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I .'l s; 1 . 19 ?1 ,4 1 ,11 : 4,. . , '4 1— ' 'Tt - '11(74.6"..4=iii .'ite'ettut' ;1. a,4ZMAY,Li**". ::3.:..t. 1 04 of •,, •-r ~-9,.„%;44.7i''•01.1,-,,,•--.Ytis vime- rth ,7 ' 7 : - ;•:1 1 . , :l., if, "111"..,..-.4,(1,4" .1-A4R; Sr i ,' • ' I'f4'l.-.)''''' il NVIIII ~.:- ,41 ...,, ,1 ., , ~..„..,•,,,,......,,,,,,....,.... ..,,,,,esessa - 11, , p12,419 Afrvt,, :, ; , v.. 5c 1 1 1...1., ~., ~. .'igo7iglia Vinlkelli,-; • 4 . 081 1 11.4 4 4 4 1 ,rVi•-, - s , .-,,, . ~ , , ~ , +.'411111 - 111C- 5 ..-''. -' ks:' l, l ll f, air.,th__ - • it 'o.'zioatrusi - ~g, F . , 1 ,, ,a,, , is ~ SLATIOUSWSi''x, , :S.' t , . ~ .., , 4 ~,,If .1.,%; 4 -,,- •-tf , latitingisine• L„,2,;-„,,_ .., -.. .. m,,Jitaiwk, bihrw.' " .. ... 7 • i 3C--figit f ''' ' .l. - I '''''', -Int.- '-• i -:.---,-- a '" ' I@hifit ' fiti*br; t: ;: tit 4 e lA *!t 4 • ' ii: knittiastar, .. ', =• - 4 .974 1 .„,,-,, -.: --, , - : : , '"—tii.saireensidqfte Ivw. - 41.001fi -, ...c....-h ' zr. d . ,.- f. . - ....: ~ ' . 10.,,,b 1 iC. 111 111161.! 44 , 1 61 :WA /A ! 4 *, - ,7 11 , 1 , ~; -PAI2U/6 '4 , (~. , .4 , '97°- i' , ' -1/ .: ~ i v , loop pie* ; tilviAtit '' J*lloll4l.' ' '.' a ,- Ar 40.,, •,,, •.q C , -'7 ~ t oprk'sl,lot ..9-_ l . , q , %. ,-'' Y'T , ' • ' ', . '-' 7,,,,,,%5it fbr /SWIM* • ' i jmodiril , , '..1 - 1 - - 6,11! - ..••• ~_,,,_ i ', , alartna'rbolmnar, . ,434, iiioaB,l -- - - o. *"" it ir.o „ . . 1 . .L_,, , ffi c k,i,L; 4 - ' ' ±..)iiticirzroAti 1r ~/ 'silk** -' ; ' 4 Ok,. W , . f .-''' . ''''' ''' 1,, J - liallo-Ifoq` `-, 3 !.11,' - :st i , • , ~y 2 , j.,. R .-- 'N.libiatit::ftit 4,.dimoullrilial7- ' , iositic • l,,,,o; , - ~,, q., - ',..• 4 ,- ' a c'sC',- ',..74oeitioatkiltmt: '4-1 /#1 , ,,,:i4 1, 1 11 !ri s. .' _;z _,-,,, - ..-,:-...., + 4-, L ''' , - - / ,-.. ...r , "'llh'imkta ll "... ~ i I§, lrn i !A`4- % ' l' s ' -'4l .' " ..11: ', Ikiiallitlill t - ; .- " - - . : ."" fig,*.g 100" alir "I i'-- it• w. scrwrwy- . - '-----1-- ~...”,„‘,., '.4 ', I iiiii: *taillTONr, Over•pa PIM : ' ''' '' - tittiOtr.tlMitili'ljt, S;siliiiitirkr; - ' " * , 4 "', , c...i Aidr iahaukohno am ari! 6 ittilli t , 046 rod, , , ir . -, ,'; , araviraW ' 1 liii:* ithav ititiiii.t., -: . ',• l_Portiol —' ' I `• V i, ' ''-' --,..—` - P -44,4014 4t14;0, 11 ?..g.ic, ° 1 11 1' 1 ' .. . ,1,. .: 7 471 : 7 - ' , 7 , ,,..; ), . . 1 .; 1.,; - + .;-. 4 .‘,Py , l7!"- 4 •-• ^ - ' . '---- ,t ASO. ii.iioWifideNO, vaikt, p s i" Aii.P4PakWin% 7,k 4/110:44in,:,wotiits4isr // 1 el fei.T A = , • --4i*sr-fi. lisioa-innoya ,_ ransiaeul.k.,_ 1 y :,..i.411""11;11110: 17;1, %5.'11.1 4,, "grariMad: .r..gl m1 44 1 #0 111 . - ;:t , 't. 4 , l l 4 i CC,T,EtcittaiWojAK:lett: e4..1 • ' ty, 13:4 1 . 'o 49ft ' AZ ' EANT,Yee Wk s , 6 A r '', l44 llgicArrettpiCy,4*ltisllo - 7 ' 2 - - 41.41 -4cl; 1 1 .P.M 1 0. 4 "14 4 1 . 4 4 41 ... 4 i : ;#P11: •PT CO*WiLiii;DD EO 1 ,7 , :• - : ";‘ , 5,1^ , 1 11 t, lass v i WWI -40;fir C Ark'VW'. -r ;- • --; ;• Btr ; ANTE n'-ii4lWVitt6''' Alaii4iiktAtorga ( ' Pea Williffvfnn.lilf4+l9Amwre -451043,_vrAmviv.„px:pm„,,e,, i0i. , 4;1,-titlrt - 4 -. 0116 - , =;:s IREIMYOGOKENii . iid;s• 0 0 :Siktakii,POrL • *o4' • STAMONERVOV 4II ;11414:0AOTMIVS,iiirt*Iiittie*tiliefl ;:6” 441- M trlC*ll4 l 9.o ll #4 l 4** * *o4 : OA* 1 :4 41;;T:PliZESTIIUT:WPEWErr• . •••, ~.• IF-TVALEtt j•li '-, WitSON ...,,-,:„ -,.. -...? 301 , 40. 4 cIvrAOHINES.! ,'.; *. ,-; wmpibi t ia;FliSoxor 8 60 - h - a_te414,64 re. 1, . - 1 1 0 11 / 1 64, 1 M,TAMolik, 11 0/0 ) 5 111 1 6 13' -- i_qty arr,pir 'o iv zr if trrr,v o ~,p- , tiglii: • •. 7.. .3 , 4-' ,.. 004 ,-, .41 ..t4s7o4;atirat ftet•Viltailblptec =i .-•: - ~;‘, , r ,t4rtirimit Soft Straiblirtootek)a.„ L. --q•.. ~ ,, ,e o nit 106.-I).___tior: ancx_fsb,lpetegAi ;,.:z i. 1 :=;•r , - ? liiiii(Hii eVlni;li • ,1144 $- - .f'• t,p7st,, , '', 4iitiiiilitti iliefii4MAlWAln' *MON Ili ishilliiipallisiiiiiigiftiliar.orepsa. ~ -:1 - :-A - L.4 '44;'4'....T;4 . ;;' , ,751*. ! Wilkiht.'44rif 41•140 tisfmak , - , tiy I :ffilll , 44,WrY. " •=41,0,..- ,-e*** * JAiltkin*_, , 0.313#04 ,tilW r ,olketilitialCislakeliVi*Werage,aitAllit WO 10 , - illibitYlkkgo4lWthireltulifeilitime , ; 1$ *Win , ... 4 , 1 , 1 9 1 . Irgo arti er4 l l4=4: "C - 501,4477/144 - rarf t * ,f.. 0 ,4 IMiii* , A.OlOi* s itim,l ,4 l. l loi.. o wr.#4,40. . . t0k,115..,—, tom. Ma de gimi rn Vit"tviz.o lll 4o.o... 01101, la - 1141 mani. 11 4 1 1 , 1*w : no 0 1 100600 0 1 tram Sks•iliffi*Alitu Pit Pgd• ' '. 1 1144-Ilf, l6 3 oo l lll,ool : tgcn vl m k s pO ir, • imall'ilasw amitcr , ityklietetsife or a ~.,,., ill , tl,l,P li f f e" 11 100:0001e ( e2 , 1ti1d n .„, z0 7 , ,,,`,,;', "-• • t-'--74 '• -2.-.--- WiL. , .- 41' ia" Ililane *PP* Pliaol l olo llo . l "aft i kt ris Oiik . . . , - "' 41 3 I " f ili kt AilliC c,,L,—, N 0.,. • i• 41,ti,aw, 4.4 agg; l4,-„ H ., 44 , 144,,,,,Aiqi.m.i., 14i1214 tf .„L tl-'4saV,.ll)okl: sa,allnrz a' - iA I tr " Afl . ,,, i X . ~ .-W, q , • - : bi1f1i , .... --- .,:l , - -2 , "" " 14 4 , or eolt, /41'40' - - ,'4., . ~ II - 0 - 9.,7 Dl* 14=1 ,•- • ' * ~E~,`~X~sa~.~w~rF ~ , • , , . _ lt} . ~.. ... . , . . __ . _ _ . . . .. - ~—, . _, _. . ... , . • -,,, . • I . i sy s l / 4. •• i 4/ ,... ? ,.• 4 „,:,„ ! 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T,tii - .,:,, - ,-, -,, ',,i - , , .-' '- - .' ,- '-' s :-:,:?, .; ~.,,.,. , /................. • , ~. -A , • _„,_-_,..__.„.- ..,1 , -.5,t0,.., , .---1-1 ~, . 3 , - -;-• , . • •-,,, 40 i e . * ' '* ~ __ , opt 1 .• TA -cif vO3 r A : 1",.. 4 , L 1 ,,1 ' ~ r ~-. i t ri •i7C P . 1_: , 1, .!,.11.3 .t!' ,r , ' , - .c:' _, - , Li' 'RU 7771 .r k r L' '. ~.;crf*/. 4 . 4 i . k , . ..• ',4.1:44,„" „„, ..- It fi ti TZ: t .. , yoryl i Timil .- ~..:‘:•,... ...„. , ..„, , ~, ~,,, w , -...; ~,, - -"' .L. e \ ')'' '.. -bw 4 +. ) -'- \ : .11 I. ! d:i pri ~. „..,--1• rr :„,„-,,;. r., , ~,,,,_, :Ai - ~_,.,, - ,_•, ~. :..,:,..„...7,..4 :-.• .„..\:„,,.„„...,,,--..... • •:.:....:.. , ./ , •.•-5.,.. , -i-A-7p-- - .,,..-•, , • . 42 . _, ,-,,...._ 04. el. , ego " , '-qa. ^-'' ~' t 3 - '.4 , , '...-., L .3 . 3 fin nf'/F . • ,-":,. . , ~,:-.. .„. ,.,., ~2, -4- ~54,., _,..,—,......._„._ ~ ..., ~ . . 41'. -,:, -...--.,, • -.....s i ~ . ______‘:..„1,,„,,,,,:, .- ~ , lt- ,,,. h . ' ''' ....4 v `t -- . , :ASI: . • - . .c.' , ,, '..` ' - i..'j . ,' - ' ' -''''- '4. - .,.-. 7 -.• ' --,, 4 ' 1 Z._ ' .-- ' _,- ! ..- _ . 1 . 1 ••""• - 4, 4•4 - A P.lO '3; , -'-:-. : ,`,1, '.. ,- _,,5 7 , - , 4:,'.i;? , 4,- =KEN 4 ~.x '-'eit*Atteit's -ItlrnitAittr otbs• ,;,p 4 , c , c i` - 74 4,41 : B „ , , 7' ' r , 7 "orlr rt. rr, r vex, • ou Oyt T t NTO. - 11E1 gilt/WAN,' ili,liiiltlVElo.46,l4l.4itigit 1°1114'3 4 1r ,4320414 Wira l Al l 2 l , n4- 1 777:7771. , n fi slipta r nonAtioinizi,lostarmil ronafrrM~ Won hr 4. 7 I hiliWthl W 01111 0 1004 4 14 kf 474" 41 :4 40 111 5 Tia elitf i t i br d P t° " A " ,. Vaditati44o MillinKtuting ftseW - b.ti"o4iitor iposliamOest rtrTr of Skims ',..olftigi ins 0404 aortic' WhOlviale ,roidliktsoll4 : jeStay COludidt: 4, *jilts Meible #49; WillyiNllT-STEgit • • - ~ , hlO,lllll, , 1161;OW Tlll,4lRh,hiY?liol:4ll.• tltheti Liiiownntmimaiv r oLAiiti imitisa; AND IAtIOr-400,D8," • • 1 14 : witaii they toiiti thi `attention of the pabyo. W - #ollo444lll.oNiet i MlD , , AND v!arAtx.. • JAMES "WATSON. • r ' oT .. • , ~ * "aitlf l V 'lilt'- • R do a. : MARKET BMW. , Arp - 7-1"" - f r! • 110Nteattrow:biat a faltsisorbseat of irseheiron ' - r ( 1.1'1 0. , :jr,a 4 06 11 •V • • • ; re/efira itaigdfAatpp tv - Trk - n, - • aoarlassupriorrativsbaiffipiji: - .8w9 tit ••3` , r',"") ' •:4•; - ..t ' • ' Clasetailijataimit *se Se eats teithe i rrodirk-_ , '," ssrol i _powwows , casavunrewrit, UB l t 9, °Quires cues..WAllllllBl RAO, .„wi4ia.mmtupi i irAtyikeholeo_op, = 1. orsgs,;/,A 144 it, la A 1 0 i 1i. , 4 6 4 6 , 1 1 , 4M*0r - - • . _ Blabipp:Tibil3:lB4llA.P' ES.' - — pro1:0'.210011 'VA= :13 TAT is :pa soisvira ff rva' , Auxturaciivta oio t-BLIENI)S , - r ffißtrnr'leilb " to - ',IMPOW:4SIIADEO - 7) liAgriliao/11k!ilit 4,111.1444, 1 0 - thiltblniq*Mi; ' i-lfroiktkifigiOltrys;fttgO. - ' , OttOl`_ ,itirtOrtiMpledf i tio , ; • _ f'Y'3 (OrArabiniPii**i; '*'il,!'g:;-,:.r;. 0 ',A.::P.i?5,7.;. , 1 4 ,,, ,,, -; .".6 ,, ,i .1.4,t ,h, 3 4ki.t. g ,. s '.,, ----- *4l/1 413teii!iiii 44 ' 3 , mr= Sp 1:144 'IIIIIIIY-13,T IL ll T.', , - fitf, - .410*,p, - ;.3_ p,..4.),.:f- :- -,--,., ~,? , ~; , ,,A, , ~ : , VISINSitnaIXVIVEIkisp;BILIdAIik ~ ,•„mangesAvAt - 61 - ,',',-; , 44-: - ,: ii,,, , ,... -„, :4,- ,, , , :.- - ..1 , ! -- - e IdPORE4r e _____V4MVION....-L': ii` l oo4‘ ,-_ .+li - 4.***ris oflimaese4',... ;viva: ' ` -' iirsimixtaraitlisloild' ;" z - *DT/Ag. , -,,,',.1' , ' , tows !miaow - Willagaluainy9 i 1% niuticwitir - ' :- stoonsiA-00421ore...cuarziarimmuntr.osr, rs. f ..... ,.. 1 144 Amp )trellAtAkavi iset4:l4o;o9 10 1 ' V isioeitifortitois :Tiolos.. ifievain i thilitn***.piticoni • - *Ai mit Cristiiiir krif.t"littalit Irak timi diiiinfM *Ai 'i,4t4. :10044. 2-,:k RA.l* ISTREITS) WiCILESALII. ' • - •." = W -=07.12i -7 041-`-. tZtlt, - • - I f:A.o4l**.Or 0 11 4 , • • • cr 4C)V -A 14 • it. - 0. mumb ay co. of R Fi;,thfilrolif , 15 FOR/ 1 , fro. :/14 o'oo 4rittrialito. g,'!-T4 1 40.0, BS , Iffo.Aiff vicrirgrruzzir, Sir Ilelehfd I d'tor :mei roil lirortmeat of ell the mg! 1 ,0 6 r 1 attloo or :CrATtittAdES • t" groat volotyiof leattable IIZOIMMILOCA posAtARICP O II# Lor l -- 4 1", nom tft"i d* ti teioi: ' - arztl.ir , 4, t(t r , CAmaAani s • 01,T8R 11ANIIPAilTUlin Of ItOGVatt3. sanisisrTozir, oiripiairxiiron, 1011 !tit ' , ftlai-40 4M*711,47001AN "TEA STOIZZ." TEAST TEAS 1 TEAS / of : Alt 11' 8 L .42431 TEAS, or. ENONET imEoETATEV. i„•: ," - - Au°, • 'CO F F E , MUD AND GROUNIiDAILY, • I ,; .. : 44 10 4 1121•' , AMERICA." 4. 'S.llllioiLlo Et Mllll, , ***filitlarr. I.lANtitl :,:fltAr.s - HAMS 'Aniseed , — . -ir.s f•? , ! qia firainiPtralF"/"' - • - 44 , _,Volittrrpttilit kOrrfar. - 00,0pc warm ins Tilsit* siTtlurr. iIif,POOTA.OLISB,I -:- ~...• :- t.'; .; •, ~ : 10- GOLD, r8ILV1111; =AND iriAB7/O ' T 111111131.13, witlvlebblelaCtin• Ma Ganes. NIL io;',lfitile' t 111#1:tao;440110`11elool Alopiestas. '._ ..., , , • ,-- ;1110BOSOOP/13 ,i - !.... =a tOrillibtjiy,,; • ; ," , 'o . ''i . tzeihilaiiMitOpitiirthi 0414itin0ti..4.4 u osio r i.A.At , by; mu t s v,ii 01-414T.Arakins • QP.I2ING!'AND !SUMMER - CLOAKS and 1.7 MANTILLAS ht•-radecelartadir at the - • P4RIS'IdANTILLAAIMPORRYNk• • - • • —•• '7OB 0111111TNIFT Street. tNe'SIL C-11148711148- rdaold. of-the P_myrlig,a ESIPOSUM. - - 708 00282t17.T'treet, wit& vita T 716tuitli2ge, et iMaadpi[dee 18 rite -• PARIB • • - 71 ,TOB 011.18TRUT Street: 'PAUNCH LhOIehteNTILLAS, Bournerui auer•Potatt, at rednond Weill. At ' 1 PAW& teANTILLA. BMPOBIIItC. , , • • .• ..-. 708 011118TNIPP,Street. OITANTiLLY LON Talmo, ere, at rearmed Prices: it the • , •SABIS 8L 1 4. 7 11 7 1A ' ''" _./Cip_oalurrstrtrprot. THRBADi ASS SlAlSTlTEAKPonriolts — aridPOiAtil Stleduvad vices, at the ,°.. • MANTILLAIIIAIPORIRIS, , 1-,r„.„dI,2NEWINIIT Street. ' ir*tero. resactiprwic vir 0 " 11 . , (blaak and e EttIPOSAIK. fiSrI i NIESTN Stseet. 'lltritarts'oLoAXEl"'s,;A h'itnne v do,' or Mew, atietdoed briee PARIS MANTILLA liktSOßlUkt.' - who i e , 014. ,— . !.- i i , r ow t!llE3 r riltrr Street. The volulad , Pr-)l!roPliTat:l7 iiiosCor ati Oe n s i 4m PROCTOR & CO , , cuEstnir sti ' • • G•° -- I :kb S yaleSl7lillll3% COATS.' goalies, at erior quality. r Whit. very 44), and Yellow Gras! Cloths. Shot OatiVon Crapes and Candela. ' Do. 'lardy Cloths, glom and thin. - Habit Clothe and Pram& Drap Wonted Bummer Cloths and liankinettes. • , EirIAIIPLAMS BitOTHEna... ORIBTNCT And SIOUTH IDLAINAIOLOAED LA.WXS:' , Stellate*Wi belt quality , ' a Zsooriels In Pinto, "Mikis: Buffs, Gieeiti,'Etnea.Brolifmcsad Also, Egg•)Tionehroalored Pertain aid Belli/Lob! 'MAIM (113138 *, 011EBTNIIT V' DRILL-5; Pima welt° Lbleo renoilit'hlas itidlichotedlonoy Linen Otieake siitLiiiinfgendelor BROTHXiii2i BIGEMI, Streets, VESNON LACE MANTLES. Dem It 25 up. , - -. Lulea Points and Manttes. Radii/ eeineete.* and atlas rapid, the pima and styles being attractive, , , COOPER /a CONARD, jel6' E. cornea WIRTH and MARKET Ma. CLOTHS AND:OeSSIMBEIES. Likbitolors and Bina Blank Cloths. Light Panay Caudniarea monk radutani. , White Linen DuelCal:A.ll4lW Marseilles Veatingeonimosisortinent. ' COOPIE, 4 OUNARD, ' "" 11.4erneetwINTEt and aid)l/1117. 1101tAREGB,.40tES .11.1tD130ED. , A/60, Sumo, tionblev.parogot, Ao., &o. A line deouction from rikular prioes to *Slot fluty jalp 1.,P0P318 CON JUID. "B.gicr' N LATH 'lca MAIMET. NTERESTING' , AND , IIHPOaT.ANT:I 11 3L' UMW' OPIINTIRIEF OP21;A01 GOODS I!I. • • „ BANGS IPOOM 15 .10-$lOl 1 Tam InflaTUT GOODS-IN, PHILADVILPHIA I - , VIRT(IIOa-AVIPAYAGiNT STrtlBl , , BOUGHT - 4011'003H 1119111 TUN ,IMPOSTAB I Prelelaio.l3lLiwls.' • „Nreperflahail Pdtiltes. • ' Propigaioi Malmo: • „., - ' qtrinbtilabe - Very B elmattlbt Itantil - , "Babontialastent, Q - ollla Trimming, &o. - Milt Ittaatillaff aad a Lame Do., &o. &O.' Ala; a large Lot of . - gulfs I . rourrkruce, imtugess;'.vevrcisi .to.;; act , at TIIIORNL.III CHIDI!I3': - , S myr . I.`ttoitiortoltitir EI ri weartio ovum.. it AR EG E i NAVOLEDICS, DOUBLE .s.7l34lltEGlti, - TAMAATINBei .084P/It ktAftral, ANGLAIS. •: • - 13xislallary4.09 -Oh Mimeo, Esevans isad Mall% Baragraßangs - Bober- , Parrafas, and Organdies. Biiaderf Mob , arid e Ftaralilint-Drosi Materials, n* styles: • - - - "t 6oo 4 l irai idirinifin ;Browns, Likes, ninarantna, Pinta, and Muss y at i 2) cants — the Bain goods ofrekott C 9, •, • . I - Itsuiery;* fine aseatmeat ! • ' " .I.,*ona r and Lima Banib,rieVandicrraniere. , I tha l l t i gt he rk o o ir if #l.great - variety. Bigot is„Bornedl, -and' 10 to $B5. • ..illsafiltilisfor RaUlate4irtlfri.ipee. Wide mgt.', sad meet Batnetkfor.43l.ividars,Ao... Atka ICI op Britt* ' foe , Llnilea 'and Migilkt, ham TIS conts:rto sl,a Bun. • , - MUHL'S _ADAM, •- ' ova: ...11101174 uta:AROEt Streets.- • GIINTLETS;,GAUATLX4,I'3, TINT ' ;LETAl.L4Arery,lorte Oisortree6t,4if fisciatlets for 41114.0 - o;n4 )1114110 *Mar: for sale AplfolflilANNl:, •410nElla grows; tNorth ElClfitlf attest. Iforiery. for Wire and Mass , p l us. , • - ory fat aside', gild Tot . lfhPi - •• '- , -Iforials-JAMONPIktiMs.. t • t•• - • • %Ho 410 RT) STO4II It . . o ti tik of tl yer o/ 1 7 74.8 1. tr , t , Omni Merino us - ¢ 0 40 10 m0,,,,. rm. l o s at rorlidits ) Oktiaret" !tena'av-'0 kart!! "N 'IQ- WORTH Stroot ' No 0 ' od* ni'fid" r2O- - f 1 40 St RAI 4uerrea; dr Zspesiles t ifsUis Mo Oblol eeicrell the vile, stiles or Spelnit - ode. busk_ i pd rimer Bilks of superior stylso eat OW1; „ . An immune and "mit assortment of Stella 'Skalds' st tory lowifienn - t splisdin assortnentaflidibroldealen. IWO stewn.yr9Pentlni Dun 8P6114 , Monte ana..2gantlllas, inyntgl o st *way elepattatMe entirely now, •• • ,Ct Caulineree,'swi ilatinsta; Shirting and Teble %Inninki s: &o. /4awaS, ,I4tolOanri Shittintnnillhent- In*MiJain stilVfinwtr ITO;ll,l4pntli 'Sling' BSn:wt. • , . birgstherfront An6l.lbn. _Plow byetpreaaa past, extaaqva el want maga *olit - pf• • • -So o , to I•N e • GLA S'l3•X El, , aid *p i g' porttlati; au& at tkv moat WitING, GLUONS '• , Latke - tao et elalidnifinnd ttes ‘ Vtost stipple * mei. , toornicreasime 'Magid is the ,besVturtik, end in , Shs most smbitantlsl 11008ING OLABella inotnied inentahed by no, are mint by onnufbros In nut ,onnnetiblinha aenb. ; • • JKAHOGAInr and . WALNITT lranies 'for, Country ihtitiO kliort; :a' Itt tr R E -r,:. ,PEEMIDIMPRIA. pRILIP 00., (sucoafikons. To - Romer r. twib a n 0.,) *,• err 10 SOOTH.THIRD• STREET, BATIX:NCyIipB, • 60ntraralix41..PAPItit, WABROITI, 01:14HT AND SOLD. bni ( nnly on entatatelion: stießtioz& ren to nolienidone 'thvcingiicfne P.Pionni!'"i3 41 7 "* 44 , Ik via sinn'Veiniii. , z t• • - 1 S,IIOITUDIENTAL ILSIBLE ''NVOILIKB 'MS constantly on band a'yery -Lige Suortr-ant of IntIITEMENTS, 741 . 010,91:1A118, and or Ttitkolledesigrks, mode of the daDiti ITALIAN AND -AIINNIDAN.4IABBLES, ' 'Melt he. will• sell et grump:o4llml pr,lcec Is also pseparod to 'exewati ordari upon the moat formable torinsfand , reopeetfollylivitee the ratite gqlie*Uy 01.61thcellig.et.ock before pureb.satug elsowbere.. ADA. ai STEIN ETA, blow:meat:al Marble wo=ke, • t Atrial AVINIFE, below Jlarentl street, aplS.m w tem Philade/Pki.S. SH. BIA.TTSON, Ai Wit '0 •it A N A• 1 L 0 it •••• • - ,112#,C10.193TN11t STREET', • - ' Third Door belhirtifeltth street, South' sip, Philodo. Kr A tall aWitailent of Poutonsbie 000Dt non on uky104.171 NEW GAIE!,CONVIETMING COOKING ,RANGE. „ . exjr.. - *zas. tux ire guaranteed to gait' 41eiat Mfarty PerClant• fuel, will bake quicker and 'alma tuattorto than any other Pattern of Rage 'ever int:tamed In title market, FOR BALE WHOLESALE AND RNTAIL. CITABLE WiratlAMS, 1182 MARKET ST, own BAKII,&:WALI4mI.)' ;., • - 1141:13AREL-,8601..-106' kegs' for sale by. wzrussalizi & asOnpaS, N. 41 Mu* 5.1100 ND knob. 085trotio,. gxki — ueo#mgkt ittToklUS.- taissay, OWyMMGLAUBS " ` ~lOttCp~ . PRILADILERIA. EXC . HANGB, r- Ala itlerrijant (tailors. gauges. ~1~ r.:` PaILADEIXITIA, FRIDAY, .411,11 t, 1859. I;:nittets aitb. BQRD.F.4"..TX nu* WARRINGTON MOUTON: - 1,206 Out Table Olaret, 50 " 91 n e " iletephe,P) 55 , ss n is • 5551 5 ,ii 5552. , 52. tt tt oi it rimulia.ii 25 'Owe" Very Superior Olaret; 1852, " La Boa 2 5 : ' 1854;" ' The &Weekolla lemdLug from Ba:k " rm% " Cod for sale by: ARNOLD soLs AUENTS lIV PHILADELPHIA, No. 124 WALNUT STREET. LA/PERT.:JE,; = Ain; r RUBIS 9.g4lgpAarTE,s: The troddraigni4 hisebeen appointed 'vole spot% for the 'United' States and Oanads, for the We' of- the Champagne Wines of [Messrs. JACQUES GOMM CO., it C'halonsatir-Marne, RfMlOO. We present their *Mat **the patina under trio - brands, iuMnely: LA.TERLE • AND RtTBIS. Tire It ppm& " Vilai3 is of exquisite Astor and fk7/Ity bate ) And M gusimntlid to compare faeorably'Vritk ant Mine fn the American market, - -t Thk it RUBIS if Eno' etbinst Chtakpagnit, of I Ekby„ to n a t u ra l the Altie ititit• =Akita:6l , l:y kneot this finest Clibinet Chsitii4gifies italutta IfttAiot., and ti made item • tetziestd Hand the loss oxpeilenee,e*usive posseselone, and liritiZlll344ll of the. 'WO known house Of 7A0417E11 'ciatiliA'io 06., - And 'theft , fieterrotootion to kiln:ll4 wines which shill' meet witlithe approval Of sonailitnere wo feel . peranadel that • trial will folly. 'establish al; we 'alaim for the excellence of time wines. ORANIEN,,NBECIG & 1110CILOSNAT, No. la BROAD.STRANT, NNW YORK. ; , The shove Whew mao , be had at the following slum la Philedelphia: Jose Etnzieow & lee Walnut et. ; Ticowte H. T.AOO/18 Cre,2BB Dock et • TRIMS WALKIR, Sal Cheat. not et .; B..Tomea &' 00.408 N. Nront mew. & Autur, 2148. Want et. ;- PATTBSOCIV, Coke's, &Co , 88 11 .11eeend at. ; hawses - ft TioNseael l bet et. ; 'Nieves°, 11tAax,"oornet Chestnut and,Bromot je. Twelfth and Chestnut ow; lint. °Liman & Heirteentylo3 Market et'; Sigel; Coming, CIO t. tined fuel Walnut; Atteet.D. & Won:. 120 Walnut street;. Wet. L BlepPoos. & Co., 110 Both Third at.. Ale* at thelothewing Rotate f, " 011.61) Hottal, PRIONVIIT, Sexes, & WANIiiNO. TON HOMO, A. T. Glass ; ST. - LAWRINONI HoTSL, WY: S. lilemenaza. & Oo.; ilfzeonAweiti, goyim"; O. & Not!. . ta li ickwf-ft prtatrving :Jars; Arr. pRESERVING JARS. •.• POTTER , & BODINE'S • • , PATENT, 11.—T T _ GLASS PRIIIT-JARS ZIEBRIPTIO &MY arld.LINCt IRZBII IBIIITB, to: Poi Ible by dealers In Meta and Mass and Prom: Parnieldng Goode. - pia TRAPP SIIPPLIRD BY . POTTER 1 8c. ;330DINE, • 3.O7sniABTAIIII &TREAT. , . Qnr Jar bairn* been tilted to' the satisfaction (0' Oietcianiis or impiltes; we donidently prevent it to the ninon:tare. Wo would oaii eapeolll,ettenttoe to the en; redoAtte our arta° or . eithorit peinbs; or iptroln plate or Gement . ; for the "rata penile; at:d. imparts • mon ilititttidttB jtanorto the Iron; bi 4; Adria heir* ottwirwleederaetlre. - ' P:te, b. kleniniontaattire stijiciier Mineral witairind Pedal bottles; all kl'tla or green ware jea-tr No ices. Sijlll7 2 7l4BlLii EAV/GATION 00 :170z ,010rX01OTIVigith NAVV OOMPANIr, Jana B,'#k6B &Mit dttly the ediette -for the end 'ast Carr ,and' ter 'fol !Invite thaliasanted cote SolOylkill NeriAgt Bk4s follovfoomtiointrterio4ontintit To Pidlidelphis. • Manesynok' • P 3 Pridg Conshohocken Ply j mouth t Dim Brke• Port potandy Valley torus PswiirortuDsan Port Providence Phooninville Boyar's Ford Pottattira Lending Port triton Birdsborough Reading Althttuses MMohraytlle Mitnidtg Orivigabarg tanding, The charge will be pie ten of 2,210 lbw., less Owe per' cent allowance for waste, ail asnat, and no charge lean 'thin twenty-eve cents per to wilt be =de for soy Cs times Bytiedee of the MillagaL f jedl2t P. PBALEY, President. zn r P.I o'o OF TEE rtiLL'AI :NJ" 'AND BEADING RAILROAD COSC Punoronwars,;lll , '„ Tie Bites Of Relight and Tolle on Cos II this Company, will be es follows, from 1111 artier notice t rb Biehtoood Philadelphia Inclined Plane Nieetiwn Germantown R. B , • Fella of liehaylkill liaosyunk • Bring Al Ulm. COttaboltooken Plym'th B. 8., - BambObs and Potts-and Jonee... NOrrietown or Bridgeport. 'Port Kennedy.... Valley Forge Pbeentrrtim • Pottntown Douglaerille llirdeboro , —Bawling -Between Beading & Mohtnllle. MobrorMe Hamburg ' Or wigaburg :33y order of UM Board of blaossers je4 , ll,ca , 31. M nrpiort ya 111ARZI PHIA ; GAS , —JoWit lt. 1889 NOONrB.itti will be reedited 'at' this 'OBleti anti! or the let JULY .nett; for the stle" lb the Tracheae of the Phjiwtelpuls ,Gas Worke, oe mon in the lierrnantown , Ora Worbei In the b lohnionS ties Wens; it in the Southwark 'and ?dampening flee Work& to bd heed 'se ipreet, mute ror,the Slnki.og Panda of the said Norio. JeCtirl WU. liptiriEtib, Outlier. QPEIHAL NOTlOL—DealarsteiGeodyese't kh , 'Petentreattitteeiteed Rubber' StuTenderoi, Betide; Webe, and all other febrile arld'aiticlea made by comb! Intl fibrous eubstanode With threads Or sheet' of tallow :141 rubberare notified that unleim the mine are , properly 'Alum:Ted or labelled with my name; and by m malice ity, they •oannot be diapoeed of in the United States ,Idarehants And dealers ire • Is:relie4 to examine :epechnene nevi in store, and Were their orders for the Spring Trade T I TIAN , dersigned, _IXOLINUTE OWN -IR ON TUB AND llXOLUerirld ;IN Tut .PATENT for thew) geode, which embrace all the styles Ateretofore manufactured or imported, and other!. Aulo, LrosNios TO iiksirrecnati AND HELL --and the Terms—may be 'obtained on Application to me at No. 23 COUITTIANDT illieit, N., Y. 024-1 "11'0144.011 11 DAT. ,Wisesolutiono anb Qfcroartuerallipo 11 H E COPARTNERSHIP • , HERETO-. • -a. FOSE existing between. the undersigned le this ;day dissolved by the withdrawal all P. PEENPI , S. The business of the late firm w , lll,be settled by SAM ;IIIII,GII6NT, Jr , who will use the. name of the Arm In liquidation; and eonOnne the Drug and Dye Stuff bustuese et the old nand, 189 t OUZEL WATIXII. Street. SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., • D. P. PRENTISS. . Jape 1,1889. : . (10PARTITEit.81311'. The 'undersigned , having purchased the Interest of HAM , L.QtteNT, iJa., th CO In the Ashland Ohemitial and Tire Wee d 'Wake, opposite hianayunk, have thieday formed a co partnership under the Arm of pII.tIiTIS9,OTILWOI.I,, CG .for the purpose of the manufacture and Bale of Dye Woods and Chemicals, in all JUI branches, at the above named works. , Office, in th e city, Ana SOUTH WATBII Moat • , E. F. PARNTVIS. ((late 0. Grant, Jr., &Co DLlde STILWF,LL, TFIOB. A.'lllllllVBe, Jane 1, 1869 Vliir ? v gys COAL, AND KINDLING JANNE - Y -- &--YRAO/i/It, COATZB-STROBT;WHAR,P, , Have ocinniantly on hand a large and superior ortiole of Pltiil.,oAl{, and PlLOKfiltlf WOOD ; and, haying couttiteted our arrant emente, ate 'now prop ate d, W pm the WOOD Of Wril tatyllWillt. We have also on hand 'a ouperiof quality of LhalIGH 00AL, of all Meer, selected with cere. Demers and Consumers will And it great'' , to their adimntige to purohaen Kindling Wood of Mi. • :jeti-lins IttURNIIM FLUID, ;Allohol,, sod , phone manufactured and for sale 117 Ampowileit, er, 00., ti 0.16 tiODTD 19140738. (v ela - • , 4.• • • • Pitlrtilej:JttNlEl . 09,1 • t Totiahstpie itin'.lo4)44ol - 01E-Nit.' 2. - d - sTaor,7. - Takoutir LiOADMIWIr :Or MATS. lllonfittiou is theArst ; thin . g.that, atslhes atesiter toe-institution, sppacielly ; if he ; he . a ,strengir lathe otty,and is led,thlther.hy.tls appopecemeet' that, , the, Thirty-814h ;Annual. Rxhibßion 4 of.the TottegYivania 6oadettlyof, Tine Arta,.# Wag:held. Re wlll , ,end Inero 'thtm- he bargebsed,for,, and in 0 4AP-eV te SaYillits the conluslom It may ntW appears° smolt orsoirPedily.to, ortippealsostronAY to, the prgaq of order ef t , those Isho4stahle,leare from' year . .. to year, „and feho,.. front' constantly, vbtitlog . thkgalleries of t*fi t eadell2Y, can, PleollY,ctivide the old' work ] . fteeeMel 2 44 o teet4ne what ta, and what is nal; t "5t ... , annual exbittition. 1 I tonnd it ireo r ttef, of considerable didiculty,. fp solve the question t ,phother, Ileriamin.Weat'S tt-' 'pressiee ," Pant anqurnabst,',', lekttkamp's &e -metic; c `,PelfTertee9.• et.: JleY.4ll)? • t , e't . ' 4 1 , 1 1 T i re " Tiiee- . elta , TPlithierreegagcTtere,?Leo 9!.? 'rest' l of thedetalshadl iiii!..t4 ll 4tykt, old', and <P)dah,.• I iersdpioturesin theinorth gallery were exhibited this year forties Oral klme. _ f censpited ,the gate- -I loges; ,bnt it gariMepoinformation,onthe pOint. Iscould acmes% tha the managers of litaA`aademy dometadbere seal Hy:tette, Eloriptiare in, (plum, and tehe-Oreellette ~; Weald it not, be betOr tp catalogue; the, ass, riary Matures-Aid, werks ef, ,eeta ettlre ,b 7. thq l r ; P4tio # nu, UPPeeftriatet head, dietinet frOze t im, • ". Jyttjp, , ,„;ft, ,vierka which are senWttlynitt,. te•Fh.ihtYeg?,. 1e. ,1 9 ': a usual,: apt; -I -,16, general ;tie of!stioirall; anal exbibillcom . 4 ' t`thq-stmee t pletureks Imf;ad, Mltted,on mmoeselkeyeersecor,atly other year fare ' that in which it Magee kts4tpnearazost lo s the gal! Jecy- • Yet hilPf . ifirTli. o arat' V1P3 1, 44 4 ,, of pie. lases ere exhibitedievery:yettr without any indl±' cation to' the stralger-vbilter ; that they were. on view this year, : . .ami amity, years previous. Idq not elleot to the axidbitipn of the pieturen; I value I s4els,lpflupnee 94.1Mb1i0 taste koo highly fqr that; but. merely. .seggost ,thet.Rtere oughtkehe two o eteleileeeteitt iiii tegettlierA . .7 o 4 VW -0 40,Am the works. of arC-rbeldantt in, the ...Academy,- the 'Other:Am thetas Whitla ma on the wilis.enly during :WO eenehl eehltt*ei?' ~ ~ ,_,Thearra,neetnenle the, galleries is', excellent, and everpomea • RI ohJection; w, blob those' whtt enii,visit pictures for the amusement , they '. give mahe against onaSong gallery in Which the sight of all at onest- 7 cOler ;and . glitter -- tires Rte. aye., Here one la IeIT - Irons gallery -to , -gallery, with ' pleasurable! samPrisee t , experienoieg ;,the : ,Tie; freshing. nov.elty, Zf ; chancing ; ow. half-hidden bowers in , an, artlstioally-arranged dower garden: Hai if I coMarithe Who)e to. a, garden, -and. the ptoturea to ~ doWer, - ~ .i foss, .1' ovoid have to, 1 invests ayeryardmMs duty, so far as the phyeloal labor Is noodeck , . wead.it•• out. ~,,In truth,: the weeds ere in a ver Imipleettaqt.profttslon, so mush so, indeed, tho . ll . epffending the ;eye of .Taste, • they, PlePere it its shone with. lonltydowers of. a .1 simple merit,. and •egarci - withliffeetion those of, A rarer-and tryortimaqtY.,, , . •,' ' 1 - J. ,I do.zot purpoStOrs tikisetroll Mgo,through the' catelogne,,orthe Isholttof that portion of It per , 41E1114, so far lia,t;Oati make •, out, to the:annual exhibition: of 41dityoor ; ; hut . ace the lounger's p.41 , 1400,t0 . notice set saph aseall my attention:, , , Rothennet's kittafieturo.of ; Ringl l eatr, (No , 831,) with its broad'sdrei4 and characteristic toostaserlest all'he. 4,,°, zee fYfi, " 4 ^ eld..4 l l l 4. t 'I ePPrectate its Power, mit, sa l tove my opinion thereon while it . added • expreetipitie r .our exhibition tn, Washlng ten, I eannotaityciere then, that it improves. upon' further aseetelet . ei, I had °option, at the Slime thee , i,h Weekting , to ; note the totteketoby Mtn, p 9 5 , ,.. 0f, hfr,,,ltoth mere ,othor , pleturos---atal the eternal (in,iernal,4 bad almost said) similarity of it althie beads, •wittter they ire of men, tromen;lor children- , ...4.13 f :ot.-„s.in ugiy:faoer,-but who care look., upon. •itagint . :after„ . ; pageant, • scene attic ; s,oene,'whothersPatetry.or:fictio.n,,,,and, fee i the. came face-. 7 ssocemliMes chl—sontetimet . young.- acanetimos 4;stith;;onfoustetahtes- T eemetiums, with. si ,board4lemet . with,' _curling. looks,, of, Ohildhoodi*ne ' tkwith,,,the gray-hair of age, I tier betfoitzio*A ;goyja,llicc,T,oe?ts Aaron, to be. is "it h eetli;:is l ol4,lo,..leq . teegeielYt!' . The ,only,. head whiCh '5i0 . ,..., k. telerateikortretekout toilte • . o ! l 4ef : de'.'Ji ''' ' m,.f1 . :ge0 .- leftegleilY*o9*--tst. heyindliridel '..,.! , e , 'lroftdelt.weloge O . :onkel:0i : - illtPe, - , .•Z . id "-4irtlß 4,4e4tekttblitli' ,, ,t The ' '"‘-' , 44 ' ; : - ,e . st • et . : 'ti OR. TON bl5O, A. ;WM erikelh. ~Mtt- 3 114171Cile;ti inapyrrement. Thelooloring. • Semewhatlntre ieltd• than Is until with MC Roth,. einiel; the -neer" - always excepted, but the pie. thielaeks force and expression. The heads have the old fault, especially about the -noses. The figures of Mentrien and Bniedlok look as though - ,they.wereitarved put of wood and then painted. There fessliardness and precision about tho,dia .pery sildels.irortid defy a nor•wester to move, much less distltilt ' „ "The Roadside Inn,":(NO:,l23 . f )biVershitur, is a well:drawit and •Well.pailiteil4,leture,nn an ,old aubjeut, and in the treaUnenc6f which there Is not the:emend attempt :at an Innti,ietion!. Here is the ; isonventional'womanjaming from the ion, pitcher In hand, to give refreshuient to the home”; returning farm-hand, who; - eis .ns dal; is- on -horse back.- 'A bonged laiy fellows. are:gamirigont of door!, and, all the red Is diktat! Maud. A Bewir piece (No. 114), by lidies.Bahhiryiten; is worthy more than- "0 honorable mention.". It-is faithfullyaud daintily and yet boldly colored ; and though the background la evidently'not 'lir the style of the painter, still it cannot a*litoi !rein the admirehle fidelity to nature of thii morning filo— rya, roses and leaves forming the sobject of the: A 'number Of smell pictures ,of the 'greneh eehool are ottareeteriatto, and' interesting, loth' from the stalled' and the treatmont. They are Nos. 100, '". New Picture , Book," „by J. Trayer ; 101, "llanpja r tfittils," (9e° up), by V. Luta , : nate; 107, T!'lho' First la " by A. Gellle•.,l mla ; /14 "Toilette of the lilocooletto,",by Maea, specially good; 89, "Bowls in a Barnyard," by. A. Stfeattes. In this category I may mention e' little phitnriHhough 'netlrenelim Lift me up," by Thomas ned "Twilight" (N0..122), by Pant Weber. , glves us a•fine effeeti The' son' has gene down behind the hill, and the curtain's of evening•are falling gent ly on the last reflections of light visible over, the horizon. • A clear, shadow covers the landscape.' The stream la about to yield up the'water-elves, who dlspert themselves in the weird phasie, twoen the twilight - and the night ; thitingh the tree's the fancy Joan . hear those Melanolioly wiroads,which croon over the dead day. li#ATIOI with /be' (1`.70'124,) by Mr. Her'. vey,:weeld possibly do as a, alga for a sporting taokle chop window, but-certainly not for a par lor or a dieing-room, where snob subjects betimes are hung.. It is entirely too raw, and would vain digeistion.' Mtn% better in the canine litio Be' the dogs of Wi . B, Davis, " Wile' Arrikke,"' (No, 70 ;),. and especially the ens that la playing possum. The- “Landsospe," (Nor80i)elso by hit. Davis, is a *retched , pinforintame. Plashing the Covey, ,, (1 o. 186.) by W.T. Itiya; is vein good; The, dog's head command high praise, from apernmen. The anglety'of the eye, commingled with the stare orsuccest which characterises it; have almost a tinnier. tattered. Then ibis partridge on the wing, MS. Mate rising to follow him; and thelgenevil commotion of the covey, are to my mind as good in treatment as in color. ' . 42 87 42 87 42 87 40 88 84 36 81 86 81 85 81 82 18 21 - JEL PI PANY. , Java, 281 LL trattipo let Jay " The Suntgglore' Cave," PTO. 170;) by' E. .111V ran; le a hold place pi' 'coast scenery, well ealoula ted to display tbe r paintoes ell:cativo haAdlipg. lie is quite ancatssful, the snit grass and weeds of the marshy Shore rivaling iu fidelity, the pictures:Vs boldness, of the rode. ic A Day in the Country," (No. 89,) by W. E. Winner, is a strange combination; to nee a mild tons', of children's beads, lege, and arms. ft cannot be said that' title artist was at the last extremity, for - be `seems to have any quantity of them; so • Many, .that .he scatters them about without any qualms touching-their anatomical loordiration. Tho, design .seams to be to display aforesaid beads, nrias,'and legs in a 'variety of positions without any very - definite idea as to what the position indicated. Tlio children are all of tho same color and cast of feature'. The group con sists of twenty of them, and a grown "girl of some fourteen or so, with, What would seem to ho the father and mother coming, up the road, looking well• pleasel with the prospect. Prolific pair! Happy family ! The artist has given ue an clog gorated illustration of the good Vicar of Wake field's idea, touching tho-honosty: and patriotism of the man who marries and brings.up a large family., Ro Much for the design. As for the exe cution itehows industry; The picture' complete, however, has not', a, whiff of atmosphere, but is quite full of ,bri ok-dust. • "Jadith and Holofernes" (126) comes under the head of the horrible. The exereitor of this, Mr. W. E. West, has courage, If nothing else, to face a subject, and in such it Manner, whidh Horaoo Vernet hap immortalised on 'canvas. Mr. Geo. 2%l3w:well's headi of the 5011601111 pre sent some good points. While the• tinting of "Spring" (No. 14) is the cnost poetical, the ohs, raster of the head is tie' laokadaisical ' To the wildness,of the ,eye,.porhaps, inuok ObiOotiOil ' not be taken ; but.the mouth ie not in. character. It , is a combination of weak melancholy and say, peroillontnese. Altogether, though pretty, it Woke %f, :. r . eapiteefori-; the morning or thpyear i eo tonieelt, , ft.ie 'glorified of Paste, end `tVeidid ;not hi IliOntt h at , the - fresh aira,,the flees ,whioti•%' are, kindling; throughout Nature , • im part ••, their t.e.vtgorating and bright. inspiration ' ,"ilturiener '(No: h 'mere :unique; ,bnfotill:there in a viant of; the neetegable' :eapreeelen. "There ls.a look of 'silly abetraollon 'ilteAd ripp detitraction..i -The .colotiog ...Tips eiietigh;nnd the'tteenieeilin to the head in 'obeyed.' ier;' - but . the idea eenVeyed 15'124; einal ' the eolortng.i- With the shoulder better defined, the picture would be very good. -It ie, however, in teresiing and creditable; Authmn " (No. 23) is; leas ntriectleasblei than either ^of the preceding.; It it well drawn, nicely oehred,,butnearcely luziV .rientenongh.to give an idealisation of enAnkert- I , ca autumn.. , , Wln4r !? ; (No. 2?) if nething par', thular., lief? ie the eoaventleuai cowl ileche4 ; 'velth enew,,covering rathiii'arch,litilien4ediOng face Which:does 'not " Thr e ivetither f . The idea le have 'been } iNuatitited;fe - more conveyed Ily the OlOthet than - the olikraider of •fhb fact tookthg oir frourthein:• -• • • "•• ,4 (A'PartbstEolipee of tha Moon (Homey Neon)," .(1i0.,8,8,)hy Nlol,preSents thelnterle,r,of aeabin,, i witke.pessant .ttouple, eaught in ;the .11077 t of a love' qllentuvlzappl:yovtki l ls,gatt er coavexerl, ills head poised upon Ns stialit, the :Yank; evidently - holding out igainst: •IVe'blandlshitanite end' soft'words of The infe." xti He bledr4lie } Pat It'es idtherbeen otft with the boys' or Kate'ließbion' 'dad withllce girls, and all ia , ;Oot; .quite right:at home. late - dinner may bit!the', : Bane of the eclipse of •Ahe (honey) moon;; for- the :for,uotito parings on the ground', indioato'n delayi of tka...t . Maa :A o , 4 ll 4.;!kb_kl,4: l l4.tiotoilittd!dl 4.;PP4. - 4/rpo or• k rayrtif4prat `4lll4t*filearirti 14, if ,Ille n ta4 is :li,4l6iiidri,t the ;' If the fair one were in fault, she would in lat MI The plant.) Is *ell' painted / 'and'iell of ) , obstinate*. , 7 / t, - t 'Mew.le,Ohester tounty," (No. 8004 Itlehards,,- io,q -flnttaltier,wprk bare,ti tnisa!iant ohisoti of tram ahrobotuath, a "fii•Vl of water , with a cat. l oa at. 7 - 9.1 11 ?g,t141 0w5 5 48,4t the boy , gallantly his, hand, , to . the little girl; &slope. and a rising itie tonebilie. It is 'Well and tealtbilq deleted, and baste the IMPress of ontMttliiorsttidy. The 64 4 emapeeed.of 'rook, 'weeds, 'and• iutadgled is Insde .ogt with: truth; :eleaniei,' , and fople“ EThe Ofeet•is consequently-natural. The shadqwe the tree ,follage may tmem'somewhas too brownt too Vandyke-y-1f I .nsay ,mike• or use Ansa think,, on sonshlqatlon t, b ' keilthfnl, as the ployfra'brneeilY foregrotind; Mid (#e' have not suMolint distance" te — Millelf the ilhadesis Into - -' for'. the portraite; with 'felt aiiattittooe,'. think I hare never:betteld• stioh abolliotlen of nortilatlona 9f. the humantaeo divine.. fie far-as thy department loom:roamed, It ,would Iwo been baiter ,to hive .printed thentunes ef L tlie, frame: debars; tidied of, the painters, In thrtmstMegaso; cotes the frsioies are the superior woiks of aft. Legal Literature. oommEripsarza ''oowirrivtrixos op 88ATI13.'witti a PreillitinarY rerleli of the.Xonstitational.,Uistory :of the' COlonlasited maygi before the adoption of the, , Oonstittitioe., Joaspu LL. D. } Dane .Profeolor, of , Law . Iferfard University. In two yolnizies,§yq. Boron i - lOUs, Brown,, Co ,1808.• ~ .- • . , Joseph Story, the author of a mirk Which isteo well known to the prcifesrion to -need 'lien'a'peoti tog notice ite Ohareci'er, witaboinfuEsoisr coati. tYt - hreaseett ' uleitet.di 40P4 1 %bir 1844.1779.. Poe le of-great natural advantages of - mind-and peison, be became, 'yenta childhood, the pet and brodkir'Of hbi natieer4own' on' the promontory of Marblehead.. In'his Lime, surrMinded by all the Intlammo that train and'. bandy: Lk& affections, lie laid ate tdoq4egeri of hisstibOequeitt'grisaylies, , There, et theAreable, around white Ville bp:lQ:Mrs and sisters his::tiobginaijoia,ithe formsof Which,in afterlife made him.conapionotie, would, be excited bite' en - tlfusbiam" by , the ofteri• told i nci dents Of the Revolution, in Wldah ltiCiadiT "had !Mike on . pe: feeds 2. part, er:kaki:Oti s by the legends-with which the rooky coast Amended and there, also, be iinblbed from the teaohings of his Mother the sentinteitto of Tpilbtliii - pietyliat the teniplatinno of metererjestinever Indaoedbim , to forget, Thirst* aftlii,knowledgo, .and gifted_Wlth_a teueeleirt meruerli'lltinntrealin , tki •Littinatinliba,:tanglit thkeitil,a4ditiliyhieli Maittlahaed ef444e4 P*4 -', k4t * P4 .o***4*4 • ;adliakkittaNth, ickbla y M thad,omdeigonei most tinaidlift trance into teeing closed 'ft, dieting - 01444 Career:4i t7ain, bridge, in the course of which: bin devotion -to study was intense, and only ocoaslonally relieied by conversation, in which, be delighted, and - by the cultivation of Musbi, poetry, begai to read 'law; in the Mae of 'Mi.; Sewall, at Marblehead, Whence be - eabseqiientlY removed bit Salem, twit aftoommaintng for somemontho With; /tr., Putnam, wPg Sqle4Ack the Bettex.riisO4 A abort Ant Andy. elapeed-, before, his qualities became kinWn and hilprotetidenat qpgepseamred., :Profound ioguireMents, j'atoifttenee, eisergy, pert& verance, and.onnsummate tact, brought die. ' uae lion, and_pfnenied for him a seat in the Legit 'afore-Of ildiseecleniketjc. , ',," Called by hie ` efeoHOti to 'Oerigresi from his en gagementa 'as lawyer, le l gitlator, and also Writer— 'for his first - legal work -hadaireadYbeen publiehed and others' hal -been aoinmenced-Ae remairied,• during bit term, at Washington; and, &ain't* a `renominatteM , was, eleoted,,:efter his , return to , s a i al x,o o ,tbe place of Speaker of-the House of . 14,enreoentatlie,of his own State , and ickthesaine, :year took the alit- on the benah - Of the Supreme, ,Ceort . ,et the United States lets by the death nfjustie l e Coshing, one or the aeioolittejesticite. - From 'Noveniber; if.lo, the 'date of ids, appoint nient by Preeldlint Madison, Until his 'distiease; in 'SepteMboi,'lB4s; his industry, wilt& leas' 'always Ilaborlons; beearcte'unremitting ; several large end :important trestisea were edited, and some edgiest :works prepared, by, him, in pursuance of hie du ties aa Dana Professor at Dambridge. Through; eiertions the admiralty and prize law, the. !Patent aild'Oopyrigb(laW assumed their pieseriti, isbalie, and, 'With tThatieelior Kent, he' slusreethe merit of having iretematised 'the- doctrinesrof 'American equity jurisprudence.' In the statute: American Tele; the-NorthAnterioan ,fteview, the En:visions:4i% 'Americana, in the ay- Inendfoes to the reporteof Wheaton, through' the ,anbalqueist reports of the' Supreme Court of the' llniteci 'Stites, and in the reports of GallisOn; Siimn'er, and' Story; ' pen may be traced, !aid everywhere the same cogency marks his tea-. , caning; thesame fertility his illustration, and the 'same felicity his language. It was in 1333, when every his sonatenoy began tole overcome by the harden of his toils on the bench 'andain the professional obeli, that "The' Commentaries" were completed. A . 3iear and half only had been occupied in °imposing el tree tise,•that Webster has 'tanned .f. one Of his ethinentlT Inceessful labors," end- which Mar shall'-14.nd. tint have praised. Of the necessity which exhited, before the book appeared, for oaf a work on r. great theine, that bad fully; and nano inthrtaetprilr, treated, and of his Shim for the task, all Wore convinced • Beginning with a history of V.° COlonial times, the commentatorhes investigated the principles aeon vrhioh'our form of government is based, and, exhibiting the 11ms of their development, in the Revolutionary era, and In that it the Oonfedera; tion, tenths them as embodied in the Conat Feinting, out the rules of oonstruotion adopted' for the interprelation of that instrument, and the' forms , in which they , are prescribed; he shows their applioixdon,.and the prAotioal working , of of government. the limits of which it is the province of such relos.to'detormine. ' • . The third •edition of this work has been- ren• tiered valuable to the profession, by the additional' matter supplied by Mr Bennett,,who , has edited with seams several - of lodge story's produotions, while the form in which it appears is muoh so— parlor to that of the earlier editions. BOORS 'RECEIVED /from T B. PETEREION ct BROVIEIIt9 All the Year Round. Conducted by Charles !Dickens. Part 1. Published Bimaltaneetudy in iLondon and New York. New York : J. M. Emer 'son JeCo. [This is' the first Monthly Part of ihs :new periodical It contains four weekly num bers, at five cents each, of which the price Is 20 cents. Yet we find it marked. 25 cants, which is clearly an overcharge. The work itself, inae ipendent of containing the first Book of Dlokene , s new story, is a great deal better than I . , Household *oral)." EtittorS and contributors are evidently 'on. their mettle, and up to their work. J From'hfexiisw. s & ItsAini,'ltoSton : 'Counterparts, - or The Cross of Love. By the tuthor. ,of t ",.0 trades • Auphaster.," ,Boston. [An excellent work:of Salon, by the unknown author 'of one of the Moat peculiar and populariart-novels pf the present 'day. It is printed in good, clear type, and handsomely as well as substantially hound.] Prom RUDD & CACLETON, New York: (`• L'Atuottr") from the Prench of M. J. hitottelet.. Transtoted from the 'Fourth Paris Edi tion,. by J. W. Palmer. X. D author of 10 The ifew and. the Old," bo. Pp: 342 [Dr. Palmer tilts rather transfused than translated his Wadmirably has dono Mighelet never rote a better book-A ie MI of address, sense, ihilosophyi and the keenest observation. j The r iS ilITA9# l 4- - W.Oiiiir;•Wws.P.;-- , ' 1 EpOi -The Prow.) - , • , • 1 MR. ED14011.: It -weer not m7.lntentlerb In m haingirtribiatioWlpril`ritt s itlatt, to introits' Myth) in nay' cpidr,CYar47.at. p revent taiern nble ,ef the ,water , ,wOrki;,i4i,SAille:rdruifire4 ta,th pilblic by the Y. party in power,''' 'et the ener g dlinlityaddiythri 'oblereigithieriintufkotrcrill thidastice t (rimy -that I.‘rifierimontindialtbsi -s!.party,? and onlyallnded-fra the-camper ils tWIal neetion withiNeJtiPSlPJ eaPlPPOrdhista.4 l ..Mi ol l sedation with apyz"Vp,i,?islblpe j Pc M*: 0° 'V ar . 2 ,,: 41 1 , r 1 queetton teen egoe'es eNnge'L9,etierfcr!yltlie.:" l blialiVoe r stdp 'in' aniiiitk" - io•mti&e'fitiViiiiO4 =Ole' of 44 1doker:Otet biolfeirotal -tcv prosinethall ,blasting a Pissiiisa-PfSith tilo.ootottimmsrt.:Att basin is not blasting ,the roalf,w,fifenlydri tb basiii~r'that Councils' die - A.0414in ludifhiiyi iftwaitlon7t fte the budding of newt Nibeablfdase 1 19S 12 B4,VWAffOrK 0 4 1 3 120 ) 0 41 4 e1l haramfor Some utonoq . ; - w hich tird, *64 'I - lorthe'd, r'ob leo% amistuitingto several hundred thozwindaici lareonsd,-was copied MAW' PehdPitloCell the interests which were tp lieleyred`brease videds appropridthina. - - I*. I; e4elerteitiatter,eltratial, ,examtnatio, n ; oci„* e l armada, that Uthltbs&iltrwee. , 4 l 4 -htlifiletteti Jo); j paired by the ,removal of 'the and this& every man &goat tnlni iiilrigren with inn, thole the; boa aratcoet mm 4, the - .htkhoub , hOTlWoet'l preeentra; is prefeyabbt V any ,moot ,gress plat which Can Bab:Meath& it 'lliere hiejiarkibi in which forwant idquistiuoluziaturatibeauldeidis we AVA'Foo-tuilhriciki ii 4" be" 3 ;P l c l ulgit , at great labor, and - expense, and piled hp aid -ally relieve thaillien6tafol'a lanoothiltirel lace, Bat 11 ;wathavCchalaced;hil.t149tr2-;r7►ndi baying / lirWcitt.away, the, hola`M, the ptaao of irk prodoed With hicutnere. '&A4114E11011 add tatfenbe fill tite)holiragethii t , rdbOWAciovf - bill '0; Avilett IffotA.biTegliPect.ann4l, bttlis.T Venal re of Intibteziiptisyand - muto ~tion I:4%6,ola:dation; :••• 110 matty l lehlott bt ot,xestrrieme n t A-my! 'Oenrmmelestbin, an fhid.wbfah (if Moat import %hoe Mahe publidi gileatiorr of thsrprotiifety and•neeesidty of orectitiglukw,lyilieeltboithea.-*Tbis As scarcely. althdadi to iby "Xweihst4n4i., Ile •mr that if skald dO'yerf r israirto *taws' the Cid - . wheat - by Titibiaie pPdvfded Ithelidigittelitdduld stop off - Abe:trateriletwiElnen4et to,conth, While the old -wheels ate being torn,,nut once put in'.‘ thiC I tay, - Itanlrosiddh, and not itransiver toriiriefuntentlipanitlisissicassfri 9f Alks:zielf building .;, teighthleofl*trot7 will pm ee ireineement, (Mete* toPelot t aR t . Praptiation bill in Ostobirlast,'So that thre hinge Could! have Mon Made; in tl to elf* .ftird Snore:wed consamptic,n ; of surawnori b Ato ,r ,;her ego° action liii.lieen`delayinf until too fate, that *flotilla' - and' more 'plazi•-'alibilld lief adopted. • ;I'.;t- Th" , heavy. consumption*. diMing-,,Tarie, Anq Allow there Oa faiiihtoff of 1,200;000 'gallon's per day; *bleb' lir fibroid-41w aigoeFdt Whieli is obtained from?ope:breathmheeli tso - Ithattdealisg, the month of Augnst,one breast-wbeek Might be replaced by Varliina; "and; wilt& irouldjield' us double the supply previously obtainnalidni breast-stheeLianather ,breaspfflutpl ; 4%;aild - b.q re moved immodiateli,isndilisirompon tWorisere,might be readied! Sitatilterieiniidf,"and- still the subplY be frilly:equal-to the borisamptim.. In deroberthe ooneamption.will.liave-failen i cif 1,700 ' 000 gallops from that of Intl; and in Novid,thei X . 400.000 ggiT= lone More ; -iithatltierevident that, Wybegliintrik operatibus In August , tbapropoiretinibadtation of Are Turbine wheals could beAdfeiited hyTkirszuber next Without &Mb:citron 'ln the supply, of ,TolionarOlts: • It must • be, aerefollZbOrne Its :mind; Thatit is only, ,dpring.the monthp,of.l i tte and thilt,to42 present works ate not equal te`the Work of hespleg rip the. stipPly';ifor 1)11111100NR the4gerltigr, g/te. tattl' o ,thgla 8 1/4*A 4 118 414t14 , 1 0 e.L log 'twelve mtplprie daily, the avprage gonkstoption for the'reinititnetin 'Wangle' of the Ysial ti bust stela- :181111013146,15171,c blllldfed-ibbILIMIdITIOr therefoteose are .tol4hy ,ifygok,r.to„, with great grarftlythat • are'niobably riot atraire that fir Wee nitinthelfilek , isbflieleiit 'Sinter bee bieuroaatof.ovfolbelata,to stantiy,all this old wheels, and pte,new we can - only, ,ahawar that *0 Werejtirtre oZte; and irate further aware ditto, feet; el& Vint g!e-prestriet Areltslere-paprit.4l44)/ Plinh l 4o. the supply sit sunk times, and heilee itberkwite Alp need o faddlirtonaftiorks; • Vilatwatrufttr iata4; that iulditlonallmwter *fee t*dedlitiliniths'intatt Tnm months and Fhtd# l 4' rit,g It,S4Aw-ntagefs and that tforrotrOcia, es rad wcitild tailed ireethin of W . ' ree , flphtelielif buikling.r; but that alit 'that:would ".be 40,1ped: it stork times woula r lr 4, 4°A 1 11041 UP , *IS ,0 1 / 4 0 9 , of - ; 'hence - 'whlja „tior 'new *netts Wei,' desirable; he new beiges . wereliiiinateineb 40:14110,f0 gm; eScifemennJiseeill.llPeo thet AAP:, Posed damage of, cutting pit thulupply:of miter for ther ritixt six mnder.' Let 'us lograttiat'arlide tdrAlithenbirie begkot , diitiiinft fee Om **. filtiutt;', dation expel,b l e iftew - iwbeel-lonti n rie mutt do without the protiotiOn of s tiir for-dem; if belicilatii id' kinlid'lditanielfor4ls, l i 00J),) tot twill not; ibrbteakinCilowri-lheenound dapt,,entall ion TM the verzeill which 1* new tlso, prieste'd; and`deprtif - nct Of .. "if sypply,Of :kilter, ler, an iniWrinftelibrled;•z , ..... , LialOonolastalta eltr - 01 1 t latoit'of o tho,reerdtp fine prop t r ir e t i her), twetercti beets:tho,4oteates'an fiat • • ' standing • , -• • • - - deparitneit,lhat-th era aeit tls a eaftiOieeeferr y, not itoottoooloatozponditaia - of tioapedpitertnorief.' If Abe „watet lentskayo, Isten InoreFuld,by forte' taxation Vpon'propettriotters one hundred thoomend dollars 'parr clad:ale Alia:irtheillllillig tisaaltatta.se Out: Works .halftk;:batev:ronlactod , thonsaaa t dollars,we: do tl/06 t it:teetly.ssp: 01L-Rlolt toklolit oicinattoethlo to to be made to' jaettly watieLot Ottawa Atontand. -- -ollooker:on - l?milifti anxiety, to answer, our; g‘Aloto,'-! - Ate,l444aly. Amino It, with a yitl/:, has loot sight of tliO,Roa ! , point In coatioveiroy:'; • •, ' . " 'Avoinao4.: Railroads 'in west 'Jersey: Contoondence or Tlii!krtig.] I • , •-•. • • AtztaAriamr, The stockholders of ,theldillvillo andkila t eetegro': Railroad, Compeny,met iit4!ditisge ; , In 91ouseeier county, on the 13th Instant, to organise and Meet. a2.board',efdireeters. The fallowing gentlemen *are 'chosen : Com- P. B(ca;htan, „Itlahard Wood,. Theftsi mitaiy,'lifittlais - lt - ernie, Isaac R. Mulford, 'D Geeen, E L . TA llherp;. Jahrldelielll, and William Wilton.' Thomas H. Whitney; Reg of Glassboro', wiletelected 'press': dont , pso terrs.:ll , the company. 'charter:of this rood l , was obtained, at _the lest scallop, of,our Legislature, and is designed to oonnest lows : with Glassboro',. to, which _point the West Jersejf, Railroad Oprorneny,leare reaolred, to extend their track from WdedburY. ; , : . - ' The idea to • being the first fiiiiterPris6 of' the kind'. undertaken I A - giq ../ov4PilPundeP 4- 12. 01T,Jailien-aSeireat results are eaposted from its influence uponlbe pti (reproved lands of this Mist - Orih4i State. "Mill ville,ia forty rape from Philadelphia; and : half way on the straight, reed lotespe /eland, to, it id now billesea the *wit will be carried Within two or' throe years." The 'original plan .pf supplying this mid of. New --.lersey with railroads, yes by the, charter of the_Weat jersey, Company; the route Of whote road wonid,'if Var . tied out, have gone farther to.the meet Visit:that; about to be boil!, and mould-have .00me to WC : , 'ollie by the way of Bridgeton This eganpffty, helve iefor extended their read be yond Wocidbary, eight miles 'below Camden, haying • become 011ie-. what embarrassed,,andmeeting with ho so,opesa., Conan the part of the peciple in 'the tower court - ' • ' ".• - • ; t The citizens of Bridgeton/Arm isourityseat . , who (Attlee their place tehetheeentre o f tooraey and builtese i n this , part' of thecormthe • hub P.:of West Jersey,'and who wers'Ao - _ more benefited than anybody else by thernil-, road,,ommiuded at,that time .they,did not want any modern contrivance of the sort ; that !la in trod.rnitton would affect the morale of the estanism.t nity, and get their orderly neighborhood into bad' habits.,however, they tather,regrat their festidiosnessoindhaVe been - latelystirrihithere. solves up to a. dangerous degree of aotivlty is the fretitlemendeavor to divert our. retired, project into 'thdir own Chi:4nel. 'They have, it may be' stated, an 'excellent primpeet'of lteereing theme tale of their place uneontaminated. ;The fdiliville and Glassboro' Railroad will be cemmenced,the, present surname, anti; tra hope, inside of a year will .be Complited.l .- Nearly - enough stook to eon-. Arno! the whole road has been rabscribed,,so that ; a very alig'nt debt, if any, will remain aim When finished. - ,For this valuable enterprise our country Is: in debted to Richard It. 19034,, Esq of your. city,- whO has subscribed au amount :equal to that given by everybody else. Ile pledged the' beginning;tc,give a dollar ler everyi dollar that tout& be raised in the country, and he haskept his' Prolate. Without hit aid the Work cou ld never' have been stecompllthed. %This gentleman, as you 'probably know, has invested large owns in; our town in the manufacturing end printing of cotton goods, Iu dairylngon Cho costing of water and gas-piper; and is also the oivner of extensive • traote of land which will be passed , over by. the now railroad. The people of Philadelphia are not givare• how important &PT thriving a Plate Wa have here. c I -hope, sir, that next =Maar; wherb the journey to hilllville eau he made in twahmars, i'petead of melt; in a, comfortable eat' instead 61' ,cramped' stsge , coaoh; you will Slip' down here to' see ns, and tell ; yourreaders something of the re-, mattes, productions, and people of this much-. abused end of a much-abused State. Memnon. WE learn that John G. Jacoby rettlgned his position as postmaster at-Briaroreek station, near Bloomsburg, Pa., and the - Oise has sinoateen ,abolishad. This alas was of no great-public con venience, androonicl be spared with vary tittledis satisfaction. Ma..Beirditorr, a wall-64511i: Merchant or Boston, died stidd only on the arc, near Vargelsiis' :Vt., a ow days duos, of disease of the heart. atilt before leaving' home ha had prboured d popsy of insurance or, hla life for:15,000, in, the fritittial Bement Life Lastiranoe Conspany Boas bsa.reoeivett the. etc ty, from Dick ens which that popular author has written for the Ledger: It is a talc illustrative of a bass of Life Insurance. DEATH or - LIEUT. •DILEII..—The Navy De= partment has received intelligoiloa of tho death' of Lieut. John K. Duer,rit Apalaohloole, Zia., on: the 14th lust.. _ M. HENEY . DEETEB, the well-Imown Onion. tor, ho motived an order to make a marble bust, Of the. President., 'MR. SHADA, fernier!) , a transcrib ing clerk at Harrisburg, died at Easton ) Pa. ) a few days sine. MEM • I 11 , 1, `,..• . 1 .I. 11111E11.11 MO OM' PERSONAL. titrilialLWV47 3ool l- 1 1, 0 g, ia=9- ;A, Vr Wiry toiimoiudooilon aaailettithe the Immo of the writer.: ixt oldie. to leigettarreetifeee s. the t7iotrfeillt 1. , * lificcowlol4 dm* b.' Infant ttpos. - 1 - 2:: - _.=. ' t.Y. , 4 - 4 11 40 -1 0 1 : VOW* 0 44 :14q 1 01 1 1,1: vents ; *ad other Mato forol .. *VVeri girm oureat Ar t HSWATPA L t l ifin il l f _ t _. L i . roooKrom of P°Pufa ti r ,4 4 # 7 ... .Ac i646161 “ 4. , 4 , 11 tit th a ftlFe .rtrjr;f4 ffNERtfi"INIWgr- ":; , . . KtaaoAlsounallmaxitattoanatti so:Wititals 4,1 * from the. " - tilg_ASttompla# that awl* li e!OPAOI4* . P Vegfr i 4.1 4 W hr- Muse , 1— - A 7flr b t a . 7 I ' ' vsittintf. eft •ot lidivaTital4i tiSileitillif)leilletotaltre bikettieir: etnhe Votoloice:llatmetilla';l4lftatea 1 14 dI t E r itat il wiTe Velktittrit i l l RIMp . not in: &and. ..The...pader.Z.P,aloderite anepooted, from vAllosovoixesoutt " bat Leda-_. 00,44 krortyladgek9WAU : 1 1W iti eared' the oridoer et ufileioq r altheir .„ •tliolOuittkolorrterviotilialleallaier ot• ' 311o.watnitiatiodlaainek44.144:1"017- hin g ...: a .nu l4l. l: 4 lo p g .actwz,eawar ---- " ,filio n notaritlat ox ,Ay rmaamdiOtoo,, aid'in 11iintleke btl: a paatalaeatheliats dire plind, folliknii . in aldieeintifilliliapervTa , • ' -, ''..". '"Dristiiirtifit A l l324Wiriiii.-E-4 Qiiiib j e k iitti , . trontioikikirofigiffiktoJiiies - SI Elertlio:4 , , li - dt' thlueeestmriemehtlefitannag the' imbueOn - koma- .il4Ttn*W/VaJtea,t;Me Ow agooritaitilismedclat th: J 411 1 .7 .0 °, 0744 4 °T- #l ,l44 i rte"l„. l l_, - th elm heptel: eliarp 4 " - bet " no iiiideetheionetailltif t he IfinTikbetit-the • itimiii'lliniiitlge;;_Thielfoasitieinil , aria 'Peinfat amildahgerowaxi:eltbonglr:thoolbeet • kg in , medical akili and atymtionol afte i ne , d,!mia it unzemittinglT,the, , r' talk "alornigelop- Val '.. . Oriel a 'Veit* _,td: *Mien:Werth* tliii iiioitertir a ' ei; PM , oserefEhte earapanieda bielba, lime p Pima theplacewhere It happened (at, •Op fiesulket Cate tEsPPsharaiqok)tiole „ br the, name .of ". liklessay :P.ten! '' to this dN , ;: - , -- .7OfALV- ( rii,:) Jipiefa:" k ~,' - ,X:§niii:gl . o3,lf.:7-4kt - Itarro,3lola; Asitirrigo;'s: littilit:h4 :Irrid'e'btack snitkeielaint iiiriiitinid si half 'fain IN itillie rrout Sr -lii , eptaghti: and , hafinetnineedhaqfteh•hbOir tittreash Ide,anak.eaWelow, Ararat hist heeittiet didatni, , ' ' .of 'a W:am! a bit t .,,:ifaittotimen ot hams bat ::-... , 3thle,irldle, itki;goaat "ree„kftl maliiiiettitme lutether arta* toriibbUtiim'etimerglin i felleli the Areek'4l:the•firet'int6 dielatiVelrieatipprxed litattletlastanakesrad thte.. , _ Snake 'llof the oiler, And that,it follownd : the .track -of RE companion the whore distance. Th.:tam:keit were killed. < 1781 7 r ` 6l tt e ;l;t4 iiitrit - i ' :LA : 'iol6Viihil'aili',Oif il4 in' of baiitiol.sibritat,lfiNeWpriiati tion#npliii , Hoke: eoitiHtttaa 4 ; ii 7. leis resell' bald; iilidle'llead resembled that of* hisitturtaiteg i veld Illhlob had Int ',one eye,. ditutted: in the Asettear thelemer head ,It lived bpt nyoryaranct time,- 11/rear:l Brandt; of DeyiemeetOes' staged the hi aid , iiibibiteiCat •hier- faverne:' Telt ;Ai theiitet ettintotdinkrratertositieveVermei d` a amiroteglit toi attract the attention of the woollygterlealiormart, • P . 3 1 121 4, - - Witere l 4 Al? 7 ,.•, , t- - u - .1.:5 - 1^:: i! ,k) :.r.tztpina atealMamedt&ndresratnOnUmigbi ceaght-AM,Aller:AztO, danker viwokia ttiml43asow mama, at the one-mile &sat tges, 10, 4 7 ( 0 1 1 44 alialg 4 totilOvr CliAilge,, nme wspe 7,,e t rao co . 44 11, 44 ii, et . ar • • that 'fiittov--11, Wdliftr g finalid Wl' ones-otie of , ivhdoh Ige4tritekriiitlf -A Noosain lath and Abe other young one , awamiseheranzel . wpm oaptured. 0 TM? ,40 , ,,0nti, manege&to wipe: . The r fur ,Of the one caught:la raid Ache yell , Ilati; and valuable: -- -., ' - ~ . •:- . K1L1.):D.87 A skobi",tsitriiii.te4tragistei", Cf‘oliie Waleion,"an - iiiiiikrieo„in'flarifttokete adn and. adhere!: wsfer r ialionot*VVolifdars; %no killed on Saturday, in that eatablistuneo, by flis 12 = 1 , 44 1 1 1 : 1 1 :Zrhe ill o a tilMfi= 1 1 wrolam'insArgi.::Tit*diteiaseat Pied ;ii man named '' Montglimery,4 In - liiiiiifiti,` 30 . :;"* - few yea t e I wo_ 7:.-;•..,..t , .::::, ••= ~,,,..- :4 : : ,..ii . ,„ .:: Tag Royteetotal:l (Pa.) .Dedsoiegif kalit 4rio arildforiziadlitatlfroJohri It.dEkiidarikletlitertr- Pla.lßMaaktt toniaddrhinstlitaasatitr, Ifitakifisak4 a,loray uently.pnra, amStlit4.trtn?..so.lw 1 4.4 1 * Aka; Xo'hOprat*ii, to—found rfak,kni athindant deposit-of ibtevilaibferottarfal• it &rodeo HI that tardidnztfl tki`ikaantfrroilitttniall bnprovo the.tradif andAndriass.- •„::r:, : : • Tina proddobtoft.tbk Barring Isheirou Quin gbutfitf}:donallitra verrgroulaa'':l42writer ftonalkiet• %VIAL, Antes that ko,josa ; thsaoo(o4 karralaoL • .Iff herring haws likilfAinggr 41.41 place the _present saanotl. 1 0, mow jr , abd will 'find'n ranifieb-"-thaa Info. that: amatt• pfaoa - about riEfF;oolfibt k laboTrip l'nobittif;*:4o” **titAbgt"; 14-1,1141414044447* -1-4 -.600 Fliek.4lx IttiRAVANte tipt i vr .1 40 nit-i.t.ok i r cr a- T ;/ fe ton* t t dattyv , , fliagispolaeankoAgranftuanti n .41 F 01 . 6 47d,w,wfitiatfrikr, - 0.46 E -4 At n Vii' , tut I ttray..; - be* „eink.eo4..* wow*: • ft eprpontalfrit kind' Congr*, rind 4.4414,-, ko rreo l orAirell - Paggimehligailekood 117 araajeckAp two. or litticlasulta ofAit• De-1 imairat, tail94*st to col.ltaftbi, . - Ptimiraio 4ljuob, ttipp a abootiaS kfren.7l lA* , Scans' both - par,4 ol !ForOiriP# 44l -: t • • t ossromtilistfirrisl3o4tokosletaottaxt • hino:tho poattionlii Hag fifths ' Ltiothonagolrottrilpiaddrke,ftgliftlfolladia*iblitc Ida', 10 straw ''BlA'' aidgifiklV hisulamme Perth•ltmtioys wtilehlonneve benttfly been the layren of•ltir fimilyt "•-•• , L PI Roos lypia s MpE rr (lands, cA...4lfflik We& Tar -147.11#:--iowiadis . . . '- from Hie Wheeling. dfati;int rTed outheatixhuituut; brido,datlikaa. , :o,lla. , royor,• widow of -Horace. tr,,, Hinyna,, demnd; and daughter of Henry B. Daman, of ffindians- Politic Lk- • • Tteirm barrels of - new Ifoir; mltde the , Pearl aociam mina Pittabfteloa:;'froin *title* what; railed InalttairalpOi. - irof*tinatril at Box but onkionis3 4 o iklield ,st teavifollsia bat ildob le,ooneldentifivnetier ken* 4 rim!: Can h,tait a: Trap Rearm le? est Allierenarxri. - -11agirniaii . . , -L , Do: Yoalleidtbat ttb•ppeeoopptb - of a Territory briny the: power teZially - exolate hold that 'thei•`PeoPits.'a r t;ii. Verrltery; Hhti those, ot - a State, ;shall decade - for, 'ilinatilvor,: Wbethot slavery shell 'or shall" tilt theli The editor of the En4u . iriir, - eke Colaneita= . giaph; h'aS 'hada , own. picitforini r and' ion. assure him, ilith'4ll franinese., "that i - on: it 'On, not .5e carrisith iinite county sr _any anthers Slate. - Rh nooltionle inUfreet oonfll6t *ltit: Vie' Bred Stott decision and the 'Cincinnati 'platlhrir t : and we dd not . doe how silt one holding It 4n.Pric: ' tend le nation antic of lientintent,' ssnattei. loyerelgiity . &its' most ahtionloiui Bolding sat* senthrionte;the - Esse;:ii'ree'litt& - the Artiontery. to Intorideddle politice,aultdOela tC:llYdalat to, Beettioky Detaboratirrz.lptissisille 'Conrail*, - Whet the.Courierlepteatiodttettirth'theilatfaini of thiEsto - tiiier„hean,gzeructfrqee l the titter, of Preaidnat , Bablisnin, be Aoki:o - de' o,eceeterith . O - Delnoiratic nonanirtion l foritiighldent,..m..lB66. Fourteen Southern States voted IlirTieeident Bu ohonun npou that platfetre it Wait in' exact ac cordance with: the .01r.clonati platform; and deter not at all oontliot whit gm, Prad,Boottdeolsipa. The, Courier newequrss tile that :."..on iteati sot; be eaqied'a'sieglesountiftlankSolitlieiliState With eqttartimnkitalit iiis - dedrare — tbit isltir any other platform on the elavery.questlon,the Melte drier would helmet - in isvary'schoordietrit , t; in thd f,rueStatee „The tloutrine Is nut, offenslyetti the people the Sontbern States It ' and equal in -1 4: 0 RSTations upon Iforth,„ind &talc - The `latter ' , trill' hattilit It With kh:ti tat . " unanimity In 1860 that they - did - id 1856. " If President Buchatial'it letter Of ammptanee le "squatter sovereignty • ;lig most obnoxious foros,P-Ithr.didithe , Vourier_mppravcit ccaccPPIOIP tp. - . lc,!ur avldenattirail 'Ulf at t wirier II outside 00 thealotadort befautel In the. fact that it is denUanoing Prosidentßuohanan's: letter of ; acceptance as p olitical harm.. _ We 9 kit"' the = ' rap exlltbsaj' ler' the Courier, knowing than it monieLbelciol enough- to fell into' larfleal or.ephants. , firentihe The Alp . 14,indoier;Cra_pl;Affolplfutillideit 'ar ' riled port yastkirdai arterieedieffetprotlibt-' ed voyage of Mil days froth New. Tork,itaviugan board the longleoked.for and,anxiouely,talked-of 'alabbanti, 'Priem 'Albeit 'ad' Orion "Vietoris, _ • tibiehlicone Oasis:rid. to - Mr , George O. Qaled?; of thlp firm ag Sands, : Nptbans, & Co., who .has been 'fpr Weekit exPeiting them, As Aeon as,:the, news of their arrival .was 'spread; bandit& of euriens : persons,. *tao experriebse: had not Worded them a . Aigbt.of,'. the eephant," rested down - to Vallejo-street " Wharf ,' to feast their ayes Upon 'the-'distingnishild. 'strangers: •'ln 'company wish two other veportera, leo engaged a boat and put off t el he 814,.whitch to off Val lejo-streerwharf: When our boat hauled in alOngside the Ship; we clambered up the aide, and were show,n forward' to the room °coupled hir.the .ele p hants Ilia Air; rata adjalnlig the obek's' galls,* a zoom sotto nine.fietwide byrslitear, feet mug, and eight fe et , high. They were papered. with gamma, „ having apertures 'for their eyes, ears, and tints. The odloredooolilathe ship, whole - Vie - A prOnietity; to the elephants darker thievoyage_liadteede,himr Well acquainted with their general habits, stated, 'that from the of their_ coming on board up to the hour of their antral, 'they had'Seen in uni form good health, and had - taken their, regular ra tions of a' bushel of likOPeabhtiiriehilni:bale 'of hay per day, "wlttloik Wry 4stalmtotirtorßadiv and with no symptoms of .dyspepsia,, „Their , nasalal laminae of ilitter'Warfrom Okie eight tioltetsful, ,but'attxhcaapplY of Watering, :abeette , givieut, advantage Nail taken of a rain-storm whint , *sour ing" while crossing the line on the Atlantic aide, 'and a littftelenoy eatight to last during the relearn- • ,40rof.tbeivoyage. • • ' ! ;The elephants name ant la,P)targit 94 lir- LllassettOrhp bas had the liverymen and =sante- Ai% of- then" Itirlhe'past threaYeare: 'the,* are i gkeatly i t tt ao hed,toVbirwr.and ,, ,trill.: obey his eugswwttgtheFtliattic,!l4.4ol4lPtte,S,Spf a,*eit.trafeed dog. at. the, voyage, when weather' was' at 'sal IMO' dike; We" elepranta !were hrenght oat upon ,deeki,andefiftykee $ 1 , 11 ,, e I m e °fen With aliKa4itbey,beearat gra4 11roritt s. Sit: V ie: liesiatne familiar` with 'the eoldre4 emir that site toast:ie iliberty on eneh'ettesslout to enter the galley andsearch,thrangh the larders,in est of food. „Prince Albert niefed the. - organ, "ilia. 'VI ' dif rft' fill "'break allßage in g Hewn". te , the tune , of ther•Weasel." They, oontlaned,ln - inpatient health. during .the , sisnage„,,and have Increased So mrtel, bine as ' ailment , tr necemary to 'enlarge this dinoiallti 'to their epartmetittb Obit thtubehasitigleserd out. '4ls o eiPaailt!l are, VlYafalt Most' fiat gent of t mt. e eti 'Stela 'wqrld. They were exhibited in th6''ooiiiotiertepolleon 'at Faris:for • montbs, , witik Lgr9 l ,4lsr, aneoensr.than any ender exhibition aver presented in that oily. . =OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers