1 ,.. /- -W-L,MX:VAtintk , r_SAJl,Crattealiti.” ,od -0 *.4 3 1 seta the centennial staibrer. A i Vlilitillt ifitieln-Fnititle Company %till liteig'at Minion/4 Fend Rill; '.The Ylgllant . among tie sielabAie sontirof-Mir Aseet Pro ,-- eithebtOttid,frobts CM, chtraeter - of the 'gerit i lMen • trempelor the m oomittee of arrange !titel rea Wive ba. dolibt the hall and It.eqoat• Will •,,t i aid li ildt emsel,anyldnief thekind heretorbre given - by a Aro company:{;Colooel,GeOrge Tr. Flick 'will itch - MA : sitar of aersinabloi:OA file 060 0 8104, .l f.te,triCi',Fgrinn-The -Boat ;or Trtlatees of • the lefforken Medictif Pilleik held 4 meet ing on ' Wridnesdey,' and eideoted the on. John C. Knox ta'. fill'llie yiditatii•itt, the Beard *aimed by the :AS* of I%,4eilti6olarielt.-;. ~. • ~, ...Agt4Tia - tr4...4110 ItittiOnal Guandii, we learn, t o me A el tegaNegt tff (Orin thetilselves into a !lOW re &leaf after. Wind of Apiary next. They now, yinnitrap24.s tionabere,' and will be attaohed to the First Brigade,•First Digialon of Penueylvania Vo. , innte4ll. e __- . . - - - .1. -Stdolfr F ree .-- A t two o'cloc k yesterday ,'afteritton it Are brae out in Sharpless's warehouse, NO, - -47 North Front street. The flames were ex llefitiished•before Much damage had been done. ;;ItisV. E. t.'An'imit, * of Mit city, has received a ntunAmons call to the4iitatorate of the Fifth Presbyterian Church. of Cincinnati. - , , kinwitan OP Ootracir,s:—Both'branolom of Oily Shmseils" hold their , regular meeting yesterday after ,Srosts Hroith:Thie • hods conTened at three o'clock. 'V" Comma% Bad., the president, • n the chair. i - h*Comminse no City Propetty submitted at corn • teirntappnL conthintat the estimates of the Commis- 1 closer of city Property fo • r 1660 the total amount *shed for by the Commissioner is 8110311. The amount of revenue *upsets(' to' aebthe Ito the department is i 830,231,30. AMOng these Itenthare t h e fam.g: 80,. ries of superintendents of the pUblie ' , Mares, 81.200; to pay an inetilment on the pripoipai sums of the I montage on fiedgely Park, t i le in 40.17 1. WO. $ 10000;' improvement , for the of Pfri s Sguare, 81,600; for the further improvement of Pe rmount Smarm- #23,00di forlabor and expenses ork putdia squeree. $6,040; for repairs and improvementof Spring Garden Hall, 83,60 Q; ~• fiir thrones State Douse and ateeple, $660. .• A number et other *annunciations were presented. , kneel them Wpro we following: Prom were presented. ICAO'S lag rgarnat beim(• roffroved to Spring °Nolen i tom the Peoneyivula Railroad Company, asking Permilto i st a tthlay a_ t 7 , 11 en•alt ltr h a noentetiori trll i t th lielaingUrilitilir a fro tfil loot t of e rra t iglratilg - street. 'The directors Wieh to lets track extending up from the Southwark road • at east as far as the Mir 'Martyr:Marty In Dock street. .., 4 resolutiondweeting the "tater Department to ean :>Sei all bills for water pipe infront of city property wee passed finally. - ..t ziother men_ lahen was offered direettnir th at' 300 feet '.. 9 4 grOrt: rOIMIOVrt be epprowneted for the *rep tigrld d t hours tor the colinylkdi Navy with oer- N leetrietigne,-GinO 11: 14 $0011 wee adopted, , , - - - the Uddidlittite enCity Perth !sportful In favor of Vremoval of the cont rol s to Spring (Want Hall. • nay, vs/ absolved from the ltrther nonsideration of • n viewless presented tiorathe Committehon &hoots enaction the actlon t l a the City Controller in refusing to soro_Warrauts lOr t a payment of salaries of number' : ,to, tee Virile Higbee , inorethed by tiro Hoard of Con ' troliers Without nut olity.. Acoompanvins the report Irdd dfdtdititidd MUM:Mine the conduct of the Coatul •l4l4a/biota wee_ ceased tnanimottely. , ~ ' A report from the Qommittee on LAW nlaropplDO 'Wing ' the rearreosement or Waren eivudeng of the Fif teenth weal was adopted. - he report divided the eight precincts into thirteen ems er precinote, The report Wal adopted. , • . - ', The oommittes to venfy the curt Amount of the City Trenerer reported that on the It thine tantthe amount gt" , taupe or, VI mo,da We ,401,18. Trut fund. The bill from Common Commit Incliner upon striking oat the penalty for laying any turn-out by a railroad , company wee taken 'model *committee of conference . treanteil, The fpliqwtrig re nt ,were appointed: • amp. Lek, CpyterrimelVethenti. • • nis mil in m l don to the erection of * market house In Fninkford w Mk had been vetoed by Mayor Henry. -Thecr Over 1pt0... , • l merearang the salahof the Commissioner of City Property front*** to SIOO was defeated- A. Teti:talon authorising• the supervisors to pore all trythebes feriae purposemand directing the Chief Com , maseieoer of liithwels to collect the eoet from the gas troinigany wasp-sow busup. , , . k bi t ''. from-Common Council directing a tedllwrillY - iota et 31100 000 to be made for four months wee pawed 111-Thealy. , bill trots Commie Connell. in relation to Ltnd- Lae avenue,lw soonentred in. Adionrned. Conti/OM f tattoo! _—lktr. Miller stibmitted a Corn tannic/goy dedicating Webeter street to the city. Be . ' fetre4 tlie Conuniree on Htahware. . -,. - 414 Chansuboutted p etunrounroation from .T. Edgar , , Thomson, preindeitt of the Penasylvanut itai(read. - walling attention to Gurpropylety, of connecting WIWI IC n ow Dock streetmnaines by a railroad . Refer,- to thh.eomirlitteß okßattroade. , • -t ' lil orankauza antoontlnalhe purohase,of e, lot of It at i lti th. a r irwest a2n T ratu?,l2:bil t ra e r t lt, 6 ?o d r k , sum of IR WO, arse called UP sad disounr i d iromuch ° e rr l ii Elinti,nb=rhY. Potion - e t a, Ind ; 3 1 raid F b l y . l ig the oil f p rotes Yeas 1 $ nays 111. ' s. from offered the fOjioul us resolution:, CIO Vrtf, try theSeteet or Conones Comets of the ant of PkGridel. That the action of Wedueeday 64% t it board of Monitors of the Penilvania hail , g the terininne of their r . la, in the • ii tee Commils. ea effort to restan their '4 l:fiertn, l'iltrra'n";:=Vr a irra4 of Hlllise litchi hat he ill big MST .to ,eondemn Gull act. ' They have men Inc for nearly one year, and have taken no action until . fly saw tbeoloveinent of ,Cotpl ails ittruand to thp ailment., Be Moue itt_tho actions of these men were'eprietus to every one, The city owns . about one-Wild of the,Whele clock el thitneedi and it was doe to ono-turd Oar that her interest should DS con r. Guinn • moved jo refer the preamble and resold -AA' r t flAit a s i rlatrd ni a Mfr o . , r t h h o e nit na" lls i - i r ad heard Geoid in and out of the chamber that the direoton of 3hrostatitHelli interested in the Greenwich land lumen -lotion. - mao are thee. men I Oros us their names, rigid he. io that we min show them tip to the public. Re thought the directors had not bean hasty in their action, bcrowere the Proper ;Arsons ,to select the location of their tenninue.' The stockholders - have shown their oonidenee in them by re-eleeting them lifter the ease , tiontuut helm agitated - - Idr. Thomas o,ld hoed ova no relleetiea upon the intotribrof the bottni of dlreetere, or their manage - monk. The aro of Philadelphia dui not subscribe tour • tninlima Of delimit° the puff to adv ocate the 'interest `,or the stocirhidders, but to benebt e rib', There was - something tifthis matter that retired ezmarustion, He thootht thinet 'asutlemen should have waited paid the - - 41. , Ar in Vrigit f ZireTl l itthelige reputedot t ry !v i gil lee t ii turonliabill,` Attho latitanniud sneetitig the thFkbold aro lamlia ttue Whole matt. rin the hands o the di rectors, wan the singlarreettlatme, .hat it should meet t Vittgart t o ' clUrna ill ti tbt 'a p r rW i d e tfl t :l7ls • Or Callorghtnetrect-aproiest tjuitwould cost ma. p ' - OP; bpd a hattrototlarr,o,emet this company could not k of expending, When th c per route, e terminertnernareacked Mr.. mermaid tie offered the - resolution In regard to tlihrsobjeckaret t st the committee nougats's under it - MOW ne th inkor Ib is /KUM fl the director'. , • • Dr.lietosatud y Were there to take care ofliii in , greets albite city, and It warfor this reason that e ap ogled to them at the thiG MeetillJESO pose the moieties WS "LWOW. The prosident of this r . been what Wag the best location for P jekie I ' - 4t was Greenwich, aye Mlle! " pedal Weeny Jet 3P.utututton street, Or, stskeeettal ._ 'He repaid that a central *mat was the b a e x s o t Ydr-Wartierseld that the province of t agi l F ttee , corning* tO ipletOW , tbe `iiiebetf o', the-A pr CI the road. list to reisonimmul w ilt dodo , ag wou be te the beet igterette of fbiladelehin, He referred to thar,iim .. tidal:if thestookhaidert at Agit log! tanu.ti,mostar, - PIK dela Mere Were with the direotore -T tat3'. owns two-Ilitherof the whole of th e capital 'toe of thle OM =ere ker interests not to be oonteitedi, lie con duit lave off the formerdireetorso this road were iiriiPt - dors of the " QrseowtOlt .ria Company." an , * that this iammineed them in placing the depot at that !mot The proposed ratite op the went bank of the f3chnylkill seemed to him tto todigeto that they are , determined to Waite tlin itinete time Point He alluded to the put - Thre e e d bi n en i A l te l =l tte i r egret 7Z= Concede. Re vas, anxious to have this retclation ' *dotted to-derhand not referred to - a committee, He looked nein the action of the board of dueeters tut dm oou . Mr. Ra lotislilin imposed the adoption of the resolution. 'Mt Glenda they might pus a resolution condemning the eondoet el the city's representatives In the board, tatthur had awrnutto Condom the dirset.rs steam& by the etockhowen _ : . lilr. &liter ridiculed the proposed stetted id Pdioille tbretiPtiif_ „ , r. le k3 asked the terraisns bad been Bxed at a point turt. es north, would this Jesoiution have ever bran Int Th roduwed ? Afr, omas said.rifisonise It would. " • ' Mr. warner said the city was a mookholder, and her sighti a?ould be proteoted.- This rood. said he, lo tenet the life • blood Of Philadelphia, and if the Is ever acme I re over her Itud pommeroe, this road will oontribute y to that moat. Where $4 rhi ladelphi a now. corn- ELI asti anon? Why. an. as 7to 33-the ratite o the fond h exports of the former city ars about 0.430 000 *Utast .913400000 of the bawl-. The value • of the exports of Yhiludelphis are how less thatithey " - were twenty.leyea yeareh The value of the ex ports from Honorer. , ad der commerce, Mina been pwoflen by the liberal coupe pursued by the Baltimore --Add °Pio ra Goad. - m _ Mr. Odds, condemned the Ouse pursued by the di- The , The reohon to refer to a Committee w ee lo f t , e n d the sesolution adopted _ by a vote of 33 to 33. - „ FINADICIAL AilD COMMERCIAL. Money - Market. • , Pen4expret.i, Droember 29 t POD The stook' :niirket -all:dunes very dull. Penn- I ayivsnia lkidiroad stockndvaneed if to-day, atoning at S 7 . ifiillitinsport and :ann. ' rides are flint' at previous prism ' and Chinage eon. struefietillstnids advanced to•day one - per :sent ThoPtiiianiTit , sort Wayne, and Chicago Stook end boudpoidere bar - c; - .'brao making efforts to arrive at au Ansteable *iiiintion , -of their ditlioulties,'and a atitp rontiso is *kin bayo,heen effeotod, by Which lsithr:kr: 'itdgerton;lhir'itanit , er appointed at Olevitind; and Sfr; Persil,: the ' anquestrator ap pottited at Pittsburg, are to ietlin, and 1:11F. , B. og4invot.. Obiniso; hrio.besanne real:tsar of the • ' A well.inforsned eorrentit lowing eoniparattre'etideraen( of, the bnithess of „aosie ' the Jirtriorplii oesictarrying, oentpanies, , isffirdi trarrantiba thetlhtfuf eaamitnetion of 'ssatriadera : v =g , . . pT' 4:1 rdttile ... -.R,,v, • yin, 4lll Hodson— X-..: L=IM :'. 4Fireil a e• ...'" ''' '• r 3 4 111% 1 i :: 14 . 111117 0 1 :4 , in illof l atiio7ll:: rt be underatood 'No of. 10.'5e it will _ tt a l t n 'illiiiii;,4l;dingesillutifroilui being and Behtylkill Deng at o. oo , , they have dependent upon ' t 'Pnit l " l " l al ' boon more affected in4frjitc Lea l °*r tirei rit' qualms upon the bust ' ' by _the P-, v ; . .- the "Se her of the product:7g ,of OWeichintrifu th e: Har ing „ p aw, or Wing --'-celi h Pali tect * ' 71i :ell:I mined their coal, carried , ens-- -!,:gars,bili the indiodpay, without ilint: exeirffitel4 _efleibe conipottloti, wore.° .tgto th e `"-wilteciilanrolt ,suiplus'ial Mad; and 'l4""ompett. , i 4 named, t.t, not witsi,d, by th.= . _ •* 0, 0 0- . - - ewe fe,! , thit the figures ex ...' tem The' corri,tioroOkt .btiteeteiduring the , ,htbit:ecrairk 0474 on; the Pert of Wakindytnligi •,.- "ligia4ei, *bile the Reading ' it-will eeelfte,Outli I,' VS %info tbe lose: Mb Year . , ' 1111 ' that the balk of the inerecn enr MSS '4`' *l e " . i n , p a bi n & or the produc i ng the'. P' 14.411 • Olga" l 't, I I,* On On wh.r.,. fu r . t--,,, , ,„ ,_,I wind ...`..-7--. •-• ..., ; i f hoot retest : ,'..01- . l! " 4 :l,....iiif;t l • and when Fthlt°"" li voitatutedt .r24:tae.loosl9T•Pli s l As4,l t,t i P unt il If is 1'4r,44-, =4,1-ilikr onvii; irgi2o.ltl4o thisagerept. "... ~_.. , 114-4?.,,"Tairroliff,ftezeihe Intl 4 " I ra ..:104474,2:,..' 9,,,t--,,,„-- .- f t et it tb p zi3 l at es q r Ifl lm b a leh tt ir e ea* y f cowl' OM; . ;ryb° cL l , l4altia4; Ana .**44.4466r01gb'' , zahotrat" 644e-tht' 1 0 0 40thlil il l e x P or , os t h i 4i*:160-1044"41.4'", 1' ' '' .. t . • It; Ytft":„-- , ' 4 ",.• ' I '' .. , ~~~~ .~ s C 0.1.14 TS it et 3f,r, 6°.,,.. a v... .111 0,t00.032 -7 Wm 0 MAO 04A 0.403 2 272 2,024,60 1,391,90.1 01.6e6 '594.444 00 916 1.163,140 sliPao 3,ertau I 00,554 . -c'o 1174,T79 141161,7114 1,165 763 20 11 1104,864 cr. 15.36 676 • 9.666,616 6 5i1.616 6211 14 11,60,701 ; 498,742 06 2 213 222 1,103.263 128,4,22131 28 601,803 188 1158 UZI= ==M the net reeelpti it doer not appear that the increase corresponds with the tonnage. In the other com panies We have nothing that 'exhibits anything more com panies_ ordinary business, except that the steerfot: the spring sales is larger than any of the Prelims! years. But as the cost of landing—the Waste an 4 the loading—la estimated at 'about 95 cents per ton, the game, If the carrying companies arrenge.for a sliding smile, is nearly played out. in`• the' consummation of such arrangement, the ooniumers will go direct to the individual pro duceri,'and by an understanding with the 'parties interested; the business will assume a natural post. thin ; nor will the trade hereafter be exposed to the liAlJontown out-offs," the Cumberland "gaps," or the Wyoming pretensions. A reduction on the CaMden and Amboy, the Lehigh, and the E3ohuyl• kill, for the first throe months of the season, and raise it to the average, as the season recedes, will put the trade in the *Wand channels, and of course 'put down the speculative schemes, that must ultimately end in disaster. Tat: Nei Orleans Pimyunn of December 18th . . . , t By a special decree of the 30th of November, the Government of Yucatan ha t s granted to a joint itook company, of whiob D. Juan de Reel is the director, the exolusive privilege for the ;importation and sale both Of Mexican and foreign flour in that State, for.the space of six months. For this pri vilege the said company -engage to pay into the public treasury the sum of $24,000, In monthly in ataimenti of $B,OOO sash, the fleet within eight days after the signing of the contract. They also decree that at no time, so long as the contemn endures, shall the priceof dour he more than $24 per bar• rel, either at Bisal or ?deride. "By virtue of the came decree, as also in special terms, the free importation of dour is formally Ms• penis& on and after the 12th instant, fiom New °flaunt, Ilavana ' and other porta on the Illextun gulf, and on and after the 24th instant from other porta. Flour arriving within these dates, from the ports named respectively, will be admitted on the payment of the same duties paid by the new oom pithy, via : $0.50 the barrel, besides the domestic consumptive duties, which amounts to some three or four dollars more." Peterson's Counterfeit Detector for January 1, 1860, thus notices a oonnle of new institutions in Philadelphia of nee and importance to young and enterprising bulimia' men: "The expiring year has witnessed the successful establishment, in Philadelphia, of two institutions of a novel character, nt least, in this country— namely, the Warehousing Company of Philadel phia, and the Penn Warehouse Company, "The Warehousing Company occupy the fine brtildittg owned by the' oily of Philadelphia, Won ted at Front and Dock streets, and formerly used as a tobacco warehouse. They receive goods on .storage, id bond or dutypaid, or of domestic menu feature, and give certificates of deposit, which en. title the holder to receive the goods stored on pre sentation, and which serve the owner in the stead of an endorser, being the best kind of security for the repayment of borrowed capital. "The Penn Warehouse Company differs from the other company in come respects. Its charter provides for its insuring, goods deposited with it, making its - oertilleates not only receipts for goods stored, but also Indisputable policies of inanranee. This company occupies the great fireproof ware. houses on Front and Penn streets. below Pine, built originally for the use of the United, States, under the former system of bondinggoods. They also occupy large depositories for the storage of railroad iron, pig iron, &0., In the northern per. lion of lbs city. The owners of goods have an op tion of taking certificates which will serve as secu rity for capital borrowed elsewhere, or of obtaining money directly from the Penn Warehouse Com pany at a rate of commission and interest fired by the charter. The system thus initiated in this city is des tined 3n the future to become an Important aid to commercial men. These two institutions In active operation in 1857 would have saved the loss of hun dreds of thousands of dollars by our jobbing houses, who sacrificed their goods at auction at ruinous prises, to save their credit when deprived of their usual bank accommodation during the panto. They supply capital to the man Of man means, whose business standing is not aceounted in bank circles of the first olass they enable the en terprising, man to take advantage of a low market to buy the raw material for the purpose of manu facture, and to use it as he needs it from time to time; and they enable the manufaeturers of bulky -and weighty goods, each ea iron, iron rails, castings, pipes, de., to bring their goods to market, and to carry them, if need be, over season of depression. In England these Institu tions 'hive been long in use. There they are perfectly will understood by all classes of manor feeturers, who frequently , have them organised for special branches of business. The certificates of deposit given by the Iron Manufacturers' Company, for Instance, are used as the security, for the means by . which the iron mutant carry their heavy stooks over years of herd times and low prices, and ena ble them to come upon the market withi their wares just when they find it to their greatest ad vantage to do so. In the working of these institu tions in England our iron manufaaturers, without the means of similar tudistanee here, would find, if they looked closely into the matter, as Important 'a subject for their consideration as the retfoh-talked of tarbifitself." The following aro the current quotations for acacia, domistio exchange, &c, as furnished by Cronies & Co.. banlierot No. 40 Beath Tbird street,: Old Amer. 34 dolls —.1.0476 Old American told .. 1 06 ~.y ~.,,r 024 Sovereigns .. .. 4.83a4A6 Mexican dollars 106 Nepoleons-xx francs. 3 RS Spanish ° .. ...1 03 Top thtlers 786 ,LAmer. " ... ..1 01 ` I Prussian/ 800 ire francs ... 08 " milldam 3.08 rman crowns...-3.03 Spanish doubloons.. 36.40 F I WWI " 110 , DOAK 0 ...16.60 ItlCllAlfialt. N. Y. ExOlege, par to hi, dis.l Pittsburg 74 to 34 die, f105t0n..... ....... . 54 dia .thsoionati..... Sto 7g' ro t lipo m° :‘ :::'" 'l4 g:: hf,utgil:— .. .l't.'il w wearieston. . '# to yre " Ca1i5k0,..... • ;,,1t to 2re ° &punish - . to Is " Foreland . ...fit " Mobile .14 to 1111" m 64110,4... to 334 ° haw Orleans. 36 to I" * TeMplus to tig • PHILADELPHIA STOCK litkOl/ADOli BALM IThoember 22.130, isisoaten Pt 8. X.Statkaireit. 81434 Walnut Street. . ,-- 'FIRST WARD, Wrongs coupon lir .06 6 Cam & Amboy R.... 17134 4400 City (is it 9834 6 ?blinds Bank ... - .11616 WOO Alike oo the C00n: . 44 18 do . .... ........1161. 1003 CstaW lit m7a .. b 6 Li 2 Rarrisburs R ...- . 6474 2000 Pitts, FtW, & Chi 8 Lilinelull it.. ...... . at con 711 31 • 3 Fauna R ... .... 37 3020 Cam &Am 34 'B3 .83 1 do —......... 31 100 N Peons Rr, . 84 16 o ..... ....... .. 31 10 Cam & Amboy R-123}4110 0-r • -0 7 X 10 do --...-..1.93re BECONII BOARD. 1000 CAM &Amt.,. 4 81.b8 33 14 Penn& It —. 3734 1000 do . ~. ~ - ..b6 83 30 rio .... .. 31.46 1000 Cheater Val . ll • 7a .67 10 do .... 1736 POO Alla' co 6a Conn.. 44 10 do 3734 napribie /cTine-sts . 1034 3 Lebish Barip 264 23 wostorn Bank ..... 6314 7 lianisburg R....-. 66 20 Penns R. 8734 ()LOSING PRIORS-STEADY, 11344. Athwt. Bid 440, 1.1.446 tea 68 '74 -102 . Diehl Nav stook- .. 7 714, Flj t as•* 'll. •••••• 181 Ll'V'treil,72".'lg l% •a ..;::: - ..3.0, zo. 1 noPfs /at mort 32)4 63 r01111............94g 9434 " 4 mort.l3 16 ke ig R.. -MK 31 W, La R.....it Mt • barn" ..ca . tit go alitiv.4BK 6 " snort &I i 4.404 • 1 anus .R........ 8N 8h " do '3ll 71k 73g, -.. sa..--. afi Penns R... ..- 87 1771 " Ws, -.. 80 3d m •• 6i. . 1163‘ 81 I entwine. A- 116 __ l4° Tr i " nal i rr e i n attloigyran"k Arth bl. l. 33 r i —hudrin.v.. 62., . 6tra RMie&Vinalite R.- 83 00k Niv Imp 68,..71 76 Philadelphia Markets. Barnum .10—Evening. Thar* Is no quotable change In Flour, but the market is firm and the axles include about 1,500 bble et fte 60 for superfine and 867665.67 for extra, toe tatter for *slotted brands. There Is very little inquiry for shipment. The sales to the trade are to a fair extent St the above rates for alloortlpe and extras , and 80.7 for extra family end 1 14::1 fi'ritftOttolrerliggrilutolgtrihit!l Flour liengeral $4.3134 and the tatter at 83.70 for Poops, genie, W eat Footloose Orpu, but the demand be limited and the offer- Mee very light ; some small sales are reported, at nye R y e . or reftand litiale^o for ulna the latter for chola.. yis steady st for Pearsall vanla4, Corn continues dull._ bat there is litu offerin. and Pilaf I range et 700 for damp and 7So for dry yellow at tne a opot. with sales of about L.OOO bushels at these rates. Oats are unchanged, and small busmen ro note at 450 for Pennsylvania and 410 lily Delaware. Barley Itlatt—ti WO bushels 'old at sOe. Barley le dull.. Bark--a sale of about In Rids No. I Queroltrop hove bleu made at av 4ir too . Cotton- the market ig Inactive ; maim. are eon tied to •mall lots at about prevtothr rate*. Itroceriee— here ij very little do ings nod Nagar and Coffee are bruising full rates Pro= rismine—onyera come forward slowly. *no the strket at *Stand Beefs —Clovarsead onotitmea n good d•mend. and 500 bushels wad at tine-17m w bait el. ac- Cording to austit , • Ten tong cold from to hand on sr vote te r n s . Whiskey i■ inactive t drudge selling at ft 'o, bble Ilegsarga. Pennsylvania awl Ohio and hhde at Inge ' New York Markets, Yesterday. - Akins 67 Sahli to it tory H tate tit St Rol2!{ for Yoga an 16.311‘115X1d for P eirce. nova,— he market for taste and Western is Very firm with light !ocelots: and gams at it1ie06.55 for en gertnlY &At; 1116.10wia for egtra do 862005.10 for saysibbe Wetter) SS t0tt6.60 for extra do. and 136.60 eg.76 -forwXtra mind 'hoop Ohio. Southern Flour is ,unohanitod.. with isles of MO Tibbs at 554005.70 for tuizedro gOod. and 801.007.1ta for extra brands. Ca • widest tour is quiet, at glgdoed-b). with sales of 100 bbls extra. Okatn, l - 1 7%at IS very firm and vast. with owlet of mortorok WM17411 , 411 sales of 4.000 lit Sae &Serer new ye ow. Barley 1, 4 firm. Av_ithjalte 4.000 P•tite tit WO. and Jerseywet at fOrtsso for mouth ern, PentloYillanfe' an and ,Sailissiffie for otate, Canada, and vr ten rn. 4vonoo,—Pork is Matt, with 6 6 166 of 1110 bbla at Ble for mere and sii.e2g for rime. Beef is quiet, with lades of= at 44044 z for Country . pima. 45 00 60 for Country Mess. 80010 for levauke Chicano, and OM Well for extra Meal. Cnt Ideate are un changed, and quoted at Offelfie far flame. and 40(013Be malesoulders. Baron le quiet. Lard is very heavy, with of 10Q sikge at 105folOgo. Bolter and Cheese We " Atlis ed i Iv nominal at SABO, Markets by Telegraph. eiv&lnt+n, Dee. 29.—Colton unchanged; sales of 000 bales— - • Moermi, Deo. o.o.—Ootton fitmer ; melee of &SOO bales Wiley, at 10No for middling.. - NNW row 011.2#7.42, Dee.ng.—ftion,Seles of 20 000 bale. or-itay at er promo; ma hags are curled at lokar Olia. gnaws an Cotton_tn 'vernal! 10.321, CINCIVIATI, Dec _I4.—FICUr unchanged. Whiekey doll, arid Xo /pier Whestbas.adreasa,d to. ,Qom Arm Hoge are held rm. az e l . tr fat i re o n . / 70QA.0x.were via to.d cm 'VP: q u oted t ell Bulk listy Po t ... r Laa hal find at 100. m )b-io' r amigo on New }Ri ver ra V cont. pram um, I CITY ITEMS. ,• Env, A. A. WILLITS AT COSIOLAT HALF, Title EVISIAOO-The Matte seleeted by Mr. Willits for hill lecture thiseVening—"llunsiiiet "—before the Everett Literitrg Union. Wilt be emieedingly opportune by this keen wintrr weather.' We *now of no subject better adapted to the genies of Willite then the One he hes phosen Soy to-night, or that could be more in harynogy ivlth Its genial, hopeinspinng idyl,. to Bopton. Pier York, end ether Vases where be hay lectured during -the -, troson g isogon, ills audiences have only been measured by the eapacity of the ball in which hie tee total' were given, and wherever be has appeared Me brilliant style as an extempore orator, his native humor, end peoulier origlnehty have been received with marked enthttlisan The " Everett "'has awed womb' in se curing the services of htr. Willits, as ha In aura to attract an overflowing audience. New YrAts Gosproriossßr.—The nr, Year witlbn ushered in at Messrs. E. G, Whitman & Co.'s popiplar confectionery establishment, &mond street, below Chestnut, with ehamoterietio eclat. Notwith standing that this boost had been engaged for weeks in preparing a stock equal to ea demands of Christmas, the uneparopled, feat was Maimed by theip of literally selling out, so universally were their superior eonfep. lions In demand. In consequence of this, they imme diately tronetentrated all their forces upon preparing a Rewyear's supply oT delicious, fresh goods, and this morning and to-morrow will, doubtless, witness an im manes rogh at their store for the epleudid goods they manufacture. Purchaser' will do well to call early and rush* thetr.selsotlons. Sees op MALTA't BALL, which took place iesteveatne at the a mutemp of Afuslo, ii grad to Care Wan, the afar of the lesiva. The lediee looked ae eharrolnelyhsthgeoulddol and the gentlemen. ae le Usual tit 11114 ;110.1, irpreafl themaelyes" la the faith, tenable attire, . H. Bidridge tc Company, of the Cqntitmet 4l ( *MIMI .House," N. E. Dorsey of Chest put Mid glehik Woe% Let ell who would enjoy the lewory perteot at ;lye thole reehionable ?Whine Vitas Exitierrion.—The original painting of the ',Mace Bleeken,Hll, by Herring, can now be seen at the tails of h. H. Hunt & Co., northeast corner Fifth and Chestnut streets. This will be the hurt time the publie will have an opportunity of seeing this celebrated pic ture, RA it is to Its given as a prise, together.with nearly five hundred (phi other fine oil paintings, to the sub scribers of the Cosmopolitan Art Aescolation—who, wo era happy to loam from the New York papere, lowa purcheand at auction Barbee', celebrated statue of the Fisher Girl for 62.7110, to be awarded as one of their proniunix, flown At. Olvra.—Just received a large supply of Stereoscopic , Pictures, suitable for New Yeer's pre seine at the new emporium, le south Eighth street. • JAS. CRUM It Co. TEE CHEAT FIRS IN NEW YORK.—New York has been the scene of another great oonliagration, and number of large warehouses have been reduced to ruing, We are fortunately free from such eallmitios in this city, and the favored inhabitants of Philadelphia enjoy many blessings, among the most important of which is the opportunity of procuring elegant and comfortable garment', nt reasonable Wee, at the Brown Stone Cloth ing 801 l of Itookhill k Wilson, Noll.(03 and 60a Chestnut street. above Sixth. GOVEIINOU Wien, or Vuumnie, in his celebrated speeoh to the f,eoeding_students, to reported to have given expression to "hie happiness at seeing their Patriotism thus foroibly ilbnatrated, by the great seen floe they made in returning to their homes in the Sunny South.' " Among the many deprivations to which they have subjected themselves, his Excellency alludes in feeling terms to their removal from the great Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, the fashionable , clothier of No. GOT Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and urges it upon those who still remain to continue to pa tronlze this vast and beautiful establishment. E. W. Warm. & Co.'s (714 Chestnut street) list of tartlets' suitable for a 'Holiday present A nese containing one dozen Nut Pinks, either pearl, Plated, or ivory handles. A case containing one dozen Delimit or Fruit Knives, with ivory, pearl, or plated handles. A. case oentaining a pair of fine plated and gilt Salt Collars and Spoons, A mom Containing a plated Knife, Pork, and Spoon for a child. A cue containing a beautiful plated, chaired, and gilded Child's Cup.. A cue of rosewood containing a Dinner and Tea eat of Table Cutlery, with pearl, ivory, or plated handles. A case containing one dosen plated Nut Pinks, and two plated Nut Creeks. A case or chest containing a full Breakfast, Dinner and Tea service of Carryl & Co.'s fine plated ware, A beautiful phased and plated Pitcher, Salver and Goblet to. match. A fine Breakfast, Dinner or Supper Castor. A richly chased and plated Cake Basket or Fruit Stand. A gilded, ohased, and plated Spoon Vase or Rack. A plated Egg Boller, with gilded -pups, and three minute glass atteohed. A pair of fine plated Butter Dishes. A Magic Sugar Dish—that can also be used u a But ter Dish, A MOO containing two, eta, or one dozen fine plated Napkin Blue. • A beautiful plated filagree Gard Basket. A fins Tout Ratak, Syrup Cup, or Spoon-holder. A finely engraved Cake, Fish, Fie, Crumb, or lee Cream Knife. A plated Tete-a-tete set, with Cup and Sauer. A Sugar Basket, lined with Bohemian Glass or Gold. A plated Um Kettle, or hot Milk Maier. An foe Pitcher, with salver and BOWL A plated Chafing, Vegetable or Entree Dish. • A French Balanoe Calder, with plated Mountings. A beautiful Canary Bird Cage. An elegant Frenoh Willow Work Stand, or a Bowing Chair. A Lunch Basket, furnished complete for travelling. A set of Gold, Gilt, and Enameled Tea Trays. A carved Bread Plate or Trencher, with Bread Knife to match. A child', Table or Rocking Chair, with one thousand and one (10011 other usefut articles. to all of which the attention of those in want of Christmas present, is in vited. d24.tf B. W. Carryl & Co., manufacturer, of fine Silver Plated Ware, and importers of Rouse Furnishing ar. Coles, 714 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. • E. W. CARRYL A Co., 714 Chestnut street, have a large assortment of fine Willow Work Stands, suitable for Holiday presents. Prices from QUO to SI la ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWOLVII O'OLOCE LIST MOOT GIRARD ROUGE—Chestnut st., below Ninth. F Plooowin. Pittsburg 0 Cleveland, Jersey City hit. Fordley A, la. England ll C Faltenstook,liarnsit'S Mrs 3 WWeir Harrish's K Coffee. N Y A F Beeman &la. Balt John S Polon, Mass Mr Houstou,Del 8 Dana N Y A Royster, Mobile, Ala 9 tlishoff, N li H Brunner, N_ y o Da Lisle, N Y RPHRing N Y J 0 ONtter & son* N_y D p rood:Retland, Yt Mr Kind. A la. _Buffalo Mies lonia ,k, ais,Rookrd J Thorne A la, N Y ro horns Pc la, N Y Miss Alice Ca broth, Del P Hoffecker, Del J L Lockwood, Boston Falzinser er. wf,Waterloo Mrs J li North. Wash,D C Mrs Btolth, Vs Thom D Baird, halt r_ Al Kennedyd3 0 Beni F Evans,S C H Sanford. N y TA. Whitney, N J Dr A Rawlings, N Y Blf Austin. Pa. ~ D A Finney, N 0 A Li CUnia. Bel).102a0 chujeopbs,Chosts, co,Ye. Ins 'l' ViAten, Bath, Ms IliaTrinre,LAT'' CP Ji Ripley, N Y JOil Noble, IS y P J Brady & in, N Y Col tautrobers, N Y Mr Gould, Md F Cole, N Y BA Castle, N Y C H Coffin, Mass 8 0 Wootton,,ass A Weloh, Ail Was D 0 Alf Del • Z E Smarm's' a, N Y Miss A tlittingey, Ptld • J Johns, lowa Mrs Murray to its, Roetp't Wet Thorns, N 'V JONES' HOTHL—Chsotnut street. above Sixth. Jos M Curvet ,I Phil& Jas Higgins, N Y C !Stuart. N Y If F Anners, Fa 0 H Hunt. Boston P 8 Martin ?I Y l' Hamer, Pa Si BM Gray,N Y W Brown. N N 1 , Greene, Prom &Thompson & Is, NJ W Aehriesys & /a, NI Mae Priestly, .N J Miss Teel, N J H Itiohmonn, N .1 0 8 Corbin, N y ra M Fomeroy, Milwaukee Than Fence, ).ng HA honer, Weshington 1' M Dubant, Workington NATIONAL HOTEL—Rao. street. above Third. W P Vont...Pottsville J L Nutting, Pine Grove hese Linemen, Pottevilie it NY likirk.,_Phila John Ulrich, Dau p hin Pa A Stump, Latishle. Fa A J Rickard.. Loos !Avon la Bassin. Halifax. Pa Wen Ii Reed,Hailfax, Pa P S Hileine, Reeding I Carver, I t ano no, Pa Van Brunt, Behan oo W D W Rankn, Schen no E L Rogers. Doylestown anny, N COMMERCIAL HOTEL—thatta it.; above Chestnut, Geo If Grier, Altoona, Pa H F Payton, Prot', It 1 Win Witter, Roxbarouate, Rowan L Hoopes, Del h_Jolineon. Monte no .1 13 Dill, Lewistown W Raintennuab 0 Y Bullard, Media, Pa MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroti NV .1 Kealsh, Bellefonte, Pa McCoy, Bellefonte A W Coleman, 111 P. hit) (ten n i{ Pa P s e e r ,`lin, 0 J A Reel. Allegheny City T Craig, Carbon no, Pa N J Kestler, Le h igh no J W Fuller._Oataaauaun J A Knape, Welleford, Pa Wilcox, Wellsford. Pa A AloOuarnsay, PAna A Learnt, Catatanqua W Lambert. C T Otos+, Allentown Ao i xil l foisz.var,.. JT D Myer, Athena, Pa JohniLennins nine. endnek, Holton 'Hon J Outline, Washl'n Robinson,N Louisville, RP MERCHANTS' HOURE—TIOnt et., above Callowhill. Wertman, Pa D Undalrofter. Pa Jos T Roberts, Pa Ezra Neuhart, Pa TNeuhart. Pa 0 W Beers, Jr, Y ali Bush, Allentown W L Pa V Frantz Dauphin oo D Bolts, Lebanon eo L W Hvana & la. Heading Joe Ooth is la, Bethlehem Chas Brunner, Raaniaa • BALD EAGLE HOTEL—ThIr4 at., above pollowhill M W Raudenbuoli. Pa Joe Love, Centre en Samuel Roop. Contr.) oo Josiah Illegal, Media, Pa Ooos Boma. Books oo Bent jean, %mimeo iBARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et .. below Vine J C Woadon, New Hope A B Idmra. Lanoutor co John GaninT, New Hope W W Trek°' New Rope A Yowl, Now Hope Dr A 0 Stoles. Coon B W 'Met', Coon 1, rarrott, Conn NV Downs. Conn N Maddock'. Conn W Form, Coon dames Willinnin, Pa H B Lesvetrwortn Cow; Joe Hill. Germantown .1 B Atkinicm, &loin co Thu. Warner, Duck. no Thos Callaman, Bristol BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, &bora Callawhill it. D Harmtne, Rending Chs4 RarPer....Seukentown Mrs 'Harper, Jenkantom Bents, ns riffle. W Mut*. Cheuter Bpr Pluto anwille J W Bohan, York,rB AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Fifth. ' W H Flltcraft, Wash ,D C E Mscarile,Phils H T Vint n, Mum P E Donne, Lomat'. Man 8 Mims, &. ton D Gore &In Bajo Feed a. Newark', NIA G f. csilbu' ri It .1 rP. A Wm Bradleßichmonn, Vs Mac J E LAM RC N Y 118 Miller, N I Miss id / MAlisr. N Y CIF LWeismajin, N y W MoNider, Ara 8 ParthOul. Ya M Oilman & la. N A Y oil Bailor, roc, Pa J lih_hrp, Whits aren .1T Cochran Info. Ps, lw Babinso - k. Blown Wm Venter, li'll im. Pi el T Latham, FA THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third Wm Underwood, Centre oo A Vetter, Ohio Win H Shaffer, N J A Hagen, Pottsville J M Robinson. N J P Uhler, Uhlereville E B England, Pa ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut it., ab. Third. Longmakor, John 0 White, Albany J M King, Waterford Geo Iv Manly N Y W Koons, Now Castle W P Atobert, N Y Mn Henderson N Y J AloCattlee, Phila A Abilquotn. Cuba Albert Abiequets, Cuba Ernest Gatlin, Cuba N Gaillo, Cuba Witt At Olerk, N MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Deoond et.. above Arch JO Not, Str9u4l,9ra iria D Boottr fa,. B C lonec Bt rim! lima R. Blair,r owl Mu Ida Blair, khila I Blapogabaiok, Phil,. 0 I. Derr, N 0 E Mr Moore, Kamm B Y Btidinser, Md Miaa 0 Blair, PAWL Mks C_Prica, Pa A Hulaeger, N I leo Eswyse, NI STATES UNION HOTEL—J*I4Ost It. ahlyve Stith .IByady, Germantown Pa .1 Gilpin, rdd A brisker. Newvills, Pa El Kinkiest, Alluding Peter Andrews, Reading Barrow, Pa W C Mager, Harrisburg J C Walker. OAP. Pa P Wickersham, Ps R ritaphensan. Pa A Martin, Columbia W Camphall,Balt B Beare, Bucks no Ina Saute, Pa W Whitehead, West Cites MARINE INTELLIGENCE. sEP Vr Tsf.wff• „„ (00no4 p ontimoe lArdatl i riif Peo ??. Arrived. ship Merit/ma, from Winos. Oho racism* UP the crew of the ship Heidelberg which sunk on the ad Also arrived, ships relloan 5400 and Franklin Cabot. from 1 mean': Franklin Pierce, from Liverpool; Mar. shah from Boston; St Louis, from Plew York; Abby Dian chard, from Bordeaux. MIMORANDA. Rook d h, Cotton, front Marseilles, arrived at 14Bilrk or ye utg, hor, Collins, from Antwerp, sr rived at New Orleans rests bay: - Bail Reindeer, Franklin, alined at New York Ye!' terday for Cienfuesoe. Bark zingsrelli, Bunker, from Rio de 1112111170 Novlo, arrived at New York yesterday, Bark Winif7ed. femora, cleared at Baltimore yester day for Rionmbna. Bark Clara Hassll. Dutton, cleared at Baltimore yes terday for Riehmcind. Brig M Denson. Barton, cleared at New York yes terday for Pars. Bohr Fanny, Mayhew, from Fall River for Philedel phis, at New 'York yestrofday. Bohr Bradlee Rickey, Pico, from Providence for Phi leaden's at New York yesterday, Behr C 1' Back ney, Garwood, hom Charleston, arrived at Providence Mtn inst.. Bohr B hi Clark Clark, Ern frorldenee for Phila deCTUriviiti:gr7t4sytlrttgof the achy Woodbine, pre viously reportait liatiora at Now Inlet. have nearly all been leaded on the beach in /rood conaltien. Liverpool, Sardinia ISprr—A survey has been held be ,the ship Sardinia, and her apgire Cargo will have fo dine harraa, and the vessel wi ll go on the {look for re- Yalta; fatailtairda ape Will reship her cargo. SiNagn's Sgcnara )11.4.01UN115. N 0.2 Bowing Muhl n . ..... No. I Sewing ...... . ....... • ......• The Family Sowing Maohtne, ...... Tho Family Sewing Machine •••••• • • • • I. M. BINGER te CO., al-Sto No. 603 CHESTNUT &net OsoVm3 k BesmailL OstamsATED tionieuess FAItII.I Ilswine-MAlsinne A? RZIMBD rams. vp CHESTNUT STREET, GAfi-lauP Dlivor—kimmi AND Awn. ommiai THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1859.‘ SPROIA.L• NOTIOES. Nur YEAR'S Punsms.—Electro•Magne tin and Magneto-Manta° Maohmen fur Itludionl two. Manufnoturod and for sale at No. ah South SEVENTH Street. by WM. o. & J. NEFF. 130.2t* - • Pre ESPEOTB Aur. REALLY Idkacom. 1-AJuLsit HAMM'S ETRENIENNE, OR HAIR RV:ORATOR. provents the hair falling OM by giving a healthy tone to the roots where baldness exists, it causes a new growth of lo ta luxuriant hair, and it stood& restores gray hair to its original life•onlor and beauty. Bold by alt Dinggbit *, and by JUIN HAUNT. it CO., No. TOd CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. d2O fltdWlt SALAMANDER TIM-PROOF SAPES.—A very suortivant of SALAMANDERS fur eels et reason ebid priee 4 ; ' No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, Phildelpha. 1,03 it !EVANS & WATSON OHS PRIOR CLOTEING or rue LATEST Slmes, made in the beet manner, elpreenty for RE TAR, BALEB. LowEel' welling Mums marked 10 Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis factory.. Our ONE.FRIOE System in aridly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing AS are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., sea-tr me MARKET Street. Winucuon & WILSON BRwora niontxma. —Philadelphia Woe, 628 CHESTNUT Street. Merchants' orders filled at tie SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branoh offices to Trenton, New .4111.7. and BRAM , nd Westchester. Pa. seld-dm SHAKEN B SAVING FUND—NORTRW III 3 I CORNIRR BROOND and WALNUT StreBLll.—DTPOSits ye oeived in email and large amounts!, from all classes of the oommuni ty. and allows Interest at the rate afire pot oent. par annum. Money may be drawn by cheoka without Imo of In terest. Moe open daily, from 0 until! o'clOok, and on Mon tt? and Saturday until 0 in the evening. President. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and throretiuy. CHAS 11 MORRIS, SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAYSITY TRUST , 101aPANY.—Chartered by the State of Poem Wants. 1. Money is reoetved ovcry day, end in any amount, arse or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. interest in paid for money from the day it it put in. 8. The money it alarm; paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without noooe. 1. Money Is received from Ipseutors, ddnifsistrolest, Guardians, and other , Trustees, in large or small scuts, to remain a lour or short varied. The money received front I)epositore Is lanceted to Real Ustate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and other first elms seourttiem. I. Ofnoo open every day—WALNUT [Street, menithwest eorner Third street. Philadelphia. MOW ThRlll3 7 BOUDOIR SAWING /I.AORINR. IMPROVED DOUBLE. THREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR, 40-Sm Phila. Mae. 730 ARCH St. Manta wanted THE PRICES OF SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES , HAVE! BEEN! As=KAI! WEST—CTR EET.—On the 29th instant, by the Rev. A. A WiWits, John West to Attie T., daughter of Thos. BI set the trath instant. Professor L. A. Wolf to Mien E. A Johnson, in Camden, N. J. MeCURDY—OOI.I.INB.—On the lath Instant, by Rev. AI. H. RistY.. Mr. John MoCurdy. of Milford, Del., to Mrs. It ebsees. Collins, of Philadelphia M ER—FlELD.—Oathetath instant. tiy Rev, Thos. Street. John 8. Mover, of New York. to Mary L. Field, daughter of Wm. Field, Esq., of this city. • It APP.—On Thurman) evening, muddanlY. hl rt. Sarah O. REM. Thin notice of funeral will he given. • FROST.--Dta the evening of the 28th instant. after a short hot severe illnerim, Prof. John Frost, LL. D., to the 60th year of biome. The male friends of the family arecorded to tile the funeral from him late reeidenoo Ito. 216 Routh Fl tenth street, on Sunday, January lit. at half past onlb •• n SNIVIILY.—On the 2.3 th instant, Jacob Hnively, aged 1T acre. Funeral from the 7031111'MR of Ms brother. L. ,Nat .Siv No. 146 Richmond street. balmy Shackantazon on .. aftSTllOOllllOXt, 141 0' cinelc. RUE.—On the 27th 'natant, Mr. James Rue, R=ed 72 'ORM Funeral from bin late residence. Ifolingavillo, ritar Rolmesburs, on Hundny morning at 10 o ' clock. 00111:101i.—At Reading Pa., _on Tuesday morning, the 27th inst , Ron. David P. Gordon. Thq funera l will take place from his late reahlenee, Readier. Pa., on Friday afternoon. at o'clock. To proceed to the Charles Evens Cemetery. MOURNING MOUSSELINES DELAINE. ••• 15 CENTS.—BESSON k SON have reduced 10,000 yards of imported Black end White tdooselines Deimos to pall 46 eshts. AfOURNINO STORE, No, Re OH EhTNOT Street. B LACK THIBET LONG SHAWLS.— Now in Store, a full assortment of Impin's Blank hibet. Long , Shawls. Also, Lupins id o sok Cashmeres, Merinos. Bolin Deohettes. Velvet °plats, TaMminii Velour Rom Mousseline de Lathes, mbaslnes. &e. /LESSON & SON, Mourohiitors. din FM citEsTrd UT attain. ITA MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLM. ERB OF THE MR RC AN T ILE LIBRARY C !PAN Y . was held on Thursday evening, Deomnber 22. Ighli. Meeting called to order by Seorotary of the Board of Directors, on whoAo motion at, Mammal C. Morton was appointed Chairman, and Mr. Thomas Sh4ploy Peorettry. On motion, the meatinsprooneded to nominate °fluters for th c ensuing year, WM n the following nominations wore made: DIRECTORS. William P,. Bowen, Marmadoke 'Moore. William 1. Schaller, Charles W, Cushman, .?:= ''.. 4"118111}1,4 Warp er AI. Raisin, (shades Santee. Henry Le • IP. Jr., Joseph D. Hanson, Immo H. Wile. lobo 1,. HO, Charles H. Welling, D.'l. Burr, George V. Cresson. George W, Han, ' Edward 11. Ogden, Thomas limber, Jr., -John Litrolner, Jr., Edward M. Needles. 'William Wharton. Jr Thom an Baldw in, Allan C. Adamson, ' John Welsh. Benjamin TTr dick, Jacob B. Lancaster, White. Win. J. P. Samoa Lesley. Jr.. , David Q. Mccammon, John 11. Atwood., Edward Williamson, Albert 8. Letchworth, James 8. Gibbons, Edward 0. Clarke, Charism Abbey, gen•se Rimed', Charles E. Morgan, E M. Davie, Funnel L. o•lladay, Claudius B. Linn, V illiam Cdwig, n %shard Wood, George N. A len, Al Rector Tyndate, Robert 8. Reed... Oliver IL Wilson, 'l' . Morris Perot. p 'aides M. Walton. Charles H. Dinge.P, Wiliam I. Pollock, Joseph Cooper. Thomas W. Watson Thomas Idtebeter, William P. Wilatacii, go orge W. gibbone, ' James R. Campbell. Allen C. Thirtiorow, Bettie Pant, John D. Watson. J. Altamont Phillips. Treasurer—CHAßLES RHOADS. On motion, 4 was Resotrtd, That the rotegolne nomi nations be minted and laid on the tries, and the pro ceedings of the meet be published n two of the daily Pairat•tnat SAMUEL C. AMR ON. Chaintui. THOS. SHIPLEY, PeoretarY. aIEgtiCANTIVE LIBRARY COMPANY. A general meeting of the Company will be held In the Library Ream. on TUEBOAY AFTERNOON. January 10th, 1880. at 3} o Mock. Immediately atter the adj. umment the Tellers appointed will bold an eleotion for Director. and Treaeurer for the enoulne year. The polls will be kept ope CHARL E S 'clock F. M. de01ea. 4.41-10 27; TIM JEWI.I2 REFUGEE% AT 01B RALTAR.—Tha Rev. IBAAO LF.RSER will an Addrou unon the above subjeet. at the Ripe- Koltun in FRANKLIN Street. above Green, on BATL R. DAY. December Slit t at lOW, &ohmic. when contribu tions MAY be iniAde in behalf of our suffering and &lei lute orethren from Morocco, whose heartrending con dition appeals for mem to the' humane orall creeds. Contributions will be received and forwarded by either of the undersi tried opera of the congregation Ai FRE n T. JONES, S. L. Third and Chestnut. B. P PA TZ. 721 hinrant street, .1) +YID FA KR 111 North Third street. JOSEPH N SWIIOUFIE d .dOI North Broad street. B. LINIIKR.2II3 South Third street. -- HERMAN VAN B 621 Franklin street. MOSES NATHANa. B. Sixth end Raoe. 01108. BLOOMINOD ALE. 932 Franklin st. d3O-11.. rfrUNIVERS! Y OF PENNSYLVANIA.— DEPARTMENT OF ARTa.—The econd Term of toe College jeer will open on TIIFIDAY the 3d der of January. Candidates for iulmossion wil t appear at the Unisersity. , for examirkation, on that day at half poet 9 o'eloak A. AL Tuition for each Term Thirty Dolars. GEORGE: AL.LIiN ,610-4 t Secretory of the Fnoultr of Arts. OFFICE OF TOE co_yractir.Lint _pußbro IlliflOOLS. FIRST BCIIOOI, Pfd Tin OF PENNSYLVANIA, PIIILATALIPIIIA. Pon 23, lea At a tneetins of the Controller* of Public, Schools, Frt District of ,'enney Iran's, held at the Controller' amber. on Tuesday. nleo.Ylth, 1859, the following re• so ution was ;Wonted { Resolved, That the searatary of this Board be directed not to issue tin warrants due on the Slat Heoeinher, un til the qin immarr. IWO as requested Or the Finance Committee q Connell' anithe .7 City TreftElfer. EC , KAT , HEMPHILL. da3t DELPHI,SAND LI R V R E T N O U I R PANNY EOANNE!. December ti• T_he managers have this day deotared dividend of PIVF: Der cont. (or the last six months, end en &Ores divide dof F it per cent. on the oapitittatnek, DMA. hie to the stockholdess. clear of the State tax, on and after the &I of JANUAR\ proximo. d 23 41 JOHN F. JAMIN, Actuary. PLTIMT•I.T. I Fourrrrikunttli.ANlY: delChta.—The annual mectins o the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their Milos MONDAY. the9lh day of Jannart , PM, at 10 n'oloCk A. M. An election for Twelve Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will lie held at the same clue On the IMP day between the hour' of 10 A. M., and I P.M. d2O-09 WM. J.III.ANOITA RD. Recreterf. irrMERCANTILE LIBRARY—NOTICE.— A meeting of the Rtockholdera of the Me motile LtiVALTY Cotenant. opposed to the arbitrary nettrip the present Board of hianagere,wlll be Motion FR Waal EVYNINI, the 30th Mat, at 8 o'clock, in room 80. 20, Philndelphet Exchange. (7.OFFICE QIN THE UNION MUTUAL IN SURANOII COMPANY..—PHIGADELPHIA, Deo. ti 69. The noril Meeting or the Borinholders of the UNION MU T UAL In t? RAN E: COMPANY. of Phi• Mel phin,erill he held nt the Of es of the Company on Moodey Ammer 4, 163 e, et 12 o clock, `Hong.! et which time en ' Election will he hold for Eight Director', to serve for the ensuing three year". JOB, COI LINN, Beoretnr". A FESTIVAL FOR THE BENEFIT OFT i k TA pERNACI 4 II M. E. CHURCH will be old et NAM. it Jo A). DN HALL, corner of Rea th 4_12,1 Clvdtol streets. on WEDN.EAD 41 EV e1..11N next, et 7Jv chmk. Addresses by eminent clergymen. Music and refreshments during thin so es ins. Admission 00 cents. 4.ltqlt• --------- 01PPICE ihly THE ILEISIGH AND AWARE WATTDAV RAILROAD CO.. II: WALNUT street, h &dolphin. The - Annual Meeting o fthe flockholdors f the sbnve-namqd eorporntlok will be 11914 on MO NDAY, baloney 9th 1960 ; at 19 111..0tt which time end pine. no Elootirn will bo held for it Pretid•ot rind D irem ,„ to serve or the ensuing year. JOHN HANCOCK, d. 1.1 Ling Trennurer end Bentetarri .. U. REV. A. A. WILLITS will &lir his new . lAot NSHINF:,_ . BEFORE THE py LlTEluslty vNioN, CONGEII4 HALL, FRIDAY EVENING, D0c.30th,18119, at (marker Wore it o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. Po , We At Brown',. Path sn,l Chostnut, And Stack Imo's, Eighth arid Green streets. KrINSURANCE COMPA or THE STATE ON PENNSYLVANIA. December 23. 1969. An election for Thirteen Di rootora 01 this Company, to e ery° for one year. will be held et tee Company • Wine. No: 4{ F.xehange Building+, on M ONDA Y . annarT nth, WI ,_ littween the hours 'ol'lo n clank e. M. l and / o cloak P. ht. WILLIAM 444Rlit, deli dtin9 MOFFICE OF THE DELAWARE COI/N -TT PASSENGER RAILROAD,—The Annual on for President and Directors of the Delaware County Pasuehger, Ra i llrond Co many_ pit he held at the_pmee of J,1n11,8 fil 1.1.F.R, MA BAIT Street, west of Till street . West hilitainplita. on 'MONDAY, the 9th /e nuery, 1800, betwen the Imre of lo A. AI. and II l. M. A. L,. RONNAFF'ON. - d2Vi it tlsatet4ll• (0,70 OFFICE ON THE 'WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY. P IMMO.%iDeCeMblit lA, 12112. The annual meeting of the Stockholders o this Coin. winy will he held et their office. N 0.330 South THIRD Street. on WEDNESDAY, the 4th day ofJanuary, Hoe, at 12 o'clook, et which time en election will be held for eleven Direotore. end a Secretary, and Treasurer, to serve for the enact na year. doe-V! R. IL JACKSON. Secretary. gNOTICEi—THE ANNUAL MEETING qr the ttojkhoideDLQL OD. WIZEN AND kiviluaiT 4A A Tirl'orltirt&v,4,l 1 .„7, Ili Al Eltre,t, on , ~ N A , trnry 11, wee, at V n'o'nn, „p009,,AL If (HO) time en . D _f an election nit ?piol4 for IS rrePla•Az end ; WI Winters. to 4 , N , 0 h cuss rentwvi. • 1419*Isn, patiDY 1144RWROp,13ettyptitTi, MARItIJED. DIED. fr:P' NOTICE.—TIIII: ANNUAL MEETING Want Pr.theenksttlelaxidVa-ofon;t:l,4"xPila am Thtrd- the,,,N.. 4 7116 fAur v ecreet, on ntONDAI, Jan. 9th. 18/30, at 12 o'olook, door!, at which tune at td niece an inaction WI be held for a President and twelve Direc tor", to serve lot the °mooing year,'lllUS. LOUAN, Heoretarf• Lir M Nor LA E D C o O r A r L i C OM PA N Y , No . W 9O ES u T th . ftierd street, oorner of W illing's alley. PO ILADP:LPiff A. Deo. At a meeting of the Direotors hold We day adi v idend of eir per oent. was declared on the earntat.ettrok, Para ato otookhoklers or their local representatlves at the o Cho f the company on and after JANUARY 3 d, 140. transfer books Avill he closed unttl January et h next. d22-IJa4 F. 11. JACKSON. Treasurer. OFFICE OF VAN DYKE & CO., No. 62 SOUTH THLTID STREET. r1111..11)1{1.P111/1,D03 , 10th.1869. TO THE SECOND-MORA GAGE { ION HOLDERS OF THE WiLIifAMSP9RT AND ELM RA RAIL ROAD COMA Y. It is deemed proper to announee to those who den re to pertimpate In the advent/wee of the rased reorganization of this Company—arisen hese which oanibe attained In noothertway—it Wooed- MY hat they execute the power of nuornor , now tersely mimed, end the. heoome partlee In the owner stut. of tine road when newlp . o A rs . aM , jit., Attorney for Second -Dodges° Bondholder.. N. B.—An assessment of per thousand hes been laid to meet present contingent expensee. d2l-12t OFFICE PHILADELPHIA CITY PAS. 1.1. r BENDER 11 AII.WAY COMPANY, 153 HCRITII YOtlitlll BTRIXT, D. ir MO, The annual meeting of the stook holders of t h e Fr ! delphla City Passenger Railway Company_wlittys 1.1 at the Oleo of_ the company, No. 153 &milt ? F.DU T etreet, on MONDAY, January 0.11,1850, et 1 o elook 4. M.. at whioh time en election will he held or a Presi dent and ids Directors to lIBIVO the ensuing )ear. W. M. ISINGERLY, dlll-dia.9 Neeretarr. 0(1.• OFFICE OF THE CONSOLIDATED COAL COMPANY, N 0.323 WALNUT Street. kIieLPIIIA. Deo. 12, 1669, The Annual Meeting of the titookholders of this Cont. Etny_will be held at their Office, in Philadelphia, on {,..0N AY In nuetry 16, MO, at 10 o'clook A. M., for the Eleetion of Officers to serve the ensuing year, and other purposes. J. HENRY BWOYEE, dl6-irktufit&WO Seoretary. VI7REV. R. GRATTAN OIL INNESS MILL preseh EVERY EVENINti (luring this week in ev. pr. ,Wllle's church, Broad street, below Spruce, at o Moak. d2B-Iso rrr. OFFICE OF TILE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY. IS. W. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. DeCOMber %PM. NOTICE.—The Annual Aftoting of the Stockholders of THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY %eta be held on MONDAY. the 9th day of January, MO, at ten o'clock A. M., at the Office of the Company. An Election for Twelve Directors. to servo the zn suing year, will be held on the same day, at the IMO pleee, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P.M. dIT-Ong CHARLES W. 00XE, Secretor,. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. pEORG-E WHITELEY. , No. 186 SOUTH FRONT STREET, le appointed Agent for the sale of theabove unrt veiled brand of CHAMPAGNE, And offera It to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES. 600 bullets, Q tinth, and Pinta, now In TOAD. ddS If MEDICINAL. coucnis AND COLDS Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Coughs, Colds, Coughs. Colds, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Bronnbmi, Hoarseness, Hronohitis, Hoarseness, Bromhitte, Honeseness,Bronollitio. Hoarsenose, Whooping Cough, Croup, W h ooping Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough, Croup, Connumptlon, Conenmptlon. Commotion. Consumption. Consumption,t Coneninytion. Consumption, onsumption. And ell like (News. Ind nn unfailing antidote, s reed, relief, and a lure mud speedy bury, In that great And universally approved Remedy, VirISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. WISTART BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ItXTINIONY. DR. WISTAR'S BALI•M OP WILD CRIIRRc.—At this season of the year, as well ne at all seasons, lt le impor tant to haw, on hand n remedy for couelis and cold'. We npenir for the benefit of our IVlttialli• when we re commend to them the above named remedy, which hoe been advertised in our paper for canto tinie. We h Pc had occaninn to tine it in our family for roughs and other throat attention+. find in nil en/08 it has cured the complaint. We now . deem it on indiepennable spit tle, for we ale tt)s prefer to have a reliable remedy on hood for these coinelainte, to which all are liable.— Christian Fireman and Family Visitor. Remit the follocirit L•tter front m a Amity respectable Gentleml. 1.1 , 19C10Ne. Montour cc., I'a..oet. Y 2, iROd. This is ti Dena; that I woe promninced by several Physielans as consumptive. and lied all the symptoms of the disease in its 'covet form, such as munching. severe Pains in the chest, shortness of breath, nightusweats, ad extron a weakness sod Insyituile In my whole are trio. My femilr nearly all having med of the disease, I had given up all hope of recovery. AS nothing gave the relief; but threilrb the Pemension of a friend I wee in duced to try lii. With/et Prawn of Wild Clarry. Tho knit battle relieved the consiil f eiii yl l s i oa l . y. pc ei pl :l l the third boy. amid em n de to follow v . Lo u r f a t ie da e pent; n canoed state of the dis- Y4rioyas any inn. mom, having barn confined to her bed for overt} ;ear. chd pronounned limo:id hope tor one hest physician,. Yha also Ices entirety cured in the Wild Cherry, but it required mix or eight bottles, fine she still takes it ores sloppily as a preventive, being naturally weak-chested. I would elneeralv urge ell who ere similarly afflicted telly On. IVIRTAR'II BALSAM sir IVILD OIIRRRY. as Earn satisfied the;. bat for your own velunble remedy'. my Custer and myself would not now ha tiei n g I wi ll c h eer . ray answer any ono who inn) address me on the sub ject. and trate ou r eases MOM folly tflirneit I JACOB MILLER. BEWARW OF COONTIIK BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITBI "Ruch lettere es the following, from merenant, ars daily received : klif.yOß D. Delaware. Oct. 28.1953. A. W. FoNVLe Si On., Heaton a Please send me a sup ply of Wl , r We 114L‘ANT, ill I rim nearly out, and there ie a great demand for It; It to doing venders; it rum Coach., ',Worm, Mopping Court, and Cessuirieffon, without fell. There has never been any of the genuine here until you sent me a lot some time woos, but plenty of the imunterfeit. L. 41 JACO B Y. F CV ftiaRYIB77IERII%RX.aI whore kAra fA, tDu4t the n Ins 11/0140.1 has the wnivreN signature of "I. B TTA," as well as the printed mime of the ProPrif. (Oen, BETH W. PONI,). ikr CO, -Roston, on the ma side wrapper. TARR no (MIER It wend money wasted and health jeaperdi zed. . WIRT,R'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY ViISTARI BALSAM OF WH,D CHERRY For AAIA In nt wheremif awl Wall, by T. W 11)YOT'r A, SUNS, No. 213 blottlt BIiOUND Street. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPESA. DEBILITY OF H SYSTEM, DYSPEI'3IA. OF TUI SYSTEM. LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, BMWS CONIPLAINTR, PICK HEADACHE, BILIOUS COAII'hAINTS, SICK IIEADAOHE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE', FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, And the ninnberlean other disesees anions from Ade leeison, and funefional litscrdire of the Stomach, find, when the dinette° in not lint and the power of mettoine, ready relief in that established and sterling remedy, THE OXYOENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. RELIABLE TESTIMONY. We oall the attention of the reader to the following letter from President Routh, of Wesley's!' University Al ;DUI:TOWN, Conn.. Feb. 29, ISO. PRttt W. Powbe k Co,—Gods men: I first made nen In the Ox \ raki , ItiT • Cit. annie 1100 en or eight years mane. Having suffered for twenty years from formal' DYPPPP‘In, whleh was attended with a nervous headache. on en average of not less than one day in week. wan minced by the unpretending reoommenda tion of Dr. 0 reen to try one bottle. and if no benefit was received to diseentinoe the use." The use of one bottle warranted a fartker, trials to the extent of some three or four. with it narOlUt obserVituee of the accompanying directions. The Mutt wall an almost entire relief from the usual draPePitc areltitorns. and their depressing. painful consequences. I believe these bitters produced no entire change M the habit* of my s stem. and upon the active epergiell of the dives live organs, I now doom myliel[ as exempt from dys warm Re molt pentane. These titers have also beer of service to other membore of my family. Very respectfully yours. AvousTus w. PkIITH. rips, Livingston en N Y. Oct.), JOO Massa., El, N'. wbe : t Wave been solt oited by y o ur !men t to pre sent to non a test tnintlial of the restorative quail lee of i our Oxygenaltd Ameri," to which I elicerCull) eninpl). in gratitude to ton. sirs, also in the licym 'lint mans inure may experience its invigo rating adepts. VP , PrP , to. with its numberless associates, took up tie so s sme with me, in optical t ion to the skill of mary of the nitai w t celebrated pit smitten until they pirik was rio relief could ho Intim!) to ea (render. and idd adieu to its eartlib jabernisele. tt hen I was inducted. by the nrgene) of a mend, to try our bitters, little dreaming that the Wend MU in the iintindloMp tea °foment meth eines, as it was ilia first draught I way over inthieed to quaff, but. thanks be to Padova, n halm, and h moot efficient end !astern] one, ton. I lie most tiggrecliting symptoms in ins wise were the immoderate and trregii • ler beating of the heart immediately after taking food, attended with great prohtration, and 1,0 r) frequently violent attacks of pnlpitetion. leering Wall twelve to LWOW r•fout hour. leaving the stomach so perfectly Paw less filet glen it spoonful of milk or rice wear would seen. airdeueopti. I counioneed the use of the lo Bitters by tans boll . • ten-spoonful—tiro eaten, Wan a full one. J Wee ery ye:levering until I had taken three bottles; singe they, 41 Intervals, I line taken two morn. began to realise its genial effects immediately ; ba• sides it is extremely grateful and refreshing as a beve rage. which is aoharrm that but few nisilloines can boast of, 1 would, sirs. time heartily and tern , srly beg all who a y...ft - hew with D i apepain in any Conn to tent your Oxygenated I it as f do esteem diem invaluable. Very respectfullv. Alma 111. trrocK (NO. woo Len t I.R An Irvin: T. W. DYOTT k SONS, 21s North SOooud street. Philadelphia. A. R. RANDS A- CO., New Yin% CANBY,.tiII.IIIN, Ic 00., fialttionre. Rohl by Witte Igie and literehanta flyers where. dye sedan. LEGAL. ESTATE OE JOHN MARTIN, LATE OF East Ear) township. decessed.—The undersigned. Auditors appointed t,t ths Orphans' Court or the county olloinnestey, to p upon the _exceptions filed to the account or the Executors orthe rod iteeeliSnl, rtml to dia. tribute the balance remaining in their Winds to and among time lerAliy untitled literal% hereby Kis e notice that they will attend for the Miosa a t i er appoint ment. nn PH M m Al', the lith of January. A. ii., 1860. at 7o cinch I'. M.. at the Court House in the city of Lan caster, when and where al. poi score inte r e s t e d may attend •hey think proper. 1). O, FIIIII•F.NTAN, SIMON P. P.BY. • ABRAM SHANK. Auditors. 1. k'svmiTr.R, DOClRitibef Y 9. 1853, • dio-13t NVELROI"S PHILADELPHIA CITY IT DI RWl'Oll V, 1 %V ANTI-TFII EtwrioN. We long e'lnl hilted and reliable Directory will be (wool in ittn n, rev anlitrgoll. and will be ile• In erect to Ao leinril ins. RI 'mini It wilt be for toile, also, at 'LI M. SIXTH Street, maenad floor. d34.3t A. MeEirllol r , Compiler, QEVER AL YOUNG GENTLEMEN GAN v:7 eeeninmodated In DR. UENTII7I CHEMICAL L 11 AII.ATORY, in rocve prneil nil ',intim lion in CHEMISTRY 4nd the allied eetettet . Cnlf at No 111 WALNUT tweet. Honing Nn. IJ,OO 9t• • .!. AMBROTYPES, ALL PRICES AND BE4EB Three superior i'llohieriphs for e 2, s i n for el, Twelve for rfie. Life au Ploo r nsrephs Uil isoporiOr to Oil Paintinael I non Ie to am, et REI filli,ll'B Photograph Gallen . sEcoNvistrset. above Green. it* Pill LA DELPIIIA AND Tit It I'ITON AI lAICIADS,DIA_-_ PANY-OIIANGE DIsI'ARTUEE TO YE.ll'7oi Dil) I . The linos for 14 ow York nod Way elnli_o_n . o . . u le.n.. , :i o n n it Weloot-ntrent Wkarrat II A. M. nod leveel..l. and after Thursday. Deeerr_2lth. op. n depat A. Al, rwi t, Y.lll oATzmER, ASent, WANTS. WANTED—In a Shipping House, a smart, intelligent Young Man. about 19 yeerti one who can speak (Jarman. Address W. R. M.. ° Press (Moo, Mating salary expected and reference. d3O-2t* fiIOREMAN WANTED, FOR A LARGE fierinting eitabliehment In the city of New Yqrk.rnast be a thoroughly competent man, on- POO otakil charge of Job Composition and Profs work on cyli nd er presage. To 'mob a man a liberal eat*. ycr st/II be pa d. Addreint, with name, are, ankqualt nOaSlong. &0.. Box 2177, New York Poet Office. d29-3t WANTED—A Situation by a Young Man, having several gears experleace and a large acquaintance with the near trade. in a Ur,' Goods or Queensware Housei would have no objection to travel. Address" Dry (coda' Pros office. d.W-3t,* WANTED—By the Ist of January, a Situation, Sa le s m an . ng ma of a cqu a i nted ddress. the Dry or ls with the Dry-ooOde JobbinK business, and oan furnish to e " unex ception referenceefroin Nat employer. A note ad dreamed integrity', 'care or .F. D.. No .11 BANK Street, will meet with Immediate attention. d29-St• A COMPETENT and experienced Book koorow. who enn furnish antlafactorr meant mendation from his present employers, desires a Situn tine. ArlArea "H. 0.," nt Press Quinn. d 29 3t• fro COMMISSION MERCK ANTS, MAN- UrACTURERS, and IMPORTE RS. thA business W est , tensive acquaintance through South and a open for engasement, on the find of January, 1860. To a concern who desire the ser vices of a gentleman of extensive busitiou qualification., thus m a chance seldom met with. Undoubted reference siren. Addrene " Confidential," a% the office of BULLET it FAIRTIIORNE,39 South Third Street, 3t. liV a A . l;c c lAD .KT :jp: El la:Te i , n ry ,,n ls i t n . a situation party or Hankins House, by a emetic:4 ITregeoe Co r rn oi prse_ and influential business acquaintance. Address 2el r. 0. n2B-Im• 1 - 3ARTNER WANTED.—An opening in al• an established Commiulon limns (Dry Goods) of a partnership will occur on the let of the year. A yOllllll, native, business man, who could command from 110,00 to 420,000. pay address" Commission Busineu." et the (Anew' thin wiper. non-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET FOR RENT. The store now occupied by CHARLES OARFORG & 80N, No. 3114 CHESTNUT STREST. Suitable for a JOBBING OR COMMISSION HOUSE. Possession given about the let of February next d5O-6t off FOR SALE.—A very neat and desira kleilla TWO-STORY PRAME DWELLING HOUSE and Lot of Land of thirty-onx acres. situate on MA P RICE WYE R with rood landing. about one Enk front power a nd county. New -Liner. • A wood water power and a well sprins (known as 811 rer- Run Elprmg )on the premises. Will be 'gold upon reason able and aecommodanor forma. d3O -6t. LUKENS MONTGOMERY. 10.33 BEACH Street. nit FOR SALE—The entire Stock of m. BIRDS and CAGES,.cnneietine of choice as sortment of Canaries end Mocking Birds, at 2te ARCII Street. d244t. oil MARKET-STREET STORE TO kiiiißENT.—Ths Store. MARKET Street. Poi, @moon elven Ist January. Apo) on the mouses. datt* coA STOREHOUSE TO LET—No 9 LE- UtiVANT Street. shove Simms, first street west of Second. Apply to REEVE L. KNIGHT, dfit et 24 Routh SECOND St.. .above Biome. giN TO RENT-LARGE lIALL, B. W Corner CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Street'. W. A. EDWAESS. d2O-tf No. sit WALNUT Btres4, rllO LET-3d, 4th, and sth Stories of the -K. now Building_. 413 ARCH Street. Well oelnulated for a light manufacturing busmen, having two OP. lights, and pater and water dogma; Mao, gas and man fixtures. Apply on the "'remises. dlt-let' toPER CENT.--We have for sale paper Mins 10 per tent. per annum, securedhy deed of trust upon hun-olaas property to St. Lome. The At tention of oapitaltste dextrine safe investments is invi ted. BAKER. WESCOTT. & CO., d7-1m if 17 Bnuth THIRD Street. TO L `—The large six•story ware house No. 502 Comoro° street. suitable for sto rage nr manufacturing purposes. ADO, et No. 800 MARKET Street. FOR SALE—A Great Bargain.—A Mann futuring Establishment pith Steam Engine and Boiler, and a complete net of Machinery fur manufac turing an srtiole from iron, now in oenatant use for all Moulins purposes. It can be clearly demonstrated that the business will pay a handsome profit. Address WILLIAM HARRION, yin. 13 North ELEVENTH Street, with name end resi dent*. dl Im• 110USE.4 TAVERNS, and STORES, nu Ram , Estate of every description MAX f9r sale or to rent. APO to MX 'S. Real F:antetHElN Mont, No. M 7 North SECOND Street, in L. Tourny & Seed Ittore All orders will he promptly attended to. Exurhsh. French, end German spoken. Collector of Ground Gents. ntekem FOR SAL }:-- A Valuable lot of Ground 148 feet by 100. three fronts, water end Ras laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. It is stun ted in the Southwestern part of the eity, in a rapidly im proving neighborhood. Terms easy. Address, foraar• Oculars," J. K.," office of this paper. n tf TO LET—The Second, Third and Fourth Stories of the 7t 3 ral and spacious Stores, No. 22 and 2i Sou th DE AWARE Avenue, WI h terse Counting Room on the eoond Floor. Apply' to TRAIN & MokEONE, a22-tr 22 and 24 tiOUTH WHARVES. A CHANCE FOR ANY PERSON THAT wubos to engage in the COAL AND LUMBER Business. Tile subscriber, about chanting his business. offer' foraale _the Stook end Fixtures andLeaee of a COAL Alf o LUMBER YARD. situated on the west side of Bohnylkill ‘ two and a half mile. above . t he west The stoek consists of Hemlock and Pius Lumber, and Cost. The Fixtures, horses, wagons, netts, and everything that is necessary for oarrying on the LUMBER AND COAL Business. The yard iiatiold established etand.aed now doing good business. which the hooks will show. There is s siding by the P. & IL R. Road, and a landing on the dehttelkiil. It will be cold at a very low rata, and only two hundred dollars in cult required. Apply to W. 0, SWIM, urai-niwr 121' as above. LOST AND FOUND. LOST.—On the 25th Novenitn last, sup weed in a Walnat-street own;!:-..., a Sable Fur Cuff. The finder Will he hanif.leornely rewarded by %wine at at WOMR.AT:VB, No. Oa ARCH latreet. LOST.--Oertificato No. 118, for 10 Shares - 0 -4 or Stook Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. la the name or ANNA MARIA PEACE. Notice is herebr wan that an application ham been made to that Com pany for the tune of a. new Certifieste. DooombAr 7,1809. Ml-th.ketlt• EDWARD PEACE, Emmen:. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. -E. &F. C. YARNALL & sttriNvillitTiratl PAR'fikt7t 'treat PAPER HANGINGS. dm. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer frorit now.to the end of the rear oor LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUOED RATES. Towns wishing their House, Papered, olio get great BARGAINS Ur calling *NAT on LIAR?, IIONTGOMERY, & 00., dE.lin NO. 922 MIESTNUT STREET. lIOUSE.FURNISIIING GOODS GOODS FOR TILE SEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WARMERS, BLOWER ITANDS, PLATE ms WARMERS, HOT WATER &c., 410.. AT 7116 HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES, NOB. 922 AND 1228 CHESTNUT IST.k:ELT. JNO. A. MURPHEY & CO, ag-vfmtr CLOTHING. E . O. THOMPSON, TAILOR, N. U. OORNYNI SEVENTH AND WA.l.Nsif BIT. THE I;ATEBr mlioNs. THE NEW ES f LT V LEAL THE BEST 0008 S Always on hand, and orders attended to personally. P. I. — Strangers vislUnt the city ere soliolted for their measures and orders un-Infm-tmif JOHN AIAOKAI"S PURE EXTRACT OF CALVES' FEET. Por_produoins brilliant and nutritious JELLY and BLANC MANGE and for thickening and improving Soups and Gravies. Sold by EDWABD PARRTSFI. IVO ARCH Street THOS. WEAVER. EIDHPBENTH and VINE Streets JAS. SHINN. d 29 BR T. OAD and SPRITE Streets. NEWLAND &I 00.. LOOKINIMILASS AND PIOTUII'•FI{AIMI}; MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive steak of OIL PAINTINGS, eta. All II very Low Prices, ROA ARCH Street, above SIXTH Philadelphia. fIEPARTMENT OF SEA LER OF A-. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Alf buyinese with tnis Department will he attended to tonnedtately by applying to H. TROLMNriIt, No. 7 i 0 MARKET Street. J. num,' No. 112 d RKET Street. or to F. II p OEN, Sealer of Weights and Messures fog the Southern Dietrict, No. We FANYURK Road. d294t. MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED.- TO ANY AMOUNT—Upon Watches, rower", Dinmonds, Silver Plata, elothins, htercharybsa . br ,JONEFI Es CO.. ON Established Brokers, fr. W. corner D and OASK I LI, Eitreets, below Lombard. Office llottrn from 6 A. M. to T P. M. nl6-3mif ROSIN, PITCH, AND TAR.-500 bbls. ftru lll!=ln?'lVlttrtttg j t t lg i htl i tthtMd t n . tt k u Oa? f . tt . VI Routh WHARVER ROSIN OIL.-500 . bbls. Rosin Oil, a ll trades and v i thittoj,En t oniaatmed And for Bala ROWI.NY, A VUrirs Vv. rm. le Etnnth Nana Rvv,e4. no 'HAVANA MMES.—A full assortment ug Te.ocnraei, litoto WM. The Attention of deniers united S. SUOUKT It SONS. &Ott' N 0.2111 South FRONT Street. eIIEAPDST WINDOW OLASSi; town 40U WOK% O. W. o9TIM of ally4w. 110LIDAY GQ9PII. _ _ _ HOLIDAY WEER. For a few days, to close out our FALL AND WINTER STOCK. Wa shall offer purchasers VERY OREAT BARGAINS [p our Manufaotured Goods. Ribbons, Flowers, and T r nra. Boys and Misses' Caps and Hats, to., kn. a m ean la tl i figrtfeWefll/ NICHOLS, 773 CnESTNDT Temple. d23-10t. Two doors above Dlasonic Temple. a HOLIDAY PRESENTS. t el Ws have lust received a new and beautifitl &mart ment of WATCH JS ,_ • ES WELRY, •ND SILVERWARE. Salaam:l expressly for Holbdar Presenur, consisting In Part GOLD WATCHES. SUITABLE FOR EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. 801110 inlaid with diamonds and others enameled. WATCHES SIX FOR BOY& head,Also, o ri)ioadirm m'lt''," l "f Of all *hide, at redutedpricee. Diamonds Mounted in the most exquisite stYle. aur strte of Setting Diamonds cannot he ex celled in this ismntry. Our amortment of Jewelry embreoes the following: CORAL, MOSAIC, PLAIN, and FANCY JEWELRY of every description, such as Gold Nest and Vest C_hains, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Thing:Ms, tumuli:, Tooth ricks, Armlets Lockets ke. dre. WINE ItWARE ' Silver Spoons and Fork.; Pie, Cake, Butter, Toe Cream and Fruit Knives • Preserve. Sugar and Berry Spoon. Salt Cellars. Naplan Hansa , Card Causes and Silver Bets, commuting or Knife, Fork. and Spoon for Ch:lidren, wort an endless variety of roods in our line, which we will sell at reduced prices. Gold and Jet Bracelets of all kinds, of the newest de- P.13.—01d Gold and Silver purchased for Nutt' or %Akan in exchange. gleam call and •xstiline at DOM US X CO.'S, No. 203 CH Er3TN UT Street. F . P. DUBOSQ & SON. Manufacturers and Importers of JEWELR Y. J. S. JARDEN d BRO.. Manufacturers and Importer' of SILVER PLATED WARE AT FIRST PRICES! WATCHER. JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. The above, Wholesale Manufactoren and Importers, end that the reputation of their wares bag extended in road the enrols of denim. to such an extent that the galls of consumers at their conottng-rooms cannot meet proper attention. The advantage to them, as manufac urers, 9f direot seatuuntspoe with the wants and tames of indivtduabi purchasing for their own use, a too high ly appreciated to allow them to net loot the custom thus offered. •• • • For the mnre convenient elawficataon end &Imlay of hew CHOICEST STYLES, they have fitted up the NRW STORE, No. 1028 CHESTNUT STREET, Where Hier offer. at FIRST PRICES. every liesorip tion of JEWELRY. in DfAMOYDS. PEARLS ER _ , BTONEs, GOLD, and a complete stook of SILT and PLATED WRE, of the finest quality. In JPIECEB or BE'l A full assortment of EMIL'S! and Bwrss WATCHES of the most celebrated makers. will be in the ear* of F. CONSTANT RICHARD, to WhOMS akilful °haree ocr customer work can be confidently entrusted. dl6-Ini WHOLESALE ROOMS. 304 CHESTNUT ST WARBURTON'S ne CHESTNUT Street, second dors &bora Tenth, 306 South SECOND Street. below Sums, I'OR THE HOLIDAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, N BRUSSELS POINTE, BRUSSELS APPLIQUE. VALENCIENNES. RONITON, and MALTSSB ALIO. A FULL. ASSORTMENT OF REAL THREAD,. OAMBRIA. AND ALENCON VEILS, COIFFURES, AND BARBER. A so, A FULL LINE OF PARIS EMBROIDERIES, And every detanption of Leos by the Yard. WARBURTON'S RIBBON, LACE, MILLINERY, and EMBROIDERY STORES, 10.11 CHESTNUT Street. shore Tenth, dlt.tfif mad 30ti S. SECOND St., bekter Servos. USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, WARP TIE. or SHAWL One of new artialse wttl t 4 VSfy acest.tulAA to you gentleman filial. • TINE ASSORTMENT Of STEREOSCOPES, •T W • W • K N 4 l l O. H T'ig. lio6 dIRCII STREET. FINK SHIRTS, HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING, AND GLOVES, ' Of all kinds. 00-(11A1 UMBRELLAS tFOIL THE HOLIDAYS . li t WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., 240 MARKET STREET. RAVI /OR SAAR FRENCH, ENGLISH. AND ITALIAN BILK UMBRELLAS. ALBO—An aaaortmant of GINGHAM, with Fox's Pa tent Paragon Ponce, the only Paragon manufactured dll-Hal SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attention to thew gook of SILVER WARE, which is now tununially lute, armdmi 14 .11 may of pattern and deagn onserpessed by any home the United States, and of her smutty than is MLlll4a tared for table use in any part of the world, Our Standard of Silver is 935-1000 parts pure The English Sterling ...... ..925- . 10011 " American and Yrenott 9004001 tt Thu it will be/Well that we give thirty• Ave Arta mei then the American and French ooin, and tan Warta Met than the English Sterling. We melt ail our awn Silver and oar Foreman beta' ommeated with the Refining De vartmect of the United States Mint for several reamer. Manatee the quahty as above (M 5), Which a the /bus. CAW tan be was to be servicaglilf, and will remit the action of bolds wiach baster than the erdietery SOF* vesanfottseat WN. WILSON & 80N, 8. W. CORNED FIFTH AND OHERRY BM N. B.—A 3 .i.nonotta of !Ulm meutzfloture.l“ agree.r apoo, but posit ietiy nom Wirier is F410w.1 eta doggri '91a.114,1114.111a. Dealers umpired with the 1161210 standard Le ued am retail department. Flair Weer Dam 101-10e0 parts rare, omurtantlp et hand. anSedas CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, AND those who with to make their selections of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to sell st CHARLES DUMMIG'S, No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET. Nr. D. was this summon to - Europe, mating a salaation of altogether NEW GOODS For his new Store. just opanel Ha has an extensive Stook or FANCY GOODS. TOYS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CRICKET, ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. &c., BUrp6/411.11 in OIORILLIOe, rarity. and Glossae. of si lei • anythins before seen in this city. Bush as French China, Terra Cotta, Psnan Marl is. Bohemian Glau. Bronze, Berlin Iron, Laza. Lathe a" Base, Purses, Portmonnams. Chessmen and Gam*, of all kinds, Writuni Desks, Papier Mache Goods. To), of all kinds. Musical Instruments of all kinds. d3-1m PRESENTS FOR TETE HOLIDAYS ! TYIORNLY PRICEDHIRM HAVE RE RIC D THE OF THEIR GOoDB HI ORDER TO FACILITATE THEIR SALES. 'lll•li — cKWrrpeic — Xll(irit . t;;;; in Lone Brftatte Bpalels, • Flee Quality or illni ket Shawls. Misses and Children's Blanket Shawls, Gentlemen • nnd goe Stawfols. CLOTH CLOAKS IN GREAT VARIETY ! Pane, Dresa Silks Excellent Blitokeilkr, Rich Firmed Mel moo', De Lames. Weenies and Calicoes. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LINENS, and hills LiNs Clothe. Glimmers,. and Haiti netts. Marseilles guilts, Calico, Comfortnhles, A 0., An. Gentlemen's Silk Mkt's., Cravats. Ac•• • Linen Mitre. of our own Importation, Hosiery, (Mice., Lace Veils. !kg., &o. at THORNLEY CHISMIL N. Corner EIGHTH nail SERINO (LOWER. WE 8111 AND SELL FOR CASH. d2l IVORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It ie well known Nutt the most elegant, artistic,. chute and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORY TYPES are produced at MoCLEEB' N 0.6116 CHESTNUT BTRBET. By the late redaction in hie prices, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, ro distingulehed for their eoperionty, can now be pro cured at as low rates or inters furnish an ordteary as title. Ice. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, 31.00. MC CLEES, 616 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH OPERA GLASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and japanned, with the finest Aolsronuttio Leases. at j. PRAM:IA'S. Optlcian , 112 Booth FOURTH Straet. below Chestnut. ifsr Also, Improved Rpeotaeles.eerreetly fitted to the nee; fitioroseopee, litereoseoPes. Ind .ta iry?r , View in ask .variety, and at R P R I Views I.t If Cll RIST DI A S PRESENTS.—The beat Holtdny Present would be s mot of Marne?, Ferry, Ohio St. Lts. Kentucky. t .or Penn. 7t Iva nut FAMILY FLOUR. Rid A BAkwbeat M fr2na ; R.R. 413-11 Of Flow Depot,V6VAT X the, AIIIISEXEATTS. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. • V :tole Lows.-- —Ain-IL A GAR Rreg. the4o Rumor— ...... . .. Mr. E. F. EACH. Baum, Aleut • ••• • ..Mr. JOS. D. M TMB (FRIDAY) EVENING. Dea.3o. FAUSTCRItIATM 4 IB WEEK. MCP aria ROITERITR. Idephirtophitee. Mr. J. B. Rober.s: Farm, Mr. EL 4. Perry Marguepte, Mn Arms Cow U. Proems to the DMIDS, a tweeter Fut* *soh *Ta tung. ehr Prices im ceneL M eta secured enthr M t extra cha.m a. BU3 z e 0r4 . 4 1 inf o oot ; Performance to amounts • WHEATLEY & CLARKE:3 ARCH STREET THEATRE. THIS (FRIDAY: EVENIKH, Deo.lo. PETER WILKINS. Peter Mr.. Drew John Adams. Mr. Dai ren; Nioodemna Crow:in:lL Mr. Clarke. The performance will commence "rah DALICATE GROUND. &ALE Or Pnicte.—Adaneeion. nt tent.: Ssonref 88ain in Drew Circle. rid rent, Panne). 60 era is. Doors open at teall peat 6 o ' clock;perionramis to am:emcees at 7. 'clock ersoiestr. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT Se., 'bare Eighth. D. Ma Linn. sole_prortor. EXTRA PERFORAIANQES NEM - AFTERNOON WRING THE PRESENT whvg. Change of rerfo/TaZILIOCS. agroud appear/1W of Shave Utile Stiekneg, Entails 'Wei. a k d Mad. Whittaker in a IleV act. enntLed the THREE ORACkS; also the FLORAL ENTREE. All gh Itßoos EVENING. Last week of the THE DMus OF CHIVALRY. Daahing floreemanskup, Pant‘xnune, and Olympic Hawes. THE PERFORMING RHINOCEROS will Iss 4140- duned. aftarnoona only, to accommodate stniusgars. The original hi:mono. px tc.g Nicht!) , aPireera in a nor co R rnicaliaa. To condue wth a CONIIC PNOMIME. Doors open c at l and alt o ' clock . P T attottaants to coon mence at 23{ and 7); o'clock. QAIsZDERSON'S Mirl3MON ROOMS, I , •• JAYNE'S COMMONWEALTH BraDuco. CHESTNUT &rect. tear Huth. HOLIDAY WEEK AT T• 9 THEAT CONTINUATION OP THE CHRIST MAS FESTI VALS. THIS (PRIDA . P) EVENING. Dee. X Will he °Grad the tallainnt elegant lAlThee : The Port ef Genoa, Birth-place of Colom'bu.s. An American Wsr Steamer. Struttingum aid lia Gene rals, Valley Force in kiid- %Sinter. the Eternal Cwt. Rome. and St. Peter's. Chirume Illtiminstions, Auto maton E lack-rope Vaulter. After which tne terc some of the Storm at Sea. The exhibition teruunalunt with the model wore: the moaner steamship. the Great Eastern. Grand AgAinkoon pertormacce on rATURDAY. Tickets. 23 pants- Children,l3 cents. Doors open at 7 in the ereeritut. To COMEATIAII at 73. rRENCII BENEVOLENT BALL. The DIRECTORS of the FRE—NCH BENEVO. lI,ENT SOCIETY have the steasure to Inform their friends and ttie_patrons of tbetr Chantabla Inszttntion. that their TRIRTEENTH ANNL AL nALL "IP tate place on TUESDAY theUM of Jannsm. at the MUSI CAL FUND HALL. No pains wilt be spared to render It equal is splendor to its prthleosmenr, and worthy eC the trind_p_atronege of the subtle. Moor Ilaneser—JlMES M. MARTIN. Testate. adult tons a Gentlemen and nr o Whet'. at To be bad of Eus. Rtnimel3, stA Prune streeti l• Tirel, 21.7 Muth Eighth street; and ALafore. Neer*. tall,* South Fourth street. eI2WM6LIRJ/1233t THE BLENNERCHOR RESPECTFULLY Worm the Pablie that their Retrial riutra DRESS ALL Till take place on the Tara FEBRUARY nett. • . eiertiona will be soared to wake this Batt. as usual, one of the moat select and axial of the SWAM Further partial/Are hereafter. pl. iwei phi, Dee. nth. Isao. THE CONIIIITT 6E. .tistata WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON SATURDAY. December Stet. 7:lllFAleltorkBi2V4r z zo i r . ka of eatalod .• LOS BORIIIQUEROS," Obanish Muleteers Crossna; the ?mimed THE **MILTING IN THE BIOFILAISIIIS.•• Together sitll the rennin of P.POlle RD pusurE. Open from 0 A. M. netil S P. AL. at EARLES GA LLE It SU lra, CRESTT STREET. mite. &Wu Admusion rrimPLE OP WONDERS. . Northeast earner of TIINTIT owl CHESTNUT Streets. drat *Defiant Attraction. NOUGAT WhIP X. SIGNOR HL! rz. The 'rondo dal Mazician and Ventriloaalst. TWO EXHIBITIONS EACH DAY. daring the Rohdare—in the Afternoons 143 ctemek, nd IYI the Evenings at M J T. and MONDAY, ansen , id. THREE GRAND PERFORMANCE& commencing at ii A. AT.. 3. and f r. The celebrated Amoco/don Rope Vaulter. one of the greatest m•he.l of hieebamsm ever ealuhten, vill appear In a rerfeshub:tion. and Per ton; his notonohint ream Admission 23 cents. Child ran Uoenta. FINE ARTS. PAGE'S VEN IS NOW ON EXHIBITION FOR A SHORT TIME. AT THE ROOMS OVER MESSRS. CHICKERING & SONS, NO, SST CHESTNUT STREET. ADMISSION Zi CigNrs. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. tf McDONOUGH'S GAIETIES—RAOE Se., ilx. above SECON COMIC I.ht ' OF THE PA.NTOitIALE Mt Flap TOMS OF FrEO, With A. M. Hammlea as Clove. Harry Caladle. 114 Pastaloott. A. J. Levant as Min Mane as Ma3Sower. Cotatta. M,s. a tor Mr.. Whelplor as as Mrs. RareLable Deis Maid. Previous to veldeb. GRAND DIVERTISSEMENT IT ALL THE CONIMNY PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TELE FINK ARTS. RCS CRESTNET STREET. fa OPFN DAMS.. (Sandals exeesedo festal A, U. till 0 P.M. Bartholomera's Statue of "PASLADISii LOST" Now on EalAtatiola (oc a shod time. Admission Z 5 coati. Midterm ender IS seats ball anal. Shares of Stock !.t GER3IANIA ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Re hearards ovary SATURDAY. at MUSICAL FUND HALL at 35i o'clock P. M. A 'mange of *inn: tants one &der. B.nale bckete.23 cents. To be hut st, O. Andre's. and Slot b.. Idoct..at'a Muaio Stoma. and et tba door. 016-Sm A CADENIY OF FINE ARTS, (Southeast OALLERY.) Bonntag'it treat "A DREAM OP ITALY," kith Lemox's wondrous Wort of Ar. " THE M ARTYRDOM OF JOHN F1E3,5." Ofi•ltiiMerrei AC H ENBACIL . . CA MPHALT EN. HILDEBRANDT. - and Wtll HASENCL EN ER. be exhibited from 9 A. M. to SP. M., and 7to la P. M. duly on and after Deoeraber Adanssion Cents. dld-tf HOLIDAY GOODS. PATRICK HENRY. WARNER, lIISKEY, ,t AIEaRILL, MAN OFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURE.I, BRONZES, &C NO. 719 CHLIITNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Here just &gshed, tad hare now for sale, se at doobted hkeness of the crest pail - tot. wade te Bross* They would also WI itteutiee to their lasts smolt meet of BRONZES, PORCELAIN LANTERNS, FLEXIBLE DROP LIMITS, ac., Ac. All suitable for Boilay Prism:its. HOSIERY GOODS. —J. WM. -110E AMANN, No. 9 North EIGHTH. Ftreeg, tvis now openhis Fall &tick of Hosiery Goal. Caderettts and Drawers of Cart len g t and Warn er's ye nor man a - facture. for lad:ea• and musses' sear- Mena. Si.cts and Drawers. for cents and youths- Mena* Ifoc.ecy, Cotton Hosiery. Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and ticitat lets. and goods generally appertaining to the liotiety business. J. W. R. respectfully solicits the of families to his stock. saunas them that his stock .s un excelled for variety t'y any other in the city, sad that his en era aye Se Weals those of any Other ytttAr house. N. B.—No abatement mute from the prim tuned. idl,elMtf CHEAP CHRISTMAS DRY GOODS, FROM ..r.W YORK. TMlowes Christman lie Latium DX cm—a bargain! A LOT AT 1 CENTS. RH Roque and other new styles."l9 to!! Mats. Du sty to Crams tar what:rpm. Milifthati.s other new saints. reducedts. nriKes • !ammo ousts. to 10 Latta. Saner unen eambna kdifs at 1113 per dozen. Finer S 1..70 ta /Vt..%) pep dom. ChMren'a and MINI' hmsutosed. a- A full line seats` hnen cambric. s.r , t.tee st s ..k.azawittte brocade pocket hdk(e. bts..l nit( cravats- Neel tie. and muffler.. A fresh supply of • cops' mad Mee. 4.11a.11. WWI very supenur. Afr oek of ladies' medium style ambit shawl,. direct front manaftetory. ;ruche shawls in vast ri ruler!. tench ambroidees. sets, collars, &o. Sleets* worked collars. ke. All at prices to encourage useful Presents. c.HARL.k ADAMS, datawf tr EIGHTH and ARCH Stratum O . PERA tiLASS.LZS.—A large and beam:. Cul assottmeot of oilers giants, in eViTS AMMO of mounting—re/rel. pe.syl. wary'. eeamd. &e.. O. McALLISTBR & BROTHER. tlyla IM.) 7.24 ntwAtttllt atriNtt. r!=M7l GENTS' FURNISHING GOuDs. R. C. WALBORN & CO.. INOW) NOB. 6 AND T NORTH SIXTH STB_Err, have now a very superior sasoryinant of Saute, L'aler dolaica, Gloves, Hosiery, Ore, fipeoial attention riven to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of which a fuse assortment is eoseplarly kept on yea,!. 010-3olit JW. SCOTT-- . late of the firm of Win • chaster a Boott-GENTI,EMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and.qTRIRT NLANUFACTORY, Rte ORtotaESTNUdelptas.TStmot, I neatly °prom t• thit Gtrind HOC" , ) I. W.B. voakl resseciflity call the atsannon of his former patrons and frienda w Cs new atom, and is Pm- Wed to fill orders for SHIRTS at abort notice. A perlast fit guarantied. Whoinanla Tniej, Numbed with Inc Shifts wad enlLars. UOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. UNION I ARCS EITILEET, ABOVE TRIM 4 AriLLA UPTON 8. NEWCOMER. •-• ".. The situation d this HOTEL te superiorly &tasted to the yenta of the Dimness Public; excite those in search orpleasitre. Fomenter Radroadeor tuck now ran nut. end in close proximity. afford a Cheap and We:mint r: 'e to all placer of Interest is or anent the el ty. b lairs SALAMANDER SAFES. A large ageortment of S&WA r I PRIhADE&ALPRAAOASAFMTVRAD AUL For Banlug V and e T DOORS,terel. BANK LOCKS sal to tar ow in axe. IRO galrrTEßt&e,.. oa up food tonne Uo to sAy othe & r Oda "ahmett la Lt:e ltto Mrs. EVAZIS by & WATSON, No. sot CRIZTNE'T Swot. rbiladel 0, • PLILAIM 111 - VIX lr a A OA r,r,. Vs), M l _ TON'S ZNOAIIBIIO TI Eden fiti r fo; € 11% r : DI'" 1 " itrded owe or dram sad Water ociadactare. ,tad sad at Ws 4 %sus te witsfieAWlß"' bLICKLIttar—A tine invoice. of lU bbts., bb.vs.. d t its Neybaryso rt Moo t trm lotide sll of fi PM. bore No.l ?Ist s ps lay Cot e J. TAO/ Ou. in mkt nd Antall WEARViS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers