TO ; gentleman fornierly "of 9 fritilidelfaeattitt, that the-Japanese are I • Very bitireilial-peepleiand-hife more •lifin-viva aid expression ahrinfthein.'theilifiethinese. They don EYoalr f' yen With that, 'Peculiarly Ohl- Witailtaittweoden.manner, - , but are full of in ..ifmillisitt,:-lind are aliaysliolite and _ ' good-natured, Of conrsea emnifittbe government- , . ulltehlia; for they, like offloials of every country and race,-hare :the faculty of reeking themselves die ' agreeable, end ought to be 0 , 31.1M051 out of the pale of humanity.-The people ate very inqulaitive, and ask all manner of 'questions. - Inthe shops they 'alis'aya,, know - Whether we are Ameri eans;', ,Nnglish,, Itiesiena, - or Balch. They, ex ' very, Carefully all articles of clothing, and • always - Say ."'Eproke". (good) when' they find anything- which particularly. pleases their 'fancy, ' As you walk along the streets Yon' are saluted on every,etde,by children with f' Ohio" (how are you), and Baton Rasta" (give me a button) They halm a greirpiiiiiiin for lonise buttons, and thearival officers have almost stripped their coats in making presents. -If had only knoWn -di it before, I would have brought over a few gross from Shang bee. It would have made me this most wailer man ln,Nagamki.' I have cut off all that could be spared, but my supply Is exhausted, and I have 'nothing left to answer the demand of Boton Ka. ele." .- - ,Thore. are many strange sights' to - he met with in Nagasaki. The tadmirers of the Japanese say that they are as yet 'a pedeotly innocent race, and 'free from, all me: • This May be so, but, in some respeetsi their innocence is of 'such an aggro-. voted character that. to our' eyes, it looks very' much like vice. And in their intereourse with foreigners they will undoubtedly learn more that is bad than', good., Now that the nerrlatereouree poitey has been given up, they will soon and that their days of peace and quiet are at an end. In point of cleanliness the Japanese are far ahead of the Chinese. Tao streets aro well paved and kept. in good,ordenana they areas particular shout their • houses ns if they had all oome from Holland.- They always take off their shoos before entering a house, and we often have ,to do the same before we are adinitted. The floors are' Covered with nice, clean mats. The rooms are entirely destitute of furviture, • 'theme a answering for bed, table, chair, and every thing else. It is a very simple arrangement, and eaves a vast deal of trouble. All the inside parti -tie is are made of thin, slidirigsoreens, covered with 'imilervao that the whole of the floor can be thrown into oue room—a good convenience when you want ,to given party, , The lower °Mani go about as scantily dressed as their houses are furnished. In our afternoon walks about the hills, we often encounter theladies of a house taking a bath In a tub by the door. They salute us with the customary Ohio," and we, of 'course, always stop for a few moments to-pass the compliments of tbeday, and then pass on with a " Moneta," (good bye.) They always scorn rather pleased with any little delicate attention of tb's kind; and are not at all interrupted in their ablu= tions by our presence. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH. rAO.F. ARRIVED. - Bohr Salmon Wrichburn, Thrasher. 3 days from Taun ton. with mine to Twelle & Co. Behr Ann S Cannon, Newell, 3 dare from New York wiih mho to captain. Bobr Sallie T Dhartre. Chartre, 6 days from Boston. in Wheat,. captain. • RebtAlid 6 i-Cartn.lrf 4 dire front New Loudon, in hol iest-t nlakietnn Behr John Whitby - . Renderpnn. 1 day from Odessa, Del, with oats, to Clatietian & Curran. CLEARED. S M ateamthip State of Georgia, Garvin, Savannah: Alex Heron. Jr. „, • StearnehipDe aware, Copes, New York, via Cape May, J Allderthre. Brig Lima, O'Briea. Halifax, J H Atwood. ' Snhr Salmon Washborn,,Thrsalter, Taunton, Twelle & S"hr Co, Rollins, Core. Salem, Twang tc Cn. Stt 18 Shrtver, Dennis, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. ' BY TELIOZirI. (001telIPPIldellne of the Philadelphia Exchange.) : CAPE 181,AN O. NJ, Oot 10—b td. ' The steamship Kensington. for Boston. bark and tyro harm biles, went to sea to-day. A toll-rigged brie, deeply Wen and several light schooners . passed in this afternoon.. wind N. • ours, T 11 0 .9. 13. HUGHES. BALTSMORE 10. The Br brie. Arthur Leary. from the Caribbean Sea. with eunno. in below. The pilot boat Invineiblo. wan passed on Saturday towing a disabled eabooner to Nor folk. , New ORLI:41(s. Oot 10. Ship # ,Elvim, Owen, has arrived from Baltimore. NEW YORK. 00t 10. Arrived—Ship Emerald, front Greenock; Chace, from Sunderland. ' BotrolfttAlt, Oct 10. Arrived—Ship Rathhone; from New York. Per steamer Indian.) Arrived Fruit -Charleston—Sept 27th ;Ship Amelia, at Liverpool. Arrived from Baltimore—Sept 29th, ship Ferdinand, at Bremen. Sailed for New Orleans—Sept Roth, ship Monarch of the Boos, from Liverpool. Sept 27th. Ships Constitution, Princeton. St Helena. and Meas. fano Liverpool. Sailed for Charleston—Sept 20th, ship Jason. from Liverpool- Bept 21th, ship Mary Ann, from Liverpool. Sailed. for Savannah—Sept 27th, chip Anna Gray. from Liverpool. ' Sailed for Mobile Sept 24th, Ships Conqueror. and Windsor Forest. fromßlverpool. Sept 27th, ships Cou rier, Nubian , andßosooe, from Liverpool. - - MEMORANDA. Steamship Keystone State, Marehman, hence, arrived at Charlestonjth Mat: ' pateEihip Pennsylvania, Teal, nailed from Richmond Bth or Philadelphia. Shin Parana. Stevens, cleared at New York yesterday for Montevideo. Bark 0 W Hall, Titus. front Matanzas. arrived at Mobile eth, ;net, in ballast; before reported, sailed for Philadelphia, Brig T W Lucaeo Perkins, for Philudelphia, went to sea from Charlston Bth inst, with 200 bales cotton. 17 do rope cuttings; 200 We opts turpentine, 183 a bars railroad iron, 80 axles; and 40 pkga sundries. Behr Minitesota.kane,from New London for Phila delphia. itrriveul at New A ork yesteday. Behr Alice Loa. Foster. for Georgetown, S C, went to sea from Charleston Bth met. Solar Cinderella, Stebbins, from Providence for Phila delphia. arrived at New York yesterday. Behr Mau D Lane, Gardner, hence, arrived at Mobile 4th inst, t Behr R P Kitts, Leeds, hence, arrived at Richmond Bth inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, lIP TO 12 o'cLocx LAO? NIGHT . GIRARD /10118 E—Chestnut et.. below Ninth. o , sageostoroAleviutl„ , _ A s wai r ooki_ _ _-_ ittr t t k il ia ' 8 4itli—ilainl'ri Wet t Chem -Mrs ogns e on,- t keiiVene:ter - Av./Th.6n" Pa t" Tfl Massuner k lo * Coun .1 1, Corium & Is, Boston D b ells & wf, Mihreaken 8 W Perry & I, fhang 0 1, Wheelock & la, Chicago 9 W Roberts & a N Y It Sargent, St Louis , .0 Shreve. Miss on Itlolinson. Sslt • PI G. Lane. Wash. D C Mrs Moulton, Bo l t liss Moulton. Bait - W L Hamilton, La J Hamilton, La • W B Hamilton. Lit ft fl Adsms, Ala ' Miss Adams, Ala Mrs Min.'s. Aht it.B Aiken & kir Fl C ' Mrs Id 8 Minim. 8 0 ra R Martin. 8 C'.• ' W A Martin, 8 C 0 A Vir. a 4ie/eai r en ' : 1 8 iN j orga t i ll; Ala 'Maw Pollard, Ala Mrs J i yes,' A Miss Christian. Ala Miss okens. Ail P C T.ce: Ala fr Mar e.v, N Y - .1 Dillon A la. Boston . I) L Bryon. N 0 • 1 8 Stevens. Al D. & ix, N 17 0 B VVolltntd Vii , - . H . /1 1 1t ,i t . g . r, pi clp, 0 , , B .Arhe i, l:4o , K r, n u ill e a tta h. , s o ., Ky . - W .7 pi 13allant, NY '' J Oillot. N Y , It 'l' l'ilnorp. Oa .1 R. Dickson, Memphis W - 11 Whipple.= Mans , . RA Graham. Pinewood N lancer. Bethlehem W.l Smith, r N I irl. rin e ell i n;Prr to'l 741 ) T1 1 411.tong_fi l Irtrard ;AS Cone.llnrt Hartford . - Mies Aline Conc. slartford Mrs, M. Brandt. NY ' ' 11 Deis/iota, NY Mrs Richard Delnfiald,NY - alio 8 ' P Delatiel, N Y IF. to i t, , N Y r l O C 11 W Pries, Ala - - ielij Kintelne. 1/ 8 N ;i l ls Ts 5tr, 11 .4 1 . & li t', vs R./Dn rr , juiss Jolit Millen, itlit, , , treilse d dri-N Y -N . Pc5:1.11, Piewl:llartford - -John af teason, Ohio , N Townsend Joh_n R. Hinton. vs ' K Mudge. Mass M Sanger, N Y F. Ilium, N Y Wm (Penn, Ciik 0 O 8 Felt Boston lintel Crocker, Boston Mtsg,t3 T i Crocker. Boston Botch R Crocker. Boston Jos Sal srd & la Boston Miss B Ballard Boston Miss C Balls rd. Boston • C n Cotlin, N Y W If Byrd. N Ir I' W Nash, Ten Tenn W 'Lombard. N Y r. N - BLAlscn, NO - ' V i m e 'f+Tiriitig : /( 1 Clow II Wolff% Cin, 0 11 Easter. Dot V Weaver. v& wG Maxwell & Is, Bali JC ft ivee. W ehingtou D Ries, Girard. Pa John I Petit, N Y C Lovering, Balt MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., alcove Market. John Woodside, Ireland R P Brown. Readine J It Marsh, Intim a N Fisher, Alliance, 0 P W Mailer, Salem, N C W Cook. Ph P May & la. 'Elkton •Md WII H Roberts, Fla W W Love, Quincy, Fla Oen W Bradley, N Y as E Griffin, Coatesville 0 P Bennett.Alontouraville It Else, Lycomins co, Pa L Townsend & son, hid Meltortald Pittsburg P T Schley, Savannah. Os Wm Miller, HendmrS 1) I Tevitty, It Mitchell, 8 C W P Shinn& wife. Pa T Y Rally. Somerville,N J I Woman. Newark, N 811 Strawy. Pa WI, Boyd, Mass - A Sheets. Ohio J T. Parker, Boor Kill, - Md A Wilson, Pittaburz , -. AMMAN HOTHL—Chestirtit IL, *Nay!) Fifth. `'_H W RaloorniN 'V 0 Holbroolc. N"Y - R c r AVß a riltltr r°l lAo e V i le ft g % a tilt' inia„,.Ne .....)...,..._,u. N.F . E rocher... 0 - J tl n lhi n nt i . l hi a giir - N 8 1 44:0 1 =4'hr: . 6 r 'Mite, lir Y , ' Virrmicrson tc. in., Boston Muir Anderson:l44ton L'l Cooper. N IS Coiling, Wnshinston ft _Collins, Washington rHaan'. lifid W W Wills. Ps as ft.cumminm..rib. - B *doled!, Reading _Fro., Bolitulkilt oo ' F WJ4sweill. N Y v r mugh. Norwich -p, C Fishor.Norviela SoMnol Wallace sc '7 haven ....,„c„„„,,,,4 C H_F waiting. N. C yr Hobart, Philo WII H IlopkfoO, A ,T C Mien Jr. New Bicirord C B Rowley, Richmond .' VA H Arnabury. ilmoklin J o lir Reisk j eb VA , ,0 II Brown, NIT H Pcirfield, Workington .l'ini Sc ifibo tt 'rt. Irtt , ' -cBMoTt on . V a ' , _ Million Munch, Va . - . FRAN/ELAN 11,0l . :13E—Chostnut , street,nhpvo Third. -¢ R Pitwjem:Va NE At Runt. Na .. D BWokton .1.1 .1 , . A 8 Buntirw. P 4 Y Jul Ltdca. Del ' .1' Biolintigi Lance : tiler OM DithitiOir,OliMbereb'g iV ' nll7llllll T ro y , l" Y R $ Ramsay, N Y rt . eter MAW Pidivor. Pp.. jrolin W ' Liggirrf - hrtitui j w Dirty, EintraK. W OLtnatittr¢ It Brt ger) t JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. 11b0110 Stith. D Doyinv,ohiorso II Fiery,Philp O W' S. C h a r in atia, ll V 6 if grtag n A 1 -°nn litre .I_li Stormer, Memphis Jim Robinson, Ohio • Wm II Robinson. Ohio B Fr/plain, ti 8 N R F Pullen. N T .1 CAS whaton. N Y J F,wips, Tre_nton ' J_ern on, Jr lild BTararonr.N Y W 0 Make, Boston Miss HlO Stevens, Portland H Na ea, Boston 3 P rem Bolt co il L iiiishey, N' ork 13 Ca U. Halt` A l t i m i .iatt I , ' lt Y B 0 Mir, Holt• •fit i nln:i illi n e e lr,;y 1 ,C 3 I,' glg,r a l , iit l iturK anima Rich, Altnmont Geo Will anis, Bait Ino?• ( .1ii , ' "tahurg if I' Ma t f. r glgro u tle by cal D Hoyt Cal it l gFegs,'Ont , D Holliday, Balt D,Wil tame, Belt-'W IC Wallace, Balt Geo A Illakeloy, Wash J It Nickerson. 3 C V. B Oboe. Brooklyn. .1D latocktoniN I hlse T B Beating, N Y ' Roc C B walker, El C , -- • TRH UNION HOTP.G.-Arob street, above Third. Mrs Wehort, Pinta ht II Horn. Jr, Pa = _ J H Hoo2ol'. ''+' IlDenlinger, Whit° Ha li C Ortmilotafeills, F o Ifilderbrant. Berlin sot litothr i emhertvrije SIC Hider, N J .•, btl nrd- 41i it. Troy. ri I Waal Ives. Prey, NI, lissnlyea, Trot, N Y 1' K Haughty, hut , eBAijagAGLE,--Thitd et . above Citll7ll. tile II 211111911. PA PI Below. Montt g ,--, IA Newtimn, high 00 John Kline k, lik t it cli g n i t t :4 l 4 l - 11EC ' !SW PrPlib, A s.:`^ 11 pe I i l i t A 0 1 1414, i r gO m fß !Air it o Ptig; § Ai'Crblfei'Ll ge n p -116 e r I H iffl Lot r e r i 4 etilp ‘ g - I' lli e lA te 4 r - B rd stir b m Tl a r n s ll , l i, g f . algl:g liq i iNl , 11;1 V:im, N 4 • Aa1.,4 4 Heath omit 40 Mae CI Geary, Meru 0 0 Ilftl,„111:101,11r , 11TATItiorifattUDTEL-4 Martotitrett. above Bilati. ' .. Inricli t ekiVlAT-hi?% l E l ATATP l il iana ' l'a • t '.,- • l i tt o zr el ope o : 4 , p i : eo 7.....",;:ix pE g m ui tn. i..ct e. : ol , l) .R .l .:::) , il _.': ° ln . l i er„ g ';.?''' ia,:4 ---., if w :T tit,... ury.., R! 'r, itar l iaugerl- 01 44,;Y5 , •4- alai., Xritnt , ,,, p, . . ill./000eirtt!..14t0t fO t . - .•,, ..',,, ~ ':: ~ ' . `l ll l4ll ll-9118 1 614 1 .' IV P lll l l l4l l l . W Ting - 1 4 "' - ': rdAnToTt i tto .. - *--: ' 0 nal INV': , "1 7, Binfaie.. eltreraburg 41t '' ..10 3'13 01- 1 6 11. 40 4 P' u ! t t n i 1 3 1 10_tf i rYst r "Pa 411114 1 :.r , l a c ri i ,r 4 , 44 ., •-4 ri t ins'ailleri Juniata , -' i p - shkepr,lreir,liuptir e • t Willa. Ilielv. /Wm Tr'PTY);= .:, -A BLACK „BEAR HOTEL—Third at., above Callowhilk 4 -- 11. , Hamtaisoillnekii co. Pa— Thoe Shade, Ounmeitotra ties Brandt, New Britain Frank Leister,Bunineytwn Wm Tbompsop, EAceniville W B Erdman, Alillerstown Chester 1 Gross. risaareth Wm P Ziegler, Macungie A - M Sigmund, Lehigh co,Pa 38 - Dodder, Douglassville O W trodell,-Abinlen Wmßrumback. Ego er David Bechtel : Bee telsoltie Beni D Lenr,'llertbrd Wm Millers, Baur , in, Pa . Ed w D Albright, Allentwn - NATIONAL HOTELt—Rene strut. above Third. A P Grabill. Pa John Culp, Pa P M Nolo, Milwaul i oe g.mnmel M Belinsgr'e D Commings, 13almyiffaven I. Tempi in, Rending John E Nice, , Pottaville Marta, Lancaster on, Pa M Brown, Centre no. Pa It Har, Monti( oo A B Ward, Wilma, N 11. It Myerancaste't Pa J Roth. Lancaster M W Williamsport T V Rhoads, Allentown Jacob Rainier, Pottsville Jacob sponsier,Lime Ridge Joe 13 Albright, Hamburg EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. above Deco. W B Anderson J 8 Williams. Lane C Wilson. Lebanon T homas, West Chaster .1 Curtis, Chester eo S Lane J Homes, West Chester M Cunson, Del .1' Simone, Del A Spencer & la, Balt .1 B Stubs,Stuba' Landing 8 Petro°, N Y 8 T Eeke,N Y 3 1 Bi,:own, k r , oldon J Fnnoett. Chester co 'r olingi 8 Harris, Boston ' J DAVIN, sue T Evans, Chester co 8 Painter. West Chester J Wilke, Brownsville ' G Ellis, Ohio 8 W Moody, N 0 COMMERCIAL HOTEL-9ixth et., above Chestnut. T Coates, Lancaster co T Traynor. Chester co J Scott. Chester no .1B Kirk, Chester an A Kimble Chester co Kimble, Cheater en C Jacobs,'Fbile Wan A Herren, Laqo co G H Maynard, Lane co 8 Posey, Willa, Del 'Tease Bertolet, Reading E A Howell, Chester co F hloboa.rran.latno no Joe Thomas, Lane co A Yeatman & wf, Chester coD B Ntvin, Chester co J Meredith, Chester co Wnt L James, W Chester MOUNT VERNON—Second street. above Arch. p W Wiltbank,'Maoon, On 8 8 Wiltbank, 8 America J Wiltbank,N J Wilson & In, lowa 8 Walters, Princeton, N J P Watkins, Wash M Becksl, Bethlehem Nira Lawback, Bethlehem P Borhek Aln Bethlehem A Broken. N J P Bennett, Pa J Pecker, Phila. Jan Lilley, Lancaster Jno F Lee, Salt Lake city BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second at,, below Vine. T T Abell, Bradford co John Clutter, Jr. Bunn co B Thompson, Pa B W Simpson. Books co Stacy Brown, Brownsburg M T Keenan, Phila Tatuchanan, Newtown C B Widdefield. Doyleet'n SPECIAL NOTICES. 't WHO SHALL BR TIM PROTHONOTARY 7-. It is Important that every office shall be filled with men of sterling integrity and of personal worth. Audi there fore, we take occasion to call the att•ntion of voters to the claims of CHARLES D. KNIGHT, who has re ceived the nomination of the People's party. For more than twenty years he has been actively Identified with the business interest of Philadelphia, and in all that time no men lose won or deserved a better name. Meet ing his obligations promptly, end attending with the strictest fidelity to the smallest details of his calling, he has gained hosts of friends who will speak, as we now speak, warmly in his behalf. " Mr. Knight has never been a professional office seeker;contenting himself with attending to his own concerns in a diligent way. Until recently, indeed, ho has merely been a quiet worker in the ranks, voting al ways and contributing his means to what he has: believed to be the beat interests of the city and county at large. Such a man commends himself to popular regard, and cannot tan to receive a large vote. "Ina life of nearly forty years, there is no taint or shade of suspicion attaching to his name. Ho ix a quiet unobtrusive, intelligent, and enterprising gentleman alive to everything that can promote the interests of Philadelphia, and add to her greatest prosperity. He is quell a man. to a word, as will commend himself to the confidence, and esteem, and suffrage of an enlightened public. He should be elected by an overwhelming vote."—Sunday Tratairript, TITS CROWNING GLonr."—A flowing, soft, luxuriant head of hair in considered the crowning glory of either sex, but particularly of woman.. .IULES HAZ'EL'S EAU ATHENIENNE HAIR RESTORER will produce this. oven whero baldness has existed from age or disease. It also restores the hair tots original life-color, black, brown, or auburn, and yet is not a dye. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES HAVEL k CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, oclo-eldarltW 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Will posi tively oure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &0., &o. BOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively ours Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &e. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., DS ARCH Street, and for sate by Druggists and dealers generally. Price 75 cents per bottle. THE BEST $5O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ISVICIt MANUFACTURED. W. B. JACKSON & CO., Mt CHESTNUT Street. Agents wanted. 004-12t•' TO TUB LADIES.—W, 11. Jackson & CO. reseeetfully invite the Indies of Philadelphia and vicini ty to call and examine their new and improved 4150 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. :Their Machines, use the Straight Needle, and make the lock stitch alike on both aides of the cloth. Office , MI CHESTNUT Street, over Hazard's Book Store' oca-nt" Gaovint, & Beaum's GELIBILLTID NOISSIMS FAMILY BZWIIIO-211ACHINNO. ♦T REDUCED PRICES. Temporarily at No. WI Broadway. , Will return to Na. 496 in s few weeks. TIM PRIORS OP BINGER'S SEPTTNO MACHINES TIAVE ! SENN ! ! RIMED !!! X2l-3/11 aifi-LAMP DEPOT—SIXTII AND ARCM se24-3rn TEE STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY have warded the FIRST PREMIUM to the Hewing Ma chines of LADD, WEBSTER, & CO. Now styles, with recent itimrovemente may be seen at their rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street. oe4-tuthelm FA CRS FOR TIM FEEBLE.--DR. MOTT'S CUAIATIKATR Pau.—The only preparation of Medi mai Iron sanctioned by the Medical Faculty, and pre• scribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre. paration of Iron can, for a moment, be compared with it. Innoxioue in 2”. 1 .41e,5_in which it has hitherto teMirtlidffanis proved absolutely curative in numer ous cases-of each of the following complaints, vie s - In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation. prepay tile, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Incipient Oonsurnption, Sorofidous Tubumulosis, Balt Rheum, Bcurvy, Miemenetruation, Whites, Chlorosis, Jaundice. Liver Complaints, Mercurial Consequences, Chronic ]headaches, Rheumatism, Inter mittent Fevers. ice., he., ho. Debility, Impurity of the Blood, DePrelate of Vital Energy, Pale - and otherwise Sickly Complexions, mdi oate iteneeessity in almost every conceivable case, In all oases of Pamela Debility its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole History of Medicine which exerts such prompt, happy. and fully restorative effects. Invalids no long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own immediate neighborhoods, have, after a few trials of this Restorative, suddenly appeared in the busy world, as if Just returned from protracted travel in a distant band. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisi tion of strength, with eh unusual disposi . tion for active Sind cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use, For sale by all Druggists in town and country. Price, fifty cents per IMX, Contenting fifty pille, sent free by mail to any part of the 'United Stalest, on the receipt of the price. Principal OMee, 334 BROADWAY. R. B. LOCHE, General Agent. Wholesale and retail in Philadelphia, by DYOTT & SONS, Ma North SHOOND Street. au26-ths&uttin ONE PRICE CLOTHING OE THE LATEST STYLES, made in the beet manner, expremly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST ceiling num marked in Plain Figures. AU good, made to order warranted mmHg faetory. Our ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., seB-tf MAIIKET Street. BATING FUNDt--NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST Comeary.—Chertered by the State of Pestenßawls. RULES. 1. Money is received every dart', and in any amount, urge or small. 3. FIVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put In. 3, The money is always paid back In OOLD whenever it Is called tor, and without notioe. 4. Money le received from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or email sums, to remain a long or short period. 11. The money received from Depoeitors is invested ta Real 2state, Mortgages, Grtrand Rents, and other find. ohms suOuritieg. • 6. °Moe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third *treat. Philadelphia. sale SEAN $ N S SAYING FUND—NORTHWEST CORNIER Bacon) and WALNUT' Streets.—DOMAN re olved in imall and large amounts, from all Masan of the community, and allow) Interest at thereto of Ave per omit. per annum. • Money may be drawn by cheeks 'without lota din tercet. Woe open dolly, from 9 until 6 o'olook, and on Mon day sald Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, OILAS E. MORRIS. SALAXANDINt FIRR-PILOOF SAFES. —A very Imo assortment of SALAMANDERS for male at reason. sble piing, No. 93 South FOURTH Street, Philadei. phis. sun tf EVANS 8: WATSON "WilF,Bman & WILSON SinviNo MACHINES. '--Pllatielphin Oleo, 678 CHESTNUT Street. Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT ae by the Company. 'Branch offices In Trenton, New brag, and Easton and Weateheater. Pa. eetr-din MARRIED. AUCIfhIUTY—LINK.--At Millersburg.- Penne . ylva- A'."'o.".RuictraY irlett,lPN llf9 . by the Rev. Mr. ew Orlen Ln., to only oaushter nt the Into David Link. bey., of the for toor ploys. I.Netr orledes papers Ware 0014.1. ftlfE—TUffE,—At tlethlehent, n n , Tuesday morning, rot. 4th, hr the Rev. plin P. Parke, or Pb ladolphin. to Anna C. Yoh° of Bet lehem. BA, the diet inst., by the Rev. 13 . Book, Mr. Charles L. Brous° to Mice Marla Louisa Cu be, all of this otty. BREA—OALWAY.-0o the 6th lost., by Rev. Alfred Bookman, of Philadelphia,o Charles IL Shea and Liave 1414 33h0 : I:Tl—binVErtVl At r .sarti o n flit teat,, by Rev. J : P. litronz. 'Atm NI,1) , th Newark, and Kate, daughter of Judie B. N. Vierolaill DIED. bfLOWN.--00 Sunday. the 9th (net., !qrs. Mar y R. Brown, Joliet of the late Rev, Thomas Brown, need 74 years, The frill!! of tbe thmilr $lll invited to view the re.- nal al he re§leenthi of her'Ron-m•lfilr, Dr. toed, Pro, 93 4h great: 44 Wednesday marnint, et 9 woof , . te funeral proceed in the the'Oreat Talky Baptist Chetah. Efi'llBTOURF,c-Ort. he rnorronsf a the ugh inst., Hastings, son of Bowel aud Emily Btacklicuse; aged Acconths. • POCITLR.-Ort Sunday's 9th r. Ma rga ret B. Boa tel, flaighter of the tate Iliani mite% The Monde of the fapi y are Arita to attend tier filr . iral, from the ice Mule of (lee rother-in law. Jftl aline, No, 1.141 me street, on Wednesday, the inetwat 11 o'clock A, AI, To proceed to' Little! T il i t i e nT tei F.-- . On the Bth inst., Oeorge Terbett, la the 28th year of lin age. - Veneta( fro.. hie late residence, Twentieth and Ran. Dock streets i formerly Rudman,/ on Wednesday rtfttr "ltiiir4.-°c[4l the - Ith nst , Barak Catherine, daugh tey of Conrad and Sarah Booklet, ' aged . 1 9 Tenn and months. Vallefitt from Ake residence of her resents, No. 1011 Norm necond street, chore Otter, this Crummy; aftt.r II o'clock. ALLER..-On the Bth Allen, - 424 year y , . attend e a laie g r:l 4 .lv 1[4 ° 41 4 1 1 11r gi l :r , a !tin v t i .l t 7 i re t ? sidenoe -of ilisidep-father t Amos Pesslee, No. 857 Brand street, aboveweilnee this (Third-day afternoon, the Atli Mat. at 2 o'oloo it.. 11.1”381 1 .LL.-On the Bth - inst., kir, Ezekiel C. Russell, in the 28th tear of his age. Funeral from the residence of hie parents, corner of Corn and Reed streets, on Wedne'sdar afternoon ' 'at 3 o'clock. • SCOT r.--On the Bth - Mgt., Mre. Eliza Scott, wile of TilOman Soott, aged 43 years. YBAGER.—On the 9th inst., William Yeager, in the Mit year of hiring.). CREAMER.—On the 9th Inst., Mary Ann Creamer, in the 36th veer of her age. oelir,ElDEß.—On the 9th inst., of a lingering ill ness. Elizabeth, wife of John &Weider, aged 39 veva ar6 1 1 1:1 5 40V..—0n the Bth inst., John Downey, liked 43 years.. JOHNSTON.—On the Bth John. eldest son of Samuel and Ann Johnston, aged 6 years and 2 smooths. WYLIE —On the fib inst., atnry W) Imo, In the Mt year of her age. °WTI ARY Died, in Baltimore, Sept. 21st, 185 g., ATAXY Mize, eldest daughter of John and Sarah A. V. Stephens, aged 17 years. 6 months, and 2 day s. Alas, how true it in that '• death {chows no distinc tions." but claims for its victimathe young and beauti ful as well Meth° aged and decrepit. We have seen tlns truth painfully illustrated In the daemon, of the subject of our notice. Just arrivtal at the age of womanhood, with high hopes and brilliant prospects of a life of un hounded happiness, our friend Mollie lain been called upon to close her eyes to all that is bright and beautiful in this world, and to enter upon the realities of the un known. That fatal disease, consumption. commenced its ravages upon liar, and so quickly dul it complete its work, that in one short year from the time when her friends. with anxious care. observed the first symptoms o: the disease, we have been called upon to moors her decease. In her death her relatives and friends have met with au incomparable lose. She was gentle and af fectionate in her disposition, frank and unassuming in her Mangers, mid had united in her all therm good qua lities which Nrould have rendered her an ornament to society, and a Moaning to her friends. But He who dis poses all things has seen fit to remove her from our midst ; and although the affliction falls heavily upon us, let us submit without murmur to Ilia will, and hope that it is all for the best. To the young and thoughtless, who t a solemn warning is the sad late of our young friend! It admonishes them that youth is not exempt from the ravages of the " grim monster," but that they, as well as the aged, must die. . . " Leaves have their tithe to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stare to set—but all— Thou haat all seasons for thine own, 0 death." Phlindelphift. Oat 15. 1859 E ! BESSON & SON, Street, have a full assort- MOURNING STOR, NM SOB CILEST/lUT mentor Slang Velour Reps, do. Mousseline d Laines,; do. Cashmeres, do. Marinoas. do. Satin de Chinos, do, BonMazines, do. Tamises, do. Paramattas. do. Mohair Lustres. do. Thi bet Long Shawls, Block Crape ' Second Mourning Goods ii 'Black Gros Groin 1 do. Poult de Soles, Silks , do. Venotiennes, do. Gros WlF,oosse, do. Potent boiled Silks, do. Irish Pooling. do. English Crapes, do. Crape Collars, do. Sleeves, "oils, &c., Ste. every variety. 07-tt TT'T 0 TII E STATE-RIGHTS DEMO - CHATS OF SECOND SENATORIAL. DIS TRICT.—In the ,4rgut of last evening:ln appeal is made to Democrats to vino for John it. Dohnert, on the round that "IF ELECTED HE WILL HAVE THE OP PORTUNITY OF VOTIN4 FOR THE RE-ELEC TION OF WM. BIOLF,R TO THE U. 8. SENATE." What does this mean 2 Are we to understand that Mr. Dohncrt is a William Bigler. Democrat? and that it Fleeted he is to assist in securing bin re-election to the U. 8. Oenato ? Is that the feast we are invited to? If that is the game. then! say bettor no Senator at all than such • one, for I am an anti-Bigler and anti-Buchanan at• DEMOCRAT._ TrTO THE CITIZENS OF PHILADEL rm.A.—Havioc been nominated be the People's Party for PROTHONOTARY OF THP COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, I most respectfully ask your sue port in electing . me, Medulla myself to attend to the duties of the oMee with fidelity_tt the publi interests It* CHARLES D.cKNIOHT: CONCERT HALL—N %V LECTURE.— T hga.II. I 4III I MAN I MENT," wallgive hin NEW LECTURE. THILItSDAY EVENING, October Milli The eubjeot to n novel one, IKNTITLY.D WHAT A BLIND SAW IN ENGLAND." It was delivered at the Cooper Institute, New York, or the first time to an IMMENSE AUDIENCE. Tickets 25 cents, or five for $l. For sale nt all the usual Owe. Lecture. quarter to eight o'clock. TO TILE VOTERS OF THE CITY OE PIIILADELPHIA.—The Committee of &gm er ti3Aence of the People's Party of the County of Phila delphia respectfully call your attention to the fact that on 'l'neaday, Ortoberlltiblao9. the free and independent citizens of this Commonwealth will again °luny that pr, iloge, so dear to freemen, that of selecting the men to whom will tie confided the. administration or the dii tiea of come of the most important, and responsible State and county offices within their gift. There are vartoue considerations that combine to make this election one of more than ordinary conse quence to the people of our State and county. The In fluence which the result of the present State content "must necessarily have upon that of the groat national gr. - eagle of 1860. must suggest itself to every reflecting mind as immense. and almost decisive or the fate of the American Republic for years to come. It is also an incontrovertible fact that the probability or otherwise of success in the county of Philadelphia seriously affects the result of a State election, infusurt either life and energy or confusion and.disumy among our friends throug hout. Lot no boar in inind that the growth and daily increase of political profligacy of the nee er-to•be-forgotten dis graceful Adminutration of James Buchanan, has been of such a cluiraoter that only the most prompt and ener getic efforts of the people can succeed in checking it Our Government Iran been diverted from its legitimate functions. for the prirpose of forcing upon an unresisting people institutions distasteful to them, and egainst which they have repeatedly attested their abhorrence. in the only limner recognised by a free penple t ia the ballot box. It has been mode the means of excluding the admits nun of Territories into our sisterhood Mattes, because of the desire of their inhabitants to have secured to them the inestimable blessings only diffused where liberty pre voile. It has been mute a more tnachine to do the work of an unprincipled and corrupt faction. and by it the treasures of our peer have been wasted in the most shameful manner, an often u pon men hose impa rt ers are engaged at Ingle labor n he penitentiaries of our country, and this for no other or better renson than that they were the favorites and pliant tools of a tyrannical Administration ever ready to reward all that crook the pliant hinges of the knee, that thrift tiny follow fawning." As Penes)lvaninns. we all recognise the truth that the esteem° industrial interests of our great, noble. but lir therto inismanneed Commonwealth, only need from the Notional and State Got ammonia just and enema aging legislation to make our people prosperous, inde pendent, and happy. This legislation line been denied us by the party against which we contend, and, I room( of that fostering, parental care which every people Lore a right to elect and demand front the Govern ment under which t live the) have been compelled to witoesslegislationealculnted. in every settee. to pan der to the wealthy manufacturing interests of foreign lands, whilst the pauper labor thereof is brought into direct competition with that of our own citizens, pros tooting them to the earth, crushing the American manu facturer. and depriving the American mechanic and laborer of the (1011-given right to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Let us also remember that the majority , given for the People's ticket on Tuesday next will be en emphatic evidence of opmsition upon the , part of Pennsylvania and PlotadelphWttb the proposition, at first but faintly whispered, but now openly avowed, for a revisal of the 'Mewing African dove trade, now piracy by the law of nations, and which, if nuccessful, would justly sub joint us to the reproach of the ell dried world. To our alai ditrd-bearers in thin eventful end im portant struggle we invite your ilrepassionate attention. Per Auditor General. we have presented tons Timm as B, (tonnes Esq., of York county. Mr. Cochran is a distinguished number of the Iva of York count) , nnil Iva given undoubted evidence of his ability end incli nation to serve his tallow-citizens fititlifully, by the honorable, and faithful performance of the duties of the public position to which their ocinfidenee has hitherto eloated hon. the candidate for Surveyor General, Gen. Wu. H. HEIM, an honored citizen of Reading—the estimation in which Leis held at homeme testified to by the fact of his election, on the Opposition ticket, to Congress, in the hitherto impregnalde fortreas of so-called Denim racy —old Berke. Again will old Barks roll up her thou sands for the good gauge, With reference to nu county permit us briefly to remark. Our fellow• eitisens have presented to ire MANN, Esq , the gentleman who so ably fills the office nt, present, Wo consider it to be of aril conse quence that this of fi ce should be filled by one femilinr with its operations, and an able lawyer ; arid, beyond all, should its oecupant be one unstained by participa tion in those frauds which, upon more limn one occa sion, have been developed, to the startled ears of thie community ; And who no fit no he to whom the publie are indebted for the exposure of the most stupendous political frauds that hove ever disgraced this or any other ear. For the affirm of Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas is presented CIIATILES D. 10. te IT, gentle man whose character for integrity and abititY, during a long end active busineee career, especially recommend him for the important position named. To name particularly, , and comment upon, the qualifi cations of the two candidates for Senators nod seven teencandidate for Assonildy, would lengthen this al ready too eXtended o.l l lllllellicatinti hound reason. We will only later you tq their name, on printed upon the ticket below. and challenge ooluparemn with the ticket . it p g 'ct.iiii i ellair t o to votersain tent s gu e rt ly lal'aluValit is ho in t in h fir e n c y ontrol or men of the People's party ; Among their important duties before the expiration of the Senator's term will be the election of a rioted States Senator. The loss of one morn may secure to the Bummer' Dammam of Penes) yenta the pontinuation ig n a4o l p o r u egiiMOve In the Unite States Minato for six The committee of superintendence have addresired you at this length, ilOOßllfe , they are themselves im premed with the importance of the occasion ; rum will t o with minx 'cum the most strenuous 'miner, to a prompt Performance of those eh duties, which. p non= citizens, you are called upon to perform. Let it las remembered that it was by tic united ellorts of small bands of men that the Messmer+ we now enjoy v. ere iseutred to us by our fathers; and let um net forget that w ithout union, harmony, and a concentration of (Aorta, no groat enterprise eau anooomi, Porton'', then, Your duty 041,W2. Imo endeavored to perform aura; and the Nit ol eltiosdaY mot nine'', sun will ditwo uponua—sari I tree—still further disetalinilled from Buchanan ear ls influepees. and one step f'nailer advanced towards our great Is (atonal triumph of MO. STATE' TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, THOMAS E. COCHRAN, of York county. FOR VIRVEYOR GENERAL. GBN. WILLIAM county.L KEIM, Berk CITY TIOKIT FOR DISTRICT rroß r, WILLfAhI 13. MANN. FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. CHARLES P. KNIGHT. FOR STATE S7?NATORR, Second I)jetriot—WFOßGA, It,HM ITU Fourth Dietriot—GEOlWE CONNELL. FOB ASSEMBLY. First District—PAßSONS EDMUNDS. Second District—WlLLlAM 11. 'FURNBIL Third Distrlet—GHAßLES HORTY.. Fourth District—HENßY K. STRONG. • Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE, Je. Stxth Dirtriot—tlllAßLKS O'NEILL. Vf , nth District—J. H. 13111 / T'Av Birth Ithoticj—lAßOß RIDGIVAI. Ninth Dish - int—NATHAN SPER IRO. Tenth District-8. 8, FANOCIAST. Eleventh District—lSAAC A. 811VPPARD. ftvel•th District—RlCHAßD WI IiDEY. Tlorteentli Distrivt—JAMES HOLGATE, Fourteenth District—J. D. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. ixteenth District—GEOßGE Seventeenth District—CHAS. P. ABBOT. By order or the Committee id Siiporintendence. GEORGE W. FPIID, Chairman. THOS. 3, SMITH, IlectetttrY. OD 'IL [G -. An= TS 4 ,I ) .lgl=EN T. — THE 4 lIILADELPIIIA, Octollor WI, Had. DEM{ Big : The undereigned f appreolating the c.roat importance of nn honeckfaith uhtind officient adminis tration of the Criminal Laws njiim city, and hawing 101 l end entire confidence in the integrity and ntni,tr WM. B. MANN, Elm., the Candidate Mr DISTRICT 4TTORNEY. earnestly anlieij tour co-nueration with them in seeming hie election; behoving that liie 'macaw; in demanded by the beet interests of the commit). Very Re.pectfay, ' Your Ob . t Ser "ts JOHN 11 oo l N mnwrea.. DAVID PA UL BROW meIDICHARL ISAAC HAZLEHURST, JOSEPH B. MYERS, JAMES TRACtItnIII, WILLIAM 17. KELLEY. EDWARD GRATZ. F. CA R ROLL BREWSTER. JAM ES COOPER, CONRAD ft. GROVE JAMES J. BOSWELL, GEORGE TEETY, H. N. BTUR, OUGHS, P HN ADDI E KS, OEO. 11. EARL, D, W, O'BRIEN, 8. HENRY C. TOWNSEND. JOHN E. LATTA. MO It z•-• THE DISTRICT ATTDYINEYSIIIP.— Li donee ;We call attention to the subjoined correepon- Lunn 8111: A friend has Awn me en article in the Evening Arlin,, of yesterday, in which it in stated the; you have said the election of Mr. Moot would be it public, cal/nutty. I desire to nesk you if you entertain, or have expressed any such opinion ? Very truly and respectfully yours. WII.LTAM 1.1. MANN. To 'lon. 081fald Thompson, President Judge, &e. October Bth, • War. IL MA NM. EsQ-=Dear flirt I regret to find that my name lota been so unjustifiably made use of. I do not entertain such an opinion, nor have I used such Innstiage. Very respectfully,ours, &e., October Bth. 18.9 'OSWALD THOMPSON. . oltrlt A SPECIAL MEETING OF TUE JUNIOR ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY will be I h i tTa CLARKSON HALL, Cherry, above Sixth. no TUESDAY EVENING. ()dotter 11t h , IRO. AARON 111. pGWELL, of New York, will addrese the meeting. to which the public le invited. 010-It' J. 9. TIIGAIPtIGN, President. THE PRESS.-PMLADELPIIIA; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11; 1859: • PEOPLE'S NOMINEE. - 80V011O1 Itepresentittivo District.. BENJAMIN A. 81-10ENTAKER, Thirteenth Ward. 010-2 t. frr AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE' Contributors to the YOUNG MAN'S .INSII- TuTfl, held on the 9,t inst.. the following funned geptle men were elected to tilt vecianoles in the Boar:loll rue tees: William D. Kelley,Joshlot W. Ash, hi. D.. I John Biddle. an Whitney. B. Morro; Waln, I Joseph Harrison, Jr. The Beam fa now constituted on follower PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, William WoNM Ma Whitene r . TRP,ARIIRER, SECRETARY. R. Morns \Vain. William 1,. Relic. TPA'S PEER. William 1). Kelley, 1 Israel 'Morris, John Biddle, John P. Verree, John Format. Nathan Edson, Samuel V. Merrick, Alfred L. Etwyn, AL Do John M. Ogden, 1 Joseph Harrison. Jr., Jacob P. Jooes, I Hamel C. Morton. Thome.. S. Stewart, Joshua W. Ash. M. D., Philip Al. Price. Wilhain P. Crosson, James D. Whethani, John J. Thomason. Henry B. 'fathom, John Williams Du order of the Board. 010-3 t WILI.L 1110314E0FATHIC COLLEGE OF PENN SYLVANIA Filbert street, above Eleventh. he introduotory Lectures wilt be delivered in the Col lowing' order . . .Pror..l, M. WARD, MONDAY, 10th, 8 o'clock, even 'Vic) f. C. J, HEMPIL. TUESDAY, Ith, S o'clock, evening. Prot'. J. R. COXE, Je., WEDNESDAY, 3211, 8 o'clock, " go i r. S THOS. MOORE, THURSDAY, 13th, 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. W. A. REED, FRIDAY. 14th. 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. .1. 11EAKLEY, SATURDAY, 15th, 8 o'clock. evening. Prof. M. SEMPLE, MONDAY, ] WEDNESDAY ' M. Medical rind Surgical Clinics, and SATURDAY, 12 o'clock M. 08 -70* J. DEA K LEY, r ,-7, JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1...3 Session of 1859-M.—Order of Introductory Lec tures. - Prof. Dunglison. Monday, October 10, at 7 P. AI. Prof. Mitchell, Tuesday, October H. at 7 P.M. Prof. Gross, Tuesday. October 11, at 8 P. M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, Wednesday, October 12, at 12 M. Prot. Dickson, Thursday. October 13, at 7 P. M. Prof. Aleign, Thursday, Octobiir, 13, at 8 I'. .51. Prof. Bache, Friday, October 14, at 7 I'. AL Prof. Pancoast, Friday, October SI, at BP. 11. Medical and Surgical Clinic. Saturday, October 15, at 12M, ROBLEY DL'NOLIION, M. D., Dean. no7-7t NOTICE.—GREEN ANti CO TES-ST. PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. Tho third instalment of FIVE DOLLARS nor share, on the stook of the Green and Coates•street Paasanser Railroad Company. will be due and_payahle on the 14th day of October, Mad, at the offate of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Street. By order of the Board. ele-thstutol4 HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer frrf. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL PIIAI —October let, 1859. e annual election for Directors of this Bank will be bold at the Banking House, on MONDAY, November 21st. between the brava of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock I'. M. Tho annual meetinv of Stockholders will be held at the earn, place on TUESDAY, November lot. at 12 o'clock M. 0. M. TROUTMAN, wt-tu&ft-t old Cashier. LU. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE-3IEDL cal Department, Ninth street, below Locust Tho introduotory Lectures will be delivered as follows. Prof. Irartshorn, Monday. October lath, at 4 P. M. Prof. Taggart, Monday, October 10th, at 6 P. M. Prof. Gobrooht, Tuesday, °Molter 11th. at 4 P. M. Prof. Moles. Tuesday, October 11111, at 6 P. M Pie f. Harlow. Thursday, Ortobor 13tVat 4 P. M. Prof. Rand, Thursday, October 13th, at 5 P. M. Prof. Halsey, Friday. October )4th. at If r. M. Medical and Sem:teal clinics Cc Wednesday and Sat urday at noon. The nubile is invited to attend. 01-7t* LEWIS D. lIARLOW, M. D., Dean, A. P. A.—HARMONY LODGE, NO. 24 CAwilt hold their second annual festival at the ;11E• NICS , HAM,. Fourth and tioorgo streets, on THURSDAY EVENINI2,I3th inst. Doors open at 216 o'clock. Tickets, f 0 cants, to he had at the loor. J. BOYD. Chairman of Committee. Will. THOMPSON, Secretary. 08-01.` coFARMERS' AND MECIIA NNE' BANK —PIT ILA DELMIA, Ootobor tice is hereby given that sn election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Simkins nOllllB OR MON DAY, November Met, 1859, between tits hours of Oo'cilock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.; and a general mooting or the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November le, at 4 o'clock I'. M., at the Banking Dense. ot (h al W. RUSHTON ht.. Cashier, mizent"l,.llANK-PRILADEL °tic° in hereby held that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November Slut, 1059 between the hours of 10 o'clock A. At. and 2 o'clock P. M.., and n generalAncet ing of the Stockholders will beheld on TUESDAY, No vember Int, at 12 o'clock M. of-dtnitt F. P. STEEL. Cashier. rr?• PROF'. 0. S. FOWLER WILL C 0111.• MENCE a Course of LECTURES ON LIFE, its awe. Organs. Functions and Improvement. as taught by Phrenology and Physiology, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, Sept. 29th, and Fprofessional opinions and advice daily at his rooms. For particulars see bills and vapors of the day. 02-Irn N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tho Assignees of the President, Directors. and COMMITIY of the Bank of Pennsylvania have applied to Om Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company to tanks or deliver to said Assignees It duplicate of le Pipit Mort.' gage 'Ronda or said Railroad Company, for $1 POO eaeli, numbered 23, 33 31. 471. 472. 473,474.476,47 e, 477, With Coupons Attitelied, which belonged to ann have been lost by po slid Bank. All _persons are cautioned not to negotiate or receive said Bonds or Coliponii. and the finder is requested to return thorn to said Assignees at their office, M WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia. W L }.ATTRSON, V3I. TPLETON SAVAGE, Assignees, JNO. I). TAYLOR, _ . _ _ II IRT BE NT II AND FIFTEENTIL STREET RAILROAD.—OIIice 12. Exchange. At an Election, held THIR DAY, the followlng gentle non Rare unanimously elected : ALFRED D. EAR Droaident, DLREDTORS. Morten McMichael, • Henry Mines. N, F. Caistpinn, Marian l'itoma4, If. H. coggsltnll. 11. N. Pittleerald, Tronsurer. WalterWestar. Superintendent. AlcAllchael, Secretary. Philadelphia, Oct, if, iezo. AUTION.—I hereby caution ail persons ußor to 7.1 nitni VET- NPR fgcftitt : kill to any person but the .00. i pied, who Dr legally tho aurized to receive and renal pt for Oa name. 011-Cd• S. YARDLEY, Attorney. D ___ TSROLU'UON OF COPARTNERSHIP. The firm of WELFIFORD & WILLSON expires THIS DAY, by limitation of timo. Either Far trill sign In liquidation. .1014.1.14 riz Et. on% N.J. 'WILLS() . - Philadelphia, 30th Sept., 10. Notion Whereby given that JOSEPH' WfII.BPORD hne formed a copartnership with JAMES NAPIER, of Ltvotrimol, and JAMES RANKEN, of Now York. for the trnoinerlon of General Imtorting and Commtssmn klu A sfraf t. lo w tlttult o r R ttn6l . N st er tA ' N oktr i. . lN eto , de in r tr aw ilv o s r uf , nod of WELSEORD, RANICEN t IS. co., its Philndel ohm. lot 0ct.,1819. (I REWARD. Stolen, from the -UV Plir , Vl of the Advent, York avenue, Twn (luil l r ( r , ?gt 1 8T7 Vgric r° AMltra t be " It 'or I. BROW flolX 9 . 1 W . ENRY. (I ate of Hovey& 11. oh ,n ,, an.) (Late of Ire t ‘t‘ry..k. H Turner.) tIOVEY et Ii.NRY, . INDEPEN TT N RN , E JACKSON W O COUNTY. I. COLLECTIONS Hide of Eastern Unita MISSOUR s in nay 1 art of Western and Northwestern Maws:rt. RIrER TO Memo. R. Wood, Metall, & lialWard, Caleb Cope k Cn., Plobulelptdit, Biter. Price. k Co., wr 111erclonte will klease cut out the above and laudo at the bend of " Bille Receivable." oe 11-1 m 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STERROSCOPIC BAZAAR —great Emporium for Stereoscopes and Stereoaeopto Vie we, American, French and English. Opera Cilesses,Mlensseopes. and Improved Speotaeles, correctly suited to the eves, at 111 J. FRANKLIN'S, Optician, 112 South F . O URTH Street, below Chestnut. pp/ A./ Maio.' Unman Rvwx inkotrtad. Co lt-ltra IF YOU WANT a superior Photograph or mnbrotypo. resort to REIMER'S Gallery. SECOND Street, above Green. You can have a Lile alon Ellotompla to Oil !nada from a mall Da guerreotype Or Ambroty pa of y our dettoased friend. It' PEARS—Five bitrmis very choice Du. chew trAnsoulume, Boum Dm!. Louise 13onna Qo Jer.ey,jurd received and for Aldo in lots to suit. 20i Sout)ol.liligff(4°L. 'ITALIAN IIEMP ROPE.--Itaban Ilemp -I- Rope, White and Tarred, for Inclined Planes. Ma nufactured Mill for enie by WEAVER, FITI,ER & CO., oh) 23 N. WATER St., and 22N. Wharves. Fro WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER CIiANTB.—Mandn Rope, all sizes, nearly packed, and for sale by the rosnnbieturers nt the lowest New York prices. WEAVER, & Co.. °le 23 N. WATER St., and Z. 2 N. Wharves. PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, &c.— 10 Pooo r inin t .'RiVivil e gg, r" 4 F 870 t ' 11 7 6 r*nd IAM PREPARED TO RECEIVE EVERY -a- donor, Mien of Family and Domestto floods, having Sewing filichines of tho bout manufacturers, as also the mo,t approved and skilful operatore. .8.-1,11 articles firobheo with neatness and deepatah and at such gripes that de eanati n. Mies fy K 1 anti 4 %. ITIMMA N Q. E. oorner of SIXTH and P MINX, Laundry 0 ce. $l6 FOR A FULL COUNTING.IIOUSE Connin—Annkkrapinv, Penmanship. Anil, motie &e. TWINING'S METWANTILE INSTI- TuTt, N. E. corner NINTII. and SPR.INO OAR DEN Streets. t. 910 THE vmußy Tit4D.E.—noßAcE ti and Pt BTRAAVIMRRY Street, in ropoivinl: fr,h union tntions of Silk and Cotton Midi° Cords alnl narrow Webbing. nssnrted sizes and colors. to which tho nttuotion of the Jobbing Trade Is invited. THE FIRST PREMIUM AT TIIF LAT.i. STATE PAW wan awarded to ALLMAN St ZEHMIV.II.. for the hest - I , :str. 4 , 1111111 y 'Hour and %- dem Meal. all erwhich are for liftWM cash prices, at their Fleur newt. S6lllllll VIN li. oe-Stit• nERTRAM'S 11A1R DYE.—'This sure nor Ilatr Itge Art , lirl• and for wholesale and rend!, at 144 North NI. Tll Street. on -ti' NEW MONROECifirm,..,, , AtoNitoEcouNTYlithiltiNVllEAT rT ,O l' ll, ip 17,'4,a, and 100 lb bass. l:liveet Potrtloos 'l" qlMet street, near B 1 L4,a,'lgina., A LCOIIOL, BURNING FLUID, and PINE is- Oil., In Mild and Nininifnotured nail for stile by NOWIiNVi AtiIIBURNNR No. la Month Wlmryeis. reeehma • —, a large invoice of eels wsuperior order and large barrels, and for WEAVER ,R & CO., n 1 N 0.24 N. WATER and 22 N. DELAWARE Av. IVGAR-1101.ISE MOLASSES.-150 hhds., hereesZatul barrels. for sale b 3.10,1 ES OVITAM h CO., nem' ,RTIT IA fit root NEAUI(EItEL —125 bias., 180 halves, 115 quartera, and 270 kilts prime No. le • 360 lads. and AO halves large No. 3s, in store and for sale by WM. J. TAYLOR Sc. 122 and 121 North W A R Vlll 08 H ICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEIII[3II COAL, propartal with care, for !tale on bent tormo. Apply at KNOWLES'S Depot, NINTH and WILLOW troot,' 624-tf NEW YORK SYRUP —3OO bbls. assorted, for sale by JAMES GRATTAN' &C 0.130 LETITIA fittest. GBESE. —320 Boxes Herkimer-County A- , Meese, in store and fur sale !,y, G UANO-QUANO-GUANO —Tn Ftore and for sato in lots to suit porelissors. Farmers would do welt to exarninn it Wore purelissmg else whore. Price $2O per 200 pounds, JOHN ItfeCANEY, 08-30 WILLOW street, bolow Benond. SALMON. -25 bbls. prime new No. 1 Sal mon, landing_ from enamor Konsinenn. and for nnle to) W.M. J. TAYLOR. & CO., 122 and 121 N. WHAR TEA 300 BBLS, No. 1 HERRING -100 half bbla. extra Mackinaw White Pl,ll, in attire and tor sa MA to WM . J. TAYLOR & r 22 and 121 Nor! WRVRA I ("V "1""s8 SYRUP, itt !Itch. a" bble,, at reduced pricer, for orde by JAMEd ee Co., I.Z.CITIA Street. M L. REIIN, Secretary M. D.. Dean NOTICES. REWARDS. . . . C. C. SADLER St CO. ARCM ntront. *Amon) floor 411AV O Front NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST. BuvYolt 4 ROOKS AT EVANS' • 0 IFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMF:NT, whore roc 439 CHESTNUT Street, F n get BOORS I EVERY DEPARTMENT an OF LITERA TURE, A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from ISO cents to $lOO, is given with each booksold. Oat/ in, and one erica will assure you that the may Place in the city toilers to pure/lass Books atts G I BOWIE G. EVANS' GIFT- BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philedelphin.. Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. , X' Stranger' ' visiting the city, are resSactrlY in v:ted to call and examine the large collection o Books, and get a Catalogue. SCAT PUBLIXIIRD, THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE SEASON, MEMOIRS OP ROBERT-HOUDIN. Ambassador, Ambassador, Am b assador, Author, Author. Author, Wigard, Wizard. Wizard, Conjurer, Conjurer, Conjurer, Magician. Magician, Magician. Necromancer, Necromancer, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, &Nearer, Enchanter, Enohenter, Enchanter, PROFESSOR OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND, etc., eta., etc. Written by Himself ; _filittl liy . _______ DR. R. SURMA . NiACKE,HZIE. With a copious Index, carefully lITTMIIOd. This hook le full of interesting and entertaining anecdotes pf the interviews of the grant Wizard with the most distinguished personages of the p revent dfq• and giVeS descriptions of the manner of perfoyming many of Ids most curious tricks and transformations. Bound in ono volume of HS pages, 12in0., cloth. Price, et, LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. By the Rev. Hugh Stowell Drown, Dentist Chapel, Liverpool. One volume, cloth. with a Rift. 'Price In. ITALY AND THE WAR OF 1869. Dv Manama Julie de Mareuerittes. One volume, Nate., cloth, with a gift. Price 31. M BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT BOOK-ESTABLISHMENT. NO. 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Whereon IN ou saliva RATOK S BO EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITE URE AND A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars, is given with each Book sold. Call in. and one trial will assure you that the only place in the city where to_purehase Books nt le GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. 4X/ CHESTNUT Street. Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. &misers visiting the city are respectfully invited to call and examine the large collection of Books. and get a catalogue. 011-31 HODGE ON 2D CORlNTlllANS.—Expo position of the second Epietlo to the Corinthians. py Rev. Ches. Hodge. D. D. 121 no. RYS.E ON THE GOSPEL BY LUKE. Vol. 11. 81. POEMS. Br Rev. T. flameout. Second Edition. ISTo. 7r! (rpm. . . THE FORMATION OF WASHINGTON'S FARE WELL. ADDRESS. By Monte° Homey. Esti. 8125. BROOK FARM ; • the Amusimr and Memorable of Amarioan Count!. FRIENDo CO contn. 1210 K AND HIS FIDUB. By C. M. Trow b4o Alia ItIAROONERS ON THE FLORIDA COAST. tam., 76 rents. CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST. By Mn;. Hill, limo. B/. For ante by WIL.X4AM B. k ALFRED MARTIEN, oil No. 606 EtiTNUT Street MeE (SOY'S PIIILADELPIIIA CITY DI RECTORY. WO. Experienced and TitoßorouLV-TR &ITTED canvassers are now engaged in making an entirely new and specie! onnynso for the above work, The couipiltne end publnsking of the WITOIS wort will 11l Subject tote personal euperyision of the under signed, and every name will be carefully read and ocim pared, co flint the Directory for 1840 will be prepared without resort to previously published threctoriea, or rexard to amount of labor ur ex pence. The subscriber confidently believes that, with the very offioient aid he has retained, and his own personal experience of 22 yearn, he will be able to prevent to the Public , McElroy's Philadelphia City Directory for 1840. ac entirely worthy of the patronage heretofore extended to it. A. hicEl.aoY. 011-31-if SY South SIXTH. 2d Floor. TLIEOPSILUS FISKE & CIO. will issue on Saturday next at the Northeast corner of THIRD and CHEBTNU'I &rept., the !arrest and hand boniest paper ever devoted to the cause of labor. oii-tt* TILE AMERIOAN LEADER AND WORKINGAIENT ADVOCATE will be limed on Baturctlty text. CALLENDER & CO. will supply the N-1 city and trede with Mr. Fiske's new It orkins rnen's Ad ioc.uei 250Xleoples of the first edition will be published this week. 011-It` POLITICAL. INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S TICKET. SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT, HIRAM AYRES. TnIRTERNTIL WARD. oc6-6t INDEPENDEN T PEOPLE'S TICKET MOUTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT, HENRY L. ELDER, TRNT II WARD TENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JOHN C. KELLER, DEmoo ‘ RATIO CANDIDATE. This District Is composed of the FIFTEENTH WARD, and the SECOND and SIXTH DIVISIONS of the FOURTEENTH WARD. one•7t• pEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. THOMAS E. COCHRAN, I=l2 FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL WILLIAM 11. REIM, Or DERIC3 COONTY. FOR DISTUTUr ATTORNEY, WILLIAM li. MANN FOR PROTHONOTARY OF TUB COURT OF COMMON FLEAS, CHARLES 1). KNIGHT. FOR STATE SENATOR—Socond District, GEORGE It. SMITH. FOR STATE SENATOR—Fourth GEO/tQf. QONNILI.• FOR ABBEMI.II.I First Marin—PARSON EDMONDS. Seoond District—WlLLlAM B. TURNER. Third Distriot—CHAßLES lIORTZ. Fourth Dittriet—RENßY E. STRONG. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE, Jr. Sixth Distriet—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Seventh District—J. It. SELV4ER. Eighth District—JACOD E. RIDGWAY. Ninth Ditanct—NATHAN SPERING, Tenth District—S. S. PANCOAST. Eleventh District—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD Twelfth Distriet—nrcumiD wi L DEv. Thirteenth Dietriet—JAmE9 HOLOATE, Fourteenth District—J. R. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. Sixteenth District—GEOßGE WILEY. Seventeenth District—CHAS. F. ABBOT, ene-tlloo ItEMOVALS. BOYD & BATES, HAVE REMOVED THEIR STOOK EXCHANGE AND COLLECTION OFFICE TO NO. /8 SOUTH THIRD STREET, TWO DOORS ABOVE THE MECHANICS' BANK 011-tothimf OEM VAL. The Subscriber having REMOYUD 'l'o 55 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly occupied by J. B. Ellison gc Sone,l Would call the attention of Lao ere to hie large and well selected stock of GLOMS, OVERCOATINus, CASSIMERES,SATINETTS, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to Men and Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY. oe3-1m 936 MARKET STMT. TAYLOR, GILLESPIE & CO., nAvenmmoveD TO TUN UNION STEAM BUOAIt REFINERY, No. 337 ST. JOHN STREET No. 11.0 SOLITR FRONT STREET 819.mw170tif EMOVA ART I N & WOLFF have Removed to No. 331 MARKET Street, &OI) aide, below ' , neva!, where they oiler a cholas asaertment or Fall ail Winter Goode, at very low price'. 6134 in NAVAL STORES.-50 BUN. Spirits Tit r relator,. In Store. 100 MON do, do, and 1,000 ltble Slti piling Roam, to 1111 Ivo. For trete ey ROWLEY, ASHBIJIMER & 010 No.lo South Wharves. FURS AND CLOAKS. ----- FOR LADIES' COSTUMES FURS OF ALL NATIONS. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, IN A ROOM SPECIALLY SET APART FOR MIR RX 11113ITION, PARIS 'MANTILLA CLOAK EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET J. W. PROCTOR & CO. On-cum.-et RETAIL DEY GOODS. WINTER STOCK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared to cult families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-1 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, • Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSIIRINKING FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASSIAIERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. D.—The above Goods are all at the low tutee of the season. oe3-tO2O JALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Fall Mel o. Winter Cloaks daily opening. Black B raver Cloaks. Black Tricot Cloaks. Black French Cloth Cloaks. lag' Cloaks made to otd r at one day's notice. 010 Prices en to &le. COOPER & CON&Rp, NINTHand MARKET CASSIMERES, CLOTIIS. Thick Plain Caaeimeree Heavy Black Casemate& Stout Fancy Sty lee. Rugged Mixtures, Plaids and g tri pee. 111 la'ene 8.1 Ftrst•rn c ta 85t147. Ladle!' Cloaking Clothe. COOPER CON 010 NINTH and MARK I I ALL AND WINTER CLOTHS, CAS SIMEN ES. AND COATINGS. CURWEN STODDART Ar, BROTHER Call attention to the Wire and varied cloak of goods for MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, at low prices. Which are principally purchased at Auction and cold Non. 410, 451, and 451 North SECOND Street, 05-4 t above Willow. AUCTION SILLS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES, At 65, 70, and 76 cents. l'rices very much redneed. CURWEN STODDART h BRO., 460, 482, and 454 North SECOND Street, 08-4 t above Willow RICH FALL AND WINTER RTYLEB DRESS BILKS AND BROCADE ROBES. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., 40, 453, and 454 North SECOND threat, 008-44 above Willow ___ ]IUII FIGURED of choice stylee. AND BAYADERE SILKS, CIIRW EN STODDART tr DEO., 450,02, and 4,54 North SECOND Street, 08-0 above Willow B LANKET SHAWLS. LONG AND SQUARE. In French, Bootch, Nnghah, and American fabricn, of all the leading att lee DURIVEN STODDART YBRO.. 450, 452, and 454 North I:4F.COND Atieet. oS-4t above 'Willow. 'FRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERES, or desirable colors. At 70, 75, and 55 cents With a full stock of LUPIN'S FABRICS, in chime ordered similes. CURWEN STOODART & BRO., 4450, 462, and 454 North Second Street 08 4t 81 ore Willow. 14 1 OULARD SILKS, In Black and Colored erounds, choice designs. CURWEII STODI)ART & BRO., Noe. 4do, 4&2. and 464 North SHCOND Street. 08-it above Willow, IRISH POPLINS- In Blark and desirable Colors. CIJRWEN nODDAST it BRO., 450, 452, and 4.slNorth SECOND Street. 0541 above Wlllow street LONU BROCHE SHAWLS, Of Paris and Viennese Fabrics, innesr and elegant desians. CIIRNMN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, and 451 North SECOND Street n 9-41 above Willow street CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST- I N 8 . Fancy English Caul mares for suits. Gray do. do. for Bove. French, German, and American Caaeimeres, in great riety. Fine Black French Clothe and Deekkins. Silk ersalinerp and Velvet Veatinee. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, o 7 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street'. SIIARPLEI SS BROTHERS nro offering for Fall and Winter BCles IRISH POPLINS. FANCY SILKS. RICH DE LAMES SILK ROBES POPLINE VELOURS, , PRINTED CASHMERES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, EMIFIROMERIES AND GLOVES. o 7 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! THORNLEY & oppER. Tula Dm,' Very rirh fanny !Wks for 73 and 97 cents. Excnodinaly rich for el, worth .9 I BB I!ack'_ll,” adores and HMO color AI lks,& 0., &o. TII BESI BLACK SILKS IMPORTED I ! Over 81. COO worth of Brochea Shawbe. Broil!' Shawl.. In black and nolornd centre,. French, Scotch, and A {nonce!' Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Crape Shawls. New styles of Cloaks opsntpg daily. All Eta above t ootle boom CANNOTOhE MB. WE BE U N DERSOLD. Our Moro, homy oonlrally loonted, His call of Men from all parts of the co ty and country. N. E. corner EIGHTH a TH O R N LEYHIARDEN. oat & mem. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIORTH AND CHERRY STS., Have now qppi, a Poo aeaortment or AtI4LIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, 1501111 LE, AND 81'L1T, Ttio Whole Crain the celebrated marigeetwere. Herta A. agener,ln tieritp. Our elyitnanore can depend an Ketting the Reel artiOle ever *Hared st Mail an Phila vielphln, nt the evireet waves. A. itI,E)1141I1 ENSRROMERED SLITTERS. A y.13.0.:Ty Or BLACK OLOAK TAssELs. lIANDSOME CROCHET CLOAK FRINGES, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DREss TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAN 'AND CAPS. ZEPHYR KNIT GAITERs AND SLEEVES. A PULL STOCK or SrArLe Tsimmisos. AT IiAPSON'S LADIES' TRIMMINGS AND EtIPHYR STORE. Cur, OF AND URERRY STB. Pl 6-7111 MILLINERY GOODS. WARBURTON. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. AND 300 S. SECOND ST., nt:Low SPRUCE ST. Has lust received a hemitir4l.o‘PAY cf CO IFF UV CACILEPEIGNES, CEOTI'N PIECES, AND BARES In real and imitation, of the newest Faris Fashions. WARBURTON, 306 SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST. 100.1 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. oe7-tf-lf MRS. M. A. KING will open Winter Mil linery on THURSDAY, Octobor 13th, at N 0.27 ti SECOND Mont, Whore Chestnut. ocB-60 CAUPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. GAILY & BROTHER,. NO, 020 CIIESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAy A LOY Ur ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS„ OF NEW PATPEANS, AT 0-NE DOLLAR A YARD, AND ENGLISH INGRAINS AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. T() MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLAI3ON (X: SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 116 NORTH. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers toour large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, OREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The largest stook of WINDOW SHAM and DUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at prioes which defy oompetitton. au.3l-2m rim GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 Cas es Saponifier or Concentrated Lye. Inoue pound air-tislit iron boxes, ( the only well-eetahliehed and re ble a rticle.) Al nnufactured by the l'ennerlvattta Salt blanufnutUrlng Company, and for sale to the ("le as follows; 0 Cases. 130. per pound ; 10 to ZS Cases. e 12•80. J. R. OR A V EH, Bono C urer, Ainnuceo No. 0 North FRAIN r litrest, WANTS. A MIDDLE-AGED ➢IAN, who writes "L a fair hand and is good at Operas, and has soma knowledge of keeping accounts, desires a situation in a Wholesale Store or Factory, as Storekeeper or Porter. Address "K." aloe tit The P.m. 011-1• 'WANII.I)—By an active man, of good address, a situation 65 out-door salesman: Would be wflhn4 to accept a commission. Addreets " Persevorancie.' office of The Pre". WANTED—A young Man as Assistant Bookkeeper in et Wholesale Dry Bootie house. Bond references required. Address "L & C 0.." this office. 10,000 $5,000 and $4,000 to invest ffiion Mortenge. C. P. COLLADAV. It No. 434 WALNUT Street. WANTED—By the Ist of November, a House with al the modern improvements. Lo cated h. tween Vine and Brown. and Fifth and Twelfth. Addresi " Box 23t_. " Philadelphia Post Of f ice. 05-7 t• FOR SALE AND TO LET. in VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC HALE. It(etiAßS) R. collsoN, Real Estate Broker, WIII Pell. on SATURDAY, October MOW,. on the Premixes, Worcester Township, llnntßomerf count!, a handsome and highly-cultivated FARM of FIFTY acres. more or le.. bounded by lands of A. Morgan. George Harman. Homy Weilte,and others, initiate on the Germantown Pike. five miles from Nor ristown. quarter of a mile Idiot. Fair vi ew. Th e im provements are a new STONE DWELLING HOUSE, ton and a half stoner, high, with 13 rooms. well adapt ed for a store or tavern, or both. built of good material. rind highly finished, with spring of water at the door and pump therein, a frame barn, stone stable high, and nearly new, built ol good material. two waggon houses. fit-cerib, and other necessary outbuildings There is a stoe barn and SMALL DWELLING —••- • on the lower end of the farm. Would make two handsome PrePonies if divided, and will sell the whole together or separately, This to a very desirable property, being beautifully located , good neighborhood and convee nient to churches , boarding schools, stores. he. The proproter being advanced In years is determined to sell. 1 arsons wishing to view the premises will Ball on the proyouetor, residing thereon, or to the under signed, at Norristown. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. Conditions made known on the day of sale. Carriages will be provided for strangers from the city by calling at my office, before 11 o'ciook, on day of sale. R. R. CORSON, Agent. 011-It For Abraham Rendriekr. CA TAIVISSA First-Mortgage Bonds will be taken in payment for a neat desirable residence in a good locality, clear, of membrane., and in the oc cupancy of a goodpattag . tenant. For particulars ap ply at No lalg CALLOWIIILI, Street. 011-31. ACOUNTRY SEAT WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE. the 15th inst.. at ONE o'clock, in Dreby town • Hatfield Township. Montgomery county, Pa., near line Lexington Railmad Station. It contain. 12 scree fine unproved land. The improvements are as good, and nearly new. The location healthy and very desirable. For further particulars, inquire of DAVID BRENER, ' 11l North THIRD Street, Phila. POR SALE OR EXCHANGE . —A hand. m: game Cottage !tad grounds on LOCUST Street, between Mary and William Sheets. :West Philadel pans. will be exchanged for & pleasant and convenient city dwe II 11 g. Lot b 6 by 163 to back tree t. s table on rear. The hOllBO line all modern conveniences, and is in perfect order. Possession given immediately. Apply to ROBERT REM on Premiere. or N. W. corner RACE and JUNIPER. I $l , OOO se N ycha ll nd tS . H t b .inTD $l,OOO IN Address Box SH, Phibidet phis to O r ge n e e . d on security.o - SIX WELL-SECURED $6 l OOO. Ground Rent.. of $1 OW each, for sale et a discount. Apply to JOHN R. COLA HA el, onatuth3t. 142 South EIGHTH &recta FOR SALE--A medium size Fire-proof Safe. Farrel ac. Herrtna'a make. Writhe cold at a low price. haring no further use for it. by REHN Sr. E VLRETT. No. 10a North FRONT Street. 07-6t•if FOR SALE. The Subsoil ber will I d*ose of the entire Stook of FINE MONUMENTS, STATUARY HEAD AND FOOT STONES. An., se. AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YARD, No. gr.. 5 ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth street al-gm WM. HILL MOORE. fry FOR SALE. OR RENT—A large 113. Mastro Brick HOUSE, with all the modern im provements; hot and cold water. gas, heater.. &0.. al in complete order, No. 96 Union street,_Burl Won, N.J. Apply to E. P. All ODLETON, 5 N. FRONT Street. or to THOMAS DUG DALE. BURLINGTON, N. J. as AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, Oct. i 2, 1359. on the premien " A Valley Farm." In Chester county, adminin2 Caln Station. on Penn sylvania Railroad, three miles west of Downinctown. containint 125 Acres of excellent quality of Land. with good Buildings. and possessing mans advent:Mel; of water, roads, and other convenience.. For further par ticulars call upon JNO. E. FOX, Executor. 321-Im* No ll South THIRD Street, Phila. To LRT—A Second-story Room, come -a. nient to the Stew Holm, suitable for ti Lawyerle Office. Apply 431 CHI STN threei. caFACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The pubhoriber, in concentrating lila business ou Clogtout street, vest el Tenth rtrect,offers for salt, upon reasonable terms. hie large Manufactory, with out buildings aud largo lot of ground fronting on Sixth, Mar shall, and Master streets, suitable for almost any large manufacturing bugmegs. For particulars inquire of ALFRED FITLER, Convelancer, N 0.51 N. SIXTH Street. or to the subsoriber. Po. 1009 CHESTNUT St. WM. D. ROGERS. F LOUR MILLS, SAW Al 11,1,3, FARMS. &a. As [cannot attend to them. I offer for sale the follow ing propertiea. viz: A superior Flour Mill. with 9 run of ittonen, andample water power. The profits of the mill , well managed. would soon pay for it. There in a Store and several hun dred acres of good land connected with it. Alga, another water-power, with Saw and itriet Mill, situated two miles from the beautiful and healthy town of Smithfield, Isle of Wight count). Virginia. Also, adjoining the town, a very stieerior eagle or MO ems, one-halt under cultivation. situated immediate!. on the Water; with a large prick dwelling, If rooms, and every requisite out-building. all in perfect order. Also. n beautiful farm of over SOU imam good land. im mediately on Nansemond river, near viltageof cluck, to miles from Smithfield. Oysters, crabs, and Mt; abundant' Will he sold together or in parts to rte,t, piliehasers Terms easy. If the Floor Mill is not a•jol, s c um. I wish to get a gen • tie:ruin. erpervaletd, ee, fake (+lugs of cc. For further I,attleulsrs. address MAJ. S. JUNIUS 'WILSON. Smithfoid. Isle of Wtslat Cu., Vs. Reference—LIPPINCOTT Y.. S. W. corner, Pdatrko an PA d S RR econd streets. 03-sttith-Int rkuLaitelphts. BOARDING. AA GENTLEMAN AND WIFE DESIRE -IL Maga Ina respectable private family where they can have the comforts of n home. References ex changed. Addressastatinx terms and location, " Box 1414," Poet Office. it" BOA nu RD WANTED inelliAtyly for !t . ,entir 11 prilret' oGe ntleman i.ViciariLVl/Vrdli;enttiloi n. 135." BOARDING—Two handsome eommuni. eating moult on the second floor, at I WAL NUT Street. NO 011-2 t. rip) PRY SIOIANS.—An elegant OFFICE, torethor with a fine Chatoher. Lo let to a rood ten ant. Ilea been occupied Ly a' phy ammo for tomerni yenta. Location in a doairable part of the city. Ad ilras3 B. D. W.. Press office. oca-St B OARDING—To be * had, with elegant sllll:Santos eaSOL the Southeast corner of EIGHToBH -3t and o,`. No. • BOARDING.—EIegant and airy Rooms, email and in mutes, can be hail wlth Ilret-elaaa Board. for the Summer, Fall, sad Wlater, at 1315 WAL NUT Street. WINES AND LIQUORS. JAMES STEW) RT .t CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY GEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wino, Ao., US SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in hond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY mALT WHISKEY. 597-3 m WEWE CALL ATTENTION OF THE TRADE to this really Superior article : ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A supply in assorted packages constantly on hand. Orders received for direct importation. Also—llennessy Cognac. LelluY Cognac. Loridon and Holland Wm, Claret in Wood and Cs es. Champagnes. high and low prices. LONOCIIMIP. Importer. 010-6nl 217 South FRONT. Philadelphia G EORGE WIIITELEY, No. 135 South FRONT Street, Importer of Brandy. Wines. &e., offers for sale, ,n e-ntl only. the followtng, among other standard brands of brandy: Pinot, Costillon, Jc Co.. Thca. Vines & Co-. Jules, Robtn, & Co., UMW, Ougny, h. Co., J. Beignette, Mneett, caniep,L Pellet oisin, ~. g. itaiont k Co., . Marlene, Union Proprietors, & 1. Joe. Hennoo'Y. o, ,Stuatt'o Paisley Malt WIIVey, and the ohoieest varieties of 'Madeira. dherrr. mt. Deremely, and Rhine Wines, Palm Tree the, Slileien Rutn. Santa Cruz Rum. Bordeaux 011, &C., 4a. a27-1y eARD.---AIAREITIL-SIJR--AY (CIIA3I-- N-/ PAONE), JANUARY 16,1669.—1 n consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne wines to the United Stolen, I b en ' e ve hereby to inform my (Miner cogent,'" and the public. in general that! have appointed Messrs. F.C. BROUWER, ANCIIER. & CO., Sole Agents in the United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wince. My wines hove been so long and favorably known in the United States it will lie unnecessary to comment on their quality, further then to say that my new shipments will in no way be ound inferior to the former ones. BILLEOART SALMON. BILLEGART SALMON'S CIJAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand in tote to suit puroh.en., b F. C. BROUWER, ANCRER, A. CO., Ap.77-6m 61 BEAVER Street. New York. CLARET. -1W cases Barton 5: Guestier's in. Julien; SOU do. St. Estop ;SW no. Washing ton Morton St. Julien; lOU do. do. Talonuo. Pints; Si) do. Chateau La Rode,. 60 do. do. beogille • Seqi,ell Ale, in stone and glass; Younzer's, HaTeng's, Waist 19rown Stout and London no ter. in 41.4 foul for by Aus A. AM M 116.1.110 South FRONT Street. SUOTCII WHISKEY. 125 puncheons Jame. Stewart h Co.'s Patsley Malt, in laud and for min by GEORGE WHITELEY, .31 3m MEDICINAL. V i CROFITLA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP. DISEASE, TETTE% SCALD HEAP, Eruptions of the Skin general!), and all Humors and impurities of the Blood, are radically and permanently oared by the celebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It h been n, very important agent in the cure 01 °ANC as F,ROUS D 181,18E3 by Dr. Lr,unsbern ,b Cu., for a number ilf. years neat. and its scent value in the cure of Cancers Is abundantly established by the wan/ mites etr lVT.Blloiii.ollB affections tlc remarkable curative afloat has never been equalled. It cures the 10051 °hats nate canes. ETTER, SCALD BEAD. and all Eruptions of the Skin, readily yinhl to a moderate use of t h e Aledieine. Malignant inners and Sores are readily cured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by 151acMCII0I , & BRO., Lounsberry & C 0.,/ No. SO North F /Fru Street, below Arch. For sale by the Colton i rig Druggists: J. F. bong & Co., Lancaster; C. W. Epting, Pottsville; 11. Railer, Reading ; S. $. Stevens, Reading ; T. & J. McClintock, Roston; Jae. Given, West Chester, Wm, Stabler, ?iiirristown ; Simon RMlll,Betblellem ; Dr. Live ley, New llopa ; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Sohundt & Ca., Allentown ; b ilis & Bell. Itlanayunk, Pa; J. D. James, Trenton; Be 14 Cour, CAIM/011; Brewster & Bridgeton Robertson & Lippinoott. Salem.le b all, Walman4ton L. S. Hoopes, Wilmington ; T. F. Hammorsly, Milford, Del.; and Druggists generally, leti-etuthetruf T HORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE FOR HORSES:: FOR COWS!: FOR SHEEP:: FOR FIGS!! Try it once )ou will the it ale") s ; Lets (Is e room° pre tubers. For Horses, it is indispensable to proinntint nrid sustaining all the animal functions in health and vigor. For COWS it ei invaluable, increasing the cnga ) and improvin g the oteht) of hail, For Steep and Piga the errects produced in one month will exceed all ea peotn hoe. THOR 1.F.1 'S FOOD FOR CATTLE has been awarded a DIPLOMA by the Pennm Ivania State Agricultural Simiet) at the ha Minima at Powelton. IW. Depot. 20.1 Doc X Street. eLlin andor.Lpitin, Fa. AIIIISEMENTS. iv EA TL E Y h CLARKE'S ARCH RTR NET THEATRE. THl$ tiSDAY t EVENING. Oct- 11, THE 1R137E GENIUS. Mr. Canine as Fitzeocket. M. Jolean. and O'Toce.e. BORN TO GOOD I.VCK. Eaudeen o"Ratferts. Mr. Collins. THE DOCHLE-BEDDED ROOM. &strop Paices.—ednossion. ti cants; Seonred Sesta in Dress (taste, MN cents; Parquet. lie COMM. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to aommeno a at 71a o'clock precisely. W • ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Role Leman.. ... AL A. GARRETTRO.N. THIStTCE. x EVENING, Oct. U, xa LAR. Kane Lear. Rarer Sun i man ; E Edesr, ?tr. IL A. Perry; Cordelia, Mrs. Duffield. To conclude uith. BETSY BAKER. SCALE or Pa U . S. — Drees Circle. West& mewed 'la ma( extra charge.) 50 cent.; Parguet.lSeats secured at 50 cents./SlOi ;Second Tier and Faintly Cade, and Thud Tier, 2S cents ; Pnrate Boles, according to their locale. 15 and 83; Single Seats in Orchestra and Frosts Box Owe Box Otbee open daily, fromlo until 2 o'clock, Then seats can be secured in &draftee. AADKRICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC RAVELS AND lIARTINETTI FAMILY. THIS ( TUESDAY? EVENING, October 11.251 Louie, LOMSEa; OR em T eHcEt V ; l E S nt N. lions. Paul Brillant. Graceful GrournAtxof Arihty h THE Ai ARTINETTI FAMILY. BIANCO; OR. THE MAGIC SWORD. Bianco, Gabriel Ravel; Don Albino, M. Mathieu- Fit Icas.—Pareuet, Parquet Circle and eta.: Family Circle and Amptutheatre.23 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. till 4 P. id— when Seats can be secured 'without extra charge. Doom opvi at 7 n'olock. Performance to commence at 735. o'clock. it nOESTICKS! DOESTICKS ! ! DOE STCKS! .". MORTIMER THOU PS^N. ESQ. (" DOESTICtS".4 will deliver hie hamorouv Poem on LU"" • bifore the Ireiny Liter ß ary In G s E titute. on THURSDAY EVENING. Oct. ri. rail,. at MUSICAL FUND HALL. commencinc ate o'clock. Admission 25 cents. 'rickets for sale at the principal bookstores; also at Hazard's. N. W. corner. Twelfth and Chestnut ; Callender A. Co.'s. Third and Walnut; Geo. C. Bower's, Sixth and Vine; H. A. Bower's, Smth and Green. CONCERT lIALL.- __ LA FETE DES MUSES. GRAND MELANGE OF DANCING, SINGING. AND STAGE EFFECTS BY THE MARSH'S JUVENILE COMEDIANS, Who ATe avaerni jGum the NATIONAL irErt TO THY CONCERT HALL. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, Grand Performance for the aceommodatlon of Children and Families. conanoncinc at 2 o'clock. FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT. The Doom will be open at 7 o'clock. Performance $. 3 commence at ADVISSION.23 canes. Igc DON 0 lIG H'S GAIETIES--RACE ST., below THIRD. GREAT SUCCESS OF T. D.RICE, ORIGINAL •" JIM CROW." ALPO. EVERY VARIETY THE WONDER.. EVERY VARIETY OP ENTERTAINMENT "[mums PHILADELPHIA. BEST COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA. 10. 15 AND IS CENT'S. P.O ANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street. between Chestnut and 102114 Open for the &aeon. SANFORD'S STAR TROUPE, the .largest Compeny m the world. In their exoellinems every SANFORII appear Every evening In Ms trent Rote Or Charitdent. Doors open at 7E. Commence at & Admission 26 cents. Chiddren 13 cents. oc4-1m HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. R . C. WALBORN & CO.. (NOW) NOB. 3 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET. have nose very superior assortment of Sh.rts, Under clothing. Gloves. Hosiery, ere, Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WEAPPER4, of which a fine assortment is constantly kept on band oIP-31nit SAVING, FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND COMPA NV'S BUILD! NG. B. E. comer of WALNUT and FOURTH streets.—Open daily. from 9 till 6 o'clock. and on Monday tdl 8 in the la venine This old institution has ala aye raid in full, on demand. without notice. INTEREST FIVE I'ER CE\T. All SUM paid back on demand. in Gold or Silver. TRUSTEES: Arearornre. WHILI.DIN. President it %mu at NV mot, Vice President. John C. Fan, T Harper, Geode Nuiront, Louis A. GudeY , Thos. Sergeant, Albt. C. Roberts, John P. 511130112, Jonas BOVTIVLD. R. 11. Eldndge. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN C. SIMS, See. Joss a. Witsox, 08-6 t if RPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO“ CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. °Ape, N0..331 North THIRD Street ConaOlidh.tion Bank But4Ln .t CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE (*TENN SYLVANIA. Datavaita received in Bun. of One Dollar and awards, and repaid te Gold, without nottee. with FM.: PEI CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. • • • A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and •• The Sports Garden &rings Fund Society " Irma chattered bk the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply that necessitY. The Managers. in organizing sod locating it. have been governed wholly by a demre to accommodate the bass nese Internet and wapts of the very large end eaterpri ging population be which it is surrounded. OFFIC OPEN DAILY. From 9 to 25i o'clock; alto, on. Monday and ThundaY from a until o'clock to the eremil.t. atetuungs. . Frederick Klett, than 8111i01, John P. Levy, Ron. IL K. etrongs Daniel 1.1.4440 - er. Fredenck Stacks, 'Janie *ten, Joeeph P. LaMar°, Kessler. Jr., George Knecht.. James 8. Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. Milhvard, George Woelppar, Peter Cs Kltimaler Geo. T. Thorn, Robert B. Davidson. JAMIIII 8. PRINGLE, Pre/mien. kitartnts }Lam'. Secretary. ta..*-tfit ALL -ENGLAND ELEVEN. THE OERMANTOWN PASSENGER RAILWAY CARS RUN NEAR CAMAC'S ESTATE. ?Iron which the GRAND CRICKET MATCH ecS-It le to be ellYed. HOPE COAL OIL WORKS. FIRST PREMIUM. AWARDED AT PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FACTORY WOOD STREET, WHARF f•CTIFYI OFFICE 127 WALNUT STREET R. S. Ifl .k SON COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PROTIC COAL OIL WORKS BURNING AND LISBRICATMO COAL 01L3 blaaufsotured and far sale by HELVE, MORRIS, Et CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OF MAREET STREET. ea. e 50.000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO ' SUIT APPLICANTS, 1 Upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mer chandise. Clothing, &0., on moderate JONES dc CO. Brokere northwest corner of THIRD and GAS RILL Streets, below Lombard. Estabbehed for the !na ge y elm Office hours from 7A. hd. to 7P. AL bleoond-band Gold and Saver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine. for sale, heap, at one-half the critical rout. au4.l,B-if EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VO:N MOSCLIZISKER, OCULIST AND AVRIST. Dr. M. gives his exeltunce attention to the medical ana surgical treatment of the EIE and EAR. DEAFNESS of the longest standing' removed loth by medical and surgical orerations on the latest sccientiha principles. Dr. I. would be pleased to receive mem bers of the medical fseuity who wish to witness his methoit of operatipg for the removal of Deafness, or anti operation on the E E end EAR. ARTiFICI L EVES INSERTED. °Rice :Ma South NINTH Street. above Frarni. Office hours from F A. M. to 1 P 31.. cud from 4 4) 6 P. M. ncl-lm-if E . NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE•FRAME . tIANI;PACTURERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive atoek of OIL PAINTINGS, etc. AU at very 'Low Prices. tiOl ARCH Street, above SIXTU, sa9-tutu DOINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR Ma. SIX FIRST PREMIII3IS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming Build:rms. To ARNOLD k OAS CONSUMINL CONE FURNACE. FtRAT R Al. BEST PORTABLE FURNACE, To ARNOLI, RICHMOND'S PORTABLE. FURNACE. FIR4r PRf:1111. , 1, UST COOKING . R.ANGE. To ARNDT D .Erns. CUILSON'S DOUBLE.-OVFN COOKING RANGE. FIR =L BEST PARLOR COAL ORATES. TiAISNOLD Wit,oN% LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, Piny! . PREIIII,I. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS— To AR NoLP A WILRDN. Fora your handgerned spiny of Enamelled Slate Man ierl, t or, highly (mulled. sod of superior workuutralar, ?IMP PRE.MII M. ARNOLD ez WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT street.. H. M. FELTWELL. W ARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW DONE FURNACE CAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm )011r house VIII ONW-TRIEn 1.101.1 CoAG tbsn is required by any other Furnace. Satisfaction mall cases guaranteed. 'Buildings Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD & WILsON. illtEaMa3=M --- SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and most Beautiful Specimens n 1 Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever offered for sale in this country . manufactured by us, from Penusyli ants eLoe - stone, and for aisle vory low. ARNOLD .4 WILSON. lino CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGES. AU in want of the Heat Elevated Double lbw. Cooking Range, will do well to call at ARNOLD & WILSON'S. Imo CHESTNUT StreAt. IMMO CiRAIN MILLS -- GRAIN MILLS —For lot the Fenn end rlentation. The IRON-BURR MILL I. no equal for Grinding Fine Neal, Feed, Correa, Spi nel, eta.. by hand or power. • Price $B, em, and $45. Now in ape ratan at 136 South SECOND Street. Agents wanted in every county and State, by aulf-am F.. FARREL dr HERRING. -270 bids Pickled also. 310 (tomes Smoked Herring. for sato by C. C. RADLER h CU., ARCH Street. second door aboro Front. 31A('KRREL.-725 bbl:. Nos. 1. 2. and J.- Mackerel, in smorted °mina) Prclotzes, of ihic latest catch, for 91110 b 3 C. V. SA.DLC.F., S. W , Attell Street. second door above Front. ON VENETIAN BLINDS—To give sati,f ac . KRONF.DERIIEII'S.IIN,,rIIITWFI.rut street. Old Blindq done op equal to new. 01_6t- r t rixED PAINTS, of any Tint desired, at _LTA- N 0.31 North TWELFTH Siren._ _ o 3 iqt.kDDoeK,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers