S, , MIN BOBBTRIVAOIk. -- % - - • - ' • • - • - - - otthw phila9fp_hilinxeh'initei ?AP 1814ANO, 110;;Oet Sl- 4 1 P Bliinli%agoi revile* tirleans.-Wetit to-sei. Poiret. , rkfaiillefo'hernt - btilia; Wont in after 4"ie 1( 4 " V " t° be PleVird ' rerd a i n dson, fox! rtsTittk l eirei n g ° 4l l- bi l ii, !m it: • !Rd- N Ma ry . -71100:11, .4ueitr43. ItiorterAnidenboot tbo'Fbilsataft mcohange.)' 4 fin Bel, Oot. sk, 'Pin barks. ON- NU , . and quite a fleet of schooners -passed to se.gyostorder.With the wind strong from N t thalYstito ore snorl io'be , the White Wing and AzolirLoßritt B li tiobe Welt'. one herrn brig Mad two sohnodonvonfisniek: Cirlpiete now remaining at the harbor. The wiudb twen wrong 'from -ma d erthwest the lantAiitti daystatid , Oulte' winterish ice yes terdarwitititing errednarter snob think. Wind light this morainalian Si NW. and cool. . • WM. AL RICKMAN, - • ; foi ^ wrennondence of The'Press.)'" - me.; • • Now Yonk.Oottr. Arrived; ship Logan. fronninovre ; bark Zumuri fr o nt rdersesastlurk Elise Born, from Bermuda.. -- Below. bork'J A Lee: from Turk'sieland.' - , -A ro , nehooner 'of Colonial build was seen on fire (no da ta)n lot WO, loos 72 N. She was about 160 ICUS burden; and noon afterwards sunk. ' - '1" BOSTON. 002.22. Atried. ship Sohn , froni,Tabiahuano • bark Mari' Annelitoia Havaila Ville, Spitfire, from port au Prince. and schr Gen Weans, from do. - • The,litia.4l-& .1 o.ollmm - woo wrecked on Fortune Island Clot ad, With a full cargo for Boston. • Now ORLHANN, Oct Yr. ' Arrived, ship Par West, from Nei , York. - t3AVAtittAlf. Oat 27. , Arrived; ships RA Hein and Shawmut. from N 'York. =" OHaHLHeroN, Oct 22. hi the oting, ship Lamoset, from Boston. ' , l4.tha - 17R.Atrik*: • tte.shii, Pennsylvania, TealOteueo 4t Richmond 214 inst. , Stott - 401W Diabf.,lintlins; from oW. rock ; for Mt venni avant tt, pea from Charleston 19th inst. Sten whip' Phinens liprett. uo.lll.rathews, oCtl at Boston I : l A:ll:% i rgrist, i uttft:74, fiiim airived et Li- Verenoltb ' - t - 110.r4 -0 .03n: Potteiu from Shields r Philadelphia, sillodinal Dog 6thrirkst. Site Zephyr, Anti, for Ban Francisco, cleared at New Yeric 21st last, Sin 0 -Ptannan•Wataon, Lain-elle, remained at Malaga - ;' In Elva. Collitus,leneci, arrived at Hanoi - salt 124 Shifißobert qnshitian, Otis, hence, iiivived at Saran nryt 224 init. , -Bark-Oak:M.lonm, harken, arrived at Boston `2lld fist. 'Rut' Charies,Edwm,,Lattlelolts, eleared Boston 21st mit ferNmile -Jarman, r • • Bark ° Mahlon,Willimosokfiebariforth, at,lio tie Ja , u Ire Mk ult. from _l3ahs; - - - 6' , lottssi lir,. Rally, :ailed from Rio Janeiro Ist Mt tot Baltimore: • „ , , , Bark hence for Boston, sailed' from Holm& Hole 20th lost, . • • Bark DsvtdlASslsy t BsikoY., cleared at New York 22d lost for Marseilles.- Bark -' Charlotte -E' Tay, 'Hughes, hence, arrived at Richmond 21st fast. Bria,Neausters, Viewer. h ence at Perrounimeo.itigust 2lst,r, tirik'Amelia.3llrem) .Etabhert. sided from Broutrers loltierreth trier for this port. having repaired. • ?tic ' , Nova Brava, Noarpati. turncoat London ad met. !la Qcenn Peaboyer. for Philadelphia. cleared at lath mat. - '' • ' - • thi4 Triumph, blorhusan, hence, arrived at St John. N ldth ,nat. ' • " Brig Samna' Fran'ol,_Parreit. for Philadelphia, from Eastport. smiled from Holmes' Hole 2rith inst. Sohn, Entail*, Thatcher, and Broadileld, Plak,oleared at Hoehn Met met for this port. Se hr hf cleared at New York .12,1 met for Phi ladelphia.• - Schra 'lt 13 peati, Cook. henna (or Taunton. and It 14 , tchall t Haus,Ro far New Haven, arrived at N York 2lat mar. ee'orr:o Irrankback, Scudder, cleared at Nov York and tut for ' • Behr. l 4..Ch"vier.,Brower, from Providence, arrived at Sinatra ria alit met. - • • . Sohn, Nara'', Wooster, PT Carroll:Chapman: and To ainh, Anderebn, for Philadelphia, sailed fromEastport lith inst. . Bohr' afarrinatclier. 'Crosby, for Philadelphia, sailed front Eastport 16th inst. ' " Kansa Adolfo. Kay. from St John, N B. for Philadel phia, sail , id film Eastport Inth inst.' Bohr Chu Habib,' Dunbar, hence, arrived at John, NB. 1 8 W Bth net: hr j hilden, Smith, hence at Providence Blot SchrJnoFerrium, Crowell. frdin Providence. at New- Port 21er inst. to load mimics for Philadelphia. Bohr darah Clark, Orillini-lience for Boston, woe at FAlrrin met, - • • SO via IR Shitildiola. Williams, sailed from , Hartford 2int not rot Philadelphia. SchrirE C Itnielit. Allen Ur, P 43 floilth, 11 St v Crainentn , l Richard Thompson, stilled from Pro vidence = inst, for Philadelphia. Sohn, Perch I-Tedium.. Clandy.•Amelia Iteckhill. hence, and 0 Doeson Snow, from Baltimore. arrived at Provi dence Slst inst. •• • • • - Bahr Lewis MM. Hooey, railed from Providence 21st Inst., Ca. Philadelphia. Hahn H Brown and Vermilion, for Philadelphia, sailed frnni Newport 2lat feet; all others repotted ar- TlVeri.l7th, nth. 10th, andieth. reinitined. Rohr hi Reinhart,. Peterson, cleared 'at Savannah 20th inst. for PhiN.delphia. with hit bsles cotton, 21 do woe to, 21 , d0 ilomoi.S;ca and sundries. , Hohr Cozeilint Nona. hence at Norfolk list moat. Sabra .1 ti Stifle, Hoffman, lance. end T P Limed, Btrowbridro. from Gearketorn, S C, arrived at Wil minaton, N 2lst Mg. - Steen-tot J K NenfiA. sirhyy, henna for Itavana, &ei cleared at C irloetnnlet4i mat. ,„ ProPellere Beverly, - Pairoe jrnnaidee, Vardar- Veer. cleared at Near. rork illet t 'ion Pluladolpina. 'HOLMES' HOLE, Oet 2tl-4tir brig Tangier, Pendle ton. Phil* elphia for Ekl• ton. Bohr.. Everglade, Watts, Philadelphia for Salem* Re boron Nuisht , Endicott, Boston for Philadelphia; 'New .re nay. d o for New Bedford. Bailed-Orin se Crosby: Bohm Snow Squall, Mina Man. 0 rA I,lemktm_har. Mims Jameson. Delmont, J Wilhamton. , , Fidatitt, , Georgia, D Mershon. Z Stratton; Halo, - , Caroline net, Smith - Tuttle. Eva Belle, BWl4llon, an _d r Sanders. 4L 21st -r bus Wm rtlekehs. Strout, Philadelphia for rhoam; sc,ha 9,oht Corson, Corson, dolor do; Sharon, urlow • o forNewhntyport ; Jag Stonebank, Lake,, o ftir retantudket ;- NOrtheni , Light, Endicott;' John oudwaltador, raVIOT, sad Beulah E SharD.Maiha w. Ooston for Pnilanelphial • , - ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LdSi N IGHT. (Per additional Arravais .reaTourth Pagel %HARD HOUSE-Dhoetntit et., hit)ote s Ninth. II W nu° whet Jr.Porto RicoH ri Paid - ca, Wrist' 0 W Kendall l Washington 1 4 0 Wilostß.-il rag Marsha I. Balt, - Mama. enesuel .. R E Pon% Salt it. Brigham, Bavitune.h . Prinks. is Y -" B Tripp, R I C Barrows, I Isaac Ronigßalt P.Vins,,Rl • --- -- , • _PR Eliftori,,N C y -- S-Roils-2S t - - ' -AA endraArrorN-Y - - Wilktisuatimetuoiet - Ms Church. artuctet ohnOallasher. By . • Bloat J Rendes, Boston 11 damn, Boston NS Bradlee &, la,-Boston . J , &monis #c la, VS ' . Dudley Bush, lip i5 °. 517.3:1:7:14110. Mass 0 gt°,s*.f:,`'R. Ibins C Bentr: wft4h,,,,tm, ~ ~ f 0 Johnson, Via' allrerster. Norwich • -•-. li Morris ,& la, Detroit WA. Shepard, Troy, l'i Y ,J ohn T Johnson * Oa _ ._ JONES -110T.EL-Chletnnt Street, nbove &nth, W Rotude non; Pe. , V B Bluish, Pa ' Beaty, Idd - •H James, aid B Orrin,. htd - ~ '. B Brunner & lit, hid ll rei B danteh . 2ifd - blies 811 Ranter. hid It obasonil , rllteburg J B Rex, ViekshnrE - V alor INNIS „ - 051 Banat. .1Y Y 0 H Spencer, i Y Oeo Arbuckel, Ohio . - AMERICAN ILOTEL—Chestunt ahoVe Fifth. Ny. P Dreamland, Va Broem. Fhila C D Wilcox. Nashville ToGilweiv. D hlackay,N y • • Yadyllatii Germany. - - FRANKLIN 110118Fi-Chestnut Street, above Third. Wm Newton. Roston - • -11ie arrie be rg J Moore, NJ - ,yogi: N _ WAD trancart,Nn, N Y 11. warts. , Cmoinnati = 11.Wertheimer. Cincinnati W Idopter-tia • -- - Ri r Petere, Newark. Del . SPECIAL, NOTICES. l'irticK:—PrOcisor o.'B. Fowler re mains hi:Philadelphia thie week only, having Arranged to commence a Course °flea tures In Wont Cheater; on MONDAY' EVENING' next. and an'Jle usually erowiled the last. thiric of bin Mai, lot thane - who would avail therneelvee of his life-lona azperieace call imuls distal, ag,922 cffp3Tlll3T!itreet: likely turar Imam another opportunity. Pmf.ltOWLEgJwsmOlM requentorill,LECTUßE THIS EVENINO at WEST VIIII.SpELPAILA HALL, Corner 'of PARK and MAR. • . Toil VIAL' l!nvicif.i.ll is restored to de 4 eayed hair, and &healthy tone given to the soalp, by the tole or 3ULES uauEt. , B EAU ATIIENTENIVE lIAIE REaTOILItIt., thus preventing baldness, where it exists throngli nga Oisioktiese; it renews lie growth, teetering sn htdra and whiskers to the , soft, glossy, orlsinaleolor, of life:: It'll not dye. ; Sold by all Drussiste, and by JULTit:RAUEL St 00.,110. Tot 011EsTPTUT Boost, —' - irat-aulteatW Tux - ' l ltt,cox Asv GIBBS BZWING M onism, fl CHLlTNUT , Btre,tat.TPltgadelphils. , oral-tf &i44pitiaiB6 11 - 0-P.Roor SONB.—A very Itrivasortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reaaon able Vilealfi No. 9e4 ORESTNIPP Street, Philadelphia. &Otiti s • EVANS & WATOON derownn Arounu• FAXILi frvue-Macinims, 4 LT SIDIJCZD 2 , lltbitii - Tomporaels at elio.i*Vroidorsy.. Teton to Na: 4$ In s law Teets. CIAB 4 LAMP DzPoT—Mvn e n Auou. • as t-sm Wm! Coou4ll - 11ji WILT OHNUINE ARTIoLE - r0iII4III!) 1 1/NsIi TRH GROWTH OP THE HAIR rnittaw t $011"g1 GOWN, tdrmafaetered from genuine sod pure COCOA-NUT OIL - 'figs viteetle preparation is rapidly hthinK the place of every'othir eriiolitiow ftt use, as It restores the hntr to Its sate - M . oolot and brAilanoy. A siege • trial will ritlttir sitthet— , • It promotes the sroesh ottho hair t It Prevents the haft tellies ; It kills ere32felnesee dandruff; It glee; nevlifo to the human haii; It mare. the hair rich aid slams' t It is the most perfect Artiele for dressing the hair ; It do disagreeable odors - it le ditrereut fr6ra any Artiate made. as It leaves unstick, substance; And is the only erti-le diseavered for promoting the health Rini iitrsngth of the hair, SMALL 80TTL85..•........, LARGE 80TTLE5..... ... ' TO he had at the following planes O. 17. BOWE - gixth and 'Vine streets. CALRWLINEEBLBS....TweIith and Race stream, Bn*Alirli,tAltßlSFL....Bighth and Arch streets WlLLtAikt sYLOR. ,‘....Meth and Base streets. ANBROSESMITIL.. ....Seventh an Chestnut Its. TAYLOR & - CO . .. . ;Ninth and Cheotenit streets 0. S. HUBBELL ' ' ":„.1410,Cheatinit street. E. R. PEROT , 1Z23 Chestnut street. W, J. O,inTER ... . Chestnut' sts. Dr.l4.*MOßßlSChi......fleienteentli, and Chestnut riis ISAAC It: ICAYr.A. ' Eloyenth end Arnh streets. J. P. liIPPINcOTT let Neitli Fifth Area:- • I•. Mr EHANUEL........EIetenth and Vine streets. I W. 119911tHie'... - .'..'..- .- •••••1429 Market street. ' HENRY RITTENHOUSE Sixth and eallowhid stir. A. W. , FA:ROONS..... • - Franklin and ealtowhill ets. g. E. TTOON• • • • • • • • -...Ninthind Vine stieeti. , TIto4AVRAAVPR..-...Eighteenth and Vine sta. -' J. W•• Mkt ES - k'S'INS.. i..kixteentb and Market els. „'l'. F.'. ST Ht .. -. . - t . : ,Eir hteenth and Market ets. THOUAK 8. UAEN ' ' Twelfth and cellowhill ets. •11, 4„.1:10WF;R: n ....,.. : - . - .Bixth and Green streets OE 2: J.SCATTEtti .. ii9o..Fitth and , Ortllowhill streets, ',A: I.V.TAMO if.'.;, . ;•... ;; Ninth and Walnut itthets. •- -T, r,ANOASTER• ....: .. . . Eleventh and Walnut etc •- = .110.0 T. F.NArliTlfeßi..Thirteeinth and Walnut ate. - ALVAH ti_LTAT.E4 •-...• • • ..1' itte_enth and Locust streets. H. W. INISEHP Fleventh arid Mt:Vernon eta •• D.l; STAiii 1C.N.Q1.1NE.,... ~Eighth and Greed streets. .. IL-B. TAYI.Oiv - ,;:,,,Tinth and`eallOwhill streets : W. TfIOhiPSON:::,... -- .NeiiinteentliandWitahlasyn. . I A: Pii'itiAterVtilts,: -- 4`.:. - .BicAlid 4:124 Ifni,* itrei3td.. ' . • , _isEC).I*V4PWPAPP;' , ' ,3/ 4iiitiLink Nplt7 l o6l )00. • .- T .:- 0VPAAt 1 1018.14.;...:, i.'l3i4th ald PdOtai Streets, • • -_ • H..-wo‘THONElitkii;l; - .'Hixth and Peirrhili down's: l• ' . '4;_,ItHoNNOV,T;=;. -- i•ii.•. - ..'; Tenth and Osden streets." R.fli .kiAltle.littedSi;..:•'- t lr.Tenth rinnoitterratrasts. , : tle . :4tto , 13. SHlNHRS,i;;Seirtiiithand Sprawl , /streets. 1 " 61. AIL. 414NCIIPtt.',.:i8etiontrkenth .and•l•opuet ate, AM 'tieltsi.P.l4 61144 ~"Pir Nisi, th: apt Mitrifet its. -,..f' TR i)ripi".o4:4P;.: - ..P1 teenth and Race 'streets,: . - l''' , ~..,:oti * , SO . N - : - : .fteoend:aboch,Rgeentreet. ',AVA_Vi-4 • : •-teteeettifTo 4441 Y; itANCY,HEAL '--. Aittialaii'parja ,Skok,arent,.;„;:THALON'A...,SeNr : - 441410448sitor_i .-vlt 'llithuttollo NOW Yorks ~,...,-' ISE AMEN It.ILVING „FUND—NORTHWEST Clonstr. Snconn 'au - WAPMr fitrisetaw-DA posits ra mmed in email and largtlifiVolMPii rtonr 9ll dams of 'the community, and alloweintereet at the rate of live pet Mint per annum. Money may be Drawn by Oiots ',about logs atm. Offam open daily', from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 91n the eveninP. Premdent, :FRANKLIN FELL Trearraret and SeoretarT, CRAP 6. MORRIS. U=M WHEELER & WILSON SEWINO MAOIIINES• =Philadelphia. office. 68 CHESTNUT Street. , Merohante orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. ' Branch 'offices in Trenton. New lotion and Beaton and Westohestend'e• selimtm 1100FLAND'S GUMMI' Bursas will posi tively oure ,Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &0., &o. 001 , LAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL Will" Positively ours Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &0., &o. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., OEI ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers generally. Price 75 oeutn per bottle. . ee2i-tf "SCENES IN corionEssioNAL B JOSHUA R. GIDDINOS, • . of Olio, A LECTURE REBORE THE HARRISON tarmArty tronruTz. of Philadelphia, AT CONCERT HALL, Title (MONDAY rICYZNING. Lecture to commence at eight o'clock. dmiesion Twenty•five cents Tickets to he' had of the members, at the principal book tome; and at the door on the (ironing of the lecture. - r.G.,,fit.fig.1,141,--aryietr;;„D.4..tvitrDcAT evening,Oetnhar 2athott 8 Otelook. will deliver a lecture on PUBLIC OPINION, at CONCERT HALL. Chest nntstreet. Ticket. LO cents; for sale at moot of the Bonk and Muni° gores, and by the Janitor ofthe Epie eopal Academy, nor. Locust and Juniper streete.o24-3t r"SCENES IN CONGRESSIONAL LIFE." TO-NIGHT. - -- frrBUSINESS MEN'S DAILY 'UNION PRAYFE MEt TINA.—In onneoquence of the occupancy of Joy no's Ball, on Monday, the 21th loot., the NOON-DAY rRAYFR NEETf *CI will be tempo rarily removed to SANBO74-3 I BEET CHURCII, San som street. above Eighth, and will be continued there nob] further notice. It T . THE ILLUSTRIOUS at 01V THE ILLUSTRIOUS DEAD, at CONCERT HALL T fir• MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TR stated rnaetint of the Association of the Hoard of Trade will be held at the Hall of the Board, OHE , TNUT Street. THIS t Monday) EVENING, Ot.tober 2ith, at 7t o'clock. LORIN BLODGET. .It Secretary. firJ.III32I4INGS AT CONCERT HALL TO ."'n PEOPLE'S' LITERAR Y INSTITUTE The Second I be '— livered at CONERT e ff t a B I, o .o . r ri I VANPILLT erge' de Z October 27th by G. W. CDR T to, Esn. AND GILT IN YOUNG AIVIEFULIc.' Tickets f r the Course Ilitula Tickets, adinittinc one, 25 cents: Admittinc one centleman and two ladies, 50 cents; tor eels at the bookstores. 024-4tif GIDDINOS AT CONCEPT HALL TO NIGHT. WE. THE UNDERSIGNED, DO RE TURN our our most sincere thanks to CRIOKER IN & SONS, for kindly_ gi,vint its the , 139 of ono of their fine Pinups at each of our Concerts hero. and also in Boston. 'And also to PROP. DOYLE, for kindly ye lunteerina his services as apianist at our 'moat at Concert Roll. MYERS arsr KRS. It* fa. REMINISCENCES Or THE ILLUS TRIOUS DEAD. TO-NIOIIT. lirT. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS SOCIATION of PHILADELPHIA.—Thn regu lar Mnnthly Meeting' will he held nn next MONDAY EVENINii. Oct. 24th i et 75‘ Weiner, in tho PIPTH BAPTIST CHURCH.. SANSOM Street. below NINTH. An Essay will he rend nn -" Christian Activity." by Mr. OEOHGE McFARLANE. A fell attendenee of the members is marinated. The public, reepeatfally invited. Galleries reserved for Wiles. 02.21 JOHN WANAMARER. Cor. See'y. "SCENES IN CONGRESSIONAL LIFE," rXR W 1 0 °C Tj1 DTONPRESBTPRIA CH URCH now i_n pro gress of election on TiOGA Street. west of BROAD, IDeo Yolentt) be laid on MON DAY. Oet.'2-ith, at 23‘ o elneh when a eolteetion will be taken to aid the enterprise. - Addresees will be delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Brnittord, Chambers. Shepherd. Duffield. end Jenkins. ACCPIIB b r the Uermantown earn. either from NINTH and OREF.N Streets. or by the EIORTH-Street Line. stopping at Timm street. oT3-2t• CLAY. RNI I a CALHO UN IA . WME. BS TER. BEN TONNOEWTRAIA tTO-NIGHr.BUCHA- I rr 01%TeCIPa T T lAN S" 81/N MEN'S Npricp..-The annual election for officers and men tion will take place on MONDAY. Ootohor 2ith. from 8 0. M. to 8 P. ISS., at the rooms. 1009 and 1011 CHEST NUT Street. JOHN WANAMAK ER, 021-31 Cor. Secretary. "THE OLD MAN ELOQUENT." at 14`_75 CONCERT HALL TO-NIGHT. Erb DAVID PAUL DROWN, ESQ.. WILL lecture before the Philedelphie latcrery Insti tute. sr the mueram. FUND HALL. on THURSDAY EVRNINO, Oct. 27th. at 8 o'clock. Subject—THE PAS SIONS. c A mortion of the proceeds will be quelled to che.titable purposes. 'rickets 25 cents , to be hod et ell the, bookstores, and front the moulbere of the Insti tute. 7t* THE STUDENT IN CONGRESSIONAL rf r: istory shuuld visit CONCERT HALL TO WORT. • GIIKATID BANK—PIIILADELPtitA, Ott- T'r toner 18. 1859. Notice le hereby evert, that an election for thirteen director& to serve for tho ensuing year. will be held at the DAIMON HOUSE, on MONDAY. November 2net, between the been; of 10 A. N. and 2 P. M. The annual meeting of the vtockholders will bo held at the same place, on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o'clock -t M. oclBn2l W. L. &CHAFFER, Cashier. 3W".SOENER IN CONGRESS ioxat, LIFE," 3 TO-NIGHT. vg riSlaxArite— Department of MINES. ART and M ANUFAO Tit Es,—Course of 1859-GO. The course of Lectures in this Depertment will commence on MON DAY, Novem ber 21st, 1859, and will be continued IUI follows Mechanics end Chemistry.—Prof. John F. Frazer, Monday and Thursday at s P. Geology and Minemlogy.—Prof. Charles B. Tres°, Tuesday and Friday at 4 P. M. Civrl'Engineerinß—Coastructton.—Prof.Fairmanßo gers. Alliday and Thursdny at .5 P. ht. Anent! Matheinatice— Surveying . --Prof. E. Otis Ken dall en AY at +5 P. M. Minim.—Prol. T. Peter Lesley. Tuesdny at 15 P. M. A. course of Mathematics may be followed by those who desire to do so, under the direction of the Professor of Mathematics. The costae may be attended either singly or together. The I.eetures will be oentinued until the end of March. For Tickets Inlay to Frederick Dick. Janitor, at the University—North Building. .And for information re specting' the studies, to FAIRMAN ROGERS, Dean of the Faculty, 0018-101 • - , N 0.202 West Rittenhouse Square. rITFARMERS! AND MECHANICS' DANE —VIIILADELPItia. October 3d. 1839. olice la hereby men tlintan election for Thirteen Directors wall he hold at the Rankine Douse on MON DAY, November2lgt,l333, between the henna ko'clock A, M. end 3 o'clock P. M.; and a general meatitiK of the StookpoMers will be held on TUESDAY, November Id, at 4 o clock P. M., at the Bang HPOIIO. o 4 dtn2l W. RuswroN. JR.. Cashier. 11011,T 11 WA RE DANK—PIiILADEL., J. 3 PifLA, October ad, Me, Notice is berebvgiven that an election for _Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking Rouse on AWN DAY, November 21st, 10.59 between the hours of 10 o'clotrk A: M. and 1 o'olooB ; and a general meet ing of the Stockholders will held on TUESDAY, No vember lot, at 12 o'olook 14, 011-rltn2l P . P. STEEL. Cashier. ir COMMERCIAL BANK . OF PENNEYL 1.J,3 -1/ANIA. Philadelphia. Oct. le, 18.7). _Notice is hereby wen. that en election for al N.TEEN WRFC rORN to_serve the etianinsixesr. will the held at the G. BANKIN HOUSE on MONDAY, 21st , November. be tween the boors of 10 A. M. and M. The Anneal meeting_nf the Btookholders will be held si the sem:l'piece on T UESDAY, Ist November et 12 o'clock M. B.C. PALMER, 0011-mwf-tn2l• Cashier. 7:THE PHILADELPIIIA. DANK.--OCT 4, ISM annual meeting of the litookholders of this Bank will be held et the Bank ing Reuse on TUESDAY, the Mat day of November next, at 18 o'clock M And the annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 21st day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. of...wlreent tn2l B. B. COMEGYB, Cashier. IrrMECHANIC lIANK.—PHILADEL PM lA, October 4th, 1869. Notice is hereby given that an eleetion for Thirteen Ilcritors,_to serve the ensums year. will be held at the ne. Donee on MONDAY, November 21st, from 10 A, .to 3 Y. ht. Theenonalmeeting of the Stockholders will he held on TUESDAI . November Ist, at 12 o'clock Al. on-widens tn2l J. G. 1111TCIIELL, Cashier. "TBANK OF COMMEitcE—PHTLAMEL eIIte. 00t0her !SA—Notice le hereby given, t an Election for thirteen directora to nerve for the Preellee_year, will be held at the BANKINO HOUSE, on MONDAY, November 21, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. &Land, o'clock P. M. J. C. DONNELL,. orr3-nawf Cashier. , The annual meeting of the Stookholdors will be hold at the saine.plarie on TUESDAY. NOVAMber L at 12 o'clock M. J. C. DONN I , ,LL, oeSqnwftnl Cashier. ZWISSLER & FIORILLO, 126 NORTH THIRD STREET, Have for sale a large supply of CIGARS OF THE BEST HAVANA BRANDS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &e. AGENTS FOR GAIL h 'A X , GERMAN SMOKING TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 0e24-3m VARD.—SOMERS 447, SNODGRASS, 34 IL/ South SECOND. and BTRAwBERRY fittings, have in store a lame stook of Chinchilla, Eskimo, rosted Tricot and Batin•inted Amer Moths Alao, arin-fared Doeskins and Heavv Patent-finished Clothe. for Ladies' Cloaks and Mantles, and Gentle men's CP'erentitins. o2a-tf ...26 oentn. A LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPH IN OIL A peewees°. .1.11 the !tdenntages of nn Oil Painting And n Photearnph. and is for saintlier to either. when wade hr eirdful persons. eac h these emplosed et NEIAIER'S Photographic Gallery, SECOND Street, above GREEN. - It. PAPER, CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. CIAEIK AND ENVELOPES. PAPER, CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. 022-11 t. NZ COMMERCE Street. GENTLEMEN WOW:1)Mo WELL iii calling on DRAB do KENSII., 139 N. NINTH Bt., taxml Cherry, and have their old Garments made to look equal to new, by eleansing or dyeing and repairing. 0a22-2t. VtiOICE PURE TEA.-LOVE, FOURTH N.J and CHESTNUT, has reduced his Dollar Black and grass Teas to 7,5 cents per pound—A Bargain. on ADi S AND SHOULDERS.-1,700 la Pieces City, Smoked Here and Shoulders. Alen, 900 tense extra Suer Cured Hants, for sale by C. C. SADVER & CO.. ARCH Street, seoond door above Trent. 022 LARD. -L-155 bbls. No. 1 Leaf Lard, for gale by C. C. SADLER az CO., ARCH Street, seemed door above Front. ott OLD COGNAC 'BRANDY, Me,and Xs Pinata. Do. do, Otard. • • la bend, and tot male Il by en neesy. A. MERINO. 4320 740 Routh FRONT Street ITALIAN" HEMP, ROPE.—ltalian Hemp Rope, White end Tarred, for Inclined Planes. Ma nufactured and for Bale br • • - WEAVER, FITLER & CO., , N. "WEB St.. and 22N. Wiler‘mr. WAGON •GREASE.-240 bbls. 200 half v 1)1)1400 qr. bl)le. 1,600 cans super Wagon Grease, ma!ritaptured and for sale b . y ROWLEY OH - 111.11116 CO, r No. 16 Reath WRARYFR WIPERIOR ARTICLE tIF COTTON Kg TWINE, Airlift's by ROBERT E. EVANS, .111-ImlY . . MB CHESTNUT 'WAAL NEW YORK SYRUP-300 bbls. assorted, ferSsisb • MOS GRAMM h CO.. lI~D • 413TiTIA Street CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. RETAIL DRIC.G9ODS. 66 HAMKONIA. " JUST RECEIVED, PER ABOVE STEAMER, OF OUR OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION, A LARGE AND HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP PARIS POPLINS, VELOUTINES, tfc WMeti we wan offer al VERY REASONABLE PRICE°. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., • 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET, 02141 SILKS AT LOW PRICES. L. J. LEVY & CO. dre now raring a very large and handsome snort meat of SILK GOODS, Imported this autumn. at VERY LOW PRIM. Many of the styles are offered at retail at lee. than the importer's coat. The very large sales at midi= of FRENCH FANCY GOODS, Have given there the opportunity to purohase desirable dosenptions of goals at less than cost Besides the rioher qualities, thoy have also a large assortment of medium-prioed goods, to which the inspection of pur chasers is invited. Their general assortment of all fabrics for Pall and Winter use fa now full and oomplete. It embraces every description of goods, both in tem and staple, including SHAWLS, SILKS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, CHINTZES, MOILVIELINE CASHMERES, MERINOS, POPLINS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, CRAVATS, WHITE 000D8, and SUPERIOR LINENS. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. 02t-9t AUCTION PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. ARE NOW BELLING TIIRIR FALL ASSORTMENT OF N E W S•I 1.4 K S Comprising all the MOST FAEIHONABLE STYLE° DipORTRIJ TIM 14LASON, AT EXTREMELY LOW' PRICES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. ou•3t ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. • OPENING WEEK OF PARIS AND LONDON IMPORT.STIONS, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT ETBEET. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. 012 wfm•Ot EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared talent families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOEB, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCRE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAMES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKINO FLANNELS, FANCY BACK FLANNELS, FINE EITOZIK OF BLANKETS, CASSIMEREB FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—The above Goode are all at the low rate, of tie semen, oote-tle2o TORNISHING GOODS. Orepn Balza' and Crumb Cloths, Bull. Wean, and Blue Hollands. .All widths of Aright W no Clothe. Prorated Damaelts and Maroons. Table and Piano Covers. Blanketn of the bast sorts, and Quilts, Curtain Htutrs and Reps. owelinss,Shoennta. Irish Linens. Table Linens, Irish and Hooteh. Alta HPLEBB 111MTUER.8. 019rp CREBTkiU f and !MONTH Streets FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Fall Cloaks. Winter Cloaks daily opening. Blaok BAavor Cloaks. Black Tricot Cloaka. Blank French Cloth Cloaks. air Cloaks made to ord at one day's notice. Prices $6 to 815. PER e 6 JONARLP, °ID !NTH and MARKET CSSIMERES, CLOTHS. V Thick Plain Cansimeres Heavy Black Casein:term Stout Fanny Styles. Bussed Mixtures, Plaide and Striven. tand 6-4 Ptrot-rate Black Doeskins. lack Brom&loth' 81.60 to e 5. Idles' Cloaking Cloths. COOPBR 414 CONARH, 010 NINTH and MA RIC ET DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS FROM NEW YORK. Will be arranged this morning— • ' Printed French Merinos; high celors. " Printed French Merinos, Polka Spots., Printed Prencli'Marinos, Chintz/rigors& 'printed French Cashmeres. Printed life - Winn Cashmeres. All Wool plaids, Satin Travers. All Wool Moue de Lames. Printed in great variety of styles.and Finny other kinds of Drees Geode. Also, S. full line of Bay State and Washington Mills Blanket. Long, and Square Shawls, of en" rely new de signs and fine qualities, equal to French Blanket Shawls. Also, several sty los Reversable and Stella Blanket Shawls, of entirely new designs. Black nod Brown Centre Stella Thibeta, from 83.10 to 818 enoh. Brodie Long and Square Shawls. A new stook of Cents' Neckties. trajou'ir dark Kid Glove CHARLES ADAMS, ele-thetn EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. nOKRRY GOODS. —J. WM. HOF- N 1 ANN, No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, has now open his Fall Stock of Hosiery Goode viz: Driderveste and Drawers of Cartwright end Warner's superior manu facture, for ladies' end liliedoll . wear. Merino Shirts and Drawers, for rants and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery. Woollen lioniery. Glove. and Gaunt lets. and goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery business. J. W. H. respectfully solicits the attention of famtlies to his mock, assuring them that his stock to un excelled for variety by any other in the city. and that hie primes are as low as Unmoor any other regular house. N. o.—No abatement made from the prim named. 821-wfmtf SILKS; SIIAWLS, and DRESS GOODS ! ! ! ITIORNLEY & CHISM OFFFR THIS DAY Very rich fanny Silks for 76 and 87 °ants. Exoeedinsly rioh for _NI. worth 16125. Blank Bayaderos and Plain color Flilks r &o., &o. THE BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED!! ! Over $B,OOO worth of Drookoa Shawls. Stella Shawls, in black and colorrld centres. French, Scotch, And American Woollen Shawls. Fla' ,and embroidered Crape Shawls. No* sty biro( Cloaks opening daily. All the above roods being 110110 1 IT CLOSE FOR CASH.' WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Our store, being centrally located, it is easy of access front all parts of the city and country. N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRI R NG GADEN. oti THORNLEY & CRUM. DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE RTALB. Engintiere'7l,nd Architects' Stationery. Grecian Painting Materials. Potiohomanis,Pieeigns and Vases. Paint Boxes for Children, and also for Artists and Students. Pictures and Picture Frames. Playing Cards, American and French. Catalogues gratis to the trade. SCHOLZ & .TANENTZKY, N RETAIL, sh EIGHTH Street. WHOLESALE AND O2O-3m MISS M. MUNSON, CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN No. 127 South TENTH Street May be eorumlted for ft few weeks. 'Prior to her departure to Cati4Ornher on the 17th o tfovemPtr. on-dt• T!E PREss.—riIWEVHIA, .MONDAY, ,QCTQpgR 1859 t NEW PUBLICATIONS. CLOSE OF THE NINETEENTH VOL UME. 'HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY AIAOAZINE, No. extv.) CONTENT.% LNovroutit. THE RICE LANDS OF THE SOUTH. By T. Alan Son RICHARDS. With Eighteen Illustrations from Originsl Draw ins._ by the Autor. THE vOLOA.NOnd OF CENTRAL. AMERIC,A. With Twenty Illuetrationa from Origins I Drew if. re • hLityrciteocs. TEA CULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. With Twelve illuetratidne. ROBERT FENTON'S VICTORY. IMATCH-MAKING. 'NYE FALL OF MADBILA. THAT DISA fr KEA Hu moos . ONE OF THE NUNES. PROPOSAL. By 114YAnD TAYLOR MANA OF LETTERS. . . THE PHIAL - or DREAD. By FITZ Hyatt LUDLOW. THE VIRCHNIANS. By W. M. THACEITRAI. (Con cluded.) ILLUSTRATIONE.—Sir George, my Lady,and their Mastor.—Two Head• Fiscal!. CHAPTER XCI. SSIIE Pu , nto. CHAPTER XCII. Under Vine and FIN-Tres. EFFIE CAMPBELL. MONTHLY 11.vCORD OF CURRENT EVENTS. LITERARY NOTICES. EDITOR'S FABLE. EDITOR'S NARY CHAIR. OUR FOREIGN BUREAU. EDITOR'S DRAWER. PROFESSOR FROG'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EXPE RIENCES. Swann Comm Degrtn• by BELLE W. FASHIONS FOR NOVEMBER With Two Illustrations by Volor. The present Number ohms the Nineteenth Volume of lIAIRpERN NNW MONTIthy MAGJWINM. In the Intro ductory Notion prefixed to the first Number, tho Pub lishers announood their intention to present n periodital " which no coo Who had the slightest relish for misrel tenuous reading, or the slightest wish to keep himself in formedof the progress And results of the literary gd nine .if his own aye. would w llmaty be Withmit. And they intend to publishit nt so tow a rate. midi() sive it n value so much beyond its price, that it shall make its war into the hands or the foinilv circle df every intelli gent citizen of the Onitod litotes." Mow far they have succeeded in carrying out their de sign the 114 Numbers of the Maurine already published will show. Each of these commies '/Is tench imitterns An ordinary octavo of SOO pages, if till!! tr il t edi n the style of the Magazine. nt least three theism 'ii AL Nineteenth Volumes of the Aiming ille'ltre 'lmo equiva lent to a library of more than a Ifidetred Volumes. Nun prising the but productions of the foremost Novelists, ifistprinns. Essayists. And Poets of the dui Without enturing into a compansen with other Arno rioan verituboals. the Publishers may ho punting." to say that listtnta's Mgoszitot cootnins 1,5 ppe more matter than Blaeleioord's, teaser's. or the Dub lin University Magazine. While coons plies to many of the, best produntiona of European Novolistn and Es sayists, HAReltlee MAO AZTNn rembtrly furnishes ft larger amount of original mutter thin is ...minimd in any other similar periodical, whether European or Anie man. It has published artieles from more than Tiro Hundred American writers. residing in every suttee, and in almost every State of the Union. Hy thee wel coming contributions from every part of the cortotry, the Publishers have effectually prevented the Ala-c -nine from assuming n nectionnl character or becoming the omen cif any "mutual Ilfim , ratton" clique or party. As an Ilhorrawit Mornzine. 11 , APEleo to wholly without a rival. The volumes already oil have contained mine thnn Nix Then-mid Ens rA v in u, n m st of them executed in the highest stole Of the art front Original OreArirli by Dopler, Parsons. Hite/Monk. Fredericks, We len. Thavaites. ,hapin, Lou W - sing. hit. Bel ew. AleT,enan. Ptrother. blooper, Pal las, end other Article. For these the m euis .. ne h l e es id not less than One Hundred and Tirenty Tarawa! Thn root of its literary contributions has consider ably egooeded this amount. Ili s pun's MAGA z•trit has therefore. in lens than ten veers. paid more than a Quarter of o Million of Dollars to American Authors and Artists. • To Pnblishore crateful's , neknowleke tiot this larve outlay has been remunerative World their most nen coin° expeetations. They hoped from the first that the 1111VIZIlln would 'make It II way Into the hands or the family oirrle of every intellieent citizen of the United States," hut the number of these mailers has proved far creator than they entleir tad. Then believe that the oirotilntinn of the lUmenxine will continue to in crease with the rrowth and ponulation of the country. For the spirit and mannor in whirls it will hereafter be conducted. they Fen offer no bettor ettarsritee than the, contents of the Volumes sire 'sty Issued. TE. Ono Cnpv far Orin Year 8.1 00 Two Copies for One V nnr . 6Oa Thren or more Copies for Ono Year (natio.. 7ra And an Extra Copy, drat is,fer ovoli Club of TUN Ben- SCHIBB.a. Herper's At/melee acid Herper'e Weekly, together, one yoar. It NOW READY 'P If Fl ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR NOVEMBER Corcranre. —F.yelice Forest!" Lame; The Minis ter's wooing ; Lino ; Toro Po.lllo'll Fi r.t Ap- Maranco in :Ainerlon 'Print 'I On of the n Firing ond i" Une-Tnlki Tho Reckoning; A Trip to Otitil.; The nett end the Last: The Processor nt the Brent feat Table; Art.; lloci ewe end Ls Luray Notices; Ito ceht Amerman Publications. l'snmi.—Three 'Dollars per annum, or tumiltr•five cents a number . Upon mill ree . etpt of the sobwiptton gee " fhtlt r e d P A i t l' a l le s e k , e p r ;e t !pa a !d ol a" the work to anit Part e In minim% the control of the "Atlantic Monthly." Messre. Tics:ion & nutria 'would SAY to Its renders. that the Magazine will be conducted upon the same general plan as heretofore. !twill be their Aim that. under its rew management. the Magazine shall not fall short of its present high ntentlard of excellence nail they would bespeak it continuance of the liberal pa tronage which has hitherto Wen acceded td tt, and which is the best proof of the piddle oPhreolation of its me eta. ott COMMUlliegliollll upon the business of the Maga zine should, in future, be eddressed to TICKNOR h FIELDS. Roarox, Oct. 15,16 w. A HEA LTHFUL AND REFRESIHNG LITTLE WORK.—DICK b. HIS FRIEND FIDUB. By C. M. Trowbridge. 'lllustrated. 18m0. .18 cellist A capital little story illtistratinn the oneness and hap piness which folio* hood to the. warnings of conscience. -nplorth American. )ick learns. by a snmewhat saver° discipline. to love and respect hie friend. notwitlistsndinv his impertinent intrusions and unwelcome reproofs. The story la N dry well told.—,N. Y. Etangelist. Just publlehed by WILLIAM 8. 4c. ALFRED NARVER, 027 No. cos CHESTNUT Street. OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS The unilerelened etater that he has frequently for tale books printed between the earl lila and MO; early editions of the Fathers of the Reformer. and of the Pu ritan Thome; in Last, Branton, Littleton, Pullendortf Urethra. Dower.. Coke, Hale. the Year Books. Repromi 4.0. are often to be found on lame shelves; Gyolopeditte Lei Mona. Chunk. authors History. l'oetry, PhilosophY &tonne, Political Econo my, Government. Architecture; Natural History,. Treatises upon thersa and other kindred Naas are being continpplly dealt in by him. Books, large and email V qnstitittes,pernhamed at the Custom a. on avenue flooketatl, CILESTNUT Btreet, above mrth, Philadelphia. ilLihn JOAN il A MP F1R,14.. CLOAKS AND FURS. T o THE LADIES. GREAT OPENING 0 AKPORD'S. Very rloh and DARK SABLES, lIUDSON BAY MARTIN, MINK SABLES. THE DARKEST SIBERIAN NU.RREL, These Skins urn all of our own IMPORTATION, And Manufactured on the Par:sista by the most skit NI Furriers, which enables us to sell. et the lowest poe EMIG prieen SETS from $5 upwards, REMEMBER OAKFORD'S. 024 CHESTNUT STREET, ool*tt BELOW SEVENTEL MILLINERY GOODS. NOTHING CHEAPER! NOTHING BET TER!! Having the very beet favittiea, we ere determined to tarnish, at the LOWEST POSSIME PRICES, the best and most seasonableirmals in BONNET S trimmed or untrimmed, AIBBONS, FLOWERS Rlieff t , S, /to., Om We have now a splendid stock of WINTER BONNETS. to variety of style and yunii'•. sure to please the most simple or th.• most Insiitionnble Also, a most oomph:do assortment of Children's Straw and Fanny Bonnets, Beavers, Pints. etc. Beautiful Cloth and Velvet Caps for ninnll boys. 16111001,N, Wooll, ac NIOLIOIAb, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, ola-tf NORTH RIDE. WARB UitTON, 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, 3UO S. SECOND ST., of ow SPRUCE ST Has just reoeivad a beautiful supply of COIFF(TRES,GAGIIEPEIGNES, .c.nows PIECES, AND BARDS la OM and linltation;or thomlxoet Parte Yetsluone WA lik3o-I:!tpV . , 300 SOUTH BECOND tiT„ 111i1,61/:4 1004-WE6TRUT MTREET, ABOISCO`.EN ' AIIRS P. M. REDMONIL2Ciiih i woo& TENTH Iltrent. will open or Winrer Thollione nn sAT unDAY. Oet. 22. 018 at* REMOVAL. The Subsartber having REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly occupied by J r , ll.lillieon & eons,/ Would cull the attention of buyers to toe large and well • selected stock of OVKRCOATINUS, CANIIMERES,BATINETTS, VESTINUS, TAILORS"rIIIItIMINSS. And all other goo& adapted to Men and Boye' wear JOHN V. TERRY, oan-trn 331 MARKET STREET. REMOVAL—MARTIN A: WOLFF have Removed to No. 3sl MARKET Street, Knuth side, below Fourth. where they otter it choice assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, at veri low once.. eis am HENRY B. NELL, CLOTH STORE, NO3. 4 AND 0 NORTH SECOND STREET FRENCH FANCY CASSIMERES, And Mixtures oultoNe for suits. VELVETS, CASHMERES, dm, &.C., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL sB-tlim 6m* 850.000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watohoo,_ Jewelry , Duns, Mer chandise, Clothing, &0., on moderato terms, by JONES & CO. Brokeze, northwest corner of THIN) and GAB KILL titroots, below Lombard. Establishell for the lee - Office home from 7 A..111,,t0 7 P. M s second-hand Gold and Myer Watebes. 13 7 emli 3l ll makerarranted genuiros, 884 14400P,A1tz . ? prisigutl ace. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE, F U R S. ABOVE TEEM REMOVALS. DRY-Go Dl9 j i ifjElt~. MERRIMACK PRINTS, ELEVEN NEW STYLES; OPENED MONDAY. OCTOBER 17. DOR BALE BY JOSHUA L. DAILY, Zl3 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to oral wood attention to out stook of DRESS GOODS, Now exposed for sale, EVER Y RETAILER, Who may nail NEW YORK will be amply repaid the expense of hie trip, by selecting out of out splendid va riety styles different from those to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW OYENINO 60 CASEY DELAIN ES, new and really beautiful. 290 " WAMBUTTA PRIN I'S, new styles. 100 " WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, imported expressly for ILL We have a rich aupply of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OF POPULAR BRANDS, But to the above we ask your notice ih pattioular. Ws shall not quotaprisee, but outface it to say, that by this advertisement we moan to attest your' attention, and the Goods and prices will enable you to tweet the at tention of your oustomer3 the (*unto , round, DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND 82 CIIAISIBNNB STREET, LARIaraIINGS, OIL CLOTIIS, BALLY & BROTHER. NO. 920 011ES'iNtr STRaT, wmt OEN TODAY A Lot. or If . 4 4 L TAPitSTRY CARPETM. OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS BEIVENTY-FIVE OENTB a?2-dtderif • T O MEP:AUNTS BUYINCI OIL OLOTHEI AND WINDOW MADE& BLA.I3ON, & SMITH. MANUFACIIIIIEItS Ole OIL OLOTEB, 146 NORTH THIRD EtTitr,E'r, ritxubtLrine" We Invite the attention of dealers tom large 'Wok of PLOOIt, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CL4TII/3, OREEN GLAZED OIL CA24131110, n beautiful Article for ehniloB. The largest stook of WINDOW PRADEO sod BUFF HOLLANDB in the market. nt prices which de& &mei Midi). null-1m HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. EIANDY & BRENNER, NOS. 93. Wit AIII) P 1 NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, wsolattanul COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of all kinds of AMERICANitIANGFACTURED IL4RDWA2II3. AND 1111TORTIMB or 'AIRMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH. AND ENULISH HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Keep oonsinntly on hand e lerge stook of Goode to Fre ely Hardware Dealers. BUTCHER'S PILES, By the cask or °therein. BUTOURR'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, ' SHIP CHAIN. And other kinds in every variety. MOWS AOSNIII roe HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL, WEIGHING ONLY 8) OUNCES. MARA'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS EDWARD E. 11•NDY. /NO. O. BRENNER. 0. P. ERENNII. eul,-tf PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We w- would respectfully tall the attention of the Oene ral _Hardware Trade to our extensive Brook of BIR. MINGILAhI HARDWARE, which we offer at a small tdvance by the package. Orders for direct linporti.tion solielted, and Goods de livered either in this city, N W Yo LE W ( H e w Orleans. Mt COMMERCE street, Importing end Commission Merchants. And Manta for Foreign and Domestio Hardware. au!!-H GENTS' FURNISHING !;OOHS, ft. C. WALBORN & CO., (NOW) NOS. 3 AND 7 NORTII SIXTH STREW'. Lave now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under. clothing. °loves. Hosiery. eto. Speolal attention given to SENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. of Which a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. 010-3mif JNIVHOLSON, m.militclurer of SHIRTS, LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and Ounce assortment. and WELL MADE always on hand. unto wlneh I psrticularly invite the at tontien Of CAM! nod prompt- tva) in 4 811ORT-TIME buyers S. E, coiner of SECOND and ARCII. Streets. PHILADELPHIA. 013./M* UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER his FENNER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 336 MARKET STREET, Are now Mating 111010 I'M) VIVI: HONORED D1V73122211 VA212.2110, of umbrellas, of ii4ery sue, from 23 to Lnohen. Buyers who have not tis,ltt...k F.'s make of Coeds is St sinti their lune well spent in looki ne. over this well-made ;took. which incluttu v>Nv navvEasee. not to be Fie' strith • lIATS. CAPS. dra. E 859. FALL TRADE. 185 9 C. H. GARDEN & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS. FURS. ;ILK ANI) STRAW BONNETS. 1,10.) STRAW GOODS ARTIFICIAL PLOVERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, &u., dm" NOS. 000 AND 602 MARKET STREET, 800111W0et COrner of ;:X'TENSIVE STOCK. BEST TERMS, LOWEST PRICES. kerwUs .- , • ' • efDS FOR THE SEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT fl aRIIIERS BLOWER f4TANDS,_ PLATE WARMERS, HOT WATER DIHES, AT THE HOUSE•FURNISHINU STORES, NOS, 9111 AND 1.249 CHESTNUT STEEET. JNO. A. - MURPHEY & CO, oti-wfmtr CHINA AND tjUEENSWARE. - - INDITE GRANITE AND CHINA----- TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, TO/LET SET. , I'lU GLASS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, /Ix AT LOW PRICES WEIGHT, SMITHS CO., NO. 3 NORTH FIFTH ST 019-write BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Rave now on hand a complete stook of QUEENSWARE. GLABSWADA, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA. At their OLD STAND. No. 3h NORTH FOUNTS! BT., four doors below Alerohanta' Hotel, to which they Jame the ettention of WHOLEBALE BUYERS, ADENTP POD PITTABOILO COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIO GOAL OIL WORKS BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL 01L8 Melhufnotured and for gala by lIELMR, MORRIS, & CO., TRIETEET/I, NORTH Off, MARKET STREET s9•Jm ItAtLIf6AD"7fTEL T ' 4 1 PENNSYLVANIA OEN TR A L RAILROAD. 1859. 0 , 1,16 „ 1859. TILE CAPACITY 0 H 3 It ATV 8 RQUAL TO AN I( THE COUNT Y. THREE THROUGH PA:33EI4G R TRAINS BETWEEN PlfiLA I7EL PHU AN PIT TSB MG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Roston. New York, and all points ast, and stthe Upioa.Depot at Pittaburg with Through 'r rains for Cor 121:1EnittatliPtligleLenn:,linglugr D i kt, l : 4 , t r? t t4 1 11 i interiiediate mint, in Ohie, Indians, Illinois, Kentuc ky. A !oilman, Wisconsin. Alinspenta,Mwswart, Kansas , and ebraska—thus furnishing wimp* for the trahe porta ion of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and coin fl! by any other route, xeresa and Pprkt Lines ru n through to Pittsbur g , wi hout (Mange ot Uwe coVoOuotore._ . . wc.i tr milking Card aye anc e tO egich F lro emie 9i rh . B t, l i e iVirfisa c ii, ar tilN t i? Del MY 2 ', AP.. last Lie s ei, Bun! nays excepted. Nail 'frain leaves Philad elphia at 7.11$ A. M. Past Line " °AO A. M. Express Train leaves " 10.60 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Rarkesburg Accommodation at 12.30 A. AL Harrisburg Accornmßdation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. Columbia 430 P. AL Passengers for West Che ster will tithe the Mail, Parke/dim, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Foment:or 814tiotr, Poseeniforr. Mr Sunbury, Williamsport, T imi.r., fu, fro lo, Niagara Fells, awl intermediate Ninth, paving ',pa delphin at J.Ri A... ., and 2P. M.,1t0 directly I ia.tig . Tickets Westwardiorty be_Obtaiped at the office o the Company irehdn.delph,a, Plow 104, DoMoO, or Bal timore ; an Tickets Eastward at ani of the important Railroad 0 cos in the West ; also o board any of the regular Litre of !Retailers on the isms/Pup' or Ohio Rivers. ft; a r a e ' i l ite c h t i he c rot Route, n s or the .Pepnegvania Railroad to Chlea-oonake this ttLe DIRE, T LINE BETWEEN TIIE EAST , IND THE GREAT NORTHWEST The connection of tracks by the Railroad Pride, at Pittsherg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freieht, together vrttts GO !laying el Moque riirventau:s readily I , uP% lin , elated by Shipper* or roman; and the Travailing FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freights of all deflellptimm clan be for warded film Philadelphia. New York,Boaton, or Balti more, to loiut on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, lud lane. haws, Wisconsin, lowa. or,Miegouri, by Rail road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad elOb ahnnypte e : t e Fittaburs with Steamers, by which Goode can be ilftlrar to any art 01:1 the Gino, Mutkin!ium. Keptuoky , endesSee, mberland, Illinois, Monnatippi, isconnip,_ ellionurr. rinses, Ark:meal!. and Red Ri yore ,g; Sandusky. and Chicago, with Steameta, tirlOtt,P Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entratbig the thidOrtatia: of their Freight to, this company, can yelp 111. r dance on it? seeedy . troient. , _BA Jilts OF b _RI:WILT to anysoint In the West by the Yermayfranza Hai/toad Arent all holed as favors hie a. ore charged by other Railroad Companies. , ro ii9., Be particular to Mark package*" via ranks. Rit.tl - in the Wr,nrdating goodirrogn the Erna; will do we Ito direct tem to shipped by Rile Route. For Fre i ght etnittae o[ il.inning Directions, cep!) to, or addresa either of the toUrriving Asente of the COM DEWY WS fittsittirr Doyle dr Co. Rteubliirrill,O.; H.Pierc i e i t Co.,Zolate villa, 04i. Johento, 'play O.; R. 5 i selb mays-, .l Ormsby k r'.13Th4.,111` 1 at Cincieliati,D i i *there kr Bibyt, lincinnatt. o;}t, C. Meldrum, Non. Ind.; Wi own tn , ham. Kr.; I' , G. 0' iley co„ Eronat W. gra ham A Co., Cairo. Ill.; R. F. Raw, t Lame, Mo.: John 11. Harris. Na Tepp.: Haute Mrphis, Tenn.. Clarke & Chicaro.'lll.; w fl. MUM- Alton i llb;hlurphy &Wane. Ihibueue. the retebt' Agoura er Railroads at di ff erent ponds in the West. Patio atsenthet to Ibrir own shiglbento from. t4e., Eathe st will lift(' it tompanly atti tr e r i iiiterest cali t oNlT i l t entsot toegitht A' the, atrai. withrei• hie wil noel • prompt attentithh :. • , , fJ. PNEI.OI2:Iti Philadelphia. t:6.44ILAW KOCLNB, 80 Borth street Baltimore. LEECH & CO., 2 Astor House. or 1 S.' with= ft.:N.Y. ;ARM" de, CO,. 64 Kinky itrcitt, Boston. 11. 11. H.ollit'fON Gehl Freight Agent Fhlta. L. 1,. Tipket Agent, Finis. . ta4.l 4, HOS. A. SCOTT. Gen I Soil. Altoona. F. T NEW YORK alli•Notati YENNsYL- - ' t ivp% 141).. BUN ARn rtGEF, . Pot BETH L.bamm, DoVLPTOWN,4ASTON,. ALLENTOWN MAIIIOH CHUNK. iLAZUE Ott. • 6,50- Pease r, e ° ,ll . Fit ki.ahnivitto4v aitreow, - elpli %a. DAtifV.llitlethole exneted:l Pot Bethlehem, Allentown, Melnik Chtunk, Itenelton, Ike,,tExproes,/.at 9-10 A. M. P. or Bethlehem, (kla Prem.. t 4 A P. 7 . 1 .• F k or Doylestown, tActoommodstitomi stALSA.M.Asa. Fol. Fort Waihingtdn,(Aooonumodationd zit ;IS P. M. and O.* P. M.. THI:ft Mt tifli c r,PMA: Deem, Itethlehem. tßstardea.le ts)l.: \t. Leaye Doyle s town, (deco= anon,' fit OM A. M. and I P. M. MM;Z1111;i1 . .. .. .. ON SUNDAYS: lilladelphia7 for Dolestoirn. at 9 A.' M. la SP. M. nyldetown. for Plidada., at 6.30 A. M. nod 5.15 P. M. are to I,lethlohem, 4140; to Mauch Chunk, 62.90, to Euton. 3la : tcl_Poyteetowa.B,2egate, All Pa■aenget Ttain,2 Item Nwettai ane,) oon fleet at Berke street with alb, and Si th.. 440, and Second and Third-stroota tuteenger NM r • mYIB ELLIS (;LARK. Arent. . ra PECILADELPHIA AND U c TRO T • torN2Mfae,Pr4, l 1 1 10 t, maga, Rook !thud, Ni are r elle. Milwpasee. Bur ne ten, Meetrea), St. Paul'a,De trait, Durthetn, attt St. ge,ereer ttAute will leave the Philadelphjeapd Reed t o itavout Depot, corner BROAP awl . YlNk. Stfeets, DAILI, (Sutler excetPW • lee tialevta • 7 A. Itt. r ttAY E fte t StS• .. , For Rlthirs,_ iekecil Felts, Du ato,PeteolS.TtleeNee, Atilvrau Use, RSA !Meet% (Wane, Elt. real's, nar nitt.m. mid ett. Louie. 5.7) P. 11I„ NIGHT EXPRP.P.S. For Elmira, :Otte* re, Falls, Due ato,_Defroit Chloe°, htiltvpukee, s ktook latand, tialdua, St. Paul's B rt,a g t o n, and St. bete, The 7.30 A. M. and !CI, P. At, tilting rue tamer!, to HA II H Ili il U RU, WV tue a at an Ntzititnis oh the Lehellee Valley Branch. The 7.31)A. M. train connect. at Rupert for Wilkes. berm Ntstou, Scranton, end all etatious oa the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMS DUB ti JLA I L.ROAD. . - • • . • Bilgrege changed to Budalu, and Buspention Bridge. Tiakete can he groin e 4 at the Philadelphia .and Elmira Railroad Linn Ticket Oillct. Plerttoeedt corner of SI XTII and CHERTNUT Streets and at DA Passen ger hart corner BROAD and VINE. °BOIL EXPRESS FREIDRT TRAIN Li/avast the Donut. Broacketroet, Below Vine, daily Pun d7renftWitltiiaft"l/VAMlXt'et:lNel North a tCl mature Going ,ne own; day. For NI - fiber nrcinpAr, air at reight egoq n below Vine, Or to CHAS. . APP : antral Arent, N. W. comet Man SM and EBT4IQt 9tOetf, • pot-t( , , TOW RA4LROAD—SU3ISISR ARII I 4,I4ORAIEN 78— On and after filoptlN,AMASUn li i . l further no sloe. Leave Philadelphia 6. 1,0, 634. nun., 10. 11, 12, 2,3. 534 4. 0, 6740, 7. 6 1/, 10, end 1114 P . . M .. Leave Germantown 6,7, 8 , 44, 9 ,10, / 1 , A. 34., 1, 2,3, 4, 6,6. 734 8. 9. /Os P. I. 1:112 SUNDAYS, P. 51. Leave Philadelphia 9416 Min. A. 31., 1, 3, 0,7 M, and 1034 Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. N., 1,10 min., 4, 654, and 9,4 I'. 11. cIIESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 031, 11 A. 81., 2,3 h, 4,03 c 6,9, 11X P. M. Leave Cheetnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 1.40, 11.66 A. AL, 1230, 3.40. 6.40, 7.10, 8.40, 10.10 P. 51. ON SUNDAYtI Leave Philadelphia 9.60 imn. A. rrt., 1, 9. and 7X P. M. Leave Cheetnut lOU 7.50 A. M., 11.66, 6.10, and 8.56 P. M. FOR CONSIZOROCKEN AND NORRITEOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6.8.1)3 min., 1003, min., 114 A. M., 1.05 min.. 5.05 min., 434. 01.636 1154 P. M Leave Norristown 6, 7, 9,11 A. 31., 1, 336 04, 6, 734, P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia Es A. M., nnd 4P. M. Leave Norrintown 7 A. 51.. 1 and 6 P. M. I.6nve Mintlelphis 6, 7.05 min.. 8.C6 min., 10 06 11I.' mm., 2.05 mm., 3.06 MM., 13,1, 6X2 nk 7)i 8 914 10X 11% A . A' I .03 min.. 4.6, im'.sn ON II ' UNDAYP, Leave Plulatiolvitin 9 A. M., 3, 1 P M. Leave Alannyunk 7li A. M.. 13C. IN P. 111. 11. IC. M ITH. General ...upermtendeat. m 77 DEPOT. NINTH - grid GPI EEN &rivets. FALL ARRANGE MENT. PHILADELPHIA. WILMI GTUN. AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and alter MON DAY. October 17tn. Me, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8 . 16 A. M., 1.1 noon. Express,/ and 11.10 P. M. For Metter at 8.15 A. M.. 12 noon. 4 and 11.10 PM, For Wilmington at 8.15 A. 111.02. 4. and 11 .101 1 . M. For New Conic. at 8.15 A. AL, and 4 P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., and 4 P.M. For Dover rit 8 15 A. M. and 4 I'. M. For Mllford at 8 15 A. 51., and 4 P. M. For Raeford at 8.15 A. M., and 4 P. M. For Laurel at 8 15 A. M., end 4 P. M. TRAINS FOR . PIIILADELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. 61.,1 Express,' 10.11 A. M., and 5.25 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.55 A. M. and 11 M A. naz and 8.40 P. M. Leave Laurel at 8.15 A. M., and 3.40 P. M. Leave Seaford at 645 A. M., end 405 P. M. Leave Millord at 7 ott A. M., and 4.05 P. M. Leave Hover at 9 415 A. M., and 6.40 P. M. Leave Middletown at ID A. M. and 6.50 P. 311. Leave New DagDe at 10 33 A. 51.. arm 8 P. M. Leave !Theater at 7 44. 12 A. 11..222 and 9.16 F. AI. Leave Ittltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. AL TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chest . rat 8.45 A. AL, ]228 and 1141 P. M. eave Wilmington at 9.26 A. AL, 1245 P. 51., and UM A. AL SUNDAYS Only nt 11.10 P. M., from Philndelpbta to Baltimore. Only n 10.25 P. M.. from Bolumore to Mind°Wan. FREIGHT TRAIN ; with PASSENGER CAR ottaohod, _ will run ius Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Dimes /It 6.45 P. M. Leave Wilmin.ton for Perryville and Intermediate places at 7vl P. M. Leave Baltimore for Stammer's Run, Cha■e'a, and Ilarewood at MA P. M. Ma B.M. FELTON. Pregident. PIIIL4DELPHIA NEMPIIii AND READIIaq RAIL ROAD, AIORNNG LINE, toy POTTSVILLE., READ [NO and HARRISBURG. Leaven the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Streets. at 7.30 A. 111.. DAILY,ISunda). excepted,/ tor POTTSVILLE, HARRISBURO, and all intennedlate points, connectins at Ilarrlsburz with train. running to Pittsburg, Chatrlwrshors, Carlisle, Sunbury, &o. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave at 1.50 P. AL, DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and HARRISBOR O. At 4.45 P. AL, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) for READ INO and intermediate points. apIS W. It. McILIIENNI!. Sooretari• 1859. als,A_Ell 1859. FALL ARRANGEMENT—NEW hORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO'S LINES. F.ROM PIIII,A DELPHI A TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, IrituSt niALNUT-sTRIRT WiIIARV, Will le eve as follows, viz: FARE. At 6A. M. via Cam.'en and Amboy, Cam. & Am. Accommislation 9373 es.6ol,r3rkg •taoy Cal, (New 2 22 At 7 4 t ~ via am n yin 4 • inning Mail 3 00 At II A. M., b) Steanglauttlvi j Pony 'Jersey City, Western Es press— Od At 123 s P. M., via Carndon nuCCOIIIIIIO- atio n.. ..... . 223 At d P. A. yrrns , ......... ..... 3 00 At 4 P. M., by tt,titamboat, '.in Taeony and Jer sey City , Evening Express Oil At 4 P. M.. by Steamboat, via 1 aeony anti Jer sey City, ad Blass Ticket .... ........ 2 25 At 6 R. NI., via Ca Camden and Jereey Ticket. .. ....... F verang Mail . 3 IX) At It P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Southern Aliiil . ... . . . ... . ....... ..... 226 At 6P.M, via Canble n ,iceommodat ion , (Freight and PaSseagerl—lst lase Ticket....... 2 2.5 2,1 Clem Ticket. .1 CO The 6 P M. Mail Line rune The 11 P.M. 'South ern Mail.. Saturdays For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, M. and 2,4 P. M. For Manch Chunk, Allentown. and Bethlehem, at 6 A. 21.._ vin Lehigh Valley Railroad. etir Witter Gap. Stroudsburg, Scranton , WilloltharTe , Montrose, Great Bond, An. at 6 A. M., VIZ Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Mount Holly. at 0 and 9 A. M.• and 2% mid 4 P.M. For Freehold, at 6 A. al. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11/4 and t P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra. 'Winton', lieverlY, Burlmgton, Borden town, Ao., at 123; I /113 d 3S P. NI. Steanilmat John , Neilson,lor Bordentown and interme diate places, nt SSG P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate Wanes. at 11 A. M. and 4 P. Al. FiftY include of baggage only showed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as ag- Me but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for linglenti to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond elie, except by special contract. Oct I. IMP. WM. B. GATZMER. Anent. NOTICE.---CRESTER - RAILRO'ID—P.AS. sENOER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND TERMBDIA'PE BTATION.—On and niter ist.ranuarr, 18.59, the Panama: Trains for DOWNINOTOWN, wilt start front the l'assonger Depot of the Philadelphia and Refuting Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and VI N R Streets. P.IOIININOO TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 7.30 A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 4.46 P. AL DAILY (Sundays excepted.) fly order ofthe Board of Managers of the Philadelphia and Reuling Rationed Company, __ 439 W. R. AlalLßENNY.Beeretarr. FOR MANAYUNK ""WANT®r•- 'WANTED—In :a Dry intellactive,.Goods Jobbing Ir Y nt v oia g li .:l7ad n , end iw correct at the first 5enr,...,t(LA1,01 , , references. e. nt the dtore,No. 213 MANK.EI 6treet, between the houra of land o elm* P. M. . 022 IyVANTED , —By a Practice] Bookkeeper, litm i t io e ee gookkoeper. Collector of Ifouso Rent 4, &e. 134 , 44 of oth teleteuoes will Ix , urea. Addrose - .• J. A 1.," at this office, 0.2 6t• EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS will to offered to a suitable *onion who has a capital of either 4100 or el WU References and part.- cillnre will be*litep, by addressing, for one week, "Oeltir," Blood sytapettch,k:ht Istle !phis. o"3-3t• WANTED—By a middle-aged man, a It.ition no Packer oy Porter in a Wholesale %tore,Good reference* will be given. Address "K." office of this pap., gt• WANTED—.I fierinan Designer for all lunda of Woollen Cloths. A permanent and luera two Poaltion , 3 offered to a German havens the Jolley ins sualifieatlous, vm. A thotoueh knovledse of the French and End ,oh Lane unrest, an accurate knowledee of Wtbollen Mannlnetures as carried on abroad, and [lent ae, ill and mete to settle,: up new and fano! Mlles of Woollen Cloths. A practleal Weaver and Deamner. end_ none other needitpp/r. to 51 Eaton FRONT Stunt. 33 LETITIA Street. WANTED—A Lad in a Ribbon Store Address " this office. OS7,t• WANTED—By an efficient Young Alan, with is thorough knowlesUe of Cgs and PAW, %)IVanin• and Jersey trade. n tlitnattnn witk a Jobber or I tap ot ,Nutious. . ur Fano, (roods. to aell goods from sssugits on CVITI mission. Best of reterenoes given. Mitsui •` L. 8.," office of The Pres.. o:1 -3t• WAN'PF,D -- A young Married Man, whose evemors are disoriented would like to suis'or tirem ITS kreqns a set of nooks. Instil= out hdlg. or lot ng. tee. 'arms moderate. Address" C. R. T. , ' thisocrios. 021-31. WANTI•D—A Partner in a pleasant and • profitable "Cash" brimless, on CHESTNUT Btreet..srth n Capital of 81u000 to !Vs OM Tors re a rare opportunity tremnke n profitable womb:dent. Best rolerencee green and reuired. Address, with reel nuns, • • Partner." Box 11 34 Prot Offlee. 6t. 00(k I- A RARE OPPORTIJ op G) 4 pigy in ofr,r64 to OW Itettvg,b4.l. nen wok who .b,4#141r14 17,10 0 t illa bti,s4 , o n 6 -10 ... 67 ,A ll b s e nd re yar;ntrOfitob oPuturniMiti ip, , , f mszoveriallit Gal led AMOIIIVOR for. •• _ t ._ 1 ._... ~ nitiot motto s 6 ewil. al , tt try st' v. O. .‘o .• r , Zel . .. gre n a l lounl from B , n 9A. M.. nrcl 6to 6 '...` . - , • A 'Youtg Miti * fronilfie com it ry," we t y ens years °N./W. Vatiss Wsittiatien 'its assistant liaakkeecr. Can Aguish ;I usfactory references. Ad. dress " Thenysi t t' oiled of tins paper. ‘ . oPkik. !Mk EULT,E WITTO LE;r. er ri pulp It) SAI E OP A cVALUABLE i~SdOf ERMAN? ?AD Oran , N/1 4 T,. ' "VC ill he ;odd et ?unite !golfs. Orr "WW.liiitttlnK4. Clef*. 1;ot :ph trAnt tieleat Y M. n VlO 2 l Ap!..t; MILL PRt:l'En ettuatedi r yt,PCItt,TVI r.ltr. • Barb , •otinty. u) ; i nfo , end. INVlell.from rIt h ia. ‘ ?1; & 1 1 4;3 1 11„7101 ghm Ptildeti t thr Zit= iiftTONE :VI owl§ 4.5 fil,ktrenlbr etlWiet hi 'h ,with four run of otonos—tyyToo fn MOW - bars 'and non emintr. sumo s "altar nibent feet high •bg te4 faun Wjadt V) lh 9 feet head int MU ytiyout woos obth siren ow* of elevator}, 4'114 ervijolit3o merebirnt• Nits to rear Itmg. with tom flatten ettlithed : saa'.4l butte rid mfle rnn 'nn ins Orrifrid plan two flou a• is! "fiotti. w.th coot mach e (14 rolOnr at faccorn al:4.mnd ovary. thin/ complete •,., , t1 in firet...rete ruder e '! • 81 e. re by Si feet kitehe.l7 610 t fur tols +Ad n Tony og,tho first floor. fire on the coact, undo" e on On MN.' Pia front an't heck Pump ourar dear 'the iionr. teebona* and amok. house. all new mcd eotopld su • A . , rthis, - Idisu 'stoned the hone*. with eh nhery pm i rreitt o raTions fonds. Tarn. 2 . 5 by 36 fen. s'oriet etc h et hi h, with tan!alit and !pion entry : welt or good *Ater atlthe door, rah pump booze, ho;-pane. vitr,cm-houses and shads. all In ono order. • bia Pronarty tr comddered uine of the best in, the voiinty, havinv is rist enstent of between twelm 'and fourteen t rummest bushels a year: and situated in alret rate ciallburhond for yraire.'Whieh can. tie hkdat all revving or the sear. .A men of the ris ht unravel , ' P. r for this property in three voki•—ft paidnse SO per cent. upon my _purchase t bit "I have little or rinfaltull. and my health bye felled me. so I em 1,1,01 d court for lust atilt will briar. The imerovenseete skin" have nest enatteen to twenty thousand dollars; but t shalt L ee!! it if it don't brihr half pr eel' The conditions Will he etecommodati___,__tiv and made known, by ' iiel2-301 • ' VID•JOIVF.3. 91 1 0 STOVE DEAttlts AND OTLIF22B a. FOR SALE—An Intetestla the trustietar . bite and wale of an art en for Reatitar Room by (ias, by en en tire pew prooest. - Srnalf investment renntred tn realize rpnift;t. Artply o u. J 4. CIfIFFORLIONCIIRST NUT Street. se. ort floor. , 'Oll-ft gra' 'TO LET T -Dwellitig No.. $24 North' riaslXTll Street, 4tone BrPvri- WC at qr mat: KETStreet , G REAT‘:S,A 1.4 E fr,4 L Di. A. g CAIIIITAGEB . ,. AND ',IIARNID3B Will be aokt el Pt 111.10 AV:TION, antis 11;11,12S " ' NARKISI NTFOST, - ON T'OESDAt OCTOINER 2i 1159, At letlf twilit 10' AIL the entire trArail?ti Plinteplierneis of, • , „ • ,- DAN'RICE.'I3 - G A T '4 , 11 0 - • • Coos:sting of superior • Draught Horace. At etched Carriage - Lirad•cm* Saddle lione.a. All 'a excellent cornball, Ala*, a :aria lob of gyAriolid, suitabla for leaguing or Ducting purposes. Also.o , number of CLIMIL:CS and a great gdorttity of TYrd nail ottr-linrse Harness. The whole of whoa will la •old It lots to Suit eurchagers 11.1" This Sale will atriod a rare upportunlty for those wnihing to purchase llorueu. Wiagoac. Carringeg. or Mimeo at a great reduction from their rail value, and one tuch ax seldom occurs. VitlalTMesi 41 ,, lfrint the Prop•rt y detail. *ill be ready for tlenterY ,nt the Don °Tics ortlie Theatre, Walnut attdet, oh Monday morainic. Oct n, and also at the Bull's Head. Terms made brown at igis tang and Mae: rtl r at. TO LET-TO LET-TO LET-TO LET. m. A bar.° Second-store Room. Northeast corner CIIRSTNUT end BII3IITII Streets, 100 by Sti feet, sults lde for a Wholesale Boot and Shoe, or Straw b11311169L Med, A Large Third-Mory Room, in the same build ing. Al. A torte Secomt-atory Room, 84 by 26 feet, S. W. corner BRUAD Mel WALNUT A'so, A Large Two-stOry Gime, in BROAD Street. above Pmt, =by I= feet. Apply to J. ft. EttWaRDS, r23-md.tlilm" 633 witmitYr Street. 'filoß SALE. The fluheciiber rill diapose of the entire Stock of FINE AIUNUMFN'Ii. STATUARY. ;LEAD AND youl i • STONES Am, kn. AT TILE Rio. T.hIAJIBLE YAM,. No. Iffa ARCH street, Woo. of Righttenth street HiLl. AIOCI It E. T 1 ) LET—A Second-slot"' tooto, conve went to the State lion: e, %nimble tor a-Lawyer', Otricte. Apply 131 CRESTNILPI' Brent. el 6 BOARDING. %IWO Fine Communicating Rooms; also -11- one kni•fl one Vqn,atfi. 140" o et 1623WALINL TStro6t. e-V WANTED Two 'Unfurnished Rooms V th Bo+rd in a private Omar. for a Gehilemau lady, entity° Children under nine ye , rs. Loc•tion pre dressi North (een. end West at Tenth streets. Ad C. II W.," et thia &Floe. statist terms. 021 St =g==l9 D R. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE -R- 0 PILLS Aril) PRORMIX BITTERS have linen thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for ity grogram flatulency, heart-hats and headache, ooatii. one.. diarrhema, !even, of all kinds. rheumatism. gout. gravel, wor ts . goprry, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt 111•111[1.mapelas, common colds and in filien zit. irregularity and all demi ement of the female dyStBlll.3 , lllllll.lllld various other dilleMll.o s to which the human fr impte. liable For sate kr the proprietor. Jr;. W. B. NtOFFAT. 31t ItIROAMAI . New York. and b.) Drueuste rerternliv all /glair tha oonntry es-d.kWiv INI PORTANT T.. I'LER,i;IMEN, PUBLIC 1 1. SPEAIOERS. AND RINGERS. LANCAOTEH. S BRONCHIAL LADENCIA. "A oLfilliT OlILD," if its Arse symptoms err not arrested too often hors the foundation of vitriet) of Pultronary Complaints. lip:lndia< COIL h. Asth ma fironctulis. Induenra, Imre bort end Pompoms of the Thro it. And other robsotutionsl deren:ein. rite The el iltonsontlences of there dp[nTliPlB Mt, b easily averted or subdued by keepin At hand A tomtit cf t e Above celebrated Lk/LE:Oil-8. which have now stood toe rest ot outdo, experience fot Ed% ern] I MI , Containing neither npiatss nor not injurious Anodyne. their mar be s taken by the y r min„est child or the most delicate familia. Prepared milt by THOMAS CANCASTER, ELEVENTH and WALNUT Streets, 017 marf2m Philadelphia Ye. Dlt. GLENTIVINt'IIPS PILE REMEDY, roe the cure ofifernorrheide or Piles. Constipa tion. Pieta! in Ann, Ulearati ns of the Anus. Proleptic of the Rectum e assures' Excoriation, ulcerations In ternal and External to the Anus, Pruritus, and all Die items pssculiter to the Rectum. The 1: coat and uniform eticeeseschich this Benieety has attained for the cure of the above Diseases is unpthee dented in the annals of Medicine. The rapidity of its curative qualities and the durability of its cures are equa lled bynii other Remedy of the ate. Ninety-nine eases out ot an hundred are alleviated and cured of this distressins complaint and are restored tocoinfort here tofore unknown. Full and explicit Directions accom pany cacti Box One Box is sufficient to perform a cure. Prepared only by DR, iii,BNTWOBTIIi No oil RACE :Brest. Price Can he sent lot Adams , Express. 04-Im 1 E ,` 'AI; PLOT -AIR, iiATris Under the core of Pr. T. H. RIDGEI,I. MI SPRUCE carnet. recommendod by an the prlncopal sl ruins in the coy for R heumotism, Skin plolls. Coughs end Colds. Ferns! , Diseases, am, do. h;eperlal tnodno lons for Ladles. 01"1-1n) BILUSEIES. 9111 E CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IFt A DELPHIA.—Look at the following hot of gre for Hoodsornbs, and oomrete them wlth three ght gigel ll eg . ° o 1, 53 knots, 531.5 yor doSen. No. 5. 62 hoots, 75 " No. 3,6 e. h I ota, 57 No. 4, SO knot', 100 • ' No. 5, 83100t4, 111 '• No. 6,10400 kr.ota, 125 No. 7, 104 kr ots, 150 ••• No.8,1701.• - :t.i. 175 HENRY C. ECHETEIN. 47 rimt , Street, bolow Aroh, Philedelents V. NEWLAND & CO.. • LOOKING-0 LA STI AND PICTURE-PRibill MA NIT AC It REES. WHOLFSA LB AND RETAIL. Au ea tensire fr on, IV.INTINGS, cto. AN very Lew Pricer:. b 0 t ARCII L'beet, above fincr Plitmtelohm. WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW GONE FURNACE COMUNIER yi . l . l.o ., ro L ugy n tw ie i r iu =r b l , ruze wi o "t r it er o4 F lt . -;rltll e D isal.ton mall eases enereeteed. [dings Wknuej uld Ventitatid RIVOLD 4 WILSON, Iwo CHESTNUT Street. LATE MANTELS, The Richest and most Beautifal Specimens 91 Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever offered for We in this country • manufactured by us, from ranzaylvalua Blate stone, and for sale vary low. ARNoLn WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. fIOOKING RANGES. w-/ AU in want of the Beat Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to call at I ARNOLD wit.soys. CHF fr, STNUT rt.t. BEIM AM PREPAT 4 ED TO RECEIVE EVERY description of 'Family and Domestic Goode; tailrhir Sewing Ataohinei of the beet manufacturers, ea also the most approved and skilful operatom N.B.—AU artistes finished with neatness and despatch and at such prtees that defy comnatiom Miss M. A. titt ITIMM AN. B. E. corner of SIXTH. and 11l UN. Launder ofies. 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR —Great 1:41rorIula for Ig wro . co p re a n d stereoecorm Views. Amerman, Preach end Opera Cilassee,llllcroaroyea. and Improved Spectacles, enneetlr entteJ to tre 1790. at at. J. FRAIS KLIZes, °primary. 112 South FOURTH treet, below Chestnut. irge. Ulllll/40 bake in•••••... 4 RAIN MILLS—GRAIN Ml4S—Far Vi the Perm and Ste ntatton. The IRON-PURR MO has no equal for (binding' Fine Meal, Fee 4, Coe.% WS" eel, etc. by hand or norm. Price 88, 8.23. and 815. Now in operaton a ever t uth SECOND Street. Aleuts 'wanted In county and Sattp,ly attl7-am FAERLI. & CO, WALNEV-STiIEET THEATRE. EXTRA CARD. Th. zvannenment hire great pleenure in sztensweisif that, in accordance with seiverratts expressed deem (mut the public of this site. they have wade atresisi meets for the m'notfirtion of the GREAT Pr.AY OF THE AGE. GERALDINE. written L. Mrs jilt/man, 'o4bn:writ Mit slider lite ex press supervision of H. L. Bstraiss. Est, frost sheets. the ti-ht to prod see this play h•• boss sesated . 0101 / the Walnut-street Tb•st e. with sew sad apprewrists scenery. prop° rites. dresses, ate. The el, eat e end in re (Picts I druruttie arms. iiB. W ALLY:ft. has been enraged fiir.a brief vend, and will tanks bias tint p pen ra :Ice as R ALDINE, THE 11 1 "NCIID.ICK ur • e ie s. , it of t a , terbnc t ef i r r ileaee itiniant ;PRY:TAM% admit every rya— r rbe•trr-ynere. both in New Yeah end ]toaton. to eyes tt haa had an tuicaupied run of 42 NIGHTS!. ° CROWDED with the BEAUTY, FASHION, ♦ND INTELUOT of the communiti, I the Sactswitime it Itaa / whim from the R (PF,tIT FCROLA RS OP .THI.CENTURT. warrant them in the holler that Ite taltual rapreaestadas will be greeted by the mr.t CROWDED and APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE ever tosenabled withTHE S in tbei CENERY, an thirstite. PalAtOd br REINTER. is not only benatifol and tloyol hot RTRICI CORRECT. thereby tendering tb "bur. a P't i7ny OF 'TUT% FEUDAL AGM. Thn nostotrnm and onip•rties have hoes carstfillr ae t•oted from the rare en -ra.4o- a and combine to render the raise •n as rims rS +hie for its classical tl to truthful detail as for the OEORGEOIIO ONIFICEQE COOP lit ira r., The unitrd TOIG of the N•er York .firl Bretne ;mew bee el rOn oneh tewietort o , W...inn. of.annina .1. to the pier 2...1t. that the man. ern-nt feet. i t ,3,1 be . wort. of wo•rororotton In dwell noon the ip".tto I...maty , d reme 4 t e tearir! of a trtr.dy no commits leer twilled 4 to be rith•errra Prior. . I . t tiVgßitß.i Tl/4Arl,Ltlc.Si . 4.d.ithicsos6vko i ft" 0 alPi : S t ~u4m.e'' t O he ra ' tat aq edbFiraw aleteted ti One Itll *me „ . .. Tis i lfd•rwr T4AVATIC TOREit_ And Ireadernal Imam. , turif • • •PASIO'CATE 'EMOTION. - Then. wen to - hoyontion ettao thia perfottemeee vat be the errrormsr Of . 1 0. nREATF-T VA A IrAtie RE vrVAL Ever hvo , rr I. Phil - dnli)r.• orEIVITADAY 'a - v*llOX, _G. Oet . t1.1*., will I * rn.pi t t.d. ter th e an tag Sa this Istraba tralear blare eater. erfitlegt- ~ -- , , . .. GEBALDINF',. or • - 21.0IrrSrTORY. With not rnVOldlan 0 1 4tritolio. of OitSfliton , ger. ainr,_ol,. II t.rbrark we* ....... :DerstAtieret Der.o or fenthin, e ' W.f•Nib hard Xe. IF .V .ir , erer e An 00.01..,. Riot nr T. Worbara ' Mr. 1... * Union - 0 0 E, er...d.r ._ .1... - ter+. R. lr.. ireeeet _ 'aim Ito Vvre I...ter -- - ----Mr. Mir Anew, JAn' di Lac., Farrier CA..ter _. Man de Poor. h' Vett 4 Ahreviteity Wilixt i l a w 17.rrere, eltetre-tt ;..Itr.. a ..., pAlp, ~p f.....y, eietet oftteriidine letre mom Wet roan .. Tilt... , ,-o. - Mrs. renew Cnittdets, Retainer. Wit' hi 'ladies, Vassent,Seteee . „ A.... - 4-.. - • ST P111 , A.%9 A Op-B 1.T.V41.11;i1 N. adromar, nits! WALNUT -STREET .THEAIRP. W e ,Limasara, Ws ".M p 0.... t 4.):WIR877119111. rhiovna'o..voitly. fur its. . 941118 te r or TITR nif_Altl . Jahn Pearl rile c._ Pez. i 'he ; Woo. sr, Siam. Wont Cllell Plamtast. al c- 1104 Or ; Dot. Ittlatalom, Port I Bortba...ll. Ctracir - - , TE- EPON c - . Blertinort. my,Porrt t Lod, L . a . thy ; Dilaii. Sr.fas ort Pioes"—DrOts C , oelo.attoteausoup. oat intro ot,argo.l OtiVorquet. tamp vi.h....,174; r....0.‘ rasa Foxe. pntos: Tier.= cants: Manta tat s lif , •ood 4 , 3 t Motto Itosto util=. sair um's:ft room • • = • - , 't , v bo X 0100 ov *actual to en *Or, (mil Waal I ealo,kortia rAn to Ramo,. , WHEATLEY CLARKI . 'S ARM TVE.Y]IYB, oe, tibT. Dut.1.14. Soho' Preir":letrs.Llimg. Yea Janes. be.t; lIS alovbey. Mt. .P. Clouts. - Pe F f° 7 24 ""StrlTEMbralierrs.' egw..oyrweim-44.1...mmwm; sommidg i m. 1.1). VilVillani - tenure nuoin. Wow *t at* rt*r tzt Vedixtk snm •••• •r716.v.4.et premegy: VIHRICAIsi ACADEMY .O F MCKIM _ - - . , ; r. A v"RLS A NErlEigtirtirrli_ v I'AMIVE. THI.!!„.11 U rry tl4o .4 l ,Au FSWW .runo , . „.9stoberht, . ' 1,1:1343 ant • TJATR'S. - ' :At iesourkt, .franco4.E.Rare!.: 4 Wile- Minis .1-iegneca7. - ' -- ` . - - '- 1.1 itekm, fiabrifl.lisml; Abotsjil,'M ' Mutmetti. - Pale 2 , ..- Tairquert; Pinluet Cir.*. isd . 6, M.; F's nil, Ghtbelad larpbibentri , 3so.l ... Box. °Sac fvotaio A. M. tin a. . whoa Swig elm be sem Irlboni. a:M k elsinc .ota et I' r. 0..4, Per rot erste rammtreer at Weiner- NiNTIONAL HALL:--M,4IULET Stied, • tNetißlT•mlfth ust Tiiitmenth. • • elf.Noit Dovmsn'T - WOOD. TEIREr_DATS L O NGER. DONNE TI A. COL. WOOD*O GRNAT auithsaqms CIRCL • rAYTCI4IIIIC AND ACROBATIC *noun. 4 Cms_porni ea' DOGS. MONKVIN. AND . ,410A11.. COMPRISING FORTY GRIf AT...Urine! elan. /1111711.10Ce11. • MON 3 Cs. RPILINS's WONDERFUL PLALEIDOSCOPICAL VIEWS. \AIIIO 1 i,LrAfOki , 'MONDAY, TUFBDAY: AND wEDNEBDAT. October tab. Stk. end Mu. Card. Anniission. 23 cents. rtißdnce. IS yr . ETA grand Matinee will be peen on W NRS DA V AFTERNOON, for the accommodation Ladies and Child 'cu. Doom cern to Evening Entettatennetua at tig; coo roe once at Vi o'clock. Door. onto !..c iternaou patertaintnents at em. inencce at 3o M 3t • .RNELL. BUIDOSS MINA- TEMPLE OF v;t:NOT.RS. Northeast earner of TENTH pad CHESTNUT Streets—Second Starr. FIGNOR BLITZ dasrnmenee his NEW and WONDERFtijs DRAWING-ROOM ENTER TAIN YIRR i of_XAIM CAL MET/3101154 1 05M. V EN TRI UFA. the 1.1 , A RNED C •NARti BIRDS. at his. M 8 e. ,( ` EV E RY , ..NDAY EVENING. Oethber Stth. awl irEsiNti dunag the. RTES. ennoneeense et 7g Aitosk <nd nn WEDNESDAY tad SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. Minter:on n 5 coat:. Children 13 cents. OERMANIA ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIC l . A Rehearsals ATURDAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Ist 311.'iloc), P. M. A Nelms* at tiohets. 030 titles. 25 nests. To be sae ACII Andres. and Beck & Lawton's NOLO Stores. aad at the 'no , cati Ufa, IVOLFSCEN and CARL BORN cra op' am CLASSICAL aware. th Foyer of Ins AC *.TEFIIV OF MUSIC. Subscrlptions will he mile. d at Ma Meats Stores of G. Andre & Co.. 1104 Chestnut street; Lee & Want. 1 Csortnut street; Beet k Lasrtos s corner of &me end Chestnut streets ; A. Shmutt. South kielt street, where the pronwttli sod nrosrasur.uss ems 1180. n. ri t iE MARTYRIIO3I OF MISS is now estritatier. "Mb other Palette's or the L PORe Coy.ECTION. in the Southeast Oaten a the ACADEMY FINE ARTS. 0941 dell., treat A. M. till& P. SL, and 7toXI P. ht. Admlssian IS cents. 673-Ise SVICFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, 1,7 ELEVENTHetreet.betweeChammirt rust ./Isrlrel. sar ke l ar tferg ziupx. the lamed theff l nt g e A re v igetrv v hi ery I very evening in Me Kama male or Marsala& Dow* ayes Caremmrser at 11. Adar micas cents ettiildrem mints a:A.lm PASSENGER RAILWAYS. N.•TIOE.—An instalment of two dollars and arty cents pot' share on the i mp stock of ?linen ;ha ?en at and the Call Pasterver Condo." cans of e ti.stx t spots Nos. I nod 47 saL he dat e Zd the o ntr i zt n ot u it.nathar s t filet W. zris. ht'noe l plort. n Ort..l 9 IMO. dadt Treas. t 0E- ICE OF Ti-E 17-Wv.. RESTONTILLS M. ANTITI * a Al 4 FA! Rbi DUN 'f• PA • - 2 - - -,‘ -' - -- '''._- RR:4O3 RAILROAD Co PANV.—EXCHANGE TICRE IS ._ry hog Reed ewonw he obteined In Ae_ers f_!_rie 0 I.N AND CO R M, fitCt iS AND vINII, MICH.. and A.A.R./SloT-er 'hatubit Fore, to or from f.fooma-_.-- , ."- b ents. • • • • Areous Drays - Yard. Bract& • • Cethedrateen item. Resits. • • • ' • Heaton Ile Park— a man. 013.11 t SCALES. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES 4 For :Ida b. 71.5 F A HE W 51 N 7 N1 B t EWNG. FAIRBANKS' BAY COAL, AND CATTLE SCALF.S. Tor FAIR HANKA k SWING 718 CHESTNUT inns'. P.kits. ;;ILVER MEDAL AND MrLu Awarded by thtlato erAT/2. FAIR. TO A. B. DAVIS & CO.. MANUF.CTURER OF FCALR3I. Foitable for Wei4h-Lucks, R. R. Tracks, And Deoßte. Coll, Da), and Lire 3 ...a. A raons desenr lion.of DORMANT AND PO RTALB PLATFORM SCAI.E3 AND PATENT BEAMS N. COIL OF FIFTEENTH A D WILLOW Bts. 007.6 t. PHIL • DELPHIA. UOWE'S STANDARD SCALES.- STRONG & ROSS PATENT.—CoaI. Cattle. and fiat' Stales requlre no it. Platform an d F Counter &Mee even deseripuoa, They TeI:4MS mho* Scales.ar on Balls instea be fo ref nife Edges. uen abet Cali and eurnme plllthllAing alumina*. and sae 'h.' "" TESAGTON Gil fiES. Agent. 112 South B.E.VSNTIA Pt, eet, Philadelnlns. SANIIiG FUNDS. V,PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO- L, c I ETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Os-e, N 0.331 North THIRD Street 4 Cousehdat , on Bank Buildiet_ CHARTERED WV THE LEGISLATIJKs OFPENN SYLVANIA. Deposita received iu EEG of One Dollar and ELermA ene\reprod in Geld . without notice . , with Flys ?nig CENT. IN . TER.EBT from the der of deposit till with drewEL A•responsible sad reliable Saving" fastoinon has been needed In the 2Corthern part of the City, and" Spring Carden Savings Fund Society " was c hartered the Leculattire of Pennsylvania to sueplY ttda.WIOUF.tI a The Menagers. to organizing and Il , loall i ttlave governed wholly by a desire to aOOO the bald ness interest and wants of the very large and ealMiln stng populelims by which it ts surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, . From It to t% o'otoe.k; also, on Monday and Thll'l4ll3 from I noel 8 o cloak in the everues. MANAGE'S. frederiok Klett, Stephen Smith, oho P. Levy Hon. H. K. Strong, smell Under Lifer, ..'redenek Sulks. rams Hart. Joseph P. Learns. john Kessler. J r., Geol. Knecht, ernes S. Pringle, °mph M. Crowell. on. a. k killward. George Woe pelp r, Peter C. Ellmater Geo. T. Thorn, Robert B. Davidson. imam PiUNGLE Praudeek Fluxes' Haat. Eleorstarr. ' ,ago -int EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCIIZISEER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gives Ms &schisms attention to the medical and I treatment pf the E sod EAR. " 4 DE c sFNESS of the long.st otandine removed both he scythed/ and surgical operation i s on the latest ao t emifis principle& Dr... would be P. 448441 to re c ed,...... both of the medical faculty who stub to Witness Ina „,,, 0, 0 0 o r e pereat3Ag fftr the re moral of Deafness, or ant retnt the. F. • hand EAR. .. c er aki..miYES. INSERTED. (3, ,4 _ NINTH Streay shore SPRUCE. ce A. ht. to I P Id., anti teem 4 to " • not-tto.if AM,LA ROPE.—A Lair stock of Ms .t.LA. Ito` II toaattesetatett and tot at the itrill4 z tro. wwwl ,,,, 03 tioarettimutsviciauvrAany....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers