. I*, _ ..... .i.,„„nn-.le';iikitszft--71,,;iii.,,, .4.. ... j.. , B;gy).o4qoANiut.:Mitlilatt • r‘ ii,, •,•“- s • •- Dociontomsaa4 ol oeheisola ~. tes4 * - 4 J .''' . l' "iiiignnewki: ll ' .l ‘l4 .P uow 'rae l io -'• • • i k i t - •••• 'V • : .', 2..,i. Dir 4 trdlisysia ..I' '- f . ."; ZA n - c -Y SCA lift )1 -• '." ‘, manoholOormit enit „e , v• •:•,;:•e:.:, ~ , •,, . ..- I ,44iiii. r 1, ,: . ' ff, 44 .r • kiliwitt axotoolS• 1 14 ;; :;b::', 3 ::: -- I :' ,- ; 'mite's, lil 11 .- . '' - mi f og ommingdell TAW% N-7 ,. .51: , ., .:.' ..1001, 1 ,41160.0. 0, '',o . 6OlllO MertMil r.;e.', .., -A .1,... AMID* MLM IF A Alifilook .. . , m A ''. ' . 133e1Fa IP! st% -. •... - .'ol.oFitt4 Kattl* • I IL.tti, • = ':rn Darrell ma* --::1 "" r 14. • 'Au . - 41 . 1 r* -..-•••••••• A; .:;-•-•,. , . ihop. s iiauppiNengl.,A,,,..o . ". ~1,,, ••••; ,;,...--., t 1.,:.• • - -,. , - rig . • .., Z - :'••: - . 1• P .. 7 . it • .• a sc. •;•IVF lift Ititiy.:4llW. SC,' „,:.. - .7!..t...,:c.,.., - ~,, ..,,,.. -;:g:. ;.' 'fls; ..; 4 4. 4 'Vt 7 TA II MX. •'. , I, ~ la :. ... , -. • '',...4,i'etii.A""•,•.eattlito t•tOrarsLyN_llleit_ 11 . 911i,,,./ L . ~('-• ..:1 1 ,. , :z ...,0 1 ., -",r.4•40„,,,bwitqc,,,,,-.). 4*. iz... -4 : 1, >.. ; '• ...A' xv.st . ov ike srf4l-...40110 a omrp'l l. • i ~.`t .2 4 - ': • :': '-' ' ittittillt NUlRVl' 4 'r.bn .4 •'.... . . 'l ' •:' '' 'S- ''' - BR dril tubs* " At* g oiltrill,7l' kt l 4 l W . :; ;•• • • ,... • :,,,,13,1 0 T 4 ‘'• , : 4... , . .... = Kum, 1 rillaillOWFlMim i • ••;', ,,- . r. :. - ... , , ' --- MiiiMos7 o * - A; .- - 4131.1 4 1 f. t i 11i ,, , ..' f ::" ' - .144 , •- - ' :'o ' pkribis,::,7 1 ...:- . f. ,. - --. • ; 14'; •Po i alklLA -- - ~',.•• , , 11 -4,r ...'....- tool, th ew * lisal , `'larva," mi k iiiii i i io .; w ...; mamma /ilk/I ''4 4 .4 ' llll67Aimiluk' X410 , 06641u., -:: Boat imam ' , 1: , 4,1 :.1 / 2 ' ..C , ': • [ . . :• . °Wig., 'VA . , *•P * :: ' f , ''': - . ' 06401ADVAQA101011 " 4 " ;1 • : =1".i e u a 0 ...,,i::,.;;. m,"6.,Tela ..'etiaiiktimlogr4.4 ' l n a pt it it • ;1- ' l-. • --- :: .. .ossiAtiliceimll'AtittsiMisie44 s i If s . • ...- -..24,.... 1420.0603,Atektt0ra,,,0,,,-: .--:-..7.e . ,;...g....,.,,„m.,,,,,ati.... soisow&ma,...,. ..c. , .,....,i-couv.,,,,,viv ..1/so,witirtaiirkiegav - mtli a • •-,..„ r....,, 2000,00.:4•Ltiwor -11•1011tarii, •?' ;! i;:i r ' ' '..-suscatiogow , 44. Lopt.ioudivi oloitwaw ._ ,i,, I. _ l e„ ? ... i.' ; :'" • . :: (1146"1"1344* ' 1'34"4 ,4;taitr , 04., 1 =4.9M4.. 5 ., • I !•?• 47l". ii t TetreLy ' 11 • LI cow stsipatilitu* • • .. ' ?;ofoirfordlistdv:•744.lsatpifii 4 t . ...:svimss.earis •:, 5•.:: r,c...tcomeicanors,E,.rioiaisoirdaletmiiioderelt..umoa ~,,,f. , ,,,,....„4, , ... ..„...47.,„,„,,,,,i 0 , ~. ~ ~,,,,,,,,v-fv -f &mem" ,_ .. .. ica,,,,. ~,,,,-,,,„... ; :,f,p,,.. • 7 k ?wiNii • ,Viftf .4.4.1i , 5116. # ; ' ~,..; , :W4 M 6 N' Zei....!,e4MD.P • I .*- n• "R 'tili,•4laris .. ,- - ..• . ow • • .14 ,1,, ••2:. ~• : s,l• , iiMi 7 . inir6,ii '''' . ' 7 , it_ .= , ft . I "c li a t, .!A , / *A 1 . ,111, , Nir saw, 'T=rtri tr . • .;-,.. ''Ficsopleattise . tilAlirit .e. ,..., - . • . 2= 1 . 1 „.. / , i ,., rr. .. - ....' • -, • ,: i r 1 i. 111 % . ~..., . ' 4i t 1 " 7.5 . .„ - e,. ~;;,,,,,;‘ Ttimit Mai L S 1:r. ; t - 11 • ‘ i i e f l; • 14° in 1; 1 17 ro i rriNitt ; .1 ' . 4 •WO '"-- Vii . k . l. , ' 4 ,11511/1 W.S.Tegs j ~ i jL '. :4 ) 4 a 6.41 iyAbip=Vargresdijilik Ira 1 ° . 34 .11 i 1 !I Olost • *Wilt I: : ...,"::;::. , Q .:::. ,I*. ' v.-if. [ : ,r.......:: ,:...,5.... '‘.....:::: Adalikaalte D) ItIV ittr . Auks vim* . ..- 4. 7 . lot, . 3N c il _ „A.fr.i. w '7, , < 1, Niff i gild 4 1 11 144 ;69 - 0 - i 4.1 , AraoM ?Aar , i' . =1444 trus-gv -, ~ •,, Arai Satrlitimp ~, k Apollo 1 mu ..' ,'" , '" 4 v•Feamett LI, ~, aimijkis , ~ ~ Atiqprall'Ato 1- Thitifocirtaralmi ) GralgoiliO4.6. 4 ~. ' 44 AolgollellAs• I ..,;Ratuirig rob Joan fl MI i==, -- •...1. ;7a Ailaeasa lhe W I , Dtata. IN at E.. t% p . _„,' •-• . 7-trn ~ ,114 a; .:. :.4 011 1.41-14 111101 loillbAll & X ,!... t .., ' 41;4; . .0 4 4.. a TS. 9.11 1 101;114ag RAO- ioa•aw,.. , ' *r . lLe • mks PO/Fa tAi p -. ,horituiohav: • t ....4,., '.....7•haeska.Mal i '• VIONIIIIre• "5114 , 74 0, : ok. , Jaime W • Adair A.*4l 4$ Allarilll ._,Yo nil Parr aa4o 70 111%a1.....-/Matilaiaa7 2 Jessi..italt...t, A t OW ,. 4 ssarqtrk , : Arts , 0 4 2 . 6 . 1 s I . ”' T ; 4 44 ir s !,:'' ' ,),,, . 40 -irefAim fr t .,. . Apolait ' ' ref ,TabhT L - AilOna l ':' ' , *rit ' 'h e ms • TV 1 4 f e ~ ,A mmnif M u thilo Alkiasaa 10 D vial' 1414a 3 tay Klashara N a Anraed et. 00 A A laasitDpaltl E 417 tfiot '-h,'„ frit Ayr's Wm MAT Mega 0 Itoy Imo W `,' ' = a6ait ../ X. . 1 324 3.t Ai r 1,ga j . i, BM r. PikiC ird p a r ill lr =lea Plot W A _ Conte SII, 7- 't - --we usifiery ' ',irimlitiL ~• •'. AVM* i AA...4 ih,, k , i.guia, JAI. Harair Mar •• AVM* Amadei Millais(' IV NV , =k - sataicr't t• ' • I, =litittattiVir4 1:1:011 irl " f ; Balm If 1 - .# mr ~ 1/ 7 Ml l l l l DAv l 4 I, UMW& 01 1 . rjll 11111113 /no - '4 , Ilvit Mr Olkli, t A pr.,4 .., 5t.,41.1 . lEicay JAcato 41 ,g ur ZAK *UAW ''llieter Xi '; li• el ly Malmo ge 8.K..1 tar kai i Jil...r Tarra ( .t. , -rr- ilametri a iaa r Lat.-Ai/I 4. lailto! A 1414 , /Ow , Xalsallgeir7 ~. N.V. ,Apg - 1 ., ; : 2 .7. '' , llarialai ;SW ,4 A il tl ,••• 'met -kinithqpcki A. A at 7 - / 1 liallaaa LaialirAliftg.ll,B , ' ' 4 4 ? k ic,. •tv,.• -tf.kt,4r;VA,":Alcitl4l7ltiga DAriti4l: • — biii r a'at litsiukukek a auatitil Mu* 1. 10 .; . +7 40.2.1ka 4. ziAb• 1 '4440444W i i. .., „ ~ I. lg. A b,..1 011 as ~ 0 aikArtv...l 4 , IQ i - • ....4. VIP ./ "17) .F.is 'X' , ds.,- , IA 1 . I . _,.,:,,T P.x. r 1,,,1 1 W. - KARI W m s ~ .r:l,. Jail .'.. ...r L. , -Mlajg* Li .•- "M(bbilila)(11 L 1/fdri P.t?i italibtit L / • 1., Bogalaal t Picketer L. 2 inert JJ .., t. Baer Fil&Ut lihra Jr/ 41 : . ,q ilaetilMaleav# a y, Minna Jou i 'Nord Joke - r•abitf to Id I, ,ii.{... - at,p. /mar 'Gram r tam:lon lu It Bally, Crate k Yowler A bziNue 1 Lammas ate (4 Cta fry 4,4146 . 4. 4 , i .} . „Vkilaaaws• Alt . A . AnlK.tt Wra II ltaikerali A 'ltilltio Joe ht Apayo4,l A. A X Vim's lenemail Limas Beni ~ .1 ‘ %-.' 0144.WA4 ir •.- tOrd lisaa lorabort Cr P; • 8.11 wee /0 /rest J obir teal keA,A( 4 " 1 1 r c t=lt ri : 4 e lf:fewer, Wm Li Lola Arabi` ... 1 1 --, , t_ , {' -, Paro...aft , Ji it Loa Pr _,,,' .- littirltY. P, ' lirla list ft Litt* $ , , Imi pac,r4 ',Oa Aallgier t _,L • 11 110 1 ,4 E, -y4l _RNA Jim (habitat 511.10 - ' • 141 ft IV •a• r, , 4 511044 '0 i'w V G.atokm, ny &Airy g,,,' ~. Sar•101140 A z Callather Pat , Wog J liana 43 C Ciarobla Walla, ~- liesiotaTlfig ~. I r., Mika, liar Oaatior Par Wood Mat r a il , -,.4V• Gatkatk Wm ~ landlea Jae, 1, r disratiaal 'Ion • - DWI, A Z . .. tit ... 1 10=,OArber Oittst , e I am, Leo. , . l rt airilt Ostia I' Leap Jabal' A -.; a flAlkp .Iplia lawisplesllllllAg, tilViA' - ' — 'liOltatter it ~' ST4 "s . 4 'N 43 , k k•iipic`t u Ampali (Liana 101,r ..i. 1 ' Allsekakiilltll 4 2 Gat 701 -'- Ltleveolloali A: , _I...(a(IMAIMAIIMI AM- tittgro .7 IC. •- OM ~ ~• .... '.- PAlBietti • bit , Galati* AUDI Ploodittio• WOIIO4 ' • - - . ...iriil i all t at X . :',;Alyi.ll.JA ;I t ktit Apia 3 it el WIMOI A4Lltififili. a . ... /01 1 01_440:i . irtHlON4o4.4Wirolitt & L a , , .+0411.0.00104ef 41P8igairt a W - 71 - ,1' I. 4 .aelikilkogi ll %elys'4 4 .ll/14111 116 1 1 4 k1:41 ... 0401"0 ' . 7 ., ~._.........u, ~.... ir,.•,. ,*.... 4... ~j is Y; Lff: . . k. AO' , uktate ..C8 .1 ;:;„flassoa- .. 1., NIVON _.___........„. kir l a r tel 4 4 it :'l`. 4 . q4 1c41 it I Vlttitt istoieFL,. l' 'lf u it 13' Pito Itos Tt e ky1012 . 1 u .. r .,e vy z 'A' ' ' i • - •• ;A r o Arni - ' ' cTioi.—Tr ". la let W . ' elatide. MI/ 115,, Y tr ...,. 4 , tlaire i r:u‘ fattle d J l L;7;•loVWthitt- i r i A e le.l. 1-7 1 / , gral.,:d - Rati ET: 44 ik.- ; wfUji 'l4Ol • • ,0 ••--IthImpoma J 14 - 104 ?l iiiii l ' ' '''' Y' Ll jaiVol r4lll4llll • l lopt l llT . ' ''' '• TWO TInl y M or g °l6 I t. • P • ; I. I X NO tf'• -`:•,• RoJtOr T B _ 1110mon W 1t•...fl ot ~. t Sorpokilf isooll oa, i t t itT.,,, / . 9 w a .;-- so rri Dona ... ROO Ai IRoi f t TOrlbtll Is E iet *.r_ 6.1)1` ''' '' Al '3 4 I '' 3 l . ooWl ol6l s o B i • 1 1 Ps' {to .A .. /.4 Iti i re 1 ' , `"'Voatt isto n. , - ri lid • e li . " t 4 4 '''' rhr6tirMif WM st 61 ' lit Alotoi • ti • ir E " .l ) SW , !. -a r r , thresir Beni Rost N0w ,044 ;MR -,;8000 1 4 i R, ~., ,__Tf‘ellkbt.VO 4 : t v:i 21 0 Xt eir.4 . :Prikr 'ti.P,C,FITPFr " qtt ' Xs Ku Mob __ j ,. a . . ' ..,Tuctis 0 11 T 1 t ,/. i:44:4 r Ait'Ali ti gn 11 lif 1 1-c ;q ( # y ''' 7-4 '-. 7 .:1- °d ~,,ea lee I L . -1 ' U itlari Irle . ... I VO ra d 15.84` isikaaktr.-----0 0 .7Nri A -....T1 0 m b Y / 3 " 1.1 ' 1 p mi ll M E llg 4". l: B k,.7l:t ef' s t; ll :tqi I % cl34if.' 'Jle,lrSt " 1 .. • ' ' ' ',i'4l,l4 4/" , 5 , pqr , i lin ';;;, , t4 . . 4 , f 1 4,44 131.1 (it l • _ - 4 1 -6, del tlii -_, 1hkr.W 4 1,,,..•;- og ii Alas & *p.agrlallejal Ti, I At& laillrj, s t '' Mi der listl y ~ Oda 0 if,,t,„:, • 0 -Limval 2 l lo l- 4 1Yark 0 1' WOA rect,St• l ss o a r ii.",., . vtooottaeg i . r,......, . .11;411 Orkioop IdetcWegokr Testi • i Per A" i:%!:'''ll sitilm Jamb • -Wsumi l Daniel PitVer Lc LI . 1:. thiklett . , A:l...Akita Wilfill 0 T , i''''. l i Maim iir ~... ... •.:11:116 - .. - .77.. - IWllliAjrtob 1 0 , Patinae & Bobo- ShIpIWE ibr ' ,llkeles Waskson Thopy ' • ~..illln _ triirm 8 '''''. • Wiliglsy WM & , ramst Virfselriooll- I I , Vskelt Wm Tilf: 4 mole ratio 9 1 rate , i&SA*LA o,llallthls s-Pr 411.orlIolasentour , to, t rid. P&Rgor vil l ao i n , r.: „ :;l imi lialliZ ji ll & 11- .. g sv otß ia: o la ri ss ,..- .... , 1 raftloiYe ' BB P-t ( 4 0011101 0 W t , 4loWielle OA - PrY 1 ,r y Parker Wm Moak Wm A Walton Walker & IP46ll6l44yrer,•••4OOßlPWorna-•..r00r00e.,•- .. ,-, - Pembert3G, lapel leattle ru. & do,:i'llreeks Viloroili i 1 Phelps R. a.. Lielith /Doti* Ou lirstosrill Mr 19 . Nuys.% Mo-. -Saab Jalm W -- Pd r 1 .704 •• • - • 1 1 aroorront riorin;r4 diltorikNiarr- rfWailk•ral•Otik.ik Wa l alit Ile !"-'o4Bllth, r,,,,,, M*srP,° ltr 17 i, i : _ /abate * lio b , p,•& ..,wWilpini Jii,, ~ ~, ; ' Pi RC& OP ir y,411144 "inlissiat , olus , rTI, o'ilt , fc . o,lBlplll Pki 14 3 . -ztv - r . •-'• ' sr '- • Pero aDkul TI, th .1 wilbalra 0,& A 0 Wady. 1.44 - --.suriley - - Wits Tabus tt i imU z t o 7 3 1 yrd a llp e , . , Ir'g.i..iir i f t t gf : 5 ',',1 ) .. q i ' 1131 c14.* * L ". B 5 rlei ' ZiL 4 - 4 W il " 1 Pi ' lae ~..1 I • • 1..5 4 1Wtr,8 - Lr-i • 11.61 FP igi lidn II ,: il 't 1 Air teak *or 1 att ... '.1., • ll = ?I 1 - . • ,prizr i iii!e.ipllbir....milik„. T 0 , i , ell it ioo4 , 4 ,2 ,',xliTi r in M vE .5 .:., lb J 43 '4l 1 r .. 7.1 . If {Yell. 4,r..* 14144(8 It ' P ait tiTiaiWark ° l 4 - tpt l i r e :lP p t oiiiill i im ~ 1- sordio i t - ee - liio 111 t lstatitir.i" • Wititt n ro. 3 1; ta r i ctri t t o s- 84rtoka e r 0 11 , wuro s c • tot &Eel P ".11OlitootryhriatiVe.:Tiftroso 0 G , dor Opt ir::`,,lss. , :j •A;, spur. a .. co • t" 1! grl'lt -jil° • r' l l'i - Wvil l iViri:J' i l 800 it i. iffoo - ti ''' ''' " ro' ''"' t t i6I 7W a ll' • r t ' - t-fl• 4 a ..oatr... .• ' . VW . ) Bethel! n,,:,7 "l imbs 4 lll . • y. e. ooa ssoda r M n • ` Siait , lialc.l - :t u t out & pro ~ %VA 1 11 • - t ' r,.,lllpiptir ri k - , -- 1 iilt ?tack - I'' it t r.• las, .1 , - ....i t menthpata - . I*,,,,,,tpfit :-...• I i gal II i fk_...111815&.. . _Moods Obis i i i tir.F o l . ,.ll3 ll aftli l l l r4Y.N-I.t V il l V a .ikuwiJ IS • ,S6lllB A 1 , „ - 41(t Baroststi 1, • Mika r47ll•:„%gfet i l,:iik . .. „Wooroll a & do : otormwrp D'l - ring ROW. ....., -,:lrrls&r. ROY Z P . .. ' 41,r1)5,td0.,, roc_ so a& 1.4 . ,b• - r,w' ; :wriert J X ~ I t ri ... . na.evour .., ..wmitx,,,,,T, ~ l' i rigrAP ' i l : Waikato k clo• .18514 Mr . ; , (i r r t liV i zqf aii ;,ntabloil, P_ :1: `Rdott:_wm • t •Si - Irbri oko s- ' ,8 ' ww, • at , ~ ~ l ir s i o . .r.P irill , - ' itteMigetiiii4:)4 l ,4o2, ' l;;: 3l l V , Ird ll fiiik 2 1 ' EM, 1040 ft, 71, 1 • !g a tor obu "Thliatrillt - .1 I - W , litil t qldl- :;71, ft.t Wzd D Yltelkosr OIV '4V lorboatusi'm :..'" 1 at wooly . _ Cor•;1'" - " ' , mic polio. ,ogrirr Davis a‘ 12 11 1 ,- ; :Prit„Pirrna ~ 1: k9t1 4 ., FtWat ,. 4 B ," , • p cl • ...4 7 ,4r a w i l a ir r aw ir r t , r -4344:.-- , :• , --: ~ :- 1 --kirliiiiiiii_ls:_„Yousti I.it'll:it '..... I o :Fin t illjA t ~i. otAkeitaltalAtratt •Ilrsles Paso , • aptikkjigslpirk,MAlr"o - yorprood 76,91,91.1 •1g.i.4. 0 00;- ;#1,,.. ;2000 Ble- • i tc. : :Fin es ' ' ititO. ' ' ' ..1 1 0$ COTT ;.?.. Ai . , .. ig frN Ti iyss tirtiiy2 cncc f:, #101.0" • 31-716- lanikeMat l tidaM ------ • t e I 1. o• A.V.,1 - ~A n ..... 1 ,..' kit •, • i '-• - i', - 1; - '4 7 :ka t a'14, ' ' '',', littiott`lii: - from dtitib rolliio Norton 6 ; OLlndhe - iil IT tie opus • : a l b*Minglifil hesWa erAtifi3 Paulo°, V 1...a .* P i iiialtiPit44 o .V.P t eML Co. ' 1° 7 44 IP bi • ' • VALVVlS4lgig4.4ll6hk.pocli, with t o.. to .... • 4 , i:-, , ., r .vr. rtkiiii:ll dap from Etattinoo,. *),;... 1 - Via-: - ~. .. ~.. .._,. __ .„...: i .. kiwi N Atwood, ipg„,ll9o *Ere ,19! , ear to big . fart tiesPfaiV rr ~, r6l, • . ftiiiii!;:itOP . Oar: Slur .D% r.„ F ait , f.do , o t • , ••v ,w loreetO,T IcAlasetii ... , •-•s. ' *W1L 1 4 6 6 1176 • 6 6‘76 -.l '` 4it t l e = .#14 4 • 4 6°7° • mod ' frol.. twit.* v gt i a li ti7 a 4. 4 l,4of t apt . o. icllark RIM - I lif act , : , 4.- ‘ ••• • V• .2 A 16.644grfro*riosigr. 40,0ket Oolthis: .r: - ..• • 1 ~.....7 '1 , 41- ..„„ r tiliiir 'l,ll6,l4i:Vi*ret . '4l4 trim o,lolhoWbel. tk to Clo riAthi et it Oun. o , - - - 1 • ~, 34•••'•4 , ,‘: PH*: ye:: l'4ll fr.= CPCIr , s a, Dol,;Vit ilibili „.,.,,,, 0.54-.l,e_tiiiii#.ll3tidda• Dokiiiittratiti ..z.+ , 4 ,,,,, •i t ., ch i Au: ~. ) - . .s• ca. 1 -• , ii ;la% ' mat.414144.' 1144 !tons Wit; IN aliMe .'41 . 111 tooreloaddliawildir E oo.' ' tati • 1 it `f•‘ l6 J ,, ftioldlit do ftoto Mutter; Del, with, 'ild t&Ioa L soww/A - M ( ,.. . OA i t fultl6l.lo6lse d..... , Airpi iiiiiifehl: ~, t f r , z.,''tlfgr i v 0, 111 0:5 0 , 1 101blit7r i gt . oh . 1: .. • ' - ittbriflkalkol ~ .'ogy..cd,, , lloo4vy; •; t AkoPitSliftottka,ti asii , Itegni,dii, alrgri VW • rA , StI , Yrikeer;;;;; ,-,-,-- ,-,-,;• • • ; ~ - '''; I 1' , ~ Italialip jAilligitialtat, 161 . 01;§ /filial !* , r . ablelltil*OkinallC D•44145/490.1 1 1.11e.D II it•fra a .00.- •i', •- -: ,);P-4)l!..r.ecti_.• 161 ‘,. • 1 'i.• - • $Olll4 i t i,leof, lfaiWfile. Witll.llolloo, VIII !far Yet, ir * co, • .4v i e. .--,,, .1 4 - ~ , . firlail 6 0M141% M Iftrahli 74 4, l ".. winter 4::, Ago:. ,d....,),,, ..k.l-.4 41;t1 . sift Ted itaVaitt4lltlialu4Nlll4ll 61111dgiRtakilsaimn IL 1060. Wei - MITITC OO, . t • ^allthrfilsortiranipent, Jr, Wiesakeripal . 'f, rACCAt lITD /i;i1;1 - 41 - 1; : iitdediiia' l ei' impli , a ir., "der!XX:!6l 6l 6lllo4 6 4 ll mtwikaFion, C A Bookilhir rdb 4 , 7Z. l / 4 /14.4iinaarisitligoii4liqi ;1; ' do : 444 t 4 \ATCA.I. IO P 6100,904010164 Omer° ft, L owls ,„. Sitpri A• Saab , 6/066111Men°641101Abliller bc, 00, ear JR n ll O7. Bolol.llsoll4ildietberßiel , ,-debt N0e. 14 i11tr.1 01 0614 *Kb* V14 1 ,1 , a 0 P ; N " s tail**a ...t......t.tt•tr• k4.4 1 r A1 - ..i. e•, e, • , %I Au*, ono , iosfecii ,: do, ~., Ur r , •-• 414 0 46,i 0 Mst Ps', ~...d° a t A .v?, Bli.tr waufh i • -?•••• • P;ovittste• -- ' . do .7 t iwr; .0.......„.1.. p.m Cooper.: # 4l Ol , f - A OW Saltimots • A agovelyrr.- , V 4 'l-• , - tiliefeeAlNAlio R4lloll . 4ittlAidia:Cllilsk: ANIIIKOW4„ ` .11011114, 1 4,,i0 1 4) O.1,111401011,„41414tsboali *NI itallitatiteits ,Dr!tor, al- , _talielliwklari!, Aliago.• 3l 4 l . l ** 699.ll4 PrsniMoß 4l . 4o . '-' I • 7, , ,. v 1 ku 1, 1if 8 , .tz721:4t. .•-•. lut ,__i• , ;••• k i • - . TRW g 4131.A.;:.V.,' .', 4 HeTilliTil GR &ON, May It. 1859 rti The Nheigetne. tett bpi •Ale Morales with II boats In how Ludo sell etresiened le fallow: . . dtPretembe 11111rif■ lead Traveller, otte, awn end tya to Side .k' Welt r.Cliteptisket, wheat oats, ara to A. fe• • Helen le Col BC Hareicergyet ho to Perot dr. tiro, Wm; • rNewlee, railroad home tolteevee, Abbot . & 0e; Nat: 411Awifife, lu mber s o lotto Orsle; Illsibetk & it‘btect, Istjuarsest issues ,t.'oo; frontier, gall*, Two. Slams, -01 1 4kikr Sliti Nt * ./ .1 0 tOrylift P I eY, , . -;,. i i t,...1... g...7...,.,.0, u.ilialooi: 2.01.4.,, ':ri -, i i i k p a t if o ra , • I YYMWXIS•II, I •• gar Ig• A our I et etlelyamstes at **bar * "V° r bev VP V We l 'O/it:Welsh, I ~ Wire Iti . iwiil,' iililiki%. tterre. Wash . =retie. arra Alages: (folio. The ichooner be • EMPealmet MI tkeNrsaherelem irks lie Sarah 11-.B74r7frinn Alanandlig hound to Wareham, with , 1 110111;'At i llj k lioaitir pyltirk‘'WlerlesetW cloudy. ,arr';'; - - 11f1rIn fl us. - ; .:.a*i Atcri:74,2, ~:vrirje. Dei, at 14: . -- . 1 1.- esWiiirwrier'ihk'stiebor ssteldir6S WI pile of the 108071,4** *Ord Joliet- awning. ' IIeAM , Terser*. Pliers-far, . lierehetert, olf Yaml elites. for Boston; brisk teljArtifeeNew•Tork,• Nadia 1.m.11, tar: deplawall,,l - ieleiret,leirllt'lobs, • Mari , Netter.. see 'Lydes 'Pdaintelinbe Wierwihst'ot Ai Ilielt, •Kileabre 111 Wright. Acton. Plorailer al B) Delaware, N B T Tennessee, `lrmla rlllerpr.irlieltillerth Itemerearl. Jaw @Wright. 1 .18-11114, ascot M 014841 Rshil, D 8 Hunan', La. 1 elle?NlifeletiN Iteltwilp L 11 0 4ere.ro, James Hartle, 116 , 4- 0 0 " 1141144 4,11191 rF0, NW 11•41001 I, Croaker. rtt(mai !Medea ) o{ , ittslrekr Sirak 14 rim. o OWN'S Pwillis'ssbilitral/y. • . ,, fhs stow lest ,$)1 their clothing. • IfteettilketelmeselYhmks. <, : "Tsl"'''Tc4l* k. ; ''''" •;` 1111041114001FAAN... , "Vi‘l'''' V. ' 1 r1111807 . /ANDAeI: /• . , Vl i . 131 4 /whitlite4 o // XIV,. ;RPM), -•ri alOk' . . „ liter .; 'r)Slkakiditie IINPINI I WOONSIOPIPIATIIIROP0 10 41af• kilitlll.t.Ottlilettli • .att— _ _ Stesmehlp frinuh. stowalihil, ftSm,BoW.Yealt, Vs L ardred at germ' Ilthitit.J. `'`'iuj...:f; • i i • wsherw -114hlad il s: ll fli siilest. Wslwskjwhillsishs, ND, tre'Yorltth -1 , . • • '.i •.- t• • ' ... _llltessetltin Star of the ililleit,"(NO, INNICAt: errliiil iilCLir Toric lith inst.L.L. l .- , c , ir,, ••• Iltisaisa ft 4rikatileTybta, NinTleatilkoMlSNlF 'Turtle 3 at New , York 14th lett. , • •-•'• ••• -tt -, r r .. "81.1 p II 7, Wrlterweb; Ai 'New Yerki - Sefiell :Nei' PatirtUilgoreb s - ,r/ r,... -.,t /.7; : ICS loweph Pa.bdiw, w'Mlf4a. for BoilshiAris at Wrens Warn is , is, wsltitqloso io 4000 Wag ' s/ !Am /I, , Ship '1516,1104, fi(si,Wod, from Now Orissa f. elate, st Wafter, Thi hlt, . • ~... •-, rdpe VilliVit yeerbeter, hom Landon, and eillr the Vest{ Trete tirerpost, at New York 13th Ind, ' r.., r , "Blip'. Must (Wen. Ilayi beim, strived at IlesMila 81 - lilt, sad remained ttb, nrointala -xary - wittrawrf, - °reign, for Ban . /random, Meant( illt NM/ Tak.t.l4tb lap. ...,-s6lpllietst - Bridlmi, Dualsitl-fow-nonclulu, ideated tylkietoto Elk the, ' !ft* York 14th Last or Yg sttil )4ll.ll 41.104 .:, 4 .14 -- • , . 140/ TaeonyillveZeuryeir York, tattoo front Pa. co lero 2 let elk: ~ 4 4,, , ell Balk WashlsSts• ' Amp Collins, for Philadelphia, . twisitted et,amese ilk 4.0„ 'Ms* 0 W Iroziltray,litamskteran, for N York, cleared ' M tummy Alb nit .- .. 10 i . t : . 4 I 4 . r . iiii! , . 4: V I Z •••_-• e i p ) 4 toil ., , I t C . i,'' i ~. 1 ? "1, 1r -017 l i!).1 f 1 191 , 4 I,;'f , milvalp" • I , IYI Bildt Greekt; Stale, toe Matacsas, cleared all IINW Olean. 7tb loot 1 fkrit4aaa'a Oraalf r Ittipidt,Cep? _! at Portland 12th inn or Ph4latleipala, •.' . - j=t l o l, ER zfq•kiltlVOl Rblltdplphla, sailed I di Ilk' HA- hit 4.te1.1 -....- ~ Ifrig piss AIM. Ilinitiltio l dhuard at New York 14th hart. for Palladirlpida, , ~,.. ~. T•, , Prig Amos Id Roberto, Colson, for &taus, cleared at Hamm 4th tail Brig Alfred Pia; taadllat for Boamiloa, cleared at nAl,6lsa B'h hut 1 11 ,11,WrVb. PSI/Pe r i fly cPittle44lphiss44l4:44l - at /et altibli, Yostes t . WWI from (Wow 4th lid ter It f..V.i, - .41 lilt: '; :VT r Wig aen" - 1*444.1114505 . lot /1"11011Pdat lialfil /roe Cardona 6111 hat n• .• • . .' • "'"' • ' jr riglYi nt i t . /417 taff i erWAtt 14 1 016011 : 4 WR e jf eta taflparf, i bap*, aitiftd 4010. * , i tWittaratii*ltt icri• New York , galled , ffirem yr iti bat s ' 444. 6 Prieles, Voatei:cieirwi at Wllnamitloa, Ni', ... Oa ar foiPlilladellalii - : , • , t- if ZrWibraVlitor,'cliliil tab Wihiiiiiitou. go. lOW that irer ot wino astteautilthrt r-1 . 1 : t , i4On oliogaii Wald*. MU: 111D6411 lad LI n MI6- Sy, otteate4 l'eraW/Sobaatatt;tor flooloni erlved at lfoitaii's I.4olll4tAhun,l l / 1 d 114[4104d Lith .i Atso la port 111th *okra blosat.lo Ar.ona, Pllabt • fumy, Pao. faatati'll g 111446.404,-Lint•Matil, Ifm P Cox, Goons I XIV aidl Wald auttacAtialla 01 ilwateij isKit Deputy, ,ilt, , Uwati k Willtici4 OA, B4tiritt,Qo 4 l/11kalr. 0 4 . 'Mite 'Sad °NM litewar, r, ' ' . • It/ i: 1 , ,,54n.u.,11 Ayistrer,, 14.44 fo r , for.,llolillelphill, I.radletitcat W.lcasaddia lila Jag .• , l‘iiwttrlt i 1 , Js4creiw4lt. eyNwat to,twairatt SO. harls4l ,44 l44lLlEW•Ot• Is as ford Port totraeatal; skip 11•1 kw wirm ,, woo, trig gobs, Boston ==l ..........,,, . . ~a.a a: .‘: , 1:1..1W). ..... 11 10, kfis. — . ' 7 --if ii . i — n-k: rg aartia:ligt3ll3T.Z., 0 Otte . stilit', 2l ± •Nr' . 147 OITIA219 . .1011)IINIff _Ol2/304/iStelith.i,'.., n MibrisZimitaravr 1101111 mi. r l w,o.artfrQlol4.,FAXe. • ARMS, afosh 04T ff AK [NEI 11.., V XY seri oeroet:hopeg: WArunsetoN,RAyttoro. cootreoror A ~,....., ..,•,,, ..,. 4 4crtsitakiri :Bales c): D ea , . Terror) 8 V1.:Ak1e1.4454 4 , • ', , ,Sbrr kodltor:app , lakid by. lite:sett ;Qcvort ,gq 01[04 elistMlitiriar.bf:r hie Jowl, Jo: oourti •-eralag r0.9;14e . Sheriff's Sale, nodet tbelboreJ wilt, Xfs.thl/ 1 .0 1101 1°S; brinclikek. to .It.r. Ell , thst sarteur. two-U.4.0 :story bilokbouse;•.thlitteriaral . a hattfeet fratOky; ty;:fsa& i t di'deptb ;pad onvoalory.fisme..killhan At... 4 ;(414. 7i tem sod a bldf fest hyaltaeo (satin dlrrjaktirl4* theirortherev•erly Ws or 18.*Isep itteill p . ,4lFAXprizr . , iecou.l ward , of city or 'Ph ilt 4 lehrhis. ;:t 4 41.19;._".P1 422 ._,_0r bound. containlog thirty feetAtout. 0.73. 11 .0. flielllate walla ilepth; trrirefisk.on the Abortheaal,l,7„gr6lo.;:cl pidistig. Mt tigeoi.,o o r the 6 'automat, by 4.ldeqkatttei meet; no the Putithwiet bylsreucil of ergot:et 'A. Pro -11,7012)&1m the kontheit4t by Molar, street aforesaid; whit meet lita. puttee .latereattd, for the purpose of life 'ap. potato:test: ottnl IMIDAY4 May 24, 1.22, ;4,4 o'clock P. tot. malts oblee,ll3.Bll.ill.oll..Etteet,yhukaop.bla, 'at wh ich time Cod plata:all .pereous lutroste , l , ,are ie. 1 quired to protect ' , their slialmf,Alit. be ttebtored 41'024 PV124.111101ii44 , 1 Nal: :. 4 10811P4 PiARINTOIi, , • 1 .;.1001.740.tre ,. ....„, .. • - •,.. , f .. ir •...;......!., kiid i to. .. R • 'l'llEt.DlSTltfar 'COURT • .FOR , THE - iltre, - ..Np - aottNt V cip,Etrit 4DIiCP ft I a.', 1. ' , a'AnikW..F. o i.dite Bi• Rolm ye. - Allll[ool' '1 , 6 &UN . i c aid `AINIVIANAT ." A '._".tßetty , (o)mte), , and , t . ANINONY:YitAL - BY,(Vodr. - 106r) .; ' . . ••• , ' . .- - LetarrlfielieVDe:Tiirin;'lBs9,'Nol HO% '.''. , ...n t y r nis!ftlkpbo.ipl. al by, the ..eio court ,to Ftport 4la,t alp', Of...the food, In.corut;. Oiling '',ireen , the flt )1 1o r t, 4Vit3 ,4 lPg.a, w ee'regitU,'ll,ll:.'l,!;if.to — , • bi QV, frowq,':tnt — ert:and"O ‘ litilf: tent' front"by thirty Yee ih'dlitalt, an rice. story frame .kttohen , A4Antioqr . ,, t,hintemt and en helt.feet by elevinidet in dentlo mita- ! itte °gibe Onitherekterly isidtrof'Datoni'streit 9 in.thei ' , frieetr.ieebodiriard 'or,thei 'bay et - PhiltdOlpbts, 'kid' lot ot pVeO of, gr s ciend;:eontaintrif %bitty 'reo) .friint hyi one htinAted tart in depthl. bonoded on the !northeast! by rancid of QatharThlt . Psyiani on .106 'cortbwest . by . ground of Mhopnie ,Dialliniauil on' witithweet by ! Fround'of•Tainoil L Tehole; Mid on 'Dui dOntheast by', Mate's strest,.nforeield".=.l4 , lll mast the..eartien in tad for the Ottilebne of hie Appolittniont on TUBS.; DAY. May 24,11614.' at • 4 .o , oloekiP.ll., at hie offiee,! No. 811 Arch atitet;Thitedeloltai when and where ell! lierionsttintereettd.• am -required - to • present .their, .olatnie, or. e debarred from amino loon geld fand.,l o . - 4 , :n012-20tee. *.; .t I.JOBSPH P BUINTON. andltor,! i .IVOT/OX., hereby'given '..thiC.ROBERV, 11 1) REEVEd did, on the 21st day' of . J ANNAN:74 118691 toske.en seelgument fop thu.bentil. of oreditorei to the undersigned. All persons haring Maims on swill .Netete, or folltbted Wilts same, will pxo,aoot, their, au , i .costaia, or settle.tba asizo with ma. . • , . . 1 w.n , • Rll/IVRE4. j, j ullglAuria.Bleing.aliaau, , ./I " ntM L? - V ",e. 111111OLDS.-;1 0 ;1.:Paa74 . 1 isaix9sB Hai 168, p.. 04 "god in.oourh $246.12 .. 4 the Auditor alpfbolutad.lo.tAllt;iattle; mud' sallual the claims on the abime l'ou'et;'(alleitur from personal orate,) sod make,A.lettlbution ,tb t ereef, will attend Ito the duties of hie apjaintraiitt •ou WM . :MAY, Hay IV, .IB6o'. 4t 4'O'eleolr 11.iat hie oracle. No. ,Re Booth ,OlXTll'atretit; stairs, where . atid'yrlual • all persons 'ttvictolliqui.ou th e &boys (did art Yequir“ to present gm, or be debit:44 fidtnitertiolpitlog thereto: . 20NP . •.. MOSIN, A' . DRdPnnil "Andliar. •IN; ORPHANS' COURT , FOR. THE OITY 'AND COTINTY 0T I EOM° of,ROBBBT PATTONlDOalisoidi so.ttlit, , endsadJuet thonnoOnot of ZANE PATTON and ISA 40 PATTON, Xxiloiatorlietibt, Will or RO DRAT PATTON. docetood, lendiolpirrtdintlihntiod.`4llfinnot the parthin Ithorelo' TROD/a. kW 17tb.,11150 ec 40 , 010 th P • M ,ht ett onto, No. Oli'lloath NOUAT a 'Hive , . Philo.. - dolphis, • • WALLIAIIIOI lIATSINAN, , iny6-fmor6ts. , • .f Auditor. ti'ivir,fial..s - :.-vt..,,IPAIL,ft?iII3II.II I N Till ettiortiDdll COURT ,OE , TEM STATE OT DENNBYLVANIA- IN AND YOB THE HOLSTEIN RIEMAN:W.) •Yanna.y.Term. 1869. No 10. In'l:qulty: Vadat and by virtue of a decree ot.the Enpreme Court of. tba State of ..Peonsyleania, made hitha above , Witt, OR the Tad del of itsprtl, 1862 !FM be At 2 P O J I4 et publto este, by -nubile youth's o r, outtry.".up , d* VIP I) a , AT, the fifth dry of.Jalt, A D. - 1229, at 12 ' o'crook, noon, at the EHITADELPHIA EXCHANGE. in 'the oily of Shlledelpials, - by IHO tErTHOblitfl 'lc SONE, Anettoaeini. the followlag deterlbed railroad sod yro peril, upon the tennis and conditions hateltatfter etatod, to AWE . bIOETH: WESTERN lIATLIOAD. from its ter -Weal fa 17ewamtio. In iha obuoty_o lawtoaca, paps. sylvanle to lie southesetern'termlnui. at or pear Eli: 1 'Hie, Indfana county, Pennsylvania, Ind all 'tbri P. pont* rights, frauobNes, and prlell•gett ttleyeto - bo• log sly g. together with the lend, depot's, depot grouods, and real estate belonglog to sate railroad, and raid North Westing Railroad Company _..._•; t .%.,;•:-1... z.;•: - . ~ E .- Apaigtcw M. 14111CW101I, ~•' EDWARD 0: Alllalar, •.: , ... , • ...; -..: . r -TisTra t A . :lFinnin i :, ' . ,' 11111.Tt MititiMa'tb• TiOW6 fit litEllaster, 'that the rants I` Mad railroad. extanda a -Matinee °rite 'Mips, Oilholt4lihtiteilhat lit constantly. miles of URI toad here biblia'aredel;send the bridge masonry thettoo Completed, mod the asp irator:dui* of the' bridge' On pill ' , but not Wholly made. That tbet.porUon of slid read is, for this Meet ipart, ballasted, bat the tisane?' coach that part of said ' , rood have not, been_atobid, and that two milo.,'or thersaboat4. of the track bale been; told. Of . the remaipt Conine of the road; three oillose'enly have been ad; that since the work aro rirrasl2l.lorted hes 'been one trptuy of the tandioln «mstmeted bay* fallen be; tilt the ante in al pl saes bare beim' filled IV elides of emits. gad ;rave, and the ballast In several plum destroyed. ,*....,.. . . . The meld Lode,. rallroada, , franchisee, and menhirs Above montloaed, wilt be exposed , to sale* entire and! I n ova liA, and Oa followhiglarom end:coedit:l64 will be obssrved . li'themathis of the said aide. IP'POPOPOInne.' with fh•4 0 . 8 " , * of 1 4 1 * owlet. Ia eses toy Of the hold' re of the.hoods or satipara.dvil antt payable niece the .old *WA of the hid r' : 'l'¢e blortttWastern . tettrolat Oo ,fr. sed_sarpred by the Mortgsere eieented by the sod An-,`; liter Idfllieteicnlideatd' 0. - BOOS; and 'Peter fa. Keyser, Trustees, shall begonia purobasers by thorn. aelves or with others o f lbe said premises at the i d isle; then Ibis said holders of the Sala bond, nr eopppne WWI bi. add they tie heribi, inthaaisad to make Oki •lstent of- the price or putehtse money., bid .by them at the said .efals. Stkrr ID Whole or ./n Peg: exvitPtielf the I woof $l,OOO Letsdoefter mentloord,. ,y, Siinsf rag del delivering to the eel ,Aridreerli. iliattlati rd O. ii(sight, std . Peter A. Keyser. Vrei'Pes, 'ail It• the bonds or Caropons.the paid potobeter may then I , or by reaelptiog upon lb e same for the amount that May be so 614,11,111 m or them In whole or lA, part ,of the mild purebassononey, tae said bords a d postpone hi be eatirastedst.rOolarste per pent, of the par verve thereof, ifs the holders of , the arld . boodi or 'coupons so parolees, loginay be tura:direly eatttled to resolve oat ' of the ; :whole prior or sum for which She prentleta ohs') be gold •ae aforestald, after neyment et expenees sad , comxple 'sloni, for which share or olf.dond the gold delivery and tracer? of • receipt upon the said boasts •art , outman a shall be deernis4 sod tetra to be a discharge and st . nett tines'ta: dad Trustees • and the boluses of the said purobsse rooirey, net pa i d in bonds Cr postpone as &Mrs. sold Shall be pBfl by the said_ party eo parchielo 4 in ash, within wcnry lays after , the , dey of - Fele to; "the Batt Tenateta: Audit the slid **mists 'Aril /4 l n t . ohated at toe pile by partite other theIAPIS: held. era or 'ow isle of the staid , boodle cc i °soloed?. ab before Mentioned therillid: . eliolfi of . the lAd iputohaiii OOPS/ 'bail bil 1111414 fish Witte .time" of 'this ' , said sale. or within rietelardaYelhereafter, to the said And ei DI. 'Sietartek, 'gdward'O.'lgolsbti- and Peter. A. :If.eyer. Teniteas aforesaid; sad up ossesh site Wing so made and a geetadsei before lOaotIoned; an 4 upon tho terns thei , ot belbglolly somplied With, theertid'Aedrevg , gist wick, ll 'arrald D. PC.O.ait; and Paler . A. NayaariTreatora of 'shall hoots to , the , highest bidder, briog the 'strobe:see 'Shims% or in else of ' default Ty Ittiln '. Innty . days thereafter, to the Beat hlgleit bidder for the same, • ;roper dead or daada for Um 'panting . and. edniraylk 'ditto -him , or them 'of. the aforesaid 'audio, railroads; (rembles/4 improvetuetitsi ' 'and preheats, to be delivered to hid er;. theta upoo th e aotnairladginent therriOP to ibis said Court. to have. holdi malts, and 'eojoy:tbe eerie aosordlog to law and the Aots of A arrobly of this Coot mouwesith roffitigg to the same, for such natation& Itstatee is the; said ' , ttuarvi wierrgan , RAILROAD CO MPA NVI b p i that °to, atd. that Pera td bi4dpra st said sale shall psy amen, at the time of signing the ion &done 'cf -sale, tee sant of , /$1003) one those end dol. lave. For farther partleidare, apply to . '..- '1 , .. EINIPNUSW; Sollettor. for Coroplaloants, :". • eFitzth&M•o4.l9- 1. , - • "140 . ae1100z Etreat. . - . VITT - AND 00VNTY 0 ookitimivissakirlir TiziN Tip !, I, VANIA ( 'Po Blre: - .Tutli" Plifiely widow f Henri 04we ford, sod Alleenor, hie wife; George Swift, John Swift, Joseph Swift. (No. t )' mount Joaephtirlft, the elder ;• Robert E Alm sod, ard'idardpd, - hto Wife; Zane Zell, med Zits streth. bla wife; Mrs.AdargaretEtwfog, Widow ; 'Daniel D. Swift, George Good, Benjamin . Ittlie,!and Hester, 10, wifel •Ilobelt , ttluy,, and.Prudenite,, hie wife; 04orge" liw.ft, 'nod Tahiti 'l3oift:Trnetess.'ar.d tell other the heirs,• 4evlsos,- or' legal representativea of Henry Drink-r, George RoberValenel flther, and Joseph Swift, escaped, grept ; Whereas, at it Coast of laotesloa lead bold at Plata • pelphla, for themty and 'gouty of Philadelphia efo.• said, ou, tea .tireoty.ointh day of idittoh A. D., lug; In the matter of the Trust Eetate denominated the 0 Futterde the Petition of Jamas 0 plajori the younger'. Trihnie as heir at ctotomon law of Jim.. p. Plater, the elder, lammed, under • eertalu Drolsintion ' of Truet,' dated the' twenty.sixth day •of May, /fen,. WAS presented. preylog that he, the said Jame. G. .labor, the youngeri 'should be ateliers./ front. hts deloss•Tradtd• 14 afore aid... a • • Von and each of Yon are hereby eit.d,Ali • before you warp, ;;• ha istict i appear bocdre *thd Judges of oar aid Chtglt, to he hot sn at philadelphis on the 2.11 day or MAT out, et 30 Woloajc PI the form:Kens, to mate answer rb the/ eald petition'of ihoesid4ames O. 'Veber, cm 4 show cattle, if soy you have, why he, the said James v. Usher, should not - oe - daehargell from his °Mei as Unite," u afore' tld, and therein fall not at your peril. .Witepep tber,lionorable Oneida Taolnpion Dceter of Luw, President of our raid Cloud, at Phil:46lols, • the wont; dy of April, psgtholtsfsad . ehyht hundred and Oftputrie, (11351) ) ; EDWARD G. WESH,' Prothonotary O.IP. apll•mOt , :„.41trAitlesi. A*ORICAN-, •GUANO. 1 6 4 *VI t LLD . 7-.. f • .• 2 We take plosion is lefedentee' Farmers, Niteroi, and e 411 . WA" etegNs *its Mynas been appointed by th, ; 11.141101/qA3W . C3TA.310 COMPANY •soLg . I.4IRNTE. A Peritivalfeiflttite we an prepatad to.fornish tt lu anytittantity, from the tithes bsg or Darrel to a 'eh ip'e cargo,' at the male of , prices adopted by the Company, via, :' 1 . , FROM $lO TO . $4O PER 2240 POUNPR, ::4 1. 0. 4 9:4 1 4 t°:itict'eniannt.'eureheeed. • ' Yaperiments made with Jelidlg iIWAND and FL VIVIAN (WANOS, ali.itlnde of ion, hay!, 'ln' ewer', toetance, Tesemen In favor of the former, and we' ire now If waded teaoegratulate the agricmltnral nom. Pl iau l t iPP eß • haT PYg 74 4n,it s "Molls a GENUINE GUANO, . REAS'ONA'BLE The shin itEItNARD will Shortly arrive at thin ports &root from the ,telends. We are prepared to take Orders for- delivery finm her cargo, • or. from '• those of tha " White Swallow' , and )♦lying Sagle.” • . ' ALLEN .. ed . /IFfraPLES, No. 4143. DZILAWANS .63/86111D, ana No. 4111.1IATER arnprr, • . • . PIIILADELPIIIA. §ole .Appti for , the Stake f penneylvanli,: 4o l/, Jersey, end Delaware. fellensw anb' ' It' N 11 . 800 . tif . A.KB.L-.. AtTGUSt • . InciiirEc,'N.cf.lo6, North SQUItTIi Strist, as. yilli 'll Maly' Informs - the publfa, lad 1 500THHAti and , ntfitritgllOlLANTB particularly, that lie 'cod: - Maass to ocantifacters gastiltinabla Boot* and Oboes to °Mort' isitailiir thosearhe patronise him, that be will guarantee that his work will give satiafaation, both all manic. superior. Iyallh. cad epolltooe of m 1134 1 ,141. Priam twna otiiiir • • . • • - ' ' rat a4tot . 1 IMI ,E If °' at: FINN , 'OA rsic BOOS k LTA- Cougrif pt seat .olty Ojtour46ool ptioes , wheMiOA!WU, No, lit North 19800/9/219 !Bost lidt4 hh 'deb • t:.41064 tri fli t " elan or too Red BOO! OUGAII.-250..bbiti.'lovi to Fria 1.7 New wawa, tiagigr mlst far GRAHAM at, 00., • 1ie5.110444 73 taunt iier.o aft t g lE éaill4ll; •••=-P .r-, W Mgr LE.l. l il B B 4 PAti; .41;i0 14:1 5' )vd9;118:' Orrice or rem 'BOLIIII2OII POllllO Weakll,l Cotogettg, Ohio, April 27, I 1819 $ The Board of Paella Works pt the State of 0010 Web, tdtles;,llketz'betereen .i .ttia flouts V ten otelook A...,id. and four ofateek P. M., on theJ/Ilic I TItENTU DAY Or . AUGI:IBT '1869, on the *tens of ; the north side of the 11141114r0, In the oily of lambus, Ohio, it will preened to et, at public ovation—. WM the coeditione etyl, In the,manner a lord qad byy the, n*et hiatkina‘apploprlatiode-aor 'the tuperintendinatt and repairs of the public works for the decal year end. log November 111, 1169, and providiat for leaslog the siono,'V !prated. Sib:April. , 1869 n.the tPtalli9 Wflrlia, of • the State of Ohio; for the term of ties years, onomenc• f tog at noon on the But day of September. 1869. and ending at nro4 bur.theifiretlayr,.of September, 1861.. For the porpoeef , of 'said lettilbg; the-said Publio Works are distend into three evotlims, as follows: ge3ttopAc t .,p,vp r -to pmbraoe the Miami and Erie ! eel, and All the ela Gab!? 'dad 44terrolts con.• mooted therewith, together with the look houses, eat- heron , rates, weigh lopko, .and _lames of enrolee we ter therbirbrdi end' all•tha alter 'rents hod inirliefrjed : perta , nlog thereto, and of land need In connection therewith Section NO. fiel—To'ellirl t ioe the !dalkingum movement, Ohio ()Anal, the Booking Canal, the Wel. ' letralogOirml; :andTell dadgastdntai gwi ' garrotre connected with tall seation:' together with the lock houtes, eoilsetoes oßtaea, Weigh•locks. and lessfle of eorplehwitter: , therefrom; :pn,1,1 ell the wAter ?mate and privileges pertelotag thereto, and of lend wed id coonaction therewith. • , ffeetlihiNci Thrien;;To nmbtace the,W,antaroqjmiyA and Henan. hoed and all toll gates thereon. 7'A9 ?Omni and Erie Osnal cou.lets of two hundred and •nixijr.eightnilles!eof.inaio;llfte. ',lt :comprise. Alt Wabash and Brie Canal, eighty•aight miler losg,,eg• tending, wastwonl, fron,alavhatton. on Lake tab, to the Stare Nee bOtween Itidlada and Oblo. (where It cow , nee's with the Pia".uh and Erie tonal of Indiens;) and the Maori Egie Owlet; nelon Uanele i matending Irom /unction ; _on the Wabash end Brie et; devirki Disnhetten, miles went of Isnhetten to the Ohio river at Oinele. eats ' The sfeek-witer nivigeticto do thihin'eklngdhicivel, known as the hfueklogros Improvement, le ninety-one miles to :lengtirkand.wx.tends from.ddstletta, add Rat. mar, on the Ohio river, tof Difeiden,'whkrit It colthatde ; with a side out of the Ohio Canal, two miles long. The.Otilp hide rtom•Oletelmtdt matt ake to Portsmouth, on the Ohio river, and is three hundred: awl nine miles long; at Itoseoe. one hundred and' thirty•live miles from Cleveland, it cow:mots with too! Walbonding Canal; et Webbsport, one hundred end: forty nine miles from Cleveland,. the Drachm side cut : Oonneots ft withAliii.llMtkingain - .lmprovement, and at' . . Carroll, two hundred and tour miles from Cleveland, it . connects with the, bootleg Canal... The Docking dfty•sii %Nei TiMiiie 0301190ted _ . . _— -.asking Noel; dity.stx with the Ohto Canal, at Minot!. end tormteatee M. Athens. ► Prom Home, the Walhondleg Canal extends twenty. ; three mtlea,where lt terminates to.e. elset•water t ool. of the !Kahle.= rtier, • which rem:lbis' tiro miles above: the heed of the • . . . . • :.:Clitectekllnth,ths Pahl 41f,eStrahl ale vstidhpfesdi era, booths, aide Mate, feelers olre .nd. alaok-Watevi pools,. which ate the p:operti of toe State, and folk pan o f the eatitioni with•whioh theye.eonneet:*;• ThW, Wapeeh and Idris Oanal, from Manhattan to Jnoollotat ten conatruoted.with six loot depth of, water and eIIOX feet width at the beightof 'i s orwater line; from Alec.; tion to the State line, the width, at top Water; Will iftrfeet, , and.depth of water flwe,feeti;.WlthAheee;ew. l eepticute, the canals were denoted for a mt a fmairt . dept t f (our feet oC wattr, end a.width .forty feet at moll butt 'lilt chambera of flfteen feet wide and about ninety feet On, the Maatldgunt.. Iptpro,vement, PATO at, &eyed dams' and'elatkiwater peola lletwee Zansa. Title and Ammar there are eleven loam. the chambers o', which 3/4),JDO blkadred eLd eaventy•dve feet long and 'thirty. Mx feet; wile: ~liborrilgades‘allie,nolthwt, twcen that place and Dresden, fe another look,.whieh 10 one hundred and twenty feet Song and.twentrfeet ir:de la the otternber. r • The Wetter. Bemire. aod . Maumee Bend amfood and graven. 1 turnpike, leading from Bell/wit* th EICtOTI CO[ll2tr, to the btaternee.rif Br blidge,*at Pinryd- • buff, Wood•oonnty, a distance of forty-seven and it Seals seatlon will be let 4i. the perieia orl.Pirochas Who, Sid conelderatton of the tolls 'tobe Molted froth' said emotion, shall bid.to pay the highearaanYal 'rent I therefor, and Shall isotopy, in all'.respeets, with the aroma .J 4 aot and With the rola' idePted; whi,b may be adopted, by the.lioard for the letting. . No bid will lus received nubile the permnror p friends making the samonhell liara.:drat .derstielted With.ttle' Auditor of fliate,la• Mousy, or ln the itoollteht - thet State of Ohio; or o f the United States; thhellst oftin tboutmed, dollars, Upon Ibi s eons:lntone Litt he or iltyy wiliteke • lees. or the ,awctioti:on 'whistle. he or they obeli Weir, li shall, b., struck off 'Whirrs or nom, l i t iltn eteutity ,tor Maas'. te; prorlded by and , default that Got the secerity sts deli:tilted shall llttely end wholly forfeited to,.ean beortme the prist r ftl o Section one -will' not be. leased for a onto /ass thidi forty thou.ana dedlsui ly4,11111:1IIITI I I 00e1012 two for 01 leas than filtson tbonsand dollars per annum i soctlla, three for not tees 'than. four hundred doljars per DUO, nor will any. bid: for either of said sections be To. gardsi which 11 lOU tom the said minimum anmittt rent for said station. No seotion will be lee noises Wl' of the silo 101, , and no bld,: shim' ih otheterlse satistanto-y,-nrtll-be; fleetly aeopted until sitlefonteey'bida hove , been •rdoslsed for the other leettoria; w e d the biaientherifor dilly executed 9 0, . No rillresd OoMpany or torapanles obeli, In soy .mon tier,' Womb tattles to ilchrorintemaNd therein ! The b!ddert to irliosilay edpllon.bias be ettnek 'a Will be required .0d ease ell this ifeetioniare.latilo de poelitile required isienrltles and enter tate bond, AM the lame cohtempleted:ht . thcf not r on the tsrentY•fgtk der of Ausnat, /She. • ' • 1 The security on eeetioa No One Shall bb' in the Atha of two boadred and attythousand dollatel c Beaton No: TWO le the Own of two handrod and aft, thomand doUe',o; sod 'on Section No. three In the sum cileten thousapd d ollars. At least one. half of thte sectirtty shall' coronet of •the Stite•Stcliki of Ohio. or United States Eitocki,rdepionett; with the Auditor of Stets; upon Which. tlieftlesuee!Ori • blob' may renal,. the interest so,lodg es tbe,ocrie.4. MIAS Oils terse or toeless sera falailed I,Xep t, `sad 10/ I.d.retUrned to them by order or the De Gfoilutduk 'Walks on the toinol nation of ' their respbot prov.dod; no , forfeltore of the same - 'bate' hip— ponrd during the oontirinanoe of their lease. , -The, remainder of the comity, or soy part of snob restart der, rosy. at the:option of the lessee, consist either:Of such stooks,. or of ponds, secured ki mortgagillt tinba• eiont?srse reel estate, within thin lithe, at • ooelisll tke *otos! Cub boildingp sea 11. porlibilote'lroprorsoyenta.' , if real estate be oferet> ei boy part of nett seourlty, proper and fall. atilkfac at 'the title thereof pest by foralohed,to.tbellOard cartes twentiyh'day of • surnat,llls%"ooll - er titelitem t*ltp eppreteat thereor, - eardnilog ree ands pea, to- Linpforemeete, made upon actualytow by ihridn o t Tavernier, and 0.1511 pr the Connulpoloneys or the eon ty. In othintr erueb reel estate is situated but rtotultV , lag such atntract end appraisal ; the Beard ,reatireila to: Welt the power of detsoustelei fn all respsebsibb qua: dandy or toe security thee.oftered: „l ,I t , , Material. pftioldecl or oontrietse hirpildiljelgioits, scows, tools, Implemen/ a . bi , rses: mules, and other *or pelt,' in one by the Superintendents, most baparebehed at the value at which they obeli' be arprcised by WI" judicious, dialoterested persons, to be *petalled by the 'Beard of Public Works, and the lassees will be rroorred to ply to the State*Abil Said 'aPpratoed value in moat.', erittan one mouth from the time the 'Mg innalstrabot 'brit be made. I '+; i flot..r ;Or farther informatlrnis thir other krone' conditions under whloh amid *Public Wf!•rinvess be' leased. referents fa' hereby nifider to the aforesaid In* Pan4phlota cootair:log ibis set ind rawa:'o.4 RP • ders of the Board, relatile 'to 'the Pabilre.Worha, net tabies of distance's. rated of folls.f&o.i wtllbiYsad tee eTaroloatia rat this office on ied after the ;first d of rep, p-Ir.t; cart will he Nrwarded by Snail toil:tend! of spy person who'may.rr gloat m tope , %7Piiptea co ' of the form of !side nod 11..,cd to be need. will also Ire teddy for itendoatica at this pelie at ipty thiefereerthe 164 Isti of Jul, reit. • • '•• • • f. • JOAN WADDLE r r4l ' •-• ABNBB L: BAIYCIRS-1 • JOIIN li MABTIB; Boyd ,pt I. chileWorlpi or Ohl . nie•a1.1.51... 'Otwitit4inesi • . . . . . . .... , .. .. . rpo ' sp WING' . MA.CIIINE'..IITIrtRg..?4 The necovit of this a• enitr.to the priblie aiises from the cautioned rnierepraseciseponit and.felle latrivg made by intetested.partiee at , the ao.nelled sewtoelma, chine anniblhation,,;„wheebir &I lefildovr, go , ,Al r ,p * t o ., It la. well: /Immo kayo .endeoiored ' rind. socee r ede in ansintembog exorbitant prices r,..r sewing machines until Oporgell.Anet & Oor, of •Philadelpbla, brought before be Fatale, et trouninable paps, thett.inrbehrle patent •gliipttri I,sak;Stitch Sewing Tittatlttee,soCettobtftbe4 their superiority by ;the .Terdiot of the pronto, whin 4 sudden downfellitti littera Inoceinsily) 11(41 pro - Weed among-the- so.ealled-monopoly, who -hoped- by phis means tO arrest ttnyrialpgpopielarilY .I totyrellehli!aling Seriand 'for' Bloat & Co.. tosobibea;'atidlarn Ihetide back in their own favor; bat falling la th's (the sale end Convenient hobby of crying out Infringemedt Is nowthe general resort of these frensied 'missal fee Of a def a net Bowl,* tiontantrototiarObyi) boom, Siost &Co. deemed It proper to lemma manly circular from whisk we extract the following : '. i I yd arophatlally 'um trithe..yablic, we will sn alis them in iteepurchasel tes epperip; Sewlog. Nee roe Manatee' utedbj to.' , tls the' ariperforlty'prid :rim 30 • able price qr our rimobleeS that .trae, alarmed' the o.• oopoitet4. We are ready to legally. meet Ilse whole om • binefirpqn4pdly q 8 any thgq. est enrolee'', apd fop any Court and pry that they may designate. (jar Illfr log Ilaohine patent, are 'lnvincible, darlog as far ask 'as 1848, unit up to liiiptembet, 1888, and :the, mor. ~ oly know +hie. At the °Moe, 808 obestout street, will b 3 fount, In differentitylea,ihase superior ; Sewing HlM:lose. our 860 machine hiving to li tbi market, at whatever price, .' '.' .`. H G. SUPLES, Agenti - 808 CLIII6THUT Street above SionTg. my It 840 - - • WWl*, •:• • :• muirrymrsaalia oche • < sgwiNtar MACHINES! , Dapetioitq others for mina u• o, ond fo; , 81 . 111 LT. TAILOO3, /AID *DII3BBIIAIf.OR 8. NEW . STYLE azurzurry Dago 8. '• • . ( IMES •• 698 Obllitept Bfreet, etimeabia, i Wert 814. st,eut,•TrefLtolii tf • Over 3obn iODOa• .1 Mot Oty atreot, 'West Ohester, • • ;. • - ,••• rplOlNfe: . • •: EDWIN' RODE CA. , biootestniin, N. .7; • . WiLLIAlkt• PA I'o . lllloNi Nom, N. ' Pecinauent Qmoes wlll.bo opened shortly, by rat), In ittsdlog Allentown, and Uncut's.. Penns. • l BENRY.,COY, -Agant - . . 141 AILICIS'a' . BoIIDOIR - 13gW*170 A 'CAINE Oittiid to the IntbllO an the 940 t ra BendaS 004tiei will 14 1 from to minty stltehes to an Inch, on eft larks of good"; trent boaratat bentog to the dant carobrle.O. It to, without' oicoptien, the olowleat In Ito zooebindtat eonetruotien averinade; &Mien be roaand kebtlncroite! 0, aim of twelve yoani of, age. , The Dll l / 1 110IIT of, tklo maohlne, 'and the' odetarr of 7rr weak, :are we/ vented to be onsarpasead iiiky other. IO 'peel imp% trarothree hundred to fifteen btordrod slgtate Ile int outs. The thread needle take . ° dirintly front the ; opoole-, wyrtunrialla Taorntnn or azwINDINO, In feet, It fo Ineehhai titt . .linootted by everj , tangly lathe ler4d,ao, • 111 • 4 " 0 1 600 * : • ' _SHIIi9Y-IKIjrLAAB, -- whiekiltiry ate sold; brysortbsa witadcithrzlimbel 4 • ;e l DAVAAIIO ,•-•• •:.• 11 4• 4 11 1 1 00 r*: . •• T 2 0.4 11 04 a •'" e!.;nucntpt!ti tanikibing.Aoob2.: JR. -;;WAXa 13451 . 3 N : Tora tj():,." (aow) Hoc • sod 7 NORTH BUTE( MAISIMA021:11181R8 4,4' , • ••,: • .!•" r • ; - . . •or • : • • 81WITICIVILLITMOIMUTOON13 . ; sul.• • ONION to or!ry GMT'S 111111.NISIEING•.ystretn$BS'. -WILTINCRIBSTEtt. & CO.; GENT4ZZILEN'a gyp:ll44nm BTOLADR3I ~' • .: ~1 • • liaol74ilit SEAM: 'MIT itairinikok i‘ •i • TOMAL L ______" OM thit *bac, TOS CHESTNUT VARILI2 I , op* ! " : I .AriNonvo 7l4lllll34 T t ril l r i lli . .iiTo, peo. sad to', phs,.Cutting sod' SissasstorlsB .Isiorisionti.:.Ordete Tor hts ostsbritini; irts 10410thussnaGO' thrsborteel Aotlai . Wbolssa!s loiails,spollid on liborsltertn* jY2S-Iv .• 0 .0Fri11,460 bap mares in store and •L 1 for Ws by '/AWE OltAti AM & 00.," • mai 7 ,t 1 ./7 not liqu.nd.init.nrytat for sale by 4 • ti 0.47.44 rIIMILL & BRO'rusb, rth 131100 ND strait.' r:4 r CreT INAVA..I • I HE fiEn,t: itristrßA'xbt doiguNy C P f • • ' Of VIIIADIILPIITAt v f IV - -a:1,14II MAI •: ,Tbl i gyespsriy,ipstirsiegaret r,ose or rt y silage ,by V'se Ott V 0 0 Frleate-BUII Stocitirot atitgoosui . 1••1 - tike,,folloainieproeirleit,io the Peiloicsaf this •.,A,gfgaefelattsiitheir security wheu'isilgued •;isteral: - - • 4 t Tide poroyehill not heirisalidated, of in lay wtee 'etnilted3Aftrtsl -8 afilOP4ippt +o ; p t -tolleitepq smutty to r Inad the ayproeld of ouch WitanMent'brAh"taeei trtiluptranefer or coureyau9a. •of the mortgaged premises, by the owner of the same -- •, ' DIS,,BUTODS: " PAIli T. Jones, - 78 - fetaisth Dt. Brooks, Va.„ Ob 6 • '.•:Baberti Olarkw 1 . IMMO a, Wsleresari,„ „ David 841010 a, Blward ' 'Joseph Janney, : 'ill.Theadere Ouyler, '. JoeopliU.Oollins, /Silbert B. Sterling. - T:IONER: Viestdoot, •'• t fHLDBAV Vfirlt:oot; Bettlitaty-,;„ . E - 0 bIUP 'A NT OZ'THN 11 . 11 - 01rPENN8YLVADIVIRIPISD'hik. ! 4 ' $Y 4ExcuAooo , Btli.ollol.B. Chartered. hi 1791--Oitylial4ro„ooo—Meete,' , ,Tpul ary 1,1868, 1247,440.150.1.06;_• • "•• 6- .4.0_1*§{40,A,_114114 iihd.oollo,Neeeceuitiek-eonti theureori'Vestieleati.4 - osoigoes, Baena, StOckii of itterohanpoi - kapron- liberal term:, , DEDWAO DS Henry D. Bherrerd, Oeorge H. Stuart, - I/AVOCA ...O4Y, • .... „ - .Satelset Grant, Jr. ) . . 400.4.0•01.0ealeeter, Toblee Wagner, eW,lta A illifi...Sittith, • , Ddiljattikra, L PRI I. Bn4d, ..; .„ , . Usury 0. Freeman,„ w aro Dharleel3,.l.essia,,• eiorge .0. Carson. • -v•• , -...1501M8V: D, 131f0BADED . :A"iesidesie.r; Ilitmoms.-Becrotirs. 0;, s I,o44wfrmitt . eauing.i,irpAbo: ifilivn TERI 08144. - , SAVING , I PHILABBLPRIA ~91.91NOCAND.LOAN COMPANY, ' N; 2:wiper - of - ONES rriur and TENTH Streets. . - t- • - ra"",,.." OffABTBRIID BY ThIB STATE OP PENNSYLVAN IA. • -4.IITHOWIZNDWAPITAii, $600.000.; • M061.13Y1.111 ,REOBLY BD DAILY, , - •a. , entaafrfen One.Dollarnpwards, - - - p n FINN - Plat OINT. INTERN el aid from - the day- of- depoett,-natil withdrawn— Akyynira lait:lotyidrawn -deniaad,hy,rillieldurnr rithterartie. ;., _ , •cipAiion OP/M.I:4W tdd i arid on TaIIdifLyBVIDLINOB from eta O.' Thia COmpin3i hai a large tiald'ilp Capital se a Bomar to pepoidtora, , . .Thislnstlintion paid at its Demands In full Paring she • - Bank 43usperuilon."' JOHN MlLikEit; President. JOa.,YI: isOlIDE.11; Vice Preen. J. L2.IIIITOIIIMBONi Beery. mb2B•dBm "A little, btikaten, IT. the Parse.". IaIfICLIN SAVING 'FUND— .I. . 189 South 201:INTEtlitreet, between Chestnut and Walnirtj'rtOadelphii, pays all deposits on demands Depoettore , money' 'by'Elerraiavalt, I State and Clity:kaiisk Ground : -Xtelfte t .., Mort- Thia Company Rambo' misty-better Him large pradtbi aortal panty. *lll- run , rtnk'with-de ppa@sBitoFN:mcneyl but bore :It, at all times ready tomsturn with 6 per eentintereetto the owner, they hava'alwaya This Company nava:, tamiadeg: "1 bud ' ' ' "a" - „ effilpSillt or rgla, am Minors den dopoalt is their own right, and, Such deposits did begltbdrarri3 oar:lrby . , their 'consent. ohattarlierpirtual. -- IncalVorated by the Mate of Penneylyanits, 70th authority to reoelye air nay from tnurteMenndaxecntors.— LUZON AND 861 ALL 81;1/411 &HORRID. Office open` daily from 0 to 8 &clock, and on WsidnOday and Oaturdayayeninge nntli 8 &elk, - It•WOVAS,. , 436 33 i 141 1(ftuncni — - "Onus ` XobsAthina.onc t ./.,Geogge-itnatell, Atatelohiln Moor lk ' , ltdward ltr T: LO'Cr Ictfoillonc; /re 16 V; 7 NtoliillailtipsoPhOixioi,T iJlEtni sy,_ .7014.11;13athertialraitch 13pluistio BlatioLord,', :.ZotePb. an - LippincOtt - , ' • •• JACOB 13..attaNtios, Pevoldont, .01144 Lianwmateona c !Pressore, cn A Whir saved twice earned ); QAPING FUND—FIVE PER CENT:IN -11/43i1`3geSti-DrAtlOEtit, BAPHTY AIWA" 005 t. ,PANIC• WALNUT Htreet, BoAthited Immo of THIRD' ' • isoopronalrun ciP.lllllßiatt op PAINXIIYLVASIA.': M W. 4 leCeiviscl 1n guy imni, large or small, and Ini• Unapt paid BUM the day ordsposit lathe day of wit,Vi• drawal 7.-stha cliiiPahro pert every 411 , from IQ - pisto* thp ramming till b iPolopir in the 'Livening, and on Monday, - and Thiutiday eietiloge blelopica. "'— "ItONZ uNtitor BUNNEB,Liresident; ...-.:li.011131111C - 81LitRIDG.B; Vice President, J••Einani &Mutiny. DISEOTOUS.' ~," L Banner s ' .. - ,P.CarraiLßrisissier; ; Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, " ltgbett Pelfrldite,• . .:."Yranals tee, - • Ashton, • - • 'Joseph Yerkee, • ~""c 0-Jmodretit Muncie. . r Beery Difianderlfer. is receivi druid payments inadadally....• • ' 'Xiteduvestments Are '/M111.1,; in totironalty with. the .Miy.visimaraf .theOharter. In Eisat*Pa ice Itiotlanof2 - , etplindlientsb (latish& •aret•eleee, securities 'qui lI always tenure perreot security to the .depositors,; whlciti cannot; talllentee permanency and arability leetttetton,, , - • , ant-ly 1.-7 "OM 0 9b 1 4 14 Y4 1 1#017/PAgilii!a' Ogler- ARgiStOitiii• ' • • qtr 4ited bioi - oit de. ,ee artibent xotiei; with:4llFX Nog CitsL.lti. 6 74 1F".J.4?"4"7-'4:4944 '14'../I!.c.4kr-otlifitil ,:ek-P.,*e bo ars , /tom ihntILIS a'olook, ovary Asur sad :Aioaret sy.sraues ftsationtu a *woo. " ANTETVicttlisPk",l-91041-lE,I'6lWil ga l l B @ otis d : - Ptak eent,-enftrzelqi.-'oiie.w.rent.• - . ;212 .30 V4-4.11 , ttis - atib Restouratils. •• • -.TX - IX - MANSION HOUSE; EBADING, ' /Mr/OTT/BON, Proprietor. Ole we/Anoint establishment, .tbe", favorite zerort. of:4lllaihreatid . .ttelteas; has lately undergone e/ten. ,We toviltal'iud.te now one of the meat ocitomefliontb Ukiah; 4nd thorough hotels In the Ilh(bil lieauttfully 141;40 at ,tbe,,n§fner. of./lIITR .and tt/ J3treete, Itsva .k.gmlitoditlithei . lystklist4 t 1;, rooms pytelone and iiiry• atot'Oe fable eroptitntlyntill , plleit "fah alitholuxorlOe of . the, aasekttt.e.letlrE , 4.3 'alto/gg e spending a:few treeks in ttia.mintrpot • au • agrltesbte and toptiontinal mnunet•inould: acolo ttei, then Ilene 1_ tFtat . or *gm : mows NANSIVA DOMINI tit 11060111. ' , tiers, tt PRENGEVR - HOTEL; Je: TErs - Btletinstal-P101; OITY.PUNEW TORS SINGLE ROOMS 50 OTe. PER DAY. • - Olty Reit &Fue l - corner - Prankfort street, (opposito =., wale, as they maybe ordered, to .the, nincdOna Re] , Thernie Earbeea Shop and Bath , dtentne aitollo4 to the lintel. . • • • • ; Bewase of Runners alieilitri,iiitio4r we arifuß: ' • D,". FREE , ent „ , • ifol,i'Es' aciutiv; '''' '' '- :-' : - • - -- ..,,-.- -,-. ifituanatuta, r i sk . ." 4 _ ' : 611839. ,y 4Reiebrix. RIII6NISIUM ROW- 0 0 1 CW via duo • ' " 2 ." ' ' Val 411irr Matto alit Coots_ 14b{.1.igkx - 4, VTAL NIIT street. Pole Agents ter BO RteelDl3l3 pure OLD MONONGAII.Ft. RY./p 111111KBY, t , Daphne Copper - 00113118 T'S CERTMOATII have examined a sample of James Durnalde , * -Whlnkey, and upon a obeenle* analyela, it ;Roves to be pare Bye, free from all laiplarli tlap, Nod : of tan beet quality, , i - , . 4 3 DWAIID,SACLitititt..Citerntst. , `;v 4 ' } 6anivitpla ' " eag at - 0 4 street, phlta.'f.'. PERT .T , A I T ItutflB CH AMP AGNEt3. Thetindoitilgned hair. bead 'appointed gole lignite for, the 7 tltillid ritstee 'ltrufbartadi,' Air 'rho sale or the Champagne Wines or Masora. ,lAOQUEEVOOIIftG & cp,„.o,9llajosslar.narne, Yranoe. , We present their -wlnee,to the bablta under tea brands, nametp: • I;A:ZERLE'. : "• , Th9 . ! , /tl ll 44,,!'..Wipt,ii or oqulsite flavor and fruity; tents; And Ib gWaraiftled to amitosis favorably with any, Vflae In the Amerlean, rperket. l'he- 1 111111111i; in a nue Cabinet Champagne, of beautiful Rabioolor, .Whlldtie natural to the wine. Wile wine le undoubtedly one - of the finest Cabinet Chamf.agnee prodneed , irinee, and la made from kripon of the ehohleatieleptlese. • , Ifrorri,the !Ong efrierienco, waienaivs peeseWoes, and ,large,„meatfe the Tell known - house of .1.3.041111 Z floyisc . k& co. - , and their detarminatton to fgnitnl; winbe Whloh shell ineet with tlie appiroeel et consumers, we feetparsaaded that a, trial •wlll 15117 entabliiilf' all we claim ton. the el oe r llengw of Urge:Coes, ' Wi n tkidt,n; 4:13t ad, & bIoOLDBUT I ,Noov9.sli6o max; NBW TORN: - The above Wines may be had at the following place. in Phtladeloble . ' , , . Joss Gesaition & Oo ,184 Walnut at. i THOMAS H. JO:toes ,too , 283 Dock at ; JIMTWALEsa, 231 Chest not qt.; JOE. F, TOBIAS dp CO., 208 8. Front st.i' &Num* Amain, 214 S. /front at, ; PATisEsos, k Oo ,38 N. Second et.; Lawson - 4c Toques, pO7 mar 4et at.; Thompson BLAOICi corner Chestnut and hroad ate.; Wu. Schrift, jr , Twelfth and Chestnut ins.; Pm. 'MEMO! & 11017440, 708 Market. at ;,Bfsios OoLOOM, oOr.'Hiond and HAWES' ABBol. - p & WoRL; 120 Ws:nut street; Wu. L MADDOOL & ilo., 116 South Third.; it. Ater at the following Hotels: 1 : 4 5L 74 41 11 0 4 8 N;;Plittinuar, Finns, Co.'.WdailiNa• TON 1401982, A.S. QLOR ; ST. LAwAVOOS HoTST, 'WM B. CORBEL'. h CO.' MEMBHASITS , 110 ESL. 0; McKie: oaf ds golf ' ' fell mwf-.Bm VAR D.-41AREItIV—S ITR—AY (CsiAlf; Rl PAGNE).' 161 4 17 4 1tY le. 1860.1'n - oonarquinee ,of the frequent invitation' received by me to renew the. shipments of my Champagne Wines to the tinittds fates/ I beg leave hereby to 'intone my former oeq• Amain's, and the pnbllp in- general ; that bevel ap• pobited P.. isitemNria, expitt It; re Cal.i Ogle' Aqentsio the Vatted States, for the wile pf tpy -1 3hattiPqSne Winet 'Mt Wine/ bapebeen rio long 841 d fortrobly known in the United, States, it will he tin, neitersail to atanthent pa their quality; farther, than to say that my new ehipmeatt in no way be /mit ta. tarter to the former , ones.. • . • . BILLECABT SALMON. MILLECAET.,PALMON , B/ CHAMPAGNE WINES, both OABINIT And_VORPPNAY, for sale and MA" etsr.tily on hand, in iota to snit ptrehmera, by - ' 0. 'BROUWER, ANOIIIIB, to CO • apTlAlre 51 BEAVER Street, New York.: to lessen the Coniamition lip pure knowing thou injurious egos donatt Mon, has. indooott Ay, offering .to public .of an article which the amilyeatiort of Profeaaor Chilton, Analytical 'Mallet; of Newl'ork, and'Megars. Booth, Garrett, k Centa6, of Philadelphia, proem, beyond all queltion, to bo the moat pure and consequenllyleactinjuriona epirib aver offered - the attaatiCila publio. _ „ ,RERTIILICATE,OP It CHILTON. ' I hata minima &Ample of Chestnut-Grove Whiekey, received' front. Mr; CHARLES WHARTON ,71.. of .Phlladellati i and haying carefully tested t, am pleased to state that It. is entirely free from poisonora ordeleterlota "abate:Mak Ills an nmatally pare and Onti'friored chanty. of Wbicliter, . . I . • . / AMIE B. OIXIIMON, M. D., Now York, 8ipt.11,1855, ' Analytical titurandst, • - _ Puma icsit.wata, Snot. 0, UK. Dais Bin i We have carefully tested the sample of Ottratnut-Grove, which you seat 101, arid Ana, that tt aontitna none of thdppleonous oithataute knows lodi Facie 011, which le the charaeteristic and injurious legredient of the Whlekeye tit geharal nee. ' Very respectfully, • ' 'BOOTH, liFAltatlTTi, OAMAO; " ' • Aixtlyttoal Ohemlati: To ""LaS ,WINIZTOS, Jr., No. 1/0, WALNUT'St:i Pldlodolpkla. ' 962.41-00,/ alem?"' 71.1 xgyr YORK TH)CIOAMD> Y` ntigittlilnarr", PROM pHIL kIPELPRTA TO NNW, roux AND )TTe14.5,052. Vim} wot.tvo stottO watoo, Will Potva al f O //970) Ti" ? A 4 1 6,4 f"." " m 7 ) V * k A a .00mmodatioo At 0 A. AS , Claradoxi• and ,Terear QUA (New Serasy) AaaaMmodation - 2 25 At 9A. II via Cowden Ind Jefmy My, Morning , 8 00 At ILI by solissfibolti, At, IlimOrty and Teta.* Oity,ltrotling^22ptass . ... ' tOO At 2 m o ) , ndf 4mb°7) &, 3,: 8 6 'l'aiont Jar.' lm $ 60 kti% Itr, Waist:dam% Tabohy ina4 Sat. 5 fey, 210/PIII ViukOt.;4., c:.; 226 At `A P 1714 b 4 41401; fer l o7 PUTT B r in ,h i g R ins Oamdenand Jersey Olty, Night + At 23( P ,v)a Camden and Amboy, Aocommadation, (ittlght and l'assengeth - ltrt Obto Ticket:..,.225 , „ sa Oiam Ticket 160 eP tr., ,, fik %mimeo, ana An}b9y, • likommodation,_ (Freignt and Paateager)=lst OlaadTlaket.. defy Tbg Mail Linn'TM 11 Night Mail; fiettiNieye excepted ' Stations only. g }txpreee Lines atop VeM r l i nTt i r i Vie,, ct S A. M tindBX7 Ittm ralcut•atmet Sok welaktps,l64lrelearaßten,Wfikelitrarre, mohtt/ A tea end, &a, a 6 A M via Dalfteratio / I,ka a, an/ Western • For I faahaid, at•4A. 24. ono 3 P. 33 tor Motnit•Holly. at 0 and 9A. it and 2)4( ea P.Af. 1. WAV•'LINES Vot firietol;Tienton, &a , ito,4 and 4)I, P. H. front Selma street wharf Ror Rsirnytet, llelaimo i4 ,Ilatimly, Burlington, Bore. i.natnene , &a.:et 2X P, , Steediboet /Wu Ltalloon, Soi Bordentairn and inter `thedisth Plane at 5j4 P ' o itteambakt Trectpne ?de Belidal. Burlington and ini lermedistallsoie, at' 12 SI and 42i `Fifty pounds of ge only. allowa oath pamengirs. Ptuteengars tatl luobi Wed from taking anything an bag gage but their Taming Alilniggsge over fifty pounds to be.paid•for ek•tee. •The company limit their rapponalbilitylot higgsee,to one dollar per pound, and ,will not, be liable for any aimunt haiond $lOO, e3f cejit by ep44l,laontraat. _ Ff. CiATZBIZIt, Agent. ,:hif . ,_. ems „- ;fOTICIE.--OHESTER! 'MINN!! RAILBOAV:=PAS ', 'IIG R. TRAINS FOR D OWNINGFOWN AND IN-.t RIDIATFAVDATIO 8.-44 aisi•aftat-lat Jana-i art. 1869, tbs. Positesger *Sins for, DOWNINGTOWN,' 4111 start riom,thf Pawpaw Depot.of. tbst kblisdel , c l'Vli aidltead_ INjlisiboaa 00 1 nPary. armor of 7311,0441 k i ,-:- NONNI' NO, TSJlNsfar.Dawiilngtostailisties at 1.24 AII.DINDON TRAIN for totoislogtown, leaver a t , "4.4S Dial.. ~., , L.I , - ,'l, i DAILY or.odops croopleo.)•-.2 = ~,- .„- . ,_ ~_ - By Oder casaba Board of, .111anz i .a l,, o ) ::. Um rldladai ' phis shd Beadtbtßailtoad Ooth . . ... }'l4(l I ' .: Er 3v R.dlfial. 4. Bootitssir, W 4 EL1:15. 0 :3!.0. OQ.; • 4W:Volikk6 l ,. t o,4.apraiiiik 1; OpfunpstegArrappoiNvZ • .q - okbrisr, , • , 8603 3 000: , • '460 O„STN,l7:ll‘BlrittET., • 0 A LIVCIRNIA IS.Plitliala leave on th la sth said 20th , tessta month. • • , Miii=UM= -LBl4OOl OP ' , OOP'S. NURESSItiI• leave eli the legatee steinners7esy 24,12 th, /7thoind 97th" of eaoh r iaon v i „. ..... • OOLLEOTIONB made onLIIKPAbIL wlth•prolopt re. tqr,ne. ,Npe oonnlgn to, one : Wench!, R. 0, Bombalier 2XO 3410011 en Stet PeArateo6;Oniooir, lowans; and' fireett.ti foiesle In soma to snit:. pOLLEOTIONB.' ;Dr Our MN 'PIefiNNNICO ghee eepedid elf 'whoa In Oslitolula add Otegte "ilitr‘Propipt - retrirref.': *efUttfeeturere - and , merghaite.makin „tales for ,pattlayttlahr , prelmo i tan [ease f thin poreNTem 4 tats o n arrival of the meoefittif Umehe'salte;:e yet the s ellexit mallthatoter4trol of their property until Paid torn • J. ; D. 'PI: BABSBY, Ja., Artito 11=tel J.ABAgii AZ0458 oomokerr:}...l-3 R t i ar i. .7 B , " I T /4" .- ATBIT , ABRABGBAISN'TSC - 4tATIS:BBSTIVID.` 411t7 ADAMS BBeaggs Loa 4 -baring. 'tiomplatodar• ronetntortrwtiarthe Norfolk and - -Pottosborg, Mete tbiltrOodaOlibatc- NiadltroiiiAhd;Tirgints toado;i:i. -ars n ow iiiipaseeio' giro QIII.OK DISPATCH`AVAntioIi , MIDUOVD-BATZBI to goods Soothed foitaaoesitt VIRGINTA(NOATIrondBOISTB BAROLINA: GEORGIA,:-ALABANAiAnd BAST Oid WEST TANTiTSSB.S. - : tiiiielabliariiiiimfa a THROUGHINTAND ROUTS fronoI.IIITADBLPUTA: to' IMISMPRTS;-Tenn,- secures to Southern end Southwestern bnyern &safe einltetheble nothiureUrrinspartetton• eta rerytesioneble" rites, and anti d e ride of omit( Isertftethth; • Ir, j thilw ttitawl Worth ere *bested to' IrgOode ir TIA`bitORROND v •Those'eeletting the route Os Obraexethke, Bey, at A f tenni fern thitoirr;4lllrthitir Osiskiktee 4 i,VlKNßPOMP - Olothlngs• Bootr , sod Shork,)loobe, 4coArdeethirehradiee 'goner ,ell 7, moseming :MX feet 'to thelleoVotutdeileilt be 'diknod end taken 168 ^I/OFT weight,..,.: 2 , vzt. , •11:11,zowland WHAT GOODEr taken at a remonabls edgiee . The loncestab bled 7 SApreek to the an 4 Soqtthreiti • Mesmer*• . 46-1011,arlaidon And bo coot need en heretofore. - - Jt. rottp . thortstronztataank topple at the OiSee, Re. ORRSTNUT;Street.: _ • A :ABOl9-grO • 41) 0 d8 VIXPRass-co. ' z-"-FORTT.IaB-.BOUTACIELLB.Lia 101,1,13A-yAIIN4II-, atan.9llNAtTllBl - eV.A.TX,liiiitspi 0. P:Miariihmatf.• ' ETATE.,O,I/ 41=0.07.A - Deptain2a.ba '14414 Captain_ ' . . .NOR.ODADIDSPON' 8. o. '. , ' The V:'s. Mail Steamship AgSTONEI' STATE °I // twin 1 4 .0 . 1 .4 1 au , 41004 N In 450 hours,' on VatorayiNgl4Lat SLP Mr „- - SH - YANNAId • • . , hlatt EttunualtlLETAT/d. .: 4 21•10Hald, at tag. John J AtlgerfW IM C Olt on; 8e rdpy, *kV ad 417 erld 4rit,Aarws alde.Ehest assamakins NM/- Bu pX Nand ETAT/I D-N.AINPReP/A• • n4 w , t u n u ahoy?, every w ith 44e,_tims fornlisf OAre4 *M al osm rd a' who - MO nos* 056 fkokturo4l.- • , Goals , raletrial sold, bills of lading sky* aVery 4 t Oath! C'negissOrn orri- eon. neat-with steamers for Illorlda, and with railroads Ho., tar al plain in the Sontla and Ponthirea, end Indthlhe Mtfiroship 'ISADEL, for. ELMS, On' the Ath ;nod -19th - Of every ousath.,l: - • • • • • • PHEIGHt HEMMED,' 'teary 114 eight at an overage of 15 ;or ono. below_ New York steamship rates. • • r ': • - affo 1 I.t arttoarane 434 a s im p roportion'of Goods' .shf Boith isitlbe found to be lour by these ships ti"At V. I4IIID g Te6" A r ' : ' - 11 pI ht ~V ec;746 , l l. lr4el2 ! tfoLi tt har" l yntOr e. ge ' tringes 1 . 11 Italltoad'OtmaVnto taking al a rl,akafrout "Ha 1 41141'00 0P t° 0 4 44 6t 0 5- 5 545arasoUti 515 qo' ttraoo •". " ' 800 N*Ourilon 1 . 440t0 to Ii InsTo sasis,lfoOd for the present year.:..! - 55 a0 00 00 , VbArttg4ll(4lo. to Itov Orleans -1* 76 • • he Mobile • 130 Do • - 'MAlb anontgom Ga • ery ...... ...... 22 00 00 Do ", • ,• y; 21 , Do ' , ioOlorabOof ea. ' 28'0 00 0 Do Atlanta. Ga '23 00 Do ' Idanoni Ga •21 00 Do Palatka,-Pla. Do • Pinola'', Pla ' ^ .„„I Ea 00 -- Do /sokooskyilloOria.. , •••ts . 00' , • Do - ificasadipa, „.... 91 00 NohirdfoVtdiggstgned vtter As ship bsatiathed.! .:NV Minh - tenoned olfthe day at aldling., : Pan ?r wear opply A. HUHN, Jt. ' -•- Denthwist 00r1242 YOUDIS, and 011.11STNUT.5:. • Agents! In Oharlsaton. T. E.: 46'2. G.4IIIDD. eavaamab. 0 GRIMM & 00 ! ••• • UMZ=l=l C~LA:B6(i'Ve4.lslD.- NEW: YORK STBASISHIP-COMPANY.— 8 - ULM TO. 01.4b4sUW, 13 1 7hRPOOLeSELWAST, DIIBLItti LOEDONDERJAY--tori3o.. raom I , IIIW Winn. - • GLASGOW, Thee:mon, - Saiturdity, - 14th . Mayi non. EOIN BURGE. 01,A84OIT E Tongreen - , - tf hey Ally, •'R „ I F 14 •11 14 4i i lli Viimoniw , 2ftb • gnaw ai..ashow. rgintßultsiti, (ittetmles,r4ttittiey, - TIR I,IIY GIASGOE: Ttkivon, • , t 11th Jima. - 'EDINBITRO-0. • '' 21"Jrtly. Natalia' renege' from New 'WC& Ehiliblelphis, or Irostem, Glanov, Beltnat, Dublin, - or LonlendeirY, Met atme, STS. Steerage, found with an atenadanab ofyroperly cooked' erovidtohe, $3O. An' elpetteneed,•Bargeoli attached to tanh eteemer No charge , tor mbillatnes.• • • gc t r pr fhatelge, apply to ORRIIAN & 00., • _ No. 123 WALNUT t treet;Phlle. IAOI3RIIt CRAIG, No, ga DISOADVIAN't reT Yo r k. , lt , . „ jopui A D E LON iA :MAIMING "AND A.. VllNTLldallie WAMEIIOI7I37. . . • ARNOLD & wrisos, • • • -• • 0700021..(11113 ce•is..a. X.A.1 2 / 1 50i. We have temoved from our clAetand in Walnut street to the AANGN WFONN, Not 1010 011.E8TNIITareet, a few doors below QC - at, Lawrenee 0041, ether* DM% old friends and the public are respectfully halted to examine our extenaive: atoeh of Warm - Air Vanua; 000 1 1 1 11.01anges, MAUL - Itagisters, ;Enameled Stone Atantele,,Parlor Coal ; Grata, ko., fa. -We are now noanufacturics 011.11,130bPS ONLIBBATED PAT. .rlar NNW COAL GAN CONSUMING Ifitalleaa, the mica powerful and economical Heater seer lllTSatedy and Suited Loan classes of buildings., Also, new and :beautiful patterns of Low Po Grates; and Parlor Coal Grates agitates and paternal We: ha* oleo oemneeneed. the manufacture el ‘RN4.4B/4ED STONR, MANTSLS from, Pam Spioanta"„Stoce... These • Mantels were awarded ,F CIALI RAlrium sit tbs. toss Peer Witt Exii KNoISOf tits l.risavilite' notitute Thal represene OA° lac and, beintifal 3 rgae 14AsaLse. as ha injuied . 'biSfileke,'Cont' Gift,' ,or 'Acids) aid Sea bold Who eagle Rasilitat - mask fealties tams Maas. C4i; e j us •= Plifft: if. PALTWILL, auhcrintesidentr. • wailmainme. Aartl. issa—acie lv , „ & JaINENTZKY, no South~aHOLZ SIGIITEL Street, below Chestnut, IMPORTSIIS 'AND DEALBItIi IN ARTISTS , tteeomisenit to Artiettt end 4he general thobr. 'Urge stook of Juvenile Paint tones, Wln.or & New ten and Cleo: Rowney &• Co. la. 011 -slut Ws4ar Colerr, Brushes. "Appal} and ,Ctenxian 04111 , 1111, WhiltlniZl DriwiniiapeVl, Colored • °rhyme, fitucttio, Cloturod Platers, framing, Di so ma n *tery co Tea:acne mid Baidinarion. Conn Dealeve aupplivdat 'Veda prise* , , 1•211.11 w rriitEO. D. EMORY & CO. OFFION No. 182 - Bouth YOURTH St., Phil., • • - flologonto of GNO.'C. , POTTB & 110., Miners and Shippers of Om Fr LOQUI3TDALB GOAL, • i - milli: a - Ni oor Asllland, .02-13 m n .IIO.IIUPJAILI, CIOUNTY. P. ' GIiOOKEI - " Oozier,' tact Shippers of SOHRTLIFIJA.i - oodOSOAD TOP MINAL.. BITIIP4Ii 178 COAL , , (Mice- N0../82 Elout4 illitra Onn,k, ' rY4114, lIROLD atreet, below 'Race ap2 . a , ' - • pnitADELpnic .r! SIILS. Spirits Turpentine; 25 :,litils Crude do i 148 bble. Tar, to arrive( pir gobr, 1' 106 - 'A. gatiudirti B 1400 bbla 'Shipping 'losiii, , to , arrir per "hr „ . bat: . v• ' ' ale - - - ',. ' ' ige.IS4QUIS Wit/AM, , AP T / It/ F 1 . , THORABIic - 130f111. ---- lil4 WtioiittgaiaurtseDTlVFotrzyrn. MIZE . ~.1,,-- --F ilbwrltrptilng. a aiief 49. ~ ,_,,_-- : STOOKS, RIAL.2IBPATIII4 ka.—TIIIIBALT-P/IX:r., , Pamphletaittalostnes, now reottrproontalniactullAs4 periptickwi of.-. 411 :the. proportion Pz ,b,d - -eOld 912.drn00$1. next,l7th 'natant. witk. # MS oLtigal,Wat luad,BlBt; Instants, and of .reitettate,nt prlvadn-340%,- ,-.. r• '. :, '. PAR 6.1,10 e , -43P c . ~,,Po D. uTeryisoi,N*;74, tor, : EItIVATR•.I4I,4 I 4/41 , 8, 7 . , WS 6 - 44 P 1 4 .1 M :preparing, oatalorteji of -throe 'very vakisalklioimiep,,, be *old on , TherAftli; A6th, and 29tlijuatawto the) whole ernbodylog akuniieull l 94oo/ 1 41 0191010 1,0 1 4 1 . 001, 0 k nollaetionntrarsiand7valweble ocOhs, litwahnoatallAbil f;various branohes of Ilberadate, together wktb ; eplsn td illgoiitiatsdJallaJlbrebrotad.workai,lxtiduiSifvelysilsoloe, ,eilgl4lillo front She beet WADI", acer , . A ', OTOOKS, LOANtl„4te t • ";• , OR. !i' l sevldr i ex4Bv. ITtlir 4- ioAf, ,, PkrOMPo 11, 41t,PAYOdeDhlo Xs=: L slump, wilt"o4,MlA,letfthout sea oo ii,`lfotosteust of whooLlt.psy qtruessist-,1 edits 11 d - co" 87110 00 drat tpqr,tgege hottds Reppliol roe Also for othet , fetotinte l - i 7,1 3 tharelB,lsetere,RAllrord Compstiy. Also for , O l i ttrAf3=Bllls-- - 1 share -Ph 4104 LAMY Ilhar9.bdeieentikt,i4brary Company. 1 share,Phniele}phlw,Athenienuk.-,-- ... -1 5 stop e Amieriessi Medatny Iquelp, - . with;,tiiket: 4 .hares DelaweewLiteA49.l4 Gorn/ 111 7,t ;L..= . 8 lots, ronelesr,Bl son‘h. - 18 east ; Issogth i Akeseit; eed, Wgowh,l3, Het in fro italdsoaN Opettetery, 20'Shitee Airieneen,iffelssorsoce end‘Trnee. tO eherep.lfirthiges difialea' Company of ktlehligss ; ~Isberelnthe •Pohlt Breeze rer*Assoeleithtti n Lot AIIUOIIied J.l.lF,,eet t 19 fc,ntti41(°,144.1111"9"4- feft' , l •,"= • Debora Pentasylranla AesdorAy pfi/r/ pl e Aryl. Xxoeutoee 1518 i, 1 &bora Pan45y1vanf.4494447111.41•3141tA1ti11. 1 ssare - 81511sdelpItle MhlieWouns. Pew No 64 Teeth Presbyterian Chitroh:', , 1 sbarjt,ghllsaelpitliitrill Ural* de apuie!gt,Pliiii t !cm'. bobt Oom, papy..., , • ,1 • 3323 balmryi lintue4 Talmud° Opeliteie* 3 ',bare* N1449 0.4 0 1 , E 33 °4te Aft 32 01', full pad. , .., TIPTAIIIRTft dTRIDING BALL:MAY 17t1i.' ~, 1 r WM Pvilnd, ',41069,E; o,th"ozYlT*l''crlfir#;. "1 i!k°, following: - ....... 2 . 22. ~.._ , YALUAiSLI REAL ESTATE , BY ORDIE - OP - THI, .... • , .IINITINIXTATEB.. 2, ~- . 7 ' 'Tilt 61.4.11111,Y0 BANNINDADDSD„ &Kik ',Urge llOt i Beyond „ene,Dokle,",etteetet and ' th e; q Tkilutouhleil Hall." Independeoed..Vdttere. trroirdai Of 'o6.Nottett fltataf flovernment .. .` Thn bielr,tot Yklefeet'fby, 261 ' , feet,- syttls . ?one frOilta„:wis 1. On Seemed' et filet; Ikbed4 ;gloat.' and Gold''and, todge.etreefe, bet Ween-Qb# 4 ldAt and Weloat etfeeti, ,Akpinielte Nl', "plalLedelnkfe ' 1 ,...wi , Dyer t 866,1kimibllie ind l litilograibio plane-`; ' - ~,.` A: loao'of 6,60,0 i fl . Env . ta. bad 0,4 "rd?, l llPl* °D, the; bank ' priiperts for fli , e pars. *. _ - ,„, . ,' ,': YALU ABLE 131781816f$ STAND , z-Tbreeietortbriali atoie.'lo:l4; 'Reath Asoondldreat, botweeorOlienetnit AO Iyalopt,streets,'dpfkalle tho:obll34mroVriroyl4 vanis;.g2 feet front, p feetddep. - ;., - . • . i Orobane', Cart, Sale—lWO, 0(.416141f Noplitii;d4oil; ~ TaBERrOTOM PRIOIC"DW.IILLItt(k; NIS: 288 jai 'Alper street. between ' B lsituset , FAT, l B,lolld'Ofitelm' tit. 84me Xstate:=TIPO:BTODY` Ingot 'fbvylll4 l l4liO: ko .BtB Cattakine.Stleet„between'Tlebqf tad pot, 'Pane isist+4. , LifiltEN 'THD.III-BTONY - 'BRION. DIVBLLINOS,' northeast Vtirrlet , of l'inir and Twentr third shade, - .. . ' slAsons'ltstate•L Ettiti l i AiTER tE r GitiN ORO A BEL.. LOWS , HAXII.n-AargelPuir-story, brink -building aka largo let., .40 - by , lo6feet, Qusetistreet;;ol4A bt Frank fried Madrid* Keindeiton. :,, '‘ t - - .",,` t , J.' 1 .3:Astatine , PerentlittiqEale—Sitayinf lairie Wilson,. TALITAELNEWEEBB STAND.:=,TizttekettitT. Welt. store and dwelling, No:884 North YOntateeekbeiwsali Arab and Darn !nth i brick dwelling' la NOfteler. ,, fkele absolute .. - ~.' .."; ',' - 1 • ' '.- . - .-"`_-_,_._,, i Same Dirtate.— :TWO BRIO/CDWBLIMICh. No. , 848 •1116itscin'etreek. between liana alod l'ine,and . *mount's and Twelfth streets. lisle absolute ' :Wit OP GROUND, , Weet"elde'?cir Twentieth' etreet,, cattle of Market, Sale alplute„.. . ~..,•,- -, ...- t •, Same Eetate'—VßeltLY ORODND•BINT. Of 848, sectored by a tbree t story brick d welling. leathered oor nor of l'ereqtleth andBolbartatroets ; Bale absolute ll ' . Same 1.85tate..-.-.:12118LIf 081101781341ENT..07460,. ont of. lot of groand,Twentlethetweet, north_ ot Idatttet. Sale absolute . ~. . ~... ~ • €r;. ,- - ,••,` 7 . ' 1 .•. -.; Waite at *Rumor Howell. deeeasea. J,.. - - ,1- ‘- .." TALL( A SLR ,8118161.1118 LO 0 ATION --Beloit niftb - - hig,No . 810,0 berry street, ew.t or PoUtth street.::; I Peiemptoto Sit. .:..."(fragnit3(.l6l,...g . pusur,y , siva, 40 ACRES, with improvements on the - Plymouttiroad, near;Owynedd, on Ake Nottbil'ormOATlMl6 3Ralizoill• Saytnositive. -,. ~ r . 'I ,c-• 2 ..... 1 1;- 1- .i:. l I' tel'Ettlf oirt , eulans'inlusulblbs. - ' 4 1/A6Y 834.0RrANT AND ,VALCABI - ePiiOTIOB, TY . (old) Nos. 103, NA, siar.lol,.- - 41641t atrial, betkolo 'I litre red/gut tb" etrolls• 44°0141 4 r t ie. ol l . )mt• ', To be sold esparetely.., ..,, ... -, ..i, „,-.,, ~ f" ' l , t 1 ItANESOBOI GOOETRT TL.10,1 4 aillf.TidiellAl:V. tar porpronegtinery, he., IRenewe,..fronting An Gm beim, ObsAtol gilf,:and Paper 11111180f4da ERN, konje," near tbe ocautryiaest we James Goieo. lift 7 7 . ,ISARraI , AND.T*LUABLEI WHARF; PROPERTY, ; mini brlek steiet.ond tavern, briokenet ftinneldwelllrige,- and fuze lot With - lira ironts, Ida : Beieli`atiiiit - De- Immo avenue,, and Ctobollaink,,Danel ) lete2Northern Liberties • 'iBANDBdIII6 MODERN ussniliX6R,':, No, .1461, pence streSt, - itest of .Fro Att. , , .. ....- , - .2OII.ICBTURY:DDION pAOTORY, eteam• • engine, 'i boneriXo, l'-eirg 'lltritet;between Ihront and few Mat- NA streets, Eleventh Tara, 87 by What; .1 1 r6a4416,10 1 poueeaton.LAßGE AMR VALVABLE LOT, witit ‘ tkias valuable frguta,,els i Ridge overate, Oollese;a6eaue,,Sarid *sear. street, opposife Gisird'Oollegif, Twentieth 'wird - -,. ' PorepiPlne'r trale .-taluss-ivx,ol.l . ortnpic,A:l9o,-. Liptf, Datia s ikeif; a float monis ereatef,Thirteeptles , T entldtls Ward, pliale absolute. ' ,; „ :. :.- ,-..„, ~ ~.., 4 118 . 111 Tar Rlikl, 80 .400101,"iliria - •'liraktbaZut 8 e tom Lansdale station on the NOM' Petinellll6l4 Ar„. .., . milu T ro xO3QII° l 4QTP f / .19 104 41,./Pu t ii° .6 im P li erenT i pto t7 etethe f i Lkl43l 4,T - B , ll634l4ali ' fitokii.: DwifrAnifitlatti Ekaent PP., / ,';.4c#104 *1 . % O E 4 ' atraet,liantaallitaira ,' ," _. ,-; , *, 4 -.. TElltDß•Bl'oBy ;81101C "DtflILL/NW,66iiikeitstr'i oornek 'of ropier ' i sdreet and Fofistt.t* Aintnna; Inf.l taenth .VAlTYARtii=litrivissi LoOkrifsK - Aikeito l —,=l `Thefalrable, "*(elitige loostion;l9le,„93VAinlietfela t between Ninth_ guarani streets. --.- ~ -,.... I •;. RAKE 80811, ~11.1? lIAN 11.11181111NOEi srl&alento. , deed isctivelbleneee, b. - 810 North /Mk 111r,tiN'abcrirek. Brown., i2lstudedlebe_poiession Sinn . : s - ,- , 'n-i. , . IitARIRIALWEITR/IST.-ZBOdeltt144#14:4101100 4 No /00,M11,111114 iltreel above Cloitee.:- :-;-,,, • , slt WRNIKKOV litilllNB.—T brat itnry'irlids , dw44 li ngi `lin SlOWarnook street. south Sr Gliarthemienf., , +. . yAmtestat'PsoPEarr, WiST,RIiECADDLP . IIIA... Laticeetone mabalon; Mona itable o l dwell/tits,' dud . over 4 itoreilailut,`eornevof slivetTo4 Toad dill Rant= ImulitiLtytoAlWell Pout Ut.AWdatz i ' r svilletigailtrix-- - --7 -- ' . .. ~ .>, ',P.-114$. fiTßEET.,:valnablo bulldlig .1444410 t 114 rmrtbeeal of Clearfield street; Nfaetesatlt ward, Jll-faic front, 140 feet deep. ,±.,, •'' .2 _..__,,, _... -.L" 2 . , 4 .r." 1 NET/METE' SEEING 'HALE—mai•=Us, t - IdAINIALL BTIIERT,,Reat modem reeldeum fti; 874 f ile/Aida strest i between Pattiz and,Poplar sire* 11. Pelreniiiory, fate itorner of4ttotizoond Aid TlSta anceits, , -. ,iatamatrtwafli.ntgani34'f_ , ! . STEkit 'mom* 'AND. Eiolszn: naloKV,Bildx. - :', pict;Byptti, POTS, TOOLS, Ad, ~., 16th Inst., at 1010oloNi, at' th 6 wiener' r ol'illainond• and Plain dregs, onfe;att lit tone power_ steam aught* and • boiler, Rat - ,blowerosbout, 46 000 ' brinks; ' building Saone, Sion; toobi, and' nista* of tritaisi.'l?biTrog lath., A4o,:thegooa'..rnl.: .. ,— ' • ' ,• - i Salaat-Nii. ltta girrate Street.' 1101784 , M0L1Y FURNITtraII; 'GAB .01talf- - ABntEItB, , PIBR. tilCUßOlti,-110011.• OABMB,- Oxi'Taesday Morning, 17th instant, at 10 Oclookcat N 6:: 1110 opittee street, pert' orthe farnltore of a gentleman recoefinstocom prlelot plano.forte, ntir hendsome - gsarebandelfers, book mike; /10, - - • • • (17 0 May be ezeimlued at 8 o'clock on the looming of sale. BALA, OF ,NALN&BIAN AL - Er &DU . 17 i8OBLIANNOWSB0010,, AM11810414-..s.AD 10113 It 00p18 1 ko., ' s '•On Tuesd4 a*oul9g," ' Mot Aftitifsvitatioa elbrei poiloittop ocioltkol filo toot.. km "varlaito stalietc" • - • , „Alio a collection +ta,{l4au s tra tdreka ,99lia cum; ho.. - - " f9 e citiliiirklea. • ' Este st Nos. 189 ena traiznin atraNmral ,PßSNON MU. 1- - 'ROBE,; lignlttll4 1;11.111 , 111! Tk ederSorninv , • Ass `sliertlOn' no*" sia onortinent" of cioSellent , second-tiand. fa:Miens, 'sleigent &fano fortes, ,fice Airfare, ceenele; - , etS.l'r' fr ow feminine de 'clinfne-tionnikeeptek; relived to store .kik con venience of sale.,. • „ BxeentsWs Bale. -LIBRARY OB .TEIR , RAT* OINBRAL -PIriBINOR Y. ; • ;„ - ,J• BMW ' On Yriniy - May R 0; Azati eel:Rove, will be sold the ibretti' Of ~t h'e late Oen. Petainn- nt to dOltided:reenr,zare2 sod lutereettet.workejo r geoerel Itteretore, together wlth.yeleehte euthoxA tee the Asti: ,541 Var giljts.ty4tenoe',. . " irr,oo pOtteulars mei ' t , GENARAL, ,a.",'AtrovioN Alio *mono ( - inixtinuirrei, ddlior9i -‘ - • L: ILIBON. Austioueni. `.,Vonsigninerna arum rad tjuntd-nant nom bold furniture lisno-forte), carpal, nredekee.ienidai Ti.sYdetritikr selicdird, on +aka innwal.nask under will barna it required.' ' - t rr Out-door Wed attended - to prouptiy.- Cluhrgrif ruk,ruderete sa any orb er bey • in rit 4r ear. 'Ail O x 8 NAL TWA AUCTIOAINgIi .Lll AND 001AVIS8ION' lILDNONANt; '6I.IOItiAdDADI Streets : MONEX,TO- LOAN. -Mooay to irmit, i 4 Mtge or ,nnoll 7 olnounts, on met , olipdios oi'all'artiolts of value. All 'ttotti 'Over iiii .: Ttietsilhifi dollari • 'fon' per Tent; par month, inolttaintratoiage, stNathayod , Prlnolpal ifattatalittollot, S. IL corner of SIXTH and BLOIS, Ste. 45399K.1.10 . 11tA110 . A._ • 110N.BY 1 " MONTIYI I' BIONBY 1 1 Money liberally advanced in large or mall amounts, horn one dollar to thieitandi, on gold and oilier Plate, didmonda, watches, , Jaweiryi •fowUng.pleceo, mush* instmmonto, furniture, dry gooda, . clothing , groceries, cigars, hardware, acitierjr,"boolii, ltorees, 'vehicles, her. nese, and irtiolei of value, tor ainy -length of time agreed On, at - I,Tarkatss , -Prlncipor , Ratablishriterit, southeast corner of. Bluth and lino* streets. • • - PitOrdldrOßT Nona, pittaoollatoral, dinaounted at' the loweatimarket rate,. GREAT'S samativnt - licterinaki,stivisiari; dIO., AT PRIVATE BALK, at NATHANS , PRINCIPAL. ISTABLIEIHMEINT,T. R. Corner of SIXTH land BAOIIII Eltreeta—The follewing arttoles will be sold for lead than, half the liana/ abare prices : Tine gold English patent fall jeweled and •plein, of .the most approved and beet, make, In hunting cartes end double bottomed. Vino gold asespement lever and Wine watches, In bunting cane sad open face, scene of then( Writ full jewaled and best make. BLLver. Snglieh patent „lever: watches, es capement lover and lepines, in hunting cue and, open Awe, some Tory superior : llnglish, Swim, Branch, and ,QuArtier watobes; dna gold Teat, fob, necks and children's": chains; 'dna gold penci oaees and ' /pens, braaeleto, bresstplia, Unger-rings, ear-rings, studs t me dalllona, and jewelry generally. Superior Herons ingots at Alb per thousand, in • bales of -MO each, will be sold by single box or. quantities to snit purchasers. Nu anerotel fonds articles, Ac., rbc../to. „ • • - AT PIIINATM A superior Ore-proof chest, 4 feet high by 8 feet , .&106, watch egastit jevetizpf,etlryeparipti?n Zalantaitber Odes NI SALAMANDER BATES. • largo axacutaneut of - EVAN® .& WATSON'S PHiLADILPIIIA 11 1ANU'PAVURRD O•LAMANDER BMPES; • • • VAULT • DOORL )or Banks and BROW - • SANK LOONe,„. Squid to anyhowto Am, - LION DOORB,,OBUTTBHB,, Am", On As good terms ab any otber altittlfetimesit to the United States, by ' EVANS la WATSON, •N 0.12 Oolit• FOURTH Street, Phßadelthia. inzwgivi'icra a mut, E 3.12011( & EARREST's S- . DIME AND - PLABtlill DEPOT, ' 'earlier' RIPON Menne endIITILLOW Street, Philiviel phla. •- c•Wooll-lnerot Vain; Onloined; ant Dentists , end •Land -Platter; • Cement, Plastering and •Wkito Bead dellyerad to order, or carefully put up for MANNERIS OIL.-220 bbls of-Straits aVni Bank Oil, in'store and turaale by IL 8. HUOBB,BA 848onth Wharves. OIL SASSAFRAS, fve miler by• wsTusßlLL'it - Badtaiiiit; mil Nor. 4T aos 49Ntit 14 0.11 0 :1014D Inset =ezmE. riamacr- rolip;'zlttrorionmiAlo i gatrittalt,ll2E IfflUir4;,l**erensgmk-A, 4-4" earva. 50nta,444,1-:.14 `loLClOTEriticr,plarklO,l7Als traleMit,` 0 .0 7 11ay - fimign i g;.§.4• • e at 10 Volooprooisoirri,7Dfilor,ooN. es t 4 0 Yue 414- ,ANortoimt- York riidy.m4ig ,ffyrbigNotly cmioser, at oitriPt boil *ea Noar Ain ' iteeti'sno drip - 4'04 beans • ataNirc dostorOl' &,,O. AIWA aus4:loo7o -410014410,441110i00044411, Math miIIP iIPAMP 6 O/ 0 1,0100101Mitalit 010, alatzkly.l49p, 01 1 st tI 4 O 'Yee*, 011dien. /fitly; egulmii9loil greictoteljoig _idlitiiTr ifot 110e.,itint `men' etylec-,41110,,ime 1 1 10 4fclalOOE lOC 101601 OE itlitalliold e ° l9 X O 4431 hPrOMIMOTili neEiltalli 40'; blai0F.001t100; etig,.necakty! oloixte r obart fracpts;malcu;", alartsq pc' • AltiOn'ogatfiidaffiiii - 4f" lortthint.oo Moeitimind!,.dfirsittie dry goedi, goods', ambroiditehtsidee vita 47totwtilokt 10101rid00100 attention: otbumo, l o4tol44 117-411101°M.f:PA.. rt.t- PIRENPVONNIS !fat °NINO DANINiNOOI2. ONONSI A161 , 01 1 03;.!&a - S'efte W. ERld, LADIES , AND 7L1Ne1a.;(410116 #II . 4IWPQ R DB -.." ' •"; , ZOolldir, itoridntr.‘y>` „ May 100, * llO o'ol6ok 00 4 0, 13rigy111-00 sold kT.,PANI, !ogee, co lour, inonNot IgioNt ) , iarro 4.09400114 Meteli bese UAL. IvoNeric - ohooo,„ , brogstoi, teci.; Whit , 'lad `sateleet-litilisi ititycltiesraToppini-ike.; Aor,, , Aloot tows laid boys ,, araw r iogf 405101 PADANA - Wm; 4440. o.tod.oelit a t o imb,, , roonsblcoß,AM. 4 4. 14 ,0 attention of P4stixl7,'qq!laitrk. _ fI i t IMO TT;IriiAVOTIOAXER'NV:43I . .. - ..M•ilattmeterflTakiriblitt• mutate Aormeit bottmewitiltrie& saskPlFFMlitteate WRAF igkityrAgeAr.:4l. gonolorr9ituxttp —4l3th cridlt,Commetidiig at ip?oleelr,,iloll.baselg-AmtqmiraoPi niFl44.otaxiiit street, stook of se noticing bing bine biteiness comprising a bell grata:4 Mealier' • egrattealsoils add lair lamer, • .beilice i rasettettleigilla r 4riag, skin; iullifilloae* ink andii,ollolo#4- - ' • • Aiente l mistintseastiottlerilditenai ertimies., ~- TO'D'ulud•fthlimb nselmeristiine, rte. ~Peadr aid boaacroai,paistoaci pant battone. losellells; back eisse,"4lrbtei,libitilidisei,ipertaxisof tapas, 00141f.c. onbeibrimliesr&ef - -befig Chill wort, road of aceelaaaleetal "11:7! To' positif Ciiial.ogite! nail" F.. 10.7 nitilidohifszeof ' ' • ' .14R4$ POSITIFAIALII OF co LOTB:II4)3*MDX. RIB aoss,:soianie,*e. 1 1 -- , "On Igidtieider iforifing;`:-= s. {kat, eatalbenerim,a,asecitt;eoeimmicisimat 10 &clods; *ill be aoldaedestrable IrPortmentOf gooda cansisting to pan of r • _ • • 51ticti Mier style Viench`embibidereeeitirtirti :• and beet sets; collars; bande r embroidered bintakerablefe, , _ aronoira. - , tdialog Miles Phil, oliMM,"and plain bonzeta:lbboli alio,'sQk grail it • %I,: 1121M111011:: • Alan, posytoiske,e)l,4lslariind, ! so99 z i Jamey plaids and mime belt sibb4ne. • .rozNia •••; • - • 25 1 3f0 Ante pain black and whits jobiea blongee, mu'FF l . s . l s_fdepaer - - • . ~,L ANGM SUM' Or. 3000A8114 Siftili(lo,olitlP E "12 E.l ANEt , Frfclay „Morning, -• - • „-,llls7.29thily,ostalognozow a - oredltoOlt.bi,lol4 a - Post -dootrablio lot of rielLovivrAlgreinirgyle ofomilmr - boduttgA)loolool4lind kit”: potinonoinfopil -asoldett; rt riCe.Cittnlogat thipirdeirair nti04410.-:tnniernill tontrtiftull; aliEllifife FIRM AZOTIONEERS, no. 112 nount'absurre enuerc- Ql/.lB2firr,glTßNAT.z- _ • AminvispAtvicasaLi., la WI pelt , , " This • May 10; at.llo _o'clock, at ~nar , starit, ty older - or &A administrator an n.eattment of hotimlink ! , l l - 24 Ir.-41 1 4*xt farnit,ml,4nifter - _ rift r'Ueda,. Alaci:libotit 100 'pia - moit'ak ~ . , A lal„;2o..lad-se-oillk And . Also, Ivory Ana lone old vlollo; With AU?, 1111 r r eentOtpo l ojo2 - 11160t s Ot ISIOOO2,DIMIADID fdiviiturs; &Witt - 3thine taxiCluld' iats go% tabieldfi l & Mtn Ittldbetaada, Imp*, auto., looking a ol -, parlosAllatra - what:gotoamogo, ototiaga, and rag 'oar:pais "feather , Vida; *44 .. moo - , lot tails aot-. ler7l.4Pri.lA • - VEY ALFRED N4' BZEIKNESS, PHILA. JLP DBLPHLI: II6IIIBI WID.OARRIAGN Ps U./at, O. N. da rneI:ACBOSOM STRUTS, be- BALM OP NINriANDArt - 0/12411A010, 0 Worn auto otaioixiit tbelr44o:iii3ltUpptl:. hanA large exit destraWfiell.milpe;;or-,,Aetig,1441.1.1a0a4,.... d esirlieemlAsraire,'AeL kn " TlMPAtrair;lnUni VilUtlilit `BM: . 1 IV A bort vith : ofok-DA,1.,., - . 1 141/PP," stock: • trr,rilltl,*4l,4l.l"llEr . , ilowtmaPotint %ma s gift*lTsi -•iettl oaf iwtfieifid 4q • oy ,, wac . stritTraiilfrowlprl,l4, withant,leprrikAQ 4,2llFkoiwarlilizolp,#=r-t:.1"- 'binl yoviddlTl(MireltittstAV 'sew r •BPXOfAL CNA Alt MAIM*, 40141(44T ItatKeild.i. i ' et tlethriPoitallottstf - 104 • . 0 141149tentii firaYTala,4l , ' 10 ..5 0 01607r. bllenlegue;mit inciejir erett•••••-..-- T, 609tent;arrXes„4-030 phdtcrintliter - stelea r Pleat and bunko ElPoßkrl o o4l4RAßlßEballast sibbOßl: 7 omptieMpo ra,lergesdit disairabladeaostanat of. rae- Annessart WEAPEttrrgenta.t ' - Eamplas an& eie eirlY ilier aronehte of -"I-% `a .4 -- ...._ , -; , isaitabvraticAttonotheak_k-f . if xvoloseigaa • 4/7Cloa7Ertr q 7 - 0 1114 40011:441hr."- o t AMIMPOIUIIt 4/11011111t4t1 0 , - One 11640,10 per tent4Cohei* Bead bit=the Wieling ion city dot lifframilWerpineWthe iltatswOf glee sad California' • , Pa ll l 4 2 oo. . l6 tYmOrtnimsChis milkman Of the Western retail:de, turd LlCtuttuoky - :arid Vaal Company. _' hittr of the"PkU.4,lphf { lid'Ylttito~ ;; Coal Co:l , mA • • Theron g prOpertles **tit kip nem j*W..qtrul without xuarve Sr lurritation4, A Lot KO:l2S:aihtlon It, iitAlleminedVidet4l2.- .. , HediDto3 l Z-AtOßAlM.llltelDffitt42ll,,theirs• atoi7, with three.story double book battings, furnished with all the cap" modern' icaddeline a , including =two heated, - range, gas ruirgif littetee nery teem. 'Boarding' teas, water,sioesti - itatirnerj , edehhastne. fro „"rte . 'papered -throughout fd Ooct r "MA 'sad in 4u/elicit order,Tetuetelli, 1410 North 'nightie - street; abore'lllester street 1(417 feet front by 102 feet o:4lr.ohee to -a MA - street. TFIREFATO B Y- , BRlON._with., two eery belt bidldirigs, lot O rO of =exam, USI. North Eighth street, abase Neter street. The hones tarnished with all-the =en 41017 i COWIOII mos C. wadies good order ; (lot 17 feet frost by 102 feet 9% inches deep to Perth stra.t. - Tnere le also erected on the Perth Ereet front of the lot a double three. army brick dweW cg , fachished with the modern Improvements, dowel/deg six r:oras. - Persraptory- Sale. - ' TWO-STORY-BRICK DIVER kING, an d rotor ground, emelt ebbs of .Gripe attest, 79 feet eartwerd from Thir i.yderenthi street, Elstatutelle, Wert Phila elpbia. The bones enders sin Pawns, is hived order. are has an excellent Of/water•in- the lard lot 14 feet front by 46 feet drop! ptory - Perem Bale. _ THERE-STORY BRICK CW.III,IIEO, with two s, Dry back buildings, hunfokod with all the modern eatkrial nate papered throtighout-and in ' , good order, No- 1232 Os.. street, 18d feet east of Ihi.teenth et and north of Ntrard avenue; lot 14 feet front by 48 feet deep, •-•- 1 / 4 1 24711111Ptari . 144 f;.. - = THRZE-ETORY - 4119.1012 , DWELLTNU, ittla two 'dor}, . l U:dr lutildlnge. furnished Witt all the madam eourentences, pepedd throughout, and in good order. situate No. 12238tilse street, lot 16 , feet front by 86 _ ' Peremptnry t ale. , • - - . - TALUABLI.LOT OF Onollii.D, with - trio fronts, on two mile Streets, Fituste on the cut idde of„Frank lin street,lB3leet3 tothes north frosejfeater emit. 29 feet 4 inches front on, Frealtlan - street: bY 149 feet a Mae; deepixaaninw throtigh.toAelfelaltetiOo '4VetemnOtenTAlWlO „ unmejg,lVEOlty_altloB-111831DIINONI row. all street, between Spruce and Piet etefete,- - Lot 18 feet _3 inches front byte!: feet.o inches detet,to * back ontiotientleot tee yearly ground• rent at $43 83, --;;' Peremptory- k Bele. . LOT O P OROIIND , southeasterly aide - Of -itepriva street,l6o feet eouthweat othttigh amens, Nineteeeth weed ; 111 feet by 100 feet deep, to a twenty.feet wide street, •Ithin two equarew-of. the Eneen4 and' Third streets Passenger Ballray. , Two THIIBB.BTONT .BRICCDS(111.14.N08: one. etory l nthling (neW saw paha eltopl„ and.lot,of ground, with two Ito Ye... N0;924 North Tenth - st.reet I lot 18 feet front by 100 fag deep to abbantroot,... MOUTH OPRltie .TIIH •PAILVaIeTORY, SALM „OF I .OI.IIILaNTOWti LOT 3, On Patarday Afterpoon,..,• :Kay, dist, at 4 , 4 &cook:edit be mold •at htthilo 106 . i without rt serve, on the prernittes— • , - TIIII -111014ANt, 'mama t.l altaate'on the southeasterly aide of °much Lane or street Ger mantown, otmequatter cf a mile 04.4 fromitherailroado The lot; are 100 teat 'front" be- WO, feet - deee,ldented itd,tb evedgre•xi and otherebade. treas,:and,ard in a bigb, beanWtil location, between the handsome.* teel.feneee of Horatio 0 Ward and 0. WI o, , there,,..Wtore g apt within fire minute walk of the tailroad station. , ilry^l , art may remain no dradok-Inet« KOMI OPRINQ AbW—ON -THU inillinra. PE.IIXIIRTOILT lALW,OIf,.*:-(IEIPIANTOWN;.-1,073. - - Oa Bittezdef Aftermion,, , May 28th,nt etolork, .01 ifild-41imblie male ) withoutieserre, on the premilea--, • A ntunber„ of elegant EttrilanNO 811.1111ou oases, Vrtlaalcl, and Penn at mete, German own. Them lam Are desirable, b e ing beautifully located, and:within a shert distinen , „everal dation' on the railrad: V.. Terme 7be 4111,..eitid lithographia plane seen at the t gee JO*/ _ - _ • CIARD.-;4: M.,Oianimay,&,Scuuk, anaticeresze, win Jtol4 molar Relay _of HAW .1114ste, Eltoaka, &A. moo, lanuialiold !Muftis st 41+111,20._ . - UAL EMT.. AT:PRIVArtfIUdi . . .p- oi. ow Private Ifnie Doglette win sh..y e b. fc CA s yeause n•••nt,ot rank peOdo inedselbes every dos/option of city - end coontm prope s, ' • J:11 CrUBIMAY- A & BO - . ;•••,,: ',I ltind ratite bolieres 0,20 ViAl.,,lLMStrost, bet*t UM. 117. gegaler valee - of 'very meatier honeekold nitare, - Maim &a. ' -held - at the auction attire, every Mandedr. - tWeiineada7,--axel-. gridity moraines. at 10 o'clock, casopriaius , elegant Jenny Lind bedsteads, dreadi3e !Aimee, 'latex, rocking and - parlor :chairs, Centre end bouquet tables, gra., Ltd. - we. , gire coix:attentian to sales of real ea ts., skehei , vaerelandiee,=levenelkdd 'furniture 40A., tiotructed' to • our charge, Upon "the mod: redeOseeke terms. We will sell household furniture ,at (teelliege, or et our atom, ea maybe required trr Cent advinoec made upon shillala 0/1 0111 ala merthandiee,' • ST. LOUIS, Mo. , , WirILIAMS & BOYLE"; Am:L/w/was No COMMISSION hIEROIIANTS, NO. North MAIN .STANVI', 67 -.Loma t Me.aformerly with Meuse. Myers, Olaghorn, &i l6 . , Phtladelpida,) eget their eerslecni to the Min:hints, tnionfitatnrere and others of Philadelphia, for the. sale Of dry oar. pots boots, shoes, hardware, jewelry , jko „A G , Oasis advances made on receipt of goods. - Settlement% aziallf thtee 'days after nolo, Messrs. Myersi, Stuart /It. _Brother; ' ,- P. - " - Tan IPyek, Townseid; Winans; New York - gi - - IL_ Cita' -t Wood, Christy, ix Co., Louis, Mo.- Orow_, Ittee , e ary..*. 00., Mr. U. lc. Woc4oo. 'a- North Ildidetteet, will ad rise With 1,41.40 eensigninxtrom:PAiladelyata. rod-tiner..l4T American, by' and Navy OA= in More sod for "sole fa WR/i2tigt. N E . l. rt T i LER tir la . a Notth NIVAI.= ,11 WAARVIIN 7 vital MM 40KEREL-445,bb1e; 'Nos. 1,-2, and a LTA Mackerel, in whole L halyeii, sad Aiiartei barrels. MAglval wawa. - - 0. 0. Mask* Co., "Avg alma, swat dopy 04,4111.410,
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