f : z:47i5 Tate Pitts of Sit John rionklini • The - I:rid/lon Wages; oOhe Ad ult.; says : Ttia"Fox•siren, .ditietivery :vessel, (Cant : Me - Cliatooka whietrwaseant to the A.rotio,regions at ' 4l ' o exPe.nact Lady Franls,lln, ,to discover traces , of , fhe missing: expedition,- arrived off the Isle of Wight on Weantisdayi the 21st.' On landing, Capt. ',MbOlintioak at once came On by train' for London, Aringinr with-,him two ,cases containing reline of tite_leng-thisslagexpedition of Sir 'John Franklin. Wo roil - dyed' the following froM the Mi n t, rally ~ • 'Sept, 22-10.30 A. M. The"Secratary. of, the Admiralty presents his compliments to.the editor Of .the Times, and for . Wardittho Pattealiallying letter for insertion : Sii bag 'you will inform the Lords Commis of the Admiraity.of the safe' return to this country of Lad Franklin's Final .Searching pedition - whit I have tied the honor hieenduot, Theirlordshipa will reice to hear that our on , dowers Worm:thin the thte of the Franklin podition have met with complete success. At Point 'Victory, upon*. tho northwest ,"coast of I'l{itk Isltindoi: mord has been found, dated the 25th of Ahril, 184 S, and signed by Cep ' - tains Crozier and Fitzjames. By it we were in formed that her Maiesty,'s ships Erebus and Terror were abandoned on the 22d of April, 1840, in the lee, five leagues to, the NNW., and that the survc :vors—in all amountini to 105 souls, under the coin: mond of Oaptain,dros er—were proceeding to the -Great Fish river. - Sir John Franklin had died'on the 11th of Juno; 1841. Many deeply interesting relics of our lost noun trymen have • been picked up iron the, western shore of King William's Island, and 'others obtain. , • ed from the Esquimanal by whom.we were inform ed that subsequent to Cum abandonment ono ship was eniihed and 'Sunk by the' lee, and thoothor 'forced on shore, where she 'has over since been, affording them an almost inexhaustible mine of wealth. , . Rein unable to penetrate beyond Bellot strait, the Fox wintered in Brentford Bay, and the search —including the estuary of the Great Fish river and the discovery of 800 miles of coast line, by which, we have united the explorations ,of the former' searching exPeditiens to the north and west of our' peeltion with those of Sir James Ross, Besse, Simp son, and Rae to the south — has been performed by sledge Journeys this spring, conducted by Lieuten-' ant Hobson, it. N., Oaptain Allen Young, and my self. ' As a somewhat.detalled report of our proceed ings will doubtlesshe interesting to their lordships, .11 is herewith enolosed, together with a chart of our diseeveries and explorations, and at the earli est opportunity I will present myself at the Admi ralty to afford further' Information, and lay before their lordships the reamt found nt Port Victory. I have the honor to be, dm., - F. L. •/SfoCmstoevc., Captain li. N. ' To the Seoretary of the Admiralty. ' The report thus referred to contains the follow ing Almeria of the Cairn which contained the ac count of the death of Sir Sohn Franklin: On the 'fith. of May Lieutenant Hobson Ditched his tent beside a large cairn 'upon Point Victory. Lying among some loose stones which had fallen 'from the top of 'this cairn, was fOund a small tin esse_oontaining a. record, the labstanee of which is 'briefly as follows: This cairn was built by the Franklin expedition; upon the assumed site of Sir James Rosa' pillar, which had not bean found. The Erebus and-Terror spent their first winter at Tioechy Island, after having ascended Wellington Channel to lat. 77 deg. N., and returned by the west side of Cornwallis ,Islind. On the 12411- of September, 1846, they were beset in let. 70 . 05 N. and long, 08 -23 IV. Sir J,Tranklin died - on' thelithrof June, 1447. On the,22d of Aprill64B, the ships were abandoned fire 'leagues to the N.N.W. of Point .Vietory; and the survivors, 105 In number. landed hero, under the command of Captain Crosier," This paper was dated April 25, 1848, and upbn the following day they intended to start for the Great Fish river. The total loss by deaths in the expe dition up to this date was nine °Moors and fifteen men. The following original papers were nloo found by Captain McClinton, on Prbabe of Wales bland : of May, 1847. Her Majesty's ships Erebus and Terror wintered io the ice in let. 1O slog. 5 min., long. 98 deg. 23 min. W. Having wintered in 1846-7 at Beech Island in let. 71 43 28 br, long. 21 32 1.5 11%, after ascending Wellington Channel to lat. 77, and returning by the west side of Cornwallis join; FnAn'xian, Commanding the Expedition Whoever finds this paper ia requested to forward it to the Secretary of the Admiralty, London, with a note of the time and place at which it was found ; or, if more convenient, to deliver It for that pit , pose to the British consul et the nearest port. The same in French. The same in Spanish. The same in Dutch. The same in Danish. The same in German. Loft the ships Monday, the 24th of May, 1847, the party consisting of two officers and six men. M. Gone, Lieutenant. Cues. F. Des WEUX, MAO. ' The words "wintered in 1848.'47 at lieeehey island" should be •• in 1845.'48," as in 1818-'47 they Were. beset in the ice, mad the ships Ann. Toned in April, 1848. The same mistake occurs in both papers... ADMIRALTY, Sept, 22. • Relics of the Franklin . lapedition of almost every imaginable kind were discoirered at different plaoes. Among .tbunt were ' , books; 'tools, silver plate, buttons, ammunition, spectaoles, pencil", 80L9130111, paper, 'purses, flasks, watches, pemmican tins, handkerchiefs, combs, tooth-brushes, cooking apparatus, shovels, canvas, knives, etc., etc. About a week Witco a fair youuggirl ofl6 arrived oleveland. put up at a hotel, s , ragged" out in expensive harness, and attracted much attention. She told the landlord she aapestod bar uncle, and on Saturday he arrived. litilvaa an active gentle -111812, and sixty years old 'at least. In the after noon there arrived at the hotel an uncouth old man ' In baggy fidwsers, with a slight Yorkshire accent. This old man angrily confronted the other old man and charged him with running ,away with his daughter. There was imeeno of roctimination,whon the father charged the" loveyer" with being mar ried, and the fatherof eight children. Piaally t the father and the old runaway had a private consul ta lion.' We do not know what ants said or what pecu liar influence was brought to bear upon the injured father, but ho returned home, and the young girl end pretended undo foil together. GENERAL NEWS. SINGULAR REVELAT/ONS-4 WOMAN MOAT ANNOYED.—For some time past a woman resid ing in Lansing street has been annoyed nightly by strange noises and apparitions. On several °cos, dons the has invoked the aid of the police to pro tect her, but all is to no avail,,the noises and mys teries still continuing.. This, too, notwithstanding every door In the house Is . secured by bolts and looks. The woman asserts that she often feejs hands laid upon her in a violent manner, as though it were the intention of the possessor of said hands to drag her from her bed and. annihilate ber. 1f,3w4 over, thus far, no serious results have come from these strange and :mysterious transootions. The woman Lae, , on different occasions , been nearly frightened out of her wits - and 'by her screeches has alarmed the whole 'neighborhood. Pomo poo plelmay siippose this a false hallucination OA her part, but we can say that the noises era vouched for by those residing in the samehem) and houses adjoining. They are plainly heard , but• cannot be accounted for:. Even the pdlioe have visited The house, heard the noise, but find ' no cause for it. This is strange :- 41b. SHARP SHOOTING AND SHARPER PRACTICE —The Fredonia (li.'t);Censor tells of one of the sharpest betting tricks that we have hoard of in some time. A Mr. , JaCkson Sage inade a wager of 850 with some parties in Fredonia that ho could shoot fifty consecutive rifle shots;ofthand, nt a tar get of NV and ono•fourth inches, at the distance of ten rods, without .onee missing the mark. lie accomplished .the:-feat, but did it by setting up a heavy boiler iron. funnel, ono foot in diameter at the wider end, and tapering to a size less than that of the mark, just in tronteof the target. He bad only to keep his ball within tire or :ix inches of the mark, amlthe funnel took them home, sure, Ile had the Yankee impudence to olnim the stakes after this performance, and we cannot feel certain that he did not deserve them, for his sharp trick, if not for his sharp shooting, - , PpEirrntantsw:—PUring the recess 'between the second and thirditeats of the race at St. Lords, Mo., an, extraordinary pedestrian: feat was vr.• formed by y Henry Adams, an - Etiglishineri;'wbo' ad booked himself for one hundred (lettere to walk one mile; fair toe and heel, within aeveii minutes.' He was costumed in the usual style of pedestrians— that is, legs and arms bare, and nothing porticu - tar to spook of hbout tho loins. Ile exhibited great mpiatislarpowor about his legs, and is a fine-grown young. man about five-awl-twenty. The word being given, he Started on his mile, keeping a train of boys and mon—lncluding his time-keoper--on a good round Jug-trot. His pare was wonderful for the first bait mile, which he finished In about 3.35, completing his distance .1111.31 k—a failure, to be sure, of what, ho started for, but still a very astonishing performance.' ' THE Bctivtlific , dmeritan speaks of a now invention for hors&shoeing, designed to obviate the continual driving of nails lb the boot, by whieh great injury is sometimes indicted upon valuable horses by unskilful 'Workmen.' -A groove is made in the underside of ,the common shoe, into which is fastened. a. piece .of trop "of the satue,ividth and shape as the groove,. only thicker, and slightly curved riPwaids—tholunetion forming a complete dovetail.- The advantage of this Inner - shoe is, that •it Is' made to 'project beyond the ordinary shoo, and when worn down can easily be removed and replaced' by' another without pulling elf the .shoe from the horse's hoof. gown menthe since, a vroreati and her two children were pat off a train on the" Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Railroad for not' being able to pay fore, the woman offering a Lill which the oonduetor pronounced to be • worthless; The patty were put off, the train on -a cold and, rainy day; and having' over half a mile to -walk for shelter,. the weren't and her youngest child took a severe cold, which, after a sickness of 'over two menthe, resulted in the death of the fatter. 'Suit - was accordingly commenced fur damages, A nd after sprotractedtrial the jarY rendered a verdict for the plaintiff for $450. „ WitEHE Is s'ltx BEntezA BOTI 7 --Morrissey” was not a second at the Kelly and Price prize fight. ~Itis name"has -been manned withthat of James Massey in this "connection.' We understand' that Moirlater.rooently , offered to bet $lO,OOO on his - muscle:for another encounter with anybody that might Wren:end, `The money Wes exhibited as a Pr° o 'tt `Jodnah. 4. Thu frientia or Mr. M. state, , norrovermint - he would, not fight, unless In a mO. ment of eihitenient he happened to pledge hiinself to do goon that he could not he honorably released., 7• 7 .??1 , • • • • -•- „.. Tug Milwaukee :(Iowa) Light Guard,, at their 'fall enonnipmebt; Jost-, Week ; performed ~the - serious foroe of "tt,eitobtintit &sorter!' ata laying hte coffin, all In tlie"preseolo of a large crowd of speatators,panyof - wheal yore.alfeeted tiara s !while the great macs liett watt' so ibd4,riant mtnary,:.t.wlplng - out!! of. the "whati"en ' ,eampleent dente filer beiing the.finni aonenkuotioe., ''.'Tztu'riantauditritave ta , veryt cur ems, way rsdhateitiog;fisk the:Ahem,. t They Wade r into -We water at nightYith ta'knife and a wator•tight •lerep.ypltioetemp . the tritte!,,tted the trout Will seen 'follow 'As the Half eopiq to tliosoffaoo of ythe Yiter;the fishohnott king his knife. This is no doh story; but a yoritabie foot. —/I oat on (IVlass.) Courier. IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for The Preos.l BOSTON—Steamship Phloem; Sprague, Matthews-162 bags saltpetre Jordan & Bro; 681MIs paper 0 Mamma & CO; 123 bole mackerel 169 half do do Stroup & Bra; i 4 pkga dry goods A Blade & Co; 80 bales 40 Wale. Lem-, ing'& Cot 62 do goat skins P It Southwtok; 20 pkge dry goods J T Way & Co; 100 oases hoots and shoes I' Ford; 81 do Myors, Clagliorn & Co; 41 do W A & L,Bhumwar; 20 do Townsend Stevens; 180 do 100 slabs tin order; 200 pima mdse Leech & co; 200 do various ooneignees. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE T. FERNON. JOHN SPARHA WE, Comm=Er or Tor SSOMH. SAME J. REEVES, 111111 " LETTER BAGS AT THB MARCIIANTA' EXCHANGE, PfIILAAI XLPHiI. O,3 ; 50011 Shippn na elkla T i , Re g lA h e nt ........... a j t a n 3 bu i o r o o , l, soon Burk'AzoltaLl'owor: . • • London, noon Burk Island Homo,ien toy—. Bark Old Hickory, Bohm Rarson, goon Brig AahlitcThoman ..... an Spots, 40011 Brag Iris hem ....... • — •Bagna la firando. noon Bohr W I, Springs, Bookaloo Havana, 00(111 SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. 'FROM THE UNITED STATES. sum LEAVR FoR DAYS. Glasgow.— York.. Glasgow., ............oot 12 'Asia. ..... Now York. •LtverpooL ...........oot 12 C of Manchester• Now York.. Cork, k 0.....—. .....oot 25 New . .... Oct 15 Circassian..._._ New York—Galwal. • • • Oct Id .New York. •Homburg Oot 15 Arno Y0rk....., ......Got 75 Oct 19 Africa .—New York.. Liverpool Oot 20 C of Washiniton.,_' ..N York.. Cork sr, Ltverphol....oot 22 Arlel'• • ',.........New York :Havre .. Oct 22 TO ARRIVE. SHIPS , LEAVE FOR DAYS' C of Washington.Liverpool—New Y0rk.......... Sept 28 Arie1............11avre, .ko..Now Y0rk,.... Sept 29 Edinburg. Olassow..New Y0rk..... ..... Sept 28 Indian..._. Liverpool—Oriebeo.„....... Sept 23 Afri0a.............Liverp001..New York ....A:tot 1 gegonla, ~...13oothempton..New York ....... ....Oct 4 .Bremen Southampton. low York.... ...... .oot 4 North Sritton....Liverpool— Oot 5 oston ..... . Oct 9 Ocean Queen.. —.Havre, &e. „New York Oct 12 Kentetroo...i....tiovorpool—New York ....... .oct 12 Anglo Saxon.— "Liverpool—Quebec. k0..........0ct 12 P0rch..........Ls versool—New Y0rk............00t1c Prince Albert Oalway..New York ....Oct 17 .Great Eastern....Rolvhead.. Portland Oet2B • .The California Mad Steamers sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. The Nayalia, Steamers leave New York on the 2d, 7th, 12th, 17th, and 27th of each month, and Charleston, S.. C., on the 4th and 19th. When the above dates fall on Sunday, the steamers will anti on Monday, except front New Orleans. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11, 1859. 4IIN RISES...--. 6 241 BUN BETS--..- 34 MGR WATER.--...- -..-. 36 ARRIVED. flohr Harriet Dakar, Webber, days from Portland, with Intriber, to 14 Trump & Son. Schr Halo,Newman,L days front DiewburiPort, with Wee to Gen A Wood. Behr H H Weston, Maloy. 1 day from Wilmington, Del. in ballast to Pi Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Heverin, Pearce. 2 days from Dover, Vol, with grain to Jae Darratt & Son. CLEARED. Bohr Alida. Carberr, Non, London, Blakistnn & Con. Sohr Ada Herbert, rurvere, Wollfteet, N &aileron & Co. ;Rohr HE Weston, Alaloy, Emden. N Sturtovant & Co Eltahr Halo, Newman, Newburyport, D Cooper. HY TELTORAPTI. (Correapondanoe of The Press./ HAVRE DE GRACE, Cot 10 1869. The Kingston and Wyoming will leave here this morn ing with 26 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: E R Chapm.Diligonse, and North Star, lumbar to Ma lone Or.. Taylor; Chas Blanchard and Merchants' Friend, do to John Cialg: - Amelia Or Ellen , American Earle. JC Crawford, and Emma Tromp, do to hi Trumo & Sons; Robert Lipton. Lundy's Lane, and Samuel Wilson. do to Norerosa& Sheets; J H Fulmer. and Stars & Stripes. do to William 11 Lippincott; Copt P Bhav, do to Samuel Bolton & Cot Reindeer, Broad Top bit coal to Wilming ton: West Wind, Janina Buchanan. and Defiance do to N Burroughar Alexander filar. light to Humplireya, Hoffman & Wright' Mary Frank, Ella. J 1.1 Henry. Frank Fidler, and Dr L 8 Filbert, onaLto Delaw W are City MBAJORANDA. Steamship Royalton° Stale, Marshman. hence for Charleston, was seen 6th ;net, 5 P 51, off Slattern.. Steamship Boston, Bellew, hence, at New York 9th instant. Ships Thomas Jellemon, Mencom,• Westmoreland, Decant Arthur White. Kelly; Betsey Williarna,Nicker son, and Wm Penn, Meade, were loading at Liverpool 2ith nit for this port. Ship Thomas Wattson,Laprelle, remained at Malaga 14th ult. Ship Bridgewater, 'Barstow, for New York, mitered for loading at Liverpool 20th ult. Bark Sophia, Jones, cleared at Baltimore Bth inst for Rin Janeiro. Bark Wheatland, Daapeaux, for Bahia, cleared at Baltimore yesterday. Bark Hamilton, Burns, for Philadelphia; remained at Havana 29th ult. Brig Daniel Maim', Steelman, for Boston, cleared at Mobile 3d inst. Brig Mamba. Habbert. for this port. put back to Brou wershaven 22d tilt with loss of topanilyard. Brig Harvard, Anderson; from London for thin port, was aeon 4th lilt lat 43 60 ton 25 30. Brig Thos 11 %Been, Monday, cleared at New York Btli inst for St Thomas. Bahr W Kennedy, Christy, lionoe at Alexandria Bth instant. Sally R W Tull, Townsend, for Philadelphia, cleared at Mobile &tined, with 639 bales cotton. Bohr J W Pharo, Cavalier, hence for Georgetown, D 0, pnesed Alexandrio Bth test. far Phr w Benton, .) el phinton, Tnlor,.) sailed from Bristol Ith ;net a CABINET WARE. HOGUET & HUTTON, - MANUFACTURERS OF DESKS AND CABINET FURNITUR E • NO. 250 8011T11 TRIED STREET. Office, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases. "Wardrobes. eto. es-ant CAB FURNITURE .A.ND BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. xi SOUTH SECOND STREET, in eonneetton with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now inanufactunngis mano TABLES, BILLIARD and have now on heA a f . ull sanely. fimeheli with gooRF, cAlkr ota qpincgOVED CUBRIONS t _ womb are nrgnoun e by OD 'wig? have used them to DO superior to all paten , For the altalitY fiDDIU of these Tahleo the mum- Mau:mere refer to their numerous patrons throUgheut, the Unton, who are familiar with the character of their work. iy26-em HATS, CAPS. &c. 1859. FALL 'X E. AD • 1859 . C. H. GARDEN & CO.. • Rlnnlasehirers of and Wholesale Dealers In HATS.•CAPS. FURS. MLR AND. STRAW BONNETS, AND STRAW OCOI)S, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, &c., NOS. 800 AND S , O MA R K x ET S TREET, EXTENSIVEBT w CK c BEST f TERMS, LOWEST aulll4m --FRICES. CHINA AND QUEENSIVAHE. BOYD as STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a oomploto stook of GUEENSWARE, OLASEIVITA.R.F,, and FRHNOII AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their OLD STAND, No. 32 NORTH POURTH ST., four doors below Merchants' Hotel, p 3 which they invite the attpution of WHOLESALE BUYERS. oir AGENTS von firrenuso OLA/113. aulS-Em CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. MERINO, 140 ROUTH FRONT STREET, Has In store and bond, and Offers for Bale, a Large. Assortment of OICIARS, Received direct from Ravens, of choice and favorite Brands. au& -tf RAILROAD LINES. WEST CHESTER and - PHILADELPHIA. RAIL ROAD viaI.IDIA. ALI, ARRANGEMENT. on and 4 tat WEI/NED/34Y, Octabor 5. 1269. Dia trains will taavapadodeiptort. froi the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and Ma KET Street., at 7.30 and 9.30 A. M.. and at 2.90 and 51. 1. Leave Went Cheater, from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET EPPIILET, at 7 • and 10 A. 21„ and 220 and 6 P. M. . . ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 2 P. M. Leave West Cheater at 7.30 A. M., and 00 P. D, hl. HENRY WOO 6 • t('General Superintendent. 1859. I - M1859. faAb i llittifeTDlPT,i - ativ e ,"Ppgl4ll4 4 .- DELPMAAr it TRBNTON RAI IA tiAD CO 8 EINES, it PIIILADtILPHIA. TO NEW 10K AND WAI -PLACES, Pitint %v r 4 Will leave as follows, rut s VAIX. At OA. 11. via Cameen ,and Amboy, Cain. & Am. Aocomlodatlon .... 02 25 At A. 1., via dantilan and Jersey City, (New limy/Accommodation 226 At 4. via Camden and Jersey Oily, Morning ail . ......... .. 300 At II A. a.; liflaieaMbliat, TaeonY and Cit/ s Western Faeroes D 00 At la . P. M., via Camden and Amboy Awyornmo dat At 22. M., via biniden (i.`k A. /ea- D rees 3 00 .4t 4 M. by gtednAvat, via Titoony and Jer sey City, Evening Express 3 00 At 4 P. M.. by Steamboat. via Tammy and Jer sey City ,24 Class Ticket 2 20 At 01.. fil., via Camden and Jersey City At II F. .M., via Camden and Jersey City, Southern 3 o'3 Ml At 6 ai P.M, VI a Camden and Ambo,y4opoinmodation, 220 (Freight and Passenger )—) at Ulan .... 225 2d Class whet . . 150 rune daily . The 11 P:111. bouth. en' For litlvide r re a ,VasUr?, 2 loeimagton, kn., at d A. M. and o 2 rlita . u i rili Chunk, Allentown, and Bethiehe at 6 A. via Lehigh Raddled. ni • der Water Glap,Stroudeburg. Scranton, Wilkeabarre, Montrose, meat sand, &a., at e A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. M.. and 2)4 and 4 P.M. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and 2. M. WAY LINIyS For Biletol, Trenton, /so, at 2.if and 4 P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. For l'almyra, Oelnnoo, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, &a., at 1214, 1. Radii:4 T.,211. Steamboat J ohm Prellgon,for Bordentown and interme diate plaoes, at 2% 1.26. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and terinediate Wanes, at 11 A. ht. sind 4 I'. M. Fifty poundeor bitgdage only anowed each yaeseager. yaneagere are prohibited from taking any thing as beg. gage but their wearing apparel. Alt baggage over Pr Pounds to be paid for extra. rho company haul their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and II not be liable for any amount beyond 41100, except bySpecie contmot, 014 1. 1359. WM. If. OATZMEit. Arent. MAT,_ PHIL ADELPIIIA AND QUICK RO TE to Enira,Wilke_ 'harm, Buffalo, — Chicago, Rook Island, Niagara, Palls, Milwaukee, Bur ,Etolian, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dual! e th, and St. Prise7ger trains will leave the Philadelph la nod Rend ipgAni fond Depot, cornor.B,Rotip and . FINE Streets, P 4" ("n ag I A e .VI e ,NIC I II,X7R w AS. For Elmira, Niagara rale, Buffalo,. Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee t ßonic Island, Ualena, Bt. Paul's, BurhngtOn, tnel St. Lome. ,8.90 P. M., NIORT EXPRESS. For Egan', Niagara Falls, Buffalo Detroit nioltgOt Milwaukee,,Rook Leland, lialaus,St. Paul's , rlington, and St. Lnuta. The 7.30 A. Al. end LSO I'. M. trains run through to HARRISBURU, stunning at all Station' on the Lebanon Valle) , Branch., , The T. 20 A. AL train connects at Rupert for Wilkes- Inure, Plltatott, Scranton, and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge U. tickets can pe propnred at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line ii_lte_ket Woe, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTPi UT Streets, and at the Passen ger Depot. c edorn,) er BROAD and_VINE. Le wa l l I t t h i n a pfi, IN ( SI for all a noints Visit nnd North, itt o r. M. • "V= must be 'delivered before a i'. AL toinsore going t 4 day.' , For turther information, apply at - Bigtht Dit, BROAD, below Vine, Or to " corner SIXTH PPEN, Oe_noral Aent, N. W. oorner nd CHESTNUT Streets, 00-0' Philadelphia, LEGAL. m UNI CIPAL CLAIMS.—Notice is hereby 4-Vjr- given to the owners of the Properties mentioned. in the appended Memoranda of Claims, that Writs ol Soiro Fames will be issued thereon in three months front the date hereof, unless the Same aro n,lid corm before that time. S. T. VAN SANT. Attorney for Claimants. IT.I South FIFTH titspet, Phila. CLAIMS FOR CARTWAY AND WORK PA CURBINU, AND (MIER IN THE COUR COUN T OMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AN D Y OF PH I liA DELPII lA. .1. The city 01 Philadelphia to use of AilanOVitrtlitnan and James 1, Bartow v. }Rowe, lip Rossett, & Co., ow n om or reputed owners, oi whin) vet - may he ow nore. Com inon Picas, thimmilier Form, 1858, No. $O. Paving, $16321. Lot, soutliwonleily corner of York and Cedar streets, in front on maid York Street 61 foot by 125 foot 6,14' inches to Cordon street. Nineteenth ward. 2. Same v. same, owners or reputed ownors, or who-, ever may be owners. CommonPiens; lows le osp T ern ,, 1853. N 0.21. Paving, $11127. Lot soothe miterly side, of York street; 157 Biol. einglinistitorlY from 1110 southeast erly side of Lemon street, in runt on said York street 61 feet by 125 feet 014 melons to Uordon street. Nineteenth ward. 4. Santo v. Caleb It. Meeker, owner or repined owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Neal, Alnroli Term, 10,71 No. 200. Paving, ,s2lB 93. Lot 8010.11WesterlY Hate of Coral end Wood 'rools. in front on said Coral street 168 foot 6..1 niches to Moore street, by 11 foot in depth. Nineteenth ward. 0. Sarno v. Edward Leigh, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Common fleas Morels Term, 3859. No. 201. Paving, $ 24 N. Lot and Brick Dwelling northwesterly side of Coral street. d 9 feet northeasterly from Dauphin street,jii front on said Coral street 17 toot by tit feet in depth. Nineteenth ward. 7. Seine v. Brown & Boyd, owners or reputed owners, or whoever may be owners. Common Pleas, alareli Term, 1859, No. 196. Paving, $9B 80. Lot and Brick Dwelling southeasterly corner of Coral and Dauphin Streets, in front on said Coral street 71 feet le' Inchon, inoluding ono-half of a 2 feet 614$ inches wide a ley, by Di feet in depth. Nineteetli ward. 8. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners, or who ever may be owners. Common Pleat', March Term, 1859. N 0.197. Paving, $l6 62. Lot and Brick Dwelling there on erected, southeasterly aido of Coral street, 12 feet northeasterly from Moore street, in front on said Coral street 12 feet by 62 feet 7% inches to a four-foot wide alley. Nineteenth ward. 9. Some v. same, owners or reputed owner& or who ever may bo owners. Common fleas, March Term, 1869. No. 198. Paving. ,sl6 a. Lot and Book Dwelling there on erected, northeasterly corner of Coral and Moore streets, in trout on said Coral street 12 feet by_s2 feet 7% inchon in depth to a four-feet wide alley. Nineteenth ward: 10. Same v. same, owners or reputed ownere„ or who ever may be owners, Common Pleas, March Perin, 1859. No. 199. Paving, 516 62. Lot and Brick Dwelling thereon erected, southeasterly side of Coral street, 49 foot north. easterly from Moore street, in front on said Coral street 12 feet by 52 feet 71; inches in depth to a four-loct wide alley. Nineteenth ward. 11. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners, or who eV. may bo owners. Common Pleas, March Tenn. 1859. N 07200. Paving, ela 62. Lot and Brick Dwelling there on emoted, woutheasterly side of Coral street, 24 feet northeasterly from Moore street, in front on said Coral street 12 foot by 69 feet 7N; Inaba In depth to a four-leet wide alloy. Nineteenth ward. 12. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners, or who. ever may be orrnora. Common Pions March 'Perm, 1859. No. 202. Paving, eta 62. Lot and Brick - Dwelling there on erected, southeasterly side of Coral street, 60 foot northeasterly from Moore street in front on said Co ral street 12 feet, thence in depth on the northeasterlY One thereof Oil feet, thence southwesterly parallel to said Coral street Tfeet 657 inches • thence northwesterly pa rallel to the said Moore stree't 11 feet 44; inches: thence southwesterly parallel to the said Coral street 4 fool 614 inches ; thence gorthwesterly parallel to the said More stroet b 2 feet 7%' inches to Baal Coral street, Ninoteeth ward. 13. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners, or who ever may be owners. Common Pleas, March Term, mos. No. 203. Paving, 810 62. Lot and Brisk Dwelling:on the southeasterly side of Coral street, 36 feet northeasterly front Moore street, to front on sand Coral street 12 feet by 62 feet 7% inches in depth to a four-feet wide alley. Nineteenth ward. 14. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners, or who over may he owners. Common Plans, March farm, 16.3... No. 204 Paving. 418 39. Lot and Brick Dwelling there on erected, southeasterly aide of Coral street, 72 feet northeasterly from Moore street. in front on said Coral street 13 beet 3% inches, Including ono-hall of a two-feet 6b lecher' wide alley. by 64 feet in depth. Nineteenth ward. 16. Same v. McCartney StTownsend, owners or red owners, or whoever may be owners. Common Pleas. March Term, 1859. No 194. Paving, $lO5 30. Lot and Brick Factory , or Mill thereon erected, souilienel erly corner of Coral and Dreer streets. Beginning at point on said corner, thence extending southwesterly along the said Coral sheet 63 feet Li inch to the east side of Front street, thence southerly atone the said Front street 18 feet to a point, thence easterly at right angles with said Front street 37 feet 11% incline to a point. thence northeasterly parallel to the said Coral Street 37 feet /1% inches to the said Dreer street, thencenorth westerly along the Raid Dreer street 39 feet 2% mhos to the place of beginning. 16. Same v. Elam F. Witmer, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Pleas, MerchTerm, 1859. No. 189. Paving, 818 44. hot and Brick Dwelling thereon erected southeasterly side or Coral street 96 feet sonthwesterly from Wood Street. In front on said Coral street 52 feet by 62 feet 7% inches in depth ton three feet wide alley. Nineteenth ward. 17. Same V. same, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Plena. March Term, 1859. No. yee. Paving, $lO 44. Lot and Brick Dwelling thereon erected lioutheanterly side of Corn) street, Si feet sout westerty front Wood street, in front on sa id Cora/ street 12 foot by 63 feet 7% inches to a three-feet wide alley. Nineteenth ward. 16. - Elaine r. Caine, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may ho owner. Common Plena, March Term, 1a59. No. 192. Paving, 6'20 ta. Lot end Brick Dwelling thereon erected southensterly - side of Coral street, no trot f. inches 'southwesterly from the southwesterly side of Wood street, in front on said Coral street 13 tent 6 inches, including one-heir a three-foot wide alley, tly 0.5 feet 7,.; inches in depth to so three-feet wide alley. NII2O- teoutli ward. 19. dame v, sarrie t owner or reputed owner,or whoever may bo owner. Comulon liens, March Term, 189. No. 153. Pnvin,r, 818 44. Lot and Brtek Dwellone thereon erected southeasterly aide of Corn) street, n feet south westerly from the southwester!) aide of Is street. in front on said Coral street 1? feet by 69 feet 7,,V ) Inches to a three-Met wide alley. Nineteenth ward. 20. Same v. 13rown : Ile .Rossett ,tr., Co., owners or re puted owners. or whoever may be owners. Common Pleas, December Term. No. 32. ravine, $OO Cl. Lot northeast side of York street, IV feet southeaster!) (EOM the southeasterly etch of Trenton avenue, in front on said York street 15 toot by 125 feet 3 inches to Builen street. Nineteenth ward. • • 21. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners, or who ever may be owners. Common Pleas, December Term 1858. No. 33. Paying, SI3T 65. Lot southwest side o York street, 108 feet couthenaterly from the southeast erly aide of Lemon street, in fronton said York °tree 43 Met by 129 feet 814' inches to Gordon street. Nine teenth ward. • • 22. Seine v. . Stotesbury & Armes, owners or reputed owners, or whoever may bo owners. Common Pleas, Mnrch Term, 1859. No. 91. Footway paving, 82J 89. Lot southwesterly corner of York and '1 ulip streets, in front on said York street 36 feet by 129 feet e 6 inches in depth to Gordontreet. (Nineteenth ward. 23. Same v. A. bnngstreth, Owner pr reputed owner, or whoever upsy IN owner. Common Pica:, March Term, 1889. No. 03, Footway paving, 6 , 17 91. 'Lot southwesterly side of York street, at feet southeasterly from the southeasterly stile of Sepviva street, in front on said York street &I feet by 129 feet 6J,; inches in depth to Gordon street. Nineteenth ward. 25. Same v. Athanasius Ford, owner or reputed own er, or whoever may be owner. Common Pleas, March Term, 1859. No, 25. Footway paving, 812 Lot soutneasterly corner of Ye*, and Gray streets, thence southeasterly along the said York street 54 feet to point, thence southwesterly at right angles with the said York stroll IV feet 61 incites to Gordon street, thence northwesterly' Mang s e cap( Gordon street 40 feet to said Gray street, thane nartherly Meng the said Gray street 43 feet .d inch to a point, thence farther ,aligig the said Gray street northeasterly 89 feetBN Manes to the pines of beginning. Nineteenth ward. -- se. name-v. Philip Hum, owner or reputed owner. er whoever may be owner. Cornice,, Pleae. March Term, 1859. No. 90. Footway paving, 432 83. Lot southwest erly corner of yerk. and Lemon streeta , in fronted tha said York street 541 bat by 179 feet U . 14 inches in depth to Gordon street. Nineteenttrward, - 27. Elaine v. Sutton & Fisher, ownete or reputed own ers, or whoever may be owners. COMilloll Piens, March Term, 1850, No. 117. Footway paving, 857 21. Lot northeast, side of York street.s4 southrinsterly from the southesstegly side nr Lemon street, in tront on eaid York street 7 2 leet Igr 1 -2 5 , r 4 t ,pails to depth to Einlon street. Nineteenth - w rd. • " 28. Same v. Brown, Go Sennett, & Co., op era or re puted owners, or whoever nifty be ownera. Contemn Pleas, It Term, 1859. No. 99. Footway paving, 549 75. Lot southweeted7 eie or York ftreeti T 3 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly side at Anion street, in front on said York street lye feet by 129 toot ehf "whoa in depth to Gordon street. Nineteenth want. 29. Same v. same, owners or reputed owners. or who ever may be owners. Common Pleas. March 're rm. 1859. No. 99 Footway paving, en 8,3.. Lot southwesterly corner of York and Cedar streets, in front on said York street 64 feet by 129 feet 672 inches in depth to Gorden street. Nipateenth word. 30, Same tr. 11. tal im,owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be ow W..' Connmm Pleas, March Term 1859. No. 120. Pavi e, 0103 'lmt setithweidDr;) ride of Huntingdon street, 177 feet soothe:tided,' Hein southeasterly side of Jasper street, in front on sand Huntingdon street 30 feet 6 incites by 1413 feet B , s' inches in depth to Hazzard Street. Nineteenth ward. 31. Same v. same, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be Owner.cr,pnrion Pions ( March Terin, 1859. No. 122, raving VII, 02. Lid soutimacterly corner of Hun tingtonJ and Jasper streets, le froncon sae Itt.,,fingdon street 72 feet by 140 feet ti'<i inches in depth to Hazzard street. Nineteenth ward. 32. Same 2. A. Cotto, owner or reputod owner, or who ever inaLhe owner. Common ((Noel, lqcti Term :1859. No. 111. Pavieg, .sl7s 36. Lot westerly corner of Hunt ingdon and Jasper streets, infrbot op bat(' Huntingdon street tie feet by /40 feet kV Inches to /Liggett, dirtot, Nineteenth ward. Paine v. Abel Luken!, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Pleas, March 'feria. 1859. No. 137. Paring, 82 0 1.10. Lot northwesterly cor ner Huntingdon street and Frankford road. Beginning at a point in said corner, thence extending northwester ly along the said Huntingdon street 109 feet 2i Whoa to a point, thence northeaster[ y at right Angles with the said Huntingdon street 68 lent 10J8 inches to a point. thence easterly 74 feet 11Ji inches to the Frank ford inches to and ht rigid an,4los therewith, thence south..tooth wardly along the said yrrinkforit feet }S. to the place of beginning. Nineteenth wan/. 31. Same v. James (Metier, owner or repntoil owner, or whoever nay be owner. Common Pleas, March Tenn, Imo. No. 136. Paving, 5109.87. Lot northweA terly corner of Huntingdon and Emerald streets, in front on said Huntingdon street GO feet by la; beet in depth to Elistatoth street. Nineteenth ward. 35. Same v. sante, owner pr reputed owner, or who ever may be ewner. Common Plena, March 'I crir 1659. No. 136. Paving, $130.31. Let antimony come, 0 Hui,- ngdon end Erne reld,atroots.ln front/ion slid Hunt neigh, street 63 feet by Mt feet 092 inches to littazarn Street. Nineteenth ward. 30. Paine' v. 41;el Lukens, owner or reputed owner. or whoever may tie owner. Pnlntnon Pleas, March Term, 1859. No. 1/3, paving, $l9l 1,0 ao_rtinta,tntly corner of Huntingdon and Cored itrAstg; in front On Saul Nuri tingdoe street 160 feet, in .opth nertheasterly along the said Coral street 66 feet melte, to a piont,llienci southeasterly at light analog with Fool Coral street. feet 272 inches to ft paint, thane° farther *lnstal ly at f angles with the Frankford road 3 feet 113; inches to n point, thence southwesterty at right tingles with alai Huntingdon street 82 feet 2.4 inches to said Huntingdon street. Nineteenth ward. 37, Hama v. same, owner or reputed owner, orwhoever may he owner. Common Pleas, Starch Term, reW. No, 121. Paving. 429 V.l. Ln: and brick dwellin4 thereon erected, northeasterly side of tiniainginn street, MO feet southeasterly,fron the southeasterly side ot 01431 lijrec , , in front on said fluntingdon Street. 16 feet by 66 leaf 1 61 i molten in depth on the southeasterly line theme!, and G 2 feet CI inches in depth on the northwesterly line there el'. Nineteentif , m 33. flame v. AVilliam 11, Witte, owner or refuted owner, or whoever may he owner. Con it leo+, March Term, 1859. No. 100. Footwayjaving, 0. Lot northetistally corner of York and oho 'streets,' in front on eeid qrk street 72 feet by 126 feet 3 ;mhos in depth th I:4ittma err mei, nineteenth ward. ao. Same V, RohortNedl. Owner Qr. reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Pleas; ilfaych Terra, 1858. No, 234, Paving, e)7 L'ot on best aide et Par ker street 60 feet northward from the north side ol Wood atrent, in front on said Parker street)4 feet by 135 feet in depth to Trenton avenue. Nineteenth word. aue-tam NOTICES. OFFICE. OF PPE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Directors have TUPS DAY dew tell n Dividend of SIX PER CENT. for the last six months, which Will he paid to the Stookliolders or their legal roprnimutn lives on and after the 12th instant, clear or Stale Tax. £llOB. R. ICAHN, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICE.--rDe4lera in Good year'e Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suanendete, Braids. Webs, and all other fabrics and amides made by conaliininx'fihrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are untitled that toilers the seine lire properly 'tamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United Staten. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine 13110011110119 now in store, and togive their oilers for the igliring_ Trade to the undereed, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF TIIE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHT IN THE PATENT for those gooda, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im poirtriPia, i d ,IVIWOO 3 O:/111A N UFACTURE and SELL —on t . 01111#_^.-Mity be obtained nn,applioation to inn at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, It . n24-ly e 11011401., R. DAY. NOTICE.--Persons having business with . 1 . the FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. 14 VINE Street between the hope of 9 o'clock and 3 F. M, where illey will find the liumecjor or toe Deputy, F. M. RIES P IQ. M. LAUMAN, 1017 Flour Inspector. COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE IS lIEREIIY GIVEN, that tho firm of WARNICK, CHADWICK, & BRO. is this de dissolved. The Heater, Range, and Stove business wi he cent - tmed under the name of CHADWICK B 0., _AN at the Northeast tiorneL C o nf S ECOND nod RACY Streets. aIArPNI* Philadelphia, July 11.1869. ROWE'S STANDARD SOALES.- SITOPM & ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle, and Hay Scales rancho no pi t. Platform and Counter Scales of every description. They receiye all Pnction and Wear on Balls instead of Knife Heigee, no on other Smiles. Cell and examine before purchasing elsewhere, and too the improvement P.ENNINGTON OFFEN, Arent, 14 South SEVENTH Street Wham • • Philadelphia. QPIRITS TURPENTINE.-75 bbls. Spts, ° A.V3VARWiral n ci l i t , ° ,l4 al 4 l Sttrl a la y Ai t igk i A' -SPANISH • OLIVES-4n bulk, in ' 47" l "' WWI o,loBouth FRONT Btreet. THE IVSS ,- .-111114ADELPHIA, TIJESnAY, OtreoßElt 11, 1859. IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED BY P. A PPY,ETON & Co, Non. 346 and BROADWAY. T. FIJI AND TILE FIJIANS. BY Wity.r,ams and JAMBS CALvERT. 1 vol. Bvo. Illustrated with Colored Flutes and Maps. , Price 82.150. [From the Now York Observer.] " This is a most valuable work upon a new qubioot. It is the result of ..t+ationt and intelligent research by the Nev. Thomas IV illiams and the Rev James Calvert. The facts are reliable; the deductions are the fruit of long personal observation and inguiry..,The history, government, avereg agrioultural advantages. manners and customs, religion, language, and literature of the islanders, are carefully and smentifimilly treated In the first ruin of the book, while the second part is devoted to a deeply interestin g sequin t or the missionary opera toms undertaken and carried on in the different islands. We oviiiinan d this hook moat heartily alike to the atu dent of races and nationalities, and le the friends of Christian inmate:is." I I. BREAKFAST, DINNER, AND TEA, VIEWED CLASSICALLY POETICALLY and PRACTICALLY. CONTAINING/ NUMEROUS DISHES AND FEAS UTSNT OF ALL TIMES AND CORI BESIDE THREE HUNDRED MODERN RECEIPTS. 1 vol. Small Do. Gilt Tor , . Price ,51.50. "It is altogothet the beet book for it genteel house keener thnt wo ever met.' —EN. Y. Observer. "The beau-ideal of a Cook Book."—[Portland Trans cript. " A more acceptable bo ok fora young housekeeper it would be difficult to find. —f Menge Record, " We commend this book to literary cooks and parsons in search of food for mind nod Lady—particularly the body."—(St. Louis News Every housekeeper who would deserve the best corn P 9 . 11: r o lc h a e iji g, u , ° Vo i r a= ePaTiair,Val, end Print, are none the less practicable from the nbip &moo of anecdotes with whoh they are garnished, [Cincinnati Gazette. PARTIES AND THEIR PRINCIPLES; A MANUAL. OP POLITICAL • NG I INTELLIGENCE AN EX - HBCTR TH NATRONI AN R RTI M S. WITH l AN APPENDIX. CONTAINING VALUABLE AND GENERAL STATISTICAL INFORMATION. By ARTBI.7II HOLMEI. I VOL 12010. e It contains a succinct exposition of all questions of national interest, past orpresent, with the views of eminent statesmen, the action of Congress, and the bearings of those questions upon the country at large. While the work to condensed. it is at the same time cleat In its delineation of the ongin, growth, character, and condition of parties. Being strictly historical. it com mends itself to men of all shades of rillitica as a work of reference, and as a safe guide to the intricacies of American politics and the past action of ohr Govern ment. IV THE HISTORY OP HERODOTUN. A now English version, edited with copious notes and rfEappondines. By Ocorge'Rawlinson, M.A., assisted by Col. Sir Henry. Rawlinson, K. C. 8., and ElirJ, id Wilkinson, F. R. S. With Mails and Illustrations. To he completed in 4 vols. Vol. 1, eve. $2.00. The object of tint wattle to present the English render with a correct >et _free translation, and to collect and methodize the chicloillustrations of the author, which modern learning and research have accumulated. Pa rallel with the progress of the work, a series of fresh diecoverie have been made upon its (to en) more im portant sithiecta—the ethnography of the East, and the history and geography of Babylonia and Assyria., Tho results of these nisooveries, up to the latest, have been incorporated in the illustrative part of the work,-great Part of it having been, from time to time, rewritten, es new light has been thrown upon.doubtful points. V. HISTORY TIMES iI,ANCE2, FROM TIM EARLIEST RV THE 4111.1ANIES WHITE, Author of the "Eighteen Christian Centuries." , 1 vol., Bvo. Price $ 3. This history is believed to be especially adapted to the benefit of general readers who are anxious for histories( Well as other kinds of knowledge,. but who, in respect to the 'History of France, are repelled from the attempt to acquire it by the dryness of the narrative, and the un interesting style of the smaller volumes devoted to the subject, and by the time and labor required for the pe rusal of the more extensive and valuable works. NEW AMERICAN FOIIMINO A COMPLETE DI O CTIONARY OF GENERAL. KNWLEDGE, Edited by Coss. A. DANA and tixonrix RIPLEY. The work will be published exclusively by titanic Gm lion. in 15 large octavo volumes, each contatninx 750 two column paces, and in exterior appearance la at once elegant and sobstantial The volumes will be issued so- Tinily in cloth, 83; library sqlo, leather, .5350 ; half morocco, S.'4; ball Russia extra, NM; each payable on delivery. Vol. VII, just ready. From the Independent of June 5.1 • " A sympathisieg and appreciative spirit pervades the articles; so that, instead or mere frigid narrativo. or an exacting and risorona criticism, we have nn animated and Peaitr.:r"7largefrli':Tde:ren srqctaE for e xample, I„,,ciesn Chris tianity, Christmas, on Coleridge and Fenimore Center, ion Cookery, too.) and on such living men ns the lion. 8. P. Chase, °Mhos. A genial and - ritverent temper no tions dm book, while the merely literary execution of it is worthy of all praise. la the, sphere which it proposes to fill, ns a Popular Dictionary of General Knowledco, it aspires after nail achieves a noble success. oB3t NEW BOOKS POT Raie by GAST & VO KAI AR. Successors to it. Coweettliwalt & Co. No. 6419 CHESTNUT Street, 11bOVN flixlh, North side, BREAM. AST, DINNER, and TEA. Viewed elass, call), poetically, and practically. Containing mime - runs curious dishes and feasts of all limes and coun tries TII WHEAT PLANT: its origin, culture, growth develo p ment. composition, varieties, diseases, A. c. B p p J. H. Klippart. THE SCIENCE OF EDUCATION, nail Art o Tencltinc. Br John Ogden. A. N. DR OUINCY—THE LOGIC OP POLITICAL ECO NOM V, and other Pap re. THE CRICKET FIELD: or, the History and Bet mice of Cricket. P RES I DENT IA L. CANDIDATES. Containin • sketches, Biographical, Personal, and Political. of pro minent Cendittatee for the Presidency in ISIO. Bp 'W. Ihrt IiORDER WAR. A trylo of Diryuniqq• Uq J. B Janes. TUB MISBIBRIPPT MIBBLE. Qumnlcir of JOHN LAW. By Adolph 'Titian. To which are addod au thentic, accounts of the Darien Expedition, and the South Boa Scheme. Translated and edited by Frank N. Rieke. 4. SYLVIA'S WORLD. Crimes which the Lew does A gotot 1, Evnnß. INI .11 ' 3 Why . .DOW and other im peiricz."Drlllfriti.. ila b rtWA humorous pf;DEGIIEEK. Sketehow of Foreign Travol. KNITTING WORK. A Web of Homy Textures, wrought byßuth Pnrtington. RECOL.EGTIONS OP SAMUEL RODGERS. ALMOS ' A HEROINE. By the author of Chitties Aochenter. _ SMOOTH STONES, taken from Anciont Brooke. By Rev. C. H. tipur e con. Heine a rolls lion the. works of tion of nontences, illustrations, and quaint m et , that renowned Puritan. Thomas wkoke. f A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON STREET Olt HORSE-POWER RAILWAYS: Their location. con etruction and management, with general plans and rules rm. their orgenixation and operation, ete.. ding copies of Municipal Ordinances releting thereto. B, Alexander Eastin, C. E. Alto, a very terse assortment of Books of ovary do norb Lion in plain eind_filis at leg of bindiev, ENCLl , iff muyvvioniv S'l A Nu:shill. BIBLES. PRAY Fit and HYMN LIMBS, of every va fiery and stale. OUR TABLE. containine ell tile daily papers, with nirtorMataztnes and Periodicals, oilers 1111 advantage for spending a spare Boar, N. B. TEACHERS will do well to Call at the EACHERS' HOME. tYd. 609 CHESTNUT Street, and gamine oar largo mid complete assortment of School oaks. orS-11 iIIENOUARD'S Paris) HISTORY OF • MEDICINE. vol. Soo.. pp. 720. Sheep. Price S 3 GA. No student of Medicine can pursue hie etudies with genuine Peal, without the information comet ed to readers of English only in this volume. Every Physician and Student of Islodicine should be acquainted with the history of 1113 3010330. • • • A compendious, wall-arranged treatise by Dr. Ren °wird. etc.-I.Prof JACKSON. VON. of Penn. 'sit isa work of great erudition, accuracy, and philo aophical tacumen.--I HA it lANnither, M. D., \ Yeah irzten City. Ails work at Renpilard is one of great merit, well calculated to fill a raid in One department of medical literature.—[literature.—[fret.Onole. Jefferson Med. Col.. Phila. ~.The best history of Medicine extant-4 Am. Jour. of Pharinaoy. From its payies it very accurate naguairitance with the history of Medicine may .be obtained.—[Hayes Am. Jo:r. of hied. Soenee. We are Mlle that thT work will be received with the faVot which it an truly ileaerves.l.l.lo4on Mod. and Sae. Journal, • • It Ina work whiolt to greatly needed. Kafue aunt, work ought to form n part of evert .libersi anirextended Namur Ale'dical education. • on similar moderh wbeKin our lanausKe. -- I London Mcd, Tunes and Gazette. MOORE. WILSTACH,KRYB. & CO., Publisher/. For gale by nil Medical Booksellers in t Pliiliplelphiu. LINDSAY &, BLA KISTON, SIXTH Street ; J. IL LIP- F HINCOI7 & CO., FOURT Street, etc. EA-to &alt. MADEMOISELLE TITIENS. The steel portrait of this popular eantatriee, with a memoir, and the Selit.2lth numberof the sT RATED NEWS OP THE WORLD, pubhcheit in London and Boston, and contaipmq, no 11 Antos of Anion Nadine mob lieVititul wood ou ravt n , ri. is now ready Prise Pillow' cents. N. 11 —The portrait of blots. Dickens, I. K. Brunel, or any of the Pack portraits,with memoir. can always be had, together with back stock of this favorite journal. in any form, from the beginning, and sent cat chilly packed to any part of the 11. Ito on receipt of orders and rash. Subscribers by, the year or toiarlerly can alwa's have their portraits in advance, if preferred, and tree frlf9 l, ll. throllare wilt be sent free to any address, if aye IP(1 NR lA. BROWN & CO.. 'Hanover street. Pub lishers and Agents for the United States. o 8 st LD B001(.5-01:i) BOOKS--OLD BOOKS Tit° Ondereigned states that he has frequently for 4 . ren l f P tt i lt a 12 . 11 rs ri d 9 . ls flit:Pi l i- Divickt in r..tt j Briteien4rir, 4 rinifendortf , rot °war,' nate, the r Reports o. Ore in oi [4llO opt qhflveni epicene, Maio Ku irlptilry, Vlnlosophy, Rolenee, Polities/ Beenomy, tinvern pant; Arohneeture, Natural History,. TreatiSes upon these and other /kindred guineas aro ho/ng oontsoutdiy dealt la hp litm. Rooks, tu large and mall quantilles,purellesed at the Custom- House avenu e Bookstall, O.II.ERT.NUT Street, above Fourth, Xhiladelphot. mvl.l-11mmxti CANNIIELL. lIIPER, } ;,,:PeWri,T ( O ) NPEI 1 4 . 1, 11 IMPARATOR. PHILADELPHIA, Reptorriber 27th. Ha This in to otrtify that I was bald for many years, and tvrterrecominnarea to mry your Itoperalor ; and baying Pas three bottles. used it for three hiontns, which bas caused ray hair to grow, and although not qua° us dachas before, yet it is constantly gyowine. L. M. JONES, Lir/. 3 ..? North Third stmt. PITILIII7III.I[I/.. September 97th, Pa. Mr. I. F. ItioNELL: ['tor Su-80111e time since my heir commenced falling out. so much so, that I was, in foot, foartnl of becoming 1/111(1; but hearing of the won derful power of your Roper:Oar, I wan induced to buy a bottle. and atter wring one-halt or it toy hair not only noosed coming out, but eoinnientied growing finely , end 1 have now as thick a suit of hair ea over I had. JACOB EVANS, No. 624 Cherry etroct. For sale by T. U. PETERS & Co., Sole Agents, No. 716 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. sat fon FSALAMANDtIi. ir u A large assortment or flvAris & w&Tsorves MANITFAUTURED I,Altl A NOE R_ SAFD O . VAULT ES ORS, BANK LOCKS For Banks and Stores. E:qual to any pow in floe, IRON DOORS, fill UTTERS, Re., Ones rood terms as any other establishment In the United Statos, I, EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURI 11 Street, Philadelphia. PLEAFIR BI vE US A GALL. SIINER SOAP—A Simple preparation for oleanaing Silver Plain, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, An., ear more uonvontent and Wir:dive any Ober, Ono hall the labor of Ham elemlin% may he sated by mons tail) Seep, which cannot possibly injure the finest ' Lego white, fuel ne'no Eqpt.* is Vilcuircilt re seethe in the weer rd the pa i nt te Innen greater than he cost of the Roap. It leaven pee eutinee no pure and white ao when new. hlenbractered only by 11w Boston Indexical Soap Dompany, and said by thegr Appointed Agents. lIMPIARD & 00.. Apotheearles, TWELFTH and C ItESTN U r. bn __— FAMILY CHOCOLATE ox SUPERIOR quAbrry t EDWARD A. HEINTZ. Manufacturer and Importer of Frelloll and ti.paniaa ellOCOLATI; Store W. earner Altoll and NINTH Streets. 0-3 m (Fantory 814 Pille,rt - - 11 //AM MAIDS, WIGS, FRI. SETTS, and 01111.1,14, manciPteturrit in the very host and newest Praia tit) lea, and of which we CIIIIht II tly keep n very large araortninnt on hand. sold wholocutle and retail at the lowest possible prices. Onion, from all parts o, the country tolloitell, and promptly attracted to. Also, a new HAIR 111'F,, superior to nay In use. itt. RUIOIB. No. 12 TENTH St, fletween Market and Ohrittnat. ZIEGLER & SMITH, corner SECOND mad GREEN, have acquired a g reat reputation hY the wieo and pruttent Conroe they hfliro pursued mace their commencement in businean, by selling 11,4 ' 13 i° article, at a low Caere. 8134 REFINED NIRIAR.-500 barrels various 169 bbls crumbed, sifted rind pow,lra for sal. , bY ~1.1611.11 ORAIIAI6I & CO., ZTITIA Streal, NEW PUBLICATIONS; C 1 CLOP 1R DI A, INSURANCE COMPANIES. UAL SAFETY IN D ELAWAR BU E R A N M C I F T : T COMPANY. INCORPORATED Dr THE' LEGISLATURE 01. P.ANNSYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, To all parts of the World, gAIIBaT, INL/NI) INSURANCE On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parte of the Lawn. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores Dwellind Houses, fro. ASSETSF THE COMPANY, November 1,1858. Par. Market Value. 8103,050, Philadelphia City 6ir cent. Loan....s 101,144 00 $llO,OOO, Ins y lvanta State Loane 10145 Oil $30,000; reasury 134 Or cent. Notes... • 30,112 6 0 5250,000, P ernsylvania Railroad Sal Mortgage 6 40 , cenL Bonds 45,375 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage 64P' cent. Bonds 111,002) 00 $15,000,300 alums stook Germantown Gas CoMPanY, intermit and principal guarantied by the city of Phila delphia' • 14,925 00 $5,000, 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company .......... 4,331 60 $6,000,100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company : • 800 60 $2,660, Sundry shares Philadelphia Boat Cinnpany, Havre de Graoe Steam, fow Boat Company Sa . . &IY . and Philadelphia Exchange teeny , —...........—. 1,09600 .93411,700 Ronda and Mortgagee, and Real Estate, Of- 8319,199 00 fice Bulkling.. t .... 71.383 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made 741.666 55 Balance due, at Ageneies—P.llll7lllllllß on Ma rine Policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 61,2381 Burin and stook of sundry Insurance Conine- mos.— .... ova l ori Dap()elt in Bank. DIRECTORS. William Martin, James C. Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theophtl. Paulding, Edmund A. Solider, James Trequair, John C. Davis, William Eyre. Jr.. John R. Poyupse, J. F. Penit., MvdoiiaTiltr4n, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr, R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan William C. Ludwig, ,ames B. MTarland. Hugh Cram, homes C. Hand, Spanner H !trains, loltert Burton, Charles Kelly, , °lin B. Semple, Pittab'g H. Jones Brooke, J. T. Morgan ' Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Lo ran, " WILLIAM ritA RTIN, President. PROS. C. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN. linesman, nili24-dtf _.__ _ . TUBE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU i. RANCE COMPANY OP pIIILAMILPITIA, 409 WALNUT STREET. This Company insures against Loon or Damage by Fire on Public and Private Jim Wince, Furniture, Stocks of %)oods, anit Merchandise generally. 'I. he following provision in the Policies of this Com rny guaranties their security when aasigned as col ea: his policy shall not be invalidated, or in any wine affected, after its assignment as a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage. and the approval of such as signment by the office, by any transfer or ronveynnro of the mortgaged premises, by the owner of the stone." DIRECTORS. Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Define, Robert Clarke, Isaac S. Waterman, David Salomon, Edward O. James, William Venderveer, • Joseph Janney Theodore Cuyier, Joseph H. Collins, Samuel Castner, PAUL T. JONES,Preeid at VANDERVEER, Vice President, 017.11 RAT R. 5T11111,1,141. g6invelnr. m•7-t} LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM AL/PA NY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Struts. Assets, ..5902,22a 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowmonts—purehases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Ezeoutore, Administrators. Auignees Trustees, and Guardians. • TRUSTEES. rdiot L. Miller, Samuel 8. Stoke'', eniamin Conies. William Martin, Witted EL Newbold, James B. Mu Farland, liam P. Harker, loaeph IL Trotter. Willialm H r Kern , Samuel 0. Huey, Charles Hollowell, Henry 0. Townsend, lolnhue Kent, illinin 11. Carr, V. 'lnflow, Robertaon, Warner H. Resin,P. FlMie DANIEL SAML. E JOHN W. lIORNOR. Secret tirinillinis Kidding. Ellinund A. Solider, Daniel L. Butelame, John W. Hernor, Ellie 8. Archer, Handel J. Christian, Joseph M. Thomas, I John 0. Brenner, ler, Renton. . L. MILLER, President. 1 STOKES, Vice Preedt. tars. auIELly VIEQUAKER OITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 4113 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. M S SURPLUS 150, , 0 000 00 FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. Fire I rum rence,limited and perpetual, en adding. and Merchandise of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, 1111/MI and Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World. IFYleggs. GEORGE HART, President, R. P. ROSS. Vies President. H. 11 . BUTLER, Ass R eo e eO sY y . 5Nr. Andrew It. Chambers, Charles 0. Imlay, 11. R. Coughall, Hon. R. M. Fuller. Kul George 11. Hart, I:. P. Roes A. C. Callell, Foster H. Psalm Hamel Jonee. AL D.. VAMP, INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL lIH, BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RUM. DIRIci CRS: HANDEL WR10HT.......0f Wnr,ht, Arm. & CO. WILLIAM W.Wu.tuu , Willinm R)nn & Co. CHARLEs RICHARDSON.. J. C. Rowe h CO. IiEoRO H. A. WRAY West, Fobes, & Lloyd. BARCLAY IdrPinvorr.— Lippincott. Huncer,& 800 St JACOB W. Stout........ Chuffees, Stout, & CO. HENRY LEWIS, Lewis, 8r0... !lc Co. DAVID B. 81RNRY.......• 1 Plp e/iIIIIOT. A. 11. , 60q1lelm, h. Co. John S. ohn B. Elllton & Bens. JOHN W. RYIERMAN Jan W. Evermnyi & CO. l'uomAs B. EMT L & Nlnttut. 0 FODOR W. 1) 1 1, Prelude/I JONATHAN J. LOLIAI, Vtoa Pres% WILLIAMS L BLANCHARD. See'r. auit-tf I NSU R A N C E COMPANY OF THE s- STATE OF P_ENNBYLVANIA— N o AND MA HINk. INBEHANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILD (NiIs. "... n.t.....4 1. ITH — Capital s2oo,eon—A mt., January I, 18.64. 12347,414 60 10(1. All invested in sound and available seottritier—con tivueentoryinn.usrheeonnel:teeisßelza it e n T d o C a ar; : oeli, Buildings, Stock ot Ale rehandise, A . on lihe_ral terms. ()aurae H. Eititart, Itiinfort Toby, ' &MIMI Hyrint'./r., Charles Maealester, Tama la rigou, William 8. Binitli, Thoman IL Wittleon, John B. Budd, Henry 0. L ewis, William H. Whitt, Charles 8. L Caran. wILI,TAhI HARPER D e B ra E a ß rßr. EHD,PI es-wint. If S4VING FUNDS, Q.AWING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN- TbIREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Streot,Southweat corner of THIRD, Pbiladelphia. Incorporated by the State of Penneylva rna. . . Money le received in any sum, largo or mall, and in rarest paid front the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The Toffice le open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till a o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till o'clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBERT PELFRIDOP, Viet, President, WILLIAM J. RMRD, Peoretary. . . • nutxtton . e. • • Hon. Henry L. Benner, t. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter,' cae ph li. lieu, Hobert-Pc!fridge, ramie Lee, ' Samuel K. Ashton. Jontiph Ye[ i kee, Q. Landreth Nunn , Ilehry Din liderfer. Atoney is received and payments made t ally. The investments are made, in conformity with the provitoone of the Ohertar, in Real Estate atortaaßes, Ground Henta, and anon Gret-class seouritieg,as will al ways Inure perfeat security to the demniltore, and which cannot all Cy ova eertoeueney and t,tabilltg to this Institution. tilll-0 Q,AVING PUND.---UNITED STATES 1 4-7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small rams received, and paid back on de mand without notice, with FIVE PERCENT. INTE REST from the day of depoeit to the day of withdrawal. (Miro boom. from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for Bale on England, Ireland, and kt6y4 1 1911, from XI upwards. Preeident—STEPllEN INtANY.FOI4I), Trimaumr—Wlll3:3 H. HUNTER. PLINY IISK. Actuary. „A lotto, but often, hue the Puree.” IRANKLIN SAVING FUND-- No. l d South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Doronitwe' money secured by Government State. and Cr/ Sy Loofa, tirounJ Rents, bloc maga jr, U. • This Company deems safety better than large profile, consequently will run nn risk with deposi tors lucloY• INC have it at all time* ready to re turn with 6 per cent. Interest to the owner. u they have always done. This Company never suspended. Fein& 0.4, Married or *lngle. lint Nitipra earl dript*it tWir own tint, anti site d pinata eau be witlidlawo ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of IlfithoNlipia, with authority to receive mo nY.AI/11MTIYelf s B B 49in eu el u rna RECEIVED. open daily from IP to 9 o'clock rin g on Wednesday and giaturday evenings until 8 o olk. DIRECTORS. Jacob D. Shannon, (Myrna Cadwallader. John Stundtor. George Snead', alalaohi W. Slone, Edward T. Hyatt. i t' e phrand Olangna . rd. JACOBII..B a T 1814; Preektent Crani CA DWALtADER, TretUltlrer. _ • " Prdiar 4,,V114 lip WIWI gum]. BUSINESS CARDS. A B R T 0 N & E i 5 1 1, , 1 T T A O - 1; % F N .' 'S nFANCY GOODS P 0 k L.Lis WALNUT STRUT, BELOW 151.10/KNUI L o'o lin IILiAMPHIA Constantly on hand Per iumory and Toilet Articles. 13 It I , ', CONFECTIONERY, 511..1171 , rtrulil , pc P 1 ,74 HP irt'ANV, I.•de of ~ 11,1,00 a Burro S. W. coplor A 'RUH and NINTH .1 troets Au,_ h ,, ,eitrr xi 4 FM - tort xtrpor.) AAII.JEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase end Nate of Bela rind the Collection ol Rents. nsdm• Ni. 216 WALNUT Mtreet. IVB. PAI,AI ER 8 ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E. pular FIFTH. and CHEST NUT. 113. dobeeriptionk taken For the bout City and Country New•epapnre; sat too nit wish erica& au3-3m A LEX. McKINNFY 1.5 AT LAW, PA, Will prarttee in WeAporallad, Ataiztrong, and In canna rounlioe. r 'HE .41).Ams I:N.:plif,Ss' CO., OFFICE 33) CIIESTN iyr. Nit - opt, forwards Parcels, Pack ages. hleroliandite, Kink Notes, and Specie, either i ite own Lines, or no 000llootion with other Exprolo, Corn perdue, to all the pi maple towns and online of the UrotetlPtates. E. S. SANDFORD, autti General Superintendent WASIIING AND IRONING. pi WASHING AND 'IRONING DONE 1,P , t 4 ) with N F.ATN I.'3n and DEMPATgIt, l'itr Slagle ra-11 Ladies and Condon en, Faint Boarding School°, lloteht, ttlettinhoato, &0., at DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY. No , MS South SIXTH. Strout, oornOr of Prune. Fattulv Shute and Cella"p uatont rohohod. Evrary littera WAralied Lind, on the ()airt ime t0401,-ho , trd. The 'Alton , Immure , It elnetly attended to by female arorativora. Mts. DONOVAN, 11110-1, nuonondrandradt. NEWPLANING AL% MINE, Embracing 'rho At Patent 01' talc., with notching W." rottlrompc poards. he.' l OW Pnne , P lo n Y Footling. Orent Saving of Power. .Itt !whines of cation! mzon, 24 to 3 0 itches wide, Per atnglo or double nut Meet pg. with or without matching heads, ror sale ht No. 23 North SIXTH Street, Phila. laCall and examine. -rhatothe it SO. W. COI,SY TS. TURPEN FIN 11 bbl Slits Turpentine, in iuine o P.r Lr BROWLE Y N A ,P I B UR II N WYIAR (l E L ll• EDUCATIONAL. UN I VERSIIIY OF PENNSYLVANIA. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT THE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES To the COURSE of 1859.60 will he delivered in the following order: MONDAY, October 10th, at 12 M., Dr. CARSON. MONDAY. " 10111, at 1 P. M., DreSMITH. TUESDAY, " 11th, at 12 M., Dr RO4ERS. TUESDAY, " Ilth, at P. M., Dr. LEIDY. WEDNESDAY, " 12th, 1 A l t i o r d Z e a s t i 1 2 P 7‘ . 1 M. THURSDAY, " 13th, at 12 M., Dr. WOOD. THURSDAY, " 1311,, at IP. M., Dr. JACKSON. FRIDAY. n HAL, at 353; P. AL, Dr. 11000 E. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. • R. E. ROGERS, AL D.. octltool4 Dear of the Medical Faculty TI E KALB INSTITUTE, Norristown, Pa. —For Young Men and Hoye. For Circulars with Particulars, address 01040 JOHN W. LOCH. Principal. MESDAMES CHEGARAY AND WEER VILLI"B BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, N 0.1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame CHEOARA V respectfully informs her friends and the yobbo in general , that independently of her Boarding and Day School , directed by liereelf and her niece, Mine. PREVOST, in NEW YORK. ele in tends, in connection with her niece, Mote. D'HER YILLY, opening in PHILADELPHIA en Institution on precisely the same plan as the one above mentioned. on-Stu -. 3,=000 42,067 1:65 Es M,Eq-I 70 R EV. JAMES 1. HELM'S School for the higher education of hunted number of Young Ladies, 1313 eIIEiSTNUT Street. Clrculare, with tones, reference, &e., nifty ho had on application. of-]m A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Fan - lilies, &hoots, and Colle.zes, supplied with com pylon t Teacher. for any Department; and Teach ere with positions. Parents gratuitously supplied with school circulars. Rofor to Faculty Amherst Collor., Mass. ,• Dr. Lowell Mason ; Mason Brothers ; Hon. Then . Frolinghoysen, LL.I). ; Hon. John C. Hives. Er al. SMITH, WOODMAN, & CO., 314 BROADWAY. New York, and seaLGm 609 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. A NIGHT SCHOOL Dili. MILLS will 1.3 1 - he opened on MONDAY, October 3d. at the John Quincy Adams School-house, on GARDEN Stteet, be low Buttonwood. A committee of the Board of Direct ors will be in attendance every livening to admit and re gister the names of applicants. Persons desirous of availing themselves of the benefits of an education that shall quality them for the notice duties of life will apply at as early a period as possible. Br order of the Board of Directors of the Thirteenth section. JOHN G. ALB URGER, President. JOSEPH SIB/11, Sec). ocl 38 11-4 t• AV IIITE HALL ACADEMY, TIIRF,E MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG. Pa.—The 18th dorm - Annuntheetnen will commence on MONDAY, tho 7th of Noverol er next. The attention of Parents and Guardians is invited. The location is pleasant, the COll.O of instruction extensive, and the tonna mode rate. Good city references elven. The Principal can lie semi every afternoon nt the UNION HOTEL from the 10th till the 11th of October, inclusive. For Circu lars address D . DP:SLINGER. sell-Im• Harrisburg. Pa. BROAD -STREET INSTITUTE FU R YOUNG LADIES has reopened its Fall Seseion. For terms and particulars, apply to Mrs. B P. COOKE, Prato p4l, No.Bll BROAD Street, below Poplar. e2I-18t* MUSIC.—A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of LT-ia Bulging and Piano, 676 North TWELFTH Street, below Coates. 013-1 m• VUSTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, .iL.4 8. E. corner EIGHTH and HANSOM Streets, OP?" 4 a" l m9A 4;P r. tl„..iet.a;. t . hi ant business hand is imparted. To Ladies a neat and graceful eptstotarY style. C see Private. Cards written, and every de scriptiW on of Peninannhtp neatly executed. Al3-3in HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen um! be applied to at the residence of him father. Professor Allan. No. =South SEVENTEENTH Street. sti-Itm • PRicE•STREET ACADEMY, RAIANTOW N. PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The FaII Term of this Institution commences Septem ber 6th, 1866. The course of instruction °murices all the branches of a thorough English Education. together with the Latin, Greek, and French Lanauaxex. au22-tf ALLEN [MOVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD. PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The coarse of instruction itt this ll , ehool is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution will do well to make immediate pplication to Mae. a E. L. THOMPSON, al-tr Principal and Superintendent. nRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL fiIERQ/i.NTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, 8, h corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, glevelvd,and Cameo. For in formation. will ar send for Catalogue. NM( WASHINGTON HALL, 810 SPRING GARDEN Street.—D. L. CARPENTER, the Society Teacher of Fashionable Dancing. is now ready to take Pupils at any time, either Private or in Classes. For reference, call and observe the reesscGthility al ready begun. D. L. CARPENTER can tie seen daily and nightly tor teems. le.g. We twenty-ninth year ae a Teacher In thin city. n3-]m• 'HAZARD'S DANCING ACADEMY, N. E. cermet' ARCH and BROAD Sts.—Mr. NAZAR!), from Farm. and well known in this city as having had the largest and most fashionable Dancing Academy for many years pas the honor to inform hisformer patrons and the_pu bile that he has return° to this oily, and will valli a D i A p , cl , l 4 .A 2 ml V p tgo m ize . e 1t . ..y1, 1 u . a w n m4l also nn teach classaiih richools and private families. Mr, wg style of dawns Is Plain, easy, and graceful, and ran be Required in a short time. An easy madgraceful de bOrtment. as well as perfect knowledge of the present style of dancing, such as is done la the very best so. oiety, will be imparted at ones to the scholars. mat no time wasted in learning old steps and dances that are out of fashion. For terms, references, etc., apply at the ball. selsem Opp MARSH'S MUSIC STORE, No. HOZ CHESMUT Street, Where thi.NT bes ruaKe of !lAN" IMELODEpN ani r l Al [SHOAL INOTR . R 9 EVERY DESCRIPTION. Cop be obtained at the lowest Manufacturers' Prices. Constantly publishing the latest Choice Compositionl and Popular Music of the day. Also, receiving New Moete daily_from all the catalogues in the United States. Dealers, Teschers, Seminaries,and Clergt men will be supplied at the lowest whometle rates. DieTll by mad will be promptly fillaa Cmhlpgpee of Muot or Price List will be forwarded ffpe of charge when orderer). Miro J. MARSH. Agent. EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB LEDGER.—" Mr. James Belink has on erhibition several of.l. & C. Fisher's pianos. One of them is a seven octave rosewood piano, full iron trains. handsome, hut plain finch. 'I ho tons is most excellent and powerful, and the price only 42.23. He has nisi r o ,e somewhat similar in appearance, which tr t a all ttla 'la test improvements, besides a New patent Ifrimerorbiell prevents the piano from getting out of order. It Is fin- Imlrd In a ardendid manner." hese Pianos, and a splendid assortment of various makers: are for sale from $l7B, or upwards, for cash, or on instalments, at JAMES BELLA N'4, 279 and 221,South FIFTH Ht.: above Bence. New and second-Imnd Pianos for ale. Viiie4sAll4(.4 Jr, 6.1.)N8 ) , 1113 1 1 EANDI A Mi r e A 7Z u k vitT S. WAREROOMS 1,4 8111E1.a. anTWAVlYMAirsrflitarriftr BEAUTIFUL T o it ttwardeu,e,t the 4itiereat EUlbiliollll LA WS cAulDry wad Milt% SLLVIE FllibT-OLAIIS MEDALS. JE , Ace 0 IttiNT. 14.16-17 RA VEN, BACON, & Co.'s, Nunns & Clark's, Hallett, Davis, & Co.'s, and A. H. Cale & Co.'s superior PIANOS. Also. Ma son & Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONB and HA R MONIUMeI, so desirable for Cbutehes and Lecture Rooms. lir Plano' and Melodeons to RonrGwvg. ni t l3 -17 4.tiVEiNITH add cHE N A OREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIA NOS. SCHOMACKER N. CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Street. respectfully invite the intone loving public to call and examine their now and Sec cosign' improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch. ant Actisin of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all the objeetiona generally made to the alt lc of Orand Piano, also dimitualling the coat of the same. In volum e purity-atone, great power, 'brilliancy. Intl rose, depth, and evenneas of touch, with exquisite den te? and sweetness these SUPERIOR. AND EEADTIFULLY-FINISHED IN swim MENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, endue pronouneeil by crates Le far 611- porior to any instruments ov r manufactured to this oninctry. Cpustardly on haq j o larEe aml elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been infartie,l the First Premium.. at all exbiletninl over exhibited, in• cludiogjhe Prise Modal front the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York.lW. sel-tf STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR, No. 1116 IIIARXE'W STWEET, In now prepared to meet ll.u . sonkA of the ppuh ho mars completeiy all lho detaileht the brave trade than any htliO establilliniont in Philadelphia. in proof of which he InVitAB CONPARATIVE EXAMINX/lON. The following are among his own popular igiventiong, several of which have already obtained a flat:anal rnrn• Winn as surpassing in a roil/eve nn,l.,oniopv apv other fovea in,l 8 .).„„10 i EAR the Itiventor and Patentee of the IniF cued A n -horning Cooking Stove, acknowledged to he the irat love for femilY MO in the world. fIeaMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated commune Cooking Range, now rapidly coming into general use. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver'a Air-tight Oaa•consuminz Parlor igove. JAMES SPEAR is the inventor of the improved I Patented) Ornamental t' ova "Urn, whirl, from itit benutY and Mility is likely, this season, to be mover "ii)INTIMEAR is the Patentee of thy Labor. Fuel, and Comfort-wing ironing Fan. JAMES SPEAR in the toe entor and rGla i lpo of iio celebrated ltattwar•ear Hemet. For all of the above, inn I,o3`ektnr very jUBtIY 01111116 advert:Kea which telluire hut to be understood by the POO; to be newel - sally appreciated sectpreiapred to any ,lhet articles of that elan in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons in went of Stoves to call and examine for themselves. Partieu wishing to examine will have every attention 111101411 them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. :32 . 2 301 4ullAitLES JONES, No .305 North 13ECON1) !Ili est, (Successor to A. 3 . Gftilekghor, would resPecOully call the atten tion of those desiring ktovenio his extensive tuisortinetth of Cooling, Heating, nod Parlor stoves. 1 have liurehaaed the exclusive right to the road sales a n d repairs. in Philadelphia, of (Windier's eg,lshrsted Morning' Star" and "Sunrise" Oas-ituruing Curdriug Stores. well known for ycnrs as the most satientetory Stoves in the market . Also, his now }Vat-top(7.ooklUX Stove" llnilig 1,," which' combines all the uselill iiii provoinelits, and Operate' admirably. I also manu facture, in a superior manlier, Silver tiatlairuo , of the hest Russia Sheet Iron. 'l' , e-e ara the most econtintietil and eokly toarrigei Parlor Storey tit tact L. _ "" '''a... CAUTION.—We hereby caution all per . eons not to purchase nor Cooking Stove or Stores with Hollow Centres or Hollow Cros. Pieces nn, a 0 , 001 those made by I.‘, ns we are the exclusive I,u tiers of the Patent for making Hollow Centres or - Hollow Crogs Pieces, and s. o shall prosecute all persons Witll innings on our Patent to the full extent of tt.e STUART & PFTERSON, Iron Foamier% 03-11 u WILLOW Street,ribme Thirteenth. rrIlE 011EAPF.ST "BRIJSkI HOUSE IN 11 I•OII,ADELPIITA.—Look at the following hot of tomes lot llandsorubs, and compare theta with those ucht elsewhere: No. 1, 53 knots, 620 per dozen. No. 1, 62 knots. 75 No. 3,61 knolh. I^ No, I, lie haste, 1( No. A. 63 knots,l 2 4 . WO knots, 12¢ " No. 7,161 knots, laD N 0.11,160 knot,, 175 " lIEN . 11' 0. ECKSTEIN, U North Tnißn Street, below Aroh, 15000 ON ES AMERICAN AND , PRENOD WIN I OW CiiiASS—The tnoqt liranda i and et every nine nun tetl for nit) and l annoy titeio it jutil 11.1.1 i leiv. Send y nur ardore to I.ll;iit,tAt t smt ill Pinz. Paint, 131ase, and Varnish Dealeia, corner SECOND and GREEN Streets, II DANCING. PIANOS. STOVES. BRUSIIES, SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY & CO., No. 429 MA RKET STREFT. LARGE RALE OF FRENCH GOODS. Messrs, llonkard at. Hutton will make their lest sale of the season On Friday Morning, October 14th. at 10 o'clock, ou 6 months credit. The sole will consist of -200 pieces 6-4 merino cloths, modes, blacks, whites, and high colors. 100 pieces 6-4 Cashmere de incisor, same assortment. 500 pieces pl.un mouelin de 'sines, mode. brown, pur ples, green, 10aria Louise, high colors, and black. 950 pieces printed muslin de laines, 4, 6.8, and 10 colors, 100 pieces printed merino cloths, chintz colors. D pieces high colored plaid gauffre de Milan. 140 " merino silk (Meeks. too pieces 6-4 Valencia Pontine, choice and desirable. 400 pieces rich dress silks. NM silk robes, damask, brocade, and velvet flounces. 1,000 acorns Thibet shawls, silk fringes and wool fringes, mode. sigh colors, and black. - 1 000 ro% enable woollen shawls, new and choice pat terns. I.(X/0 broolie stella shawls, blacks, superfine centres. 406 square and Mocha shawls,new stales. most lauded. N. 11.—The particular attention of the Trade is re quested, as this will he the last sale, this season, of the importation MB. & H pinup FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 a MARKET Btreat. and 621 MINOR Street. SALE OF INGRAIN, VENETIAN, AND LIST CAR PETS. Thus Mooring, October 11th, at EN o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, on 6 months credit - pieces super all-wool [main carpets. •• throe-ply " wool fillin Ve g • " all wool nitian 41 " damask list 11 " cottage " SW Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. FIRST LARGE FALL RALF, OF READY.MADE CLOTHING. On Wednesday Morning. October 12th, at Id o'clock premsely.will be sold, by catalocue, about CPO lots of superior ready-made otbi nc,consistm4 of beaver, petersham. tricot. and cloth over and business coats, superfine black cloth frock note • Superfine black and fancy caxeiinere pants. Bleck and fancy satinetpants. - Velvet, Mack satin, plush. and satinet vests. Compr,sing a large anti desirable assortment fur city and cnuntm Wee. Ser Catalogues early on morning of sale. SALE OF 1 000 CASES BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CAPS. AND UMBRE LLAS. On Thursday Morning. October 13th, at 10 o'clock, krill he sold. by mink:ens, on lour credit. cred, 1,000 cases boots, shoes, bro gans, ga tees. Oxford ties. c., composing a desirable assortment of the best Eastern and cay manufacture, for present sales. &copies of WO came Scotch gingham and silk um brellas. n SCOTT, Jr. AUCTIONEER, No. 431 A-Pm CHESTNUT STREET, 4p to the Custom House. between FOURTH and FIF TH Streets. SALE OF 600 LOTS IMPORTED AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS EMBROIDERIES. BONNET RIB BONS. MILLINERY GOODS. TRIMMINGS, &e. On Wednesday Momma, October 12th, by catalogue, on A credit, commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold 000 lots of seasonable goods. to which the attention of the Trade is invited. Included in wale of Wednesday will be found— STRAW AND FANCY BONN eNd. IV Cages ladies' plata, dark, and fancy chenille trimmed I.nneta Full trimmed fancy_silk and satin do.. &c. STOCK OF TRIMMINGS. Also. the Mock of a retail trimmings and variety store, comma/ling the manual annortmcnt. SPECIAL SALE OF 600 BUFFALO ROBES On Wilda Morning, October 17th. sifirriria. pHILAD E L P H I A AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. :fie AT AN A DJOURNED MEETING OP.TRE ABOVE NXMED CORPORATION, HELD AT NO. 0 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7 th,1859, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors of the Company, viz: GEORGE R. STUART, S MORRIS WARN, !MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, syto JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are rpm open at the above named Office, where all persons favorable to the enter- Prise are respectfully invited to subscribe. cS-tf THE BRITISH AND NORTH SHIPS. AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM NEW TORE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cab:n /FROM BOSTON SO LIVSZPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage.— --.... Second Cabin Passage........— eu The ships Iron, Boston gall at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. indicts's, CANADA, Capt. Lang, . ARABIA, Ca t. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. ASIA Capt. E.G. Lott. NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA. Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, These vessels carry a clear wings light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. PERSIA, Judkins, leaves N York. Wednesday, Sept 29. ARABIA,Stoue, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 5. ASIA, Lott, " York, Wednesday, Oct. 12, CANADA, Lang'. " *sten, Wednesday, Oct. 19, A FRlCA,Shannon, " Wednesday. 0ct.26. EUROPA, Leitch, " ton, Wednesday, Nor.t. PERSIA, Judkins. " York, Wednesday, Nor. 9. AMERICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, Nov. In. ASIA. Lott, " N York, Wednesday, N0v.23. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. Tle p owners of these ships will not be accountable for 00l , Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious _Stones or 5 tale, unless Nita of lading are signed therefor and the %Ulu° thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowline Omen, 5104 f New York. damFOR THE SOILTII.-CHARERS. TON AND 3/1110NAIR arsargizrore. FREIGHT REDUCED. Nev, Freight at nn average of FITTUIN per oent. low " Yi" FVNIAN.II747rox. s. C. The MEL Mail Stenusalup X.EYSTONE BUT E, Cap. tain Charles P. Mnrahinail, will sail on Liatbrilay, Oct. lath. at IO A. M. • • Through ill 13 to 60 hours, only 40 hours at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH, Ga. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captam John J. Garvin, will sail on Thursday, October 2D. at n.) o'clock A. M. . . . Through in ed tone hours, only 48 hours at Sae. leir Sailing days chanced from every Si.htsdartto every five dal:. Goode received, and aux a Lading . signed ev lreeprendid firut-etass eide.wheel Steamships KEY STONE 11":4 - vE and STATE OF GEORGIA uow run u stare ever/ tei dell , thaa lana , a6 a firo.ooj oommu nication with Lharleaton and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Sevahnah,these Ships con nect with steamers tr y rmn - da. and with railroads, for all planes in the th Southwest. ' v Freight and Insurance on a Large itaxcr. summit= of Goode elunklif South will be found to Le tower by these ships reran by sailing yew's, the ormiumn being 6ne-half the e. N. IL — lninrineco on all Railroad Freight is entirely tinnen - esaary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies t alon rill risks from theee GREAT REDUCTION IN PARE. Fare by this route Se to SO per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route. as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tiakets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and KA van ea h steamships, INCLUDING MILALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: INLAND To Charleston— $l6OO Charleston -- —sl3 60 Baviumah.— 15 00 Savannah— --...... 31 00 Augusta........ 30 OD Augu5ta.............. 23 00 Mac0n........... 31 00 76 At1anta.......... 23 Pr) .lams . WY. _. Si 00 Ch?.lumbne r „—.. 3.1 03 Columbus 3600 iv u f . coi 5 35 00 Mobile .... 4600 New Orleans ... 9176 New 0r1ean5......, 51 00 No bills of lad.ng signed after the ship has sabid. Von (right or passage apply on board, at seoondwharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON. Jr.. Southwest corner FOLITH and EST NUT. Agents in Char A, 4 6 4: I .. ;.ELL. For Florida frnin Csarla off, kinitiner'CaroLina every Tues.4y. IPor elorida from Savannah. steamers St. Idary's and St. Sehn'il. tiVe rrTuesitay and Saturday. .C 33 GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAM,UIP COMPAVY.-81T,A.11 TO I.AtiG W. JOYEDrOOL, .BEL/ADT, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY-1w 330. EEaxr_ipAt YORK. GIApGeW, Thampdoa, Wadetatatay, October LI, at II I:111N B era: Cumming, We.hiesday,Octobar X, at 12 o'clock, Jima' DHOM GiesGo (.11,A4GOW ; Thompson, Wednesday, September 14. EDINBURGH, Cumming, Wednesday, September Z. Rates of rassage from New York, Philsdelptua. or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or I.on donderry, first Mug. 675. Shoe with an ftua dance of properly cooked provisions, $3O. An experienced Surgeon attached to °ash Winner. N oharce for mod:eines. For frel9n9 or PINUAIIet blair—tB RICIBAN & No. 111 WALNUT Street. Philadephia. ROBERT CRAI apt . 64f No. 93 BROADWAY. New York. • U. S. M. SIEA3IERS POI TAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO, Captain Linea, will sail July 23, September v T 17, No _mber FULON, Captain Wottou, will sail Ana= 20, Dub ber la. December 10. Cabin peerage— Second Caton Frataae.• • . • — l6 For freight or 7"A " Wiri l iji t l NFILSON, Fee 'areltiousieg_emprinp's Tobaoco Wareliouse.DM.h istreet. ra MEDICINAL. DR. PILE REMEDY, Fur the cure of„ileicorrh olds or Piles, Constpa tio4, Fislnlo 111 Ana. Inneratines of the Anus, Prolapses of the Rectum. Fissures, Excoriation. I Ilcerations In ternal and External to the Antis, Pruritus, and all Dig- Onion peculiar to the Rectum. The great and uniform successwhich this ~) kle i l y attained for the cure of the above Greases is unprece dented in the nnnsls of Medicine. The rapidity o f its curative qualities ned the durability of its cures are eauslled lit no c4her Rowdy of the age. Ninety-nine clans r.ut of nn hundred are alleviated and cutoA of this ,n.b r inssing complaint and are restored l00(grlfort tlifo - unknown. Full and elicit Directions accom pany each Box. One Box is mina lit Perform a cure. Prepared only . fitIiENTWORTR. .tio. 817 RACE Street. Price St. Can a sent by Attains' Express. oil-ties ript. MOFFAT'S VEBET ABLE LIFE - 1 1—fr PILLS ANTI PHOENIX BITTERS have been Marcel: MY lorded. and pronounced a am ereign remedy ir ‘ r drspapairt. flatuletkey, heart-burn and headache, cestiveheas. diarrhoea, favors of all kinds, rheumatism, gord. gravel, WOnn., scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints. salt rheum. erysipelas, common colds and in fluenza, irregularity and ail derangement of the female system, piles, pod various other diseases to 'which the human frame is liable. For sale by the nicprietor. Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 335 BROADW A \ , Neer York. wad by Druggists generally all over Ore country. .24,13.Wb ANOTHER PROOF OF TETE WONDER FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL'B NEURALGIA SALVE. Puma., uh/359 Mr.E. W. Tacront.l-.Thisir Sir have be en b troubled xvith the " NEDRAIiHiA" for the last 14 y ears, and have so:feted Ilse most exeruciating pain, mmneelling me , a tonna tO Rive rny intrusive entirely. I could not eat end ti was 3 **maser to my Ole& I suffered more than tongues can tell. had the m advice and aid of various physloians, and need ether reedies, but all of no avail Hams noticed your advertisement in the papers, concinded In call on a person Althorn I had learned was cured 01 a ease af 20 years standing. applied the "SALVE" bat once, and I felt immediate relief—a monad appli canal). removed the pain entirely, and I mike foci like different man. Since then I time slept well—conatliing flat bays not A nne for roonth3, being obliged tenet up all night in a chair. My appetite hos returned, and I feel grateful to you for the restora tion of Iny health. CHARLES H. BAR V R, Tolgteconisti CAIIROLStreat, fillOVe WOOD, Kensinstrm. For so)°, wholtrile and retail, at S. W. earner SIXTH and W ISH Streets, and nt T. It. CALLENDER tle.'a. N. W. earner Third and Walnut sta. aplO-tf 31 INTON'S ENCAUSTIO TILES for floors. Ornamental Oninney 'fops fur eottag ea. Garden VaRBll and Fountain& Vitrified Plea for drains and Water conductors. tin vorteeand for sale by N. A. HARRISON. 41111 II 1010 CHESTNUT Street. MIEE=I BALES BY AUCTION. THOMAS & SONS, • Non 139 and 141 SOUTH POIIIETH arms?. Formerly Nea. a and a) EARD.—PUBLIC BALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE.--Bales el real maws and awoke mill hereafter be held at o'eloek xoos. and in the evening at 7 o'cleek. Contributors havinithe option of either sale. Kr Handbills of each Properi'y untied eeparetebr. in addition to which we publuth, on the Saturday arrow,, s to the sale, one thousand catalogues, In pamphlet form, gm ., desoriptions of all the properties to be soh! on the following Tuesday. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. la' We have s large amount of real estate at pirate sale, includnis every viescription of city and country proPirty. Punted lists may be had at the auction store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. VW' Real estate entered on our private wile register. and advertised occasionally in our public sale ahatraelle. Cot which Lana copies are printed weekly.) free o f charge. FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE,. Tenth Fall Sale, ldth October, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange. Eleventh Tall Fale,lBth October, at 7 o'clock in the evening. at the Elxchange. Fart of the handbills for each of the above Wel now read,. PEREMPTORY BALE—SAN FRANCISCO. Th n o on at 11th, at If o'clock. noon Da y, at the Philadelphia &- ohmage, wil reserve, for be sold— Wthout aceoent of whom it may con cern 7 full shares (140 new sharee) San FrsixdsCo34l74 Ali mentation. air Bale absolnte. IT shares Greenwich Improvement and Railroad Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. 10 &hetes %Vest Chester and Pluladelplua Riulroad CO preferred s tock. .s , l3oster Union Mutual lumrance Co. PEWS—CI3URCH OF EPIPHANY. &e., Pew N 0.44 Church of the EpiphanY • Pew No. 23 do do, Pew No. 94 Church of the Nati vit Y. 10 shares Northwest Alining Company—wee absolute. TENTH FALL BALE. OC:POBER IS. AT NOON At the Exehanse. will include— EXTRA VALUABLE PROPERTY. BY ORDER OP THE UNITED STATER. Viz.: the very VALUABLE MARBLE atimor.xa, formerly the BANK OP PENNSYLVANIA, Second street an d Dock street , opposite the "Philadelphia Ex. e,,,,n,e, and near the " Corn Esphange." &moml street, the lot 73 1 : feet by 201 feet. harm fear fronts. The valuable property. formerly PH ILOSOPHICAL HALL. Filth street. south'of Chestnut Lot 79 feet front. Trustees' Sale.—The COAL LANDS of the NORTH CARBONDALE COAL COMPANY.4S3acresSI pinata. in Fell township, Lucerne county. Pa. Administrators' Pereniptory Fale--Estete of Nathaniel Holland, deveased.—VEßY VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND, Nos. 105 and het South Second street, below Chestnut- Sale abtotute, without reserve. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNPRY SEAT. 'bon Se acre., near Torresdale on the Philadelphia and Btu - tol turnpike, Bucks county, Pa. Executors' Sale—Fatate of D. and 8. Davis. deed. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION.—Thnie-stolT brick dweilur. N 0.107 south Tenth street, below Chest nut. • . VALUABLEt Sale—Rastate ot Joseph Wright. deeM. COUNTRY PLACE, acres, with im provements. Powder Mall road, near Itieetown - Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of . ..lames Sanford, cleo'd. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,. northeast corner Sixth and Mary streets. south or Lomtvird. Rama Estate .—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, adjoining. Same Estate.—THßEE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Jones' alley. in tho rear of the above. Orphans' Court Ssig—Estate of Henry Jurdirth. dee'd. TWO TWO-STORY STONE DWELLINGS, Ger mantown. • Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John E. Welch. dite'd. TWO-STORY PRAM B D WELLING, as threat ludo of Brmsharst street, Germantown. Peremptory RiIe.—ELEGANT MODERN RESI DENCE. No. 1317 Walnut street. oltiwisita Rittenhouse square. with all the modern conveniences. Lot 22 feat 7 inches front by 235 feet deep. to Georve street. EI,EGANT RESIDENCE with stable. coach-house. An.. locust street. above Witham itreet.Twenty-foarth ward. late West Philadelphia t. . Executors' Sale—Estate of :Hrs. Anne L. Poalk. deed. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—Store and dwell in' No. 151 North Fourth street. above Arch. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No.! 211 s Winter street, rest of Twenty-first street Executors Sate—Estate of William Wayne. deed. TWO BRICK DWELLINUS. Nos. ZO and 252 North Fifteenth atr.et. NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. Sr South Eish. - math street. ibove Pole street. MODERN RESIDENCE. N 0.656 Nonh Twelfth it. NEAT RESIDENCE, MO Norma Vernon meet. ELEVENTH FALL SALE OCTOBER IS. AT T O'CLOCK IN THE EVENLNG, At the Eschan.re will tn , huls Orphans' Court isle—hit:two( David Reett. deed. O-STORY BRICK DWELLING, northeast cor ner of Master and Fourth streets. Same Estate.—THße'E THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Fourth street, north of Master. Setae Fatate. THREE TWO-STORY BRICE; DWELLINGS, north sine ]Taster Street, east of - Fourth. . Same Estate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL_ ISO, northwest corner of Master and rink streets. Saran Estate TWO-S — ORY FRAME STABLE. west side of Pink street north of:Harder. Same Estate.—THßM THREE-STORY BRICK' DWELLINGS, east side of Fourth street, north of nwster. with 'twee Tons story bnek dreanks to the rear. on Pink street. Orphans' Court bale—Eatate of William Clew. dee'd. TWO.STOKY BRICK DWELLING, No. XI South. Seventh street, between Syruce and Pole. Trostetof Peremptory Cale—Estate of lardekilelL BRICK DWELLING, South Sixth strznt„ between Shippen and Fitzwater. Peremptory Sale.—A Ground-rent of L%) a year. Pro perty in Delanco, New Jersey. Executors` Peremptory Bale—F.itate of Charles El bott. deed.—NEAT TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING. No CY North Sixth street. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS. Feilaral modesart sta. ear See handbills of both the above a more and eveing. BUSINESS LOCATION.—Two-story brick term, 214 Carter street. between Chestnut and Wabtut and Second and Thud streets. Este N 0.631 Franklin Street. SUPERIOR FCR.NITURE. TAPESTRY CARPETS. c.Sc. On Wedne;dsy Hominy, 32th iast., at 70 o'clock, at No.fin Franklin street, tlse superior furniture of a gentleman dechnmxlsousekeep- Inir. compound handsome pallor and chamber furni ture. tapestry carpets, oil cloth. China, glasarrere. a.% Alan. the Ittreben lomat:ire. qoar May tat examined on the mornEag of sale. at o clock- Rale at Noe. Maud 10 Meth Fourth Street. 81.'PE1110jt FURNITI:IIE,FFIENCH-YLATE•MIR ROM. rierio.Foa. rE. 011 Thursday Morton', At 'o'clock. at the Auction store, an assertlykaat rf excellect movad-heed furniture. Messes piano frtan. Ace mirrors, carpets. etc.. from famthes housekeeptne, removed to the store for C0201.1= 2 4 sale. Also,l elegant French-elate mantel tea pier ratrinne, a gilt frames. Aiso, as elezard rosewood 7-octane piano-Mete. made o order, hy Schomaaker Co.. and eost gad Also, a rosewood 7- oetare piano-forte, made by Meyer. also, a mahogany 1 -octave piano-forte. r M. GUMMEY do SONS • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONER& _ lio. MO WALNUT STREET. CARD.—J. M. Comma? & Bons. atteboneere will Wit :gulat axles of Real }state, Weeks, &u Aim boon al furniture at detelluisa irk. On our Private Bele Rag - ester vrill slims everyroast a very larie eastoant of real Mate ? ineleeiag de zonation of oily and 0 .-AWIT I MSrti, • J. 31. uu. ..- ' --- -----,- _.-:-= - ale,e-Eniate ll iroktia., no.= WALNUT &reed. . akia,, MOSES NATHAN& Al enoma AND COMMISSION "paRCHANT; 8. E. terser SIXTH and RACE ELtr. MONEY TO LOAN. MoTIT TO LUSA, IT Lavas oa mercharultg; gevArally. and on nu emotes of value. ALL shwa yeti . , Dla. nratnth DOLIJUk. TWO Tax CZNIN hnchultag efore4e• as, at Nathan' Wablishinent,_l3. E. corner of sIXTE arid Jiarg' GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY: hION EY 1.. MONEY :II Money laberatly advanced enlarge or small asnonate. from one &tiler to thonsands, on gold and silver plate. diamond*, watches, jewelry, fowbrq-peees, musical In struments, tenor:we ; dri o s ob oode t;,, clottust . eroce t tr, es gaff'untrrill7'borers nob -"= an all lc es o ra t tle , for any ens une...a .l on. at NaMoors' PICCITAL ESTAELisaucri. corner of Sixth and Rene streets. PROMISSORY 1 , 10T.P, with collateral, dasooarded at the _lowest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY. kc. AT PRIVATE SALE, at NATHANS' PRINCI. PAL ESTABLISILMINT, B. E. corner of BIRTH and RACE Streets.—The following articteswill be sold fortes:. than nail the Usual store prices: Fine gold English paten full jewelled and plain. of the most approved .414.1 bay make, in hunting cases and doable bottomed. Pins cold escapement lever and leptne watchef, in, heating eve sae open tape, some of them are extra rah jeweled, Bad best make. Salver Znalqh patent lever amtches, escape ment lever and lepotes, in hunting cue and open face. some eery 1111/061101; Aehbeh. S.W. French. and Quartor 'eateries; Age gold test, fob, neck, and chil dren's chanan; fins gold pencil r saes and yens, bracelets, breastpins, Anger-rings, ear-tinge, studs. medalhons, and Jelireill generally. kinuerior LIANWI3 13.5413 at en per thousand, in boxes ol AC each, will be saki by amen box or quantities, to sa,t parchasers. Namerons fanny articles, Ac., ka dce. AT PRIVATE SALE: A anterior fire-proof ghost, 4 feet hies b 7 & feet wrlle. Also. watches, and ievelry of every deseriation, HOTELS. 31IIRRAY 110 USE, NEWARK. OHIO. fa tie larzest and beet arran.r.ed Hote. in central Ohio. Is centrally located and is easy of access room all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern improve- Maple, and every convenience for the comfort and an. oatimiodsticia of the traveihne public. The Bleeping 14102.111 are large cad well ventasted. The Snitce of Booms are yell arranged and carefully famished for families and large travelling p smes: and the Ronee Will be kept as a fastolase Betel in eve rj respect. B. A. 'SIERRA 1 k BRO., Proprietor. TILE UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD PHII.I.DEL#HIA. UPTON B. NEWCOII Eli. The sitention of this HOTEL 3 superiorly adapt") to theists of the Busmen Put s; amain times ea search of tiltinure, Passenger RaOritiair r Which no Ton VSSI. and ea Close proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all nlaimia of interset in or shoot the city. it it-Au DIACREIERY AND IRON. SAYVEL V. 3111.11.1C1, 2. 1 AMMAN MEILICZ WILLIAN MEEBICI. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. MERRICK & SONS, E.NOINESRS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Loy Pressure Steam Engines, for Land. River. and Mance sem lee. Boilers. Gaciuneters, Tanks, Iron Boats. de. Castings Of an kinti, either Iron or 13raas. rruri Prams Roofa for Gas Works, Work Shope, Rail road Stations. &c. Retorts and (33f Machinery of the Latest and most im proved construct/cu. Every deli:ono:ion of Plantation hlschinerli. such art Sugar, Sav e , and Gnat Mina, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trans. Detecators, Piliore, Pumping Enoge, San Aleuts for N. Rillieui's Patent Sugar - Rollinn Apparatus: Num th's Patent Stavin Kammer; and spirpraD & Wolsm's Patent Centnlhag al Sugar Praia log Machine. arte-y DENTISTRY.—The improved gets of ARTIFICIAL, TEETH, still manufaetured at PO7 ARCH. Street. Illitad.riphia. by 1. L1 7 11£.1'03, lit. U.. Furgeon Peatiht. The ltitnersi Plata seta of Teeth are eupersedme all trincipally from the following tea-sans: Pura mineral is uteri in place of Kohl or mtrer, for phars, making them onet•llurd liahter. and at the same time much stronger, aill,beir greatest thickness is where the puma have shrunken away more. thus perfectly rester ins the anatomical shape and contour or the month arc! tees, nunstring the exact orte.tnal expression to the features Ohey at ill stand natter in Pert ice, and never gel out of repair; they are renonslht3 warranted fora lifetime • there are no eras - lees for the acenn.n.ulatio, of parnAe s of food; they Are wholly free from at! ts)- ram 0 ar tiOn, and Can net or produce palpitation of this heart, headache, sore throat, neuralgia, or nerrou, nese. • • Dr.. LUKENS' office, 90 ARC!! street. Plots&Islos else 336 PENNSYLVANIA Arenas. Wa - aing tonal. C sell-Ing 1 1 113 7 -1 1. 11L A- ; l' S i t N . BUILDINGS O CI . ,I I FAI D I I '.I .I AVIN T IN.%LATED BV CU.E.Y.C'S NE IV uAS-EUR NINO WA6•.31-.4111 PURNACE. The above Furnace has now teen in use dining the Fast two winters in this city.noil has given antrersalsat flaw tion. The large heating surface being directly over the flaunt 01 the fire, and the conical tubs, through which all the drafts lass. are so arranged as to connote the larger part of the met trots the coal. Minx ea tirely of Cast Iron, with Jeep, sand iolais, is now et feted to the public as the most complete heating appa ratus nowin this market. C. W. Bain: a rostrum: mechanic, will personally attend to all heating sad ven tilating. . Svc sizes of Cook 3 ns itan,es. adapted for hotel and private. use. Collins' Patent Cluinnoy Caps for e tin, and en re of smokey chi tune) s. with a full assort ment. or Reinster3 and Ventilators of ever) size and pattern. Fire-place Stoves. Rath Hollers. A.P. W Jobbing Promptly attended to. CHAS. WILMA:VS. attfl-tuths-am Late ttr.spa A WILLI/VP. lAICCIIESTER SCALES. r,4'lAt No. 23 North SIXTH Street may be found & teeeral assortment ‘,l 0 ONT ER SCALES PORTABLE PLA'I'FbRNI SCALES. DORMANT WAlt!-:1101 7 SE SCALES, HAS - AN It COAL SC'A L FS. Alan, RAILROAD TRACE SCALES Ihrntshed at short no tice All wnrranted to indicate standard wets ht, ace, rate and timble. The aisle and nntsh of the abose goods best known by examination. a75-thatu2rn RO. W. COLBY .& CO. nRILLS AND SLEETING'S FOR EX PORT. BROWN. BLEACHED, AND BLUEDIt HEAVY AND LltillT SUS:ETD:OS, Sal table for 'Export. for r.r.le lot FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. SI South FRONT tit., and 3a LETIVA Stmt. oola
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