A t ~,,,,,4 1 t '" ' ~',l ." -- .4P:) ;f-': ..„:' '' ---''' • 1011NE11 1 1 .1 6.ttroa . 7-,,Aosoric-4411ittyt4 6 - eomplo4! Euvwx 07 whit has , thins) ear CitrAtiid-iindVarAtlaidlii &atm, since thindspinto " tre lantanininar tor CisTs per non In Wens 'wanner% and oisponibniondrnir taattina'r,± - !, k'Frub es of our. 1 ' 4 4 ;[!!)* (3447/4 -A eits °6•Piiii-8g101; Letter :ffidilastimiPorto#ltunft.POlitioul';',LOtioe : tom- Xr.,TOOL ;,,PiO4lo ..814 of Pistriolr.PpurY le* font etlositerf, rtlig4g In :ikk,,01.11,410Y1' I.oBt, Thkre appears Sonia prospect of an early set tomcat 'of the Jtalian - .question. ,The Con gresaieill probablyassemble , at- Paris; on-the 6thil bt IlinpiirYi i'..Eitolt -nation . Will, be repro minted`, by two _diplomatists,,: It is' expected that England will join this: Congress. Her giroper:representatlie;fiera . his official post.: t tcip2.ol - Foreign IdeeMary, Should, be lend J. l OO goilo4,!F?wit*,4B,-lnit4e,e4ch se of lica:blundera his tahtsionto, Vlenna',. in f 1 956,.,.bea1de11: being wholly- ignorant of the French :language; that It- is said , Lord Cow represent England on this occasion: Ittuildu4lll send • Prince Clostscrtssorr, and _Prtiksleaoiltriti,:and - Fra* will; be, severally - Ye*Hented by Baron floitirstri, Genet Rion unzeostid Count :May : Tsui. ' „ lals said that"Znill,na, will bill in this Otoh r*otily on the'condition that the late rulers OAS Dalian Nobles shall not lie forcini back Upon' their 41Satfected.' The test, of Lhe Vreattie of'4uriclonerely. 'respects 4c the #fghtit'llyf the ArclFDakes. ,They have no • riepcio reign Contrary' . will of, the. .idles; and they are net; likely to, be 'thrust !Us* npert thepeeple whom they misgoverned.' which" had taken Offence at Trine° cinalCifut's haying nominated Chevalier BooN boxratun-for the Regency of lhe Duchies, is now' Satisfied. ' Parnia, Romagna,-'Tuscany, end lifedinisc' relinquishing:their' separate' gin , eitinierits;will onie bi 3 auttedhi'ene; located X ' cora ' atbielicted its General ofihe '''reiincei of Cen tratatalynith the powers but not with the title of meat.- , ; , s. Mr., Matigton• A 44414110 Ph hissiheen role& eugh , the, , newspapers to • the - &tract Ahab Mr., Joan WANWICITON had lost all the money paid to: I,* for the pthnhase: of.Monnt'Vernini In con-: •KiNuence of mortgages and liens on the estate. An,extri of the Mount Vernon Record contra-, 'diets this statement by publishing A letter ad.' :ditiiied to -Miss Cayman :in, Regent of the, , Mount' Vereen:Ladies''.osociation, by Mr., Usage' Mose,' clerk of Fairfax county court,; tis44o-111 Ann A. WASH liciroxy Eeg B of Xt. Vernon; hu title to forelve handfed 944 twentirtivo acres :of laud, lath:fa County, knownsei the' 'Mount Vernon, state,? wait 'CoMitied to , him by his utother;,; ifiiiininton, on the 18tis of Septets:they, 1801; ender the authority Tested her:by . her husband, Joke Wonntaren,the elder.: The convey, awe via m fee, withentlanyiharge or reserl, , ration whatever, except to Mrs. - 7astnsorox; thellalitug 'Shores theist:in 'during- her life, and fitcharge of six thoneand,dollare to"Mrs. - IVx; F. At ixarinsa.. The ‘propeity'at the tithe 'of the ieniejiime wts ,Cleix of all ineMrthmixes whistriver,• and Mr, .yrasuracrfon, sine the = said-oonveyaues to him; hes heves ,mtiitgaged , 1 the sante 'or otherwise eneuttthered it; nor to 'there any judgment *lot him, or other lien 'upon the „Said' lend; , Cieept that' In the/deed Item Mrs. I,#skinoTen to hire' as aforesaid. ',The contract betweenthe,tegent of the Xeunt Am Vernon; oeisiton and lie,,:Wasnourron II dated the lith day.of OW, /868, and was ad ! . gelded torecord in this. coast au the 14th day -of April, 1858. P ; • i Letter litain Waehtnitotw reitiet*ietniebArhit‘iier.] ' Waseekiros; DO. 17,1850. •T4s iisult CGthi DitSSOrstio smins Is ekaudOsrad battik and just ti:7o.lßossOls., :Re sisti.istioen'.• Ends is sassy:votes is ig bilier,ind it is inish defeated ",minjally - spixidltis by the than f*4lll Aar - Sit* seektso rim !INPVOPl4 ll 45Masies:: ' Mr: '• • as unto o to, Co Mr. Craig, of Misr* u , „appoint a, smittee of onithrehoe With Sikkim. party, sea exploded to- Burnett, of Kentioky:' _ " ' MOS fiats dislinetly prove thet,the Aditinkire. See min,:sitil not; es a body,' sit With ' the'South ' .Aniericala, hurries, anxious they, Sly be to sc. thief - *Atter to: their'euPpeit. Ibis I think *Aoki.* detibiftd; aa ithuidiess Mr: thinaisel S. Cox, ' _ ef Ohlo;,asiiirisidlito general skits of the North iiti and Northwestern DeutoorattisthiS be said ' 'mad not Yule for any Know-Nothing, or ariymap ~ who suPported a Know. Nothing. Then again, if tia :Paw' arid Trans* speaks for anybody In the " South`, or sleuth** We are told that the'Admin- , istratisipsrlY Sid not aid in dignifying a fiction by &stowing upon it Die Speakirthip., " The *nth AmeriaanS of course' know how—un. I. theY knoll's:silting—toast= these very coup pihnsatary salstatione with which they are groat ' ,lid by both Northern, and Southern followers and worshippers of the present Administration. It is net likely, after being itterly repudiated by one wing of the Democracy, and sneered at as au 1 4 .upiring hue' by the other, that the managers of Southern Opposition are going to bend their seeks and °tinge fer tanabielan ink; thellitabanan qua:d— na likely- • • • Notwithstanding the inelemeney of. the Weather is _tioW "raining, snowing, sleeting, blowing, ' huOthig;and by other suns making the day as ,dbugneeible as- possible—still :notwithstanding this Dighlful. date of-elemental affairs, the galls. ,:sieseltsk *Sy full, - end s' considerable dela *len of the fair sex preeent. .• • ' • • Mr. Lembo, of Wilsons* bas the floor, and it ' diprOting his energies to thifruitless task f whist = = brag 4eek the oblef sathlseomptonites to the ten. 'der -Sterol's of the White House. Mr. Lerrahee -avidently'sistakes his 'mission! or the men he is talking to. • Have not Kukla; Hickman, and Adrain spoken; and have they not all voted per. alstently In. uyiuSsittoit? Mr. Isrrabee avowed hinieelf Alan tintileeompton Demosritt,who stood • bull the 2001111118 of the 'Administration save Levicuptott. All What measures?' - The gentleman Dist Wiewinsin did not see apy tilfferenee hetween*liepublicans and Abolitionists. • M,r..ibtrizof Alabama, &mover, could seela differ. *noe l and. it was much more to his 'intermit not to • -pee the difference, it possible'nis to do so, thou to the olisate of, Shwa locality /4 not Wier -ealebriotes fir, invest/nen& in 'Afrlian labor. idd :that slaves oould be brought into the 7 'Territories, and retained. there until the State Con ', -'itititionViait adopted. In idiprotestations and de -, olaratione of Shit; nature, good Mr. Larrabesi out : 2 Vellandigham.ed Vallandlgham. • Apropos' of the latter 'gentleman, he will soon /Ave his hands full. He yesterday had a cant :: :plaint agibst - the Congreeeional GledeL-tiome ,) Wag About not allowing hilt to correct his Speech thie morning be found fault with the manner, • in which be ',was reported in the New York lie- . ba1, 1 #74 1 01; 1 44.400 2 a - tenlh_;- Bete taltext to•day t both 'with the same, result, Stamina ia ekteg tour of the necessary number of votes. - :11te'ridulattering on the shy-lights, and rein.; berating iti ilia' halt , in oontiest to the warmth of iltte4hittrielthin, and the gOnlidity of lie "ovoid of faelia, aria* afdemeitic. feeling not 'del , 'void .ofluippy risultii, Shey may not labially, tirlie alt waY, hat the effeet is all the same. -Abate tian be no mistakinithe difference of feeling -.- ailatifistednn, Melba's 'and that which held !way thentaight ten days ago. On, all sides there seemed., to be, a morbid snap pluitueesf and a quickness of question and answer altogether toe,"nimble for the preservation of order , and 'termin Now that gentlemen elearly Offhand *Other° lane need of brevr?beating on artyllasi, things are IA 4 Much more, happy train. ~ D irlottheirellot leaet,myeyes around, and wig with , the, geutlementr veniality visible everywhere. ; Why, aherreAe r..itilgorn—horribly suggestive cognomen-•who; . deOlare,d,. 04 the grit day ~ , ,of• meeting, that :be wee .."not of the ", ffiudag afeckre , There tie is, enjoying the pleasant; "C.,CiaCkinenf.itonfatalatloit Withr,Keitt; one - of the f'-.4ginft;cliciejlawt ipirttu of thot3Mith; but who, Ip the York,somo . fttitig - , karluttinvithito..frightin :sucking' ducat in ttottltern fionfof Keitt and Kilgore, and mil ''itijoi! their sallies; are Letdin,'Ouredittint, grim, 'mad toctook,quile ready to I".einda att.tf.fin wee wont to itnile,n with one of- the .that , horrible Opposition. Latoar's isttrdeted: me to him, the, .Repuhliean end of .iniawinted .Al3l‘ ;with 'Win: 7 S -i f ff"Siliiki-litAli:111, swear, .4 1 0, WIC fei.' 4, 4 4;,411V:t44i . he can win the vote of the ltillintettitiitive'-frein Baltimore. The 13( ctijr; Ohio— ef,trnials. Oat ,Uterithiro air Ir.itt44 , 4aaakaig , 7, - A - hatiadti—acitlitakhtg themseivi _figq the, *Nei, somithing to do foy 110 j#7.:5WA4 44 17 - tila4k4=4; temperament eo s3o7g" - tialV lig back and rubbing hie forehead with hie lined, as the cylinder of an electrical machine is 1111bbed by the belt; he emits, sundry sparks and :bright things, which enrtis,lef' lowa, ad,rotringly irtielVes. Kellogg, with hilßhande_plumplysin! braeing each other, looks and liaties iyith a risk ;nation characteristic of a muting-hens. t At 'Boma I distance, the whits hair of 1 401,, 1 wwit1 15 , 144 t*' file above yesterday ' s Oitned;-140tirbiahliPrOjes tire • engaged. Horace' F. Clark and Galitsha Grow look as though coming to an understanding, which, however, I doubt very much. That eoaare-set figure, with thei oblong face and head, the features' of which arc well out—that gen ileman'Witlithillitit hair, ?WARS° of it, ho Gar nett, o'ne.'of' thti ablest of 'the 'Virginians. He - Biniliriental step - outside - of the par;' , whilef. in 'the front seat, sitting side ways, earetolly -.scanning • the list of members, which he holds in one hand,, the other me- , ehableally castanet-lug with a toothpick; is John r Coelirane• of New . York. -Rumor says he would not object to be Speaker, but' that lea laudable,arobition; and one which he does not exercise alone, Houston, of Alabama; IloraceF. Clarke; of- New York;,T; G. Davis, of Indiana, and Others, I understad, would not seriously ob ject tb their own, elevation, and I am given fur ther to: understand ; rather expect it. You know ;thatold maxim—blessed are they who expect no thing, they shall never be disappointed. A Present to One's Self. The beet of all presents are those which people Make to themselves, .because the, giver exactly know; and .eau precisely -satisfy the peculiar wants and *ties of thoreeelver:-,,0n Saturday, at the bookstore of Petersen Brothers, where all .sorts of books, in all varieties of bindings, may be bought,:and where the array of juvenile books is stupendous, we lumen° set wbioh a man might 'present tohimself, as a Christmas box, with con siderable satisfaction. This is the Abbotsford edi. tlon. of Boott'S, novels and romances, in twelve volumes, imperial octavo, fall bound In calf, with about 2,600 engravings on steel and wood. This magnifieentadition was published, sixteen years ago, , by Cadell, ofEdinburgh, at a cost of $125,000, and, the edition being small, very few copies re- Main on sale in England. Peterson's price for the SO 1114100, which is much less than the original publication price of the set in .boards. , Here is a chance for a mauwith literary taste, and a little spare money, to enrich his library at a small cost. Pu bib .—T Anlixttemelltey, Acalm)lr op Idusiche extreme inoleirienoy °film weather Prevented our visiting the Academy of Mimic on Saturday evening, when one art Of " Luorozie, Bor gis,'t end one eot of Ritoletto,"' were performed, with the whole of, "La Bontiambnia;" in which; on Wednesday, Adelina Patti had so, folly fulfilled, at d even surpassed; the Milt expeotatiohe awakened by her exquisite voottlisation In" Lucia.° The Hit/atch of yesterday has the followiagi " After the close of the second enact' La Sonnambula. , Alad'lle Patti was called out. She made her appearance with Signor' Brignoli. A bouquet was thrown to her from a side cox . , picked it up. Another wee thrown, and be rented( perform the came courtesy, end walked opt with , t ug lady. _The audience nem applauded lonely ..an so ong that tirignoli again made lips appearance with Pa tt i, and a appernUmentrY, who seem to haviaberra brought Out to pick up the bou quet, Un thiesboin_g done the latter, several hisses isouaded t po hrough the house. , In the second goons of the third aot. 'when Snack made his appearance, there was severe Mewing, Which lasted two or three minutes. mingled _with applause. - :after some time, he, Wile allowed to. go on.At the And , of the opera there was again immense' applause, and a largenumber of boil ! gusts were thrown. }ninon condescended to pick pp orie of tho's), bra would pot touch the others. Re with drew with Ries Patti, who was again called out by the continued applauee., Blue came and picked up the bon ! quota herself. The whole bone rose and balled her with bravoes, which were continued for several minutes. ,Prignoli did note ppear.sqbeequently during the even ing, and it he hail there ue little doubt but that he would have been hissed off the stage. The talk in the lobbies was TM indignnet against his contemptible and eaten &manly conduct." We have greetrtomitet for the ability generally exhi ,' tilted a the joispateA, but must confess that we do not accept it es an "arbiter elegentierum." At the beet. the bouquet-flinging is an episode in the evening's per formansey,whigh, oven when real, might be dispensed with. It is en European mama, greatly overdone hero7on the same principle that ladies' hoops are twice as late here es in Paris. The European custom, to which Brignoll strictly adhered, is for the gentleman, who halide one castairice, to pick up One bouquet, and leave, the teroitore di steno, s. theatre:isl footman, to Pick (Ili the remainder. And, indeed, he had done so, we Jibe - 004On PreolOtis nights. A tenor is not expected to hei. tempt. Biitnolt fulfilled the requiremente of the, situation' by exercising towards Signorina Patti what ordinary politesse demanded. It would be a terrible infliction, In some oases, if a male vOO4lll were. to pick up . all the bouquets. Suppose that Amodio lied boon so Brignoli's pleas op Saturder eve pint i He, who le somewhat of the stoutest,- might ac tually blare died of apoplexyjrom a rush of blood to head, in stooping, before haled pushed up the third bouquet !' We are pretty sure that the Directchi on thinking „over the matter, will recall ,it, censure of Brignoli, aid withdraw its hasty opinion that he acted in a " contemptible and ungentlemenliko" manlier. Ile suited, no think, precisely as he should have done. No uerfomier in 111111 whale troupe, we have heard from toed authority, WPM 4 more lively interest in the sue-, sera Of Adelina Patti ; therefore,. thp idea or disrespect to her cannot be entertained. 'The oparatioatiescia is to be prolonged to the end of thii week. - To-ntohk, "Don Otovanni" Will be per formed, with Adelina Patti in the role of Zsr/inc, sad Madame atm/welsh, Madame Ofigelusits, Perri, Brig noll, ' , pint, and Amodio in the cast. This will oer, tainly gigilmins Patti's but appearance in thus city— it nay be for yearn. 4fhly staging twice, at New York, this weaki she sings at Bootoa for 9r . ilkw nights, and then sails fr o m ,IfirirTorkylittes_in time the Pee and London aoitootia. ,Tonight will bA~tara~ litinnense, Wedniaday, " The Magi° Flute," lin Italian.) with Ifyibuse Colsonin the leading pert, which is- said to ne ,Aef 10,10: Tlibitdor , what is adver /1i0,4_,,5e,f1 chime goers Mght. , op er a on P an day. Saul 4, Matislee isryaßif a ," , • li this arty. • 11-1171.107 TirIIATR.E,-rlt. 'triplet of benefits tins ' , VOL' :To-night. Mr.!, Clarke egmts tq be visited by hlefriends, for whom he will get UP la gay Pier, by Pianehe,. called "„An Old Offender, or He's Jack Shep pard," with "Our American Cousin," and "The Too:. dlee,"—the_ May Pole Dance, from "Feet Men of the Olden TIMS,7 Irlad,up what we may safely predict will be s very brilliant evening. That sterling gotor, Mr, .febit gilhe rt. will have a be • nett en Wednesday—when "The Moline) Thr Scandal' , will be hie, principal piece de restetattes, This i,i a come dy in which the strength of toe, company can ail be•en gaged.. Gilbert's ,Sir Peter, Virheatley's Charks sur face, and Mrs. Prey's Lady Teazle are representations which cannot be szypasestl nWanl stage. Lastly. Mr. Wheatley himself wig have a benefit, 17 ,1 Saturday evening, and—like Mr, Clarke. jug opleasee— deserves* buniper, in - his double, capacity' of manger and BOW. RePriSen thorn, they have made " the Arch' en Ptmilltfitlr thestge. hfr. Wheatley an- Rename only one piece, l y pagnerffiterlles corna's 'new three-act ocansdr. now litePeelkliti 4 Yia/illwiY B,l . l 'Y., " Everybody's Friend ," I but Promisee a ve. rtety of other entertainments, to conclude with a Drente , of greatinterest. W/I.?ltiT-ITREILT Mn., Dames. Williams, this evening, commence the' fourth and Seal week of their engagement—the most sucoessful. we 'believe, at this theatre for a very long period. Nothing to swim Mom popularity has been known, in this oily, for yeah... „ Menosoneet's GLISSIMI —Mr, L, re Nrsitord, the tree surorho has abtinefit to-night, puts fort au IStiractive bill, and the couniading wee°, IR which Mr. Hernandez 'plays the lokding part, will be the new ipeotaote of Ihe Firennan'e Dream." Mr. McDonough announces. for the Christmas JtoUdays, s. 4ave emnioyantomime, Just evolved from London. 5 14 40 BOVZ.—Thle wonder•worker eontineen at tf t e canter or 4404000504 Tenth ;arse.% and will perforp every nigh*hie yea. 404 04 the afternoons of We - nenclay ant{ Saturday, B. A. Morenall l 3 Benefit. The Complimentary Benefit to Mr. E. A. Marshall, so long connected with theatrical management ia this city, come, off to-morrow evening. Messrs. Ullman and Strakoscb, with a liberality which does them honor, Plaoe the Aeaderny of Music and their orchestra at tbo disposal of Mr. Marahall'e friends, on this occasion, and Mesdames ffeinsimiga and Atrafifeich will sing the 'duetto from the opera of "Sato." Aparyaygsmentbee been made with Mrs. Barrett/son, by wrene of which the 'Walnut-street company will perform In " 'Custom of the Country," "The !tisk Tutor," and "Sarah's Young Man." Mr. George Smith will give it fanny dance. The performances of Mr. and Mrs. Sams)" Williams, In the two first pieties, will be a great attraction. Here it In proper to add, whist we do with great satis faction, that the (donor thin Testimonial Benefit origi nated with Mr. Barney Williams, who, on learning that Mr:Marshall's present circumstances rendered such s tritinto acceptable, immediately tendered his own and hale wife's aid. At a positive loss to himself of several hundred dollars, Mt. Williams has thus surrendered one of his sights at Walnut-street Theatre. He' s a warm hearted, liberal man, and his comlnot on this coos/lon, as Indeed at all times, showi that he really acts with an Irishman's proverbial kindness and benevolence. We refer to the programme In another column, and heartily hope that Mr. Marshall trill obtain such imbstanttai re gatta from this Benefit as his friends anticipate. The Anti-Slavery Fair. To ITS EDITOII. 01 , Tan I'ZILBIII Will you, in hatter, to a portion of oar fellow-citizens, publish the following statement of frets? The Pennsylvania Auti•Blavery Pelr has been held in thin city, annually. during twenty three years, Without disturbenee. On Monday last, the twenty-fourth of thee* fairs was opened at Conceit JUR. fie signal Ras, which was suspended in front of the building, bears a picture of the old Liberty Ball in inde oefidenee ball, with its insonption, " Proolsim liberty tbraughout all the lend, to all the inhabitants thereof ;" and, also, the words"Anti-Blatets Fair." Ty Fair programed with Haulms] order and decorum huruday more lag the igh imputable came to the al /- and informed one of the managers that the Mayor ordered that the deg ehoul d be taken down , in the Af ternoon of the same day. the sheriff ennounced his in- Motion of taking possession of the Hall, on behalf of the owners or trustees, the claini being based on the alleged violation of tho lessee s contract, that the Hail should not be rented for any ',uremia which might tend to excite popular commotion- There had been no commotion or disturbance / either within or without the budding. The sheriff took VosseesiOn, and suddenly locked the doors.eome of the managers being at the time aiwent from the F r. These, returning. found a crowd of per sons Arden the doors, vain!) , seeking earranoe.iierne of them h left property iu 'hell/ill, which theyw shed to obtain some were mothers, whose young chi children were on the other side of the olosed doors, end they wee naturally anxious to rejoin them. Severe! ladies an pinyon? called d on the Mayor and the sheriff', aliarawgiogypt7r oe lir.KLiirltali.Ulliienl. Yhti reshlt ti toast. application was a dirgetlpn from the sheff t hat persons having property In the Hall should be admitted for a abort time. As man, of the managers as ware present assembled in the waddle of the Rail. snd,lo the p• smarm of the sheriff' mid a number of tolloemen, held p a consultation respeobris the course which they should pursue. It was PerfeetlY understood by them , as it is, doubtless. by our atitiarallr t that it was the pro-alavery, Helen ermine Party in nuladaiabia which was reraly 'looting the Antyplavery ?am from Concert Hell, and that having failed to do en upon one VlO4 they had resorted to another 'After a brief discus/non, the ladies unanl ineptly resolved that, being this required to leave the Hatherthin an hour. the would make no attempt to fmr . e their property. The sheriff promised to pro ', The fair was reopened yesterday. In thy southern sa loon of the Assembly Buildinge, where It will be con tinted until ten o'ol°l2lkt/de evening. - Orin en TIM MANAORRII. , TlsonwnEn ir, Me.' Mary er's Magazine. 14e Lava remiived the January number from T. B.'Peteisori it Brothers, who retail it &Caftan% 'etl4 'The principal papers are Meagher's Bolt• days to {)seta Rica, Porte Crayon's Burnt Piotures, and A , Pipe 0f,40,0pe0." The illustrations to these artiolis ire very Food: Our,Valy Tork correspond ant having , anticipated what was to he ,paid about Harker, we have only to add that the Editor'. Drawer,- &Weft% briefer' than usual, is racy and THE LATEST NEWS BY TELE,3FRAPH. XXXVITIi CONGRESS,-FIRST: SESSION. ,U. 8. CAPITOL, Watintatirofl, Deo. 17. The Senate is not in seesionlo-day, HOUSE. Mr. Lausanse, of Wisconsin, sent to the Clerk',, table a copy of the Milwaukee Free Democrat, from which:were read the proceedings of a meeting purporting to have been held by German adopted citizens, at which sympathy was expressed for John Brown, and ho was characterized as a noble-heart ed, resolute man, lit to be held up lit e other cham pions of freedom for the imitation of mankind, and resolutions were adopted according with these sen timents and declaring that adopted citizens -are hostile to tyranny of everykind, including the it stitutlon of slavery. Mr. VAISHIBBB remarked that if any of his ool leagues did not recognise that paper as a Republi can organ, let them say, so. At his request, an editorial from the came paper las read, in spirit with the proceedings bf the meeting. Be was natiefled that an honorable Senator from Wisconsin (Mr. Doolittle) was mistaken when he said there was no newspaper in that State which supported or sus tained John Brown's invasion into Virginia. lie thought, however, that at that time the feet to which he had Jest referred had not been brought to Senator Doolittle's attention He (Mr. Larra bee) needed not to be informed, all he bad been by the leading German citizens of Wit:mold, that soh were not their opinions. He had been in the midst , of them for fourteen years, and could say that there were no more intelligent; loyal, pa triotio men living on the soil of the United States—sternly hostile to fanaticism, to sentiments of disunion and war on the South. He had felt It• to be his duty to hurl back this accusation against that part of -Wisconsin be bad the honor to repre sent. Ile did not expect to say one word' to the gentlemen upon the other side to load them to change their course, but wished to appeal to the South Americans and anti-Lecempton Democrats to join in preventing the election of a Republican candidate for Speaker. He was an anti-Lecompton ' Democrat when that was a living issue, but when any man takes a stand outside of his party organization, yet claims to represent its prinel- , pies, he does violence to the principle of hie party. The Democrats in Wisooniin almost unani mously took ground against the Leoompton policy of the Administration ; but from the day the English bill was ,adopted, they considered this as a past issue, and there is now no distinotion be. tween Democrats in that State. In view of the approaching Presidential election, of 1880,, they could not afford to throw away time on past issues ; when there are errors in the party, the beet way is not tejoin the Opposition, but stay inside the party and lot their voices be beard. He was surprised to hoar gentlemen charging the present Admini stration with corruption and' extravagance. He thought the President entitled to all praise. No man should visit his mere personal slights on hie party, because he might be omitted In the paltry distribution of a Federal office They all wee that the Republican organization of the North is purely sectional. The inevitable result of the success of any sectional party In this country must be the rupture of the Union. This was the very state of affairs that Washington warned us against in his farewell address; A great party based on a geographical line. He thought Mr. leward'a remarks respecting the "irrepressible conflict" originated in his ambition to reach the Presidential chair, and he thought the best way to reach it was to appeal to sectional passions and prejudices. He never had any doubt that the raid of John Brown was the legitimate result of the teachings .of the extreme wing of the Reublican party of the North—the teachings of the N ew York Tribune, Wendell Phillips, and others. He had, heretofore, thought that a dissolution of the Union was impossible ' but he ventured to say that if Northern men persist in their course and the South react against the North the dissolution of the Union is not a question of time, but may be here now, and the fast overt sot may produce the calamity. He reviewed Mr. Seward's irrepressi ble conflict" doctrine. He had never heard on this floor or on the stump the Republicans denouncing Abolition sentiments. It was his opinion that the conflict was not' between different kinds of labor, but between the races of men. He did not believe in a unity of the human race. If the slaves were sot free, whet would be done with them? The North don't want them. As soon asbir. Larrabee ceased speaking, there was a general cry of " Mr. Clerk !" Onow ' of Pennsylvania, moved that a vote be taken for Speaker. Mr. SISSOLBTON, of Mississippi, claimed the floor, which be however yielded to - allow a vote to be taken. The roll was then called, and the House pro ceeded to the ninth ballot for Speaker. The following was the result: 555TH BALLOT. HUE RICIURDA Mr. Sherman Mr. Booook Mr. Botelor Scattering Whole number of votes. 228 Necessary to a choice ........... , ' JO Mr. Boui.imcy. of Louisiana, nominated Mr. Briggs, of New York, as a candidate for Snooker. On the motion of Mr. Jona COMIRANS, of New York, the tenth ballot was taken, with the follow ing result : • Mr. Sherman 111 Mr. Booook D. Boislsr 15 Mr. Briggs . 9 0 Whole number or votes f .42i; Necessary to a choke _ll5 The Home; on the result being declared, imam. diatoly adjourned, at ten minutes of throe o'clock, 6 m - Vra ttin g t ",,, -"1a‘ 7 , 7,70, r - 1 ;/ co Dap _rne4 WmtIINOTON, ro. • -Tykli t e,s, 'utak:knows, an states for the in orouttiOn yid 4. pewspapere that the met pr ,r um ~ I!:sr\imnb.ateaTialbe"l.7 :o44 - 'lXb'7646atirlaknhifinecadue4deUthimsbilatle:rnisi. COPY I Pt:bn m eo a n t a t e'mn expi res, e v ol ll :t i hn o ede h r 4 no part.qi Ike ad teas. and is neither a bill nor re ' i . ~,,, li, JP a Po a MA p gm postal laws, and sutdeote 'neon easy se ad usso to lette i r.nostaee. ,k 9 meoesers 1 the mile o Apprpipp Vs cannot 5 tneir pew , until the piaci of a 13, P. Whose rrent on the TtemarY Is ee Mail' to t purpose. tha Inearnp, AerreVl4 r. fflopobreort,.tier T 80 1 144 1 4-0111/13 , 11 Oa lOC }WIF ;1114 iitlVilsot ranouil members sums amounting In th e Sri OPP to SQ , P OO or 860,000, arhuth he has generously raised on his indivi ual credit. The weekly Califorylla mail, from Few Orleans vie Tsai. is resumed, under the management of Messrs. Giddings! & Woods, as heretofore. FOO3. A4p LATER FROM CALIFORNIA Sr. topic, Dec. 16.—The overland mail, with San F:rariessep dates qf the 74th nltimo, passed sta tion at tic.? itecook this tnornipg, And will reach here to morrow night. Much artanty was still felt In tax nal:lotto° at the non-arrival of the steamer Cortex, but she Probably pp Oat or two entweeuent to the departure of A do - abed been fonghtimtween Jodie Muller, of Mt as haflobatlC and :h dqrs pallatior, Pietfict Attorney of trtatty comely. James If awerth. President of the. Califorolt ;ince Company" states that be is prepared tq root tr/t9 0"n -tract with the Government to fun malady mail netareen Sacramento eityand St. Louis for ei,tompo per tasking the trip in fourteen days. Arrived at Ban Francisco 23d, brig George Keil, from Liverpool. Bailed from do. 22d,ehin Chatoilon . from Melbourne, dot a moderate business bad been done at San Fran amp duric the last few days, and the bulk of the I oaddrik the late arrivals was coins into store. Importers were anordons the current demand et pre- Vious rates, and the tratle'weia pitying sparingly. dales of 3,000 boxes Candles atilt:tone. Coffee very firm. Bast ern refined Sugar lie; *milting done In ;alt. bard Ignssl3o. June butter 30a360 Bruton In fair demand at unchanged rater. Other articles dull. Tpe Viptorra Bridge. pinny oy TRAVEL. ArONTREAL, Deo. 17.—A. *pedal Wu annefivtillE of three laomotives and tea oars passed oVes' the Victoria krage t ieforhiug. On its return a Sold collation w e serve.] a tnoithergt abutment of 'the bridge which Was cover ed tor the messiph,_ Speeohei were mule . by A. IA. pole. enslueer, and °tr is . he bridge now open for traffic. essenger triune commeneed running over it this morning. Departure of the Steamer Anglo Saxon. PorrLamp, Deo. 17.—The Steamship Anglo Saxon Ailed at o'clock this afternoon with 9s paseenters, for hiyornol. Fire at the New Orleant; Caltem House— bees 130,009. Haw OALZ/VS. Deo ji).—Tne new en ktnin Union ht tr en 0 partly burned tdds porning. The lop inninto at 430,D0. The Missouri State Bonds. K r ' " v " D "'dl — j t s e nt t r bu lt e s; '7l e at:4l: ill a r t k ti:V o r Y Interest on Failure at Davenport, lowa. CIIIC aGO, Deo 16.—Messra. est* I f Sargon!. banker', of eDaveneort. lowa. olaed their doors tulles. The TBllllO l said to be the failure of their Boston hotted, heir liabilities are net stated. New yogs, Rep, ig.—The Ramburgh screw 'damn able domains, from -Rakburgh on the Ist inst., and BouthempOon on the jth, 'rah 2,60 eteerege pea nee arrived bore at noon to-day. hhe experienced Fro m the 40 to the Rfh, tremendous heavy westerly s ale s, and sines dud tune vsnalde winds, with considera e coed weather On the 17th, at night,' aps was eosseeded sa lay to, in neequenee of a heavy gall tram the east. This morning she had a gran, t deal of leg, which ip tained her arrival. CItICAOO. Doo. 17.—The Republican member.' or the Mtpnoaol eineisturp S. held canna.; on Wednesday , and nominated Morton Wlikinson for United States El rt r itronoties of tbe LeeLein,tere Nrit;lll pimp; on dm OWing dal. whim Mr. wiitoesteiwriutd ifeeetleee be sleeted. Firp In Pitleburg. of)inrVissenuna, De0.18.--Tho Duquesne groker F e aPt4Tl: Firat Street, ...4Killro_ . s7e a g a t d i t i y ol t ii, 4 Wit r e n ritirtligagy b ar login Irit4 its noncenta. AO . idiolnlng buildipg formerly' ocOlisied MoLagglalin Lhiborststry wag crushed by tbe failing wall.. 'i'ne lose envy. Arrival of the America at Boston. Boom, Deo.lB.—The ateAmehiv America. from Li verpool via Halifax, arrived at o oiook Ono morniug„ Her mails so South to-mslit. Death of Rev. De. Hope. rfIINCETON, N. J., Deo. lie..-Rev. pr. Rove, Profenor of Belles Lettron in rrineeton Col egfr, died suddenly yesterday. New OPLe♦u e , Deo. Hl—CoDoe Salem to-day of 0.51/3 bides at 'eollo for middlings. Sales of the w 08.0110 hales. #aempta...— • • .. .Ad " eoeipte earns week • ." yo,ro l kf l o i rts of the '' .....—... 48A10 To eoeipte ahead of ast ] ear ' ': ' 170 fog eoptpfis ahead at all Southern " ItOok in port ''' . ' . • ~. tigers arm firm ''' 8407.1 c. • Com . hei an advanoing tendency—kale" at ItAo. Coffee firm at 11)g gr)2o for too, Stook in port 51,000 uags, against 43,;:ke nags last •eat. Salmi of the week LON bags. Freights on Cotton to Havre 1140. Exchange on London ankh OF cent. premium. On New York 3i #' omit. premiuM. kAVANN4II, Dee 16.—Cotton quiet LOOS hales so I,I(kit4ESTON. Deo. 16.—Cotton firm; gales to-day 2,000 balsa. SAVANNAH. Dee. U.—Arrived—Wes Peravan, from New York ; Arkwriebt, from fly:m.lnm', Dec 17.--4rnvet—Behre. Moment, Mar leoibor. Calais for Provideneo ; Mary Mil, Roberts, frojn Pe r i s prc r:, , ,z, bqk x4 P4ll9fle, t p . rett a :iyfigl e O g njp Ai Pj ; Norfolk for Itrovadeime, Mr. Dan Floe, who hae not appeared in the ring for some time, will opon a budget of new jokes to• night, at the Great Show. The new fairy ballet of the "Enehauted Bower," in wide/ fifty little uhlldron irlil opPenr, wW #ll9 hp given tonight. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1859. 111 84 23 9 (BY TI/6 OTRIMAND *AU.) ANOTI3iSR rytxmL. Arrival of the Borussia. Minnesota Legislature. TUE UNITED STATES SENATORSHIP Markets by Telegraph.' Ship News. FURTHER NEWS FROM EUROPE. BY TK BTELIBitTP AMERICA. THE EUROPEAN 'CONGRESS. itepreeentatives of the Groat Poiverio.- REA, MODENA, AND ROMAGNA TO BE UNITED. LONDON DA.TEB TO DECEMBER 6 The Regendy Quokition Settled. ELECTORAL LAW FOR SARDINIA. NAPOLEON AND THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT. THE WAR IN DIOROCTO. Elscxvim.E. N. 11.. Deo. 17.—The R. H. steamship America, from Liverpool at 1 P. H. of the 3d, and Queenatowa evening of the 4th inst., arrived at Halifax at noon yesterday, and smiled at 3 P. Id. for Bos ton. The steamship Ventlerbilt arrived at Smithampton on the afternoon of the 30th. The steamship City of Uslgmore arrived at Queens town the same night, and at Liverpool on the morning of the ed. The Cunard Company advertise the steamers -sans and Jura to leave Liverpool for New York, Eproot, r.- noootivelv on the .17th and list of Deoember. THE COWMEN. The invitation of the French Gove rn ment to attend the Congress had reached the British Cabinet but the Austrian invitation bad not l i nen received. It is taken for granted that England wil be represented, and spa !gelatines were afloat as to who the reresentative wil be, uto which nothing authentic. wee nown. The. Time s u,gest Lord Palmerston instill to go. lad rumor care not without sanction In bigh quarters. • The OPtaiOrte of Turin confidently Wants to Ceunt Cavour as the probable first representative of Sardinia. • Martinez dole Rosa will represent Spain. All the Pewerawill be represehteol by two plenipoten tiaries. The fifth qfJuinuary is spoken of for the first sitting. The principal repreeentatives Of the Ride great Conti nental Powers will, it is reported, be the following erg. Russia—Prince Oortschakoll. Austria—Gaunt Berthb France—Count' Welewski: Prussta—Baron Bohlemitz. • Le Nord says that there are many obstacle. in the way of Count Cavour representing fierdinia, and M. Deem broil will probably be the man. The same Journal stye that England will he repre sented by Earls Clarendon and Cowley. The principal Russian unman declare that the French Government has .10 idea of applying to the Congress to concel the clauses of the treaties of 1815 relative to the Napoleop dynasty. The Timas' Vienna correspondent Marna from Berlin. that Prussia Russia, end England were endeavoring to oetabneh a basis for their negotiations with France and Austria, during_the Congress. I.A.TFAT.—A Rome despatch of the 2d ley' the report that the rope had already counted to be reprrieented at the approaching Congreee, and hod sppninted Cardi nal Antonelli to represent lei. In without toundatirm GREAT 'RITA IN. The Liverpool Financial Reform_Association gave a until demonstration in honor of Meeeria Cob 'en, Bright, and Gen. Thompson. Owing to Mr. Cobden'. continued 'Reese in Peru!, and tien. Thompsoo's ina bility to attend. Mr. Bright was the only guest present Ho made a forcible and brilliant speech, in favor of di rect taxation, and asserted that sgitatipn would eon tinue till free-trade Duni:ivies were carried Out to the fullest extent. The meeting was Large and enthusiastic. Mr. Roebuck had been making a °horn:tontine speech at a meeting in Beth. In the course or hie r o. marlin he charged the Prince do Joinville with abusine the hoepitality of England by, preparing plans of the southern coast, and drawing up it sc heme of attack. The Prince writes to the newspapers and deelaree Mr. Roebuck's assertion' entirely devoid of founda tion. The uneatisfactory position of the Groat Eastern had attracted much attention. Shares' continued to decline, and according to the Times, rumors weyeefirrent that ammo of the proprietors contemplated inetitubne pro ceedings in °natty or through the Board p 1 Trade, to obtain full insight into the pest mantumment of the vessel. A rumor was current that Capt. Harrison had resigned the command, but *blithe Liverpool Mercury London sa 4rirr fai Star says that the Royal Commission which was appointed to inquire into the national do. femme has agreed to report the south coast dookyanle no Imperfeetly defended isle require twelve million: sterling to fortify them thoroughly. The Star awe says that the Commissioners will recommends law for the amount required. Cr- Bmethurst was convicted of the modified charge of bigamy. and sentenced to one year's imprisonment. with hard labor. TRANCE. The Meal/rue publishes the following despatch from Admiral Roman Desibenes, relative to the Wean ed bombardment of Tetuan ey French eateelei • Tux Berreorlit.—Ory ALOESIMeIi m Noy. 28,—Yeeter day, the vessel Bt. Louis was wane ed by the forts at the entrance of the river Tetuan. reformed of that the name night, I have thie morning, with four steamer*, deer Dyed the two _forte which have been abandoned be the Moroccan.. To morrow, the Foudre will proceed to Tangiers. to make some severe representiations to the ddhtofneunity9 l l:l;2ol) l .Bl , ,,T44 ' , - na 4 n h e e liaAl a iTrier s t .esp i reo that the Governor of Te tuan had disowned the Merorgout forceq. who, acting without orders, had rendered himself guilty of unjust aggreagion !against a nation at peace with ?Serowe. Consderable ^retests wee evinced in shipping for c es for . hint.. and It was expected that:the last nips form. log the Chinese expedition would have quitted Prance b y i ,December 15. he monthly average of the price of wheat, as pub lie bed in the Meettertr. shows an advappe of five• eighths of a centime oft the previous month's average. The French frigate d lte v r e ar Aite , , b a s ith e t a r t ra for C l i tlgli b e . n n e t ril l irre n v a rla buoyarit k hot w the glib ems small. mutes cm the 3d closed st7e The French brie Revil Matte, from Newfoundland for Wong, was lost on the oust of Lamle,. sae out of 152 persons on Nerd only L twenty seven wore saved. ITA It ill annommed that Count Von Ilertig has been nom inated to represent Austria at the Court of Turin. Garibaldi,writee toe Mahan Journal that the toping lion feed to toircbase a reillien of muskets tenet not be: euspended but, on the contrary, t onioted as mouth as • F'Bible, tend as he has now no militar y ttoonpationeon . hands he promises to devote h unts to the musket and communion. A despatch from Inorenoe says that Bunn Reeitecil. Preeldent of the Ministry there. wee about to leave for Turin. having been summoned by the Ring of Bardtnie to make the necessary arrangements regarding the Regency. A letter is published from the Pop* to ' the Risher of Orleans, thanking him for his celebrated alttainontarie inter of September hist, which gave the toes to all the others; The Pope corratailittes the 'Mahon generally. thatiid the gas st# "'crane agitatios of the present time, meet anion feint t i f to see flitit!tzurroponsly defending the *woo ono a dMs cum., The new eleotoral law o Lombard shoal Folitiftnit " tert . e l years, and must eve learnedto tea write LATIatIT. Tneur,Dee.2.—The separate Govinemeata Of Parma, Modena. and Romagna are uppressied from the lAA or December. Thee. provinces will have one sole Geyer n _ anent: tithe mitistrY sitting at Medetia. rind *Legis lative oornmistalonl sod the commander of the military tomes sattihg^at Bologna. Baron iteciasoll had arrived at Turin, and _hat- a long con enimte with the Mallo of iterating-Art.lw The Austrians eveterutte4 nattifOr op the Mb. • VAI. the Genova, a flardinien steamer, with troops and military eteres n board, took frd at Malaga and is but no lives were lat. General OTminsit is said to have den te redrelre tboustind mo e suidiere , in order to oom eh, t titoufftftit in It which lie porpoleillo', e the oldie moron.. On the 80th November, a conelderable Moonsh force atureked_e redoubt to the right of Biasing nigh eepp inent before Carols, but were repulsed by adi on under the direution of O'Donnell. One hundr apd twenty Spaniard. were paced hors de comber, but the losses of the enemy were (armors nerous. The emitarkation of troops continu ed incessantly at M ?deign, Altesirmb and Cadig. The Madrid (mirth., cilia illy announees that the Queen had entered the ninth month qf pregnancy. AUSTRIA. • Supplementary regulations for the press in Minis have been promulgated. and arego years, a more liberal cha racter than any donne the last filly years, It is reported tnat the protest orAustria against the regency of Buoncompeget has been withdrawn, in con sequence of Count Walewskt having given an Allearal l oo to Yrlnall Metternich that the nomination would in no was lea prejudigial to the C l entra M:114l Italian enmities. PR. The Roman Catholi6 mutation of the Rhenish Pro. Ninon of eriimia were !sheet to eene a a friertliter Redress of pondolenee to the Pope. DENMARK. The miniaterial r its continued, , Couneillor Roll mitt's *memo. to form a new Minstry had not suo oeeded at the latest deity. • 1.4.Tr0.T vl.B. LIVERTDDL. Lorindl.Do..—Tho . baitv lungs City Irtiele, tinder date of Friday evening. safe the Sleds that tlaf og petionced but ;Wilt venation; at the close brinnegg was shown. In the other markets much &m pre vailed. The demand for money was more active in preparation for Saturday's engagemente, and secommo dation was not procurable below 2% per cent. The newt shipment to the East by the steamer of tho 4th is under Bet,ooo, being the arnailestremittenee for many months. .Foreign exchanges were steady. Teo Pyles' city whale reports that funds opened meetly. end nienoet immediately experienced an im provement ofld, frtirewhichibere Ins finally a reaction, hotwithatending the receipts of frrm price, from Paris. The deemed for discount was More active, owing to the preparation for pay manta on the 4th. On the•Stosk Ex change, however, the supply of money was good at 2E per oent. In tho foreign 'securities Peruvian leer cent. hectic linbreved considerably. it being unders tood that the dividends, which have hitherto been payable solely in New Yorki are lieneefiirthlei paid also in London at the fi xed exchange of four ehiliinr. per donor, The Daily Neill., say a that the htate of Prov i der, by diroyee issued' in the name of God and liberty, has just deli ceratoly:inourred the inftuny of anteceding the pity-. mint el Option& to foreign creditora. • T le , YerliMtritlidarY sea one &twiny:se intend to °no vas* n a few daYs, rrlierlrill hold a coliferenes an London, similar to the nee held lan'year,Thr delibera tion snot counsel relative to the proceedings in the ap prombing session. LBs Telegraph via Queenstqwn,3 QLMENSToWiI. Dee. 4.—The steamship prince Albert lei t here at half past three o'clock P. M . for °away. Tuns, Deo. 3.—Th e affair of the delegation of the re gstioy to Buonoompagni had been arranged la the sane roxiod 01're antes. proceed immediately to t iotendii th i tp of plainer-Generator the Pro- Fav i e i rl ' o li i . : i f n ,, , lL.Ci to tliA; n e t i l f i tila r b w r f t i ti Al h) , !j rn v : d ri n E i t r i t •rno fere en rawera. • • aitterilts.VoS. 'Tits)? Auetrian Company:it atem q . : P ti Y arViriip_l i e la t s o trig: Dora tied wili ' drewn the troops stet egad et lies n eiruu the Greek rootlet, and transferred them to °oldie°. Arrrliall, Nov. 21.—The Turkiah and Montenegro Boundary Cominiesion half arrived Laimeni, and it Is e.aseetesl that ite labors win be e , in eted in two days. pre Cononisslon gill then leave for R avian. Very Latest. TlllegirtillblP , Intelligence. PONIIIa QtreiMsToltlrA. apps, following teller has_ been puhliehed ker; ral,telt 'ciiitm ails. To Meier.. Shaw, &labile. re Co., Blaokwell! Gentlemen: Von have written to the - Emperor to know what his intentions areas regards England. !greet fears or great confidence should shine explain tide step. Op t one pde you are posses s ed with an itrialinarY troublembleh appears to have seized upon your country with the rapidity fif ap epidemic. and on the otter band Yon realms n the alty or him from whom you do me a reply It was 'easy fur yoorsslyes. however, to gins it. II yeti had calmly examened the tree eteqe of your opmebensicee, that cause •MI had only limed in all the rumors oroated by your follow.wentryinee by the obstinate prop flatten of <henna ehimerteel alariea because until now there was not a word or an opt of the Eniperor'.which permits a doubt of his genti ments. d E r ie grlatqa,ergyaAfain treenctgneriirtas"niTtualZ,Nr Roinent to show his faithful and Irreproachable ally al What he bun he will, I deplete it to )ou in 1113 me, onngniJe tole. Witness again the epproiehing ordinnunity o perils lobe a uto at a distance to your soldiers and ours. Gfent flattop ;Acetyl appreeinte, but nit fear each other. • Receive, gentlemen. the expression of icy !Untie gured sentiments ( 'gelid The Beeretare of the Emperor. Chief du Cabinet. mite remit that Lord Palrerston will be the first plenipotentiary or England n the Congress, had made a favorable impression on th e twig Bonne. L 111110 N, Dee. 2.—The Oneida has arrived with the usual Bragilian mails, and advieee from Rio Janeiro to she nth of November. • • Theruselron of Gen. Creeks has forced passage near t Beane of Martin borcia, and a battle had been rough between Urquisa, and the army of Buenos Agree, The latter were beaten and tied to the town. Urge lea was marching on ANIMA Apes eaturday.—The th ree per rents opened film and !animated ;dale apd cloud at 71f. for moiler and fif, 15? for the end of December account % showing a use O f ys filLfi l i i i:4 " tTlV,Vi d' a e a rn e a r e n t ' IV: . rat Ms , for the year and 5.511. Spring, • Commercial Intelligence. LIWIMPOOL, Dec. 2.—Bnitansymrsa—hlesers. Rich ardson. Spence. & Co. report Flour dull at easier but materially unchanged priors smog Tuesday; sales et 4 ;l 2 lli f irdie t oC r a ft l n dtn i ie r Ti l isedar. making a decline on the week of ed ; ins'es of red at On Wags 11d, and of white at 9d 6deells Corn steady at Tuesday's de cline. but for floating cargoes prices hays alWaneed Ede In. Bales of yellow at 30a32a. Prtoyosions.—Messrs. Bigland, Athya 4 eq., Samoa mellenry k CO.. and others. report B e ef with WI is owned demand at 000106 e for now mess; old tie' elected, and holders procaine their stooks on the market, Pork heavy null quotations nominal. Baronrenorally quiet' coins heavy inquiry for new. Lard dull and no minally unehanged I sides at 67 , 11.2 N. Tallow dull and declined let sales of butcher's at Maas. Produce.—The Broken,' and other circulate repel Pot Ashes steady at Mears Id, and Pearls also dense et 27811,0278 al. Nam. covet but prices steady. Coffee quiet. Rice steads , tilidadelqa it, Bark 7a 9datte 9d. Linseed Cake .f9er.f:9 64. Linseed 1)11 la in good demand at Veit 20a ail. Cod Oil:Bales at 31:18 to arrive. [iJk in 1. steady at Uldials 2d for common. Other quail -71;1 ?leirt Turpqnthao steady at 31s. I oa...Lltele inquiry Old epees weak; sales of Gorgon at 142 d. LONDON MARRETS.-14esers. Baring Brothers re port Flour_quipt, but prices eteatly, Bar and .I ad Iron dull at 2.6 10, Sugar firm. Coffee Steeply. Ten—Congou declined lid sales Is INdens Rod. Rice steady. Linseed Cokes In good demand at unchangedpanes. Fish Oils quiet. 1, paced 011 quiet at 26e H. Tallow very dull nt 57e. Tin advnnood as on common } lau.h. and es on refined. Spirits Turpentine dial t 35.. miff ver Mid LDollars riglinally 511 110 1 "Carlota 78 d ILA URY. hIARK.I2T .-Havas. N0v.1 1 0.-Breatisluffs etead a . Pot and Fear Ashen doll. and tames weak. Cod O il tending upward. Whale Chl-Quotatione bare ly 'stained. Rine firm but quiet. dear e n t , e l firii Lard dull and quotations nominal. billow, ales w k impartant. mealiko ur ng advteee favorable , and price/ tending MCA /at kICAN riCURIfIEB.-literate. Riving Bros. report the entice forAmerlean Securities qniet and that the Erie proposit on will probably be generally adopted. Kyle IL R. stook— ....... 10,P11 Do. sdmor .. g age...,. ..... 133 mtv i ssavnusetti Si, bonds, o ff ered at 102 • Illinois Central l od Stetesae i. k ................ 371 die. Do. Do. Lands 79 , Messrs. Hell & Co. report a generally improved de -1 inand, and the market at fi rm prices United Statuses, bonds, 1848 90 0101 Do, ihr Pt rs 11434 Alab a ma 6s, bonds .... 75 w 77 Kentucky Os, 1868-72 ..... ..... ........ 92 et 94 Maryland Sc, bonds _........._._...,... 96 ~,, at Massachusetts tla, bor ds 101 0102 Misaineippi Union Bank b0nd5.........___ .. Id 0 16 Ohio 6e 1876 . 97 0 98 renneylvan ia 58 ........ ....... ........ fa% a 8.13,4 Dn. se, bonds, 1877 -.... 96 a 866; South Carolina 8i1.... .... _.. .85 0 .8 Virginia 55, 188.9............ 81 0 86 Montreal 64.. . 80 a 82 Illinois Central Railroad.•.- ............. 3it ea 37 d Do. do. 7, .. .. .... 77 ®79 Do. do. as... -..... ... .75 or 78 ,110. do. 7s, 1851/. (Deellindil. 8.4 et 90 Michigan Central 88,1860 Do. do. shame 35 as 40 New York Central C 5...... ............. .. ...• 8.1 as 85 Do. do. 75.. . .93 a 95 Do. do. shares.. .73 a 76 Erie Railroad 7e, 3il morigrige. ..............C0 0.63 Wntia. fat mortgage-- 99 0100 Do. do. do. 2d mortgage..... 97 ft 99 Penn'a Central 6e, let mortgage ...... ....... 89 0 90 PASSENGERS PER AP.IERI , A. For Boston—Captain Nelson Crowell. Mra. Crowell, ehild, and infant ; Mr. Bernard, Mrs. Bernard, Lewin, mead; Mrs. Ryan, Cox, I. U. Latasee• ASATI6VOO. Kil dinnu, H. Beaver. Runrill, Leek, William., ' Harlon, Beaker, Witted, Facohua,Wright, Rcalgera j Marina, Nersefuer, Doctor. Mensaaar, Blume. Margieon, Harrison, Burgess, Call, Crows, Harvey, Piokham. Miss caren, Harrison, Donovan, Garvin, Manson, Roaey,Cobon. Ch eh Marina. HREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE STEAMER VANDERBILT AT NEW YORK THE PEACE CONGRESS LORD COWLEY TO REPRESENT ENGLAND [flakier Ward and the Japanese Emboss JESUITS SEEKING REFUGE IN SARDINIA Mr. Lever Offore to Purchase the Great Eastern ' Nxw YORK, Deo. 18.—The ateameldp Vanderbilt, from Southampton on Wedneadny the 7th lnet., arrived here ut noon to-day. • The Vanderbilt was off the Highland§ at aoclock on Saturday afternoon, but wan detained by a fog and low tide. Her advices are three days later than those furnished bl the stoamshi AlllOllO/1.. the steamer Hungarian arrived out on the 7th inst. .£100,030 worth of gold has been saved from the wreok of the Royal Charter and brought to London. It had been determined upon that Lord Cowie will represent England in the Coogrees of Powers, which i s to nagemble at Paris on the 6th of January 1. he loss of the Moorish force in the recent ammonia r with the lipanisli encampment before Ceuta, on the 30th of November, was 530 killed and 1.600 wounded. Mr. Lover had offered to purchase the steamship Groat stallion view of the dissatisfaction in regard to its management existing among the stockholders. United Mates Minister Ward had returned from Js ¢ . embassy to the United Ftates is te am start on the nd of February, in the United Mates steer I' tog for Wriehincton. t ale ounces of gold duo were en roues from Austra lia. tor bnatand, to the end of October. A crowd of Jesuits were sleeking refuge in Sardinia on account of the suppreseion or their order in Ro- s!toe et Rong-konlon Ootober 20th IBM ntr a loss of 366 - 6: - 5. Monsieur 3. Belly, minister from Chili to this country icon board. On the morning of the 13th, lat. 4.30. timed a large British steamer apparently the Africa, head east, lat. 45:10. long. 43. The Vanderbilt was detained outside on recount of low 'triter OD the her, and a high sea runnin!, The American bark Ann Hinokley. of Millbridge, abandoned and fast foundering, was boarded on the 25th of October, in Int 46 N., long. 29 W., and a parcel of C,. found in the cabin, takeisfrom her by the " C. R. C.2' arrived here from Owe, Naples, Nov. 26. The Birkenhead. Iron, (Nebo° for e Liverl, was sh e the 24th Nov., water-loggd an dswreck. The ore arrived at Havre. The Y ear etia, of Dteby. N. 8.. was abandoned on the 4th Nov. The orew was landed at Portsmouth Dem 4, from the Ooliah. arrived from the Bt. Lawrence. ENGLAND. _ _ _ TM: SYR oiamP.—The Observer saw It is stated that an offer has been made by Mr. Lever for the purchase of tee ship. of the most liberal character. The terms are said to be .£BO,OOO down, to form working capital to complete the ell, to charter her for twelve months. pay the Amalie! ere fi ve per cent. in advance. arid to have the option o purchasing the ship fur .£3 3 0 000, being the amount of capital of the present company. Tug CIIINEAE EXPEDITICS.—The Times says, a com pieta 12 pound battery of Mr W. Armstrong's guns, car raises, timbers. hospital and ammunition wagons. forego. etc., is ordered to be pecked on Thursday non, to he transinitted overland to China. The Powerful has commented shipping two heavy battens!' of sixty-eight pound mine, with an equipment to form a thorough siege train and requisites. to subdue the resistance of feted to the passage of the Pei ho. BEYARTIIKE Or THE PRINCE AND PRINCISAS FRISI/13- ECK WILLIAM (4 Paussia.—Their Royal Highnesses arrived at ).lover on Caturday, en route for Brussels un t nuked how many rifles have - i h ef e ln i r u le: return rn : n ; d icy our: Journal says "the quer been enrolled? From an olOeial source we can Male that the number was,p,Mukthe Intn of November BARDINIA, The /Itemise Post says crowds of Jesuits are necking refuse in Sardinia since the tuppreonion of their order In the ROMsHna. THR MORTAR. Cam—The Post says it is rumored that the infant Mortara hen been brought to Piedmont. as tho.movement in the Fspal States might have pr ga%t o z u :s d" .—it c rtPrZ e irli article, De s . of earl we tor ret to learn that after a full discussion of the subject by the Cabinet. it has been determined that Lord Plante rsinn shall not attend the Contr. so thealetilpotentiEngland. plenipotentiary is elrendr there. mairftralffi..ltet,,kord Cowley. theta , 'Zealand, and punkas our adhesion fothiWii rees *A litt e communions as poseible." Tux Vagaz Earriren.—A speeded meeting of the shareholders of the iireat Eastern co been convened for Thursday, the e h taut. to receive a TH. port front the director& The chairman has intimated his intention re reeneidthe shareholders on that occa sion to appoint gomiaittee to inquire into the affairs (lithe udilettifking from the oometencentent. 'All noes tines of dispute between the eotnpany and the eon- Motor ere left to exhitratiOh nr: Font LiVeltroot. ItTRICHA.H7I.—A Liverpool ear thin et the alsnehester Griordtais write t: " Nothing definite transpired on Saturday, re to the correepondence between four rentlemim in laver- Peel end fhe Etnperor of the French. It le stated. how ever, that the letter in nuestion Wan Written by the bo ar d ' How gent while enjoying the pleaeurse of ' full ar' Qi ßo c thrrl ng ee ' rit u a t %• i g h a l ti t r s h i t c r e ,f. The letter wee posted, Intl a topic was parer anticipated. A copy was not area kept and the whole matter woe looked upon ep good a joke. The conduct of the writer of the letter to the Emeror was met with a hearty denunointion by nearly a ll the local mere. LONDoN txtnt VOW; NiesSt Coars.—A meeting, at tended by from forty to filly pumas, wu held at the Freemasona Tavern, for the purpose of organizing a London Irish Volunteer Rifle CE Corps. Fe AN. PARIS. Doe. 4.--Their Majesties returned to Feria to dtty at 3.10 r. end met with a cordial reception. PM Pays says the King of ?; s plea has authorized the bums of a telograplile Cable - between Gaeta and Cor sica', by means of whieh Naples will come into direct communication witlaitris. The Times' Pule correspondent says instructions have been swots that quartermastets and seamen. who *hall have completed npnriod in 40 months' service r c l the Met of December, shall be immediately disellaus rind sent liomo, Several detachments of troops pass through Parts to day f Desenitter oil their war to Chinn. The number of volunteers for the Chinese ex partition was mere then double at hat was required. It is confidently &awned in Paris that the Congree. to tq meet on the &licit Januar). pants, Dec. s.—rho Porrir of this evening Gays: "We are auured that most of the European Powers have given in their adhesion to the Concress." Ilk gg r v iiv that England committed to take part in c Thu Pco also 1/011(Wpan elf inpcistinn to Veto that the ffillicuitics between Piedmont and fuseany, ou the subject of the Regency of Al. Ruonoompagni, are not got ramp% mi. it is certain that England has agieed to the proposal that the Congress shall be held in Paris. The ammi n g put en) t is decided that the Cons green will assemble at Paris on the et h 01 January. Anions the Powere which has o alread) sent in their adhesion are Client Britain. Austria, Prussia, and Sar dinia. Tiie Times' Paris crirrospondent .33., confidence bee been cornea hat TOW, d commercial circles within the Inetiew daub The circular oh M. Billautt, remits niondina moderation to the French mese, has produced an exaction.' effect, and the ahlintineentent eta Euro , peon Congress ling in some measure calmed the fear of disturbano.. in Central Italy. Advises from Morsedlos elate that there is not much tipsiness doing there. filk.trado it at precept ilultat Loops, ' he rails poen Market woo quiet. 'NS hear and flour du I. Wino qf the lest vintase in good earoldsoli is sought for. end prices are well maintained. prices arp ti tre reelY firm at Bordeaux. PRVSSIA. BRILLIX. Dee. B.—The Vrilwap Monireur contains the appointment or Lieutenant (general Von Soon ag Minister of War. SPAIN AND MOROCCO. Mangle. NO. f.—Thee 1• es el the Mouse in the attack on the Nth November was UV killed and 1 WC wounded,but no primers. Since commencing operations against the Moors the Spaniards nave had BS killed, Ott wounded, atal 73 eon rased, tioneral la hariniade a reconnaissance against the Moorish camp at Tetuan. The lettere of invitation to the Congress have been received by the Seanialt rioyernmehf." THE EAST," Tainsyn, Dep. 3.—Aunces I rolls Constantinople an nounce that the government lairwitlidinwn Vol troops stationed Thessnly, on the Urea's: frontier, and transferred them to Monastic. • • ANTIVA RI, Nov. 27.—'rhe Turkish and Montenegrin Boundary Commleeion has arrived in Holguin, and it to expected that it. labors will ho concluded tit two 'lays. The Conunitudon will than leave for Naomi. - - Lisgog, Dec. t 2.,-.4dvicos 1(0111 Rio de Janeiro to the h November. announce that tho natiodron rd General lrquixa lied forethi Ilib pitaptem near the .land of [Ruin Garcia. and 4 battle had berth lore. boweyn Urge as end the army of Ditenintrep, Thp Ithonon Ayreana were beaten, ana wore in full 11,14 towards the town. leaving the country open to Prone n, who was marching towards humus Al roe, EXClinutO) on London 201,3254 ; on 11 Rolland 378 LAN MU; on Rom burg 720145, . D. The first Chamber ot Rolland hoe bean convoked for the ,ith. ,The nerund, which is now sitting, IN engaged diohsintig the lind2el. _ b. Tprith, pee. 4.—Tlie; TA Oath of the delegation of the Ttegenoy ot Central Italy to 31mineolnuagulAnitt been arranged to th e satisfaction t all parties. 31. Dion conlyagni wil proceed immediately to Plore{am. with the rank of Liovernor-Deneral of the 'Preempt; of Central Italy. The funetions of the (inventor-General will extend to the oommand of the military lemon of the line, nail to the reladone of Central Italy with Piedmont and too °reign POW/0111. Deo, 2.—The report that the Popo had already consented to he repregented at the API , rO/1011111/ gross; and that toe llohnoor, hail appointed Cardinal Antouelli first plenipotentiary tt Ia with nit foundation SIIANOITAK, Oct. 21 —No jlO itioal nests. Large eaten of black tea; green limited, Excliana bank bills (is, ril n as 7.11 d. The United States Minister line returned front Japan. CANTON, Uet.ll.—The new cuejnilin 'Won do not work well. 1 1 (11114ZOLA quiet. ' Prieea tot 1114•1110 BONO Komi, Oa 20.—A deatritative Ore took pine° here on the 20th. Property to the value of !Km dol lars wee burnt. The Yates Hartley steamer was loot: crewaed t rea cure saved. The Inkerninn el London loot. Exchange on London o,lftlais JAAN. NAO Oct. 27.—The Japanego einhanu w,ll 101V0 for Washington, I.) the "Powhetan," tii3 22 Feb ruary. Trade pro;resning, AUSTRALIA. 11JELnourGra. Oct. 17.—Parliament wan opened on the 13th, and Mr, Murphy Wait elected Speaker. The went ofqionlidenee debate . will commence on the 14th, and n majority against ministers ill marten). Trade chill. Money tight. batehange for sixty does J g The re . senue &lowa an Increase of i:3(0,000 for tho n ear. The proddetion of gold 101,000 onneea 10119 than lent jeer. Departure of gold filling for London—" Lonelier, " Sept. 20, 28 bee ounces; "Norfolk.' Sept. al, 8800 e ounces; and the '' Andean," UeL, i I7. 70 011) ( awe.. L Flour pee fallen 20 per pent. ue nner market is overstee ed. Isyminv,Oet.ls.—The quarter'n revenue ban Inorelatal 100 000. By Jkleetrle Telegraph trove London to Southampton. PEckltel9l 1, 1869.—The 'Too Paris correspond ant sm i led Mat llahtbranti has WWI built tho hair af I'm f ord , flo north of Drest• It in protected a battery of tilled guns, an Inonntea i t t : to be [(Wel VII blob-watel mark , and a range 'of la.t Inetree. Pak's. 'tow:lnv. 1250 I'. 11.—kun contrnee firm Bente' opening at 71 40. et) P. AL—rite Douro has lieen very animated, he prices shop. no timber alteration. ReAtesploso the sneif as re te I Nlrdayott FlI DIA. 713. ' . th e LATE chil f fl 'n y ail.] Indian TelegraP flit daye offer the ilepartuee o CALCUTTA, NOY. t4.—T109 BIIITS !IMO for Chinn to inOrrow. Poiovo, Nov. 14.—T110 chief Sorties of Ce)lon IS loud.'harp is 4 mat swot) of Isbor. Trade dill, SPECIAL INDIA AND CHINA SERVICE. JAVA, Batavia, Oct. 23.---The naval expeditionary force for Boni left yesterday. Great foam are enter tained Vat the natives will rise. Emery European is wellammil. Much excitement prevails among the na tives. Us tog to their being forced on board ship, as coolies for Bow. helconspiracy to murder the European residents has m detected at Danda. Donato, Sarawak, Oat. 17.--The Datoo has been seized for plotting with the Ds eh chiefs to murder the Europeans, Quiet Is restore. MAILS. Riven, with Bombay and Australian mails, ex• pouted at Southampton on 11th inst. Emeu arrived at Suez on 29th ult.; at midnight. passed Columbia, with outward Australian mails. 13th elt. Ce_ylon arrived at Malta 29th ult. and left at midnight, for Alexandria. Smilor was to l eave Aden for Calcutta, 27th ult. Bengal arrived nt Ceylon 7th November, en route to Calcutta. Hindostan Stith Novem b er for Calcutta, nail Salsette for Aus tralis. 2Uth November. Panther. el Malta A. M. lit ing., and left at 8 A. M. At the same time, Alhambra left for Corfu. N.IPL66. Dee. 3.—The Director General of the Sicilian Police had been stabbed in the street. but the wound probably not moral. Fears were entertained that this attempt mirbt be followed by an insurrection, but tran quility prevailed. ROME, Deo. S.—The session of the Council of State opened to-day. Consols closed: Money, 973:1:97U , account, 9745 e Financial and Commercial The hillowing is from the Tim.' city article. Decem ber 5: The English funds have shown increased firm neon, and in all the machete there has been a more than ordinary degree or animation. No gold was taken from the bank On Monday. The rate of exchange at St. Pe tersburg continues to show a tendency to recovery, al though in opposition to the course of trade. The Go vernment are large sellers of bills on Paris and London in conseiguence of some financial arrangements lately entered into. Although the news from Buenos Ayres by telegram from Liverpool seems to threaten a great cheek to the barmy progress of that State — the enema don of Drquiza having thus ter been successful—no dis position wee manitosted to press sales of Buenos Ayres bonds, and their price was fairly maintained. The lists for the issue of the £'62o 000 remaining of the Turkish loan of 1858. at an. were closed on Monday, immediately after the commencement of business, and when it wits found that the whole amount had boon rea. dtly taken, the mine instantly went up to 65. The final %notation was M. An erroneous improeslon prevailed that the issue was in the hands of the former contrac tors; but it appears that the sale of the bonds was ef fected by the Turkish Government to the Ottoman Bank. and that they have been placed on the market through that establishment. The new Indian five per cant. loan was steady at 105,1 e?s". The Daily News says "An instalment of 13 per cent. on the Russian loan. making ea per cent. paid to wards 68, falls due on Saturday next." No telegram has yet been received, an:in:ening the ar rival, at Marseilles. of the light portion of the mails from Australiaand l y B o e mba n of the Bank of France will be published on Friday next. The screw steamer Indian. the lose of which is re ported. was insured for about £40,000, one-half of which will fall upon Lloyd's. The following is from the Times' city article. Deoem bar 7th: Tuesday was settling day in consols, and the market has shown increased buoyancy, the .upptr of money being abundant and the quotations from Paris very fine. The opening bargains were at Wittier, an advance of 3s". and the ultimate prices were PUTS for money, end 914 toyi, or 953‘ch ec div dend for the lath January. The transfer books of India stock closed on Tuesday: those of consols will close on Thursday, and three of the India loan Tuesday week. the 1311 i. There has been a good demand in the discount mar ket, and the general rate continues at 216 47 cent. French Benter closed at 711"350. The rates cm Austria were slightly lower. .ClO,OOO has been recovered from the Royal Charter." A Iprther reduction took place in the shares of the Illinois Central and the third mortgage of the New York and B•ie, LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, Deo. 5 end 6 The business tnansenten in Cotton was limited, and sales for the two days barely reaoh 12,000 bales. 2.600 nn speculation and for export. Prinee in the buyer's favor. LONDON CORN MARKET Dee. s.—Market dull, at about Met Mend sy'e rates, ba t . ocoasionally is less was a r.IMPOOL CORN AND BREADSTUFFS MAR KET, Dee. 6 —Beninese doing in Wheat is et pre %lone rater. Flour—A slow sale and rather lower. Oata—The turn in favor of the buyer. Indian Corn in fair non immetive demand. LONDON PRODUCE AND PROVISION MARK T, Deo. 6.—Ter, inaotive. Suer active. Cone firm. Rice heavy. Moleases, West India, Itielas Jir ewt. Saltpe tre firm. Tallow heavy. P. Y. C on the snot. Sanas tr cwt. Linseed end Olive Oils dull. Spirits of Turpen tine St er.les t,n cwt. Scotch Pig Iron firm at Moats .1.1 cash, mixed num- Imre. THE LATEST. (By Tales ranh to Bol;thnmpton.l vicaroot., Wednesday, Deo. 7 P._:N.—Catton—The sales of to-day are estimated at 6,000 Wes at unaltered prlooll. Atinreadit Me Vllet ovialoris are dull. STILL FURTHER FROM EUROPE THE NORTH AMERICAN AT PORTLAND AD VIC3CkI TO Bth DICOEMEnzu COUNT MERCIER APPOINTED FRENC MINISTER TO WASHINGTON. THE GREAT EASTERN TO BE MORTGAGED Decline In Cotton—Consols 975;.197.14 PORTLAND, Dec. 8 —The steamer North American, from Liverpool on the 7th. and Queenstown on the Bth instant, arrived at this port this evening. Her adviees are one day later than thine furnished by the steamer Vanderbilt. Count Manner has been appointed French Ambassa dor to Washington, in plate of Count Sartiges, who goon to Holland. . . The ship Neptune, from New Orleans, wee run into at the mouth of the Mersey bye steamer. The amount of damage done is unknown. Moody. mate of the American 'bin Mary, had been condemned to penal servitude for life, for the murder of &sailor. THE LATEST. [WY TELECIIIII;11To (WitriNartiWN. Lonna, Deo. B.—The Tunes' city artiole ol Wednes day evening nays: " The Enslieh funde are again very buoyant to-day, and nearly all descriptions of 10C1111- ties have likewise shown an upward tendency. " There has been a fair. but not pressing, demand on the discount mat et and the Mao was good to the last." The directois p the Qreat F.astern Comean• finding themselves tomb a to present their statement in time. have postponed the Meeting of the shareholders till Ja nuary 7th. The Daily News says that In the meanwhile, with a view to provide for meating the company's liabilties. the board ha., +arranged to raise money upon security of the vessel, or in other words to mortgage her. Paste. Wednesday.—The Wino( bills discounted by the Bank of France have advanced considerably. Funds are leas active, but steady. Ramos &Manly. Foreign Commercial Intelligence. [By the North American.] 1/1171611P00L, Thursday. Dee. 8.-413 y Telegraph to Queenstown.l—Cotton—The sales of to-day aro esti wsito sales of the put two speculators. The Market fdak a 4(lom telt fiaency. ric7t l wathstandiog the improve demand. Borne circulars say a. decline or do has been aubsotted to. Breadstuff* are quiet, bat steady. Provisions are dull. Lori DON. De C. d• — I.BY Telojraph I—Consoli are quoted at 97,4jet974. You no Moen Dirrat.lnv Usiox ow Futeutx MELD —On Friday evening, Dr. rhelton Marken sle delivered a lecture, for this Eociety, in Tempo ranee Hall, to a largo auditory. Tho second leo lure of the oottree will be given by the Itev. Mr. Millie, of this city. PHYSIOLOGICAL AID &clam—Dr. S. M. Lan -44, wjlo bile been very popular as a leoturor in the West, elucidating the Laws of 'lnman Life, will this evening deliver the first of four lectures, in behalf of the Physiological Aid hooiety. his subject to-night will be "Success and Failure in Life." He will speak In Concert Hail, and the proceeds aro to be used for relieving the indigent sick. TUE Sams OF VALI:ABLE AND ELEGANT LONDON Boon will oommenoe this evening, at six and a half o'oloolc, at Thomas I t Sone BUOIIOII MOM, South Fourth ;Arcot. It is a consignment direct from London, and comprises many very splondid works. Sale of ten Ane socond•haud pianos, this morn• ing, by order of Receiver. To CAPITILIIITB, Bustx zits Mn,'S All.—Real estate and stocks, to-morrow, at twelve o'clock, noon, oomr rising several estates, inoludieg the late Mr. Bailey's, 42 Chestnut street, estate of John Fitzwater, deceased, valuable business stands, stocks, loans, do. See Thomas & Sons' catalogues and advertise ments of the three sales. PARE INSURANCE COMPANT.—Wo direct the at tention of our readers to the removal of this young and flourishing institution, the announcement of which will be found In another part of our paper to-day. The offloe ot thin company has heretofore been at 411 Chestnut erect. This morning it opens at lie now quarter; No. 400, nearly opposite the ot. floe of The Press. Through the courtesy ot the Secretary, William I. Blanchard, Eeq., we were admitted to an advanoe glimpse of their large and commodious rooms on Saturday. We congratulate the ‘' Fame" upon their additional facilities to servo their friends and the publio. SALE OF VALUABLE PAINTINGS.—Thts morning at 10} o'clock, at the southeast 'corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, will be sold a private collection of choice gallery and cabinet paintings by ancient and modern artists, comprising many valuable pictures. T. Birch it Son, auctioneers. Anat. 31tnn AND BASLE FURS AT AUCTM.— Include 4 in the eel° of furs this morning, by B. Soott, Jr., auotioneer, 431 Chestnut street, will be found an invoice of warranted sable, mink, Rus sian sable, and Hudson Bay sable, together with other fashionable furs. Also, Tory fine first quality wolf, bear, and fox robes. LrCTURTI AT GER9ASTOWN. - The Rev. J. Wheaton Smith will deliver a lecture at Ger mantown this evening, on "The Land of tho Prophets." We aro indebted to Messrs. Adams & Co. far early copies of New Orleans papers, reoelvtd by their lightning express. 111===1 WOULD TIM SOOTII PROFIT DT Dim:lox I—A correspondent of the National Iniolligencer puts the question of profit and loss to the South from disunion in a very clear light. Himself a slave holder, and " a sufferer as much by losses from proximity to Mason & Dixon's line, as any man South of it," he says: " Yet for all this I am utterly unable to see that we of the South will at all better ourselves by re nouncing altogether' our connection with the North. Shall we be removed a hair's-breadth further from the North? Shall no cease to hear the ravings of madmen or tint delusions of fanati cism? Shall we, ses aliens and foreigners, have a better claim upon the conservative element still existing at the North than we now have as mem bers and brethren of the same Confederacy? Every ono of these interrogatories MOst be answered in the negative. What, then, do wo gain? WV, directly in the teeth of the true but expressive and oomprehensive sentiment recently attributed in your columns to the famous Talleyrand, namely, Happy is the nation without frontiers,' we gain an immense boundary, subjeot at all times and at all places to =uclt forays as old Ossawatoulfellrown has recently inaugurated at Harper's Ferry, and with no Penn sylvania Judge or Governor to hold a merely KW wcted fugitive, to give a sister Commonwealth time to identify him, as recently woo the case with the fugitive Hazlett, arrested at Carlisle. Is such an act as this to weigh nothing or ho acoOunted us no compensation for the wild ravings of deluded men and women, led on and encouraged by that most dangerous of all mon, the merely ambitious politi eel demagogue ? Unhappily, the South as well as the North has its full share of this class of men." r t: 7- A good story is told by tho Ohicago Times about the appointment of postmasters in that State. Ono appointep wee compelled to decline, for the roasop3 get forth below : Du= Stn: Although I aoknortlodgo tit() honor of my appointment, I regret to say that I hove yet an unexpired term of Ave yearn to nerve in the ponituntiary, which compels mo to decline your ilaVering offer." THE CITY. ANUIVEMENTtI THIS EVENING AltintlCAX ACADJIMY 07 Mime. Broad and Looost Street*.—" Bon Giovanni." WALNUT-NT/MET TlMer - ir curp - i ~- .7 c u7tVgit o t it: Ninth stesAg h —:' Bhendy A1.,1.. li t e miumee. Country " — Ha nan inn , WEIUTLET & CLAIMICS ./11411 - l A TNI4T TIIIATII; Arob street. Chore But . _ . — • Pim =man unman —'• An Old fender "—'• O Toodhea.' NATIONAL Tit ZATRI. Walnut street, Eier h i and NinO.—" The Dream of ChtvalrY' The F litch of Bacon." TIMPLIC or We - spans,porthenat corner Tenth and Chestnut etreets.—Signor McDonovan' s Oar yr ire*, Rao. street. below Thud.— Entertainments nightly. METROPOLITANHALL Sayne's Commonwealth Bvid in g Chestnut street, near Sixth.—" Thiodon's a mum of Art." ACADEM FINE Ants, Chestnut strest.—" A Dream of Ita ly "—" The Martyrdom ot John Rum. &a." Trio. Centre oa SATVRDAY.-7100 bearing of a writ of habeas corpus in Krafts' case for argon occu pied the best portion of the day in the Court of Quarter Sessions. The startling details of this whole matter have recently been made familiar to our readers. In addition to what we have heretofore puldished, we have learned that extensive preparations had been made for setting fire to Kralts' store also. The Fire Marshal found under the cellar stairs a ten gallop can of camphene, the bottom of which had been pierced, letting the fluid run out over a pile of wood and shavings all ready to apply the match. From this it would appear that after firing the tiviery and seeing its destruction iaevitable, it was Krafts intention to fire the store also. and tints bag some $7.01:0 insurance upon property. worth less than 83.000. Krafts was to have been married in a few ems to a German lady of great respectability and possessing some property. Tne lady is determined, in cane limits escapes from conviction, to marry him, but if found guilty, is then wil lin • to give him up and say amen to his sentence. Moreover, she has aided him in obtaining counsel. and is determined that if convicted it shall not be because be has wit had every opportunity to clear himself. The lady, however, will not receive min unless he is hono• rably acquitted. Meantime Krafts is play ing a queer game with his late parser. Mr. Teubner, and though he had but 4200 when he came Into the concern, demands Steal before he will relinquish hie claim In the concern, in addition to a hall interest in the book accounts. Nis trial will coins off to-morrow. Judge Allison refused to dis charge him on Saturday upon less than sn,ooo bail. Ile was unable to give So much ' and was remanded to pri son. Ile is revesented by Messrs . David Paul grown and Gustavus repre sented Willuun Keating, the head and front of the Schuyl kill Rangers for a number of years , was on Saturday sentenced to tour years' immisitament in the h paniten- VlLLiteniTgeggrodgArtitteanrtly-utOidtaned house bard furcate. Its was sentence" on that conviction, and is yet to receive sentence for arson, of which also tie stands con victed. For this he will probably receive three or our y ears more. Keating has been a terror to the city or years past, and has literally laughed jus tice to scorn through a long career of crime. Richard W. Peters was sentenced to four arul a half hears' imprisonment. Me was a boarding house end otel thel, and named on his nefarious mind with unblushing effrontery. Rim heart failed him, however. when the terrible primped was realised, and burying his face in Iva hands he Monied into an agony of grief as the tipstave removed him from the prmuneee dock. fits ease s' cold be a waffling to thole who see in indo lent rascality a charm whichhonest labor does not Pre sent. The next ease is Moses Lowther, another terror to the co- inanity. Lowther was for a long time the head and front fit a band of ruffian, in the lower part of the city, called garoters. He has been arraigned on charges of larceny. rape, riot, highway robbery, and arena. He was convicted at last of the latter offence through the agency of the Fire Marshal, and was sentenced to the penitentiori for three years. boorge Wellington, a member of the same gang, woe at the same time sentenced to two years. His alias is Tiopy Flippers, lie weals scamp on li ly seoond in reek leanness to his prototype Lowther. 'he whole batch of these worthies are now removed from their former sphere, and it In hoped that other members of the same gonna of marauders raise?arn from their example that. even an a matter of honestr p - as best. The other buomese transacted in the courts was de void of nubile interest. WHAT MR. PETERS DID SAT AT THE MEETING DDIIIDRIDIT BEIORI THE NATIONAL Hatt..—" Is it not monstroue, my fellow-citizenr, that here, to our ot ty of Philadelphia,, on this avenue of our trade. that we have to assemble in thin mighty moat. to rebuke such heresies to our Constitution and our extended interests as are to be tittered in that hall! We are here to rebuke a revolution of law; we are here to rebuke the authori ties of this city for Parmitunr it. The right of !pooch, tike ail rights, nag its limit. ; and those lirnita are transcended in that hall. Doctrines such as those in culcated there will bring destruction open rte, not only on the man of aecumutated 'wealth, not only upon the merchant a '0 tradesman, but upon those who are the foundation of all erotic, of all proseenty—the laborers of the land. laboT he e e m s tsl n b e o No r h mto lion g s a o n f nee an o e m xpo en ri n it g s tights; separated from that Southern influence, it would become the slaves of Capital. The houses on each ode of this splendid thoroughfare armild be idle. or at half the rent, if each doctnnes as are inculcated in that halt are permitted, labor will eine in value to Euro:can standards. and two shillings or fifty cents, or two francs or forty cents will inevitably he the standard; all branches of tedustra, all kinds of property, all enter prises will sink into a mass of ruin ; indolence. and pov erty, with its attendants. crime and misery. will to upon us if doctrines such as are preached in that ball go unranked. • . •• The sympathy for Drown is an abomination, ema nating from a fanatical spirit. He has been likened to your Washington, and to the son of that great God who hold. the destinies of this entire globe. Did any of you ever see this murderer Brown Um: have net, a have; and a dirtier creature never came out of the dock of your Quarter &Icons. Neither Ma face nor his ap• pearanoeindloatNl anything but what he was—eh:reline bravo. His bravery was disgraced by hi. inhumanity ; hie religion made ! ai lsacnleus by fatiatioism. You may shout Union ! Union ut it won't do : action is what is wanted—notion political,legal,and legislative." HEALTH Orrice, Don. 17, 18.59.—The number of interments in the city of Philadelphia for the week ending December It, at 12 o'clock, as 10a Last report.._ Apolex.... ........ ... 3 Casu p altie y s ..... 3 Croup 11 Congestion of Brain .... a Lungs.— 6 Consumption of Lungs • Sal Convulsions Dropsy Chest a , It sense Heart........... 6 Debility.... .... —... •• • 4 Fever Scarlet 10 1 " T 3 yp Typhoid Inflammatio h Bronchi.. 3 Liver 2 " Lunen.. ~.. 21 0 IL &Bowels. 6 Inanition . S Mania a-F0tu....... .. 2 Ntare5mu5............ .. 6 Old Age g i ltihnn Bl 17 Suicide . 1 Unknown..,.... 2 1 Whooping Cough...—. 3' tales ...... Females .. 80 . Under I year. Between I sad 5.... A1m5h0 u5e........... Pe0p1e of c010r...... Country • Other diseasee....— ..... 90 ARTHUR HUG}TEB, T0ta1...,,......_...2001 Health Offieer. A SIXOrLAR DEAga.—ceueu daisretricti,irhile one of Hie Third street passenger ears was crowded with prisengere, two men crowded norm them. Their were °Powell Lomax and William Xnlhdejeh. The former is an Englishman, and the latter is of Ger man descent. The twos mning into. close quarters. albfletscb wee pushed air the platform by Lomax. His font slipped under the wheel, and the dense of the car crushed the toe. The man limped homeward, and went to had. His font swelled to a great extent. tit*. by the aid of fomentation,. began to Beal. On lburadaY. he was seised with tetanus. commonly called look-jaw and, on Friday ni..ht he died. amid a•onies so horrib e that death was a happy relief. His yaws were perfectly rigid. Fa) much so that not a particle of nourishment cnn!d be introduced between hie teeth. The faculty of speech was. of course, lost. end in_this terrible condi tion he expired. He resided j Wood street. below Frankford road, and leaves a wife and several children. On Saturday morning, a warrant wu obtained for the arrest of Lomax, who had pusheibthe deceased Awn the ear. Re was nominated to prison to await the ac tion c olic Grand Jury. A CHANDELIER FOR Navy ORLEARB.—Warner, Mulkey, & hlerrill, in Chestnut street, below Eighth. have lust finished an elegant sanctuary lamp for the church of Saint Alphensue, at hew Orleans. The mas sive lamp, or chandelier. is clear-plated, and it is ap propriately adorned with sacred emblems. The cross is made to form a portion of the °baton by which the fix ture is euspended, and in which it is noorporated. The lamp itself is ornamented with cherubim, lambs. doves, &o. The work Is elegantly executed. and it forms one more evidence of the superior skill of Phila delphia made lamps and chandeliers to be sent abroad. Acctngotu,—On Saturday afternoon a child, named William Fond. about four yearn of ace. broke his arm by falling, flejesided in a little street, milled Stewart street. near Tooth and Christian, With his parents. He was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. A lad, named Leathernerry, about fifteen years of aged, and residing at Wood and Lemon streets. wes Chatham by a railroad car.at (Term:kr:town road and street. and set erely 'toured. The injury as ettrlbuted solely to carelessness on t a part of the boy. He was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. COUNTEIWEIT MONEY.—Oa Friday night, three men, gis - ins tie names of Patrick Elton. Thomas Flynn, and James 0 Connor, WTe arrested on the charge of passing counterfeit half dollars. They were searched by the of and tour bogus maces of money found Olt their person. They protested their ignorance oh the character of the money. swing that they bad Creceived it in good faith. They hada hearing before onimitsioner Honzlitt. on Saturday morning, who held them for a further hearing. ARREST OP A SROPLITTER.—On Saturday even ing ()ewer Ilenderaon arrested a namesake, named MUT Henderson, on the charte of ihopliftmg. Alarge amount of property was found upon her person. Some of it was recornised by a dmernit, at the corner of Walnut and Tenth streets. Alderman Brazier bold her is the sum of SU for a further hearing. Fine.—About four o'clock yo3terday morning a one-dory frame hui:dine, located on Market street, near Tt inV,ast Phdadel rhos, was complrtel. destroy . - ed by fire. It was owded and occupied by Henry li. Brown. an a second-hand furniture store. Damage about e2OO. STABBING CABE.—A man named John Carron wU stabbed in the nose yesterday afternoon, .at the come, of Callowhill and Nineteenth 'qiets, &Irma an affray. The uuury was a slight one. The perpetrator is at large, and to unknown to the nettle. Rownrisu.—At an early hour ori Saturday morning, a party onf rowdies named In a Seta in Street's tavern. op Tenth 'treat below Walnut. During the affray one of the ptrtEes was stabbed in the*. Three of the rowdies were arrested. ALARM 0i FIRE —There nee an alarm of fire on Saturday evoniny, ocoaconed by the bernhts of a foal chimney at union and Stoat streets. New York Stook Exchange...Deo. rt. ascelle suite. 1f1V , 360 Reading R 411( do b3O 11013; 26 Mich Cent 39 1Z " g) d 0...... 9017 a 'l6O ransom R.._ 130.134.4 60X1Tenn ~.....90x1 60 d 0... bnw.l33 60 111 Cent R. bda.... SllOllO 1 11 . Cent ....160 91 100 N I' Central R.... 784.100 do ......... itikr 110 do 78's foodo. 99% Gs Erie Rdo 70' SU Gal A.- Ch'icago R... 60N es .6 .. 4eo do . . 9 19000 do do . ...... .kel) sr l 60 lied Rev].... .300 42 1 4 160 do s3 foN 100 do . . 4254 104 ChM A Tot R. .0130 t9 l / 2 AA) F. hlh,i3t9 Chio RI R oho tati lo° Diadem Ilk 9 , 100 109 6'34, 100 Rending R do 63 5 4 THE MA RKETS. Pburra has been quite doll to-day. Prices have par tially declined Co per bushel. Sales have been confined to 3 all tibla State and Western. Gal bble Southern, and 23' bbie Canada Whasv.7-Small aides only have been effecte in cluding white Kentpeky at el goal 66. white Mic higan at .91.4501.911, white southern at 51.40. and red State at etwr. Total amount 501d.4 ogi bushels. Coa3,—Sn'es 19000 bushels. et 92095 e. 'or new white end Yellow .lerser and Southern; ago. for old yellow Soul. ern. and $1 for mixed Western. lie a is quiet, at former rates. 11 tat.er has been in moderate request, at unchanged figures. Oar , . are less active, yet firm. Acmes eel siowly. at previous quctations. Correa le quiet, but otherwise unchanged. P 90115111 4 are J ilipl4 , tng bl heavy ; Mesa Pork, ,sie r Y7l .2 let..li t uyers offer 270 ; holders aik3Ltio. sl}' gallon. No important saxes. LT' The Sussex Democrat. the organ of the an si.i,ccoraptou party in Dr. Diggs' district, has the following : "It is high time that these Southern blusterers learned that the spirit of Old Riokory yet lives among the people, and that the free people of the North are not to be Intimidated by such idle threats ; we are not yet reduced to the degraded condition of the plantation slaves. We repeat again, that if the Administration wishes to prevent the election of a Republican Speaker, let It take the only way in which it can be Bono—tell its friends Logo for an anti-Lecompton Democrat. If this Is refused, and it shall be found that no candidate can get a majo rity of all the votes, there' will be no other way of organizing the House, and going on with the Go vernment, but to do as they did in 1849, when Howell Cobb, now Secretary of the Treasury, was elected Speaker, and again in 1815, when Banks was elected—adopt a resolution that the candidate having the greatest number of votes shall be elected. Should a Republican then bo elected, the whole responsibility will rest upon the Admin istration," Ca' Mr. Mumma, former editor of the Allen town Demon at, has purchased the Lucerne Union, and will take charge of it about the let January. We congratulate him upon his return to the edito rial brotherhood, and trust he may find it pleasant and profitable. HoST TO MiKZ A Were Ihrpr,—Present her with LadJ, Webster, t Co.'t Improved &wisp Ma th toe—the most useful and beautiful article to be found. They have taken numerous First Premiums this year el,r all others. Call Cue see them, at WO Chesnut street, no xwro 'l3 t raa The Money Market. Pinbaorirata. December tr. lint. The approaches; sad ot the year lir Aga muse demand into the mousy market, Umiak mat anatudip miss the rates. The banks here are to loving a rather mstnetire bee amain", but the `best paper is readily sold et the brokers' odlose at not Much above' his& fates, vials the disinclination at eaPiteists to tench second sad third fife paper ht so dell known that little or AQUI Ls armed 7. for sale on the street. . The market far foreign indurate has been what dell. - The ledeeendeet says that Brown Brothers 4 co. eon- = - dozily lowered their rates for sixty day bills to klehi, sellgns foreash. This wee dorge, it is thorny, solely to effect a dee' me in the rang for commercial and Eleuth era brae, of which they ate buyers, to gond/ their Deal overdrafts, it being generally supposed that the house has oversold exchange, The fever. into whisk the New, York speculators fell lately about Pao: fie Mail Steam s`,ip stock, raising its - pries wits has subsided even more rapidly than it was mis-d, and the stoelrnow sells at 761077... The directors of the common; sad *wino; the initiated, are generally 'opposed to have Ynade a - good thing of it." The stock Market is sluggish in tin' extreme. 'Ottrf - Gas end Railroad sixes sold at Elmira first-mort gage brought 51, and the second-mortgage b on d,. uri ; Cataviala first-mortgage sevens sold at 321:: &hay Will Navigation stun, interest off, at psi; North Pennsyl vania sixes 63, and the stock 834 ; Lehigh Valley sixes . Reading Railroid shares brought 91ta, Pennsylva nia Railroad 363 i, Norristown 483 i, awl Long Island - The bondholders of the Pit.aborg, Port 'Wayne, and Cbioa,go /tamed Company are ient•d to a meeting at. Pittsburg, on Wednesday. 1 :member 21, to consider upon the affairs of the eompany, and their owe intereate. The employs es of the company in APesheny are on a strike for their November wages, which have not been Soma two hundred, mainly else bandsi hare quit work. The Pottsville Miners' Journal to-day has the fol towing concerning the coal trade The trade is over by the canals, mid the demand for coal has materially fallen otrduriu the last ten dam The stook in the market is not large, and if the winter should prove severe the market will be cleaned out by the opening of navigation next sprint. The quantity sent by railroad and canal during the year, compared with last year, is as follow): 1859. ISSCI Inerense. 1142.= 90288 1X1,804 1,371,03 47035 Railroad —... 2.360,535 3 004333 337.643 The whole increase from Schuylkill county thus year is 119,81.1totut independent of the Pinegrove coal trade. (a portion of which is only embraced in the shore.) and which will not materially vary this quantity, The in crease from all the anthracite regions this year will be about one million Wm of coal. of ading' Solna/WU county has furnished 117,843 tons, fall of Which. and more too. we learn, is from the Ashland region.) /eating 362,157 tons increase from the other regions. niaLADECIRHIA STO' OK EXCHANGE sm.ta. December 17. WA. flairoivaz sr B. If. Starnes'''. 311% Walnut Street. FIREIT HOARD. 1000 City 64 It C&P..e..983‘1 100 Corn & Mn 6+'Bl —81.4 6000 F.lm 2tl m 76 I boti/..14.‘il 10 , 0 Cataw lit in 73 1000 I.ehitth Val EL 6a .87 3000 &hull Nor ea 'B2 _AM N Penns B,4et 20 do 100 Rea ding e o d b 6 100 .. bit do BBTWES, 1000 Elmira 24 In 7....„W 1000 do 000 do .10k Raadmm R...easb. 110.1 do .mmh.-.Te at , DO do 4 p_6131114 RIM 10de).....1Di SI Norristown R 44N SO do . At" It do ....... 48.ai 100 R. Lout . -- .1 . 4 SO do I4l Ai: , 133 Carbon Ron BOARDS. 1000 Chum lit m 7a... 4, Penn; R.....na4h...34N, SECOND BOARD. 400 Penult ....93 6000 City Gs now gas .. 93%;" aOOO dP -961/2 MOTd 16000 do eub..ll 11 . 500 T2sdt Nay& WS) City 6s 1090 Elwin lit Es us —JD ; czoaura PRIC/18—STEADY. Bid. Islsd. sses,t..' U. States 5s 71.. .102'Llt1 Nev, pref. Jai Jai Phiai —.AN 99 i mosn't &. 1 IX 9 . 3 Ist ImmosTs7 Ne5r.....1011 101 " 91r.1134 13 Pon=s —92 N 911 ,r h ig Nand ... 11N Reeding, 19), gp lieu 48 . 1‘ „tc, jai - I ,, il'e ilia 6 . " - - iii T rti m diria" 1i , I 7:1 P•maZ-s; - ricrtt R.._. Jaiar Tniar K i siii,, t . BOUM Nt• t. 3 3 Bch Nam Imp 66...71 17 Uhee Wal its R.. 16 14141 Kohl Nev stook.. •• Ai MI Philadelphia Markets. DZCEMDCR IT—Evening. The Plow might remains ineatire, and the sales con. fined to the wants of the tradeat linens within ma range of SS 2605 50 for superfine. 26.623.in5.87hi for extra*, gavel° fur family, and 867567 per bbd for fus ty lOW es to Ittielltn• 1 here is very little inquiry for shipment and etandapd brands are held atlfig-IDGeb Per bbl,. fie latter for good straight lots. Rye Floor to setting in a small way at $13732. Corn Meal is lint lit tle inquired for and Prune is warre and firm at #3.73 y Rd. Wheat—There 11 , 01 much off.) ratherdar, but the &mend has fallen off and eriees avor the buyers, some 3.001:1 bus pnmo Penne red only haring bean disposed of at 131mL15e. part delivered at the form errata. White a to'd at Me WV. and little Or nething doing. Rye costumes in demand and scaree at Stle. for Penna. and 900 for Delaware. Cora in acti re sire tome ins rather better ykriesi• 6ED nos new yellow sold at Tinnic for damp. 77c for and Sod= Tor dry iota at the depot. including some *fry at a prim hyrt pnrate. mid to be at ALM cents. and GOO bus whits nt7Ge. Oats are steady at 433i0 for Delaware, and art for Penna.. hat there is not much doitut,_ Sark—First No. 1 Quereitron is held at 526 4P' tee. Cottoia—Them e no change to rote, and a small business doing in the way of sales. Grommet-Ih* movement is fair; et sale of Rio Coffee was mint:tat 1.20. usual terma,flied some refined Suter. to street of the market; at foil 'mks& Pro onions—The market continues at • staad-attil:sed without any chance* to wete. • Seede—Thero wog much Cloremeed olloriNt. but sales of We bus Are re lented at $5.5 r i li e lkor See <MM. Prima is wanted at rOr kih i rn t h ti33443 for k s:l l l i h a bli V ; at ald t 27 ' Ohio do. CITY ITEMS; FAIR AT TUE BUTTONWOOD STREET PILRSITIL• nun Catgut—The ladies of the Prerbyterian Church, Buttonwood street, above Fifth, (Rev. T.-J. Blew= plrd's,) are now holding a fair of fumy and useful arti cles, suitable for holiday gift,: in the basement of that edifice. the proceeds of which are for the bowie of the congregation. The excellent taste with whiohlt, has /Amami. And the ;roper spirit with which tt is conducted. are worthy of smut• Lion, and we cheerfully commend it to the liberal patronage of the bleeds of that congregation.. and the community in general It - will be open every day during the present week, from se A,M. tole P. Xt, B. W. CARRYL & CO-'8 (114. Chestnut street) list of articles mutable fora Holiday present A case containing I dos. Nut Picks, either pearl, plated, or ivory handles. A case containing 1 dozen Desert or Pratt Rainer" with ivory, pearl, or plated handles. A case containing a pair of fine plated and gilt Balt Cellars and Spoons. •A ease oontnininy a plated Nails. Fork. and Spoon for a child. A case containing a beautiful plated, eluiaed, and gilded Child's CUP. A case of rosewood containing a Dinner and Tea eat of Table Cutlery, with Paul, ivel7. or plated handle,- A case containing I dozen plated :int ricks. and two plated Nat Cracks. A ease or chest containing alnlt Braakfast. Dinner. and Tea service of Carty! tc Co.'. fine platedware. A beautiful chased and plated Pitcher, Beirsfe and Goblet to witch. A tine Breakfast, Dinner, o• Supper Cutor. A richly chased and plated Cake Basket or Fruit Stand • A gilded. chased. and plated Spoon Vase or Reck. - A plated Egg Boiler. with gilled cups and three• minute glees attached• A pair of floe plated Batter Dishes. A Magic Sugar Dish—that can also be used as a Butter Dish. A case containing two, six, or one dozen fine plated Napkin Rings. A beauliful plated filagree Card Basket. A fine Toast Reek, Syrup Cup, or Spoon Holder. A finely engraved Cake, Fish, Pie, Crumb, or lee- Cream Knife. A plated Tete-a:tete set.with Cup and Saucer. A Sugar Basket, lined 'with Bohemian Glass or Gold. A plated Urn, Rattle, or hot Milk Pitcher. An Ice Pitcher, with ta'ver and Bowl. A plated CbaA-g, Vezetable, or Entree Dish. - A French Balance Calfitier. with plated hlouritsats. A beautiful Cabin, Bird Care. An elegant French Willow Work Stand, or a dewing A Lunch Basket, furnished complete, for travelling. A sat of Gold, Gilt, and Enameled Tea Traya. A carved Bread Plate or Trencher, with Bread Knife to match. A Child's Table or Rocking Chair, with one thousand and one ( I fell other useful articles, to all of whisk the attention of those in want of Christmas presents to in vited. E W. essay!. .t Co., manufacturers of fine Silver Plated Ware, and importers of Horse Furnishing situ ales, 714 Chestnut street, Fhiledelphie. Q. G. Era-re' Girt Boot STORE. No. 07 Chestnut street Buy your Holiday Books at Evans' Buy your Holiday Booka at Erealle Buy your Holiday Books at Evans' Buy your Holiday Boob at Erse' Gift Book Store, Gift Book Btors, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store. 'Ti. the best elute In the city. • 'Tie the &eat place In the city. 'Tis the beet place in the city. 'Ti. the best piste in the city. All Books are gold as cheap as at any other stare. All Books are sohl as cheap neat any other store. All Books are sold as cheap., at ear other store. And you hare the advantage, And you hare the advantage. Ar.d you hate the advantage. Or getting a Gift with each Book. Of getting • Gilt with each Book, Of getting a Gift with each Book. CAL!. IN, AND ONE TRIAL WILL cocvtacg TOE That it is the beat place in the city to purchase Boots. at Gsonoz G. Evaxs', Originator of Me Gtft Book Business, No. 419 Chestnut street. Try. EAU LUSAIIA.LE Hera RETORATIVE re ceives the approbation of the moat scientific men in the morld. It cleanses a.d renovates the cuticle of the head, prevents the hair felling off, and renders the hair soft. glossy'. And inclined to curl. No lady's toilet is complete 'without it. Sold by eli Drr.se.ists, and by JUIrES HAUEL A CO., No.7W CUESTNIIT Street, Philadelphia. • dr) 6tlirjt ON F.XMBITION -ECttOLACEK 3 Co.'s NEWLT-INVENTID 8,4e/or, GRAND. AND PATAAr GaAND ACTION PIAxo.—SCHOMACKER & CO. re apectfully mite tho mune-loving nubile to enlist their Warorooms, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street. and ex amine their great improvement. They have Just re ceived from their exteninve factories one of each of these instruments, to which they invite the latent on of connoisseurs and the public generallr. The tone is of a peculiar excellence, such as has never been obtained heretofore by any manufacturer. These instruments are finished in the highest order—chalfinge all competi tion. SAYING FuITD - -NATIONAL &Flak: TWAT ComPariT.--Chaztered by the Btste of Pezuuriteittlie RULES. -- - I. Money is received every day, rod in any anart.at, arse or small. L FIVE PER CENT. interest ix paid for money from the day it it put tn. 3 . The money is always paid bank in GOLD 'glean er It is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Adminiatraters. Guardians, and other Trustees. in large or mall sums, to remain a long or short period. P. The money received from Depositors Is Invested in Real Estate. Mortgages, Ground Rants, and other fire, clue securities. 6. Off' cie open every day—WALNUT Iftreet, aciathived corner Third street. Philadelphia. aaL WIMELNIt aD WILSON SWING MACHIN/IS. —Philadelphia Mee. Si 9 CHESTNUT Street hlerohants' order* filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Braaoh otEoes In Trenton. New Jersey, and E.t.a and Weatehester. „ a.9-LAMP Duar—SUMil AND ASCII. spaHlal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers