OTBLISHRO WAY xoltrrizok: my /OLIN, 'lroltactii; 6FFIOIi'NO. 417 OILBEITIMT BTUBI. . ritEss: - • ,• • • • VTWAtI.I9I Oita emu Wine. parable . theiCarriere. *Mimi to Ehtbeoribers Mit of the City at Elm DOLLAII •Pli. 'AMY. -Fova DOLLAILS 1011 EIGHT MORTHiII Tmartz Po:mum rm. sr.v,idorieme —lnverts* in aii moifor the time ordered. 1 , • Tif.l-WNSILLII PRESS. to so fiooribeii out of the Ofiy st, Tao Ai pOi ititto riot Amnia!, 10 'advailoo., ' STATIONERY. 1860, - NEW -AND, D 300• wm...g.A0314.11Y & SONS, N 0.539 CHESTNUT STRELT, Below Fourth, - PBACTIL.4 MANIMACTIIIMUI 011 '3 Li A N'IC BOOK SI: Medei'of Linen Stook. - 41kni"al orders PkiribtlY fteopte4, notini4erZia:a 4410C0.:71nruiPresstr, Letter end 417-3 tn, COUATITCII-IdattiST3TATl ° o§nr ok of ACCOUNT : BOOKS. - OLD AND NNW prßats, WROLE, OR PARTIAL BETH the coming eesson, will And on our ahelveea LARGE AND CONPLATE ABBORTAIENT om tibia' to 'sleet, or can have them made to Order of ANY DESIRED PATTERN, OV Tss • VERY BEST QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND - WORKMANSHIP, Together with a:fttli assortment of PORRION,AND DOMESTIC COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERY, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRIOEII.I MOSS. & go., ,Slo.lnEt No. 430 MARKET STREET. MILLINERY . GOODS. ; 729. N E W /29. FLOWER a; FEATHER .STORE, 72Q O.IIIII3TNIIT STREET.' inu%Was oato, fat GREATLY REDUCED PRIOEfLour re gook READMANES_ L YIRIDAL IYREATAS,_ , ISt FLOWERS, FEATHERS,LND - MILLINERY GOODS. THOS.'KENNEDY It BRO.. 129 OREM= BTU AND 43 13.8ECONP ST. 4423-3 ml • RERCILANT TAILORS. RAPHAEL, P. M. ESTRADA, SIEROHART TAILOR. PINE FASHIONABLE READY-MAD& CLOTHING, Awta SUPERIOR FABRICS POE CUSTOMER WORE, SI SOUTH SEVENTH STEM, - PHILADELPHIA, fulrgiraleamlthr i lorinttin llnta of Granville Gtokeet) reepectuany invites tit, ntloo of the publio_to new establushMe_ny end his splendid stock of FURNISHING OCIODS for Gentle- H n' e mes has o W ea n r. hand a ohoioe selection of Fabrics especial for customer worl i tf . d a vaned twortment .of te mptable HEADY- DE CLOTHING, to which hp the atteette4 0 form Each artode warranted to give entire imomitoSion. deem JOHN HOBSON; likist. BOOTS '41131) SHOES. HAZEI.,I4 & HARMER. f /CMFAOM=I AND Li:(4)ll:4 , l3lol:lp)Atervt:j BOOTS AND 'SHOES. • n #0.1;18 NORTH THIBD MOW. Poll sasoitmitti of Olt, ludo Boots end Shoes con 'Witty en hand:, . ' ;" ; ao.tf HARDWARE - 'PACKAGE -HOVERS.' IFIDY 8a BRENNE NOB ! 214 . 95.,AND AT NORTH, EiTTH MEET PHILADELPHIA, )91/00/14LB COMMISSION SIEBOILUM3, For the isle of ell kinde of AHERICLAR ILANPFACTURED HARDWARE, • • - Ailf lailmaso or GARMAN, BELGIAN, lIIENGIC, AND ENGLISH .HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, imsocasture . or, meadsLYte st,oOk of Goode to Bis -o,Nardwitz• pealerc ittOI,OR,SIOII azzims; ,„ tr 4 ' A MOILS AID. no*, _ AM other kinds In over/ misty. stillimaivis sox BHA,BP'B..B-BPBATB.B• PISTOL; WEDIEUNGI ONLY at'otmoi& agmull NEW iitozizi o Arw!rierroLe. !MOLD s. RANDY. 4110,11. DRIUMIOI. o. r: PAOKAGE. HARDWARE HOII§E.-=-We - gild rerwitfelir *Will* attention of dig 0 ' - dwarf!, Turns wpm. eXtenSi9ll' Stook of Stst. attgAttARSIWANE, whlott we ,offer at a small , Tana; bi tte r a moo. . . gild re oot Importation goliobeA, and Goods cle aner tn We . otty, New Yorkalley, 2rjtans. *••,.., • ingt" cottiulatt_vectorhantiet, ts. And Agents EiWrelin and Domestic' Hardware. . , monad CABINET, WARE. VABINET VURNITURZ mat BIItT3A TABLE& . ,:,140011,t '& CAMPION. No. Xl SOUTH SECOND STREET, r ta eoeneeldon with their extensive Wirt Minnow, PM hoer ...--vreatiorits ituarremon ddetilvtoNS much ere pronounced try eh who have wee em to La manor to another,. - s vor the anent, sad Sateh of these Tables the mum leaven mar toteingumerotts,patrons throughout the tt i ir rip an =MR with She obarsoter of their - le-Itm 'DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c. DRUGS, 01 89, PAINTS, &a. g t MET. SHOEMAKER & CO. SHIMMY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON NO 119 ONEWFNUT ST.. COMMISSION MEROHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS,' .84„, NORTHEAST CORNER lODATE AND NAOS sums, Imortars end Dollen In WINDOW MANI, PAINTS. ka, invite the attention of COUNTRY . MERCHANTS Te their large etoek of Gocoit.;ettiolt they offer et the Warman:whet rates. . oee-tf LOOKII 4 IG-GLASSES. LOOKING -GLASSES, .61 reduced orlpee. • tOOVOPLAIID, No fa South Fourth street. has on Mmes, 6 large stook of French Flits Mirrors in silt . Mines, riouly,ortiarnented or plain, which ere offered at Yea' low prices. Square and oval Portrait, Picture, Photosrafi s Frames, Frenob Plata on hand from ysoup to by 36, at much below former 111088. ers solicits JOSHUA COWPIAND, No. isS South Fourth street. HOPS GOAL OIL WORKS FIRST. PREMIUM. AWARDED AT PHDINEMIVANIA STATIC nnt, 'A mi t y WOOD MUST, *BARE DOILDYL oryla 137 WALNUT STRUT R. R. HUBBARD h RON SAWING? PAINTING MATE ,Engtettere-and Arohlisote Stationry. - Qmplan Pain tax Matedar m. Ritift h ggel a ttr Man, ant s itliao for Attlata and e t t liettelPieture'Frantes. ' k l ed u as Cards, 4.lnerioan and French.' ee SVitas tclth /101 , 101 trad :k to .14ttENTZKY, 115 Bough Street. GB Man ARTATL. - • - nfD 11m CAIAJUTTA - - TWlNR—Jtist received ; a superior late Calauds Twine, and for ago by Wv,AVER, FrrbEft. k CO. dr/ - =IC Water et. and 23 N.'lOrharvec PEPPER. -An invoice•received. and fo side by WETHERILI, BAOTIIHR. 421 Not. 47 ttsd 49 linrtb bECOND Street. AM)* 'WVI tOW GLASS on hand 491 and for :o VH ON H rt L &BR N HE r R i t. AIIILVER BOAP—A simple „preparation oleatuene e l3llt Itzrel e ria r tgr i t i M i x; !ter. .on C e t heir glair Nitoose alearum i r be intett u f l o l tttel, 71. hk frrutti,r;r:i roar red, e sturiag. the weer a the n o sl„ut In greater Mei e colt oir the Soap It leaves the Inf late time ID imitgratinpidrritttivrh: LL he 1 0 . 3 ni Agenta4,Bl4 u Avotheeetifle, T na OHM NI . AVANA CIGARS Yi~nro, Holm de Oro. Daniel WebetOr. 8 bNulafiti, LlU°hobo not ~,EnEte. ran: 74 ' V I " r°3 ' Prueb. " ' in and &OF al) • aye, &Ch.. kti, i t ; CarrSd instate, and for tali 1 0 4713 - lot - ARLES TETE, 130 WALNUT St:' oriw 40 - Woirb t - r -1.9. btAs. extra quality Coal , op, } ver y anterior article for tanning long and Eirintbrl6htiigali o „ top . r E ll k o F u n t r, t i a i r a l7 sr , t _ • 14.46 ARRIT.WARWR. TIODY[BkI4-60U, 4tt4,,ExoWerand Bank sapiaaltdVajoby re.. L "th am] 721 NORTH Whartes. II TAN A UIGARS -7-Com - Prieng ammo of the nloet eelebrated eionisrelyttetivort.. 3001 a lAlO7c • • 4...t... 1 , . \ •l%\\ ti / 7 / J. , - st,•ft .. . .. . • • (_ . L -, :*' ' ..-' . ," ' ",..;\`\\ %, 1 / li / // 2." " -, - : '• ''' ~'tl l4-• tt . . ...• •`to I; ill •I - .... ' ..-- ''' 'frit,* .----"\ • •.-- , l'. - i -, ' • - • , ):--> 1,1" - --._ .._•• .„0 , ›,••*"_,---4 r 4 , 4 .04 "` •te. A A ... . . . C- - , /. 1. ,i I( -, ..- .' '-• - , - - t. A--; --- ..-"1-; • .4-, - .401r,t-' -i. 4 .. ~ '.--- - .. - f - - .7.> , / -4. . .., . , 'll L4l , " - . 1• :. :. ' -; ' -:- ' 5 ,, - ' • 44%. . -'''. 4 .4, - ' • riblab, - . --- .. .. .9. . .. ..„..,,,., '''-' - : - • --,- i- , •' - i . X . ,?:i'`; , N. - • - t • .-. - .N4----5.1. - k . ...• larwaikor, Nue • - . . . , .... , _ . ... ‘ } - ' / 4 ---. (............_ r -- -,, , ..,- ir : ..: .; ittp ;•-.4.k. 1 , : :.,-.;..„ 4 „,, E.; i ..f.;,,•: ! , tga ,-, .r ' .._ 00,.. • 1 • ~..44 / . ....,5,4„i - ‘,;„,. - ,:i., c 4- ....ty: . : - ,• ;;,:) , ~:.,. ~ 1k , ..r,,, , t 1 , 3 .'i,!,--- o ,'„ ....- .z . , --. •,.:..., 11 i % . a , . 1. „r_._= ___,,_ii. .._._ , ~....,,..,„. ...,,_ , . _ .., -='--, -- ..• ,- - vit,,.,;• , ,... ; „.--v- 00 ...._.,„...„,,....-'••,_...---'"----- 4,... --..... . . , • /fir .....--_--....._ -AI ______--•"*"---•:„.4:::-- VOL. 3.-NO. 125. CONFECTIONERY. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.—Fine CONFECTIONERY can be had, equal o to any other establiehment Me city—viz : Bonn, Chocolate, Alrnond. &o. Alio, an aseortment o Fancy_ Boxee. between EFFRI & CO.'S, No. ns MARKET Street, Seventh and Eighth. CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND TOYS.- Pine Frenoh Mixtures. DO cents per pound, worth 76 eents : do. 76 oents worth 81. Plain Mixtures 26 cents hod 37 Dents per Pound. Also, Duohesee d'An sauterne and Vicar of Wakefield Pears, Lady Ap ples iko. C. N. .Halacs, d20.6t• 336 South NINTJEI Strut. cuoigE CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY. FIRE MIXED SUGAR PLUM; PRESERVED FRUITS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN. BON-BONS, SUGAR TOYS, NICK NACKS, &0., &c. Manufactured and Imported by ED. G. WHITMAN & 00 dlO.tp EC SECOND and CHESTNUT litres% PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS. FOWLER /C 1 TQWNSEND. 916 MARKET STREET, Ana ciorut i te it ir a nnufaoturis i 0310108 VARIETIES • ot • EON DONS, CREAM CONFECTIONS, FINE SUGAR ALeIONDEI,_.TELI.IES, &0., tkit,. Mao, Frenoh Riek-Kaoks. Chris as-Tree Orna ments, &o. We have , also fine Fi , Raisins, raver shell Almonds, &0., &0., suitable f * the coining holi days, to whieh we reepeotfully inv the attention of buyers before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget No. 916 MARKET street. dill-WC! COMMISSION HOUSES. pARBELL & MORRIS. 332 CHESTNUT STREET, IMPOR TERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS OLOTHB, OABBI ktER 88, DOESKINS, AND ISPRINO AND- BUMMER OOATINGB, MANTELETB, PANTALOON STUFFS FROTHINGEIAM & WELLS, 36 LETITIA STREET, AND 34 ROUTE FRONT STREET. JOTTONADES. ' Berta* for both Clothiers and Jobber., re large variety. SUMMER COATINOB AND OANDIDRETTEI Made by Washington Mills. Or s tre .ti takter for these desirable goods for Senna trade. HENRY D. NELL, • CLOTH STORE, NOB. 4 AND 0 NORTH SECOND STREET. °MIR/AMOS, CHINCHILLA, NOSROWA, FROSTED, AND PLAIN • • BEAVERS, Also, OASSIMBRES, VELVETS, &0., WHOLBOALE AND RIITALL. nv-mAthtFa ELLING, COFFIN. & OCkaIEPANY 4 ,,, ourter-ivirritieer-wr It It NTr' " AGENTS POE THE SALE OP A. s W. SPRAGUE'S PRINTS. In (rev variety, including Chooolatei,Turkey Reds Cr...,, Blum Skirtings, sad Faber Styls. BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHLRTINGS. Maaonvtlle, Slatenville, Rom, Witehington Union Mills, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, Belvidere, Phenix, Bmithville. BROWN BIGIBTINOS, SHIRTING% AND OSNADURGS. mama, Virginia Family, Groton. Ettrioir, ' Eagle, Manchester. wee & Fames, Bleak Hawk, Meroer A, Warren A, Farmers', Riverside, Clem River, Elwell. CLOTHS. &Atomises Pomeroy's, Wont= Co.'., and other makes of Black and Fanny all wad and Oat= warp Cloths in great varlets. DOESKINS AND CASSINERES. Oreentleld CO., Batons River, Lewiston Falls, Steam's M. Gay & Sons, Glendale, Babbitt Co., and others. SATINETS. Steam's Aim & Aldrioli, Taft & Capron. Minot, Charter Oak, Crystal Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence, Malls, Carroll's, Dukrinen, Conversville, &o. SlLESLAH—Lonalifte Co.'s, Smith's, and other makes, Plain and twilled, 40811 colors. ' Fanny Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett oity and Irene Stripes, Denims, and Ticking,. Rhode Island and PlailndelphlaLinsegn, Apron CAW'', and Pantaloon Stuffs, Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels. Fisherville Co.'s Corset Jeans, &o. ad-dtsepl—eepl-im&whf PAPER HANGING, &c. To CLOSE BUSINESS. We they from now to the end of the year our LARGE STOOK OF ' PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Portions wishing their Moues Papered, can got great BARGAINS By calling early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & 00., dl34m NO. 822 CHESTNUT STREET. CIGARS, TOBACCO, dm ZW.T.SSLER & FIORILLO. 125 NORTH THIRD STREET, Have for gals a largo supply of CIGARS OF THE BEST HAVANA BRANDS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ao. AGENTS FOR GAIL A AX, GERMAN SNORING TOBAOOO AND OIGARS• oost-Sm A. MERINO 140 13017711 I , 7tOISTT BT UT, Us In dots and bond, and for Oak. * Largo dasortzont of CIGARS, Imbed direst from llama, of *Woo and favorito Brands. aug-tt HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. rrHE TJNIONNTA___NN ARON ST, ABOV'HIS L TH ADEL UM PIILL UPTON 8. NNWSOMER. The situation of this HOTEL to Riparian adapted to tieverzi•Ptb the i n u tfer i dt 2 ; :OR t er g search , and n clo se proximity. afford a cheep and pleasant ride to plum of interest in or about the oily. iy M-am I-TORSES TAKEN TO WINTER on a Farm in Delaware county. Excellent etablea and experienced tiroom. Apply No. 624 WALNUT StreeLeeeond atoll. 00-tt RO3TN, PITCH, AND TAR —5OO bble. Ravin 011 all_gnulee snit qualitim ninnurnotured and for skin 'ROW LEY ARERURNER, & U 4.. 'en. 18 81. 8 o* WOARVRA dIR -- NEW OTL.-1 500 GALLONS EXTRA WHITE WINTER OIL. now makilig at suitable for oestroVlLVetikri inwE wom, c„, ....tFelotory or at atom ilo. IS HO TH. WHARvER, Mow Martel street, dlO RETAIL DRY GOODS. ELEGANT LADIES' F 'CTRS. AT LOW PRICES, AT THE P.A.RIB MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY, RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON BAY SABLE, EASTERN MINK SABLE, DARKESr SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FINE GERMAN FITCH, ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, &0., IN CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. HANDSOME MINK MARTEN CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, 83 to 44 Inehes deep, $76, 800, 8120. 8140, $lBO, to $B6O J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. dl5-12t DECEMk3ER REDUCTION IN PRICES. L. J. LEVY 8c CO. Announce to the Public and their Customers that in ac cordance with their usual custom at this season of the year, they have reduced the oriole of their stook of FANCY DRY GOODS, which oomori■es many choloeand beautiful descriptions of goods suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. L. J. L. & Co. have received, this week, a very choice oolleation of Embroidered Cambric Hdkfs. New Lace Goode, Embroideries, Ao., to which there will be added, on Monday. Comber 19, several oases of Nouveautes, especially selected for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. di-tf LADIES' FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOR. 415 AND 417 AROH STREET, HAS NOW OPEN HIS USUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Made of 'teak eelected by himself In Europe during the past Sprint. 0018-3 m SATINETS CLOAKS I- CLOAKS !! IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW MATERIAL. THE LARGEST STOOK IN TILE CITY. *V - Tripes more reasonable than at any other eetab liehment. IVENS. 91W 93 SOUTH NINTH STREET. CLOA.Eib I O.ILOAIiS I I TILE GREATEST BARGAINS D IN OLOAKEI EVER OFFERE. IVENS. CLOTHS—OLOTHS. JAYIsTE'S HALL. A complete assortment of CLOTHS, CActIIMERES. VESTING% &o. $lO to tECO saved on a Gent's Suit, And 85 to coon LADIES' CLOAKING. (Patterns furnished.) Call and us at ESHLEMAN'S. nBo•td3l an CHESTNUT STREET. HOLIDAY SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. Long Shawls, for Presents. Woolen Shawls, 84, Se. and ed. Nano' Long Shawls Silks, reduoed for Christmas. All•wool Dolmas, do do. redueed for presents. French Merinos. reduced. Fast Colors Memmao Prints, EYRE ea LAIVDELL. d24-tial FOURTH and ARCH STAPLE 000D5— ~I _ll.4hi, vo oed rIIVO , ' the rota , ' ot r of making %mete - Pram um ago Cradle Crib. an Berth do. pee and Horse Blankets uhle Damuk Clothe . Damuk Otakine: 8-4 Stripe Bruit Clothe, !doted Cloth Piano Coven . nsbroldered Piano Coyere. me assortment iimumbold Goods, EYRE & LANDELL. 01-tjal FOURTH and ARCH HOSIERY GOODS. -J. WM. HOF MANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street. has now open his Fall Stock of Hosiery Goods. viz Undervents and Drawers ofCarlwn ot ght and Warner's' superior menu facture, for 161114111 sn misses' wear. Marine Shtrte and Drawer'', tor_aents and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets and goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery business, J. W. H, respectfully solicits the attention of families to his stook, assuring them that his stook is un exoelled for variety by any other in the city, and that his prices are as low as those of any other regular hem, N. H.—No abatement made from the vines named. s2l..wfmtf SUARPLESS BROTHERS have now open the balance of their Fancy Drees Goode. Mouseelinex, Calicom, Plaid& Rich Bilks and Robes. Figured Merinoe, Pooling. Marked at much reduced rinse to sell off the clock. del • CHEHTNUT AND MOUTH. LYONS CLOAK VELVATS. it- 41 All widths of these goods in brilliant blacks. They ere composed of pure Silk, and considered the best manufacture that readies this meant. Impelled expressly fur our retail Inlay by SHARrLEss BROTHERS d2l CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. RAPSON'S, CORNER. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY BTB Have now open a fine assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. Thep whole from th" celebrated manufacturer', Hertz & Wegener, ia Verna. Our customers can depend on gettiag the best artiole ever offered at retail In Phila. deiptua, at the lowest arum. AtIPLENDID4aSOILTILINT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS* AyARISTY OF BLACK CLOAK TASsELS. Ja&NDSOME CROCHET CLOAK FRINGES. NEW AND BRACTIVOL DRESS TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS!. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAS AND CAPS. Waft KNIT GAITERS AND SLEEVES. A FULL STOCK Or STAPLE TRIMMINGS. AT EADSON'S LADIES' IMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE. Cor, OF EIGHTH AND MERRY STS. .16-3 m CLOAKING CLOTIIS. Fine Blank Cloths and Beavers. Ladies' Black Cloakings, $1.26 to $3.60. remold Cloths, $1 to Rat*. revs-coat Cloths. 82.6 i to $5. lack and fancy eashinerec xtra heavy fancy Winter Cashmeres. Emits and Union Cashmeres. ood,and cheap Vest' nsceilk, Plush, Valenoia. y 4 wear—goods ospootally adapted to. • COOPER tr. oorttaux_ er NINTH and MARKET BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS. Cheap Cloaks, from $4 to 86. Full Black Cloaks, 88 to 819. lack Beaver Cloak., $l9 to 819. Bina Tricot Cloaks, 810 to 8 1 9. We areow selling large quantities from a large, free'', and clean stock. Cloaks made to order and gua ranteed to fit and please. COOPER & CONARD, dIT NINTH and AIAHKBT. RB. WINSLOW CUL AN EXPERIENCED NURSE, AND FE MALE nastoiarg, 67;7 tine l ranti.gnitz her FOR OIIILDREN TEETHING, 'eh greatly facilitates the processor teething, by loft s up i tttrig,. reduct o r all ti nTa a mTetion ; will allay SUlTo P Yßoilf,i7d bil towELs. Depend upon It, mothers, tenti give Tent tOyoureelvea 1114— maLIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold • Jtje artiole for over ten feanhand can ray, in eon lli4 Me nee and truth of it, what Ire have new bee 13 0 able Jo.etiy_of any other itaferrAr 4, 1 '46 41 VEcqui'lt p,..' 411 - 1 1 timely pried. ever did t., 4 we know. an root oi muatielsotion by any one who used it. On the con trary all are delighted Eu with its operations, mid 'pia in terms or %liaises .... oonunendation of Itemagi sal efibotelind mettles, vi i.; , tneg. We speak in thm matter •, what we d Z know, ',after ten yeers' expenence.andelenge Our ~.. reputation for the fulfil ment of what we here de _ Otero. In almost every instance where the infant W 4 is suffering from pain and exhaustion, rebel he E ., found in fifteen or twenty 9 1e l o t glt l iffe thee Syrup ig 0 ini.lnistered. ti Gleßarle merlon i a t id 2 fideel e feneT, slid'coed irlinS never-WI ng suorrin_ TEO SANDS OF OASES. It not only rem eves the M Muld from pain, but .in yi orates only and , bowels, aorreets &Mit! inn gives Wil t al g e t i tr y e ite th p e OrtYI ie N . GTITI I II " 1/ 44, ~,., a . .,.,,, t t pl, n w..ND 0 ...07..IC.A F ..vorcsomea..n 8 - gillilionli.,_ei 0 ~ if: mot 4 speedily remedied, end in death. We obeys it the beet and surest remedy in the worISAn all oagetol M DYS,MiThRY and MAR PLUCBA /N CRILDR N . ,, whetter it arises from teething or from anyot er cense. We would say to every mother who has a " oluld 'Oaring from any of the foregoing complaints. Br. do not let your preludiees, nor the prejudices of ' 0 the re, stand between ith irr a lniAt u twi ui tv gip i ew t h o at ib ;will t ir se o this' meNielne, if ~. timely used. Fulr i ° lrreo! L a i l " Tril g eelirra; '' lii P ' a ir n ae e tinU t ki ti l l e g& It i l 9 r , z.,....rNisw e lor .Is on the ouwl P wrapper. ' Vold by Dyggalstetlioughnott the world Frinoi.. as No. is E.DAR asst. York. ..Iy l / 1 -1Y as edemas a bottle. inoMANCHESTER SCALES.—Counter, Platform, 'Warehouse, nay, Coal, and Railroad Scales. Also, Planing Machines (Andrew's Patent), and Bolt ing. for eats at No. 4.6 CIIEsTN LIT Street. d2l-mwflm CHARLES A. DANIELS. IL FAIRBANKS' PLATFO SCALES. For sale bi FAIRBANKS & EWING. 715 CH ESTN UT Street. Phila. AiHO W iSTAP4 DARD SUALPIS. — STRONG & ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle, and Hay Scales require no pit. Platform and Counter Scales of every desoription. They receive all Friction and Wear on Halls instead of Knife Edges, rur on other Scales. cell, and examine before purchasing elsewhere* and see the improvement PENNINGTON GREEN. Agent, T 112 South SEVENH. street Philadelphia, k j PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1859. =I=MIEI;MMM MEDICINAL. SCALES. NEW PUBLICATIONS': . BEAUTIFUL BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, (GUT & VOLKMAR. c9u00.54., to H. Cowperthweit & Co., In Retail Da partment,) NO. 609 CHESTNUT STREET, Would 'mpactions solicit the attention of their patrons and the public) to their SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF • HOLIDAY BOOKS, Prepared and arranged expreeely for the FESTIVE SEASON. Their stook oomprises STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, AND JUVENILE BOOKS, In many beautiful and elegant Myles of Binding. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS; CHOICE ILLUSTRATED ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS ' AT LOW' PRIOES; PRAYER BOOKS AND BIBLES, (ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS,) Bound In VELVET, CALF, MOROCCO, CLASPS AND RIMS. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. • This department uomprises the most complete, and the most extensive stock of BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LITTLE FOLES To be found in the city. 1 GAMES ! GAMES ! ' Of every description at low prices. MOVEABLE TOY BOOKS In Great Variety. WRITING DESKS. ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY. PAPETERIES, PORTFOLIOS. &c., Persona desiring it inn make their selections' num, and have thetu aunt any time between thin and Chrtat mes Eve. Fuchsias' will do well to call and examine the well selected stock upon our tables. • AT 609 CHESTNUT STREET. N. D.—CATALOGUES OF FINE BOOKS GRATIS. TICKNOR & FIELDS, BOSTON, HAVE IN PRESS AND WILL PUBLISH IMMEDIATELY a THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE With the Story of Iris. By OLIVER WENDELL . HOLMES. 1 vol. 12mo, 81. Also, a fine edition, ele gantly printed on tinted paper, is 800 form, and bound In bevelled boards. Price 83. NEW MISCELLANIES. By CHARLES ICINGStEY Uniform with Sir Walter Raleigh. 1 vol. limo. 1. SELF HELP: With Illastretion. of Character and Conduct, By fIAbIUBL SMILES, Author of "The Life of George Stephenson." 1 vol. 12mo. SEVEN YEARS. A Novel. By JUL IA KAVANIOII, Author of " Plathatio," Bvo. Paper. 60 cents. TRAVEL AND STUDY IN ITALY. By CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. 1 vol. 16mo. 141. POEMS, By HENRY TERROR. !vol. Mo. 150 °eats THE LIFE OF JOHN COLLINS WARREN, M. D Compiled chiefly from his Journals and Correspond-. enco. 2 vole. Elvo. e 3.20. With portrait and , other steel plates. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. A Sequel to Sabo° Days at Rugby. By IIHOM.AS HUGHES. Pert 11. 12 cents, CAPT. MeCLINTOCK'S NARRATIVE OP THE VOYAGE OF THE "FOX" TO THE ARCTIC BEAK, AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE PATE OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN AND HIS COMPAN IONS. With a Preface by Sir RODERICK Idurt -011180N. I vol. limo. With Mao and Illustrations. THE BOY TAR; OR, A VOYAGE IN THE DARK By Captain MAYNE REID. With 12 Illustriglons by Charles Keene. I vol. limo. 7doente.• . ERNEST BRACEBRIDOE: A etbir bf Sthgoi Dais. By W. R. O. MORTON. With IS lllsitnato l * by, flootiblf. THE OBTRUDES AND THE WILISADERB. Br JOHN 0. EDGAR, Author of " The Beyhribil of Groat Men." With 8 Illustratiorie by Julian Portoth 1 vol. 10mo. 75 dents. STORIES FROM FAMOUS BALLADS. By GRACE GREENWOOD. With a steel vignette by Cashman, and 4 Blast/att.:one by Billings. 1 VoL square 18mo. Red Cloth. SOceots. titg-Igt _ELEGANT AND RARE BOOKS SUIT ABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, NOW FOR SALE BY SAMUEL HAZARD. Jr.. 721 CHESTNUT Street. FOUR CONES Qv THE All nOTTBFORD WA. VERLEY NOVELS. These copies are part of e lot—the halftime ofthe edi tion—which, as the plates have been destroyed, make them vidueble Iran the fact that, after they are sold, no more can be readily obtained. ONE COPY, IN 11 VOLUMEg containing the PROSE WORKS, bound in the b eet and handsome style of half morooro. ilt top. ONE COPY IN FULLTURKEY MOROCCO, Gilt Edges 12 colonies, nocs. ONE COI'Y HALF MOROCCO. 13 volumes. novels, with silt back. gilt sides and edges. ONE IN FULL CALF,. MARBLED EDGES. All newlllnd fresh copies. at Inwood° prices. THE ICONOGRAPHIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCI ENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART. vole., letter press, 2 vols.. plates. bound in hal f morocco, gilt. REYNARD, THE FOX. The original German copy. with exquisite illustrations on steel, allot designs by Ka ulbech. tiles/mil, bound In morocco. SETZSCHT OUTLINE ILLUSTRATIONS TO SHAKSPEARE'S PLAYS. A fine copy, bound m half m iirk. 9 ..WIERLEY NOVELS. in CS cop y,VOLUME tree-marbled calf. Edinburgh, an early y, Lenin 'full) bound. WALTON Jr COTTON'S COMPLETE ANOLIff. The original large paper edition, now very senroctl% two v cis., oleynntiv bound in moroCeo, gilt educe. THE PURSUITS OF LITERATURE. A satirical poem. large paper cove, with inserted portraits, bound in half morocco, gilt edges. A very pumas end rare book. • THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. A complete I work on Natural History. By Gardine. With colored plates. 40 vole, cloth gilt. THE GALLERY OF PICTUREI3 or Maulers of An cient and Modern Schoole, Hy Alice Curnungham. 2 VOL etc , morocco. MILS. JAMIESON'S ELEGANT WORKS, commi tting SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART LEGENDS OF THE MADONNA AND MONASTIC ORDERS, (vole., morocco and Mill morocco. A euperb book, with exqu tette esigns from oelehraterl_poi minas. WORDSWORTH'S VIEWS IN GREECE. A proof nor. Full calf, extra. INDEN'S ROYAL G X LLERY OF BRITISH A T. A collection of superb glee( engravings, from paintings executed by eminent Englieli artists, One vol., large folio. THE 1300 K OF FLOWERS, painted in WATER CRIMEA. being ono of the most exeuiettely beautiful lx,oke of fl owerer over o ff ered for sale. One large folio volume, euperbly bound in Turkey morocco antique. ,THE COMPLETE WORKS OF HOHARTII, in two vols., 2to, belflnotocioo, steel ertgravin es. ROBERT'S VIEWS IN THE EAST, AND THE HOLY LAND especially. A superb book of fine litho. illust ration. 3 vole. no., Turkey morocco. B °ORDEN'S PICTURES OF ITALY. A very fin Icebox of views of some of the most beautiful Italian Rennes, An early copy. in half morocco. MILTON'S PARADISE LOST. with illustrations by Martin. Full calf or half calf. Folio. Originally ',un belted at RIM. Sold now for *213. THE CO SVELT GALLERY. A fino collection of pictures after the old mestere. A fino vont copy, royal Bvn. half moroceri. TURNER'S RIVERS OF FRANCE. Very fine " o, l l, n l ' AVA' a gi n rrEfiriN OREECE: Royal BV° , , mornron. . ALIT'S:MIAMI ETCHINGS OF AMERICAN AR TISTS. A collection of photograph drawings, by some of the moat eminent American artists. Quarto, in cloth: half morocco, and morocco landing. THE WILKIE GALLERY. A collection of superb engravinks by English Artiste, A very fine early copy, half morocco, gilt edges. TS. H VERNON OA I,LERY. A companion to the above, in full Turkey morocco. OEMS OF BRITISH ART. Large quarto, morocco, an 'ArFMOUS FEMALE POETS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA. By Coppee. With exquisite illus trations on steel. Printed on tinted paper. Bve., mo roccoVAN MADONNAS. A collection of the beet cre c o o d Photographic faelimiles of the most cele brated Raphael paintings. Q,itarto, '1 nrksy antique, or gilt. MOUNT VERNON AND ITS ASSOCIATIONS, with numerous illustrations, by B. J. Liming. Cloth, ovirltae&p Tu wisrai AMERICAN LITERA TU E. By U. D. Cleveland, elegantly illustrated with portraits. 1 voI., RM. morocco antique. THE WAVERLEY GALLERY. Being a series of ap g raved illustrations of portraits of ohetraotere in Pit Waiter Scott's romances. l elegant volume, 800.. with 96 steel engravings. Morocco an tique, rich style, OM. REYNARD, THE FO,X. Afier the version of Goethe. By Thomas J. Arnold. With 60illustrations from the designi of Wilhelm Von icaulhaeli. 1 vol., 800., beautifully printed on the finest tinted paper. Cloth gilt, 6340; morocco extra, Sat moroaco sone . THE Obt OF MODERN BALLADS. A Rook of Favorite Modern Ballade. Illustrated with tiluetrations tram drawings of the first artists. Each page ornamented with a gold border. 1 vol„ Svo., cloth, gilt, S9. RUNYAN'S Pll,Olll5l'S PROGRESS, With illustrations by Charles Bennett, and a preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. 1 vol., Svc., cloth, gilt, 66; antique morocco, $9. THE hIEROHANT OF VENICE. The most excellent Roderic , of the Merchant of Venice. Written by Willing] Shalt - spearsl v01.,..av0.. with elegant illustrations. in the style) of 'Gray's BIOS Y. Cloth, $2 50 ; marmot°,s4 50. CAAIPBELL'4 PLF,ASCIIIII OF HOPE. With 25 illustration' by BirketFoster, and oilier', in the first style of art. 1 vol., extra cloth, gilt, $l/6; mo rocco extra, 83. MERRY PICTURES, By Comic Hinds. Being a collection of liumorone Ul3- 1 1 Rne br Phiz. Croargui I t Boyle Leach, Meadows. /gm thelmp,an ever bed illustrations and illimtrative ex , . Oblong folio, bundimme cover by CCOliqUili, fancy beanie, M ERR DAYS OF ENGLAND. Sketches of the olden Train. By Edward McDermott. Illustrated with 20 large Foe:wills., from draw , oss by Joseph Nash, George Thomas, Birket Foster, Edward Corbould, &c. Quarto, half morocco. elegant, SS L'ALLEGItO AND 11. FENSEROBO. By John mum. With upwards of Si ilmiNtrations, drawn arid etched by Birket Foster. The text printed in rod. 1 vol., super-mat eve., bound in morocco an tom, rich style, $8; or. in Levant morocco, $l2. DI Eli IRAI.. D. Thirteen Original Yemeni. By Abraham Coles, D. One elegant volume. Ivo,, .011)M0 antique. For gale by lIAXARD, Agenl for " TUB APPLETONB," 7 0 CHESTNUT Street. HERRING. -260 Ws. Piolde4 Herring ; A -a !tier, 250 b,xee Brooked Herring. for ante by C. C. BA Dl.Eft k AEA:tit:PA tot, ed door hbove Front. (18.4 EBSE.-380 boxes Herkimer county Cheese in More end for eels bLe. 0. SADLVI. & 000 ARCH Street, doer aeon /root. NEW PUBLICATIONS. S MoNENEY, 406 WALNUT STREET, • MA F fg E u N IT'AND 800103. HAWLEY 8 _LLUSTRATED EDITION OF J. FENI MORE COOPER. Two Vignettes on Steel, En i d twelve sket&r, on Wood, in h volume. In all, Nk.ARLY WINGB N 8 Engraved from Y'S DESttd,BY ux BEST ENGRAVERS. Eleven Volume;are out. Th. Pioneer., 'f he Bravo, d Rover The MI N h t h iii e te the Mohican., ;W h e , Pla ftd. 4 , - , all - will • yangite, The Prairie, Lionel Li coin. Others will follow at intervals of a month, until the entire set of Cooer's Noval. la published in Om splen did style. Price 1109 per volume, in plain cloth, uncut, or embossed clot hbevelled edge.. Buteonbere men ley served. MoHENR y, 406 WULNUT STREET, BOLE A S ENT ale° for the PICTORIAL EfELD-BOOK OP TEE REVOLUTION. By Barnum J. Loam y°. The Motors, Biography, Scenery, helm, and '1 raolitiorr of the War for Independence, Illustrated by Pen awl op en. Eleven Hundred Engravings on Wood, eh eqy from Original bketchas by the Author. Complete in ''o volumes. Royal Octavo, various biedingit at 6. 7, 0, or 10 dollar.. highly extolled by_ Edward n.verett, Jared Spark., George Banoroft, Waahington Irving, Ice., No. B. Mcllunnv has also MOUNT VERNON and ITO ANSOCIATIONS, Hide rioal, BiographioaL and Piotortal by Benson J. Lomlng, IM Illustrations. Bound in vesious styles, LIAO, 8440, 46.00 and 8610. Natter of the UB above is PERBa S HOLIDAY (SIFT, Remember S. nfoHENRY. dlO-6n9 406 WALNUT Street ( EORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STOR.E. t9O. 430 CIVSTNIPP STREET. BUY' 1 OUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT EVANS' BUY YOUR HOL DAY COES AI EVANS' . BUY YOUR HOLIDAY 00r A EVA,' BUY YOUR HOLIDAY d A 'tVAN • BUY YOUR HOLIDAY 800 S AT VAN BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT }.VANS' Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gilt Bonk Store, GiR Book Store. Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, No. 439 Chestnut street. No. 439 Chestnut numb No. 439 Chestnut Hymn. 'Tie the hest place in the city. 'Tin the best place in the city. 'Tin the best place in the city. Books ere sold se cheap as at Any other store, Books are sold as cheap as at any other etoro, Books are sold as oheap as at any other store, And you have the advantage, And you have the advantase, And you have the advantage. Of setting a Gin with each Book. Of getting a Gift with eaoh Book. Of setting in Gift with mum Book. YOU WILL FIND AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF BOORS. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, Comprisins SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED ANNUALS, EL A BORATE LY BOUND POETICAL WORKS. RICHLY ILLUMINATED LADIES' ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS IN H A NDSOME BINDINGS. Bißbvti IN MOROCCO AND VELVET BINDINGS, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS OF ALL RINDS ! AND THE WRITINGS OF ALI. THE FOLLOWING STANDARD AUTHORB UPON IN ACLLI, UDsUI NGBJECTS, ROOKS OF FACT ARQ. BOOKS OF' FION BOUND IN EVERY STYLE AND P I R N THINTE D DE 8 CHEAPEST T AND AT THE CHEAPEST P_RICES AND A HANDSOME GIFT WITH 11 A C II J LA E F. IC DIX KIP !Linn L 11 011 N C L I N A N Y SCOTT SIMMS ',YE(L BROWN ARTIIIIR 11 LW E It p I BRE O M ER 1)1 C K E N 8 JERROLD WERsTE JOHNSTON AD DI ON LOS S [NG MARRYATT 8 510 I.I.ETT RANIILIN K M R R V I C EHL 00 U INGRAHAm H E AWTHORNE THACICKRAI • 41,1,5880 N, DOESTICKS MACKENZIE ma, ENDORF [111 E 1417 , 4 4 1 ' 11 . 4: MACKINTOSH MARY HOWITT CURRER BE L 1 A JNE A USTEN JOHN BU N YAN HUGH . MILLER LI.OOLA IIENM o NO NT Do EZ w JOHN PIIGINIX yRED Co 7,Z. ENS CHARLES REA.D. , BAILARD TAYLOR MART LN LUTHER JOHN BRoUGHAK N IbAS 8. STEELE ..1 6 K I, A 1 ° A E K A A ti V I A T 1 k. 41 3 R H A AI( N B. P E N MARION 11 A RLA_ND MR P. PA_NTINGTON AIR WALTER ;air IRTAvNRKR Pi? R I. 3) 8 Al H AMBI! A. MAITLIND WAR}Y RIKA BRE IER wANUINGTON .11 0 VARGINIA TOW NEJE D CHARI.IiTTE ELIZABF.TE RB. H 0 I. ME N A. 8. B 011 SAM S c K K PEJ , P REV. liiirin STOWELL BROWN MAJOR JONES. W I DOW B_,T:D OTT MRS, $. E. N. SOIIIIW OATH MISS CAROLINE LE /EMIR MISS LESLIE. MR_S. W DD EIELD AIADA JULIE DE mAROU 'RITES HMI*. LORD WIRT IKE ROLLIN WHITE ABBOTT GIBBON SPARKS MURK HALLAM PARLEY A LLIRON HEADLEY RUS.ELL M ARSE .LL BANCROFr PREBcOTT GOODB ICH SMUCKER •MACAULAN FRROUS O III LANGHORN RODE RT zON 11 9 ( ) 0 J•Prr:l. _HUNT sNT,* T..A."-S 50.... VERO' BURNS KEATS DeAHNon BYRON Neon' worth' MILTON COWPER DRYDEN BAYLEY BRYANT BUTLER TUFF,. R BORERS HOLMES SPENSER 0 .4 AtICER. PEN avi SOUTHEY lIALL.C II ItEATIE TENNY 4 ON WHITTIER KINGSLEY rA MPHELL BROWNING STODDAR p MRS. UNMANS MRS NORtON MRS._ROW ITT GOLDSMITH TiticKEQAY TUCKERMAN LONOFELLOW WORDSWORTII MONTGOMERY BLOOMFIELD CUNNINGHAM ATHERSTONE G. P. MORRIS EDO AR A. POE E. L. BU OVER Tose t hor with the largest assortment of PORTFOLIOS, BACKSIAM MON and CIIEBB BOARDS AND MEN, AND RENIEVIIHR, That •vith each Book that to purchased at this estab lishment you set s. lIANIMCIIE PRF.SENT WORTH FROM se CENTS TO $lOO, ` 4 ' lie rely YOU GET TWO GIFTS' FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Call to. and ono trial will assure you that the beet place in this Cat wham you should rurelineo Rooks is (It ORO E. G. EVANS' OIFT•DOOK ESTABLISHMENT. No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. d22 -St 4pore below FIFTH, on the upper aide NEW EDITIONS OF SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. JCS IssOED FOR THE HOLIDAYS. PALESTINE—PAST AND PRESENT—Super Tur ke.y, rt. or Antique, $5.50; Turkey, $5; Half gal G 1.93 ; cloth. el ; cloth. _l3 H T (iIIY OF THE GREAT KlNG—Same style and prices. NEW HISI OILY OF THE CONQUEST OP' MEXI CO—HeII-calf, RI W; sheet,. $9; cloth. 8,250. !TANI IN sVßlA—Turkey, gilt, S 2: cloth, gilt. $1; cloth, 790. NEW JUVENILE LIBRARY—a vols., $8 50. lIISTOItY OF INDEPENDENCE HALL. 81. JA.IIES CHAI,I,EN A SON, Publishers, N 0.25 South HIXTII Street, Second Story. For sale by all Booksellers. 4121.61 THE RE-TSSUE OF' BENTON'S DE BATES OF CONORFSS. in monthly volurnos, will eomnienoe on the First of JanuarY,lB6o. Subscriptions received by JOHN WM - ARLAN, Bole Mont. Arcade Betel, 691 CHI:WINDT St., dlB-12t (Onion of the New American Ennycloesdia.) JUST PUBLISHED. THE INSOLDSBY LEGENDS: Or, MIRTH AND mAllyris, by THOMAS INOOLDSBY, (Rev. Richard Barham.) With Life and comes illustrations by Crinkshank and Leech. From the 16th Loudon edition Complete in two 11/11080111e 1011311108, jun: ready. Cloth, flee paper .. 32 DO Martell, gilt, or antique do 8610 The constant demand for the high-priced English edi tion of this standard book has induced us to issue it at a (ow figure, to the very hest sty In. The Memoir is es delltlitlul and witty no that of Sydney Small, and MUM excite the game attention. It contains anecdotes of Theodor. Hook. Tent Hood, Sydney Dinith, Canning, George IV, and other colehreted characters. Any criti eitifl would be superfluous of the poems whose wit end originali(y have attracted such witlelb extended notice. Come were interestinr on account of the notoriety of their subject or their bearing on the gossip of the day ; but all aro animat , d with n spirit of fun, and an nn flatting humor, that IT 'flattens° unbounded popularity. The author's dieting Mulling trait is his mint:ailed power in rhythm, and the flow and fertility of hie versification. His satire tg always well directed, and oceasionally a Jew touches display a dillerent and lusher order of poem power, standing out in contrast witb the ludicrous min gory that surrounds them, The Henan, gives an amusing sketch of his intitnaoy with Theodore Hook, and soma anecdotes of by tug persons aro ridded to the lighter hintorietteg, The turpristog cheapness of the price at which this tnvalualtle work is publuilied,rs ix.. 82 50.) in compari son a ith theprice of the English edition, 1 . 5(1.25 ) should induce all admirers of polite humorous literature to posseas themselves ol n copy. JAS. B. Sal iTH & co Publishers, No. 27 South dEVENT I l adel I Stre pt, n. 422.21-24-30 it-la 2 For mite by nll Boolriallete AN EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS PRE sENT. PERSONS IR IRARCH 01' 4 CHRISTMAS PRESENT alit) - I,H fl'H•('Hlßy FOIL TIM NEW AMERICAN CICLOPIEDIA VOLVMVP NON It EA DY. To bo completed to Fifty' , Volumes. PRICE e 3 PER VuLUME. A dubseoptton Book now open Pt the A_gent's, JOHN MeFAR LAN, ARCADE HOTEL, 621 Chestnut street. Tine le an admirable Preeent from a parent To n eon, front scholars to their teitchern, errant a congregation to their pimior, from a brother to a brother or Jitter, or front a friend to a friend. dir-tf OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. o=-0 rph_ TEND," a Itaro Comp "OUR `MUSICAL PR nion for the Wolter Months. Every l'omod, Should procure hue week. Evert Em4er, lv pubhuntiop of v,„„1 4 ,0 Es cry Teacher, rirtoo torte Ever y but ID CENTS n 111110 , 0 r, very Amateur, and pronounced II) the entire PreNa of the yountr% "THE BERT AND T I LE (IR K . OF THE KIND IN 'THE WOULD." Twelve full•caed pages of Vonl nod Pomo- forte Music • • EN NTP. Yearly. 615: ha F lf O ) early, 82 CP to, oiirterly, 11.213. Subsorltie to "Our Musical Friend, 'nr ord , ir it from the nearest nowsileslor. mid )ou ill have Musieenough for your entire family moo nisi, ni hcant cost ; nod if you want Mann for the Pluto. Violin. Cornet, Clirrionet. Aooordeon. ho., fee., subscribe for the Nolo Melo dist," issued semi-monthly, eonvoning aloe to else paAts prize, le orals pe r n umber.; 522:Alper sear ; $llB for six months. just published and for sale by 0. B. SNYMOUR k 419-Inwilm NI NASSAU titreat, New Tyrk, NEW PUBLICATIONS. J UST PUBLISHED ! THS ATLANTIC MONTHLY. JANUARY, 10601 COMMENCEMENT OF OF A NEW VOLUME! With the number for January, WO, the AILLNTIC MONTHLY will enter upon FIFTH VOLUME, And the Publishers hive great pleasure to announcing OM the number contains the first ohapters of a NEW ROMANCE, ECM= THE PROFESSOR'S STORY, Written expreuly for Its papas, by OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, To bo continued In succeeding numbers of an Mein• sine throgghent the you Oosrenrs Our Artiste in Italy; The Amber NNW; Sone of Nature; Nemophtly ; Substance mid Shade*: Through the Fields to Bt. Peter's; The Experience of Samuel Alwaiom, Filibuster; Robe di Roma; A Wet- Human ; About Spires ; The Profassor'a Story; Auden hen; Central British America; Art; Reviews and Li terary Notices; Recent American Publications. Taints: Slagle numeral, 26 seats. Three Dollars per year s postage paid to any part of the United States. &use : Two °opts'', Five Milers; Five stories. Ten Dollars; Eleven comes, Twenty Dollars—the sub northers paying their own Postage, viz; 36 cent' per year. Clergymen. Teachers. and Postmasters, will reoeive tho Magazine at Two Dollars par year, a• heretofore. Subscriptions may commence with any number; and, as all the number' are atereotyped, beck numbers can always be furnished. all orders should be addressed to TICKNOR & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, d3l-2t 135 WASHINGTON Straet, Boston ANNA BISIIOP—DICKEN S These superb portraits on steel may still be obtained, had 71. 11 I,Vit a 4VAM P IVI I AVS aa cIFINTAMV. A sa ig3 la lOTt b ril , l727 s trgili o Llge-Ur b. H. A. BROWN & CO., dlOsstuth tf II HANOVER Street. 805t0... HOLIDAY B 0 0 K -TENNYSON'S POEMS, 4t0.. with 88 illustrations, by Mulready, Creswick, Millais. Horsley, ,ko. Price, cloth, $0; tuo- M TAN. I MOVICIA I 'RIi"EI POEM, with PO illustra tions and steel engraved Portrait. 4t0., cloth, price $0; or morocco antique or gilt. 88. MOORE'S LAL LA ROOKH, with illustrations by George ['homes, Pickeregill. hc. 410., cloth. price 84; QVITMOVIrpOPPg VP:ruE NINETEENTH CENTURY. With 100 illustrations, by Gilbert, Birket Foster, hc. Ito., cloth, price $4; or morocco antique or gilt. 188. GOLDSMITH'S POETICAL WORKS. Edited, and with a Life, by Willmar. Illustrated by Birket Foster, and splendidly printed in colors. Small Ito., cloth, price $5. or morocco antique or gilt, $7.50. fiOM 6: AFFECT lONS. selected by Charles Mackay. With 100 illustratuas. Small Ito., cloth. price 85; or morocco antique or gilt. 88. WORIP.WO R TR'S POEMS. with ICO illustrations by Gilbert, Birket Foster, and Wolf. Ito., cloth, pogo $6; morocco or antique or gilt. $B. WORDSWORTH'S POEMS, with illurrations. Foap. 13vo. 1) cloth, rice p $1: morocco, 8160. W LI,MOTT'S SUMMER TIME IN THE COLIN TR . Illustrated by Ihrket Foster, Ike. Small Ito., cloth._pri co s3' or morocco 81. RHYMES AND ROUNDELAYS IN PRAISE OF A COUNTRY LIFE. Adorned with 88 Pictures by Birket Foster. Small Ito.. cloth, price_s4' 86:ATTIE'S MINSTREL. With 38 illustrations by Dirket Foster. 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BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WARMERS, BLOWER STANDS, PLATE WARMERS, HOT WATER DISHES, Ao., AT nil lIOUSE-FURNISIIINO STORES, NOS, 902 AND MS CHESTNUT STREET, JNO. A. MURPHEY & CO, 018-wfmtf CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. WHITE GRANITE AND CHINA TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, PRESSED GLASS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, &0., AT LOW PItICES WRIGHT, SMITH a CO., NO. 5 NORTH FIFTH 8T 019 wfintf THE C3ELEBRATED ENGLIBH MILO PIPE! ENOLISII MILO PIPE! ENGLISH MILO PIPE! RUSTED, N. E. corner THIRD and CHESTNUT has Just unwed an astiortment of MILO'S PREPARED PIPES! Imported direct trout London. These celebrated Pipes are of the finest English Clsy, and will color equal to the Meersohauin. They are sold with or without Itloroooo, Tin, or Wooden Cues. ENGLISHMEN ! ATTENTION ! ! The delight of all EnKlish Smokers Is the Mtto Pipit HoITED, N. E. THIRD and CHESTNUT, has re celved all the Stt lea, viz s BATTIE, BILLIARD. COURIER, LONRON. SCOTCH, CUTTY, MAJOR. Wholarda and Retail, Bear k Tobacco State, 421-tf /1, Cur, THIRD and CHESTNUT, TWO CE gljt Vito, NONDAY, DEORIBKR. 25,185* Diplomatists. i That England has accepted NAPOLIOIie in vitation to attend a Congress, at which; only the affairs of ,central Italy shall be considered and adjusted, is a act. It remainal. o b tleen whether, as is rumored ,' England has ade .cli it anu qua nos that the Italian Duehte shall be left wholly free to choose their own ers. With . us it 'Nfetuld"app'eir singular tha any doubt could exist upon this point, b oar, habits, constitution, and aspirations are 'dell. different from those of European n one. With us the Sovereignty of the People is the. a i l, rule ; with Europe it is the exception. mace wo see European nations governed b mo narchs, who may be good, as in VIOT ain's case, but more generally are weak or w eked, as in tho cases of FRARCiII Joszstr, of A trio, or FRANCIS, of Naples. What is call the law of Legitimacy prevalla in Euro By virtue of this, primogeniture has be n es tablished, whereby the title and the pr pert" deiceina to theeidest son, 'and the of various nations are inee.upled by Panibr offs, only claim is that their ancestors sati upon them before. Literally, the rule prevails that, to be— "The tenth transmitter of some foolish face " is a very honorable and dignified position. The Peerages and the Monarchies of Europe are hereditary, on this rule. Thus the Count de Cuemsoan claims the crown of France, because his Bourbon ancestors wore It, and the Count de MosvEsterds puts in the same claim, upon the same grounds, for the crown of Spain. Lord PALMERSTON, who has talked a great deal about Italian liberty, has dances little for it as most men, thereby exemplifying the proverb which speaks of (c Great cry twirl little wool." He was Foreign Minister in 1848-49, when We contest for liberty was being 'carried on in Italy, and had he willed it then, that country might have been free ten yeais ago. It was Mr. GLADSTONE, a Peelite, if not ac tually a Tory, who aroused the indignation of Europe by boldly exposing the bloody and lawless manner in which King Bouea was trying to crush the life out of the Neapoli tans. At the present crisis we do not expect much from Lord Pauniesroy in aid of Italian independence, and it may be as well, Perhaps, that he does not personally attend the Con gress on behalf of England. Lord Jome RIMEL', made such a terrible mess of his mission to Vienna, in 1853, where ho was humbugged on all sides, that a uni versal shout of laughter would be echoed throughout Europe at any proposition to send him, incapable as he is, to represent England at the Congress. He is understood to Veto the appointment of Lord Ctaaasnos, ex-Foreign Minister, of whose superior ability he is jealous. Lord Jouy (who would be the merest nobody but for the accident of birth which made him a Duke's eon) has the liveliest faith In his own ability, and, no doubt, thinks that he, of all others, is the man to go to the Congress on behalf of England. Lord Gaanvuzz, another Cabiuet Minister, leas been talked cf—but his sympathies are supposed to he with the Papal party in Italy, which would make his appoint ment unacceptable to England. Lord Coleus', English Ambassador at Paris, will probably be one of the men, but he ranks nowhere as a Statesman, and stands Very low as a diplomatist. He must be backed up by an abler and more astute man, who, it is said, has. been found in the person of Sir Janes Hums, who represented England at the Court of Tuscany for several years, and is well ac quainted with the position and requirements of the inhabitants of Central Italy. What is called .4 the chapter of accidents" has been so curiously illustrated in the per sonal history of Sir Janes Henson, that it may amuse eur readers to know bow he has got on. Younger son of a Yorkshire gentleman of mo derate estate, he received a good education as almost his only patrimony. He went to Rugby School, and thence to Westminster, after which ho was sent to learn French at Pads, and Italian at Rome. He returned to England at the age of fifteen, and, owing to family In fluence, (his mother being a daughter of the first Marquis Towenizsn,) was appointed page of honor to GEORGE IV, in which position, though <, notang to do " was the main busi seas of his post, he made friends. On the ac cession of WILLIAM IV, In June, 1830, Sir HERBERT TA.TLOR, his Majesty's private sec retary, had so much to do that he solicited aid, and Queen ADELAIDE, who took a lively in terest in young Ilunsoy, recommended that he be appointed assistant private secretary to the King. Ile held this confidential post until Juno, 1837, when the King died. In Novem ber, 1831, when he attained the age of twenty one, he was also mado resident gentleman usher to Queen ADELAIDE. Mr. Ilimaoe might have remained all his life at Court, without ever obtaining the slightest celebrity or notoriety, but for a political event, which brought him prominently before the world, in rather an odd manner. In NOTem ber,lB34, two years after the Reform Bill was enacted, WILLIAM IV, whose liberalism, like Bob Acre's courage, had oozed out at his fin gers' ends, gladly availed himself of Lord Ammer's going up to the House of Lords, on the death of his father, to tell Lord MELBOURNE, the Prime Minister, that he be lieved the Government could not be carried on without ALTHORP as Chancellor of the Exchequer—a position which, as its occu pant has to propose the taxes, could not be held by any but a member of the House of Commons. The Melbourne Ministry were sud denly dismissed, and England soon knew at whose Instigation, for in the Time, of the next morning, the fact was announced, (generally believed to have been communi cated by Lord BROUGHAM,) with the emphatic addition : , c The Queen has done it all," which raised a tide of unpopularity against her Majesty which ebbed and flowed during the remainder of her life, but never wholly retired. The King sent for the Duke of WELLINGTON CO form a Ministry, but dt the Iron Duke " de clined, strongly recommending that Sir ROBERT PEEL should be so authorized. At that time the Duke was in his sixty-sixth year, and Part. was some twenty years younger. The difficulty was that PEEL, not dreaming of any such unexpected casualty as the dis missal of the Melbourne Ministry, had gone to Italy with his wife, and was not expected back in London until the end of the coming January, ten weeks distant. Wattiaoros maintained, and the King believed, that Pm was the only man to become Head of the Government,:upon conservative principles, against the Progress party which had been elevated to great politi cal powt rby the Reform Bill. 1 t was deter lidded, therefore, that PEEL should be sent for, and, with the boldness which character ized him, WELLINGTON held the Seals during three weeks, and did all tha business of all the Ministers who had constituted Melbourne's Cabinet ! Mr. JAMEA IlutsoN, then a smart young man of 21, was recommended by Queen AnnamE, whose gentleman-usher he was, (also being assistant-secretary to the King), to rush over to Italy, find PEEL, and Immediately bring him over. lie started on the 19th November, found PEEL at Rome, and had him back in London on the 9th December. Considering that there was not then a single mile of railway between London and Rome, and that the distance be tween these cities is nearly 1,400 miles, here we have young Ilubsos traversing almost 2,800 miles in twenty days—a teat of mere physical endurance, ‘Olett one recollects`how bad, in Mid-winter, are most of the public roads in Europe, and how much worse they were when cut up by constant'travel before Railwayism changed the system and annihilated time and • space. Iluesoa's expeditious travel, at a critical -period, was borne in memory by Queen Annatex, In compliance with whose request, he was appointed s by Queen Vim&Li, in 0o mtre- i gnamla tr . iltgast3. Tire Witmer furls vitt to oest to P C B• Pe airaint, *Tim, inuellOoOse. P Flee CONes, " ale Ten I . 4. ruts Tweet's Clo;tes." -- • -" (to ono addrern) IMO "Artootr i Ate, to , over " Ate adOmmo of each ber.) bertha-- 1.141 !bra fhb of Twenty-one 'or over. Ire w i ll lead La extra eor7 to the tester-as of the Mb. rtitataaarrs ars rev:sited to sot at Watt for Tex Whams Paget. VALIFOILMLi PRESS. Loud Semi-Monthly le time for the Celgorelh etteasers. r to the secretaryship of legation at .Weeldegtoa, Which he held until December ISIS, when he was sent to a similar office at the Magna, when, in April 1E54, lie was despatch ed to-Rio Janeiro. After Eve years' residence he was pleverodrei the rink of envoy extraor dinary and noinfidow plenipotentiary ; te the Court of Brasil, <in May ; 1850 1 : tiimart)r. red to Florence, in Auvud. jB6l hand to Turin, (Barcliniao in "Tannery 18.62; where he has since continued, He was made stMnight Companion of the Bath, which gives firm the title of Sir J.orza Boum, In 186&, after the arrival of the Sardinia' contingent force in the Crime,- • Be has been a lucky man, andshonkl he represent England a the coming Congress, may yet be elevated to:the peerage, and even aspire to political position, should be choose to abandon diplomacy for ntatesmanship. That lucky gallop to and from Rome made his for. tune. Ills education. it may be added, bad prepared him for the first appointment 'which he received, and his sbility and sagacity lave been the etepping.etones to his snceensive pro motions. The Congrees, whenever and wherever held. can gatreely have any other than m.ferorable result- to Central Italy. The European Rowers may jades:l4y retinae :to wagarout mgnudes of the AR/48.4 . .5an1104, by asiteittg Tu g . estly* Eyevray mei Vepisuie,,te thqm. _ but they #elerearodyfteit emaisadmittgi tittliice back on the inhabitants of these Duchies the Haps burg-Este rulers whom they have ejected. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Imo' Mr. Everett has Concluded his series of ar ticles in the New York Lager. jam' Jackson, the sculptor, is xr.oulanz a moat beautiful bust of Washington Irving. It is to be in miniature form. The hone John Brown, rode at the battled Ossawatomie, was sold in the streets of St. Joseph, Mo., at auction. Col. Samuel, of Rails county, was the purchaser. Mr. Bancleaull'a " Maroon," according to the New York Nnr*, was borrowed almost bodily from Capt. Mayne Deid'a work called "The Quadroon," publicked by De Witt in 18.56. .1& - Prof. Longfellow, Gov. Banks, Mayor Lin coln, Commander Hudson, and. some thirty-Ire hundred others of lees note, attended *the ball given by the famous second battalion at the Dos ton Theatre, last week. nr Gov. liagotlEm in his message, asserts that Kentucky loses, annually, 1210711 than fiCO,OOO by slaves escaping. re Laser's artesian well, in Reading, Pa., has now attained a death of 1464 feet, with the drill still working through hard black elate rock. The water continues about the same—rising to within thirteen feet of the surface. Fifteen hundred feet will complete the present contract, but we presume, from the known energy cf Mr L., that if a jet is not obtained at that depth, he will continue the work. It is proper to add, however, that the sup ply of water already procured, is thought to be sufficient for all ordinary purposea. Califorurn hews• [From the San Francisco reise raj SAD .OGTAIDL or IL D. PAGE, " Dow, Jo."-31r. Eldridge Gerry Page, better known by the nom Jr plume of "Dow, Jr.," over which signature be hut written several years in this and Attend* al, tied, committed suicide yesterday afternoon, as it is supposed, by taking poison in the form of ar senic. This event took place In his room, in the second story of a small and miserable boise, on the north side of Pacific street, a few doors above Kearny. About five o'clock, one of the women of the house was attracted to his room by an unusual notes there, and found the enterer either on the door or on the bed, struggling , and in a very weak :audition, and calling for water to &amazes his burning thirst. He had been just taken iIL She obtained the water in a tin, but he was too weak to tilt it to his mouth, and spilled it upon the floor, trod this be did so often as she brought it to him, until the floor was flooded, and his own and the bed clothes saturated. He died in painful convul sions goon" after. The room and house is of a wretched character, and Mr. Page appears to have lived there In a miserable manner.. Meowed was • native of Litchfield, Conn., and aged about forty. three years. He was an old printer is well as writer, and In both capacities had been known, in New York and elsewhere, for above twenty years. More than that time ago he is known to hare been employed in the printing-office of Messrs. Rest flow, in New York, where, among other work, he set the entire type of Roy 's ifetierse _Liaison, be ing himself a geed Hebrew scholar, and in all respects a thoroughly educated man. Sub..- randy Its started the Kew York Seesday Mer tory, and in that and other literary positions had the friendship of such men as Horace Greeley and Abera of that stamp. He was at one time well of, and used to make no small figure in society. He came to California about fire years ago, where he has since been principally employed open the Gorden Era, of this city, both es a printer ar.d a writer, over the signature of .‘ Dow, Jr." 11:3 wife died in this city some time since, and a chili, whether hers or his we are not informed—the only one remaining of the two—has been in charge of . he Sisters of Mercy for acme time. It is pro earned that the unfortonste man had taken arsenic, which accounted for the dreadful thirst atteedirg lie tut moment. Of the cause which led to this elarcholy deed we ate unable to speak. Whether t was owing to family Doubles, eating like a ean tter into the heart until life became a herder, c r -o the natural depression of spirits rernitirg from die ceaseless and hopeless toil of the type ease, ie. net unknown. The body has been taken in charge ey the coroner, and the forthcoming inquest will probably develop the full facts. Sciews or a Faxecn Nostintix.—E. Hatect °t. Leger, a Frenchman, forty-nine years of see, emismitted suicide ' on Tuesday tar.. by ht.) eaeg Art his brains with a horse pistol. He had been stopping with John Brutus, at the hotel on the , mtheest corner of Stockton and Filbert streets, for nine months, expectieg money from Freeze ; but was disappointed. On Tuesday last he went into a workshop, procured a horse pistol, loaded it, went out to the cuxthills, back of Bleck Point. act Awing the muzzle against his left eye,' Ere?, ',lowing off the entire top of his head Hie body was found there last evening and brought in to the dead house, where it now lies. St Leger is a noble name in France, and liamot is said to lave been a noble man; it is certain he had Coble relatives. He was once an officer in the French army, and was a eery fine-looking matt. OREGON STATE CONVENTION.—The Oregon De inocratic State Convention, to choose delegates to ;he Charleston Courention for the Domitatica of a tandidate for the next President, mat at Eugene City. on 16th November. The delegates hem eight counties withdrew, leasing eleven COI/Etibil represented in the Convention. The following, de legates to the Charleston National Convection were ten appointed: Hon. Jo. Lane, Hon. Lacing Stout, and Hon. 31. P. Deady, as delegates; and Sea. John K Lameriek, Gen. John F. Miller, and Gen. John Adair as alternates, with instructions to use all means in their power to secure the somina. lion of Jo. Lane for the Presidency. The withdrawing members assembled in another room and adopted a resolution, 03 follows : That this Convention do not elect delegates to the Charleston Convention—the delegatee present to not represent the majority of the counties in this States-but that we pledge the Democracy of the 'ereral counties represented to a cordial support of the Democratic nominee." The Ortgogran is authorised to say that Mr. Logan will cot contest the election of Mr. Stout an Representative in Congress from that State. Jaw( CONNESS, anti•Leeompton Democrat, ha, been elected to the Legislature from El Dorado county. Re was the anti-Lecomptoa caniiiate for Lieutenant Governor at the late State election_ Dr:EL Al SILASTA —From a telegraphia despatzh to the Bu//ettn on Monday, we learn that a duet Kea fought near that place on that day (21st Nov , between K. T. Miller, County Judge, and James ,lallagher, late District Attorney of Trinity county. Both partite are resider.ta of 'Weavervitle The weapons used were navy revolvers, and only one shot was interchanged. the weapons having but cne load in them. The distance was 15 paces. Miller was shot through both legs just below the knees. The wounds art not serious. Miller's ball struck the ground five feet in front of where he stool After th) fire, the principals shook hand=. and ex. pressed thealtAves "perfectly satisfied." Soon the 4terilf !MITA!, ant arrested Gallagher end his sceends, she were afterwards released. The die catty origitated between Judge Miller and a Mr. Watson. Mr. liallsgher bore a challenge, at Wat son's second, to Muter, who refused to acknowledge Watson as a gentleman, Miller stating at the came time that he recognised Gallagher as a gentleman. Gallagher then, under the code, gave a peremptory challenge, which Miller accepted. The fight was is have taken place rat Sanday morning ne ,r the Tower Rouse, in Shasta county; but the office:, getting wind of the matter, interfered, and the parties returned to Shasta on the night of that day, sad, notwithstanding the vigilance of the offzers, managed to meet and exchange shots next morning before they could arrive on the groani The sheriff was near enough to hear the shots as he was coming up. Elyatuar kKR.—St Eve minutes before one o'clock on Thursday morning, a shark of an earthquake was felt over the greater part cf the city. The writer wet conscious of but a siagle movement. The sensation produced was that of a heavy body falling against the wall of the in which he lay, succeeded by a slight qt.•ivering motion. The motion and sensation together were rather that of a thump than a shake—a punk in the side, as a boy would say. It waa rather al laws seartato than a terra tremor. Some wit.) felt the stroke thought they perceived two shooks; prc bably the first was the genuine quake, the other simply the shiver of Old Winter at receiving so to multnnus a reception Urn the first day of 1.:5 a x. • dug. Newly arrived immigrants mint certainly confess that we are doing up their reception very handsomely. We gave for their benefit two very respectable demonstrations of this sort, on Surdsy night, and again lest night, one of a style end get ting-up that has not been surpassed here for fall a month; and the weekly report, it must be berme in mind, Is not vet complete. INTERESTITO TO MOTHERS —Last week WO were Informed be under Sheriff Howell cf the b o. a child, in Valley, that weighed r assn pound*, and published the same—all f which was true and correct. Hut this week Dir ret Attorney Deering reports, in Lis etsoirl capaZty, 1.5 e birh of an Al,er, in Pear Salley , trei s hir,g wetry one pounds, which the legal gent;anaz avers is a Not that he is personally cognisant p4—safari jrsq Garcia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers