exoept to the owner. The honer will receive the above reward by bringing the nemeses to this office. n. GOPF 9 PATENT KNITTING MA CHINE. Salesrooms 715 CIEENTNUT Street. ze• WM. C. sAvAor, & CO.. Agents. OARPETiN Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrain, and Venitian Car petings. Also, American Carpetinse and Oil Clothe, in great venal for sale, at the lowest cash prices. by REEVE Ip KNIGHT. Importer and Dealer. 263 bomb SECOND /went, mb2l.lm AboVe Berme, west sole. GOLD BO1VD: WINDOW SHADES, BC to en faiolt. W. H. C & BRO., mh2l-6C 719 OBE 'aNUT Street. e ii ILT WINDOW SHADES wad FIX TURES, ji sack. W, H. CA Rptyl. & BRO., to BAB 79 CHESTNUT btreet. 0118.-7,000 gals Extra Eleaehed Whale Oil, 8 000 soh hxtra Bulged Whale OIL 102 bbls Pure 'Tanner's 011. in store and for sale by ROWLhY, Al3HßUltkitß, & CO , mbZl - lO Routh WHARVES. TU BOOKBELLERS AND 'STATlON gßs.—Steroomoopiq Instruments< manufactured in carton mesa and 4usuties; eteremoopio theft, re flout), imported from Lindland and , Fran., and sold - at the tomtit, tuto.o to the trade by, < • / •/ • - • • - an. J. FRANKLIN, Mbirdilr 118 tOlittu at,, betow umlaut. SALES AUCTION' ' $ 01T1,04 F N s *YEAS, ()LAWLOR CO., AIIOTIONtRIL9, No. Sigh MARKET Street, corner of HAM target, WILL BOP A EIPEOIAL AND ATTRAOTIVS SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS, Of the laieortattee of MESSRS. L. do .13:0ORTIS /z 00., NEW YORK, On WEDNESDAY. Mnroh 21st, 1910, fly CATALOGI73, ox NIX MONTHS' Comp rjoing a °complete and moral aosortmont of FRENCH, OEKhali, AND SWISS RANGY AND STAPLB DRY GOODS, To whloh the early end epee al attention of local and distant !rulers is pertioularly requested. Included In this sale will be found a greet variety of SUPERB DRESS GOODS, BOTCH Al Blob fanny and black Bilks, Organdies, Grenadines, Balzonnes, Challin, Poplins, Barnes, Florldlennes, Mousselines,Hernanies; Foulards, Oros de Brilliants, Moire Antiques, Oros de Rhine*, Plain and figured Poult de Roles, Barege and Organdy Robes, km, gro., in plain. .printed, and won't figured stylei, and of the latest and riohest Paris designs, finish and colorings. Also, plain, plaid, and striped &ninon. Also, about lag fola rich Bonnet Ribbons. Also, a splendid line of neve ityloe Summer Also, Stella and Broohe loggs and square Vienna Shawls. N. B.—For further particulars see auction head. MERE, °LAWMAN, A Co., Anotioneers PIIILADZiPI/1.1., March 16, 1860.. _- BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAL •V• 4 %.^.• - BUM STREETS, goo CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. TWENT UA , TRADE SALE 11.14/Wai 5 1 1 . 1 A - 12L N ,Pa rA. On Wednesday Itorninei March 38, at 10 o'oh.ok, at the BAZAR, NINTH AND iIIAtISOM STREETB, i Will ln told— he rear or the . 4 Continental Rotel.") oe s Over Two Hundred and Fat , CARRIAGES, nolluding fifty of Dunlap's best Buggy Wagons, with and without to e. • Moat of the work will be warranted, - *fir No postponement on account of the weather. NW Bale peremptory. Terms cash. ALI. BED M, BERS.NESS, Auctioneer, 0, 50 DUNLAP WAGONS AT AUCTION. The eubccriber will cell at auction, at the Trade Bele of Alfred M. Herknen, On Wednesday Meriting, 28th March. at 10 o'clock , at the PIiII,ADRIAPIkkhZ6AR,,,NIN:r II AND RANSOM A t gi ABOUT FIFTY BUGGY WAGONS. With and without tops; and some light Germantown and Rookawar Wagons. Wi , " These wagons are built In a saperipr manner. and of the best materials, and are fully isqual, In all re 'poets. in any sold at my factory, or built to order. All of them will be warranted to the purchaser,. WM. DUNLAP. Coaohmaker FIFTH. and BUTTONWOOD liltreas , m140.6t if Philadelphia. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE OF 1,100 CARTONS FRENCH FLOWERS, At Six Months' Credit, On THURSDAY MORNING, March 22, cornmenolnr atlo o'clook preoieely. The particular attention of the trade is invited to this sale, which will comprise a full and complete arreOrt moot of the newest and moot choice styles, Just landed and never exhibited for private sales. PllT'Samplee arranged for examination early on the morning of sale, B. SCOTT, Jr., Auctioneer, mh10•It 431 ITEIRSTNUT ST R ONT. NOTICES. NOTICE! NOTIOE ! I NOTICE! ! can have any Bookyou see Adverused sent to your Address, rosT-Emu. oy one hays any article you wish that cannot be obtained 'albs city or town you, re side. sent to your address lower than You Oaala buy It yourself. Rend for a Cataloguo, and Address • JOHN MORAN, General Purchasing Agana", wth.lo bid iltVi'• ISO Bouth'PßlßDst., Philadelphia - - ngmovALs. E. KNORR - do CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES,,BRANDIES, GINS, ETO., RAVE REMOVED FROM &Ai WALNUT BT., ARP AICHIMP!. ST., TO , 631 MARKET STREET. Four doors below SEVENTH. north side. znh2Q-Int REMOVAL. TESISF: WILLIAMS fnforms his friends and the public that he has removed his place of business _from Rewind street to ni0.721 ARCH STRISHT,4doers below Eighth, soden wing, Where he Intends keeping a general assortment of seasonable PRY GOODS, to wtubh he respectfully in vites their attention. Pratt netrnia,36 mo. 20th, • mh2o-6t* SAML. N. DAVIES it SON, BILL BROKRRS, HAVE REMOVED TO No. tab POCK OTRZET. VW3I. D. KELLEY AND GFEORGE A. 128 v fl.,?,°Scrat3g:nlinskelintt" removed to REMOVAL.---SMALLOLIANDUIR,, WHOLESALE OROOENahavniemoved from 03 North lfzuOND Street, to IL 3 MARKET dtreet. above Front. north side. Jai " CATARACT " WASHING MACHINE, (Eistrald'e Patent, ()debar t 6, 7868.) Consisting of a metal cylinder, with oleeta on the in ner surface, and an interior cylinder of wood, with Meets. Una °rank turns both cylinders at the same time in opposite directions. rapidly creatin a suds, forcing the water through the clothes, and e ffectually removing the dirt. THE ONLY HAOHINE EVER JNYRNTED COM BINING THE FOLLOWING REQ,UHUTIEN: FIRIT-A glitlNO OP FROM ONIZ PAU" TO TUREN QUARTER! IN TiME. 811COND-A IMLAY( PAVING OP LA908,11.171)11ING BE ING TNTIFIRLT DIIPP2SRD AVIV'. . . TRIED—A REMAREACLII SAYING OF CLOTHES, AS THEY ARE THOROUGHLY CLEANSED, WITHOUT INJURY TO THE FINEST TARRIES. iT itionountLy CLEANSES FLANNELS, WITH NO POSSIBILiTY OF SHRINKING TRIM. FOURTH—PERNECT SIIIPLICITI OF CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT, COMBINED WITH GRILLE DURA BILITY. By the use of these maehinee---eo mad end thorough in theiroyeration—morn family comfort will be realiried than by any housekeeping article ever befoi,'. offered to the public,. They are equally . valuable, either for large or email establishments. A mtiehine can be seen in operation doily at N0..101 JON bo' ALLEY, NEAR FBONT STRZET, trloost el 4, and SIC aotiording to etre. A It born! discount to the trade. BULL! VAN & HYATT. Manufacturer'', No. V. Bookmark Street. Now York. mh2O-tf if JAMES BLOOD'S PENNY POST—For .the de livery of Letters Circulars, and Pamphlete of Bank, Insurance, and meeting nonce, throughout the cite, and for the ()enaction of lettere for U. S. mails. Boxes for the reception of Letters, &e.. at most of the principal druid and other stereo thronehout the cit 77. t3ollections from all the boxes FOUR TIMER EA= DAY, for city delivery. Letters for U. B. Mails collected and delivered to the Post Office FIVE TIMES 1i CII DAY, an evening col lection being made at 7 o'clock P. M., to meet the night mails. City delivery, one cent each letter, it prepaid, or two cents collected on delivery. Let. era to the Post Office and answers to advertisements must always be prepaid. Directed maniere, cards, or pamphlets, in quantities, delivered at very low rates. Invitation and weddrng cards will be delivered with out stamp or mark of any kind, at a charge of two cents each, a separate assorting being made of such matter, and especial care being given them. Insurance companion. socie ire, Lanka, ke., using a lame number of stamps, supplied at a discount. Dispatch and Government stamps for sale at alt the principal box station. /Memel mimeses sent from the office to all parts of the city, at a charge of five cents and upwards, word ing to thalami,. Persons advertising in the papers, under any word or name, care of Blood's Dispatch, by sending their ad d teas to the office, can have all answers enveloped and Cent tc them without ohnrge. , Private totter-Nma at the office. for the convenience of advertisers, andpersone having much correspond ence. Bent. ono dollar for six months. I,fonw o a t ' drr e e l av a e n d d n o o t r h,e d r e °re of fy intrinsic a e value,n Poet. except by epeeist messenger, in which ease the article must be left at the principal office, and regis tered; and the proprietors of box stations are requested in all cues to ranee such artiolea Notice that the nom. if "Brood's" is on every box and sign before you deposit your letter,. Applications will now be received from persona de siring tamesin their stores. and the boxes supplied wen the neighborhood will warrant it. New signs are being inade,end will be ruTniebed to every station in the course of a few weeks, and new boxes to each station in a few months. The stations will be supplied with as many of the new show cards as desired. t heproprietor will cone'der It a favor to receive in formation from any person of the slightest neglect or delay on the part of the curiers. KOCIIERSPERGE R. Blood's. Penny Post (Mee, No. 42 Pouth PIP rn dtreet. COAL OIL IN BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS, MANUFACTURED AT rue WALLIONDING COAL OIL WORKS, Ani for sale in store, or to arrive, by WILSON do MERRITT. GENERAL AGENTS, SOS MARKET STREET. The attention of the trade is called to the above OIL, as has no superior, and Is. for cuaiipy, brilliancy, mine, etc„ the cheapest 011 ever offered in thin market. We invite allparties interested to call at our office, or send for a sample, and examine for themselves. Sales O nly by the package. inhla-tf if SEEBOLD & BRO 'S fine Baltimore TOMATOES oen be had every day in the week, and the eniy_place in Philadelphia at Steil 23 FRANK LIN MARKET. Sold open from a pint to anymhlll quan- tiy. sete JOHN DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN DOMEnTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 'HODS lON. TEXAS. Collectione matte andneempt remittance: Sight Newange, at current rates, on New You r , Boston, or Origami. SIEVERS TO CRESCENT CITY BANK. New Orleans. Menem KENNINGS & GOSLING, New York. W. lI—PRICE, Es Now York. Messrs. YI iiRCE & q.. BACON. Boston. table-lroir WALL AND CURTAIN PAPER.- Great Inducements to o_ash buvere. Entirely lie ve stas ke f t o; tr igr . ing trade . No. SI BIXTBB , mbs-tm* .J. E. VAN r‘rETER. OSIN.-1,500 bbls Shipping „Eosin, in AAA store and for solo bs • ROWLEY,_ABHBURNER, nll,l is le With WHARVES. fORY.GOODS JOBBE*I.;' IDRESS GOODS ANDYSDAIVIS. • aoticHuA. E. BALLY. I NO. 21$ MARKET STREET, , INVITRII ATTENTION ' To A SUPERB ASSORTMENT OF DRESS. GOODS AND • SHAWLS. From the great AUCTION SALES. Now open, and for gale far below the • COST OF 1 IMPORTATION. mhn.ir ALLENDALE QUILTS, BY THE CABE, FOR SALE BY JOSHUA L. BALLY, Ql3 MARKET t3TRSET.- mh7l•tf TER"' PRICE, & CO., Oki MARKET STREET, EMPORDWA AND 1033111 01 CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB, Have now on hand' a large and well•seleoted stook, which they are premixed to sell at the lowest market T W. GIBBS & SONS. No. ggl MARKET STREET, Are now opening their SPRING STOCIC-,07 GOODS Masted to M E N'S' WEAR. In which will be toting a hill asportinent of OLOTIIB. DOESKINS, VERTINGS, TRIMMINGS, Ice. le,!-gm A . W. LITTLE & C 30.. 'SILK •GOODS. • No. 826 MARKET STREET. fa-sm JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 00.. INNORTNIII AND WNOLNEIALII DIALARN VI DRY GOODS. LINKS'®, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIMKRES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, Lo , No. 7 CHESTNUT Strait. WINES AND LIQUORS. PURE AMERICAN WINES From the most eminent Wine powered NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, and PENNSYLVANIA• Spar Wing, Still, Sweet. Dry and Communion WINES, Warranted the PURR JUICE OF THE GRAPH. ALBERT4I. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, hl4-tt Oontor ELEVENTH and VINE Street., : CALL ATTENTION OF THI TRAD,S to We really Superior article ALFRED 11.ENAIJD COONAO. A supply in eeported pack ir: oonstantly on hand. 9tterempaved_ f i v i lireot megatt e Lormion and lEtiMnd, elaretiMocel c fed suaa i tSempapies, hi ll t a "'ill*. • 7. ! } lB NigatiZt agaGE WHITELIPrak, Atibtit `4...4 . . NO.llllBouthnONT lamorter of Brandy, Wutes, km, °fere , to boad - only, the follow ing, =Mai other of brand met, Caatillon, & Co.' ' Thee. Wass k 01," ales, Robin, & Co. -. Fard,,Thaill7 • & 101).•1 Cameos etto: effes rt . ,. 4 57: tr. gitimit.,_ lffOra t irPrO [Won.' Jai. itonneay. no, 8 mart's retie:ay Melt Whiskey, an the oholoeet LarAtiee of Mediurs t itherry, tort, .Thargandy, and ino Win*, ?Lim of- tim, JeeeeteL Won, Beats Ores Rum. Bordeaux Oi . ho.. to eft-IL WATCRES, JEWELRY, 4c. • BUTLER Sc McCARTY, NO. 18.1 NORTH ISZOOND STREET, IMPORTSRS AND DIAIIERS IN ENGLISH,' SWISH, AND AMERICAN WATCHES. mke-tmos PINE JEWELRY, A.- AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. F. P. DUBOSCF. & BON. AnUSACTITZEtte AND orpowntss. Have now on hand a full assortment of Set Peed Pearl and Jet, /Amman, and Enamelled Jewelry, of the best quality. NO. 1028 CHESTNUT STREET, Also, a full assortment °lnstal Ware. 13. W. PEPPER. fe22-iirtm3m : Superintendent. JOSEPH B. COOPER, MATCH MAKER and J$ WELBR, No. OS SPRUCE treat. Suit door below IXTH. Particular attention given to Repairing Watches, Clocks, and .lewelti. femme. UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER 8o FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AIM PARASOL MANITEAOTUREERS, lie. 338 MARKET STREET, fey-$m PHILADELPHIA. LOOKING GLASSES. OOHING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON 'Ravi now in store every hap and choice aseortntent of LOOKING GLASSES, aLL TSB BEST FRENCH PLATES, • And of a quality superior to any imported during the t few years. The designs are of the newest and moat elegant character. inalang all the French and r unbolt novelties. booking Glasses made to order, to fill every laharaoter of space, and at the very lowest rates. Di la mates furnished. on application by mail or otherwise. PIbATEd, without Frame', at very low _p mei. ENGfIAVIPIati, PORTRAIT . PICTURE, and P.llO - FRADdhlti---the finest collection in the country. EARLE'S GALLERIES, rnhl-tf 816 CHESTNUT STREET. POLITICAL. RECEIVER, OE TAXES. , • JOHN C. REIXF.R_,_ FIFTEENTH WARD. MO' &Moot to Demooratio rules. mhls-11t• FOR CITY CONTROLLER, GEORGE W. HIIFTY, _ mbl2-tn FOURTEENTH WARD Ili' Subject to the rules of the People's Party. CITY CONTROLLER STEPHEN TAYLOR. NINNTZNNTII WARD. Bubjeot to Demooratio rules. ml•tn" MEDICINAL. ABOUT FIFTEEN YEARS SINCE I was induced to try nbox of RADKIRD'S POW DER for 8040 Lb; C FEVER. and the effect ;produced wets astonishing. I behove it to be one of the beat remedies for Scarlet Fever ever used. JOHN D. DARE, Aran, No. WV North 13 EGON Street, Prepared only by WM. SATTERTH UP, No 967 North SIXTH 1111'8'4 For sall_by_lEsES OOD EN, No_leo North THIRD Btreept; T. w. nyoTr tr. SONS, No. 318 North SE , CONE) Street. mhl7-4t• C H. MATTSON. DEALER IN GROCIERI.ES, FINEST QUALITY. S. W. corner ARM and TENTH Streete mer-tt CARRIAGES. OP TA YAMMAOYURA OP WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 O.ILEBTALIT STRAW. Jl%lOlll, THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET I. Y4T " t tiry 4 "l T N a Su on o.; and for __, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. The importanoe of Phrenology in the training of the young, the welection of occupations and compamona. and in ever! , department of motive life, ia &Hand see knowledged y all intelligent persona who are aosnaint ed with its eats. Written descriptions from daguerreotypes will be sent by mail for twq dollars. Cltalogues b°°""nt grat .l i tiliN L. CAPEN. No. on C HESTNUT Street. sentattgg i.. tnldt-witastnif-ans. SAD SODA. fr Okie prim. kikts 3 9l, 47°N ks 4 8 0 N8 &live r a m t o 4,1„,gr, dellvrrr►d &diinoNrit„,, '1g111 0 . 0 16 ' 7 ' •11 18 ,000. 77 :0 y A B: ls r, ll4 or 17111 ; h res i tour77: 11,2 1;:rt f° y k : Stook of a tfito i =i s sraWa t rkotl . • fat , Np f c g d. l ifidorid for igiinereet, Addrissa.,tn.7 at Ups office. NVANT ED-A situation, by a young Man or baninbee await!' and good eltarsetar, who can speak German fluently, in a wholesale naaaa, rational' travelling agent or inisman. The beet oreit?; and eou , _ntry reference, given. Addis* ' .1. B. W, Ness once. • - • _ rah2l-3t* AVANTED—A Situation by s Young Man • T or good antecedents.to act as 8 akf5 166 V4 Book keeper, or Commandant. Bows and writes einalfeh. Ge i and Yeomen, fluently. Pole not object to travel hog either !tooth or Weet, as he bee an altegove ao• unmral:lee thernuilloat this thslot Memo oddness* af. A. L. box tat, Pinisdeinhis mblll.ll,* WANTED—A 'Widcw Lady, or a gall =Widow to take a house elusaatter *Mott in the tforf hweetent part of the mg: to Booed a nommen for the Rent.— beet referees.. Wes and Man's& ' dress 't M. D." at this °Mee. • • tehlEet* WANTED -Dien to treiteiet the busi• nee of the UTILITY` WORIESAU the South ern, Western. and !diddle fltatee.' Suitable Teri m° 044 SCOUT. pertnatryant employment and Morel 0001tania tiell by applying to .• .1. J. Itinele k Co., VI Walnut street." „ . _ , tuhiblt!. LANTE D—A Salesman in -a white goods sad embroidery bowie. To a mita arks oan mammas a math or prompt-ft months trade„p liberal cofteimatlon will, De snowed. t ddreae, rtn real name and referamoe. ' !Vest "rade, Kress plum mbp-2t. ECHANIOS WANTED. — Msehiniate A-L4 sad , Blacksmiths will find study eftionamkt, 11 0 0 a wager, anAnrmnytfort h at . nalit.wfmnai Cor. BROAD and natlvran stmoots. ANTED—By a young man, intuition VV • V as Book-kaarot or Agitates' in a abate's% eatablighm"nt. Beat of ally reimpose given. Address B. P." °Mos of this piper. - - /2/1/74V WANTED —l,OOO Ladies to send for V BE RIERVE great book, Every yetrof mar FA4 woman oontemptsbni holy weelook skould .Itvf. la= book. EsoloiteN maw to bok ragadelpaisr.o. feu Imo FOR SALE AND TO LET. COTTAGE - FOR - SALE —A desira ble Cottage, With lame Gavials. plenty of fruit and shrubbery, stable, ree. Apply to T.L.LarL*FIKLD, TIOIiA Meet, moor Plant road. yabll.6t* OR SA LE.—THE STOCK, GOOD 1' WILL. fiXtaro• and lease (having two7Bll7llto rtlit)ol It Retail Pry Goode Store, one of Wm beet looatone in the city. and doing an ereellinet Wainer, oa aoeogimodatinic tame. ANA, to SOHN 80 IiaAFFALL Ito. 13 ZlOrth EIGHTH String. obit Pt' gie FOR SALE—A DWELLING HOUSE MR on MGR Straizt. near Xortan. OERMAIITQWN. within law Inincite' welt or the Germantown Depot and • station on thot Chestnut Rill 'Railroad. Tholo house is built of stone, Wiese& and Telfaot l 7 dry, It km Par lor, Itbnity, aria Otillog-700111 WM*/ 11101110111 OS umt door ; four ambers, otore • room, tostb.ramn, Leon woad floor. and Oronochambers on third floor: boater, ram. gag througuout the boozes, rind at random oon- Yeniennia. Stone viable with room for lomat. About WO feet grape vines, atoll coafarit.t;,fiee Z i gkrr aareeo. elm abtmaaace oz met a 114- ko. hot 3114 feet front—can be oonver oetLy ammo. Can be woo SOY ilar, Aare del P.M. Term ea commodatins. Apply to . B. ~COMSgrfi. mb2l-wamft - At the lubteelebta as TO OAPITALISTS.-,FOR, Man: Matayho itock, _And Iriztoures of &litho Men tory Ft.P.SR HANGINtitt, results with every aonoenlenos or (tarrying on au ou t. ourivo busi ness. A desirable investment to swoons of evilly who, can push th e basins . For lOW with or arithusst. the builliun. Inquire et SU C A IBSTNUT Straw joittwfmtt if BART, MONTGOMERY, k. CO. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Store No. JIM. MO Booth WHARVES, above Pine street, run. nine throurh to Water street fajiliyjal feet. ASSIT to S. S. WHELSN & C0.,309 WALNUTS& mh7-wizolmit aTO LET—In Gormointown—A double three-stories dwollang boolos,with modern im provement/46116.round'. otigt,nd./ko. boring of A. HERUESHEIMER. 432 MAWT emu. mhl2-mwiln. BOARDING. BOARDlNG.—Unfarmsked Rooms for Gentleman and wife, where there are but few boarder'. WA CROWN Et.. below Vine street. lt• A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, AND •CIL single Gentlemen. can hwoog_oed board. with plesiant roome. at No. VS CALLOWNILL Bt. lt. TWO PLEASANT CHAMBERS VA CANT. with Bo&M, u» WALNUT Bt. PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—Cash will be paid, and the Mat pries iai for Loihrjad VW' 91T••• OPP MO 13, by mains Sit, onci • "11- ••toh. . •- - zah64X• THOMAS_ LANCASTER, (LATE OF ELEVENTH.. WALNUT srfizzrard HAS OPENED , The elegant and ooramodione . . DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE, CORNER OF SPRUCE AND EIORTEERTH , With an entire new "took of ohs. , nt drags and leathern's, togethennth a lane and wl du- A. sortment of Enema, Freioh, and Senna IMO" ••• - ! i•- ) mhl9-mwa-St - CLOTHS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. , CASSI.MERES, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. VESTINGS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. LADIES' CLOAKINGS, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. BOYS' WEAR, Al' ESHLEMAN'S Wholeinde and Retail Cloth atom No. 626 CHESTNUT Street, Under JAYNE'S HALL. - athlg-mwflot WALTER EVAN'S & CO.'S BOAR'S-HEAD SIX-00ED SPOOL COTTON, Superior to any ever imported, in strength, smoothness, and etalGoor, for =whine or hand sewing. LENGTHS TEARRIIVTED. "We have tried Brans & Co.'s BoarI1:11esd Bowing Machine Cottons. and And them aneellent."-Witrutiztt es WiLeON, M. F. 0. Co.. We Broadway. N. Y.I C. GARVILLE. General Agent, New Yotk. J. B. HOWELL, Agent for Phllddelphls, At FINKLE & LYON'S bEWING MACHINE ROOMS, 91.11 Chestnut street. • mhl7-3m* AWNINGS! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS !! WM. F. SOHEIBLE. 19 SOUTH THIRD STRUT:ABOVE ORESTUT, Manufacturer of Awninee, Plaer, and Fancy Window Awnium All Awnings made at this establishment are proofed to Prevent mildew, inthost extra charge. HEATON eta DENOK LA. - HARDWARE 00MAITS8/0/V MERCHANTS, GOT COMMERCE and 610 NORTH !TAHITI!, AGENTS FOR THE BALE OF OUT NAILS, HOLLOW WARE. CAST, DLISTER,AND GERMAN ' STEELS. Whloh,vith s oomelete assortment of AMERIOAN HARDWARE They offer for ale at MANUFACTURERS , PRICE!!. fell-wfmara If pITILADELPIIIA WARMING AND VENTILATINe 'WAREHOUSE. • NEW GAS-OONSIMING CONE FURNACE. This Warm-Air 711 . 11040 lou now %e n t r y, ' " I. ma cite andtal mats o f irti 1.10 tied Statiul, saa, etft.r Ark? years trial, they hove voted to be the greatest Scoso stligerS of fuel, and meet , IPOWERFUL HEATERS ever used, as huudredsof refersnoes will prove. Call and see them, at ARNOLD & WILSON'S, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. B. M. Fuvrwszt, SNP% mhl7-n&w.len ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS, Manufactured from Pennsylvania Slate Stone, and enamelled and marbleized in imitation of the richest and most rare Etyptie.n Spanish. v erd Antique. Sienna, and other desirable Marbles. They are highly polished,' wi ll not stain or discolor by Oils, Acid., Gee, or Smoke, are six times at, strong as marble, and are sold much cheaper. They have been used in this Country for the last fifteen and in Europe for the last fatty yeaoe,with increased eatiefaction. Aroluteetie. Builders. aarLall in want=edantein, should not fail to MN:BM 010/14 NUM nd for gale by _ ARNOLD WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET, B. M. PaLswzmi, Sop% - Philadelphia. mhl7-sb.wgiu COOKING RANGES. CHILEOINPB PATENT ELEVATED DDDHLH-phi COOKINO RANGE • = Something new and decidedly the hese seehtikiesie elate Coolnpe Range ever hared to the Cur. a fg3:l to stye satisfaction in all 0411011. a 110111301 ARNOLD & WILSON. • 1010 CHESTNUT etTREET. M, Fatiirme Nahaittvilm • . • _ VIITHEATLITAk•niniMIKNO . OM. T-V___ersiorrainzm. Tam (NlTlKtorfr PITIM.Agia ski s ,• . 1110, 711* 0 °STINE. - - • Cfplaii!o:Kouriiim n r: - - - Terrine Wend& wit% bvizot Ocid44. - "i FOsTY ANL' rw.rY. Sous or • Patels.—Aeniadolu. Nadi Sesant 841ctin Dress Cire*.** slots; Yarequt.liamiti. r• ofen ; parentasam earlass prealecy. _ - _ • - WALNUT4ffliklrr TILSATRIC. ika5t...........---Igni•Kl 'T4 tomtemmx.4•7_____.....—..-- • artfrkWeiitillt Dad a TAIII(WEDNI 0 • I kiI7F,PON. SOM. TAB B OF 1111II.LoWl/AB ; It least. B• 41136.11 C4/ACcti 141 Z Mae Mow; Nada In, , mu r. Geordhp: s obotion. Br. L. mamma; David la giir r.l' ar. i, ' , • toosta triassed i rt MOS 4 , Vt DOOM owns at 7 eloek I will Ins* at Mil , nett D I LN 1001fil GREAT. BROW- MjiTIONAL : TNIKALTIN.' WALNUT Iltristi above Nickell. • • • PAiess.-I)yeit 012tio. se asap a Filanioar i l eentai &Ws in ramie iiiith if ~lf We Notes, SAW IN, - CM tat or TIMIL-001/411 OM Ibi • lIIIIIIter bek!" . 1. TONlrrir TT; )fi TN;110 , 61:1N, A Grind Day liatineamist Air irmpso thu i or oaciarzie - THIS cwxvizawAy) :cm . , k....4.ty ff or ct iiiA FEV , KVAM N A lin s n rietWil Will Tear IA lii• mat taw lakel4NaNfai olla bi "ltrautahlrin to ...mots a A IN T N. By the . mot Minded ye in Mantes: ' THE HEART OF . THE ANEW" WlLL'`' CLOSE SATURDAY, fi ler MARCH: ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, lOU CEBOTNUT INTIMET. Om from IA. if. WI r. Adainks U ants mbu.st ' THE EXHIBITION OF .0111711.0H 2 6 GREAT FALL—NIAGARA. AND 04UNOU3P8 :NIAGARA IN WINTER. • EARLE'S GALLERIES. • 816 bliErrairr STRUT, c WILL BOON CLOSE; Bring your ODRA Waimea as It if NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: J- Mr. HENRY DRAYTON. of the Draytoserliedat engaged to appear last vreek at the Mary leatlltielltwer Baltimore. and fear Air to do no on aceduat of nevem in disposition, readers it nimeetary for THIODON'e ALT 1111381010 TO REMAIN IN GH PHILADELPHIA FOR SIX fl TS MORE. • While accounting for the prolonged stay 4Oa Art Museum. the management would embrace this c opra Lenity of thanking the public for the extremely re support which they have given the Art Marti r the Mmt seventeen Weeks. _l9l.XPllorra MORB. SANDEMNI3 h-XEIBITION 1101 4 Jayne's Coemeormseitts Mee/ Iheildueer itrreatlial i irct: gap. ONLY EIONTSEIM WEER. Defogging Inte nexarnplea Sneeene T i t militr: Splendid Metal Impoung Tabirsex: mending fsteeettt Le•ehli i r v / Hurm ONLY SIX MOI'S ONLY SIX NIGNE. • MODEL EXHIBITION or grig o t. Thiodong Art Museum heeattatned a resat. .tadera - sea novel and charming entertrunment, tutegnetier DT Any other in this orruntry or in Zimme r . _ Most positivell the AST WEEK. KU THIODON'II ART MDSKUIL ADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS. Tangier, Waabingtos. Bosoparts, Eleanse. lop Pm former, Mona at elm. am, to. FAMILY MATINEM T UR DAY eAtTst WIXON _ESDAY sad Ilk- • ••==NS. Evening Entsessinawat—Doaraegai O stf doisrat ma- In•ao0 at rig. Adnsissices—Adalte. II eta.: ChtMieei. IS eau aim MoDONOUGH'S GALICTLIN—LIADI at.. Lta below THIRD. • • _ STAOE MANAGSA...,,-___„_.....„.IO3,IIIALNDWL • - ABU OnffeleT OP TAB - Thiabor FE T ro od win aXl9l'lltt4l li 17...0% eang wwvs , a na They are the ion wordernt perftweeet were mewed or IliCay evening with the Mint ea thtunaetie setledie• AV the talented Corm sneer ANDEZ! . Fur' 14 1 8 -5.. n -° VIU 1 BI TIII rri ' FINT II III79VIN --. ltd. PIMPLE -OP -WONDKREL, •+- Northeest earner et TENTH and Streets.—WHi soon enie gone nip sod Cl en tl % In his Nnposi Itlonoon veutriknorins, Ike Cense Birds, Bobby en Wonderful &Opinion Dancer. • Attraettn Entsetaineens 0141117 nada& eninin• tail fir l n i 1411:111.DAYAFIllalloOlik at 3 o'clock. on Inman `d are Li meta. n031H3 AISA ACADEMY 01 FINS' ti kVAN . iptetThh a l i tall nit #O.• Of 0. 111 n ail Of MOGI OIL GERMANIA ORORESTRA;- • 7 ; Ili. 111, 4 4. tit avani m lNEEVAtin An re e,, tie dam. & a elgaratalat INSUAAMCE COMP ;11.11S. T' ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PELIADEPHLIL • (FIRE INSURANCE NICLIIPIVALT.), °°34 / 6 Wrif B IL LD sfius7ll" ioritzciToies. F. R tostnecio L. Drum. JOICH7O3I erns. ". grri ?s ox's, Rau M. ATWOOD* • A. as Aim DIMS. • BM. T. yr. (441/1... CB HURT WaAari tik oirvo r e argi met &RUES 'W. COIL 84Pentsrf• rIME MUTUAL LIFE MURANO, -a , COMPANY OF WNW FOIL /mots: SIX MILLIONS OF DO O LLAXIA, - WAIT= i r tair.l.Virjiii X;r ann. The vrersinms Ars j.owita thAn in Easy oessr OWN sad the Dividends lime bean outcry& This,St is ookholdors strictly Myroar. Colmar that ALL' HM . I~ muse To 7111 moms. Numblate, sod every leforreadoe, mit be led Gums, oa seskralta S. Ws atinail igra l aTiraki= PHILADALPNLVICNerIit 0116011•1 2 e 4 Ziall. Obll ll /1 oeseh :A:l. '4". • sai caul bff, . Foyer% .areer lien K. Miff/item sielytr JOSEPH LEA. F ROlLtee 410:1 lle CTILESTIIin ETU" Invites the attention of the Trade to hi. Stook at COTTON. WOOLLIN, LINEN AND MINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. New haat sodas* imYMB Wits, a greet waislif km BIEBBIOI. SAM% SLATER k BONS, BUTTON MANITPACTUBING CO., MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also, TIM ATLANTIC CO.'S XOURNING, Ina Mann many new standard Patinas. NEAT BLACK & WRITES. PURPLES, LAY.% M. SAXONY & EBLEPHSED PLAID!. & 0101)18ANDB. ELHE LI AND @KAYE. AND CHOICE otrriut a WOOLLENS. FANCY OABSiMEREB aid DOESKIN& Ro. nom ROCK COM., GLSNDALE 00EL.,ZIEW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & EONS' suPERIoR BLACK DO eIIKEI AND BMX MIX TURE& estinitt and Pawed, of VLatLtrall ties ; Jeans. Twins. . verb Kensoeliodih 'warding owe bess moots is Um *mar:. AMERIC.hII WIEN Com CRASH, HUM% SHILTENGS, H E W & So • PHOTOGRAPH PHARR MOT, No. 39 ROUTE RISE= Street. Above Chestnut. Thk Is the only establuthment in the sky iiteeted exeltudvely to PHOTOGRAPH. FRAMES. A Inatee variatY of OVAL GILT FRAMES on hand than can be found In any one establieltment In the itaitsil Mates. and prim lower. ear Bring your Pbotogrspim, and him* stuns MN without extra charge. midtan cRISTIANI .452 CO.. MAITURAOTIIRERS OF PERFUMERY, IMPORTERS -OF DRUSGISTS' ART/CLEB, No. ¢a SOUTH FOURTH STREET, RIVO now open Whir assortment for spring ogee. Country meroluints w.uld do well to examine their stook. mble-Im SPEOTACLIS, CORRECTLY FITTED TO THE EYESIGHT. OPERA-GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT*, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. Sold at the lowest epees b M. J. FRATI, Optiaiale, la lt-etif LW Sou th FOUR TH St., below Chabot. with MR. WALKER: I have had one of RAINES BRO.'S (N. 7. PIANOS in arse for stood wars. add I consider it as toad was da sotien I purchased it. I have not had it weed of - swains done to it for nearly two yr them and yet it is I:istiii i iiSin " iiii r tiiunrilla i r o m e .A.,n, % t una 1 111111111Ltilrell. ,Moan truly, CtwoHAR. P. WILSON. ARRET St mt. aitooteg L. WALKER. Ws Ag AL ent or thaw I:Hai inaled Instruments. WaroroonrA, bouthintat emir of lI3VENTII. and ARCH Streets. ashadt• op t ORICKKRING is BONS,' 1111W FACTU3KINI of °rood. StOOOV dg i tintto riu i tt o tr ia ; . N o uro=t i. O . war motion. 6 , 04 . 0100 k. el ANL) Na4l:lfikll4 VAL CHANTS ono partioilarly invited to sod t Arnow no and ipleadMes r itelat i st_. Ot. woos awn. a irr agZ ben t A. M. a .. CrOts /Imre ..... UMW a 11111 We
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers