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Pi AtVaii; • • 14WAl t 00 F.V4I-1- - 1.4 PO ttipidia'adfrisre):".lo 00 01141401*OThrt,-,` tt,4 $ 0 100 , 0,14 , 4114 , #„001 - ti, ,britst 0P11146.ii,q•bi# 4 0A4)4 4 ""•"•4 20 „ `: , ix:rtf*9 ll ol 4. w i lt 1 , 14` to .P.Orififf.Po4 l oo4 B fzPlP-p,' , P. , 4 e-=_l4 l Xlo l o4 looo, 4 9 A* f..% latlkAcif*A*Aiiate , tor Ilt, .---4 - --4- 1 44';4: 0111 J 1 4:PILESP4 40 0 001iiiiiii 41ilti f) be Uullfokgfe - - C:a~r..~~~-e-~ ..,„ I .:ttiroittlatsica' e*A44eot,QlCAsitztt- .:0)1.7,411,41 , 14 B. xi ' reatt': ll o l 'ar 'ZIY , 1 - 19 6 1710 1' 00 1 0 5111 ) , ;"- • S III . 'III P I I4A I "A It 4 4 ,P* ;OW . g 1 4 414 , -, i i i: liCe ;lb Oie t t r,4V4*.ike = • aNarli t car - /1 ,zt,..klatalyiiit ALAMO " zlli ` 7. 4 . ?tiltAAPTIt M 7, -8 TR: 1 )11 T :.r4144141.P1n4.1 " - . = ' t 1!. 1.. *k, • ' I inlafralAg ranADOn l 4.• - ; ' • '--° " l4 # l / 1 1 ? /-19 FM! 1 7, ; • 1 •1 1 - 4 , 11 c 11), ,O rE L';`- • •-•-•• 0,1 1 2111..00 , 1 „, IVIiNAMID4I, Vii 4014,0 1 00 •- • - •• - • - • 'ardor . 0 1 . 101 **0/Aiiri3O„ lit' , , Y5T9245. ALIO, ' COLD HARCOAL PIG 1E614 •- • iliti,vma atom AT310111;101; Aft NUM IRON, .j.PIPES 812114; lo ice,o' 1 0111 V101 4401ri 10 OOP 500 - • WATER RWEEL _ inn nay ie t ick Axi- % - pitiplit''Lf p,*(nxis.wourria. ,:v*iiia4tior•Sta9o.kinhas!,llPi4lhisita Samtiiet inittot, Q.OIZTIMAR K 'TOD'S 01t7r, • tiligiclop - mt,6eatsapotcaritswo; , I.llllldiDtt.PßM .• • , JORHICL tc , .80103;. , - -_/11.4autlatiatiCalgtkillA (*mast" Meant - Ilagtheri tot , LaidlOglilt; ilartheserslipil - 4 - .1i%--- offoklLltiiiilC-oftlistlros:or'itrass', ;".pu --_- •Irringe - lbiall ki r GigikW.alli4;WeligiAtiiii, soid Itatottiiiiikliti Wialitsicy of u* Utast &Mina& - rand SritsOgaitiptipit ofialsatatlak maskinieryi.--svalt qui .art; Kt Griot Milli, Viumus Poor opesmpoinj Wrath. , DiftNftntlf Pits pfhtltisteari Itillinuels !Meet 'taiga" ellolltag Apparatus Nsesitysk , a Pammir.ilkiiivArsasairfZitit Aligpirow4C: 6rWoolgorii Pg•nt Saga Dnila t idimghl,deV.,-I::,,:efi_l-r• ROB*RT, V#9l4lKlar,Mt 10_traTI145D SA9O-113TRZITe; 'inioLzsmayDatritelikiw itAlsruAPicatnußts'or pAnstrit , • -- naig4tte x „,„ • -- - WIND 0-1*- „ 13- , T.. A.s - 8 5 , r , 'Et• 04 3 1 11 X 1 r,A 100 , 1 9Astr 3 9 1t 1.Mi l *c - • WitEtttitz* , :Vitiadl4 , ) - - ,ukiniir, Aget k r.alrfi..en4s , . - ;:g3ENtttIikLNIA O I .I TD I7 O.S for gii*lwis, aadlor. , ONLOWViIk Soot,: 401E744.1p1ifa . -I,Wast` .4ixeset, , rrentosi, , L.A.: , StorfOUlikati k" ll ' 7 ' " 44/0,0.6, y..llll.o4,Wlo..olgietir, - • • - -Polopill.lm pill-bp k issasd. skorgri AI, la'• • lading, Mango, astd- ,ImamotayPesiss, - - • - - • - ,-- ---1/111NBa - coy - !WWI " 1 -1 4A - CH/N-Waki oc iiitO`lioo - 31i - oli , - andlittra pioosi tww-ot „ttattaott valaabl• inviutiaaad 1%0 Shiittlo; - ofoki n.; ,, That , tt lrf: lbw aMU alikei whit# , ;oootobt _bfl , ear menet of 01104 oat +p are all Wade with Um, a m pww. au.=tutaleaLittill,, satlaThwarniatad to wqktow - wit. tiada'hf - 104;4.1 trohettia Metal*, Dime 10-. , deary - -; tarthst.--• *Or -tt“liki4Ww woltiCattitiatattlittiti et ail , rtiVowe ootf ifoksfrooottoejiloalgeo.. , aim bow .Inattataitaiihri ":'`altifilatt,"*Otw . U.y_ate, and IGO yid - 1110r (Fora" wed:split 44144 twalwi it -ahataklWpoliti" =:,bi.ltiOr Wit .4 Is ti so ;Coy* ha to astaaiiit atts,:that so plats eirrawithatitat iwari-t • - • .v ' • Wikwitiww.gitlaa 44/Wirilataa thalttittatait al ; bs Ao.WO44,tatool , ; ;1.74 , to I—Leann: -ityishmitatile,whithWut D. Warkat %tips& he, teasChatwatt - aira lot imago , doom of iilifpollot;i . awl oleo kw -1003 olgotafootorloo; wkeea Lila, `b plots ow sk.g, 14,1dositisoo.: 114.Rl 11,4 lOrW.r-for for *on --; Ai .- •, ,s 144 s.,wistimpuolo 000.14***sabzwi slap with, or 'aloe% Belltfropfttlfat -look* dioifo:,.Ptiol3loo, - . . ANA ;111.11r4.4,,f,4 zg ,, ,,c1 4 ,14.1. < 10,114iiii; goo sollif.l4lliit mot of lomillOckkiboi;sioter,Of adaphat tawmaiihatatitti-Wwwatill,Lattiair pork - Ithiataigiuromoolosrtairmaisttiourip - muitstp thateltwarefltdohawihaltawirathat it.wlif - so;oa 11,414.4*40504114104')0-100to- mostifot.- riotertlios:sormoold„ao•oow ittOtatAtahicayt rA : fa tattottatists Jai*, *Oat mg* , rotl±.;o riloof soao Mr/ OVli* arr . it.b.l4 l relitt Px.ti _ 401*•••••tt• • It also go. - - 41.4r1y estoOlor pliliwiookfitico.'as foist - Tory al 'opts_ yet. llosilkoaidol,oolitioisfelyanitilat Att*Hailffi -to= _pc 04 a Amor; = ' - 101K;V:, vuall y ;L4. • 0ff10401100111,14 - siorrilt jadltlitttif • AgAistit 4,4*-Pri‘e ikb a tbeff of t .1b041401.174. 0 r.ptaty haTi. r 94 I-Nio l o4. 4 Vik ' t otif , r' bo 644, OffoyliOlo 1114thlaii gist::: rue-tawny -ItVl — iiiiittatia'444-' , ltlaiiiifiltitiattaatrjr, hiss . - 10.07.161 - IW4h4WIW kattelataf ant NM. MAXV/lES 'Um et amigo,/ - • -•lidosotAr.z A** * Atwilatraw trwat &Wei a lirp : leo oly . of 111 "4 1 .--2 r tiratifIrot.;XX 4 i.r. /0 0 0 oor gyi .vi i to oC Ity twO`loo .60:40reeptibip" 101••. ' - fieftgl• tliairii `444l, l, l o• l _ ll •lft 'fut. wit hel.lll4ll.olti - W, 401'80u*tiiiiifly; little tugs ovKaolin. floc oosopiiitofy thfollikOopefl , *Wt: ~wiilf4Otoloorrioi • Irelrl! , . ti!!ir.fis.r. - Assapf vA;O I w.NOW,:Ia starkst r , ri rknis,uvutr, nCl6*illint ilia4ll4ol . mot:: - • net witattWw low " QT fl WhITEDi . -:!!!•:,ievrAteamiswTl It ' a m -1 1 11 0,MOrt =II6W/NO :NA.' '-' 140,4 4 0 4 1 r itt44: 7 4 4 *.1* 16141 . 0,444: 16 0 1 4 4 iNAiriLIWilin tom* ic-s74l:***s44*pu,mar os, smigibigs . aogifies• aiif‘isei oak*,', - - Is A Agoit*„,ooo,.olwpiliontb. ur wisseudial kost****Wwildwiiiiesita• ntik ail bsialmiii , to s i Z t ralbrillkilikor Rik , • n• petnitnt iii iiiiir ,nnilintrfrin in ' in nitiilla 1 . 1111 04 1111 "69 1 .st# 171,01 . 4100001. - "Ott , .#l ,l 4l o k a ln; lit ;IVY „ .. , iitsl l 1141,1A0,N',it00s*k it10b N , e 1 A C 11 40 o 4 0 r,•,- ..:" -2....4.4-1-11011105.014041/4.. ;:•-,E 1 / 4 , •"''' 0006000110,600dilthilli••m i/e •, - - -4 404,4, figiwirdi - 4 "111V112, ^ Vie AtimillitirAW • , r "If - -gijuviips-: .tinif4f3w.,. ,-oapuis tar Ain* ' iliik. At= ni rt i . •iPa i lkadOt i itlet ille# 40 , ' T3_l AelUltlla 4 1r ', 0 " ' #O l l lll , Fl i tWitV ''. 4 * 6 0:1 - 6 prOlf;v , , 34,,qi , t4mf.4 4011 , t , Tolley Tokio e i -4. Ot i fita - - .'.. ,TZri.' "4 4 '-foo...kivr .4o* ~,`*orriev, i , YA -_—.4.11, -_4 -- k'-'"'-1' -: '.40 4 — : ' '‘'' * ' '-: liancti' , i ~..clituxkL_ , __ -„ stiotel: 1 - ihm law f . . ooristo ,yis• -Owl* ,47f.).-vpi La ! ; r, .4001 dogr littirtrrfiriifl-mfrif.. P :: , -,l4fre , -,, • , " ..--'V" - -' ' - V. - 404,-:-:2-4NIC).'. 293, • •„. : ; ‘,. 'Oen o)664.ollWimaiivtaigeol SHIRTS: AND • •R .: • " -„ • , 3_ ii;„7 , t 1 • ," i • --fi.,-thiromISTNOp•StREET:"-' Vanie4tintikiitgl 00b13 1400 E. E . OA ill SR IN q.-Gctivs...-' - , Jwit..reesprodi,trptC !grope by skips %Jane, Wrimiegtok large supply ,of new and seihd Osier before, twee( JOHN A:MURPHEY.& 00. ABOVIE NINTII.I ';', - • , 6r , - I :ii , ''-Slcitb4-,olpik*.l' 111 ONIIIIENTAL.WLRBLE , VORKI3 NAs oosstifitlySMoriretst ,lIONUMBHTS. - .1111(OLOSIIRES and ; ONAVE;.STONES, Of 'don derlgn!, , mode OILLs finest ' ITALIAN AND AININIOATCMANDLND, g/Rtolalp-,04, SIN At'rrS4ljr.,iSiktosslpriapc ., /a Ms° iiireri,6llsSosileor , ders ~ U po n , SAS most ,AworAblo !ton:IIMA I to ; A, Plarti!Y•bnitoictb pebtle generally to ezegkinejate statArbsfore purtiasltig elsewhere. ' ADAM I' STET.NigesT.Z. 4 - Nousonsts3 Narble Works, Zipetif - AVlNU**byilleilnth treat, S i. l .4"klq -11 ;a r q' : ZrbP*4°3o.ll ititslaitb:Liquors: FIERCE;,;:-: '4UBIS CHAMPAGNES. neihtlwien4 two isle, incanted sole amen for the 3titite4 , &talkie ind 'tor. the mile of the Champagne. Wtner,of , Idenirtei JACQUES , (MAO & CO at Chalons-ear-bfarne; Frame. We present their wines to the pithluinideitwe bandit, namely : IIII'ERLE iID ' - ' RUBIS. -The IThethile(*XadisitsgitThr And frai, t 3 ,teeto; aria attaiietellid teaoropere terotebty with fun Who lithe At:satiate market . The• tilltiatilli.ta a • in* :Cabinet chatep*e; of beintitelltnby color width is natural to - the wine rig. trine luhlbeb;iidry.. -- rrnieFor:thii lied °ablest Oluirepagetee piainewt,he fame!, sidle mete Irmo, grapei of theeholoiat ieleotioas. ' front the long eaperiestoe, extenaleepooseestorke, and large ..nnentui of th' Weill kiiowe - helium of JAI:MI:MB GOI&G and .tbeir ,determinetton to furnish winie WillehAlineil -peen Withlbs elipneentof Cozen ides, WOW iPetrileiedfitet. , &•trilg' trill- falV establudt all wteatatet tot the traellesee of these wines, - • (1 1 /Li/tUilt; AltEd-G, MOCIMIKW • - Id inioWtirainfoiiii bo ma at lac fonoithig -khree la Phtla t elpbtst - 11 ,- ,- . - • • KNEE .40/M6A616011 ClO ' j 184 Walnut ; e H. :/AOOlll lk. 00:493 .; Jun WAIKIKI, 281 Chest-. , olitret,111:18; N. Tosisp"& 00., - 106 B. /sant et.; !nut ik.4114 , 4t, 21411.'litint et: ; P.Orrakooil Cow; lit &wad 14w8ow Irlialtsd, 607 Mgr: ..;a4 .4, 1' ,111 0 1, 1 0 11 Ban; terser Ohisdatat 'tad Trdsd .146.33Vs.rsztta,,W.,TwidiVq sad Chestnut sts..; IdasisYCHATSViti - 1 . 03 Marlon et - ; Onox.ooz.vor . 01 144: 100 ' Welso44 ,l CikiLlLAN_MlVEWalnut ,wenc , . ; stig I , Yb ,, lossnaddr,,* Uotemm - srak.ThiNst ttlakia Sr LAWlLiiioz aorn.„W m. " oo*. #07114 O. rip& mais t , 4 • - - felt 5 3: - V,r9trtillg' ;art 'JABS: ,•'.- RIES • orwNoith'illTll North Tr lH BT , r , NARTELLI3 PATENT, 414/01.4139: o 00180:115ITIIIIIITifiEITVIIEpVITI 1,114E11, nvineenied ins moment by e infn 4rtbe _ „ • : . - ILinnfentureri,un:ter,the Patent, , , I.Eroawfißms, denfreit 0;',14- Weirs Dtpot,_ „ IS.Aprtfi VIP Street. - • P' IffE2 ..tiILEY4; CO;. - • . BAILZY fp ILITOHEN,* rye 14.4;4t0 tisk: new See4l*ot, Wine Marble 1901 819 011118T1*87 Min% 1199*(tiyi*; 9240;91r, 'THE :9111.10 HODE7: •.• • , Now coming thol; PAL Moak of ' rponViLlyir,!o4.Tio WABI,IB, *vddi:tuy.lavits , tia iittention of flis potato. ff/AVALWAIf p - yi,itogAtc DIA4000; AND A? wiozatiai Astrivriti, =IN .VANES WATSON. ,xggoßT-ER, , 4.1 0 4,/ra, 4EWELRY, &a., l o z Bt6 3 4RWX, BTRl3Pr'' fillsdroibnout of Vaoharou d Oqiitdathr-Wstedies. • 'EC lAttrflOrlilstott.,.. N44Nlttlifoolol449 AND TRIPORTSINS . Olf " 6(ll.Vtlit:PL/THO 301.01INSTAU P. StriotoOrtrro Tbdri,.(up BUONO. t,tu ,Ph(ladolitkia. • . . 4 " : 00netaletri 011 mid lihd for este to Nio 'Pride ' I PETO,, Oommuntoty SRELVION SATS; efINS, 2 , 05u0t5,v009L1111.13, 013 WAYPARS, It AS: F OotIPORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, ,t4DLIS, Ito. • fro , - ( 3 " kOPtott'lorf plibsijg on 441,1111114 0t,4n041. .MtbinttMirv,. g:WK".11).E12,0 - ,T - Otitsigillqi.BrAkii,'Ojacesi dad de.hoollhin‘ Oak, iral.• ant, and Illokogooy, of kowfoomo style A.- L. ADAMS", 1111 1 11.0 Yktp BAGS, 6E00: ZrZTZTOzr 8. • pooonsozs for • • • , _ .• , . Rio; 26:9,;8,quir,il,t4r10:0Tre.,zza. tiiiiiiiittilitittiiiiii-..36)tithakup I MOORE,. do-, CAMPION. -. 3 -• lifi:iti sOuni .ssoon. .3 rain, . t ' tiosseettoa with their adtensive' Cabinet Bathes*, sow 110Putilttlirls__ _ it kapperior MUM* or , • ‘,. ? ~...:4 HILLIAID Tia.814511,4'.._ ' . hive emvfoo hang a fall supply, linithed with ~ .ifoo4s - it - 410t10N4 MPH* VEID, °Mums, .' i p eIP - iiipermseisaied by ill who have used them to be dor to all others: .he tlivvisaty sad Sala of. Au* Tablas the mou thing refer to their numeroue patrons throughout VON, who are famillararitle the ohmmeter of their - lale-fira • ; ... ~. ) DEAFNESS. • • DA. sr)* , moscitzistEß ' 4 ?CroAa 6 m• 4,- 14 ;P: - Arabi eoeitil6o on ell'llo*te of thefts 'mind NUL ‘OOI//01.11.1e1496 !Aprify BT., Bit,Ow --11:r•itempilli 3736 I.6o**Tett. 411 - 9,1e2t-100 , (111.EREL1-200..bb1a.,;175..ba1f6,. :130 *erten sod 6u elite No. le ;•190 bble 060 '111110,19 Ifni g0 t ,11,111 ittere 3: set froie O, ele b 004 - MrP,4 • -16 VI Rt.; Bonte,99bervoi 1 - ,600 APOlB'stadili 86f1 'eiiiiilied;,elfite; Waiver. ,br14140 GitAIMU LE: vvrtAyft., w t.; •- - • - Pal •L I?tblic'Worlo, .111 - ; !ABB OP PIM 'PUBLIC , WORKS se-a -TUB STATIIIOP,OI3IO. .' • , Olirion Or Pip Bolen or Tbst,to Woelte, ? . • • COL 1710108; Ohlei'vhigll 2 T; UM , ' f herrehbe Boatel y n o b treue blf "th B a - t W ,' ° b r e k tir ' e d e r il lti t e hh a t to t tr r e p ' a t e l h p &clock A. M. and PAS &clock P. M., on the ru4. TENNI% ,B 4 OP Ailin fi Ty 1869, on the steps 9f the tiotthhide , Swim itotitle, in the oily of Co lambus, Ohio, it willpreeeed to let, at poblie enction.4. Rem the,oonditionn apd in the manner epecilled.by, the /. hot' dieting. hiptidpriltions, for the antierintendmine mid repaint of the pehlso worke for the.finiat yearned fug November 15,1869, and•tiroVidins fbr leasing the same." pulsed' IBs9—the Publie Worke Of the State of Ohio, for the term of ate piers, Isom feb ing at noon on the.lizet day of ,September. 16511, and ending at - 'anon on the Nast' day lit September,lBB4. For the purpose o f , middi letting, the gad Public Werke are divided late tidies, ;mottoes, as follows: - ;, One.....Teembrace the Miami and Brie Os.. hal f lind Si!l the aide onts,i feeders, and resereotre con- • oveted therewith, together with the leek houses, col • Beton' aftlicie,lireigh 1648, - and' lessee' of empltuf Vra, terrthereifeta.farld all the eater route. and privileges r , tillnitig thereto, mil of land, ivied in- connentiod , Tica-e-TO, embrace tbe,Mtokinguna hai r proythient; ghlo Clang; .the Booking Cabal, the Waß heading Canal; end all the stile outs, feeders, andlibt fiervoire gensieeted with mid section, together with the lock honees "oolimter's . ogeee, weigh locks 'and lessee of - surplatwaterYtkerefrom, end 'all the water 'rang: ,atul,privlubson pertaining thereto, and of land tuba in eozinteitioa therewith' ' - ;;;Seetton bfee.l?To embrace the tregern BligerVO and M.:Urns° Solid sod all , tbll gates thereon. , - ' The Miiml ant Bile Canal con hits of taro' bemired .slid slXtralght Miles Of, main MO.': It comprises the Wabash endlgrie Canal, eighty-eight Miles long, exJ tending westward from MS batten . on 'Lake Erie, to the Stare line between Indiana and Ohio - (where it cod. Viiit•ash and Erie Canal of Indiana'), and the; at letatand Miami lixtensten Camila, extending Rem Inaction; on 'the Wabash hnd Brie Canal, cereal)' , - inPes west Ur liiinltattno3 the OhiO river at Cinein: - -The sleek-Waternavlettn ibe kinekingoin river, , known lathe Masking di Ithprovement, is, ninety-one; Uhler - lb,lengtle - thed extends from Marlette and - Har, Mar. on theAllata river, to- Dresden, where It eonneouf with aside oat of the Ohio Canal, two miles long. - tochi° Canal bads from Cleveland , one Lake Brie,: to Portemputb, on the Ohio river, and is three hundred aid _nine - miles, long; et Romeo one hundred 'and' thirty-five Millie, from Cleveland, it connects withlsel Wathonhlae',tdsaaltat l•Webbipoit,' one Itandfid' snd: forty - Mae miles ftem , Clevelaad;the - Drweleo - side nut, Mlnnetiel it with the Muskingum. Innirotemelit:and at; Carroll, two hundred and four milee from.oleVelaind, it, co neects with the:hooking „, ,•- T I The ffiia'xiitlinal,llltpelx melee tong , t o coniirdted with the Oftoel,,at Carroll, aid terminates ati :Athena, • slfrdafltoebottAhe Wilhondltig Canal elite° g twenty. thrg,b,milets where teregestes in a 00k:water TOM' 0 - the Mohican Met, which reaches two Mlles !Metall tiled:lend or the - Connected with these Belot of canals are varion s e feed. on, basins, Aide Mite, rstiervnirs, Mips, .nd aleck-water midis, Which are the property of tee State, and feria part of the sections with yrblost, they connect The Wabash and Brie Canal, from Manhattan to Junction,. was bbaitTTlOU'd with nix Ogee depth civ • water andsigiy feet width et the height of, .op line ; Joint tlon to - the Mate line,lhe width, at top water, was _fifty - feet; and depth - of titer are feet With these ex otiptions,,thesitoala,were designed fora minimum 4ePth +.l four Of water t and - a width of forty feet at canal esrpoe.' The' 'snot. looke were generally butt with oh,mobers of fifteen„feet wide and about ninety feet Meg. , On the s linekitigned - Improventeint there' are eleven dame .and alatkorater pools Between Z‘ll,B. villa and liatirier there are eleven lathe. the chamber' ot which are one hundred aid seventrffve feet long and thirty six feet wide Above Zanesville, and be tween that plane and Dreiden, le another look, whioh Is one aid twenty - 4st and twenty feet wide in the chamber.., 'Tote ,Western Reserve snit Menmee Road is a malgad. *Weed and gravelled turnpikedeadlog from Beller U 0,14 fittronhounty, to' the Manure - river bridge, at Perrys burg, in Wood connty,t s Maumee of forty-seven and i‘ half miles,. • - . - , Bach, mention will heist to the person _or persons whoi in,eonelderstinzi of the tulle to be de feed from Said, section; rhea bid to p ay, the, highest annual, rent therefor; altd•ehall' comply in alt respects, with the eforseild mit abd with the rules adopted, or which rosy be adopted, by the Beard 'for the letting. , No bid will be removed Deletes lila person or with making th e name shalt 'have first deposited with the Auditor of .State in money, or in the. stocks of the State of Ohio . of of the United States, the Rum of ten thousand dollars, upon the conditions that he or, they will take a lease of the eretlon on which he or they shell bid if it shall be struck ell to him or them, and giro maturity for the same as provided by law, and in defaultthereoLthe seatirity so deposited obeli be Mien . lately anderholiy forfeited to, end become the property of the State,_ ,••• ; • Section one will not be lamed for a emir leas than, forty tboueind dollars peraunum : section two for nut less elan fifteen thonsand dollars per sonata; nentisti three for not less than four hundred dollars per Mt ',num; nor will any bid for either of said seettons he re • earded which is less than the mid minimum Molest 'rent for aaid gigaton- No - B.otloll AM be ler unless iSIAD of-the :otherir is alsii let, and oo bid, althourh otherwise estiefactory,, will be neatly accepted until Hitt, satsfatitory bide hive been reeelved,for the other Imogene,' and the leases therefor exocnted' '- No railthad company or coropeniesehall, in any man tier; bsoonle'parties to hide or interegt.d therein The bidder* to whom' any section shall be struck off required (inease all the sections are let) to de posit the required eitsuritleit and enter into bond, sad ' lute lease oontempleted Iby the act, on the twenty-fifth day of Angnet,lB69.. • - Thlteecarity °negation No ,One shall be in the sum of two hundred hod fifty thousand dollars ;• on lleetio,n No: Tiro to the sum of two hundred and fifty thousaod dollars; end on_dectian fro., Three en the stun of ten ' I hat le:nand eaet on dols.la half ' - e. aof Mile seernitysbill'eonstet of the State litoOks of.Ohlo, or United States Stook!, deposited IN; th e ithdlter of '•" ' obg surthe covet. , 37iiieVI ' aIrti - 451 - 7r -"- )ecklessees ars fulfilled and kept, and She returned to thinn by order of the gem-dot Public Works on the terminatierCor their respective lessee provided no forfeiture of 'the same shall. have hap pened•deringi the continuance of 'their lease "The remaluderof the securlty,or :my part of Mink remain. der, may, at the option of the lessee. consist either of buck Mocks. or of bonds, encored ty mortgage ai nein- lumbered zeal estate, within this State. at one-half theactruil 'oath value, exalnoing buildings and ail perishable luiprovementa. If real settle be offered mi.: ley part iitauch security, proper and full 'batman; of thetas thereof must be fareiebed , to the Board on the twentieth gley,of august, 1859, and at the mime time an ppralial thereof,- ,exeluding_buildings aud,perietnible Improved:mete, made open signal view. by the Auditor, Treasiver;ond one of gut Oorentiegleeereef the eounty to which such reel - estate is situated; but notwithetend: lag such abstract and appraisal. the Meted resolves to itself thepower of deteimining In all re/psi:tithe anffi- MMonoy of the security thus 'snared.. Materials provided or contrasted for, and the boats, exows, tools, implenien.s. horses, mules, and ottie- pro- Petty in nee by the; Superintendente, mastbe purchased; et the valne at which - they shall be appeased by three Judicious, disinterested persons la be appointed-by the Board on- Publie Works, and the lessees w.ll be required ropey to the State the said appraised value to money, Within one month from the time the said sppraisentent For farther informatirn as to the other terms and idonditione under which scud Public Works are to be Mooed. 'reference is, hereby mode to the aforesaid act. Pamphlete conteliing this set and other laws end or ders oi tin Board, relative to the Public Works, ale) tutees of distances. rates of tolls he , will be ready for examination et this office on and alter the first day of Shine next, and will be forwarded by mall to the Mitred; of any person who may request a copy - Printed copies of toe form of lease and bond to be need, will also be esdy for emirate - Mien at this office at any time after the lauds, of July next: JOHN WADDLE' ' AMOR L unucus, JOHN - L. MARTIN. rOl8•oal5t ,Bosrd or Pobao Works of lo 'Heal estate LUMBER MEN AND FARMERS. ' 1 ,11.1L18.03, VALUABLE TIPdBRIt LANDS. - IN WARWICK' CIaIINIY, VIRGINIA. ;By virtue of a decree of the, Circuit Court for the County 'aforesaid, pronommed on the 25th of March, 1869, In the chancery snit of Gambrill ve W hltbeck, the ufidereigned. ectoig gni:tom otieeionera under the sold de. erne, will sell before the Court Rouse door of said coon. ti on the klEpo ND 3:ll.rieliDd - V CP ALltilinT next, test befog county court day, that valuable treat of land described in sold degree , tais ail that certain piece, par cel,' or treat of Mod, lying and In the county of Warwick, and known se being part of the 'Rich Neck Treat,' containing one thoticand and eighty-eight acres (1,0811,) mora'or• leas, being - part of toe tract of land conveyed by Augustine Getnerill and Margaret kin wife; by deed dared 28th June, - 1868, ant recorded to the of. Warwick county- court.H • The above land li very valuable and easy of access, being located on thepeuinsuls Lying hetween the James and -York and stand half WAY between Bactriton and Wit. ltainebtirg - There are upon the premises a 'steam saw mill with engine of 60-hone power, and good anbstart tilt! /rick - Dwelling in thorough repair. TVICII3' OP ditarAit: $o - • S aim& in moth cc wlli,psy• the costa of the above mentioned sultan& the czpensee of woe, and Ryon the. residne noredit of tnelvo months will•;be given, the pnrehadoof to pre-bond with good- aeourity for the do. feried • pajnnout,'with interest finny:the day of Ohio. 1,21111= I. TO W DE 4, OHAALRd R. MALLORY, - • • • Oom,iveioners. - Of the above lands, 160 sores are to lane aultrration,t beasnoe heavily units. ed with superior whqs osk (tor ship building,) sod pine • the pine wook being worth 64.76 per cord ou the bank ; soy amount den be con •trfoted for; for the New York market Any information in reference to the matter can MI hut bj addressing Newoomer & atonebtaker, Baltimore. 'bit , or by. applying to 8. Patrick. itrUptiang the lands' at Warwick Court Liotute:,'Vfaiwidk county, Virginia. zittlinun's Surnipbing esoobi,. 11 . WA4BOP.N & 00., (Hoer) Nos. 6 and 7 NONTEI BIXTN BTRIIT, MANUFAOTIMEREI OP SIUUTB,I9UPP!:IIB, DRlg9 STOOK% TO. Deslry lawyer: artiole relating to the 9xr1"131,1111.N113H1N4 nuturrEsp. in 3 WINCHESTER. & 00., GENTLEMEN'S V V ltqiNiegmet BTOBEI P4T)IFIT SHOULDER-SHAM WIRT ISIANUPAO TORY • it the Old Stand , Na. 706 C hrBTNUT Street, oppo- A. Washioiltoon°"e• NntiOnledreft will give, ea heretofore, hle per sonal supervision to,the Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Ord ers for bie oelebrated style of 81aIrte and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholeasle trade supplied on - liberal terms. !y24-1y ,111 ANILLA. ROPE—Assorted sizes mann- LTA. lactated an@ for as at lowest New York prises b$ WII/I.VBR. P1T1.F.84 by 00., are.it and 22 NORTH WAARVIIA. sny2B N 0.2.8 North WATER TTHOSg who are about to - purchase prnge, Paints, White Lead, and Window Glass, wei direct theilattention to an unsorpaased and select Wok of, sash goods;,whteh are to be roan at the store ZISGLIR h BldlTll, - áØd tf Corner of Seeond and Green Streets. LIAMS.-425 - tierces extra' Sugar-cured ILLlS„ , oolrored Heins, peeked by Gardner Phipps, & Il 06 ,earytewle,„lobe Bbny, Helen & Wood, Beatty l'apOtrW aod,othara,. for sale by 0. 0 SADLER, & Co, alma Street. eeeorddoor above Front (17 1130101",—:31Q bbls Moss Pork, ,of Jeremy, sod PhHollolybio pooktok, for rale by; 0. 0 OADLBa. h 00., ARCM hired, second d. o 'boy* Prnat • • - 10215 _ OrEFINED -BORAX.-20 oases for sale by jIID::WITH'BILU&'AROTHKIh Nes, 47 awl ss North Poor is E treat. Si® PHILAI)ELPIJIA. AIQ New,l3ublitatione; COOTERFET,T 134k1iK.NOTES. N.M4 cOrnitiattsrma iit Ti Mowrti o ItrirE I "ACOORDENG TO nil 21 •PO(}RAPHIOAL BANK. NOT 7 SylPOßTligtl3; on the rout' hundred and thirty-two fae: t eitallek . gentiles notes In the BLEST THREE NUMBERS OP PIM 'PaN(3IeCLOPEDIA, There are -, TWO. murnansp AND BIXTY-Eqf 8P,T.1401313, raised and relived sates,, now in pirealt; tlen—rtliera- in;the name and loentfoa of the be% altered in the dinernmational rains; mid marle,?l, - almost„ every instasee, from the ; etorthiere , bilia.et broken haolte, pnd entizely unlike the gentiloe, ,•- tt yon'irleh to be ace from etch fraudt,bily the • • • VAC•9I . IIItiE , • • ENOYfiLOPEDI.6. OF NERI6Ait - , CURRENCY, YOU HAVE • ONLY TO PLACE THEBE. TRAUDU :LENT MOTES BESIDE tEJE iAO•EIMILEB T 4 DETECT 'MEE AT A GLIME .Why will you lialPlll4 0 upon a Plikt4Tilti.DEllo3llP 4 , TlON,flitt j of aod - orinted in the single - at *hen yod can Bova ikll the Wig, thils consumed, by , re:. Ihireoce to sitac Winne of the genuine, note. itself, !hloh it'quiree but a glance of the eye 'to losure yo n eigablei any loss ! OU ARE LIABUN: 'Ar •A To tem Oilr? AIM:MMUS iioTqc RAISED nom Os AR TO ;FIFTY. THE BNOYOLOPEDIA 18 IFBURD IN WESRLFI NNBIBII/IN RAOR 0019TolN CNN ONE lIIIND4IIV AND FORTY FOUR 8' AO- 81 AMES, TIN 1911.0 . 1,8 NY - 081i TO 'BR tOROLITED IN A YiAR ,- -' For Eltite bit 41/ News Dealers Periodical Aglitt k -thiotegli 'She coientti.' , WIII OAUBLAND 00;, Pollebet., • _,j78.9t • , No. 9 NeloSaa etreety Row Yotk..l. usT. pußtasiitt., /TAX. - AND T Eft WAR OF 1889: alums A RIM oRY liv THE 0 aIISEB I).s' TIME WAR, *iTEL iIIOGRAPHIOAL ELITOIIII3 Of its aerose, with full aedounte of the varlche Batttem, by MADAME JULTE D® MAROIIEItICTI 8, With a. Kai of the, 13w. ct War, and vily Engrave. Portrait; of the Tait u. General., ke., one .Voltime,l2ino , ototh. Pelee $1 • The design - of thle book it to chow Paly In her prat es:A present, to that the radar nay understand en, what grounds she Name her encodes cy of a glorione future; grith this view, the outs, r who Ilse tretelled ' largely thrmogh and has resided for a coned° , Table period in pilau. describes plates with which she le impialisted, end pens Jones whom she intimately; knew "' G.. G. BUNS publisher, No: 489 . OEIEBTNIIT hired , . Philadelphia 3,O•St •' • riu•Evc , OIL COLORED VIEWS. Li THE MENEM OP PEttritaatßill,'DONSiit• D TO GUN ;TILT. Aftempaolicl trick • dssetlidlse" Dime. 28 sesta YISW 8 OIl•VPIIIIIIBOR CASTLE, ETON, &a. With: Haod bp, k, making", A:utlet. Guide to this me • sideent pmen, 25o:bate t tf Ok WASHINGTON OITY. With deserili.; tione,,f Publie Butidin 25 cant., • VIEWS IN IIIE'ISLI Ts,, OR WIGHT. pew:Li:oo.l)r colored , - 25 eentx. ' • wow's OP 0061,08 T ) or ) ,Bolace la Borrow. ; By, Rev. Jams BOOB] 'B2ma , Doper.loehts, LIPS o.l' By Prof, lemon. With as eq.' Borate, of him (hzduo and ,Qharaoter. By, Lord Macau• lay 4no: 60 cents. For sale by - WILLIAM S. lb, Al FRED MARTIAN, 191 ' 606 0111451INVIT Street A N XABNEST AND TIiOUGHTPUL, ZIL BOON. , LEOTITIM. OR - TUN PtIZST'TWO'VISIONS OP' TRH APE OP p4 t!l lkL. By Rev, WilliamNest* IShno - 'Ante' - *byroad dr ?Ili I'liiirB : , , "' ,, i'7 , . , There lea warmth of tone and fueling .about Vag. book which wili'mkke it not nosoceptehle 'to n' ta,ge, 'algae of-regulars, ,IPA practio.l serneetnead and rare , ' recce of spirtt are high recocintenastione ..—Sennerof the Orose - • '• The volume oontaios sloosre and- earnest expositiOns Of prophesies. The author's yleps are,, sJmadvi.,, deficits,' •peindisr, Le' worthy of attention and don: eldoratlon —American PreseyteriAn , , The book is the product of a cai rn , tluitattrul, nest.-and reverential mil d, and may be emanated 'NNW profit •,-Prcsbytertsn BennorAnd Advocate.. •••. 'Just published by je26 • . No. ,606 ORMAITirfT fILVBOOII.B-OLD 13061(81 - , ‘..." The wodereigoed states that he bakfrentientlitie sale books printed between the yearel47o eAdArk}.. l early editions of 'the Pothers Of the Rare at 'au. tendortf, Grottos. Poweit, Coke, Hall,: •a' YearßoOket, Relents, fed., are often to. be found upon hui shelves Oyer °psalm, Lexicons. 0 lassie Authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, }faience, Ecnonmy. Governinenti Architecture, Natural History. 'Premises open these and other kindred subjeote 4re being Continually dealt in by him.' ildoks, ra large and 'braall quabtltlea pa., chased at the OestomMouleaveout NU r Street, above /fourth, Philadelphia - mete am ' 'Join; itAmPrnOt,f, , eliesolubonif mitt' 4ropiettneristop3 DISSOLUTION. -The Copartnership hero rofere eiretlag under the fi,ne or EVANS ,Sr. REVOMER (llotel•keepeir) le THIN DAVAuuteleed by inalualconeeut, c VAN EVANd, ' ' UPTON L NEWCOMER. U 8. NEWCOMER bevlna ;miaowed the lotoreet of EVAN I.VeNB it:CMS .UNION, AtCU etrcet stove Third, will still (ramie the kn•tneee, and !open, by strict attention to the wattle of hie Mends and the travollog public, to keep " TUE UNION" with such character ea will merit popular'la•or. J74-mac DISSOLUTION. ---THE COPARTNER- Willi' heretofore exleilow between toe .wheor.bera, under the name or LAY & BROM% le this der the aolaed by =tool cesrent. The bnalarea of the late Arm will be taped by either of the uodete•gned. ones. a. LAY, JOHN OAMPBELL Philadelphia, July Ist, 1869, The undersigned bare this day assoolat d themselves for the purpose of manufacturing.Yrinting Take order the name of LAY & BROTHS➢R. The" manufacturing department will mason the samosa under tke old fine, an teat enstomere ev, rely upon the , reputation of the bread being fully sustained. - MIAS. B LAY JUIL C. MOLL_Inf. July 1et,11359. jl9 Btilf TA 1 S S O L U TIO N.—The Copartnership beistofors existing botwaso ULZIOti LIND Va. DI *VMS and 011(011.13. AI 4TTLA(111;:to yobbo busi ness ata plass Witt( h Viol( s Perm,l , bas been this Soy, 3lnly 23, ditennyed by .ruttinal oons.nt an olatros op to maid date wit! be e•ttlad by Th LTN DENMIIVEI. • ULRICH- LINDYbiIIaY.U. July rth,IEN CHARLES LtaTtL jyl3.3t* rrillE COPARTNER SIIIP ben toforo ex je Iglus between the Ffllmerbvre la thle day dlaeoleed Ty mutual ens. nt The Dueness of th(v flee, •wlil be settled by JO P 8 D. Ildrl , .ON, who le authorised to usethe name of Ostlers la JOAEPB B HANSON,' Julylet l lB69. NORWOOD PtelltOtß, ' JOSEPH D. HAWN will continua the Tottneoo Cloanntesion bantam, end agency fgt. the sale of Som brero than°, en heretofore Re.lob North WAITE?. Street. - and No DS North. DELAWARE Avenge. GEORGE BOLDIN, 10b Nortk WATER, Street NORWOOD PENROSE, 106 North DELAWARE Avenue NORWOOD PENROSE, (late of the Arm of Zoseph B „ Moen & C 0.,) is Gilt dei &escalt . ed with GEORGE BOi.DIN, under the style 'and fleM of BOLDIN & PINEOSII, for the purpose of eondnottoi a. Zobacao' 011, and General cooitaleston 'hertu'eee. ' July 1, 1859. 3y1:11 NOTICE.- THE COPARTVERSHIP /. I heretofore existlt4 betw.on the subscribers, under the Firm or V nhOINN it - 00., it this duly diseolyed by mutual sellout. • The bottoms m the dm will be settled by OORNEI LIM 1. IlitauFOßD sect risMl7lll, LtfrZ, who are auttontood to use the name of the km for that pur pose. WM 11 Ditt.WN; CORN T BltarißOnD, BabIUEL.LOTZ. PEILAMILPHIA, 7th month Ist, 180. .Iyl-lm OELEB4 &TED MAIZENA,, BOIL NANO MINQH, MINIM PUDDING; MAKIII PUDDING,IIISITAID 'CUSTARD, MOW CREAM ICIE CRt AM, PI/18, OMMEI, &o. DIANIIPAOTORY—DLEN COVE, L. ISLAND. We take greet pleasure in presentiog to the public our MAIZINA, - (which le pet up in one pound packages, with directions for WM on the !Torpor, , as being by far the ORE /MOW, smell as the most delicate and whole some article for culinary use now extant, and is MOO ded to be, by the many that hare tested its delicate qualities, * most important addition to our national BO of Bare," particularly for desert. The article is manufactured with the utmost rare from. the choicest selected flouthein Indian Corn. The wa ter used in ita manor store is drawn front paranoia Apringe, and is remarkably pure and wholesome; no water could be better fitted for the cleansing of a sub stance designed to be need largely for food, and to ren der it particularly adapted to the use of invalids and the sick room, It being equal, if hot superior, to the beet Bermuda arrow hoot. Parties in the Trade are invited to call, when we will take pleasure in present lug them wimples, OLIN WYK MANUPAOTURING 00. JOSEPH 11. TAYLOR, • 10$ WAINTIT'nTaRST, Wln.leeele agent for Philadelphia. WM. DURYEA, Ooneral Agent, 100 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. N. 13.—We are the only,pirles in the world that manufacture fddIZENA, we having ae•ured to our. anlvAs the exclusive right. ' ap2o. cram ac'eowam AS IdGUT (300K7STOVE, &0., for titommor All a,zis of T Shaw's '(of Phi‘a Patant eas Light (look !Stoves &o from ;MO to $:6, warranted to boil, balm, roast, - broll, haat tai rra , and Waters' trona, Ito 'John Earhre, ,No 1840. RIC sr Street:cot this out for rsfersoce, 18AP. .1'011):04 , 1 1, 4 JULY ii; 1869. Letters from , rioireepordenoe of The PiefeJ L'AtthAkhh. 'June 15, 1859. ; havo at length iot; away from Genova and ?limbed mj , : toiat for fora tow daya• iiatilditiitteillie oupttal of therainton do WO. In coming' here :we.wereovertaken'on the( lake by one of those fearfully sudden storing Tor ivhioh it Is so remark able.: In fivq its glossy, surface was lash-, :ea into,fa dons With. difficulty we land -9d In a,snullt a ttO4(at Xyon,, Where Lsvis glid , to tale refuge toV 'the niltlit,''rathet"thari Ventui6 Seeress the taisloftstilti')lt'U; stenttitOisi; *doh I had purposely taken, to go'bY the tgaioy iddb, iAlt wait thlie disappointed by the Storin: Theneki,day,f, made'a short detotir through is beautiful country, to ABU' the old bietteau Taf i leas, a tenet picturesane and interesting pile, and ivenderftilly syelt.nreeerved, considering ft stria bitilt;:es they any, by , the good'iltieen,:heretio, In the'loth century; when the' Oanton de 'Vaud rots a inoVince of -. l 3argendyi , : , I,attearthe , has 41n-, ittrritialled position. Pant alien three bills and the:intervening valleys, foie• ral hundred foot Lilies° the laps,, yo u have trout . . ll pubic& the town Views , of, surpassing beauty, eon tairm mine-1800h inhabitants is substan• tinily built In, an antipiet4d - stile, and °tea groat • ettisotiond to quietandetu • ous - - I The- oathetfral is swim:110)1Y fine Gothic s., , strueture, the.best in - Switsorlatid,tand a splendid • :foci .*1 r; 0 ,- ohe of Pope ,V, irhioh.tooiti any taut Singh , to i tisfy .the hbatt or thb laths red-, Afton, antiquary . tbePope,whti had beefi Duke' f aVoY,, after, o hts stbliicatiort feittbd , ta a _aim: , teals, visible froth Asausatine, ,wherkpe tiled, and Treat which they , pay, he- iv conveyed eathedrai. - The early!,histery ihe (hutch-Is' 4ibw inVolveid iu - bbatihrtsfr; the itiCorda kitting .lieriehed , hi Pot ilaqration by lightuing , Is that,', Jilreimost other tad' Oakes you visit, many of the laaalobate arezparely.legandiry, This Mora& took en early Start, by bolt, to, •,,,flontrostiti climbed hp tb Wpm; vaibre I . 6alebed; Shoat, eiMeilent ,Itiea‘fast„with a dish of, mpun tata anal:lOW / nearlY a thousand fept' - Wive thetliike, I oontlbUal bey letter froM an old leg b, the,wayside, The Weather ie lovely ; and , eifter • two months' of (dead' , and , with little Ifespite, one khowalthe to appreciate snob a day. -The view is niegnifitent! -I look down a` wild Wfilley; sprinkled with- hamlots• and - ohibita peep. ;tog out - frtm - the, dark; firs, ,to the lake, blue'as tttrquotao,, and abut In, by the Alps of Savoy, plied In huge bonlde.o to the clouds, -while to the . left:the Dint du Midi, with its-snowy teethi , springs talailV 9.000 feet:above the valley of the 1 :s none. ' , 81.tt IA not think, my dear that a mere 1)tosalo pen - is 'e4tM,l to tt" de3oriptlon of Lake -Matt, to vihbiki; some one has obserVed, !, ovary chord In tKe pebtio Use has vibrated." ' , -' I- .1 ave:juet Membered' up the grassfeide of 'a - Ann.!, ,steep bill, disturbing 'butterflies and' bees !.tittiprig its gorgeetts enardelling ofthwers. I step iii:Colte, a little breath and opol off, In a shady nook ~alwiest on a level with the base of the Dent di Ja.- 'lMM...which itarta hp jest before me, looking very, . ;fattish like the peak' of Teneriffs, as we recollect jibe picture in Oiney's - geography, 'when school 16P-30.valley "or the Mime begins to open ;e:tto - beforeme, its turbid Waters melting Into the. Aka, which sends them out again at Geneve, bean itrtilly blue and clear, until muddled againty the ri.vo. Thejunetion oftitese two streams is very atty and ounone. They, rush hundreds of yards ,ilder by side" without ,mingling," the impetuous, IfliTinse reminding one of a fresh young damsel:re-, I ' lidng the' overtures , of a disagreeable dotard, Iti meilongersable'te'veslst, she 'gradually yielde, 144, Waco herldung,j*us individiality in the 1,, , sombre niigb ieFy grW a y r o e f d the d eld st m m an a ' f s te fu r future course. ' the miantains, Z; could not resist theelestre 4 Ittolfring . ,iplihilien, that I,Might drop 'port a few tA i '. llifrom:ite old, ivy-cOlored*walls. I am, now V 43` in the very - dungeon Of Bonnivard;jest :. '.':',olat'ol..i'coltinan in which *rim engraved ilia • , -,..- . , ~„, :followed by tbinteands of other* whose- • - .7 1 ,ti e; limegine; has been litvaln.. How unto -• ii. , 44etze, .to recall, his apoltro -04,01011er:31' Thy yrleon ina holyAare, MA thy rod floor en altar—for 'twat; trod , ilntll Watley steps have left A trace Worn, as if. JAY cold parernent were a sod, By rOrmt.gad, !, wily nOne those marls effete: , t • _. Per they spread from Tyranny to Got." I l This le the fourth time I have been here, and I littve never Seen it so light and effeetive, looking tar mots like the crypt of an old church than a @pigeon The setting entietreams in through sin high, narrow apertures, and reflected from the Velar, plays upon the arched ribs 'of the ceiling and falls 'spot the unhewn rook of the right wall 'e rude old' Gothici columns, stretching down the riiiddle, throw their seven slanting shadows on the ground, making a beautiful study for an artist. I 4osi the waters rushing against the walls outside, but the idea that the prison lies Wolf, the surface of the lake le altogether fake and poetic, Much as thaemay have obonied Chilton, and It has aeon many vicissitudes since its foundation by Pierre of llavolo, in the thirteenth century;_ and much as poets may hive embellished it, there is no doubt that many bloody , note Of tyranny and cruelty have transpired here. These very suttee have echoed other groans than those of Wale and Bon• ntvard, and "many have hero, ended their. days by violent' death - or ,slow lingering decay, whose shiferlegs have gained no sympathy because no bard has gang their woes " ' What a vision if the horrors-of the pest were now to 'start up, as I sit writing in this solitary place ! I almost shudder as L throw my eyes to the other end of the dun geon, beginning already to be shrouded in gloom! The gurgling of the waters has a dismal sound, and as the light fades a superetitious feeling creeps over me ! t radition says some thousands of Jews Were cruelly hub:armed:in one of the dark recesses adjoining, and es I don't want to conjure' up the shades of these murdered innotrente with the cruel Duke of Savoy writhing in their vengeful clutch, 'I must hurry put of this ghostly atmosphere to the light of full day. • Obilion is a spot mach more intoroiting from its historic associations than, from the graceful spell which the genius of Byron has thrown over, it, and long before I could appreoiate .either; as a child, the Penny Magazine. that inaxhaustiblo source 'of delight to young minds, had given ma a lasting impression of its wails -and ploturerque round towers. I was greatly disappointed when I first saw it from the lake, from which point it by no means realizes,one's expectations, and it was not till I approached from the side of Ville• Naive that I recognised the Chilton of the Penny Maga zine. During the Bernese rule in the Clanton do Vaud, the bailiff of Mien was the great oOnservator of public morals and decency. - Vnillmln says: TV. baeco, idleness; WI conceit, and dancing, Were then prohibited under severe penalties. The length of wigs was regulated by law: the wearing of. false hair, or of more than one petticoat, was, absolutely forbidden. Short sleeves and low dretees were the objects of repeated fulminations, and great wrath was once excited in the heart of their excel. Jencks of Dime at the news that a Roman ()etha ne dancingMastor had...established himself in their good town of Vevey, Oiler was sent to the of Chilton to make him speedily decamp, and to censure the towns people for their criminal laxity." It is now used'.by the Canton do. Vaud as an arsenal and occasional prison. The last who were here •confined, I believe, were, some Christians, who submitted, to imprisonment "tither than vio late their conscience by bearing arm's. The last boat had gone when I left the castle, leaving me no alternative but to walk to Vevey. The EMI was going down behind misses of 'laven der clouds, fringed with orange, while patellae of purple, pink; and gold, floated 'along the horizon. The mountains behind me looked like piles of changeable velvet, from the darkest gray and green to the most brilliant hues of refleeted sun light, from their snowy summits, the beautiful lakes repeating the whole as in a mirror, It ,was a delioions hour as I wound along its crystal margin. The alt was filled with the perfume of fresh mown hay and roses, and the rippling of the water beat time to the vespers of the birds One by one their tiny chirps died away as the shades of twilight deepened, and the frogs, in coarser notes, took up and prolonged the eveulug strain. The full moon rose over "Ia tour d'al as I en tered. Olarens, the "sweet Olarens " of Childs flaccid, and the soerie, 4 of. Rousseau's Nouvelle Helolse— here the Rhone I.lath spread himself a coach, the Alps here reared a throne !), W. MIL. WILLIAM SIMOND9, 000 Of tilo OHO= of the New Endand Farmer,,died of 0011,11inP , bon, at hie residence in Winchester, Mau ,on Teursday night last The deoeased formerly edited and was proprietor of the Satitrday Ram bler, a weekly j iurnal prlbiißbed 110 Ilm.ton. Ho was the author of the i% Almwell Stories," and of several Sunday•sohool books, His ego was thirty .seven years THE New Haven (Connecticut) Palladium has been eidargid. It is now the largest daily ' paper in the State. The Haute oc tlia,Vitia and Edithwstcpet Passenger Railway VIE CHARTER or PHILADELPHIA AS CITY--43D ', 'WARD SHIPpEN ; FIRST MAYOR—PIN . ANCINIIING IH yllE EARLY DAYS ON THE CITY—Dp . picULTY, IN II:BCC:WO MAYORS TO SEitYK—BENJAMIN FRANN ''LIO/ ELECTED ALDERMAN IN 1751- 1 4,r.vY OF MONEY TO rAETHE Expo:EBRO OF A NIGHT WATCH—PURI , CHASE, Or, LOTS POE THE ERECTION oil THE COUN TY ,COURT HOUSE AND THE MAXIM'S OPSICE IN 1762! - ' 7 '"' • • - " • Philadelphia • had been • iM existence nearly twenty years before itreceived, on - October 25th, 1701, its *By charter: We find,liowever r in• the aota of the Provincial;Cotinoil, that in 1684 Thorned tioytiffhomee itelinee, and Mr. •.11ityne were ap , :pointeti.to.drft!,oll, a dhat ter for the bore:flee of Fbiledelnhia„which _wae to. be goVereed by a Mayer and ale aldermen: Watson's Annail men-, tion that on the Id of the Bib' month, 1691, - Ilnite ' ph:ear Murray was rectognised 'by the seine Ma. Giles Mayor of the city of Thieriot lie efientlene doe& riot appear ifi the E" Colonial &cord. ' It it probable that thilerntreiti'nenjt have been given by inadvertence, Or perhaps *as sanotittned•bee custom, .The preamble of 00 eh er ter teems to preclude the idea that Philadelphin. wasa city ; balm for it mentions that at Atte. brinifile request of flte hat settlereof, the town or Phil`adelphik I 'baits; by 411t4 - Lef the Ring'ilettetiiititent;-ttfider the . Gieat Seal bf , Drig. land; erected . thettaid - toteh 614 a Vorotigh; and by • these Presents tio'eriot' the said - fawn` and' htlicifgh •Into . a Uhdar tlitin'amehf Mayoritid:COta. Manatees:or the) Ohl .of Philadelphia, Peniceeheb. listed a dose torperatioh, eoesiethig of-the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Clem:nee Counell.• ; fhti .first of these.4oo aPpoiated.bythe,Pfoprietor. . .1t is supposed' diet se, strange .e,'Provisien:We Wet which cut effehe'people settargefrOm en, feloe in I :Cie' Gloat:died sr v i tVatio,tes, bad Its 'Origin in the , thata vlry largiweiief the Arst litre Suelt;ttattartet , as they WereVsed tO s there. PindisiOntl Witte thilkithieliddptsid*lth' &dr Slight _alterations.. beyond-IMM :changed egirefiniatantese .rendeted absolutely net*** it *as Ititeed that thist,oliartst Would not froek - tvolle : Was this Moeller Omission in, iteethat. there, wets. Me power given'tgi_ ley a..ta; for any purpose. 'inizilites of the Common Counellior 11 d Show : Llle 'liven diem` thn charter was not Considered perfeeifyt - eatiefeetory, for ' it 'vim ordered " th et '• the Ite oorder,,Alderman. &ors and Robert laslitton, Atari a noir draught Of sv city oharier, - aricif 'heart ,therein eneb.priviiiidgelasehe present charter are .defloient in, in order .. .Mt , lesiene to: he Preer, for. his concurrence and pasting .the same ".; It ap pears that this movement was unsuccessini, tdi.the minutes make no mention of a now charter being received from the proprietors. , , E iwerd Shippen was the first Mayor of this oily. He was a noted personage, foi three eeveiel rat" ioni—for being the biggest man, living in the big. goat home, and having the biggest' carriage lie had.been publicly whipped in Boston, in - 1675, on account of his Q tatter principles. , Edward Ship. pen, unior, presented e petition to the Common Council, July 20,13, 1100, praying that thie Pone: mon Council would please to eemiteinto him Seven pouride ten shillings, or some - part thereof, being a tine laid upon hini for an assault end hatterY Colic mltted on the body of .0 homes Clark, Esq'" Re hard,iii;eind , " to'have followed in' the friemtepe of hie illustrious predecessor. , ' It may be worthy Of oeleethat the Coundil remitted him half the fine, on condition of iris paying the remainder within tetra days. The city was often "hard up." At the same meeting of Council, it was resolved that, to :raise money for building:the new market bonier ,the seven aldermen should centribithilind pay double what the Common Councilmen should do :They took - care, however, to be repald'irien the market rents. A few weeks lateri it 'write ordered . that the Mayor. ilecorder, and Aideeskan-Shippen attend the Rouse to ask leave to benefit' a bill to Confirm the oily charter and extend its provisions but, when they addressed the AMerably on the sub ject, it was Ordered. that the request should be niade.in writing In the form of a petition. 'Poore Seems to have Seen a delay in this for several years. .Finfrig wee quite a favorite mode of rale lug money for public particles in those times. The very first minute , of Common Council (Oct, Id 1704) which we have, states the reasons f,r remit! tang the fine of '.£2o laid onlAldermati Jones' for refusing to accept 08 , 4E0 of Mayor the ye4r, fare: Oa his re-election, he thought it advisable to serve. Richard Hill, in 1717, was eionsed, among other' reasons, because he had; "at this Board's importunity, served the last:year." Alder men Story, in 1706, Was' not so fortunate, but had to, pay. his 1:20; and in 1745, Aldermen-Turner fined '..C30. the office, and the fees wore but small, while it was the custom for the Mayor. on going out of office, to give a grand entertainment 'at - his own expense; It was, therefore, resolved that, sinee, it had been a difficulty to find persons willing to serve in-,the office of Mayor by reason of the peat trouble which extends the aithful execution of it, one hundred Pounds a year should be paid as allowance to the Mayor for three succeeding yews; The circum stances attending the next eleotten were very eerie' one and different from what might hate been ex. peoted. The two aldermen who went to the house of the Mayor cleat,' to inform him of his appoint ment, being told by. his daughter that he was on , of town, and returning and informing the Board, they adjmreed until the afternoon " to consider what was proper to be dime on this cessation." The Recorder having in the meantime consulted the Attorney General on the matter, the latter gave it as hie opinion, • that a written notion should be sent to Alderman Morris's house, signifying that ho was so cleated as aforesaid; and likewise that a messenger should be despatched into the country, where it mess said be had gone, with to like notice, Who should endeavor to procure his sneerer whether, he 'would 'serve in the acid office 'or not. Mrs Mei ris"refused to 'receive the notice when she had heard what its purport was, and the messenger having gone to-Berke county and Trenton in search o the Alderman, returned unsuccessful. Thereupon ,the former Mayor was re.eleeted. Alderman Mor rig had.probably previous intimation of his elec tion. but it is likely did not hear of the salary which was voted at the same meeting at which he wee 'chosen. In 1740, it was resolved that at the end of the ensuing year the aforesaid salary should cease. W. Atwood, in 1748, and Thomas Willing, the year after, proposed to give. the one £6O. the other . .ClOO to the corporation in lieu of the cue ternary dinner. Thomas Lawrence, the next in cumbent, offered to donate In the sense way £lOO to the A oadenay in this city, (the forerunner of our University;) which proposal was very highly ap proved. Benjamin Franklin is mentioned as pleated'aldermen Ost let, 1751. Is' 1760, it being shOwn that fhb expensee of the Mayoralty exceed ed the fees, the salary of £lOO per annum was re. stored. The Board, in 1761,f having beeAd that the Mayor-1310dt, Alderman Samuel Mills, was etok, appointed a committee : to wait on -him, and they reporting that ho was-unwilling to accept the office, but requested the Me to be received instead, impssed • the heavieat ,fine p ermitted Wein—via, , 'An act of Assembly, 'visaed Tune 7th, 1712; op proved by the iluesezi in coutedi February 20th, 1712, .reoltes that '" Inaorporatieg the said city hitth so far limited the magistracy of the county of Philadelphia,- that the law for raising of the •county levies cannot, without the helper this act, be so aptly and effectually put in exercise within the said oily as heretofore, and this rule and go- Vernment of the Paid city requiring a charge which may not immediately concern the rest of the ouirity," six assessors Were to be chosen annually by the people when met to shoes representatives fn the Assembly. These assessors meeting at a fixed time, Red noting with the munioipal officets, were to make an estimate of the probable expenses Lf governmentfor the ensuing year, and lay taxes to meet them. An act " for the, batter government of the oity,of Philadelphia,": passed atithe Dame time, was soon after repealed, and not appearing barmy collection of laws the refer has that With, he is not aware of its purport.' In 1743, a our Mittee Cannons was appointed to draw np rand submit eni.act , for bettor regulating the nightly watch of Philadelphia, and for raising money on the inhabitants of the said city for defraying the necessary_exiienses thereof. On the eecond reading of the act la the Assembly, it was suggested that, since the bill proposed laying a tax en the people, it should first be submitted to them; where upon, its consideration being postponed until the next session, it was ordered to be printed and dis. "Persed'by the clerk, (Beni train Franklin,) with bis newspapers, among the inhabitants of the maid city during the interval. The bill was taken up and passed February Bth, 17504. The , ^Governor strongly objected to it, on the ground that it re lated to the properties, and might essentially street the liberties of the city, and was unprecedented. The magistrates urging the importance of its pas sage; and- stating that they had tried to conform US nearly as possible to the weld mode of laying taxes in the counties of the State, and had only varied from the Englieh customs so far as altered eitentnetanoes required, the Governor acceded to their wishes, and sanctioned, the measure. Six wardens were, by the provisions of, this'aot, to be ohoson in the same manner as the assessors, who, tp °alienation with the assessors, had authority to i mpose a tax of not more than three pence per pound for the expenses of the watch, do This act expirlngiVrits own lithltation wtie iii that year substantially re.enaoted, and has also " been re-enacted on several subsequent meadow. I Street commissioners wer4.,appointod in 1762, with dna,. • tar powers (though 'for' different 41:teposel:tek, those of the wittier& ' : .1.4 an -sick punqd Feb. 17;1762, Xtoram-ppwided, that ah:it of ground on the 8. E. ;totem of Cbeettint and Sixth A treats, rnoniiiring fifty pmet,bigovippi7- .oceie, I, and . eimiiar ono,nt'ilioA. *. 'lo , iner;of Ohestnn , t and inftli pir4ittii, having bee n foi' this er:oilion . thilietitioii'ofa`onuri heunifee`the nounty f Bad- a "eitinhelllef the'loitii' o'f Pliflidel libia—tifto b onvoyatiaO of which late lied hosier been made—on payinent of, 45():by'ate, bounty ,aild oity respeeitively,,thelete wore tor,be -mado:-,ovely Alifit k , on ,Fifth strolt to,thevity r tks other 4 t4 theleonnty ;. leteung ordered pip? ilia! the -' d beiiiil4 In form: ''.d The' dity'Counili"oidiiad, th , Oref , iei7;i4cber 20th; 1763; pin lild'inini of £so' tiVlie 4 ltitliliokettid• 1211 for the parteie; '.i . tilii 4.6 1761,/ Obi dial toff i tlio property war executed:.•:- Tbeffoissiriirkittitirifircla leb;thern4 Dome ~.11ttedn:ItltP*106141:faither charge.::,:..-_ I. lo ri: , - - _ - :',!'., .5.7 '.Ltri lii r' - : :, 1 ~r :ei, - AA . Wnati4o - :i ''i ' fuOrrenkiatigttA(6B4En':.l r 1 July'r i The 4iiiir 4Vtid. eigta . ..tog '!;riznisersaii" of' •Aantirtitiillindii)i'nd'iiitilitfAiit `crated - Whp, .booli , of the eentillffieeitAllpreei'kviraelitilii oil, and ern long the of,o4ttlietit'snoiing•ab44 oci9r to co..tga . ttightsand,potnitof meet?' '? . A t J2);il,rhe,exercteep ef.the:tfaiwere•pcmtnpue'.. ett: in- fro3t,ef o. thqkcirelefr.#4Attel„*.y/are, where ..a 1 ,', 4 0 P7x4, 6 l ) Pre/a.titersoVimirP,Rf: 0.P.P 1 ! , * A 6:..i.iitiw - --. . ar-lailifoipno;v4sopmaP,rofgsi . .hr- , ,rioecl t : - fin ' , reel iii. )I.oiiiitien:, at Tatlet gentience„ . 7 Viiry able r and: ilaiiiiii ioiiiiii;fr: ! 4 • .ter.ribtob Scceiarferniferil,l9 icrireiiiid#!l-t-„ltij.-417ii, int roa need -' \-nef atilit6Md:WoriixtOdfnlikik:**ll". happy. et. lei ,apkithi. itplet rOegi of I4tih irer-1 If. ltt ittit ful nyckOtt ! tl4at,e*tetl 4 , , ' fal„ Alf, A.IIPON Pif;.o 10: 0 ' a:1 1 91:- p r *64rO jidg - foilink a peettionofeeiete#o tire l* Seise; Bar.'' ' ', ? 7 In theeviiiti,Ode oitiyieenitii , nid with th seen.l Of 'Magi. trtitif the ittiaie iff.i;neiiiiitie thenitiltia in'the ;31 . 4114 .f " . beititifillireiriiiiis t . ' - Elo'paired oar l'unitliciatili.'7 ll ''' -' 6:11f-10 , , , Gay Dic,etirAr on Iler Tratelis 13113.PndinToses Tun cop:ruing° se , . unasat,t':elcvtxtiao AY xr, tirom the Olstelaed MAIO One daj lauE.week.a namable looking- young woman, rather SUptfreckled ,and having of a Iriott warm yellow " tine: took' Masse froth Obi nage to Detroit On theMbiliigatrfrentralltallriid . . Her-basgage was oheoked,,anci theyoudgaireinin took a berth in the sleeping par. Another -young woman, of, dont4 ‘..peifetit stronger "„ to the "auburn" bvired damiel, Who' ' we forght . to say, della herself iMiialleth Drake. lib itted• the battle Ott arriving at Detroit, }lin dieth found her shop. lee companion' LTA , ahrgoinilateif;, taking with her the Check for the 'b ggage, and MOO, other sundries oontalded li , aste's rocket ,- On Saturday, mornlh.l die fir s Von," found at the New eta': on Water treet, having , jest ,00me off the • Aftoit'steimer. - She remained at that haute; and toldthiligidifted, Mr. Charles Coates, tbentory of her losses; stating that she had' been riibtied.of 'her Opal!, cortlitin ing Valuabtei and alas' bad all her money.stolett. She fa. then said that she hid Settled - Milt Mae rill road company .for the loss, and tbat,ll:ll4fitat3, President of the ,Cotttptiny, had, given :her a - note for 4500, payable in; &teem day Thre nota'abli had placed in a, sealed etivelopei and. gitrii Into the custody of the landlord for safe keeping: - Mr. Coates and • his 'ettfe 'wire Imposed on - by the appearance and phittitible story of Elisabeth, and the !twiner advanced her' certain rums. on the note—to wit, S' one bank note of theialie of $5, two bank roves of 'the vattie_ofltt'eatih`,.and Ave silver - coins of the vakte - of .25 cientaeaott ", With this money the damsel went'up;to'hibe: man Kellogg's dry,goods store, and k putohhaed e. dress, piece, making herself 'very - intimate witb "no of the clerks. representing that her father bid, told a farm in ANN= county Air - A30.010;' and: in s, timating that she Was going to "launch nut" in he way of dress. Of course ler acqueintinhe was cultivated, and the retired with the proa= , poet of running up a big, bill at „the expanse of the firm. - , - So far everything bad - gene" well, but ehe had made herself so very familiar with the boardefa at the betel that Mrs Coates , began tole suspi cions. Oo Tuesday afternoon Marshal'Craw and Officer *Maury hentientid: into the,. house, .aed were.introdueed Under feigned names to that yeung lady.' She aeon beeinie -eery familiar with tithm, and matters were progrituing Imitate:Mei; Who Mr. Coates annohnoedthat Ms hareatt-rittlahlikt the , draft aria' deiailted: , —had been robbed.,' - The' suggestion thit an talker he Sentjor Was rejeitted by Craw, who reoommanded that:the'roOttie of:the torsions ounce lid bainiaiolted: Satre money ; that bad been Stolen, together with the envelope (dosing the " draft," was found hid under a bed--,, where they had ,beeriplainid for thiparpose: ,By Aar lime °Meer Frazee *Pi on the ground. - .Mies Drake'attetaitsdto getToosseesionoltheitillyel; thit all Weti - f - gltite wave ope was Open and found to coritaii--.Ltivaste` paper!, . In the course -,nrcielivereation with .Marshal Craw", bed gait the impression that she was talking w ith ,a fellow . sharper, and - told.blui that her story of 'the draft was all fiction, that she had been " robbed" by an aocemplice according to agreement, and that her trunks had beetiplaced by that achomplice in 'the' fngi' of BlilabetTes " Amoy man," at Kalamesoin The surprise of the young woman at learning, the real °tweeter of' her continent may be imagined.- • - The game evidently was to swindle Coats oak of all ehe could onthestrength of the surpwed - drafq and then "slope',; to run up a bill ail:loE47_l%e* man's on the strength of the $ 3O 000 fortdae; Mid then -to conic on the Michigan' Central Railroad Company for damages f tr the Toes of her trunk. - These schemes have fellediand abets now in the hands of the polioe. Mantua. The M 34010, whioh flows from the Lsgo di Garda to Mantua, is at times a river of considerable size and depth, but in summer it is often so 'shallow that it can he wided through without difileuity • There are bridges morose the, Minato at Panniers. Borghettii . Onito, Rivalta, .and Mantua, the dis tance between the firs -named plum; which lies Or the °aide Like, and Mantua, being about sixteen. English odes, - The d is , atme between Mantis and the spot at which theldinelo falls into the,Po may be about seven Miles.• Ihne:the line whioh the Austrians havo to defend-is-but; little • more. than tiven.y miles in length; and at each end of it - is' fortress which is exceedingly difficult te,tirin, as the one (Paschiera) is on the Gems Lake, - and the otter (Manila) lies ,in the midst of bogs and , marshes, which extend to the Po.. Pesoblers, a -mall town on an island, is defended by extensive n , wo-ks and eight lunettes" w th. bombiprnot gm' tars for the troops. „Them t lunettes" form'. mad of fortified camp. In addition to the forti fications alattly mention. tl, there are two forts one of which commands the right end the other the left bank of the river. Too garrison of Yachters has also the .power of Inundating,the.country for onme miles round by closing sluices which are be tween the lake and the river.' Mantua, which also lies on an' island, has a for Ofied camp for 30,000 men. TOo, aoproaohoi to' M Kona are across ft's dams or dikes, three' of which are in connection with the' right - and two with the left .hank of the. lake formed by, the The principal appresehes maths leftbsok ate-in the direction of the aubrtries'lBan . Giorgio anePorto, the former being rote° ed by .Pot San tlioriio, and thalatter _by the treat. citadel of Porto. The dikes on theright bank are:prritecited by the " hornwork " Pradella, fort;Pirsoli. , andpy the redenbe Tbigerriam of ,Marlins bee Alen she means' of, effSetually..inuni dating the sitrioundinip c , ontry. If Napoleon is resolved to have Ma stns, be' must be prepared to sacrifice 80,000 or 100 000 men, for his repined, uncle did' not get pmession of it nntil..afterhe had besieged it eight months Mad fettitht;tightJr. 'ten battles The Trend' artillert: more porrerfol now than, Cyras in.l7o7,lntio are the fortresses againstichleh to 'be . 'elobloyid k few years op Pe!ottiera was a mere 'fort, and Verona 4 second-rata fortress, hut' bath of them have reoenti,y been greatly atrengttioned:-Lon- don. Times. GALL or A PAsriiii—Ttiartntad 7iecweo r.— We learn that the congregation of Etatinnei t chuteit, [Rev Dr Johns, late rotor ' ) eiterideCa utient. moss call to Rev. Dr. Newton, of Philadelphia. It is gild that Dr. N. occupies a position in Phila delphia very similar to that Dr. J dins "did 4imore, and his people there being so avermly at trashed to him, and his field or labor Wag inst that'he bee been compelled to decline the invita tion. A few Sabbaths ago the Rev; Dr Newton, after entering his pulpit, preparatory to delivering his sermon, remarked to his col gregatioa that lie had very recently 'received a copy of the 'sermon preached in Baltimore," by Rev. Dr Smith, of the Presbyterian Church, commemorative of the life and obaracter of the lamented Dr.. Johns, and ho did not think he could spend the hoar more appropriately than to read it to them, instead of preaching In the usual, way. He then read the discourse- in a most effeetive style, rind daring its delivery Jras'art °venoms at times as to prevent utterance,. and his entire congregation were frequently bathed' in tears, while sobs audible might be heard throughout the breathless audience. • The incident was one that will not soon be forgotten by those present, and is certainly a marked compliment to Dr. Smith, as well as sympathising - with the esteem and love by which Dr. Johns was acpreel. ated here in Baltimore —Baited:ore Patriot. • The following story le from the Troy Budget " We have for coma time b - aext- aogniaant of a persistent piece of a cruelty towards a lady of Abe; first respeotability in this city, and whom we hoped ere now to And relieved by the _interference of friends. It appears that her husband, la • a ! tit , of jealousy, something more than, a, Year, AO, 14 .11 cured a page complete of iron, into which - he cum-. polled his wife to enter, and aitimuitt: it is im possible for her to stand erect Within it,"she is never permitted to leave it, sacept at night.. The: social position of ,the parties:is •Inialt - that we are persuaded not to oaention'itanacis at present; bat Shall act fall to do to within a day or two, unless, In the meantime; ,36 'Mid the lady quietly Jr.- lieved "- '" "G RE T AQ.- learn that Messrs.. Law— rence and Arnold, who wore' soald. d- by -the 'ex plosion of the boiler on the steamer Bay-State, and were reported by the physicians as doing well, are in a precarious condition, the Indication of early recovery having greatly changed einoe yesterday evening The hope of their r ecovery -te -not yes abeadeued, but the resew' for hope dose not now appear as strong as before. Oarca~a , fur " Tag Ihusin wilt base ht -••• • - mica A4!"*"!t ii i i; ':,'' • .1 . 4. • ;my onsautilisitioni*Nt a» worsnaeilebY IMMO et theiritief., Isistieletleettiiimothing -No We shall 14 greatly Angell to gad**. Its rwilkild. ,14 &Jai 6fOiii,'llW PM* Um eti! 6t ii ! , n 3 t-ki" 4 4&l*o V i i* l 4!'r )nditiag ° thl / 11; k 1 #0.1* . eruit7; o o. l " . " ca - pNWINAWIN any WwfWEANKSOM !PI! be Wind- afitEA:l; NEWS. „. &COLOR= - STrrinnT , 42 , 1T510N •Contlol4 In !aux istraslatsytynrmit awn Sams sou Gan mAaTrr4,-Butee time litmus a young man from Brook lyn, New Torls,fi. D., slyinchis Imams es David Roselle; made, apPliesinonlor admiseloa - 41 valor , Collene,ol;the same Ratite.: Being Animated-to be .. °rimmed eatiantion” the anthethueof the inset tution-Alenittit.o3l,4' bitt'lnt.,. declared , - npan oath, that he wet 'rif Panditand. Indisd,parentage. Thoirose going - bramether Winne acquired thereby a more griteftd,olny, MOP - the yew* eian'e soli es tion,was. gratted7 , lliltatuertUrr 'hie "felloiretu dents heeemiageaspietesuselAhe-oidorf,took occa sion to taunt him " iVeiti liiiiirtirtlmi with his Illgritian ohareeterisaTerg•insomuoh kbat hnfiliPte seated to hiaperents *eta stayint t *enlist:we was intolerable i Co*lnVenie recently, he oval 01M oedled'at hirparenta „Muse ie Wildeseiburg; till an opportunity arrivedosbme days. ono, to ship him to Etermanp-mhere be -intends to complete his education. t is Bele/bore sood,aegnalotances Ma madiedispleierd-iltt 'be . sidifilii hove denied relistionsitip. hut ,ht:exonose Min. Jet J ot Wet , the Arbitrary fillosel - t* ad' 1114:Aki , rekoo4 ireeirarjr. 4 WilaiirNr4:4*,4 - sielnkrira r , inkt 'Ann, 0- titaki,--WiterdWatierreeon 'the petidis orrest• isgMbel'ilideittql'hoitielf-ftlJoY, Wiiiistn . 'Poi, andlliarnajaaordlArnatilagasul f tie th' ;knives, 4. ~,,,,.... :kW:4'l,ll4mm* last,: weik, near, the . .N ' .,- r - Mney were all %ward atrE of r t . - 7„1: 1_1 0, ge - co g . 14 _tits auntPCIPIA% ~:ftttqlo f AilliOl*in otoraftig;oofore3 :mitnpt, they weleee en .aamination, and. ~`,..,* mlaiiii4l . A. , 4 3: tA 4117, 'Mil niWitatienewitfroit'te' Wive Vteleitit In tioded...butilti Otoatinaveuir-noitiotil akthitfik-Ale tlfoo in-ttelotauto.norniSor s trAot in 'he, Superior' 'Coertnerristantft.:illrbei Will prebabli ali oVeln 'lnVeties: Hisinian , lista •in emmV bioeFtin'hulta 4 "C m - 4114 P 9 P ti;70 01 1 4 , 0 1 olidettoeof (Invelelemee` Of the aktagic opal', Mee :qtatlf libtele be v y lee i.Mifeileaped• liisli his lU.,:z.- 'VasilifiAgo - - ',.. • C.l, . , _ ~11,4 Nikittfliedarlbitunue-LTherizal Talnits' tug o , , s.na ungime,' , lW,PPelta. boUHIIA NOri* iit i rinpkarablWitireOtealtbtgh: las Sift '*ejeleciirWellik - :la T11:111 , 14461041Mm.- 1 1641CalidatillifVfitnitititinitilii Iliii4Pinaill'it ,4tie, aurpetinie 4n frockbaskletubjele a, lalfam sit Piet wide and'airi.7:fset Dint, wojecteireet nib ntende`ever the greets- is ir slater telsateir 3 se- M'Alog aP4 -leaving ea rrteges la bad Iniatket the .anaitartuni leelllptlital in chaps, eadlaita en Iwo* •isitttof tiltaiiviit sr/Wane, Tkere are leo latticedlbenetisainiele side or lite Pernitetter . , and open b exallim 4frigara3 ~tall 4 erased lasuilt, and four "tinrsof boxes . - • , • ... -... AIFFiEN ,Tigopsimr. ,posaas F9mes..— T he - Milli II 6;11 Igspiess bootpeny toile none of (belt opeolevy - th. reeen , ralltivt atower o'lll 6 , 4; co g /cluing Woo :was Rohnolit. , bac en Tous.eley evening last it was disonvered , tuttl•threefeet• ia the mud. The company had - • 390 0110' in earl In (befiltinz:whaar frivieit'd'On —aficagri tru.).- .. 1 7 , 44 5 yng? --- , ...),._..,,,,.. . -. ;:- ,1 :- 'c , •.. , Gositraotre - Aovzoiri—+Thafdistlittite tti;Ray% gate conloy„ Va t , stopped; thefit, own e000ril; tramedlite . l7 Wei the elenzahlt-!1044 4„bquid. Milers and Win Grey,ere salting the staelvotitraill an hand - -stenivali deattpatCfax!iLliep, for jettyrhet z tlyee, '''Titick have at - Ojterlbstilitt:ls,: . o:„alteld ; talhe peitogriptit the netatiaucand3:filoattv ,Tettetett; temp.„ The Ow wasfon4lttlpylefoti'oemstrbr solinei nailer:General ifejer,eq4 be teter.etlec. rel Id Is toiVinli , crefieefoil erolie'of that - °Meet's' doelmnOantil.: 4 ;:l ff, It'q t.tr. . ae arrive4p OleTelandi E _Ohl., alt ;be- wartmin Hat roike, via Ty Creek •rainell, and an.l4 bib int coma ibe'lentirt distant g `l..tean'dfr elks_ before a wagon'? ltr:1 itisia 'no- xes,e . "lied 8 8 nUtic,i.o.-4:.. single d! 1 • 3 7.., , • = E ccijAnt , y, New 'kirk,' bat 'i"eiefered: a Ant 'tit..ima thou, tand'dollareagaltist Oanifeir for' breocbsflovni..;) - ILisorßbliti ii's ‘3.. - gtarin f - Jage Onaw,,..nlmea ,takilwAe,l7.afroosittbit t ' epeetatorai, fiiir:NbriltiA44mt:tyclitalva Terg-g - PyPire• teaitin thatii6not' yefigitiftritlikbefertibi 11 -- ,beforgesiplopfcrititXti next iloterittenf bfassal°' icirxeptin...:,'. .` r, ASTpus B.:-Air . ntm,ir!anq ,fortoinetko.-Brown.y. ' :olmerin ass a i ` womalef.rjgttoi, t 4 rtias ,agiteiti.nOt Mii*OrkFattor the 13 ii G: krrins ` fiat been chosen orator foritbei 'text' iiiivertart `oftlei . Ilmin (Kin) ; :Ablitalinrar Bellew .'t • - -• (-Altslßoxiltowhine: had. een , t confirmed? 'with great disp lay , -in the:Shun* ..ct , San :Pietro , lad Vincula, at Remo. edifirr, of ihe :Virginia Cigsetiej atia Vilifikiiiebuis, up THE'4O9 ÜBTIFI MM=l!s=l fi-tr r kd. • ,•.;••• •-• ettiti - ra Mehra * -- IlitineKiShroll he's 414 4 41 , `, • mashierable'pihtienellitlefy:'wag platted upon the' • deforrad•mationlistet the Court otCommor.Plei‘i judges Alllstin,ind !Indio... for ; arairmenkon taiday, the second darifJely. The caseyes the - tenth one placed to the list, and it AaanAt related until a late-hoar in the afternoon,-as Abe'eurrent- Motion likt Wes dolled and the tegtileri3stea•yte bniiness nee drat Iterlidatail:' On the WON balletkhlessra :Johnson ;and Murphy:. respiond*d that ally were reedy revile argument of tip , o toe.. Minn. J Attamont PtiiltlDa and J. Alexeed , , , r Simpson; neon Abe part' of the • Ilheltait. ik.k that the oltelsolMitiCheleontioned Arid' until" they should 'have time- t0..-,leols. over, their; Which was token down, by: content of all "nettles Interested, byrit.hbedirtanlier stated !list they hadyeeeireuehe testimonyAirit-r7 'en out, early on Selurd,y-mornine; after the bony' of opening this'oonitt. 'They osked it a . they tkould not ha linvied-into The ease' at MM., with nut baring time to look .into the, testimony . tibia , they bad great end expanse, togeth•r with . a ereat loss of time, in tailing. They said , that 'ho testimony of both Itiirties together- wee ovbi two bendrsd alosely written .pages ;, that the teati inony for the libellant nes about eightj.pnes,while that when OD the part of tbereiptudiint wao itiont - one-hundred and thirlyvnanr. - " t Messrs- Johnum and Murphy spoke of the bard ship of he ease. and :atked that the ansement might- , be proceeded with.4l- the retpuident wee ' _ now, lining away from Mr. Bennett, who refused to • maintain her. - ' Thereouniel fer the libellant here tendered an offeYof $OO a month for the support of the reason- - dont, until the argument. ofloonneel was heard :* anirdeoliion of the-Dona was obtained.. - , s, Menne'. Johnson and hin`rntly SatiTtbit the cent. — qff , for the defence had . 7 nada:et liMetti'entetieti Il the eildenenwitleknonAd Ije7s.ltaire4Lin It- Ittliirt the canoe; that sthere_trak nelq one, er r ,tito. Points the Case, and these - could be - ar guel in 'en minutes. • • -"J . The judges said there was, new a third party interested in'the carviolwhlch was the ectirt; that, the, case' was a very-grave -nndliopOrtant ere, which would require. great care - and deliberation, and one that would require great eention -in con• flittering; that; the allegatione of the respondent Were true, the court'-bad-been etoOtti IniOnao 4 noon by some party; that they-would not enter into the matter hastily, or without great . deliberation; that they would be careful how the too/Cup:a:Cm which would require sci much deliberation: They therefore ordered the. gauss -.for, ammo:4 'at Mao • next section of tbe'Coart, Mr. Fdinrior(tnalsing hintsele responiible for the payment of tb6 attionnt 'stertsed to ••be paidta •Ihtirospohdent. " , Thiposite, therefore, will nOthe argned,until r iltajayse part- , of the month 'Ssittambir,"pr'tha,iteg,thning of Ootobei, a the coil:A:does" 'not agali . alt- until the third Monday, • : ' [On Saturday, in „the Court .of, Common Pleas, heforerjudges Thompson and Ludlow, a case - that tj inipottent to-property-holders cline" npi which 'was an application-for an iojenclion, toad, by , ,Tinfo'Rtheris and cithers, : to -.restrain the City of ,Philadelphia and Thomas itfen, contractor. from paving the molar side of Girard 'avenue; between : Seventh and, Eighth - streets,-Complainants,,wlo were represented by Leonard Mem% Eja . allege , that, 'without the application' to Councils of a 'hill, jority or, property owners.., the eity;-by resolution,. directed the paving ,of Girarti_avenue, between „ Sixth end Eighth - Streit-4, and — isriteier:lnth a Contract ;with , defendant , Themes 'Ryan, to - do ' said, paving; thatin pursuance of saitroontratn, : hit has already paved from Sixth te Seventh street, and is about to Paid between-Seventl and Eighth streets, and have no' doubt . ' will, - file, lions for the- r that said _street wee ,formerly.n part el, Penn district. and ',Deletes, requiring the, applioi:„ tion of :a majority of the; proPeitY metiers before • street paving oan fotderedotre 'still -in Race under t"e consolidation act. Some of complain -ants are property owners, and allege that under inbseqtiont ordinande they,are authorised topave -- the street, to employ their own paver , and, have , accordingly employed complainant; Israel Reborn, - Defendant. Thomas Ryan by his oonnselOYm-W. ' Juvenal. Erg oontendetiiitat- titider ;the. aot -of consolidation the oily has right to direct paving to be &Me without any application to them,, but nevertheless asserts that bolted a, prior Contract • with a majority of the property Owners from Sixth to Tenth streets. on Girard avenue. - :Complainants - - reply that bad there ever been a petition, to Colin- . oils, in order to arithorisesnolleoontraot, not tiara than two squares cap.,be included In one,petition,' - but that no petition whatever, was shown. junction granted until' farther order. Several oases baistainn on writs of habeas corpus on Saturday, lather Court of Quarter Sessions. The first care was Ureter Maria Louisa Whitener, who made appileation for discharge from the mu • tody of the mankgareof the house of Refuge. The - girl had been arrested by one of the Reserve Corps fur 111801101 y cohduot on Chestnut- street: The attar testified that he had seen her often 'on the street alone after night. -The mother testified 'that on' the night-of .the , arrest she litul sent her °laid on an errand,. anditutt the child was not per mitted by her to,,run the,,atreets. Cos of the neighbors testified that she had never seen any. thing wrong in - her conduit. The bearing was - continued over until Sabirditynext' The next was a ease in which ,applicetionlwas ' made for a discharge-of-Messrs. Sloanaker and Steel, who were-,charged with conspiracy: Ike allegation was that-the accused canoed; the: arrest, - - of a drover belonging to Ohio, on n eunimoos' for debt, and upon his being taken to the iddirtitan 4 s office; the door was arid - tend he was petiiireititted to leave the room until he Would' corieuf - le 'a set-. tiemetit. The testimonyofConstable Ponns showed that Mr. SaSanakeiwenrwith the partial in effect, a settlement, and that he teas' fold be - Odd not leave the ro m. The aldisrmart.teld' tife — de.e* C ant that he was not under nrrest - ; - that he bid Are , days to appear in. Ihthet'abienote of a metal le I - witness the ease continued'was, over, until Setup day next. '"-' • •-•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers