'tkltt.k.t,W#.o3-01*1-' AsEt.": L—•••-.. 1 4 4 ' 12111113 ".. 4-4 , ?'• 4 '""'"'" T OEY"t t i*i7l" PIIiI141101P;P AtiBV#44tOC6IPTIU" ilfi r ;4oiMEXtt,, ^M•aS OFTZOII SO:‘,o,9Egln.rm rimt; • 1 , 4^ r, MIMI% iine***iiiifikftto 6 g. sqtt ) Tusu,nommicypiiii , mosTA*7lo---- ••.- 4 stOkt'Stitot ttinto tailored,. \ • • '4l iiihtEtitrtf * *4* 4 . P4t4lOi to ottiooti boa otko4liit*, at Tmotts Dot.- lott4 ti,i , otttopt, ,„ TArOMUItI% • "rout AND 1860: ~1860. W- 1 1 6 4 VEIPHy & soNs, No da CHESTNUT BTRICIST, ; ' ; ' ~ .fielow'Fourtht .; NuCTicaL sultuncrtnumcor '-BSA~N.HJ:.H`OOKBj ;' kiStuiriiken Stook: " , • RefaktilkdenVfOrtiifix - " vuor i yorDranscesi-Copyikr Preases4 r N9yi loath. NI. Rnvelopek,atipi ohoLgek kor ag-4 4, A91. 1 . 01 . etlAUVrqk grialc!ri.F.* • •-• A 9 07 inßmi4 - - .•:‘,4060.4,1!15a WHOLE RV-TA - L' , SETS For 4 noecdaggeseon, %AU find on our ebeleve NaGIg i ANA,VOMPLE,3 I RILEAORTMENT - from yrpdedii4 41.12 lava t?einniade to order o • • .4,11 Y DAMEED 'PATTERN,' - •' - Arrayisseer QtrAtITT , OF:MA.I7R.I.6IiAnD • - . Tosition t witb &fit isjeonent of Amp_pptislyrko -- '00 1 7A.71 1 f 110 174E/..Orif.t IO NARY, • • SAT TIM VERY tii:TEEIT MOBS. '" MOSS, & ;ob.. ale ilitCrifflTsEßT. ea4zip' N ' FLOWEri.e FEATHER , 72i H TRRET, , %Olin ont;t4 GREATLY REDIJORD PRIOES. int Wire- stock of.- • ' • ' ' ' ,- , ' - BE4ll t p Dbirel3 l ,BB4pa.Wleep a , , L AM) R - -• P , I' . ' 977•F MILIN Y'I3OODS, 7 1 140KKENI4ED_Y, dol3Roi-, pwertapful , err.,-.0n,',40.8.8e0p ST. , REROHAKT ,TAILORS. RAPH.Iia lit-LStkADA„ PtHi FASHIONAItII READ?-MADE OLO:TZING, 11171 3 ER14?11F4BRICAIF7OtprIXTBR*014/p M. B° 1 7 1 ! 88 _lll4ll tja Mt AT il taliMat .40 . 11111 I tltA r a t 004,57. v A r tek t re g ) f:are& , y tit 22 Et t elialtd stook of. ihßgalitiNe for at * hail on hands ehoiee aideetioti o Fabrics enifdal -1 or a:sto le R m ra er o wl . rta n nt a x wi Lor ned it iso e.. rtm to e w nt u l h .r o mi..........ti0 p vb... , „Lori" wamiated to giVe entire wail action.- • . , ase4m - -,,,,• - - A: ; -, . t JOHN 'HOBSON, Artist. 8 n0.0.• RAZELL & IARMER. ' itaiwireivri)* irmouniepli DEALS • BOOTS. AND SHOES. lreqrth Timm _mum - A tialwortaant of st , itr "'fa px . 6 , 11,:ad Shoed ocm- IViattr• ft,.unnOMl.*' rA.matA• noviits. HANIYN ":Iat.ENNEX iItWA I O I 4.M I '4 l ‘)/ ( MThEiWiI" 'MPOPt,OM ... For the cap Qf at !duds of ' • ANDIAIDAN ALAKTAQTDDVD r y a ut i v i ma i op t' "WWI ? , BILDIAIi,'PREIDXS, AND IFIDLUDI e ItaiRtI*ARA I AND I COOtir; iMiaorrMntiiar leWdtlerp it4;i:4 ileV. • fIIL/ T tritillt . ' 8 .4 ILIB t S • took - -otionitiath .111 4 VS rXOOrD " -= 4 - 0 11 / 4 : 40 *444*;' 4 :1 4 / l iinitiarOC 11rilltrik441305ri , ARMS , AND - vrosa, B,HAWA:a 7 ,Olkykii wilidithe ONLY 84 buxom& ", maws NSW MODEL • RIFLES AND PISTOL!. lIXAVAAH ILILADT:ytfdr itairinitair;"o:POlßV(o344 'DAMAGE itARDWAIit 'aL4 l OIL/Ai r° Ai n kt a rl i at at"i tireir ge ft i t :r . t .„T 40, .0 ovnt -11 MF Op d 81= 6 istflim - tiA v ßaVita /lad DomeMlarger., LIA! CABINET WARE. 01 1 6IM MMn Il BILILM mooRE*.C3AMPION.: ; • tit= e aga P isll aft aotr i lt 444 'mati=tort LA no 4 • 141, 4 1A1l T AB IIIaftereIASYLWAVATBEWONS be ' stitch are p= 4. 41 tB7 LO 0,111 then; Mrtlge. ty..a,a4 Staahlt theist, TatAeo tho mom leatorort,toter to VI impure, at t =irra: P‘P-u-uF. DRUGS; 'CREADUALS ; &c. DMIGS, , GLASS, FARMS, f(OI3T. ERIO.gM4,I7Cgi, R. 41 go, • ' NOWISSABT 043 DARN PM= AND RAO4 MEETS, WIIOLESALIC • DEqGGISTS; isatofte.)._eanApecdpiy In WII9OW OL4BB,RitiNfig, ,40.?tik404.010:i.42,1q°4:4 - COUNTRY 'IIeLERO4ANTiii. To their large stook of Goode, whloh they offer et the lower! market Med.' ooh-)f - - LOOKING.ULASSES. L OOKING4LABBtI9 t At radii4d vices. • ,I. COWPLAND,No. didlnuth Fourth greet. pas hand a large stook or Preach Plate Ilttrrora' to_ 1111 frames,sialuMornauutntad pc plain. *blob are lama at very arao aligtea. . eqaata and neat Poi tut' t, _Picture, and PnotOgraptt Mead e, French Plat a on hand from may 4o TM to 725 b/ - se, •at .. .man below former ',slam orders solleined.-;, • - :-' JoBtiUAcf/WPJAND, da-tan„ -• • „. „ - - . po,ra Banta Xonsth street.' 1:1X)K 3.1 0 CiLivRIEL Now fa store She moot salami,* acid stscalt runt , Mettle ,-- LOOKING GLABBE:S. • For *Teri aloe M 2,4 intors.positioa, slut at tha Mit ' soolonsto Draw. - - LOON.LIO GLABB6S Pl . Pte,l ~,1 1 1Teborii MA the to* iimalitroakaa - • 'I,OOICUM 014881:8 ' asil*u.,the most sibrtantisil GLIJIBER us, it i te nialitifsottifealrrovem 1.1 oar 4:77 4 7 " A10iiniG4 6i41 . INCATlY.Ovr,W24l.l4l.rr:fruiee for Qillity iteIiNEVS -' ,141L014: 0064' ! '' f 16,01(110t$UT STRENT, 10 , 4 4/ , . • ~ , 1 7111LADELPHI.L. Z 1 1 : OPE' • 00AL OIL WORKS. PitgaMIUNI • Aw.s.p.DE A nonniniv ma A STATE iAnt., FARTORY WOOF. STREET, WHARF BMTY.I; RILL, - - _ . 44 2 1:4 441411 rt., „ , , _ R. R. RIJARARD ! e SON he month. r4ozple A.PIIOO-Vikir4irlPP4intr't frivedidt, and w‘rml g the mplcatOst. • ~. f ;!0 :htOTECTT coLto . o d DANP., ou TE,Dloktriion4A EA i ." 01b . --i4itnikEt • :-El) - edo Aa ntroe iw % . d e.if Ait,. . .... ARAW ING'2.. AND- PAiNTINO M. appeere ari -#A - RiAtit,;; -,4- . , .. - wo 4 Arohitatteetittlondir, ,-;..„. . c; ,':, gr , Ia t urAtt tlig w Mtiiiiii.:. fe4-' -I,ll,italqcrfor, a 4.ra and, : 4.. , tr i t.rap... , ,,,,•,, , :, , ,,,, , , - , . , , ~, , "=' .. )', & 'AWfordMa, liwift,,,th,,". 7.,1 1 ., ! , , 7 ~, c * fr /w+ r gratis to the tr h. ,r, , ~ , ..f . rtitifi t .,..t . ,: • `I :,-,/K6lC'boietrillterkittifirACciunfr. - lie fn stgititso.4 for Pogo SEC. C. Implant- k Stroot, sd door *Woo Prolit. • =EOM •. . • , , -\\\ \ l 1,/,/, i, ' ' ' " • . . . • ~-,---- '--. '1 :,_ ; ',' ..' - • ''` , ..;,,N AN% I I ///,, , ,P•":„." -*Tit , ' . ._ • ' , r,-... (.... ,a --; ';.,„.. . , ~‘ , ,,,,v,,, ~.ii . -, - ,-, • , tv - .0... , ...,....,.., ; 1 .....11, ........ ' , ..,., _ l O.-....... 2 . w‘ 0 1,!1/4 .: # t ) „., -s, ,- -:\ •., . -.- : - „ • -.,.*----... r i* **•-- - ::-. • i - -- - ---,--'" ,-6 , z: - ter? 1 , 7 11 ZA . )L 2 ''''• 7 ' 1111 ---- : , di , . , . . . '.. ' '' .••• fits.umik ~1'.,,.;...,,,,,.,,.„... ~ , ~, ~„. j „ ) ., '' •:, , . ~ . , 1... ~.____.... .. ~ ~.............,.,,,,:.,.......,..,...:._,._,... ~. .., . (7 , , -- -- --- -, le.: -:....:2- 4---. ; ,iii ....0 -1 ~ _..,-_-__.....„....--„..._, . . . ..,-... •_.. ~ --,-.. . • - . . - ~ -,...__ _,, _..... _........ . - .. -,.,.. .. , . - 1. „..,..._, , EMI :VOL, 4.-NO. 119. 'cosrECTitmEnY. 00108 itatISTMAS CONFECTIONERY, , FINE MIXED SUGAR PLEAD!, • jPRESERVED FRUITS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN. ! BON-BONS/ n SIMAIZ TOTS) NICK ' *Wk.% &c. Afluntfitoiarod [Tined by #)4AtiIf3. I AIA,N & CO.. dlO StO(hillsod Streetik pIttPARING VOA CIIRTSTMAS. FOWLE itatTqWNSEND, zo.AW 8 REST,. WiY724uoB-31011 VARIETIES OD am ( ORDipkiniBlloBB, PINE 81108 R ,nlitdON 8 - am., I 8, ace., &a. Also, Frenoh Niot•Na Chrisiniu- Tree Orna ments. &o, , We • have also Ith e Renew lon , Po ehell-Almonds, gm; &0.,' im hie for the minim holi days, to which we .reapeetfu y invite the attention of home tnifere parchment sisowhore. Don 't forget NO, 91e MARKET street. - dlt-tjel DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1 1 11FaRRIM.4.0K PRINTS. THIRTEEN NEW. STYLES. ALAN • ELEGANT raw STYLES CHRISTMAS . PRINTS C4BIIMERES 4ND .DE LAMES, wan JOB LOT BLACK SILKS. TO OPEN ,THIS DAY, • 'MONDAY, DEOEHRILE. ltru. JOSHUA L. BALLY. :WORM AND MEER OF DRY GOODS, '412.4t , ".818 'I6[AI;RAT Minn. VIGARB4 TOBACCO] dm. ,ZWISSLER 8a FIORILLO, 125 NORTH TURD STREET, Hays for ludo &large supply of 'CIGAR 8 OP nut BUT HAVANA BRANDS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. AUNTS POR GAIL A AK, WISMAR SMOKING TO BAWD AND DIDAND. rosX-Ato A. MERINO. 140 80VII1 fONT STEM Imp to Moro sad hood, sad OEM fa: Batty a Large Astigetzust at OUGAILS, *cooWed tired from Nom* of ohritoo an* favorite aaa•tr AVM? A" SEOAR.—A handsome as sortment of the moat aeiebr,ted brands, via, !Toper de Dm, , . - Eeniel Webster, .. 7teptuno, . inputs, -: %%et - P VI e it tOteelleatilti ' : Itille a , ' IMPOROS, 112 de Amelia', , to., . 0 li Tztra, pm* and alit es , nob land i free& inilton'r andr i Ze Mt br. la r rit - r Ei,. , , tai-Im , $,- , . , _Aso txt ,- '4EOvei'.?r4iii.NrsDlNG GOODS. (loops 1 . 04"1133 SEASON, , • • BRONZED MOWS AND rams, 'STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WARMERS, KAMM ITIINOS,.. PLATS WelthikßO, HOT WAWER Dll3'S, &o deo., • AT VIII ROUSE-FURNISRING STORES, ?108. 9512' AND 1496 O.IIESTNUT STEEN? Jl4O. A. MURPHEY &pc% CHINA ANDIWEENSWARE. TE GRANITE AND CHINA TEA SETS. DINNER BETS, TOILET SETS, PRESSED GLASS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, &a AT' LOW PRICES. IVEIGET, SMITE & CO., • oN-wfmtr NO. 4 NORTH FIFTH BT. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. TEO UNION ARCH ARZEZ ABOVE 91RD PRALi e EOM*. LIPTON S. NEWCumE . The situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Public; audio those in search of pleasure, Passenger Railroada, winch 40% , run vast, end in close proximity, Afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all phloem of interest in or about the atty. Ir 13-6 m SCALES. LE _ FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. Forlele by PAIEJIANIft& EWING, 1 TJA GEEBTN UT Street. MILL , 110WE'S STANDARD SCALES.- 0-ve STRONG & ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle, and • Ka, Seale. require no pith Platform and Counter Hades of every deecription. They regerve ell Fnobon rmd Wear on Rails untried of Knife mime, as on at,et Malec Ca and examine be ore purohaions elsewhere, and pee the improvement PENNINOTON OftENtt, Agent, ILI South SEVENTH Hired, Phibuielvhia. • BUSINESS CARDS. fILIFFORD P. MAO CALLA, Attorney Lliw 114 South SIXTH sr. 3t* MARTIN dc QUAYLS'S STArONity ii TOY k er u FANCT 000D3 lOW WALAT STIfiT, SILOS/ BLIP/SIM, - Eolli7e• on land Perivmer. JN: 4 %%OS. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law -IL N0:273 &nth FOURTH Street. 1118-6 m • WALLACE & BRODHEAD. ff EXCHANGE PLACE, 171111 NEW YORX. Btoob snd Bonds bought and sold; on 0016eiOn. FRANCIS B. WALLACIt. EDWARDO. BUODIMD 028-4 m ALEX. bicKINNEY ATtimul l A.T_ LAW, 0 ERPI3 UR% PA, Will praotise In astoonsland, Arnistroug, and in (Wats onntAtee. %ME ADAMS- EXPRESS CO., OFFICE ••■••' owproyetstet. forwards Percale, Pack ager, dwe, um* Ngteit, apd Speete, either ht 4tit own blicia L ar in connection with other Expresa Com pettifg, to a ll ,tit 9 N 1110440 towns apd _Oleo Qr. ListftedPtatea. E. 8, SANDFOR , Lela; —4691 MM finnermtee ant IttIIi)ICINAL. UNIRS. WINSLOW AN RIPERIENdB NURSE AND FIIPIALS 'hysionly presents M. the tondo of mothers her 019'1'HING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN .TEETHING, fares* *militates th 7. of testhing, mft , Ira% Rediunug alt iiamprou i Ley BUR O p ßEO j n eh 11d upon it, mothers, t give rest to yourselves " ILEII3IF AND szALTH. TO YOUR INFANTS. We Ettusitna eoldr • this estiole for over Pm irt n Fl i ugt prent "fte*?:,tifthi:i Mgr wNelo. • 6 ' lAN" g r a ffe l ikTi el .." .. ever N d greetion by serr tre e s ere delts to n te s q ot Ing ee ei2.1,11 tit, modm vj o Wrilroormrami r g li o or Ogee i whetr :41 slo e oittoroMop., relief be bst tritre w f lb e fiii . d pr t e e ii i II NOrr send 14.16 ! ' - ity)B l i . i ' i n ort l46 4lVeliZ a iso s as g .,..t0n0s "orgy Al ' Arrits Oustv;b:ll4,l ( lttil: ' tr, i f MINK tee ng or from any other CI a rgn i Votityhti s n ' t: n oLp r e grei.4,4o° 0 I V A r ehigelli g N Mg einline m4 ired i wi foot Mirffr el, the ls 9 er - rah, o •IlatMO DrAgobrp iemitinlathe i ' C u t , 441 -itT_*- whet i. . 5 ow an t laelpioeot auft. d 44l,4l°, nilZi Ztae# 4 : '4s,ktrti r kilOW.,e afintAgl e y f e u t fil. Fif47 - 111 iimoat every antlenia rcan pain and founA in eine ., ,en et twenty A i le r i Fill s kiPAcSp e and has been 11004 i u, OF OAEIBIS. hid from yam, bt4 to wels, , Trim' amdltD the V Ole lir+ 0 WUZIP114001;:: Mt di remewed, and In Ryglyan a r gli i iir , whet er i t ardßill J AIL ggl7 t lZe 1:1:74o do of let your eyekidusee, oth e tea rt i a h nil be 1 1 1 .1 AlßE—to a ferldr the timely twet Full d_rile -1 l'"?' el' 1 1 174. prn° 1 iqm le of. UR the °Waldo wrapper. ( tugboat the_ wild. Prin.:d rool. Jeer YirlG • flag-ly. , 10111FITLADELPHIA WOOD-ENGRAVING '416-tetnpANypsi FOURTH street, N. W. corner of Fourth and Cheittut streets. 01 Ynall's „PATENT fROTOGRAPULO PROCESS. 4124t* RETAIL DRY GOODSk.;i.%7' ELEGANT WINTER CLOAKS , REDUCED PRICES. AT TSB Y.A.R/S MANTILLA EMPORITJAL 708 CHESTNUT STREET. THE SUBSCRIBERS, in accordance with their usual outom at this season of the year, will otter the balanoe of their stook of elegant PAWS, LONDON, and ROME-MADE CLOAIIB, at considersbly REDUCED PRICES, utth &view to the terminationof Uri merlon's trade. They have still remaining a thorough and com plete auortment of ell the Medics mules, on the whole Of telkleh a Sortable reduotleiti Prom the ➢boss hitherto demanded has been made. RICHLY ADORNED • VELVET CLOAKS. ♦T REDUCED PRICER /lANDBOAIE PLAIN VELVET CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. IMPERIAL PLUSH TARTAN AND STRIPED CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES ELEGANT DRAP DE VELOUR CLOAKS, STRIPED, AT REDUCED PRICES. PARIS. CLOAKS, IN FINE BLACK BEAYBK, ALL AT - 25 PER, CENT. REDUCTION. MOURNING AND OTIIER PLAIN 0 L 0 A ICS, REDUCED PRICES. NINES AND ORILDREN'S CLOAKS, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT. REDUCED PRIcEB. OPERA OLOAKS, BELL CLOAKS, EVENING MAIM ALL AT REDUCED ,PRIOES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. d 1 , 2 12t • 708 CHESTNUT STREW, ELEGANT LADIES' F UR S. • - AT LOW PRICES, AT THE PARSE MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON BAY SABLE, EASTERN MINK SABLE, DARK E 8 I' SIBERIAN SQUIRM, PINE GERMAN PITCH ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, &ok, IN GAPES, HALF CAPES , MUFFS AND GUFF& • HANDSOME MINK . MARTEN CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, 34 to 4t Inches deep. cm, $lO, $l2O. SW $llO, to ow J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, . 708 ORESTEUT STREET. dILItt • DECEMBER REDUCTION IN PRIORS, L. J. LEvY (30. Announce to the Patine and their Oaatomers that la ite oordanee with their usual custom at this season of the year, they hive redteredjha minas orrhairstook of which oomprisesmany choice and beautiful doseripticms of goods suitable for 'CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 1.,. J. L, & Co. have received, this week, a very ohowe .colleotlon of Embroidered Cambric Mktg, New Lace Goode, Embroideries, &0., to which there will be added, on Monday, December IS, several cases of Nouveautes, especially selected for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. • 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. LADIES' FANCY FURS. GEO. F, WOMR.A.TH„ NOS. 415 AND 417 ARON STREET, HAS NOW OPEN HIS USUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, blade of Monk selected by himself in Europe during the peat Spring. 0028-3rn CLOAKS! CLOAKS Il IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW MATERIAL. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. Sir Prioes more reasonable than at any other estab Habana. IVENS. nl9-tf 93 SOUTH NINTH STREET. CLOAIiS! CLOAKS!! ' THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN CLOAKS EVER OFFERED. IVENS, 29 SOUTH NINTH MEET. CLOTHS—OLOTHS. JAYNE'S HALL. A complete assortment of CLOTHS, CA , SIMERES, VESTINGS, 810 to 620 oared on a Gant'a Bolt, and f 5 to /30 on LADIES' CLOAKING. (Patterns furnished.) Call and ace at ie,SHLEMAN'S n3O-td3l 625 CHESTNUT STREET. BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS. Cheap Cloaks, from 84 to a& Full Mack Cloaks, 85 to 819. Dina Beaver Cloaks. 810 to 819, Blank Trsoot Cloaks. 810 to .9 , 9. We are now selling Nee° quantities from a Large, fresh,and clean stook. Cloaks padkto order and gua ranteed to,rlt And please. COuPE OM, Rik_ 0.17 NINT and MARKET. CLOAKING ()LOTUS. [ ine Black 014111 and Beaver.. adios' clack Cloaking 0, 8175 to 03.60. vercont Clotho. el to 195.50. iron -coat Clothe, 62 cc to 96. look and fanoy ritieinieron. tra heavy fancy Winter 01421111e/en. atinetn and Union Cassimeret. cod and cheap Veetings.Bllk, Plumb, yalonais. ys' wear—goods eepecially adapted to. COOPER- et UOPIA1(1), d 7 ' Nirern and 111ARKET. irCEMBER, 1859.--REDUCTION IN - 1 —• PRICES! C n THO H RNL I EaYn & Wiolrytof K e C tempting d i S n P du A eme nGtsA RuDEN. thin month to buyer' of DRY GOODS. ii&VE.PUT THE PRICES WORT DaWN ! Vary rich fanny 8.110 retluond to Algo TILE OF THE I,PIA OL 1 9.41K8 NEWEST STYLES, Ranging IIF.TSVILII2AteIosts, Beam Cloths! Tricot Clothe, &0., LUSTRE BpAcic siLka, HEAVY', R 101( LUSTRE 1 les mtge. , and children's Shawls; entletnan'a Shawls in greet variety, &a., &0., at TRORNLEY & C LIMPS. SS RAPS ON'S, CORNER OF EIGRTR AND CHERRY ON Have DOW open a Batt awrtment of BERLIN ,ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from tho celebrated manufactorere, Hertz & Wegener, in Berlin. Oar onst r oinere can depend. on getting the t l . ., h e:t o lgo t l p e r e ie va otfo ed et retail in Phila delphia, SPLKNDID ASsORTILINT KINEROIDRRED BLISPIIRS, A_VIZIKTT Or BLACK CLOAK TASSELS. • JAANDsoldit CROciner CLOAK FRINDIcs, KKW AND 111.AIITIVIL rTRESs TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YAM NA, ALL COLORS. ERraTa KNIT TALMAs AND CAM ZEPHYR KNIT GAITHER Ann SLKICKICS• A FULL STOCK ON STAPLE THIMMINGIL AT RAPBON'S • LADIES' TRIMMINGS . AND ZEERY_R TORE. Cor. OF EIGHTH MO ORRERY STEC rl6-3in TIOSIERY GOODS. -J. WM. HOF- A.A.MANN, No. 9 North EIGHTH Otreet, hex now open hie Steak lipniert Goods. rig Undervesla and Drawers ofCartirright andlA,r.arner *superior manu facture, for ladles' and mime wear. Merino arts and Dravrors, tor_gonts and youth". Merino lisie my, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and (Jaunt lete, and goodsgenerally appertaining to the HoeierY business. Z. W.R. respeetfullt solicits the attention of families to his stook, assuring them that his stook isn excelled for variety by any ether in the sty and t hat his prices are as lowa, those of any other regular house. N. U. — No abatement made from the prices named. s9l-wfmtf ILVER SOAP—A simple preparation ts. l for cleansing( Silver Plate, Jewelry. Id i rrore, Mar ble, far' more convenient and effective than any other. One half the labor of Howe °leaning may be v t 1 by tiling this Soap, which cannot possibly injure the lineal (no white, and as no scrubbing is required, the acme. n the wear nt the paint is numb erecter thili the ouster the Soap. It bulges the stufnee ea pure ene Thigiar i t npw, Manufactured gy h by the Bi t s , tli , r d i A l ints,ll#4l4pre v 6, n ApOtheonrielb e iiitliF ORr my. MOND4Y, DECEMBER' 19, 1859. NEW PUBLICATIONS. B'EAUTIFUL BOOKS MR . • HOLIDAY GIFTS. GA.UT & VOLIKNIAR. (summon to H. Co w p e . e r r t t n izi , t ) h Co., In Rental De- NO. efa CHESTNUT . STREET, • r i snli e rgMfe h a e c i lloit the attention of their nstronn SPLENDID ASSORTMENT HOLIDAY BOOKS, Prepared and arranged expressly ter the ZUSTIVE BEASON. Their stook oornprists STANDARD. MIISUELLANEOUB. AND JUVENILE BOOKS, In many beautiful and elegant styles of Binding. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS t 011.010 E ILLUSTRATED , ' • ' ' ENGLISH AND AMERIOAN BOOKS AT LOW - PRICES. • PRAYER iIOOKS AND BIBLES, (ENGLIEII AID mixatcast EDITKICSj Bound in VELVET, CALF, 140110000, CLASPS AID RIMS. . JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. This dePartrnent comprises the most oomplete, and the most extensive stook of BOOKS SUITABLE FOR Tnr, LITTLE FOLKS , To be found In the city. GAMES! GAMES I„. Of ever] description at low prices. MOVEABLE TOY BOOKS - In Creak Variety. WRITING DESKS, ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY. ' PAPETERIEB, PORT/ 7 0.0A Sc.. &c, Persons halting It can mike theirselechmmtnew and have them sent any time between this and Mist E Putolo e tsors will do well to call and sitindne the well seleoted stock upon our tables. AT 809 CHESTNUT STREET. N. 8.--CLVFALOGUEB OF FINE BOO,ES 0P4.1115. deft-tt cc THE HOLIDAY SEASON." SAMUEL HAZARD. JR, 794 OIffBTNUT STRIEET, Esriez,detttet the pout weak. _MtgeEXTENtiVE ADDlT.geirt told, htreuly Ara, ABS OR D BTOC4 o would invite the attention o BOOK BUYERS, And partioularly thoso Lis soar.* of mewls' for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, To bill facilites for supplilai them With ELEGANT BOOKS, ILLUBTRATED WORKS, STANDARDDOOKB, IN PLAIN OR PINE DINOINet NEW ENGLISH. ANNUALS, BIBLES OP EVERY VARIETY. ~14t A YER BOOKS, ..11 4 m114/010.1nt tininupawd. • JUVEN'U.E PIETURE AND TOY DOOM EITERBOSCIONB AND NOTUREB, AMBROTYPE AND PROTOORAPR O PIOTDREL PORTFOLIOS, WRITING DAUB, LADIETTRAVaLLING BAWL LOWEST „PRICES: Being Agent for the well-known Roues of THE APPLETONEI," OF NEW YORL Prom whom he is daily rs log oonimmuissti BO I(8; lie is confident that Ms seablishmsnt °fire tik HOLIDAY BUYnItS: Everything shot le desirable to the wily or VARIETY, NOVELTY. - - - Rte' A list of some of the newest end mat Books new in store. w)II be tam& in the 'l iMP cobljhtli of thleytnot. UPI he Tora. 0:47, " the rewith, foam tjully manliest tbg nail 10 most ;eoevementis ermesen for the. rorSee 0 1 those wlshint to mena seleetmen, emt one deeming to loolrover Um assortment will receive Sooty MUIR. tiOn 0•1 • "HAZARD'S.. " Mar . • TICKNOR it FIELDS, BOSTON, DAVE IN PRESS AND WILL PUBLISH IMAEEDIATELY: THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE With the Story of Ina. By OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. I vol. Itno. St. Also. a flue edition, ale• gently printed on tinted paper, in era form, and hound la bevelled boards. PflOo NEW MISCELLANIES. By CHARLES KINGSLEY Uniform with Sir Walter Raleigh. 1 voL lemo, BEI4 HELP: With Muttratione of Chariots'. and Conduoh By SAMUEL SMILES, Author of "The Llfe of George Stephenson." 1 vol. 12mo. el. SEVEN YEARS. A Novel. By JULIA KAVANAGE Author of " Nathalie," &o. Bvo. Paper. NO cents. TRAVEL AND STUDY IN ITALY. By CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. 1 vol. 16:no. 81. I'OEMB. By HENRY TIMR01). 1 v01,1,1/no. OO cents THE LIFE OF JOHN COLLINS WARREN, M. D. Compiled chiefly from his Journals and Correspond ence. 2 vols. Bro. 8310. With portrait and other steel plates. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. A Sagest to Ilohoo Da). at Rugby. By 11-MAW HUGHES, Part 11. 12 cents. CAPT. McCLINTOCK'S NARRATIVE OF THE VOYAGE OF THE "FOX" TO THE ARCTIC SEAS, AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE FATE OF SIR .1011 N FRANKLIN AND 1118 COMPAN IONS. With a Preface by Sir RODERICK MUR CHISON. 1 vol. limo. With Map and Illustrations. THE ROY TAR; OR, A YOYAGR IN THE DARK fly Captain MAYNE REID. With 13 Illustration', by Charles Keene. Ivo!. lemo. Tenants. KRNEST IMACEBRIDGE: A Story of &hoot Aare. By W. B. G. KINGSTON. With 16 Illustrattons by 06orgo IT. Thomas. 1 vol. 16mo. 73 cent/. THE CRUSADER AND TIIE CRUSADER& RI JOHN 0. EDGAR, Author of " The Boyhood of Groot Mon." With 8 Illustrations by Julien Portoh, I vol. 16ino. 70 cants. STORIES PROM FAMOUS BALLADS. By GRACE GREEN WOOD. With &steel vignette bj Cushman. and 4 Illustration!' by Billing,. 1 vol. square lemo. Red Cloth. 20 cents. dl&lii A UTOGRAPII ETCHINGS BY AMERI. CAN ARTISTS, illustrated n br selections from American/ av, et 4.'d 4' 4 , he I f . ligy, cA.NLEA t t, AmoDIN, MIONOT, JOHNSON. KEN 4 P.TI. HNINOER. Produced by a new application of tho yhotog raphie Art, under the supervision Mr. J. W, Mininser. The entire novelty o the method by which the beau • tiful designs of this vo cilia have hen produced com mends them to the attention of al llovers of art . The designs are etched by the artists op a glass surfate, chemical'y prepared, from which the photograph im pressions are printed. The improssicus thus prodooed aro exam fao smiles, reproducing the manner and test ing, or the artist with a faithfulness which gives them all the value of original sketches. In full morocco, folio, price hl2 Half morocco. 410. Cloth, all. S. MeRENRY. agent,4o6 Walnut street.willbe pleased to exhibit specimen copies of any of the works for which ho is Arent. and receive orders at his office, or to have the addresses of those who may wish him to call upon them. RARE OEMS. DARLEY'S COOEN R VIONETTES. Artists' Proofs. Those are proof, before letter, printed on India paper, with descriptive letter prose. of the exculsite illustra tions on steel, now appealing in the new edition of Cooper's Novels. They aro issued in Folios of Eight l'roofe each, with elegant tinted cover. at ea per folio. Folios 1 and 2 now ready, oomplete in Eight Folios. Bitlieoription Onlt.. B. meItENRY, 400 walnut street lIRTZ'S OLD COVENANT, VOL 3- COMPLETO TILE WORK. LINDSAY & SLAKIbTON, I,H THIS DAY; THE HISTORY OF THE OLD COVENANT, from the (Jarman of J. H. Kuria, D. D.. Profeawn of" heolo gy at Dorpet, V 01.9 completing the work. COMPLETE BETS. in 3 volitmes, handsomely bound in oloth to mateh. by the sante Author. KURTZ'S MANUA!, OF SACRED HISTORY, Guide to the Divine Finn of SitlvatiOn.l%ooofaillg to its Historical Development. By John Henry Kuril, D. D o Professor of Church History In the University of Dor• oat, &e. Fifth American from the Sixth batmen Otii tiOn• by Charles F. Schrelfer, D. P. In one vol ., limo. Cloh. This ndmirable !Annual of Snared 9lstaq. translated br Or. BCILIS/FXR. Constittlthill rich contribution to our theologosal literature. It has been favorably re ceived by Christian, of all denominations. IN PREPARATION, KURTZ'S MANUAL, OF CH , RO PE HISTORY. In vols. Royal liana. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Pulilinliers nod Booloellere, No. 25 SOCTH SIXTH Street, illG above Chestnut. HOLIDAY BOOKS! CdRISTALAB LOOKS:! BoOKS OF AM, KINDS! SUITABLE FOR PRESENT; For sale by Ltramo & tiIdtICIPTON, (116 to 25 SURth SIXTH St., above Chestnut NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEORGE G. EVANS , GIFT • BOOK STORE. NO. 499 CrIPSTNUT STREET, : BUY_ YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS is,YANI, %it; l',surt. 11811iBil gBg#B ATI IM'iti, BUY VOUR HOLTA ' HOOK AAT VA IS: BUY YoU it HoLI Ay BOOR AT YANG' s BUY . YOUR HOLI AY BOOKS AT Gift. Book Store, Oift Book Store, Gltt Book Store, Daft Book Store, Gift .13 , 00 k Store, Gift Book Store, No. 439 Chestnut street. No. 439 Chestnut street. No. 139 Chestnut street. 'Tie the beet place in the city. 'Te the best placen the ety. 'Tis the beet plane i n the c i ty. kt :;: :211 as l :i l l,:ir ri: r g l a y il[te ir r I str:', Book, are sold as cheap as at ant Other store, And your e the adyantage, And you eve the advantage, And you aye the advrl t t i ngo Of letting a 0 It alarm 800 Of eettist re Gill wit eat 800 . 0 _gel a Ilia tril 3 atok Book. 1 8 atS St 81rnofg Rip eAti ot, 80, cucf., t 14gApio. ot GAN "ET ANI 00K ~A IN ANY DEPARTMEN ' OF LIT ERA T URE. All Books are gold at the Publisher's lowest retail price, end G IFT WORTH FROM 60 A OEN TO , 8100, Id GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK. Boosor Christmas Prevents. . ke for New Year Gilts. Books lor the Old F o lks. Roche/or the Young Polka. Book. for the Folks in Town. /bloke for Folks to the Country. Christmas Preeeet toy Mother. New Year's Witor Father. - Handsome Gil or Sister. Birthday Gi for Brother. Useful Gi for our Son. Beautiful Present for Daughter. • , Mauling itook,W t raildi , ep e .. d. INTESTINO BORS I6 rSit gVERYIIO r D Y. Books liQ , Y s, Books r Garb" Books or Lovers, Books tor Sweethearts, Books of Humor, Bloke for Pathos, Books for Amusement, Book! for Devotion, Books of Hietory., Book, of Biorrapny, Books of Travel, Hooke of Adventure, W,oica about Kern.., Books about Patriots, kg about Indian,. Bz.ks about Romero, Books about Soldiers, Books about Sailors, Books about Farmers, Books for Meehantos, - Splendid Annuals, Beautiful Poona, Handsome Albums, Fine Portfolios, Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books of Al denominations. Wiehingtort Irving 's Writings, CharloyDlekens's Novels, Sir welter Scott's Work,. TkArthur's Popular Tales, . 4 ' IL Southworth ' s Novels, v ' • mania Townsend's Novels, •, ' Marlon Harland . ; Novels, Cooper's Novels, - Biliwer's Novels. Waver* Novels. Marryatt's Novels. Mi.. Rentz's Novels, Bayard Taylor's Travels, , - Mayne .Reld's Adventores, • Simms's Historical Tales, I , evolutionary Stories. All the Wntinge of every Standard Author, • In every department of Literature, In every style of Binding. . AND REMEMBER. That all Books are sold .-' ' At the Publishers' lowest priees, and THAT A 017 T IrAttillf9ol 00 c oats A j A ntr o mpsnlos each Book. -2 ita the Choice Books. in every style Of Binding, from V upwards, a rPil.Par t 4 V/ 4 . 73 V 'BOOKS. retreat variety, bound In a most beautiful style. at nece4 varying from et to 4rn, and a handsome Present 'hitt! ertsilL . . BIBLES. . Ci'all Om, fOr the Family, Chnroh, or Pocket. hound Wintry style, and at prices varying from el to on Pi 10:10MFAIVed with it beautiful stft. PRAYER B O O K S ; ft. Of all denominations, bound in th e' most handsome trtil r eg i irloOrigisarievnei7gt. and at varying ityRIN BOO KS. :itsinYterlin, Methodist, Baktrt, Lutheran, lee., In lilt some blurting, from to to 0, and a good gift with 0 , -. ' ' ~ HISTORIES. Ojai klnde. upon all guineas , by the beet writers, and at MR price, ' and aye trio present with Cash. MI RePtil INS, , ;!..tit orpry.envate person, and in eyory style of !.., i , 1'1 `" 44 4 Ilit e errritt ° 3lPk.AOEN: 42e, watt., o it, moot cued and popular authors, , eStitHripatiedwithrt ep nad pretreat. POO 8 Isar every' Mandard writer, bound in every ~ t ,tei lr e ato, and Illustrated with the mad beauti (al 4at prises varlig from et to 81e, and a 11 • IHregigltam_w each book. • ^,' ' stIVENI HOOKS, taindlelpl, minty, and by the most popular and IA t utO alire,Ana remember Mat a Talllathe pre aairil 34 lir Or each. .. ~.,. ALBUM, '''Or•iill stab, bound In the most beautiful style. end 'Wait s at i teinlint i a n tria a i t ern ° iritTreet'oll .4 f ,._ , . • tt, Tr rorcw Booxs l It ;a , Irbtl3l4T OP LITERATURE, '-, ''..,,,' . '"' PI REMEMBER ~,' lire re oho adoultogo of getting a Gift with 'll k t at you Purchase. .t Ca pas pint will 3i ,..7 7 thnt dm bad IPAMete Otty itherejou ilice ramie Bo ob is ' fli to is&AAPed' _ 1. ~ gio. - 101.0 al v 1 AtlLlit IW., GOON WM/ ri H, Oa the upper side. rvm GREAT BOOK VOR OBRISTMAS. FAx 'erotic EvEk Hum ED. LIMWMILIzrir YHILADELPIIia 8. el rortraits, inn Pages. • What Philadelphian can desire a more suitable book fora present than a record of its heroes, statesmen. triereheste. slut professors t Hear what Ter Press tali of it. Nor. Nth Its Yalu. will Increase with year'. The price charged (or it I tee/wall- Just sorer the omit .should the whole Immo on, via limited, be disecieed of" % The tra ratitin sa9 a Kr. e !meson's Phtlk dolphin oil of ). nor supplies a tippet literary want. ' The Sunday Monaca mum: .' Ws desire to say that no 111.04.1 men who aspires to be a Philadelphian can hye his library properly fille illess this book cam p to a consmonouenlace therein.' P itlittlit7,wat:_resit,6"rAtogliszt which Only a limited numbe r pybhsbed. Ylloe, is cloth, 8710 t fall twet' Morocco 10. WILLt Alti 131(011F.Rilltihh, dl7-3t* Nos. 213 end :le South MOUTH trot. H OLIDAY EDITIONS Op THR BOOK OP COMMON PRAYER. BURNB & 131E9,_BOOKILELLER8 EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT STREHTB, Have Just ymblished, for the proton season, Two New Editions of the PRAYER BOOK, of unequalled beauty. They are minted from largo clear WIVE RED BORDERS AROUND EACH PAGE, i n the style of Hie Oxford 00016 D, SO popular in England. The wools workmanship on these n books is income ara- My 'moaer to any hitherto attempted in this country. To harmonise with the printing mid paper, the best binders hrve been employed to produce A VARIETY oP BINDINGS. in the beet styles known to the hook-meking art. These novelties_, combined with their lON.b HUNDRED OTHER BTYLPS, form im assortment ndapted to ever, taste and cireum mance. BURNS & apj.IDAy4Ioqic,BAZAAR. d17.3t Corner orEIOHTHnndOIEBTNL 'i i., A N EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS PRE "L SENT. PERSONS EI=IMM CHRISTMAS PRESENT .153t0 LD SI:MICR= FOX M A • • • • • . B NEW MERIOAN CYCLOPLEDIA. 41vEN romixics NONY BEADY. To be completed in Fifteen Volames. PRICE ea PER VaiI.UPIE. A Subscription Book now open s Oho Agent% JOHN atcPA ELAN. ARCADE HOTEL, 621 Chestnut street. This le an admirable Present from a parent to a eon, from 'etiolate to their teachers, Irmo a congregation to their pastor, from a brother to a brother or gist or. pr from a friend to a friend. 07• tr MoUENRY, 406 WALNUT STREET, KoLF. AGENT, BEAUTIFUL AND V A LUABLE BO , CIOI. ()ARLEY'S LLUPTRATED EDITION OF J. PENT- Nit iHE COOPER, Two Vignettes on Steal, ea twelve sketches on wood, in ea h volume. In all, NEARLY eW DRA WINOS. Eneravrd from OAKLEY'S DKBL , NB, Tit% BERT ENGRAVERS., Eleven Volumes are out. he Pioneers, The Bravo. d Rover The Pilot. he of the Mohicans, Wept of Wish-ton-wick, The tipri The Headsman, Wyandotte, 'I he Prairie, Lionel Lincoln. Others will follow at intervals ofa rim*, Anti] the entire get of Coop er's IA Novel/ la published in this spins dui etsle. Price 1. per volume. plain Cloth. unmet. or etuticiaaed ohs bevelled ado's. nubseribera regu larly served. H. Ali - FINNEY, 406 WALNUT MT REFT, 11 , 1 snty AGY'NT also for the vicroalAL FIELD•BOOK OF THE RVVOLUTION. By Beano,: .1. he Moors., Blogrephy. &wars., hellos, and la.:films of thin War for Independence. Illustrated b. Pen and Pan ed. ldeven Hundred En.anyinge on Wood. eh•olly from Original nkotolieg by the Author. Gomelete in Two void. es, Royal octavo, various binding'. at O. T. 9, or lb dollar.. Highly extolled by Edward Everett, Jared Sparks, George Bancroft, Witellingtoll leo.. • o. •• . • p. Melisslty has ids MOUNT VRRNOII 1 rl ITS irt3Oil on ATIONS, Bionrsphioaland intoal by anion J. Limne, 139 In n n Boun dustrnooin various styles, 8340, e 4.60, ea ao and 86.60. Either of the Above is OUIIPERD HOLIDAY GIFT. Remember B. AfelltßY, 0104144 404 W.41,4`417T Street A HOLIDAY-BOOK GIIIDE—ORATIS. BURNS & SIEG, moDTD AND cHENTNuT, iiilO at o P IA ae f ant UE ALL THE NEW ILLUSTRATED WORKS , STANDARD AI:1'1101M CHILDREN'S ROOKS. kn., ,to. Purehneere of Holiday Bonita will find this eatalogue or! in su.tgeriting appropriate Imam for young and of . The prim are invariably given. net publighed 110 LI DAY EDITIONS of THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. Three sixes, elegantly printed on fine tinted paper, with red border. around each page. and bound in the moot beautiful ttylee, especially appropriate to the mention. In addition to these SPECIAL NOVELTIU, B. dc R. have also on hand the beet editions of OXFORD BIBLES, In every size and variety. Send for a priced catalogue, to BURNS & DIRO. d16.3t EIGIITII AND CHESTNUT. THE RE-ISSUE OF BENTON'S DE mvrEs OF CONORPS, in monthly volumes, will commence on the First at Jantior,,• lsou. Subscription s received by JOHN hIcRAI4I4I4, Bole Agent. Arcade Hotel, 621 OHF.STNOT St., dI9-121 (Office of the New American Enoyolosodiail JUST PUBLISHED, FL correct Likeness of STEPHEN A. DOUULMI. Poen 25 cents. FISHER & BROTHER. (117-3 t No 8 South SIXTH St. HELPER'S ‘ I ISIPENDING CRISIS " OF I.IIE ROUTH enn be had,wholeeslo and retail, at the Anti• Slavery Office, 101 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. ditSt READY.—In 2 Vols., 55, 16 Engravings, DIARY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, P/0111 Original Documonts. and the Whig and Tory Nellilll.lloll or that tune, }RANK )10014, JOHN MeFARIJAN, Agent for l'onniolt ania. 1110•19 t Arcade Hotel. L IIErTN UT St. fbAKUM.---A large stock of the Les 'LP brands oonetan Enna and for tmlo ky y WEAVER, EITI.EIt & G A O., • ad!S VI N. WATER St . end it N. Delaware mr. COAL extra quality Coal very superior article for burning long and giving bright light. Just rived. For sale by AOWLEV, 16 N SOUTH WHARV Co ES. glje Vress. MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 11359. Franklin's $c Parables of Our Lord." Ono of the beet gift•books we have seen, and sips. Wally adapted for the solemn season now at band, is a small folio, bound in Turkey morocco, and got up. in all respects, with unexampled grace and beauty Of illustration. The paper is delicately tinted, and the letter-press is printed In Saxon Ornate type—peon. liar, but extremely legible, and with an antique air befitting the subject. The title-page, printed In several COWS, if/ engraved on steel. Messrs. J. Lippinoott R Co., of this city,• are the pub lishers. The appropriate motto, from St. Matthew, de clares the subject of this volume: "All these things %make Jesus unto the multitude in parable', and without a parable epake be not unto them." Thirtyeight parables are printed here, and John Franklin, an English artist of great poetic fancy and of deep religious oonyleione, has supplied out line illustrations, to the following : The Ten Vir gins, Dives and Lesarus, the Faithful Servant, the Prodigal Son, the Merciless Servant, the Lord of the Vineyard, the Sheep awl the Goats, the Wicked Huebandmen, the Good Samaritan, and the Good Shepherd. There are two to the first and last tub- Jude, the closing one exhibiting the Crucifixion. It is difficult to say which of these engravings are the beet. Our own impression is in favor of those which tell the story of the Prodigal Son, the Ten Virgins, Lazarus and Dives, the Lord of the Vineyard, the Good Samaritan, and the Good Shepherd. We advisedly say that Mr. Franklin's designs clearly tell the story—which We take to be the great tort of a good picture. For example, look at Bothertnel's " King Lear." The moment you see it, the expression and the 'Lotion tell you, as by a flash of intelligence, what exact passage of Shakspeue the genius of the artist has illustrated. That Ostia* tolls He own story. Bo do these de- signs by Franklin. We know no English artist who so nearly resembles Frederloh Overbook, the German, who bas founded the modern religions school of painting, at Rome. But Overbook has one terrible deficiency: he gives German faces and forms (and eepeolally German tweet to all the Bible personages whom he represents, and seems to forget that be should perpetuate the Jewish typo. Now, Franklin's scriptural figures are Jewish—no exaggeration, but truth, and, in the female faces, the Hebrew beauty is charmingly represented. This truth makes the value of his designs; and the book we are now noticing oontains some of the finest of them. Disunton--Its Effects on the South. For The Frew.] {Sttterer may result from the present exalted elate of publio opinion South, be it a continuums of our Union, or a severest., an Irreparable Injury will have resulted from the discussion. Theories of the effoot will have been discussed and Illusions encouraged, both North and South, total to that extended patriotism which is willing to saorilloo a little for a greater good. Suggestions emanating from good and wise men will generate a wound which pride will never forgive, and encourage a resistance to true wisdom when It shall attempt to gratpand solve the question. Already has the press tarnished no a strong essay upon the subjoot from E. G. Fisher. There Is mood that Is found, much that is pats-lotto; but his hope to preaervo the Union, Is the supposed weakness of the South. A diesolution of this Union would make seem* the bond between roaster and slime. As a foreign people, we would by the law of nations be bound to respeot her property, and prevent or be respenei• ble for the acts of onr People The Introduction of nogmeshere would be so repugnant to.the interest of onv labor, that It would net be tolerated, and the fret act of border free Statue would be laws preventing it, and our own people would fore* a rigid czeoutlon of them. The negro would not be permitted to olfor his labor In the depressed mar ket, resulting from a revolution which must take place In the ensfloyments of onr people. ludo to it. When this Unione th aa s te rrent that we hardly dare to al is s'ne patriotic dr Z t o f blood it will be valuele ss It • meet whieb has erected and nreeensm bon g o love, and coorelon, waken - ' regenerate good feeling. Emigration to end from all parts of our Union has co mingled our blood, that the ties of coneanguinity are strong through all our land, and will render force impossible. Eight millions of Americans, believing 'them selves armed against oppression, are terrible in their strength and desperation. It is an error to think the slave population would Impede their movements or paralyse their strength. A force of moderate numbers, - with a strlot system of police on plantations,'would insure quietude In the Industrial concerns, and the effects of oontliot would scarcely manifest themselves in the annual product of the soil. Ono million of men removed from the eabordinato employments of life would be a don gerous material to trifle with, and furnish protec tion and guarantee to a permanent nationality. Ono county of Virginia, in sixty days, has armed, drilled, and equipped seven hundred and twenty men, out of a population of fifteen hundred voters It is asserted North that an absence of prosperity everywhere exhibits; itself South. Surely, if this be true, a change could make them but little worse; might it not improve their condition? They are unwilling to adopt Northern notions of Abolition ism to effect a change; and If we constantly exhibit to them the pictures of their decadence—their weakness—it would be almost wise in them, if the pictures are truthful, to accept advice and seek a means of regenerating their country asd people. They are now purely an agricultural people. They have no mixed labor; the entire energy and intellect of their people are devoted to one sole ob ject—the cultivation of the soli. If the North have found prosperity by diversified pursuits, is there any reason why the South should not follow her example? With a tariff precisely similar to the one we now have, would not manufacturing interests, which eon life here now, go there? Then might not Nor folk and Richmond, or ports further South, grow rapidly into importance as commercial ports 1 Capital would rush to .apply the wants of twelve millions of people, and the growth of come South ern ports might be more miraculous than Chicago Emigration might be immense to that country, and land might rise, and in a few years the milk at Southern indolence would cease, and admiration at their prosperity he generally felt. The South is not weak ; she is Aconite( the elements of na tional prosperity, and, a dangerous rival to create. When the North cuffor real evils, it mill be time to struggle for abstract philanthropy, and for stringent regulations of an institution gradually, healthfully, and surely, under the hand of Prori. dense, receding. Letter from Washington. [Correspoadenoe of The Pron.] WASHINOTON, Dec. 16 I understand that Mr. &buyler Colfax, of In diana, and Mr. Clark A Cochrane, of New York, who accompanied Horace Greeley, and who were present when ho had the interview with Senator Douglas, which has Leen so much misrepresented, have distinctly said that they have hail nothing to do with Mr. Kellogg's statements; that hischargee were not correct in any particular; that the Nuts havo been correctly elated in the note published by Mr. Greeley in the Tribune, and that written by Senator Douglas to Mr. McClernand, of Illinois They (Masers. Colfax and Cochrane) avow their If called upon In the House, tooirotun. atantlelly,teny Mr. Kellogg's statetnenta. They aro naturally acetone to fully and distinctly re. move any suspicion that they—the only parties present—could have been Mr. Kellogg's inform ants. From Indiana I learn meet cheering news,which conclusively determines the position of the De mocracy of that State in the Charleston Conven tion. All the countiee have elected Douglas dele gates to the State Convention, which meets on the 11th of January, for the purpose of appointing de legates to the National Convention. It will be a united Douglas delegation. The Administration, and Senators Bright and Fitch, have signally failed in their attempts to inoculate the Indiana Demo oraoy with the views of Buchananism. Mr. Crawford's speech yesterday wan clearly the result of linekin's spirited effort, and Mr. Bon ham's was as evidently called forth by Illakman's free and fearless definitions of Northern senti ment. Ile replied to Rickman, and denied the position of the latter as to the purposes of the slave-owners. Mr. Bonham denied that Southern men desired to carry slavery into free States, everywhere, but he claimed the right to carry slavery into the Territories, and the power of Congress over Territories. This, ho said, should be incorporated Into the Democratic platform, or ho would not support it. If the Administration men had any Dopes of rea di n g back the leading anti-Lecomptonites, the book of Mr. Buchanan," an Mr. Adrain sold, yesterday beheld all their hopes vanish Into thin air. Of course their hopes hare been "grow ing small by degrees and beautifully lees," but yesterday the determined and bitter opposition of Hickman, Baskin, and Schwartz to the White Uouse motorise was made dlekloot and Invincible by TWO CENTS. the rote of those gentlemen for Sherman. They hold their Democracy, but cannot understand, and not underatanding,carmot follow.the Democracy of hfr. Buchanan. This morning the attendance hi mach faller than for the two days previous Sherrard Clemons, of Virginia, striving in vain to win his side of the Rouse to agree to a daily ballot, mode a declaration that was hailed with much delight by the Republicans and galleries, and seriously discomfited the Adminharationists. He had in vain struggled to get the Home (mean ing his own aids of it) into a semblance of frail lag its duty, and he, sick and suffering, and but i11•oble to sit out the lengthened dilatations, would not be dragooned into three or four extra hours daily, lie would, every day, about one o'clock, if he could get his vole, in, move for a ballot, (cheers from the Republicans,) and if it were not granted he could not be expected to wait here. He should leave when his physical power failed, bill own side should get along without Ms vote, and if snob ac- tion helped to gene the Opposition he now gave notice that be would not be responsible. As sure u the light shone be would do as be raid. And so be will, and to be ought. He has bun treated most uncourteondy. Mr. William M. Simms, of Kentneky, fol lowed in what I eannot denominate by any other phrase than a conflagration. He not only used what is usually called " hot shot" upon the Oppo. Bitten ; but had boiling brimstone, lurid lightning, fiery lakes, lismarnortlng dragons, and all man ner of hellish and diabolical llama Ends, and feelings, with wide!' to overcome, wind up, let down, roast, toast, gill, broil, fry, and bun those who did not agree with him. A large portion of this gentleman's speech reminded me of a horrible picture I once somewhere beheld, entitled "hell opened to sinners." Again he reminded me of the explosion of the lire-work establishment which took plus in New York some years ago—terrible to behold, and lamentable in its results. Then, again, I doubt If I amid or can liken bins to any thing save a Fourth of July, upon which owe rat catastrophes took place. I shall dream of fire and brimstone for a month of Sundays to oome. lie was warmly oomplimented when he had done. We are just going to have soother ballot. On the ballot just doling, new developmentabave taken place. &dilatant anti.Lecomptoo and Its publican TOWS have changed to give Mr. Gil mer 36 votes—that being more than the number. after the aohlevement of which by the Southern Opposition, it was proposed that the Democrats should join them. The result of this ballot was Sherman 36, Booook 86, Gilmer 38—the rest mat tering. hir. Gilmer has gratefully withdrawn his name, and nominated Alexander R. Bottler, of Virginia. The Rouse is fully rimed, and an Limalate 'clamor Is made for another ballot, whisk haa just oommenced. Let me take this means of acknowledging the po lite attention extended by M. W. Cloaks', Iraq., postmaster of Rouse of Representatives of the lut Congress, to the members of the press. lie keeps a bag open until 3 o'clock P. M., for the especial benefit of those frequenting the capital, which is very useful, as the mall closes at the poet office at half put one. Esau Rica.►aus. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Ca' R. R. Briggs, a former resident of North Adams, Massachusetts, writes to the Transcript: " While I was living In Adams, thirty-five years ago, I lost a dear wife, of whom I had no likeness, end there was no likeness of her in existence, to my knowledge. A few months since, I wrote a letter to amen In Columbus, Ohio, named Wolcott, an entire stranger to me, who is called a 'spirit artist,' saying to bim that I bad lost my wife thirty. Are years ago, named noun Brigge, of whom I had no likeness, and if he could send me one, I should be very happy, and would reward him well for it. A short time Niue I received a likeness from Mr. Wolcott, and I think it to be a perfect one of - rny wife, and I am not alone In the oPinion. .others who knew my wife think as I do of the like• nets; and I regard it u a better likanseaot bet than any artist In this world 000ld hue nude when she was Bring. I tare amertalned that my wife died before Wolcott, the arthit, was born." XIINTrOICT .10411112 DIZUNION.—GOT. Eillealty of Kentucky, In his recent message, says I , co as it a .tinoo r n e i m -4.- wth ed is forthe eXte ' rlf aill w idkn2 hitth Iti4 cons il) pbttzt. ll b Ut o t u lo g n h t is th h a b l e ! o d we r by w i r e y m A n emm asact heart. Its very strength consists in ire seeming appworge rtlnterest. Itswer is in its apparent tarmac which, were idamten po rs-0.... • • • Convention that framed the Constitution, all flourish together. Agriculture, manufaetnreg. and the arts have become mutually dependent upon each other, and should strengthen our social and friendly relations under our glorious system of g6vernment. The interests of the North and the South, the East and the West, which seemed Ir reconcilable,have been so happily asifasted, so beautifully babutoed, and so powerfully har monized in the Constitution upon a pr inciple, as to constitute the chief strength of the Repub lic, and that principle is to permit the people of each section of the Linton to regulate their do mestic and local institutions for themselves, giving. to Congress the power, coupled with the duty, to attend to our external relations, and to regulate our national affairs. Affection and confidence are the bonds of this Union. May we do nothing to weaken, but everything to strengthen, the liga ments that bind at together u a nation, and may God still continue to protect us as equals, as friends, as brethren, and as patriots in the Republic as it is, deeply evoted to its continuance; and may we and our posterity, as the worthy descendants oh the gallant heroes of the Revolution, both now and in future, stand by the compact of the Constitution formed by their wisdom and consecrated by their blood, m the only hope of freedom la time and eternity." La' The Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat tells the following narrow escape of Bon. P. P. Blair, on his way to Washington, via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad : A very goal joke, which came very near not being a joke, is told of Frank P. Blair's adven tures on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad the day before the execution of John Brown. Blair was in company with half a dosen Southern Congressmen, and a parry of ' bleeds' from the same 'section, and was having a high time. The Southerners had been telling Frank that they would take care of him— that he, pesky [reasoner as he was, should be safe in their charge. At Martinsburg, all hands were startled by the appearance in the Oars of a ser geant, with aMe of soldiers, who made an abrupt Inquiry for a • man named Blair. or Ohio.' They wanted him exceedingly. Them they were, with muskets and bayonets, prepared to take him into custody. Mr. Mallory, membar of Congress frum Louisville, told them that there was no man there named Blair, of Ohlo, lint Prank Blair, of Mis souri, was there. The word Missouri, however, seemed Sound, and the guardsmen passed on, and presently the train did likewise, bearing along the free-soiler Blair " The guard at Martinsburg had heard In some way , of speech at Cincinnati, and some parson had telegraphed them that a suspicious character named Blair, who hail just been making a flaming Abolition speech at Cincinnati, was aboard, and that it would be well to arrest him. Blair at first thought it a joke gotten up by hia Kentucky friends, but found presently that be had Banally boon hunted by a fereent and Ale a soldiers, with fixed bayonets The Rentinklans acre wroth They had on board an abundant supply of Bourbon, by which their spirits were kept up, and from Mar- Onshor e ; on they paraded with their canes and umbrellas on the platforms, going through the ma nual exorcise to the chagrin and Indignation of the cornstalk forces scattered along the line; add it Ls even reported that they went so far as to use very seditious language, and spoke with goat dine ,iptiot of the military arm of the Commonwealth of irginla." L lhe conferees of Crawford and Erie counties have appointed M. B. Lowry, Esq "enatortal de legate to the Opposition State Convention, to meet at Harrisburg on the 22.1 of February next. Minister Yancey, on his return from South America, was made the bearer of a magnificent present from Oen. Unpin, President of the Ar gentine Confederation. to the lion. Jas. B. Bolan, of Missouri, who was for same time the guest of den U. on his return from Paraguay, and eel .lently won his kind regards. It *omelets of a mas sive gold snuf f box, diesel more exquisitely with carved ornaments than any jewelry we ever lento saw. Around the rim of the top are set forty-two large brilliants (diamonds), and upon raised (nerved) Initials of the recipient—J. B. B.—an set fifty-one smaller diamonds, ooveriag them en tirely. The box bears mineral inscripttone. On the Inside of the lid, "En reetierdo de amistrol, yaprecio.JustoJoee de Urquiza ," over the initials above referred to, the words, "Al cultists Amen cane, James B. Bowlin." On one end, "Io de Yebrero,lBs9;" and on the other end the words, " San Jose, 29 do Febrero, 1859." st is said to have been made In Rio Janeiro, and to have coot $5,000. r? - ae"The New York correspondent of the Charles. ton Mercury says, Elias Howe, Jr., the lucky fel low who gets $200,000 a year royalty on - sewing machines, [e one of the oddities on Broadway. He is the personage whom no visiter to our city can fail to see, dressed in a Quaker-cut coat,..whita cra vat, and almost extinguished ander a gigantic bat, which might have been the companion of the su pernatural helmet In the "Castle of Ontario." Beneath this flows a heavy stream of rich brown hair reaching to the shoulder blades, and Inviting people behind to give it a pull—an invitation which I have, with difficulty, resisted on many evasions. Mr. Howe was the inventor of the seeing machine, though he Is not now engaged In Its manufacture. Ills present Income is derived from five-dollar (tom- Inissiena, which other persons pay for the use of his lock-stitch principle. Ilia patent rune oat In two years; end, strange to say, the manufactnren art anxious to have it extended. far Ex-President Pierce Intend, to pass the winter at the Bahama Islands. The Eilme, tap IvilE. t WiinNi liCrAlr li ll huOls ' fia t to :I . ri nr‘ mi► iliir mo. to sato,. .1.10.:. Timm Coen. " J ...._ ___ ...... Lei Fin Cooks. " " —..- ...... —.... to Too . " ,:" - -......-.., - •SA Twenty COPie4. '- . ' - MO 00 N 446244/ WM/ 00Ploo, or over N 110 rams of - - -, aa.44 / 4 4*Pe tMfri - H*3 .- t";tt7:11, Par I ckie - or -ara or drritr. r , , r a," .... eon tette' g a t toTflio 'cc iii , PIA l - ' ' - " sir Poitowita n Irk Ifiviisi f t to', o 4 ii iiilds kr Tu WRULT ii.VIS. cazainkriatinocia.; It a lined aeloi-Meatbar is Um for tie Caiikads iatenr the Boston Post, hesteetiteeebunandoi 'by the highest medical authority in Bono* as pnienleing, by lb artiste and miler eurfterodlog, beae&d - results to the health of Xra. Entree, till& It IS - found cannot bear the "rarity of our winter to New England. General Memo proposes to, spend a few days at Hartford, ou i visit to itArrernor Seymour, of Cuneetleut, and to reach New York in time to make strelt — f refanSenisas rimy be pos. ebb for comfort tali ha rAjitdir ' • Letter from Tax ytts'a. zeirsoss or mut xvi TOIL Cams& numecw›—Tai rairmusis sir 11R.1L1C1471-. 12, 000 stosans /OE rzienrunt irl}7xo44o:ls mono!. —1:00/NG1 or 4 TAU? 10C/iIT-':rell "ocroxoos — , (Correspond nos of The hill) - Raw Yana', December IT, Mit The annual repOrt 'of tile gees York' Ciotti? Railroad Company, anfionitted G the directors week, prevehta an array of largo Bruer air flag remit of their mammoth. operation_ • I Wiwi a few Ham of general totems. Tbe total length of their main, aide, and Manek Ram is ttnhundred _- and ally-eight mile', And a, fpotioa. Length et double-track, two hundred aad thirtrikra mils& Total length of equivalent 'pile track, nine him dred miles. Tha namaer of paseenteriininiportsdli 71!path paltagers, Second OIL= 21.irl't°esti.61._ - - • - Total Wong h=ta.... "' r% Way pawno arsatwani= . • .• &wad lila" aratrinult-7 Taal way passe im • - - ••=1 Total tirOnet irar Pesten unarm - Lao recurra. - Froms CM"' L lee From other sou . MIN i No passengers hive; beim killed and bat umata. jured dicing the .year. lxseeployeea kora home killed, and twerd2- l asr raw The kg* 1 4 ,1 four injured' daring the year: 216 ,t9ussporlation expenses were 54.03 par amt. of the vow unlit:l -TU Dot earnings for the yeseendlig September 30 were $1,704.606 32. - The totaidlionsiae . 1n ex penses in 1859 final 1858' amounted to TM,* 87; and the earnings of 1859 are $327,603 585 is this aloe, of 1856. Tairimpurszt of the road I con dense as follower 211 lose illedrst-alsas passenger lairs, 41 11 400114-01448 passage, tars, 61 baggage, mall, Lad arptassean, 2,7sUrelikt 4424. and 350 dirt ears. Ja!du Mt by the, ajullinsgar town— hgettrt Miles ran by the freight emu.— Milas run by the wood, gravel f anifsetatane boo trues. .. MAT gsgressranutairon Nate trans • The Nate bv bag esgrkinal coil extra/ colt is yummier trues-- - The gam by freight ears te . itessfreger. trsos Igyregete auks run by all ears Passenger 41111111 11411,15 i Nua her of sassengers(all armee) earned ia Ntibrf 1115 TlSTidia " W i iiii i iiiii i i i en iiii 1*": Nombre° toosrmllbol of freight milled in ears.. ii -- Total eforenfeht of frergbaistuaber of tom carried Ogg One of the most venerable, elergytnen of lie Baptist Church, in the United States, the 'Am Archibald 3faelsy, D. D., now In the eigittig3drd year of his age, and lifty.seeotd of ry,lll so low that his recovery to not looked fir. Ks 3 / 4 14.t0 father of the Ron. William R. ifnelay, ode al the member, of Congress tram this lily. •-• ,• -•- If the aggregate of signatrings to thflo . ell lei dye gnat Union Meeting, to be bad. ea *snag ever log next, may be taken as famishing i conicirn. dication of public sentiment, New York streilt.ipett down as •scand. flp to last ereatag Chi Can had been signed by over twelve lammed Itirtate.' t itir arranged that after the Aesdaity:orlditlis bran. °featly Clod, then. stall beaddle.nad amid*, held ontdde. Judge •Brolmen yetblisheaskeast to this morning's paper!, in whol4 Flat bag alfp• gather approving of the detail* to ti carried out at the proposal . desnorit,. "",,thgt them will be a great and, entlinstsAto ineethitind that the people of this city andOtani - . idtbeertlie• gard to former *Mail iiisoehtlintroiffiditannal, in nntobttakible'ternte; - - the "rovelatimias, Asti mantle middett Wee* lately boatel legitimbitiaskia the bloody and treasonable 'alga* .ilpipt ear brethren-of Virgishall s The roast ..dectrustitn.brirs,; of •Ote pristiog hoses of the Arnerittett Treat.iletrEsaires;cips allusion to WI spook t se z Tiork peatforood. Ow yew ratit l Tract Society % sloes amossl 're port boa lieu( rooontly ad. is: port it appeari that the matitieri bireretei KO* field .N) rolssionssiss, Inc/rain one b memo; Ope to Jew', one to Yrenelt solitlents, too to a!kgal,a number of vidtenrdarbat e year and the following results have daring thirtata been reported to tie Boarth-1,115,551* exMta, containing 5,311,465 pages, mostly to &AIN 4irs many in foreign langnaget, have been alitritalea: 90! Bibles, and 926 Testaments mpplied to thie'des theta, on behalf of the New Tack Bible R.;efeti ; 4,743 volume, lent from yard libraries; %TN &Minn gathered in Sabbath, and 411 Into day schools; 38d persons gathered Into Bible-classes ; 4,090 pampas induced to &Wad ehureli; 308 tem per:moo pledges obtained _; 2,590 religious Miatlaga held. The "Octoroon" war between the manager:of the Winter Garden and the Boueicanlts colts lively, and advertises the 'place argeneritly that the boom is nightly crowded. Among other dale. malts elicited by the dispute is the fanowleg, showing the weekly receir3 of the Winter (Indite during its first twelve week,: let au nights .3.997 OD! 7th sixrti,r' ht._ -43 Me 3d • ..—.. 3083 Sit 3 Ort 731 " ins fli) &macs wit to 6th ..... 2 Etn eolith ce.l 75 tats " 1033 PE Mrs* 1,00 .53 131aat irk 7 nista& 44,7001 13Z431 X) Expenses for thews* p0ri0d......... 23,303 au Out of the above proilta, Mrs. Itoestetult says she was paid $7,707, or at the arum* rate of 3 , 542.2:3 per week, whieb, god', ettlinety derma itsnees, and with close economy, would, by most people. be deemed sufficient to lire upon comforta bly at least for three months. 3he whole terrible thing is to be jawed to death by the lawyers. Bronze Bust of Patrick Henry. Moa•rs. Warner, Mike) d Merrill haze lately finished, at their ostensive laundry, a life-100 bust of Patrick 'teary, copied from the only suarkautie portrait bust of him in existence. It is leas that life site, but whoever looks at it must ice that it is a faithful portrait. They have cast it in real browse. and are also prepared to nipple eopiaa as imitation bronze, whieh coat tau. rooked tits peke la so low that every admirer of the great patriot and orator will be able to procure a copy. The history of this admirable work is given in the following letters: " W.1.11113GT03, D. C., June it. len. "Masses. Waimea, hitsaar Sinanun. Phil& : " Gructrasen—ln reply to your inquiries re apecting *oblatory of the plaster tin cf Petrkk Henry, from which you are mating a copy in lanai's, I have to say that It is as impales:an frost a bust of fine baked clay, executed b 1 an inge nious Italian who was travelling irg_nui to the year 1753 The distinguished patriot sal for it et the request of Judge Tyler, (the father of ex- President Tyler,) Mr. Madison, Jadge Marshall, sod other friends, during the seasiou of the great Virginia Cocr•_atioa that adapted the Coastimti,..:i of the United States. It was considered a parfoot liketere, and it looked upon as inrahatlehy Eia family and friends, with ■hem it has ramaixod ever since, and from whom I have reoeirhi that information. The plaster cant that wu seat to you is from the boat itaelt without any retonebrag, exert to restore a portion of the dress, whi:b; we, 'rani math mutilaltd vss dose by ealliardt. fr.= the BeTahniattary plasm in the routed* the Ceplu.l. The heed nezh. inenling the erase% were perfect, sad re:nuked as they were tin the original; you base, therenrs in this butt, en un doubted !Almeria of Patrick !teary. "leery respeetfulle yam. •• 21/1011.111 li. AtALTII3•" •I WA geixonx, P. C., t etober 14, 16.:. , &" "1 hay. Still the terta•eetta likeness a r vildfatterFirrfflerf alluded to by .1/. aeriboioreuinlet;raz.p ; „ in saving that he ha, given a correct history •f ii " f have also seen the bronse copy of it which hat since been executed by 31eistra Trora , r,, t hy :y .Verrill, and have no hesitation in laying that it Ls an exact copy of the original hart. • • P. -M. Hexer. We should turps.* that =say ratio (4 . tare would select these butte as appropriate gifts. Or if We sheald not sait thew, Oesy e.:Lni I not fail to find something that walla, among the large assortment of beautiful breettee which they now hare at their ware- rooms, No 11.3 Cherz•-: stmt. By the way, the magnificent branis balus trades for the grand etairewe in thy Capitol at Washington araerithely finished, sad the following official approval of them has been reeetred: ‘, Oen cc U. 8. C tricot. Excxestos, WASUINChri. Del. 12, 1652. j " Gel/inn/a : The eor.tratt which jut made with the United Sattes far l'urnithing and erecticg the fear b ran le bn:totradee hen been executed taus ftetorily, both as to ti,e style of the work and the time of completion. Yeti statpectfally, year °Lc• silent servant, W. B. Fel tscsate, Captain of Topographietl E n 4. ceent, .• 11l charge ct Capita: Extension. Messrs. Wsamett, hitsxxr hirenitt.. “Philadelphia." Note from Park Benjamin. Ma. Entroa: Finding a paragraph r:lng .4 :be rounds of the pea.," in which it this had fallen end frartured tny uncle, while in Tray. I beg that yon will do Ine the fay-, pant this contradiction. my injury yea bot littaa worse than a sprain, from which I am retta.trztrg. Though fora few days deterred from k"st:r* eppointinents to lectare, expect r oeaw be ab:e TMITIe my reripatette labors, and root only to fait preicot **gages:rents bet to new irrita tion,. Reepee Pal a TVaa.taits. meet Serenteinat New York, December M. films 151iiii ' 164" rime /pots so
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers