• . • 1 ` , :e• -4 ye. „ %tiogll;( - •- 4'''' . 7 . 7 7t:; , _c ,-t411*4001r,-/W4 ....:R , ..:J ~ ,, , v,, -' • . ''' ' aVairifilitikiliiitivilt**4 -. rl: Altik- s '''' - Vicliitlitaithith‘ifithd'i4 yet '-', 40.111".*111101.0002i* w ar. Ward e. - - si*r , i*ti;') ll ooS ,4 fiviiiO 4 #4 oo- m tZ . 't was < - ii*.ace - Ture Ink filoylaWarob . ..* 1 * Raids bad,' MAMA ' ilit!***l l .44,iiiii's and ditimetvez, This" tli*S l 4 4l lo 4 ;lthWrikl i tant .14 004 0 ? n , lystilliiill*loshitibrthe aemexaaa*.to 0 0 1 .041 g' 04A 01 * 9 ",* . 0 4t ! , coitViA 49t , ! fronuirg4 l4 t4v W"4 , %taint it i3Ortibi*. l lll 4:;:4- tin I rt toLVTIZZr . r * l74 figlAWiliftWts-t i1 4 W1 414 44,1 4€4,boiiiiiili„ 4:-.41 . 4iii et*rf,,4o4Tiiikt•ol , - - ..id.t ,btii,,,Atlatl4l44 l _,; ~711,Orki0) sods-same,-same, IMitiVittil.mittlWAffq 467: `rwrlrtiffikNiAdosi:lwit. iiiiihmektairicoutil — 14:44;'1 - 0104;luid. ale o bot ( * aat ett i ai • same° -e Prititiont, bit paytieibiiftetieWtialieiXtbaMrlbl-tie lbiftit;ol4okeTlV'?' lll ‘ 4 ''' .l4 r ' I - Amer aoiit*ii,riiw,liirptiiil.liiiiiii .the OFflifilTIVIA PA Pit i t 4 1 00 Cr' -A wr °brat - 9f; ,'.-_ t t '...Af gibe hiietAlitita ''frivAboilillialik* WEJItSiNTtik AltettiatilKiats ~ I li Mi#W lllos o 4 .l 4i ttr 1 , , ( 0 111 501110 Arri I*le evz,Octieete bed What ' lett x 4ofai#94 - 4ciai, - , V., :Al i 43h - iifti..ti ( s lo !lllMl'. l ,,%44::*ltii4Y:S.q z ibi 61111 104 10 V4ItleriitoBtiOW UV OIiMIANLY wee i OititiC-VbiirnliAla k- r lt, ( Site) ll .o.4''-:: 46 1 - itostii4444orouitill*p•it:iitoom i .lik .tie.ll.Ait",t. . - ;.7.01 1 1.0 5 ‘km4i t, B;. , k - , Nthir# l, - , sittsl.":' `-,116 , 0 • ; * - . , A i ik t g r efliioritii-e.aiiiiitiiignimir; ' .1 1, 14 0 4 0 29441 **5 4 '., -#*4 4 447 4 "P1a1k;" -A* :..4 ~, ~.._ Jai' ato.loofic. id • ;10.1• - ii - -, boo* Collatyiltew - .0011:, - Atc• .001:4=t;:iltibo:ImilislY!ifiviz. a4 - iieta(tAgba.,iiieo4 - arena. 4:o*.leiak,:tha POO hi - Jhe Itelatati. spay, ' and: was *a be ha i,it; as, - "ft-itT4ll, Oktrokisittalai t 'o l ,t "1"11914610-*WAO,g-:00-41,' .0,-IA. 441- N *V• ' - .f - -T;iti t rg i , **4 .lbiiiiih i ite,: l-I-- :: ., ied; - ortrimitiop 1 .* 1 4. - 44114ig liiiiiii*, -, !sni , i , :shra , d, "o, l4 tbi* , i•istOre; 300) 4 010: - IfiiirY0k -6 47 z;PC*41* , 'l 4l 4 l! so o;li e ze,t *lei illtielpttii# the moo t;.- 1316:00.,fthikilitiiCillea- mitt Icapii • `menViibloihliiir iit itieht•iliikia *tit pie,: with*iiiiol* , ..kis*-1,i1.041416411 4 / 1 " - 144 - 0 044 1 .4 41 4 4,1 4 1 .A 0 1 1 0 404 1 1, ths:Plik of;lC•74lliti we, I* took P*. l;44l l lll k l Wibilfire - iftekellw , :liur a 7, ,, .,Key.1 . Irtii'*o7l44 l idoebie:th'i:ihat vU purely atietiplbieas . ,;at ; -Ste,t:*.titob4ht, Me, 13 aria 1 too 4 VL"lifk)if ipicittifit line takes!Oaoe. 11:4 ‘ `0 *eafik*l'alliWiiit.iaik - thatb. has tab' ;:iiiiriellmel Mai - ti4liill I , bhatalf, . bat b-41101111#100.0:4014*.3.! ,4,-;,'-c.!, y•nela:AiiiiiiiAktit* V.**tit4eili ,l a la*lff "-. - ti at tiatiati:of *ate i r 944 l *********o! 1 P. O Ol - two. *tit °lr etittit 40 - 1 0 taftliOtikAlit aataber_it Weil ' ' IttibipitAiikeiagilliti•iiiiiii , two tlitiid;lolt# , lbatiAiiti '4irile 4 ! tkitisikd' rinttlibiliti:that.PAlratotatausber landed • at elo 4-P4l4 l o l li*,..iiKMaliiil.o4 l3l-1 ' ettalpiiri Am- 7th,;iiiiii kiik'offilhaii' . . _ __ that.' - - iga,ii--..........:. .' -''- ' , ,:-..-0 11344"7"1"P4444:14rgifn, a RO-.--r--- • ** • t . i• . • . .r ~ AI Anfwalr- •-• • • •, .. • ..f.l .. _ .o_ll_ _ s ~_ 1 0 '.06.."•&..e5. 0,.. iii.. ''!", w!rir • • • Vt. • • • • • • • W. /4011 ie., 4.• ..r..14 1 410 41 I ;,1" '• rli V a ila '10(4041 . 441111 4 a1t 414/ A eame mt. l * ItooluttlPl frogiVitioo dOlid*ltlif Viitilitisel itt#, 'ltsg4ol4o.ol , ,Afr' boida,t , x.A4 rkt ,,, 4t T . ~,, ,A 11111 0 461/ 0 1 " 1 , 144 9 / *!.4 1 - /VIE -7 1, ' 001de44 41 804144 1 *P 1 04 6 -!. 0 PL, Httlir Arr**iii4aiiiiid6oll,fl,l4- River 4,ltiaMit ll6 4 4 fit 0 1 :. 16 ,t; , :i.r 1 4 1, P1i ii Il t lootoWlitilit 0417 , 1 OW . liglitts, Al l SlKetftrt,mtll m r 4 iyk ir 11 .19% Ulkiiiil a all..%lg e .7#o l Pg d . 0 seer aiiit 04 101*jkiivftlit loomottvo failed to ` '*o if 1 0 144 it - 010-41SAttbAritgrAti*dolit.oct ThapijilirsiWiair4lllo"*o!49l!nt rtaka , 10140 6 t 4 1ibt341144t7k#i1t16t11i1g10.„..,4 1,.4 1‘ t Z , '.l- i . 41 1 ,401 10 1 11 11 I Ir'flaiii)*firiiof-t%t I , ii‘Olk 040 U l k Rojo ; - *Platot 4 ilai.SzttliStlisAbii Oostlilatten oolalbolW° ll 1 " 411,r. i vtk r rig" ' '1 ,. 14 foi ttifi4imertitsithiti ere lotfAraltsoi and ' ` ow tovia**46 , 3toitii7.4. 44000. i pmot *ii tsel S* 11111111 " 1.1 "4 7.4334,4111 Y 1 4 t !alit,. filikilk*„ .. ,... WiniffAikrArtrotWo ... pink 0 At tire is o'olook att ti fit W* ha& - 'iturwft.l, 7l ..9 l w , sik ski'4,44*3 1 .09 0 '.!0, 14041 . • Ronp W#oo l loo l-0 1 14 *•Ifor 04) r:) '.241641 - . - totitti*O*o l4,4 " t-W- 4 *.#o-*** l :tt**** l iii i timi eTa V*** li hnibl otitatio r. : of v orstite . iamiloviefrafteeivat'srma 011441(A14 0 0-#0 1 - 1 4, 1 0 01 410 1 ::r : i' 413110 "litilii*l• 4 1 94* I:blow - tot* Yaik-et • - ,p, 4 0011420,10 lik-fid***.f.;#4 o o',of .08 orw ~10,0,5 10 06 10 : t.'Srtlik**.Ais:o4tCariittisl_ 0404 - trii,sti soiss • ItstkaWiSi'Sliket4.44;4ol4 Seir•lttirktitiss*Siilitis-“`ft X* , ' 5 4 0 0 4 41 1 Li i iteli(4ol:l*o(4l l l* ( ii ASO *0401114:S .1 10. ; 11 0 i t a 1 - 411_ iftl i * • -I,llPPlifittritsea; - W the 44-4,40,41,414',44ye4!5ti Qee •bt*Ttistoltis*'::-, -p.reeedint-Intelligsece, • tat tb iala r tOKs bid 340* -** __ mtin iota qtr= ##Titi)taflrlOW:4olo l :***o - ..:.0. 0, ttrtP _wen "ssipdo there wee i,Teri_bid:'•, 30k, , 4 4 4 011410 00 1" Pi ttli k. W i rt =prereny bah 0tr.9g04:P.r.***4'4A 4 4440.41 1 .04'1 has ge Pimeitto 'eji - Ssisittdcl! , Tiara* '44 80114110f00.31m4,01 i i Al4 t 00.7 "The',4ll3l,!lfiSiie stioirit , lti - rereStfr,-Atttielt aspect of 1 7.1sr,Shreii.dsys41 - 41 * 'Aul*eiPti t **t* -24 *** 4 1aikfifit. to it4;o4#loAlo-21tot - 2 1 04ntlii :1 4 .1 4 ; ttwi,i-_*'lkt*tftb*_)tisttie ,b 1 , 1 . .11-04# 1, 41*P1 4 . 417,41,',0164a f i:' .4 6 ,--liKi#o l o l7 :olsMlo , lor.Ou'r -000 x *4 44** - A:470:4 tlik#X,s%Oro,,Tisjiiol.o4lol,ol_n?sde as it R+ir4, 90,-; - :thipriernit)6l,l***Aliilltilidi;ir7644-] • ;1114111 - 3114**44 }l}ik9e 6 s -- 'iiltieWite64lo: l7l theA°o 4 '4 . 11 9„ • • P1*W .148 ;g4,.." ~ 4itt*Alif ,} , a l*lool,lll - , tag Jiiii be i***l 6 * lo oo* ll o, - , -- s36 6oollfAgdoeiiteitil 54M - 4 - tite IWO I- 00tr**nir' , T A ' s-! ' rv,,i4r—rke WsSesseijiaibiag.. .17B14401*04,104:‘' , Iiiii4ft Allstiseipi l ok Sssis,k , :sts4oo4 l 444-90,r~,PACOW whiehildit*tiOnAsoo) pletertil * ssteMt * soi ,k 1 10 6 .1•1 - 701,!040 11114 0 ' - ~. • .1441.01.#1401eittriiitettorgsWatWirttleint , arritaehtaglit siesietfoli Ott*iii - ii'00000;#0. 'iratiOst Pftirt - sisstilsehmtitt'ivr*4M l Y44l 4 . :tOMOStiff, v 'Mt?* i;ft:Ofriehi**liiiiiiiiii 1 0 4 1 0 .41 . titsimfte - - thi ei-$1 septette list irtlitehit rZisirrii;Yids, h►md"eelio2iilhl Pilig*lllteSitsoliresehiitsflasisite gpii44ll- Atli*LeilMiet*lNk 4 t• " 2 "1 1011 ; 4 0#90 1 -, 1 01 440 ; 41*#.01* - 3 1141 flitg 401- 0 0-4 • ..ekt4 aTiltrititol4oooo-.14-4 11 44sseltsrliss - 41411iititaWhiltill#,,141 1 f it i ttliewli, diet • .--4 rtdameat 4,4tofkiiidliOak,:likkiltiiittagotti,"mbiehiferk YoI4P - Aillii*, ?it 16.4410104: 70w IrJek The Atlantic tjlegrnpb. any one 48104 o*fait * the: gamble of ,Orginal.oerop,ositionMhpPly:a motto pre .Cisels,fdeseriptive of theet*pdeir attictigoi of the Atlantic Telegraeif,,Kinightt 0.1) 14 ,0: 11- ate the itell-linotrit epitt ''. w•lfePt' • - sat,hairr,Ohat OM 1104114W1 '," ' - But plospetb. lore Tn'thelast Liverpool, paper which we ' re citivedits:Ma„acComat 0f,1,f.a largo , and inflo.: 'Orttiat iiiiiiiite•Aniiting:Of shereboliets-of theatlintleeTelegreplt Company- resident in Liverpool." What wal)teld eted : deno4t-thia PrifftOTONII,,YOIICO4,9I repo rted 11 2 ;„the newspapers,'„,:wout4a. much .pnblie Sear okhavingleerileld'Aitt•the Clarendon. roome,S,Onth ,Tolin:atreaVl .itlad been held 1 3 1 113P 1 3 , ti0n-egnarefer , of St. Georges 06*hr`otiiOr 042/(4wikiii..4f.,Laralait;' find anlitikeentik .Selieltetqtenerslilteder - PsmismaroSee -Ad;. 1 *(44110; been int; :again Will of% Alia 901,4ntici Toler 0140;101.14#i'.46104;d0wi.,,, expressly to 14:44.t.::00.4:Atfc:*(4414* 444006 a, to the ;- -- Ltierpooli,sitareholders. His /sPeech eitlide*a!:' , , ,,liedli';- , ,Vonotted-:-;-thei have 'no fwMilegna. • I )W what we' glean from it,. We ahall here give. Y - 4k, that `iteed,V;Cnt-at-elboiri condition, graPhically „tiblithwtt ? b,V term ig blird4tp.p - bits . -no faiida;k ita i l)blairMan,lrirs,),tik:atteMpi the re: atoration , oft the' old; Cade,- or ,00nstract a the` • British '-Government,:: after much upon these titire'steitotisight per oent:Aion ,the". capi tal to ' eiriplOok,tot eitieeidingll6oo,ooo This gairialialti'be for lirenty:ftsie years, oeltditibnal ePoti` ‘ theattchesifil w orking of thaceble, at a rate tot ltielhaa' 100 `wo rds peeluitir. -*postal eon; trailt 'of tot leel - thatf120,9 , 40 . per innate for the betinest of the ,Government;; eny..exceal of work to Nita.fir at - thecaompany's - ordinary tariff, The conspatirs:oontratiVrith Atie-Arealloantilo= of X14,600.per annum is scoured the company, iy to:be allowed to;iriblist,'Bo:lllst, by. this Arrange. meat, the; g`narauti'ediiveaue of the company, in dependitit • altogether bf' Wiereantile support,' will' he 434,55/o)Par ratannsf the Government to allow' ottite:gritiisiitlfd 'llOl3l to be expended heilfordijaAjmeoltate?the' old The - tom - to erispyryfi• O'llofter:notent thifi portion of MoirdOkivilOgeo: ogreiownt• ,torommo tAwiamiNOirtifilek t coniaindif rho exclusive right cable, from ~.EotOff, 'crii the shores of ,'11! aillikelythat. the American : Go= l .-:continue to - :,pay , :,a subsidy, i amounting SlM,9o.„l(_YciOi as' . a . 1311131 . iligOlViilk;ool'ol6Flo4lo4lPaAn b y *he ifer.= Ata:,exaltliden - prlvileges , land: cables: tfripiri`XlirOnViiin;tho ithi#o)ifikyOrfotipdloaid, iiiitiallittlices t monopoly: In the , kende of itbeltritish qc4arnment - ' = Thiilneitsy :which _le needed by the , . , !Company's prop'osid,tO -be raised in shires of, isgs cub - , original aboretrwere $6,000,) sad; attempt sneeeed, Jiff. *ORTIANY, sayS that the'. summary of whet-the Directors' 'Tetra" to the 'kith, over and lahoOthe-nationalichiF4ter..or the work .and itiOraYtelig , k=cornmerciaPandi imperial agent, 0 . .)4;'' A aNilial of 1,t,e00,060; In B:par gent, , ,,Preference shares of , 1 0Oittk , gniOintled; by t h e Government, con.: 1 1 ,1*Olit CO` A., guarantied mini-' I um Income bf.£34 , 000 Reif annum in support fore#oll*tife,iißcliiiii*Offint public sup-' cp&it - .`:8(1: A. insurance upon the, 'snecessioli exteMdon . 'Of.ihn.e:able from the ( shores`:!Stit', , Toi:eat: 404* and Newfoundland. ktii;kinirigite,o „fol. eiretaljniknigeMent and leleihr .j, ieat Success undef.a contract similar to ithe,ont!jest ieserthed,,.whereby, the , interest., [Of the contractor are involved absolutely. in. Itheek'nf tite'enOint. o ! 11'heLbrerpooteloire lb**)*iiiiiyeOf 1 4iier:-PietiOiled j'ati4a: of fret** , die new vaitisit :!'ltretsains to be seen jbowellae,public will endoirse thi s approval; by Itildit *Weil* r a ising !tie n eedful. - 4 ' 4 ' - ..'The'Ro l oPitili - et llorphy. lire are glad to notice that arrangernenta are Vettig'lntidozfor the'rioeptton,of the American ' , Oti*tAllOkiff*T4#': 4 1 °P-Iqr Aiftlits city. Eli E uropean - triumphsregeet credit upon his eannirp.. At - he-, great ~Ealdhltiou of. 1861 '"looliie'll9foO.iitk .agricultural dais' l`rarioui' mechanical" nairoverrferiis 14 nlik-el)%# , l l 4llWitoektg; eOtat.: liifiestj!l.o:theagt.4lEr... l rai - Ea. pactr.'eateida :iaite4.*g!tiiia,_*A**o*siiotPpowltli, rice aucceselg-h(ospoirla 14- ialtelymorei,trealerable; Abari!,2ll/,' , =rouged 49110,!ilkift' 1 04, P094:01t.i 00fig .*tbn!!-*lnlW;4lnuinrnti--tc*pi of-the litfaltiAliiiiis4 s (l4lg..A P A! 4 *no, OOntiky that ;should Itratre:Win:ArtiktOlonti :Freti4rie? L-'04 41 , of . , the Old- yforll4, It May b e true that , bese 16 0.3..qhi114 10 4iirntiPaAinitaiitatiefit open-Chas& players, butltaXerelaitaf much more beneficial ItOltruncietharionf other puma; and Dr. Fames aye ~ v who ; was `an ` eminently „ practical man, eitiniatelkyerichlgifikitri , benetita in training the,lutellec by Ilaoldiecimoon, self - control, woito , men_ ,, 4o3o' ! *o4penPig. con adePee in the Itlitir of, apparent viotori; and too Mich depression in - tho l monterit of supposed defeat, 10;well,',40ifii e lling,in*SetiVe,eiereise, - and. thus , 3 # 4 4 1 gib en in Itfiefporoptive. and re- fleetliellionithiti"Tbe 'success of Kearny 44thpictOOr* inOP*PxOte4 in his,'ac.hlevc, *it •wit.ii, -, :lifik*gii!invpin, impetna to , the tame, in . 44**144ifi litki4l Mill probably be the Judi reat,nnitita of.conaldelable, good. Previous to hi#:ltirinmpluiViihess -hid: never been generally played in the 1 704 ed 84041 nithetiglritmany'r instanter might - hive been Profitably - sub stitnt44' for- . MattseMents of a : :friVOlnus and dangerous'eharantif.:i • !Rambling; notwithstanding elf that has been :said iiftightfillit com mon, and many of he:trnign tnunh ,lireeinni-timeta worse "than wasted by. men of alf ranks : it public private • gaiing - tabli3s `The general introduction of chess would to 'far, tcldilitrot4 his:::passion; • by- furnishing' a 441144444°,01310'4a, po,ln Ini n ni and many inatineeamould be,sitively-belinticiai. It Is 4.ifint,if)l4-tiliCof,'llie limes :that , niany neW eii*-41ilvihnieairring:up in all quintets `of . the' Union; and that.the game his been learned by thoutianda'of _young - men who, but for the triumph Of Moir*, would probably have re mained proToundlyAgnorant'Air it. In this point of view, ~ltifeeineildinething more than a Mere 'victor in' an 'intellectual strife. Xie.haa assisted to raise the standard of tionattaateis , and etibatantially .created a new , eitha il ia"" siialitet 'the btateltebtaentti of :the tp02)10,341,0i, whleh l wlS . fprove much more effetito..tba4 an die- , penal; laws that' State 4.oltatniekeptlid:adeptitti enppreasing a dart proinAttetiti4:-,lte :treat;, therefore,' that his welsgme,ln thi3 ettilt be a creditable - and an enthius*ie w one. I -, - , The War in-Zerppec ;, • .Thelecent nondactof:,4stria has 'e*sited thel . iniignatioh et 2 all Europe against:herolnd in,okappgiegity hseiitahie Stine her Oatmeal Vlltit',6797:prootnitiat.p;iirotation: Although &isms''. pin - a taw , terivorari advantages, at the entaet,iby_her.-nneapeeted haste in Voni.: eticlng litiatilitieS, it le not probable Oaf she - eatticeigitialatitin her, groand against ttelinierfal milks Of Prance; leagued with thif.#o ll V:e! Sardinia. - warring as she does against free institutions,' the. eyinpathles of Phiiitietir'reitirywhere _will 'he against her, and can obtainito assistance, exempt, pos sitilY;„frani`iirke'ef the:taennanie and Italian Btatee. . The, present ; Indicaticips are that )It4iiiits*#4,lr,iy`.,heali.upen ainioat -as way humiliations as HaTonnowl, in the days ' ' - '7%,!‘„a'rusi 'ira.tleats,=-.lial 4 ng three days *lt ir,i4;,,fliiisiatOpetag on Monday, the; admire- ' hie ausapany„ett Preneh. artistes who hare ,been so ttalsiantij reswilfalet York,' will give their: peiformiumie,;l4 ,- ; ,pribleiripttort! at, Wainfif.street The - Amblie at large, who may desire. to pay iit the do oi , ea#iii,e6, nd terces which we ball. lot ,Thia company bare IA a *OO. geyat'lfair York ; :in , a. charming ilais - 440:nsi**ei t she teipeide,Art)3piadway, ornowitwlitkifettOolitiin li Monday evening, will tra , Nre ' , Comedy' in four mate, 41190 la.fiehdre:ita the Tithatrariiii4jamesii In whtoti' tiosa , dioinirdthe4 rrtoymersAi. Paul:Labe. and Oheitligre ipfeat; "Fall partionlais respeeting these French theatricals'ean arltaimi- WenutAtreev,Theatee. The f44ll4lo3lethiier it* Ism large' lt we Wang:Me ellghtejt dolbt that the:performances attended.' . 7 , otat.-AAir testpl4ooat, g &daa ofdlii:oonairt on ,Tuesday evening is en' Oiriatittantntitjapt,wa;baniall a Imps and two A'atniattaf: Al 7, Clortl4l,, 1 3° 10° 1 as 9b6.1!140T Anniversary Week in New York. The anniversaries of alciumbetof t . ho leading national Bible, Tractkind litstiCtiarY' gdete ,ttoo. irorOluring the present week, Y javi a great-many Of , the active spirt connected with:--these! organizations kayeaiready Snared to that city from all parts orthe country, lo bir-in-,attendince.' The liberality with which these septettes are sus tained, is a striking proof of the generosity of the American people ) and the cheerfulnees - with which - charitable and religions associa tions are sustained in the absence of all laws making suctkeontrilostions compulsory, Their "siktiaties ,shoW :that during the lest twenty yearg, from r turenty=tive `to thirty millions of do)lp:rp have tieeit contrillited to sustain fiktheir'OPenitidis: The kites, during that period, have been aPprOpritited as follows Te 'the . ; imeriiim ' Society, • $ 6,612,- 120;. to the `AMerlean Tract ' Sodety. 853.488 I to the Atriericaii Board . of Foreign Mashies 46,689,988';' to the' kerne - illsSion: ary'52,698,895; 'to 'the roreign Board of Presbyterian' lifiesions; 52;206,407 to the BaPtist Home' Mission' Society; $616,: 949; to the Colonization Society,-$692,926i theta) 'liberal contributions, whiCh are entire.: iy in d ependent theiminense 'soma annually Paid by:the members of independent ehureheti; to 'maintain the' religious `organizations with Which they are immediately connected, indi- Cate the existence of a deep-seated feeling of lbhilstlari benevolence and generosity in our country, ' which cannot be too highly spore:. dated. The men whit receive these sums; and Who, from 'positiOn," . and the Confidence -entertained. in them ' by the ChristiarC community,' are enabled •to di= pact the movements of these various socie tlea; hive upon their shoulders a weighty re- Isponsibility. The charitable emotions of a nation Should not be trifled with, and their *Oluntati offerings Should be most sacredly, donscientiouily; and wisely "appliid to the Promotion Of_ he objeds contemplated by the donors. • -W e are not sufficiently familiar with the Operattoria Of the nocietlei to know how far this is done ; hut in many instances, we have no doubt, all the just expectations of the • contributors are fully realized. mother cases, it is to be feared that the disposition to enjoy lucrative positions, large' salaries, and com fOrtable livings ) , is occasionally 'manifested, and that Much precious Money is wasted in thin Way: The efforts, too, to divert some of :thesozseeleties .from their original purposes, amito'conVert them 'into auxiliaries of polill dal 'parties.or one-idea reform movements, is also an unfortunate one, which cannot be too strongly reprobated. , ' „' Academy' of Music. .tionisettre opera of "La Favorite." was per- I formed last night, to a not crowded and not very enthusiastic boos. But it was well performed. I:lsseaniga, who was attired richly and tastefully ,(as usual), woren Mary Stuart head-dress, which betome her so well as to make her appear almost Well -looking. As an instance of the cape°e of au, 'Canoes, we marnote that the beautiful solo, 0, 3/110 Fernando," which Geszaniga sings most ad pitiably, was noienooied,! She vies very sucoess throughout, particularly in the finale of the third'Aot, with Blatant, Morena's, and Da braid. Li the last Act, where her dratiatio power Caine into fall play, she was moat artistioal end ,effective. As the lover, Signer Sagami' was good—but not decidedly better than many of his predecessors. His voice has considerable power, bat is under bad management in the upper notes, Above a certain height he,is uncertain. In the loiter rioter his voice is full, expressive, 'and tuneful. 'He does 'not warble, as. Brignoli often did, with groat et 'feat, but he has a better general voice,ls not awkward or clumsy, and has a fair ideni of noting. • (IR the whole, he is far preferable to 'Brignoll= . who, dramatioally speaking, wee a decided ' s ti c k Signor riorensa,.es the king, bad a great deal to do in the first three anti. He waswell received, and encored, in, tot two; with Bessaniga, in the driet;',”Alt l'altro ; ardoi." He was decidedly 00; alio; in the finale of this and the folinahig act, ~ We 1111 We-to assure him' that,.in the ilfolo of his Stage wardrobe, he cannot have a pair of pantaloons more ant :Morning than those which he wore last night. ‘ They were of red and *hits striped, zebra lkiblon, and', not unlike the alternate ,stripes which are seen at the candY4tell rni,„the stepsneer ouiown office.- • • - <•.Mfrtha''. is to be repeated "this evening. ,We helm that Cerl "Niwwies'wol Sing his ,gert in tbe semi hingt4i ae,the (Aber perfortnesn,use: ; Haroutr, auto, Haps, Bootwer.—The ~reethom World will leavaila . Very greattrent this evening'. /Duty teem . - atop ofit. *thin ad* memory; (for Her Heakonim, who saarrled• "The',,Bea,"- and many Otters' Of Barry CornWnlys spirited-lyrics, "to. bimodal mule This evening the *H. Bcolety,prielime. tide truly, noble °retort). it the Musical Pond Hall. In drat/Milo power and of fecal!. ranks next to a The Orsatlein " and "The idesslet.". The ttoomipanimants will be rendered Complete by. the • performance of the Germania trolostra, whiob has been engaged for.thia ow:a eon. - We venture to premise the lovers of made a rare tilet on thi s ' , , . opruaoriov Paboisantrit.—Ae the COUunitudon eriappo' reeetvo subscriptions to the °bpi kal Moak of the Thirteenth mid gifteanth•streets Passenger Railway Company wore 'proceeding to open the books for that'prirpose, at 372 South Third attest; thie Morning, a'gang of rowdies and Wilting rushed in, took poireadon of the table and room, and, under protest of the commiaelonerr, Proceeded by force, tumitke subscriptions to the stook, which, of course, are inyalid.7;Evenirtg.Tourna/. _ BY MIDNIGLIT MAIL. . Letter frier!) a Occasional: , (Correspondence of The „ WASIIINwrox, May 9,1859. :Nervous anxiety- affects the mind administrative relation ;to the existing complications of Direpean,-!affsirs. Combinations .are forming of powerful nations which, in case of [Rumen upon their own ehttres, may..sttempt to dictate to us of the New World. The terrible truth that, in-a moment of puerile anger, and'to punish the -free people of Betke county, who had spurned a false and unworthy representative, the lion. Jahn G. Jones was appointed to a poet demanding the I exercise of faculties of the highest order, does not In the least quiet its . tropldation. Poor jelatt ! Ile drove a slow coach art chairman of the CoMmittee of Ways and Means, and now the avenging ,fnries have again pounced upon him. Count Buol, and the count Cavour, and Count Wilewski;lna Tend Cowley, may talk of the Peace of Westphalia, and the lesigues -- of the P6wers to deolde upon the 'European equilibrium, but they , might, for any underitandlng on the part of ,the profound (Caney, oranyinformation''and protection to us, 'attempt to reach his intoned through the hist lartguitgn.of the East.- Alas! the statesman whose, birilillace was the broad and 'deeptlowing watere .of the Conestoga river now dude his bed upon thorns and thletlee.. ' Wut. D. Reed, U O. Commissioner to China, is expected to, return" tomorrow in the steamer Persia. ~ Mr. Buobanan is elated that Gore Oneelees sharp:presttlee in Central America halt been in part repudiated , by the Derby Cabinet. Just enough, however, has been repudiated and enongh retained, to keep diplomati on the qui vine and the question an open one., _ ' •' • Since Brigadier General. George Wethington Bowman 11110 the two proprietor of Superintendent of PAIN 'Printing and proprietor and editor of 'The pOititutioii, It is well to leek` at the Asko he subjechshiraself toirtyiew of the law and the action of- Conway. , It has been enacted time and again that ne one person' under-the Government shale hold' more than one office It is the express' law now: :nit, Constitution; es the gun, is sopped with, the rich, morsels Of printing for theltreetitive Departments. - It is the reward (Or the fulsome eulogies of the Administration, and the Urea : bitterness of, invective against the men who oppose - , thy establishment' by Congress: of a slave code for the Territories, which Soli SO thick and sluggishly from the fen of the quondam milt -tory hornet the Bedford Gazette. 'Dam Superin tendent of Public Printing he has the examination and auditing of his own accounts. For instance : Brigadier' General George Washington Bowman, as proprietor of The Union; iduis The Oariatitution, - .leArdirvi to print a eiroular,ln be, sent privately to all politicians now, sick with hoist deferred, 'that' if they will stand up to the treaoheriand extra:tiageriOes of the Administration,. they ma y 'expeotapiPintinentil as marshes and deputy mar shale to take the omens Of 1869. circular is to be paid for as a departmental document . Well, `ivhen' The bill is sent in—the United Rebels of Althilea, ;debtor '.to Brigadier . General George Washington' Bowmen—the mime Brigadier 'Gent rid George Washington Bowman, es Superintend ent of Public Printing, audits' and allows the bill. And-whatever of dissension -may,distraot the De niteratio ranks; the . unaalm4 between the pro praetor of The CenTitititlion,and.the Superintend tent of -Public _Printing Witt- be unbroken. • The eympOthetio'harmorty will be refreshing. Bat the Only dritirback to thistle° family management i s in the'faot that it mud pass review next session, under the eyes of l an Opposition Committee OF, Printing: _ _ 9ceasloltat. - FIRST PAGX.--00nrt _ammonia l 6 ; lietter'from Ef„l.)isolialow.; hliraoulook Escape ; Sinking of the iiteshOrJidob Traber ; (treat .Fire at Pitts. berg ; . Word'Peintiog :The. Courts; The City ; ctigtohistiou of City 001}h011a 4 170Vorii Perjr ! .—, Mar*. intelligaloo• ' ' • ' • 'BRADMAN-11A TUESDAY, MAY lb, 1.856. Letter from 4 ' TOUChBtO46•" (oorraspondeaseyst Ttie4yess.i, _ I VAftlll7ol li t May 9, 1859. Mi. GibiiiiTitYlOr,',Of Breeklys, Now York, has bsen diffalipOintedi,'L.lfijiatOtOt been appointed CoarnlissionerofPeta'ntf/t'noi'willhs SO abroad, I imagine, ache Imeleasieed to. be reported, to . ooier his disgust at net enceisiding to, the Patent Off ce. proliabliworked' over.muoli for the plaiie, and left nothing to be dope in the shape, of alleglanee to the President: fern'the future. This was most Unwise, and I was espeoially strut* with the fulsomeness and uselessness of. Mr. George Taylor's suisidnity..in, adulation on,more 'than one occasion: Re ensiled it into Placielf where' polities; had no business. -Ke intrudedttunoerenfontOnsly - ; into the midst of more intellectual pursuits; and I remember the disgust of hie hearersln my imMe diste.neighborhood at the Art Festival here, when, taking advantage ofza polite „invitation to speak, he delivered a stump oration-of course, " utterly unprepared," as he had the foolhardiness to say—, on Mr. Buohanan and his Jove for, art, and pro- Motion of its interests: , = ' It was all no go Besides Mr. Taylor's ovary anxiety for the Moe, another New Yorker was re commended for the Indian Otilots; so, es My. !Nobs non could not give both places to the Bmpiroßtato,, or one to, both of the iopresentailvea, thereof, ha did not, give one td either; but made, his nolo° . from almost the extromes of the repu blic, giving the ledian Moe to Judge Greenwood, of Arisen eat, andihe Patent 'Office to Mr.. Bishop, of Gni: neotlont. ' 5 • .5 •`: . - • As to Mr. Taylor's going abroad, save at his own expense, doubt it exceedingly, y rumor be tree, someni the senses, with those ,- mentioned above, . which .militated against. hie 11 claims" for the Cemmissionership of ,Patenti will also preVent the President from giving him any other oineitti posi tion., That le, theY ought. • The other 'lkTeti'Yorker aforesaid; Mr. Israel Hatch; Isla the city, and is, secording to rumor, offered some ofiloial position. What it is hos not, transpired. On all sides, it Would seem that poor George Taylor is in danger of being thoroughly ahtquatulated. • • • - • • • - Hon. W. 13. Bishop it a young man, it lawyer, avit engineer, and politician, qualifications, it would seem, peonliarly well suited to a proper drecharge of his new duties. He had the repute tien,during thoLeoompton battle, of sympathising very much with Douglas and the National DS- Mooney, but be certainly made a speech in the House of Representatives on the opposite side, and nearly the only one an. the Administration desks which brought down the galleries, which It did. It attracted considerable attention here, as well as in Oanrieotient, and no doubt had considerable infinenoita heating the Dsmooraoy of that State; and handing it to the Republioans. -• Mr. bishop is f undoebtedly a man of talent; and I am rather astonished .that the' Constuutiiim doed , not .actompany the , °Moist announcement of his appointment pith any notice. ...te- it beeausa the speech aforesaid helped to divide and defeat the Demooraoy of Conneatiout ? By the bye, the Constitution has not yet done calling, the Democracy of Pennsylvania a faction, The very magnanimity shown by the Convention at Altoona is made the subject of a steer. The Press is regarded as the organ of a faction, and you (John W. Forney) as the arch•factionist. This is nothing new ; ,but the stupidity of snob boYhat blundering on the part of " the organ" was brought to my mind by referring to a speech made by Mr Buchanan in 1828.. It was - on the mission, after the independence of the Booth Amerfean republics, and was alluded to in correction of a paragraph in the Intelligencer there anent a few days ago. The Constitution skipped Over a few lines, whioh are peculiarly ap• plioable to its official treatment of the Democrat'', opposition. Mr. Buchanan, in, Congress, April 11, there said, " Do gentlemen expect to carry every. thitta in this House which may be proposed by the Executive, merely by attempting to brand the opposition with the name of faction? I trust that snob Is not their intention. I feel certain if it be, they wilt be disappointed." Insert counts's; for the word '; Bowe," and the question is quite as applioable now as when Mr. Buchanan put it—indeed much more so. Nor is the anticipated result less true for being said by Mr. Buohanan nearly a quarter of a Century back: ' Cashing thinks that the vote on the amendment to the'Coristitutian,whieh takes place to-day in Maseachueetts, whatever the remit may be, must have a good afoot. To amend the Con• atitntion 'of Massachusetts, the proposed amend• meat scrod pace through 'two successive State gielaturee, by a two-third vote, before it is offered to the people. The amendment offered for the popular :vote to-day bee undergone the ordeal in the I,egielature, and_probably will have a popular "majority, though of this Misiachusette politiolaMf are net quite certain, It 'Naas Intended by the - Know-Nothings "and Republicane : as,' a, :for obvioin 111440M1, against the Ofittellee ant Irish; 'but- they—at. least the Repitblicani— forget that the .Germans; great nuinliers-of 'whore ore not Democrats, n.ere forsigneto by birth; wad :that the law, whilst Would exclude the Trials twin rgag, for: two yeau snot: their natorolizittotc imsadmeaE should beatiolied% "wilt be the praotioal victors; ' and their Rota- Sourness must create a wholesome Democratic re &attest. f-• ' Cushing determiledly opposed the 'invasion of the Oonstitntion in troth Legislatures, and is abonk to issue in unique Mid portable clip, bis on tbese ocoallone. Per the honor of hts State, hi desires to Li the onus of tbe deed on iltoso'wki conceived and perpetrated it. Wilier's letter in reply to the States and Tri. tune is the talk for the want of any other exalt. .meat. In my last a typographical error cowed Thi name of William Dews, editor of the Irian News is printed Dawe—a name suggestive enough of gabby politiolan but not suitable at all to a qule man of letters like the one in question. • The New York•Tribuns of Saturday, May 711 has three paragraphs in its "Political" an • " Personal" columns taken tierbatsm ad litercilif from my last letter in tho Press, without an acknowledgment to "Touchstone' or the Prea I would not mention it but that in the sea columns of gleanings, credit is given to tt Washington correspondents of other papers, tl North American inoludpd, , Tom THE LATEST NEW , BY TELEGRAPH. From IVashiogton WaeIGNOTOS May 9 —There la such information{ Washina.on es warrant the belief that the time of .! pettlement of our affairs with Cotta Rica le not far tact So far, the Water Witch and the linHorrors the ca Vessels to be pent to the Gulf of Mashie, and 1,11 cannot be immediately derpetobed, as they are 1 !lonely to be overhauled and repaired at Norfolk. ..,.The State and War Departments to-dly made up N I loatrnollone for lash. Gen Johnston will, boreal Welt the orders of the Governer before sailing ou,t{ troop! to sot as a poses sestinas.; to said the a ante° Dies in the enforcement of the law. The 1 4 mister Gereral hen made a decision in the bide for , thiltforuis mall service, but be &lines to runtish, Information (or the distant press ,The Southwark Horse Company's motion - . -' Seams, Ps., May 9 —The Southwark Hose. of PI arrived et - Bethlehem et noon, whore were 'wired by the Perseverance Bose Comp • that place .While detained et Both'ehem4 ewe the departure of the t mom train, the Southwark i pony and their snort formed in procsesion and through' the principal streets. The vieklters greatly admired, and their carriage received the W est commandatiinui After" partaking of a dinner Eagle Hotel. the gusto were Ulm obeige •b . Easton fire department. • , They arrived hero at three o'clock, where they received by the entire Are, department of Sul°. escorted through the pi-heist streets of the oft collation followed, and the.Southwark Company provided With aaeommodations et the'Prenklin A grand bell fa given this evening in honor • 'letter's. They are the spealeVgnesni or the P Soso Company of this city. the members of whi. doing all in their power to return the courteal tended to them seven year* ego by the Boni 1 Hotel Pimpany, when on a visit to Philadelphia The welcome addict's. on behalf of the tiremai althea' of Beaten, was delivered Me afters Centre equate, by S• L. Cooley, Ric. Mr. Kah l Philadelphia, responded. Belsaralthoneand renew were preterit. 4 Further from Mexico. ISINTSTIM }ft/MIS'S VISIT TS lIIISATIFLA sew Onneens. May 9 —The sdriees from If Iniq brought by the steamer Outmode.leo*, ere p th re .The United States sloop-of-War Itrooklynarri Idlnetftlan on the let inst., with Mr. Meted. th ted States minister, on au ofßotal cleft to ,/tr.; .the United States consul. Me. !defame had pablieted an import* let fending the United 13tite0 from the char toe 'ln the protest leaned by the Miratnoteenventnel . • , Antval of the United ,Sabine ,Stateer,F Nsw YORE, May 9 —The United 84401 13ablne' flag °Maar, Wm. Shubriok, fromNont March arrived title afternoon, hating the Hon. 1. B Boutin, enable secretary, Aran who return after haying ettaceillia In the died minton—a , mow:dilation between this ^mu Paraguay, " Steamer off Cape Hari. Sr JOHNB,NBWVOIINOLAND May 9.—i Fee ..1 pollei'to'be the Kengeroo, which left User , 27th nit., peened Cape Raab on Bitlitdalf It 6 , dates have been sottelpated by the Anito-IM rived this secretor at Q001:40. NOthing Win been 111650 Of the Persia ; cut sh bly pissed Ow Rake In the ntght - The Georgia Lotterits. BAVANSig, M.Sy 9 —The 0150 nitwit others, awned with the Illegal vending- o' •tioicets, - aomnienacd here toldey. The d. counsel moved to digested the fodlatraser—firs the otteeas chtrged being not technlatlita a , jest to Indictment; edoond. because th ere was , odor„ Moons, Toombs, Bteelsends' and Jee l vesred for the derendents. The oonrt will theca Refute to-rderroW.' New York )I3,oard of Broke • New YORK. key 9 ...Air. ws. president of that:Wird et Brokers this warn other officers of the board are the wale se th yen. , New :York Bank Statemen rimy. Tenziliter o.—The blink Advt..) `week ending Saturday shown the following Inerease In Loans -- Decrease in Specie Lioness) of Otroulatlon Degrees* of let " '• ' ' • • :nu nays Later from Europe, ARRIVAL OF STEAMSIIIP'OO6-SAXON: 'THE CRISIS STILL CONTINUED, • Wilt NOT NET DECLARED.- FRENCH TROOPS -11( SARDINIA, Rumored Alliance Between France and Russia. Now French Loan of 500.000,000 Franca .P.i.JVIC - 1W TER IxOJNE]N :111.41.11KET GDEAT , DECLINE: IN CONECOLS COTTON DOWN -BIIIIADP TOMS - AND PROVISIONS lIP. gonna. Ms) , 9 —The steamship Anglo.lason has arrived with Liverpool Mites to the 27 It nit., three deys later than the advicee by, the Niagara The oriels in Europe continue, but there has been no declaration of war yet by Auetria. Console have iteolined to 11%891 for, money a There bee been a farther deeline'd lid iu cotton Itree'detnin and provision!' are tending upward. [B6OOND DIBP MU ] gonna°. May S —The despatches reeelved by the Angla-Sox , n state that there has been no ai , nal denim tion or war as threatened by Austria, and that•Au+trla bad given Sardinia fourteen days longer to disarm and disband the volunteers It in rumored thatlfrenee and Bonnie have entered in to an alliance. offmsive and defensive The Prefab troops are *leo said to be entering Sa.- dinle. A Prenek loan 'of dee hundred million fiance is an nounced. The rumor of an alliance between Prance and Ru+sta hat eaneedi pante in' the London ;money r 150E4. and nnde. its, effect Consols had detained to 91.®54 for money and amount. ' The London money Market le Pllghtly.lsl2nre strirgent and entire. It was expen'ed that the Bank of beard would advance its rases of discount' _Consols fell up ward+ of two per cent on Wednesday The-. wan a material *dives napes( and York, for which the market w• e quite active. EZE= @Maga hies , 0 --The stesulebies Aloe, Esogittol, Perei►, end Welk Scotian bad all arrived out. Rerdinla reuPed to the Airdrie* ultimetum on. the 24th nit., but the result had not been dtvn , ged The Aunt•len troops were expected to muse the Ticino at every moment. att,hototi It le reported that the Em peror bed +greed to another proposed mediation. The French troop+ were ente•ing pledunot. (treat Warlike' activity prevailed throughout Prance. The (levee Legisiallt met at Pails no the 6th tilt., to receive the Onvernment estement of the present coo. dttion or streire Count Welewekt made a etatement, throwing all the blame on hestria. The Vroool , contingent of troops for the year is to be rated to 140 000 Ragland, Pineal& and Russia have each protested against the conduct or Austria towards Flardinia. The reported alliance offensive and defensive. be tween "hence and ,Raesia, wan concluded on the 22d nit Thle announcement has caused the greatest ex citement. The Britieh channel fleet has sailed with sealed cle an% but its destination is reported to be the Adnatio • It le rumored that the libels :awe wee of loglend la to be embodied In anticipation of that country beim: lerioly.d In the impending war The Sardinian (Member has invested Ring Victor Emmanuel with the powers of Dictator. The ootnroanders of the W:erch army hero been *a non- aed Pe'heeler 10 commander-fn-abler of the army of observation. Th. Garman Diet has decided to keep the ,prinoipal Federal contingents ready to march, and to arm the Federal torts. The London Exchange and Parte - Bourse are in a greatly Clotted condition, and prices experience the most 'o'ent fluctuation's At Paris, on Tueeday. the three-ner-sont motes were quoted at 62f. 90c., a decline of 4f. Tao. since the pre. sinus Thursday, when they opened at 67f. 050. -The Indite mails hare arrived at London with Cal -butte dates to March aid, and Hong Kong to the 12th. At Calcutta imports were sketive - at higher rates. Exchange on England 4s Bd, „ At Shanghai Impede were doll, but the prices of tea continued Arm. • GRIIAT BRITAIN Jet tins Lord Maimed" Fatter banquet, the earl of Derby. In • speech. mentioned the feet that withto twelve boors after the British Cabinet knew of the corpse which Austria had deelded upon, they lostructed their ambassador to protest emphatically spinet any step which he (Berl Derby) linarecterised am precipitate and criminal, and he farther stated that on that very day (gaoler) England bed offered to sot Pe mediator' He conetuded by repediating the idea that that be bed' a with to aide with either of the bell gerente, and ed. yocating sett - let armed neutrality Sir John Patingtoo, In • speech made on the Came 6eiasion, mid that, In eve of war. eqeadtoes Powerful umough to uphold the dignity of England would be found within the Mediterranean sod Pinglieh Channel: Lord Jsbn Hamel'. In addre , elog a meeting of oleo tors in London, made epeeist ref reties to the Italian question. He said be felt certain that Boglandle' only sere course was to keep bonertlf and strictly r antral. He protested against the predilectinn for Austria evinced by Lord Derby and Mr Dierrsall. Lord Derby, to his Batter epeeoh, in referring to the last mesenre of England to the interest of poser, by Pitmen to act ea msdhitior, explained that the iroveen, meat had just despatetigff to Vienna and to Paris a Joint, representative. offering to take upon the part of Bag lend alone mediation at the point at whieh it was left by Lord Cowley, and endeavor to arrange the difficulties, atkilect to one of these two condition,: either on the hinn , diate. &Witte; and simultaneous disarmament of the three Powers, or the content, on the part of all, pending the result of the mediation, to retain their armies precisely in their present condition, and to Maintain a position, if not o' peace, at all events of if:motion. The London Post, of Wednesday says, that the whole militia of the United Kingdom was to be embodied forthwith. .I . PANIC ox , "ntson.—The 231 was nominally a holiday on tle London Aachen., int Rood deal of business was nncinclally transacte d. Koch demist°, prevailed, and coneole exhibited &decline of one per cent. Oa tbe 26th tbe war panto mode further proirreßo. Much excitement crayoned and consols fell to e3®93 j, being a farther decline of X•Cer cent, • On the 28th midden and extensive fluctuations (m -ooned, end an eXtraordtaary degree of excitement was - toaDireeted The fall received a decided cheek, owing to tbe report of Aorta% having agreed to ottepeakber threatened attack for fawn...a days; and there wk.. • • .0 . 1 . r eeat, e bat Mont bete of Olio the demand for money Was Itiereasinig. ' • ' On the Petit llooyse, on the Rat, there was eonetde. table fluotaatten, and the three per cent* closed at dif re. On the 25th, there was great depression, and the Owing rates showed a fall ottwo percent, On the 26 h, the excitement continued, and early In the day there wee arradrance of more than X percent. but a relapse comrred, and the market dosed at the limes of the reynnie day—eifiXl3. FRANCINI. At the meeting of the Leg Weir Oorps, pout We. lewski read to the Chambers au sepal:Men of the ne- Notiatione which had taken plats, saying that if the &taperer nude war it would be because he had been conetratned to do ro b• the aggressive conduct of Austria. Re also seta that every possible cowed's*. Lion has been need by France to avert the calamity of war. general Nell bad left Parte on the 24th for hie coin mend. The Parris 1111111 the Emperor and Prince Naroleon would )sere on Wedoeeday to form the army Pour tbc mood troops bad arrived at Toulon to form a MUD. The Porta 211oniteur 0.131101111005 officially the followlog dicooattleck of the French army: /Marshal Magnin re mains commander of the army at Parte. The Doke of Malakoff will be commander•in•chief of the army of observation. . . Marshal Outsname, oommaader•ln-ehlet of the army et Leone. , - Oonet de Morey expressed the hope thank war ehould flame it would ba conflo.d to Italy. Menthe Brunner commander of the first corps (Pommes of the Alpe ; General Marabou, com mander of the second corps; Hershel Canrobert, of the third ; and General Neil, of the fourth. Prince Napoleon commend.' the corps of pioneer'. Germ] Bandon will be major general of the may ot the Alps. ; • The regiments which had quitted Paris for the frontiers were most euthusiseticaily cheered by the people. BAILDINTA Piedmont despatches, received at London the 26 , b, otated Shit the Austrian troops would enter Piedmont on that day In three divisions The Piedmonteee were to defend themselves at Beale, and there await the arrival of the Preach. A dempateh from Turin states that the Ring and the Chambers 'would attend religions ceremonies *Who Cathedral on the 27th and thn Rios was to depart im• mediated, with hie staff for Alexandria. It tothat The King Victor Emmanuel el command the army in person. The yore In the Pardinian Chambers investing the Ring with dictatorial powers stood 110 to St. The London Port complains that tbe policy of the Blueish Cabinet had forced Prance Into an alliance with Rosati - • A despatch from Vienna asserts that th . e Preach troops I bat already violated neutral territory. It was *leo anroanord tbat,the French troops had arrived at amen. and entered the Sardinian territory. - The Imperial (hard of France had been plated on a war footing. It is reported that the French Minister of Marine bee sent ordains to all the !respects of France, forbid• ding the departure of any more boats for the deep sea fishing, ea a measure reparatory b enlisting their crew', in the French navy. The question of the Regency of France wee Ref Med., I The Prince Jerome and the Empress were spoken ot. Viotti had advanced in France two chilling per rack. 'I AUSTRIA.. The MUNI Vienna Gazette publishes & nowt Wilda. tion, calling on Piedmont to reduce IN army to a puma footing, disband her volunteera, and within threo days to give a positive ariew4r to those requirements, threat eniog, in case of refusal, a resort to arms The French Legation at Vienna has been ordered to quit the Austrian capital as soon as the Art‘trian army crones the Ticino, which was hourly expected. , Rosela bas mobibrd four corps d'armeg, two of 'whic are to be advanced toward Austria and the others ..tbe Prandan frontiers. . The 'London Times of the gOtb, speaking of the Paseo Wench alliance, says that,thie Is meet startling, , changing in a moment the whole aspect eolith:mote( affairs; - - _ The Russian llovernmeat bad resolved to pbvii the corps under General reader* on a war footfin, het not to advance so iohg re Germany refraina from taking lotion. Otherwise, a corps observation would be placed on a war footing. num& The Austrian eorrespondence nays that the Pruastatt Cabinet hid received previous information touching the Austrisoluittorittim to Bardfola, and that therefore her, faithful adherence to the union with Anita% is hoped for. HOLLAND. At Amsterdam, on the 20th, there ~u an extreoril eery PcU of six per cent. In Andrinn metslllgnes. A the Oontinental Bourses were much exalted. GERMANY. In the Diet, at 'Frankfort, on the 231, the propoeal of Presets to keep Mee prlrolpal federal nontlngenta In readiness, and to take all the nores.ary dope for arm ing the federal fortresses, was agreed to. NAPLEA, • • Lneturbanoes had occurred at Naplen, followed by linnets. . . A.detees from China say that Lord Elgin had sailed for }gland. - It no elated that the Court of Pekin atilt ()proem the ad miF6iol:l of the - English embalm ador At Hong , Hong, exehange wan quoted at .44 84 Im• porta were very active. at advanced prime, at Shanghen. Tea was very firm, and Bilk was dearer. Exchange, ne 9,lideoes 3d. The Calcutta mall of the 221 March had reached London. The Before and Nana had gone down to the Nepan frontier with 8.000 men. Another attempt to produce a mutiny among the Sikh troops bad been discovered at Lahore. The Calcutta import market was active and higher, owing to the Increase In dirties Money was easy. change 2s ld for bank bilis. Freights better. Commercial Intelligence. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET.—The Palen -4 the two days, Monday and-Tuesday, wore 0,000 bales of • which 2,000 were on speculation and •for export The market closed dull and wader; and eoma Bone quote a partial destine of MC • Otero & quote Or leans Middling 7lid ; Upland do IV , LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MAYIRED.-6 sties firm; ! Pote Btem3le 6d; POST'S Die 6d. Rosin dull At 4, for common. Sugar steady, Coffee' firm. Rice firm. Spirlbt Turpentine flrm at 4.3 s LIVERPOOL BRRADeTLIPPB MARKET —There had been a considerable edema in Breadstuff& Rich ðos, !Verne, ib Co , report Flour buoyant at an ad vance of om9d i and quote American - 1 0 018 s. Wheat also buoyant, at an advance of &I; Western Rod To. ite 9d; do White 94108 ; Southern White' lOrelle. 0011 buoyant, and advanced 2033 yellow Oa olm as 54 ; white 7e 5,107 s It LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET.—Beet was buoyant ; andln large speculative demand at an adTapie •• • • of 53 Pork also buoyant at an advance of Ts ddi rod American els qaotad at 80a 13 40on arm. lard quiet at Ms for prime. and Ms fo• extra. Tallow soilvanot dis ; 13orohete , aellino at 56a Bt. BTATEI OP TR I DH—Thu whites from Manchester 'tie nota'vorab'e. 'I here was but little it quity for gaols, rts id prior* were *eat, with a slight decline In some dues. , LONDON 'SIABERTS...-Wheat had advanced labile: . Rego 'steady,' Gana quiet. Rice firm. Tallow tda lid: awed Olt 281 52. i,LONDON MONEY , Tim demand for Jamey continued quite active, sod the market - .woe quite stringent It wee expected that the bank. would advance itti rate of discount. Qoneole elesed on Tuesday at 943 for money and so count. They bad tonoh.d e• 1 -w as mg. LATEST. jdynnyooL, Wrdnetwel , —oottorn irregular/ with a Might - decline on all quantfes. , Riehardson, rponcs & Co , quote wheat buoyant. and holders demanding a further &lemma of lidodd. - 'Pro - riotous steady at the advance. . town tt Wednesday.—.l panto hag beervereated In the money market by the annorturnment of the Res in French alliance. and console auddenly felt to 91X 002 both money and account., , • STILL LATER! The Adelaide, at St. Johns. N. F. THE IMPENDING WAR! Official Announcement of the Passage or the Ticino. HOSTILITIES COMMENCED. Reported Acceptance by Austria England's Mediation. The Russo-Franco, Alliance Dented, but the Provisions of the Treaty Pub lished In the London Times. PROCLAMATION BY THE KING OF SARDINIA AUSTRIA'S 1.11/1161ATEM. AN , INSE , T-1118 BE JOINDER MADE IN DISDAIN. THE FRENCH TROOPS IN- ITALY PANIC ON LON DON 'CHANGE FAILURE OF FORTY BROKERS WARLIKE PREPARATIONS IN ENGLAND. Steamere Chartered for the Conveyance of • • • Troops. Cotton Declined 1.4n3-8. Consols 89a89 1-4 Fe. JOIINS, N. P., May 9.—The Mesmer Adelaide, from Galway, With datee"to the 30th1 lt., artleed Nate afternoon The' steamer Hammonla, from New York arrived out on the 29th ult. The newe is moot trot:orient. There has been no de claration of war, but hatill'ies were about to am. mace. The ,Anetrian ops, 120,000 atrt ng,, have passed the Thole°. The crossing of the Ticino river by the Austrian troops bed notyet been ofilsially Confirmed. • No atrial conflict had yet taken plea. • The Prone army tree pourlog into the Iledmontese terrPory. The Grad Duchy of Tammy had j aimed Prance and Piedmont against the dustrisee. The report of the French-Bateslan alliance has been dented, hut a en offset the London Times publishes the previa one of the tveages which are geld to hrve been enter , d into br these two Governments The benefiaial effect which wee produled by the denial on fends, wee injured by the publication, and a great panic on the London 'Change, was the malt; Comm a at one time were nutted en low as H. In cossequenes'of three natation*, and hazardous specu lations, lkb (nit forty' foliates among the otock brokers are announced: THE WAR CEUHB It bad beau telegraphed from varinue sources. that daring the night of the 20th of April, 300,000 Austrian, under Gallei eroased the Ticino, in throe corps, and took the road towards Novara. Also, that they after wards blew up the bridge of Burden, over which the , bad creased. This news, se yet. lacked confirmation from officio quarters, and some doubts were thrown on it. It MU reported that Austria has accepted the proffered mediation of England, and poatyoned the declaration of war . Prance had not yet aecepted the mediation. Mit to raid to he considering it. The Ccnstitutionnet of PATIO, and Deify News of London. deny the existence of thb reported alliance between Trance and Feuds. The News farther matte that the document which hue been signed, and which led ,to the report, le' s mere Convention. The London Times proposes to give the arothilarie of the treaty. and draws the most threatening consequen ces, regarding the alliance as `menace to Eugland. in asmuch as P null' guaranties the services of her fleet in the Mediterranean and Pattie, in addition to the army of rbeervation or tie Audit/in frontiers The King of Cordials has fumed an inspiriting rno etamatton to the array, saying that he regarded the Ott motam of Austria se en Walt, and rejoined to it with disdain' The (lovernmenthas chartered the Cunard steamer Etna and otbermessels to convey troops and ammuni tion to tine Mediterranean: nirrOtA preset'of'a proclamation being atont to be hunted ceiling out twenty thousand men for the nary War premiums are being generally r demanded at Lloyd's. The Preueh trove were landing at Genoa in large numbers, and, were enthusiastically received. V woe Emmanuel hes gone to join the, army at Alersandria. , The Tnecan army celled on the Grand Duke to join Prance and Piedmont, and declare weir against Ana trio. He declined 'ara- fled, whereupon the army de clared a military dicialoteMp Warlike preparationa.were going on tai Ragland and great aottetti,prreettled:as Woolwich. _There are relive movements thron sp.. T` - '77 - 711131 , - fena , fe an , defensive* ttigtranee. , . The Paris Bourse wee eielted, but not FO meet ro at London. Routes deelloed on the 27th, but tees Toned Rl' en the-28th; three per onto closing at 82r. 700. A greet pule profaned in London, and eonsels iluetneted °zee THII LATEST. ply Telegraph from London j Lownow. April 20 —The report that the Austrian troops had atoned the Tido° on the 26th to incorrect They bad received orders to do so, but the order was countermanded, and they remained on the east bank of the river. It is asserted that the advanced poets had been o.oesed, and that the main army would do en on the 29th. The Austrian oiliest jouinal itintains an Important man festo, explaining the necessity of war with Sar dinia. and authoritatively derdee tbe existence of a se c et treaty between Russia and Prance. The shlpPornons from Liverpool for New York, wee wrecked off Wexror d on the 17. h. The crew and nip e of her paaverspore (names unknown) were saved. she had over 400 eon's on board. The lose of life had not been asemtsinid. The Parliamentary elections bed commenced, and were progreeeing quietly. An Anetrian manifesto hat been issued tantamount to a declaration of war. Consols are quoted et 89. OPPICIAL.-130STILITIES OOMMENORD. PARIS, Satnriay.—dustrian troops have crossed the Ticino and commenced hostilities. This intelligence is officially received.. Commercial Intelligence. LivEsrom., April 29.—rotton —The ealee of Cotton for the week have been 80,0*0 hales, including only 600 on speoulation. and 0.500 baits for export. • The deollue in all qualities for the week has reached g as% d. The qtrotabona are very irregular, owing to the Soctmenta I troubles. " The tales to.day (Friday) are eetimated at 4.000 baton, the market c'oeing quiet at the following quota tions : Orleans Voir. Middlings. 7 y Mobile 7k 0% 6X Hplends...., 7,V 03,% The stock of . Ootion In port is 418,C00 bales, including 351.000 bales American, THE BTATO Or TRADE..--The adviosi from Man chester continue to be anfavoralle ; 1111 klr di of goods have declined in price, and brisinese is almost entirely suspended' HAVRE COTTON MARKET. April 28.—New Or ' leans trey ordinuire se quoted at 1015, bay 1011 closing with a declining tendency. The melee of the week bare been 5,000 bales. The Mock in port is 181,000 bales. Livenrekit, April 29 .—Balsoertivre.—The market c'os.e with ao advancing tendency, and quotatioto for all qualities are Walter. Paormsoars.—The market continues to exhibit an advancing tendency for all descriptions Losnow, April 29 —Commie are quoted at 8908914. The Bank of England has advanced the rates of dis• count to 834 per cent. LIVERPOOL DREADSTUFPB MARKET, April 19 Meseta. Richardson. thence, & Co quote Flour buoyant at an advance of.ll since Tuesday, being an advance of le Od percents' for the week Bales at Melds Wheat is buoyant, with a large speculative Inquiry at an ad vance of Odels Mime Tuesday being an adenine of le for tbe week Weetern red la quoted at Vs SilideslOs 9i; Western white lOolgs; Eleuthera 10, Odelas ed. Corn le buoyant, with an advance of ad since Tai S. day ; mixed Is quoted at Os Bditfie Od ; yellow Os 0de71.; white Te PROYISIONS —The market closes active; Pork and Beef buoyant, with a large 'Tentative irquiry, and all qualities acvarmed ; Bacon quiet, but holders demand as advance of leola 61; Lard quiet but firm. at Steen 604 for prime, and efiere62s ror extra In T clime there In also a large speculator, leerily, and it has advanced t 60e. The market clomp quiet. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET, April 59 —Sugar heavy and all qualifies have slightly declined. Coffee' steady. Rice gra, with a large speculative inquiry at °lade advance - Rosin firm, at an advance for all qualities; common Is quoted at 4s 04321. Liplrite _qualities; ,at 42 7 r 3104.61. rld ; and kids -wm de manded at theldoes:' - ' ' Potash closed firm at an advance for all qualities, calm at Ste 6deallis 6d. Pearl Rhea firm at 82S For Tea there is but little inquiry and prime are weak Bark has advanced aliglitiy. Saltpetre had advaeeed 4 , eled. Palm oil be.. considerably advanced. Push olle unchanged. Sperm is quoted 050. TAX LATEST. Livroroot., Saturday, April 80.—Sales of Cotton to day 4 000 bales; quotations are barely maintained. Ricer Zr baoyant ; wheat still satire end tending up. warda; ewes at extreme rates. Corn is buoyant, and all qualities considerably advanced; prince are Is Od higher. Psovlsloas kill advancing. Losood, Aprll 80 —Mess•e, Bating Brothers quote Wheat aa advanced beeBe ; Flour has considerably ad vanced ; Wee at Ha Iron—Welsh rails dull ; Pus are also dull. Sugar—Market heavy. Massachusetts Election. Bono; May 9.—Au election was bed to•Asy to de cide on the proposition made by the last Legislature, providing for an amendment of the Constitution. to debar the foreigmbom citizen from the risht of voting for two years after the completion of his naturesstme. The returns ref:l4nd tram eighty towns show the fol'o wing result: Yeas 121.83 T, nays 8 132 In this city the vote Mood—yeas 8,618, nays 3,896. The indioattens from the vote, ca r r ied ar as received, are that the amendment has been by a large ma bitty. An American Frigate Signalled. Kim Yoer May 0 —An Amerlean frigate hie been /availed balm ehe to nlppOned to bo the Sabine, of the Paraguay eXedition, having on board Commissioner Dentin. Markets by l ielegraph.- 141.111101t1, May 9.—iflocir firm 1, limaard street IS held at $7 ?d bbl, bat there have b.en r o eater§ Wheat firm at $1.70/12 for white, and $1 forsl 70 far ITC Corn dna at 96e870 for white, and MataEto for yellow. Prone one firm. Bacon—Sides 93ie. Mesa Pork stile at $17.25 Whiskey adVanord ; Ohio 80a; city 290 OISOINIfIrI s May 9-4 oar IS intoraut ; sales of 1,000 bbl!, at 16 80a0 90. Whiskey—Faire of 1 050 bble at 200, Bacon bt10) ant, at 70 for shoulders, and 9e for sides. Un k Nuts—Bales of 200,090 ibe at Co for shoulders and 81 for sides. LARGE BALE TETI VEXING, STOCKS, REAL Re. TATE, &0., by ordor of rOrphaas' Court, enenntors, and (Ahern, altogether thirty7elghtpropertlea. Bee Thomas do 'Bons' amphlot oatalogue and adver tisements. W .---- ar Sod T tie Stine* laarlFe,C• i t atzuvrimmt , krlday_. - Is s /:."--! .The Mock markeb.continual , ventAledl, and, at tie GUARDIANS OF TUB PODR.--A dated moat -4 bar' Me morning ifttithee'dalital Prisin - iias very iggSf this body was held yesterday afternmen, at their room, in Seventh strati - above Market—Mi. Hogan in generaillexperlenae,g,' Readjni.Tliallreadrceittelrfo thaeltair. 24 %. Fatty:kill Navigation preferred - to 18%,Penneyl, ' The Sotto total nt ' nuniber'of inmates at the Almshelme on anis Railroad atock , to - 39#4, and =Muth Pennsylvanle day le 2 271 Same time lastyear 3379 ten par oent,boode to. thilM, _The Iniainnes Fet!,..101f7. • • Decrease this year 8 The importations/ continue to Nivel havlpai Aid be - Admitted doting the put elope, 214 ; births, 10 ; Hideo the tonal receipts large qiinUtteg of Again, oi deaths,.26; discharged, 254;d, 40 ; bound out. , tiered anticipatiqo of the MAWS Of war Y . ..4etia tarnished with lodgings, 60; furnished with meals, 137. White so mews garde, 1,149; colored women's do., abroed,_ are on, the WaY. ` - .lla jet the 'Money market -89 ; white meat,. 989; calved 44. shOws signs of change, bat Hie' mealy shiPMerit TheMiters' reports.'with the exception of the First of epeole &bro., moat , tell kistat: and Ninth illstridti, Which were not prevented ware I read, from which we - learn -that 290 Demons were re• dneieg the summer. . head, 4'"6 refumed, and 1432 25 expended. Number of White venom receivine out-dror relief, 349; colors!. do.; 74; foreigners, 218; children, 932; total, 1 818 Th unit soilleatious for reeler were reoeived net aeprepriateiy re f erred The outdoor Cleat, Mr W. B. B g,lby, reported ; that be bat collected $287 of the _emigrant tax, and s2f4 in bond and support ewe, anti had paidthe rum over to the trimmer. - The etewird reported that heliadoollected 28.49. The clerk stated that he had before him the sealed proposals for coal for the ensuing year. Mr. Erropee was unwilliog to enter into ouch a con tract:and thought the port should be heftier the new ;i Board to attend to. A alight disonesion_ensued, after which Mr. Hoopes 'moved to postpone the lubjee• 'until the 4th of July next. ro that the new Board could act upon it. Not agreed to. Mr Brawn asked it the contract wes to be awarded to the lowest bidder. The preatdent ensnared in the affirmative , - - The following were the proposals received 4 . .;- farrileh-' int the 2,600 tons of coal to be del'vered at the elms house wharf : • Henry 'Baker, 82 77 iir2 240" The ; James Csrro'i, 82 84; Audenriod & Rommel. $2 8436 ; Charles M. taylor, $2,93; G. R. Miler(with advance of • freights), $2 91 ; ' / soma limagby, .$2 8); A. A. ' Clarkson. $2 81; J. 11 Centre. $2 79 ; Goo. 0. Mitchell, 22 : Neer. M. Tomah &. Co .$2 ; Alexander Mowery. $2.81 Robert B Corson &On . $3.92 ; Fisher & Rhodee. *3 19: John Galbraith $2 90 ; Alexander Ofoivery, 82.78; W. M. Woolley, $2 86 ; James Mon. tans $319 81r:17oopee moved that the omitted be awarded to James Carroll at $2 64 per too. Mr. Hamelin moved to amend that if the contractor does not iamb's his nourities to the smonot of $11,900 within five daye, that the contract be awn-ded to die next lowest bidder. The resolutton as amended was adopted . - , Mr Brown moved that a person baring no conneetion with the Rouse be appointed to weigh the coal, and ba duty,sworn to do the name correctly Dr. Oilver mwettlo emend that Mr. Walt:why We ferryman, be appointed as a suitable person to weigh the coal. Agreed to. Mr. Refill submitted a resolution that the secretary be authoriaa to advertise for propos:ale for erecting wa ter o'criete in the Children's Asylum. , -- Mr Donley stated that the work was already being done under the superintendence of the committee bay. ing charge of the Children's Asylum Mr. Held anted that the committee had no right to Hire out contracts without Suet submitting them to the consideration of the.board. Mr. Freno stated that it was 'customary for the corr. mittee to authorise such work, but the principle was all wrong. The resolution was lost by s tie vote. On motion of Mr Gamble the matter was referred back to the Committee, of the Oiilidren'e Asylum, Mr Faro snbmitted a resolution prohibiting the etsuding committees from tusking soy farther , eon. tracts for work without the sanction of the Board, Adopted. Mr. Hoopes offered a resolution that Dr. Ward, the amdetant resident phyelelan, be hereby reinstated and Ranted leave of ribeence until the 15th of June. with leave to extend the time until the lit of July. Agreed lile were read, amounting to $8,61166, were ayprettd of and ordered to be paid. Adjourned. . DEATH Or .TOSEPH GLENA.T.—Oar readers , will be pained to hear that Mr. Joseph (Menet died yesterdaYgrierning, at _hie residence, at Oarpenter!s Landing, Gloucester county, New Jersey, of dropsy of the chest. Mr:GlenSt was a Prenobman by birth, and when a mere bey served under Napoleon the Mrs.; in the 'Preach army, and within theiset year or two re ceived from Emperor Napoleon 111 , the St Nelsen Medal which was given to all au- 'toms of the grand army, in whatever pert of the world they may recite Mr °tenet wan a. printer by trade, and when ho first came to Philadelphia, abtut twenty-five yeare ago. he worked at the case. He afterwards married Mn Des champe, who wee at the time extensively engaged in the omnibus business. and assumed the management of the omnibus lines which she owned. He extended the brislings greatly, and wax loogktown as l• the Napole n of omnibus proprietors? , Much of the prosperity of the dtetriet of Wehmond was owing to Mr Gimlet's line of cembee, which he ran, thither-when the dtatriot wee very thinly settled Mr. G. accumulated - a handsome fortune before omit basso became an obsolete !rstitution in Philadelphia. When the Second art Third-street railroad wee pat in operation, his stook was purchased by the company for a large sum. He wee between sixty and seventy years 'of age at Onetime of his death. _ LAYING Or COENES. _STOSE.—TiIe' corner stone of the Portuguese eyncigogue, to be conistractrd on Seventh street, below Areh; wee laid yesterday af ternoon:— The time appointed for the .oeremony wrs f,nr o'clock, but it was nearly Bre before the preemi e Mon entered the eneleaure. A levee number of persona of the Jewish persuasion were In attendee:gee iscindiag many at the lair rex of that denomination, for wboee accommodation a platform had been erected. Pb. de al n for the edifice' Wan furnished by John McArthur, end an of er ejnsgogne lb this city, and will be an orne m t that looelltet,• , - Air. - Jobe Kilgore is the builder, and haying taken intinita -pains:to render the work 2 .' l :flute-Mese, we here no doubt he will gummed in hie undertaking. The aeremonles were commenced by the Rev, Samuel' Moraise, the rabbi of the synagogue, at the ' shove mentioned hour, who made a fervent prayer ,in the Hebrew _ tongue ; - after width, doges of the, Mooning Papers, a number of Jewish documents, the coin of the United States. and the names of the building committee were deyosited In the box, Another prayer was offered up, the lid or the box cemented, and the ceremonies were concluded: OFFICERS Or THE LuteasTrat.—The gaited Steles flagship Lancaster has been completed, end is now reedy for serviee., She will -be hauled Into the stream to-day, and will start in a start time fora oral , * on the Pacific coed. The following la a hat of the MS oers : Comm 'dors, John B. Montgomery ; Captain, J. Rudd; Purser, A: E. Watson ; Fleet Surgeon, Solomon Sharp; Chief Engineer, W. W. W Wood; Lieutenants, A. L 13aldwIn, Henry Rolando, Wm. G. Temple, W. W. Que., Bancroft Gherardl ; Aleletant Burgeon, William 1. Hood ; Chaplain, Chester Newell; Boat swain, .Tames Walker; Pinner, George Wynn rear pester, John 0 Butler; &Amster, William B. Yo unt; Meanie Mate, Acting Midshipmen, Eugene W. W. Watson, lobo A S. 0. Wilmmutt, William J. Per elman, Tbov 0. Cada ; Oaptainis Clerk, it G. Monty; Purser's Clerk. Zeroes W. Heron ;Fist Araistant Ea glneers, Edward D. Ruby. Thomas Willlameon. STADIUM? aesz.—Testerday morning, n man named IPDeritt was taken before Aldermen Cloud, to ' answer the charge o' stabbing his nephew, s young man named Stafford, at the residents of the former, in Phil p I street, below Oxford, on Saturday night last' It ap pears that they bad a quarrel about money matter', when g'PATift We el a Sharp inetrnment and indicted two wounds, one In the auk and the other in the aide of I Shifted. Ihe wounds, though severe, are not con sidered of a &anemone oes - aster,unlesie inflammation should ensue: Stafford was oonveved to his residence, in Second street. above Oxford abut twenty.eix years of age, and bee a wife and one child. MeDerltt was held in MOO beol to *newer at Conn. A PLEASANT Excunnon.—We learn that the Baohelorie Berge Club of this city will start on their contemplated trip to New York city, via Delaware sad Raritan canal, in their barge Linda, on Monday morning next. They will leave their boat-hones at Pairinonnt, about A. Ite , Cod will be escorted down the Schuylkill by the Iris, Atalanta, cad Menanta bargee. The crew Is composed solely of active members of the B. B. C., and their determination to carry ant this undertaking moves Ont.:although not a racing club, they have the necessary wind and musele,aod would prase tough customers in a match with any crew on the river. THE norm - or an unknown white woman, aged %bona fo - ty•Eire years, was found Boating in the rtelaware, , yesterday tnorning, pposite Allsghery avenue,. She Was dreasee la /14 Cli.ret.o4o4l delaina dress, black silk apron, a heavy calico skirt, In which there woo a pocket containing a pair of silver epetto'ss, a penny, and a piece of blue-and-white plaid muslin. She had a straw bonnet trimmed with red Mho., wore a pair of small ear rings, and had a key tied round her nook, Verdlet, round drowned." r CORONER'S CAPES —The coroner yesterday held an inquest on the body of Fame' Gray, who was toned Seeing in the Delaware on Sunday lmt, as before reported. It was at first eupposed,frour certain marks which appeared on hie body. that - he had been foully dealt with, but, after a eareful post-mortem examina tion bad been made, the fury returned a verdict of " found drowned." ' ACCIDENT.—Owen Brannen,eged twenty-six years, fractured his lift anti, yesterday sfternnou, by falling fro v Ik loaded cart which he Wee driv.ax, la the neighborhood or Priem street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth etreets. He was &dm tted to the Fent aylvania Hospital. Swain FIRE.—The alarm of fire shortly after eleven °Wont lees night was canard by the par. tlal burn r g of a one-stery on - ocupledlbuilding, on the wood and coal wharf of J. fitting, at the foot of Queen attest. Damage trilling. New York Stock 800009 27000 II 8 is '74 tow 2000 Taon es TO 92 it 1000 do . 923 E 10000 do 860 Mg I 12000 do 93 - SCOOO Miaow' 62 260 8R V 20009 do 863 i 6000 Virginia es 260 97 Immo do - 97% 1000 111 Cen MU sag Icoue do 260 85)( 1000 Erie R 2d id Bs 81 ' 13000 Rod R 34 Id 7436 25 Paolo 51 8 8 8536 7 5 do 86 1150 do 230 85 00 do 220 85%1 60 do 260 WO 150 & Miee R 6 I Muss are In light request, and steady at $5.75 for both Peoria and Pots. 81.o0it —The market for State and Western Moor has farther advanced 50103 under the news from Barone, with moderate molly a. and sales of 12 000 bode at $4O 620 for unfound; 2108 30 for superfine State;' $8 7007 for extra do; $5 6008 89 for superfine Western; $8 7007 for common to good extra, arid $707.20 for °hipping brands of extra, ronnd.hoop Ohio. Southern Floor Is b.tter, with sales of 8 000 tibia at 08.8007 10 for common and mixed brands, and $2.1089 for eXtra . do Canada Flour is still scarce and nominal at $0 500 . 7 60 for common to choice extras. Ortma.—Wheat has advanced 2e40. with sales of • 22,00) bush at $l. 5001 60 for Western red; $1.6301 60, "for mixed Western; and $1.98 for white Bentucky.' I Corn is better, with salon of 16,000 builiat 920950 for Western mixed and 040953 for yellow. Bye is 2090, better_ wl h Bolen of oj E b OO huh at - Ole . Barley is firmer, with tales of-7, use. at 700 for good State, and 750 for Canada. is are arm at 600570 for Southern, Pennsylvania and' Jersey, and 68002N3 for State, Canada and Western.- IS GUSNY CLOTS be heavy and drooping, with salsa of 3 200 bales. partly to arrive at 12012)(0. for standard. our —4OO bales Jute sold in Boston at $32 50.. Pettifx.ross —Pork is lower, with 'vales of 1,008 MIN at $l6 12016.18 for new Mess; do $l3 for Prime Beef is steady. with sate. of 100 bble at $6 2507 for country • Pflmo, $7.2508 75 for do Mess, $lOOl2 for repacked Ohl olgo and $lB 25014 for extra bless, ;Baeon and Cut Meats are in moderate demand. Lard hi doll, with email sales at lletsilyfc. Metier steady, at 20022 e for , new Stato, and 130100 for Ohio. Cheese dull, at 90 ' 12Xe 101113857 is Arm; with - Isles of 900 bbls ! at 288, THE CITY. The Committee on , Mullin, consisting of Meters. Mopes Oliver,. and - Smith, presented a lengthy re port, fully exonerating Maseru Preen and Wren." from the °barge of having - received a commission for pur chasing the mvslbes. The report coricindeg by recom mending the City Controller not to_ sign the •wasrant far the muelin unless a reduetion of one per cent. per yard be made upon the whole bill. ' - Mr. Regime stated that he had called upon a number or hellos and found that the price asked was 117(®11W ciente per yard (12% cents being the price paid). Be approved of the dead the City Controller had taken in the matter, but could not ascertain that the purchasers of the supplies bad received any reward or recompense The Secretary read a long communication from the City Centralist. setting forth his Herons for refining to pay certain bills until an investigation hal been made, and giving the prices of reveling, .to Mr. Brown preserved samples of coffee, rice, and man ila, Which had in en purchased for the nee of the pan- Pere, and stated that the rice had been purchased for 3% cents per pound, yet it b're so alight a reeemblacce to the genuine article that it could hardly be called rice. Exchange... May 9. I BOARD. ifici Jtrle Et . 7y; 200 Reading R. 339 40 50 Mloh Oen a 45 - ,x °Oa do 45 100 do HO 40 100 do °Oa 44M 0 Pdtc& 8& N Ind 9,1 i 0 Mich t&N I Guar 313 26 Panam Ohi o • 12216 100 Ohl & lt 033 i ' OO do „ CS 100 do 800 021( 140• do' 4 03 V 100 do 330 03 100 Oleg & Toledo 25X 700 Ohio &It I - 25% 00X 'HO/ do (ON i THE HARMSMS FINANCIAL' AND CD*l/140,44, - T. pie g NlLispErig 4,7 f 41015. .5, E . 10 14 vs g 1 7 ,4 2 ,411 st ?; 5 :. i ... fi tor'r "V PP WlZ Eirig 2 §l§ '2 l -71 q " §V 8114 t821§8§§§ . VIM 00 9.0 . .7. _ ,to 1.0":40 ........ .1 .1 6 . 1 .. 1 ,00, 0 . 1 , , - 1 1 4 6 .W . '? .....0 . 1 0 , 6 1 1i 3 W .% ...u..,...0....41 gsaggzsgamvsvgass, % . ~. .i. nwlataftegeg4..% . I.o9owwwle. .-40 , .m 11.01 e... c00.4..v.v. ix..mbacatemompa car1e.461:%%%%0442, g1%We.g0%0g%%%%A% , weemm rWOm...OW V—.W .w• wommmwm-tww m mo..ww ...- usg,„Tatage"prmsm.z.-a-. 1. -. -g2wtg-tqpgo.l t sa.c w0..z.. ...m : x i. NO , C... 05 .4-4 Apt -4 0 10 0.4 FW . ra ifigtrompanagm g Theban% steemsntihithis week shows &dews", In ell the items except thenizinletion, whietils slightly higher:: The 'artistes compare is 'follows : May 2. Ms. 9. - - Nonni Stock 897.515 11l 597.930. Ina. $415 Lome - 4,•• 27 747 339 .27 993.408..51e. 63 911 Speote 6.680 813 41.349150.. De. 331.422: Due fm other Bke 2;0I5 015 - -MISS 753.-10:167,702 Due to other,Bka. 1217,834 4 180 71a: De. NO 054 Deposita - 17 781,229 17 444125..D9.: - 57,054 (limolatlon 3.081,102 3 1 , 2,726 In. 71 623 1857. LOUIS. Ppeele; Depostbi. Nov 4 —21,199,482 2,071;464, 2,141,113 54,636,788 1858 111.13. 11—.21 . .802 f 74 8,775.701 1.011 036 'July ..`44,811,903 6685,877 2,43 i,lBl 1869 San R.... 26 461 057 6 083,06 2.741. 7 54 17 0119,f0S March 7....2",719 881 5.946 714 2.901 107 16.874.388 28 .:,'0967.2R9 6298 293:3 0:9,155 A 7.075080 A ?f 11 1 4 1. - 3 7 7.:1 7 4 51Z 2 6,868 1 . 114.1 f 41 iff - ,111 7 9 7 711 f , 78. . 28,108,106 - 6.06875 83046x1 17.829,494 ‘‘ 2i... 2%817 918 6 689,691: 8,179,286 17,8 8 4, 2 18 May 2 ....57.747,339 6.650,919 8 , 0e1702 3.1 181;09 May 9 .:.27,698,498 6,849,802. 8,161,115 ~ 17,441,123, The excitement attending the subeeriptioa for tie stook of the Thirteenth and Nifteeath-etreets Hallway Company this morning in the themeof much disunion. As soon is the rash 'wu'mede for it vielent,' se znre of the books, the Commies oure fidrAtrzlit tke Uniting, and a majority, itis cald nearly four. fifths of the While number, - of the Commissioners hive joinedlrea remon strance to the Governor against the insisting - of the usual letters patent Meanwhile the cloak war all mob- Berthed for, and the tint - instalment of five dollars a share paid in. The law is said to require the certifi cate of a majority of the Commiegonere to the tekirg of the Mock before letter patent can he obtained, and in that cue the minority party may lave 11111.11% fire! Jr. stalment of money locked up In aotriebodyte ,hande to abide the lune cf chancery proceedings: -We do not know who bolds the beg; bat if hedixle titoo!heavy, we dare gay there are plenty of who will audit him, or relieve him altogether, elvirg the same secu rity which he giies. "Pessengerrailwaya are rapidly te. king high rank among our Institutions. The nevi Com abroad as to financial matters shone. conatant heavy fleoltrationi in the stock market, mord- Mg as the hourly 'variations of nail 'Altera warlike or pacific aspect to Wales The reported alliance between Prince and Ruda proved a great sulaterice fo,the hear party. The market for American leesll'6les vie rally very dull, the proepeetethigh „rateefor noose, at home tending to ,deter capitol from forefmheveitenent. George Ilt.,Arnold,_ leg ,` the ininigee of the Hine delphis Ifoise, maker Ai follonfing return et the operations at that Institution the week ending May 7 1859 ' Clearings. ~Ealanees paid. 079 844 10 201,807 90 ;3.976,920 20- 318.287 78 .8 900.86 4 59 280,083 ,9.827 680 66 239 049 67 - ..8420.678 at lis,no - st .8,487,672 - 70 28e . 007:99% Tow - 822,202 487 47 111,419 447 44 1 - In another column will be - found the advertise:tent of the lewe Of the public works of the ehts of Ohio for Bye years,-with the•deserint'on of - the worka end the terms alipaUted for. There nisgbeathinie far eiter pr _ , 4 6re prat - froattba May 2d I' 4th' - g. • " 6th MkT 9, ?860 alroavirf BYlitrADM'Ailtoo*, AND IMORANGII BILOC/118, lIOZTVEWINT COWL AND DIDASATUT STMATII - ; • PIRBT,BOARD 13110 City 66. . :: 11,610 n 62.. 36x 290 . do 100 X 27 Girard Ilk 49,1( 103 do - RiooN -60 N Penn* 10002 d& 4,Penzia R .. 40 SSC 0 Pitta PM IL Ohl 10 , 40: Coo To fid 1 50 Faltf Nay frt. bl 5 11 1 3( ~ 63 j 6 West Ph 11413..... BIT WAIN noiaiDs. 39X IT Penzuk. ' .39% OBOOND BOARD. • 1000 do 6 Penns R. 6000 Pitts, Pl W Chi 2000 do , Con 7e 03 1000 A Penna,l2.loo. 06 021‘ 1000 Oats, la Big 7al0" 60% 2000 Ostaw Chat 10006 71. CLOSING PRP Bid. 460. UB6e'74 Pbll 9s— 1004100X •R 100 . 4000% New-... 104 .105 Penns 51 98J( Osx Reading B 21% 24R1 " 0407011306 84)( 84x • - m 0 8e 4493' 96 ; - do le 7551 76% Penus 6 893( r 80% 4 .. 4 2d meg Moir 90 91-- Nor Osumi Con. 683( 5719 " Tzar •....•.108 109 , Bahl Nay es , 82 74% 761 C " Imp Gain off 81 81-X filearketa e PHILADELPHIA, May 0:-Nyardog. The market for Breadths/fa -Is firma and somewhat unsettled to-day by the late foreign news. noting a fm_ ' ther advance In Emir and Guthi, and holders of the, fo-- mar are not very anxious, lo - sell it preidona quoted rates!, bat there is cot Much demand either foi eblp meat or bouts use, sod only about 000 bblafasniebuy ers at $8 76 for anperene; $7 25 for ex4a, and 157.6002 • for extra family and tautly brands, according to quality. Bye Plow is firmer and quoted at gi 2564 50 ep bbl, and Cora Meal at $3.37X ip bbl, without mirth selling. Wheat-The marketla bare of rime, and it is wanted at lull prices; about 2,000.bna Western Bed sold at $1 70, andl,ooo bag white at silo to $1.86. r are le to demand; about 460 bus Ponnsylvailasold at 930. Corn 16 firmer; a email lot of white sold at 903; 600 bitahele yellow, of fair - quality, at the same price; 2,600 bus :prime do at 910, and sod boa Ponosylriala at 990, afloat. Oats are rather better; &bent 2 003 bus Penn sylvan's sold at 5813; 700 bus beary Northern told at , coo. Bark remains quiet at 633 for let No, I Guercit coo. Cotton Is unsettled and drooplig, tyd afeti email • lots only have changed hands at irregular prieell. - Gto ceries—The market is steadyfoiall kinds: tad a suede rate business doing In Engar and golasiea Proilsioes are held firmly, but there is not Moab doing in the way of sales. Whiskey bas advamied,drudge selling at Iffo, Pennsylvania blue 210, and Prison 203. Beds are quo ted at 28028,t‘u, and Ohto 2 9 / 1 303 Ifs gallon, incriery little-offering. PHIL ADILPELIA CATTLE MARKBI". Mar 9. The market for Beef Cattle hag been dull Vila week The offerlpge at the different yards eum up eboet 1,200 head, and priest were rather lower than last week. The following are the particulars of the sales at the Ball's Bead and Martin's Avenue Drove Mardi reported to. day: 14 Isaac Abrahams, Lancaster county, $10.26011 76 the 100 The - - - '2O D. Eckman. Lancaster county, $lOOl.l 50 90 McQuaid. Money, & Co ,do 910 50012 60. 18 P7l . lard, by D Bradley, Vs , $10164112 50 84 0 Rhoades & Co., Basks county, 59 76012. 29 T. Kellar, Lancaster county, $llOl2 75. 20 T Maataraon,Lnneuter county. 210 90011.60. 14 JObn Wieler, Lancaster county, 210011. 11 3. Hstaalter. Lai:aster county, $lOOll. • - 12 M Loyad Union county. $ll - 15 Witmer. Lancaster county, $lO 50011. 35 J Kaufman: Laneaslor county. $ll 42 51 Corson. Chaster county $ll 50012 39 8 Rusts. Chester county, $lO Thou 60. 90 Shelby & Co . Berko county, $lOOll. et Museelmekn, by P. MOrlllen, Lancaster - county, $lO 50012 26 J. Beldomeidge, Lancaster cattily, 11.1012. 41 N. 14 !Mame Moreland, $l2. - 24 Stott & Kimble, Chaster county, s] O 59 0 12 16 W Altman or, °baster county, 11001/. 8 B. Rood, Chester county, $9OlO ' 24 I ItoVilen Lanese.? , x,noty, 16 ?derrick, by MOCnB, Lancaster county, $llOll 60 32 6 Miller. Lancaster County, $9 Melt 60 83 Seldomrldge .& °O:, Laueaster county, $lOOl2. 44 J •hn Nene?, LIU/tater cunty, sloel2 25 Klutb'e Se Kirk, Cheater county, stoen 60. 10 Kimble & Kirk, °boater county, $10611.26. 18 It NrelY,'Clisater county, sloell. 21 Bastille, Maryland, $lOOll. About 2,100 Sheep were at Martin's, selling at fle for clipped, and 734 . w8e 4, lb for thole with the wool on. Some 250 Cowa and 17a1►6a were offdred, and mostly all told, at $B5 fo $45 for Oral, and $20030 for second qua lity. - There are more About 2,100 Hogs ar rived at Imhoff's, late Phillips , Yard, and nabs ranged it from $7 30 to $3 50 the 100 The net. MAY FLOWERS.—The season is now well ad vanced. and the gardens and fields adjacent to the City , orowned with myriads, of flowers of every eoneelvabl e va r iety, form a charming picture to eassite the tastiest tion of the poet or the painter, , Bolr IL the time Ise chviemiand we hear of several peek , ' arranged for this dellghtini Mincemeat • One young, as well uoldar Teeters, who would maken decided impreselon on the belles or these occasions, Should not fell to procure elegant and suitable sniff at B. 11. &Idriegels "Old Franklin Hell Clothing Ilmlxaison,P) No. MI Cheat. nut street. Rion, tare, and itztraoillinery stylish ere tl e latest Parisian style of sae. absdes, produced Ulm Is - son by Webs/dean, 418' Diarist street. The varlet, of nbt?li 1 innpy tail to please opt leap friends. 1:1 g r ,,, ii E ; 1_ ::: r g il M , i ; IQ it I. se g 11 466 263 16,666 848 too L 80 60 Nat ofreelLoa* TS Penns n. • • 'sox 30 -do 99% 60 _Lehigh &alp tlyo 29 !EMM WmErt &Slut 0 '9X 41 its lot mtg.. 21. t 3 'Lang Isltstd.,.. 1x 12 ILeboo4/ Bar. 5.1% J'6_92o B. ; ... 9X 21( "a ' re . 87 92 93 Ostawisam 6 - . Ist mit 569r/95X Wank & Bontltllls4 65 24 29,N 8919'.... 89 ==1211:1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers