4-, '',E.=`;.;••te,',.. , — , irlY=r."':.?s'l , i- - •"•';',--' • = •-- 44 ----. --4 1:* - wa-..., -•`_-'lli ', " „, _tratialy-tiall * .'•-• this: •'-'-' - • -_ .; .fI,_XXSO c 4 I O _Ukt oo 4loll=- •".•tbis'aad, ..; _ , llumaTo. .. •40!..tel „:turt ', 73.-Aks,_ , ,l4 - 14,1b : matt .:,-airmt - ',••mmeveyyzioutarala Ai* •joilt. -”- 10T 0 ' 4 4` 0411 1 10 20.k1 1 00 '"1V,M,"'‘,. 4 *..111017 471 1 01 4; $6 50;;6;75 fort #44 , . 'f.Qr . ft-iritittflt - iliY. , ; - tatal-fiStaPibialWita'inrt 4,i. ,4 , 7BBaffiidlir have' , .•'': besa"..lislytiOfidttliall ' ? Tilitik%titlB,*•hirt: - ~tlPiiiii4iid, preallitakitraddOS - ••• -.; - .4sB4pattltbl4 :Rye Stipt,ll. - iitplittlid: alPitair• - • •.. tlituailllstilW ..-ttt Sillfkaaillaftaieolitiski-liCAistlAkt:4l(kine. • , ',. Meals aim ill , to tit .yrttltSslis faf , ` , lyoutlellit'-•010: ' ' Ningfit i tUt Pet Utityat 7144 la Oiial,v _ - -_Tha : 'llllc- - 18` of Iffaitelotd-. Wml fOBtlaiirealt intilto*Tattipalay4plt 7,1854 : - *pro': *at i1apai1iii714#4.,:144,,:: - tau t - = -1ta. .,,- -. -- Nisi; -•• 1t."...-.,- - ,74-;04t:45,-at... - .. - .- r io - AN -- ,F,", -.lto* 87 7,1.•4. - 144X.4, - t'," ,- d-.4.;,-. ,- 5..118-- DC': - -118a.ij.,:,.:• ! 4-.4'4.1....iik:,..•:. , ti i. AO 1-;-- - ' - Ita.••, - ; - -`t,Corstusai ,;.- :--'• .4 .-•.: ~ i-i:e.: • - 801. •"• 1)04- - ..;.:'704,0,114.kai - i: - 4.1::iA.."41 40 --'' otilis-t 4 f , , xt , •4 - -t „t •,- - ,-• P.-, P - .: . 1-, , t i 4 .460 -, 4 the' llo:t4toeogWeis o rt:elOyii , oltpiiitbatikalliikpiatta44kfaipr - tka laniri - atlitlatdpitii,iibukt 1;0901140t-uti,_ - at 14fi t a i ltrititilanikkilagrWata-:PialYaadlitOs 1713 ;- "1(3644"#'40014. 41/4toiiikeak,,i3ol' - 760 9 ' - `1:108 - 40 - a• - siPtlit 00to is -le alut , melUsit at abpatAkala--,salst.• :Ilya; ban. dioslinad ;'! , :tatita - ol" , • ,-3 00 klscraPtotisaikiat.Bso,•;•.„.oota,,kt,:seszoo, Butt catAlPMimes; wlth-ittlifetit 12 'fottaloYart-: . sylvailk: slid •.liosittialii:sallowila - dot/i.- at 85a90a, . iloslar,dalts,ltt, tlitiviatts4 ri4gtieltsilk - 1.- , SIC „. BaidauttaW goo -- .3!,-iiathiig:Aolik , ,i , 9ll.ta' an"- ; battkt;lfilii ailat_4Bllolld4lBBQattartitittatitt; Wratffetl - tit. .•. sad _Oats tiitailyilittittaalf,thil asilatit , Salta it-Ott;. Tali joltowlapt s the; amount ttf, , ,grajp. meamred for 0 4 OA alltilladslptda.tiii , ttba, gates'. on ,- .• he Jati-14.185 -.,4 , trai.4;63.087->6asltels tt,Wkatt,- . ; ___'."o,ttsl dant ;.11.-ira; 894109 '''BotrlPZ.lail 878 rIl - • 1008,484,,,11440*Pt.2...t.wv.,', I=7,N ...- , -, .• ; "-7 Piffollittopi , ..t4be'tataikat iiislliliteir; aid' uteri _ • _ setirkrlauppliOtkilittatirstiekillitily,"litt:ldiess, e ' birtelnillptlOp eppltttltV;plltPkik, sales, of SOft . ' ~.,c r ile govrittik rfO rted; part at All? . pit :66,1j.Iniikikk*Pti*irk :imirlvate tanks f - ' Mai , ,414411141 - ilf4l**B-44 1 / 2 0,•iti , is brand Oat diatatd -48. , ,05ty4 for Sltheli:-isfiric.f... ''BiKeptvii In .. , tatttar lataitiV_lthlettalitot , loB , aitial,•:ta 41641;•• at I , lk ' 1042474 40:101' . .110:::ftr,SIdis;`110eld at, 00.- _ and 71 , st 0 8 ffteif 68 , 18dattr.F.1filltstiif Battiod Mists • ••• : the tiaiiiiatlatallitiTe kiaa•liali ti - f ailtk- gales .of 250 "Ali tarelndirtlelliniehi:36llo4,l,,at'lB3.;" tali* , •,- salt' *al :181.•,8tulltsitaldat's at '..74a7i0..- -, Laid ti, A tr, '-'-",••'111110*--' - aalskpf• - tlatarti r sait bals,,W.td2kind ' '1m5T:..718'.3 ilktiEl4t}t-t0100;'4 1 011.v - thrdtilli*al -.- - find - - it !ask* lilt -sit, MID. pat, 11440* 1 4414i t4.. --0 10* - 4. AIIaSURS*IOOI , B 7 IO 6 CU: : ' 104 ILltka • • -- ,10.488 . : ilft - ,itlitallli tisi,d - ba '- - •••••• Wit • , :0111irl'isbilisrfatirittd - titiki trs'iljr,',l44. •Itoldata:aiter.,,kitlitrli;demattuldnoti..the late aikrattott la, tki tateof,Stelght and toll by- the jail; koaotaad Oast taiptatiy:i ---:' - -s_ ,-,,,--, ._ . -1, :, •.L - , , , ,•, : L - Coffalt.v=Prieefi sr.; beitaii Oittlealatly for the _ • Bee iii , illaiit;ablek. , ; - kW mitt* ktAnferlot is not , - -wank i i:iilda - 4ift• 800•Iillit, Only' Upliiide, - aril repo - - NIP 10Cliftk ills : par - -.lb: OHL for : mid. • ' OlLatAltty.'itad think at 3a* blkkiiektitisf. • Ike , t - j. ,1 0 ,5- Akrovitalttlltivcaelr_o l .4ber at, . 00014aaittiiisti-Ajlip.ticii three pars '-• • • - , r •. - 7 ,, f .„ ',. itiCf' 'n isse' -T. • 'tlfiiii; . -- 7810: ", - '1 Xto it• - POiti:l•:tiottteaii - a,ooomil,aso;soi4;fgaca : - its: to tteli., - ;y;r,steasia,ast.ooo,l,B6o,o'/,515-006 - It. tiVisortii;•' , . ,, 6o2,o(o,:',Vo,ooo , 3'sv;e - oo -7 au 000 '• - •ar,ta:tatuttit B , :: , ,sai 000 :. , ./II‘003., ,, :810,000 - .AO6 - 001 -- -.-, TotsLatrartit4-;,ig1i 3 0CKC2611116,000 2.144-80E1564. oo , Meek 311C1P11111d14,7i ',Z5i,020:,:r.140A00 , 170,7., on -.',-.1.1..000 OCiblellfsikalsig the _tea) -week. ktelaatat-tn"...-tba .. -:. a.91,0':•"=“,. ... , !f: , . z - s • •fr , , , ..,_•::',.;:' • .•-•.,-, P'. ,--,, ~-. _ 111.4: - It•-1 6 111.;:... , ris,-,11013 , i-:;' , 10.090', .....r7 WO ,---. Mom -•••• Ex; atiftg18“ , 40 ,: .•,,,t .0 800.--_--_411;090.;_ Loop ,+:, 26,000 -::-•• - - -1114--taltkiramai ~,,••=.0 aF .., 1 .14,000. ~-). oci , tow - ,:` At le4th ineo ar 0,4.004 -9;0010-:: , :‘ 10:000, ~±9,000 , "2 ,- 144 ilL'otri*,;:i . 16,000 - ..:; - ,Fforo o. , -- 2: ~ 1 0- . 990 - , -- ,.14,003 - 00iiiirr. - rulikal.*Klalintrkii'W*Tralit;: 7 -•'- :tititttlrWor.,olo)lVM" -- ipOstr, Rio; V - ,ktlf , yoll3: '•.-- -at 7 4eili;t412,4;tiethat;',;;. - .V4Z;;`4 . -.••••• ,- -' - •, _ ' (14804';' , 4akt i,sis pitkaditiedaitaittlislit - 8'„ `elnaktlitirli4l Ajtstra - 4841121116* tjatfi_ - - Also SS ' -. tyl I. l tlrtitititaBlol•Ple:sl . -.::. Ildwisitip'‘''.4l4 , llM-iit k' tasitai,ia , ilotk,.Ple• ~ Iroa.".pttiimPara-itiOildilik slid:ille - '11.1011088840'.7 T t otb C Ib tfßa -160-012 . 8 , 48240421.fiir, , , e apilibilk:alk, Ao_allis.P . - -- ICAtioleiliittip • • t..rhSr,4 -- _ ft..,`.lolag , VoOros,'lliiii,laddloilsrl . .. , ''.lolB - SOi4g•figut,litotiti , within Ate raiittef ' •••ipportlotts_ltiaotaaas.::e_ltatt-)4hfr stook In drat - -t. kaaBsillialCaid taii-ialis - ksvC , bstiti r ep ort e d ; 1 .:•,.•. - fialaaltaWiirA l tpf 87;414 - 100-Ibitifelatii (Topper -:•:- la .ttivit dalEidtk - stialt salsa cf• SNOW Skeathia g --- 'it 270,;4411011104,11,881., s l tlooB - ,pst.llB - ;llx'attintha,, - ' '';vrttlik - iiiltilatilliiiti,•-`-- - -':: - 4--- •-- -• -__,-.• , -L" ,* •T ".•:',:;; * 1 t 1 . '. '.' BiltiaiAilliVitlloA:ii, iii:iitiiiyii,o46. l l: - *lli , -, sated afrfla.:l 'at $17450. - Pe - ttOit.--Toinaeric Dark kr ' :dolt tatalse atAlbsitiattirvitsj Art. 4104 -80 ,1 '1 .",•'BPa r aillt-af•Sttpsiteord. 4,- , a•-•_.•-:•••..t...-_ ,, ,-. .-: , ,.,;- ; • ; :i ,•-...; ...-Datras ,•Atip'- , Irtle-lyirit-dlitiii,?dthift • atailog elf galas raiviikatiaditia - Irnak ICB , II- k• - 4 0 02 01 0 0, 1.," wood atill'4.,W ettitkat•lect , poiriAgt at Slo;1 cad' RiiiO4 ,B oo 7 ;it , - - leekb,.o,4l*. .., . -- --,Fooltioookw«t44. - Nw001y,4464 - a.' ,p.rm t v,.. 4 ..„„....„,,,,, I, , ks;tr'; ‘ c i . :i -... V1 . `.l 7. :1 ,. . ~., ~, 'K.r,,ji - Wort,* aidapialt:Citer dull; iia• sale *.'of It .eras ' " latbdii.lbamtbiEwbart iktsl6,lW'per bbl ; the: story stamina 11181ollathloric,'815 Mffir -2 4... - aadlo go per bbl filtilti.gaisttitifpitiiiilislif7 - - In' ClOoillalt -1 - mothrift 40 1 11P 1 .105 1 41 1 1C:afre. 4i 711- 10 ~ s;tl -11- • 50 kb!** to 7.: 1 11':•:." , "',-- V,-..'„•.ii.---.,.• •, --5 , 2 , -• - ' • - •.;Fittpt , - 1 4.4.1•tt - 'of • - ittitagel-tattil - itgaOtia 'ltss , bestrAtipteadtd. coaatka-whart akitap -to 84 :per 'box. RA In quality : ',, Pine Apple; atirsolitriMat .S 8 48 'par tpo: _Fitomostle, - Drlat Walt is - mtry, dull - at toms*tttietiititattr;GliiiiptApplii Pt i11.10a2 50 • per bitTr7z.c..-F77-4 , ":=T ,7, 7.1 , --7, Xxitiosit neitijiltitiltio:"tilojdOW - 41 age*** " Muni' 1i f ida. aft wardloi lii4OPS4I anunicforstra - ,pork • nimiges paid; 'and : eta An 'wadi flabs l ,o 39tfor &Aar.' Qoat f~tjtltra~raaehfmpdrtn3~±yietr~e~zei, fts9%tt:a'=Thera ii Athisic~inpoico ire,riettrelfik*balt • -•,•• - OrLteogr - A1tere, , ,,1C404,• - ilitaid,•Alf",aur tied astriteolitigealetotkoriii•infaie.,' • _ - Ra3fteei-llietto - tfit'latat britietl,ltitudri'aria /thine dOhsitAgiAltiktic# 44 **;. linnet ari.laeltilyst'! l ,4: 4ll l - Aoet there are / so wrrirals attiti, , Hole vil,l*.ittatted'i L rieoet'lititi = eties of 8ut.... ern anillsiViotaril - at-I(4soper ' lataxibet:,;-:-BottLlNeeittli Sete ,efict ;Slaughter ' - are,aettraiiirtiri4o are Arai, -•-, . • - ' Larkiift-teittietor to *pat ra Itraitiri:tphotry 3, motet - thiriateit 40 *hits ,Riatioirtiotitt Boardr, • - at*Sl i , filiale","*EL.l l .ooo(4 0 -- IlialL , serf leithoi - • at $1 Artetli-perlt, artia„kaatity;.'4 l er,fitarch Ileopv,sracifebatzeritec4re,siairlynitostaal:9! , MoLoasso tertberoatystlwi ale West ilatalt, loteepeleibt 'l4 024). 1, 1Fii . tirer.:1! - ,1 - ,•: - ',.' 1 ,- - ', Bia*C. _bek bbut alliniko47tAtute.at".lllVal,,,po;eakt,, , taelading , . one ,leV'Se-oxpert tfralOUr-,frettation,4o. Vat is-, at,a2so...WeallAn"..oWs.llowlyr 1104tilareastiacoellivia44saall . .lots• sr - ibial - a,' • oieshirisaoop o r r i &Me; , • - ft#l-I,4oeria and eibalireteillifirittsitetibiage: fair likinTlX feta $Se a tale •'.,of_Latketestilithidatt was mid* &Wpm-butt& , PLoef#oo . 4oe4 drift ;guava at $2 75t3 per tea; - Rsov--Pricoi =are otaiduP 'inii4atooo f with Plea of 214 1 4dikfiiii:faiiikprptyl qualitt, git 4:13 - 4 , 14 8•1424 *Waage& hat idtbOittasiosy doing in '" 800ttai4Ovoroold:ootaio- fourard , sloily, and thedoogaro Maio fadivarlith ialar.atl6 254.76" - burriTloßtriC4l.llV;jo:VfAtittaldnaiid ' notstiOiaae aerflaintraidaotions kill - doll ..I NootenoleCA CW VAl*4 l = 6s per tai ; -c,ii1.4.: i LeS- 1 8 1 204:441iii!ittlikatior'iniietivi;4 . 01diAirttiei false of 300 00i(iitlf - arle for !lobe and2f err ' - without obswigiiKi; Nie* iftlind Rim isoolliat at. fo:frilimtiodAtentaidlaitaloo:of - 0610 bbla 28a Mids . 42daddia..; aid drudgeat '2533 per putraiL.P 5 -- 7 • Tonatoof•-Thirifo Ilfgalry'far Olther.' leaf or lotanofiesuard,'indprjoeo:ara stead y: . ' TAWWlriptlyiri ilactte f 4, , ,pip,ii) :tor olti rondsrelfe;. 7 - - -` - TrCe Milk* but withaitisjiiiiiibCpilati. We0ti.41%.---seakkot - qoptiogit,7vArt?Amist-=. . bayaritlioldsaftfor luwsi lcef than holden! are boon 11idoo4Attilistri1lli,,p0711!astifzrafriraoa ,A.:0r0010s0.4-,014,4,!„,,L. c•ad A , OZ • ' stilt* 17*4 mwslAng Optilasmixtes - v - - At thikol4,lltek*arikloslntsrattrr,-Bttois;'*: • - . 14146 tilikwutdavozraoluw:::: - A. golttityo, l acilieritotoki,Als, P6l'_ ! rood raptiyisloi 7 l69lll4 dessetawstsrilttitarldit iltatratgale Abbts as) poilass sllAtlAOlkor_mitalot.WK-<llll6letalti trobseillia‘Psdifkilgtermi.V4- - • ' • 17, 24-1 7`- ' IlkAg11;414 7 : - AtER4116,; - A4O; souls'. 1 0 , /BMW ititir4A; 40in' tor. iii. , lye* s tow 13141 WO, - Itiltalfkg.. 24 941 • 2 -11 • 1 3;i ii V i s is tow - liiirkjlap;:. Closiosi;vltitif Atiiitt " 1 ,-1- ,AnuAii;.Zsiadoini,„lfavo ilea; „ Oabire4romidesijiMr dna =4, 4 CA rimai i ,lllo4 COpuromOtiparsaliciiidos, lopatig YO 4 , VI ithitlioil*-1114$0110/Hlroci.l*if--*/:'tf rP , 4 1' ip t i o p - , • ;• - biarek s ' ' 14, 14,141Nri 240 to:Sok - or SU the askquisa: - - sow haitiehlwa willitistaalistabar : pin ailtitig teat,!4tkalii - Osforl4llo.lovril - '"- • r118‘•-kap:V92Mtr.41:114•P':-1411‘4444M-Mrat%.q HAVANAL' i # , O ivo r a blit:roiVog_vag - Itit;1111: tO• Biters t51;4444Vre17-147,0/ ogi4V PAW bip t ar —M il3l:lß ,... e-1 g7,4ir s ;- • • • ("&"ztti " - • ;.. . ;AlabPOstid tot Tito Prom.] _„ - . 7 +lllol 4 l,,iBTOlL:—Stiautabiii i ,kiistene State, Mint. sotto,-.102 touttotriltenurk — ttorertttid"oo9l - 1V.04 7 190411! 8101trAtAnr . /.10 do Sto. • • 4r,.„ 0 ,5 4 14Tk01l k9torilikto Ordoer 99d0 'onto' • -4 1 • 1 1 0 9ttt kkolllo9o4o7,,kktoltowltt; 11 do - jtL itt*Alkap; ft mddrokosikoldttlatd Mt” 0-111orptoim ■o,:flitplyst-7,llftfge & Ertl 4. rout Ittithet ttill* l- 104001iikpiltOup t ,z;iiittma Amolit &Me; 28„elootyjnaLpi' ;4, " Fifty /444%,61"1&-sTvosiviitrae.aoito OtWou,- */**o4 rovonwraokimeat COOO - 144 " D o" ,arAitttr . ootk7ftiplot; 2 bit itna k *yr I ,#* -1), "Y" *Emil ritaaiited (kiwi k !drain; 9 co Zs. Potersoot B *4 * g b 2.9:41' lb` bag profplrgolatie; 13 empty etas Mailosj•0 01,1 4 1,1 & 89 do ,Ligte,k Wolfe; ri do L T 01121414 -.1 turtle W GUN 511 Wilatians; a-.1 - Baker; ,102 melons P "RfehlidajAo , do 9 Du tomatoes 0 M Mod* 70 Okge to 11101111d0N5 . 41NeanfahIgiliitfOURINNONN, 276 626 45 ISSlNl.totuppeo Dolma & Taltt; 49 6zi.6leuss db Buqknok_sterNuriolon ao; NI bit Mimes do !do's & BoOm; .20 b2s 16 wax do , s Nome & dtdolo; 18 b=e 10aacei cloWitrdle & , Brorensoo; 184 his 89 wed do T WiNder../49 16 tali dN o T Rote* 1113,beas feathers 6 do. Iva 8 NorNsn; I box D Ja*ise &Asti 1 og oowtsl.l. 1 do kldr. Gerber, Boa & dot •1-box Conselltue & Beker-57 Wei ydro4 . 2 Ilrpodlowl Bob':00 026 mu dries N HeiLlor; 5 bags feathers Ctilloudi& Tenor; 2 bob - NCI T.O VTilbdri,;„6l2 Obi ,tat .sTadriox 209 Appy:iitakkAdir; , _ br - riAlittiontiltuiNßOmu) oiviim)a. • OClOUrflil ON um Illpirra MC BAGS - Allike Bzek'cirege, 4 Pitundaphis. • . 11111 0 B.V;Olitos,:iilletiree: Liverpool, heir 25 Bart Gliro ICC Alve.l4" " • "" fos pe rms soon Asset .. - Havana , soon 4 , t Barbsdon, *ion ',Bog p*St4;previiimi44 , 4"- ilpeetbs Ape*, 'soon c'-` 1 2. 21 , 1 7 1 4 1 8 1 a 010 - .41114 0011434- 6200/4111NR4r. -- !HO![ THE IINMILTI4IT#2II6-• ^„ 1.111111 FOX L . - DAYS 'Breroau. ' ".12994 York...Biemen • , July, 2 AVM*fic9666;4l4terirool July,lB BiCvlds lf •41r..114takUrg ' • .July 16 41964961174. N6w York.;floutkiznytam, fku..JulY ii 0 041891,,thr1efe..6 9 66 York.:Atwerpool . ... ..:.July 19 • • 14416,York.:Liverp661. _ July 20 Ar6go NiewYork.cllsyr4 July 28 . ..... ....July 26 1141146•• '' flaitoir..Llyerpool July 27 • 6f.,126411166t0a.N5w , Y0rk..00rk, ik - laverpool..,July 80 • .Latin.,, Foit. , • , DAIS - • Weser"'• Brurerpri..N6W , York ..... . 28, ' ' - NoW4. - .Nuit YorkJ'ace-20 43619466 ' ^l4valipol..B26ton ' July 2 41064:• ' Llverpoor. - .Bnitori July 2 'Bursting. ."• ilembitrg..2how'York . . . 4 166 bur I.ly6ryool -Quebec July 6 1 9 at IriAbliatini:Liverpool.;:tlew Pork - July g • ' 001stbiutplots..wer York ..... ....July 9 York....Boirtllitoptoif: , .N6w Y.wk July 6 - July 0 ~ : 11945: poof.. Boatoi • J ly 10 IlausuAll.: - .oouthiuuptiou -Now York - July,lB oallforal6 -- wail Br4kUners gall • hum New York-6i tka 6th and 510th'ar einh mouth. • Illrr4b9atitgaseStitemerileafe 'New" Tork;'on - the abd 20k of 494moatk, 61401691e5. ton; ittit osetlittlt.• .• - When the iticere4lo4 , tilkeit i 'lleikisy; the - niaea': rap 4411 - rail ow Hole6ii eltsept from NwaYOrlekuu • -.~ldt'iitc ~ 3nieUigctttc 11;714.DIFFEKL. - itly 9 1559 F 15113191111- 4 !" - f 8131 , 1 E!ETS -9 11 9 41 Keystone Stahl. •Mareinns6. 60 .heurAdrois Cludiestes: with miss 'rind passsogors to A 21ersigar:;... 6 - h inst. itiellag Pin Shoals, PM' 6 brit 116.14.0e1,116161-tor Chitisatonvid •Delswests City, Br isegyrisserDorisbestara:-.,- , - - • - .etimniiiillViiitersairs,fidepier; tionnifroni New "York, Ada Caps,.Asc.:mitts - ibis. sit psmengeskto James All.. .dereiiicie:-..-Paessd Shovel:lslmmo City two British berm , Brig Weiner'. Ifolt,,64sys from' Boston, is ballast to 1-2 A Minder & . • 4 , • . ' 44 Heir Itsi7 N. Plass; Smlth, : i days front New York, inisellast A Slender dr. Co • • Bohr Kartist, Yonrg. 4 days from New Bedford, In Whist to - N A Sender & gmir"..wsiter- P Snow, Snow; 11 „dais from flnowttlll, lik.wltlsitunber to Jim L.Bewley & - Behr Id M Fret/bun, iilekermin, from Charleston, dt D• 11 to vestal's, Pahr.,6"l.. Croeiseni Presbrey, 13 days from ,Tasszton; ,With radii !Orr wellalgtto -111shr„* - Pfelds. , ll/1111mr. 6 days from Boston, ballast. ' 6211• Witt. Boss, 4 daysfrom Boston', with Ads 1047r0w5116; .Colltne.,- , - - • ; Bohr Liesbutto Oraweilyli days, from Boston, with sodas to Ormyell & Collins. - Selo Corse; Meredith; 6 dips from Boston, In ballast. B - Osllet:leivi: 6 days from Boston, In ballast. den& r MieggeWeirsr, I day from Woedbddge, - . 460,61414 • 11 0 66 ttimw5, 4 days - from Portsmouth, with tedse to esstebi,k Behr B M ilhaddiek,'Willlairs, 4 days from Middle .tows; with stone to Thos Masseeld: Irsigledei,Wetts, 5 days 'from Newburyport, In •baltsat to captain. „ ; - - - .;;; Boer -Ply, Ohesseeisse, 5 days , from Nsittnoket, with .ill to thelnliMeKeone. -• , - ,';,Bohr Boise, Windy, fro m Sehilionemei:Corsoi, from Boston. ,:lichrPoUydos,,Adasris, from Boston. MA,Shropshire,Ahropshirei from Boston. • r, ; Bohr MA Weeks, from Boston. . ..,'llebrAP.lllswes;Mmoni from, Boston. - Rehr- BJohieme.-Isiskwood, from-Boston. Bar 7,llilleant,lireibl, from New , ' .'_Behr ;Wanes; Sinith,ftem Wilmington. i,BsisiP,A,lissidesidianadnia - from MArblehead , hmindo*Virden, 72 hours from Dela Ware presimri*--ilisothing &ports kaolin spoken . at 'lO oleloch-yesterdiyMmming, B muss southeast of. CdPo Met 60 1 16 - gala Geo elbbil, et Newliedford,from New York fir with loss of wheel' .G 6 Chester, tweinglish brig. "nadir masses, bond up.• " OL1A1111D:- figaswilp.lonsobeei,Hand, New 'York, via Cape Nag JSUaekueeF All l P 4 PlWheelie. Robinson: Bolton, Warkmap 00. - - Brig Nea t Christman,: Gibraltar, • Barisßelle, Ryder,- Bontoa,,,T voile it Co. " Bug tapitaratti,Wiesrietati,"Kinketoi, N Wets. lir& Oo" ,Mrsils; Portissioutti; Na. Bahr A 0 Terry, Mrl;htiyanips ;Asy,'S Morris 'is. , &QO. " - &Air J 1, Row. Hum & Co. 11431 , 0 r Roam We'Mao, Portland, 0 &Hobisoor & Co: ' &Omit X 2114141111, Xiikerioai &orllacol, COpplior FfSetir Swiss, Conlon, Charleston, Noble, Hammett & . fiellaßtml lintan, Dandy, Bottoo, ; do Par I 11141ains, Walls, - Boston, - do Behr 8 P Haifa, Mann, hichennind, - • do _ 1 .- -;Bahr I lobason,Lotdtwpod. do '-;;;littlic-IsdintlisUs.,..llhannsos:Wsrshata; do. - IlleergieStt,7atts, - Newberpport, Tyler, Stone *mate, OoriserrißOCton, . do llar.7lo.ll44frlairig,- Btonlngton, Van Dneen, Nor , Onbr Olfaii. Washington - do fiehrlfilsd Quasi, liciar . - do - - ' do • Boisr.ll [horn, do .„• tisitrWOWillfams, Brothers., lidentsn, NO. do -- -- - Behr Alflalds, Phillips, Mandan, N Sturtevant & Co. Bolir Baia, NMl's; - !sayer, New - York, „Bancroft, -- „ Sekroeree, Mpredltf,, frararhilt, D Pontoon &. 00. ``'Bake!! D Bally, E A Packer & Co. - 1 Behr Polls Priosi'Adams Boston, Drown, Hewitt &Co Bohr' Id A .11bropshire, Shropshire, Boston, 0 Miller flokTM time, Smith. Drowport,ir ilotharmald; Co. Solar a "A Washy, Weeks, MIMI", Troyortoo Coal Co, Behr P • Sanders, Reinert; Pant, J R Bohr Stay, Loialard ltisbary. L Addax:died & Co. Bohr Glsas Brower. Harts, RoEbttey, do Behr W-L.Divytoo, , ,BabOalr, Daaversport, do -Bohrl fl Blrlalar,' /Alward', New Loudon, do - ,ifehrSolh*, Proildaaaa,, do Bobr,R I:StodheiwPi VailVnt do Bohr. H eibrosi, Oroazak. seatngton, do Par Zar4o,`"Sildi, Washington , DO. Hayed, Godshall ihri. Baltimore, Efrovem, Ir. Whoinas_SpArks, _Higbee, Hartford, Van Shinn, *deb - , . ..,_ . ,_ . wise : of The Preso.l '' ' '' ' ickmwmi llrevaS too GRAZ' . July clasp. t-,,. -- - , --- -- t ruing with. 2 WAS iii r The flingstoi loft here th a mo ~ tow: laden untoonritutod'ut follows: ;111.jor JR Zimmerman 111.1 Oo; Alia); aatbradt•toia 4"41 15"1"1 11"4 • ••• • COOrreependenee of Press / • -' BEADING, 1869. Thi follpwlu boati feirm the Union Oanal yawed info ;Deir-Wilingtkill Gana lodes, bound to Philadelphia, *Ma sad mattmeett se .• • , Wm.P,lllteksel' and, A., no*, lumber to Normans k rimbity do to 8 Groekairt Two Brothers, plgiroo boi Daheiltgat)m - filleratara, light to cep**. tet the Phßadeinida iggethormeeEe • '-,•• LIMB, Del.;July 1. ` - '"-Tinaellovhsteresselei are at hub*: Brig "Paving," Mkt* Bank Amalie.; R I Weston, Pe gnonneek, Witte; „W -Olark,"Martlea, D E Wolfe, Mille Bug. ton, Geti Waeldeaton,. Rollin.. J Barrett: Alex Blue. h Allotment, Telegraph, B 8 Rill; T J ROL Good Tid, liegivlrwOroaker; Paugthiettaaba - Engel*, 14 A hice• - -Mosifttili; Oarroil, Margaret, - Ortette, Relpo Mar, A - Caenoni J lit Attain, 110 Porter, Wainer 'America, and a Ibiek , supposed Lobe ibis Leighton, for Pernatubmo. wleethie Mena and RS for several dap, asoritio gMillear very cool.r,, lT indotromp from NB -1 - 40telle . - WY. RIORMAN. .1 • ' tOorsailoo — donoe of, the 1%1410101s Dzobsage.) - " Cara lemma, duly 8, 7.80 Pd. "Ifo'v4oollituyitd:pl oitiozi, bound fn Oita WM eye. also The • *set that has been detatmed et the ?real- Inter lett 00 maralett.' Billw+iteatiter warm. roe"' he 1 . 40 . 8. - B. ifirtiqUlS. -" , • 1111610112.16 A. etimmuilla Oltiof Doltirsore. Leitch, for New York, IMO from fkrerpoirl 29th nit, baring replaced her pro: leaner. 4teatnehip Wenr, for New York, wee to matt from Ikotisest 80th Tilt. Inotood of 26th, baring been detained bT an seethent-toheapropeller" •- • •".Alhili Unite Illeward,ltobinson, for LiTeiTool, eleared "atttherleatem 6th init with 8064 balsa triton. • skip. atimpotoe, tailed from Richmond 6th inO. for' Emmen • - ' Srlk. sailed from blytMlafith last. for:Pitletlid lila. • --Dolma 066 W mon; camp, and Doro th ea Norm, .ko rtee,Artt, arrived at Norfolk oth last. •- . amotW ith avo; Derratt, weiled from Obarleetom oth Met. for Isolteoterille: - ,• Lehrallea, - Deixdaithen; DOM New York, arrived. Oktriestem 6th Mat, • miprii-Dtuiiiing, basin,' arrived At Charleaton - , . Rod dotaie „ /PO LUMBER lag AND FARMERS. RAM ON VALUAuLIt Timis LANDS, „4 Ip WARWICK COUNTY VIRGINIA. 'Virtue of a Meuse' of the Circuit Court for the ObtrW Afore/aid ' , yronointeed on the 25th of Mardi, '1059; in theeheneery snit of Ganibrill ye Whitlock, the „ididendaned, acting arfthrortedesionere,under the wad de. twee, will - sell before tie Courtliouee door of said coon. ty on the FROOND THURSDAY Of , AUGUST next, that being county *hut day, thit valuable treat of lend deemibed in - said decree'. as all thet certain piece, Par* eel, of• - tract of, lend; Vies and - in Ike county of Warwick, and known as being part of the !Rich Neck Tract; eontehting one Umatilla and eighty-eight sores. 0,05 p,) wore or- toes , being pert teo trap* of land marv deed el by ated Auguatineezobrill , Jai rot:l gar and Maret his in 'th e by d 28th' innGs, 'lBsB,orded alerkle .91„Warwielt - Warwick • court ,” The above Medi - every vailleble mid easy of wow, being boated thepaninsula dying between the James and York IMers,ittat about heir way between Hampton and' thwitsbarg There are upon the vendee* a deem saw -$124 with night* of dO-torso power and good substan• Med_BrieleilitellinglAthorough repair. . TERMS OW BALE. , the =oak esettaltralit pay; the cuts Of , the above inentlettedsultand the eapenstil of Ni l o , and nee the l'etddee • end% of twelve 7 roonths• wlll beOm, the Woburn' . to ilre.bohd with good security • for , the de payntent,with interest from the dayof • • • 1 41dURL ,„ J. 110 WORN, • ••, , • • mumr,onv, Of o.7bsetlaitaborzrll6/4."4'.wit."sapoixi°inelrbiellt:liViktlior'' alp bu ilding ,? altd PLY , . i Wing moot being worth SlaeaPer Slord tRe MOEarg, aTlßltlirk - 914 000. -treated for, forth. New York market,' - - Any information inveterate* to the ntatteisw imam addreesing,Neweerner Stonehrakdr, 4144 - or by applying to 1 3 . 1 2etriek.‘adjoirdog the at WarerickCourt Heine, Warwick county, Vitvi e j7: - J4 -6 9t • 1013.-800 casks Prime lietaiynit Rice law star. aact for ale. by. ROWLIIY Annul:lllSn, *40.111. 181011211 Ida , Summer wiIai.7I4IIXTAINEYNEW RAMP- • The - , PROPILII !-.11011132 and PLI7III 1100811, in the PRA NOONIA NOTCH, are now open for Visi tors, Them Houses - are of the Omit duet And have , Beoome the resort of tmoomplished tourists . ;They ikt's Ova ,mllee eintrit on a'delightful "road,' and situated 'itnidat the boldest mik giandegt of mountain eCteeeiy. 1%0 cementer-the #lll - 4 . ,‘frlentk of klicuitalte.PAT lSTTN, -, LIB Chili OANNON, and 23111GEWAS• IPIPT;and fifty miintoornott evny,„ Bolick L ARII, PROPILE LAHR; the BVIAB, 'the POOL, the BAtIN the 'OIIIBCAL CABOADB,'lnd'the• 'llologlieL PHD or OLD MAN OP„ TH.H. MOUNTAIN, are ell Within a fe.W.Mbiritesieli. • " ''The ascent of the mountain passes, the &iota among the • ell fa and Lgotteii; the excursions on the lakes, the game In the forest, and the trout in the rine, tender asteh Iniitations to the lover of the charms of nature, and manly 'aporte, as few can decline when 'ante in this romantie'region. -- • ' The Hotels are kept by gentlemen of great expert. enee In keeping, embalms honest, and who will spare no pains to attention; to their guests. Tourists Miming Philadelpkte. at 10 A. - M., can Mak /the PL'ONLB 3101:0311 viathe Worcester and Neekine and the Boston', Onward, and DfOutvlel,RAllrorktO glymOnth, the nert efternoon (twenty-Mitinallint by'stegii), - or they cagy go vii the B O. ,k M. Railroad., to Littleton, thence by (only eleven miles)lo the PBOWILII ROBB, in the • mune time. Prom Niagara Palls, via • Montreal, Quebec, and Barham, to the Alpine Glen, and Gibbs'; Hotels 1 it is a pleasant day's ride from iilbbe's to these honks,. Hails arrive and depart daily. , Piet ..ofitoe eddresa,PHOPILB HOUBI or PLUME 1/01:151; t- BOIT& Ootutty,N. PUILIII BENB,Hanager of the Profile House. • BIOHABD TART, Manager of the Plume House. rim the PLUALN and P)IANOONIA. 110 - TBL • , THE PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, I CITY, re NOW OPEN for the .reeeption ATLANT of Visi C tors, The House ham been thoroughly renovated and improved, and great care will be taken that alt who patronize this Hotel dull be well taken emu of. OOLLINN & enasoN, ooxangs, of-Read ing drierame, of Philadelphia. 1111 1 tEDLOE's HOTEL, , • . ATLANTIO CITY, NEW ZNaszy, At the terminus of the It 'Afraid, on the left, beyond the Depot. This Howse Is NOW' OPEN for Boarders and Transient Vielters, and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel in Atlantic' City. Blnoe last 'moon, the chambers biiire been very noooh improved, end rendered more comfortable by Venetian blinds having been pntup at the windows. (Marries moderate. - ' Children and Servants; balf-vilce 'Puttee should keep their seats until the ears arrive in front of the Rotel.. She signs are eonspkm one;- ' jab 2m 0,13.11. •BATIIING-' ATIANTIO OITY otiNeintes HALL in now open for the Brosp ,VON Of .zoauniaa. and :the attbsoriber Irill be hippy to nee hie itteadeselto may favor him With their patronage during the neaten. je2s am ' THOI3. 0. fialtRITT. SEA BA.THINW.:• OONGBISS HALL, LONG BRANOEf, N. T. Will be opal for the reception of vialts r e, JULY ' 4th. The Homeand'Furniture are entirely new, with all the,mothrn unprovementa and imnreolencee, and loca ted on a lips with the National Nouse. with bee, lawn in front, and within one h'indred yarde of the helth. There'etlll not be'any.bar 'kept; in: every_ other, re spent tits above house will be thatealass, and the pro-, prtstor hopes by Arid Ittantlein to' cueinsse, to remise a Continuum of that very liberal ; patronage, extended AO him through the butt Wren yea.a. C'ersotts wishing. to engage rooms, can 'do so by ad dretaing WOOLISIAN STORES, 1180-1 m , Proprietor. BRIGANTINE 1111NliRSMItH, , Propristor, BRIEt#NTTNE BRApft,N. This le a most delightfal resort for 14133111 N. The Bathing at this point 181:m00.11.d anywhere. A large Hotel, the BIttOANTISSI HOLM, has been recently built. The looation Is taxa and delfghtfal, being Mtn. sued between the Bay and-the Clean. • rine fishing and gunning throughout the season.. . - Terms $8 per *self... Osptain Torment new.bost. the 4, Bea Blvd' , awaits paseengers at-the inlet on the arrival of the morn. TINECI Atlantan City, from which the BRUM. TINE HOTBB is Ablated a distance of three miles, being a pleasant inland sell; Passengers will find Omit. -Turner at !Indictee Hotel, where they will leers the cars Poet Mlle addrese, Atlantic Oily. je2.0.tA14 WARN SPRINGS,• - SITUATE AT TKO 10.513 OH WARRIOR BIOUNTSIN. Tilde romentle watering place, five miles north of HUNTINGTON, Penns, hes been newly fitted and fur nialted, ready for the reeLptleo of visitors, at the fol lowing rates t 1.1 per week, gl.lO per day. Otentlennin wishing to Veep , horses can be accommodeted with good fleet stabling, attentive arid train,V kcsnlers, at low rates. . daily line of bawls will run frets the railroad sta tion, in Huntington: - to - the Spero, leaving on the arrival of each passenger train. Jettit•lintv JOHN l3_ HERD. 'NEPTUNE -11017 SE) ATLANTIC CITY This POPULAR. and PAVORI PE ttouss having boon Emaitain AND BarintNifinED, le now thrown open for the season. Its Booms ANN LAIOI, andILIGINTLY roantscan,with every convenience and .Comfort for sojourners at band. T hie - House adjoloil• "Bs DIAS , on 114SSACHU SISPI`d Avelino, within convenient distance „of the aml, to retch Which brood and Mild travel *Mks have boon laid oat. It hi adjadent to the. Lighthouse, and nonimande fine olive- of the Ocean and Inlet.' ' -Permanent and 'Provident Boarders athoincardated on liberal terms._ Children and Servants half-price, je26.2m .3())11.1 -SUMS. Proprietor. VVIIITE 'HOUSE, • Lover end of MABSAOLIIISITT3 Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY. This Berne is loested Immediately on the Ne►oh t sad present, everiseeommodstion for Vistters. Terms moderate. . WILLIAM - WHITEIIOUBI, Proptibtor QEA 13 ATHtNtlit. - DILaWARE HOLUM ,cape inland; N. J. Thin favorably and well.knowo Hotel la now open tor 'the reception of vlettora. Terme $8 p.r ws4. - 1.23 Gir JAHNS istaptay. Proprietor. A.J CIONGkESS - liktl4 OAPE ISLAND, wain mix, _ This wall-known Ilret•elese HOTEL will be opened for the reception of guests ottirIiDNZEDAY. the lath day of JUNI. • • WISP to THOMPSON, 614.8 - • • - • • •,- Proprietors, 'D : : ' - • a., *lll open on the 6th of AMR, 1869.—This plate being iodated fin the banks of fitiernissife creek— • beautiful stream of pure Spring water—and It affords One amusement ht riding la boats and fishing,' and the wiener,' le not to be ilurpasiedlin the ?Nate With the beautiful mountains that surround us, this place is one of the most healthy loostioruf in Penneylvania;being 'entirely free from. any epidemics. 'lts waters cannon be surpassed for bathing as wall ao drinking. Thera • are moral eprings of different kinds, the Warm Springs-being' of such a temperature so not to require the heating of water for tee meet delicate persons. its temperature being 67 degrees. Heated Bathe can be had if required. The Bathing Houses and Plunge. Poole are in due condition. 'Separate Homes for La. dies and faentlemen All -persons lasting Philedel• phis or Baltimore in The morning trains, sod coming to Harrisburg, Menne to -Carlisle, arrive there by two o'ttioek, and there take stages to the Bering', arriving in time for tee. A One band of musk hee been en. gaged as well as careful servants There lie sled Billiard• Tables, Ten•Plu raisin, and Bagatellealloirdb, as well as other araustelents. Any poison wiehing further partleniart, *lll please call on the rbferences below, dr address thn undersigned. Boardlcr, $7 per week. Children and Bev/ante - half prize. ITTIR. =OM GEOROB NORTON, Esq,, No. 204 Bontit STITH 'Street _Ddr J L SOEINIABLY, S. W. corner SHOOND and WILLOW - Streete. - Ye. J. A. ORPAWSLL,72B WALLAOII Street. - Nome. R. 11111113811& BROTHER, U 4 &nth SIXTH Street. jelS•lm 1859. OHIO WHITE STAPHOR, SPRING& OPEN TOIIAITEER SEEKING HEALTH OR PLEA AUBE, /ROA JUNE UT TO 00POBEE ler. A000MAIODATI:ON8 rola, OVER tlOO VISITXRB VIZ OHIO wELTA BULPtitlßlittNtis are 'Stria ted in DelmPare tummy. 1.8 miles north of Oalumints, (thet/spit/LI Of Ohio,) on the/Moto rivet, 10 miles from Delaware, 5 miles from the White Sulphur station, on the bpringtleld, Mt. Vernon, and Pittsburg Railfoild, sad 10 miles from Pleasant Valley or Springs station, on the Columbus, Dl4ds, and Indiana Railroad. The medminal qualities of these Springs are linear missed by those of any other Mineral Waters in the Milted States. NO? ROOM, Or other information, al dress ANDRZW WILSON, pa., Whitt, thilplittr Springs Ohlb WIITE SULPHUR AND ALT. (M MATII SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, PA , are now open, and are easy of omen ria Harrisburg; thanes on the Cantberiand Valley Road to Newrille ; tinnoe 8 miles staging to the Springs, where you ar• rive at 6 P. 151. same day. Mrery arrangement le cam. )Mete for :halters. Board per week, $8; per day, $1.26. ROnotion for families. References—Jas. Steal, Mor ton Holalehrol, !aroma & 00., B. 8. Janney, & Co. , Itenizsziee to the Analyst' of the Waters, US. 0 Booth, Healy - Beal Professor of II - 8. Hint. - Addrema Nerving P. 0., AR TT & fe7.&z* ' Proprietors UNITES STATES HOTEL, LONG BBANCIII, N. J.—The enbseriber takes this methodof informing hie (donde and the public, that on sad after JONI Roth his house will be open for the reception or waste, when every effort will be made to please those who may favor hint. The hones. Is plea. eantly - Muted on SI line bluff, with lawn in front. A full 'lowa the (*Ban. good roads, stabling, &0., make nes ettraottee as any house to the country. The nom. munieatios is accessible by two daily lines from foot of WAlatthatroetvrltarr, lit: 8 A. M., and 2 1 , . M. BeterEino6-41111.116) Warden, & Co 219 Chestnut , street. B. A. SHONSIANBit, jel..2m* Proprietor. SEA BATII.T.N4.—THR MANSION NOMA, foot of Peneaylvanla avenue, ATLANTIO °ITT, ts NOW OP,FIN for gouts. Nor convenience of monument, contiguity to the beach, and attractive. non of the ggitaerer grounds, this bowie is unrivalled. The proprietor has spared no pains in making this Hotel all that could be desired by 'liners. • jel-Sm D. LED. E'PHEULTA MOUNTAIN SPR I NGS, 1.4.110 &STU COUNTY, PENNA. This 'overate establish cent will be opened by the Out of ;UNE. Situated on the Ephrata Ridge, 69 miles west of Philadelphia, 18 south or Heading, 18 north'of Lanaastor, 40 out of Harrisburg, and having the advantage of the purest eoft water, ever, varloty oLbathe. the site elevated to 1,200 feet above water level, with graded and shady walks in dense forests, and the mast extenaive Landman noenery in the Union, it isnot surpassed aa a glimmer residence: Accommodation far 400 pereone, improved stabling, and good carriage houses; also a good stook or livery horses andaerriages, with amusements , a good band of music , billiard tables, ten pin alley. It is easy .of aeons from all the above points by rid tread and coaches The proprietor spares nothing to make it a home place for comfort and health. /or father partlinclarS, see °lranian, to be had ß by applying to Joseph E. Myers, Third and Vine streets ; James 0. Merle, 810 Chestnut street ; or to the Proprie tor,- ' JOBEPIL EONIENdAOII2II, Ephrata Post Office, Lancaster County, Penna. THE MANSION HOUSE, READING, PENNA. W. L. Dll BOURBON, Proprietor. This well•known establishment, the favorite resort of citizens and ',letters, has lately undergone oaten dive repairs, and fa now one of the most commodious, elegant, a n d thorough hotels In the Union ; beautifully located at tho corner of PIPTH and PENN ilireete, Beading Its accommodations are drat-class; the MOMS semitone and airyand the table aonetintly cup plied with ail the luxuries of the Reason. Perrone de• eiroueof spending a few weeks In the Bummer In an agreeable and eau:minket manner, could not do better than maim a trial of Di)EIRBDIPIi MANSION NOM lkoadlog 1034 ESS.-pthLAppLmA; SATtItIDA pIIRE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANWAOTUBBDBY THE MECHANIO.44,:.)2I . AKERY, OLW BE OBTAINED:fT ITOrYOLLOWIWEI 11810HANIOAL BANEBY, Lb W. coiner of Drawl and Inn? streets.‘ , IV - W. corner Tirelfth end Walliee streets. Poplar 'street - below Tenth. ' 8.. .9 corner Mirth anti Coated streets. . , No. 4011 Oallowklll street , No. 910 Opting, Gerden West. No, 1928 Vine street, J. ORAVENiITINJJ, 0.11. CLARE, H. MoIMIG, MM. 8. 13.1108, 3. PANCIOABT, lOHN Gr MOSBY, T. P. SMITH, T. 0. HORNM .street. E, 0. E. corner 111th and W. W. MATHEWS sprnee streets. , E. E °miter Eleventh and . . Looast streets. Broad street below Wal- D. sxzaar, - n at. GROWS GARVIN, — ' Nap 14 1 9 Lombtird MMM!!!!M D. 00DRTNIDI, and Plzto iltreatel. Fourth axad Germintoin 8. IL MASON, Road. B. R. WANAMARRA, Yisteng street -above Math. Corner south Fourth and Z. LINTS, Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND, E. W. corner Ehiteent Ogden streets, DAVID BADDLER, , No. 200 North Eleventh BEMEMI I. WEIGHT/FUN Jeffers , n streets. O. 8. TOMPIEINEI, ' No. 1040 North Iron DMIMI H. BROOKS, and Pine streets. ;ADM MYERS, Costes street billow Thir teenth street. B. M. WOOD, 8, W. corner Franklin and Unites etreets. P. MORRO, N. W corner Tenth and Bhippen streets. B. B, TITBNIII%, No. 1216 Banat front street, L 81100T1aS, O. W corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLBBT, Corner Nineteenth street and liege avenue. B. B. BOWN, N. B. sooner Ninth and federal strtlota. J. motnyas, Twent7•seoend street ab. Cotten. E. W. MINIMS, Costes street above Seven ' • - teenth. • - ULU. itILLEBTON, Corner of fifth and Chris. - thin. - - "L L.lllOllB, i Cam Bea, N. J., store 110 • •Arab street. O. R. RUMOR, Welt P btladelphla, 88th et, ' above Revertant road: R. L. TARNZILL, Leant, l'euna. JOHN MLUNDT. ilrimbnt and Pine (trove Penns. Reading, .Penna M. B. PDX, 010. D. TOWNSEND, West Chester, Pea= Atbattle City, N. J GEO. L.,BIGHER, JAHNS GAUL ND, Cape May, N. J R. HORTON, ilorenoe, N.J.', JOHN NODDY, . Wilmington, Del Je24t . • MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. corner OA BROAD and VINS Streets, hilsdeiphts. Tien e•tabliehmeatie now in eumessful operation de and :Mit, and all are respectfully invited to ea and see the whole proem of bread mating for them selves. The undersigned takes the liberty of saying that for thirty Ave years he has been airactioal baker—five as apprentice, and five as journey an in one of the Bret houses In Scotland, and twenty -re as muter-arliiring which time he hashed the opportunity of making many eiperimenta and observing all the Improvements which have been made during that period. In this establishment, of which he has now the man agement, in addition to the complete labor-saving ma chinery, he has now facilities of many kinds not here tofore poesessed. • Being unrestrained in the purchase of flour, none but the soundest ens beet shall ever be used ; and he has no hesitation in saying that bread of 'all kinds can be de livered, ann.:trimmed in quality and weignt to that made in the ordinary process. - /amnion in which %I:tetrad made by the Mechanical Bakery hats not been tried. or in which it has been tried only at its commencement, before the machinery was In perfect working Order, me respectfully arked to give it a trial now—the undersigned believing it eatild lead to mutual advantage. my24-tf 3Othi G. milk, Bttplt. Noti tti. NOTIOE TO SHIPPERS oB LOOAL,P,MIGLIL' The rfi,ritili Le &NIA. BaILBOAD OOMPANY are no* prepared to receive and forward Preight to tie' following points On the' NORTHICHN OINTMAL BMW) A.D Look Itayen, Wayne, Jersey 13hcire, Linden, Neirbury, Williamsport, Mouoy, WstsontOßn, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Banbury, 'Beaverton Intereeotion Oeorgetown, Miller/town, Hatitai, . York, ' Hanover Junction. ALSO. Gettvaturgy wad all inter nsdlatop' oLuts on HANOVER RAILROAD. All goods sect to ganlght Station, TSISTIENVE and Al aBICST Streets, will be promptly forsirded. Bes 8 L 52710b0811, Yreigbt Agent.' QIIFERIN ENDKNT'S OFFICE, ME— OHANIOA.L BAKERY, S. W. corner BROAD and NINB Streets . ..tiolloll.....Those rrhu have made ap• plloation lot the phrehaee of the, Bread of this *stab • liihment foi dbtntdition, and ethers deelrone of do ei en, era informed that the rind/manned le noir ready tb make Arrangements with thorn, to take elNet from and after the Alth J. G. MOXEL 3,1 St - Superintendent. • NOTYOE.—AII persons indebted to JOHN LltNoli, Agent for 11. B. HUBBOID & BON,, are hereby notified to pay no monies, notes, drafts, or Settle teal; aooceinte due to the said JOHN - ft LYNOtt, Agent, with any other persona than the Undersigned, nnieis by his written order. JOHN B. LYNCH Philadelphia, July 1et.1859. jyB 6Pa NOTIPM.—An application will be made a Ui tre d in=la iii - 1) '" : .— e2A,7 . 1;r3 “g7a`ai hacking privileged, *Rh eapital of TWO MIN DRED AND PIPPY TEInIISAND DOLLARS, to be called the AIAWIJFACTUBBMS. BANK, to be located in the city of Philadelphia. 7y2.8 6m iIIiFFIOE OF THE WYOMING CANAL 0 3 MPANY, 823 WALNUT Btreet, PLIMADELPHIA 3 July 6,1869. NOTICE —The Coupons due the 16th Inst., on the bonds of THE WYOMINGLIANAL COMPANY. will be paid on preseotation tht BANK OF NORTH AMERICA In Philadelphia. on end atter that date. j9 B • 1 1 h 011.011118 Pennell, Tre?Snrer. IOTIOt.-4-Peraons having baldness with the PLOVII INBPBOTOR, Will tall et No. 34 N Street, between tb6 hours or 9 °Week and 8 P. AL, where they irillfbad the Inalleator,orbiglieptity, P. M. gi.EBT.Ba. Q. M. LAVIIIA.N, jrll Vlonr Inspector. , ' Q.PEOLilLt i ltOTlOk.—bealekii iri Gaodyealea Patera for Valcaal,sed gabber Baspeadara, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by oombin. tag abed= substances with threads or ghetto of =loan teed rubber arenotitled that unless the game areproperly stamped or labelled with my name, end by my aathari• ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United Staten Merchants and dealers are invited to examine I fni? rt e rra n d o e w :tb s .er i::id c e u re d itierd t l e X t t e l l la3 r ßri r t TNT. .14, Or THZ TITLES A N D Ex OLTIbIVIN RIGHTS IN THE PATINT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufsetured or imported, and many others. All3O, LIVIINB7B,TO MANITIPANTURN AND BILL —imitate Ternuk—. may be obtained on application to rie at No. 93 OGIDATLANDT Ettrqat, N. Y. n 24-1 tratiAoli 11. DAY. Otteineoe earbe. 01 1 71011 OF «THIRTEENTH AND YIYTIISNTII•STILIUTS PASSIMORS RAIL WAY VO+ISANY OW PHILADEILSHIA Boom lio. 4 'ALLOWS BOILD/14913, 41i1 WALNUT Street, myl4 tt pat ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE Ste CHESTNUT street, lorwarde Parcels, Path. saco. Moreheadhie, Earth Note!, and Specie, either by its Own Linee, or in connection with other hnprece COMpiaien, to all the prinelpal towns and cities of the United States. E S. SANDFORD, aul•N General Superintendent. ALEX. MoKINNEY, ATTORTIn AT LAW, GM:WM SUB% PA, Win preatise In Wootmoreland, Armstrong, ind In dun odnation. solLtr AUGUST BELMONT, DANIalt, 76 BEAVIIN STREIT, Issues Letters of Credit for Travellers, avalloble fn all parts of the world, through the Messrs. Rothel6l4 of Paria, London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna, and their Correspandenta. ml7-am garbware Piro THE HARDIVARE TRADE.--Tho subecrlbers, AGENTS FOR THE BALE OP FO REIGN AND DUSIESTIO HARDWARE, offer for sale the following goods at lowest rate, : Lewis' impe ller :Chelan of all kinds, including trace, log, halter, fifth, breast, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, mine, and other Ohaine ; P. Wright's ' patent and other Anvils and Vices; "L I , Horse Nails; round and oval Bake Pans; short and long handle Fry Pane, Excelsior Safety Fuse for blasting rooks; Bed Screws; Anturloan Slates, Black. board ()rayons and Carpenters' Chalk; Table and Pocket Cutlery; Out Steel Piles and Rasps; Out and Wrought Butt Hinges ; Strap and "T" Hinges; Gimlet Screws; Emerson's Rases Strops; Hodges' Mahogany Knobs; Whites' Braces; Shovels. and Spades, all kinds; Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, and Hoes ; Southgate's patent Wrenches; Looks and Latches; Door and Shutter Bolts ; Hand, Sledge, and Stone Hammers; Hooks and Hinges ,• Tacks, Bride, Shoe, Mout, sad Ninielaina Nails; Wrought Nails; IClng , a Stooks and Dies; Batch's Tea and Counter Scales ; Curry Combo, American and English; Scythes , Scythe Stones, and Rifles; Douglass' Pumps and Rams; Molasses Oates; Faucets; Saws of all kinds; Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, with a general assortment of Haidware W. G. GEWIS k SON., 411 COMMERCE Street. JqrldEAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE' OW. LRCM El 00 AL .—ANNOUNOMMMN T.—Un. ti GREAT let, we will cell our large stook of freshly mined superior LEIII4II COAL, embraoing the agile. brated West Spring Mountain and Wlikesbarre, and the Lehigh Naeigation Company's Coal, at the to/lowing rates Stove else St 00 per ton. in " 876 i , Broken" 3 76 It Nut t , 826 ~ After the let proximo an advance of 25 cents per ton NODENRIIID & nommEL, Wilkesbarre Coal Pepot, WATLR Street above Oallowhill, and let Wharf above Oallowhill street, Delaware. Philadelphia, June 10.1869 1011-1 m THEO. D. EMORY & 00.' OPPIOH No. 182 Routh 201111TH Di., Phlle 801 e Agouti: of ONO. C. POTTS & !inners sod Shipperi of the I,OOIIBTD.A.La 00AL, Prom the Loenet Mountain, Neer /Lehland, ap2.Bm] SOHMTLRILL CODPITY. Pa. V. W. GROOMS: & - Dealers awl nalppere of 1301111YLKILL, and BROAD OF SEMI BITUMINOUS 00A1.. nee No. 1811 both FOURTH Street. Street, below RIMIL gIidADELPFA. WEI{ A,ll- 6Sgagl i tt. L i gl(sl - BtePr' .. PHILADDLPHI WILRLII GTOR;'&49:47. ANTI .. MORD RAILROAD,` Un and eIterMONDAPI Jul,* atli/86v.' ' PA1111132131211 TRAINS LHAVH-PIIIL BEI:PH/A; ' For Baltimore; at 8.5 A ,I 2 ko9A, (1111praea,)_and 11:10 PM.' For Theater at 815 A. M.,.1d noon, 4:110,- and 111.0 ,• - - ; For Wlllningtoa at 8.16 A', M., 12, 4.80, and 11.10 For New posttest 8.15 A. M., and 480 1 5 . Mr , • , Por 61188leteern at 8.16 A M.,,aad 4.80 P 20. • • -, For Dover at 8.15 A. 131., and 4 BO P. M. Par Bodoni at 8.114 A 51., end 490 P. M. - • . P RAINO FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 0 80 A. IL, (Expritee,)9.4o A.M., and 5.25 P. M. - Leave Wilmington 13.55 A. M.., and 9.20 A. M.,1.10 and 8.401% M." Leave New Castle at 8.45 A. U., and 7 40 P. M. Leave MidastOica at 760 A 1H and 884 P. M. Leave Dover at 0 60 A. VI, and 5 25 P. M. Leave Buford at 5.15 A. U., led 2 46 P. M. Leave' Cheater at 7.44, 960 A. M., 1.46 and 0.15 P.. ' lreaf6Haltlgiore for Seaford and Delaware Railroad at 6.80 and 9.40 A. M. 115 North Fifth TRAII4B FOR BALTIMORE, Leave Cheater at 8.40 A. Ed., 12.28 cad 11. 40P. M. Leafs, Wilmington at 994 A. 81.,12 65 P. AL, and 12.20'41:111. Only at 11.10 P Bl.,lgnil 7 l;iradelpida to Baltimore. -Only at 5,26 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. P/1310112 TRAIN, with PASBNNGER OAR attached, " • will run as follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places, at 5.45 P. Al. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate thkeell at I 25 P. M. . Leave Havre-de.ersee for Baltimore tad intermediateplarea at 6.40 A. M Lute Baltiolore for IYavre•ded}race and intermediate places at 5 40 P. M. Leave Wilothigton for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 5.40 P. N. Ira S. U. HELTON. President. NEW , WEST CHES., - Tra AND PUILADELPIIII RAILROAD via M P,Df 811,11MSR A RRANORMBNP. • On and 'after hl AY 29th, 1869 the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Station, N. R, corner of EIGEITYLNNTH and MARKER Streets, at 7 and 11 A. Ir., and 2, 480. and d 10 P. M. Leave .Weet Ohebter, from-the Station, on - RASP MARK= Street, at 0 80, 8 80, and 11.80 A. M., and 2 nude 45 P. 81. .•• . , ON iiIINDANP—Loave PhtLaaelpbts at, 8 A Id., sad 2 D. 21. Leata West Chanter at 780 A. .11. and 638 P.M. BENDY WOOD, m328-tt General Stipertoteadent ... }EASE „Fo(R),R. THE SEA oUltAlitil oRANERENT.' °ARDEN AND ATL RAILROAD ONLY TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SHORE. An and after SATURDAY, May l ist, and until ,for. thin. notice. three daily trains to Atlantic, and , return. - On SUNDAYS, the Mail Train only will ran. First, Mail Train, leaves Vineatreet Ferry..? 80 A. 61. Second, Express, ". ..4 00 P. IL Stopping only for wood and water.r" Freight Train (wire Pedberiger Oar attiehed).4 88 A. 61 Accommodation Train, (Egg Harbor,) leases Vine. street 4 60 P. Id, LEAVES ATLANTIO OZTY. first, Express, Train leaves 0 00 A. 81. Second, Mall, '" 440 P. NI, Freight, as 12.10 A. M. Accommodation Train leaves Egg F1arb0r....6.00 A. M. SIINDIY TRAIN. Leaves Vinearreet Ferry at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Atnuitic at.... 8 P M. This Train will Mop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, and Atemoom. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Cooper's Point 11.00 A. EL Leaven Haddonfield. 100 P. Si. Lesion Ommei.s Polbt .... . ....... : . 2.00 P. M. Leaves Haddonfield 8 00 P Fare to Atlantic, when +bikeda are purchased before Mitering the cars 51 80 Round Trip Tickets, good for two days, on any regular train 52 AO -*On and after July 2d, and every Saturday through the 'Summer, the Egg Harbor Accommodation Train will run through to Atlantic, and return early on Monday morning. - 'freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by 1 P. It. The VompanY will not be responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the Point. myl9.darpl JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. aligniEnti PHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAIL ROAD, MORNING LINK. for POTTSVILLE, READ ING And HARRISBURG, Leaven the 'Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Btreet3, at 7.80 A al., DAILY, Mondays excepted,) for POTTSVILLE. HARRISBURG, and alt intermediate white, connecting at Herr!chars with trains ranning to MLitt - fog, Obamberaburg Oarilele, Sianbrui &a. Leave at 330 P. Et., DaILV, for POTTSVILLE and lIARDISBIIIIG. At 446 P. R., DAILY, (inodayo excepted,) for MUD NO, And ittefrooditte potato 10.8 W. 11. I.lolLUDlNNY.l3eeratary. affiIitMNOTICE.--CHESTER VALLIY RAILROAD —PAB BANGER - TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TBRIADDIATE,STATIONB —On and after lat Janu ary, phip The yaerepger Train* for DOWN/NOTOWN, will Maxi from the: Tiaiertgar Depot of the Philadell phia and Readlna Railroad Company. oorner of BROAD end VINE Stree t MOILNINia TRAIN for Dinnilugtown, leaves at 7.20 h.. M. AYTXBNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, /meg a 4.45 P M. DAILY, (I)tuidays exeopted.) By order of the Board of Managers of the ?Wade phis and Beading Railroad Oompiny. COO Ise - NoTLUILNATITY. Sheratarr. fi I'EtILADELPIIIA AND Pi LHIRA BAIL• ROAL LINE —QU LOBBOr tiOUTB to Elmira, Wilkes. barre, Buffalo, Chicago, Book Island, Niagara Falia, Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, Bt. Paula, Detroit, Dunlieth, and bt. Loran. ' 'Pa.aanger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad "'spot, corner BROAD and VINE liirnotfl daily. (Buodaya excepted.) as (mimeo : 7 JO A.! M.. DAY EXPRIMEL . . For Blmira, Niagara Bann, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago Billwautes, Book bland, (igloos, Bt. Pattiz, Burlington, and Bt. Louie, P. M , matt+ EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Boa Inland, Galena, Be, Paula, Darlington, and Bt. Louis. • ' 'A The 7.80 A. M. and B.BOP. M. trains run through to 11111410.111311 G, stopping at all Stations on the Lehr,. notriVillov Branch, The 1.80 A. M. train conneets et Rupert, for Wilkes• bane, Pittston, Bortaiton, end all Actions on the LACK &MANNA AND BLOOMBOURG RAILROAD. B•gg•ge checked to 'Elmira, Buttslo, and Buspension Bridge. Tfcbeta can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira ItaillrOad Litte , n Voket Office, Northweet corner of SIXTH and 011E8 MUT Street+, and at the Pecan ser IlepToorrlarlitst mix awerrnvir-,- • TIIBOUGLI EXPRESS PREIGEST TRAIN . „ Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Tine. daily, tennday exeepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 P. hi. Freights mast be deliveredbefore ft P. M. to insure going the seine day. for fatther informealon,apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Vitae, Or to CHAS b. TA PPEIN, General Agent, N. W. owner birth and Chestnut Streets, ,001.11 Philadelphia 1859. Egisummig 185 - 9. atlm ABE ANDEMENT—N TORE LINES TUE C AMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEILVA AND TRENTON BAIL nOAD Co 13 LINES, ' 1111061 PIiILIDELPIIIA TO NEW YORE AND WAY PLACES. PUS IveLnetitraxXX *mazy, Will leavens follows, yid : At 6 A. M. via Camden and Amboy, 0. Lb A. Ac. commodation " 22 25 At 6 A. M., via Cainden end Jersey City, (New jersey) Aoconur.odsition 2 25 At PA. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 800 rAt rt A. 81 , by Steamboat, via Tammy and Jersey City, Morning Express, 8 00 At 2 P. if., via Camden and Amboy, 0. to A. Ex press 800 At 8g P M , by Steamboat, via Tasony and Jer sey City, Evening Express 8 00 At ily‘ P. M., by Steamboat, via Tawny and Jer sey City, 2d Cisme Tioket 226 At 0 P. 111., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 800 At 11 P. 51., via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mail 2 25 At 2XY IL, via Camden and Amboy, Acebmmodation, areight and Passengem—let Class Ticket-- 225 2d Chum Ticket 150 At 6E 11.,via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (freight and Passenger)—let Class Ticket.... 2 25 24 Class Ticket.... 1 76 The' 6 P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Mail. Saturdays excepted rD. Express Lines stop at Principal Stations only. Par' Belvidere, EDAM], PiCalagioO, lbe., at 6 A. N. and 34 P. M. YorMater Clap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre Montrose, Great Bend, tto, OA . , via Delaware Lackeiraraut, and Weatern Railroad. Nor ilreehold, at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. For oant Roll, at 0 and 9A. M.. and 2X, 4) aad P. IL MIE;MIIENI For IPalmyra, Delano° Beverly, Burlington, Bor. dentown, &a., at laud 231 P. M. Steamboat Rickard Stockton, for Taoony at 11 A. M., and fOr BordentoWu and Intermediate places at SX P. H. Btesinboat John Neilson, for Tacony at 8N A. M , and for lirtetoi, Burlington and udermediate places, at 12 M. and 4)4 P. M. Bitty pounds of baggage only allowed each paratmger. Pasaar*era are prohibited from taking anything no beg. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over flfty pounds to be paid for extra.. The company limit their reepontibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, ar.d will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, ex cept by epeoial contract. Yung 1 , WM. It. GATZlitglt, Agent. atimmm . PHILADELPHIA, ,G.IIRBIestiTOWN, AND tvuuttlefuW.N Hat natunl.) —WASHER ARRA GE. ALENTB,—, On and atter•Monday, May Etth,11,69, until Darthernolice. Lem, Phi!alelphis 6,7, 8, BX, min., 1011) 12 A. 31 , 1 , 2 1 8 , B X, 4 , 8 , B X, 8 , 7 , 8 , 9, 38, and, / 3 P. EL • Leave Germantown 6,7, 7N, 8 , 854, 9, 10, 11, A. M., 12X,1, 2,8. 4,6, 6, eg, 734, 8, 9,1034 P. M. ON 6UNDATB, Lem Philadelphia 9.06 Mill. A. it., 2,8, 6,7) and' 1034 P. 61. LesTo liermsntown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 .mtn., 4 ON, end 9,N P. M. OREBTIIIIT MILL RAILROAD. Lem Philadelphia 8,8, 816, 11, A. M , 2, 3,4, 4, 514, 6, max P. 81. LElSTOOkestnnt 111117.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40,1145 A.M., 12.40, 1.40, 5 40, 7.10 , 8 40,10,10 P.X. ON BIINDAYI3, LOAM Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. M., 2,5, and 7.1( P. M. Leave Oheatnut 11111 7.60 A. 31,12.60, 0.10 snd 8.66 P. M FOR 00N8DOTIOOREIN AND NORRISTOWN - . . Leave Philadelphia 6, 8.05 min., 30 05 min. mg A. M:,l 08 min., 3.05 min. 4)E, 5%, 8 %, 1 1 7( P.M." M. Leave Norristown 0,7, 0, /IA. 0)(, 4,16, 11, 7 P. M. • Lewre,Phllsdelphfra ef.,il,j'a 4Y. m LeayeiNortiMown 7 A. M., 1 and 0 P. M. ____FOR MANAYIINK Leave Philadelphia 0, 7.E5 min., 8 05 min ,93i, 10.05 1131( A. M. 1.05 min ., 205 rein.,8.05 , Leave SM, kyr M 4, ug m. inayunk 0%, 7%, 8 %, 0 %, log 11% M. 1%,8.0 mtn,4,5,6%,8,005min.P.51. Leave Philadelphliii Lave Atansjunk 7g A. M., IN, 6,4,814 P. tr. E. SHIT)", Hectors' Itiportntendent myl • DEPOT. NINTH and ORDEN Its. CARD.--MAREIILL—SUR—AY (CRAM pAGNN), JANUARY 16, 1869.—1 n consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wilma' to the United Staten, I beg leave hereby to Inform my former cus tomers, and the public In general, that I have sp. polntedbieters. Y. 0, BROUWER, ANOHAR, & CO,, Role Agentsin the Untt#4l3tates, for the sale of y Oh a mpagne Wines. LI Ines have been no long and favorably known in the United States, it will be un necessary to oomment on their isallry, farther than to say that my new shipments will in no way be found in. feriorto the former ones, SILT:ROAST SALMON. BILLSOAIIT SALMON'S OHAISIPAGNII WINZB, both OASINIST and VERZEINAY, for sale and con stantly on hand, In lots to stilt purchasers, by . Y. 0, E1601:119.161R, &NUMB, &00 orMon2 eIIkIIAVBB Eltpat, Now Yolk, ltlitraUF it BUNDAYS iiiiiiiiiii EZZIEM YOE. GIRMANTOWN ON BUN.DAYS, ON BIINOAYB,. 1859. Baiiraas ,NORTEC PENNSYL vANIA RAILROAD. • " swim alt. ARRANGEMENT. • •,Por BETHLEHEM, D0T413.9 NH. EASTON, A1,LENT0.599- - MA.UO/1 OIRUNJI, BASLE toll Avitazmoquo, AO • , On and after MONSAir, May 18th. 1869 Passenger 'Trains will leave PRONTand•WILLOWBIMds Stelphla, DAILY, lltedaYs.ancepted:) : Sok .Bethlehem . Allentown Manch Chunk - , Wilkes ' •'Myra, Hazleton. Ao., (Expect ) —9.88 A..M. Poe Bethlehem' "(Enema) at 400 P. M: Pbi Doylestown, (Accommodatkrn,) at - 8 16 A. and 6 P.M. .Por Port Washingren, (Acpommodatlon,) at 2 16 P M. and 8 20P. M. TRAINS POR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem; (Expresed at 8 A. 14 and 4 10 P. M. Leave Doyleatoevn , (Aeoomm°4 6lo l Vat at and 4P. M. Leave Port Washington , (Accommodation.) at 80 A. M, and 886 P.M ON SENDAYS: Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at.. 9 A. M. and 8 P. Id Doylestown, for Phllada.. et 6 80 A. M. and 6 46 P.M. Pare to Bethlehem. $1,130; to Manch Ontink, $2 60 to Boston $1.60; to Doylestown, 8D cents; to Wilkes barre, $4 80 All Passenger Trains, (except Sundae Trains) con. node at Berk. etreet with Pffth and Siatb•etreeta and eeeend and Third streets Passenger Railroads. Passengers' for Wilkestoarre take 980 A AI, Train, and wit% In wukersbans at 1 p. 9114,18 OLABK. Agent. PLEN PENNSYLVANIA OENTR A L RAILROAD. • 1859. Nismn 1859: THE OAPAOITT OP THIS M 1 4 IS EQUAL TO ANY IN• TH E CORP. THREE THROUGH PASSE D-I NOSIR TRAINS BETWEEN PEILADELPBIA AND PITTSBURH, 00nneoting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston; New York and all points east, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Oin. oinnati, St Lords. Olevland, 011icago, Burlington, St. Paula, Indianapolis, Louisville New Orleans, and all Intermediate points in Ohio, Indiana, WUHAN, Ken. Way, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota - Missouri, San cta, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of haat:gars unsurpassed for, speed and comfort by any other route.. Express and Pant Lines nun through to Pittsburg without change Of Cara or Conductors. Stunting Clara aro attached to each Train ; Woodrnifit Meaning oars to Express and Past Trains, The BE- I PUESs RUNS DAILY : Mall and Past Linen Sundays exceP ted. - Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. • • Past Line ,• 66 11.50 A. M. Express Trafn loaves « 10 60 P.M. IPAir TRAINS LAVE AS rOLL01611: Parksabrtrg Accommodation et 11 A M.- llarrisbnrg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. Si Ooldmbia 4.50 P. H. Passengers for *est Mester will take the Mall, Parbeaborg, awl Lancaster Trains, at the Pennaylva niaßailro,d Passenger Eltation. Passengers fnr Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Be fah), Niagara rails, and intermediate Plata, leaving - Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. go dkroota7 through. • Tickets Westward may be obtained at the o . lBee o: the Company in Philadelphia New York, Boston, or , Baltimore; and Tickets Eastwa rd at any of the import • set Railroad Canoes in the West i also on board any of the renlar Line of Steamers on the hliaaissippi or Ohio RO4fa. Pare always as low as any other ROM°. "the completion of the • .tirestern cot:Motions of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, makes thin the DIRECT LINE BET WEAN TE_S 11.4.8 T AND Till GRRAT IiORTRWIST. The eonneeting of traoks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoidlog all drayage or ferriage of freight, together with the eavin of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of freight and the Travelling Public. FRITGIITS WESTWILUD By this Route Freights of all description/tun be for warded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston or Baia ,mire, to any point on the Railroads a Ohio, KentookY Indiana, Illinois, Wiscorotin ;awe , or bliracittri, bj Railroad direct. ' . ' • The Pennsylvania Railroad also oonneots at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Woods can be forwarded to any port on the - Ohio, Muskingum, Reniuoky, Tennessee, Cumberland, IllinoLs, fdississippl, Wisconsin ' Missouri, Kamm Arkansas, and Red Rive•s; and at Oleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago with Steamers to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants' - and Shippers entrusting the transport'• Lion of .heir freight , to this Company, can rely with confidence on its elpeedv transit. - TRU RATES OF WRIIIQIIT to any point in the West by the PenneylTania Railroad are at all times as favorable are charged by other Railroad Coln. prudes. ' 117 Rai ad Be partionlar to mark peokagea ( I via Penna. lro " Merchants, in the West ordoring goods from the Rut, wili'do well to direct them to be shippett by Cabs Route for freight Contracts, or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following agents of the Company: D. A. ETEW . / . 4k,T , Pittabnr gl Doyle & 00., Bteubenvini` 0. ; 11, Tierce & Co. Zanesville, O.; J.J. Johnston , 81007,0 ; R. McNeely. Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby & Cropper. Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock & Jeffersonville, Indiana; H. W. Brown & Co., Cinoitinatl, 0. ; Athern & chinati, 0. ; R. C. sleldrnm, Madison, Ind ; Bingham, Lodisrille, Hy.; P. (1 °Miley k Co., Evan& Ind -, N. 17. dratiem & Co.. Cairo. Saes, St. Louie, Mo.; John H. Hanle, Nashville, Tenn.; Mania & Hunt,Memphis, Tenn.; Clans & Co., Chi cago, 11l ; W.H. H. Koontz Alton, Ill.; Murphy & Dulinque,'lll • or to f reight &genie of Rail roads at different points in the West Parties attending to their o*n shipments from the Zest, will And it to their Intereet to call on the Agents of the Company at the folios/log places before shipping; or letters addreeeed to either of them on the s ub jec t of feights, will meet with prompt attention. E. J. BNEEDER, Philadelphia. U. 4 °RAW & KOONS, 80 North street Baltimore. - LA NOR & CO., 2 Allier Honest, orlB. , st., N.Y. LAAOO. & 00. 54 Kilby street, Boston. H. 11. HOUSTON, Hen , ' Freight Agent, Phila. L L LIOUPT,Ren'I Ticket Agent, • 'THOS. A. 800 O T, 40101 Supq, Altoona, Pa. $1)401• U. S. M. STEAMERS t..v 101 11 &FRE AND SOUTLIADIT VON, ABAGO. Captain Lines, will sail July 23, Beptembe 17, November 1/ - FULTON Captain Wotton, will sail August 20, Octo ber 15 December 10. Rif et abin Waage 5'1 , 0 &bond Cabin _tamale 75 For freight. or P.Mage, ap~fl to W5l NEILSON, Aunt, At the Warehousing Slompany4 Ikkiladelphia Othee, Tobacco Warehouse, POOH :Wee% phis jets Om " .# FOR THE SOUTR--ORARLES- I'•. •• TOI4,OAVASINAH, and HAVANA STIAM. Bsi 8. HAYSTONII ETAT), Captain o.s. Mar= STATS 080ItGIA, Captain John I. ISABAL, CaOtain Wen, Rollins. FOB CHABLBSTON, 8. 0. The II S. Mill Steamship KNYSTONJI BTATa. • pain altmomnosontraail on Tuesday, July 12, at 10 o'clock A. 31. 808 SAVANNAH, Ga. The U. S. Hail Steamship /OATH Or GIORGIA, Capt. John J. eosin, will sail on Saturday, July id, at 10 A at The splendid Srat-elase aide-wheel Steamships NAY STONE STATN and Emeori f7P or.onem now run as .kbore every ten days, thus forming a five-day dofa. rounication • with the South and Sonthweat.. daylV' Goods repaired end bills of lading eigned every At both Charleston and Savannah these ships eon. neat with steamere for Florida, and with raltroads, &0., for all planes in the South and Southwest, and with. the Steamship .113A.BNL, for Havana, on the 4th Ind 3.9 th of every month. FREIGHT DEDUCID. Heavy Freightot au average of 16 par Cent below New York etetonship rate'. INA/BANC/I. Freight and Insurande on a largo proportion of Goode shipped Smith Will be found to be lower by these ehipe than by soiling vkasela. N.'R.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight le entirely unnecessary, (either thin chariest*. and Savannah, the Railroad Companine taking all make from these points, Cabin Damage"to Oharleston and Savannah 516 00 Sternum u et ee 00 Excursion Tickete, good for the proeent year.... 110 00 Tickets to Havana ' 65 00 Through Ticket* to New Orleans 89 16 Do Mobile 36 00 Do Montgomery 26 00 Do Albany, Ga 24 00 Do Oolumbne (Ia 23 00 Do Atlanta, d 8 23 03 Do ' Maoon, Oa 21 00 Do Palatka, Pia 23 00 Do Pleolata, Fla 23 00 Do Jacksonville, Pla 21 00 Do Fernandina, Ins 21 00 No bills of lading eigned after the shlp has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to A. HIRON, Tr., Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agent* in Charleston, T. 8. 1 T. G. BUDD. It Savannah. 0 A GRIMIN tr. 00 THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERIOAN /I 0T A L MAIL BUIABI BUM. 810 X NEW TORE TO LITBEFOOL °hid Cabin Pmaage.. Broond Cabin Pamage, 7808 BOSTON TO LIYBUPOOL CMdMataNmme.. BemodoolnPumage Tho ships from Boston call at Madan. PERSIA, Capt. ,Indlnns, CANADA, Capt Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt ASIA. Capt. R. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander, AYRIOA, Oapt. Shannon, son, XIIROPA, Capt. J. Leitoh. These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone, /ehres Boston, Wednesday, July 13. A.IA, Lott, N York, Wednesday, July 20. CANADA, Lang, Bostnr, Wednesday, Amy 21. Ag 040 A, ohato.on, " DI York, Wednesday. Aug ICAO e'Ar, Leitch, 44 Boston, Wednesday, Aug 10. PERSIA, Judkx.rs, " N York, Wednesday Aug. 17. ARABIA Stone, -Boston, Wednesday, nog 24. Berths not secured until paid for. Au experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of thee Wipe will nut be accountable for (told, Silver, Bullion, Specie, - Jewelry, Precietes Stones or Metals, unless bille of lading are signed therefor and theeelner thetoof therein expressed. Pot freight or passage apply to B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. New York. GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STNAMSLUP COMPANY.-BTDATI TO W.lag:MOW, LIVhDPOOL, BIALFART, DUBLIN , AND LONDONDRIMY—forpO. FR NNSW TOIK. .. GLASGOW, Thomson, Saturday, 11th May at 12 noon EDIN BIIBGII„Ottouning, Wednesday, Ist Juan " GLASGOW, Tampion, 6th lIDINDURGII, Gumming, , t 27th July, nest GLASGOW, BDINBURGB, Gumming, Saturday, 7th May. GLASGOW, Thomson « 11th June. EDINBURGH. Gumming, 2d July. Rates of Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to (Hasson, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Londonderry, font clase, 878. Steerage, found with in abundance of properly cooked provisions, 830. An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer No charge for inedloines. Pot freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN do CO., No. 128 WALNUT r treat, Phila. ROBERT CRAIG, N 0.28 BROADWAY, New York. [VI INTON's ENUAUSTIO TILEII for Ly-al. floors. Ornamental Obl..ney Topa for cottagee. Garden VILSeII anti Potuatatua. Vitritied Pipe for drama and water eanduators. Imported and for age by 8..8. 118R111801i, 1010 011881.801` 8 tent DRILLS & SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT BROWt4, DLIMOIIED DLTIE DRILLS. HEAVY /r. LIMIT 8118IETINGS, &Man , for Export, for sale by sOTHINGLIAto 24 SoutA FRONT ST., ¢ 86 LETITIA ST. oollav THEBpring business at ZEIGLER & 0511T11 , 8, corner of NECOND and (AMEN Streets, in opened with lb superior stook of Drugs, White Lead.; Zll3O Paiute Window (Hass, at.d all other arti cl es usually foundln a Whotenpin Drug, Paint, ani Wen estahliehment V.213•1f NAVAL STORES.-150 bbls Spirits Tur. prate* ; ;,00 bale Wdmiugtoe (N. U ) Tar, (ex tra 'rage bole;) 26ebble rueb, In gore and for tale by HOWLEY, A1311131:111.1i10R, & No 18 Put Wharves. je7.B DAVID P. MOORE, lIISOM 4 . TAMA No, SU 9/NE Otriret. PAO NMS!t _ _ 'A_„ gaits bp, 'Auction. • . 311 THOMAS , • Noe. 186 'and & 14c 6 1 / I )l9Et FOURTH FITNINT. ronuarly Noe. 6l.and 69.) - .LiTOOllB AND REAL ZSTATII—hintAYki 1430: Pani p 6let o 4ta love4oov7read7 r ooletalniog-tnll dt• 'eothitldSe' of all the property 'to - fro - eold on TERN! ity kat, - I.2tii • lust,' iiith 1.14 of ealee - ;16:12 and. - 23 d 6th d tigast. " PunvriitthesTATE. OAR D,. r l u ,ioly wad enema we act hod epil, cadent' Wes, as heretaore r not eve, y week,_,Ss fh the butt Does steam. Thntetend tele. on the 12th instant at 8 _O'olook in the evening. at the Rzeita.ite. Bale of the ,6 Cotellt and Nickel Werke," 18th lost. lota, at 0 - merem Hall " Hotel, CAPI MAY, 28d Instant - Bee lithogra,bie photo. "The United States Hotel," and 7 00 building lots, ATLANTIC CITY, thh ,Atigatt. irr• Bee handball!. 15T00118. &o. On Tuadaing, July 12'h, at 8 o'cl e ock, y at }ke , thee Philadelphia Si. change, will be cold_ For account of whom it may concern -600 ehares West Pittston Coal Company...par $2O. Also, rot otheracconota -2 *hares Phi;aielphis, & Havre de Grace Steam. Tow. Beat Company. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. 1 , 17. Pale Absolute. 1 share Philadelphia Athenamm. - - Par account of whom It may concern,— $750 Ostswlesa eecond mortgage 7 per cant, loan, in. tem; 014 y and bl , rember - '35 aheres Banbu r y and Brie Bail cOad Company, par $lOO. RA AL *MATT, 5.11.11--J7ILT 12th. Will include-- - Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Ehiabeth Mang, deeeased. VALCABLII LOT; 235 AORsB, ANE, about one mile from Blount Alry. and 1X m i le s northeast of Onertunt Hill. end 'within 2CO yards of the Willow. (trove Plank Ito d ' Vs' Clear of at incombrance. Rgeoutor's Bale—istats of Ills tbeth Lents, decid: PASS YTJ N It r iALL—Three.etory brick dwelling, and large lot of ground, No. 1810 Passionk ro.d, math west of Wharton Street; lot 82 feet front, 180 feet 'deep., ill- Clear of all locumbrande , - ,COATlid Snug r.—Two-atnry Brink building, ((i n.' tended ad a' book bnildisg,) and lot of ground, o. 1725 Costae etreetieut of Righteenth street. The lot is 100 feet, ext. nding to Olive strut, on which there is rood M band sinooher bonito LARC!' AND VALCABLR LOT, southwest oorner of Cope street and the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road (lee Illohmood), stout 86 fast front, and 75 feet deep along the Railroad, ~,- O lear • of all Menus broom.. • , - BRI PPNN BTRVllT:—Two.stoiy brick dwelling, No.: 232 Bbippen street, between , Second' and Third tenets; lot 20 by 100 Net. Notate of William Randolph, Eigartßr —Two three 'story brick 6m1..- .tinge, Nos b 24 end 326 Julianne street, nelhof Wood greet between F.fth and &nth streets.ll7x- Clear of all inesinibranee. Thee wilt be sold separately. • GERIIAN 'OWN —Two hand.ome new stone rough cast reeidenees, Ycilpeh Chen street, Ciermentocita , abnit ten minutes , dark from the depot. They ere nol , lted lo the best manner, with all the modern lot proiemen es and conveniences. They will be laid sepa rately. ssmo may remain on each. Immediate p.m bunion. . NORTH ELEVENTH STRIET.—Tflree dour brick dwelling. north Eleventh street, north of Poplar. VALUABLE LOT —Large and valuable lot,•North Fifth street Apple street and Wages ;neva, :three_ hor ce de 220 feet 10% Wale/ front - en fifth street DPlan at the auction WELLINGS,, TWELFTHto re. STREET Dwellings and lot of ground. east side of Twelfth street, south of Girard avenge, Twentieth W ar d. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 40 sores, with su perior sod valuable woodland, Slone house, &a on the Hook toad. about 2% miles foam Darby, and 6 miles front Philadelphia; • inset beautiful, healthy, and deal rata. location. • t - • TWO .‘ THHIA,R.BTO,nY BRIOH DWELLINGI. Three story brick dwelling: - No 027 Washington ave. nue (fotmerly Prime street), east of Tenth street, with a three-story, brick dwelling, In the rear on Larch street. - DESIRA BIG; FARM, 22 sari's; 90 perches, on Acade my road, Sunning from Bustletou to'Holmeeburg, about one mild from Buatastou 1 double stone hones, barn, &o. VALUABLE GERMANTOWN LOT.—Alio, a lot on Daway's lane, Germantown, 100 by 800 feet, to the Vicinity of elegant country 1 , 1314 MOUNT PLEASaNT BTRENT —Two-story brick dwelling, Mount Pleasant street, near the Fairmount basin. ' Bale at N0i.189 and lel South Fourth Street BIIPNIIIOII FUBNITUBI PEENOR PLAT) 1 1 ANO.1ORT11, i1it171911141 0110911711. On Thursday Morelos, At 9 o'olook, at the auction store, an assortment of eieellent seeon4-hind Wafture, elegant plane forted, dne mLrrors, carpets, 'Md., %ton "ferailles de. alining housekeeping, removed to the store for eon. venienee of sale. Asatgnee'a Poatponed Peremptory' Bole on the Pre THE OtMDEN COBALT AND NICKEL WORKS," On Monday, rattly 18th, 1859, at 12 o'clock,' noon, will be fold at public tale, without reaerve, by order of the Assignees of Wm. W. Pletulng,• All t'mt valuable satabliahmentknOwn al the .0 Cobtlt and Nickel Worts." wi•la wharf, dwell ings- /to , and lot of two arse. of land, a teats on the bank of Cooper's creek, within one mile of tie ferry, and half a n ile from month of Cooper's Meek, with a large front &leo on Larch etribt, Camden, _ ID" Clear of all incumbraoce. Er Sale absolute ROOMS ON HARMONY OOI7IIT TO RllNT.—Ap ply at the amnion store. AT PRIVATE ALB.--area In this Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries and Athens .= AP PRIVATE FALB —The yaluahle property, oor ner of Ptfth and Adelpht streets below Waktit, large brick banding end lot. 84 by 99J teat. Two tropic. TN THE oßpgAftSi cQttaT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PAILADEL#ELIA. Irstate of SP. NOSE ABS, TOON, &visaed. The An. Moe appointed by the Court to audit, ettle. and adjact the account of 30.313P8 A CLAY, admin. istrator of tirsreANuaa AitRATOON, dimmed, atd to report distribittion of the balance in the hands of the accountant..•fll meet the portico In toteraot for the purpo.es of hie appointment, on I USSDAY, the 19th day of 5ULY,14169, at his office, No. S 6 South THIRD Street, in the city of Philadelphia jy2 stutb-St 0 W. DAVIS, Auditor.; 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR T CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . - • . Estate of HANNAH. MoOLOBB, deceased. The /twitter appointed by The Court to audit, settle, end abet the aecount of SAMUEL B fricOLDEN. Executor of HANNAH EfaOLVtsN, demote. d. and to report distribution of the balance In the hands or the Miecutor, will meet tbapartiee Interested, for ibis pur pose of his appointment, on MONDAY, the 11th dal of JULY,IBO9, at 11 Well:mit A. M , at hie Mike, No. 627 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia je2B.tuthr6t SANIONL 0. PERELNA, Auditor... ~1-[1,7 TO COURT OF COMRON , FLEA - FOR Tat °Mr AND WIMPY OP PEPLUM. path. AgOgrnt estate of TER OLOWN 'MERANO& MTN INSURANCE, Taimr, AND ANNttitY (WV PANV, The Auditor Appointed by the Court to audit nettle, and adjust the tint account of HENRY T GRC Ur, Asalames in trust, for the benefit& the oreditore of Brod Company, And report distribution of the butane. in his Beads ,dill meet the parties Interested on MON DAY. Ally 11th. 1869. at tl &dock A. AR., at the WETHEUILL. HOME, 608 RANSOM Fitreet, W. J MoELROY, iota Cleat Auditor. UETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to Li the &state of 1:111^ 1 RY KOSNIG late of the - city of Philadelphia, Confectioner, deemed. having been granted to the ausserlber, all persona indebted to said estate will plow make payment, and those baiting claims will present them to MINUS &CORY, Admioldreor, No 1501 MARKET at eat, Or to liba Attorney, PSIS OBRI It BUYER, Jylftttt No. 241 South TIMID Street ESTATE OF JOSEPH "YEAGER, DE. ti ASSD.—Letters testamentary op in the Estate of JOBEP a YEAGER, Deorased, haring lieeo grantrd by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia Coady to t• the Girard Life Ininrifnee Annuity and Trust Com pany et Philadelphia," all perms ineebted will make payment, and those having Malmo will present the same at that - Anse of said Nompany, No 408 01:114aTZUJ Street JOUR P. JAMBS. je24-f6tsf • Aetaarp. rwOTlOE.—Letters of Administration of the Estate of JOISIN NATT,. late of Philadelphia deceased, have been granted to ISRAEL TAN 11011 s. Ail persona indebied to raid decedent will make pay. meet and all having claims will present the pares to the subscriber 186tAxt. V kat HORN. jell set* No. lad WALL&ONBtrent. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY to the es tate of JAME i W. FAS3ITT, late of the CIO of Philadelphia, &rimmed, have been granted to the no. der&gued, and all persons indeb•ed to said estate are requested to make payment cud those having claims or demands agaleet the same to present them to MOBIA ELIZ ‘lllllrEl SAMITTi Executrix Mt Peace, near Falls of Schuylkill, Or to her Attorney, BAB:WEL H. PE••HIN9, jel7.fdt 077 W ALNOT Street. INVM A. O THE PUBLIC. - The attention of the public .s respectfully called to the following important discovery of a Mediome, en rlT.lled for its beating properties, the sole right of which is in the eubscriber, a Patent for which bois been applied for. A. A WESPOOPT, D , No 818 ARE Street Dr. A R. WASTOOTT 2 8 CELEBRATED TAR 00R DIAL in an INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Consumption, Branabitii, Bore ehroat and Breast, Gough, and Coble, ^ Paipitatirn of the heart, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Inman try and Gravel, • Disease of the radiative, Nervous and Genera Debility, • And an Infallible Remedy For rentals Weaknesses . . Pelee Witty Centa and One Dollar per bottle. Prmelpal Dopo7 for t,e nale or Dr 11 R. WESr- COTT'S TAR CORDIAL, ANTI-BOROPULA SYRUP AND OIIOLERA MIXTURE, N 0.829 ARCH Street, above Sixth. Dr X. It. NVESTOOTT can be consulted ois the above dimness at his Private Offtie, 09 Alien Street, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. , daily Advice Gratis. Je3o.ly NEUR ekLGIA. The following testimony le from a volt-known citizen of Chilidelpbta, in reference to THOX.SLL'a ItiErfatiLGlAl BALVH. <, I have beenaillicted with severe Neuralgia for np- Wants of twenty years. Have tried Allopathie and =capable plush:dans, and every other remedy that was suggested, and corud get no relief. I wee induced to try this. salve. and alter using lees than 018 box. I found immediate relief, The pain all left me, and I have bad no return of it, I voluntarily and cheerfully reeoramttid it, (cat bare done soo to Mono similarly al:dieted, that they may know where to lid relief, It is the only and sure remedy, for I have to ted it. JAMES FETTERS, blaster Etrayman, No. 021 North Fifth street, Pbila , 'tor We. wholesale and Intim', at 8 W corner ATXTii apti PARRISH etreete, and at T. It OALLENDKR & Co.'s, N. W. corner rturd and Walnut ate. an2o-tr SIDIBb'o PURE COD•LIVER PERFECTLY DIVERT AND PALATABLE, mann• featured at Newfoundland for the Proprietors, from fresh and healtby livers, by steam, at a low tempera hire, thus preeerving the sweetneth and purity of the Oil, while tin , natural fishy flavor is perfectly covered, and the Oil rendered palatable and agreeable to the taste, _ _ The Proprietors of this Oil spare no expense In having their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only plane where the Gadue merrhua is found in abundance. The true Oil is frequently impaired by admiXtures with oil from other species of the Oadue family, and only that coming from the aßanks') CAS be rel eel upon aa the genuine. Onr Oil ha. been analysed, and pronounced to be pure and the perfection of flue ottality—charaateristica which enable it to maintain Ire supenerity over ail other kinds. Prepared sad for Bala, Wholesale and 'Retail, by ET M APFR, & CO., mb22-tf TWCLIFTO and 011.1TNIT T, "Pbtlad)a 30 , CASKS PRIME RIOS in store and for ash by ROWLEY. AAIIDURNVA% On.. N. Ifl 8017111 WITATIVRA ripAR.-200 bbls Tar, in prime order, for sate by %Ileaßß., PITLER, h.. CO., No 28 North WATER litrfokt snd 21 NORTH ISII AILV:i2a. TO BUY 011BAF WATOHES, go to LVOrthweit win M a 6NOOND NBW Straits 1 4 1 }4.6 ak07. . I. 1911_ Notices farbitinal. ,t;•-•:• Sated tit - - SODTT;41.1701701111114; Ja-v• onnoopto tu,rom m i s 4 %oleo between wouare.fted,RlFTH,Sfseeto OWSIiTicirSAVO , OF , DRIr.OOGIDS; STRAW GOODS , kn. , Owldoedly = - 4 7 -.' gals 11th , bv catalogue, 000menelop -*At /0 0 ' .64 01 1 -1 4 , eri II b? told ageneraVesatoudirna Hoodp pretat melee, consisting In pm of— • - Meld ondirtzip'Et irlngbaniot's " - • ' - Fine all Wool bareges.- Biabyr eadnoldered and lane - Skeleton'hoeped mlirtm Floe blank barna* +blob!, lt6 • ike L/N.oN•OARIBBIO BANDICITSCHIZIS. • • ' Aloo, tope-boroend and benuttitehed Uomn eambria handketelliefc. - • BTBAW;I3OOD3. - A l4O . 150 oases .txl6 w ^or-ds comprising 11:1• 11,4 S boye' Panama and Oaaton hid,: misses , Ottiisttd Mona" efe,110.1158 1 old ralaP3s bloomers. - • IiDIILLIP FORD,- AUCITIONESit: 1_ 630 Kamm SMUT, b•twisia . FLITS laid SIXTH, ioutt Bide t l 4 - a l U,rir,44, Ailai; tliA, Utp., 10, 4519 MAILLIT IM. GIIMM.EY & - 84018, • MILL igTATE .ATIO,IOIIIIIIIIIII . Do. 620. WALNUT 8 3 / 4 11ar. EldltD.—J. Guam', & 'gene 'antrtionwilorlin hold regular wee of Real Mtn% lock lioneehold fonntore at dwelling* 117" On oar Private ssie Begboter NW Mimi be found a very,.large amount of reel Weep balbelliel every deaoriptlon of city and country exelefti, - J.Id.OOItIIEY NONli - - listate No. 520 WALNUT etreet. al OS ES. NA HA NS o 14470TIONEEli . ANA, cottjramm IitNUMMI, I. N, sone SIXTH AND BACA Streets - HORNY TO LOIN. Montsy,lti loan, in largo sickill Sipotants es NM. dwindles metal, and an SD aelinand of vain*. -4 11 atoms our one hundred dollars - two , por Soist. pa month, including dotage, &a ,Nodlisine. P a listablinlizoilet, 8 V. tom er of SIXTH dal 51r, 1 4. PUBLIO ACIOOSIMODAVION:- . MOM MONA!! 1. MOM LI I - . - Money liberally adrimend in large or irmallitroonalk from one dollar tntlionsanda„ortold and silver plate, diamond*, Watahes, Jewelry, 't torling.pienac" modest Inatrtunente, farnitore t dry goal, clothing, gineetien; ohms, hardware airtlery, booka,,horsee, vehicles, Me nem, and all articles of Take, for any length of lame agreed on, at Netzlians'' PrincApal southeast corner of Sixth aintitme otreeta: PROBIIBBO.IIY NOM', with eollateral;dleeonstal ad the lowest market ratite. • : GREAT BARGAINS IN , WATOREO, TRIINERt ko. AT PRIVATE SALA, atNATIGUIVPRINCIP - SST , ABLIIMMINT, 3. - .18: Corner offaXT.ll aid :EAU dtreete.—The following articles titllbepold for less dun half did wad store Pride Tine gold Ibtglieb patted fall jeweled and plain of the Most approved and bed Wide, in bunting dime 'lnd 'doable - battninid.„ SW/ gold escapement lard nod teens watebee, in. laid= cats and open Wein:n:lM of them extra fob beat make, Silver Span& patent lever = ell espement lever and lapin.. in hunittgr case- and tliass face, some very intperior; Bulo, Snead, sad gnarlier Watches; fine got wad, fob, wad, and eltlidrin'a die geld' - permit aide and pens bromide, breastpins, anger-rings, ear-rinc i tds= and Jeweb7 generally...lle.,Bi'w at 810 per dumbed, is boxes a do each, will be mad by stogie box. or ammtitles to suit pandumers. Ns rtesrons Riney artioleat b.Y.# sta.. leo. ' ~. , AT BRITAIN mum: A. impeder Are-proof.,ohelli - - 4 feet high by 8 feel Also, isteb *sand jewelry of oirs*lolleilPiAlicl- tianitts Sunbs. <, A little. but atom, tllls the Pam , ' _ _ ANKtam. sAviroe FUND F N 0.138 South POUBTII Btreet, between Okertnut'and Walnut - Phtlade r ip_t pepw,all seposibf On demand. - - - Ilepnaltoni* 'money' secured-by Goiernzient, State,- and Oily , Losins, Ground Bents; Mart- This Company deethi eatery better than.large 'ratite, consequently will ron no risk with • di. Inciters , money; but have It at all times read) to rehire With 5 per cent. interest to the owner' so they have sloop done. This Company never suspended. ' Females, married or single, and Miaow! can deposit in their own right, Lod such deposits ran be withdrawn outs by their consent Moister perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with•antherity reservarac. nay from trustees and executors. _' „ LARGE - AND SMALL SUMS RECEDED., ....011 . 1 as _open irom' to o at lad OP wearsasy and &stunts, evening with 8 eallt. DIBIOTOB& _ . .. Jacob . esob B. Simpson, -: Hyrns Clutwallattior, John Shindig:, , Georg* Balsa% . Malachi W, Sloan, Bdward T. Hyatt, , Lewis Krambbear,. . Iterary.Belansg, „ .. itilelsolse Rittenhostr.e, Hatt= Essidi, , Jos. H. Satheithwaito, Sphrsits B - - - - Joseph W. Lippincott: '• ' - - JAOOB B. BHANNON,Tredient, Onus OADWALLLDIIIi Tresaarer. - 1 dlil.y , ~ ~ A Dollar taxed la twine earned " V.AVING FIII4D- 1 -FIVE - PER OENT. I - TFBILST—NATIONAL - TWA` - cow- PABY. WALNUT street, Bout/meet corner of THIRD . , -; - . iNOORPOVATBD DT Mn 314173 or TaNEWLYAZIA. 51,ney reeeilieo in may anun, lergior smell, sad in: tereat paid from thei_day of, deposit to the dra' _ , dip of with in , _ „ The °Mee le open every day Loin '9 n'oloat in Phi morning till 0 o'clock in the evening; and . on Maimint and Thuredar eveningi till 8 o'clock. _LOU. REHM L. Preened; ROBERT 811RISIASCPit Tice President - Wn. J. Bann, Secretary. ' Hen Henry L 'Renner, - P. Oarroilltreveles, Edward L eerier, - Joseph R. B tr, , - Robert Selfridge, Pratialeles, Band. R. Ashton , - Joseph Tahoe 0 Landreth blunns - Henry DidendarShr. M oney Is reeeivtd and payments m u le daily: The investments are nods in , oontormlty with the protleloni of the Matter-in Real -Ratite- Mor tgage, Orottad Bents, and inch' flist•clars eronrities ss will alw..ye immre peileot security to the depositors, and which dannot fall to give perataneredyisod stablltti is thle Institution - " Sully S4VII . ' STATES TBUSTOOIdPANT, oortieiTh of THIRD and ORES?- NUT Streets. - - - Large and mall' sums receirert, and paid back - on O. wand without notice ' with YIPS. PER OWN?: IN. TnisltaT tosathe day of deposit to the day of with. *anal: • Wks hours. from 9 anti 6 °Wank. einpy day, and os MONDAY EY.9641N08 from 7 until 9 &cloak. • DRAFTS for sae on Inland, IrolAndokna giotlanA, from tl upwards. - President—sTEPElNti R. OZAWPORD. Treasurer—PLlNY PIBB. - Taller—JAMIEB R. HIINTEII ferli , LNG GARDEN SAVING FUND.:,... 1 ,7 OIITT Or PHILADELPHIA. 1713 re, No. 11l North THIRD Street, (Ooneolidetion Baulk Building ) OHARTERRD BY THE LBOISLATURC OP SYLVANIA Deposita received Insures of One Dollar and am: and repaid in Gold, without notice, with /IWO P.N.I OINT..III,TXRIST from the day of depoeittill wiry. drawn. A responsible and reliable Seeing! Institution hes long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and 4 . The Spring Garden Baring /and Society was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to impply Shia necessity The Managers, in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly ty a desire to adeeremo- , date the buahreaa intonate and wayte of the eery large and enterprbsing population by which it-is sntrounded. .0191111 OPEN DAILY, From 9to 2% o'clock ; also, on Montag and TAIRA DAT !TAM 6 until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGERS.. 7rederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy Hon IL R Strong, Daniel tlnder loder, reiertek Steak. Wallahs Hart, - JosephLeOleh, John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James S Pringle, •Jacob Dotik. Joseph hi Cowell, Hon. Wm. liillward, George Woelpper, Gio T Thorn Pet* 0. Ifflmaker Robert B. Davidson. J'AMIB 5. PRLNGLII, President. itairoui Rear neeretary . ti96.tf if pianos. RAVEN, BACON, -& C 0.% Nuctros & Clark's, Hallott, Dante, & Co' and A. H Gale dr, Co.'s auperfor PIANOS. also Ha wn & Ramifies unrisalled MELODZONS and Tian- MONIUMS, ao dadrable -for Chntehen and Leann Rooms IZT Plinot sad lielodeon2 to neat J. A. GOMM, 81jVIENTFI ood CHESTNUT. ifwkii SUPERIOR PIANOS. WILLIAM EINAR& & CO., PIANO-14)R MANIII/ACTIMRS, Nos. i, 21,. 5, and T North BUTAW Street, and No. BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and Light streets, Baltimore, Have 'away' on hand a large assortment of their imparter Pianos. recommended by certificates from B. Thalberg. Strakomh, and other celebrated performers to be eqnal if not superior, to any made in this country. The durability of their Pianos will be warranted for Eve years, and a privilege of exchange granted within Ma months . , should they not give entire malefaction. blannfamnring la.gely, we will sell wholesale and re tail, at the meet reasonable prices. :WILLIAM RAABE & 00. Messrs. LNII t WALKER, No.' 22 OHNSTNIPP Street Philadelphia, are our authorised Agents, and will keep conatantly an hand and sell ear Pianos ►t =muffs:tureen prises. ' robliklm CHICKERING & SONS, - 11d1.11171.07171.1113 OP. GRAND, SQUASH, AND UPRIGHT - PIA E•7O-1 . NUM WARIROOidt SD7 OHRBTNUT NTABIT Constantly in store it large stook of our ED , OTTUNI enttllN EQUALLED .[IiisTEIIIInNTB We here been ewerded, at the ;Efferent Dshibition In tale country and Ittirope, 38 GOLD &ND (MYER IIIIBT.OLABB PIA' 09 TO LENT. latf.27 Elalainanber SALLAMANDEU 5.A7118. ' A Large aseertment or • - - IMAM & WATROWI3 PHILADHLPHIA MADIUPAOTURAD SALAMANDRII BAN'S, - VAULT DOORS, for Baas sad Stores. DANK LOOK% Equal to any nos in on. IRON DOORS. lIHUTTERB. &0., On ao good terms u nay ether establishment in the United Stated, by &Tette A WATFON, No. 28 lienth FOURTH Street Philadelphia. anal( 3 61 1 7.11 US A CALL BRUSHES I BRUSHES 1 BRUSHES 1 2,000 dozen Tied *tiltawash. 1,000 " 2,500 Handsoraba. 1,000 " Obrops. 000 ci Damn, 6,000 g , Shoebruhea. Nor Zile loner than at any other house fa the oily, 11:11NRY O. aosersur, 2 North THIRD Street. lir Arch BALE ROPE AND TWINE —Monttlao tared and for rale by- W EAVNR, PITLBR & 00.,N0. NB North WATER Street and 92 NORTH WAR mv2.9 %IRE GALE of popular favor is blowing 11 towards the old established atore occapled, by ZEIGLER & SMITH, corner of ONOOND and GREEN Streets, where rosy be found a Choice anortment of Drugs of fine quality, as well as White toad, Zino Palma, and Window Glom, all of 'which are torivallad. sage-If 1:jr& OAPP, 223 DOOR Street, above , !Valnat, STOOK BROILERS, sad dealer. in Mer men° Paper and eeenrities generally. Attend the Brokers , Board daily. end All all orders for the m. ehaee or site of STObRS. BONDS, ko. iaNY ILLUMINATING COAL o.ll—Warranted equal to any for brilllauoLtl durability, Ltd la non•ex•ploers. Paae Lubries Ooal 011. 0. BARD & BON 108 Moat% Manic
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers