_ .f.'ll,l,lltl4l!if'*4 SPRIR. 4 *-' , . 4 . : , 4 ", u, , T : 4 4a r it .,: 1 / 4 '.. f `fie ry e 4, 4:41, , ,ef, - -4141::: 1 : - .",r'''*.z . ~-; „ t719142(00 14 WatocL , - - . 4 . 14, ..rritl.t... 1 4 4. 1 .. 11 : 1 •dr •-',,,- - ' --, 5z1204.549$ .a*itl)-.E1T4,,, 4 - 1- ~.,....,:,1 . 3 , .., ,,, ,,p,,, , ~, 2. 'iifrOOD4Katunaut , eass 77 : isimik ...94.. ~tgtftf," ftx ---ezt. ,„ „„, F• " , 1 0 0 1111 . “ .." '''";' '' ' ' .4 ( .... 's ' '''-' % I!'.. . 14 ''''..''''"'/, T.' '4 , .-'l , - ; - , 024,4 'ti AA-. i--. .- . . . i l l, '.--' ' '' p, ..:;,-- - 1 , --0- , -z- 1 12,- ,--- "nuiti *on ' ".." , V V' : ' , ) ' ~ 'l,:lXOPlM'ilf:OnVfitlirjaiNW, a* . . 1 ') . ;1et , .,- -, pCirl43,ityo ;7.,..',..!'PA Ski AW I tO I MISI I ' ' ' CA ' 4 "' 4A-4141 1 q04 10 i( i ps =As, ,-, . -‘,16. 1i. , ','„0-: , ' , A - ,, -, - r: • •• - : , ' iii°lll4.l: ' 'l :10 .0 4 '11;7; -1 1 -f 41 1 14.,r t ., a Axio Jost stmt , kv ;aaligga 606* -- z4iiil2,o,r witi-.1"00,4.i.1055, 15111AW168,41ANTILLAS, • • Air., 1- -51 aP': - lllMBROlteitini 4 44), 44 l,4 YJZ fUtitil • • - "f444AIT, ;1444:04 1 *-o.tilAtrDiit,kii4oDit 4 "4 -S-A = - • ~ ,,F46.114-,1, rEWSPRING , GOODS. -1 , admili*ciltelt , **)4oooo€o, - 1 4 .1 . 0 00tidSi'ismoili".0 4 .0 6 00 1 40:dessiituok, 5 3 :44 ar " `-* 0tA1yur,1411144.14hu 1 ,......=, . , vsitiorts, , ; :**ll , ;‘. • ~ • •N•qict, • be, tl4gA-"'r " -"•-• • - :113//11180117T-STXRET. , ,4-Pakand #l9esoll§l l Stici I/Co4t Naar SOTtirralirt IRW-00.94R,T*1., :4 1 0 1 90, -3- 1 "44 - ' 3 4I I PT ^"- 4ras." ' 14:14-1t, -N • k, 25'; '; 4410/1010.114**Alting mit samara 11,0101, *tic* Inewn!,-Avo onuoic.. • COVlbere °USW • • ,:„r1 • - '-' l 4; 4 Ar te - ,s ;ei , .0,041E11 1 - 14 2 - ft , . , • shissliffle d0rMAW1g 41404446 ..' ,, :-", , : Axr.V•Xlii, ll *,MO t tpt 2,B ""! ; : a : L ot • • I tiiiiitAVW 4 44 4.o o l o lll44l4l tiC X . • - :1014* Irts to 'VAX LirratilliNlClONA • - - '..hrusrolna WM" - _ 6)gl ytria-ltit r ikink - 1 4 v ' 04 0 0 v "clL ,— "Tag•tioodit-lbs* ..L.;.' Vrag Vr s ?134001 , 0;1414;_ atrIiirONAINIMI .. - wow 4 - - 4V-Igravig-ThiNGANDirii.! ' RTANZI I !,,'. • .1., + ~ L ... TlMl,ei ... dill -4/111 lOWA 1 .: -4' -• 4 .., ASO I' nal ti --''',,,. ::,.1. `4".-4 11 M . ' 4 forlagtli ralneol/411% I :7- ,,, ,, , , , , ,41 , , •• 10ag.,1j! , i!% , :, , ,i ,..1. ,, ~ ~,,. , , ~, I PIO 3 O II 7 ' Wllllolaillitilli.V, --P. ..„ . ..,1 , lgekegeketilikliestiltee. - „ • - 1 . -..--_, ..,,.• -, , . . , Agettleliggegeksg,ke. tlieViris,,,Vl" . .i #4l, &e.„ 's,or..ree4slilete6o.lCllll.lol4;4lllloNOWSlLlP4. 2 —, ~_- AisavailAS, naSilines ,faleir Se, AOI 1 11.4 ,9.1 . . 1 4') ati o air •sgity , :41_411,0owsc..40wrg-konriaSe *MN .• - • 144104411Vi4r6A4;1#6:i 04",.#1,41i,, A 41-r44.>" o tii ml v rz t ibm.igiti 'Awe* ...„ J,o,A7,o3iinisacarainek , Aptintivo- Tr--,1, , f0r.:_f , .. 7 .,:, -- 4 . - 5. 1 1 6 -. 1 :-.4111:10100.1 1 14 , ; , 4 .7lol;iorepar. MAU 4.3 .3 t,,z Aft 5311474 1 3 1 1 .70 005 P3PPll t ry t ' • • • ''="4444014, AV n • - • Miwombillalkohrritit uttiothgcot, LAW, INfriairA ' 1111WINfisoliCt -(1? ' , WA l lo4 l tallk .-0 . 4110111 1 1 i ,e2- 0 - 4411114 , 0100ii$0 1 ) 146 $ ' '','qjegtlritgt't,V.;l.*t • st , t , • •+.o.vastnixiimpOiliottopow. 115,04440410*.uisraisto , , _ , tOwe mbetkilvattit. ,A.F..411.413tacin-111011110." • ;I•"4o3detilikoleiriiiii‘llo4ll:: •,• • . ...,Afts-ppipirlC4l4o- • 13"12101161=0 ad -11.14.f....ii,,,X'4",/:tiCpl?`o4)oolilho44 ..1151.14,1404- --44fritataf -04.*AlellThir , Safra:** 4 141111rOt ' - cii , - - o' , oWegeskoloeriti*lfti* ,,, !,--. ', •-. , _,,. i , 0 21 41 zii, . , • A li f ig .t. ••••• :••:41•• • '''2=''''‘al suralit OAF.A. e 41// ae *D" ZOCKA:•• •• • liA-UN-Vtli , j , „ 111411011 etteilll. 1 ; - 1/ - -4014: ' 141,14"Viiiia.lot at .•'•`• 'v.:3' -,•.. 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S P' 4 - -.'.14 twritiiVeg far 1 1 ' K 4- '4iYitili 4 .4 !- P41 2 *PP. 4 4 4112 ' ,'..1,171V4-"'"( ' , *Orr •'' ,- . , ITANIti - . -z •-" ,01,10, i s 00004 l k . .`,;,.; 4', ~ ' I Jag% 441' '444 A -.l _4` ~' • '-' "`," ' , gbyMilltilii" - ' .1 ~ 41/o.ollloiifiglileionannrkti, ~ To: , •,','", 7 i -7 , 41 116 0 1 14 11} . ,'7 ,.. 1: , ,, ~ 4 . ,-, ~i , • . ,;, 417 , 1•41 1 1.,,,:-.. , f,i, i i i ii i n ' f A; ,, , , t 0 i f -16''''"(' i Aitgp a lit• g 7 ictr i c.' . - ' 4 '''' i ' ' VOIRNI* 4I A , , 1 P.71. p 1 • -40 4nuriroori.. ,:-.. -AK. _ -"i 7ry 61.01&W'41..iVfill-/.11 • , - 1.,, 1 , ` 3 .. liViiigie ' 6 " 44.4:...r„.;„,,,, '5l • 1 '..f ~.) 1144 1111 0 T .-; ,00.4 rrr . 1 1r , ....I. e. ~.,..,. . ^ ~,_-• d i outiou MINI, •., ii iskAgielli _-, -; j ,, k.=,— • ,--, , - 4 --0* - - ill ie ‘„ , , x. 14 , --•- - t•aili,4o6 l : ~, ~ ''' -. ' „ tin ' -• '- - 14,01001["~' -41140111,...„‘„a5tw ' 001010,11.. _ I I OI V t.; , :, , , ~, ,- wwww... - • iftillitsromo 4.''': :"; -'' -''", iiiiiiii)lillAitilO kt, -.-,' ; / ' ;..-•_f' ;---**40,44.- 0r,1101014trig,117401.77 6 0 , 31 - 00 - 40 . „ ,4'..- 4 , 1 4 ,40*, = ,-I t I ri-4 , , ~- ~ 4 , - " , n'* - - , O, , ~- --. .:f 7, r,43 1-1 w , -n 4 F I TO,..*' • 4 .44 r 4 cidel -,,,,,, , ,_,,-,4...- 4 ,,,,dai, i% ,,,,-, ; ,,, ,p. ,, P.: -, i o i*i. '-'-'! - ii, hotitton• ? .::: ,-- ..ft l NV-30 - 40,4 1 ,1 , 0 0 1..-':•.' - -. ~---,_ - • -,-- ,:_--, ‘, : , 4---• , . --. , .. , , ,,, f , -,-:•,' ,- , --- •. -_,: -- -, -..•--- , ~.-•.% --.2,-- , , , ,,--,,, • - „...... J E=EN __ -y A~ ^ ''~VY ~j, jt ~` t...~ ' t_ r laq 601:60 sobbov, 414,skitrA , • ~ a pioia';l4k44,loc-laT.,.ftz)-,M.Tr.,i • viriver.sogai we* - 4 0 • 1 0gicartistt '•.••-•-,. • • - 6”Eakivid*r.s 42,Nesisefs , • TO, 2.6.4tVi1f , _ _ l, • , _ • . - • • . • ' , .4„Lqr,0,119F04.-AND,A .0190: AB , MC% 4 9 9 1 ,9. 1 * 14r1 TXfS;:DA Z 4 abinixx , h-AlEtt,BitablC: r:PitiNTS, • AU. IVEW 21.41;'T.PRIVB. ~~j` Qr ~_ "'l~sll~Q'iiQ~if ~.~i . ,_ .. ~ - ~. SP 3 - I PITM*I I7 39W -4 - 1 ; lit; 15 • n' i-ittigtsid4•OTT,' izi.44ii0;;;)44340-9,o],iCk' .0 1 / 1 0RTiatift - 11111tEC: j • • AHOY Am, '0(41)14 - ' 4 64L • . . Vain q 4441-AMPR4 416 9 Pf Na: 0'44 ailiwiletztiti sink.; nirpostup 416.psizaks IN SAKS, ',it, TBAolon gaitiastko*);s,' ,s; G00p34:-40%. ~1,01? Op: • fiti4m SiTEW , PktiChe443 00 4 • • , 31NP01011115 .krtD - or -• s•-• amx — (ks' atn.temzerra,:pur sows, alb`iiAREBT )121 V • ' • • •• • • - RU ,44 -00 4 ,114414,E1,(31-• , , ritioarma qv, - , ' 99° , - - - ,RoinisiNic No t i ra r a9 M.VaNZ , , i"10‘1m11-" loft 11:r OA! rf ' *a, air, *Aft • , - 4,4141 0 • . • " n 0041.. NVOOK - i- GRANT; fr..' CIO .zoport•taagmtWkilemel• balm !; - - Y~lTYN6Si+na =s : , T404 01 0 .1* I „_ ; .,SAS . :*I.I4IBV iiOV ,Cur s• -- 21114401 ., :yi - 4 , illaiiih) 1 10 1. Wr*Pli.; rasa: IILL)4504111e,11011W !),,. • ,-AIiIr , IFYIBTUIree, • • • t e Vsc wltiak the otteittios 111711211'istrelts4. •-' " f JONEIS,& Oa. - • • .• -,7c4-.11/.110.14.11tA1:CD ALESS . 4611114110,:titi;DlilltB rx'o ' fs , , , Dß)r. GrOODSi , • -at 2.-741di '-' i!olitit • • ftitii jOiCWMIEWISVPI-81 OP!. ..niEckaTl ll6 ,Axiintirniva ;AND D EST Id*" , iiirk , G6o3ss. tolig„lClt ICE , BTI.IIII - Ifortk midi, Orme Tirlyd WO% 1044c4 srilitutpiOßlA. OW;HRH f 1859 G-IMPOIt, ATI NS 04:**Itia.*.aist3;ag ysirx3 . ex:rmaits, analiimist 2 •t , Won* A 2 D. JOBEILIFi, BlLsaA.N'aY?ANc*i" pork* ii.capistaistatig,to lamb tut lat f0,10110044,101" • ' Sal4al/ • '- • ;so. win:. :01MIOLM,09 ' Wx t •i!. Bum), n, Bayne RI;Ed.EL, BAIRD, & - lurts sisass.,-ta" & 00. uiroltutts ; LND „50)31:9F43 VIO; '47.N0 lify ft T,IIIII,D,STRE.ET; • - = - 0.1114:L1443r gTto . tilo IIM 11 - IS'; u dipittaiiiikte; sad toady for AtTOri: fat pa* or vp4,ol#4l:4l4tmltta*caits?ist MEM . , . _ •-• - r,°' - 7,--' 7 .1.,- - ,. - .: : • .... - -- , ,• ~3:‘-:_. AV . " - ... - ' _. . . ..„ ~.,_. ~ i _..., , . ' 4 ... ' ll t. 411 ',:‘,. '• ''' , ~, .-..- - iv.. -, • • ;' , ... s :\‘'," ki, \t i -:. -', : it ,..t, - ' • .-- ' .1 , , ,:,, ' ' , ' 21 "` - 1 = ••• , - ; ... • , ~. • `..., • ~... •,. ' ' C..f.: ' 4r 4.. lAA,: . ;0" -'- 2. ;;;,' •••••:....\:%.P O I:10, ' ~, 7:4•,..", ; •.. .. • : .•.7,• . /-- - c-- - ". -I ''' ' --•-'-...) t '2•-' , .' • 1 ' -, • •' • ‘ •- • ''' ~.A.' .' . •-• , - -- ,...,i.\ - . - 1:' -.; - -.-''-..,-.!..:-•-",,''!..! ~- 4 0.01*-- 1. 7 . ,,, •,.- .I . t ,:!;, ,si t , ..,, ,' ' '' — lO . qi r .-;_ •-•,, ' '. r . “' ' ,12`' ;4:. ,* "; ' . ' l l ' 4 ' : ' ' *‘*' * F . '' '' -' ''' ' , e ..-' ---:":.-• .'.. 7,4!A%„ -• 1,,:11;11 1 1, 7 4 t . 7 o,t i (... : ...r;,`0.4", .4--;:"..' • 7 -•;-,..7.7: - t;1 4, ik, ';'', --- ',.,:.: f ''-: 2: '' 1 ....' . , 7..'10- ~.. ?"'., 1 i, 1 ',,,, - : : ,::,.,,,... ': -. , 0 . ,,. ' ',' =.ir1;',,,1. , 3 ',..'..tf.: 7 "'.''' *I: . ..- ''' .'. .....,..' ( ....:•'.4 - ( :' --. ? ". ' .l •i • --• ; 1 MaiN- Willall 7 1 '''''''') ' im ' i '' I 'i.-- :• ~ tv l ,- 4 r-- ... -, ~, ~,-..,,, `-', r N . - ..''.:-.,..'. • "' - . - .',d..4(...-1 - ' 4'- .:7 - `7' - ..-.- _ ..., •.-;: , • ' - -----. •_ , 6;t :' :!4 . ''''' ' 4 l '''.,' -•,,1 :- 2 , ' '-`::: --,ff- - ' ..-z -- - - -;.;:,- - ,,1'- .- , - : qte, 1i4 ...-:-.1-7.- , --- -- - ~, ' - - E4- --• " 77----" - -= '.. .....r..,. -- -7-7 - 4 . ' ''''. .:2:, -, ..-t-:' - ',....7, .. , , , p.' -..,.;;,„-----.."-• ~---- - 3 "..-... . : ~. 1 ..,,, , ~. ~,,r ; f , r_f , '.. :, , ;..','.' * '; ..,, l ''', '. '----....'''' ' -----'.. ' 7'.l"r L........r =AM s~j6y lFitt~iiig~. ANTIL — s eT451:1M 3 i404(41.€;r' 700 ‘ ' l % :o= l o • • • - • 'lmpartsis mut Nano • FPY, STOVB;I I 4igt, TISTAMINW ", • Q&LtOONB, , - _ • - LAOITS; &a., &a. AiV'I'ICK'XiTAD -13"TA'ND, Manumit OMNI' Of ruing 'Ad ASOS attest, "fablAps .; .• Plro. .80 NORTE!' THIRD BTBE~T, ~ v np l ert,:of,tandD:wircil, .troirl 4449p4oTtlitmes , 'Qoorhs, 10:114 iitaiterOilArooli, , f • ' ' 1 ' P in MOO 40$ 141 ! BiPT IMO. ~ „ oineme 4Acursite. , ,'' -',.,Z,E.0111.4 i tihtiiiNti - An is.' ovum !11,rairs ilium , • '-` — ikattios , * ” . ::AvazOks— inialummasiita,lollB,lo/CiMsTait,itue. ' fill -togis '" • • , - i " I ; nr?Vi r ,- iN :W.; PAY/Os ' ' '•' r- ' tespOot NIA ,Datei , ' - , ";iii 3' , 11,031,abi Olivine , siialßxibe, ' ' l " o s4orair; IC IT:o o6 ,ta ASoll`ri/rigrATH kg. ,-• , IikALLOO I 4 3 ar ,-- , . f lilliriiiefh '!;--!-: (:: P _l-.: nra l a Itaf . ' r . ololl lll kTi llts 011141111608MilUer ' fittFßO trilillßP; irF ^-X , " tAiit RairmillnimiLts,AkCiio.4ro.- •, - ~, , , ,A , IMIVITES AMP 71EA.110 , IX ' .;i4 c #4*,T ,, Or i Cz ANY ( ' D 9, If-B STra :',4.I.4:,:t'ISTAT/P,NEgit- ' i4i4l4!til7TUZligi; frPIZI.g. Fit 3171111.- 426.4';,4000101PaatC4341/2464a1ra WAITING •,!Linp.,. ,,, ,-- -&-, ".,,. ~,• , , , , , so7,,osEsTN - urv , fer+rnv.ivir 0 ngs*ko MOW' THS nal ROM. CaW.ti!tglr! CANTON MAritiNdS: t ,41013,1" ItiQillißp 'Akio* :Ipt, LOT OP iti. ' Wit;ritt 4. 3iiii 46 , k - ii!i66 . l4•:iiattli46 - 0, - • •k: CONSISTING OP , '•- 4.4 5.4 and 6.4 "EXTRA PARLOR." 4-4 $4 RBI/ • 1. - 4-kft4:aad, 6-4 :warn Ititvgatet,” 4-4 CREME ' AND - PAROt do; aED.IIOED. • -.. • . . BAT. Vir‘ '& - .B'RO • , NO.-921/ OHESTNUT STREET. JAMES H. O.ItNE. , . . OHESTHUT,. BELOW SEVENTH, UR reoolvea, by IMO srrlrste _ • FROM XtritOPE, falksooortment. of New 6tylee O'dBYETINQ. CANTON MATTING. l Lire) pii,foi r odi 'widths lad colors, .a im . . - WADI ROD MANUFACTORY'. . WILER ed.:mos.% 225 SOUTH FIFTH. STREET,' , Iiztow.WALNITT. laa CATIPVTINGES. ' , m0r.14 Actxmly,ul Flue um AUBURN VMS-PLY% 1313PERFINEfil, ANIS VBNIFIANI, iravoi,i'ioitf volt+ •_ sy ".. 08 3 1 A 'R •13 4; ;VA IC:R 11#46!i! , WOOL; WOOL 4314 . 1 oorron, gams Ailt-OOTTON noi4rits. - .364 MANINIAOTTINIBM! VONT Su 1109 MOUT SMUT. Jan Ask ChatRg.TXNGS,, OIL ownzie, i takruriasi WOLFE: WiLSOfl, ea' CO.; 0020188101.1111}1011ANTEI, NO: ,182.tUdEgirdin dititiOrr* TopsTai- WAYS; ' 1 :r11131 • 11 i,LY," • ' t . COYRON,rdAlrriali ' HEMP • Drifts • . ,ttia , . • rdisk thaAtiandsatiiiii; and it preparee ta'adai Ms' tilde on Mora Bruit. ' , aMinirthe Mimi' *Akio/hie tem best aidlaiat do stable pada; iad tittiOn , dadadia,inteiat limiters*, to' intlatt Q r*hatalittli. tit gigia *ad Willcs at; daatarteaatkid; , - OAPs allnanUi• astaidsOiti: - 1 jprALol Agin* laits ripply atarldak ae bayalaidtOddy,od ACTORY. Zgt_l'r.•'ij 1 )ilfow rwiPIAIIO clAuriT 64,114 . *Qkf1? N:=l;GpAtl/MTOWII. ' -.imposms alsn imago xi* CABPNTINO. • , OTh OLOTIIB; MATTING, WAILET10,110; 5 00-O IMS.T,NIM , SnERT; Q11:081 r1:10 . #* ATI *OMER . „ We lisielsew el beid ea esteasivit stook of ilerpet yob et OWA end ottri mates, to'whith we !Mite the attention ot 'Western line Beethemetetiese. AUSTIN BROWN, Plazas, ui . :;.tHtkidlti,rtittrOLOTHS. THE LAMM ~ ,ITOOH INPHILADELPHIA NORTE. i IIrp'STREBT, - Fyl6 80tH , W. garner of Hsu*, up Etats; gTaRjtOII:II.LIIIITACT9R,Y; , 215 0011Til - SELOW WALNUT. silato ~1(~OI8811I& + A[[lDlt~itg:, A• T. - , 1,41 ,- ;%1:,E, - 'WHOLESALE °LOWING, WAREROOMS. No. 419 MARICEIT STRXET, -MOORE; HENSZEY & Co., 417 BILIIKET, and £1 O°MOROI Otranto. garia&I)ELPH.I.4., r Hog, sonintly an iss4 • limn nook or HARDWARE, . . , CUTIARY, G 131113, Widelt are offered to BUY EPA on Meta Tame. fel4B-gm XI; do 0F40.A33.)3917T. _iio. 18 North FOII&TH STREET, 11.6011T1NN3 AND DNALIIIB IN ITARDWAiE, OTITTAT, GVNB, ETC Al430;;;IAILS, CIABTINVS, Atl ot,ytileh ►re olate4 40 Sayers an the most &Tor ibis terms. mar2PAss TRUITT BROTHER & utioositrAED wiloils4i Dwane • XIART:PWARE , "oOTLER.r, GUNS, PISTOLS, act., .620 • KAAXET STRUT, 629 . Inm* jos* ?Ws= aimi, • •haat* anb•tfrueenawaxe. (4,xylizitsw4.A.E. 18 5 9 ••• 'BOYD - & 'STROUD. IbipoST4lll43,4liD ;010311110, Ohre now on kind a oomplae; stock of FRE,NOII - 41C 0 .ENGLIBil diass*AßE,. - ~ AND,QIIRONBWAIRE, • _, , '(St ow oldtand) Si - NORTH FOIATH.STREET, (Pouf dooms 41ove liforOhooW Hotel,) leorltOtlio attention of , WIfOLIRBALI BITY*IB, SIMONS. in kAii TASTIId: DB?O T, . , • LIMB A.NeP 9. W. nit annul Avenue ina IifILLOW gitleet, •P1k54,1111%. Wpal-burat ime Calcined, Outing, and Dintints , "and Taind Plu L ter , ; ••• Canient, Plastering Hitt, and 'Mita Rand deli Mill tO 4Tdort or rirriglitiorr 111, for kipping, giyilmit MEM PHILA.DELPIIIA, TUFA I 3511M1 I , II.I..LLEORN JO NES. • . iikportw ' and iisinuisettirox 'SILK AND STRAW BORNETO,, LEIN/0107.1ad •PANA.7O 800, MITI/MAI norfaa, amino ks. Tolrldok the asMittock of City and Oount7 Naas N 0.432 MARKET ST., METROYMAITALLI li,llll/ON , /LOUSE. , BIBBONB, • niaisone, • " - AMMONS, A- 1 ") „ , MILLINERY-, GOODS, Of every desoripitc;n: oanpia,",ipirsin SILKS: HONOR M10W.113.8 ind .BPBSGS, 0.110.11118, A e., iko . 0. E. TABER, • • , ,140. 264Onth FIZCIOND,Strnat, PHILADELPHIA.- ' ida4gn 431 - IiEARET 5T4.64Z, ' • 431 Ws we °Orb* for sale, e .AT A AktiLLL:eipyAWC!.lll t 1 ON A most extol:min 4 , W aompleta,r sofbAsilt of - /31:1.3140„00:isfY dainiptlon,' 30r(tirt-MiTBSTAL9,in Bilk and Ovine, wog and siasax6ex gioNl3l4a; uuonsai iXARLAT*II3,, ' • BLOND tAOES, •And ot4eadillinery C14:190. -s o Opmjnlnlnconor7,,loBol* 'ninety In BOTINNTSi )100SIDS, FLATS,: ?WOO - AND ONMDIUNVA ITATIS 8111$1111, HOODS, and , . MAtOPT_ ,STBABT, (Formerly 8,11 800 , 004riqt at.) ITY MILLINeRY - ROUSE itzdistitsq LINCOLIP,..WOVP, de Iti,GrHoLti, A t T,46, 119111 g ExT• •' 125 OHE6I Nt T }ADAM; isortai side, - TWO DOORO ABOVW WASONIO TElia•ElßET.nonot thia' eipniiioll titillating voted expronly to thOVITAID TRADD, and ix limp plied with ivory doooriailoa.ot lIILLINNNY NOODN; ourbrAIaIng.IINTAIMICITi 411411103114 a, Ant) TP3 Bl ; 7 * . iitaiLEITNAN sonclii,,Aotnld - oaotat4 dtkdolianit 'ANDY , and TittlildND 80N58T11, , ,4 all •Icriass and' ready-taado and nude to oak; stistmB, - 114551512;,wan5; Low k g for Beeziot Trinnatote l nnanspaaoad, in variety, itirlN' o** 12F-202.2niia lik*S,CAtB,4l,ATil L AKItiil2B; ttei MA] :AlitE 'AtIA:St " Long fia city In the.MitialltitY =AD. ~ Is now °Osculated with,na In this' Depatment, aid win -Ikel hAppy to see ag Ur. foraw 41eaga anit sant at Oar atom. - • , , , '72,5 OIDOTNIIT SIVANTII AND .ItIGNT.N. 19164taw !in '• •• ' • 1 859 1859 Now and ooniploto anaortment of RIBOD4II, VLOWIIIB, Ant,l evtry other art" Inthst STRAW' BONNETS 02 1 1V40.;:yr..!,X 1 Timis pititaisalni.fpi radii or , iiCsltost,tiokpido troll to gl9 of A AM WAY. Walt /4 slsp*karo„, taSt•Sai BOUTS-asootm arum A GOOTHiSSORTRENT „ ' os, • STRAW GOODS, ' ARTMOLIf. rptre, - ny i tg9o,l,...tim orsor Of evor.fil;feti, are new Open end for aft; at lingual Menne* npon fleet *oat, for tug, et 'lle WARD'S, tnet.i.or- NORTH SECOND STREET, 0:2on " Atoee Azoh, Not aide. °~on~ea,~:nY~iasTing~ioubs. 18TILLIAM. YAII,NALL'S NEW, HOUSE-FIJRNIBRING STORE, - No. 1020 ORESTNITV STREET, (OPPOSITH THI,AOAPHDLY OP !INS ARM, a new and very oti riventent article for lifting heavy furniture. Will be found to be ,of greatseelptenee in taiiincop or putting down, Oar pets and Plattlag, au invaluable article to eiery House keeper MATER, 00015- iillB, and VILTEIRS, very enlierior 011ILDIDIN'8 OAHRIMIES. RATTAN oiltasB, and a ouniplete assortment of - , - I.IBHPIIII HOUBB-FuItITISHING 000D8. 'ney4-irtkin•tje7 , TIM' OLD•ESTABLISHED AND • TINRIVALT.RD HOUBE•RUPNIBHIN(I BSTABLISMIENT. JOHN A. MTJRPHEY &a CO., 922 osrEspiu:r STICEVie, bola Agents fnlhfe city for the new style Patent Chil &anis Gigs and Carriages. Meinfaeturalre and Patentees for PhiJadelylds of the .dret!o Refrigerators. ap22.futdar tf 4AIt►DFLYEIA 1 H. 2110li1ldER & CO., aro WIIOI4dALII Dunne • , • Ili • PROVISIONS. • - , And a1:(34.11,d of - CHOICE • MEATS, • No.ll N. WATER vie:, and 064 end 05514. YINUTF, Bt.' PUILST*I.IOIA.I , • 11/161i BEEF, roitx,LAIID, and m Sasttitinant of .PBOVISIONS gesatally; Inoludlos UAIIB, T9N91:018, and MAY of out own outing, both Olty and Western, 00Mtantly on hand; gottlity stottinttstf. ' • /MYERS am particularly inytted to oaU and Manaus our stook. - - -. • tatdotsmo C H. &ARDEN & CO, • - • BIADNAOTIIRBRS AND,RHOLUAL.7I DUB rr STS. CAPS, FETUS, BILE AND STRAW GOBODSONNETS AND STRAW • ismnacKAL•nowilts, NIATEDISS,RTIOHIS., &0., ko. No: 600 and 602 MAIMET STREET, Bontlairiiat 00Mar of SIXTH. ExTRAIsTVE STOOK BEST TER.6I6, LOWEST AIOSS. febl4nz 1850. Brume STYI!ES., 1859: AGARD & -00.. 828 MARIERT-'BTRJSET, Invite the attention of Bo r gr to en INTIM! ViW end complete /tech of HATS, OAPS, STRAW GOODS, &0., Which they elfin. tor Cash or on the natal MINIM teho-Ope LOOILING GLASSES. Now In store the roost `Wendy. =4 elegant toeoti plant of 8. los every epee* and every to:onion, snit &Olt rood moderate prices • . • , LOOKING GLAsso In the moot elaborate and the nieet ehiple framer. toozniq'oissess., • 'amid 1n the bast Ws) tat In -thi . mod Albiltitital, nwiturs., LOOKINV GLUM rutplebed by 0; are analntllioture4 by buteelven In bat owa sotabltahment. * • , , LOOkthriGl4BBXB • is 'btiIIOGAIIT sod. WALNIIT• tomes tot Couto , Wu. • JAbizs B. 13 Antal a sox, ,~Xiliitterp ~ . ~ucbs. Mow Ar I V STRAW 'GOODS. ORAPIS, EtIC11118; 1•A01411, B!TANECEIM !r.;99.), Vtooisiptt, 180usna i4ate anti ,Cap. 816 011:EIPT/f1;IT S,TBE)6 1 1 1 , 1414" • " • PIIIIADMIIIat.' 4 . ll* -ire. TITE§DAY, 116.1r:IN11159, ''f' - " Court Ceremonials:: . ' . ~ t requires a perann'to Italie been la Europe; arid Fa "ivitili?gil as ben& cereirtotriali, "td realize the ftunkeyfam Which casts its adulation at the feet of,TtoYidty: '''Sariie 'Of, ear'readera tisiawitnessed the, ceremonial , of- Queen Vici reties opening. or closingthe Sessitmet Pax , %anent. Peeresses wait upon her in the Roblrivoom, and daintily place the purple Tel viitsrolm aver her Jerielled govin s a , Duelura, riWlS'Xiatieili Utile Relies; eteorts her lute t*l c ltc!tite,of , tords, Yid as an ordinary All= wig WoUld wait' upon. her: ridetiiii;-,,peero dabghtere bold up her. train ;—a Einke r whose biome exceeds that of a claim' German ?Ali t. cialities,bears the Orown before her;--the Prime Minister, Usually a nobleman, walks by hefcwith the *Ord or .Stateln his hand; the Llind, Charnialler beivi &wall:46re, her on his bended knee, when he hands her, Ark; ' (. 4 ,,SpecMh fi* the Throne," which her Ministers'haVe Lien and Which she has to read to the as, R I r c bled..Lonlikand Commons, the letter si lly not beinallowed, to sit down in the al presence t , -- : . -,' ;. • , , - '., oyidtris -so enveloped in-etiquette and isMenial - Sarroindlngs of th is nitrite, that 0; if eniacarcelyivender . at thiisePoople being ilo , p r iiiityi 'UP' and, intlited! with irelf.doneelt t ',:t. they look upon ,themselves as wide of einlay tl7n other roOrtals.. : So .has it been in the commencement. Every sehool-boy Jai familiar with- the; historical) anecdote of Pirate ,of , Macedon, to - whom one, of, 'the officers of State was commissioned, occasion ally to exclaim, as be , sat . In till the-pomp; Ode . , - and eircuinstatice of sovereignty,: fitin[mr, remembei n that then art a Min." • ~,jThe slavish- end ,degrading Eankeyism -to ich we refer prevalis notonly, at tha English Auk . -alone, bet all over Europe, and; as ii - dght be expected, a petty Sovereign; whose tibiae territory is . not oftmfotfittc as large as 7 ofir . Chester County; 'ls meat it/toting' In point .tieceierionial.' That intipent parvatiti;' ,, lfiri Bestial Majesty Ittionnort the, Third,,bitlie EaAi' of ~ dad and .the, will of. the 'Preach i d de, Emperor," and so :forth, is said - to be fully particular on the full, obSerVance of t‘il• points of%elaborate ceremonial. , So-was his Uncle before Mini: To', arrange the State iniforms,' and revive the florin ceraraonial, at ttieTuilertes, really Cost the • great Niroanon gore trouble than to plan' a succe s sful ca m= . . tWhen, the', Crystal. Niue, at Lenden, ; was, paned, by '41.10911 VNTOTLIt t , on May-day, iB5l, , a degrading 'spectacle 'was • eihiblied, t he. Queen, with' her lusband,• children, and attendants. , (these last including some of the noblest and, wealthiest in the' land,)' walked ill round . the inteiloi" of the arystall'alace; preceded by two officials with white Wands la their, hands, and apparelled in an, uniferin , 7 ,a livery stuff Oh gold lace. These were the Lord Steward apd the Lord Chamberlain of the Queen's Household.. They walked before the - Royal party, with their white wands •in hand. OA how did 'they walk?' These' men - walked ,ifacirtoardi before the Queen,' during the whole ,iirtrithistiiiie Was gOing"through the Crystal PrilaCO,whicli,ocinpied about two hours. ft maybe aslredwbo‘ tliese. men Were each: re „, 'delving an annual "Salary, of $lO,OOO . per `an pew' ? One, rlO•the 141-qttleat WOOZILIISBI74IO iirobably the = rkdiest man in themorld, owner rot lialfAhe famous -West End 'of Loadorfand A Card of - Cheshire. The other was 'the Mar -4,1C tit Eitninainarre, ” a Scottish - peer, 'Of in'te . ntlinetige. and ler • e means; bet whose --..•.......,.-..—..,—,.........._z_._ GEL, one old ‘petr` Mari of Dalt entiterOig,'in Wausau'', novelof 4 ; Ten Thousand a Year: , ' - Last autumn, when Queen Vxcionis. visited Leeds, the Mayor of that ancient and smoky town placed hlibeatitifursnbinhati villa : at the disposal of her Molest) , and her long Odd ;of servants, with and 'without coronets. The Mayor did not, retain even a bed-roomin his Dint house for his own use, but had to await the' hospitality of a friend for himaeltand sire. Though. he was the Queen's •host, she tid not pay him-the light compliment of sak i bg him to dine With' her; off his own 'viands, t his oisi table. He Was clean forgotten, tail the dinner :was nearly ended, when he as sent for, and, unfortunately, had not the idependence to decline such a tardyand thing invitation. , To show how ridiculously - Court 'etiquette ; kept up, we shall 'here introduce a . , fitlon of ' the ofliCial. acemint, Just received Mt England, of the Coldinnatlon of the teen's second daughter, a,ymang lass of UV. its taken from the Court ' circular, the (tor of which is,piitt ss r 99o,per annum for icing such - accounts, the understanding be t, onamight think, that hie tenure of office °ended ; upon •giving their fullest titles to whom he 'has occasion to mention. So ah tautology ,and eiromideaution is to be . . Such a lad no where else. Such a simple, serious tg as the Confirmation of a girl of 16i lid scarcely require any great• groritida t-save under , the eye of Royalty. The 4rl Circular thus deals with it : Wisogo'n °Mina, Thuraday. April 21." i 'A Confirmation of her Rolla Rig/meal the ,bees Alice, took piece in 4he private chapel tindsor Castle this morning, h er goy°, newt. 'having been examined on the previous day be Dcan'of Windsor. in the presence of Her 4sty' the Queen, his Royal 131i'gh.news the to Consort, and his Grace the Archbishop of (9rbuty. 1 ... . a Arohbiabon of , Canterbury,. the Bishop of td (Lord High Almoner), the Bishop of .Cer (Clerk of the Closet). the Dean of Mind -1 itesident Chaplain to the Queen) the Rev. l IWriothesley Russell (Chaplain: to the Fringe 1 Ort).' and the Rev. 11. I. Ellison took their I:fi within: the rails' Of the Cornmunion.table 6 before 12 o'olook,, The ministers and other .any Invited to witness the ceremony anem ia the Green Drawing Room at a quarter bl 2. The Ladles and Gentlemen in W aiting o Queen and Royal Family assembled in the 'car. company were then conducted to theirseats .ithapel. •twelve o'olook , her Royal Highness lbs 'ln Anna entered the chapel 44th - her father, rrnsat Consort, and stood in. front, of the anion-table. • • - Afajesty the'Qaeen and - her Regal High. lip Duohots of Rent; his Royal Highness 42, Arthur. her Royal' Er.gdaosi - Pritiden IT her ROyol highness Princess - lioities, hat , lfigkness the Duke of Cambridge; his fiffspliness the Duke of Ssze•Cobarg, her Migkness the Primus Mary of Cambridge, at Serene Highness the Prince of Leiningen alerod the chapel., , , -- - t atna. and Prince Consort,'with the mem . b se-Royal fainil y,'oceripied 'chairs' in the, the chapel; the great officers ,of-fi tate a adies and Gentlemln in Waiting took t s immediately behind the Royal family; 'th inder . 'Or Ms company were placed tit p yhor side of the chard. nee Contort, the 'Duke of Cambridge, a like of Sane•Geburit appeared sloths - uniform, and each • wore the .rzbarli , b” ,star of the most noble Order of the -- - , Gi ntlernen of the, Queen's and Prince Cr household wore the Windsor : uniform, tkert of orders of knighthood .wearing thontive lusegnia.• , . ' iatlemen•of St . George's! choir attended, =Mod the following chorale:— , i i ... ot, OrroitALE. ' tippy bond that seals my wows ' him who claims oar highest love l rlerfrit anthems fill Hie house, , o to' that Monad shrine - I more. ,-, . • • i dean—the greed engagement's done; is my herd% and he Is mine; lew me, end I followed on, be COMM the role. divine. .. lik loam, that heard tko solemn tort, n row renewed shall deny hear, xllte 2 4 latent hoar I bow, !bless In rfesth a bond' de dear." ~. 'itlistop haVing'.perforrned the service, we dreg anthern oomparrd, for the Occasion, • , Rvl, Mien 12, 14, 16 , .. t .. W,4 ff. Ow n& ' , petre the cup of aalvsllon ; and otill upon .thithe Lard. , 9 r ord, how that I eni Tit* servant II6 Th Thou best broken my bonds In san der.. ' r my vows Onto, the Lord, in the eight of atilt lo the amnia or the L ord'e house, even in r thee. 0 lerus aiem ' Prate the Lord?' Opine presided at the organ. ..1 then didiVered an Ozhertation. i t ony being ended, 'the Queen and P rt, with the Duchess of Kent, ' the Cloburg, - .; and the lioyaLyamily, cot hapel and entered the .green draw to ere her' Majesty rear:dyed the 00n grOf the company present. l ewinds up with- a list the pee . Pldoeoupitog the fourth of a news- i f 10; _ {lss9. P49l', , C ol fiß/P4 ttkOr',r4AP(l4o7 6 'f, l o#4 and,:empioyments are enrtmer,atisdi witt(terri.. blaparticniarity, all ever again, with an inti mation that 4‘ luncheon, was serve r ct AM ,f 'amity in Om White-room, and to the generalcoMpany fn.fhe dining : zoore. , •We have to fleoollllt for having printed, part, of the Cowl Circular ; extract in We did it to show howinuch , might Baps been ad vantageously, crirtlided. the, [ vain ,repe; tiona .“ 'Royal - tip lie l coAnt where the,,people, sate,, ,the doseriptiona their, apparel; and,. so, , on, lnight have been omitted. ; Curlonalymmiqh, the Chorale:width was ming contains several, bad rhyme's.' Irowi and- house, are incongruous, seuridlli move are not exact ; done and on are,execra T hie. Row odd that our Sacred Poetry:is 'usually defective in the rhymes. We regret, it, because Poetry con, havo no loftier mission than Prayer and Praise. .. it in probable that if the Court Cirsulur had not gone into ; the circumlecutlonorbich here, condemn, Queen,:crurroau...would have flown into one of her, great,rages—just gs when, •in 1230, she literally ? trampled, ort,the Morning Post . wblohcon4lued' the Corre 7 spondence between the Marchioness of Rios ,ttud. Lord ,Matnorians, touching the Court slanders 'upon ; poor- Lady. Pnons, Hasrmos; We very ranch question the propriety of ,converting- (es, the- Queen:heti, done) such a simple , and solemn, rite as Con.. firmation into a more , speotaclei,a_pageant, and a Court ceremonial: makee it more royal than religious. • - . -, . , : Letter frinn n iffr. Jska ak a I elv, _ - ,The Collunpia. beniocrat ; pubiNitm the rol l lowing portion of ,a, letter from pluzLiolt,. Boonsnew, eying , an aecowit of tkra eaitla., quake at t2nito : , Quito, 22d ilaroh, 1859. ton,ta Stu : We had this inornirig, e'alocie: l the. most severe' earthquake - which bas viiite'd‘ Quito .during the:present - Aleatory.' Its,dwation wae about one minute. Ti e ,spires, of • meiy oburohes are thrown down , "roots of 'houses fallati' is, and the streets in - Maul' 'Place! Heed with broken tiles priphipitate& from alistrw I have just returned. front-visiting Abe- Mores whiah.we r emoved els t1ee1.741 If is its twine, —a Ir . rent, tart' of thkroiif 'ie down.' aim: a WI of I the second story ;, the . 'chimneirlop; thrown witti vielailoo, carried away the stable aotee' of' thefuroiture is ortudied,-. and thehriok and ;Wee? are' plied four or five feet .deep over, the boa places. •416V5 :We gent. -We ,esesped the catastrophe by, Snot Ave dos. • . ' ; -My-present house is uninjured , reasonably Be mire against (attire shooks, aid there is plenty of open ground for refuge. - lifrs.,Bnokalew and I passed intothe patio, and, the. children and, ser...l vents lutethe, garden, duringt n he shook,from o' position r saw the notion 'of the house, and the, movement of the earth teadventage.. - - • kbrieklayer, on thereof, 'working at 'a chimney , top, found it thrown in confusion around him, and took,a gem grip to hold. himself from, Allowing the fragments There is more 'or -less of Injary :all over the oltV, but details are yet unknown. Ido riorthittlethe number killed is very large. - I have . had time to make only a slight personal examine., HOP -the houses are very mush chattered end an other severe shook would produSe.'immesse strtiothin. „ , Reports' from- neighboring villages represent them 'Ala bavinjg auffere& severely, and' we await news trosa ti;) Booth, where previous earthquakes, line been most 'severe. I might7llll my cheek With reports': hotline:confined myself In ttiter let ter to whit I know:' - ' , ' Yottr's rospootdidly, , 0. R. BoOwaraw Bon. Woodward. • • Miraculous Escape r -Illan.. Carried- 100. „” feet; abtere,ilie•Earth. . The Wheeling Int,ellizenseer eobeil7 iebiteo the, faltowirg - Inoiaett: n true; it nertainly deserves record as a' remarkable acnident and es. The Meet frielaftai and at the same time.the Poet remarkable, accident ~wo have ever pen on murk - panned Ut the Catholic - OmA, yptePdaY. morning —Some twenty perking were engaged In nutting up the new belt widellanteed from 'MEW- Wig the evening" - before:- - Therefweb tVwiridlese erected on the ground, to madelyttelta lltlaohed snatch-block Mod Move. Iminedlately• - ,above the open space In the ottpole; _to which the bell - Wee - to be drawn up, there protruded a beam; to which was 'attsuitted, another andthe bat ; Aphave = convoyed to.the top by menu of = • -yr° through Owe attlevect.by • 'iota MI lb this 'epat apace' In the effete, an. the inen'were jest read} to 'pull it in, I 4 man , named •ThemesNewton.was below, em mated in gelding the folds of tbe,rope ae it wound round the cylinder. TO- do titre; be had - hrtirm grasp riper, the retie.' When' the bell had resohed a great height from thegrOunit one of theeogs iti the wheels of the windlass fixture gave.way.,AnM -thee. revolution .cf the„wheel lipped oftall ; the eage,• the bell 'fell to the ground. , and Neirters, - . 'who had hold of' the - lower - aricref, the rope`,' watt oersted 'up, with frightful velocity, a 'distend' of one hundred feet from - the ground, and abeet four feet above the aperture where the bell was to have boon taken in. For the instant, everY one was surprised beyond measure, and. before those:en gaged in the work could comprehend what had happened, Newton, with his hands ail s laaerated end btheding,'Worked 'blineelf down opposite the aperture: - and , called - for , telp te' those within. Tlishop 'Whelan.' who was on the platform in the ; rode, reached eat at the flak of his life almost, and geeing Newton by the Waist; palled him from pia awful position.' • The accidentstrnek everybOdy with amasementi and - all but the 'eyewitneeses were 2 lothto believe in the inaredoletts feat. Tbe,boll weighed three thoneand seven hundred poun ds, and as It teal without hindiena,Mliii-idon -Maybe farmed of the rapidity With which Newton ascended. -..Ue soya be thought'of letting ge the rope, b T dt before the thought was clearly defined, he was at beam, a hundred feet above. had not .time to let go his hold upon the rope. Some cogs and pleas of machinery ware, hurled a dietabee of 'two squares froathe (throat and a Mr. Smith, who was stand ing near; readied en ugly wetted in the faoo from atlyintf_partiole. Mr, Newton' .was taken to the Mike of Dr. Illsop, where hie wounded hmidswere dressed-. The doth was all torn from the paltda of Me hande„ even to the h one , which is aripposed' to have been done by the Beath grasp, and hie eliding dasin the rope during :the-swift passage into air: Altogether, we , suppose there is not a more start, ling or remarkable aeoldent, or a more miracu let's escape on rooord. vSinklng of the Steamer Jacob Traber. (Prom the Otheirmati tartotte. of Hey 9th.) • • 5 The steamer Jacob Traber, Captatn.Peyton S. barldsen„ arrived from: Pittsburg, yesterday meniing; abont' throe o'eleith, with a very heavy Cargo of freight: aid landed at the Teat' of Broad. After hordi ngeffect *mooring, it was disoovered* that stomas agroand, and heavy frelghtwae rolled from her to midship*to lighten her off. This Weight canted springing or her 'butts, 'and Shit leaked water 'rapidly. Tao - rapid decline in the left the vessel still harder aground, and /luting yesterday forenoon two steamers were em ployed to pull her of, but failing to get the. boat afloat, a quantity, of iron belonging to a. &J. It. Sheenbergor, was dleobarged lighten bar. -Aboutll. o'olottk, however, it etas diecoteredlhat she was shipping Water , rapidly, with three feet water in the hold. The pumps were speedily put to work and strenuous efforte made to. stop the leak with tarpaulins, but oil, to, little and The Traber careened to her starboard, and aMid 'cracking of timbers, Aliening of • steam, toppling over of chimneys, parting of cables and hog chains,. andwronehing and twisting of .rnaohbaery, furni ture, eta , she settled down, with her 'atern in about twenty feet of Water,'a ootfiplete *rook: The beatiminediately took fire, and the exalt.- Ment - bionme intense. -The vessels along the land ;lag rang their bells violently,.making a terrible olamor—while those contiguous, floated or booked out into the river to avoid the threatening confla gration, Bookats, bales yf boies -of dry goods; and almost every variety of floating freight soon covered the river,- The landing quickly her canoe crowded with people, while on ; the ,river, ACT's, flats and scoops were speedily put into re piiiition to save the freight writ parted with , the 'boat. The fire engines were soon-on.the groiindi :and the tire was extinguished withentrnuoh MM. mats , . One Pringle°, Co-... , , upset while, &amending the levee; but fortunately no one *an hurt, nor the Inedible the least Injured. ' The Trebel. , will prover stf• total loss, except tor. boilers 'and machinery, 'Whieh can be taken ;off when -the .waterfalls. The„oargo itu greatly damaged, and a large Ortion - of Th-e.Tra bar was throe years old, and vrtuOullt here in '1856: Tittrink •the wintercensulugc alit was sunk :bet% at our levee bythe Ice, but was railed again without , inuols loss: She was a good boat, valued at,512;000, , and insuredAfor 86,50() in the Test tn ern and, Fireereiliontraneo, offices in this city. She wasAwned' by Captains Peyton ti: and William T. Itairldeen and James It. 'Hatcher. - Her freight fiat vac ratinituriid,- and- we understand:that only apartialinenratme fultd.been effected on her oarg?. •Captain.Devidsorf ,entered protest here yestirday evenint , The Traber was bound front, Pittebinrg t 0 'Bl. ouis,,and 'had only seven cabin and four 'desk paetengers. - Fortunately - no 'liven' were lost by'' the disaster. nor , were ..any„persans injured. .last evening it was hourly expected that, rho Cabin would part fican, her hull : and float off. LADY MARAosa.—The Vice Regent of the Ladies' Mount Vernon kwooiation of Pennoyiva he a. appointed Mite Anna liana-Purviatoe,.of this place, to be the lady manaKer 'for thO county of Butler. Thq object' of 'the amoolation; as ie •well kriown;ia to raise aloft:lent aintaatit of fluids tho:ealate efMount•Vonaort, embra• .olng the ~tomb of Naabiagton. That objeot has now been Pearly iteaonipllsliett and the, renewed that is being made' will doubtless eadure`ite 'ootmummation. ‘ootitribationo,' of whatever %Mount, Ant to Mita Parvianoo, will. be aoknow iedgid in the Illaunt Vernon. Beton; a parichiloal labliatted in Philadelphia, and devoted to, tho,M7 termite of theissoolation„ Walulpo the po‘ophi of Butler' county will reepond liberally to the ap. Foils of the patriotic ladies who are engaged In this laudable and truly- national American.movement.— 'Butter .• • , A sTATtri of Ooinniodore ' Perm: on Lake 'Erie, is now In.progress, the - marble being ready 'and oontracts made, the whole to cost* theltnn of sir tbotteandsiolfore, and to, be ready for ins*lg, ration on the 10th of Septonitori'lBoo. ' ,'.i:E:WOON,T,.% I - - • • • GlLEAT`ritld A.T . ersorabw; , . Ten Ste6l4o*e Destre*ed— , lnameneeMoemr I 'l* Orem tbaPitteltilatia.elik4aJ.nisy,artair;s.,l Efface the artAr APlATOtbr l o4 s , , there,lmeinier ie,erahh destrriattati of pferiarly,bytlia irieor elty. de- Wirt , 'SAM' took ,, plsse , ^About , 12 o'clock; ots•fewrOtiutesiastifsAirtateanstosti Minerva welleatipg port, o f Brew,. ore her' disioiterard fire en' tioart "iat:thei whtoh *ea 'tying (ittroti'Voptisifte =t ir"feet`efliroxt street. ~ Aw,en,lesorseelvaely„sberktirse 45 1 ,4/44 were ID a Mese, thilltratlanfee shot np along Elie wharf with frighTtl. and Most deetiriotbitiis-'! liemenee. The boa*, b fUtiaal,liwaree eriowded: along the wbarf. and ne-inumin efforts otnaldAllat the, flames, whioh."swallOwed ;up boat utter Rgat; - mitt catenlahitte rapidity: Tgi • The boats Ldestroyed7 Wars the :Mawr••.:Grairc Council Bintfa, 11. Conn. ~ ,T yalaY..GPllnPanala -Team. Weed, Cennieree,'Cramona;lbilmatkand Po Mined these' beats were" brined- Waite I imll, - with suit -rapidiqtbetservlittle,whieb, wee op,, board of them ra# saved., Beveral.otthelzeteta Wore loading,' and births' 'wharf alai* aisionntnl I freight iriftraliiihikwaiiiiiaiedi lusting:taken:Arai as it lay flora the,intensa keekef tkma burnimboato, Ss great was the heat - ,that the ,**rehouses neon tbe - wberf Were in lambentThe' zoofof M'Candless, Means, k Co.'s 'carotenes, atztbd corner of Rood street, was an•lirs,,but•was put oat by the, efforts of - -the . thamen,,crldfroel tins pales with astonithimpeourege andanduremee.,.. :Tina tire . orrginatidomet , rding the` moat se Cablenntherithlii,thelidieti` Graff, iand.Cier. In. the, bteekicaitla'S • BEAPtimi bas been reported. , Belmulttirstc! gotlopee, 4ndAlantod" nuteideffie JIM) or !spltting boati. but both btii - Medjin Abe _ -Thilidanker• tri the tong line of beatifying kaleat Oa ere winwanit imnelnent„,: ; Tlisi Cdsza Dem Tau saved ?, hy.lbe skin of ter,, teeth. 41treath, exertions of ,Captairialatatelor;..lohir' t, - ,Flanay.. 1 4...Corgrave 46hzi .MOOfoskoyi r . and ottere,.whe msoce;ded.„la pasting iterate= Aka wbarf,-,and,ty flk chain taker { Miele. the bar lira akl,lr;,kape hex away'roni - theAturnitui %aid *nod. a . gap, which , - .Prexented ~the *lre twin spreading below. ;,-T.ltOostatelt atik, their duty, ,nati. the, Celu.kutrau s a w, * Ptirt) gat, the, safe' of, its., burping -jest, into the water, at' the kominent of -,being,knernek t h emselves.- - ' The 'wharf vieerinis' sepeict-Ithe* blackened Solna of the beats; some *in afloat and , some .Im:dram ltoo ',the Wharf - ft the engin/id*. tenor., from street to Market: The amount 'of frelOf upon rlia - honk' nutetiP WisMotria large its crunial-!:.flotria ;of t the boatpjrndorery; Mgt, treight„on- bottra4tl - t•ltSt 'o,tl'efe *ar e kid ..partlallyLloaded.' TherOlis a ,ocituddeitablaieraenni , se 'goal themadi - itv but the doings to it Yracilee-_ - large , eaa#,Of belq in boxes ,- and paeltages...t.lionte, ffix l 44re end dry lab Ode were' destroyed', and limitti'dfstes h Stater OtNiationtiwste. - --4ad;.tairrolutif yfure Sintleythet• damaged iritleu4, l at 4.01,5110., The total valve of the _property, destroyed;at'a estimatefair for present valu e the beats; Is from 21611:00014311200 000.1 - , Belmont-48 000 inMa 4 tongatela.23,ooo sena' f,totat. $O.OOO totoirrao+ll4:6oo itiMen'ea ; ' gatela•Attisoo tatal; U.:Vont-45 000 irt.llfontrogatelso fr,6 Mb ;Bo' rake. 21,5110 Plttsbarg;Jotal, $1.2 500, 1 _ Pae, la/43,000 Monengabsia; $3,000 "In Weetern,' 051000 halintelfal- total, 011 000:•'1T6iMelf 13fulfeL-• 88,000 In: Oitteens'; ,Ittany; Gray-42.000 in .Otti, James Wood-26,000 In Citisene g ,.22 200 In PittelenrartMal,24,3oo;-- Otrolidenie-LO.OOO Citisene'. 54.000 la:Marekii taw sa,000: Manly- Graff-41,500 • ia,,Pennitylvanta,....The J)elaware, Mutual had nia,ip L enreaen. of ,fp jike ' ••The - aegrekite orrleke beld,btretett eempany ie ea fo)loes ; (Wizens', z 324400 ; ,Bereke. $19,.. 400 IlticaionzaheTa; - $16,501T Weetbia;*(loe Peitnitsivitii, 14,500 -$1 Ohba , : wore!bleteal, $lOO-./eahliig a tOtill Thera was pa haseraiie thb hill Of the 014• awe* bilgnyef our *imputes. • - • -Nhfotfira)neettelAit ea grestoo lom,,Aanigik.fait to 011 the a tentioi float e‘tleextrto the ,itriportacee, of' itteleii addittobelffiet deb to Ihe'rttio ttipext , meet ojtialiobable:thstatietir not ;three; of the boatedolitycr4 Isi taliee hitety almAloythe,nee of o. steam Are o nline ;:and - ,tCadditionat member. of Loarryle :Ate. lie OW" the ielairr4eilld'ilitii , e been of immense .utility.if there bad bees sate: Meat hose to brin g them...tale pap.4eatoperation. The efforts of the firemek,prithentai`the ware house aloag' the•whart from lareing s ltatiit sailed In oaring' the; 'Propartx , bringf' ,ll Pcel tbo-Pfultzfi They woghed aohly, to the hgrnlng pl4.4o"eua t , and the Iteiliehlet stmosphetti VOW the' buraiiig' bia s; TZ 1" `, • ;• : . • The London,, Ailie-neseve, galls,, guipi inasta in" Wank, irOhlieg,-: end'.'"eillietejThei" is epieileeez , Kpaiiiiiepeetey_in p ro ve: "?It - -- diiioribeit,in' <44 Petioit iteki endliteePiireritolined."xq': . hiye been wedged front beneath 'ail fooltenln,WO ' i tions, , bettideen thi*lVilit'llialitit4Y skit'infiC I vitae of tratialation - ..llavenoome rolling 'stibnite front . that; disturbekbentr.o, r tie sunk sulatilltliese Mir, eleriatekbithei fOido of tiiiiiidyinietitiois,4o . the platferniof tilydraullolptesildidevatedNiten' the pump is,plicit7lunkraieedjiteisolad kook ove,V the-tide , only,. holvitver,,to yieldniseemead - to the, denuding eurrehtiand tliti eteitif•iiited SUPdeep: tactile. 'And newpfor:day alteedritylias Wei* thelP s -seciifiligoit ot• gatthilllA s . l4l ..octile Alt, lkiiiihe. , phttouleperoxyinn Moresseite in intensity, beotie, etimiger- and Minti'lritininf; - aid themointain; waves +At &awards:in: 4 , avarmideningi eludes,' to' rise, and,fall „it distant • and • sidituy ,eau, Or te, break felon Acme 4,r foam, orrnameietus Weide einknerin tethe . geeigraPh&%And :erfor' the Mai' of waves Or tha•itudPlof-tides.--we Utlyiboat the growliega of a •utatertutean•Ahundar t ,,that ,nots, dies away in - brer,:deep:ftiontterings; and now are, some 'fresh earthquake sheeirtinetieete'-the 'See; belies% 'Wildly from the -abyss. , 4lte, billowetali back in boiling eddiee; the solidittateare upbeat , I ed into ellatdomeiernsiad with derriditted'ehells; it 'I otiok4,' it setere,a dark unlf yanme suddenly is the ; midst; a dense stronglyvariegated aloud of mingled smoke and a tetun,,ariees, 'Nook , as, midnlght i kiti Contrail/clones, but chequered, where the boiling waves-hies ettite lido, with wreaths of white . ; and. anon, with the -noise of many waters, ,s. broad shoot of dames rushes tipyraidela thoheand fathoms into 'the ' shy 'Vast 'masses Of' riablten kook; that' glow -red amidteven , the light of 'day. are, burled into the air, antithen,,with hollqw-eountl,,tall batik, into ther',ehafAt'or; dcioatieling,:hiffsing; 'amid the vexed rtatersilinit high':thit Itotapray, eattl'aind• the drug •oirelotr; of, weVe . which -, the; ,TAiee; athwart the bearings of thelinger,billows prat ; palled from the disturbed *centre withirtlL -The; crater 'rises ita'the Wok: showers: - of Authes;de- Pseud; and, amid , the • reptding„ of rooks, the, roaring or . -dames. • the 'dashing!, -Of , *Urea. this' hissinas 'of 'ettbmarledleva. , aud the hot=' low ' grombslingt - of the. abyesc the •.eletrknese of, a starless, night, descends. upon the _deep. , retnon, and we are - startled by the ahook.ef yet another and -more terrible , earthquake; yet -= another column of flatuerashes into the sky, outing a lurid Illumination on. the , thick rolling. reek and the pitchy lettvinge of 'the, wavel' seen Mit for a-mo ment, we tney 'mirk the silver* 'glitter of•soales, , for there is a shoat of dead fish, floating past; and as tho'compostions or tin elearlo lightning', darts in - a thousand ' , dory -tongues 'from the' ,toed, some startled - monster of the deep beiterrie in terror from the, dank sea „beyond." ~ .. - , THE COURTS YZOTRUDAY'II p*OXIDIXdo I nePorfod for Thet'reacl = - . DiffilltOT ''Ootrv.T. , -.Tndge •=:Patteon TS. Vanning: Bafore'reOorted ;447 action - to try the yalidityof A judgm ent , qui l t nitwit Tehn Oletk. Ver diet for plalti*iff. Nleholas Iferrls ;re. Joan& Finch: tAniantlou Upon A proinie oil note. Vertilet,for the plaintiff for $1;173.10 • Mary Ann 'Longatreth and titisanna. -Longatretk 'in. ffugh Idetlvetn, administrator, pendants lite r &e., or Susanna ionastrath, deceased. n intlon'on promitir. cozy note: No defence. t Verdict for the - pisintiff:for kime ye. same. Yame ostiseni•'solioit: - tbe plaintiff for 92 059 27.. James W. Fault, trudge, ye. Tether Whipenny. Mar. the Winpenny, end J. Bolton Winpeony, deceased. en altion on a pronsfseory note; -No derenoe: Verdict for the pisintlff '0r,01 . 1 09. Israellultens vb, yoeeph L. loose. ' An action on e. Promilacknoteornicia, it le alleged, We given in,PaY• moot its purchaseomoney.of.a propmlyhonght upe &faedant from the plaintiff.:' The' defence, netd that the defendant did-not mare title to the premises he bought; and; therefore; he is Dot the 'amount of 'the - note. - Nerdlet tfOr *a:Plaintiff tan 10 - - • t- • esargo . Capitheart A'maddi dipitieart:childra" bf:Georke Capaheart,:deiessed, by' tatatr , next , friand vs. Henry CapaheajP. .4 11 1 , 4 10 ,210 g o i lechnent. On . ytt - DIBTSIOT Covsr -- Judge '- Stronti ,: ~John P. Tuition Ye oataarine Knieftt 'An action, to rptovog ;oasoulan ot prOperty ocoubleA' by the 'daton ant: Verdict for the plaintiff. ' •:' - . - Robert E. Gray t 8.-jolna Bahia., An pot i on to tete, ter rent alleged To‘be daelleid lereeieip a farmoe anpfid-by the defendant . On trial. t f'` ... , . , 'John M . iteVehecd T. nerozen Winder, , „ An ..se tton lIIDOSI a prombiory note. - Verdict for' the - de 00afal04 LHei-4 • Thollias Jones IL, aopephlne Jones. &n actiSzs for a dittilai dd the gririndl of. adtilbso:: •Oii trial., • QuARTICIL SuaSlONS—Judge*, WnOmpoOn...,- Thomas Killion was tried on the eliedicorinallolosui mischief In breaking glass. Verdict guilty ' hiargaretTobln And .J0)111 1 . 410,41,7reth pot on;therr : m i k e , th e charge of 00011, Setting fire to tkeir.drp. goods afore In Hardt, UK Oefeoeseti fietti semi To Thirteenth street, near Loinbardiand:ths;Mtertodi Tdaes on. a Buday mornlog about dayllitht. Mr-Tobin, it wassaid, was absent _from the • My at the tithe of the fire which was alleged t 6 bellatiresult orlooldent. •A2l tattoo to arecorer ost fa policy of jgsarenee was afterward' brought, and a verdict of several / thoneend dollars Nrafast the insuranc e eompany sad 'given; Within Short time a sun aimed Jambe Mose, who woes to the ecopfoystrTabiss; at,tha fine of, the Ars, abused that Dirs. Tobin apt Are to the Store, and 'that Mr. Tobin wee cograint M; tit; that he; afterlkoTitiera was fired, went to tee Riesling hallroaddispobtelafornt Tobin of , thei fact: Clone tA t ahletwitees k t o •d a j % He tufltled thatTobfa tag Mide k trotooltion tO bet the itore ore fird,'offerltok him **nits , dollar" Sthe sup coursing to do it, Tobin told alawlfethist shttilust do is., /fame eke , reASell, MOIR for; 4safsing; the store to be burned that hie oreditorswera Pressing, and be had a project on foot which - wadi& inekieCrofok of The defence klhat Olosh, ahwoillii of belief. , Oh' trial. • . 'YEARLY NEETIIM—...MIR Xearly , Meetly/ of , the -111oksIts branch 'of the 8°,3104 of ?amnia com menced yesterday Morning, Jethro large rotetlng hones on Rate 'street, west of Illfteenth. Vlore Was A Teri large &genders* of the members throughe,b wkide, - of yorterday, - _ ExpLoazoN,—On Sanclay eyttniag, a flaid lelteP eiploded situated an the a; it: &aver of beednd to atteeta. Goneldeinble atonement!, Wee raised in the neigliborbood, bat eo Orie wee blared., I The flames set fire to a' bed, but were futtinute464 tf. rice tuna tongs bad been done. • - moms iii - iiionniovit -- clgelleve•Ossociarif Va t iOhoslier array eaiiaiimosti;siiiiti, .7 -1111 came of the 11Titer. bail/ 01/MAIMiII 1 / 1 " / "W4 "VgAlAte o tlir" l4 we awn be smei m 'lnset solto *Um the tedmicrOes oc theietereettem f A :• oe!!, 0 91,T s orpoleilitheeist iierldenedlea w 134 teti lei !day reieetii!‘ste Ace p -I:7 '4l l V)!WriTha/Mi/g*/,-);; ^ i' !NW W. ,MglallaLreAr4f,,,lltij '' ",A P4 I,I I. . 1. 11 t El W ,'l "` ;11. - . . - M ? 'Weniiiii* ' * Utiesitssitilib 'milk.: w7obil Sall "- , -‘ 4 ll ot ibitGlecti' -:, __5:1,1 ,, :::.a •;stdinoit'ibitii-litta4g=4*tarot Davin.. ff -int.inzliv.lilwasplazr,r,eViniAtill44-P•Olt k - idiamdk 41, 1 40 .4,..e',..,,,f,r;-,g.a• ,k,431;,j..,f.., . -! . „7 - - • PingillyrNM , Acia,prAir p „."'„ymp no :4rif„..-Ax.i, iiibition o Nthilgitiriaidlltatii,rk -", ' : - ill'd 4iiiiirailTiiiitsgulli ChiyitoiedYeisii .z=. ...BAgropeg Qrags. goosi,—Erbs ?4,?Uarkilfo---- ildobosovezia` eatirrai. -trait' 41116,1, % eiltia petit, Pia ' - ; 1!; sigil Ilastrik• , . . z - 01 , 11 .4 1 4thP 1 4.CitrePult ..4 1 .1. • - 110411 brembe• of fammenroisetatrbeir Malmberg 1 6 ileriar Itorahlit IkV the pirp rf , setsawdbasett.? - • • The. Maniere why 'tabling eettat o 7 ll, 4 / 460 "i 18 115 dig t. eit ofeloeh. , t „ Th • oe• sad Mhrbrei Of ttil imrobargelmti mere priliMet The elrettoa eitahme• ersetilma daaWid to be ht • order... lr- /roarlarbill Mro, P. Claramea. lie othebsommatfort met isite;rard,'Mrr rionaneareeebrid • 'be misatrioelii,birrorf , betbleirtree is thateseeabse. Hs area earelostogfrqMi Ithair Rebressae mod segfeeroo4 Matieber fellanis : Ge'itumsii•Te - gelear• !wieldWbiti 2soy Met I r•el midst fit* thilligthadbmo liefhot faeoe at m% thrt,lt r jeTbat,m,leter mmraMme ag,•M' f•difff l Iteallsingierr Ame elsimmeirf fie ma elehimarvilalges awmoamottilteina Ilse!. aptiaaa edge that Alifelefeae ta /WNW Isteri. rtetsetheteee. duke* I fel egehalesied IT the'feet that r dal IMenrioaedell liort.efeneeiettaggia sikeeewitileeisaa jadetteitt to only. met" any at. etatitibi AWOL tie Mart•elat• Ari*ki•dt. lad rapreit ilsettleateredllie ill 11. getter MIMI - apes for will he fully:eat mod esibarged with ma lad efelltlE , T6l.4rreseallagtmmerm 404 jaept#4l,thaulitt.ai r l *lea earet meet win Wawa heiiti! a Mil alad:2oeasietT,lereorat_, - ' , altaf •siabeame wit* rtemat Plicets3Pil_beek7474!2•lls,i.it oitisimstee eAgalaneo. _ th• Maimber •prilar6f =-107 oar* fiepelle •thatr. st" 15 14*111 1 . The taem'bers, Meet illmiAbei •Mara ee• :aaarleal 12 1 the petateest • - " k The oath rf Meet we. adadatiteral ti thiTrragrat til 1 4f.MfOrf- 4 ,4 • ••- 1 , MONIra , -; ilk • It: %Maeda% ware moadaeted for thief Mart. lite-lbefft AMON!. 16 vetaa'aid lir,ladesea*hirTheittatiasatet eareth*- - • "" ,W KM* -ma mem* itri "to fob 4EMP Wirt? Mr. flkiersolll6 • ;- eirkgril Nl4-vatorsmildr, Mortis 1/00•4, • •1416 , - - -2 • - • Da *Wien or Ar.Beas, the, alea t.t , os at, , aef . lsllra r *is putteitmat tor blie The oath of alba was Ahem atedatetired by sae pm 4 14 4 ist- , th, motion Oc itehiglistl4, a coatose, Mumfolt or Brlsthstoraadßtidfeid. veer *Ppalited to' watt:epo s oll• . Ocuozat;Voefater ask: frelbeargroalblef Mrs loftLiu~n, C•g1,41 qta iikitet; okay a Jamie 1WN1.141.111114434,1ffiti,! Sara ESACII • Mtlaill;Xiia istiVirgor mere *Ostia emeadttei vett' amov . the tafeeeiahha , lehek•lkdeei imr.dlaitzedr , i The Clamber ,111 e at took a rear of temabr i .in U. raiai ea& WC' feethainittei teosieleinaeli Cambia ,eateret,tita eheather wet deals asettaaeok mteattaat 'that beetkeh. • - The - e btaiaittee tel•• Mat 'Oleg IMAIIMM `r•tirtaig• *ad aepettee.r.that hte loam- kali wceiwai-) ' rn mPl em A kmt .ltiPo•4 4 oVesiti 10 2. 1 / 1 4 b1. 31 , 14 A s " • `Wi'2 9 ll4ingoiiii6ffited so iitiliatio• let - formatkin of 11.1E64 'Mediae eilitardiM saarsisvi all larlatleg, atettaaeryised, bleilhtAT,irra,lpreamele! Citztoteidsetcontr• - -.age tpahsvailaiktmettaatureesleeert aeamaihthpLOtiti depaatmeate as weltas the city oo ssteoiole_ lli a. =whom vos gillopted - later akfiehal to = tha jeers ai.thehta WOW; time; is ibroVectotitikiell'aileovitlan the ipa . aoa . of a eriatinaplatetheadiff #90.40:- •."," - A =Mew •efteraaiair' tie twat the • mho late' the bill rip for a grist roadies: - • rafferft: - ~,, aviator Chatted the voehjabeenet et Abele:Ulu ardor thaelte2fghtes lee" seseeyeetme, Ile.faeole 'lnottoiCtOtheetleiti: - • , Moms ioaea owe Neal oppose lee peettemieffe The totter elooeld:hatlfepotaeo4atOhteefeeti;: , ;, J Ol 4 1 1 0 0*.ek.le•Selki.* - rat* • gene* teteitehetaeti see rommi lieel dialfeasteffolfari. orooteerifboartot•ripplleeereetalleostAelieli Ala, ct the , 'llitlfefatelatie 04 00 4 ' the ten war not ousesseu;estfie mai • oppialv-wilatetirthoot.bbstrwrails-vio heaettif a cogerAteeAllitle , f4teee fhlikte - Vfteuffeel. of feel_ elowo4fteele emir 'oat .V the, ofti, :*lft'objeetd=tri the tar biiiiiiiittet,aatiii • oeuatte.4 , 3153 if-rd •1• - str.ntaiwam.cao-M4dtilAtlr. theitiboW • • • hte , Nlal ealineated- , tleirbitaelleterwaie rellf•Ale,thoelltf lholateklul&se-1/00 40 fiefiderkos.- eitoislvely, la' OW peskier, elf-ele# 1 01&11 , ;eli-Aff - -: fate? bad Willie* the*lbult , •• - ""1 -7, : • - 2he metlioktelosteise: vie lottM ...lb* aunties ;tee tbee-beree -me , - thieteel woo if, the - AM; withlke seeee.: • Safeer ol'extefees4 ,l /efalin• -• Bzi , oxixot:OoSligu.p; - ..Vblictormatek of the Cloaselbk,lineeasileCio:areesee4e -milLt'filo'Fifook bi-14::-fria‘O•#!P•ef ' TDi'dredioitai of this liieiiiteectrieeilthieettelf,` U 147 Watte001,11,1 0 !" 41, : 01 , 1 161 5.. ,... rlitt ~ kail,6l44MisMtiT aa''' lowing • •, : -Ammovote.. * B. TP/to, 1 1filliski - • Mr 4 41 0.7° 4 4. ( 01' gmtliM. t r. 1 4 1 v 4 fc't rote :AD 'iCkeirteiltfrieVliniri Consiall:watiadevenead,Wed sonerament Mittiate besi Cham nd ber r liMiniksjimi „matityjs ppm . pdsnlitthe. it. - -••-• • • Mr. Trego having 'rails' (Siethiqatawit - tilitilainle•D TOtell,vros deeilDWArwiel t%TA:1.54n..° Coastal for,thet en flint Doz.. " Mr.:Trete Was 'inns math wiandruletetif . d se follows: You do icletnelyieinftely, 5in=7:4111.61101 and afanwthat 4 ron will intierf tits tatieisinf Otereanniltb4 Orimittnierridnittltenastivrmia, and that ,discharge,the:dalles.pf idiot of the Common Sietincll.of sae 'elty - ,n i l wltk lidelitYl - lind - s6 Yon antritri': • - *. Mr. Tres°. Iso Minn Vbe presidinstalset. tbsieesidr.' - "Menthe:len billet Cotennin mointell,for tdre:nrien6l. Mirk' alyrinf lotittdellia 1 bit le , '" offerkay Siebert 'ant heartfelt neknewladgmentiv.:,no r thaw: or you ,Irttft, whom.' badge pientere a, Howl 81, exneviatur Conn oil I-have:on thlifteanatiniOiChilr~terinike. Teem hut* nikforitj - nlinnt merabiiiinltita alliatlfate this body, it Is, perhaps, proper Unit on tinn eetesion L. should ray am' irk withent zmy_priente.partiinfties io tratify, witheel Loy perionil LIU/31*i° teldhairi; Mail endeavor to perform vardly!folititindrilaiihinily s nail imrartally, being Influenced by. no personal -puty ertab)ii'ltie tO 40 - thts ralf " kind tialetatner end r.n.'eperautni4 . adtdl4o47 ter gun , tleinsuly sense of propriety and decorum awe trtarrother.. rllt Yotioretbat the inert' of 'a Jivaddent` le' Merserin otter "fletrend - , in - 41.!reessittit„,termstke-inetsbers theits.' aeltet tad I, Alan,. (la ilßeolt coalmine. of. excitement, appeal to-the hdv sass pniprietyarhiedrervietytneinz term kw, Wad *XIII edto alovarandia. rt - fting Bald thlgninok, let Ile now to the Disk Were net ttdlatthEt, tatifidithieniaziple • or :theillist fain2S-toV"3""' serums of order end decennia dletataciaat we pro'ce'edWein; delibitedkete triliatiramennitialsileittl credit to oureeltee and,that deli! fo the oity whorl inkerratii are panned itr, rite , The members were then trua ided. motion was made to go; into"the eiset'cil of thief' areledaistaot Meths. -" " • ..••• The . s gentlemen ` Ward, nominated enter dirk!' Wm. 7. Small, and dohs' D. Knee • amistant' alerk,Mearge Motitowand.Thomit W. paled- -• • The vottetood as follow!' :. - . rotill • - ' 68 "John D Mlle* - - (laergn7, „Gordon tie " - ' 2l * - - W>itlem T Oman slid George,. Mindan„were thaw deolued,eleatid oblef,olink s t ud assiirtant alert or the nth - alit year. = They we're tliedilLMillffbd.• - • -," ku two uiesilengezo. • The following gentlemen were nominated Thome H. Hall, Janito r Timmerranni - and l'areesidainer. - -,Theyote - stood is foileris • '' Thomallll,ll - att . 58 4 James Thimininum 68 • -- - Intbdullt Butler • "- - • 78 • fames Magne,r ' Meets:' - Esti and Zimmerman ' _ harlot received the' higheattrunlierni votes; went ae010r5,51551.8 sem.. for the enaaln,n-YeAr• - • t lasdkinvWfater, sad Meagan worn iitipillated . a edlynnttae to • waft etpo theAllent„thn, mil, and In form them,of the orgarilistion - olccramon.Cketneli p pad alio to give theiMayorlbe InfeMitilimi. • - The clerk, or iisiest,Clonneil want:ken annompeed, . fie Illornied the 'Chamber ql, ortati'aitiOn or Ned Omutell,"and `of lb * tiptioltiansaropinilleret• ifiletl and Muyler as adolut comnittee tri!011 'On - Motion of 191nunte,, Was opened with t the reeding of ikriiptureeandrpreihr by the Tkiotssa Street ? tutstar of tbs Sltresn, ,1, - Thescatomittee appointed tofft ow the MitrOr.and Select Gaon;] reported that - MP/Lad ,sittoaded to. that duty.- The • Mayor • had , - nothlot tel ooninninkinte;hut would, at an early day. ayambhBBo.ro, tits , On motion of Mr, "the - xslll4 of last' Conn ell were n"'1": tl., rThs Chemins then .proceeded to:Awe rete , --the blemixiieretninkbepind the bar: - " ' The &Mee rte thenterMuire - *me gift fir • ban; and as they ware drawn and annOtuneMby, the clerk, the,rwats were chosen. Thomas Potter, of the Fifteenth iiird L beld the exit Idea/ire. Dennis sad — ..iisteekeed ae woad and third . . When the name aka: Harmer ''trialcilled, Mr. Wls.; tar staled the Privilege of c.hinising the aset - fertile ab•- „,11.r. olideoied, ea quits a dtteametea Vase on thepoint; • • Wan dropped; however :tWO Ot 11L41! had been made, and Jir. Id arms;lrmi denied the choice ter( init. hreeara laitioe and ;Oat *ire. the luslueitiquei bar ter the bet choices , e. 'Andrew Mil ler "resented a 'ilppria relation to the election in the Vireety-teattle , evaed,' isidting tame thatkie. - earrta hedivaelvid , OWagenitagenber of cotes „kat .1111,04bAct,in pwor of Mr. Mr.'llll.ler geld he woald Moii 2 - Oo Tharettarraorts to SW•Vfo Mr. War., „ Mr, lino t T moved refer tk; nutter to corn-, mtttee -of " , .Mr: Cattail stoondot the motion: , Aprod to; ,ltir.ltollopkealtso.op an orotoaopaappsOfitiag am lentos "ea triett6g ado Potter ultrred"aa iteetindment; ***idea thi reanimate or. OWo=llol* tit the rinipplioq furateAwl by the eineke,,aw#P el te-ted to the Clapirt; :Onto inaiadinant mutinied to, em um ma pawed. The president an NI the OtlanMitille Raffaele seat, Means. Riley,„lnglani, andßower,„ • Mr. Justice - preeermeo s reseluseoni-a , mom tion,finen the heads of the deptrteess' atm, as akthe desan., Olaf medal= n( thadaps4ments. „. rofolatioll Allied to, OW "4 - at peat ione , oliloalt, Atm Okaaibwiskoseraerli.l 4 ; r'DeircissOtre Ctuartitigit. l -s6l2a ttapeiVellc Was itehf irr'SlivYt br ald..raaw://044* - 1 yoffitutiy: morning, to answer the twe e d.sommititicsi akagt tee, mist abishlS'aPOl ad Aneteder'llaseelarsthif Ciabeirell to the 'eroprtatored *Vein , aele**o4*ity New ZonionaadAee, ataret,isk-anner,'Ntenat,iktids, 010., .(berg Ape - Is easelgred:st 7 *;elierk.';Onfewell ned at lite store' while under ar4dernalded a lei& of- =free boariniffiet; IsAikk _Wu daniedrhins. animal Amp' amok 4 .,th t - s ,b. Capeirell *ad, to' lave wilaidalea itet, r - mated iteriOile Ander:re - duo:reins wMbd arit-the Media Allleffne: =LEE _ .0"0, WEINISAV no+
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers