,7 4 ,7,,,:i ~ ,,'4 , ';.?,• i:4•:' :, l ~ • • • ' '' ' l ' ;'" ' •.' '+. 1 , BAttrtoA.PEOPintlai, 24; 1869 Fussy .Paon.z—Pubileations. Recied; The Re.. ribiteiss National Opp volition ; Italigtons Intern , gene;' Thsoliscodits oY tAo " `7dedioal - '6tadents: lanais Pass.—The Forrest Disoroe asee In Nei' eR Timis; Aftor Governor Morgan. ; 'WeAltly at th(qhtielptgais Markets;, Importations; Na zism Intelligence. „. , „ Chrlitmets. Of alt the holidiri in the Year, the - tiiiietitit; ma the moat sacred, is the anniversary that will be gladly greeted and universallycele brated by the Ohrlietlan tO-morrow. To-mellow _ the Tinnily' .clicle will : glow, with dear tuernories royived; Dohs and c*Aght9 r i recalled Trom a distance, friends renbited, en mities ,eitinguiehed, Intimacies begun, and care .banished. - ,The father and the mother will read • boyhood and girlhood over In the meta:des of their own otTepiing, and the world beaten, man will forget the Wahl and tempests of the year in the midst of 'the holy calm of ;the domestic circle. Of Christmas,' aid par ticularly of Christmas eve, wemay well say, to the 'harmonious numbers of one •of our American poets: leafless are the trees I their Purple branches • Fpread themselves abroad, like reefs of omel Rising silent • laths Red Bea of the winter " rtran the hundred ohimnegs of the village, ' Like the Afreet in the Arabian atom • Smokes Columns • Tower aloft into the sir at amber. p At the window winks the fliehering fire-light; - • Kept end there the lame of evening glimmer, Bestial watch-fires, inierermi one another through the darkness. "On ilia Um* the lirehuAtoss are glowing. • like Ariel in the cloven pine tree, , For its freedom ' Steel and light the sir Improsoned In them. "By ihs fireside there ire "Me and comfort, 'Wives end children, with fair, thoughtful fence. Waiting, watchtig Pore well-known footstep in the pliceage, wen"' a latswaya of' the world aroaad hue. , • tibia flottemt wanderings still to sees It; Hews the talking flame, the answering night wind As hb hoxrd thbra When be at with those who were, tmt etre not. We may build more splendid habitations, Fill our rooms with paintings and with sealeterest But lee must Bat/ with gold the old swociations." The Return of the Medical Students. The following extracts are taken from' the two papers which maybe, said to repiebent the two leading parties in the State of Virginia— the Richmond Mug and the Richmond Es . quiver : "To-day Richmond city is to witness an event of no, tittle importance to her prosperity and wel fare. One hundred and fifty-nine medical students, driven by the fanatioiam of the North from the • prosecution of their studies in Philadelphia, will arrive to oontinue their future studies at the wadi eat eollegeef title city. This will be the beginning of the permanent prosperity of this inetitution ; and its future wilt End the Southern students re pairing to Richmond, and oontributiog to her pros perity the hundreds of thousands of dollars that have heretofore gone to swell the fortunes of the people of Phitadelptda."—Rialtountd Whig. , • There will arrive is our midst, to-day, a band of the truest Southerners that has yet appeared upon this present revolutionary stage. Two hun dred and sixty Southern youths met on Tuesday in Philadelphia and onthueirettesily determined to cut themselves aloof from those who emmaraged • rebellion against their native Shane, and treason agalost, their common cOuntl7, resolving that they wapiti no longer anoeurage, by their patronage, that seotion of the country which harbored and protected such incendiaries as Phillips, Pasencore Williamson, Oiddinia, .and a hest of ethers having similar fooling ."-- Ric hmond Enquirer- When the reader of theso paragraphs !cool -Mote that Philadelphia has been distinguished, from the days of the Revolution, for an ardent and irresistible devotion to the rights of Abe States, and to the American Union, he may well ask what bas this city done, not to induce the young gentlemen to leave our colleges to return to the, South, (for it l s clear that they acted more upon Impulse than upon reflec tion), but what hoe, she done to` saggest the remark in the two' journals alluded, to, et that . they had been, driven, by fanaticism" from Philadelphia, and that they • have left us, 4, because. Philadelphia encouraged rebellion against their native States?" . ' , • It is within the recollection of middle-aged men 'that incendiary documents, intended to operate • upon Southern ' institutions,' 'wore burned in our river- Delaware, iniddst the appleuse, of our entire Connell*. Seine "twenty yeerkago, a hall dedicated to anti slavery perposes was burned' to the ground,. amid similar , gratuistions. 'Rite the Repub lican party is in a manifest Minority. Even when -the Democracy were defeated by from • five to- ton thousand majority, the controlling rga i ti part', either a Rater Una/ or an American o !ration, was always devoted to the South and i i institutions. At every "crisis'? rival • meetings have been hold in our vast hails by the Whigs, the Americans, and the Democrats, expiesiing the warmest devotion, to Southern institutions, and within a few days past the greabsit Mien demonstration over held in Philadelphia "wall convened for the purpose of tattling the sentiments of this community against Jonx BROWS and his coadjutors. The colleges left by the- students so wildly sleeted in Richmond are known to bo presi ded over by gentlemen who, although never mixing in politics, have always been, actuated , by the strongest nattered feelings. What more can Philadelphia do to prove her devo tion to the rights of the South and her hostili ty to unconstitutional agitation ? What more is required of us? Do not the extracts . above' quoted indicate on -the part of the .Enquirer and the Whig a foregone conclusion against the best friends they have in the free States to, force disunion upon the South ? Or is it a mere genie between struggling parties to take preisesaion of popular 1 We are very sum that the departure of the students to Virginia, under all the circum stances referred to, while it may gratify the mere, politicians, who look upon such an er,eitementwith the same exultation that is felt by a wrecker as he sees a noble ship dashing epon'a rock-bound coast, will only give pain to the hearts of every true lover of the Ame rican Union in that part of the country. Public Aanneements. Mozart's best Opera, "Don Maraud," was par-, brazed last muting et the Mildew of Motel with:anima dial is before,' exoept that Madame Colon, ihit admirable dranuttio roosted, took the part of Zerline, in wleloh Adelina Patti had woe an ettnoh &Wain% on Meaday last. As .1111(1411110 Colson is spent aotress, as well as • fins singer, dm gars treat eaberaptden. The awn eonalcides withit ariatiseit thliafternoon, at . , whloh Tha .4 Nottillas,Fespitre" - will be performed for the last ' time: Thera is as ors dit that the company will return bore hi February fora short, seas On. Asci-Orassr Trucarna.-41r. Wheatley, mans • ger and 4.olAir, will bare bin benefit to.night s and presents a programnl 'of unusual attraotion, in 'which there also ta as telltales/of novelty. "Ile will . hat , . /411 crowded, a house; we hem as Mr. Clarke had on Monday, when the overflow of the audience setnalty crowded the eta - W.IO•ant•aTSZOT TIIELTSti,—gt, Old WM Bar. ney eietchade their four wieks' most pro. Abate end popular perform:wee thin evening. 01 rxrane t their admirele will Make their Valedictory very lucrative porformanee: Their success has indeed been surprisin . Atokefted Christmas Story. At het after wiAtiog o year for it, here Ls n tosoi Chrietmas•book• by Dlokeas. It is re• pablirbed,' tit In a:single number of Mar. pees , ffreekly,' as a Obrishices supplement. 4,414' 41 The Haunted ,liensep and panda% a.m. rionitotorlie, by,varions persons, of which the first, - , sixth, and last, (The Mortals - in the noise and the Ghost in the Center Room,} are by Dtokene him aelf. The other writers are Wes grab* Btrotton, G. Angolans . "Cale, Mire Adelaide ?rooter (Barry Cornwall's Deughter.)- Wilkie Collins, and Mrs. oaskill. We have received an early copy of this •ztre 'Harper's Weekly, from Callender t Co., wadi Thtid street, and recommend society at large to supply ',itself, or. tbemselves--wbatever the proper grammar may be. Tore is nothing more grateful to a min of letters, or . of scribbling propinstities, than agood Pan. 'l'llte:clinadvantage of pipit pens Is their la _ 'nbiilty to ,itpld' ink for a longir period than a .mi. mite - or 4tte. We have in out , hand at present a pen, nod *WWII tilled 4 ,4 '040 pen, fitit,htin s " sold by 3. V. Wanes, 614 Broadway., It fifisina. plc 'be - applied to ordinary pea =being °ern:ohs—and will Walt& for ilfteenxainutes. Jt is an exoellont con and may be safely reoommended. -- - . -...,.,-;..,-, 0. , „..., , ~„ ?4. , e" ,,, .... ,,. .. , , i1.910/I , T in' Booss.4As thousands of our read .,'?-i,,,.!,,,,ii.:;[41$ will, grittly their presenelerrebludag. proolivi `:•..,-.iiV,--teti:lrt; the: , ,bookstoree 44st Ws . desire to es% 7 1, W-L, 104.41.:iittentton to , the , leap:absent' Stook of Pt '.4j-.l;gi-'iltOiko4ll'lMlC standard itditione,, in Ott styles to suit' 4 ,7:- - ;;* L igaliVitrit; *Cored .by_Mosers. • Mutt & Volkmar, at ' , ....... , -;, , ,_triti* - litetetid to* stare, No. 609• Chestnut, atreBt; ,11;. , ;;4 1 :i,.;!Thilitt Is tyli 3 Otteietty ii4oUdali S tork. 4< ; ,-.- '-',.. '-‘,' ,' - - _,4,,T ' , V; -2- . l ?f liflVicitriii".4.#l:npiii:Of Eav,on, Bacon, ~ 1 - 4V.4 0 ,. ~ (f 1.04,044,,„ , ..:)eetli; 4 4 ,C0. rind ethers. Ler ,4., ,, ,0req ' loilr*llltirigtoalv for, spodal Ilasons. J. r 2 - ,:- . Woll4ioeyegAt and Okiestatat !treats. V 5V,... , 1, -- ' -- " - Letter from 'Washington. toorreepoeisetteeet The Ptess.3 Wasnmaros, Deo. 23. . • graphic scene Is often related by those who -remember the violent altercations whieh took ydale in the Senate of the United States, white *utile van Buren was Vice PrOsideni, and the pro4iding Meer of that hpdy, and it may be re. palled at present with good afoot. On one'rnerao rable oessaion, Mr. Clay rose in his seat, and ad draping the Vie° President in a very impassioned inanner, proceeded to give him a good molding, Whiblt exalted the audienee in the galleries to the attermostiAtad provoked replica from, I thick, Mr Buchafien, Mr. Wright, and others. The debfte was nominated for some time, and at :tact became animated and acrimonious. When the Senate adjonrned, end the gene rics were efiared, two of the auditors—one a Pemoorat and the other a Whig—got into , a violent dispute as they passed oat into the rotunda over the merits and abilities of the respect lye knights in the Beustoriel tournament which they had just witnessed. At the very moment, however, when they were on the eve of prooeediog froM words to blows, the attention of one of them was' direoted to a group of Senators, arm-in-arrn, laughing and talking as they passed down the bread' steps that lead to Pennsylvania avenue. These were 'Mr. Clay; Mr. Buthanan, Mr. Wright and, I think, the Vice Preeident himself; their feeds of the moment before forgotten, and the good feelingwhith seemed to have departed In the presence of the sovereign people, at once most fa miliarly restored. "There," said the Democrat to the Whig, " there are the men who were on the era'of getting us by the Oars. Are they not all like eaters on the mimic stage, who, after arousing the:feelings of their in:atones to the highest piteb, 'and causing many a fair eye tonal:Lover with heneat tears, retire to the green room, la go shaking hands with Othello, Macbeth drinking gin and water with therwardered Daneart, andOapalet pletiglog hie Montagne, in &glees of champagne?" " l e good enem d y e ' al of this loft of thing may be seen every day in the noose of Representatives, and it le no Inapt commentary upon the Violent and in iteximatot7 "harangeee made on both Ake in that Hickman,p legislative cauldron. Your Jo* i who, when he speaks, recalls the days of the Commuters, with his strongly-marked face, his clear, motallio tones, and his bold' de. tianotof adverse opinion's, Is by no means the bug etirgatrattlirrir—onSfirsatieippl, and a l e he site among a good many of the salamandrine Southerners, his jokes fly about him as freely as thopgh be did not differ from them radically and sincerely. Rankin laughs hie way through the Rouse after ono 'of bie most energetic; philippics against,the Administration and the Beeeasionists, and Mr. Orawfoni, of Georgia, who pen would think Is toady to see the Union fall to plates without a sigh, can be en mild and gentle and amiable as the kindest-hearted man in the Rouse. It is only eume extraordinary oocasion that arrays section against tiootien ; and oven then the impulse la soon forgotta, and oandidly and publicly regretted No men are more prompt to Neap's° and reaped fasideeffiese in Northern itepresonMtives than the Southern ohivalry, and none are so ready to laugh at the - miserable epaulet's who, for the sake of standing well with them, crawl under the lash that is raised to smite them. - Now, whatever may be said of the butrinese of ex alt:tiling Northern mechanics and laborers, and school-teachers and merchants, from the Booth; of prohibiting the nee of articles of Northern manu facture ; of rallying the militia; of passing resole. - ions preparatory tors grand translation from the mien to an eeetatio Southern Confederacy; and If doing other and divers things of this sort; ono thing is eertain—the game will not noosed. The Southern people- are rumen beings like their bra theis and platen in the North. They will no more be 'hemmed in by geographical lines, or put into credal straight-Po/rota, or consent to allow. their natural geniality to freeze in their voice at the dictate of (told party leaders, than the Mississippi will °hang° its course anti refuse to lave the banks o the, free and the slave States at the, Beine time! flow many SOOtherileTB would OW:meta to deprive heinselves of the gratifieation of leaving their hot and sickly plantations in the summer to cool themselves in the White mountains of New Bar iota, in the breezy alloys of Bedford, or by the , nsgnifeent shores of Cape May or Newport, nerely to please a certain set of political Chau hurts, who, because they have acoustorned them %ire/ to eat red-hot ooale, think everybody else ready to jump into the dory orator of dieunion? ilow long, would an enterprising Southern trim- Mant agree is keep away from the cheap market. 1 Philadelphia, Boston, and New York? What -art of a thing would a Southern railroad beeetne; ,that, for instance, like the Baltimore and Ohio, ..pr the - Philadelphia and Baltimore), if it rein dto carry only Southern passengers and 3odtbern products, or accepted Northern ens., ore only as ii was pamporred and viand by some wevisioneleeeessioniat comrades Trz Ito you think !het a beautiful Southern womaw'oetaing ter this ,maguilteent capital would reject thel addreeses of r deittable young knight of the 116th, Republican hough he might be ? Or, on the other band, how long would a handsome renew - like Keit; La mar, Garnet; and Pryor, (supposing them all to be single,) preeerre etatneeque indifferenee bolero the charms of an exquisite free-State woman, glowing with all the health and sparkling with all he intellect of her eax ? Take ariy train of oars tanning from South to the North; even in these lays, and you , will End &Inborn merchants and pleasure-seekers, and elegant man and women from the extreme South, travelling to the regions 0 violently denounced by their noisy politicians, a cosily as if they Were travelling to their own names. Gentlemen Union-breakers! You have under taken a task beyond your Wont, and you know it right well. The only persons to suffer from your present experiment are, happily, yourselves. You may mislead your people for a little while, but it cannot be long. As noon as thoy discover that, in proportion es you shake your " gory looks" at the Nortb, the North eontinnee its career, of prosperity and glory, holding out to you fraternal hands, both filled with peace and good will, and rattail° indulge you in your just resent ment over such a wrong es that porpetratod at Ilarper's Ferry; they will turn upon you,as they have always tamed upon diennionists in that part tf the country, and mill bury you deeper than alaninka seer sounded. There are thousands of young men in the South only waiting to raise the shout of sdherenoe to the Union agaluet you. Take care, Mr. Singleton, of MU- Assippl, that you do not enoonnter another General Foote, who, with the Sag of the Union Coating over his head, will reawaken the seal merit of 1850, and cause you to recede to your inlet residence at Canton, there to chew the cud , it 'tweet, and. bitter fancies. Be careful, Mr. Crawford, of Georgia, lest another Howell Cobb ,loss not rise to oonduot you, with infinite courtesy, o a political sepulchre, from which there will be no egress. Bvery ultra speech spoken; every ex ' acting demand made ; every foolish throat et- I tered by this has of agitators, will, unless I iravelY mistake the signs of tho times, be re , urned, like the poisoned chalice, to the lips of bogie who utter them. While Mr. Buchanan, through the Washington Constitution, Insists that the Union Is in danger, likes wise and combat man, he Is taking cars of his friends(?) Your correspondent "Occasional" announced, some time ago, his devoted Whelan for Trends J. Grand, so well known, in Phlladel.- Ode. and elsewhere, for his unscrupulous ealum ' Wee upon Mr. Buchanan end his supporters, until Mr. Buchanan became President. The moment that - event was probable, Grand changed his tourist), and ranked himself among the warmest idoiators of the Administration, and the worst phases of its personal and pubiio policy. When he that it was Mr. Buchanan's ambition to draw his sword upon his old friends, this constituted a sufficient reason, together with certain expectations geld out to him, to give his heart and bend to his reoent foe. One of the first eats of Mr. Buelia-7 ac firsteets of Mr.,. lemma waste eon. tor an important diplomatic appointment upon Griand, anti now ho hoe reo oramendod him to the Senate for the valuable consulate at Ideate inplaee of Mr. You . . It romans to be seen whether the Senate will oontion this nomination. I remember well, during the Administration of General Piero*, what an excitement wee produced, particularly In Virginia, when the President intimated his dispo sition to -yield to the appeals of Gen. Gass and others to center upon Grand a poet In the foreign service. An immediate and violent protest woo made on the part of a number of South' ern Senators, some of whom continue to sit in that body, and President Pierce was cow. polled to recall his promise in the thee of this pro test.. It will be interesting to see the process by which Grand expects to engineer his promotion. But of all Mr. Buchanan's enterprises in the way of taking care of his friends, that in refersince to Gen, Bowman, late superintendent of public print ing, and now the presiding proprietor of the Con. stitution, is the'most significant. Bowman, like Grand, had been foryears a bitter enemy of the Pre. silent, and like Grand, again became the friend of the President when the early advocates of Mr. Buchanan were put to the sword undor hie Adrni. nistradon., lie wits cent for to Pennsylvania as an honest man, end peculiarly fitted to discharge the delicate duties of a superintendent of public printing, Be fs a harmless inoffensive, and pions man, who goes to ofiutelt regularly, and In ble own county is well known for ilia somewhat public, pro. fessions of morality; and yet, it was proved in the caucus of the Democratic' members of the Senate, tho other day, 'that; while superintendent of public printing, he revolved large sums of money, the original receipts being produced over his own signature. Now, whatever General Bowman's defence may be against this exposure, sio one doubts bare that the. President himself connived at' this transaction. Pow non have made MOM frequent pretenees of personal integrity than Mr. Buchanan, lie /8 somewhat boastful of the manner in which bakeepit hie own accounts, and spends his own money, but I he is not so cautious in alone* of the,ntoney of the I ,poople--partleularly when it is to be applied to sue tainingsterving partynewspaperrwhletteannotlive THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, MO. ea the organs of his Administration anises paid by outside subsidies. I think it may be shown (and it is probable that Mr. Wendell, who, it is alleged, paid these sums of money to Mr. Bowman, will oort sent to become a witness) that Mr. Buohanambas ,frequently looked to the profits of the public Minting in the various departments, and to the Aroilts flowing from the different °entrants, as the means to compensate all who are willing to sanc tion Ids treaelterloo and his heresies before the pub lie. The mule-oontraets, of which the late mom. her from the Cumberland (Pe.) district, Dr. Ahl, knows something, the contracts for carrying the molls, contracts for ifupplying provisions for the army, together with other unmentionable mat ters, might be brought Were a committee of investigation to show that, with all his pro fessions of Integrity and economy, James Su citation was ready to approve tlie most reek trans.!, of, the public money for the purpose of maintaining his creatures in the different States of the Union in their efforts to sustain him. I have yet to learn, however, that ho has, in a single instance, gone out of the way to extend any of these favors to his original friends; or, rather, that any ono of these friends has been found willing to accept these guilty wages. While Mr. Buoltanan's hand is in, bowayer, I would suggest that be should got rid of the titled editor of the Constitution, Mr. Browne, who, if ho did not leave his own country for that eonntry'a good, might be sent back to it as a opreeentative of the arlstoorstlo prinoiplee of the present Administration. Would it not be on amusing think to see the President of the United 'Rates appointing to a diplomatic. position the 45(0n of a noble family who bad earned this honor by supporting his policy? It is a mistake to soppese that the recent eases non of certain Southern students from your eol iegesmeets the approval of the sensible members of Congress from Southern States. They look upon It as a most mischievous example,' and I have no doubt that when many of those young gentlemen .get to their homes they will and themselves brought up with a round turn by their offended parents. The fait is, a large number of Southern legislators are heartily disgusted at the, course of things in their region, and if the pattern set by the medical students should be followed out by_ )ther students, at other colleges in the free Stalro, ,, ail must see that it will produce mutual bad feel WV , North and South. returned. Mr. Vice President BreekW9iir the purpose of ........—.111. 6 -,,e.vatguslittnre of that State in person for the spontaneous manner in which be bee been elected to the Senate front the 4th of Marob, 1681. ft appears that he made no effort to obtain this high honor, and that it was offered to him in the fees of a good deal of opposition from certain Ili tlNlCles in hie own party. I may mention, by the way, that the Vice President, with other 'zom bi,: r w e B o a t u h t o e r le r n t P a e o k w y e e I h e as g a t t i e a kOn ine th k e d m lu a g ns th ion e Ilately occupied by Marshal hoover, on G street, near Rifteenth. • A Lotman-ow. Lecture by it Grace Greenwood.” The monotony of the season's leetures by the sterner NIX was' very pleasantly broken last eve ning. at Musical Fund Hall, by the appenranoo of UM Lippincott, better known to the reading corn ,ntinity as "Grace Greenwood " Her leoture, vhich had for its subject " The Heroic In Common ife," was delivered under the anspieee of the Jefferson Literary Union. Her audtenoo was not rery large, but made up in obareotor what it tacked in numbers ; and, oonsidering the street at trattions of the season, it was even numerically no mean 111200029. At the appointed boor the lady made her ap 'mammae upon the platform, richly attired in a crimson brocade dress, and with no lack of email -lance, yet with true womanly gram), commenced reading her lecture She pommel] a tolerably good voice, though of hardly eutlficient volume to have filled the ball, had tho audienee rendered it neeessary. liar manner is pleasing, and her arti culation distinot, with the exception of her We. which approximate very nearly to a lisp. Bhe has a large female head, and a face of marked intel• teetotal acutebees, with an evident preponderance of the grave and serious over the vivacious. The " heroic " idealsof her lecture were prima . - pally, drawn from scenes of cohering where the sunlight of true humanity, In the form of some angelic! , iNightingale," had penetrated with its beams of cheer and encouragement, 49 wore pro. +tented during the plague at Marseilles, the hospi• tele of &uteri, and the raging of the yellow fever at Norfolk, In the eummer of 1855. As Rentah had once said that those who fell in the cause of his country rem the unnamed dogolgods of llungary, so she believed there were many mute Morena Nightingales of whom the world takes no note. The crowded state tti enr oolumna, however, pro eludes the giving of even a einopplt: of her excel lent and welt-received lecture. We, therefore., wltt tile - innt lue impreeolexis made by the no ovithoross on thin occasion cannot fail to centers in tide coninonnlti additional intereat in ber.wrltten production,. ENOLIBIi PlCtilliALll. tutva, from Callender Co., south Third and Walnut streets, the Mgt trated London, New. of December 10, whieti ie particularly rich in views of Pole, and has three portraits of eminent 'English artists. We also have an ll(wowed News of the World of the same date, with a supplement and memoirs of Arch doom) Denison and nnnotons wall.oxooutod wood engravings. STOCKS AND 1011A6 EBTATII, TOZSIMY Thomas & Sone' twonty-ninth Poll sale, Tumidity, "filth inst., will compnee tho Watts of Gen. David Miller and P. Whitman, by ordor of oxeoutora, M4' end country property, dean, bonne, An See pamphlet eatodopte issued to-day, and advertisements under auction head. RALE OP ONE nIMARPD CANES CUAMPAGICE IVrass,—This (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'olook, B. Soott, Jr., anotioneor, No. 491 Cboatnut kraal, will sell ono hundred caw green-coal Roldelok and Royal Orval champagne, Oarof, and Rhenish wine, French brandy, ko., ko. FINS WATCIIIIII AND JEWELRY.—This morning, at 19 o'clock, at Binh k Bon's auction store, No. 914 Chestnut street, will bo sold a stock of superior gold watohes and elegant jewelry, from a city jeweller declining bushiees. , BATA or FANCY 0000 S, IVATCLICI, Ito., Vila MORNII4O.-13. Scott, Jr., nuettoneer, 401 Chest nut attest, will Mil this morning, at 10 o`olock, s variety of rich fancy goods, gold and allver•plated ware, do., do. THE LATEST NEWS • BY TELEGRAPH. Later from Cft!Horning TUG CABE OP JUDEIII TEREY—NEWP FROM TAN CALI. ronnu, onraox, AND FRAZER RIVER utaigs. joy OVERLAND MAIL. MALLOY'S STATION, Dec. ha cotenant mil, with Ban Pranoisoe deli% to the ed inst.. has visaed thus station. tia innowmg is 6 summery or the news furnished by this matt : 8 ter Pit mama co. Dee. a. The steamship Cortes whiled PIS the 27th ult. far Panama.. On her return the wilt Meg qp the mail which wee to leave New York on Java TovrY, indicted for 'killing Senator Broderink In et dual. woe arraigned on the hdth to plead before tho Court of Quarter Sessions at Ban Franoisco. Jim eons soil moved to transfer the ease to the Fourth Dintrict Court. also in sermon at San Francisco. The motion was domed, when the trial was poetroned to Yoe SDth Wt., to gm , the defendant time to anti,' to the Supreme Court for a mandamus to oompel the transfer. J. W. Pardee, ep old and much resoented Olsen, for merly manarer of Wells, Fargo, k Co.'s .11111th:is bum • nese, died suddenly on the Mitli ult., horn hemorrhage of the lunge. There were about 8000,000 in the State treasury on She ism inst. Snow hei fallen to the depth of four feat na the Sierra Nevada mountains, notwithetandiritt whirl:, leis the Placerville •Observer, we see many pens ns afoot. and on horseback. and with trams of Pack•mules, Whirls on. determined to reach the Horseshoe m iess, Over three teas ofsilver ore arrived et bun Francisco nn the 19th 71 , 10 news from Careen Valley continue oneournsms. New diamoveries of gold and silver ; and latterly of lead, ore flagman* tapered. 17 enrr Nericlith,of Nevado, meant!, parch need one fortieth inte.eat In the original Comstock silver mines for 000. The Seeramento Standard Kayo if tie levee Is not immediately re t rod that airy 'wilt be inundated. The month of liovemoer had bean one of glint eon toned storms, and had given augury of an universal); wet mason. 01113C6N. The etesmor Fannin ntriVed at Bee Fraeciam on the Nth. bringing Ore ;on dates to the 75th nit. A Lenovra tin Convention had net at Oregon City. Sixteen &iterates. from eight 0011eljfie wi th drew. May me eleven countiee represented These r 'monies se lected (Memel lane and Judge Doody as &h. rites to the Ohmleston Convention. instructing them to vote for General Lone for 'President. The secedms members resolved to ettriport the ttnmt n„of the Charleston Convention, but sleeted no dele gates. Th. Ore en vinare contnin further accounts from the new finnilkeimeen gold mines. representing them as a /lying ree4tY, end probably cove ring an extensive field. Gold had Mien found to hundred miles above the point where it wail first discovered. as an evidenoe .4 the nohneen of these mine', nn amount oat, the partieedie charred from Capt. Anther's command immediatel. fitted out for Colville. and come who hot not Worked therefor more then throe or four months, returned, ex- Mincing from six to eight hundred dollars each. Several parties have already started for the illgelnes from the Danes Company and about fifly had organized at Portland for the same destination; but there would not be a great rush until the spann.FltriZKß . IVE, The Bribsh Columbia steamer La Sovietism arrived at Elan Franniseo_, from Violorm, on the 2Oth ult. e bring ins dates to the sod. On the 22d a steamer arrived of Victoria, hem New ostminster, with 8100 000 in gold rind 175 passengers, who nave flattering accounts of the tippet PM-IT-river digging,. The prospect of a lowers winter had caused the entire abandonment of that rodeo until spring. The lower portion of Frazer river wee free of lee. end the miners were disposed to ray there during the winter. About LOCO milers remain at VtlltnOttVet'll diggings. The general impression among the merchonia and flunars et Fraser river wee that there would be nn im migration of 10000 to British Columbia by theclose of March, but there does not appear to he a good founda- Cm; for these extravagant expectations, Meter Downie wan on his way down from UPper_Fra ser r i ver. by the Own trail and Pert Douglas. There were prospects of hie having made valuable geogrenlit wit theoovertee on hie jcsitney from the coast to Fort Alexander. 21100n1( which were a chain of Mee extend ing along the route a distance of one hundred end fifty miles, rim that steamers drawing twelve inches ran navigate a anaemia el' one hundred miles further thou eteamem drawing four fee, which mite, eon run on the Sews over, ropi by a prepti. own portage of forty tidies will then ranch Fort Alexander. Those l'irOttN ore looked upon et Vin tage es important. they are true, the upper min i riFt districts will be mph mere aeceseible than hereto fore, for It will bring them within water communication of Vietona. Numerous buildings of wend end brick were being erected at Victoria, end reel estate VMS geld to be eine% The mere contain not a word bearing on the San Juan difficulties. Execution at liarriaburg. fi4antestrza, Deo. 01.—Tho negro lin Storer, wbo was orn l ejetee liOrng time ago of the Murder of hie wife, WU 101.000144 to-day at 11 o'olook. From Utah...Nowa Unimportant. Lnozo, Dee. rs.—The &rival ot tho Fko's Peak al iae i l u e!):lo nt l i teg fr a i st i t v o i rllit tz tigo l t b c c o l nliag m t he papers and Atteps, Min MGRINS,--FIRST OSSA U. B. CATOTOL, WAVICIOTOIt, Dee. 23, , It it ! it l e .. v P Di tt ikt ir eo g ifto , n. o d f o fp O k jo h r oa t. r t . : i do t i ctroiti! intro a ts, o b o i relat i ng a t :if t 0 og providettm a temporary Onvernment , end olate the Arizona Of suet tat f r the Tertitort o. Arizona ve ff e e t ge e, " ll di o e ti it the meuner in which testimony oth t e al ue r , :t i a te l l ij s u i d e i t e r e i n it ° l o,, o n u fa r t i e , rs may bo taken, for the use of On the reopening of the doors, the Senate R Jour then went into exeoutiVe SOSSIOR d .. red Igl FARR VoRTIL of floor. wen w illing MOISOrRE I P i a Iin E O B I ri b T eI A n TIZ E ti S tl ' Od to the ill'l v OhT e ge t .u e ges : dn e an'y s te s xee. to give way for a Motion to erweedto Mr. l e r ew . t e R i tak u , e ' ln, t ro t r i rt e ion f r ne North seakb ori Caroli na . potro e:(1, nail iotkl o e h r e ei o e t n eo t e ne oe n tio %i t e : inn " Ir . tile.roanNlOVoit err said lie made the proposition in pied; faith. Ito did not dew re to plane a" ImPe r ent f i l l eid: Il of an Orzanization. e and Me Remo lean r had been here for warty three weese,deeireus nod MB to vote for &Swelter They had ro dispositiont n Mucosa the Mawr, question now. but would wait tabu or. tun Wien had been Owned. Ile spoke for loniser. Red did not want the Renublienn potty held responsele andrc‘rht'tei utterance.es p et de I e ' r d hat h - a w .d i n'b t h e-e t b 'n r l'm e c' e er t 't e g n h'' e et d en d 'w ta lit e 'h ! epeochvu "d ""I"ti°" inh " flo a ;:r t nol i dawned. Thee thieve were threat ha their frees Itionof threatened lh here tn I t? t o i n f that tllee n e ' reTt m a t 'R Republ ican uhboltidcae even e irp Speer lie rwrieeeded teratultftrir:stmlito:rlicilhitml:7l:cl,7l,Dr.ieririThe,-: e 4t i e b o r t: e t a d : 5 e R on " e t hl o r : hi h e : ih cP t or h o y' k t e ered t e: C ; o a. : p a ne rd o l e andoit Iron h!ft d . j r ,pretnablo con-iet doctrine, war he t'o oe the Pot, haifo error: a e that. ' n o t y r o i ?... :e s o i n f 'b u t will no o n d i la ; t e d everywhere u d c .nsaid t u h n a n t t thint betwee n e t o t 4 ., n o a t t e7elll:t r r ( " in ' t n e ' a• rated .h . a t 4 , B flll ‘ ,l l ing lee nett of the comm.. hie to hl pleAgld. There ' , arta "" th r dimemesion Il h n i:m e d ,, e r n g i cig 4 th ish; t io: i r a ::ei . d i o . re j u l i iii d ig n'e ::: : :ia rb a d ec '11 : : which would not stand the test o r e 0 re, oil lie moreeded to arraign the party for endoraing boa IVitamin,tit'rib. written by Pollard. of an enticed writes . n V s.x e o r et toeiatttli flatiron ft .on l • its ft k f ,so n if v or o i ? re on , ono l ro i a m t i : til t , that iox t i h hin D lppcda at e i ree rt'' iteel' ‘ r t cft i e lgo n bedL e t n irnl' d l g''hi't:ehmeT violationh'nhaiedorwdefl'retitht°vee'ri:lnidwleceiff't hilti7OlUntl ited Rtuhe. oonooninii„ oolio t y h . e n h o o e t e k a i s o i th ie o s o o e f ot th ito e o ca o e tto e hr ,e tk ai o d D e e t: t o h h u o n o t t t i i t:h!n t b y ic i n t b r y outl he pre i se d r e v v e r c e l e n , n t ir o h th y . re i n ier( Mr. FARNSWORTH Well.l ik e 0 you l,l peak t out itk k ani k l i e r e. , e k er ti ti k e a t , lr i. t y h o l l t t r e stavenGs trade. o t i flo e Al a b a m a .e l' o ss 1k I t l ni , of a t, ep i n s . nit . n ?,11 , the o a p u toi e er e dh t et whether 2,,k,teriscores ,3 0 1 r e , ,o n t 1 1 t n. e yo d ii t in h e f o rr e t hr e: ilro ea ' Ile ret.OPTIIROrI the higher le o sentiment hotall, eineeelied him to obi the Constitution. Mr. FARNSWORTIMeIIte4 TO know whether hew, in favor of the reopening of the slave-trade by the vii The MOvent eut for the "Onion of the peal of the !AWL , Aft. Armes retitled that he 'one not prepared to en Opposition Potties. whether he was in favor of reopening the gave -M. A " NATIONAL UNION CONVENTION" TO DE CALLED. at come future time, but he wee not en lone as the In of the land forbid entering in the traffic. He believe WASHINGTOX. Deo. 23-11 o'clock P. M. Delegates it was ugeless new to dienutoi the annstion. so long es th four roareaenttna the Amerman. Whig, and Union Routh remain in the confederaey. No man helievei Parties. met here thin evening, when, after none &S. LI nt, in the preterit Union the Mead-reae can he no ett•nion ohs convereetional character, the following re pelled legally. and no one nelvorates ite illegal room solution was adopted: mg. ,He should lam toroth Mr. Farnsworth whether h Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting be em erge in favor of the recent of the fat hive-slave law? powered and requested, in ronjunction with the ohm r- Mr. FARNSWORTH replied that he would answer the' Mtn of the National Central American c °inmate°, and mumetion by and by. lie chairmen of_the Whig and National Committee, to Mr. REAGAN remarked that he had come out in the n National Union Convention for the nomination of mineral's on that issue, end wan opposed to the reopoo. , evtittlates for the Presidency and Viee Presidenci oh tag of the slave trade, in or out of the Union, and in .the United elate., and to issue an address, id it seal fever of the law of order and kistioe. Now, do ye. 'lmee in expedient to them so to do.) to the people of the dome the doctrine. of Belper'm book ) Answer like Unitcd Staten, segeestina the mode of electing Arpbruse.l eaten; to the said Conventicle and setting forth the Teo. The Clerk checked the eisoreerly meta femme., lions which make the present Ireton movement indiapen- Mr.STANION, of Ghia, felt it his duty fosse, for hirntelf Lietn theperpetttitrofthefovrrnnient. and thole he represented. tint no far as Helper's book The mooting wan harmonious and unanimous in its adnees a eel - vile inenneetion. lie utterly abhorred ant ettert• detested it. There wore not as teeny men out as 'flint penitentiary of Ohio 'who would tolerate it for n. nun Union Meeting oat Wnshingtoll. Rartgeoe. of Illinois, expreseed his gratification nisoutinniar PIIOOZEDINOS—PALL OF THE PLAT et thin turn the Wanosaion bad tekon. Ha thought it fORW, tumid now be raid that hie colleague could proceed with WASIHNOTO'S Dec 23.--The " Union" meeting in Me remarks. lie knew hie colleague (Mr. Parnewortki thine/1y to-nigh t was a t tend e db l7l Oct t 0.503 per would be frank and pain . Mr. BONHAM. of Booth Certain', Raid the net O[lEl2O n % . e i mm l e tin ee , We r e offered donermierery of the fire which eheracterized the stave trade an pirney tree. Mot on the stniutn.book and onght to be einUnred. but m cors of the South end fanatics of the North. ant pro he know no party ihe South in favor n f hoeing the some. es a remedy for the present evils. that the pee talc n_ t of 1819 repented. With regard to the latter he w "-• le rally around the Constitution and the Union, -•A substitute was offered to the effect that_ such net prepared to ear that it Is nnronnitetional. There towline was inoportune nd unnecessary. The ma erne no onnirderalile part or the tenth or DerrlOOTSllo TrAIAY thee agitated the enention Thee mornmeg of time ionty fevered the (prevailed ution. Much centurion throughout the proceed. stare lode ran never be done in the Confederacy As Inge. and the assemblage separated in disorder to the to whether he was in favor of the reeeening of the so und ere full trade et some futithe time, be wee not prepared to The ln lb im of the apenkera' platform, with a number My. of gentlemen thereon, was among the inoidente of the Mr. 1 0, nasworterr. Peen the gentleman endorse the me e ting. eentiment in the ..enk called the Sleek Diamonds. for/ the re• teal of the Blare untie by law.? Mr. finettnat. It is Impracticable. Ido ant stand in From Pilt a's Peak. the aniturte of one who endorses the violation of say Sr. Lot' s Dec. 33.-The Pulse's Peek expreer arrived existing law. he e this morning. with 5101100 in duet. Alt. FAIINSWOIITn anted Mr. Melia° whether he en- The rid vices limn Denver City are to the 14th Met. &mead the sentiment. Both brandies of the Pro vironal Legislature hied ad• Mr. Melia!, 01' MI9III retort, said. ne an individual, lhe Go wee in favor of rennenine the trade, bur this wee t tr e n i e n t e t n a t je n fr e e rf .. e o c i t t i e r r e r a r, t c ., o r do . of laws for the Go - tho I/oration of the Democratin petty in Minsiesipm. or ,du extra emotion is to assemble on the lid of Juno any other Southern State. He wee, however, fa the tr y faithful execution of the laws an they stand mintiest re- Election. ern to be hold in all the enmities on the first motto na that traffic, timidly in January, for the election or local officers MT. FARNSWORTH did no' think such a &sten could an d a general organization under the new order a be fixed on the wallow! Den-crew. am more than that things. I it eculd bra justly charred eTefeet the Republicans that ' they endorsed the net , of Jnhn Brown. Mr. Melina believed tint he woe ire only member of the Democratic party in Mitusissippi who entertained 1 that opinion. r Mr. PAP NSWORTII ached Mr. Crawford whether he pinioned the reepenthe of the elan) trade, as MOM- I mended to thin Blank Minified.? hank. Mr. fithaWfoitri replied that he hail never read that FAittioWnitril Salted 'Whether heves in favor of re gg " al:4101r oPtViamin, replied. that under a par titular state of eironmstancem lie would. but at present he oppnsed it, as did the Demooratic petty of Georedit. Mr. FA nnwonTit and it bad been acted whether he endonsed Holm's Uncle He never Teed It entirely, and lied never seen a copy till he camo to this House. s o far es tiny of the pageant that Want couldbe fairly con strued into rerommending insurreetion. and the emen elpation of the Mayes be violence. he did not endorse it. Ile wee. however. in favor of the inculcation of ouch itoctnaes ea lead to n peneeful emonoieetien• He th tight snow .e mcee of (hitt book were badly express fel and worded. and got helustifiect. but so far RS that book tOlOt'S the langnare of Jetr e n io n, audi tion. Mason. e. Pittekney, and other great heists of the Revolution, he endorsed it. The peewee to which the gentlemen on the other aide take ONOOPRiew to• contained the doctrine of Judge Douglas, to omatme Mame by tinfriondlr legislation. Co far no alewife itself exude, he didnot believe to the conetitutionil power of Oongreas to legislate con cerning it. at it 'sr.. nn l y lArataaillt“ 11,7 - 14 , K nopy of a letter to Gov. Wise. stating that some Abolitiontets in Chicago have naturally been in r and With persons in oh m and the Pie, Yingland Suttee, to solo the Jenne of old Jahn ilrowth. Mr. Fariesviroarg. you give the name of the writer ofthe letter Mr. Mites. Il' I had it. I could notgive it. booming° the letter might have been erinficlentielle written. The gentleman had call there wee not ode of lime oon etit, anti who - would maim a wild in Virginia, and hew° I referred to the fact or suoh n letter Wing written. Mr. Fan a s wotent replied that the letter might ben hoax A f a further rolloguy on this point, Mr. LASI AO. of Mostentept. said he Mims opposed the reopening of the sieve trade. Ho Was in the tie Pate When Mr. heaven) Renounced the doctrine, which tirA mill a e'ettling oTeat on the 'truth. that Reiman an thin Adinimetretion shall wag away the Abolitionists would get control. oreithrow the Southern lOW ,tutimm. and Tamale! the Repreme Coat Oil that its decliners! should tie eeniegt the intorno , 0f the moth, 'iv hen ib r„ Romani *maid that he ex rmeteet, In hie life trite them would not be the font of a elii. to slave on the continent, and while lie interne this se hie deliberate "pinion. hi s f o r m dieted, end hie man face wet exureseive oh tad and inelurnant plosion. end !ilexes elated es if the lire of hell was lunette in hie heart _• Mr. PlelNSWenTit feneneatly) tzed grant that I, tee, Met nee the day when the foot of a slave sill not rest On timid continent Mr. n0 . ...u5t4 t remaining in hie seat). You'll never gee it, Mfr. FARNSWORTH said that would,,eot n It wag the wish of Waehin non, es the dootnne of the *nee who made the themadi and the men who will , onnonuo the Reputille'e existence. t hie did not induce the raid of John Drown. Ac to the fogittvwgiava low, Mt and his people would not wow the fleeing negro. They would leave that dirty work for the Democrats. He naked whether any et2uthern gentleman was willing to turn out and chase tire slave? Ile nederetoi d that in the part of Illinois n ailed mi Egypt" the people catch black am and. instead of a 4 rettiales thetn an rintßWaTer adrortine for their mu eLoeser, of , ofMinnie, who represented Eel pt, aced Warm Imputation that hie ronstituentevalate the law WWII:01m it was right awn runaway. aliculd he Mr. , NaltaleIVORTH explained, Oaring that h e smo k e 'AI a large number of Republican,. rot one of them Map an inch out of the war in permitter a Mon. Man, or child, tot thin purpose of capturing them and restorine them to lipvery. Rut in s ing this tie did not say that they woe plaile themselves in resistance to the fugitive - slave aw. They wou/dpurript a course as lied been suggested, of tnalitorir innotleny, lie lie lieved that the present fugitive elaveelaw wee uneaten tutienal, and inhuman in some of Ile nyorisione, but ho would not oiler au armed mistime to it, nor would hie Mr. BARIROALE, of Mississippi. The Coa.titution provides for the rendition of fugitive tillages, and to the extent that You will not obey it to that extent you vio late your oath to support the Constitution. Mr. FARNSWORTH. You mistake. The Constitution does emit provide that I should render up fugitive Clover. Mr. BARKMDALIL It provide' for the rendition, and you, as a citizen of the country, are hound to carry it not, end uelese you do it you are a traitor. (Applause, ego , mally in the atateriesd The clerk stated that Warm been clothed with power to enforce ordey, he should. on the pent manifestation of applause, direct the donee:it-al:arms to clear the saf enee. omens. "Do it now." fr. FARNSWORTH referred to the editorial in the newspaper States and Union, of Olson] in which he 1110 l It was stated that the election of Mr. Amerman was gudicient to niece the dissolutton of the Union. Tide he understood weep Douglas organ. Air. ANL AIN, or Wow Jersey. remarked that, so far ce lee knewledge extended, it was not the organ of Mr. Auto., and mild not spook forhim. Mr. Panneworirit. It olairne to speak far t r. IPITRLEit, of Virtinia. Virgrma is here to speak for bonen. Mr. V .R•feWORTIT defended the Republican ;may Dem the charge ofsectionalient He nar minden aneedote of ft Physician who ',Weis, when coded to attend a patient whom ailment lie could not dement . . rave tom inedinine to threw hint Into fits. for be card he was h-)0,, kel it wee with, thp fionmeeratie party. Every four i eeredust befoto the tesldenllole ration, the endeavor to throw the cottony into fits They have tritely throw. •ow York erd Boston into Lts. end grit Everett. Clotting, end where to come forward to at tempt to save the Mon. lie hell no learn for the down. lotion of the Union; it lied been raid so often that the people baal at wed to these threats If the Union wee to he disonlved he hoped they roulade a during the Ad ministration of Bud mono, Co that the diegreee would not attack to the Republiran Administration. Lot the Democrats eleat whom the,. please, the Republicans will submit, and, when thereat the power the Denigerßri, flaw , , he oeatinean Administretion will try and take cure of the Union-they will take care of the I parse, Mvoles. I have no doubt you wilt D elig ht, y r. FarthaWoßTl4. , f We squander ant more money then James Buchanan has, God¢runt that we may nerd Mort pnether Republieen l'reenlent. (renewed IMO ter.] Dissnlve the tinlon heentine a mnionly of the rennin of the United States, in a constinitional and peaceful manner, pled ft man Praia/dent of the Grated mates. Omit God I went en idea tel eel What In the Intent of this Government? What the use of the Con outage' ? Mr. Mir we, of south Carolina. It is to restrain ma- Mr. Patemiewcoten. The Conetitution has never pre view/ that nueontzee shell role tniderities. Dissolve this Union! Whet are you Reins to ao wit h i t ? nay , you neeer read liulwer's twee), " What will ho do with or' Are you going to divide the Mithissiopt Met. 1 If en. how much of it are nu going to <ire OA ? Ain't 3ou loin; to tot our Wye heat their rafts down.? What are you going to do u ith Yankee Roman-di id that, t oo ? FaceitstVe laughter.) NV hat part of the Vourth of Yea. are you going to give tie, and whet will you take? What are y et going to do with the grave of Wimbin T. ten and thoso menolthe Northern otatee who roes ht sid br 01 .1 0 with lion in the battles of the Revolution. Din poly. theenion I Per God's mike don't let tie hear shy niore of this miserable ore attain diseolvtlig the Union. Th ee , men who fill the galleriee- , mermen; " for die union lantimente-don't they know that if the Union is dummied these marble palaces will become lute habita tion of tho bate and rate-will become stone-mternee, whore marble will be cheap I Yon might ae ave 1 talk sheet distolviez the everlasting Ws as dineolvieg time Union ofthern Elatea. Mr Eaueishi, rat Indiana. gent to the clerk the Pro mailings of a _pubile meeting in Chicago, expressing arnipethy for John Brown, to Blow that Mr. FRTHS icertil'el statement of that matter was Incorrect. Mr. FARRSWORTH. I designed to say that no per m/0 lumped/used with the (deeds Brown had in view. the[Cries of ' Rend the proceedings.") The clerk read rm Mr-hemming remarked. Such a meeting Wins been held in Chinago it was eminently proper that the Re publicane !Mould select that place to hold their National Convention. Mr, pmi.swoeTir retorted. It Wee PM an proper r er the Democracy, having. eteloreed the imentimente of Mr, ci Moon. to select herfeeton as lime tiara for running this old Democratic me/m¢ faro the ground. MT. IlleCtimeatatt. of Illinois, stud that John Went worth was the founder of the Popolihean party in Illinois-tneir Jupiter Tonene-and in his Veer he claws John Bruins with Kosciuseo, Gantendi, nod other heroes. MT. Fenn:swear/I replied that it was true that John Wentworth had been en offloient worker mate Repub lica, party brit It for unfair to hold thin Republican Party reseeesihle ler the within:lute of any one man, eseemally when we onle o have en extract from en article without contest. Tao oinith Caroline. legislature had a resolution before it for e.n appropriation of Inn nal to buy RIMS, on the ground that the Redaral relations are now illgeoltred bet WWII the North end the mak. lie might, with the Name propriety, chew, that on the De mocrat 0 party. Mr. lao a of Illinois, react nn we sym p at hisingell earl meeting held inlAurora, Illinois, with DD own. SMITII, of 'Virginia. ol tabled the 11 mr, but yielded it for a pensonel explanation to M r , rc, denounced oeitainstatemehtn in the Staff! OM: i aion newspaper se wilful and notheieue Aisehinode Ile had hitherto &gen r.q notice of the merter,deeming It better to tolerate lieentiousnese than In restrict the ti (mom of the press. Ito stated that hue snatch had been Mehl/ notionended In %10101111 Strites by Amei lean end Nino ore tic. tie well ne Repu Memo newepepere. Alr. GAUTUSLL, or acorsia. hovel that Mr. Smith would permit a vote to be Wort for dpeaker. Mr. Bursa oonsented, claimtng the floor for to•mor rote. A.fter a call of the Nouse, a ballot was takes', with the fouovnat result; TWElfTretir Akt.Lar Whole number of voice Neoessarr to a 0h0100.,..... Mr. Bhermsn Mr. 011reer Sca Mr. t ter Bol ma.: .•o* .... • ••• • • be House then adjourned" VTOM \VIVAIIIIOOIIO THE DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL OAHU'S—GENERAL BOW3fAN hoMiNATED AR PRINTER—COSPIRMA TIONS ET THE SENATE—THE RECEPTION OH THE DENSIDENT'EI MESSAGE DELAYED TILL TIIE RE• DODD DE JANUARY—THE vont FOE SPEAKER— LONDON BANNERS AND THE MEXICAN GOVERN DENT. WASIIIMITON, Doc, 21.—The Pemooratic Senatorial caucus to-day, fitter is full dismission of the charges against General Bowman, of the Constitution newspa per. he was nominated na Printer to that body by n veto of 20 against 5. Tho iturression is that lie will be elected. The Senate, in mtectitive mission, confirmed the fol lowing nominations: N. B. Browne. as postmaster nt Philadelphia: Mr. lintela as postmaster at Buffalo; r Vanier. as pont:mister et Cincinnati; sad Mr. Bishop, as Connutamoner of Patents. The indications are that there will be no quorum in the Sonata till 'Tuesday week. the Sd of January. and consequently, it is not probable. that the President's message will tie communicated prior to that tam Baring and several other prominent Molten, in Lon don hsvo ninde a Joint appeal to the British Cabinet to recognise the Conatituttonal Government of Mexico. Lord John Russell has appointed the sth of December for an offioinl interview with these gentlemen. snit it was believed the Brltish (government was favorable to e weal. The vote for Speaker to-ilaY showed that Mr Mier mite, at heretofore. lacked four votes of an election. Fitts-A(lre votes were scattered among twenty Jour gentlem n,,neither of whom received more than eight votes. mid tonyteen only one snob. Colonel Davis and staff are lune with a large amount of ordnance stores on the we. to Richmond. Gm, on e eompenv remain on isuitrd at Charlestown, Virginia, a n d quiet hen bee , entirely restored, lffninisoiros, Dec. 23.—A postal convention tine boon executed between the Postmaster General and the mutterer from Belgiumestalvishing n regular exchance id correspondence in e , mend mails between tile United States and Belgium, to be convey ed, via lilngland, once s week or oftener. mid in coittoidence es far as possible ,with the regular sailing of the Anglo-American steam ers. 'lie single rate for lettere and eamplea of tiler fhendise origlentin it in the Vnited /Bitten and destined or Belgium. or else reran, in fixed nt 27 rents, of Which prepayment le option et on °liner country. There are also prevntione for printed molter. The transmission of closed mails under this convention Is to commence on the 2lst of January next. Provision is also made for a direct exchance of mails between the two countries. by means of non direct lines of 15511 steamstewhich lines tie hereafter established between the United States end Belgium. at the combined slosh, rate of fifteen cents for each letter or packet not ex ceeding half an ounce in weight, ptepayment being optional, The difficulty between Benretor Johmon, or Arkrinsna, and Sir. Hindman. a Representative from that State, which awes supposed, a few dave ago. would lend to n linable meeting, bee been amicably nottiod, through the I medium of Messrs. Toombs and Pryor. The Philadelphia tt Putout , ring Ac cepted by the Virginia Legislature. Wa.OPI.Toa, Deo. 11.—The Lecislature of V-rznins }iv joint romilu , ion• en accepted the Hs • pet hented to 'that thana•oarcoa/th by the citizens of Phihide)phht. viettin it AA n irehoWni of the evidence of the devoted istttotisto of IN heroic donors. Murderer Voltaicled Bo , torc, Dee n—Williarn Harrio, st.ward of the ship Oen Sultan, has beau ommeted to the Dotted otatot. DINO et Court. at S:iletri, of the murderof captain PA wards, who woo n naseenper in that 'hip on her voyage home from fiouth /411119,.C/1. Suceeastut Coating of a Monster Cannon. Ptrrattatro. Dee. 23.—. A. =meter cannon. far the neverernenr, was "lot thin morning nt the Fort Par Foundry, under t he tcaperintenctonce of I.teettenent Redirenn. The operation tens a complete nueeete. The reunion tvetitho over Thirty-floe tone, and In to he noted the •• Floyd (tun " The metal one front the Bloomfield furnnoe. fileaers. Num.), & Wade are the contractors. A Missouri filewl,-t, 'lamor .41fieoas. icent. from Athaw:r s'ionth7l . n'ths rom sixty to Pvlity vorsoni min vibippg nod the lee prevent., their itztving corattiuriics tirm with Um short, Eithrts aro bolos matte to rrevent them from starving. Eire at Augusta. G. Ara nitre, Ga.. Den. 23—. Luther Roll's min inse onsbhehment was sot on bre end destroyed Met nicht. The pronerty was it cured to the Southern Mutual Corn min,. Several bugs ies. but none of the carouse.. Were deetrvy ed. South Cnroldin littrat Legislittion. era at r: , .tri N. Dee. A--11.3th bran:Ars of Mg South C.- tOiltat I eulflftlllll , !MVO pnvisied 1110 bill IlilaVelldlll4 tilt IMI, tho low felomn; ff.l of Spam to the Lank vaults to 53 to et roolat ou. Southern 7tledleal Colleges. IMAM:MI . Ov, Dee. Z.—The A.nuato C,ontirinnoor or the Vat Wive OR Itiolionj College of 6141101 lola rerllVed to invite, the Eouthere stlarenta at the Ziorta to finish then popree there, tertreetem Free. The Scientific Anierierin. PIIIN CI v. Doe. 23 ....Ham it , d4e. ,Munn, of lova. 'nto Commisqmnor of PstontA. hoo become conneeted with no Now York Scsento. Alliertran. Union Meeting nt Newark, N. J. rirwAn a, N. .1., Den. 21—A 'arra and antliushutte meeting was held here to-night, Mayor Bige low weld dinx. Eitrsttg resollition4 were adopted, end eloquent rtpeoh64 rindo,ilevremtiog. the agitrition. .Markels by Telewiapb. BALTIVARZ. Dee. Z.—Flour in dull; balms of ?Co bhla nt 8a 76 for Howard-6treot ot firm ; Wen of 4 POO hOslitis vat 12.361400 for v.lote. 1261 for red. Coro No, not and lc h idler : u bite 72n7ac. yellow 60.2. 60e. PloV/Mbevr &W. Pork—Now lkirr.. elf . ; 50, Bacon —hole4 97.0. Monkey dull at 21L,..1270 for Ohio Doe 23 et 'AO hales try. mown.: nothitor ounce the receipt of the atesruar AI/VS herrn FINANCIAL AND CD.ILIIEUCIAL. The Holley rilicrhyt Primenri rule. December 1339. Reading Railroad mbar°. fell elf to nt the Block Baud to-deg. The gales amounted to about 1 teen hundred %harts. Bohuylkill Navigation prof,. 'red le o end) , at (LTh. Pennsyleinnia Railroad allarOG tutu nt 35. The holidays seem to Miami, a great part of the attention of mock titer:aniine en ell us other pimple. and lot little is expecte! In the way of bus,ness nt the hound until after the new year opener, Tho Berk county Dommirat of the 20th bee a report oftho pnceedints oft meeting of the bondholder. er the Mellor, Fort Wu) no, and Chicago Radioed, held at Onnten, Ohio, at which reardittiona were anani mnuely adopted, rep tilting the fro rile. that hat o arisen fir the cempany, deprecating a separation of interest of that railroad from the Plenum lemon Cont , nl, appoint ing a committee to confer with the other bondholder. et Vie roomed general meeting, expressing fall confi dence in the ability and Integrity of J. Edgar Thoinedn, an approving his elan for Iretonx the rood of ion mkdinte 1 abilities by the inane of five 1011110133 preferred Tl 3 conoledutt resolutioo appeals to tin bond holders nsd other ereditore to old in restoring the mu) tdits former management. The Westmoreland Cord Compeny have declared a dividend of eight per tent on their onpital 'Ronk of Vera WO, pneieble January 3, ISM. The following to the amount of Cool transported on thereliadeldtbile end Reeding anilroad during the week ending Thuraday, December 22 Me Totit for week Proviocaly To 'nine time last yonr 222, 1 / 4 52 14 MILAOKLPHIA STOOK EXORANOE SALE:n Macomb°, 23 1822 FETPOIttIo B S. E. SI.A.YStAK RR, 3 134 Wain.tBtree MAT 110 All YtYll Ptrum rout) bA .eih 9 . 1%1 Iwo 24) in 70. / Soll'City 6k It co.oivor. Ito)) do cash II 64 do new /ON It ) ots ...... zo. do It.o I' 004 t 7 Nom,too N 41 1004 k Ain r. WI 81 I Ilk ronn IS 102%; F Any ,t Notith 7, os 111) dolooninn NI in to 4 Mr.tta..PM, Cho 10 14.1/1:.91 5.91 ...... . CO; cony re 9J ' Moiahill ....... UAW ehedor 1t er... 41 1 I do ei 250CFAmpit Id In 7el ... II 11F.TVirERP7 13() A It DR PM Chen & Del Cnn t1D:) Pitts, FtW,S; Chin Ck P 77 con rd E Union Bk Tonn.l4 21.123il 42 l'onnn,R ' 1 24 . 1 aßcon tl auna weitrov new . 011• I 7 Ilene Mee R.111".5. I' 02 90ei rittshort 6s etnulr. 13 II Islni ,3. hleel, 1111 .• . 2.•'.." 10t. TV t7h 6t.r It 84 .41 6 {Vest Phil!' It. . ... toot Del it rn Ie —eon), 94 2 vent nl N Ara 10i5...7:a ". loft Jo .... cite It E 0 1 a Penne It •.- . ..... 2.7;,, . oi,ositii) YaIcEB—STEADY. 1,, 1. Acked. iltd Alk.. , U.tatas 6e'74 ..l'2 lentil Nee eteelr.... 7 7e; nlii Gs.. ii.:: ::::: .4 , ; , ..; 63 'Rohl Nay, pref.....15x1 73 , ,, .. .9 ~. i• Pg it•trieo't & ..let... I I', ' f10w..., .. to.S " 78 let !milt .63 12 Pane, ge ....._........-9.57,7 91 .' 24 molt. ia , A . trt, it- 04 RM It • • --- • xhi 2OS, 4 f.ong (gland (C r ,. .It ll`, ' We '7o. h 0 .. 'Lehigh ~ Itielll / 4 • Nev.43" 4`;',.' 7, moil fe '4492 IN l'eline R...• • • o'i ON ' do '63 7.. 71 1" 6e.—... 33 Pea15R,..........36ti Ilo,lil " 10,3 FsJil 7 .711 en Ca... an 147 !lintels lose R 1 /I, 3toele Jana) C0n.49 . 1 " /et in 1e1e.3111 349., T f .15Si lf'ilyrll& toot h It . 4 42 1L1 f 0 1 A83. t:l2d ‘ ,44 ll r i 3l 32 ;itjl St, .73 7 7 11110&ie-ii ft... 4 Nov York Stock Exchange...DPc. 23 BICOND ISDARD 3000 Aierrntrl St ... 9111 , 100 Flo rlern R 31' 1 03 'Ol lel 1110 Mice Central It.. . fi44 frti. R Con .. IVA l'nolnia 11 111 Itaal lorleon ad rote 51 1 4,170 do ...... 117 woo lel; &Ida Ld 114_ 14 7 1110 d o 34 - 141 ‘4. trod Ca 1.... 04 ILO do 0(1 131 ran Idc'tio Mail t 3 9. 77 )207 1131 A. [Ado ra'; 100 do 1:20 77 'lOO 64' ; YO • • 7 6 3; 1 1Y 0 00 • • • 40 I.\ Central 75 , ) )107 ..b37 13:0,1 .50 79 4 ,.? 0 .... . aa do —l{o 76%110.) . alto cal; w Too Ain road,, b1.1117:0 entreat, Rl. . 5314 61110mon River . 0 1 / 4 110) do ..... 150 De kch 74 1 Old.. 17 1100 11, MO do WO INi to do 140 64). Wu 11 Central 11..... 5te141 FI(PLIPTICII A nit EyTgo.—A well•known Chop. liltatatned Cathatino Fen lth, caned t the moist of Ales. Warren, it South strew. near Fourth. yestcr.lsy riftereohn, and after vac4 ins nu KOOll9 valued to Eel% o doll.sis. rondo her out. The articles worn minim) soon after. eipel Or:Online was arrostoil. cho was 1.41.0 n .414ortrian Noore. who committed liar tococoor. uo nor her Jon vitro sound a nuinhcr pawn and temp tiring psttcrns, waich await on ownor At tho Filth ward itaticn-hopso. IitniVITAL C/OF: --Loaf, evet,ing n !Min lintnt Drnnte Xeltv. red 23 le.tra, had 6tn ridst ehe r filoturatl while elitat,,l in a ecullin at n lioutio in Dill iUOy, Itewas tnten to tee llompitnl. Forxo DhAn.—A tnnn !mined John Dunn who limn (hind hot oenino, inn lame-kiln it Twent3 -third and WOO streots The coroner erns notified, Letter from New York. PATRIOTIC STAIIPEDS OP MEDICAL ETUDENTS : NETT roam FEELS HURT—TOE SCOICICAOLTS—IIR. TEN 110.05CK—DR. ACUILtd. ►ND kISH Boorre—Ji7DOZ PAMIR InCwrizantz V. S. ATTORXEYBaIP—THZ NEW EXPIIMIS CO3PANT. BEREEII [COrresPondenee of The Prom] Natty Tots, Dec. M, 1659. My impression is that the feelings of this oommunit? have never beet so thoroughly harrowed up, nor the Public, bosom ao ruthlessly rung, as It was yesterday, when the people were notified, ihrouzii the public Jour nals, that twelve young medical students had publicly proclaimed it to be incompatible with their " views" of Patriotism any looser to pursue their professional stu dies in thin oaf or At the North. Thin heert,rerd ing traneaction was not consummated until after an immense amount at gab had been indulged in by the young Maoulnplens, and an indefinite number of esthe tic appeals mode by older "pukes" end professore of the University. When the tocsin Wel Founded for those to come forward to the rostrum who were willing to wiDe ratite mud of New York from their brogans. and turn theirinoses to the sunny South, only twelve responded to the appeal, and of these, it is hinted. that two only have enough putty in them to stick to the programme. The youngsters did the handsome thins by their Philadelphia brothers—approved of their conduct. endorsed Charles O'Conoes speech, put lfelper through. and were strong on Nimes tomie. After blowing off steam, they appeared to feel a great deal better. and with cheerful countenances and firm step, all went round the corner and took something. The city feels hurt about this, To lose these twelve young. people io somethinp serious. The boarding house-keepers, especinlly• are shocked at it. Medical students are so pro,. erhial for orderly conduct. prompt pay. tidiness in their rooms, and so notoriously hostile to tobleco, beer, and things of that mature. that the loss of the salutary influence of heir daily (and nightly) walk and conversation will be sand drawbook neon the too Cl. of the runes genera tion. What's to be done/ The exigency is a trying eon, and has piled up an extra heap of danger about the Union busincen. Tim Beamanlts are not yet fixed at Laura Keene'e, and may not eueeeed In locating either there or at any other of onr city estab/ightnents. The papers in refe rence to this engagement were drawn and ready for autographs, but on subsequent exam in ring 31 lee Keene declined to assent to some of the details. so the thing fell through. I hear that Mr. A. has expressed a read, more to resume his old position at the Winter Garden, but the proprietors do lint seem to be imbued with the cheerful sentiment that in runes gone by animated din breast of the excel eat Mr. Ilarkis. It is reported that Mrs. John Wood has been re engaged, and will appear when the Octoroon cease■ to pay—a contingency that from present appearances, i not coon likely to happen Mr. 'Ten Broach writes to hie friends that lie is off for Italy to spend the winter. It e takea with him a samara and horses, but 'eaves at Newmarket, under the care of Brown, Ummre, Starke Prioress, Woodburn, Satellite, Maggiore, Optimist, Olympias, Belle, Dove. Cock-a hohm Pomona, Rattlesnake, Evenhand, and Chiffon- Mere. Dr. Aehilli hoe been hailed out of Jail, and nronoses r to do two things forthwith : best, to hold a nubile wet log, at which he will defitie his position on the Mies Bozun question: and. second, to prosecute the nefari one Smith, Who was ambitious of realizing too from the Doctor no hueh•rnonoy. As the public et weekly com monly runs with those wl.o happen to have th e se "lit tle arranrements" ventilated, it may be taken for granted that the Doctor will at once become more po pular than ever. As Yet no enhecription papers have been started. Matters have not yet got UP to persecu tion point. Judge Yaeger bee deohned the United States distrtct attorneyship. He is not disposed to Abandon the fine practice, the professorship he holds in the Albany Law School, nor bin boo residence, for the rApasnyee end parrs of a couple of years' ncewPallaY Or office in Hew Cork. Judge Y. enjoys, in a very high degree, the re spoct of the bench, the bar, and the gentlemen of the whole State, irrespective of party. In the DoflloCrlVio organization his position Is one of conceded strength, and as he doubtless done not consider himself prditicanY natinanichod, he lineal, prefers to keep aloof from the Potty squabbles that keep the party in this city in one eternal stew. On the 2d proximo the leading Proprietors of the American Express Company writ commence business under a new Joint-stock company, embracing nearly all the stockholders of the uld company. The reorganiza lion has bean made for the purpose of eosins' up an be- Utillitatioll of mutters that could not be disposed of tinder the rid organization. The company is at every Prosperous oondition, Cad in the }rands of some of the shrewdest business-men in tile country. THE CITY. AMLIERMI NTS THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENInai AItaRICAN AOALIMI 1 , 7 NIVRICR Brow.' and LOOtlin itreets.—" The Sicilian Vespers." NATIONAL TlfalkTßa. Walnut garnet. hempen Focht , Ninth.—i , The Dream or Chiveirsi"--" The Flitch If Bacon." Performances this afternoon and event 1 , VENN.TLVAITA ACAT/EHT FINE Aar.. 1015 Chnatnat rtrest.—Bartholoinew's " Paradise L u st." Fawns ue Womociis, northeast corner Teat., no !hostiles street.—Siener Blitz EMILE'S OAILInIEs. Old Chestnut et reet.—Exbibition of latest works of Mlle. Ross Bonheur. MCSICIit. 'FIND H at, I, , cast street, above riglrth, •rerinrinia Orehestra Rehearsal. WALNUT-SritEN r T 11 1 ,411/ h. corner W , ITIO , an The Trish po,t"—“ Menhistoninles"- -o'Flanigan and the Froctus"—" In and Out of Place." .Vllnal•L.Rv h (:,Aran a It'avn-tlrarwr "rnrirht. Arch street, above Sigth,—" ' , Ten boles Fr;end''—"An Old OUbrder"—" The Dumb Girl of 13onpa." Unittorotty.tst Mat., Jay nen tlenurionereab h Raild Chestnut street, above Stith.—Thiodon's Museum of Art. filenorrouoire GAlll'llOl. Rime street. below Third hlnthatarrimartis niithtll. AC,DBMY OP .P 1 ARTS, Chestnut +met. —" A preensof heir "—••The Mertyrtieln or John Hues. ke," Vieth streets—". Sheerly Meguire"—" Customs of the Ceuhtry"—'• 13nen I) Lynn"— , The Mvlnner's Hon ." A. MERRY' CliftrrlT.VAll !—There to music fn these three words- , cheery carol of home, harminenn. and or. now we have loused for wet me, hoping and -blowt n breams tomb, and inncria4. Afevlce. carried wish it the tint rn" th EMAY/prie's NM,. "A merry 'hristman - : salutatmn paws alone. little hearts h at htuh hove, tittle cheeks ere Scatted with expecta tion, and little heads are tidily with all the drenine of childmli. innocent joy .7 nom is no deestyins In the me. mode. And Joys of Chnetivma-for no holiday (mines to tie to linen with asenvistionn of evert thine brilr and haw. As verdant and wroiyint as the 117 Or ninter, rt ra neininnl.lo-tinv a. it Iv. Innp,ind nears too On Chrostinan we really feel that one womb of nature make: the whole 'world kin. It is not hero in l'ennnylvanin 'lane-it in not bore in Ann , test alone that wn Attest our foth in a enrtnus future, by honnrint the birthday of the Son of Gml. Wherever mai iisntion toes, the spirit of A. balmy Christmas tollown. Whether ender the Mier Itch nil/OMM°. or the vines of Normandy the olive erns, of Italy. or the orange trees of Spain, by the hanks of the bonne.. or the Yanc-tse-lf inns-wherever the name nc the Saviour in breathed. there it a recognition of a haver and hills Christman day. It s eminently the ills of ohililhond.Many sweet and innocent traditions that Lave long since passed away 'rein matnrer Minds. return once noire in all their tlrluhtfingn on this frosty Christens: Pay. Kris Krini.le'n hells never lose their me'ci -ave hear their music thry go from house-toe to house-top, irons hearth atone to hearth stone. tin clearly and as sweetly on when /OP teora nee. we panned Mat. dreary. end steeples, nights, [lncising that ever wind Myles with the trees was the footfall or his familiar steeds. The tradition hes past , t} into a. vision-but the sweet memories it bought are . Ylany a milt of bilge blue (Wb tout never obese to night, but greet the corning mamma with lin eatient expec n, cy. The msrt °llona Christmas tree. with its ea ndy-burdened bought, will nse by alhousand hearths, and stand the centre of many a merry and a happy cir cle. Deletion volt not be forgotten. and mans a Prat AT will Data front earth to heriven—nruyei P of s latitude for the w ndrous gift to man Unit gives thn *llO ifs glors• All binds will share in 'he merriment. each in its way— oneh with its awn eustonis and trudit tons. hilt all with one purpose—the Inernori of a Mena Christmas. But nil eyes will not open en such n scene, nor w 111 ell beans be bonny On the oonn n 4 Christina. morning Poverty knows no holidat fin merriment— feels no it) ineethy with the gaieties and innocence of aonth. There is 0111110 to UN in the tourer winvrwm , is and nn.= enow—we hug the elinerful fire. and watch the dissolving frost irieklirm down the window pone. It is selfish rnelixlv, moms to the neer a song of misery and sorrow. of wretchedness and woo. Let up then white enloying, the tsmnties of the day. spare a tbet/talt for these to whom Kyrs tiringle, with his frosty rues. not e• vowel, end br wholes hearths a Christmas tree nosey blossoms. 'True happiness lonelier selfish. for the selfish man can never ito honey. blond people, ono and all, we wish yen a Merry Christ mas: TAe Cocnte Titan:Mona —Con vi rtion of Ma rmot Kroft for Anon —ln the Quarter Sessions,. dodge Albion presiding. the fruit of n ahem Kraft. for arson, In itettlnK fire to his picture n d balkier-class frame en toblaliment, et N 0.910 Filbert street. or, the wanner of the 4th of December was reromed realerdu 'Tulon: The court ream was densely crowded. and numerous members of the bar were unable to iSn.l even totaling room. The defence. whrnN lox twen AMY eonductrol by Meseta Gustavus Amok end Charles W. Brooke. 'gas concluded rater about Monty witnesses had been called In prove the previous toed character of the prisoner. %viten the testimony on both Wine was nil ;oven tn. Mr. iternak stated to the nnUTI Into willinyness to itonto,, , t the case to the mil without argument under the chugs of Ins honor. the Judge. Mallet Attorney Mann °Nei:n od to thin. and rood thnt he Sound not be finable; to Ina whole dots if he nealected to raven the cane fully and fairly. nu IC presented itself to ht. COnnelentiou. eons M. lion of the guilt of he defendant on trial Able and (nngthy addrysses were then tend , by :Mr Remick and the District A thane, nfterwroch Judie Allison charged the Jury in tin itnpartial manner. ro,,owinr all the Note of the mise. and the !swan applied to those (bete. About two It the Jury canto into court svnttl verdict et itent.'t V. and Kral . ..was at once temovet tin MOyarnenstug prison to await hue rentisnee. Now that tine Important male his been disproind of, we cannot refrain from publicly entninenaing the Flrd Mar shal, Mr. "'Oct burn. fer end ones.., inanifesMO to, him in 'mathspcetin of thin emine The pallet Attorney counvel for the defence %sere rearm in their inhume ot praise to One Itentlenim. lean cc OtTn'OrOrfiitit-etnalkhilihen is uroveysally meet taw. ] AA without aso crania in the Union. The comma nay Is indeed benefited by Molex vueh e fire marshy; end the, man regret is that there iVe nut m .11) thorn of the intUie kaal. The remainder of the day was necupted in the Melrose' of Pet() larceny rend council and battery ewe To-day de,,,lie o cave, Intl' he heatd. I). N. 0111SUICT eutlllT hint:e Crulairander.—Fredeg tick Tarr COnvlcted ttPolt the charge of nowaVaraustos and setting countertpir siker end cold pin was sin tended )s , teldny mu. rein; to three years in the Eastern ye rotenhit rc. Ntit Fatta—ltatice Woodward.—The timer Esann vn sthe execotors of Sarvennt tincture reported) was o 'lncluded J caterdan . and ..ivers to the Jury. tivennoncuptc us AAR .—NV o I nVite the nttontinh bf oar reunions to the establishment a Niro At I. Frank. e. OPheinn No ly) Stonth Fooall rawer. whole coI It rout-tiny a net nil•cl esse.tment of elm, crow,- te met in men s end stems rahmtiab(s Ada plc it for hn utay r ft, Inn Inlet erannent, n or then, we found proms? o ,, er , n e pot repreainted opted • rat a !Ante in, either nit beauty. or cleat rlptil histnr). in optical , 111,1,11- n. 04 c , Pecs.. n iv also very sueer,or Opera .ere pitiororcopes tet roof es and torah mailers; in. I,i nougats, either Imported or manufacture' b, hit nye presenied rn creel curiae. Ito hpectncle oe ri nriment In we-the of special Imilen. and nonstrtutes a • cuing Mateyo or no, trade. N.o era will find in i inn'e. von desermtinn of pep/wade v lasses Moult follv onntod to gold, ei rer, and elastic steel, correct') fitted to the eye T M oni Cw t DIMS DJ THE RP:St:V(III:Yr ere re.9ttn,'<4.l to rot oar I , novnlept Ye pion,. their go.trd against lny Intros t•ern who two' en n round In thte worm of nlmn-nitin •. subner.bttons for the N0n...1.00 Homo. ..Any of on , o naerol fondue) doubt not thorn bo to toy of OVA tp enntnu Unto . nlenife send their donntiNnt to Wilunrn treneurer. 3b6 We riot t.troni tohn dohlort,lsl9 Walnut Btreet; Cp.n,net nog - • .li3. Del4eCev Street; Genre Pox Mere), tree xeh , li o; Wm. ht. Collins F . Arch etreot: P. 11, civic. )415 Spruen groat ; iintebrord Starr IV,lnut , rt our, or to the aupe tuteudent, At the Home, 27..1 South Third stroot. roil CIIILDRFN The or in, era of the ellgAVe Insulation stlttswe, as ic ual, clving a Christi/mg lentlVal t ill. family of.hivn !oleo , n lucre charge The harm els rt tiro invits4 to emitrthotn. Ant artielesormonev, ye n la lonF. clothing, wit] i n rbanklull; received if colt feat? lien. natter, :I9T New street ; Mrs. J. N Clagborn.l9o9 Arch taro°. him Wittgemt, sonthemal eorner of Tellth and 'Ti .taut etreet3 ; • Ii to, R. llamme, 923 Co 'tea gyre;;%Om Gen'''. Peinekir 7e7 north kigt,th street, or nn) 01 Oh. teat of the managers. A Yel . N.7 SIAN iv Tilor'nt.E —A few evenings TOnce a minis men named Cha• les Ti. 7kfcfflertg, from nk umi nrrested on the eliare.e of threatening to o 1 AN 4,111-bent et at Tenth nod f;c o rge street, of d f Shootitig at Offiner Roinuron, When tote , To the et . ntral is item, the prigoner matt searched and as to z+o n nit it. , lomat eit 43 him the officer was wilts-rd to ne,eir Ohm t he Melt ho feletekt n irk the eplown that the allot ens nietl at loot by McClort). Throngh thg lntet - P.5 , t , 0 , 1 , 1t mends, he woe saffetod to n Immo. and It truce test*" 011 t (ht is firing out the °direr• he shot Min ton on the pr.. and then threw awn) Oho In.tol. l'ith 1. tr. AtOlll,lOM CAtiE.—Wa ea by a liar ro,burr titer that the women .11 0 died in this City. Ohio n le, date. from the effects el an abortion Pro. diweil ly M r.. Piano's. in Juniper Street. was a Mica , itbrribo Cfll Wry, Amami+ of Mark's Vnlln), in itllpb)o and load rith I er faradr about two tulles trom John She we, a re ap( till hi ,111 wit) fiVroib fath e r . tt n 0101606,1,0, imitbeed Knnvy. Iter met death by nn accident nn tho railroad. 131 Ti ANP P trill Erg ' PAnADE.—Them o Firote et 'ovine is nod buteho , o onterilnt in honor of Iho op.e , h. , . of the market on Sleuth Street. abutn Ninth Alnint fin, 01 them 'tont over (hetr route on horselmek, preeeiliA ii o bend of music in etti omnibus. 'rho ruin ers NOlO i•tlEzen's ernes w Ile ihu butchers worn or 0d 10 1 0110 r tree w i th unit the, f I rho re WC atk (tett d o n on of lITO NA to the Hot in the evening a hall. 'rho market will be opened to-1100. Tor corner stone of the . 4 Partners' Wcetern Mar. Let " , t - ttA laid. with apprownite rerenmme•. nn Thurs o,— in ultinni, by the president And orucers or the eiiinpanN . A ropy of en the Philniiel ph, toPorq,rt set 01 emea of PIO. Sce., wore enelev.l in a metallic box and dew , yited in the corner-Wine. The stone was prestintoil Uy Jeooby & Co., No, sozs Markot stroot CITY ITEMS A SENSTEtat (bor.—We learn that quite a num ber of gentlemen in this otty had yesterday the good settee to purchase, as Chrintrnas gam for their wives, the elegantly-finished "Harris Boudoir" Sewing Ma. • - • chines, for which Mr. B. D. Baker, N 0.720 Arch street, is the agent. The great superort77 of 0211 tnsshme over sit others, for family use. readers it all the more suitable for presenting with "the compliments of the cartoon," and we crest that scores will have the discri mination to emulate the ex, mete of those above refer- red to, lig calling upon Air. Baker to-day, and doing hkgzaisg7 Tna MEDICAL , SITMENTS' STAMPEDE -Three hundred Southern medical students have left the city Philadelphia, with the [nature TOSOIVO to devote the balance of their lives to promoting. upholding. and pro tooting their mon common righte and common interests at home. And what are the cooseauences? Scarcely have they Rnne beyond the city limiter, when we find ail the papors filled with the most timing edgerLsamerts of'• Holiday GIN." end•' Oifts for Holidays," Holt- ny Presents" end " Presents fortidos." This, to eoems supremely ridiculous. The rood MIMI of OUT eit zena cannot he so fsr tamed sway at the approach of R gi"'"3 holiday cc to forget that at Esh)eman'a Cravat :itore, MS Chestnut street, ore to be had the Pret tiest and cheapest vifts in the di tr. new cane Sentle- man treat himself to better advantage. or a I•dy display more Mate than in the presentation of a beautiful era- •nt ? If Eshleman hssn't sot them in nrotest rarunty, tin not the Nutt of O. P. E. C. War.sons & Co., To -D .--For several tiny put o noptilqr Gents` Purn;ohtnicPstabliehment of Messrs ft. C. Walborn Ps Co., No.. It and 7 North Bath street, has been literally thronged with lady -patrons to select Prom their magnificent stook of Wrappers for gentle men. and to-day, we doubt not. mini will hs"e the rood Wee to improve the last opportunity of doing so SPZNCER, under tho Girard lime. presents, in his splondia store. It hugs scene. Thousands are flock ~ns to his rooms to detect from his elegant stock of Oen 'lemon's Furnishing Goose presents suitable for the season No hotter spot cou)d he found for doing this to Advantage in our enPre our. SAUNDER 9' INSTITUTE. This °lenient semi nary, gloated nt the highest paint of Market street, wait of the Schuylkill, was establish6d nearly ten years a ‘O, by Professor Saunders, soon after his return from examining the beat literary institutions or Europe. Prepared for his enterprise by much previous enPa rience..B well ns observation, he has fully met the en ueotntions of his friends, who knew him when he presi- ded over one or the hrgott end moat proape roux elasal ==! Confidence is. perhlps, the most remarkable feature of this be AUtifal-Orde red school, or literary family, as an it is more like an affectionate family then a school. The boss confide in the fraternal kindness of the young men ; the young men ohnfide in the truth of the Youngest boy; and all sundae in the Professor as very father, satinet he mould, their pliant na tures by retarding them as the best ynnth col lected at any one point nn the continent. In the *Jnta , they must he seriously attentive ; on the street, circumgrect ; on the luern, merry, pure in language, knd, obliging ; at the table, genteel; in their studies. thoroughly !Mormons. suseassful, or tritZ mar tone Air -nod opinion; a, d, although they cannot ozactly under stand why, his good opinion >nest not be lost. In ether worts, he bring. a very Peculiar and almost inde s-rihable influence to hear noon his pupil. In deed, it it believed thin the PH:armor bims If ten ant ell, even if be undera and& how he has so insane ly Tiro glit his rinds In pay such defe yerce to bin wishes. Flo reports even the lion. Roger 4. Pryor, who wee severe , years to his family. to have ten a retrarkably dor•in, as wall es a laborious and •accesefol pupil By the way, does the Professor no. knowltdre him; elf responsible fin all the positions that s riunndrrn pupil now take., t or d d his system make the bold Prier a thinker of Motown 'bought■ E. IV. CAHRTL & CO 'A (714 Chestnut street) list of tinkles suitabl- tar a Braider ➢recent : case containing one dozen Nut riots, either pearl. plated. QT ivory A onto containing one dozen Deepen or Prust Knives, with ivory, Dear!, or plated handles. A rime containing a pair of fine plated and gilt Salt Callers end Spoons. caso containing a plated H info. Pork, and Spoon for , A saes eontaining a beautiful plated, chased. and aided Child's Cup. A rase or rnsewond containing a Dinner and Tee set of Table Cutlery, with pearl. ivory. or plated handles. A case cont,ininr one dozen plated Nut noas, and tun &sled Nut Crooks. A rose or chest containing a full Breakfast. Dinner nod Tea APTriCi. of Carrst & Co 'a See plated ware. beautiful chased rind plat d Pitcher, Salter arid %bier to rostch. A tine Rrenkfset. Dinner or Supper Castor. A rustily chased and. plated Cake Brisket or Print Acted. A elided chased and plated Spoon Wee or Rack. A pitted wee Boiler. With tildea Me. arid three minute that attac , ,ei. A pair of fine plated Butter Dishes. A &ratio Su tar Dish—that can also be used as a But. ter Dish. A VOA contalnirg two. 7IX, or. one (faxen fine elated al.pkin A lw,iitiful plated filltree Card Basket. A dna Toast Rack, Syrup Cup. or Spoon-holder. A finely en.. raced Cake, Fish. Pie, Crumb, or Ice Cream Knife. A plated Tate-a-tote et. with Ciao And Saucer. A outar Basket. lined with Bohemian Dices or Gold. A ptated Urn. Kettle, or hot Y ilk Pitcher. An fee Pitcher, with 'slyer and Bowl. Owed Cha fin e. Voretahle or Entree Dish. A French tinlance Caffitior. with plated !donating,. A beautiful Canary Bud Casa. An elegant Frenoh Willow Work stand. or a Sewing Chair. 0., travelling. A set of Gold, Gilt, and Enameled Tea Trays. A carved Bread Rote or Trencher, with Bread Knife to match. --- -- A child's Table or Barking Chair, with one thousand and one (lOW other useful articles, to all of which the attention of those in want of Christmas presents is in vited. dtt-tf Clint Wrenn GIFTS.--Make your Mende a Christ ine. Present of the Etereogeope and Pretu•es; it will be moat graciously received. Emporium, LS south Eighth &Sleet, jag. CAEIII6 Sr. Co. WHAT more suitable for a Christmas Present than a pair of ladies' avalkin ^ boots. gents' fine boots or ksitata, hots' sowed calf boots, getters, or buckle.- shoes .? They can be had at Bunbares, Ile south Second street. CIIttICTKAS Err. stet the "Continental Clothing House." northeast corner of Chestnut and I. islth etc,. seem, lir some means to he closely alltoJ. Cut • I the rhousanda who throng Chestnut street, there are tut few who do not par dying visit; to this treenail)t establish ment, or cast admiring chances at Its magnificent eon rents. Messrs. E. if. Rldrd,e gc Co. the entereriains proprietors, haven fine stock of gore's in store, to which hey invite the attention of the pUbtie. PRVIIDVIT'S MESNAGE.—It it understood that the President, in determining to send his an nuli Menage to the Senate. was prompted by the most patriotic and praise-worthy motis ea. The country to safe, and the President knows it ; tut he had at heart a benevolent des; o to enable the Senators to leave WoohinVon for the holiday week, so that thee could re turn home to their friends, after harm: first secured new suits for thetneolven at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall or Rockhill .k. Nilson , boa. 003 and GO chestnut Street. above Stith, NO Clrr IN TIM 'WORLD EQUALS PuILADCLPSti for beauty, &P., nbn•es. cortifart, health, wealth, peace. Plenty. and liberality. Books. so to •peek, ttto feirty given awn) by G. G. Evans, the proprietor of the Gift- Itook Enterprise. No. 43.) Chestnut at , eet. For ono dol lir, an) of the /atest publications of the best authors, handsomely •bound, may be had, and a sp l endid Gift, VAT) iat: in value from SI to SICO, wesented to the rut olianer. Mr. Evans to the most enterprising publisher in the country, and his system of gifts secures him the Patronage of the pubite. Tut great excitement about the slavery quer tion ie nothing to COMPII, to the rush to J. Burr Ikloore's store, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth street, above Market. Eyeryb.xly and his wife must one the great variety of Angle et this establishment. Gent'emen's fernier/tin r goods of all kinds, suitable for the holidays, can there be found. Robes, of et erY sire and quality, now 'being disposed of very ebony, 31r. M.'s long experience to the businesa is n sure guarantee that eyer)thiog neces sary and requisite for a gentleman's wardrobe may be found at Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth street. •` Leen.? To L'eq,r.,Vittr lstfAT Tot' ITATO LESITOtD 0.4 ar s ' . and if you nave !tamed amiss to Weld in foolish or luxurious °Openers al t our money as fast as you rerbiTe it, Porn to unlearn it, rind tenon t t sere tor Fume, uestul purpose, end deposit it, until wants In the o'd FranLhn :min.( Fund N..17d :otith Fourth Wert below Cbellnlit I Ipindtlphitt, whom it tan be niaan at any time. still] 5 per cont. interest Thir old and ',lint le Sarin, Fond astir Ssearsadtd. See adver tisement in are oil et Column. E. W. Carol 4; Co., mlnufierurers of fine Silver Plated Ware, and importers of House Furnishing at, tacles,ll4 Chestnut street. Pnilsdelpnitt. A Ltrrte tnmeolored memorandum book was Picked up in the banking MIS to of a certain in?irldhal, fmmker 'hover in Buffalo. It Is - es found to bl, flu to one follow - tat the profesuon of mminfseturer of cobblers, crickinge end punches. and to confain the "littli necoun , s" of sundry of hie costomers, come of wh eh are of ver - Info stsnth g. Tho next day a !art , number of oily !beers, severe! lawyers numer ous generele end neonate, and one edi'or. w're cur er crn In find their pope 'thrown out" by the dowount olark nt the bank eforeeni , . Their u - nine had bee.) the cover, d euronz the &Antlers "in the little ten onto'sd memorandum honk. Aferat.—Pay as you ; the more effeettpilly to do torch. oronomim by Wein: your eiruhice nt the pala tial store of Oranville !Baas, No. &I Chestnut street. QrtrrA NON MoSETA it the motto adopted by a largo portion of our 'Old Bode" population at the pre sent tattn—“rAchtt'm and utterli rzputikAte, ever. thing In the .hipa ot irnornr manta and (push d possdk a. the f.rm tuna of the human mind." Pappilr for us to our thy and sracmtion, roe live in an are of Immo , e snout;andno-,natptie he motto of all those who Perensse• that Honk■ for Chtl3 , lTl3. Rth. At G. G, Ev ma' Gift Book F:mporium, No. 4"4 Ckleatnut street, where beautiful Manuals, Albums, Bibles, Evangelical works, and entertaining Novels Stories, he., fur the poun v - 1,1 et the Loved rublishins prices, and a costly present awarded each purchaser. E. W. Cann's% & Co , il4 Chestnut street, a large assortment of fine Willow Work Stands, suitable for Ifolsday presents. Prices from $2 to to 810. thtEAT RELLTTION FOR TUE LIOLIDAYS.—SterO(I - i no t r umonts anti VurßE,OperE Glasses, .to., sink! at iimitly rethiced 1111001. by M. r. FTIIIIIIIIII, Optician, 112 South Fourth greet, I.ololr Chestnut. G. G. Evema. Clirr Boot BTORIS No. 439 Chestnut street. Buy your Holiday Booka at Evans' Buy your Holiday Books at Evans' Buy your Holiday Books at Evans' Buy your Holiday Books at Evans' 818 Book Store, litft Book Store, Gift Book Store, fliß Hook Store. 'Tts the best place in the di,. 'no the best place in the clip 'Tin the best place in the city. 'Tis the best place in the city All Booke are sold as cheap as at any other store. All Books ere sold as cheap as at any other store. All 'Books are sold as cheap as at any other state. And you have the advantage, And you have the advantage, Aral yen Im.e the advantage, Of getting a Oat with each Book, Of fretting a Gift with each Book, Of fretting a Gat with each Book. CALL IC, AND OXA Tiltll. WILT, CONVINCS Ice That it ail the best place In the efts to purchase nooks G•ORGE G. Ers,:is*, Originator ref the GO Book Bustne3s, No. 439 Chestnut street. How TO MARE A Ware 1 1ml - qr.—Present her with Ladd, Webster, 4. Co.'s Improved Se tr ing bta d,ui.—the most useful and Lea vt(f al artials to be found. They hive taken numerous First Premiums this year aver aft others. call Bad see theta, at 0.1 Chesnut tract. SAUNDERS' INSTrytyTyp, Thirty-ninth and Market streets. This is a cleated school, of loneatandine, founded uposi peculiar principles of MORAL. TRAINING. - Beoresy amens pupils, which begets falsehood And fosters erery Tice in so many schools, is here not only Prohibited in theory but in pretested in faa by the hearty concurrenee of the students; end thus the teaches obtains that infonostion which is necessary; to sympathy and advice. H_KALTYI It is sufficient to say that sits - as 'Jeans or Oil - Mend ere here ,4 e voted to the day-element eyed amusement of the pupils ; that the school-rooms ate Large and sirl ; sni, in abort, that a web's tUgessjaa it•VOrtaawis is the seminary. Tli& STUDIES Are calculated for a vaefol and elexaut edneation. French, Latin, Greek. Mathematics. euJ History, out be Pursued iOlBl extent. The instruction i pally oral. PUBLIC SPEARING cultivated. The students are exereited daily in original and rztemPoraneons eloquence. AN INVITATIOI To twit the inititutton between the hours of 9 and /9 A. M. is extended to the public. TERMS. Board and tuition for fire montbe,commenolng at the time of odiniarion . ens 00 From Monday to Saturday. fur name period ..• • /CO CO Parala of all age. are re -sired, and ID2LIJ who attend are young men. who br the purity of their more: e. ur banity of their manners, and kind attentions, are of great adrantate to their younger companion& No SA. miners is more select. F 'ether information can be obtained from Professor SAUNDERS. or from any of the foltowing gentloction, eat of whom hart .1011107 wards in his Seminars MAP HEW NEW K1R.K..3 reh and Thirteenth. Rev. 1013 M 'WESTBROOK, Sunday Sehool /Ta int WM. Monl BYRN, Est.. Merchants' lintel, - Roo. N. B. BROWNE. Philadelphia Post giftest Rev. Br. NEW'S*, Omen end Yr elesettk, 8 A NIL. S. WHITE, Esq.. Dontst Co I.ge E. A. DOUGLASS, Esq., Lettgh Coal and Nevigati Oa COILIMny • J. JENKINS ROSS, Esq., WelthingtOn Rowse. FAY. CHA°. EW MG, West Ph ilsdelnitie- CHAS. E. T 051.PSON, Esq., Lilt Arch street. Rev. MT. &VINSON. St. Geories, Del. Hon. A. J. f)LOSs BRE'SN Eft, Weetnnztnn. Col. JOHN W. EOH.PiF,Y. Editor of The Prose. . Hon. W BIGLER. 0.8. S. WIC WILSTACEL Saq., Jhttenhoose Square. d 24-31 CALL and see our new styles of Christmas Present.s.ius opened. W. J. KERR Ar, CO., Chin% Rail. M CHESTNUT street. CIIRISTM.4I RELESE.Vri- —Electro-insvetic bed Magneto-Electric machines, for nitcheal use, ms not stared and for sale at N 0.3% Bowl OEVEISTEL Bisset by' W. C. & 3 . NE.PF* d9t-St' CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.— he lar,eat assortment in the city, Is at JEBRIZ'S CHINA HALL, 572 CHI STMT Street. It HOLIDAY PRESENTS t eaN. -rriv I of thole raperior EVICT ME LOCK aTITCH •FAMILY or TAILORS SENNINO MA CHINES. war , anted at the bar price or eV Call and see thorn. S. D. *eCONE.'• Y. Agent :12 Se nth SECOND Swat. below Dock. Agents wanted. JrlT OPENED.— Per ship Zqrich. from Spare. the moat. blatant amort meot of P:LNCV FRE: , Cif CHINA ever e:fsibited is the city. W. I KERR & CO It CHINA &met. Bruzaz tima —Hos- many persons abuse this delicate and beautiful oroament, try tames tt a tth alcoholic washes, and plastering it with grease. which has no affinity for the skin, sno is not absorbed Burnitt's Cocoaies. a' ompeund of Cocoa-nut Oa- &0., uan lcalled as a dreluonz for the hair, is ierall'y ab sorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to its 111d1011 , 11 eondi ttone, preventing ita Wittig off. rvd. yrurooting it/ healthy erowt . See certisement. obi slat LACE WINDOW tARTAIRSi ail style's Rod lets who!eiala awl retail, in the hiAionc HALL. ?le CHESTNUT Btreet, RH 41 W. H. CARRYL .k IMO ELT.GAN't FALL AND 0. INTER. CURBING-- a Robert G. Adams% scat/unit colon sr Sec nth sad pi rku ,nett.—Drees and Frook Coats of the bast q tality ; Bovines. Coats, Promenade Coate. and Riding Costa. in all the latest atyles, and a stock of Uvercesta that cannot be surpassed in Vann,. style. or quality. A full and complete stock of Black and Fancy Cain - mere Pants, of the best and choicest fabrics, and a su perb stock of Silk. Velvet, Cashmere, Grenadine. Cmth. Sattn, and Came mere Vests. all cut. made, and trinucad equal to customer work, expieialrfer retail mew, aai 1 10 •a es sold at tag mess NAM iliilA6l6 rricrt, - . - Ta..lllW !WOO Pa ITOLIDAT PRESENTS.— CONRAD METrx., No. in ARCH Street, bele. Eighth, hat tn - heuti:es aiN_A -11,15 tof lupe 710 r PIANOS. in Lotthr Xf V iterrehlher stiles, such as three for "bleb be receiviki tika , Piiti Medal from the Grand Jury et the Werhrs Fan. Lee: dna. Mt. SINGEA'S SaTrixo 3.1.1071N5S N 0.2 Sewing Machines No.l gewing Machines The Family Sewing Machine, The Family Ssainig Machine..... ..... I. V. SINNER & CO.. No azi CEPThUT Ikreet. ANOTREN SAPII IN TUL A MANTA , ri AE , - HIGHTE!'/V DAFT IN THE _RUINS! I zuncir, WHITAKER'S CKRTIEIDATE. ATLANTA,fleo.,Deettniter Thu is to certify that I hare owned and toed one of Herrthes Patent Fire-Proof Safes for some time, And at the lam destructive and ostensive fire in the all of Atlanta, ca the otabt of the Nth of November, MS. the Safe had valuable papers in it. It was it my raw office. the second floor, in Mr. Markham"' lane three story brick buildins. and dunes the tee mid Donnas of said hulding the Safe fell into the cellar, and there re mained imbedded in the midst of the bet ruins for EIGHTEEN DAYS AND N10. , T8. It was then taken our. and when opened I althonzh the safe. in its present injured condition outside, was unfit for farther ewe k the papery were at safe. This severe test convinces me that it is decidedi' best to have "Herrinz's Patent Fite-Proof tales" for pro. motion of papers aponst fire. JARED IRWIN WHITAK ESL Jars Whitaker has Leos bousht tiro of ILEA RING'S PATENT SAFES from us, and adds his testimonial to the others from Atlanta already pub• rARRV.L. FLEMING, k CO., No. 639 cHESTNI.TT Street., (urxt's RALL.) TITS BEST CI7RISTILtS PRESENT IS d r.SE. rex. Ova.—Nl. FINKLE'S Sewing Maahinen are the beat in the merle/ for all kinds at fatally esering et trilau &attiring Nit/roses. Parieet aritsfardion u work guaranteed or the prioe refunded. Price reduoed t 0 1 ,50. FINKLE LYON, 9t2 CHESTNUT Street, over Le Bente t *wafture. 12=32111 WAP.BIMTOIeS HAT FOR TIM HOLIDAT AND WINTta 8 tee oz. fumishes to Gent'emen tut eaneo for &Tice aide their much-wore heavers. An examination a tewetfulls tolicated. 430 CHESTNUT Street. 4120tuthsm45( Guru. it itimtiva OICLUILATID NOISVAIII FAIFILI ertirtßil-iIiAMEIMIN 1T Ub CZ Tills. 730 CHTATNI:T STREW, TABLE AND PLANO (OvU3. Wine 111111 Fruit Clorks. W. 11. CARRY!, k PRO., 7 . 19 N UT Street, below Eighth. Masonic, Hwo. dll-4t Tins Plumes 07 II I N F.'S e SWINE? MACIIINSB liLt , t! DEIN !.‘: -11DrpiD GILT IVISIIONS SBABILS, only St OA. with subetanttel fixtures, oomp:ete; sr 719 CRESTNCT fir, d2l4t R. A. cARRYL & BRO. Tril% EAU I lIrTRALS Hits RETORATITH re ceives the appr bation of the most scieptsfic men IA the Nrot Id. It cleanses a , 41 renovates the cattle of the head, prevents the hair (tiling or, and renders the heir soft, glossy. sod molined to curl. No lady's toilet is complete w.thout it. Bold hi all o'n:insists, and by JULES ,H S.UEL tr. CO.. 'No. 7C CRLS — I'NUT Street, Philadalplua. dl9 &Wit AMMON HOLIDAYS! !dikes Id retiree, Seger Flame. - 'ruit Deka xo cent, Pound Mixture, ZS an,1150 °ears. rano) , Doze., expressiy foe the 11,A,d , tye. d2l FOR ErGHTII Street, helovr Market. WINDoor SnADEts —Of tvtry strle and si,n. in more and insda °Ater, cheap an 4 nod. Na sonic Hall, 719 CREST:NUT treet. d2l 4t w. U. CARRYL h BRO. Gila wiN-Dow Conmoas allrizes. from ernta to $lO end, Gilt Bands. Riti,s, bc.. MASONIC FIALL.7I9 Cll k.SINUT 6tr•et. Silo deiAmANDla Fixt-PicooF Spas.—A very arse assortment of SALAMANDERS' for resat reason able prices, No. 304 CRESTNIIT Street. Ptuladelatua. aunt t 1 RV ANS & WATSON To CABINET-MAKLAS AND UPDOLSTEIMP.S. —A full line of Reps, Damasks. Metes. Japuese Clots, l.aatinzs, Tufts, &c.. wholesale Lod retail nu caESTNUT Street. ON. PRIOR CL(PrILING OP ?U LATEST SYrt..its, made in the best manner, exereasly for RE SALM LtMERT sepias pros• worked ,a Plain Figures. All goods amide to order Warranted seam., 'MGM. Our ONE-PRICE System teetrietly adhered !Am/ we believe this to be the only fair was of dealing' All are thereby treated alike. 3021E3 Z CO., aert.tf 1104 MARKET Street. GAS-LAPP DIAPOT-431X1S ANT) A.ACTI. 5024.3 ti S AYH N B SAVING FUND: . —NORITIRTST 0011.21 NY SNCOND and WALNUT gthtett.—Deposits re named in small and large amounts, from %IA elesepe of the nornmunltY. andante], interest at thereto ahem net Opt. per annum. nom MST be drewn by cheek, evitkoat tow of =- wrest. Oboe croon daily, from 9 anti: 5 o'clock, and on Mon fa! and alfardal mail D is the evening. Prten.lent, FRANKLIN FALL:Treasurer and Scoretary.taM3 MP. SAVING PcrN - D—NaTioliei. SAYSTY TRUST CokrANT.—Chartered by the State of Penneyivistis RULES. 1. Money reoetvotl 'Miry day, and in. ay amount, ono or mall. I. FIVE PER, CENT. interest is mid for Miner) . ;ruin the day it is eat in. 3. The money ie always paid bast in GOLD whenever it is °ailed for, and without reline. 4. Money la received from Execsaors, Admia isfralors. Guardi.u, aid other Trustees. in large or small same, to remain a lone or short period. O. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee. Orcrand Rents, and other SlX dace SOCATILdek offloe open every day—WALNUT Street, notaluirnal corner Third street. Ph itedeledia. WHIRLER & WILSON SHWIND MACTUNSS. —Pluladelshls Moe. 62 CHESTNUT Street. Merohante• orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT te by the CompahY. Brener' °Moat In Trenton, Them Jersey, and Earice d weitoitesta, 'e. es/4-dm W. H. CARRYL tr. Bt 0 Nr. H. CARRY!, Sc gRO
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