~z _ - - -~, - ~ .. _ r., 0.....at0 *WS s - liiir t er kii,rl war lbt,,,,,iesidlag at TWeirth • :. i. ..vi Hi ete;r:trttalgtruad' 4'70.114 against a etstvp.- Iler"eletheattioisrfiri, and' the,ininriett , ems '''lSinod•*ll o . o t. l o ll o,, plialfadtOr Mit. she died on ' `,.iiiitarday night-, -,., X, , ,....; , -.', -„, - ~ i,' ..,.,.-. - i , *- '. - ti SLICIIit Flltt.:4)ii, SatiniaY loat01 1 ig; SbOut , • ' three ,e'clook, a- kledlinaksvond establishment, at -,- ,•.".Ahe oiir,liet , -'or,lehrth - ind Garaqta ' atreats, V7 B B '- aN II , tti Aatablivi by fire,-,,whiollYerightated.frotti .... . : „ -._ ,41;Aeikneriftil":4Sitliitalr! inerning an , old „man named Levi-lackenr, aerentymne yearn old,' -"Wei run - emir by rival cart, ,41 the Spring Garden ~,,,,t , ,,,,„ „0 „,11 0 ,..: ita c hatithis tea leg severely ill ' •., ;1.. .. '.....Upi11a it Fuip ' ..-Lbaring the year•issb the' 10;tohi on; iktlibeity;_suloOrdingt4 the record kept ,by'llus obbtt engineer of th e /Fire Department, was ;41M,999', , The'Atuittranoe tuitottittad., to $191,730, 1007115 the loan over. ituntrunee at $17,235. , l'.o.".l'hiladelpitia t and 'trope Ilea° ateamera ~ Olio ; resolved letters of thanks from Mayor Tie „trulki•Or New York, for their prirapt "odors of ELS -11111/6‘7loo4illing the xeoent Are. • WAXXING To ,Srurans.-rQn Friday after nooaa,ladnamed George fleeter, while skating on V:the liohuylkill river, broke through - the ice and , made a narrow Bumps froth being. drowned, Thne lymodstanee alone caved him - from death.. , • • 4,- Ignir iron bridge has been placed across Prinathrd *reek et Brideeburg. It has been tong 'bioaatt In this flou,tlablitg borough, and will prove , 13 grei/ bouvenianob to its eat/saes.. 4 Quir,rarou.—.Mout nbou on Saturday a , pllialon ' mourn(' at the corner of Walnut and \ rourth btreeta liotween two passenger:railway cars. ~ , „%lie damage Wei done... ~, , , , . ... ~,, :2.311104u ...Gowen' Dec.-SI 1859 .— The number or interments In the of Philadelphia for the week mn 4 D x ...b v , 31, at li 0:eleok. sc.. .188 A 34721 3. =ii .. ....2..: ** 1 - 91tweb0tiy.... , ..,.. a 'iAtinalueli .....-:, ."....... 3 4tprotip;...•,.. ~..., ' 7 'v,felitiei s kor Brunt: ..., I t....,..4.v.t.4.4, viii: :',73 ny.....0pil ....:......,....... 7 li feCl l7lli t . * * ‘*•*:' . r 1 eas e s c.. ,.." - ...., -- -- x i evit4-17„ I . f : .t.. 11 -:l4p,alation , ' ii,..:. a , anonobt:. - .,:' 3 ' • .t. "ill. i ac: ,s n0tt1.........,.. I - rof salel ... , 49V ) 41.,4.4.....- 7 ,-• •• • / ' ...- corainnuis; The • koney Matket. •-. ' '- PInGkDILIM.4. 1 . Dee. al, WM She steak trinket. eibibited s, slight improvement to- , ;day; P401i0 2 Allincla- ghat's; opened at 111.kf, and ad= Triaged gradually to gite',- with pretty heavy sales be- Awean' , bonds at V% and SW. - Pennsylvania Itailmsd '.hatesalWadfransed.' Omsk firm at MC needing bdnde of IMO iveribld'for at kd and than of ISIS at 79X.IThe Puetket "genlirehy irxhifdted's buoyancy, that has teen" it tong-time ihient, though no 'ordinary reaction from the dulness of the tut, half year will be sufficient to; re:loi add 434114,16 e Into the neglected fan y stooks on thelist: - The New Tork Commercial List of to-day says: ` The form n importatien for the - week aro on a sealo , twhjeirw seem to leave no donbt that the importers titleietare oft y persuaded that the spring Inishaers Is 14 be remarkably setts*, The dry goods .entries for the sok are enormous and largelyaheed or the two pre - eels sessons.aa Inn he teen from the attuned Casson . t • yet pm ;Pm . ,-• m a ' Zetered at the p0rt...,....113/3/3 - '3,421.681 3,917X1' .Thrown on market. 7021,614 1,360,&12 2 e 05,478 Seventy- iii.thonagnd dollars been bean remitted by •MC Board 'Of County ColiimissiOners of &. Louis, to inns* the Juoutriinterest of county bonds dna next fititaliß4.6llLt lITOCUr RiffßAllo.l6 HALM. •- 'Remember 11. 100.. 'ltationnin* fiLlentat HE, 3W Walnittiftreet ' ~ 6 3e.rentua11e....... oath a uwo let in nosh 161 600 City ge 1000 - linir in 75.... 23 do ' ;Imo 1 8k Antorioa.l39 %MO Pitie.Ft VirdeCliio -- • 20 Heav endow R.. en Con 3446 2631 Reading R...C&P sag ';-do - — . ll' ,St do Sthi afflo Prank &Sonthyrtii d0..`......f1int 21N 1000 do ...... 80; 71 - do •,,......dirtl=• do. .• .107_ 04 000aK 4dys ' Cil ATsl r aah lkla l SalN!da. .. 1.,b„,, R. 02 SThl Bt 2907 -111'eholtiaMr•i§k. 3603 do 00./4$ itnion Bk; ' noleß 1i0r10..... airea 100 Reading R.... eash 011 i 1150 100- do ...C&Mat 0116 50 , 48....ekPkint • . .Cfr.P 213 i 10 Weit ihil37 Ap BOA. 01)- ' .9.102)fi02gi 29 2 . 9291 • 12100111) led Vitt 5a . ;150,,5t......161M1 SOO •ao „ • ...-,-.IOIXI SOO Ibt DO' 'lnitial. tits Stripa lan CO .1 a ilv i r-at S.. Ski • mostrie pLfiagd - „ Bid. eltitelo WE:4.' 4 441M f. • ,I=B- 1 3iriii: do S :11,14PIRAIlkar "Ire -i4ilat " ao -ram itr.,7lrl , " auo*-.z:7 riiiiitdellifiiii3Triade - iiiatiotiiSo for the .....;.-,- ~.., : ;.- - -. 1 , ~ i ftitierii. o : smas.' - L080481i8 r . r .. " 4 . ::: ' ..i. Y . -1 11. il., ' A - tr ip ,ai entan2u5e....,...... , . . - .1 ........ '' ' 17',688 • 30,0!0 aradeutin -:-.:.....,.....-;,:.........,'_ 418 - • 1.889 ' : ea tot India. _4 ........... :..,. • 1467 .. -- • ' 170 • : 343 inco,.. i :..........,..-- 14,631 . WWI _ 111.04 "r ti0t0 . ....,... " ".. ... * :....44'.. 31.096 ' /11.030 - - kra , Vaief.--:.. - .....— t —ut,12 uAO 131,766 '' - 4111031P78 OF Lain. -_ . L 1867. 19E3. 1969. r 864,34184, 3466.—.-- ...... 19,079 . , 11.700 , - 3 43 9 0 oclagn;',‘ . ''''' —' '-' ' '14,6993 '' : 3333' '-- - 0648 7' P.3334 7 /W46114 . 41 - 1 . --.... ~ - ~.,.... AM .Total... . . ... .....-..—..51M7 - - 15,6e 9 46,140 143C747911 07 801503., ''. ( ~... 7 ; lea. itea. • , nig ....33.3.67 ' . 16.050 18,713 ... - ..13,400: : 14,876 18,477 blue ' 9790 - 6 074 10.393 1,719 6,0.3 .. t . ••. k.... 3436 . 8 8111 • . - 4,88:1 e . . i . hdrleatdd, beb44... Fc.teens. - Ow Orleans.. er ports-- '_ ' Teta.. .... ........::..45,0i id 6:4' 63,414 ,T tl it iggl r og:4l , l4lrg i ih, p , ° , l l4ll ' 2l l , li gilfai IV '; , lda, lial. - , , AO. Pat:. Bats. Bast. Pr AnarW ";" •: •: T3&801 ,r,:zi - 169,1819 4. Dosnisgo >, Cuba, Wit ', :..,... .;:. primice:Clio ~....,..... i:olii f:iii i,i t o alas ......... 1 . ~... Si an 1,07 0 tattimmd Bt. 7 obiewt. 140 , .... , .... eut.e.w.Prines : an Coo ' ' - • erterA..,.. ... , ... ..... !AC . AM_ 1,17; 0V8231.. . 8 10 tin Si...... . • :.. UM! HAW i,ieu ' Total. -...M.909 162,616 - . MONIS OP SUOMI AT IMILADIMPRIA of ForeWl' Sugar at the 'Port of Pailadelplilit -,- for the yearal4s6 sod eb'tiss'y ar eh y .. rlil, ll::: 114 ~. il. iflrti ' ilo tsbor W Deot 1,909 I,fn 7561, :11,123 ses t 47 1 5 3 D 1,133 .. 99661679 .99891.6920492296024..." ag i tti l o o hit t l , i t i Nf ir w e l fz u fga poet of Phila.: • - -,- —— " r '-‘, , - ‘ ,-- If., i : .'?'• , ''4B6l:'' '' • 1869. too, 22616 • ' St ', ...24.7.n ~ )tx,pgt - w x_o l 9o lll lNif "*""'"' ities' se',l3 - ' 4,1 151 1949 64 494 - -- - - ' 8.176' . "'-- 4.7221' ...- . DNS p. r . , ..._.: ir , :,... r . : ,qI..V -: ,_ ids.soo • -20.118 ?,. 42:94 . 2 26....,.. • P. 14/ , ..111,,W 2,441 1-- - Lan ' b i ld 1,1 6 µ6.; .473 , ....:31,-.7.A `FLOW q.' ,3, --.XB' ' ' oxis 41 i 2469.,.." .. ; ... ... ...... .... ...2C21„ .... kt lIWI ' - ' 9 , 983 I tArl 90226 • .429141:413:.'....?: .3 . ~.3. '-- -I AO - -- - -4,189 9.217 tattet, 11., t , .„ ~:-.1 . 4,411.10e : .,,,m1gif. ~. on b I t at •• - ea cot Ws aX) , 861426 , 111,91 -- a"211 - :., Th its., lirors 1. 1,1:511 ttl:Vg. 42 ~,,t..,...,,, , 1tti5f., ~h ir 1,,,.., i intr.,:::.,,...ii4iklt .latil ••, 1. , A lp 1 Tha.,370 ...- 79,9142 " - 8912 1,811 2,165 ,:- R496Abusit 4996 • 0.281 21,939 -.. 81'=" - .MS .44 126 24 774 21,506 0206 227 . . ' ..... "" , - ew uts,uo 823.924 46r914,410, tb16.:.... -- '94 999 ass 2 , ar t 12 , 668„„. .. . , . j.x ... - ~1 14 ,11 E , ‘, Alt, ~,, Atig p 4 ilk*. :- _ f ,Ts "- 03t6 • " bill 1499. 92212 1 .851 968 - 2,190 - 1 0 1 1 11 110 . It 129V41. 9209.26. :292 , 49.12164‘.'.:;. - . 4, /.....z 4 ..66338t • - !Moho , • " 88,870 rualltilak7.' 8,6)7 iffi. LTV PO*, AMIlf ," • ." .." • • . - 23,8% lom 17.486 , ,--- li . #titii.V.';i3C:' , 1 . - .*3.::04Xd :-- 'MAW '' 'l-1 . seldhie AIID Xercassal liscalVil) coArrwur.l - lea. . face. ilia cigar, bia. 44 tjerApf.. • . pa , . 4,670 Imo 1 d :-" gsr,l3b 5....... t ..v..,,..;.•,. ~ ' nr .;-...‘: JlO liff • gar, basq • 1i,06, olailles,JlDdll. and farms.. X WO ... 1.60,3 1,1,01 &Mos, NO v•I•tSMS "1 .) # 3 4 10 .._ . -,-- Mike tice*LiarisOtra 411104114 . IMIORTDD , 10,1 , D}X MID ~,_...„ 0041611W1416 . .' ~ „:, • , 1110. '*''. , .! law; .. Ism 141 a i :::: 7 i . „ ,: , :l: : : : :.:, ; .. ~; 1 0; Bat , ; ; 41 , .., AS Toni , tonns,:.4-,, - , - ., - ,, g-- . . - : - 6--let -_- 4',1190 ---- SIM • pill. 4,10,,•..,,, ~,. ~ ~ , , ~,..„ -,lltd,llk „, , 47.4„1,18 • ~, - 1041,110, Om mu,' ;• ••• ~ -...... 470 AS •,, 201,800 , 903,700 40946, ooxiii. - .". - ..,' .;,,: .. 10,X 0 5 '. ...11,110 - 2 t,a is V..,A74!:•‘.` , .:-. 1- BI'S I-- :`1 4 411 43 0 : : -.74, 4 4: 0, gotoelf. : ;.i i : .. ~,, , ; _COY: - -' la ,die ''' ' ms 111 t.5.11,0't 4 4'. : iii. ...-;,:11,471 , 3 ''' 1139,00 ' 173,80 ti MI •*i f.,;..' . . -..., i * MAT . _". $1,311 , 4 .„ . 93t,564 90 rt. ii:- , - ,-„,,•.r t ino :,' emzo ~, -to -,'' ~ . .',,, i ii COAL . 72 ' 0 0' ' ' " - "' 1 Ili follehkii-444tdilioni4totootalrom the di fereit res oluk winigorlostprg piling 2 - • ' '—" -: -• ' .1838 1839. ,' tau. t0 4 41 1 %91'ga - ; 4 : -44 '?; -; '1' 1 ,4'61 4 2:' ' 1.8 AT2 iliatAn6l:- ,- ;,-;•, -. 4r. I .:1: - : - .t.':..._900.8co ', - ,A,060492 hiszt ,vitil,ylll4lrostgi.-;...y_.471,019 ', ' 677,861 fillwattkinaffiv4l2,n - . ~1 3 0.., ~ sans - - - , ; -140,839 g1igram.".....„.. , t , f... mg. : • . 22 : kwiT•ki. l ictiiii.,:iiiiro ! ic; ow .',, vim .hrrin'tiiiift.\ttn:i.....,:::•Z: , ;!:: Sfol ::, -131 r = ;11174 , ,i;:;•:,::;,, , •::::. re,112 " !b2tz ~,...14 . ..,..,,,...-.....,:: . ..,: ; ,, „ ........•., i5,00 4 ,,_ : -a O , lO T0ip..... - .- - - .........o,7to o pu ~7 .501435 ~- , , - - Oacom} g°Tsll. ‘telheitit I.e the remote of ; Mum $, Ybil el_eblacpr the te_v_. CULLY 'MIA' ...... . .... 6,24 , , • As.lBo • ". it t iortifieto — forelgratitP e ~ l for tha • • 774 •flirliil:Aftids. 44. 'lb . ! !! tw , ..a , t 6 /5 I:031 i• 4 -•4 1 •:441 11 5010 1 ; ,-, 1111 , 111:por: , :.{l4ll ;,I,,Le t .13d ,X +.; 44 nao - ajor wors fair 4430 (There. isito ' Ohitirki In 'Pinar, and seine 400 bide only foiled buy ers at ea 50 for superfine, which is the uni form aek iug rate for that 'dosoription. The trade are - , 9r iondotatal r a tiosnt that azure up to ego et a phitor el.tra atid krandessla asaittr., Nib Via , rs and Corn Chi t are aufas but steady e5.2.1a 1 44 for the former and San per bit for thelatter. Wheat .7-'ridif; v i: not mush doing for the tradt of stook Iced only a ut tale bus. prime Penh. , red sold at $1.34 in - M' ore bite is quoted at .91.45e1e LSO, but little otter , ing. , -gye is steady at 92023 for, Penn. with. a email Gale to nolo at the former Tato. Cowie but little inquired for. there is not melt offering. and atiout SAW bushels -pr[ pier now dry.l allow sold at Trio to the dare. !late are usoliallgedi we quote Penn. at tee and very little doing. No miles ot Itirloy or Barley Malt are reported to -day. 8ark...,1 sale of TO Mid. ULM, 1 Quereatrou was made 11;.$30 T. tont Cotton—Holders are Orator in their views, bat there is very little doing to-day in the way t ermines and Provisions—The markets eon. ttnue at a stand-atilt and without any changes to note. Beediv-There is a good demaed for Cloverseed, and further sates aro reported at 5a,21400.3s for fair to good, and Patel% bu for ennui Send; the latter is mnrPes and Aeolians° in Timothy or Flaxseed. Whie. trek us steady, and some 250 We sold at fago for Pa., and 27.Ti0 for Ohio, lihds are selling at 25320, and drudge at Sktio ify gallon. Hew York Stook Etchange.-Aloc. 31 511C02D 802.116. 0300 blipsouri . 6;134:1700 N Y Central 8..630 761 0 2001 Erie It lot In hda.. 98 700 do 761 i 1000_111.Contral bdx.. 81bi 160 Mich Centril 68X 1110_74 J Zin0.......... bOO 04 441 DI 14&NIg e. -OW 17 100 Canton WO 17 IVO 11l Central tt. —660 67 50 ravine) Mall S 61 Co. 76N WO do 67bi ,1130 . do 76t6; WS Panama .11 „..,12/14 100 • ' do 860 20 Clem Col, tc.Cin 11. 95 100 lindaon iver , 414 IWO Gal h Chi 115 300 'tootling 42.4 , 2 1 0 do • ••-• • • 05 100 do ~..opg 42 300 do .........810 66 67 Y 764 103 do 103 - do .........860 7615 20 CNN , Tot 8..:...20 NO do —BlO 76;x. 09 Chi & It • -660 63 200 d 0.... 781.0111 A) do 1/0 6.11,1 WO d0...b80 7.11C100 do NO do --- snwk 75 4 4 .1 60 do 130 do 630 762; 203 do . ..... 63 300 do .........450 7554 100 do 6274 100 do .—... h3O 75.?6 60 Nor,tc Wor blO 40h 1010 do bl.O 76,1‘ """""""" . A BIG BUSINISS.—Tho omit receipts of the gift book concern of Li. 0. Brans, in this city, during last week, footed up the large imin of twenty thousand dol lure. We speak by the card, having personally examined the books of the concern. The creator part of this bust ,...- ._ a,iired f on ...nntea. , ..Tisetotal husineen of the firm read .as wo hundred - thoustriddellere nor an - nom, end wan worked up Solely by the edlefent am-of stinter's ink. People who belr*e that "advertising doesn't pay " Will please melee note. The advertising expenses of the Ann in imitation are twenty thousand dollars per year. The not result is about thorium aa that which farmers derive froth poor latid when fertilised with guano. - Without the advertmini, it would have come into the hands of a deputy &bend' inside nt six months. -At it is. the enterprining firm are men of sub stance, and do a heathens coextensive with the *lmola .tion of thajournals which scatter their announcements. That men who donot advertise are greet loners, is shown bi the thousand illustrations, nil around us, of men who sebie've fortunes by the unaided oombination of enter vise and printer's to • .. n stota. - ... ; . t*ltle i 3 If:AlLTralt r - from the .6.beeheato..,. - 9 reindb Of color. •.., 11 . , AaTALTII. 'HUGHES, . gealth Oteeer. ARMOR NAPOLueN.—This extraordinary young Olernst takes his feove of America in a few weeks. Ito will give a concert in hitledelph, at the blindest Fund Ball, on Thursday evening, the lath instant, assisted by .vooel Warn of is high ordor. Ile wee unfortunately pre vented by sickness; from appearing at Madame Biehop'e late concert; but hue now recovered. Wo fool confident 'that the lovers of' mama and admirers of game in our ,oily will not let elm this het and only opportunity of witeessing the performance of this talented youth. "Too Lave! ' Too late to plant the tender iced, The sowing time is peat; Too late to prop the tender vine That feels the wintry blast? Too late to roar a temple now, The building time to o'er; Too late to shift the rudder cow, titter the breakers roar! Toe late to gather fruit again, - The orcherd tree; are bare 'Too late to seareh the fields &gale, • , The airliners have been there. 'Tie noi " toolate" to shim the trope Of thriftless, tkoughtlees folks, If You go at once and buy your clothes At the store of Granville Stokes, - No. coy Chestnut street., SONG or THE Dna* OLD YEAR. Fill the goblet and drink as my wailing tones sink, Let the wassMl-bowl dip and the revel shout rise; But a word irt year ear from the pasting Old Year, 'Ti, the last time he'll teach yo—" be merry and 7 , wive.", And .buy all your garments in 1560 at the Brown Stone Clothing "Rail of Rookhill tr, Wilson, Nos. tag and COS Chestnut street, above Sixth. A owe down oast has invented a mnobine to renovate old bachelors. Out or a good sized, fat, greasy old bachelor he can mato suite a decent young man, and have enough loft for two man puppies, a pair of leather brooches, and a kettle of soft soap. It would have been more to the purpose if. for the "leather breeches." be had substituted a full new snit from R. Ili Eldridge to Co.'s "Continental" Clothing How north east corner of Chestnut and Et hth streets. ,BOARDS. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, ilpD Parma ado' .: a t 110ReivMevn.... a 2,• 20Don . t Canat......14 NI 20 ..-", do . .ba aD 0 ?gang. ft-, ... ~..,. al% ID Syrup° hr. Yitti-lalt.. ID . dE4-1,111.M. GIRARD HOlNlE—Chestnnt et., below Ninth, .1 Morton. Memphis, Tenn G 00 W &OVA, 8t Louts 8 Dean & la, Chnotunatl, 0 Chas Colahsu, Clerelsnii 3 O J Dillon, Savannah, Ga W H Watson, D_O P Moltvor, Lancaster Thos B N Y Chas I` Wooster, N Jrts A Greusebvuh i N Y 'Jae 8 WSW. N Y Jos I, Pio, leer, St Joseph W Meows & la, N Y J Parsons & la, E Hampton Jo Costella, roan E C Pike, St Louis J BStewart, Washington .1 Thorne. Jr W Warner, N Y John Calgo, Cuba Yerenvineßibas,'N'Y - E 13. ODeirdru„, , N Y D Harrison; N 0 H J Magraw, Lanosater...., hir Lmnan. imarissawn -w r - gl ad uten; ~177 TA, oKay, u 1 , 1 Poo, eshungton Jae Forestft& In,NY W Clark, Now Haven It Canada , Mexioo it M yHlaohiord, N Y LW Maley, Tipton, Alo 0 it Mulligan, Sis LOMA A Berbower & la, Ohio W Obathstpar, Nkr A Wise, N C F Brown, 1 hilts J Custer, Ybila ' ' • BM. ikra. s hi m wnglet Win, I In ,7is mort.iti al mott.iu . Ott i tt i t t iGi', l 44 11 4 •.-7 • a , 41tRes, - PratAci i rot i r re 1800'ilk.Thita t -st Ar. - ' 30 ' ' ' AMERICAN ROTEL—Chestnut st..above Fifth. 0 W Paden, Cal Col t Word, Pa M. Laurence. /Idle,' It CMIIO dr, la. Wash F Jaeobs, Ch' ater oo .18 Grant Middletown B 8 Whitaker, /Wham C Gay; B,C John Lemaddaas Albert Lbbr, P Portland_ T AD ll un Abedlit,Pa RNrMyVFisematau JMBolton.AY •JonHorridgh , Y John Sharp. Pittston It K willia, alley g Forge T 1,, Barnes. Pbila B F McCloskey, t Y J Dale, Boston '/' J Barton, Salt J L Barnes, Phila. SS Bore, Carbondale, Pa Jae Bontt, ClP i ttsburg 8 oland, 0 NI Terry, Pttsburg A Melhor a on,Ptttsburg T St Clarke, Masa JONES'. HOTlSL—Ohestnnt street, above Sixth. P M Dahaat & wf, Wash 3 V. Minkto, N a John J Cruiser, CI nainnati John Rosa, en E If-eqina , Boston 'nos Martin, Mass W r Williams, N Y Jamas Forbes, N Y D Miller, V Y T ii Marshall, Conn 8 B Crook, Conn " A 8 Glover. Jr, N Y F Willis o t la. N Y Jan 0 Murray, N Y 0 0 Smith. N y S II Croniso D Many. Ohio R, 8 'f komas, Ohio 8 S Williams, Ohio 13 Biokles, Pa LOUSES HOTEL—Chdetztut et., sb. Thud. Imo E Craig, Savannah Lonia Hoch, Oinoinneti P Garretann, SebuOkill ea 3 Thampsen,Det 0 8 Kramer, Phamixville Gee Min, Yetteville E Baas, alum 'l' Giereeke,Aermany L Gate!, Brooklyn , K 8 Munition, hills oNititeroari, Y rbiTibriAti - ROTHL--Ittioe strain.. abiall Third. AA' inlet, Lebanon. Pa J 8 Clawget, PhDs A P HipAmeri Pittsburg. - J P Dillanger, Allentown T V Rboa4s, Allentown R Dario, N I .48 F tt4esinie.a. M Van Hook. Del O Witlitrel e k H Rank. Lebanon baron P A e Sbu s iti, PKeeve Reams mus c Lawie, Pa John A Childs, Milton ffil THE UNION HOTBL—Arch street, ahoie Third 'E 4 Bartlett, Bpdhlehern Chas BDa A tootle, Easton • Lewis Baser, Wmssort 0 Asgard, ra tease Robinson: Sestet; . It_ 0 Adams, weapon. To , James Minor, N J , H 0 HOOVer.mbn hero City -Miss Hoover, Allot, City C S Chambers, Cm, 0 .TSB ok, Cla, 0 . W 0 A Nenslo Ca:ll4(l,ft ,A II P spay, IN* ' J_ A D Bennett, Ts .1 11 Phillips ahila F Talbot, N • M Dinah, T 1 Y Hid CautTraan, otborough !S it Burgeon, tit Lochs , MOUNT ' VgILNON 110TEL.-Beeendst.. atm* Ateh :8 Middleton. MY . • .7 L Anderson, Wash John Bennett, Mont; 6o - Gen Brant; California • 'Braireet,,ii Eoko, Ilatriatnirg 't A:Rename}, .114.731iburi: Jae Lang. Heeding R Jaticeon. Choi , 00 8 Adorns. Enston Wheeler. Vermont. M Johnson, Altoona YE Tloncet,lebanon W 0 1 1bert. P 8 A W-Motton.Moutg co John liestroolk, Pa Issso Oweso,llY,' it M eller. Easton :017 Van Veto y - Rft Williams. Pe. Aanill'lmeker. Pa Van llama, Pa g . Form, Pik - ~d~asauniton,Phita , • BARLEY SHEAP ROTEL—Second at., below Vino. IN C Atiniltim,'N .1 Geo Martiadell, Nawtowa WZN I ZE:!! " 1 -- 1 4:4 1 41DZL 14110 LIMLIJWBY. Str ' otldlVC Jon Hall, re- Eivir,?:7.b Jew , Dr fl Walto n , 1 1 : w" ur . • • *YATES UNDID liGML--M rketer.,sMtro6Lsth Uri Greaser/ Altoona; Tie' Mr 'men, N Y L Reiser. at 4 Janata Datrniaare, Pa Moat' a James, Pa • A Welficila, LOWIIIVA Pa G Quinn, Harriatatarg, Pa II N Hal, postass, 0 Rawls/4PM! 1 , 1 F Fitther. Jun'&oo. :tt, *ll4irtin v Colgmhis •Mr Dal/Jerson,.Etallt "thew . Huta, it Chaster GettateAniiit4 ladt, rails Jos gate' . a keata, Balt Eugene 00. - New oork • Fsmakel anmincer, tewart ,Moolnsg, Vs • • Joe Mesdousb, - Nobraetat Dear, f?amplo,Nobateket . MERCHANTin H01D1E•4 7 1414 - ete above Callowbill Delrert• Alltuattaws D Lisderkofler i ,Pdala Rza Deana, " . 8 4 1 :4 14 416 4 ,Mt_1iir c " n r r,r .l t John —a ea, .utoat 'E Betunraitgat,Plela Jan gEditarda, R 32ERCI4ANT'S DOTRL—Potartb street, below Arab. ED Jiab l ard, Cie, 0 A S o p i l i va i Ney r ark, 0 I!.lTC3roli e l. w a i .O i lVa l lco RR, Kii....TfAr.g:iltit, rateAgniligk Man pro. 1 . 44 Allen, Pe a .1 (*amber', Martnanota A M Austin, Bradford . -.. zAtivE Etr171,; 4 /11,1rd ',total, &boo* Raw. • Rmith, Echurl oo I Oasper f N J f t Watsoft. Chop tot co it du rlst r, l'i y Jones, nil% wit lits.. Itolmosburs Leone, Delmore co _ it, Fairlemb, Del co ' , COMMERCIAL ROTE LrrStu* et. above Chestnut. W T Real, P ' ' Itt ftharplesi, Del o, ra Jr. John Davis, Chester eo II M Johnson. De o. Fa " it Ch oilm"yekT , RUSSO! nines Brown. N John Traynor. Chapter op reureen Coates, Lams eo Jaren Ecott, Chester co W 0 Dougherty, Texas BLACK BEAR HOTEL.—ThIrtI, above CAllowMil at. Acres lit*hey.rit.tilnyg C SEN li Cope , E IterrA 110. rs Chas Stelamotint, Reading BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third at i Ahoy' Caloviiill P. Borer. Bletansburg, Ps • Stahl, Norrieuma Migßtah Norristown Mina Boob tel, Rornstown PORT, Or PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 11, 1800 earN72-MUN 49 HIGH--._— .4 ARRIVED. :Stearnahip ,Phinesa 'Sprague, Matthews, 63 boors from Roston., with rodeo and passengers to Boor, Windsor. esnsed an unknown brig at anchor above the Brandywine; barues Thos. °Mina, Ellon Maria, And another, intone unknown, brigs May Queen, Comm Isle, and anottier name unknown at the Ledo. all bound up. Also, off Cherry Island Plate , Ship Tonawanda. going dawn in tow and a brie ofl'lteedy W and. do. glotegnehle Delaware. Copes. from Now York, via Cope MAY, r 2 hours, with mdse and peseeneere to Sas Aluerdine, - raseed 6 lArk and a full rigged brig—the brator showing a red eignal with her name in it—bark ThoriDallett, from Laguarrai Helen Maria, from Bos ton, and two bitty. names unknown. all at enehor off the Liegket - bilk May Quenn. from Port au Prince, ashoro .on JoerFloayer, with fors roast sone, and a schooner at apohor abreast of her, boating oil the canto and inaton .tyw apnea aphis' Delaware and Lonna. for Florida_. - In QL tilt L Peony, and brie' Ellen Bernard, for New CYlhn point down in tow. all off !tomboy Hook ; saw . 01, 1 ..biteTing:for belearta. gomg into Delaware 9,itblit tow o tue Matt White; at Il M Passed2thin, ew tifllir g• 8 4°A"..2 America of tide 1 f Dalt. thimilion 3 days from New York last A-17- & F Diarr. Towed up by steam at. tarr, from Cohansay creek. whit* rto lxirte Mash iris Ltl .tattntet Marcus No and New io issue and henyy'rutualtts ten frg Lta i rsr place up. Blit ' s Tonawanda, Julius Liverreol. Cope Brothers. Bute Betsy Willubass Ktokersoa, Poussaelng 'fork. * coui .... _ ..Y,o6(,Ap'. EMMEN : t a, l ' aaT,kekto. ' CITY ITEMS. litTO TIVZ!..YZI WOLOCZ LAhT XIOIII MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ~ . . ven ~ 'he TT med steemsbly Jr. Stetted Georgie, Garvin, Be nahr .11. Hoion. Steamship Boston, Fellow, N York, Jae Ahlordice. • Behr Sarah Cullen, Demob:, Saga& In STAmio , S ZT , W Welsh. Bohr Coquette, Daly, Antigua, Captain. Steamer .1 8 Shriver, Donnie. Baltimore, A. Groves Jr. BAILIt D. The ship Tonawanda, for Liverpool, loft at noon On gaturday. in tow of the City Ica Boat and tug Ainertea, Her cargo consists of 150 nit& 52 boo tobacco, 1.255 bass cioyerseed,23l hhds hark, 5 0 bales ru5,2,019 15,1 s flour, 950 ten beef, 200 bblel pork, 70 mks tallow, 50 tee lard, 19.751 bus wheat, 2 bble apples, arid 6 Gases mdse. Also, 59 steerage passengers; The V B niail stsainship State of Georgia, for EiVrin ntih, nailed at 11 A'l yeiterday, ttrith a full freight and a number of passengers. by 17.1;CGItl111. (Correspondenoe of The Press.) ;51;W YTtit. Jan Arrived ship Westroint, from Livdrpent tt~m Vremhlushom,,from - Havre • bark John Ilthisicir, from Turke Island • Narwepan lay a iti t , n it . r i e . me Clausen. from Cadia ; sohr Hiawatha, fro tipokn Deo 18, brig Amy . 4%irwiak, from nio for Now 'T!ork, an days out. (Cortoapondenoe of the Philadelphia Exchange.) DEWED, Del. Dee 31. The wind came out strong from NW yesterday morn ing, enabling all the outward bound vessels to go to ben , including the brig Fairy. which has been oulorod to Riohmond. The bathe Thee Dallett, Ellen Maria and two others; Wigs Ocean lAN May Queen, and three othere. left the harbor early this morning. and proceed ed up, the wind having changed to the w during the night. Weather cloudy. Yenta, W. M. 1110KhIAN. BY ILLBOB ATM (cOrYoSpOndenne or the Philadelphia Exohan bt. CAPE ISLAND. NT, Jan 1-6 P No vessels have been observed going in or nut during Leder. Wind NW—sveathor cold and cloudy, yours, TIIOII. D. SWORE& lithrtfOßANDA. Steamship Romania, Trautman, for Hamlan, clear ed at New Yorkt Si st sta a niship Bremen, Wessels, for Bremen, sailed from New York, 31st ult. uhip_Ocean 'Pearl, Crowell, from Manilla, arrived at New York 31st uIL Yo M rk ap Slat u Etymlt.a, AndrollS, from Callao, arrived at New Ship Caroline, Haynie, from Liverpool, arrived at Charleston 24th ult. Ship Sued McGonagle, from Londonderry, nmred at New Orleans 24th ult. Ship Gulden, Crowell, for Madras and Calcutta, .leaned at Boston, 31st ult. Ship Sea Rimer. Burnt= sailed from Liverpool lath instant for San rename. Bark Louisa Bliss, Sprague, hence, wax at Pernando Po. Oat Mb, disabusing. Aurora, for Philadelphia, wan at Messina ad inst. Bark Powhattrin. Simmons, for Now York, sailed front Palermo sgth Nov. Brig A. NY4.1404,ten, Jackson, cleared at New York 31st ult. for Montoyiedo, -- - Brig A, K. Pororoy, from Philadelphia, was towed to sea from Now altos Ilth ult. .. 11 .pvivii ,t liY a r t l I t i , t. Avery, front Maracaibo, arrived at Brig An Alexander, from Monrovia, cleared at New York await. Ketoh Commerce, Barnes, Flame. was discharging at Mayaguez Nth ult. Behr. J. Darling, Marshall, cleared at New York Mat ult., for Pernambuco. hehr. C. It Molter, for Peterehurg, Va., eloared at Now York, Mat ult. Behr. Mario Law, Amshury for Philadelphia, cleared at Now York Slat ult. . . Sohn Lvov 1,. Sharp, Compton, woe waiting at Ma- Wain, 2let ult. t , altr. W. A. Hammond, Powell, hence, arrived at Chorloston tJth ult. Sohr. J. H. Allen, Iligbee, hence, arrived up nt Char lestown 26th ult. Sohn Knight Gage, hence for Boston, at Provinoo town 29th ult. Sehr. Kate s9W a l it K ban, Kallaban. hence, arrived at Peteraburit Steamer Tucarorn Iprby, ,shod from Key Weet 234 ult., for Matanzas. • BOLP.I.ES HOLIS,Deo24,I' M—Sld brig °anima ; sobs Lion. Beni L Berry, and And.. 3011—No arrivals. 1U A M. Wind b cE, blowing trerh, min snow and ram. In port. brn,s Sweet, mown', (with two men front bitten); 'duaan Emily ; sol2s Joint Elliott. Edmund S Janes, liubinii, Star, .eranknu treat, There se C, lisle, Any tune, Saran A Mammoth Luoy W Alexander. SPECIAL NOTICES. Tam NEW YORK TRIBUNE. PRIPARV Fott TIM dna' POLITIOAL OAISPALON OU 1880: INDUCEMENT TO CLUBS. NOW IS TER TIME TO SUBSCRIBE TIIIi BEIII-W-EEICIa TR181114131 TYB HEW-YORK UHL-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is yublulted every TUESDAY and FRIDAY. CONTENTS OP No. 1,628 Oleo. 80]: I. .LEADING ARTICLFB: Tho Democrat. Plot; The Republican Position : Should Not the rrouee be Organized t Another Polittent etut.d. ; 81114411 g the Usher ;A Testimony to he Heeded; The Federal Treasury; Helper's Crisis; Holt & Co. vs. Civilise ' nun; Entanglement in Alcamo; The Vient dont's Message; Editorial Paragraphs. lI..LATEST NEWS RECEIVED BY TELE ORAPH From Washingtoa ; Special De spatelies to the N. Y. Tribune; Later from Idesioo; Tho Virginia Medical Students; Patel Marine Disasters; negro Ineurrecr tine In Miseouri ; Trouble at the Wesleyan University; The Georgia Legislature; Union ?fleeting in Rochester; Front Bos ton; The New- Mexioan Mail. lII—THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS—Finer Sassier; t Proceedings in the Senate end Hotum of Representatives. IV..CONFLICTINO AUTHORITIES. V—WHO 13 " NATIONAL ?" V/..FROM BOSTON Correspondence of The N. Y Tribune. VII—FROM PHILADELPHIA: Corm:sondem. of The N. Y. Tribune. VIII ARRIVAL OF SENATOR REWARD. LX,CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. R. E. Randall tomr. IL — iv - Lena Vllll l- 4MISI '..THE HON. B. STANTON - AND THE HON, IL F. CLARK: An Explanation. XI—MEXICO. XII—LATER FROM EUROPE. XIII—PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. XI V..REPORT OP THE SECRETARY OP THE TREASURY. EV—REPORT 01."ru, POSTMASTER O. NERAL. 'VI—REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. XVII PORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. LAND•OFFICE REPORT. XIX iii , SPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. XX ASYORT OF THE PENSION OFFICE. XXI-6 EECH OF VICE-PRESIDENT DRIaCKINRIODE. XXIL.PE4SONAL. XXIII .POLITICAL. XXIV—CITY NEWS. XXV.,MISCELLAN ECUS. XX VI—M ARRI AO ES AND T/RATILIL XXVII .THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR lierh XXVIII—WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE NEW YORK DRY. GOODS MARKET. XXIX..COMAIERCIAL MATTERS: Full Reports of the Stock. Money Cotton, Grate, and Cattle Markets, specially Reported for The N. Y. Tribune. Truism—One Copy for oae year, $3. Two Cooing, one year, $5. Five Copies, one year, $11.25. Tel CO pies, to one address, sa). Fora Club of Twenty. we send an Extra Copy. For • Club of Forty, we send The Daily Tribune gratis. VIE N. Y. DAILY TRIBUNE Is published every Morning and BY0:1111b had b 7 meat at 136 Der annexe THR X. Y. WEEKLY TRIMJNIZ la published ovary Saturday. TIIM-82 Der annum. Titres Conion for en. Ten for en. Twenty Come, to on. adduct, WO, and an ilitra Copy to Ito person who forms Oho Club. For a Club of One Hundred, wa tend 'fits Doily Tr,- butte gratin. 110 RACK ORBELEY & 00.. Tribirno Btuldiom Nom York. Addrese el•lkl.4W .111011l3T PRRIdWiI AIVARDRD 4T TII Woncu's Fatß, Loanon.—Jules Reuel tr. Co., N 0.104 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, established We. Menu 'facture/a of perfumery, cosmetics, transparent balls and shaving soaps; trawl hair dye, rind Jules Hreael's celebrated Eau Athenienne, or Nam Renovator, also J. Rauel's uneeualled Eau Lustrelo, popular throuthous the world. Importers end Wholesale dealers in French, English, and domestic perfumery, fanny goods and druggist's ar tistes, shaving, hair, cloth, nail, and tooth brushes, combs in all varieties, oto. Jai lit AALAILAJOIIa Fnut-Paoor SArsa.—Avery lard ougortment of SALI/MANDE R 8 for aala at mama able priot4o; No.lOl 01103TNIIT three:, Philaiolphis. mitt t! IiVANS kt. WAVION ONE PRIOR CLOTHING or TAM LATESt Asylum, made iu the twat manner, searetely for Rh TAIL, BALES, LOWEST mein prism marked le Plain Figura'. All good' mmtio to order warranted 'AV.,- factory'. Oar ONE-P.lllos Pyortera te ctriotly lathered to, as we believe this to be the only Aar wry of dealing All are thereby treated alike. XXVI A. CO.. ietAr Me MARKET Street. Wnsinan & `tumor Swum 'Mumma. PLihdolohiaCaa,lll9 CHESTNUT Btreot. Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company, llntneh otlione zn Trenton, NdriF Janet, and teeton ml Weetonester. Ps. nett-ten 6ti .1t It Dtt $ SATING FUND —NOII.THWAST 0011F1/11 SUOMI* and WALIIIIT BUlKitt,-Depagit4 'yet delved in small and large emanate, tram all dawn at the oommunitr, and &Unwell:merest at thereto of five vat oent.toet Annan*. Meijer ni be drima by 0114A11 Rial6ll4 lean or 111 tempt. Moo aeon daily, from 0 Antal* ealook, and Mon day said Seignior until 9 in the *Venal'. Promdent, FRANKLIN P. Treannuar said Sakorstary, CRAB Ai, MORRIS, ' SINGER'S Susvixo MACIIIHNS. Ne. 3 Sewing Machlnee...— No, 1 Sewing Maehmei ........ PO Tho Family Sewing Maohine, To The Fungi Maehi ne hi. 81NORR & CO.. No. 803 CIIMTN UT Street. GROPER ilb BAJEYAL'B CIALSORATXD N91100A611 PAKILY Bzwine-Teliewm, AY DIDI/CID PRIEM. rap CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Ges-Lear Darr--dirra AND Anon. stai.ittm SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAPIITY TRUST GoGrANT.—Ghaztorod by the State of YenzellYanta. RULES. 1. Money is repaired even dal, and in nny amount, rage or S. ME PER GENT. Intermit is paid for rummy from the day It gut in. S. The money us alwaye paid book in ROLD whenever it !sculled for, and without patine. 4. Money is received from Emma: 07.1, A dmininrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short periaL O. The moms received from Depositors Is invests(' in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents. and other first- Oasis securities. e. Ofßee open every dey—WALNUT Street, Routhweri norner Third amt. PhiladeMin- aulg BURRIS' BOITDOIM SEWING MAODIIIII. IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD PIRRT PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. 41-tat Plti3a.OlGne. 72D ARCM fit. AxeUts wanted Tim Plum OF SINGER'S SEVirINO MAI:MINES was! DIAN!! IILUCI➢!!! WOORATE YOUR PARLORS WITH Jg•-• Your Portrait ; there ate no Piet - eras more velum.: Me then Life•size Phateetaphs in Oft of_yhose you love. i r eart to RIIIMERII 6411.17, BEOOND Berm, shove THE PRESS.--PHILADVaIIiA, MONDAY, 3.OIIIAItY 2, .1860. tHORIIPikY-11001AR,—On Mendes', thy WI ult., et West Chester, Pe. by Rey, Wm. Newton, Edward Thorbeoke, of Phil I . delohlts, to, Rleonora Mar tha Carey, eldest don:liter of AuthunY LOGAN—MoKIILWA .—At the residence of the bride's father, on Touriniar, Dge. tll,by Rev. Hem'. H. Everett, W. V. Legel3. Eel:, et this p ity. to Mary A. daughter of Or. A. J. Moh.elleny, of Ilieclorecoltonent rt. J, • ALEXANDER—NODIAIT.—On Thureday (+Mins'. Deo. 22, et the residence of fieorse 11. Moore Ens.. to , Roo, R. A. Carrion, Dr. 8. LcAVI4 Alexander, of rOtter . " Mt IN, Centro no., to Mory.l.nousa, daughter o the into Hamilton Nad, of Wimp.: ton, Dol. HEINIIn9HR--04./ONNR-Oit the 27th ult. ; by Rev. Abel C. .fne, Mr. W. F. Hstainor to ~.tlee Kato O'Connor both of this city. 1100Vtllt—MOUAT.—on the 17th ult.. by Rev. Abel C. Throw, Mr, John A. Hoover to Alice Martha. Mount, both of thee cit,s JAcictioN—Lbuguntnov.—On the Ilth br Rev. A. MeAuley, Mr. Joe. W. JeCketill. of Hill Prairie, Bt. Clair 0°,111., to Mice Sarah Lon }trate. or • this city. DlZus V7000.-cOn the morning of the Mid'S'e• - ms • . Info of John Wood, of West Chester. The relatives and !fiends of the family are invited to Attend her funer4l, from her Idle residence, on Mid A• day moraine. 3d inst.. at 10 o'clock. BTOCK.—On the 99th ult., Mre. Elisabeth Stock, to the 7dth year of her lige. Funeral from the residence of her brothel 411.-iftW. Thome lithiltate, northeast earner of Fifteenth and Cherry streets. this morning, at 10 (Meek. MI DDI,ETON.—On the 3utli ult., Mr. Aaron Middle ton, in the 43th yesr of her age. Funeral from hie Into residence. No. 1103 South Third street, this afternoon, at 2 O'Cidllif • • M ATTSON.—On the Wth nit., Rhoda Melton, in the yerh y oar of her age. Funeral (thin the residence of her deur u teri fie. 1011 Market street. on 'Tuesday morning at 9 oclock. " CLARK— On the 2./th ult., Eimer N., eon of Jesse S. and Siert 'Clerk, aked 10 years and 3 months. Funeral from lon went rmildence, No. 20 German street, this morning,. at 7 o'clock. I.IO.IfICS.—Qp the 29th ult., Mr. John 0, Beekium, in the 19th year of his age. Funeral front-the residence of N s s father, No. 7C4 Franklin street. thie morning, title o elook. • al 0 CI RN LNG MO(TSSEE INES I) ELM NE, IS CENTS.—BESSON te RON been reduced 1000 yards of imported Black end White Mouselines Helaine to only LS cents. TWITSINING sTortE, No. WA CH Es'l'N HT Street. BBLACKTHIBET LONG SHAWLS.— Now in Store, n full aaeortruant of tupin'a Blank What Long Shawls. Also, Luynn'a blank Clinhmetcai ;ynrinox, Blain llechenen, Velvet Poplin.% Tnniesoa, e l o ur Rpm Moninioline ili , Lninon,flninlinaineit, &a. BESSON & HON. nurninc eeeare, dIS $OB C ESTPUTT Street. LECTLNIE svranatv.-PritiF. rr r JAME£I MCCLINTOCK, AL, D., will o oninionc Tiro outlaw Inetotes on surgery.the Eolentie edi oultiollego,t3lXTll anti CALLOWIIIIA,.onTIIMOAY evening', 30n.311, at 73 (Mock. etudepte of medicine, and the friends of tho institution, are in vitcl to attend. AI. PAINE, M. D. I Dena of the Fireolty. N 0.133 North Ft V fa Street. N. B. Prof. PAINE:wilt me hie popular !Wore no Dinexacri of the 'Norrotis Fi”turn, nn WEDNESDAY evening, at the Cullen°. Sokol free. IF OF "Fill'. HON PrrAl. F THE ry- (M F. PROT ESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURN! in Phi- Intlelpl»n. The Anneal Meeting of the Contributorn to the Despital of the P. E. Chneth to Plttlndotolun will be held nt the office, b2l IYALNI , T stroet on TilEkt- DAY. January id aunt., at 10 °latent, A. AL, when the Armen! Report of tha Bond of Menngers will be pre tinted. and eight members at the Hoard aleciril, to serve for the ensuing three years, in piton of these whose term will then 61010. JOIIN A. CR FLOS,Serey. rce.TIISIII ANNIAL MEETING Or THE FRANKLIN MARKET COMPANY will re he tt at the aka of the company an the Mlrkat douse. on MONDAY, Jan. Nth. 1010, rat 2 o'clock I'. M., for the purpose of sleeting bIIVEN MANAOhIIS te serve for the ensuing rear. DANL. R. PAUL. SW,. j• 2 it• REV. 0. GRATTAN Gil INNESS NT$ Lt, Preach JETF.DY EVENING duting below cle Rev. Dr. Wylie 's 'church. Broad staler. spruce. ett77ii o'clock, J 52 iN' orNOON -RAY lIIEETIN. SANtAI:II ,T.: G BELOW NIN rll.—All are unettcrotel) Invited to meet wi'll us Tills DAY, to return theilite fur tho bletattge of the voet lent. " it LI-r REY. PE'rER CARTIVRIGIIT, D. D., the suoreeaful veneer oreneher of the We.t. wit vrololt in HANDEI, ' AND HAYDN LIAM., Ef H FR, below Dreen.nn TUESDAY ,-,..d witoNIN. DAY EVENINUS, the 3d and 4tu of Senunry. Tickets. ZS scuts. d3l-4t* IY 7 :S - "' NEW BUILDING SOCIETY, CALell -I_.3' LATE!) to tenon... Ate in four yikarg.--Beventh ST. GEORGE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA 110N.—Tho first ktAted Meeting of this Mooctalion will be held on WEDNESDAY Evening. Jonictry 4th, IS 0, at ni o'clock, et tho liousc of 51r. H. WAR I), No. 5 HERBY Street. Above Third. The election for offi cers will than Vika place, and Nich other bcivness tram acted as may come !afore the meeting. 'Au Constitu tion of this A.99i313t1g0 contains ninny vnlic-stdo im provements not found in other Building Srolotteg. All persons damn; to tom n Building Homely bead on Itharal princlulen evo invited to 'Attend. examine the Constitution, end a:111,10db° for stook. Slinks kl per month. Interest chariot only en the no/ amount loaned. ADAM IL DIETRICH', Fresudcnt Pro. UM Jolla VanNAB, Secretcry t'io. tem. 01-6 q 7. ANNIUL MEETING of the "Stockholders of the Second +led Third- Streets Peteentor itihvoy comoiny will 10 hold of three office. 410 WA 1,7'41 rStreet. on MON Ity, Jan. 9th. nt &Mock. noon, 51.011'43h tuna and pins an election will be bold for it President and Moire Puree torn. to servo for the mum; tofu. d2:11- ye TIIOB. LOGAN. Seergery. NOTICE.—OFFICE: OF THE: 'WEST MORI:I:AN COAL COMPANY, No. T.oo &Pete Third street, corner alley. Pit Met/ELMO ta Doe.. 21. 18a. At it nioettw: of thoDirrotorn held thin darn dividend of etc ht per eent, nem d•tetered oil tho eatetal 'nook, pay aide to stoAchohlors or their •al representatives at rho °dine of the 'tympany I and after JANUARY 3d. 18q,"fhe try ntfor hooka seal ha Oozed until Jahuary 6th next. Ondtet F. It. 1 ACKBO:Y.Trn-telnreq. rr":7 OFurC OF R D ATNREETE k. rt Poo, o !mho's! A, Dra, 1551. TO TIIE RECOND.MOIt'I UArrt, BON [MOLDERS OF Tilt.; 11,1.1/thIVORT AND EIMIIIA RA I, - ROA D COM PAN iq doomed prover to a anonym. to 'hoed who desire to outmost° to tho rolsonsattes of the proposed roorusweation of thou Compsny—schso tnget4wldelt osuloo ottatnotl in w Isederny —I t trinoctoo only rhos tiles osecuto the power or nttotnoi, 11.7 W toreets sturett..ond thus bottoms plates in the nlllllOl . - ship Ur this r'd nowIZZ d. FDYKE. ;Ito Attrnwy for Saeontt it artmiee Dantilt(o 4 ol ll . 1 ti l kiAl'ArA t roTt t a r A l t rt i altar Ult VA Ng' iff - 2Nrula' it'll l l l : littiVwcra'AtANl? 162 tionxic ninon galtS it. C. 27, ) , M. Tho annual mooting of the stockholders of the Plitt dolchia City Paissonsce Railway Comsat,ly Trill be hold at the office of the C l otopsiis, No. Del Noutli FOURTH Httect, on MONDAY, Jannary 1e.11.1830, at In iielook A. NI.. at which tone an i.lection will be held for it Pleat. dent and six Dttectors to lerVe the oilstone tear. W. M. DING d2l-dhati stceittasi. rrr sti O ß F A ta i r O,I;p6II..iyENTEI d. I t v VIt c ISE Es:- FOURTH WAL t iiliT Htteeis. "" or . • D4o6rtlber 1? lEVD. NOTICE—The Annual Mee_ttng of the htookiodeura of THE ENTE UP Itltlht MEW - RANDS COM PAN Y trl I be held on MONDAY, the 9th der of ISllltAr3,LitiO, et ten o'clock A. Al., at the °Moe of the Conlon). An Vootion for Tartlet, Directors, to larva the stung rar, will be held on the tame der, et the eltlae niece, lvtwten the hour* of 1U clock A. M. and o'clock P. ht. t117.-Da9 OMAR all W. COX Pt, lierretarr. ..rrUNIVERSITY OE PENNeIIeLVA NIA— pART:,) ENT OF A llT: l .—The , ee‘ old Tenn of the College 3 ear }rill open on TUFNI/A7. tl,o of January. eaudittater for Mt - mama will appear at the Uroversity. (or exanonation, on that day at half pare 9 o'oleek A. M. Talon for each Fenn 'Phut) Dollar% 01..(JRGE ALLEN WO it Srailltlip , of the Farah, of Arta. T (Il181t3II.IN 1 1 eZ4 1. I :II,AADALUDTDI.I I : 6INTILA DE ['DIA. December N. The mane:ern Man this day declared a dividend of FIVE par Cont. for the Isom: menthe. and an extra d of Fl Vi% per cent. rm the °natal mock, ply*. bin to the Atc.ekliohhro. Clear of the Mato text on and alter the 3,1 of JANUARY Drox•mn. it?) ft MIN P. JAMBS. Actuary. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. SOS CHESTNUT SOME, Ilhiln dniPhin.—The wroitiol ninotino of the Btockhnidors of this Company will he held at thou office on :..tei VA Y. tlienth day o r., Proctors to car&aoof: A. M. An oleetion for VwrlvnDirectors to o for this ensuing rear, will be mild nt thn amino plow, on the Kuno dip hetwenn the hours of MA. M. awl P. Al. al ling WM. J. Itfi.ANCHA HD, Sonratary. 00 , FICE OF TUC UNION MUTUAL M t. hylrAleoF, COMPANY.—lldicspei.rdu, lien. 24: - /859. kniniql - Mmktltlr or the Fieriphottier*C4.:%? UNION 311ITIJAI, tNteUltANcli COMP/01%7.d Pio- Indelphin, wilt lo held et the Office of the Coroner, on Meedir, Dm, ry 17, nt 12 o'elnolt. ( noon.) et wlueh time of Electien will he held for Eight Directors, to serve for the eneuieg three ieare. (124-111 JOS. COL I,IBON, BeeretarY. - • - r • OFFICE OF my: LEHIGH. AND DELANVARte, WATIIII-111.1' RAILROAD CO., a. 421 WA LNUT ntroet, The Annual Moatiun of the Sto,klinklera of the /Owne-named corporatton will he held on MONDAY. January 901.110; nt 12 M., nt which limn and ninon an Election held for a Fronul.nt and Directors to servo for the ensuing year. JWIN HANCOCK. _d24_d_tr_a3___Tro_naurer Soorntarr, S T I AM: t4 Ili:INV [ AWA Y ""711 E December 21. lett An election for Thirteen Direolore of tine Comp:tor. to eerie for one yew. will be hold et the Compeny's snits. No. 4 Fxchnune Buildings, on ?lONDAY • !mitten oth. Bite, between the hours of 10 o elork e. M. l and 4 o i' otooli P. M. WILLIAM HARPED. .del( (Wan Hoe re Wiry. OFFICE 0 le TOE DELAWARE; coura- TY P AMEN GER It Al I.llOAD,—The Annual Election Ihr President and Directors ot thn Delsware County Paved, C01111)all, will tin hold at the onion of TAM Fs? MILLER, mAtou'r Street, west of Till street, est l'itiladettilltl, on MONDAY, the 9th day of Unitary. Ha, between the hours al') A. Al. and 3 .. A. BONNAFFON.. &MAO Senretan. OFFICE OP THE IiVESTAWEELAcH 3 COAL COMPANY. Pry]l.an'a, Depoutherl9.lMO. Tha annual mantilla of Pin Stockholders et thin Chat early til ha half' •it thnir No.llo South TIHR D atoms:, on WI, UNFIi U AY, the dth thy utjaounry, nt 12 oJeignk, at 'which tisan :in olstetlon wilt be held for elation Oiremore, arid a anaratot h and TMAlltirta, to tore for the emai; year. ci2o-V4 F, A. JACKSON, Reoratarr. - - OTICE.—Ttlet ANNUAL eIyy,TINO of the monknoldern of the ORIAN _AND ,4DATEY-STITRET PASnENORT itAiLWAX DOM • aNY oil held nt the olio of the Coral coy , Atm CT 8l mit. on MONDAY January 0,3' at to o`o , ork. noun . at which limo tout MONDAY, an election will ha held for a rraeident and twelve Dtreatove, 'novo ror the year 1111151.10 ff. d2O DPINDI' PHARWOODi fleototntl. - ry7;... A mcrrtNn Tnr, STOCR I, EIN Tilt; ft ANT E; 1.1r,131tA Hl' COMPANY man held on Thuraday oventag, Dr.eamber ti, ltdratinc rotted to onto r by Seeratirr of the hoard of Dittlotors, on trho.e niounti air Smoot MOTtnn wan appointed Chlinsma, tani Thnum Ml] phr errairT. 1 On mouon, do martin,: proceedrd to nominate ofnaare for the eneuou ear, win n the followin3 norninanon4 1r or o mace: DUIECTORO. William E. Bowen, Alarninahrke Moore, William L lileholler, ilhorles W. Cie.hinan, orwiese V. Neviilo, Warner M. Ratuin i Joacieti O. ornbl,, Pilules Rantee, Hone? La .itil. Jr.. lorieph II llonoon, Islay H. Wile. J,' lin li. Ilutt, Charge. 11. P. °Hine, P. T. Burr, George V. Oreemon, Oniir,,e lA'. lia'l, Fdward 11.0 , del, Thonila Kinitier, Jr., John I ardner. Jr., Edward NI. Needled, WIIIIPIII Wharton, Jr., 'I hoo na 1: Ildwin s Allan C Adaiiii on, John I% eloh. llenjainin T.Tr , diek, iitonh 11. LAN:aster, V. P to. J. ~ W hitt. alilln Les'oy. Jr., David 0. Aleetintinon, John 11. AIN nod, Vitor trd WilliAinson • Alpert P. Letchworth, Janina 8. Odd/aria, Filward N. Clarke, ii Char! , Abbe}, I .IOO'VO K ends, Chm lot E. Morgan, 1: Al. On Ilanoiei I, C'illaday, Olandina 11, },inn, NV aim C. 1 utheic, V teleitd Wend, Gaor,n N P.11,t, Hector 'ryngnlei, Rotors S. Peed, 010,1 It. I% Oterm i 'I. Mn, on Pala. Ilisrine M. Walton, Oharlnv IL Ihnsee, Will ern J. thilleek. Joseph Cooper. Thome, \V. Watson, Thoroari Wronger. 'Killian I'.Wilstnea i (.outgo W. tlitilinmi, .1 , 1111811 ft. ampbullt Allan C. Plitlairow, Beth, Paul. John 1.). Wilton!), J. Altamont Phillips, Tremurer—CßAßLEB 11110 UN. On motion, It nine Reselea, That the foresoin't nomi nation, IA minted and !old on the tables, and the pro coedit';' of the monitor lin puhlioliell in two of the daily Parent. El A MIIEL O. MORTON. Chairman. rlso-rin2l Tlltlil. 8111PLEY, booretary. -- . prMERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY. Lit anon! meettng of tho tionglinv will 1.0 held in rile rtkr. ttomn, ou TUESDAY IirTERNOOId. January' Int li 1410 . nIdII &cloak. Itnnieclintoir niter flu, ndp.vrninord: the Tellers npi.nliand will hold en eint.nn for Inrortorn and lire:lsmer fur the ensuiniloar. The polls will hn kept open untll9ll n doe4l I'. M. d3O-3n2.1.6-10 CIIARIErt 11, DINOEF, Senor. . .._... ..... . . 44 111 ASO NV 'I E 1.01311-01.0T11 shirt h at )2.35 cents—the beet " levy" muslin In the market WINTER DRESS GOODS, MI reduced in Pfice. Previous to titook Lupin's French Merinos. iu l u hdos, blacks, plain, and bit h colors. Broche and Blanket Shawls v i ral varlet!. A It I,Ekt ADAM& ,fid , if EfOH and AROII nu, AMBER—Rectified and Common, for uglo by WETHERILL DRUMM/. IT 444 riortl4 Suet+. MARRIED. COVARTNEBSIIIF NOTICES. LITTLE (Sc. STORES Hans tins day nessaisted with theta JOIIN F. BODINE THEODORE A. MEUL, ' And will continue the IMPORTING AND COMMISSION WIRINESS An heretofore, at No.ts7CHESTNUTetteet, under the style and title 'of LITTLE, STOKES, & CO. RefArricc to the above, We re.peltfelly Invite the treth , to exemte lion of our Mock, witileh will titillative c. lull and complete itesortment of FOREIGN DRILTI AND BTUFP GOODS Tosethor with the various products VIE PACIFIC MILLS, 11 ALSO ronTsmounz AND HADLEY LAWNS. ' We also have the explosive Agency for tins Market of JAhl ES BLACK & CO.'S CEL EBRATED;PRINTINOS, In additmn to which, we would cell your attention to a complete assortment of GOODS SUITED TO MEN'S WEAR, Ina Wins the various grades of DIOLLEVS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND DOESKINS. -Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1850. Jaf Inithm NOTICE OF I.IAHTEI) PARTNERSHIP. "A'dierose we, the subsorlbers, have this dap re. nosed mid continued lora further period of threeyears, ea hereinafter itienttoned, On limited partnership en tered into on the 81st day of December. A. 1/.10.60 to continence on the lot day of January, A. D. lon, under the provisions of the Aot of the (leveret Assembly of the Conononwaalth et Panne) Noels, ePPlnved MnTeh 21 st , lati, entitled "An Act rotative to Limited Partner i/tun,'" and all other enactments of the sold General Ansenibla relative to Limited Partnerships—now, Orde rer°. in compliance with the previsions of the cud en amino:its wn publish the term* of said original and renewed ',united Partnership. na tellows: MM. The name or firm under whieh the stud original and a-novae Li int led Partnership was and is to he eon dUcteii is that of J. 'l'. PLATE & tattHOTTLER. elsoond. The general nature of Ito business acne end is that of Merchants in a general Foreign end Iheneclo :I.:demolition Business in the city of l'hiladelphia, and also In the butanes, of !reporting and Exporting And MerchandiseVsuding on acoeunt of the mud Idni act Partnership. Third. The said Limited Partnership w. a and is nom dewed of JOAN TIIII0P1111,1:13 Phial.% who resides Is .thn Vity of VidllidelPlll4 ; of CIA 11 f, C. hello PTLER. who residea in the said oily of Philadelphia. and ISTuI. tiER Fr PLATE. whose place 01 ,inmionoe Is, nt present. in the tree II rinse/Via eity of Bremen. The said John Thoophilus Plate and Carl C. Pehottler were and ore all the general partners in the said origi nal and renewed Limited Partnership. rind the said Chria'ophor P. Plate wsa and is the only spewed part ner therein. Fourth. The Beanie' partner, the laid Chrintovher F. late, oontribmad. actually and ,0 good faith, to cash, 100 eons of Fifty Thou ma Dollard to the capital or rommoit stork piths Held °mom! Limited Partnership, pp part of winch has been withdrawn therefrom. Fifth. The said original Limited Partnership cm moored on the first day of January. A. D. Ina, and wee to hay° terminated on thn stet day of December. A. D. tout t. hot the /Wee he. beau renews,' end continued for the further 0,10,1 of three ) dare from the stet day of Dsetmildir. A. D. if and 'salt ternuuato on the Out day of December, A. D. MI. Philadelphia. Deo. elet, J. THEOFIL SLATE. CARL C. 811110TTLER, CDR. FR. PLATE. Ely hie Attorney in feet. jeSl GODFREY FREYTAG. Wm; SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TIHS DAY entered had it Limited Pnrtnerehip, in aeedrdanee with the note of Assembly in sunk cage mlye and on,. voted. under the flan rmoa of Mlllitt THOMAS k, CO., for the transaction of the Whoi,eale Pty Omer!' Jobbina Business in the city of rintidelphia. The Keneral partner. are Lambert 'I home and E. limper Jetirirs,ot the said city. nod tho skTithl partner is Jo seph S. Thema", of Cadiz, Ohm. The cartel in wish contributed by the epealitt partner is twenty thousand &Item The putherstitp will commence on the filet day of January. It. D. 1&O, and terminate on the Met day of December. A. P. 1831. The piece of Win. nose, No. the ,MARICbT, nod No. 4.1.1 MERCHANT Biretta, between Fourth wed Path. LATIIITRT THOMAS, E. HARPER JEFFRIES, General Partnere, JOSEPH S. 'I2IIOM Asi tineelat P•rtner. January Da, WO. Ja2.,16t built WM nISSOLUTION OF PARTNLRSEITP.— Tho mittnersN i p heretofore existing under the firm of /11011.1118 k JO. ES & CO. expired on the Mat eh,- inn, by limitation, Bilher ol the putners wdl u.e the no of the Arm in settlement. 3 Xf.:011,0. 30NE3 and EI.'IIARI) lf, DOWNING retire from the hummed. and the remaining partners heel formedis new ocmatt aloha), ISR ft AEI. Mt KW, JACOB Y. 3ONKSF, NU-3RA U. DOWNING, JOSEPII K. Wit Jenunrl E W WI ANDRLEEL ER. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--ISRAEL MORRIS JOSEPH K. WHEMER, and Alt. LIR L'W WI+11.1.:11, partnere in theltte firm of :MOR RIS & JUNE & CO.. hare thin thy formed a oopart !lushly, under the firm of MORRIS, WHEELER. & end will centtnue the Iron and Steel bustnele In all at brannhee, at heretofore nandonted, at the old 'tend, 51 ET atuISIXTEENTII Streets. radadelplue, iMIUM) 2,11,50. jag-tf NOTlCE.—Thopartnerbhip heretofore ex -, o.tios between JAMES G. A [MOTT, A HMG- I.CS LAW itgniCE, and Alt 1.P:4 tinder the firm of Ani.orr LA Wit Er• CF:. is this day dissolved o• the death of A. LAWRENCE. Alt pets ms indelit• ed to the late firm are requested to make payment. and those harm; riiiiit.•to present them to the under...shed : who are duly euthorined to use the mono of the flrui in ZettiPtnerit. J A M Fat tt, A miorr. Phlisl hill', If/VW ... 121 CHAKL NOBLE. NOTlCE—Philadelphia, Jnn'y Ist. 186 i). The undersigned baying purrivissil or the late firm uf .111.11:01.1' to LAW ItENCE, their extensive stook orntives. Parns, a will continue the Ftovn Foun dry tilairiess under the trzu of AiIIIOFF tr "ionic i 3 .01r9 AR iirrr 13(SSOLVTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The tnttharthip heretofore exiettng between the eni.wwiliera undo? the brut* M. tibtit.llll.lll & Co. IN hill d.l 111/MOIVPd mutual itzr): moot. rho bust -1314 ur said Ann will be settled by M. i3oreliin Ti?.AI RII;NIIEIM, IS. ) 8/ . .. HENRY D. COOK. Mr. Dern .em a.ll tomlnuo the millinery busnn. ne hero tofore nt No. 21 booth Second ■treet. 1 , 2 St• NOTIOE.—Thu undersigned bare thin day formed n copllnerallip s ll47; l 1 p tli:41141 , and firm of 111`6101 & COW,. Docembor 31,1859. 11.N.12Y * 1). COWL U , Cook, Into of M. BernlAln k Co., refrr nnz frientie to the ebove, ',lot be b.,' to see th , •Tzt at Li new I.oC6ttUtl, .No. 743 CHI STN UT :3tteut, )e:-3t• Alone& —The copartnership existing be tireen Portiere to Snodrrne, je dissolved Om ihr by mum] conment. Lbe bmincei of the firm will La nuillod by either of the pe rtnera • • . - • The nione uftheilunwillbo u.ed Infiqvidation SoMF , WM. T. hi:VOL/GRASS. Phltadelrhia. Dee. 31, Isa N. B.—Win. 'f. Nliadtran•will rentaln at the old amid, No.nt South :ThCOND and 33 S rHAvenmoty 'streets, o-here Iw will continuo the cloth business Ch.tlkloy Bothers hue taken store No. 33 South atreut, en Kaanbiland with r tnt his on `Nw E, Humors. under the Orin C.,30:11E113 & FON, where they will cootinue the Irhouhmle Cloth !wet 11061. Jektt NOTICE.—Tho copartnership heretofore °Wring between the autivribere, d it C 0.," having by lirnitauen, a new firms t Any formed by the 'von numbers. under the name amd style of 11000, IiONSRMIT, & co., who will rote the business sod matte enttlemeht of the old at 433 51AtIKE'r fitrest. TilomAS (I.gllONOl/4 , DAVII) iN. JAMES BONIIII.IOIIT, HFIVItY W. ri l, hIPAKEE, .1011 N A. hlliEllAN. Philadelphia, Jan. 2d, NO. 'HENRS. PISTER AND JOSI AII It ( .1.;- Y SLA- OM hew, this day Wert admitted to en Interest in our butinono, Wo Rdt eantinno the T)ry Goode fmnortiot end Job long Ilionnote. under the firm of RIEGEL. , RAMO. & Cit 41 Mat) TSllttU saw:4, as hor.inforo JACu VET htie.OFit .i,1101,,ft., WM. N. BAIRD, INU. WIEST. 1). B. Eat YIN. PrimielLlPllll. Jan.!, WO. In2.fit• IOTIOE.—The undersigned hating made Imnrtsements for tha este, in this cite, of molon's, & W. Sprngues' PRINTS , together with n general aseurtment of domestic Cotton and Woolen Goods un der them anagarnsnt of Charles tt. Mounr. lots ni the firm of Walling. coin k co.. agd William V. Ihrke low Into of the film of J. W. /Oho&ten., Cu:cur:nett, wnald announce that thor have sere Mottled s Weave h of their boast) at No. 270 CREteTN CT Street. UOYT, SPRAGUPS & CO., jati-100 Of New York. COPAItTNERSIIIP Ii()TIOE.—Tho was doreignea have this da.Tiormet 5 enpertnorehip, under the Arm of K [MORE OF DERMANN, fur tile transsetion of the business of li i 'E nuorters of ll'ool- V:139 sold Genontl Commission Mere illibl. ft M.MR. A. T Street. and have been sepoyi s ti COW 'molts in 'lathe. of Moan .ll i VENDAJII, It CO.. end iir the allo of A. I.IAITENDAII W S Doeskins ,end loth'. At! Ot.'ST }SHUICHI:. Jl3 St. lt UDOLPII OELBERMANIf. COPARTNERSHIP OF RINIARD I JIL WILLIAMS RON, & CO. la dirtnlom h motnal foment t the senior onylner, 111011,11111 WILLIAMS, t .tb ros , The tominese will he mottled by either pnrtner, In the name of the arm t the rourttni•hounn of their ctoosolors. WILLIAMS & A lt ! ilihT, who ron'inuo the NVholatislo Dry-Uwe' twit t e r s nt No. 413 MARKET etreet. nick, AND Wilt lAMB. ILLES n •"'" eirnlii:Ci nlpaolpbta,l‘t month, 2d. ia2 St Fl l lll , l 00PAR'VNElt81111' fIERETOFOIik n• extra' ik , l under the name amtl firm of LACEY & PRILLIPB, was dissolved on the 3118DN1. ocenthor..lo3. W. . ACEI 8. R. kalL LAPS. • The buti , neensollt bn eontinund na forwer, at Non. 30 and 3.1 Routh tIEVENTII Rt., above Chestnut. b.). in: SANI. R. 111111.,1,11'3. rr"EcoPARTNERSIIIP BERKTOFORE azlaline under tlin firm of JOil NI SPIN Sr PONS rTherr du.solved 1 , 7 the &reline or ht r. .10113 he belief eewHV be continued by the reniainina part nere, under the Immo mile and firm. ell A FILER H. STONE, Ja 11P.4N. STaiN If PNItY STONE'. Philadelphia, December At. lea, lna It 11111.1,ADELPHIA, JANUARY 2, 1860. The sutdicritern hero thin daT formed s copartner shlp, under the 'We BITNLit & EYRE. for the transaction of the Rosiory and Variety (rends business. and hive taken the house No. 17 NORTH THIRD St , eet. northeast corner of Churn!, Allty. where tier teal open op the first of February next. with a fresh and trall-selseted stook. AMEN! L. BITNER. 1440 IMAM; P. EYRE. THE AUCTION AND COMMISSION bto.iontot heretofore conducted under the nem° of P. FOR 1),• 0 ,11 t e , 0n .,,,, e d from tilts ttste, under the numb of PRIMP FOR D k ro. Pllll.ll' FOR D ft CO.. Atterioneers, 6.3 MAlt R St., and NI MINIM St. Phtlatiolyhts, Jun. _ HANOI: tIF I , lll3l.—The Style of the X-itine of CHARLES J. !Midi; CO., will be chanted to Ni.LIB.N. ItA (LBW nflor thts dtte, tho ptrtles 14- In 4 tlio south as boretoloin. cliA fi LEH J. Elads k CO. J. THOMAS lIARROY. Decombot 51tt.1989. It 4011ARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--Mr, JOHN it- A. L. MORRIII.I. hoe W. dnr boon &footled to an Interest to our bull which hareaflor will he eon dueled ardor Ow Immo of MAR rINS, E, HAAIRICK, MARTINR, PEDDLE, Is HAMRICK. Philadelphia, fan. 1, liiil. JO SO :T. NUTICE.—The interest of Mr. CHARLES .1.1 D. MOUNT in our !mine. nytiron thin day by lanannon. NV ELLINO, t.OFFIN, & CO. Philadelphia, Due. 31, 1633. bt• pIIILADELPIJIA, J6NUARY 2, 18G0, The Moto% Linsiooss horetofore earned on under Ilia style nod hrin of JOSEI'II BAK & NON, will bo changed from thisdote to JOSEPH W. BAKER. Joseph Dither tiasin; retired Janitors LM3. 10. St. 01IN C. CORNELIUS is this day ad- IF )(lilted all a membor of om firm. Januar, 4.10). CORNELIUS 1c jzt2 St' VOPARTNERSIIIP AND REMOVAL.- WN.DInifiT.ISON in admitted to an Internet in our Wm. removed his ow w hey° Itom No. 304 Market street to No. 7110EIEJaNuTtgraut. JAB. 11. CATsIPBELL tt CO. Jantisrr 1, 1410. In Y llt 00PARTN ERSIII P NOTICE. & BROTHER hsaing thts day es eneinterl with them JAMEM S. YOUNG, tha busmen trill awn this date he sondnoto4l under the firm of sttoß It !Pit% BROTH Eli & of No. T CO MAR Kka Street, and tit owl CS MER CHAN Street. rialudoltiLs, AIM" 1, 180, ja COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES Drs'OLIJTION OF COPARTNERSHIP NE•tiql is hereby given that the Bon of MU, LE R:FE OPIEFI K Lil, t , t 00.. is _thin day dissolved by the irithtlooral of FRED. A. MILLER. mid CHAS. FKON EF I FLU. 'The busmen. of the late foto will be settled by either of the partiea, at their o!d eland. JIM. 1, 18611 PH EEL A ? , 11 Id EH. H1 , 31° ' CliAßL.htt PRONE.FIELD. NOTICE-WORTS, ATISTIS, Mc- V.P.lqff, hare assoniated vita tkem, t rta e§pLt d - Twig the,r baloney,. Were. JOS EP 131,1ttil wEll,l_.t it The utile of the rut to rellllll . l n• heretofore. Ptilada Deo 1, ws.. ins-atv NOTICE. WILLIAM R. LAFOUR. CADE, GERALD DE COURSFW. k WILLIAM 11. IRWIN, become partnere tn Dor firm after this Ante. coURSEY. I , AFUURCADE. & CO, r Philndelphm'becsimber 31, 1839. Ja2-12t„ T HE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN Tune Van Brunt, Jacob 1,.; miler, end Willett Combs. trittlinv under the firm of VAN naunt, TRIP- L it, & COMM is hereby dissolved. The business of the late firm will be wound np-by Jncoli 1.. Tripler and Willett Combs. at the oristnal places of business. FR VAN BRUNT, coB 1. TRIPIAIt, ILLETT 00/.108. INseembor 29th, 1339, The undersigned will hereafter entry on the general 17001100 buil neu es provision dealers, st the old stands, No 799onth WATER (+treat. end Noe. 1933 and 1932 MARKET treet;eitat of Twentieth street. L. TRIFLER. an-a• NOTICE IS lIERFAIY GIVEN, that the firm of WARNICK, CHADWICK, & BRO. lq this day dissolved. The neater, linage, and Stove lowness will ho continual under the name of CHADWICK & BRO., at the Bertha/wit Garner of SECOND and RACE Streets. .10p1111 X. CHADWICK F RANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philedelohlit. July 11.10 W 1•11 NEW PUBLICATIONS. T amp SER LES .NOW READY OP VIE DRAWINGGLOOM PORTRAIT GALLERY WU' PRICE arisCri 1111/ZY DOLLIES 1111? CENT.. VFW' WiTIITIIR "VirEn ILLIHSTRATED NEWS OF TH It WORLD. ITifil - FOR FORTY WEEKSICAMIS From January, Hee The New Volume. eirllcirr CRT RAIT 9.901"Vil 40 ENGRAVED ON ATEEL TROY THE HYPERON AND EiirltEig Or FItAINCE. Lord Elkin. Dr. Bellow. H. Ward Beesher, Humboldt, W, H. Prescott, Series) Haliburten. Captain Harmon. Mesertwer. ttuckstone, Anna Elleirop, Martin F. TUD per, Bee., M'dlle Lotti de IA Serpi!, Madame litrard tmoi, end OKTISGr26 0 MEAS.-TM% HENRY A. BROWN tr CO., Boston, Jea-mw&f6t 14 HANOVER 14'111IIRT WILL BE PUBLISHED JANUARY • • ler— 1. FOOTFALLS ON THE BOUNDARY OF ANOTHER WORLD. By Robert Dale itwon. Formerly' member of Conyers, and American Minister to Naples. 1 vol., Una SI.M. '1 his work is devoted to an inquiry whether <morainal interferences from anoiher world in this to reality or debution. It treats of the phenomena ot /deem dreams. somnambulism. It awhile!) the alleged evidences for pret.entimi.nta, second -sight, house.hauntince, and an pommel ; referring to the meet approved modern works on hallucination. ins mill, and trio nervous sys tem. It inquires whether, when we set down the nar ratives of ell aces I includtng our own) that touch on the morvels.reierred to, an more vul4ar superstitions, we are overlooking any aeturtirenoments. COMPENSATION) or, ALM , ' AYS A FUTURE. By Anne 111. 11. Brewster, I vel., 12ino. *l. TITLE HUNTING. 8111. y E, L. Lletirellyn. 1 vol., 12mo. 31. pR, G. B. Nirono ; fl LECTURER. INTRODI CTORY LECTURES AND ADDRESSES ON MEDICAL 131.1Bik.fTti.—Delivered chiefly before the Medical (dosses o f the University of Pennsyl vania. By Prof. George B. Wood, M. D., Ll, D., of the University of Pennarlvatiia. 1 vol., eve. RECENTLY PUBLISHED! DECK'S fit EDICAL JUntspitt'DENcE. .Yew R rnixd . mon, RUEMENTB OF :MEXICAN 11JRIAPBUDENCF. By l'hoodrto Rotneyn Beek, AI .D.. D.. framer of Almeria Modica in thn Al bArly Mediae Collage; Mem ber of the American Bhilosoehmat Oociety : Honorer, Member of the Modtcal Bociettes of Rhoda Island and Connectieut. stn.: and John B. Beak. M. D.. Putt - runt of Malone Medico end Medinal Jurisprudence in the Col ese of Physiciana and Soya...TAM the city of New York ,Corresoondme Member of the Royal Academe or Medicine of Paris; Corresponding Member of the Medical Society of London atm, istd. Etsrenth Edi tion. With Notes by art Automation of the (vends of Dr. Bonk. Thn whole revised by Prof. C. R. (Slime, M. IL. of the Collect" of Physicians and Purseone of New York. Two vole, Bro. Law and Medical BM MANUAL OF LIBRARIES. SOCIETIES. ANT) IN 3TITETIO,NS. IN THE UNITIsDSTATESANDBHI- I'lsll FRoviNcEs OF NORTH AMERICA. Containing an 'Historian , and Sintistinal Account of it b.arts■, Colleos. and CoPogo Societies. AY...laming. Fend oaring, Red Man Schools. Institutions for the Drinf. Dumb, Blind, and (mane; Agricultural. His• toongl. Seiridifin. Mercantile, and YO'lo^. Men's Christian. and other Associations. 84 N't ilitam J Blume, Chinf Clerk of the Smithsonian institution. 1 \oh Ivo. 704 FP. Price tr. LAMAR'S BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION. THE GIGIANON I F SCRIPTURE; nr iho Ineuctire !dolled of Bihhcal Interpretation. By .1. tf. Lamar. I 001, POno. 31. IV. GERHARD ON VTR CHEST. THE DIAGNOSIS. PATHOLOGY. AND TREAT MENT OF Tilt: CH ES r. By W. W. Orchard M. D. Fount. nditinn. Roamed And emerged. I vol. Bvo. Cloth. 017 x; sheep, 88. J. B. LIPPINC/ITT dt .131-7 t =and 24 North FOURTH Street. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER COUNSIIIIOE [N BUSINESS fly FRANK CROSBY, 01 TUE PUILADILITIA. UM IT TELLS YOU nowtndraw up P AAA r Amp FA. Plitt. and ntves gianorni forma lon AONNEMONTO of all kind.. BIM. or BaLx, LeAsito and Parivonn. IT TELLS YOU it to draw op BoNos and Mos-r -°Aar' Areinmort, Powxrs or kTISTONCY, Plorcs raid BtLtsor uttuot, RICVPIS and Rs- LXneLS, IT TELLS you Tri Laws for Om Cout.torton vs. PLATS. Wlth tho Ht TUTis rr NtITATION. and /1111011ra and kind of property ExpmPr from .Extict:- 210, In a{ !IT Reza. IT TELLS YOU How to milks nn Aiintornertt pro perly. with forme for Cow poet- TION With CR CPI Toni. epd tae N ooLvityr rwe of every Prato. IT TELLS YOU The lexot ri-Intione mot In; between GE,kltrdoor and WAnn. MAsTIKII And APPERNTICZ, LANDLORD pild TENANT. IT TELLS YOU Whnt constltutEs Lan rind SLAS• Dan, and tllo Lsw.A. to MARRImile PowER • tiro Wire•n Itlau r IN ritoesP.TZ, Divones, ar.l I=2!E/MBEMENI evory ISt,lt". end the N:TUEALI. . . ZATIQUi 111411 of th.• rountry. and hnw comply with the same. IT TELLS YOU The law roneernoir PRNOWts. and how to obtetti n e e. and the Pee ingenue LAWS In l't:111. , C100•Pl IT TELLS YOU The Lim fnr PAicore with mode of procedure in oleninini one. with INTITItf CRENCL4. and TAI:LIC or FFEt. IT TELLS Toil Bow W make sour Witt., and how to IA PI RRIOSTE4 on on PrrATE with haw and thn requirnmerta thereof in ovary IT TELLS YOU Tho meaning of L,w TERM, in general nen. and explaine to 7 nit the lacoshgyier. Exact:vex, wol,NOicf.l. Bowing of both the General add State GOVEINNIKaTe. IT TELLS YOU MOW To E4fP OUT OP bow, t y snowing how to do your Ntmeg. In talh, thus...wing a vast amount of Property. and Veßitinea litiga tion. 0 , tt, timely corsultionn. Ringlet times will be neat by mail, ywlags paid, to EVERT FARNILE t EVERY MECRVVIC, FVERY Afar or 11E1014E4S. and EVERYBODY in )vnay FT4TE. on re "fa 3 1 ;l o a l T AT ;1n o n m r ti n y ' e a n t te7r i ti Pie ink me a, everywhere. in gelling the Om e work, u our induee n • manta to all inch are vory For aindeoopieis of the Book. or far terms to agents. with other information, apply to or addrell JOHN E. POTTER, PCBI.ISIIIIt. 131-121 No. 617 8AN60:11 Bt.. de'phm. Pri A SUPERB BOOK FOR NEW YEAR.— Jun fecraYeil by steamer from Enclosed a for copies of OEM S FROM THE POETS. . . , Printed on tinted anJ illustrated with 2 entra vin s. printed in colors. In rnuelin gilt or Turkey extra. . . n fine assortment of Holiday Books in eloinnt Inediore. OPyt reduced prices. For Nee WILLIAM N. Pe ALFRED MARTIEN, d3l No. etn CH ES TNUT Nernst. IJEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!—The GOLDEN RULE; or, Stories on the Ten Corn mandmenla, by On author of "Trap to catch a Sun beam," A e., 75 rent, COShIItS VISIT TO MS GRANDFATHER. Rime., 11111%1.'1.0P. 40 ream SACRAMENTAL DICOURSES. By Jartea W. Ales ander. P. D.. el. THF. REVIVAL IN IRELAND. Ify Ree.H Grattan Goinneve. 25 t orate. THE OR NAN'S MIRROR; or, Word, in Semen, By A. L. 0. E., 60 eerie. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF DANDY JACK. S M I Uncle Totqat. rant. OTHER GOObE FOR GROWN FOLKS, 12m0., For Sale by WILLIAMS.k ALFRED NI A RTIEN. d 73 ftIeELROY'S PHILADELPHIA CITY -I. , AL DIRECTOR TWENTY-THIRD EDITION. Thle lon;; , ,t3lll.hed and relights threetorr will ha issued in a Lvw grcatly rinkrzoil. and will he de livered to miliiiitrilwirs.llllllNOPli. It will tie fur side, niso, at XI S. SIXTH Street, second floor d 3) St A. M0K1.111,11% Compiler. No'cit:r.s. NOTICE —SEALED PROPOSALS. en dowil "PROPOSALS FOR FUR NIFIIINO MVP PLIES TO Ti:C, ROARD OF CONTROLLERS OF PUBLIC 8'110(3LS," will he received at the Odle. of the Control era of rut.ho tinhoyes.Zouthe•st corner of RIXTtI and A Mi1..111 Foeets, addressed to the un der's:smut, until TIM. SDAIf. 'einem 10th. WA. at 13 o'clock M., for the supply of all :ha Rooks rind dtaticin eta to he unt i ln the Public, Fohools of the Om fo e fPhi ladelphia, the 31st of December, IMO rT01)41 , MUSi nlato tho price and (instils of ihu tnuke e n d articles of Stettentry proposed to be furnished. and he acennipanled lit is nampleof each Item. A list of Pooh.. as authorized tip lie Board, can bo eeen at the Snot.- cars'. °Mee. ttoutheast corner of tfIXTII and ADEL PHI Streets 137 older of the Committee on Ffipplirir. ROBERT J. 11 WO MULL. 7a3-3t Seeretaty Controllers of Public Schools. OFFICEM"11111 MuTUAL FIRE AM) LIVE STOOK INFORA Nett COMPANY or riIII.APP.I.PHIA. 402 W A 1.;,. tf r NOTICE I 9 HI- R3.111' ii I VF N. That. he an order of Court Hisao on the isppliantion of the Mutual Fire and Lave Flock Imam.. co Cowley of Philadelphia the name of the suet Com..nny has hren n hanged to !hi, THOPOI I CAN INSIIIIASLIE CONIPANY OF PHII,- ADELP3IIA, and that from this it .te its rue near will he trnnesoted under the new name and title The Coin puny hue recently ti CfoMlßed ts Cavite! to is Inr-e f•nr, unit pmpared to slink., i 111 , 1.1,nre uremia loss by Finn, in cn LIV• Block.of WI, iiPSI,I9II/11. 11,1111.% death front any cause , ne the moat fu.ornb'e terms CHAS. S. wAN NE. ?resident. rO. If. I 01`11ESSLUi,f;hr. Pee.29111.M. (al ft 1101 IR ,fr. IDAVISNV A SIIISfi.iACIIINJ; 1.11 , fon We to PI,OW:sI 4N & McllA MP. .latrufse• Intern. STRAW Rls It It V Street. Phtlatielploa. By thin rnteht ne a week's wash of an notin try •e zed family non be done before brenk'ngt It in equa pacity to tour wtonen. and mines at Jew to yet cent. In weer and tear. itundredJ of them aro now in Una, and the demand nontinuints. Coll and exam], e for ourse , re. fount) rte Me for rote on roasonablo terms. Prate of mance 1910, up to 115 PLOWMAN & Mnfilt IDE Jal IRO 37 STRAW Milt RV 'Street. L O ST,—Placed in the Post Office, New York, on the 239 Deeember, n LETTER !'recto,' to F. S PELL. enabler Southwark Rank, rhtledel• yeana„ containing nmont other enclosures the t 'Sowing Coupons el the Penn% C..ntral R. 11, CO., doe J ' antirr I. 110. Vermont of the same bovine teen e'np red Nee. 214 to 221; 212 and :30; I tut tot atte; 1.;313 to fer.); 9 21 tot CO; t 925 to 2OM ; 2 t 33: 2 935 to 2,063 ; 2,972 to OP3; 2,23:.; 2 !.t) and 99x1; 2.021 to 3,000. Lattice are cautioned 'garnet receiving the same. A onward will be pad on the Letter battle returned to the Rat* of the State of New Yotk, or the Southwark Bank. l'htlacKehin. New fork, December 20.1942. J 32 et GUM SUAMONY—Virgin, for snle by WF,THERILL & PROrIIER, Jaf 11 and 19 North SECOND Street. G UM GUAIMJMI —Strained, for sfilo by wp.Tur.RILT, k BROTHER, N ata North 111100HD Ellmt, REMOVALg. . yetEmovAL.---8,11 ALL di' CHANDLER, WiIOI,FSAi,E GROCF,RR have TelllflVtd from ad Xi' art It oF.Cn3ND Street, to 7i3 MARKET itbotre Front, north Bide. -KIPEMOVA & WERNWAQ su hove removed rd &Haw. Nei. id and BTN w CIIEUT eed. Je2-x• IicIPADDEN HAS UHANGED HIS Eltreet. plios of Imiirmu from No. 12 to No., s BANS lasso REMOVAL. HOOPES 8a .DAVIS, Manufacturers and WIIOLIMALB DEALERS In HATS, FLIES, AND STRAW GOODS, have removed to No. 611 MARKET STREET. dSI-tmth St r i , tIRS. M. A. BISEIOP HAS RE visodov ED from No. Me to MS Cll 7 / 3 TNUT Rusin, next door to the Bt. Lasrrenoe Hotel. where Ladies Intl find a splsod2d assortment of Bonne ts, Cape , and Head. dresses. d3l RENIOVAL.-E. it P. 0. YARNALL CO. hive removed from 14_yarket Weer to 41$ SOUTH WHARVES ma 419 Pr.rif4 St. O.W HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY WEEK. Fors few days, to dose out oar FALL AND WINTER STOCK. We shalt offer pureheaere VERY GREAT BARGAINS In our Ahnufaatured Goods : Ribbon'', Plower., end Twain:loss, Boys and Allem Cape sad ROW. ko., &o. We menu to sell recordlees 01 asst. LINCOLN. WO4D. & NICHOLS. no CHESTNUT Btrost, dta-I.ot Two doom Above Maeortio Temple. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. We have Jlllt received a now and beautiful Aiwa- W ment of ATCHEA JEWELRY. AND SILVERWARE, tweeted exyrelkiy for Holiday Present', eouteting pert GOLD WATCHES. SUITABLE FOR Bin= LADIEs OR GEHTLIMEN. Some inlaid with diamonds and others ausamad. ALTO WATCHES SUITABLE FOR BOYS. Also, o DIAMO N D utiful assortment of JEWELRY. Of all yinde, at redused.encee. Diamonds Mounted m the most nem:mite rtyla. Oar stile of &Mu Diamonds cannot be ex celled in this country. Our assortment of Jewelry embraces the following: CORAL, MOSAIC, PLAIN, and FANCY JEWELRY of every deseription. snob u Gold Neck and Yeast Chaim,. Studs. Sleeve Buttone, Gold Thimbles, rentals, Tooth Picks, Armle ts. I oaken', Aci.,_&.c. LYEHW ARE. Silver Spoons and Forks; Pie, Cake. Butter, Ice CTOIIIIII and Frutt Knives • Preserve, Sugar and Birr7 Spoons; Salt Collars Naikin Since, Card Cues and Silver Sets, consisting' of Kn,fe. Fork, and Spoon for Children, with an endless variety of goods io our line, which we will sell at reduced nnees. Gold and Jet Bracelets of all kinds, of the newest de sign'. P. ti.—Old Gold and Sitter pruthased for rash or taken in exchange. linen cal and examine at & dl!-lm o. to 2 CHESTNUT Stunt. F . P. DUBOSQ & SON. Aiszadeotaaron and Imporiess of JEWELRY. J. B. JARDEN & BRO., lianntseinners and Imprrten of ISILVER PLATED WARE AT rifts'? PRICES! WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WAAL The above, Wholesale Manufacturer* and Tmeorters. find that the reputation of their wares has intended be yond the circle of dealers, to each en extent that the alts of consumers at their imitates-rooms cannot mem proper attention. The Adria Inte to them. as stmentan tore re, or threat acquaintance with the wants sad tutee of tudividuala porches' n c for their awn tine, is too hlgh ly a;preeisted to allow them to neatest the custom than offered. • • . Tor the more convenient clusificatton wed display of their CHOICEST STYLES, they hue fitted op the NEW STORE, No. LOSE CHESTNUT STREET, Where the. offer. at FIRST pst tees. erev &semi bon of fEWEI.ft Y. to DIAMONDS, SNARLS, STON 1.40 t IL end a nosnpless stock of STLYER PI,ATED WARE, of the finest missy, in PIECES or SEA P. A run sasortmont of ENGLISIR sod Sense Walloon of tne moat catebott-d makers. will Win the ears of F. CONSTANT RICHARD, to whore 'Maul chine oar oustutner work eon be eonfidentlf entrusted. dWla WHOLESALE ROOMS. 904 CHESTNUT AVARBURTON'S WI CHESTNUT Street, iewnd Ito» abo» Tna. SOS Swab SECOND Street. below Sprat*. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, }MUSSELS POINTE. BRUSSELS APPLIQUE, VALENCIENNES, EONITON, aad MALTESE. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF REAL THREAD, CAMBRIA. AND ALENCON VEILS, COIFFURES, AND MARRO. A 10. A FULL LINE OF PARIS EMBROIDERIES. Awl every desoriptlon or 4aoe by the lent WARBURTON'S RIBBON, LACE, MILLINERY. sad EMBROIDERY sTORES, CIiEBTNUT etrtee, above MA, dlt-if if and 306 S. SECOND Bt. below Byntes. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON 6: SON invite renownl attentiort to their stook of SILVEI WARE. which in now 'mutually large, affording aal note' of pattern and deauta unenrottaeed by any holm the Uruted States, and of rum anality than le SOMULCIIC cured for table use in any net of the world. Our Standard of Silver ls 9354000 parte rare The English Sterling ...... .425-100 " Arcericsan and Frond' ...900-100 " Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-fore parts pure, than the American and French 00111, and ten part pure, than the English Sterling, We melt all our owe Silver and oar Foreman being conaeoted with the Refining De Pertinent of the United /Btates Mint for several roars, w guarantee the quality as above Alb which te the fiats that tee be made to be serviceable, and will resist the notion of emu nook bettor than the mutate', SUN staaufactursd. WY. WILSON & SON, B. W. CORNEN 1/IFTH AND OEMILBY BM. Is. 13.—day fineness of Milner zoinu(senred tub Woe, upon, but positivAly Neu istfotior to *O4 and Astrri can standard. Denier' supplied Ina the same etandsrd sa Laid It our retell department. Flan Silver Barn, 9934000 Wats •Mrs. non/Until at beind. sant-am CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, AND those wbo wish to msko their selections of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to call It CHARLES DUMMIG'S, No. 819 CHESTNUT STREET Sir. D. was this summer in Euro», matins a asl►otaoo of ►ltogatber NEW GOODB Pot him new Store, just open•L He km as flAtefiliTO Stock of FANCY GOODS. TOTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CRICKET, ARCIIFRY IMPLEMENTS. &is., snrnasses in elexanes, 'ants. and obeaosssa ofssiss• any thing before sees in this city. Such as French Chum, Term Cotts. Panes Mark. s, lk.hemtan Glam. Bronze, Berlin Iron, Lars. LAW I t Base, Tunes, Portnymnuss, Chessmen and Osmes of all kinds, Yrnting Desks, Papier Vaoh• Goods, Torso! all kinds, Musical Instruments of all Sines. d3-lm )RESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! ! THoRNLEY rtlil. l l4 IiAYE REDircuT THY I 1 AT E THEIR nOODF IN 01101. R. TO F rATI.. THEIR t!ALES. Thy odar Special Esrguns to I,nn Procne Smarts. Finn gu,l,tv of 1 ked Altnyln. Muses awl Children's Blanket Sbmrta, Grntlernen sand Pale A Shswls. CLOTH. CLOAKS IN (EA? VARIETY! Prlner Dreno Mark nax, Itch ....red Me loom 1), Lyn,. V ninnntlilnyvl Co6llcons. FLANNk LS LIIIENS. and MUSLINS Csnontneres end Pn'il net's. Msn.nillas Cs:tro COMfOrtablell. ita •liitonlnn'• SAk 11.1104..e.rwmts. 1.1n•o 1114....1 our own Importation, 11.,N1..ry. Morns, Lent Veils. An . An. at 1 1P)R sJ LEN' A CFI 18N1'8. N. E. Corner EIGHTH sad SPRIV: GAR A OF N N. WE BUY D BELL, POR CASH. VORYTYPES AND PLIOTOGRAPDS FOR TER HOLIDAYS. It a well known that the :cost elegant, muscle, shw a and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORY T YPES an VICKIMAI At hIaCLEEB' No. ellf CHESTNUT BTRIIBT. By the late reduction to bta emcee. COLORED PROTOORAP II 3. so distinguished for their eupertority, earl now be pro cured at a, lota rates it; silos tenure ow ordteary ar ticle for, PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, $l.OO. MC GEE ES, 631 CHEAT:YET STREET, BELOW SEVENTH OPERA GLASSES, Pearl, Irory, and Japanned, with the finest Aalvemaho 'A J. FRANKI.I4'B. Optletaa, 112 Knuth FOURTH etreet, below IT Mao, improved : , peotaeles. enrreetli fitted to the e.ee; 2fiernacopea, Rtereoecopee. end Pte H enpte n VIP*, in en end!e varety, and et R r PRIIIFR at-tf Vll RISTMAS PRESENTS.—The best Ifolobiy Present would be a, Bartel of Bermes rPr 01110, writacic. asitimpr. reen rylvranis FAALk i 11.0 . R. and llethlebem Fivlrwhest moo. from MAN & ZEILN PA. filS Our flout newt, /MIRTH ua TL EU. ES= Iei;MEM;II 331 11 1 11EXINTS 4 _ MIISIO/L WIND 11AtL. • . B oxa WITZ'S 0 0 210111. T. WEDNESDAY /STEWING, JANNAEY AillaA tAsvars: Di'LLE ANN WI AMR VOIXIAANX and an ORCHSS7 - 11.1 OF FONT)" MPANCIitiL .. . . cox!) traroß. . . , • . CLRI. Mr:Z. Pair& o.oumubmso ft e. • . •Iketkania. L A/atonal and Ana—" Biel* de Carla- Qr." . • - 31 , 4 • & Concert in 6 11User—Pisno Oretioars, . • • HasailL DERR ' BONE wri 4. "Du Aolierma g bac." • Mo7nrbkor i* W L "Hamar aHa el " for fBiCLEit. , Mearshase. M'me voLx.Luaik fIJSAR SONEWITZ. CONDUCTOR. •• • . HERB BONSATTZ. TAIL? tt. 0. ''The Lost Day"--Bfmrhanio in f ax movements. • • • • . FOR THE ORCHRSi.. Ritaurreetspoi of tae Dead b. The Last Jet:rest. e, Cositerseed epints rserairt. • I. Masai Racecard into t 6 The two A teinwsv Chronrtnaged Grand Ponds ars from the warm.= of Blum & tosottier. 3010 Chola= Wen, )14 1 : 1 52 . ik,t . i!,e naksts. . . . U. BoOteribers vitt pleass procure Omit Ticket* at rs's Mom Ilia's. !to. Mt chestnut street. - Doors open at T o'clock. To controarkee at & sa-a• THE CELEBRATED PAINTING, PARISINA. - illustratrre of LORD BYNON'e POEM. tucra PRl sub Z - PICTURE. tHR FILM R .1 A( FiTllll.lll sad THE MARTYRDOM OP JOHN MUNS ON VIEW FORA FEW DAYS 41MILY. at the DUSSELDORF rixnurrox. ACADEMY OF FMB ARTA.. lON HES P. TN ITP ban& Opta front OA.M. ta 6 M. Adnataton News. ARTHUR NAPOLEON, --- The celebrated Piaaiet, IP]) Ma GRAND FAREWELL OONCERT, eacisted bs the FIRST VOCAL TALENT OF TEE DAT, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, THITABD AY EVENING, Azusa & Tieket• DO @eats each.. To be bad at Nonni Maker. tag's Plano-farts vareroons, dhes Ina drat. sad a& WI usual places. .112-31. L AST WEEK OF ,- AGE'IML At Room .o res C S hiek T e E nns & SS CHESTNUT oraszr. Admission 25, rents. QANDERSON'S EXAIBITTOI3 ROOlB, .u.ligtve_ 1117111117 Bite CR!trent rear Rezak II WEER 17 ' TlClOlit9r3 TRVAT TWO PRRPORMI !WEL VIM (MONDAY) h.VESING. Si.. le • Wlll be offered the folkrennt elegant . minas c The Vert et Genoa . Ruth-Mee of Coliersim American Wet Steamer ; Weahiagten and in rain. View Puree le MA- Wieter. lb* r tarsal cpr. Rome, and n. Peter's. Chinas -- War melon t leek-rope Vaulter. Alin which tee terrine sown of Pup BevanlK ßatt Trie exhibition terminating trite the mow merge' the monster steamship, Ole Great Resume Orand performance VI I! MONDAY) Ann- Prothe at 1% o'clock. Tuitta. AS team Childrita,lll nests. EP. A t Doors apes at 2% To columned at R. NiNG—Doeta oyes et T. re cossmteste at IL DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL TFIEATRE. WALNUT et.. ow* Eighth. D. hie Lavin. anie woretor. TEM AFTERNOON fol IATENING. First appearame nth:VERA LINE. MlBB edLLIE BTICKNEI us her empletitralts4 Tar Fesmassion mebaak. d IrAN NICE, kurcPtsiom. the comrc SWIM. matt DAN rs S 8 rill appear in ccautect x. ifia c 'frith P other imitirkrtatirao ttotill, THE ROMAN IIItOTRFAIR First time of the tit Vein tue THE nwortrx, ly Munn Raison. Whluaker, ReatAnd Bel* YO3TlLLlOttl.o!..tnhee:Alg. GRAND BALLET Has FLEUR° , upon harsebnekontheuracedinary Teapot Flnmetemee ship and {hum Gymnasia° Ezettneem la alma tas tire troupe Intl appear. m Doom open at 2nd aid n'eleek. Per fameimm re OM. enee at 23f a 7X o'aloek. WALNUT-bTREET THEATRIL Note OAI.IIM. T. TA! i 591011119. Isx Se • VST AND MA/160101TX shertisterbalsr. Mr. I. IL Roberts; nest, Perry: e..irguents. dire. Alas Corea. ? Tin ... 1 4 the Sesetsee. the beartifol Drams. fa ate ter. fetttlai - f,',9.11 All CREINX IValsh Orin. Mrs. - Palaid• Ihi - rtess es serial EMI reared nacres extr: Awes. Unors °on aS ar, teekrk ; ps.larstases to elsimerse st 73( o'clock WHEAT LIT & CLARICATS ABCS. *TR EET THEATRE. THIS (MOEDA YL APTRBIIOOE.S ileiePall. YETW It WI LIMB. TDB piitcortmeww will owtoolosco v•th tie 001110 Sr TEE MAJICED LAE& TEIB t movrrATavnint ßE e, Sas S. PETER *WILE I. Pats, Wilts. lam Dom; Ada Reuss. Me. d. wt&lw ri pt' sea mi rwir n igoill. eliw m ko mm ammo I.:011 WEER YOire.Aß Pesss ow Pwrcro —Rsesassiso. 211 sows; Ilososse Soots IVA Dress Cinalfh cost, ; Pazoosol- Nemo. • 'Doors open at fivr pact f o &sec PtewsliwoostS sows/nes at 7 &elect fromplY. FIRKBIPLS or WONDERS. xerth...e. *a m , a sp . sad MUM= atr•ets. oreston/ • 81 6 ULIDAI 4OII. I /MIL • T. eonderfel P/eurmise •ad Towailopopt. rwasx.linunoss CAC.II DAY &yin thi• HoMsys—in the •ftenorr eee4/hek • Fd IV kr (WM Wltt i nV i l l ig i r sit ar i mealg i. et 11 4_, W.. 1. Led 14 P. /1. Tb• *Os evatosales Hort retain. ens 1•• trAstast lot•ets r Iteelbassasa weer exhiltad,will moat la •MT &COMM, tad pet. fora sem/hint feats Admr.inst is eenur. Celtdres newts. M cDONOUGH'S GAIETLES— GALE Bt., AIX atm SECOND. - - COM I Cir OP THE PANTOMIMII PRI milor FURO. A. M. Her:tu arab bes u Ram Caladtaa as AJ. Levutt as M a i._ 3 . Mies Mane aa 17 . , TAr pi.7 as as Vai s si c("3l = "44l6 GRAlLLuieuip_vidU. D.VNATIS.,IaMPAT ALL THE COMPANY, pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TILE FINE ARTS. RESTNUT STREET Is OPEN DAIL C Y. (Maass asoestado . foam! A. K. tin II P. 22. Wasted—The Teeth volume of " trsbis Stows Vet:lsm." of Pleas In. Adowszooo 26 oasts. Chadzsa aster bi seats Me pnee. bares of Stock /216. df.tt ERMANIA ORCH AA heard, a very SATtRDAT. at X Mica. ?gym HALL, at eelook P. M. .A WIMP , ot mot acsoss. one dollar. tokal• tekata. 21 ens& To le lad at e. Amin's, and Boat k Lavt.lea Mame Mora& sag at tie Jon. oWaso FOR SALE AND TO LEI' rCOIN COLLECTORS.—For sale by E. COGAN, i 6 Nook TR:I"TH Street. CM:s lowa et &boat 444.LlikikICAN NTORS LIAIDS. Prise au oett. .1112 A. XO,OOO —Fifty' Tbouund United 8. Stan es. It. ?mann Nets", Lee wee, fir eels in minis to nut mareDaaar~ jes.li • :to. IS !Leninists' eOR SALE -- Stock , Good-will MI Er tarno( a Radiilkok aid Ststoson , Sterrat Hama to nat. address O. lE.” 'Rood i Dt.triali 2t• FOR RE NT. TlOh store no* oesorioa CHARLES OAXFORD ♦ SON. No. SSA cars - I.:cur maim &Asti' for • JOBBING OR CONLKISILION HOVEL rd.Xt.eeeeesien given about the tat of February mot et gro- FOR SALE.—A eery neat and desira- Bahl* TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING Born to Lot of Land of LLst•-a , z semi alma. es pts RICE RIVER. with lord had's/. 'bast see LIU Irm moirdie. m Comhsri , ad amass. Nam hussy. d iced water sower m‘d • rely saepl•d spout throws as Near- Rua Sprits, on U 36 precmia b• oak apos, MIRK •bI• Lad seoommodanne terms. LIitENIS &MONSGOMFR Stmt.T. cDO-D. • MSS BEACH Arm TO RENT—LARGE HALL, 8. W. Corm CHESTNUT aad TWELFTH ¬ Nn pr e. t!'w4" • Stmt. if) PER CENT.---We hays for sale paper panu w per seat per assica. weaned W dart of trait gym Pm-alum is Rt. Loa I. Tas a; telitall or aspitalisPi dna tp_aufa utremeassab u•si ted WESCOTT% A CO.. atm if&lra THIRD Street LET—The lerge six story vats. boar 4e. Re Commoreo otroot. othotioFM pm• or manafaetartm Barroom ApAr ex ( 7 us MARKET Strom d 7.110 1101.75E4 TAVERNS. and bTORES. MEL Real Feats of awry&O& tor was at 19 neat Asa 4.7 /1 - 111`1, Baal_ lV Fst r reaL No. IS Kett!' BECO:M w,A arced. to 1.. Tenni k Co.'s Sob. "..". Jal Wars Inn be preesely attradod to. F t r i, FrasA. sad G onna * was'. Co.ltract of Riots a 11-ama pOR SALE—A Valuable lot of (ironed, 113 Gat by Web time Proem am. r and Lae %LA Oa ace frrtst; anrubtar (a. • entre ee foppery. It se sem rod an the Nrcalteestern parte: the ear. /a • meat Prone; eau Vlrrannd. Terns ann. denernen. ine . 4 2 , 10- (=cars." J. L." oulrer of tha paper. 91 1 t) LET—The Second, Third and Forth Storm of tho aatrel see teerivea hem. Nee 11 sad 31 Soeta DtiLateettE A alas. et kale Conette4 Soo E CS the ETNA tter. Mr`Eoto. , N atel - .lt._ an•tf 12 set it .t..P VTR tizialtl. CHINA A?(D QUZEMSNARE. WHITE, GRANITE AND CHINA TEA SETS, DirtEtititlSE77s, TOILET SEM PRESSED GLAPONSEITS, TWEBLERs, sc, AT LOW IMIOES. WRIOIII', 5311111 a 00, No. II NORTH /WTI ST. I 011-vitaii WANTS. PARTNIKR, WANTED.—An cpenms in am eahMialad Cotenierve Wesa i Dry Ocoee' eta aartaara►la V «ear os the tat of tie 'oat. ♦ jam. to boccieut. • b o ackk WIN to Ow wa sitd , e Na Name& sit Aloe of thuitiorP•r• IONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCTD.—. 1 TO ANY ANIOUN T—Upear V teot Wal. - DmamEwls, 2Jrikr Plat Plata. C 4. 4 erekaatoo 7:11 411*1.21A661",,t1"." ar.t*'""ll - retln I M te. 7 v.. : Is ' % law L 4.11 .tit-e22IF OIL CITRONELLA—For sale by WE' , HMI k BRAML IN aWI Nona NICO p°'ll-!rn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers