ittatto4loo4o: l l ol2 Ls: irvertlintairoiticput case Num. 7-- s (1 &*D VAltillTiatiestint - rt..„ , Wm' Ninth: ' *AI, 'a.:., .11DkitskIrtniitli larristpint '‘ % m ttlit; ''' ' k ,,,,6:1 ; 41 c iee,,,, , ,k t , : br : f,,,,ik:.... l i s letvlß:rria m r ..:y l: :: . .4 .. V.. It- 4 A i-: ', V4iftrg.„,Tßo f fol1 5 '• Itslu to rl .s . u ti ta N o 4l 6 lol)l ! ) .: F i ahil ,.... w i i , 7 l:l 7 ) ;: r:N pi v. v .. A .. 4: 22.k,...... , ~,,, * ttne,i t eifit ' n av e 4 , ..f. , r , ~,, , ..o 6.A. , 11 4, ration , 1 mth q uersin :' .`aw _rwt Tenn M - 1113mB8 it Chicago"., 0 p Tom li. 80 - < n .if Rh " ( tVI M ass .i • .-a • ''' 0 statictic Portland • g g clam eS. g4iin'„d . pm miller, W Marrlam ;*- Via k r, cr ,••.. ', : T A in. - IV:l'm - lifer' ill :4 l4 l SW' : t;'',.' i ' . 'A 7 Wmarnsoii, N ii i . 4,3liiittup-' it -- ; , ' OM i11t° WV ' 4. Hut :, 3 B A*lllll, -Y , Js h - aii , ~ T Tli_Vntgedl9.oin • ~ iix"tsn ' K ' Y ' - '-'-'' Wm' I L v onrilli V lid bbitt,N 7.. tCriddere, London , J t.l' m ßalterrlon, ' Conn titberm , California ' H Ball, Bath More vartranG -- • N. Bruise. N Y ` ' IrM Blount, NC 4 Wl , Qmistman,N C B Stewart, Wa,shlnston Mr s " Brown , W aahing ton A er eneh dc WI:, l'hili , :: MERIIHANTB' ROT.R . L....FeWiI street low l' ill ""a 'V °4 `shin '''es i Il lt in k k v ie ft h i gt r cl a la rranl, *IWO 1 $ c l ' ' J o h n Nu nn l i k , , , ,Wm fLo firJdo, Xt. ki *Bel, 13 el° . -.. , i Oritsttrie,f .e ft wi ris t at r ir l i i i,tlaf e i, , , ,, , - . ft t , ,, ,, pi . C feaV6..T.ITY -:43oowor&a, NI, J H Edwards, Bethlehem • • AMERICAN itOTRL-7theatnut St.. glove Firth. It R. Miller. Phtla . , ~ P c Wilbqr. Phila. IL Ellis. yhite..: ~ : , -- :=,. RLA Van 0/tett,* la, Ky ' N mili ar ay . yi ,- - ' -,,-' 34 A fludnut,ff Y• - • HI. Moutgotnerri Alibi,. 0.1. MoNider. Philo E 8 Toenarn _Scirtacr ,,. .' ' mrs McWhorter ,Sc. es, Da 8 .1) Ramseur. u 8 M d - Ina 11Preattb Va • R Etna q.t.,. Baltimore ~ 0 H Barnes , Philo 1 R Freernall4,Nlr. , . , , .). die 007. 0 ftheitar , ir; R Oerstit , 'Y'.. "- ,-0 _Waeram N y Y Arrowemith, ii Y .R.T Hall. Milford, Del - *O4 MOrgatti Ye '--, • %WM Kendall & Io.N•Y 0 H eaten. Boston , 'Reif P. Peters, Boston - N Jarrett, N y_. -• _:, ~ p• KM, NI ,- - Wm IT Heer.Baltionne ,„ I win, Battnnore ' • Win 0 Da”en_o_oit, Intliens . - Atridge. Oalit'vnio - 11 1 1 Bond, N,r - .Misa Er A DoMm. Phil* 9 H chhins. ehil . W W Hubbell, phii. John oneohnoy,ma IfVT R Washburn, N Y lONES',I(6I I , g..—Ciiiitinat itieat.aLoie BittlL N X Arlami;N'Y' - „- ,' -. Alias ICA darne-'N Y - .10. M Cornell, Ptillu , •, , (ten W Xatidell, Phil% W 88 13riudenotThiln-,-,.. 'ft. B 14rmer ,33t Louis tl , „l,Nelocock. at Lpa as -.. - N. 1 mersol, , r.rY- - -r- Mo - Ms. Jr; ti 'I " - • ',' 8 Van Rgetelear, NI SAI3.O BeelpiCifirkre-,r. i % - ., V)7l74 n t ekij , M l - - - WIU P W 7' 134 t W iit 1 8 i M.., i nt er, .- m ' t e. t Lou-B - 1 hom 11. Tien fr. St Louie -, Robt Mr - Clarke. ltd Via I '9B°' N Y • — Tr il r El l i f att:l l PY 4 'o '-' spat ar.ll CI , 'WLii. tamtouitt,• - glei ' •• X DAewria, Pt I.nuin , 3 W` otteiSt Loran". .. ThrieB tico_tt_br Loam cla rrinirli; Del ' ' '- ' - .I MEIG ' ' l , l X p• b -:ftroll Bill_lOruri - ,Teibur - * • JO B_Mieng,_lits •anx uvro - 11 Th - 7 4 40. Ohio • • Ail AinTspiLypio eo.All'eoA. Y . , , fiteh, Pi Y *UM; PC Lie marett, Nevirk 'in 8 .r• Campbell -• • 4 ' t *Niir,T r rtil,it ' NI Lula,"_ ir , e J eiftTOl Ma - f‘01517 t 1 ,. ' r iAltlfili -4 i sswy..;.;ri s l , 'tt Sprrivin. N - - -•-ips llowourr,._urY J Efonnixik, NY - - . ,-. m Dotter, Viniti, D C - -_, -•.- - - - .......... ..• , - • - 11: Writ; 40XEL—Cli v e i tri l ut'elv t 3 c beetnut. INP 4 :4ll:ol, j r.ilter.: '4 B INlffitt ; , PLS . Gruen; N J " ._ * Mr* R-11 Milliken, Ind , ' - ibbnig in. Kg - ' ',le f itio al gil t K eld, N Cl j nouiro,. l& Borden. n, la• • . wln mfba 3ew a l &lfor l Y ,piiiii, - - 41,,_ 1 1.4 ult., Rhllti OM .lohtuin. Petipuburg .4411tatiata,_Vn - in Al Flatter. N.). , _ DA CApron. ri Y ..,.' ' 3 D ADlest , rill a , -.- -:' - .L.T §ehonew.l4,ll, 0 _. _ - ..',TH.N JJNION .110TEL—Aroh iltrao, abora Third 811il1er IV .1 , ' ' - Mae Hilbnta & la, Pa tylisrl;4l;CP'roridence ' k0;911.154 ' l; 4 iri llil pili l , ',II I ". . 1 .: ' ‘-: lA' Haling, Pe. ~ • -. _ . ..- itTATEII IJNitiliiioT47-Market st:alrve 1311.6. - ffitttM. P 4 ' :, : .:4 6 8Piagthiontg Co R Y-99_11 1 136Na. • - : - A Bock, Vis 0 w Kulp. Patters" Pa : Chi Leals, Patteisen, Pa PEPuloff, Mifflin-Ps . :-.11.0fe ty:Pottsville NI if irleni t trtut dlUisturfr F E ja gt%T7 re a s i t t Se: t t e el• tt rhiaburc -• , - 3 Devindualt Vittebura P " .Nl V etriii A narrisbu'rc - N Dunbar. rittaburu - E Bwi or. alechasiesburs VI , Renner, Reeding J Ilse Reamer .k. sic Readpn aII unkin, Lewistown - I Philips. Warren, fa . .. , . • Itt.IIONAL ROT4l9—iteme street. above Third. - ta'Stara: Ps' ' 0 V Johnson. Media, Pa t Rhoads, Pa ; . J 8 Jones, Media...Pa 0 4 w iritit_ Pa • - ple . O. i li va ray..:Tooo. rg Pa Jka ran-e_.l...benon,ra A 3 M Adler, Bold Massa F Fouts. Bahl Maven B°lBflatrs,, 1 A Roth, Berioak • John Matshall:LebinOn co , • • • • . street; above Fate. I. llMoittisigttios.lhel -A. eamiers. Esoton Pariamo Dal co - . 8 Bate.. Pa Miler. Philo Mt's, PM. F P Watts. ter.°hoo o „Ali Young_ Choate? no, - 18 Roberts mil's. 'Boston Wrisht. Washington Taglgart,y - ‘.l„pratt & zon• .c.onn T. 8 Wtgnar_-N Y • - It Thopitaa. NJ 8 Ettrota, Dolt o 0 W Price, Lancaster oo :C044.18-ROLitt iiOTEIr;-.BIX/h st.shofe Chestnut, GMParlicsist,N I . ' - W Potts'. Aid IS /Wootton; nid - • 41118:4 J 1 , 7 9 4,41,_•i91, 2 t1gi'z1.",?ta1me5 ? k‘P C Oilirtoi; MOsberge.:l 4 l),!2 - - paths, ..opostown- 4A.14.41" 411BAF NOTESiciotici at., below. Vine. riss hl lelloASn.Brithi op Thjaha it i t a ttr a t,hoks oo igs x s i Liz t. Dr talre r tl i i Arrn ledge .2iiti r rIP idP.RCHAR'.IIOUSE-4111rd mt. Calicaohlll. it "Doith. Jorigstogrrqk 'lV_RrandkN Y - Raolaw, ' amith, Ps - no Stighlor. Coopertaitirg le u l ( ) , e , rlL, y p i a ostown . C P wtham, Pa gqgualarit; , RR oNobb, Pa , . IittrUNi!VERNON 11.0TRL=.aaoatl t.: above Arch. :Wm Tamer, N J. • mil". Pa • •- Raft Pima!, Wilm„ 10 ughes,N - - - -BI,4OS.BRONoTRtr-Jiiiipat'itipava 0 1. quiet', Sotscguo Ass Aratitt,,nonthattiptoti".'-FP erateripreemanaburt INTELVOENCE. , sza r0pi.7.410E. -, , , - _ ~.., 1.- .-- -- ...' ,RAND A. , -•- ; ~: - . uttitMinip t.ty_of Nary Y ork, polka; ' , , ,elearea ; at Bos ton lithiaat for Phi_MiAtitiu - - - - r - • • est It i atrirbie ge*lslele"l,.Cana° i! r PPIFI !alas! • Shia, Jan -Tnoer,, atthewg,' for Ban' Prinelioo, alsared at Boston trot lost' ~.. - , .. . .. ' •ti &parka, twos , for Caleutia, cleared at isondon ebilltornalilni, Csillairliari, for New York, sailed front W slow* Oot Ist.' .., , , • ' diti a l p r-ist - fgragil l ifif. 4 t,criirw v t4 r4 . ."-4aq ...t;Hw,,iitiltl,-Nprt9ui for erasion, sailing from Bodoni -- 13 1 / 4 )&hliWittin, iiiitiki,teth,4. arrived at Charle'e li, .. n .litAitiiiiiiinS irrelanle, front Richmond, at Pro • itsitTiAiii. iiiitettsbahr Mars Landings fi J, sailed froProLdnint6th inst. - ' • , -- - - liv st , honfletiai.fiDeelrnan, altered. at Near :SW Oin init. Phioideiphia. -'•• Bar aria Bi r Co* , for Ban Franoisoo, arrived at if 1vt.e..., - ,., Itfarshman, from Cardiff for 4 sl,n C a, kot into hrtnooth Bith nit, with loss of top nom attscanst uttlica and mastheads. - Basks usailartnesv, hence. - for Guantanamo, was impoioki Bth'• i5t210.20, ion 76.2 O. ,- - , ' - ' lt Oblettp6ll. Bowel, Wassail at Charleston DAth lest r lightWADlDlDDrisolier. for Baltimore, cleared -1,w., ~ . r Pair solar: Baran:am from Bangor for Phila. ka. sat .ftontliewpott 16th Jost. , ila Rineldijilrovreil..rons Providenoe for Philadel- Alfas sail ot: fiewoort 10th - inst. Berg enzittiginuth, beams.= arrived at Savannah _Sabre ATtrielciftaitins.J C,Baater, Babcock. and A Di idttateAktutaani bones, arrived at, Charleston r al Reinhart, - Pet-mace , for Philadelphia, °leered V otthartesten lialt last. with AN tinier Cotton; /02 ohs ride:loo bids turosatinoond sundrieu - • ' - - Igissintibi Itneatol:lis Kirby, for Roy Went, cleared at Birivannah llith , trom • ---- - •.• ' , - • • • . -q,SPkt:3IiLL NOTICES. P ' tlitYtArt ALL AltD MAR NC,— 41..:/jubuns'isowthartri cersre nyAtoroth and MAO forma:44ore and brook Coats of the best 0401 %SWIM Contr. Pidenenede Coate, and Riding 1* eli 3 OM Blest styles, and a Mock at Ove reams tbidnerrinot be Arariossini la varietytst3let ar quality. A At sod 'enonpleti steak of Asa and Fanny CUM. POW Feats, of the host sa d abdiaest &brio, ands sa• sachem* of Bilk, Telast, Cashmere, arensdine, Cloth. Ashi4. end fteritinere Yeats, ail entecurde, end trimmed enrist,to customer work, expressly for rend sales, as. Mitt bde*tet his inert reernmattipricss. ' . atwon‘rittk•tojel HA* BOUDOia IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD FIRST. PREMIUM AT. EVERY BAIL 114.0110e.750 ARON et Mamie wentaL 11.42 we • • CIIO:**ASIID Nonnaatag nava 0XW111e44,011110114 - - AT ZiIttrONIV7AICII. /30 011tliBT.NtIC 871IRET. _ 1,/klifsi.l!erigricumAoni se -_ w tt rt ft szoinzu ! SAF2B.—A very hargeosartmeafo' fIIALAMANARREI for ea iltreasoir ottear NtkXl onsTpuT &now phibmwoda. - WItANR It WATSON SAAJOIN re 'Boma FERID—NOWINVIPZI Ihmture illmotas Streatir..DePorate To- Deiced Me ' Mad 1 1;0 ;warm% from all Mastos of the emomtuutrotedellat the tam of five vet 0ttit40104111 1 3 , 1 - „' .Mormirqnkr.iiio.drirrn hi eh". *Moe; loge ftamli tuitiliesUrolco itad oe Moq day sid ilitartlry.sitsl the' tomMoir. - Proodente PILANNUN.F4 It; !beams, "ad beentlikti. ogo - • r • ' , . , , , - ' - (bra oi‘stno Lana! alum; aide ' *AM bat -mum' “11 11001 / for RE TAIL:BALM trisrka, in' Pisid Fintins. All tooth aide to odor warranted astis.: f a .b, ry . o ur ,onts-riticX, Spann RP otniot4, adherod to; sewn Aid tibi fir onirlik jinn nr.annlinn Al an tom b! a4mtaleaaa- -, man a 00., now , . . ARNlM:Street. ;, Wl9l:i :'4OLIDAY.PRESENTS A Oil' 44 ' inaloiiiteted insiviment - 11. 1 1114CTIVE BOOKS the 91kristrorri 1t - oN,BQOIETY 40 , 404 - 01 1 Bri';',6141,0W SIXTH, incitsitsotr, .< dit4c; Aiwa: B9OIC •''' - : , - N -t 4B # P 5lBO ioR BAL fi - T "it • trntilizyl Pima. onioe, 40 CREST , ;dig ' e'. FAYHINABLA MOSS 'CLOAK ..14AttiiircqPtsin stud tat inntlit of doise at 1139 eiagrat atroet, , bWrRRA 114.0406 I)bitri,'ltHfiei*:,olll.--.1:11 egv v iti 4ll; llo4 44 s!NThr_ fiskt,HitAn' ri an a. d ia to m r tl h , dt9 41017 . 1 11 oar ok 0 1B6$' :SWING MA , st a Wfrri. Afirtihltrevalitgbgecatr , 4 AnD VIOVIRE-1711,A1p 66itra x,- witfirAaAut ap v , - , - _ TV.:Crio - teOIV , CA .4 - IWUtIED. OALI A IRAN-1.MW18.:-00 the l44 of Ootober, by ft.. 7 Lirdon. Mreol/ort Oat nn to Miss efbOth of tnerselneandedebbic • MU —CARR.— t loth itiet•nt by Rot% ithr,..„„Cieirt wean to Mdea Itoamm 5341Itta r rantVgii the teat 'maw. * O. JOhnitone Mr. Themes Clyde to mills' Mary A. Taylor. JOhnnitone, „ . DIED. ' ADAMSON.—:ffaddenlr, Oil the 17th instant, of con gestion of the brain, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wm. Adamson; in the 37thyear of her Age. The relatives and friends at the family are respect- Ogle invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of tier husband. No. 1621 North Second street, arive Oxford, en Wednesday afternoon. at 12 o'oloak, with o ut further further math*, Proceed to Laurel Hill. 11.• 13P'CEDALE.—On Saturday, 17th instant, Margaret Louisa, daughter of John D. and Isabella Stoekdale. * in the 4th rear of her age. the 16th instant, Mr. Jones Waller, In the e ligt year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family aro respect fully invited to -attend the Diners!. from his lute resi dence, northe4st corner of Fourth and Thompson streets, on-Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock , without fur ther notice— Proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. • MOOSE.—On Thursday evening. the 16th inst., Annie T.. wife of Charles I), Moore, aged 33 years. 'I he funeral servioes will be held in the Spring Garden Baptist Church, Thirteenth street, below Coates. this (Monday 1 afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The family are cc gpoited to meat at the residence of her husband. 821 North Pi flii•enth street, at 1 o'clock. WILSON.—In Carlisle. Wednesday. Deo. 14, 1362, of consumption, Elizabeth D., wife of Professor W. C. Wilson. of Dickinson College. in the 28th sear of her ego. (West Chester_ please copy.) and Wilmington, Del., paper 31 0 U RNI NG MOUSSELINES DELAINF, 'lra 15 CENTEL-BEBOli le SON hare reduced 10 000 'ndio of imported Black and White ildoueelinee Detente to only 15 cents. MOURPITNG i• TOE. No. SOS CHEDTNUT Street. BLACK: TIIIBET LONG SHAWLS.— Now in Store, a full Workmen! of Lupin's Blank hlbst Long Shawls. Also, lumn's Week Cashmeres, Merinos. Satin Nohow, Velvet Beeline, Jameses, Velour Reps. Moueselioe de 'mines, Bombazines, km BESBON & SON, Mourning Store, NN CHESTNUT Street, TrKEYSTONE IfILUIL—OUR CONSTITU TIGN AND OUR UPOON.—.' our National Flag shalt ever wave over a United Country.—A. meet ing of the Kerstone Club will be held at MiliHall, LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY EVENING nea t, at 75 *Mock. THE KEYSTONE CLUB ie organised for the sur mise of Maintaining • and dinaenunnting Democratic principles, an laid down by Jetloreon. and carried out by Jackson. and fey the support of the Demooratio Party in the neat Presidential campaign. Rail", members, and let on show our strength in the flee of the enemy. A number of distinguished gentlemen will address the Club. It. WILLIAM McCANDLESS, President. IUFIRST SENATORIAL CONVENTION. —At PC meeting of the Delegates of tho First Senatorial District, held on Fiidar erenine. the 16th I.llCVtiL r g. is h q , l iTiNinn f nitour:ly P ill e elt i edig a lgre i st l i r t the district in the Convention to be held at Harrisburg on the 22d of February next.. A. tt wALICINSHAW, President. H. C. en FIE Ix, SeeretarY. it. or"GRACE GREENWOOD" Will deliver her beautiful lecture. " THE HERO•C IN COMMON LIFE," Before the Jeffemon Literary Union, AT MUSCAT, FUND 'WALL. -FRIDAY VENT G, December 23d, 1859. At 15 before 8 o'olock. Tickets 25 cents. . d 19.51• ry'r , IRELAND AND THE IRISH.—DR. JAMES MOORE w inecture on this interesting Went, in the Amend,lir Building.. Tenth Street. be low Chestnut, ON WEDNESDAY EYENING.2Ist Peo.. Kt 7% o'clock. The Leo' ure will he partially historical.and oentain much rf the deepest interest to all where recollections of their native country are vivid. Love of our native land never dies. All classes of our citizens will find the Lecture worth their attention. Admmit tion 22 cents. dl9-3t cfrLADIES' FAIR.—OWING TO THE SE vere ivorrn of Nsturtiay. the Ladies ere Wined to continuo their Felt. at HARRISON'S BUILDING, Navin removed from " Handel and Haydn" Hall to the Refreshment Room. on same floor, between the two hells. They feel desirous of disposing of their sulkier which are good and serviceable, and will feel grateful 'for the Itatronage of their f lends. determined to cell articles low. and close without fail Chia evening. GERMANTOWN. tr„.:r Rev. J. WHEATON SMITH will Lecture at the TOWN HALL This (Mendav Evenins. December le, at 8 o'clock Saldeot: THI, LAND OF THE PROPHETS. It rOFFCCE OF TOE PENN MUTUAL 3 LIP E INSURANCE COMPANY, N. E. corner TO , RD and DOCK streets. Phikadelphin. Etscwoo.—Penn Mutual Life Inimance Company. An election for e tryouts, to nerve for three yearn, bo held nt the Wilco of the company, on Monday, the second of Taxerary t Polls open at 10,A. AL end close at 12 M. dift-inwn-8t JOHN W. liOßNOß,Seetretnry. QMREV. ANTOINETTE BROWN BLACK. w ELL will deliver her celebrated lecture, AND WOMEN," at the Musical Fund flail, on WEDNESDAY evening, December 21st.ut els o'elock. Tickets twenty-five Cents. For sale at the principal book stores, and at the door, on the overture et the lec ture. dl9-low It" REV. 0. GRATTAN GUINNESS will 1 13 - preach-THIS (Monday EVENNO. and every evening during the week. at 73 o'clock, in the Rev. Br. Chureh, Broad grew, lAA Sernce. CUNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING and election of °fibers for the KIMBERTON L:COMPANY wall be held at No. 318outh THIRD street, on the Third MONDAY of Dooetoter, HOP. DA vIDB. B[ BY, Seeretary. PIIILADELPMA, December 1L 18651. trr A LECTURE FOR THE TIMES,. & "The Young American Citlian,” fry Nev. A. A. Willits, at Handel and Haydn HQ, EIGHTH lo• low OREN:N . Og TUESDAY EVENING next, December 20% at Oft o_olook..Tiaketats rants t to tai bad of Henry Aower. n E. nor, Math and areal ; J. B. Rcrtncer, it E. nor. N. and Walnut. Wm. lley..N. nor. Twelfth a Girard avenue, and A. enniseen; N. W. nor. Tenth end Rene. (11741* rrTNoTicr....Tur. ANN AL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS or be Nprth Branch Canal Company will be held at the coos or the compa ny, in Athena Pa.. on TUFBDAY., the 24th dny ofJnnu. Cry. 0868 at whiob an Wootton will bt held for a Presi dent and flee manneenLor the oornieny for the ensuing OCT. Br order of the Board. UAW ogles. Athena , D. MITCHELL, Jr., D, 0. la. Ifo. dtT-3il Se,ratery. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SUNANCS COMPANY. B. W. corner of FOUR' i and WALNUT Streets. fintimittilta, December Has®. NOTIOI-_,_: —The Annual Mires of the Stockhopers of THE.ENTS_SPRIBE INS HANOPOOAIPANI be held on MONDAY, the 9; day of Jecuary, IMO of ten o ohmic A. ALatt the OEMs, of th e Compan y. trlltair d io"::Do.l carve the en ciiitireen'rn'il,' oolook PA 1136 boos of ca m e & r dl7-tina - CHARLES W. 00XE. Secretary% OFFICE OF RECEIVER OF TAXES KrE BY VO L E_ it V I The w v iirsiNvuzi me. t Receiver .asos n. t e city of FlPia dobtoo, to J'..1315111 K. smrra t to collect the. delta nent taxes of thetrishternth Ward, for the year MM , towebeea revoked, and that the said Joseph R. Smith has no further, power or authority to collect the said tares. and that any payment to tamer aeld team', after this date, will Dot De teeognlrti p aliowed by .v t i Vs De partment. LOMERF T, .314 St* • • aestivated' pima. PISECOND MORTGAG E _s WILLIAMS ota AND 151.MIDA RAILROAD COM. —Holders of Bonds who desire to avail them. selves of the advantages of the settlement of the affairs of this Cotnpany ere requested to call, without delay, and ,eseouie the seaman rower of attorney ; pd those who have not alrealodone contribute the amount of assessment of per thousand to defray the expenses. A. VANDYKE. Jr., Chairman of the Committee. - ‘113.12t South THOU) Street. O:47UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Riff_pr i l t tnil l a s e l) goltr i tilis. il a , at the close of the First Term ° , will be held in the ollOwing order i VI @dandier, December 14101, ' F rom 9to 11. Santora. by prof. Copps (15110 W 'S t.lllllloh Literature, and Junior a. by the VlO9 PITVOIt, (Statice,) written. From Iltol. Sopbemores, by Frof. Allen, (Thuoydide a—Sici- Ilan Hapodition.) Thursday. lech. From II to 11 Juniors, by Prof. Ken dell, Uttialitical geometry.) an Saphomorev, I2y Prof. Conoco, (Ithetoric.)written. rom U tol,Seniors, by the pica Yrovoet, (Astronomy/ , ern;ye .. lath. From 9to 11, homers. by the Vie Provo it 9 trt PlubllrlbTilnatt Fr•ibmtl. by Prot Ken , Aims r,) written. Fpom Uto I. 'mom, by Pro . Alien, ( Hippolytus or Burlpideta) - Saturday, 17th. From 9 to 11, tienjors, by Prof. Jack each( Horarc—Epistles and Art of Poetry.) ' Monday.l9th. Franke toll, Seniore, by Prof. Come, (Moral Philosophy.) From 11 tas 1, Juniors, by Trof. Jackson, (JuvanaL) Tuesdar.ll9th. From itto 11. Juniors. by Prof.Coppee. (Mental Philosophy.). From ji to I. Freshmen, by Prof. Allen. 1 X:roPbon—llaslitit Hietrirr i l Wean Ayala. I ram 9 toil. tesbn. Sophomores, Jackson,lLivy.) - tract li to half pest I by Prof. Kendall, (13eometry.) Thursday, pod. 9Jomoto half past 1,1 Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Tete ) tus—History.) From half pas. II Mbar past launiors. by Prof Allen. (Theocri tun.) Friday. Ind. From 9 to U, Freemen, by Prof. Coy. pee. (History.) Op Fnday evening. the 23i1, at eiyht o'clook, an Ex hibition of Declamation of orlelnal oompositmne, by members of the Senior Clare, win hi held) the Col lege Hall. ' r °SORGE ALLEN, d16.9t Secretary. THE LADIES OF THE SPRING GAR. DEN DNITARIAN SOCIETY will hold their Patrand festival at HANDEL AND HAYDN H ALL, commencmg an Friday afkentoon..l6th, sod closing nth inst. Both useful and reser fatness, suitabie for holiday presents, can be purohased se favorably as else- Whet. 5.1}0, refreshinents furnished. We svinestly desire the attendant* of all our friends, tut our t IC 11h011. The H 00140044 sate rase t Bail every few minutes. Tickets may be had at ra ti ih'x, Arcade build ing, Chestnut street below Elevent i k i ar at Allen's, Sp ong Garden street, above Eighth. *aliment tickets 00 Dents, season tickets $ amts. single tickets 10 oasts: dl5-61* jOFFICE OF RECEIVER OF TAXES, .:rfong''rDefttirinlimg.q?rigr ye. of the several Wards of the City of Philadelphia are here by notified that if the dente and City loxes, due for the year eta, tint paid before the first day of January, Mo. intereit will be charged thereon, and the names of ,ail delinquent tax-payers will be published, and thirty seven eonta (fil ) additional will he charged for publica tion. also, after the lath um ofJanuary,lB9 a penalty of deer tient. will be add pd upon an taxes remaining unread, end costa thereon tor conection. (Bigned) A, I. . OMERELT, di Receiver or Taxes. iss. OFFICE CARBON IMPROVE MENT CO.—Foltspra.rnis, ee. 10, 18.59.—A epeeist meeting of the Stockholders o the °mime Run Improvement Compaq,' will be held on TII/IRBDON. the SIM ;natant, at II o clock A. Mu at the orectsof the Company, corner of Front and Chestnut streets, proisdelphut. to reoeire a report on the present condi tion of Its affairs, and to express their 'down an the future course they wish the Director/ to Pursue 111 the matter. By order of the Board of Directors. 11111.1% S. At. TILOEN, President. CONFECTIONERY. L,A•I7 RENT it DiAtiON'R CONFEC TIONERY, Northwest corner SIXTH. and ARCS Streets , . . W e have now on hand ono of the finest stocks of HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY In this city, together with a great variety of • ' TOYS AND FANCY GOODS TOYS FOR ORNAMENTING MIILDEEN'B TREES; uler Boxes, Cornets, and other artioles suitable for CHRIS CMAS GIFTS. As we manufacture all our own goods, with the ex ception of those we import, our prices will ho found low, r than usual, Our assartment of Panay Sugar and Pastillage Tore, for - ORNAMENTING TREES, Will be round unequalled. Amin LAURENT /lc MARON GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. R. 0 WALBORN & MOW) MO. 5 AND 7 VOR.TH. SIXTH BTREET, have navy a vary superior aisortmant of Skirts, Under 'Slatting, Groves, Goelety, eto, Opsoial attention given' to GENTIZIARIVS WRAPPSRB, of whiek a tine tuetortmant b oonetantly kept on band de-Prod - 'l., W. SCOTT-411th of the firm of Win ••• o t lipter & Scott —rNTlialean n ,Y r 69llEili EIT U R A:ti t :et (Vari t y T oppoeite ?he arard Mimed ,„ A i r e lf. l t a o . uld r_ otfully pall the attention of hie tonser'patanii an:frill to ins new store. and Is pre -14"4/ tit Were for eV" at short notion. . A relictP t guarantied. o A e Trade supplied l oth Wrtsand Collr. 13111-1 OtIRSON, REAL ESTATE • BNCRNIt AND CONVEYANCER, I.IOIERIB - PENI:f,A. NitiltA4444o:rxnitrwmerr. Nuokei and Cheater coun -041 11, ElORTGAGEricarrne negotiated. ANLEUME DWEL INUti for sale in ans•a Norris m 110110,SIN, PITCH, AND TAR.-500 bble. RANin oit; diast end qualities, rnanufnatufed fer wile bp RoWlAy, moutURNEII, 4.,00.. NO. NEW PUBLICATIONS. W,HO WROTE I TI EVERYBODY ABM SIR BOHAN'S GHOST. Bra oontributor to " The Attune." JUST PUBLISHED. if It le said by competent Judges to surpass, in descrip tive rout imaginative power, anything that American Literature has ever Preditml• Bold by ell Booksellers. PUBLISHED BY J. E. TILTON & COMPANY, ‘118.2t BOSTON HARPERJS .nalv MONTHLY MAGAZINE. No. Czvt.l CONTENTS. [JANUARY. HOLIDAYS 'IN CO.TA RICA. 11. SAN JOSE. By Trrnmse FRANCIS MEAGHER. ILLCSJRATIONS.—The Easter Pronession.—San .Tose.—The Bootmaker's.—The Cook-Fight.—&reet View In San Jose.—The Cathedral.—Mater Dole rosa.—Harvlns Judas.—Palare of the Government.— Monsieur Belly at the Sen.—The Artillery Bar racks.—The Labyrinth.—Before the Presulent's Honse.—Lnnaties. A LAY OF THE DANUBE. RURAL PICTURES. Brawn by Pnarre ("RATON. ILLOSTRATIONS —Rookston.—The Barn.—At the Denot.—C,onetrr Store —The Pollttoutn.—Evening. —Blowing the Fire.—The Pet.—Beci-Ttme.—Morn ing —The Floolc.—Hine.—Twin Latnbe.—The Over seer.—The Hen-House. —The Grandohtld.— The Prisoner.—Mtschief—The Condign .— The Proof of the Pudding. A PIPE OF TOBACCO. Ilt.rernaslosrs.—The Find Pipe.—The Ilispent olan Cisarro —Brazilians smolnn Ir.—Ancient Alex I can Pine.—Raleigh'e Tobaeon-Bog.—TobaeooDrink ere.—Early Tobacco Sym_poeium.—Sir Walter Rs letsh.—Lany smoking.—Tobacooniet's Inte.lor.— Tobacconist's Lai , el.—A Snulf-Taker.—Tehle Snuff- Box.—An Early Chewer.—Burgs Soutf-Box.—Box MRS. Shakimeares Mulherry.—flooteh Mull, MRS. ANTHON'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT. THE POET'S SECRET. THE ATOMS OF CHLADNI, A RLSB AD ON CRU'l'eltEll. liv " Hwy Onotao." MISS VINTON OF TALLAHASSEE. BEHAVE YOURSELF. H IND THE SNOW MELTED ON MOUNT 'WASH- N. THE THREE GREAT VOYAGER. TII BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS.—A BALLAD OF touietANA T CHRISTMAS R . F.PI RTORIES IN ONE. A HYMN. MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS. RARY NOTICES. EDITOR'S TABLE. EDITOR'S EASY CHAIR. 011 R FOREIGN BUREAU. EDITOR'S DRAWER. SH -DOW- OVER THE WAY. THE INEBRIOMET FR. FASHIONS FOR JANUARY. ILLUSTRATIONS.—DeII Costume.—Under-Sleeve.— Collar. One Copy, for Ono Yw.. Two C 0 1 ,466 for One Year Three or more Copies for One Year 1ea0h).... iOO dad an Extra Copy, gratis, for awry Club qf TEN 81111- BCRIDER9. Ilarper'n Magazine and Harper's Weekly, together, one year, ec It HARPER k BROTHERS, Publishers. GOOD CHEER FOR THE HOLIDAYS I THE AIMWELL STORIES. OSCAR; or. The Roy Who Had His Own Way. la o. 63 cents. MINION ; or. Life in the Country. 16 o. 63 cents. ELLA ; or, Turning Over a New Leaf. 16mo. 63 ebnor. WHISTLER; or, The Manly Bo mo. ce n t. . MARCOS ;or The Bor-Tamer. ttmo . 63 JESSIE; or Trying lobe somebody. t6mo. 63 cents. The six volume') are also put up uniformly, in an ere. giant box, toy S 3 Te. By general assent. this is the most popular series of Children's nooks in the market. It tells such pleasant stories of city and country life, of Indoor games and out door sports, of studies at school and amusement at home, of the joys and the troubles of boys and g i rls. thet children never get weary of reading it. Parents will find the little ones amused and improved by the writings of Walter Almwell, whose recent death has finished this series of stories. PETER CODDLE'S TRIP TO NEW YORE. This amusing same wee the last Invention of the author. and can be played by any number of children or adults It to really three games in one. and the Inn is continua Is changing. In neat boxes, 37); cents. B4NVARD'S AMERICAN HISTORIES. PLYMOUTH AND THE PILGRIMS. 16mo. CO , ante. . . . . . . . NOVELTIES OF THE NEW WORLD. 10mo. canto. . ROMANCE OF AMERICAN HISTORY. lemo oonts. . . . . . •• • • TRAGIC SCENES IN THE OLD FRENCH WAR. 16mo ; 60 cents. Tho soriei bound uniformly, in a nowt boa. $2.00. Well fitted to Miura young renders from etory hooka to the xi udy of history. CHAMBERS' HOME BOOK; OR POCKET MIS CRLLANY. a vole., 16m0.. Moth. gilt bloke, fn an elegant boa. V. This series containa n great fund of vulnable informs ion and amusing incident, and le admirably adapted to he School and the Family Library. THE POOR BOY AND THE MERCHANT RINCE. 16mo. 75 cents. THE POOR GIRL, AND TRUE WOMAN. Itlmo. 5 cents. . . These volumes, by Rev. W. M. Thayer,forind_ed on the noble lives of Amon Lawrence and Merl Lyon, inspire boys and girls to high aims and useful lives. A (MRS ROPETOUN'S BCHOOLEI AND ROLL. DAYS. Ulmo. 63 cents Mrs. Oliphant is well known se one of the moat charming writers of the day, and One IN the beat book for the young folks she has ever written. VOTING AMERICANS ABROAD. itmo, ZS cents. It is not often that a company of sehool.boys take a trip to Europe and the record of what they saw and talked about give; to, all roung readers a good idea of what is worth seeing in 'Europe. THE ISLAND HOME ; Or, Young Cutaways. Nam TS tows. Some briA Robin s one thought eh!! neiTelatezegthlg then even Orme. or the BWllle Faintly Robinson," because of its boyish adventures and perils. PLEASANT PAGES FOB YOUNG PEOPLE; Or. Book of Erne Eduoation and Entertainmsat. limo. 71 coats. 'An inexhaustible mine of insttuotive amusement for he long winter evenings. NEWCOMB'S WORKS. RIND WORDS FOR CHILDREN to Guide them in the Path of Peace. larrin. old h, 49 ciente. A sample and beautiful exposition of the doctrines and entice of the Gospel, In language and with illustra tion,. adapted to ehildrea. ROW TO BE A LADY. 200. HOW TO BR A MAN. 1500. ANECDOTES POE 41 G1RL5 0541.490. c. , AN KOINITEge FOR si 07" Any one of these works will be sent by the pub lisher.. poet-paid. on receipt or the price annexed. Redden their own publication', O. h.. L. have it full m outh:nerd of all the popular Jure e ilea of the day, GotILD k LINCOLN, fa WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON dl9-mwkfllt. tin MUSICAL FRIEND. "OUR MUSICAL FRIEND." s Rare Com panion for the Winter Month.. Every Puma, Should procure this week- Every Bunter, le publication of Vocal and Every Teacher, Piano-forte Muria, costive Eyary Pupil. but 10 CENTS e number, Every AmaeuNn tire P f811 a ; d h ponoune d by "THE BES lANNOHHA WEOTWOREO OP ME Twelve full-used pages of Vocal and Pianoforte Mashy FOR TEN LINTS. Yearly, 85; half yearly. SirEd: quarterly, 81.s 1 , Subscribe to "Our alusscal Friend ;' or order it from the nearest newsdealer. and you will have Music, enough for you r erktire family sten Insignificant cost ; and if you wont lilusic for the Pluto. Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Aocordeon, he., &c.. subscribe for the " Solo Melo dist," Issued seun-montbl) , containing also twelve ages PrICO. ID cents per number ; 85.50 per year; 31.13 for sixmonths. ' Just published and for sale hr • C. B. SEYPAOLIR k CO.. dbbinwrim urr NASSAU Street. New York. DAPPLETON & CO., • 318 and 318 BROADWAY, N. Y., Kays JURY PU111.1811211 Thn AMEhNJAN BOYS' AND GIRLS' ANNUAL. A CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENT von YOUNG t One volume, 410. Gilt edq, Illustrations and Wood Cut! CONTJ The Old Year and the New.l Men Who have Done Great Things. Our Old Town. Taking the Bull by - the Tall. Crossing the Nrimpne. Story of an Old W itch. How we Settled tho Story of the Mideldprnan's . fde the Prairie. Back again to School. fiquirici Shooting. fenny Douglas, The, Illessinite of Peace. Chyt 'buss '1 ime. A Night among the Sharks, PEOPI, B. ,re, Illust:rated with Culotta e. Price itflAl. ENTBi !Tossing the Paneako. .Kangaroo Hunting. Comical Conjuring. Mario More Oroky. .loky, - Whangesa Wa u re m with Wald Boast,. pinions In the Wilde. Funny Bturiee about Pige. Ali about those Ilohgob• line. &e. flomettro for the Qtr e. Funny W ay of Doing the Tager. The Scotch National Game of Curling. GREAT VAC r A POPULAR HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION . . or TIM . MOST REMARKAIILE INVENTIONS DURING THE PRESENT CENTURY. By PANDOHICK 0. BAKIWILL. Author of "Philosophical Conversation'," "Manual of Electricity." Re. Itlirefasami WITH NIMEROVe ENGIAVINOO. 1 volume.l2mo. Cloth, el. CONTENTS, The Progreso of Invention. The KaleidosooPe. Men m Pi &emotion. The Magio Dim). atenim Carriagee and Rail- 'I he Diorama Way,. T he Stereoscope The Air Engine. he Electric, Telegraph. Photegreph• . .Etactre-Magnetio CMOS. Dioseleine View.. Tee Eleetrin Light. Eleofro-Nietallurgr. iluelantaneous Li ghte. Gee Lighting. Printing Machines. Paper-making Maohlnerf. "The convenience. the comforts. and luxuries con ferred on artmety by the inlay important inventions of rue present contury, must naturally 'melte a desire to know the origin and progress of the application r f scientific winciples by which such advantages have been gained Practically considered, those inveat'ona are of much greater value than the discoveries q 'donee , on wh oh 111081 of them depend; and the seichtifia Inquirer who confine' his views to &Nitrite prim:notes, without look ing to; and to the various method. pf their application to useful purposes , may e compared to ft traveller, who, having toiled arduously to gain the top of a mountait. then si Ms his °yea oritheiproepectthatllies before limo —(Extract from Preface. EVENINGS AT THE MICROSCOPE. on. REBEARODF:g AMONG THE MINUTER ORnANS AND FORMI:i OF ANIMAL LIFE. By PHIWP HENRY 00E6E. P. R. B. 1 vol. 12in0.. cloth. SIM. To open the path to the myriad wonders of Creation which, altogether unseen by the unassisted eye, aro made cognizable to sight by the aid of the MOMS Cep°, is the aim and scope of lhlp VeWine, (nest and gorge ous as is the dutplav Divine power at armed wisdom in the things that are soon of all, it m 4 . .ay ely be that a far more extensive ertennot qf t eve glories ley unLeetled and %mime ntill the optiolan'a art revealed it. Like the work of some mighty genie of Oriental fable. the Immo tube lathe key that unlocks &world of wonder and beauty before invisible. which one who hits ogee gazed upon it can never forget, and never crepe to admire."—(Extract from.Frefaco. HERE AND THERE; a EARTH AND IikAV u; IN CONTRASTED. !yet. Iswo. Red edges. *I cents. " It is believes] that this eornpdatinn hue never hater e hnan published in the United idtates. It it copied from the extraot book of a lady, who herself copied it from the En.han work ; hot it hae been found so valuable es a soothing, strengthening cordial to the Christian heart, eipeoiaily in seasons oi affliction, that it is deemel a duty not to confine it any longer to a private elude '— lyre ace. Myst 117 4 1NORAVINUS.—JAMES S. EARLE & BON, 816 CHESTNUT Street, have now In stools a vary largo and eleme i rly j imt , Embracing' ah the neweqt publications. Wallin constantly supplied with the latest works of Landon, Art Schaffer. Delaroohe, Velma, and others. Among the newest issues are— wwiltspeare in his Study. Feed. Milton in his Study'. Fried. 0 . Paved" liyin Newfoundland. Landseer. It" There's Life in the Old Dog Vet." I. widgeon A Duel after n Masquerade. Corome. Plid.t. and Morning." AndogrePhe. Thorealdsen. The Seasons. Thorwaldsen. THE PALMER MARBLY& Photographs of the V.. 010 of the Sculptor, Palmer anions which aro _priqlKent. Spring, Resignution, Froth. Immortality, Peasant Boy. Ac. The Past and the Future. Gauen. The 130quet of Beauty. Better. The Seasons. Chronic, Lithographs. Alter Hart, Col man, and Boughton. Nobod a axed Inn, sir." Carbonic!. Immaculate Conception. Murillo. The Virgin 04%1101e. Murillo. (Two Now Line Engravings of these Wonderful Psintings./ Broken Vows. Calderon. Alins-ciccdspfDorcas. Dobson, Christ Blessing Little Children. Le Jenne. Uld Kontuoky Home ; or, Southern Life. Eastman Johmkt, IN THE LION'S UN. Vernet. , " Beatrice Cetlol Is Prison. Companion Print to Zecingelthe, will be Is shortly, EMMEN' GALLNIt IBS, 415-iftit ate CTIF.TNIrr litreet, SOUTH'S, the oldest Jewelry Store to the oily, N, o. ele Street, below Serene, weer° eeerYT meg a Varralltill to be went it is veld for, Tim P*Psst7rlA4,4lP,ELf! irA„; lorip ,Ecpp3E4,. 19, 1859. ARTOA.DS' CATALOGUE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SABLE, CHINCHILLA, MINK MAUR, STONE MARTEN. HUDSON BAY SIBERIAN SQU I RREI MAR PEN, FITCH, &0., ROYAL ERMINE. MADE UP IN THE BEST MANNER, IN CAPES: HALF CAFES, TIPPETS. MUFFS, and t • ➢TUFF i7.E.EI ALSO, BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN'S SETE. LADIES' FUR SEAL GLOVES. FOOT MUFFS. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S BEAVER HATS. YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS and OAPS. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR OAKFORD'S HOLIDAY and WINTER HAT. FINE (OTTER) TRAVELLING CAPS. CLOTH TRAVELLING CAPS. FUR MUFFLERS. CARRIAGE and SLEIGH ROBES. UMBRELLAS and CANES. All the above will be sold at unusually LO 7 1 / PRICES, as we are anxious to close out our stool• previous to our removal. C HAS. OAKFORD & SON. dI9 St 614 CHESTNUT STREET. pATILICK HENRY, WARNER, ➢IISRRY, & MERRILL, MANUFACTURERS OF OAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &c., NO. 718 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have just finished, and have now for eels, an un doubted likeness of the greet patnot, made to Brunie. They would also call attention to their large assort ment of BRONZES, PORCELAIN LANTERNS, FLEXIBLE DROP LIGHTS, &c., &c., All suitable for Holiday Presents. 4111710 t CHEAP CHRISTMAS DRY GOODS, FRO NEW YORK. no pieces AT hristmas 15 De Laines, 12)4 ots—a bargain! A CENTEL 10e Bonnet and other new styles, 12 to 22 oents. Oay style Cashmeres for wrappers. Mortimer, and other new prints, lithl cents. I rin pieces Merrimac levy amts. reduced to 10 cents. Buper linen cambric WM at Q 1.25 per doses. Finer " - 11.50 to Stan per . dos en. Children's and ladies' hemstitched. &o. A full line sews' linen cambric), pongee silk, and white brocade pocket lidlcfs, black oak cravat,. Nees ties and mufflers. A fresh supply, of roys' and men's shawls, some very " K a lr i gll stock of buttes' Medium style blanket shawls, direct from manufactory. !troche shawls in great variety. French embroider's/, sots, collars. &o. Sleeves worked collars, &c. All at prices to encourage useful Freeents. KARLEB ADAMS. dl9.mwf If WORTH and ARCH Streets. HOLIDAY GlFTS.—Three superior Pho togrnphe for (2. Ambrotieee all Dina anplit See the Zile-size yhotoeraphs m oil. at RP. '8 complete end extensive establishment, SECO Btreet,nbove Oreen. It" SILVER-PLATED WARE JOHN 0. MEAD &I SONS. Nocthosst corner MN PH snit CHESTNUT Bt. Invite 10°141 attention to their large and SILVER-PLATED WARE. These goods are fresh from our manufactory, end de signed expressly for CHRISTMAS, And we Ate mating Call and axamir,a, if yon do not purattina. As nor establishment oombines both Wholeeele and Retell Trade, We 6TO prepared to offer goods deems than any othrr I. tore in the City. Good Silver-Plated Tea Sets from 1120 to CC dlT•7t CHOICE GOODS FOR PREP :1' = THOMAS O. GARRETT, No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TUE liAlloNte BALL, Invitee the attention of all desiring HOLIDAY 000 AB To hie beautiful assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND dI7-6t PLATED-WARE. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Our stook, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 0 016" orison the following articles: STEREOSCOPES AND PICTURES, BWIBB CARVED GOODS, MAGNETIC TOYS OF ALL KINDS, POLYORAI§IAS, MAGIC LUNETTS, MAGIC LANTERNS. FROM 60 CTS. UP. KALEIDEOSCOPES, GYROSCOPES SAND TOYS, CLONES FROM 29 CU. UP. OPERA GLASSES. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS, And all other kinds of Fanny Mechanical TOYS. 0. T. AMSLEIi, OPTICIAN, Ski CHESTNUT STREET, M7-6i Two doors below N. E. oer. SEVENTH BAILEY ez 00. HAVE REOEIVED IN STORE, 71118 DAYS 000 DB FOR THE HOLIDAYS They are by the Ooean Queen and Penile, which arrived on the lth. Tney will have a full assortment of Nagano 'Brooches, Bracelets. Harries., &o. new styles of Head Drosses and ornament. for the liar, together with a variety of goo& suitable for Pre vents all of which will be so!d at prices as Terminable as possible. dle-at AA HOLIDAY PRESENTS. AN ada AN EXTENSIVE ASSORT:SUET ON dig lIERICAN AND IMPORTED WATOHES, EIRI CORAL, AND LAVA JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, 4.e. At G. RUSSELL'S, JD Stara NO, 22 NORTH SIXTH ST, HOLIDAY GIFTS. The redyetion we have loads in the armee of DRESS 0001)8 wilt no w enable boors to itoloot from a large RICH PARIB PO.PLINi el 00 " VELOUR. DE Poplar/8— 50 PARIS PRINTED MOUSSELINE DE LAINEBXM-44 R08E8....10 0(1 711ERINOS— 65, and 70 T.LAIN FRENCH IAER1171()13 aa and 0231 HOEOHLIN't3 4-4 FRENCH CH1NTZE5......—_...25 ALL-WOOL DAYADERE PLAID FOIL DE C11EVRE8........ la, and 20 RIM STYLE DRUB GOOpt3, la and 741 pent., With s largo stook of superior grades BROCHZ AND CNAINE lIAINE LONG 811 A. WLB Of Palle aad Vioaaesa fabrico, in now designo and CoWaage. EMBROIDERIES. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ()DRIVEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, AND 464 NORTH SECOND st, C,l, OLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE maim, mic.o.pos, KnieldoseePee. himeepe loye, Polyoratnas, and other arholes, euitalloirlfts or the season . McALLISTER do /3-mw&stial if No. 7$ Chestnut street. SI EREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC PICTUREB,—We have but received new and beau tiful etetepecupiogroups, itittuarr, landscaped, Jrc., In greet clot? : At IRTgR 3r, BROTHER, do-mwe t.Tat if No nit Obeinnut stmt. J-IOIIDAY PRESENTS. Paint Dnxee, Pictures, Poiteinon alee Colored e rn yona, Drawing Boas CNOL4, Potieboinan AN K la V. 8 J 014 12t" t" 316 401.1N1S r KI treet, lIOLVAY GOODS. LADIES' FURS SUPERIOR STOCK NEW Yk;AftES , and BRIDAL PRESENTS, DAILY ADDITION& TO OUR LAROB STOOK NOW ON RAND. ACCEPTABLE PRESNain, At s very moderate oost. ABOVE WILLOW HOLIDAY GOOD 11•- jr, E. CALDWETAL & 00., 82 PRESTNITT'StABET, Have received, by the steamers Ocean Queen end Par EA, the balance of their order" for the Beason. SUPERIOR WATCHES. FROM $35 ,TO $350 EACH RICH DIAMOND JEWELRY. REAL CAMEO AND PEARL SETS FULL SETS, HALF SETS, AND BINDLE PIECES. BRACELETS FULLY ASSORTED ELEGANT SILVER-WARE, UNSURPASSED IN TASTE AND FIN.SII CLOCKS, BRONZES, FANS POLISHED STEEL GOODS ENGLISH PLATED DESSERT AND FLOWER PRICES MODERATE. ,Dl-7t HOLIDAY PRESENTS. • We have Met reoeived a new and beautiful as. sortineut of WATCHES AND 13 I LV PIE.WA Seleeted expressly for Holiday Presents, consisting in part GOLD WAT.THES. BDI OP TADLE F OR _ EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. Some Inlaid with diamonds and others enameled. WATCHES SUWA ° ELE FOR BOYS. Also, on hand a beautiful assortment of DIAMO , 41.) JEWEi.RY, Orel kinds, at redused.prioes. Diamonds Mounted in the moot 'oxen unto style. Oar style of Setting Diamonds cannot be ex celled in this country. Our nasortment ofJewelry embraced the following CORAL, MOSAIC, PLAIN, and FANCY JEWELRY of every description. such as Gold Neck and Vest chains Stadia. Stadia. Sleeve Buttons. Gold Thimbles, Penci ls, Tooth {'take, Atmtets, Leek Wets. &e, &e. SILYE ttaRE. Silver Spoons and Forks Pie, Coke. Butter, Toe Cream and Fruit Knives I Prperve, Sugar and Berry opoont; Salt Cellars Napkin was, Card Caere and Silver Bets, consisting of 41 e, Fork. and Spoon for Children, with an endless variety of goods moor line, whieli we will sell at reduced prices. Gold and Jet Orontes of all kinds, of the newest de al gni, S. 8.-0111 Gold and Silver purchased for mull or taken in exchange. Please oak and examine at LADOMUS & co.'s, dl3-tf No. 802 CHESTNUT Street, F . P. DUBOSQ 64: BON. Manufacturers and Itnportn re of JEWELRY. J. S. JARDEN & BRO.. fdenufaoturere And Importers of SILVER PLATED WARE AT FIRST PRICES! WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE The above, Wholesale Manufactures and Importers, find that the reputation of their wares has extended be yond the oirele of dealers, to such an extent that the calls of couunters at their sou attest-roost's cannot meet proper attention. The advantage to them, u manufac turer,, of direct aoquaintance with the wants end tastes of Individuals purchasing for their own use, is too high ly appreciated to allow them to neglect the custom thus offered. For the more oonyenlent classification and chsplay of heir CHOICEST STYLES. they have fitted up the NEW STORE, No, 1028 CHESTNUT STREET, Where they offeroti FIRST PRICES. eve ly ieeorip lion of JEWELRy, In DIAMONDS, P Alt I, , STONES, 00140, and A complete stock of SILVER end PLATED WARE, ef the finest eushti, to PIECES or SEIS, A full Assortment of II:fa-Liss rind RIVIPOI WATCH/ it of the most oelebrated inakere. will be in the care of F. CONSTANT RICHARD, ro whose skilful charge our oustomer work eon be oonfidently entrusted. diet-1m WHOLESALt ROOMS, SO4 0118.8TNUT 8T SILVER WARE. MESSRS. MEADOWS Sr 00., DIANUFAOTTIRtRIS OR [STERLING S I LV E R-W ARE. Would reepootfully inform the Public', and their ounierons patrons that they hare OPENED A STORE at 633 AROI STREET, Where wilt be found a twist extensive assortment of SILVER WARE, Entirely of their OWN MANUFACTURE, of the latest design, and at rates as reasonable as oan be found la the city. atd-lm SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON itTa SON Lutes waist attention to their stook of SILVER WARE, which is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed br any house the United Suites, and of liner usably than is manufso tared for table use in au part of the world. Char Standard of Silver Ls 955-1000 parte pure Tho English Sterling 0254000 dularloan and French 900.1000 44 Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-five parts miner than the American and French oolu, and ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver. and our Foreman being 001111606 W with the Refining De partment of the United States Mint for several roars, we camas. the quality as above (Nis), which is the Asset ant can b. mads to be ifreieamilf, and will resist the Salon of 'olds much limn Maw the ordinary Silos, etearfaerrnef. WN. WILSON & SON, 14113ff.a .; :CV/ Et , V: WI,/ N. 11.—Any ftnoneoo of tilbtat mounfootorod ea agreed anon, but positivity PieMl Wailer to /Vona and dinar can standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard as used In our retail department. Fine Silver Bore, 911-1140 yarns tree, constantly on heed. sari-am FANCY ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY TRADE. W. D. GLENN, NO. 28 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, OFFERS FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES, I'ortmortaaiss, Pocket Books, and Purses, in great variety. C,gar Cases. Card Cues. Tot et Bottles, in rock colors and decorations, Fancy Putf Bests, in china, glass. metal, As. 01.4 Odor Buns and Perfume htands. Ladies"l wrath!' Bass, a fins assortment. Paper Macho Bonds, new style Malachite. Oentlemen's Dressing Cases, English, in variety. Backgammon and Chess Boards, Fancy Inkstands. Portable Desks and Writing Cases. Cetus and Work Boxes. And many other goods, suitable for p.osents. do-usit WARBURTON'S lOoi cifEsTN UT Street, gamut elore above Tenth, SOS South SECOND Street, below Serum). FOR THE HOLIDAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, IN BRUSSELS POINTE, BRUSSELS APPLIQUE. VALENCIENNES, 110MION, and MALTESE. Ate), A FULL ASSORTMENT OF REAL TIIREAD, CAMBRIA. AND ALENCON VEILS, COIFFURES, AND BAUM. A‘so, A FULL LINE OP PARIS EMBROIDERIES, And every deeeription or Lace by the yard. WARBURTON'S RIBBON, LACE, MILLINERY, nod EMBROIDERY STORES, 1051 cirEsniuT Street, above Tenth. all-grit and 3068. SECOND Bt., below Spruce. CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, AND _ those who wish to snake their seleotions of HOLIDAY PRES.ENTS Would do well to eel! at CHARLES DUMMIG'S. No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET. lilt.Th was this summer in Europe, maldne a selection of shootlier NEW GOODS For his new Store, just opened fie hae an extonelve Stook of FANCY GOODS. TOYS, MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. CRICKET, ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS, &a., Surpasses in elegance, rarity, and cheapness of view anything before seen in this city. Snob as Prone' China, Terra Cotta, Partan Marble. Bohetnian Glee.. Bronze, Berlin Iron, Lam Ladles' Bate, P , Portroonnaies. Chesionen and Gamin of nil kinds, Writing basks, Paler Macho Goods, Top of ell kind., Tfuniosl Instrurnents of all kinds. aim dt / A WU. A. DROWN CO., 246 MARKET STREET. MANUFACTURERS SUPERIOR , UMBRELLAS. WfiOLES✓ILE ✓4ND RETAIL do-tli VIIRISTMAS GIFTS.—STEHEOSCOPL'S a_../ AND STEREOSCOPIC VI) R. VO Y. an ° d P VI I .I I ,VH: I OI 3 eV, ii n n p irr t ,lg.trn i t I ELI. ca pA ioecnpea.Po )otrtuts, lanne LPTIRIIIO, or LanoFeapo lotto's, niacin Lanterns,. Gle ei be ie s, 1341';110*er* tel Thornunnetera, Ilye-Olneeen, Gold tipeetaolee, 0014 Eye•lfinnaes, &0.0te.. are.• din McALL,ISTER EIROTIIER. WMIIIIIIOIII4 in 1714.1 723 ellEsm UT NTREET. IdrALLISTER'S PRICEu and DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Uhl papa, 200 Moot rational of Optical, Mathematical. and Philosophical inttruments ii 'kir • ttishod natio, on application. and mailed free ore arse. 4108 M • 1.)1 HOLIDAY GOODS. USEFUL 'OIIRISTRAS PRESENTS. A PINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER. SCARF TIE, or BRAWL. One of those aritolos will Le eery nocoptahls to you gentlemen friends. 4 TINT. 4•1101111 LINT 01 BTEREOEICOPES, 4T W. W. KNIGHT'S. 606 ARCH STREET. PINE tHRITS. HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING, AND OWES, Of all kinds. dlO-dJal ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, FOR CHRISTMAS P RESENTS, AT M. SHEW•S PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. 39 south EIOIIIII Street, above Chestnut. This store is devoted exclusively to Photograph Framer, where may be found a greater variety, and at over prices than am eatahliahment in the United States. Bring your pictures and have them fitted to without extra charge• 1115-6tif TOYS. FANOY GOODS TOYS, ETC., ETC In endless variety, and at LOWEST PRICES, At 24 Routh FOURTH Street, W. TILLER, Importer all -dt2ith INTORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It is well known that the most elegant, &Maio, chute and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORY TYPES. are produced at hIoCLEEW N 0.628 CHESTNUT STREET. By the late reducition in hie Miami, CdLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, en distinguished for their superiority, eatinow be pro cured at as low rates as others furnish on ordmary ar• ride for. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, 101.00. CLEES, C2d CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH, dIE -Im at UMBRELLAS t Are very approprtate and fteeeptable /1 OLIDAY PRESENTS. A SPLENDID AnSORTAIENT, LU D DIP.O S RICH INc ARON'S Jtly AOelebratd PARON UMBRELLA. • Very light and strong, at WM. H. RICHARDSON'S, dlB Bt No. 41111 MARKET ST. CHARLES RUMPP. .PORTE-MONNAIE AND POCKET-BOOK MANUFACTURER, 47 North BIXTE Street, below Arch, Formerly of 118 North FOURTII Street. Port-monnaie■, Cigar CAsea, Pocket Books. Port folios, Cnbas. Satchels, Purses, Dressing Casey, Mosey Belts, Work Boxes, As., wholesale and retail, Repairing done with despatch. dlg-dtltth CHINESE FANCY GOODS. nurr PLATES. LACQUERED AND GILT TEA TRAYS, do. do. TEA POYB, do. do. WORK BOXES AND TABLES, do. LADIES' CABINETS, do. do. DESKS, CADDIES, BOXES, &e., do. 80 Pains Chinese Costumes, monad. 66 Cases Canton Dinnet Bets, leo. 60 Bets Rattan Clothe, Hampers, India Vases, Allumettes. Toilet Pets, Dishes, Plates, CUPS and Batmen, ke.. te. For sale at the CHINESE STORE of ALLEN CUTHBERT, .1 , 1 South EIOHTH Street, d9-fintr6t Up Stairs HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rich All-Wool Detainee,reduced 'ninny. A large As.ortm nt of Fancy Bilks. rednoed n price. All the newest lay lee of Cloth and Velvet Cleats. A choice stook of Embroideries, Move, and Laces. Pontes Eminoi dared PO Lace Handkerchiefs. A great variety of Vesting., mutable for sifts. Plain and Ribbed Beavers. for ries' Makings, Cloths. Casstmeres, sod Man's 8 awls. Blankels,_Quilts. Medics. and L nen,. l'opli^s, Merinos. Figured Cashmeres and Shawl,. And the &remelt variety of Dress °node, at 75 , 1 cents, in the city. comprising— Delaines. Cashmeres, Calloos, Chintzes, Plaids, an( Poll de Clievres. SHUL:ERR BROTIRIKRA. O A I4ZSTNUT and EiGHTH OPERA GLASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and Japanned, with the finyt i fishromatie biases. at NKLIN'S, Optician, Itt South FOURT Street, below Chestnut lair Also. Improved Speotacles, oorreetly fitted to the eyee ; Microscopes, Btereoecopes, and Steremoo_pl i it ir c e ps i , n as endless variety. and at ItEllyt? O PERA GLASSES.—A large and beauti ful assortment of opera glasses, in every variety of 12 'ting—ve iTratrkr ° BI1 1 81 l iNie." . (Estab {shell UK) it& mws i.n.rti Chestnut street. COMMISSION HOUSES. FARRELL It MORRIS, Sit CHESTNUT STREET, IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS CLOTHS, OABBIXERBS, DOEBNINB,AND SPRING AND SLIMMER COATINGS, MANTELETA, POTALOON STUFFS, WELLING.. COFFIN. & COMPANY. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF A. A W. SPRAGUE'S PRINTS. in peat variety, including Chaco(etas. Turkey Reds Grasp, Blues, Shirting., and Fanny Styles. BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. Lona&le, Mummale. Slatersville, Hope, Washington Union Mills, Blackstone, ()chariest, Johnston, Belvidere, Phi:Mg. Smithville. BROWN SKEETLNGS, SIIIRTGIOB, AND OBNAIHTROB. fdatoaoa, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettriok, Eagle, Manchester, Mao's &. Farm's, Black Hawk, Mercer A. Warren A, Farmers', Riverside, Carr'e River, Elwell. CLOTHS. • Bottomley's, Pomeroy's, Glenham and ' , other makes of Black and Fanny all wool and cotton wary Cloths in great variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxton, River, Lewiston Palls, Stearn's M. 017 k 001111. Glendale, Berkshire Co., and others SATINETS. Stearn's , Lyre. & Aldrich, Taft 11 Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Crystal Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florenoe Mills, Carroll'e, Dubring's. Conversville. &o. BILESIAS.—Lonsdale Co.'clihnith's, and othe r makes. plain and twilled, of all oolors. Fanny Negro Stripes and Plaid... Jewett oity and Irene Stripes, Denims, and 'rioting*. Rhode !eland and Philadelphia Linsey', Apron Checks, and Pantaloon Stuffs. Shepard's and Slater'. Canton Flannels. Fisherville Co.'. Corset Jeans, Lo. arte-dteepl--sepl-fmairtf HENRY D. NELL, CLOTH STORE. MEI. 4 AND 6 NORTH SECOND STMT. OVERCOATINOS, CIUNCEILLA,NOSEOWA, FROSTED, AND MAIN BEAVERS, AIN, OASSIMEREEI, VELVETS, A c., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Au-to, thin FROTIIINGHAN & WELLS, 35 LET/TIA STREET, AND 34 BOUT/I FRONT STREET. COTTONADES. Suitable for both Clothiers and Jobbers, in large variety. SUMMER COATINGS AND OASILMERETTS Mad* by Washington Mina. Orders taken for these desirable goods for Spring trade nit-If SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, NO 119 CHESTNUT ST., OOMMISSION MERCHANTS . FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ist-em MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED. TO ANY 4 . 11101.1 N r—Upoq, Wataben. 'ewelrr, Namomi t ,, mlner Ointlunn, nTervbandlso & e., by ? TONES & CO.. Old Establixlvd Brokers, W' . onrnor nu RA and GABK etr•et., w ow Lombard. Oft. hour. Trom A. M, tot P, ul&hatr VIVANTED—A SITUATION as Sides- V Y Ran in acororaission or Importing House , by.s. Young pin WhO has! had several mrs exeenense in the hoping 's. Cavil's noeuretionebie relater's,. An dress • Halesinan, at this Mos. 85000—For investment in mortgage ffearity. P. E. H. WILLIAMSON. Convemarerth die 3t• a, W. A RCLI end BEVY.NTH, WAN TED--In a Dry Gooda Jobbing Roue, an active, intelligent Lad. He =nabs a Food Penmen, and quiok fillnel. Jiddr a / a , with ra- ferencee in band.writing of applicant, "B. L. J.' Sox f.LS f.O. dB-2e WANTED —ln a Dry Goods Jobbing House, an mate* ga'aeman, acquainted with the trade off pear condom Ap_pdasat please ad dressß. L.J.." Boxers Post Office, with referen ces. stating the character and amount of his trade. and salary expected. 4041 A PARTNER WANTED—In the Job bing Dry-Goods Business, who can furnish fifteen to twenty thousand dollars of recital' one soeutunted with Wetness preferred. to take the plate of a deeeued partner in an established business, of fifteen years' standing. All communications addressed to Boa Mt Philadelphia Post Office, strtotly oon.fidenttaL dit.wfrenktr A PARTNER WANTED—In a Commis. 'ion House well established. &aims 'princi pally COTTON. A suitable seam With moderate means, can have an interview by addressing " O. P. Y.." B cod's Dispatch. with real name end reference. No other will be noticed. Ail communications confiden tial. dl63t• WANTED —By January Ist a situation as BOOK-KEEPER, or in no 'fontanel) Com- Pany or Banking limn, by a praetioal Book-keeper of ayee and influential Innings acquaintance. Addreu Hi B." Box 201 Y. 0. n2ll-Im* PARTNER R'A'TED.—An opening in Mll3 established Commiuion House Mr/ Goods) of It Partnership will occur on the Ist of the yes. AiOllllR. active.actiV business man, who could command from 10,000 to 820.000. may address Commisaum Business: at the office of this paper. n024-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET.c SWATARA 0.)i.! Et ;1 I E INSTI MA. TUTE AT PUBLIC 8 b• exposed t ° publio sale on MONDAY. the tiih day of December 189, on tne preogses, in Jon' at , wn, Lebanon co •nt • Pa.. the grounds ano buil 4 ings belonging to the Swat, ra Cdtlegiate Iczytute, being 3),." ACRES of GROUND. well located, and largo BRICK BUILDING, 40 tly ao. feet, lour stories high. well adapted for s BOA R a CIIOOL. The country is one in which s rood school would be well patronized, and altogether the opperta nity olfcred fore competent teacher to obtain a profta b e aohool is a promising one. Further information can be obtained by addressing Dr id K. TREICILLER, Secretary of the Board of Di rectly'. tale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M-. when conditions win be made known by the board of d.r.qtpta. WM. L. BARAI, President. Jonestown, Dec. 1.1919. dIT-dt2s rOR SALE—Thc Good Will, Stock, and Fixtures of s Retail Coal Yard on 010 AD Street one of the b•st lo :anon' in the eity,doins a large and inerealinK business. To anenerretto man nth cash. for +y WO no oPPortnaity is offered for a soon investment For Address, apply to Mr. KEEFE. at this office. dlx-tt TO LET—A comfortable Dwelling ullt House. The Furniture and Carpets therein, being •ntuely new, for lode. Excellent opeortnuty for peo ple eoriLmenoing Housekeeping. Addreu " V. A" Press office. dlg-St• To LET 3d, 4th. and sth Stories of the CPW 413 ARCH Street. Well ealaulated for a light manufncturing business, having two sky lights, And water and water closets; also, gee and rue Satires. Apply on the Premises. 4114-14 t. 10 PER ourr.—We have for sale paper paying 10 per gent. par annum, moored by dead of trust upon ant-dean property in St. Lows. Tha at tention of capitalists deettirm safe investments is invi ted. RARER. WLIScoTT. it CO, dl-tm if I? South THIRD Street. Ms A VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC GALE.—WiII be exposed st_Pablio Sale on the premises on Fifth day, the Ilith of Twelfth month, ( be cember.) 1869. at o'clock P.M., all that valuable pbus tation, late the property of Elisabeth Mather. deceased, situated on the Dallastown Tonipike,l2 miles torch of the cite of Phi tadeiphia. within one-fourth of a mile of the ciliate of Willow Grove. in Illorelatul townahip. Montgomery county, adjoining lands of Pr. Wm. Hal lowell, and of the late Charles Hallowell. Washington Kimble. end others; containing about one hundred and three scree of land. 6 of which are woodland, for mea dow, the rest in a good state of cultivation. The im provements consist in a large stone Louse 21 by 61 feet. atone Nun. 42 by 53 feet, hay house. wagon brines. spring bongs over a never-fail ing spring of excellent water. a young apple-orchard just besinniag to hear. Thie place to desirable on account of its pleasant, high, and healthful situation ± Its convenience to the city by means of the North Pennsylvania ttsilne.l. it being within 3 miles of Abington Station. and conneeted therewith br stages twice a dui from the Prove. matte it valnatge for a country sett. Persons wishing to view the premises previous to the day of sale, will be shorn the same by galling on Henry Maxwell. residing there on. For further information.apay to Teonias T. Ma ther. Washinaton bine. Cheltenham Township, New lin Scholbeld, No. 677 North Seventh unmet. or Wm Stapler, No. 1710 Green street, Philadelphui. Comb tines made known at the tame of the sale by the Heirs. dl2-d ISt" 'O LET—A handsome Store and Cellar in -w• Strawberry Street N 0.19, With fine cellar hatted bra large nay -bent. Counter, cue future; water-elo eet, vault under pavement, &o. MT. &WO.. Ltitays. dlO Strawberry street. PO LET—The large six-story ware hone No. M Cionmeroa street, suitable for go. Me or manufaatanns parpoaes. Apply at No. la MARKET Street. pOR SALT—A Great Bargain.—A Mann .: factoring Establishment with Sulam Engine sod Roller, sods somplete set of Machinery for manufac turing an article from iron, now in constant use for all bupdiny purposes. It can be clearly demonstrated that the business will ray a hindsorns profit. Address, HARRISON. trEIE ATTENTION OF COMMISSION" ?den. Jobber.. and Wholesale Dealers is called to those inabstantial. large, saw STONES on the rout ode of FOUFUI Street. a little south of CHESTNUT. They are furnished with all modern conveniences, and will be let on reasonable terms to desirable tenants. dit-frawilt• A CHANCE FOR ANY PERSON THAT wtehes to engage in the COAL AND LUMBER Bueinesa . The su wenber. about ohm:1013110s bailee's, offers ter sale the Stook eri4 liaturet /AIM of lb COAL A •. LCAIBER TAM). Intrusted on the wovt side of Behuylkill. two end a half miles above Meesionk. The strolc comets of Hemlock sad Pate Lumber, and Coal. - The Piaturirs. buries. areqoas. Carta. and erouthiog neenanary for taming on the LUMBER. AND COAL . . The yard is en old established stand, and now doing a root busin ess, which the books will show. There is a nldins by the Y. dr. R. R. Road, and a landing on the Rehr,' It will be cold at • very low rats, and only two hundred dollars n cash restured_ Apply to W. 0. SMITH, na&-mwf 12V fie above. 110118E4 TAVERNS. and STORES MIA. Real Estate of every description. for sale or to rent. Apply to MAX HEWS, RealEstattretit. N 0.227 North ElEpo Street, in 'roomy k Co.'sSeed store All orders will be promptly attended to. English Riene n h. and German spoken. Collector of Ground Rental. 11-3ln pOR SALE—A Valuable lot of Ground Ha feet by 100. three fronts. grater and eas laud on one front; ani table for a eshorrh or factors. It is gloa ted in the enutherestern pert of the city, In is rapidly !m -inoring neighborhood. Terms OMIT. Address. for par hcoltvg." J. K.." offtoe of this PISDeT. 1304 tr TO LET—The Second, Third and Fourth Storing or the onitral andamnion* Stores, Noe. 22 and Sl_ Sou th DEL A WARE Avenue, vrt h large Counting Room on the Second Floor. A evil to TRAIN & hIiKEOvE. nE•tf 22 and 2g nOETR WHARVES. TO LET—A Pecond•story Room conve nient to the PUN Firma., suitable for a LlVlryee OlEne. Apply 431 Cll ESTI , III C ttreet. • ale fIATIDIETB pOR SALE OR TO RENT—A Large • property suitable for a Coal yard, filanufacturins. nr Foundrypurrinses. situate nn the north side nf POP 1. AR STREET, between Beach street and Co/metal o creek, or canal, (lately occupied at Gleast'a omnibus stablee,) SS feet front no Poplar street, and feat I. Leiwellen strei.t. and havips n front on tire canal of about 70 feet. 'Phone wolves are well adapted for a Foundry AT Fap.ory, the buildings eerily convertible for either pprpose. KENft MONTGOM C.RY. lASI BEACH ST., Eiebteei th Ward. iv WANTED—To sell at a Bargain, the most do treble Hotel Property in Burke county. Ps., sitootoilat Now Hope, equal dietspee front phi], dolphin nod FAvon. For n rte.( of t he Property cell en KlRK.vosts. For tame, Ito.. co.!' on or sateen:l- W. Lionville. nl6-Bw. REMOVALS. REIVIOVAL. THE FAME INSURANCE coUPANY HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE TO NO. 400 CIIEBTNUT STREET, Liam OCCCPIND IT ?NZ COMMONWIALTII BASI & F. C. YARNALL -••• CO. heivo removed from 113 Morket rarest to 119 SOUTH WHARVEA end 49 Pvi•lN Hl. e 7 Im• E 0. THOMPSON. TAILOR, N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., THE LATEST FASHIONS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE HEST GOODO Always on hand. and orders attended to personally. P. S.—Strangers visiting the eity are solicited to(their measures and orders. ra.vfm-2rnit PAPER HANGINGS, &o. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer from now to the end of the year out LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Person, wishing their Roam ?sperm], can get great BARGAINS 3, calling early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., c11.3-Int NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET. Now ON EXLIIBITTON.—The latest works of Mdlle. Rosa Bonheur, entitled "Los Borriqueros " (Spanish Muleteers crossing the Pyre nees,/and Morning in the Highlands. with the celebra ted portrait of herself. lir Edouard Bilbao, on exhibi tion fore short time, from 9 A. M.tilt 5 P. M. Admission 25 cents. EARLE'S GALLERIES. 815 cuesTN uT Street. _ A CADEAIY OF FINE ARTS, (Southeast GALLERY.) Sonlant's `cent Palatine. "A D k. till 0 F TA I L . " with Lealitie a erondroun Woslc o Art. "THE DIARTTRDOIII OF JOHN liCdS." A.. also special.. or ACHENHAC BTb.l N DRUCK• HUBNER. CIAMPRA.USEN. DJL DE RRANDT. lad BAsENcLt.vER. Will be exhibited Dorn 2 A. M. toy and ?to 10 P. M. daily on and after December il, 1850. Admisaton 23 cents. dlO -ti 911EMPLE OF WONDERS -a. Northeast eoruer of TENTH and CHESTNUT Stine C t rla lee Ntit OTTNTERTAINMEDIT EACH CONDITION. , . SIGNOR BLITZ. The greet Ventriloquist and Magician, will Eire his New and Astonishing eerforniances et the above plus EVFRV hVRNINO, et 7k, o'cloolcosto WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A FTERNCR.IIi e,at 3 o'clook,eonsutt- Gm of Laughable Seenes in Ventrihnin.ii, inroniera hensiblo Fasts of Natural Mem, Spiat Rapping a d its influences, end the Learned Canal? Birds. AdadlidOLl Zd gnat. Obildrinl LI oenti. IdP-Ina• WANTS. W. I. BLANCHARD, Beds CLOTIIING. . . AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. - POSITIVELY LAST Man BUT TWO OR 'Pali Geom.& To.zuGHT, Mozart's ivaoltal DOM 01011.11ilit (Dos Jou.) Parsysll.llgU or M'LLE..ADZUMA PAM. THIS Monday) EVENING, Doe. g, - f ul a, Most powtereir Farewell Apeararre InblsoC, ANAL ADE , PreV l o l le to her des...rune or N e i York,edwoje la announced to appear at the Amides, of minmeof lien York on IA edease4 and Thersday. acid can ;Were., circumstances, return to Philadelphia melons to bar departure for awoke. THIS (Monday) EVENING p.m 19. at 71L. GRAND 0 s LA. ANgt ONLY ' PERPOR.MANCE ~ of 31 °aura immortal masterwork. . • DON GIOVANNI. Which will be brvin with the most exhurdig4 d east this immortal chef d'crovre ku sver beea P its Philadelphia. Ile foilenri ng artiste vat mobs FIRST AN ONLY APPEARARCE LN r ON 0 lOVAINPIL Mile. ADELINA, xrri in the eel.- brew chariots: of Wins. Signor BRIG.NOLI _ ,en Warw. Signor PERRI as Doll Gievisani. Signor SCSI eI . 1 Leporello. Signor AMODIO , u Masetto. MONDAY oxty GALA NIGHT OP El N i bonnoven s. AGUI PATTI. Donna Anna, de. GezzanT OA. Zerlins,_ Donna Elvira, Mid. avloscat. Don Giovanni, PER Et: Don °Demo. Prig. BRIG. OLL Leporello, kkg. SUB I. Magetto. The Commendatom. . Sig. WINLICB. d . AM OD Tte sale of Suss for Don %arum ooznxnenoes this mornust. ON TUESDAY, NO OPERA. ON WEDNESDAY, Past Mid only night of Moran's faiu_opera of THE MA- IC FLUTE. lln Isn/ With its sztraoylinary cut teli and entirely saw dragnet The unalterable practice of the immortal DON GUI. VANNI. which netthei time nor eirencestages has di minished. and their-at faror with winch E MAR RIAGE OP FIGARO lust tweet received ill Platldelibine have Induced the Director& to mode°. THE MAGIC FLUTE, Whichnkle u high, to ear the least, as any other of . Mozart's ra grand ODOM. It will be broualit out in snita ble Mile, and with a east the great Atte- - tin resources at the command of the Director/1,1111 eer- - , weir MAGIC FLUT E raoa OHM? ivies in TII E.has been gives in New York three times, with great muss. um its run had to be interrupted in conseneenm of the ulnae of the season. It wilt be Live most t i t re),l..4i/ ONLY ONCE N ILADELPHI With MADAME G4EZINIUA. MADAME. .COI. ON, MADAME ST w AKOSCII PERR/ AMO DIO, TIGELL I, JENCA; And appropriate mo oed porta ON THURSDAY. DEC. V. IL TsovATORK GRAND EXTRA AND •'H KAP fIpEZ.A. -j iou r Admission, melodusg cents. of ChM OW amily Circle, DJ °army, W sews. Ia tostoratity with the plait adopted &fag baff4 ef the previous seasona. the diotetors.bes t ammo** es .EXTIte CHEAP OPERA Matti% For Thunder yen. Dee. 'I he open selected for this night is Verde! TOPA; rst r IVRI. PRICES Op ADMISSION, FOR THIS MET Ad mi niOrnn e gra4 .kg a r iel f t o r;ed lec ei r s i t. g . sel"- Cie Parniir Ctrele ............ Cents. Amphitheatre . Tererstr-fire Goats Tictsta tinelodias a marred mato el, 'mar also to had the enemas. at the door. FRIDAY BYEArLNG AT I. GLAND GALA YE.FOILMANCR. LAirr NIGAJandTprriuheiL.Ath.DELPHLA. pATUR M DAY. GRAND GALA ATINEE AND CLOSE OP THE SEASON, eonirgy nth niarnerous rewtretia Gem the patron nr the opera. and to gore an otworttinit! to persons ra- P oat of the elm Terdi'e new and powalgr *Om or ICII VESPERS will be given kr t he Matisse. ACADEMY OP MUSIC TE6TILIONLiL BE4KFIT TO R. A. MARSH A LL. Esq. The Committee aproirded to make tee prevention. for the TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT ty V. A. MAR SHALL. Fag Wire the lithathre to ea...mane •het %learn Ellmau and Stria:hooch hare placed the Am dem, of Mine. Welber with the Orchestra, at the &a rose' of Mr. Marshall's frames. on TEESDAIr EVE:NINO. December UrS. On 'which occasion the esleirated Domino A rtist; MR. an MRS. BARNWILLIAMS. Who. in the most set areas mattner. en:rested thire Testanomal to the firm ?tanager of the Aesckaint Mono. and ;tee their Darnel,. wholly and frees no by tehelf. rat hare the pleasure of appearing in TWO et their moK mega , Flare. MADAME GAZIANOIA AND MADAME STRA- E. In the handsomest nrinn M er. " hare ablo eo:orithered for the ocethlOci. and ma; the celebrated demo from Fumes otFITt. Br permission of Mean. tiLLY-A-V sad STRAKOna. In midi noel to th ese attractive restores, tae tutus Comy.sny of the 'WALNUT-MIZE? TEXATRS oehteb nu be eta'sd on the °enema.) through the tondo.= of the Mumma:test. utt appear, to strehithia the attract/on. and so semis KR. AND MRS. BEANE," WI LIIAMI, TUESDAY EPEIVM. Dec- =Lb. rtor t ral atoteetace w ,ith .C. w I" CriTO e &IS OP THE COMTE T. Henri. a Pukes Help . Mn. BARKEYWIVIrA With Mary /tine' Bawl a_farnnts Etter. Other characters by maws. Stack. Thaler. &womb. Mr.. Thayer, sad Zee Anus lents. After which the rat Door. from Peeisre Will be mini tre SAFFO _ MADAME trAzZANICIA ewe .MADAME A. 8111 A - KOSCH. To be followed b 7 tho TET [ool4* OIL Fut*. datided 14 . 11119 d. Terry O'Rourke.-- i . Air BARNEY WILLIAMS. • Other ammeters p, a &am) ews. Geo. Johtes. Orme. Seuttonth. Mtn E. Prim add Mist Amite NT lib. Fancy Dance by Mr. 6E02.05. SMITH. To conclude with tbo new Fares, entitled MerinW33 YOUNG MAN. In which 1 ininc Bowers, J o' iron. sad Has eeinh. Mtn. Parry. Mon Jefferson. and Miss Pries TIP. 't' lrittfq will open st • quarter before ware& Curtain will nee at half Pala Nivea. Tickets may he sroewsed. sad masts secured. at. the Academy. f oat n ine till four o'clock on Monday sad . Tuesday. *riche.*: Parquet. Parapet Circle. and Baloraar.Bl: Farm]. Orel.. ht cents; Amphithastee. 14 septa, The Tollotrint,Tuonstee . n t tlemeo hare kindly consent. e d r%ll.'==tx,'Au. D r .. . 1 71 4 :=. Hick man, Hon.P. Praeaorl. Col.Welbeni I La ei. Hon. Jacob Broom. Geo. B. Baker. - . 1,3: t i , 1:_ FOITINt. sw±Msekessits Morton Ideldiehael. John _B. w,emaast. Col Wm D. Lewis. Jr.. ~.. 11. Coleman, Lyon L. Levy, *W. S. key. 'Tv tri. H. Kern. Joe. W. roe Harry Cm:lv/Its., Geo. D. wethenl. Fionois Waal' aurae. F. W. GIIMOII, N. Hiska Graham. E,..Ca lhooi Sew. W. .1 Limper. wm. H. Maine*. T. B. Petelsoo, C. J. Gond. Col. Jae, Beat, Ro bert ]toms. F. 11 Boitcsi. Wm. Padget, David Wuster. A. ir. Waterman. Alex. H. iron:mu. then. &nanny:nu Joseph M. Cowell. .f. Ham Basal, FrIIIICIS Ond'ina. hilly B. Whits. 111"A'. MI:16. Alex. Pitmalia. La.,,,,.4 pleasant*. 1411. Jon. Santee. e-o. T. ?Kona. T. Wsateott Bader. Richard M. Moove. rharlea F. Lax, Henry F. Atherton . Jerry McKibben. A.O. Alta*. Samuel Peasants, Jam eßaas. Bean Nail, Taos. ff. ,rembergar, (leo. W. Brown, Jas. E. Cal:3Tel R. 0. Lowry, Home L Fe tinsem. dLa-tt W A F IS ALNUT-STREET THrtivißr. d role Levase . • —Mrs. AL A GAR RETTSAN. Stags Mectsser Mr. Y. F. gFA CH. Baseness Agent . . .. Mr. JOS. D. MURPHY. TIM I MoSio Al) ENIN Dee. 10. SHANDY S O R E.V. StsmlyMaccdre. M. r. Barney Wl:Dams: Mary °Toil ar r. Miss Mem To be followed by OMS OF THE COHNTR V. Melissa. Mrs. Rsmey Willissns; Mrs. AL/mom Mr*. Thaler; Mr. Maw:Pm Mr.Thsyer. LYNN HO LIDAY. 9 M ILLIN E R'S LIDAY. SY.T' Pr'cu, usual. Doors open at IN o'clock. Car. tcn Ira! rt. nt 7 l / 4' o n!octr. -wtIEATLEY & CLARKE'. ARCII- FaRRFT TRE AT RV:. THIS (MONDAY') EVENING. Dec. t 9, (Benefi A M ER I CAN C O LT. ) OUR Asa Trenchant, Mr. J.H. Motel Lord DuthlrearT. Mr. Wheatley; Flmeses Trenchant. Mrs. Drew. AN OLD OFe ENDER. TODDLES. Scare or Patens —Ado:onion. Is cents) Sensed Stars to Dress C‘rele.3l)4 eenti; Doors open at half past o clock ; tcrlorma.cas C011:111:013C0 At 7 o - elnek precisely'. IRTII s E r t'I E ;I T Y Ht & ATi g : LARKE'S ARCH JOHN GILBERT , Benefit. WEDNEIMAY EVENING, Bea Shenden's C..ateely f tte SCEIOOI. FOR SCANDAL. meet east. 13, the SCAR COIIPANI - - Partleelers In future advertisements. Box Book is nos open. nmg RICE'S GREAT SHOW. A— , NATIONAL THEATRE. WALL'ItT Et.. ehoTe Eighth. D. Mc Larinietile ereir . itter. THIS (MONDAVI EV NLNG. Dec. 19, The berforminces will commence vita THE DREAM OF CHIVALRY, In which the entire company Irdi The new and benutind Feu. Rile(entiee.l fIE ENCHANTED HoWERS• . The e ,- .71,71 . 1Nue§tr.412 •rterlo434 illuttrAnce of the RURAL SPORTS OF MERE' ENGLAND , n the o'don tame. entitled — The Each of Sewn." iht whlch the entwe Equestrvan Troop* hrresr. The whole viii conclude the lanchatale Comic Pantorcotne of the 810(TINE7, AND BIZAR. Doom one' at 6X o'clock. Performince to coaameace at 7 o'clock. PAGE'S CELEBRATED PICTURE OF VENUS. auld'enc -ENE'S ard the TROJANS to the I 'ate Shore. to nogr on Exhitetton et the Roe=.l o , er C HICK ERING &SON'S, art Cnestetut Street. neer the liven' House. Athr.testou 5 cent,. 1117 et SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION 1 - 100 MS. JAYNF.'s cnmmoswEALTe BVILD.Nt3; IFSTNUT etreet sear Slat h. THIODO:C8 THEATRE OF ART. Ptfth week of tilts Eisen= Meehan:rut Exh.htttott whh the foLowt nc scenes The Port •f 'Genoa. the Eternal City. Rome end EL Peten. the Automaton Rope t •uanr. Chinese 11...m:- nations. Storm oe the Rs.tte. the Aster/adieu etop wreck, with a (all and torrent, new of the Mammoth Steamer. the Great Eastern, Porformanc.sWedneeney and Minnie,. littera war Y. 8.--Fpectel ecdommtodatmai are et the easposal of the tentlemenly where. Great persorcont cea on Chrtatrnaa Day. Ttekets. neat'. CaPdren.l3 cents. Doan open et 7in the erra tal. end I o'clock. P. 31. s to commence et 3 and 7X. D RAMATIC INSTRUCTION.—A first claw Reciter end Actor wif instratt Lvizes rtd Gentlemen, end render them csiesb e of the fort roan • • - Poore persona of real talent taught free. A edreas Soz ba Blood' s Dispatch. d1..3t• cDONOUGII'S GAIETIES—RACE St., titswe SECOND. FIREMAN , s DREAM. In els. Tableaus.. The ahoy. piece mil be produced with new and au propnsts scenery. giving a comVete representation of - THE DESTRUCTIVE FIRIN EW YORK. And the detection of the incendiaries. who lobbed and destroyed the hula:tiny b fire. TRR Met:A TRorPE will aPP•ar. FIEB NAND V?. la .1 ti.s 01.VNI PIC FEATS. A. J. LEVAIrT will &recurs* upon the BArip. BAND OF SERENADERS will a so asseat. ETROPOLITAN c TN IN B e t "3 t e , o sit ,l3 a l ; SIXTH. THIODON'S MUSEUM OF MECHANICAL ARTS. The &Anne ledge,' Mond and Inetructive itinn of the day. the most be III:alit, wonderful, and trait ever opened in the Quaker City. MONDAY tiVENINCI, Dec. 12 and every evening during the wean an WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. terminating with the terrific scene of the Storm et Sea. ADMISMON Z cents: Children under ten Yeats of Aso. 13 rents. Doors open at 7 in the evening. and at 2 o'clock , n this aftarnaan. Remember the Daylight Tteatzioais ev-ryi Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. dl2-dtf 1113ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE PINE ARTS. it,O9ORF.STUT STREET. Ts OP F N DAILY, t Sundays excepted.) P ein 9 A. IV WISP. M. sa,tholomev•s swot or ••PARADIBU LOST" Now on Ex)" Amon for •Fort time Admussten 25 cents. Childress ender It 'ran ball' pr,es. ihnres of stock GteRMANI A ORC3I 4 ' , TRA —Public Ile hearanla every S 4 TCP.D AV,et MUSICAL FUND Abi,. at 3 0 . e7O•A F. 4. A pukk„,e of eixbt tAckatm. one drlhr. Sql: le tiekote,2s coma. To be bad at U. Andres, and Beck k Laert-n's Xnele ::ores, end at the door. ek-Sze
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