, 4,. : o. . ( I=M=Sll=l ."r -T Li oti -4 firliroi_ •• 1 - , 4 ' ! tOakit' heifall With thee over the • deeertettenee cf Heim thattiu scattered alOng the_Arearitweeto of the 614 'rein., or jiiln, thee, in casting a glance:at the. tnaguitiormt; ranOlefetOothilkupou the : verdant of, the Now, that, by the Mali thou have assumed its ran In tlo; 'eaten4ar,ot eintuili36 t Sion na we write, pit - reinher Is ~.ehautiugitii" •OwcAnikeral lkyrire, and the Storm King • joices *One ,t/id lordlyoaks;AOSe, leafless r•liiinottes attest the' idenittide.Of ,h 0 4 1 411.1 4. i while thia 'shrieking 'tempe;st, paining:its /07 • breath along the dinar" streets of,opt: cities, ~, , -4 # lllothe' spirit as it 'Cos* firget`the'rast , te,mtest, front - tlieAlxiog-yeat,the garlands, of sope,'gait they rriaiyp,tzia around the , T ; Aietit . of thtittiteht•dohitueroi. • . _ 'with power to vrithei every , bniarlrei of the 'soul and the 4140;likecha*ter of hisory; as it breaks maybe iiireied to the wind pass ing over , some time-whin ruin, and elialtinglari ' - e i c i4O - Fccm7 4 '.itaeaverneuri recesioe, even as the °Utile - tempest: finds. an answer in the - - r:heirt,of the:startled atidltor not an inapt, titter lidalti of human ,illnelonti , -- ~ *H`g in their rise; but _fleree Winter in their dacUi e. , : a43tanding- ripen Mae of theee . rieognized raaAts of Time, and 4WD rin all the peculiari ties Of the view—the 'Past arid 'the" Futire--= the failed'aspeet Of the fortner,'ind the spleir seems to the' dhdanett to enwrap the latter r -what .food for 'reffeetton'and contrast • - "raaY the mind call ,from UM Picture! Before the eye , of Memory Alta the joyirus day•dreins t that once appeared 'so bright 16Pees'• laid the weary on, the onponovra, • - • - ' - --; , , , :;,;ghtL th * U O 4kbuii4uP" ' " A2m - 7,41nq revives dee:aging 'glories of the ,',!ast; and:brings' to again the baseless shrines that Ambition eisteroited, and baited c~:'`';~,_-fir"'+°"a -:= ~" ~~,. d-, ` . dovrdbefo rtf, - witlt all the for'vor oftrustlng en- Jauuar9) l M 41. Do. riven arstrop6tet • :!!: pleads—the „Mends whose joinnif voices invelled the lit eau With Which we welcomed to the newborn year_ pass us. by with tieewiing faCesits Time peals its knolt--or, elad in the sables'of death, present themselves • -to - Unr tufted vision, 'only to awaken us to the bitter consciousness that they sleep whore the rush Of yeari minuet disturb their slumbers. The 'joys, test, in their up-springing, wo reused,* our bosoms in the fond belief that . I they,:yrouldlrove' imperishable, also rise up and swell the mournful tableau-4idding us, in • obseiving their withered aspect, not to place too much dependence upon the promises of a dilative and Circeari future. -* The, dreams of the • mind.'-the creations of 'the excited eaniiibilitieti,Dist, when conceived, pictured to the,cheated dreamer all that makes a- Paradise' of earth -.they, too,'„ crowd upon the heart, increlising the regrets that, ' like sti - ow . .drifti, - siseep over it, as the Several corn :_ patients in the Melancholy pageant loom Upon ' • the - eye of tetrospection, and bid the gazer -note how all.that he had 'valued or created—, Dope, Atabition, Diends,' joys and aspiration's —faded and _expired, when Time had 'shown *theirlalsity, and: stripped them of tlielr ideal drapery. All yainiy the sickened beholder striven to 'shut out the hated truth. It will force Melt upon the mind, teaching,a lesson'that worldly philosophy cannetieftite, of the vanity of the dreanutend hopes:vntli . which we antedate the lcoming of -Time, and seek to read the secrets , :of Destiny. - ' r , , d Reason and experience teach the truth of the argument and although we would lain ,be- Have that with the passing away of a glien epoch of, time, so ahio passes the season of our frlabi;yet judgment refuses to admitthe plea, and we watch the closing of one year with a sad piesentlinentlhat the paths we are about to tread In the one that. succeeds it, are not wholly clear of the therne which have pre viottaly.inarred our advance end sfotuaded our feet.' • Such reelections— . end ,they will ,obtrude themselves—ever throw a coloring of globm and doubt over the:mind:of the speculator • upon the mysterious arrangements of Destiny; and cause him rather to mourn over the ruins of • the departed ,your, than. cull garlands` to wreathe - around the brow of the one that for. lows. ,We number ourselves among the few who sigh over the ruins of the Put: We would rather muse among the shattered,-columns of hopes that we have seen Crumble around 6, than :idly replace 'them with, gay,wreathed shrines that must also giro way, as Time, the Insatiate, 'beari away their foundations. A moral :painful though it he; Yet; alas, how truet.-=may heread from these things of yes. ,terdity ;: and the ; , pilgrlni- upon life's Zahttra may -secure his -person. from_ the searching sands of the monsoon,Disapxvintment, itrhe , = profit by the warning o his past wanderings, and be prepared when the Destroyer crosses • his path. Bear with in, then, dear reader, for a mo ment, while we , record a requiem in rhym4 of the • dying year,' which seems to howl more -11ei‘ly 'Si we lucubrate. over Its - melancholy fate. , • . kwyar; Vol the PMtaint Tear , • ' As its funeral train sweeps bf - While the Northern blast, with tta sounds of fear, • ; Howls along the darkehed sky, - And-Winter its seat of triumph rings , 'Sdosit the oiaabing boughs of the forest king.. A dirge for the Seasons dead! • For ftpring,with Ile cipeniug flowers- Fair Bummer, whose verdant 'Nieuwe.' sprimd ; • Over hilleide, 'Placa end bowels- And Autumns thsaidfluent Autumn lao, :Wlthlts waving fields ut:solden hue. '4'004 eutdigneri'a bend ,From the Past Its trophies Wars, AM before idt . in Salem utookeri stand Theheeee or our eerlleist rears: r The hopes that were misfile at their birth, ' - liarpenshed •- - -akeerith the JOTS oft:firth. • A tee? tor thtilOYed-:Sta dbad= - _ The:ratuti nerd the gentle hearted! ' lheireer•• with us trot rain-tht 3501 has sped-i • „ • At m they hive all departed I - • • Aid the ruthless wind, that ground us wee, Stirs thi Stasi on their lonely 'graves. lameat - for gleam/re* gobs! ' For the pleasant dreams 01 Yol l ik. • When the heart was young, mad around us Wu - The mantle-we rismeht-et Truth r ' • . • '' . llll Tr uleswerit over the spot Where we stood, - the auntie, wan borne on Naiveties' A Mail I a dirge and ft sigh l • - rot the Seasons and hopes that have dowli A Union; for the pleasures of youth, that lie On the.. bier of the Old Year strown! the s isar for the de.-thir lured of' yore-L •• -I . lol it flesh 'shall see he m no more, • 'tit aree — there no green'epoiavlatble In:the Ftittire? May not the mind gather sornithing to nerve it to renewed eiertionyas 'Vitae lifts the veil that, interiends between the present . ; and that which' is to come, and to the eye of ~,„"Shit poor is'rerealed. a landscape 6f *gni& tent , .heinty ; Such as :might ,well Woo', inr,an. ...iheritaittont his *lei!: I . In the distanee, Jowly as fiver; appears the geld, to attain which years heeni demoted and /orf4-yet thus it in, bright and - beautiful as over—its fame-created • spires "seeming more iglorions—ite altar.strne -Piled4lth wreath aid chaplet—while . that arch urchin hope,stands, pencil in hand, freshening - ' the already gaudy coloring Of the temple, and giving it an . ...4peot of eternal youth: , Itt4ain the admonitions of sorrowing eXParieilge - i - all vainly Reation nrgei the"utter mockery of the Hope springs eternal in the homaii bruit," and Age•apeds over the pathway with tho free step :of Youth:: 'What though the'ohitits"prhve , -.-*olden „So long 'as the drealof - itApietation feed- deeire,-and the - , heart thrillingly ,echoes there 1e enjeynient-ti be gleaned' fiem the toileetrie pnraulcot. a plian. -30Itt tharreeederes we Imkene-:-andlo-emetl ., theinind, that long niter Piebabdity - Inithdrtivri its md, Hope romaine; and erects- for itself a temple of _safety, amditgithe raging waters, of disappointment and despair. =Yet`, *hero 'ere Pleasures'irMeN will not leaf raWay the brightest link in the chain of humanity, What though repeated eases have shown that man is a being of sel flehness and and the best affections of the beartbave been ruthless'9 uptorn by cup. Meg and lite, iti r r - These cases may be many— , but. Oitlielither`liide, the page of individual Watery reccirdanianYhetter, instances of honor and truth..'"Mtaie not deceitful. Some there must themselves and others by a nierta . :attiridard; and to seek them out-- to unit the soul within the same web that con tains theirs—is a pursuit which cannot be al_ togetherfruitless. The -past year may have, thrnisheda thousand cases of perfidy' and de. eeit—but - hope , bids' us not despair, for the coming traction of time may reward our labors by giviag tm :one honest ' friend, into whose ear our, sorrows, our joys and hopes, may be poured; and-net in vain . The domestic. hearth, where affection pre sides, grolif_ brighter with time. Hope may nestle Itself, here, nor'fear that its temple will evens laid low by the hurtling iron of despair. Age only sheds a more tempered radiance over the ,fanally group, and lends greener hues to' the oltio of domestic peace. The year that sinks entombed In the, eterms of December has ' shown that-Affection Strengthens with age, and we may confidently look , forward to the enjoy. wont of Its perfect beauty. But we have hung an 'elegy:,,upcin 'the old Year, in a species of rhyme'niore'to admired for' Its truth than poetical beauty ; and we will close our lticii brations by stringing some stanzas upon the car of the victor, whose avant courier, January, is even now upon 11.8 A oho& for the coming Year As the north wind fans its brown Let'the. %De, which but late was suffused with a tear. Wear tottact imilo of triumph now For the Conqueror comes like a prince to lile throne. And the garlands of Hoye o'er his pathway are strewn A hymn to thi Meter band! For Eipriris will reams its reign, And Summer reolothe, with a liberal, hand Het fayorite haute main Mild Autumn, the Season of fruits • will opine. And the reaper gather Ms harvests home. A mean, es on the heart Hone pencils its milked beams, While Fancy's hand, with Yromethean art, The deed from Ow thrill redeems,— Clothes Ambdroninew So the garments of youth. And Ititures us twain to believe In its truth A senile for the fondly beloved. And a band for the tried and the true The year that hen passed bath their friendship preyed. And we greet with them the New ; They are with us now, and their pretence throws O'er our Life's wild sea a serene repose. A weloome, as round as Hie The °heeling beams of Joy ; - The Present is ours—its good let us prize, For why should we destroy The howl of Hope, whteh ere shining so fair r Better siumber deoeived, then awake to dospelr I At about: a amen and hymn • • For the eetteeell and Joys to comb— The pot year's colors are runny and dim, Let us over the Future roam, And send out from the heart the geeoe•aaeking dove, To search for the flowers of Friendship and Love. ,Kind readers, ono and all! wo, wish you a happy New •Year PHILADRLPRIA BOARD OP TRADE. P, COP& TR R OICALingBir, Jr.? CIONMITTLI Or MI MONTI- A. J. DERBY ID E, NAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAD/EEL ' FROM THE UNITED STATES. /Ella LEAVE POE ' DAYS Co_f Washingt.:New torlC-Liverpnol.--. Deo 31 Unlr - Kinaskan./Sew Ora..6lAsSoW• • .... • ...... .Deo3) Nor An6enoan . Yort nd..L verpool..- —too 51 flanunoma, .—. Now Yark- -• ... ea 31 Bonthnmeron.. Bremen. . . ... .... New York-Nouthampton....... . eo 31 Typemouth -L .. - . New York.. Gibral tar. &0... -.. Jan 5 1 Asia.. _.. .. '.....brew ork..Liverpool... -....- . Jell 4 Robertowe -.New 0rk..01bra1tar........ —.Jan 5 Kangaroo........ New ork..olsagow ............. Jan 7 &raga-- .. - ...New ork..Bavre .......... ...... Jan 7 13155gew...:-. New York. rg0w................4an 7 Huneanan..-....Portland.. ivertrool ... - ...... an 7 Can da,.. . . ..•.. -, Beaton:. iverpooL ..- .. - an 112 C of 8a1t1m . 0ye...,144* York-Live rpoeL ..-.... Joule Arable..... 162 w York. :14 veopool —.......... Jan 18 Noreoe Bottom :Liverpool,- —. Jan 25 New Y0rk........New York.. Bremen.. —.— ,Tan 36 John 8e11.... .:. : . New Y0rk..G1aag0w.............Jan 28 Boruaria.....-....New York..bouthampton---... :Feb 1 TO ARRIVE. lIIIIPO - I.lrava , 'Oa DXTO North Briton..." ti.venmol..Portland.. ...... ~....Dee 14 ditna.—......... werpool..New Y0rk .......... Dee 17 Canada:........ iverpoolloston .. ~. . .... - ...Deo 17 oof Baltirnore....ldverpool.. ew YorlC. •. " -..... Deo 21 Ifungarhsn, ......Live rpool.. °Aland ......Deo 21 Kankaroo,Livol me. Que'tn..New Yor- ...... -Deo 21 Arabt." ._ . LiVorpcol-Now Y0r k......• ....Poo 24 New ork.......JSouthamuton-New Yor . *Deer! John 11......... .01assow..New Y0rk.............De0 28 Europa .....tiveroool. • Halton •• • ••-• Teo SI Jura.. Liverpool-Nem York ............Deo 81 Bonassla.......SontMfepton..New York .• -...... Jan 4 Bakonla.—SoutUmpton..Nevr York-- ...Feb i . 144 . The CaUforegr a t ',Steamers sail from New York on the et‘and alt o h month. • " The &vane te em leave New Ye** on the Ed, 7th, 1212, 17 , and fir th o each month, and Charleston, 8, C., orOs it and jeth. hen the above dabs fall on Bunday, the steamer* will sail on Monday, except (torn New Orleans. LETTER BACIS 6T THY miracriturre iticnistes, runamniii. :A l e i gi l erii.g soon Bn g• Ella, geed, Tux°, :of./ ago de tabs, own 'MARINE INTELLIGENCE; PORT, OF,,PIRILADELPHIA. Dee. 80, 18096 RIX LIBES„— 14-131714 BETS— -- 6 P i e UGH 'WATER— 36 A RitIVED. • Bohr Balle t Berndt, 12 days from Jaoklenville, with lumber Bend Holton & Co. Bohr II leeoker. Edwards, 3 den from New York, with mdsiktoOrourell & CLEARED. titeaniebiO Delftware, Shaw New York, J Allderdloe, Bark White Wing, Helms. Lagarrynt, Dallett Broe. -• Bark Baal Hallett, Little, Matanzas. 3 Baker. Bohr' E` 0 - Knight. Whirlow, Trinidad de Cuba, Hei dru'. & Calreda. Bahr amitb Tuttle; Mayo, Delaware City, G A Wood, BAILED. The City The Boat.Boballirtgai t il i e s ft Lombard street ba sta one o'olnek yesterday a moon, taking In tow the rka White Wing, booms to fattnli, and Benja min Hallett, for Matanzas. ' • se rizserues. tpeTyse Otideaeg APoEf tharinjadtb ISLAND,deJie_D RaOhanged C so 29-4 r M. bark, and a sohooner went to the Areakwa ter this afternoon Minus, Wind sonthortet, with s etoftnf appearance. Yours, THOS. H, HtTollHft. - NEW CASTLE, Del, Deo 19, PM. The following 'reseals am I{§ollllslV MoOred inside O. piers: Bark R Davis, from New Orleans; ochry Chas Sgarstairs, for folobilelnlert, for Charlestonita chat ft miller. from Boston; ahi Vow and Won ts tnorn Eastern parts, The Sooting toe opposite this plate, and as far down an ta li gn i r 'ltill2.ll The rlin' northeast. t novr..H. IT TILIOIAPH. Worreleondenoe of The Press.) New YORIG Dea. te. The aohr Col Batterir. from Charleston, whin was got oft Bernexat on the kith, was run Intoyeeterda Morn ing bra .ateatntlig, and out down to the water edse. She was then. run pistons on the West Bank, where she now Bexhill Olwater. MEMORANDA. Bleamehlp Reyatone State. Marahman. henee, arrived at Cnarloaton 'nth test in a hour! Tram weft to wharf. an Barak. Rowland, nailed from airerpocit 1318 6 Kimball. Reimer. for Philadelphia, entered forto inc at Liverpool Oth inst. frMt Wm CUmmiolio. Jobna, for Philadelphia, sailed om Liverpool 13th inst. Ship Kalamazoo, Taykir, from Baltimore, at Holvoot 4th met. -Ship Pleiades, Winelovr. cleared at New Orleans:3d inst. for LrKerpool, with Ma bales cotton and 1000etaves. Ship ilea Altuelsr. Burnham. cleared at Liverpool 10th inst. MOM Franyisoo and Van Couver s Sh)ti v opes', Pearl., bona. fop Han Francisoo,whieh put tUto titiPetulao 38th O. tenoned for water and pre, miens. mid 'wea not in d i stress, as reported. Would proceed Nov Hi for her destinati. Shin John Trucks, 'Teal. mailed from Havre 9th lost, reported for- tho United States—had cleared for Bor deaux and the 1J Stales. Ship John Clark. Southern, from Callao, arrived op at Viris p ,674 9t o t i tn.. Brooklyn, Chase, Lady Plankliognrd 4 n! kiberB Gallatin.Delano, and Arabia, t or) Forrest, for Liverpool, cleared at Mobile 23d lost. with an atgrefutill of i r .les cotton. valued at 5808430 ef. It g Mary E Milhken.-Norden. sailed from Havana 00th net. for Matanzas, to load 401 hhds molasses for N York, et 51 Riper hbd. . "rig Beata Ellingwood, hence, arrived at Hs roe Elth lost, Brig Enirr.. Baker. honoe, arrived at Roston Thomas, Bohm E,VY Perry. Sampson,. and P Taylor, bandit. Arrived at tewbern. NC. 28th inst. Bohr Grace Girdler, Paine. from Borten for Philadel phia tailed from Newport 28th inst. Bohr Minerva. Hall, bones, arrived at Pall River 24th instant. Buhr J L Heath. from Delaware City, at Now London Wit nd, . - ho S en m wiDthNov3atm 0 g AMeb o or Kem ilWew e Cev wtaa of hfutin. by the setip,Expross.. She towed the Decatur rade of Rufus Reef, and left her in safety at anchor, ear ryine Copt (Oetlrey and two of the crew to Havana. The /uprose, wh Cant Oeffrey. and an engineer to re pair the botlere of the Deoatur, returned to cap Midas, PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "IA BT/T011) IN TIME USES NINE." DISPATCH SAVE TE'll _PIECES! ECONOMY! Jr tundras tali nom*, even in foal-regulated families, it is very desirable to have some °beep and eonvenient way for repairing Furniture, Tore, Croake r'', ire. SPALDING'S PREPARFD GLUE meets all snoliimergeneles, end no household can grind to be without It. it is &wale remit' and up to the stick trig pbint, • There is liti‘ longer a °enmity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken ersiites4 It is just the, article for cons; shell, end other ornamental work, so popular with. ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation (cued oold, being ebe awed, bed la solution, and 'penalising ad the valuable .malittes of the best eabiaet-makdre glue, It may be ,wed in the plitaa of ordinary muoilagei beipg vastly lore adhesive, ",11IINPUL IN uvray ROUSEP N. 11, - A, brush itedempan les eaoh bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Wholesale Depot, No. SO PLATT Street, New York. Addree. - , • ' i. HENRY C. SPALDING 0., Box No. acco, Ne w York, pit tip for Deafen in Came oontoining four, eight, and twelyerdozen, alma:GM Lithographic' Snow-corm sooOmfkoriag each package. , aragle bottle of APAL:DING'S PEEPAEED GLUE *lle:re ten times 41 cost itimmllT to every household. eobl.br all prominent Stationers, Dnigal de, Hard reg,' . mid :',Furoltorel Dealers, Orogen, and Fancy • 9 0 1igerdA1161111haUkt Maki [ note of , 41 ,- ;f , '441E9'8 PREPAEED GLUE ' IT WII,L STAND ANY CLIMATE. OS-WI EDUCATIONAL THE EDGEHILL SCHOOL, JJii PIIINOEToN, N. J., Will open its nest regular salmon on Wednesday gratli of Amge'. It POSeelleell InerYadvantage for the eaten., son of hoys—noth the elementary and higher nranoh es—in ancient and modern ,languagee. book-keepmg, al l'Ve i gi e ngrp P erra e oli;te r d by en p a b l e I ro tt r; I Ogres rieurlezgMh.erthe„lagr.bherfrgtt:PLuggrrailit'sen the utmost care and vigilance. All genial and healthful inffaenees are made to pervade the wheal. The discipline le mild, but firm, Strict obedience is r t elgtre4ll,,M l l73Piiirtettlacaglt: h 42 l krineeton, and inatitutioes, are well known. Penile are reeelve d . at all ages, and thoroughly pre pared for College or Business. Tonne, 81.74 per mown. For other information apply to REV. JAMES P. HUGHES, PRINCIPAL.' From the Rev. Pkfassor Cattail, of Lafayette College. formerly ' , resident of the Edgehill School. Inv 2, 1859. I have known Mr. Hughes intimately for a number of years. r, was one of the Assistant, Instructora during a vart o the time !was at Fdgehill. and having thug had amp q opportunities of observing his character, and qualifications, lam the mere willing to express my high opinion of hie thorough and effective teaahins, and hie unusually happy influence over hie wells. In this latter respect, 111 r. Hughes has, i cry opinion, no superior and but few equals. W. C. CATTELL. 1 have for several years been acquainted with the Rev. I'. Hughes. Principal of the Edgehill Elehool, Princeton. New Jersey. 1 indieve him to be a faithful and competent teacher, sincerely devoted to the instruction and welfare of his sunlit!. UllAtit.l3 HOWL PRINCETON, Juno3o. 1859. I have greet confidence in the Rev. James P. Hushes sea good teacher, both in bin aptness to give Dietetic. tine, and his tact in the administration of discipline. I have had two sons under hie oar., and from the most careful obeervatien, I am free to recommend the school as one of safe and thorough educivion. ALEXARDEIt T McGinn. Pal a enTON. Ante 30 1859. The undersigned being well aoquainted with .Tames P. Hughes. Principal of the Pdgehill Scheel in thisplace, and having had full opportunity to fudge of his Skill as teacher, and of his abi po lity, to discharge the duties of his office, takes pleasure in recommending this school as worthy of the confidence and patronage of the public. Joins at sclArgn. an Ilk Wet President of the College of New Jersey, A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a 1 . - 4 - reliable medium through which Bohools and Fami lies may otnam competent tendns. Parents may ob tain,gratuitously, information and oilman of the best schools. SMITH, WOODMAN, & CO., 348 BROADWAY, Now york, or nIS-tf OW CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. MESDAMES (=GARAY AND WHEN LTA- YILLY'D BOARDING AND DAY hCROOI. FOR EII i NDKIMI, No. LOAN SQUARE, VINE F ' , Watson ON It 0 A reiroottelly informs het tr i sma it ng u the pjablio n greyed, that ineepeneently or her nines, Mine. a 141;108r. l en a lar bejikra.eilL a l " - Vely,noo,:oenzr ionn iiititint i ntiA an eintApil onmasely the same plan as the one above menuone“. BRYANT tic STRATTON'S NATIONAL MaRrTILE COLLEGES, Wasted at ria. E. corner SEVENTH and CHEW UT : Yew uffaki, Cleveland, Chicago, and St. oula For information. call or lead for Catalogue. &0-t! PIANOS. NM STEINWAY it SON'S NEW PA- Tv,NT OVER-BTRINO 41FRAKLI PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE rIANOS, now pre ferred in concerti and In private cycles by the beet performer. Received the Aret prezy l umi over the beet m akers, fromMdgei Oettiohalk. az o n. and other., Chal dt lenge all eonmetition. SbAbl CHESTNUT RBAOTHERS, kly 1006 treet. ROLTDAY PRESENTS! rig cl . ir OFVE . "'PENS -1 ORT 111ELODEONS. rIANO-FoR_TES. SLELLO A ISONS rlyy ELOD OS. _V,da'lly Raven, Bacon, & Co., MUM & Clark canon, Liam. & Co„ eaka others. J. E. (101144p,_ mrl4-Is SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. 'Mr 01110KIERING & SONS, ORAND,rB3:PRIGEW AN - 0 WAREROO 8 rOH ea_ e e v input, modolo v i s ival to TB. • have been rallied, a t &Went Woo la thia couatn , aid ea u % AxpeUXER FIRBT-CLABB hIEDALB. PI 08 To RHNT. a Je3B-1y mil A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN HANOI BO OMACRER & CO., 1021 CHESTNUT reet, respsotfullv invite the musio loving public to call and examine their new and 5UP ""12.1., ini M i nitTL,Oß GRAND PIANO. Having outivertg the Tong, Touch , and Action of the Greed Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all thelb i rations.gaperally made to the style of Grand Pla, diminishing the cost of. the same. In volume, purity atone, great power, brillianoy, fell- Alen, dept h, and evenness of touch, with exquisite dell strailOß Miß TEUTL Y-FIND3RED W ere whollfnl t tla s illed. They have regeived the highest encomiums, are pronounced by entire to be far su perior to any temente ever manufactured in this c* Co un nat;ntlA on prA t a Wit WO elegant liesortment of Fur neon. ed I 08. We have been awarded the First Premiu7r,' at all exhibition, ever exhibited, in olnding_the p ae Medal from the Crystal Pekoe Exhi bition. New York.M. sel-tf IqOTICES. OFFTOE OF THE —• " RIDGE ../NrivE ANO ”. e• r= = - - ,, sf, MARAYUNIS . .. WPM ..... •AL.i O ..-',.'.... ,-- • =-- UEK RAILwAY MYA- Itidye en. i .iumbia avenn!p.....Theannua meet ! tea of the pooh , alders of the _ midge Aysime, aml , MmgYui r P"5 Ra"Wai e°I4EREZIII. be h e l d, at the 0 ne of the C r ompany. on 9, Dtm, et to &Moot A. M. _. The Election for President and Directors f or sa id Company will be held at the me place. and pn the Tune day. between the hours or 11 A. hi. end 30 look. ALFRED L. 01.. a tary , . 41104t1a9* Reere OFFICE OF TUE • GIRARD COLLEOR PAR. ei 7'..1-_ l l , BROWER RAILWAY C PAN_y, Ridge and Colum bia avenues. The Annual Meetine of the 'Rook holders of the GIRARD COLLEOR .PASRENG.ER RAILWAY COMPANY will be held. at the 011loe of the COM i enr on mONDAY, January 9, 1110 , 0t 9 oVook, The E eatioo for President and Directors of said Company will be held at the same steel), and on the same day. between the hour& of 10 o 'Nook A ht and 3 o'olosk P.M. WM. S. Markt 4110-dtja9" BOotetaty. ITOTIOE.—The Annual Meeting of do atockholdors of the 'RANKFORD ND SOUTH WARK PiIikADEL,PHIA CITY PASeENOEH Eel ROAD COMPANY will be held at the (ace of the Com pany, SEEKS (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth, on MONDAY. fanuary 9,1860, at which time an Election will be held or President and twelve Directors. to servo for the ensu ng year. CHAS. R. AliflOPT. .2e-mwf t. 19 !Secretary. CORN EXCII.A.NGE DANK.—Philsdel• phis, Nov. ,s, lii*, At an Election held on the *let instant the following militiamen were ohosen D i r eotors orqie Bank I Aleaand_er rt. Vattell. Joseph Indian Robert R. Neff. Samuel . Canby, lamer theei r John F. Orme , Edmund A. Baader, ihmlsp_Xneoht. Alexaseer Whildin, ertil YesPerreer. Rash Crals, tithe H. mihele, Chruitian J: Hoffman. Aid atjhe meetfne ot the Board Tina DAY, the fel limns officer* were unanimously eteetedi A. G. BATT/U.l, preinde t it, R. R. NEFF,Vice President. dS-tr J. W. TORRE It, Cashier. NoTtoE.—IIOLDERS OF TIIE MORT -Li iftx. B ßo i rd.ir C o o d by the Crir v insa d rllutirspo t ,g, retwgi e ty a daZ4 l from rn tt i r d:le. oin e o% orth Company, DS WALNUT Street, bet Ween the hours of 10 and o'clock, daily. and sign the posrsr of attorney under the resolutions passed by the Bondholders, at the meeting held on the nth alt. SAMUEL y,*Eß_Riox, A. W. MITCIIEt, L. M.P. MUTC EEiIrtE IM, pmmistse. WM. D. L& P E, Truntee. Deoember 5.1869. ngd-]m fIOTIOE IS GWEN THAT APPLE:U tion will be mode fore CertiGoate of Penntryjyanio atate Loan. an oleos of dated August 41 L 3 6 8 ri 9 • BO I Pl r lL o ßigvigt A o 4 r t goita i 1 5, all' FIRE AND CHEAP BREAD, • MANUFACTURED A THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN DA OBTAINS° AT TAX IOLLOW/110 PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. oorner of Broad and Vine streets. C. M. CLARK.— --Po.plar street, below Tenth. H. MeNEIL.—.. H. corner Sixth and Costae street. JATHO k 80N, .N 0,266 North Fifth street. 8. PANCOAST ....No. 910 Spring Garden trees. JOHN 0. MOXEY No. HZ Vine street. T. P. 11l North Fifth street. JOHN E. earner Fifth and Senna W. W. litkrilEWl3.----.B L E. oorner Eleventh and tKieuet greet*. D. KNIGHT..... street, Wow Wal nut. GEORGE GARVIN— —N0.1419 Lombaid stmt. D. COURTNEY......---N. W. oorner Sixteenth and Pine attests. WM. EN South Twelfth tartlet. S. Ft. WANANIAKaft....*F eder al greet, above Sixth. Z. South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. PIOLLAND..-- —..—.—,.S.W.oorner Sixteenth an Ogden streets. DAVID 260 North Eleventh street. E•sorner Eleventh and Tenereon streets. S. EL Mid North Front street. H BROOKS.-- —.S. W. corner of)Beventh and Pine street,. ANB MYERS, —.—.--.Coatas street. below Thir teenth Street. P. M. W.oorna 'Franklin and Coates streets. P. coiner Tenth and Shipeen Streets. B. B. TURNER, —.....—..N0. 1216 South Front et t o i roar Brood and Parris !treats. THOS. T. BLEST— ...—.CornaL ineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. IL SOWN N corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. MoINTYRE......—....—Twa Conates ty-secend street, ab. ALEX. pUtLERTON...-. Corner of Fifth and Chris tian. J. L. HlCKS—.....—Cainden, N. J., store LIS Arch stree. - west. C. IL RA1N1ER—..........."—Wi1til va eu r lelphis,l36thot. ord It. L. YANNELL.--Le %b. nn , QUM road. JOUN BARNDT----Trimont Pena Growl renna. CEO, B. TOWNSEND,— Watt Cheater, Penns M. M0CL8E5....."--..Atlantio City, N.J. D. BORTON—.--- Moroni's, N. J. 8. F. EBERLEIN Columbia, Pa, MECHANICAL BAKERY R. W. COMM' AM BROAD and VINE Streets, ifIILADEt.PiII Ai This establishment Is now i ll sprees/rut °voltam, day and night, and all arp reineddß, inYaltth 011 and see ;tte whole Pttideill of bread-making for I. erase l i g. The nndersignid takes the liberty or saying t at for thirty - five years e has bean 1{ praMieel Baker-- se as re " i t rihr a o n and. Era and 4,..iiliteat: a IF ° u se t o gri I VIR wilitti time hews had the opportunity of making many tiXper manta. and observiii all the improvement/which have been mle dunng t at period. In this erab (aliment. o fwhich he has now the man- QV:MN: hjgg:faliiiiierjrA t i, iti°ll;ro w t i ggrrtt: tope possessed. Being unrestrained I the purchase ot . ilour, none but the soundest end beet shall ever he, need, and he beano hesitation in saying that Bread of all kinds can be cle ,llYlhesi Il i lislarPassed In quality and weight by that made . "P • arnit r earrfrefirthri . Brearl miuts by the Meehanieal Bakery ae not en tried, or in which it has been tried flat Its opmmencement, before the. machinery was ill :iv ut r w o orkiing order, are lethally asked to give it mutlisi tili4slitige r e in . dammed lona ivra c li4erul to mybb • ti.uperintendent W , ILLCOX & GIBBS' SEATING- , MA aigfh'ral AW oitproi.. I'M. For IPIZAFINED PORAX, in store and 'for ads WETHEKILL & !MOTHR. did nod , en d 041011; 8 HOOD DOW. THE PRES,S...IIIIL/WELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1859. AMERICAN SAVING FUND—Comps nfe Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH. Ens ..-VPOCI trout nine tis o'okook, and on Inondav snot In In evening. This 0 1 i n. 'mutton has always paid In on demand, wit out notion. INTEREST FIVE FEE CENT. All sums nod bank on_demand In gold and Oliver. THAR:TEES. . Alex, Whllldin, PreiAdent. Saml. Work, V.Presidant. John 0. Farr, - T. B. Harpers George Nugent. Loins A °oder, Thos. Sergeant, Ale,t C. Roberts, Johnr. %mons, Jonas Bowman, IL I f. lilikidge, William J. Howard. JOHN S. WILSON, Treasurer. Join( 0. Rusts, Secretary. d 24 6t SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND EO curry' OP j!HILAJIBIII4A. 018fi, 5.31 Nor Street nsolidation an uil tur,A CHARTER BY THE BOrA u., oprEpri• SYLVAN A Deposits resolved to gums of One Dap, Revreirdp, LENT.u in without tidies., With MS PEtt IPETBlthlir from the day of deposit till with awn. A. reepondible Savbart rittition haf,teps beep r e S i g hty ° _,• VSga aq~and ie ?}lmmature et Savings to supply thin tiesett7. Le eminent. in orgenleine and topiarist it, have ea toveod wholly by &desire to spoon/motto. the busi ness i nterest and wants of the very large and euterint aial "F"ti n#l 7 l l BooAr r Ealt * From II to BSi oak; also, on. Monday and Thursdat from 0 until 8 o'olo9k in the evening, rStepdart& Klets, otgetllicilAtottor, X AN AG X 11.5 . nine is art , ohn Kessler, Jr., amos 8. Pringle, htzt ttillith. fon. H. K. Strout • rederiok Stooks, aleph P. Leper% ?Zig e lltlf ". oieph H. Urowell, , Hon. Wm. Httllwart, garA=rit r .T. f honi, _ JMBB B. PiligGiri d ri a Zont, FRANCIS MAI. Beef 01:11nr. Suo-tf if RAYING FUND. --UNITED STATES TitlIST COMPANY, corner THIRD and ORFAT rittrimall mune reonly_de bank on do- EtutVwithout notmeorith Flvi. YAK +T. MTN from the day of deponit lo the day o withdritwaL oe houl,from D until 6 o aloe* eiiery day, and on MA DAY VENIN(O3 front 7 until 90 gloat. • • RAFTS:4e on Boland, Ireland, and Bootland, from 41 upwa. President EN R. CRAWFORD, Tyeawarer—JA ft. AUNTLGR. • PLINY FISK. Actuary, IN SAVING FITNI:1-- no. tlO South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut end Walnut, PhiladelpMa, pays all Ile; Dante on demand. - flepoeitors' money secured by Government rate. and City Loam, 0 round Rents, Mortgages. 1 his Company deems safety better than large rrAtifa7. 6 llt i gge w it u a r t u a n u n tlee ' l w .ligr4 - - , torn with 6 per cent. ntere_st to_ the owner, ne v i 1 they have always done. Tine Company ney. momended. Females, married pr single, and ilinure can In their own right, and suchdeposits can be withdrawn ONLy by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the Rate of Plunsylvania, with authol 10 to receive me rino executors. n YiaTell e D " fililALL BUMS RECEIVEIS. omos open Saturd ay from II tO ; o'oloolr, and on Wednesday and Sa Di ni ßE nt crl ay evenings olin. walla o'olk. Jacob B. Shannon, mum °riva l :ear. J hn filundler, Mesh( W. Sloan. e t n r 474l l . ls Hytitt, - i? ?N s trftTte h ilthlA ß e tahl'Els g l ear .L. ' es... lantherthwaitel Slum olanoolr e dt • Joseph W. 1,.1 nootL JACOB B. Bli NON, President. Cra y s Clanwersammt, Treasurer. die- SAVING FUND—FIVE PER GENT. IN rtg Iffaiii i i't Street, L u_ S tgelt T o Y o n'IllY,"1: I %IC. a uladelphia. :Inoorpo e nisen by the State of rannarisa tioney is received ist any pnm large or mica, and tareaid from the day of de po sit to the day of wit h - The . oSine le oyes peep day from I o'clock in the mornipa tin a o ' clock in evening, and on Monday ana * TUUnd" Cani ti El t. a I.EILR, Presient. MIMI' SELF/mil:3E, Vine President, Wrixtax J. ID, watery. DISSC7O 8, Eon. Haply L. Banner, . Carroll Brewster, L Edward L. Ceder, mesh B. Barr, Robert Selfndge, rano' Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, oseph Yerkee, Landreth Munn% anry Ditfenderfer. Money is received and paymepte m e daily. he investmente are made, in con ormity with the Gprovisions of the Charter, in Real state Mortgages, round Recta , and Naafi first-ohms se titles as will al ays insure perfect security to the depositor', and ldeh cannot fall to lit , . permanency end stsbilitY to this Institution. ant- {r TIIE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "THE PRESS" 1 prepared to stomata noatly, °handy and expadittonal7 PLAIN AND OFINAAgNT4L PfariTlNO. ELk.NKB OR EVERY DESCRIPTION. Printing for AUOTIONEERS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACT'URERS., Nt>►, All orders left at the Publioation OMoe of The Prou, No. 011ESTNUT STREET, will be promptly ttended to. letn.tf TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE * CITY AND COUNTY OF PIItteiDELPHIA.. -AILKKAN DER YOUNG vs. JAMES HOYLE ministmtor of Robert Cunningham. deceased, with_no- Wee to terre-tenant. Sept. Term, M. N0.923.ev. Fn.: The Alor appointe4 by the Court to report distri bution of th e fund in Court, nosing from the sale by the Sheriff, under the shove writ of All that certain lot or oleo, of gmund. with the four book menages or tenement! thereon erected. marked in a certain elan No. 3. situate on the west aide of Passyunk road, between Fitzwater ond Catharine streets. in the late distriot of hltriamensing. ben nning ota snake by the side of the said road. 'southwesterly lie feet from ground now or formerly of George Clymer, thence by a lot marked in the said plan No. 2. pow or formerly of Thomas Knock, westward 6a feet 'l3i to al6 feet wide alley, theses by the same !out ward 16 feet Mi inches. to a lot marked in said plan IQs 4. formerly of William Morrow, thence by the same ibelterfltti 62 feet Mr MORN. to Fastening road 'donuts id. and thence , by the carpe nertheastwartily 20 feet to the plane of beinnning(whieh lot of around . Petrick Me. Kenna. and Ellen his wife, by an indenture dated the tith 1 1 . 4 . VoL February. Pr i t , r712 2 1.1e. 1 .% 7 4 rd Indeed o laid mobert Cunningham in tee, subject to the petulant an yearly m i t on!! or sum of twenty-two dollars a likr-- 1 0i f e ° bAdir l igs 'lnd Improvements on the said lot comet. of four three story brick houses—one of them fronting on the Paelyunk mad, and the other three of them fronting on en alloy leid out over pert of the rear end of said lot.—Will abbe* le the duties of his rip pointmeot on Tuesday, the 10111 of Jenuerr. IMO, at o'clock P. M., at his since, 260 SOUTH FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia, when aud *here all parties interested in the said tuud are required to pre vent their allele, or else be deterred and excluded ro therefm, ISAAC myr:it, (113-101 Auditor. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM RIDDLE, deceasq, hins beim granted to the subsoribet, by the Register o &0., Yoy the city and county et Philadelphia. all person% indebted to the said petal, are requested to make payment, and those haring Maims against the same to present them to ROBERT RIDDLE. Executor. No. eta VINE Street. TN THE ORPHANS , COURT FOR THE -IL CITY AND COUNTY op PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PHILIP MAGOVEHN, deceased. Thi Auditor appointed hy_the tTonr4 to audit settle , end adjust the account of Thomas Malt and James IdoCoy. executors of the last Will or hilly Macoverp, deoeved and to make distribution rit' the balance In the Rode of the aocountants. will meet the mum' tri- Wrested for the purpose or his appolntpient on MON DAY, January 00,1503. at Cooior P. ht.• Nt hi. o ffi ce, No. MS WALNU Street , In the oty Philadelphia. dO6-mwrist WILLIAA MOW. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A. CITY AW 0 COUNTY OF BRIL J ADIP.J.BBIA. In the matter of the Estate ct( CIIARIAB LUBIN, Degetteed, The e r uc t appointed ny the Cnurt to audit, Nellie, and ad mit I e sixth account of F.MILY VtZIN, CHAP ES Ille Fttlk DEftallK. VEZIN, and BEN JAM IN BREIA RD, Exeoulafs of acid decedent. also the first account of Charles Jobe Frederick Vezin and Benjamin herhard, surviving executors of said dace dent, also the sixth end sevenilL , coonntA of Charles, John Frederick Vezin. Brno Basene'ever. Baton& Grant. Jr., and Benjamin Gerhard. trustees under the last will and tostarent of maid deqedent ; also, the third account of k.mils Vezin. Charles John Frederick Vezin, and Benjamin Gerhard..guardians under the last will and testament of said decedent IRnuly Vezin satins gnardieni) aim the fiat account of Charles John Freda. , em i t Fes n and Benjamin Gerhard, surviving guardias under tee tact will end testemef tof deoodent, C. J. F. Vezin, acting guardian) An to report distribution of the balenees in the hands of t accountant, will meet the partuverged..folli2 ti f r a pper j of his apz o o Yr9 1 111: 4 /01 A . M., at A l l e W l htre u e a t t t , JOHN M. T.HOMAN, dZB-wfrrist Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, June Term, 1802. No. 48. HANNAH WOOD, by her next friend, vs. GEORGE wpoD. Deo. 24 2 RUC. Rule for dlvo returpable January 14th, 1860 e lle t,j eo nt n u r i le 6 m nt a nr 'n e ' e m een i o ' Mee. WIR. NICHOLSON 428-WfOr Att•roor tor Libellant. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE PARTNERSBIP BET WEEN TunlsVan Drunt. Jacob L. Trlslersipa Willett E mbs.trstr u y i nd i s i r4 r s e e;m di lr sc ya BRIJ/sTi Titit ; PM; tu4neli. at th'd late firm will 'be woond up by Jupob L. frrpfer aria Willett esilVbs; isrpeLorlsinal plans or bpsitiet4N I.INT, t. COB TRIPI A PR, ILLV.TT VOlithEl• Demanber 28111, 1859 The undersigned will hereafter carry on the general provision buelnewe inovision dealers. alba old stands, No. la South WATER atreet. end Nos. 1933 end 10.1.6 MARKET street, east of l'wentioth street. ACOU L. TRTPLER. VILL CU 138. WE, TUE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY lave net co that we hare renewed the timi ed partasrstdse,tween us. at' oh ootnn a h ead th e 2th of phOE, Ea, Igo. sod egoired oil the lst ef 140 'UMBER, 1889. noteeably to the prov stone of the net of Assemb y of the Commonwealt . li o Penns, tv.anla. peratLAlnti lctie 'An Act reintlye to is e sard a ja r r i ta i r4 :to he ehd the dePeil emeriti theretortlr e. under the name or firm of W. 0. BEARD. The senora] nature of the business h ntended to be transacted in the manufaeturpand sate ofßate by . eg A lee. to t h e C i t y of Philadelphia, His es weasel. WII LIAM 9. BEARD. who resides at No. 1:46 Nerth Spout. to the Thirteenth ward. of the City r hltede,ohle. In the general partner. and SAMUEL_ I t. W.m.,TOrg l iorim re sides at No. fail 'Youth FOURTH Street, t e Third ward, of the City of Philadelphia, is the epee al part ner. The said special partner contributed to the common stook of sarid firm the mmof thirty thousand dollars, whieti was menially and In good faith no din ca.)t. The said partnership commenced on the fiat day of NOVEMYIER., 1809, and in to terminate on the first day of NoVr.ritlMß, A_Je Md. wt. O. BEARD, dlO-yet go UHL P. WALTON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN, that the *rm of wAprlpx, exhowiox, BRQ. Is this Ntrird,..itzatlfte-rtif.ol2lNrrif stre ? .,:is ttl a to n s mos east oir o lu sl iolptiVg fRANO 8 . o'VAIM Philadelphia. July 11, IBM. SAVING FUNDS "A little, but o: tee, AIL the Pam:, " A Dollar saved la tanoe earned. ' JOB PRINTING. XVIRT DUCRIPTION 01 PA hirli:LETB, PAPER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, BILL READS POSTERS. UANDBILLB. MECHANICS, BANES, MAILIOI.D AND INSURANOB COMPANIES LEGAL. INSURANCE COMPANIES THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. SIX MILLIO Ar• NS so OF DOLLARS, zip , / 1161 ED I rk6r,R la 1 00 15 A . L .It.STATE, T The T iIITZ I T:/ A v e . A?V7d I elti l t e a argarik e ls U ßT e"- Thie B i t i o Ati l aVdr. l l, tgutliTttglrfting . B e ih a B " no BELONG TO THE INSURED Pamphlets. and every information. Mr be bed Nulls, on anpli_oati on to P. ItkroßFOßp STARR,A gent S. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Sumac riIIIALIELPHIA REFERRNUEtIi it ' iTo a ai L b Dawson, tow I. Stroud, V:e.og.g e vlegt.".art , serge U Myers, J. Fisher beaming. miepli Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur 4*. coffin, hymen H. Powers, George W. Toland, William MoKaa. Th.. Ihreittao.. nait-ly it* DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE THE LAGIA'LATURE OP PENNSYL ANIA 1835. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD. AND WALNUT Streets, rhtladelkhirt ht a, INE INSURA . NCE ON VESSELS, ) M aw, i To all parta or the World. INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage FIR 3 O Pa n s g r at e ln n E a On Iderohandise ' senoilaily. On Store A bs g r el ti lind p T ou i r E s •C &A. I.PANY, . November L /510. per. Market Valve. 10100, Philadelphia City 6 41' 10ent..L0an.....113,P50 CO nr 100.000. Peuiylvania State 5 4' et. Loan.... 53165 00 31,1500 Pntinsylvanis Slate 6 4P c'. Loan., 31,000 00 215,007, U. 8.1 reasury 55: IP cent. Notes and interest due • . • . /5,153 al 830,000 U. B. 'Treasury 6 4fr et. Notes and Inter est doe... . .. 30,615 00 825,030 Temporary Loan to the City o f Phil . s.- dolphin .... 15,000 00 1100,000, Pennsylvania Railroad Sd. Mortgage 6 tf , cent. Bonds . 43,500 00 130,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad tan . Ronda _ 10.503 00 Mort -811,000 West f igllntlphia t Tassenger Railwa Company 7 40 ot. coupon bonds.... T 12.600 00 8a11,003,360 shares stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guarantied by the city of Pinta- • dolphin 15 000 00 imixcloo alCoia respany Penagylvtinis Railroad m 00,000,100 glare. North Pennsylvania Rail.. road Compalli . same, share, Philadelphia 10e Boat and Steam Tug Company, P h iladelphia and Plaeannali Stearn savigation Com lettn7, One; Steam Navigation company, hiladslphia and Ha vre de rime Steam 'Pow Boat Company, hiladelphia Exchange Company -............... 5.110 00 N 43 l4 B4 s i t i nd i difortgages, and Real Estate. Of- 414°8 ' 718 " reoeivaN l e for Insurances .. . . 181493 69 .714889 Balance due at Agenolon—Pronnums on Ma- Striae Voltam!, Interest, and other debts due „ the Company Serie and stook of trandry Insura - ..dc6" -- 12441 63 mos—, pa- Caah on Dowell In &WEL' — 7 7 -7- 7 7 67 3 ,000" " Si DIRE. tWhim Mar. mund A. udsr. 71 , 1 . auklins, o n . OUTOSO• 0 n . all', mss Trquair, Hamm E i r rs, Jr,. 14 al ifltig . o. ' Cultist', °sopa 11. Heal, R r. .M. Huston, serge G. Leiner, I II Hugh Craig, Charles Kel ly, 1 HENRY LYLB W' 11 1 QA I N l l BL i l e H ao: 11 'RA, tie. P. 71 lir k ". nr7 tliosri. n. ward Darlington. . Jones Brooke. neer AP livaine. °mu C. Hand. bert Berton, Jacob P. Jones. mune. B. M'Farland. Looshita P. Rare, lin B. Beruple, Pitt!b's A. Ti: 4 1 : u r1,11 4 .. M MARTIrf, president. . HAND, Vice President, • TettiTT. doe-dtf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., DAL. INCORPORATED 1110-011ARTE.R PERPET- No. 1110 WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelpir Having a large paid-up capital Stook and Surplus n- Tested in sound and avails le Beionntlea, continue to n- Kra on Dwellings. Stores q Furniture , Merchandise, swig i n Port and their Mew, and other. rational open). All losses liberal 7 and promptly adjusted. DMITRI. pl i n S i ll*. ohn T. Lewis, amen R. Campbell. tie! O. Morton,Edmund G. Dunlh, &trick Bradg ,tiltiais. W. roultneY• • GEORGE orns. ABBOTT. President. THOMAS R. MARIS. See retarv. I‘l3-1• if TII2 QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINOd, No. eae WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. EMr- ---- -.. -- -.7.--- --- - - - -Mll IRE, MARINE „ XtrnifilSiiii i i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it nin ranee, !imam and perpetual, on nu alai ne i and Me anchee or au deamptiona. F.fizat=reuflut=44.4e, 411M1411. CIECNIr e nvHAIIT, President. filliegifigiVlia DISICTORS. E. W. Bailey Andrew R. Ctimbers. Marini, G. Im ar. 11. R. Coggshnll Hon. E. Al. Futlnr. nu rmuaja B.s ri• • • alif% oetar 4. /ringer, . el Jones. Mlf. D INSURANOE COMPANY OF THE giAIEAVicsBIMMAAStiMerIOI4.- Oliirtared in 1791.--Ga'dal •1001:00—Asaitti, January 1 Mt 4130,44.5 00400. All invested in sound and available geouritieg—eon Gnus to inure on Vessels mid cargoes, Boildinge,Stoog of lisroliandin, itobfipb o yeirs. George H. Iltuart. ears D . I zia awns' Grant, Jr.. les Mainuirster. /onitie Wattle* nr S. Smith, a B. Budd. homy B. warison, lbw" 0. Freeman. /am It. White: Charles B. Lewis, 00 0 rge C. canon. HENRY D. EIHERRERD. President. WILLIAM Ha RANG. Herratarr is lawfm Or LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM A—. ANY.TELe_pE . NN. MUTUAL LLPlEgr ui Rip& COMPANY, NorAmist corner of THI RD 111 14:FAVIAllte . ) Vo'r The irroterm of Aire—grants !fe a st gtst a iln ° r Fi n i=7:.= " d4l2l.7:,l ' ol: 6 111 4° Xt 'I ° E L itora Adsplatturton. Assignees Tntstles, itna . o4ll ' lei L. V i er, i "'Fi r 1 8 tokee, niamin Ws, i a ffi l ln artin, , _ . V-Far,und fa?, t ii, 1 ; 0= l i. , .yrotter. . Chum H. Kern,e i lun" ut Fedin h.ophil. c. igiker r ell, munff , onffer, - e Relay C. Townsend, Final iliutobtatois shut Kent, aim W. 1 ornor, ism K. Carr, 'llls 8. Archer, Du ow, 11161 J. Deristisr. w illiesw Kotertson, Penh M. Thomas, Warner AL Resin, m . . ghn O. Wenner, PlANf , gr , 4 4 E4, Presidnt. AM . BTO 'B, Vies Pros t. lonff W. Honffort, poorest!. antB.lr &lAMB DISIIII4NCE COMPANY, Na. CHESTNUT Eosin, PHILADELPHIA . INCORPORATED ApAncoffliguum STATE OF PsrorB CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKIN DIEIe_T_ORS: &ANVIL WEIGHT.-. • w .or ry; ht, Bros., & Co. wny.met W. WAT.TRie, Willisln Ryan & Co. CIIABLIs ItIeIIARDION... J.C . Howe & Co. Blottord. WRIT-- West, Folve_, & Lloyd. AUCL1,11,114.111C0TT,... Lippincott. Hunter, & Boot JACOB W. BTovT. --.- .... hAfrOell, Stout. & co. i l htnerswie, Jr.......... wit, Roe., & Co. DAVID D. 1.111015 T...--. aria 411iroey. A. Rosittnntet.—.. enhenn, Brooks,& Cle. one B. Extaeott...— 0114 p_, Huh.. & Bone, OAK W. HVERMAIS........ JuIie W. k.V81171611 & CO. o 01/Lkill B. blAskvg.. vets It Merlin. ~ ti, YH A -Ri t 10 3 . VIN It Fre l i . WILLIAMS I. BLAnuiIAE .nee'y.' Ice au 6-11 . IaOWARD FIRE 4nP 44.11,1 NV INStr, tt a tt i O s. E COILPAXY, Mo. 44.9 WAPIUT ®Hutt DIRECITORII. .I.W. Bitldartn. Ofge.j . fi l n ° 4 l .. °ll. F , tk W. Boston, Atm itemrtial, . D. l'il Hatton. .4'irrircik. 0.. n . 1 , . bt.,,,,,,,,ru1it. -..g.,4 i gmtn. H. H. 0114101/: ?.'km. U. Love, mice F. Norton, lln Clayton ' Edward A. Warne, B. T. Kenna. B. H. Dhillingford, Thomas t.. Ludara. yrasident—ti. W. BAL DW I N, Vine Prestdont—E. B. WARNI. iStaretur.—EDWlN bUo If. 4.9 CONFECTIONERY. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.—Fine CONFECTIONERY ean he had. equal to any othe. eatab to One on> —viz t Bon Bon, Chocolate. 14 B° 08 X :C . C A i l t m l I o e n t d J ;F . R N' i rt :k e ti n o. h rg(r. V74nBt of LeRiTY between BeventVend E ahth. 48).1in pREPARING FOR CIIRTSTMAa. FOWLER Ref TOWNSENT2 I , L FT. STARET. Are oontt l igy ginno some_ KO •010/O n E vAßrErige BON BONS, MAIM CIitECTIONS, PINE SUGAR ALMONDS. MEd, At., Ike, Also, Frew* Priok- sok., ohriotmas-Tres Orne merlin, Am. We have ales nue Nice, .!mono. Pacer ,shell Almond., ho., ke.. sin table fiar the canons holi days, to 'whin we rimpeotfully invite the attention ol howl before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget No. 916 MARKET street. dtf- tJnt MEDICINAL. TIM ALL-SUFFICIENT THREE I- TRIESENAR, 1,2, and 3. Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England, epd secured by the Seals of the &minds pharmame de Paris, No. all phvgica, disabilit es. N 0.2 completely eradicatesall traces of those diseases that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and per nicious use of °opaline and cubelia. N 0.3 has entirely supplanted the in urlous use °Puler our,. thereby Insuring to the utterer speedy retie Polls vering ail impurities, and rooting out the venom ofd is "RIPSEMAR, Not. I, 2. and 3, are prepared in the form of a lozenge. devoid of taste and smell , and can by rim ce In the waistooat pocket. Sold in tin otos. and divided hap separate doses, as administered by Velpeau, Lalleniand, Roux, Ricord. dro. Price $3 each, or four oases far SP, which saves $3; and in $37 Ogle', whs . .- by there Is a laving of $9. To be had. wholesale and retail, of Dr. BARROW, 194 Bleecker street. New Yolk. Sold also at Retail by CALLEDIDJEft do CU., corner THAD and WALNUT Rim % Pkiladelpilio and by T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North SECOND Street, Wn.23 d3m holesale and Retail Agents for Pennsylvania. D R. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE Je- , PILLS AID PHOENIX DITTERB have been thoroughly 411n0 . and pronounced a povereign remedy for dyspepsia. Mule toy, heart-bn, and headache, oostiveness. (Herrera's, DIVOTS of all la de; thenmatism, IMIL grays!, worry , ecittry, ulcer , eruptive rum. plaints, salt rog,T; .m p„,". common colds and in lineage, irrerula ity 'Wall derapsoment p 1 the female tritenirles, tin vtilool . other l %tish i lies to tvlo t oii Ills NO. 4I Ir.ItI r OP7A g r, I 3% fißOßMl), 7 .l{:w°{7,7°.l.4 b; Druggist,' generally all over the country. 411-d&WIT r/OLLTOKOFFER'S AN TI-RIIEITAI ATIO 0 - 1 CORDIAL—Am s if have been afflicted with them. manna for a lone portion of the time had n° ONO of my html,.. 'fried rout enrdial, and in three days I was able to walk down enure, and ID a week tile Rain entirely lest me. I d:loniteerfollY dqlffleild the vor din)lin tllnse r who are !cited wil lst t dtainbal torn ibrimeitgznyii, E. cantor PINE and PilgTH ets. Old-Sm FeFe R. CORSO N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND CDNVEYANCER, NORRIB- T9.w i ts, PENNA. FA MI In Montgomery, Buoks, end e. Chester noun "'jot% eiFtWAVI T Y s rums negotintell. HANDSOME pwtaa.irstiti for site in N osrn orris- ROOT AND HERBDOOTOR—I'an be consulted at the Barley Sheaf Hotel, N. 8 /NO D Strait. / hiladelphia. A Stet' escopio Examin , lion of the Heart, Lnrtxs Mid Throat fret. of charm Be treat* all Opens that flash to heir to; remove* Warta, orns, and Unworn without the 'lghtest pain, Medicines ramble. Ajt s igters shoukhows.enVorsidas:, PRIVY Wg1. 4 1,8 ()LEANED AT A LOW jg•jo ohtedn Oft eantnntc, Aditreq Tt d 04 rQUOtitt• =O9, 141.3 Mutt' oIiCOND btreet. SUGAR -HOUSE MOLASSES.-150 boroeoina barretairaany zAm el 41MA anti. RAILROAD LINES. 1859. NO 1859. w.,NT.E„.. v .RANGEINIENT-NEW YORK LFED. Tifk, .0A DEN AND AMBOY AND fill - LINER,?' AND 'MENTON R AILRO FROM pjuiA.DELPiIIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES. !Mu)! WALNCT-11111.11ST Wail/ Aan ILIgnInOTON. Will leave as Collor". viz t 99.911. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cain. & Aermramedation . •-•. •• —• ....... —• O3 ig At 6 A. M. via &laden and Jersey City, (New Joricit ...... X AO A. in., via Camden and Jersey CDT, Blaming nin.i • ......... S 00 At 11?‘ . I(ensingion Cal i Western Express II CM At P. M., via Camden and Amboy7docommo dation. . . . At 3 P.1 {.,. via Camden and — XME4; i 5. &A. 26 AM. 1 - Cineinkijintisd — Jersey a aa Evening EXOregn 00 At t3i D. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City. ad Clam Ticket.. •.. • 126 At 6P. M., via Camden and Jersey City venue Mai1....._..... 3 63 At It P..M.,.vix Camden aI:M./army City,Houthern Mail 2 RI At 6 P. M. via Camden and Amboy,Aomiimoditlon, (Freight and Paiutenger)—lst, Ticke L.. 35 2.2 C ae • TThesp. M. Mail Line runs daily, lass e i Tht P.M. Rooth -111/lail.flaturdaye excepted. or Holmdel*. Easton. Flenirstnn. ems.. at 6 A. M. front Walnut-street wharf. and IP. M. from Kensington. For tilatioh 4auna. Allentown. and Ilettnenem, at A. bil g in W g Lehigh Valle Railroad. to Yor WS lisp Boon burg, Scrann, Wilkesboro, Montroe,l3reatlend. o. at II A. bd., via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Wens Railroad. For Mo un t 'Holly. at 6 and 0 A. ht. and 9 and th , P.M. For Freehold, .36 A. M. and 2 P. 31. WAY LINES For Drietol, Trenton, &a. at 3 and 4N. P. M. from Ken. sing to.. For Palmyra, Riverton. Delano°, Beverly, Burlington, Borpenrown, Lte., at Me, 3, and Oi P.M. Fifty pounds of baggage only alinyreo each piesenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ea Ml late but their wearing appare All baggage over AR! Pound., to be paid for extra. T he company limit their re a PonglbilitY for.Paggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be Liable for any amount beyond itt mei except by *pedal contriwt. WM. H. OATZMER • Agent iin Camden and Amboy R. it. Co. INfLimmag PHILADELPHIA, liEtt- MANTOWN AND NORR IS TOW ILROAD- WINT m l ARRANGEMENT- On and after MONDAY_,Nov.. 1869 FOR DERMA TOWN. • • Leave Philadelphia 6, 7,1.60, 9, 19, 11, and II A. AL, LI, 3, 334 4, 6, 634, 6,7, 3, 9 s C, and 1134 P. M. Leave dermantown 8,7, 7 ) 8. Bg, 9.4, 10, 11, A, M., /. 3,3, 4,04,6, 634 7, B,_ , _0 IP P. M. bN SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia 9.06 nun. A. AL. 3. 6X, and lo P. M. Leave tiermantown mm. A. 91" Lis nun., 634, sad 9 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. P Leave Pluladelphia 6, .7.M, II A. M.,3,4, 6. 3 6 ,7, and 10 Leave Chestnut Rill 10 7.40, 8.86, and UV A. M.,, 6.40, and &ID, hi g ON SU RAY, Piave Philadelphia 9.65 A. AL C.and P. AL ea eve _Cheatnut Hill LSO A.. AL, 13.60, 6.10, and 8.40 in in_, P M 10a CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Phdadetphis 0,9, 11.06, nun., A. M.,, lA, INVa , a Lea N d orrie ll,s( town 0,7, 9, II A. M.. 134. 434, and P. AL ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and a Leave Norristown 7 A. AL and If p. N. FOR NIANAY UNA. Leave Philadelphia 9,116.734, m A. NI.. 1.116,3.06, LW, OS, 11M, 7M, and P. M. Leave Mansynnk 634, 734. MC Mi. and 1134 A. M.. 9.3. 6, ON, and ag P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave nitgaelphi A •A. 74,3, nd 41 1 1 k P YL_ Lnv. M ir EI T AP trqe i nTraTlL PA ßestkeit i _ nl9- tt Httpo . „ H spa o n n. ° % ow •801.666 67 NORTH PENNSYL -24.-MgrfitkAvßitriADVlN,j°l)* 10, DOPE, ,rIIT w PI, EASTON 41-EnTI B TO r te, _ E iAtCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. . On and after M r 4 Ay, November 7th ,1369, Passen ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILIAM Streets. Philadelphia. DAILA . !Sunders excepted: ) For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. &0., ( Express.) at 930 A. M. For Bethlehem, (Express.) at 9.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. 4 or Doylestown, (Aooommodationd state A. M. and f id, or Fort Wsahingtonadocommodation,) at 6 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA; 3.loeve Bethlehem, (Express.) M BA. M. and 4.1 Q 7.z i d a i . vg i Doplestown. ( Aecommodation.) at 7 A. M. Leave Port Weshingtocernmodation,) at 7. A.M. ON Aga i Philadelphia for Fort Washington,atl.lo A. M. hi ladelpnia. for Doylestown, at 4 P. M. i k, rleatown for Philadelphia. a r A. M. ort Washington for Hillsdale in, at 240 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, 31.30; to A such Chunk, SIM; to Easton. (11130: to Dorleatman,Bo cents. Through tweets must be procured before entering the oars. AU Passenger Trains (eseept Sunday Train.) con nect at Beres street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Snood and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. 07 „. ELLIS CLARK. Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, 1859. 1859 ! THE CAPACITRF Til E 4 ro lli rj R IS EQUAL TO ANT IN THE COUk R. THREE THROUGH PASSE GER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, From duvet at /Modell's with Through Trains from Boston, New York. and a l taints East. and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cin cinnati,St. Louis, Cleveland, Chieago, Burlington, St. Paul's, Incliay.apolos, Louisville, New Orleans, and all intermediate mita in Ohio, Indiana,lllitiois, Kentuc ky, Mioldgan, Wisoonsin,Minnesota,Missoun, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus! furnishing (whose for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and nom fort by any nthet route. Ex prom and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without ohange of Cars or Conduotoni. Smoking Can are mouitied to each Tratn_; Woixtruti". Sleeping Care to Express and Fast Trains. The WRESS RUNS DAILY : and Past Limn, San t? Yy t fuli leaves Phitaltelphla tt AM A. M. ant Line " 11.60 A. . vow Vain leaves o num Night. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS % reskesbuty Aooommndataon at UM A. M. Harrisburg Aoomiongdation. Oolumbis P. ,l.oo P.M. Columbia t m. Ponsengors for West Cheater will take the Mall, farkesborg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. Pawensere for Sunbury, Williamsport, Biotin, &8010 lo Mar ars Falle, and intermediate Pointa.loaving Yalta delphia at 8 AilMy directly through. ickste Weftwa tray btobtaincil at the office of the cOIIONITIT kit Cikktil, NOV OTk, POITOZI, or koOd Pickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad OtEoee in the West ; also oar board any of the Nigular Lino of Steamers on the Miqualem or Ohio 111‘1111. FtoaZgng as tpw 1 4 . r.t.g h tutet t tteup of the tfftiffg a t i I I NV I IN ( MTIA. P _VIA g al) THE list.EAT NoRTH w ES. The oonnoottop of goicte try the Jitaalroad Btazo at Pittsburg, svoig &Taro or romarro or Frolcht, together with t he saving o time, are advantavis nastily me:i . tatlid by hipper' o Freight and this Travelling FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freights of all dawn owns can be fob. Warded from Philadelphia. New York. Boston. or lislti mote, to any point on the Railroads of Ghio. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisoonain, lowa, or„Missouri. by Rail road direct. The PommyPrude Railroad also onnneots at Pittstmrs with Steamers, by which Oooda can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio. Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland. 'Mums, Ntsstoopst, Wisconsin, Misoun, Keane, Arranges, and Red Rivers; and at Cleveteed, Itilibidkr• and Chinsdoi litheitittlitters tO aU port. on the otthwestsre Laket hgerobentes debnypereentragneg the transportation a of their r i ll: h thla CrtriPtisil• out rel 7 oi plv,l Ufa to anY paint in Dip West tbi y t s e !P e re r 1. road arm ." - De pinto to marl paoksges" via Penns.. Rail rohants In the West ordering goods from the BA" do well to direct them to by shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or EthipittsK Diraepaaa, apply to, or addroe either of the rolloertag Agents of the Corn pnnyt D. A. STEWART, Pate:we; 0., Doyle k C Steubenville ,O.; rta. Jet ea & Co., Zanes ville, O.; J. J. Johnston. or.; ft: McNeely. Mays vtlipp Onnsoy & Cropper, Portsmouth. 0.; Paddock & Cu., JefferlolWlllB, In tans; 11. W. Brown & Cincinnati O.• þ & Hibbs rt.'inetnnett, 0.; R. C. held um, Madison. Ind.; Wiltuuu In tan., Lou ' , out lle, 14.; F. (Pittley & Co., /Wanton le, nd.; N. lh . Ora harp Co.,carro, Ill.;_ R. P. BAH. St. gm Mo.; John ARO Te S:4 ; rsthy kw i t. , Co . Chi '"R. l .., flit or leYrefirlit A f e a p rti t % Atte I ni n gi d a l tct d thpi r r Ailpjuleehls W ith. the Eaal,:will Gild it to their 'Mallet to cation the Ageoteol the amps If at the followloe pr t apee genre shinning l t r u a A n Ittlerlifd pre; tp Ober of het oa , the eohJeot of el NI.. At)Rts K... ,S, 80 out! street. Baltimore. Eir:Cll & CO., 3 Astor House, or 1 8. Willtsm et., N.Y. EKON CO.. 64 KIRI, street. Boston. 11 1 1%1 EA n i g! l r h a . 1 la. PHILADCLPHIA, ill', P m Fr MINOTON, AND BALM an& at.er M . OND Norembe nos* PtBB , 01 , .R TRAINS LAVE PHIIt a DELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.1/ A. ,12 noon, ( weed and 11. 0 P. Al. : r r yt t let t lillo s itlelilx. " .m!ritt i t,"iii l l.2l.l: i or aw Caat aatAU A. M.. anti . . t. or tddla town at 8.16 A. M., an or r a val. MAU A. M. and 430 . , or Ilford at 8.10 A. M., and 4 301'. AL or earord at 8.10 A. N. and 4JO I'd*l. or tire! at a. 15 A. M..and 430 P. M, TRAINS FUR PHILASELPIIIA Leave Batimore at 8.30 A. AL, 1 Kinrau,i /0.13 A. Mo. amt 13.,Z p Leave W il m ington at 7.13 A. M. and 11.30 A. M.. 1.43 and At!. AL nve Laurel at ALS A. M.. and 3 au P. M. are Seaford at 8.411 A. M., and 406 P. M. 0 ave.llford at 7.00 A M.. and 4.25 P. M. are vor at 9.06 A. M., and Aoo P. M. are tddlatown at 10 A. M. and 7.03 f. IL Alive ety Cason at toga A. At.. and 0 .M. 'Are „htliar Ct. /Mi. Al.. —• od !I : ly, lam. Viet ii L if ,• _-, 3.Miiii Lie Ell, glsoya D tirpore fro' Lourel aso voldwAre NsOraid ad A. • • TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Piave gator at LU A. M., UM and U.lO P. M. A.V.vo %Langton it CU L. M..1 1 / 4 P. M., mid ILE --....___ SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M.. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at &lb P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN,* I tit PASttENG ER CAR attached. will run as fellows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville nnl Intaimediate pima. at 3 P. M. Leave Wlltrougon for Perryville end intermediate pt es at 4.11 P.' M. Leave Wilminaton for Philadelphia end intermediate planes at 3.4 r, P. Al. Leave Baltimore for Stemmer . ' Run, Chase% and Harwood at 344 P. M. B. M. FELTOI3. President. 'FnßlVillgesbarreL I B 1: 1 C sl i tMqu oast°, Rook - islancl,Ni;K PIIILADELPULI AND gLMUt In n -ra Latta, Montreal, dt. Paur 111:ifieutte,eanidimart: Yeasenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Rend ing Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CA[[. LPW RILL sureeten 4lL'.i Rnatlaa• exeepi, aa LSO A. M. DAY F.X PRY ER. For Elmira,_fitegara Fella. liuttalo,_ Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Rook leland, Galena. St. Fount, Burlington and St. Loins. a,so P. NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago R Milwaukee, ook leland, Galena,St. Paul's VU , Onston and St. Louie. . Tho 730 A, 111. and 330 P. SI. q4;";,4 run through to fIARRISBURCI.stooripg ai ail iiol9l}3 00. thd Lebanon Valley Brar , T6O 7 . 5 p .M. tra.n oonpeote at Rupert for %ilea ringA xgrtl i tro tspiTtliZfirstOkt°LAOK rtgglike checked to ii sit ra, 31,3.it1ad wseeingion Bridge. 1it ic T4 1 141 , 744 be proemial! aLthe rhiladelphia and E In aHa arum L i ps s Ticket °mos, Northwest oorner ofRI TH and ell HTNUT Streets, and ar the Paulin ger Depot, corner ROAD and CaLLOWHILL. CHROUUH EX DR ES 4 Flt El blil 11141114 Leave, the Depot. Broad street. below Vino daily(Run . i day excepted, I for all solute West and North, at i P. lid rreights must be detained before 3 P. M. to future going the same day. For further infoiation, mph , at Fr t . tDe opt s Iffohp ; below Orto lV. 00T.;. , ilTriAan talik!'s eArt7, .40.6, ,t ~.„„„,phi. . &miaowPHILADELPHIA A ND READING HAM ROAD, MORN rITG LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ ING and HARRISBURG, Leave, the new Depot. at corner of BROAD and OALLOWHILL Stie t ets, :entrances , on Gylowtoo.l iatit,•VxTriliihN!Ar."4AsiiTizf l ee.lett:pA, connect.[ l ith s tu r reciting to I ...I bu ElBl l nbin ktUPE C illyilA 11 1 1 , 17.;: HARR Leave e t s. P. M., DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and ISURG. At 4.30 P. M., DAILY, (Suodareozooptott,) for READ ING, and Intermediate pothta. do w ble I LH FINN Y. See Term tr. emel t Ns ~ ,,',?..e:iw„l i, :ri.- 2 .,I Fi sT p EI oR . e_ENO ER TRAI,NS FO ROWN IN tatiVir ?I AND ~. TEILIEVREATt.RTAT ONSp—on Reit aflor..th,fleeefly bi l t , In the PitieellKell: I Mo lot DONVNINL.TOWN lei , ea free the Alelf rwaserje. newt of the Phan : . 11 ia ral oAlliVlt u t i l7 btrielneZreLZlVeßn "trelar l ' i liA l l 14 ft, u...i..t..., ! . 733 A. . TERNOOR TRAM for Downiettown.lB477l at ALLY (Elpodaye exoeetod.) on a lf orDl . Boartor m mlngers of the Phlladelphle " RO RI° at AaW"WildralaißßNT,lleeretem BALES BY MTCYION. 17 1 1.31tNESS, BRINLEY & 00. .. No. CV MARKET STAKE?. BSCOTT, Jr. AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT ' STREET,. 9npoeito the Guam Howe. House. between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. Thu Monne. December 10tn. commerrina 1$ 10 o • otoek.yreeikely. Peremptory Bale OP TH h. gni IRK STOCK Or eEICH ktr_C Wog B,_ rg HIS trMOROIDERIES, An.. OF F.FISRS._F URN EH CO., open_ the Pf 0111i111111. CRESTS uT STn E ET, ABOVE EIGHT.H. ler By catalogue on a credit. LT Samples and ostalmineit early on enernlnt agate. Convening of a large and attractive masortment of rich goods. selected for best city retail salmi. Bale peremp tory. to clone the business. Included in sale will be found— EIROIDERIES. • Medium to high coat French embroidered main, efillthrle, end jaconet collars and sets: nob Parm em b,cidered ban s, flouncing, striae. inserting. & • French embroidered skirts, embroidered tape bands, and home Untied bifida LACE HOODS ANT) LACES. Real thread and point lace collars and sete, lase ap plique, collars sad setS real Valeneiet, mumere and Maltese collars real blask end wmtetnresd Moe. reel Valencia point applique and blond lace. bleak lace veils, cloaks, mantillas, end points, real cambne sod thread lace veils. capes, &o ; rich Fars bMok Iry mantillas and points ; ver7 rich new style embroidered velvet mantillas, ladies cloth cloaks. a KIR 0, °V a. EY'. Also, ladies' and gents' real .To ivin'e kid gloves. FiX l USES. Also, in continuation, the fiztares of the store and upper rooms, comprising 20 feet of solid mahogany counters superior shelving, w lout desk, walnut table, elegant gas lixturee, carpet stools, &o. LARGE SALE OF FINE r ARRIONABLE FER3I,. FOR LAD kß' WEAR. FANCY !SLEIGH AND CARRIAGE ROBEtI, tre. On Saturdny Morn'nc. DOO 31. oommepetnff St 10 O ' clock motley. Fun arranod fur ezimunat ton *arty OR =rains of s ,le. - • . included in this sale will be found en assonment of the richest and highest coat goods oiferN this sewn, end are we.l worthy the attention of varcssis. included will be found— Real mink sable eases and belt saves, with mod i and midi to match, Reel Hudson Bay sable do do. heal eiberian squirrel do do. Real German Molt do do. Real stone marten do do. Toeather with silver marten, American A eh, and other fashionabA lure. Also, rents' bearer and a bar col'ars and stoves. FA • CY NObk.b. 60 superior fancy Hudson's Bay and prairie wolf, fox. ncerion, and genet robes. FORD, AUCTIONEEN, No. 530 kIiiRKRT Stmt./MIMI MINOR SOW BHIPPINO. PHILADELPHIA OILKSOZNT NAVIGATION COMPANY AT AU ADJOURNBD IIdSZTI3IO MT= ABOVE NAMED..OORPOR.ATION, no. 0 ICEBOHANTIP BIXOBANGE, At 10 dokak A. Mollestamber 7th, 1049. as follow lag gentlemen vole nisaimoisiy eisigid Dimino tha Company, 'Lit I GEORGE 11. STUART, 9. MORRIS WALIT, MANUMIT W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTHR, am JOHN EDGAR. THOMSON The BOOKS of OUNICIUPTION o Lk* CLAPTIAL ITOCIC of aid COMPANY ►m now opera at the ►bon named Moo. where all Immo favorable to the enter edge am no/91043001v Invited to umbsenbe. it-U 4114 FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— e h A §W YORK AND HAYEK BTRAWIRIP he United States Mail Steamships ASVO. 1300 tons, pond Lines, Commander. and FUL ON, 1t .600 , tnns, lames a. a mon, Commander, wrll ease New loth. Havre. and Souttuunston. for the year tbra. on the followins days : To meet new requirements of the Prat OMee Pozen, ment, the days of swims of the AKAR) and FITLTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON. will, after thug. present vol axes , be aspired u follow. from NEW I'o w K. save in the rule of the present demure of the PULTON. which will take pl.°, on the Mb December, the schedule remains unaltered: 'Rom New TOIL }Usti! MID SOITIAYPTOT. trLTON.....Deo. It. F VlBl.l tst I itION . t f a t ' jib! . 21i . Aitys SL F TgeeistiiMeri: built exprouli rice, with double engines. anderdec : every attantioe art - been taken in the construcuoa the hat( and ma chinery Uri nsuro safety and speed. e ship, hays 1,10 eater-tight compartments enclosing the salines, so that a the erect of collisien or stranding, the water could not reach them. and the pumps being tree to work, the safety of the vessel end passengers would be se cured. Recent ex patient . * has demonstrlibd the abso lute nsOeuity of the male of construction. Tne accommodations for peuiseniters are betiseed to conduce every comfort and «insistence that can be de sired. ESZS'tM2;M:2;=Eg From Hikers or RouthrimPted to New Yetle—?lM Cabin. VW francs ; Second do.. MO twines. To onteeneera going to London these invitee, elfiliai e l advanume economy to an imposed. um. and imsed. 4 delivered in London. No dawns secured ward pai for. An experienced sornean on board. All lettere dad Deere , mere rare through the Podt OMOd. 0:1` pIPATIMMI rioadvi New Teri. WILLIAM HAUB, Agent, Nene. T. CR OS K El' je. CO, Aden% Son thampt i g. AMERICAN EUROYEA.N EXPII t'COMPANY, Agent, Parte. wM. NEILSON. Arent. Offlee. Tatars... Warehouse, DOCK nod FRONT Streets, Ptuladelp/us. Plena of the shies can be seer '. • N r CAM Di it N. 111"/ 0 ALL 1 4/ p • - vatTs OF 0 RRAIC . II:AIN AND IR A t• FRANCE ANDIIr - ffl. 00X nig flA r rtUlifl oN Akla F N Krii A Apiitll ti silt Eh. " Reltweasen. t.tlpatl, dot. N. jra r e s ises.n. iuNgeti??4,o4.t., b... Steamers ere all ret-outa gill4-kgillt are intended to sad from her 11.NorU El et, es follows : FOR LONDON, ROCTRAMFTON, BAVRJ, AND HAM The elegant and pow. riot Iro Bl,7Mld. n germ Stumble BO RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trantmsa. SAO tore bartUe. Intl gm' as %Pore, on SATURDAY , DECEMBER mot. at 131 o'clock H. Ptaaarnoludir Railroad Fare from Pintadelphis to New dYk. sad rpm Southampton to tendon. First Ca un. elm tuvw Cabtn. . fliDPikrae. /X rb. tlomrs9LA we? be succeeded lowlne Steamstops• . 1 ILA ht M0N1A....--. X pNESBAY, ?shimmy 1. S&X 0h*...........1. ktSVt. 411,te hi 181 i A. •.7 RS Y. Merck /A .....td DA . April,. . N I. triijenrlarl toi...n.g. Dobbs. Bal. fut. Cor , ow. Para, so Antwerp, at uuouh rugs. Th 444 strum gm littsd so Tisk yusequVota modattens dr Apt, seggood, so 4 thgri-olsog sm The Reran Cabin ettoommodedons or Mug ars ',Ju to th e fir Maas of moot dame porobatea of plum ismed ers m01.§... soigh amplon, tig. and Hamburg. go Nor orb. Place!, forwt{rdqj (mph nits/owls go alt porn of EuropO m tiosonable met Freight ent.ued inPh:l2,l.olam 441 Igo. proraptb attended to by . the New York Agent, sod shipped W. of ell commas:op. For Freight or Fetuage apply exelnytrely to W.A. 1 ., Arent. otkos of the Hamtm/g A.wr Yet Ilia, atz...w.kth ottf /Contorts: miner r 0 tritTM and Cu iST,g t. r. iii tem THE BRITISH ANL, :wit'l LI AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM ER f= .... Trioa 1 TPSIL 70 1.111171P001... tie 0 tom lump' —_ —— lila &pond 04bla Fusses . .--,-- YIP nolo 104=4 in — irvagrooi: — met vt . . r ... !--.._—....—... RIM Eltoand 0-- ---,.,. it Tore from lioeor'i callValitz mid Nrk Rubor. Ant CA, _clop L Mammon] AA, DEL Lank. yER lA, Capt. indlotnn. it., ER GA, pt. /F. A RABIA. Copt. J. Stoc•. N AGARA r oom, AKA, Capt. E. IL r en, FtlAnt.•,l7„.„,e). ,„,,, .coTiA. , Dow IN.ILIntr.) Ti e rs T I a t MTIV . I.:2 I Mnr i, . 3 0 r nt .. ..1 scat-head; i fi r t 1(07A. Lofton. Isay . is 6 840 n, WadnosdAT.Doo.l4. BE NIA. Jurlkins, 416:;k, wed,,,..,t. , Th,,, U. AMERICA, Math :: , WeApeetfoy. D 4.3. AL ASIA, Lott, York, Wednesday. jan. 4. CAN A DA , tang, " on, viadonerWr. /*a. It. ARC BIA, Btor.n, " 14, Wodanaday Ja. IL EUROPA. Leitch. " . Wodesedap. Jaa.ll. Blithe notzA r red WA pap et_ .44.. ,411 ..... rogailtdie r fAmli4misib , lupus, table for or et . entree . Lung lire theresor um Me vs• • thereof thepetn_lipmood. or reir per lain asply to R. CUNARD, 4 a. an , att. ase XN FOR Tar, SOUTH. TO F ATER WAKETP A mgRIPS. ICEititri R A EDUW&D. low c4lgi t t an ti ti l et z si s e .,ro of r z :sy s zi . por cont. b. ne U. a. Mad 81Nunemp K Eyrrim sTATE, 0 0 _ 0. tam P gill .s.ll on Tikarida7, Jenuarr I et 10 A.M. Th . rough La tax missy 1 ItArs at Sea. SAY The US. Blet e iff OF OXIOLA.. OaSsun Joka g. 0 ea S atan nay. Dims bet 31, at ID o'clock A. . ilaw ita a I:= Li cmahc i l i v e la how a t e o en dua. eocia illeoliteol. and Ydre2 min • dal. e sndlit_SxstolAas tte 'pa LET- S NE STATE and STAIO/41 4 011hrom ran u t'" "VuleChlWet,23.lll4.l.ialino Ll= Lnultlvn..-1. 14 both 17narleiroon and Saannah. thee, Skips oen nett with steamers for Fiarids. and w est. taalro4M. ita., for all places in the Ibtouth sod Southw IN SU RANG% ohL T A i sVh k rii n trt - t,Td 4 tri le ttlai7rVattare tha n by sak Ii a( vette* tiae toenail= Want one-half the rate. N. 13.-initirance on 1.11 Railroad Freight is ann.*, ri dealtaaary, farther than eta:lento? or &avannahr "ad Vitillettan-tionTaithr poo h. Road by this root* ZS to 40 par eons. camper than by the Inland Route, as will be iiiily the foRR . dale. "I'firon tickets from tltgitit e )( pi ,. 0. too and Savannah steamal. the whole route, gannet Comm Won Tem nah to Montgomery 3 MIND PAI2. TO fa atiestoa gig el Charleston...-.—..f 7 ! 10 Savazuth.— Li CO Savannah ii (0 Augusta-- SO en Aeglors---- , . 06 Macon. - -..... 1100 hlsoon— -,,,.. _.. 7p Atlanta.. -..—.. roo A v e .t r ., —__...... u OO limbos—. 33 00 C.oparnealli ----- N egi re ontgoirm-. SI 00 Alma t. ornery.— - AI 00 v...t.i. ... 33 00 Mobile.,..._____ a . New Orleans ... 89 81. sta OM._ a 4 7( o 'b Iln orisallet signed 'Oar th e g , For freight or passuge ripely ou bad. a t imax s % ln i l lu r i. above Vine streel. of to tiauttrit o_a l ig n Foliitim,,, i ire r . Afshta to ,W=altrgiA s ' a.' a '' ' tax. For Florida Rom Ch arleston, steams: a .' as Alin nkacki.y. Fur norms frotn_Savansah,stetuum St. blares wed St. John's. every Tuesday and Sato sta y. WNWCAMDEN AND 4M. Bny ARP PHILADELPHIA TRENTOY RAILROAD CO.'S Honday Exeur• ipou straw. intent for New Year. January Ist, ixo, betlreeu tkdedelnhia end New York. F . tro lot the Excursion to New York end return .84 Co are for the Ezell/loon to Isi . evre•klll,(l return er.) t xeuraion Ttetwo null be cold in ell toe lines for New York, on tfA7 CH DAY, the 3tat, toed to return on or before tired S, January 3,18 U Lines leave Walnut street wharf at 6,6, and II A. ?it . and 12)e. 2. 4. node front New York. at 64,9. and 11 A. N. la ?J., 4, and dP. NI. WM. tIATZ.MEH, Ag i t Diteamssa WEST efirSTER and - PHILADELPHIA HAM- M!! Rages 1 1AL I ; a RRANGEMENT. On as alte r ON DAY .13enember It I. Va trains lei Cave regadelphia, from the Rasta' a, N. . ortie of IGHTEF.N PH and MARKET Striate. at IleA. M. I. and 410 P. M. Leave Welt Cheater, from the DEPO T ea EAST MARKET STILIsET, at TA And 11 .1 0 A. M.. and e.B P. M. ON 8 UNDAIN—LeNve i'niladelebta..at BA. ?a., aad 3 PNI I save wail./ 19. P . ,•• 0 7 46 A. 111., and 4P. M. The treire leaving Philadelphia at 8 WA. M. and 4.53 P M. nonnect at Pennelten with the Phdadelphet 4anti Fleltunnre Central Railroad. for I ono .14 Cbaddaford. Kennett t'euare, and Avo_nctaln . , . r4 HEN B 2l l. T . l.N ri lt i t , . t. oa-u PAPER .11-IDE M An - FACTORYOF y : QUAR3 R. 8. R. CrISNRII OF grogitTlL Io,oou PAPER SHADES, C orr H a g ,, And all ki;4i yi L BRASS, BRONZE, and TIN SHADES, with Traits par, name eiIOA SHADES: MICA PRO TECTORS! Splendid armament of PORCELAIN SICTti RFS. at Abides yr Barimas, Whootsige and /OWL dZI-Me BALM BY AUCTION. - - -7--. IT THWILSB a 87it 1 1 -114 14aa Li sad 141 80 sr a M1T11217. unravel, IL i . ceit_fi,-jui ATOM AT EMI RUM . ABM B e a d d meta hanafter be at U Rao= la the ere u 7 ar Com lama tle optical ef ittbtr tak. P Rand Rs of 'soh yttranty meal i one . , &dada' to whal o ar=hatt, ea Ute Ilattuda to the eals. one /a gem) giving AiMnin= oft ' gr'gtogignlANl ee the TElettrtiT/Prr nrciam mut We w. as.e a largo asaatatof 4.24,07.4.= aale. includ in; every teeetitaat . 6. 41111 ""6117. %%WV I gR I FItit - atone SW Real orate entered on paz Pit *later sad Mae Kind occasionall , la Of tals atainditit tot shah /,000 tains. are mated ,nrse areiargio PILL FALB', sTocia AND .SI3KL A IL 30th Fail Bale, Jan. s. to the armor, at the But " Jan.*. males. ot the &abases. . an GT evets'. at the Fsokastee. li a• Part of th e toadies for eaok of to aeon ales Dow ready. TRIRTLE &C POCLI, I N A V o L IE — EVE NC I AST X AT 7 °etnas: Court Male-6 G sts Mars oroin Onto maa TERRE STORY BRICE Mit LINO. Nn_ !St rem street. between Spruce /Ad Leona lad Twelfth ...nil Thirteenth streets. NR A.IODbRN a WIDENCE stile * t. 91d Clinton street. between Ninth sad Teeth Ivan Sprites and Pine streets, lot A feet front. !KT Inmediste per. session• BUILDING IrllrT.snnthwost corner of Tamer stigna aid Eno assents, (Twertry.unrd ward.) >L b. W root Two fronts. GALS f' v`SCEL'.AwrOVIS POOL!, Nrcatjm, AND A AFFRIMILN EDITIONS, 11.680211MR1111A, Ac. This Emma. Doe. 30. at the Attetina Store. a eateetioa seieshi• mmedsasea• books. a amber of team mean MU WOO% also. ea saarmateet ortorte oe Pros Siaseall• Fr Par partimdars see eatalanuaa . 411 , R al , po imp o ri th w a tte. or Ilfirodsty Hamm. At "Ogee'. at dm Austin' toza t emeog4 Itmoos(' kand fantasia. lias • mums, earpeol. ete., from es Imelda', restored to tie *Ns for en two ails. Pete for *motet of the reitedVAL WOOL AND COTTON cuTr NO ARMY cur Er. • ma. ISLa.SK Etc. EWTEES, 30LE LEATHER, Re. Ile 13a hada.. Iforir . Jan. 7th at lartaart. at the duet on Reasia_ by eats lo aro, for Ratans; af the faired Mmes. I Tx Tn Waal curt n. a. I 70 Tn Sanaal.aidtbs bar., ILO lbw tar,„,,a„, 1.11 kg tint, II 214 las sa* kathar, fan fb tut, paper. rola.k e. moo atm alit/ of daattard elriaiar aad am:rue, Inclattinx sff spilt eaVa 111 an.ltery Trireme kkr II snifter/ mode eons, tap dra:aaa wan, 141 115 infantry arta lie infantry Aekets,l3poky ftf Minters, MS havanaeas. ke- Zir ha 1 pattkulara is eatalo.saa *ma dart praricara to sala. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER " B,IYR I VVIViII fr " ' . 7" . " Flog__a c F rSt : at R x n1)11 X n..a Pp' s PINE A11.41 - iffitlg. a PIANO-FORM Ire. Tse 5... 3. .t /0 Oa o'alaek, allay M ige Ztatiario Am*" atom, aoathautt earn/ Baia: fottells.3 eur.atezala. MONET TO LOAM' ittoomoo to Joan. to law or small %Ug aid at m dr p y bta dsboodo. Valaba i*ayVaKaemllrbaba! . tied. T tdae wits, ta tanma. dad &lamb i = isat say matt la of Os, awed j.posa. ma RIMS Liberal taboo than at any abhor 'ma.. .amia sa tkL cilY. GREAT CHANCE FOR BAAGAINS. dt yr" owe halo. Raba lamp gold Waal boyar watohaa; sold awe Balm kaattu mac doable eaaadoatia boat. aad apd fare ragladt patent loyar w Amami ; Laid, as! si.ret beabar ow, doable emye. gad bwasomont lour dabbed; Labaar. kebab. =a.=l Frolic!' Wirth.; ladiee hi gold Watdads. Soma betty oaamblea. 'gnat &st i r •; too Feld. arty, lad lob emus. ;. sold oncoboto ; bra am. gds. 6am-riacs. traanyada _ lad traabata ; tae pad eased aad ow; liar . eid =57 bot tom,' sediaboas, leek/eta goal -.sure eases a. duns% sod*, to.; tad old botks. Leta, sum. &me I. sad biuddroaa other SALEM Alum OUT-DOOR lid to personalty by Qs sabionder. at my low Wisnr a. CONSIGNMMTM eoucrrED, Oo lemma amad mn bad ad grab salietad Sty .ablie oak Y t o t*-ints tad falai (Wad gouda till be Mr mad u &atm pates of the Bala. MOKEI NATNA.N.O. ST. 24)17138, Mo. WILLIAMS & zon7."AUCTIONIEDIS oviciestow .I:mtaitTs. ws. to Nortk tiA L TA aTR Egr, err. lons, k( 4. inoodir vta Mews Myers, Oora k Co.. ' Z . their • 1 nue. to Mk lompto oss. coM ors of Plulsdol b.m. tor Me Ws g;tilliii;,, mart% boots. elms. . jowdri. o" Sm. It=waft; modo a tr c io =lO/ a g M IL Mora rs.praMPorto, ' " so Wyek. Tovisootit Worms, Mee Ifiet, •• a Ba r i t r. Co.. . " Doi .11c Cis, IL Leis. Ira " . Ovens. ,t. oh. Ert4la ly-te 81/81.1111138 CA.RD6. MARTIN & QUAYLE'S BTATIONEHY TOY ion, PAYCIT GOODS WiNklart tker. MOW =flt3ll/17712111 frn ~sxmasui.el Pyrnnearr mairit=Averhelia. TiioS. M. BUMS, Attorney at Lay, 116 7s Beaty FOURTH Stmt. alli-Ma• WALLACE & BRODHEAD, EVIZOIN PLACZE,EW TO it W l As= l" fi d alie.. was. dll-41e• Ate-IIticKINNICT t ei Law. vnn arse pee fa Wasisearafari, Aroma s. sad la 11111111111111011.111WIL OD tmh.32 r4ADAMS IMPRESS CO-, OFFICE CRlCEraransm in forvire ?amis. Put- V'RVI Liar Lim 11111 Irati. B- mhla isEA.. th---.-rtg.Q.mtu,., OUSEIEMPERS LOOK TO YOU A.-• lowest. Bay roar COAL 41" ETICEEr. vbars zolhiag tjle Ivry Wog ytiht7 of 4314 saw coo.l is Oftted tb• WlWlnlis fildwo6 pnees: Lotatb. &Glen. EU. tad .. -11 , 1 11 oor t hy gi fttyriclks. as v,aely r aid . oc r at azumas some: ,trt V i W. GROWLS & CO., Mee lit bit* FOCATIL waLls~ 12 . urrtillio, mama:mt.. sat Mappers Lo ;past saiillebrala 0 A • Mirekabdi.• case ai 6411-tic HCKORY AND BPRDIG MOUNTALN H. A LEHIGH MAL, Irepared fer best Ic_.nes. Appb KNOw LESS Moot. 4 .1 w Ltaw BMW. WlifEB AND LIQUORS. CHAMPAGNE.—We nun:mead to coo.. esteem ace • oszeraeetre the ebbemaims Ir.aes of Mr FE111". from e perms,. Fraser, IN exec Let ea of tbe bread •• CIAO P&Bd BL.} Ma tore bill) leeta bbebed tbrobeibmbt Preeme. sum: • e. Nubia.. al be OM atoll au d2-3= F. ) 1 1 . L0Ner..114.11P.117 Swett lit&er. WE CALL ATTENTION m OF TUB !loat wanks t V 7114) .COGNAil A ninniy anpried s..kno• onartnattt es Ins& iukden ppnnem• eetudfa c d aze ureet u oke njortsbne- Amr-ile_, l ra.maSna 16.11 aoilasd Gina. Mutt ta Wood and m. CILII/Lpsalek nigh and km gnaw LONtif AMP. Iwpm...oz. 127 &Ist! k BOST. PluSrlenkra. a Wait WHITELEY, A 4r -m n , 4 7%=cirsoxr Strom ooli. tho folloolit, asZig odic =l= o r . . .4.0.40. m.. 11,...„„ " Arst 6 °.' Nises•Otari 1 - 6&:, Irm• ' .S! rators. onou r :opy. w a tuji le m u ft i . siel.„ll. qhottosS alulnt=ctrZi.l.-"73-7.1,V- ILRCHLNERI ARO IRON. Ultra V. =Wiwi, S. vats ittai laatici. S °1711"V"IwIM wit. rirrx AND wmcauurroh main. ' MiardrintbNlk ra i ig niAtilt Neese.. 6, ry it : . oi ni. "YriiiiMcvm, ka,; auctus Wm Att Ve g as orb, Watt nova. &W- U:RUZ . 84 . 1dadAlatty Wild UAW tad mart its prlvad peuitnoimn. 11.47Araannf a ifr V= bil er ii ../ 4,..12z: trJr....c.11. ita,.. , M.t Iv a A., a l t nlli..94:PasurimtWea s . m =at sa Ft ILtORE PROOF OF Till WONDERFUL g._FFECTS 0.7 NOXELL'S AMERICAN HAIR Jaf A1,17011,_ ritzsigarr, Sottatebor la& 196. to oorrgy I vas taLd for lain yertra. arta yra4 recomitaaaad to try yolt? B swarm ; and barmy End Woo bottles, avid it for throe mouths, eluel 11100M1 kmu to pow, and shleogh sot 4142, A l Al totem yet it is ooastaaily L e 's. JOZCZtI. Ko. SI - NortY Taint 'trio. s•Trupkamr ffra, I. ftlioaxii.: Dear Sir—Sosto tin' me* tel t 2 Yerittl n o e f e =it:rear t ' gl u t e !e l :Titi t ttf l er 4 4 o::! not rover of your Aspirator. was taasood boy . a bottle. mad after ovine oae-half of my bolt rot (sty sassed oozing Oct, bat oommeneeti arew , sr grolY, aan I have now as Wok a gout of bait aa aver I r had. JACOB EVldis, No. an Merry street,. Fugal* by_ TR. PETV4B Qs.. gols dasata, fla CHESTNUT Street. PlulaJoistwa- solka, DOINGS 07 THE PENNSYLVANIA errArs Folk ECK PIPITIRMIF Anp singLomAs.. /Molt 02001 LOr aiming pi. 0 10.01. p lk !AB 00 lilatlNS CONE FURNACE. Film Pitsmint. BEST PORTABLE PIjENAOSI.. 3 1 111.4,02. JILICILMIRDTARTA BLS YeiticAcs. BTo EirraA smoLD Vor & Roams.V i rt.isr. I.OHILSON'S DOUBLY-OXPN COOKING RANGIV war Peillit cOUritrss. _TAccoLit_& W 11.403. LOW DOWg dad BASKET GRATES, BEST ENAMOID SLAV MANTELS.. To Assolar & Wa.sov. of livery bAadecea•dmplay prEnsuselled Nato 31.5. r . verT MVO buitte4l. mid of ra_penor YLROT PREMIUM. ARNOLD & WILSON. lON CIMISTNITI" rtirscii A M. Puy lama.. Etavt ladrNe t . MESSRS. ROSRNTHAL MORRIS. from rtymoutla.kraland, maanfanterera of tee ecienrared ritnimeopie" Speetatati. reitetztfolly sober; ra troaqv of the ladiea art neatlsir.en of rehiedebeia and noinitv. to their sayrorior ground aree tat rf,area . Tbe vitkralnNi advantage derived from them ui tau in, ateqd of mite Woos: strataed. leatal automat!. and le nuttisroos awe berinutly Ware& it la prederree and atrynxtbenod. even thou as ones boootare clear and brilliant. and Ten 404 ienign6 an v'ebied_.._ _ l la e.te- TAU 1.6.117 right at A* moat minute oreulatioal , ef 11. , / by dy.y;or candid-V . O: *an sin With %pot Wrap. of mace Mal t p2V0.% sad they do Rai t ow n " tad at elt i o.aa to uot eararensineeffeete st lierther tnea`be don at the nail ore. 702 CREAM - Ca' encore !t Ph , totraph rooms nix) IVAN'rERN ANIt J. CHANTS.-11APELA woo neof .ateek f ataalla. ora, 81 ale. at ex York prices by AXWAvar assz itk COAL..
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