Thpriltroxtriand - Rend,• -- fila va. i iilaTlVi t zthfiXia E CAVileinfilltb AM," ,Nrst"Pattlx , -Otnitrltsors 'MTh: fietimattris ittntant. Safety LOA*, GetitpanK "elk r iVITt I fa V 44II:4 6 44 3 PNICITY u YVeIr 4. * 1 1 g4 041 $ tom r° as W tl r; fri r d tir & Lit ofiatt4, Ofifolwrepottee. Yardibt key pbin fi i li - '— '7fid ' nod • ,;, 4 . err - esr_s, ids sport wan, • 4 lint tit antit't t„.te ,lememaY Mbrninsoilid ad jtn ola i tiNCit I. •• Ilad?llintit ichwilltfre vo. o ,Wstn r lßsy, A10;0 , 1.0000.6 It t 4gfts „girt. -sl„,Apcotltt law - tb;Clostt eferil het J 1 1 4011104 Yestethayi beth ievllte - °arrive ajar ontilortet. Tha_COMMMI mar ma+ ACIPVG.A 1 10 ARW,Minutiiit ris.Pterdet worts's& bet ! therp e tteinf ne.businges ready, awinutneinindii yytday. • iiter.siNwor n itorEkvihcrofthhinswilte.svichs. - ‘ 44 / 4 tiegd‘r Oyeling,l, number of lintel and Testae-, net keepers mat at- the , corner -0;X Filth and puce; lobos, for tits purpose of oonanienns the deficiency. h the astatine retail license. 'law, for the sale of inported and malts liquors itt th e oity, of thiledsl-4 hm. "t ta rduel Powers presided, and John P. Gaul tart 'Wan -annotated •seeretary,. The. Change in Menet, le* desired, by the • parties con•etne4 ening tsernecting. was an amendment, mhieri , Woel +mope' persona who ere now engaged in the itustaess, lolling witiont license, .to takeOM lieseeire, illeittnar heir propane:ate the revenue' ot the &att. During the argument, It was stated that a bilWari lownefore the Legislature providing for a change in he Dreamt license law, so far as relates to this city; )ut as none of the members knew anything of its pro • limns, a committee yes appointed to vomit° a copy If the law new pending. mid draw us an amendment onitothring the propoesl alter:wore tor Irmo, the meet rig was eallse, with, instroctioes • report at an ad maned Meeting, to be held the latte part of the week, Phi§ - aQuututtee Were, •P`red: Zerrac er,, r. Magee, 'Ad I:Heeler. ''- • „ ''rnaNir,isitorarox Mastro azyr.--- The Washington tontrineerdssociation opened their rooms at CU Wel ntilYlet .Petentalr morning, to the public, for the in 'gee"' '''' 410 firentiout lases los the proposed menu met to Washington. 'the roota is taststorts fitted up. Ihe exterior of the Building -was ornamented with „Poe'rman gaga. Ihe &et-premium, pion, by George L . Rhin", ma a most beautiful oeingp, in the -Gothic , style. I,ertmenud , prem gm'Om, be Henry E. -Wrigley, is illegreb etrneture. tne old Roman style. The third lemon is an elabprate design of ornate Gothic, by (1 - /emitig.' Le-addition to these, there are other plane, • at less heatti fin One to by Parker bordon Cumming/6 sin ot Gothic design, and generally admired as a, !tithed spemmen of architectural workmanship. One lt) ding mid - .names a very Myosins Corinthian oltunn, surmounted with a steps of General Wash, aton. ;Also, very trunefut deejAny, B. He,. There lk sin',/ omen bl•lOodanon woodtude ; one by, marlin Pitittioro; trf tniaottait..Favort. and one 4.101ut boy-Phirh. e tatter le Own new York', all the others being Cetus ayobiteots. SW /5W0401161.621' OONYhMeliON.—The Pannidt.' yenta 'lttlabeilltiois of the New.Ternsalent Church held, its atonal meeting, eeterday. all section eof the State haler represented . The usual business of the body was trewmated in altarmoniuus and elderly manner, and the most fraternal feeling Babb:led to prevail. A see- Went wee preached lathe forenoon M.ev. Willard if. illinekley. of „Baltimore. and a teeter. was delivered-in ;the afternoon by James Il McLellan, Ins., Of Pitts hat. ,Both of theee prodeotioastPire replete with deep ihougrit. and werelisteuee to with marked ,attention. social hteeting was held in theseening, inerhieh Piero. best of all atea lninllen'toMnbor in happy inter course. :The meeting alfogetucrWsii a very pleasant 'one, and will doubtless be long Yemewbared•by those ;wad took part in it. • - , Tee Ooncort in ald of the Mt. Yineenps florae, to concert :Walt oirTilesdaiivenina irceniore success ,.. Ail than the most "Mules' frieeda'of the charity anti, cleated. ~ T he remit was filled to overflowing lone be fore fhe hoar annonewi for its commencement, ann_huir unable to obtain admittance. Ailey Mich: tic after -tv year's abseinie from Philadelphia was reeled with. ..a , most enthusiastic, reception, AILd she ring a Amber of solos - in a *style which elicited the realest'. by Only Weiting"—a now . plate, pmo.osed by air. Glenne' Kunkel, and dedicated to Miss ttalungs-lwali song her, fat' the SM. time-1n this ity, in a mina etreahve.manner. , PnEsanr.triog.—Ori the even - log of Toole y. tat instant, at the armory, Eighth above Market, the Ittcern of the Phihrdelphialansys presented Captain dash! the able commander of this Very plEaiegt kith en elegantly embossed gold penal; in the form of a lemon. - „- - , AN :ATTEMPT - TIS ASSASSINATE AN #DI4OR.- Shortly after nightfall Thursday evening, the corn miters id the news-room of the Volksbfatt office, In the northwest corner of the court house, wore sometthatatartied at the repast of a pistol sad the aimidtaneous: it<n among them of a ” leaden rues stinger of death." - On examination, it was found that the ball ha:111806d throdA. a pane of glue in a window of the editorial 'aaeotnm, immediately rivet 'the - editor's desk, and striking nail in hoot:cake on the other side of the _room, bad glowed into the composing-room, as stated above. rdrtunatelyillt:Molliter, the editor, wad absent. Mad he been in his *mowed teat he could hard ly have escaped injury.- Who It wail that fired the pistol, - or what could have - induced any one make auk a' cowardly attempt on Mr. Molliter's life, is a in.ofound mystery.—Cincinnati Enquirer, Fel, teary. 18: The Mawachusotta Legislature consists of - sixty Senators and two hundradand forty.itepre: sentatives. 91 this 'aggregate, twenty-four are lawyers, fifty-six-are farmers, thirty-One are mer chants, about fifty are maw:Sash:mem eight are physicians ( three'are clergymen, and five are edi-. tors: Might be worse. EANANOIAL AND COMMERCIAL. ',The Ittoemy. , ~„ brig Feb. ge, lasQ The stook maiket seems fallen fairly saided down into sun &lethargic state that no ordinate ooburrenees gen rouse it totiotivity fora longerperiodthanoue or two dogs We , One.' The sass in the money market enables' holders to carry stooks so readily se to dtpress the ardor of thaloggirs; while thalsige amount of loans reported by the New York banks make,' aversion foi. a further rise fearful of stotarkiug in any large operations, lest thaetiinssaboiddbedrawneaddenlf tight. Besides, the ir{oes o,f ;east of the kooks and bonds on the list are already Anita high in oomparima 'kith Ma violations. antltholortinat of , thous "inn "Gait for algae at high usteer is proverbial. ' • ' ' We on hardly look-for nay settvity in stools while the money market onittinittw as at Present, end the best judges ©Amour in the opinion.that there will be no inapdrtsat inoveauent in that quarter this siring: 'rho rates on the street for good_ rwi have fallen to 13% and I- pet cent., and the inferior grades of ,yrotniegorY notes era decidedly tower than AO were when the year eamtnenewl: • - ThenaportafrontNiw York to foreign ports, spools not included, ars ten millions so far this year, against six and a half millions teat year, and eight millions In In reference to the extent of the cotton crop, Meurer Wright & Cori in their circular of this week. say: " The most popular estimate Jolt now is 4 300,000 bales,' annit'few over and some Tether teem There is still an expectation - that receipts roust soon show a marked di slocation for ail' universally admitted the facilities this seasorre Peen greltpr than ever for tnarketins the feat yitifittine p eriga.treeniTigngn'To lt ft ti; g:l°:;2d e lirlrertig a btra ti t er'c i ttir t gd cr a t u olt i le th eme are.. ehould have had an tumor tans ad ranee in all t rkets in thin country." • • - And nature. Neill Brothers remark " The course of receipts continues Mite confirmatory of the views then expressed, and the rardity with wnict the excess is still Motes:Sins is grail rally forcing all par ties to adopt Weber fiesta." The following are' the current q notation, for /Peale domestic clamp), do., ai furnisted by Cronies & Coot bankers, lio.4o.Boutti•Third street: Old Omar. 44 d0ne...... 01d .A merle/in 501 d....) 04 ..... .02 markedi ,tilletni...„. . A* rapoßsoos—xx franci,Sl }bacilli], ~.. :, _ , ,.....148, en iv er ......,.. 7 44 5 " ' frn4 0 04141 8 - 4:1161;5:.... :.....'..... 1 " - ittiliders -..-.. ..... 3.9 T• 1.04 likpsnish 002ab10pn2...20.40 i 'r efiC i r ''' ' ' ' vztil —... 2.10. Patriot " ...16.60 • tiaz.Exoll'ol. - re to 3f 4 dpiorittaburs..:-.; - ~ y to g d i la' ton . - ' . to at ' . Ciseitinati...... ,t to A ' Itimore ..... " to ls' " Louisville.•• ••,itto Y. " oturiosid.... It' to $ " . Bt. Louie- .- s. to trat ': lthtlestoa.... fi to "-, e115t0a50......,,t Ntosx . ikvaututh• - .„.;. at to , " Clevemsd....., xto I " biotite: ... ... sr to. h " Nashville- III" Itst! Othuuta.. - ts to lar" plamehts...- . , las' '. ' 111114A.DELPILIA llTOCHillielfAi46 . 4 BALy4. Yebtuart U. WI ' &stoat= 99 8. R. 864:3164121113 814) Walnut Btkeet. FIRST BOARD. loco city aCo ...... ... 101 • 115 Lehigh Val R...... 44 5000 -do „ -....- 101 12 Del Ply CanaL..... 38 2300 do .., - ... 101 2 do ' 93 760 Cataalsea zci nat. 6 .160266ns R ',-... 38 1 360 Lablab 6.6....ea5h.100% 30 do ....... --. 33 1100 Lehigh Val 63 ~ 9914 IS „ d 0.........- 38 INO pain Ir. Ant 63 '89. nial 7 ' . - d.v. :_-- .2dy4 38 100 I,l3laad 11.,:....35 11% 4 &hi rday . Prid,.-. - 15% 6 LOO4ll yal „ft- ~ 44 15 Man & Moak Bk .. 26 ~ .1 161600. ND .0941c1i. 600 Yonna 61.. •.' . !L . 94% 100Ronding R., ... b 5 20% 1400 ant do ..doerttle 91% 6 CAM & dm - R..... 128 - 9300 City 66...10t6.776yr 104 6 Mnuthill It ..... .. 66 7001 West Chester 73:. 68 17 Alittettill o . llo{o. ~., 34 10 Morns Cal 91% 9 90111 Nay P1id..... 10% 69 Bp'eas rea- at It 10 10% 1744 Fenny 7t.:, ..... 9- 60 do „". ~ .85 OIX 'lO N West Miotn2. , . 43 1 Lehigh yed ,R. _- 44 In Ci ti - Bk . .., . „.... 4 3 NI Brunk 88 South K 01 ' 9 Munn Bk o 1 ,l'entk 611 " 20 do ....... .. fit 01,091 . 741 BRICRB - -DULL. _ ~'" , • nut 411.8.1. . • .Biet. Athol. „Phil k 66. -tot off 101 101Z,Bohl Navi c pvf..i..l6 16 .:: 14;i7n11 . lag 101557 -9,' 4 lot I l lti: 34 t 1 few dr. mt off 91% I,lSt. " 1d mort,l2 ,ij H 3 114 R......... 2034 ' . 11 . F .1 . 6.4 x —3O. 11% , tkdi '70.....04% ~ .4 60 k3oal&ftakt.6l 643 i m Inert 63'44.96 97% N tuna R....". 9 .9% ''' do • '96.70 11 i • "." ,66 -....:. --(W.' 615: Flu if i t .- iii.. - ti - lit:Getrivis i sTß- . - . 9° ''7 1 • 2d4 iP ut kir e i - f ndiliotfti 014) do Pelb 6 R.4oS i °' 2 11 v s o t tin d new de 'Pd..7OJi .. igdd'd&Third-ot KM,. 00 ..- . 0 Imp 58..71 .. ftaoBtalnelts 11.28 50 " stook- 7 7% ~ The madame, markets have horn quiet to-day on so iporint or too ram. There is no change, in Pioer.sales being limited to about IMO bbison lots, at 10575 for good superfine; 45 for extra, and 86.121 f for extra fa mily.. Bales to the trade ranee at from these byurea up to 66.50n74P' Ltd for tawny Mande, as in quality. Rye Flour and Coin Ales!. are dull ; tie format is beld•at 514.17)404.25, and thelatter at 31,6214 41Y bid. Wheat eontinues warn° and m demand at previous qootatlona ; about late bus prime red anti at Mae, and 2uo bug white at 81,50. Pennn Rye le .selling at Ago. Coto cinitinues dull, and about 1,560 bus yellow found buyers At 76a. in store. Oats are unsettled. arid axle's 3,Bsd m alls Penna. at 65148440. No chance in darlay or Farley tilt; amin o( rho latter was made at igio bus. Bark—Queroitron le wanted. and let No, 1 Bella, on arrival, at $lO ton. Cotton—Priest remain about stationary f• sales include, about 150 -bales to-day. at Coady rates: Fish ars firm and Iditokerel ate advancing ; a sale or White Fish 1/641 made nt 12% for half' bbla. Groceries—The market unchanged 'and: firm with a small business dome. ) Provisions—Becon end, Salted Meats n unchanaed, bet quiet at-previous quoted rateer , Ler -is eelling. in a small war, at 113tfellNe for bills an toe, and 120 for hags Kegs Pork is worth sloven ts per bbl, and Yams $l5. Reeds are quietewith a smell bulel6llllo6l7 note in Cloveraeed at 84 6904.76 Ims, as in quality. rime lots.are scarce, and Wanted at the latter figure, Imolai at i. 5 •511 ,104, end dementia Flaxseed .11.81a1.60 Dna. , whiskey cornea In gicrwly ;_]Fann inivanin bbli.oommand ,Wastern 7,110 0760, drudge W.,717fi0, and hails 23C, Welt/ York Malrkeli, Xo4terda:y. . Agnes are quiet and steady at 51 . 5.115 - for Pots, and Ss 4; for 'earls. • Pt ov} e and Westein real Fs tinelourged; galas 9.000 tibia at $440449 for_pasouhd; 415:1065.40 for taper. fine Western; 414.3005.5 e for extra tun 85 10;55.20 for su perfine State; esitoes.4s for extra, do; tied Era Mae far tom round-hoop Ohio. Smathtt4 float is 4510' cu d iinClututed. with 'ilea of 400 Dela ikt`l6Eooo7s* tot mixott to good, apd 35.5007 for extra brands. O•natia lour isstend7.with taloa of 150 bins at 1115 009thls for extr& Ca are.—Wheat is unchanged and very quiet. Corn is steady, wan sales of MO toughens Southern yellow at 800. Oats ars Sim, at 35040 a for Southern and Jersey, and 150453 tor State, .qauads, and Wes ern. • flariay and, jir,-are alachaniged.- • ao Onttorni;—Beef la tiniet arta unthauge4, with rotes , Aot !kith, atg444ertak t er Ortet-f3 , ---Yeraej.415.250- PM for CoUnt Mess ; 100t10.50 for tepee ed wastage; an &11.4601 fora Ntra eat ; Reef }fault are swat at 13015:- Sorlr , kallepanlznyttyingedovith gales of j rn ;Vitt:JOS for fgrtgL:C. Ogiiion is/mum and firm. Outman% are quiet y ernic icy 4.lfgrilokr, and 00100 for Huang Lard in salmi of ifeyekss, ,itroltlytt. loiter , /IMAMS 0150. rive: 11,515 for Ohio, end for nine. Cheats is firm at 001130. Dressed and quiet, at fijidtkUo fo_r itailtern. , - ..4 1. uitillialCV it Watt Viritqlritn Stitt ot, • ____ _l4 - 19W , SORK CATTLE MARKET, 'Wednesday , Y eb.." — lncfirlß /N BRUC — At 1n41ket,8,643 Beeves, In Cows, 01 v putt, PAN Sheep and Lambs, 6 489 Swine, waleir Soiree do ant Wend. the receipts at Obereber.. Waidi , Wittche th'idegh some" mistake, were not' Vault trait for this edition. Ac Bergen. 814 head' 0 , roo Wbreqield tto New York butchers. At Altar toalcart Ihdaultire ,onAale, moult frn i zt v e a r IT " l b. toigibiulal..... thin twee , w o ab 14.derilino of fulir ode half s coot per Polled. lifftluitr• bit Opsulanably bottBor thou psut weer. u a Atudbar , or, 8188 , ororking Oxon are kucluded in _.. - t t 8 uortaia. wo,uuota preonturr rurality at 'MC; Mat quiet y 444196 r toiast Rt prnio; poor at Tmeas r and ' i ti drree ds 4trra r e . 73l4 4,° lll7ll %c he f lia d iumiz ~„4 „ „0r . ... oei n ar's better. law•_Mellon held ad. yeap...26 la atgdc tier. CT del were at orActe NY nead, Ave- Vill tge tholitl* many change. We pinto first' ~ "ti ~., ~,t n,4 l , at a 08. e. East totality, tripoli - argue anew, at WiC.. t win sloe, atill•red, ' 401;101643/,‘Inkte0)100 -foi; at Clstiga, _ ..,' ..~ ~i~ i ~~~~4Ll~~Nl.liß~tktiwu - A Yorrae-TampaneNcli twen- I ttoith ,anntverserY2 of theNotitNif!;TetnOielle4' isieti of the Sabbath School of the .Fust Independent OPurohiOrner 'of ttriPtit tufa Sentaluniftriets, (Ravi John Chambers%) was held at eletieert nail, butt evening. The ekeroillea evrnped adegree of preperetiun for which win were wholly unprepared, and, taking thim eitoge;. that, they fairly surpassed any tindlei exhibition ever before held in tine oity. The scene presented on the stage when we entered the halt:v. l e little lees thilifit fillriateetacle. On it were dome two or three hundred ehildreh, minnbers of the satiety, averaging front nine Apprebably twelve or thirteen 'servo(' age. The little who oesupied the west half of the platfortif, were nearly all dressed ip white, and the fort who were not ropeared in- bright eolorr, giving the' whole a de,clitedbr /tang :end, pleturesque elfeot . The displdy 'of , the ..teys,however, while it was no less effeetivd; was of a very different character/ "f tiever before 'have bre Reap auelt au endless round'of Juvenile eneeeh miliere orowded into one evening's entertairiment. end in:all the squeaking and laughable gesticulating of the stage the general effect on thin ocnaaion has per haps seldom been Paralleled. The house we crowded to' overflowing In everkpart, Mr. Chambers, of whose the temperanee muse this Society la a oreaticn, oectlgned a central position on the platform, looking the personification of satiefamion and deliyhtas one instalment efteranother of the et seinen programme was creditably enacted. The music was conducted by , Francis Newland. Esq., the youthful perforrocis being introduced and their Parts announced by Mr. nigh& 'freer. The exorcises were commenced at & quarter befdriheven o'clock. Their order was as follows An opening chant.the beintiful tweritg-third psalm— was sung with much spirit, after which prayer wee of fared by the Rev. Mr. Chambers. which was followed by the singing of an ode entitled "Invitation." The recitationa, dialogues, and orations Were next in order. The first of these was by Thomas Jefferson Hunt. on " The Title hge." He was succeeded by A. N. Bartle Hunter, who had for his cabled "_Thee Toting Orator t" 'Marry H. Heftier, ' The Bible Alphabet;" and Thomas I... Rosier." Beware of the Mocker." piece was then sung byetna infant &oboe!, upon whfoh followed reci tations by 'Mindere George .11.•Buthanan, Frederick B."lieffroan, John B, Neill, Whitney, Milward. John W. Clair, 'Frank Oilier Hoffman, and George 'Washing ton Hunt.' These were succeeded by George W./foment and William Hillary; in a huinorma dialogue entitled "The Little Teetotaller," atter which blaster 0. E. Hollinshead, an infantile oratonzer, delivered himself of sundry sound'" Beacons for Leaving. off Strong Drink." Ha was' followed by William' Jarden on " There's 'Boom 'Enough for All;" Jeoob Clymer. on the "Licence Laws;' A. J. Taggart, co "The Pledge ;" Kahan P. Kirby, on the "Onward bailee of Tempe rano) ;" end an trinity on the came wableot by Charles W. Walters. At this point there wee -introduced one of the most interesting Matures, In what was denominated " Th 6 Temperance Alphabet," exeouted by seven very small boys. Tins wee followed by Duncan C. Neill, 'on " The Spoiler;" another dialogue on "Indigestion;—Quite theatrical effort—and an apostrophe to ," Death and the Drunkard," by Y. Marion Augustine also recita tions by George W. Summers, on" The Widow's Bon," and Thomas Davidson, on" The Drunkard."' A rite essay, delivered by a member in 7s4g, was next spoken by William J: Nixon, a boy of about eleven Mrs. The essay was a very creditable composition, Upon the birth -day of Washington, and the TeMperance cause, and young Nixon delivered It in excellent Julie; actually filling, with his tiny but distinct articu lations, the entire hall, over the Wax of unruly boys in the rear of the house and in the galleries. • William B.' Jacoby next followed on -'• Our Native Land;" A. If. Border on Intemperance; E. J. Newland on Courage ; George W. Fox and R. B. Bitehoook in a dialogue entitled "The Rival Speakers;' William E. Griffiths on the " Rumnefer's Lest Dream;" George Wi Fox on the " Necessity of a Para National Morel ey ;=! . 7lally S. Bitchoook, ". The Parting of Maranon and Douglas'' , Frank F. Mohawk, " Byron's Ode to Venice." and oonclud , ni this feature of the exercises With a diatomic:l'43y thirteen boys, entitled " Effects of Bad Company ;" the wfiole being interspersed at inter vals with original odes and songs, which were - given with good effect. The grand finale to the sneechinakings of the even ing wee the address of Mr. Chambers on Drogentink the premiums, which, we may add, was admirably adapted to the 000nsion, and 'quite atoned for the undue lateness of the hour to whioh the exerting were necessarily -protracted. the *whole having been concluded by several hundred voices uniting in singing " haii l Columbia," . Ws, would deli attention to the card of Mrs. Con rad, Who he/ opened et her rooms, /do. 915 Chestnut street, one of the handsomest Assortments of spring boneets and hats to be found in the city. Tun CONTINENTAL BULEETIN."7-Thill is the ase of newspapers; and we bail arnongehe issues of the Philadelphia press—the oily where "Poor Riohard" flourished—this new craft an the sea of literature. The Paper has a very pretty acd business - li e appearance• and, as the name indicates, is issued from the "Conti nental Hotel." that giant of modern inns. The Bel- Jain contain', ~beeides the usual amount of literary ar ticles and Slustrstions, a list of the public. buildings, time-table of railroad Using, arrival .and departure of the mile, and a host of useful matter of great va lue, especially to strangers. It is intended to• circulate gratultoally, we • believe, among the guests of the aboie hotel. The publisher is Mr. Charles Stokes, the proprietor of the large and extensive One-price Cloth ing More, located at atiChesteut street, under the Con tinental Rotel. The success that has attended Mr. Stoles', plan of one. ,prieut at hie new store is very pro p erti bestowed, • - . • Botrrnun and Western merchants can fill all orders for curtain!, windOW-shades, damasks. satins, cords, teasels, tee., in a satisfactory manner, at W. B. earryl& Bro.'s curtain store, ?le Chestnut street, Ma sortie Reit.feb23.6t theta • Ttlit NATIONS WITEOUT FIRE.—AOCOraing to Pliny, fire was long naknotin to some of the ancient Egyptians; and' when Exodus showed it to them, they welt, absolutely In rapture. The Persians, - Phmuicians, Creeks, and savetol other nations: acknowledged that their ancestors were ones wsthout the use of fire, and the Chinese confess the same of their progenitor*. Ponmanius, :dela, Plutarch, and other ancient authors, !speak of nations who, at the time they wrote, knew not the toe of Ere, Seidaell *Ras to lomat bow Ur MIAMI of those days heated their "geese." Re is confident that they could have nreduced nothing in the way of garments to compare with those mad at the Brown Stone Clothing null of ttookhdl & trios, 603 and gOh Chestnut street, above Sixth. PULPIT Tstxtttaas, Picture Cord, iwd Tassel, Damask for Cal tarns, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Jac- Curtains, Teasel Loops, Centre Tassels, Gilt Cornices and Bands, dhade Cord, Brasses and Tassels, Gilt and Gold-bordered Window Macias, wholesale and retail, W. U. 13ARIITL & Bao., Masonic. 11111e19-stuthet - - 719 Chestnut street. Mon Asnas, in a satirical poem, entitled one Cow Chase," published daring the Reyolution, thus descanted on the dress of our forefathers: "Their Congress dollars and their prog, • Their military opacities, ' Thetr ocirn-stalk whiskey for their grog, Black stockings and blue brevities." • The dress of the present generation, like their talk and drink, is very different. Now they wear tire elegant Styles of the fashionable Clothier, Granville Stokes, No. oft Chestnut street, talk treason, and drink a variety of yilltutiotot couipoundsionough to turn the stomach ofan . alderman. N. B.—Thts celebrated olothing establishment has no oonneotion 'with any other m the eotr. WINDOW &WM, of any etylo or Size, in" store, or made to order, and pane by experienced workmen, with rood durable fixtures. W. H. Wan & 800.. fall-otutb6l 719 Ohootnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, tir vo vwnvit o'oz,oox &&p: xnay. CONTINENTAL—S. E. corner of Ninth and Chestnut, Id B Morrison, St Louie 0 W Parker, Troy. N Y W II Smith. Troy, Di Y 3 Horne,_Pittsbur C L Chapman do son, Conn . 0 Watd Healey. Si Louis B. II valuate. HY • . A H Angelo, Baltimore 8 John Bourse, Phan 0 J Cummlna. Del Bernard Gilpin. Baltimore Pranowatabler. Baltimore Alex Johnson, Jr. 11 0 - Ono Brand!. N C 0 L a onP.lgutr , N 0 L Aachen/dm Mies W Baer, en lineable d BR Winthrop NY Ai hi St ne, Boston Morrie DavLe,Phtla, - ' T Davie, Phil& Jae II Botha, Phila. VV trams, Phila. .. John 8 Clark, Pints • V thiskell. Plula J T McCauley, Phil" J N Hiinkin I. Luenord, N n Dr lt A Maine k, wife, N Y Loin BrnOsont, U 5 N John NV Abraham & la. 'Ye Chas Yemen, Tanwhile . Alfred Vesta aorredale Capt•T Ihiley.litintrurg J F Morgan. Tann It Idurtay.. N Y • J .0 umber & lajinfralo Lotus I) liana, Phila lull Anthony. Taunton w P Benedict, Louisville J T Burr. Boson ohn 0 Chaffin, Swam John I Boroull, N y Jo in NV bliort, NY- Z 11 Hum% la .. Miss S RUNIFOII. PaMies Anna Russell, Pa Mien Clark, Canandaigua Mrs A Tracy, Pa • Miss Thompson, N Y Miss 0 Tracy, Pit T M Crane, Kannadal. Jag 1., hie& en, Va John Sorenson. Va -''' C e Dann, Boston Joe B Antranni ) in, 0 ' l' A Hammerer. Pittsburg .) D liertqw mo ile " Drs recionek, N Y B 0 0 Scoonok, Nl' ' W H llarke, N J C r swan; Tow! Wm Osburn,f3t Joseph .3 J Clarkson. Bpringfield I) A Neal, Salem, Moss ,Fronton Den Prov, 11. I N rains, Woroeeler 8P B Morse' Nl' " Wii Bailey, Alex, Va 0111 , 'I ngdeat, Alex, Va If Lilly4llll J 0 Alawly, N C A Caring,i Boston -0 il t tlhaney, Nashville 'T N annedy, Boston H. , Boot, 'Salt H. B rawne, Balt • I Al red Waller. N Y lull Doll, Ji Y -.• P 1.: Proboin Dayton Thos LAsikr,Layton J F Farrand; Davengort ' C A (Ileous. Rock inland 1., Kiegon. Reck Island Saint Alelliken, Blau co a —• . . (11RARD HOUSE—Chestnut at., below NIB% Z. Gibson, N y P F6tIVAVa t Mivionn Li Roilluan A KY . W B Berryman. KS Runyan, Ks • D St Finn, Kr ii ft gamb Wi l son ouis a (iambi°, 8t Louis Dr ins M Balt N Bsears, Jr. Ry Chas 8 Hews, Conn ' W Lar Gossanikli 0 .3 D Bruce, El il ' . l', aocooook,ls 0 0 M Motto, 8C 8 Wall, Chicago I S Broantiont.Dol . . James 3 Bay, 1., y lAN Falls, Balt Dr J hi Hmster. Ii Y Mrs Hinter, N-Y_, T Leonard & Wl', Mass miss S ii..Newoomb, Mass W 1.4 Johnson. Lra , '2 Von Btade, N Y . Col W D Ltals. Phila Lint Colo VV ilhslni, phila I,t Cal i ! ) t., Murphy g i liiia, Mal r , Ei.i9wixda. rhila Ad li T iirr Cx'fr'n I: Sun; fLU,w, Mitchell, Plnla Co i ..._ o it, r . ii Wm - VVlllard, Pa - yr n t I Watts. La halo C .o_,lirai.ts.Ctrlisla A 0 unlit, Pa fifgl rte, Boston •" Thos Please, N.l - (kg ,Dashieltl, M emphis AderriPte,U 6 a _ J AI . area, N C Withers, St Louis 4 N W Van Su en& la,N Y PRanssen & Is, N s IS R Stout, Cini 0 C Van Vern, i'4,l J Be ropson & la, N J Missl. 1,3 Brava', Miss R. Mooowan & he, Miss Miss Pi B4Ol , 3(iorwan, Miss • 4.1. Drown, Ml4ll Silo 1, htoCiowan.aliss B. C Cr. ohs ton. NY W W Yeatman, Cin, 0 J. IS Knitter'. Mass Sarni Covell & In, London .. hi Yessot, N Y .0 arlanis..l rdi Y his II liar or, Texas W coontan, N Y „ -, Dr 1' Uo uniark, N Y Wit Bernard Selo 'IV LIo)d. Richmond. Va. 8 B ,Cliarch, 10 y N eciatoher. Buffalo • SStowtifit, Wallow Myriok, Minthmota .• SonlakhotoSsOisaSt Paul - NATIONAL HOTEL—Itme street. above Third. Levi Oberholtzer, Pa • ILK Heckman, Easton - Jos Wise, Allentown , Z Dolbola., Harrisburg -I liShewellp , Anson g Duke, p. a Hoagland, To wanda, Pa J Kruoiterbooker, N y P 11317( ao h r e rfjr* D tau t r 3 r " fi t Tre Tar ) , ..P j iifi l ovule Wm Iluot.inser, Pa .1 ti Hohwenek, Pa D Whitebouge, Pottsville . , . ' . BLACK BEAR ROTEar-Thitil et., above Callowhlll Chas ilgrper,_Pa ' .. Al Cooper, Pa - Geo Al Clirl,Ta . nativist Morris, PhDs . Henry Dreg, Pa' Bow Maurer, ra, "BALD EAGLE 1101741,--Third at. above Callowhili John Ii btout Monty co •W B Williams, Bucks co B Boyer, Backs co Y. a Mintage r. Fa Thomas Btravrn, J Waco, Fa W B Kaßonnier, Washington -STATES UNION llOTRL—Market et.. above Bluth. Jame, Woods, Pittsburg BamUel Andraws,l4 J Whirrits, Berke do B Stokes, Berke odd s Patti Mu land 8 O orone, Harriburg I W Palkland, Albany IL Riohaids, Brooklyn HAGUE HOTEL—Third street, above Rao*. I BABdridel, Pa .1 J Dimity, Middletown anti billions, Bloomfield Jae It Ladd, Memphis Q g Blisenhointer, Philo jos or Cam, rip!. Thomati, Middletown 111.1111 0 &MLA 43064011 as Fairbann, Linear 0800 N J D R. Brown, Jersey t,ity COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Math et., above Chestnut. John Orr, Ald John Boitn, New Albany Ben) Said, London Grove /Miss P A Seal, Ft reirs ejnian Peal. Pa . ~L Lamborn, Onatham 1W ColdWolli J D &implorer, Chester en Davie, doloollult Pa PONNTADL NOTEL,—BeGond met above Market, E TErts 570 1 01 1 4 r fr a Ph "a. .rimita, n oevetly, .1 Jos Amp Cromer, Bet J Pooth, Md doU t a e lterila , MoCullough, N THE PRESS.--PHILADELPIEUA; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1860. JONES' HOTEL—Oheetout et.. below Betenth. lt'Y Vl3 tfitte - yiN Y ''' ' ' ''' - 1 1 0 R o llenli -- It T Rolaeo, N Y - Vinoent - JO Lovell Pe ' - V ttoo, Vs Wm Caraaham Wheeling Joel Oweil, Wheeling. Va Al) 'p At d dg il thr7 -1 --i. 1 ' ll ll L %lan iilo, 4 74.4)Rodkiv;;Onio •• • • Jen Dimwits:at c 'fl F Anne's, Pbe ' 811 Broemiog. it ' ' 0 D Hedges, N. 000 Q I l mooln, hila WE Davis, Rio ioond, Vet - c 8 Delnplem, heeling J B Dmkerson. N 3 - . edge Pointer. rt I John J Ismail, N Y Coobeeo, N 0 Devid F Grit or. is, N J 'r Livingston, Books oe R Campbell , Jr Jlisit W Finley. Pa T F Fotelejr, N Y T e nn E verett, . V l S l t u ign b liig get. N Y ti Jo K hn ßine. N er V ett, . . MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arolt. J B Biome Phili - W F Nieber•Ky Terri W Witt , " liaml M. Duffield, Phila Thos F Ruder, F" r ila II Baumgardner. Lano it Hathron, Lancaster It Murphy, N I) . hl RW1411,11 11 N 8 Richardson, Mo Chas P.llis, Mass ant i ghl u, rZeton. J It It Smith, NI( 0 1 Chinned, Jackson, Ten M b Baoon, Ky CO-as Lake, Del W Southaek, Mo Tl'°inas, Milwaukee on Wm D Billion' Conn HHColeman., KY . ' il Schmertz, Miss J D McCord „_Pittsburg_ B L Agar', JaoksonV, 11l Job Curtis, Winona, Minn Wm A Lawson. Ky ins Howard, Pittsburg 3 B Smith, Pittsburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chrodrint et.. above Fllth. Martin B Hindman dr, la, et 0 Williams, Boston tt 8 Hill, Boston H T Ridout, Minton JoA tonally, Easton W Kello &Mon J T urgess, Boston ' ,r. Brady,Pa gg, D LBmnance, Phila F 0 Lowthorp. Easton SI, Waggener. Ky IP Stinson. Lex. rs 0 J Hl:wing. Norfolk, VA in 0 8011, N C Mrs Petway, N 0 Mrs Whitehead, N C lit Williams, lersey_ L ett , Joh n F Jennings. PI V H 0 Miller. Somerv'e, Ten Dr W Gorrell. N C .1' Holmes & la. Balt Miss Holmes. Balt Km Carter, N Y II Carpenter. N Y Geo M Tracy, N Y II K Corey, N Y John MoCarthr,_Proy, R I WII Memos, PI Y W H H nail, N Y 8 Bing, Jr, Cm, 0 C 111 Kirk ,_N Y A 9 Marlanci,Coateinoe,Pia Pt Smith. KY It N_Mllips.N Y B L Jordon & la, N J E.) Worrell & da,,Conn J H Rardon, Mass W Tomlinson, Chicago 0 loner, Ohio T B Whim & la, N .1 NO Shore, Vt - MN Col burn, Vt Jae O'Neil, Me T II Jameson, Mo inn Mears. Pt Y A Gaines. Oa A Hawking, Trenton, N J K W Earl, Rending, Pa THE lINIBN HOTEL - Arch street. above Third. TNtiwlle & trl,Germant'n D i Calllgan, Peoria, 11l jo L Day, Peoria. 11, 0 O'Rourke. Pa VII Onee, Mansfield, 0 Wm B Chafer, Pa If %Wing, Reading J Soule, Newark. 0 T Sanford, Somerset, Pa Joh Miller, N C Jae Smith. Lex, N C H A dams, Lex, N C 0 Miller. Madison, Ind • 8 Wlbur, Madison. Ind Corydon Winch, Jer City Et J Smith, Madison, Ind A 0 Remiliger, Allentown D T Terry, N Y ST. LOUIS ROTBL—Ohestnut street, above Third. Sas T Scott, Wheeling , Ya J Bonubert, N Y A A (WWI, & 14, N Y H C N ilium, Lynn I Franke), PhDs . John M Moore, N I P Ml le, Jersey City R H Elsa & neph, Del Win Murphy, h Y Jas Morrison Ind H D Benjamin, Mariettn,ra G H Motor. N J 111 Huamt, NJ C 0 Thompson & Is, N a a Franke, N Y HARLIM RNHAF HOTHL-13eoond et., iwkrw Vine A 0 Agin, Brownahurg Bawl Solliday, New Hope John C4Se, Pa Jos Hilo , GerrnentoPrn Isaac Gould, Trenton. N I Geo Pickering, Pa Amon Snyder & Is, Pa !SEM:MMUS &OUSE—Third street, ab. A Kamm. Citta*alma R Reverie, Monte co E Seifert, lityeratown . 13 R Reinhold; blyeretaern F Vaneant. Buck a en U Arnhem, Balt 0 Towle. Balt IMPORTATIONS. /Reported for The Prese.l NEW ORLEANS—Bark David 0. Wilson.-207 bide molasses, D Salomon & Co • 95 do. W Trucks & Co; 201 do, Cochran & Russel ; 2 18 do. 55 hhds sus ar, Whoa Brother Co; 1 F l anag a nolasses. Stewart. Carson, & Jr. o B& 160 bbls do, .1 & Son ; 8 1 00 100 do B $ Janney, Co- 5 bales wool. Barerott & Co.; 1 bale cotton, 7 41 h ec ca, 1 . ' 2 14 d1 e , 6 4 5. 0.9r ' & 2 1 ' 1 ' grl ;ulr6S'.lll l ,',m'i`, 5 14cAnsiteris_43thr. C. opers.l sugar, R bbls molasses, Knight &B e ll_ • 101 casks sugar, E Knight & Co; 200 empty mike, Co. MARINE INTELLIQENCE. GEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Bohr John 13 Roach (wrecker), Bel!, 12 hours from Salein,for a steam pump to pump out the ateamor Major Reybold, cut by drill Ice and conk at that place. MLISIORANDA". Steamships North Star and Atlanttc from New York 20th mat. for Aspinwall, were spoken Est, lat 38, ton T 4. The former was about 4 Miles ahead. Steamship St Louis, Rudman. for New Orleans, cleared at New' orb yesterday. Steamship Prince Albert, Browse, from Galway, ar rived at New York yesterday. • .Steamship Boston, Crocker, hence, at Now York yes terday. Ship Leicester (Rr ) , Robbins, from Manilla, arrived at New York yesterday. bhip Hydra, Brown, cleared at Boston 81st tad. for Mauritius. Elhip Marl' Glover, Chase, for Valparaiso, cleared at atonVara% rdaY• New yo, Lowery, from Pernambuco, arrived at k yeste Bark Did° (Ham), bland, from Amoy, arrived at New York yesterday. Bobr Dtrtgo, Cock, from Mobile, arrived st Boston 21st mgt. Bohr Jas A Bayard. Higbee. for Wilmington, N C, cleared at New S ink yesterday. Bohr Robbie W Dillon, Marts, from Wilmington. N at Boston Slet inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. IMPORTANT TO TAT LORE AND OTHERS.— The Grover & Saber Herring-Manttine Coinpaarlhawe just introduced a new and sOperior Shuttle. Machine, lens sine, high speed, with latest Improvements. Price 860. For Sole at H 0.730 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. re2l-tf ONE PRICE OLCOIIING OF TUN LATEST Syytws. made in the best manner. anomaly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Rollins unites marked in Plain Pettures. All kncds made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhered to, an we believe this to be the only fair way of disbar. All aro thereby treated alike. JONES & CO.. ses-tf 604 MARKET Street. M. Fllgrtsels Loorc-srprol SHUTTLE +SEW iiiiNacitiNgs are the best in market. Warranted to do slllands of Family Sewing or Tailoring in the best manner or the price will he refunded. Pries, eta and upwards. DU CHESTNUT !Urea, up stairs. falitithipet" Tan " CHARLES .11S1DdlaCE." CILUIPAGNI. —Thin is the purest arttole of Champagne now in the market, and le tailed "Charles Weideisek." Gannon liVittgagsv. No. 135 Smith FRO:IT street. 111 the agent. fee-mth 3m SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST Conn SECOND and WALNUT Etragure.—Deposits re ceived in email and large amounta, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the raw of FIVE YER GENF, per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without logs of la ths est. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'olcak, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Free-- dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS. M. MOUNTS. SINGER'S SEWING MACIIINES. No.o Hewing No.I &mins 90 The Family sewing Machine, A —.—.. 70 The Family Irjewur Machine— —. 90 I. M. SINGER is 413-3 w No. en CHESTNUT Street. HARRIS' BOUDOIR- SEWING MAORINR.— IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVRRY FAIR. Philadelphia Oboe, rgo ARCH St. Agents wanted. fell-gm SALAMANDBE FISE•PROOF SA.NISS.—A very large msortmont of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. SOI OHESTNUT Bt.. Phlladelehla. aas-tf , , EVANS tr., WATSON. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COSIPAN Y.—Chartered by the State of Pennoylvanta. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, Large or small. , Z. VE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it le put in: 3. The money imalways paid back in GOLD whenever it is Wien for. and without notice. 4. Money is receivea from .E.recut ors • Administrators, livardianz, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money reoeived from Dimmitors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Oround Items, and other tast eless securities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third street; Phtladelphle. 1418 MARRIED. MINER-1. INDSLRY.—On Tuesday Febreary 21st. at the Church of the Holy Trinity, by the Right hey. Samuel bowman, D. P., E. Bowman Miner. Id. D., of Wt !hachure. Pa. and Jerusha Lindsley, of Lindsli, Sheehan county. New York. FnL .MER—IinOVES —At the resubmit, of James D. Brown, Esp., Feb. 22 1860,b.y the Rev. Thomas R. Malcolm. Augustus J. Fullmer, Into of New Otleanyo Mr, J. Proves. or tale Ott,. MOAN—CLARK.—On the 2llth inst by Rev. Samuel Durbotow, Mr. Frannie Moan to Mimi Annie Elizebtth Ohre. Monday evening, 20th. by Rev. F. Hodgson, D. D., Rev. J. Doren Helsingor, A. M., Of the AI. E. Cherub, to Miss Joseph ine , eldest daughter of Daniel M. Tindall, M.D., all of Philadelhia. • HAYS-11e..TOHER.—Feh. 210, at St. George hf. E. parsonage, by the RAW. .1. F. Boone, Mr. Jos-ph Ilays, of flurliny,ton, N. J., to Mice Annie Snitcher, of Flo rence, N. J . . DIED. KOONB.—On the 21st inst., Catharine. Louisa, wife of lame Koons, in the 60th) ear of her ace. 'The relatives and friends of tho &may are invited to emend her funeral. from the residence of her husband. No. 11l Fraoklta street, on Satuiday morning, the 28th toe, at 1 o'clock. CHILD.—On the 'Tor/ling of_ the 22d lust., _Lime K.. elt est daughter of Thomas T. and Anna M. Child, in the 7th seet of her age The friends of the fatally are invited 1,. her funeral, from the residence of her parents. No. A 24 North !la cono street, on morning. at lu o , clock. •• • vnEAN.—On Wednesday morning. Winiatit Crean. His male friendsare respectfully invited to attend the tune ral, from the residence of J no. L. 8uguy,1342 nut etreee, on t , aturday ruqratne,2sto mt., at lu o'clock, without further notice, • BucK. At Chestnut NM, on Tuesday morning. Feb. 2tst, !nail C.. only daughter of Francis N. and June E. Bugg, to the 25th year of her age. liar friende and those of the tinily' are invited to at tend her funeinl. from the residence of her father on Friday. the 24th inst., at 12 o'clock. aIcOARTY.—On the 201 a inst., tlisha CoCarty, in the 45th Year of ttls age. . Funeral from his WI reeidenca, corner of Richmond and William et eels, Richmond, this iThursday morn ins, at PS :o'clock. JnoK —On the 21st teat., Lizzie' Jaok, daughter of John and Cparlotte Jack, Funeral iromthe residence of her parents , 1307 8. Ninth Street, on Friday afternoon, at l 0 ) obiok. - T.llotdrtioN,--on the 20th met., John Thompson, In the 56th y ear of his age. Funeral from the residence of his mother. Lower Merlon, lock opposite Manayunk, on FrohtY afternoon, at 2 o'c . • • ELOA N.—On the /tat feet., Michast Deegan, is the 4 th year ol his age. MATH NY o.—On the 19thanat .13arah W., 'etre of D. hlatheys, and daUrhter of the late '1 homes Owens,.in her 117th g ear. 1 /04,N.—0n the 20th inst., at his residence, Centre Baum, Montgomery county, Mr. John Egan to the 67th PA^ of tut age. hIcOILIAN.—On the 21st inat., Catharine Mrsettinn, weed 27141ar5. LA . -- - On the 79th inst., Orlando F. Slack, son of bMlaria and K. the late John Mang, grocer. in the 36 th net of hie age. nESSON & SON, PREVIOUS TO RE MOVAL to their new Store, (No. 918 OIEEST. NUT Street,/ will sell off' Novena large lota of 81 , ING 000109, AT PRICES BELOW jF 8I COOT OF IMPORTA- OiY And have nom ready for sale' fiecond Mourning - Brilliant«, Oinstaino, Mouseline do Woes, Chatly de Lainea Eames, Chanola Chem Mohairo, Tanjore; Lustre's, Chuatzoo, Lona 'Sleeve:l. Lace Bole, ko„ ko. NUNN SON,lfottroina Store. fat No. engi °HEWN tn . Street. VENISON ! VENISON I—Ten Saddles fit Venison, by theround of Saddle, Five barrels Way_ne County Sweet Cider, 143 MARK ET Eitre444. W. P., HENRY. 'NOTION IS lIEREBY GIVEN, That the 11 following Certificate, have been lost or destroyed, end that Repllcation has been made to the Company for ew Certificates : Noe. 750, 695, 651. 000 Penn Mutual fe. ahoo Company , to name of ELI lb ar ETH dettr lelt• trXtw (kik ink* acturipx . ,4ll.o member...a ttle Institute aro in twined that ur. 011 fa) Lots beim ettisS64 to write es fnr 6 " PI. I II:4VIi I P7t , 'TIC% IVO glidifartNew qrk. 110 pipes may he bad at tin Onk-stands end wyl be ft . t . tye., mepthlx outnumber; by W, Kok., um -413.4%.17,1=1.7,4 !!"" Th. Hecil rty. CX_NTRAL P 219 BYTE IDA AAY CRUNOR.—A Fr& or•me44Unff :4A held in. t r illo n ratillt a n b i t trinf itrlerfe r t . e ° , 1 4 1 174 p: oOrs, at a o'clock. eneordatioe ar,th thq . riot-one of the General Aseembly. kr thlo4 In tiered and Berninartes. The valuable Dr. NO Tl, it s expected. will addreie the meeting. , it* TUN CRAITEX,BOW_PIiOLDERS OF the CATAWI WIIIAMBPORT end ERZ , : F l eG n z oA o le, cC ji M E P o A ffivip a A r r ihreAe w ate A da t hall g a u t e t o. between the Sours of 12 l'il. and 2 P. M., present their bonde r anti sign the power or attorney authorised by their Committee, without delay, A. M. JONIO3. P. HUTbA _ jNBON. E. P. BOBIZN, THEO. LE felA Committee of Chattel iidholders. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD r !r pANY t —Ptmanittpn Febroarf litbn E TO STOOKHOI.DERII,—The Annual Elea tion for ectors will be held on MONDAY. the kith der of March, IMO. at the °Moe of the Company. No. South THUM Street. The polls will be opened from 10 &cloak A. M. until 6 o'clock P. M. No share or shares transferred within sixty days next preceding the election will entitle the holder or holden thereof to vote. SWIM) SMITH. fel44M5 tleoretarl. DYSPEPSIA.—FIETY INDE- I. M! SCIUDABLE AD from DYSPE lA, Nor vousneig, Sickness itt the litomach, and Vomitl us, have been restored by DO-DARRY'S delioious, health-re storing ItEVAbI'NTA ARABIOA FOOD. Upwards of 00,000 mires, and many thousand testimonials. Packed with full instruotions, in canisters. 1 pound, 81,60:12 pounds, 112.—the latter amnesia free on re ceipt° taah. 891, et the Depot, 213 South Street, by H. It 0, Principal Agent for 'United State , , and by all Grocers and Drus Meta. DY6Pa Perfect &ignon, strong nerves, and refreshung sleep restored by DIJ-biAltltYli deli e, a s s thealtbeyetrinK RIIVALEOTA A HADICA FOODf u Te be bad tated above, with °lranian, and testimonial. from erninent parson In England and America. Pell-]m• NEW PUBLICATIONS. DERBY & JACKSON'S LATE PUBLICATIONS I. • ADVENTURES AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA, AND ITS ISLANDS, WITH HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES Or TRU MADEIRA, CANARY, BIAFRA, 'AND CAPE VERD IBLANDB; TEEM LIMATBI, INHAAVIANTI, AND PRODUCTIONI Amoounts of Fames, Peseta', Customs, Trade, Dilemma sry Operations, eta.. etc., REV. CHAS. W. THOMAS, M. A., Member of the tleorpta Conference; Chaplain of the African Bauadron in 1855, 1856, and 107. LLUSTRATIoNB FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. One Large and Handsome Duodecimo, Price 81.26 ADVENTURES AND OBSERVATIONS ON 70E NORTH COAST OF AFRICA; CRESCENT AND FRENCH CRUSADERS BY OEO, L. DITSON. One Volume, thno. B 1 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH; OR, THE CAMP-FIRES OF THE EVERGLADES CHARLES E. 'WHITEHEAD, TRANSLLTOR.OF " OERARD, TUN LION KILLER." One Volume. Illustrated. Price 1111 23. DERBY & JACKSON, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK HON. ROBERT DALE 01V EN ' NEW WORK, FOOTFALLS ON THE BOUNDARY OF ANOTHER WORLD. SIXTH THOUSAND. Ova& 5,000 Cortes nave sags Sou) CHOC JAN. I. ONE VOL,. 1200. VALUE till 25, This work is devoted to an iETIHri Whether M 01160 130 interferences from another world in this, be reality or delusion. It treat. of the phenomena of sleep. dreams, somnambriltsm. It examines the alleged evidencesfor presentiments, second-sight, house-hanntmge, a. d ap. oaritione; referring to the most approved modern works on hallucination, inearnty , and the nervous sys tem. It inquires whether, when we set down ti e nar ratives of all ages (inoluding our own) that touch ou the marvels referred to, as mere vulgar supentittons, we are overlooking any actual phenomena. J. B. LIPPINCOTT k CO., fe23-4t 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. JUST PUBLISIIED SOUTH AND NORTH ;- IOPRESSIONS RECEIVED DURING A TRIP TO CUBA AND VIE SOUTH, DT JOHN B. C..knuem Vol. I2mo. l&2 pager. CONTENTS I—The Voyage. 11—Trilto cal Seas. Coolie *. IX—The Pleves Cabin and the Freeman Cottage. V—Developments, bowel. Philommlneel. and Politieal. Vl—The River, the People. the Hornet. Vll—Energy of the Bitch. and Slavery of the White. lll—lnsurreetion It' Menace and Prevention. IX— The Romedg for Slavery r . Its Siniplieity.and Safety. X—The Motive Power of Was es. Xl—The Impertinent Iptermeddline of the North. Xll—Southern Aimee- A Northern View. Xlll—Slavery ; Its Philoso phy and its Fruits. X I V—thasolution of the Union. FOR SALE gIY ALL BOOKSELLERS. The Trade will find it for their intermit to send their orders direst to ABBEY gr. A dBOTT. frigtheatu.3t Publishers, 119 NASSAU Street, N. Y. In APPLETON & Co., • Nor. MO and 318 BROADWAY, PUBLIeH THIB_BAY PART XI, OF CHAMBERS' ENCYCI,OFAIMA—A Dietlonsgy or Unrveteal Knowledge for the People. Peloe le cents. DOCTOR OLDHAM AT OREYMDONEM, A ND HIS TALK THERE. One volume, 12mo. el. [Prom The Maturity Press.) " Throughout its pages there is the glow of Summer sunshine and the murmur of Summer winds. Its feel ing is genial. It has a moral tone. Its picture• of do !nestle life are drawn with synipothr, and ther fore with truth. It is written t a terse and musical style." Wren! The Church Journal.) "A quaint volume it is—and ti rich and a rare ; with abundanee of solid meat in it, though sometimes it Is not easy to discover tho flavor of the meat through the superhundanee of the dressing, and spites, and red pepper. and gravy. The Pontdr byte to startle, and evidently thinks that rtgood scare Is provocative of thought in minds unused to thinking ; and he tins faith likewise—great faith—in the dietetic and other uses of 161101116." REVOLUTIONS ENGLISH HISTORY. Robert Va ß u Y ghan, D. D. Vote 1. RgvoLCTlu iaoy RACK. Yriee In this work. Dr. Vaughan, the Editor of the British Quarterly Review, intends to group together the lead ing facts of Engludi History. so as to reveal at a glance the prop roes of the nation. It is a step towards the sim- Plincation of English History. By the term Revolu tions, the author intends to denote the great phases of change through which both the Government and people of England have passed during the historical Period of their existence. " A work of this kind," says Blackwood's Magas ins. "cannot be superfluous, If it is worthily executed ; and the honorableposition which Dr. Vaughan has earned for himself in both theologv and literature rives us a guaranty that this will be the rase. To these pages we may honestly recommend the reader, as the fruit of stemly and oonectentiotie labor, directed by a liberal and enlightened Spirit " "This treatise,. says the London Athencsum, " or rather narrative, is deeply and variously interesting. Written plainly, but with all the gliatacteristice of in dependent thought and accomplished scholarship, it May to pronounced a masterly curses of Emilio furl liaation from the remotest_eroch to the commeneement of the fifteenth century. We have found thisoluma in every way excellent. It is at puce a narrative, and diequieiti on, learned, genial, critical, and also meth rosette." The Wastminstrs Bericw, the very highest crime' authority upon English literature. said of Ails work, upon its original publication in England—" We can sin cerely recommend Dr. Vaughan's Revolutions in En glish History as a thought , ul, interestina,acholarly pre sentment of the principal sociological vicissitudes of more than two thousand y ea re of cur British existence." D. A. Ai Co. H•vv. lust Pentane]) : ON THE MGM OF SPECIES BY MFANS OF NATURAL, SELF:OPINE ; or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Smola for Life. 13y Charles Derwin. M. A. I vol. 12mo. sl./5. EVENINGS AT rHE MICROSCOPE; or Re searches Among the Minister Organs and Forms of Ani mal life. By Philip 0. Goese, F. ltd 1 vol.l2ino. eI.:YEN 'YEARN. By Julia Kavanagh. 1 vol. limo. Cloth. 50 cents; Paper CoVers,A7 cents. EIGHTEEN CH .118TIAN CEN i CRIES, By the Rao. James White. 1 vol. 12ino. 51.25, THE PATH THAT LED A LAWYER TO THE CATHOLIC CHU Refl. 1 vol. eve. $1 to, RESTATEMEN TS OF CHRIS TIAN DOCTRINES, IN if SE MONd. By Henry W. Mellows. 1 vol 12mo. Cloth, el 25. 1e23.3t “BURLING".UON HAMS.” CURED BY THE ORIGINAL RECIPE. CURED, AND FOR BALE, BY DUTTON & "ALIO KEE, (Buoceoorx to PAGE & THOMAS.) (023-tlt e2t* BURLINGTON,N.J. (IN THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 23d, (IN CONJt4D a-ill open at her *limns, 913 Chest nut street, a handsome assortment of flats, Caps, Bon. nets. If ead.dreaser, /4.43., to which she invites the atten tiofn of merohanti, her friends, and the public. et 3 A AIBROTYPES, inserted in Lockets, Dreenteins, Finger Rings, &e. Ambrottpee, omit able for 'aniline, talon in the Josh.* et le of the art, et fthfillEß'S GALLERY, SECOND Street. above (AMEN, hos it' AILARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK of Beaten noOin F out at greatly Reduced Prices, at 425 cahsTr4 UT Iltreet. an tt a l . •ooo nrun w o o n r t t o h f t li n:l4r . d . Weight Profiles, comprising Counter, Portable Platform, Warehonee, Han Coral, Cottle, and Railroad Beaten. Purchasers will find it for their interest to call and examine the above sonde at No. as CIItSTN UT STRF.ET. Philadelphia, CHAS, AN I ltLo i The attention of country merchant, is celled to te a b ove stock. fe2l.lm e t m FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM WALES. czt-o For sale batande T uN RA. LAST.. ARRxvALS. .FARAELL & .MORRIS, IMPORTERS mad COMMNISION MERCHANTS, 939 CHESTNUT STREET, Ravin received by the latent Steamer, a full assortment of GERMAN sod SAXONY CLOT/18 and DOESKINS, among which are all the gradne of :+ • J. A. KOSSILLKARDI3 whole and half pieces ; GUNS & SCHMIDT do.' do, B. & 1.. CELEBRATED DOESKINS. P. & 11. do. do • With a fall line of the very POPO"' IMPERIAL and Et. , EOVORAI, DOESKINS; • SILK MIXED COATINGS; COTTON WARP CLOTHS COTTON ADES and VEST PADDINO9, all of which are offered for sale on favorable terms. ft 33 WINDOW SHADES. 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. W. HENRY PATTEN Invites the attention of dealers to the huge stook of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN MATERIALS, And 631) CHESTNUT STREET, Which are offered to buyers on the most reasonable terms. 623 St• SAM. N. DAVIES d; SON, BILL BROICER.§, HAVE ILEMOVED TO REMOVAL.- LL —SMALL wuol,Rex, GROCERS. have removed from 66 North nECOND Street, to 123 MARKET Street. above Front. north aide. in] RETAIL DRY GOODS. TIM LAST DAY IS FIXED FOR SELL ms first Quality. REUULAR BERLIN XIVTTINQ ZEPHYRS, Double. Single. _er Split AT le CENTd PER oIJNdE, The price elsewhere being 2o cents per ougoe. Ladiee who secure an assortment fur figure use 11 do well. MAXI* Lies • fe2o.lf if ELEVENTH and OR e , BT ur 81e. EAL CASHMERE KNITTING 7.EPHYRB. fn double,' tlle, or "pin, are offer -Bd, for the ereeenp at THE SAME PRICE A 8 THE IMITATIONS ol AND d MEDI UM ere. 20 taALITIES OF ZEPHYRS ARE B eliewh rent. per OF J. 0. MAXWELL & SON. TRjMMINDS, SKIRTS. AND uPHYRS, fe2o-tf ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. FANCY DRY GOODS. BURNETT. SEXTON. & SWEARINGEN , loportoro of FANOY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. MEN'S I , IIdNISHING GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. SKIRT/3—,Shetland Wool, Zephyrs, and VARIETIES. No. CUlthEr bTRENT. tole hull STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, "BELLE OF THE SOUTH," The moat Perfoot and Beautiful Skirt ever produced MADE WITHOUT CLASPS, and warranted not to get out of order, in 13, 11, 13, 10, 10, 30, 33, 40, and 60 HOOFS, EVERY LADY IS REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PURCHASINti OTHER MAHE& Wholesale Dealers smiled by DOUOLAS h SUER WOOD, 61, 63, and 30 WHITE Street, felo-Im NEW YORK. H. DUHRING & 00., Not. 90 and 90 NORTH FOURTH OTRRET, Are DOW moving, by onoommnre amnia from Eu ropa. Omar SPRING/ IMPORTATIONS " OP ENOLUSH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, OLOVFB, AND SMALL WARKS, Machine Berrina Silk and Thread—and aolfolt as ta apeotioo of their cemplete and reellwortel mock-- TAPIOLI4.LIA •D•PTILO PO BOUTRIAN ADD NV 2•7 - 11). TILDO. fO3-3171 CHINA AND QVEENSWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA ern j 1 QUEENSWARE. NOS. 93 end SIS SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Between Market snd Chestnut streets.) ErrPITTSEUEO °LAI* ACIIINCP. °LAI., OPKII OK Elf TER PACKAGE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICER. fel6-101 Price 75 cents. BOYD 8a STROUD. IMPORTERS k JOBBERS, HIM now on hand s omelets 8t0..11 of . C,/T.J . RENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. At their Old Stn d. N 0.31 NORTR FOURTH at.. four doors below Merchants' Hotel. to whiott they In vite the attention of WIIOI.3IIALX 111111111. WAGENTS YOR Ptur.nuna OLAIIII. fe3-3m SEWING MAC/II YES. WHEELER ea WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, OS CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, hiaohnies, with Operator', on lure to Private Famihee. saanca 071101113 7 West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Pa. ial9-6m WIL 00X & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE.—The great and Increasing demand for Wong k thblee tiewleg.glarlone le a guarantee of Its ouperior excellence. From 130. For We at FAIR BANKS' Seale Warehouse, 713 CILLSTN UT Street. feg-tr G EORGE B. SLOAT & CO.'S SEWING MACHINES,_ fe2o-6t• No. 1026 CHESTNUT Street,. WM. A. DROWN da CO,. UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS. No. 446 MARKET BTREET. (63-lm PAIL4D.CLPIIII SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS, MOORE, H ENSZEY, & CO. HARDWARE, CUrt.FRY, No. 4U7 MARKET, and 416 COMMERCE Btreets COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS IVORY TYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES! AT MoOLEES'. NO. SRO CHESTNUT STREET. Below Seventh (opposite Jayne'. DOM $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Thou who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should call at tali THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN TILE STATE. Copies of DAGUERREOTYPF:S or Ambrotues, of coy sine, 61110110 CILLTON, OIL, WATIR-UOLOR, PARTIL, or litilVoßYTVrEtm. dLI-Sm TOOIN OOLLEOTORS.—Untted etmea TO Coins and Medals purchased at a high premium exotomrett for Books we., 1 , 7 BDWA 'RD COOAN. 43 North TIINTII street; also, for sale, the following esiAlogurs: Priood Catalogue of gale of I. N. T. 14,710 k's Coins, to cents, Amerman Store Cards, (0) .1 60 °seta J. J. Itttokleg 's Date. and 'Degrees of Rarity of lint tad Staten Coles. 16 °seta. The three Catalogues for Q 6 cents. fell lm• 3EM '1) MAIL UPIIOI.BTERY GOODS. REMOVALS. ho. 6195 DOCK MEET UMBRELLAS. No. 330 MARICET 6TItRET, PHILADELPHIA HARDWARE. end UUN WA'2 EllO UBE, PHILADELPHIA INSURANCE 'COMPANIES. F IRE INSURANCE RELIANCE MUTUAt t IVIURANCE COMPANY ON BUIE,DINA H. Vertit EEPETITAL, OFFICE. L SOti tj• Ex, &a, a NFER STREET. CAPITAL, 1231610, , ..... AA/JETS, MAO, 96. Invested as follows, visa First Alortgairos on linprosod City Property, Worth &Ode the amount.-- ....... ..... Olga ego 00 ()round Helot, first clouts 2 K 2 50 City of Philadelphia 8 nor cent. Logn. . ... 30,0tA) ou Pennsylvania R. PL. Co.'s ever sent..2l Mon talto Loan, i 8,30,041- . 27,g0 0 au dilealmni_ county 6 per 0411 t. Pennsylvania. . ft, Loon .... 10. 0 00 00 Collateral Lonas,aell seourld 2 600 00 Huntington end Broad TOD H. R. "d C. C°" filoitsetge 111.._ . , 4006 CO UR '...' 6)16 . .4.. 2t +su no I'4: PclAnycq ix.','„i'eue"althol,..,..... 2,060 00 'I he vets/rare at. a:lnsurance Co. W0n.... 700 10 Pennsylvania ft. , ti. ornpany Stook.— 4,100 00 Commercial Bonk 5t00k........ 11.3 01 m Un ion a B e.s' n B c o o nk S dook, t /3901......... .._...... . 8,8008 NBils teosivable.. —.. p .... lg 2071 8 800 k Accounts, soorued Interiit, &c... ..... . 6 216 61 Calk on hand and in handj of Agent5........._ . 11,365 yf 4303,206 96 DIIINCTITRS I Clem Tinslev, 'Samuel Bingham, William IL Thompson,' Hobert Steen. Predating Brown, William Slugger, Cornelius Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley. John 11. Worrell. Hershel( Hill. H. 1. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Hobert Tuland • thanes Leland, Frei:lnnen Lennie, Jacob T. Bunting, (lharies S. Wood. gludth Bowen, . James 8. Woodward, John gheeeli, Pittsburg. CLEM. TlgiaLliY, Freaident. 11. M. HINCHMAN, bleoretall. February tr,INX). (egg thatri-et TLIE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Rusts: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. INVIIITID VAST )(0111 . **RIS ILEILL MM. WORTH OYER 413.400.000. The premium ars Lows* they in mint' other Comm toes, and the Dividends have been amont. This is II eaCali MUTUAL core aye DO Stockily en, an that ALL THE vajar. PK FITS 111.L0?Ifil SO 9.111111131:1111). 911715, lh Itall i e o very Information, mtb , be had A. W. oarniF; FRATRlClenßdDWßlChiarlentinl 'PHILADELPHIA REPERRNOES 2 Thomas Robins John Weill. tiordooni I....Pa;rpon, George IL Shout, oh ii . V P il i g r d. (mph atterson. ohn•rd. Atwood, homs4 H. Powors, illinen MoKee. t; r F Cithe l r ie Nkming, William 0. Ludwig, Arthur el Collin, (Joorgo W. Toland, Thos. Wattooo. arl-hit. UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY. AND TRVIFIT COMPANY oF PHI LADI.I,PHIA.- Offiee, A. E. corner of THIRD and DIIEHTNUT street*, DIVIDEND FOR THE. YEAR 1869. The Direotorn, from the earldom or same upon the Wetness of the Comreny for the veer endmit December Si, 1852. have deckled a BONUS to the Policy ['Weds to the extent of TWENTY•RWE PER CENT., tote added to the insured amount, payable at death, or else the present value OAAN, at the option of the in sured. .108RTS, JANUARY 1, 11410. Cash on hand, and In banlui. 40 Cash in bank a> < New Orleans - t . 11.816 42 Lomas on call, secure...l.l)y ample nol taterala 6.10517 00 $120..U8 74 Dinareeeivable............—. •....—..... 101.878 83 }teal estate, bonds, end mortgages— —..• 108d46 Bank, nulroad, oanal, and other stooks and Loaned on polnnes, deferred premiums, and halanoes Jae (rain....... Fremont of annual prennutrin DIRECTORS. Stephenß. Crawford. Benjamin W. Tingley. Paul B. Goddard, M. D. rstrioe Brady. James Dave reux, Thomas T. Las. Daniel Heideman. George Dunkin. William W. Oaf n . It Franklin Jackson. Alex. C. Hart. M . Ph Fisk. H It. CRAWFORD. President. BEN !AMIN W. TINGLEY. Vice President. Jamas R. MINTIER, B , NITetekT,T Ind TIONJUIIIT. Mtdocal Examosers—roul B. Uodobrd, D.• Alex. C. Hart, bl. D. tell-stsithigt Wet DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. CLOTIIB, CASSIMERES, &c. LIPPINCOTT &I PARRY. DIPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 200 MARKET, AND No. 6 S. SECOND SITS., PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of the Trade to their large stook of SPRING HOODS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, OT Tag MIT HOME AND FOREIGN MANUFACTURE. JAS. R. CA NIPBELL & CO.. trroszane AFID WHOLHALII MUIR. 111 DRY GOODS. LINENS, WRITE GOODS, OLOTIIB, OASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, ac. Jell-3mlt No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, aco. B LUED STEEL AND PLATED ail SPECTACLES, Assorted in Dosens, suitable for CITY a nd COUNTRY TIIADIL Ror Sale by BUTLER AIcCARTY, 131 NORTH SECOND STREET. FRANKLIN SUTLER. EDW. MoCAR'TY fell 3m SILVER PLATED WARE Of the finest quality. et ANUFAC FUR hlttl . PRICES. J. td. JAKDEN A lIRO., alawrsccuazas AND illtnlttis. Have now on hand an elegant stook of firet.olass Goods in their line. at their new store. NO 111104 CIIENIN UT STREET. A full assortment of Jewelry, Silverware, and Table Cutlery constantly on hand. BAAIVEL W. PEPPER. Superintendent. PRATT & REATH. N. W. CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, 181 PORTERS U WATCHES. JEWELRY, PRATED DARE, Ste., MI fe3.lm SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON invite special attention to their stook of eILITEIL WARE, whath to tow 'mortally large, affording a va riety of pattern and design ansurpused by any !moss the United Stator, and of finer anality than is manafae tared for table am In any put of the world. Our Btandard of Silver 11 935-1000 ports pure The English alerting 925-1000 U Amerloan and /ranch 9004000 " Thee Herrn be seen that we give tturty-fiee Parts Purer than the American end Fir nth coin. and ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Saver, and we guarantee the quality as above Ma), which is the flew that can es was to be servietab is, and will ripest the action of snide inure Meer Man the srdi ern Sites oesemaleowld. U. WILSON k BON, B. W. 00E5E3 yrrni AND OILEBRY DTS ft. B.—Any 'Wanes' of s)lvor ntauutuotured tul agreod upon, but positivity scow Water to Rota oogt knot{ odoo stow:ford. Dealers supplied with the same standard as wed In our retail department Fine Um Dare, WM Darts nits. stinntadtli on band. 111344111 STATIONERY. SPRING TRADE WM. F. MURPHY & SONS. TUALTMAL MANIAUCIL'III3III Or BLANK BOOKS, BTATIONERS. am u PRI.NTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No. 359 ORIATNUT ISTRJSET f0204M17 lIOLESALE CLOTHING LIPPINCOTT. HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AM , / WHOLLEALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING, 494 MARKET Rtreet, and 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A full and complete lane of every style and class of martune.made Ulothinp, fully equal to that manfao tured to /MY other car. fea-7m lIATS AND CAPS. HOOPES & DAVIS. No. 517 MARKET STREET, lIIANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. FUR, WOOL, BILK, CASSUMERE, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS. CAPS, BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES, PALM ta WILLOW HOODS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. 40. We re.elotful:y !maw the attention of oath and prompt-mine buyer* to our large and vrell.seleoted stook. fell Set JIOUSE+FURNIBIIINU GOODS.: HOUSE FURNISHING STORE WILLIAM YARNALL. No. 1090 ORESTNUT /STREET. (Immediately opposite the Academy of nee Arts.) In vitee the attention of HOUSEKEEPERS and others to hi. extensive assortment of USEFUL. HOUSEREEPINO COODS TABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CHAFING DISHES, FIRE SCREENS. PLATE WARMERS, TEA POYB. die.. &c. 11313=131 COLUMBO ROOT—For sale by WITRE &M RILL It ONVITER, 0 sad t9North 11130OND ihl3 UJANTED—A PURCHASER FOR A • • PATENT RIO RT. et Audit statue Would be wil ling to take an active young moo. of good bu.lnesa unlificuttions, Wha Would invent *4, 64 •fu pulsar. Ad , ress •' Taunton." Blood's Dispatch. feS3 Ste WANTED—By a }'Dung Man, a SITUA TION in a Wholesale Saar% as Porter. Can write a fair hand. and w, oft ho wittreut to make hinural WOO. addrewa " Porter," Office of shit taper. fets-st• WANTED—By a young Woman, EM PLOYMENT to do general - Hourreworir. good re fereneea given. Add r.“ •' Hannah," through Slorkeg Diepat,.h. lead 3t.• $5OO WANTED, for three weelre, for which ten dnilms will be limn. an44unex :l9Zprt:rurity. Addrear " aufactureksp3ttere viTANTED—lmmediately, an unfurniell• • • ea ROOM on the Gist or second Boor. in the rear 01. Or (MYST I% stare, Os permission street. with rmission to t e occupant la widow tedri to ime some articles for toilet use r commission to be so ldin the store. Refer encefieen and required. Please Address " Arndt cant.' Blood's Despatch. fiat Pt* WANTED—TO INVEST, $5,000 OR more in tell -sutaishiked bagasse. Address ', Morphs,' Blood'. Dispatch. iambs the nature of the bulinhal, and when and where au laternew Can be bud. fun-et• 05,000 —WANTED —By a Young • Man, with from five to six:thousand uollars, an oppottuntty to ananne in a oafs haunnam Addran, namuta R.," thm office. fs2l-3t• FOR BALE' AND TO LET TWO FURNISHED ROOMS IN A PRI VATE family. and exoe.lent lecal.ty to let to • gentleman. Address D. B. W.. this olice. tent-1t• ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. HOUSES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AT AUCTILON.—WiII be sold at auction. WEDNESDAY, 'MARCH 7.1860, at Eike o'clock. A. M. on the premises, the beautiful country residence of the late John AL Brewer. ht. IL. situated in Beverly, New Jersey, on the southern bank of the Delaware river, /macula' of 2 Acres of Land. Boom end 1 1 411:1. Ihe House oaf brick. two end a half stories high. with e Cupola; and contains 13 1 . 00/11/. It was built atioutNert years since by the late owner fat his own Os - CUP'S/U:2o and is admirably located st.ei_ Pend of the flyer, commanoing en elegem View. The Land ea tends to the water's edge. strop. good °pry:iv/4 1 'y for the erection of Bethins and t Rooms. There men several ty n Philadelphia by steam- Imets arid railroad times a day. thee nothing it most desirable residence for a gentleman doing Guil tless in the city. Immediately after the Librarysaid Loose. will be sold the Furniture. Medical and other Book'. Medi cal Instruments, &o. ALSO—Two other mall houses belonging to the serae owner, in the immediate vicinity, twit of wood, two stories huthomd worthy the attention of any person seeking a residence at a moderate cost Male immure to settle the entire Estate. Conditions liberal and made known at time of sale. Beverly. Feb.ll, MAL fell-th sat to tM7W2t T RE • ASURY NOTES. UN4TED STATES TREASURY NOTES, SUITABLE FOR INVESTMENT FOR BALE BY I)REXEL & CO.. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET TOHAT AND CAP MERCHANTS SPRlaler GARDEN-STREET STORE AND DWELLINU.—To Let, and read,. for immediate oc cupation, the Store and Darathng No. 04 dtriop Garden street, ht tWeen Ninth and Tenth streets. Matti side. The store IS Well adapted for a lint and Cap Store, nr Idernhandiee busmen,* of any hied. so l d. at N 0.702 Market street, above Seventh street, fett-it • 88.616 77 1,067470 BO OA - HERR'S HOTEL FOR RENT.—The Azavroprietreis of the above wall-known Rotel ertahee to retire. and offers the Hotel for rent. The furniture will he told, or rented also. For oaructilers. address J. G. HERR, Estristrurg. Pa. A RCII-STREET PROPERTY FOR BALE. -..—The Store end Dwelling _No. 211 Arch street Terme *nay. Apply to WILLI AM o. R. ALLEN. No. SU ARCH Vtreet. I'o9 7t• COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC CITY t FOR NALE.—Four Cottages. built expreselY, do rms the last issaamt. by the C. sad A. Laad Company, to wit families spending the summer at dui dehtlitful watenug place. For particulate aPPi7 to 8 thtigf Architect, 477 WA NUT Street. or _ ISAAC LLOY D. Beersitarr, tell-et Cooper ?mt. N. J. JONES' HOTEL-PHILADELPHIA. The tears and furniture of this noted Hotel are for sale at a great berg aut.Tbs furniture or entirely new. having been put in within it MI, and the noun now doing la suacessfui business Inquire of D. M aTHYER. in the Hotel. or of F. G. 8C RIBA. No 18 MURRAY 81... N. Y. felt-tf a l TO TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK itta. ERS.—FOR El a I.V Tbs enbre stock in trade of the late 08E111 FElNOUR._womprtsing en assort ment of Tin and Sheet Iron ware. Heaters. Camhooss., itc-, with the touts and &slums of stores and workshop.. Also, to rent, the Stores and Dwelling. An opportunity is now offered to secure the batmen of this old established stand. which ham 'mooed (or many sears a large share of the patronage of the ship ping interest ot amlelphia. Fut l/11,•. inquire ea th• itilPC4tPr.i. at the 014 Stand. N0n.34,3 and 347 South FROM? .treer. tels-stothit filOR SALE—Ten acres of LAND. on A FISHER'S Lance. mimeos tto Stetape oat the Pena sylvicas Henreid. fire males from tee city ; mans Rouse eau; could be mitered ec ea to snake e. desirable tor el hos ; pries a Lava. Apple le JOHN N. HOFFMAN. 1414-12 t 433 WAL.I4 UT Strut. Fox SALE— THE BROADWAY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE-BEOP. BT. LOUIS. Alsiroan, ENTABLIBHED IN INS. • This lona-eatiSblished aho w.O knows' Foundry 3. of fired for aids os aooommodAti as taring.. • - - . During the lest eight... months the Buildings bar* all been rebuilt. in the wit approved moduli styk and now marbles," added. mtitipl the most *omelets ea taldishment of its Inns in the Western country. The Foundry Burldina is 93 by le feet. and framabe4 with Francs. Cupola. Core Oren. tc., to.. corn plots. The Machine Shop Islet by 411 feet, two and one-half s o b/ rsi Lathes.h go n d . g eolvp l s a i l n apr ili tt i le e l L l-a;r e ari . ged set found In Shope for doing a general Mnen:niri banns. The stock o ( Patterns is the largest and most upilinbie in he city of ft. Lome, Fluke, toots. ea.. Minot sack moth snap. Foundry, Machina DKr), sad Sc sr yard in abundance.. A moat esoillent opportunity is anted for two or three preemies) meahanics. with a small amount of Cartel, to embark in a well et' ablelied manataatunng bustnean For parliculetre add.... at St Low., Mo fat-unit CUDDY, CARYKPITkia. k CO. la TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS ia A Rawl Stars and Arturo., ysli locals for bur Dell. A MIII, 76 by 2d Net, three stories pith , wtth water rower and steam for scouring end finishing gamic A De dd by ICI feet,erith good water for dyeing, and „ p l enty yr of perty ry in Fa m ilies tans, near the Oertown Rai ImuL o heist go vary acoassuble to the city: isis it very desirable. A eoly to T7103L19 R. FIPHER. Ja2l•tf Fisher's Lane. FOR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of CitViatiAll sad Twentieth %Untie. hewn threw kr, t eAr u e l : l l. 6 lll74 fh h trace. rwt°rl 'AL 111117 L'AOTORY LOT FOR SALE.—A valua ble corner lot lye feat wain , haring three fronts , . admirebly located for a factory site. It is situated In the eouthereatarn east or the city. in rspidty.ire proving neighborhood. It will be sold on reasonable terms. For pattioulers, &Wiese " X.," aloe of TM Purr. BOARDING. A FINE ROOM VACANT ON THE SE cond floor, with Doan!, at 1/121 WAI:iUT Street. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—On last Saturday night, a (DLD BRACELET. either in the Mantnaville oninibus or Market•etreet cars, or on Broad. between Market and Locust streets. A liberal reward will be said to a by one leaving it at this office. fee 2t• EDUCATIONAL. NEW BOARDING SCHOOL. TUSCARORA VENIA LE IN.ILTti TI Will be opened at ACADEMIA, 'Juniata county, on the let day 0( KAY cent. tot announcements ton- Dumas terms. An.. apply by Icier. or pirsonatlr, till tat April, to the sabecribnr, atllll VINE Street, PbOsdet phia;after that at ACADEMIA. Juniata county. ra. W. D. E. .10 NEW. Mr VINE MreeL NEW METIIOD OF ALEX. WOLOWSKI. —Mr. ALEXANDER WOLOWBKI. Pianist and Composer, honorable member of the principal Phil. harmonic Braneties of Europe. ho., nee amyed Prom tans, and opens e cour s e of Lemons by his extraorvb narx method. y. ich has produced the greatest serration in Europe for Fuming and the Piano Forte. By Mr. method a person haring only &slight knowledge of music vet be enabled, in a am; ahott time. to teed music with great facility, and at the same time execute Operatic and well es Claymont Mug o with a tare Per fection, and nuke them civic to accompany atienueltas. front every tote. by a new march of harmony. As to the vocal part. ha has proved, by the great number of moment, stare that he has brought out before the Yu toenail piano,. that, by his vat of vocalization. he at tv.,ti at moat eXtlll.o7dlll., resnita, renders the come powerful. and the mnser is enabled to vocalize the most difficult passages with the greatest accuracy. and the quality of tone. - ME W. will give Course of Les•ons in Philadelptins, and all person. who dews to become •rtietts. good magicians. or int rate amsteura, ran apply at his rea.dence. No. R 4 West Attll I N UTON BQUARE, second door below Walnut street, every day, precisely from lit to II A. M. fele-ex owl CIIICKERING & SONS, MANII FAcTuRERs or Oraod. Situ**. and lit night PIANU FORTES. NeuvroornabOl CILP4TH ;T euset... ?mos pilot. takes to ezobartg*. repagoll. Also. in conatction. tall stook of P. , PU:4i M 111111.3 11.411. •ta. WI-Ma NIOLIOLSON, u . Mandfseturer of SHIRTN. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS A lane and ehotee and well. 111 ADI. al- Wayron hand, unto which I Particularly incite the at tention of elan and_prompt-payinganon? vets buyers. S. oorner of SECOND and ASCII Stree j ts, Plg,ha deleh alPhise TO TILE PUBLIO. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above pc int le dee..ed. by .cena.So ender...L eal rnea. to be the very licit Ocer odaled to the pad... and need. only to I. Sten In ctual °pinata.. for Its talents to be appreciated. Nothing ever introdoced as Bo perfectly adapted (.1 wealib .., ling pnvals aad pu bj" builabngs. scaParila, hispita's, engine Douse.. to nes, etrarn and ',lan. 14. and for the cure of among chaannews then hill no equal. Manufactured and for sale. wholesale and retell. at the Dentin., rad % °twisting Waremorna of CH •S. WILLIAMS. /1341 litik.T Street. Phila. Personal attenuon wall be arlVen to all descry talons of heating and ventilating Di the undersign/Kt. who by teen tinny years pritaticidly engaged in html atone data near. Ann far Sate, Untur's Awt.l.-cehtloated warm-on turnacea.cooktr.g =VW, bate bode. rer imam ft c.. by lets etuthalan CHAS. WILLIAMS. VitIOLLSAL,e; DRIJUUISTS AND PHystcrA NP. Mre. IAMEB VENTIONS FOR LADIES.— Approved of and hirhly recommended by the Nledicst prufeelionthrouehout the United Pules. Thirty fhou sand In , . 9 Ids harms been advised by their physicians to use her dureical Appliances. she woell c9.ition 9lerehante and others ereinst purchs.iu except at bar reenlenp, Ite9 TirALNI"P nreet. where eh* eau be condi:, duty , between the hour. of 9 and 9. Bar book n testimonials yid be P.M on 19 99 1104 " on. fell-abith•lv REFINED SUGARS ANI) SYRI3PS.= C. DONOGHUE will conttaualsesirsees soul Mie neat. at 16 south WATER Street, and Dolt odors for sal., at the Imintat market snake. for cash. orou prated short oft elite. 14663 barrels steam-T*66od Bata!" ..48 7 rups,ot TXIIOUII tradesinolodittig LOTS( 1111 Crushed isod Psleerrisst and Moak: a Patent-eat Loaf Sugars. Also Rio sad Jaya Carie s Adamants as Caa dies. and Rel i t'' £rsush Brandt Colon's. talff-tnt• SLATE hOUFINU, &o.—Whoever desires Page/ Roof pot noperlion. or • loak7 On. WAS and orarnudird, et* sve lonedlate atteauon. by directing to ABO IFFIN,Slater, MN and T OMP&Orf Atmore, Old Slats moitased, 1•13-len• PUUUET k. EONS, N-is IMPORTERS OP HAVANT a CIGARS. o.:16 South FtiONT Street. Receive regularly a fell apartment of desirable Cl- OARS, Vhioh they offer at low rates. for ash or ap proved credit. hlO-tv 300 888 Prime Elalifax and Eastport Herring, allO boxes Scaled Marring, foe WI bbla While Fish. In store Fad fo mai, t t vrat. J . TA k CO. lel vid UM NORTH Whartia. CNEESE. —Crimea Herkimer county Cheats. rue apple And gapee.go Cheese. Buis rior floelles Butter. Beaten Market Cheese Beard. 13-0.• 81,0451M18 BASSETT. WANTS. AMUSEMENTS. READINGS BYit "LITTLE ELLA." Jn potoplissos ntb tlut samba azorseses bf a Sart* =An a! Catissas sod Of toe ostaie .1 socials, , " LITTLE I , LL.A." 1 EVA BELL) WILL, 03 eATURDAY AFTERNOON NEXT.F•b.ISPA. INF. gtve a PUBLIC ILEADOO, CONCERT HALL. CHFSTRIIT STREET. Above Twelfth. conotabor of Roo'tattoos of vatioes eztracto se lected from - POPULAR AUTRORS, emblaeing the IIIIMOR01:8. MORAL. and DR-Ltd/ale 9 1T1.Z3. Tka doing will otien at 2 &dock P. X i az4 Reading coalmines at 3 o'clock. TICTETS ..23 Cants. Can now be had at the Hall dams the day or males ; also at Chickerings' Plano rooms, art Chestaat corset, McAllister k Brrea, 723 Chretcot street, sad at Lae & Walker's, 773 Chestnut street. fen At AItIZAIOLN ACADEMY OF MUSIC COOPER OPERA TROUPE. THIS (TH(TRINDAy Fib. 24 BARBER OF SEVILLE. Rorie,. Arnie Milner; erbe wztl :strottoe• th e.. ere. knave gook% Pone. -• s Body Meet Ecd , : • 24,0 the Arm Qui 14 Vor.,' sod. as • Eisele to tee Oper. Lo. here the Gent* Lerk." K. C. ooper. Alousel Director.. _ . . .... C. C00.P82. FRlC'eli * SF AD MISSION. reteeet. Pitrquet Circle. mid Diticrie!-. • • • • -----N eta. No extre charge for marred P smtlr Circtw.. „ Beige mV be had at the Aesciesoy. Sod chlekertng's. duly. from II WI 4. Door. open atT 4 e'clock. Opera to cortmazat it. S. Cheer's of Oyer* imoiy night. VVALNUT-STREET TIZATEL IF Elote Loom— At. d. GAILI atm* Manager P.Y. Dame= Aant.„ 2 „ Aft. /UK D. MGR .11 THIS I THUNSOA . Y) suisie 'NIL F. rt. MU. " HAMLET,CLINCE OP DENMAR a. Hamlet, Mr. J. Monied' ; Lauda. Mr. D. naval! Gertrude, ra.Thamid. To tonelude mirth Orw 6. A DOG A DAD NAME- Anthony Deertore, Mr. Neeeh ; Charlotte, Mrs. Aria Seats .wand without extra charge. Doomoves at: Pirformases to at T o'wnsk WHEATLEY tc OLAREWS AWE v • eirgrxr _ Feb. a. call Eight hedtha aijht of BOUICICAULTB :JEW r 4.11% OCroltOON: Oz, LIFT IN LocitqAxa. °sorra Ponca. Mr. Weestley Jarrob Meeloaker. Mr. Dolma; Zoe. the Octoroon. Mrs. Jobs Dray. Scats or Patcas.—Adausatoe, oasts; brocrid Beats to Drees Coe*, MM °eau; Pargast. ar emu- Doors °pea at 7 ; perkmaaaose to commencer at rhi precool,. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT !t, above Pitcu.—Drese st Ciro'', 11 cents; Fasellg 5 6 2 II: vents ; Seats to 'raw Dozes. Is mita; s vats Boxes, 13 sad 41. Casco o or TIN/C.—Doan open 13 halt Pang O V- 4 Xa , To caornra•cos st T. THIS ITHUREDAYI EVENING. P.D. r. Wtll be actuated the Geneva' Blettaal* at eta ELEPHANT OF SI sSI OR. IHE FIRE IVNG'S VOW. A hammy, Mr. W. H. Pass, Malec, Mr. C. M. Lieu; Chicasoa.S, AIL Wlrataksr Tact,. Mr. Jebel Kest; Sortie. Mt Murray ; Hon. Mr. Noyst TheapiOas Oa- Drars& kooMr. ?mak Brew; Kalb. Mr. Roessre,_- Isberted. Mr. Slid mow ; Osfsd. 51r. r. Kies Altar, Mr: Marva; Galoitsad; Erarrsassa. Mr. 3. dupers, Nita as Hay ac twee Atteedsat oft p tts .. Miss Wiltot ; Lo { Mts. Hkett ; Ato ii4et.." Clara Rots woe Zillah. Miss As' Letts! Tee rutormaaes watt coerkadssrah a as Ileboll of AC PATS THE • ; la .huh Means. IN IN TER sad rIURANTI. sad ti• labor Esaestriss Trospe.. , d stew. c DUN 0 lIGEFS GAIETIES--RACI Ett.. LT JO. War THIRD. IMII • NIP' Anil ACTIAL LAZT TWU rtIOHTS 07 ?MI NEW COMIC PANTOMLUE 0 STAE OP BEAUTY. The fokways arta, wall also Tr Abu LI N DA WH•TX. Mw 31: A rims. Mies 81 NoLAIR. P s '<NAND z. Tao. wmutvs. icHoi 1.9. CA LDIN), 808 SR ESP • R D. BILL BLOOMER.. sad a PULL sad POWERFUL M CS EsTill A. led by Prof. SI PUN U EAT HALL-- , J CHESTNUT ST BRET. ABOVE TWIPI.rTfI. The pohtea sr* respet•fialla ashamed tAst tbe GREAT MUSICAL • °MEDIAN. MR SAM COWELL. C. , nfeasedy the wort isethmatanlt sad anxr - je is Vot.. t .a" the a•e. wl t ea hie eatteed 1140,114 Use ta the ausi ettout of Lee otd World. at Ire! Kew lore sad 13retott. (or the rad tow =dais. 1et..1 allow At the stoeee-nemeed og THURSDAY. Yllll BA sad - ll.t TCB D A.Y Elaet re w, Fr tom S/7 41. W. earl nth. in a sar..her LI LE.4. r CHARAC rsk dit•tio. Mr. le 14 XS HICKS. the erettrornt Ceterrtlfat dokt Performer rod INtoss. hi rt. I e 516.1 RICILt. the tooter V.:thoi Verzit-dt. t &rumens X oasts. Yrost rata reeerred for fearbert Commence u /WI put T *Wool- Cl,ll USW AL F.NTENZAINMENT. `LPTb. Cemeart b. the YOUNG LA NTS Pi , THE SOUN te:INCY ADA)I3 OR AMY AR BCIVA3' lb' _patella". of a PISA*. ',A 'US phis* PtiDAT hvENINI.i. Feb. 24•4. at thee .11L - 81 ILL FUND Hal!. Ttekets z dam Fnr sale at Beek k Laanctia. ,e -rsailt mad Close:St t Gm it Wallies. !Sts r23;isstisat sit it. Lod at tae dirit ea Ye an this Of Qs ecssesist. fela St • F UL' RT "11 II V. LE K-SAN MASON EXHIBITION ROOMS—Joves ComusonweiLli oLHINT PfUl to.e.t 1.4, THE WORLD LN MINIATURE THICII , ONI .6 IfOr st clam I_4 Oto vrorrikramit fur tit it if re viL tri urkaGwi Tumor. the fret of Om roovoa.t . vr betooos Spa LTA MG(0.000 ; 4•140.16 Vali-, Fens ;,,Iloaroo upon Ha:Aranr ; alcove a nasalize vo v't L rs My 0' acura roes Oat St ftlardl X004g01.17 ; Übe • scoce•tori black rep* Prom si rein FAMILY 3.l4Tfifiaa ED:CIa:)/1Y am( Ir#o/41 . A FTER 1f(X)N I. DAY - Estoresismost —Door urn K T o'c:ock ; C00:11:111112,11 aLN. ',illus.:sr- - AAA". U as% Wars:6U Mt.*. Yt-NNbxLvAliLi AUADINI U Tag FLYS ANTI' saesdIDIIT—NUT STIEFIT," 12 OPEN DAILY. Muds,* Imentit..) has I A. IL til 4 1 .:1:-Tlis. Trial T047/2,2 " Frlis Surma rtificlo.." of Ptrams r. Adsumlos LutAr n 1422 pro.. IS twos of Nock SW ft- a GERALINLA ORCHESTRA. —Publicite twines inert SATURDAY, at MUSICAL Ftliip HALL at A% o'ock P. M. "rickets to be lust at m. 4adres. &ad Book k Lavtotio Mute Stares. Lad at Use.» CilUketi'S PADTING, "TSB lIFAWF OF THE ANTIE3." Nos ce Mulattos st. 'So ACADE.II OP PINS Arrest. loos A. IL SD. tux. thalami 13 costs. V Loam ere notoistod to bruit Oven Camel , ts 7 d 1 111:31PLE OF WOZiDERS, riertewpe email of TENTH sail CHEETN Streets. tirest sad Nome! A SIGNOR fTtM. Ttte voLderfal Mafioso sea Vsetniets.a. EXHIBITION EVERS EVENING DERCie TEE WER. Colemegoial f3i °Wet. sad oa eat SAT b E AY AFTERNOONS att. Thema.' AIItoIOPPPII PO Vaulter, one of tail gresteat Fees Nteoluiama ever estuated, vut new twittery salsas - two. and," dams hie estoooluoa (sea. Adoneaon f 7 ream Cabana /lama JOSEPH A. • NOB. 177 AND 130 CIIPMUT star:xi% lanteatd• attentoa of Um Tra4o to Ms Stook of COTTON. WOOLLEN. LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS, Nsi laittt sbidiut •,rots Wes. • Trost '.nets Irma MEM& &AWL SLATER k SONS. SUTTON MANUFACITEING CO.. MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also. THE ATLANTIC CO.'S YOUSYLNG, tattactual umay now stsodard P•rtarr.s. NEAT BLACK k WRITES. PIMPLES. LAV.'S. SAXONY k 8 BEPRERD PLAIDS. & &MERANO.% BLACK AND GRAM AND CHOICE DUSTER ET YLE.S. WOOLLENS. FANCY CAMBIERES sad DOESKINS, 8.<1.4 FROM ROCK COM., GLENDALE COM., NEW ENGLAND C 031., CRAWFORD ‘f f BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SCP/IRIO2 BLACK DO .SJILV AND SILK XlX lSaLnotts. fts:n sad Fruited. of an &aim, sod ims.2 Les ; • wacky Jeans. rwtils. Cords-. CaattAar•-ls. KI3 Mel rwoolis. tookormas woo of As boot wools tda eocary. 13001.1CLX I.E4EN cox. CRASH, RUCKS, SIIFETLNGS, ka CARRIAGES, C=l3 WIT.T.T &M D. RCKIERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STLEST. II& I • I I . 6.1.5-4r-,i TO THE CITIZENS OF PIIII,4PEL PWA—TI• piro-ton of the NAT crofurv. AND PIiVeICAL INSTITCPIF, rase dens,/ 0!,,, ',b leats of their lestitatioa hithly iaiports.Lt !..are deemed t• roper to twee so dor o ree, s eerag!:et form, t. the citizen. of Pallabelpe 'es of •aterierve eir•dat on. aid n ti h "'Aid viii re• ab Ti* hands of. Led be read tt. dery Fera' It ad it I 'Med to lead there ad lad in nth. fof thei leather, Th• Address mite forth the ire', of the theotute to Mot delphoto• i'■r.eteiwi tr fficie. ia 1133001 to 4,11. lad ale. the editerill Ora end des as ceatalselated DJ the shatter of Lec , fP.fALL tivtmmaos pooie of doisetaatfy -meths ester. art l elelly belied. Ptah/ of .141 , esnc.tie Roslualt Siesta Bath. aid G)outrisotate for Lad 5.. G.- C r imea, end Meet•no ir.ll each to period d its k•thd. and form intrortsat /Wenn of the i• et+ time- Tits at ct ter bolt plecod at Ettore Oohed+ per varare. aoil tart thhorriber will be irttitibil to the termite of the 'seri tote. le ct,er depart-MOO to to tidiest of tee lay rites of Os 11211Cnit subverted. oa est7es4er of t rerairst• ID payload. aid the Wee er.:. L. favor of ribeenb•re. 111. hoped_ that a literal resoh ore tr.!.be =ode to the can raiser, do', asp , . m•ed. la oni.e• net .11 1013 057,7 OOKuo•xemeat may to W... 40 \IT.. •- Ing eitiothle to all the ',tett rf to. lar.rete. loot eonre,anr W..: Aare v.lO it,c3 •-d•.y attested. eatiaorrerter a m to ottue echoer. p is he •• olive t 11• emend robed ribed. Loaf data vet tee di rt.l. ca tes Of stark. The OF-ce std Phrovoite of tie ttratzt4 loos Pres L -1. E. 0 onltlPe RD- PEN .X. D. AR Treandoir tadEtxrettr—.7EC TPß.l.oS. W. DR-EXEL. L I it F. 4.1 p_.GyVird. Al. D.. WU. um Canal. k4e, . %Orton ttr`ilt..hailt. Caseee M. Pro noth. iteh. W. Dtel•• Samuel J. Kee. ea, Perglated J. Plow, Prof. Neer, Copp.. tea rah... DR' bt ' ',RENCK CAN BE FOUND AT los &Hoe, No. P North SIXTH Street. es Fn day gall Saturday of •och creak. Nozdeys Sae Tose • daye are sat spirt for rOttUOS iOtitOUjik gad 0 01 of 100 gal. tni Wil4olll/41%bita TO,M of each .s•ch to se 110....1 , 11 MVPs Ye. lee ALT! 0 &mot. B...nemoro. d. am tams for a thorooth exasuaatios wall tie vomiter. at hie odic* or any part of skip cm, ars 43; teenier nsitsuoe • aftsry • rds.4o caste a .1,1- A A itdrioe At Ms Glace frve of cheese ; ht.&a all caeca Where persons do cot (HI able to pay for it ' aring tn., hazes exec:coed. they will hip ea r e d for. spa hay s t i. a.m. • as lka IMMO fairwrorl fo)-lrett. MACKEJML.-490 bbls. Nos. I, 2, sr,d 3 Ilse Ural. In %alerted Pee tsrea, of el • latest ruck. for sale by C. C. SADLER 4% CO., AR , - a 'tram. 14144... ahn.• Pyre t 1.1.11 LtauttuL, irLUID, and YLNE UIL, iu and Sal! Y. lamtiVa§ al reasat v i. ar4.II3ITME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers