!I t .0" 161, Airi Asir ibtiat, 1.-'t44l l , l4 ltriodiiglooll•ll,llll4fisii,ingidt rV,„ 1 4 Pi`kAirgeNitelpiii4V040 4 ,4:;14110 Irigir to flu , iyuklnts Itokts, Iroise main ' 14' ,4 1 1 41° P .1 11 A 401 9 . kkkal* 7 , r. *1 ~- Al. , Agagtilfe ti.f.Tplekr 4.0 L /hal* J oseph to 11 1 14 -4, rt4,llZ4iwnifkitg#lo4lono ioto tiariolT*O N '' . .l4 ll 'o ll AU 4 A l6 Y 100 ,2f4Ilifelutgetvihbot -- pp l i. tAlfigi tioyerSgKikAoions Olotbiui -1 11: 1-161144 403:"4 el 4 WH l lqn4 .nrk talb 4,1 IlAt'ltol3?,4444.lt,icEatatitf: et -was e i e i t i r p CAt k iSi r t il , e ,;:o. l ,l, 4 4 ii 4 4 1 /3 4 :4„kMid *Olt swan. :4iitiro nosy, , any tbni no 04 4.**411 *um hatnolos idLic42.l liwars, Win. '7, 4:WlNlffilt* , '"No.lllls:Matice - t_ itiiis , 'll4lo , Stock si4 :* : 14 i i ; 9 #.o 6 o l lP , 4•Pe4coikia• ' AttieffVentt 2 - ,p - . ,! ', tj ~, , , ~.„,, 1 .. ~„ .:..,,,F„ . -;, , ,: • ~-, ,. . ,',:,..,....• V0. .'! . „11. ',.,,.:',- - .., ,!. " ;,' - ' '''' '' . ! f '%.''''.;.!*'''.•• • ' l oiittlij - - , ''' : l ' ;'`,' 3 i: ' ,''''..' . , ?...-. '- -. ' . ;-• ' t'' ' ' ' % ''. 2 . 7,, , ':`,P': 1 .. - , ; ~,',, .4 . 4 1. ,'1. 1e W 7 ',-. •---, - --,,, ,-,,-,,'.•:.rixi;ctT;4LUiriiiit.74tkit:*Vi'k ' • : '' ---''-. i ' ''' -. 7 /A, .f n 4 o , i4i r i il t iii O Akl"'-4A441ii,,i,.:.'1 :York 4 l-i 0.." - !-r t ,t4lw4k; , i T ,#kA iw i N n,f yw 4- , ,rel,,„,t ig,,01A?.W4--c,,4 , '1 t"' , " ' ' - 7 - 2 i"-",--}ll(l3ll3.llArrk- - 4 „. ti llaiV6,l:iipiphr i tpria:ll4 At Now Yak ,T , .. tiottpir tr..... i--- -, ,,, ioiii / r elic •;: ,-- ' ; :k?ampistiv,44 o -17, -1 7 ~, ..,, ' • -':- 't- - 2---evoi l rii.vvr.p. m h,..a l . I f r , *lt' —kJ" ligro-- - nil ! ii-..iiiiii, itaii nim - g : , : - , ,, -_-lipLcstotrrrtAt .3 1 Pc,! 5 1 ', , ' • , ~.',:44, upt*.„_....,,,.,,4,.;,hiii.7. tai.ilool'aiTlvatt , '-i• 5 -; .'•,.,--,: - ----4 - ' ton S-41 , 4- - ' '''- kb: it44t:ivriiOtoritor Obit igasoiree, It ', -2 , :: , - '=;-5 4- 1 0 ~- '- 24 lat, n Iffilildig td 110. IC 29 do7o "2.1;V--4.0.1 --- tp., ~,, ,"; „' ' '" 1 lit r e l iati: - .loo4iiiii Cilia tir-"d's°ts , ;''', --;;•;44l2a4itik, il=r ol9 iiirsuile. ' ' '-' .." - ;,,i id ' i t .- ' --' -.C''-'' ''' +',..4 ! ,,qx. kirk ,041:)Aldfr from - 00 " tor rkil * _ ,_,,,_r s, i - ' ' s . " - thatitcargli*,.ifakVo,lof sod !" 1 4 , "&fii- ,, . ease' -‘' •, ~. '" , ' - , `wii 4 .- -k:' '-'- AlikkS, tdOklikr t tpcti tr+) !ti:?4ii ,1,5,,1r0, at ., '' - '''' , loPostom:ll,o; II kliAttt. , -,..,- , ? :- sui rii,_ , - -; - , ~..a i li - ' 4 4 .51 1,121% .4 '177._!"7 -, :-, • -=. ," ?"" ;;1 , , , VitA.001041* tiblr, iliai I 1 5 ,0 i. , #flisi;iftifr•r 4 ~ .key'flijologvadar:,, ' : .« ,' - '' '". ad t „g• . s.f . plik ir IfttlArt*- "Pi S i s4 : °(ll/, ' Svia ! ° ! °l9ar - a ..'.!' Be. 71 1 44'44.4,63* '' for tillkAot his My, ilixt was „, .4; ill 4 . ,*. hitir,4 lll lO, . 1 „, ~. r , , , r -'” 11"" ig)ll°lk ' ll ' i liarVir riiini sato ri,A. phitidophr., 4 ;`!_, k I ' lltig I ti.....o "" o'himg , war at IL Bohr , , _ _., w cu ._ hp _ ;.• v,,,,s i oa s e,.19 El( liell, nend•tion, um ttoo _ m iv, :: ; :?:1144 - ili friar Al oultitit Teti sirirod at X O4 " !all ,- -'7 P`' --: ' 7 liiiitsif ' 1 :,;',. : __, , : _, ftb d pouy - *leo: imam, lad Loglook °rah Ma t t ,st ': - `e- , 4,a4rfr ai /1000719thillPi •. - -'''''i '.: -,,,:- " ' "' .A,',_l tiltaftol: NAL.* 111p;i4 : 4,1i Xl4.i. Ili ye., And i.^ - ir" - 1/1i111;,. 14-* Sootemi lotqrhilmill,Ailayull.l t' S 'fltilii ' ail! 16111,1% het ,--!-': i'' ,: .wv-, -, -, ~ -, -,- - ,-41=Alidatom 1441*04;114414414-I;tietnirra'al ~'::- . 1-ntiviote*3?...., " 1,?!. !, , . ~..,! • 4.9 t: ~- fr o m A1714;1014 for Hos :" ' -s:llpbilt'kf ^l** *".'s g a l a iw h a Q to , for I, enadiaPkto* • , =,,_ -.. ,.. .ti55i - -M" - ,7 0 , flag .iiarieb.7tor,..A Batumi', ' : `11;14. tiC, - Y..itiiii•ctiiiiaiii.fiwi" , l , l, -.--, , _- - ' " . 1/04taJoetOlofelNir,Aritrif i haiji Mr. city, lobos sad' .., ' - to'boiii4 - 2 , 4ol. , ficliAllimbikokr.i , ' , L I N= - k'n -Am' atFAirrat" /1044 , 010411 N: 14 . 1r1 ",,, 1, ',., t ., , ...= , i . , - '-Honor kb thss,.; ^-'s 4 , ‘P- ,4 4 , - 4 ~r . , ' t , Km" Bk. - , -_, -stltjhaf-4k.t.5.t44, t, * ll. ' ll ,- , . ' ' ''' rar tab, dikk I.4t:' ' 'Pr iiiiiiii;•hi ' sei• -;: fiiiivre. at Dinvies' :'' .-11bAsaa. ' '''' '''''''''' &i.; ! , • from latisoret , i Pro. -'Boot.-, 48,, 1,Mt ,-,-, :=1,,.-'-'-'-' ' • --: , ..-- ~4 etpsiooo:il l4l 4 l M 41I gti ! i ° 2l ' .a; '-a,. hf .,., '`Vli'- i ii-ii'ai..,4,;Ti;i -' -.. _ - ,V ' 25 4 6 4 ;9A VL 1 T 1 ‘"" -- " A . .. r iio4ll la 2 Pia.' .:.,,,,,. ~ - -4,,,,,,.3 ..,, iliftii,-- bikliall•d ~ 1 :`,-,..,,, , /, /trif=i,--, ' A,a i kr , rittAW#o4 4101i1i4Pe / 01 40141 4,4 eW York . 4 1 ..rc , " --- '-' ,-- :alig ,,- ,;',-71,7,1% ,--- , .' - ..t.;_ , ,,,, , r. , 4; , s',o- nefene ".. lat `,;. - n all11 ; '.1 ',0 1 4 14 1 /Y -,alid [ :''`lT'liAti 4l Z, tip. , ' . 44/01114Defihiran,--047..;:ftrArg," '..‘ • - :Piditit•, l ll . 41 1 i; . i7g. '4 , ‘ , :.,.' ='" ,-, ' 4 - ..iii•kpoktillivieftz ~-: ;;L- 4 0m, , , , , k , ,e 0t-,.---- , " 7 , Y , i .., ..33_ el, -miltoio:110ow, for lialltfOft At ;Inlialolph a% e liii Thilikoloaatimortbroacassuir ,Itatior A id liouila ., , '4 ' , P0. 11 11 4 . 0 0i 1 k" Ri!la! 4 , l Pna ikeNNIT kesW,s X- , - , ik:i• - •; . -'i.::i:--5.:..-, ..„. 4 , _,...... , I, :':fi:•‘-5f,'4 . .,,, , -,' , - , ,,-Kitßartibig4,ll4. , brat.liinfo24ll":;lorde i 'y.-` : - .V4W-;'Zi*A.t.itii- - jepAink , gii- , ( 9#041, ' ~,,--• :. - !.. ,,, : c 4, , ..,itifaiaitioaiiit i - o:**.' - i , iii., 4- ;r14,;.k. i 1 i - K-': , ' - 4- i;if: , ;qi , cvtksiii - Eir , ,'.,,fzgP7a4siAgg)i,coo•giy-,, -, .i4 -y••• , -; • ~.. li", - x - -17 , , ,, ,. q. - 101,siplipeejF,.. , ,a.. 1 ,14 ''' Ai •'l e 414 4 - a- , ..--,....,- , 4--.41.07,'R1,1j'5" '.'?' * 4 . Ik sk Pillillif:At fj!*:17)41b1=011ikli}111' ? ' I ' '-',+ C(. '6Y:'f*,72,4r,z.7s44ll'l,*'Ti'):vtitlFQ4liAlit'-al - 4 7* .. : - -', ', -- ellirii. ' ,T ti4",-.21„%, fk.,..„,61 , 1;A.?ai - aitp..5Tp?; , , , , , , ;• 2 ~,,„ ,`, ; ,--!;1111;; 11111 ' 1 $1 4 4 ,1 4*Itt r e ; frlif -7; " , •- , ~, A-If , -'k• '' "tx - '111';:i . - , : s ; „ '-'. l ;'...V•i r ialA, _ 0 . .*41 . 1L twiaitidA :Ably , . . fv.4. -tii-yo - v-4.. *sisoopPlivi,l•Vl r ', ' J ... - ~._,=oha.,- - _ -,r,.-. : ,Lik gieltiottiTit- - i , " - -•.-.'.1 . 1.27ir1ria iftitabarg, , y -- • i''• . •,',Ati ii , tbcitioilli..'-1 , 40,4 skiik4UT ' "• -: ' -7-4 . l troiwit — AV4s,i - ;t `, fr '4110) V 116 4731 .4 "'1' ' , • ' ,Pilla„koc 4 pc,44i.;,l,4lll l lllverriv,iltiabaryl, u 40s4iordia Nirto taMil*soyANO. , l , " , s44o,l*YleiCbiZigitt'` 9' ,-- T - b'' ' i " lli*4 44 g4istra' ,l l' ; ' ~,,iss,u.iiwitilks " . ...."..,: ,, c;Osfikillizatersi , Ps, , i,, .-' c• • - 2'' - 'Pa - V 3 1 ; lair ti*1*7.,144. 1 * 69k Sarf_r,rl4 llooll n ,i , ~' ,,,4141,r ,"' ... 1 4 ,10 0 0 .gr:ff . t EAS'1 """i"., r iAt kai l ia : .Itae .1 119 Yer4 . 40' ... ' 11 4 6 1 1 4 - 0 104 4 , I x ' , 't . , - .. , 000.4,44010415 S -,. , , , ,,Timiaiwto.w.wor -- i ~,z- . ... i" . "`' ), 4r ,,,, ,i,VirAledeiramelt, , -,. - ' F ,- - , ,' ,,,.4„ IN1 1 4,„ "iirir , ..,, .1 - , ;vat 1064 ii ir %,--. -, e, I ' --:' ' :'! i tleti*g.tc, -,- mr.T.......,,,tur. , -,-,' --_ ' ~„to- Q '- 4.,v Sir r.' - -- es srowistrsi, -, ,, ,,, , --011141111atioirs Von* Vs . 'i• !-••4' 0 - i r p Opikafiik??o,'. -- • ) ' 4114 '1 44 ! -• ' rf":"' •' ' 5.,:,•:,,'-;l42l.thia''''"7'vAliallalcl...Agi, ;,..dg.teti 1 , ,- ; -,-I , lo w— A iw o ji ie.: , ' , .. - .l'itlio Dolisdball Y' - , ~; .1, ..,c -.-- ~,-- 414ireiksitip*,`-arli.;- ; 1-.1WAraktti,Dopt, - ...- - • C `:; .-,-. '"e - 4141 11 .**.1# 4 '-'"'v'etTk r :N'A'Attor';, - , - • ;`. ~' i :?,‘ , 'tf r64l4ll* lit' l ,T'/ C I * ,11 "*"1 111 , 61 / - ~, . , :- 14.011-* eisAllir "--',,', , -.W., , 1t ,llS.4orip!rOlialt j; , ~- '; •,-.; ,-•--.- -Dr Mrplibiiiiffteitifiw!..4 ."!.••=, ir , `-'-'• ':..'; '"'r • - • '. l ..." ' • •-•-•,' .. - -4 , ' - ._f , : , , -- ill• - 1-r..- , -(01 - • - "11,:‘,.t.44... , ... ,1 ,' ',..:,,,,,)-,,:-, --' , 4 :-... • = - 2 -.<. - vitamos ,';_woroxximwow iliatioil'becow, Arch. 4 . -'' ''''”loo4/01406 - 'l 7 s 4: e Artiti*An * li4' '- itmi Fig s trutos 111027WilioN.11014,;••,--.• : . o - Nlit9illir ' /Minot" Piltibard Oir ilsb4,4a ; :., •-. 'll4-11.11 . 144‘; te riialWICOSONIi. 1 4114151 in ; - , r t, , - '- - t , ,xiratiilol,l4, - :,, , ..,-,4i Rai** ;V.-- '• - .- ': • •, , ..P4•141Let.,e04 i giViyt?,,:,,,,3 lialey, rtlippikg; r* , t:: - •,!'`4.4 rftil6llo ''' 614 =•• 4 411.19-uogat,get, t,* , , f4:4 7 0$1111001ri 141 1C,..''''rW . :Cnigirarat_ itlib'itt r!. i , ; , Alliniithei•4 14 454, 41-- 7' ' ,4 f u Olmk•`;meYea,**. , ...,01 rolu i llteaSsi.s. , o -•-• ~.„ A Diesbook, .iyfike,barre ir ~ • . ;Is itakiestivirOtiiiiillle'l,;•lo KritpCT‘teda,l) -,., ~ i•' l ' - a a irmoimgrii " , 76 -,,,,- . , ',. 0 4 - J.., c0viar,, , ,1,, , ' , : - ~ .... ,1 41 1 ibw46 , 00.0.: - &i , , ,, %. u 314115,,r , * mili, , ,poupoi YAM - .14: - .11irroU,x,il. ~ ~., `• 5- , '•`:...'" kiii - • yo6.o.olse l p,i-.--w why-lbw, trw— .. :': . :;: 2- Pihwiirolgenifii:. 34 1 414 1 1 11 4 P ! ' ; •,, , ~, • ~;,-„1 / 0 1 ,, ~,,;.-;;;;.t. A ',,,s‘;`; 8' id - - ':- -, f''.;ii: - it7i7i'VFZiPi4,:•:• - :/#4O - 04 . 11i - ill ,_ , -.` -- 1 - ; : - :. P °. o ,ilatfe.#lTigt!ai r ,,,2• ';": ,`;!;;;;. ''.`,,,-,:. I LT.' -t - , i •' .• : , ,,siiiajoitrigtllll4%iri4U4itet:, slioili.d . thk " = - , --: 11 trSiobittPilikr ,, l7o lll l4llllo l ,7 Dlikaludi • . ),- • • - , , " Agapiplitik#ool,-11 ';:ok'fieduio - li, Pm . '." ' '" 1. • ";:`,"' ' •‘:, , T.i.biliteriolliAing:V.olll644,4,B4,ll44ol4l .:: 1-t, -;ii" ,-'- 4 1471 , 0 1iillitas*.-rait Of ;',.- ";vtlet,Leigastiv PIM" 4.4:•i I •-• ;;`, , W.-' ,- ";'' : .' ,. ti - Lzeilrolioir,atiori'l! -I lok'lgiii#lol - T;- - rr C , .., ~i t • : ----7-44**414 . 01 41 4‘0 •;':J j litt n igl a i Alri tii .' ' ''' ', T: , .--,. ' ',:l t i r 44 s l l : 2 l; e l'- ‘ , 4 '• ''''' ' 44..4 wr,L: il.wg - • - ,-: 4,,,,,,,,,uith NV ": ..., ' " , 41 , P uw#K Pi. . - , ' . ' - - . w iliTubr - aittercato ', II 4/ Praia; airily Mors - -., W'ii. F,A44.' , llEleittiA : 4 ;`;',..ii ir Os,,6o; l3 esid.lobl; • '"' --...7 Ok#:11011614111nif;;t,,-74/1X,f214;in- : -,4 lori e r4 f irailliiirTo l i t:ali;', AI - 7 '2 ll , .. I IIV$0040 41 11 1 AlK: --- ii0X 1 fri,Virlsr - ,A,Pu!' !:' o '," "' ,'- s,..oryt t ihri - Al - 4 ,- 4 - itz:) . l\74 .;---,:, }:, , -- 7.---,,-.. , ..., , ,tke•A+ , 5:"-- , - . :;:-,`" , - 1 ` - - '' ~--,P'.l.94olhielOSOrl"4/I#lolll4%tri. Mite. '11, :r :: f ' --:'42,.s,„mimpar:l6,lc.„ ,t.i.,4117 1 /IA, L oa. Ikritit z ., , ; 4*-1611111X- 111 X -, ,r9a , POlNlfOrsolq9 „ • :- 1 , '• ~- 14w4 I itt,tr 4 Iltd, ~ - 2' - - IS,I , Willtsuak, 11:, , ~ " ti'ji= ira, Jegursicasek_a - 04C 1 4 , -ii4,i - 'i l lititichiabtal w o h „ ~.• ,2: 44 1 4:1 1` AZ{ ,, , 1•; ,7 .4 frilipok, Ouid: , _.'-, .‘ '-', •::.,- B U Aliiilowit, , Al Viltii;: , ; : viittolollomii Wearusit4e 1 ' ~:-..:.,:r agan!„,_Ainiriii , , , xiko . .,--,:„;,,,f,11.-„Lf-Ny17,,,, , ' ,, w o u r - re,44,17,4„:„1..„,,,z,„,g, , ,,,5,„ ; 4.... .-.., ..7:„.7 ~„...7. 7... , ..-.....„..„:77, -7,7„...- 7, .., ._ .. 7,..,.4.,..,,1gikr1316 9 „0401ity4ey r 1iki" , : =_ ~ 1 1-1 Baikal., _. ,6o. . ,,i7 . 4ll Z4Verrtisio lt =o ) :l l tell d . Iv ii .;,-,kitstikealillaialitet& pit* Mins; mortsci„Aattatd, : --Asi i1a,4.0.;, , ,..Y.ketkviii . t0ti0.q...., P., 1 ww, - 1, ' ,4 , :lii - ,,,itillelkoi• WilitEleld, To ~.WrAta - ~,it- soy •`;' ..- t ri 4P i-i r*.,.*l, 1i . „,,,, , 1'; - ' ' Z 64 4 414 4 1ite1) -ft 4 -", ,! ':•.,, v-7; •,' ' I . ': 6!' ' . :l , iiiii)ll34l4C:algtal , t4iii:' itioi• Ylitri: ' ';. I • , • '' : 1 ii.......01-,,iobi,- k '• ' )l4 oWsiit 1 ,';; , j,- , ' --,1144 1 1 A 11 1./tri , 41 1 ° 14 1 11 i -' '•:- ; ;141-: "Ir lreit .° Zik_ -.,- ,111 1 .14:41.k;*x -10.411 * -- ...zazgiiliZTlV4:l::!' 'I -,--: - ;4 2, 1M... ,- 7 -7,, :,'': hug B.ii i -84.1.14 .7 ' ,'• '`:stadalogkiibigaiO4*;, ll H.oftoriamwhir,ill :: `4llo)rilitilreiV:7l, , g,:?tYiti . Vrt 7 6, 1.0 1 , 6 ".' ' ', ;. ;' . 'iLlfit<l. l 4 - ' 461 144_ 411 q 0 ''; I 'IS L .... - ‘f`'," '`'', '-, 4,100411110-10131111;41ikill604 gm* 001r,thil, • • - - - ST - OPB Pipet etteeti Shorn stk. -3 Wilier, 4,olritailt Loot Jose, Ind, Pa ' -212 ROW '....l*Antrite• Ohio Y - Yalletelfo:lkilo W p,RIR Patkgemig irvirtOnit Elligeto antouter 4York Obis 0-shamiLepoiceler WV/160 ft ls,'Onlic i i ialitedd IN ga l lium rg, iBO Ref , O lintotilileori; this oo WeiTgaengeon; Ohre co' . ' • - DlVageneePilliatiinte' ' ,Tabn Hay, Bellefonto, 'lkraltitelth;' kiii"•-" • "' 8 M llCOltire, Pa - slmigc - • 14.14cOleee, Atlantic City itklyeinZlictikcir y ; /as W,Barr, Boston, • 'lssilitoteger;Mo : W _Bataan - Mo Antstown Eisner ; - klieg s M 'Brkieci Pa ,N QlCrier, Bellnegrove I I P. Andrews, LaciSiai ce D & Is, Ps - " :M OI ThrIiBIINON',ROTBA-4leenlik Arch Huhu. Jiaggor,,Pa , , , sieVarland, Ald Riadd-_Newaatle . ' Rob' Irlak, New Oulu • Laiiirenee,. O ew Culls GeolDinons, Pa - - - Will &hie, Dover, ~ A Loudit „P " lie 8 - Auther 'lLietCin • Mies- .Auctkver, Tilton _„- • - BEAR XNNYlfili Rod Mei chant. 4.4 16 " 34,0 i, Bloo" making Mrs 'Brown,"Oheeter co J,lik Powell, Chest eo Tai .riQUOtt Chester air Romer Maoism Del co Mickley, Pinta Woe Bunyan, Po,rt Piaci M Penitiek; ht Pier. or, Cheater to R B Chambers, Cheater 0 0 ' 'BP'llarvey,'Ohecigee - Bun need & la, Pa o:4lawthorneiliine to . -" - .;J•111 Hawthorn, 'Lwow ..11,D Campbell, Dniester co' Irmilliarpluie;Oheitercio 3 Mandentiall, Chaster co ' let-RlSetiler,;Lawreasiville Morrikiw, Delaware co' , JAlawley;Postirown, Pa - ,-,;11 ROZEMIIIII ar. la, N 10P21.44b1ia at., abkriiDallorihlik. Onal - Peeto, Bath, Pa - S Boyer, Leblghitalley ( Mies) Boyer, Lshisti Val - - Mies I. Boyer, Lehigh Val 8 hit Miller, Lehigh Val Jos Kidd, Oatuagns, Pa , Mils Stepp, Allentown „" J Cleorge . -- Joe Milani, Pa -- - HanNinitn, Allentown lira Riaeline,Allentown - _Miss Moore, Allentown - A Viers , Miss Reminger, Lehigh oil Chas P, Nock, Norrfitown „ , , _ 400 bajo 100, it* Ir t 1 0 1 1 4 1. °l ! li f t t egM vs ,dayii ROopixtor, :bop" !Rot • the fool 'moo ,- n. - ',- , XAOLELHOYEL-Thisd at., above.Rso JAL Donley, NtAlAiatar ' ,-• sl. %lomat, East Use:ken T Y-Smith. Et. Cheater • D Miller, Orin --•- J,/lowlithlantieo , `„ " .! • .14 Dllorriso , llsrliaburg ' Ji) Deale,,Ohiatar,oo • „ -- , X, need, West' Chester It Minion, Wilottog'on Lit Attrai, Weet Chester A. A Andiron Okesier 00, ', -, •Eiliilt. Lefty, Phila. '. T XfoithA'fia, Lebanon --, T L trytosn, Milton ',Pia_ Tsjpp, Da , ' a W Tippin,Eoroo .. ~.s , , New York- , X Mitchell, Easton,TY, 1 alfset*vvitts. :. ~ a JbuildP ' Brows RD- , -- -. ' IS BartOVlllitineport - ' WIC Ertillastieort ..,, • M Bast, WDliamapost ~. Blose4MTlLainaport•., .7 Silva, New,York .-' Millesa, New Yolk -- ~...: -. J 111llico#,'Tipton T Atli, Yotis,'!&`.. , - -,.':.., - eXtnieyiSork.;Yo', Ovoid Nature. ' for •Beautliglnii and are peculiar to JULEB lalpifo6 EAU laidt/itLE HAIR RNSTORAT/Yl. BJ remsirlag abater:ottani from the cuticle it strength eca roots Of - die:bite; prairenting it talkitig off; and , .ianiirtirk,tikit,ii luwistat gloms, meet charming to bahold .> It " to carli and itiparti to it • diniplani pertain..: , gold .by all Druggiata, and by. Jmum, - RAtrii, re. 00 ., No: 7041 NNEBTNtiT Street Aohiladalphla., - mip•Ob ill-;Veralls It) ' It i ,teuly „wo'utterfal wfk what oettainty Bate o Hies, Xosebee; Ante, Bedbtom Moths, Mosquitoes!, illea;=" ineeeln kliele. and Animals, reviey speelei or Vermin; Are entirely destroyed by . " - Boater'iP. Ilatirmlnitors. !I I Beware !! !of eptt rime lialiatione:—Xviry Housekeeper abould be sup plied dieing tbe merlon and aunitier. Ezainlne each BOZ~BOttli, take sicahlogbni Costar's," 'the only infallible lemedlestnOwn. -Ptln•Apal"Depota, 410 IikOADWAY,''S and N. X. corner of BIOTH 1304, alto, by. Ding-, glets,Hrolitii, ind Dealers eietywkere, soi9-mw&l3t* • Orfortral Detersive '; Iheap.,-Vaku Haagen & McKeon having..lneiriaaCthetr &gratify - for maim, fieter!vir tai justly eelebraietWAS SING SOAP, equal otri hmndrld tionsand pettrie per treek s ,itstorm their eratemerorted tfii.puelor, that' the uedertigned *III, In hiCabe to filfaltortters for it in rotauon, with 'oetirdeley. ' Melt !1914ii, .332171iika.5!, rruttatitre 4,esit ,SlTthe "lialr, which Is s Unman adwa. days, Meiji* , ettlrely prevented by th non if-BIIaIIETT'S 0000AINSI..: , It ,hatt been tted in that:lauds Of cues where the bstr wee ootulng out inlbsaillthis.aact_his paver rifled to arrest its deosy, and to promote a healthy and rigorous growth. It le, 'skeet eamitlate, unrivalled u a dreselag for the hair 'At — sitiiii,tiplillisitron will ienddt It soft and glsaiy for L;;;.- - - ' • io for siiyl4•aleil_ ixiimiretik:b34o a & p25 (10 ...m ., v . aßosnoton, ~'rsiceretea='Tle=Aieleat iceectoas, were nailed peel powers eitdd• ba.ee ~Irbfirl,B4ll, 4 4llluai *Abe - preetua time are belneated ipliktineebtiet and healthy appearance, the TigatOill tad healthy east. :uOtortunitelyj bate-but little tube (ot ; tht~.rein • thod ietabdiitiudtbealtb, or built: tug rimentutioa; beers the grew prima• knee of weak,' nobly -Ana delleate"men and women; 1100111b14011:1118AN-13ITt}1118 will la a great tdas'inant'of porcine, by giving greet aCrenith hi: organ', hence producing a -good appetite, lid IV pinning neeilikKof body ; A mo derate deirriei_ of einieleo, botretii; oit in coituniilop %With OM/Mien, le, moth .bolter; the wont dominate fFitio;ii,'Dtapf Oditilbdut;'-briiideiDeptity, -,‘yielibigatdektylcithatir tineelel4rteselta,f - , ‘" : '3l: - 401030N` A - 00.;;*0;114.4, 1 39, svasger; rbtuAttipht.. dAWtS InAinle - Hearki?—pnedrineleate to - "Sfiiihil,k4athii; to eieq virility aid' 4t- Iproiniedininitric r ttoil; , A 4 b / :. - ':: - 11siotoef.,,,Deind—Nattssal liistetp ; Trlssi•-"Ciirst‘' eeed tia'aisti'a • kiiisAyazda. g; 'I lfonaJ , is roe* eiiiry'dsk r sad irsini 4oteent; ludo 0r s.iiiat Paid for 'money thliAsi it Dime pi :lA . , w iyi i * *4 d 1141 ca GOLD whenever #404,mit14,*; - iiiidNatliciat notlos.. 41.1/010)46 teidifvo,ltroni 'Executors ! . Admisistra; liii's,'Gtuardkriteititidotber,Trustess, la large or amail legs or short period. rio.zitoidei;riceired from Depositors Is Invested in Pill *state, Mortgagai, Ground ;tem*, sod'otber first. , .; . - 6; Otes Street t tonth 'welteoraer't`Wrletreet, Philadelphia: ilegliaird—Northwest ortUei7OND.iind , lr‘ipinfr s#44to. Depoeitanoeitied, "liiti v ai*iste;lroin plwriss .ot the yn*Duatty; iutd *Oa Lotereet at , quk rata of Ave :lift - 4,0. per • • - withont toa of Into• 4111a.iiera daily; froin and °Ohba-. Sataedejlintil Yin the .avenivg. Preeldeat, firtiikillp. ; Tpuktivier444 _Beeretars, (Amiss ' .Grover:B4,lloker , s Geltbrated , ' &00 . 10.42844AM1LY, SOWIIiO MAOHINkL Ws; orwr f se. - rarcee;llso to $125. iss.ogssysur s rEkET,- pnILLDBLPIIIIt. • "We kers one .or Grover & Batten _in our own fa- Only, sod We'ineet 'shin Justine to the maantaatiterio, that It Is is good at Wind vireseoted -tedgoi, 44prrY2.. .1- spep-ly 004-lrriew 1111.1kkbee "tam', west itgjoa t wad *do 110:10bor4raanaor: iaapioiOror, 64,46. 11 priest 441 riama oitaiatiaktple, pmade 44yordsr sip Warranted *h . T7;o4' ilq - 011*-valira-maraii Is meg w - sounrsitssi to 114 the only fair way or • be : as iikerao , an my treated - /01118 & CO., 604 iItiV,ICIT -STREET. .Ihinger!s Siewipe hisehine.—,The great Jiripur laity iat these aiseh,bies imuiy readily be, andexiitood, Idea the feet is known, that any good female operator can orp;-,wttiiiiie-of yawn, - r - OND ntOtitrAND DOILIaIa A TSAI/. - To err,' :Tailor; Ilesmstrete, -Dresitaster, sad each fairste:/smily la tin Otousitry, Fn. oF th efe 12*.t:Inei Would 44:;010,0004r00.,_00,2101110TMIT Otreet. 1 4 1 304 1 i; _ 0. P. - DASlO,'lmlnt i:•:,lllarr,ui: iii4i.: Ori AN* 9th Frbr**.i - 'by Thoi4:l;lifered'th - Ur. - MM' .ICIaYLOII Mies laiguivyanEn Int* *lrth-raMty:g, , * ~, ..„ , ... ~ ..... „ . , ,_ , ~ ICif,biEltta login; at EC Ofitl4 owl I Elia oh. Mantas. briEet: ()evict.- W: . I , sts, M. ilLtikki IL Luv)z, of Badly/eon. Iowa;to-14.hi fiI:AIIGUBT a_ douzloor of 3boiois P., - W,Ltioi IfeL of We Pbrodelphta. , • On the ravening of the oth Instant, OLARA, wife of Rudolph 11 — e8fcli; - lithe ?Bth year of her age. The relitlve44od, frisnoiertf the larolifare respect: fully invited =to Attend_ thatannerstifrom the residence of . her hash sod, ',Hamill' street. - gercoantown. on Thursday af,teancolv 12th inoB. - ; at 8 Oielocit . • ** •OnAthe jaoripi it', thricycar of hie ette: , •; relatives end friends of tinefinnuy We respect. to awaited - re attend that'll:metal; from his late nat. dense shesst,liensynok ~ T crenty.o et, ward, on , prtdsrafternoon, .at ,8 - Internmet sit Chrlit Might& groundi Ilfiltind 'Arch siresta, - '• • '* •-• r•On the 9 h instant, L0111..4. 0.; wife of Maurice iati - hted denialst et et the late Anthony Querret.e, theilet :ysar,Of her age - • • - * , The relative" and,fruntda of the fmniiyare invited to therfonend, from - thi residence of bar brother] Anthony L. (inery,ejle. No 09 floritta - 81 ith street. be. ionr - lirrshingtoor rht Therrday tiftentoOo, at o'clock et ith inetant, TEOMAI 111111.1tAT, In the AStb-yeiri Obi; axe. - ,• 'kTher relatives end .male friend/4 sett tie brethren o; `lSlortgriontiflardso, No,l9.'A''. l Z. .." , i altO gobeit Mot 'ris Lodgel'elo:29. and A. ahland-Ideeampment, 1:43. of respectfially Invited it attend the funera 'from the reeldeto. - of hie parents. No. - 930 Pine et est, ihtii afternoon, llth lust, at o'eloak; without further .. * ' Ohlltsgth• hisisit: Mri. JANE'ANN ABED; aged '.l;drise reiatiVes nisi' friends: Of-the family - are respect.. Thillyintrited to attend the . footral, front the residence beirlather, Mr. J'aanas;'Yodd. No 021 N. Nighteenth 'etratel/tlealWedneedavi morning, 4110 o'clock. * Oft'fba Bch losfentillAßETlSToilfe Of frauds Ito. 'dersOtied, daughter - of Dartiel'yenite!, - .ln; the 36tAyeee . „ Ba':—s:-Ftle e ' — llt tid \ e 7—t -- . Stated3lretl ng rltit - he;111 1 d THU '(redtcslan-/YNrMGi'at ItAsitPii-Bo'itock: - , - tr4t.ttn::.`,V4;'';2o:"WlllTl; lit., Sioretari: , 4etniVatterDettimg;--Itelnin Mies , - .PIititIJIIIATIN4,I4I4 DAILY, et 12 o , oloOlti t - Atift4ANSDN , III4.IIICONIIROII, Wow Ninth lit, 'Hoiltibantiti - Olerks'and sibitheraccordielliy invited-- ::,..".Chint,,,AtiOning nfrhititt vitt you. . mi 6 tr . ipt*Mtsief roilimy omits Compeny. /letb;lB69 -.The Board of ssitstitsis this do, ileetioodeeerol.eopoMNlMmel ilf , TitilEN- glob OUT. on,tbe Oepitet Stock of th e Chimp% thou price , pool, on slid low my 4poweri of Attorney -- To,rbelleetion ofDlfideaEe can be Lad on appileittoe at tile.Oilbilvot the °comma!, No. NNY SoetOTILLBp . - ." - ttfilli. TiRTII. Tieisurer. nrNViolentZenon Oemettez.. The - Aenprer. airy et the PlNNNYtiv . ialla countiz.t. 01E71 will be bell itt'CON 6 XliT BALL; oti Tavainwroadi toot., et 8' °Week V; M., me Hz eieHee.Jl. Governor 'PAOICIEI; will voila& Th e ri m ; 'JOHN H. IJAIHOHN, PreeMeet the Areerleen Wlll delivi> ble Oiation, lately let wlYwit.With restfiteeeptiotial 10111,,ttingtosi City ? fie* Itrttcii`b et video,' • ' , " l / 1 •-01 1 4 1 9 %;9 1F14 41, 1 iMal• ;f9' t i °k •ia re* •S • - la 13,01 th 74snitio,: Phlis EVERETT'S ORATION - . ON • - WASHINGTON. adoidanci with a general regaest,•the Ladles of the Mount Vernon Amid:Moo Asia agreed to LIMO Oheakl for Tickets gold for MR. EVERETT'S LECTURE ON H.I INT GI.T 0 Parttea•who have "nrobased Tickets eau procure Se cured sestsbyoalliog at the, Ad►demp of llinele On TROTBOAY - ,niorning, after nine o'clock A. M. Tickets will - also-.be sold at the - Academy during the day. -. • - - - -- TICKETS,FIFTY CENTS: • • . BTUT?: HOUSEHOTEL COMPANY. In aleoordencie with a resolution of tte Ward of Manama or ma aullant WOWS :month cm- P &NY,Ain instalment of TSVIINTY per cant ,or ONI iiiIINDIsiID DOLL/kith upon rich share _et new Stook stb.orited, will be payable on or before tATUADAY. the 14th -d of Mai, MS, st th 6 Ohm of the Tree. surer.-10. B'.OROH Btreet g ebyrell*hth street. 81111GMArre.YRIOE, Tre outer.' SApjp3' WI: READ ?MLR GOILTOien, CONN. ,• - The mem - fiber. having purchased this well known Ent- 16 gammen House, would infer= Ito former patrons and the pub logenerally..thet It is to be ielareished;ptinted Inside acid: Out, put in, complete order,att opened far the resepteoll of emptily on the fireyil4 of under the, teintediate eoperiaten• den de, of aithillali TOlTlsitt4 req., the, popular and unleoreal fasorlis . iat,thts establishment for the met ten - - years. - _ 'The Hotel fe of modern conitrnetion, built on an es te:Wye scale; with acromccolattene for two hundred and fifty poets - , cornmianding a fine view of Long Island found: Billiard, Shame, and Dowling Booms, ate con venient dietance from the Bonne. Good Fishing a.d Bathing within fire minutes walk. Arrangements have been made with the New X.on. , don, Otoolegton, sod eroridence Railroad far a new depot within one indite. at. the Rona*, celled Atte embank's Ileadlitat ion." Also,lor Excursion ttakete, for the boarders, to end front the f' Tomtit's Hotel " to the Read," at halt price. . . N. H.- 7 Mogiultotts ant never seen at the Hotel. TONTL LITOTEL, BY H. LOH BOHANTON. - -NNW -86.9ift COP N. I hive raids extensive improvements In the TON. TINS HOTSfitbis, Spring, In the addition of now, Booms, new Ullllard Tables, and Serb Room, with hot lad oO'd orator. isonilles can have suites or rooms at either -Howse, at low re at any flrevalese hotel in the countr y. livery iittentiori will be paid the guest' of the two • honies. • Being the Me owner of the ",Exclietn , 4 Mad , ' mo• rrty, and having s. els Yeats' . lease, from January next, of the I ONTltin TIOTInk, my whole time wilt be devoted to the comfort of the guests. zoyll•wfmtir LESS 80B&NTON. ventent Waimea to ILIIIMER , th Photographic Gallery, SECOND Street, atom Green, with a superior picture. lAig 1113LS' Wilmingtopl'ar ; 106 bble Spot `11 1 ., Tarponi tae 120 bbis Crude Turpentine, linti ng froorsott P. A. Panodeno ; JAL bbln Sots Tarpootine ; 201 bbli Bonin ; 12Abble Tar, landing fr om nolan• Sarah Olen," for nalo by • ••• • • • 1101BURIABB, An 00., No. 16 80IITH WILARVBAJ. • ISTIALBI I—PAULI & LANIGAN, No. 11 North THUM Street, are the ONLY Window-Shade Manufacturers in Philadelphia iniylo.6t* SALE M DAILY LINE;:-.. 74 Steamer .&1011. BEYBOLD will leave i l b" 1 . 121 1 0 '. . . AllOtt-t.TRaDD WHARF DAILY, except - Mendips, for sitem, Delaware 01 1 y, New Curie; Pearagrore, sad Ohester,,at 2% o'clooa P. M. Bolarnlig, leaves Salem it 7 o'clock A. 61. , .. . . . . . -- tEr Magee for Woodatown and Bridgeton meet thla boat my 10 trota _ - VITAL' N. ATTWOOD,. UNDERTAKER, V V tio. 119 North BUMPH Street, above Arob, east elde, Philadelphia.. my9•9t* if $lO,OOO, $5,000 to invest in SIS9OOO9.*ORTGAGE benefit, by 8. W. TLIAOK ARA, 244 email THIRD Street. BRANDIES.-690 casks now landing from on board the bark Tullett*, from La Rochelle, okt Lembaid.street Wharf. ; •' 2tnet,' Out)lion, & 06. ; " Marett & Oo ;” and other brands 'or goyim) iu M pipes sod X crake ; Pellevoieln, Attie, & and ullieert, PoNovoisoni &Oo it lloobeHe Braudio/ pale end" dark, in piper, nod maim Imported end for mile by MUIR , / BOHLEN & 00., 221 end 228 South VOIIIITH &tett. LUST—A Warrant for Fifteen Dollars, .11-4 being ball yeark-lotereet on Bond 6 9 8 of the Phfladelpels and Ileallog Railroad Company, payable Jailualy 1,1859. Ali patrons are cant.ooed opined ne• hottatios the mime. se payment hie beep stopped The finder Will be Reliably 'rewarded by_ retiarning it 'fo 20 North NINTH Street, Philadelphia. ap27-wm031.9. BANK OF BT. LOUIS. - eT Lome ; March 22,1869: 80916.8 1011 81188012IPTIO11 to the Capital Knelt of tbeßink ofilt. Lon!swill be opened ON AND AF. TDB TDB FIRST DAY OF ePRI4 NB f, et the PHILADELPHIA BANK, Philadelphia. ap2lS-mwf lm JOHN BROWN. Cashier. AVI,NDOW SHADES! WINDOW rib T je e7ll tente l a; t u I n u 4 i I o Y g e fa t !flatus,, e n e ! I s e : " , DM LONMAN'B, mylo-flt* - No 11 North THIRD Street. STATIONERY, TOY; AND • FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM', • 1035 WALNUT STU gra% • MARTIN & QUAYLII . . Have pow opened a choice assortmeet of Vocals !send ing rats In gills, Crape Linen,'Po'm Lear, etc. Also, Writing Doke, Fortfolloe, Porbemonnales, gerep Hooks. Herbariums, Perfumer y , and Toilet Artioles, °ticket Bets, Dallifj - and Wickets, with • large assortment of Dolls and Toys. my 6 et* viVINDOW_ SHADES! WINDOW , 791 7 SHADES !—Oan be had trout° anti up to $W 'eao`a, at Nara & - •trif o•Gtik No. 11 North THIRD Street. -nu) , TOM LONDON OORDIAL GIN, Iv pronounced by the Medical College of London the but speelfie for Consumption, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Gout, Ithinunatlein OM's, Fever, &o, Por sale by all the leading Dra g and (Doors of Philadelphia. The OLD On' is imported ezolualvely by P. D. LONOODAMT, impeller of ,grench Winos end Bren dle,' we, ko., &a., 217 South TROMP Street Phila. : - - ',: : .-- - :: . " --- :T.'_: - ,rH:::-. - 7 : 7771110'2 - '0RE$ - ,..rtittitis):ELPSI,A:;:.'",:iiripsN't5tiA.y.: : :i :MAY, - It ,11556..: it oilla e MOM erg et itTopt. .131))111B1 LODOILf-N0.40, Thu 'orneeteilndtileusbers of the (brand Lodge, and the ordol. In general:are particularly requested to meet at" the Mleoulei•Uall'0111118TRUT Otreet;:oie To.isfORRoNV: - iWeincedsyl ATTARNOON,•IIth 'mat at 8 o'olook, .B'Blto ,attend the,tuuerel 'of their late- //rather, Thomas eillturray. , By order of the W. M. -T THOMAS, lleerete'ry. The Philadelphia Ulty Patteager Atntt arWAY OOMPANY.—Notice is hereby given to „too gtookboldeis of "Philadelphia City Pitstenger 'Railway Company," t thathat LETTERS PATENT have beer, pouted, and in Form:once - or the Act of Ao. eembiy, the Bobs - other! to the OAPITAI STOOK of said Oompany are requested to meet at No. NOOK Street, second floor, on MONDAY, the 16th day of May, 1889, at 11 oarlock A.M., being the Woe and place ap pointed by the OoMmissioners to organist said Com pany. And :at said time and plane an' election for a Preeldent and ell Directors will be held, according to 'George Boldlo,W. Juvenal, ' "Garry Connelly. , Oharles Harlan, Jesepit Biogerly, Lewis Scoot, - • Charles Wistar, Conrad Grosse • John Ely, • E. Rosh Petrlken, ' William Millward, W. D. Kelley.. - ap29.12t _ _ • Centeterg 0-. The large number of person' iutioding to remove the - ve-, oh no of their relatives sad Mende from other btirial pieces and Cemeteries to MOON E HOW in are re. minded that the sime should be attended to Tall biONTai u after ttie.lit of June no permit will be granted by,the Boyd of Health for that purpose. Pisileiger 'Vire run, vis Market street, every halt harm to thnillemetery • . ' • • GEO. CONNELL, Secretary. 001ra. No; 20 2:164.1%19NTH Street CrrPeeple , a Mate, conveettion.—The CM. tella of Phitedelohle, and of the several coun ties of this Comm onwealth,ettaohed to the PEOPLE'S PARTY, and aLL 'totem who are opposed to the nojast, novice, and extravagant measures of the National Ad. mlnbotration, are requested to send DELEGATES, equal in numbs/ to their several representations In the Gene. rat Assetably, to IeCONVENTION to be held at EAR. 15113BORiv, on Wedoesday, /one Bth, 1850 at 10 A. M. to nominate Candidates for AUDITOR GENERAL and SURVEYOR GENERAL, to be voted for at the general election in next October - - HENRY M. PTILLBII, Chairman WIILIAX B. MANN, Secretary. apB:4f Cfr' The Hestenville, Mantua and Fair .'.ldol:fliT PA OBEN GEN RAILROAD COMPANY. ---troribtr is hereby given to the Stockholders of the liesteceilie, Mantua, and Fairmount, Pamanger Rail road Company that Lettere Patent hare been granted, and that In ptMnance of the Aat of Assembly, the sub scribers' to the Coital Stook of sold Company ire re. quested to meet at (111138N13 DROVII - YARD HOTEL, corner of ' Lancester avenue and Hoverford street, lwenty4ohi.th Ward: on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of May; 1869, it'll. o'clock A M., being the time and place appointed by the Commissioners to organise said Company, and at ea'd tine and place an election for President and Piro Directors will be held, according to low. Albert Il:Ashteeini, Charles aleCallo, H. H. Bar *lab, Oberlin' B, Truitt, Wm. Patterson, J R. Mean; Jacob Yost,'Hoberadiendening, Ntt Morris, Samuel L. Smedley, Jacob Ziegler, Simnel Hutchinson, Win. D. Dello/ , James Hunter, Limn Heaton, Thomaa A. An draws', Johan R. Vogdee,John 0 Heger D. B, Paul; H. A. Weer, Hebei - Mak Evans, Bobi. Selfridge John A. Brown, (9 O. Francisco", 19 B. Bardwen, R. Miller, H. B. Wallace. B. Morton hutch, D. D. Jones, John Steele. Jesse T. Vogdes, Stephen P. BBL Duo IC Ash ton, Wm. P. hicOolla, John P. Beatty, B W. Carr, Peter Parker, and (bergs M. Hill, Commissioners. . - .„ ry* Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. .1.1. y s.—SBALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Oftetee Of the, Company.' in Philadelphia and et Look HAM!. until 8 &dark P. M. on MONDAY. the 18th lost , for the GRADING. MASONRY, and BRIDGING of the MIDDLE! DIVISION of the ROAD, extending from the month of the Driftwood. in Rik conoty. via the Driftwood, Went creek, and St Mary's, to Ridge. way ; and from Ridgeway, for two routes, toe point 20 miles eaaiward from Warren. One via Mill creek, Ooon creek, and south branch of the Tionesta; and the other via the Weat Marion and Two-Mils me. The line will be about 80 miles in length, divided into con venient sections Proposals are invited for separate sections, for di. visions embracing several ',miles, or, for the whole line • stating distinctly in the proposals the proportion of stock that will be received In payment.. The cash portion of the payments' (lean usual percentage) will be paid in monthly estimates The 'Proposes must designate the potful at which the entire' work proposed for will be finished ready for the superatrueture, under a penalty of forfeiture of one per cent of the retained percentage for each day that elapses after the epeolfied time, until the final eomple- Sion of the work. - ' Plane and , rpeeideatlone of the work may be soon at the Office, at Lock-Haven, on nod after Tuesday, the 10th lust, {Vhf. 9. Aloo.lllfilati, k'reeident. Philadelphia, May 83,1869. - W 4418 pr . Dr.. Wedees Chestnut Springs ,Water CUR* JO Chestnut $2ll, Philadelphia county, • , 4•11.11, OU will be well paid it you are in eon- INODW SHADES! WINDOW .13 LAIELNI . , in annul to suit .1$ 5%000 applicants, noon Dlarnonds Watches, eweiry, GODS, Merchandise, ()lathing, So., oa mode. rate terms, JON RS & CO., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and GA,SAILL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the last 35 years. Office hoar" troll A.ll. to 7r . ILO Second-baud Gold and SLiver Watches, by eminent makers warranted genuine, for gale cheap, at one half the orishnaloost. ap26-Omir P E AL NOTIOE.—The inUSQUE -10 EANNA EIV BR and NORM and WE e BRANOH TELEGRAPH CO 4PANT has opened au OAR° In the PRANILLIN HOLGGI, 911 011nliTNIIT fits , et, and it new reedy to do Winona promptly and 4814M/tin having direot eartuneuleetion , with the great cool and iroirretiLeis of the valley or the eyelike. ltione, end both branakt coonsatinif with reliable lineal through Northern and Western Mer Verk, the 011411. 014) st Mortliwonfts §)0141 ' 44110 - : ; ' ' 'Mfg' v.. pat o). A . 'F R, iZ3 'A • , • • , JUHT.REOEI,VE)); TEE ' 8T 34 A.IVI R AFR.ICIA, . , FIVE CASES OF NEW GOODS, • oarraunna , FOULARDS,- • BAREQES, DO. ROBES, • ORGANDIES, DO. ROBES, OF TEE , • IsiEWES I I 4 - , „ Pants NOVELT,ES. THOS. W. EVANS & 'CO., .818 and 82) CHESTNUT ST. znylo.4t Alert[pia tirqitors. Q. H.. MATTSON, , • AIBROHANT TAILOR, , ins OMITIIIIIT STAMM% - Third Boor below Twelfth street, South aide, Ph(lads. fEr A fall assortment of Seasonable GOODE now on hand. mylO•tjyl thane°le, $4l. PARASOLS, Of RIOII and BIIKCILISTIL 13TYLLI8 and RINIpI. SIIN: lIMBREVLA.I3, MORT, STRONG, MOD 11=11.!IITIILIT 8101aliTBD 101% ME AT LOW PRIORS, BY WM. A. DROWN & CO.. 246 MARKET STREET. roya4m New Vork lOrp ilnocrbo Jobbery. A PRUE,. 1859. ' WE HAVE NOW OPEN FOR SALE OUR NEW AND ELEGANT PRINTS. . . THE WA,MSTJTTAS: TO WHICH WE EEO TO OALL THE ATTENTION of the TRADE. The beet designers and printers ere engaged in producing these OAI . 400118; and the peat mous "kWh; hen attended the sale 'of our WARREN PRINTS wilt befoliewt4 up by gliing the WABIEUTTA PEINTE to the public. • - The OOLOBA are WARRANT ID I'ABT, the ETTLES neaurritrt., and THE PRIOR muay Amu. We skull sell these Prints by the PAONAGX or PIECE, fon ORBIT OR ON TIME. • DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO., . ' 80 and 82 CHAMBERS STREET, ap29.lp NEW YOU. AO'aibe MILLINERY. JUST O.PEIVED;: SUMMER -ST'VrAE'S FANDY AND- iitIMMED_BONNEITO. 43TRI4W 000a7 0, eveii detestation and or Latest Patterns, always ou LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, (TWO DOOllB ABOVE,HAEONIO lIMP,LII.) amyl-i. 106 • HOSIERY. 80,000 - DOZEN. Just rostelved DIRBOT from the best: INMAN AND INK.= MANTIVACTURNBEI, . .111.80, LAMM 1,18131 TIM GLOVES CaTINTLIIIII, /to THOS. MELLOI3, & CO., 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, , niar23.201 PHILADir.PHIA ANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 017001080REIVO .fr B. ORNE, 619 0.1-1 - AINSTITOW 1921E3 lEVA, °PPM= TON OTAWPOOO611 ) . " RAVE NOW OPEN THICIR • SPRING IMPORTATIONS or OARPETINGS. ALSO, 1,000 PIECES OP - - O..OINrrOIST ZS/CAT TX SSG% OP ALL THI DESIBABLA STUBS, er LOW PRICES. merlB , 3ol It R e 0. WALBORN 8a CO., (how) Noe. S and 7 NORTE AIXTIIBTRIET, - MANUFACTURERS OF SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, DRUB STOONB, EPO. , Peelers In every extlele relating to the GENT'S FURNISHING ,EUSINESB I 'myl-8m MISS M. MUNSON, , - MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT A ELEOTItIOIAN, NO. 14.7 Routh TENTH U., abort WAIN UT BT., Maybe 000 salted datly . from 0 A. ' to 3'P M. Terms for SZAO3IOIItIOI3 or prokoriptiort *l.OO by Heir ;3 00.- myl.otte STEELKOSOOPIO BAZAAR. Till WONDERS OP TIIE STEREOSCOPE. Lime 'assortment, by recent Importation, 'at the Lowest Prima. M. J. FRANKLIN, Optician, No. 712 BUIITII7/01317T11 BMW. WINDOW SHADES! WINDOW SHAM I—Por 50 cants and upwards, at . ' P stILI & Lsri rq&N , is t No it North THUD Street. mylo Ot 0 THOSE who are about to purchase Drags, Paiute, White Lead. and Wladow Glass, xe direst their attention to an tintitirliesekt and relen t stook of such goods, which are to be lona a at the store of ZUKILBP. h SMITH, ap2d-tf corner of 13BCON11 (MEM filtrowto • , 43„, FOR BALE—A ROAN MARE, 6 years old, warranted sound and kind; war raaccd to trot a mile in 8 minutes. Apply beet of Prietory, CHUM Street, above Seventh. Pries $l6O. - • mylo 81* JONES & PROTHER's BIOUNT VAR.NON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, 604 ARCH Street, Phltadelybia. m7lO 7L* rifitiNNEWS OIL.-220 bbls of Straits atid Bank 011, in store and for male by E. 0. SUOBABD & 801 C, 108 Bon% Wbarwea. D. DAVIS & CO., Lumber Commis .lll...l9llon rderchasoU, No. we BROAD BOAtot, above Rue, eLiledalphle tays.6tig TDB Spring business at ZEIGLER & SMITH'S, corner or SICCOND and (+RHIN Streets, is opened with a inferior stook or Drugs, White Plod, Zino Paints, Window Glass, sod other artirles ueaallr found to s,Wholessia Drag, Paint, aril Glass establishment ap2S4S VITLTON'S A INSURANOE I ADJUST ING AND iIIOLLEOTING ONNION, No. fidd 01INFYINIYa Street,, PiIThitDELPHIA. Proofs of Loss andinther requilites made out for pig • ties containing loss er damage by fire to property in sured, in full compliance with the Intricate coniUtione of Policies of •Insuestice, in Ouch a manner as to ob. 'tete pies or 'some for reduction or litigation, and to the entire ratlefaotlon of all putter. Particular attention given to the dollection of olattio against Erantaxas Gempanisa • • - Parties will find It to their interest to consult the nia• deralgoed.as coon after the fire at pt'assible. ' ' No charge for oonfoiltatlol. JAMES HILTON, PAI funranoe Adjulteti canwittii CANTOI4 -c 'IVIA.TTINGS. apt ESOIIVND ANOTWIS LOT OF, ' vnmesx-x • araPoßTjan ANT ON , MATTI.NqS, CONSISTING Of 448.4 and 6.4 "EXTRA PARLOR." 4.4 iS-4 and 6.4 RED OHEOS. 44'6.4 exal 6.4 WRITE "MARRING."' 4-4 MILNE AND FARO'S do.' PRICES REDUCED. ]GAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. 111.41tM NEW CARPETING. JAMES H. ORNE. OBESTNUT, BELOW SEVENTH,. Hm neelved, by late arrN►ht FROM EUROPE., A fall absortornt of New 04EPETING. ,CANTON MATTING. A•birge variety of ell widths end colors. ay94.m STAIR ROD MANUFACTORY. Mt-U.lEll'Be MOSS, SOOH FIFTH STREET,; A -f BELOW WALNUT. sp44m CARPETINGS. -, BOLE AGINOT IN TRW qv!' ' OF fill • AUBURN TBRENPLYB, SUPERNINES, AND VBNETIANS, 1111111/1011.112.110 lilt 108141 H BARBER, Wait all grades of WOOL, WOOL AND COTTON, sad ALL.OOTTON II GRAIN& ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO., MANIINIOTIIBIBSI !MINTS, "609 SMUT STRUT CAILP.ETINGS, • OIL OLMTRA, AND MATTINGS, WOLFE, WILSON, & CO.. COMMISSION lIMISORANTS, No. 132 ORESINUT STREET, Agents ter -TAPESTRP , YELYIT , • ' VIRZI PIA', - • INGRAIN, IRINRTIAN, RNMP, DUTCH, COTTON, LIST, and RAG iDA,RPE'TS„• Which we are receiving 'daily from the Iffannlnstmers, and ire prepared to offer the trade on Morel terms. Raving the Agency for genie of the beat and.moot mixable goods, we can offer indneemente not heretofore to * had in Philadelphia. All goods meld at Mani. feattrreVe prides: 'Orders carefully attended to. Also, Agents Tor 'Bleat and White Wadding, a large supply of witch we hare °Prudently on hand. ' fetd4m • - - - , - STAIR ROD 22ANIIFILOTORY., WILES & MOSS, - - i25.130UTH FIFTH - STREET', BELOW WALNUT. NicCIALLIIM • ds _OO., OARPET- MANUFA.OTIIIIENS, GILBN )30/10 BULLS, GERMANTOWN, • ALM°, ,inpepiensisAND DIALERS.= AIL coin, MATTING; -W4REEDAISE; 6001311ESTNITT STREET, Among Till STAT;1101:11111. Wo kate now on hand an extensive stook Of Carpet. tore, Of our own and other makes, to whlOh we Invite the ottentionot Modern andlontkern buyers. to2l-3m AUSTIN BROWN; WHIBLIMAILN MALES IN • FLOOR ouroLoTHs. LARGNiiT STOCK IN. PILIGADBLPHLt No. 184 NORTH THIRD STREET, a 1,15 .10tit -H. W. omer )! time, up italro. STAIR; ROD MieNUFAOTORY. WILER Se MOSS, 225 80UTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW WALNUT. ap4.lm nate Clothing A. T. LANE„ WHOLE SALE CLOTHING WAREROONIS, No. 419 MARKET STREET, PIIILADDLPHLA Vardware. MOORE, HENSZEY & CO, Sloe. en MARKET, end 416 COMIII2BOII Streets. PHILADELPHIA, Keep eonetantly on head • large dock • • op , HARDWARE, 'CUTLERY, GUNS, 40.1 Wkdok ere offered to BUYERS on Liberal Terme. fett2B4m C . H. & GEO. ABBOTT, No. 18 Math FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS AND,DEALERS IN RARDWLB,E, CUI`LEY, GUNS, ETC. 'ALSO, NAILS, OASTI#4I3, &0., All of whleh ere offered to Buyers on, the most fs►or sble term, . unr2B.2ni - - TIKTITT BROTHER & CO.; ' IMPORTIEB AND ViSOLINSALIII DBALEBB IA HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, am, 629 MARKET STREET, 629 MOW BIRTH, NORTH 81141, ' PamtnaLrati. fe2l.Bm einna anb eacenstaare. 1859 qtr-!'"'"LlBs9 BOYD 80 STROUD. "ISIPORTRES AND JOBBERS, Have now on band a complete stook of 3/SENOR AND ENGLISH CHINA, GLASSWARE, AND QUEENSWARE, , (At their old steed) No. 82 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Your doors below bferehante , Hotel,) To which they Invite the Attention of WHOLESALE BOYERS. IPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND BO- K, OIETY OP 'PRILABELPHIA. ' Ocoee; No. 881 North THIRD Motet; - (Consolidation Bank Building y ORABTERED BY THE LEGIbLATIIRE OP PENN , SYLVANIA. Depoeite received in tamed Otis Dollar and upwards and repaid In Gold, without none% with' LIVE PEE PENT. DITIREST from the do of dolma till with drawn. A. responsible and reliable Springs Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and ti The Opting Harden Saving rand SOelety wee (AU- Urea by the Legislature of Pennolunale to supply thie neoessity. The Alanag.ers, In organising and locating it, have been governed wholly ay a deeire to useonnito date the buelness interests' and wants orths very lugs and enterprielag population by which it la sunounded. OHMS OPEN DAILY, Prom 9to ololoct • also, on floirusy and Tnuali- DAT from 5 . Matti 8 ololock In the evening. MAN/LOBES. Predertek Klett, Stephen Smith, /Oat P. Levy, Ilon R. K Strom Daniel 4nde , kotar, rederick Stacks, Premeds Bart, r Joseph P. LeOlere, .Joho Hessler, sr.,George Knecht, Jamie V. Pringle, Jacob Dcddt, .Joseph M. Cowell, Ron. Wm. Millward, George Woeipper, G.o T. Thorn Peter O. Ellmakir, Robert B. Davidson. JAMES 13, Vt . .lNGlgil, President. 4411, SedfolArY. M4o' New publitatitro. . • . _ JUST PUBLISHED, _ 1141CRALS OP ,NORTH AVARUA. • The desoriptious of Ogeelee based chiefly on the col. tedious in the Mutual of the Drolthmonlem Institu tion. By SPE.NOIiIi, aoatotant reoratary of the ilniithronlitu Institution. With highty•se4en Pietas of Original Figures, /Die truing the (loners and !rules, and including Details oflinternal Form and Osteology. adored plates, st 6, Plain plates, $lO. J. B._ LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 and 24 North FOURTH BTREET. min at. IRVING' O WASHINGTON, STH VOL. 1, , SUMS & Rae, . . - SCO onxenur street, I Hs ve reoel wed {be oonolndleg volume of IRVING'S WASHINGTON, plot $1.50 or the set, rive yolionee, 17.50. - ORION SIERSDITHI PDXES 4fi 'oeatm. Also; Just published. . . PORTRAIT OP BISHOP ROARS, Admirably Photopapked ' ' ' .... rziee 51 00 Mostly framed 52 50 NOTICE TO. 11001C.8011118. 1 - J. SABIN respeettaliy annotmess Math* has for gratuitous dintribution the Ostalosues of biz Valuable Libraries, to be sold by Auetion during this month, in New York and Philadelphia. YMPOUTATION OP OLD BOOKS. J. 8 will visit DUrope this mammas for the purpose of purcliming old books, ant Teutons to suggest to Librariaas and Bookbuyers, that au experience of over 'leanly yeast in the book business to Europe and Ame rica. will enable him to 8,1 any orders with which he my be entrusted, to their eotire satisfattion mylo tjol 11 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. SOWER, BARNE._ CO., PUBLTANNAB AND MISME &IN idIOCILLANBOIII. SCHOOL. AND BLANK DOOM , Op) 'STATION/111Y, No. 87 North THUM Street below dub, Yklbotelphia. -Publishers of the following poPaler School Books, which are acknowledged by aU intelligent teachers who have given theme oarefal examination to tie anrl. valid in their adaptation to the purposes intended; SANDBREP NNW SERIES OP READERS, Gone Wing Of Sanders' New. Primer,, First Reader, " " 'Third Reader, " Ififth Reader, " " Speaker, Speller, ," ' " Second Reader, I" " Fourth Reader, Nigh School Reader, cc Young Ladies' Reader. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY AND MENTAL ' ' ARITUSINTIOS, By Prof. N. Brooke. of Laciesater Normal &hoot. . PNI,TONI SPLENDID SERIES OP OUTLINE MAPS. "They era especially adapted to those beginning, as well aa ICI those more advanced in the 'tidy of Geogra phy, ea they receive from them a dearer and more or reot conception of the character and relative ere and position of every physiod and political feature, than can be obtained from any other Nape extant?) All the publications of IVISON d PIENGSNY, • AND A. B. BARNRS & BURR. NNW YORK, May be found on hand at N. V. Pribliphers , Prices. ap(l4o If ", Sang Mg" 15. J. T. PIGGOTT, 15. IMPORTNE AND JOBBDR OP GATES, RIBBONS, JEKBROIDERIES WHIT]. dOODIS, &o. HAS 111010VED TO No. 15 /PORTS FOI7RTH STREET, Bees fun line of the above Goode. Alb, redeiving tinily, JON from Auction, to which On& and Short time Boyars are Invited.' - nuove.am - SPRING TRADE,. H. DUBBING do tiO., • Noe. 26 and 28,NORTH SOUP a% STRUT, - Ewa Jnat opened their react IMPORTATIONS , 07 SIIIGLIS'I96OAND GERMAN • • HOSIERY, • GLOVES, AND SMALLWARES, And sollelt an inepeotion of their complete and 'wen • „ assorted &oak,- ..11IPROIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND ,SOUTEWESTERNTRADE. feb6.Bm BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN .Are now opening et their Store, No. 409 MARKET'STRENT, Above Fourth, 'North Side s A 11AND8OMII ASBORThtlitiT or NEW SPRING STYLES or FANOIt,-DRY GOODS, OP TRIM OWN IMPORTATION And ieleetfoa, which they offer for sale to buyers tram ell parted the Unltallitatee, on the moat liberal tents. ' MOIRA SOHAFFER & ROBERTS, ' ' 42 . MARK" 82!431.i,T. IMPORTERS MW JOBBERS HOSIBRY, GLOVER, SMALL WABIB, COMBO, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES agouti AID, TRENCH /AHOY eOOBO, AND • TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. tel4m Silk anb Mg Ovals Jobbers. SPRING TRADE NOTICE 1859. RAIGUEIa, MOORE, so co. Are new reesiving their Spring Importations and exhibiting at their Salesrooms, 220 & 222 N. THIRD ST., The most extenstie, elegant, and iromplete stoat of - FOREIGN AND DOVistIVIO DRY GOODS ever before offered .by them, and presenting ;miasmal Weeklong to the trade generally. Their extensive stores having been remodelled ena bles them to appropriate to each olio of Gooas a asp*. rate department, vie: DOIGREITIOS, GINONAMS, PRINTS, AND LAWNS, • mum, DRESS GOODS, WHIT.I GOODS, !MATHS AND CIAIIMARREI3, SHAWLS AND - MANTILLAS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, & TRIMMINGS, ()ARTISTS, OIL CLOTHS, UMBRELLAS PARABOLS, To at of whioh the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS feb9B•Rm Is BOHOited. 325. MARKET STREET. 325 A. W. lAITTTM. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JODHPUR 01 BILKS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, MAPTILL/03, UMBROIDIRIES; so., to. fe2l-Sin MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Hal oonotsustly on hand a very large assortment of MONUMENTS, ENOLOSURES, and GRAVE-STONES, Of various designs, made of the finest ITALIAN AND AMNRIOAN MABBLZI3, Which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. IN also prepared to extents orders upon the most favorable Lerma, and reepootfally Invites the publie generally to examine his stook before purchasing elsewhere. ADAM STEINMETZ; Monumental Marble Works, /MOON AVENUE, beloWillerenth street, sple..m le Lem - Philadelphia NEW ENGRAVINGS. 11 JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 Chestnut street, are just in receipt of a large assortment of entirely new Engravings, among which may be found the following : The Norte Pair, Rom Bonheur *2O CO The Great Pall—Nistara, P. E Church 1 09 Rola Bonheur Dnbnfe 1 03 The Canal of the eindecce,fitanfield I CO The Castle of Isenberg, Riohardeon. ' 50 The Wetterhorn, Richardson ' 60 Gimlet in the Garden of Olives. Ties Rollie—. 60 The "Virgin at the Poet of the Crone, Dela Roche 50 Moses in the lhairnsbes,Delaßoche CO Beatrice Oenci led to Execution, Deli Roche.... 00 Raphael Benito, Jalabert 00 Rembrandt Von Ryn, Roux 00 Nicholas Fannin, Beconville - 00 Michael Angelo, Oabauel 00 °kernels Hunting, Horace Vernet to The Image of Mamma, Schlesinger 00 The Meaeure for the Wedding Ring, Halliday... 00 The Bougnetot Beauty, Baxter oo hterateg, B. dmer 00 Evening, Bodmer to Jacob and Rachel, Ary 505, iler 00 Bath and Naomi, Ary ficheffir 00 ••Orenee're American O cenery," set of eight eath 00 Fraternal Love, Bonenteen 03 Saturday Night, Erskine Nicol 00 Sunday Morning, Erskine Nicoi 00 The Infancy of Virginia, Muller oo The Motherless, Barry , 00 The Grandmother's s arling, Meyer of Bremen 00 Orinoline 75 A few copied of Evangeline left, at. - 50 Therwaldsen , s Night and Morning, rednoed to.. 00 Tnorwaldsen , s Seasons, reduced to 00 RARL,RiLi GALLEBIEB, 816 Ohestout Stree . my743t if SHRONS & EAKNEST's - LIMB AND PLASTER DEPOT, $ W. cornet RIDGE Avenue and WILLOW Street, Philadelphia. Wood burnt Lime; Oaleined, Outing, and Dentlata' and Land Plaster; Cement, Plante:lns Hair, and White Sand delivered to order, or carefully pet up for hipping. . my4lralt THE GALE of popular favor is blowing tons-ds the old established store occupied by ZNIGIAR .Tr.BMU U, corner of beIOOND and GREIN Streets, where may be found a choice aseortment of Drugs of fine quality, as well as White Lead, Zino Palette, and Window altar allot will& sue unrivalled. etp2B.le .KTO BUY CHEAP WATCHEH, go to Northwest oornsi of BEOO4. sad NSW Stray% 9 . 1944.094 ?.8. MESEIP taante. WANTED: , —A' practical . So**akar, at _the Rosy, Faatom South Poiarth•treet. alms Lombard. "ntyll 31.9 • VI]ANTED—+A .SITUATION as Sales. ir Men, by a :YOUNG MAN who bee been fekir years in the employ, of a firetOlus Dry-Goode Home. In this city ' , Beet of city reference given. e Mime a SAL/IMAM? this Office , • mylo 3t* filO LAWYERS, - . CONVEYANCIERS; RIOL.MATX 'AGENTS,' , 81 Tomo- MAN wants • BITTrATION ,iur Copyist flood refer enars given. Coppingi taros — Gasp per (0110. (1 0 0 words.) Address "). , B.`ILIBYIBLD, ,, Ude OEOO, immediately. _ • tsylo.6t* MIA MAN well acquiintenrwith the Shoe or Lnathei buti ese, desires an Iti PIE6I3T in an established elose-tnide=Hou4o.' eM would !oxide& the aboysrautoun“ westl4 -1 ;a 0 ; a PITUATIONse Salesman; has intensive nequalatasee East ;and.- West Address, ,ocroldantlally. NESB,n Box 1416 P. O. roylnnt* QUIT/MO - 2f WANTED—By an intelltient 1, 3 sad Industrious 800TOIltd&N, ea light 'Porter, &0.. ; good Penman ; Wray moderate; fititelate re. forenoon given co to ietvrity -sod sobriety. Aiddresii "J. L., 1, Mount Airy P. 0., Pidladelphut Co. s.Jlo•2t* VIVANT D—A COONoabiican Wash and Iron.' Must vim. reeammended. - jApily'at 618 mousy Street. - rst7-tt STITATION , WANTED.—A. Gentlemin of sueessefut eximnienes le Pestling desires el irosnediste situation la a Elohool or lankily. He• graduate of College aad • memberof the Preebyteriati Ohorob. No objection to the &oath. The beet refer omega and testimonials giten.- Addreis “MANTIINOY, I ) Oxford Chester gouty, - - mytat-Wits SITUATION WANTED.—A„ young mar rind gentleman, who le a finished 'gaoler sad expe rienced Bookkeeper, deelree a viteation as Olerk or Bookkeeper. The moetunqueetloneble Jerome' given as to charsoter and capacity. • Address ALEXiNDia O. SIIIITHVERLD,BIood4 Dhipeteh. • inetleit de WANTED--A "Onvertiont 'House, of ina Six or Might Rooms, between Oheatant and Base, ihnth and Twentieth atteets:; Addreme 001111111TROILL HOTEL, No. 20 }South Sixth street, myll-StW Boarbing. QERMANTOWN BOARDING—A few Arektaad Hoirdors can be socommodawid is Qom; 110 Tell doors above arson. Ens lase rooms, very shady; atablieg for two beiges !' ten adulates walk from Rhea maker's Isno Shalom. THOMAS JONES. m]ll-13t* ASUITE of llooly-forniebed rioms, - 2d story, one on dd. (pleasant house and loestiou,) vsoa,t, la a private family of respeotabtilty. Sete roue required. 'Address it.ißload.?/1 Inyll•Stie - - lot gate anb do A HANDSOME PURNISRED Oat tage In ne Halron Radon, to let from Jame lit toGermantown, September ar Ink Add d ree 11. M., a'rtss OMNI. - FOR .HALF OR .RENT—Two large ind onnvntlent Mantle SLICK BOUSU , aistlrsly new, wltb all the, modern Onproyeateitir-miocimeded twith Oslo and ornamental trees, No. MI and9B UNION Street, BVBLINGTON, N. J. Awl, to B. P. MIBBLBTON, 6 North PROST Street, - or Inoltasinunsial, BURLINGTON, N. I. di THE SPAIN . G. GARDEN LOAN AB ;ad SOtrIATION will wirer For sae, at their meeting on THDDADET lUNIIIO 11th MM., at 8 otelseli, N h. earner of BROAD and BPIIINO HADDSIN Street., othreaVory Brick Dwellieg, with two stool book band ies., on smith side or Oallowhili street, 11 feet west of Twenty•Mmond shoot; lot 10 feet trout by led deep atoo-teet wideatreet: A Odd room) three , story not Dwellings, - sod one lame room) tiros. story Brick Dwelling,, shoots 'on south aid, of Pratt (row Hare) street, welt of TWenty•fourtbirtreet: Par tied desiring further laminator' At, obtain it or TRBGO. &Oratory, RIDGE AMU.. above (keen St. Info at AO TO RENT—A very desirable DWELL ER 'with 'handa.me side Mud. The HOMO is fitted up with all the modern eatrrenteneee—encellest mines, rinse, &e. Is pleasantly Located, and la first-. rate oondltio end-will be rented reasonably if applied for at once. ;Far fart,lior parttealate logotta on the promises. 680 MirtaZlGEMltroot; or of .110WIIN W.,PAYNX, 405 ABOR Streit. za394lte Xll4 AttOTION SALB • _ oP - PAl,trAm MILL fißoPmaTt. The PLOUBINte HILL' in th e el ty of AlbioyiN. Y. known aethe AUBURN, CITY-MILL, Will Do _sold at Public deletion. at 12 o'clock, - Bli WYDNXBDAY. THU 26TH HAT, On the Promisee. .• 'lt is of four stories, built of Stone, very substsedial ly, and le in every war a siipfrior building. It' Ma recently been pus in doe order, with , feller•-Machinory, - has Ore runs of atone, and maybe ranked in the - &d -eism of mills. It ha so excellent water power of Zi feet fall, on the outlet of Cameo Lake—the -Lake, by a recent State improvement, la made a Itesareole for **natant power. A, good home and onstom -buoinemis already establish ed, which can be largely Wormed, and a the raisingof wheat in the Vicinity is rapidly hereasing, ecnialdera hie home supply of grain tan be relied upon ' Ia Irallif ;Mita dminection there are a Two 4 (VAT DOUBLY DiTYLLING ROM; ' And setteralvaltiable Bundles Later The pfoperty., from its nitriatfon, is ommelallyadopteil to a steady and pertinent home levelness, merchant and custom. and to a resillint eerier, there are peculiar laduarmeritir In- a - location matted in- city so well known for its many excellences so a pleat of residence; The superiority- of the building, the' water 'dower, and the location, render thsproperty well worth the at. tention of miller* and brudnisamen. • • • Bale positive; and without roserraVois, ind no poet ponement on account of the westker;:.- ' • ..•••• A portion of the ruches. money pay norm* me bond and Mortgage,' "-'-' - Tor further pertleulare eoneernlng :the properiy, reference may, belted to blimra. Nelson; Beardsley, and B. K. Woolsey, "Aubtirn ; John IflW, - Seneca Falls; John T. Noye ;Buffalo or A.. D _Shepard & Co. Albany. my6.lof • :OYARLIB.,witpasT., is TO 'LET—Sicapfid and , - Fourtlilstori Aiumixparqr,olo‘..lils,iiiti Wex7Ui staset GREALSAI4V_OF_LT: ; LANDS IN WA • • Mills - attaobed „ales: We ltnoWn • Chide Roth Steam Saw and "louring 1* the' town of awls zook, ma the Wage river, ip Omitte'Comity, Miasmal, Will be salami the Snit day 61 dame at the front door, of the eouttlionse, In the city of it., Lords, at pabile sale, 8,000 scree of valuable 'Pine awl 'Dead Lands. with a &sheens Saw Mill, capable of waiting 15,000 feet in day-light, and Houses; Stabler,, Store, Shop, Art., &0., all in ..the.hest "onter„ There are several vairtabie - beds' of lead on the sa id • property, ,, and it is thickly covered -with Pine, coo.t of which has never been touched. It is 2% miles fronAlat Iron Mountain Railroad, 65 miles from St. Undo, the nearest . pinery to St lords. ,The isle will be positive and on easy tarms;to close a partzerrah p At thermals time and Vase will be sold the welliAown an en sive maw. mills for cutting Oak and fitouaboat Lumber, alb:gated In the flourishing town of Owls Rock, on tha Wage river, tweive nails. from the Pacific liallroed. Also, the Large Steam Irionring-Mill tnamediarely ad joining TheseMhle are doled au extensive - and flour. tablog hashish!, and are under Issas vrhich cara noted July lst. Terms favorable., for pamphlets giv ing full and Mounds -description of the Prowty, ad dress DAME, ‘ISTONE. Ere, Philadelpllea ; Mersa. EVBREION, PRRSTON. A C0.,-Dittebur ; Pa; Messrs GAMMON, STOAT, & MALONE.. enter, Ohio; or the proprietor, BOOMAS A CO., ' rny4 lm* . 77 Olmatnut at., dt lonia. Mo. NI TO LET—The large and colnmodiona store, No. 823 NABIONT Street, below Amrth. App'y on the premises. ap2o.tt 00117NTILT BESIDENOE TO LET.- ma" A nest and roomy Cottage at onEvrom HILLS, near North Penniylvatds Railroad, 8 miles from the city. Apply at 42k ifAiklilltr Street. • '602.11 FOWLER & TOWNSEXYS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT 13"1"014.38, No. 918 IfAEK-11T STREET, Ilelow Tenth, South Sidle, Manufacturers of the purest sad best Clonfeattonery, and dealers In fresh Imported baits and Nuts. Orders from the country or elsewhere promptly attended to. mar22-tn th ram plEit IRON, BLOOMS, &C. CABEEN & CO., No. 209 NORTH WATER STREET, EEO No. 208 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, OPFER 'COR'BALE AMERIOAN FOUNDRY* AND POZUE PIG IRON or THE POLLOWIEU BREEDS, vis : CORNWALL, DOMANI:WORE, - POGO, PIONEER, GLENDON, HAMPTON, KEYSTONE. , ALSO, COLD BLABT CHARCOAL PIG IRON, TOR OAR•WREEL PURPOSES. !WIDER AND WIRE BLOOMS, BOILER APD FLUE IRON, WATER & GAS PIPES, ABIERIOAN BLISTER STEEL, &0., &0., FOR MR LOW, TO CLOSE , CONBIONMENT. 500 WATER PIPES, NINE PEET LONG AND , ,p22-8m TWENTY INCHES DIAMETER. 7Ageata for Watrouhs Amboy lire Bricks. DURYEL'S GLEN COVE STAII,CR MANUFACTORY, OLIN COVE, LON 4 WAND, CELEBRATED For lie purity, whiteness, and strength, and admitted by both the trade and the public to be natty superior to any other STABOII now in market. Al an evidence of which, it hen taken the premium at the Pair of the American Institute, New York city; New Yorll State Fair; New Jersey State Pair, and many other places where It has been exhibited. Owing to the purity of this article, it is particularly adapted to fabrics of the finest possible texture, it being tree from all those sub stances, do common to Starch in ordinary ate that are de tractive to articles to which they aro applied. , For all damage arising from dieorepancles between the tell and alleged merits of this BTAROH, we will in demnify puttee favoring ne with their orders. - ' GLEN COVE 11.11117FACTDRING CO; JOSEPH B. TAYLQR, 104 WALNUT /TENET, WHOLESALE AGENT FOR P/LIEADELPIIIA. WILLIAM DUR . YEA; General Agent, 160 FELTON ETNIET, NEW AMR. sp2s-riw&secesttiyio ' OOLL HOT TON AGENCY FOR THE V WRIST. Wit, GWYNN NIIISON, ATTOBNNY AND COUNIDoLLon AT LAW, NO. 4 West THIRD Street, HINOINNA,TI, Ohlo Attends personally to Clolleetlosnadeeettring Olattna. Wore to Ron. Seamy Stoner, Gindnnitt, Ohio. M. U. Tildes.. ti Hon. Wash. Van moons, .€ R B. Ham Oity Sol actor, W. Taylor do Co q Qom. NorOanta, ap3A-14c • • •- • • • - ' IMOC WMJ '147 7 / 4- NriairtiWO 7 IM I .* - 47011- V V , Trisnitillnikilralstriiii seam nli Blillp Blindfold; $11r:-Bolono ;DA ibllfft J!X!. Whostly;.Bl.t. Abel Nadi, At; --- 440 1 114,1 1 ,fr: " 6 fwd. Kra. John Drip.,. -To conedniswitk--- , -4- • - - • JON•THAN BILILDFORD. • Smithies Bragatiid . - 01114 KT. J. S-Oliocs Aim Drodtdrd, 26 amts. - Jimmied birtf Pm. 87K eade,, , , Olabastßattsibi: meats ;- Ileuthilstiskt: Boxed"; 75 settsi,Villsty; GatteglitL_illong; Parsons, 25 *onto; :Priv.to Box failela_ftrrfar Pintoes, SS Gatti Pettit& OWL - Doom optA•44 IX • Ott-Aso wedge WW-- WATAIITAUSIM.LeaItATAZ, A:I - Lomas lam eink. - * Azim i s THU NVIMIMMi-Mir U, --- • . The rrlc:miao• will eamaissesiiiikant pfat ot , .7hiDtsk, Barry giklMns4' Prinee ; of` wiles, Mr. ..11" .11:'Bbinsen; Moils) ri - - Mr. -Mstr , ooM Dos sp - • • POPPING 4111 417111111.0 X.. Mr. Pritorces, Mi. ?UM; 'Dobbias - Prices et -41415a1l Tiler Not isagrwres. and Thir'S Tier, Stlltitat :rtravidiStit - andel atm Ofrele eauto. ; . Priiiitee4ox ' ormatiltag locals! $6 mid LAIIMM,BakS O : Dozes, Tio - „ Doors eassi at _florMin .tislat at 191TALNUT-STREET 'THE& •_Y • Bißa t iOraittileelxvirAcilDr&pgll:' - • - Juostrem Pis Lae' - - - ------ , . ARTIST Be - PRABOAIS - " • ''.Ltlitif t livaLtiossnr Premdere repitoontanek PlglisoklAle - 4C - ,: , urielaNDlS MiLlowlll4' %meets en 4 setae, ea Otis, ipipelltrene - Aiteed. Mr PAUL LABA , preoppriL 11•• teqe - div - Yeeafee, Marquis de Presto s '"•• Mid ilk LAIIRJOIOII gpilyeklli.;•olarat - 'la. tolnette' Lee entree roilte getout josesJleg."• ?allot, Thiery , 'Mates ' bird, Chit!., Ii - Leon. emfere'reentesetaßon , • - ~lIN Tien DII BENGALI; - Cloniedle - , en de sate, do e. eatexelloyst: Janne • Bertrand erldgerd - ! (tense. ilg"" Doreen deloitatlas.rear 'art da - - - 10h; 'the Amotte. a A ME aIOAN AOADIIIIM,OItIWI4O.' THIS EVIatIAG, WAY D.! . 'MADAME 0. _ TO ,ylllll ' " The pnblie are taapeet.dl, iafor paritiraly Glow !nelkal lb r ' Wa r - OA MONDAY AN Oa artl /41 , 411, oaf Tamitsy TO DAY 11 WED AY, YOBZBT Llitimaar, r - - L;: ohm wiU be sties with out lariat is Madime GAZZ &BMA will "n ear kw Übe MA Maw is Dilibidelpthi As ALDUS; a_riplA.,l* , whiiir'fibiebrai midi Jimmied winsitiona Nur IcATD;'It IMWEAbm leaf sopearinee teat Lnrd . Madam* LAIWIDD ALLIADELLAI - ATIMAMI the -And tune in Atitrieer sir WODIET.; - . , MARL YORMII3 in Ms gait role - irßEititAM. ; lIBLENA, oaorrems-- - • Tie Bale for-MOAERIrIti mamas YESA.MOINDR.,', • On FRIDAY, Benikat of _ en entertanmeet of extent . 4415•04, 'MI be On SATURDAY wii. be ewe,, iWorsimmeee At tks Academy. A MATINEE at Ave eelcalti Srontz% Abe Oratorio of tht Oreettes. • . Oa MONDAY, Abey IS; Mom of -the aim;sa.-,' AMBRIGIVC:4OA,DMITTfMI7I49_.; _ - - •_ The public ire - rieeiettellilafonOotthat _ _ • TON HANDNL ABID,IIANDWIsiooszsr, - - waving made weifileaukoti NOWA% ' • • • WILL'OIVI— • •••- • THE °LINN °ANIONIC! OF ". • • WWI, RIATION, - • - - • " OS SATONDNY, NUT, At,A. , - The Foto_ mts bewueg br- - Idodsme "6&Wrlti, - 'fie POLIONffi - Madame znotia cot , rhar_awkowwwwww,) - Mr. G. W. zuotlnppi l / 4 -111r rims _ - Mr. • Madame LABON,Dlivinobei •-„ Mile romsor will TUN NNTI,II.II ORIALINI so.” 1 07i T.IM Nr_oooioiiv "' • Which pill lie• stfonstNeolN: ",,AkiJIAAINM11111•11r Choloillil be uirag bj thelin THN Thou eompletlagaaeoeitobletFifielifiN reel -7k. NINA. Conductine—ltesAli. SOMA iserJUOKNI 11.„ 'nada it. NestiaieirellAittiese - iiittNeAtegr. --- The sale of Sestswill coefeieeee ofelfl/011Fi Neodensy of fdade;oed at Beek t LevNAlr: _ ri/E t DEMPISI4O4 - 1::: , comeotta - or ?Hi OLT QUIAIN. - 44., 7: Will'gi Its _Nor Bstalshunrat.,. iithll4o,-1110 'ens et roes,iii,4,'#: Pi 4OO6IO :witiC.COOKWAILMO. intone, Ow IdDillti. 4 L' itrabilliWat-MPSIKT and WEDifiniPsiT • Ticket., 69.onit". ITIBILEApp . fll 4 /1011(lir 114 plassantlir ltrepoirrononswswiraire * - qciesled infiet if oaraltnenuirratialtsi: TO•DAY 110 t, titVolk,-:p.31.,:t0 61644 wide ieata tue - Msittaa for 111 opent o o 9 4, l ;lo44. ll 7Wirti*-11 1 4 ..- 17.1, Thinl, hiouni'•eve - efforts. - Best 'CrosepinYin PiDor•lPPlie DitlilV at tC 2 ' eassefirsl vosyshlt. d. ittOttur.Y, the oeieheetikteepiehme4 Wu. the magbinontDsibesaiii, leataor, of seep, the earth node* the costae " BILI,I7,,TROPIAIe 808 pHsgPASZP; baneestieerAllka, , - the great belt dist MIS ,W1141.1111,..0it teepees AWN" 0011111W;=. OE 110$8.:711.01,0918:111011.`1"011t llSOW. 3 ;fhWhigh.; toralskt; Bony will "slag AU' Oen I%k Them et mid tablet* , sPei - •- efi-Ar"" the R*l.=!lte. oheereseiy - An: .V,ANFORIAS,Orrif 410111311Lci itsvxmonni liaiiissitiflitCult=o- B. 8. 8A10011180;.i-. -..... ..7.-1, ..... .. '.P estaiwnwor • . '- watianipay svapattchtlaiy - - ti_ EMBRY 119 S 8NA10N. ,74 1 10 . tiktbu1i1 , ,,,1 4 1 7 1 :1 1 ? 1 , Montsirwstnersiat Mr. ' ammo: •:lEr; NSA IV James 4.- Waselieditj.TeleVlLleihtWilleatee - 18111186: - Newer, Uri Jobe Iteriehle; /Iv Mario Diski:Dasieeih - ' •tiadolpl, = TP OW - foremost will sobs* - - • mama, MEM; obi FAILOWEVILLIMORIE.,;. - Qosoladlair with thilestlareins , Annum 1,01011 - .. - In alibi! the whole etenii* et ther:Ce:llllo* . :Mlt Tlekste, 2.5 tents. OliDdres seder tea ysisa: Doors open at 7_ ntelosk.. ' Peerfaes*ei to _ at 8 prefiDeillyc • ' :ENO' - - TatvuaTr T sixTo 41.N.N UAL ,A.Tk- BITION ' - • , PDANSTLVAItII Or TIE Phi .001161, _ No. 11610 0111011111111116111104 , IS POW OHM DAILY (lhuio67o 5z66060) A. M. - to 6 P.' M., aid Eton IKO6IIO -- Advateiton le mile.' Seem !Chtlette drat IS agate. • _ - ' rigpetvi apple:fatten et the *Mae of t04 . .066 , *67. *- - -;?•0010e, ;:- AgUSIOAL F t . VW. LTA i ta-oBOIfIBTaA sire 14.0011111111101 - A.LB 'navy lILTIJR.DALT. "Pk, lost via In 'shill se the 4 28th of May. OW& Mails 24- Wall a PO" age of - bakers for Si, wldoi• mow bo obtalwetal Andre% 110 Okostwat Wrool r Book &Lila of Smut& sad Obootonf, awl of &We al " The peztaretesee at ill edam* *zit. -W BLINDS Alin' SII4DEg: B. .T..WILLIAMB., No. 18 NORTH 'RUTH DTD.HRT; I 8 TEN MOST sariziarirm MANIMPACTOLIMM, VENITIAN BLINDS AND DIALMN IN WINDOW SHADES ' OP IVIRY 21:1110111,13BBIS are invited to the Rllrtheeethielkh in the ray at the LOWIIIIT Woe. made and lettered. BBPidanitti pieeiptiistiesiet td.• mat2l4ta NEWARK ROSENDALE CALCINED PLASTER. WHOLNIAI.B_ AND B.grem, BY J. OBESSON BRADFORD, 230 0013211 1211213211 ap2o-1m E . NEWLAND & CO.. LOONING•GLASP AND PIOTIMAJEANDI MANUPACT'OBIGIT, W 0 LNBALN AND E NTAIL. An extensive dock or OIL, PAINTINGS, eta: All at very Low Prim. €O4 ANOlLltioetAbove DIXTS, PhDadeloll4. antilmo It THE ,PHEENOLOHIOAL CABINET, MATABLiIIIND Blr - P3WLER, WELLS, . 408 4 , hi open day inAevenlngi for the sale of Backe on Phrenology, Physiology, Watet.•(:ars, and for - PHRBNOLOQICAL BXlibilNATlolla. • The importance of Phrenology in BM training of the young. the seleetion of ommpations and liottemiasp, and In every department or, soave: life, Li Alt and se. Imowledged by all iptelagent - mons whe an. . quainted with its Ueda Written deaoriptiowi front dagaszteatirpili will boast by naafi for two dollar!. „ Ad Catalo s ea of Books pat gratt-1., • - dre - • : 101121 B. mildly 'led &Wean Cheerteeit stmt. Phan. THE “BASICO'INDUSTEIAL PROWL pia," or amass% Cuba, Is now rmdytokateemto contrasts for - the imputation, it the Meant of Aloha, ' of all daeorlphion of Cattle, both for market 11011 Old for breeding ; and, in order to eye all PAW"' bar chance, the We Banking Company will admit propagate front puttee who maybe able and wallas to husk& snaltiOattle, (Balla, Coon, Sheep and loge,) sad trams• pod them to the mid Mend, either by steam or sallteg vessels Such parties may address theßenkles Com. rimy as store, clearly rpeaqying all plartlealars as re gards description or quality, umber, else, or weight, price, an d sec= of payment. tee ; or ma Mud or sp." point an agent to the City of Hanna, with full &letha lity to enter into a contract, it • being understood that the Oompany would prefer to make tuatnnts at a Ind pr i c e p.r head, or by the weight, and few freal4B riak or Imo, de , iyered at the point or plan where the Oct.. pony will designate. For further particulars appitto A. 111111alt0, spin 10t 140 loath 710IFF Stunt. ILLUMINATING COAL_ Oac-Mitzpinted I. equal to soy for brilliant/ sui4 Bce#blfitT t misCis n0n...x.140E1m A* Lubriestlai Clad OW_ - B. s. ammo & lior; - los aosatie; IVI INTON'o ENCAUSTIC)-_ TILES -- or Ms: dem -.. • Oniariantid OLlie T'Mllzf oottoges. Gorden 'Pules field Ifonsitaioe. Vitrified Pipe for &aqui zed Inter condsotoro, Imported sod for Ws by 411.12 a. •. mazumg, ztao osprT • 1 P MW=I MMM:I CEMENT,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers