tne,trontleis efilfryrdu r ,iimmartYritttli*P- L 11001, village, once inhatttell P,,rrotitou WU* ATO4u l lm4 l 9kWA' i P w r A in° been tliiikvn-fatiotn c orner of (; kin dm, utisrevaratiggp44deTes,d,wher `altlkistiTcififlirifeaker4 up their • abode, an wh - ermittief!!atti: - .lostiresk !,by';thelliterntir though dangeromdrolsiden That is there pur itjA „the TridiPiff ' , Vadat .abeasting of their actiernuentiblthip,related. Adiiight:iiii4iitin made thetOma.ieliieieldei ! R'N tt p= `' 4 i 4 t 3bre alon,t : rfaligr ine'e rtii ng ! g" 4 l ol4rtOnoviihttlt isi • w Ol 04 P 0 745Ter:Of theuisitticho "girinehSeilstraCtiOMitory e 6 r}ifa~oiijt ;i> tp~ Tour ciikr *4 ha, in jomethingolo. , geu to-night". • Tildt,son 'latter gttedibyeitnitb‘glifiil4*ikei han upon - yourtkeigrzttit .:o",oiiirtiA • tell whethe the At e jeWi t ti - " rptiliOlaWe'through lh bushieis or not"-Th7 set out . The win atifffg4MT-1100Viitill.§1 1ait1f;,44:41011 emmig tie trees; ,while low clouds, heavily kagioigh,tininr, Belied Slow - Inner cthif.gra)l l -4441uk‘tblkitd rocks,: 'O4 ir .4119 4 41clliggi 11 4fteeuS0 0 4A 5 01010 1 31114 TIFA?" I P i ftrt -a Pr n # ll6o iterdailig 4rietitrlitimilnetigains t the overpowdriditbidelefirdhtiti. "Lay hold of my beltyii7W/iiripiAiNiefethar, as though ePProhensifo. lost. tlrar,f?Fy aif.should overhear Lim, * taltiola Iftist f -64litidtalieands' pleai sant walkirflierml - . lgiglA trembled with coltl i a~ ° d J i at d`' sifontif follO4/WhWrongli tonductia.‘iVlWtirlie7citeigidl - at once "do you heir nothinky , not thosti Mares voices?" • 1 94 : 44Z i t l f"A*744 . 00Pg l i, The pines." " - StAid:ol.lll;„tlieti,:ttift : lifiteti.4bal must be the kiedotieifi-: . ::.i hear them quits` • 9 No: fatlier c ikhl.:4,hseAhat is bursting ini the abyss, and they9kierAaidting egitiFt the! ,„- 4001lie.oil wrapped, In: a tray 1-stritout, lelapked. earlo tb„e aide, ef, the 'foOktOlifill 'ten, and presently cried it Cow% .ortis,9 The Path hee,axaetla-00414tenIt', the rocks rusts, abrupt: - Li ~lii-ShoukL.anymisfortrakeLtiVial me' to,-nigb feit * O l a profitable corteitif o'f,it; wail should not die! content:Xl ,belidired.itiVOrgo6ii= Writh my! life. ,trautire.noii'eld:enough And,whatericrit 4rio9liilcoo thaiairamerd, W 414; ahead:think; parry :the'tleititg , /J. Erfp#iffirditecKci . her to a I 'd_tiali.."a'a'vlr t rtla, the Awls.. -Ten may eat "Ychir'ittpPer'there," obieried, rtfor ire , are ,P.P344P9, l l,tWlYeiitlat e i. 9ap , 'yonder _yen worthd only be intnyway.: .I will.whistle when I come back; S When you hear that sign; lOok Itbdut!ftifiiidAklPFLY,ti - eraeli:, With - 4110:11Yetds he• pintinded hitt :ascent, skiviiibiolutlf-freatin girigkrePtenbidfig into the pm:ant:l'9* te aara'Patediadai.."4"Ata4 l 7.-. 1,0141,1,1),40... Aar; ,th - p, folrOit rorqsd mono. wn9nalY44 lieforo bor,,,aio wind whirled Sinowdiftlibiris eddiei fr.iitia•ilierrocks.‘ She was alonei*ilds4ireiuf APO: , ' A n txr*"444ol4 the it`P,PotritSd `mgiMiiteaa given, Zid,iiher- heard , letiter. ran;te mithdi pack,- which he 4raggeil, gel, said itifit'ill** ; Y1T137A1.#4 rW'eith'a gent i'Phti a9p'i deposited in the Caverii,"ritid tkutPiLliek;t4ifitf.eaokagaitt.,' The girl mean erduchedelititdlho 'peek; luid 'rubbed tet9Viked - 'liifibe - end NerSe'll •awake. soiolskimo .44 awbisilo.weagiven as before, and the father returned with trioSier Shadimiletade her take 14 the-first an tge on l4diattt yet:Wl 9 /4o; no .wheezing of 'There agelitV r igaeyY.heaf aometiong, behind rtin',..f. t•-rx r7t 1 ri , 7 4301 1 PAIPiiir f . tqa M41:7 ilia teagee.i? moving telehigi 1 99.0A4 0 .7 1 1: , WaVdifil i t you seat"- • " g . t .G 4 ?„ o 4 4 a.o4 l ,44q..o4ii'shoPt:trit We' eLl'e lost tr reach themriae)t! • ,• • r • 11: -, ziog came npateriiireatimed tceeisoihe Sateroviten,,clinglag "zwithout other hope Of gaiety, to the tock,:ite hUrled hia pack at the animal t whicir iumbledhowlii3g,'together with a pass of, kineTi &tutu Give ittne,o he criedk takAg tre lighter bad trona 0276, F lailing her' halatinuly,and. 'draw VllTitlAk..l , C•CTe.le cited, the rooky. p 41 1 4 ,4 Frightjleptived hht tit thBltso, of her 1114115 b 491 1 3i) f ira ggi a alO rigg W - 4e 64 ; 'Destracileh` pressedv closer upon them heels. • V P i c e !' 5 4 0+ 3 4 Oektilittlfil" No anal% er was retuned - k ern:l therepert of a piece was reverberated shun red foad ty, the ophoes of the i gkitttains. The ball Witch the reek And dropPett4t their feet. .Itt7ife9iful =pod IP , ejaculated the 'Orl i !!..i" cannot go any farther, Leave ufe here, &them they will mit 'Minder MO. no, no; leave melereond niafti'yeimescape.n • tAireritifill'hOtri*mit mid bring yourfatlier to the gallm. POmeosome Meng , --I?Dled vdth despair, he raised her 11oni -the groindland *hid tvie-fold burden arounda ledge 'of- rocks - . ' It was to ;no vim • pose# The sharp-shooters =appeared^ above aglaihier, - and the anaieti of the smuggler in. ormtredJ every -instants. = The girl had sunk ( 1 11.1 . *4 g inanimate; and ail efforts olthe , afittiva father to Arnett 'Qv) iniirliii twer.-A test "WaslBaiirtrtirdtV Salt 1", Again the!bsflis vitesied iisetf and t4N - iiiitiffo:a 7 ,/Mf.iYel*,/aPIR9BOI/iPg nests; entlmemer,;Life deadepended °xi eadglietanientl.lle`iient o4oic tits child arid ` ctighi-yer t tu - Ai - br9iT. - 793Faepiio - piit gx NYA4 1 39104 4 4" le 'ejaculated; niethtAnif threw . her down ttiO abytat. ' The body dashed against tlitCprejeetiiiedigs_lnthe-descerit; and rbllaint&the torrent beneath. t ' ll ol4 l ** Ilf4C o4 4 . 4gliait*A4 strdelOult deed, - and, °varier/area with ':,horror, dreppid: their weapons. The smilggler iniiaped with' his pack, and has sinmoilettvisited the same spot on iirsimilarermnd. NE - van Irsamc<-4(litt Aionlfitneier des -pair of his resources, cno:hic race. He fre quently dope lif t e pr,nothing c heermehq does not manfiillY" attempt enough. We are very sure "(tadj Mad; the bi ileV6teifry 'y addrjoille•probf,7llnikthe - froejfifi:Mt . ,el A l t e riti l iOYOKPOki r :4ercliiiiit l 4 mites' 0 1 014: 16 444 1 ,1 ofkOtolileisiientai :When) tdaltere. , PomAst OgatiPiMeltdikiii." /tail tbiied h l s. brkPo4 o !" 4 l4/ I q44.le.iiVatlit . VilOrli ealiaTeVea , tiltyVA We might easily find anotliet _woyd Atidaoldolt tufpdlde7 width he obeys Oitifil inenientii; free.; • f0rn?ii: ,, ,. 41 55. 1 li 1112....tOson_trembletc._tkid: 1 vii - 01,4. blood botoadola the eiiiimaidriiittOk , Opt rdtpdal l t,77,o4w*,sl4 ** V rlatialefthratilWhafria`it OW* 0* 14144,1113*.1if/i441_4(111/6. the 1. 46P4M,1 1 nit 4 40 4. 44.,400, 11,1 i;0 PoOL 11, e. O, ;—tiaikuHid iirldlundifltlid interring' always be niklaldabin tothosiiiiika not to relinquish it*Sqr4ijo e l e the hone ", Vi);Aplaatii inenstenneewor,..wfrin4: - tlittertin - w,llely !ring til t ri lo446Cl44 l ,X* 3 4o4o4 l Yajobil.' otaani#OOlaronaltheAsgket otottostutlO ..• • , c Lifer. -Love SiTtcligit tAlig Pleaq644A:lat:diSpoillii6ll' &i t 'lntenitosinnowfsirocs.fil ihnotwAso:., , ,ppe„lo4f., onlquilainlioln4thoilitir Blew and deter: , . 3, -lA+4 I , * .1/3“0 0 r4 ,1 1f • - Wel ea AC l 00011 " ...- / a`' t. I ' . Al" REMAINING IN IPMCFOlilr'OrriOE'llgilo'l2 - Y-45-6- ■ ."; ( 1a il f i.erir=d bs atiersWill please Ps an v t,.. y. ~ , ~.'. ..-„ nix an y rem firto, Si o sleek A. Mi and 2to .1 1---.1c,- ,, ilt 1 LAMS' LEM, 'A an PA- 'Ettrglrld.wd ', ro j igi l trA e tella ' ~ ifirs i rt . T.F - -.-" - rulton ' MrSAnn 'Monroe Ellen * l ' li hi * B " Yr itherj erabbtit -" l ta lt e 4lL 4M 2 ; ril l atilti r - ''': FraZan Joe, tee, ;Wien Brillrek e t AUltildlriSll Foster Miss B :A/pert:deb Ern _ okearase A rt t)Flyiuter Mary.- f O'Dreane Mr. B Amman sth er r Faunae Mary A, ,Orum Martha j gel A- i-De .4 --IFentoaltre-Julis Olver hfril HI Mauls Mer Lit..- I"de 494 Y .M. Payne Louisa Alleillfitrah - ham Caroline; Tarter Aims - Acres Marl 0 orde Mariana Pond Mrs H hi. Alexander R Goodman Louisa Potts Mrs Mart/ Randy Mary GeerseaKath's - rhyme Sew . Hosts Elisabeth Oodown Jennie Phymo hire E thirrlltql Green Rebecca R Patterson hi W 801 l m 2, Militia Mrs Eliza ' Frio, A Matilda Babb t Mili Griffith Bill i l l ie 72 Price Mary A Benjamin Helen, Green Ca snap Pent Mrs J . W Beaver Fannie o' - Annie - hiiie ' Potts Mre At Bates Cordelia_ Gleason Mary Tam. tlunyan'e tf l r 5 ,1 142 VT c;i An 81 . 1. , r g szi r go4n. -. . Pilgrim's Pro- It hi glees Banners Mary' Guyer Miss Reilly Miss Rose . Bell Angelica Guth'', Mary Randotrili C J t Bennett BaratrAlGrilbilittachel" - ;Andy Kate J Blank Mrs T Al' Hammond June Rise Miss Kate T Biddle M tg .lindersorkßi Reed Mro Eliza l ggird ei l Vitark i littlielr .112 i n n ill i er h _BIB DardialA,lll -- Roll Miss Louisa Bird Mrs ThoeJ ' linen ntarah" lo o ln neon Jane 0 1 Buchanan el J Hamilton Fanny ~ °Minion E H Bawl Jens y; ; Hall Marta ti. . beds Martha ' Bose ra h O • , Barrington Kale anti Emma !inns te_Jotin_Darper Sal li e J . _Butinam Mary B - .Brirdley atm . . andne Janet , itebinson Jane E . Brainard Al M -1 ' &Alf re- Scott Mrs PV P ErookliAlitry - B 1, BanerMarr A - , Shaw Mrs Ettle brown Ann -.- . Hankie Mrs E C Schreyer Mary A . , Bointer , 4 tcAllea ilarkineSophts- Shawlldra WJ ratan Jinni A mina Ellen Scott Mrs Sarah - eam ()Mho--H ogan Ellen - - - Slimier Maltode. • urns-Edith , , ; Howard Martha Shaw Anna n '- • htenteAethre :, .Thinter , BOS S itlllie '' fro i ßser lth o l r l it o E ttel lth isl oo li iPry ra l l itgii "%thin it gi nn - Fi l fflealA ar lif e t'sJnOtinh°n titre Bowei t Emma I r Hough _rs sc. Nett collie JB 10. Tit Ts, . hon ing M in A.- SIMI Airri Burr °strain.; ~, Min, , Shulman Rachel nee Cathartnet _lrwin Rile .' ' Snowd en . kw! R C Chalfant 812 Jones Persia I Sinclair Cora - ' Coll Miss Mary Johtson,Margt SiMoson AR ! Cannon Annie P Johnson R W Snaritown H Carroll Mary rt , Jaakson Ruth A ,Onsons Julia Caldwell 181 C Jackson Alms Naively Jane Carrigan Sarah JohasonEusei -, Sloane Mrs Cannon Ann E Jones Egos I) j Screen Mum 13 Carpenter Wrri It Johfison Hannah litatkey Elitab Cathcart Jane Joseph Sarah Spankman Mrs H Camas! _Mary J Adore RennettA Swartz Anna hi , Carton ata t k:' Jamison Afelen • Qtanlen Emma' Canto Sas ~ Reiter:Ellen . ' Stewart Martha Child Lydia ' King Margaret ttratton Sarah Chilton - Martha/ Idly Mary J Stook Ellen .CaldWnlifflllitec -- wanyldway ,_ " Stinson w A tilpmag I,lxxf, oily M Ann , _PAW Mrs gcr rrolt Jennie , trk Mary.M. • _.etoten Catherine I A Vi , Ka vanagh Meg Stoning Maui F , Clisiliet Liddy A , ell Harriet F Stevenson 4 hd rhiop,muse sultan , Lamar cathanne Simard Menem Clemments Ann L.vay Margaret Starr Sophia ' - Clark Jennie Little Mrs R .A. 'raylor Jen W Cooper Jane Langley hire 0 R Touvounte Mrs A collook Stephen Linn Louisa C Thorp Cynthia councßosards' Lewin Hannah iiffurd Louisa ColltatiAtery A • rimy M 4 - weaned G , Carta Emily Wee. A °mai Harriot Colby Mary Ann cCreigh Mrs M Tool Mary_ Cromwell...GA- --Kr. ~1 .., , - -Thurber arts I Cantrell LaurattA McCiillongli H Draddall Mrs hi Condon Aderde , 'Magninlan Kate- Tilman Mrs L cunnlßAPrinad ~ ri Matrimony MA Tearlow., 31 A, Cutler Lizzie - ' mormaghlin ht Tmble lit A. Grainer Athis Ann MoOlogkey Mary,Ward Julia Creighton Dath'e •filaParlanst_ Mug Walsh H Hook Cochran Lizzie, ~. , Negras* MM A Walton I: M CoanerAtary __ MoLutnly ALL , ' Wallace MIN MA Crooksr Mrs / 21,Munn .M 0 SA, Wells AII `Crooketiltii Jake; AbinihrillAlo 4 4 A Wagner Annie cigar Mrillerf ".h. , POrper Sal li e - Way Susan D Co .hltu Bettie' =Monroe:it lit re , Warren Mrs/. H D 6 MI MX A 0 H N • Ward Miry,. Be Ora m Mad Marohall ht A Weatherill Sadie Dust Mrs Reli's Malaprop, Mrs ' wonater Mrs H ,Dpets l tiit of Webber Miss tduid ally 'X ;.-- layers Hattie 2 Whaler Mrs E Muth' ry i _A, -,, ey airs A . _Whitmore El .1 1-lin Wet Mak ; Mae or 'Sarah . White Genet Davis Mrs Rate senile hue, ; , Wyarleadan BiteraeLNlinierst - t fOrl Atm ill • Wilson I', Mr ,Mtyrp ..,, , T ok HA Wing Mit P o E f eVi t t rl ia l '-) Mari e r r .lar Winri. _ lt El g. imolai, Itna - H Miner Mrs c C Wood nin, John Datuyatruttenry Murphy Atari. . Wright Lucia Fic.. /dun A ~ . Myers Catharine Wont Alma D wattle - Jane "Myera h tuna kruinn M J Emery .BAchel,A. lode Mrs coma Most Edgar litriClara ulme Madeline tomby Mel* Edwards ER: , , ardor& Mrs A Vaughn Ann Elie.hlary. -, organ Mrs El Yeselson Babet Ellis Mre Dort - GENTLEMEN'S LIST, Aleisinder 0 H ''' Eirgebrianjon P McDermott Jae Ames Henri Essen Jan Berg't McDonald 0 Alderman Mons- 'Evans J R McDonald John Adams J.l & Co Eversion J C McDonough Thos Alexander Dr A aro John 0. ' MoDo si ell Wm Allen .1 I. ittinyr Ilent7 McFadden Sand Abrams 1 W ield r Ben J MoFarlan Jno Abrahamson P 0 - - tab Maclol-, McFarland And Allen H. Wm lan MoParlin RD Allen Mr Fisher Mr bloPern Patrick Allen James. . ' P slier John 111 , MoGoinok Owen Allen Wm 8 P enders D A II McGowan John Allen Wm H- Final tiaml 0 McGrath llliohl Adam. H & But- Pitszlmmons M F MO ugan John ler outs R 8. McGuire Thins Averill Elishs2 oster 8 P McKenna ?WY Aull Jam - L riendahlp Mr Mc K limy D Anderson A B Praiser P. - MoK night Wm Artoni T Praiser John - Mohiann Wm Arthur Wm A Fougentz Arthdr McNamee W Abilrzeyholeler .1' Preach ndw. McNeight Win Andrews 8 0 Gar la nd ChrinPri MoNider C L Angier Wm R Garrett John MeNellis 0 8 Arnold Dr WW- ChM D Henry McQuade P Id Andrews H L Gemming Wm LH Mabry Dr A 0 illall.-Worrall. & Garrett Thins Maetland Wm •To. .„..• • -,- . . Galley Jo e Mahon( Banits nianry,Z, Gabon John Malone John 10arretrMaurice, Gerber) C Manson Bow mamngton,Wm , Gee GOO B • Maroon & Manly ,Ball , Israel . _George RA . • Martin Jan Dass Jas P Dr - " - Gilbert hi Plarttu & Co T i Barnes bean N. ,Dbsonly 8K . Moo land _Aintlira- I llit r arorr : F lu . . - Wirer O n I F - - • - Pal n u ri " . libido, Jos • , - • Gidney J Cliany' imner Pobt ,84TDOILIsaao ~ ,-‘ Gibson Dr Id K ataoi J w - ,Baten .1., a . ' Gilbert, , Nino & May Roy D inmay, mu_ -, , ,„ Qo ,i , „ ,-. Mayer Chan P IBanker I w, ~-.. , ishotan David . mayhurst A 0 IBaer - VW ' Gomm Hen ry . Mu-tin Geo !Barrow* ivid -.: - Golding A nt , Mohan /carry B apt. : ,Barr i ~; Goulds ' w %nen oy_ Chas Bogy Thor, '• •' ,Oorgan obt ACM g Dao79ooll l o'd , Roolulot,JOhn B . Menx r R T Barnett . _ , Grind: , J Mendell C P Bony M 4 ' r ihreemßern'ard Meredith W A 1 ft ic a erif Y -- - 3 r r:rtiir 8 1 111 W. Merchants r Fire ißearton kand . ray Chaa Hoary Meyers B N ißenson Junket _ Gomm Frank A Melon! Wm Beattie* Bran M" Graham J W Miles Geo W .Bears Nola g , Green Wm blip A P it, Illi e s r v A ittili MM.: WriNTAtllid till; John .photos, • ~__, ta_roir:Day_id_ ' Miner tirm_ft Bearohkood Wrir Ornhani PI B Minor & A okert lßeartonvyan.B graham Mite -- , ' m om -, m , • 1 1 11 e l e c i 1 l c l i t r r d e fi n i i n n a F r e ir ri o t B lT:s h n • Mitchell tuc g E b dw es P f' Risco Cam llo' , i sigh dean Alonnal Chas Iselowlohn " Haines H B Moneta Simon Blackman Wm Hammond -Wm r Montaloo Win allede Wm R. , -Hagan Michatl More J Whin F -• Hanker Isaac, Moon Jan 13 7e n ti ll ohn 4 A j; ' lia L r T v il Ri k ; 1 i n 8 713 bl Moran li 'l n 13 tto Andrew Hazel i,_ J-1- I. Morley Wm Bouersoz 3 P . Rant; Edw .I. Morris Cl Bkg Co I t Word Than . : ,i i ' Hay Is i Moms Wm lßoyd Wm , ' , Ham h oe U. Morrison Minh plater Wm • - ""irarrie John ,- Morrie JO matey Wm M.. Haa b 0- Mosley Geo oydßobti '.-.'. orrieonNathl Mosseol E Brown Gee - r . awley Winn llornahan J Brown Jan ES , art,hdwin oye P hl Brown Win T• ''' orlon Josiah urphy Grattan [ gown Jas P .I me B J - Murphy Jon Orovrn DeltirW and F urterson 1 rddock_Oatil , and gems 'll , ___ Izmir John rentotW L" " eyrie Nothnn W Murray A B W open en ayden D W It Naugle Jacob night .5 :1141111 " v R.N "gTe j" ;At rigtfll ir " B M a '' '--- " : 't- rrgri e A ' Neill D D Wm I Neilson Dr D hi . 1 town H D art Thoe rebtardlhos 0 rrison & Son - huntiller F - radio> , Amore garcs N It Co ookestiamt an•aric Nw England Wa r tor One Co ark Jon - ankerson Isaiah Nelson T A tinting Thee 0 H arrison ll N Newhouse Dr radloy AO3Oll C opine Day id Newman L P D woken Saml enter John NO 2. C ink Joimph rrigman D R. Nchols A Carl 7 hinting Thon. C Ite m A J Nichols A utter Jeremiah enness_r Yil • • Nat John .iutler Robert , - Henry W .11,_ - Ntrnmo James Anaheim:l D J ' Henderson „ran Nixon J Howard lutter.Fl, - loath 8 T • Nixon /a union '1), D - • Brahman Win . noble John__ : urkTholl ." I • opbum Win Nossinger w R Amur Jan r , . '- eTiman I C I Norman Joshua -Jurrourim Wm, m, , Henry Georg, Nott Rev Dr -Butt !NOM. ' Heistand Join Nugent Win / urneerCoar , - - "Henry Frank O'Callaghan Wm mop , T • , 'Reathoote, Her - O'Connor Dant tin . Road / li ter e t n tCo m a,. , in9ri e nnEr A lohn ;Matz ilciliO`N C s o O ter Zapt Isaiah Bardbiamt Hill Wm F Ormsbee EL D P , . Make, Gee W Ott Francis C gulkley W A ' H ickman Win At Park Wm A suok_aise s Flgun J P Page J W larr Wm art? , Iton, Jas ottoman Wm tinning B. L ill Dr L H ' aradis Mons J B ampbeli Chan A Mac Wright P arsons & CO J A larter Mr . okman Geo H Patton W H art. John -, . owes & Co J D Paulin Mary_W aides Da 8 nwnrd .p N . • Pasreieeyer W F nrunnell In niter Hound John Parr Win air Hollis olpter John Patton Cant Wm summit Eit • ' oginann M. Parker Tilos J rey Isaac N - ouse Jag Partridge Frank ismoball Rev W over Henri I Paynter David T. , i. • ' ongb Edw W P age Tomas , el: Vil a - - irgte l' kii 8 l igii k r h s_ a o ln i l'' h e a l l :d -• an Lawmen , 'iluolinTri•Ves9 . -P, lett &,%o 2 annon'Maithaer 'Hughes Wm Perkins Oohs asset A ..linSiley George , Pettit Elnathsn 1 hatchets John Hufremorge _ Perkins Henry_ J bamboos C el '. rune' es DoiJ Pesinington.Wm hose mu R ryes Chas Peck Wm 1. hild Win W ngersol John Peterson Her P larks lee F Israel Israel Penn & Co Mom 'anneal P., i i •IdakirChan rte B iIli? Levi. ' tick ' I JoseEh o CrtlZ t i: n H 0 lark Rev 'vr.:l . - , _3:Narictel E •I's2ney Joseph Moon E M C Jenkins John rearaOP 0 H. letklaM, ii. ' , James D • r Phelps George V Juan Frannie Jac John I Pennons Awns otton Mr Jaen Dr E_o Pettit Win H olton Hprace Jegs Dr Alit feers George irtelloYstriok Jamison Copt W epodes L on Morello i • Janina* 0 Taylor once John 0 isGeorge ' Jones Win Peter son B a le Captain Johnson J H ' Plokard Wm " Idints Geo , iokneon 5. 1 tr. _ Piperno -Nathan orcey .1 i. ' ' ' Jo hnson Mr A Pig ir , °Hines Herm Johnson Mr Porter Jas B wand; W W Jones Wm Porters John , • . /111IND'i Joule ,Rev 8 T .• Dole George 8 ca n e E t f org. , Jokie co s, Robbins', ellett Jas otter John D MIMI' Onit. , - ' ion 0 Ninon Powers Win D Inns v 00 J ohnson Li , golladitY Wil 'L - •-• bones David ry, Ellis, & Wil- MIN umMingtA.i „ ohnson J_ . B ed ... ' Presiden t Horne moriAbrilknO 1n01.21 IM _ Car n,.. ir urrey astride' ' - eosin JOttri " ly 8" m ut: A i lho n so A. . els John, . nnsle Timothy_ i'l47:r: if.l.37!''' . 24 : 11' 0 6 :: r w - 2 f' r ti s ei l l y & o is h: e r b. arervm a - 0 y Danie_ ugh E rof 2 am Tom -; "lieniesely_J flP ub of remand aver;ohn ..." • Kelley Wm ~.. 3 akin John ger g i lt, - ~, , tMay C PCia is oli . h Rftraladoiip ...,001e.rk ' !,„ entinil Goo Al • Randall Carit H DIM/ _E , ilsii . h r ,,, ~ eiritey f iJott e i e a t re kv rd v i bes 1 % Co ,f m `I , fr a tiThrohnrd r- 'lagara r ehom I fire v rkitail . - IgtrnT, Reber i l l : d ile; t U rph, Al enamor' F , , , erby Pi , , fteichmer .. 11 ...._ :14 . 17 A 0 G ulestree David , Riesenkiergiar J p : enbl Dr E R i nt il ti l re, e rii i r d L ' INVO j°" u / Women John Mohan D Jan 8 Reynolds B I. Ilelhl4-1--°-';': - ,' ' ''' cox lth°ll l3oo 4 W e t e e e d v" L M A* / i wiling Gen , mg, DesOldsh chards J P , I , yleTinst '. . owner Jona ichards 011 i 'ode 060 cm* Kilian osat Mons A B I owner Wpri 8 irk Jrupfis ßoach Patk ' i . %IVO inn tur as Andrew $ .. one 0 ' • anthsere Edw notion H T von& Co _i - one Spencer 0 Munson & Car ats:li Patna IL7OIIIXO li ~ rikketzkni.i. :rowed - kg i tr t gar? . cFB4 G , of ei .v .,g it nosi t it t Li t tarret ‘ t Roberti t Prof . J 11 labor Goo 0 tite 8 0 , .-. . R.:hods W li a VirA jo gie t lo_l2ninan A - ' Robinson n cTel l 1 1 1 1 1:1:Ertli '',- ' ir I.T ° 4. ° I P L ' it g i a%l:l) ?Ay ' nrini;Ant ryl u r ' lo3L a a r4 t r:F:re o D d ' e *Ar riok , it 2m o n l b l ci ee y ds i r i i n i -A t , i (.1 inlop Chao W owls Do Yr W J D ll 1 .1 , ems Wni if Munn H M Im ; W M , .., IN He r . Mink A ter Chu '* vore it as t M - nu:OO,IN "1 ThS eacook ° Rev B B Rnster .ichn T' ' li rle AtPslVatill,M , ' t indlir li P I j Bi andus y B Vr '' el O ro ., libnilt a .Y °psi- 4 1 4'1 1 4, 1* . L gr i l n a roma *'' ' ' ,00ld wi soil $ ' menders' Dr B I A E 1 1 9 4 ,1 1 P rt tr o . • Petnior Alf ,E A-8 Ltd.: - L a ;Anson W eardta,, it:m E it t tr OrliciW tilitlilLitatio Bligifefo r tA4 hi' orld , Loam 4. Kidelon Scott & Caldwell 1 ito r t o iaatu ß: 46 , A :ns ...! .. on 47 oNi win H fi r ect: :. :ok: ue s t && E ll liar r atr -- • ' Og E, 3 _11111-ÜB' asi o ts ,Tss - ' . en how j ' '-. uuiam ;YID ' Eichipikill & Dan . ft. f ..1../, , si ni i'.. i, 2 no _, .r. do 0 flow n . a 0 , Bemple DrA M ~ offs , - ' ',•, - , o pyriX Milliilri A Dough- E ., ipti.ECOH`',,• . obtllo 011 egg i, _ pi e ty - • - / tiet rgit l t*li 9i lt aittOir :, 181 42 4 110VMT u" . ~ __. 0 00 tt y, i nr ; , Sheppardetit n 0 / e A o ele ill. I d trl liC Ityß_Pd( Sheffer,Chne P etu r y ik ,:hr_ I_3 liawelik,dry , 09 . ~ - 41; t 0 y a t ~ /Shoemaker D 13 ' , `:'., - , -.•''',-,' . . • , 1 .51.!(',5',....1V,;'in.‘" , ., - ; , :e,,:) , :' . . ,_ Sharp G Taylor John 8 "Weed — my t Ri'Mr:?-4 7 w4=regvheit S ell Dr,R _ _Taylor Benjamin Webster v 0 Shepley Jos Tay lor leaml Wharton as S Shafer,lns Taylor Nathan Whitney John J Simons John TaylonWin - Whatton ; Simi:non Henry Taylor Fredk White , Silley -Dr Pie. Taylor W F B Q Slmmends Jno Tebbe Wm .nelsbn>d M Blattner Edwd Thompson &Co , Wilson Dr L Slaps A ill • John .1 Retired ThurgLand Gnu Wilene.J Silt A Lewis Wither° T Wiley Jas Sin tel B Thomas W 0 ' Wilcox J H Sna Chan hommon J W Wiley Lt James f leinithJohn Thomas, Hart. Wilcox IF I Smir tlwd , . man &,Co WinterbottoniJ S mi la - P. Thompson Or IN Wilson h ra Men Thompoon Wal- William. Jo I Smith &Co 13 ker Co Williams in- Smith Wm Thompson Jonah Widiaine W H Smith Wm •- Thomas. George WllBOll.lB &neater Wm 2 • Tongaint Ildorio Wilson JS Snow-Wm It Trainer David Williams Tan Solder John V. Timmy Andrew Woodruff'Jon 2 ' Snider Sohn Jr • Timo Copt B Woolnima Elam /Welke & Prams Torre Hiram Woods Peter Polliday Jacob Ft Tyrol ' , hoe Id WoorinianOW Sob; David - Toby George Wood & Nixou Spencer John Tusks A t Minstrels Spear Bev W W Twist yJ Woodward Sperry John .r Trumbower H Wood WM E Steel Davos. . • Tyson .T Worrell Tearte•C Strain John Wallace L Wright Joshua Stlnehoombe AD Warner John Wright Dr I W Slyer John . Wardens,Von ' Wright AH 2 Stipthe Col E Church of our Wyman Dr T N Steward Joe Saviour uinn John Steward & Coy- Wainwright L 4ulnn,Wni ton _ Walker CJ • • aughan J C Stick Johnu Walton Jae ' Vuntinnt Isaac Stevenson JR. Walters Moses. Vail it ft Stuart D u , WareJos o.y_ates Hon R Stuart riaml Wrillter Sand W ' 'Yeager Jae Sweeney Jae Willoughby W Young Edward Sweeney H Weddell &Co Ember 3 Summerville W Wells Edwin G Upham John lt N. B. BROWNE, P. M. PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! °A EITITCHI IN TIME SAVES NIEL" DUMATOM BAYS TEX FlRCiffl ECONOMY I . As esenitents hams, coca in well-resulated families, it le very deriraldo to have soma cheap and oinivinient tray' for repairing Furniture, Tom Crooke rt. &a. SPALDINGI PREPARED GLUE Meetvi all rue), emergencies, and no household can afford to be 'Without it. ft is always ready and up to the stick leg point. Theie ieho longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headlessdolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other oveantental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparatiori is used sold, balneehe mostly held in solution, and possessing all the valuable Qualities of the best oabinet-nnalters• glue. It insy be nisd in the, glees of ordinary mucilage, being vutly more adhesive. "1/SEFITI, IN EVERY ROUSE." N. B. Il brush aeounipsuiei °soh tattle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Wholesale Depot, No. SO PLATT! Street, New York Address • HENRY 0. SPALDING B CO., Box No. 3POO, New York Put up for , Dealers in Coos ,00ntlintng four s eight, and twelve dozen, &beautiful Lithographic SHOW-CARD acoompenying !mob beokage. A jingle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will *aye ten times Its colt annually to every household Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Groove, and Fano, Stores. . • Country Merchants should make a note of - SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making hp their list.' IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE. tuo-mwf-y EDUCATIONAL. QEVERAL YOUNG GENTLEIif EN CAN .be accommodated i n DR. GENTH'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY,, and receive practical inatniotion in CHEM !AMEN and the allied gelatines. Call at Nn. 1133 WALNUT street . Booms No. 12. 00-3 t• AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium through whish Schools and Fami lies may obtain compe tent teachers. Parents may ob tain, gratuitotudy, i rmatiortand circulate of the best schools.SMlTE WOODhIAN, & CO., 546 BROADWAY, Tier york, or nU-tf NS CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. MESDAMES CEtEGARAY AND MIER WI- MIX'S DOARDING AND DAY SODOOL FOR FOILED LADIES. PHILA.D.PFLIA, No. PMT. RIOT AN SQUARE, VINE STREE "Ipladame OUISOARAY respect inform her friends and the sunt a n in general, that ind ependently of her Beard= 'and Dayilohool, direc ted y herself and her niece, Mine. PREVOST, in NF.W.Y_ORK„ she in tends, in connection with her nice_ Mine. D'IIER WILY. opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on precisely the same plan an the one above mentioned. oa4m BRYANT it STRATTON'S NATIONAL BLEECANTILE COLLEII, !coated atPhila delphia, S. E. corner SEVEN and CHESTNUT; New York, Barak', Cleveland Ch oaro, and Bt. Louie. For information. call or send ?or Catalogue. fen•if PIANOS. ATM STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA- Tr:NT OVP.R.STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQU c.RE BRAND, AND SQUAREpIANOS, now n formed in concerts and in private /melee by tha Dolt performers. Received the first premiums over thebelt makers, from judges like Gottschalk. Mason. and there. Challenge alloompetition. BLABIUB BK THERA, de-17 lON CHEST UT Street. ffFigr HOLIDAY PRESENTS I PIANO-FORTES. AIELODF,YONS. PIANO-FORTES AELEOI3. PIAIO-FOR T - E ELODEOS .RPIAMEFOD E TE NS . Jade by Rayon, Hawn, & Co., Nunn" & Clark .111dlatt. Davis, & Co., and other'. I. E. GOULD, ' inylA-IT ' SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. own 01310KERINO & SONS," NATIOVACTIMIXIIII or GRAND, aQIYARE. AND MIMI riANO-FORT2 T , WAREROOMB $O7 CRESTS STREET, Ciortyky_in stora_s lama stook our YiEi.uTIFITL and N UALi.EU INSTRIIM 114. We here been rod ,s Ike diluent Extdoitiolui in tbia country and PIANOSLVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. TO RENT. IMF A GREAT 'ROVEIitENT iN PIANOS. ooqomecoosit ,t Co. , ion co:corium rest, respectfully invite the Ingo loving nubile to ea and examine Moir new and IMO oesethi IMETP_Lethell i t o TEE PA R GRAM) PIANO. Raving .coovertod the Tone, Touch, and Antler' of the 0311140 t1139_ {nth that of os. 84t111,141 Instrument, avoiding al ph a otilectionsgeperally made to the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the ooet of the ea In Volume, purity of tone, great power, bnlliangp, f ell- nem, depth, and eVennelle °Clough, with exquimte de coT and swerituiliase SUPERIOR EAITIPRI,LT-PINISRED IN TR MENTS are wholly unequalled, sr have received the highest eneomiures, and aro pronounced by entice to be far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this Cu on hand, a largnand elegant amortment of nur unrivalled PIANOS. Wis. have been awarded the First Premium, at ail exhibitioue ever exhibited, in abiding the Prise Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York.lBlB. selif GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. E. Q. THOMPSON. TAILOR, Ms. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STE., THE LATEST FASHIONS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEST GOODS Always on hand, and orders attended to persoaally, E. 11.--Strangere visiting the city are solicited for their dioasnres arid onion nf -whit-dealt R O. WALI3ORN Ba CO.. arm NOB. 4 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STRBRIN have now a very superior aseortment of ahlrte, Undei &mains, Glover, Hosiery, eto. egoolal attention given to GENTLEMVSPS WRAPPERS, of te wh-aimifch s fine easortment oonetently kept on hand. o HENRY D. NELL, CLOTH STORE, NOS. 4 AND 0 NORTH EHOOND STREET. OVEROOATINGS, CHINOILILLA;NOBNOWA, FROSTED, AND PLAIN BEAVIDRS, Also, CABIMIERED, VIILVETIS, ha., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. nlf-mai IFS T W. SOOTT---late•of the firm of Win g; ° rO t fi r E%r tt glar i gi E ffiNQcggliVii CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Irani owe,) Pb • . . would resPeetfolly call the attentlo Of his former patrons and friends to his new store, an is pre pared to WI orders for BHIPITB NA short no oe. A ferfelt intrantied. Wholeeale Trade Ion! ed With nos Shirts and Chllars. PAPER IIANGINGS, TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer from now to the end of the year our LARGE STOOK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REIMER RATES. Forsoai wishing their Houses Papered, can got groot BARGAINS By ending oarly on HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., ' ' ,d1.13-1m NO. 822 1311ESTNUT STREET. D OINGS D OF THE PENNSYLVA SIX FIRST rR TNIA TILE' of 18419. edi &ABB SIX NPLOItIMI, ifint Friar for Nitwit Balkans,. fliAB comirat Ewa vetactoz. Raefl u. Buz OkS t JAB I~URNACS. itioamoND±riPopuallinvem r 18154 sainod. DEBT 000 Ire KAMM lintrusowa auttzwvior&ggiNG RANOW BEST" " Dr]; %ATM. • LOW DOWlnnritSlCinritATES, BEST BNAllilTherat MANTELS, To AnzfoLo a r v a e gOtte4implayr snail:1,111 Slate Iff t ,n. .or w rlanansats. ARNOLD & WILSON. . o.l.l:Fstawiertst BTl4l" 4"44.2 THE PRESS..-VHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 2, IS6O. 4111 0 1 G FU tin S RPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND BO P--' METY OF TRIVAXELP_RIA - . OMee, No, 851 North THIRD Street irohda I antrDullding.) ORARTERW By TVT i cEOISLATURE OPPENN II ASIA. Depositereeeivedln eggs of t One Doller h aid , ii i piwardt trE d N7. 9 llWgi d i fm th e 14171 irigositltul ,1.1%. A responsibie ti lellebleßavingel s gstitntion ham to Es Spr i g eeded us 0 oribern pan of , e c h a rt td "T e Sprng Garden a ngsPund Gomm Ives caered y the Legislature of enneylvanies Mo vupply this neeeesitY. The Managers. in organising end sher it, have been governed wholly by a denie to aooorrunodate the bast nese Interest and wants of the very Isis and enterpri sing noeMationlT winoli tt is sarrou •• , , From 9to Mg o'clock also, on Mon ay and Thorodu from 5 until 0 o'clock in the atoning. NAN &&&&& , Weft i r t y .lett, rain Smith, on. 11. E t iStrens. ewe! Uder ' icollor.F r ederik 4roolco , ow o Hart , 000ph r, Lacier*, John Kessler, Jr., ' eorge Kneoht, on. W n in w . l ikillwaiii Sawicki. Prutle, • Joteph M. Crowell, George WoMpper, . • Geo. T. Thorn, Peter O. Elimaker, Robert B. Dvidson. JAMES 8. PRINGLE, Precdent. FRANOis Hans'. Eleorstarv. Imo-tiii SAVING FUND.---UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD sad GUEST NUT Streets. Large and small asap received, and paid bulk on de. mend without notice. with FIVE PE RCENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until I/ o'olook. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and tiootlaud, from .*:1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. LINY FISK. Actuary. sel7-Ir V L AVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN- K, TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM chilli= I l no r ogrrettilt tlt t l a t ßi t ite n .2 I'de THIRD, tits, . Money is received In any mini, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with- Thedrawal. office isopen every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till 5 O'olociir in the evening, and on Monday end Thursday 5w0t:4 . 4%411e ri:olr E ir. eithl r i . ELFktpo g nii;o l ' ire l itti. W1LL ,,,,,, J. Asst., Reoretarf. DI.B3OTor. hon. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brewster, .Rdward L. Carter, °aleph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, ramie Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, mph Yerkee, O. Landreth Manse, Henry Diffeaderfer. Money is received and payments made daily. The investmente are made, in conformity _with the provisions of the Charter, in .Real Estate. mortgages, Oroimil Rents, and such first-class securities,as will and insure eergeot security to the deeps. SwF,. and Vgil ti nsTigtl t oli a . It to give "nnaueu°Y an d stet attlyt° PUREID CHEAP BREAD, ' MANTiFACTURBD BY TM MEC3HANICAL BAKERY, CAP BE OBTAINED AT TEE lOLLOWITIO PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, B. W. comer of Broad and Vino streets. O.M. CLARK...... --.Po T plar street, below enth. H. .--S. B. corner Sixth and Coates street. JATHO & ,N 0,544 North Fifth s tree t. S. PANCOAST........ —No.reet 910 Spring Garden st. JOHN G. No. HU Vine street. T. P. Ile North Fifth street. JOHN E. corner Fifth and S W, W. MATHEWS.........—.S. L i c an s s e t t iZ t. g . Venth and D. —.Broad street, below Wal nut. GEORGE GARV/N............N0.1419 Lombard street, D. C0URTNEY......................N. W. corner Sixteenth and Pine streets. WM. COURTNEY.... No. 000 South iwelftn street. B. It. WANAMAKER--- FSixth.d o er al Street, above Z LENTZ —.....—...—......C0rner South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLL AN D........ Sixteenth an Ogden streets. DAVID 360 North Eleventh street. J. WEI GHTMAN----S. E. corner Eleventh and Jefferson streets. 8. a, TOMKINS—.....—.—No. IWO North Front street. H BROOKS.-- W. corner oft Seventh and Pine streets. ANE —Coates street. below Thir teenth street. P. M. —EI. W. Immo ,Franklin and , Coates streets. F. W. comer Tenth and E. B. TURNER ..._.. r No. 1219 E ru t th Front street. J. W. corner Broad and TUGS, BLEST...............Co P r a nV i llln r e e t e e t e s nth street and Ridge avenue. B. S. SOWN—a...N. E. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. MolNTYßE—..*Twenty.aeciond street, ab. Coates. ALEX. FULLF.RTON—Corner of Fifth and Chris tian. J. L. WOKS.— -- —Camdena e . t J., store 119 Arc C. H. RAINIER.—..-- h Pli ibidel phi a, Seth et. R. L. YARNELL.— —L t e l i t gVn r i f iel d "ad, JOHN BARNDT....---Trp e nge and Pine Grove GEO. B. TOWNSE.ND.—..West Chester, Penne M. MoCLEE&-.....-- .Atlantlo City, N. J. D. HORTON.-- Florenoe, N. I. S. F. EBERLEIN Columbia, Pa, 163-tf THE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "THE PRESS" I prepared to execute neatly, ohesPlY ftncl oliNtdiUolati/ PLAIN AND ORNAITENTAL PRINTIVIO, PA ISITILLETB. BLAMER OF JIVBRY DEBORIPTIONt Printing for AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERB, MERCHANT% MANUFACTURER% 111. All orders loft at the rabliostion °Moe of TAe Press, No..eff CHESTNUT STREET, will he promptly ttended to. .1816-tt I N THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' ALEXANDER YOUNG rt. JAMES BOYLEN, Ad ministrator of Hobart Cuntonxham, deceased, with no tice to torre-tenant. Sept. Term. IltS. N 0.971. Lev. The Auditor anointed by the Court to report distri bution of the fund in Court, arising from the sale by the Elheriff, under the above writ of All' that certain Jot or piece of ground, with the four brick mersuages or tenements thereon emoted, marked in a certain plan No. 8, situate on the went side of Fasaypnk road, between Fitzwater and Catharine streets, in the late district of Moyrunensing, beu uniny at a stake by the aide or the said road. southwesrly 40 feet from ground now or formerly of George Clymer, thenee by a lot marked in the said plan No. 2, pow or formerly of Thomas Knook, westward 86 feet 7)i inches, to a 16-feet wide alley, thecae by the same southward )6 feet a% bone, to a lot marked in said plan No 4, formerly of William Morrow, thence by the same eastward 82 feet inches, to Peurerunk road aforesaid, and thence by the same northeaetwardly 20 feet to the place of betinnlng.(urtiloh lot of ground Patrick Mc- Kenna, and Ellen hie wife , by an indenture dated the tith day of February. A. 11.1642, recorded in deed book It. L. L. Nm 17, pate 122, ho., grantedand conveyed unto the said Robert Cunningham in fee, subject to the payment of & yearly rent 'charge or sum of twenty-two dollars and clue half of a dollar.) N. 21 1 .—;The buildings and improvements on the said lot consist of four three story brick houses—one of them fronting en the ressyunk mad, and the other three of them fronting on_an alloy laid oat over part of the rear end of geld lob—Will attend to thelduties of his ap pointment 011 Tuesday , the 10th of January . , 1860 at o cloosP. M., at his office. No. 260 80U FIFTH street,i n the oity of Philadelphia, when and where ell parties interested in the said fund are required to pre sent their claims, or else be debarred and excluded therefrom. ISA AC MYER,Js., 41.123-10 t Auditor, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY Esta t e OUNTY LI N GO. LADELPHIA. of LEVI deceased. Hobe° Is hereby given that ELIZABETH O. LINGO, widow of said decedent, has presented and filed her ye. titian and appramement in the said Court. claiming to ream personal PrOPertl belonging to saul estate, to the value of nom mentioned therein under the provisions Of Act 11th. lath and the game will be approved by the F Court, on RIDAY, 6th of January, A. D. WA wiles. exceptions be filed thereunto. JOHN SAMUEL, dl6-raw It'y for E. O. Lingo. IN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PHILIP MAGOVERN. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of 'Thomas Wits and James McCoy, executors of the last will of Philip Mitcovoro, deceased and to make distribution of the balance in the 'hands of the accountants. will meet the parties in terested for the parpote of his appointment. on MON DAY. January Pthll6o, at 4 o'olook I', M. , at hie 400. NO. 611 WALNU T Street L in the city . of Philadelphia, 1138-mief at W bIAM ERNST. Amigo'', IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE •w: CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Estate of CHARLES YEZIN, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, and adjust the sixth account of EMILY YEZIN, MlAs+ LES JOHN FBRDERICK VEZIN. and BEN JAMIN GERHARD, Executors of said decedent also the firet account of Charles John Frederick Peso; and Benjamin Gerhard, surviving executors of said deco den, Moo the eixth and seventh account% of chutes John , Frederick Vezin. .Ernst Hasenolever. Famuel Grant. Jr., and Benjamin Gerhard, trustee.) under the last will end testament of said decedent I also, the third account of 'Emily Verin, Charles John Frederick Yesin, and Benjamin Getherd..guardians under the !net will and testament of said decedent. (Emily Venn,zetine guardian Jahn,. the first account of Charles John Freda. rick Vent and Benjamin Gerhard, survivinguanhans tinder the last will and testament of said decedent,C. J. F. trezin. acting guardian) and to report distribution el the balancee in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hue ppoint ment, THURSDAY, the eth day of January. IWO, at II o'clock 4.M., at his O ffi ce, No. 6.19 WALNUT strait, Philadelphia. JOHN M. THOMAS, tl.lB-wfinet Auditor. MACHINERY AND IRON. IIINIFIL V. M131110X.,d. WM/IAX antosum roaOUTH W ArerOU II V I NY CX. NJ' MTh AND WASKINGTOIi STABBiI. iiid iM i l li goNS, • ENGINEER,S 42 WIVIAOHINDITB, Vilfarl High ing Low Preama SWAM RAOUL fitri 0 Ri v er, a t n 4 i tT a i litlr"t 0;4 e •, aaomo , Iron ata i tr.o. ; Otittinn r NIII, 808? JrVII Or mo. ro m i tat ne = o sor ess work", Work Mow, Bail Etarta eintaaildeohlnery of the Intost and lm Pr iZt ° ,3 l 6 " :o2sti n. 9tllanwi n 4yl %pr, OA!, and ~.-i5.,....dta, v el a n m 1 4 F • 8;;„ n * 73 . 4„a:, • 111, llefeoatforal t :ltara, Pumpijpg KiPaa, to lo ra 4a m eata for t ., Riplaux's rasa fluor Valli% itl'W i figNy.gfaltlLlMll=l4.7: no nine. , , soil rro WPSTERN AND SOUTHERN MO- M. ROPE.--d,lttrgo And PIM nisorted_stook of Mandel, Rope, innaufootured and for an, nt NOW York' PliN r p4b,_ .AVER, FITI,Pk. CO., El Ater ,R,, at. end nd Wharves, BREAD SOB PRINTING. SIVIRY DUCILIPTION 07/ PAPER BOOKS, OIROULARL BILL MEADS POSTERS. HANDBILLO, MECILANICS, BANKEI. RAILROAD AND INBURANOII COMPANIES LEGAL. YNBURAI(CE COMPANH s. riIHE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Jita: SIX MILLION SOF DOLLARS, unarm INTH R . MOVlOFtertsZail. !Awl', The premiums ere Lowell Den in many other Coma. mos, and the Dividen have hoes °BRAM.. This is a strictly . MUTUAL Company. Thera are no Btookholdars, so that ALL TIIE PROFITS EHLOOO TO TAN IMMIX% Pamphlets, and every information, Mll7 be had 411iLLTIN, Ott IPplina RA to F. A COHFORD STARR,Agent, 3. W. °rimer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE& Thomas Robins. John Welsh, Mordecai I. Dawson, George H. Btuart, George M. btrond, E.l. Whalen, John 13 Myers, ./. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson , 'William 0. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur , . coffin, home H. Powers, George W. Toland, William MoKee. Thom. Wattsoh. n 23-17 if" DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN eSURAIICE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, in. 1055. OFFICE a. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Sreet', .Philadelph MARINE INSURANCE ON VESIEfiILS. ) CARO() To all parts of the World. PRERIIIT . OrLAND INSURANCES On Coeds, by River, Canals, Lake,, and Land Carriage to all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Bongos, &a. ASSETS O vemberF THE I , 1 COBSO.MPANY. No Par. Market Valve. 112300, Philadelphia City 6 Ve cent. Loan.... e/23.050 (0 1011,000, Pennsylvania State 61p et. L0an..... 93.1570 00 31,000 Pennsy_lvanla State a 4p or. Loan.. . .. .. 214X0 00 36,006, US. Treasury 6)611' cent . Notes and interest due . W;-iii .. 25.23351 830.000 U. S. Treasury eVVt N ot es iiir. est due..._.. , . - 80,015 00 856,1106 Temporary Loan to the City of •Phila , del p hie .. , $50,000,' Pennsylvania Railroad lid Mortgage 6IY gent. Ronde__ ... .. 0,100 06 823,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mor— t- ggge 6 V.' cent. Ronda ... ~ ..... 13,500 N) 810,81* West Philadelphia Pamenger Railway Company 7 4f.' et. coupon bonds 11,506 00 815,000.803 shares stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and erineitint euementled by the city of Fiala nii l Phie ........„ *coo, Ea shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company.. _,.... • ..... 6,775 00 $ll,OOO, 100 shares North - Pennsylvania Rail road Company • ... 850 OD 48 0 180,abares'Philadelphis Inn Boat and Steam Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Coin zany, Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia aid Ha vre de larrice.Steani Tes Boat cclipaVy.ll7ll;b7Gll7l7. Eiohauße Company ..... 2,210 00 05,190 808,71 S at Bondi aid Mortgages, and Us) Estate. Of pee Betiding ........ Thile receivable for !meanness ..... Balance due at Atenaiee—Prenuums on Ma r:lrinalicsee, interest, end other debts due the ttompany 65,144 OS Soria and stook of sundry Ineurrume dompa- we .... oeponit BUZZ:L .— pl at DIRECTORS. intr,21.701,',1.,. otte:Vi.',u4nrosii"rg. ohn C. Davis . aloes Ttpeuruk, [lra MIMI lits, Jr 4 James ilk a M‘l U. C. 4Lnoltirito Sam el E. Stoket, t ir P. Peruaton, enry Sloan, .drard Darlington. . H. Jones Brooke 11.parnier M' nymh Thomas C. Han d, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, Joseph H. Seel, Janice B. hl'Farlend. Dr. R. M. Huston, Joshua. P. Eyre, George G. Leiner, Mho B. Semple, Plttib'e Hugh Criug, D. T. Morgan, ' Churls. Kelly, A. B. IlerAer, WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOB. C. HAND, Vine President. HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary, did-dtt A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., UAL. INCORPORATED 1010—CHARTER PERPET- No. MO 'WALNUT Mtreet, above Third, Phlladelellie. Having a large peid-ap Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Reourities, continue to in erre on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merohandise, 'Vessels In Port and their Garcons , and other. Personal Property. Antoine, liberally and promptly actuated. 11111070E0. fleorgyAbbott. John T. Lewis, / John Well Jame/ R. Campbell. Os man! orton. Edmund O. Dutilb, Patrick 11 Ts _Chas. W. PoulraeV, Israel Morns. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Deorstarv. Jft23-11 If THEQUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY,PIIILADELPRIA L. p.. FRANKLIN BUILDINOS,_ OS,_ RP 408 wALNST Street. O ILARTER PERETUAL. _ _ CAPITAL_—. —.821,3.000 SURPLUS reo,ooo FIRE, Faro Insurance, limited nod perpetual, on Buildings and Mereltandise of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, inland su.d Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo trilled from all parts of the World. OVNICHHI.Presid GEORGE 11. HART. ent. E. I'. ROSS, Vacs PresidenL R. COG °WALL, Secretary. S. R. BUTLER, Aar* Secretary, F. rg i tllart, E. W. Bailey, E. Andrea R. Chamber, A. C. Cattell, Charles U. Imlay, Foster S. Perkins, IL R. Conshall, Samuel Jones. M. D.. Don. IL Al. Fuller. sal T NtR SURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNEtyLVANJA—FIRE ?.ND MA INBURANCL—No. 4 EXCHANGE. BUILD- Ohartarad rn MN—Capital s l oo.o l N—Atiota. January I. Isaa, '317,416 807100. All invested m_gonad and available leourltier—oon- Ham to insure on Vessel...tad Cargoea, &opal oAlorohaadisa. tto. Q.l_4 RECTORS 1.1141 tams. I Henry D. Sharma! George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby. Rama' Uri:.4,3'l'o Obarlea Slao r almtm. Toth ea Wagner, Winning H. Smith. Thomas 1 3 _,Wattrioa. Jolla B. Mat& Hoary O. Freeman, William R. W alto; Ohara.° H. !AWL% George C. Carina. HENRY D. SHE RRERD, Provideat. WILLIAM HA R le It-tarm y .IPE INSIMANCE AND TRUST._ Co.ll— MTI/AL ner opfsasaga /AXE otreets, Meets, AIN= re. INSIIRES LIVES for the whole term of gife—grants animates and endowmen4—purahases life interests in Real Estate, an( LINN igialies all maltreats depending en the entitling snows ti They sot as 'gem:ann., Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Onardlang, Mnlel L, htiller, TRUEST ledsmin Coate+, eherd B. Newbold. 4 . 1 1 11111gi dam el Haey Hoerr . Towneend, 1 111.Ka t 4 P. V. 1)u pow, • William Robertson, Warner M. kesin, P 8. Allah] 'DANIEL Jonw W. Hoicaoa. Beare . . 1 -VSlT:Vmligligg' ammo B. Mplrarlar_d. Joseph H. 1. totter. /me. Ettaton. heophilos Paulding, Edmund A. Howler, newt L. Hutotonsors ohn W. Horner, 'llis B. Archer, pp J. Ohrtatiana Joseph M. Thomas, John G. Brenner, let, Easton. L, PIII.LER, President, I . STOKES, Vice Preet. ,tars. nulB-1, utA 111 E INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA.. INCORPORATED APRIL ISM, SYLVANIA. BY THE STATE OF PE CONFINED TO EIRE ANDINLAND RISES, 88 1.1 1 : 1 84W1111011T...• Wright, Bros., & WlLLiass W.Wsurzas, WCUmm Ryan & Co. RICIIARD7ON••• 3. C. Howe & CO. 2 1 10201 A. West. Foben & Lloyd. rem . tlr o p u tss . c . o . his P eNST A t khlt u t. nt ; r oo k . B.°". EMIT Law's, Lewis, &ma., & Co. avio D. pvis Birnoy. . H. Roesstsusiss.—..--.. senbeins, Brook., & Co. Jong B. Jo hn B. Ellison & Bone. Jonn W.l,SynnstAr. John W. Everman & Co. TuotAs B. MARTIN. • ... Savage 4 Martin. OVBBRGX W. DAY, Pr_esidont. JONATHAS J. SLOCUM, Vine WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Soo's*. au-tt H OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. ill 2 WALNUT Skeet Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. M. W. Baldwin. rt. W. D. Truitt. j. Edger Thomson. tn. K. Hamra , Oilll O. Jamea, C. 8. Spahgler, Om W. Sexton. B. E. Flouston, ral.lVlllittlriell'."" WE) H.pcie l e, 9o h h a n t e C il la;ton nti°rl . 8. Warne. John E. Addiolm, .Edward A. Warne R. 'l'. Kerail. R. FL Shilhngford.' Thomas L. Luders. President—M. W. BALDWIN, Wm Preendent—E. S. WARM}. Baoretarr.—EDWlN BOOTH. deg CONFECTIONERY. (11 - IRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.—Firto CONFECTIONERY oan be had, millet to ant other establishment In this oity—ms: Bon Bon, Chocolate, Almond, As. Also, an amentment of I.rtney Boxes. Call at JEFFRIES k CO.'B, N0.7/8 MARK h f gtreet, between Bees n th and Eirhth. d2O-Im MEDICINAL. TLIE AII,SUFFICIENT THREE!— TRJESENTAR, 1,1, ands, Proteoted by Royal Letters Patent of England. and aeoured by the Seals of the ycole de Pharintioie do Paris, our! the Imperial College of Mediinue, Vienna. No.l ip invaluable for exhaustion,spormatorrhosa. and allphysical disabilities. rims coMpletely eradicate, all traces of those disease, that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and per nicious use of eopaivia and eubebs. No.I has entirely supplanted the tniurlous use of mer cury, thereby Insur ing to tho enterer speedy reher,dia parsing all impurities, and rooting out the venom of dim €lll,l! e• TRIESEMAR, Noe. I, It. and 3, are prepared in the toting a lozenge, devoid of thaw and smell, and can be earn the waistcoat Rooked. Sold in tin camas, and (livid tote separate donee, as SliMlnistered by VelPeae, Lallero,and, Roux, Ricord. Prioe eaoh, or four oases for $3, which have. VS; and in ttrr canoe, where by there le a saving of 4111. To be had. wboleealo and retail. of Dr. DARROW, 101 Blesoker street, New York. Hold also at_ Retail by CALLENDER & CO., corner THIRD and WALNUT &reale, Philad,lphia. and br T. W. DYOTT 50N13,1111 Istorth SECOND Street, Wholeeele and Retell Agents for Penrusylvania. nn—d3rn DR. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LI F E rILLs AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dine:min, flatulency, heart-burn and headache, costiveness. diarrhoea, fevers of all kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel, worms, eenrvy, ulcers, eruptive oorn plainte, salt rheum, erysipelas, common colds and In irregulant* and all derangement of the female systemelesond various other diseases to which the hums] ram. us liable. For vile be the proprietor, Dr. W. fl. OFFAT, 53a BROADWAY, New York. and by Druggists generally all over the tmuntry. e3l-ddr,W/Y 701,140KOFFER'S ANTI-InTrUDIATIO ALAI CORDIAL—Ain I havo been afflicted with rhea; matism for e lour period—a eortion of the time had no use of limb. Pried your Bonita!, nod to three days I was 6b to walk down stairs, and in a week the pain entirely Ott me. Ido ohoorfully reooniniond tiro Cor dial to those who aro aftlieted with that dreadful com plaint. Your's, JAY. W. NEWLIN, Broker. VI PIEO et. Prertrod by THEopoitE BILKS, Citeintet, N. E. corner PINE and eta. all-3m SALAMANDER SAFES. A largo asoortmont of EVANS ec WATSON'II PHIYOADELTIIIA MANUFACTURED EILLAMANDFA, BAPELI. VAULT DOORA, For Ranh and Stores. DANK LOOKS lII O hB l O6 4 .llli n lYMArAo., °gas pod torms_oo any other outabtiolunont in the United Statile, by IWANH & WATSON, DIO.3OIOIIESTNUT Street. rialadelphia, FLAIIIIR GIVE VA A CALL mnlA-tf Tie R. CO RSO N A REAL ESTATE Allig ItOKER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIO TOWY ENNA. . FAR M in Montgomery. Books, and elicitor 001111- ttek for gale or cache ye. tie Opp MQRTOAOF. onkupto negotiated. HAS DfiuME DW LL.unru fur kale In Norris own. ..., dlli•am FOOT AND HERB DOOTOR—V an be XS; eensulted at the Barley Sheaf Hotel, N. SECOND Street, Yhilndelphia. A Stetheseopto Examin , tion of the Heart, LIIII, and Throat tree of charm Ile treats all diseases that fish Is heir to • removes Warta, Corns, and Heaton* wi thout the elihteet pain Medicines reasonable. A ll letters elicul be sent to the Hatle) Sheaf. d2B-9t. DR. VV. LIVINGST(TN. PRIVY WELLS ()LEANED AT A LOW TlitB P oll, e itugg vitztrtarAfirmrilAd ttreat. Im• SUGIAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.-150 111 tieroce,:and board' for sale hr )AtIES 01 aWyLA. NU CP. YS. RAILROAD LIKES. 1859:. litspapag. 1859: WINTER ARRANOEMENT-.NEW YORK LINE& THE CAMDEN AND AMYBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD C 0.% ' LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACE. 1110 At WALNUT-STREET WEARY AND lENSINOTON, A , ill heave as follows, viz: CARL At BA. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. & Am. Accommodation . • -• (32 23 At 8 A. AL, via, Cfnahlen and jersey city, (New ecomm lati 26 Atri a . M A .. via Ca md en and Yir 7 aii City, Morning Mail . ..... 3 00 At 77;4 Kensington Western Exams. „.. „. .._....- 300 At 1266 P. M., via Cam d en and 'Amboy, Aeoommo _—• 226 At 2P. M., via Cam d en and &A. Ex press A IL P. M., via Kt , nuingie . iiand . l•rsey oity, 'Evening Express 3 00 At 466 P. Si., via Kenna ton and Jamey City, Class 'Plant 26 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jer eej bity .. .E anntcg 3 00 At II P. M., via Camden and Jamey (tity, Southern i 26 At 6 P. 6i, via Camden and Arnhoy,Aocommodation. (Freight and Faasenger/—lit Class Ticket. 226 2d Class Ticket... . ISO The P. M. Mail Line roan daily. The 11.P.iil.*South ern Mail, Saturdays exeepted. For Belvidere, Enaton. Flemington. &0.. at (I A. M. from Walnut-stroot wharf. end 3P. M. from Kensington. • For Mallon Chunk, Aiteutown. and lietinehern. at A. hi, vin Lehigh Vallet Railroad. ?or Water Oap, Stromlaburg, Scranton, Wilkeabarre, Me troso. Great Re id 40. at A. 31. via Dahmer°, 'Railroad. LiokiroUnoNgliy. Wes ternat6 an d 9 A. and 434 P. ht. For Freehold, at 6 A. NI. and 2 P. M a . n WAY LINES For Brortol, Trenton, &o. at 3 and 434 P. M. from Ken sington. For Flilmyra, Riverton. Delano°, Beverly, Burlington, Bonientown, &0., at DA, 3. and di P. M. Fat, pounds of haszaao only allowed each passenger. Paasencers are prohibited from taking anything as Im mo but their gearing apparel. All baggage over fifer pound. lo he paid for extra. Tho company limit their reaponsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and Will not he liable for any amount beyond $lOO. except by optimal contract. WM. H. GAMIER. Agent Clmdon and Amboy R. R. Co. P AN I I I.I 7 I , AIaL PH IA tIER, TOWN Hiatt6AD- WINTER A R R A A I II I 4I I :I.WEIR E L On and alter NIONDAN, Nov. 21, 1369, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 4,7, 7.60. 9, 10, 11. and 12 A. M., 1, 2,9, 2,4_, 4,5, 5)4, 6. 7,8, 9, 10, and 1134 P. M. Leave liermantown 6, 7. 76,, 13%, 93d, 10, /1, A. Id•• 1, 2,3,1, Di, 6,6, 611, 7,3 , KG P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.09 nun. A. M., 9, 6 %, and 10 P. M. Leave Gerinantown 610 nun. A. M., LOU tmn., 0%, and 9P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia 11, JAI, 11 A. M., I, 1, 631, 7, and 19 P. 91. Leave Chestnut 1141 1.% 7.40, 9.55, and 12.10 A. AL, 040, and 8.40. V. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 A. M., 9. and 6% P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.60 A. M., 12.10, 6.20. and 9.40 min P. M. FOR CONSIIODOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. „Leave Philadelphia. 6,9, 11.06, min., A. M., 1.0 6 ,9 62 / 0., 5%, and Illi P. M. Leave Norristown 6, T, 9, 11 A. M., 134, 4%, and 4 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 91'. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 6 P... 1. 11 FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6.734, 9, /Lee A. A 1.0.05,2.06,3.06. 01, am. 7%, and 115. E P. M. Leave Manavuo9 631,701. 8%, 934, and .2114 A. M.I 1, S. 8, 634, and AM P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philtuielpnia 9 A. 111., 3, and6l , P M. AL Leave Manayunk 711 A. . SM, and 4P. Al. IL K. SMITH. General Superintendent, nl9-H DEP , T. NINTH and GREEN'Eltreets. 11691,665 ea NORTH PENNSYL . VANIA RAILROAD, iI ArTARRANGEAIENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON. ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and aftey MONDAY, November 7th. 1859, Palma ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia. DAILY, (Sundays excepted:l For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. &c o ( Earriss,) at 8.30 A. M. For Bethlehem, ( Expresa,) at 0.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. For Doylestown, (Aeoommndationd at AM A. hl. and P. M. For For WashingtondAeoornmodationJ at P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA : Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at d A, hl. and 4.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 7 A. M. arid 3.e0 P. M. Leave Port Weehingto.t.( Aocommodationd at?. A.M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Port Washington, at 9.30 A. M. rtoludelphia. tor Doylestown, at 1 P. hl, Doylestown for Phladelphia, at 7 h o t at Port Washington for / htladelphia, at 2.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, $1.50; to hlauoh Chunk, $2.60; to Easton, $11.50; to Dorlestown,Bocente. Through tickets must be procured before entering the oars. • - All Passenger Tratna (except Sands) Trams) con nect at Barks street with Filth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. n 7 ELLIS CLARK,' Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL . RAILROAD. 1859. ampapsi 1859. THE CAPACITCOFTITIC OUNTrs EQUAL. TO ANY IN THERY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connectimt threat at Plitladelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points hut, and at the Union Depot nt Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cm chianti, St. Louis, Cleveland, enteric°, Burlier too St. Paul's, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans. anti ail intermediate points in Ohio, Indianaillinois, Kentuc ky, Mich; gan,'%Visconsin. Minnesota - Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thin, furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and com fort by any other route. Express and Fnst Lines inn through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conduction. . Smtkins Care arc; attached to each Train Woodruff's Sleeping Ca re to &grim and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS NUNS DAILY a Mail and Fast Lines, Sun daYYZ?Vrtreudt; leaves Philall ‘ sluhits at 8.00 A. ht. F ad Lice 11.80 A.M. Rapiers TRAINSes 4. WAY' LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkesburg Accommodation at 12.30 A. ht. Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia,2.oo P. M. Columbia 4 P. M. Peagengers for West Cheater will take the Mail. rt ydrahji , ar e iggin s c t a , mr Tmi rut, at the. Pennay lvanta Passehr,ers for Sunbury , TVilliamapptt. Elmira, Buße to. Falls. and intermediate points, leaving Anis d e tr e g a rd o m d a ' y e a y olTaTn u e g d h at the of ice of the Company iq Pluladelph,a, New York, Boston. or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important A n gtgri,o 4 BP i ßtgarliiiNni n fitilwiprtr - blit Rivera. • . . 1%. Fare always ae low as any other Route. The oompletion of the Western cour eetions of the Pennsylvania Railreskto Chios Fo,thake'thus the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN IRE EMT OD THE GREAT NORTHVEST. The oonneetwn of,tracka by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling FREIGHTS WESTWARD - - • By this Route Prenat; of all desoripttons can be for warded from Philadelphia. New York. Boston. or Bails more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Neutisokz Indiana. Illinois, Wigwam. lowa, or.Mnisoun. Han road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also conneots at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the O hio. Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, euinberland, Illmou, Missis.sippi, Wun•oninn. Kansas, Arkansas, and fled Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to all portion the Norhweetorn Lakes. _a a rohants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of heir Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. TILE RATLS OF FREIGHT to any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as favora ble es are charged try other Railroad Companies. K. Its particular to snack packates " via Penna. Rail mi. hlerohente in the West ordering goods from the East, will do well to direct them to be shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of ths following Agents of the Com pany. P. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; Doyle k H.S.P.erce & Co., Zanes ville, 0.; J. J. Johnston. Ripley. O.; R. McNealy, Mays- P lathe, Ry.; Ormsby & Cropper, ortsmouth. 04 - Paddock Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; 11. W. Brown & Cincinnati , 0.• Athern & HI Mien, Cincinnati, 04 R. C. Blelitrum Madmon, Ind.; William Bingham, Louisville, Xy.; P. d. & Co.. Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Gra ham & Co., Cairo, Ill. ; IL P. Sus, St. Loins, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt. Memphis, Tenn.• Clarke Co. ,Chicago. Ill.; W. H. IS . }Counts, Alton.'lll.; Murphy & Walls, Dubuque, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. Parties attending to their own shipment, from the Enet, will find it to their intermit to call on the Agentsof the Company at the following places before Mitt:ans. .• or letters addressed to either 01 them on the rub.; eat of freights, will meet with prompt attention: E. J. SNEEDER, Philadelphia. MAURAW & KOONS, 80 North stree_,t Baltimore. LiC.F,CH & CO., Astor House, or 18. Witham it., N.Y. LEECH & CO., 64 Kilby /treat, Boston. HOUSTON, 064'1 Freight Agent, Phfla. L. 110UPT,Slen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. THO h. S. A. SCOTT. Oen'l Supt. Altoona. Fa. Anatme PHILADELPIII A WIL MINGTON, AND BALTI MOR AILROAD. On and after MONDAY, November 11. 1859, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.L5 A. M., if noon, (Express,) and 11.10 P.M, For c_h_estoy at 8.15 A. M. II noon, 4.30, and 11.10 P. hi. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M,, 12, 450, and 11,10 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. AL, and 4.41 P.M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. Al., and 4 30 P. 11?, For Dover at A. M and 430 P. M. For :Milford nt 8.16 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M., and 4 5.1 P. M. For Laurel at 8.15 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. hi., (Exams,/ 10.15 A. M., and 6.25 P. M. LeaveWilnungton at 7.15 A.M. and 11.30 A.:1.,1.45 and 8.40 P. M. Leave Laurel at 8.15 A. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Seaford at 6.45 A. M., and 4.06 I'. M. . Leave Mil ord at 7.60 A. M., and 4.25 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M., and 6.00 P M. Leave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 7.06 P. M. eve New Castle at 10.65 A. hi., and 81'. M. eve Chester at K. 12 A. M. 973 and 9.161'. hi. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.16 A.M . TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.46 A. M.,12.28 and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 12.54 I'. M., and MO A. M. SUNDAYS Oply at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Obly at 6.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia, FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run se followe r Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plains at 3 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate Omen at 4.45 I'. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 3.45 P. M. Leave Baltimore fat Stemmer'e Run, Chase's, and Harewood at 3.64 P. M. n 5 8. :11. FELTON, President F t PHILADELPHIA AND 1/10nOT ROUTE toVil i t i n l i, A 4l,Vilrg iillifi - o, ioago, Book Island, Niagara r alto, Milwauree, Dar lington, Montreal, ER. Paul's, Detroit, Dunlieth, and St. Loots. Passenger trains will leave the Plolndelphta end Reed Inc Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and OAI,I.OW HILL SireelaT)AlLY. t Sunda) s excepts:l,las follows: 710 A. Al., DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira Niagara ButTalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,Mock Island, Galena, St. Paul's, Burhngton, and St. Louis.. .. .. - . - . P. NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Fella, Buffalo, Detroit, ChIONgO Milwaukee, Rook Islam!. Galena,St. Paul's tturi.nctou god Bt. Lows. . . . The 7.30 A. M. and 310 P. ffi. trains run through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch. The 7.30 A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilses hare°, Pittston. Scranton. and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo. and Stonsenalon Bridge. Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and &Taira Railroad Line's Ticket Otaoe, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. and at the ragaen ger Dt•pot, corner BROAD and CA LLOWIII LI,. THROUGH EXPRESS. EREI UHT TRAIN Loaves the Depot. Broad atreet, below Vine. daily, (Sun day excepted,) for all points Weal and North, at 6 P. AI. Freights moat he delivered before 3 P. 31. to insure going the Rama day. For further information, apply at Freight Depot. BROAD, below Vine, Otto CHAS, S. TAPPEN General Agent IS W. oorner SIXTH and CIfESTNUT Streets, 001-V Philadelphia. PHILA DELPHI A AND REA DINO RAIL ROAD. MOMITNE. for POTTSVILLE, READ ING and HARRISBURG, Leaves the new Depot, at corner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, (entrances on at 7.30 A. M., DAILY, (Sundae ogee nted, ) for rows VILLE, lIARRISIIIIRO, an l an intonnedinte points, connecting at Harrisburg with trains running to Pate burg, Chamber - 11bn rg. Carl i sle Sunbury - , An. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave at 3.30 P. hl., DAILY, for I'OTTBVILLE and HARRISBURG. At 4.30 M.,DAILY, (Bond areexcepted,) for READ ING, and intermedinta te w ENNY. Eleoretary NOTICE grarivilmiVALLEY RAILROAD—PAS BENRE R TRAINS FOR powNlNaTowiv AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONB.—On and after Rh Deems her, IR9, tho Passenger Trams for DOWNINGTOWN still start from the new Passes:ter Depot of the Phila delphia rind Reading ßallrout Compile, corner of BROAD and CA lil,o WHEEL Streets, (passenger on trannen on Callowhill. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 7.30 al. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown; leaves at 1.90 P. hl. • DAILY (Sundays excepted., }lt oglr el' thena Board or Magers of the Philadelphia ng RailnlirgittamENNY. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS BRINLEY, CO_ „- ?}o. 4$ MARRET STRKET. R. R . SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No; 431 cirEnNtrr STREET, ./msite the Cutout fioneo, between FOURTH and Firm - Streets SALE OF FINE FULkIiE RS, ROBES, & FANCY SLEIGH AND CARR e. On Tueadria Morning, Jan 3, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. oomprisinc an ancrtment of mink. sable, squirrel, stone and silver marten. Se., in sets of two and three nieces, capes and half rapes with muffs and miffs to match ; mink a ible muffs; children's and missile white ermine sots ; genta' beaver collare and gloves. ROBES. Fratoy wolf, raccoon, genet, and fox sleigh aad car nage robes. BMX OF GERMANTOWN GO iD4, EMPROIDE. RIES, TRIMMINGS. CONGRESS GAiTERS, On Wednesday Morning, pIIIIAP FORD & CO, AUCTIONEERS, NO. 630 MARKET Kim*. and 621 MINOR Streit. SIIIPPLNG. p IL.ADEL PHIA AZD ORESOENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. gelki AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING °JURE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, KilLb AC NO. a MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M.,Sept4mber 7th, 1819, the follow ing gentlemen were lIIIILLUMousIy elootad Directors the Company, rte t GEORGIE H. STUART, E. MORRIS WALK, MATTILEW W. BALDWIN, CILAS._MACALEST/fai at , os JOIEN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOORS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of eald COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persona favorable to the enter prise are ...Dec:troll,. invited to subsonbe. •S-tf 6aFUR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NEW YORK AND HAVRE sTEAMIIIP COMPANY. The United States Mail Steamships ARAGO, 2.0 W tone, David Lines, Commander, and FULTON, YAW tons. James A. A otton, Commander, will lease New York. Havre. and Southampton. for the year 1269. on the following day,: To meet new requirements of the Post Office Depart ment, the days of sailing of they..ARAGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON. will, after their preeent voy ages, be changed as follows from NEW YO , t K, save in the case of the present departure of the FULTON. which will take place on the 17th December, the schedule remains unaltered: FROM 2)5W YORt. novae AND SOUTHAREPTON. FITI,TON....Deo. 17. FULTON...Jan. In... Jan. 11. ARAGO 7. ARACHL...Tan. 31.—Feb. 1. F ULTON.... Fe b. t. F b. 24 .Fe b. 29. ARAGOhich. 3. A RAG0,.....N1ch.27....Mch. 29. FULTON . ...filch 91. F ULTON....ApI. 21.... Apl. 73. These steamers, built expreilly for Government ser vice with double engines, under deck. every attention (menhas taken In the construction of the hull and ma chinery to tannin safety and speed. The shins . have five water-tight compartments enclosing the engines, so that in the event of collision or stranding, the water could not reach them.and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel end passengers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonstrated the abso lute necessity of this mode of construction. Tne accommodat ions for passengers are believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. • • From New York to Southampton or 'Evers—First Cabin. 81M; Second do.. 875. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 700 francs; Second do.. WO francs. To passengers going to London these steamers offer the ad gantags of economy both in time and expense. !Specie delivered in London. No pagesse secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters:and news papers must pass through the Post Office. F or freight or poetise apply to W. S. DRAYTON. Agent. 7 Broadway, New York. WILLIAMISALIN Agent. Havre. CR OSK k CO.. Agents. Bouthamittotb AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS COMPANY, Agent, Paris. ri'Nt. NEILSON. Agent, Office, Tobaceo Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans ofthe ships can be seen. n 59 timh3l -404, STEAM DIRECT TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCE, AND GErMANY. THE HAMBURG AMERICAN PACICET COM PAN Y 8 IRON MAD. STEAMSHIPS, HANIMONIA, Capt. H. F. Nehiseneen. SANUNIA, Capt. H. Ehlers. 808 U. 9 lA, Capt. N. Trautman. BAVARIA, Cant. H. Titebe. EUTONIA, Capt. H. Erman. These Steamers are all first-elan Clyde-btult vessels; are intended to sail from Pier 21, North River, N. Y., ea inflows : _ FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, fLAVRE, AND HAMBURG, The elegant and powerful Iron Rare. Steamship BO RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman, LBO tons burtheu. will sail as sicive, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER Slit. at II o'clock M. Passage. including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to London, First Cabin, 8100 I Second Caten...B6o I Steerage—BlNS The BORUSSIA will be suoceeded by the following Steamships: HA SI 'SONIA ..--- WEDNESDAY, LaryFeb I. SARDINIA. . -.THURSDAY , h TEUTON IA: ..THURSDAY, March BA VARIA.. .. ...SIONDAY. Acirll3. it r Passenyerafoiwarded to .Lirerpooh Dublin. Bel fast. Cork, tilasgow. Parte. and Antwerp, at thromgh rates. These steamers are fitted up with unequalled &seem inedwiens for first, second, and thi rd-else, Passenger& The Second Cabin aueommodstiona of these Ships are ClQ_ll3l the first.elass of moat steamers. Certifiontes of passage tutted !rpm London, South ampton Havre. and Hatnbury. to New York. Psresis forwariled from Philadelphia to all parte of Europe nt rearodlible rates. Freicht encased in Philadelphia will be promptly attended to bythe Now York Agent, and 'hipped free ForAißMSFl . AasaieT, A pyil . fe - z EtA 7nWi m I '‘L-taz as e,..- - - Wnt, . A. of the Hamburg American Mail utesmtbiph n2-tf Northwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. THE BRITISH AND NORTH ABIERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SR P FROM NETT YOII TO LITIZPOOL, - - Catef C-aan Passage --- Seaoad C.,.1 - 41 Passage BROM BOSTON TO LITBSPOOL Chief Cabin iaesag e..—: —..:.....1....-41110 Second Cabin ?wage, . —...—..... . PO Toe shies from Boelon call at Halifax and Cart Harbor. I AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, CANADA, Capt. Lang rEntiTA, Capt. Judlate, AMERICA, Capt. ham. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stote, NIAGARA. eft.pL Anderson, ASIA, Capt. E. G. I. , •tt, Elißot'A. Capt. J. Lertoh, SCOTIA, I now building.) Them vessels carry a cleat white iignr at mast-head; green on starboard how ; red on port bow. EUROPA, Leach, leaves Boston, WednewlaY,em/ 4 . PERSIA. Judkits, " N York, Wednesday, Des M. AMERICA, MIRA", " Boston, Wednesday, Dec. SA ASIA. Lott, " N York, Wednesday, Jan. 4. CANADA., Lan, " Bgiton, Wednesday, Jan. 11. ARABIA, Stone, " Pi - York, Wednesday, Jae. l& EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Jan. as. Bertha not moored anti] paid far. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not la soooruitable for Bold, Silver, Brillion, Specie, Jewelry, ?rem= Stoner, or Metals, unless bills of lading are alined therefor and the value thereof thereinwspressed. For freight or m eat e apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, York. New sink.FOß THE SOUTII.-CILARLES. TON AND SAVANNAH_ STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDuCED. Heavy Frei sht at an average of /17T3121 per cent. be low New York Steamehiposteo. FOR CHARLESTON, S. C_ The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE BTkTI3, Cap tain Chorine P. Marshman, will Bail on Mitred'''. January 5 at to A.M. Through in fill to OR so noun, only 40 hours at Sea. SAVANNA. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John .1. Garvin, will call on Sunday. January 1, at 10 o'olock A. M. Through 58 to SO hours, only SS hours at Sea. trorSallinx days changed from every Baturdv to orrery late dap. Rivas reoetved, and Bills of Ladiag signed every uaY. The splendid flrst-oLase aide-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thou forming a five-day oommu nloation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South anti Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Slope oan nect with steamers for Florida, and with rwhosa,4ko., for aiIS NSUR plaoes in the South and N Southwest. INSURANCE - - yreight and itlfollinCo on a largo proportion of Goods slopped South will be found to be lower by theseiehips then by realms weasels, the premnun being one-half the race. N. D. Insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taktug ell risk's linfn Oleo points. GREAT REDUCTION IN SARI.. Fare by this route 25 to SO per oeut. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charlet ton and friv. , anent: steamships, INCLIMING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to hlontgomery To Charleston— .121 00 CharlestelNlLA...." LOU.en 00 Savanantt.— 15 00 Savannah— al ft; Augusta__oo Augusta__.`....`. 26 CO Meson ..—.,.. 31 CO Macon— -.. 33 70 Atlanta— ..—. 23 00 .4tlanls. 81 00 Ooldrabue—. 13 00 I..olllmbrus -- 38 cp 2400 Albany 37 CD Nontgomery -.. 26 00 Montrumerl,-- - SS 00 Mobile 35 00 .. New Orleans.... 32 76 New Orleans-. • 61 CO No balls of ladln6 signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at seoondwhart aboro Vine street, or to ITERCN_, So athwart corner FOUTH and C D ALents in Charleston, T. 8. & BGUU Savannah. BUNTBR & GA IdEL.L. For Fleirida from Charleston, steamer Carolina even' Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary'l and Ht. John's. every Tuesday and Saturday. I.III,ADELPHIA AND IakiL I MMTRENTON RAILROADCOM PAN -CHANGE OF PLACE OP DEPARTURE TO KENSINGTON DEPOT. . rho ! m om for New York and Way Stations, lemma Walnut-street Wharf at it A. M. and 4 P. M.' w: on and, alter Thoraday lateemter t9th, loavo Kaman ton depot at 113 A. M. aod 4,! P. M. 1:1c"9 Witt. ll. 6ATZMER. Agoat. CAMDEN AND AM _ APES 3 ROY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RA ILROADCO.'S Holiday Excur mon arrannoruent - for New Year, January Ist, LW. between Phi ladelphin and New Yolk, Faro for thu Excurawn to Now York and return..B CO Fare for the Excursion to Newark anti return .—.. 'Co xcursion Tickers will be sold in all the lines for Now York. on SATURDAY, the Me, mood to return on or before'. riesri •y. January 3, O. Lines leave Walnut street c hart at 0,9, end 11 A. 91., and 1211.2, 1, ands P. M. From New lork, at 6,7 9 and 11 A. M. 19 M.. 9. 4, and 41.. NI, 'WM. 11. OATZMER, Anent. DE.rOhISIBEE 27th, 18€77. R.WW4SIIq,bI . t. 1.11 6T.EV. and PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD a M EDIA. FALL. A R_RANDEMENT. On and after MONDAY. December 12,1860. the trains Ind leave Pei Indelphia, from the Station, N. E. corner efEIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 810 A. M. 1. cud 4.a) Leave Wen Che Mer, from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET STREET, at 7.10 and 1133 A. M., and 4.1.3 P. AI. ON SUNDA YS—Leave Pluladelohla at 8 A. 81., and I P 41. l.enve W 44 t Chester at 7 43 A. M.. and 4P. The truce learia4 Philadelphia at 8.10 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. concoct at Fennelton with t i t e Zadelphia and Daltinr , re Central Railroad, for C nu , Chaddeford. Kennett Square. and Avondale.. ' WOOD, os-tt tieneral Superintendent. M ORE PROOF OFTHE WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MOIVELL'S AMERICAN RAIR REPARATOR.. PHILADELLPIIIA, Septemiler 27th, IMP. This is to certify that I was bald tpr many Team, ano was recommended to try your Separator; and havang procured three bottles , used it for three month', which as caused nay hair to prow, and aithouth not quite as think as before. yet d 20 constantlygrossms. E. M. JONES, No. 99 North Third street Pliti.kralLpHlA. September Atli, ISMM. Mr. J. F. MONRI,I.: Dray Sir—Some time Blue my hair commenced falling out. go much go. that I was, in. foot, fearfni of becoming bald; but healing of the won" [WWI power of your Separator, I waa induced to buy a bottle, and niter using one-half of it my hair not out/ ceaned coming ont, but commenced grlrwing an I have now ne think a suit of hair as ever I had. JACOB EVANS, No. 014 Cherry aired. For sale Ir T. H. I'I , FERS & Co., Sole. AOOOOB, No HU CHESTNUT Fitr.t. PhllAdolnhipt. cotigt-em p A PE HI AD E 1%1 N U FAL: TORY OF V. Q.UARRE, S. E. CORNER OF NI al AND ARCH STREETS. MOOG PA t'ER SHADES, fur !Pm and all kinds 01 La non BRASS. BRONZE. and TIN SHADES. With Tram- I art nem! MICA SHADES! MICA PRO rECTOLS! Sn'endid aseurtmert of PORCELAIN PICTURES. in [bade, Who !male and Retail. d2ll-Idt. (101)F1S13.-500 qtly, Extra Grand Bank 1, ./ Codllan, in atom and for sale 4 tt a. yLo co., daf-182 and 124 11.111. wharves. BALZA . BY 4„11,RT1,911,&., IVE _ THOMAS"• €lo7:Asta - - - Nos. LS/ and ID NO ,k a ii !TRIM. tFornterly es. SEAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. TUESDAY' NEXT. At 7 o'clock in the evening.. Pamphlet estalorom now ready, containing fall de lietietteal of all the Drop riles to be sold on Tuesday peat, 3d January. ati o'pock in the evening, with a hit of. sales lath, 17th, and Pith January, and of yes estate at private sato. CARD.—PLIMIC BALER REAL. MATE AND !TOOKE AT TYR Rxeff.ANGE.—Sales of real erste and stocks every-TueedaY, at the Exchange. - C...intn baton having tne option 01 entaer sale. Handbills of each 'omen/ maned "WV. addition to shieli we publia!, on the Attends to the sale, one thounand catalogues. in PPP torte, giving ?II desetrorui of the properties to be NM on the R l EA Lm l. n iffr e ArAT PRIVATE SALE, 11 *. W. have a large amount of real An at PriviAr sale. =hiding every awn page _of oit7 And. 00,1 4 71 ' PrOporty. Printed lilts may be had at the auction store PRIVATE SALE REGPITER. • INF Real Mats entered on car prtvato sae resister and advertised °emotionally in oar public male abstasetn (of whiiitt 1,000 copies are primed weekly.) free of charge • BALE°, STOCKS n 1.11) .REAL ESTATE. 30th Pall Sale, Jan. 3. in the evening, at the Exchange. Met " Jan. 10, evening, at the Exchange. 32d " Jan. IT, evening. at the Exobange. sPart of the handbills for each of the - above Nab: now ready. STOCXS,LOANS, de. Olt Tr r.eade Jan. 3. at I o'clock in the droning, will be sold, at the Phandalphm li:schema. - ..For sant:int awl ern it may concern— ! (oririnal share San Franc isco Land lamentation. Fnr other accounts— ] fort:lean share Ssn Francisco Land Amooiation. Coe Delaware Mutual Inearaave Comm: sem, ISM SSO BTOCICB. LOAM. .te. On Tuesday. Jan. 10, at la nom, will be sold, it the ftl leee:prue intume— RV 'harm Hopewell Coal and Iron Company. For account of whom it mar concern -6 chattel montage corirertibl* bards. of e/r0 sae (liar 83,000) of the Catawista, Williamsport, and Ede Railroad Company. THIRTIETH FALL BALE—IANILCRY AT O'CLOCK IN THR EVEZNING. Orphans' Court Bale—Ertate of Mary Brown II MUT • Graven.> THREE STORY BRICE DWELLING, Ne.fU Dug street between Spruce and Lomat and Twelfth WA Thirteenth MODEß etrenen. • T HE aT N RE<ODENCE,aith ride yard. No. ola Ciinton street.tietweeo Ninth mad Tenth sad Sprite and Pile streets, lot 30 feet fund. 6" Immediate ana demon. _— BOIL:DING LOT. innitherest earner of Turner Street •••'•••%., (Twenty-thud ward., 3C by leefeet Two front.. THREE-STORY BAI' DWELLIND,. No. Ma Itnerell street. between Nineteenth and Tventieth and Serves and Pine streets. THIRTY-FIRST FALL SALE—JAHITARY 117, rnl• • At 7 o'slock in the evening. O awe Court Sale--Fiante ef A- Cook Creole:gee d. THREF-s•TORV BRICK DIVE LLI See ANC+ LABOR 7,0 T. iiontheest corner of Broad end Ogfurd areas. Twentieth ward. lot rg feet on Bernd street , 143 f•eet on Oxford ' etrert. Two fropts.. Some . . o estate.—THREF..RTORT )3 RICK DWELL ING. went side of Tenth street, south of (limn] 'minim. Orphans' Court Note—Estate of Sohn Dailey. dee d. LOT OF GROUND, east side of Clinton etwa. nerJs of Baler street, (Northern Liberties ) B)by I% feet. Same Estate.—LOT ON GROUND, math side of Fayette atreeL rest of Franklin West, (Northern Liberties.) TO ty 100 feet. Executor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of Margaret Thorny-tan. dec'ol. IRREDEEMABLV GROUND RENT. 830 A YEAR. on lot north aide of Word street, east of S;xt!enth Fifteenth toardorell Declared, and free of taxes- rEireale absolute. . . Name Estate.—TWO DWELLINGS.—Two. story brio k dye! hag. No.= Lombard street. vest ot. Second street. with email alma ne h-ok. &de abrobAa. Same • state.—TIVREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING. south side of Carlton street. east of Sixteenth street. Fifteenth ward. Wit - Sale abeolate. Same Seater—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING. No. 610 Carpenter street. west of Ruth street. Og - Sale absolute. • NEAT RESIDENCE, WITH BIDE , YkED. No- BH North Eighth street, above Green et., lot PI feet front.• SUPER a IOR at N UR N H ITUR I E 4I , FRENO o I u I- t P h LTANIR ROES, PIANO-FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS. On Thursday IC:motes. At o'olook, at the Auction Etore. sn of ezeellsat second hand fornd n re. eirsant=rtee, fins mirrors, °erode, eta., from Mathes declining hoosskeeping. removed to the store for convemenos of sate. Rale for aeceont of the United State.. WOOL AND corrow CUTTIN SOLE MY CLOTH ING BLANKETO, BOUITE24 I.E.ATHER, &o. •IN Sattirday Morning'. Jan. 7th. at 10 o'clock. at the Auction Rooms, by eats lone, for acuount of the United Rates, 11.720 Ms wool cuttins a. 1,71 d Ri flannel,t3Bthe linen,4A49Thscotton, 1 AZ/ the tent, 13 214 be scile leather, 5414 be DU, paper, ronoa le . a. u of dams lied el jinn. and evil inoludine g 44 a . ;teat cuate. YE artillery pneate.' COW!: 14 Artillery music coats, 139 dragoon onsts,l6 Jackets. 519 infantry coats, 1116 tafantry Jacketa,slB patty banes. 111 Man Icets.l.6ls hareyseeke, &e. Mr particulars 112 catalogue.; three days merlons to tale. _ MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MEROVLANT, swathe:tat cotter of SIXTH and RACE Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OF FORFEITED COLLATE-' RALS, TO PAY ADVANCES. Oa Tuesday Morning, Jar.. I, at 30 o'clock, at. Moses Nathans' Anetroa Store. seetheest earner of Sixth sad Ruse cond story wiles rem, en trescefrora Rae. street Coesistiot of Skiver Plate, Fureotstre. Beds. Met tressts. Carpets. btovea, Backings, Bevies Ids , " l, ross. Sc., Sc. S.LENDID SST OF SILVER. . . . . Caasistini of a manure miser eoi es. tea, and rater not. smear koirl. cream iug. - sturar tongs, 12 egg spoons. salt do, 13 nankin time, soap ladle. fish Irelfe.3 maze, spoon. batter dish, &e. Also. a handsaws walnut ease, to hold the same. COSTLY PIAKOF. Magnificent TOIOIIIVOCI piano fr;rte.i octave, made by Etcherer brilliant toned instrument," mognifice wood piano forte. made by Grow & - Chnstositel, "" brtl7. pant toned instrument- SFLENDID BET of WA.LNIIT FURNITURE. - Consisting of nutsnificent walnut centre OA/ie.with breeatelle marble lop; French tete-a-tete,apring eat. covered with hair-cloth; large French aim and rocking chair, to match; _smear chairs tomatch work-stand; nipenor so: d walnut wardrobe; walnut dressing bu reau. with marble tap and mirror ; walmr.wasla stand, marble top; chamber table; 'walnut Jenny Lind bed stead, fine curled tour mattresses- fine featherand down beds. ingrain carpets, water gooier. Cane-seat champ locking.glasa, stow. box ofe &Oyu% Precence, itgliora, and songT other arde s NEW ed,IKING BOZTOMiIIe - - - 10 dozen first quality 'acting kpityrorui. SEWING MAPIIINE. A au eerier ,Nevrittx maebin4l, complete and in ardPr• Wince sold inlets to suitpurohnson. Every article will Dreariest, he the Least reserve. for cub. • IL NATLIA.N9. WILLI: MS &13011kAITOTIONEERB Amy COMNJSStox WIIEUNTS, No. II North MAIN STREET, Sr. toms, Mo.. ( formerly with Messrs- !dyers. Claghorn - t. Co..`-Yhdagelshis,) refer their 'amen& to the merchants, manafaetarers. and others of Philadelphia, for the =leaf dry goodeimanets. boots. shoes. hardware. jewehy, ho., he. MIL Cash advances made on moist of goods. Battlements made three days after sales - - MMM Mess it Mess rs. Myers. Clashorn. Co., PHIL " Stuart es Brother, Phila. " Van Wyuk. Townsend. & Warrens, Key York. " L. &B. Curtis & Co.. " Wood, Christy, & co.. at. Louis, Ma. *" Crow. McCrea'''. & Co.. " m4.ftn st-ly MARTIN & QUAYLE'S - STATIONERY TOY AND FANCY 000D11 EMPO.k/UM, 1X WALNUT STREET, ' BLOW ILEVINIU 11A3Mrp PiIILADELPHIL. Constantly on hand Perfumery and Toillot Artois& rj l llo6. 31 BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, 273 South FOURTH Street. a334lm* WALLACE it BRODHEA fl, T EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Stooks &nl. Bonds boanht and nsgd. on COMMiNgiOII., FRANCIS B. WALLACi. EDlalliD C. EsanuzAn. oZI-4m2 . . A LEX. hicKINNEY, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, GREJEMBURG, WtII pratiOse in Westmoreland. Annotract s and In diana counties. , sell-Of THE ADAMS EXPRESS 'CO.. OFFIDE 320 CRBSTNLIT Street. fonranis Percale. Pack ages. Merehandiee, Bank Notes. and Speer:, either by its own Lanes. or in oanneetiontnth other Express Coin pewee, to all the ertrunste towns and cities of the knuted !Ratak E. 8. SANDFORD, sal-ti Galena tintorintendant • T y 7 OUSEKhEPERS LOOK TO YOUR -u--uinterest. Bey your COAL AT HlCKS',where nothing but the very test quaiity of Lehigh and Schuyl kill Coal is offered at the following reduced limes: Lehigh, Broken. ESE, and 5t0ve..........34 M per ton. " atrantoa free .. fromkite or tiniet ind full 'weight, at HICKS' Yard. southeast corner MARSHALL mad WILLOW. Call and lee. oIS-em W. GROOIiE tic CO. L Isa• Ogles 148 South FOURTH Btreet. AND WHARF, PINE STREET, SCHUTLE.H.L. Dealers and atneeere 07 Lomat Mount&ln, Leldah, and BalmyLlM GOA L. Blerekandise taken on wharfage, HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEUIGH COAL,prppered with ears, for seep, beat Norms. Apply Pt KNOWLES'S Depot. Ng and WILLOW Str.sto • CEI ARLES HEM SICK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITE LEY. No. 18b SOUTH FRONT STREET, Is 4p:tinted /gent for the sale of tie shoe unri valed brand of Lai earn It . to Trade at the DOW - EST NEW TORN BATE& WO basket', Quart, and Pints, now in BOND. dV-tf CtIAMPAGy'NE.—We recommend to con. A.-1 solvers and connoisseurs the Charowne Wines of Mr. FERY. frop nernsy. France. The excellerce of tie brand IIet,CiME&RABLE" hen been full' este, tliehod throughout France, RCLUIS. Germany. !cc. Samples mat he peen and examined at our office. tlfhlut F. D. I,ONGCRAMF.E7 South F a s v. WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE • • TRADE to this really Stirior article: ALFRED RENAUD COONAC. A amply in assorted pa-Vaasa eonstantly on hand. Orden received for direct importation. Also—Renoesas Cognac__, Leßoy Cognac London and Bbiland Gine. Claret in Wood and Cum ChainWM Ida and low price'. LONGORAMP, Importer. 010-thro 911 South FRONT. Flailed •ht G EORGE- WHITELEY, Nei. 1.111 Smith 'FRONT Street. Imeorter of Brandy. Wines, &n.. offers for sale. t bond onlr, the following, among other standard brans of bandy: net, Castillon, k Co.. Thoe. Eines & Co. ties, Robin, & Co., Otard. Dopey , k c 0... 4. selgueste, . uomoes, Pe r trasin.. , j. o Do_pont &. Co., , Union Proprietors. . & F. Martalle, Jim. Hennesly. . o ..___ Stuart's Paisley Malt Whiskey, and the en I, Lel Varieties of Madeira, Sherry, Port. .Thirrundy,. d 161 rise Wines, Palm Tree Oln, Jamaica litim i g li ta Ores Rum. Bordeaup Oil. &0.. &o. NAVAL STORES. 300 bblo Spirit. Turpentine., .30 do Crude Tumult/no, 2:41 do Shipping Rosin. u 0 do Ter, =3 do Paola. ioothre end ror ulo ROWLEY, AHBURNER. & Ca dal' No. IS FOITTEr W A Form. LADIES' SH OE - SKATES—The most comfortabia evernutile. Fins Steel S.NATES and SKATE STRAFE!, Wing off at lowtimes. W. W. deal- 1t • W 9 MARKET /Arun, opp. KNIGHT oeits Dowitar. ST. 1.017.17,5, MitEO. BUSINESS CARDS. COAL. WINES AND LIQVORS.
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