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Pfr7474,1 , -Y.l • 113iiiiiiitttlidlismillimifocuiliio.the Trio, ,ThlrSET* 4 6oomlicriiirt 11114,11/12,171 3 1 4111 1 1 1141Hggatilni 1 4 1 49 01 4 - . 41,,71 lioarsoi4DWlea *P4 4, k2lbillituffsvll44l.44**StarAlWA itt:ANTA3fAxi;>l3El.o3ng.': ; • - • ; • it t `friltirtE - Bala sTREXT, 11 ,121,201 W WlLMinni St'iNP,/ACTUR" 01 -V;ENTriII:AN :BLINDS AND ',l), 14 , • • • 't **Tow OHADES • • .11-IrllV3ltTkv i.111,310E.1..,, • .. PRlNW4llriovitinitout• the DI iimortm'sai P lll4 • 40fit f OLOW / NIT 'l46l4llSlinilirsOi mif Istrowst. • larinage prorTtliatiota _ 4 - • : 4iabiiut-,iAla~re: " higsl 4: It• 0 figistiletii:soo,l%;o4tisatt,MiPolo, 1 1 1. 0004 Wlll. * l ,Ol t haerrvaterstra. WO -1 Tignr4o.Zi HC4tlitC. artrzi*oiris,_ s It cii°4:WlPo4", fIABINETTIIIIN/T171 5 0 A I D 0 / 14 ."4 / P C - .:*';'; AMORE WA14:::8114 6 1 4 11; " .4%Nr ialeilliVialreketti9ol . ?" lllrE ' sage I:W* 4 _egettietkiritidth OW!' • Aip oess otormi ilapellat„ h L. , . 1 4: 1 i vewoi. *int le.'. MOONS' 5AA.10,101017121,64111v, CIL:Pg_ONOL orlObtrM.lo AylMil Wl*4kreAifit. :gagesktletill oftgo. . 411 , 440*.vialtir, arta frittoreflarThear 11.10:01! ikellslos; arirhieW 0104 w OT .71 ~ _ ottectiontru, —,' • VC)* - I.;:ititfoOroliMsErep :;011.9141044. AND prof.' :!;•ir.'CONVEOTIONERT 1 him 1.1 , , 144. -gj:,.)"-1-111;R:11,Alt+ *Ow Edit of Pima berilioalatiOnery , Inrfleatillpertal Prate Ran Nate. Wart boa elm amearyar shwas! . promptly attained to. • iwial"""o , e:r . 2 , A0R014, 1 14 - • y- - ac - 00, .„5 6601*. IC Bowan of lie t01it54(g,„0,:, Aif p.,x s i o i ts ' !3T#Z . or it gr e otegmit., 016 . )3 aeigslupPo, qalm, 60 .60410rib011aW021121.16 , moms, mat Juror. Jog 77. - ... 1 , 212 ;1,-,Alpi ),,- 111,U.,-;1. ,1,1,,t,,,1te41.1,iP1r1i Of,fc!P,:.'' BoUltatt AWL; •A WALT,VA. LIPEOTOOK'OiI 1' It • t- • ;,.. ODS: • • ,L • • .-, ••••••PR*Vi9T. r .4,to AP 111 9 , .-Pfq;7,9 f= , t • •f : N Vtr-PREMISEK 0/ . 1.191)117. F isitatik.v I 6 . 1, • • -r IZIVIESIREDI7DEI) ; „rittim, - =',apiug stylis r e? Isis/ 1111.10 2 w • • - Awed to lo ftmay . Bilk RoUo,rolttood:. •••• , A,foir.,ll9lllndli,llllkii • : Mist Aida r medi;ito , , ' • •- •Viihero do BONS kodttioako 81111Pit188,BILOTILIM., 449 , :.-r 'olllllTNUTetiod• =an= Otrests; ' - traltlol!, ni ; reirtn• sivrts: ALLENDALE ODDEVEILVANEC: , :,:,;, gituilmer Boa Ewa* ttVitiliirlovivsr* taalollBB.ottil ••,, , :ff,-,;(llo.oll4tik, 6, EfAlt g.? •• • t 5...• InfMtigSTING fimPoßfiktlst !I -. lA.;;;'s,4•VagetwormtitNe'roirlLLOsr4oos,B I t't • — iiiiloll3-111101 1 1 1 1 1 01146"TOMM GIGISPIST GOODS IN PEULADDLPIGA STBRY- 1, 111011 AVDlllooilit 5 55 , 5_ 5555 _ 5 ' 5 - • DOUGGIAPOD ant wackiNg DOOS,TGII, • 4tanalklosillarbw 55 5- 5 iremellue• ,J; 5 5 „ -5 : • }5 5 55 .1ri00k Tad, Tabia. ' • ' 7 Inlet' 40 Ksatilliki. '• • • Toy Ohintithe.Maatillaa: - Dials:SGleltaate-S;QaDDI TrinDulag, &a. 2.^ ' - 'MIS itastuliiq !Maid LaSal7a.;-&a. . • bliaegd Lot i•3LA-011.:6111104:9111RY-016111R-1, • , bligs r aktUecklee 51.4 5 Wbie, &à. ke MIS l it - , 5 1 . 1 1.5 PI-GPAPOr PROgrrt ITRT.Ne GARD , Fg• : W rrOPII . "I 4 IAPOLitONS; >DOUBLE , ViitA,STINNS,ORAPI 41.8,1111T3; BAII,IIIOII AILAIII: • • • • •-•, l'••• • - • 6 ilattaa Y R oilAs Chirtraq Baivaliss' and Birsifbeikindßasegs - XobesS - 7 ; "Bernlants,Pefealaa t asul - tvilivadaes Kotula , and , TravalllAtrthm'ystarislC, pit IBraThwas, I,llses; ApacslnthiN.Pfpr,,ll4'.lqu49l l2) oenti-the bast Oaf Ottsraii ii • • !, 1 - • iiiiiiktititt.• 'll.lbitoidleriell ,,,- '' dill - a I 7., _,! Adoliwyluatlbas,Chattria Efismaitirebists.,. Bbindqiniktitunlroorgi4/4 it .111.01M•esiPolattr, Vormioc„aod o thaVili,RT, r. 1 41 5. ' wlitkifhltiOkaa titteiiiimteifikeoltia* htintilOsolkiiiik fie 'tidier aAdl6ffiabe from 76 ti so p—a-ti ; _'nf (minus /dink , inem, ", • _ - ,./',!. , - 4 111013.TH Axon - stmt.,' 100SAL.:TEM • ! - 11 -&'•• • P• - It•OT4 I 4B:ANP:P ' 9. I **4 . • • rugivea a w _bowl OA rariasber,t ItAT ' 13114M - 0110.102Mie • 3.. • 'O2/121Tlille!,-ANIV•rOl27T84 • litiAi'iltinglim% 2 wal ll ° - FYPI rm Vitt , Flsll' FRY PTO /MIME& , ;:Van Tratisti ei.Potatiat freeklapt*Pabttettront $5 *SI 10 1000:114 1 , 41007 60 tOttr. 11.4ortlitneklaos Obnintk d iia t $ll to s2i.' Okt2o4o,rekswitt-firit4seirrufgo, Onk Masthus;ahaverlattabin. duipiwanialc., a tialk-Dits` Iwo ant Borsoust. , asita stotort atylie litlk Mantled!. -. .taitd taatur.r-e‘ v.,7,.. ', -:: POTTER. a-1 , 1(414 1 a , 7 i• .1r 'A. , V X'Zirl'i .41.a1R,..!1 111-HrT gX- 2, 4 1 8 3 ' FILITT.I'"a'A'Rti Tot Togo 1.7 assien u. Wok poi Atom osok11cokoo• -• • , ` - r• •"I Yoysloklocal:lob:. • - • ' exit*, Tani! ErfriLlND BY !: PATTER :441:BODINE, . ' :107 OftrOSTNUT SIEE T. iesied,l4,tioeficittifiatfois of shousdo44 Or.itanglOra e cm sapatii, okiiritlt'loo6 onitotimmi..m.rfonvi cell eopoolol opootlopito the rk, priority, or our article Tor those ruling rats potshot or gam Iskplooo of ormoinfi for the, gotta mobs, tutparW Moroi and' injuratts furor to the fruit, No- Mao, being *Mord,* defootivo. , ti 13: iii•oiimniciainfilsortir oilatirol 'rotor sod, patio lici,!. Aistat : green gum bollow• were Jett-tf limen. pun& IEIII. & op., (ouonsioso To-sosswe Roo' i oo.,) . No. IC po,u_24 THIRD grABFr, riiijr4DlLinta,. BANK /101r3, OOMMOLit PAPER, LAND WARRANTS, sOUGHT:iOD, AL*. Rook" Innt, iiskits, but oatg on oomruluton. 'Opootht_ottththrn , gluon th . ollootions. throughout the othitgyegig • oultothiai tith,/,thly au prorot inttrotain., gfaolim- AL.. • • • . Now is &sit w lust s*teskilys slapst ommi - • 'la IC I Or 7'0 .1 for silt* olio* 146 01077 poottlon, at Um ram Medicate intoeo LOOKING Gi.488211 Do am moot slatiireste i and tke most simple tourist. , wome emtana If/OmA ht ta k !brt %Op NA /a the ' mod sib lt aa, l 11831 r .P: ' I,OOiINO 4 141140 u 9, Fr► tomostaotodB owriattoo in our ownMom 4ll '.4i 03100 MLUOO4NY end WALNU'r,tnmea " m f cou;stry _ Amms 82 /6' SCO, 810 9)1115 - TNUM STEBNTs opkte, , • s'PaIir4DILPHIA.. tarnilo` an ROBEfer SHOEIVEA.FF4I, ' IC!, COB. POIiKTIL,ANT! RACE STREZTO, - PUILADELPELL, WHOLESALE nauctpisTs, `7itUntiTPDltliPai OF AINT3 IN OTh, =roma. OP PENNON PLATE LID •., , , W - ‘ T. -N . ISOVV,GL.A.E IS `DIATOM or viurnioAN WINDOW oLses. - Ranges.' N ew. GAs-eormuyaN G bOOKING -UAN-• 113/2 ,BIZIEIII3. %My guersuieK to sa , te'st ieAspriittly Pet tient, In 0 . 04 iri} i p o k e q p.teatat iad mmoranclronnAsa anY iithilirettlieb Bye era IntrbAs o .4 to 0/iii market' , YOR sita litior.auwii;AND B Th. . ailAwc.x.s wrorALTAm_s. . /i 1182, , OATH Beir.ll4 & WILLIAM%) jeNie ,„ iptiont:„"appirAtv,tl' , 111.P0A,IV ":`, 1UNE 14,r 'WPER • - 0.? • 1 2 `la 0 , 4:;+" TIQWEOrATAI. O NlXlffiNter 'Nersat, Iffeffidefibtt, Vila* PUNPANATINKS AV. Am* oiriairelj prepared by P: , IIUMPHSTiT6 , trait" - , btiown Bodisedpatale Manic toil,. Mid at •forinei Plio¢ltg9btf OrTWV;lttarct NMI:m ( 10 8C O k k fe , epecial.,study. Yes have now been; leefors Publift f,04e . ,1 ?lard; are id ale byllionsinadi, eireiy part of,tick m ite' r. ,„ .. =Oth” - 410, • Most tihiferni and.; atitiilfaday , finite ' Puss OftesitlrcOnials (fart be elm/Wing_ ttie general liirtiefactioni glien'i / ctirthwintAy Wiry ;MAW ?AA ecrl9M,":o4,l o * ll ' have been oc:ieg tkatt.,....,,* 04 , 0 f riodos' hoe thualareVer been, known which.; havf_alveif the' petblter shah 'uniform" satisfaottoni , or fiairirpf4eal., 'gni& bifillani and vionderfill intik: slip lenitive from'the polarinolts; deafen. , rapnb4ri ,goeis of .littatikeryi br= old•gotool • paellas; tlia.3naonvelliklic orciatet-onleVor =the'iro•i Vesta iind'yezilciiiiiickiiiritlec4tkii niocirdolaihsot • nagile bootie and allelues,‘ . geneisting , of , Simple' • enacted for • the vi in sions dlieas'es to withatt.theresic re. , 'feted' pi:tepid - the • Mem ahriple' Emir ,pel/etsl end. prepare:l'o Inetedientribelther,flogliroice nordiegcuit• form= at the reedy= repoarpe of the paiene ,or nurse -arid arwtheoorefort of Ate complalcauf OA' tl!ii They peiseini 'ficey itcairmica• T no iniury,aanD'itoz their 111110 Ober are stard.l-I,yon always knee* what to take antkieg to tiiice it; they are nONCJI XllnfT—lon gin ere the' r' linear at a moment's warding. Without heel . or delay ; they ,are' ireseolkwe—ln lboaseenas•of ea diseigefaaneiited ,cince. and:the 'mite • armee ak the moment,tlat thaOuud,4o,ll4 have LIST•CI* • S PEOlinr ritmziAts.:e 'l : lii.i.''Fticr,Piiis••••-fOr Ditto.; pciageationi,actittil flantitatlateof all binds. = = =,, Worm Fills—lfor Worm Dem Worm Colla r ' Wetting tbe Bed.: : ' • 1 1 4. Jiaby's rots—Xot pother Oriiiiy,' , Teethinal andWakefolneba of infanta and. efeervottenesa of, netulas, , No, 4; 'lrterrbao Dictiyhota; Dlioleri :Dm= Dintnin,` end Sommer Complaint- -• • •=, - •.= • ....L..= Wo. 6 ' p ills -- Par qiu6, ctriptde;Dyang • tiny; and Bloody Bing: , • • .4 - eholcfig Pigs-4Toi (Melees, Obblers Nor b 44 and yontlOng ' ._ ' ' So: D=Wrgh rilft. 4 -Por Copps, Coldr ' oitreei coacci, ingeente, and Pore gliroat. • • ,,2. No. Tetibl'aski Ireq.claeke 'Fills=rar ltelideate ; -tVertlgo, Beat, and Flames of the Acid: 4- • (.3•••=. No< 10 : Plihico=lta' West' tad Dining,* Oproaebs, Conetipatiod, lord lb .11. Flit . Female lirtgalaritlei—taant7f Falakali or grippreamed Periods: ' - • No, 12, Female, 111011,01 i, sad Bearing Down.,', " =.• Croup Marini Dolce!, Dail Breathing. - • - o• ,- „ , 3 7, NO .16, SaltAatein ii o 6—Pof 21 7nIfeinns 2 1 1 4' 1 thine, Plinples on the Paris - No, 15. .Rhenmo tie Ptile•Afor Value , Jeronimo in the ilkest,, Beek:Lane, Or pmbi!, bower lid Agile ; 011111, foyer, ,Dconb,`Alyinl Old Idiamansged Agee. • _ - • L—Por Mee, DUO or,lifeedliklnteitialo!,lteq O -Tor - Hors , wfiki or Inflict4d Nye . 44 ,11 .1' 00; Ifaillnr. Weak, or Blurred Bight.„ • , o.—lfor Oaten*, of long ellindiag P1 61 0c ,1 0 1 1". with obstrnatioc or prefasedischerge..., , W. 0.—1rt , 2 Whooping Cough, abating ltii,viaatlio, and athertening its emote. , , -In all sours Disnesas„finet 4.s:Naretre; Xafbealunai Move ' Diarzhataii, Dysentery, ' oronp,Abieneastiato, gae nett eruptive 4fetemese ~Searbit IfeTar„lfoneslan, dna grysipelse, the advantage of givingthe preperlernediel promptly is otcriona and In all such theepealtytt,„ act Ilke a charm." Thenntire diesels, le oftegarriert* at °nor; and In all. cases the ' violence ofthe atieOlt s • moderated, the disease , shortened .eng ,readered lent dangerous: Zr.. &mild .• physician afterwards ti t to be called. be Will take 'the ,il he ate at deelded *Wan from the previone treatment. ' , •Ict • IRO ,Ilintoglo Dtaluivire, sbeb as typsfeda, *oak stoomen;Nonettainori, Liver Complaint, lies, Saga Debility and Irregularities, old Ifiadache, Bout tit Walt SpiOjaiitath, 'ltheutnAnC,other; old erfeldote ,biCepedeoe whisie.,propar.,atMlleation.,l4ll I ward a curiae alseeetemy,lnstairii. Often, the ogre of-aalogla chronic dilecnity, en& as Dyapiipele;,3ll64... e or (batarrb,"ateaeleashi, or Penile Weaknane v lnes newel au paid Ameba "Isolate Lttenea over . - ' 1 :04 MismßEß; Teat *alumnae bf, thi'aßO:gliteirlifo44ittatip mindifn tale country Mid .Snrepe terra long vines en their &db.:lies to Iftnilos9Pillif•ltitg inoPtng nolfY elusively ha an , 6iesiei' of disease fort.theineeleist istnilleir •-. ~•=o L ' =.• ••• , ;1121111161f Wilig,TkattikodsBpikpliarazotiontiot less in all inatarcee. and In ' -0 1 1. 1 ,011 OM, - oocint, der, - ,„ ifstrtkV • We, amp,. plearrent,„_ „ s rearey CO' taintkat beetneinciadoo prevent gsnriedisseasee, • .• SZKYIdfIVR:,...Tbat IfuroaihreyeiYabitie of 114tnieto". Vathlb Elpieldas.diteratithe prtiate,prectlcetof lthe 4=1 0 (0 1 Ite9l o4 tP ANtluPie,i l P,Se B L, Akek firfiregid l4 'may use them wlthealventeger. '•• ",• RNMESIBEII-=thit'the crineeN'Artlngle chronic tiro utenVideltss Nies, Catarstr,Headasha, or nolanhetim, edit moss than ten Vona Pay,fer the-oast Or,s`fill egos„ - RindkldirEft—That - two or Ste donate Inveeted i s esee'o , ll3lolol6o llernedies will return menyj,tintewits ,value tOyou'every, year, In freedom front aorutietyipre. vention of abiolute relief.' , • _ P 4.13 E S-' ,. .i1•74), • "; , -'DYBPRPI3I4I; ' A.',Vbuoiltudy of ttienty:six bid lien troubled VOA indigestikut for severe' montke r solas to render pert sev necestaay bribe selernfon of her food, -After - eat • hig the etnmentaleoarao sold, fookriaing in her tante with inter, and ria unpleasant, ,heary, lead-like ascot. Mon In her at.onactt, continuing some house; reeved ,liesdable; bowels, nonstipated,and r oadepreased meat. morelltirin. She Commenced taking the Dyspepsia Pills 'one'utornlngand night. and Inllesithin a, week ever symptom of her diseasehadvenithed;mad she felt Ilk a new being, • 7 , • , A gentleman somewhat advanced In years, strong robust constitution had ' stamen a good deal affects, with indluestion. weak 'crated. tongue bi trate in the mouth, and attended with a peculia r Vet fig° and erhirlingin.the heed, so 'mach so as to ?mast his riding Ins darriage, or Meg mbtinting an eminence quite drngerone... After tryingseverst things ineffeeto ally, be , fell upon tbe Dyspepsia Tills, width afforde prompt Collet. A pfll every night' and morolugworkei like a charm„relievitig all his vertigo and:other on. Pleasant eymotorne - , COUGH AND-BROZ‘OHIT.I0; • Bad colde neglected or frequently repeated often by the fnundretlon of Ommumptfon, Prenatal', and poem. Sure decline. • Though Ahern are many remedies, Niro. Nerd- ue prompt and gmedropree r yet none Be refer and yet apeediry eg4 snely,effact a cure as WS. - Oth a single pill, taken at enttrelY _Caliente. ti 'eyetemof a severe and threateninghblabythe taornin • Ocurans Ann CoLlnt,- , 4L gentlemen, It public lecture took a severs cold the lattexperf ixf loot month.' Wit! travelling and led - wing ip .northern Ponneylvant _though addromingpublle audience, Carry evening: in two days, by.t i lse aid of the Specie°, he w as 'entire, recovered, and enabled to pursue 'hid ealthig with° iheonveniencs. •No lOU* epee* ahobld be with!' pin Ooan.-4 married Isdy of CO bad taken a Hole; Oa :which actßed on iler Inns*, Causing ;avers coot D oin in the oido,ond ookalderable infer anil •Bnett colds were warily vory Iseting and Nobler'o but hY•tuhlrig the Opecido.) Cough fear times p day, in three days she was entirely IA young man of 23 had a conch and hoarsening foil teen months. -Dating colt weather hlaVoloifwas loat se only to speak in whispers; pain indneei on caught!' cough dry. or raising only a trifle the Mornln quite feeble andamaolated. Ned taken several' med clues. with butlittie or no benefit. Be ornemenced the.Octigh" Pi illone pill three Num a day—and ser rata Ithnselfoimproirlag, his cough milder and salt , bowmen passed offi strength and appetite tuiprovel pod in a few weeks was entirely well, haying taken,' other inediehopir. • , ' ' k a j erg i ma i - Of the Beptie obureb,^fiell kppyn , Illlpoii, writing to us, stye I have beenror rot time seriously slllicted with 'bleeding piles, tad he regarded anywise as "e. e evere one t' at one time. inlet hopelliost bat• I'have nsed;your medirdiee (pile St eltle,l and am mod. J I have no doubt yen, are lap te world ‘ under great end hurting bblisationv." • ,1 A gentleme.nof htty years , well and favorably knot at, Della „Delaware county, New. York, 'bat beet efftyr fo tho,pil.a for twenty years; liomatimes,,fr; geeruilve laelnbrilutoo,' pin, sod wafering. he was t dnoed to tke "veigeorpe graSe.• Per years tut dragged mat miperable gales:mil, A 6onlirrned larval dirseaslided for au twine-leo *U. life al opt W bgtii It is needles, to add Wet ba d tried sit sorts Of ; sneellerf, from all Sorts or doetors, to little purpose- .1 consulted me two years ego, and, I reesunsiended .pile speoble,,with °carrier ally a Dyspepsia Pill: 'Pi this be began to improve, End since his never' be serious taxa of Plies. Prom the first Month, nit year ~pdet. he 'bid coos tonally 'aimptome of his; CoMplaint ; buts few doses of the Pile Pills would i parse It all, and for more then *lsar past he has b entirely wale of, tiles Oleo. A more brlliant.* gpapoly to be found in the annels of medicine. CATARRH. This opus of dirmaia, tg Is,, well known, is or frequent end almiwt`nobrersal pivotal:me.' and chronic forma are - especially obstinate.- Ordinary', medies ere of very In effecting cooed for 18 the boasted Inhelatlon 'any better , : ' Thin elmple reuiedy, on tsk'ng a Boger Pill morn and night, promptly mires :the • Blighter caters, and persevering nee bonnet failed to relieve the -Worst fo of chronic catarrh( even, when so lei, advanced s - have boat, In a great degree, the sense of smell. CIi.TARSII..-41 , clergyman, Aged bad long en lll with catarrh, whiolo -had net mayhem% ri mantes or' smarms, but began to ezeite uneasiness leiregord t eleote bto his general health. ' Vlore was a Iteg4 so and m timer; profoe Moberg° from his bead, fraq sheath, and an , elnwt eptirg toes or smell. No Mad a box of 'oar *petite 0141 . 41'1 1 141 1 00/P l lwet tlrely cured, even to a return of his Reuse of ems' the course of erfew.weeks. Prlne of single boxes, so penis, „PRIORS , - • Pall set, 20 large vials In MOreecocase and b00k..1 lull set, 20 large vials plain crop pod b00k ....... Oases of 16 numberedbexes, and book. , ....... r . Oases of !my 6 numbered boxes and ho ok *lngle numbered boxes, with direetions ........... Single lettered boxes, witholireetions ....... .. .... 'lmrge plantation, or physician's case , hand . ors. Vials ...... o OUR . RPAIRDIES' BY MAIL , • Look over the Net, make pp a ease of whet kind' choose, sod enclose the amount fopp onerent not Metope by mail to our address, at No' 562 ENO New York, end the ruedleintre will beddly ?eternal pall or express, free of cherge. ILKOHANGEI, `,s'o 4l - . 7 „ • 1 AMES' NEW NOVEL I-111E CAVA- No fa bill ehi.ol ile without theta infaidettfle Ow LINN, Ofisubliabed Nile day,ned for sale at ME 0 A.V A LI : E R : Seal—J ESTAMES, twee." They era the only remedies purringly adafti , . .T. B. PB N TERHON & SNOT WNW," for dominate and private use. .. With Omni Pe ?entail -. OR kil3T Sheet. armed and prepared ;latest the first approllou or NEW ~esso, and eau meatiest the threshold and keepitli bey,' A trifle. of medicine, rightly directed In the it ' NOVNL, le published - this day, and for gale at' burinf disease, perfectly , rues that whieht by deo/ ' ' T. 11 - PIII2IIIIBON & ortorolas , .. ene,outy be relleied by long end teditrat boors of turret - 4 'No 504 011ZEITNUT . 15,treet. ingi,if Anil, With tfinwe et hand, you•are not ablign I tri - watilt 'tits obmiug or that often distant, u well it nun is . sr --- —O.A.TAGtIEn 3 PAGEr.-rßy G. =esieimiTe l a a dotlferi nor- to be -.Waged OY POLO N :JAMS'S,' Ku A new and beautiful edition is ~o a at'brhistered, or bled, but may pottrielf ofitoille day pubilehed, and for este by ' .. Na 808 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. tin ,) 1 ie y tsgb a d ri ni e l in th a .e a lPa i l . te e ha es t 4 74 -k er l a i d .r th -T3 el rtat u e e a ti'4ll :b ul r 'i t dtd : o h o : l47.l : o e . i t e l rlt riot . Si 25 'P.Orb ' filoth l4 , o T r E :l B lo °N pape lt r ilitOTHE" jell ' at •. „ • influenoe n pontheootetitutioo, beyond Illqueetioa,l: , , , inittot beneficial. -- Ati:ENTS WANTED. • , .: We desire, AO satire, efflofeit,t agent for-the sale _our reutedina to nrery town , r 'Oommunity - itt Null, tad Stew: Ad4riee, AP, ULIMPHitrio &09 0 , ~.. ,` ' , 4: 1. - - , - NO. 662 Broplwq:ktew York; ININED BORAX.-20 oases for vale by Sold by TB. PITIABONA OW., :nu 011ESTN VEIT ufficlLitte PAOragailige.Mol.49l , forth Wet, rhtleidelphill. 4044 c gitost. PI MEE el Le' e e eL ALIO X;l6,,Vybti,co.iolte , , - -:lroirerzona ' • #OOO OI d I S ,NEW AMEMOAN OYOLOPEDEA . , ISDISPIIVEUOLR TO - rum, WHO 796 - ?Flan! , OP -naiwau. 1%198)101os, P. TO, 7att s , 1)111.N013 OF KODINaff BMW/T. JOith; o4' ALL it , P4ETON , B'SUEBORIPTION 11 0 T E-L Ofl • TIT_ ,A E ,I„N .. IFIARRYHAZEL r0,14,K 3 WEAK'LYI I'4 pubitelMeme:fatte" ileitiree, in innotritalt4 16 he' xetdlng'ilitteA tb#,thejr, tiime meettied the erildeive ear. 'irlerim of A; i(yLlt 111L"-tor 'the' NEW- TOWS - -IWitRICLY;:eme mttiri appem4r ter the, ;sturrtterfamlirti:244 !Welt Iflbeoutand tor ettle by; +Oll hew a Jigeyts thitnighemt tkot Edited States, manta °UM:646 ' 0, • . • . 1 , , I e , I, ~ , 4 , , • .;$ 44111W111)1141 ~-,!_.....--q-i*Slixii**?,.M-‘'. - - • '- " --- - -'• - 1 .'1` ; 1-21E MUTE SPY ;- nARRY A-tA-ZEL. . IC MS, Point Cadet,,' cc gir.Diok,l.r, c , Middy_ of ino, -2ktaiidassiciniti Gallant Yankee ,Tock,t! < 4 „Fiyind,',Yankee,P. Ned ,Xing,?' , Rebri, rag ..Efarry '7O-npart,l , , !Rival ~ CAPftains?Y;,,ltknurgter Ring,"'.. .. "054&f,,E145urA1; or, Yankees JaPan?i ll Rival Sisieri?' • Nutt :Of Ursula,", cte.i,te , ; 4*c • ' ' :It is a renlirkeble feet, that amonit the thirty toll; lions of people of, the mighty tiePubllo : Of the Nair World, there are btintew, and thole MOsti,r among our :Moot team”dinin, who n arein,noyi!egreelaniillar with thehlehory of, the war's* the greanWinktinnoag aide tkin, it inn' Fnu.ll , , agelntit the ‘Milintiati of Newllnt: lend; alid"their — lndliti illisi, th`e , Mot - mane.- Mining !hie sanguinary straggle, many moss were onsotanf thismost startllntand thrilling' eleisirlption, and, many lideentiortis made; by both, tbif !qiitio. iiimt, the red min, shire* too Wenlerful to, tabiallei,eft• , Little,ii‘dorni, in tninerkof the eat es!. and menollesi scenes inaotedat Ti- rinton, „ Taunten, Dartinonth, p 'ion iiy,' liroalifield rm ; leaster, beiriteld; Ifidley:` cad othie towns of the Colony ie.? 4 leis, murk less, la known of the ii blairsil: Pre Of Illodd , j''l3riltdi,/ , .in 'tent *Web item* more,ter- ,:ii.= 'to thitaiteorthe &Sahli% and girii.the Indians MOS bating:a kid hoaillanse, thin any allot of the war. Oct %slid& of 13loodf 10404 i L i The Blower 011,71. F ,,, 1 Ai baled etileellif it handfed young , "atlTKlthgl adieu, l ;Wein teeni were attaehlaihy a ponagnl:,bluft . ntjaya: sokintto li4toonlytag„lnankbuottiitni lo tudito.r.initnntlt :hate:heron before they. hall an oppo,rbinity mike a ftetano.Llitght only escaped too relate - the fate of there 1 'neartidita; : All the',:innts psi - Mien on that tleallj plain by the repel , toAshawka! wat , atriba; cad aaarptag•knivas 'tidi' , thatilann leafleted 'wages, = -, - , I —'l l iii MOO , riiiilailiebbi seine' and adventdres , of this 't set kiteagilier form .the beet/ 4: the nee mum .litc• .. :attaties;.by If ialltrar.A.7, api e .; ..., ..: .- , 3.othkallortottopo portrayed, in thlelwk are them en' ,and woman 01, 9fPr. ) .FAle. sir9 l 7Pioli=9,#o l 4 4 * ! 04 lia , f o . ,,,, f ,,tc ß iir t lf InThe yiistery Of Olt knieny-iSnion or, ' Ignpsinfn iambs, *Ai third ever more liarnient,'xiioitk r. eftit,letl;tuora"juiolilleini, more ie. iinhipit,nlo4hallish : V t L iiii4; -- 484,ininsaan iatr,idoie anhtlatyinnithaa — ti. "tide - iiiiiiiii 4 ia ding& irhiall ,lregalt , ln , 266l' 'knowaraa'ApUng " Ip'. airy 14:imaalioy:Itylat who Ati• hltet he • atori eras unrivalled tic ON clot of Itteritaret - : T-At 6114 of ikelriAlluKto*titect• tors tante - I - Tag bJ oar- Thtfieisi StariSposigle4l,,Bon." , Yaakes Privateer, and otter lektipglnblyattaAg of the , tar,forlit,ntimber • : ot yearn, it* bet.* 4 1 1 111 F 0 4 optilerity that plant him in.tho front rank of AiriorL., ean story 7 trrltera. - 1 . ,Tbfae Who OiairetO win* thle gicat Story by Missy Bli x 6igoilettr, ibpola eiod in= %at inteno as guys, td enablige to niskiliCriangemento kW - Imply theni. - Wherever there le a Uwe - Agent orderihroogh: him. We only. dears to serail% IVABKLY by moil to ont , orltbikvisy pltot.o, where theta is no News Denby: When meat by moll, the terms are Irt . a :year, or two coign, for $3. .1111 z, anontboP Pnbiorintion, sl'.. All 0;4 doze b mall mu st. o addreared to , , SITTP ST do BPST.TH, Proprietors, No. tr 2 -Beekman Street, New York N. B.—News Agenteehould Bend their ordera at once to the'wholeiale 'destersiao se to prevent disappoint :mt. _ je9•tha&taBt TUST P UBLISHED, MICEIBLET% GREAT WORK ' • " L , AWOUR. - Trawllated fon the Youth Pule edition Y J. ALMR. M D., Author of " The N ee at* the eld, ), "Up end Dawn the Irrairaddl,n Act. LOVE". , By Ild.bfiebelet, of the istailty of Letters Chief in the Histories! Section of tba National Arol:ires, au thor -of 4 i A History of Franco? /co One volume. kluslin ST' The Pabllshera can afford no better idea of this most interestingyeoduetion, which hoe sttraoted4o tench Ilit• tention In London sod Paris for Want weeks, then by the tenoning elospienne4tract from the work itself * * '*, * . • "Oh! tor a Book worthy of Woman 1 Where shall I and ? A HoW Book-4 tender hook, bat one ,shall ahall,net be enervating ; a Boot to strengthen ' , Montt benumb/9, Wlthenthhrating her 4 which ohall not trou ble hen with idle dreams: a 13414 wbloh shall Dot lead her tate the sadness and wearlanee o f the Seal—into the thorosnf eentredietion and Oinsod—a Book fall of the Beene of Clod L'Amottr. The London Baturday Rerient says; ' , lime Ins book full of good reeling and substantial purity; and yet, as Id ldicitelet stye, it le adylvable that the panne man who In to road it, should take it home, and read it (Wally by himself,- * * The author dwell/ on many tOO% because he thinks that from the frank and thorough consideration of their sway; there may rise a now strength -of steadfast love In marriage * - * •No one '04.11 mie• take the spirit) of poetry, and unity that breathes through the volume: 2, Mhather theluthor is a good pbyeloicgist or not, we do not pretend Gassy; but be certainly. le a very oonsiderab,e . poet, though hill .worka are ,written In prose. ), Elle tone end temper are admirable, and few men ton d rise from a virtual of It, without feeling that if heir love is lees physiological it is alio'far Ws tender lgd PPrdotillhan that which M. daeoribei.,) ***. Enid by all BoolisnlVais sedl sent by , pos . thee free, tortvporil_t (Alba tinitfll Stator, nn-receipt ti thazorletkby RUDD A, CARLETON, .• • Publisher* and. Booksellers,' N0.190,48AND Street near Broadway"' „lell•stutbat • • • Now York. NEW NOVEL I—TIIE OILVA- Inn, IN published Nils dat, sod for vale et PUTERSUN BROTNIIRP, No. 800 CEMITNOT attest AF 0 A. V E Ef. - ---4AALES',NEW JL . NOVEL, Is published this di}}, sad for sale at • 7..9.`P.STERBON - & BROTMIRS'. SOS ONNSTNIIT Street. TAMES' , NE* NOVEL I—THE CAVA ., Luta, ii ynbliatiaaLthla day, and for sale at - -T. B, PETERSON & BROTHERS', "No• ,SO5 OBINTNIFT groat. MEE OATALYEK4,—JAMES' NEW .2. NOYJb Is rublfahed this day, sad for sale at T... 8. PETERSON & BROTHERS', No. 800 CHESTNUT Street. - LAMES' NEW' I.IOVELI-TEIE UM A LIER, le published, this day. and for sale at , T. B. PITNRSON & BROTHEBS , ,' • • - No so ORBSTNUT Street. , T " 0 Afy AL IE RI—JAMES' IT.VW /wpm, is published this . day, bud for sale at T. B PATS/SOON & BROTEdilltSi,, • No, spa 011118TNIJS Street. TAXES' 'NEW NOVEL !-THE" 04VA a. MR4, la pnblt.hed th+e day, and fro axle at T. B. PST.TRBON & No, 806 ONSSTNUT Street. THE-ATI:TALI E El--,TAMES' NEW NOVEL, le published thteday, sod for asle et T. B. I:EMERSON It SRO'S SIRUP, • No - 806 01INSTNUT Street. TAMES , NEW NOVEL I—THE or LIBR, Is pobllshed this day. autd for sale et T. B. EarEnsoff &_unOnntr, No 801„011118TNUT Street. 0 AVALIE R!—JAIRES' NEW NOVNL, le pabloitied thie dor, awl for sate at -T. B. PITEBBON & BROTIINR3I, -No. 306 011318TNUT treat ONLY.-40 bble. prime quality, Cuba money per eio%r Gt)allin for sate tor A. Mll. 0,140 South FRONT Stro,t, . 408 >18~59.::.:> r, J,UNWI4, 1869. „ . We believe that 'therefore a greet many more , collectors of antOgraplis than generally' imagined: It is no Mere - ,C.aifoi3ity; no vanity' of poiisessing a, sere letter lien:1.111e band . of an eminent poison; that infineinets thbsb'who• collect: Whateier the original inettatien j the end abiont invariably fs-the'itisp'roieinent of the mind, by ,increase of kilon , lidge.:4a intelligent Min does, not 'feat . sitiefied.'-with , Merely iiavlrig possebilon Interesting or yaliable"antOgraphi; - bnr,deafrialefearh' , dIU he'"oan.respectint . the 414 , 0. :Therefortiilie reads hiogriinfiy,to master 9 E1114 under or hi:Vr,l4le cbili4ned: s tbat, celebrity destrable;' §to a res,"of liiibiledge` are I:brie:lie , . cumulated;, #,:ki? - intrid‘,e - i - paido4' . everY'nepia• rate article the t tOlnitittn'inggists supplied some locoFronitoti: - almost fin lionsihle to, find, en , lffilertfat sot-` lector; ." Thera are eompati4.d r apiraplol4lr p TOfter are o'lo4 :di 011; 7i t 'Looott; , antai'• graph-vendors, issue otivlll4s,pamptitet-pfod;pl which:Oaf:4i' alti;• 1 clbfe described; and tlniprinaiiiallitST. , t ,there,` Are iippei?tedialiiicligTvg 'tending purchasers an accurate idea : of the” character, size, graph. .17ere; for exainpie;,we,havd' 016'J - tine Qatalpette. of Mr. dour the . gre,tept retailer , of antographs L,ondOe. , Messrs grcentnirroti, ,, of Seventh ilient,:hav fur p ished' list., There . IS no small' Ilegre‘ {lie'; way fit 1,4* - lariply, in Onr - titne r ,-" `,l)' bef,ore the pabliC.," `AT 0416,, • gll.l , is Catalogue giving ihe Pith and Marrow, of the at4ele'flescatied;" ' , ' „ Ati autograph letter' signd, the - tritde'l4 7 Sigh:4lon 'of which la A. 44 is the - most important of all—,particularly ” if the tilitei's seal, with Initials or Chat of arins;atichttipany, it. Dote' is the - way In *Lich a two-page noie; written by Boni:TNT, thepoet,'lti'd,eicribediihe innnorala 30).)", denoting ;the, thd ,liat _ *barti. L.S. '2 pp"; Bvo. s" To "Jahn 'flitritisi4- 1 1filssrielt: Mir:2s; 1833. I:Referring to-Briton's Cla-, r thedral Antigattles and-rogrettlag,th at the series viiuld not - he 'Anialted, "'because It ik eirtalik that the siren tentaittlag Cathedrals r ' _ could net. ebir hatter illustrated: thas,,,loa -could illastests them.; and ere thau pro that; unlike It - pleas e' dad - td denier ;--, front-ihe -irtittpacity it& dolt dasigns of •' • our m 4 1 41094 the me dneee Oct MAY the te,frin t -htea 414 t n g i nl t !P ;ltz t e;A n tla tig n , :' .Thliviii,tha: age for destroYlug rea •- Therel i sAtilte iintnetetit bard to guide a bur; 'Chalet. - void thil'irlter'Siatteddoviir to. Mr. e r sOltal Orel man O. e. dean - and untorn;-sii3 well atiel lite; ,•rari"' and "fierionai interlisto"with :the price marked at' sfi.osi• Net a' signature isf 'oily Of which iheiVieno , detasti:;Thus3. while 'the; lir/Wank iirfillita iras 114-; jfiltiVii . .**l:o4o OP** Mictniit in:ilinteso-therefore s : frank hearing the PoiWitide staniN is undo.: viably authentic , : We'wouid rather poliatigir si Think of the DulM , of 'Wzimirtros;` (lie; dated end stamped, thinatiy ilet.pttrpOrting: to bo written in hitt imme;commtmeint the Duke - or - Wimntsirrreir." Most of 'these, notes, the Curtness and reharpuesi brwhicV bare bet:Mite historical, niereonlidictitedibyl the Duke to hisleiviito §a - cretary,Ttir. lA/M.4 Whoa° Itandtiriting,:ftlotn itivoluntarl ; imitation; caine•io much. to resemble flat of principal; that it i'eqiiires:i . ery censidera4 ble knowledge of both hands "to say which waq vebiob. Velar° on any table now, amid a heap of yi r mrintioroit autographs .' a note'which we know to have been written by,WinviirrON, and another which was es certainly written by Gaiviimc 4 ;iirfi there is scarcely any difference between them. None but .an and ;• c$ expert" can perceive ` an y ; and that not . . . Siguatnrea of,regat, , mtltary,'cleril cal, or politic:al 'Personages, attached to, pub lic doimineate; may generally be assumed to be authentic. Here; for example, is one in WALLER'S Catalogue: • ' 16 ANNE , (Qaeen of England) Sign lifannal;.ap. pointing James Kara to be. Captain in the Royal Fuel tern, to. Dated Mamie, 24th,1704. p., folio, on vellum. . , , Sometimes a great many names are appended tt ppblie document. Mr. WArzsa has a great number-of orders issued by. Queen. ELiziairrn's Privy Connell between 1669 and 1602. We subjoin one item : 130 MINISTERS of Qcenti Elizabeth. Pri4 Council Letter, lota the Autographs of the „Allowing , zllrtstrious. petuut, of her legit . .4dministration, 13,02. - Contract between lier Majesty and John Wood, Of London, for olotnalling 8,000 men in the Pro. Anne of Munster for two months. ' Proviatooli to be. sent into the Porte of Oork and Lime rick, ho. Dated ye uth of Aprill, 1002." - Signed by - NOTTIMOILIM (Reward of EirlDgbatil> Earl of) Lord High Admiral. - BUCKHORV (Thomas Saokvlllo, Ear/ of Dorset) the. Poet. KEOLLEYS (Sir Fronds) one of the Judges of Mary, Qatari of Scots. Oncrt.t. (Robert)'First Bort of Salisbury. PORTZSQOII (Sir John) Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ifgassnr (Sir John) Secretary of &ate.' iNyuorn .John) elevated, to the Petir,, age by James the First. Very duo and inieceßting ayeohnen. 1 folio. 12s. • Persons in public life are • frequently unable to write 'their own letters ) and merely sign what their Secretaries or others write at that. suggestion.' For instance, we have Vire , 42. BE'RNADO,DTB (0. J.) King of Swam % B. 1784. Sergeant in the 'lPlarinas,l7Bo. Colci". nal, 1792. General of-Brigade, 1798. Mar • abet of France. and Prince of Ponta Corso, 1808. 10E4;0818. - L.O. Dated from Head Quartore, hfanheim,llB9. To the Moth ter of War. Fine specimen. Rare. 7s. 6d. . . Sometimes, the duty of office requires,ri§ more than the signature. Rare is one, of 'a celebrated man, who figured in the French Revolution': , 51 BRISSOT de WARTTLLI9 (J. P.) chief of • - the Girondists. ,Guillotined 1793. i; 3. 1 pp., 4to. ltespeotifig the emotion of pri soners. "Pour maintaner is curet it et faire respeots la Lot." Sighed as President de la Commission extraordinalre, 7th Sept., 1792. Aare and fine,speolmen, with portrait. 10e. tia. There are -instances when the mere attest ing signature Is of more value, from its com parative rarity, than that of the principal. Limtograpbs of Chresams II are not very scarce, while those of SAMUEL PEPSI% whb wrote that remarkable Diary which so singularly illus trates the politico, morals, and manners of the two last English Kings of the Stuart dynasty, are. Mr. WALLER thus introduces such a specimen: 85 CHARLES It, KING or GREAT BRITAIN, and /tie celebrated Secretary of the Admiralty, Samuel Pep's. Navy Warrant. Signed by tbo King, and Subserlbed "S. Popp." 1 pp.; folio. 81., Tho mere signature is sometimes all' that remains to show that the person , could write. The only autographs of NELL GiENNE, we believe, are her signatures to the receipts for her pension, which was paid to her after the death of thiARLES 11. Tho royal reprobate's last words were " Don't let poor NELL starve!" We find, in WALLER'S Catalogue, the fol lowing article, which, considering the nn timely tate of the writer, warrants the high price ($11) put upon it; - , : 203 LA PRHOUBE (J. F. G[dela) Colobraie . d _Na. vigator at Hudson's Bay, ha ' Deatroyed. tho' English Establishments In 1782, on.hla return' 2 he was , appointed Olitrunandar of 'an .Eipedt, tion of pisoovery 1780. - Vtalted•tho' Conata of Tartory, flatland, .ko , in 1788; aft twos of him warlost. Holograph Utter-signed. 11n n., Rola. tIYQ t 9 04 1takin 0 . 4 090t04 VOW/. Doted , z-1 TWO' GENTg ... ~., ~,_~r 'lteitrms - :.) rer II Am 4.14,-rgrq,fir?o 2 or, ,srait-a,1148,3, • .Thecollectioi ilotl rankihigh. :Yet Oere ' signattirealtie'ioWniailtiiitif pf user et:tattling the Coller. ' l4 tifArit_ • OftPlaletter,, •, It, adds , valve, also; tri grayed porto , to y itljta iiiiderneath vrien you halte it Irarne4, thedinfeg - raple ` 40ft:id of the quill:wt.- , Nere okiof signatures; with ex.' reittely.few,ge.94l9l4l-7atiWheit. a Whole chiss; of, ocainant,peophijare'.thha reprCalinteilL.aie ' Eenorallyof very,synait:ialrte; - orlntererit. -- :' :less valne„ generally, . than at letter v.r . ittpp the!. writer writes , himself in ' the : POW per 'Ben. C . 5.413444,1iiti , : 73 °ANOVA (gtoni) " ffeliiirittld Xiteltraph. • cantoisL • - atilAtticeitalatcnora . Oareiins eharemprp el ' .le:iseordariLde Ella ede 4%4111,i:9_ lienti sedetta • 1 , ohs. ionailt iletioiforte" Co fiat , ki_doiittfi Mambas( swholi reeipportrett added; 1 : • ' Last Of all; in the,aeale of vaitlevla laftepue. acriteliet algiedii > y the 'writer, ,latikkapirp--to antheittio.t There la, Itearhipiprepßl, Ohtirietliellifslottte• before ttkirrhich; al glott. I , tillithiglihin is worth the; price. ($l3) aPt-;!;,P013t i ii.; =B liolograph'•poem.of .13ocars„ with , Initials at footiwottld,be worth lik L great ;satire, 'Pais 'iaotiis tty „ r _b r ige l ...)/r4).*; itifttiegtOt , Poor „Linos. 2 .1.1)144:41q, Proletrie , for Mr. , Satlterlilad's Beflefflt Night { TlofnMe Wald ote the 2.3 'vet`ge •r ;Kis itiottino'd'aringlArd'willghtetand tall- • - 18°,V, g / Q T / (48 4100, 4 /titu = '-'••••• Iwhe.4,aro'pht liana did that aural 'pianos aVdriuNis, led mane a , Alone • - Illow bere t even loth, he first noilkeith , d `thi' eGainat Welty England and bar guilty lord .• '„ bloodf,ylaiktblitandotag, ttatrittiohtd,hlaflaar enan , fry from Malaitaof' intat tar h flhababatird or au Otviay'kulatwe To dralvitbo NWT, hoptere aroma /piano , • _ Vain all tit , onto Inotenta of fennel§ "ohatraa 1 ' St a h l e tt i t u d f ivl b gtgly 'e l i gr E To aka the voniriitioent a rival wthimau , f.t.,Arotesi‘—tlioX' the Arita* niarastinattanbr,Ur- , „ labia anitika . one Waitaki - teen famine , ' trobtiiiial r iagoe •-: "a' • 'Eat Dobgbbida r vare , hilrueriallMW,FiThl'ii • `An..... d. you lathers, prpdigalot.tiro. • "•-• kJ/4041W' fotitreld'lt,tbetrisitliVitrltat'l , ' NetbiPLSOOWlit'Vng ri#4o.o44;right,Mdalaili."`" KO „Tatra 1 (show 'bare a D.rtglas les& = ' • On'the•l 6 lllref 1700i'll1hPilaftlida writei • to ihichrether: Gilbert:MA Ww• have - gotteri 8 M• lokeovst , ,owirreAmii now. ; I havi 88812 them ' an eve'ning or two. 4 David • • ' Oetelibell tr. of•Ayri wrote to Well the *onager - of, the Pomp:toy, a Ilir z Butiterland, WhO is ff, . fajta of apprlat,,w9ra),... , gaveliirc ,a . : of , Pei t reerypfelloringt.h•; l o4" gave Sutherland _two ploologit`ee t . oitactiC W "delivered lestWeiele:" • ' 1. .. The - thlot'si prologuciotrimeetapanled Idlit APO& .:„-lowittit. letter ;-,to..ll4l,flotherleivi , -- morniog." dialipeleted'in whiting your moBE strael - etenpahypectsv. day, • `i btoweviiri-trat 1 44t1 1 7-7,PraY' 1'9 1 '4 Wiod• - weather , I next.frlietida t x t and whatever afrial" heti:glom •ittii - klifdinekor , the ''efeifiiesitei, hilytithrktellf-dirsittwe 43tmdilja,lir adesiton-anitelcgli them git 6 """*. 41 1 1=ti l & 19 aelir d .'; 411 f ; tHr.'!":::2 ' dtaombpefoiluttLtOotfnfi!ytnQ• : ,,, r .. ii. 1311114: NO, you ott Irfoi.t9x•moon.,.,l'a the • , greatest flurry. , , 3t: tit'perre• titaertsiitig dertaraffsperioirc: l - , We.OOX4IU4IVAiNaT44IIOOIO young OoleutOrs- - -; 2 eXeNJP4- ‘ l . 1 0,14,pett you srefulallik-Miktif9A44l44?4#Btiirftt writees . 44T?! doe® catgcnMe , ..r.- 111 M . A:,-PIT and append the luenaopfnlignitolt , 4o , 9sateclit t .a.oi)eleh : 1 41.44449 - 7 ( 1 4 „,„.P 0- 1" °11 will etstifegYLltilAhfl,.o.Fsae..-' ear mind IteFffiggauli., on.,33llll‘s*Vouiet. APR * l l9/1414.4tn 80,41;9q-ifs,-. 4: " About ihe",plambliF -pin iike'ilts'idlit ifniejg ' ' WhieVinnatlntesred , bt,_ And' if-es glanoeremitt-no i'4lB rah Ae - theee. , of4l4ufk;ll',lnmiy,ibal pkey 4: POt i leAs - :l44n4hat , 9Ein subatq, Ham! W tkatoT4hitta?d,l?o4 „„i IS; tali; - with" eyes of :bleok-4 With eyes alto id atilt mom-fair, , - Poi what, the bet ; image_ EtztP lacks rieroode:VP,4.o6 eotter air .ImpatOit talk° lovidy f fam • • Thai,pey„and r kitia eo n,Tten: grace t.. • The black may pierce AM:gazer through, And Make, the liglitesi : eptrita datme--s , - Oar souls may reelt before the Or die away, in pleasore'e trenoe; But I will FOB toy, homoge4 , ey , , To the ennhaniingeYe of gL, y. ' . The eye that kindly beams en me • Shall always meet a like ;spun And I will bend.the ready )c nee- _• •• . .Where'es, those gls!noes met tor ham, Aid Welts.; the lavely buo,_ '• 'Whethers'ef sirey,for titaak, or blue.' August 4, 1857. •••• ' -' .• The Forrest• Divorce, Case. [From the New York Tiniesj _ • Seaman, Tznu—.l3 sforeJudge , Woodiiift rine N. Forrest vs Edwin Forrest••=:•-rt will, 'of course, be well rentembered that in jannary,'lB,sB, Mrs.. Forrest"Mb.lalned , a , , , judgreent of divorop against her husband, with, alimony - 4f $3 000 toes annum. Upon appeal, the'General Term' hi 1856 reversed:the 'jfidgmenteo far Iss- alimony was eon. oersted, and ordered -reference to be. taken on that point._,_Nci steps were ,taken in the matter Until - 26t1i - May last, when a rietioe - we't served for referenda on the 9th June, , -• . - • -The defendant now moved for a ;commission' to ezamiae seventy-two witnesses in California.. wie sin; as lie claims, prove that the plairiat has' lived. in the constant praatioe of fkintempersons,lonat cation, adultery, aztravaganoe„ immerality; end vice " In'support'of this motion, he brotight for ward Won% petition, , verified before; hie Honor . G..W. Woodward, a, judge of the Supreme Court of ,Penneylimnia, and t 4 number of `affidavits of a somewhat emphatic, - desorlyitioii, but" of - which, under a suggestion. of the court, we shall -abstain from givipg an extras t„ , • Mr., OIloner; for plaintiff,' moved to sippreis these affidavits, en 'the ground - UM - they were ii revelantand superfluontl, and only offered for ma , IiCIQUEI Turfman After tioarlag argUticefit -, the' court said : •- • If these iffidevits were offered as Weal proof of the fasts alleged in' the petition, they, would 'of course be insufficient for theparpose. states that rumor itaites tbesofacta, and the affida vits could not Minfirmlinmor. into proof:- • ; If, indeed,-this commission were sought to prove the exlsterans of , tltese kondis, 1329 present incline- Cod - wouldlet!' to say that those affidavits were in competent: , • 1 • ' • , Bat the-affidavits are. tittered to sustain the RP^ plioatiOn for a, commission to prOva rads which they' state be- commonly •reported to be true. They are.oiferSd in oonneetion with a petition set tine. forth,that 'witticism, who know the fasts cannot be prootired to testify; and that until ouch means are furnished by granting a "oommisaion t common rumorls ell the evidence whioh the peq,tioner can bring forward. . . In the eourso'of a controversy it often:bettomes material. to prove loot* whioh lie exclusively! i n the knowledge of the adversary or his employees: In such osse, all - the party aids' do is to assure the that these witnesses could testify if corn. pelted to appear. In, my !opinion .tbe ; present ease is jest such .a,one. The, defends& assures the court. that he' believes- bo shall bo able to establish' his allegations •by these witnesses, and th - at hie:doesinot act upon mere conjecture., The affidavits beim° .espeolally , proper Nihon' to suggested, as' siepreseat, by the opposing 'counsel, that this is part - of a scheme to resist the'plsin: tiff a olaim.by any passes. It is suggested .that the.evidence offered would. be - exoboded by a referee' as irreletant, but this is a reason for denying She, motion for a com mission—not for exploding affidavits tending to show that the evidence:is proper. ' After stating some' minor reasons far its deal elan. the court finally said that it •folt the less hesitation, as these affidavits would be withheld from publication by the clerk, as in case of a re, force's report in' a Mintier salt. The affidavits on both sides were admitted. Mr. Van Boren then proaeeded to argue in favor of his motion for a eommissian to take oral testimony. He claimed that such a commission was authorised. by. equity practice; and referred to 'Brown vd2 Boathworth. 9 Paige, 352; Spence on Equity Joild , vol. 1, p. 7o1; 1 Barb. Ch. Pr., 305 ; - Oraler ofj' as . 800 Bosworth, 14th -August, 1857. in Aoapesory Transit Co, vs. 9. H. gardson, J:43. In support of the claim of defindenete examine into the Conduat of his late wife, when alimony Was settled, Mr Van Boren tilted _Burr vs. Burr, 7 Hill, 211, and 1 Paige, 29; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce, 612; Porter ondo., 250, 252. and on sundry - kindred paints; Mee vs. Lee, Dlol(ens, 921; Lenrenee vs. Laureate, 3 Paige,27o; Walker vs; Walker, 2, Atkin!, 196; 1, Blaike, 441-2.. Be also stated that, 'affidavits introdueed were by Wm. T Cedimen, Judge 'M. H. McAllister and others, of California. Mr ,O'Ooner said that after the that tudgmant 101852, Clare *as an inevitable delay in the, case from the appeal of defendant through which the was Anally set aside in 1866. , order for alimony Rorthe delay up to that time, plaintiff was; eer-' keinly not likely to be responsible., Mr. Van Boren was board reply. Le&sion reserved. - Etnexerift.-Thern is , a man in Dover, Del., named Caleb Beddeil, aged,seventy-seven yeara, who, every workday, walks one and half miles in the country, and cute and oorde his one ocid of wood or Igo ordiukr7 dap work. ; =II 7t --"NOVVIPM Conomeeddidd fee “iftietreedili 4 Will PT 1 40 11 -.. , I P .04**1.4.Ailu4r ,- 4 = au,* ii,,Akiffeitio..f.vi,v i.. , .-4,44 B IMMO of the miter. La Or4Vitinzi OSCriiiallil , the typography, hdt edVddirefilor skeet Afield be initial upci Veri .1r —.l-Jr. ,T.VTZZUT tosli siv iietheifie 7 iiiidieftifiestaiiiiiitn.Yegersi• ee4 l i l ieil'icei l '' iii`editeitatodeittfiso the. va?reli:iinwp 61,114 A:ll*,tictioavuo, ~ naramx'ea'46l,l44 - agdor t ilitifiiiiiabkiimia„ , O[ Melaka, or aailalatiNgWillatlan Ili ItWiligt . 7 st I pg ! . 0 the reeeeinee Zlar , , : -. •• 1 7 MEM : -, -'0, ,, :,11 x+fti't ,o ,1.24/.4711:a6LL/ a..0.113,11109,4‘40-- -- , . , ,_ 4 - 4111 , n.. a - 5..,-, .--1: MinksPAULOLLOWir) nei7I494,,,YMA:IIOMr to,learn,wilkkar J,e - obrsiP.7, fi,A, - „400.4r., .> nnee. • lAnik fkarmarp#A7 , Tan * ,i'or Wfilbefint' - diteilON: ajt ili noir": ' k'sa:ithibesob advandae,tiliat tboitieUbeertflitilik; nat"lbeennier,i jured-Aunnusistf•witattetyjr*V4pir_ _Xli",- e - ernalfgAttlis AkfloP - 104)Ithr#11 0 1 0 4 tU r th.aktoPlYth.bY *lli freeW p - rx orit rid . d kataidaed An'thil lareakiiiiii olnie.*)_'reitribildsriW' ninstltia 'biaeriairl64-tift 11660 =ftlinEtrann 4 r - bould lfilifirotufkiddiethel gtps week aabiegeP--+ been the cu. in Omit- spaatar,.. , _t' filtugh:- larly:,-„,ndgirkplat.,extb oT , tha.e)Mre ,at thi Efflite* Bba* re. IrkattiThd kolbinkitisffba 'preterit' bOldilingi'on Abit 4 Deitififil'Abiellid bey bare Viet - Jane' iii , her' tifeeinj**.ttillCible n /minion. the eiarly-pr __. , affrnallif4, 4,1 some Alb 94.41, 117 ,.6 7 04,1. fir' _7 4 14 1 ;Ant4 13 .. Pt, will be.a. fair ; -i4 ft 4, Atfe i ,Terielbeg' web - 7111 Iln "tinnbt'haa *O7! -, _rib& , ' 4irtill- 1 eik' ''''',---',!.----, ..,- ..,..,.1-- .t , a...apfifl...-rsr. Tlftridsitiible_'.4nairimrinit.intiraramtmatriz 11,1,.-Prefeistir Pillintiliter,k - fiteier-irpasal nla-ibe late` .1114sted ;Thurbtop,iniadaft bisJong-gemt.i4, AP 3 ensim kitnAbitArk - Z4 0 4 14 0Y auLitbUlt - , ibfifork-treArjhopets i f , ptopKt , 'fblebigMbur; Inbleli - irarb,„ nlWiindi Abd - soOtrirleff 4 7of Mr:' ITlitiritirii,'ftit . " - :51 , ,6001r , -1114.* get 4tisletittlil 40. feet' In diarnetoM and`-her a mtpaditit=of 36;000. , _*tact- ffla• - • VA* iIIOVULDC fiat..4;410 silk ware Iruitil bails - minortatien. - 2 ,4bisorhohlTa4 'tortia4 Velnira fa r i.lW,Taarial-voyag • - Le it ft ' VA end' ilviien :fully -' l,, .., , :1a,,, . --',sed:, soodt piniadVie4l4% , •:.r,,, ..),_,,...Z.,2 _ _ , ' dtr_. , Aillefoit- ' ''''' ''' c • : %;:).'; ..'. •, • . ~, ' ';'' : '-:./ . o ';',''''' ri A l if t ll.,4C.. '... laff: -...: '• ... 3 7 on.caf•iltik - s , - ,,00 -.:, 11,09,4 i link g !Lmolitent tt -- , VIM in st af Anibeatoodditintr,. bdtit ilhatfr _- :cleiiind.ttsalf , and-aseiridadtlifetiMat:ditr,,atcro - 4 *pilot tionigistatioriou-AheDitrottmid*thcaulmit Asilreed. • itar t a ypediki o " , 4PrifitilAdoP4r4f:;t4 l _,, ;Pbu se. ,t., i. 4- .4 ,--,,:,---, JLAT- S T P II4I 4 -,,- Soxii ( i.4. ,, ,ii. i ." - APetn' :l'etiOii ~,s4tall*Piiiiiii*Oiliii4l44Litte de. ridging k.t" Mt in the oom 2 lirds.''''noriiiini ' `liiiiilif:r :cfaiiiid I/S*lW arr teiteriVltiii i slid, AU' Jaren: loord 4 eithomerentirel3Simfaidilwthetertsernowsing, ;in *it afoli_4ll4'..afift tbeittvieselialtoram i ll " ri7 6 .k.tr.,.0,...-pillut, 0 _ , 34;0Q** ;knt, ~One f at,`, tear ;rank l ad** Iwltli area filo,' atiespies&it . ili ,'ilidl4l::2'4.lteitreseit wur - *general ;destination bf , abc rata; six ;loads of this' ducky:amain Uri,* :keen Timor:47,-z onikmmdreikand twenty.ont or nnalolal; ' kites* olnrim 4 4 trite: .,tath.eihnO;butisraifro*bi,X ( lderNi, ' t i 11::''rkaitridr.: ilbrifierithii. Tdoe n t, - 4div. isiiiteille - litiiiiffigrei,' - fiiiiii, and' 11136 foil dblitrfeirbile - Ifitits aseik,liosi:Forti Werth, Altit /mile ofzE.i IL - tpipetikeff , s4aniock :away by a,,,end4ap,figik, oflratar,Xr,vOrinWell., :with his ; family, ,00risiatiMx ottil "seideidlijp - ;:c1,11,:, fizen-=:the eldest 'a 'young - girl "just' Ifir&A park' !womanhood—and - a young man, a 7141(1 4' 1600 - -refuge on the roof ,-- wheaciebrokiimplifemta With nreat.difileriltrAtt<: gi,tilliCMlA'talso,ll,424 'three of his children, and- the Yawn - , taaft4l4o, l o s e a rckqtrps.o tlnkcit igAtil f.vgiVii4..: - . 1 Pl' had vpaergonS`thifitliitAkiwtki“ftriftwit 4, - , ihlishi"t:'""- 1 - ff- 1 - 1 , -- 1 4-541,74', L'te-l'atkel,': Y. i 0/1117:S. CiN Alf .A.waiiiitin c ixii**.#The. iSelisivcidcrAmtifue of glotifliiiiilizliokeii, „ .1 . ;fill*, ea) sit i hO4 .4i Afratitillia:k o‘ Pb i4Pt• :4! 3 4 1 *, , ntalC"ltEt."M itmcfal,purposce, , ii:pthir: roiii(ortbsi — - !male *At sidsr;lst At tiriTfeWeihils7W ;aortt'lii , lbetralcKlidEw:MPtlvivainkap4okiibUlfief taboo, mill beiy hi :two make sad - wilt > travel-4vettliwidtimmeicretf,,, t i nli 4 .*SSkitt en th gta l V l veir - ',ir P I M-"'" ' thCfNiXe:Ean tritedikteiPLAll,A "onyr . . 4-... p.. it o il ,- ...,„d. .„,....„..,,,,,...„:„....,..,e„.„4„,,m...,,,.„,,,,.,.. ' ,- -Sisributit. ditimmiT.T -2 4LAittl€0 , bokAilink of Mahal Ritehej, , af_ClotamilavillspAs4 , ,VtiiirMilkr leg .FAth A:gb9.Weit44o,l X" •Pb.o- i n 1- VMP 1 Taesilair. 4"/ 1 04.1 4 1#,,; 4t4imilrii i ,t l ir' al • turned it, fiii.me'pliithhitira 'a pilot hilici nail Which Si baitlift- hilt Vai'l f l/tett - 4110 B trisg , 4 ll l4l:froitivtheateVehr`tindiegtAßOnatt with peat-forcer striking hitivit'AttetaYlv;fgan:tlift 0100,0004 PA. 1 —sR*Lti#,W.kft114-#.l 0, , 7 .:, 9;1144: ,4(.wIt4 011 1 1 16 1 RalL OffAnYaen , ".,nA. Pthrnts - POI iFX Of ~ t ,,1 .• 4 4 4 1 0t):1" , * taken 144118 V itIC Viiiteil !I, at th e - olKTaividar,illgykittfd'ait: int fif tii-: 7 4riiibl it , troving" Misorailing,W , if!dledi tiffet.tilWO bled t .lattilinirtisosiOs.** N!Eirfialt -- don Carolttele. - •:--- -- - - ',- - uvaliwg-iniii:#4n UM tinitW4.4dtattil, SO . - 04- 4, oo 4 l :loißitiMitWaCCantl,rifill. 74,Frosirckor --- -- '---- - n' ----- - '"'•list ' t-011 2 :/ab" 'IV iiblel - ' - egziAtlry4k9m.; , ortYno4 „..aaP ATeptititf potu*dlym-mnss•k, , , 41 :th & Arbon* robs - ' One Smifgrat of tremble in slll:*".irthe fliedifiati itonerofs Man:l%W toinirdt 40 - 41dited 'Rates: -'lli:Muartieleoteidexientfairsdriyili.444, 'th'e Dontion • -It Is net,however, for theiaimpleltdposa of explanation" that wn liareentered,uport=thesepar- Vonittrti, , - We' levet* , nieritibrportantinbjeetla Tie*: DC: the ! Otheiriatlen - oVatiarehyboti in inettn'oed, the combatants ;have. EWA about fdrtro reign: suropOrk - an d'thia Liblirals ; Witt latdi , thisugh recently dereated,indalleldi had aummellidln obtaroing'the eyelet' rebegnition'of theAnterlears minister in. idexieolthrtMehinti: Ablirattioniltte commander`' or-the a'bsitirmbit forest, hadlainid-a victory corer the 'bilieirds; and hm:restabliattedlfin self in the' eapital=eArteraphieblett:Juatesithe Constitutional 4 chief,' hid- mere = thew:oo ol iter• balanced by this alliance with the Strength - Of the : We cannot tell to what extent thie alliance has been carried, -or whatmay be- the specie& of sup port whiob the. Amerioens, may think fit to. give, but , we can atiesit exprescone'deoided'opinien, end that'll,•thst.thwayeepathies, Of gutiland ere due to the mune-party , whick_has.seettred tite friendship of the - Uni_ted - Slates. We albite 'this avow's' with the mere inephasial berfatmeitmems to haintitnatedizt ear - correapondenenqhatlteitish ,rapresantaWas in htextoolutre inolhieds to dea op posite 4'40;10 her e intended some Sort Oribunte- • trance to 4 therpirestlyLfaetiOn *Mathes lust new heed curried, to thejteed,24 5 1 24 2 2 4 ' 0 4- !A- 41'; 7, It is possible that the desire ofc at a - the• ritiea bas'been Whirl the establisbnierit rear'. Of teethe goierbmenti hOwever constituted, •nor do we "deny that .the, worst of despotinnwould on , Minty be preferable to the chaos Or misrule - Sod confusion hitherto Witnessed.- But, as deferent:ly are two -parties: in': Mexico, as r oue of., them rstist needs be Autltled,Enema way, 20 onX Mu' pethies, as It is biter the larger and more popular party, anci4 as ft is , only-jaat now suffering Ulm porary :depression, we. would squarely regret to: sec the support, of iiritam, extended mite .oppo nents. :Still More injeidieitius'arerdeein deiriolier, if, It -has beep „dictated. by. any jealousy, of i the United States. We' confess. that .We regard- the.illekrd proceedings' of the Ammthsertiln thisinatter4ith great satisfaction. foithey',,relievens-from,any ob ligations 0f,..0ur own, at ,the eatae time that they advenee the cause time we Main natured-1Y at heart. Itieno'bocineeeof ouni to 'Meddle 'With lifexiaan quarteic.: , Worareibound toi,profeat oar country men, and Re, do trust that our representatives in Xenia) will apace no asseilion poiver' in Shielding 'the Queen's subJeots," and, if :peptide, others laser, from, those. , yindiotive• oraelth, by which all /banish revolutions appear to be - 016,24- 'El'; but beyond this we are not called upon &in terfere. -Srdll, though 'there festo duty - ineunthent upon ,sis, we to,lght ..,popsibly not. be,p,roof, against ,the seductiens of oypor tinnily; and Ms fortunate, therefore; that the Au,etioans twelfth:fly:to:4o v on their. wn noceiant,: .tblitare..trkrthe interest of ofvitiaation and humanity, shoulkivish.to Bee 4913 0 - They, if they please; can bring-the great Mexican question to a very speedy-declaim; and. they have motives for _intervention whielt are peculiarly their own. , The advocatel 'of the Monroe doottiria. - whonoll- alder those fuIXIOCIS prinoiples infringed tky .ourjaro ocedings,,in- Honduras, -aro not.ligely to behold with indifference the estabffahMeist on - their own borders Of a thilitarylespcitistit verging &Willie the forms of sultan' tztorkarehy) and based ,upon some European proteetorate.. WA do not regard thase oositingeimies wittrea;stly the - insir.asenti ments, but to a ;general concurrence wit entire's , confess, - we-world rather sea Mexico' made a,real republic than a sham menarohy..we Wenld rn'ther see the seven - Millionrof its polo:11016d Rabat- An der a free Government 'than a grindiftvabsoln dens, which could hardly:be maintained except at the cost of fresh revolutions: "We - prefer Young - America. to Gtd Spain If•some MOUE missqivo :way, better those of 150 p, than of: 185.9. F. _Mexico, It is true . bas not yot made much of ispublican• Ism, but she Will Certainly not Make more of artoh a monarchy , as Miritinon sinC his' friends might ultimately introduces; :nnd:,sha.would possiblyat tain to something like.prosaerity - after a. new start on really liberal' principles,'with' the' poierfai support of the great American - Lateat'irrotit the , Seat of Wan oar (ast'friend,, O.' P. Cutter, ahead of all slow cam:Mee:lu laid noon our table this morning the Llistet , County- Gazects of January 4, 1800. The, sdtish packet Princess Charlotte h as ar rived, With a letter from hiaßoyalllighness the Aiak Duke Charles, containing the following move ments of Bonsparte , , • Oat 14. Boonaparte andßerthier are in Prince; aE the very moment when the fame of :theft. tri umphs reached Paris,ithey disembarked ctt. Fre jut. It appears that ho Ras afraid of, being' taken by, the English, had lie - attempted to land at Tou lon, and in oonsetittenoe preferred - lending at Fre jus. The•fitgate in which he came was esoorted by tyro other vessels. . Oa reaching the shore, Bnonapirticeid all thosi who nocomparded-himi , fell dawn 111:1-kissed "the land orliberty.- ,„ _ Enonaparte and Berthier.have noVarrivalllollo from the Ranks of Abe N 116 ,4 'they were wooom panied brftenerals Lianas, Mormons, Marat, AD -and Aitizens Mona and Bertholot. They have left the army af 'Egypt In a Most eathtfaotor7 state. 'Moreau is at Parls:- Srnattsunow, , Oet.•!).#4offioial .Bulletin ; pf the Ilenerat , Staft of the Anny,J—The army of the Rhine.bao tretaktin Manheim and tranliforti The enemy have lost 'three briadre_Cmen. Temthou• gaud peasants:elm - roes MAN hare grown,dow— their, WITS, Among the pstil% era a 'whole company of .ooluM akii: We' coca more are i 9 pas seeekin of the whole line of Monte, Afaeheim, and Frankfort, , • • -- " • , do rune the news giro o rago - ;014 X a 77'A'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers