rs • teiT Terl.k ifi 114 ~TOtbAY --ntetulititik 9 iV9. it rc ' 3 rr4 A 4 ; " ' , uv u - ,-•,- - 1 , 0 ; tfilitivity•Als , Plta.o*ii PIN ; '6;l [6orrirteQrluE,TYe't r l: ? i` ' '` ; Qhmitesia a Businoni , 4li4kritliab sll • — . ll ',,,; ,'Crit ' Ver 'Prison intscii,i4e.. hi' thli owirt and the blif WM, threnthe 'session' was that, we aro gratified a Vm/ill4id ,fealtire, of the '''''''.''ir'aien`li9n34l4lstli?,V),O,Atheleii:t:•,l?lstrliit Attorney', litr;MininAter,renoyerad'hienonal. health, he has , e - pteifid,sipon'Aeltlisoltergeofhisavery duty ; with a fidelity'lltlirtiPeak weit the idininia. of lair : in:the.; criminal • oottitt, ai they dis. room ilk much tifthat.nupleasent delay which - essa oftsnittigusirmAtlponrarted the temple of, jar, Cfke"--inkt a mere tendeevOnsifor the patient diaol: " - ;',''"Plife, - of the •anoient and - sifillided - Inb, where for, thtlitlefive -that Limy Ilea V/ uilit. 013,6 fermlnatiort of the it , la -which they had beeoind'inspl,rer 'return . onntlinierelblisflta to the', Die. - %'.htlotrattorneylcir illtiefpeetDricinet-I0- ebePe, .!ii - ,!l=6C-4,- tlu x l in vpitriptiront ;holidays p'aud -we • Atka ,ustnitud Aakudr; brotel. rte ogal PieSePailife:kirr.nontilediefilk.YPt e . - Win a, Pildel. l ,t , " . trump. , if hia systematic waned Of , disposing:Of the ,bgeinese 3,4ll!".frprsi ,theux,ah op, porltinity, of,sweapkogtatleast: lofa single Wock,, • e'S frem theimiserablo enter; reona'. , ,of the , prieon, WhioliMstenr ntirid-ladginetifeenrae, only front' o pfi,p r gehil.-obsenmtion—laska t i t an Y pg , the loam oxt3lat thoUld pot lawyers,: jurors, Atlyl court•Mlloarri oy , ,thif_'aporoaChing feslipcstlason;and - why - she - n . 4'00 we • (reporters) • hive ‘ sttportiorrof Ilies,e.blefinny 118.80, and rest , voutbaefe-it :tai other mortals:. during the best. and s`-' 6. -halinletit'sreek of ellAhilyear taor4l:loiiiiitqty:o4a`giingLii -2 -- x,',.olvcoat. Delta; sonteneed to sevettmonthe Um ; , • • • - atriok !defect plead a similar charge - :Card--maa -sentenced. to eight, months -In-the efitiotY' , • , John Callahan plead guilty , tOleratiarge of:petty larceny, and waitraentenced to six months to. the • - comity, prison: ' ' • -1 - 3..Johti - ilTilson' plead guilty; to tag, ; charge or of some, sheep. Seatented to six Leicia Digii - craitotivieted of haying' committed' A ViO/Vg , {tea nit and buttery ,on his wife, Dalinaly flentOntodlntlirce.AlOtilhf loltri'Vlalrer, colored, Was ookiloted of carrying a oeneealed deadly wearn,-a, loaded pistol. ii11444164.111ity diYithtt aotinty prison. W, was oonvkited of ttie larce4 of a IlJuhutit7-Of pis iron... Sentenced to four months in the county prison. Gattrge,Carle was eons-1 , 304,6C hie laroenS , of a horeo co .blariket, and Was sentenced to four meatball" i'ffeteuntroten. , "...Alled You ip ng and Jane Willianas were ;aminitted - on • oharge of larceny, on &till to the July by the Dietriot!.dttorne3r_ without evidenoo.' These: deferiditatiiiire, now. in prison ,ortanothee ' • "',Vuitton Howar d *Mt einivieted en a charge of - passinga eennielfelt ten-dollar bill on the Essex; County itank,lir. was represented. by John • Oolorth,itiq.- , Ellintestbed to: eighteen-menthe in _ the county-M*14.1 - - ^ : William K.eating,Wiso has been before the brtmi nil wart, Aoietai of: times on varionif chargos , of, larceny and butglai , Y, 'was put on his trial on IL charge' of arson an lotting, tliertp :the stable Of Mr: Daniel Pine street, west of- Tiventy fifth, on the morning of the,,,110 Novembir Ittet: Witnessed', namod,Megary • Malt:Bride- swore 14rely to'hai,ing Seen tenting - - rtiti• froth "SM . Ilia. A'witriees, hisineiCCkille, testified that Kola, tug told 'him that she was going to <fire Some place on the night itt :question., The defence, whieh Was represented by Col. Wm. B. Rapkett, oa ed no witnesses... The address of Mr. -genic in tine case was a pewerfal- argument in behalf of the Com, ‘ lmouwealth; and was listened to with thegreatest • attention. In thp course of his remarks thie Din. ,„ *riot' Attorney stated „that „Keating had sank so • - in the scale of crime that 'even- hie te Make tier appearainfolin court by his Side; this, Mr. „Retaken replied, that ltesriske ." , :the record when he said that fairs. , lfeahni Was by ; .the side of tier unfortunate knish - mad in hour, of , hie extiemity; for,',' said- he: " there 'she is," ,_(peintieir to a lady on `tha western side of th'e *Dart teem.) Thia lady, shook, bor, bead,"in tokeii of dii• dlent-upon,whloh' alUOhilaUghterApttrrad ainong the epeetators at the mistake of the counsel. 'Mr. argued,* length that the witnewes for the pro secution %rani intwOrthy,of- belief, and were , bacon-- militant in their teitimoni ;. , after which the :re was submitted- theAury ' fair end i partial • ehar,ge br, Judge Ludlow. The jury, after .randarsit'alv, erdiet ef,,gality. Keating is ta be Weldon Mondt(Yon a Charge' of.hurglaty. , -At 3 o'clock the °Mgt ,ad-' joprited:;- , o fe the United' Statei Court, Judg " Cadwalad , e 'Alexander Cook` was acquitted on a charge pf past+ ingeounterfeit ~. • „ The Distriet Court hare' appointe4 the , following' Maid of Examiners for Deaembier term, IS-59,, and Much , tam, 1880 need, chairman, Roberelet. Lee, John lii - f.faricland i 46ut-gir. Paul Sohn 'll._Collins; John' 0. Brillitt - Lewli IX, Oessi- ' Dropsie, and. George W. Arundel, sit. rotary.. , - • , . Xnelfsppoulatien esista limpnblia mid as to tbs relaiton -why,Oeorge P: Peternum, eon obit', of tbrgery; has net'lmenuinteneed; and we re Ire. • irientlY,lnterregateal tethe',cause of the delay. All Wr know-of the matterto thisi S ome ..' week, since, -Daniel „Bougherti, Esq., m red - for ; jtidgialint laVatiriden's ease , if was the under-- -stood that on ihe surocedlng week JUdgrAllison„ before Whom the -oaae Was , tried, would mime into Court - and park Sentence. : Blues 'then, nothing in -- connection With 'this soctileet- hie transpited„ and Petermary analeire :for his , :144 1 .0 1, 061" terPaino- in • :Moyameming priaoxt. • . • „,. ' e Weekir „Re lf of' ' thO 'Piladitletja ' . ' O • , , , Ilforketek =• - ' • . . _ -,---: , .- .. _Thiestiess 91h,1169. :-. ; „'The produce :marked gene;allehave been I vory &et Ni ts see eeriest review, owing in a'4 rest trtnaltilt to the, bad %vomiter, aid theretsre ktlt fewirnpo rt ant changes "td irate in enrofthe hiedingertiolea Breeden& mow. ~ olfsltivrli, et itbirut irovinns gaited vetittahn d ihe price; -ef Plourand Wheat oldie in favor of the buyers Bark La also very inactive and Piises 'rather • week. t, Coal hat beitalissitlibTO big prices are steady. Cottonthae ruled, , i Il m an at atietations. Coffee pontirinee,firm, twit the de ' ond is limited. Phil' Ofe selling slowli' at.ehobitions, ' Preit continues active and prieesabout the imp e Bides ~,,,” ~ hp; ivory. dull. ;Hope ,are, lirm.',.. - ITha Trend market ' prelento lid' heir ' feetniii. 01' Pig f.„.stai there is very little.„bere" .In ; L umber therals rather more . doitt, l bat, • without • whange .Ip. priees. Nitlal &dreg are -very Wet," ant; prices 'Merely ndminaL I ttlle are nnehesged. . ?}aster .is , but little loon red , for. Provisioni are tnaotiva.- Pork has improved,lln Genie. - whanie of a speoulaties'uleverneht in this Wept. and en , . advarese in. neigh boring, markea. Riee Jo ildady. 'MP change in Falk Cloviirieed fa In imoderite rainier; at -•t firmer quotations Boger is in lightstook and tirm 'with but little selling, Tallovri Tees, andTobaceo aridtill. In ''. i, , Wool there has lien very little doing stnee the etiotion sale, whleh had a tandem)) , to stiffen prices. Whiskey -: iefiiirlail sod Ott the advance et the sloes. i .• -•' 'The •itivedatitiffe market has, been ' rather drill this --, „ ;Week. but without any material change td note in = Wiese:with moderate receipts slid etoeks to °nitrite in. .. 'V Fleur. about.a.6oo Oble have beentaken,fort export at - ,gp.erigesaso fny' superfine, the , !pi, brands. 1 wiatlgiV,A, Throat`, at tend! ke turivater 5.600016 ~. far slam and II Liff g 616 eir bblfor fa mily Flo rawroord , : 4 ,.. lot to'lade d'and'qualitY t-Jhe inquiry'. et the close. is , ',' - llmited.and the market qmet. but with a fair, home de . :. rit at the above rates for enperis and extras', tad , .''',_,., $6 ePt iir bbl for facer lots. Bye •our irbatter. and ,'', ..., sell g, id a Oman Tay, ' tat arthrtit. at *CPU V bbl: 1 , ~ ea Mee bleats with a ltruited.ingoiry, and Penne ' , Ffigl is s ad yat 111.3.76 41 , bbi. , ' w BMA rimy been in liduled neflimet for nillller aad , , , prieee age Poke per bps hoWe r, with sales eg 041,000 butte - : eta- eernsson and prime' red 4412661 M. wen 4. and whilst at 11,17tatlie, afioar elect in shire: at the - . ease theoriarket,wite - dulfalla „ prime red sold at "-,,- ,t,-gie.t Ayets attain ateldy request, with_wele_s of 4 aeo stimettsiatil3o for rernoryivania. and 000 for Beisware. Core PI In gond dentate] sr-folly Peruse rates t the'sales ~, ~, ~,norispirle MIA Mie M 90 rtta tout, for old yelldw, 730.740 , .• trar deans and 77rage for dry neVr Corn. tittle have up- Premed. - Yri th sales of 111,000 bus at 42a43 cents for Booth . 7.etri, and 44044 cents for Penns, lvaubt. Qf Bailey malt ''-- a sale of 20,000 bus visa mute togo out of the market at 1" - Tt4ii followintare the mispictions , of Plow' and Meal for e weekending Thursday,December ll ' 1869: e k ir f barrels of superfine ........• ill '" condo .....:„.......*,...,._ 1 7 • 10440 • ..... • •...• • ••••••• •-•••-.., .....,..,....,... 1 ,, )5 551 - OVISION3,-The advance in flogs at the West ,(lea imparted abetter leen:ale the market,' hut tho ~r •irenesetions 10 all dokeriptiona have been very limited. the stoke being about exhenited, Bales of Mess Pork tr e e repotted 460116401111. cash. and on proe.,for o'd owl • t Prime., in tots, st,lttgalk. City l eaeked Mess 111 r 1.07. 1 1f- f if It? aroma rims is ho ld d Ikt i li s t t Dead e i c l k T b s argleg i t i nninv to coins 4 . i ' t li i e l filist, but pricet tave l tiride tut bus been ' e bi . all let 7 il n°3 ' rth ' 1 r•; ;1- It i t i n i etartt i nd r 6 lllllll l :4ltilstgo tty f it Oft sh or t g -, Urns, Grebe ,14. ate Ate Mires, And wanted at fully .former ildotormirtbut•there is little or no stook here. "...'_uard haw Neu quiet, raid holder, demand full prices. =,, v.`.."lgrof tog, MAI atilt tol at 15IXO/11Ke, and 1 00 kors sit 1. , :, _ a. Putter sontitttina Vr - meet a„ bunted inquire A ',lli a llik .ragti ,' . lc) l3 a o a shlinfo t t i btigf i gria;p it it i g l tr n tr: ~„..01itmere Is held fi'mtv:tsit the market is must. Now • '' ' York *angels, at 1101 To 4fr lb. Egg. B r a worth TOo 4t!' , Jvi e jilAtB.'aithe market for Pir Iron !I roc 4tl B t• ...p.4 ~; 24'4'2137,T.,girer` Ityli:::".firaf,`ol! aar,NA l egig to re West pn terms kept weeret, Etenteh Pla s h, nem ' 3 : : 1 1_t41 2 , 4 a r k 711 6 61,.1114 1 171%0r a tt8e_ 11 6= 1 ' g l i b ß n al g l ii ~ q--„ -Dwiert•on imit he ell entitle log at lied, Tate& . ,t . 4 BAD . -There e little or no, steak 0 erieg, and no .• 11'41 0/111 h 4ll o B6" N 'enn oT PA vit t ifilaeitt . heathin at '.: II 14 ' 4 gnarilt e rttl ' igew i ldetal et 1,00 g, 6 moo. ~._-,,,,8a1iK A* tpi v.ory,,ditt, swing to the advanaa in '.. ' "--Fplriot '',:rviNtl lls ow.craltar: I. o r : 41: at f ,--.1..- aastont Oaks& et OW 4fy - 410111. . ""e ' • ' . s , i SBERWAX is firmeirwith further seise of good WI-. e. 1440660 ~, .-, . . .-. ~..: ',,, agADI.I -We net." A Measly meaty for city-made •. Adamintier. . but ether idtide,.:Are negleoled t gales of 1.511111)paes of tPe forrnar,kinionY Id geopdef the market. - at Mane ir lb. IS mos.' theirmAre 'toad 'at 410. and IhAir aillields Vb. , . - , , ~.. ' 0A1.”-'1'he' market ia thengea, nut the detnand hem thereat being veryilel te&the ritertiAS have fallen , en' very rnatarially; salett o Aenuyikall• White Ash at •satesshtch add nod Ash at 83 4041•3.40 47 ten. The in. -,.., - Aplcr 1 1 41 1 904 rOT tlle lIMIllJef kinds, Willek are foot -... seun'tvlll , .. -, , '',' , - ' COTYSE.--There have brierrio further aVrivate,anti 4,1, thamatkotoloe very quiet, Beldam are Arm in their „... ~ demands, wit4 p etiles of gQO begs filo, mbelly to go West, .- ,at //NOW° *OM 14 1 ,,a9r 194 Ot bags demigod Bt, k' .. -' , o(ethiltet vas, ea5h.,,.. • . t , -.. s, ... , COT Uhl...- he market hall hien' Oniettled and dull, - ,..0w1 e g lit role Merillortikt theldet*eathert ger oea 'OP Orl'"I wi l l iZ i t° PT 'Wel! et It to: oOr th ,• , -,,, • 40e ittl tune or m g at( intiddhlte_feir pleads, `• _ " all til s chin yof 1 e fdroteedetioription, at IlMelte ATelieWieg i le the Meregleekt Sigel the • lot 'Of Sett - - 1 , , 1100 l r lat4t m cg i nljAl2, 4 7! l P tilet,TY.Vire yeast , , , , ~Neet, stPorte,..... 90.000 _ 614 000,;,„jggy,otie'i;edkajo ~ -, „ Kt.*, of, !Trials. 112.00 Q -, 5 23 108, 009 , ,„_41§,000" ', 611,c00 ..-, . , 1.. ' Freda. - , .1 89 .g i '4rg , • I ,ff, ' t ' ' / I °." ~..,,,,„,,,44,,fa r ki . , ,4.1, ~ . , ,re , 64 coo t=•..t ~, L 141to; es ~. ON • • 3l ,coo „, 1 tow e 9 7.000 .if. ~, ,024.1c0tt o-4 ,Aith , ,f,• trAI,OO , ( 1 01,400 94400 , 1 , ';,,,,..s.qtl2llPAlVlettitatliatltOttaadie the p , h . oje! ' 4., , .0 1., 448* • wi °l4 ‘ , ', 7 ,011.6E 4* •, 6 1* 1 tar! P igli ) • - Vit t ' Viiiii', ,S,eool;'- n 4 • ...J,OOO • 7700 ,f: .g, t ,fr i .,, 0ne....,,.. 18,030 , ~ , ,;., writ 7 '10,... ,7 1t 1ie& t 1eaC:.. 44 2.." a • ' µ''9oit 9 1 1:a 'lll . oo' • ' ;- - t . :•- - j i ryaii ,— dctieftla — lyustease at tr ports 00' 6161' 6 5 1 76.0¢0 mos, - .7fotddras 4 - ndredad to woad M1,, / 10 7 P 14 1 ,000 toLIoiI.MISIMINFIA te woo, 44.04 t6e, , 0'64 . ,144 ttott ,fotillitt rttile:l,o,66:' "1. obit biditladd Id 11 - 015 pp! ititiedfi T rOlditt6olk 6 4 y i .4, 1 , ,-, .4llik at ce - ritiond 6 a, art,ve '. ~ ~t,t6 I,l,4,dattiOn otd - ; Stlettitt 614110*0. mostly :Z's ,, l'i'''.;, - 17 . fralliAl titeittl. l l4t4l,l;...i 2,i(, The v , ,, , , ,, - t e.d s .....t ingg i t .„ ~ ..., f10,...t.11.11: tiViltlsN1 4 4 , , „. 1)26 fOr 4634 thit A _ Ilro.soa art 6 io, 11, and 010 10 :' 4 4 11 q"klitehAror7r i n i g a 2geloll:ll Mir ~."-."' st 413 f 6 - Vodo's Ild a owl, at 1:01,14 . 'l mo "., ' 44p i roll i Vidi lia ~''?,,N,St,- a ,k 4 i ' 1 ..t'ater4l l ,4 214.4 killitpt:1!?: XV4 *-, - . 4 . 0 111 9 1.= . w. .I[,OYirta. ti v iiiff49l flirt% iPri# 4 opotitt , Pi ty rs i o ~,,ft podit 40 kpiil7/1. ilt ei .... F .b......e,... do. Atvg .1) . Imm o MD .01 . : ! ,, .7111 . 1X nt f /pi 5 irra1 .,„ .2. , 1 ,,, ett:ft4-artita,p*Mko- 46miit,fiellv, - ; , 0 ,1,, 4.*117.144,4,114.1.-viiiti.: 46MM; ' 'tt , . tittartol4llo bit!' I x l o vitte Cit -, ~ , r - _ treddlatt 0tt064 d k a 1 L24.4 ;, ,,, , ,,,t4i 4b es. tcli tom ti th e t ir e n i o olte i lui ti N t , 414 W :a . , a - nosey, /2.254 P hhd for Midissei , To 'the Senth rate" , arsons uiteland business dell, There is lota spins to Devon, had quotations ere uilhansed. Coal vessels 'are not so plentr:' Wa a t 9t A 001.90 to Boston. to Rhoda Island lizool 65,42 to ewburyport, and 431.3• . 6 1-50 to - New Yorkrwith NM drawback. . fiIINBB..NG eg-UNde-0., ,Olorheo t tirisa been : reported. • AN 7-I'4 active stemma - le prer,,and there is no, ~thirldiri',alter-tinotetions,whi eh are steady. - pa nO,lOlllllO to Inapt anjh limited inquiry ; astern and Western atisierre, and old crop at °oleo 111DFS ar3 dull, but no_fertlfr arrivals or sales ere' .Ti t a. er efiV.R P i r sli a tt r itli st illi n eTa a tijn u , ° aria figiypi ;•11,pee wi n os the local - . JAIMBEft. ,- A , moderate bnainets is &dna; sales of "Pouthern Floaring. thwils at 817,820 and Yellow Sap' Bo rds at 414e15 sp' hl feet., Laths bring 42 V' 5 1 . 510LAt3Sha is o Very, quiet, and the stook If , all kinds .50' ttialltdarlr at r frg ',bet Cuba rn at rt .° AZ Urtean a was at 500. for new amp, to arrive. - NAVAL; fiTositEn.,llosin, tar. and Plinth are veto fore er rates. Spirits of Turpentine rnitet9 'limited intuiry at the late decline, With eaten, in lots, at 413a48)i0 gallon. • OIL n fiderm and''Whale there it ncr demand,, exeept.for store Ards , and prices 'aro steady, Linseed Oil ts better;Jiales at oStrato. wish. Western 'fled Oil is firm, at 650. Lard Oil is selling at 870900. on time , Imports tif Sperm and, Whale' And Whalebone, I M O' the United States: „ 1869::' - ; ap. bide. wh. Ibe. bone. For week - end's Deo. 5 2,130 • 350 85,887 , ;.203,107 '1,859.000 Prem . 88.017 203 457 1,853.01 Annie time last year,- 75 912 ~- 151.784 1.409 300 PLASTIii*, is unchanged: A small invoice of soft sold Ml' , , tom, • .RIQE.ii MI, with ! wiles ofgoo, and prime at 44)Pie, on and Inrenor at 1 1 ,‘07.4.,y , n Grin., A cargo 800 Jos 15ithi r Turks Island 'Sold Whit close of lo,st week at it TIMM net madentiblie. .; 815 EDS.-The' demand for Cloverseed le less Roil ve. and prima loth only ate wanted. Bales or 2.000 bushels at Vigra 25 for fair and go ima quality. Timothy is worth 824002 50, and, Flakseed 55 5P' bathe!. -SUGAR haw been very quiet, - and holders firm. the stock'heinf induced to' a•Vory low figure. Sales of 150 hhds Cubs attire, and 150 boxes do at Metati cents, on TALLOW moots with a limiteddemand. with sales of intv-refiderild atlol.olle, and country at 10140 5P'l ID b "op.oaca-Tha market le very dull : and prices of both leaf and manufactured rule about the game. -TEAS are PIM firmly ; but the demand is ,moderate, and Abe market. unchanged. 4.—There is little doing in Brandy, owing to the high views re thebolders. Gin is else quiet. N. E. Hum is steady at 35a3n0. - Whiskey is in better de mend; W.tb sales of Ohio Ws. at 27027X0. - renneyi.. Y VIA . S 26 ,-Vgr a e'l li s h ie s gin .) tig a g dr P4 l444° Wines ; mild prices are firm. It other descriptions there is lint little doing. IVOOL oontinnee inactive . but holders are. if any thing: firmer in their demands, and the stock of the fine grades extremely light. holders asking an advance: The demand. however, Ilse been limited. Among the sales are some extra fine fleeces at 700 - and full blood .44150800; het I.IIILADELFIIIIt BOARD O 1: TRADE. 'IAB.IIOBB SNOWDEN. . HENRY BUDD,. . COMMITTEE OP IBA MONTE J. B. LANCASTER, - - - _LETTER BAGS • • 'rrit atitßUHaerre' EXCHANGE, PRITADELPET Alp Tonawanda. Julius— Liverpool. Deo nd Uric . ...... —.Kingston, Ja, soon 'Brig Tiber pi. LOOO%- 4 • Cienfuegos, soon Behr Frain , ..„ Havana, soon ffehr Ida, Clark..._'" Matanzas, soon Fon MART Cour or, ship Salle Law renee, Ospt Spear, will sail from Philadelphia On the ItittiThmember fortht, West Coast of Africa. All letters and papers intended for th. 1.1 S Squadron on that sta tion, or other Persons , will be forwarded, if left at the fo Fore h ign Le ttet Moe; Philadelphia Exohange, on or be re tat data: , , MARINE ' INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PIiLL*DEL.PIIIA. Dec. 10. 1850 9UN'pIBEB '' 13—k.t.TIv BETS— ,— 4 lel WWI AT)O. .9 it . Btettinship Delaware, Copse, le hours from New York. "with mime and paisengers to James Allderdice. Passed bark-,Amn'Elisabotk &Landing off the Brandywine; a lento brig at Delaware City. a harm brig atDeep Water .Point 4, sato Albion Treat al Marcos Hook; ship_Clara Ann, in tow of steatuiJ Posey. above Marcus Hook. Brig Ormus.Baller,ddayo from New Bedford, in bal last to captain. Behr Prederiok- Reed. Blateliford,B days from East port. with mdse. to E A Bauder. it Co. Bohr Jasper. Bonn, a days from Pocornoke River, Md, with lumber*, J W Baooo. ,Behr Reaper 8t111,2 day% from Milford, Del, with rail road tier to J w Bacon. • CLEARED. Stearnshiprenusylvenia, Tool, Riohmond,Thos Web ster. , Jr. - Bohr Clara, Crowell, Boston, Barrett Zs Bon, • - • (Correrpondenee of The Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE. Dec. 9. lAN. :The 15 boats reported yesterday did not leave untilthis morning. Nine more have boon added to the number, qnd all loft in tow of the two steamers. ffi liFLind. wheat. corn, Sto. to Humphreys, Hoffman lc Wright:. M. hi Shuman, wheat. oats. &o. to Perot & Bro; Alex Grate , Eel, pig iron to Schuylkill; John Heis 10YilUtahOr to Keyser & Warner; Robt "orr. do to Ma lone & Taylor; Universe:Two Sisters, Adolphus Fisher, and Primrose, coat to Delaware City, (COrrespondenoe of tboThilade)nhia Exchange,: LEWES. Del. Deo 7. , Beet repotted in my loot consists of the following vessels, vizi Brigs Xenophon & Emma: soh. Almira. T. DL Stumm. Sarah, .1 M Taylor. Lamb. Billow, Plying Frish.Ada Herbert. Almira Ann, Crocker. (Mow, Yarmouth, R. Wood. Mary Eliza, W H Robbins, Ex preea.Sea Bird:J Turner. L C Watts. Z A Paine. Ten new°. Sarah It Beam Geo W Whietler. Jr. M I, Con tad 'Velment, F J Brock, W It Newcomb, and Wild Fitness. Wind SE—warm anti foggy. Yours, W. M. HICKMAN. BY TRINMATH. (COrfefiNgtdBll(9B of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND. NJ, Dee 9-11.40 P •. The ship Calliope. for New Orleans, louts Canada. for Matanzas, Washington, for Charleston, brig Banta Ole * for ti.v.tos. wintiFranoes Newton, for Nassau. NP, B Wheeler, for Cienfuegos, went to nee last eve ning. • The brig America. for Belem. Mass, loaded with coal, went• rothore yesterday morning' on the Brandywine Shoal, bilged, and w)11 be 4 total loss. All hands were on bud evening, with eignale of distress flying. Wind NE, THOB. B. fIUCiILEB. • • • -• BY TZLIVIPIAPPE TO TrIit'PRESS. „.., • Mew Yong. Deo. 9. 'l'he Fehr Jee r A Stewart, nine days front Baltimore, was towed i n to-day. She had been blown off the roast, htd her side split, and sus bitten ther injuries. Three of hog crew ate badly fros IaMOTUNDA. 'Ship Annie Bowen, Mew, 722 tone) Cheesebrough, cleared at Baltimore. Bth mat, for Melbourne and a market. - Shia Good Homy; Miller, from New York 18th Ort for San Francesco, was seen Btl Nov, let 31 N, long ad W. 3ath Fanny pit, anny-McH ae— enry. South, *leered lit Liver Pool for Shansh Sark Valetta. ( Br) Mohlonagle, sailed from Gibraltar 7111 mat. f PhiladelPhrs. Bark Rollo, Ryder, elealed at Beaton 7th inst. for Phi ladelphia, , , lie taili-g: , iit, t P t i i ii s seklig i n4e4;7 s. Pornamboco. was spo il/is Breeze, Outerbridgo, tailed from Cadiz 12th ult. for Pernambuco. , Igehre M Pistol's Bliztard, and litreamlet, Downing, `arrived at Wilmint ton, Del. Bth inst. • _ Schr Ann 8' Brown, Drown, hence; arrived at Fall nicer dth inst, • Bohr' .7ullet. Chase, from Fall Hiller for Philadelphia, at ?iron' gth Inst. Bar now Flake. Weaver, from - Providence for Phi lade ph a,yontainad at Newport A M 7th . rHndson, Crosby, hence, arrived at Norwich 24 Instant,. Bahr 81asablovier, Marts, hance,arrivesi at Norwich 4th inst.. , Bleamer 8 Seymour, Meredith, hence , arrived at Alia andria 7th inst. - Bark Balton, at New York Bth hest, from Swims. was run latof ir the morning off Sandy Hook by Rehr /Mins ton,'of a itarbor , outward bound, - which stove in the attaboar bulwarks (iward, carried Away fore torsail yard, :&e. The schooner waft out down forward, had both attire broke; sails split, and, resp i red othet damage. She arwhored, and will be compelle ratpren for re• Petra. toe of her anchors caught on lxiardthe where Weill remains. Oibraltar,_Noy 12—The American schr Brothers, Po land. from Palma for Charleston. arrived here to day, leaky. Rae -been -surveyed, and will be hove - down for repairs. :, • - MEDICINAL. 1 - 31t011714A, VHITP.- SWELLING, Ho. 1 , 7 DISEASE, TaTTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruptions of the Skin generally, and all Humors and Impurities ol 'the Blood, are raffinally and permanently cured by the celebrated: , IkPER:I4.T. DEPURATIV.E. ithai biem very pnnertant &teat 'in - the mire of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr.Lounsberry )t Co., for a number of years s.ut, and rte great value ip the ours of Cactncers it is abundantly established by the many cures effeed by . - In SCROFULOUS 'affectiotis its remarkable curative -effect has paver been ettuaisd. It mires the most obsti nate cases. TETTme, SCALD HEAD, and all Eruption s of.the Skin; readily yield to a moderate use of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily oared by the use of a few bottles. Pirred and sold by te Lo . unaber • MA !. 9 9 1 ;ilati: . 'ISTH Street, below Co oh, for sale by the ()Rowing DrUkciefek e . .1. F. Long # Co., L11401%40_, ; ptmg, Pottsville .1. H. Raser, eadmg LS. S. stoven.k,i Ming , &J. AteClintook, .aston; Jas. Given, West Chester ; Wm. &Miley, Norristown; Simon Raupßethlehem; Or. Live say, New liopt; Pr, Igelie, Bristol; Schmidt & Co., „Allentown LLIos & Alenarunkla D. iftee_es. iift=ok,"ltob i :t. u ; Z' 1,T=4,1p:Zir.i. 4 ,141 nall,Wilmoigtop ; Hooppri, nutigwri .• F. Hemmen'', milfeed. Del.; and smogs generally. ;811-srtothAmir IMI THE ALL•SUFFIUIENT TIIREE!- - TRIESE9LAP,, 1,2, and 9, - Protected by Royal Lett , ira _Patent of England. and tenured by the Seals of the k>cote de Pharmacia de Paris. and the Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. No. 1 ix iralnablti for exhituation,epermatorrhcea, and *1 .1e0 h . 1 2 6 . 1 t e 10 comp letely all traces of those diseases the; have been hitherto treated lip thanaueeous and per- Malone nee of copitivia sad cube e. Pro:9 hag entirely'sepplanted the In , urtons nee pfrner cirri, thereby mixering to the sufferer speedy rebel. die- Parsing a 1 impuritieei and rooting out the venom TRIPSEMAIL Noe. 1, 2. and 3, are prepared in the form or a lozenge!. devoid of taste and small, and can be carried Jo the yreustooat pocket. Sold in tin cacao. and divided into separate doses, as administered by Vel pearl, Lallemand. Roux, Ricord, ho, Price $3 each, or four which Haves 83: and to Sgt cage,, where by for there is ll 4, saving of SP. To be bad. wholesale and retail, of Dr. BARROW, 134 Bleeeker street. New York. Sold also at Retail by CALLENDER & CO., corner THlRStand WALNUT Street ,, Philarbtlphia_, and by T. W. , DYOTT & SONS, 218 -North SECOND Street, Wholesale and Retail Agents for Pennsylvania. . EDTOATED VAPOR BATHS. • .1. , SUIRKUR, ROT-C, end STEAM BATHS.- Undeithe oar° of Dr, . RfIMEL.Y. Auk SPRUCE Street. Ha ghlv,recipanen hr ail theynnolost PhLel• omit in the oily ford , trip e ttunr,l22 4 :ge o likep , 11: c y o : 1 1 ..l i Ce i tiazoo nghs m . urltform'for adi os. on Xm DItIOFFA'F'S VEGETABLE LI F E PILLS' AND PHOENIX. BITTERS have, been thoroughly tested. anti pronounood a sovereign remedg for dylmomile., Hate army, heart-burn and headache, Sostiveneu. diarrhea, fevers of all Mods, rbeurnatiellt, gto/S, gravel, Worms, emiryy, ulcers, giruytive cam. pliant', sal' rheum, eryinyeias, common abide and in goenza, irregultrity apd all derangement of the female ,eyetemiales, and vorimm other disc es . to which the ^human frame to liable... For sale t e prpprletnr, „MOFFAT, inc BROADWAY. etv Ynrk. and by Drhgeuta generally ell over the country. ae{-d ecWts IN'THE DISTRICT COURT, FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PITMADELPHIA. kwe - ph Fladmelot 41i .10400. Sebum Vi. fa., June T. 'N. ,N 6.1539. .fehl P. , Perselivs..Joseph Schen: fa., Sept. T., e. le. . Wh VaTi Vliet vg , Jeseßh &burr. Fi. fa., Sept T. Id, , N 0,17. , f The Auditor appointed hi the Court to report distri bution of the fundArnong front the sale of the personal property of the defendant, under the above and sundry other writs, will attend to the dutiet of his Appointment ern AIOND.AY.AFTSRNOO/I,,at 4 o'ohnk, Denernber Is, Ms. at hie office, at the Southeast corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets., when and where all persons In mestel are requited to present their olainis, or be de in upon said fund. datP ril . " P l I n t:,ANIRL DoUGHERTY, Auditor. .1161911P1NG very supenor ties: ' duts. n wmoh anent wifd Zino, (Vieille ',lZonttiento ' a i gm Y e i l nfeg. ° 41 1 6nOW arL e is, In oil, yarn. yellow. ` van o w . ! , Venertlan Han. ground if! oil, 1 14trg i g,7 71, 'L “ J Likly gine, b- „ '•1 1 1IXENOLOGIOAL :CABINET, ESBABLIBHBD BY FONLZA, WILLy, & 'CO., ' • la Jo /wen Ott end everting, for the eald of Books • drft; bli'vbfen o /95 7, Pbj, lolol4l o r i at e t•Cute. , & 94 - nedkr ' , - THKHNoLagroAT, EXAIITINATIONS. imrrottarte. or Phrenolog7.lo the trel met of the ' Y "l g te the iejeopieletri v ieliql,uatarelite!leViegra: Ig .lll4 otieditti+ all intelhgeot , p6nonte INDIO ere id It tar eels. _ —Written.rleseriptleqs -from i dairuerrrotr ies ' - will : he Lfu l l f ai= l l l ' ' ! ' ':nnii L'ciritt, ittredti 'mono etorr, , * yhtleaeloolet . 7,t 18E, 00STUMES. —BO ploqi ! th° 4 / 8 1 itg e t t aa e la t igititaiiiri t i r l eiv e " 08-Br ALLEN OARET• • 1' kIOIOE4-...eirEgTEk fffitIiM,INVATAX ' DZATIAOAD—PAA— F, G ia ,RSI 8 FOR DOWN NOTOW,N AND IN ' ERM .414.93 fiTATIONEV-Oo and itfter ath Dena m - tOr t 3vritriciTowN A:start' from trier ger nt al t l e an _Reading Rai oast CoMpluti. eint l is e riiiq d dl i gt 61111 vtNEtitreete., , ' . , , . .ARNUII3 TRAIN , (or Downingtotill, !eke,' at 7,90 . AriElthlOttht TRAIN for Dettitinstotrii,leives at .1 P. IC .. ea ~ . . (Spilaya eitoetted.)" , y order or the Board OT Managors or the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Clomaeoy, gig . . , W;.,11. et eit.II.RNNV. FrouvrAtoirir t.W.ia/45. PD. I'L A I) EL P H I A AND RE AjOING RAIL ED pepßrarTo LANE, for POTTSVILLE, REAL !NO and HARWOOD HO, "Leaves. the Dopotont norner of BROAD and VINE Streati L at 7.30 A. AI., DAILY, (Sundays tqoautodd for POTTSVILLE, HARRIS O, and all intoriondiate Vint?, onnneoting at Harrisburg with trains running to iltt r irg ' 131 L 6m ligrattS 1 ( 4 )14 1 1 1 Arg. bu rY ' " Leaye at 3.n0 P. 31., DAILY, k POTTSVILLE and '..IIAkRIEIBURO. x • - • - At 4.30 P. M.,DAILY, (Sunday,a exaapted,) for READ ING, and intermediate Poi ail. • (la H. hirrlarsNNY. enrAbirr LEGAL. ; t,RAII•4OAD - Lpiks. 'NORTH An PENNSYL VANIA VANJA RAILROAD, WIN , ., ER ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOV,'N. EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after AtONDWl;l i fivearieLN, gassen f"rillt ne PlAirlP, (Sundays excepted!) treats, For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, ko., (Express, ) at 8.30 A. hl. For Bethlehem, tExeress,) at RIO A. M. and 8 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation ) at 810 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Fort Washington,(Aocommodatlon,) at 6 P: M. TRAINS PCB PHILADELPHIA : Leave Bethlehem, (Express, ) at 8 A. M. and 4.10 Leave Doylest ow n, (Aeoommodation,) at I A. M. and g.go P. M. Leave Fort Washington.(Aoeommodation,) MI. AM. ON SUNDAYS: ' Philadelphia for Fort Washington rat 9.30 A. M. _Philadelphia. for Doylestown, at 4 , P. M. • Doylestown for Philadelphia, at 7 A. ht. Fort Washington for thiladelphia, at 2.40 P. M. Faro to Bethlehem, 41.60; to .leech Chunk, $2.60; to Easton. 51.60: to Doylestown, &leant& Throggh tickets must be pr.:muted before entering the , cars. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Turing) seri meet at Berke street with Fifth and Borth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Fs-manger Railroads: n 7 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. PHILAUELYIIIA, GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN aKiLit AD- WINTER ARRANGEMENT '. --( " " AraNkati si g o.lB6 Leave Philadelu 6,7, 7.60, 9, 10, 11. ana UA. M., 1, 9,3, 339_, 4,t1, 6 ,6, 7,8, 9, 10, and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown 6, 7, 734, 8, 834,9%, 10, 11, A. M., 1, 2,3, 4,4%, 5, 4,6%. 7,8, 9, 10% P. M. 0N 1W DAY 8, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. M., 9.6 X, and 10 P.M. Leave Gerreantown 8.10 nun. A.. 61., mm.., 6%, and 9 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. P . M. Leave Philadelphia 6, .7.50, 11 A. M., 2,4, 536, 7, and 10 Leave Chestnut Rill 7.10, 7.40, 8.66, and 12.40 A. M., 9 ' 40 ! .. 8.4(1 ' and B.4 (3 ° ,I4 P S&DAYS, A Leave - Philadelphia 9.05 A. M., 3, and P . M. Leave Chestnut 11111 7.50 A. M., 1260, 6.20, and 8.40 nu PM. FOR 00N8110110ORRN AND NORRISTOWN. , „Leave Philadelphia 6,9, 11.05, rain„,, A. M., L 95, 3.05, Al 6%, and IL% P:M. Leave Norristown 6,7, 9, 1,1 A. M., LIG, 4%, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave nida.delphia 9 A. M. and 61', M. Ledge Norr town 7A. M. and SP. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave PhiLadelplus 6, 735, 9,11.05 A. Dm, 5.05, 3.06, LeaveX, and IL% P; M. Manttynnk 6%,756, 876,9%, and 11% A. M., 2,3, 5,6%, anitli% P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave A. M., a, andP M. Leave spank 7% A. 5%, and' 7% r. M. R. 5811 TR, General Superintendont, n 194 D R EP(.T. NINTH and GREEN Streets. PHI ADELPHIA,WIL MINGTON, AND BALTI MORE R AILROAD. ' On and after MONDAY, November 21, 1850, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.10 A. AI., 12 noon, (Ewen,' and 11.10 P. M. or Chester at 835 A.M., n noon, 4.30, and 11.10 P. M. or:Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 12. 4 300401_11.10 I'. AL or New Castle at 8.15 A. Al., and 9.°0 I'. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. Al., and 4.301'. M. For Dover at 8.10 A. M. and 4.30 P. 1.4, .ror Milford at 8.15 A. Al., and 9.30 P. M. For Seaford at 8.18 A. M., and 420 P. 1,1. For TRAINSLau A. M. nnd 4.50 P. AL T FOR'PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltiinore at 8.30 A. AL, (Express') 10.15 A. AL. and 5.25 P.M.. . • Leave Wilnungton atYJO A. AL and 11.30 A. M.,1.95 and 8.40 P. M. Leave „4, r i at Ole 41., and 3.90 I'. M. Leave on at §.44 A. FRO 49 P. AL Leave Mil ore at 7.80 A. 0. ~ and 4,10 P. AL Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M., and 5.00 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 745 P. M. - • • • • . . . • reave New Castle at 10.65 A. M.. and 8 P. M. Leave Chester at 8, 12 A. M.. 2.22 and 9.15 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.16 A.M T . RAINA FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11.0 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.26 A. M.,12.55 P. OIL, and .12.20 A.M. BIINDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from 'Philedelphra to Baltimore, Only at 5.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. PREIGRT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run 25 follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate 'places at 3 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 4.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate tames at 3.45 P. M. HarLeavew Baltimore for Btemmer'a Ran, Chase's, and ood &kVA P. . n 5 B. M. FELTON. Preaident. PIIILADELPHJA it ID ELNIIIIk RAILROAD LINE-- QUICK ST ROUTE to F.lnura, Wilkesbarre, Buffalo, chleago, Rook Island, Niagara Falle, Alilwaukee, Bur lington, Montreal, St. Paul'e, Detroit. Dunlieth, and St. Louts. . Pease ajar Oaths will leave the Philadelphia apd Read ing Railroad Depot, earner BROAD and V INB Streets, DAILY, (SunidAs k e . goepted,/as follows: DAY EXPRESS. For Elmira. Niagara Fulls, Buffalo, Detroit. Chicago, W Milwaukee. Rook and, gateau, St. Paul's, Burlington, •trul St. Le is. Lao P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira,_Ningata Buffalo, Detroit Chicago, Milwaukee.. Rook thlena, Paul's II 'Wigton,. and St. Louis. and 8.110 P.M. trains run through to lI Th BVIRBfr/CO.SitoPPing &all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch. The LSO A. M. train oonnelts at Rupert for Wilkes blAtlytmAtearksaßoultalltiaßtaAtiyritoonAthe LACK AAA*usageriV4o.l to Elmira, Butlalo, and Suspension Badge.,Tta oan p i r , ru i rd e _Fbilarlelphis and Llnura Broad Lipe io et OBoe, riorthweyt earner of and (Mt.:3T U Streets, and at the Passen g ELD(.6 ,t earner BROAD arid WAIF" aven ger =ROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad stree t. below Vine. daily, Men del excepted, for all points Wed and North, at e . P. Freya must be delivered before P. M. to MUM going 0 same day. For further information, apply at Freight Delia,. BROAD, below Vine, Or ,to R. TAPPIF.N, general At, h. F. corner SIXTH and OILLSTNUT Wm 001-ti Phil adelp h ia. 1859 . : - Air-, • 1859. Ifi , LattatlßViiN rat p" mire Imurlsit.APlo72o4,DßEtiVirrSO' L.NEW YORR. AND WAY-PLACES, Wltol.l IvAt.ttO,T-ItrailitT WHARF, Will leave pa follow., via : CARE. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. ac. , Am. Acopinmodation ...... 02 25 At)) EI., via Camden and Jersey City, (New AtJereeylA,Norifinn,l6.lll4ll.,... ........ 74 9A A.M., Via amden. Mid JettiFy City, Morning Mail . ' ...... . . 900 At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, via Taoony and Je mey City, Western Express.. , . . - . . 00 At 12. 4 p..m., via Camden and AmboyAcsooinmo datto Au P. 11., via baToiniaif" kritiois; el. A A. 3 36 Ar 4P. M. eea Wy Steamboat, via 'Puma ape Jar - - 447 . tti , 3734 — bn'd :fir- 3 00 say City, 24 bum it et..,.......36 At 6P. 6L, via Camden and Jersey City Evening Ma 0 At 111'. earnifen and Jersey City.Bouthern Mail _,. . .. 20 AtlP.M,viabamden and Amboyaiocommodation, (Freigbt Pensengert—let Class Flake 136 41 Class Ticket... 2, The 6P. M. Mail Line rung daily. ho 11 P.M. B ou t <OM Mad, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Emden, Flemington, Ao., at 6 A. M. and kg P. M. Norunman Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A. M.,_yie eMbialt Yallectailroad. z'ot water Gap. baron snug, thtranten, WM:ester/a. Montrose. Great Bend, sera . 6 A. AL, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rll,llrorul. • R;1 1 , 9 47,11°,', 1 1' . 61. 6 7an. Pitud 'nd "i . WAY LINES . . Is yx , Mi r t:l i l i ftg . lion, tee, at 254 and 41 P. M., from PoylAnyra, Delanoo c Bawls, Burlington, Borden tortil;itatialt.ll3igikenlnB,trtoraaptown and interme diate planes, at 251P..161. • Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in lermediate plums, at II A. AL and I'. Me Fifty pounds of [manage only allowed each paasenger. Passenger); nye prohibited from taking anything as bap gage bat thesr ',eating aeparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be pail fur extra. The OolePanylitnit their rollnstbility for baggage to'one dollar per pound, and Po will not be liable for any amount beyond 31W, except by speoial nontrant. 0et.1.181,9: • WM. O. OATZMER. Agent. T HE P,..IsiNSYLVAYIA OENTRAL RAILROAD, 1859. ta/tgagoi .; lBs9• TILE CAPACITY QF ROAD — in EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. . • THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Cionneoting di jest at Philadellilie With Through Trains from Boston, New York , and a ll points East, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cm einnati,St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago,Burlington, St. Paul's, Indianapolin, Louisville, Now Orleane, end all intermediateEoifite inOhio, Indiana Illinois, Kentue ky,. Michigan, Woroonsin,hlianpinta, Aloun, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus furnishing %chilli/0 for ,the Yuma. „,,t,,t,,,. of Passengers unsursassal for upend and com fort by any other route. Express and Fost Linen run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars Or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each TraMi Woodruff's Sleeping Cars ,to Exress and Fast '1 rains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Liner', Bun daiVrt?Yrtiiin leaven Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. Emit Mel ." 11.50 A. M. WAY • n u A l gr a ol ,EZVE AS kqit e L i big; Parkgsburg Acoommodation at 12.30 A. ht. Harrisburg Acoommodation, via Colurphil,S.oo P. M. Columbia Passengers for West Chester wilt take tbe Mail, Parkesburg, and Lancaster Trains, et the Pennaylvaina Railroad Passenger Station. i Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Mina to, Niagara Falk, and intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 8 AIM., go directly through. Tickets Westward may bo obtained at the office of the Company in p_hilfu E lolphia Now York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Tickets astward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the Went; also on. board any of the regular Line of Steamere on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers, .m. rare aliare as how as t er other Ratite. Tim completion of the Western eonnecitiong of the i ' llirg a e i n f e d?-. i I I IP,IVEVIeYIeI E n littlY s ag% THE GREAT NORTHWEST. The connection of !snake by the Railroad ftridge at humbug, &Tiding all drayage or, ferriage of Freight, together wit the saving of time, are advants.res readily appreciated I' Shippers of Freight and the Travelling Publio. . FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freialitp of all descriptions can be for warded from Philadelphia. Newe York. Boston. or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Inding l it, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, oTiMispouri, by Rail rood root. • The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Stowere, by whioh (tomb can be forwarded to any pert on the Ohio. Muskingum. Kentecky. Tennesnee, Cumberland, Illinois, hlississippi, Wisonnem, Misourl, Kansas, Arkansas, anti Red Rivers; and a; Cleveland, Mandalay, and Chicago, with Bteamers to ali ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Morghants and Shippers entrusting the transportation 3r their ictelitilt en to tr oua company, eau rely with conti nentiiM 0; FREIGHT to any point in the West py , the ennsylvapia Railroad aro at all tinieras favora ble gui are °barged by other Railroad O pmpanies. _, ri a. file P,rtloulat to mark plif*Ages via Fauna. Kail ; Merohantg in tbe West ordenng goods from the East, Will do well to direct them to he chipped by this Route, For Freight Gontreets or 'Shipping Directions,apply to, or address either of the following Agents of tha - Conn. 1 Doyle I CoSjeubonville,O.; H.S. - Piero° & Co., Zones , villa, O.; J.l'. Johnston. Ripley, , c.; 11. McNeely, Mays ville, Ky.; Ormsby & Croyper,l ortionouth, 0.; Paddolk & Co., , ,lgnersonvillo, Indiana.; IL W'. Brown & Co., rinuati,friAthern & Mbbert, Cincinnati, 0.; R. C. oldrum aii Json lad.; Wilbarn Ilia ham, Louisville, Td i.e. , lerte.Coo Evansville;' ild.r N. W. Gra -o.,_Calro, 114 It. F. yeas ,, St. uar, Mo.; John 4.. l lliirns, Nashville, Tenn.; Heins & aunt Memphis, iAr e fi - ifl is ir fr iaVlrfAn i a l lunil l' rio Pr& K te ' 0R.44 9 ad ai - dlff ' a - 6 1 iiiiill ' e We t. g i r tg m e s ttlatfjc e their own l itipMenta from s iim Seutt rt intl find it to ca t ir tote/est to g all taking Ailintsot the Comeau ,at the,following 'places betlyt* ping i 6 r : i t ei r t t e .. lll ol 4 t i rti tj ett i AßOli t :l4l2l o o l_i n : 7e i. 7 .0 cp, r t it 0 A ‘ El, Ipir orth stre!htltimore" ._ St' VlLlP e ireiiliti l r'n7 i • * . ' 1.4 ' 1. cliknq Altoona, .Afrit,rillls. - . tRO T, en'l Tie et gent, M. B. 8. A, ISOMT, Oenq Buy t, Altoona, Fn. Jas47 NOTICES. one' E. l -:-The PENNSYLVANIA PAL- I- Two comPefy hereby Kivu notice, in se cordanbe with the provisions of an Ant of Assembly en titled DAn Aht relating tii Liens of Common Carriers and Othere,".sPiirovod . 51 m 011 . to she owning , the consignees, and to all other parties in any way in terested in ay of the goods, wares, or merchandise, mentioned int ehedule attached to tins notice, that theaame rem as on storage at the respective &rations named below—that they were carried upon the line of esid liailroaddst the dates and to the consigneell men tioned in the schedule -and them is due upon the same the respective amonnte ;dated in said schedule. Not to is hereby given to the said owners, eonsignemr, and Par tial interested:in accordance with the provisions agent Act of Assembly, that ouNce said goodie. yam, or Inv chandiae are claimed and the cheeses paid, they will, under the provisions of said Ant of Aesembly, be soldliy Public Hale, at the Depot of the said Pennsylvania Rail road Compan No. tar Doox greet, in the oily of Philo delphia. on MO y. NDAY, December ttitli.rBa9, commencing nt 10 A. M.. and that the proceeds will be applied to the payment of charges end expensen, and the moles. if any, will be held Bullied to the order of the owner of the property sold I . DAM. • , DONSIONEIV, ARTICLES, FREIGIE'r AT PHILADELPHIA 18114. Nov 7, John Nilane, 2 bbla liquor. Pa P b M, lo. J W Peters, 2 bund tent poles, 705 Apt 21, 8 Mollarb, 21 gun dodo 1 92 Alfty 10, Pr D Jones', box drum 5 81 July 20, 'juin, BnUill, & Co, 2 bbl. putty, 625 mi Aug 2, Imell k 0, . 2 boxes °note. 983 23, 1:0 Writht, bog of bars, 15 81Ft 21, D Dimond. keg butter. - 76 28, 118 Rooney, ox roorobandow, 9 62 Oct 10, Ft iohardBoo & Cada, box tebnooo, , 7 60 Don 27, Myere,Whlte& Co, 2 bxv I pre marble, 15 39 - 1866. Feb 21, km Johns, box bitters, 90 April 2, II 0 Helinbold, box druea, 12 30 " 12, H i Sneeder, 1 dry hide, 16 no, It Janeeder, bbl vitiator, . 1 SS May 28, Priv&Jenks box merehandiae, , 11 66 July 10, C B Streoh deCo, child's coach, 140 SeptO, It Howling, 2 empty Ws. 1 20 Dee 6, J 1, 'Booth. , box merchandise, 7 67 8, 8 8 MoLaurine, box Merchandise, 466 1&17.' Jan 3, .1 Burnett, box merchandise, 455 3. Stine & Brother, box merchandise, 467 Mar 7, A Price,' 8 bags barley, 1 91 rune 26, 11 Harley, box merchandise, 3 41 July 22, B Altman, butter worker, 2 81 24, C Bradfield, , box me. chandiste, .280 Aug 1, 18 Woolman, bundle gas pipes, 76 Sept 25, I L Lamblin, tot swing fixtures, 8 70 '• 29, 1 I,Lamblin, • lot awing fixture'', 606 Oct 2, E.l Sneeder, 6 bosom glassware. 133 " 3, L H Colburn, iron safe and _press, 79 72 " 18. 8 Benjamin. 3 boxes merchandise, 864 Nov 26, Thompson & Stew art. 1 box merchandise, 206 " 28, 41 Hollingaltead, keg cider, 184 Deo 19, F, Lloyd & Co, box books, ' 1 73 " 29, P W Shaffer, chest, 464 asB. Mar 8, WH. Crave, ' box chow ease, 802 is, E Ellie Co. A ' box merohandice, 90 " 26, Burnett & Snyder, trunk. ' 540 " 21, Tii & 1 FtPage, bale wadding, ' 8 N Ap , rl 1 2 6 4: Np p ig, C d & o ß,, barr d e c ! oil, 466 May 3, Adams Express Co, trunk: 2 09 3. Burnie 0 .3r..8, . barrel oil, 283 19, II Wilson, stand, 2 30 Juno 26, CB Rodger's, 2 molting umehinea, 1 4 4 0 Aug 16. Burnie, 0 & 13, barrel merchandise, 823 26, OK )(Innis, 1 box, 266 LOGAM, FREIGHT. 1856. Jan 13. fiteelman 55 Co, 2 5 0 Onkel. 2 15 Nov 5, B H Beck, ' 4 Wind mills, 15 55 June 16,RMcAdams, chest marebandise, Ai Aug 5, .1 MoLelland, bbl Bedford water, 2 60 11, I Conrod, box and barrel, 1 Ai Deo 33, Bringliurel & Co, orowout saw, 103 1857. De 0 3 .1, A Alspnrih, chest, 63 .. 31, M Robinson, plied, 1 13 1968. Aprl2l. W R Hording, bbl Rodford water, 3 10 Juno 22. E NMI, box dry goods, • 40 July 3, C Solomon, tripod. 3 23 56 De l o B 29, Magrew Fr Keene, barrel and bag, 396 AT LANCASTER. 1358. .. Mar 29 , II It "F,:ehbaugh, p l aokase, 83 23. H 8 1 , ,e1i baugb, Wboxes bettor, 70 May 31, I Urban, barrel liquor, 73 22, 11 Witmer, box potatoes ' 167 July 10, 0 Hopper, 1 boxes liquor, 25 10. J .1 1Ia) a, R R map, , 40 1841 _ AT TIARRIEII)UfteI. . Jan 17, 1 Winebrenner, reaper, 9 53 Feb 18, I Winebrenner, 2 reapers, 18 oe 1855. Mai 66, 1 Leobman, trunk, 1 43 Juno R' A k fge4lCTaTch. box a g T"' ti It " 15, I P brook, iron furnace, rake,, 40 13° P' t Zi: kfJCVI: I boxes, 6 bones, , 656 A 66 " 77, Brown & Co, pump and tub, ' 613 ism. . . 2.11;; 1 . 2, Maehlin & Roberts, box ynerellandlie. 660 Juno 2, AV Joioe, 6 chain,. table k bed'td 4 62 Nov 26, !Davie, D Machine, box and wheel. 166 May 7, F A Drown, ch es t, 1 00 June 27, A B Young, $2 July, 23, Annie Furgeson, chest, El 00 pea 15. James Temple, castings. 240 Pout 21, Green & Roes, liar Mails lumber, 31 It Oat ka, iAillecnn, C, . Taylor, lo oundriao. 4 VI 18.51 Mar I, 11 Holland, box 11 Alas, 1'f Aipril 7, II iiiibert, barrel nil, 581 Dins 25, 8 Panto, 8 boes merelediee, 6 15 June 5, 1 NV Wilketion, 1 ' m July 7, 1 Ranee, cannon Sc carriage, 11 00' 21, 1) kl Parte, trunk, 1 07 AuF 10, 1 Bauman, orate bait, 1 58 Georse Powell, 2 boxes liquor, /50 . ~ Eliarloy F /4. Miller. yeah machine, 25 "- 19, Falls, her, .10 Co, 7 bags of bars, 530 " .24, H D Parry, 2 boxes furniture, l 1 92i Sept Is, D Little, saw summer, A 11, 1) Drink, sealer, Oct 11, E Parker,AT DUNCANN ' oornal ON. mller & plasterer, SS . . 1458. 11. y ?1, Aug A 3/, J 1,1146 9 barrels liquor. 2 27 2 his paper l'box es, I 40 J 2 burp! liquor, 20 AT Nr.,WTAICT ? 18'6. •hPrl 17, Pry k I.lrjnor, 2 corn plaraeler S § O l Ileo 23, 0 JOeoker, box dr22l, 31 IESt. Mar 11, JP McNeil, hag of bars, Si Nov 2. D Clelland, box mercshar.diso. 150 AT PEAR TEIVILLE. 1888. Mar 4, B Okeenn. Mann boX, Oot 27, Miller & Clanger, orate queentriare. Bent 21, J Gant ' empty telt and 1 Jar, AT MIFFLIN. ____ 1855. Beet 10, J Bear, box cisme, 18.16. Jen H Oast, J B 'es trif d v n e o an e ante, 11, 1. May 29, Gnomon & Haus, stove, July 87 , Shomtr, boillrue, AT LEWISTOWN. 182.1. ..—.. No 4 20, 1341Jamexon. 13 33 1855. Duo fl, y_P p oler, 1 00 Y 4 Ur bh, 1 1:MI. Ann' 1, I N Ernyni4r. Op, cheat, Opt rr, 30fIn 41441, 7 Poo mathileri• 1 1 0 1358. Jr 12, f A Manny, Yea Dan& , • " 11 Foust, 9 barrels liquor, " J (1 YOMIII7. 1 & 214 bble " j_afn. ler, 10, R Mann trislme • 21, D Faust: ,1 1,,v , . 04 , i ~ 0 , t ba ti r ;; „liiu k o r r, o July 1, J C Yeager, 17 Aug 11; I fil l A C V:liar. 25. A Thompson, reaper, 59 70 Sept 18, i Brookhafe,.___ 2 bas paper hanging', 4 68 winnower, stook utter, ma, De i '4. D qqlhraipt, AM. za, A litumpb, dove, 7 CO berrell Ii or, • 9 et 3 AT MILL GREEK, Oct 2 2 '1' li re D?Ol e r a n niand ' Virifa l lll l 4l;;Ye AT HUNTINUDON. Sept I, W ViiiiHskor. bra,. 1 6,5 Oct 13, H H Price , 3 barrels organ!. 168 Nils , ? 3 , A Stewprt, eider mill, 1 02 17, A Morn!. move, 2 90 " 11, D L Maaton,ow. oglfier, USi AT PETEILDURO. 1867. May 13, 'I &till , , rol suture, " 10, 1 T Smith, Dot anti plate, 14.3. June lit !Ire Red' piano • AT ',SPRUCIk, cakEit. 1854. Mar 9, E Jones, 3 bxe A. 2 pieces me -1156 chinery, 9 43 Mer 13, R Henderson, Irans7 July 9, I A McClure, , box rust, au AT TYRON ...... l&il4. Soot 22, Barger & Hooper, 'plough Caeingil, 1905. Feb la, A Burtorbaugh, windmill, 19. W WBreman, , box, May 8, John Woodward, box rafting tools, Deo 19, George Guyer, corn shellac, 139.1. Jan 1. Baldwin Hatter, smut machine, 3, TC & 0 Lewis, box machinery, May 17, It Marston, 1 barrel fish, Juno 7. 10, II F Rolla, box ratting tools, 183 Feb 21, mono 111rey, wrought sand atone, Apr 24, Timmy' I.IIWMIIII, box mundries, May 14. ii Batliburn. bundle rove, m, W Dent. " 54, John White, r l:o7;undries, hoe •!6, J Copephaver, 'half barrel hone r, July 2, If Stroup, x. epndr,ee, Nov zi, W Leible, li n vok, 800 11;1 McKinley, iartelaundriee, 183821, I'l' Bloom, box Jan 14, J Mock & Brown, box. eastinsu, April 2, Amos Knee, :box sundries, N. IL Hoover, box and rope, :: 24, 1 Moore, stove and box, 26, G Ontea, roe, . " 20. 18 Gamble, box and big anise, " ZS, S (larnerm, box eundrteit, May 5, I R Lee, box Rumbles, 3, W do err, box sundries, Bishop, stove and bag mdse, " 4, IJr J Cathem, box sundries, " 14, I, C Bloom, box War " 20, Bighirm &McCul loch, box,' " 32, 111 G Nevlin, rope, " 25, 14,11nyder, "' 25, w y 5.510, box KOrtei ries, box sundries, 21, J Davis, ' box rI nn rope, Aug 26, Samuel Straw A' TIP Wilke rope, ____ IP6B. April3o. T Washbu AT rn. box AlrTQONA merohandise, , lar2. April 4, Harry Mann, box merchandise N B, box Merchandise A Keenan. bundioe iron 11157. AT If OLLlBAihilliflO. Sept 2, WalterotoWeatham, harrow, o u t 16, 1 Rhoads, barrel onions, 11, hardweire, AT WILMOB.E. 1&57. Juno 11, M i t:Woodford, box rafting toms, AT JOHNSTOWN. o • ... Icit.of able, armorial!, Jan 4, W Orr, twill oil, alive, varl 707 nigh, and" 4 keg'. Aug 22, 0 W Munson, 8 cheats ender't bag'ge, 126 IS&S. Map IQ, A Babb, 2gm plates, 80 Oct 18, R A Jolinston, hot, La Deo 22, F Manta. °holt, 89 6 1807. Sept 5, S Hoover, 2 boxelp window ease, 83 6, I Haab, lot H 14 anode, 11 21 Oct 210, 11 Mattison, lot H H goods, 102 Deo 18, hl Keller, box wale, la 2u, M.Abbott, 8 bop osta,l2 do corn, 960 1857. Oat 2, I 0110411 8 pas and bundle iron, 80 1869. May 13, A Jollino, ' bale dry geode, 78 June 8, D ti.iditb• box drnee, ' sa ,AT BLAIRSVILLE. 1862. Pao 23, 0 W Lloyd, 1855 - Jane 27, 11 Youlin, 2enintY4a,lf barrels, 180 Amf 16, I. liradebaufh, ifrain drill, 2 1058. May 23, A Willote, I.4lleicreiT:. 1 00 Nov 7, II Conine, 25 1857. • 4,, Jan 4, T Cunningham, mowniK and reaping machine. 8 49 " 1863.28, B Johnstou, trunk. 30 May 10, D hiarkey, AT LAl:l'h. 23 iar steel, Ar NEW F1,0 4 11111 1 617' N 0228 v, 2, WS Mo bat nr wheat. 'AT OBBENBI3IIRti. 1861. P 7 4 2 2 . 4, A Oroeeman. trunk, 320 Dec 12, IWW Huntingdon", boxes, 179 11366. Den 1 18, 0 A Cam 2 boxes marble, IS AR; ,7 : ,? v Y:riae, 2 ..o 7cce cheese, • 25 9 00 Oe fl 3 R. Keli;, ` 'Y R it, i ban, bundle 'iron. 33 tub ' April2l, 11.K4t1„ann - a, BT, tairjral liquor. 1 86 1853. June 10, Tames Bulklulebrie F onk. Liil b ttr 1883. Novem, D 8 Bearmone, set thohltr wheelsand 987 AT FITTBI4/ff ""i ' 1 2 empty barrels, 1861. Deo 14, No mark, No manifest, roOs small Iron, I; $96V . e.t A. B COTT4 Oenocal On 4 dAnt riaTIOE IS OWEN THAT 'APPLIOA. timi will bewvido for, a cerunonte of pennoylvanis State 1.01111, vlsed done dated Auguotl,lsM.l4n,V, ViriloVairt t OM i s i 3834, 6°l°Diatir NOTICES . CIFPIOR THE CoMAIONAVIaI,'III `l, INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF •PENNSYL YANIA.S„ Deo 6, 1859. The Board of Dirootore of the Commonwealth Infla me& Company of the State of Pennay I vantekliove IS DAY declared s he vend Of SIX l'Elt CENT. on the capital &took of t Company. Meer of State tax, for the six months ending Nov. 1869. payable to the stook^ holdera. or their legal representatives, on and after the 7th loaf, at at the °tee of 'the Company, No, CD CHESTNUT Street. SAML. 8. MOON. dT 6t Seeretatr• CORN EXCHANGE phut, Nov. 58..18.59. At an Election hold on tho 21st instant the following gentlemen were chosen Directors of th flank: leianda rG. Cattell, Jose eh LindsaY. Rolsort K. Neff, Hamel T Cony, Jnmos Steel, • John F. Gross. Edmund A,Mender, Charles Knecht , Aloiander Whildin, •flavid Vanderveer, Runk Craig }IOU p It. Mingle: 'Christian J. Roffman. And at the ineetfng of the hoard THIS DAY, the tot lowing officers were unanimously <rented: A it. CATTEId., President. R. R. NEFF, Vice President. J. W. TORREY% Cashier. NOTICE. -HOLDERS OF THE MOM`- gage Bends issued by the Catawiana. Williamsport, and Erie Railroad Company are invited to call with in twenty data front tine date, at the Office of the Compel, 20:3 doNUT Strnet. between the liners of Man 2 o'clookily. and aign the power of attorney under the resolutions primed by the Bondholders, at the meeting held on the Nth up , RAM: EL V. MERRICK, ROBERT BAYARD,_ F. A. VAN OY KR. J. N. UTCHINSON, A. W. H MITCHE: 1,. P. HUTCHINSON, Committee. WM. D. LSWIR, Truatae. , December 1. 18011. n2B-1m rAFFICH OF TILE ANI) 'Ur FIFTEENTII-STREVIC PASSENGER RAIL, WAY COMPANY, Nu. 12 Exchange Building. • Pu ILA U6LPII lA, Nov. 21, 1859. , ' The Tbirdinenolmont of FIVE DOLLARS per Shore ea the Capital Stock of the above Company mill be, due end payable at their Office, on tho luth day of December prox., between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clee lc. By order of the board, 11. N. FITZGPRALDM n22-tutlikstdl3 Treasurer. NOTICE.---An application will be made 11 at the noxt session of the Lesislature of Pennsyl vania for the incorporation of a Bank. with Kotler:11 bankinsvriviloses, with a capital of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be called the IBANUr ' ''''' NH, to be located in the city a. nib iv 2-4 Om INSURANCE COMPANIES. 3IUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PUILADELPIIIA, INCORPORATED, MARCH, 1859, Is now prepared to make INSURANCE upon Solid Inge, Furniture, and Iderohanclime generally, AGAINfir 198 Oft DAI.I4LOB JAY Fiftg Thle Company transacts its pummel on the Merest. ALAN Facuostvicuy, all the insured being abbe into (rated, thereby offering great inducements to those who 4 ish to insure economically as well as safely. Farther particulars may he obtained on application t any of the Directors or at the Office of the Company, No. .5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. Benjamin Malone, T. Ellwood Chapman, John J. hytle, James Smedley, William Bedell, William Hawkinsi Caleb Clothier, . Thomas P. Rowlett, Rol.iert Ellwood B. Davie, BENJAMIN MALONE, President. JAMES SMEDLEY, Vice President. Jong J. LYTLIS, Treasurer. T. E. 011ANSAN, 800reterT. lytaivA s iv, A MuuAL SAFETY IN lli H Ii C ADII 2 'HIA COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1835. , - The following Statement of the Airfare of the Com pany is published in conformity watt a Provision of its Charter. PRENIONIB Received from Nov. 1, RIM, to Oot 31,1859 On Marine and Inland Rieke .....$356,218 34 n 5,729 90 - 801,966 29 Premiums on Policies not marked dr Nov.l, PRIMIUMS Marked °Tan earned, from Nov. 1.1858;in Oot. SI, 188 D On Marine and Inland linrior.—.flSll,lll ES On Fare Rieke -... ..... ..—. 118,366 40 .. . Interest. ko., reoeived during llama yertod..— ..... ............ LOSIIII,EItprNsre,T.Tp. During trarTbsit abOVe : Marine and Inland Navlgation Lotuses $11g3.09.570 Fire L 0480.1 28,172 90 Return l'remiume ................ 33,100 Is fteinsuraneea. Commissions to Agentg, Taxan. 48,23 b Egyenees, Egitfarms, Rent, Sts tigtiery,o..... 8uep1u~..~.._.... _w~....i. acea7s op 7118 coirrAlrY. Ainveratior 1,1900: 8173,030 Philadelphia Cite Six per at, L0an..5123 0000 100,100 Penna Hints p:re per cent. Lma.— Maas 00 91.100 Do. do.difi do. do.. 31,0161 (10 26,00t1 United States Treasury 536 per can ' t. Note.. and Interest duo 16463 64 30,000 United States Treasury 6 per cent. Notes • 00.615 00 25,0(0 Temporary Loan to the City of I'lll - 30,000 Penns) lvitnia Railroad 2d mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 43,500 00 35,100 North Pennsylvania Railroad Mori _gace Six per neut. Bonds 12,320 00 14000 West Phibulelphis Passenger Rail way Conti,any 7 per omit, Coupon 1100d5...., . 12,600 0:1 15,000 300 Shame Stook German t own G i 7 u / Company, Interest and Prinel • guaranteed by the City of Phila. 15,000 00 11;XIO 100 Shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company• 3 ,720 00 8,000 ICO Shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company 5611 161 1.1:00 30 Sharon Philadelphia Ice Boat and !Imam Tug Cuinpany 1,100 00 1,000 Shatos Pitt lad& phut and Savannah Steam 144vigitiihn tlompany... .• 2.010 xia 3 Shares Organ Steam M 1 ,164100 Company HO 00 MO 6 Shares Philadelphia and Havre de GrittioSteani Tow boat Company , 800 00 :MO 2 Bluff.. Philadelphia Exchange Company 130 OD 70 2 83 74 a 98 7n 8436 850 Par. 8411 049 19 Coat. Market Value . s4oB,7lB 64 Bonds and Mortgagee 14,000 00 Peal Yatste 61,163 3.6 Lille Receivable, for Insurances /81,1161 60 Balances due nt Asencica—Premiume onMa rine Policiea, Intermit, and other debts duo the Company 65,834 68 &rap and Plock of sundry Insurance Compa- IPI Cash C an tjep tgut rp 430 P November 9.190. The Board of Direetnre h tve THIS DAY declared a Cult Dividend of El lIT H. CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Company. and SIX PER CENT. inte reefon the Scrip of the Company. payable on and after the Ist proximo. They have Mao declared a Form Dividend of TWEN TY-?IYEE PEN PENT Eartiod rreutiiq for the t ear ending' October al Certiaoatei for which will be issued to the parties °Mit, to the earns, oil and alter the first of December next. William Martin, DIREC S TO P RB O . I E. Stokes, ' Edmund A. Bender, J 4 u .11enision, Theophilus l'oulding, Ilenry Sloan, John R. Penros e , Edward Darlington, John C. Davis, H. Jones Brooke, James Trimunir, ' Spencer INF limns, William Byre, Tr., _ 'flouting C. Hand, /ilmos C. Wind, Robert Burton, William C Ludwig, Jacob P. Jones. Joseph IL Seal. James B hl'Farland, Dr. R. H. I! uston, Jobbilei 1' Eyre, g_eorge Q. Leiner. John it. doltish), Prttsburg, big:6l'l'4Mb 1 , . .t. 41.7, A. . Berge , WILLIAM MARTIN, I reeident. TIIOM AS C. HA SD, Vice PreSident. HENRY LYI,III/11N, Sec mow/. nil - 1m _ AMERICAN Flak; J.NSURANC:ti CO., UAL. INCORPORATED IMO—CHARTER PERPET- No. 810 WALNUT Street, eibeivo 'I bird, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Morchnlidize, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All lows liberally mid promptly adjusted. in A lii i r 1 . t DincßT. Levis. awe ..' It. cttin i p' t reut amuel t. Morton, ratrtok Brady, RT. ' 4 . 1' .1;21a 15001 Norm. • GBOROL ABBOTT, Preaident. • THOMAS R. MARIS. &lore tur. M 23-17 it VAAIE INSURANCE CGNIPANY, Ne. 01 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED EAPRNIL 18/4ANI IP: A THE STATE OP PNSYLV, CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS • DIRRCTIMIS; &MUM. WRIn HT.......0 f Brox., & Co. WILLIAM W. WALTRRB. Wllllam Ryan & Co. ONARLES RICII•RDSON.. J. C. 11011 , 0 & q i i. pAoßes A. WOO. tootle.. (4,,yd. RcLAT LI I. pixpoTT..... Lippinoott: liuntur,o4 Soott. JACOB W. 5T0rT...—..... Chances, Stout. & 14:10t Licwin, , Lewts, & Co. PAM 11.8(Am...... Davie & Itirney. A. H. RO5O 14001(s, & Co. onN B. ELLIRON...—... /obi/ & Donn W. EVERM.LN...— John W. EVerinkqn iL CO. HOMAN 8. MARTIN...., &Wag! & Martin. FTROB W. DAY, Proeuloyt. JONATHAN J. 81.0OVAl. Vico Preal.. WILLIAMB I. lii,ANCHARD, Son's. nut-tf INSURANCE OOMPAN (JF" THE 4 .- STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MAt RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANUE BUILD !NOS. Chartered In 1794—Capital sooo,olo—Assote, January 1, 1868, 0117,446 66.100. All myeeted in Amind and available securities—non- Blue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stook. of Merchandise, Leo., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Retry D. eberrerd, °mime H. Stuart, ISIMPOU Toby, Sainuol rnnt, Jr.. Charles Alan:Ouster, Tobitie Wah, r, Willem S. Smith. Thorrois MT:Olson, jou B.lhtdd. Henry U. Ffoolllt4l, William R. Whitei,re 0. are Lewis, HENRY D. OH ER.D. Bresident. WILLIAM HA 'EH. Hearst:lT y in O-Wflo tf UN% INSURANUE AND I l i:Cl3gt COSi -.1-4P..ANY.—THE PENN muTrAt. LIP I.: (NBC /LA COMPANY. Northeast corner of rum) and DO C Eltreets , Assort, 3701,226 20. INSURES LIVES ft the wholo term of his—grants annnlties and endowments—purchases life interests in Neal Estate, and makes all contracts depontllng on the at s notes of lare. lltp n y ° not as Executors, Administrators, Assignees TruAtemand Guardians, TRUSTEES. anal L.Miller. Diann n Coates, ohard hi. Newbold. Wll i tini 11: Rg ' , " iannrel C. flopy, harles Hal lowell, miry C. Townsor dr lolphde gent, Yillimb H, Corr. V. Hollow , , ilbein Robertson. Worrier Id. Rosin P. 1) 3 ; NA AML JoRN W. HORNOR . :More •HE QUAKER CITI INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN IIUILDINO44. N 9 493 WALN UT &rent. CLIARTEN. PUBPET UAL. • BUR ' CAF XS— .... ... • ... Isom° . FIRE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. Fire Initurnone.limitod and perpetual, on Iholdince and Merchandise of all desariptiona Marine isieuranee, inland and. Ocean, nu Veacola, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World r11(11.] U. _BAR 7 1' e rtr; t tssubil3 l t v ce Pre'ridont i . "" E. .00GGEHIALL : Fleortitarl. • 8.1.1. BUTLER, Aim t fiecretnry. gew . g i e ti l itsrt, ta..%t,(l)ll;riuni, emus! Jones. D Q .ALme.-25 bblg. prime new No. 1 Sal ef,g h , lB •Pl l ol lir: V.'. ;14 . '4 4":‘,11d, CMg rIERW YORK SYRUP-300 brib. assort° d for saleDf JAMES GRAILAM CO LEXa /AO ITALI AN L ANIMA GE4 ANIY t LITER. A •A- TURE TAUGHT, privately or in Classes and rtho at the University of Ponnendvania, by 8113 NOR AMA. RELLI,7II SPRUCE ST RUST. Instruction oleo y,ven in French, Spanish, and Latin. d3-attat• AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium through which Schools and Fami lies may obtain cointetent teachers. Parente mar ob tain, gratuitously, in °relation and circulars of the best schools. SAITO . , 1 9001.161 AN, A. CO., 316 BROADWAY, New York, nr nl2-tf 602 IniESTNIIT Strnot. Phllivielphia. MESDAMES CHEGARAY AND D'IIER VILLY,SBOARDING AND DAY IiCROOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPIi lA, N 0.1.802 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE Salt EET. Madame (i II R G 41 RAY respectfully informs her friends and the publie in general, that independently of her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her meoe, I'ItKVORT, in NEW YORK L ehe In tends. eonnecticn with her niece D'HER %TILLY., opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution nn precisely the same plan ae the one above mentione d. 05-3 m nitYA NT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL -1 1 L-o MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Pinta kia. 8. E. miler SEVENTH and CHESTNUT: York, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chlorwo, and St. Louis. inlormatit n. call or send for Catoloe tie. fell-it FUND.—ITD STATES L 7 TRUSTfaAVING COMPANY, corner UN THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small same received, and veld hank on dn• island without notice, with FIVE PER. CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office holm from 9 until o 'clock every day, and on MONDAY EIIi. 7 NINOS from 7 until 9 O'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from XI upitarde. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. pLINY FISK. Aotuary, IRANI(LIN SAVING FUND--* No. Lla South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, PhiladelpKia, pay, all De puting on demand. Depositors' money. secured by Government State. and City Leann. Ground Rents, Mortgagee, &o. This Company deeme safety better than !area meats, consequently will run no risk with demon tors' money, but have It at all time, ready to re turn with 5 per oent, interest to the owner, tut they have always done. Thu Company never suepended. Females, married or and Minor, can deposit in their own right, and such depoads can. be withdrawn oat.g by their content. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the Stele of Pennsylvania, with authority to renew, mo n - e_y from trueteen and exeontore. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o'clock, and en Wednesday and Idatardareveninge until 3 &elk. DIMBOTORS. Jacob A. Rennet', Cyrus Cadwallader. llgraNnehlonn, George Lewis rumbhaar, Henry felony, Nichol... Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. R. Satherthwaite, geh r alm Blanchard. jOIIOII L n. JACOB B. S H ANNON, President. OjTiltiS OLDWALL &DKR, Mannar. dlB-y CAVING FUND---FIVE PER CENT. IN N- 7 TER EST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PA N Y. WALNUT Street, tiouthweat corner of TRIRD Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Newlyn. rde. . . • Money 111 received in any sum, large or small, and in terestpaid from the day of deposit to the day of with draws!. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the mor ni ng till 6 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday' and W111(1111 evenings till 8 o clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WILLVAX J. Rico, deoretftry. DIZECTOSIS. Eon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster. Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Sellndge, Francis Lee, Samuel IC. Ashton, Joseph Yerkee, C. Landreth WARS, Fleury Ihtlenderfer. Money is reoeiviid and payments made dully. The inveetments are made, in conformity with the prominent, of the ,Oharter, in Heal Estate Mortgagee, (hound Heats, and such first-chuss 'marmite' as will al ways; insure parreot eecuritY Le the depokitors, and which cannot rail to give Dl3rlTtallollol and stability to this instituting. and -ly =MEM STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TU.:NT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS SQU -RE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS, now pro faired in concerts and in private circles by the hes Performer's. Reoetved the first premiums o'er the bee. inshore, from judges like Gottschalk. Nin zon. and others Chnllenle all competition. BbAbl IRS 13H OTHERS. y lOW CHESTNUT Street. _ _ _ ri ITOLIDAY PRESENTS! If d 7 Tt PIANO-FORTES. MbLODEONS. PIANO- FORTED MELODI,ONS. PIANO-PORTER. MELODEONS. PIANO-FoRTES. MELODEONS. ?dada b_y Raven Bacon, et Nunn Clark Hallett, Davis, & ' Co., and alms. .1. E. 00VLO_ SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. 810 81117 $489,477 23 8638,627 17 l oyff OIIIGKERING & SONS, MkI6I7IACTVIIIMS Of ORAN% kquARE. ANp UPRIGHT /AzIO-FoRTeS. WAREROOMB SR CHESTNUT STREET. Constant Lin store a taro took of our Iff.AUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENT'S. Wo have been awarded,at the dideront Exhitutions In thug country and Euro,A, 38 WILD AND ELVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. - PIANOS TO RENT. 22310 e390,&14 A GREAT TMPROVEMENT IN PIA NOS. SCHOHACKER & CO., . 1031 CHESTNUT Street, respecifiallv invite the music loving public, to ash and examine their new and suc cessful impro_yeient— TIM PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone,Touch, and Action at the Grand Piano into that of a Square Lustruinent„ avoidins all the objections generally made tq the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the same. In volume, purity atone. great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and evenness of touch, with exeitunte deli cacy and sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND 13EAUTIP111.1.Y-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS aro wholly unlashed. They have received the highest m enconuus, an are pronounoed by critics to be far su perior to any nstruments ever manufactured in this country. Consfsiitly on hand. a large and elegant assortment of ow unrivalled PIANOS. We time been awarded the kind Neatl's, at all exhibitions ever exhibit e d. iiii cluding3he price Medal from the Cl7OO P*lnce - hition. Now '001.1143. sel-t GAS-BWRNINU COOKING STOVES. What la more Important to the comfort of a .., . family than a good Cooking Stove? Gallagher'. Di DEM n g tltar gives entire sabsfaebou. It has two la, go oven. for baking arid remain.. it posses.. more omit °mance. than any other stove, and never fails to operate. It will bake bread. roast A turkey. taut a din ner, broil a beefsteak, and heat water for washing, all at the same time. For sale only by CHAR LES JONES, SOS North Pureed street, where the spiel new Cooking Story Veg. light, unximpasietl by eV at rep epolong_onya, may fie e et) in daily oudengsful • Iteration. Itgian a large ex tended oven a hich bakes in the most perfect manner. I would also call attention to my first premium Silver Ras -consuming parlor stoves which are manufactured in the beat manner, of heavy Russia iron. CHARLES JONFa. DOS Neat: SECOND Street. 3,260 00 6TONV N 8'601;066 61 gi STOVES! STOVES!! 4„AMES SPEAR, No. Ms MARKET VTREET, Is now prepared to meet the_ wants of thepatine more oompletelt in all the details of the Stove trade than any other eata lishment in Philadelphia, in prool of which he tattles COMPARATIVV,EXAMINATIOI, The uliowing xis woo.; Hie Own yo.pulor inventions, several of whioh bare alreadY obtained! a national repu tation at terminus in excel:cue and economy any other Stoves in use. BANES SPEAR is fhe Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gne-burning Cooking Stove, anknowledged to be the host Stove for ['dimly use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Can coneunur Cooking Range, now rapidly coming okinuilPia is the Patentee of the Improved Sit veLMS-1 LAV lant u o m in u fe i gro?iii:' Improved (Patented) Ornamental S{pl e Urn, `1•111011 Hole Its bertg and utility is Likely. this eetlion, to be waver laßatiMAß is the patentee of the Labor, Fuel, mud Comfort-st - inns Ironing Pau. JAhIES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-car Heater. For all of the above the Inventor very justly claims sgiventeges which require but to be understood by the Public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles eir that Mass in the mare apt! he would beret' to extend a mirdiai latitet lon to all t; persons in went of taves call and examine for themsel ves. Parties is lug to examine 1;011 have every attentive shown them, whether Intending immediately to pur chase or not. &Win OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR interest. HUY your COAL AT HICKS'. whore nothing but the very best gualay of Lalugh and Schuyl kill Lost le offered of tho following reduced prices: Lehigh. Broken, Eg ' F, and Stove... ..... ...S4 2/5 per ton. Schuylkill, " " 4 00 Large Nut ....... ................. ...... 3to " Warranted free from elate or duet end full weight, at HICKS' vont, gouthonat a:111w MARSHALL and WILLOW. Call and gee. 026-din Se W. GROOME & CO. , Offtoe 146 South FOURAS.R Street, A V. WHARF, PINE STREET. SCHUYLFI.LL, Dealers and Shippers op Locust Mountain, Leli A , th, and Schuylkill 0 Merchandise talon an lettorioge. I-F CKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGSI COAL,prepared with earn, for ede on beet tonne. Apply at KNOWLEB'B Depot. NINTd and WILLOW Street.. ‘22-tt D OINGS OF TILE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR lase MX FIRST 1 1 111.311U/OS AND SIX DIPLOMAS, Best Furnace for Warming Buildings. To ARNOLD er, iLson. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE, Finny Pagativ . ts BEST PORTABLE FURNACE, Aasoro A Ninsosi, KICILMO D'S PORTAL!FURNACE. FIPST PREMIUM. BEST COOKING RANGE, To Irv!. WiLsov. WILSON'S DOLT Lt.-OVEN COOKING RANGE. , Flout rprolum. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. To ARNOLD & WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET ORATES, FIRST PREMIUM. DEBT ENAMELLED SLATE !BANTUS. To ARNOLD & WILSON. For a very handsome display of Enamelled Slate Man tels, very highly finished, ST and of superior worktuanshiP, FIR PREMIUM. ARNOLD & WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT xtriGaLl IL M. Fir,vwxt.u. 8 , 40 el-tf - Samuel B. Blokes William Martin. Janies Jodopti 1. rotter, lamas Th.l.lollltlB Edmund A. F.wder, Daniel b. Ilutr Jelin W. Ellis S. Arotipt, Banidel J. Qiirlatler, 104411 M. 'Phonies. Jizhn Cr. Bronner, er, Easton. L. MILLER, President 1. STORES, Vice Prekit. tan. tito.B-1T 701.,LiTIKOFFEIt'S ANTI-It EUAI ATIC e 4 CORDIAL-sm: I have been afflteted with rheu matism for it lon;period—ll portion of the limn Asti no tine of toy limbs. Tried your Cordial, sod in three ilu f was able to walk down stairc and in a week theyam entirely lett me. 1 tlo oheerfullt recommend the Car di 11 to thane who are afflicted with that dreadful coin ptaint. Yours, .1 ts. W. Nitsvmtr Broker, n 32 Pine st. Prepared by 'rfIEOIJORE DI L KS, Chemist. N. E. nurser PI s E and SIXTH stn. 014-3 m %TINTON'S ENOAUSTIO TILES for I'm- floors. Ornamental Chimney Tope for ootateelt. Garden Vases and Fountain:, Vitrified Pipe for drains end Water oonduoton. Immix ted and for pale by . A. itmousort, lam eI4PRTNTIT Amami fILIVEs —Spanish Queen in prime order NJ' in attire. anti for emit, 14/1 hr A. MER i ANO purokr Of. To WESTERN AND*SOUTRERN oltants.—A largo stook of Manila Rona. eiLes, nanufneturca and for *ale at tho lowe.t Now York moos, I), WFAVER, FITI,PR„ & CO., ,a No. ti N WATP.R And 22 N. DOtwarono. CiAl?.-1101.1SE MOLASSES.-150 hhds tietoec:and barrel for b ' JAMES Glygl A ht it CO., • In • TITTA Rtremt. Re. L. W., %AN, Andrew Chambers. dm B. _ ha c in oggnll, n. H. I. Yeller. nu & GIBBS' SEWING MA cliln—Thol Machine never faill to give en tslro,ratigiom For sale at 715 rIIAR.—JuPot received, a large Invoicg of ' IL var, fn eeeerior order rind hos barrels, Krid for R sale by WEAVE, FITLER & CO., 9/ No N, WATitli •edtttt, DELAWARE AT, F) ll' ATONAL. SAVING FUNDS. " A tittle, but often:mis the Pam." "Ibtr Lund a tvr-17,;-64--T—ne.d PIANOS. STOVES. COAL. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY I & 00. B „ti 61.NAflai sat 11! , • tin r roma Mon mg. December le, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 6 months ormyt— 360 nankeen■ and lots of fanny and staple Fiona dig at' Samples and catalog nes early on the morning of sale. B StIOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Cestom Hanle. between FOURTH and FIFTY Streets CLOSING BALE OF RICH ITALIAN MARBLE GOODS: ROMAN MOSAICS, FANCY ARTICLES, &a. This Morning. pommencing et 10 o ¬. Ihe sale this morning will comprise it fine assortment of Italian rntrble vases, marble tassna card receivers, fanny marble gout's, bisque figures, China vases, Inn . SALE. OF EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, TOMLI- N sy soup% FANCY° KNIT OERbIANTOWN GOODS, kc. On Wednesday Morning, kith inst., by cataloguer, on ncredit, commencing etlo o'clock. • 047" samples arranged for examination early on the morning Of sale. PIIILIP FORD, AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street. and 521 MINOR Street. BALE OF 1 330 BUFFALO ROBES. On Tuesday. Morning. I).e. 13. at ti Moloch possisely, will be sold, by eata los ue. 1 20 Nos. I. 2. 3, and 4 buffalo robes. Also. RB superior Iced and trimmed do. The attention of buyer' le reque-ted to this sale. BALE OF BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS, AN 0 GUM 0 V ERSHGEEL On Thursday Morning, Deo. Wet 10 - o'clock precisely, Intl be sold, by cata logue, nn four montha' credit, about 750 eases boots. shoes. brogans. gum orer-shoes ; boys' - youths' first quality double-sob grained, thiek hi, cialf loots; M.o. women's and mimes' grained. he: calf and kip boots ,• a so. 200 pair women's, mince:, cl 'ld ren'a city made goat welt boots. The nttention of buyers is particularly ?Media , A this sale. SHIPPING. FOR SAVANNAH. THE STEAMER STATE OF GEORGIA.- CAPTAIN J. J. GARVIN, Will continue to melee Freight till SATURDAY EVENING, awl sail on MO.NDAY, the 12th inst.. at 10 o'olook A. M. • d9-2t p lIILADELPHIA LID CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. ati gligka. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OE THE ABOVE ' NAMED CORPORATION, MILD At NO. 6 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7th, 1819, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors the Company, GEORGE B. STUART, S. MORRIS WAIN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACAIESTER, aim JOHN EDGAR THOMI3ON. The BOORS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOOK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persons favorable to the enter prise are reepeetfallr invited to enbncnbe. sB•tf FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NEW YORK 2.N11.. HAVRE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The United States Mail Steamships AR AGO, 2= tons, David Linen, Commander, and FULTON, PAO tone, James A. vv otton, Commander, will leave New York, Havre, and Southampton, for the year 1859, on the following days: To moot new requirements of the Post Office DeEart meat, the days of sailing of the A R AGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON, trill, after their present voyages , be changed as follows from NEW YO. K, save in the ease of the present departure of the FULTON. which will take pl , ce on the Tftla December, the schedule remains unaltered: FROM rilint YORK. 11• VAN AND 601721(AMPTON. Fill:TON.— Mee. IT. FULTON...Jan. 10.... Jan. 11. -- Jan. 7. ARAGO. __Jan. 31.. —Feb. 1. F111:I ON....Feb. 4. FULTON....Feb.23 ..Feb.29. ARAGO. filch. 3. .A RA00._,.....51ch.27..1k1ch. 29. FULTON —.Melt. 31. FULTON....ApI. 24....A24. 25. These etearnora, built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, under deck. every attention has been taken in the construction of the hull and ma clnert to insure safety and speed. The ships hate five water-tight compartments enclosing the engines, so that in the event of collision or stranding, the water could not reach them.and the pumps being free to work, r " ereefl ' . 111 Y of e n t t h e e x experience c n h d as i r - r.gazz u ke lm atro: rate necessity of this mode of construction. Toe accommodations for passengers are believed to cembine every comfort arid convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Rarre—First Cabin, S 130; Second do.. 6-75. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 700 francs;, Second do.. 390 francs. To passengers genet to Loudon these steamers offer the advantage of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on loosed. All letters and news papers must Ines through the Post Office. For freight or passage apply to W. S. DR AN TON. Agent.? Broadway, New York. WILLIAM ISALIN, Agent. Havre. AMERICAN EOR APgeEiAN. S EXPamESn COMPANY, Agent, Paris. lA'5l. NEILSOY Agent, Office. Tobacco Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans °Nile shies can be seen. n 2- finial 4 zita_ STNIAM initEtyr TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND raym — : FRANCE, AND GERMANY. THE HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COM PANY'S IRON MAI'. STEAMSHIPS. HAMMONIA. Capt. H. F. Schwensen. a/0(0MA. Capt. IL Ehlers. BORUSSIA. Capt. N._Treutinan. BAVARIA. Capt. H. Testis. TEUTON lA, Capt. B. Faison. Three liter/Mere are all first-class Clyde-built yawls; ere intended to sail .from Pier 21, North River, N. Y., ae follows : FOR. LONDON, 8011THANTPTON, HAVRE, AND 11Ahl Bllßti, The elegant and powerful Iron Screw Steamship BA VARIA. Capt. H. Tanta. 2,400 tons Parthen, will earl as above 011 TUESDAY. NOVEMBER lath, at 12 o'clock M. Passage, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to Now York, and from Southampton to London, First Cabin. 8100 Second Cabin.• • Seri I Steers e.. $l2 The BAVARIA will be succeeded by the following Steamships: SAX ..............THURSDAY, Peember 1. RON U551A......._...M0NDA Y,January 2. TEUTONIA. ..... EDNESDAS'. February 1. HAMMONIA... . THURSDAY, March 1. tam Paasenitere forty riled to Liverpool . Dublin, Bel fast. Cork, (Amigos', Parts,, and Antwerp, at tarougb rates. These steamers are fitted up with unequalled !torpor-. mode ions for first, second, and third-class Passengers. The Second Cabin accommodations of these Ships are equal to the first-alma of moat steamer,. Certificates of pessag• segued iron" London, South ampton. Havre, arid Hamburg. to-New York. Freight engaged in Phibeielphis will be promptly silseaded to by.ttio New York Agent, and shipped free of ail commission. For Freight or Paaaaget,_apply excluaively to W. A. HAMILL, Agent,. Odlee of the Ham to rg American Mail Steam/Mine, nt-tr Northwest corner FOURTH and CHEST:ITT. P777IMI:MINMPFA YILOM NNW TONIC TO LITUPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage-- -- SW) Second Cabin -- 76 FROM BOSTON TO LITEITOOL, Chief Cabin Pasage—. --..---8110 Second Cabin Passage— -- . - en The shitx front Boston eallailtalitax asst Cork harbor. PERRI S.. Capt. Judktns , CANADA, Capt. Lane, ARABI - A. Calit- J. Stone, AMERI CA . Capt. Millar, ASIA_, Capt. K. 0. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, CapL Shannon- EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch These %easels carry a clear white lipt at mat-hea d ; APlrlPA ', t l Yizi l* n a n t il!raje r elf o l P o r rf, t W 'c elitesday. Deg , 7 - EUROPA,Anderson, " Boston,Wednesday, Deo. 14. PERSIA. Juilkiru " N York , Wedneeday. Deo 21. AMERICA ,Mill s , ar, " Boston, Wednesday. Dec. 43. ASIA, Lott, " N York, Wednesday. Jan. 4. CANADA, Lang. " Boston. Wednesday, Jan. 11. Berths not secured until Dud for. An experienced tbd rgeon onIIPIrd. l Townsver these ships en I not be acoonntable for Col(, Silver, ullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precione Stones or 3 tali, un ass bills of lading are signed therefor and the lue thereof therein ex reseed For freight or pas sage apply to E. OUNA.R.D, i Bowing Green, not _ New York. glitk . FOR THE SOUTIV—CHARLES TON AND SAVANN,AH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heim Freida at an average of 7ITTt[III pet rent. be low Now Yorli PBSt a Cil h Atil f Aolt. B. C. _ The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONI , STATE, Cap tain cbmies P. mmitimaa, will sail on Thursday. Dec. lath, at 10 A. M. Through in 45 to GO htlurinli gO limas at Sea. FOR SAV RAH, OA. The S. Mail Steamship STATE OF DEOROIA, Captain John J. (Jan, in, will sail on Meader, December 1). at 10 cobalt. . . . Through in 68 to 60 hours, only 48 hours at Sea. Ertiallint days °hanged from every Saturday to every five days. Goods mewed, sad Bills of Lading signed every daY. The splendtd first-olass side-whaitl Steamsluns KEY STONE EYTA'rE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten 'days, thus forming a five-day oommu nication with Charleston and Savannah, sad the South end Southwest. At hn t r Charleston and Savannah, these Slops con- Oast wi steamers for Florida, and with railroads. Ao., tor p wee tn the South nnd Southwest. INSURANCE • Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods stained Booth will be found to be tower by 1...61.6 alas, than by outihng vessels, the premium brag oria-half the rate. • • • N. B.—lnsuranoe Olt sill Reamed Freight is entirely nnnseoesul• t fvrther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad nommen taking an risks trout those points. EAT REDUCTION . IN FARE. Fare by this route 23 to 40 per omit. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will, be seen by the following ebbe dole. Through uokets from Yhtladelphia ma Cherie.- ton and SavanhO !tomatoes, INCLUMNG MEALS on the wIIAO ratite, enest from Charleston and Savan nah to montsomery : INLAND TAND. Charleston—,....ll33 10 Savannah 31 (X) Augu5ta.............. 26 00 Macon— —" 99 76 Atlanta-- —. 31 (X) Colurabux --- 36 Car Albany — 37 OD mile... CI) 46 90 New 0r1e5ea........ 61 CO titer the Chip has tailed. my on board, at settol3.l"Chld ALEX. 12E1LON iviiVinktrizi Wt. tan, steamer Carolina every To Charleston-11200 Savannah.-- 10 00 Aureate.--._... 20 r 0 Macon. 31 Or Atlanta....._... 21 00 W urnbil.--. 23 00 74entr,eerr ot 00 0 Mobile in 96 ell Noir Orleans.... 96 76 Nobills of lading o , geed For freight er yeasage se above Vine Street, or to Southwest corner P 4 Avnls to g=trvil ij i Far Florida from &wiriest 'LintMr. For Florida from &mans St. John'!. every Tuesday 'l4 , s , amqrs Elt.ldary'a and :1 turday. JT3I3 WEST CHESTER and aVI ELWIN, PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD VIA MEWA. FALL. A RRANORMENT. On and after MoN DAT. December 12 1852. the trains will leave pm ladelphin, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIi3HT EENTII and MARKET Streets, at aleA. M. 1, and LAI P. M. Le We Wen Cheater, from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET STREET, at 7.15 and 11.21 A. m., and 4.15 P. M. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., ami I P Al. hicivA Went (th.vtar at 745 A. M.. and 4 P. al. The troine !anal= PhiJnilelphia at 8 /0 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. connect at Penne/lon with the l'hiladelphiA and Baltimore Central Railroad. for t oneard Chaddsford. Kennett trqua re, and Avondale. MENItY W 001), 05-0 r,eneral Superintendent. U T lON !-ASTROLOGY!-LOOK 01.;'11-13000 NEWS FOR ALL!—The rover failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the best; she sue seeds when all others have failed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false firmnisea, fly to her for advice and comfort. /a tors affairs its never jails. nhe has the seofet. of tendon; the affections of the opposite Res. It in this fact at loch induces illiterate rretendcre to '• to imitate her, and copy her advertisement. She.-wca tout the hone ! , of) our future 'wile, husband, or absent friend. It 1.1 wet known to the public at lar^e that she is the first and only person who can show the likeness in reality, and can give entire satisfaction on e ll t h e eon . eerns of life, arnioh can be tested and proved Id thou sands, both inserted and sierle, who daily and eagerly visit liar. Come one ! come all! to No. 1336 LO al HARD Street. between Junieer and Brood. lid-at • CHEAPEST WINDOW GLASS in town, „ t - incKl3, H. W. (tomer of SEVENTH gni) ROMP'. -1.25 6hls., 180 halves, 115 aaartars,4nd 200 kitte annul No. la; 3W Ude. and go halves large No. 3*. in store and fo r eale I.y• Wm, J. TAYhoP Pthe In 404 u 4 North WWVAI. oil SALES I3Y THOMAS 'l6 SONS ' • No.. VA MOM 80ri FOURTH STREET. tPoressokr n dept • REAL ESTAT:B.AND STOCKS, TUESDAY NEXT. • Soon and Evening Salim Pamphlet custalocnea now ready, containing fall•par- Oculars of the stocks to he sold atl2 terld.eskTl6ol2, and the real estate at 7 o'clock evening, with is,liat a r mies Path and Fib it'd., and of real notate at private - . CA RU.—PUBLIC BALES IRA. ESTIATR-cAND STOCKS AT THE EXCELARGE.—SaIes o real and ;tucks will hereafter be held ei.l2 a'oloak nnorttl in the evening at T o'clock: • • Sir Contn ignore having Mansura of ambit mi.. iltir Handbills of. cash property tuned separately, in addition to which ye publish, on the Saturday precTous to the sale, one thouicind oatalogney. in* Pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the properties tO solct OR the followiagjneadey. - R :AL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE: , err We have a large amount of real estate at private geld. including every . nesenpOn of and Co aalwr property. Printed Its.: t e n i ai had at the auction mole PRIVATE S ' REGISTER. ST Real estate enter on our private and ad noticed occasionally, in our public sale lot which LOX:iconic' are printed wealth/free of Islam' PEREMPTORY PALE—RAILRQAD DON On Tuesday, Dec. 13. st 12 o'olnck noon, at the Pititadelfkia RX change. wilt be sold— Without mauve, for account of whom it. may. eon cern- -9 second mortgage bout./ (81400 snob) of the Cattulmt and Atlanno Railroad Co. For other accounte-1 a shares Amnrican Academy of Munch witletiokSt le atoned Mineb ill Railroad Company. 8336 Delarma Mutual Insurance Companittent4 1 altars Mercantile Library. 31 idiaros American Mutual ittaumaneFldl., Q 95 scrip name company. STOCK'S. LOANS, to. On Tuesday. Dee.% at If s'olcok. Icon, Inn be sold, at the Fkl i3J.oll)ll.. xittange— For &mount of wLem it may cosicers— • - 13 contwarflktO easto. tarether taxi, Keokuk. Mosat I Issaaat, sad tdarastma Realmsd COUIDADY, due U m:km.71,1869. REAL ESTATE BALE—DECKMBER 33, AT 7 - O'CLOCK, EVENING. Peremotoryle.—NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, No 231 North Tenth street, south of Vine. mi. Bale absolute. BUILDING LOT. wed side of Twenty-sixth street, north of Jefferson. Twentieth ward. BUILDING LOT;east side of %Raw etre*, north of Jefferson, in the rear of the above. Orphans' Court Sale—Eelate of Enos Livia, deed. 3 T 11-BTORY BRICK DWELLINGS, northeast corner of Washington and Orange 'Greet'. Fourteenth ward. Seine Estate. - THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING. north aide of Wash,. Eton street east of On ngs. Same Estate.--2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL INGS, east side of Orange street. north of Washington. Same Estate. 2 TRREE.STORY BRICK DW ELL INGS. Bout!' side of a ten-feet alloy,betweea Orange and Twelfti. and Ws. hinetoo and Waltaea streets. Same Estate.-4 THREE STORY BRICK DWELL INGS, southwest *Omer of Ninth and Brown. iersets. Thirteenth ward. . . . Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of J. Roo ROOMJ. 2 l'll ItEPArfoRY BRICK pwELLaips, Jumper treke t. north of Race. . . Orphans' Court Bale—Estate oflteob Caws!di deed. 3 FRAME DWF.LLIA GS; soma side Coates street, west of S MOD E RN Northam Li butes.) _ NEATDWELLINO. No. 810 Lombard street. ;weld. of Eighth. Two fronts. Imniediato possemon. Peremptory Sate,—NEAT DWELLING, No. TNT Ad dison street. ..tsreen Seventeenth and r.44.hteasth and Pine and Lome Lombard streets. lad+ale absolute. Trurtees` Sale—Eetate of E. & Darts TRREE.STORY BRICK DW.k.LLINGB, northeaat corner of Somerset and Budurot streets, Twenty.tiunl ward. • . 'FIIREE-STORY RRIOR DWELLING, No. 1•168 ?damns street, between Master and Jefferson and Eleventh sad Twelfth streets SUSTNe SS STAND—Three-Way brick stop, and dwelling, No. M North Front street. betwee n Green and Center, with 4 three-story brrck dwellings, en the rear. - orerpptory BaIe.—WELL-SECURED YEARLY GROUND RE%T, esolzo. on lot of gr and German- YZAtitiklag r ,Varte:'l=lvise l V - 4 feet Germantown r0ad.152 feet d!ep. Two fronts. go, Sala ab obits. REAL. ESTATE SALE, DECESIBER 20. AT NOON. Vrosteen' Sale—Estate of Joseph T. Earley dee'd. FIRST-CLASS CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY. The valuable property. No CIS Chestnut street:west of the Unwed States Camaro House, between Fourth and Fifth streets, V feet 10 inches front.= feet in depth .0 Calvary street—having two fronts- Br order of trus tees. Particulars in handbills and lithographic plan. now ready. _ . The three propeittes between the above and Fifth street aro lenllOted• • • • Trustees' Peremptory Sale—Estata of 3n0.. Fitawaiar i deeeitte4. d TWO-STORY BRICK eTURIFB AND RWELL DIGS. southwest c orner or FTStlkii , Z4 Mid and Mod lane, Nineteenth ward. Pal„ Pale absolute. Same Estste,-2 BRICK - DWELLINII, Hanover st, north of Prince, Eirbteenth ward. Pale absolute. Same Notte.—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL IN 13. west aide of Fifth street. north of Noble.- 313..Pa1e absolute. . . VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY Sgs T. In acres on the Bethlehem turnpike.% a Ile west at MOW' gomery Square, Montgomery events, Sa...kt moles from filadel his. BUILD.NG LOT. Bride street. west of Thins-se venth Twenty-foorth verd,Bo feet Croat, NO feet deep. Two fronts VALUABW , BUSINESA STAND.— Throe- s tor y brick store and dorelhaz, N 0.139 North Stroud street, between Arch and Race, having a cartwpy into El freth's Receiver's Second sale. Noe. 10 and 18 Booth' Wirth 84 8T0'7.3E OF 111,1103. - This Morning. Dee. 10, at II o'clock, at Nos. r 6 and 188 era th sixth at.. by catalogue. by order of the nweiger. the entire stook of Messrs. Wilhelm & &haler, eninrinsing a general assortment of grand earns liktl Locus XIV style 6.% and 1-octave pianos, u elegant and plain rosewood cases. Foil particulars nr ea talcques Ttia attention of parahasers Is parlianktrly re quested to this sale. The satins stook wan scannfactured with great care by Messrs Wilhelm &. dehbler. ex pressly for wareroom axles, and ,tin.o be sold without re serso. - - Exec:Mora' Bale—Germantown.' ROUBEHOLD F'URfiITURF- On Tueaday MOTlling e I.lth inst.. at 11 o'clock, in Rittenhouse etreett. fourth house above Green itreet. Gemiantown. by order of the executor, of Martin Curren, decensed. S eueral &keen mein of household end kitchen furniture. lair May be examined on the morale. amain. VALUABLE MEDICAL LIBRARY; On Tuesday and Weduerday neentnee. Deo, 13 and IL we will all a eakalide library of medi cal books, many of tsem 'wilco and Carron,. all food condition. The collectiop is particularly mills French. Ferhsh, and American journal., and in workeon Lusa my- or partictdare me ratalognes..and the books, which:bill be arranged two days precious._ . - Bale at Nos. 1.12 and 11t South Foarth Street. SUPER lOR FURNITURE, FR ENCII-PL ATE -MIR RORS, PIANO FORTE BRUSSELS CARPETS. On Thursday hloromm, At 9 o'clock, at the Auence Store. ex assortment or excellent wood-hand furniture. elemeutyommAllimr, fine =no", carpets. ete., from families declining( boasekeepotg, bourrhearung, removed to the store for V111V811.182615 oI eels. Fleenhare SAM. • THURSDAY A rm.( NOON. DEC.IS, AT 3 crc weir. VALUABLE T 01,061 CA LIBRARY OF THE LATE 113.1 Y. 30SEPR BELCHED, D.D. On Thursday Afternoon, Dec. 15.1851, COMM 'mum at 3 ° l efties. wowill sell the extensive and *minable theological hefty, of the late Rev. Joseph glebe r. D. 11., by order of executors. fir uor parliament see ostatorues, which will be ready, two days preying, and the books arranged for examination. Extensive Peremptory CABINET. ROBEWOnD ND WALNI,I CABINET. FURIII -IrlJfthl-BTOCK OF OtO. J. RENKELI3. On Friday Monuaei Dee. lath, at 10 o'clock. at the warernems. No. QM Walnut 'treat. the swot cf elegant rosewood and wal nut drawing-room. dicing-room, library. and chamber' furniture a general assortment. all faetured in the best 1111.1.1. er. and of the beat =tens,. by Mr. lienkels, for hal warer min !isles and war•auteu. 06r" Tha attention ofpurchawra is recuest.d to thin sale, as the entire stock in the catalogue wit la gold without reserve: W;X=MWMW AjOSES NATIIANS I AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHArNT,- southeast corner of SIXTH and-RACE Street.. GREAT CR. NCE FOR CHEFS "'SIAS PRESENTS. FORFEITED GREAT FAG.. OF COLLATERALS. On Tuesday Morning, November M. at 10 o'clock, at Moses Nathan,' Ano tion store, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets, in second-story sales room. entrance. from Race st. Consist ng, in part. of magnificent magic case gold Intent lever watches extra frill jewelled. and of the most approved and beat makers full 18 karat eases: hununx cane, double case and double bottom fine gold Patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers, the most of them heavy 18 karat cases; fi ne gold detached patent toter watches, lepins do., in hunting eases and open Imes beat makers, 18 karts fine; elegant 13 karat hunting oases patent levee watches, splendidly enamelled and set with diamonds: do. richl y , enamelled and landscape; do. set - tth e Wart fine 18 karat sold hunting ease doutle time and inde pendent second patent lever watehes, for tuning hones. he.; huntinit case, double ease. and double bottom English silver patent lever watches, of best makers. hnntinc eats silver anylex watches; double time and other silver ,index watcher ,• tainting' ease and open fare denoted pat , et laver and le time watches, some of them wind and set without the nee of a key; bunting case, double case, and other English. Swiss. and - French watches; diamond,: finger TiLlg• and breast pins; fins geld vest, fob. and necg chains and ehatolame chains; gold seals and ke) ; fine gold pencil vises, with sera; tooth picket gold and silver spectacles; ladies' fine sold necklaces; fine gold bracelets and bands; sets garnet, lava, French pelt bum, and other firm rold hseuunes ; finger rings. medallions, lockets, etude. sleeve tral , o9l, scarf pins..k.c.; waft:honkers' tools, jewellene to.ris fine old written, samg very valuable; aceordeous brass horns.. leer 8 key flutes and other flutes, musical ist. strumenta. • CIGARS. 10.000 superior Iravatut et an LADIES' CLOTH CLOAK'S. 10 fine oloth cloaks. Late style. entirely new. The cloaks will be sold at aJ o dock precisely. 'We will then proceed with the sale of watehes.rewelry, Ae ItIACHINERIC ,31.1 D IRON. - - - CAIIUL V. KURICK, 7. VASSEAS NIIIIIOI. lattll.lAY 1121.111C1. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY FIFTH MID wasEnNoTtlii sTityarza. piismprs. MERRICK Sr, SONE, ENGINEERS AND Nuirxtrurra, Mani/future High and Low Plzeiwore Steam Faa - Maa. for Land, !Over. and Marina &amine. Bode rs,Gasomettrs. Tante, Iron Boats, &c.; Cm:mu of all kinGn, either tyl.ti ny masa Iron Frame Foes for was Works. Work Shops, Rail road Stations. &e. Re . ..lna and Gm! Skeane, of the latest and most im proved coustructtbz. Every descnption of Plantation Machinery. each no Sugar, Saw, and (trim 31013, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trams, De:avatars ' v atars, Pumping Entitles. fto. Sole Agents for N. Rillienx'a Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus ; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Yammer ; and Aspinwall & Walaey's Patent Centrifugal Sagan Drai ning Mae hine. S-sr COPAH.TNERSIIIP NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the firm of WARNICK. CHADWICK, & DRU. it. this ass dissolved. The Heater, Rams, and Store busmen.* I, '" be mo - o:led under the name of CHADWICK & BRO., at the Northetun corner of SECON Dead RACE: Streets. JOHN K. CHADWICK. FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia. Jvir 11. MC raatf ID SALAMANDER SAFES. Alma assortment of EVANS et wErsornt PRILADELPIIIA MANUFACTURED SALA LANDER SA T FES. VAUL DOORS, BANE LOC,TI3 For Banks and Stores ,_ t:quat to an my in nsa. IRON DOORS, SRYTTERS. OU &I coal terms anony other ostabliahruent In the U Shtes. br EVANS k WAT3OII, N 0.304 CHESTNI'T Street. Philadelphia. a..s-tr I=l ROSIN. -861. bbls extra Nos. 1 and 2 Loop ftes:n; bbly Sbipping Rosman is rore, and fur gala by . . . ROWLEY. ASRIFURNER..t No. 11; Routh WIIARVVR BBLS, No. 1 HERRING-100 half bk4s. extra Mackinaw White Fish, in sore and for sale `•- 'WM. J. TAYLOR h Cti.,112 and 1 SdNorttt ZIEGLER & SMITH, corner SECOND and GREEN, have neernred a great repuutton by the mine and prudent amuse they have purauxl niece their commencement in Wanness, by oeltine a firet-rate artirlo at a Inn, fi , a ra BOXES A3IERICAN AND , kia , FRENCIII WIN! OW GLASS—The most appro,td brands. and of aver? sae and paahty relt.lred for city and ,ountry trade. at prima astorashinzly St+nd your order. to ZIEGLER k. T.TAITTE, Oruy, Paint (Ga., and Yarmati Goalora, corner SECOND and Tik EFTS ii tre.ra. pIIELADELPEIII. WOOD-14SURAVING COMPANY. 44 FOURTH Street. Y. W. corner e Fourth oud Chestnut streets.. .11. r Pilca a FATI:vr PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCEz4.S. LOURING'S SYRUP, hhds. and able., at reduced pricer. ETITI for Bale b y GRAHAM A & Co., t. - L GREASE. -200, bbls.; _3OO halt' bbls., 140 quarter bbls. 31MA eons Patent Tallow Grease, anitrilde for vagott,_parts, oars. and draia, for sale by -V" ), ?..LAY, ..!..aai:R.NER., a vsx, mall e.ual WUk-Eti;:ie - fri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers