• .r.. - t•tTs• , 1111Idainw , , DAUM (13117NOil l itt pC(PTID) 111 E 4011*- - wr - rostritli. ItTOPPlCtifftlity OWISTFIUT : , -.r..li l ; , Wix lams!. , , 1 !WittNi Othrri rill;W4iasistas e, iAtotlat:ls.4}lbonb.rioato [ lW oiti-,:slOx DoLuuts Ora 611111:14.01 , 001v Moug.oll vo Saari' Noxtus; tiola:Au: vex stl„itoiviatr4aviirisblY in ad : • U. D i n" bwziEF 1 Pdothir " tt, sowed so - 4 lid • :MIT'AItIOSJERY. . Y- 186 0-.Nwr mule AND • 1860•(MANORS. WM,k ed. SONS, - KO. ra CB:ER . IMM art,BA'r. A ±Zl Al iri3 4 o 0 IC S •- • • Idado.of Linent3took • . •fel Orders prosnoili,oxeonteO. ' I[o, - Drafto, o ; fiertoo, Copying P 611110114 Lotter and Yaperc Ifnvoloroc_witit . -comae 'took of - COUNTING-HOthiFe,STATIONEWY. . . 1 - 1- A 0131 fir. BOOKS. . . . . . . . . I '' ' etii l,l P.O'N:Flß4 l !le, 4 ‘.. c,A' .1' ,14 it 2- A . S 0 1:7 py, y ‘ i714L,133:'k13, , . t.' . •-, 1 . like IX) 7 , will Wm, our oholyee it ...'' --4 ,tokild7' 'CO/0141.i4Aoll'ITA*7 o 'Mk or I;sti hum thorn mod oto order of 1 - - 'OptgiCill,',47l * *RN iOP „. - t-- '• ..,,--::'' ''' t'• --' --, - : : t 1 ' l ..' *AlKir.._ , .. ,I I VJ IA 91; AA 11 , ' . A : "-, :*, T :0 4 et vta.. l .-Atsuairsorwrs k t of ./: /LS A) ti 41Voaturrra '" ' • 4 Vide ri ii4 , 4-tioXE.k.r.; -, - 7 1:,i - , ,,, ..;:•• :,., ~. - ::.,:.1 44;!yripyr:?, ,, a--: ~ otrittßi& co.; 6 1, . t ..- • •• , _ • -4 .9•:11.4i. ,, ,...;_1,x_ ,-, No. AO MAIiiiiTIiTRZI.T. , I' • Ur :biutoDli: ‘l'k - iii ' - 729.. E 4 Ziii4 . 4...imiii-LtAt ; -,- 'X 0113.; • - -- 'CO till 'SU T NT li 3 111 1 : , iloyit• Ti/tiLIiPUPR PRIEM. ow re MINSOMMinik; __,'`-t,v...;:+.--,, , ,•:,: . NIG Ammar eooDe. IiT.H 2 Ok IitNNEDX &BRO.; e-- to , 00,111,17 . #1:, Am? te or. word) ea, . atiOTS'Aitb inozs. 11. 4ZELT:I . • la HARMER. itexunoriuuriii It • - Avipurnax MUMS $OOll3 AND SHOES, BLQ 1W Nona TURD MM. ,Yahoommiatotow nokso pool om ohm ow on moo. . - • • .Dart 4c*AG.i. HOUSES. A I NDY As BRENNER % • • Imo& as. as, Ant ST NOR= FIFTH wriaiv V,401.41WAL8 CIOMMIWON MatiOHANr, ,' ' ' ' 'is' (4141;P_Of mill Mau ik 019 .F 8 40 1 ( MANOVACrITMAD RARDWAILE6 t- 2 - ~ .11, • . LUIS Zit!cntililte Of' IfiqUISAIC'/XELO/AX, FRENC7I4 AND UK= `. l ' HAND)CUIN .I,ND ouTuntr; 1......Natir. bactialiaa. doe& of Goods to pip '-- SA* ilvdmire Dialars. , 1 ..; ' at/TOILER'S Y/11113, ) .117 tits calk or °manilla*. Apripurall BD,GB TOW.a. :intio.: )1 1 07NE11411 nlszi, OP viatious jumps, IitIVTATIST - ANVILS AND VMS, . • Sari °HAIN, . AA!! "Apit ttlad ta - frismvsstar. 11 0• 11 _ As • 14 PLATS:PISTO L mistfutEN. ONLY eg'ciliNem Asir MODEL Jams AND rums: • vapt,N.T.A, [ " - ,AcicitofitotAtAgg Etotra.-,we •" ”, - -mit u f x - 4 11,"0„:141,0firiittir, `,, ; %MGR W V ,: 000 r *pi r lO6 l iv fa oe 0 ,° 4 'l n ' P __ l kr", 3 ll" 6 ', „,--61 1 1 3 11 ,1, b • itsra n alit: ' I 4ll4.4assts, rgs ' sad : ' . wag , .. narTuntrot ,.._________ _436,_ BILLIARD MOORFAit tjAMPiON, . ii. i 46 ttriggitt amp abi.uti, , ,„,,, 1 , - „. _ "ikffilf. • ''•• . tu i rratnlrs aPaii l 'iiilleoNk Nuss Me hr ail lobo hiOrlitti thsus to ot • oflign la itifili4itiiiiiso'ilitii,. - in,63fi.:ii: no r 'llli r tar a rtrglal v er th rgt . ,V., ixi , y......: ,,,,, - Ill! 4 41.4173 / ;11;;:' . .:'-1; PiLVOlfi .4:lAlEsftlcAti.B, -,- ,k; .i , r a-- , DRUGS, ( ALMA FAINTS; 40 ' 110.13 T. SiTOVNLAIitEIt ;Sc 00. ric•intan warm Imam A11D44.0k1 trztular, IritOLES4I4 DRUGGISTS, Inportors a d Daaktre in WINDOW OLABN•PAIN2'B. e:oitinte the mt,ittat ac • , , VNTRY KEROHANtS !heir 4 - ife!ofi of *Odor; Mita therofor at the mitbrtraias. oos-tr 401.18E-FilatiliallNG GoollB. OODS FOR THE SEASON. BiloNian VinTh3,lll.l3 - mons, TEEL FIRE , SET6',:knor tv4Rgens, novrag itgipsetwiE WARIALERai waw.o44) s &G, , Holl7Bi-FURNIBHENG.BT44R,ES . N9K1.922 AND 1226 PIE,E§T)TUT EMMET, INCY. , & co, - i::'••••••!_?:•00W.0. 4 i4i0oi lcd”„,, ttriq uititilliSl ~.. ,` i w , o n u"'•".7 todrtl'adiith leu ti IA 2 :1 itoopi;Asi.; ",:ohiS,l4lll4l.re,ikerr., ' ' • ,litZLl;4l42:4l.l:4lirrgiglii 1,1", I.ll4ll,lll ' j y . :l4 3 •AkaPotil i: R. ( Iv.. . b•Poark4 I"" MC23:=ll " wawa. „ itt o . • LAM = 4,11.M= bATMAIM"tr"t AORREITI2; fitaltotei,te, , arta, wia,cam,'itti• OW; 4 0 - Bilrrv'" 4 t A*, ilmung taiitinVorv's Patent), and Bigt• •• *Pear it No. pr . .. Nir , r gloms. RAMC A; 121ANTILe. -- 10TOMOTA/O).ARD, WALL'S,- ' - r rigatLllOOlll,2lll,NT.J, Cattle, tnd - 1 : iltkutril3o IP I. , Plittena ollitgo.tin ter rt doub t notion. -They t•eaire sit F-notlou is . r . :i Bella inalead ot rale Bdicedh - all On ~,_ _ttle , gr, lea. 11144, 410 •11 . 11212 t pefootap.4 , ,lserl lo ) l '. •••uks/DHOSTy. -• -- psaltilleTON' indiy i t :g, ? " • ,- ---,US Solt* a Strait, - --r - to lin& Itoirk, - citiitf:aivlt•id.,c,7. • i. -,-' _T Altura/0 ♦? • • _ TriM 74T8; *o*i - 74.6PFP Kowa QI Ram =' UPIRKII OOP( °.. A, I- _.: 0-24-1.,40 ;I/ •re.. J— r 0: '•1041-41,3111.twa_FOR:ALVI—The . neve T' 44iiil V otheirila liiiiir ,bilitArevar -1 ' 44 .7.l4Anit e r:; l 2 6 4grAttite:22 4 . 1 , - 04 • #,txe.o4tti Aga.- - mho has .. the. tetra, . • ! ~ t ereethhett l f the 'cognate,' eel.' It ' le tht 2 .,.... , ' . r "l i tettle : mato, Ironer ,ir e try to en thi r 44 10 14,_ Atitgl ' iTi v ielit r reeretd. or I:bee o p y : at'iribitiPptitAkt , it. lugs that eh . °X.r-1P1P1WA40.9111 1 141 ,Ow tee liketteee Tesp,Ore mew regimen ell the 00 st.a. ll2 '' 4l4 :ra i • ~) . ataft , tcrhid , 1147..,:eetttl ~ 6 4 • she' de*/ end igigfir It t.; ,I r t • Wm* Gee , 1... ‘ 10 mo, =I t i ox - BARD t. ep opeliseheit wet -,, , ~- eee-lett . •11, PAD' , PAINTING MATE AWING,- N • AINTIN_ 4: , ;;•xuaitt s ; 4 • troll tan, taesji...7,l, • si gea4 ii,ooon lot !iia . .' 4l4 ir 6 e. . 4; t 44 "' 4 " ) "' ?yob*: r ritipslor, 0 k cb~. 2 5 0, 8 SIOH $B =A"if !reg4l°,ll'.'4 10441 it; t4Vettini4ll/1,1t&I; .;111 r- witterat. vm- 7 • • ;... I ,4 An!inYttletr redrilr 4)310 itE r laTtUt mda ni0011,131500.7 1 , 'root; - 1 Lit rt.: . on' - hand, ';• ' , 4l4lo:tonituPriTiglitht:"/CIPOYOR, ,, " • * gledillp moat PswzrO weak_ 4: t .O4XOI4VICIAT p10A1;13-LOci* 4 • .. ~ , ~. .• . . . . - ~.,. 6 7 ' . ( 1 r ,•- e 116 . ~ "a' : •-,-?=- s ' \ ."' \ l l I .1,',/,' ' I ' ...r. , • I . 4el47 , '",r•V''''• - • let. . , ( , ~ - .: 1 - 7:, - ,_&;%- t 1f....... 1 .2 • ''', -:'''' . -...:, a , U ''' ... " s A/ . .. 4 ,,,, ' - -- , ,,• e „.."4, ?.....,:,0;.:, f.,,,, , , - .. 11 'c' . o ;tt a k ..:;- - f,. , -r, ..;__ _ .4.,,,--4 - : , - , z_:- - . , . -.' _,...... T . ,„i,,,L*l : - , ,z; ~, , ,.i: c - 1, - 41/ " * 16: — '.., • • ' ,„. .- • p ,"e. • ''• ~ ( : 7 '- ~\ -7 \ ' ._ - ~'': ', -- 7,,f 1 .- - 4 1 - -k l i,,- ;1 " ;k,.. y 4 ' .., ' ' '..... ' •.4:11; f l ' ' -t - 1, 1 ..'.. --:, '' . =‘, l - 111 M 01 .0 ;V:P" ~:-,_,''' "' r - ~:' ' •-1- , -;.- ' , .• ':,:i., , ..,1; . 1 1 1 0 1r .•' r i ,1.... ; , , .„:, , IV • ' r , ', ~ .., ` , a .-•,-:' , •t - _.. ri . r 1 • - . - •• - -- -, :_ , f_ , •-f..9t../.2t,,--'..,• 4 . ..`" . . tv,,,...,,,...„1,...,,,,, •- ft, . ti- 4 . - ?;:=Ve..2• 1 c.,. -_ `. — . :•.: SIN ..•;•• . • • ' '•_. /. C - ..v ... • • . ---"' --"•': 0 '',': 5z a6 ;2 11 .- 1 4 P4: , :..1:7 1 4 - - -- - 11,4 ..- At, -10.1' AI •2•; , '"al-,-• dit.ls 4e - - .... - •-•...--- . , ' f'...,- ".•-•-.... --------.... --,----.... ...---...,....4 - - • ....,.....--,0 . ......,4,.., -...-__ ..,,,.....:......- •,•••-• • ' . , .-..,..., , --........_ - ......." - --r--- . . . ......44....--. ar i ' l t 4 . ~ ~ <~~ _ ~~~ 130. croAsi, TOBARCi), Sze. T HE R CELEBATED ENGLISH ?SILO PIPE nxoLteu MILD plrp, MIGLISIT. MILO PPM! RUSTED; N. B. corner TUIRD and 9TNUT bac just reeetyed an aesorticent of ." lUtstrB PRBPARD.PERINI! Imported 4ireet:froni'Llindosb Those celebrated, Pipes ere of the finest English 0157, and will color equal to the hteeteohaum. They are 'told with or without Momen), Tin, or Wooden Cases. ENGLISHMEN ! ATTENTION ! ! The'delißhtotellEnglishBmokers is thw hlsto PM! Hoy , ff. E.,TRtRD and CHESTNUT, has xi esirodall the 8 tylos, : . , , couRIER. • SCOTCH, CUTTY. Wlioiesicle and Retell; - • Seger & Tobacco GiSore, • , clet-tf • • N.' W. , Car. THIRD and 0111:8TNIIT HLLLIARD: - LONDON: IRISH. MAJOR. S,T AB:1, I &LIB D "ETFR ,- Ltanx" , r> l --, SN I IFF & TQBAuCO IWANUF.AinUItka, endlg OHAIIIBBRS STREET; • ~ Porrnorly 41 chathero street, _New York ' ) woo - sail' eimeetial attentwo of .I:frooers and goeslen Ids to his-removal; sod .S l 3O the articles of his VLSI Ma" a'atUT, • Row: 8N UFr .' Ma tl Y ibippe 6. . 1 71 1l u g r r e c li h -- Coarse RaPhori Natchitoches,. • • A.merionlenoiatrian Copenhagen. Bier' ' '• • Fresh Seciteh,, His Toast lootoN,• • - Irish High T dfts-to Devi r paotCh. •or Lundy.foot. estositto.FlNS COT Pi:Fairs*. ssokuso, No. I. " ''P. A. L.. or plain, .• St. Saga ._ • °ove:obeli, or sweet.' Spanish, . Noe. &2, Inird.,_Streetileented Drinooo, Canister, Ktte lp ot.; Tin Poll Otvehitish, rare Turkish. n A Circular of Priest will be seat on application. .0,- 7 1 , inte - the new arloole Cl Fresh Sooteh Snuff, whioh•wW tie. round a superior artiole for dipping pur poses, . • . • dl3-3iII ZWISSLERIV FIORILLO' 126 NORTH: Tuntp STREET, Airs for Nat • Line snsslr Of • . „ . • OP TILE Bilk' IiAVA . Nd BILATIDS TOSAOOO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. AGERTS ki)l3, GAIL & LX, GERMAN - SMOKING TOBAGO° AND (AGARS. ... 603 ( -30 . • . • MERINO. U. IVlTTH:ncerr STRUT, ilea in store and bond, and Wm! Ter Este, /Airco lattortsassi et CIGA`R•S, leiteliriOnio*t from Ifivana, of *hole s ind fsvorici . roal-tf COAILIIISSI.ON HOUSES. WE'LLIN a. COFFIN. & • • COMPANY. 110 O.IIIII3TNUT STREET, AGINTS 'FOR THE SALE OF A; A SPRAGURIB PUNTS. . - • In snot variety, inotudlns Cho , 3 ol M 4 a. TUlter Reg! 0110 0;fr 31 104"rtitIgis,and FIUIO7 Btflel; 7- ardIA . OR6U)-13 - 131E8i111168 AND' StIatTINGS, torisrlele. ; ; ' MaterSoille. ; . ! hiogo, - Washington Union . alsekstons.: • Cohannet i JohneMn • Selliderse, • - Phetnii. ' •45, 'DROWN IdERZTINGS, • IBUILITINGS AND . 2 OSNAI3IIIIOB. tllatosra,Virginia Paralls. Groton, ," 'Eagle, • Manchester. Miss & Mentor A. Warns .Faxtrient; • Rieenatler Sotiomley'si Ptimeroy'ai Glantutiv Co.'s, and other 'inakegot Black 'and ruing an wool; and oottou wan? I DOBSKINS ; AND. OASSIXERBS. tirsoirAelato.. ; Sextons River, • Lewiston FAIL. iltearn'i •• ; • G'ecy ds dons.' Olendrde, Berkol r Co.. ; - - and others. - Iltearn's Aires Br:Aldrioh, Taft A barony. ' °tarter Qalt. Crsatal Springs, , Carpenters', • - Florence Mina, • Cairoll'il;' ConversvUle. 8/LESIAB.:4-wriedide Co.'s,ihnith's, and other pinkes t Plain and twilled , of all n onio. Faxlay Nesre. Strives and Plaids. Jewett Mel and Irene Stripes, Denims, and 'Dickintal " Rhode baked and flalmlelphia Limeys, Apron Chocks', sad Pantaloon Stairs ill • begard'e and Slater's Canton Flannels. . Fiehenilla Cole Corset Jeans, /col ane-dtseel—eard-fmecwtjav FARRELL &MORRIS; 99= CHESTNUT lITREET, ' - IMPORTERS. coritmi,ssioN mERCIRAIY °LOTUS, B.lB6l3piiV9ik DOESKINS, AND :BPRSItGAND StniSKER 00ATINOS, ILL:tITBLETI, TiNTALOWSTUFPB FROTHINGHADI do WELLS, 36 LITITIA STRIIBT, AND 34 sovni FRONT EIT.RZET COTTONADES. bitteble Jas both Clothiers sod Jobbers, in larte , . variety. IDTAIIDEM: 00ATMOS AND DAIDDiatILDTTS Made by Ebb Orden taken for these desirable goods for Berths trade alg-sf Stlli'llEY, ItiZAREy& rfo 11. S ,0113877(111T ST.. 00M/LISSKIN - MERCHANTS ORTXLIi OF PHILADELPHIA:-MADE GOODS. lemma. our . . • • 3'l 4y.N . SXPER.IISO4 N . LIME AND kIIMALS I . , .:3l64,Erwrithrhnliffior i erper... - . . SOB (31LILDRE-N TBETEIiNia, wiliahgresur futtitatedv the precentor teething, tiy soli laggilitrah‘meltu2l t 4l 4,,l n ellentietlon s will alley SUR TO RtGULATIeTrE %WEL'. Depend wog tt, mothers, Refill me Test toloorgolves RELIEF HEALTH' TO YOUR INFANTS. • We have vamp and sold_. his natlele for over ten velat,al men lIPIOTi atm Pe , &moo ' and truth of it, Hire sew Ter been gok able to ma of.any other eine. FR HAS 7; LT FATI,F.Don, a SIN MST OE, TO k.F Pa FEOT A COAL, whoa amity used+ Never did g., e know an matinee or jigan by any one r who used it. On the eon tilt;ell ere dalipbted 00 th its operations, rind In tergisef- highs' ...; ommendetionofirs mul e eete,and neediest in wd time. -We epeek in Oils tigy . what ve d mow," after ten yearer isnoemndpiesse on n. reptitatiin for the WU OPlgeTrgti:rtliehtriedno 1111 re lD iaeriA_ n I f il i Trit r el a n y :rd pathenstion, relie wi ll be ~ found ye ia,a•ev o n or twenty pi'Assailer the Hymn k '-' pdsatsteretli , vslorilleprepe.lutto . 0 te the - proscription gf_one take ditlal t aa ° E,Ndagg and Suis(eldilitt arrert4tras iw ta .: • ' -.. • . Mutts , 1 klisEis, . . i filet Only - relleiree the w. chili front tom, nut Ire. metwatheletems e eh and , . bowels. onsets soiditi l ,„--.-- r -t"- N .,,,,,,, if„,yrolilViletrlllllßE. 71.. - 0 iN.O COL _ clit and° " r •" rne°°n va onsiw 0 , , not 4 spite y remedied, end in a tk W 'e Revel:. the _ hottesA egypitt 'unwell ig K t glect,lL o irm z w 7 . D Z1F 4 ,49 1 Micro tl4nd ji .1 . r, 1 4: bile Pm - from/my o ther ! 4 .., ~..,...t 0 .." . .,.w001d 8,, Q -t,., Wary .Inother. who line "" olaild eiiffering from soy of the fol i geillg opri t ieSigte Op. do not lot yourrifejudioes, j a g nore! e ri v x"l,l2 °9 A 6 ' • `tq_thlatilVit.krat. between suitYriqeensoPt iii .1 4 ; SU RE—to_fottor the ,ii tow or 'thus "mettle ne." i ...e timely need. Full three tiong for.osio e vill =corn ~.. quay enah lvttle. one ifiniiikjlol the Inc * simile ofpUßTlfile MR IUNIS,-New drk, le oti the ontwde wrapper. V01d..11/ Dirdtelitthronehotit tke world. rilDol pa. so, MI Ono,As• Street, Skew vette. . .lyte-Ly es seems a home • D Dr'l'ON7s . INOWUSTIO MO for no. rums toTo pf fot cottages. a _42ll_, aoes and rollll=ll. ' waea Pty o for drains sad Wotor oondnotori, , , rtod tag for tale bl bY II 4/ ._ •"' • . iota BointiMPTlCkat .r.iAttwic• oleAßs OP THE , FoLLownvo BRANDS: -Fjoro, Hojerda.Orp'; Web3or, Einbutlarla, Plirtlii,tgl"""d i-NeOtran,”Vexueras, PruebeeT, nrar ca Zfires e ! °. . iii k g2"r i o! 6 ?!-P 414 ! ! or ti u •i. 004 .., .. 7 , 9 irt.-Es2rAT T E I4, , - -- wAL NEW rvai44.TioNs. NEW YEAR'S" GIFTS SAMUEL trAZARD, JA., f- CHHSTNUT Street, Will aloe* crat:46lft;.g this vatic, the bettettee of hie HOLIDAY STOCK . - Or BOOKS- AT . „ . REDUCED PRICES LINpSAY tgc BLAICISTON'S , - PilysicrANT • Ifis.Priso• LEVI' • _ LIVILSAY,& SLANISTOFog. N lBOO No. 24 SOUTH SIXTH Street. above Mutant, PN,TAIDIAN'E , VIhITI NO LIST. Y AND DAY BOOK: FOR 18.50— NO W . RE.ADY. CoNrainisa: A Visiting Lie. for each day., Memoranda Page for every month. Pagea for Engagements,And forAeronnts. Numerous Stylesharo been eroeared. 'They min be obtained suitable • • for 26 l'ationte, . LUtieliiOloth Tuck, we Patients per week t igl Vlrtma t remjrm t eat 0 11Alt,IES FOR 1860 Ar WITOLEBALE PHICEg Dor sale by LINDSAY & BLA'KISTON, No. 23 South SIXTH Street. d2O • above Chestnut, G E'Ditu ' G. -EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, No. CHI CHESTNUT STBEET.• BUN' YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' • BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' 1311 Y YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' . • . BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, No. 432 Chestnut street. . No. 43%plieatnut street. 'Tie tho hest plaoo in the site. • Boolu are sold as cheap as at any other store. And You have the advantage Of et t i ne e. Gift wetiieeell Book. YOU lIAN GET GOOD BOOKS._ YOU CAN GET CHOICE BOOKS. YOU VAN BET BOOKS WORTH READINO. and All Boole aro sold at the publishers' loWost BEAR IN MIND THAT A GIFT, • - Worth from 60 cents to stoo. • ACCOMPANIES EACH GOOX. ANA UALS. All the /home Books in every style of Binding, from $1 upwards, and a Gift with each. • PRESENTATION BOOKS In great variety, bound in the must beautiful style. at prices varying front $1 to $7l, and a handsome present with eaoh. BIBLES • Of all sizie.Tor the Family, Church, or Pocket, bound in every etyle, and at prioPs var,ying from $1 to Sid each, accompanied with a beauful gift. • PEAYER. B OOKS Of all denominations, bound in the most handsome manner, in morocco and velvet, and at prices varying from $1 to $lO, and a splendid present with each. . HYMN BOOKS. Presbyterian. Methodist. Baptist, Lutheran, Am, in handsome binding, from et to 4410, and a gond gift with each. HISTORIES Of all kinds, upon alt sublee e, by the, best Irritate, and at all prices, and as flitin We present with each. .BOGRAPRIES Of every oblebia-rod_ person, and in every style of binding, and a gift Won with each. • TRAY ,tLS AND VOYAGES. Tho writings of toe Moat noted and poeulteauthere, each accompanied with a splendid present. POEMS. The works of every standard writer, bound in every variety of style. and illustrated with the most beautiful engravings, at prices varying from $1 to $l2, and a handsome present riven with onnh book. JUVENILE BOOKS In endless variety, and by the most ropulat and pleas ing authors, ,and remember that &valuable present is given with each, ALSUATS Of all sizes, bound ip the most beautiful style, and illustrated with splendid en ravings, at prices varying from alto elo, and a beautiful gift givenwith each. Buy your BOOKS. V all kinds, at .Y.Vfi' GIFT ROOK_ ESrA BLISHMENT, . CHESTNUT BTREET, Where ion ran get them as cheap as at any other store in the city. Arid you have the advantage of getting a Gift with each dank that you purchase. Call in, and one trial will assure you 'that the best plats in the airy where you 4son/41_parrhete Roo/es is GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK EsTABLISEIMENT, 439 CHESTNUT St., l'hiladalphia, Two door* bolow Fifth, on the upper side. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. "OUR MUSICAL , FRIEND," a Rare Compa.. nine for tits Wtoter Months. Every pianist, Should procure thin week- Every Singes, I ly publication of Veonl and EvelY Teacher,' . )`moo-forte Mule, sestina • - . ivety Pupil. ' bur 10 CENTS n numbor, Arid pronounced by " 11 .--.- MTTNI) Cln. A rrw_ • t---”-rrn-n—wrz---rzuxs ,- KIND IN THE WORLD." Twelve' Itill-eixed pages of Vooal and Fiano•forte Mimeo FOR TEN CENTS. • Yearly, rid; half yearly, 82.ne; quarterly, e 1 .25. Subscribe to •• Our Memel Friend," or order it from the nearest nowede,dere and you will have Mime enough for your entire family nian Imam at: nod if you want Mines for the YlOl5. Violin, Clarionet. Aocordeon, Leo., km. subscribe for the " Solo Melo dist." issued semi-monthly. containing miss twelve Fages; price. Pt cents yet number ; 52.10 Per >Car 5 / 4 4 or six months. Just published end for ante by C. Jr. S. S y ; A: CO., 107 NASSAU Street. New York. • ala tTzurfltn ItioliNNßY; 406 WALNUT STItEET, PAX. AGENT, • fIEA.UTIPUL AND V ALIJAULE WAR. HARbEY'S .LLUSTRA_TED ERITION OF J. PENI, MORE COOPER., Two Vignettes on Steel, and twelve sketebeson Wood. in omit volume. Snell, NEARLY WO BRA Engraved from - • vAktfiEY'S IIbSIONS,Bv Tna BEST ENGRAVERS. Eleven voln,z?: , The Pioneers, Bravo, Red Rover. The Pilot. lest of the Mohicans) Wept of wieh-ton-wah, The Spy, The Headman, Wyandotte, Tho Prairie, Lionel lonooln. Others will follow at Intervals of a month, until the entire not or Couer's revels is publiehed in this Nolen eldstylo. Price I.en per volume, in plain cloth, uncut, or embossed clothbevelled edges bubsennors tary served. S. MoaNM% 406 WALNUT EiTREw.T, Is SOLE AG E NTaIso for the PICTORIAL FIELD-ROOK OP THE REVOLUT/ON. By BENIION J. LORIIIMI. Thq Ilistrirr. Biography, Scenery, :Robes. awl 'I raditions the War for Inilopendence. Illustrated b.Lpen and Pon , gib EloYeti Hundred .I.;tigravings on Wood, chink? liens Original isitotehos by the Author. Complete in 9wo volume'', Ronal. Octavo, various; bindin Everett, ,or to dollen,. Highly nxtollod Edward ' i t , lrks, George &moron, Washington Irving, do., to. .. • 9. Mc Ilairav has also MOUNT VERNON and ITS esSOCIATIONS, Hiato- 1 , rical, Biographioal,and Pictorial by Ronson J..Lonnius. 131 Illustrations, Hound in various styles, 43.00, 86.10, 'OAP and "SSD. ;Aber of tho above in A , eUBPERB HOLIDAY GIFT. . Remember 8. McIIENRY, • 400 WALNUT Street. INATINITB • 11UST PUBLISHED. • ••• THF. iNGOLDSBY LEGI NIP 3; .. Or, MIRTH AND MARVEIf.,B, by THOMAS INGO L.DSSY, (Rev. Richard Harris Statham.) With'Life, and eopioue illustrations by Crutkellank and Leech, From the lath London edition. Complete in two handsome volumes, suet ready. • Cloth, fine paper.- • • --- •• • •/ 2 . 60 Half calf. Anot antiuu9 Ede • The constant demand for the high-priced Reggie), edi tion of this standard book has induced us to issue it at rt. low figure, in the very beet style. The Memoir is as delightful and witty as that of Sydney Smith, and must excite the came attention. It contains anecdotes of Theodore Hook, Tom Hood , Sydney Smith, Canning, i3oorge IV, and other celebrated. thunders. Any criti cise/ would he supetiluoue of the poems whose wit and originality baroattraoted such widely-extended notice. Some were interesting on account of the notoriety of their subject or their bearing on the romin of the day hut all ere animated with it spirit of fun, and an pa- Ragging humor; tent roust accure iinbotinded popularity. The author's distinguishing trait is his unrtvalleil power in rhythm, Ind the flow end fertility of his versiGoattoto Ilia entire is always well direoted, and occasionally a tew touches display in dillerent and higher order of poetto Power, standing out in contrast with the ludicrous ima gery that aurrounds them.. The memoir gives an amusing sketch of his 'intimitoy with Theodora Hook, and some anecdotes of living pergola ate added to the lighteri hititoriottes. • Tbo surprising elloatmess of the pries nt Which this invaluable work is peldithed,fvls.,• 4350,1 i n compari son with the price of . the I , ,nslieli edition, (,$11.28 should induce all adnilrers of polite humorous literature 10 POICOOC theniselves of n COPY. Jllll. B. SMITH at CO., Publishers, No. .17 South SEVENTH Stroot, philadelatte• dZ1•2443-40 3140 For sale by all Bookedlien' 111311YSTOTAN'S 'POCKET ,DAY=BOOK -AL prAity AND 'MITI NO'LIST FOR MO. • Tito above little manual. forrnory. published by 0. J. Priee, is now reedy for delivery and Wing prepared un der the limped atendonoo of SOMAS eminent members of the, profession. is indispensable topiary practising Pli7 - 11.101 an. ft is bound in the following styles, and will ho sent, met paid, to any eddrees. on the receipt of the prioe. • Sound ;it cloth i 2.3 Patients). ..... ........ . en • rurksy morocco. tueks, with pocket ... ou " DoublV for M patients) oloth . IV urkey moron* tucks. JOSEPH SAWN, publishernnd Importer. • 27 South SIXTH Street. nbove Chestnut. N EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS PRE , -cm. SENT. PERSONB tN DRARCII Or ♦" • - CHRISTMAS Pitt:BEln ONIIIICRINIS YON THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPIRDIA CRVISN V017111E9 NOW HEADY. To bo nornp!eted In Firmit Vnlnmet. rRICI-, 1 , 3 PER VOLUME. A Subsonptton Book ney open At the Agent's, JOHN htePARLAT4, ARCADE HOTEL, 621 Chestnut street This le an admirable Present from a parent to a eon, from scholars to their teachers. Irma n congregation to their psalm . ; from a brother to a brother or sister, or from a friend to a friend. da-tf - HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS,- • ?reinsuriply, Wholveitle I n,lo Retail. at ANTl stavvity OPFICE, MT North FIFTII. Street. d2B-41t" • HAVANA CEGAILS.—A full assortment, lust received, in etore and bend. The attention of dealers is invited. S. FLIGU4T d 80N8, • dzi.tf N 0,216 Bona, FRONT Street. ESS MAOREREL—A Roo invoice of WO.. fire.. gni. ' and 'girl; Nowlatryport Also t a arnall lotaf Halifax large No. I Maokeral, .1n stars and for sale b, WM, J. TAN LOR & - an 124 and 124 NORTH WIIARVES. CIIDAPEST WINDOW GLASS in town . 4 7- 0 1 ,1 4. nicK , l3, B. W. °arm of OEVENTIT nu I[ll - OSIVRif GOODS. J. WA!. HOF-. MANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, line 'now - Open Ids Vali/3[OA of !lonia ry Goods. viz: Undervests and Drawersof Cartwright and Watner'ssu porter mann fe.eturo, for ladies and misses' wear. Merino Shirts and Drawers, tor ...gents and youths. Merino Hosierlr C ott on Hosier y. waolion Mower y . Gloves and Gaunt lets, and t oads enurally appottnining to the Henteni 001,20,8, W. tnaPnailully solicits tho attention of families to his emir, assuring them that his stook is un excelled for variety by any other in the city. and that hin tames aro as low as tlione of any other. regular house. " N. FL.-Na abatement made from tho armee rimed. 021,srfre.tf - - INTILLOOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE- :This 111nohino never fitila to give (m -are satishotion. Pr,ea l+nr We at 715 CHEST rtUI'. &tett. n99-tf BFINED BORAX, in store and for dai XL sale VETRIMILL &11112ZRER. Not iT and 49 tiarttit.4l2wAii Butes. PHILADELPHIA," MONDAY, JANUARY 2, -160. RETAIL DRY GOODS: DECEMBER • • • REDU.OTION IN PRICES. L. J. LEVY & CO. A.nounno to the Public and their Cuitomers that in no eordanoe with their usual custom, at this season of the Year, the,' have reduced the prices of their stook of FANCY DRY GOODS, which comprises many choice and - beautiful descriptions of goods suitable for .CHRISTMAS PRESENTS: L. J. L. 81„ Co. have received, this week, a very onoicti oolleotion of Embroidered Cambric Hare, Now Lace- Goods, Embroideries, &c., to which Dior° will be added, on Monday. December 19, several oases of 14 ouvenutoe, especially selected for HOLIDAY PRESENTS.' 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. dl-tf LADIES' FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATI3.- 1I011.• 415 AND 917 AROR STREET, HAS NOW OTEN:ITIS USUAL , ASSORTMENT ',pp FURS; Made of sitoidr galootod byhimgelf in E6topo duffing tho past Spring. 0023-510; ------- CLOAKS! CLOAKS !! IMMENSE - ATTRACTIONS. • EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW itIATERIAL., THELARGEST STOIC* IN TIIE CITY. YETPrioar More num/We than at any other want. lietiment, 117.7 E N S , nib-a 93 SOUTH NINTII STREET. CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS 11 TILE GRE•'ATEST ElAncarris rN CLOAK§ EVER. OFFERtiII. I V E N S, 93 SOLITG NINTH STREET., QUARPLESS BROTHERS have now open the hitinneo or their P4llO rDross GOCKit , Motisehnes. °shoos, Kahle. Thch Silks nod Robes. Fiaired 'Merinos, Poplins. Markod at Mott 'reducedJtinta to Mr the stock. i dxl • Ctiti-STNLIT AND MONTH. ; "LYONS CLOAK VELVETS. ' • m•-• All widths of these goods in brilliant blaoke. They are composed of pure Silk', and considered the best mannfootnre that roaches this market. -Imputteo expreutY for our retnifealos by NHAReLESB BROTHERS, il2l CHESTNUT and EIGHTY. Straets. • • C . — 7 LOARING CLOTHS. Fine Black Cloths and Beavers. Ladies' Black Makings. 6/. 25 to 034. • Overcoat Clothe, 81 to §'5.01.% • Press-coat C10th5.82.60 to 88. Manic and fancy Caseimerea. . „ Extra heavy fanny 'Winter -CabstineDlS. tlatinote and Union.Cassimozes. i cod and cheap Ireetiore,Eilk, Vsknout. Boys' wear—goods especially adapted in. COOPER rt. CUNARD._ d 7 61:1.d !HARKEY. ' BLACI( BEAVER 1.31.0A - KB. • Cheap Cloaks, from &d t o ?, G. Full Mack Cloaks, 80 Lo 8 114 Pock Beaver Clonke. 810 to 619. • itlack Tricot Cloaks, .1.0 to ,Slia Wo VG now selling largo quantities haaa a tame, !tomb, And clean otoek. . Cloaks rigida in order and Ma, rantoad to fig and picas,. COOPER & RD, dl? NINTH and MARKET.. NOTICES. NOTICE TO BRIDOE The CARBON IRON COMPANY will reeeirb' proposals until the 10th day of Februacy noxt for build- Int; an Iron or Wootton Rnilrond .13tIdSoWdr 110 Le high River, opposite their works at rarr/ollle. in the county of Carbon. 'rho lonr.th wid be about throe. hurt - dlott nod fifty (110) foot, in either throe or four spans, single (nick. , . . Novellale received', and Anther rarticafitra nbietecii, on nyplienlien at, Parr ivale In the nedereigeml, D1.X.1116. BA Illil AN, r maid° n t. . i December 19th, 19.59. 411.1tre21', . _ 11.0"()TICIE. --The Annual. Ideeting,of the Btorkholdere rif Ole P ANN FOB h N .8015711- NVA .1 1 .1111. A I)ELPHIA IiITYYABSEND Hit .11e11 ROAD COMPANY will lie hold nt the effi co Of the Com ploy, sIERN tbrto Clte there 1 Street, helot- Fourth. nn MONDAY. Jinni/Iry 0. 380, at whieli tiara an :Meatier will bo hold for Prosiclont and twolve Directory. to nerve for the awaiting ye ar . CHAS, x.-Ansurr. d26-mwr tp • • .- .tleoromr7. (1P e ‘a ROAD COIIIfANY. . • • PIIILADELPVII4. December 11, IVY Tho oni•bna ot 'thepth `de Depth 1)0 bon''pnal . will • bo. paid upon presentnbon nt the/r Oth:e. inllad tenville, on and after MONDAY, January N. bct veer' the holm of midi). A .) l, A. D. DIA LEA.II, • Treasurer.'' OFFICE OF TIIB "RIDGE ANI:NtrE ItN 0 I‘l 1.74" t ANA Y SW PAR*EN '• GER RAN A WAY COMPA, NY, Itidge endLColumbia nninuve. 'f he neneed meet. ine of the f.pwiioldme of the .• Slide° Avenue Fund Mannytinle. rilliflollger RAHWAY COMPAiIr IT/11 be held. nt the °Mee of the Company, on IMONDAV., Jonuary 9, We), at le n'olotlc A, M. The Election for President and Directors for.stnd Company will be hold tit the same place, and on the same day, between the home of 11 A. Al. and 3 ci'elook, ALFRED L_CLAY, , 'd2o:dtta9. OFFICE, OF aritAten COLLEGE Pits. BNNI.MIt 'RAILWAY C IM pArry, Ridge mad culunir Irlt avenued. Annual Meeting of the Stook holdere of the UIBLRD Col.l,Hilli RAILWAY COMPArix. will be bold. at the OfEen of thd Conrni, ea ratINDAY, JanUnr, 0, MA), at , a DVl n tO k 'Ele . ctit;n for President and threctora of sabi t o Ele ction will he hold et the dame and on the name, day. between the bouts of lUo'cdoek 11. and 3 o'clock P. d2O-dttee* BhiunT, b.e!staly. nORN FACIIANGE BANK.—Philadel: aloe, Nov. an, ma,. At an Election held on thellet inetant t _the following gentlemen were ehonen Directors of Hoe bank: Alexander G Cattail, Joseph Imrlefly, RobertK:Neo; Samuel T. Canby. Jatnes Steel, • John F . Oreas. Edmund A. Ponder, Charles Knecht, Alexander Whildin, Havid Vandereaer. Hugh ()rale, Philip R. Mingle. eltrietian .1. Hoffman. And at the meeting of the Hoard TIM /JAY, the fol.; lowing officera Were unauttnounlv emoted • • A. 0. C.:ATV:IIa., President. • R. R. NEM Vice President. J. V. TORRP,V. Caelner. NOTIOE.—IIOLDERS OF TILE joge Sonde leaned by the Calawiean, WilhavroYort, - and Erie Railroad Company ore invited to cell with in twenty days from title date, at the Office of the' Domhany, NM WALNUT Street. between the haute of 10 and 2 o'clock. daily, and alga the cower or MOTTO . ' under the reaolutlons passed by the ilondholdere, et,the Meeting held on the 11th ult. - SAM 11EL V. MEE itIOK, • 11.ODER'r DA YARD,. F. A. VAN DYIS 1!. Jr.. P. N. 1111TONINHON, A. W. MITCH El.b. HUTCII/NBI).N . efentratteo. VIM. D. LEWIB, Truntee. n24-11n DOcanntfor D. 1.569. NOTICE IS,' GIVEN THAT APPLIOA- Lion will ho mule lin a Certificate of Pennsylvania Plate Loan, in place of nee Mae,' August 4 Wit, No. e 9, htttaq!l4itnf2lla 1834, to LuuviEF iT"""...t4i.kao Lit4TEl i tti AND RESTAURANT N. TILE UNION,. MI CH STRUM, ABOVE TURD, r.IIILABELPHLI. 45PT0N S. NEWCOMER. Tho situation of this 110T1:1, is ausoriorly adapted le the wants of the Ilusittese Puhlio; andto those itt Search of pllnsure, ?Amour Itailronds, whioh now run saar. an In 01080 prox»ntiy, efftlrd °heap and pleasant ride to all planes of interest or about tho city. 21-6nt :FUN MAOKAY'S PURE EXTRACT Or CALVES' FEET. Fararoduclnz brilliant and nutritious and SLAM: MANE and for thlolconing and , truproVlng Suns and Waring. Sold by EDWARD • PARRISH. 800 ARCII atreot. TIIOI. WEAVER; • LION EENTH and VINE Stranta. JAS. T. SHINN. 429-tr • lIROAD and SPRUCE Stroata. 31E0BANICAL BAKERY. S. W. Corner ETWAD and VINE Streets, I'HILADEVIIIA. This establishment is now in suceassfel operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to call and pee the whole proem of broad -making for theinaelves. The 'undersigned taken the liberty of saying that for thirty-five years he line been a practical liaker—dve no !apprentice, and five as journeyman in ono of the brat houses in ficotland, and twenty-five as master—dnring whielt time he has had the. uPPortuflitY of Dinkins Maui esperiments, and obaerving all the improvements whir have been made Miring that period. In thie establishment, of which he Ilea now the man agement, in addition turbo compiete labor-naving ma mbicory , he line bow fineliti es of ninny lands not boreto fore possessed. fining unrestrained In the purchase of flour, none but the eoundea and best ever be wind; and has no 'hesitation in saying that Bread of all hinds can he de livered. unsurpassed in quality and weight by that made li t the ordinary process. , ' amities 41 which the Bread made by the Mechanical 'fakery han not been tried, or in which it hat been tried oily at its commencement, before the machinery, was in :perfect working order, are resocetfully,esked to give it a trial now, the undersigned believing it would lead to mutual advantage, TWIN G. MOXEY. tris2l.tf Superintendent MESSRS. ROSENTIIAL MORRIS, from Plymouth, England, ninutifacte Tors of the celebrated Pantescopie" Speetecles respectfully solicit, the pa tronage of the lames and gentlemen of eltilatlelphia and vicinity, to their mliperinr giound apOetti , eio gbeneet .The valuable advantage derived from them is, drat' in stead of Viulon becoming strainftd. heated.. weakened, .and in numerous oases seriously injured, it a preserved and strengthened, ev.tythlng at once becomes clear brilfient, and verl'Ned persons are enabled to ern in%ree,gtoa-tigl',7:can sae with those lenses of moat 1(1 , 00(0 nocupntion.oithe :much loss magnifying power, and they du not require :am frequent nitenges to the dangerou• etieots of further Powerful assistance. Certificates can be seen at the office over Mr. Christ• man's store, 702 CHESTNUT Street, adjoining Ger. plonh , Photograph rooms, ly V n ILVER SOAP—A simplo preparatiq for olennalne Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Met. We, &o, far more convenient and ellective than nut Other. One half the labor of House cleaning may to saved by Union thin Soap, which cannot popeibty mime the Ilnont Zino white, and cc no sorubbing in recuirea, the eavingfri the wear of the paint in much greater thee, the cost of the Bonn, It leaven the earfnce as pure nit' white aa when new. Manufactured only by tho Hewn Indexical Bcati Company, and cold by their nefem.iatt ligentejlAßlAßD & CO.. Apotheaanon. TWELFTri cid (111ESTMLIT. 621- 560 bbls : Nos. l : 2, and B. Macharnl, in ashorlod Original Packegee, of the latest catch, for Gala by C. C. BADLBIt & CO., All1;11 Street, 21 hoar above Front. . S3l C O boxes Herkimer County chnnse In store nticl tor ante lo C. 0. HADligit Pc QC. 41.R.011. Skeet, ad dour shoro'Fitet , Sin • Vrtzz. MONpAY.. JANT.TARY 2, 1860 A. {"o►nan's Art-Criticism. A great deal has 'been written in our jou'r nals, during the last fortnight, on that very .suggestive painting, now on exhibition hero, Mr. PAOu's Venus. The opinions Upon its merit as a picture, we mean the eicoution as well as the de%ign, have been as cordliMing as those upon the mooted point—whether its nudity should prevent its being gazed,at by the public.. There is a true and a false- side to everything, hot excluding the feeling called Delicacy, and we• behave that it is false deli cad),.. which takes great pains to suggest ideas bf impropriety - which never. conic naturally into people's minds. There avictures clraPecl film the neck to the in' which, noierthedess, are mere objectioneb,,—because Moro:sensuous, if not actually merle-sensual— than teeny a nude statue or molar& at which over-delicate folks affectedly titre : Up their proper. noses. For our own part, WO do not ace anything improper in Mr. PAGE'S remarka bly line Venus, which is ono of the finest paißlings in the Titianesque manner, since the death of mighty 'fmreso 'irECELT.E nearly three centuries ago . . We have been anxious to know what the women thought of it, and the following plain-spoken, and rather , t spicy" communication, from one of these crinolined'beings, which reached no Pet as we were wopdering what we should write about to-day, appears worthy of being placed before the public, as an utterance of feminine thought about art in general, and Mr. PAGE'S Venus (on the half-shell)-in particular: . Mu: EDITOR : Two things--first, I am a woman; second, to the unspeakable horror of my friends, I have opinions. I want to give you some of my opts lOW about the " Venus." A. man's view of such a subject is .worse , than useless.. It is impertinent. What do men know of us? Talk ,as learnedly ns they will of pigments and colors,• and blend ing and foreshortening, ohiaresouro and tons— whatever that rucant—thoy know nothingi nor ever . will, of the rare golden mysteries that lie between the woman nature and their own. It is just the difference between the electric forces and the more physical ones. And you know that the first bas never been analyzed yet, although It has been utilized and lectured upon. - I went to Sea Mr. Page's picture alone, ono stormy morning, thinking that if, by chance, I found Aphrodite alone, I could woo hor from the canvas, and talk with her of the dead golden ages wherein sho was a Queen. For lam something of a unigiolatt Myself—although you mightn't think it," to tamale, I have talked eoross.thc great shadowy thane with &noble., and dreamed that I hold the dagger tit the throat of Aurelian, who °Lathed her to hiS chariot wheels. Cleopatrti limb many a time played with my black ringlets, and whispered in my ear.arrowy tropes of love, and ambition, and tragedy. They know me, these - queens of the . Past, when the world was worthy of queens, and I fancied the wild Illyrian language which reight have, whispered in the car of Aphrodite would hav e given her life, and breught book her ,sceptred days. But, there wore a dozen or more coarse, material sr - imbibes there, standing in the soft twilight, making blunt irregular telescopic tubas of their clumsy hands, shaking their heads wisely, and talking good dual of tocetioeivabie nonsense after the man ner of fools. -'Why, Mr. Editer,,won't people be silent when they stand in the presence of the sett, spiritual mysteries of Art?. Why will they net uuderetwi that beauty Is not a conerction, but u living, palpitating Idea, that may bin whisked away by a breath, es see the birds of heaven; Slut they don't. Tony never seem to understand anYthiniies• • .lteimac,?:r,a manatertnit gewgaw, or a bill week, and Papa seemed Wilisife-Calkijetime is last well, at any rate.) they must talk, 'ilitiTrrelY, Crashing voices, and with - their blear orig. eisess, and detestable censure, and more detestable praise. As if Aphrodite, the love, the idol, the dear divinity, whose beauty Aloibiades adored, and to worship which Petioles furget Aspasia anti um- Litton, oared for their cheap, flimsy admiration. .t 'haven't any patienenswith men at all. The last gentleman died with Sir Philip Sidney, and' the torah of chivalry has burned blue ever since. I keep his portrait in that quaint Elizabethan dress, In my room, and every year I hang a bunch of white sroto-dropr, woven Into n ring, beneath It. I make thorn into a ring bcoausenothing but a dr. el o of spheres expresses the perfection of his life, and I hung that pure ooronol beneath the portrait, &manse hie 60111 was *MI the flower iu its white- Elooretnry. 1 DK& tad purity; whiolt I think a rory pretty Luny. lion'tyoal Tha4 Mr. Editor, trill partly expiate to you why I tusto mou so, and will altogether explain why I was ao various, beettuso they were there lookiq at the pleura whoa I wanted it all to nysoli 1 knhw what would have been if they had not Won there. She would have flashed upon thu ttilight a living prosonoe, and her violet oyes tvaild have quivered ,with the irideseent light prionsd beneath their lids for all the limo that a Wearied generations of men have boon upon the earth Wo should have talked together of Mount Ida ad the guidon ego. tike would have fold too Liplb legends of the puiple yearti shut up in the greatrind of time now, like the hues, in a sea shelbod of the Naiads, and nymphs, and loves ; of mono, and of the wild CaSsandru ; and of Mop, with never a word of Vulcan, the lame, bratty blacksmith. (By the way, Mr. Editor, I hard, blamo her for treating Vulcan so. You ususiadruit, though you oun't quite understand thesthings, that it wus a clear oaso of inompoti bilitof forum ) Y, I know it would hove beep so. A row droa- ry nu to stand am a ecraou botween Wo and a vi stoi tho vanished ago A LIT lahhdtutnvoi cos to since the gliding melodies whieh would have clomp from across the /Egaen wators, dripping citlenchanttueut and dreams! Why were not tho;ftho men) at their counling-houges, or dro ntnover their nom - papers, or exhibiting their nice pals of pmfootion upon Chestnut street, (as if anpdy cared for their nice poluts,) or doing any of ho bundr6d nameless and stupid things Nvlacby they live? But no, there they were; eto!, unovarivo, conorote faa ts—stupid qf couree— nu(' phoo, of count); fend—pall ! but I havo no panda to go on. 'you, Mr: Editor, whom I hold to be among thleast objectionable of your apeetee, I don't nsl confessing that I was a little dicappointed No the Outer() itself. I hero my own theory of doilies or thoir expression, in atone or color, a it is that they should opttotnize the hereto and J gr a n d. Twi l picture don't. There-4 knon• kat you up, going to sai • that Venus ie the Goa- et, of Love; and that loath a ,, ontiment expressed wooing lines and curvatures, ann tstionato eyes, and ripe, the "d , 'special purple. 'Tisn't. It's a baiv"..,`lP... B _ o C sre. A thing of fibre and not of the adipose de: yit, how beautiful mover tho linos Tibio b. mark I boundaries. would not have imprisoned it In the apple. ,did the mythologists, bat would have shut. it kilo mailed hand. If you think Love helougsito a yielding and the pliant, you are mistaken. It I roved a nono—whieh I shall never do until Philip dney lives again—when I looked at him every addle of baseness about him would ho burned ashes as they burn the adamant under bermes. ben, if anything was left except the ashes, I !Quid treasure it; if not, I would have them swept way. e that love is It is all a vapid mistake to suppos ,n inert condition, instead of a quick, vital force. Vby didn't hir. Page paint its Empress with fibrous terentunted muscles, and eyes wherein sovereignty Mi. COMlllilrld, instead of languishment and passion lumbered? And though the enervate, luxurious Ve etians sot the example, he shouldn't have given !her that auburn hair, which I take to bo a sonnet i 'of , feebleness. It ought to have been rather a lyric of force, or in other words, black, glistening, ! lustrous, like . Cleopathe's—or mine. , I Plow, lam going to indulge myself in a slight digression in the direction of mythology. I don't belles . * Wm have all its rooords. I believe that the women of the twilit egos bad their coif mythology entirely different, and immeasurably superior to that of the men, and that the former was expur gated by the monks in whose crypts and clois ters all thelearning of the world wail barbed for CD many years. I don't believe that " Venue" wire born of the sea foam. I don't believe any thing more otherial than pipes or mackerel over owned Was a mother. It is this moot treacherous thing in nature, fit only as a symbol of the univer sal grave. lam personally acquainted with the Wan, for I wits born upon it, on A day when go Tlirou . shennthling.Orifts the rainy Uvulae I,==ig 'and have swung upon its rocking billows through ovary sone. Nothing good ever cam of it, I ani sore, except, perhaps, commeroo ; but I don't quite admit, that commerce is a good. No. I believe that the eluson of Lore was bora of .the cloud, ar,d bad a thuadorbolt for a sceptre; and rain drop for jewels. Yon shall 'find it'so if over the 'records of the true mythology be °Amino& Now, bow ab oard it is to belieie in Cupid with a little bow sad arrow; which would hardly wound a lark. 'Why ; he :should be of A ohillean sinews, and elad is triple mail ; yet the mythologists picture him' to us a little over-fed baoohanatio boast, with puffed eheeka and sensual eyes, like a largo, inappiopri- - ato boy after an intemperate 'dinner.. Now, Mr. Editor, I will frankly confess that what I have written is net altogether 'pellucid. I could 'easily 'gather up the dishoVelled thread, which I have unraveled, and weave of them the w ildest arabesque fabric you have ever seen. But I won't. In the first place, I am tired, and in tbe next youu - wenld excise my choicest sentences, and your patient, long-suffering printers mis•epoll the pro-Adamite words whioh I should find it necesse IT to employ. But for the relief of the denser elms of readers I append a brief sentence which will serve at once to einoidate the foregoing, and to embody my opinion not only 01 the " Venta" but of all other subjects whatever : 4 i 7 * *** • * • PERSONAS. AND POLITICAL. A CENTRE Sttor.—llinelino, in his lest Harris burg 5e11137161, makes a groat bit es follows : Connva. Buctwas.-.--Our readers will remain her that one year,ugo, in his message to Congress, Mr. Buchanan recommended the imposition of ape. oifio duties on all " commodities which are usually . sold by weight or by measure, and which from their nature are of equal or of nearly equal value. Such as iron of different . clams, raw sugar, and foreign wines and spirits," and it will also be re-' membered that Secretary Cobb; in an elaborate argument, undertook the somewhat ungracious task of proving the fallacy' of Mr. Buchanan's re commendation in this respeot. In his recent mes 'sage, the President uses the following.langnego - - "Should such n defieioney occur ne 1. apprehend, , 1 would recommend that the neceesary revenue be raiedd by an increase of our present duties on imports. laced not caveat the opinions oxereseed in my last 411111.181 melange as to the best mode andinanner of eccompiish inn this object, and shall now merely observe that thous have undergone no change." So much for the President. Now for the Seen tary: "If tolditinnal demands f si!..ya Mr. Cobb in his Mat re port! are created upon the Troasury by the of the present Congress, provision must be matte to meet them by such me tease of tura duties as :may be . required lig that purpose, In such en event I would re spectfully refer Congress to toy lest report as contain ing the views of the department on the subject," Thus does a Pennsylvania President fled himself snubbed, before the Representatives of the people, by a Georgia Secretary, and that, toe, upon the most vital !limit-ion to the people of his native State. Comment is unneeessary. , Tue PIAMDT'EI MB99A9}l.—Tho Washington correspondent of the New York Courier awl .E - quirer, in speaking of this document, says: • "It Is a very fair condensation of lint year's met. sage ; with the exception of Kansas affairs, to which it makes no reference. There has been no anxiety manifested on the part of .any one here to know whet it contained, and I have soon but one man who has read it. When asked his opinion of it, ho remarked that the only impression it made upon hie mind was that Mr.' Buchanan desired a re nomination. lie said he hadmover believed it be fore, bur now he felt assured of the feet." EAFITERN lYn WESTERN VIIIGINIA.—Tho Neff York Express says: "If we divide Virginia into districts, Eastern and Western, we shall find the comparative white and slave population in each distriot to bo as follows : . . Whites. :Haltom 486,474. 444,795 !restart& G 00,431 60,350 Of the'froo blacks, 51,498 are residents of Eastern, and only 8,620 of Westorn- Virginia; no that the total blaek; population of Eastern Virginia is 496,297, or afoul 10,000 nioro than the total white population; and the total blaok population of Western 'Virginia 72,979, or lose than ono-eighth of tho white population of that district. Eastern and Western Virginia are both ern / braced within the same parallels of latitude; but . the greater elevation of Western Virginia is 9. varied as equivalent to a difference in latitude, yf three or four deg.rees. The climate of Westi4 Virginia is tlierefore'of Ghent the tams tenipers r turo viith that of Pennsylvania. AVAs,otscrrou fletifitOt - Ctiaaxer.—The Boston Transertpi, in discussing tbe - celibacy of Wash %eon Irving, soya: ' 1 Instead of being a I defe,W- the oelibacy of Erving washia crown of glory: Thoso who have v i ytiv„,,Wg writings moo bare been struck. With from the broadest fun to the most inatfarrinft mont, which occurs between the facetious Illstorf of New York stud the Sketch Book. Many, per , hops, imagine that this is accounted for by his tors of fortune. But the feeling is too soulful for auk au interpretation. It had its origin in one of those disappMfitments of the heart which color all the subsequent life of a true man. . Wo trust that now there is no want of delicacy in - alluding to the foot that the early object of Irving's love died during their betrothal. We have beard the lest interview described by a member of her family ; and to the sacred sorrow thus engendered is to be ascribed much that is touching and true in the son. titnent of Irving's writings i to his fealty to this infection, in no small degree, is owing thocontinued sensibility which kept his heart fresh to the last; and, above all,- that respect for, and sympathy with, the innate and holy sentiments of humanity, which he so uniformly cherished and manifested in letters end in lift. "Nor is this all. Tirno may have healed thei wound and roooncilod the bereft to another rola4 tion ; but them intervened a period of disaste r whioh drove his eldest brother to bankruptcy' Pori his Rah o and that of hie family of danglitore, Wash. ington Irving continued Siegiej took them all homo. , ' and beetuno a father to the children. Beautiful, Ms their mutual devotion; happy their Conge nial household ; and Btletlyeide is now bequeathed . to Breit. "No ono talliliat With knit - ring, nrmaiated the idea of celibuoy with Lim; he wag ulwayo in a do.; mestlo atmosphere; his nieces were like daughters; his fair neighbors his favorite companions, children the delight of his heart. With such free and fond Mfeetiona he could, ander no circumstances, lead the life of a stogie men, as the phraso is usually, understood. /10 Wad domesticated in families abroad; lie was the endeared centre of one at home; and one of the most beautiful aspects of his lite, as well as one of the most honorable, is that selected as exceptional, after the dippant habit of those who ignorantly condemn whet they have' neither the both:4 to examine, nor the refinement of soul to conjecture may Le an evidence of the highest Jove and the moat heroin self.dordel." arThe Eoglieh prize-fighter and ox.chatepion of England, Harry Broome, has written a letter to .Ronan, promising him the beet hospitality in re turn for kindness from Americana, which collet udes thus: 215 a man coming from a strange country to etrange land, your humble servant; Ilarry Broome, would never knowingly or willingly 000 a true heart foundered on the rock of deception. Harry Broom, ex-champion of England, opposite stage door, Drury Lane Theatre. Tem BROEVK .1:11) as Donnr.—A gentleman who writes to us from Paris, tinder the date Mlle°. 7th, informer us that he dined with Mr. Ten Broeek in Paris, on dm 33 instant, and learned from him that ho stood m win three htinilred thousand dol lars upon his Aserisan horse Umpire for the next Derby, at an onTlay of three thousand dollars. ity this it appears that Mr. Ten Broeek was shrewd enough to get all his bets " no" early, when hie known colt stood discredited at the rate of 100 to 1. —lirtlkes's Spirit. The Chevalier Wykoff was one of the passengers In the steamship Arago at New York. MATRI/IDNT er WnoLoasi.o.—ln tho Southwest ern (Ala.) Baptist we find the following announce• meat : "About oight miles southeast from Andalusia, on Tbur olll +.7 , October 10th, wore married, at theresi dence of B. 13. Base, by. G. A. &to judge of probate, James Tem to Nancy Bars; ' to Mary Bass, and Wilson Boss to Jane Tee l l i ; n j a atu e c e s, l William and omen Jana Bats Teel ;151ds n, B . bath Bass, all or vermeil The above connubial attachments were all formed, and but one ceremony dolivered—a nuptial phenome non -perhaps unequalled In this'Sta e. 10" A 0 omen magazine recently announced the death of a schoolmaster in &labia, who for fifty one years had superintended a large institution with, old-fashioned. severity. From an average, inferred by means of recorded observations, one of the ushers has caloulated that, in the course of his exertions, Ito had given 911,500 musings, 121,000 , floggings, 201,000 custodes, 136,000 taps with the ruler, 10,200 boxes on the oar, and 22,700 tasks by heart. It was 'further calculated that he had made 700 boys stand on peas, 6,000 kneel on the sharp edge of woad, 5.000 wear the fool's oap, and 1,700 bold the rod : Roy! vast (eiclaims the jour aeliet) the quantity of human misery inllioted by a single perverse educator ! 1..•, - .17/P Senator Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, who now occupies the chair loft vacant by the departure of Vice President Greckinridge. for Korituoky, is a Georgian by birth,•but on the death of his parents, when ho was a boy, he aocompanied an elder brother to Alabttina, whore he became a successful ] practitioner of law, and in duo time was elected Governor. Ile lea burly, good-looking gentleman, nearly sixty years of age, and has been en aotive Senator Mime he succeeded W. It. Sing. in 1850. Ills term will expire In 1601. If the Charleston 'Convention should decide on a Northern candi date for President, Senator Fitzpatrick stands a fair chance for the nomination as Vice President. Berth or HON. SaMUZI, CASSY.—The intelli gence of the decease of the lion. Samuel Casey, Treasurer of the United States, will be received with feelings of deep regret by his numerous friends. Ito died on tho - mornirig of the 221 ult., at Casoyville, Xontuoky, where he retired, on ac count of slokuess, in the beginning of Nevember. lie was appointed to the. peaitioa held by him at the time of hie death In the early part of the Ad ministration 'of President Fierce. Ilia ago. MS about seventy-ono years. . Trts Masonic Roesler, fof 1860 states thane whole , number of lodges of Free Masons in the United States and Territories, and other countries, is 0,350, and allowing an, average of sixty. five 'members to each, 'the whole number 'Masons throughout the world is 413,400. of Free The New Printer to the Senate and Mr Buchanan. . - [For the press.)' - I ootioe by the neviipapers that a laio' 'elites of Bedford, Pa., and present editor and proprietor of the-Washington Cosi'stitestion, has bees deter mined upon by the Demeeratie mittens for printer to the Semite; and that this result wee - only se cured " through the personal Infigence" of the Preeident of the United States, James Buehanan. The position of Printer to the Seriateis said to be a very lucrative one, worth for.' a single Congress iiPerards'of ! fifty thousand dollars, and the wonder is expreised what .especlal claim George W. Bow men has upon James Baden* that 'he should exercise his 'position of Prosideint of the United States in favor of the late -editor of- the. Bedford Gazette. - ; If it is on tea principle : that "one good tarn deserves another," the. following statement , of filets will probably explain the matter: For twenty years previous to Mr. Boohenan'a nomination by the Cincinnati Convention, it is well known that' his name bad been Presented by the Democraoy of Pennsylvania;' and in no 'county in the State had he more devoted and consistent ad mirers than in Bedford. There they were all of one mind—they were all Buchanan men—and at a time, too, when "thrift" did not "follow fawning ." In those perilous days when the hearts of the 4: hermits of the favorite eon of Pennsylvania were often tried by the jeers of our opponents , Who de dared ho hailnot adrop of DeMooratio blood in his veins, V7o' felt Mit the defection of a single county, going over to Mr.Dallee, would be &sampans to our hopes, already long deferred; • This was the time when a friend in need was a friend indeed.' General George Washington _Bowman' WS At that time editor of ;the Bedford Gazette. What did ho do? Of course hp was a fast friend of the statesman who was struggling for the greatest honor in the gift of elm. people. Not exactly. In' Dedember, 1847, three months before the Stain Convention met, that imieeted delegates tithe Ne- Genet Convention of 1848, to the great mortified- Con of nearly every Democrat in Bedford county, and the surprise of all; outside of this coonty,lie hoisted the name of George UMW Wins as ble first choice for President. I have a file of the Bed-; ford Gazette before me, and quote from the leading editorial of December 3, 1847:. " In res Ponding to this duty (that of nominating a candidate for Presidentl - we have no hesitation in saying that we unhesitatingly prefer the nomi nation of that pure, uniform,.,, and inoorruptiblo Doniocrat, George M. Dallas, to that of an; °their man, and, consequently, wo have plated his name at the head of our paper, as indicative of our pre ference. We do this the more readily from the belief that we are obeying the wishes of the party in Bedford county,". ece., to. This leader is beaded, "For President, in 1848, George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, eubjest -to the decision of the National Convention," and preceded by that bird of victory, the American eagle, whieli appears for once to have talon the place of that inevitable rooster, the'. favorite argument of Gen. Botiman. In the mine 'number are three . other articles showing the groat popularity of Mr. Dallis everywhere; but the name of the present occispirit of the White Rouse-is never even suggested as `,ll candidate. Alore than this: For-several subse quent issues Old . Thsok'e prospects and. name ale not spokon of, expert -by inoendoest like these: "Ins (Dallas') Democracy , had its origin in tile war of the Revolution," and leaving the roaddr to infer that Mr. Buclitinan's did not exist even so late -as the 'War of 1812! Again Mt. Dallas was to be preferred "becaose his Derimel ay had never been tinctured with the alighte t breath of Federalism." This *as unkind, un generous, and uncalled foroseming, alit did frinin a Demmiratio editor, and applied to Petmaylvaniaa favorite son. But here is some more of the sande sort : " ' Be (Dallas) never shields himielf befilnd his position - to avoid responsibility, .as is amply proved by his prompt and manly reply to the Meld bars .of the Legislature - when treason! Aired its haggard head to destroy the usages of the o Db ri t ir t. °ratio party, and the Administration 'of Gie 51curik." Undoubtedly a thrust tit 'the gentle man who is now using his," perisonal influence l' 'or General Bowman, because be bade refused, while a Member of 'Mr. Polk's Cabinet, to use his pzrsonal influnco to prevent Simon Capered fro baing considered a Democrat; after' that'kenti Mon bad been eleeted to the Bonita orer Geo. .. j Woodward, in Opposition to Governor Siunk's Ad ministration, and against the Images of the plrtY. , Bat why multiply extracts. I could give columnS •-,'” ---,,,---,,..tim,talten from the _Bedford Ga.- zette, every paragraph 'oontateiewiii, 15e..;..........i0, at his present- patron. This kind of preeeeding went on until the February court, when the forbearance of the Democracy was to cease. Accordingly a meeting was called by snob sterling members of the party as Messrs. Sahel!, Blodgett, Cessna, Sill, and Keyser, the course of the . Gar zotte denounced. in no honeyed phrase, Buchman declared to bo the 'unanimous choice of Bedfor county, and Bowman barely escaped being tea out of the Democratic party. This is a truthful, unvarnished statement of the pitiful - attempt of Adjutant General George Washington Bowman RI foist George el. Bailee upon the Demooreay of Bed, ford. It was a malignant, aithojigh abortive efi fort, to injure the cause of Mr. Buchanan, at A time when ho hod need of every friend, and It only failed to do injury because' of the bold course .of the gentlemen before named, who :compelled the General to capitulate and haul down his. Delhi. flag.. If Bowman has not felt; sorry for his per6di.i 1 ous course 'on thiit occasion how must his cheek now bo mantled' Tiiih ei/DDIO tO,OOO Mr. BROltalii generously forgetting -the put, and using his par, annul influence to help him Into the entig Verna oi printer to the Senate ! But if the past conduct of Bowman was disgraceful, the present of Mr. lin-, ohanan is highly creditable. It shows him to pouf aces a magnanimous, forgiving disposition—that he obeys the Scriptures, and loves his enemiee—and, that although he will not permit ,any latitude oc opinion among his early friends, he freely forgives 'his enemies' for all they may, have said or done - - against him l - ' - : In- conelesion, let me Bay that the file of the! Bedford Gazette, from which I have taken the, foregoing morceame, is a literary curiosity, and, shows how eminently the editor's early education fitted him to become the editor and proprietor of the Washington Constitution. Ile almost inva-' riably says done for did, or hare done, and them for those. And then to see the full-grown ohanti4 'sleet that heralded n. Dcmoeratto victory - at every' borough, city; or State election, it makes the blood,l oven at this tiny, course hotly through one's veins. The pica, and long primer typo, too, startles one at: the hoed of every editorial, and italics and , eapi-: tale mark the emphatic parts too distinctly to leaver ono in doubt as to where the point lies. It MB - aro admirable selection, and I think it must have been! a recollection of the forcible articles 'written ini 18.17.8. that led Mr. Buchanan to select him for ! editor of his organ. Itespootfrilly yours, A BEDFORD DEVOCRAt. December 30, 1850. ANADT . OII3M3 From Harrisburg. llsnnisnuao, Deo. 31, 1839 (correspondence of The. Prose.) A largo number of Senators and members bare already arrived. The hotels are fast Ailing up, and °encasing and button-holing rulos the hour, although there is not the same excitement thit ex islei That year In the oontest for Speaker of the lions°, when Col. A. K. McClure contested the honor with Mr. Lawrence. ors having nothing better on hand than ...T. • • • . he numerous expoetanta Lebanon yearsil... companies the party. There entertained by Mr. Dawson Coleman, thepr — tli tor of one of the large furnaces located at that point, and also one of the proprietors of the famous Cornwall Oro Mountain.. lie lives in princely style on the brow of a bill radish 'skirts the town, and which commands a splendid view of the beautiful valley or Libanon, north and south, for miles. This Cornwall ore-bed, by the by, is a geological yon der, containing, as it does, upwards of 50,000,000 of tons of the purest ironnro, which can be mined and loaded into ears for ten cents per ton. I am told that in a single season more than 200,000 tone have been taken out. Before returning the Legis lative party partook of a Rapper, profuse in every thing good, at the residence of the Bon. Levi Kline, and came back highly delighted with their exeursion. Both the party caucuses meet on Monday night. The Rouses convene at 12 M. on Tuesday. As the Derecieresey are in a voted minority, the honor of a nomination might be obtained very cheaply this year, but not so with tho Opposition. On the Re publican side the cendidates for Speaker of the House are W. C. A. Lawrence, of Dauphin, and_ John M. Thompson, of Butler. For clerk Mr. - Rea, of Philadelphia, Mr. Routh, of Carbon, and Mr. Wise, of Jefferson. For Speaker of the Se nate, Bartrem A. Shaeffer, of Lancaster, Darwin A. Pinney, 'of Crawford, and Andrew Gregg, of Cen tre. The candidates for clerk are Messrs. Rams doll, of Venting°, Harnmersly, of Philadelphia, and Erroll, of Pittsburg. Mr. ir W. Dives, of this place, is strongly.urged by his friends for a trensoribing clerkship in the Senate. • A number of M. C.'s ystissad through here this morning, on their Nagy hems. Among others I noticed Hon. J. H. Moorhead, of Pittsburg, who has paired off until Friday. with Mr. Woodson, of Missouri; Don. S. S. Blair paired off with_ Berm Billy Smith. of Virginia ; and Lion. John Coved°. Bon, Chapin ion, of the Wild Cat .distriet, is also here, and purpeses steying until Tuesday,. when Congress reassembles. They alt exprci.s, the holier that Sherman will iso cleated' Speaker even tually, although that May not be •uutiLafter the Cioverneent snail contractor' have . gone 'up Asp 'pout." TWO CENTS. : 1 114 JO ; 14 1•FtWo , tau Wusw *Orbs oaf to ` liiluellums by mail imir maws. in Mumma latuu Couto, Five 9oples, — ‘ 44 Tea' .!-t 4 Twenty Caries," " _ (to emssd~gal, addm• at *ugh Bubsaribor.S' For b Club or. Twantyqui or mob ti w4J aid la intro pop, to the gatier-ap of Ma iillab. . • air FOattosatart.tri.owtooted- to sat as osembo SOO To.* WIMILT Foul"; • - • cuormlitru4. rime". - [[seed isomt-iontili twit •rot 'thy amnia atesaketr. • Letter from New It ork. ' . . COMMERCiAL IWWW7LIB OE 1/1/IEPRISBIIdEIBM—VI, EWER/DENT PIERCE -IN TOWN--Thi BROADWAY RAILROAD.. SCREME BYMMARILY mm,eo--ou/ex- ENT l'alP PROM BAN T RARCISCO--TIIE DRUID/TR FROM ARIZONA: RIMING PR OBGECTS-111.11 NIX? OPERATIC . SEASON,: MAR RBBIND TRU BORDEN -TEE I( US IGAI. WORLD PAPER—CONTESTED WILL? ron'lBsl)=-71XPDXITE THR LAROSA? IN ODE EIBTORY. - • . . NEW Yoix,• Deo: 31, 1314. Our merehantsarebeginning,to feel soma of the practioal effects of irrepresstbleirra.„ ,SMothern merchants have - commericed cintrderrianding 'their orde . rs for geode to'sin extent that zusitriXotiflebbers positively nervous. If 'anything could add to the excitedleeling that already prevails, it woldebe the enthusiastic) reception just given to Senator Seward at the City Hall. The ." Governor's room" was thronged for several hour" by. thou sands who were, eager to welcome hack to his native State the man ,win; is the. head and front of the r , irrepressible ' sentiment at the North, end whom they hope and expect to isee elevated to the Chief Magistracy of 'the -Union. Ez-Prealtlent Plerce and his exeallent wife are amongst the guests "at' the Clarendon' Rotel in this atty. Re is enjoying himself very quietly, and op pears to be in robust health. , The Broadiray Parallel Railroad Scheme, which . came so nearheing trapesessfuliy smuggled-through the Comieon Council a few nights emirs, hest re cetved a summary quietus at the bands of Judge Wright, of the ffupreme Court. Cu the aPpßeittlen of several men of large 'wealth,' who are opposed to the' nefarious Swindle; and who 'have forniallrof fared to glire a bonus of a million of dollars for the franchise, an' injunction toss been granted forbid ding the Mayor and oorporatien to take any fur ther proceedings In the .matter. That job may, therefore be put down as killed. • The steamship Baltic, which arrived. a few days since front Aspinwall, brought the passengeil that left San Francisee'on beard the Golden Gate ou the (sth Wt. The trip between San Frei:wise° and Nest York, was performed in eighteen days and twenty hours, the quickest over made between the two ports. . _ , . . Among the guests at the NeWl'orklintel is the lion. B,yleester Mowry, delegate to (Amami; hem Arizona. liotirithstanding the reiterated : mom mondation for tho forMation of a Teriitaiial Goy ernment; made by the Prealient;'ther . prospeat is not very auspicious kr . its conkrimation at the present session; The minthrinterests of Arisotut were never in so itottrishing a condition as at the present moment. Our second regular operatic season is arranged. to commence on the 31st of January. The opera' of The l3arber. of_ Seville; Sado,- and Der Prei schuts will be given in the first week; in OM second, La Jaime, with a lirgali-inoresesed Areal end orchestral VCCI. The principal parts villbe interpreted. by Colston, Stigelli, and Junco. Pour new genes have .been Tainted for it, on and of which the artistbas been at work for four month". " Little Patti," u bar old friends mantinae to oval her, has .fally , realised the • encomiums bestowed upon her. by :the press. of Philadelphia. Her Zer lina was the beet ever heard here, with the single exception of Piccolornini, whose superiority was aimplyindramatie poWer. . , Mr. Itiehard Storrs Willis', who originated, and, up to the; present time, bas edited the lifuiteal World, this week withdraws from its epode/ edi torship, for thopurpose of putting into execution • long-oontemplated plate of revising and publishing, collectively, his venous literary and ntariesl pro ductions. Jae , continue ,to furnish' editorial matter for the paper. . . _ Notwithetanding the fast that, in the city of New York, riearlY twenty thotisiod people are annually added to the great muster roll of the dead; the number who take the precaution - of making their will is incredibly small:. During the past pier the somber of wills contested before Mr. Surrogate West was euly one honked. 'end 'twenty-two, and every ease presented rev- his notion. Ito hu do• . . . . . The number of emigrant; .arrived at tide port . . , . during the yes.r i up to ,Sittmday last, was 78,499. The remaining days of the year wll pro. bably run the aggregate tip to 78,000; In IfltArhs total wee arriVali of this 'year 'are larger than was anticipated, and next year theildd to be larger still. • . • •: • - ko sium9roiol.tattlnetlor tho year aro op and ahoirAti? . itonlooie.icoroado ,th the gregote of tkoiqmportatpos of fordo dry -goods. s"lol.t4ktoment of the, footiags fools. ircip2rts of $10,14730 60484.5e5.: .•." 1859 , ..... • • •-•, • • • /13,1119411 - Showing an intyrease of °viz' tereinty-thrio mil lions! of dollara;and that amountlarger than the imports of nay prorioue year In the history of the country. • ; ' Remarkable Suicide. • TOI3IIII '10N0114.2.1.1A0 sizoorix! RDISZI.P .04 [From the Dittetninr Journal, December . A young man, known as Datch.Fred, agedll6Velt, teen, committed misfile, 'near 'Mulierasport, a fort 'days since; by shooting himself through the bead, with a pistol. Fred baa been residing in MolKeeit port for the last three years, and has been in the employ of William Shawn ' steam ereektir-baker. On Saturday last he met with an accident, by having the thumb and fore-Anger of the. right hand out oil in the machinery. Shortly - after the accident. he disappeared, and was not found until 'Thursday, when he was disoovered,lying dead in a oave, about one mile above hio.Kees ort. It appears ke , bid taken with him to the spot where he was found-'a pistol, powder, and lead, which were found near the body. Several slugs made from the lead, charges Of powder, and percussion caps were found 'placed carefully apart, reedy for reloading the: plated' in ease of failure on the first attempt. When &wad; it would :seem that the inicido first pulled Via hat over big eyes, then placed the pistol against the hat and fired. The charge entered at the left temporal bone, end tore up the front part of the skull, .whioh was thrown back and exposed tbe brain. The cause forthe rash.aot Is supposed to bo monomania., as he was constantly quoting certain pages from the Bible relative to maimed persons being esoluded from the pretends! of God. Fred, who was a well educated. Gorman, and of a meditative 'turn of mind, had only one relative in this country, • brother. • The value of the censorship of the prmS, so tom -111011. in Zurope, is illustrated by a letter from 81 Petersburg, which says " Thera is a good story going the rounds of the pity of one ,of the official critics, who struck out of a manual of ohemistry— by the way, the first book of the' kind printed in Russis=the name of:l'l'l2'Bde' void, dlegtng as his reason for go doing that it wax an ittetilt to the Em peror for so deadly and virulent a poison to haat the name of the country governed by the nnole of his Majesty. TUE CASE 07 RALF,,IVe understand that Afr. P. H. Hale, clerk in the Treasury Department, and whose Ridden disapPearerthe from this city (amused. it is alleged, byte committal of a fraud upon the treasury) wo noticed a few days since, was nt the Bt. Nicholas,New York, on Tuesday. On the saute day ho left here in company with his wife, as.was supposed, for this city ; but as she has arrived here, and nothing has been seen of him, it is now thought probable he has left for other parts. His wife knew nothing of the ocCurrence until her arrival herty when, on: receiving - the information, she became almost frantic) with grief. He had told her while' away; that not having obtained c leave of absence; he was fearful he 'Fetid be dismissed if she did not totems and intercede for him vrith some well-grounded °some for, his absenting himself; and it was with this' intention that the returned thus early:to Washington. She isosnable to as; count for his action.— Washington Star. , . ARIITTAI; OF JOHIT BARMEN WITH TW/INTY•TWO POVHDB OF GOLD llear.—“The gentleman named called neon us yesterday. lie bad jnet -ru ing d brings with himas this ;lensed 6*-- lbs _ _ over they,Merrerm and more than confirms the pre . their richncss, Who says the Nebraska gold mkt! are a humbug ? omaha Nebrasitan, 22d ult. SUNSET.—Who is there that has ever looked np to the golden gates of the resplendent West, and beheld them arrayed in all their magnifi cence, and watched the :beautiful departure of the God of day, and 1103 not felthimselflifted, as it were, from earth tq heaven; and his feel: ings spiritualized by the contemplation of the scene Z The glories of sunset can be seen and enjoyed in their greatest Dullness only in the country. The winds are now hushed among the' foliage—the birds of heaven have ceased their warbling--the voice of the laborer is no longer heard—silence bangs like a canopy upon the scene. At Such' a season, go walk abroad in the country—carry along with you' no books to aid your reflections---go alone, or with a friend—let your heart be open to the influence of the scene—let its home.felt lights rise up unrepressed—resign yourself freely and entirely to the emotions of your own bosom—and If you have not been too far cor rupted and contaminated by intercourse with the world, you will return a better, happier, holler man. " We invoke the ann'swartn And we bless it all the day; Loolang up as to a friend. When its heamionne descend ; And we watch it down to the west. As it each lots td met ; Then.with Sorrow at out hearts. dish." Flow sone the elm &parte" • Be Givitelul Ever. II WM/ hood mound thee spread In rich prolusion, failing never ? -Then; to the Power which o'er thy hesdl Still vratehes-13e Tuna CIIIATEIFCL IMRE I • . If deys are &irk, and fortune. fro"wns,. Thießteninetbylate from qieeee to sever Be not dismayed. God's matey crowns NO web with ify—Be vvvvvrat sesel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers