. - • .*, 70 :.t.;# 4 ,4 A Oi Si , 14" " finuinoomii • - „ Siantr irmnfis, t~Phttedslohiaol¢eii,.4ll6 CILTESTNI3I" Streek,; Koitchitiatie:orderalll Ilta.BAl4llpjAccpyrivr °Moee in lientciu; New4iisen and 'Mato : , .::AlitufWiabilloatei. Pa. • - • : ='; E1A4114 orrn=N otoNAt'SAperi Muria 17mmix.-4Thartmed by the Meta tit;'emrbnyge. is ESoi 6y i ,iealrel : seem day aid in 'Ai "Mint, I,,KVE PER, OW& fa4Ses4 is tiai4 thrl4olst from, Ake 4arit _ - ~ S. The mono. is alstarissi4 b.ok methi 1;6.1,L . U0VW sits Sailed for, sat sitbsatliotioo. ' . ' • • Mcmerislecisiinot trom. Etna:ors, ASstistitresors.' ,Elissrdiass, othei• Polka, in WS. or *At Sonoma Slang or shoo panod. ,• - • S. Tle reaper tooeividirpm,Depoetters invosiod fn ROlxstate;lo#l4oe,t3ipiurd Beata; end other tint. , off. • • e, °tee open ciao day-wararr 4fflpt, southwest eoreer„Third street'; Phtleeetehts: ssli s SOnto Com& Szcinin sod WAtiort , •Btreeta.--Devagito re tietsvd' in ant.l - . 1..**4 4 , 4l . 433.oantsifronuall olasri of tiukoilmmulkity . ;o4•lol!intßutit the rite 91' five r neat. per - • Mono* nasi-l*AisTairt ohlake . vithout lose Oft- . M ttdeat ilo. over:l4oi from / A nl o'olook, sad oa Mon day sad Sexctrdayeurtat rin the eyeetee. Pre t 'FRAIIELIN PELL r Tnoamtkirr'`- m.:momur t 7 • ;„ ti BALAILLIThaii PnurPsoerß 'fe • Dergearsortmentrit9ALAMANDßßB orealeeireseou- Oki 01004 No. 30 , 1 O.II.,EaTNUT Soma: Philadelphia. su s , EyANIS kWATIROA GAB-Lim.Dsear um m Aar. '441Pi.143 • vi 12 ce6i:ooitimsr "--- - - ~' GIRARD 11011811-Illiesinut et. below Ninth, -' -;W B BichArdi; Jg, Ye -,,- W Chaneellor; Ya •• -- VrWattallirtPr 0 _T- : '-- "J.._ 0 0 wntorbarirjN 1' .' MBestiter, Nit ', -", -.Jar Crottiere, Philo • Ly-BoutherlOti,N y. ~, ~ M Osborn Ata, Boston w N Wilma, Pei Haven /hero B Horwitz, Belt •- - '': ,i ) AVritillc i ru d it i tittlt, 3 ' - '. Wi.ta s ijul i a l l i t i f a lkat t lial,hrestOn,,l3 9, turv ii 9 io noo gr tiirtord /I " 8 Niela son, (ihtitlealon 'aline/a' a ' • eW 'yen -Pi Desoto & Is, N I. Merstrall Parks. Norfolk , ,M rs Clarke, lit I.touni: ' ' H L_Mobt,mmerie; London' ' ' r c_Montronlerte;,Lrindoil, W Tuckeratio.N H ; • 1.. W Bet & or, Brooklyn' 'Sohn Bersar."Ba4 Blowers; Detroit , ~... ' : Ono Onlin, St PS -'`'' ' TLe Port. Bi-ooklyrt • ',Hord F Horwitz - , alt H. Barnett AA It Y -W I. Itelferstein, PS -''''''' 1 4 , P•Ltridge; 11 1'. -..--'' 'Oil Lee, London, Eng L. , .. ank eii v i shop N' ',' "" '1" oux,. Paris "i• • • ' 'ALAIMO, Paris, • . ," ,i." 13 Cmrner,Harrisburg .1 Bir bud isdy k ; ' ' -AS Oberman &la l Newark - .. Pe& icars ni , it N T •:-' ' - e'' W F S i zet... Y. .'.. .. ,Fe1p„,,,,,,..: ,- „ Otto T Cculter,Lßaltlmore -"X Thorne, - 1.1 i- - -: "Wm M Fishet,-N Y. ERRCHANTIP HOTEL-Fourth st.behini Aroh, --- 11111M0Clellind, 1 ;11 1 1-ven J . T' Warf Pa ' ,Lnyi r o i lanitiNngston -. ~. , ,tif .rs'A it air, Carlisle •ei Bbinie k ih-lit s ßucke co .I. l i;iVil'el i ty l ,l4d , '' ':'?' 41P-A g e l eV, T il i t' d - . ;- ' ''', i t 'IL "' h° ,2lfri' Ml Y . • .'. " - ',Dr LTranie, Del :. ', ,"A o i t ileon.'Pa , ' '' - A 47'.11' m i ttr.sl7.' - -. ; IT:t w A Rea:J.l;l.7i; . S nrron,ll ... , W Moore, Clearfund JONES' HOTEL - Chestnut street. above Sixth. . - •, , Was Guy. Balt , , ••" ,- pro Rice, Bait .•• land Jackson, Balt .' - W Brown, Jr Salt : - It Sot Solt no, Md Baml Resse, i tisit ON Md '". 0 Bart:Balt co. MA . H.l3acket /c. a, N .1, reamer!, Ye ~.,, - , "Thus a tekvla: - a - • ' - ' -142.17, i - 7 .61i.ii. - Ril . 1 Wise that : , f - R Bht•re. id D, la - - -.' Chan .1 Wise, Ye .ft Felton Iwo Bedford - 4 N 3- - , horEatlankr Philo - ' LHLookaY4 Boston I.llv7Wm l63 W C ,s e g o n . ,l , l - - • f MITA Pi I - ' ,-- Valuate, NJ- .__ - ' -Vin Knob,. Balt M Orahant.N Y :, ' • • ,'L H Onswold, N Y ~ Store, Y - .. '.-.'„' , C Btone,N Y- : 1 : AMERICAN HOTEL--Cheedout st., ab. Fifth. , -WW-Hurg, Balt' " - 'J C StooKley, Del,' ' 6D Weigand, Phila it Graham. Troop, Look Bitten ' ; . 2 B Larlsillin. Memphis Graham. • f Menßhis. li n n i i ' 'i rg t ! ' orlon'/ Barton, Bait ' . Jirick.". J , Frank Treat, Me and C Frinh, N Y •• • A delis, NY' ' eittimonEomittblatt. 1.1"7,-' - M. A Hyatt, N Y - t i s Jones A15.,11",..„ .8 It Jeukinib_Phils • " ' W Hinchnron .N _,'" • ' ft Rostrum, A Y ..., ' • ' ' rs Hinkle le g'd . Tend • Robtil Sayre. - Sethleherir - " Geo 11 ontshmety‘Balt - , v. 4. lackinton, Metes , John .1 Evans. Pittston 0 err, Pittston. Gen Al Wrlune, NY - D E Davierm, rowark ' H Thomas Billings& teal O'W Castle; Roohmter , : Ago /I ,Raymond,Rooheinar 'W W Meeker,_N C Claflin. NY- • • -' sw Ridgway. M Chunk .• ' , '-i Gang V Shreve,Salem,Mass Waith,Bogardas, N 1 wLI Hutehlose,A.bgar.NY • • T , -. , • BT. LOUIS HOTEL-Chestnut street, above Third: - ',/1 Johnson Zs la ,13 C' •W 0 Robinson. NH „ :_ lherf e tic 4 N r i y, , .. 7 71 , r4J D O n F o rai i k t p 4 h l i r ls • :;" ,VIICHAIPTIF HOUSEZTT.trA street. s.b. 00140etaS. , 1 4 4;='ir '134 ," : -....- ViMilltrifAnnii.'i .-; F Wilsop.Jonikentowt.- ', - ,.:T II Higdon, Mt Hoar, N 1 „ J 'Early, Daitrohniteci,Pit• ~..gdyr Mellon, Lehman ~ •,, ~i ~ w Wityntaala i linons to , Bond Pittentor, N 4 - , . BLACK BEAR HO'rEL•7-Third et.. above 13allewhill. • M young, pa Moses Haldeman. Eanboro - dairßoads 'Southampton M Roseland. llonthampton ,• ' illiesholtz, lituceneytown -, J H Scotsman, Soyertown aoobmaldernan. - Buoka oo Semi Shutt, Bunks no - -. • eery Walter - New Briton 0 P Shift, Warrington k :,..,...... Harper. tenkentown Obits Finney, Hartsville ", -; A D Loren" - otthentston Casper Roads, Alberni ' mealier BhOte. Doilegtown • , ~• - „ , ..:..:,', i ?,BALD EAGLE-Third street, above Callowhal. - .•''. • Big 13 11 l ark ... t lit P ro . t g, .. ° 1 " - • l a a Beaus o al = I Q r - -Abtitham Bru.ek,,r, ...no Co - _. -, , -._ - '• ' -,THE , UNION 110TIa+Aredi street. stein" Third, - • -..„, ;lb 008 Castor, Pe -- ,; 1 13_ Holmes. Ppring&ld, 11l • 0, yoykert, Pa- .maynard & :san, Boston : ::::• j ,,. , ALAd OO V, O4 IntiliOnt Cptut ''.... l R Tshuds, Lan co, Pa .. '‘ i '' :- ''SASI.EYSIEAI O 110TEU-SeoOnd et:lnflow Vine. 1 -`' Jilsitith. Books ito. - ' Samuel Cowan, Hartsville W, W Gray, Richmond; Ya Al)_ Corns. Pa •;',"'• uv,PHSrodhead, - Pa Isr 'Pert Berate` -, ohs' its , umont. Pa ''. , John Gordon. tr NI ' , .. .. A. e - nietown __ Thl„ 340110 V. Pa - - Wilt' 4147, Perry . -= , 4.iii si v i nierk - V;rorTu" , , . .J•W 11•491aWaJI, Pa ... . W-Watson,Pa, - . ~ It Merris:-Willbw, Grove • , . B Taylor, Pa - ,- - Chas Duhree. Pa -,--- .., ii.),erlisvock. Neown ECarart, hid , i f toe 815 Carhart, N d 8 Yardley, Pa • , , McGarr, Pa , . John Kelsey, Pa , ' It , 310ore,„Pa . •, • • Jane Leedom, Pa , : - 0 PaoircPs . ,:' NI Norris, Pa ; . . ' 0 Hog; Pa , -.• .- •• John Porten, Pt • ' . '. • ward vellor,Prt.' - ~-, Chas Janney, Ps , ex German: Pa , . „ Paml Baker,. Pa , - ,-- :3 T Beekman, Po - , •< 3 B Tcmilson.Newtown' - , Amos Coition, Newtown • • Jae Yandergrift,..PA , ~ 0 Cadwallader, Fa , - . , J Bartley , new Rope ,a,..Kirk, Pe . - , 8 Rowland 111 . _ 'Fes J Ham. Ohio . r' , -- J N P.me, Wis _ : , Li sines, tftes. itr - ouii.. - lii,s, t Pi:67ol' l : • ,13 Johnson, Me_ .113anza, Pa - , ' •,_ Vem C riCti, l l l :. j A i n u j i a itI P :.I yea' ker, Pa ' - Ik. A i iSSOTit Pa ' - T 8 Merma n -m.OU no, ." . ..' ?I Stro horst, Socks NI ~ .0 inont Hard, Becks keno. Atretstr, Bunko so ~1 Wrlent, Trenton, N J ~ STATES UNION HOTEL-!sheet it.; above Siitii. 3 P Alderson, POs -• .- ,•-• , W Itenriersiorn Del oso Moore. ra • , , Johnston-,; IdoCay,;ll 3 , ' Jonas Woshower, Pa , G H Eagles, Lancaster co - • '., _ Gm, W Hinkle,Agantio City .1 Fatkey Smith Philo -. , blur 11 Mahan' - - ' Thais Hughes, Kensington As -- Henry Beagle, lbt ". • .„A L Parsons, Set •,• • ' , 00biltEROTAle BOTEL-thith l,,, st., above chestnit. .=,.. ` *JP BharsleY; Chester - tto" - ~1 Blakely. Phil& ' • ' ' 13• P Morns, York, Pa ' - • • Mrs Rishonyer;Reading •,- --.--- ...^,- ' , NATIONAL lICYPEL; , -/bies at.. aboin•Titird, ' ITLlllfftlettaium ,11 it. Alen u li L exington, ( Kr . rrantitiVeo j ell a hr •': Tvt`citi'althllleg'y City „.. Peters. Wilmington. Del jasph Pr/ski r t's -. . , r i f i t o tkNrestpert . . /O r t zsg :v advert, ' -•'-'-' totteoro:l4' ' - : ' t R l Wa n y,'Y t t ' • r ..pendlist. Poltiville ~"' W Barium, Allentown 2 ohnit lielnitelv. Ler:waster el' a Mattlm Allentown •or Whitaker. Mt Mare . WY' Yoate, Pottsvtlle , . ')IOUNT VETiNON Ein-Ei-Aepoitfit.. Above .dieb. -;' • ' -John Maddiok, riarrishuri 0 P Nixon, Bridgeton, N J ', • . , - %AWN. ROTEL,T, hnd street.above:Rsoe. ~ •SD Wilsosh-14 Y- ' ,--- - T 81nmewn, Pottitown '• L A ,Relart N i • ' - 0 Y litriker t N I ~ • - • Ll' 'lasi*, Boston - - - -' J RWalker, M-D,'Pa h 0 Reberte, Chester eto .•- ft Downing, Cheeser no ••• , C Perm, ri r - J Thompson, N Y • • L y ing loom-Franklin - en 11. MaKenney,Brklyn P p iill t Reeding - t - M Yientine,. Su slo - '-• , J , Illipet Pottsville • - L Ewinv. Wash ngton- , - K yamvilemeaster Me Osnenet. 111. • - .' Miss Sinclair, 11l ' • Mos (Usenet. 111 ~- . , IMPORTATIONS. •;-• tßeportedlos ,• sEvr- catITEM.Epg-019 „Okra Ann-480 tom sera R 00. • • - CRAKLoTTETOWN:YEI-Sehr Albert peat-40,630 ••=bnatieliterley „T mocelley. • • INTELLIGENCE. rths. B 9bia wi Cire. ,14:An tio P t rw,4 1 9 I d t vg from New. putle, As /multi, Baker, 7 dare from Boston, grab mdse to • ..- '' ' lewelie & C.o. • ' : ' • ' PF B l h ti A ri " Z i ti ' !iliedir r" ,i t iFirt,ll '. , infotir 7Z / n Alue. Shier 8 ars / i?.. ge;t9Ort, T ;rith se to g A Ponder k PO.' .. ,Sthr gannah,Dlrratt. Joan. 1 day froth garyrna.Del, i - o thi a kertiolfZ i l f ohte?tfi. 2 days from Milton, Del. : !, th gram Chnstlah & Curran. tit Alp nee. Thema. I day from ifalem, NJ, with wheat to Jail.l Bewley & C. n . • - ,- nee :iea: Der,! de's from -Odessa, Del, with grain . t* lart ' ,lng fiir Ellin n , endorse . a dare from Port Penn, . • $ Del, with wheat to Christian keurren. 1 dLgiRED. * f ß aill i tigt g er,:4l e olser eaViri 7 41 1 1 d k r c d if. e ' ,t r 4 8 lytiii.vv, ;Jeanie, ' Ittrhorer A l :groves, Jr. • •,,. .•.;'7-r„ , :IT TI . MNOILILTEL TO Tr i lAril i tk x. 13”. 9. ZlL'lMagrlitYraealig Amorioa, from `Ban Franoiloot „.,,,tre.,W. Ole !Lope. ; from Gibraltar. ..: . . Boaropt Me 9. ''. ''', or rtigitinni!Litte•tisp eqs ricerisr# DIM Liverpoo l; barb atamoom, from Smyrna: , ~, .. ~ ; ~ ,- , et OMNDet. , , ' .igterele i Cat a g - or nhonestor i Combine, clewed at pi 'rEreal Y ti l j.foh r a Be I, Creighton, for Glasgow, Orearad l!A el l et w oliiirp k , KNL Y Z./ . aw' min:tor' ttii.., via Nu ,2o.l,_tdealea iti sew lc gri rooterdo. i ~,, k ' - —-- 'Y' s i2T,'' , . s ,l tan '- 34 4. . 4. '‘ hei T a N ve ' l a , - " - F, ..j il till# .ttartrt i Wilharas, for Hong gOns..:gailed• from '- ' t '', '-'•• erf 1i1t:n . ,191 Caulking for Liverpool, aimed at ''. ' ,ft p_rr, of y vesterda'r, , ' • . , - *Whiff LiV41 ,4 6001, KeltrneY, from London, crowed st. N 7 i..,grt.1, 7 4.11.5v......Vite0,du 9fgedity, for Lastatyra, oleared at '' Kite iihrtihirilkest tole, for PhiledtlPMll, cleared at _ , • ••• Rata tie.thioet• ."• 1 ' " •,, :' t- ",•• 06 IT ittigitlrigoil.glsgins. from Cleveland , vta Mon ... -, .. tree tarnre4 atNew Yort yeeterdey., . . —.. ;4 •' ' ''l • — Vgr% ° 7,,, T ^F;.;.ar.gef6t- r irldu e /TirithAlgeT' ana W '--1,,: ~ A ~, r.l o. &nog, Burdse, for 7 .-hdadelphia, cleared at - ' • ' Bohm T P med. Drenthe,. and B LWa ea, Hoff • ,' ag. OW hrriyed at Wilmington, tic, 7rh wet, I=2 ; -4 ,' , :leht-Blanhoird, uompton,,tuartos, moo at Charles , i -- ..'.:'„:,74titi),,kitit, 1.'7(4 4 ldte,'fripk* , rbotrial t or - s F.- `; ' K ' '., ‘ " n s tlitz u' ett e e t r n ,tatrs. edged frOm Richmond 11. i tet. Mr New f ork. , , Alarietot.-Atir, obn,tred itt New YoTk TeSt°r , ".1 ... , ; , 1 4 7:.'"', 1 : 4,,r..?1 01 '4 6 .t, : :, ,±r 1 , .ilr :ei,, ,, ...^414,, ,, r ,,, ,..,' , ,- No4.loit TO Tamil rizas. '..: ,:, ~ 1 - z if,e011.1.1,1 Or; MAlltantrente«.., INTAANdIti TO nOaTolt I: '40•;-' • ,:- , -Tha highway*" On litt le Brewster tidied. at the 4 •,"••••,,,'' -,„ ".".., vonineo lir mown harbor, hag lately been fortirOd bon , -,,',--.: • -.. refitted, and wilt be religntad at henget on 1 0 nit ht of 1 • ,- ., , `,,„,, , . 7,l;te w hoth Decteghb.r. DIN ;I' he tower Is .wlit . o , .' and 013 j , ',i't -,1„ . 1y ',.. Oat in.rubt. The Wog Ptana IN MO feet a re Mean - ,„: , ;?,;,,k , ff , ,.`241. 1 1,4 . 11/411‘st *alpra:eatna ie eatedawtrich of the 24 ' ' -'-',' 1 " ' 9 '.'"iiiief Vilma 0 ,Ff i tinetrlthe Will 'MOW lt WNW. gash •. , `"l',9;4' .o} •"'"i - ,,,p a 'r ,969aders lob AttOO dbe semmtrioFdthary yes •• '' - '••''t--1•V•• mr, co r 9,9999,141 9 mutties,l miles. 1 ~, -, littt,-`•14.4,0rl 14W4cilibititsath 0 Vv"dil • '' ' " •,- ' q ,;,.. 4 0 6 ,6}.„141,--..,, w hi. , Mplif,;l3tioretsry,, ' , "4 " 4 4gi,Vite •Agr ai. Meat. Olflo L. . 'Board.. 7, ~, , • ! 0 ':'"? -% ' , r, ll.ton. 99 3 4 859 . 't4i '' ••"ti'i • 4telf IA itgbie hir t li r l / Tel3 ;11.66- 144 s ~ , .;41,i., 4.. 4 r. „i t na no , ;9 c . ~ 9 , omarith too. MUV), A - '' ,1,,, , " 4 +l9'itit2B .. , ;,••.c . .r4i;• ii ,l l .*,- r • ' l "Itt94l,iVAY . " t rtl / Ithhiw pi,vt 4;w: A aanoidygaaa Nutt Buoy meek* the fanner poalttun of this Ldtht Yana]. Chntleatotti so. Deo 03 , %W. A meaund claim Nutt Buoy, painted tad, has bean placed bff the musket - Ater, Butbenu'a lateutt, Chutteaton bar er, in la feat -rater, - • t'uto , D oo oolt on Sullivan's Island bearing N by B. -Po rlf PIkVWS.- dgat Peon, 86.. . MARRIED. 7.OPINCOTT—BAI.LENGER. Near Lurtibetton, N.J., Thursday evening,. Deoembey 8.1859, by yrtende 9arenlollY., in presence 9.1 _Henry J. Iriok. Roo.. W m . .. Llnninctut to Anna M. Ballenger. fißthb— , WAGNbit—On Sunday, November 20th Man,lbr Rey. M. H. Biel,. Mr. Wm. B. „Brill to Mies Anna Wagner. all of Philadelphia. • LONIUKPIEt--81,11N(11,11FF.-0a the Bth instant. by Rev.: George Mintzer,' Hon. A. B. Longager to Mite 'Mau Mootortev . n daughter of Wnl. 11 9linglutf, Eau., both " ASV ' an t lIITIWA/ u n " &e P 1. • Instant, by Rev,_ John W. Taokion. Reward G. - Erdman to Kate Frekfeldt, all of Philadelphia. " t Josephine 41';.; ."ug h te' Funeral from the rnsidenoe s ner father. Np. Ilea Semis Garden street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ' • LOWRY.-:-On the 7th instant, Mr. George W. Lowry, in the 48th year of his age. -The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, between 2 and., o'clock , from his late residence. Creme Fered, five doom from Queen street, (late Crown and Queen street./ Also the Philanthroptalrodge and ke yette Encampment, of Lo.ofo. F. Also Lodge No. 2. Ai Y.ll. ORILLEY.—On the ath'instant, Mr. George Crilley, in the 33d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his mother. Maigaret Crilley, No.= Thompson Street, between Cadwalader and .alorsnantown road, on Sunday afternoon, at. 1 o'clock. DOSSERT.—:OO the 7th Instant. Elisabeth, wife of • Charles Dossert, in the net year of her age. ,:finneral from the residence of her husband, No. 1210 •Warnook street (formerly Lewis street,' on Sunday .afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • ' DE LARDE.—On the 6th instant, William De Latu . e, in the 24th year Obis age. Funeral from bin late residence, Franklin street, id dpor above Girard avenue, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o elects. BLETRE.—On the Bth instant, Mrs: Levin& Slethe, aged 26 ral fr r& yea Funeom the residence of bar mother. 1624 Barker street. between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, tine (Saturday, afternoon, at 1 o'clock. AINSWORTII.—On Wednesday oveninc,in the Bth year of hie age, Samuel, eon of Joseph and Jane Ains worth, - ?Funeral florn the resider:l6n of hie parents..Tohneon'a lane,'above Fourth, We (Saturday) morning, at . 9 o 'cloc E k. • LNNAH.D. , -Ori the 7th instant, Mr. John S. Len .nerd. in the enth year °Chia see. Funeral from ilia late residence. No. 1022 Jefferson Street, above Tenth, on Sunday afternoon. at 8 o'clock CAMYBELI,.—On the Bth instant, Mr. John Camp bell. in the 26th year otitis age. Funeral front hie late residence. No. 1360 Howard street. below Master, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. E . VERLING..—on the Bth instant, Abigail Erwin, wife of Joseph Evading. and daughter of the hats Nathan Barnaby, iq the 29th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 1023 8o his street, above Ottet. this (Paturdav)afternov. at 2 o 'clock. . . . McKINLEY.—On the 9th instant, Thomas litoKinley. i the 82d year of hie ace. • - "'Funeral from his late tesithinos. No. 9211 South PHA street, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'oleok. • IICELACR! 4 AND PURPLE VA LENOIAS, 3rM come. a it °l‘ and P g ßie •CltiVa P ent, gni °eats. " can Dreee p ilki. 8); 't/ : md 'l,VYte. 7oente. ValveLugin: Pneline and Velour , Rpm a pad de Cashmeres s d r ee d inteV. "9 1 4 ;i i r bri a tildtra l :Vrat i g i kelli,Trt Justt reeelved bv 11E880N & BON, Moundne Store. tin 808 OHEBTisiLIT Street. MREV. Ti. GRATTAN GUINNESS WILL lsrettch TO-MORROW as follows: laming. at oira, irt Salem Methodist Church. (Rev. Meson%) hiniper end Lomberd streets. Afternoon, 9,M o'clock, in Rev. Mr. Skepherd'echurch.Ruttonwood attest below Sixth. Room ng. lit 7M o'clock. in Rev, Dr., W . ) lies church. Broad street, below Spruce. In the evening the whole church will be reserved for young 'men end mediokt students. This, perhaps, will be Air. Guinness' last Sabbath in the city. fa. SERMON TO MEDICAL STUDENTS, by Rev. IL ORATTAN GUINNESS, in the Rev. Dr. Erylle's ehurnh,- Breed greet, be`ow Serum), to morrow (EARRATi3)EvENING, nt 7% o'clock. The whole of the church roll be reserved for w ont[ men, the fewer part for medical students until 7 o'clock. The medical stutittntlld young Illeytot our city 11T8 Cor dially invited to at te nd thin servos,. WREV. E. H. CHAPIN HATING" RE. ISE D and re-w*ittee_his Lecture on Mod ern _ Chivalry." will deliver it at NATION A I. Mar ket street. above Twelfth. WEDNESDAY Dee. 14. at 8 n'elools. This will be the Only OppO d r i l o ti . VV, this season. of bearing CHApin. ItYIVEOUEST Or THE YOUNOMEN , S rIHRIETIAN ASSOCIATION, Rormonto Vann.' ?dew will be delaved, at the MORAVIAN ORUROIL corner nr Frank lin and Wood streets, TO MORROW EVENING?. at 7M o'clock, b 7 Rev. E. DE BCIIWEINITE. tt• ty"IIiiIIJRCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, TI N& 11. She Rev, Mr. SN ISO. SUNDAY. Dee. Vtil nn Anhilio N i l n Nf tlio an gn ' t -"The feelinge nod netionn toe Saved, at the time the w aritt ,, ke „ d m are actually condemned." Strangers allliza eIrCHURCH OE TIM NEW TESTA MENT—T. IT STOCKTON, Pastor —PrearthinC , &ABRAM MORNING. at W o'clock. at rte northwest corner, M Girard scenic, and Thirteenth street. Chrietioing.and all ariloworild because Christians, cordially incited. See Bible Times. lt. TT? A FREE LECTURE WILL BE GIVEN • athe+ mathenst.emn.e NM ru *.rvi SPRING lARDEN nn SA , URIIAY EVENING, en. 10, at }OI pnxt 7 °Wok. The Publln are Invited. see loot. The, Phlln.eltir of Thunkenners. It• cr ,IIIT:3OII.ISI4IP.V. cnuncw. S. W. co of Brown and St. John etreeta.—Rev. OEOe GE A X ANDER CROOXER•otor. 1 1 ,erYlee TO-MOR ROW (Sunday) MORNING , at leg o cloak, and in the Evenint atll4 &cloak. It. irr REV. J. C. GANG - COOLEY. A lIINDOO and a BP OWN, la aspreted to pronnh on RTINDAV WANING. nnontuhns Uth. •t ttlo VIRBT CONORENATIONA TAYNITA lAN CHURCH. onrnnr nt PPR= and LOCUST. flanfina commences at 1.9 x (Monk. 3t• GEO: WWI. CURTIS. FAQ., WILL deliver his new lector°, on "Tint Present A ',pert o the hiaverr question." et NATIONAL HALL. AR £CET BTRE). T. above TWELPTIf. on TRIM DAYDAY EVENING. Deo. 16th. 1,% o'clock. Titbits 23 eento for sale, at bite principal Bookstores and at the door. (110 st" "NO -maul. IN lIISANEN. , "—IteT. T A. FERNLEY.. ea"ror of Cohcokrnk M E OITTIStIif, preach in the Amenoen Steebeniee Pall. corner Pollak and George street'. tomorrow (Sabbath) afternoon at M o'clook. Seats (roe to MI. it' ficri TUE REV. Dn. STEVENS, OF ST. Andr•vr's Chnroh, will nreivili in CALVARY C RUA CH, • Germintown, , at thepth 10K o'clonk A. M. end at 7% (Mork P. M. • f - G , REV. A. C. TRONVASiiiii. LECTURE TO-MORROW Eywore. At 7 o'clock. by re quest. on 3n47, Buffering the vengeance or eternal lire." Morning tierviee et half-past JO. Chuieh in LOOMS O Street, alum Fourth. It• R C egE l li f i ' ll ir Coart 1 1 11fI E . ClittllßT " .7g) . ; Twelfih IRMO, EVERY RUNDAY. 1034 A. !Coma TM P. Af.. by the Rev. JAM!D PRATT. Rector. Ind PHILADELPHIA' SABBATH SCHOOL AavOCCIATION.—an Adlottrand meeting of fhtbbathilchool B l eachers, flnnerivendentn, and the frlonda of the can.° tvill be held on Monday evr , tha 12t inst.. at half nag 1 o'clAak, iti the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH,-corner et Arch end Broad atmate. Subject:a of vital swirtance will liepresen'ed for eon sid•ration ; end it to earnest!, hoped that the interest now awakened ip behalf of Sabbath &whole, will bring toeethtir a large concourse or Toanhers. The Delegates previnnely appointed, are invited to be present. with reports from their respective Schools. Dactosnort 10. SC ANTIALAVERY MEETING.—THE flintier tottmlly held o connection .with the Percipients Anti-fllavery Pair wM to held this year in the &anon south end of the ABeEMBLY B PIRA, Tenth and Chestnut streets. eornmemelco WEDNEBOAY MORNING, December 11, at 110olonk and continuum throuph the next day. l'Cr LADIES' .FAIR., IN LECTURE ROOM of Preglarterinn Ohuroh. Buttonwood atreet, be. low Sixth. opening MONDAY EVENIND. 12th instant. nt 7 o'clock, non contioping through the week. from 10 A. M. to ID P. M. Pawn Tickets 25 cents; single, 10 cent.. To be hnd at the door. dlll-30 ANTI-SLAVERY FAIR..-TRIS FAIR w 11 ho opened. in Cr ;ENT HALL, on MON -I.II76F,VENINO. tho Lath nat., and will continue du ring the weelc.- Ava day o useful end bum mantes win he offered for sale at market paces. The profits will bepplied to the dissemination of nntslavery doctrines. Admission fee, is cents; sosson tickets, 50 cents. dlO 3t frrSTATEMENT OE THE UNION BANK . required by the Second Section et the Act of the General Assembly of thie Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of-OCTOBER.. A. D. MOT: Amount of Loans end Titsnonnts.. , . ..... ... 8874,070 48 Do. Speeds ... ... 67 172 81 t ,,,,, Due from in other Banks—. 60 Mt 84 ' of Notes circulation 100,276 00 ' o. Deposits. including balances duo to Other Banks . 00 768 12 PHILADIMPRI•. December 9, 1869. - CITY OF PHIL_ADELPIIIA. se. I, JAMES LESLEY, Cashier of the UNION BANE. being sworn. depose and say. that the above statement ... is oorrect, to the best of nu knnwledae and belief. dAMED hi. BLEY, Cashier. Sworn before DI% thit Oth day of December.A. D. 1569. it - - P.O. ELLMAKEIL Notary Publio. WAN Aniolun Nero MEETING OF TOE firamortsage Bondholders or the WIL ISPORT-AND ELM IBA RAIGROAD COMPA NY will be held on WEDNkSDAY NEXT. Nth inst., at A,-M., in room No SO MERCHANTS' EX CHANGE,' to receive the report of the Committee. Punctual Attendance Is requested. dlO-4t grPM ADET.PIIV A BAND, NO. 1— 'lnstituted October 116 30—ineorporated Fehru nry 17.1862.—a t the nnnual eleetlon for Officers. held on Tuesday. ISceinber 6. Mac. the rellowteir gentlemen were eieeted President. Bening= 0.8. Wks• Vtee Prealdent,_ Augustus Kornikierter boaretory, Jame' Madison Beck Treasurer, Charles Bonk; Lender. 0. Stevenson Beak ; Condueter, Marcus F. Aledot Au ditor, Henry Oebherd; Standing Conumttee, Ben n B. Wilke, J. G. Stevenson Seek, Semen N. eck; .Consellor, Dome Grissom JAnIES MADISON tifigß. SeeretarY. it 746 FLORIDA Street. 11IrUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— LAW DEPARTMENT.—The Annual Oration e the Altnnnt of the 1,11. w Ilepertment will he de livered at the flail of the Untee_yeity. by the Ron. JORN M. READ. on. THURSDAY. December lath, et eight &jack P. hi. - . Miceli can be obtained on application to the coot ie 1 toe r , J. ..VALVNTI NE. 70aVainut street. , p, 3 U_DS9N. 711 Walnut Street. i .p,pftreil ON. KArels.streett .• . F ROC lAN SRIPP.Art, S. b. corner Sotth end Wal nut, .."< dlO elLth.2l,* ITSPIRITUALISM. THOMAS GALES TORSTER. toxins returntd. to the c 47, Nadi e at SANPOM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at WM And 7% P. ht. Admission a cents. Olt. - RE.V. entverAN Xl.3preach an BATUR DAY.' the 10th indant, in Aim. Dr. boon' Church, BPRUCD &red, below Math, to 'this attarnoon . tit Sti clack. aa.at" HE 'SPECIAL ItEQO ST, JOSEPH BARKER, Eta.. will repeat Inc Lecture on the amatr Of John Brown, , or the true and the false nen opoit—he will also review the addressee by ende l and.Ra.ph Weldo Emerson at Con tort_ itall.onttaTUADAY KVENING, Pecemlier lOth. et o'clooki Tickets /6 cents; Lady and Gentlemen, Wooing. • _ &tn. 5 .-A HO N . HENRY 3F; fairmlND ' EDITOR I. the New York netts. will delivera leot_ur . a t MUSICAL Plllll3 R.A4L hePre ,the Est:sr:Y r LITERARY ureßni. on rnu WHOM •v I NItIG, Oil loth of December. suttleet—. The Late War in Raly.' 6 dS•tla g OFFICE OF ItECEIVER OF TAXES, • IptiL Attg LpuLt,papenher I.IBIV. the severaW O d TAX the Y t EW f P T ilade Tphxoryehe rof by notified that if the State and City Taxes, due for the it r are ' rteva not i redligrgietlVegn,r day ytl7 Januaryf n el' alldelinquent tax .payers will be puolishad, and thirty seven cents tin iulditional will be charved publiea thin. Also, after the lath oar of JalinflTY , IPSO, arenaltY of percent .. will be added upon all taus remaining •unpaid, and costs thereon for colieotion. Mignedi Vie/IEII.I , MT, Receiver of Taxes. AND mEcllArtlcs7 us, N0v.28, 1 8 69 . 121st of November,l&s9, the !era Wore eleoted Pireotors Robert V. oeut o:0ot t, ' , mole Tete, John Clarr, f d‘ g i iiri ria This day, 8. A, ininnntly_ re•oleeted Preal 3. 859., Vice President, and 4"°"" W. RUBHTON, RANK nttas POILAINLPH' t an Election held o; the 'witl4. - nained StoMmoide of this Bank • e. Mener. • idwirt M. Lewis, - oho Ashhtust: ' Beene W. FaintiM: Anthony J. Antal: Will r. Joseph Harri. 13111 A. And at A , Litestlng of tin MERGER. Esq., was unni dent. EDWIN M. Lk:WM WILLIAM RoerrruX, Jt CI nrmot A - 311:1t14E1L9.-aNKINS/ of 41 'York Vf at! net, BTOolOrn,' Y.', is at 939 Brosd-strset .Ifous4. , Annlopswishind good mamma, and agithta di saint toAell. may oral Or orldrefig Rol above• - ' . aENTLEMEN would do well , I;ly calling '°4 pulp- tosvisa„ In NINTII St., above Nmbni , sof gay, toot 03 eon: Into alkali) to look f, or t ,, pt ! o o fitoung or'oyeing aast racily • o . o o' • Yew RETAIL DRY GOODS. IIOtaDAYS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO RAVE OPEN A VARtETY NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS, SUITABLE POE PRESENTS IS M DAM DERIES. LACE 000D9, With a. handsome aseortrnent or GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS AHD 01111111. GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A. FULL BTOCK OF SILKS, DRESS GOODS, &0., REDUOED PRICES 818 AND NO CHESTNUT STREET de9-3t TO THE LADIES 0A KF 0 R.D'S GREAT FUR ESTABLISHMENT, N 0.624 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, Are selling their FURS cheap, preparatory to moving into their NEW STORES. Their Stook °mutual' of RUSSIAN SABLE, ACME BAY SABLE, MINX SABLE, • V.NRY DARK BIBERIAN SQUIRRIEL, ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, BTONE MARTIN, FI'ICH, &c., &c.. /GU Ifito CAPES, HALF CAPES, TIPPETS, MUFFS, MUFTEES FOOT MUFFS; LADIES' FUR SEAL GLOVES, SLEIGH AND CARRIAGE ROBES, GENTS' FUR COLLARS, FUR GLOVES, Etc All the above Will be sold at the lowest possible prices SETS FROM 86 tIPWARDS CHAS. O.ARFORD de SON. . , IMPORTERS AND FURRIERS, No. 024 CHESTNUT STREET. d9-tf , EYRE & LA NDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, STAPLE ANDSANCY SILK GOODS. RICH SILKS AND ROBES, REDUCED IN PRICE. a 46 FOR OURISTMAB PRESENTS. I. VOIBI VELVETS, EAVER CLOTHS, LACK CLOAKS, IXE MFRINOB ROVirN NIERINbS, BROCHE SHAWLS,WOOLLEN SHAWLS, VELVET POPLINS. IRISH popLINS. MED D I VN N O E L atuthstlAlM , Al l .l. 3, L IN ENS &0., .Ice. CLOAK EMPORIUM.—A handsome as. sortment of Wins' and Mims' Cloaks now open at 8. V. N. 111 , NT kET New Store, o. 40 SOUTH SECOND Street N O.—A general assortment of Shawls and Drees Goods. dlO-6t.` CIIRISTMAS PRESENTS.— Hamilton, Manchester nod Paoida Dehinea now sellina at )25i cents at Di ht,lN'B, Id. W. earner of RIDGE avenue and dREEN Stmts. alo•sto STATIONERY. ACCOUNT 800103. OLD AND NEW FIRMS, REQUIRING WHOLE OR PARTIAL SETS For the ooming season, will find on our shelves a LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT from which to 'elect, or can have them made to order of • ANY DESIRED PATTERN, OP TILE VERY BEST QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, Together with a full assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERY, AT TILE . VERY LOWEST PRICES. MOSS. BROTHER, & CO.. dig Lm No. 410 MARKET STREET. 0 CONFECTIONERY. CHOICE CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY. PINE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, PRESERVED FRUITS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN BON-BONS, SUGAR TOYS, NICK- NACKS, &c., &c. Manufactured and Imported by ED. G. WHITMAN & (DO tf SECOND and CHESTNUT Street.. LEGAL. -- _ TN THE ORPHAILS' OnURT FOR THE A. CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, Estate of ISAAC HACKER, Deceased. The Auditor appeinted_hy the Court to audit, settle, andAdinst theoUnt of WILLIAM A. MAC RER end A. E. STEPHENS . Executore of ISAAC HACKER, de ceased, and to make dietribution of the balance in the hands of the Aticountav, will meet the parties inter: 44tPd for the purposes of his appointment, on W ED• NEBDAY. the 27st de, of December. 1859, at 4 o'clock P M.. at hie OMee, No. 811 II Street. in the city of Philadelphia. JOSEPH P. BRINTON. dle-stuanthet* AVitor. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE. The Partnership heretofore Stlsting between OHO. W. COLBY and CHAR. A. DANIKLB. trading as OM W. COLBI & CO.. has been dissolved. fly mutual agreement. CHAP. A. DANIELS alone LI authorised to umlaut moneys due to the late firm. Oho. W. COLBY. Philadelphia. Dee. 9th, 1559. CHA13. A. DANI d EM a' . NEW MUSIC' 1 NEW MUSIC ! NEW MUSIC! "Rest in Heaven." By Mr. J. A. Earthmen. St ared 2 ) cents. By Mr. J. A Bachman. fa-4 .. "I L ittle Rae , ; No r “ c°l". "Geraldine" (Grand raise.) By Geo.,Welker Jun published and for emir; • *** CL/EATON'S belowto a, it. N 0. 1 17 North EIGHTH Street , Rim. A GREAT DISCOVERY.—How to keep Sober for I. The edertiser will send to any direction a prescription, by vrhjoh Intoxication may be Prevented or averted. and the / nja noun effects of Olio r• drinking deatro)ed. ft is a pleasant, cheep, and an 'e TritedY ; _permitting the exhtlaratm g , but preventing the stupervi it• erects of Ale , hol. oyment, without. 'offering, is the word. Tre it. Address... Physielan," American Hotel, CHESTNUT s treat, Vlnindol phia. din Be NIGHT MARKET.—Tho renters and 0c,.. BTRfiETS Vit ls r i l ve il gti j o j e l eole l'e x i2hol;°,l citizens avow.' v. that agreeably to an Art of Conoco!. t a lit o r r o i r i l t =l.be o zz an , Ir . e vent nal on INtd Timm PHOTOGRAPHS for $11; six -w• far 63; twelve for 1115—none better—as well as a tiCe.wae in Oil, are mane at REIMER'S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. It` NEW OIL —1.500 GALLONS EXTRA I WHILE WINTRE OIL. now makin. at KENSINOTuN (CREW DOCK OIL wont!, suitebte for best rat‘lllllStiPi, or •ale b_y ROWLEY. et & CO" At Factory, or at Nora, No. It SOUTH WHARFFS• below Market &root. 4110 SOULDERS.-65lids. Dry Salt Shoul a., jest received and for sal- by C.C. CA DLER din ARCH Street. ki door ahoy, Front. LARD. -1,68 Ws. No. 1 Leaf Lord, for sale by C. C. aApi.lig & CO., 410 ARCH Street, 24 door above Front. ACKEREL.-525 Barrels Nos. 1,2, and .1.11 S Mackerel, In assorted original packages, of the West Data', for Este by C. O. 8 ADLER & CO., ARMS Shoot. 3d door above Front. NEW DUTCH HERRING.-500 kegs of New Hutch Herring 1-16tha and Me must receives Dee bark Amalie from Rotterdam and for wale by the Imortant. HENRY Buff PN & 010 6t 221 and 223 South FOURTH etreet. GANGS OF RlGGlNG.—Standing and "Z' 1 , 1 2 . strin. manufnoturr of the beet *ste for col a , at nketrAtf A a j aa n a , l rat R 9 . 13(1 13 17 tg N. W0d.... . 91 COOKING RANGES. All in grant of the Rest Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to call at ARNOLD & WILSON'S, e^taamif 1/1101111151TN117 fitrAbt LOST—Certificate No. 118, for 10, Shares of stpotoilnbers ,i r Ede ltailrmul Compan'y, in the name °CATHY A MAR A PEACE. Notice is hereby given that an application al been made tot hat her eby tot the Home of a new Centro:ate. December 7,1869, 45 5 5 / 4 1 55' EDWARD PAACBrEzecater. PRESSorP I 4 I 4DAPHIA ,. /SATURDAY. D.WEMBER, 10,_,1859, A SPLISDID 809K S, .FOR THE HOLIDAYS, PARABLES OF OUR LORD, e In one volume folio, beautifully printed in Ornate Onion Type, on tinted payer, and magaifleentir illus trated with encroVinitti nn steel. Turkey, Super ...... sio. FOR SALE tIY BOOKSELLERS OENERALLY. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. die.etukthit SCARFS, BETS, kn A NEW BOOK FOR CHILDREN. PUBLISHED VHS DAY, 'Touted oe HENRY AND HENEIBTTA; *Traria'Med front the French of ABEL DUFRESNE, Br IL B. A. One handeome Mao volume, elegantlyprinted on tinted paper, with foie fine illustrations, from designs by PRICE IS CENTS. These stories. addressing themselves fritho children of both ones. will, he oonsidered an agreeable collection where young families, or brothers and sisters, love to seek entertainment together. The author has conform ed to the seenes of reel life—to that Joyous. petulant, capricious life which le that of young renders. Thai will undoubtedly .rooognise themselves In some one of these prep storms, and tt will not be without pleasure or prat.' T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM, PUBLISHED., NO. 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. dlO trAitt-St THE MARVELLOUS ADVENTURES HI.A.S'riCR. TYLL 0 VVI-Gt L,A.910. Newly collected, chronicled, end net forth in our Ung- Adorned with many most Divorting and Cunning " Tt II Owlglass' fame bag gone abroad into all lands; thug the narration of his exploits has been published in innumerable editions, even with all manner of learned glosses, and translated into Latin, English, French, Dutch, Polish."—Carlyle. "The biographical appendix whieh the editor has added to the volume will be of great interest end value to those who are curious iu researches of that kind; but to all the reading pablio this edition of ' The Ad ventures of Till Owlelass. will be very welcome, as one of the prettiest and pleasantest volumes of the sea son."—Oralc. Among the folkbooke of the Gorman nation no one has obtained go wide and general a oispulation to that which chronicles the ad van urea of the strolling vagabond and wise jester, Owlglass, 4t has been read br all classes, and by all ages. A favorite with the young for it, amusing and quaint adventure", and a study for those who strive by the diligent comparison of different erne of national literature, to arrive at a due apprecietien of nattonni character, it pommies" a peculiar value for the old, In offering the present beautiful edition, clothed in Its elegant holiday dregs, the Publishers hope that many readma — ning grid ammrernent had profit In the quaint humor of Plaster Owlslass. TIOKNOR Ss FIELDS, puBusuEno_BOSTON. din 934 t E LEGANT ILLUSTRATED WORKS, enl 1 . 11 FESTIVE BEASON OF IMO. PCIILISHID IT D. APPLETON A. CO.. N. Y.. and for sale to the Trade and the publie et the lowest mites, SAMUEL ZARD In. 724 CHES H T A NIIT ST'RE'ET. THE WAVERLEV GALLERY. Being a genes of engraved illustrations ofportraits of obersoters in Sr. Walter Boott's rot:moss. 1 elegant volume Ova.. with 36 steel engravings. Morocco anttque, ooh stile, 21 10 REIWARD, THE FOX. After the version of Goethe. By Thomas J.Arnold. With 60 illustrations from the designs of Wilhelm Von Nerd teeth. 1 vol.. five . beautifully minted on the finest tinted paper. Cloth, gilt, 8360;morocco extra 861 mo tenon an l i ar tln T E OF MODERN BALLADS. A Bonk of Favorite Modern Ballade Illustreted with 60 illustrations from drawings of the fret artists. Bach pun nrnamented with a geld border. 1 vol., !Ivo., cloth, gilt, V. RUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With illustrations by Charles Bennett. and aprofane by the Rev. Charles Kingsley . 1 vol., fire. , cloth, gilt, 88; antique minnow. 89. THE 6th RCIIANT OP VENICE. 'he mns. excellent Blatant) of the Merchant of Ve nice. Written by William. ?linkman,. 1 vol. eve., with °Meant ilinstrntione. in the style of Gray's Elegy, Cloth. $2.60 • morocco 84.60. CAMPBELL'S t locAsultßoi OF HOPE. With ninuatTationi y Bilket Foster, and others. in the first style of the art. 1 vol. extra cloth, gilt, 81.76; morocco extra, iktvatey PICTURES. By C.:011110 Hondo being a collection of Humorous Ds by Phix. Crowquill. Doyle. I each, Meadows. Pine.te. With QVAIC 850 illustrations and illustrative text. Oblong folio, handsome cover by °megrim, fanny boards, e, 60. MERRTW DAYS OF ENGLAND_ Sketches of the Olden Time. By Edward McDermott, Illustrated - with 20 lame krigravings. groin Iry Joseph Nash. George Thomas, litirket Poster, Corbould, etc. 400 '12 h X1 1 ,1, 1 7. n .arit Art I .l ollllBlr 080. Br John Milton. With upwards of 30 illustrations. drawn and etched by Dirket Foster. The text printed in red. 1 vol. euper.royal Bvo., bound in rtiOrorre en- WU°, rich style, SA nr in Love nt n mom, en. NEW Bo 8 JUVENILES.• BOY'S BOOK r OF B MO R E OF N TR W V L E L AND AD VENTURE. By Meredith Johann. With eight illus• nations. 1 s'ol., 16 ten. 76 omits. MALE. STORIES IN BIBLE LANGUAGE. '1 vol. small dto. Red edger. With 10 illustrations. 1111. BOY'S BOOK OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION. Pr Elisha Noyes. Author of-" Outlines of Creation." Illustrated with 375 Engravings. 1 vol. Mo. Cloth, 81.3 0 . Tit IRV LEE "A STORY FOR THE YOUNG. Br Rate Livermore. lama lean. Illustrated. 03 cents. THE. NEW NIGHTCAPS. ' TOLD TO CHARLEY. By the Author of " Aunt Fanny's BE 1 v OWN 16mn. 60 etude. TH BOY'STOY-MAX sR. A PR ACTICA L MOIR PRATED GUIDE TO THE irsEPuL EMPLOYMENT OF LEISURE HOURS. By E. landfills. With numerous engravings. 1 vol, square 16Mo. 00 rents HOUSEHOLD STORIES. Collected by the Brothers Grimm. Newly Trenslated. Embellished with 240 illustrations by Wehnert. 1 vol. Cloth, et CION gi1t12.60. THE BO ''S OWN BOOR; A COMPLETE ENC CLOPAI DIA of all the Diver sions. Athletie. Sae ties and Recreative. of Porhood and Youth. New Edition. 1 think vol. Cloth. dt. IHE "HILDREN'It PICTuR GALLEggy. ENGRAVINGS from 100 Paintings by eminent Eng lish Artiste. 1 vol. 4to. SI 60. . - . BARON S,IIINEHAUSEN • TRAVELS AND SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF. Illustrated by Alfred Crow lilt. With ten fine 14.erilnrect Plates, and twenty Wood Engravings. I vol. lYnto., beautifully printed. Extra cloth, gilt edges, 42.80. MARTHA'S 1100K 0 AND BYER. A eharmins little Store. I vol. lows. Moneta. THE OLD NURsSEP BOOKS OF RHYMES, COYMER. AND DITTIES, Ito- Colored elates. 511. 'MOTHER HOOSE'S NURSERY TALES. A new and eletinnt edition of the swirl nal Mother Goose. With niece colored illivetratlinis. rent & THE ILLUSTRATED BOOR_OF NATURAL HIS TORY. Large unloved pints; of Beasts, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. SA THE REA OF ICE ; Or. THE ARCTIC ADVEN TURERS A new Bov's Bonk, 75 Gents,. FRANK WILDMAN'S HUNTING ADVENTURES. A onultal book for Bays. Colored plates. 81. For sale. with a large assortment of Illustrated, Stan dard. hlisaelln neon, Juvenile. end Picture-books, new Moveable Books, Bibles end Prager Books, et HAZARD'S HOLIDAY RESORT. 51041 724 CHESTNUT Street. 5,1 McIIENRY, 406 WALNUT STREET, NJ. S'ILP ANENT, •ND A t(}} DAR OAR E V DTI LLUSTRAT v D EDITIO RB P O T PENI. ERI. Mt .RE COOPER. Two Vignettes on Ptoel, and twelve etretehes on wood, in es h volume, In all, NEARLY ree DR h .11190. Engraved from BARLEY'S DknI.,NS. BT TUE BEST ENGRAVERS. Eleven Volumes ere out. Thu Pioneers. i' RN!' Red Rover T he i act of the Mohicans, Wept of Wisli.tumwish, The Rye, The Headsman, 'Wyandotte, The Prairie, Linnet 'Lincoln Others will follow at intervals of . a month, until the entire sot of Poor's Novels is published in this eol•n -did style. Price 1.60 tier volume. in plain cloth, uncut, or embossed clot bevelled edges, Subsoribera MU tarty served. McIIENRY, 406 W ALNITT BTREPT, snj.i4 AGENT Also for the PICTORIAL PIELD.BOOK of TEE RPVOLUTION. Oy Balms 3. Losei,o. The History, Biography. Scenery, Relics, and '1 raditione of the War for Independence. Illustrated hi Pen and Pen nil. Eleven Hundred Engravings on Wood, vitally from Original Mintebes by the .euThor. ("omelet* in Two volumes, Royal octavo. •varioug bindings. at 6.7. 9, or 16 dollars, Highly extolled by Pdwerd Everett, Jared Sparks, George Bancroft, Washington Irving. , vo. MCHENRY be. also 'MOUNT V PRN ON and ITS aeSOCIATIONS. Histo rical, Biographical. and Piotorial by Benson J. Loosing, In Illustrations. Bound in various styles, $3.69, $4l O , ammo end SOM. Either of the above le n . . . . PLOWER!) HOLIDAY GIFT. Remember 8. MeIIYNA dlO-tja2 406 WALNUT Street HUMBOLDT—EVERETT. Thp.A ',Li m b portraits on steel may still bq obtained, and will ha sant. nnat-ratd.tn anv addreas, wit h the ILLUSTRATED 141F.Wil•OP TEE WORLD. A awn% timber. ihnutth ohean at one dollar eaoh, Illg" I. OR FIFTEEN(DENSR OW ILA_D AC N CO., dio•stuth HANUV , ER Street. Hostotl. IR INA EXAMINER, Volume XIII.— Jur This Is n Monthly Melaalne, of M pages edam It adveantee—Tho Pereone I eien of Christ an Barth-7 Life, Patera and F.ternal, only through Biro— out ilke ral Death, never to be- 'evoked, ail the wares of Sin., TERMS-81 per yenr; einrleiners /5 peat!, ' , ll i dram Om. tiroans, Box UM, Nets York, May be In Philadelphia, of 11. O. Arinetrong, No. 3M North Third Wee', above Vine. it. (.1.013EY FOR JANUARY.-1 he greatest IL.PI No, Qf the Lady's Book ever published will be reed?' awl (or solo M this day, It* NEW PUBLICATIONS. An Howleglau To come to pass On his father's ass; There nom Wei, By day, nor night, , A finer sisht ; With feathers upright In his horned NM And crooked shape, Much like an ape, With owl on fist And glass at wrist. [Zen Jonson AND RARE CONCEITS lish tongue, by KENNETH R. H. MACKENZIE Device', by ALFRED CROWQUILL In ono elegant volume. Pries $2.80. NEW PUBLICATIONS. - - THE HOME JOURNAL, A. 'PAPP YOB. THE Holm OF 000 D TASTE • MORRIS WILLILLEDITORS. A New Year athis Popular /Family Newspaper •wil be, commenced on the first day cf January nal "Qitg tT , Pll:24agtiriotYl76 will begin the ligation of a new and beautiful Oligipal Work _pl rat arid Fiction, written sweetly tor the Rome JOUTIIII entitled JENTY PROIMFOOT A ROMANCE OF AMERICAN iIISTORY, BY A DIST , NOITINIISD AUTHOR. The romantio evenrs on which this beautiful story is foundedoccurred in the troubled times of 1782. imme diately before the clue of the Revolutionary War, and the recognition of American Indevendence—a time when strange events brought out strong ohmmeter. and telsiltr trials It corresponding heromin. The moot ro mantle imagination never invented fiction more ex citing than the higtorical passim of these times— (strange to say, until now unappropriated by the =wal let.) Manly heroism and womanly devotion are wrought to the highest degree, through a chain of events not loss exulting than strange—not Lou !drawl thifitrue. "n tralletrA 7 / 4 1 l il i ngrA d NitLE, BY OCTAVE ITIVILLET. The celebrated author of " The . Romance or Poor Young Man," the success end circulation of which, hot' , in the New and Old World, have been enema dented. and given him a. place amongst the first of living novelists. The tale is one of surrealist ng interest, replete with incidents. and highly descriptive of Italian life. morals, and manners. ite translation from the French, by Mrs. Marian M. Pullen (express)y for the Rome Journal,. herself is talented and gifted authoress, emi nently qualified for the tank, by education and bf her residence in the country of the nuthor, will sufficiently guarantee the purity of the (tile in whioh it will be rendered, and that nothing of the force and merit of the original will be lost in its tranelatlon. SPECIALTIES. Alt the fermi,' peculiar Features of the payer, which have given it a world-w ide reputation, will lie con tinued, while several new ones will give an infinite va riety to its ever•divemitled 'engem. Osonot P. Monate, besides his usual constant labor. upon the several departments of the paper, will make it the woof on which to budder first many SKETCHES, SONGS, DALUADS, etc., suggested hr the history and events of the twain* tinre. PHOTOG R A P HS m 0,47 T H Einuous eerie. of OF IIODR. embodied in ids Journal of the prominent persons and lending productions in the PASHIONABLI ARTISTIC. 411 H INTELLECTUAL W 001.% 1113 will also are snore of his picturing' of nome-life and urel family' !men et t i i 1 1 .1 ' e n = t rrii i ri g n e v n sigi.. K ir d hl a ch fe t t a ll! patience, corregpondenoa with Invalius, and pm:diced obeervatoor on this sullied enable him to write. Dinar GRAY Vitt eupplf , NM seams a amusing sketches, drawn from roe life. tinder the title of IY FRIENDS AND I, in wich sundry well-known Magary men and artist* figure.viii As hereto ore. no labor nor expense will be spared to maintain the high reputation of the Home Journal which is everywhere, both at- home end abroad, acknowledged to be the most refined and elegant Re pertory of Literature and the Arts on this side of the sea. end the WEST AND CHIANTI!? FAMILY NeWSPA PRI IN THE WORLD. Al no more copies of the NEW vottime will he printed then are ordered, those who desire to begin with the commencement of the year will he able to do so by forwarding their enbsorintione at once. TERMS—For one copy. $2l for three conies. s2—or one copy for three yearn. 88; for s chits of seven Co pieft, $/0 ; fora club of fifteen copies. $2O; and that rate for a target club—always in eAvenee. Address!, MORRIS & WILLIS. dlo2t No. I Rom ULTON S AO e E IZTmYork. READY.—In 2 Vols. 85,18 Engravings, DIARY OF THE AMERICAN .REVOLUTION, From Original Documents, and the Whig and fort' Newspapers of that time, BY FRAYS Ag e n t f SOHN MoFABLAN, Agent ter Penneylvenin, dia•nt , Meade Hotel. eat CHESTNUT Street. CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S PRE BENT. DKATFI. OF REV. JOHN WES UP Y. A new handeomel. -colored Picture, size for framing by fu aches, with a 2-inch gold frame and glass. oare 'idly fixed in a atrong packing box and shinned to Roy past of the country on receipt or e 3.00. W PMIT.Ii, Publisher and Oval Frame Maker. 700 South Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayenta wanted. It. JUST PUBLISHED. APELL'ES AND lIIS CONTEMPORARIES. A NOVEL Dyne author of "Ernest Carroll." One 18mo volume, beautifully printed on . the finest tinted paper. Price in cloth— 88 cents. Noe in illuminated paper covers— 75 cents. T. 0. H. P. BTJRNHAM I Pub1i5her..........143 WADDINGTON BT., dT.w&dt DOSTON. SUPPLEMENT GRATIS. r•-• , TWO DOLLARS PER QUARTER. POST-PAID. THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OP THE WORLD. Sulisoriptions to this favorite London illustrated weekly Journal and Gallery of PORTRAITS ENGRAVED ON STEEL of Eminent Persons. one of whith. with Memoir, is Presented Gratis. with every Number. Should be sent direst to the puldirlutle and Agouti for the United Staten, HENRY A. BROWN & CO., 14 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, who have much pleasure in Matins. that after this date they will suPPI the paper and portrams in weekly num bers, parts, an ti volumes, at the same PRICE AS IN LONDON, AND POSTAGE. - - - andjn all cases shascaingas can have their portraits sent . In advance, separately, neatly packed, prepaid. The Portairs are thus beautifully preserved for framing or the folio; and the paper, whioh wall coritaln the latest home, foreign, and colonial news of interest, 16 page. of axellent reading, enlivened and beautified by an Average of t 6 lfinstratione on wood, engraved to the highest style of art, is sent weekly, without portrait, for the term of subscription, as follows 62 wallah within Portraits gratis. al.6o—all prepaid. 'Fortieth* sent quarterly In advance. 13 weeks, It Portraits gratis in advance. $2. SUBSCRIBERS MAY SELECT PORTRAITS for a subscription of 13 or 62 weeks from those already published, and the riper will be sent for a correspond ing number of weeks front the date of subscription. - - - - BACK PORTRAITS IN PRINT. Any MOO portrait (the bank CORTISITS are RtWriira in print) may always be had wigh n specimen number of the paper, all sent poet paid for latent,, cash, or postage damps, to any address in the United States. ANOTHER FAVORITE...METHOD. The Drawing-Room Portrait (( Mery of Eminent Personages. FORTY OP THE STRIL PLAT% PORTRAIT,,, WE RETAIL FOR FIVE DOLLARS FIFTY CM:: or Bent_PrepSid to nor Sdress for six DOLLARS or with the ILLUSTRATED )'JEWS OF THE WORLD. it ton al second in point of excellency and artistic beauty LONDON ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, For 40 weeks for /TM, post-paid. All sobscriationx orders front the trade, photographs, or drawings in the U. S., intended for the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, should be addressed to HENRY A. DROWN & CO., 34 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. da w.ks Ran 44 THIS PICTURE IS FASCINATING AL AND EXCITING IN THE EXTREME."- BOSTON TRANICRIPT. REMINISCENCES RUFUS CHOATE. TR& GREAT AMERICAN ADVOCATE BY HON. EDW. O. PARKER One elegant crown Bvo volume, tall Pages. with steel Portrait. etoth. Price Site. May be ordered of now Bookseller, or wilt be sent by the Publishers, post paid, on receipt of the price. "Col. Parker gives," says the Boston Atlas and Daily Beg. "what is more than a biography—a series of portraits of nob of the most remarkable. Wind. tO. culler, and interesting men our country has ever pos sessed ; and who, as an orator, was not, at the time of his death, surpassed in the whole world. A more at traotivebook bait not been published for years. No one will take at in hand without giving it an entire permit • and no one will lay it down without a feeling of cordial gratitude to the author who has performed his task so well." The Ncto York Century °loses n long notice of this "exceedingly interesting volume of reminiscences of the great American Adt orate" by saying: " We turn tole intOrelling volume over to the publio with an as surance thst they will dorlve from it not only a transtent plelsure, but much solid Instruction." The Boston Journal gays: " It is one of those books in which the reader is led on from page to Page, end from chapter to chapter, each contending page and chapter revealing some new point of interest in the tharacter of Mr. eilOrao . or come striking peculiarity of hie mind, and rendering it a matter of great aelf-de ninl to olose the book before it is finished." "A great success in a most perilous endeavor,"—Bos ton Post. "So excelllontly done that they will always them readers of taste and dirmernment."—Boston Traveller. "No other man had Ruth materials for a portrait of Chonte."—Springfteld Repuetican, "Pull of refreshing, genial, characteristic anecdote, incident, and narrative of the great man Just gone."—M Y. Ob server. "Exceedingly interesting."— New York Times. "Otis of the most interesting works of the kind we have ever met with."—N. P. Courier and Enquirer. "There is no end to the agreeable and illustrative quo. Wiens we might make from this various mine of Choate wealth."—Sprinsiteld Republtcan. Publiehed by MASON B ROTHERS, 5 and 7 MERCBR STREET, dB-3t NEW YORK DR mgoV t I - qa NEW ee WORK NOW READY THE GREAT TR, ; On. THINGS COMING ON THE EARTH, By the Rev. Jona COMING, D. D. Alinister of the Scottish National Churoh , author ot 4. Apocaliptio antitheft," " Morning and Evening Prayers." &o. PIELIT BFRIES. One volume.l2mo. Muslin. Price st. An American edition of thin mush-talked-of book. re printed from an early copy published in London by Richard Bentley. The author in his prefaces nays: "In this volume it is my object to show that the preplimiles of the Redeemer enunciated on the Mount of Olives, and other predid , Eons referable to the mine ontegory and era, are Wing daily translated into history." Also, New Editions of VERDANT GREEN. A Mover and amusing sketch of adventures in an English University. Illustrated with nearly 200 hu morous Wood cuts. One vol. Ninetieth thousand. Mus lin. Prim 41, L P IFE AND TRAVELS OF HUMBOLDT. With an Introduction by B kVA hp TAvcort. A popular and Interesting bum sanity ; a summary of his travels: resome of his works and extracts from the most im portant ones. Oue vol., with steel portrait, Muslin Prints 81.26. . LOVE (L'Amour.) Another thousand of Moholet's . 4 sensation" work— the sueness DI "which has become, the great feet of the publishing year. One v01.,12in0. Muslin. Prme 81. Any of these Books will be sent by wail, postage free, to any part of the United fitntes, DTI the receipt of the price, by Publishers CARLETON, and Booksellers. nl7-the-tf N 0.130 GRAND tit.. near Broadway, N Y DR. BOARDMAN'S SERMON ON CHRIS TIAN 13N1911. , his day blished, Christian Unio n . A Sermon preached in the Tenth PrestOSTIMI Chorea Philadelphia, on Bunchy OVerllttr, November 27, 1859, by Rev. Henry A. Foardinan, 1). D. 16 etc or, eight copies for ono dollar. Bermonayowled at the Memorial Serviette In re ference to tho death of Rev. James NV. Alexander, D.D. by Rey. Charles Dodge D. D.. and Rev. John Hall. 5). D. Limp, Hum a n In co Tho Divine In the Sc r iptures. By Prot. Tay lor Lew' e. 12mo. 113. Liti of Roy. Richard Knill, of St. Petersburg, By Citarleeale M. bv Alfred. 12010, 76 cents. For s WILLIAM IL & ALFRED MARTIEN, No. 603 CHESTNUT Street. AUTOGRAPH ETCHINGS y AMERMAN AR rf3TR. gponimeng shown and ordara rei a vatl hr dd4t. B. MeNENRY, au. WALNUT Street F LP.EII'S PENI)IN 0 CRISIS—For Bile at tlie Anti-Havery office, Ne. 107 NORTH y e lr k 'r . il 13 40 at, and at the Anti-Blavory Fair neat w da,St BY. SUB OR I P TION ONLY. NOW _Kr. AD y PATTON'H AHEITORN THH MOTET STATE% 83e0, JOHN MorARLAN, leech QUESTiI Office or V4c toot, Arnericsa Oyolopedis, Arcade otei, T NEW PUBLICATIONS. pi OR VIE YOTINCI FOLKS !--THE -iv Boon pog TEtwonthli t ur A GREAT SHOW - OP IL E_NIJ.EBI For sale at T. B PETERSON ROT_IIES.S . No. 206 CHESTNUT Street. In the wondrous number of exoeUent and entwain in. BOONS for the YOUTHFUL AIIND,the PETER SON BROTHERS have for sale at CHEAPEST OF PRICES, for the HOLIDAY BEASON! The Books of the Beal—The Books of the Foroirt— The Books of the Desert—The Boo ks of the _Pai ries— The Books of: Otiolot—The Book* o Beautiful Fruits and Engravtass—T s Books of t e Nursery—The Books on Linen , autifully colored—Colored Al phabets—Colored 'Blocks in Boxes—and Letters on Pasteboard. IN FA! Everything for the Young CT People, to make them happy, wiser, and hatter. COME TO PETERSON'S for fined Rooks, Cheap Books. Eisgasit Becks for CHtLDREN and °nazi end SOYB. THE. BIBLES AT PETERSON'S! BIBLES post THE FAMILY, BIBLES FOR THE POCKET, Bibles for the Church Pew. and &Wes ot every description printed. nt lower, much lower, prices than any Book House in thts oit TT I.EE TO THE IitICEB! of Bibles prer Hooke, when you purpose ta pur ‘6heltSTAl Ufst4et FETEltbON BROTIIERIL.3IOO HOLIDAY OOODS. USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A PINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF TIE, or SHAWL. One of these articles will he very acceptable to Tour gentleinen friend■. A DINT AIIIORTMENT OP STER.EOBOOPI3B I AT W. W. KNIGHT'S, 606 .SRCHSTREET. FINE SHIRTS, HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING, AND GLOVES, Of all kinds. dlO-dial IA AVM. A. DROWN & CO., it 246 MARKET STREET. MANUFACTURERS SUPERIOR UMBRELLAS, WHOLES4LE 4ND RET.BIL d9til VIIRISTMAS GIFTS.-STEREOSCOPES V AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. OPERA GLASSES mounted in PEARL. /TORY, and VELVET, Vets and elegant pattorns, Kalei doscopes, Polioramas, Mathematical Instrument/4 Claude Lorraine, or Landscape Mirrors. Geometrical mL Models. Ma a anterns, Globes, Barometers. Mantel hermometers, k.e-filassiss. Gold Speotaoles, Gold E7e-Glasses, &o, 0.. &0.. &o. cALLISTER & BROTHER, ' (Establed 1796.1 728 CREST NTREET. Mc ALLISTER'S PRICES and DESCRIPTI VE CATALOG GE Ole pages, 200 illustrations/ of Option'. Mathematical, end Phdosophics.t instruments, fur nished gratis, on application, and mailed free of charge. dlOsint CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING, A thou who wish to mate their seleetions of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to call at CHARLES DUMMICVS. No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET, Mr. D. was this summer in Europa, making a saleo . hen of altogether NEW GOODS For his new Store, but ensued He has an extensive Stook of FANCY GOODS, TOYS. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS, CRICKET, ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS, &0., Surpasses in elegance, variety, and cheapness of pricer, anything before seen in this oily. Such as French Chins, Terra Cotta, Parian Marble, Bohemian Glass, Bronze, Berlin Iron, Lava, Ladles' Bags, Purses, Portmonnaies, Chessmen, and Games of all kinds, Writing Desks, Papier Mache Goods, Toys of all kinds. Musical Instruments of all kinds. d5-1m CURTAIN MATERI 9 L S. rerllglll, 719 CHESTNUT ST , ti w o l3st.t PIIITADELPIttA, December 9.1859. W. 11. CARRYL & BROTHER will still— Wide French Satin. • Wide French Lampas. Wide_French Tapestry. Wide French Brocatelle. Wide Plain Satin. Wide 'Turkish Cloth. Satin De Dune. Damask De Laino. Worsted Damask. Turkey Red. Chintz. Materials of every description. EMBROIDERED LACE WINDOW CURTAINS. Laceourtains, it 3 a parr. Lace curtain , 4 a pair. Lace curtains, 450 a pair. Lace. curtaina, 5 a pair. Lace curtains, 6 a pair. Lace curtsies, a, 7 a pair.. Lace curtains, a pair. I Lace curtains, 9 a pair. Lace curtaine,lo a parr. Irecurtains, II a pair. co curtains, /5 a pair. / Lace curtain., 13 a pair. Lace curtain., 14 a pair. Lace curtains, 15 a pair. Lace curtains, 16 a pair. taco curtains, 817 a pair. • ace curtain.,l9 a pair. ace curtain., 19 a pair. Lace curtains, 20 a pair. Lace curtains, 25 a pair. Late curtain.. 30 a pair. Lace curtains, 4u a pair. Lace curtain. 50 a pair. /10X0 WINDOW SRA DES:— 'ainted and Gold Border. 1 in store and for sale at the following prices, with a good Fixture complete for each shade. Gilt Bordered Window Shade and Fixtures, 81.(0. Gilt Bordered Shade and Fixtures, $',25. Gold Bordered Shade an/ Fixtures. BIM. Gold Bordered Shade an Fixtures, 81.75. Gold Bordered Shade an Fixture.,2 00. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixture., , 2.25. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 260. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 175. II Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures. 3 0 0 . Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 3.25. Gold Bordered Shade and Eixturee, 83.50. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixture., 83.75. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixture..lab Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 4.25. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 4.502 1 Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures, 4.75. Gold Bordered Shade and Fixtures. 200. Gold Bordered Shades incite to order. any style or size. Muslin ourtains at reduced prices. Muslin curtains, /150 a pair. Alin curtains, 225 a pair. Muslin curtain.. 200 a pair. Muslin curtains, $2.25 a pair. Muslin curtains, el 50 a pair. Muslin curtains,2.7s a pair. Muslin curtains, 300 a pair. Muslin curtains. 325 a pair. Muslin curtain., 3.50 a pair. Muslin curtain.. 3.75 a pair. Muslin curtains, 400 a pair. Mullin ti lin curtain.. s CO a pair. NEW ASSORTMENT WINDOW. Gilt cornice., dee each. Gilt cornices, a:to each. Gilt cornices, 760 each. Gilt cornices, $ l.OO each. Gilt cornices, 1.2.5 each. Gilt cornices, 1,50 each. ' Gilt cornices, 81.75 smell . Gilt cornice., $2 co each. Gilt cornices, 0 220 each. Gilt con ice 5,5.75 each. IXI Gilt cornices, 3. each. i Gilt cornices, 4.00 each. Gilt cornices, SW. GILT CORNICES. VERY RICH, Y OF ALLBRO., 8 rYLES. CARR!, & CURTAIN STORE. 719 CHESTNUT St., 49-2 A below EIGHTH, North side. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SPENCER'S GENTS' FURNISHING STORE. NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET,. GIRARD ROUSE, PHILADELPHIA. DRESS SHIRTS, UNDERSHaurs, DRAWERS, STOOKS, TIES, GLOVES, GAUNTLETS. MUFFLERS AND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY n6-atuth-2m-if 0. WALBORN Ss CO., (NOVO NOS. 5 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very en . perior * assortment of Shirts, Under olothing, Gloves, Hosiery, eto. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of whioh a fine assortment ii oonstantly kept on hand. oio-emit ir W. SCOTT---late of the firm of Win- U r • cheater es Seott—GENTI,F.M:I3 FURNISH ING BTORE and SHIRT IVAN ACTORY, 814 CHREIeTHUThia. Street,(nearly opposite the Girard Howled Philad J. W.S. lp would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to hts new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short natio. A perfect fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and Collars. 1011-ly CARPETMOS. OIL CLOTHS, dric. ENGLISH CARPETINGS TUE BEST MLEX Or TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, and VELVET, Just imported and for sale, at REDUCED PRICES, By REEVE L. KNIGHT, 2,32 SOUTH SECOND STREET, dB-6t. West lode, above Spruce. INDIA DINNER CHINA AND LACQ. FRUIT PLATES.—A full supply on hand end for male, in lots to amt buyer. nt the CHINESE STORE, 28 South EIGHTH Street. up mire. d 9 dt ALLEes CUTHBERT, ~KATES! SKATES! SKATES! 10,(Xlt pair, et prices from 20 cent* to $2O. Ladies' Skates. fine Steel Skates. Oole Agent for the celebrated Newark Skates W. W. KNIGH.T, 619 MARKET Street. (11)-2D 0 exaotly opposite Decatur. MILD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE- Wanes, Ittieroecopoe, Releidonconee, Meenetio loye, Polsoreanne, and other ertioten, sintehle rifle for the mention, at Mc ALLISTER'S. 0-111W11 t ali[ No. 728 Chestnut street. OPERA GLASSES.—A large and beauti ful assortment of opera glasses, in every variety of raounting—velvist. eB•1 loot). ennmal, dcp.. ko. IIIeALLISTER k BROTHLR, (Established ling, db•mivs tialif No. US Chestnut street. TEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES.—We have lust received new and beau eterepscoplogroups, statuary, le,ndecepes, &0., &0., in great variety. & BROTHER, dli.mwa Wit No. 728 Chestnut target. 'ROSIN OIL.-750 bbls. Rosin Oil, all j " • go°d "" e iii i hrit e trAMlrtß mak WIIAR WANTS. A' D---A situation, by &young nT , ! . afterfr t 1,147 1 r 4 , 41 , tag..c . 5a : view or takias as igflueaos a good trade; in terest several lam caper/am/a is bemuses . atm+ "Boothw dime or TA< Pre". . . s3 , olyl— te A grit ? an EN d I m L . !I:IAN OF IN desirous of enterteg Into some lueratge tati fi e c roreg his duties would be light. (with the above um.? where everything pro rod satoefutorv. Reference required u welt given. Address "tit. W. H., ' Prue take.. WANTED—a partner in a Wholesale Li. Clot House, dg good Southe p a rtn er. st. em trade. to take the pla c eof a retiring Ad dream with real name, box SRL Phila. Y.O. d 9 6t• PARTNER WANTED—In an establish ed Wholesale Boot and Shen Bone, wishing to increase the business. One who can commend ten to twenty thousand dollars. Connunnicationa, with reel name, oast to " E. - E.," at this ethos. wilt be confi dence. d9-451* TRON OR LUMBER.--The Advertiser, s A- middle-aged man, energetic makexperienced. in Mercantile nursoits destrotut to a connection about the first of the year. either active or neonatal. and invest from essay to f 57.000. in e a trade as above named. All communications confidential!. treated. Address d9 -3t. " IRON OR LUMBER." this office. WANTED—In a Wholesale Clothing House on Market street, a salesman who can in licence a large trade from Missouri end the South. Ad dreas A. 8.. at the office of The Press. 69-3 S• kiTUATION WANTED—BY A YOUNG man pa ealesmanmlerk or bookkeeper; the wholesale drag buatosu preferred; is well acquainted with the paint, varnish and stage baldness; refera to last em- Oloyers ; would oommence now or in the sprits. Ad dress R. B. office of rite Press. its 3t• 1 O 000 -------- 7 - Wanted to invest, from as 000 to SIO.OOO in a satiscaetorr lm a mess. The best of reference, slyest and retttllT.ed. Ad ,; d•oes, with ;eat dame and lull particulars, : . T. 8.. _ if i bU e sit i eTa d ...% iltgil=l. The amount IL" be' increased 111011DARTNER WANTED.—An opening in -IL an established Commission Rome (Dry Goods) of a Partnership will ocour on the lit of tee year. A !omit. Wive. business man. who could command from //mut to snow. may address" C 041211 1i1111011Baamess." at 'he often of thin paper. no2S-tf TO COMMISSION MERCHANTS.—A thorough busineu man, of the best chamter, with Peculiarly favorable advantages. and a handsome amount or cash capital. would samisen hlgnielf ea an ass ti%e partner in an established hoim doing a COMMIS- Ilion or other profitable business. The moot satisfacto ry recerenees can be given as to hoe character aud bosi nessaustifications. Conimumeations with real name, sent to Bog No 675, Philadelphia Post Offieeorill be received in honorable confidence. and noon in embarrassed circumstances need ape! • dit-Ot• VIVANTED—By January Ist, a situation V V or BOOK-KEEPER, or in an Mini/anon Com rany or Banking - Rouse. 1:9 , a oraotmal Book-keener of !`rif.eff!VE`anna.l.o.l%l'"" """t"".nit.'dlan;!" at WANTED—To sell at a Bargain, the Jni,l.most desirable Hotel Property in Baoks county, Pa.. situated at New Hope, equal dtetanoe from pia"- dolphin and Easton. For a slew of the Property nail on the PlOllllOll. For terms, .to., call on or address 8. W. KIRK, Danville. Pa. nlttbst • FOR SALE AND TO LET. ToR SALE.-THE STOCK AND FIX TURES of ernmm'ne and Undertakeee Store. In the mid Ale of the moat home's part of the cit.. In quire at N 0.143 North 4 IXTEI. Street. 4110-2t* fp() LET—A handsome Store and Cellar'in -I. Strawberry street Co. l 9 with fine cellar lighted by a large sky-light. Countei, gas fixtures, water-elo. set, vault under pavement, &c. Heat Sm. dI9T. H. HARJVS, 19 Straorben7 street MARKET- STREET STORE TO RENT, . 1 :11to f -r "I""ari t. No A~9 et TO LET—Store No. 323 Market street Posaeulon January Ist Apply on the premise'. d9-3t' -r, TO RENT—The two new and hand -kax some threa-story Brink DWELLINGS. with book buildings, and all the modern improvements. Now 1129 and 1431 North T WELPTIT Street, above Master. Rent low to good tenant.. dS-If-31 4 A. J. GALLAGHER. Water, below Vine. To LET—The large six-story ware- Jo- hone No. an Commerce street, suitable for sto rage or manufacturing purposes. Apply at No. SOO MARKET Street. dT-lm• in PER GENT.—We have for sale paper RA" paying' ten per cent. per annum, immured kV deed of trait upon Ent-olnaa property in St. Lotus. Tile at tention of eatntalista deannne safe inveltmente is invi ted. BAKER. WESCOTT. & d7.1.r0 SOUTR TRIAD Steet. pOR SALE—A Great Bargain--A Manu featuring Establishment, with Steam Engine and Boiler, end a complete set of Machinery for manatee hving en from Iron, now in constant We for all °whittle purposes. Ronan be clearly demonstrated that the humus will pleb andsome profit. Address. WILLIAM HARRISON, No, 1.1 North ELEVENTH STREET, with name and residence IPOR SALE OR TO RENT—A Large . 11 - . property mdtable for a Coal yani,Manufactunng or Foundry_punxmas, situate on [ha nort h aide of POPLAR. STREET, between beach street and Coll ; oc_cnit creek or contd.( lately occupied ag Glenat's omnibus at •b'es,) so feet front, on ropier street, and ISO feet to Loveliest greet, and having a front on the canal of about 75 feat. These premises are well adapted for a Foundry or Fac tory, the building' easily convertible for either_purpose. LLIKENB & MUNTGOSIo nog-Im' 10.13 BEACH ST., Eighteenth ward. fro LET—The Second, Third, and Fourth - 11 - Stories of the cantle! end epecione Storm; Non. 22 end 24 South DELAWARE Avenue, with' merge Counting Room on the Second Floor. Muir to TRAIN & NIcREONE, n22-tt nand 24 SOUTH WHARVES. ga- NO, 1924 UIIESTNUT STREET.- Eleratit four.stnry ROUSE FOR SALE; three story double back buildings. finished in the bestmanner. and replete with all Modern conveniences. Let re feet deep to Sanwa' street. The yard ie well supplied with shrubbery and dwarf near trees, plume, &o. The whole estabbe , ment in oomplete order. Possession given im mediately. Apply to Meese. OUMMEY & BON, e&O WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. ta9 If ROUSES, TAVERNS, and STORES, Ma Real Estate of every description, for sale or to rent. Apply to VEIN'S, Real Estate Agent, N 0.127 North SECOND Street. in L. Toorny & Co.'s Seed Store. All orders will be promptly attended to. Eaglish r , enc , h, end German spoken. Collector of Gr ents. rdB-3moun d POR SALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, - 31 - - 148 feet by ICO. three fronts, water and saa laid on one front ; suitable for a church or factory. It is sift's ted to the Southwestern pert of the pity, in arapidly im proving neighborhood. Terms easy. Address, for par ticulars, " J. K.." office of this paper. n4-tf Fro LET—A Second-story Room, conee .ll. &tent to the State House, imitable for &Lawyer's 0115oe. Apply 131 CHESTNUT Street. al/ A CHANCE FOR ANY PERSON THAT rikwithig. to engage in the COAL AND LUMBER business. The snbacriber, about changing his business, offers fo, sale the meek and fixtures. and lease of a COAL AND LUMBER YARD. situated on the west side of Schuylloll. two and a haft miles above Alanayonk. The stook concise of Usnalook and rum lumber, anti coal. • The fixtures. horses. wegone, carts, end everything that fig neneervirl for carrying en the LUMBER AND COAL business. • . The yard a n old established stand, and now doing a rood business, which the books will show. There is a aiding by the F. & R. R. Road, and a landing on the lichuslkill. It will be sold at a very low rats, and only two hundred dollars in cub required. Anal) , to W. G. SMITH. no2SeodlEt* • as above. TIOARDING. BOARDING. -A second-story Room ra cant at 1100 WALNUT Street. Alio, a small Room fora gentleman. dig- It* A PRIVATE FAMILY, LIVING IN A 31 . 1(00(1 neighborhood in the centre of the city, will accommodate two gentlemen with full or partial bwird. Address Hotneit' Blood's Dispatch. dr-et. rliWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS VA -• °int at Iszl WALNUT /treat. da-0t• WANTED—Furnished Apartments, with every laeility for Housekeeping, Bath, Gaa, &0., for Gentleman and Wife; or Board ' n a strictly Private Family. Address "Merchant," Blood's Dis eatCh, with full particulars of price, .3.0. nlO REMOVALS. REMOVAL. -E. &. F. O. YARNALL & CO. have removed from 123 Market street to 418 SOUTH WIIARVE4 and 419 PENN Street. d3-1m• REMOVAL.—Mas. M. S. BISHOP has - Removed her Millinery Eatabbehment from 916 to 1016 CHESTNUT Street, next to St. Lawrence) Hotel. INSURANCE COMPANIES. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSTIL RANCE COATTANV, No. Alf WALNUT Urea. Philadelphia. . DIRECTORS. M. W. r Rlitrit „ Robt. W. D. Truitt. Pain t hung, n' Wm. X. Rambo, ~. L. Spengler, ohn W. Buxton, H. H. Houston, Willlam Itsucool. In. H. Love, Foiwin Booth, Charles F. Norton n. Warne . John Chi, ton hn E. Addloke, Edwerd A. Warne, R. T. Kermit. 11. ft, Stollnottoto PreeidentrM. NV. DA_L DWIN, • Vine President—F.. N. WARNE. Snore tare pro tem.4-WAL 11. LOVE. deg THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. • wets: ' SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INVESTED IN VAST GES ON NEAL ESTATE , WORTH OVER 813,000,000. The premiums efie r ownt then in many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been essicran, This id a strictly AIOTUAL .;oroan. There are no litookho!de s, so that ALL T H E PROFITB ssLono TO Tea INSIMED. Pamphlets. and every information, may be had °nava, On application to F. RA rcHFORD STAR,Asent, B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins. ' John Welsh. Mordecai L Dawson, Boors° H. etyma, George AL Btroud,b. Whelan, John 13 Myers, J. E. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William O. Ludwig, John M. Atwood. Arthur cr. Coffin. Thomas_ 11 Powers, George W. Toland, William McKee. Thos. Wattseu. nit-igif* • RESPIRATORS. A simple apparstue, to be 'worn over the month, for filtering and 'warming the air, without impeding restoration. Those are admirably adapted to PROTECT THE LUNGS from COLD and DAMP, on leaving HEATED ASSEMBLIES, and generally in INCLEMENT WEA THER. Imported and cold by ED WARD PARRISH, del-tt 800 ARCH Street OPERA GLASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and Jseenned, with the finest Aohromatio Lenses, at FOURTH.. ANKLIN'S, Optician, 112 South Street, below Chestnut. Cr Alen, Improved Speouscles, correctly fitted to the over; Microscopes, Stereoscopes, end Steteo•eogio Views % er eleJ'eee v?."ei.y, and at ALM:QED FRICE.B. dl-tf if KEROgEI 01L—A full supply of the above Oil, manufactured by the Boston CornpanY, will be furnished to the trade. at_ the lowest onces,tly the sole Meats for this cote. Qnw LEY. ABRBUILOt t. k• snuth wirATlvßs WARM AIR FURNACE. THE G A S CONSOLER CONE FUACE RN Will thoroughly Warmyour house with olrE-Yainn Lass coat. than is required by any other rgrtispe. Satisfaction mall ewe snarauteed. Buildings Wanted and Ventalatiml by ARNOLD k. WILSON, • .1010 CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS, The Rioheit and most Beard:MA apeeiMOßS or Enamelled Elate Mantels, Over offe_red for wale in this country, manufactured by tic, ROM YearleyPlana Blue stone, and for sale very low. • , ARNOL'CI*ILBON, U 49 VILESTIRIT 4toot, AlgtgAN ACADESIY OF MUSIC TO oomcmaee $1715 N o gago e rgi . a m o r , a V t . G will THISt6ATURDIRY)Wiri3IemG. Deo.lo. eA GRAND GALA NIGHT. Second appearance of LUCIA, MLLE. ADELINA PATTI. POLIUTO, TRAVIATA. THIS GUT URDAVIEVENING. Dee M. THE GREATEST COMBINATION ARTISTS AND OPERAS. Ever offered I n thus city on one and the same evening. TILE GALA PERFORMANCE - WILL COSEIST . She eel ire of Dom:int - Ws Opera of LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR. " Arlie ADELINA PATTI as ........... .• • - , §„ic. STIGELLI as. ........ tK.IL EMIL es.. ..... The Snit act of Verdes L Mme COLSON asA TRAVLATA. Viale ORIGNOLI aa.. ............ tta. BUG AMODIO ea... .... -Oen:tont. And third, the celebrated lair 'sot of Donlsetti's IL POLIUTO. Mad. GAZZANIGA ..... ._.._.. Yealise. Big. BXIGNOLI Si[. AMODIO . . • Musical Direetor KURD). The sale of Seals for the GRAND GALA NIGHT commences THIS MORNING. NOTICE.-1 he GALA PERFORMANCE will com mence at 736 precisely. Doors open at GM. ON MONDAY, Enetlutber Flret tught of hlayerbeer's Grand Genre, T HUGUENOT% with entirely new end magnilsons dresses from Par s. end follow.ng complete Dime. GA ZZA NIGA al Valentine Mme. COLSON ea Queen Margarita. Mme. BTRAKOSCX as. ----The Page. ig. STIORLI.J &on]. Big. JUNCA u reareel: Sig. AMODIO ae... Mr. WEINLICA 134 Brut. PRICES OP ADMIBBION. • To the Punnet, Parquet Cite* and 8a1e0ny.....• $1 Referee , ' Seats in the lame. including 441111411e011.. 1 41 Family Circle. en unte ; Amphitheatre. ZS outs. The sale of Beats win comment. TlllB a DAY 1.. 9 A. M , at the academy of M a nia,_ /tech • Lawton's. and at Chicaning's Plano ..octe Ware rooms. 8:17 Chestnut street AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- MONDAY. THE HUGUENOTS. GAZZANIGA, CoLSCM. ST RA KOSC El, AMODIO. ET IGELLI JUNCA. WEINj.le • NOTICE —THE PERFORMANCE Oi? 'Mg HpGUENOTS WILL COMMENCE AT 734 PRECISE LY, DOORS OPEN AT SM. • ON MONDAY. December 11, et 7M tedook. First night of ?de , e,bser's Gntnd Opera, THE HUGUENOTS, with entirely new and maantficeat ((maw from Paris. . and the following complete cast: Mine. 0 AZZANIGA as... • dentine. Mme. COLSON es... - • ...__ „Queen MMMltite- Mme• RTRAKOEICIaa - ...T be Page. Sir. STIGELLI - React Sig. JUNCA aa MareeL Sur. AMODIO as .... NarAra. Sig. WEIN LICH .." Brix. A GLAND OBCRESTBA - AND CHORE& Musical Director -aid Conductor, CARL BERG MANN. The sale of Reats for tbs i llagnenota commence+ this morning at the Ticket. Offteas. DAN WEIS GREAT MOW NATIONAL rapATTLF,, WALNUT Eire EXTRA PERI QR.IB. AtiCE. Ror the Juveniles end &mar mugs, THIS AFTERNOON, Commencing at SK o'cloek. when JOE PENTLAND, The celebrated Clown, rill appear, and DAN RICE'S DREAM OP CHIVALRY: THE NEW AND MAGNIFICENT HIPPODRA- MATIC SPECTACLE, Win be presented, introducing nearly TWO HUNDRED MEN. WOMEN, CEILDRZN, and • HORSES, In the' RING AND ON THE STAGE! yir=T-STREIT T I MA;f A RE. Stage Manager . 72.1 . - "L...„,..Mr. KB RjtET AO. Rumness Agent 7 . .. Mr. JOB. D. MDR . Twelfth or Mr. and Afrs. BARNEY WILLTAMB. 'FMB (SATURDAY) EvErrnvo. Dee. M. lwa. TRIAD aBHURANCB AND YaNS ES MODEBTT. Fat, Mr. Williams,. ?fumy, Mn. Williams. AN HOUR IN BBVILI,t. In which Mrs. Barney Williams will 13111tIliII eight characters. To concloda with ti .e ensceasful Drams. entitled RIAN LYNN. Brian O'Lynn, M r . William. Or Prices as nintaL Beata secured three days in advance. HEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCII STRERT TREATER. • TEM (SATURDAYt RI , ENII7O. Dee. 16, A DAUGHTER'S VOW% • OR. LOVE'S DISGUISER! Amarlis. Mrs. Wood ; nypolite, Mr. Dolman; Mu eel. Mr. Gilbert: Es blotto°, Mi,o Taylor. OBJECT OF TETERXisT. SOA.Ln or Earess.—Admissma. of seats; Seeored Bean ut Dreu Circle, MN ate; Earonet i ßl oents. Doors Open at hal fpad os aloe perforatanoe to -ommener et T Welook precisely.. D AN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT St., above nithth. D. McLaren. sole nroprietor. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON and EVENING, o GRAN nDe PERFORMANCES. Including reamer Equestrian and Gymnastic Skill. and the performances of Trained Animals. JOE PENTLAND. The cele braced Clown both afternoon and evening. Each entertainment will conclude with the magnificent HIPPADROMATIC SPECTACLE, entqled DANC L R RI'S DREAM. OF CHIVALRY. Bringing into rbcaisi Non the entire resources of BTAUE AND RING. And introducing nearir two hundred men. women. and childmn, and borne& Afternoon performance com mences at °look- Prices as anal. OLT' FOLKS' CONCERT. The orizinel FATHER KEMP. with his Com eau', of'•OS,O FOLKS." will etre nue of their unique and novel CriNCERTE et NATIONat, HALL. T esta (SATURDAY) AFTERNCL at 33 o'clock. cad fare well Concert IlIOND&Y EVENING, Dec. If. The Old Folks are very tweeter. Tickets 25 cents. Children 15 cents. - Doors open et T. Commence at 8 &excl. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, (SOUTH EAST GAT LERY). hONNTAG'S great Pitmans'. "A DREAM OF ITALY." With I.PSSII.G•9I sondntous Work of Art. THE MARTYRDOM OF JOAN RIM. ,, Ono. soneitnens of ACRE MUM!. ATEINBR DOR. HUBNER. CAM PRAILiEII, RI LDEBRANDTond SENER. Will be exhibited from 9 A.M. to S HA P. M., and and I 53 10 P. M daily on end allot December 2d, RM. Adnlhnnon 25 coots. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. 9.nr This latest works or 2tIDLLE. ROSA BONHERR : Entitled "LOS "BORRIQITEROS," (Spanish Maleteers crossing the Pyreneea.) and MORNING IN THE HIGHLANDS. wit The celebrated Portrait of herself, by EDOUARD DUBUFR, On ext. ibition for a short time. from 9 A.M. till? P. M. Admission IS cents. EARLE'S GALLERIES, 818 CHESNUT Stmt. tvIETROPOLITAN HALL JAYNES COhtMONWBALTII BUILDING CHESTNUT Street. near SIXTH. Third week of the triumphal sumer of TRIODON'S 2,IUPEUPd OF feLCHANICAL ARTS. One of the moat novel. pleating, and instructive exhi bitions u` beauty and mechanical skill ever introdneed into this country, is now open for the regular .1.a.02. and exhibited every eN ening dnring_the week and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Terminating with the terrific scene of the Storm at Pea. Antisatol..—Adulis, ZS cents; Children ander tan year' of age.ls cents. Donn open at 7in the evening% and o'olock in the afternoon. Remember the Day ht Theatriesle every . Wednearisy sod Situ day afternoons. di dtf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FIFE ARTS, 1022 CHESTNUT Si RFET, Is OPEN DAILY, 'Sundays excepted./ Dom 9 A. M. tilts P.B 1. BARTROLOMEW'S STATUE OF ' PARADISE LOST,' Now on Exhibition fore short time. Admission ZS cents. Children under 12 gears ka Drloo. Shares of Stock $&1. 11 cDONOUGIES GAIETIES—RACE St , 013 - above net/BD.—Manse of Bill. DECHALUMA. iiizowt a M. ae l it i " and u e:.• "-* LOST Lost Brother EnoleA. J. Levan. NEW BAND OF SERENADERS, A. J. Lovett, A. M. Hernaadei, N. Berthleon. Billy Thomas, (Prter Winans, Wm. thmpon. s Williams, Thomas Becket. Admission, 10, le. and Z cents. ‘l2 Dtchaluma— TEMPLE OP WONDERS. Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets—gocond Soul, CHANGE OP ENTERTAINMENT EACH EMU. _ SIGNOR BLITZ, The great Ventriloautst and Magician., will give hie New and Aaton Ish tat( Performances at um above lie EVERYet Tho aloclt, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A FTERYOUNS_., at 3 o'clock , suiting of Laughable Scenes nyENTRILOQUI&M. Incomehensible Feata of bt)I_TURJ,J., bIAGIC,SPI LEARNSPING anti BIRDS..FLUENCES, and the AD CANARY Admission 25 oents, Children 13 cents. CIERNIAICIA ORCIIESTRA.—P ÜBLIO i•-• 4 Reheartals every FATURDAY at mustcm, FUND HALL, at a% o'clock P. M. A package of eksht tickets. ono dollar. Single tackets.22 cents. To being at G. A nilre'e. and Beck & Lawton's Maxie Store. arm at the door.. oIA-3m E4I%.VINt; FUNDS. WEST PHIL& TT SAVING FIIND MYTH& MUTUAL NO TRUST COMPANY, KILADELPHIS, Ore 8. 1559. he Stockholders, helA on the . Careen were elected Dim- EST Pt At the annual meetiny of tl 6th inst., the following elm tore for one_y ear David B Pant. David W. Bradley, James McCloskey. Jr., John L. FratleY, Evans W. Illhippin, John P. Beaty, Wm. Pat At a meetlnr of the Board DAVID B Ese.oriu eid dlV-St.ent. and " Rottzar Ocarrnv R. A. Joseph L. Keen . Wm. Graham Hoopes. Edwin Karel:q.t.:lc, Thos. Tyson Butcher. law: W. Van Houton, tterson. I of Directors. held tine day, In unanimously elected Pre -IEI4 -u Butner 0 DINNING-. Cashier. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO •••=, DIRTY OP PHILAinLPIIIA, Moe, No. SD North THIRD Street __COmitsolidation Bank Building,l CHARTERED BY THE LEG'SLATME OPP.ENfI. SYLVANiA. Deposita received in gems of One Dada and ril l nd tem din Gold, Inthont notiosorith FI 'PE I ra ENT. - INTEREST from the 41 - .. p of deposit with • A Wn responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, end " The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society " was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply Dui necessity. The Managers. in organising and Lthatanitit:have been governed wholly by a deaths to aecommodate the bad ness interest and wants of the very large and entered sin population iniraabLaYel‘ From e WV{ o'clock; oleo, on. blonder and Thursday from 1 until 8 o'obak in the evening, snot Klett, w XARLOT. hen Smith, ohn P. Levy, on. H. K. Strong. tonal Undarkofferi rederiek Macke. mom Hart, meet P. LeCleres ohn Kessler, Jr.. George James S. Pnngle, Jacob Doelc,_ _ thtph M. Groiell, Hon. Wm. Iffillward. rge Proelp y, Geo. T. 'Awn, atm O. Ellm or, Robert B. D avidson. /AXES S. MING . President. Fwanthe HARP, Searetath. iall4f it xu NEWLA.ND &00.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAXE bLiNTJFACTURARS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 01,1 63 , 1 .4 1000 0 I A eta,. let 604 ARCH Street, above SIX p. 0111EY'_ LIBERALLY ADVANCED fi -6 1 hVgata, gari,)wspedt.i. ze. 4;3 zi N bl coa s e ono fa 13 4t. N. tea. 4.DOLOf $ll4-244
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers