,-^ a:77:7OKM ..0:01t - Yetp10i4,741:44'.:47k141. - A 7 ; ;COsti34:4- - , 4 1. tar o.4oloollwitoni.",o4;.ftra, V 'allab AMOS. ' . - • _tv_Msyke_so..l-4, - o,4iimoni-511maisi• • -7---.4,167:4407-7*478.4= ' ' I I a ' - al=igl " 'iltiladeittgitii detente* Yerk, sto.CadmiadrrallaW‘irkiNANade.r to Jib Andbr• ' f,licolatdair iii"trcir44l.** 4.: ' -- ;-41m4,...,14A , L.*A.t.it: --‘ riagel-k At'. , ' ,. , .. 11. - te*Aturiir9t.aftq l 1 , Townie 7,1 ', 1 - ,iri. • m At', ."-"''''-- ''' '" 140 IF . 11 ; : I:._ • T 4-1,410".°1' with; • hr ao 4140!'ilakiai": . !140a1 Ohl kW A..% ) • , Sll l ,rt*,. , -- - VA I itFVV4 " : !lake it L a = "' '!-lll!itPi7, l h - ldggwraikeal ' OK ' 0, with . IVM7o:4l:W!lAMitflCW ' TkiliSirlim". l l' ° l tor ", & 0,,, , ,-.. a• , .. -n , ~., ~ , •.4. , S. -...N..3.- , -,40 ,0 , 54", , , ...6.1. 02 0. 1 004 • 4,- 7 41firy57 e."O-, , IV r ~,, from .t.„,viii on k in ) , i k ,, A <7' , I rrnlrz47 * ba no l ' ad r VP" -A milif*F:etb. ... 4 ' in b4llBl l f icrotti IIP " 4141111 Tat 4 ' . wier% ary'4'fiiiii ,- )101fit 1 14 Ida Veilditstl.''''" , ' l' thv An "'''" l4B k . i fkflft#A,-,4Pri rmiii ' llamih O titt i 4taig s aft , =allo.,yilio r ikortirski Ter Npr.,, ;',':'l 4 :' '72 ' 1,,,J0,r-lioasSßßlsed.ir Dolt dairspasthialtatii, , , adb viral* Olat re'Dedritc. - .' - - . , , / Behr Wm George, Jarkezi,jl o e, t .tr , m l f tel t eVatill I. -9111 4P7.`,„ 1, Wif 1 4' tai'Veliiiititi "liitTosAAtopu i kit Maw ut, dtteadi Laddlirwarr, eft 14.2,111M - whor dv(kir , * -40 -, , ' ; • Mar limas, lonialWilloiklatipaiqiiil4,l9,4l6,ll to a' I. Rawly do Co: , - , --" ,44 ' 1 a.,---4 ~t,- te , Behr ft • W Adekakk jiiiiifileieltr‘thiarielikra, l MC wlik redliWidilitajjokink.*o6., , r 'Wrio l / 4 1 4 'frifird*ClItYk l i k O r itI va s , t ',;r •' • lOW , •'l , :'-- --- c''' '''''' k 4 , 1 , ~ leLlehrt 4 diva tion'Alkisky4 44' ' Is l ictfillit r k Ike. ' ' - `' I - - 1, ,e 3 , - Arias:lde: - , ''' o 4 ;••• -• ,:a- Vojor sr tirtir ixiAprhy ir eakvoilloi. • ihSrlOYt Iloilo kmdadriek& Clo. felltetiddVr i kir 4 4 l' ';''lm Y iti' ' I ,ff &it& ~ 1 '''' ,' 4 -4141agrAt4WM1110004 1 J!# °r 1 .` 'o4o 4 ,"ftri i ii i iiiir,:' 1t1ze,L•,.. - z.46.1 ',.< i P.I.S Pm/4 ihors.-Sesasir,QAlllar..k.fS: 7-. ° earMMMT*O I I I Wa7LU V3 TtI i . seas iltatktlioataArly ,ISopiOtausaati to all74lo3io44.AOstuartg;33 a 0 ,1 41.1-;y ri a t ititillJrx cikvittwas* .60 ti , INIsl Poi kr wana'nekdortiermp': More. I eke°. Behr Anakihaith,ileith. Boston. D,'Pearden titioo" Reis kifalAVllNßOZentetili, /PA' Pt !AnP 3l nt • , :ftt i La7 t , .. ~,. , ~ i. 7 *dm pacatt; 1t0d.,-„, ;do 3 - r •Sou Jos IL Idormtmak Lake, New Leaden, - - do .. ,,, i or ammt, BM iitewhr t &UT _, 'W./kll:ltqllOPl4,t*t:l#4s)NiDirdlar,, f.. • n&VAI DX 0114,01,j01104;411W , C ll Thillithillitii ', ; 41111116 4e'fi thl b." 11. iii ~6* 41, 51 .4 31;tt4 3 01 4* soil* * Volvinr, , linarw. iworio '7, Bemis; Yard* " " to AmOset ithopben, de id Bawl Balton 400 - 1 , ~ vellotui ands; L cueini **Notwhearar,imi- milk Luker, ~d, to,selal -7-41*04T44 ci 1 iligitii '44 - a':'ll4 4 4 . Thi s IrOPOsit 7l: Alia leeast;i4 t°w • 1 ael ap, , co 'hieber - fotii4: - Aiii ' t , :ivi , i , ll . f. ' We cOttaadean ` 49,D,WILbeeri "-xasem Sakti l'Wk.W. ' - o - , ~ Ael , altia... Tflik •,2, , ,1, ! wiyor,,,i,phaditupo• „4‘..: 4 - ., , : i 1 l MMu ttirs e ikkii,: tr- - :. . x. * * 117, 144 .11' . : f ltk-- ~.;:,,,!:,,„ „, , „ 4, ;w•H:4 ,- !Pl. ,:ira•- ,- tat , ..,., ‘;':„t%•;:r."2l.M.W..ft-T•lrA.kr--..T.7,'', tai4l - Mr4i , =:•:: ~ igt Awe: • 111 zasage4l - •t ' ,-, ..._(- -- S. ,, it - -0--9/miclmichilaviiatiaLSEFl,-16 -- 1 , 1 67 4 4 4kraitikso44r, WitalLialtarle4 hi! Mit* * Walla -1. ; foritliiiiis; 0 - Pesit?er, filteir; spAgaits t _Aroggfook . 0,, _Agliwoitot•A temt, *Atoll 4:ro p wind 4 , 1-A6l , •=` , - ,Arl i k-44 -/ t.:,_ .4 3iatiajWlP:'% . - Afi, - per to 14 .:'./(111!,:t1)4‘....W:14. ~~~ V:: rz.W: , J , • , - -. osiPit. —4...4p0tf0tA,1144 . 61". - -Wi4t, v-Z - i- i7', .:: oZ,_ 4,f-s -, ,t,' .-!..• -, , '" ,, -4 , VOr ~"kit ,K Ifitrih.: -- ' ,- . 1.. 411111 r -Ir il lr,. . I , :litAt e - tfeltAtak _,,1... . _.. . . _,...CSONlVilerot**irlisauf l iktrir e . , 4o. ;it was, *A i t -,,,,•• Am-7r , -- r w • •-, li -- . - ' -7 , r . ' l, l 3 ,l* Land P Akkac , oo t iii 44 *lsOgil iiiiiicoeTAtiblity, iN ;smalls. ~ , 1 10711t1 ~e ti. litiiiirli, , Weihl:iiii.' fol , oriT4Wisile7sti 44 4 18441.401.,5WW11,. issieof,Beiled.froce Elpleta.lo4 4122= AUtta2 41 t 44 814 1 6 1 'lBth iwfb.. - &,,L4, ~... i # ~, , ,...., , ,of Sete etwzmemi; , hioNfilhef , Plilmelphle, clear at soff,th . „: l : o F,Trxre rr- 1 seatesuAkolirgift, No ;Irak lOW it Apole eithwislet IWO, ima el lell for New•Tork. 011 - X 01 4 - ,..*1!* 4 0-44Seemweowl, • Paine, OIA Pfwerwe, Poltulti'llten4foulets,‘Seitiwillot, ww,,.. Ilfahatatildteol4/8000,18011lholfebble-st o3losi Mita WO. ' - , ......01i2 S 4. l o4lolo;'elswrett alt3titimore 14th lash imfilkT,t Tq.-oi : -- .. 1 -- - , t. , ' , `^ Ik l W 4 lo7 l lan* K -Ork e ld.faiittoiiirii,riii -, 4 .. „.,.„„,,, v_ 74t...ril Aiu AleraTlPA= ar4. lC -" ''''''ir r“" i , 414, -trews, ad eott. Mi lki 7A1.8 ,84, /tr4 7 0 4111,3 0 1 , if 461 .41 r , "' , l ear_entol loo 4 . .-- ii ellFe4 Mil do vas ill ~ ,4_,... .1 e vr 4 6 /1 vie weir rolditilltil,Sh4 lodelgMo leillmegorlntiViyAbOlittk m , pa IWO.. - - M5F 3 Wief5i'...,„.„.....,.„ 4 , of, ,1.Aw.„%,1M2Afit,4,1:40 a ~.t... A.,,,, ••.- ,• ~.. i -1/.9 , iv tS*l4 - 414fibilleffkibi<VMOSthe Sant . o , 2, , kulisifweAlkodkeleAfitoot,l4.l3 . ' firsideb' hillS l llol4 . llllSAeliekw*l itiluOtige weLlveretbellh Illwroet wAteen ewe Seen our Isom ' - 'f-titi` lbar--, 4 egiiiokilkeilotilariiilideptl I , 4kikfarOjt taill ..,r iv:41164 :44-4..1. 4:4<:1 , 0, ; 4,7;e4o4;ols4.2lo4llolollll6TilitilittiTTlOTl- i ~..ylitailfiniklailk* " o l- 1,". 1114 1.4+ 1 1"1611 "i 1 icicisostui 11,101Wattibloott1 it 1 0 1BSTI ; - 1001015s* ittfialstairAtu 4 1. "I mat, Irork Owl, Ta t t i on 1 , 117 I 148116 ...otoritlaiulagaran..froza -...ku5adu,.7,4g E,4.., -mweletS - ~811101;11 :Tf:l f itirpro I:Bl:tieitimalitoo, ifollb,4 l lE,S - MI we meg.= - 0 0 IF Arweerwfte= I.lwittgool, ~- - motion To - -imrAidie -' • ' -" ' 1 llowisto Pam., Cot ST Oo Swirolosters4lorltoet„ toplloll, satesdang twelvirfeetibeili whieti. - heb ~, tomporoeily on th* week ,of ASS Mel 1 pole OM, act a set of Doh Ploldibroseele tb ,swoot 1491itt Sew Tort Ilabastlewßosiseerlog cameo . the. !Ina Usa on bfbieafifte 1 81 1 0881shillskihmehilles t illAt i VAbwooom Ligutbonse. Ji, gob! mitten will b it 1.1 on the floats at .whifilho,woloop f r r wilts Veeseleare foliaged to poivitruiliirsaiitivarit smi t ,l-igage.,A . ,- ... , • - •,,, *thew etas LiguboWilicitisiAtic , . 5t.... • t.- 3 ,..m. 3vaii--- - -jr ettimwears, -committer u. it. .v ,c - - LightMertiOuik, :,1141~,Inie 16th„ 1860. . to 1 , 411,4%-v • ,7 . 7- . h.... g!O_RD. _ . - • 1.4-- 1 0-14 0AN010,411#11e117•:tql t it e Ptbtittkadglittli X, , 41k im eT n i+t kla te t aat ` t, r • f4 71 . - ir di r 1 0fAtc11 /k r. +if traOillaoll4lllolTairPra 40011101118111110Tsviewitiutig ILID*FIMPIWW(WoIiiiAto 41taiMiltaVIALION41 Kai f u tteiWWlr,„Z 410i.15 , • 1 : : .-.ie-11101•01iiionim- st m t. Minos. _A:NV= I p ..164410011n400,01[0108440-eld W,r o te""itlit Alik4oolkaittatt o u t b o ploo l o ot tows* tig..l4 PIMA 1111--...----•^4/4/r 411101114 . 111 4 - Vilak!gt) Ziar, Clikti-1141410§04.10,12 Fe.,t.4;tf 4 2 91riV, • - - 7:ltet,Pli. f;;;" .6444, 1 tt li sinfititiil4llo3odistit - , sty AID km;-4-14 Zl'sr - 13-VMs, , MAW I TNArs St * lNgt q l m .i Alt Z.l=l-)11-11-14rAC trorm ev . it tk iv 024 10 ,4x ~,-..y . ,,: , ,...y.....,.. ]: , 40k.i.44,4 NiviaJoirpor'' ''..___:: Tostate tiff. a' -for iriillabls In all patio( Wk. h, s4loso4tothohilde, of-Z410,19:14egi,-Frapktor , 1411011, Me, itroa, and EEC FIVIVITHWANS' OOTIRT FOR THE -10:tlar OQIINTI OP PIIILAMELPfII4 7- f , 1 44 16 4 1644 t4rosalro - rgir - ot giiborolgh; T Andttor i arlptel byito to-*TA, tiikerievoializdtffaomc ve stitafalbotl•ra"ctoKntlLoo4atMi~i bltitt'erinat uttiovidriarteiemiLititiVwfirtatowthrowirti liliatiwiloVinVevtioe'dtsid rigmadenoin MON- D&Y,Jane 81th,1858, Nal ololoa P, M., 184 &fahl i iltraiN hi!Riyaity Phlladolptti*. wAss. L. PLADKN, jer,t1041 1 . .-t" • . 44itOr, OBVIANIR.:00IIRT, - FOR: -'courtrt avilitteintrinuA!.' ", ~ ,, r 4Plookianf."OfrltintkloB4lllll l lDGPrifuordtozi 'of thcAliattfiti . tiiserni.oll, , lsli . Copr , litiat 'and 8'3.125.11.,1"*408,181143ft'54f 414-CANA-lon of AtotoaloWasoktufei'APeidO/Otikifol , ate' attigtast, will mfot tiliartles Interested for th at poroOfi 0041; 0 -7aiiiiiir-,113211 0.411 - I,llllWir %loose, An Pactonfof , PhiladolpfiVo, oti;tho th ' diy of Mill, 1844. wt. 4 - (Volock)n_titel4lernobn . .: - , ,01.64410505 , L , , AbloB WILGUS, liculltok.. =WE .it •...1.114.!V/2110 - 11 f 7.4114 4 111ATTle, ;of ;ftto Petition .of 11.'; ,di t tltarnei.ive:tAntt„'Nrtes kt,tnuitzi?..we.t sow.-Voe asonesticrtne'esileteedor.' T rgo t 37gfarga V F AMII 2 I 9 ;:g 6 n :4 gfivvz the- 00 .,-.61. tfie ° .clonit:olo,om6n -Ptifierothi tfity seiVaciasty 92 ,ehninot Ipalf return-. i . .i 411110,4 BAnfabe/7-1ivii040,1861,1/q 30 oWoot - 1 1 " . it&P 1, 41. e 2 +.4 4 1 16 i:* 2 0. 1 6 4 9 omed' .224112. i..• .4kietwvtio*ishoittalx)t , fweeet6:4 tame fete Itenif;Xtedidiet alio; . • 13: - "etnitale, • •:ljtillfsie ror,:tt4ttioner,: ..11N:VR)LORIII.ANIVIILIJIRTITOR. 1 111Er (9.1.174-00IINIKygv.;pgruapEppgrA,.__ r#AANAN MXUS, .peaeurd.'ts. i b ii i'n Atitt „ r ,Ocuoints urttovitairocc; eieutoesttte. Ist,Orf :AMIETJga zulta 4to4.44ktmeAttiotaxiiiii4omea `l3 dlittibpftti ttorios* - go. Tti • oset Iteitiutteli Mares for tholturi pap 1114tiippolutcaelit. - *ebiONDA.II Mitie - `2otrti latat Xt . Vereek9l"..°lt ocp.itie office. No. 221. Ootal eltrof ' ;`;' , 4 0 11. 7 , 41.41§ Mt= 02/siti ti; 'Auditor. '1 Avr.A . Y.PLE,Too,o.-‹? AMA ITO fiTO am.A.MßstigitCaLitato"iktAMMPAlllT,...ht ;I:INSTSILSUPRIBL E GOURT -.Oft; THE, STATE 0# •PENNEYLEANIArrIN,AND hFOR, TEEL , EIIET E art iiklgntiOTVflenintrys Term,ll3W Ejuity 17a4acitt, try% virtufr• ef decree of the Supreme Othart:ol.4lwiiititenforennejlrania, made in the above l oase,ors the *ider dh of-At...11,AM exposed at shublidenierlYTlMbihtliane or,butistyi:nins Tl3ll l -i ;ma r The fifth dsrof AZ, D . : ISSlkat A 008 'at the. ..VEllaltiltdoßlA,XXOlitatiolli• In 'too eityAdahlisdelphia; by IdOsEll, THOMAS le.,BofiB; "ohaettelseitsAlearciloWleg:feherlhod retire a nd laud - pro , diartyi mem thebrnia eonditlormkeromarter stated; _ , -; Tax Noßmvuaratrifirintoin„fiii lts ter, Annus in Yfewoest;Oliti the hoePtrOf imitreooe,, Poo ey trent. unto easte us terminus, at °rimer st a i rs : httliglifs POrmaylvvitsi •andeallithaand aor; woralter righbrollikjentilsea, and.:priviteges,thereto,bis; 19 1 4 1 02 , together littkihO ISlE;depata:dmst kromMai reed --real-eetzte-belonging-40 !mild,. railroad, it=d - 014 AdoriA Western Itslitiad botilpsny . '.. , ,AIRIRION4I,IIIABTWIORi" • • , ' . !... , PXTEIt A: KAMM - • • • N. - lii.-itappesdijiroos, thA r repeitL9.l.; 'llare/1 that:thsifientefof raMtedliEVende a Misuse of Stf mtleti orthetimboutt,.that 85 consecutive miles oheeid rowthreve heittggradedi end thehridgermusomy thereon nomytetell,tutiolktitianatpuititstioture of VIA vildbAnttoitiiitallymego,rThatrthat.portion. oat mild anattiClionthe most,osat: talleated, the Ctinizele aped that part .4 bees. arched: tandathrwstmilim, ortheraikboots,of,tbe , tin*, base WO d. Of the - renutining,porlioo of the road' s ` threatened' only havgbisetidi that since the work aforementioned. has `been dot*, many of the tamale t)eatka to nein 4113enanrsthat: the - outs weevers'! 3darat ireveleanige ~tAtri; 14111 e; 91. ad,to. :44,011* 'blurt:W. l r 9 Pr , •-; "Ithkiialk prediffaa iithititteintitraed', win berskpbkliel kilo'entlio end •le AWL/SC andthe followingierms,and conditiona*ii he .wiworin g the:makhly opthe , pahinalei eitoordanta ;with iftdrotree of theoonit::in raiermy Of the holdere otthatiehd nidd eprootinonseneaudesiable olorothe 9 btindiformbo tOrtialloryilkindarn ito imad Cto"; 'ILS iimiredrliftite Mlartiiite asool4lkr Sea d /4 , 144101471gC11a.ad: 04.113$1ic,fiskt 'KefiterSTreateeii, beennie era them-' has hi' iiith:otiMilat flip Mg imiatla ;it tlib sag 40.1*Ahaiittia satd holdeisofthe said bende orlionsonS .PhignsWeinkthagAtitherelT, feltheriasd ALlesliss Phini slapodtbelprraelal , kilaetteT 014 Ihystbenvat tbaseithels; either, Lis :Whale ok inVeif,iewel@thig tbei eisbao.sl;ooo - berinionter ineetinited,eby._trionferring ar7x kmaiewlit. UowtoteE Edwaro 10;linight. and rster:A., - ,Keyao;,, TrOstelnii aloresatd, this `hoedr#r*Wyohatherifaid rarebit's.; inY then hold .orby.Taindptinginboilloratme fat thazinonathat may' 14•42;r3v944:11` whole, 614 r 4.17ci: edible*d sen t . timparsiz,antareori deil X ponfloal gawkil putolsea t itilfactiVelY entitled thstelle` but of-the whole price or enzerfonsshichAirytenders Shall be sold as aforesaid afterliaytutaklif loosnate anti ooromiel " t iTeirritttitlOrilharldWelYilleitillbassirdelifeY and sot itatoblytkiposakeimid Sada -akaaVdiralant Alan S deemed and talterinaindalisirastga and andott IsitEal'illegaid Truett ,'and - , the Awlsonsad the Said ottreliesatiumerraves a-Sabo/de exteest octal, de afore: esidatiall bis platter._ 'braid siertrem • yurchashic Aeell i rLOA - Silto*.b....salcafterthe..der:otsaleiltti - W r rosteel. Audi - twine% promisee shall be pus , Chased at the saideidetiyetattleanther than the hold.: or - earmerrolltmlalfriondr - ar - voupopc - mt - beforai mentioned -theu the wholiiiit-114 Deist puretruseMmLey sheikh* peid In Gash at tie tune - of the sold salic.ne withhapesiorydeyiklerpafter, to thetas ti,. st-Pdinw a l EsetWiekelliditard O. Knight. 'and 'Peter it! - Kayier Trustees aroretniat and 9 F rat k enola male being armada an effected as before mentioned, and upon the term thoreot beteg tutlyaoMpliihl With, teelmfdAndreethil Eestwloki idea& o:irktilk Sill Peter A. Kalser, Trustees afore. said shall exam:dela the highest biader,l being 'Vie parolasor therneriaw hyonswot tlqmutt within twenty 4age thereafter,to the nett highent bidder for the tome; a profei deed or deeds for the granting, Ann, coev.o.Ving unto 'him or them of- the aferrealelende, vaeltbsda, franchisee, improvesnSitiAinitigrintilincii to be detiVerbd to him orzthees . ,nrem*eradlfiewiedgment thereof in this eald!Hoett, to have.' 'cam, nestle, and enjoy the mono aidoidlog to law and the dots of Leembly of this Ildhinnemealthrelsting to the name, for snob Estste and Estates as the said' NORTH WESTERN •Itaivao*o OOSLPANY , PAnd ctheisio,Atod. thatpie Ram bidders at thydoiric, at the tirdeof signing the 'eon,. '4llllobas 4 oViiiile, the stun of (11,000) one thousand deli alwrtor torhernertioulare:appittet - , • 1- .T. ,- :11BNNEftrillolitiltor fort oroniaioahti, • arda-thermaal.ri ASO BPREOE Street.. 1141ttinors 141 eltiO ' Lit&Bireltielt - I , I4II4ARKETifi: TAld7,l4.oleyttittilleßliadleD3i IN lifeJtielOt ODUNTY VIROINLC. , • By virtue Of h decree of the Circuit 'Oettrt Ptir the 17 0 1 1driefOreilkfgqffiliftinbed"dirtlib - 25th bt Much, 1859, in the ehaneery,snitotQambrill vs Whitbsek. the undersigned. acting walCdnaleidoneri,under the Bald de Ares; whiled( befors-therOortrtilonap door of said corm; dtt.'_,the-0 0 0t 1 ,4PlitiR#DAY• Y next; thatiolifghiesetrotirrday d that Vatilable ttinit of, lend deseribed,in set decree as all that certain piece, par, eel, or tract of landrlying and in the county of Warwlek,,and known se being part ofthe Neel; Triet4eonfsthittigione thrinsand and eightypeight acres! 0,08;0 - More or less,,belng part of the treat of land convoyed by Ai:patinae Etatabrilrand ergaret his wife; by 'deed astedvUllth 5868, and, tocorded in the elerkle aloe: Of Werwickstmety., 'court?? The above *sidle Viirj-Wilaiblifitid; easy' bf , aoniunti lidiatad on the peninenia lying between ,the and York Advent, and about half way hefweet; Hampton and aredipon the premises a - steam earl mill with engine of 60-horwi . power, end good shbstan , ttal Brick Dwelling in therongli repedr. - 'TZo2.B . ,orisAces; snook to cash Coas will pay the coats of the above Mentioned suit and the eiperwes of sale, and open the residue a melte of- twelyeinimatteitwill be given, the parehalwr to%pieltibod witti goOetieetirlti for the de- Akred-payinentoritikipletest from 'tho day of ult. ~ 1 1Crom MILAIII,NaIt.,IIALLOPX, Chun adesloners, Oithe above latide,lBo sores are in goo, duittratloni babintei - 4teartlitlWitkreTterith superior- whitenak (for ship butdlog,-). tad pine t the phis, wook being worth Sa.Trper"oord oh the Seek; any 'anionic; can be coot traded for, for the New York market. Any infonnation inyeferenee to the matter tan he hn4 addresidgeNewocener4 fltoriebtiiker, Baltimor e; M.Or by applying to 8. Patrick, ad., defog the l lende, at arwick ofi.rus Krim, Wanidekcounty, 'flertoet ""' mg 45 treit..Selitlea . endCfßett 10,11-”,,Broprehtlitlbe erecting,' en Iron. Stal b e thh Monroe Einika goaiirifourteenitigectfda,) wiltre r lateesVilty.„...the" - uniterslgesst,ttntll fBATBIADAY, :One eAtb,,lfAß,er,lo)(.o , elpek A. Y.,. Theiplen epealffeetione of tfiseildrk - resn be aeon at the office 'of the Booed ,or Controllers of Pnbllo .13ohoo „iontlitOsst, corner, SI X TH' ,pod AMILL'EII By order 1:Ittho Conineltte. on Pkoperty. • ~ „ . ...40avatv LIAMPIIILB, :''Beereteiy centsollerici•Publhs cools. ; 4:714)1D-421141ittati-tint44' ::(o,llAlt N4Y 4, 0 1 03i1 - 4r4Vx •16; /5 5 0:—In , agatsinetide • ‘......0.11 , 14 61 1. I PI, Ilth*reiVllM by Skib io rgristr ttth % slit Patf-PrPit., 4 i.0 0 0 2 9,-"NVOtt!'l9 the.„l7ntteit 84, bareby inform- my Iptiner„ onti- Arne ttita llaiii plata .Ih, general, , ihst,l, iljliWp . - apt.. it ,„„,,,,.: iy: ,O. hROI7,,WhIt, ANollhtt,,h 4304 ft , --AltOtittahejrul toiK *414'444,0k: the este, 0r..7 Pegoi r White. 'MY IVtuel - hitye Imiq AO /04$ And Itiy.ttfflpotointta the gagtottlitateti lit- vill -,bst uti- MaiiporPtahtltimieht - 9it their itiallty, fur th er *auk to AtO ble ,MP 4V t thi , lo oo l * l , l , l , l 4i9 way be roared hi , ;.0 0i19 ,1 4 0 11 1 ,!P*49 1 , - .- - - ',,-,-,.> ix, .• , ~- ;,. - 41 '' ~,-...•.,- ~ . .4-k . .-.lol.2o4olsAltdori., v ilaimt.ine -- 0.4.10r0s imigzieris • swill, 1000.440, ttilliirAkodAtirkP t r fi lirk,,fo,*•l6 ,ind taa , lit#llll:*„ .. .bhMtlttlgti -tot tltyletiateriti In' • _—' .:71:t ; c4 .. 8 B , OIIVO v411.0111tit,.4 CO, -- ' '''ittOtitu:' ' - -,' 51 Itchliqrs, Atr.o. New York. ' ,r74/311:,0,4, 41ititkiArEAR. AiligglepAiltu,qmpaare super i or titre Wortn -e e e l Mtn" itliddrrirlowl OMNI; atown and .1. / arlagarOt TllloWyrtyles; "Brown .Lision 4 1 •Mg; :9t- iali T eu G Gl - , !' " IfisF44 l2 9,MAln. 'NUT kibteet MISITON'm :', ENCIA,USTIO;' 111 : 48-:' tor s ~, ' lig otoirovri•krofix* i er:: -,. - sti7firalcor; , 04 - 'r - v.l -thri!ociriCkfui s .34tiatiymy ', - tgt . 3 • ,,, t`Arr'' 44 ', ~, 4111;• tr;ti r initlSOPl' ' ' LI 44•16#0-WIS t ''-' 4 " ''''''' laid, nyrieserygyVr wt. •' .: • nhint.thitraloviitit: Ay - or ' bloWbig 7 ‘4l - "at . i49e pled AikAltpNir_4loo_42_oll4oo ( 43, anct n _GitEßN =27.1711: 1 4.11Er 1 gV0l hlorfavilftioknr is* *Of Odolr6 tuarhialta, A ysilliKer. , o •4„ 4 . „ ,„: • 7 ANZWROPE-4sa,ortekAtteglinnti /r Ail krt.!. tAtibiexa istirolsoiir:paie - Innivirriot &MD: Afiti Nartivog . I#l VisoWei , Ft , frigyle • `' i E•QI + OII[ES. tibarffditii •prupnsata. ~7E 7 ',~~::~~1.':~It'A~S~cE~, ~ 8~'.f7~:7 k:5 NEIMITWrigrAIWOA,TATPCOPTICA X.P,FLEAIS pm, 4 ax,qu4.40.144001PAA1r• u;r2-4. sta r 7.11 , .., M4..Z...1274. , ..1 Cid . 4007'031ESTNITT STRIONT Mikiroszarluclizumaploneoia_thabtli itvisotb, oteoct.tvgauth.: A .?• • sprou i 411Itsi Or 1U; how, Erman! 16 0 . or l 6 " - 311 ". ;II 107.4151/ quwfxeusans leave 11, all the regtaa aersl—Dyll4; 12th, 17th, and 27$h el' sae h month. - ;OOIiIMOTIONS,MI4,O,NRA.V.IO(4O/4h,PXOgtPtre• iatilita 40 ;'oorlediiti a l: 0: /kaiak* 00., Havas'. 1011X0NA.1103116‘80,7aiimoi, OiesoriSANDirAam 414.11515 ipiAtLYM..-tOtsfqe snmks o,ll oP.'. „- .9,44 7 ,r9PApt 1110 4 4 . 11 #4 0 5 11 ,.. • ";- 4 Dir paprgnio, itie. ;111*Ial iez)Uolito, cilleptiond .n . 111'101114 Ind Oregon; Itith-firoinpVtireitifts:' R•lditlifiateetti and agtablitttainikking ier-ValiforalcdrOespoi DRA taguat I#ll.lx of -Wing „Army& lair ~hOra. Aim hemcgtp,botiaossmgdla, COX tirilYala iltegooU there/ f i tiddittinirptprobasetar benititortlitie ton saleNze . nit 0E11)11611in militiii7gcinittolot tine irbihyty until geldlefrit- =.3 rz , -; lit •BAIINEiri 311. ) Agent— t Lt. 1321413,4.44.% la illitimg e - 'll KIS ITO ATL'Aziorc tart." [U tranhumbVHl4 , ,tooLli MXPR3CI3B ArIU epeuen Stout ever .the Xsoniten as,d-‘4llsntio.l4ll.• 4'9 1 44 6 1*9 84 k , w14 1 4/1-- . - • - _,The,psoptietois. see' also ii:roitics. - oaises isigiittots 'nobble IPA iteeldesou'thionkht to bedel livered in atlantic (Jay, „ • if ;I; c • • .i-Wftclagt Oketk woes froil Hotels. and 4iesidenoes to..saishethilsot4 depots la the Parcels, blame, iris merybuiaim, thltivushout the city. the !•gthater apaineistidstleh .or the publie, IngAITOEVONBIOEIS have bin el iiitotieted'ithere oath Pol'boirirtren,llehielz will reetiverpronipt attention. rot opiars, see.oiretdar_ s et, spy of: the ..Brooth Ocoee.' L. tf - 9ARIISAN & . • -; . rs- ' - _ . inrofe'.7 wtelikt.,6t: TURD". " 7 so. ials - Iloo.tit` Pot pn.sixoo.;.l4otiali Chestnut and Walnut, - Xnuadelphia, pay, all deposit& oddstrandt - ;: Depost4te )- bioday. eeeured • bs, tirwerdment, Bc.q4 Old'-Wow s tlychnd Alintl, :190- kit thie Company deems earsty belt r than lir& • ppto d reiconeegnentlywitt s ron - Acrrialrotjth - d e 7. postirdrerssonnY, , blithave.it. , it *Mittel :Wady rehildirlth 6 phr cent.thtereirtto the dwiter, Attheyhars always done. - This Companynever Vriltlee;Tainled 'or - idogle, And Idtnere deposit in ;their oda right, and thelt depoal th E can be Irttlidrafrit ODA ty their Mutant. - , titiattetnerpertud: Incorporsted by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority•td receive tno neyfwartenstees and esewntorst ' • , 11116VaS AND SMALL BUMS Orbs open; daily Sewn ft •td liblehoek, and on Wednesday and Saturday eweithsgadiatil 8 Welk. . ot: ' • •DiRZOTOSS: - - ;mob B. Shannon; . • Ovnteadwalladsr,.. Jotiaehfndler~, (Wale , Shasoll; • Malaoht , W,Snosal, ~ 74entras4.-sr,Tatt, Leiria Krambliaar, Horny Jlelany, . • Nish6l4lol4ll.9Zoitsis,- o Nathan limectley, MAL Bailarthargte- • AT '7I)IA JACOB .B.4IELANNON, tiesldent, Mitt; 01,biaugars i Traliater, 14, A Dolyav inro . 4 ., is tiroe, Q.AVIN,G.UND, ,—, FITE 'REA OE NT ' , w6BRIST—NATIONAL _:0031.= PANT. WALNUT Street, lloathwest . poraer of TAM D i • • -1I0011II011,11411) IT Tgll 8441:611.4siiihhithhiLh. Money It roeelted an stir sum, large or =at, and in. term/ Pal& from the day;of deposit ipthe day of wittiL dtawal - The aloe le open eve tt day from g , in, OA morning till fro'eloek in IV, areal sod Tharsdrty eranlb till frd'olonit. " BON. HENRI( L. BENIfIIL, Preeldent, 11.011BilT BELITRIDOIdi:Vicis -President. WM. J Rhin, Secretary. , Dinsoiose. Henry Bennev,• 3; Ostr.4l„AtOsterf -.. Edward L. flartiv, 1- oc9pU 1 Bub, Is.)3 , abertt Self the, muds Leh, Ashton, - , • .7080ph Yerkes, •• . 0 .:Litedtpti, Dinette, lffeary,Diffenderifor, Money is reselivd end psythente Made dolly. Investments are made. in minfoymilzr with, the -provisions of the Clhatter.,in Real Eetste tdortgagel, arothad 'ionic and -mit& ilret t oisss, eatatritles as *ill always lasttre perfeet tdetiritY to ~the depositors, and irblab. Oannot fail to give permanency end stability to thls-Instituticrn.-- FIVE FEB. OENT. SSA.VING• FUND. :,PDILADDLPHIA MIXINGS AND LOAN COMPANY, N..B.,oorner of OHBB MUD And , TBNVEL Btreetn. :PHII4IIIII,PNIA.. ONAELtbelli Bt BTATB o 6 PiNfirINIA. avfieoslzlD cIAgIT4I.4- 1.500 . MONEYIb BBOEtVED DAIL - , , trvba frnni Onp Boller Abwirda.' raßilott MINT. INTBBBST,, ./0 rid Nom t e day of doponit, titan withdrawn. , An)-Eue Gen, be withdrawn on'derband, by Cheeks or ; otbehri... , - OPEN pLu t T, Prom 9 to 4 ; and ongilltlVAP ZvlitatioS, from at° 9 TD.Is Company hoc&lerteSid dap4al as a' Beetuiti to - Depositors. , This Institution 044 gal Ite Dime,lds hi full Dazing the - Ifenh Ilesimnkten. ,• ' JOILICIRIMER. PrestUat. -I°B' W. bOtrD II B, The Presn. NEWN. pilkg.43m Sti.TPA IN7' TRUST GOSITANY, °or= of TIMID and OEU/ST. NUT Btieet4, - - - • Large and email same received, and paid beak on de. 'Mend :iritinnt notice, Irak. JIVE PER ORM. THlifilElT from the day of deposit to the day 01 , 10011 drseral.. • - °Mee luin!, from 9 until 6 O'clock. eve 'day, and On taoNovz EVANINGIS from 011041 0 o'clock. - 'DgArtill'or sale on flogland) Delta, and fOotband I rimi.f.l wearer ' , - • eresident,.STßPltietT R. 4:111AWROBR 'Tremens:4'llNY NUM, • Teller Ildza!B.: HUNTER. ttLnàl. I*()FpI4,',WHITE . SN,VE4LLN'a, TETI WALD HEAD, , 'And aiiiruptione of,the akin, are radteally as FAO*. /gently eurei • TEO ntivitti, , ;00,9;trus. laito Warn 13WALLItie, thouWebaUnete an& atalhborn dieleaaea end resisting all ornifilit !mamas, do mot fall to yield under the ,weanlital}ed'enrative - aud yyroiertieeof: tliq ot , .INPEItiM DIIIEIFEATIVJA.` , . One or two bottlekwlll email* the bloat akeitletl. TNETBrd hea proved the greatest stumbling' block to "the ordinary remedies of the ..day. Local appPeatioos Corti do no „good, and often do wood Rank. The die. ewe meat be eliminated thatoirsh . q frord`the efatthi -In order to effect a doi*Dlete. adze, and it 'eation'of the arell.known IMPXHIeL DIIPURATIV - 31 ' in expelling ell This:keel matter from the blood that hem Induced ao many tO pronouns it the 02247 spit/trio , • - Tux Piranha, narune, , rr,va - • ism culla 'Arun, and sit 064.4 "Prfgnsithg - - rarttattps oft Din BLOOD. - , , , , P;epoximil and geltbf - • 11,praonoie rt. BRO., , Lite totioabury 00.,' ' - • ' "Sta. so !forty Stratt, jo;,-sti Rik Phibarelphta. „, . • figloTbatesilmora la from II rrell-lniown altifera of , Philadeltint'ai in iefileiiBo to l'illaZlLL'S ' is I &rib beeandliated withal:mare kettraigia for op. -wards of trent,' years. - Have hied Allopathic and Ho. mreopathic phyalclacs, end every other remedy that wit; !suggested, andcoald get no relief. I wed Jailer:44 td try this' Wye. and, alter wring leas than one bps, I fonatisimodiatevellef. - The • pain nil left •me, and I have tied no**haricot IC voluntarily aid aheerfrilly recommend 3%, IWO heve donecasi,) to thtde clmllarlj alhictedivhst they meyr toot where to, dud ellef. It ia the only and env* remedy, for I have tinted it. TAKES YETT2IIIB;Muter Drsyman No. 927 liortilatitireet, - PTiffs'.» • ror sale. wholesale and retell, at 8. W corner 81377.1,. and PARRISH „Omer.; Ana 08,74LONDBR OR.l r e 4 N. W. corner TtordsttWitinnt f its. ap2o.tf oisb-ittAtt , • ''Pan#BOTLY , BWBST , AND , EALA,TAHLII, mann fratured'at'Neselotaulland =for the -rodurletore; from fresh and healthy itrein, by ahem, at 'slow tempos" An* thui preeerrlns the eweetneas'and purity of the Oil ; white the natural fishy flavor le ':porthatly covered, and the Oil - rendered palatable wad agreeable to the testa,:,:, rrhProprielore 11 -11.0 Mqu I o nO • e o , penee hatng their 011 'Properly' prepared at Newfoundland, the Only-pheoe where the endue rnerrhus is found In abfludanee, , The - tree. Dll le frequently Impaired by vubututurea - eat oft-from other 'Tecate of the Oadue ifemill;andlonly that corning • from the t‘ $$ ben be rolled uponlie the genuine. Out 011- hal been lutallied, and pronoonoed to be pure and the perfeotlonof llne quallty—ohlrauterLetlan whloh, enable It to roalntain .lia atiperlerity over all otherklude. , • - -Prepared arid for ealr,iyholasale and If!stall,: by lA.PARD to 00, w.h22-ti 3 TW.ELPTii FUR CECESTNIIT GRoyz WRIISKY.Y.=—A. del sire to leamm the Consumption of impure ',Midis. knowing their Injurious tnecte upon the constitution; has indim& the offering toile public- of enertiele which, inelyeation of Proles:sin. Chiltn, bialytioal Chenilet,,ll,ew 'Jur*, and Nears. Broth, Garrett, & 01,13580, of PhilidelPhia, rival% btiona all undetiOn, be the mostprireinnioonsegirently leentinirnioux spiritr curer ogehd the Ainerican public, " ONTiffiffICATX,OP DR. JAB, B fIEfILTON. ' have smirked a eamtl , e s of gheetnut-Grove Whiskey reeelved i%os Mr. 0 ARIAS WriARTON li.: 01 Philadelphia, end.' her carefrilly tested It, I sae pleased to data that it le entiroly free from polzonour or dulaterlone itibefistoos. It le an unusually pure and dna ziarored'quelity °Malley. JAMBS 8. cItiLTON, New York, i!,lept. 8, ign. Analytical Chemist. PIIIiIDA6pAxA Oept. 9,1eb8, . Thaw: sun We hare carefully tested the satuphrof ,Ohestnit-Grove•Whiikey which yet sent us, and find that jthantabin nene'orthe tallooode edbehinee known „ Ifasio,oll,-whlohde the 'ohataateriat4o and injurlotur 'lnaYddient or thl,Whidtera In Omit use. ' Veritespeetfolly, " 'BOOTtIi fiAIIItTITT, OallAtt, • Analytkal Oheadain. 'fin Crisman Waal - too t h:, No:lle WALNUT Bt,, - philatterylate: ogifidtlyl , • EYE , AND EAR. DR. VON EIO idHZIsK R , OO U XBT. ANa ,M V KIST, Van hbw behieitulted en "Dbletteeiiind ell 'Dimwits of the Zyi Of Zett which regatta either Medical or Etta., wog, pirintm: biOilbfliNlNNll the ideli - LNDITINAND aoRNAN 0 JULIBT AND AUDINT that haa ilivtir algited the Duffed Statea TeStimentabs hoed the Itenliensior figh, Judge, Me: Lean. Cr 13upteme Const, - : Ptofehtior Dieheon, of , inCother Well•kboWn Physiclaae. t , ,,Deitients who wish to consult hlm ten, it * cleared"; be accompanied either by their family physician er any znerileta friend. As?lYtolAt, Raaq=iac>esaan:, J fp" CONBIILTINU BOOMS No. 025:I9A7.NIIT,EITIINIT; ilßLOW , ,Usigiil; /40:1SiIL' kb* Hours from 9 A. Vt. to 1 Y. My tad troll to . 636' P. Ity r - IWYPRESSI4T ) I - • s ELPRUk; WHIIRSDAY•LNMINTE -4'; 18A fifttE,' mrtiA , lirsratratoio spsariant, of , Hi rt r odi • , 00NPANY4"offSeit Totk. t, t.! ' 4 Maiiiitsseta, Jw. /, 1869 3730139 •Q 9 4 PI ONMIMFIRIWAN, DAEPANI , 11 . 1301L&RON,C1111PAott,', .) - , • it— tt 114,ifadmotoi 3=4, 1859 ti.;. l A 4.411,738, NORTH 41.118P.IffiN'IDLE ;111$1:1 . • sAFldla`C7o3fl*AßiYi of itartfora. Lll, 3 __: 7 41 3. N aith 41UR',fift IN3ITRA 4:an't. 0013. • -;NO A71 6 :39 • 3 6 0 0 0 .0 1 ? :06 B;i • PA111;ltf-fteyiltork.. `:‘ '44 - 01h 1;181& 10 13 Q 1 1411111 3 .4.1.311 00 61 PANYi of Hottfol3. ' Oita Astieti? fan. 1i 1869 • Jatko,ors'aft 1"o11016111111:1411111 10699 13,111414:53,19644 Prsinitliesisiostll.4seney. tt/ - • • ' 130BWALL •A, WILSON, Agents, ' 10bt361: ' No '1216 WALNUT stamni. T HE Ft4E .4NI • • - No. 280„W44NITi• STNNKT ) •-• •' • • - praLon,prixi.. 160qm:A tit isailkder foliar:4o6l'4;o Authorized Capital 1 .. • 3600,000 flubieribed Glottal • • . 200,000 . Paid up Oapitat a 114,800 'STINTED MI OLLOWB • Baud and Mortgagee, first lieu $02,170 Dank, Ral/roaa; and' Other , endßeiMiriMea •64 .000 paehla Bankw • 8,630 •,• - , 'agorae OAT agiblatloBs tra DAMAGE• M 21112 21 ON: BurravNefe,'"?.lll.CastiDlSNo MOITS2IIOtD, IMINITErPtIi e; Alen, on 0 cluetnis Add MIMS to and front aitporta Of thei•arorlet, and Inlarut Erie tlbn and Tnuntißtatioil, on favortiolq ' • 61,1001: • , . WM.. Ir_,FOLIT,IIO9 resident, • : f;) ,O. 2mT1;22, aearetary,. ..keaistaut Secretary: , Damara - au: , Teepee. Harding; ' O. 0. silttler, ;Wlllltutt "Frlslre,' henry B. fitiotig, r. Verrei, D D.Tenee, Zoo. Tomier - • Alortio Butler,. Wm: R. Grtbb. • Z. H. lives, 1 . °uncles marlB4f ; GREAT WESTERN IN,sugerrcs AND', i TiftrOT COMPANY;' AND " Lumens , UNIONXNIVILWOH COMPANY OP - Ni.71.P118 •.• • Rivitag immoildikttar anof teL toig4 • tkolidtvie 014210 T RSTERN- • ' INFITTIOLNONI ; AND TIMM 00HIPAY(D, 7 ' ' ".• OMR, f10.,003 WAPNOT Street, '• ; (00ropaeVallithilkti)' - "'i pIIII4DBLT/ILL, . „ , With • oambit:lcl Capital 41.4 mrailablit I ,, qtanttarur ovzn'pao,ooo, • !--- Iltt ' eried:fok the moat pert, In bast BoNDe MEI Moat- GlONii,'bearkig aix per aertt.ifiteroati • tii ithpftreei pro • p rty; trorth double the anonntl• ' . ' INLAND, AND MA.3.1101 CADDO VEEP . Talonon the moat favorable tame.; • • Charts/ O. Lathrop, Wiiltbm Darling, Alexander- - o.lllontar, -- • targob Dr/Minh, -•- • Inst 0 1 1.101011 t, J. B. IdethordrY, - • 'snots =ty or - GilloWs. ohlths 7 41, Darnel L. Colljer „ .twattina • 41091/ 1 11. .• ' S. LitTROQD, resident. ". DAtttar, v 406 rr,erdstqat• • ; INElcitrf, Saikt4l4 . Kt 4a Trof,itted. C. O. RIISSDLL, Assistant Oaate'llhri.., 0 . N. an/PMArrffifbond Vita Prifaildeat, mh22.rifc* ti flkpou Of non New York .16* 37TnnM3r - WASIIIVIM'IM _ 1)0 INBUItigiCIA 1;0111"2:1Rri •- - vatutcl. ' - )11,0%). (Organised inert the Act of Aimembly relative to fn.: OttrancpOcappanlel l ialboAllpril 28,1860.) , ," _ „„, i 4 = 1:11ICA' CIAIRTNITY St., Philicialphin.,..- , &Impel Wright, llont7 Lewis, Jr., William W, Walton, D.,D. Biro*, ~. OharletßSphardaon, John W. trarman. ' Jacob W,Slont, . A..11. Remoh,eico, Darolii Lippincott, 4 ' - Johia lr Vinton,* George A. Wert, _W. W. Haight. Zr I. -4 : GkORGD W. DAY, PreclOent. *I. lii”ilibiumn, Ilearetal7, - , . - .h 612- 04 4 T" QUAKER- - OITY INSURANCE OOMPANY, - " ~P HILLDELPHIA,O Pa.: pApuiLIN BUILDINGS, No. 40a.WALNWP J'S,. ' 0 tiARTNR rzal?rrtrAL. • 4 , Paid up Capital and Buena • $x44,851 41 Ob,eiterai OspliaList sr" ' . 600,000 00 insfirea tgalnet 10114 a. &mile by Fire ind the perils of the Bea, Inland Ifililgation, and Transportation; on the mat favorable Vedas. - Losses promptly adituited and paid. .. : 0e e'sys Itliart , " 3W. II 114 • ' If. P. • ' Midi.* IC 1414filidrilj A: O. Cattail, Charlie G Imlay, ' ' Tohn ti, Dsle, It: It. °eggshell, ; - Poster I. Perkina, ' Samuel dozes, Ron: It. M. PSllar. , , . , - ' ornosais. - OHOPAR H.' HART, Prete!dent. - E. P. -ROBS Iriceßreeldea; - H. R. 0004 HALL, Secretary and Tresattrer.' "- O. H. Burr, 11, Ault Seergtary. ' ' ' matt INLWRANOE AtIIID.TERTV 00M ? PANT The P.lltilf fdtrIVAL WPM; WBl, ItitflONl 001112 ANY, Noittetattottfner , Tlrtlf DOOR - Strode.. Capital, 8813,726 03. a LNOURES LIVX3 for short tams, or for the whets term of life—grant/ anonttlee sod endormentt—pnr• obsess Ufa Interest' to Reel Manta, ane'meketalroon= treats dtpundlog on the oontlngetottee of Life. ' They sot ea Xreadon, Admlnletfator4 Astdgneen j TrAtiteee j and finardbum. pule' Miller, BM:4'IAM Otiatee, Diehard El. Nenbold, William P Banter, William PI Kent, Samna' Os Hdey, Charles Elelitheell, Henry 0. Tonesend, Rodblphus Kent, Wlllum a: Oarr, liditard T.'"dott, William Robarreon, Warner M Itaeln, P. 8, Mite ....04111L; : Joss W. llortaza, lie<tra T HE li 011ERT T : MORRIS FIRE 111)311;i ./tAltoB coma= ' - IM - __, • " -, 1 • • • - . a/ PHILADPRIA, - ~ ' ' 409 WALNVTI3TABIT. - ', Thlit Oompsnytclenreeagainat LonsoiD linage birre_ on Tuella and Private Buildings; finralters t Stooks et Goods t and oteindianalse generally. ,-- ,-- • ' ,-, • ; i '. The tenoning proeiston in the Polfebis of this Clonio try. riniranidee tileir Settalty wherilittireetkOS a aaji ra gi Th . ta policy shelf tuft ha invalidated;.orla any afrooted, atter, ita assignment ae a oollAtiril seonritY I a round.rent or mortgage, and the approval of sae assignment say the °Mao, by say 'T r ansfer or conveyance of the mortgaged prentises.hy the °wield the swum! ) , DT Illi0T088: , - Piel T. Joni., . - ' derbinits3 M, ;'z ' ' Johntrintme,2 ' ' Robert Oink, • k '''..! lsssia 8. WaterMaih' ' David Salomon ' • , ',:, Ed Sardl.l , lames, - William lientiareser.; Joseph - Janney, : - .- Theodore Oarlu,'" , Joseph g. Coiling, , . Samuel Csatser. . . PAUL T IrONEe.. Prealdent.• , .. , ; Wet. vstaDEromeß, Vice Praiddett; ... Gri.nsie B.cleramzre, ilearstary. .- tx9144 lii 11 6 , I AFEGUARD INSURANCE 4301IIPANT h., a. is. Cram of PUSH and WALNUT" Moot) Philelelplis. Capplus ital paid in (securelY infeitod) tld lo /M Surl ls ? This Coulpanj having been thorougly reorganised, la new reedy to make InenreureMPon an kin 4. 4: in* party. merchandises ~to ,, egainet LOO or DAmAGS BY.PIRE ONLY, apt frorpAttenns. , r - , Jamb N. Feeler , Wi. B. 8. , Crushing , Francis Slaekburne, ' Charles T. Introits,' - Hain rt P. King, Malhu J: Baldwin, XB. Xe.glieb, - .1.-A. K. Ilasbronalri, George H. Levis, ' Aaron Olaso, - J aleph 21: Stidfold John M. Ewa, '' John Prentlee, Matthew Kelley, ' Edward Mier, Alex. 0. Lairronos P. 11. Blroklusid, . Alfred Olayp, Henry H . Poeta, Wm. a Forbes. jACH3I3 Si. PLCSIAN, President ! Haunt. It Foot's, Seeretuy. PHILADELIttIi, Deo. 28i, tub& ' ,4244tf II OWARD _FIRE AND IEARINNLITEU , ii RANcli COMPANY, No: 412 WALNUT Stzel'!. ShilMolphis. " - • • ..._ ~. ' _ . DtiEciiirittO. - ' 1"' • '. Tlitie:Le.Lnders, Wm2R.Loeol i '" i -.!' S. adgar-Thommos, _Robt. W. D. TiiiitAi" .•• • 21•14:110.12rain, , W 00. Ilatamli ,-. c - ..• Yoko o„,,tazaea, 11.• R. intillagfcirdi • A. J. Bomb:tor,. • -,411. B. Sporadic", ii • , John .W.Sexton, • H.H. licrastoq, 2 , -...- - ' W spirma; • - WM. H, Loco,' ~ , • Bdrain Odotb, OhiraleoY. Born Jobb Stiaiois ' Itnoo ktibr. ' B. S. Siire4B, Vice Pmldent—E. P. WAI9III.- gobretAri—OlCAßLEB A. DUY.- aXbA: 017LTPIT!8_ --INSITELANt.rE 11$1 . : 7 AIV, Ira Atop 09LLE0P1114 ON, tAll OftliffPNlTe Street, • • Proof's of Loos afid other redulelten meal mus 04/4 for pat: tide tsinlng loan or darobge by du to p ertp sated, In fall comoltanco with-the IntrlCatit aci4dltlona of Policies of Insurance, in Ruth a mandrils to , ob• Mote Oda* escfbni fof redaction or. Ilttaitlon, dud-tO thee, intiro ratlafootton of all ; • ! Particular attOntion Oren iiiilleation of <Mama igalnat Insurance Companies. • Parties will find It to their interest to commit the Art. lerelfmed as soon after the Are u ?outbid. - No charge for 'oonsultation. ' • isoklEa romon, Ititaistlit !Muter. ' LINTERPRISE /NBITRANVE :pOMPA 7 NY.. • 81118RNe CAPITAL), stoo,poo, 0 - All Paid !nand Invested, • ' This Company tenure ..1311ILDIAG8, , VII4tNITUlit, and niEROntANDIaie generally, agtihtat toe,. or damage by ere.-,. . (ironed Bente, Mortgaee, Meettentbe , sient; end other aeocultdee on Baal Aatate, : wlll , also Va. speotally .. Initireb., If desired.' DIHNOTOES. ' I Ratchford Btarr, , , Mordecai 11). Dewioo, ' William APRs°, ' George U . tnefere, ' Nalbro Treater, • Rohn 11, lllroinet, ' • ,lobn M. Atwood, , B .A. Patipentoolt, 'Beni T. Tredlek, ' ' Andrew B. Cash; ' _ lienry_Whaston, 3. Livikton, itiritlet. - P. - NATO 019 D DTj it s Troaldpit. • iminvis W. coxe,Bearetary• 4 • - vemporary CLe0e. , 162 Siontle IdOilitTiftreeti . MAD the completion of thitlionpanyle Doltdin • 8 'l9l CORNER porntra AND WAY) T 8714 , -E. C. SENMEN'a • • • , PATINT 10E-OREAiI ale • BILVBErNIOD&IM AWIRDED . INEMIT13111; HAW YORIfo • AND PAANIPIALIMITITITX, PIIILADEIr vuti. afarinfaetnrad and for we at N0.1.57.N0rth SICIIONDs Streetilabove Nate, east side, Philadelphia. This machine is warranted to freehe a 40 quart can in -40 minutes 144 qt. Pan In 00 min ; 18 qt hen In 26 rain 12qt. can in 18 min.,-and 4 qt. can is .14 coin H.C.SlA6iJaN'gu'lrantera thatible machine will recess smoother than It can be frozen by any other pre. 40114 now In sec, with ieaasett and. lON - with the a m mo r allty, of cream, under forfelturp of Ono Thousand The differ6llCO in the - Owing 0,110 'Kid 100 in Wing Is about ono.balf., , ita %.6.l.lHooderphjul ,, /cftill , y_recel7ol , 6?4 p.,,r;C:7,,ptl,mixastiti3inde4* iffEF.IPTED - SVIVLR - . ' 1,500611b1 - ,„Tpuolv 'epter,"ditiklig:'s4t4ti': Wait-or- 1 Ale gagger for sale by JAM340:000,. 4E. TlTL4pl3treeL • '" • — Jen • CUM Samna B r Stoke!, - , *Mime Matt th . • Soittee D. hfotarland, Joseph H. Trotter, - i James Inated, • Theophilus Batilding, ' Ederenrot A. Blinder, panto( L. Bdtihenson, ',John W. . Horner, B. Samuel .7 Christian, - J - oseph-M—lVltoosagy Jobaz Q. Bremner; ler; Beaten, L. lil42.li Prealdont. . STORES, lee Trea't. • _ Pm!dent—TEMA/3 L.:LVDII2I 40. _ • _IP W„tr . •••ft • go= 7,-- 1 / '' r C'T ••• ' r ..• •., r RAI.LfitOAI>" , II,OtJTE Btriymar PIitLADMPHIA AND WEST, 011E 1 STIM' ... • PENNBIRIAIstik RAILROAD. The titifilitett4il liirmioso'computr hem parlemma:the orthe-MBSV ,, I3EIIIBII7IV Brat- AD 0051 - PANT, seer 'inquiet hi offer - etstyleollity ,treve.l .4t4,the tritnehOtatlan *llf.lrefight rhetilein ptua t tetwt.4 , wed 011etedr, on tends in reeeoneble osn . °trend hy any Other router Peenehgera eon Alike the tap.' through ea soon by this as 'by any Other Raid, with every amuse& for attretyrdeepatah and ad. eaawodetienc p.Thellseengerffraine rof-Went Cheerer, leave the de. last alloyenth and Market; daily, ot 715 A 115..11 A' Coned 480 P.Al:'oa rundays, 5t8.50 IC sn4 Itreightfor West Chester willlny reoedeed at the defot, Domes af.Thirteensh eas.4larket etteeta. •N W WEST TEE ACT PIiffrAPELPM.I I I HMIsttOAD I- 13- `i,Busimair hanewortuniv. • ' soit , sfier MAY9AthalB59 the Erase will - leave thstiitaklore,," corner- of ELGETIMEITiremillIAltif . Btreete, st - of , 11 l 4 ,M.roura 2, 4'Bo. ands 15 etAt, Leave West (Theater, from the• Bistros,- on : EABT MAEREPStrefet, 6t 620; 8101 - andil , Bo . .k. M.; and 2 :ON.BUtiDAYB..--LesraPEilirleiplda at B A: M., sod 2 P. Leah; Weat• CEbatet 64.1,0 , A4 , 114 and 6.18 , • , • ...MBEIBT W,OO,Ly • - ; 3,GbnerAl flupetibtedtialit. M i rfyiiE SEA -311 W 4'l,lOlBlMM' AdRAVON&LINT/ OAUDEIN AND ATLANTIarna.I4.9OAD. ONLY:TWOIAND-1 ILEtrIiMBEI, 111 Mil BEA ..2 : oi-and after SATIEDAT4day 2105, and y natil - they netitio, three daily tanhurto ',Atlantic and retard, , iNdedays (=dented.) • - • . • .. t .f • Tra lay leaved irine:atreet.Ferryl.7:Bo Woad, Exams, a .. 4 00-P: M. .r. , 7 l3 lopplegolilfforlrObland. Water:)- • • - ltreight'Traln, (with Peasenger Oar littathad).4 46 EM AltilorntoOdatida Train; (lEgg Atarbor t ) •leatnil atrott...i ' • t . 01. . 4:60 ' CY. t LEAVES ATLArdivi . .TYI , " Pivot, Etprear, Train leaved • ' 9 OOA. rd.! Vopixel; twill , : '• '' 340 P. • /freight, Aecommodietfon Train Nitta Ekg - ilsrbor.._ .6.09 A. 1d.," ;HADDONFIELD , AOOuntaIODAT/Olei Leaved Cooper's Point ' ' 11.00 A. ' Learea Haddondeld Ed. lAlO'Oll Cooper's Point -2,00 P. M. E.edived Haddonfield -- ' 8 CO PC)6I Pars-to` AtlEnthir , rthen Vicketa are' autamaathhlref• Lanteringthe core• ' '' i 41'60 'Boned Trlp .Tirketa; good. for two days, on any regular hide t ' ' Laid 81-60. .0o and after 2 - nly 2d, and every Saturday throngli:the antrober, the Mgt Harbor Accommodation Train -wilt rtmsthrough to Atlantic), and return early on Monday Er.ernlng.' . • ' • ' • I Freight meat be delivered at 'Deeper , * Point by'l 4111 941 tib atik gode hoiU roeiteed gad todolpt,l4 !t q• by tieir Freight Agent atittiePolnt -, , ; • - • '• - ' _ 'pint G. BRYANT. Agent. PRI:LAM TA. ' • OD' RRADINQ ' RA/It - 01.1nNtri L RIAD -1140 and rgssaisna, ' Leaven the Depot, 'at darner of BROAD and VIRI9 Otranto, at 1.40 A. M., DAILY, (Sandals exnepted,) BOTTAVILLIaI HARRIFIBDRR, and 'all intermedlat& points, noun oting at Harrisburg with tiains running to , Pfttebng;Ohambetnburg barlield , Sunbury, Eco. CHRNOOK LINKS • Lenneat 8 80 P. 1.,1 DAILY, for' POTTIVVILLI and flellatentlna • . .... o f 4.45. P. M., DAftif k -0111311.sys evaepteel,) for JAING, aka inigmedia ctlLllllNKl'.43oargtdi7. .1 4 .4-= , O„ ,FIgSTER *Akprr tattuOiu —gAs £ II IINAIRaiNd Ent DOWNINGTOWN AND IN- T/ORMADI aRR PTATIONK—Oa and after Istituto. ledtctte. Ptemotnet Tratotifot DOWNINGTOWN; D. start from the ,Taailatai lidfalt" Of - Ito Midst. Reading Railroad Company. porAar of ddROAD . apd VINE. Btreete• , ,UOlOllllO TRAIN for, DoandAstaini, leaves at 7.20 Ari,l3lofool4 TRAIN for',lNlrabigtown, Jamul at 4.45 P • kne.V.K, (Snade.;ol.2tote44 .• , •• 14 2 a egta i l . .li t LI: i agg o .M. O .Ansg n eie at trvl , PP.llsklel- , „ W. EL KnagitktlllY„ 14112;Itik- PHILADELPHIA, tomptiff4 7,, AND' Bter RAIL ku,n.i.NS--4.IULOKEnirLOUTE to Biotic*, Wilkes- Asereo, Bartel°, Obicego, Beek' !Vend, Niagara Hanoi Miltrackee, • &fellation, iliodireAl s St. , Pettle;Detroit 4 Donlietb, - scadlt: Louie. -, • 7 Pivesoger tralng will lenge the Philadelphia and Reading Regrew!. Depot, corner 'BROAD end VINE I Striate, deify.l.3nodaye excepted.) sa Co lows: . • 0 7 30 A M., DAY 'EXPRESS. 'For Elmira, Niagara Palle, Buffalo, Detroit, • Chicago Zdilweekee,'Mok blend, Galena, St. Penia,lifirlington, and St: Lottle. • SI P. AI , NIGHT IMPRESS, - • Por Eltdirs, Niagara Palls, Buhl°, Detroit, Chicago, i I wan ke , Rock Island, Galena, Bt. Pauli', Darlington, and St. Louie. Tbei MO A. M. and 3.80 P. IL trains ran through to lIANSISBURG, , stopping at all Stations on the Leba non Vallaa Braaell, • The 7.6 - 0 A; N. train donneotd at Rupert, tar Wilkes barre, Pittatnn, Haraaton, and all elation's on, the 7.1/tONA.WANNA: AND DLOOkiShURG - RAILROAD. eheeked, to Elmira, Bittalo, and Suspension Illidge. . Er Tickets can he procured it the Philadelphia and .Elmira r lsalituad Line% Voket Ordee, Northwest coiner dt.SIXTII And ONES rtrot Street., and at Nos Passau; ger- Dap earner BROAD and PINAIi „ THROUGII EXPRESS PREIGIIT TRAIN - lieares the ,glepot, Broad, street, below Tine. daily, 61Indayareepted,) far all pointa West and North, at 6 „•Yreiglite must be deliveredbefore S P.ll. to, insure Wag the same day. _ Per further Information, apply at , • • :- • Ireialit Depot, Broad, taloa. Tina, •,Or to CRAB- S. TAPPER, General Agent, N. W. no nor Sixth and Chestnut Streets, 64.1 r. , Philadelphia anztl 'r THROUGH TIGIMS TO TUE 80ttTIMEET, AND BAL., Thrbugli - tlatits e inaoir be proOtired at „the ofEese of thik Compeey to the %Roiling points i - _Washington. D.C. Knoxville, Tenn. • Itiobimorut, Va. Nashville, Tenn. PetershOrg, Va. Oh:thinly:a, Tenn. ' NoYolk, Vs. Grand ditnetl on, Tenn. Weldon; N. 0.• - Memphis, Tenn. _ Wllmingt.si, N. 0, Httotastillo, Ala. ilh o arleatoil, 8. 0. raltou ) Ga. ' Anmseta, Os. • garansAft, Ga.- , idaomr G. . , • Oolnrobtoo. Ga. Atlanta, 0:. . . Montgomery, Ala. 2.lobile; Ale. .Naniarleene La. Baggage obeekel to all the above points. __ .. '• The ateemeelp ISABEL leaves OZIARLESTON for ZIAVANA, oh the "47h and lath of scot, mcinth, and effete 'a ,very deal:Ale zoo's to pamangere NW v the latter port, avoiding Cape Gatteraa. , ,Ifor tlekete, or information , apply the eMcee of the Gkallphrrio , - I 229 lIIMAWAY; 11.,1n0t ". " N . Y P BII ' i of 001:11tfba NUT' ittroet. i - • - , • ' • _•-••-• N. W. tor: MIXTII nod 0111111 T. PBILADEURIA NUT Strode, or BROAD sad PRI611:1 toopot. , - 8. M, tilLTON,Preoldent. Tnix.r., Apr111;1819. ' , '• • snlaaan , . , i swismosmes SPRING AR RARGIEIiaNT. PHIDA.D.MbPIII.4,I WthaIINGTON, AND - DALTI - -• • • MOEN RAILROAD. - - On sod alter MONDAY, Apr Nth, 1869. Fl 4 PASHGEPt TAA.I.NB ',PAPA PH ILADELPHIA, Yorirltlmore at 8 16 A. M., 12 noon, (16xpreanj and -. For Ologor at 8 15 A. M.,/1 noon, 4.80, podia P.M. Far,pflimiogton at 8.16 A. M., /3, 4 SO, and 21 P. M. 4Or'NOn' Oiatlii at 8 16 A. M. and 4SO P M. o.PlllB6l6tawn at 5.16 A M. , „ and CEO P 'M. Por Darer at 816 A. 61., nod 4.10 P. M. for ge,ford at 8.16 A. 61., and go P. M. „ TNAINSIVIR PHIL ADNI,PELIA tesieltalttmois at 8 30 A. M., (Expreas,y9.Bo A. M., sod 5.06 P. M /RP . M! WiladngtOn 9.951. M., and 9.20 A. M., 12.44; and e 20P. M. Leave New Castle at 8,46 A.ll,and 7 4Q P. M. _Leave Middletown at 7 69 A M . . an 6.6 P.M.Of reeve Dover atli 80 L. M. and 6.25 P. M. Leave Seaford ate 15 A. M., and 2 45 P. 21. Leave Oheeter at 7.44, 960 A. M., 1.80, and 9 P.' Leave Baltimore roe ?3eaford and DeLiware Railroad at gi 49 sod 9,80 A, M. . . . .. FOE BALTIMOR E, Lean Ohaatar at 8.46 A. M., 12.28 and II 80P. M. Leslie Wilmington at 920 A. M., 12 66 P. M., and 12.16 A. M. BU . NDAIS Ooly olt 11P. id, frOm Philshlelphis to Peßithore. ' Only at 506 P,111., from Pottimoro to, Philadelphia, PREIGHT TRAIN, with PAMERORR OAR sitaohed, will run ins follows • . Leave Philadelphia Vol Perryville and Intermediate glues, at d. 43 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Litermediate places at V 83 1!. M. Leave Havre de Graoe for Baltimore and intermediate plaree at d 40 A. Al Loots Baltimore for Haire de Graoo and intermediate places at 8 A 6 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Plalladelphia and intermediate photo at 4.40 P. VI apv R. M. PPILTON, President . 1859. r 1859, munimart ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK. LINER. THE,OAIRDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELVA :AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00 1 8 LINES, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, • , PROM WALNUT-BMW WHARF, Will leave as follows, vii : nate. At 6 A: Id. Tie Camden and Amboy, O. t A. Ac commodation 62 21 At 8 A, Id , via Camden and Jersey pity, (New Jersey) Accommodation 2.21 At 8 A. M. via Camden and Jersey Morning ' " .8 00 ,At II A. 1111, by ateambont,liii Tacony and Jersey pity, Morning Express 8 00 ,At 2 e.„11., via Camden and Amboy, O.& A. Ex- . press 8 00 At 8X P M., by Steamboat, via Taeony and Jet -001 City, Eloping lixprese 8 00 At 9X P. hi:, by Steamboat, via Tammy and Jer sey City, 2d Mem Ticket 26 At 0 P. M., Thl Camden and Jersey Oity, Rvening Mall 800 At Il P M., via Camden and Jersey City, Night ' 81st! 2 85 At 26i PiM. f tiii Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and pusetiger)—let Clan Ticket 220 2d Class Ticket 1 60 At 5P M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeoonsmodat ton, . (Freight and Passenger) —lst Class Ticket.... - 2 25 2d °lase Ticket-- 1 76 The 6 I'. 14.41111 Line runs dally. The 11 Night 410, Saturdays oxoepted I{[?' Express Lines stop at Principal Stations only. Woe Belvidere, Batten, Flemington, ko., at 6 A. M. and 3 - 34 •, , Pot Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkosharre, Montrose, Great Bond, Jr.o., at 6 A. M , via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad: • : For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 9 P. M. For Mount at 6 and 9 A. and 2X, 4X and 6 P. M. . . - WAY LINES' - Ifor TirfatOli Trtnton, to., at EN and 43( P. M. from Walintatreet wharf : • .. -• Per, Palmins, , Delan'oo, Beverly, Burlington, Bor. gejitoWn; ?co., at rand 2% Steataboat.Rtobard Stockton, for Tunny at 11 A. M,, itirfor" Badentown and Intermediate places at Et,ii P Steamboat John Neilson, for Taoony at 8% A. 151., and too Bridal, Burlington and intermediate places, at 12 'M. end dli' P. M. • • - Vitty winds of baggage only allowed eacb paeseoger. P4sengere are Diohibiti4 learn :taking any thingno bag gage but Melt... Wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds - to he 13std tar ware.. The company limit their rOPPolusibiliky for biggso to one dollar per pound, and put not be liable for; any amount beyond gito, ez oopt by opeotig apntrult. , June 1 ATZIIES, Agent. ILLUMINATING CO4I, OlL—Warrinted 7 -m qdt;al to: 41414 r btAnkt6y, and, gorabU i NA is eop : eglysel9l. AlEo prltti t it ma l l kp ir P9t4Vf iir.'flif,to :6ito I[llEl"Olip . roVOLitrA; ?-$ *TVA 1859,;z-Irk i lt.-- • - • 1859. 080004,0kr:ot, IQU&1. TP Witatillill e argitlAlllB BIIIIWOI4 P 111.1410111110 WAND,. 'Pr TalitlßG, Councombig direct al-Ptillidelphla with Through Trains ftoma 141.64044 8.14,1 t raft tact • emit, im4 at,the Muton•Derb, ,, Pittatterstitheditroligh•Vrains for Cluj oloomalc - 8 • L9ila. Olovicso.4,4llo l ,BuolintAin, CO. PauP,il,-.Yrellanspelin„ konterlile, end all intermediate &Late II:1'0110W lit mit, Ilitnols,,Ken tricky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Miceohri;Men.) esechady/Kabrallia;.thhe ittindshipg theilltlea 1 110 transportalint Nienegerestmetlasanted 'for ar?daad Cedttort 'soy °that:rout*, ' .• • • - Miarcks and Past tines throug h c ' it! vritialiarg arltbaht 61 Care or Clondit6tOte, •••1 • • ithitoklag Camaro attached to each` Train; Wootirtttre glean:lt ears to Vireo and Past • Trains. I ThellS. mEal. IMO - DAILY 4. Plan pretiaat. /4noe, Bundayn yk 5t • AI. Ramps Train Wen 1450 P. • • Ivor TRAINS LICAVIC As rpotarivp: • Paricoalmilg Accommodation - at 11 - Iloarr luombi a barg Accommodation -irinTolunaba,• 2.00 P.M C ht.... , • kauipmgers • for Meet . take_ the Mall, Earboaburg, and Laseaster Trains, at she Per . ineylva. ass Itallrosd Passenger Brat • ' ••-,••.! Passengers for Banbury Windamspo' rt, Elm i ra, Buf falo, Niagara trade, and - Interrnediat4. - polutmo leaving PP.licrPilthis At 7.15 A. Wand 2.00 - P. M. go directly through. , , _ Tickets Westward maybe obtained at Ake Mike 61 the ;Oozapapy. In Philadelphia, New York Barton, Cl Baltimore; and Tiakiits la /natward at anythe Import sat-liallraad,Officell in the, Welt; also on bOarctany Of the regular Line of ,fiteamers, on the .Idisalsalppi or dkiti , R„, •, , , flierlFare elitlye lie low as ep y other ' ltonte. - ' The completion of the ,Weltafll sonnantions of the Perunrylrania Railroad to Ohloile t makes this the DIREOT LINE lETWAVri • Ta.w EAST AND TER Eilt/14tT solm,aws.wx, , The omitting of trarsksihy,the: Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferria - ga of Freights together with the sating_ of time, are ddrantages readily appreolated Birippera of Freight and the Triveillog Pnhito. •- •• , • 'PRBIOHTiI WESTWAR ,By Oda Routs Freights-GURU descriptions can be for. warded from Philadelphia; New York, Boeten, orr Belts. ni, , roc,.anaprporntanthe, Railroads a Ohio., Kentucky. Indiana, Illinole, Wisconsin,' lowa, or Missorul, by Fonnayliania Railroad alscroonnects at Plitsbarg, wltH littirn:iirs,, by frhidh &food& eau be forirardo:lta any port on thi Ohio, Mirekingtimi.nentoxy, Tenereeee, Oulaberland, Illlnete, Iliiredselppl, Wisoonsin, kilsodari, Kansas, arkaretar, and Bed Biters; end at Olerebutd, ernidusky,•and Ghloggtoysith latest:rm , to all ports on the Northwestern Lake( • fderehenta and Phipirere sabeistipg Aka transports -tion of their Freight to thisOorliVerry, es_n rely with oonlidencnon its , speedy iranalt., 4 . • PRE RATER OF FRBIGILT to,:any point-in the yy~ostby Railroad are at all timer as ;rorablo ire add other Railroad Cons. pardon. Da" Be particular to mark packages •IlailrOad Merchants in the West ordering goods from the Beet, will do well to direct them to be shipped by this Banta. , For freight Contracts or Shipping Directionsi apply. to, or addrese 'either of the following *sante of the Oomiski: , • D. .4. , E4VlA.lo,lltupillfgi ,Doylb & 00., Steubenville, O. ,•• H. & Zaneeville, t. Johnetoni Ripley, 0 r.B.Moleedly, I Maysville, Hy.; Orton/ . & Cropper Portementh, 0.1 , paddock '• & Yeffersimeille. , Italian? - El. W. Brown & Co.. Obacinnati,lo. Athern oirmat ,I 0. ; B. 0. rieldrnm, Madison, Ind. ; rifighnn, LinHarville; Hy.; P.-13 , 01111dy & 06'4 Bram.; 41e, Ind ; Otthane 4,00.. Cairo Ill.', B. f . Sias, St. Lome, Mo.; dohrat. Barrie, i eelirille, Tenn .,, ; Danis & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; ',Clark* & - 00., cagoelli I ILI _WI Hill'. linonts. 4 Alton, Ill.; Murphy &I Walle,Draboque;J • or' to•l'reigitt Agenta of roads at different points in the Melt - - Parties attending tritheir - own shipments free 'the Bast, will fled it to their interest to call on the: Agents of the Company at the following places before shipping; or httern addremni , to either of them - on the eubjeet of feighte. will Meat Will fetimpt attention. E. J. leNtelDilit, Philadelphia. MAO 'Sk4W le KOONS; 80 North' street, liettimore. LP.BOH & 00.,3,AfitOr House, orl B. William et., N. 1.. LICHO a. &OO.:,t4Hillgetieet,Bosion, 1 H. H. HOUSTON,linfail freight AgentiPhila. D. L BM:WT. Henn Ticket Agent, Phila.- • THOS. d. sooTr, Gen , l Bap't, Altoona; Pa. NORTE( RENZI'S YL- L-14.-.1...--- ' V Nik•RAILIIAt. •• bumming ABRANDEaIaNP. Par DOT GllBlO *N. • BARTON; ALLBDITOWN. /BAUGH . DRUNK; • RAZDSITON, - wlwasnoßa. /r 4-. • • . . • • sdo,d after - B ORBA", May 1850 Passenger Trains letth NRCIOIT.and Wll.lo l # Streete, PSWa dalpbie, DAILY, (stiMi4e eiogrted ) - _For Bethlehem, • Allentown = Ohtralt, bane, Hazleton. &a., (Express ) at. • d CO A For Bethlehem, (Expreee,).at • 4 00 P. Bor Doylestown, (Atoommodation,) at. 8 05 A. II ,and 6 P. M. Par Wort Wraldngton, (Accommodation,) at ~la2 lif, and 6 20 P.M. Oink rgiropEOPHIA Leave Bethlehem, (Baoreni,) at 9 Et. Pd,A9 ,d 4 16 P. 11. Leave IDoyleetown, (Accommodatioad tio A. M.anaoP.litSi. Loa. Port Washington, (Accommodation.) at 6 80 A. M. tad 3 85 P. Id. • 'ON BIINDAIT6 : • Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at..o A. M. and 8 P. M. Doylestown, for Philada.", et 9 00 A. M. and 5 46 P. AL Pare to Bethlehem. $1.50; to Manch °hunk, $990 to Beaton $1.60; to Doylestown, 80 cents; to Wilkes • barre, $4 60 - All- Passenger Trains. (except Bundler Trains) coo= meets at Berke street with Fifth and 811th-streets and Bowed and Third.streete Passenger Railroad& Passengers for Wilke Owe take 9 80 A M. Train, and aeries in Wilkesbarre at T P. H. myl6 - ELLI 9 CLARK, Agent. Fiwas POIL4DELPIEt lA, sa GAR 11)1,N TOWN, -. MID •ittablitint) --4513/MER 9t 4 nil -14814T8 —An and otterMonday , tMonday , Alsy h, 1869 a farther notice. • - POR GEEMANTOItT Leave Philadelphia 6, I', 8, BX, nap., 1011 X 12 A. ht., 1,8, a, 3,4, 4,6, 6X, 6,7, 0,10, mai 11 P. Leese Oormaniown 8,7)18, Se, 20,1.1., I*. ? 1 .1 . V, 1,2; 8. 6 , 8 1 Cli, Lif r 8, O. EIIINDAYE 011 P. K. - ON I, Leave Philadelphia 9.C5 rain. A. id., 2,8, 5, T, osid io R. Leave Gartniudiiian 8.10 pia. A. 11., ,1.10 min. ; 4i el" 4 end 9Mitedifi i.l NUT 11.111110 AD. Leave Philadelphia 8,8, 811,11, A. Al i 2,4; 7.10, 9.40,11.65 A. H., 12.40, 840 ; 5 40, 7.10 , 8 40,10 10 ON S UNDAY , , Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. 1.1., 2,5, and 711 P. ta • LO4VP Oheitatit rlill 61,12.50, 6.10 end 8.66 P, POR CIONIMOTIOVICEN AND NORBIBTOWN A. Philadelphia 6, 8.05 miri.„3o 05 ado. 11% A. al:, 1 06 mio., 8.06 min., 4%, 6%, 8„ 1 / 4 , 11% P . M. Leave Mr/Ulan 6, 7, 0, 11 n. M.,1, 4%, 0,7% P. ht. . ON 8," Leave Philadelphia 9 41, MtMUNDA., 8 11 and 4 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A.111.,1 and 8 P.M. FOR MA.NAIRTNE, • . Leave Philadelphia 8, 7.15 min., 8 06 min , 91(,10.06 min , 11,1 i A. 61., 1.06 dim ., 205 min., 8.05 mm , 4%, 0% , 8, 111( P.M. Leave Manaynnk eg, sx, 8%, 0%, 10 % 11% A. AL 134, N. 05 min , 4,5, at( ;,5 . ..2 Oa min. P. m. ON 81INDAIT9i Intave PlllLdslp6 :9 A. 8, 4 P. M. Lowe Mans} nok 75‘ A ts.;IX, 83i. 8X P. IC - H. R. MUTH, Gerund nnperintendent. 3131 DEPOT. NINTH and aBSEN Ms, s,tjiPVt►tg. FOE THE HOUTH—OHARLEB? Irefrf i li&VANNAH, add VW/ANA ST/M. 81UP8 EBYBTONI STATE, Captain 0. P. Itarehman. SPATE OP o000.0I&, Oaprata John J. Garvin. MUM, Oaptehr Way. Boland. - ; • • POB•OSABLEBTON 0.0. • The 11. 0. Mall Steamehip O.IIPBTONN STAPP, udPtan hiorahnlant •le withdrawn to receive eew ere Will tan sottn,na Wednesday, June 22, at 10 A'. AL NOR SA:FANTAIL Gt. The U. 8. Mall Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA. Capt. John J Garvin, will sail on Saturday , June 18, at 10 Ahi - .. • , . Tlai splendid Bret-clan side•wheel Steamships IMP STONit SPATE and STATE Of GEORGIA now' ran as above every ten days; thus forming a dye-day eons. , numiaation with the Smith and Southwest - 1J Goods received and bills of lading signed oar, day. — r At both Oherleaton end Savannah these ships con nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, .2.. e., for all plant in the Smith and Botithweet, and with the Btearambip ISABEL, for Havana, on the 4th and 19th of every month. . . .., . ' YitIIGET REDIIOIID. Reavy 'Freight *t en average of lb per emit. below New irork steamship rase. ' ' • ~ INSURANOE: Freight and Insurance on a large 'proportion of Goods' shipped Booth will be fogad to be. lower by them WO than by sailing vesests.., - N. 13:—Inearanoe on all Railroad Freight is onsiViay unnecessary, farther than Charlenton and Savannah, the Railroad Compa.ame taking all rhike from these points. Whin Ptesagi to Oharloston and Savannah 516 00 Steerage I , it le 800 Ilsoursion Tiokets, gool `toy the present jeer.... SO 00 Tickets to Hirano 65 00 Through Tickets to De* Orleans 89 15 Do Mobile f 85 00 Do Montgomery 26 00 Do Albany, Ga 24 00 Do Columbus, Ga. 28 00 Do Atlanta, Oa 28 00 Do ' Moon, Gs , 91 00 Do - . Palatka, Fla lll 00 Do ' Picolate, Fla 28 00 Do Jacksonville,Pla " 91 60 Do ' Fernandina, PIA - " 91 00 •No bills of lading eignod after the ship has sailed. -No freight received en the day of sailing. For freight or-passage apply to . . . . A. lIBBON, Jr. Bnnthwestaorne: FOURTH and 011188TNUT Agente In Charlento°, T. 8. A. T. G. Bavannah, 0. A. MIDI= ft 00. , j ,egght,, THE BRITISH AND NORTH powwow-. AMERMAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- FROM ATM YORK TO LITIEFOOL °blot Cabin Paaaage &mond Cabin ' , svelte. /MOE BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Paean° Buoond Oabin Panne - The ships from Boeton call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judlczne, I CANADA, Oapt Lang, ARABIA, Copt. J. Stone, AbIRRIOA, Oapt. Muer. Oapt. R. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Oapt. Ander- APRIOA, Capt. Shannon,, • gOnj I lUROPA, Oapt S.Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at meet-head green on starboard bow; red ou port bow. AMIRIOA. Miller, leaves Beaton, Wednesday, June lee AFRICA, Shannon, " N York, Wednesday, June 22. BUBO Leitch, .c Boston, Wednesday, June 29. PRBSIA, Teak.; N York, Wednesday July 6. ARABIA. Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Ju y 13. AMA, Lott, " N York, Wednesday, July 20. coma , Borten, Wednesday, July 27. Sharmon, " N York, Wednesday, Aug 1. Bertha not enured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The OWDErte of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Sliver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or biota's, mikes bale of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. Per freight or-piaag.. apply to marBl-If X. OUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. GLASGOW AND, NEW YORK ETDAMMIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO ObANLIOW, LIVRAP,OOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDEIBILY=fottaO. PROM 1111 W TOME. GLASGOW, Thomeou, Buturday, .14th J Blur atl2 noon Boi.N UM, 0 unineug, Wednesday , 14£. June, " - GLASGOW, Tumpeon, 64 • 6th July, g IDDIBURGH, Pummlug, 27th July, " . . PROM 010.900 W. • DDINDURGII, Ou.atung, Saturday, 7th May. G hAgGOW., Thai:W4m " 11th /ave. EDINBUR1111; Summing, ct 2d July. Rates of Ramage from Nem York, Philadelphia, or Beaton, to Q tenor, Mcarr,onl, Belfaer, 'or Londanderri, 11, et 0!..taa,175. Steerage, found With ma abundance of properly conhed provlriona, An ,e*perlenee.l Burgeon sttashed to each staaaOr No charge for modlcinea. Vox freight or Twne, tpply to WORICIIIAN do 00., No. 14 virdiLei UT .t1•00t.P11114, nolltliT °BUG. , No aELOARWAY, Isigm.Mark. ---•- cgagi ' PAM:" P.'MOO4; dBP. tktiltre B . 99 VlStiltt44. J -024Tobyk.g,-; - ""*lfOliii 141 - M THOMAS ma , • - iriViiii.pattrtOtribnalTlViT (Poraferty lttallAit MAUL) SALEI Or xtratilsronlp_TWO / 544 N/Li 6 L 61.Ahaintat 61,04XWOODTIASO,NoRvir; 'BUKUNT 0VT , 61148-6 t WARN, X4 9 T BIDEA T I D , ptIROGiOARntra 4 deg 0 A IVO. -= Ohr tale ,tlthe „Merrill:lg, at , the adaidde, iddre,lllll eamprlse, besides 660 tete - pt eminent Be, toed-band fornittzte, 2 large; Preach' plat. nOintel Fare rm. rosewood plano-fbiti,-net - elegant 'aad-Irlahlyeat. glastewarei Mat 'ladle china' dimwit setoarttigett asert , yiry Wald' with Wart,- airport _Ohm and • back•gard; Moo table inlaid with marble, mayoral mdaerand brow ligurs6„ , miniatare ohm and brig ' , 0 cederalothea *alto, beds add beddlng;- lrThrets,,inipertal, quit , Urina4 skilled, mi n i and lea , ,iare t fr.. 6 -; forming an auras: tite-lisliortment, worthy the 'attention lot 'Uinta and tabors desirous of peroheelog. = • - [17.• Cotalogeta new reedy and 04 articles arranka4 for examinatlon, - . . , TOtltte,„&o, Ow : . Jane afet, al' if o'obfeb,' at - the Phltatletpltia ofiaogi, Will be 2t shored Reliant* Mutual Inartrinoserapany. 10 shires West Chester - fiiiiiroad-vredesseid: steels. , • • • Ae' Bole: • , • . 1 shire Philadelphia bso Li lut brary—pald -up to Min 1860. A shire, Philailelwhis - A.thenesuwm • - • , TWANTA'.BIKIONAkIiPIiIiVO Aludgeeesi Perembtore Sots" Oli The Pre:plied . - I , TUN 04BADEN 100BALT , ANIPNAMEALL,11TOIAAs. 0 • - 'Mu Merida:Al • Juni 20th - at 12 o'slook,"nnois, wM Weald it palate. Wei without mom*, by'orilor:of tits?mtaglicefof Ul - thal:CduPidaetaribbm'Sattri - oSni . l4 tbog Cain eiwi Motel, Stossie,,ii with wfuol, dwellings,' and lot or two aoretieflaoC - atteatebu ibbsbani of dlbopesis ore el f 'Shiite One' mile of th e ferry, and half a mifO from 'Me foollth'et tiOspeiie oreeiri' with a litre, front also oolsiob stfeit. 'Carideo; N: ; Er Oleos of oil Inaorobriore. , reale 'absolute. . - • TWENTY-TITIED.SPRINe- SAL!-41:tfil Vitt finitude—. Orphana' Chart We—Estate of Earnard de..l ' THREE THII79I2.STORY BRICE , DWELLINGS. Milton: West- berwasa,- Eleventh end Christian end Serpents/ atreetec late linyarnensing; • ,Ifgeontote , Bole —Eitete of Both Orate% deed L shall AND vAxtrAmat, itEdIDENOS; AEON Bran r, betgelinTytellth and Thirteenth atreetn -110.• 1214; the )ot le 60 . feet front, MS feet in '..depth, with , Stable, honse,'ind elegant dhlegarden. litsle,by order of -IleirsaAlatate late of Attalla* Biker, -LARGE AND VALUABLE :LOT, OR-TRACT t:11 1 , LAND,I26 AMINO, RlOhniondlitreet, aormerly Point. ntw.Point road), , Twenity , third ward, Will' liare,fronts on nit other streets when opened. - V ALtrAular strenws tociielainr.,-' story brick since and dwelling, No. 214 *mils Sfondkatteet. between Dace and Vine streets. )17- Immediate pos. amnion • DUILDING LOT, month slde of Ohrlstianitieet, Weep Twelfth and-Thirteenth Atreetli, lAteAiOyAlAiti;• Meg. , , Raterators , Sale—Estate M etre. Anne -L. Toalk, doled. ..,,VALp ABLE BUSINESS STAND,- - -Three.story brick gtesi. tad difelling. No lel North South street, be tween eiberrtitatilinee streets. • Herne Ista3e.4..NEAT „HOEHN DWELLING. 1819 Addition-street, ttstnenni.32gliteinth and•Nine teemh aria Pine and roinbird:Stretite: Executors , Sale—notate of Matthew Eolith, - -BUSINESS STAND Ttiree.story brick store -and' dwel loge, No. 1884 Lombard:street, between Siateenth and Seventeenth streets. • . - • • EfIaINEMS STAND.—Beat three story-brick stare' mid dwelling Nit- 1817 'North flemoid 'trod, above, Pbrtioliatrea( a iritttA frame belittling lathe rear. .enmervr E , N.,-Tertr satiable lots, Herman et. 4, suthiverit of Morton' etreet, Oermaatswn, each 80 - feet, ;front, 101 feet deep. - LARGE AND ver.trena LOT WITH OPOUR ,RSONTEI, net 181 feet on .Ridge road. 4150 feet on 200 • hgroble avenue, 247 feet on • Twenty fourth attest, and fe4,On Twenty , fifth street; Twentieth Ward.. 811.8GXANT SI REET. , 4T-wo thrie. story brick direl=„ liege; Sergeant etreetiiiestdf,oofal street, 144eleentle, • lit 4.NR1P0RD...--Lot , and stable west side of Paul street. between Unity arid Chureit stable, 'grantable: - HANDSOME- MODERN REM DINO!, - Arch. street, northwest corner or Seventeenth street, SO feet front, 128 feet deep.tw3 fronts., . • 'TRACT OP LAND, about MA sores, Ifount Tabor, °edit cottnly,' 1119r71999, SA` Mile" from Stilton, and 1 Mile Lon, the 'Dahimore Dell -end. NEAT, MODERN - ERSIDENWS, - No' -1024 Green street with back buildings, and Modern conierdences. 811.1e'a Nat.lBo nod HI. South - Padth . . . oirrEracka 71TANIZI71121, FRENCH. RIAT.II - ROBS, PLaNO.PORT.W. tislatOßLO AthP.W 2B . reialforning,. , . ' At is o'clock, at the auction store, an amortment Of excellent . rreentd-hund .fneniture, „elegant plane. fortee, ,dire mlrrovi,JuuOte, etc., from families' de clining housekeeping, • rored to the store for con. TOZIOUOO Of an antique seeretary,dulainwith pearl. Alga, mu Cogent 'chess and bkak=gamTon table; inlaid AOC' a rtordirtnie brigg. ' ' . • allot, miniatttre Chip, i - • Also, eery fine 'arenas end parisn figures. pietas. Alto, a net of Per, elegant richly cut ghee ware, ROO - Ale°, an Batt Indfi china dinner eat. , , . Bali for account of whoa It osiy concern PATtlir NM! MkMINN. This Morning, :MIA igth; s;t ohildolt, at the Industrial Works, NO. 2020 Callowhill'atteot, Withotit graerve, , nna of-Robert Griff.this patantriut tillidainea. Tote told entire, With pstterney or in lota an wrought and dad iron, ated, and b Ms.fig' Terms Utah. VALIILLBLE THSOLOGIOAL 4N.V.Hi9oluinad6il This Evening. - wune 28tH, at the auction - store, will be sold a va riety of valuable theological and aniseellaneous works from st private collection. = , fl For particulars see catalogues. RITATA '001.2,1i0T011, OW YALUABLZ Olb . .PAINTINGS.„ do rriday Atoning,” ' Jane 11th, at thp anatliiu store; Nos.. 189 end' 141 South Fourth street commencing at 11 o'clock, Will be boll a valoebie private collection of oil 'paliatinge, !c -andies a laod cap, by Waohlogtoo ..ilietoo, painted in Italy in 1812, for the late Dr. King • falter ,portrait of Allen Lewis, of . by Oopely. 17821 .the celebrated pleura of the Lost 1 , :000re, by Wernbert, U titrating Poe'd poem of the Bann, eV:IIMM at the /diadem) of Tine Arta, of Chic city, in 18lb Holy Psinll.fiby Be phael; known aa the Pongees' Raphael, being one' of the Prince Polignachs five celebrated picture's, phi• chimed on the eve of the Prlpowe, departure from Farts; the -Village Belle, by.Greuse, with_ about , fifty others'• looledlog eaverid modern ..goglish ,Palatinge, and eome rare and , valuable itorhe, by the Old Matters. 11:7: The colleetion will bo. arranged' for 'inepedtion three deye previous to the eale, with catalogued. , 'We at Np.'423 North - NintliStinet: 813PRRIOR WURNITURN, RASE WOOD PIANO, MIR RORS, FIN.Er.O.ARPNTBI Oa Friday Morning, - June 17th, at 10 eclock„, at No. 423 North Ninth street, above Willow street, by catalogue, the superior parlor, dining-room, and chamber furniture of a gen- Reinert declining housekeeping ' rry. The cabinet, furniture was made to order , and hie. been but little need. Mey be examined on the morning - of sale at 8 &Munk. lzte¢sPre Sale No. 828 Nfirket Street. HOIIBBIIOI.II BUBNITUBB. , TAPBBrItY MAR° RB. PAIN I'INGB, 'BAR PLICTUJIEB, ko., ThfIII9IIBTSBN BONI. On Weepy Morning, ' 20th lost., at 10 o'oleck, et—the Western Hotel, No. 028 Market stieet, the entirehoisebold ..furoiture, in cluding-the furniture of abort forty chembete. Also, Mut bs. 'furniture 'and fixtures, gas - fixtures, &e. Also, the kiteheri Ininitare. Irr Hey be • iamined et 8 o'clock on the Morning of eele. , . Bale it No. 64 .6ionst Htreet. :NOT.3IIIIOIILD lIIRNITURB, MIRROBA, BRAN BAN OnBPBII, NatTiliat BED& GLASS WA.13.0 • . On Wednesday Morning, lid [notelet, at 10 o'clock. at No ezt Lomat' street. below oerenth, the koneekold: farahure, /french pieta "inirrore;tirnseele carnets, feather beds, glue pare; he. Also;thi kitehezawniture. ' al p May be . exanune4 at 8 dolook on the morning of BOOMS ON .114331M0NY 001.1.6 T TO BENT.—Ap ply et the Auction store. AT PAIVA.TA 13ALA --Shares 1a the Philadelphia and Marasat4a Libraries sn4 Albumin. Biriktro. Ipp R. CORSON, .DEAL ESTATAI DRONER AND CONVIYAN Olta. MONEY LOANED WU GOOD 11108TUAGMB OOLLFOTIONS PROMPTLY MARE. mhMain NOR.BIBTOWN, PA. nICIE & CAPP; 228.-DOOK: Street, abovo - Walunt, STCOE BROKEftB, and doilers in Mei. eautile Paper and eronrities generally, Attend the Brokers' Board' daily; &Ind./111 all 'orders • for the per °hue or sale oPBPOOIiBes.BONDB, jaT,ll VRONISE & opsoix - Are sXOIIAVGII BROKAW, No 40 t onto T Btre et, • • PAILLD.LI.IIIA,` Refer to the BAYKS_ ;Lad ititozzog of Philadelphia GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE Of GRHIOU COAL —ANNOUNCIISII32IPoL-17W tu 'OLP Ist, we ern ma oar large Most of freshly mined'superior LEHIGII COAL. embracing the' cele brated West Spring Mountain and Watesbarre, and the Lehigh Navigation Oemparirs Coil, at the following rates: Stove floe 51 00 per tea. b gg " 8 76 ir .Broken ti 3 75 cr Nut , t 325 After the let proximo an advance of 26 caste per tau. "AIME:NAIED Ec 11.06151NL,,- Wilkesoarre Cleat Pepot, WATIIR Street above Oallowtull, end Oa Wharf abuse Oallowhill street, Delaware.. Philadelphia, Jane 10, 1850 • • 9 - IHEO. D. EMORY & CO. OPPION No. 182 South POTINTH 81., PhUs , Sole' Agents of GNO. 'C. POTTS dc 00., Miners and Shippere of the , LOOLISTDALI GOAL, Prom the Locust .11ceantsin, Near Ashland, agellm] 801.113YLKILL COMITY. Pa. ' W. CROOKE •& CO., KM" Dealers and Bblppers of LIiBIGH, BOHUYLRILL, end BROAD TOP 8181 BITUMINOOd COAL. Blee No. 182 Booth FOURTH Street. ~.. BROAD Street, below Rase, - PBILADELPHr• • (Eigap3, Olobarra, &"r. Q,E GAR R.-A. MERINO, 140 SOUTH FRONT Street, caste for sale, from Store aim Bond, the following favorite Brands of &Tara : Nuevc Snip. Regalia, Nueva Zing. Coochas, Light Ouard.Rutro dotos, dmalla, Londose, Nabs's., Lon drea, let. 2d, and his i Garantlawla, Preneandos, Capi tols Londons, Capitols Conchae, Iglesias. Zarzuella, Cuba alt Patria Londres, El Ebro London Fine, Capita die, Braves, Sl:a es Opera., I epana london, Repeal London Vali, Prinotpee, Manilla Cheroots jell-tf HAVANA CIGARS of no 2 , 5 ig. 9 0 , , 000 following superior brands; Prunes°, aepsnola, Golden Itye Pattie, Togas Set Rio, Valiviques, Amens, Uputsu, Cabanas, Tortugas. Cobden, &e*, &e., i n 1 4, 1-1, 1-13 and 14.0 boxes, of alt dill3ll and qualitiee, now lauding from " Washington Ilutober,it just arrived front Havana, mud for sale low, by GUMMI TETI3, 180 WALNUT Street. R A ,, X . .t , N ra t e to a d k ttle d r: including Pertagaeo:abanes, pliyero, _Mono, Bird, Fio rentino, Plie Fly, and Paatica. rano, Paper begat:, by bTEPII EN PU6171 T & BONS, 218 Boat WRONT Street. HA M S AND SHOULDERS. 2,800 pieces City smoked Hams and Shoulders; >deo, 80j) plccee Pitra Rarsr•Curett Home, for male by 0. 0. BaDLNII dr. CO., AIICEI threat oaoond door ahoy. Front .104 MEE Spring inisinvis at ZEIG.T.. f ER & it BM WI% eorner of 13XGOND aoddit-BitN le Opened with a superior stook of Drop, initelead, Zino PalutS,Vlndow- Wen; sod - - other' art:ldea onolly sim w ed o In a Wisolonli ping, Paint, andhits cittablintl -O IV" By' Atittii - JE• traiinsffi,raJLA l Dirceilre HOBSII AND tititßlAG7l7 foz,i2iir - of- NINTEL and IIANSOM STSEN4I, - At 1 0 • 9' o *, tA:Bs Oa airri a NO : 4 andabniopll b 0 e rinn.r, esirtges ies; 0. Fult wtkilize eiiialoxingi l , • ",* • " B SU° I AUCTIONAER, N.). in . ,: ett - ssnrerr OVUM; ajrpoodit the .4Vilithaj 2inui,4' trot-lead yorintil cairn= Onefilie• • - - BALE OF STRAW '00011N: • " On Vridiy MrAtele, ' Jane 1 7 4n,.,w/II -be dulds:broataloguit, do' eomoi!,r,elog at lON o , o3loelri a general .fisorttositt o eitrikw gOod4, omsotaticg, in park oU 10/litoneuid ott ' I:fonoots,v_Aolo ong'boyas ?iota, &o. 17_ ir"thitalogrteil itad,r, and: goods; Frond, for ,ezi eitottotion early on Itte-moirdeutOnme- • - 4 IINIZEttIa.S. EgYIET,D;-ATTOTION)SER_ BOVIIIAERIT.B7BNET. Oinik BUM. 3 I _ „ - • - G. 3 3 gßlina••• - 04614; Eeansrs+t iota. erann: Rotuma d /lout will give - thairpereetlei edtentlen to the Wee ofjlareitere: alld Bretctriff3 gr R -4- saplptloo, ori the premhiee or et ti'irerereenth 206 Beakerstract. _ RT Sio - of ' /underlie eco ab thetteiettela idort entry Wednesday Sat u rday rdayrd'ott-11645..eflaroset**- l Ova adranwed(u eoneigo nta. • ' :OP, lIWANDII66, dfILM - P4GIOB. = On Brlday,lferning, - - Tans 11th at 10 o'clock, le"theJlecougetory of our warersoms, WO SOS Marketitteet, etunputelpft in piat-r 2 eighth niche brandy: • • •6; bble. puperlor old Bourbon Whiskey. 4 ,flo do ._ . Monengabeisowlnekey. -..100 boxes glue clarets,' mot* Ukiah aro some Tflty OW'S ' bia)1111* 41, 60 basketelrebhdolt ithempegne. - '26 'baskoiti Borreatier, and other brand_• infdtsau tuittlea bras di; ntlekey. 'wined; de. . 160.000 cholas nefezerend ether crigtno. mote rst'atte :breads . Also. on atteennt of ~ whom- i t may ooadoin— _ °bap?. uttakey, warranted pure rte. - ' . , 'FirllslitbA; l lol4l.l4A ,r ' - , t7n. 420 MAHE IT 'ETllll3l°_ , 111? VERNON WPM - • On Frtds7 ]Horning; " , &m ink, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue; of +credit—. - 400 packages and late of Amoy and Prim* dip Bialplea and eataiaguea early oil thesajrniala a /lONN 2T 11111BONS. 'On _ ' - 125 cartons Noe 40020 - new style bonnet' ribbons. 50 seem Nos. 10080 stinei gvilitr wldte bonilit ribbres` ITSEDLiWOHIC. IMBEOIDERIN4, /20 „tota new ssyle %needlework sanbyt. - oldered 4,4lara, eleeyee and sett, r , • • _111.401C. , 1 34308 - DIS 11131101110110T8115- 200 new stale Mack gra! de. Inane d utters. AND PAIWOLS. 10 eases eft snni nnibrallas. - 7 do gingbans umbrellas. . 10 do ell% ps , stole. - • 314.2 . 13NE1 , AND ommErs. ..iccideeet4.f.tit . , 4, and,(l.4 white and :a check Os; tiestluttttlift,, '; - 80 pleees 2 4.: 3 , 4 44,_5nd.5 09404anSttIng. - • bAlen.laemy . 444 bemp sternetei,, IaspHILIP roan,- •AIfOTIONEER, •to ''s3o MABZIT MUM, betwon, ittrE te4 roatb 114.0 k. i , • - ' BALE OP , BOOTS,- 13 0 0:01- NTIL&W (wow, &e -,s - Tbis Marxist'. Jane 16t1', at 10 o'slock sreoicsly, will be Sold, by ostalogtie, s aealrable aeeortmeot of beats, shoes. &0-, oonaistleg Of . - 1 / 0 1s , Ccillirsas" Marti: dO •••• do'- Osford ' cdo• 4 , brogan. - Wawa, . lames, and abildren'sloati;shoseS/ta. Also, MB sossortmMitmen't and boys. shine hate, Ut ilise' bonnets, bloomerst&e. - - ABDION - 113111 , BALS OY IMANDIIIO, WW6I,Lr. 0A11.0.. TSAI.IIi - • On Tuyadayorning,, , dune 2lst, at 10 o'clock, wilt be 'told, by eatalOgne, at auction, the following • line or ifquora, .c!gara; tame, ay'aelt tto 60 ostika and quarter omits super 3tonbiliwbraildini 20 r do - do do • Janteles Salta Croix rum. ' 80 auks and quarter entice duper_ gin, of Tens grade.' - 60 quarter eadka maperior 3 'do • - ourtr old Bourbon whiskey.. 160 169 basket* ebamilagoot. An asar.rtoteut of boyar 'cherry, rachberry, and - g 6 r brandied In bottled • • • • • 10) boles first quality Bard:nor. „12b half •cheitis4 young Itysoe and Oolobg green dad bidet tear.. ; An asiorttnellt of !pipese 'nutmeg', AO.; 00,000 warranted rent rayalo.i.' cigar& . • - 300'010 Oerman and• other 'Girard. g.7l.ke atfented'of iny ere id per laultrly vqdrilied to the &bore:dale. is Irwin' be peremptory. • Catalogued, eaily on the morning o aala.._ WANTXD,TO RHNT , In fore the 'let , of Tat,. %me dium atzed hocui, in the Western, ZirJrtheni, or North werent put of a ti. leattfre et the cormAirg room. T M. GUMMEX & SONS , " Itithr ! !STATE Atortomiwas,_- • No. 152814111NUT1318,11.1'. NIa.VINTIEE SPRINtI' env; •• - • On Thursday: Arentrly. ' 2si Intent at 8 o'clock, at the Pitfledslikle Ns. change. will be sold.— • - — , f 11412118011.11' 70133-6 TORY front) likru three story back boildiaga, , and.foratahed oltir all ' , modern totrreidesose, attests; '149 ' .216 North Tniensfetk street, fa 'writ:built: and in wended" `order ; lOt 18 feet Trii:Ft by 82 feat deep to aVbeilistreet - 'SI.ODIRN -R.82T0.211021: sitaita- No: 805 North Blerteth etreetj furnished with the modern 0012- verdenesS, and iv - complete order ;slob 14 feet trout , by Pkemptory tOile of the tolloilpriion:ittee ,900 —Bond. 'end mortragertor 8 1 ,2 A T -on iet of ground, aorthasat chimer of Racier* end Olsen streete, perineutowq, 120 feet by 101 test deep. " - - Peroniptory , Valor 8600.—Bond and mortgage for 2800-on a:three-story .brickracesti4ge end lot ofierdund, south Ade. or:Ghent 117121311 a, 13118 Frenklln street ; lot 20 feet by 80„ - Peremptory Bele. •,_ St 000 —Bond , end mortgage. for 21,000 , seem.' hr . by b graded rot of 8°O; teglib it . out of glOrrt traded with a amt.:dory brick house therm, Beatthrn street. east of ()oral street. ' • • .• • Peremptory dale. • " 81,400.:-Artread-reat.,0 584 per=num outof lot of , gtoottlet et side of Bread street: at= atteiteobanzut aveatte, ."l feet by ibldeep..• - PereMptoty dale , $1.,000 —Efround•reot •of fee per. Ramat, insoing oat e lot of gronuesouttleastorly side of Diet attest, above llrldgelvati3r, , TiveintY4ldrelitml. • ' tr,dgmeat against A.:O. Odyle;dedeased, toi-1300. , • - • ~- , -- P erereatory da/e.- ' " - Wriam OoT eirIBBIANTOWIS, sileate on Herniae tree twee liain street • The hour to of olooe, rough atot,le , easy Waimea location , within minutes' walk of tkarklfroadleprt• OkBD.-4. M. Groan* ir gaL,e,:inottionnue, a+3 hold rogotar *oleo of Warrotate ) %I. ll rocto, ho. - .4 445 3 household furniture at datellings„ Er.7` On our Private - gale: Register` nbraya be found a very large ,amount•cif, eetate, ; 1 3telletiza every description of - city ond non - -. 4, M. GU ididEr,&loa,- •r - • • Abel Istabalnakere, 620 vd.thpr 31S ES NA , TNANB , AUCTIONEER . AND OOMMIESION BElOgLuir, .11. moth, ,SIXTH AND RACE Streets- - • MONTT TO LOAN. • - /Ironer ro loan, iarge 'or email amonsts, on men. ohandise generally, nod on all isrtiales of -volne , 411 sums: over .ons hundred dol/art, stso pan 'apes. ps month, including storap,a„ &a . at Tallinn' , Prinelta Establishment, 8. N. corner of SMITH Mid MACE NMI. - • - PUBLIC 'ACCOMMODATION. • MONEY 1-, t MONTT!, Is. - MONEY Monet :Mvillefdin lageor small atiosea, from one Aollsr, fa thounor.ds, on gold and Weer-plats, diamonds, watches, ;10104.0, Ufa. epee, zusitat. tintattitre; dry* goirds; cuotlung.gmeries, 'olgUrd,Lbesdwaie,' - ontlet7, books, bodes ; oeloles, bier-. nett, and all arnieleh of value, for our length Of tile, wood on; at Tifathaus , ,Printipal Artad/itiosens, sontheasturrmor of Math and-gare steeept. the NOTlKlttelth collsteral, tosntsi et the loirest market rates, _ tiNEAT EARGAINS IN WATCHES, - 331 WRINT_, & ,AT PEIY TE RA LI; it NATHAN ST PHIRCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, S. B Corner of triall Ind ELOTI EV.eets.-Thefollawing articles will haeold for less than half the tosnal store prices : Tine told English patent fall jeweled and plain, of, the most approred Inc' beat make, in hunting cases and doable bottomed. Fine gold Qtaiipomqnt later and 'opine watches, in hunt ing case and °pentane, some of them extra jeweled anyl best make. Silver IngLtsh patent _lever watches', ro caosment laser and lepines, hunting case and op e-+. ace, come 'rosy suipesior Ilsies, - Yremih, and Hrusrtier watches; - - , thie gold vest, fob, neck, - and children's chains due gold pencil ewes and pans btu:slots, breastpins, Entervings, earrings, studs, me to lions, end jewelry geilewilly..Strier 'Havana *Alva.- at 515 per thousand, in boxes of too each, will be sold by ',bile tor or Quantities to suit purchasers. En norms fancy szticlee, be.. &e. - • - - - AT PRIVATE SALE. A superior Elre-proaf chest, 4 feet MO byB feet wide. Also, 'retell easad jewelry of.everydeasectiptice fialcrtnattber_ 13afes. SALAMANDER - SAFES, !=a • A large assortment of BVANS WAVIONTI PICILADBLPHIA ABITIVAOTIMNB 13ALASLINDElt HAYI .8 VAULT DOORS, /or Basks sad Boum BANK LOOKS, Ronal to any now In nee. IRON DOORS SHUTTBRH, !to., On as good terms as any ether as tabltehment In the Melted States, by SWANS 4 WATFOH, No. 26 Month NOURTH Netteet, Plalladelfhts: ITS )1. 04LD -- • - • =Alt& CANNEL GOAL OlL.—Thu LI7CESCO OIL COMPANY are prepared td furnish to re finers of Coal Oita regular supply of to_ quality of Orude Oil, comparativoly tree from water and bitu men, of a lighter gravity, and containing • larger per centage of illuminating oil than any other trot offered tor sale in this market. Alto, to Oil Dealers, • eaperior article of Ottorloos Llghlitolorett Burning Clad Oil, whisk will pot change color.' Letters addressed to the LIIOBSCO OIL oonmarr, or EIEOt.GE 8 BELDEN, No. 119 WOOD Krell; PITESSEURG, will receive prompt attention. [m180•lm QUPERIOR CANNEL' COAL OILS.— 1 / 4 .3 Dealers in Burning Oils and Fluide, and refiners o Crude Coal Oils. ean be annulled regularly with a on. perlot quality of Refined Dazzling or Crude Cannel Ooa Oils, In larger or smeller quantlUes by addressing ;NORTH 101 ItlitdaN OIL COMPANY, Ise. 2d WOOD Street, PITTSBURG-- Letters addteasel to WM. P. JOHNSTON, PITTS BURG, Pa ftgoeive prompt attention, 10930-bn TANNER'S bbls of Straits and BSA Oil, in atora and for Web' , B. B. HUBBARD & BON. lOS South Murree. BRUSHES 1 BRUSHES I BRUSHES 1 2,000 dozen TIM Whitewash 1,00) , c Nailed 2,fi•m liondsorubs. 1,000 ti Clamps. 000 ic Dusters. - 6,000 « Eltoebrushes, Nor male lower than at any other boom ht the 0f.% by nipay g. EOEBTX.III, 64 fir or th TRlRD.Htreet. bl, An* RILLS Sz SHEET was FOR EXPORT. BROWN, BLNAORIID, & BLUE DRILLS. EIRAVY & LIMIT , SHENTINNB, Bolt:able for Xxport, for seas by /LW RLTA 24 soutA F R ONT ST, .1* S W b LETITIA ST. oalb..llr - s ALE ROPE AND TWINE ,Mantifao• tared and Coe role by WEAVER, PITL2R, & 00, . and 22 Noll& WATER Street 22 OHTH WiditV2B., ' • - -21.392 . - ERRII4O Ci We..-25 Pi&led lieniag also, l&ixpa smoke orring, far isliquaou. BADLRB 404 *Pit. :g.6°o 4°ltt " '
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