• P 11.1131 , 04p7' AILYINIY*I3 EXORO*Di ~'6ol4riro. 417 oi(AOrtirt 'DAILY PRESS' Tynticre ORRTIPIR WREN, payable to the Clairtenh *ailed to Bobeoribips cut of the Citi at Six Dottaas ,PAra - ARNIM PORN. DOLLARS lOU !miff Morrie;' Tae "TlOLsmis rot Six Moartte-4nveriably in ad vance for the time ordered. , f PRESS. Mailed te.frallarit)era out ,o;:the City at Timm DoX.- Saito ietianant, in advance. STATIONERY. : 1 1t360. NEW 'FIRMS . AliID, 1 . 80 ORANGE'S F-MtIIPHY eis - SONS. No. 339 CHESTNUT STREET, 'Below Fourth, PRACTICAL DIANUFACTURRTIS DY BLANK BOOKS, • - of Linen Stook, t3pecial Orders promptly exeonte4. Chooke, Wets, Note,, Copying Presses, Letter and Note Papers. and tovolopet. with n. chows stook of sll7-3m COLINTINU-.IIOIISE STATIONERY. ACCOUNT BOOKS. OLD AND NEW PIRAIS, alqtrautto WHOLE OR PARTIAL SETS the coming season, will find on our shelves a ,LARGE AND COMPLETE AhSORTMENT om which to select, or can have them made to order of ANY DESIRED PATTERN, . 09 TIM VERY BEST QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, Together with a flalassorlmont of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COUNTING-HOUSE SMITIONERY, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. MOSS,: BROTHER. & CO.. , -No. 430 MARKET STREET. MIILINEGY . GOODS. 729 N E W 729. FLOWER & FEATHER STORE, 729 CHESTNUT STREHT.'., Closihg oat, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, out entire s to ok or HEAD tintstio, BRIDAL WREATHS, FRENCiI FLOWERS, MITRE RS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO ., rIe'CRESTNIPT ST., AND 43 &SECOND ST. itJaRCIIANT TAILOR. rt iptiAvaiP. M. ESTSADA, lIEROHANT TAILOR. PINE FASHIONABLE READY-MADE OLOTHING, atTERRIOR FABRICS FOR PUSTOMER WORN, - NO. 21 SOUTH SRVENTII STREET, ktILIDELPHIA, • RAPHAEL P. N. ESTRADA, tutvirm tussocsiated with him M ARTISTIC CUTTER, Itlr. JOINS ROBSON ((late of Granville Stokes',) respectfully invites the at tention of the pnblie to his new establishment, and Ms splendid stook of FURNISHING GOODS for Gentle jlehrseCtri.hand a choice election of Fabrics especial ly for customer work, and s & varied assortment of fa :Monet/To ..READY-MADE CLOTHING, to whioh ho invites the attention of buyers. Each article warranted to give entire satisfaction. 824-3rtt TORN HOBSON, Artist. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. GOODS FOR THE SEASON. , BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS,'FOOT WARMERS, BLOWER STANDS, PLATE_ WARMERS, HOT WATER. D15H4.19, AT THS 110IISE,FURNISHING STORES, NOB. 922 AND 1226 CHESTNUT STEEET. eTNO. A. MURPHEY dk CO, ols-wrma CDINA AND QUEENBWARE. WHITE GRANITE AND CHINA TEA. SETS, DINNER SETS, TOILET'SETS, PRESSED GLASS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, &L, AT LOW PRIORS WRIGHT, SMITH & CO., NO. IS NORTH MTH ST nia-wimtt BOOTS A.ND SHOES. FLAZELL & HARMER, MANUFACTURERS IVIEOLESALK DNALS:II,B ra BOOTS 'AND - SHOES. NO. 126 "NORTH RIIIRD BPRERT. A full assortman t of Oily made Boots and &toes con stantly on hand. eta-tf 111A-RDWA.KE PACKAGE HOUSES. RANDY 84 BRENNER. NOS. 23, 25, AND 117 NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MRPCHANTS. '; • For the isle of all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE. AND IMPOSOIRO OF . „.4PRILIA&N, BELGIAN, FRENCH, AND ENOLLSH HARDWARE AND OUTLENY, • Keep oonstautly on Wand a largo stdek of Goode to SOF FIT Hardware Dealers. MOTOHER'S FILES. - By the oast or otherwise. DUTCRER'S EDGE TOOLS, • ;• BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WEIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND WOES, And outer kinds in MIT Twist/. BOLT mum POE BEAEP'S REPEATER PISTOL, WEIGHING ONLY 83i OUNCES. • SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. lOAVARD C. triADT: MO. G. BRENOOOL c. P. BEOZNIISS. - aal9•tf pAOKAGE ILIRDWARE HOUSE.—We — woeki respectfu call the attention of the Oene ' ref Efardinsre Trad WARE , extensive Stook of MR MINOR/al E(ARD which we offer at a mall . advance by the paokage. - Orders for du* eat Importation soliolted; i and Goods de ' Moron either n the city, Now York, or I & va Orleans. W. G. LF,W Bon, ell COMAthlit E Street, . . Imnprting and Commission Merchants, And Agents for Foreign and Demesne Hardware. auz244 CABINET -WARE, rA_BINET FURNITURE Awn BILLIARD 'IL , WILE& - MOORE & CAMPION,' No. MI !WOW lIECOND STREET * eonneotlon with their exte name Cabinet Romeo, are tiOw mtnetkottwinx. a nupeno TABLES, BILLIARD and hare now on kand n full supply., finiehed with MOORE lc CahIPIOPPBIMPROVED siluoh are pronounced by all who have used them to be enierlor to all !Ahem • For the quality and finish of these Tables the mann -factutere refer to thelypumerous patron Jytd ins throughout the Uniri who are Umthar - with toe oharaoter of their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c. DRUGS, MASS, PAINTS, &o ROBT. SHOEMAIKER & 00 14ORTISEAt3T CORNEA FOURTH AND RAOB BTREBTD, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Importers and Dealers in WID DOW MASS, PAINTS &e., invite the'attenttonof COUNTRY MERCHANTS To their large sitiek or Goode, whioh they otter et the lowest market ratan, . Oett-t( LOOKI4G;GLAt3SES. . . „ • rir . 90.N.IlsiGSALASVES, ,A,A At reduced rriees. 7. COW PLAND, N0..5 1 South Fourth street. hag oh •' ' ti l de:, r i tr r igry, l ot a a k m% f nttl e o l r g h I sin! t i: h Mirrorse glreigj - a t Vary low prices. Square Mhz oral Portrait, Picture, -.. ~•• • and rhetoXraph Frames, French Flats ou bend from - ' art by 414 to 12,5 by 39, at moot below former Drums. . Orderepodolted. JO3HI.IA COW Fl AND, , ' • da-lm ' . N 0.53 South Fourth street. .. , . • . " • ROPE GOAL OIL - WORKS. PREMIUM &Vali= AT PENNSYLVANIA ySTATIt MEN V ACtTORY WhILRF r-801IUY 0FR19111127. WALNUT STREET. R. HUBBARD k. BON D %MING AND PAINTING MATE RIALS. • Isiginsers'pind Arohitiohe Stationery. robiais Painting Materials. otiolionnatua Castello and Vases. 'Paint Boxes for Children, and also for Artists and attedents, floterea 'and Pintails y`rames. R osArts .i itrt o f tto b i:ai r sV e Pre ash. , • - 1301101 A /t. JANENT7,XY, Air-itiß,l3lrb Street. . , 40 eginslierkimer County ttifitaorator!awl bx_c. ARCH' 111140. door Above. vront:-- B"L' E R - . r,f I ,ANI4CII 'WIN, POW: GLASS , on hand, X and tar RAW by WBTIIINibb & BROTHER, , IT dud 19 Nortbi tiECOND Btrtaet 4 • ws \\\\:l 7- t //0 /1 \,./Ir - -", - 4 4 1 k,040*- • _ . • . I,_ • . ~ . ,\ • 1 / 4 , \ i i/ / , ....- • ^kvY2. *CI - '- 4.: .. i .'‘ .....,..1. '5?...e..,,,,,,...., r.. 7, •trtz .A. ... . . _ r ..,- titter • ••• -- ~,,,.;„:„,_,,,,.,.- t , . '• • , .- :-_.?-,-".. -- ' :z * -7.- " . ' \ '''''‘‘,"' 1.-i-.:-.- -- -''il I -----,,, if ,... • -- .- - -,. 4• ,- 1.,* 1- 1 .A.. . .. ,-. . ------ ---• , , v • '"-- -,.., --_,-- „ - --3 , . - : - : -.. , -- : -: : -.. - -;;;.• " -",-.;-: :: fi. j r, - --,.;, -, ... - . .r ~ , .. ~, ..„,..,,, „..t '-' - Lit . ~.., ,- -- i -r- , ~ -, 4:, ,; ),-;1i.... e', ~...;.- - W. ..i rf . ...- 9 _,,-.' :i . -4 ~..,,,._.0.•• gi-'0116„, ..... — " , ..'i. ,— , - ---_ - • __,; , :ilirkatii , : , t,44f 1 . 4 ....r,,;.F__, ..,:r. q.;:,--:,jtl; ~ • iti, .- •-•- 4, - ..- 4,.. - A, . \ tiap.._•-,... si; ,, : ;''' ''- ' 7l-' 4 -- - `Trt f ; ..l. T,Mi.-'1 4. ?; 4,- 1 -- ''• It!,- - 't . .:. - ;' 7 " s ' - -." -- -•,,, , hc.,4, ~ ; !, i,, -:_,,,,::- : , ±,41,.___.,- 1.., .. . ..:,„..,_ -.,,- - _g, , -4.4. ~ z.,.._ ~ r , .` -hk - ,-,'.,,,, - iho t - s , g, ~ - 14 ' • •:-.. •-: 1 - ••••• , : - • "-..... 111, ...I , '',. r frA . I..et -• i. , ll`. '.-• • 's' ' '7 ,, ,•• ' - -- -4 "' -- - ......-„,.., :-..,• •,_ ".t.laV . . :1•:,,, , ,,',-I•• Iii•CI• IiP•• ''. ' - Vi•',... 61,- .fal.Y.: y, r• . I.- r•R„ ----;•., • --3, 0,4.,,.-442A.-.- .-.----,----- .- ~.. . -.-„.• t• , •'-. ;-;•,-1 4 ,a,.. • _,,..,,..._• ''''''' . "r ' - ' ; 7- . . It'- -,../P.,",: . ' "N W, ..,,, - :....;::. '',:':,-'- ' . 4 i t ..." id -•=':'''..F. • - -- - z_: •-- •.' l'-' -•'...- --...,,-; , 0 .• ., tr , -_ ,- --••-!!iii.. - 7 , ..,--,------z - L'- .. . , .., . . ---,..-•,,----,.....• .. ---.---_,-;;;•_. _ i . _.. ,- 41.k . -,T Arse k .... r.- - - ...7 . .: 7 ` _.....,:,,Li '....- _ . ..., •,..7.... ~,_ ..,-..._ ;;,. 11, ...--,. .. ~ .... _....., • , „ . • VOL. 3.-NO. 123. CONFECTIONERY. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.—zinc CONFECTIONERY can ho had, eqoal to any other eatablishmeut in tion etty—viz: Bon Hon, Chocolate. Almond. kw. Also, an assortment of Fnncy Boxes. between EFFR lEs & CO.'S, No, TM Al ARK 7...; ntreet. Seventh and Eighth. d2O-1m CFIRISTM.AS CANDIES AND TOYS.— Fine French Mixtures, ZO cents per pound, worth 25 cents t do. 75 cents worth 8,1. Plain Mixtures 25 cents and 3T cents per pound. Also, Vuoliesse d'An gouleme and Vioar of Waliefield Pears. Lady Ap ples o. N. lIRIOG S. d2ll-6 3c t" 206 Bouth NINTH Street. LAURENT & MAHON'S CONFEC TIONERX, Northwest corner SIXTH and ARCH Streets We have now on hand ono of tho finest stooks of HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY In this pity, togotlier with a great variety of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS; TOYS FOR ORNAMENTING CHILDREN'S TREES; Fanny Boxes, Cornett M, and AN. oth GL ETer articles suitable for RIS S. As wo manufacture ell our own roods, with the ex ception of those we import, eir4.priees n al be Found lows r than usual : . our assortment of Fanny Sugiind &tillage To 3 for . ORNAMENTING tlitlWp Will be found unequalled. die-et LAURENT & MARON. CHOWS CIIRISTMAS'''.... CONFECTIONERY. FINE MIXED SUGAII. PLUMS, PRESERVED FRUITS, FRENCH AND A VERICAN. BON-BONS, SUGAR TOYS, NICK NACKS, &e., Manufactured and Impelled by ED. G. WHITMAN & CO., ,dla tD ZS SEdOND and CHESTNUT Streets. - - PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS. FOWLER TOWNSEND, RKET STREET, Ate constsintly manufeeturisf NEW Ni)A CROWE. VARIETIES DON BANS, CREAM CONNECTIONS, FINE SUGAR ALIIONDS t J LIES, Re., Re. Also, French Nick-Naoks, Christmas-Tree Orna ments, / 4 ic. We have also fine Figs, Raisins Paper shell Almonds, Sic., Re., suitable for the coming huh days, to which we respectfully invite the attention el buyers before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget No. 916 MARKET street. dl4-tjal PAPER RAPIGINGS, &c. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer from now to the end of the year our LARGE STOOK OR PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Perugia wishing their HOUHCB Papered, can get great BARGAINS By calling early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., dO-Im, NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. ZWISSLER FIORILLO, 125 NORTH TIMID STREET, Hem for sale %largo supplY of CIGARS OF THE BEST HAVANA BRANDS. TOlllOOO, SNUFF, FIFES, &o. AGENTS 808 GAIL do &X, GERMAN SMOKING TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 0e.24-3m A. MERINO. 140 SOUTH, FRONT STRUT, Mai in store slid bond, ant fern for Bala, a Large Anottzsze of CItIARS, Itosoeired Croat from Havana, of Oohs* and fatorito Brands. eu6-rt HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. THE UNION ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD PIII.ADELYSLC LITTON S. NEWCOMER. The situation of this norm, is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Tubbs; andto those in search of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, whioli now ran past, and in close proximityofford b o oteap and pleasant ride to all pima,. of interest in or A the city. so 23-11111 SCALES. P it_ FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES For sale by FAIRBANKS k EWING, 0 1. 71 °1 5 CIIESTN UT Street, Phila. MANCHESTER SCALES.—Counter Z i Platform, Warehouse, Hay, Coal. and Railcon' dash's. Also, Planing Machines ( Andrew's Patent), and Belt ing. fur sal.) at No. 44 UT Street. CHARLES A. DANIELS. 44 HOWE'S STANDARD RULES.— STRONG & ROlp PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle, and Ray Scales require no pit. Platform and Counter Settles of every description. They receive all Friction and Wear on Bails instead of Knife Edges, as on oiled Scales. Cali and examine before purchasing elsewhere, and see tbe improvement. PENNINGTON GREEN., Arent, ILI South BKVEIPPII Street Ph BUSINESS CARDS. MARTIN & QUAYLE'S STATION ER Y TOY AND FANOY GOODS R o 1 U lOU WALNUT STREET. n4-3mfy P BUL 7/OW BLEVBI4I, HILADELPHIA. Conetnntly on hand Portnmery and Toilet Af twins. MHOS.M. BIDDLt, Attorney at Law, -I- No, 273 South FOUR,TIi throat , n113.6m* WALLACE' & BRODHEAD, 87 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Stooks and Bonds bought ad!l cold, on Corum issi on. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. .EDWARD C. ISILODRIAIL 028-dm" ALEX. McKIENEY , I'ORNM LAW, ORRENBIIIIIII3, PA, Will praotiee inWestmoreland, Armstrong, and In loans omintiee, soll-tf THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack ages, Merchandise, Rank Nctes, sad Specie, either by its own Lines. or to connection with other Express Coin p_anies, to' all the principle towns and cities of the Unit States, E. 8. SANDFORD. aul-tf GOVeriti geoerintendent MEDICIN.AL. RS. WINSLOW ) L. AN 'EXPERIENCED NURSE AND FEMALE 'km:felon. =orients to the latontion of mothers her SOOTIIING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitate!' theßreeese of teethiug, by roft- Hung the Aims, reducing all tOttamouttton ; wiu allay kid, PAIN unit nenerpothe notiqn, im SURE TO REGULATE THE HOWELL Depend upon It. mothers. it will give rent to YOUTlleirel end RELIEF AND lIELL'nI TO YOUR INFANTS!. We have eutge and sold 1• re article for over ten ritare,and. can nay, 111 coup* (Ocoee ant truth of, It, ertlsena x ue nem veeraVe,t4i,guLpf,any other we hive .etii - beeel Ilielletee,_DlEVFJ? HAS aliE LNSTANCE, TO EF timely used. Never did dlatansfaction by any ono wary, all are delighted meal in terms of highose lal effects and medical vir matter ' what we do experienee,and pledge our meat of what we here de instance where the infant exhaustion, relief will be Mantes after the Syrup is Thisvalumble preparation ,f the most EXTERL NURSES in New ling land itever-fiviliax minutes 111 USAIVI)S it not only relieves the rigorotes the stomach and ad gives tone and one tee VE in e l fi t AN uu n IDID e rulelonti,whioh, if not. WI believe it they' Ile world s )] ciao of atiomi c Lll :N. teething or from any other every mother who has the foregoing oomplaints aor the premdmee oi four suffering child end SURE—yes, ABSOLUTE tee of this medioine, it sons for unlessiS NOCOM canine the fact {INS, New York, is on n_Sold byDruggiielath satsumas, No.IS CEDAR %ion to emote s beetle CA 'ON FF.CT A oultr; when we know an natance of who used it. On tho con with Ita Operations, aril commendation of its maw tuna. We speak in this know," after ten years' renutatien for the fulfil °tare. in atniont every suffqring from painted found in fifteen or twenty adrnfnieteced. III!t h 6 3 F111 e 1%71 '4 dri I E f FIY iced hoe bean used with OF ()ABM ohild from pain, but in bowels, corrects acidity, to the whole system. It hove GRIPING IN THE COLIC and overcome con speedily remedied, end In best and surest remedy in DYB.ENTSItY and PTAH whether it arises from muse. We would say to child suffering from any of do not let your weJudicee, others, stand between therelief that will be 1..)( SURE—to follow the timely mod. Full direr. pan, earth bottle. None nula of CURTIS& PF,R. the outside wrapper. valiant the world. Prim'. ant. New Veer. lygi-ly SHAVER SOAP--A ample preparation for opal:Mug Silver Pinto, Jewelry , hlirrors, Mar ble, &0., fa r more oonveruent and effective than any other. One half the labor of House oleaning may he saved by using this Boat, which cannot possibly imure the dinest Zino white , and as no, scrubbing Is required, the saving in the wear of the paint is much greater than the cost of the Soap. Manufactured 3 urface as vure and whited/ when new. only by the it traisaionll3eav Comm, and sold by, their appomted Agents. HAMMED & CO.. Apothecaries , TWELFTH nd CHERTNUT. COAL OIL.-10 bbla. extra quality Coal Oil, a very superior article for barriing long anti giving bright light. Just arrived. For sato by ROWI,HY, & No,ut FOUTI-t Wif A RVMS. nODFI9II-500 qtls, Extra Grand Bank codtiolt,ln atom and for sale lv W. '1 AYLOR k CO.. . ' 3Z and 124 NORTH Wharves. 300111VANA CIGARS—Com- Mrising some of the moat celebrated brands, now Imhof( and in Stare, and for sale low by 1122.10 t CHARLES TETE, X3O WALNUT bt. RETAIL DRY GOODS. ELEGANT WINTER CLOAKS REDUCED PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. THE yiniscnißEns, in accordance with their usual custom at Ibis season of the year, will offer the balance of their stook of elegant PAR.IB. LONDON, and HOME-MADE CLOAKS, at consulorably REIYUCbID PRICES, with a view to the termination of the season's trade. They have still remaining a thorough and com plete assortment of all the lending styles, on the whole of which a bona fide reduothin from the newes hitherto demanded hoe been made. 'RICHLY ADORNED VELVET CLOAKS. REDUCED PRICES HANDSOAIti PLAIN VELVET CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. IMPERIAL PLUSH TARTAN AND STRIPED CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. BLE6ANT DRAP DE VELOUR CLOAKS, STRIPED, AT REDUCED PRICES. PARIS OL.OAYS, IN PINE BLACK BEAVER, ALL AT 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION. AIOURNING AND OTHER PLAIN CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. MISSES AND CIIILDREN'S CLOAKS, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT REDUCED PRICER. OPERA CLOAKS, BALL CLOAKS, EVENINO CLOAKS, ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. ros CHESTNUT STREET, ELEGANT LADIES' FURS. AT LOW PRICES, AT THE P.Q j .RIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY, RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON BAY SABLE, EASTERN MINK SABLE, DARKEST SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FINE GERMAN FITCH, ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, AL, IN CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS, HANDSOME MINK MARTEN CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, 30 to 44 inches deep• 673, 890, 81. V. :SllO, 8160, tO $350 J. W. PROCTOR & CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. 423-121 DECEM t3ER REDUCTION IN PRICES. L. IT. LEVY & CO. Announce to the Pubbe and their Customers that in so cordauce with their usual custom at this season of the year, they have reduced the prices of their gook of FANCY DRY (loops. which comprises many choice and beautiful descriptions of geode suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. L. J. L. & Co. have received, this week, a very choice collection of Embroidered Cambric, Hilkfs, New Lace Coeds, Embroideries, Sce., to which there will be added, ou Monday, December le, several cases of Nouveautes, eappiatiy selected for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 809 and $ll CHESTNUT STREET. dl-tr LADIES' FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET, HAS NOW OPEN HIS USUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Made of steak selected by himself in EON pa during the Dart Spring• 004-Sin CLOAKS I CLOAKS I I IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW MATERIAL. TIM LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. WY Prices more raanonablo than at any other estab tahtnent. IVENS. 93 sourir NINTH STREET. CLOAKS I 'CLOAKS I I THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN GLUES EVER OFFERED. IVENS. nP-tf 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. CLOTHS -CLOTHS. JAYNE'S HALL. A complete aseortinent of CLOTHS, CA>SIMERES, VESTING'S, Aro. 8,10 ti, 820 saved on a Gent's Suit. and 85 to 870 LAMES' CLOAKING. (Patterns furnished.) Call and see nt ESHLENITAN'S n30.1d:11 025 CHESTNUT STREET. B LACK BEAVER CLOAKS. Cheap Cloaks, from 6 t to k 6. 1' ull 111nek Catlie, 65 to 61e. • Black !leaver Clonke, el() to $ l9. Black Tricot Cloak., 810 to 6.19. We ore now selling large guanntam from a large frentl, and clean Monk. Cloaks suado to order and atm ran toed tofu nod pleore. coOPER & Ca/No.IW, dl7 NINTH and MARK lA% fiLONKINU CLOTBS. la- , Fine Mark Cloths and Beavers. Ladies' flock Clotkings. 51.2.5 to elm. Overcoat Cloths, 81 to Bross-coat cloths. 1 , 2 Go to 6'5. Black and fanny I:11.1100re, Extra heavy Laney Winter Cassineres. Satinets anti Utnon Oasetinores. Good and cheap Voatings.Silk, Sloth, Valencia. Soya' wear—seeds mai:11111y adapted to, COOPI , III. to CUNARD, d 7 NINTH sail ltl A R ST s IFItY GOODS. -J. WM. HOF -K-KMANN, No. 9 North EIGHTH Street has now open his rall lioack of Hosiery Goods. tax: Underrests and Drawers of Curtwri Khtand Warne is superior manu facture, for ladies' anti mitilles' wear. Merino Shuts and Drawers, tor gents find - youths. Morino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery., Gloves and Gaunt lets, and goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery business. J. f. 11. roarretrully solions the attention of families to his stook, assuring them that 1118 stock is un excelled for variety by any other in the city. and that his prices are as lowan those ni any other regular hones. N. R.—No abatement made from the prices named. s2l-wfmlf FIECEMBER, 1859.-REDUCTION IN PRICES: TILORNLEY & Corner of P:10111'11 and SPRING GARDEN. Win try to oiler tempting inducements !luring thin month to buyers of DRY GOODS. WE GAVE PUT THEPRICES R' CHIT DOWN: Very rich limey Silks reduced to k7His ; All wool DeLailps reduced to cost. THE CHEAPES P LONG DROGUE SHAWLS IN PHILADELPHIA! CLOAKS 01." THE NEWEST STYLES, Ranging from A 3 up to h2O. Rion Silk Mantilla Velvets, Salver Cloths, 'Tricot Cloths, A,., &o. GOOD BLACK SILKS, ILEAVY, RICH LUSTRE: Wins', misses', and children's Shawls ; Gentlemen's Shawls in great variety, &0., Am, at THORNLEY & . dS QIIARPLESS BROTHERS have now open the helence of thei r Pitney Gro es Goode, Meow,lmes, Calicos, Plaids. /itch Silke and Bohm Figured Merinos, Poplins. Marked at touch reduced prices to eell °IT the etork. 021 CGESTNUT AND EIGHTH. IYONS CLOAK VELVFTS. I All tridtha of these goads in brilliant blecke. They aro ootoposed of pure Si and considered the best manufacture that roaches this market. Imported expressly for OUT rated SHAR Attlee by PLEBS BROTHERS. dRi CHESTNUT And Streets. RAI? S N' S CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY HS, . _ Have now open a fine nesortment of BERLIN al'hYß WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from the celebrated manufacturers, Herta Ss Wegener. tn tie r Thn. Oar easterners can depend, on settles the best article over offered at retail in Plata delpina, at the lowest moos. A aPIANDID AANORTME%T YR EROMEERD 4 VARIETY OF SLACK CLOAII TAdSEIs. 11A,..NDROME CROCHET CLOAK FRINGE/.. Sew AND REAUTIPUL DRESS TRIMMING& WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT PALMAS AND CAPE ZEPHYR KNIT GAITERS AND SLEEVES. A TOLL H APSON men ro? STI.PL E TRIMMING& LADIES, OF ARO 7.1/FRYR STORE. Ow. OF RIO RTE AND °AMERY ST/ 118-9ln PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1859. NEW PUB GICATIONS. BEAUTIFUL BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. GAuir VOLKMAII. (sucoeuDrs to H. Cowrierthweit A: Co., in Retail Do yartatent,) NO. 609 CHESTNUT STREET, Would respectfully solieit the attention of their patrone and the outdo) to their SPLENDID A 88ORTAI ENT HOLIDAY BOOKS. Proparod and arranged exprogsly for the FEsTIvE nen. stock cosnpnffes S'TANPAHI), AIIBCELLANEOM JUVENILE BOOKS. In many benntiful and Magna atyle; of Binding. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS; CHOICE ILLUSTRATED ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKd AT LOW PRICES. PRAYER BOOKS AND BIBLES,' (ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDI7IOiS,) Bound iu VELVET, CALF, MOROCCO, CLASPS AND .RDIS. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. This department comprises the most colnPleto. 'and the moat extensive goal: of BOOKS SUITABLE FOR 'PRE LITTLE VAILEi To be found in the ea). GAMES 1 GAMES 1 , Of ovary description at low prices. MOVEABLE TOY BOOKS In °lent Varlet). WRITING D.ESICS. ROSEWOOD AND . AfiIiOUANY. PA PETERIE.i. PORTFOLIO,I, kv., Ac. Persons desiring- it can woke their seleotiotiu and have them sent any Duna between this'enti Ntnat mss Eve. Purchasers will do well to call and examine tholien selected stook upon our tables. AT 609 CHESTNUT STREET. N. 11.—C AUL° G UES Or FINE BOOKS O R ATIB. dell-tf TICKNOR & 'TIELDS. BOSTON, HAVE IN PRE! ,I B AND WILL PUBLIMI IMMEDIATELY THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAXPASVPARLE With the Story of Ina. By DINER WENDELL HOLMES. 1 vol. 12nio. &l. Alan, a fine edition, ele gantly printed on tinted paper, in nim form, :Old bound in het oiled hoards. Price eS. NEW MISCELLANIES. Bv CHARLES KINGSLEY Uniform with illy 'Walter Ralolgh. 1 vol. 12mo. 81. SELF 1111L1' With Illustratinna 61Cliara^ffq and Conduct. Ity 6‘, Author of "Tito Lift) of Georg° fitephtnhou." 1 vol. 12itto. SEVEN YEARS. A Novel. By JULIA KAVANAGH Author of "Nuthaho," &o. Bro. Paper. W. 7 entu. TRAVEL AND STUDY IN ITALY. By CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. 1 vol. 16mo. 51. POEMS. By HENRY TIMROD. 1 vol. 16mo. LO cents 'ME LIVE OF JOSIN COLLINS WARREN, M. D Compfled °loony Own hie Journal,, and Correopond . once. 2 vote. tico. 63.60. With portrait nod othor steel plates. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. A Smut to Nvhoo Days at Rugby. By 1110 MAS Fart 11. 12 cenln. CAPT. McCUNTOCK'S NARRATIVE OP THE VOYAGE OF THE "FOX" TO THE ARCTIC SEAS. AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE FATE OP SIR JOHN FRANKLIN AND HIS COMPAN IONS. With ri Preface by Sir RODERICK MUR CHISON. I vol. 12ino. With Map awl Illustrations. THE BOY TAft; OR. A VOYAGE IN THE DARK By Captein .MAYNE REID. With 12 nhotrOons by Charles Keens. Is's!. Mao, lbcoutd. ERNEST lIRACEORIDGE: ABU of Bohool4lAsit. By W. B. G. WINOSTON. WlRlll.4l,littfatig THE CRT:SAHEB ANT) THE ell UMBERS. By JOHN G. EIJOAR, Author of " Thn Boyhood of great Men." With 8 Ilhatratione by Julian Portch. I 1. 01. Itmo, 76 cents. STORIES FROM FAMOCS BALLADS. By GRACE GREENWOOV. With a steel rignetto by Cuminnan. and 4 Ilhydrattons by Thllingto. I vol. equaro Nino Red Cloth• Ocotillo. 416-12 t. N EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS PEE LA- SENT. P E It S 0 N 9 IN e4PAIIC/I OP A OEMS MMEEM a V PSCRIBI: NOR TIIE NEW AMERICAN CYCIDIVRDIA Now READY. To bo Poinitleted in h(toon Volumes. PRICE PER VoI.UME. A Subscription Boot: now open nt thn Agent's. JOBN McFA KLAN, ARCADE HOTEL, 621 Cho tnut street This is nit ridinirablo Present front n pa root to a Eon, from scholars to their teachers. root a congrowntmn ti their ristor, frontbrOtber to it brother or sister.or from n !moil alrienil, illi.tf GOOD CHEER. FOR THE HOLMANS! THE AIMWII,I, aToR lEs. OSCAR; or, The Boy Who Rad His Own Wai memo. Gl cents. GLIM ON ; or, Life in the Country. Vine. 63 cent d. ELLA or, Turning o,er a New Leaf. Pluto. AS cents. WHISTLER ; or, The Mani) Boy. lame. AI gents. MAR C ; or. Du -Tame 16nt0. 0 JESSIE; or. To in, to be Fowls. Ono, tents. The six voloinen aro alas, put up uniformly, in ni ele gnnt box. for 77,3 75. By general naient, thin Is the most popular rotes of Cloldretes Peaks in rho marlost. It tells such phloem stenos of cab and country hie. of indoor inning and out door sporta. of Implies nt school and Imminent; at home, or the yo)s and the troubles of I,oa and pHs. that children never get weary of realm; rt. PaTtire will find the little °Lex amused and improved ht the writings of Walter minuet), whose tenant &Mk has finished this series of Morton PETER CODDLE'S TRIP ino NEW YOU.. This einuding Kunio was the last ins ening] of the author, and can be phi) oil In any, number of abldren or adults It ix really three gurus, ia one. rind tie fan is continuo ly changing. In neat boxed, .47),; cents 134NVA1tIPO KAIHRICAN HISTORIES PLYMOUTH AND THE PILGRIMS. leno, 0.1 NOVELTIES OF' TIDE NEW WORLD. Nino, 60 rents. ROMANCE OP AMERIUAN HISTORY. Limo. eents. TRAGIC SCENES IN THI: OLD FRENCH WAR. lOso ; FA/cents. Tho dries bound uniform!), in a nest box. Well fitted to slime )Doug tesderl ficon story 1.01,101 to the study of lustorl• CHAMBERS' HOME BOOK ; POCKET :NHS CELLANY. vols., Mro., cloth. ph , hooka, in /In 00,4 , nt Loo, soriPs omitting a groat fund of Nlllll+llllo Infmnin tam and 8111110 , nr incident, mill is nilnuratil3 adapted to tiro School and the Family j.iiirar). VIE POOR BOY AND THE DII•'IIWIANT Pit INCE. ntino. 78 rents. THE I'ooll OUtl., AND TIME' WOMAN. 76 cunt, Thom volume., Noy. W. M. Thayer. founded on tha nol , to [writ of Ahoy I,,wrenco and Mar!, 1,)on, mupire boss and gulls to 110;11 nonn,uinut uticcul 011.9, AGNFIi 1101'17101 1 71'S fiCEO()LIi ANTI HOLT -I)AYS. Moo. a 3 cents Atra. Ohphaut to .t.ll knnu /I 119 one of tho 111014 Moil ming W 111.0,11.1 the 113%. :11111 this to tllO best Intoh for tho lolka ahe 11/04 Oter renllo o. YOUNG AIIEIIICANI AIIIIOAIII. 10u0.7a cant,' It 1/1 not often (loan uruoptuo' of seho ,, h,boso take a trip to EllropP. 11111 1 el . lol'd Or what they now find talked afoot%has to all >wing re:Idol - A a good idea oh what in worth neotag ut Europa, THE I(iLAN I) 110.‘11:: : Or, Young - Cnutawn,‘ a. 16,1,0 75 cen.n. Solna bright hots kis thouvht Nita uinro interostot.: 'huh a, On Robinson I, mow," or tho " f 4 n 1.5 Di loth lb)lnnson," ber.tu^c or Its bo)tsl: nth ontures antl porde PLEASANT PAfiFS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE ; Or Book of Homo Edoention ;and Entertainment. Ithno. 7. (lento. An inoxfoturtibln mino of ontruotis o armament ( 0 , the long xinter eventno. 'RIND worzus vosteistiknitEx hm CNitle them D the lath of Volvo. Itimo. rlu li, 12 oentg A simple And beantitnt expiration of tho doctiinc. and Ontses of tho Gt,spel, In Illigunge Anil with 1111101ra now , fulat,to.l to ehthhen. ROW TO 1110 A 1,A1 ) 1'. Ulo. If OW TO RE A MAN. 60e. ANECDOTES 1011 BOY'S, 42n. ANECDOTES FOR (111) L 3. 47, A 7 Any ono of these works trill bo sent by the pub (inborn post. mui, 011 receipt of the porn nnnexed. 130 , t10n their own publientionn, kL. tom a full no sortment nt' all the nnnnlttrJoyet floe of tho GOUT,D 0 WASIIINU'I'ON ritt:ET, nosToN 4.119-mtvd:f 3t OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. - t „--0--, _ . 14_ 0_ SEND" a Rare Corny ''OUR MUSICAL FE Mon for the Winter Menthe. Every Pistils!, Should procure this u el Pa cry Sorge r. It ruhhenlion of vend Al }Wary Tenolier, nano torte Music, costa Every Pupil, I but 10 CENTS a nuts r. Every Amateur, and pronounced by rho entire Prams oh the , comity/ " THE HEST AND coKAPK•rr WORK OPTS IC IN It IN THE WORLD." Twelve full-inzed puce of Vont and 1'00113410 Mollie Yearly, rF.S: bellyo rutty, Hillman tie to 'Our N1111110;1/ erli , tltl, or order diem nearest 110 U adek.ler, and will have !Music rough for )our entire family at ea Ilikleolfieset Cult ; and ion want Alamo for the Pluto, Vwhn, Cornet, Clionyt, Acenrdeon, p.. tabsertho fur the " Sololelo - tensed nerytt-stisttlall, optontntng Men :eh,. For 10 cents tier number; $2 (4 per einSl.to for mix awned'. Just publlshed and for sale by (3. 13. SF :01011R IV Cr. 107 NASSAU Street. Newt Mr. dl9 mwllm rOR THE AIOTHER'S SAKI AND DARLING LENALIPL—The nub' eorrit editions of the aluma popular Ballade aro published MASM No, WU CHESTNUT Strit, NEW PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS A large and well selected assortment of ATTRACTIVE Booxa for the HOLIDAYS, Now open at the depository of the AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY IM ARCH STREET, BELOW SIXTH. JAMES S. DICKERSON, Depository Agent. 'HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS A LIVE BOON, tio,ooo cnri r;;; HAI% fi BEEN SOLD ! NOW id TEN TIME! Title to the work ti als cre,ttln e 0 111101 6801(011101A IN CONGEES,I! Lugo 121,10. I oh, 4to pages, °loth. Price 31. tietimi edition, paper co, on /V cents. Pita Sot e ne 1100),,ELLV.116 AND Ne.lvd AGYNTII 81/ 81 WILERE, . ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED to sell these works the country (brooch. 'fortis Lbernl Chide copiessent to nay nddress, postpaid, Te eel Pt of V Add ICO. rem A. 13. 131:11DICK, Publisher. d2l di'd&W3t No. 145 NASSAU street, New York, NEW AND ATTRACTIVE JUVENILES, PIALMIED BY BROWN, TAG GAR D, & CHASE, .A/id for B alo b) all Bookaello rN. OUR SUMMER HOUSE ; AND WHAT WAS SAID AND DONE IN IT. Ds Our author of " Violet," "Drain, kn. lit I vol., Mtn°. 207 pagog. l'rieo 62 cants. Illustrated My The Nil/IWO:if can confidently recortitnond this book no ono of the Muff entertaining and instruetivetuvonileg Uf tIIJ Nuaaon. PICTURES F.110:11 Tlll', (((STORY OF THE SWISS In 1 %plume, Ifuno. pages. Price 62 cents. Illastra hid by Ildlini.a Tice 1.,011t contains a collection of Se les Stories, inosl ly Lr torovd. whmh abound In romance and entertain- Went. 'll,O fiumliar litory of W r in. Tell shootin; the ap ple iron the head ot tins son by order it the tyrant Veer- Le r. to Ida a Specimen ot hem) other equally entertain ing stoma donnee , egl if all tho early Meter) of the Sn lea, which are for (ho first time now collected into a NELLY AND DER FRIENDS. 101 vol.,lorno. Priem 10 cents. Illustrated by This Lltln volitino 1,1111111.11C01(1, herieil, the object of which u ill he to show thin pro,rress 11111,11 can he made from., ignoratiro and clue by the proper use of kindness, love, and schtlo leaching/9. knell volume will be dis tinct in ascii. It will be universally popular. =E= M=M In ono Voilllllo, Hine. I'nen :le cents. IlluhttaWd by fldlinte• A capital look for the htllo folks. OUR STANDARD JUVENILE PUBLICATIONS ROLLO'I TOUR IN EUROPE DY /ACOI7I ABLOTI In 10 volumes. Priem per volume, DO cants. ROLM) SIIE ATLANTIC. ROLLO ON 111.1: MUNE I=! EMZEIME =73 1:071.0 I, 110 , IC, ROLLO IN NA1.L.11%. 'rho most popular, thn inn?? instrneti, 0, end the inolt, entert unnn; hence 01 Jul voiles 3 et 1.1.34. MY I:NULE TOBY'S LIBRARY EY ft ANCIS FORRENIEII. Thin Library consuls of 12 10112,1105, elegantis bound, apd illostr4ted Guth upwards at 81)..TY AEA t:TIFUL iMsIIAVINIid. Into 25 cents, or pot ant. Each book is printed m lar6e and nolendtd typo, or it superior paper. The judicious Parent cannot had, within thy whole 1,11120 of Monne:La juvenllo Illoratorp, a hoUar series . 1410, lor the instruonan and enter tainment at children belt, ten the ace, of seven and loin teen, than is coulpribdtt la LUnt.LlO Tob) la latao ." BROWN, TAGGARD,&. CHASE, PUBLISHERS. d2O-tu& fr • 2t ELEGANT BOMBAY BOOK '• Ln•o ever, sweet hook! ho who wrote than wile the everbtary of eloquence, the breath of the Alusem, rod the hooey-bee of the tLtintiust flowers of wit arid art."— aitunz.ztAlAiii SIR PHILIP SIDNEY'S AItSCELL✓Th'EOUS WORKS, The announcement of virion Ina been an extensively cooed by tha leading vapors of the country, ARE NOW READY. CO3TAINING 11111 P!01141 og WiT9l ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES LIFE OF 2'111:: AUTHOR, BY WILLIAM GRAY. ESQ., Of Magdalen College and the Inner Temple Ono handsome volume, Clo Boarda. The publorlier feel, it Jeri pride in introducing thou edition of ,t , e. 8:1)\01',. WORKS to the public. It is confcsheilli ono of 010 fillegiroccinions of telolcnia king over produced 111 this countri. The choir antPatto I) po, the nett Mirk ink, and the illunannted title and preface, niter the old nil la, l'Unnot lad to please all 10 - e era of hilt) lwoka. It in panted on tOleleganflt tatted 1.111/ paper; a (11714 sole, und never before manufactured 1.1 lien cantor,. T. O. H. P. BURNHAM. ITM.II , IIER, W.I4IIING tAN d2OrtufkwSt JOSEPH SABIN'S 1101,IDAV CATALOGVE, mlllittAc iwi TM: 1,A1011 , 1 1 MST Or NTI.V 11,liusTRATED wonNA ):per °nom: :0110 ptitilie, 1,41W.111" ;Tr,. 77 Foullt ii XTII Street, ni.vn Chestnut. C. J.P1211..1 n,Il 1114 nentl,ll )111110.01f .Itil (1101,110 , 0 Imnine.. Invites tho rittonlion , t hit Irtenll4 to lox dlan,o . loemion Amon, Ilie prolnifin fit novelties ut 130(1Kg l'ONlB..no, ith 51 Multuatly Creswick, E lt w t I 11ullorslo> ,tionl. &c. Price. cloth, Ail: tnorocoonototh. , or Kilt, .FAME:I MON'1130!%IElt1"0 ('OLU, wdh 101 illustrit (Am..% and stoat-cintrikt .2.1 Portrait. 4to, cloth, price 0. or morocco tilltiqUe ur gilt MOOR E'S ROOKII, with illustrttionn, Ito lieorge Thomas, 1 tekora4.lll, he. tto, Cloth, prwo or Morey ru antique ur c It, tit 1.159. COAINION WAYSIDE. FI.UWEDEI. Illustrated IA Dirket Poster. and splendidly printed in colors. Small Ito, cloth elegant, price or inorOCCO 8110 , Uld Or gilt, WILI,MOT roKror or TIIE NINETEEN I'll CENTURY, %vat, too l thistrationd 11.rket Foster, So. ito, cloth, vrice ,z; or Illortweo it litoUo sw Ca, oil. 1.101,11: , `,11'FIVA l'01; PIP AI, WORKS, F,he't, out 11111, it Li In, 1,, AVtllni,,tt. 111,truted F °stet, and .plettdoltv printed in colors. Sorill .Ito, cloth, Pro 411 MU] ore.l tnll , lne PloNS.releote I I), Mnokss. t.lth 111 illostr along. Small Ito, cloth, price or gilt. AO. NVOII 114W0IITIPS POE:11;1. with Ito thus - trail/Am 1.1 (!he rt , Dirlot Fo s ter, and it 0110, (to, cloth. price , 5t ,, it nnirneen or d Wm.., W 01( .114 , 1,315, 51111 illontruttons. I rent, 11n11. price fI. Inn roeCO WI1,1.110'11":1 hl.',11111:11 TIME IN THE coos . TO'. Illustrated by 111rItet Fester, A.O, Hiunll 4(0, cld h, price 1,111r110,11 111. 1:114:11.1tIlINE—N1,1yelwo to lAkt, COnktalloo. 1),,,,,b,d 11,‘,w) MI, how. :mil illustrated with 91 st,l,ttt.r. 1, litrlot Poster. Sundt Ito. cloth, Prior .54. 'I I 1 1.1 1,01V1,1t. lIIN 1,--.Rotter,Ptut to Il scribed 1, Dears Mar hoc. ion! illustrated with pl tes to Itirbet rnirdi 1,0. ninth. privn 5. . I ,NO 1(01 1 NDFI,A1S IN PR 11 , 1; Vl' C.l \I'I(I'LIFE. Ailothert with i.t Pioturicl POO, 4 111 ill Ito odoto, `..1 ir ATTIE'S MIN \Vitt% illnstrAtion Polet t,ot, r. burdl Do, cloth, prco St 75, or 01010, CI ,7.3 ounlvrorrlys Di..>EirrED co ' , TAG C. ilhrl trC'd to' liwhOt Foster, It. Ito, cloth. prier 75. or nn,roorn < t. ,111,1'oN , CoM t i. 111110r:1(nd by Ih•knregill, Sr. cloth. pnee 1 if, or morocco 1011 1.3 AND DA 1 NI'S OF THE PIAII Wltia lort, °f. clllt, $2OO. ALL, ,11/4F4.5.C.—T.',L15:.401 , 11'(4.11.01 . 8 Tl/1AL445 Ilittr.ircdor7,.,l bit 'IIAN''I:,DOLL.' NIL, IN•1. 1 iIIII, Aril., THE W.,sri.to Victor°. Is It, bcrt tlrll, it lltrket I",rtor, Ac. t all C. , 414411'1"S 01411_41N. 4 L 1 4 1(21'0141A I, - SBA K 4.1- • —s sots. I , lltl 'to. 11111 t tit, Vlitt , : titrr• fc, uork c. , inplr I, (1 n 11055' Vt'l . 3 onD a loss ...mom Tow mon,: in olsos• Vt )1/ lln BALLAD... 4. thsr.ootialy 54 1 - NA I) Tlllt rot:. Wolt NO. !DMA N In 444,1,41 i.) 1; kst 1'„ , r. +.42.44 4 . vc A vt.:l; LC t, 11, 1 ,Lit V. 3 , ; phter. €.lO. V.N.N'ti VI LORI:Y:8 ill,iritrl t''`M A I - lIELL's ri.EAsultrs or Rork:. 2.5 11414- tifictin .•I 76. .1 Eli RV rivrrit t‘,; AS comf II rN. tr 4 tli titunt ` 7 ,2 AEI? ITIE DAY OP 1.:N ( .1 : A NO. l'o. % , ,A,1,1,E0H0 AND , .11; John 3111 ,Moweeo n011g..0. DI 178 Illtostrated wuh I t 1. VERY LARGE VA 11 11.11; OF .11•VENILES.— ENI,i,ISII AND 1. 111,10311. The sock of Miseell.tneons Liter lbw+, in eye)) de ooltoloot, iv Collip[ein, nod ho,lno mostly been per• elleserl doting the not suinlo.sr. in l nrorntle terms lot Cosh, the prices ore much below Vol wool totes. On St E w EMTIONS OP SUPERB OIFT N I Bo( ats. 1.01? TDE 110MDAY8. PALE:MNE—PAST AND PIW , ENP—Stipor Mr key, gilt. or Anlitoo, 4- 15f0; Of. Sa; 11Cf otilf, 6 , 1; 1•t „ !'`. yttt. 8%; viwl.„ 4 ,t cirl" 01 , "1 . 11E (MEAT KlMl—Marno le and price, . NEW HIS't 011 I. OF"I'RE CONIC I' Es r OF MEN tad; sharp, 6'3; doh. nI NI. HAIRS IN ti - i"KIA.--Turaet gilt, 52; el,tlh cloth, 750. NEW A - II:NILE I.lFlit A )IV—hl in ysToit OF INDEPENDENCE HALL. `II. JANINA CIIALLEN rr I,ON, l'elthahera, No, 25 South al %Tit Street, Second Stoot. I'or sale Lt all Booksellers. 01 II 01,1 I) Y 11001(S —OIIILT/it EN'S -IL BOOKS, In all bt)1,39, rautable Llr Chrilturor Pre gollta. lit! r thao,, AN', Fr hlt 1:1,1 VII \W.; MN, 1 ,4 , and CuA.. PgrittoLlor is kit. art Lei, Y kr ri , ..1,1,1ti ISu,una. Clll:rq ' It or ALL KIA.rIr AND 1 Arun A ,11 I OrFANCY A lATIOLEI - I, at A I,I,EN'S Book and Stettonery Store. No, 11l SERINO (LUMEN St., above Eorllth, d:11-.10 North ride. RE-ISSUE OF BENTON'S DE -it BATES OF CONGRESS. In monthly volonlml. will comnienre on the Find of 331111/1, ISIS. Subscr.ptlons received ti) JOHN NieVAHLA N. Polo Moot, Arenda Hotel, 621 CHESTNUT So., ti tlt Wiride of the l'iew American Eneycloomlia.t NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK NO. 430 CHFSTNTIT STREET. BUY YOUR HOLIDAY DOORS AT EVANS' BUY yowl,. HOLIDAY BOOKS AT EVANS' BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT EVANS' BUY YOUR HOLIDAY HOOKS AT EVANS' BUY YOUR. HOLIDAY BOOKS AT EVANS' BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT EVANS' Gift Rook Store, Gift Book Store, Gilt Book Store, Gat Book Store. Gift Book Store, nirt, Book Store, No. 489 Chestnut street. No. 439 Chestnut street, No. 439 Chestnut street. 'Tie the beet Once in the city. 'Tie the best place t o the city. 'Tis the host pilots in the city. Man are sold Ns ebelp au nt any other store, Dunks ore NOM RS (+hearses At any tdbOr store, Boo!s are cold tie cheap as at one other gore, And non !lave tbo ad) antage, Ciao; lank. Of getting R i;ift with each linolc. Uf Kettine A (lift with each Book. YOU WILL FIND AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF BOOKS. N EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, na BPLENIHDLY ILLUSTRATED A NNL , LB, ELABoRATELY ROUND POETICAL WORIM RICHLY ILLUMINATED LADIES' ALIEWM4, SCRAP ALBUMS IN HA NDROME TIINDINOS. BIBLES IN MOROCCO AND VELVET BINDINGS. PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS OF ALL RINDS! OF ALL THE FOLLOWING STANDARD AUTHORS UPON ALL mriIIECTS, INCLUDING BOOKS OF FACT AND 1100 Ks OF FICTION BOUND IN EVERY STYLE AND PR IN I T NT H E , l) BEST A AND AT THE Cly HEY APEST 'PRICES AND A WITHE H ACAND HOM H E GIFT JAY L KD I X P II 1 II I) ROIL N I, INN • ()LAY SCOTT SIMMS I, YK BROWN ARTHUR B 11 LW K It O P K BREMER DICK ENS JE R R 0 L 1) WERSTEIt JOHNSTON ADDIS 0N LOBBIG MARRYA AT T M 0 I , ET T I , It A N 1i I, I N K MARVEL 1100012.1 CH INGRAHAM HAWTHORNE JEFFERSON T 11 ACKERAY DOESTICKS MAcitENME OIL EN I) ORE 0 11 N LEAF LW 1 11 OSTON MACKINTOSH MARY HOWITT Cl/URI:It BELL JANE AIiSTEN J 0 11 N BUNYAN 1-1 U G H MI I, 1, R LORENZO DOW L 0 1, A AI 0 N 7. JOHN P lIrRNIX It E ll COZZENS CHARLS E•A IS A. YARD E TA R Y 1, 0 R AI ARTIN L UTHER JOHN I;ROUGH A M SILAS S. STEELE 0 It A () E A G 11 I 1, A It U L I A I( L VANAGH A N N S. S T EPIIENS MARION A MRS. PARTING T O pi SIR WALTER SoOTT FRANK FORRESTER O I, IVER GOLDSAIITII JAMES A. MA.ITI,AND EDERIKA BREMER WASHINGTON IRVING VIRGINIA TOWNSEND CHARLOTTE. ELIZABETH M li S 0 I, 7•1 EFt A. S. R OE NAM R 1,1 C K K. N. p p p REV. HUG 11 S T Wlt 1,1, I) Ro WN MAJOR JONES. WIDOW lIEDO TT M It H, F, D. K, N, SOFTIiWORTII MRS. cAROLINE LEE BENTS. MISS I. Esl.lE NI it S. WI DP IF lELD MADAM it J I 1: DE MAR 111 E IT EH 1,1)1111 WIRT POKE Rol, N W E ABBOTT I BISON PPARKS mununy HALLAM PARLEY ALINON IIEABLEY RIISsELL AIARSII.I.I, ILANCROPP PuEscorr GOODRICH 511 IT,K ER AOAULAY FERO 11,4 , •N LANGUORN ROBERVON 110011 LAMA HUNT 'IASSO PERCY DANTE !MIMS KEA TS !',HOLY BYRON SCOTT MOORE MILTON COWPER DR iDEN BAYLEY BRYANT IWTLER TITIIr n ROGERS 110LMF.S SPENSER CHAMBER SHELLEY HOU TII EY IIAId.'•C HEATIE TENNV 4 ON WIIITTIFR KINGSLEY PA ~I PHELL AVOW:VINO STODDARD MRS. HEMANS 111115. NoR ,I , N MRS. Do w ITT 001.osto Ertl THAI'EF:RAY TVCRI,RMAN LONGFELLOW wo R BSW OKT It NI ON T imyld Elt V BLoOMPIELO CUNNINOHA at ATIIERS l ONE U. P. MORRIS EIRIAR A. POE E. L. 111/I.WER Toretlier with the largest assortment of PORTFOLIOS. BACKGAMMON and CHESS BOARDS AND MEN, petevutreAde oeffet.WVAßhasetrinte,e-eme,- D 4010017 ou Sat a HAM - .0:4E PRESENT WORTH PROM dtl CENTS TO $lOO, 'whereby YOU GET TWO 0 1 FT3 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Call In. and one trial will allure Ton that the tied place in thin City where you should purrhase %elle is .. . GP WWI , O. EVANS' .. ... No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. pumeiph,n. d22-2t 7 wo doors below FIFTH, on the upper side McUENRY, 406 WALNUT STIIEET, • ROLE AGENT, BEAUTIFUL. AND VALUABLE BOOBS. OAR LEY's L USTRATED EDI NON OF J. F EYI MORE COOPER. Two Vignettes on Nteol, qpd twelve sketches nn Wood, in en , h volume. In 3IL NEARLY Ao./ BRAWING6. Emirsvrd from DEF.IiiNe, I'e Tint GEST ENGRAVERS E:eten Volumes ere hut. 'Poo Pioneers, The Breve, Bed Hover The Pilot. .... 81.2 Z • • • • lout of tho Mohicans, Wept of Wish-ton-vmh. 'rho spy. The ileealeman, W)andotte, 1 he Prairie, Uottol Lincoln. Others will follow Pt interval., of n, month, until the entire set of Cooper's Novels is published in this splen did all In. PrlCd oI.LO per volume, in plain cloth, uncut, or me - Is - used cloth bevelled edces. bubsonbers rein lad) cowed. Mr•BENR.V . , 406 W Ligl•T STR El. T. IN SOLE Al, hIsT also for the PIC'FONIAI. F1ELB•BOOK TUE HP,VOI,UTION. By lisssoa J. L 056 1 ,41;. Ihe theory, Biography, Senior,, Rehm+, and raMtiong of tho War for Intlevendence, Illustrated by Pee and Pen il. hies en Hundred Engrg, Inge no WeN l , ehenY from Orlonal Sketches by the author. Complete Tr. volumes, Hot al Octavo, trious bintliurt. 6,7, 6, or 13 11,4111 y extolled by Eduard Everett, Intuit benties, (lame Bancroft, WsghluSton Using, ,be., to. A. McHmanv has also . . MOUNT VERNON and ad AKSOGIATIONII. IllograpltioaLand Tic:tonal by lb.naon Idatnny Illtudranons. Bound tn vanoua styles, SO.W, $l5O 00 and 9650. lather of the above Is a VIIPERB HOLIDAY GIFT. Remember S. dlO-ta Mcll F.NRY, 40d WALNUT threat. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN MAYOR'S OFFICE, PKOPOSALS FOR LOAN CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Authorized by ()Hill3iive. ',pros ea December 10th, PROPOSALS "PROPOSALS FOR CITY LOAN," Will I,e recetrel at the 31a7or's Office, la the etty of l'hil.uiclohoi, until SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 11i52, Al 1Z O'CLOCK M., roR LOANING To Tin: Cu' 6EVEN 1 I uNDRED InusAND DoLLAus, For arlook Cortif.cateo of Loan of ONE RUNORNI DOLLARS and upwards to!! tte mood, totaring:ntaree at :IX PER OENTL'3I per 111111111 no REDEEMABLE in THIRTY YEARS from DATE Propovit4N;lll 6.3 received (or am sum, but not in fractions cif one hundred doU ter. 'rho Proc;o63ls will Lo orEzi ED ON 1 . 111.: 21th PAY OF PECI:IIIIER,U? By the Isla)or of the City, in the erevenee of the City Treasurer and the Committee of Fin‘nce. THE ILIUIIEST ()HER WILL BE ACCEPTED The City rolervine the right to accept or deohne the whole or any port thereof. Payment will he required on the thirty-Net day of Docember, INV. Interest to commence on the float of January, A. D. ledd. tdl MAYOR OF PHILADEPOLA HAVANA CIGARS OF TIII: FOLLOWING ER.1N0.., • horo. Mins do Oro. Dotniel Webster. Sltltd.tria Yninirto Zurogolotort. Nertnno. Veztterog. iron base tln4tro Robrtno4. F eneronza Real' n, Palma,.ke. to 1-5, And All a zes and liitalitiet. 101 to (mod in !Owe, mid for sae low by ezIARLEO 'FETE K a:2 101 130 WA I.NI T y MJE WINDOW (ATTAINS, all Styles A. 4 and Poo,. wholes tic and retatl, the :%Ittonn. li11.711) CHESTNUT btreet. d.:11 4t. W. 11. CARRY!. 11110. rim WESTON AND SoUTIIERN cmorit --MANI!, 1. 1101'1.—A !Atte and ooell na~nrtwl \! .l r 'top°, m twit intured and lot net/o, nt Now Yorl, 1,0'4 h , kV P. It PIT LI•It. Pc CO , .122 2? N. Wnler et. nod 2.2 N. Whati:en, CIALOUTTA TWI NE.—Just receivul, a sonerior iot of Calcutta To nn,nd i n for tale W VR, FITLFII2. k d 22 23 N. Water at. and TS Y. Waal., en. 1130EPPER.—An invoice received, nod fo _IL onto by WETHERILI, k BROTHRR. d2l Noe, 41 awl 4;iNorth tIECUND throat. tenA 1111 %ye the advent:lo, And tun have the adventue. WTI TING 9 tMIM:MIRMIMEIELI ern' MILADELPHiA, DECEMBER 12, MEEI22 I=l UV 1'11142'. VELPII I A FREE FAO)! T.IX.ITION, ALEXANDER HENRY, TWO CENTS. ( Vjt ViTtss, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23,18&9. Our Holiday Directory. As the two days preceding Christmas are usually more devoted to shopping, especially for articles of a more tancr nature, than perhaps any others du• ring the entire year, we present below, Ina classi• flea form, a list of the principal establishments In the different departments of trade which have made special preparations for the holiday season. Among the more substantial and utilitarian of these departments is that denominated under the head of RETAIL DRY GMDS, represented by such admirably stocked establish ments here es those of L. J. LEVY .!e. CO., Nod. SOO and 811 Cheotnnt street ; Tnou W. EVANII t Co, N `-ls and 820 Chestnut street ; SUAUPLES.9 BnornEns, Northwest corner of Eighth and Chestnut street; Itessox Sol', No. 903 Chestnut street ; CCRWEV STOPDARP h BROTRES, No,. 450, 452, and 451 North Second street; TuonnLeAr & entsu, Northeastcornor of Eighth and Spring Garden streets; COOPER A. COWARD, Southwest corner of Market and Ninth streets; Exnz A LINDELL, Southwest corner of Fourth alp) Arch streets; and CotßLe9 ADAMS, Southeast Corner of Arch and Eighth etreots. Among those who deal more exclusively in _fancy 4 , norts, under this department, we may name the houses of 'WAR BURTON, No. 1,004 Chestnut street; Itsesos, earner of Eighth and Cherry streets; J. G. MaxweLL S: Sox, corner of Chestnut and Eleventh streets, and J. Wm. I.lorrtax, No. 9 North Eighth street. LADIES' CLOAKS Under this head, the following establishments will be found unsnrpassed in this country : First, the widely-known "Paris Mantilla Emporium" of Messrs. J. TV. PROCTO . R k Co , No. 708 Chestnut street; also, the bowels of J. P. C Chestnut, below Twelfth, and hetts, No. 23 North Ninth. TIOLIDAY GOOD! Or the houses devoted exclusively to fancy goods adapted for gifts, including toys, articles for the toilet, et cetera, the following are worthy of special attention: CHARLES DUMIIIG, No. Sl2 Chestnut street; IVILLtex D. GLE.uv, No. 26 South Fourth etreet ; A LLett CUTHBRRT, No. 26 South Eighth street; T. IL PETERS at Co., No. 716 Chestnut street; and W. TILLER, No. 24 South Fourth street; MARTIN t QUATLES, No. 1035 Walnut street. Under this head we are enabled to present an unrivalled list, comprehending the richest array of eery clam Bultriblo for all, from the smallest juveniles to the ripest scholars. We name Aur Voui girt, No. MO Chestnut street; S mutt. II AEtcn, Jr , No. 'l2l Chestnut street; LtxnsAx h BLlKlaTo , t, No. 25 South Sixth street; T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS. No. 306 Chest nut stroot ; WILLIAM S. it. ALFRED ,MARrax, No. 696 Chestnut street. Geo. 0. EVANS, No. -135 Chestnut street; JAMES CuALLE:4 S.; Sox, No. 23 South Sixth street ; Joux 2,lcFaittaN, Areakle Hotel, No. 621 Chest. nut street; S. Melleartr, No. 406 Walnut street; Jolts L. WES, No. 922 Chestnut street ; JAS. S. DICKERSON, No. 520 Arch street; &AVER k DARNES, No. 37 North Third ;treat ; AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Ustos , No. 1122 Chestnut street; JOSEPH SABIN, No. 27 South Sixth street ; JAMES B. SMITH CO.. No. 27 South Seventh street ; J. B. Lirrxitcotr ,t Co., No 20 North Fourth street; CHILDS It Persa.sox, No. 602 Ara street; and CHAAL3I9 Dslnsmut, No. 714 Chestnut itrett. • JEWELRY AND lIILVAND'AIIII. In connection - t•htm Of goods for pments, we nano the splendid establish. manta of BAILEY k CO, No. 819 Chestnut street; J. E Co , No. 822 Chestnut street; Tuoliss C. O,nactr, No. 112 Chestnut; L. LADONV9 CO., No. $O2 Chestnut street; F. P. DUEOSQ it SON, and J 8. JARDEN k 1300., Nos. 1028 and 304 chestnut street ; W.u. lirthsoN Sox, Southwest corner of Firth and Chorry stroets ; Mtanows k Co., No. 533 Arch street; Join 0. Mean 3. nose, Northeast corner of inth and Chestnut streets ; and Russuct, No .T 2 North Sixth street FITERPOSCOPES ANT OPTICAL, IMITRCUP.NTI Under this Lead, we have the widefy-known houses of 111CALLIETLR Ilnuittnn, No. 733 Chestnut JAM CS W. QCEEN S. Co., No 0240E1es:out street; I:nurno PARRIVI, Southwest corner of Arch end E,,chth streets; C. T. AM”.l , lt, SO. 635 Chestnut street; ;I Atsv s R , No. IS South Eighth street; GENre PrRNIAIIING GOoP4 Lathes wishing to make presents to gentlemen may ho handsomely accommodated at either of the following establishments: It. C. IVALLIORN ,S; Co., Nu?. 5 and I North Sixth street; W. W. Natoli; No. CM Arch street; J. W. Scorr, No 81.1 Chestnut street; J. A ESIILVIAN, No. 623 Chestnut street; std Scnoi.Fl: 3, under the Girard House. 1.1,1TV.C3 A4l) PICTCRE FRAnES The patrons of art will find all they could desire in either of the following stores: Jastci S. FAHLH t SON, No. 816 Chestnut street, E NitviLAND t CO., No. 604 Arch street; McCt.Ecil, (Photographist,) No. 626 Cheetnut. street; M. snow, No South Eighth; and Emir ca'., Second street, ahoy° Green. 1.%D1E.e FFna In these superb and seasonable goods the cub joined houses are unsurpassed in this country GEuRUE F WOMILITII, Nos. 415 and 417 Arch stied; J. W Pan( T , PI: A Co No 70 Chestnut strect ; ell 1 , . 0_11%1010) t EuN, Nu. 614 Chestnut scree Of the caterers for Christmas most amply pre pared to moot the wants of their customers in this department we may name E. 0 Wnlni.tx Co.. Second and Cheltnu tircet,, Eighth street, below Market F o n LEH at Totr:,al:sn, No. 916 Market etreet ; L tt nu..Nr .t 31.1tioN, Northwest corner or r'isth trqd Arch street and JF IT/11,3 at Co., No 71S Market street MEM= A 4 useful and appropriate gifts, Up:kn./41r are aluays in oilier, though serer more so than now, and the following are the points to obtain them in greatest variety, 011 51)10 . SLEZPLR ,t, l'aNst R, Market street, below WILLI VI A. Diun% s A Co No. 24 , 1 .11.a.rke w u It . RienAnDiov, So. 41S Market street ritti4N Ilmert, Northwest corner or Third and Market street; ; !ITO B. If. Pcqcr.t.r,, .S3rth , ie3t corner of Fourth •r recta. 1.4.ku 4, MEER irR 5! Ha, ITC these. splendid stooks will be found at— ItionantisoN's, No. 1015 Chestnut etreet ; E IL lit sr 1 Co , Northwest corner of Filth And Chestnut streets ; MERISO, No. 110 South Front street ; Zwisst.En Fionruo, No 123 North Third rtrect ; and CHARLES Tr. - re, No inn walnut street lint .r-rcr:mslirvo GOODS. Under thin heal five ara a thousand things shish will make appropriate and a:ceptablegit"3.. be found areTh h e t p l e aze . 3 w here the heft aasortment W C turtri, Co, No. 714 Chestnut street; Wint Liu Y.krorn L, No. 1020 Chestuut street; Jonx A. 31 uni.nKT, N. 922 and 1223 Chestna street ; and E F.. PAR 4 ON gt Solithwe ,, t comer of .5 e•zord and Dock atreets. In addition to the above, there are 'many other lines of business well represented which should not he overlooked. itf the., teo may mention the splen did lironie ,(Atuettrl of Messrs WARNER, Mincer, S. Mennitf., Nu :I'4 Chestnut street, among which their Immtiful Patrick )(eery li,t to specially wor thy of n06,.e. A rtist3 will find an excellent wort event of drawing and painting materials at Meatrit. not z x‘ rz K Y, No. 113 smith Eighth street. Works of art, when finished, will be hang with teem and elegance by Messrs. U. Cannxr. lire , the fashionable upholsterers. These invaluable instruments will this season TH ri WEEKLY PRESS. Wzmy Faso will 1m seat to ItalsarThswi mall (per annum, to adiranes,) Threseopies. " Five Copies, " Ten , " Twenty Coyle''' . Twenty Cosies, or weer " each Etatworiber.) sub— LM rot a Clab of Twenty-orte or over. we WI mead ea extra 001.7 to the getter-my ea' Math fir Postmasters ars reunited to Let u Beasts be Tan Weanua Passe. CALIFORNIA MGM teemed Semi-Monthly In time for the Cildendlll Steamers. oonetitate a prominent feature in the gift trade. The following will, either of the:ti t he:eery accepta ble to the reoipient : Tha " Harris Boudoir," of which 3fr. S- D. Bs - LEI, No. 720 Arch street, is the agent; SINCER ' iI SE wise MACKIER, office No. 602 Chest nut street; GRovtit k Bums's, otEe: No, 730 Chertnnt street ; Wnest,za & Witsos's, office of Mt. Con the agent, No. 623 Chestnut street; - Fugue & Lvov's, °Moe No. 912 Chestnut it ; LADD, WEssres, & Co.'s, office No. SO Chest nut street. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. l.' The following u the letter forwarded to Governor Wise with the flag recently presented to him by the ladies of this city. Bit reply we pub lished yesterday Deo. I°, 164. To LEIS Excellency Henry A. Wile. Governor of Virginia. Sat : The proceedings of the immense meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia. ‘, irrespective of party," have already attracted the attention of the country. The resolution, unanimously adopted by the meeting clearly and pointedly expressed the Union loving and law-abiding views and sentiments of an overwhelming majority of oar people. Over the beads of thousands who eagerly par ticipated In the expression in oar city, the which accompanies this letter waved, and was hailed by the deafening cheers of patriotic feeling. Pennsylvania greets her sister State, Virgi nia, and sends to her that flag, through the bench of her Gm Executive officer, as an evidence of her warmest empathy, respect, and rapport. She begs Virginia would understand that the great mass of citizens of Pennsylvania, the Keystone of the Federal Arch, are perfectly loyal to the prin ciples of the Constitution of the United States, and that they are opposed to any act of any party which would violate the rights of any State of tho Confederacy, or which would jeopardize public tranquility, and the perpetuity of the Go vernment. This Bag, the gift of the Indies of oar city to the Committee of Arrangements, we forward as a relic of the great conserrative movement which Philadelphia has Inaugurated. We feel that it was proper for the first rebuke to treason and fa naticism to emanate from the eit7 hf Independence, where once the eons of Virginia met the sons of Penusrvania, and pledged a "Union of hearts, a Union of hands, and the Flag of oar Union forever." With great respect, we remain, Your, I(..hmetfully, Javzs 8. Otaaosa, Chairman CILINCILLLOI/ BAILTS, Secretary. Rene Guinan, ' Edward S. Rowand, R. W. Sonthmayd, J. W. Baeon. 31. D., Jos. F. Tobias. Henry A. Stiles, Charles P. Herring, Daniel C Madge, H. S. Shapleigh, Win. Van Osten, Wm. H. Peirce, R. 0. Harper, 3farshall A. Jones, Samuel Sparhawk. A Visit TO JCDGS VOSPLII3YITH.-A letter from a friend la Philadelphia who has had oppor tunities of visiting Judge Vonderemith in the Eastern Penitentiary, has been received by the Lan caster E2pre , s. The letter rays the Judge keeps his call in the most perfect order, every article having its particular place, and upon the wall, where nails are driven for the purpose of hanging up different articles, he hes autumn leaves very beautifully arranged around each nail, and many neat devices which are 311 manufactated from &tad leaves he has gathered from the little - garden at tached to his cell; upon his little table he has a bouquet stand, also made with leaves, containing neatly arranged bouquet of flowers—all showing the pinion for flowers which he so extensively cul. orated before judgment snatched him from his beautiful home in this city, to pay the penalty of offended justice. The writer says he found the Judge greatly &premed in spirits when he saw him, which the keeper informed him was caused by the conduct of a friend in Lancaster, which the Judge construes into an injury to his children, likely to leave them desti tute. This intelligence prostrated his spirits, and be has been melancholy ever air' re. The offteers of the institution show him every kindness ; they all seem attached to him, for his department since under their charge has been every way character. Oda of the gentleman. One of the afters who bad been there for several years stated to our oor 'respondent that Vonderanith had evidently 'offer ed in the time he had been there mare than many others did in ten years, and yet his mental anguish during this period is probably not equal to what ha endured dosing the period between his first arrest and final Imprisonment - A man in his position naturally exalter the sympathy of all visiten, sad a number et citizens have volunteered their ittflu eo?ais executive clemency in hie Waif,. at an early dai-L.a — Aliposolon wears n inmerfally strengthened by the general imp:sake that the sentence of the eourt was unnecessarily were, and more than the ends of *tee, under the stances, seemed to demand. Whether efforts in this direction will eventually be sueomafut wet have no means of judging, although an impression has obtained in some quarters that Prealdent Pot chin= will pardon him before he retires from office. I:43.l)truox or VIE V3105.—A writer, who well remembers the day the Constitution of the United States was termed, and the universal rejoicings which followed throughout the then new Republic, minds to the New York Cooraurrial an eloquent appeal in behalf of the continuance of the Union of the States, and paints, with a graphic pen, the 'umult, disorder, violence, outrage, and civil wars that would inevitably result should a dissolution unfortunately ensue. Ile adds, in conclusion: " Let the South beware how they Ic se their bold on the invaluable blessings of the Union. Let them forbear the aggressive policy and dominating threats, which sharpen resentment and excite re taliation. Let the faction! portion of the North restrain their intemperate seal, and intermeddling in the affairs of the South. Let them employ their impatient energies in their own 'pursuits. and in iew cf shackled commerce, of ruined chipping, of blighted manufactures, of trampled rights. and above all, of servile and civil war, let the whale country cease to disturb and embitter each other, resolving to cultivate the arts of peace, and to pre mote the national perpetuity and happiness POPCLAR. SOVERIIIGNYY lw rite SENATE.—The Weed:tinge:At correspondent of the Baltimore eiets says: " The debate which has sprung up in the Senate upon Mr. Pugh's resolution is one that was anticipated. The question of non-Intervention by Congress in regard to slavery in the Territories, and of the extent of papillae sovereignty therein in relation to the same matter, will be the leading enbject of debate in the Senate up to the lid of April. Mr. Douglas, when he shall be 'efficiently restored to health, will be in his seat, and ready to vindicate his own views of the subject. The proposition of Mr. Pugh is to repeal that section of the law creating the Territories of Utah and New Mexico, which requires that the laws of the Legislatures of those Territories should be submit ted to Congress for sprees! or rejection. This measure may be necessary in order to reconcile the legislation of Fele with that of 1t34.1. There is g oof reason why New Mexico should stand on one construe Con of the powers of Congress and Kansas upon another. The great question with the South is their tight to take cloves into Terri tories, and the duty and power of Congress to pro tect that right against unfriendly Territorial lation. Of course, this is to be the chief question in the Charleston Convention, when it Shall be held." Mn. SPEECTI —The Charleston Mer.. rum/ de% otcs an article three columns to a deices sion of Mr. ilickeasn's recent speech. Some cf his eoeitions are cordially affirmed and others stoutly denied. In the course of the article the y .says : Here, then, is what a Northern Democrat tells us, and tells us truly we have come to—• the whole politics of the country Is involved in the negro question. Z-'114.11 l•stery go 50:n rite Teenrartf s or not (any of lion that is the questiin. There is no other question. and there will be nn other question in the Presidential election of 1502 Mr. Hackman even premises, would treat her (the South, eight millions of white men: as a younger sister.' Bet he epeaks boldly what he in tends to ile, and we even respect 'him for his fraahnese. —a gallant enemy ie next to a true friers 1. •, There shell not be env miratierstanding, be tween any gentleman open the Democra ti c s:de of the House and myself I feel perfectly certain that the party has been bankrupted by this Ad ministration of James Buchanan I know it. I know it; for whenever the Democratic party can no longer eontrel Northern t 133323, then that party is bankrupt; and that is the condition of that party to-day. There is riot a Northern State, net one, as there is scarcely a Northern county, that can be carried upon the doctrine upon which Mr. Buebanan this day bases the Admis.dstratien I want the party to pat itself right at Chaeles:en ; and. if it will not put itself right. I want it to I at Itself elainlv 'steel; I do net want the people, either of the North or of the South. to beticieired by any plat , orm which can be utterrreted in one way in one section and in another way in another section If it is the sentiment of the Dem.ccratis petty that slavery shall travel with the column of our advaneing etvilisatlon. I say. pat it so bef.re, the people, express. it plliely, and receive th e Northern verdict upon ie" Legislators. shall we of the South not take gauntlet so gallantly thrown down before es' A thousand shames upon us should we ranee the pledge SOLitliAtt Sit pay! re New Yoar.—Gorerter Wise's premises of military honors and taunificent donations have tailed to turn the heads of all the Soathero student* at the North. The medical PM dente of New York, natives of the South. yester day held a meeting in Ibis city, to consult upon the prepriety of imi , ating the step taken by their fel low-eountrymen in Philadelphia. Their proceed ings were orderly and rational in the highest de gree, and when the lone of the proposed exodus was finally put, but fourteen out cf more than three buntred students present pronounced in favor of shaking off the duet of their shoes against us. This result does equal credit to the good sense and the patriotism of the gentlemen wee/reed.. and we trust it may do something to eoanteract the tojarious influence of the escapade perpetrated by their comrades In Philadelphia.—Nsic Toek Tiros. —.— —..... LH —.....——. 1411 SZOS (to ono address) SOAS (to address at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers