MMI,M vst -, or ammo- uNgAtVil' liie-istadionatufk-apa, ayalo,:rip tax -11 ecioiliorofingaturdtrk„,biltafr lB *,.-4 68 •,, , t e r," - Porset*entrtlifr- i11"..rt5).... 4 r7"7•• ~ ' • " mantiolithil re 0 4 • Tst, - 7' k A CAViltd 4 tii* piar ,,,A aurr y tom ).)s 10 w00r.,, ..... 3 . ''.AI)IEWi,IIOIr. '. - . L _, 1, ..i,.. • • 1 Anderiiiift,'Makinersnvern Beiiter , .•iolsrii r° Fa ..,•• , 1 , lishe Sandi ,),, Gam Hannah ft . Nulign. V 5.... i.; Aitheu'Ll wade , hs.giraharn °We a""•. 011 °°° la° '", ' Adam's , Mrs O$ :, Harlon Mollie ft ,Mores ADE Sohn,' Anderson E H Hamm Ed1th,...,.; 0• -__ t ~ ~, Adams Elias s nse Carrier.-r;urrallise: Anderson II II _„, Henry Frankllßl nnit Al_g IL Allen Welen'S•v.•• , -Mrs 1- , t - -; t .n.• ouiSca_V As. Alexandor lt, "Hat Saran) . mune mrs n. Alien Lizzie P , Hay Mn; t. ts A . alarm Mrs 8 Aroha Itelooaq, " likuastrot I , A" , even Miga E Arnhem Hate Hawk A l an - . ottbfri Dr .• ~ Bonner Sallie , ilialeanY I ..,. 8 34 Mrs - .. ',, Easimi l bchiargt Haan Miss a rah No r to n_Misa T ' 114,6 nkfttifte< , slreimiton re B nosily air lasi , Baker ~, tri,h43%..ilamit u ri Ann .Neali l r i ar Celt' ' rir l iant n a g r g y Y !'. lanson Y Mrs , '-. Olson n Adolfina - 1 Barbour Harriet Harris Lacy Ormsby Mary K.. Bailin Marst -‘ Henry Mon Hate 0 Brien Mrs M Barnhurst Mrs y Harper Jennie Ors Mn Mary ,• Bend Emma , Henderson Baml Owen Mary G, • %n xis.ay aA. J MrsO'Brien Miss 11" - Blackman "LH Biekg Mary H ' Price MTN James Blackmau'AlintiL l lolllMye Mary A Posey Sire B I AlakearridAsnrimintwMerr;erlilln Ids W .. Billings Mlll , 11 Henrietta rettyman` Bethe Brewster RE F 3431b1er MANIC :Alarm , kfra,F. Boarddeisistelst - :..tifeSta)r_laiibells --: PerrylgarsBeorsi Bard Ellan, at an It Bman Mary • ..rark i s er Mss 'lll. • Bowen Enloe- -Huiriphreiliknoleihmbua 11 ht I Bunn Matilda Holtman usan , 'Phillips Mary E Lloyd Emaine Holderly the Parker•Miu E-A • _Rosh E F,lla - ;THMehertion Mrs askill Miss A 1 .4,,,,, d x,,,0,.. A : -,i,,..ioniort s , - rillOr Arrlig M Boom Susan - ` Hollarigmitorth.v. ~ hreaner E Brut. Mn Snell him - Polio Mrs ME -- Britt Mrs )3G 'Hinson Hannah , -Bawling Edward Amalgam- F 2 Holliliald,Mary ~ • Atifis , L • ~ , •33ozarth Mrs J HantMary A , ~ rev Mr' E S Carr Miss Alice Horadnebdith .'s' AdMaly... ~_ . , Elmo Martha 0 Hunter Eliza o• . B °ads mac" A , Carder curio Hamphm parole AawlinsLAuria, 1 0 met BaritifihtEs.;Hiirner David 8., eees, Marsaret,,,„ Carters .•.- , wilt ' . ~ 0 *TRW 1,1 s• • CamPlni' Lit'A ;Hopkins f l ap, , imuson ht A, , Carr Mr. is Bunt'Louisa - s _ aids Mrs 1 Ca enter Miss P:'Froiselt i ldrs s. vt OeoteiE ''' - Caldwell It P - Miner Barge D ISMS Lary Carman Mrs ?Ins , ‘ -•' .: tter MrsJaa G Carpenter W R .AloweY,.Bells ,, ' -,- • W - Ca t staler Adelia...lorms,unt Mat 7 '. t; , eits Oath J ' Carprise-AnnshL; Jackson Sallie - , oberta Spencer Catlin Amanda •-• Jo)msola Banat E ill-Elma W ewle) , hrite , • SOrdartidarati • sill PT Mrs M P. , Clark hire ate 'Johnson Sarah A salmi Mary , , Cienaments Elia Jane. Mary Ann Bagger "Amiga Clark Battles, -s-sionos Carrie 0 , Shaun thisan Clements Eli z a -lanes Bridget, .7 : Stanlan Mary A ' Clark M T RS It .N.obe Gra.o6' '• Shultt Mrg John., Clerk Mn 9 Hire Miss Lyda i Shattuck Bathe cope Lizzie:. •• 5... Krist Margaret, i Bkarpley Mn M C C) pher)Amanda . Val J ,,, T vi e SobWarsman Is Chue Oath „.s.P. int _Ts &Mr -84mPVi Mn M' Craig Mists - Jane . ennl rs Jr. liCets ...etes C Culls) , Anna 0 trinard MAW .., • os 10 ?-n• - al gowtd 1 )1 1 1/414.47" , OM Pauline . .Saunders r A crooks Emilie ' Kenn. Mary A Sntith Susannah ,' Connate Mrs .I•Yr:HettarEllieo 2 - s &anti Mors Marl Coffin Amanda 7 Kelm Mn 88. , Smith grunt • Coombs Lizzlem ,Ly,ona Minion • Smith Vamps .A. ' Coils •MilleFillnalliantrY.Mrs,HlC Smith re 11A Collins Mary awry Karat 2 -Smith Matilda_ . Davis Mrs 1 C Lewis Mn - • '. Sn e lbnrdt Oath' . Dondurand Mad Lowry Mrs,M : Sweeney Margt Debo blast Ltipmatabsitit ;Stiles Annie Davis Body a ~,...Louden Llssm P Stauffer Annie , . _Denmark Mrs s .cLittoll Kostia, .Soot' Martha. Deo Jubts." - s, s. Lawrence .1 . • Stevenson Mary Deninialgarah A dimmonEkup la 13Mart 8 Ada . K. Dicsien Mrs, H.. .ewisgm ldrs 0' Torrent% Mina •ThsiviaLissue - ..goLittisblin M' .'Pb. s Mini 0 Be MOs.Lis tholes I' a tnEWen Miss M. ' Tru Olut hlrs L., Dateline - Apar a - Atioq .-,...,.. - Vynditla ?Mu I , Daviyijor ~.;•,- 'MoMendsen Sallie Tbompsion E l(}} 'DaviakfunrE.. , • jtileDowelt AE, Taylor Mrs 8J "‘ De Yitt.Arnandth igoltrideMni A MTbompson Mrs A Aull'el,MrsSime , • Morlapley Jane Tomball Mies E Dunton Annie() 'McGee S tar[ - Tairart Mn S Muddy Mary . MeGrimeaMary Targell Mn Dunn 'drat . 'MeLitlighlin Ann Talbot Mrs ~. Ilunean•Mrs4Tr , MoCluriay Wm J Thomson E Al. forward L K .flitsner Mrt S Thormiliallia • Elliott Man Pr, ~ {{oc hre Mrs .1 . Tillman ism H Edwards , Mfg' T. McCauley.t Jane Trmas rs W •",,,, McAleer Miss lil T (=piton M A Everett. Ellen .„,- "Magnin' Min A- -7' smuts Miss M Edwards ls 0 " :"MothirdtMrs J . _Watson Mrs A . Eustacelgisrf-- - ' MoNeillMiss M:: White 1 4 ,fisajs _Edwards A E MoElhenny Jane "White Mrs Thou , Foricicson -Imlay -McMurray. Mrs' . Walsh Mies 0 Edwards Lewes , MoLanyhtin Ella Watson MN E• Fmerr,Carry. ' 'McCausland Liz Walton Mts M A Radon nisei 'AL:Makin Mary Webbe MIA F ' Finley:l4 0 . ' Mask Miss I le Watson in B A Pennwalt* aet ' Marwen Mary White M ie s St Fisk Clarinda '" Masser . Migsm Walsh° Mrs R. ` Eitsstrald Mary -Puri htisc._ Ma ry Williams Mr. E Ford raniaAmice' Wahiawa atm EL Winter Mrs F Fosteridis , __l...Mediu) Mary Winnamore M Forlong• Mn s [,-Mathieu Miss B'W se Mies ht 0 I virilet•iltrs , - , - Martin Minh' P A Floyd Rachel. Mayas Mn. ,F,a,T.-, W Icon Mn. Mrs W loon Mn M L Fenton Mary ‘' .., Mairadre „ W brunthli ?I Focht Mrs ?Rein' Martin Miss AM. Willson Miss K Gewalt Mary Ann. MAU Itfiss'A• ' -Wright Mr A Gough Mrs Meltaw Mary .:Wrisht Mrs A M Goodshall Mrs P Missimer Bliss 8' -Quorn Miss 0_ • Gilman Mn Mitchell Mrs A .• Van Awing. E ' GestElisabeth A:Miller Mum E • Zimritennan Is - Gill Elizabeth2_lllliddleten Mrs C. Moirke Mrs M Gundalter Mu 11.• Minton Mrs Elia Vandorarlit List's Garrett Mary B gill Miss Mary 8 Man Meter Mrs Golden - Hose J;: 'Manly Mrs It - viral:lan Mad Gress Latilda',. ) 'Murphy Catharine Quinn hire Ann Garland Landon , , 'oßilypEtklgrErLlßT; Adams WM 1.; - '''''BittlY.lihi - i - D _,' . Rime' GINO C ' Albertan John Duckw l prth Jli : rear Tarn Abbatt Wm Duna ay • , Allew • ogler Ger Aiken Rtdrert - D4if il ig hn 2 . ' - T ie T ha * Alter CliaWE - Dot h demand ' N tot ng Jeep Ackerman E P Duncan John A- , Knob Jag Adams C 8,, ~,.•_: Dunow, Chas ; teneng_h las, • Adamsjohnlsl. ~, E useribury 8F ' Kline Jos A - Alemiiidifir - John - orlaP,Bui II ---- Klifton juo It Arnott.9scar 13 ~ olsooluiry_ll, B ,Kibbe H.nryß ArnistronicWmALEllts Win , ~ . Koltrick Ino Pt Bat •,,,, . •,- Edirliniston' C•- _Reorkentir L R Ayres-4-C -- -- Editor ottlielhi-Kruissarm ft I. AveriltElislia :••- ladelphie Sun 4 - Kirkpat ok Ju Avery?'' ' ` • Illeenhart Geo fnucht Ft Armstrung lit, dit •J Edit Metmp'n - " %toll W Rev • t' , • - Earrispenceir ,anotoi Alpl t om 'Andrew. Alia '. „ . Lifelt Earrin 8 . • awe Card W Archer A Wr'r , , Eddy Philip, - prelim A W AnderrionD P .., - Poto 3 T • . name J F Ashton Deg P - ' ,-, , , Bestwood - john ---', .dine 8 F Avery Hooch , Editor end PTO- AVAlette A T Atmore 11l . - t r •yrieter 'of__ Pen Laverty OAt Auerbach .1' ,-- " 1- ''• and" ink , 'Fond-bedew Geo 11 ' • Auld Wm ' tain.•••"' • Lemo neon 8 Bake, Donald. . Evrine'qiiiik. '' Lewin &YEW Baker Peter - • -,, Emery Jos- - w 2 'Leikty JH. Barrows DSr Ellett CM , •Lenses Cho Hand Chan ... I,dis - TM' ' • 'LewryM Daman &,. jjobi.:. %mei; Robert -.'' ' bent Col LB WO"' Endow GeoW , 'Lehman Edwd Boil' Sealy„, Enloe Hon !nee Livingston H a Barderleyben! - - Errer J & Brow ' Lloyd W AiVill2 BarloArChits- ,' • Ersov Martin - Littlefield C P liaskoptillA, Cot , , Eno Win Y - Lime M H - Barnett James Eason John Little Jno Baconlreo P , z ' EvinaJohn • - 'l,innerd Jas -- Barker J F Eshlemmi J A 1..y0n & Vase Baker•WriVi• 74 .•'ilvalis Dr H • Lynch Jno ' Babb Alex B - Emery Geo. Loose Annie! B • Hanel Chits R t -''',- Evans PM .; . Lott Rein hold - ' Boner Sprit , ” - Hmerick Edger. Lutz F •' - Barclay .1 K EnchumDr Jno .. Loch F ' : Baneker los - ,_-, -Evens „ , & Co Lubarrit Dr Ditto' Cant B 4 Farrell E fr. Co 2 Liimpkin Chi' _ Baker John A' Fearinia, c ii ... Er n r , i , rai n uy W ii Wi l i l lini V 2• • , if ' ' .. ' ..;' , Z l• lnt R. • ' .- Lodge PIP - Bette Dryo •, • Fiumery Rees -Louie Mr , • , Barker Lhun-j, , • :Faulkner John. ' • Lob), Jae , Bainlawilr"J ;.,„:„'Fetters tided - E, ; Lonek Soo , tarirloseage ....Fizell Lli , -•,-- l,yrieh A,, - e l t , erAtit • ' Maki FOWI, II i,. ; lief- edge el lexaluldr ' Pier Pdss ' - McArthur Wm I. Bonder 1 , 14,,C,0 gap Goo. ,810110 Ala Wm - • Bentley-win -- ---Jaa,..4.- ~, --- Afeßryan P• .., . Bea itlyjDf SMOVIEjoldt,3B4.l l '..- • - HoCurley p H Berke J.W, 211,D Prtneraid.Thos -- MoVltirs is Bros Beehet'John - ~ - F ury•Thes -_. • wiliM - - Bern Illlifi'• .-,•-• "; Foregenarp & -, - McCann Sao Bell:3l%es = ~. - ' ' Lambert.' - ' • meoabe Wm Incklit F'•• .-• , r - Posterdermat -,' 4Hricalle3ll Pootelllolll' - Porte Harvey . , yr McDaniel T D Itmkelyi jila 7FrenriliS It - "'- MoDiiiitingh Thom Blunt Jells '‘- . Franz Au History' MeKenney Joe . : Blakely. Jag - Freed J.l MeGonipb Andw Fake tiev:Cl4 '. , Fristerßahil •, MOW Geo M . lake Martin V Proggertt Benj AleFarlan& , Rev Look JAI& Co Franklin Rev B,''S H. ' Blattenterg H AI- FogoenoJno-B - oblefarland Geo , , Blooker.Dr J'H •:. ox Jag i ,ri. - e Troy Wet ~ Jilakeley N - Preset, Andrew „, e leinneJno Bloodlohn Pt, • , Fonne...lipb, .• ealMlan Wln •. Bone Chas?" . , rrsoi• vic.„ eGtusde Sue '' 1 Bower Henry Fowl - or moms laVeagh Atiohl • tioulteirFund 8 ••• -Franklin Edis (A -Magiaoly F---, -- Boroken;Cluis lt. -Fret i rs'A c ot: • • Malleci i/ John • Mee Prelims r .,. Gel kan eter, /watt Lt J N fle %moil •,- ; ',Gas ell C . :- Mciellion - Hruch • Bolan chrispr 9•• - GahanTi Ed 41 Haddoeh Wm B Brown Insult B , OalleglferJac.- --, Reboot Thou 8 . - Brotqat i p t " ' - Gannon John , ' • •• Maham Dr 0 W Bro ecl..,..._Haw RN. „ IdaberryThos C Brows A& Co Grafter Me_ftiii - AltOklb - Berriard Brown E C.. Gamey AP -. Maim% J'as • ' Hroww-A , AI -I • Oledden J w Mardenborongh Brown A & 11 Gibson _Br Chen A 8 . Brown JAA ic • Ccri Gilbert JAt - March Dr 1 P 8r0W213 P W Gilespy Jolla - Manny Jno 2 Browne Fred'k Glasgow. J B , Martin Jos P 2 Braun Henry;,. , :-. :gill:lot - Wm ,' M uorta • ' •• Brainerd HO flitting' John fil , Mass les - Bromley,Wr. , r, r Colliding At . _ Martin Henry,. . Brower DW ' ,- • GOogwin r ,FlV. ,' t r Al,,Hatiry'. rfrokenshay DJ- ~, Serwell., A vf. •• .....14iteWil 0.2 E Broinwill Wm °Wall Sion - Massey fie.PL , ggathig4,,7iter-.'leirAleirrn-:' Bryan John fd •.:-egoildard atm* - Merrill, W -, Briers Dr OH" '• bordop•Arndt •• - • Melvin s • Brune-BH-, , ~, ,. ..tauy,Rld, .., -Metcalf The E Bradjer:Wm _ ',Breen Geo tf, t . , Mosley John • Butlerßnylor ,-.' k 'Griffith Wm , - • 'Alarms M 0 , • Burroughs OW l• , ifiiratiamjitoot.: - •Megee•Jas & M Bauting Rt., it-0 Broutery-U., ; ..,•: - Abiler Wm 2 , • Byrnes' a lter z; GhistAt, --.' - --Miller Jno • B a rke,wr a Hr. : _ziGracisylioliw.-•-• flijller'A.... , L, , l itglaTikV h a * :79l - gig7tit nel . • - is : ril l i v e r tll,lV, T H .- 811112121822211 a, .00terrratilid ...., Hider &Co - - - &CO., t ' . Greemen PL . idler & •Lynn Rudely j G ~ Gruter,F - • - . inn AD MD Bunker eV•W T Gr p , ham Walter illikm Chs Butler, ?• , • , Criffith Aug 8 'Miller &CoJ Al Barnum,' ",• - : Green Wm E , Mitehell,B - B 1 me tc , Faith 2 Gavelne Houle Aliddlettm J J , slur de vs i,. ~, HalYClllit' , ' 'Atierson Dr F ' IfmnfibY"Theo - 'Ramer Or Raise Moon & 5.0 n El Cairns W.,G -Hacks JohlyW , Morehead 'W Crivelholß :•-•'..., ••fiellowelli) A '- Morris & Round- Camton JH'. ' ~ „Hagan Ohs tree - Care ,W.H_ , - Hazard ./1 , :- Moore &Co E R Carr' f ed & Connolly tt " Moore Mr . emerWollikot - ,Narris Robt P . Moore inn 2 • Catbanlf ueorg - erf-Hart B B - - - moore Ino At - . Carr Lewis Hay caPt. , 413.2 , Morse P • . toomonl'atriok . - Harrison - - Morgan j C ' CassidaY Flishit - ^ Hahne Wm ---- Monroe LB CampliellitrJ.;• lltitirjel Dr ', Morris Stephen Carver 1, Harrison BP Monte T D Carter A &G' ':: Harlow 1, DM D 'Morgen,las r , Casey ?fibril • /••• --; Hart' The I -... , -, = Horton RevllP • Chafe° Ward 1,2 : #aryl3M — - .; Hoody,Panl , Inufrofv,ifugh.:=- - , orris Coll? ~ , Masai' All • C semen Anti Ti' _ a rtetorto. D .Morlit Wm .1 . 8 0 rietophor LE, Harris Oft Henry, Morse Geo R , Chanee_lnkF"• r . r. . Butt: „ „Herber Henry , Chauncey.; Min.?. &swell o' '-, .AiwkJno Chase He° ,_,Hanson it C . , Morgarta Hll Chaikobt Mrmit•Fc Resell W H • Morrell C pi Chatham Mr K 'Hansel' L&Co - yrenoig B • Childs Mr R 8 , liartreygnt," : •- array Lt .F It. Chowder Dr J Dt+r•RarS wm H. ,•• • 1122 ,0 " , J o ' l • • ChasbonearrA-- " Ranenckl. , , ••• ,ern Langdon Clark C C tr -- ;.l.llittV • :•,M yers WPM ' / Clawson RoYI-H Henr 0 " ~ • luekentmpt A . Ciarklrinalin A fly , Murphy 2$ Cloodl A t - eathootri Geo' Mosey FLD ' , Clark Letrie,W,,,,„ I enSererJohn 3 ,Milirph°,JeS t • . Clark - dittnel w .:,..tHeintersonjart '' Murry IM --" • • ' Cleavland R .11. - Henley Copt Bei Merchants idne of Collins--- — , -Henry Dooms - -Propallora for Collins Arnim t•- , -, Afeekttrfi EdEld''-' Trenton ' - Cox Mess 4 4., Al Heeds i lean° - nelrfnan Ikt, ',.., Corknlß W Bllam HeAritt'Jno • Ni t Wnl' ' Cohq4 1 M --, ; Houtthig Bev E' N s Olson Be ll 8 conradileoly . ) `..11021111411 inn C '-- Nei &Wail: r'- Ceeirren W-M ' -. Hedenbtirg P.L Noble Katt , •• • ColestoCk ',barn .' • &Sens ,• t •• Naikle-Bin.l ' ' • Coruo inn . , . , Hennessey Jab . Neill Col A CoriwhY Alf ',"''," 'V., • littohlk Saret:. - Pi otter E & n Call Mr' '' airman" AS '''' - - Neil Chas Con Peril le&C•lft limes eYrnsend Neill Wm & G - CoirReP.VIP - Itill Cattlar. • North Drench ' CO e Peter 9 Horan David -,. Coal Co Collinsh Williama Hollingsworth' • Oates Jae Colehirwer 11(3.•••• tMr ••_- '', • -{eNeal -Arehibald- Cousin - D. W• -.- r Aloit'Wm • -. . g o rmand Wm , Coale, Rev W 0 Fines 11. 11 : horneitichard Conner Michael Wolin Jno • • -'0 Neill Thos • Coylee Thos - - toed Sam' • O'COnner Mr Carrilelik i tlith ~' Holmes &' Bolls NnWin Et Coleman atria „ , Howalth 3 MI 3 X ' 'Collins John - , Rouge Co( W ' O'Donne ll Mr Coyle A W., '• . - - Bonner Capt Parson, Jan A , Cone- .1) Deninlion Hopkins Wm S Pwitney,..Tbos :, , Corey. Wm J •- , '.lloilis Jan 11 '.. • Pe.w - : -w. --: _ , Corcoran Jolt? Holland Mr . (WWI Sand . Cox Artery S - , ' - Honking Pat - ' • i arker Martin E Creakirjbe , 'lf - Hough Forage -,. P..1,50n Banal - - Crowed i.4 . -.W , • %llntison Levi--- - ' Par kerlna- - . Cashinadik.- - ; -. .','•ltuntingWi T RH Patr ek fire , A • --Brxhimi ~ , t- , c , Hushes m- •., „ Palmer JO ins . , gurleyAilhatai,-- , ll,aehaini : If r in . A . - . jfatilhatiinu L A A Parker min Ji• ' 'C r if%rden M 4 P "" fligirsl i l ' tr 'l'ffirili Iff .' . '' - C ra ms 1., Irwin 'J R - ' - " P tersen tut Crabtee - 414i 14i : - == l •••'• • tr': PhillissiOlerria,nt .. • Urines_Jebn .: - --t, lyins &' Br,Or , fotiot Leine 1 •' t`urry PB& Oo Neel! ' • , Perkins Alfred 3 . I tPo John Hi ri'.'jliekson Ohs Penn Steamboat", • woo John , :"..? , .. -, r , qatnes•ino Comusmy - '-- tvia Saint •-•' l ''.o`•Jaeob Henry Pelts Rev Geo A wide Wm P • , -.fienuayaa- . Peyrott Alfred ~.• avis L Cln k-1,-; antes Tbi' - Peatti9 Gep A• ' - ' Davis Sand '-_, , 88110,1 mi pare Enoch .: .. Davis Joseph ~ - 4• “- J etilosai'Phe PhilllloLJ Br '- ' lame B ••••"`Janies 'trey . ymer wirrA , ' ,vis Chia , W 1 ~' jester Co E .Ploomanglis - ~,,,,,,,,,.",, ~ ,Joites Obis .‘ _:"' ' 'Flamer li. °verb', Id ittli & Johnson Geo 8. - -." Totters &to a Vl' , eLki' koili R 1271 7 11 1 - --- pcylle " - , 0, ore p Henry Jedsply P ie t !..10 t. E - ../ esvin John .. Jones n - made: rR. Vir' vim John, - Janes B 8; -,,, , f gotta Ai r s - r e'yonas - rdr Jiihnston•Jitt • - Prinatit 0 , ' evienio/li a rq C , Solithltart At. yoc4-,trito rd G F _ • e ve n, dc,,' -",,-„ , ,-- ell , r• ' ;-.:.,„--• '''Polln Off 0.30 If r. - made newarom , JpIII3IBAMI-.11 , ~ kilie 0 . _ astoakes Alex ~ Sonde - Rev Sept" t BH . ------ . • - .r t, etrl.Hentlrme nes•RObt;!. „r; , famseuVir -,, 1 ca to ~_, - -. 02a2 PAC ....,q , 6ang , , pnbrilOillh-, enneayllanu• ed Pawl A -te 2 , .0 . , -,k8071..1ka,• , benhattilkhdvry OSO_ . , ~,,,,,,, i i 2 a 4 = 4l r 4 L 7 -; r Fa ) fr %•'••'.; eliNtritaiii , W •••• 0rte.,080120,1i , OR' .4 . .. -,- r4l , nag ~ -,,,,,- - oweshUe - r- - ,-,, a all eint., , , , Was Henry :'-.---., i. , Josepli -.:-. ellyf e . ;? , '-'l , ' fitter e:- : , ;loge Hil.W.Pl'll. era"- WO 5',: . - . teDitik • ' 0 1.1,75,1), t.; enTalliko4l7:4:.., ' t i , 0 Alt _ , „. ettAi l l: grei L litL4 : - ittlel l At ' *- -' i 1 -:: g oni v ,Rv- ,i t, e i i vir '--, ~ •f e tr i r e tm.. y: :., lo MAI ~ eMilt :a G's' ' lie, 4 ' iiU' • % ~ 9 4 1 tei--, ~ ~„ ~, -Um atiiigiat,r.* .;?, 01,0,44 1 -' . ••• a.ig&,7. <• 1112MMIIN less pii , , Steiner Ginif ,r'YVarrElt ell - Chub D 0 1 .. , Stratton 1N... , ..Warn II R .• at sits /mi.!, . 13 teakT91Patilt YallaTit , oss J,A ltson ~.... &mein no WalkeklEr 3Dr Robinson 0 W Stevens 1,8 , 'Ward Mimi 0 Cset ' 0 •atilWill.Val Walsh mhard Rohtrutou Jobri B Stiles Rdwd C Walter Mloheil • , Rothrook J 8 Dr -13tgerges eitephen• 7 1 1 4lHeli Jae B - Bobettr 8 B ' Btinsou Char • , ..W nH G ~ E-Za,Mll, LT 7 Vi m , , Lenr r. ,',l" l ll1 0 S we Henry ' . etelitrg, Ch i le an • Wa k efiel d Dr •Roberts .Ins' Stewart Roll Weiand Henry A Rua Johd StewartThouPf ,Www,er Joe 8 , Ryan Jas Scurey,Obas E Dt West J G 'gush Ben/ . twat Thoc. ribster Edmi Russell Geo P Hollenser Bo it A. itney Goo Y 1 Rutherh Peter Sup of City Rail- W ttpey John / gaunt LI bl. ~., road VVluttosEamnel BAC John Swede Geo IV White WM C Solumitt Emile G Taylor Joehus Wharton W 7 Schultz Geo Taylor John N Wlntner O W /Undue lus Tenney Joseph White .7 P Sauna , . Tennant 8 Whitoomb David Shwas r AdamThobsoker Ed Whittigton II Soliwusman A " Tin d all) & Co, White Jose_p h II Solharmerhone ' Thompson J BWhite I C Rev W • ..: - , • , ThompThE 3 dwd Wildnunt_Dr Shively Geo S .._ Thomson' Wlthem Wm Bohureman IV D `,',lsontas II Prof 'Wilson Wm R 13Zof t tik & - 6 - TrAs" B iy a rd iciwi r .Taoob II ReVaftll B Thayer Isaac Willutms Dr E (suers 41 Rev Thompson .. 4 v, ll dy Ww Tya fi n °harp Jos - ThOmas William WIVI: W i ittam Shoemaker, Smith Thonum_N B War Mr John &Co -To m lin Ehshib Wilson McElroy Shippen & Wm.,. Tomlinson OW . •& Co ton To wn send Geo ' Wright Bud H !Moyer Wm Town John I. Woomme W .BingroastuP M. Trumbull 111 A-- Williams Hiram Smkterßenry " Turner Samuel 'Minium Thou Stddons B Truman W • Wilhelm Dr 0 Stms Chas TowesendE 8 Wilkes. WBO Simons Jos R Thompson Ste& Willounwo G,lt. Sinner 0110ilt TOIIIIIIIIIOIIO w 2 Woodward D r gleethJohn , Tut 30 P • Woodford / i D I Staten,c I ,,, ldridge, PeliXlll 2 2: I J a Vr I G 8 &nit ie. °Bur William Wood:cl B Srajt Samuel - ' Van VjeolG ii 'wpou .deltost Bind jas ' Varnam &lir B WoOdftlfr Mt .1• eTtnt ft K Vincent Pred'k Worell A Molt BP • Van McCollister W. .B,lvms& Co Sra t Sal _ jc, CO W, .. a Barn 8m t Robert way E J Rev• Woodward C W Smit CM. Warner Paokets Worth Nioholaa Mall Jac , Wallsooßß . Wnght George Smaller Geo - Watts Charles • Yours 8 pear Js. - With& At 'Yost moan Spellman3noob Wasnor &moot Yost Bternt - Pt Tall- Way E J'Rev York James H man • Wallace Wm ' Young John D Stump 'l' B C Waif' Thornier P. wenn* Charles /Boodle) , I Warden Chu Zereptalr F E 2 (Bartley Jon Wa hum Wm H Zeller W W Stay Chu Warren 0 6 Eshoder 3 A • , .N. B. BROWNE, P. B. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS n voLoox LA!! MEL ''' GIRARD HOLlBE7Cl,testaut st n .. below Ninth. M ThoriparoitiN Y —P 9 Citation. NY - C 1 / 4 Matthews.le 1r - - 'M P Bacon,R I C Smith, Chicago . ~ 11 W Warren &._ la, Mo W Gibson. Pit-thug BM Johnson, I`l Y D litimhrey, tkashville - N 8 McClure. La Wm Du dO. N V - B Horan. Bt Taut. Min 800 Green, Wash,D C ~ li A Halton & la. Vs W J Scull. Md Bishop Whipule & 1116,Y/inn 'i ;V Cawthorn. ls & da,,NO 3.ll,Gratiam, Tenn 3 A Taylor. Wilco, N C .1 'E Mchlurran, Jr, Miss J C Irwin, Mo - ' W W F.Magraw.3lo Mrs Ise Andrews. Boston - Miss Andrews, - Boston Jog. Kneesly, Dayton. 0 . • Mad Cipriani. Rift • Mies,Worthington, Balt B Wood & son, N Y F Howard. Boston J IL McDaniel. Va E 8 Goodrish & Ls, Hartford .Mrs C &Arnold. Ga Mast Arnold, Ge B Hamntett,_Plails R 4.‘ _l3rooke,Cinn . A H Jones. Philo 1311%11:Als li no D 8. porter, Pa I, E Snow, N Y W.l no De Motto, Vs 3 P Dere. RI J M Morris: Fa - .1' B Hawthorn. Fa WRThomats. Balt A A Smith, Alexandria S R Giddingo 0 • W 8 McCoy, Charleston F. Horand, NY , A M Shortfall; Boston T WAndrews & In, Boston , Mies nhedden. N y 010 son Jr. Brooklyn RI. Bateman, N Y 8 K rowel Boston J N Burleigh. Boston Geo Russell. Boston ' W %sloe. N 0 Joe rrabull.N Y W R Fisher, N Y 11 M artholornew, Hartford W 8 H Baylor & in, Vs Miss Trimble, , Va .. Miss BaYlor.Va RH Bell. VA - Jag Robertson, NY W 0 Bibb, N 0 Thos Emerson. Ikagton W R Glover. Louisville F It. Brunot & ia, Pittsburg G R Fairhanka, Fie Chauncey Smith, Boston E (Irene, Boston Rev G A Heathen, Ireland J Noble, Als C G Rolf': N Y Capt Myers, 11 8 A Cant Marlully. TT S A W E Stubbs, Washington GDe Cardvs, N Y O A Jatokson"• - , Mrs Dan Rice. Girard, Ps Mist Estella Birelay, C Ttarshall, Baltimore 3CI W ilson • . 31 Tonsils. Rt Louis S G Field, Little Rook , John Fox, N 0 J R Larkin & la, St Louis - E B Somme, Illinois Col McGowan, Pittsburg - Mrs 3 O'Con_per. Pittsburg Mrs H O'connes, Pittsburg 3 8 Dutton. Balt S Fahricklptord. maysvilleaLy W Bhatekleford, Kar . Miss hl J Larkin, St Louis Miss M. 0 Larkin, St Louis . . . . 't MERCHAXTB' HOTEL—Fourth it. below Aroh. A I Fitch, Imlay city - It A Brosnard. Ph ila A 3 Muller. Rockaway, Pa .B. D Cornmings t Centre Co Hon Arnold.Plumor, PR 'l' W Runt. Indiana n II Murphy, Ripley, 0 E T Foster, M Chunk v•vir Blaokatone. Vs, . W A Mnroney, N C aT Barton & Is Balt john Anderson, Scotland J P &almond. Pa _ W WPinnea. Jr N Y 3 Fowler. N Y W 8 Haven. Pittsburg 8 Fauchtwanger. N Y James IC Ish. Omaha city N V Ferguson. Holland, 0 John H Harem Mal I Ff Fookler & lat, Pa H II Landis. Jefferson, Pa 13 Allrilfin,amtford M A lib, Philo C RToster. Phillipsburg 3 C Brenner. Clearfield B 0 Bowman. Clearfield R Perks. Phillipsburg J W aa I. Gr Lewis. P R I s J ft Seesholts, Fa 1 Cheen, AMERICAN HOTEL—Chextdot it., above Filth W Malonegat YERansom, Chicago Clark Ind , - N B Bric.e. Ind . . Irt J Baird Tad .1 Wibb...l . r. din. 0 P Brady, Pyeemansbnra .1) Pomeroy, Orange, Mass W W with', Cranes, Mass Mrs Brinton. W Chester Mrs Thom/I,W Chester A A Adams, N Y A A Johnson. 13 0• W 0 Inner. N 0 R Brannan, Pottsville A C Eddy. Prov'e. It I W J . Davis, Wilkeabarre E W Wanda. WillresinVe JWLYOfI- it .1 Hutchison, P.oyid'e, It I .1 . 0 Lyon. N Y 3 (3. Langdon, N 1 D A St Clair. 'Vs Ge n mmrson. Dattimore ` G D Vollmer & son, Bait Tarter. N V E Corot & Is, Worcester C W `,eerie, Trenton, N I Jen`Black & la. Boston Mies Black. Boston O D W HouSmith se!. V Easton H A Hoff, Reading B , ir. JONES' wan, Cheutnat strept. above Sixth. AlfGeige. Idd - H D Tr. Mieh Thompson, N X 11 8 Hitohenek, N Y ' T i ntlirl 3 4l ll o,N Y I IT David, Balt .T Roamer. Burlington T S Jones, N Y . 5 Greene, N Y `W Stone, N Y 11, Ft Gillett. Pa .1 Tomlinson, hit Pleasant Stinson, N Y S Story. N Y , • . John Cooke. Patterson R Taylor. Cairo C H Bliss. Beverly 0 B Stevens, Belt T B Treat. 5 0 W H Smiley. Norfolk EtDI Bosley. Balt A Wilson. Belt C H Hewer, Balt P R Adams. S C G Be CM azo. Cuba G A:Jackson, I.ondon W Mattlimrs, Phila E B Sprague, Bement W B Redgrave, Balt FRANKLIN ROUSE -Chestnut street. above Third Itcml Hall, NYJ email.N Y Wm Loose; tetta' on co Wit hi miller. Easton If 1) Lad:lomat' • Easton Jae }frown & la. N J Conant Worcester J L Waters,_N_y .la 4 It Rows, N Y A Headrie, B Y W, 4 Mathews, Phila • • , 'IITiTES UNION HOTEL—Market street. above fliztb. Dll Surlier, Meehaninsbx M Isoktion.Parkiburg e. Wades, West Cheater I Totegart,,Laneaster, Pa Jones,_Lanoseter, W hDtcheil. Louie, .T rents, Harrisburg M Stone, Wisconsin 1' Tbobards. Miner/rile .1 .1 Young, Pa ILear & Sanit Lesphartordenturn Meyer, Pinta W, Moon. Pittsburg b ßarbaro,. Perna°. Pa Miss A.l Demure. dc Miss B Diefenderfer, Pa H Jaalceon A Vs Ili Jet albumin, N J H Mury, Bittannina Jew Denanddie. Pittsburg TT P Dunbar. pittabnrit W_ , Watts. Latrobe . J J Moore, Pittsburg J Andrews Norristown i srATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. W F Voate ja - O Wielder. Phil& Grossman,io. uzi i / co Tarots Rjoe,Lugnrue co .1 Wonders, Luse rne oo A 0-,Flein. ch }taven -H 11 Reels, Paris, 0 : f i tritortio r r f i t l a!i i i Tt l iirti l igt a a n Co m" Beni Kaufman. Pa W 8 Stark. Pinta Haller. Cornet, Vt W st Honor, Vt I F Backer, Lexington, Kr J W Mulligan, Pottsville AR Eaton.N y GW %MIRY. Potterille Coles. Wheelies. W Overmatch York co Rot Jonec - DallestOwn Mice F 0 Harris, York to P Likens, Pottsville H W A Beebe', El Haven 'MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Eleoond st.. above Arab. G Allover, Beading Warn. Reading W B Roge Bunks oo 'Harbert. Trenton J W West, r& Norristown 'ft A Watkins, lowa Davi, Mason, Oa T W Thompson, R Jos Tiede 1, Pl a ids Rarmsted, Pa GKe m. Reading f • Miipple. N York 'Walls, Idd - F roth & la, Phila Po Easton C W Watta. Tutoton P W Wil tb e nk & la, Ge 'B B Wilthank, Thos Foster, Pa , 001MMEROIAL HOTEL—Bixth AL above Chestnut. LiCar,N Y Jae n'Carter, hid Jon L Garrett Chester I W Patterson. Ps AJOhnson. moots no, Po ' Miss Johneon, Monts no Math Jackson, Chester no 0 P Baldwin It In, N Y .T.OFitzgerald, Meroersbg P Rafferty, Bolivar, Pa , EAGLE HOTBLLThird street. show) Rase. Jan Cilat..Phila E Evans. N Y G Grover, N Y W Garrett, Chester co S P Levis, DeLoo P 13 Nyoe.Plicenixvillo 0 P Kimball, NI 8 Jones. N J J Derrick, Elston H At Winter & la, Pa C Brown, Norristown R H Bonitos. Lancaster BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et, above Callowhil A fi Roads, Feasters. 0 Clemens, Chest Val H. Rupp, Lehish on B Rupp, Lehigh oo .3 Scholl, Trexiertown C Roads. Southampton 0 M fanner , Books on Milford Tomlinson, Pa RasoKlapp,m Y n molinson, Pa 0 Shone°, Reading D , BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Seoond at., below Vine, 1 Butcher, Books co J Btackhouse, Bunke no J 8 Heston, Newtown P Moblanno,Buoks co G W Clonnon. Books co . W D Larne, Pa F r Lanbaoh,Camenuqua Wm M Booth, N J El Relish, Stroudsburg , . , THE OTIION HOTEL,—Aroh street, above Third. ND Bruce; azthr. In, Ohio Citarer i _ n om -7" v e i u cg di e Dmir S it„;rit, Hannan, 0 D D Dilfon, Va E Atm Ohio 8 EROBANTB' HOUBB-4hird et. above Collowhill Seebold, Preeborg, Pa J Memel:Philo John oaat, Pa . 0 B Seseholtz,lPa John Beatree, COAL. w. GROOME & CO., K.7* - Office lid South FOUR= Street, WHARF, 'PINE STREET, scittrimuLL, Dealers and Masora LaiWit Mountain. Leith, and Schuylkill • ' C 0 A 4. Merchandise taken on vim se. 016-6 m HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL,_pyppared Iraqi Depot,.ate on best tonne. Apply at tuIoWLBEVe PaNTIf and W I L LOW Streets. an-tf DENTISTRY. .—L.- DENTISTRY.—The improved seta ', of_ARTIP [CUL TEETH, still mainghgptured sal d at POT ARCM" ft rest, _Philadelphia, by f. fAlttigNil, M. 1)„ Surgeon enhst. o The Mine ante of Teeth Ate euperseding all alum, . n ; from the following reasons; Pure fi n tr iar place of gold or silver. for plates onrd lighter, and at the name timj rellebvltrouger. sir greatest thickness in where the gums have shmakeersy mote, thus perfectly restor ing the anatoiniot ape and contour of the Tooth and cane, and 1 tt i o v Atl 11 e ta :net tii; g lir l se e rTor s a :II re ,the getout of repair; they are yenpoperWy warranted tor a VegzipVliefir.s,nv:TramiiktPrMlur° 4 glitat.Whne, °Aligfat ntlaidTtne a ;),`' * : Deli. , • • Dr. LITEICNIP °Sloe, 907 ARCH street,. Philadelpidir AU* 536 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, Wasbinitou, lifigirs , • WEST CHESTER and , PHILADELPHIA RAIL , ROAD la. , . A 4 AARANOEMENT. - and atter EoN HOOKY', toner("a 1 000, the trains Idlliektm Philadelphia, from the Station, N. nornero.EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.30 and 1.30 A. M.. and at 9.30 and § P. M. Leave .Wert Chester ; from the DEPOT, on EAST ituaI 33L KET STREET, at 7 and 10 A. AL, and 1.30 and 5 ON liONDAYl4—Leave Philadelphia at OA. M. and $ P.*, Leave West Chester iiiiTd9A/4tiloielP. .111301AY WO 11, nL , , " General Superintendent. ' ' SALAMODER SAM. 1676 alicli g n alLlL& WATSON'S P4/pADELP I Ta mArtyl s. ACITURED t34'11, - D A I III I 4 DOORS, Foi Banks and Storm ' • ' litOitttelfrraSt i o., , v. 1 #40t90 tenna t n i at Stoic o ther esti' • meet the s EqtAle WATSON, Erriff,am i t :,1141.9i§01U8 A GALL Ott 71tGLER & SMITH, corner SECOND apd GREEN, have acquired a great reputation by the wise and prudent come they eaye melted pi e ,thokir commencement ttt ton . pesq, bI selling a flret-_rate irWlelictklnplittrib " —111 S FEILADELPRIA BOARD OF TRADE. 148,, Y ROSS BNOWDER.t HENRNOASPBUDD. Comarrns or 701 Moowl J. B. LAER. LETTER BAGS ' 1, TEM Ship &insult; &Man Liverpool, soon , Bark Old Ilia Ho men soon Orin Thomas Walter,Hiorth • ~...8t Buts, soon Brig Plantagenet, Morris Bt. Bart,* soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 94, 11560. 0 401 RUN 2.1 KWH - 50 - • ARRIVED. iffsteainship Kectone State, Marahman. 60 homy from Charleston. wit mdse. /to. to Alm Heron. Jr. Pnagengors—W 8 Mo ors. John Hunt. W Kerlin, John Bailer, Wm ilmd.James E Harvey, (/ H Pankwinano -Zernow..l Wohlmon. and in the steerage. Passed off' the Brandywine ship Shammek. from T,iverpool, in tow of steamtug America; oNB C; ombay Hook Isl a ndavid Faust, from Wilmington Ocean.lsle, from West Indies ; a large hark. deeply laden, and a large number of schooners, above Delaware City. Bteamship Delaware, Copes. 20 hours from New York, with indse and mumers to .1 Allderdice. Passed hark Elizabeth J. from El m ßoque, below Reedy Island brie Elizabeth Watts. from Boston. above New Castle; bark Reindeer, for Pernambuco. off Reedy Point. Ship ,Shamrock, Doane, 46 dam from Liverpool, with r ose to p Wright & Son—towed itp by tug America. Bark Canada, Mitohell. 10 days from Smola Is Grande. with molasses. ate, to Stewart. Carson & Co. Left brig R Curtis, Insley; for New York. 'Wing, to sail in 10 days; barque Comte, Harriman, for Boston, to sail in 5 days, with BO has snigar. B, ig Oman Isle. (Donish) Aerstmp.l2 days from East 'Harbor. TI, with salt. &a to F Walston. On the night of the 2d inst, while at anchor in East Harbor, en oontered a violent gale, donna which parted one cable, and was!we ll ed to gbp the other; then ran her ashore on 1,6 RAT -bank, from vrhiohebe lens cot o ff on the Oh. after ha y no thrown overboard 5000 bushels salt. The bark Sophia. wasblown off from Grand Cay during the sewn gale, and had not returned on the gth Inst. Bohr Ida. Clark, 4 days from Boone. in bonne. Bohr B L Crocker. Presbroy, 4 days from Taunton, with Wm to Twella & Co. Behr Zeno. Field, 4 days from Choptank river, with lumber to J W Bacon. Rehr T P McColley. Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to J .H MoColley. BahrTelegraph,Carter, 2 days from Camden, Del, With grain to Joe Hanna ac Son. Bohr Delaware. Denby, 2 days from Smyrna, Del, with onto to Jas Barratt & Son. Sehr, Mnry, Riokards. 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to I I, Bewley & Co. Behr Golden Gate. Boone.! day from Frederica, Del, with won to J_L.,Bewley & Co. Bohr Edgar. Wamaley. a days from Georgetown, Md, with wheat to Iss L Bewley & Co. Bohr Sarah Warren, Hollingsworth. 2 days from Cam den. Del. with wheat and oats to Jag T, Bewley & Co. Bohr W H Dennis, Wheaton, from Boston. Bohr Woodruff Sims. Mason. fmm Boston. Bohr John Rovers, Elliott. from Edirartown. 'Selir Beaton, Brower. from Providence. Bohr Robert Gilfillan. mith, 8 d ays from Boston, with 800 Mils oil to Sharer. Bunting & Co. Behr Maria Jana. Crosby, days from Eastport, with mdse to E A Braider & Co. Schr Mary Price. Blizzard. days from New York, with ridge to Crowell & Bohr Beni Sb_oppard, Marsh, 4 days from Laurel, Del, with corn to J W Bacon. CLEARED. Steamship Boston, Bellew New York. Jos Allderdioe. Ship Wal l ace . Lane Sav annah, P Wrght & Sane. Bark Reindeer, Kerlin, Pernambneo, I PA Newhall & Pone : Brig Zoo Nymph, Sehipper, Cape Good Hope, Weis. ford, Rankers & Co. Brig Forest State, French, Bangor, C A Heokscher & Co. Brig Velona, Barnard, Charleston. Gaskill & Galvin. Brig Orinoco. Tabbutt. Boston,R R Corson & Co. Rehr Lucy L Sharp, Compton, Havana, D B Stetson & Bahr A Damon, Marshall, Charleston, E A Bowler & Co. . • IF Bohr Fly, Chessman, Nantucket, Noble, Hammett & Co. 16113 eta M M Freoman, Nickerson, Boston.Caln,Haoker & Co. , Rehr Loesburg, Swift. Boston. Nevin & Sawyer. Sohr W A Dennis, Wheaton, Boston, Sinnickson & Glover. Bohr B Austin. Davis., Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Woodruff Sims. Mason. do. Bohr Yankee Boy, Risley, Hartford, Vandusen, Nor ton & Co. Bohr Mary Elisabeth, Medary, Providence. do. Bohr 1 Rogers, Elliott, Providence, Tyler. Stone & Co. Behr Mountain Avenue, Greenfield, Providence, David Cooper. Sew Roston. Brower, Providence, Blakiston & Cox. Rohr Empire, Adams. do do. Rehr T.oinsa Gray, Weaver, Boston do. Sir H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. MANUAL OF GEOLOGY, DISIONED FOR VIZ 178 F. OF COLLEGES AND ACADEMIES, BY EBENEZER EMMONS, State Geologist of IT Carolj i na; State Geologist of New York Pr o essor or atural History and Ue ology in Williams i llege orrespondms Member of the Academy of atural &mamma of Philadelphia, &0., Ao. This to an entirely new work, and it is American iN all its feature,. Almost all our elementary treatiems on this subject being reprints or comhiletions of foreign works, and illustrated with outsof foreign fossils. In each chapter `rearing noon the cyst ms of rocks, a,ganeml history of the prl to w h ich that , belong is siren, to which is added & ascription of the mush, and their order of sequence. h aystera iebrinutifully il lustrated by the organisms and fossil, which it la ktitiwn to contain. The study of Geology in this country_ most be pur sued among American rocks. But few European fossils and specimens are found on the American continent. This work will contain EIGHT HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS, DRAWN AND DESIGNED ALMOST EXTLIIIIVILY FROM ORIGINAL AMERICAN FOSSILS ABB PRCIMENS. This is truly an original 'nature,and its importance can hardly be oVor-eatitnated. Proleuor Emmons, the eminent author of this work, Mandl in the front rank of American geologists. The work is beautifully printed on fine white paper, andsubstantially bound an full cloth, for prima° libra r c ies lass- , obookr in half leather with cloth sides. for Use IN a . leath e r with SOWER, BARNES, & CO., PIIELISIIEP.S, • NO. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET. 018-tuod GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.- ALL BOOKS are sold at tho publishers' lowilat prlces.l You can get all the band publications, and reoolteot that A HANDSOMB PRESENT. Worth (Pont /50 cents to One Hundred Dollars, Is given with each brine. A LIFE FOR k LIFENE. BOOKS. A LIFE FOR A LIFE. AI,IFEFOR . A LIFE. A LIFE FOR A LIFE, byO ne e volume,, f 1 2"moh, n c H o a h fax 6 " page s, w ith a gift. Prire fit THE MINISTER'S WOOING. THE MINISTER'S WOOING. THE I+II2OBTER , s WOOING, by Mrs. Harriet Beeober Stowe. One volume. Ilino.„_cloth. Price 81.25, MEMOIRS OP ROBERT-HOT N. MEMOIRS OF jtosErt -itownic MAMoilu3 OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. PRESTIDIOIT_EUR. Edited by Dr. R.EheltoolllaMcensie. One vol., )2m0.. cloth. 415 nages._with inn. I rum SI. OUT OF THE DEPTHS. The Story of a W oman's Life. One volume. 12m0., cloth, with a gift Price Cl. ADAM BEDE. By George Elliot, author "Scrims of Clerical Life." One vol.. ilmo., cloth, with a gift. PriceB_l. COUNTERP.ARTfL or the Orate of Love. One vo lame, avo.,Adoth_, with a gift. Price 81. I WHAT WILL HE DO W ITH IT. By Sir E. L. Bel wer. One volume. Bro.. Moth, with a gift. Price 81. LOVE (L'AMOUB), By Miehelet. One volume,l2mo., cloth, _with a gilt. Price 81. M AL LOST A HEROINE. By the author of Counter parts. One volume. 12in0., cloth, with a Rift . Price 81. LOST AND FOUND; or Life among the Poor. By S. B. Halhdey. One volume, 12m0., Moth, with a gift. Price 81. THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE. OF DAVID. By the Rev. J. H. Ingraham. One volume 12m0., cloth, with agift. Price 81.25. ALL OF DOEI3TICKS'S DOOKS,and a giftwith each, Price 81. ALL OF T. S. ARTHUR'S WRITINGS, and a hand some_gift with each. Price 501. MRS. RENTZ'S NOVELS, and a gift. 8122 each. MRS. SOUTH.WORTR'S NOVELS, and a gilt, MIS each. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 429 CHESTNUT STREET, W AViIit n EVIRY. DEPARTMENT OF LITE ANDRATUR A HANDSOME PRESENT Worth from .Cents to One Hundred Dollars, is given with each Book sold. Call in, and one trial will assure you that the only place. in the city where to_purchnse satintooß GEORGE . GMT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. 022-31 Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. MOUNT VERNON NUMBER.- _ THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD Kr Of Oct. 13th, reads in Bolton, Ocr.2oth. will contain a complete history of the HOME OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, written by the VERY HDIIIINT AUTHORITY in the U. S., together with the Views of Mom VERNON, rahoto graphed from the beautiful pictures belonging to Mr Everett, tkindly loaned for this purpoired by hiesses. Whipple & Black of Boston. IN ADDITION /011111011, the superb steel plate PORTRAIT OF HON. EDWARD EVERETT, with a Memoir, is presented GRATIS WITH THE ABOVE NUMBER. For lb cents to cash or poatme stamps this number will be sent to any part of the United Staten. post-prod. As it souvenir and true hiatory of Mount Vernon, it is worth ten time the amount charged, and a copy should be in the potuiession of every member of the MOUNT VERNON AUOCUTION. Ter of subseription to the ILLUSTR.ATED 'NEWS OF THE WORLD, a superb family journal, containing le pages of ohoice reading, the latest home, foreign and colonial news of interest, beautifully illustrated with mood engravings and a STEEL PORTRAIT OP SOME EMINENT PERSON VP' Gratis with each IVeektu Num ber,"(ill Yearly SI.M; Quarterly 52, post-mild to any part of the United Statee. . Subscribers can have theireortraits in advance, or may 'elect from those already published. and have them sent separately/red from folds, past-paict, by remitting extra postage of one cent each portrait, in addition to their auhscription if they prefer. Now ready et and 2d aeries 'Ade b y each) of the DRAWING ROOM PORTRAIT GALLERY of Eminent Persons. (40 Portraits and Memoirs in each series. beautifully bound). These portraits are the same as those published each week with the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, and having been photographed from life by the most em inent photographists in Europe and America expressly for the Drawing Room Portratt Gallery," form a col lection of steel plate portraits of eminent persons one. quailed in any country, and cheap at ten times the price charged for them. Either Banes will he sent to any part of the U.S. on receipt of 85.60, orprepaid for Ifa, BACK PORT ' IN PRINT may be had at any back specimen No. of the Illustrated Newt arid," for lb cents each or P. 0. stamps. All subacriptions, orders, °matters of business con nected with this paper in the Ilnit ed States, must be ad dressed to HENRY A. DROWN & 00., 017-mwf-lt 14 Hanover street, Boston. "WADY VHS DAY: LEAVES FROM AN ACTOR'S NOTE BOOK ; WITII REMINISCENCES AND CRIT-CRAT OF TIER GREEN-ROOM AND AMERICA AGE, IN ENGLAND AND BY GEORGE VANDISNICOVY. Otte volume. ltmo. Cloth, Reminiscences of Madame Vestrie, Mr. Maeready, Charlotte Cushman, and Edninnd Kean t their Mete and A bair conversation, eci, pleasantly retold as to make the reader almost Teel himself one of the party—pleasant things to read—abound in the " Leaver " Clear and forcible criticisms—mostly compamti ve—of each of these as well as of Ellen Tree, Miss Fawn, Rachel, and R le tori ; and good things generally of every theatrical lumi nary of the present or of the past half century, will give this little volumeerent value es pert of the history of the stage, both in - England and America. The touching story' Comlle Walton, the Country Actress, should he r, especially by all young ladles and gentlemen taking an ambitious intereetin the stage. In his travels Mr. Vandennoff hes been a close ob server, and repeats his experiences in the gayest vein, with all the graces of a good writer. In all respects the book le entertaining and reliable. Just D. A. & Co. have Just Published ANTIDELL on the Manufacture of Photogenio or Ily dro-Carbon Oils from ooni end other bituminous sub stances capable of aUpplying Burning Fluids. aro. 81.15. MARY J.E.K, By Kate Livermore, 1v01.,16m0. 53 cents, BREAKFAST. DINNER, AND TEA,viewed °lanai eally, poetically, and practically. Containing flUMerollll Bisbee and Feastsof all times and countries—beside 30) Modern A tripts. 1 vol. 40, gilt top., 81180. FIJI THE FIJIA N S,B I / 4 T , homas Whams and James vest. vol., Bvo. $2. . HALLEOK'S MILITARY AR . Second Edition. 1 vol ;st larno,„ emso. oi r RTIES AND THEIR I XIMD D ICIrL9. I A L itlanuel and ggllgt i eitttiEtten'i,ll.l'tie.l.l States. .SLI EARLIEST TIMES TO 1848. By theßev. James White. / vol., Bvo. 12. RIBToRY OF RERODOTES. A new English ver sion, with Notes and Appendieei. By Rawlinson. Vol. 1, 870. Illustrated. 2 ISO. - D. APPLETON k CO.. Pialliehrirs._ , Nos. 846 end 348 BROADWAY, N.Y. Beat free by mail oil reueigt of Stile, 01.31 ^Yl' , O piumELMA, MONDAY; "OCTOBER - 24' 1856: INSURANCE COMPANIES. D ELAWARE MUTUAL , SAFETY IN SURANOE CPA Y. INCORPORATED BY TH OM E LearsLATtnis 01 PENNETLYA NIA .t 18.16. OFFICE 3. E. CORNER THIR AND WALNUT M A Streets, Phl ,INSURANCE ON VESSELS, yrivBirr.To all parts of the World. INL NO INSURANCE On Goods, by Rives ! Canals, Lakes n andand Land Carriage F I to ß B h 4 . ° B I I.PR ie A NYE /3 On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling_Hounes, ko. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1666. Par. Market Value. $lO3OO, Philadelphia City 6 41 1 " cent. L0an....5100,114 00 860,000, Pennyy Ivania Mate Loans 101,428 00 sm. 11.11. Proniniry4H cent. Notea.. • 80,112 68 $60, , Penney Ivan Railroad Mottgaie 6 er cent. Bends., 46,370 OD $2OO R 00, North Pennsylvania ailroad Mort gage 6 410 rent. Bonita 12,080 CO 813,000,300 shares stook Oermantown Gee Company, interest and principal guarantied by the oily of I'hila delphia.l4,926 OD *DAN 100 clinics Pennsylvania ' Railroad • ny... . . 4,6 g 60 $6,000,100 shares North Pennsylvania, Rid road Company 02,660, Sundry shares Philadelphia Ica Boat Company, Havre do Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Sa vannah Steam Navigation Cam , pany, and Philadelphia Exchange Company.— ...... 2,030 00 0340 TOO 8319,199 00 B on d. and Mortgages, and Real Estate Of Building Bills tees vable for Insurances made Balance due at Agenoies—Prennume on Ma rine Polioies recently Issued—and other debts due the Company .•:• • • 61,3313 1 Bnrio and .took of sundry Insurance Compa nies- Cash on Deposit in 48,867 86 William Martini Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Bonder, John C. Davis, John R. Penrose, George G. Leiser, filward Darlington. R. M. Huston, ilium C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig,. r.noer M'Hvoine. arias Ke lly t Jong. Brooke , scab r. Jones, WILL A THOS, C HENRY LYLEURN. Bee THE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU -IL RANGE COMPANY 09 PHILADHLPIIIA, • 409 WALNUT BTRHET. This Qompany insures 3111,104 Loss or Damage by Fire on rublio and Private Buildings, Furniture, tftrtoks of Goods, and Merchandise generally.. The following provision in the Po licies of this Com pany guaranties their security when assigned as 00i laterftl: " This poliovshall not be invalidated, or In any wise effected, after Its assignment ae a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage, and the approval of anoh as theent by the cane, by any trail , le, - or conveyance of mortgaged premise by the owner of the same." DIRBOTORH, Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John S. Hulme, Robert Clarke, emao Waterman. David gammon, ward G. James, William Vanderveer, Joseph Janney, Theodore Cuyter , Joseph H. Co ,i lls icr Samuel Owner. PAUL T. 0 Fresid nt M. ANDERVEER, Vise President, Omega" 8. Srarimue. Secrete,. mv7-Of VI OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU A- m RANCE COMPANY, No. 413 WALNUT Stroot Philo&!phis. • DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luders, Wm. F. Laaoh, J. Edgar Thootoon, Rola. W. D. Truitt. M. W. Baldwin, Wm. X. Hamlin. John 0. James, IL H. Bhillingford, WilliamJ. Buoknor, 0. &Spangler, Alton, B. H. Houston, most, Win. H. Loxe, Edwin Booth, ghettos P. Norton, intin Chkrneon. ghettos Myer, E. B. Warne. Edward A. Werne o John E. Addlake, R. T. Konen. President—THOMAS L. LUBER% Vine President—E. B. WA/2:.4, Sematetry—CHAßLES A. DUT, ANIS AMEETUAN FIRE INSURANCE CO U INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PRRPET . ! Nh Diu VtAtNuT Street , above Third, Philadelphia r Having a large paid-np Genital Stock and 8u plui in vested an sound and available /Sonorities, oontinue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise , Vessele in Port and their Cargoes, and other Persona Property, All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. OeorgeAbbott, tat T. Law s. John Welsh. 4.Calmolssll, mr4gZ,ten. lateel. MElrr ult . O. ',Edith, _Chas. W. Poultasy, GEOROU ABBOTT, Preiddent. THOMAS R. MARIS. lloorstarY, JAM-ly tf VAME INSURANCE , COMPANY, No. dt CIESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INOORPORATED PEND APRIL DSC NIA. DY TILE STATE OF ISYLVA CONFINED 'TO Ftitg — AND IfILAND . RISKIL DIRECTORS: VIIRIRL WRIGHT.. • • ..or & CO. ILLIAR W.WALTSRA. WI MOM Ryan In Co. gIIARLIII BICEIARDSON.. J. BOYS Co. Romig A. Waay...— eat, robe!, in Lloyd. BARCLAY iIPPINCOTT . .... hipanooti, minter& Soott. Tacos W. TOUT— ltrAt t AktOilt. Co.U XX Ir_oXiyie, •1 O. AVID B. y t, VIA It lIDDy. A. H. RowcHUR.-- lienhe m, Brooke, & Co. tin B. John B. Moon it Bone. oun EVNEIZAATI.......• John W. Rvernlnn & Co. OYU If, MART... Sayan. & JONATHAN. DAY, Pronident. J. SLOCUM, Vine Paul, WILLIAMS I. BANCHARD. Seo'f. ani-tf i NSURAN CE COMPANY OF THE A- trTATE OF BENNSYLANIA—PHIE A RINE INSURANCE—No. I EXCHANGBUILD !NGS, Chulered in In4—Capita! 8900,000—Avtate, Jatuary I, 11338, 1341,446 e0 7 100. All invested in wood end avellablo_sennritieunop, g ritett= e4Vossel tger es, Buildings, Bloc , a 0" riE Kai Henry D. Sheffer& Norge li. Stuart, BMW! Toby t Banmel Omit, Jr.. WALle° TV,lr' •Tan.r. w .l L Varitaon, HOW lI A rreeman, Witain lrD it i ,Ni t hlle ' ' deorne C.Pr t io le n * . e. Lewis, _NENRYI). 8 ERREILD, President. WILLIAM HA AVER. Flooratazy. le t•wfm tf LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM it'lif&-ililENvP,_lZh.)29.2"Mlol4ll2B.ll,i Div stri,et.. Assets, RPM= M T ins RES LUTES for the whole tennjif 411h—girants annuities and and do w s es Ufa interests in Real Estate, and makes aU contracts depending on the contingencies of ife. Tbey ant its Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Outudig thrE . BB. Daniel L. Miller, lbainnel S. Stokes, P e 7 c t' .1 n al.reaold, a2l3aiiand. William P. Hooker, °semi H. Trotter, William H. Kern, Junes Huston, Samuel C. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, E@ntries Hallowell, . Edmund A. &lder, My C. Townsend, laniei L. Hutchinson, adrilphus Kent, ° Il l ii: r..Al i o D liTr u . " ty . a i stiai c: 4?arr. Samuel J. qtristiant Virilliam Robertpon, Joseph H. Thomas, Warner M. Rum, John G. Brenner, P. 8. Mohler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER__, President. 411 :MAIL. E. STOKES, Vita Pres% /ono W. Wannon.Beoretarg. TUE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE -IL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 4M WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. _ CAPITAL— . $OOO,OOO SURPLUS , E. FIRE; MARINE, AND INLAND INSU RA NCE . Fire Insurance, limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise omen description's. Menne Ineurtume, inland and Wean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World. OFFICERS. GEORGE H. HART, President. P. ROSS, Vice President. H. I R I. .B O TLE HA n ,S Secr ea t r ar Y . DIRSICTORS. ()aorta H. Hart, E. W. Bailey E: P. Ron, Andrew R. cflamben. A. C. Cattail, Charles G. Int ay, Foster 8. Periods, H. R. Cowbell, Samuel /once. M. D., Hod. H. M. Fuller. ael S,ILVER SOAP—A simple preparation P-7' for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, ato. , far more convenient and effective than any other. One half the labor of Hoot, cleaning may be saved by using this Soap, which (wows possibly injure the finest Zino white, and as no scrubbing is required, the eaving In the wear of the paint is much skeeter than the cost of the Soap. l leaves the surface ca pure and white as when new. Manufactured only by the Boston Indexical Soap Company, and sold by their appointed Agents, HANSARD & CO., Apothecaries, TVIR:LFTBI and CHTZTNUT. • 'LADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI- A-4 SETTS, and CURLS, manufactured in the very best and newest Parts styles, and of whichwe constantly keep a very large assortment on hand. sold wholesale and retau, at the lowest possible prleoa. Orders tram all parts of the country solimted, and promptly attended to. Also, a new HAIR D VA, Nu parlor to any in use. HUTOIB, No. /T TENTh Between Market and Chestnut. MINTON'S ENOAUSTIO TILES for AA-IL floors. Ornamental Chimai d e a Tops for oottages. Garden Vasa* and puritans. Vitrified Pipe for as sad Water condi:odors Imported and for sale by lARRA i C ISM OHI2 HTNOT I RON, t.• FAMILY CHOCOLATE " Y' EDWAPERIOR QUALIT. RD A. HEINTZ / Manufacturer and Importer of • French and Spanteh HOC H COATE. Store S. W. oornor ARC L and NINTH Streets sa-am (Factory 811 Filbert streot.l rllO GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 -IL. Cases Saponifier or Conoontrated Lye, in One pound sir-tisht iron boxes, (the only well•establuthed and re liable article.) Id anufaeturedthe Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company, and for male to the trade u follows: 6 Cssen t l3o. poi pound ; 10 to 45 Cases, 812.40. J. R. URA VEB,_ _Soap Manufacturer, 06-1 m N 0.9 North PROM' Street. THE. ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE AL SW CHESTNUT Silent, forwards Parcels, Ptak ¢Ses, Merchandise, Brink Notes, and Specie, either by itsown Lines, or in connection with other Express Com panies, to all the principle towns and intim, of the Lunited States. E. S, SANDFORD. and -If (innate' finnerintnodent. most approved brands, and of every lose and quality required for eity and t ountry trade, at proms astonishingly low. Bead your orders to ZIEGLER k SMITH, Drag, hms Paint, O, and Varnish Dealers, corner BECOND and GREEN Streets. TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER CUANTS.—ManiIa Rope, all sizes, neatly packed, end for sale by the manufacturers at the lowest New York prices. WEAVER, FITLER & CO., 010 23 N. WATER St.. and 2) N. Wharves. NAVAL STORES.-75 13b1m. Spirits .1- Tur pentine. an Store. 416 bldg. Bonin, 91 bble. Bete. Turpentine. landing iromeolv.Lewiepheater. 1.6® do, 00.. Nn.l6 South WHARVES.' MACKEREL —125 bbls., 180 halves, 115 quarters, and SOO kilts prima No. ls • 390 bbta. and 89 hlOvos large No. Da, in atom and for gala by WM. J. TAYLOR It 00..122 and 124 North WIFARVRA 08 .OVERING'S SYRUP, in b hhds. and bbIL, at reonoed ITATiariVittAyealaCtL:lat. QUGAR-IIOIISE MOLASSES.-IEO Lhde beroes,:and barrels. for sale b JAMES tiltAH, & 0., seise AM Rtratit. REFINED SUGAR.-500 barrels various grades. ISO bbls crushed, gifted awl powdva for Sabi by JAMES GRARt i rd & Cu, visa f.lgrel TM &tram. PORK.—`27O bble. WIN Pork of New Ohio, and Phlfthia Packing. for gala by C. C. BAllliblt CO., A Street, eacond door above Front. o 2 SAMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, end the Collection of Rents. N 0.216 WALNUT Street. SALMON. -25 bbla. prime new No. 1 Sal- SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in prime order, fors a e T O. i ha w t MO. 1110 south FRDNT street CIIEAPEST WJNDOW GLASS in town, 80I1 t DIQK's, 3, W. comer of SlNENoii_llusii,na illpiem 70 DIRECTORS. tr::6lfilli a lV4hling, men Tragualy, illiarn Eyre, Jr.. .1. P. Peniaton, Joshua P Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan. James 13. M'Farland, C Thomas C. Hand, Robert. Burton John B. Semple, Pittsb'g, T. Morgan, " . T. Losnn, (A Vi , President. HAM), Vme Presiden rears. t, mh26-dtl WINES AND LIQUORS. JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. GEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wine, &0., 1.11 SOUTH FRONT street; care for sale, in bond only, STEWARrB CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY, e2T-3m WE ()ALL ATTENTION or THE • TRADE to this really Superior article : ALFRED RENAUD COUNAC. A supply in assorted paoksges constantly on hand. Orders roooived for direct importation. Also—liennessr Cognac', Leßoy Cognac, London and Holland (fins, Claret in Wood And Ca os, Ciminero( lies, high and low prieee. LONUCHAMP. Importer. 010-bin • 217 South FRONT, Philadelphia. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 135 Smith FRONT Street, Importer of Brandy. Winos, Re., offers for ante, in bond only, the following, among other standard brands of brandy • Pinet • Castillon, & Co., Thou. Hines & Co., Jules Robin, & Co., Otord, Dom, a. Co., Seignotte. Merett, oamees, Pellevoisin, C. Dupont & Co., Union Proprietors, & F. Marmite, Jas. He nnesiiy. Apo, Stuart's Paisley Malt Whiskey end the n11011:fleet vrynatten of Muletra 3 , Sherry, Yon. , Burgundy, unit Rhine Wines. ,Palm 't oo famaioa Ruin. Santa Cruz Ruin, Bordeaux it. Re.. Ro. 527-1 y CARD.---MARELTIL—SUR--AY (011 AM - JANUARY 16,1860.—1 n consequenoe of the frequent invjtations reeeiyed by me to renew the ehipmonta 01 myaOlpetglll3 VI i des to the United State., beg legv. hereby to inform my former ouatomers and the militia an general that I have appointed Messrs. F.O. BROUWER, ANOIIEIt, & CO., Sole Agents in the United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wanes. My Wines have been so long and favorably known in the United States it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than teeny that my new shipments will in no way be found inferior to the former 011011. BILLEGAR'r SALMON, BILLEGART SALMON'B-I,MAMEAGNE wrrms, both CABINET and YERZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand in loth to suitp_urohneero, by Y. O. BROUWEJI,_ ANCHER, & CO., eldri-em 61 BEAVER Street, New York. CLARET. -100 oases Barton &Guestier's Bt.Ju MO do. St. Entethe ; 600 do. Woohing ton Morton St. Julien • PM do. do. Tater:me, pinta ; 60 do. Chateau La Rose; itri do, do. Looville; Beulah Al e , in stone and glass; Younger's, Harvey's, Park Brown Stout and London Porter, in etore and for by mid A. MERINO, 140 South PRO T Street. SCOTCH WHISKEY.-- 125 puncheons James Stewart it , Co.'* l'sisle_y_ Melt, in bond and for male by HEORGE. WHITELEY. CABINET WARE. LIOGUET & HUTTON, MANUFACTURERS OF DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE NO. 239 SOUTH. THIRD STREET. Ocoee, Dank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookeaxes. Wardrobes, etc. 119-Sui grABINET FURNITURE Ala BILLIARD V TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION. No. 561 SOUTH SECOND STREET, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Bueineu, are now meanie.° tur imuAr i nrial i cAr and have now on hand a !imply, finished with MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be slummy to all inhere. For the quality and finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their wors. i,26-6m /SAVING Furry's, CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM Pion, WALNUT Street, Southwest otlrhut ilf THIRD, Philadelphia, Incorporated by the State of Pennsylva nia, . connived in any sum, large or email, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The officio is open every day from 9 o'olook in the morning till 5 o'olook in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till o'olook. Ron. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBERT' SELFRIDGE, Vice President, WILLIAM .1, Rano, Seoretary. DLRBCTORS. Hon. Haig y L. Benner, y. Carroll Brewster. Edward L. Carter, .1 ash 11. Bash I=ti f i rideli Lee, C. Landreth P4lllll, AAP% rfer. Money le receive and payments elide, natty. The investments are made, In conformity with the provision. of the Charter, in Kn./. Estate Mods/wee, Ground Bente, and such first-clans securities as will al ways insure perfect security to the depoilitors, which cannot jail to give permanent'', and atability to this Institution. aul-ly QA.VING FUND.---UNtTED STATES K. , TRUST COHAN?, °arm THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small sums received, and smid hack on de mand without nctice L with PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVEN IfitiDfrom 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for pflio on England, Inland, and Scotland, fin Utiltards, real ent--STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. renaurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. LIMY FISK, Actuary. " A little, but often, fills the nurse." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND--- No. 133 South FOURTH Street, te , ween Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posita on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government State. and City bows, G round Rents, Mortgagee, Tpie dos. Company deems safety better than largo pro ta, consequeolly will rint rich with deposi tors money, but have it at I timep ready to re turn with apet cent. interest to the oanet, as they have always dime, Thia Col:titian) never au lt r a i rel, Married cr eine., and Mindre can deposit in their own Tight, ainesuoli deposits can be Withdrawn oet.vby their coneent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Perieylvaula, with authority to receive mo- may from trustees end executors. 111: t,E AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. 0 cm open daily from 9 to 3 o'clock, and ilEk W WAY and Saturday evening. until o'clic. DIRECTORS. Jamb D. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader. John Shpuller George Russell, Maisel!' W. ten, ;MWard.T. Hy a tt. l is i b l imi l ict atlVhjl re . / Frie ll igraFtibird. tt3 1 411 , 11814. President. ririos oabWALLAI42, Treasurer. s-y "A Dollar caved a twice earned.' NOTICES. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. rIIILADELPIIIA. October at 1A59. The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a Pemt-annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Company. clear of State Tax, tiara ',Won and after NlMllliber lath, 18N1. Powers of Attorney for Collection of Dividends can be bed on application et the Office of the Company. No. 2 , 51 month THIRD Street, 11108. T. FIRTH, 021-tdl Tromso nil% OFFICE OF SECOND AND THIRD STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PAN? OF PHILADELPHIA, 7.1.1 WA LN UT *greet PHILADELPHIA, Sopt.3o, 1a59. A Fourth Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on Second fine • JI• Stock of above Company will be due end payable at Ws office, on or before the first day on November neat. ROBT. KELTON, LlO.frawrtnt Treasurer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will he made to the Legislature of Pennsylvenia, at its next Heuion. oommenci nu in Janu ary. Itia), for the grant of well ntithority, powers, and jurisdiction nu may be necessary for effecting tho sale of all that Lot 01 Grotind and Premises. situate in the Fif— teenth Ward, of the City of Philadelphia, bounded by Gear) (formerl) Grape,' Vineyard, PerkiomentfonnerlY Powell.) and Wylie (formerly Ann) streets, known as the FRANCISVILLE BURIAL GROUND. SAMUEL C. PERKINS, Attorney for Applicants. SPEOIAL NOTICE.---Dealers In Good year's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders , Braids. Webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining. fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, aro notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex.. amine speounens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring_ Trade to the undersigned, P.X CLUBI V 1 OWNER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIOHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or Im ported. and many others. ALSO. LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at N 0.23 CO URTLANDT Street, N. Y. n2t-]r HORACE H. DAY. . _ LEGAL E ,,, STATE OF JAMES McKEOWN, late of the City of Lancaster, and State of Penney I vulva, de•caseil.—rhe undersigned, auditors appointed by the Orphans Court of Lancaster county. to duitriblite the balance of the account 01 Bolonion SFr:cher and John &Livingston. Executors of Janice !McKeon n, Into of the city of Lancaster, deceased, will meet the parties interested for the purposes or their appointment, on MONDAY 'probe r 3lst, 153 9. at 2 o'clock I'. 31., at the LIBRARY ROOM, in the Court House. in the city of Lancaster. JAMES L. REYNOLDS, SIMON P EBV.' EDWARD MORTON. oru-mot Lancaster, Penna. TN - THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS Aron THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILA DEL- A.—No. 13 of liepteirther Term. 1859. Divorce tin 40. CARMAN Is: METZOKER, by her next friend Corr_ F RIED BEUDER.T. es. EDWARD AI liTzoic Ett. Edward Metzeker, the Respondent in above else, will take notice that LEONARD R. FLETCHER, Es 9 , the Exeminer appointed by the Court to take the testimony of the witnessenof the Libellant in above earn. has an pointed the seventh day of November, 1859. at ti o'clock I'. M.. to take said testimony at the Wetherell -House. situate on the north side of HANSOM Iltreet, mho% o ShethSteeet, in the city of l'hibutelphia. OP:ORDE It. EARLE, Attorney for the Libellant. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersiened to THIB DAY dtesolved. by mutual con sent. The business of the firm will ho nettled by PHILIP MIXSELL, Jo., at the Lumber l nrd formerh occupied by us, at the corner of YORK and RICHNION 1) Streets. THORNTON SMITH, PHILIP 1111X8E1,1,. phHadolpltia, Oct. 17, 1859. etc Gt• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 1 firm of WARRICK, CHADWICK. & DRO. ts Dna day, dissolved. The Heater. Range, and Stove htodneas wilt he continued under the name of CHADWICK A BRO., at the Northeast corner of SECOND and RACE JOHN K. CHADWICK. - FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia, July 11.1859. Iyl2-ff BUSINESS CARDS. 3. DROWN HOVEY, 300 V W. OFNFIV. (Late of Hoveyeauehatian,) Meteor. Ilenry&Turner, HOVEY t HENRY, ATTORNEYS AT I,ANV. INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON Coll.l‘.l.Ty. MISSOURI. COLLECTIONS matte of Eastern Clalms in any par or Weatern and Northwestern ➢Leeourt. RESET TO Messrs. R. Wood, Marsh, & ilayward,( Caleb Cope & Co., Philadelphia. Biter, Price. & CO" lifer Merchants will please cotm t the above and panto at the head of " Bills Receivable." oo 11-lie MARTIN & QUAYLE'S • STATIONE EP RY, TOY, AND FANCY HOODS ORIUM, 11138 WALNUT STREET, BELOW ELEVENTH. olo.lm PHILADELPHIA Constantly on hand Perfumery and Toi lot Articles. PURE CONFECTIONERY, MANUFACTIIRED BY EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Late of 8. Henrion. liter kr e 8. W. co o rner AHEM and NINTH greet& i (Factry 814 and N IT B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E. corner FIFTH and CHEST NUT. Subscriptions taken for the heat City and Country Newena➢ere, at Imams eamh print% pa-3m A LEX. McKTNNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREENOBURIi, PA, Will praatiaa in Wontmoroland, Armstrong, and In (Lana ooutiva. EDUCATIONAL. ADAMS VAILLANT'S School for "Lk. youn g Wien, ItIS CHESTNUT Street, opened September Itth. Scholars continue to be received. 012 ISt* MESDAMES CHEGARAY AND D'HER v BOA RHINO AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOLINU LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, No. LOOAN SQUARE, VINE PT REET. Madero C ARAY respectfully Worms her (Donde and the public in general, that independently of her Bearding and Day Pelmet, directed by herself and her dens, Mine. PREVOST, in NEW YORK, elm in tends, in conneetien with her niece Mine. IY HER VILLY, opening in PHILADELPHIA anlnstitution on preempt) the same plan ea the one shore mentioned. - R EV. JAMES I. HELM'S School for the higher education nfa limited number or Young Ladies, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. eirentare, with terms, reference. An., may be lied on ;wet/ration. of-on AMERICAN SUIIOOI. INSTITUTE. flehools, mid Colleges, supplied with- Competent Teachers. for tiny Department; and Teach ers with positions. Parents gratuitously supplied with school circulars. Refer to Faculty Amherst Collate. Mass.; Dr. Lowell Mason; Almon Brothers; lion. Theo. Frelitighuyeen, LL.D. ; Hun. John C. Rives. Et at. SMITH, WOODMAN, k CO., 111 BROADWAY, Now 1 ark, and 600 CIIESTNU'r Street, Philadelphia. A-A DUCATIONAL.-31iss ELLA WATSON Ths North TWELFTH Street, will recommence giving Ingtruetions on the PIANO. at her own residence or those of her Pupils, alter September lit, PM. snip-thsartn tm• T. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOC UST Street, wont 4,1 Siztoentb, D V za "gt.'iricfrilli!)fAjdanc,,t',.7lkt'ffltattlr.,Atibe beg in wily cif th e ' mode to (ho Pr] tiOltmli J. ANDREWS HARRIS, A. Si., Anlo..vritm-if HO7 RACE Street. PNGLISII AND OLASSIOAL BOARD LNG SCIIOOI, FOR BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lan caster Count), Pa. The Winter Session of five months commences on the Ist of November. For el reeler, call at 609 CIIF.RTNIIT street: or, address the Prinmpal. E. L. MOORES] s2G-rewilm WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG. Pa.—The lath Senn-Animal Session will commence on HONDA T. the 7th of November next. The attention of Parents and Guardians is invited. The location is pleasant, the course of instrustion extensive, and the terms mode rate. (Jima city references siren. The Principal can be seen niery afternoon at the UNION HOTEL from the 16th till the 11th of (Weber, inclusive.. For Circu lars eiblress DENLINGER. Harriebure. Pa. hlusToN's WRITING ACADEMY, A S. E. corner EiGHTII and SANSOM Streets, O en daily. from 9A. N. to 9 P. AL To tientlemen a rapid and vlogant business band is imparted. To Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary style.('la,,,, Private. Cala% written, and every de scription of Penmanaltip neatly executed. •13-Jan lIEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may be applied to nt the residence of )1114 father, Professor Allen. No. 315 South BEVENTEENTII Street. .6-2 m• PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, GEHNIANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Fall Term of this Institution commences Septem ber ant, SZ9. The course of inetrugtion comprises all the hrencheli urn thorough F.nglish Education. together with the Lalan. Greek. and French Languages. au2:l-tf ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANK FORD, PENNSYLVANIA, am miles from Tlarket street, Philadelphia. The course of instruction in this School is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardian, who intend to place their &till:Mon or wards at this Institution will do well to make demethete application to M as. .E. L. THOMPSON, 83-tt' Principal and Superintendent. RRYANT k STRATTON'S NATIONAL NtEIIAANTILE CCM:IMB, boated at delDltio. 8. L. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; B Now York, uffalo, ClovelAnd,ond Chioago. For ill formotido.oall or 'mud frit Colleague. raid bAitclilti. HARD.—Prof. SARACCO begs to inform the elite of Philadelphia that by an arrangement with Prof. Alorra. principal artist of the Royal Thee tie of Naples, they have opened a private Conservatory of Dancing, at No. 35 South FILI,VENTII Street, for ;manta lessons and classes to Ladies and Gentlemen, and a special class for Aliases and Masters. every Mon day and Friday, at 3 o'clock P. 31. They will also open, on the lath mat t another Concert story nt S. E. co , ner Etturrn and M, ALN UT qtreets, where. on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday alternoons.a class for children, and on the same evening a gentlemen's Practicing Class, from fl to 10.o'cloek. Besides nit the most modern dances and new hgures, of (ittrinan Cotillion, On PAW sultana and Italian quadrilles, how in fashion at the Court of Turin, will be introduced. *Q1940 WASHINGTON HALL, 810 SPRING BARDEN fttreet.-11. li. CARPENTER. the Foeiety Teacher sif Fachittnahlo Dancing. is now ready to take Pit pile at gaily time, either Private or in For reference, call and ohnerns the respectability Wi re:id) 1).14. CAR VENTER ern be seen ilatly and nichtly for terms. &c. This Is lint twenty-ninth year as n Teacher in this City. PIANOS. MARSIPS MUSIO STORE, No. 110 CHESTNUT Street. Pilltslodriti Where the hest make of PIANOS, hIELODEONS, and MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS, oB IteltllT [ASCRIPTION. Can be obtained at the lowest Mandfacturers' Prices' Constantly publishing the latest Choice Compositions end Popular Meaty of the day. Alm,. receiving New Mead Mule from all the catalogues to the United Fumes. Uenlnrs,'ruse here. Hemmarles, and Clerat men will be supplied at the !owed wholesale rates. Orders by mail will bo promptly , tilled. Catalogue* of Music or face Lott will be forwarded froe or charge when ordered. oti lm J. MARSH. Aunt. EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB i.r.boVit.—" Mr. James Ileflak has on exhibition Several el.!. RC. Fisher's planes One of them is a secenoetave roaew,, , xl piano, full iron frame. lisiidsonie, but plain in tone is nowt excellent and powerful, and Ore price on y sill. He has also one somewhat enemy m appenranee, which hoe all the la test oiler,i ements, besides it new patent domper,which prevents the piano from getting out of order. It is fin ished inn splendid masner." 1 hese Flamm, sail a splendid assortment of various makers, are for sale front 8175, or upwards, On' cash. or 011 instalments, at JAM Eti Tril and Zillionth FIFTH lit.. above Santee. Now and second-hand Pianos for sale. owl CIIIOKERING it SONS, MANOF•CTORERS OF ()RAND, 8411 ARE, AND UPRIOR7 NANO-FORTED. WAREROOMS 1117 CHEBTR UT RTREET. Constant Ifnl store a time moan( our BEAUTIPUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUN ENIII. We icsve Wenn the thtlerent Exhitntions in this country and Rumps, ay itOl,D ANDDII.VER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS To RENT. 895-1 Y RAVEN, BACON, tt, CO.'S ) Nunns & (Mark's, Hallett. Darts, & Co.'s, and A. H. Gale & Co.'. superior PIANOS. Also. Ma son k unrivalled MELODEONS and HAR moN limit, so dosiralile for Churches and Lecture Rooms. Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. J. E. COULD, m 714-11 SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCHOMACKER .Ic. CO.. 1021 CllESTNUftitieet, loenectittlli the [mono lovinE public to call and exauttno their now and sue comical improvenkent— POE pARIOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Porno Into that of a Square Inatrument, avoiding all the objections generally made to the style of Grand Piano, also dontroshing the coat of the same. In volume, purity echoic. great Power. Idllll‘ney. fell ness. depth, and evenness of teflon, with *lsmail+) deli eery and eweetness.these . . . SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-PINISRED IN STR UM ENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest osmium Ulll5. and are pronounced by critics to be far au parlor to any instruments ever manufactured in this country, Conetantly on hand, a large and elegant ageortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums. at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cludinK the Prize Medal front the Crystal Palma Exhi bition, New York. 1t353. eel-if ST YES. THE "FIERY STAR," GAS•CON PUNTING AND RADIATING AIR-TIGHT STOVE. for Parkre. Halls. Offices. /Stores, he. The iciest economical. cheerful, anti healthy stove in the market. All who wish it heating stove that will give entwe satialaction are invited to tall and see one of the . FIERY STARS in operation at our Warerooms. Every variety of OAR Stoves BURN both Plum n and for Parlors, Kitchens, Chambers, Halls, kn., may be found in our assortment. Oar celebrated ROYAL, SEA -SHELL, rind DOUBLE-OVEN Cooking Stoves are WARRANTED, and. for excellence in operation. they CHALLENIiB all competition. - NORTH, CHASE. AND NORTH. No. 2htt North y h'CON I) e reef. STOVES! STOVES!! "" JAMES SPEAR, No. 1116 MARKET SREET, Is nowprepared to meet the wants of the outdo.. more completely in all the details of the Store trade than any other establishment in Pin ledelphia. in proof of which he invitee COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION. The following are among his own pnpular inventions, several of winch hove already obtained a national repu tation as surpassing in erect/mu and eon' evl y any other Stoves in Imo. • JAMES SPEAR in the Inventor and Patentee el the Improved (ins-burning COOkIIIK Stove. acknowledged to he the lead Stove for faintly nee in the world. JAMES SPEAR in the Patentee of the celebrated Gen...rimming Cooking Range, now rapidly corning into general tine. JAMES SPEAR in the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver'a A r-tiiiht Lina•eonioinona Parlor stove. JAMES SPEAR in the Ins antor of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stave Urn, which rom in eauty and utility m likely, thia neneon, to tie um ter !ally adopted. JA AIRS SPEAR in the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-Devine boning Pan. JAMES SPEAR in the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Ra lway-var fleeter. For all of the ahovn the len enter tore punk clams advantages which require lint to be mniorstooll Inn the public to be universally appreciated end preferred to any other artiolok of that clang in the; and lie would lierphy extend a retried invitation to all persona in want of stoves to call and ovurnine for thanisel‘ Parton wishing to examine will have every attention shown thorn, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. 41. CHARLES JONES, N 0.305 North 8 ECONI) Street, (Successor to A. 1. Gail:l,oord or mile resbectfully call the atten tion 'of those desirint; stoves to his assortment of Cooking, Heating, and Fodor stoves. I have purehassd the exclusive right to the retail vales and repairs. In Philadelphia. of Ll:Masher's Celebrated Morning Star" and " Bunrole" ons-burning Cooking Stoves. well known fur years ns the most satisfactory Stoves in the market. Also, his new Plat-top Cooking Stove" Daylight," which combines all the usollyt tin provements, and operates admirably. I also manu facture, in a superior manner, Silver's Gau-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These me the most economical and eently teenaged Parlor Stoves in VINO, alt-Inn fIAUTION.—We hereby caution all per sons not to pucker.° any Cooking Stave or Stoves with Hollow Centres or Hollow Omen Pieces on, r r rest (host , erode by us. its we are the exclusive owners of the Patent for making Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces. end we shall prosecute all persona who infringe on our Patent to the full extent of the law. STUART tk I'STERSON, Iron Founders, 03-lm WILLOW Street, above Thirteenth. MACHINERY AND IRON. EIM=I WILLTA. , IO A . MERRICK. SOUTIINVARK IOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, • - MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufaoture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, or Land, River, rind Marine service, Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Castings of all kinde. either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gm Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, kn. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latent and moat proved construerion. Every description of Plantation Machinery , sneh ea Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Detimators, Filters Pumping Engines, &e. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux is Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus ; Nasmyth's Patent Storm Hammer ; and Aspinwall & Wolsoy's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine• an b-y TAR.—Just received, a largo invoice of Tar, in auperiorlyrder and large barrel,, and for sale by WEAVER, ETTLER, & No, 03 N. WATkA, and 99 DELAWARE Av. SALES BY AUCTION. • 'FURNESS, BURLEY, & No. 429 MARKET STREET. BALE OF IM PORT ED DRY GOODR: On Tueoday Morning, October 25th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on S months croda— oteakazt:dots o f o :og;t4ll6226oogc V ia l u cx fto l 2.Tng of sale. RICH PARIS TAIN TE 4IID D RD 14011 s. FILIN DE LAINES uE On 1 ueeday Morning, RH pieces rich Paris 'muted inouslin de faints. •• " de lame robes. RICH PARIS SILL ROBES. Au invoice of rich new sty le Panssilk robes. LONDON PL ID D WWI, LL uN OOL,t; SHAWLS, WAR- RNTED A W 500 now sty to London 'lad lone shawls. PARIS REVERSIBLE WQOI. SHAWLS, .ke. 10011-4 Pans reversib o wool shawls. luu Paris brocbe lons and square shawls. 41c) cloth cloa HOSIERY n* 5,0(V DOZEN GLOUS. AND MITTS. An invoice of 5 000 dozen regular make cotton t °Wary, marl no, cotton, silk and wool gloves, wool mitts, Ac. EMBROI DE R lES. Ico lota now style needlework e hrOlderi es. LARGE SPECIAL AND 01.0.9fNG BALE OF SHAWLS. The entirePuice of HEYasons importation of NIESSII.I. IL NE(MIN & CO. On Wednesda, Morning, Oct. slth, at lu o'clock, td catalogue, on am mouths credit— A large assortment of PATHS AND BERLIN SHAWL. 9. Consisting of - Ir l all-wool richprinted Tann' shawls. —lt extra line rich Para gaulfre tricot shawls. —ll-1 very choice reversible Berlin shawls. nil-wool plaid long shawls. choice qualities. newody le all-wool Piecolononi shawls. FARO! AND VIENNA ALL-WOOL BROCHE . BRAWLS.. 1 000 square and lone kainiandirienna broehe shawls. in choice colors only, suitable to the wanted' ths Ph adeiphia tnlrkst. BLACK DOUBLE- WILLED THICIET BRAWLS, WITH WOOL FRINIA.O. Also, n hue of superior qualities square sedlopy black double-twilled fin het shawls. wok wool lrm • es. N. H.—Thee will bo the only enTerrnz to he nude thus season, as it will doss the entire Itoek of these various °lessen of seasonable shawls. PHILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 IA AP KFT Street. and kil MINOR Street HALE OF MO CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. On Thursday hlnnung, October 21th. at 10 o'clock, win en sold, be catalogue, on four months' credit, 13.50 cases men'e and Nits' boots. shoes, bro.:ans. Fatten. overshoes. Ito.: ladies' and misses hoots. shoes. gaiters, ties, slippers. Ac.. eon:l -ensing Isoge and desire'', assortment of cite and Eastern manntarture suitable for present sales. 200 CASF:Ii GIN ti HAM UNIBRELLAB. Also, samples of S) cues s instate umbrellas. The early attention of buyers is, requested. as the sale will be vet einptory. Sir Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. SALE OP READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTII MANTILLAS, SATINETS, On Friday Morning, October Roth, at 10 o'clock precisely, will he sold, by catalogue's large and desirable assortment of ready made clothing, comprising overcoats. busin ess frock and dress costs, of various materials. Also. men's and l.'s' cloth and cassoneru pants and vests, being fresh invoices from 0111 and New York manufacturers. Also, a large of ladies' cloth mantillas. Also, to sale. 254.1 pieces fancy sole stripe satinets. Also. a lArCe invoice of Scotch gingham umbrellas. fiGr Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 . CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Castes Howse. between FOURTH and FTMI Street. LARUE PALE OF BUFFALO ROBES Thu Morning October 2ith will be sold, by catalogue. commencing_ pg lati o'clinat, will lie sold a superiortstock of Minne sota butlalo robes, of luigt size arid colors. LADIES FURS. . Also, in lots and sinels pieces. for ladies' and none wear, a' full assortment of fashionable shape cape Viotorines, muffs, cud., &c. SALE OP EMBROIDERIES. TRIMMING AND BON NET RIBBONS, MILLIAERY tiOODS, kc. . . - On Wednends, forum;, October 2gth, will ho sold, by catalogue. on s credit, I•nninionoin.c At 10 o'clunk, an sasortinent goods suited tr, present sales. p 11ILADELPHIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.TFLE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, NO. 0 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. Al., fleptember 7th, 1539, Ike rollnik lug gentlemen were annnimonely elteled Directors tho Gault:4lllY, Tit CIEURGS H. STUART, H. MORRIS WALE, The ROOKS of PIUKSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY ate note open at the above named Office, where ell persona favorable to tie enter prw are respectfully minted to subsenbe. slum THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM . Chief Cabin Passage-- flooond Cabin Passage.... rants BosTOll TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin l'usease..-- -- Second Cabin Paasate. ——. 60 ratesfAlNV.l,ll7,:, c'''' i -VViy" ( %., ,e. t.i. . ARABIA. ARIA. Cap. F.. O. Lott, lAIJA . Capt. An ersOn. AFRICA.' , pt. Shannon. k: 1110 PA. Capt. J. Leitch. These veue l le o r arr h y o a curl white liet at meat-head ; f , TiesrA,".ilrdgi. d oe;',. ex c-no?r,rl;veZi . ..w. sap,. 2e. A RABIA, Plane . -- Beaton, Wednesday, Oct. b. ,t,B lA, Lott, . 1 N York. Wednesday, Oct. 12. i;ArtADA. fans, " Boston, Wednesday. Oct. 11. A FRlCA,Shannon, •~ N York, W ednes day, Oet.nS. EUROPA. Leitch. " Boston, day. 110g.2. PERSIA, Judkius. " N York, Wednesday, NO2. 2, ANI ERICA, Millar, •• Boston. Wednesday, N 02.22. ASIA. Lott. '• N York, Wednesday, Noir. U. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced burgeon on board. TI owners of these ships , w not be acoountabla for Colt , Silßullion. Specie Jewelry. PreclovEßtonvE or 2 Ws, unless bills of (adios are alined therefor and east 100 thereof therein e: reined. For Relearn' pa.- iv+ - . apply to .E. CUNARD, 4 I3owhEV Breen. slO-tf New York. ArbFOR Tin SOUTII.—CIIARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. RCM Freight tan average of IeIiSLIS per Penh be low New York Steen:eine rates. FOR CHARLESTON. 8. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STAT E. Cap tain Charles P. Marstnan, will sad on Tuesclay,Oot. lath. at 10 A. M. . . Through in 43 to 60 hours', only 40 hours at Bea. FOR SAVANNAH, Gs. The U. B. M,il Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain John J. Gary in, will sail on Sunday, October £O, at to o'clock A. M. Throne h m 68 to 60 hours, only 49 boon at Sea. 1161 r Swim.. days changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading mined every The splendidl first-class side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus farming a five-day contain nlcatinti with Charleston and Savannah, and tne South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect with steamers for Florida. and with railroa ds , for all places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE Freight and Itimirasoe on a large proportion of Goode shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. . . N.R.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all nets from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route Ss to 40 per omit. cheaper than by the Inland Route ea will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charles b in and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from. Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: INLAND /All. To Charleston-- 751600 Charleston --- vs 60 Savannah.-- 15 00 Savannah-- 31 OD . Augusta....-- DI 00 Augusta.— —26 00 Mason.. 21 ou Macon— SI 76 At1anta.......... 21 00 Atian ta.. —. 31 00 Columbus—. 2300 Columbus —..— N6OO A1bany.......... 34 00 Albany -- 37 00 Montgoxnery.... 26 00 Montgomery.—_ 5100 35 DO M0bi1e...............46 90 New Orleans.... 3) 75 New Orleans.-- . 61 00 No hilltiof lading signed after the ship has voted. For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or to . . . ALEX. HERON. Jr., Southwest corner FOETII and CHESTNUT. Afents in Ta u a rl nn t ali n ,'lTVE l fi k 1:114 ELL. For Florida from Charleston, creamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida horn Savannah, steamers St. Mary's and St. John's, every Tues,ia I and Saturday. jy33 GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—fur ef3t). GLASGOW, Thomps on, Wednesday, October 12, at 12 n nlno k. noon. EDINBURGH, Cumming, Wedneedn, October 3e, at 12 o'clock, noon' PROM GLAsCiIOW. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, September 14. EDINBURI,II. Cumming, Wedneschy, September M. Rates of Pounce from New York, rh,Rdelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, ordmn donderrti, first dims. VA Steerage, found with an Minn dance of properly mmled provisions. $33. An experienced Surgeon attached to each gagmen No elm <, Pg. niedvinex. For freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO., No. 110 WALNUT Street. Philstlelphm. ROBERT CRAIG, N 0.301 BROADWAY. New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS TOR HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAOO, Captain tunes, u - W rul July o,September 17, November 12. FULTON, Captem Wottcn, will 5211 August SO, Octo ber 15. December lu. First Cabin Pasectee•— $ 3 : l Second Cabin plumage 75 For freight or yetstastl,..aPSlY to WILLIAM rai LSON, Agent. At the Warehousing Company's Plulactelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse, DOCK Street. Phila. teZ43m MORE PROOF OF TIIE WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN HAIR REPARATOH. • •—• Thin is to cortiN that was for man) yenta, and tuna roconnneadod to In tour Reparator ; nod having procured three bottles. used it for three months, Which has caused use hair to crow, and althousli hot suite as thick no before. het it so conatautl3 crowing. JONES. No. 30 North Third street. PUILADELpIIIA. September 27th, 1669. Mr..l. F. ATONELL : Dear Sir—Some time since my hair commenced falling out. go much so, that 1 was, in fact, fearful of becoming bald; but hearing of the won derlul power of your Reparator, 1 was induced to buy-a bottle, and after using one-half of it my hair not only missed coming out. but commenced growing finely, and I have now as thick a suit of hair an ever I had. JACOB EVANS, No. 624 Cherry street. For sale by T. 11. PETERS 6, Co., Sole Agents, No. 716 CHESTNUTStreet. Philadelphia. 5026-6 m DoiNGs 1 11 THE PENNSYLVANLA STATE FAIR FOR Has. ®SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming Building,. To Ansawn GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. PORTABLE UM. BEST FURNACE. To ARNOLD Jr Witsir. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. PIART PREMIUM. BEST COOKING RANGE. Ti' ARNOLD CIIILSON'S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. 7. VAUGHAN MIRAICI, PtIRMInf. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. To ARNOLD & WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, Foo.r PE vmorst z BEST ENA3IELLED SLIM. MANTELS. To ARNOLD h WILSON. For n very hentl,omediaelay of Enamelled Slate Man tels. cry highly tintshelL and of superior workmasslop, FIRST PREMIUM. ARNOLD & WILSON. IMO CHESTNUT ttraot.l B. M. F}3..Twia.c. SilDt ®LICE`.--Span6h Queen. in prime order, `kJ' in !demand for sale A. MERINO, 020 lbr v South FRONT Street. drIILS.-4000 gallons Extra Bleached, wr Whale Oil, 100 bldg. Extra Racked 'Whale 0,1 $S tads. No I wr. Lard Oil. ZS this. No. 3 wr. Lard Oil. In atom, fur sale by 091 ItuV/LEY, AniiIORINER, & CO, SHIPPING. MATTJIEW W. BALDWLEI, CHAS. MACALESTER, AND JOIEQ EDGAR THOMSON NNW TONIC TO LITZ:SPOOL W22tL2U September 77th. ISSa SALES laY Allolloll._ M THOMAS & SONS, AA-JR-. Noe. lab awll4ll5OH YOVRTEI IMUirte Nra east e.) ratp-rtramo BALES "It a SCUTS AND AT TOE. EXCHAN E.--tardes of real and stadia will bananas be hold at LI Wiskiek atm= in the averting at 7 o'clock. B eantributere having the optioe of either Nis. lair Handbills of each yroPerta leveed rierteatelf. addmoo to wad, we publish. on the tlaterday prevanse_ to the sale, one thou catekrei to taie. g ivies fell dose options of all e wombat to be mei on the (oilmen:r Tuesday'. REAL EETATk. AT PRIVATR anis. Er We hove a large amount of roil edge at private wile, including every °ascription of city sad eoantra property. Printed hate way be bad at the amities atom PRIVATE SALE RRGISTER.. lair Real wrote entered oq oar private Ws= and advertised occesioaelly is oar public isle . lel - which LOCO copies ere printed weekly. Wee of charge. STOCKS AND,,FEAL T4TATE, TUESDAY IMET. Ova snd Ereuaa Pamphlet mtakernee now ready. containing fall de scriptions of all the propertiee to be mold on Tttendwr next at 12 o'clock. noon and I o'clock to the covetous, with a het of aales bit.ath.and 111th of Nosember, and of real estate at private tale, comPnaleg a large =MA of ialuable property. PTOCKS. &a On Tuesday. Oct Zit, et II o'clock, noon. at the ?krladeirkui Sz change. will be sold— . . 19 shares Epries Garden laser/me* Cu stoek—par I alive Anal Breeze Park Assoeratloa. I snare Phitadelphia labrars. I share Philadelphia Athensua. share :klercarsule Lquary. . . For arcaunt of wt otta it may eoeoera— I full share ta) new &harem) Ban Fraariato !sad a' tociation. TWELFTH FALL .15 . 41,16. OCTOBER 4i, AT IS O'CLOCK, NOtak, At the Eichstlee, wdl mohtde.— Peremptory Kelt —VAL1.4131,13 HOTEL, helm am the tea Meucl :•:•'treet House.' and lane Jot. Is% b 1 Z. feet, No. U North Second street. abase ,Market. - • • . • • ley tt , Ate At sofute. • - • • VALUABLE BRICK STORE AND WAILEHOYSE s No. 3:0 :tooth Wa:Pr street staws Pine. IRREDEEMABLE 'ROUND RENTS, ES and all 33-10 t) a Sear, cAr ured hr four story brick buildings GPI and oil Sooth Second street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE. NORTR BROAD ST. Two lour etory brow.: store residences, with taperiar statde and coach house. and Sarre side yards, west sidir of Broad street, south of Girard arenas. VALUAB' E FARM AND COUNTRY BEAT. n Acres, on Old York turnpike, eNi miles from Wtlluw Grove. - . Pe re el p• ry Sale—For aceonat of thorn it may earl cern —Twi TB R E-STOK BRICK VW EL imes. AND LARGE LOT. N. K. cornea of Thirteenth and Poplar atrolta. Alen. THRI.K-BTORY BRICK !worm AND P W E u , 4dlo•am; on Thirteenth gime SIAo!IGA. HANDSOME Hi..SIDENCE, 10. 1796 Vise aireel. e‘r I.o‘mn squarw. . HANDSOME ESIDENCE. watt side yard. sublet, and each bowie, No. 7.511 Guard nrenne. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Na. 34.1 North Front street. HANDSOME BROWN STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1510 Yi nn etreet. EELlcamediate possession. BUSINESS STAND—Three-story brand store and dweatat, a:adman corner of Twelfth and Lombard streets. NEAT RF 9 IDENCE. N 0.1911 Fines:rest THR EE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N. Hat South Filth street. Peremptory Sale—FINE-STREET MARKET HOUSE. ,no street. west of Nineteenth. Ateo. TH HEE-STORY BRICK DWELLlNG,adjois int the mt.,. mu. Sale absolute. both properties. HANDS° tIE RYSIDENCE, with large tante.. No. 1327 Spruce street. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, Chostnnt Hal. 'with four sere. of land and fine improvements—Um residesets of Pr. Smith. ELEGANT COUNTRY HEAT. TORRSDALEorni I', acres and good improvements, adjoining the 111311- deuce of Charles Mae-abater, Esq. THIRTEENTH PALL. BALE. OCTOBER 13. .AT 7 . O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING. Executor s Peremptory Sale—Estate of Ells-ate* Lento. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. IDA Pamunk Dud, below Wharton street le o &is also lute._ Ereeutor's eAle—Frtate of Maria /Rile. dee'd. HANDSOME BROWN-STONE R.EdIDEXCE, I. '.4 Weinat street. • • Peremptory •ale fur aeoount of whom it any waver& THREE-SIOHY BRICK DIVELLL'IG Letterly St., west of Amber street, Nineteenth ward. 1e3,„ Sale ab solute - - Boremptoiry Bale—F.tate of JAL Ifen_pos doe'd. ItEl.-..,TORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 13S North hixteouth atreci, above Cherry. B 3 Bala et* lute. HANDSOME DWELLING. 218 Iscuier = between Spruce and PILO, and Thirteerta and street• NEAT DWELLING. Na.l93Cailowhill street. Peresuptmy SaIe—BUSINDAS STAND.—Three-dory br,ek store and dwellm‘, W. corner of Twentieth and Lombard aroma. isx. Sale stwoluts. TH Itt.E. STORY TRICE SHOP. Sartain street. south of Girard avenue, between Tenth and }]math streets. TWO BRICK DWELIANGS aed VACANT LOT, Foulkr,xl street. Twentrohtrd ward IFreakferdt. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. 1 lleZ Addison street. south of etre street. TAVERN AND LAGER BEER SALOON, AND DWELLING. Canoe - hal and Csrltun streets, west of Fifteenth street. _ T'ACI . I.IWELLINOS, Federal anti Falk streets, new Hampton. FOURTLF.NTH FALL SALE—NOSESEBEH Ist, AT la O'CLOCK. N0..01. - . Trwitoes' esloL Istt al . ./eel: T. Auks. dee d. t'Al.ij BLS.. ti o. 1319 Cheedust street, built furnished rn a superior msncar. la. !razor ft.i11..0311-: MODERN RESIDENCE, Mo s s es Pine streoi Lot 21 lir kg feer. fintesdists posion. Er resistors FR &ILI:It:NTS iIoTEL AND MARKET Y A RD:' ilerainstoirn road. near Se verer. street. Lot 13/ fee: front-1W feet deen. Rsim s!soluts. . . . Trustees' Fele—rstete ol thdenn Seel]. Owed. LARGE AND ELEtiANT RESIDENCE, No. ea 3 1 ' 1 " A ° .{ l u trlAl i• WALISI7T-ST REST RE MDE Nell, No. X3l. east of Eleventh. 111 Inmertrata possesslon. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. sr - Winkle sant,No. 52../Frankhn street. above Spites tlerdeso„ lIANDoOME MODERN RESIDS.NCE, No. MI Chestnut street- Ye rern,pwry task.—MODERN DRF.LLING. K a. ITU NlEnint ernno at rect. west of Eternal'. E3,_ Sian Ow lute. VALUABLE PROPERTY, knowna " s 17...'0f FORK WORKS"—.coos will. 6 dtrellincr.shorfaica "- Thor .. 8 . hp?. Gennsetowo. THREE STORY BF.ICK WiTELLING.NO.9S6I. 4 IOIIn Fifth attain. &Mrs Poplar. IIUaINEStiaTANLin AND DIVELLINGF.—Two-and hrick stay* And threlliza, No-9ts Cocael Mee', with three-stoni bnch dvettung in the tear, tat *Oka Street. FIFTEENTH F 'C ALL r I,I7.—NOTtAIBER M. AT OLA Eierotnre ts.V.—Estsm of Thomas Hudgis, deed. „ _ . 5101 IF RN DWELLING, No. NM Wallace street late Senn: Garden). THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 14 Clhaatt street date Collage ****** Opt. ate rhs I^rsatka Marker THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. a St Stephen's rises i rear of St. etephea CkatehhOrlratat the Erankbn Market. ELLI,ANT MODERN RESIDENCE. No. IT* Ram street. tear Logan b.saare. lllM_lcemediate rolasalans. YALUABLKIESIDE•CE. Mt Web swim, inset of El ehth. _tn._ I mmedinte postma.. NEAT DWELLING. N 0.1515 Marabsll street, above Oa ford. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. ICS Rodosa street. between Nt nth and Tenth and Lombard sad Festa streets. EA IA: OP VALEA BL - E — . )3o - 0K.4 - ._ !INOLL9II Laff Everette. . et the Mellott Sane. a coiled= of vnlinble nauceliameous books. London W Aaatnesat ed air For farther particulars &se estakques. SALE OF f;ERMAN PLOWER ROOMS, On Tue.: Wornatt- October Ztrt. at LI o'ekvt, s the ..A.nebon Biers. I .26.1... F of eurerior G , rsean flower recce, contemner.** turonb acsaitmont hraeinthe, behips: sucus... cattle, crocuses, Zs:. Ore eair to be sold to bob. be tence by the ease. Pale at rt.. 130 and 11l f.onth Femrtt SUPERIOR FURNLTURE. b - r+ CH-PMMIR. RC'RS, NANO FORTE. BRUSSELS C.ASPETS. On Tharsday Stomas. At it o'clock. at the Auctiell Mors. an ansortnasat of excalient second-hand funutare. elegant presto Autos,. line remora, carpets. etc.. from farrulint &elms& heave keeping. removed to the store for concealer...* of sale. Pale No 1017 . Not:le 327114- GENTEEL 1160iHULD i 4 EL4 CARPETS. he cht Fr' Horne. . . Z3th inst.. at 10 o'clock. at Na. IPI7 Noble street canter of Illdge avenue, the genteel hoasehold farmtnre, &c., ore c ant lemon dectimac hnusAkeepmc.compradirt Par lor. dam; room, and chamber fermium, ass fiitares, pair Nankin Clans vases, en,ranngs, Brumes carpets. he. Also, several ladies' and gentlemen's saddles sad bridles. ig"' May be ex.htuuted on the morning of sale, at II o'clock. AT PRIVATE SALE—PR ILOROPHICAL APPA RATUS. A complete set of philosophic-al apparatus, inverting order. a portion nearly now, and the best London scale, comer sine se's or tinestnatic. electrical. galvanic, che mical, and hilBCeii/Lieoo3 apparatus. Can be seen et the Auction Store. JM. GUM.III 7 Y t SONS, • REAL ESTATE No. No. no WALNUT EMLEAT. CA RD.—J. M. Otunme7 & Sons, auctioneers, boll regular sates of Real Baste, Stooks, ke. A lso holm bold funuture et threlltm. sEa. Cu our Ynrate eels Register will eteale be &lead it Tory large. amount of real estate. int:datum even de seriatim of 0117 and countrr 'prope J. M. GIIMMIY rty. 80 tB. Reel Estate Brokers, No. I X WAINuT Street. below But*. 31 0SES NATHAN S, A Malt/MEE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. B.R. OINVIrt SI if H and R ACE Streets- NA THANS' GRFAT SALE OF FORFEITED GOOD& :AU LOI OF FORFEITED COLLATERAL& On Tueatiar Morning. N'"."‘l'r lat. at Itt o'clock. at 1.4 t 05 .. an es a a. lq . atlt em an . a u • Ann bon store. a Su t 4 outheast corner of S Fill be .0147 . . . MO 1 (Yrs OF FORFEITED GOODS. Constrain:. tc part, of superior overcoats. Raglan., rick coats, frock and dress coats; cloth , eassimer., and other pantaloons; vests of vc , 10111 kinds; superiorcost, pant. and vest patterns; elegant silk velvet. satin. and silk dresses and dress patterns; superior broths. !Stella, Ba. State. woollen pilud, Canton crape. silk. aim other shim ; !silk velvet chaks. circuLars. boasques ,• silk and cloth dusters; irculars. dusters, basques , and mudd ing ; gentlemen 's shawls, boots, shoe,. umbrellas, dry goods. trimmings. brucatelles for cabinet-makers. un der-clothing, quilts, blankets. spreads. patchwork coun terpanes condortables. sheets, /sc.; fine feather beds, ingrain, Brussels. and other carpets, fine &dm, ed flutes, fine o lobes. accordeons. opera glasses, cutlery, car penter's cots. mathematical instruments. manioc, fitstorical, sod other books, travelling trunks, cart et-hazs, double and fowlinC pieces, Pod' ils. leather. )ant roes, watches, jewelry . and a lbOU• sand other c.rtiolists N.ISATILOS. Mtl4lE2 TO LOAN, IN ;ARGIL OR eMILL /..11(OGIITS OR merchsndi se generally, and en all articles of vale. Ali ACMS OVFR ONA Iir\DHED DOLLAR! TWO Pat CENT. 1:34 e t osLn, includir.g storage, to., at Nathand Putnam': hetablishment, S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Sts OREA'r PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. NICKS LIT ! MONEy ! t MONEY!!! Korey lib •rsity advanced :n large or email amounts. ficm ore ,101'sr to thousand, on gold and elver dismounts, hea. jewelry, fouling-pieces, musical in strunients. immure. dry goods, clothing, groceries, co g• •r_+, hard. are, cutlery . and al! art::: •ts of value, for any length of time a. on, at NAT I.A NE,' PRIMAL EITABLISSILENT, TOO' Plat corner of mill and Race streets. P ROM I tSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the Iv" eat market rams. tol'. LOITIS, MO- WILLIAMS & BOYLE. AUCTIONEERS vt l CONINIBBION haIRCIIANTB. No. North MAIN ET REEL Br. Loy ,s, iformerlY Watt Metre. Al ) er ,, , Ciagilolll .t l'hiladelpiun.) offer the., service.. to the merchant., rnnufactrizers. and others of PhAndelphis. fir the 3 ! e of err goods, carpets. hen tn. nhozs. hardware, )ewelrY , &c" &c. lA_ mash advances made on receipt of goods. 88U:to-mots made three days after sale. REIIKRIINCH 3 . ?dente. M ) ere, Cliochorn. .h Phila.. & Brother . " Stuart StuPhila. Yon wy , k . T o w n send, & Warrens, New YOtka & B. Curtis & Co., " gw oo Christy, & Bt. Loaie. Mo. Crow, McCreary, w-1, HOTELS. I%IURRAT /LOUSE, Nr...-wARx. OHIO, I. the largest and best arranged Hotel in central Ohio is central!) located and is easy of atoms from all the routes of travel. It emanate all the modern improve ments. end every eortventeeme for the comfort and so commodatmn of the travelling pribhe. The Bleeping Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Suites of Rooms are well arranged and carefally famished foe Cam dies and large travelling parties; and the Home will be kept as a first-clan Hotel In every regret. R. A. .RORRAI & BRO. Proprietors. THE UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD_ P H L DELP LIPTON & NEWCOMEAR. /ELLA. The situation of this HOTEL is supenotty adapted to the wants of the Busmen Public.; andto those in marl* of piemture. Passenger Railroads. which now ran pant, ant ( in Mono proximity, afford a cheap and plesaant nste to all place& of interest in or about the WY. i 7 154111 WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING AND IRONING DONS i r ii t ie r l E tZ NE!, rgIFFPIM: f iLVs l ; Bobcats Hotels. Steninntsita, &n., at DONOVAPP• FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. =I youth SIXTH Strut, corner of Prune. &arta and Collar. patent Wished. Everything weaned by band, on the sow mon -na The wtolehtvlineil striotly atimsaid bkieffige opereatree. jirs. DOXOY 11}-14 Bairenademileati M:fitiEEMß3l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers