Trip to the (From the hieroer(Pa.)Diseate,b.l , We last Week pktintO exeoutional6noontem plated trip . to the oil region in and around Titus ville We left on thiturday. Week, tdatiped a day at Meadville, and ein - Modday morning prosecuted our, journey, taking. the , W hen on the way some five miles - the roads - iiromied, and we hailed at the door Of'ajdrrelling near by for theinestdtrectroad: we were going to Fiwnoh town, then keep straight on; if to Titusville, take the plank road. We assured lour ,female infornief that we oared nothingfor Trenehterin, our desire being to head direct for Titard_lo• As vre.were about startinkere' goes On, we, could eee Miby t he of her --"t 't ten with twinkle tho oil layo ey f e f" - Pateing •on, fellow about half way and coming to a diverging roadove met a na tive, and again inquired the way to Titusville, and, after informing us, he asked, "Are you **gentle. man engaged ici'the 'oll. bestride?" Replying in the negative, he observed, hat„ they were all get ting rich oat there. We arrived et Titusville In the afternoon; and after halting at dia'''l Atari carallouse," we believe the- sign ',called for, we walked. round ,the office •of the "Titus villa Gazette arid . Oiltereek Reporter," (a prat !Yr :Comprehensive .-name.) which; has just, got in blast for the benefitof the• people ingeueral, , and we hope of the proprietor in partioular. As certaining_ from the .editor, that a„gompatir of clever feltowe, were going on ,an oil °sear elonthe, next'day, we' concluded tO nostpope.'4,looing to o, elepliant,'! until then ; and having Slmel kesineee at Pleasantville, five miles disttizt4,WeltePt 'on; there, whore-we spent the- evening, Midnight with mush lees .gt noise and confueionq than we would; have done at Titusville,' judging' from the Omit influx of strangers with which both, the , public, houses seemed to be_ We returned next morning, aamimpented -With a friend • and,., after, spending. an hour ; in ~towni stuted te'tho centre of attraction of,Whieli we had beard's* Mraoh4Diake's famous Well: , liitirodueed to Mr: D., 'notwithstanding the Mimi:korai:de calls moderation his time, he very politely accompanied us Ihrqugh hie-works. 7 These we 'band, ae he ob served, *very , plain and siniple—oonsistirig of two rough pine shanties, one enolosing- the; en gine and pump, the other two large' tanks, , into the Brat, of. which': kith' water' and' oil , were pumped,' and the latter,„ rising th top, whorrit reached a certain point was carflede J by -a' tube into the other tank, and-thence diewn off int* barrels -to be 'sent to market , • At pfeiont it' Id hauled to .tilers, a. cllstanoe •of twentyraillai;nt which point it reaohes,thel3unbury arid iltrlallll - and lei:ferried to Erie( and thencedlitributed over thelinion-;•-the prprietor,, in, thid particultir t • knowing no North, no 'Smith, no :Rest, no West. The oil finds itlesidysale k inot only for 'lubricating piirposee. but when refined -Makes a most brilliant, light. When we were at the establishment, it Wu turning off at the .rate of five hundred, gallons , per day; at a omit of about two canes pergallon. There, was-three-fifths _witer,_ to two-Aftlis readers will conclude that Mr. Drake is doblite very safd business, and no one should begrudge to him all' he makes for the,WhOle aonntry,•andespe7 Wally the region round ibeittOilertekaor his par nevoring ;labors in develeping this mine pf. Wealth, Be hi- -now sinking another well withini two hun dred feet - 'of the 'oncwhieh Is working the most successfully, The next inostsuodessful well to that of -Drake's is licOlintook's, three, mile; front the mouth of the creek, which is throwing out twelve to fifteen baireli every twenty-four hews. We visited several of the sites below Mr. as also abovo,Where the oil vein has been reeobed,, and preparations made for putting in the nests nary fixtures for pumping. Many others are boring, and a much greater somber getting reedy to bore; and we presume before mid-swirlier atter", will bizi holeebored every tlfty rods between Titus ville and' the mouth-of Oil oryik-,-4 distanee of some fifteen or, more miles. Som e of. these will doubtless prove, to be labor-loot; still, webelieve that the ell 'pervades almost the entire earth along thin stream; and will be found at &greater or lees depthi . some even now getting_it at seventy feet at one-point, and 100 rode off having to go four times that depth. Sites are, cut tip intoall elms, fromfourth of; en sore upwards, and fet on ve riest., terme—acme purchasing the title to the land, others, giving &moth bonus and shire of- the oil— one-fourth, one-third, and some even one-half. In borteg, - iron pipes are first driven down, one upon another, until solid rook is reaChed,the earth bored out, and then the engine applied to the nook. The hosing is done at a cost of about $1,50 per foot. • Of comae, the whole talk,, among strangers and natives, is about oil ; and let' whatever subjept be started, it runs into oil before you get through. While this is the universal theme, however, , we rinistcontradiot the'report current at Meadville on oar way, that the ?morale in the oil region made soup .outi.of 'mliaawold as spread it over their hnekwheaLcolses::::At feast,' , tille is not' the.pre veiling custom towards strangersoso faras cur nervation extended: , .„ • , -•' , , • . . t:S After , a -!drive over a pretty rough road, we reached Franklin in safety,' excepting .the snap; ping of a buggy, qiring. There, ae at Titusville, the oil star rages, and it Is now a Sited fact thatthe "nursery of great men" is the centre of the globe. The company at the edge of the town, on the banks of French oreek, had stopped boring at a depth of 275 Teat, aid commenced pumping the day previ oirr to our 'arrival. We should judge that , ,tbe pump was throwing out 500 'or .800 gallons per 21 one fifth 'of which was, oil ; bat they ex pected- to' improve both in - quantity and 'virility. Several other wells arc being bored; and we learn that the !IN...after we left, Mr. Evans had struck a better venithaiiiettie oompauy e, /Ca distance ot 70 - feet.:* So there is little doubt but the .Business will be suceessfully . proseouted at Franklin. :.The Itife"ord of , works tl LA r r t tre a gri ,l2Y Ug h ir intending to turn them into a refinery mid Mr'. N. IrWin, of Oherrytree, told ne that he had sold, a few days previous, some ten acres on Oil *reek, six or eight miles from its mouth, 'to a Pittsburg company, to oroot a refinery, and one will also be erected at Titusville. , We might „extend this article by entering more minutely into the matter as ,to .what we saw and beard, but we have no space, and what we have penned May satisfy some who are not aireadyythat Pennsylvania,-in addition to her other mineral wealth, will hereafter furnish an abundance of oil for all usefal'purposes: . r, lAPORTAT3tONS. [Reported for the to do & C MATANZS—ohr Meraer-223 hhds mole's/m.30 Knight o. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF MDR. JOBEPTI C. GRUBB. i - • h. A. BOUDI•:K (Soinertru or lunk Noni. 'FROG. KOOS% Jr., LETTER BAGS LT THE KIIR411•111T8' =MAROS. , Ship atranak. Rowland— Vii i r i V l T l rtuo " n u t, e t u ar— . • soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA., Feb. 23, 11360. WWI W JIBEL..-,-' -6 34-431 M BETB-....- 26 , „3 p DA. Btemnship Delaware, Cannon RBiVE . 24 hours from N York, with rodeo andpassengers to Jas Ailderdioe. Brig Palma, Baker, days from Bomon. !rifle mdee to Twells tr, Co. Towed up by steamtug Dolphin. . Bohr Robert J Merger, Robinson.l3 days fronliMajan zamwitirmolesies to B Knight & Co. Bohr C- H :Rogers, Langley; 20. days fromN Orisons, with sugar. Ao, to Knight tr. Ball. Towed up try steam tat Matt White,and reportit the Inn .thabe A Page, from uardenam or Chester, An tow of steanitug Joe. Bohr 'Richard Borden, Ireland,s days from .Fall River, with noise to oagtain,__ Steamer itiohard Willing, Claypool, )5 home from Baltimore, via oanal, with -mdse and Daseengenl to A Groves, Jr. CLEARED, - • - • Eltr J Shrivel', Dimas, J3altlmara, A Oroves, Jr. - BAILED. • Ship Win Penn. Meade, for New, Orleans, left yeller day worms in tow of steamtus America.' - (Gorreiponiiinoa otitisNaiad - oinks kiatutiej_ LBWEB. Del. Feb 21_, 93 AM . - Turing thejtile of Bunday Might the solir Dio ran d s, with a load of wood from Diuneoteague, Dona to New York, was. driven. ashore on the point of Cane Berdo- Ten. M MAUR & Marshall' engeded to get her off. and succeeded in their etiorta early this mOrningi She to now arthe Breakwater, in99mPaTlLWlthlehre wood ruff Sim 'Bilge glories; M Vaned. W argent, t M_A Morgan, ,Amandn, Anson, Henry May, Lydia Anti, ',rhos Monaveir, Mist, and B Taylor. Wino tiw—weatiterpleseant. - • - YOUXII M. HICKMAN. DT TICLIGNAPII. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exohanne.) CAP& isbANDai .1, Feb 2Z-9% A M. The new steamship Cambridge, from - Boston, is nom pectins in. Wind south. • - • younh icc THOS. B, HUGHES. ' - ITLIZOILLIPH. - • (Minigolf-deuce of The Prima - • BALTIIIORX. Nib 92. Arrived, brig Linda, from Tanlar- flavor, Mexico, via Xey West, where she gut in In in distress; do put Frances rmuisero. viza.Wilmlngton, Mosher. put Meng' loss of sails and leaking. - avattstax, Feb2l. 4rrived, steamship Star of the loath, traits I( York ship Jomea Lairsonoo, fr9in Bermgda. 101110 RANDA. Ship Dreadnourrbt,tkrumelei eleoreilat New York 21st in l i t t krilg e rf s gi l ria, Taylor; keno., e:riired atllosion Bletiot. , , • Bark Mahlon walliameou,Boturrforth, olearedot New York 2114 log. - . _ . Bark Warren Fisher. Crowell. from Proridenee for N Orlean e m remained at Newport A M 20th mat. , Hark caealler,Afebeod cleared aigialtunort42/st met. for Rio de Janeiro and a market Bohr 8 C Soribner, from St *arks ' arrived at New•Yorkitlat cot. -, Rohr D 141.3 archon, Alleit i for Bostob, cleared at + OO . - rionvi Ile 13th inst.. &lob rs Jane . Baker , , lfallt, andL.kitullaley. Dalai, from Charteetort, name at sorest° ;do. 17th inst. Bohr Jae H Stroup, Coma, 21 days from Cardenas, at New York hilt inn Experienced a suogeremen of heavy NE knd,NW galas the entire. eatlaigei -lost deck load of inn t a . 1 4,,,,,, t a n s y,. yoye boom, 'fib boom 4 weeked away hued Odle, stove bulwarks, and remove other damge. -Ochre rs 0 - ratteom - Hendimild Borirretn. for Philadelphia, wont to sett from Charleston 10th inst. Bohr Hydarum,k Anna, Dole. cleared at new Orleans Idth for,klatanzhe and a market. „ g . -- OAP ANp.'O,LNDLES:- 50 ,boxes Deter sive Soap 106 boies Olive Bono," IMO boxes Ada mantine. Candles • 60 boos dandles. m atom, and for sate by, ROWLEYaakiNURNER. & CO, No. 16 8. Wharves.. • , , EFINT2 O -813VAR:—.500 bbls. crushed, ALL. „0.24, age , l p.e_ltitalyetiAed A dabs and yellepr PrSigrAt°4 PR liAm & CO.. LET'. SYRUP AOLileigiV r 4ai: 7 4oo hhda.: and bbis. ohm* mitiftfteditft OMpliAluas Mae 00414.1Molamosi Or "late Amiga, & 00„ LRTITLA - Streit. • • TIE .411 . CHESTNUT STREET, above Fourth, North side s bag a fine alootneni Meersohtatni Pipes, Omer Tubes, chour mew, Gears' Walking Canes, &0. , ' iaeft-lm • ___...., TiIIS§OU B. III .E • . I, I3 AN TuB D RI I • ua' st..t Co: Occerra ritroLitng ipm Estate Its, , .. 'Nerthwelt c i o le rn m er n WEYED 6 1 7 n O ta li.Ef3 -8 1 Ulftr" ears, . .. llSr Particular attentionlayi to entering Graduated scr,4ooo Acres for 'age et ince9 passing from 104 to 75 Dents nor - Apr& ' ' ~' , ,- • Patents Secured and tAzos toslit, -;. , ‘ Enclose stAnnifor,Plet and perulsnlars. ' feldlra ORAC}E.Laigo:Stores to 'tat at Ken '-sereW Dook S hips' it 4.110191 token tit low , • • TArtri Street. itooveJAM ' - • OrPlitad South WHARVES. IaRIOILMAKIJO KAMM ir4igtt tem ttio otsibirakot,ooP tettriamoi, ritavapel,,uut irtimmi t it er Am . * liza VjarAMitt4t4t l ""7 , l ll44l, L' ,L+ , , : tligroz4 10E.4-Pflule tetVVhari*On Siefllliiiai by akafk.tai=UTZ - - I pnyft:::wi? . Two tat I' o - stet tommitetat?. 9 462 ir te44,41A114.1 mi , llion GE LATINi rovaiW swam vas. VA • MO4 AWI NOW, '''ILEAI3Y • pp.nrED 'lv4aolTZ' MUT. ! ',0.9, 1 P0 COPIES, • BOLD "IN,,ADVANOB, TTIE ONLY &RIMINI:" AND RELIABLE' DDl y t iiiiIiIY iI,E A A VIATID RAW; Y .E i A t i fe r, L OF Ail AIN JOHN BROWN, ~_BY 'JAMES- REDPATII, N+lTN.ANivibittOOliiiiiY OF me cauxlioon . - " • - , AND YOUTH. In one elegnat HMO: vollime tigll2B pages, oriatod on superfine 'paper, and handsomely bound in giltclotn fully illustratod ! and endeslllelid with a , Rnsl/I , I3iTAL , PORTRAIT, ICE 0 Dit_',Y • T. sale eiminelteial)y. the Publishers' Agents, and a 2 their, store, Agents :Vradfla to • nail the , work thiouihoui the teoptes - nodled to - any address on receipt of rine and. 21 cents In pun* for postage., Address , ELDRLDGE, Pußmszeßs, i . 114 and 110 W4IBIIIN9TON Etna, Boston. felt-tuths9t, I ; t4I4N/ONt4* iIEV. 'AtijEAT BARNES' WORKS— NEW UITIONS. , .. • . ' .Tclit Publishedp _:. IN fSA y & 131...A.K14T0N. J i N 0.28 South 8 XIII Street, above CHESTNUT, • I. TRH vr.ny,•or o.oyAngti, flinstreted ins Sillies of DidonzT,;47 ?ley. Albe;t , Ms7'e!, One ririti 2 Eino.A.NwaNT; In its relations to Lem !'ilf.' ,° ll4 l34 :PßBso , Tt VSI;iB I2 . Tail A l a Ilk se an t P ° 4 4 ,fe e sgt i elit , iNt r ill e gtal gr l itio l gigt, O i ii i i c al l e . tic t!nifty and completeness, and of _prootioat Tensions eens we writings pf Air. Baynes co n ing, c. T ey are plesr in thou&et, _thorough in tenoning, Ond ti mated nt atyliesii/Nr Av ErileiV, LILKISTON, Pnblishers and 13oolmellers, • i fen - N0..25 South SIXTH St,. above CHESTNUT. (ZEORGE , ' O. ' EVANS' ' BOOR' LIST: i'LA IF YOU /tRE IN . W_,A. I OP ANY Qpn, , ry. Tum. AT tiKon F. G. EVA is I , . UV MINI - AT GEog r, G. EV IF 4 ~... _ UY Vint AT OEOR E G. EV A 8' BUY TIMM AT 0 EORGE G. EVA S' , Gift Book Store, 439 Chestnut street,' Clift,Book Store, 439 Chestnut street, 1 ,Giftjdook Store, 439 Chestn c i ty. I Si the bout place in O i Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, I . , -• • and you have the advantage Of getti ne a handsome FROM 60 01 WORTH ENSCT .Ti) WOO i with sttoh book. NEW BOOKS: MICTIBLET'S WOMAN (LA'PEIdlifE). One volume, l2mo. With a Gift. Prioe_fl. , LOVE „(L'AMOUR). One volume, Irmo. With a f ij ATI I .PrIATING. By E. L. Low lien. One vo !uliti e t, rtST7lt l i t / h l3 WE I . B i L d nisi I Per Y d cg. One vol., Iltmo,, with a um. Price 81.ra: i SIR, BOHAN'S GHOST. A Romano. One volume 12mo. With a Gift. _Price 81. M. TWENTY 'YEARS AGO AND NOW. A new and interesting book. By T. S. Arthur. This book is sage nor to anm e yer w written Pj thw norm author. One 7 9 111'110VA . ..1n n a Tlig - “Ptri"' IN THE ARCTIC REG ONS. One volume.l3vo. With a Illift. Prioisel.6o. ' ALL TEE Di tiVrßoolo3 AS SOON AB ISSUED. I Call iriossid one Ojai wig ostare volt Clint the but soars su tke cite Cohere you sh mad isrchare Books is (COMB O. EVANS' " GIFT'S® ESTABLISHMENT • - • ' 439 CHE ST NUT Bt., Philadelph ia, felEtf • Two aeon below Fifth. on the upper side. MICUELEPS ®s LA FEMAIL? - • LA FEMME. NOW READY LAFEMME.] WOMAN. [LA FEMME - 1118 SEQUEL. TO L'AMOUR. Just Published i Plriewetlnslalcrfa elrlY l v Nrl g sa ot Pfloo 87. Wel it 411 elo4lllollllltrim MA/towing interesting a in the mork The Working Woman, The omen of Lettere, The Goveniess, The Actress, The"DameauxOsmellas," One more linforiunatf" " Ti oTrlgig4nZlT:lrooll _f "Lov,i, woman a neliston; Revelations of Berolsm, I The Woman who LOVOB most, The Man who Loves Beat, How She Dives her Heart Away, The Yonne Wife, Arts and Books, How Woman Excels Man, The Humilities of Lov e, The Communion of Love, Women an Angel of ream and Civilization, • The Lint Love, Woman the P;otootrevs of , Woman,the Phyaioian, en, Toys, Dolls, &o, • Twenty-Bluth Eon of AL!O VAM.01:11.) • I.OV [L'AMOUR. One vol.. 12m0,, muse Price el. The unexpected sale et this remarkable volume is everywhere the subject of amazement, and has been pronounced aOrleans t fact of the pubiishing year. The New Delta sacs: " This remarkable work hes produced an imreation upon the reading public, almost without parallel in late years. Snob au dacity and delicacy, sunk rigorous analytic apd tender sentiment wore Remaly ever before so artistically and pfTettively combined. Tha style of the work is ht for its impoytant theme—dignified, eloquent, vigorous, and chaste." • Either - of theta bookswill be sant by mail, past ass free, to noy_pert of the United States, by RU_ D 1) CARLETON, Publishers, • felB4&tlite N 0.130 GRAND Street New York. THE PIIOPLE'S GREAT BOOK EVERYBODY'S LAWYER • AIN OOONSELLoR BUSINESS, BY PRANK CROSBY. 'op mix ruc.abstents. nal. Equally adapted to all the States; its matter entirely reliable. laid easily understood, and decidedly the beet book of the land ever published. Every Merchant wants it. Every. Manufacturer wants it. • Every Mechanic wants it. Every Pr ofoselonal ar Man wants It. very nk Officer wants it. Very ill and Nom Broker wants It. Every Creditor wants it. Every Debtor wants it, Every Insolvent wanly it. 1 very Inventor wants It. very Magistrate wants it. very Lawyer wants it. very Law Student wants it. wary Real Estate Owner wants it. Every Agent wants it. Every onveyancer wants ft. very Book-keeper wants it. Every Collector wants it. Every r °lithium wants it. . Ornery Editor wants it. Every Author wants it. Every Publisher want" it. Every School Teacher wants it. Everyv Sl:lls'erinZ.Vigs it• Every Ship Owner wants it. • Every Shipmaster wants it. Every Auctioneer wants it. Every Farmer wants it. very Landlord wants it. • ivory, Tenant wants it. very Married Woman wants it. Ivery Steele Woman wants it. very Widow want," it. very Meater want" it. very Appprentice wants It. very Steamboat Company wants it. E 7,1,7, Railroad angiry'vwtaaatigig. Ivery .nsursuce Company wants it. very Guardian wants it. vory Milloj wants it. -Every Hote l- keeper wants it. Every Adnunistratorwants it, Nvery Executor wants it. - -Ivory Arbitrator waste it. very Government Officer wants it. very Petitioner wants R. Every Citizen wants it. Every Allen wants it. j iver, body Jeverywherewanta CRO Y'd LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BC . , BINESS. It contains plain and simple instruction' to Every body for transacting their business according to law, with legal forms for drawing the. various necessary pa pers oonneoted therewith, together with the laws of all the States for Colleotion of Defier Property Exempt from Execution, Mechanic"' liens, Execution of Deeds and Mortesges, Rights of Married Women, Dower, Usury, Wills, 80. It wid be, sent by mail to any address, 0. on receipt of price, el, or in law style, Lee. Nor sin gle copies, or for toe book by hundre ds, or by thou sands, apply to, or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, fe2o-6t No. 617 - BANNOM Street, Philadelphia, Pa. S.--- 10ENES AND IMPRESSIONS ABROAD. 'Br. J. It Roekwel, D. D. 12mo, el. LEO ORES ON THE hOOK OF RE1.7..' LATIONS. Sy Re . AI Sutler. D. 2mo. 81.25. BAMUISJo THE PROP r, AND THE LESSONS )F HIS LIFE AND TIDIES. "By Rev. Robert Hale. 17m411 t. THE BIBLE BY ITSELF. Au Address deliveredbe fore the New York Bible Society, November 27th, BLWOliarn Allen Butter. lemo. 25 owe. WILLIE AND NELLIE; or, Stones About 1111 Ca aeries. BO emits. -THE EAIRY TALES OF SCIENCE. A Book for Youth._ By John 0. Broogb. Illustrated. 18mo. Sl.BO. MAN—MORAL AND PHYSICAL. By Rev. .1. H. Jones, D. D. 19mo. $l, For Sale by WILLIAM 0. Ic ALFRED MARTiEN. fel93 No. 606 Cheatnut Street. ELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS FOR eels t et the Anti-Plavery Office. 107 North eIFTII Street. Aim the LIFE OF CAPT. BROWN. telB-6t. HOTELS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL. PHILADEL PHIA, CORNER OF CHESTNUT AND NINTH STREETS—OPENED FEBRUARY 16TH. • Thismasnificent establishment has been erected by entatoription; the stockholders comprieing a large num ber of the most enterprising business men of the city in which assembled the Continental Congress that gave to thoworld the Deolaration_of American Independ enne. The hotel has accommodations. for about one thou bland guests , and is supplied with every modern /311- Provermpt for the comfort and convenience of fann ies, business men, and the entire travelling COllll4ll - 14 being oonetruoted upon a novel and soienlifio emirate, which renders accident impos sible, atfdrding th e ;neaps of reaching the highest sto ries without the fatigue of ascending continued flights of steam. giving easy 000000 to the purer air and einet of the upper rooms. The .ppacious corridorsors for ventilation, iderry il t ngrr tUlea"na"orirveLenige lii et An extensive reading room and besinese exchange, with telegraph °Moe and connecting writing rooms, have been provided on the lint floor. The whole of the interior arrangements and farnith log have been ender the personal superintendence of PARAN !STEVENS, under whose management the success or the Revere House and Tremont newel, Bos tews the gall' Route and Peint Clear Hotel, Battle Mobile; and the Pißh Avenue Hotel, New Toth, has been ee %Melted. The various departments of the Continental will be eonductsd upon the same liberal scale hloh has e A rned fot the Ithovo• named hotels their wel t-known and ex tensive share of public favor. All communisations for apartment,, or upon anybusi. nese oonneeted with the house,. ;Moult). be addressed to Continental order to menre Immediate atten tion. ' (fel7-12t) J. E, STEVENS tc CO. PATENTS PROCURED IN no UNITED _IVATES •AND EUROpEod_H. movvagr's orn ate, Forest Plano, ledfd 8. FOURTH. Mirk The pro prletorrits Waehington twice mont , and attend. war 114 . 1 1 .1 r l eelt ems .nitrated to b Idestdemos Pimp lets on the management of relented applica tions, foreign patents, omen of Interference. and a my ogler of reference, may be had at the above offices. OURLlmoyon, lowa, Oet. Id. lag Bof e I take thie occasion to ante to you, that for severed roars paid I have been wequainted with the manner in ',McMinn have conducted yoUr businesese Patent Wiener. Tins hae always; been highly nreditable to yentretlfand eatudentory tO the Patent Ince. Younn derstood yenenases well. and presented them in that term which generally Insured unseal. I Mllrard eartiffoate;hoplng that it may be ear (m -aims to you in tontinning to find that employmen ln your profeasion to whit% your 02toillgonoo n iridorrrYr and oopteppe bearing, lio badly entitle you. • van' truth OUoltrace MAYON, Leto Inomtaismoner of Patents. MAY Rourson.Fee. • fee-im* CONFESSION AND EXPICRIENON r iof an INVALID, published for the bene fi t and as a vamincand a °nation to young mop who suffer from Nervous Debility Premature peony, sco. ; anplying, at the same time, g e m mesas of Bell Cure, by non who mi red himself, it r hansd been ant to liest 01116 tura,. mamba impoattion andlogo ty, Il ia • Wimpy be hott of tho_ sumps, N TH4 /t. IVIA Esshi Bedford , Best Broo klyn. Kings county, k a fSllk, 47 enclosing a post-pat addreesed envelope, 11FAVID YOU , !WARD, OR DU YOU Aug- _ whore to 'tot the boot Imported Cigar ro pft,v44164114 OrilliPkpand , 11 he sure :ye salted. He her. also 11, Aot,_ of ,Dleersohaum hoes ) . Onset Tubes, Omar: 0 My titbit*. too: • htl&lrt QQUILLS—For sale ivy WETHERTLL do VRO/WiR) Nora ft and 0 Nath s4COND.Sereft u fir J:! 4 ;, PU§,4, - "f i nUWAla s ll3X THURSDAY, - FEBRUARY 23; MM.- RAILROAD LINIIS. . -----7-77:7 "'' TO WEST ' OOESTER argot .0 Intermediat e ' hints 'Fig! , ' DI A . wt, as for. pit Chas 4r lerty 1014\1 0 , i i l the 1:1.01# northeast ,00rner a 1 .b HT .3. .. MARKET Streets, at MO A.,M.. an 1_444.30 P. 4 , ;" On 8 UNDAIS at 8.15 A. M and I Pad.. gamete or etetinnit on the - PHIJADELPHIA and i3 I Ar,TIMOR CENPRAL RAILROAD will ta3 .. 4 A t.he 'B.lO A. M.. and 430 P. H. Trains. law-u Uhl PENNSYLVANIA () E N r.l) it A L RAILROAD. ~. , ROO MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. swim 1860. THE CAPACITY 01 , 51111elaigivr EQUAL TO Alil L Y Ut Tc.-.- THREE TH OIJOVASSEN 144.1N54. BETWEEN PHI AD IA A r RURO, c a4n/ i ll rea t h t. ph 1D towith illongb Trains u irNe w Ygrk. ell ail (pinto p and in th po n istatinomr wtp Through r no to an -thus points in the wst, orthwest, an ISouthwe4 —thusr h ishitor Diailities or the trainipprtation a p u5 .,,,, ' mann:WM(sg for speed and comfort by any other touts. Eger arid Fain Lines run through Vittahurg, without o angel of Career Conductors. All t rough Pay- Ilene or rains provided with Loughyidge's Patent el e Itygitgl i ed tinder perfect control of the engineer, thus ad mg much tot he safety of traveaers. iiimo g ears are attached to eaoh Traini Woodruff's Yin Bs e RU Pitt DAILY: Zr4.tritillt., San' ile tV q d FatLianulea"v es Plllalelphia !1 1. A. tile Express rain leavec WAY RAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Aocommodation, via Coluit is, 2P. M. Columbia 0 4.00 P. St Parsosburg 0 mad P. M. West Chester Paiisengeis will take the Mail, Parkes burg and Columbia Trams. Passengers for Sunbury. Wllliemstiort, Eluvial, Buffs. le, Niagara Falls and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at BA. 2.1.. go diritly through. Tickets Westward nay obtained. at De °Meisel o(the animpa°r in I T i l l et i al: h a's e ttt r °T( ' or & e l' or ri Illigggd a Zi ' ffiees ° l: the West also on board ° ai of r the regular Line of Ste:unarm on the Miseigtippi or Ohio rivers /kr Fare always as low, and time as (took, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Ste ttin, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western oonneotions of the Pennsylvania Railroad Oalps this th DIRECT LINE TDB LAST AND THE OREAT WEST. ' The oonneetion of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, a voiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, pre advantages readily eppreolated by Shipppers of Freight, and the Travel ling Pubbo. . Metohente and Stoppers_entrueting the transportation if . their Freight to Hal gOinpany, can rely , with oonfi- Tlfillifftr& t rArtionT to and front any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all taints as favorable at are charged 4 other Railroad companies. ' *5" Be particular to mark prithages " via Penneardi rmul. Eor Freight contract' or nipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the Ibllowing Monte of the COM le= : D. STEWART, mann; gal. riero'e & be.; Tit:m.1 1, 1 1 10.2: I.J. Johnston Risley. 14fA R riliigf e 0?'Paillg i k ite li Dp i. . ; I r efl u t4;ll 6 S T lrdt rs.; tt. ff. firowh....& go... t. Caci t ipoi, o.;„Atiriern 5: . orr lil u o l g i re,Mtgiiitle t. tYy. ° 3. 4 %. tai ‘ Werk. 1 8, 4 :: 3 urnil Ellaft4 N thu:, 6l B2t u e, gal: 9,- VV / . 'l lial: rig, Nashville, Tertn.; Ennis & Ituat,.Altetag, Tenn.; Clarke & Co.. Chung°, III.,_• W. 11. R. toe% Alton, 4.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at diScrent points n the West. E. I4Piaph MAGRAW& E ROhf, Q No rth street Saltimork. LEECH ft CQ., 2 Astor Rouse. or 1 S. Willi am st.,N.V. LEECH.24,IO" No. I 7 , in State street Boston. t . . Houslon, el Freight Agent, Phil,, . HOUPT,OuniI Timat Agent, Phila. /113/Y HOS, A. scovr, otton suet Altoona, Pit. PHILADELPHIA ritAaralligtao Tort, AND iiALTI . - 0 # ILROAD. On Auld after MOND, November 21, 180. PASSENGER TRANSAVE PRIL_,ABBLPRIA, For Baltimore at AI M , . 12 noon, (Expremi,) and 11.10 P. M. • For Chester at 8.111 A. M., 11 noon, 4210, and 11.10 P. M. ' Wilmington at 8.11 A. M., 12 420an_d11.111 P. M. IFor 18_0w Cantle at 8.10 A. M., an 420'P. M. or Middletown at 8.10 A. M. an d4.9oP. M. or Dover et 8.16 A. M_.,. and 4.30 P. M. or Milford at 8.15 A. M,, and 1.80 P.M. or Seaford at 8.16 A. M., and 420 P. M. For Laurel at LIB A. M., and 4201. AL TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.10 A. Al., (Exprend 10.15 A, M., and 223 p. M. Leave Wilmington at 7.111 A.M. n4lllO A. M.,1.55 and 8.40 P. M. g • ye Laurel at 6.15 A. Mu mad .40 P. M. Leave Seaford at 0.46 A. M. 4.00 P. M, Leave Mi lford at 720 A. M., and 4313 Pad., ve over at 9.00 A. M., an 8.00 P 111. ve liddletown at 10 A. M. and 7.06 P. M. Leave Now Castle at 10.06 A. M. and 8 P. M. Leave Cheater atB, 12 A. M. 2.= and 9.11 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad et IRMA. . M TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chanter at 8.46 A. M., 17.28 and 11.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 8.28 A. M., 12211 P. M., and MX A. M. . SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. lit, tram Philadelphia to Halftone. OW at C2B P. M.. fro Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIOLIT TRAIN, wi th h PASSENGER OAR attaohed, ' will tunas follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at 8 P. AI. . Leave *ilmilikton for Perryville and intermediate •laoes at 4.15 P. m. Leave Wilmingon tor Philadelphia and intermediate • laoes at 3.15 r. Leave Baltimore for Btemmer's Run, Chase% and arewood at 11.454 P. M. a. M. FELTON. President. &wpm WEST CHESTER RAIL ROAD TRAINS vie PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot oor. ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, daily, (except Sunday.) at 8 A. M.,14.60 P. M., and 4P. M. Leave West Cheater at 740 A. M.. 10.60 A.M.. and ASO P M. la 14-y PHILADELPHIA, GEA MANTOWN AND NORRIS fk%AILROAD iIt_TEE_ARRANGEMENT -4 On and after MONDAY, N 0.21, NW, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave PhiLsdelphia 6, 7,7.60, 9, 10, 11, and U A.M., 1,9, 3, did, 4,6 , SAL 6,1 , 8, 4 0 1 10, and UK F. AL Leave Da renantoWa_ 7, 11, px, um, U.A. LC, 1,1,8,4,444, ILL lOC 7- 8.- 1 AL. 111 , 1 stts Leave Philadelphia 9.0/1 min. A. M., 9,6 E, end 10 P.M, Leave Germantown 6.10 min. A. M., LlO min., PM, and 9 P. AL CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. LIMO Philadelphia 6,17.60, 11 A. M., 3,4,4 E, I, and 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10 1.10, &LW, and 13.16 A. M., 4.40, 6.10, and 8.40,P. M. ONS. Uava Philadelphia 9.O6 UND A. M . land 6E P. M. Leave Chestnut 1.60 A. M., UM, DX, and 8.40 Ai. NO P. R CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philedelphis 0, 9. 11.00. min., A. M.,106.6.06, / k W, and 1134 P. M. wive Norristown 4,1, 9, 11 A. M., /K, IM, and II P. O SUNDYS, Leave N plaladelphis 9A. m. an A d P. AL Leave Norristom7 R A. M. end 6 P. M. FO MANYUNK. 63 Leave Phlitideln oi s 6,7 K M, 8,110 ! A. AL, 1 ,1 06, 9.04, LOG, 8, and Leave Ala VA raingit P.AL and:ll.4 A. M.. 2, 6E, and ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. p a l., 3,_and 4E _P M. Leave " Tr. 81 1 411 1 _,H . L de e nTra e rg,p7r:ratfi l lident, nlB-tf ra trail and tix e m&ni atria's. Eiffn IMRE F i II,MI L R A A__ E Rt. P R I I I /A l i t t LIN AND tDICK - I:NI.' ROUTE tel Elmira, Wilkesbarre, lluSalo, icago, Rook Island, Niagara Falls, Milwaukee, Bur ugton, Montreal, St. Faure, Detroit, Dunhetb, and,St. WIG Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read in g Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CA I,I,OW HILL StreetsDAlLY. (Sundays excepted ' ) as follows: 7.30 A. M. DAY EXPRES F For Elmira,Niagata palls Buffalo,Delroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook island, Galena, Bt. Ma al Burlington, and St. Lords 1.39 P. M., NIGHT EXPREB6. For Elmira, Niagam Falls, Buffato,Detrolt, Chicago, Milwaukee,' Island, GelenaAt. Pees Burlington, andl t l lo t. Louis. T 01 A. M. and 3.00 P. M. trains run through to HA RISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon alley V Branch. The LSO A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes barre, Pittston, Scranton, and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to .Elmira, Buffalo, and Bit/mansion Bridge.. l, . Tiokets oan be roomed at the Philadelphia and Einura Railroad Line ii Ticket Office. Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pa6lloll - rat D EttnYtt i lif iri l l #A Ll N Leaves the Depot, Broad are a ? below ins unity, (Elan day exeepted,)for all pointa eit and North , at 6 P. M. Freights must be deliver before .1 P. M. goin sameg day. For g further information, slyly at Fmight Doot, ROAD, below Vine, Otto CHAR. 8. TAP EN_ ,_Cleneral Adint, N. W. °enter SIXTH and CRESTIVUT eeta, eat-tf Phi elohla. Mt NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. TER ARRANOEMEN Fo BET I,F,HEM, DOYLEBTOWN. EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUOR CHUNK HAT. ETON. On and after ItIONDAY, Novemherlth IMP Passen roriTrainst will leave FRIT and WILLOW Streets, N ilot a thf46 l 4,ll - Po u n n , - lirentintejtiluoh Ohm*, Hazleton, &.).,( mesa.) at 9.30 A. I. For Be thlehem, (Espresa,) at 9.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. . For Doylestown ' (Accommodation ' ) at 840 A. M. and 't P. M. For Fort Washington, (Aocommodation,) at 8 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: pave petlpebem, (Expresed 484. M. and ogy. M. BAO P L‘eaV9 .l,o TieetDWlty ( Aooommodation,) at 7 A. M. and . M. Leave Fort Washlngt7(Aooommodatlon,) lidl. A.M. ON 8 NDAYS: it.gir j Aftb e t fr c f r F p or: i. ash 1 oj i t t o: F s . l4 : 3o A. M. yleatowo t 6 PhigidelAta, at f A. M. ort Waahington for Philadelphia, at 2.4.0 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, 81.60; to Mauch Chunk, 8A80: to Easton, elm; to Doylettown,tiOoenta. Through tioketa moat be prooured before entering the OM. . .. All Passenger Trains (6;llmA Sunday Trains) con neot at Berke street with nab and Bixtb-streets. and Beoond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. nT ELLIS CLARK. Axed. 1859. MIREM 1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINE3I, CAMDF.N AND A3IIIOY DLALA- Dkr.Lritik. AND TRENTON RAILROAD C0.',11 LINE FROM PHILADELPHIA TO - NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES. PROM WALNUT-SVMM WHAM, AND gEtisINGTON, Wlll leave as follows, km i /ARV. M 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam, & Am. Accommodation 13 36 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey city, (New JerserjAcoommodation—. 113 Al v ii,s r &W PM Camden and Jersey City, Morning At 11% . 1.7_31. kensington ;rid lamer City, 33° Western 600 At 12H P. M., via Camden * we'd 'Amboy, Aooortuno- Afri P .ll.7;titibeinien — sld — Aia.7;;; 31 Ac 'Chi, 3 Kg Evening Express 600 At 4% P. 31., via Kensington and Jersey City,ld Clam Tioket. • . "11 gg Ate P. ar., vim dinideiinirieiseidar foinia olail —. 600 At 11 P. ht., via Can:plena:id Jersey Oity, Bouthern Mail . 166 At 6 P. M,vis ihmden and AmbobAocommodation, (Freight and rassenger/—let COM Ti eke 11 is Claas T10ket....-- 160 The 6r. m. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 P.M. South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere. Easton. Flenungton. &0., at 6 A.M. from Walnut-etre et wharf. and 3P. M. from Kensington. For Mauoh Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A.M. _Pie Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Gap,Stroudsbnrg, Bomnton, Wllkeebarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Re., at 6 A.M., via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R ailroad. For Mount 'golly, at 6 and A. M. _,_ * and 3 and IX P. For Froeho ,at I A.M. and kr. WAY LINES singto For Bristol, Trenton, Ito, at 3 and 433 P. M. from Ken- For P n almyra, Algerton, Delano°, Beverly, Burlington, Bildentown, Ro., at MC 3, and 431 P. M. Ponniiii of bag me cal, plowed eaol) passenger. Passengers ere prohibited from taking anything se bag- Lege but their wearing apparel. All aggage over Mt) Pounds to be paid lor extra. The company limit Wog s y n.:got tatgi e rgitfzis to gr i li t til;i c f n Aie i r o r po u . nLir i l by speoigeontraot. WM. H. @ATMORE. Agent d3O Camden and Amboy R. R. Co. PHILADELPHIA AND - "EADING ILA& ROAft 4I MI ERN E, OLP° rTBvILLE. RE IRO and Hout/8131.1R0, Loaves the new Depot, at oorpor of BROAD quid OALLOWHILL threats, (entrances on elloqi11,) at 7.30 t 3. E.,_DAlLY,(Sundai: coasted, ) fo rt ti • VILLE, HORRISBORO, an all Intermediate Do ate, oonneoting at Harrisburg wi th tram mining to Fitt!_ burg, Chamberebur aa. NOori Wad, Leave at 3.30 1 1 7V.MAILY, for POTTSVILLE and ILARRICSUBO, At 980 P. M. DAILY, (Snadaysexeopted,)for READ -1140, and intermediate points. d 6 W. If. MolLHENNY.Haoretarv. NOTIOH.---011ESTER VALLEY RAILROAD 7 —PAB BENG*I9THAI ENII. DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS:4)p and after sth Deem her, we, the Passenger Trains lor DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger Depot Of the Phila delphia and Reading_ Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOWILILL Streets, (passenger en- VII B NTN C II I 4III I l ilt for Downingtown, !sates at A. M.. . AyE M RNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 4.90 ILY (Buodais ered.) order of the Boar of Managers of th e Philadelphia and Reading Railroad itYlaiduzinr, INSURANCE ooMPAIfIES. s THE E . ;•ITIE 1113111,8 lATLSLTR . COMPANY OF 1111LAOREELIA. (FIRE INSURA NCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COXPANY'S . BUILDING: W. CORNER FOURTH AN WALNUT STREETS. DIitHOTORS. 4 RATCIITORD STARR, MORDECAI L. De.waort, ILLIAM DICKER, 01to. U. B , venT, NAIAD° FRAZIER, JOHN H. BROWN. JOHN M. W a rWOOD, D. A. FANNIKTOCR, DER.. _ i ffitR r A EDICE, ANDREW D. CAIIII, '' V.A.TollFolll) L atiti 4 ., O geeldent. CHARLES W.. 1 OUAN.. Seoretarr. !WV AMERIOAN EIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPET- U No L. . SIO WALNUT Street above Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-up Iseital Stock arid Surplus In vested In sonnd and twat able Securities. continue to insure on Dwellings. Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessele.ln Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberal's and promptly adjustod. Microns. Thos. R. Maria, .. John Weleli, john T,_Lewis, James R. Cam, Samuel Q. Morton, Edmund 0. Dail Patracir. Brady, Chas. W. Poultn Israel Morris. THOMAS R. MARIS. President. ( ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. %oratory. fe23-t( OFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IN MANCE CO,No. 408 WALNUT STREET. FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMEIVT or 7118. BUSINESS AND CONDITION OF THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. As Presented to its SWokliolders. Jan. 3, 1860. Capital Btosk• • Surplus. Januaryl 1869121.361.49 prolniuitts received in 1659: _. Fire.. ..--..• ••••• • .. 51 1 6464 WI Marine. . 166,480.3) 1 5 Inland N av igation 311.067.13 Transportation... 42,011.10 Interest renewed.. ........ 12,762.45 Salvage mitretneurahoe—...... &1 • 692.22 4030,01323 LOSSES, EXPENSES. &c. Loases pnid in 18¢9. *. ....... Dividenqi, Commission' to agents rmomp, hoensee, o ffi ce rant........ 63.983.111 ann, Enivprtining &pipeines. edema otod i . . i 0,48343 Rainuranoe and re turn 'Alt . • 4.150,298241 ASSETS. Bonds and mortgagor, on real estate...-. . . . Ground rents in rhiladeloh 3350.00 60 altarea Continental Bank, New York... .• . 6.000.00 50 glares Ca); 3400.00 100 do Corn Exohange Bank. hi 2,600.00 60 shres moon Bank, Philada.... 1,6W.00 23 0 nsolidued Bank dn.., 760.00 ' 16 do Farmers 4.. Mullendore Camden, . 900.00 2030 'barna of Railroad. Canal. arid other stocks. all aying 8 per sent nounet yarns 89.660.00 Coupon pond! Wallace and T per at 19,100.00 Negotiable bills receivable ..... 91,001.96 Can in hands 0f agents and in . - —........ 24.814.29 Cash on hand and In - bank 30,877.46 This Company ooithnues to make Inauraneep against Loss on all kinds of Fire. Marine, and Inland Risks, on the inostfavornble terms. OFFICE RS A president-GDORGE R. HART. Vine President-0% P. 11.08$. Beoretars and Tremor -11. COGOBBALL, Assistant fleoretary- 11 1111Ed TRB. ftll,E. George IT. Kart, Foxier R. Perkins, E. P. Roml,, H. Coe shall, A. C. Cattelt, . W. Bailey, Andrew R. Chamheri, Line' Jones, M. D. Rog, R. M. Fuller. COGOBHALL, Beeretary. 1 - IXOIIANGE . ;.13RANCEWMPANY •JI —Moe Nab 409 WALNUT Street, FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Meroliandise peneslly, on favorable terms, either limite or l. per- DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsai!,loshas T r Owen, John Q. Qinnodo, Thomas Marsh, Benj. M. Holliinshead, Semi. L. Smedley, John MoDowell, Jr., Edward D. Roberts, R.EC, Hale,, jean J. Griffith, James T. Haledßellefeete4 EREMIAH BONBALL, President. JoHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President. EDWARD W. Davin, aeoretary .105-luthsly DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN isintANcm comEtavy. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1835. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRt AND WALNUT Stream, l MARINE I N SUR ANCE ON VESSELS, i FREIGCARGO, To all parts of the World. HT, 'INLAND INSURANCES • On Goods, by River ( Canals, Lake!, and Land Carriage to alf parts of_the Union. FIRL INSURANCES On Merchandise senerally. CM Store.. ,___Dwellmiclicuses, Ito. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November 7,1869. Par. Marius Vales. 116,000, Philadelphia City 6 V eant..Loan....l/23,600 00 100000 Pennsylvania State b4F ot. Loan...—. 93,6158 CO 21000 re nnskylvanla State 6 4fs et. L0an....._. 21,000 21,000 00 23,000, U.S.. Treasury AK .1, cent. Notes aid interest due . —....„.. —.— .. 25,963 51 SNAG U. S. Treasury eV at. Notes and Inter est due— .. . . .. 00,610 00 4 25 , 0 00 TelerarY'Lliait . t.; . l . llVdity of *Pitilit de phut . —.. 26,12)3 00 163,003,!Penamleanle . filii,WiChiro;iiige 6 por cent. D0w1e.,..., --, ,_ 43,600 00 810,0:10, North Pennsylvania Raliroad . Mort- IMMO West mar=kitnetsgii-riiii,Ti /I°° Company 71i , rt. coupon bonds..... 19400 IX 11111,WO. 300 shares atook Germantown O bi Comps :Al gf i Mil l 4 labia.— ... „._ __._ mom 00 IMAM sFaree Pennsylvanie"Railroad — Company ---........-----... 1,1711 00 acepoooo share North Pennsylvania Rail road Company. »... ' IR 00 82,N10, shares Philadelphia foe Best and Steam —Dg Company, Il luimielPhla and vermin Stearn avigetion Coin rn44rmarai:aevaitgn. ere ue 'Q_raise Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exehanto Company —..—.,....._,.—. 2,110 00 .... $r tol l epi? 1 06 dundirs"" "d R 461 rakme. of2d4C/13 64 Earzega Insuraniii - zna4l6 - ,14 " gine roult f21:1 1 47in . dre' 443 119 e cempan ___ other d ebts doe bode end stood of sundry 'antra •-• " ''''''' "4 44 nits— . EiGe COmpe, 0110/1 On bopolllVlCia;r "•—• "111) 67.060 ow Asko DLRECTORS. Erm Martini • lip . na t tres, Ind A. lilonaltr. reuldtax. (qui plow. ..aeoVilus John edndb lenroso, John O. emus, ~Uiam mes re,Jr h r m.. C. Hand, 6666 r. K. IJ: Seal, r..K. M. Hutton, lbasiiiili.-147Rrlasdo whoa P. Eyre, eerie O. we, ha H. Semple, PitteVii Bar t le?Neify, I 2;W:p a rtarkl. WILLIAM3/LAR In, I-resident. TRQS. 0. RANG, Viols Presiderik HENRY LYLnußri. Seoretarv. dl6-dtS I NBU R A N OE COMPANY OF THE ..S. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—YIRE DMA RINE INSURANCE—No. d EXCHANGEBUILD nge., .. ._ Chartered in ITN—Capital IMMO—Use% January 1, ink 8847,446 14 7 100, All invested in mind and available semitles—oon tinne to iWM re on Waists and4aigoes, Batialtlig. Moots of Herobandise, ko. on lit:ej terms. r Ty D. Bhenert lftEUT9 8: neon Toby U sol e°" el janr St r i t des Mags r listenl lo Dile vs ag_e' r,' 2,,n B. lb, homes B. Wastess. h B. Bad_, envy G. Freeman. W son R. Whitt? • Aeries 8. LeVill HEN R e W ° fig:AM ID, Pyeeident. WILLIAMHA RPFANeoretary , le e-wfm tf F !AMA; I SURA (3' CID MANY, I{(3: too CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. EN LVA INCORPORATED APRIL, lad, NI By A. THE STATE OF A PRI L , CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISES, DIRECTORS Samuel Wright, D. S. Dirnev, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Everman, Ohm. Richardson, Hew [.awls, Jr., Geo. A. West, kacion W. Stout, 0. Wilson Davis, van Morris, Thus. B. Martin, enko Stern. GEORGE W. DAY, iresid JONATHAN J. 81.0 UAL Vice 'res't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. emetary. ;all -U LIFE: INSURANOE AN!) TRUST GUM 'AN THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE IMO/. NANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. _Assets, IgatWASS M. INSPIRES LIVES for the whole term of gife—grants annuities and eadowmentp—purohases life 'Merest/ in Real Mats, al , makes all oontreots depending on the oontmeenotes o Life. They eat ea seoutore, Adminiatratore, Assignees Trustees, and Onardisrsi. - . - - .411.utyrzEa. tel L. Miller, %ire S m etokr, ra r i. c A t irbOit, ainoLlTi m a cfllghani illiam P. Haoker, oaapilli. Trotter, William H. Kern, amen uston, uel 0, Hue?. r heophilua Patildluie buries Hallowell, mu: sp it , A. Bowler, enry 0. Townsend, . mei . Hutohinsans olphue Kent , p i ll: s A tto h r: r o? , William H. Carr, v, Duflow,i muel J. Ottristiani W illiamW Robertson. ILO M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin John O. Brenner. P. 8: Miohter, Eng. I ER Pr old ISL E . _. i fil ( o it, Vioe Yres?l. l' JOHN W. HORNoS.BBorinerT. aUIB-17 VOAL. PAM. P. lELLXR• KELLER & EMOISY, Office No.llo WALNUT street. Ph FOß iladelphia, Pa, S AGENTS E. Boydas' superior OLE Broad Mountain White Ash, and It. Recksher k Co.'s celebrated Black Heath and Otto L. &dived by canal and railroad from Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill co., Pa. fel4-3m OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR •w—wintereet. Buy your COAL AT HlCKS',where nothing but the very beet quality of Lehigh andSolanyl kill pqal is offered at the following reduoed gripes: Lehigh. Brolien i EV, and Stpve... ..... .14 116 per ton. Bohuylkill —••• ..... 00 " Lar a emoted free film slate dust and at Wichyolloy..ra erdd.unt,tirot or t and fu corner fiIARBILMAzaI SW. UROOME & 00., Ofßoe WI South FOURTH !west, AND WHARF, P I NTSREET, SnippangCHUYLIIII. Dealers and i 07 Looast Mountain, 0 Ls hip g h, and Balmy Ildll . Merohandise Eaten on whar ao HICKORY AND S • RING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL, prepared with Ore, for malep beet Derma. Apely it KNOWLES'S Depot, NIN and WILLOW inTeetc HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. pAUKAGI4 HARDWARE HOUSE.—We Mltro w ier oale ia r r i7 A pi d t p ri v it A ohl , t ; h z eati s e, : siii oilkthaff.o=ens vane ty the par e. niers or direct mportatlon solicited, end Goods de Oared ther in th oily, New •.:I!,_or New O rleans. W. F.WID & son, 411 C MERGE Street, Importing and Communion_ Merchants. And Agents tor Foreign and Domestio ilardware. ann-U inSALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortmrd IL A D lit Art WAT39I"I- P P AIAN i' D s itB4 K ,I I , I 6. 0 711 A E BANE LOCKS J , VAILMO. For Banks MI Stores. for t ° So fruNTEllA til il l /wow terms ee any other Ana ent OA Waited Statel & ert, N 0.1104 STA Weed, r 'LEASE A IVR US A CALI... OTAW111(1 AND PAINTINI3 MATE RIALS. Engineers' and Arolane& Btattonm. Utopian hunting Materials. feitit hi lti a l l Or e' grA i g. V an el itoo for Artiste and &talents. Loturee and hoture Prams. laying Garde, Amerman and Frond!. talogues grade to the trade. 801101;Z & JANYATZKY, No. Ile Soush EIGHTH flirett . . WHOLV.DAhIt AND R .TArt, OUBEBEI—For ealo by - wkaintnu, now/ma, a and I/ /OW' 19E0090 Stmt. fell DICP FIFTY TEM Fp INDS EICRI P B ST AB I Li AGONY FROM DYffEPSIA, Nervotumess, Mane nob. and vomiting, have t?..n egiii i t et ET'F I VA IIII ItA eRI D I rCS i t PVBV?" bg ith' restoring. Front t e Menorah e laldons Y, blase.) ursey 01 Elizabeth street, ITth August. IStie. - mrsx Hiss l I am happy to Inform you of Ills great benefit my &Wilder has received front the Roraima.' Arabiaa. Arabic& bbs writ vets' thin and delicate:rein s too tall for her atis. between ton and eleven, whoa she com manned king it. It has made her quite minus and healthy. ponsider it the most nutritious restorative fond for children and dolioate persons. B o n aire me, dear fire. truly TOMB. 1. I, 14.11 XE. Afnroh WVnion street, Third district, New Orloane. th For seventeen years I have been Itlmring under an insufferable afillotion.deprived of sleep. and so dizzy at tunes that l could not help myself; t ri o stomach would fad me, and I thus became* helpless, enervated inva lid. At last, on the 15th of June , loot l was taken down with en alms tux and killing pains in the bowels. oit e ,, as I went to bed at Slight, I thought I should never see the mernlne. My medical attendant and friend. whom was ail my trust, could do nothing to alleviate in, guileful, e, end sent ins to one of his colleagues. wnose attendnnas proved as uneuceessful, all the ye ine diep proscribed failing to 'Word um any relief. It was at this stage of mi , diseaee that, on the oth of September lad, I luckily me one of me friends. who told me that Mr.. 1.11. Monier ad permed through the same ordeal, and had been radically cured by Du Barry's Revalenta Arabian. Thereupon I immediatel began to make use orit, and, soon after. I felt relieve d ; and the extraor dinary chn,:ge for the better I have edually egos neneed since. owing to that exeenent anna, induces me to believe that I and °moisten core d._ P. D. BERNARD, Commercial Abstract Clerk in the Collector's Office. CASE NO. at el& . • . • • • [From the Rev. James T. Campbell. Syderstone Roo ter'', near Fakenham, Norfolk I December alb. Isse. Osertrysies f in all 0011611 of Indigeation. and peruse larly when the Liver le more than usually affected. 1 oomuder Du Barm'e Rot/Mints Ambles Food the bee 01 all remedies. You an make what use you please ol thin communication. I am, tent l lenen T , your,. ko J.dttEt3 . CAhLt'ItELL. Perfect digestion ; Wong nerves, and refreshing ahoy restored by Da Barry a delicious health-restoring Revs tante Ambles Food. Upwards of CCM cures and wear Ihowutnd testimonials. Packed, with full inetruotions, canisters l 1 lb al no; 12 lbs $l2. The latter earring° free no receipt of cash. e'old at the Depot, 243 I3outh THIRD treet, by 11. MUNRO. principal Agent for the United &mos. and by all Orono re and Druggists. felg•lin* ~USfiTUN'B SIMES'S PURE COD LIVRit OIL PERFECTLY fl WERT •NI) PALATABLE, menu fnotured Int Newfoundland for the proprietors, (ruin fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at a low tempera ture. thus preserving ths sweetnees and puri covered Oil while the immured fishy flevur Is perfectly Snit the Oil rendered palatable cue Agreeable to the t 3.11 8. The proprietors of thin Oil spere no expense in having their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only place where. the Glades morrhun . ie Mend in abundance. Prom tru tither r " s f p r e e ire ' Y Y t I linen:; eJ In ailmixi d ureT with hat doming [rum the " ' Bem o an ' "rd,rt: ;',24.aunpAnii.; the (entrst,. Our Oil hen been anaii sod. end to be pure. and the perfect. , n of tae suelity- 7 -characteristioe which enable it to maintain its superiority over all other kinds. Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by HANSARD St CO, folftml Twelfth and Chestnut etre, t, Philedernhin• THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND,_ 'DALLNY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR VII AS universally supplanted all other -ILA. Ointments and healing, application, in both the Eastern and Western . Ilemispheres, wherever intro duced; and its intrinsic mane a.he true secret of tie !Macau in all cutaneous atiectione. whether the clause De actidost or disease. fl.rq Instantly relieved of'-' their anguish, pain and intlammation, by a timely application of this mar vellous healer, and the flesh is renewed as if by a charm no blemish or soar remaining. ME FRIEND OF 1° TH ND RBERY. Children are frequent M eutfererafrom external In juries, especially from Raul and Earnpheni Ex plosions—therefore every 4 mother should have this healing preparation con- stantly on hand. It heals yore Breasts, add quickly a,remove. the TETTER or RINGWORM, so eerie- lens in the nersery. TO TRAVELLERS BY BEA AND LAND. The hittehinlst, the Tre, yeller. and every other in • dividuai whose lot in life. , throws him within the chance of acoident from o _, explosion, fire, or relli• pion, should bear in mind that this Magic, Extractor le his beat and only friend. in It is both portable and Iheap, and should ever be en his nompanion. as a friend a need. There are 111011- t sands of living witnesses to testify to its marvellous 41 virtue. who owe their sound Jambe and muscles to its saving efficaoy. The following are a few of the 'Ma..., diseases for DALLEYWIAGI- CAI, RAIN EXTRACT OR la a PREVENTIVE itt u well as CURE: Burns, MAIL"' Bores of all kinds, Bruises, Shot Wounds, Boils, Frost mites, Borofula, Broken Breast. Fever Bores, Scurvy, Bites of Reptiles, Felone, Scald., Canner, Glandular Dig- Hoerr. Cragged Lip, eases, Boald Head, Chapped Halide, Mercurial Bores, Sprains, Chilblains, P imples, generally. Small Pox, Cramp, Tumors, Contracted Cords,ilea. Tatter. Chafe,.moon, Glum Disuses of the flheumattem, Venereal Bores. Skin, Rasheg, See. Bold at theprincipal Depots, 11 Broadway, New York, and 21 and 161 Chartres street. New Orleans. by j. WRIGHT & CO., General Agent. It can also he ob tained of all respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United Mates and Canada, T. W. DYUTT k SONS. Ma North IIt,COND Street, fely Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS AL FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL PIIIA. City of Philadelphia, to the use of JOSEPH M. PAINTER. ts. W I I.LI Ard P. JONES. Levan Fames, September Term. 1060. No. STS. The undersigned. appointed Auditor to distribute the fund in Court arising from the sale Tor virtue of the above-stated writ of all that certain lot, or pieceol ground, situate on the north side 01 Marker street, 377 feet 4 inches west front Second street, in the First ward, of the City of Philadelphia, conotining in front on aaol M weal. al) feet 4 Inoliee, and calendula northwardof that. Width fel last: bo unded west by ground of Albertson, east by ground 0 John Donohoe. northward by a g feet wide alley a South Marker street. aforesaid, will meet alt pa'tfekln interest at 4 o'clock P.M.. on Wednesday the 29111 my of February. 1860 at his offme, US South MICTu Street. Ploladeb GEORGE A. COFFEY. felB-stutbSt Auditor. IN THE ORP , IANS' UOURT ti'Oß THE I. CITY AND COVNTy OF Fetat% of GAOROE A. PI VER, doconse..l. NOTIC6 is given that the Widow of said decedent Me filed her Petition and APPIAIIIOMO4I.oI the Personal i:i r tilTs t itf e t i ri:Vt lo d b /taXlMVorlNt r A u p n r3 e . r lT. P a r i o ld . that the same will be approved them.' Court unlcael exceptiontt thereto shall be hled on or Wore the 16th day of Marc:l.lBM H. R. WAR HINTER feat-nab ft' Attorney for Petitioner. F _. . _ . P.2114ihn..,... °dry Blom., ward Darhaatoa. . Jones Ilipokip. t 4 o n arlsi l e. Par togrt . llg , r , tosi, b t : l ilt am. ... I JANE WADE, by her next friend, BEN JAMIN M. PAM. versus JOHN WADE. common Pleas, December Term. IMO. To JOHN WADE—Sia : a will take notice. that the teetirtiony on the part of the libellant in the alai e case, will be taken lwfore the examiner upon Tueulay. the sixth day of March A. 0. IMO, at 4 o'clock P. M my office, No, MO WALNUT Street, when and where you may attend if you think prover. THOMAS J. DIEHL, Attorney for Libellant. fele 181 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. 18111 CRAVEN, SUCOES•;OR TO THE late (Inn of BRADY fc CRAVEN, will continue the FXCHANUE BUHINEBS, as usual, at the old stand, No. 48 !Youth THIRD Street. Dneutrent Money and Bpeine taught at the lowest prunes, and Colleetione attended to with promptneu. fe22.3t.• IHlft CRAVEN. D ISSOLUTION. -THE heretofore eluding between the undersisned, under the hrm of MEHL Sr WORM. e.Y, is this thy dissolved by niutual consent. The Mime., will be settled by EDWIN M. hi MIL, who is only authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidstion. EDWIN M. NIFFIL, J O The business will be continued by U W R WORSLEY. EDWIN M. MEHL. Philadelphia, February 19.180). fel) 6t. 9111 E Finn of WEBER & RUCH is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Gummi will be Nettled by et her partner 8 1X JPIO, C. WEBER, Philadelphia, Feb. 1, IF.M. JOB. N. RUCH. 108. N. RUIN!, has associatcwl with him 11. H. BF:PM P.TT, and will,tiritie the manufao• tore of Miura. Collar. tiom,lia. ,r &n.. under the firm of 'lll NINE'I A It UCH, et 21? CLIUROI Alley, where they mute the attention of dealers in the above line amnia. 11. K. 131:NNF:TT, Philadelphia, Feb. 13, MO. JOil. N. RUCH. INSTRUCTION IN CLASSICS AND MATHEMATICS. ROllk.itT H. I,ABHEHTON, Ph. D. I■ now open for en ergagement for one hour daily. All communicationa addressed to N 0.409 South Eighth street. will receive prompt attention. Haniairmica—Prof. Deo. Allen, No. 218 South Seven teenth street; Dr. Oeorito Duhrin . g, 614 Arch street; Col Randolph,,ri ar PhiladelphiaL F l ataarrtypl street; Lesley, Jr., ID lilarketstreet. A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a 42 . reliable medium tbrouktrahlohBotooluana Fami nes may otitain competent teachers. Parents may ob tain, gratuitously, 101 l j rmation and circular. of the beet satioola ITH, WOODMAN, Vora. US ROADWAY. New , or nil-tr lEal CHESTNUT Street . Philadelphia. BRYANT t STRAI7OIYB NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLII7,9IiH, loaatal at Phila. h. corner EiIiVENTA and CH&VOLT New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, and fit. Lou B. or information. call or send for Catalogue. faa- 11180. D. MICIEr SAMUEL V. MERRICK, J. VAUGHAN MERRICK IVILLIAM H. MERRILS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASDINDTDN STREETS. PHILAURLPHIA. MIIRRICK kioNS, ENUINEERB AND MACHINIST.% Manufacture high and Low Pressure /Ream Enginon, for land, River. and Marine service. 8011014, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boat,. &o.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs fur Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Brations ' &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and molt im proved construction, Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. rind Grist Mr Is, Vacuum Pans. Open Stearn Trains Defecatora,_ Pilters, Pumping Engines. &c. Bole 'Agents for N. Itillieux's Patent Sugar Soiling Apparatus; Phismyth's Patent Stearn Hammer and Aspinwall & Wolsey'sPaterit Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine aus-y E BTABLISIIED 1760. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, le and 18 CHAMBERS STREET. (Formerly 4.2 Chatham street, New York,) Would call the especial attention of Or.v.ereand Druggists to his removal, and also the anode, of his manufeoture, Mitesboyr BROWN SN UFF. , Fine Kama, Coarseßoppee, Natchitoches, AnarteaNentlemapi, Copenhagen. YELLOW nr4UFP. Meh, Fresh Scotch, et_ Toast flootoh. /Mal h T oast, • Fresh Roney Dew flootoh. or Lundy foot. TOBACCO. 115(0111111, 117411 CUT CIIMWINC. !MCKIM*, NO.I, F. A. L.. or plain. St. Jago, Ng, 8, Carencligh, or met, SPatilsil, zio.. l at 1, mix'll, Bweett3cented Orinoco, Canister, Hitefoot, Tin Foil Cavendish, Pure Turkish. wtCircular of Prices will he sent on application. . 13.—Note the new article of Fuse Scotch Sour, ioh will be found a superior article for dipplog pur poses. d2.3-3m HAVANA ORIARS.—A full assortment, lust received, tuatara and bond. The attention of dealers is lorded. N. Fllo UHT & BONS, 41111 tf No. 1116 South FRONT Street. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS, JW. SCOTT—late of tho firm of Win eir • ohester /a Boott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH INT B'll)itit and stillyr PIANUFA9TORY. ell 011 .STNUT Street,l nearly opposite the Otrard Housed Phi adelphia. • J. W. 13. would respectfully ‘all the attention of his former patrons and friends to !el new Rme, and in pre pared tie_ fill order' fix tillilt ti el . short notioe. 4 1 eerfeed atguarentled. WllOl6/14111 irade supplied with fine Shirts and Collar,. ITII-lir TAR AND PITOII.-250 bbls. Wilmmg ton Ter 000 keg. WilmlnstoßTa . ump 1,14 4 . 1 P, to ILIUS n e. Ina 191 sale bY ROWLEz, naluiumr R t 0.18 rt harves, all MEDICINAL. COD LIVER OIL, YOB CONEWMPTION DURNS & rd SCALDS LEGAL. EDUCATIONAL. MACHINERY AND IRON. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. SHIPPING. FOR THE SOUTII.-011ARLES TO.N_AND3 H 021 T SAVANNA BTEAMBHIP& I , IIP REDVCIED. Bantry Foonht at an averare Yortnlta per ant be lc, New lerk Pleametolp Tatra. FOR CHA eLP.OTON. P. o._ The 11.8. MaltPtesonshonlCF.YoTolll9 STATE. _dolly tarn Charles P. Marshonan, won and on Sattordny, ret, limy 25, at 10 A. M. Through on 49050 hours—oat, 4x3 ho at Bios. POR SAVANNAI. w" The nteamehtp riTA'rig tIF OFORGIA. Ceram,' John J. Oargin. will MY on Tueedav„ Februarr 91nt lO o'cl.wr A. M. Through in Gil to 60 boors—only VI hoofs at Bea. mTßerOn d.sys at ringed from ever!! Ulan:lap to erred five dAys. elooce received, sed bills of Lading signed evu. ? ?4:odfd drat-iimrie gide-wheel rltearnahlps KEY STONE STATE nod STATE OP liEOftlit A now rue as &hove every ten dor a. taut forming dve•dey eommu niektion with Charleatun and Savannah, end the South and Snuthweit. At both Charieston and Savannah. these Shine eon beet with sciturters for Florida add with radrori, &e., for all places to the South and Southwest. INSURANCE. Freitht andlissom& on a lure oroportto n nf Goods shipped South will be round to be lower by these shire than by sailing vaunts, the premium being one-half the WO. N. 1 - I .—lnsuranCe on all Railroad Freight Is entirely unneceaanty, farther thin Charleston or Cla•annekh,the Railroad Companies tpkinp lONk. fromthees points. GREAT REINA' IN PARE. Fare by this route Vito 40 par cent. cheaper than hI the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following *the auto. Through tickets from Philadelphia. etc Cherleg ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING/At:O.LS on the who! , route, except from gharleatou and Baru:i ns!) to Montgomery : INLAND TAIZ. To Char1e5t0n........813 00 Charleston .$2l BO Bavannab. . .... 13 iv nsysom , sh . . 31 tat Augusts 20 ou Augusta 24 BO Macon .... ..... 21 lb Macon ..... ...... 12 10 Atlanta . ....... 21 40 Atlanta 31 01 Columbus.... . 23 fili Folumbug.. ...... 36 tO Albany.. ... ... 24 IN Albany • • • • ...... X: 00 Montgomery . .. 28 (1) Montgomery 30 (10 Mobile 33 uo Mobile .... .... . 40 9Q New Orleang . . 39 26 New Orleacs ...., 51 00 No bills of lading maned after the chip has sailed. For freightor pmamte apply an board. at 'amid 19 hart abco.e Yule street, or to . AL&X. HERON, Jr.. Fouthwest corner FOURT anoLCIIESrN CT, Agents in Chsrleston,T.m. & I'. 0. BUDD. bavannah. UNTHR dr. litthifslF,Lfr. For Florid& from Charleston, steamer C&TOLLWIr every Tuesday. For klmtda from &moult& "Varner* Bt, Mary's and St John's, every Tuesday and %turns!. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— NEW YORK AN IUI D HAV STEAMSHIP #SANY. The United States Mail Steamships ARA9O, t.i tone,David Lines, Commander, and FOLTON, LOl tens James A. Wotton, Commander, will leave New York. Havre, and Southampton, for the year MA, on the following day@ To meet new rosin temente of the Poet (Moe PeLest: ment, the days of mailing or thp_ARAGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON, will, after_ their t risect t voyage.. be chard as follows from N EW P Vl t h bt v :r lgo t b h Ul i l i tis toe th e ro e : e tl " . d l e 7 IV " glar e , the eohedule reMS.lllllUnaltered: TROX Paw !Olt. pp SOVTILLIRPToII. F ULTON....D o. U. F U P PIVIL A . Jan. 14....114. 11. ARAGO. Jan. 7. ARAOO -Jan. AL.-Feb. I. ULTON . -Feb. 4. F -Fe b.ell A Fe b. se. ARAGo.— Mott. S. ARA 0.„....Meh.17...tdch.19. FULTON—Mph. 31.. FUL _ ApL I& 'These steamers, built expresely for tiovernment ser vice, with double engines, under dent, every attention has been taken in the construotion of the hull and ma ehinsr7 to moire safety and speed. The shirt have Kee w ater -tight compartments. am:dosing the engines. so that In the event of collision or stranding, the water could not reach them. and the pump. being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be Be mired. Recent Asp:inner, has demonstrated the abso lot T i ne tiLdio f 1.7"=.1,174 beueyed to combine every comfort and convenience that out be de , - eked. Film New Tort to Southampton or Mine--Firot ' Cabin, $130; Second do. Prom Havre or Southampton to New York-First Cabin, 700 trans; Seoond do., Mgt francs. To passengers going to London these steamers offer the advantage. m of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered an London. No passage sec red until plod for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and news saye ra_must pass tLitough the Post Mae. Y NCR.qt.V/Wort31:11: Lee we', New York. WILLIAM MALIN, .Agent, Havre. AMERICAN Agents, _Southern_ pton, EUROPEAN EXP R ESS COMPANY, A ine. P rtili,r, ON, Agent, OMee, Tobitcoo Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans of the ships can be seen. rag- tmtal THE BRITISH AND NORTH 8N I'B. ROYAL MAIL STEAM- TORE TO LIVERPOOL MNEMI=M ex ox soeToa TO LITIZTOOL. Chief Cabin Second Cabin Passage— eo The shipsfrom Batton calf at Halifax andcik Harbor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, 'CANADA, CI . Lens. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone, 1 AMEN ICA. pt. Millar. ASIA. Capt. E. O. Lott. NIAGARA ,Capt Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Phannon , El./40Bet, Capt. J. beach. SCOTIA now building.) These Teasels carry a deny white light at masthead: green on starboard bow: red on port bow. ASIA, Lott, leave N York, Wednesday, Feb. 18 CANADA, Lang, " tshon, Wednesday. Feb. 22 AKA DIA, Otone. fork, Wednesday, Feb. 29 EUROPA. Leitch, " strt. Wednesday, March 7 AFRICA. Shannon, " N York, Wednesday, March II AMERICA. Millar, "Boehm, Wednesday, March2l Berths not seoured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on:hoard. 'I be owners of these ships will nut be secountabls for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie. Jewelry. Freetown Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to Is. CUNARD, fell Bowling Green. v -e, r 'STEAM DIRECT TO ALL , fAN z, E OF N a nia tA B N RSTAIti AND k`HE • ' AklpUlto 11E31 .' 41N PAakRT COM ANY 8 IRON MAIL STEAMSHIPS, ala i ' .. i' !et! Ceps. leis. l3°" "" u . lORUSSIA. t..apt. A. Trautman. AVARIA. Capt. 11. Taub.. 'HUTONIA, Capt. H. Rosso. hese Steamers are all brat-olase Clyde-bath vessels; are Intended to sail front Pier 21, North River, N. Y., azjollows : FOR LONDON, SOUTPIANON, HAVRE, AND HAMS 0, The elegant and powerthl not brew Steamship SA XONIA, Capt. IL Hilton. 2.600. tow burtlisu. wi ll sail as above.on THURSDAY. MARCH Ist. at 12 o'clock M. PM111447 . , k noledueg Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New mkt d from Southampton to London, First Ca , . lOU I Seouod Oat... eat i lemerase...ll2l The SAX° IA eall be succeeded DT the followfua Steamships: lAMMONIA.—..—MONDAZ ? ApiII 2. ORUWA..--.....w kiwi AY, April 1.2. AVA R1A..—........TUE5DA , Mar 1. TEUTONIA—.. .TUFADA , May IS. Sir Passengers forwarded to [Liverpool, Dublin. Bel fast, Cork, Lilaegow, Pans. and Antwerp, at through " Vise steamer, ere Sited up with ;mainlined &mom modatione foi first, geoond, sad third-alma Passengers. ThAree t tl abi=iiimodations of theme Slum am " Ca rtleates n r i e m istrl from nh London, South ampton, HISYTe. and Hamburg, to New York. Parcels forwarded from nitadelphia to all parts of Europe at reasonable tales. Freight engaged in Philadelphia will be promptly attended to by.the New York Agent, and shipped free of alleonitruagion. For Freight or Passage, apply szolasiyeg at the Offloe of the MlfanDlirg Mile man Mail t.n.eißl till U T. Northwest corner FOURTH and If • :a NOTICES. tyFICIE OF THE PDILADELPHIA AND READIND RAILROAD COMPANY. - -- PHthinxi r - ul A, January, 1580. The holders of the BONDS of this Company, due JULY 1.1960, can now receive, upon applimition at this office. TEN PER CENT. in cash upon the terms spe cified in the Circular attached. The holder. are also entitled to the benefit of the SINKING FUND established by the Stockholders. as set forth in the Vowing rewiluttons, passed at the me•ting or Stock older, held January 9.1910: Hero:red, That the Sem f auo.wo of the tutu* bet Prohts of the Company, a sr payment of the sum ne cessary for the extension o the bonds due in MO, the it completion of the road to suphin. the car loans. the necessary rolling stook and improvements on the linen( the road. and alt the liabilities of the Company, exoept the bonded debt not matured. be net aside in each year tta a Sinkins Fund. lin addition to the 41.9).000 already providedd and shall be appropriated to the purchase of such of the bonds of the Company for wh ic h no s in k., Fund ie already provided and established, in the order or the priority of the mortgages Wrest to secure such bonds. so long as they can respectively be obtained at or under par, and the bonds so purchased shall be forth with cancelled. Etrolved, That the Board of to be, and they are hereby, requested and directed to eater into such an agreement as Khali make the provisions in the forego ing resolutions an obligatory and binding contract of the Company. In pursuance of this resolution. the Company have executed the contract therein referred to. . . . .. . - S. B RA D FORD , Treasurer. • CIRCULAR. Notice to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. Mortgage Bonds, due July 1.1960. These bonds are secured by the First Mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 89.9U5.403. The net revenge for the last fiscal year wail six tunes the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The Manager, propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the 'enmity of the Mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held._ Fresh sheet, of Coupons for the interest, payable half-) eerie, will be issued. A Bonus of ten per pent. will be given to the holders, to °onside ration of their assenting to the extension. Thja Bonus will be paid ID earth to the bearer, of the Bonds, on their signing & receipt and presenting their respective Bonds at the office of the Compitny, or to its agents. for endorsement. Forme of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. By order of the Beard of Manager,. ja~6 tin W. H. MoILHENY. SNlrerEetar NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS I SEALED PROPOSALS will be received untd the loth of APRIL next. for the graduation and nigeonry of the following ...pone a the ALLENTOWN RAILROAD, To wit Fees. 33, yr s, 21.30, 33, 33. 33, 30, 37, 38, 32, and the Plrat Ming of 1\ TUNNEL 1310 FEET LONG ON SEC. 30. Tho above section. comprise all the heat y work on the line of the road , and le believed to he the post class of work that has been oflered to Contractor, for some time, being the work that is nereassry for the 000sIT110- two of a first-clasa rued with very light grade. over a broken country. niecifichtions, maps. and profiles nisy be seen at the Eftgineent office in Allentown. Terms of pa> meat Cash. Proposals to be marked Proposals," "awl addressed to the CRIER ENGINEER, ALLENTOWN, Lehigh county, la. order of the Roivrrl. J. F. f' Ft: RWORTII, Fresideal Geo. B. Rangers, Chief Engineer. Feb. 7. CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel ehia. Nov. lg. lea. At an Mention held on the' 2lst intact the following gentlemen were chosen Lill . ..tors of this Bank: tlemander G. Cattail, JAMOph Linden!. obert K. Neff, Samuel T. C.lct,y, ints Bteel, John F. Wogs, dmund A. Bender.f ) harles Kneoht. Alexander WOuldus. avid Vanderveer, BuKtk Craig, 'tulip 11. Mingle. Carignan J. Ifotruutn. And at the meeting or the Board THIS DAY, the fol lowing °Moore VINO unanimous:, piloted .A. G. CATTEI, President. R. R. tiEFF„ viewPrecdoni. J. W. TORREY, Cullom. WINES AND LIQUORS 1, VE CALI, ATTENTION OF THE V V TRADE to this really Dirperior article : ALFRED RENAUD COtiNAC. A supply in assorted getclottes oonstantly on hand. Orde f 9061 ved (or direct importation. Also—Hennessr Cognao, Leßoy Cognac, London and Holland (urns, Claret in Wood and Cases. Cham runes, high and low prices. LONOCIIAIIO. Importer. 010-6 m ill Routh FRONT, Philaidlilphia. GEORGE WIIITELEY, No. 136 South FRONT Street. Importer of Brandy, Wines, &e., offers for fie,g bond only , the following, among other standard br of bdy : inet, Ciutillon, & Co., Thos. Hines & Co., .Jr.,a Robin, & Co.. Curd. Hapax, it Co., /.Boignette, rim, wee., elievounn. . Dupont & Co., Union Proprietors. . & 1,. Martell', Jae. Hennessy. o, Stuart', Paisley Malt Whioltey, and the °hideout Tambov of htsdeira, Sherry, Port. BunturAY and Rhine Wines, Palm 'free! lit, JA:4IU RUM. Santa Orna Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &u.. &o 07-17 OILS.-30 11b1s. No. 1 Western Winter Lard Oil, 2,000 gallons Wlnier Bleached Whale Oil I.LOO gallons smiled While lid, 1.1,0 gallons lute Tanner's Oil, 4,000 gallons Winter Alarfilnery oil, &A gallons Refined or tireasing Oil, 10 1.1.1 s Kerosene Oil for burning, in store and at Orton. For sale by ROWLEY, AKIIBU RISE R, & CO, le2l-tf le n”u'rn WHARVEB. N EW YORK KEROSENE OIL.--100 bbli for tale at nianuflotu ref euriett. FOAL!, ,t O(JPrN. 472 North THIRD Street. I)E LEON, 411 ClitsSTN U T STREET, shove Fourth. North aide hee the very beat Stringing end Chewing Totutnea in Philadelphia. ITA M S AND SHOULDERS. -- 1.900 Pieces City-Smoked Ham sad Shoulders. Alec. 9170 !'Jeeps extra isisr.ourell Hams. for isle by C. U VADLEIit k (10 . A 11011 Htrokot. .Inor Front 31ACK EREL.---500 bbls Prime No. 1., bble I.‘rge No. 3., 300 bins Bmnll ri0.3., and an jrO truant of Packages. For ale DT 1.11 sad Wl l .l. J. TAYLOR. & CO., 1.14 NORTH Wharres. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNISS, BRINLZY,_it CO.,_ . co aditItICIST 11TR_Mle BALE OP I.IIPOitTED AND DOJUZIIC DA/ Oq nlfs4.lY 000D3 moratett. e r, it at 10 o clo d, M eatakatat, on int motteta . comfit— nac lowa and km of Noon sad atao: 11 try IGods• 134.11Di1l FRANCA ISV—T6 BY. unf•D FOR CASH. ON ACCol':.4l' OF UNOMlttld MITEItzt. - • . Tu60461 610m460. Feb- AI, at 10 o'eteek. for eaah, oa se-want of Ulla Ir • writer,— I case 60 pmees Hares Prtecaise. 04=464. rer steamer Edi etrurth • _ B SCOTT Jr. AUCTIONEER, No. 431 cilEurrrlut te the Cot= FIRST BPRIt . to PA oPMellto DEftlE9. - W HITS GOONS. an. _ . _ llst Wednesday Itorsngt. Irehrnary la, commencing at W o' clock ereemell, tir catalogue on a ereebt. Included in this see the trade Wail had an &watts, assortment of Yuma" needlework collars and seta. tenon needlework bonds and 110, Cel SS. re , oh needlework I ideas' moist. end robe& Wise' and gent's linsh-etUnbrie bannksrchiefa ins to medium whil• cambric. those lawnS. Stalls and dotted Swim a5,.. 00 k., wage. he.. he. 17 Catalogue. and samples early on the morales of sate. SPECIAI, HALE OF StrPERIOR STEREOSCOPIC BOX, 800 DOZEN VIEWS, Thu Mormtnt. reb,,,, v. cAccataccipc s< 101: o'clock. Incladid will be fon od—iniketior walnut. rosewood, bps fella!, baby' wood. cud morocco et•ccoorropecc. 14,111 1.01 colored croups. Am s•lun. Inch. cad Ulnae ce•scry, Plc nu salad views. glum pictures. ke.,ko ar A rrsagenl tor claim accion op Wostr.e.4., alttr aooa and evealat.ked on the morn,a4 of We. PI XVII( AS AT PRIVATE SALE. The fixtures of a ant-class dry-suedx atom u sortact order ; cost Oldsrl HID BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES AT PRIVATE a 4 LE. Novr arranged for elaminatort, to be so:d to alone an imptee, Ito plain and lined Buffalo robes, Laney .off and bear rebel,. Re._ CI J. WOLBERT & AUOTIONELBS, ARCH Street. bettress Bah spd Oath. BUYERIOR WALNUT FURNITIALE. k.e. O rsday Morning. 24th iaiL, st 10 o'clock. st 812 stet strest A lazes assortment of sups nor walnut (I:murders. all made for srareroorn salserelsgant JOIL2II Lind bed steads. la s varlet, of patterns; sofa. te'ee, natio% arm, and rockm; drOWILL barestnr. Ac.; chins. white eraau ware, randy goals. Elver plated ware. kn.. kn. pinup FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, a xo. as) VA RKET Stre.t. cod CI M INOR fftrmt. FERkiMPTORYR e ( E OF gAzIES BOOTS, $110.t.8. ArlD BROGANS. Thu ornin.g• February 113. at 10 o'olook yrs may r.!l be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, 11()0 Cu... Men's, boys' and soothe' French calf and lue mad; boots. French calf and Patent Mutant Con arnee Salters. and Orford ties calf and bun mon roes; kip and thick do; women's, misses.' and chit draws calf. goat. and morocco boots, slippers. esi tors, and. union of the beer city and Eastern manufacture. Mii" Cats Wines and Damping lath on Morning of gals. MOSES NATHANS, AIIOTIONEBB c l.La. orneatnicTiratl e Cel =Ow"' """'"" MONEY TO LOAN. , $930,000 to loan, pla t e . es or small artionnte, stooks. gold end silver diamonds. IrWhoa. Jinni ry, fowling pieces, dry goods. Motlung. grooms,. eu grhardware, cutlery, musionl ilUitniallinta, tarlatan, Sing, born., vehicles" hawse= &Maim of vil tee, for any length of time um n .on morn liberal terms than at any other eat in this GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAIN!. At private sale, splendid piano forte. US nap rosewood cue, cost 140 vice alit t tee 111-esret told huntine. ease patent lover Watch, double tints and inilkimplident seconds, only OM; fine gold bosuns-teas &lama Po tent lever watch.., of the most "proved sad _bon makes, from az to 1100: fine fold double bottom Hap lob patent lever watches, best make, from OS to I. fine 18-caret hunting-um detached patent lever watches. 13 Jewels, from $l6 lc, 136 ; open fan do., from $lO to sto lire 18-caret gold LePt.`e hennas Out watches at $10; open face do., from 1110 to $35; silver English patent lever watches. in hunting cases and double bottom, of the mastapproved and beat nuke, from $lO to 121; American bunting case silver patent lever watches at 010; bunting cue silver duplex watches; ditto double time. from into gat; huanne mule silver lever watches, foll Jewelled. wind. without a key, from 816 to $10; Levine do., from $l2 to $l6; hunting ease silver detached lever 3t h d es. I.lirarels, from 91 to $11; open face do.. fr om to $6; hunting case diver Larne watehes, full is , from $7 to WO; open face do., from 313 t o oil; silver %narrator watches, from 03 to 315; sliver Frenchonttch.. f-om el to $3; gold patent ease and open fan lever and Le_pine, English, wigs, and French watch... from .111110 1010 ; fins gold cut. kb, and neek enemas SO cents par dwt.; line told wets of ear-nngs, btaastetea. sad bracelets; buds, finger ripe B. and jewelry, ofirvery de sorption. for lee. than half the will selling 'noes. IMOOOO to loan. inures to suit applicants, on dry d every kind of geode. at less rata of airs= than any other establishment in tee city. OUT-DOOR SALMI • Attended to personally by the anetioaser. et very lee charges. CONSIGNMENT! SOLICITED. Consignments of ell and every kind of toods solicited for 'whim sale ; two-thuds the valued the goods will be ativanood in anticipation of Ike MOSES NATHAN& SAVING FUNDS SPRING GARDEN SAVING lIIND BO cirra s oz o s KELPAa iftres ONAITE.itirrtrRWINE PP MIL Duane rewired is m m o Dollar sqd with Fl rt 4 047.1 1 411 1 .in arrti Z u V desalt n 67... rasp. A responsible sattystistde WWI! Institutes kia:A bean seeded is the northers of We city and ra (i t d" 84 7 " ri r a =4" vu city ?'... sta tare f may risotto supply au neoeenty he gnaws. in ow...using and looatitiq it, have boa Warned vholly by a deinye to sooommodste the hew man internal arts of theisigp and estenst nuts popedaLon win.* tun 0 71CL Ors. DA From I to.Pi o'o lc; also,loc ou Moat; imill Illondlot train I astl e o'ck in the trea. ek rui_ O a .akP Ust. K aessa M kaeew.r. ohm Kea*. Jr.. = VErTs6rib. WO tsrtear 0. r='; Th., JAISISAI L P 7:'" numbs Km. Secretary. laSe.t. 0 FUND.---UNITED STATER N 7 _TRUST COMPANY, eorner TRIAD sad NUT ¬e. ntre lial Wl re lte NI rcr b ".k !ma the ot deposit to the tat orentharsZ. (Moe hotte, from a Rota • o'elook start &V, lad ao 110:4 DAY 'YMILNGbtfrom 7 soul •o' k. DRAFTS or sale on Ens Lint ire Lend. and Bootiasa, ts al orl,. dent EiHEN R. MAW:FM% eater—]AA a ES R. H UNTE R . NY FMK. notaul. S L AVING FUND--FIVE PER MT. Lti- TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COX. FAN Y, WALNUT Street.Sootbireot coma; et THIRD. Nolodelytus. Incorporated by the Subs of Foossylro• Money a received in any num, large or email, and in terest paid from th e day of deposit to the dsy of with. drawl The otlca a even ere day from B o'clock to the morning tit o'coock in • Iranian, and on Siond&J and Thuraisy ',ramose n 1 I .. olnce. ROB 111,NRY BENNER, Fyseadent. ROBES. l' ink,L RIDGE. Vie. Prandent Wilma* J. RUN filletitall. OLRICTOII. Non. Montt L. Benner, . Carroll Brevslee. Edward L. Carter. costrytt B. Barr. he i r: i let i fyitte s.i. rancor Lee. oseph Yoram. Runes, Jams. L. Eitephenaos. °nay u received and payments mad e . duly. Who insasusuents of. Mad*, In 00C011IIiir _lrteht tho rOVIZIOge of the Chan ey. in Bail Estate Mortaagss. Wound Rents, and such first-cae seouyittee se will ak wars insure perfret security I. the depositors, and which cannot WI to give penuaneney Lad staba.ty to Ws Infiltration. sal-ly BUSINESS CARDS. WM. M. °IMMIX. W. W. 11.•111h1J, G REINER DARKNESS. COMMISSION MEE C HANTS. _ . .. 131 SOUTH W HAR k , ES, fell 3m YIIILADELPHIA A LFRED L. HOUGH. PAPER MAN IJFACTU RRHS' AGENT. Orders solicited for evesenr.tnek of PAPER AND PAPE -MAICER3 MATERIALS No. U South SIX TH Street. PrulsdCptos. n R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE • BROKER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIS TOWIt. PENNA. FAR. in Montgomery, Bucks. tad Chester for sale or ezehnnte. 0001) MORTOAOE4 ogi farms negotiated. HANDSOME DWE.I.I.,INCid for .61,3 in Non:s own. Alamo pAWSON dr NICIiuLsON, NE BOOKBIDRS, NOS. 819 AND int MDI % O 9 STREET. Between Mute% and Outline streets. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWSON. JAS. B. NICHOLSON De 2-1, • IR. CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO . K ER AN L) CONVEYANCER. Norristown. Ps. 1.10 Fart. for azJe in Bucks. Montion,ry, sad Ches ter eountits. CitalogUei of FSTrus. 11,111 ceorr.y lon.. send hy maul. fen .I,a v B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND Y • SU USGR irT(ON Aii ENCri, for 1'r.r.,./%lNos- P,Dor• And Ferl,ll , l'. a cm ir E . c _ 3 „ oar FIFTII nod CFI I..:NTN T. Address " V H. PA LSI I.:R risBOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law A No. rs &nab FOURTH street. atim` WALLACE & BRODIIEAD, V EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK.Mocks an 4 Egutti bought 14,1 gold. on Contmuunot. Pg.Nt . 's B. WALLACI. EDWAILD C. BLOCIIIAD. C.38.4M• A McKINNEY ) ATTORNES Al LAW. URF:ENSBUKG. PA. Will 'anew's to Viesta.oreLand. Arautroas. se.l la 1111.1111Conalts. ten 6m fegthtsple r pIIE A ILO' h I.IXPRESS CO., OFFICI no CHESTNUT Street, f.‘nr , irdi Vracett. Fact ere4, Iletoh3.ll.llle.l3lXilL Notes. ewer as ova Wes, or ari oonneot.on vats other Elprous - I,WM .. t w.s, to Ail the pnar.*:e lusr.S te.l ett.e• of tic ted Suites. L. S. SAN:W./RD. Swami eavertztaadast NO J. t C. FISCHER'S AND OTHERS'^b?st..l Sew Von, PrANC.S. From SIV upwArde to eu..O. For axle for cash. via on rronrs.r tc •telmente Plano* to npt. u As. dr.r.r AK, tit south FIFTH 4:v." ru,e. KMSTEINWAY a NEW PA . TENT ov I . IANOB, Ng, CARE 011aND, AND dik/ CARE rtAmm. no. v.- (erred an oinle•rtil and an r" y •te ty the heat performer.. Received the first T oren-turas over t. 14, test trtkerv, from judges Ike ti..treonalic• alea , n. and othera. Challenge all hdupe.:glon. BLASIUS R 0 . 111 ted, WI 'T Street. _ . _ HOLIDAY PRESENTS I PIALIO-FORTES. hit:Lop:DNS. PIANO-FOATFIS. MEtAJI4.ONA. PIANO-FORTE& AIELOP PLA RTM. i MEOS. Male ill RE.V62. B1001:1. k 1 4 • • k. Mut Hallett. Phyla, k. Co.. and others. J. K. D. '7ll-1f 8 XVK.NTH and ciit.aT:t UT. A OREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCIIONIACKER e. CO., 7071 CHEL , ITNCT Citreet, ranee:fall. tante the made lorro public to call and &lamina their caw aad °". ul " " r iYWIZEOR GRAND PIANO. . Having oonverted the Tone, Touch, mid Aetios at the Grand Piano into that of a Senate Instrument. avoiding &li th e ottreetingis generally mad* to th e mile°, Grand Piano. also diminishing the cost of the same. In volume, punt, of tone, groat power, brilliancy, fell ness, delta, and evenness of touch, wi th extrognr.te Oti ose,' an eweetnees,tkese SUPER OR AND Bk.ARUAI GTIFULLY-PINIBIIND ST W are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, and are pronounced by entice to be far en parlor to any instruments ever mannfactured to this country. Conanthtly on hand, • large_ and elegant amortment of our unrivalled YlAfiltd. We have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited. in chiding the Prune Medal from the Crystal ralsce baton. New Yort.lgen. set-tf NEW CROP NEW ORLEAITS SUGAR.— V at 2 aid=e a ntiv . 734l i 0. VIZ MTHOMAS A ; i• _ _ • Ka& IN ow .l NI :K . ~.... ~ . ...... i n im erMarahlf Me,. ?sea cargo sal Igiella artry (3 =1, 1 1' . `7,' , E=S Mg Masa a oboor rib. .4,,htioTaiiiiii oe ii4ho rgat=ota pi o* : Lb gt e Z i ors i thr u w ,, m 1 ,. al=l ma Lho ' ' A AT ParrATN wax aur w i , h o w, a Iwo mama a ajl i zr• i SI r a ntatl UWl VirkeN . P •. o jr loakeossls ea es .., .. z ." 1 „.... 1, sa al: PI (a A t jaVr i aixaca en meted wok J boo Wain; Pam"Km , &Le- IVIVO- fa. O ts ti Toseise • 2 , t3 test., at U 0te.;,.1.&.k. watt, Ma befog! M Ly e-Vt.; t rortrre, f,r aceoteat, sal in "tea rt any eoece:, - • Mame , aSs VI stack at ail Kamera M.Artzt Can Raab pit SIM Alen, (mocker acre,mtl -1 foil oars sauso he nut :leo Vial Asa* a a•telL 430 UaaVus Numsl Itsars: eat C. , 131 , 411 ., Son/ ZEAL ESTATE SA LE—FEBRUANT .mk Iftf, A Lt . VALUABLE YODELS STOILF--FOSl , nrel fruit 0re...3W ttn, frita. I ZN. rat MIA most attyt• tlrtst erw- V•refoptorysce.—L t•BB 111 !LEIN'S ASO LOT.— L•fjf fft•• fv.tas. ft , nal eir mod a• • tier IL ofetit ',ma Edo of tf•••• snarl. Ottna•Asogr., riona .34 Lie LA.:ltercesareN Itt• fy ft Owl. 61 - Osumi*. 'f ViOTIf TO "BRICK D E. co_ffrirr of Third sad liktumwoott rm. Two from TA LUA YALU, ff *CM. Vlt :steam. ..Ha bomacled sovfAves• by it* flysoau .m 1 Lima . VIAL, tufa pike ; a* lit of a* Writ swam. sat tv•• Par.As of • scif hos fort Washaspos swum North Yeastql vista HEE j ilitrT)WEl LING, socrit odd. of V. saitauto• arra. argyle &AMA tad !MA atm ts. I Late Key aafismag.l PhavielphA. PIANOS. SMECCUMI Ell3l=lll SALIN BY AUCTION. a? te Prt:hde phi% artry ths.i• Morella:re Litrat7. REAL ESTATE BALE—XL/JIM Atl2 ceatelek. `/RAT Me/DE/L.4 EMI DENC2I- vitt ad/ Ant. lc /33 horth Thrteasth erect. •t.,r. gprros Nrompinr• 'tato.— VAL L.:• 811, Iit:SSNEAS /TANI —Roar. story /not etc , / No. US Nen\ Tictd eruct, Pr tcmcca Arc/ sad Rae. scre/cs ocir rate eat A lA. PA .121, 11 arms , asssrosslo.m6 04 1 tie titer mar. 1 ails frau 34.4 marl ruts, 1311 =W. frcm Lusa .L.s..zglal siaioa, M Ms or rowas7l- ran Is li.s.Ornsu. onto/way =W. Pa. ST tha:st possccuc t. REAL ESTATE SALE'-MUCH At 7 eelock, Lt• Lvez , og. OryMoe Court ?...que—EotatA of Ann Marts:. doiA. avio- Adel' BRICK DWILLLIN - i. obi) Ince iD Rprsed Enlist, between Second enn Tklrd streets. Seal by *star of Hays—Erma 01 ibokaoar-. deemd- THREE-STORY Blii01( DWELLING, Ne.. 4211 Toe street. betimes' roam sa4 MU. wows (helms' Cot dale-Estee of Joey MeCmlask (NM FIVE DICELLIRe7. 1 4 .orti Time stmet—Tbrest• story Web. f tero-stosttnek, &Dell leo ewes (rays' dsrethers. No,lV North d Amt. Wilma TsuasaA- Os ancl braes remes' Court s.4l*- Estate of W. , ' LOOMS teed- TWO YEARLY GROUND WITS, V/ serieat of lots pest BA. pf SLILY street. *AIX of Farystar street. Earns Estate —TWO-STORY BRICK D'WEI_L'2IO. wear cde of Path sort k of Fttryr.ter sweet. Same tat‘te. TWO STORY YlaAaiE DWELL onrta de, of V. nrset.wrst Eagltit .treort. HOTEL AND DWELL NO—frame Wei , try!*re , t, corn ror Foar th Lad Calms streets, with tam frame crerelhage to the rear. Bats Nn. 19 PUN StKAM A 1.71 , E1/ OR F' UR •ITCR E. Bill:841.1.03 'Urn. 800 t CADF.S. &e -ft lonoday Yararet• rib that. at ID o'clock. at No. XI Pim street 'il mak lace. tke est.'s kooso'Do'd farsitars. foss oorDots, chum. plaso-pontacl ware. saperior oscrotszy, toolosams. Lod Alan tM luteitara foretitare. sir Ma, be examinad a moms,' of au at! eitlx.k. 11th cataogue,. Ailesiatstrater's &M.Ra lart /reit Mutt EGAJITYURNI TC it N. ELTIV.4. r lANO, CCI TALNS, FINE CARPETS. .te. gPI3 Ttwdar Morales. fifth Wit. at la o'eloett. a 2 Se. NY: Aryl meet' tl oatAlocas. by crier et Adamr.stutor. UN taunt I. nut drawing MOM. ducat-mom. 4.114 CIA/Aber gO.llll - re. rery superior rosewood serer CK Mgt 114II'). =so to onto r. by Eche M- E, - The catgut fanners wu rade to order lry Oers. .I. H.'s sets ; la. Men la We bat • I..rort Lass. sad /1 . 13, e'est order. Nt %I by ecallaid C. if e'doet ea Ur =OTC= g of a:CA.IMS eatalogwee.3 Toreseetory Sale o tee rrepjara - retaliwi- • BITEMOR LEditigtiCE. &LYRA:XI Kl3all - RR Le Ca Wedaeeder. March Tth. on the Drawees. FiNat street. am. ate Pena &mare t the mama; make . e. Lama far m:we. in. paattvlea. ke-. of • gentitimisa'l4oll4llki kowektepute. 1 6 / 1 38.4•64:kr.5. /kr Pariscalan itaadbe2s sad asteadwa. VALUABLE POOKR FROST A FIRM DIZURIRG TUE MAY: RUMNESS. Tiu Horsiat. El mat.. sa savertwort 7c7a:ar saf Tv:ask:a ..‘rks. en Ist/rest:4 mallat=, Lralv a braislar o.lvnttur.seu. Sir lor partva:szs sea C1M:OCIlel• AL E OF FUFKRIOR YEANITUIE. TWO SE PERIOR Elt3H-CASE CLOCKS lIEWECO MA- ChINE9, WOE CABER, CHANDELIF.I3, PEL.R CARPETS: &o. : A R D.— Oar sale a.,111 at dr Asseles lune, en't compnee. !Banda4oll lAA 1111:*Lir/i SO eet4.ll.and foretaste. weer or 11.:11e-esee ststrt-,:u elects .apenor seems tetaeltures. easerseer sod °Mos (.rotor.. sett elsedaisen. use b ets= sale. Mneeslet. minus, sag oder ts, leas sat& te44tus, Ctrs"' sad 4:JAM/IN Ar U lna re 111410MICOlt, vent? asseartros sad Wens deems of pcze.luagst- Mir Cestaksves sow mid I. sad tlir imam ansaged f.d• steAmeates. Sue in r .opss is sat xi Burg° Fultrrrosts, I VV I ANELE- L&N E. O-PORT a: CAI ITiL Tes Mersa's, At f o'..belt. at the Aortas ewe, ma as of melee: seemed Las 4 tarraskre. letes.pesee tee Earners, carpets, eta, from mesbatess leoteaekorpeas. removed se tea mere aamasa of Alec. grass & Watearestre-rea sem ?ict. ICS Pulsator !vett /MP RlOll Fr R art aK. 110 e 3LIR.ReR. C.IILPETS. ka- Oa F.u. auk tut., at II cielea ed asJaera. .rlo. aregmatzber acme. tha impanel water. tevax.roace. aad elanty tam tam rcwWcvl7 nctare aa.33. to lreate-olata etas r,er. cures, st • aze.a csaa ddlexti.Z4 11041*- ke ilV.l ay Womurotal damk ea tie alaneag et salt. rx.eatzWeit. VALUABLE VHF° , UtIICA L LIBILAIT 01 , THE LATEWICUCK:ARANE. Oa indTaTtteatah. Feb- J. w - 01 head the rahmetel t-heaeheieeel kitren of the teteUuse Coat:see. Era . kr atm et &R -acoon_ air For rarticiars avlaJor-ose- RETAIL DRY GOODS. THORSLE'T & CHISM srustame To a X. 3 S,l, , M2..ateir EW .fsER ti tit)? :V. clo•p cx met. aff.d C",trtiper. elf U. vra.,1.1-s to (.7=2 VERY RICH E , lt LARD Neat el.eelei Ik:s. C.,•••• led Reves;.'s 8Y . ....t4 BLACK-SUR& Praat f.../ Yrs 5%7 cf Prasa rots. Fax' ILA!: Ca.ausa Brat )(1.! aa4 EPRINC. eI•SIMERFS FOK BOIS' Wk4Et. nate-it mates of Dr..mrst, Mrs I: sl•.L.tral If Olt .1 VII A:: II er :as as Ur Y Lts Lomas. At Ufa N. E. s , rs.• fen EIt3HTEI an! SPRING GA ItnrY. itROCHE AM) STELLA SHAWLS AT • • REBCCED PRICES. yra Parer rr‘43 Lars, 13r,!..• LON 4 art p. 4 L'Art. StIAWLS of La* ra atm:44 =loaf przrat. Mr— not. A Co BLACK AND BROWN' FN I: RE STELLAR. From 33 to Vs ex! Now tty sr WrL:lr sat Co'oool Crstre as PR.CES ALL it EZI:CEIL A're. Ersalet Strrla Bests' Mazda. rsale 'a. Plarler Arco Fria ale-tro..a rig Into? Error Cioodr.s... mtzseal. Moos. e r . Lrater. to J at)lar, 3 earl. Rent r.l ea It I.i earls. (toot Slued .111.1arru sad ri.s:2 Ds Lamm Wti C /Ws. Nk:VP GOODS Ir , st dr/:t ratatrad. PrtmLo4 For:trd Inst Laze:J.& toot sL.Ntt. CELARLM ADAMS, EIORTH rad ARCH Scram. LI:PIN'S DE LAINES, 4.c. Tots mode Ea '-vs-t... .ti I..xN:'ene b-acks 1111 aal3B eta. 1-a r a cc' 1:y 11 JO 100.. SO etc. ft" :ty Prlal•d Yr,: 5' C: Lick mt. i..cts, as, tva «X*. 31 Cp. d'l.-k. y_ Back Y,Ls. a: az.: U. ALA•. MUSLIN : 1 — t.. eSa p eet..llt4 y and. 311_1 , .1 , T NOY!. b Ur* /.., 3.34 laze. • t.l.' tae rec. sad 11 NI YbK Tat , * 1.121:1. yk42-.1. LI: rtes. NA KIN!! sad Do) %co. by We ca=se re vAA' , I7. TO W F LA. 5.12 doses. (ma bi cts. to 31 011 , REZ-BORDIJAID Ftaf 2u. Natt.s.s. sat * l&l - Le krir-sn,-44. mai ra =used. MARAISILLES baser.J. bard** corm, MARSEILLES QUILTS. a...a0 La.9,4au r A'ar 2-134 A LINEN 5HEET1N132,1142,0 extra go:A TICKINGF. d vr - vrf MEFIRIMIAFEINTS As 4 ANIERI:AN DRY GF_NERALLy. et,OPi R evNA w D. MST MA RI ET IDIEARGAINS FOR SIX IVERFLS. Trtoßnsi & CELS.3I, N. E. wile: TEIGKEIt sad SPA INti ti A EDEN, Irce-A rerpitetfa_ tem' tie 0ut414. i er y tilt Don .4.,..iJaisary H. Igeds:ini WI Ai - Marea t R n. In , ELL GOODS EGARDLESS OF PIOFEES I Tle7 Aare luk o Lrag Rm.! e da.sva. h :4,... gh at! AIM' mess !:skate. Kr. r O4 our APT twpostobt,s. erreAk.C.iotAs. 1.4,9 elm 2.1144. A cood %am ands r:7 ca 1..4 LARGE Wit/CA OF F.A.Nt.3I #IIJ3. pen wale et black ICA,. era - ou, Da LA... llsaJ of as •h re r ee a. . 1 MUCH UNDER oCier7 FRIZE: N.8.-1l w.l, ill a.. 3 a i ry erA• ea.:- BLUE PLAID VI.ANNELS. &s c.: Arms Stiv Lati. Ca>lll3. ec I,re A. 5.1•14. l're:ty 37 aid= e.sst Poluses. 11111 sts-t I 11 wcsi vurtS 47 meet R se./ V. , ass...zets. M to 14 SI cant al:-Ircri CAN!I.IIENE.I. 1116 f , r test F... 141 Cue: mem. It 11. ILI.. .4 SI 1.1 se:. s TedC.SIWIte.4/ 1.) atIM. Vtt cLter) Ile "ill 1 et Wit as 4 it•sArvos. 6.orta, T;tv. 44, .11 , 5 • - tO Ct' rFR A ts. , NIIID. NINTH s.s. MAIKL7. 11. FL —LIN IN GOODS. • .14 I Lai .t.<4, 4ewn21...t. :sll SOUTHERN OIL COMPANY NEW PALE/NI. I Sltoa.attett,... at 3 ma . - '2s:2lr tat glass NI Sit C.-e 6. 7 VC," rat rt ., WAN- eta t. ^lsta etz tee. au.tarttiztt - es. sr.a . .ae sraseet. 111. a E 1 elties part. • 21.2e..2 ( - re Inas c 2 act sell. sad,. a- e. 1.1.741.1 tt %la tazt;t2.7-- - 21. reofezt I t to tst a tt stet &mast ',sea. :•.^.2. stets - o-Pc..1.1. A rtzt • a. et'. a.:: 2.1. e 2-tfes:et tat ta2tat et tat eery test stern s•-•sA'este Y=S e 2 It 11l for .2-110 ea es aa 014 !Al r,et az: wester: RLI LII. Geoni a. vats so t was pitt4112.2.4. The al tea.,e. a of Mack,. Ata rej14.11•1.. T • Per tiir irut.a re A s.- - *4- N One h•ssat. gNew Scetere tut: , Rof11••- 1 , 44- I MP D.V..l's I.^Nr. Atez4 16,1 FL, T Szyv.t. fPulsSe.g. 0. A U T 1 0 N !—ASTROLOGT 4 !—LOOK N., orr-oi)op NEWS FOR ALld—Tho wit:- %din M 11. VAX HOAX II* beet ; ati• ow cogs ' , tea all others hare W.A. A 3 wto an ta 9lgo, all who lam boos itakotalsts, =.1.01l is procusee. Ay to b.r for 0t,..t0 atot is ~,,,,i,.,..„. MA lam UP went of am a s tletioae u llf tie . oppobte ma r t t it a u: unitAter boy. And copy bee who itt. Ohs aka 'OS it , ' lawn or year Warp vile, hattuad. et &bird frtinbi. It us well looms to to. pabLe al larv=t oh* Le the brat tea only pesos rho can atom tho to mill 11. lull eackilY• eaurs saw:hewn ea aS 154 cow ze rta of lite oittltb t-A3 to tested and "MAIM teir= was. both rammed sod a We, let, dairy sad e.ea her. Come eye! e• - ere all! 14 , No. UN LAM Barret- Puree lee... ..4 Rnl•6l 1,1119 E VERY DENTIST, JEWELL.ZR SI _ - VER-PLATER, MACHINIST, et.s- .'a =nth Plumber , Q166-Fitter. Artmas , theat4 hars es* cif SHAW'S .A 1118.1.24 ti yf~iFlmor Nl* by SWArwitai4jahrtrari 80 EACI amt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers