„ l e r tto Al% • . 4. g I 4., 4 dt vcrt".3 ,,, ,-, 1470 14.0 4 , • &di, JANVARY 2, moor,. 'O.l knits 04asorA-Weinatra Art-Oritielleir; , Pat , ss tainallandloirdeal Printerlo the &mite 'and Mr. - Bashanan;..From:Harrisbarg; t , Vetter r aftevoKawiltork ;I,Reraarkablegnietdo: - '• Foraia -P..ers:—' , Our. Port Polio • List‘cd‘Letterillotet4- - " bit In the ghtliekelPhite. ' beti.Q 2 loexp to 12 o'cleelt 11;..oi‘gatgrday,-Decem bar 24. A ltne4 f %Von,tederated4arope. It realit,;eiip*attAl„the Bump* _ wOrt . o4o l Wd, enter into 4.oeuled.e : rauonf t he purpose of which - would be toUdjust -14 414101 ml dlapittels`biCibitrition'rithei thin by e.rem44o..imploy tiri.force er, argument rather . -z.4han the , argument of tbroe.'/' The - approsehLog "?C6og epj r `oetgp~~bly ` held . for th e pacific ad "Itistinent`ittio !Italian sittuntton, undoubtedly indicatemsentethinglike this. 1.4 Aittheito; hithVGengiiiiiieh have beeh held "Whit are tilled the rive Great rV liVoiite4reat:,`•liiitaih;'Frande, Y Husala,'Aul= 6' 6 4 llthig Pll4-: chtes„he.ye virtually ruled Europe: Attlee the of the great Ittroinoit, in 181 co.; e'lThe valiant movementAeitending the eirole, ' -rincluderoseveral other' ?ewers,. making a total Drill Hietelt4 "Sp4a ifertitgal, bar ."dthlii;ll4lea, St4den'atii now added in , w ,lh'elkailtesiintativeirind the PaPacy,'whieh ;• a •L' represents great .religieue establishnient , t rather, Cum . any, also territorial ! pop-, k :Jtajoops, will also, hale Some "weight. • rp> !!ITattotut , persuationa ,, will he represented. Austria, France, §pain, and Italy are CtitholiC; As , Zugland; Prussia, and Sciden'are•Pro dAeitlini: Husain belongit:tU thiNrieeitthnrch, soit, , or - Oatliiieity—W,lths a dint a„t%oM:e`;'icir it reiyogidies, as,its, plritual Head, f - ..110:11'4, - ;FOpe, 114 the prepoiale ols-yinAmilitediy on.the aide of the CathO-1 illo..,triten it is considered that in Cermaui, lt.this moment, two Sovereigns hre contending snpreniacy, avowedly representing Lilo ::Protestant and the Catholic parties—that Prussia repreeenta, one party while Austria tieirezeitti the 'ottierit will; be seen that the '`:telisionit,ideraent lit 'polities is an important one:' -" r tdoker, an puropean Confederation Is ;The leadingTowere ofßurope were banded against the elder ltspoLsox from 1812 to:ll3lspwitirthe eaceptioribf Satorry, whorls ruler was personally attache d to ,the Emperor' - :'oflberreneh. The iioly Milne°, ae it was - "ii4lettsly called; teitte unholy purnose was to' tikbreethink of liberty Wherever mi -41§1,?;-:Vai, virtually dissolved in 1822, when _Gamma- succeeded Oasminnaon, as Foreign Sinister of Great Britain. Up to that time, :English Toryism had permitted itself to be a 4=member ofthis Holy Alliance. Nothing more -;Viii ' , heard 'orit for years•-•=not, in fact, until "'lthO'iiieieneNseorcon adroitly revived it, not iN iii itiMe; not AMC() 'M . purpose, but most co r fella forMand Ashton. Ills . object was to depress linspla, tinder the,pretext ofetrength -7ml47l—and heals° had sagacity enough if,to,see that he thus could make England more i.-cheartily,enterinto that entente cordiale which -..hltalie Lunch Contributed - to build uphis almoit -:colossal Power. ' " The' confederation:cf Enroll° , against the Brat, Nqouren, was; iiieWodly„to level his ower'to the duit. The Oonfedeiation which '!lo i new being Organised must have the eftect * Of Inventing th 9 influence and the power of ~.,,„I".l,seez.aon, the Third. • lie knows this remark. . -.ably well, and such en accidental matter as the 1. eeritralt;ositioteof Faris Making that city the. place -where the Congress is te assemble (as ).t did. at the Close s , cif the. Ortineen War) lhelps lini'.Cerk • • ' Noir - otson's great desire, no doubt, is to 00- llwrosition - of Arbiter of Europe, which ,,, bisaheletlied for so many years. But what I,,Attp.uncle, effected by "battles end' victories, the. -01epliew ladoing by thegintlerinetais of•pelley which, even when it draws the, sword,. does , Frint:thn' scabbard; but prelemis that' vit ftitiet'etLly:'t4 *`event'more blows hr.* •`given i y other 'The amour `prspre •OfFrance, already, fooled .to .the,top ,of, its bent hy , the successors of • French soldiers in the Vrimean ••.and Itsllan msrara,,is •• still mere flattered and 'Ted bY • thp .-=idea;;tshichle mint of a , reality; that thti -lions Other Potrero of EiroPildtateate Parte, -ttilritsprous; andserneillies:Odulellog, pea. liirricOnidied,Undek thiepeculi# .40, 6 #40- i n )1 2 40 1 fact • "ri!ffPli Ti;O,4L-MO s ill if I. ..)Aarliiii; tie erit,of-* eigtot*_Ptioxi:/anriqoace orCongreirrAhvis, a world-wide arieurance of the acknowledgeil anpremattly tbeittitiO:tid beg Emperor a 49 • 'Were that man's -purposes made known, Would probably - appear that, provided' he 'be to'pleY'hiatinale's roll of -Governor4 *-ploht6f Zurek he cares little . how he does It4ittai hi, whether by • anis or policy." - Per! *tittPti I ,htt'irOtild - ,Prefer the latter,* the safer Tlidr9 wars a time When England wasps: _ ' igstraled art Arbiter of the Nations.',Thit it would laietitifelflhe'briasted eupremaci of -England ~Warigiidiudlideclining. • And, in truth; Eng." ' ' , l4szitlinicts so 'proud; has become* a 'Seeendt in - Political 'Seise: • While she - i,eoidd rely upon _her "wooden walls," while - rierfleetriestept through every Ocean, while tmeet in blitheph_ every where; Eng -'-dand 'Might ' , be said , to` lave been Euler of Att, *a But Other hations—,ench as France, and the United Ststei—have gradually Wit' hp -great `aiiiagotilatie . 'miles. steam; :liitilkt,4)r.fc,t' navigation or for war, I= brought ,naanyavondrous changes, and England, with ' • I:lidenlearkti,"cinnot stilt claim the naval suj premacy. Which - once Was hers.'= That her, ..overweening' conceit and pride shOuld be' checked no friend „Ofilberty can lament, but we have cause to lament at her decline, be-' *rose, with all its faults of system, England is' eat this moment the 'only "country in- Europe iwhere the oppresied of other, nations and an' asylum'airdprotectitin, where 'Law reigns su !ream for , the ,defeace of freemen's _rights. 4rtgland.;as yet, is the brat horn, of Liberty lii Europe ; - Thialonfederation, now gathering together: in Paris, wilt Ficareelfallow - the Italian gnes tidn to ' remain unsettled., The interests of Ahtope tequire Abet this state of suspense be plterinined. it 'hi eaid that, faithful to her, oldreptitistlon, England-hal obtained a pledge, - , fiika,l l f- 1 ,!.. 6 ,40 Oat Duchies • littiert wholly, free to choose their own rulers.' Erenn l l493 ent11.181.5 England battled France' Sa,aitpport,of a contrary principle, and bad liar triumph—such as it was—in'the defeat of iievfer( . and the:reiteration of tlie Bourbon's.lint a sense,Ofjiastice to. the nations, as well es thiathigingconsclopOss that fighting for Legitime4. had,'Mightily increased tie' Na ' 'UMW Debt, has repeatedly haincedEngland, on various' subsegttent L oceaelons,' to allow nations to cheese their: own Thus, tfriitiVe Wes PethiltiOdl.`to select dray, of Ers. lte her ?Ileyere ) gniwhifei Belgium was Jggit - 101 I CD - 004 63 T#S"Ottr;_of. Saie-109- -• VOiffe' and Frahity4lBr — r oet n4l Son the Third. ..ntagenierri to Austria, and '...w o2 lrrdiniai from a like cAtigte maylie expected iiitalte:ttitrAutO „side tireingland and Fiance. ' i;thaita9d'EPain,t•ap N I • • . Pfii and. Ans. , raj -probably rapport_ the •disputed and - abandoned - A! righltA the Italian `Ditkes. • KiVedisnlandnartegal mai be open tie conic= titribrittittehi;Weantiefpat#, winpay' o friti 04:4"bt - 41144 to i Attitria, and;support t,y , intliaiYA - * l 4 lll O it cail„thereby weaken the - power , of, Auetria.7i all; depends tipoti Irrateixotti; themidoubted 'head • 'of the I qwtriir*ii t i Oiltiieritlon created !!inl• Xh. following. ;Mania wari lie* to olti. IR;fil t,4 PonritYlvanfailtirAg the wasie sating 40. • . .._,. . . iisirli; g 159,: -.."_-„ , ,-,. ~ 1 •T, ; r vd-41., Gook* of Stippansbargi amknOr to WI AtilObb AO ivoo4orliohrooA , 11. A. Ruby, r 4" -P.,lo6;Ar' 1133Prltlie4,,;1*-rid1;00'oor ' hay litmitief tisortiailing ;14 imiip . 0;e146,34 4 hon. rakes. ' , • - V. L. fi llil,WWiikiiVrifti; tot :improre. wait in t li tnanotaatit'rA of ; ifitioi l tei. -; : . 3. W. liretala i s i. ,o t*Act4A:pripmilln.nt lo I ' llll mM olOtiAii;"o ti , 21,q,,i 4 - , 1 ~ , ~ ~ ' - • Oharlos 8. Watsopi ai-Phliadalphis, assignor to - kingole, Albert; lL.Asturastafirastill.. W. , ' cam or -Immo plaoalrforimproved-portable rogiotos. ', :"; - ';lfar L. itOgolia of thhhigifityirovernent _2i.:„ln nal piton... stobirt . it :30z oy phu a d el . r 'rv;Plifti; l or 41411{Yrio**PA, 1 " 6 4'; hod ',:,losr!oti4 - - , C , i, ." .. .<2 .'' '' '` 1 )''"' ~,' . ia tirigit4iar', , of.,fin ' t4MuMiiii Ali . Milian. -, ,:litoit 114414toist inter , ; ' - '' 34 `.l l ‘ ‘ 4 ,14r0 , 44 1 40/$44:11, loi• 'Rothe' 4 #2". ~..-,x?,„.4;.,-4.;:„..„.,‘,_„ r,Zia• " 1 t'44 ' ''''' . 44 - 64 4"!:•1'f,1; z ...1,1..1.. ~L.'t Meeting of the Penneylvanla Legitla. —ture. The Legislature of our State will commence its annual amid! totthorrow. Ainid the ex citements of national ' , Kitties, we are too apt to fall to attach to the; legislation of oyr own i State and the legal protection of our vast do mestlo interests die 1/importance they deserve. Pennsylvania is knfighty empire within her self; and in popidation and wealth almost equal to the thirteen united Colonies at the time of the Revolution. To properly foster and.-cherish her interests, to provide such '4lyilesomet laws at her legitimate wants re mike, and to prevent the enactment of inju rious statutes, is a task worthy of the talents of her, beat citizens. • • It is to be earnestly hoped , that the mem bers,of the Logielature will bestow their most careful, disinterested, and patriotic attention to the welfare of our noble old Commonwealth, and Sternly set their tacos against a repetition of any of the Ilisgraeeful acts which have been 'committed by ,their predecessors ; that they will - eirefully avoid special legislation for pri ia.te. akgrandizeinent at the public expense; and deVote, ell their energies to the advance ment of, the general weal. For the first time, we believe; in many years, the Opposi tion forces have a ' clear majority in both branches of the' Legislature, and they will be held to a strict accountability for their legisla tive action. The Policy of our State has been hitherto 'controlled, except at e.• few periods, by the Democratic party, and, in the main, our Sfate has fully kept pace with any, or all of ber sisters in the march of progress, and in industrious, social, moral, and intel lectual advancement. Now that the Op position have complete legislative control, they must expect that their conduct will be subjeCted to a close and careful scrutiny, and if they commit any serious error's or blunderii keen and wary - antagonists will be on the alert to detect and expose them. For their own credit,,for the sake of the public interests of our State—and, if no higher incentives govern them, from mere party considerations—they should make a most earnest effort to discharge their official duties in a manner worthy of thole high positions skid the importance of the - trust conflded ‘ in them. The people of Pennsylvania cannot but fool gratified with, the able, independent, and fear less manner in which Governor Peons has theobarged ibis official duties; and however much• mere partisans or sycophantic worship pers at the shrine of Federal power may as sail him, we are satisfied that a warm feeling ' of approial of his conduct exists among our ci tizeos, irrespective of political distinctions. • The ability and patriotism displayed in all his annual messages; his prompt and judicious appliance of the veto power ; his watchful supervision over the financial, in dustrial, and educational interests of the State ; his faithfill reflection of Pennsylvania tenth moot on the great national questions of the day, in defiance of the threats and vindictive assaults of the supporters of the Lecomp ton swindle; his compliance with all just and proper legal demands made in conse quence of, the occurrences growing out of the Harper's Ferry raid, while he still maintained the dignity and sound judgment of a sagacious and patriotic Pennsylvania Governor—have all contributed to elevate him in the esteem of his fellow-citizens, and to win the - cordial approbation of the people of the State. Duelling in Virginia. An interesting debate recently occurred in the Senate of Virginia in regard to the practice of duelling. Under an existing law, no per son who has been implicated in a duel has the right to hold any office connected with the Government of the State, yet a Mr. Dom:ll4s, who not long since was concerned in au affair of honor, was last fall elected a member of the Senate, in. defiance of the enactment, mid With the full knowledge on his own part, - end on the part of his constituents, that uniess its provisions could in some manner be eva ded, he. was not eligible to the position. The bill.whlch gave rise to the debate in question was specially introduced for the purpose of legalizing his election, as well as to inciden tally i'elleve all other persons from the diem battles incurred by the anti-duelling law up to this time. The first antbduellieg act imposing pOlitical disabilities upon ,those concerned in a duel, appears to have been passed in 18101'and since that - time, on several occasiona Acta ar- - v as. reireving an con. amnesty have-been -...ecerr - tri - islibli affrays from these political dirmisilltfeluit;tgatimiefiiki:passage: The last act of this character was adopted in 1858. 'There , had pretionsly, been a constitutional am neity in 1050, alita reliefmeasure adopted in the revisalof the criminal code in 1847-8, as well as in the Constitution of 1829. In the course of the debate it was emphatically stated that public opinion so strongly favors the practice of duelling that a maii who should refuse to accept a challenge is scouted by his com panions, driven from woman's presence with scorn, and utterly blasted in reptitation. Another member expressed his sympathy with thole who had been connected with duels in Virginia; because they lived in a society by the laws of which they were forbidden to fight duels, and by the public opinion of which they were stigmatiied with the reproach of cow ardice if they refused to do so. No definite action has yet been taken upon the bill to which we have referred, farther than that the Committee for Courts reported that it was, inexpedient to legislate on the sub jeet—this report being still enacted upon. The debate strikingly illustrates the force of Virginia sentiment in favor of the practice of duelling, and presents a strong contrast to the feeling which would probably fled expres sion in the Legislature of our own or of any other Northern State under similar cir cumstances. At the same time, it is but just to remark that the proposed new law was strenously opposed for grave public reasons, and from an' anxious desire to check the pre vailing passion for duelling, by several mem bers of the Senate of Virginia, with much abi lity, - and that it appears, by the action of the committee, their views have for the present prevailed. The Affair 01 Honor between Messrs. • , Grow and Branch. WASIIIRGTON, Deo. 31, 1859.—The difficulty be tween Memos. Grow and Branch wee clothed in so much mystery last night, that it was utterly im possible to arrive at all the facts. They are rub. r atm:111E1.11y as follows: About twelve o ' c lock on v day, the 30th, Mr. Grow received a note from Mr. Branch, by the hands of Governor Winslow,- of North Carolina, It was dated the 29th, and re quested Mr. Grow to inform Mr. Branch whore a communication in writing would reach him outside tbe.Distriet of Columbia. Mr. Grow, upon consultation with hie friends, on whose judgment ho announced his intention to rely, no matter' what their deeision might be, at seven o'clock lathe evening replied to the note of Mr...Branoh, justifying his own course in the House, and announcing, in plain Anglo-Saxon language, that the praotice . of the code being a violation of the principles of Christianity, and considered a o • e under the laws of his own State, and by the 1 national Legislature, of which he and Mr. Branch were members, he esukt not recognise it, but would defend his personal rights, and the rl i rtf the, freedom of debate under the Consiljg to e.-.. ton, over asselledi „. ..os replilvas forwarded, Tibia nottY.ll4ittireeeived a note , through a ablate source, that the polle mortal i btained nfonnation that there was to be a combat, t 0.... and were in search of, the principals ; and, not wishing to evade - Any responsibility 'that might folio*, Mr.'Grow evaded the police. ' Between ten and eleven o'clock last evening Mr. Branoh was arrested, and required to give h ands in the sum of dve thousand - dollars to keep the moo. Mr. Grow went not arrested until to-day at half past twelve, when be wee required to give bonds in the same amount, though he had donned the invitation to disturb the peace. No evidence was adduced to show that Mr. Grow had ;violated the peace before the justice. The charge was made by Mr. Thomas, upon what au thority or' evidence nobody knowe—certainly not upon the foots. • All sorts of absurd nustoti have been in oiraula tion to-day in the metropo lis about the affair which have to foundation n truth. It has been intimated that Mr. Branch would tumult Mr. Grow Upon the street. Nothing has happened to. day to indietite such intention, and it is to bo hoped that the good sense of Mr. Branch will in duce him to refrain' from any further demonstra tion. Mr. Grow has promenaded Pennsylvania avenue without molestation. The friends of both parties regret the oocurrenoe. I . ..have-heard a rumor today that the friends of the ,parties- , -Beaator Wade and It. B. Fenton on the port of Mr. Grow, and GQv. Winslow, Mr. Me ,Queen, and Mr. Moore, en the part of Mr. Branoh— . !wiled make o arrange the difficulty. iTle'_communitygenerallyseem to condemn the ourse .puritnect by Mr. Brandi w as nding a chal lenge, on the ground th at there no pet ca ne for It, because he was tho first aggressor, in lm pegging the motives of gr. Grow. _ The relations heretofore existing between Mr. Grim and Mr. Branoh have been of a friendly chit raoter,_and, but for the excitement consequent upon a buieted debate on a Woe point at this manlier time, there mould not bare been any mlsunder• Audios between them,—Cor../Y. Y. Herald. < - -, tip Tile name tha,“iikatuat Itho and LW*. Plot* Insuratoe cotipany of Philadelphia," at N 0.492 Walnut attest, hag been 'banged to the "Metropolitan rneirtittotr Cloorpan7 of Philade!. Ph*" Letter from 66 Oceasional.” [Correovoedeaswe of The Prose.) W4autxusOu, Jan. 1,1860. The great holiday of Washington le the begin ning of the New Year, and to-morrow will witness each a display as would make those of your readers who have never visited the "Oily of Magniftoent Distances" Stare with surprise and glow with pleasure, If the weather At old ho as it Promises at the present writing, the whole population will be on the streets. Congress, which refused to ad journ over Christmas, has paid a proper tribute to the local spirit in this rasped, and the members, Who have got heartily tired of long speeches and perpetual balloting, will exchange for this dull routine the delightful conventionalities of to-morrow. Every citizen who can afford it I will throw open hie doors to receive the visits of his friends, of both sexes. Tables will groan under their plentiful supply of the delioacies and luxu ries of the season. Some of these entertain ments are costly and magnificent beyond descrip tion, and ho who can navigate through, the day without contracting a headache for the night, or not finding himself trembling in his boots, will be compelled to exercise great caution. The con tagion of the day extends to the foreign residents, as well as to persons from a distance visiting the city, and. of course, those who are strangers to the population of Washington will commemorate the ()Cession in their own rooms, or introduce them nivel to each other: The President, if In good health, will receive the multitude. This is a scene worth a ride from New York to Washington to witness. All the ofli dais, high and low ; all the members of the foreign legations; the titled and the untitled ; the rieh and the poor;; the army and the navy ; the Repre sentative and the constituent; the wife and the husband; Lthe lover and the sweetheart— are thrown into one pushing, driving, laughing mass; and will pour in through the wide doors of the Presidential mansion to take a look at the first of• doer of the Republic), and to wish him, as they pass by, "a Happy New Year:" In snob a con- gregation there is no politics. Men forget that they belong to parties, and remember only that they are citizens of a great oountry. But gosalp reigns supreme. Those who bare not mat for months, who hare been sepa rated by time, al well as distance, meet with expressions of mutual delight, talk over days gone by, and part probably to meet no more this side of the grave. Since my letter describing the last greeting of the New Year in the city of Washington many, very many, changes have taken plate. Hundred and thou sand(' who gladly welcomed the dawning of 1839, are now In almost forgotten sepulehrea They bear not the busy tread of the happy multitudes ; they respond no longer to the tones of the friends who wished them, twelve months ago, happi ness for all time to come. Bonne sleep beneath the 00611111'6 waves, some have been lost in far-off solitude, some have perished by the pestilence, others by the assassin, and some, in the full pride of health and power, have been called off in nn instant. But we may say, with the poet, to the loved and the loaf, "All that breathe Will share thy destiny. The gay Will laugh When thou art gone, the Solemn brood of ears Pled on, and ehoh one, fill before, will chase Bit favorite Phantom: yet all these shell leave Their mirth and their employments, and a/influets And make their bed with thee. As the long train Of ages glides away. the sone of men. The youth in life'a green urine, and he who goes In the full strength or years, matron and maid. And the tweet babe, and the gray-beaded man,— Shall one by one be tratherhl to thy lido. By those who, in their turn, shall follow them." It vrenld, of course, be impossible for the Pres dent to entertain the thousands who come to pay him their respects every New Year's day. It is the custom to enliven the event with the tnueie of the Marine Band—an institution maintained for the purpose of playing every Wednesday and Satur day alternately at the Capitol and at the Preei• dent's grounds through the summer season. Mr. Buobanan is generally surrounded by bit immediate family—Mica Harriet Lane and bit neir, private secretary, young James Thiabanith, the win of the Rey. Edward Y. Buchanan of your city—and by such Mica as 'happen, for the time, to be visiting under bit roof. No petition for. Once is in order on such an omission. Good humor and bermlaso jokes are the most current coin, but woe upon the fair sex who come to such a crush no this, belated in their best and costliest robes! No matter bow punctilious the gentlemen may be disposed to be, ceremony vanishes In the crowd, and the most ten. der and sensitive of gentlest womanhood are cam- polled to receive, without a murmur, the rude em brace' of men they never maw before. If,after leaving the President, you can make the acquaintanos of an Intelligent and influential citizen, and pay • tow visits to the residences of teat public-spirited oitisens es George Parker, W. W. Corcoran, Jocose C. Maguire, Marshal Hoover, John F. Coyle, May or Berret, and the different beads of the Cabinet, you will have a fair sample of the geniality of Southern boepitelity—not only on the part of the heat and bootees, but on thepart of those whom you will meet—and you will be a good deal .... eurted. am lN p ourpeopie onoemoe regarded now as ready to break up social relations with the North; to stop wearing Northern-made clothing, to re• 'fuse to ride In Philadelphia-built carriages, or behind Philadelphia•made locomotives, or to mark time by Yankee clocks, or even to read Northern newspapers. Bow long do you think snob a people could stand aloof with their noble hearts chilled towards their brethren in other States? In my opinion, not one calendar mouth ! They would not only get ashamed of themselves, but would hasten to make amends for en impulse no unnatural. I grant you that they have cause to feel aggrieved at the Abolitionists—the John Browns, the Cooks, and Helper's book—but is this any reason that they should fly into &passion at everybody else in the free States? Is this any reason that they should insist upon dying, rather than be eared by h Northern doctor, on gaming/other than eatof Northern food, or walking, rather than ride in a northern•built coach? Of 0001110 not. It leaven said that Gover nor Wise le about abutting off the oyster trade, and endeavoring to deprive Philadelphia of thee deli. alone inhabitants of the Chesapeake. The a:peri -1 plant will not last much beyond the new snow that has fallen. If It should, then the work of disunion has been begun, prauticully by the South ; for if the South is resolved to live within its own shell— to build up a wall of fire between it and the North, simply because in the North there are fanatics and madmen—why we must even be content with our lot. A chnracteristio incident is rotated in reference to this email business on the part of certain South ern politicians and some of their friends. A South ern paper-dealer wrote to a Northern paper•maan faoturer, and. told him that hereafter he would bo oompellea to withhold all orders from the establish ment of the latter, on account of the "irrepressi ble conflict," Harper's Ferry tragedy, Mr. Seward, and all that sort of thing, and that he intended to make his own paper. The Northern man respond ed by stating that he was really sorry to hear that hie former customer was about to become his com petitor, inasmuch as making paper was not the most profitable business in the North, and that he would regret to see any man, for whom he had to kind a feeling, emoting into a similar banners ' an the South. But the moment the Southern States begin to manufacture for themselves will be a happy moment for that region and for the whole country. When they have their locomotives, their steamboats, and all tho necessaries of life, great and small, made in thirty/a midst, they will, I think, discover that there aro many more profitable things than 'the iniUtution of slavery, and many more odious things than a tariff for pro- Motion ; but nothing will appear eo foolish to them in that day, whoa they become the rivals of the free States in science and in mechanic', and every description of skilled labor, as their present at tempt to abut up the channele of trade, to crush out competition, and to carry off that blood in the arteries of a great community which makes in terml commerce the vital principle of so nation's existence. They will find, probably, day after day, a double interest being awakened in tho en couragement of looalzenufaetureev-vis Asalstity win e s e to e srA— thatetrethrye pAa Administration .tabor that rola riheatiotrunLioonnisa;ldie,°iKeinhe- world is essential to their lasting welfare. tuoky, paper provee, pretty clearly, that Mr. Vice President Breokinridgo, In his late speeoh at Frankfort, is In issue with the Lexington States• man, which has heretofore been considered his organ. The Courier—Mr. 13uohanan'a most ox•casein Journal—lneiste that Mr. Breokinridge stands squarely with ft in favor of the protection of slavery in the Territories against the popular will, and quotes from the 'Statesman, as follows: "Congressional protection of slavery irreeistibly oarries with it the power to legislate for its ex:M elon. The duty or right of Congress to protect cannot be maintained without admittin g the power to trot:lles& If Congress Caps intervene for one purpose it confer the other. The South can not assert a principle and expect to reap only ats advantages. Ws must abide fts/ULL garottes- MEM" Now, Ikremains to be 80011 whether Mr. Brook bridge ever entertained the sentiments expressed by the Statesman, and, If so, whether he has changed them? Mr. Baohaaan In very aUXIOULI fOrthe comma• Lion of Mr Witte, of your oily, as the next Ad• ministration candidate for Clorernor of Pennsylva• nia. /his Is very natural, inasmuch as Mr. Witte has, through life, been a steady and uneompromi• sing enemy of James Buchanan, only Outten his opinion when be disoovered that the latter was about to be elected President. .The Legislature of Nebraska has pused a bill ezoluding slavery from that Territory by a largo vote, notwithstanding the Southern demand that Om Samuel W. Black, formerly of your State, should veto the bill, falling in widoh Congress should deolare the sot mill and void. Here now is a (Minot issue. Let it be nut on the threshold. I hope s sincerely, that Om Black will stand man fully by his own roeord on this eubjeot. So pub. Ito man has more ably advocated popular sore. reignty, and although if be signs the bill be may not give satlstaation to the President, he will !is land!), do justice to the sentiment by which he is surrounded and to /dwelt THE PRESS.--PHILADELMIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1860: Oho following resolution passed both brandies of tho Logisleture a Virginia, on Thine, last : "Rs/Weed, That we reodtnniend, in view of tho Fbllo danger, the talon of all the elements of ppositloto S pea k er, and Its condi. ate for on any tonne consistent with farness and honor, whensoever by suoh union its defeat can be eacomplishod, end the organisation of the Bongo be effected." From this you will see that everything is to be sunk before the negro question; that all intermits are to be enbordinato In the presence of the doctrine that slavery Is infallible and inviolable, and that any man wbo takes issue with this notion is to be minded from all position, and to be deprlseed of all rights; while If, en the other band, he yields to - the domande of the South, be may boa monarch ist, a know-Nothing, a tariff man, a conoolida tionlet—everything, in short, that has heretofore been regarded as repugnant to the Democratic creed. It la proper that you should know thst the re newal of the personal assaults upon you by the edi tor of the New York Herald, has been suggested and dictated from the White House by the Presi dent himself. One of Bennett's Immediate friends, now in Ode city, assures me that he had no desire to take part in this crusade. Knowing, US he must have known, how vulnerable he was himself, helms preserved a dleoreet allenee until within the last two weeks; but Mr. Buohanan is determined, at all hazards, to continue the war upon The Press and its editor. The mere intimation that you may be elected clerk, and espeoially elected without surrendering a single one of your known doctrines, almost sets him frantic.. Ile seems to forget that at the time Bennett was assailing you en account of your letter in the rorreat case, you were warmly and publicly advocated by James Buchanan. lit seems to forget, too, that notwithstanding Ben nett's assaults in 1863, on Recount of that letter, you were nominated in the Democratic, causes, and re-elected Clock of the House ; and that in 11351.613 all parties united in approving your (mum RS the presiding °Meer of the popular branch of Con gress. Mr. Buchanan forgets that you wire placed at the heed of the Demeeratie State Committee of Pennsylvania, and conducted WI campaign which resulted in his oleo tion, and that afterwards you were nominated for United States Senator by the Demooratle mem bers of the Pennsylvania Legislature; end be also forgets that ho offered to you after hie eleelfion to the Presidency, come of his most important publio positions, which you resolutely deolined. I think I will be able to show, in a short time, that Mr. Duohsnsu is the real author of the late attacks upon you in the New York Herald. In the meanwhile, allow me to ask whether you bays not in your pos session a number of letters from iMr. Buohanan himself—written while Bennett was assailing you, and after the publication of the celebrated Forrest letter—in whiCh you are not only sustained as a Democrat, but as a gentleman, and in whloh also your traducers are bitterly denounoed. If I am right In this suggestion, why not defend yourself in the words of the President himself? Copartnerships and Dissolutions. The following Is a resume of the firm formed for the new year, and of the ohanges that have occurred in those heretofore existing, as they will be found in another part of our paper thii morn ing. The number and variety inoinded in this semiannual Rat indicate life, and a vigorous air oulattott in our business circles. Several now firma hove been formed ; a large number of old ones have been strengthened by a judicious increase of membership, and, what le rather remarkable, there is not in the entire list the announcement of a sin gle firm going into final liquidation If any have been omitted In the following general notice, they will receive due attention hereafter in oonnection with others as they are banded in for publication. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Morris, Jones, A Co. has expired by limi tation, Messrs. Jacob P. Jones and Richard Downing retiring, while Messrs. Israel Morris, Jo seph 11. Wheeler, and Andrew Wheeler, partners of the late firm, have formed a copartnership un der the firm of Morris, Wheeler, A Co., end will continue the iron and steel business at the old stand, Market aid Sixteenth streets. - The firm of Abbott A Lawrence, stove founders, has also been dissolved, by the death of Mr. A. Lawrence, Diessre, James G. Abbott and Charles Noble being authorised to use the name of the firm in settlement. The two last-named gentlemen will continue the business under the firm of Abbott A Noble. Messrs. Shortrldge k Brother, dry goods jobbers, at No. 420 Market greet, and 413 and 415 bier. ohant street, having associated with them Mr. J antes 11 Young, the business of the house will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Short. ridge, Brother, A Co. Messrs. Jas. It. Campbell A Co., bare admitted to en interest In their Witness Mr. Wm. 1,. Duo. glison. This firm has recently removed from No. 304 Market street, to No. 727 Chestnut street. A dissolution of the late firm of M. Bornholm et 00 .,euily!..1„insfkot,"rei oat:erred, by mutual agreement, Mr. Henry D. Cook retiring, the host. ness to be mottled by M:. M. Dernhelm, who will continue the business as heretofore. A new firne has Amen formed by Menses. Simon Stern and Benry D. Cook, under the style of Stern A Cook, for the purpose of continuing the millinery business, at the old stand of Mr. Stern, No. 723 Chestnut street. ss The copartnership formerly existing between Messrs. Cbalkley Somers and William T. Soo!. grass, under the arm of Somers A Snodgrass, hes been dissolved by mutual consent, the bad. nees to be Bottled by either of the petite:a. Mr. Snodgrass, of this late firm, will continue the oloth business, at No. 34 South Second street, Mr. Sam. era having associated with him his eon William E. Somers, with the view of conducting tie whole,. sale Cloth business at N 032 South Fourth street. A oopartnership has been formed between Messrs. August Mischa and Rudolph Oetherman, udder the firm of Krisohe k Oelberman, to transact the business of importers of woollens, and general commission merchants at No. 222 Market Street. The late firm of Hood A Co., doing hilliness at N 0.935 Market street, having ceased by limitation, a new first has been formed by the same men:thus under the style •of flood, Bonbright, A Co. The following are the gentlemen composing it : Heirs. Thomas 0. Hood, David N. Sinn, James Jon. bright, Henry W. Oundaker, and John A. fee. ban. The firm of Riegel, Baird, At Co., hertofore composed et Messrs. Peter Sieger, Jacob :legal, William B. Baird, John Wiest, and D. B. Irvin, has admitted to en Interest in the businesmf the house Messrs. Henry B. Pieter and Joseph legal. The style of the firm remains unchanged. Blanes' (dry-goods Jobbing) continued as heretofore t No. 47 North Third street. The copartnership hitherto existing hereon Messrs. Richard Williams and Charles B.Wil liams, under the firm of Richard Williams Mon, has been dissolved by mutual consent, the vier partner retiring; the business to be settle by either of the partners. They will be lammed; by Messrs. Williams k Arcata, who will eontinuthe wholesale dry goods business at No. 415 Meet street. A new firm has been formed under the namsnd style of Bitner k Eyre, for the purpose 'of (mutat ing the hosiery and variety goods business, at'o. 17 North Third street, where they will open oche let of February. The partners are Mesare. Joph L. Bitner and loaao P. Byre. Messrs. Cornelius k Baker, (manufaeturoof the magnificent chandelier for the Boston Madly of Music, complimentarily referred to under ar telegraphic head this morning,) have admitted r. John C. Cornelius as a member of their Arm. The firm of Miller, Fronefield & Company 10 been dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Freden A. Miller and Charles Fronetleld. The huslueu be settled by either of. those parties at their o stand. The fate Dr. Sphor Is acid, by a foreign toms the inte.rest of Mr. - Charles 1, ~,, ~ pendent of a mornlngjournal, to hove left autoble- Mount in the brattier" et - Messrs' Welling, Cd "i "graphieal memoirs, Trial& will charily he published C ompany ( w hyd.ciale commission merchants) ahem Ca sse l.. By limitation, expired. /dr-'iteretfbith'eehnzeuTeeedfinlltohyet,c4nraangBgeees,-Carl Gottlieb 8010-4er, hee - .4 Company (N. in) In this city, at N 0.230 Chit. Another well-knewn name In the musioal world, gone from among no. Iteisslger died at Brutes on the NI Instant. 11e nut street., wag born ou the Slat of January, 1190, at Ilt.ilsig, The auction and commission business of Mr.l , Ford, No. 030 Market Street ; will be continued( Rancor inform. ti of a Paganint Festival to be ' ' near 'Wittenberg. nature under the Arm of Philip Ford .4 Company log be held, the d held at Genoa; and farther that, should such meet. ireetion of It le to be offered laid. Messrs. Do Coracey, Lafoureade, 4 Co.. (hal Berlioz, for whose tousle, se is well known, Page. porters and jobbers of oloth goods, and levies c ,aird lc:premed a marked predilection. Jayne'e Hall,) have admitted as partners in that Steer), •' the only one," says Gahgnaas, ~ of business Messrs. William R. Lafenroade, Gerald Pagaulni's alumni who at alt reoelis the :Ingle of De Conrisey, and William 11. Irvin, the great inneter'a baw," . gave three 0000611.11 of The partuerehip heretofore existing between chamber (i. e. °leash)) music in Paris recently, at the Salle Beethoven, in the m Mersa, W. N. Lucy, and S. R. Phillips, under The programme included the n ing° de l' Opera. ames the firm of Lacey 4 Phillips, has, been dhaalead, latendeleshon, Beethoven, 'lapin, Berlior,osart sod the business of the house to be conducted as former- Reeltlibi. 'reships Steer', the thatrUMentaliSta eoli ly, by Mr. Phillips, at No. 32 South Seventh'elsted of Ritter ' iteeural, Casil o sir, Rey, and street. Bignault. The vocal portion w(ui entrusted to Mdme. Laborle. &Nears. Martins, Peddle, 4 Hamrick have added We (G,a/s:cordiail learn that of . Casio, the wall a "company" to the style of their firm by admit. known macitro end aenductor of the °reheats& if ling to an interest In their tininess Mr. John A. L. event Gorden Theatre, is 013(00.1 in the compost- Morrell lon of a new Oratorio, Ito which Mame. dibcal IA The copartnership heretofore existing between o take the principal part. Messrs. John Stone, Charles U. Stone, James M. Stone, and Henry M. Stone, under the firm of John Stone 4 Sons, has been diseolved by the de. *ease of the Bret named. The business will bacon. tinned by the survivors, as formerly, under the same style of firm. The Orm of Warta, Austin, & MoVolgh hays auo olated with thorn as partners, Messrs. /mph Bur gin, and John 8. Weimer. The style of arm re. mains unehanged. ' The limited partnership, formed on the lit o f January, 1857, for tbreo years, between Mesers..f. Theepla. Plato, Carl O. &bottler, and Ohr. Fr. Plate, to oonduot a foreign and domestla o =mission business, under the dem Plato & Bohottler, having completed the term 51)001110d, has been re newed for three years more, the style of dens to remain as heretofore, the special partner being Christopher P. Plato, Another limited partnership has been formed, to oontinue two years, under the name of Lambert Thomas & 00., for the transaotion of the wholesale dry goods Jobbing business, at No. 428 Market street. The general partnere of the house are Messrs. Lambert Thomas and B. Ilarieer Js ; ho speolal partner being Mr. Joseph 8. Tho mas,of Oadis, Ohio. The arm of Marie, J. Ellis & 00., oompoeed of Messrs. Ohas. J. Bilis, and J. Thomas Ilarrop, hie bron changed In style to Hine kllarrop. Public Amusements There Is very little to write about, touching the atriaals in this oily, at present. The various places of public' amusement have been crowded over). night during the past holiday week, and, as the en tertainment!' provided are a groat deal bettor than ordinary at this festive season, full houllYa may be oaloulatod upon for some time longer—until, in feat, the novelty wears off. Whenever that be comes tarnished, our managers have the sagacity to bring oat some new attraction. Indeed, to do this in proper time audio a suitable manner consti tutes what is called good management. The relive), at Wainniatreet theatre, of " Faust and Marguerite," which WAS very successful in the fall, has draion large houses. Mt piece has been admirably got tap, with excellent scenery, wonder ful effeete, — (prudacei by curleus machinery,) good eostamo, end !capita! rioting. Plate aua' and, therefore, we fleet mention Mrs. Cowell',' Marguerite, en exquisitelpdel/ortte and fasciae ling performance; the realization of Goethe's poe tic! thought. In relief to this beautiful embodi• went comes Mrs. Thayer'. amusing rendition of the character of Martha, a talkative and only too susceptible middle-aged young lady tram Ger many. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Rowell appear, a , before, in the parts of 21fepArstophites and i r aters tine, but Mr. Keaeh takes the oharaoter of Faust, (Instead of Mr. l'erry,) and plays it with his so. austomed grace and spirit. The closing tableau. in a piece crowded with striking meanie effects, is worth seeing, as a superb imitation, by real per sons, of a beautiful picture. This Apotheosis el Marguerite is indeed a thing to visit on ire own account, if the drama, withal' it closes, were not also worth seeing. This tine spec'tac'le-play will not be performed beyond the present week. At Arab-street Theatre, the holidayspieoe of "Peter - Wilkins" is very well got up, very well Noted. Mrs. John Drew's Peter Wilkins lea very pleasant and winning transformation. We wonder, with the public, by what potent spell she Gen cast off a score of years, and represent, as she does, a youth of " sweet seventeen." Bbo does it, though, and does it to the life. Mr. J 8. Markel's., a part in this drama which brills. out all bra run. more will be an oftomou perferzunoo al 2 o'clock to day. At li'Donough's Galati's, a erowd raay be looked for to-day, tho 200,000 ylsitors who have patronized that popular theatre being invited, In a otupeudous spirit of magnificent liberality, to lunch with Mr. McDonough at 11 this forenoon. In the evening, ouch of the crowd u Barth'e this hospitality, may one the new pantomime and other amusing per formances. Signer Elite gives *Arse performanets to-day (at 11 A. M. and I and 'a P. $l.) at hie Temple of Wonders, northeast corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets. It is a wonderful Blits—popular, olever, and merry making. DAN Rlen'a GREAT Snow.—The indefatigab'e manager of the " Great Show" commences the year with a general change of performance., intro daring various new features which promise to prove highly attractive. Everybody's favorite, little Sallie Stickney, appear., for the drat time, in a single act of horsemanship, and the bills an nounce many other novelties, as well es the Fin eman of Ran Rico himself in the circle. The prin. cipal feature of the coining week, however, will be the reappearance in Philadelphia, after an absence of several years, of the great rope-dancer, Herr Cline, a met, extraordinary man, who Poem. en dowed with perpetual juvenility. This afternoon a grand performance will be given for the espeelal delectation of the rielag generation. OCOISIONAL Theatrical Chit-Chat. (From the New York Programme.] Matilda Heron besjustetompleted a fine engage ment at Troy, and will appear at the Howard Atha mem, Boston, in a near five-ant play, adapted by herself, from the Freest!' of Victor Sesour, entitled " Leak." This play has been read by gentle mon, theatrical managers, and others, where judg ment, in such mattars, is perfeolly reliable, and MI concur in pronouncing it a work of extraordi nary merit. The charaeters are strongly individa alized, the mans are highly effective, tied the plot is deeply interesting. Dig dented that George Barrett, the aetor, is in a state of destitution, as stated by one of the ban day papers. He has $5lO ayear allowance from the American Dramatic Fund Company, and has plenty of friends willing to aid him. That is con soling. Mrs. McMahon fleet appeared at Burton's thea tre, Chttlfibura street, which abe hired, end en- Paged a company to play with her. She rived in hiladelphia once, for the benefit of the Into Mts. Abbott. Otis rumored that she will play an en. 'luring at the Walnut Street theatre in that city 'luring the present winter. Miss Ida Vernon anti Mr. 0. L- Aiken, formerly with Mr. Eddy at Niblo'e, are starring at Buffalo theatre. Jas. Anderson end Agnes Bilistorthy !lure bean the stars at Orisp'sGelety, Nashville, Teen. They did a fair business but not great. The profession in Arkeneas does not seem to be particular in regard to stinking to any one line of buslnese. At a remit performance In one of the .ursdiadirar_annett.• • 4 0, 1.1WAML`rittl..a.d 101111 - 0 , 1 a tight rope and danced • Highland Fling, and Claude turned a somersault through two paper bal loons, and swallowed half a dosen forks. Miss Susan Benin is managing the Gaiety thea tre, Shreveport, LoaLsiant Tier husband, Mr. H. Huntington, it stage manager. Donetti's Dogs, Monkeys, and Goats are at Au gusta, Go. Mons. Biondiu is exhibiting at Metropolitan Hall, Chicago. Mme. Devernay, a celebrated violinist from Spain, is giriag concerts at New Orleans. The new French Opera Houle. at New Orleans. to said to be (interiorly) one of the moat beautiful struotures in the country. It was erected on the Mock principle, anti cost roam $150,000. It has apeued with a fine company, including no Teta than four prime donne, three prime tenon, and bassi and hantoili in numbers to match. The chorus Is large and efficient, and oho orchestra one of tile beat over heard in America. ChiaribPs Oirens is performing at the Plasm d. Toros, Havana, and doing an immense business. On one Sunday there were no lees than six thou card persona In attendance, the receipt, from whom amounted to $2,500. Keller and troupe, in conjunction with theZavis towski's, ere gone to Matanzas. In the stilt of Morton, the Rotor, against Bate., the manager, in Cincinnati, the plaintiff recovered $350. A special general meeting of the sebsorthers to tiroof I r le.ge ßnyr wi ,l l , A t a d k e e l p p h la i, te Lo o n n d o l b e, Olga al O D N r s tie e m: T C Theatre ea o te January Slat, IRO, for the perpose of electing one female and three male pensioners. They must have followed the profession for twenty years—fe males be fifty years, and males fifty-fire years of age, at least; or must have suffered some perma nent bodily injury, or shall, by roman of meets' or personal infittuity, have become incapable of pro scouting the profession of eater or soirees. The Pyno and Harrison troupe are playing at Covent Garden to not more than half their ex penses. An original farce, from the pen of the lets G. e'Becket, Erg., hes been accepted at the Prineess' Theatre. Mr. Otway, oneo a distinguished amateur in England, is about to enter the profession so a regu lar member. Madame Celeste has opened the Lyceum, and the attendance thus far has been good. A surprising borse-rlder, an adopted son of the late Andrew Dnorow, is about to appear in Lon don, after a long absence from England. Lola Montea is reported to have written a drams of greet pathos and beauty, which has been ca nopied at one of the London theatres. The drama of The Dead Benet," now playing at the New Adelphi theatre, London, la en adepts, lion by Watts of the Freed' piece, ‘• (Ins Lairs de Cachet." It is said that Mr. Betty, end Mr. Henry Betty, his eon, are likely to play together for a few nights, at the St. James' theatre. A grandson of the Telma, Monsieur 33. Telco', is likely to open Her Majesty's theatre, London, for Frond' performances. Mario and Grist have arrived is London. They purpose giving a grand concert. It is stated in one of the Parisian journals, that there tiro three hundred and seventy-three dra matic authors In France, and only stilly-Overlaid. oat composers. From IVrtehingt Weentsorma t Sam 1.-0111cial leormation his been eceived here that Enttland hoe eoucludrd a treaty with iionduras by whielt the Bay Islands are ceded to that ispublio. There now remoter to be adjusted only the his Important question of the surrender of the Mug- Vita protectorate, by Meat Britain to Niaaratua, to toomploto settlement of the dicereneee between has_ end and the United Stator growing out of the construe inn of the O'ayton•Bulwor treaty. on the bosh. to which ne two Governments have heretofore agreed. Titst It. Woke will succeed in colviudini the pending neaty with Nicaragua dot a not admit of a doubt. _lnformattnn Ilea been received from Mndrid by which copperas that our minister to thnt rourt in encouraged tOnolleve that our ohms against_ nrirli are now In tuition for adjustment. The official correspondeaeo steins tojuetify this conclusion. ?raiment members of roneress are privately otnetne the propriety and lustier, of emending the ex- Jour Iwo which authorise the President to repel lu• clan incursion', and tempt invasion, and to suppress armed expechtiona orgents,d in this country to operate afitinetfortien States with While we are at peace sons to, tasks the principle and:polite to our own Ststoll. with a view to pretext one trom invesion by persons front another. and to punish the abettor. of exalt or iental. Legislation on this an bleat has been gOVi r eired b 7 the recent thrum's 'Ferry mid. and a bill for the pure will probably be lot,ocluaed in the Semite at an eip y dy. t ppeare stetter from the Commissioner of In. diaAttistre, Greentvood, to the governor of Han sat bat they. IN acareoly en f ndian Itettorve anywhere that • agentpt front trespass by tin whites. and tie le arian the determination to prosecute theta who have e n ctoaelled on the Miami Benerve , to Kansas, and says thatthe time has erriven when the government most treaty Itlpulations with the Indian,. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. UREE DAYS LITER FROM EUROPE, THE CANADA AT HALIFAX THE APPROACHING CONGRESS. OOTJNT OAVOL I It TO RILLPITEIiENT HAIL EYINIA. TROUBLES IN HUNGARY. ARREST OF pito FESTANT NOBLEMEN REPORTED ADDIOATION Of THE AIISTREAN EMPETIOR. SACKV/LLII. N. 11., .ten. I.—The statinehip Cnnadn, with the 1 ivezpool malls of the 17th ult.. and despatehoe from London end Lien] pool to the Leta. received at Queenstown by tolesraph. reached Hebrew. Her ad 11041 reached here hi horse ea ess this rn reins. The Canada reseed, tier. IS. pr A NI .00 NI. Head. R. %tibia:unship Africa ; 10th, lat. 01 07 Inn. It 30. passed a hark. dismantled and it , ..antlnn.d. Her Its uro head was the bust of a man, and she hod black lower mists and , 4 :men house aft. The Meanie= Virn from New York, and Bohemian from l'oilltnd had errired nut, The steamship Africa woe at Queenstown when the Canada put in there nn Sunday the 10th ult. The Cont rc so will meet about - he 10th. It Is elated teat the liAlligerent Powers will only represented at the huropean Contrast by the %mew. of Formen Atrium . nod the reinetning Powers are to cord nlentenientiariee. The Paris Patric mentions e ruiner that Prinee Gone, bakoff will deshne to attend •he Congresa units, Fn.:land Ie represented by some tilortitut member of the Cabinet. The Pyrlse contains on article to the effect that En - !,11.1 and ntrd.tra amt obtain 00110110 guarentes ha irdo sentbri n o den. te eimwors to the invitation of Franc find also, th it a Conzree, would be linpouit.lo 11 the prinnipin of non-intervention his not been ac cepted by nil the Amor. k_uunt Cetrour ts V. represent as dims. Larne reinforcunienut have readied the Spanish army MOIOOOO. '6l,l,l3al;:telr!;sACargoiinne,:kvrza u a n call; of ho :+uas •. • . It n rumored that the 'Emperor Napoleon will inaugu rate thu new year by (mil eneifi^ demon...l.n A conaint In Ifunutry Roe= Imminent ,nd etthly Eroteataut notnumen and gentlemen bard bi naicrrurn " ori prevail that the Emperor of Auetria , a about to atubotte. A 'MI/go on the river Bengal hen been destroyed Ly he French, an consequence of the interruption to redo. Prince Jerome'. health is Manumit. The ship Yea Dolls has been burnt at Atystol. The stesinshir Altos loft Liverpool earns morning of the 17th ult. for New York. LiMe flt., 'Dm If —The R. M. ateatukhip Africa, from New York, has arrived. GR VAT BRITAIN. A Lastly-summoned cabinet council was held on the and another mooting was held on the following de lbe Londno AJosrtiser thinks it probable that the arrogance of the Pope in olaimin‘ the precedence of his representative in the Critic rem over all the other Powers was avant the points for consideration. The sold saved frost toe wreck of the steamer Royal Chatter new 0i ounts ds 4:270 The I undo'. Globe, in announoing the earl, return of Lord Clad , from India, says, he will be succeeded ea commander-I—chief by hie /In i th Rose, that Sir Wil liam Mai 'field becomes sommendor at Bombay, and Major Generals Alaloolui and Spencer heed oh the Madras divisions. The London Journals all di.claim opposition io the Sees enoat on p. lama' grounds. bet ridicule its few bPity ne a commercial uniiertalune. Four sailors belonging to the American ship Roswell Skrague have been arrested for mutiny the ohm Norfolk had arrived brim Melbourne with 4172 IMP in gold. LATEST, VIA I,II"FRFOiiL. I.mo:win. Saturday, Duo. 17.—The Dairy News' eity article arty, the funds on Priddy were inanimate, and rather flat, especially in the afternoon, Thur.day's re covery of fiirt)i was lost. The other millets were affected by the realisations which have naturally lot lowed the late rapid flee. Tho demand for money was brisker on Friday,and there was less disposition among the dealers to take bills below the bank minimum. 'rho Times' city a- t•cle ma , ■ the mere, ement on the Paris Bourse enticed remote to open on Friday with re newed buoyancy, but nn apparent diapoeition on the part of the puhlin to realize the profit, at the end of tne year led to -• eulnecuent decline, and the markets gene tally were &Plat the close. In the dieconnt rnsikets there was a'll, ht increased demand at proiines rates The account in the stock and share nmitet, which we. adjusted on Friday, wee tho heaviest that has occurred for a Inns time past. In foreiAn wsehau4ee drafts are shout the citron. Apr lest of a new Bran than railway. with a Government guarantee of 7 per mint , to about to he hrotb:ht forward ender the two of the " Pan Panto" flellee). It viii run from the coast to the interior of San Paulo. 1 he London Times, in its weekly remarks nn the pro duce marvel. nays that there hes horn a coed business Anna for the Benin, and so—n of the leaden.; articles show an Into rovement, end that sins of improved con fidence have been observable. The London Post, Lord Palmerston'. croon auterts that, if Dri Leasers chum a firm:in from the tort al.eetiOei”? 11,0 Sues canal, he will hate succeeded in coterie; Turkey Porn Net pt If the firninn confers on the campsny the absolute porreesion. le plain haywire the norerrisoty of several miles of the hulks to cod, d. and then lit contorted of emetind fortresses, it trims no pal' of the roller of F ngl trot thee the inde,ene,g, e of a friendly State shall do assailed; it forms no pert of the interest of En:hind to Minot in nu-yin: mit a •eheme wholly inimactieable rant' whoa h the pract.nv. Inlay would te, shown in creat,n : for the eels'..l b-nefit of trren^e an Fey ptian Derddrotles or an En Ft' in • fibrillar. end s len a result. we may venture to edit is not •et ennictoplitcd by the statesinnagnip of Lord Palmerston. th A ". 1 C . . The rotresponPnt of il;;Y:c;n7j . c, of Aden says ti.to the port or Army!, it the fted Sen. Las Leer' ceded o France. end that a French vessel-of-wart. .ecru. ol i pgi . itti.t r t , h o ef i e es io g t r lk n e te r d oax• n i ' ts ' !ion for the erection of a Roman Catholic church on the Island of Maas 'rah, to be under the special p-otectron of Vernon. A Swiss way, stye that Napoleon has refused Der-his- stun to , leneral alcAlnLon to rocopt a sword [hat re in Pr • pnrhtuin by his friends arid ridoil ram in Ireland P. ince Jerome Nip leon, according to the latest doe thatch Nom Peri. wee imprortuß. Hor was ell Ill tionninLon of the 'I he feria Men e'eur publishes an artin'e expla.nins the law of tho press. the wisdom and !twain, of Whieh, .teats, has Mien tooted be eii.ht years' sayers saes. The Paris Bourse had been animated and firm, Mat on Out Idth altars was a slight relies°, tinder a rumor that Met; acre.. was postponed till the firth or 2:11 of Janu ary. The Sein, ;lord et 70f. Sea. Pinta, Saturday, Deg. U.—The Afenstsur SUAralt . the followlnz "t he 1501e5.....--yrtterTtent the Not, leiter-dray event tic the elate of Priree Jerome welt still mien, pleutltte paint to the left side havais sat in, necessitated .lat, applrentino of from bltto-A Tim co:4llmm. The Viantin correspond lent of t • Lamle, ritnll 1111§. that ale finally settled that Count Itechburs is To fin preprint Austria, at the open.nr: el the i 'entree' Sam Von oil sonburg. vei.o went to Zurich with Count Colloredo, also gore to aril, and will remain there as the second plenipoteatlary, when the 'Limiter presi dent return. to Vienna. It Is understood that. tlle Centres, will not meet on the si l t of January, but probably about the 'means of that . . The Spentah expedition to Morocco tens reinforced nn the tnth. by 4 LAPP infantry, and 01,mi cevelry. Report fix.e me lots of the Moore, mall the combats thin tar, to amount ton coo men. Cholera oreve.l nt Tetuan. . • . • • . i r on Prim's corp wee etineked on the road ()Tetuan, urei had feria lolled ar d wounded 'ne Moon were re (Weed with pent Ives A 51adrid )(weal minas that the Government were about to borrow 25 t 02.000 francs Iron the book ea the deposit of securities. ITALY. The letest from Turin se.)• that the choice or the Bar dininn representative to the Centres was unde termined. Caidmal Wiseman lied arrived at Rome. and Rat ear •ltslly received br the members at the Sacred Colleiu. I,:v bad an Interview row r .0 Pon e , AUSTRIA. The Pans eorreapogUeut ct too London Gtoto information that tie I. niperor al Austria conterny airs abdication. he soya the rirotidueheits Soplda, the bend of the Brume or Hmehure, who t,otds her nowt am Prague, as the authoress T of the aetienie, URKI..Y .• . _ - ..... Advice/ from Conetentinople . say the Porte waif de liberating whetuer it would be expedient to bring the Suez canal question Nome the a rest Powers. Th s of vial journal at Constantinople published an article showing the necoleitv for intervention i n soma. It is stated that the demand of the French embers's dor for a finnan favorable to the Suez canal project. had been supported by the 1114115 Na 01 Atietrit, us ed, Ruseia, and Sardinia. Fund pasha confessed he lied formally engaged himself to refuse an authorize tion to the project. The Turkish cabinet, after a atonal discussion of the matter, agreed to the request of the Powers, which had made the above demand, to come to au undemanding with England in the matter. INDIA AND NINA. Thedetails by the Calcutta mails of November 10th, and Hong Fong of October nth, add nothing of moment to th e mtvi c ca already received by telegraph. 'I he Hong Kong corteepondenf of the newt says the reureamention et the custom house at Canton, under the flirtation of the foreign inzpectors. had erected meth excitement, and was likely to affect trade. The American consul had refused hie Resent to the new sys tem until he had communicated with Minis:ol'l l 4rd, who was she tly expected from Japan. The American frigate Germantown. and 'steamer Powhataii ' were et Shanghais. LATEtriT. VIA QUF:ENSTOWN, Palle, Saturday, 7 P. M.—Prince Metternich bee offi cielly announced to the French Government the noon - nationef Count Rechlturg as the firat plenipotentiary of Amnia at the Congress. COPERIIAGIN, Dee. 17—Neon —The Hoye! Police,at Frodetiehohure, ain flames. The King himself thrve the extinguishing of the fire. Lonnon, Saturday afternoon.—A letter ia Nis Times, dated Peeth. Dee. Ifth, hays: "'Tie die ma gnat. The Government Is resolved to adopt a vigorous policy tn. wards Hungary instead of redresaing her manifold grievances. ' One hundred and eighty Protestant noblemen and gentlemen have. within the lest few days, been cast into prison, or cited before the niegistrates. for having taken tart in the aasomblies which Proieeted against the Imperial patent of December. The Austrian army in Hungary will soon be nearly SO 400 strong. 111 e Vienna correspondent of the Timer, writing on December Joh, eat. the deist or of n conflict between the hnperial authorities and the litimeriein Preteatants daily increases, and that in Ilun g arr political end rell• glens agitation go harisl in hand FRANCE, _ . The French trade totems beer; . interrtipted by the In habitants of is nil/ice on the river Benos_,l a fiotilln of ant small steamers we b t o ff to ousel it. 'The t hee was bravely defended. The French hod ahnut bony men killed, one beino an officer. and about seventy wounded, seven being othnere The enemy hen one hundred and fifty killed and n very considerable number wounded The villoo.whintt had proyeartly weed as a refu,efor four timaland Inhal itants, was contpletety destroyed. alarmsOo of ?mon Jerome's health is conetilerol ng. The Emperor paid three visits to his uncle yesterday. The weather in Par. is extremely severe. The rail way train, to impeded by heavy WIN of snow, The London letters of Wednesday war* not delivered in Paris until Friday afternoon. "interim. daturdny.—The American ship Sea Belle, Me tons rooster, which we. ...ult.; in the tlootins Atharbor, c l u c k icovered to bo on flue furiously, moraine. io o'she was still Durum; end had become s perfect Wreck. Team lion td—Count Cavnur hue been definitely appointed first plompotentiary of Snidinta at the Con arose. General Unninriindo does not leave lure in order to be present at tpo approaching opening of It Chanatms. 'I here will be my ministerril china in Sardinia. Toalx, 17,—Gen. Damorvintla has ()Metall, com municated to the French Government that count. Ca your and the Chevalier Dews:Orme will be the repre sentatives of Sardinia at the approaching election, ViINNA, Deo. 17.—1 n the last ilablnet councti, pre aided ov-r by the Empty°, it was resolved that at the next budget a reluction of thirty -eight millions of gio. rl. , s shall he made in the expenee• of the war depart ment. Allettie le about to proceed to a complete dis arn artist. The Prltloo fa Tour L'Auvergnsis desienatod as the second plompotentlery of Prance at tie Congrees, The Marquis De Antonio, a Neap lama nunnetcY, who hod been summoned by the King to Naples, fortnight ettoe returned to Pane ooterdav ;he is the bearer of the son e at of the Nompoilten frovernment to the pr , lest of eu All luthen illonfedoiation. 21. lie Antonia will he the eseond plempoteptiert of Naples St the C 01,100611. A Parts telegram, dated lith Decerut tw o Eva the Parris n il this evening states positively that Cardinal Awouellt will num at tha Congress, and will appear in rani on the Ith. 'I he Pr.yr armouries that to-morrow the alsrintis Ds Villitlllitte% will present his letters of recall, and N. Desamlnyo his letters of credence. (1011triAACIIS:cOlth.—The Polyal Pal/woof Prederacks burg wits last 111,11 t nollll , lotOly destroyed be fife Patti-. Saturday, 12 la P. M,—Ttte foals opened last. Dentee TO 40. sat PAf.-lt Is nue rte., that Count Kisestef has been nominated Riot. and MM. Dameerens seoond pien.oo - of Rums m. the Cots rose The tnathet he. one:. rather Inactivo. and prioea showed m..re Alumnae. '1 he rented eloand at Id, being o fraction of improvement mote yesterday. hosnote, naturday nventu Mr. Col tort m. P. for - Plymouth, hes tYaeu appointed r.-- counsel to the Admiralty in the Wm of Mr. Atherton. The Dover Chronicle of to dor, anTs the Dale of arrivedho here, en roure for Lor don. on Monday. ho traveled torte., and woo attended hp oat servant. The broakino down of none of the onsone tocool train caused an otatructont on thn London Rod North- Vritern Railway, but no otdt.s.on wok place. The hhhh, remain swot et y t sterdat 'a I 'i:dation. The Paris Bourse °mod ttne facet:toy at a dealsne of 1 per oent. Skipping Intelligence. Arrived from ow Orleans 1311 t, litutfoid, at Minn -I,Pltd ; (horse, at Bremen Sailed for New Orleane, Nov. at'. AslenOm. from Catalina ; Deo. It. Lady Bsll and Cormlnnue t f um Li • Vorp , ol • Orb, Coltraull YMITte, Wm do ; aloud and l'otoninC from do.; Z81111;0,110111 Deal; eniled for Mo bile, 14th. Lerante; from Li; oreoal. The Sweden, frem Le.. hor, pas anchore Seurat ralt ar i e e.y. The 10.1170, from Now York tobeya. was totally burnt on the fib 0tti01,14., sod three of th e crow had alrived at Java The fluterel., (ton Neer York, woe totalls_loot, th 14, near F'llehlitg r o •ON• 3ed 't hr hZatlnn. from blasgOW for Madre., Put tom Labon. Vectruber 14;11, bitty. PAase:%oEtt4 Prk cAttain.. Mr. and Mrs. Bacon, Wir Oita', child, and verse, Chodburna and lady, Or. Ora, 1111 ward. Mr.". Pr. Lettlw moor and Lady, Elir O. &orb and torrent, Mr. J. J. fd ;Obeli and eon Ntaeeta Oott. . Mortimer, Toornm Clarke 01.0. Floyd Clan_dut, DowArld e ache otaphem Nettie : lop ten , rellltOrip 001 Q11. bun, oetlittumr.Muirtecetrio tutd.Scranon,i3misk, Hsu haus, Booker. Crane. Oil ton. Pnehman. littabeesst Engler. etisdem, Paull. Bullet, Gallia ra, John son Thor Ate. Craig. rallMilfer. front Queletiatenow.—Mrs Preaion and in fant. Miss Acton, Messrs. Acton sod Raleigh. Commercial intelligence. LIVERPOOL COT Polif NIA Rlf ET —The Ilrot ere' Ciroular remits the of the we, it at about MAD int.., n 7 whir, H lino were tak., by ex pori.ir. All gnalrheA hid dthiltivel 'habil!. ;4 B. hi,iil4ra of new eriie .nreLwriesin- their sitiis , is en the market. The a rba of POI; were 7 ma hale, r 1 co 9 on ropOcull'inn And for export. rho in,r,tl, 0:01.04 qtl et at the d quoi smirk; FarrOrhieee. 7 ; °dein. 71.117; Puir \ ; Fair Ifyianda,7 ISS; 7 9-11i1. The etoek of American in Port was estimated at 2;i2 WU bale.. [LATEST VIA ( ..).LTENRTOWNJ LT viol root i Pee. IS, P. 111 —The sabot or Cotton Yet. teas, were 6 WO Wee, or whirls el-mil:gore rook 1 GM Wee. The !flurry whit lirrat-ot, end vriees werh vent. and ertotrationent CI ve were hsrelv ritsi nod • PATE OP TRA R—l he ndriees front Nfinehester nre u of, vornb e; r ricei of ,11 wons or goods were sol o lower. nod thn mlrket erns dull uvEgroot, BREA/MI(3PP MARKET.—The Li verpool Bra 4 ditutl" market was dull. Corn had an ad encore; tenderirr. Stem's. Richsrdson. Spence. k Co report Floor doll. lost stead] at last quoted rates Wheat etvidy, nod cod hrrn : red Os 3d nlilalOS: white Pe thinitts &1 Corn ander n hatter demsod and salvsneed Js 13.1 ; yellow 310 'Vs quarter. POOL. Funds., Der. 13—Vin ueeristown.—The Breads off market ws, quint seat irda•. LI VFIt POW- PROVIa lON NIARKET.—The Liver y° d Prommon market vra. do,t. Iri Common , . Richardson fc r`,,,tripahv t Imes lie Henry. and others. report Beef quiet, and inferior qualitren declined 2s td. Pork MI I ; repacked 111(1.5 Ire Bleori qlCcr; new middies warded. Cern heel mod dull et 4,31 Lard dad. and quotation. nonidas at ate'36s. Talittte quiet: Butchers' nominal 'arras. 1111.PottL. I , Ae. Id, (eta Queenktown./ The P ton si n marker yesterday wan dull. LIVERPOOL PRODUC MAP KBT.—The Brokers' rsircrear report ashes steady et Zia for pa's. and 275. MI inef ettltar tio.nnt, and settle desert vines aliphter meter. Critfea B ttn, and rikpqapt, n , dpui r pt pa r r a trif, Leber. Etc, quiet. Bark—eales unrmeortent Fish Unehittazed. Cod Oil .c.. 15 Loomed url—Flokters demand an advante. bean doll at Pals 2,1 for corn rm,n, brit the market closed tirm Friar vs Turpan'tll . .. . 4 :111 tt 33. 2rl 0345. Tea advanced ha Id cicder a better demarid 1,0:13021 NIONPY MARKET.—Consols closed Oh hellro nt '3Yar th e scentint. Mv.dend. 't union Bank of En,latid had inaresaad .C 3 04). . . The . [else of money were unchanged, and the soPt4 Abu, dint. Barin:s' Circular quotes bar Liver Gs 1.1; dears r.omuni at es 1 tfd eaAles Als Id. Lo Saterda7r4 eentr.c.i via Q sole closed at MOi mgPi c for account. es.d:vldend, ANI hfIICAN , lOC S.—Barine Brothers report sales of LI S fi,es at 95 : fires bond. 102110 . 25:12f , t JAW: ra•n•lua r 'l(ri6Orararehaiaiii Dianaent a ral thetas sox dipenunt. Erie Balirom.d shares 13; 111;noAll Central seven'. IMO. (Freelendal 7d. OUR DAYS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA_ 18! OVZILAND le/11—] .18173/130a C tr, Deo 31 —The overland Marl. with Canto/not tiniest of the 9t.11 Inst. r-anhed Isere at none to-day. Toren pauenie re alma wtth the matt. sht e Milwaukee. from 31e'bou roc %la flonolula. salt ed at rfan Francisco on Dee. 7th. fitere had been coOther forma arTiv.l s or Sr. r le from domeetto and Atlantin parts stare the lent ue Rhin ranme, for Jame falaad.ls:l6ll 433 the tth. Bust heel at 'an Franciaeo Pas men more dug for the eek ending the 9th met. than the pretioes one. The ahe were confined to pabbuic lots, and it Vl* ttoconst- Mto more roods to any greater extent. The dem.ad ro. , a the country was eaceed•ogly suck. A continoancie of fine weather was needed to iM9rev• For Provisions and Candl•a the le rdenoy nowt In favor of buyet.. 800 fi ram. of old date, were sold et auction qt 9013%0. Jose Butter had deolinod; eo.e.uge Ise fair quotation for It. The shipments from the Isthmus were prejudicial to .he market, and, if cm:untied, the article wou'd not uring over the cost figures Clear Fork, in barrels. was worth 8176 u• in half bar rels, 1010. Lard was quiet Bacon Ind liana very Jell. There was no activity looked for in the marker for me nugt mat) dm a the miming of the fta instant. mist before taking Ins departure for the Athlone States. Judge Hoffman, of the United States Datnct Court. filed an opinion c brining the tine of what is known as the aberrebact ulatin to It UV square feet on Poshest Hill sad coat/MMus tnereto. Which has become seine of the most valuable prop cl aim s basedr San Pranniaco. 'I he on what purport. to be a htemene grant one S hone triek MS it we, rejected in ISA by the tinned States Board of Land Commissioners sp routed to settle the privet* band Cleasnli in Cahn:awe- From thie decision an appeal was taken to the Inetnet Court The public had lost sisht of the smt, trooper ne the claim was fraudulent and worthies* and the matter untied by default. Thu unexp-cted eutifinprot ion of the clam by Jude* Rodman produced an tutees, es.- ..Gement ; i set rifler a day or two, H s parties in:seested •oole the principal cart of the blown of thomasta err tad hale sin •Si as to work in earneint, get the cue isoPaired, whoa new testimony will ba introdne.i, which. it is belayed will settle the &ann. The proper ti covered by 'ha grant Is now worm and its ,n...spe. bye value is immense. Already. the most t leg nt res dances in the C ty hove bee - emoted upon it. coro..er's request On tne body of Eldredpe Gerry "low, Jr. ,' resulted resulte4 lea vsedlet nf .• death fir iv ancinperance •' It wan previously supposed that be corucritted smeide. . A report h.‘,l obtained cirealltion m ,San Frazeisee :hat eenainr brnilenck !aft a will, which will be fotth• ~,nn • wLenerer an admnannratry (.41 his estate ap pointrd. Judo Harvey. of Vacates county. has dne.ded that :he owner of a meee if land. to which co h..J s cortiot .ole, is also owner rd the mineral on the said land Hu 4o•very nal) d-rwied in (Aye: of cooing corns of toe uorra. who at aced grin; on the .round to question for oil. The crtso sill to carried to :he Sunsets Court and briug befurr our highest tnbunal a teat quest no or . Mr t iturortanea ru the mime; Interests Si Ci:ifofnnt. .1 in err none his teen d towered in emits Cross comp. the ore fond which )el'.en for ton. A trail over the mountains from pixy earth:, to Ctrs°, lea haa be. n corned sinoo the Late hose; stows. and uhmed toms pass over it without dir3ealty. .e. suit I, Is barn commenced in the United States Ott- Intl Court ter the Western otatr.ct of Cush. now , le Carson Valley. to determine the ming VIPS It i-irsiaS of several claimants to the wiginal saver mss known AS the rornatook lead. Thri plumate Swear Airs,dy sthl 000 worth of ore hes been Cases from the Mina. And that those now wotking it US daily taking out 5),000 worth. ROtt OREGON. By the gnarl) of the steamer Commlna. dates to the .oin ult. hove been received Gum 'Southern Oregon. New old nuns, were maw:mall bonne discovered in chat poi two 0 the State The lachaonville Sentinel retorts a new putt Relit is ;he vieinity or Odesbur.r, whind the prostoMars report twin; vity rich. V. 11111115 a gosh there by the tuners. ha miners at JAelianli Poor Man's melt, Applerate ,ind Whisker creeks. are all doing sell. It item thott,ht that at toast Xis miners were at Work in the vic.Rity of Willamette. DliffatltrYlON or Pltiatints err GLIWID Co. Lint Friday af crown the annul dire Jibe non et premiums to the boys in Girard c0r1:1; bang the aeards of merit for good condo: ad improvement In selrobenlaip, took place at sip chapel in the main bulb:ling. Over three huudrel, boys were present, neatly sad comfortably gat.. The premiums °Desisted et hooks, which wt. awarded by Professor Allen. The test resell lee 44 wegwietnriatfefl;eziesul lad il s t l a r n 'ar ee tears, and b4l never !wand s demerit mark del ring that time. Addressee were also made by Samuel 11. Perking, William Welsh, Mordecei Dawson., William P. Small, and Henry VIA, rats The boys also sang term; aim in chores , very creditably. At present there are 316 boys h 1 the institution. The directors at the meeting M Friday anernoou decided to admit 15 more, and it a short time it is Intended to increase the ammo modations. A STRANG= STUB= AND BoatiltD.-1:111 Saturday evening* man, shoat twenty-one yeam of age, named Henry Snyder, was brought to the Pennsylvania Hospital, having received • stab In the right thigh, from a person or persons =hewn, lie 'tasted that he Wee a German by birth. and had been a resident of Missouri; that he was a miler by profession, and had come here for the purpose of procuring some sewing; machines; that he woe enticed into Pine alley cm Saturday evening, red while there received the wound alluded to. and was robbed of the sum of 15,550 His wowed will not, it is thought, prove dangerous His expert encef although very dearly bough:, is that of • thousand other, end should be remembered by any of our country readers who think of visiting Frau, Reauvr.—Some weeks since an ex plosion of burning fluid took place at the home of 3lr. David F headman, on Sylvester street MI. Headman, his child, ant another female membar of the family were injured to such an extent that the young lady alluded to died within* week ant Vie occurrence of the accident. Tee child of 311. Headman, a little girl named Margaret Ann, OM year and ten month/ old, died on Friday evenice from the erects of her irjuries in great agony. Mr. Headman himself has recovered from his orj. ries, and is able to attend to his business. This the last and most painful argument In favor d abolishing the use of burning dull. EVENED xo Harra.—On Saturday (tomb: an aged lady named Curry. residing in the ricinit: of Twenty-third and Callowhill streets, whilst D the act of retiring to her chamber, dro?peil a lams containing catuphene. Her clothing immediate!. taught fire, and in a few momenta her body wa dreadfully barnal. She was removed to the Pert. eylvania Ifirpital, where ehe lingered in gret agony until about four o'elock yesterday afterteor, whoa she died. This is another illustration of dos superior advantages and perfect harmleerr.ess of barring fluid! BALL or lliatastm. Exuma ConPani NO. 1. —The twentieth annual ball of this company takes place this evening at Jayne's Hall. That it will is all respects be one of the events of the season. we entertain not the slightest doubt. The Hibernia is the oldest and one of the most efficient fire com panies in the city, and embraces among its mem bers some of our oldest. wealthiest. and most re epectable citizens. The attendance et the ball to-night will no doubt be u large and as gay and brilliant as any of its predecessors. A VIOLENT VOYNCI M. 134-1 young matt e named William Henry _Fisher, who resides at No, 1410 O g d en street. had a hearing before Allermah' Hutchinson, on Saturday morning, on the charge of attacking his brother, mother, and a gentleman in the house on a visit. Hs deer, a loaded pistol on the visits it is alleged, and threatened to shoot him, a murderous parratee which was prevented hie brother's dexterity. The alderman committ him, in default of 31.000 bail, to answer at court. SLIPPERY Taixe.—Tho dangerous condition of the streets, as far as walking is concerned, should certainly be attended to by the authori ties. The payements are eo slippery that it is actually unsafe for people to Ventura out of doors. A women named Bridget Afeany, stoat fortf-tfre :tetra of age. while walking along in the vicinity of Christian and Tenth streets, fell down on Use: Icy pavement and dist:seated her shoulder. She was taken to the Hospital New EQUIPICENTO.—The Hibernia Engin., Company hare resolved to do away with the old style of equipments. They hare adopted a leather cap, of the sew York pattern, to be painted green, with a black patent leather front, with '-So I" b the centre. At the top Is a Ogee's head, with the harp and eagle underneath; and on the eared the cap the date, 1751." The new arrangement la to take eft - ea:upon the first of June. BIIILPINO nnaixo 18.50.—The whole ?umber of permits issued for the erection of buildings daring the year Ine, was 2.1114. of which 10 were for four-story dwellings. ' I C 92 for three story, 522 - for two story, 4 for mar u market bons. 55 for foveries, Explosion on the Stenutalthis Granada. 7 for churches, .2 for chive's, 10 for school huses, 1 Olta MAN It/LLllD—rorrt SERIOUSLY INJVSID4,44 Erma SLUILITLY I:lJunln. for a a:ra , e. 48 for stores, 4 for railroad de, I pot.. The others were for breweries, we:kaiser, [From the New York Herald, Jan.)* stables, A. Yeetcadn Te o e ' C ' 'tilt a ti f tre il e f ?..:in o s ' er Punthreria.—John C. Heenan, the pugilist f,„, as ez '"at t he (oat of arren street, t b s a tech roue man known as the Hensel* Boy, gave an eshibben of a•s led, roar serionll) Injured, end sight ethers I aliehtly floured. •his prowess at Franklin Hall on Saturday night. • It will re remembered that the eteentahm Grau s g a , , The attendance was very select, Aral the perform.. from New Drieene and Havana. wee out through by I sue satisfactory. Heenan and Minn Jones bad the Ice Oil hat Wednesday fAht, as she was coming sat-to, niter which J. C. made little speuh, to her duct, and sunk. Oa Thursday M ; ire were two steam pumps and Potters placed on the forward part of saying he intended to whip the champion of Erg. the vessel, by the underwriters, for the purpose of temp- a land, Sayers, or do his beet towards that result. In* bar out and S.ttiris the venal Adolf. '! ' tats work pm crossed satiefettortli until late 1 etterdny, whea oue of A ,Yritanrbors EscaPs.--On Friday after. the butlers exploded, a loud report. and forein 'at ! noon, Thomas Gibson, the engineer at the rolling. about twenty feet in the au, an ate descetht nail of W. AIL Roland, Frankford, made a the valet hot.es crushing to to pieces and doing other datuaze, and finally tell toi the hurccene deck . , t narrow escape from being snlExttted. He bad was ne the tune fur the men to cease work for the gone noder the boiler the some Icapore, and got dill', o lame numbor. from ten to !fatten men, a ore in wedged fast in a flee_ Ho was almost infoeattel tee vicinity of the collet 'warming then selves. all or ' ' n whom were more or legs tamed. The following is a I with Coal gas before he d°ld be rem°ed • He as het elute tolled and wounded: entirely insensible when extricated from his perils: Luke Flanigan, deck hanal. was instantly killed, ous situation. • Joseph them, engineer of the Granada, seriously la lured. nplIN TO DEI.TII.---04 Saturday evening honial T. Bement', atteond mate of the Granada, so- I the bllay of an unknownmen was discovered in the timely ',maiden about the fire, heads and legs, and, it ' suezesed, inured intyruel y, &Yenteenth ward, hating been frozen to death by Burks. fi reman : seriously injured about the rase I the extreme cold. he wore dark clothes. no shirt, and arthe; set era contusion of the ankle, besides hay- blank satin vest, low shoes, and no hat. He had la. two of Ma ribs broken. John :mesh,tech bend, seriously. burned about the I tow bag in in his Annsesno . n- The body is at the bdrand house _ and another nun. name unknown, who, Seventeenth-ward station house. Alderman Clark with 11:a excepti on of the man killed, ate at the City was notified to bold en inquiet. }briefed. hr. Weir.tltc house surreon at the hospital, who at- erraullAnrall. — The fire department of Phil tootle(' on be onfortui ate into, stated that there were adelphls is growing old. We have two or three e levees t roliabt to the al' ve named iaitinitiOrl, and all but the enumerated were dierther a ml, the tamer com panies Nitta are over a hundred years of nge, re , c , rosLoult sn,ctinturies. ems today the Vigilant Fire Company celebrate( r. to anccult at fete time kygivehay accurate idea of the hundredth anniversary of its institution. the ernes of the dontater but it to suit to titre oceutted Lyn flaw iv ten ,n. oiler belonged to the Board A Wits Pusaatrrion.-IVe understand that 01 Underwriter., and wasthought to hate been as belle hare been attached to the Gored Will Engine rate Clad4lluon Company's steamer for the slur pose of warning Tots anniversary of the battle of Now Or- DeoPle of ire aPPreeell who may he in danger of leans occurs next tiunday. This day has always being run over. The precaution le a wise one, and ' been appropriately celebrated by the defenders o fshots d I be g enerally Imitated. the country in the Wet tit 1812, and their usual DIA= OP AE OPPZOIII.---W11.11•113 DeWay, an Meeting be bold et the County. oourt-house,' ollletv In th e Eighth pollee dlstriet, • died on Erldnf on Monday, the 9th, afturneoln. PK°lat THE S.NOWICTrI rsuaii 8. The flay.' from the Betradwiork Islands are to the 10th rrrterterefttWel enhance= :t ar:Szhi frog* Poston. and had been chattered to load Witn_yuauts at Peke r' Island, and th en emoted to ilamptoo ROadi. A wharf Bake r's Bl a ndh a milroeil treat. hulbweg mar Veil a to terminate ths tom:tine of Cu Ann, file Kinee private secretary. Mn. Neilson. who wall recent.; dangerously wounded by his Majesty, while in j at or ealousy, la still to a very veoartoulcOndalon. ihe Kin: has gone to Lahrtina to watch the symptoms 4' n lamina. betng very solicitous for his recovery. 't lie recent I.e....meat shows the tryst valuation of all the reit estate and yersocal property re the kinwaltan Kinidnin on ernountin- to over b 7.0.0 oto The total sines , trritelee lervicd lot ...Gerd purposes is 670 ttal; for eehorils an 643: for emote, 834.241 th U A t r o A No n n ' n <WA 9o SS . 1 7 1. e e t th w e 'h ws ibeh o a 2 ved from :elm of o. 1; triere had been ...arrivals from th thihorek. Pea with 3 DM barrel', and 4 vessel. from the 'Perm whale rounds with 1 140 barrel.. et.ll)-1:1•ne more ..en -lla itro AXpeCtrd IHlore al. the beet ~r IR A s ate lee prce of oil at lionpluld Wla down to 43 cents Der Celli's. ViCTOllia. The elites from Victoria are to the oth instant, end t'rurn Winton .ton 'Ferrari, n the td instant. The alumni operatives thron; Lout Drituh Columb;a Ind closed for the winter, on account of the co'd "ether. The miner. were for Victoria end tali forma to 'email the winter with the expensed da te ululation to tuttirei in the 'mini :itrs. Cameron the (wile of the chief Justice of the :totem-. and the sister of Govermy Douglass, died on the :nth 01 November. at Elquimiult. (lion oierlind mad brings etxt , en thous-ma letters from al portions of the Union, wh,ch to thine tones tho number over brought before in one mnaL] Duel Between Congressmen Prevented ECNSRS. OROW AND BRANCH ARRESTED WA slf r147,:r. nee.3l.—lion L. O'll.Branch.member f Cour:reed from North Ce reline. was arrested at 4 late hour I 1,4 nieht, on a warrant awmed by itrlt/C0 Donn, on the char.re of hem'. ribeiii to melts aryankernents to 'save the Soignee of Coleraino for the purpose of engaging to rumba% with Lion. Gallatin A. Chow, of konn sytrania. Ha wits held in ea OW bail for his aPPeaelinee fOr a fur th, 01010100th= on Timidly. Mr. G row hod y este rdar sneaked a hackman to call at a place deinensted. to take tuna and hie party atlesloek this nimninr. in the direction of Silver Benne. Mar-- land. !he beckman did not keep Ins secret. and hones the emelt. • Tito principal friend of Mr. Branch. and e Chow lion Mr. Winslow. of North Carolina of Mr. , Hon. Mr. Frnton, of New York. Mr Grow has Ilan bee arrested, and gave 'ail in the sum of 16 tOO to loop the peace. anti not to leave the Ihstriot to fight a duel. The Chandelier at the Ilobton Acadenty of Music. 4 Boarox, January I.—The magnificent chandelier, mufactitred by Mes.re. Cornelia h °aker, of Paila &debut, to, ilinunsting the Boston Academy of Neste, was lio,hted hit avower for tne first time, the stock- Ideree and n large trumpet of invited guests being pre sent. The °fort was atilLingly brillinnt and enutely ttttaftrtery. It is warnily commended as a superior t.pecitnen of American skill. Tne Opera of the nicthan Vespers will bu inaukulated under the sew Bat to morrow evening. The Weather at lialtimore. BALTI molt!, Jan. I.—The weather has been intr;asely cold ell der, the thetrnotnster bein; ant, ten doper , ' shore zero. Ihe harbor is filled with lee. and there is sonsidernble in the Potomac river. Tile mail ton foiled to connect with the train he 13 rani n: . . The ship Filver Plan which went aground at the mouth of the l'atacnon dating the late storm, will bate to bs beforo she can be get or. Arrival of the U. N. 810011.01. War Vali. tillittl. etv Vont. Jan. I.—The U.S. •loop-of-ver Vat.delle arrived here to day from Valearatao. The Vanden& expereneed the itheek of on earth quake on the nth of Dee. /3. She telt at Jim the ship Coarreett, loon Adams, and ta," emu), f tin John Adams bad ten condemned, end was matting ord. se tot home. The New York Bank Statement. New Yowc, Jen. I.—The statemeet for the lair week shows the loons to be moleased Stns Q. 10; toe etrea.ft nos, Se CO, and the deposits 41,045 CVO, while tie IPPOCIS Les L0Cf0149•151,e77. The Thorn(like it ill Case. BOSTON. D-ty 31 —The Thomd ke wdt ease hae been withdrawn trout the courts. by an amicable motion:veal amen the pal h ea ;eteteatetl. Congress. V. 9. CkPITOL. WIsIIINGITOX. Doc 12.—There is as rolcon of saber Iloilo to-day. Commerce of Mobile. Moms, Deo. M.—Exports of the week, 890,000. Markets by Telegraph. Dee. W.—Cotton—Sales to-flay of 200 hales, at 10Sa. tot rho Moog'. Hales of the seek .2210) Wes; receipts 33840 halos, agamst /P,OOO bale. hum Jew. Re hei car taus for othaml of fast yesr at this tort 21920) ales. Fre.eOts on onion to laverrool22,l Exohasoss —On New York 201 4' soot ; oh Loado!ileth; 4, cent, premium. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS Mb AFTRIENOON AND ElrF2SINti. NITIORAL T , Walnut aayaet.t.etwas Etch*. and Nlntn--Fauforasanaaa Ws afternoon asd orestna C::mscr :FTtaaT.—Fagera Vatus. ArAPTMT,T Foss ART.. C'..11 . 7:0: Pad inna"—“The Martyrafon. or J.,hn Hun Se?' EkELN's eau' a rya. Aid Cbevant roes—Exhibibou of lataat worLs of Mlle. lAA. BURA.COT. ARSII2.IO . Cransea nace-i.aanur Tartans. Are h rret. abOa• Sixth.--. Pater Willie.," —•• Laugh When Ton Can." tescacr-S•raryr Tat . come- -W.anat ABA Ninth.—" Feast and Alartnerits"—" Norsk, Cnsi.ss." AARDERONS EIf:MVO'S ROOlit JaTne's C. 155 ." 6- wealq. Btuld.nt. Chastnut street, atsnia den's Museum of An. McDoxonnn a fialgaira, Esse street. below Third.— Entertainments nightly, Taatmn on Woaraas. northaaat aorniir TA4th sad Chestnut streetn—Sunor PROCEEDINGS LT TIM Corers ON SLll3l3a.r. The Supremo Court was in session for a very brief time on Saturday morning. but nothing, of public in•crest transpired. The cruet will sit regulari. - durirx the present week In the Court of Cr.,. mon Pleas, Judges Thou/peon. poitow, and A i ' e.n, opinions were delivered in the following eres., which are of intureet only to them immedie4 concerned therein : John troyder'd Frteie—Orploars' Court. 51 . Peti tion to que,h pre:tee:az/pin partition. Pryer tY petition granted Shocnber•er's Estate—Excopti it "'Mgr. report. Elver:ion' disuaits.d and rPert. toa flrmed. Durni's Eats:a—Exceptions to solim'a rePe:i• Rep , rt confirmed, except tar to the , rriburba Or fan is. Referred tack for further sisattneet Ilkinson's Estate—Applicatiosol attschaent. The claims of the executor to theirerrst &Valve upon the fund infested is disallowed• John Disio's Emate—Exceptiost w Tef irt • ditor. The report is cet anew! TA A „ Leeria vi. Lewin--Aar bill .r.d er er- ••"'' right of the wife to there in It : defiers-I varlaieed. Charles Ileiney's Ettat...-I , lvelcan of auditor's charge. Free vs Set-TM—Rate to ~ tan Jdrnent and to let defendant into defense. Lisl e .1-elu•e. Judge Ludlow delivered eliadeldeb the fußoaicg Estate—taeepts^_e tc anlitoes re p.,rt Ereeptioz, dst..ismat el r.p. , rt edeirmed. Farrel's Estate—Exception to sr-liter's repot* Exceptions sustained Leper's Estate—Emeption to sodstor's report. Report confirmed sod exceptows direnis•ed- Cdtrad Keller'a Estate—lsleptione to enditer4 report. Exception' anti/lei and report con firmed. John Li ken's pittion of P. Lasers*. Petkim diraired. Ed w and 8. Barl's Estate—atep•ion to mdliterl. repot. Exceptions of P. !tippets, i guardisn of Ettza and Josephine Boni, amused. Exceptions of Joseph Bord sustained. to fares to refer trek the tvo,unt to we auditor, tat tarter information of o.ort Welters vs. Elser—Rules fur a nee trial. Rolm &sea Ittgei It will be Nava that, to the matter of Slizotn• b?sger's estate, which has been in litgation far some time, the report of the auditor we tamed. The same dispdamon woe made in the matter of the exception to the auditor's report it. Itorsre estate. In a ma - ter in whieft exceplion was taken to a charge male by an auditor. Jndge Tiompsen delivered • written opirl,n, which was to the ere! that, though there is an ant of Assembly which limits the pay of auditors to the sum of two Ind ian a day, yet it bad been trafonted, so fat 1.1 the Court knew, and that, at the present time when the duties of auditor are re varied, end re quire in their performance so reel legal knolls ledge, it ought not to be tightly adhered no. B. a decision of the Supreme Court add/threat an per.sation may be allowed, and the Court thens,l that a fair compensation ought to be all eases The District Court and Court of Common. re will meet today for jury trials, and the Court Quarter Sessions to-morrow morning, at ten h'eLti at which time the new panel of ,insors are regain to he punctually is, atttrdenee. G. E. Fox was, on Saturday menting...mobte. LT Judge Ca4trwlader clerk of the trotal State litstri....l Court, in place of J. M. Jones. A 3irsrezy—Jong Wuxi a 30x fa w deter tines, we noticed the [set theta hall de cayed body, suppoted to be that of John Meant, had been frond in the cellar of the Almcbcuse. The coroner's jury decided that the body vu tbst of Wilsons, and it was interred by a friend of the deceased. The notice of the occurrence wee espied into the New York 'lines at the time. That yr.r. nil subsequently published the Laming, which dispels the supposition that the deuyed Indy was Winans: •• :S• &blues/ tar New TM, riweet totted as tt.s cwwwiec'e Timms- time JAM Wi t ace, low are...nen, foment of Its Ecta, SIM tre, tared m tee hal/444u A bath sae. Ttm tpeaa e, as there:stunted ..nes Wllll3lllll SOT It meat= ittiterue Hestatet Ezw..a. BLITITS. Clef: 8.5." Toe questdon now slime, as.nating the crate of this e.mmunicazian, to whom did this body belong. We know that NS inaat was in tee Insane Depart. meet of the Almshouse, and that he escaped Iry custody about two montke since The matted* quires farther lursollgation to clear is of in my. Wry.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers