, eq4._ ~, )1 .% t 4' Ptt ." 'l7 - ti. 40y451,04,46 - as , '' ' 144141'ill" 11011thir ',: . , • Y-I''- :teed 40 i,,„ A i itt i,44,4,0* 1.1 t7i.6.1:*,.,4.r 4 i ,el 4 da.l . i* ,?iai-.1*.fWM1:1147;;#1,,,,41. r: rf , *111Y41,t4-qq, ; 4614 0 6:4: ".- W;:4.7.4111'44-iT." Vo f k' 4 ' "i I i I I*4o-1 lOitfw,h,rito -.i-.fd-.yr,. I c i f . : fgyAiPkP' 44 " i. 441 4 44 0 1 , , . , -,,Nfve:l4' Ai.,;ltavant ic"4 o yi k. i filegiirOilltdii Irl,7 1 7 , ~644 i .r, :"?,IVe:7oll;ll.l4i l ifitif*l l joC4 6 l 4 :s4 ' ' , ""ib iv ' - ' .-Fl lliviM, lll `7, ., '..T.-.t?-01,Willi*A ,'''::Tiiit4-01bi11;14 1MAgilriio)tvei*M 4 )-'5.?" ,4164 . ' ''' 1:0700411-6414."' ';iilitikiti P!1,1,”4„.4. '. 3.549Wiit•11?7,'P411401-lkfirille*C•i,`Ettiloo. 71" , I ** 144 '4l-141rowth4t*Ii: ''sia***(l4-6:4416'11-egi -; !,,,•700041it.,'___,,:,„„,,, ikiiiiiiitiiwn:4l44 fhtzpo. %;I•VAV.Ok,_ 1 . 0,..._ tiri-4-10**P lo o gi WT'' .41: 'iiiter*TWA".,‘•,--44A-41 '•i* .041474"-'lo•l44,l4raitilli**l-IXli.so,l4D.ill .Alit-94,44:4000itti,911itki, ..:,..1-' i t -,-, iie 'FZlL_Wgitifit*.c,,,,rj' ii: - ' ''', -7.,lad;;:vitikl4o44lt.)l,if.al ‘ 4,,1 4 104 .,,, a . A: ...-;-• '" ''.liitailudesv',,, -;--,i, :ii,itor4, ~ . , i i. r ioii,itriliiifik, s i.ir ..°.,,r'frd rid4kekk,",":;--.vt Imeiiiiil-wlticirstl4-711. ‘'r 'tiet..l,;l2l*S'' -46(,ii4iikt1614Cf!'4,-, 4 - 4,4 4 ; 2 :7A.7 41. - ,Ps I r',517,1 ' , !' 4,,-- j - , I,' " - .r.- •-., ,'`,•;,..?::::-........,%s . o loo o t tl ifi "pained 1 - - moat* ..t.r.',7: ~t .„„...- • -win' fidlieid• ' oStk, li y; ` t ‘,f`, --- =' ,--1 4 t r e iit ::"*eil *51,-: lici,t6ollllooo ..412 P V: Y iLtiri r 41LieKt"..,* -14, ~1,--;.,40,6,16,,,tiirrait< ~ 7 . : -. 7 .-- 4ioistoyttuduk.'t .. .... - 414 . 14‘d0 of . i , , rl k e k. ',*..iij,110,11/44..L.,ytIllt"triNTal 410044#171.e!R1L 1-4910,11.4-,14,, iiii'rio'bi.fplinds:llB.l?"llqt,. , - ' 44 A - ', , Atifinrirl,•=•,, • ••- ,---rimird on-hid 114131' ~.;- i ine0;14, 1 11 11/ 1 .1 !4 1 1 1 t, ' thew - ittarb o e wet '"' '441.6111--Alit ‘-•-..t ;-;; ,-... .•; --'7:- 'f - 4int itikein!n!_,,,, ----•iwalitargeoa -don fo r . 1.43 . 0: 7 ,004 1.4 ifi. itoiialllT (14ike...,../),11 Aleal ' -..9*01Vr,--, --4,o4o!trotio • .•-; --:,oi slita - mitatipi there 'l4iikeliii-414.11.4114ji11iiten';;,5.6 mewl t rig e f ft ; olll6, - : 1 1 . 1 1,!•:;-!,- i i;-, , - li.a :..'-'/:'&'' 4 • ; '-f2 - ; 4,,,,-,, 4:,, 1 .'.1"-': ..,,iiaitod 4244410.44 j# , - t r IZ;- , . ',,'~10114.111 -'4 Al%o' 091i,i,":11"yun'i "4,41104 . J *.,* htildt i.,.',",ir cii-a,,;-1...,4r1,- iii*l-..!!!, _-. J-,-*A-Jwq,,''±' -^..7',,,- ',; -,- j ,:1.a*#111P,44014/6144rifat ..'.:*t'OiLtill -a fd l iti**t i #l ‘ VA( 1611.1411% `.A017-410411g-Wfo-A. , r-iiiik 44/11LIP-,-wiLiZatrittleibiliallL.,_,W , o ,' , ' L',-":44115*All.„.41 0110 M m ao ,- -< , Miakk,iiiiaate'uM 87,1 ''' ; 44(filiiilt,;„„,41145ti-b4italiVP*l.9:l4.lt;t.ll •,`-: z9i'' : ir'lain 11k6,-1,,,-c "LisiA4zl6',lbilt tilii77l. '`;'l;'-', ''' *cmim.j a 4 ''' cr' k, -, V•ri'1. i,u.;.; 040,4426:1- --1.---1:-;L;4finkaH**".V.J,,,,:, ',iiku i:of r 7iiir;itii, ; ; -- i0r 1 itti# 6,1 t , _ , 7: ,,, A,, , -,:iyi-- , r ..:.:.,,,1,iie_.,.4.0„..0.. ;t _ . a5„........„..am-y7.1.74,6i,_ 1itiv.0044,0.t.404,. ti ~..„„14.0.14-,:*-011.1 4 „, ..!..t„,. „ ...7.72,41.5,41;:;7,,,,........,,,..,4,,,„„::, 1 iti` , 44114" -4"'1,107--Wik•finetinet Or -ft - - 140 igifillidt#4 311#,, ' 94- ,..' , ; : 1 0 -4 :'''''' -1 - '.- ~. ... - , ititt ,4,'- -, 1 ,',...-..,,10.41..,1%' .I'.ftw'"lll4o 094 ,.W9?" 1 ' '-,-.ltit Kama !;7 1F•"*" , v 04444:4:*00144,.* "I-914 iii;isii,,m,,,,,: ‘..-',:.-kik444",114 411;:mailuiniai''3:041.411: 00 * 02i' 'W 11 -rritik iplitn'OptltZWltti 15,1441410m,..,.....#1, ..,, ,.4 ..jw ff ,f 45 , r., , ,,,,zt, ,liiiiittoi*lhtitt'e'rt-si-si4liilt 'A-'4lllloliiiio 11 - 4 E I Y - - - imiltri I. kiNur ---,- - ,o„•.acrorteloo-01.P-----1%,,-' fitet CslifeW,- • .7;--,-) iiii:,3o:J.lso4:`ir) ,f r - w e l l ' tor;po4o4'4l/31!" .aikirirorii(iliai'lllid' 7,:iiieb,".6oFikaitlL,4:',,,,,. low - 1 - , iner lOW ..t. bitivotietal:4o,-..._l<srUmTictidet4e,io-,011 --. * ,itiiis A t e" l, 77 4 f : 4 4. l"kkt i g , 0,40 "..-Lii , ....idimir * ? --;,',51.4.- -xis--,,,,i,„rdastioi4oipt? :plinsiord,_. ~a‘l,7ll"!:Si , h il l 1 1 - 414:4da0 `to -i,- ---4 'binratiligi , ll4. 4 4,- Nadr ..- ' -,' ‘493igiaill, x3efiligrefi,,,,, •,..1*27:7410, t.-„,..-..-711•'.04114 -'lllil:4llAPlidell""'''''iO4 ii444o7*' • I_ltidthigicit,lial boek- - kimyy:,: l lo4, 11 4 . - ' ills 4 ,11 14 4 4 1 ,0 #l4*o*-r-1,4 ~,,.. ,f-:,-,t'-' • ; t - .., ', ' :hilly, notsta4 - Ar-e -;• •• • I daTiO?A,.lll "l "''` lii 00itttvin, bY O J T , l'hi*Oiett""4l4,•4 l4' ,--1- '.'i,,J•i4s hy;-&14 z i•Likfat *JO ieleli",w.fri. it; il -[4ll,lol44.3oo_llllltdasteitinClS 4 0 iA I li ::".,,„iiiiii,al47,...•***lo,4r;AWli.tastier 11141eilYE but - 1 41 .'"?'''."-- -4---.- EAt -' t . "ilgtiiiirifi 26dii!IU#Ylk 6 .f C.:41461141e ' Orin 77.4141,%4,64117 tifiittlioii) ho has "thillidit6l' ali---t.- Qii•itliithizoPicin I.' 'Pit Ill'Ag'skttr., , 4 erd ill tste 4 SIIP", --,' L . - ...1 -roaid•titypo-q AO ~ ,t . ,- -T.- iliArres;sl6 •1 / '7:fire74#llo)4i,Jit , 4 l -,AZ of fdo-,ifsthevin./a, * if o vi,Q*!faitl.fOrl Fl l iii i - .'. 410tfPf Ot ,/14" tal*FlV ii t e l' '- ' ';' ' ' I§olll 14**,17 -A- - ; • 1 Aiii -4- ":. 1 * 142-104 ,',ipii l i a • 07.40 th 40=0 ~iiiiiiiiibi4 441.7 ' ` 4 ioc it , 141, - * .r. 1,...!..... .14 '6, - ..iiii , ”- -• -' '''-:`.. ' f. ` --. - I tar t i.atitiir'S#«*;,l .4:,,iiiii. ' ipa 4iiesplit# N r o7t!L --?i faitiOgiii ii .lf,t- . L!...,,tw a5 .. i .. A c a th i Alct ~-,iisl4.4*Otklii..Tr-,-,..", lis',iriiiii,;iout `:4464.Pie . 4 .lf#*"! 9 ! ls TrZ k r ) , at tins - iginutal bit ~ ,4 k i nd, art *ZIL , hui_ kocioliow,Affus* , , 44!, ' rTll 7 tia r" ,74"fiiiikpf.; . tiii# 1?9, • • 1 ‘ : l 4 l ' • 1‘1 ( 4,- . 40,0.. 0pve0c0,„,...,..., , - 41741 " , ,., '., omisuse.,4* 1 . 0 1,,,- l , ,ii i ,uk.ielf!....-7., -, lirhyrnami#ll / 1 ,1 1,,./114 01 ,i , • 4 4,;, ,aa • joiv Swaim, r_ -igesi,Din*W„ibikiie'rerArtiCiffirik" _,-"' ~_,,;,-,,,ii .v a i i i ismitkiagr - --- * „ortoiourif -?tki'"'r iF ig„,„,,,- - - ffi l toiloiabightt*,,,,, ~ ~,,,,----,. tiy,... ~,;„. 4 ~,,,,,: ',. L,:- ~,, . - -I' ' aktr ' ' '' 'clF `" ' '''''-4:ittikany raw!, -, --:. ~..,44414br listaiessi_,,ziour,et,„,7444,oo,, _-,- ,„I:itinewitir..,,,tilrocnitratocoofigfiktlfigi. .. , wiiielg.adzkit, jua:-wisbout;TY,r,,,=. toi,, _11',*«trii,...„4,-trat,..,;--71%-Alnec.o#4,o- lira , x,„ohir ....rrim-r--,,,i4in.bilin ith'-iifels* *ft " e t 4 .. t 7Xier PV O P e M IAta - q t, tut Mrs anus ' --... 14iniserigoiba"PrIkobtri ;‘,..l*loll''ek CYO 0404- ' 414 4 1 171 1 :111:40 'Off VW s e t ' r • irtio.,*k*.g4.l4, ,1,4..,t,..".* . . -..,... A,— _.,-„s o ~ , -.--;24- t ay„,,„,i- ~,--i , -*-0?---r."-worehi*, ,-- ,ivir, husband - .-_ m ot o,ktcw he i r 4..44 7 -- i,,,,,,4„.? ! , , 4),!rir *ag0,„,„44r4 Ow, ~ • _„-, -.....„ twittathas • ' "I am tO+Noin she micro** V 'at, * timiair Moil , , lea ~,,li ' . ' icist ii* ' l6 , ...." -- aGintaryfe•i•W#ll,,, as P...„ . ....; ,1 1, : o' ii-,1;47-',.kuorlit..nifettiniato_:4.toktuil t iol- 7 0 ' d u l oot FiliojiiillCitisiialPl"4:itkil-br sit ` 1` 4 16 0 11 ,12' f ' 44 1 1r . '' , :' Ilif irwaiianfidi)t" orktielleVellYl L " eieror i vitthAlan uto rlstoZli INAlskigaticool'-' • iwcaireliarthic4,' . -, lit osmot• -, , ,8 alt i r inqurb -•Btoidlitliit .., f' t„.„,....a' A,,,A,•5t,004,44. A,Ol-7.-h i r ; , fro* -116''.1"91.1.1katis''' pik - ikr,: , ? ...numwat, 1 - iii i r -ii:. . li tt ,i bv ", 6,lMlCkirMig.lll).ll4lj ithitTlefh-011 ' 'ltineatt"Othill.,4l4,„lll4o,l= *moor u t at 1 1- .1 , 04: 40 'w' - -,,,f-'••3romoop- ~,,Attog,44riti.o.tailgait.4l4, - "7 ' ' 411 ' -, ley Arnie ' ' .l " tout 'off' . k ~.., :- - ‘fat Viti.taialwag oin i ./. :;" A** . ilk *tot ,5' .'''.- 0 , .-' *; ' , • - JAW 114/1•4 before VI !• ) --,-:',; ' • :11414.0, Ad, ! • - d Lt. - 4 , rig re vim* , t f; * 4 . 4.' - ~.' 1,4 0 ;i t y 2 boy* ono ,V 1 • :i•?•,` - - ~iikaute**llll4l/1, krt, -,.. ~.1, 3 .!5., i,r'''? ' '', :tOW,",;,m/P 40;t tit - 11 704eivrir 101101 m%, . 111 ' 1001 1 41047 , k1 , 1140/ 4 0, : kheak 3 MPIEIt i #Vt i *TM* t' Vj - t,- i' S , 0 41 44, 1 4tik)thik "sotrkipil , I s 4.9 14 4 1 14' h•i? , '. 111 0; 4 It , 4* 6111010 !* 11 0C4C- 11 0 i 14 ,1' 'NW r ... ~ ~,,,, .A.., :.,f,.. ,;',:''' . .4o;,,,Vtil'ir h t 16,4. : , _ i manned, _ and tilo immense legions which :-'..-- fsiUedliPtinak thate,:ikuldi - one,,af, - - the later i Femme JOSEPO hat(falsed to sustain it, indl- Xeactitint cairMaigni4the,eoinialist.q.,Rinte l ad, - cate that Lontbardilincl - VibletiWlll not be : - iipabilei policy , .', Lii*afAl'iVritigilWitiese„'S:. St*etd44lWltbeitt.dterrlfie strUggle. 1, letioli and-1614; Mr/41110M -o:ll4 : lttrief ..,,IThe capture of Milan : will, therefore, more *loiy of„tiflteli,_ttblltif,*frii : 1 17.4*) . :D4Ppr.0, probably prove , the real U'oinmencement of the ,Doge. of VaiCKWl46l°'O.Siiiitrletpli'l4air thab Its • trmlUaCoeiq ;, Louis - NAPOLEON NAPOLEON Ot ligeifiielilpi:,aild blind.—beslegtmr and` con- has accepted the respMisibilltlesW's Caren :quer4Constauttriople,, and nearly overthrew lean task, but be cannot sur4bder thein with- Ihe,:lptifealt : °fly zantins, with groat rapt: out periling his prestige with,the French Aitriiitnie.i'efT.the-inferier_oglearSAxelaimed, people, and invoking upon his head the curses if flihrtit outpirtr - ef:hlind old Desrpono l" of the itellaue who now . hail 'Mtn its - their It. 4404 -'oll4' ot,tKel'iveterans of the former Liberator. - Fie' 44ihkrigailit Piedmont; hif would ' 'lla3rel:d,o l lillte inuisewhei he noticed' how: little *geserlbe:Preirth and:- have-yetgardinians, Ittl4lOidigaiditiraii - :tii'claint :if Oh) for one :hoar of theMittleperPerst.' i • :":::::, •-•-'-• :, --- : t : ii, the''',iiiifti 'of' ,1795;14Y:1iii) Weeks litiMel;Pial l i t ilk e - et dff ai el ie 9,o et e,Preeeat 'OfnailliP4Piledeietitr and - iNc.--04cei; a !siOak'silfrstrOaa,teCol3 l o l l. YFl4eri? t.hil Inetm-: !Wt . & :ireadai*:alloost: impassable :from snow 'al 0 f_a , 11 , 11 P,tte the - middle of May-the elder ilt*Mrlik ildAiii* wait; Antli - the Austrians .. ;iiti4elltilay.;' , foolo centiary, he doffed the Viiiiiiiliiiiii itifee' liattleit 'cliff three Ilitys:..st. )iiiiifil*KßeiP; i4A.: l o ll e e h al;—: ,a nd, liiila 441IlialiaItithatPi40iga;:ae conqueror, which "*is itifiii*limai,l4:blei afterwards. -wen might boast; to , titcy,-Emperor of :Afistits,f.t tittle of:nobility:dates from the Ifs* of , ligentenottee.' , ' Proudly, as well as, tritfit, Aid lie remind his soldier* that in fifteen lays the'_ b" six fin one- eiiifaiatXatarlderdeF' dttOve Pleeolif' can i.i'Ci!i;eit*'fifteiiii' tim4ine.priaohers,heildes :iorsietfritheiicliest part of, Piedmont. • f. - - - ;-Tlte,contratit between' this energy and tc tie masterly maottror of the pre sent N,AI , nava' ti so. stOldshthe as - to, be almost surprising: : 4 1.1telfesitMairawteir acted with great rapidity:— flinf4.6 prevent titer. enemy ••(reel : ,Uollecting id OVeiperkridg c ferie against biro, and ,subse. Vidriilkihy, ,thraiiinthlutieli into the middle rifibeforee:l4 : fireak`uP 6i3 ineniyas aria' and,-heLe-4 ...i.O, 109461i#,(.1e40. ~.* present 'priromeott seems tdthinitthat the' proper plan bite. elan'ilitV:irtiVel of feu Ids troops, 'until thisi'Uttiliiis numerical'fordo like the army bf Xiosiiiioitil ito'Cin fall taPoia ' the Audi:laps 'likelifitivalinietie; and crash them 'altogether. liiia,*.Old'ihe-all-*ali.wellojrthie 'ankle delay *..**4,11,k0i-o*Yit the as ranch aiabhiMselfi-:f,AoStrlit has ill-large a :military *Cie fisktitumek *Oder the circumstances; the _gre'at s-- .l4tesS / Of Jarman' will 'be with : that `PoWeri:whieb - Oda make the most audderi et, titile. l.l `:A The Anstrians'etild;in 1797, 'g. These "French do not March—they *fly," ln 1859, it ' illy be said that they creep. ~,4 4wi t,,..,.# 111 were opposed by active iiiMet*Jadars-Tb ether,than slow Austrians= iolp os ttpol i jnet now, would probably :be the riveritail.ef- - ,comfortablei , . - As it is, the' cam iiiitinifitif , ii Month commenced , Verdi° even ilielitif MentehelldWas fought,'aid„then : the''''''44li , * . o i rd,coti by:thdAustrians. the 404‘,:-011T.,,e**.enleeti'.44 yet, has been 0 :47 army, advancing lhe right of the, Austrian it6iielig Jriteltosilati:ity, and, winning i s position near -the -take of Como, and eau 141Y:within dye-and-twenty Mika 'of Milan. - 7 :' , r-Bythei North' Braisi, *Mob-left Liverpool • beclundl, vie learn ' hat the Sardinians . ; cora 'mended 'by Worm I mita:singe, bad crossed . thctliiiita, : til paiatitio,inB occupied that town; having - dibienitiO:inettilans - out; With heavy :less., - . . The: MMperer ,`Mazoracon , meditated aliellk - ~rede'64.flairallYi, to. shift ' hie head quarters to Ciiiiiiii; a small town about fifteen mibia.from Ateasandria. -: ' . - 4 .". , . „?..Thii iMpiassioti in the London - Money Mar iret;l,Wai that - the. Anatrians would be beaten; ihril-Alliiiiioild:. - lakif Milan; and that. ligleAd ;, alid!'.o l eth(i,eo l . l l l Id -61 .00$ to fettleooliairrejh,faegOtletoe. : ' 2 • • Irliat:-..ciin niiiitlittiki'do i- : Prance ' and ,§,k l P o l* are, ; 41 arms , siainat Austria, liecaise, ,efitiiit,tbliga..4ter Misgovernment of Aorth.',. Oh-U/11y,', ablkher perpetual interference with ;iftie..mittg teal!**Siates‘ , :,.,Thiare cannot; there 'iail# eria"Efie r iaiPnangestierit -, eitthe &spats 4100 :doss 114 'secure jMit;:geyiiiittuent - for *di*difiel.to and -lifavenA '•4aelelai, inter= littOri#e*ltit. ' ilie' APterhal affairs of• TnsCanyi • gfol l *,; 7: :****; '- all. , 11 -,,lWii.earle* ,- ;Stallri Attatilawill':*bmitAp... a: great ;.deal - ere Ole abe4.4thikritild;4'-‘5 whop her own nigger'! itiei .. *i> 4 4-kter: jOicele eeeatebtlier* li t Pio ' l -I(tilairi , leirlteries; to 'Settle llsOttai4lol4* - 6Miteitt aibrei:::"' Ilrldtarlltittlkiialt*Elight; as it does alMciet # 4 .Ftkeket,Pfr-IP e FRe.: , OO: ,- */uel A°l l4" krK, '9l: 4 4, l *iglif - and 14/.44.041,p, •#Siii , ti 4 P 10,0*iiii5 and beat withal et this MotthAtTareOlitlielYMttliltairio entirelyi,tl4 iii e ttri , *Mteat:rolattitnit Ao tor liberation'bY ,iliiii t ainitetifi'votiol4 Which hi itithertetistsi its strength aspirations of Fren;, ,*lrthis oiiiicsaiCitai3Otieeit mustbe more e ir jTi et ! e ; rderit'fdeehlig: !more` rapid *fig katifelWiLiii4ii:.keYOP 10 been, If Ohl deil-i 4 , :e#l* h';',"-,-4ered,l4;o:-.elekie campaign.' Tge iapoleon. theintelligenethreciAietnp to this time Iteni*seaVerwer, eteept the rumor, which • laiii ? tOnitalitiOnilhat Viet.t{darnawn had ritet, lien highly faverible Prini*Baidiniatiirrides, and stionglY, lg~lcifive Of their eventual:trlumph. Al- Esengh 'they",,'",iney'ment with temperer) , de;.. :re** lfis scarcely. possible that they „can fail le, ever:throw enernieS.. : The armies of Praises „mist be, badly, of 'indeed; if, with the, assistance- of the Sardinians, - they • rennet conquer' the hereditary antago T 'Wits•:,whotd they lave often' vanquished hetitofore. - •:.' ,‘ tidies of the, battle is Italy and Prebabli,w ilk *fierily, be ,that portion of it Aylit - 91Vis kinder •the of-'the' 4nstrians, tbn,- : .4Erintek „ enjoy the, advantage of posiesiing,the, cordial "sympathy, and, wher -,everitile oindble and ,desirable; _the active 96449ra:den, 'of • the people;by 'whom they iiriftito - W . and Will •be surrounded The: op. PreiWei iMbjecta 'Of 'Austria; hive sit. ,fered,stee lettriti` front her, doutinion ) ,and toot Intensely anxious . fer iii,distruction to avoid embattling the .present favorable opporl tunltY of.doing , sail in - their" power to' wreak theleepPresseni vengeance for the past, 'a te( teifteelf, trelesise frdm its galling exactions in 'tie The battle -ground is full, of ,14sto plecenews Otileuisted is inspire !' eF IRbi Po ppe tttOleret,e,Porefo.. They are fitlitltot-IaPOP , plains immortallied* - :the' saintare,genitte of • their - ancestors, -and amid such nisociallOnsi they siOuld, be Unworthy re:. fireeentatitirtfl'of their race if they did not perforifilitOlgies of valor. - " ' "'HOlrtlartto, .tiestiket 't*illnevethe silted grins?, kle.arnainxLiilreadyearried . , the,' war into Itte l ..d4uttiterCdotiditionS,, and rallied ; around him the ~Oif the south the 'bittiewf Montebello hes- been won, and the Wit/Mee - 4 the shill armies' in 'the:direction titus,neooredt-'Tbe • Sardinians have also forced passage' over .the iiVer.isesia, and Captered EelestrtitioMilkeneMi.`.)ta deoliive battle ln,tbe-cenlie*Sulte in haver ° Oahe:Ex.'s:melt it wilt' be; impossibte,fatheAustirieeito preient theirentratice-iiite..Milan, and this Fawners loseim : ins - yt sbeitly*spect 4' Roland for an ; Olt er~ , in,fhe tkettifsattoy'ok his Lontbard I 'eat by'the,; , t i o,,ia, its the first limit of his pro. tlifi9 4 l4oaPPY'9 l... the set'iletelt 4 . ° 11 - 1 . 11111 0?t ert.Awittitti"tiinv , , It titeltvlientbis 9;rent, which appeareto, be generally consid ered : probable Onnliph England and , jointly make _ -etrenitouiciforti tolerminate the war by liege- , thitiOn," but it is scercelypossible that such ef letiiiiiitti'bO imifisithl: • Louie NAreigoti, lies that treat aim is the' ,i l Pir4 o #' l 4::s o oo hag pitch , raised ,the'elpointsitieri, of ilia nation to a high Itta„typcdarstioli against Austrian rule in 'ltaly Aa:.; = ,, , eittli*dagitteelkTAePPrOTS by: Fiance, lind , hCaiscilieedy compelled ` ,the Austrian arinfof threaten to.'place ritself hi. a defensive Aidilition:', ,, 4lt. ;he 'follois up his - past move biihiving'ldii,antsgonists before WM, itnitieltnapinatly onto:14,1(112M; it -will be tiitee_and.,',bppotent 16 • bin expew ilittirt-*Fell4l4-7,PPPY' to' her - Austrian ,masateii;-tq , belie , bit declarations in aver' of, itelbim:independence,Ao be Content, with, a ,':.whieb :mut give no substantial sepurity 1610fteiiWand lin the mement, of- a brilliant virtort,to 'quietly surrenlei: utl Its fruits, and I,O l Jiilow-.4iiitirli'Wid,`'Onpitnislied for her' pkarjriiee arid' 'd would be a ,ffleilje,o4lo'4!)o+lootii,,if 4tibreitted to such: iirms, eider irliat•eirctiii*nces. ' ' , Ett tbe Other' handpAnstris. - 40 , proverbially lierti*loili,;,,tind Surrenders : territory -only- itideirtbif proinde 6f:inevitable necesiity. , Sieti4; 4 tiviityiteiiiitt shield teke `te, dght after tketl)P.44lbre",jut could sit ,the'alreites: that 'Euidria 'WOE merital 'against hire; v :Zhe: ' spirit in which the present war was corn-. rhei Dotnie of .„. Philadelphia-'and New York. bibOelplo is pro-enninently a city ofuniali , fortable-dviellinge and eappy homes. 'Spread over" very large surface of territory, it con= 7 tains many miles of, streets, lined on either side with spacious - liaises; 'containing all the. Modern conveniences, and commanding but moderate - tenth: - ' Any one who travels over 'tee,pasienger iailwaYs now• in% operation, or 'VikA,Tioncerich an eniineaCe as 'the roof of diranl,',9ollege, or the embankment ,of the VSiflAeollnt - Water Works, surveys the city,; n Allits, , magniticent .proportions, will be•aston- IsionLat the immense number of large and 'convenient boubes 'he 'beholds. They are to be found-in every direction, •atll - in all quar ters of the city ; and it is in only 'A compare, tively few districts that the-horrible system of Waling masses of buten, beinge as closely tOgethei'ne if they were swine; prevails. Tn 1850; Philadelphia contained-a, population of 408,762, divided into 72,8921011fea. To to. coMmodato these families there were 01,278 dwellirigi, or. neariy, one dwelling for every family. • Since that period the number of new houses has fully kept pace with the increase of population. - -, The position of New York in regard to the dotnlciliarq accommodations 'of her inhabl. tante;forres a striking contrast, to that `of PlillatielPida,:and has elicited the profound attention of her philanthropic citizens. At a meeting of the New York Sanitary Amnia. Hon, held during hut week, a report was sub mitted by Mr. Halliday, which contains some -startling disclosures, In 1850, the popula tion of-that city was 515,894 ; the number of families 98,008 ; and the whole number of dwellings but 87,677, or a little more than one dwelling pi. every Aree families. ,The .port referred to sayer, The oity Is divided into twenty-two wards. In 1856 nlneteetrof these wards, contained a popula tion of 535,027 inbabitanta; divided into 112 833 'families, averaging a little less than five souls in - each faintly. -- For the adoOmmodation of these 112 833 families residing in nineteen wards there were 36,088 dwellings , averaging more than three families to eaoh dwelling. There are bit 12.717 of those families ocoupylng an entire house; '7.148 or these dwellings contain two families ; 4.600 contain eseh three families. Time, while '24:465 of Allege dwellings shelter but 36,213 fami lies, the , remaining 13 623 houses have to- sever 78,620 families; averaging nearly siz famititi to each, horse., Showing about three- fourths of the whole population of New York US% ave. faglng but a frottion, less than trim families in a house, while only about one family in ten oc cupy a whole house. The following table will show bow the families are apportioned to these dwellings - No. Notifies. , No. Marne: COntaining 1 tand1y.,12,717 Containing 23 fandites.. 5 • Do • 2 do:.. 7,147 Do 26 d 0.... - 9 Do 3 d 0... 4 600 Do 20 do.. • .26 -• 4 d 0... 8,266 to 27 - • d 0... • I Do - - 5 2 005 ! Do , 28 C 0.... -1 Do. - 1,06 0 , Da. 20 d 0.... 1 Do 7 3,487 Do 80 d 0.... 4 Do do . 1 444 Do 32 d 0.... 2 Po 5 d 0... • 805 Do , 84 d 0.... 1 Do .10 d 0... • 666 Do 26 d 0.... -2 - Do IT 275 •DO ad ' d 0... • 3 • Do -32 207 Do- 87 d 0.... 1 Da 13, - d 0... 800 Do 88 d 0,... 1 Do 14' d 0... .160 ,Do '4O - d 0... • 1 ,Do 15 do— , 90 Do '42 d 0,... 1 - ,Do 16 d 0... 289 , -Do 43 d 0.... ' ;Do ,17 , d 0... .68 Do 45 d 0.... 2 , ;,•;. 28 63 Da • 48 , d 0.... 1 .Do d 0... , 30 Do' !10 • d 0.... 1 Do 20 160 :133 d 0.... 1 Do 21- - 9 , Do ' • 60 d 0.... 1 -- - ,Do/ 22; t 0... 28 "-Pti , • 67 d 0.... 1 Do 53 d 0... 8 Do 87 d 0.... 1 DO' „ .;44 d 0... 68 ,Do • 94 do. 1 • - , tt There are many einglehlooks of dwelling eon-. taining twice the number of families residing on titewholoof•Fifth' iiNenue; orthan'ti continuous row of dwellings similar those on the Fifth 'avenue three -or four miles in length. There is a multitude of _these squares, any ten of which oan teipsse larger pop nation than ,the of the ,eltr Of He r whieb: rioVers tie ares'or.sei.eral • - - extreme 'value of lind. in New York wan .tenementlonses,a nesesslty; They have .spnater up; within , &few years, ; eta have now be 4 come es, numerous, and the 'amount of otipitel ;rested in themle, so, enormous, and the interest -0114110 the ?fining it-the Shape of rents is so great, .thistit will- his niziost" - an impossibility to 'aceem,' 'nlishattrirefistmZln,ensi 010, where the. vital): , ushmens it ars-ward ,170,- a as, aecammod atlas , of one hundead and nastily. a 4.n Anal ies; the rated dinged, if the teneranitsWere alt °daunted. Wield not be less than twenty-five- or thirty percent. on the first con, so that-eome five years would mince tta Pay principal and interest. -. - 7 - „ • „'‘,‘ This, building stands one plot of ground per 4 'peps 60,1250 feet. There is en alley in (mob side, Ninnies " the whole depth ,-' add • being • etimi 'eight - feints Oar tenement building's are Almost invariably so aonetrueted as to make , even Calera, ble ventilation entirely out of the question. A Ourient of fresh air can never be passed through thernafter thayare finished. Each tenementvery generetty,tgentats sc room and bed-room. - The buildings • three to , six stories ,high, with two or cnore,familles on sash floor or story. In this one ?gosh 1144'14411y sit, do all theirworir, wash, and eat. ',Disgusting 'as some of thin details - are, the -influence; both on the health and Moralise! the people. cannot, be properly estimated in the ab. genes of these: death, I am no longer surprised at developmentsPf Whikedness in our midst when I nee how the manse live.. The large tenement S house alluded to aboife is oeinpled principally by foreigners, but not of -the lowest, Class; most of them, - with. different our rounding, would make themselves appear - re . alienable ; but look eta single (Oct izi.oopneetian with thersumenumidations offered intone families; where they pay a rent of a 5 per vent, on the Money which their tenement cone- aheatley-ways at the side of thee, hottest ariseXeavatedto the depth of the cellars of die hoine, say' nine feat; an arch thrown over and mitered , with flog stones. Dl really through the whole length of this excavation or-vault Is an - open drain connecting with the street sewer,' the water always standing mith very little 'current., Along one side the whole length of ,thliNinalt' are arranged the water closets used in Ootauion by this horde 'of families: They should be called nails rather than closets, for there is not a door connected with this whole establishment; there is an opening from eaoh division of the evi ler into: this, vault; the vault being lighted by openings's few feat aparticoVered with iron gra ! such, lir atelier to thole upon Sidewalks. "The filth slid odor oftble place tasteful,- And Jet these. are the only accommodations afforded, to hundreds of wtimea and ohltdeen, amid filth, such as no decent farmer loontitdrive Ate swine two; and mine there is but little more "retiracy than tiyonligpublie common., ~Where there are such beastly arrangements -as those, how can they de velop other than - a beastly morality ? Nor need it be a wonder that mare people die in New York than in almost any other city on the face of the :globe. Our tenements for the masses are socon structed is to shut out the light, and to make ven= tilationna'impospibility, while -the surretmdinge !withotit are , 3141 d• to combine the yery element of 'death. The. wit dove are from each room, and they have bin Iwo windows 'for light and air, mid only Coe to each room ; these look out against a 'a solid brick Wall; eight felt from them, and upon this alley-way, the odors, arising from the horrid ,ya*Lben*thealegle With every,inhalation these I poor'erinettreeemistko._, ! I "Benny all Of our tpie)helit these very strictures; not, I will ad toit, to as great 'an extent; yet the state of things teens& as to make ;death a certainty to most of the poor babes whose lungs ere to inhale their atmosphere. No one will Irendererbstgoes through these house--only as he shall wonder that till; old and young, do not die; If this 'oily were not more favorably lodated for lealththan almost any other city, on earth, almost nobody would live here. „Let the sem° state of things exist in New Orleans, and it, would be deo!. =dation once, and eo would - London. Bat terrible as the physiest aspect is, - the moral side of the pip Lure is utterly appalling: What will be themes% condition of New York thirty years hence a is a question that ought -to be pondered soon, if we would not be engutplied.' ti I was in the city deem/fib's erlieleperiod of the first cholera. With a population - of 220,000 the deaths ran np from about 8,000 the year previous, ttonore than 10,000, notwithstanding the feat that More than one-half of the vamtlation left the city during the preitiletioe'of the epidemic. Then the 'disease selected us spdts Whore it would run riot, -where there were the most crowded neighborhoods. Theblook in Laurencstreet, between Broome and Grand; was most terribly et:verged. I very ,well remember entering one of the houses the morning the sixteenth corpse was- (surfed out, and, not withstanding the terrible mortality there, it would hear no comparison to the present -dense orowdod state of our tenant houses. • . " In 1812 there was only hen, and there a place which+opinedsd particularly to invite the - d teem Now , these"plemokinvitlog• neighborhoods are eveirywherts. Then the mace of thepeople of New York could leave for mere healthy localities. Now, if obotera or yellow fever gain a foothold, they - Must stay and die, as they could not on simmunt of poverty leave. Let the cholera return here with the same virulence as at ire first visit, mad what pould prevent the death of hundreds of thousands of people in ten , weeks - which was a bo u t the time, it prevailed then ? Beetles I then witnessed by day and by night can hardly, ever '• fade. from my - memory; . but r. candidly believe that, from the altered condition of our people la regard to their , deadelltary,,soemesodattons, and, from their ge!,ppr poverty, being compelled to step here, the mortality would be most horribly Moralised." ilThls terrible - description of the every-day life of 'the Masses in New, Y ork is full of ftd 'monition. It Shows us that the metropolitan magnificence of' the, Empire city is founded upon a baste of human misery which should awaken the syropathies Of every lover of the human rico, - and which is disgraceful to an turlightoned age and 'a Christian land. The vast "wealth which that city contains could be appropriated to no more important and bone , tidal purpose ; than the rectification of the fearful erns which, are graphically depicted 'ln the extrude published above. We rejoice .that 'Philadelphia, in her eager race for commercial Importance, has neither neglected nor forgotten to provide for the Welfare, of the masses, whose labor Tonne the , 'Most lthpertant Portion of the wealth of every ieininuidty;andwhotiii'clabri for COltildera- THE I'ItESS.--PHILADELPHIA,, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 11859. Lion should be sacredly held parinfount to ell others in "all ,sqlocioes of goverernseentoi of Paiplio-, , Aningernents. Tn. iRENOtt T g li only , drainage , event of the list Week was the Anripen ranee of the lienoh oempitty froth Neiv'Yorie, for three nighie,- nt Wainuf-otreet Theatre, Their - aorta were, °remand . With atiiiciiso. The performarees would be muohniore popular if a double-page playbill were to be issued, containing, in good, plain Dar Hell, an account "of the leading inoldents in each ,drama . represented: ; Many : lb-Middens, who haio only liMitad acquaintance Willi the Front& lin. gfiage, wonld7 have' their 'ertfoyment of the-per formanoes much , augmented by the adoption of ouch a plePbill.an,ive,auggest. - They would hove a key. to each drema,leatead of being obliged, to guees at the plot. , ; • , • - .';ihereaeami to bee general desire to put Franck thaatrigaia amen the ,1 institutions" of thia city, ivo:eannut •do better - than -briefly relate OW, NewYerk-hapionito haini a.,yiemoh. theatre. Mr,, F. Widdows, who bad Sortie previous experienel in "things • thatitilial," as an agent, Is the senior paitner, la -the iitaingeniont._' He was also _thi, origittatak ' of' the French' Theatre, at the, Nei Yorkers gratefully acknoiledge. ; , a the dist, who et's:. buret,- • - Into thetsilmt 'may • • , and, with a proasienee most fortunate, inveattitt his money in a new enterprise, !whioh his Judg; meat and courage suocessfoilymatured. There IS a Etas little theatre, opposite; ,the IdetriairdilUit Hotel, in New. York; built by • Masora. Buokleyia ,few Tanis ago, on thee — sitsi of John jaeob - Aetor'S old residence,in Broadway,-Mr. WiddowsboCOMS! the lessee of this houses—which hitherto had been itithe'Ethloplan line. Last season, ,a Brent& 43ont' mini' , arrived at' New York from Onlifornia, n'na engaged the theatre, Widdowe wee, and 'is, sole lessee, They gave a few performeneer, which comparative ly fraceeeded Mr. Thierry, the!: manager, returned! to Park!, And Mr. Vid• down, thinking that the company Would form a good nucleus, engaged' the members who, remained, end also engaged M. Sage: . as big ,etage-manager, The performanoas were commenced-in Soli of lost year - and Confirmed until September—with n, loss to Mr. Widdews, "chiefly in consequence-of the loadings upporters of the French drama being out of town at the time. ' , Nothing daunted; Mr. Widdowa determined to get a company direct frbm -Paris, provided, be were supported by a et:kola - tat aubseription, whirl was immediately, oommeneed, 'and more fully to. make the project work properly, gave M. Sage; his stage Manager, a partnership interest in the concern., Mlle Ben i Mlle Ohevaller, M. Paul Labe, and other able performers, were brought over, and the second Season, this year, at ,New Yorkbas established the Prenoh drams in that oily. Next season, it is purposed - to qtend the plan % The present is essentially a ,vandripe company. 'Neat year; there will also be a eomto opera. and drama. tic company, whisk will perform in this city, as well as in New York, providid a suitable; theatre can be obtained here._ Walnut-street Theatre - wilt be occupied by this company, under the present competent and 'spirited, Manageress. The: Ana. demy of Music is too ,large for the drams., whether "Angle-Amerioan or -.'French.' The only thing. would, be to *Put up ,a, hull& leg like the French Theatre in New Yolk. 'This last, wholly remodelled by - Mr. Widdows,-so as to be one of the most beautiful and convenient drawing-room theatres in the world, is a MAO; The audience in it can see; hear, and bo seen, to advantage, and during the' entre sots the - spectators can visit their friends in' every part of the &Ouse, wit/teat frioommoding any one. If we had. a French Theatre, it would be a school for language, pronunciation, and eating. The idea !swell received, we believe, by many of our wealthy caftans, who think that such at the. acre, tohold 1,000 to 1,500 persons; Would be - ma; oient for the required purpose. This evening there will be an extra performance for the benefit of that Sprightly end able asetr dienne, Mlle: Eugenie Ben and fd;Thierry.. an errangentiont, which should have been made at Mit, the pries; .to the parquet* is reduced to 75 oeuts, On this Occasion, tbe , beneficiaires will perform, .with MRe. Laurence Chevalier, hi. Paul Labe, and the remaining etrength of the company. The play will be "La Vie de ItohEnte,". written by MM. Th. Barrier° at B. Murger, 'per formed at the Tblottre dee ti 64, In - Paris; en the 22d November, 1249, It is a very singular piece, exhibiting the wild hand-to•motith student and artlst.llfe of the French capital; the prin. oipal personages; in fait, belonging to the 4/ henciane o, 5 4 . Paris. Laba,,witi , tmstain hie orl ,RidoWts Mlle 'Laurence Chevalier will fill the retePot'beantlfal, , amiable, and devoted Jffirnii 'MUe Jnlitt Montheaux up pears uolikeoiio, agriiiito who lanitel..sentiment. with good appetite; and the lively, and loveable fortiet is could scarcely And a fairet or more.tpirit; yella ,iepreseAtative thin. Mlle - Eagfinie-oeri, a young artist of great ability, With numerods, olsimi for supPorf and - 14492140; on the andiencesylici by their_ repeated:applause, have lostidad-tliedr high aPproolation of her ebilitles. - MOreoverlt is the very last night of the season, to a crowded home may be exposited: MIS9MILDANROdBrrORFOAUANOSB The present is •the last week of tho Morris ZJro , ehere, - Pell, and Trowhildge's Minstrels, Who kayo keen very successful in their brief season. t. At MoDonough's Gaieties there is tie talk•ot closing. ` The attraetioas there are unabated; and evert if the glass could range at 212-'-widoh Would be rather warm, we admit—there would still be paying audience. ' George liood's Floral Matinee, at which any quantity of juveniles performed the opera•epootaolo (minus the operetta pact!) of 4 . Obederolla," went off admirably, at the Aoademy of Mae, on Be turdaY. It will be repeated, for the last time, next Saturday.. We hear a good deal of, the CoMbination Mud. bal PaStiYal, at whiohmusiClal people of all nations will. "assist, diming Monday and Tuesday of rwrzt week. Over ortehundred and fifty performers will appear, on next Monday evening, at the Academy of Music. The following day, there mill be a Mu. Eitel Pio•nla and Rural Festival, with the same performers and a'very large oroheetra, at pamao'S woods. .This promisee to be a very superior and meet attractive celebration, and there cannot, be the ohadow of a doubt as to its moose. Is Utah an English Colony? [PorThe Prams ] The recont arrival, at Now York, of a large cargo of Mormons from Liverpool recalls to mind a fact to which we have. several times, during the last tire years or so; draWn the at tention of the public and the' Grovernment, That fact is, that Utah, nominally a ,Territory of the United States, is, in reality, much more, an English colony. Worse than that = it is an English colony within the demesne of the United States, having not the elightest fra• tenni fooling with the States—the. lealorlty of the Mormons not being.citizens' of tbe United States, and:withoutiany delire to be.; come citizens. The Mormon immigrants come. to Utah, not to the United States. If Utak were in Tlmbnctoo they wilt} go wheri Utah was, in the belief that there, for the present, the 'gates of the Mormon paradise are opened unto them. The foreign Mormons (by 'far the greater number of the population) are the off-siceur4 legs a the worst localities abroad. ~' Those from E•caudinavia may be more fanatical thew I 'anything Oise; but it, iti A sm aacertainedfact; supported by the report,~ atatititicti in the English papers, that. the Month:ilia gum' that country are of the very leipeat description of the human rice, devoid of moral or mental dignity, and only following that which panders , to or satiates dispositions and desires °mane , 1 tang from almost incredible ignorance and bestiality. They are chiefly- enlisted in the manufacturing towns where morals are of a ' I marvellously loose hind,. promiscuous 'inter- The Latest V' ore ara ,lr eufe pertiae Steamer course being so common as not to lead to any ' North Briton. violence on the part 'of the men, or shame' a alas. The freeh rise established In the offset on ,l'un el —The Ddily News city article, on the part of the women, and whore it is t* to ,k flaz a r(allied to titteo.oSghtiall Du. cent Mittel one at all unusual to sell one's wife at the market., point tounhed during the place, or exchange Wives, throwing in some Le ter oani.t f w ro o pi dge l and a total rebound of nearly a s a l e p,olo. Most other ch e sasTol t securities else part : o44W gt boot,' without the formalitlei ofb y m•dey In the upward - movement. cgelderatione which etiolated in the rtes auction of one's es flesh and bone." ' Readers who ' remember the celebrated t t in (i: g d fi li t T h i r l:4 o 3 2, d f ' ? of putla t t g tg m th n e l Alert:i t tr i e r g s e u ti general adelnee Of the allied fo crease rob o able. ' Th d e Devon Commission and the Report made 0 p e a sta o bliehed in' theexChaoges, al the British Parliament by it, cannot fotget the disgusting and ,unchristian details' there a gu rm T e e n m t e r made of the barbaric state in which 'the Turkey , and b the Vat e n d " Pl i altr ;al e i n y d ri n DM Y ß O " la' English factory hands and workers in the zeal rimats, rid Tin becoming due from Ast e ria ti :like r w t l t ra o ope e r r a i e o'n o s n a t t th e t r o s it i n y b , 10=3; 4 a The gold arrival, from Torah a aids 'Thera wets no bnlllon pits lived, moved, and had a being. In one or 'taken in t a t?: two of DISRAELI'S novels, in Duman', and 131 ) . P a etorshur . g. whole of which to expected to be The n foa lga b exithengen, this afternoon, were' more more recently MA - mates and Emz., Comei. writings, and the reviews upon the Devon Commissioners' Report, the state of these ° The & ' Tie% Po t i l ly aau tc' Y e " av ' ! i i , lers to r ieite etteotioo, and reaming with noclit t iol l ehe l e 'flarmthoerisOfdad'ibbetrad thin wretched people wee somewhat exposed. We a le s= too t's:lk purchases anpear to hare nom ~t eteaulation ls do w n:u n t o , say somewhat, because these writers always warn the reader , against doubting as fiction arg!!'liv tl fan e ege t : f;ort the Mi l t °, 4 the facts given, 'and excuse their want of swim, .1,14 e 000 P oo terh l a n eotg e at i will go to Prance street from Liver: the continent. The renisinder,' o l em b g ee e n ,, t4 s a : power to give a full idea of the horrors of that f" Under-world of England. DISRAELI,' indeed, sgfe t a 4r thLa afternoon, the goes further. In one of hie prefaces, writing atieoartannaorfw e pti e ll? it ,, 0 . 11 ,. ..atad t ranee has been blished of three filmier; . be ri b n e i t en t h t it , Toth from his own observations, be says he found Nat ended the more , den g r in Y con g sofs it an absolute necessity to suppress much tat aura l ye sive* Not has trarutpired was genuine, fearful lest the air of improba- i -- feel - 14: 1'4 1 h yesterday a further advance of gto 114 bar a e we, bility which the whole truth would inevitably : o i a a the market l 6 01 l l n ag Or at i - i lesil ti ta'y ffli attlts, there throw over his pages might doter people from en . The , ~ . preheat by the p u bli c te ak, . lat i . - !? a mas h on 0 lace their perusal. s e m a to i a t ba ra. Tas remarkable 'fall in the share f It is from the people, or whose awfully 6- 4 1'4; the era belt al to 1 l'S o . o raPpny continuer, and renewed I a Moralized state such men write, that the kW= the pealbllity of its bel mon emigration from England is made nri. -4,-,, , ed,374,11.,....thvi-th o " ta P" Dt ed capita 4 c°a They have no political ideas whatsoever'. , iace la of ' vr t i b li 4 tl 'it- : ' ; ' o -i m! n e a r 4 e ll ti l r et e ' l y in *as " :Ta n n: : l it ; a n t tble e e u r b pt a rh e oe. are worse fed, g re a tl y ltr en ra ieued demand will arise 'Woe test , even' They know that 4( all is a muddle," but of G od seem to be that the value iff 'a tteco l Tel t ol e t!o x ' Peataticin above, or anything beneath, they are equall ignorant. They Work harder, ' The Tien.s announcee that the addrese in riolv" to towards the o'oso of the year, fear and a and have none of the amusements of the negro b ft Y per rent.' Slave. The Mormon missionaries pliy into their worst and most iloeutions appetites, and t';', 6 w o y e alreb• on the asrembling of Parliament, 'Will easily excite localities with the disgusting Bo:l l TLfthe e yet e l ei MltOT w oill ti g7 r. Igettwi 2 Pd. P. for ;medical officer of health for the illy of Loada, re. tenets of Remit:um Samar which are nothing • phinatdne, 11. P. for Ports:wa s cu.nded by 81t , 441 , elm ' else than the r old habits of these people digni- I CONDITI6I4 or Tile HIM TILAUSSEI —Tit Mato , the ' fled, or. rather, ranted into the item , d, pfunt, 1 r0 r„...„ a1tri ,,,h r. ... hes, within the last Paydays, num s s a e eye:mime of offensiven t e h s:, y an ea d r 'm e e 3t r h e ib y i en ted . of a religion. itk Si g ‘ ally period" The Utah matter is not settled ; nor will it ever be settled while the Mormon ranks are •gegtzt r n a t i m i liLlt Potateee The Q ii nefen held a court yeltenday. eornotacding the Northern being filled up, from time to time, by droves o.4lkildlan s d r dli a trl di s M i t yi h d of - people, who have no sympathy With the mamma mu. ' reih M aillh his command In Government of the United States, who do I , d liit i lti bad an audience, on his return Ploreaee Nightingale le to a pre net,,most likely, know what citizenship of a from obi:: of country means, and who, if they did, would :t.) turn from U n onlitatrOp t gi tildr°rd do liadalit°l o° his ua h et t i t:ll l o , bt catered a drertiareoutnallots th as e r t l e P p u :A t :f te hel ' not bacon:Le ettliens, as they should swear to ' the Constitution, and consequently. ahnnlii convent. • ',help, to checic ,the audacity, or, Beierwr 'Tame, whom :they came ' , especially:o'oV .and serveiatheir prophot arid their c,hiep - -; vo, hot instalment—tbe seven htiedred Lind, tOntY , five-r,,which' lauded at thistle - Orarilen, ll4* Ycork j . on, the 18th ultimo,- appear, to be more decent description than the tiasaro; which we have ,been alluding, -and ;oh% _have formed the. chief foreign element' Oilifortribnism.' It included thirty-six farmers,- and a - great 'variety of mechanics. - Of the nationalities we have— EvgllBll 233 j Welsh 80 1.)014t . - - 2241 Norwegians,, 16 . 108 I Iriah r_ 11:4011 . 4 .tney expect , anothei,,cargo if stated that this one is composed of persons _waiting the. settlement of the difficulties in 'Utah. • Great numbers 'would have crossed the Atlantic this year if intelligence of the "peace "—snob as it is—bad reached Europe earlier. would subject the parties to great bard. Shipa on the Iti„tho statistics of Mormonism the Scandi navians , show a large comparative :Increase: bilireviOns cargoes the British islanders were yery.largelyin the majority. For institute) five 'intonthis 'Mom Noirember;lBs4, to April, 1866,y8,6213 Mormons were-landed at the three porta of Now Orleans, Philadelphia, and .New Yoric,, -,Of this number there were 2 919 from Great Britain, and 26 - • from Ire land, thus I Baglish ~... 2 281. P_Torveligyine 52 5.301013 ' • i••.:' 451 Irish ' 23 :WOO . r ..... i...• 287 Swiss 15 Danes. 409 Pledziontose • ' ' 15 Pram)b. •. • . 75 Germans 18 , liiivedes ' ' " 'ft Pzussion '' 1 . ;The Britlah have .hero yery largely the, as. Cadent, having near sii-sevenths of this large 'eudgration:, , ' . • . • , ~ . ..,y,The psfiltatent chase by an . Englishman af ter:lila fatally, which bad, been sedttol„away the Mormons and put on board the Enoch Train - in the spring of 2 60, brought tbe interior 014134 veasel 'to public eye. There' were nine hundred Mormons on board, chiefly froin the maratfacturing towns, Birmingham . alone -sentributing three hundred. ', .10two hundred and, day Converted - by El der.Wrsarems and brought to this country in the fall of, the same, year, in the ship Oolnm= bid, nearly the entire were from the neighbor hood of Bristol. In April, 1857, the Giorge Ifoldngton arrived at. Boston. with eight Imedredind fifty Tiii*opa, the greatmajority from .Magland. ._ . . ~ It is likely that the comparative increase of Scandinavians in the 'Mormon statistics may, ,ba only an aPperent 'one, as it is very reason.i hbleto,tmppose.thatthose who arrived by the TaPicott on the ltithnitime wag an accaniul.o 4ton:which luntgathered ,at Liverpool Wailing for news from Utah. =Having travelled so far I already, they naturally would be the. , that shipped bylbelformon authorities at Liver= poet for this country, leaving the chief body, aald: to be very large, of English converts, 'to follew them: The Scandinavians were already '.'i*atate,of troartiu, while the English, it is, to. he supposed, could more readily be eat -1 ployed_until arrangements were perfected for shipping to President Bunitam. . It is Moult to prognosticate anything as to the-future of' Utah: Only one thing seems intreitable - , and that is a collision with the United - States, authorities. It is sheer :non ; sense to say that our difficulties are at an end. TitcY are ottly ( poit - potted. - " - .. , .. • , prolto AND SB,lll. tO-1,7201N evening — fifty-80vaii -Probaitlei. Bee, Thomas & Bona' pamphlet natalogna and advertisements. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Steamer North Briton below Quebec,' LATER FRO* THE BEAT OF .WAR. RiEMAG*;'OI I ,THE-MMA BY THE •SIIIDINIZtITS. A.l="ra o .A.x. dLete to RILIDEOELUD REPULst OF oanr- BALDI SST IMMISAArIY. ADVANCE IN - COTTON. BREADSTUFFS DECLINED COIPBOLS 98X,e93%. POIIIT, below Quebee. /nue it. rag ettionehti. /forth Brttott hes peeved bnii; on ker, way to Qoeboo, *hue ehe,fll attire ithobt toblohcht. her Wee are to the in trit , two dart law thin the te'egrephlohd►lore ;waived by the Argo it 'The eteaateLipa A4llO Brzod , 'Niagara; sad Bivarts —ba!i'‘rirt.olo— . , . ;ilia:ll4nd betriAo decilOrnbeWe fotiiedbetweenthe taiito.fibli•gardiafiaalroft;_baravar,loroasdat torjhor a tiamaio'orarth)l river Saris, end reptintek front The edit*. Burma kayo boma racetiid frOin Lombardy to. the enetikstVitkirarGaribaldi had met with &royals°. 9if, WAR. The Sarah:demi forced a:passage over the river Bona ►t Paiute, ba the face of the ateitr.lael, who were pro. tooted by the fartilleatlone eroded there-dame their or cupetfon of the city ...After a severe conflict they also SUM* the ceptate ..of , the city. • The &initialling' were; coder .the Imonadlate command of Xing Victor Zeiseuel. • , • , Get. Glebildi war still ereatimir a eiaration le North= Ho Lombardy,... MOOT entrails that he he* been de. rented by a superior farce. and retreated Into 'Neale, but, the rumor-1101m oonfirmattoo,'ret lke Tula des. patches intimate that he has - mating still farther pre. 'grass. - . . - The Thoperox Napoleon „ was about sentaflns the heel quarters of the Allies to Cpatato. The munition hue 0111404 itobbto in nouldorabl. force. - •- • . It I reported at Paris tint ail moon as the Prism:wit en: ter Milan, England Awl Prussia wilt jrintly maim Oro'. inane ends to taming* the waY by negotiation. • A'flght had °marred at glortooe between some ling. Ito& and Al:aeries= Belton. on *mount of the latter wearing tricolor toilettes.. ' . • The Emneror of Aostrhs. she Arch... Duke Charles, and Gerard imbed Verona Os thollet ult., ow their way to beadomaitata. • • altnAT. is OITA . . _ . - The English Saritionent pet on' ere Slit tilt, Speaker Dennison wee nnanimotteltreosteeted. TbePunde were buoyent Itt the advance quoted. - ilt/kNOS. It Is, rumored that ttapnlson wOl return triStizie in August, titer the Brat Aries at military operations are carried into effaet.., • , . , Heavy ahlonients' contlnte' to be m ade of artillery and crge Inverioll4. _ , The Pule Dowde was hoopoe of an ehtiamee of ore* Igor cent. Tnrea tier cents clage4 at Of 75. 111tRON1r. , The MiUteri Oottonittee et the German Diet have approved the motion to plate an army on the Rhine. Foreign Commercial Intelligence. f Pot. Rteamer North Briton,' Ittper-OL Qorro Ideemr, May 31. E—The cotton market has advanced In prices. We quotations for tali and,middliog rnslities 16reAd. higher than on realty hist dales ot three ra amount 'to 28 000. balsa, inoluding 1.4a0 to speculatora, and 4.00 bales torexport. . The followtog are the quotations: - Orleans MI6 03)0 ; 'Upland o%d. )3111 Ot Tits TEADB — The Manchester advisee eon. tine favorable. The market. are generally active. Inyitarnot. BeietaerVlTlV,MlBBBT —Meoers. Molt: &Alien& Sponge's Oiretdar reporte that the weather' continues. favorable for the crops, end the mar bets .ror bre, d Offs had a declining tondo:toy. CIO rev iesrltet le very dull and all qualities era 2018/: loge;. American is quoted at lls.relle, Wbslt le very dull, but the quotation. are nominally; suaihineed: eariets also very dull. Mixed ti ((rioted iit 8, at l a rylicrir at Si , bdeas Id, and white at Bic as Ud 641U6 f9Vio PROIRSIONILIOISET.-Messes B Athya & Co is, gild other circulars, report the Prvieton market steady. Pork tilla B/01012 quiet Laid doll at 60ttdmine. Wait MAlll6l . l%—Bogor stead' Colfae, quiet. Rice arm. staidy ,at de 2d for co moil ' Spirits of Turpentine Andy at 4311 01. LONDON' muttarre doneecircular re pette Wheat has again declined .20.61. Sugar quiet. Sire dom. - reONDON MONEY SIARICBT —The llitcej , market isobarged. Baring &. Brother. sod Bell & Co. put American Becuritiss dull. Illinois Oentrsl is que. tel at 47045 4P.' cent. discount Brie. 0%; New York. (Nasal, 64108. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA, (VIA THIS TEIII7INTiVIO 801:1118.] 12` . eUrly $2,000,000 en route for 14.TATork. liUSIMESS..ARISK-MINING 66'01): " . - FRAZER-RIVER ADVICE'S DISCOURAOING. 'Vivi' Mit - saris, Awe 11.—The steamer Jasper le below. She salted from Must Alan on the 6th Instant, and brings Ban Francais(' dates to the 20th tilt, The steamer i. L. Stereos sailed from San WringUm with 51,800,000 in-t•ea erne, oonslgied to New York, and four hundred pat. Th• hrteinesi at Sin-Tronolle‘o"iierilnueri tribabaeir The mated St.top 11099,41-War Deokier had arrived at Satiltraiielego'friiiallealtje , • Tha reports [rout the agues throughout the Ststi oinitinue favoriblwi.f - Theravrel plesitial. supply of water. • '"-- ' • , • ; The Firmer Blear advlcea were still disootiragini. -' COHKEIROIkI. MOWS. . • • sex noltougo WilltilliThe „markets wore:gene• rally unahangod. with the erivectlon of Coffee, which bad advanced 6c 4,1' lb; sales at 130 Ifs lb. %; Polilies; &AL Lonts, - anne'it.—The 8.ut5,.741 mail of the 80th ult. reached lodepanderme this morning.,. A macs meeting of the Dmccoriery was held 'at Basta Ye on the 15th, and resolutions were passed endorsing the coerce r f the National Admintatration,.andaleo of their delegate to flongreu, Mr Otero.-" ' Great preparations were being made to reeebnithe lion J. S. Pnelps of Bliseenri, who had been invited .by theltegielsittre to v a,t riew.sl.exlco, ; The mail from Stoekton arrives of Santa Ye regularly . " !int, the eatabliehment of a military post al the orints ing of the Colorado No rain has fallen in New idereoo doting this seer. , Germmi Ciiebramii,st Baltimitre. BAL2II(OP.E, ,/doe 11 —The eighth anniversary of the, faerman 'tinging Annotation commenced this evening: here Inca grand reonytion of, the minierOrui sone - inn from abroad, inmuling Philadelphia, New )ork, and Lancuter. taillight at 8 o'clock, in Alornmen Equate. A torchlight procession and a brilliant &splay of flreworki enlitoned the oCandon. • '' • The grand co acerb comae off on Monday and Tonality. neat; the feativitiee to be con cl uded !Mb a pianto; Cricket Diattchfit Pottsvillo. - POTTEITIILX, - Jdni orlokei 'trutiah between the flret eleven of Germantown and Pottsville wag de. elded here to.day ,in favor , of the' former by sixteen tune. The ploy's* was excellent on both aides: The Germaatown pthyere leave for home In the morning . • The Eetii)aa Rate Again Postpened: Hier YOH/E. Jane U. -The tbree-mge; taw wbleh . Imola hive taken place over the Nolipse (lotae today, between Ter Alum, Sibeethal.a x . Ana Silethes been,nnatetpeftPened• - • • • Later from Ilia:ans. , - NEW IrnEE, /One 11'—The "Otionvitifp 'Cooker City, froth New Orleans vlo Havant, arrived . here Cite even tog, The - bland' cotaloned boalthy. Lome numbeto of people were ',wring for the 'Crated Freshets along the Line of,the Daltimoio add Ohio' Railroad. • tULTISIORM, Jane 11.—There sue i 01300. 1 .1 of s freshet Atonic the line of the Battu:tire* ant Ohio . Itathind hat "Boat' C l ub"lb Excursions tti NRW Ypaz. Jan, 31,—The Attantto Margo Otnb;'of. Roboloin,..orlUltaie for Philadelphia on Atondso morn, Joh:Lots, the Dolomite and, f lianitan Canal. Thai will remain there two days, and mite their vitiate et the Girard House: ' ' , Markets by Telegiaph. • BALTINCIIIC Julio 11 ''.. - I . lotte , goody ; moan Wes o( Ohiswere made at ST. Wbest dO.ll, imt steady, [AS el) e 1.86 for whets, and 312:60m1.80 for rot Co-n dull 513 d heavy; yellow Is to toner; being quoted at 83mb70. Previsiens dull sad heavy. , yihishey and no minettrenote tnt' - • issw unmans. .7tme,l.l`Psies - of 'Cotton'to. day 8,509 bales, meals: Vetere' the rooelpt, oCtbe . Wirth Briton's advioesWhieh'estinell a' Onset lasiket. Clot ton freight. to Liverpool I 12:: e • -, enstitiown, bhoysnt; 4,202 tphts: sole et 243,90a7.; Wheat 'firm": telettor red at 145A150. Corn het Advanced 2o: 'Whiskey hitalidfss 21r0C. Port: ahrocitaoltaged; balk photildore Odra 9 dents.; ,atx,i, Jane —Woo of 600 hates of Cotton to da y et at 110. The steams* hewn catered greater firmness. THE "CITY; AbfIIEZMitiTe*TBLS EVErtINO Waal:l4%4ml, Yinkikri.—The Form Company of Il6w York. diga.Ptasag Tan tsaill.-,Morria Brothers, Pall, an , Trowbfidgala Minstrels, and Cow. bail. o-glana. dafdDintopas , a Gatyklil.t7lllllsoglona ; from Maya, Gints Etain Opsits, Pantimintas;Panaing, and Singing PENNSTLYAVIA ACADIIMY ,OV Sai Plan AltitB.-311 .. hibitlOll of Paintings and abstain, DESPERATE ATTEMPT AT SthOIDE.--A hottee•earpinter aimed Wllttalri Marra)", about' thlAy years of age, and residing with`him father on VIM street, below Tenth, mule & desperate attempt to con. mit subtitle on Saturday evening. About a month alma he loot a brother, , to , whom he wee most-devotedly att taeluldi` and ever give had-hobio r:veiy Mileboholi and desponding, Going ,into a mall Rhop in the rear of his Minnie bon*, lideit , retienle filled with powder. and a lighted cigar in hie month, he called he his tether to come to bita. - When the elderildurraybad entered the shop , the $Olll Said Well, father, we might as well 511 go togather,ri at the-same' tiniellindititut *alighted end of the Misr into the - pemtder: The flitherAmmadistely merest to the does. and , he 'adjust got outside of. late, haitding when sioutry off, plostowtook plebe. blowing Out - the sash, breaking the glass: mid setting flte"to the shop. The left' thumb ef the man was blown off: having boon/truth, it is imp, posed, by the Ideal (deep of.theretiente ; but he did not appear,to hare sostainr4 any further, inittry!front the exeloatort. '. The unfortunate loan then 'fta a pocket. ,knife, which larkpinesed repeatealytmo his breast, but without siensieg env very serious worsidil ,thit yet cod: tent with these effort. to destroy bluiettlf; rty up & stairsio $ eat, from *MeV tie - prem. a sharp chisel, with *bleb be maimed-a eaves; cat •VOl2 his left arm before he gong be irocured. - Thertirted' Inca was taken to the Pennsylvania hospital. Uts injuries are sot pecesserfly dmigeront, The firemen proceeded to the mist and rapidly extinguished the flames. THE jealoni tha date achievement oCtite Ykilege!phie,” Bechtel 10r5, ,, will leave New York this morning at ex oieloeki with the Intention Of T olling their boot , called it eat Zemitt,” hi expect to reach hare tb,ntorrow +stetting, be met on the Pala: ware by the Biehelore t Barge Olt*. of this city, wail were the poste of thii'Atleratte 6n the estaidon of their reliant visit to New Fork T he boat of the 711114 . 8 will , be 11'4'0i:ince 'Delawa're Until Weditas• day afternoon, when they will proceed to Hamburg, on the BehuyikM, where they will be received by the en: tire navy.' The teat will then proceed np the river to Fairmount, where a grand display will be ramie The epriociegatte'of the navy will come r ff 'on the ibtb of the present month. The bargee Atlanta. Lucifer. and Totrepid are among ,The entered for the champion; ship The first named 414J0.711 that honor et present, They will start from the Yells of Schuylkill at Wed** .P. M . and row to a buoy near Fairmatlutt we understand. , GLOBE OF TEE TEMPBBANCIE FAIR - --PBESSN; sumo; —The eaceessfullalr held' in Concert Rail, to aid of the Dudley A Tyng Temperance Refuge, aloud on Saturday night. The fall attendance, the fair women and fp grant flawers, conspired toreador the rmene oce of marked beauty. oln Oil latter Ipert 'of • the ilvdiAtuif inagniticent pound cake wee presented to the 0 Alumbla Engine Com pany of this : clay, W.M. Vanoendt mAking the presentation; irpesefh.' acid 'Mr Wm. Donn responding in behel' of the company; Me. Dunn, Id the cormse oflati remake& emphasised Abe Idea - that firemen and temperance men bad a common enemy to deal 'with—tire, in one acne pommeling, pope:into the other humanity. The cowman remedy was water. The ceremony was grestedmith' Awash applassio." ; Bey. It, A: Carden succeeded In a very eloquent address, *MO W listened to with great late-eat. - The fair closed about eleven We are glad to bear 'than bee bean most rm. ceseful—this result being alike a tribute to thishenero /epee of Philadelphia and the energy, of its managers; A' New STEAREn.:-4The Washington En;. glue Company of thia City llive„Purmliesed a new and powerful steam-engine from allattimole Berri: At are. dent trial in Baltimore last week, before the Wee/1010 ton steam-engine committee, the machine threw - a steam 21036* feet, through 160 fermotborm and an inch and a quarter tiosale The company are making preps: rations for its reception by taking up the old d or of the ermine-room; and building - stone piers in the cellar to support the engine Its weight, with wood and Water; will be about 8 800 pormdt.' It Is, ditf.rent In appear , sane from any in this city. The are.box, boiler, and smoke-otach are placed at the -ear., The engineer Ale a'poettlon on the engine and 'he 'protected by a neat brain railing. The body of the machine seta high from the ground, and when she U in 'operation the front i wheels tarn at right angles , chocking , ' the machine ' army. The englue,wl.ll,be delivered in this city about the let of July. A fire.alerm telegraph box Will be placed In the engine.bouse title week. DEATH FIiOIIINTEIIP' lEBA SOB.-011 Sattirday evening, at about nix c'olcch, a white married women named Eden Bergin, aged sbaut iffy-two years, died in a dwelling in the rear of No. 10 Oak street. Certain suspicious mark• on her body led to the belief that she hod died from violence The fact that an old lady had died in the same house about three days previous Wen another Mrommorance that heightened the suspicion: Thetas/roper accordingly held an inquest on, the case, at which It was proved that Hu. Bergin was a woman of notoriously Intempera•e- hatts, and upon the - omation 'of the *the oe - erthe'old lady before entionedi she bad„ got drunk and fell down stairs. The bruises on her Way, which were not sirloin, were produced by the fall. The jury rendered a vadatof death from intent: peranCe. A Huswer, Vrarr.—The groat Gorman Scen verso commences in Baltimore to day. Singing Soci eties from ail parte of the country will participate.' Pour pordotteo, onntberitur.2Bo men, repotted this city from New York, at eleven o'clock on Saturday morning' They ware met at eralnututreet wharf by a delegation of thy Philadelphia am:dation, and were escorted to, Bsegner's lager.bser under the Poet Oftlaa, where they were treated to a collation. At two o'clock the strangers left for Baltimore, escorted by the Phila., 11.1phlis societies, bound to the came point The Phil: adelphiane numbered about 400 men They were MN decorated with .badges, aid, Other Insiguia, and they canted Pugs, &a. SlN9uran 11.Q0DANT., 7 -On Saturday morn ing, a lad named diaries Ding, while attempting to climb over A fence that enolosed a thorerlrarden, in tee upper part of the city, slipped, and wee implied on one, of the wooden ptrjeations. In strUgglititi to setoff, the top of thupaling,heolte, end he tell to the round wlih it sticking in hill side. The infortunate buy wan picked up by a polies offieer,and war carried to the res dense of ble parsnts in Culvert street. Doctors were summoned, who had to perform waivew laceration before they were enabled to exttact the splinter. It noes not appear that the boy reo lied any Internal injary. It was merely a flesh wound, the end of the gbh or pals being tea blunt to lacerate any of the intestines. 131SITERAL SwEDWIII3OW,OIdN CIONYVITION.— The General Swedenborgian Convention of the United Mates of North Amerloa coroluded its sessions yester day. On Saturday the business of the Convention con. silted mainly of the eleattoV of Officers for the evening. year. No other business of any nubile ttoyortunos w.a -transacted, Yesterday the Convention, as a body, pir• ticipsted In religion, exerdisiee ; after which the mem, bers separator, to meet• to Chicago. ou the third Wed• June, 1860. The dellberat'oos of this body have been characterized by the greatest harmony and fraternal feeling. It would be wall if we could say as much of many other larger and more, influential religions bodies. New YORK GA - maxim—Three mon wero lined by Isidirmen Rattler on the - charge of gambling. They ghee the names of Thomas Wilson, George Hen derson, end 4anses amith, hailed from New Turk. and bad been attending the iota fair at Chestnut Hill. While on the grounds .they Induced a countryman to play with them, and defrauded him out of $lO. They were arrested, compelled to restore the money and suffered the natal punishment at the hands of the magistrate. SKULL FIUOTURED.—On Saturday Mier noon, a young man named Dewy Fry, mad nineteen yearn, a bona oareenter, while working In the Beamed. story of a new hone being belle , on Seventh street, above Chestnut, was severely injured about the head bye board falling from the fourth story. Be wee non . dared losenetble from theblow, 10 , 1 It was feared that hie skull wee (matured. The master Was removed to the hohlutil. A CRIPPLED 110 T, on Saturday evening, aboutakyan; o'clock, waa accidentally throirn from a wagerrln Botith' . atiaaoatoW Fourth, and, atrlkirg his _hiliet on the . ::oobhlaii,lOnea, wall esierely Inj ured.. Ue weertaken to iihci neighboring drug store oI Ti , j 4 ,llelaCEV; in tlui trfeihity , *huff) he promptly medial raper attention. 64113104, r 4The State Fenei-: Dies, cob rains!! Pita wi-tl , alialite as eroureloo to row la the conatry-aestinr.lar. W. Wetherill, Patland, Montgomery county , ' fey the purpose of target firing,: 'nett ,to 'pond the day. _The Fenalblen have lately re.; moved their armory tihe new Iron betiding, Chestnut. street, above !fifth - -Tax flusfmr,.liosE Couiamv, of Pottsville''' . have had • bandeonie built for llieut.itthle; city. At the'rhaiski orthi4linnsc4,ila siva/sins alll ba hoped ; Stthequutcre of the,Colennbikl4l4o.ooMl ,VariV,:and lliemem ben, of the latter - arateeoneeig,it td Totterille on Um i nth hre t „The Columb'ene *Sign in citizens' dress. There be a headroom reception I given them lathe coal !Woes. . AultErrEO`.Orf ItititAet flee o'clock, on Saturday morning, a man, string the news of TolfteiVillen; was discovered: In the- act of going ova pair of etairs in a bona at the corner of ffiftitcand'BiOe - Waste. A,Or/ being , aaeoated. ,he at. 'tempted toaPologree,'esying lee'entered r the hoist by e Mistake, bnt, notw!tkreoding, howl's taken before Al. derinia Pisensan, end held foe • farther hearing: COMMITTED TOE... Tali ATB.-011 Saturday morning, a gentleman wee slopped by three beggern, - wbo Mornatemed kW with ,petiOnel lee -ie fasednoneension to their demands. The, were arrested •by the pollee ; they gave' the. immtii or,/ ohn ICearney, - Obarliis Therms, and John Andereoe, and•r t ie , eattimitted-to prison ter shirty days. • . OeurrEp t -7ln our , notiß . ,9 of the cameo gentlemen who Tweed the tosrecf Zzemioers In one klitidn'of Batariar, the'lmune of Mari Philiffshalitu4 dent, in lba,,offios, of Shorten ID. L-x. WO Ditto net' lotto; furnished to the re , Tizi l'Ame Misr. C0mp.e,211., Of Wiimingtoit t , Delawiro; lined iiid sosatrueted, in this eity, a, nee/ eerriage..whieh flioOdelled after the,ons belonging to cur &network 1:1011A Opuipany The hew app To was taken lo ,WilMlegton. on Bata*, rioehlog, by the members of the Southwark.' alarm of tiro, about - seven o'cicce last o,vedhig, war Minted by the boirniog of a d oreoptid by 'Peter Bovrete aq !; - saki and too= fsatiostary store: lb was Owned by Oliver Snyder, and .as 614usted at No len 'North Fourth strews. MSSs tioksowo, and damage trliting. NARROW Esuars.—The,two, Pachtd,Jamfai a:taboob. 'John AL - Butier ) tithile sitting up - the river yesterday, with a Tory etiS breeze, capsized, thromieg their , passengers into the water. They were all ,eaved i - though.‘ oge man came - very, peem..bsicg Satutals4e:eitaibik; about seven 0414 . , fasAy hal her pooket picked while etending at th e oaraieer Third and ionth Arleta; waiting for theAf tattooed care. A of money was taken - - A %SITES'. military company"; named the Milwaukee Light Outehr, in now on a vita in Now irotk city. They. irik ritorit ,by our city, sod ro:cordf ogi.f hate opportunity Otetloying tho hospitslitfel Of our _ . ' BABY ,POirtto.-7-it.' c °toted child, ab out Ilvd, '4O old s ' tine - kind yesterday in wen* oir itotiet atreot, Wow Thirteenth. tio clue to ,lta pezentegi • -. , inlaid to' found. ~, " ' ' 4 - . pop - -litax.-- - The protfititoil( or tile' pthitota voll , r4ipoi Aviator this city tim , O,A4forPllfd td: Aim - theft iltoreq at 15 o'clock P K., from the lItII of Juno thiii2thof August. • . , • . OIYP AT LAST.-4 110 U. S. steam sloop of war Laneaatar. haying. reauved bar amaaanitban an baud, Matted from Port IdSill u, at 8 o'alcelc „OA Hater= day morning." ' . ", iSIISPENDED.- 7 The ,Niagara Hone Company Ins been egependtd by iablef Engineer Yetoron for al. leged disobedience of orders seT,inti4Vs pitoo (Reported ler The Preen.] QUARTER' SESSIONS Jtldgft 'AMSON.--=ThO proceedings In the Plena cones on flaturdey wee* ett' but little general Interest, and Um, attendance of the members ar the •bir said speehitort wig tithet'altint The close of the week is utholly devOted to the hearing of habeas .carpus lied desertion cans, seid'ther evs en! elan of irt i trials imparts a somewhat deserted appear, to t e eitherwien - ihronged the Oita Times. Desertion day' , adds the meet meliztcholf -pages-to-theoritoloal-recordel,Aod .0 11,6, 19 IsMI-revialS hearticerete of tioratatie *mow. Usti, entsfelt Saloon , ted tea ff4et tit/o.4ol.unit teat s`' itatordaTtbe beneheiorthe Quarteir Sesslcins ticerbrontel,sra".eten, pied bYttlege who itoinearith their pliintiVe.reati`e of Seat, arid seek et the triihunal of joattee•proteettnn OM the•utimaity enmity - Of thine have pledged thee,: metro! to!' love, Itoctor b and OW, the victim!' or their pppressiOn." -- The • court reports Hefe i inenttort'. the named of the rattles cbaneeteiraiith thrtie - rainitir stint rod trigttoonetiniprktioWs liuttittle Or tit - tier - rib% WOO and went weeklieshibfieif theinth dOcket of-the otetk are 1001Illytroruanceit thtit snithe Intent Molar Urn - hinnaitt, ind . whink Inttet eiei be lie,be4 to aperything that labia.; andigooblet to intern. -A wire In non oded Vet stands weeping b - Sfeite the judge. and - tette ;the, Stery. of beriti,f4l,l *nightineid - bitter teireLAirei' the temircittnecup has • sesitteng her ,husband from his- otters happy borpa-end renaiff,latisr . one ,by! one attlele ',ef been - bold mutton bee tatieged; ittrilninger grit need at *Britt's nythe - desiNtateforealteu=kev the tniebriate roe months `has beaten 'his "iiestlier ! aretAlekrigilift.,and Vole r 4 hat; Seery kediewed inttostmer`th at t mightkoave' 10 de lbsitatedi ascent ofPernattast Joyt . hgn ebitottsCinth the ,ettine' seperattot. The - Judgebtagnill'ert tenni eked; attn. ,ireetirs 'of *lntention 'ArejaeretW:::sio r lls vitiated 'he applies thet !styli tteldgor,to flwittettiqer ter the holiest affeetiene - of the Wean 'Phis itgeWor tuseirpfetttorientlust, fearfully nineteen lker ego - 0 woeinduiettylnterepenace, ant whiA °ea helsa l eYerg Oster - tint fir tire 'ttlairtertirestrine Sets iron, Me,. are hometown.: lb thoLe ralsity,ond young Ammer/ Acetify tint -Way hov e . beetfeetaitly - earopetted, Icrieork day and night, rot - the ,enntrett theirrttn duenUaPt husbands. =Breit is.rihat Ike Net reffln ., fr; - tory lesson are. impilicated, and the iittarindi cop - set quent upendniekeneisse exensellftek in tits sad saverttg of truth—here that the tethretion -must ,preasnt itself to the thinking Chittlter, that ten Mint batik ftelliVed with Stowing linen hafettbeen , we - edlo a Pip% death, that Thins km .yarn 4) 6 of happii tees red ianoesoneilwi.l,?o.oenelt - ritta 'of r intellec ts that might-bent'grennied thelltarery coronet of 1 nation, or swayed its setwilhattg. " r The Bret a4res nage 'disunited of on Sattirday, was one in which Taber St - , ltkioner and trel":llinntng were the defendants They,had tokip.,oommlt ed to prison on a °barge of stealing a bore,: - Tt isemed Own the egidenat, that the horse • belonged to Peter 011• e, who kept ittn a stable Wooster to Skinner: that lb , * 4. fendanta bird that torso for the purpose of gotnr to the totiotrytn ohtito t niilir, cod while gone a report that the hone bad lino. t(tolen _wag einnated„ and °Olean nut upon the tobk,nutal'estarde morn in g the bone wag ditteuyeredettikehed w mon., owl os panne beeLlet It aberindidelistowards +heritable where it belonged. Art•r - a heartrig of the ease, the enact 'Monett *neves no larceny to it: and di seharged the Aeranffenta r *.!•• t - (Irene Wm sgbau hedaheasteg Were tin wenn noon * writ 0 7 habeas coccus . charred 'with conspiracy to iNeat lad defraud Phil' ti Daps' eat of the sow of sta 85: 'The cocapintay was not inure out by the Sett donee, and ha was consequently 'ditteharged'lremtna7 A holiest Corpus 0448 was heard. upon application' of John ringent, to recover porgenetnn of hie child, who WWI held in 11,144481813 bi - Bistehe Bartlett ' ' Mrs. Bartlett, In answer be the writ of bab.az &VDU 4 allegeetbat the ahlid;hfaryAun • Nugent. claimed bi der father, - yob[ ffneett.lo the Only child of the claim. Lot and Margaret, hie wife, who was ber,nl..cief that Margaret died t 5.18,1. leaving:the eileild In qtraithin , who was an infant only three 'Pen old ; that the claim' ant we* a man of Intemperate hattlto ,• that &bolt a Imo Ir after the death of the childle mother. obe to , k the ebill merely out,of.oharity. , se the wm Ito grand aunt, and provided It with food and clothing F that the claim. ant ie totally near, to hare, the charge of Ws child dh‘t kiting 403 tivttirr. tlia.!Mliaidiaas *the for the stir of Philadelphia executed to her articles et appretticeship and the olaintauttook the child away' from her cod plated-Kat prbite Maloof ; that ate ere: dated her artialee of aperent'oeahlp anti sgain obtained the child ; that fearierf It voted itgalthe taken away ahe plated It in the oars of the trustee. of is The Valet School and Obiidrent* Home at Tordith - sed Fitz. , water street.. where the child is at preevnt • Thao , inpiainant noir ieelie to pie posseraloo of.hte child, alleging that be did not entreat to the b'nding of thmehihr terToatelsaßaroley,'eact teat the artirdee of anPrentizenhtp are null and Told ConeideraNla Vine Wee rieelltied cif this ea.,. The judge 'marred We decision until Saturday next. James D. Orworler had' 11 bearing on the charge of tWiat'eotoreying: hie property, for the-putpate or de f trending hie creditors. _He `4 , 84 diecharpd. The MILO Yerifor the Qtartii Bokoforie. of Mr John Grigg is Oren ooincieueed their labors for, the June term. on Monday last; and 'diming the weak sated upon one hundred and twenty two blile Orthie: number, they .returnet reveal doe as , c and forty. coven pia " Ignered. " ,The charges • Mainly tatted In these Indichilenta 'era for tercet, basica' and,batterv, and rusticate mischief. A NI, state Sat' burglary, and the herivieet eentenne that het been im [mead In this o - nrt for flame time, woe that peered by 'Judge Allison. lest week, upon a man named Metier matt, who had been emvioted of the latter ennui The defendant, wham meteor In t , :e deck plainly ladl ed/MI that he confidently ealcriated upon it lighi‘ pun iehmm,t, wan 'Detected to eight years Imprieonment. at herd labor and solitary confinement - m the Bute*[ Penitentiary. - " - • There are now only elaty persons confined In Hoye mowing Prison awaiting their trial :- learn that this is a much smaller millibar than has been contained upon the nriminal calendar for many years past - - The. homicide eased ea: be brotteht to- Uhl thid, dal two weeks. The first: in order will probably be that:or, tamedt H. Cunningham, the police Meer who charged with shooting end causing the death of Jame ticOrney. at the cigar store of the latter, in Blxth et.: neer lArribard. Mush - Intereit - will,',drinholees. be m elted by this trial:' Diserlet AVortiey,Loughead will eonddot'tbp. Preseetititin,-while' the, defendant will br representrd by Magni:P. 0, Brewster, Win. D Kelly and_aeorge A Claw - -": Outside of the minor' cues, there are amoral Parties who .were enlisted od Helena obeli* and admitted t nen, who be tried Miring This term. The alleeed offences oompriee !conepletelee to &fraud, false pee :sums, forgeries, aed loosing °minim frit notes. The etatementlmicently published in asveral papers. that Mr. Lewis o,Cassidy is connected with the Con oingham ease, le unfounded In feet That attorney, we iesrp,lit moped to private comma appearing in prose. cations wears the life of a defendant Is at 011ie. He wee applied to by the wider/of - McCrory to 11.11iFt ih• platelet Attorney, lint bath gentlemen coincide in thr opinion that the cam sbo old be solely to -the hands of the Commonwealth's officer. He was alto called upon to defend Cunningham, but hie name having been ono neoted with the prosecution, an& having been first waited upon by Moe McCrory; he declined to sat The expenses of the trial are to be met try 411 assessment upon a number r f the friends of the prisoner, - Two Courts 'of slat Price were held on Saturday morning, .Tustlece Thompson and Strong presiding: Ar gainapipWeee heard upon mot one, rules, to. COuldON Panes—Judged *Thompson and tudlow.—Opiniona were delivered in the following oyes : (longer vs. Collier. Bill diemiteed. Fracas vs Hubner In equity. Before reported The court directed the motioo fora speodat is jauction: to stead ever Until October 1:1859 Tenant Ye Wi.e, Rule for judgment, discharged. Gotdon Ye Wtidmutt. Certaorati. Judgment affirm ed McLaughlin Ire. Bracy. Hate to take off non ant dischargol. - " • UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. The next term of this court will commence on the third Monday of August and fairer* important dues will then be disposed of. A term "in this court is of three montha , durstlon, although the jary trials very rarely occupy more than two weele The Jurors who were euipannelled for the. last 'arm were on duty only eight days, and a 'tenths , vacation was thus siTorded to the officers of the court. One of the most important trials that will be preempted to the consideration of the incrominelery is that growing out of the onset of Ed ward Jackson, who was recently arrested in Jersey Oity on a i charge of Mt-muting to rob the United Staten mall. in Wayne county, or this State , The defendant is at present confined in Moyamien sing It is allsged that he secreted himself in the mail car of the Now York and Erie Railroad, and that when the lucent was asleep, he liaised him by the 'throat and attempted to choke him. A very violent ottagole wonted, during which Jackson wee roughly cart_ Ha managed. however, to escape Don the car but being diligently pursued, was arrested, and placed in close continemeot It le evident from this mints facie ew of the o rcumetanoe that he eeeigoed to take the life of the mail agent. 'aid then possess himself of the moat valuable cont•nts of the car &event Demos who were unaided for counterfelttre, Cenci; the pest month by the II itttd Mates' dope , ' marshals, at d who eutortel bail for their appeal Mete at court. here become fagftivee from jeatice, Their re. coo more will, of course. be to felted. - The llui et Stem; admiralty Court for the Raotero District of Pe unestverila holds its somfons every Toes. day and friday, Judge Cadrralmler prealdiog. , - - -- - - - - •g-INANO,Aik-A-14-G4MASACUIsi - • Bank , ERit atitiklaoo4 - 14 - 14 - ,-.lattliont r akons..lnlaicie—hat - 4as in"plainaakteAtOrA4 the et bacizeie, h o wever - iwartkhlifaidellit the.tea. - d, rand, pOly to 811 *Sent Altellread shires sd- T " 4 " - rrOldali% 30 go rent np .to tON4. likimisliii*Adlrd•origtbek • "'Amami X: I • ll 4teAit ag ;lad tag Iliad :least - „& - -fsda, bastswas - :dens is bids _ a: :aarann d nava, and the gland tone Otte ontatetseeined tatter than at any titspratilieUlatireetri . • 2 - • V., It Is reported that Skean pert or,itSwilewve' latie the loans of the New Ye* bents etisee front thesWidl de. ,„ - Ming )pittte brAiAltliDitc9r,diacounts, rather than 1- 10 P -1 11 7../. 1 101. uv.--aPF. , Ottgt• fst 9'044 0 944.. Oltioc.-to!thaatet neei of :Atidafontere Jty, itek!he &seen* lines ararith • 'meg darn of thensielvest'- - 'theirs:ls W0:044 Ixte Ovro*Pri ti:nomewtuft-ttiya _aisat;# l 4 of .Neet-Ter.Tr-the hart eieneserreaerpaPor4kll44-71‘ to 8 per wit' le r.tporteaatotailot fpret! wfinsedieelneit he*een the that railroad Ikea has been ngsltellelletst, 1044 tat the feria are o IsthatiaMiptte).y,39.•olrfsitahalo former rates,.f4al pt,ftelots„•,po,4;_ihi.-Open and abet sinnewttlia ;angeilile — Vbe -.APT f elfr-400.19.11avind1 , , ,f i kfitarfik-i&P. 44,40[4:th Central; by awancot Its - mese!' erfaith, sag IhwOoles ndfnltter s ewdtek aranindsllan:Wapreienctianel.Waninw 'treaty which the-other eetnirlet :VA give Mak new'oesenintdti.to ~ buslpeesdirind the fall, ' • , - - , D 11X0E41011 eaopaa, stataintseComutailatiew ~ IRST ‘80,1.11D 100 gist R.6swait`lot,le); , 100 :.e6wtitc TAY :1U 1.4wfikiza.,10.74 200. )50, d0.7,.,1,44,11,• 9 4 100 110 - : -r 4100 1 40 UT: d. - . . ont . 120 100: ,do . : 4 20 0 100. ;80.,,:.:;.4.ea5h.40 JO Harliebagg —65 - 0' -- 51(Piantitikt:Wa;; - 50 10 (lam t Am-11. - ....1.92, 1.00 L L4iatt. a. b5.101i 1000 Penns 5e -; .00 '- 1000 '' ... 222 ebt ... go, 6000,3 Nay 6 4 'B2lOwn -. 7600 , do " ' " '6OO , ; = ft 9000 Bead B 61 2 80. - ii5401.9 1000 - do 00.90 h 1000 .do t 6.70 Si 1000 6000 Ostswieco;24 log-Io9ON . 500 • do '':.•- - 294 2000 Oetalettogleb6.4o - 1000 Cain & Am es 3600 xtcoicsceliottol 10e E9P -1400 Del Ku nu seelp.66}‘ lieedlog 10 do.e6wo&to 111„% 'BETWIS 10000 Penns Ife 10 0 Elcolze let mg Tiut9X 9000 do 60.12 2 D/0014102.12472.... 9002 . 02.00 3000 Pe R. 2d mg 81 .:.87 1600 do 07 BOANDS. 10000emae - La64'6'F BF' NaY tto 'Bleswn. 71 topcmakort 434# el-b 5 . 3/ dtEffusii 2.4i4.40 21 , do . 1 I 74 . . 600 oity of e&P.9IIX 60 S O,II NIT-Rrof ' l7 1030 Ps alai mg 03..100X, 40 ac , , - , do , 17 toe) Chwer Tat P. 84.40$ 60 - - de:::.: .. . .:.17 , - 100044. 0.44 mg d0;',.... SI, 31:V.,:i:, 'zdOi.4.. - .;;;;% - ilt Add N Poo i1d1i.`63. - 4t 62 - - 40tiddili idinp;....27 1000 - da.:. . 62 60: ,- do - '27 90 Pa 111 n lo ts bawo:9o,tloo Boallog 11 1 10% - do' - 40% 100 116 , ~ ,da 2. X 100, , A "do' `' - 'l, - ,..40 100:,,.x_ -'do ' -- ' 2u,k -100 13e# NAY prof 17 ' ' • — otoBl.24e . PatUalllßll: " Bid. Aik&i...- , 80, el ibid. Phil' 6a lo off ..... 97 91 Bahl Nal Stook. 8 - 9 . 666 : R. lima:: 97 :91. , - ‘ 6 ", Prat - '. : TV' 3.7 N 66 New 100ff.106 107 , 4 iymapn &litm 2rx 8g Panay be 89,1 - 90 ~': "4.Plaist aft_ 6970 Raiding 31 270.4 20X 66 2d. - - 46 -60 1 66 91070 4... 6 18, 80" , lionelitlaad.. .„10,7$ 10% a ...ral 6a... lAA 92 ,05 -,.,-. La1iff*:** . ,.., 1 9731 19 3 i u 7 ' di. -- 'Bel 13 1 Psn t — as:ll' 8% bg Pima It ''''40.i.,403( ' " 4" -111- - -.' 63 ' 63 1 66 24m ea "' -6 87'-' SO' iii 9a 4 -- - ' 87 89 Ilor Canal, .ff00.. , 62X784.•... • Ostdiriaaallta -8 6 I • prof- 107 - 10731 .: 6 .'. -_. bit tat 74 56%11 Bahl liar Off ?Bt . 70X41 . ` Itiiiih Oa Okarthli '.=:.- 60 - a Imp 61. .... 76x.,-..17,:1iat 4,..),#, It R... . -413 C 4ii 11100.VIna St s 1,45 5 - , _ ` '''' Plettadelpkia - Markets - Pam It —lama sig. _Thant kepi); Ifttle Aleut* jog. nottektietdrat w tiers his' Rai he 'their 001.64'111f been di5P 040 4.94 - 10014_ ItaliettibtiP /0" :14 0 0 00 , $7.25 for extra, - 11b0_ 37. , 60, far ,;=I:9P. d derentebnnt,setttnuailieinei Bgnree , irwOic to' the Mee Piltei 116 1604n' tit - :tbe west. , The trade are t' 2 7lftlitraY,TclieX•ttp likattataii,r4lnci#B eatta and hut*, 1inAn4114,114...1a idya V oar to teed Id do;' tiad`Penterilianti Tit kitty's - 41 tv :Mils 'hat lathier of est ettletiof itthatlta itutlintafr^ Theta ten ot_xotsh efferfeir„iad Meet bolder. are Ugh, 111 tit ittii&td'Aiti preetoat iietaiiitiOtittatriand, heemie, to nenderate.' -The„oniy,,toLk'til -445151f1 about. 2,000 bueprime Penagbfatitaital Weitii , x(iefat 41.40 t,iffe tn*iiii*ltet to ter oeontkiiiiikellt.to ts 01.06 for' it'd& iiidiuliali)OtaMit:liiioi4Nl44, - Imatliatkrotrairtart,ti&*eiiliariiiMent . o. aan nteeteittitt a fae,jtatiatty_cut Fevioia:Tentatioeuo Auld strata," 000 bus: reitwayftaala. tieitzDtlatrate:yer low bold at 003 aßoat.',44ettoOttettetsled-rtitt eylvaata are worth lot* attiata hemitutht the latter** Attit -; Alialaiiitthiti_4o4olo2 Qaer fltroAts4 PAIPx-skiil lo l4 itt Xl4 , the auket..tor-taiii t!i•tay, LIMMYV"I - but Uhari J upt„ixtuola.Aeleg .le7 the' ear of aalei to alter rifatiaten taia waiter - 43410th* , lheetri-Itai , liatatiyr , W eitaliestt ItartiebiaCtilliaiskieff, whisk Au-searie sad Wanted , at,,,51,042 , 5.74 Plebes, sit'? g Itia;7aatig . 110111111i:', `e; - - New T04,1-4410,-. troatwet:. aotofaarirtat.Ott. - . 93 12600 Virginit 07X 15000 - ra.10„:110)/ 1000 Irian 4th nib* -461 4000 LOCKII Id gt ba916% 11000 In Oen ''B 4 6C 6000 do - 130 31336 , .60 Pao 61,9 00.660, ats treentral 8:"74)/ 100 'do 05 do 74% 800 -_ do . - ...1030 - 14% •do -,,,,•.14K1 15,41 TAW atABFATO. 900 - . 74N 1 0 'di : 14% . ; .... /00 7001555229 g 11.:2it01.893‘ ..... 260 -: .... 190 1.09 - 51&241 1 g 0 sit 92051% 100' "do 50 108 =;; 40 8(3( 250 CU; 12..„ 2-3( 400 Ohrod R...sio 69' Muss are quiet,. but steady;' - - COTTOX bannetsartkl., ; ircomt bar adraneed- balfo 41 , 'Mit wi t h Italia of 111005 Watt •• IVanse oft, 000 bus snit 8 0 01 Sr fer,alotte M canes% 0000kern, and dr,zdneay ; $175 for red Southern, and 11.621(.16_b ler Alined WeetewiL Cons —Salem 22 0)0 - bus - at 02693 a for ie• 'thy ird mud yellow, and S6X 092 d for Interior to ebinee mixed w.ideen. $7ll, RAILIT, sod 042 d rennin se la.t Oath:4d • Pawrtalone base been moderately ltealt, In, sad peens are Quoted steady. • About 160 bblo Whhkorsrare gold at 27a V.! gallon. . CITY:ITEXSt; . . „ ,Tillt,-.1,11T1C -ItdPRIOERATOIt 110111.—rt will be ro ll by the readers of T he Press that an ;mph elation wee eitettatke meal lathe Court of Wist - Prine to Y: 8: dlaik (dalnibusinun sitleatiktarhet street) flies applying the nsineat Zane fu a - celebrated refrigerator Which Nre'Cliik; in eouieipienee of Ito 4 superior ensilage, has been'tieretetoria mann,. taetnilog and dolling folarger ottantillia, to tw sent 'to - all parts of the Mimi than perhaps say other islet's - rator trines. - -We may here remark,' toweveri that the vitae by which- Mr. 0. diatingulahed hie refrigerator *teethe at Dr. Kane Improved? in eaDefeiteeee Of ewe . fain improvements which' wire 'difeetest-li and whieit inehd. article nal ad Matt featured by him nieredealiable ter-pritatteartilio, tithe eitheatlen or mini, than 'the °elitist: WO hive Wife= 'jet , Theee , taien eeateton the eipertor wient do merits of theta a Improved Rettirsratore," alders happy to learn that, aotaritbatualiog the re drfotlon imposed by the eourt upon hie oiling the r .de mark, "Dr. Kline," Mr. Work' le et 11 - Mem f.eturfrg and earning them, as renal: ander the - raime ar " CELULENGE Bereteetterea '? It "la well elysigh for the public to , /whir that ,ThiCreetraint 'haul lot impOlei on account of `any inttinaament lopori &patent, as the- °rightist. pr. Kane" -was ttssr:Lia tented ; the decision boa been- merely - against 'Osing . this Wants ei a. gjede mirk Aa the refrigalator mean :totem): Mr.:(tiark at Me eat .blehtneetlo9B . 4lar , kit . atria, in - a moat neeneentitioaDie artiele'la' reapoota, iubli.; wilt appri , alala lisMeritincros the lassie eonieqnente of the ehenie'of enrols which the elmumatence+ have'reinderid none sae,. IheteDaerate mmortal lanes, - What , ' in a name ? That which we call ii.itaer;' By any other name would smell as sweetr" - would seem to be to pint The fact, noreaYseofMr. Clarkis selllng these celebrated refrigerators garnet ' tellers leiter thaifelui ' lsiiimii . la another reason why thirlntitto ehould - know that that. which be f rmerly *old as the Dr. Nana -Implored. will atilt continue tube sold—Without the al teration in the menitectire In steels partiOnlar, ander the new risme of ..Pitiametincia lltryistosnason." Or the way, we must be silowei to auggent that the name thus aubstitnted bee been ,very .rppertunely ,hosen, as from its woaderfn , eSuipleteriese—lis ho orayed 'by - lifr. Clark, who is :Meisel+ a hrtellaal me- Oballia; its singular adaptoduess, in point of cites, to the accommodiAloniit every body, arid withal, its re markable,chsapassa,owing to, thl letuteno, queni Dien be selle—ite fortunate prorietor, - liii. (Haile, may ttlely challenge the world for erapetilion. We have heard it intimated that he ii selling Moieitf - these re f !Ironton, sni the Susie or," of which he le also the proprietor, thee abilostatiyhtheioneistablihmert le the United Sta'es; a, that in refrigerator', at in every thing else, Philadelphia 11 evidently going ahead. OCULIST AND AuNiaT:-4)r. VOLltioolistskor eyes bin entire attention to the medied,and AM:groat freatment of the Eys` and - Bar Dr. H. is the only Octriet and durist.. is No. 926 Walnut, below Teeth. Artidoial Byte Wasted. .SCDUTLHILL NAVY 261Arrufts.—The ."A laritio Boat Club" of Hoboken, (not the Atlanta, of New York,) erratio antra here to-morrow evening, and will be met upon the Delaware by The" Bachelor. , Barge Club Their boat will be housed, and on Wed wieder the le thdusi lkill. Navy" will receive them up in the Schuylkill, and axonal them to reirmonnt, where sundry evolutions will be performed. After which, they will, by invitation, visit 'he Pa/atial Clothing Emptrlurrrof Granville Stokes, No:- 107 Cheetnnt Street. COUNTRY kIeATII, PARMS, AND, CITY P416/41LT —Theme. dr. Foos' Sale, tnniorrow evening, .Tivaday, lath instant) wilt include three 'valuableYarine: two or which have superior imProiementa tar Country - Sesta, the other near Atlantic City. New Je'rrey Valuable Hntel, Lancaster: turnpike', Two Residences at Media, Delaware whit/ Cottage a West Cheater, A tim ber of Dity Derellingii; Business Staudt 'Building Lots, &a., altogether ST PIRMIIITISS, besides valuable Bank and other clock., it 7 S. pamphlet catidornee and ' edverilsem;nte. PSLQ'BLS BOIL BSELTIZ, 2ler /two —Their Bale, list blatant, will include the large ant valuable Real den.oe of the late Beth Orafge. rag - , - Arch street; hand some modern Besidsoo - s, Corner heventeentie aniYArett stress; 2.3 tome, Riahmond street, A , _llAer's aitata ; a number of City Dreidog I, T liable Button Stands, tto. I , re handbills and adrerlisoinenta - They have a number of desirable 00ONVET BRATS at private este,
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