• -'' „,.•i-,.. --•-' ';''''.s; ---?7- -,•, .. - ii=l,=l , ii - 4. ': - :', 7.:;' ' - '':. t 45 4, 1 --, -43,10, If t-,...T••,'.1, • - 3.,0, ~,-, _ ~,-, : :i_.,,,,,-.1";i7I -.''''*;;•' '' • .tsA e. Z-91. ItT,II4IO,'IMATO.3)IBS9; t'al ' ,l4r(RlA Min; --- - Priric ticia ,4 4loollileiatiAll4t JO 4 .1 9 3 -frei}:ollithr'it< l o,o;A*Att i r , ft . * -,' City maw: tonvon Puna.—pist co lottess rawalo., lug hi #isiAkA.44'ettttfalt i ttill hi e 4i . , ' ' • Thl VT!? rit WIN A melt disistronedra toetined s at Ylttobing on Saturday, by wAti'ir,: whtqr , loillliotiffl:ltef e l e, .4- 41 . d t orroodt.The-dro:9rigleitet Arthi;,l:-Cireff, and in a moat' fon. lost ttot, ajllik nine etheri; tinktesltteCtoatbe,mider'daddef• Ithill47 lowieg art "he wail* *V letitietiestroyed I,•t Tb o . 1( a nti (14(rrn filitila;" .g Jennie' firajy% Coiled* Bleffig qt4PP/MiXeldt,':,:! J. „. A.'Coon , ' „ p ot ,„„ ,, . 0 8 egi0nt,n , , , .„9, promo)" ,7.. ~: and. " Comiiiiii:''"._ThWinteMint--Of heighten the beide, was" ~ al boa-v bitty moue little _ on the white was -- 1 - , . s ' .:;,,,----,,-,-., :Jessie 21t411th0i11, 4 iortili , ideli 4 4F lol 4 .-in too adikoCoutlia Hamilton - and Dayton Railr oad Coo* i At' -Othefamtl, -- presented . it = stook , for . *7.001-arihkebilditer of air LetoyetteSenit, wit roastandlisriinlini,.;Witt' Wldolilms , deported., - The eh,.. " h4 ihialtila ,001,-!6Pifthllifit'Pef Balt"; dad Aroliolided: l 4; l3 ;4 4 o**A i Sli ttsi g io v tad trpli. Shovel Mittrataiy ijiatimiCaritleit;ilid... 1 4 ttica4-li*AtmilorioimioAttie t ans: go .:,...01;41,:wfoilifiiiiligimixo.."14, -- vie, ioiot—vsYlimit,i--,tithe ostiplarafii,-tlui fee t , - tot alas tot twiti-,ticialipt.tarof,tha ~ kottia:: ,I:bp eoutlikikd'sbeirri a eheele !Silk titesnalim , 'Una:. "" • of; 644-:iviiiiiiiit4' bet, - ' Sioverreheekmaa , priatadatrai the WOO Not flood , didOlo erkil4f . eigaat'lif Uri' :11414 da.l,"e 1k '/Ifil.z'veowes Ti to ' tory usi; , :iiii"4ll4;wmf; )11,4•'f%tiiiv.:16101i; was diaso;-Sliower:?iot Anil:Want , to, 9dodill deteetkiii;liittleltlAlthjeeted--te senstiny; The oheek-- - -Wasf pnantted , AM,. Ordurdol rdhorldlee) and pitpind the forgery was Aot dhnovered un til TatatileirifWeeell; thf. hee k ', l° t 4° ,,_- 44 ,: i rt i used lathe meantime , when` the; peak U;UlleW .. taheife - thiit,itkohi, - Bilk tithe halaneed. Upon^ making -leirdetee, it:Niki;4o 4 .ttil"4: o ffir iii o ii3O. ' Nadi i lhalbein at the °Seeable, E444/14s. nor fo r g e r y itZilitli;.:o 4,l *!sikiiiiiii)o o 4,,...` o .,4.L ti g, , was at #eitraeaukte hireP latlitokeerfillgatiee' dwiatata,,ow:sme - ttiatii. bad ' not 04 , mint , tratediltheitsuaiiiiiiid4orthed;PbOihe must bora tiiiiiiiionteninlitioe fer Striti• time, but tht, in big eelwaiiitif.,:dlitht freak ilie - Oliliii bad;taken I with him' 4 lowni lady` about 6 ighaell. PriM , of age, the, slater: of',the - trife of ''s, Teo ,:teeptetable elliseil,-,t Ther galWied•Wir.•tit' Hill, iNtit'nf.':thi, ' youne forger; le Mid- ie.:. boo bridsornes tied, rirell e g ue ,44,- t uW atilt :idriti,var , borrie,#d 1116 ' PrOacjiable obiraetsr:" tithe' i hidbeen' a resident of the" city :thing' sik mouths, having some front New YOrk oily to reside .with bas, biathei4e-in As soot as the feet 'Nisei, ktewn that they, bad left 1-14,,elti o Aii - ;7elegrepf enthrif Might into n44'160,111 every dilfetleh ,l 4-k o t# o '. t el Internet!, th emthipts till gOt out Oft stimindry— Ykej.kat ik - paid ',ll 4 nrzettnibtlas :21throd' iii; i Maritit; at;:bolornbial'?oMith Ow nn't,,,c4lte, , , beauty o,ll4l:4olli4fititool6Mblit Will4f-' , nietk the former iC MitiCilif' t aipillar'.lattar q ta . '4mitayfir • a;. dextetit2 Intrulgbilt defidt.'-` There wetwttweatv , heir knighti' interea, -Ilivreonafed .". } .ea , ,galliar (I steeds,- gaily Ampar,laorred,..;ad:`lo B , lll 7. ' .7l4/0 , 1-r ifwer• hart Ita -tell • what varied • fortunes ' beton: 4144411 pliant knight,, pat ere long Jr, became mani fest that he who bore lieliolitiviet of the Ithiglit De La:Aikaahk ret.afitorielm, peelving the Groin iiPiit 04 VOA ok il'ii-ieort )io:dfral . ,.. ollllirid;', from blettiadnettte,?hud accompanied : arab/UM, fat ddirollt-41444;*ifisidr utArritivr af. the fair' throng.!;2lavisteatusommed: his choice wills"-low obilesakeilllivtoitakr* blushing fair , rete; IMP the lierelds;didgpkalined , lher 24,414,W:et gie,, aid Beiiitemis , l; ,*f - , ' :IY. , - -vr , i 4 -;" .. .j.i. A 'britejt rif,•***ti; mil e s seAteisca'lolari,! York on,ileinnthfi-,9wistel Appo,,:for; the `Mili-,3 dot of ler22l l iilai, in to livithagrephnAki 2d of Soli/ --lein‘ziAist; ,i,ktowi.. Oe_ l 4-+:0 4 :. "-the inareptenhey,"2 for th e maitlet efo.leidtina de Batites;itrakilenoramid to hoprlsetutivit for life; IMMO 4121114 for flailing •F. illOidelf 'l - Ciid, laprreuteriealfelk-fAohn Glassiffor tiiMmulit; 'utlfrilltattelleriteki:':ittif 'llol44li:4th liihniiiiip:,. -41iiiiiikt learsk .3raameißlgglini; ibrilisanst - of-- - renoe,iivitexor . sAist_itlisikt,-:Z wd:thlid, - P-1 Pfromer; for -, ea i nstruktbi. death of Cliii- P:- Olar'i gas, wti":niateriK hrthe fitate Olson, for roan Pore , ':L - 'V , ,!!,, ,- • 4 , ' 1 ':.:!'''',' ''''' The US 1 03 - Yrigarso, 2 . thino. ned IfFii ° sl•O'Oef-ia Faireouth i lreiti'.# 2(cetteeedlo toot •Ill'b i intf would sail to II * r .st*is r tor flu Welt rOlfttii: - ,Atit; at Ilionteyediti; -*OW ails;. 1321;: hriga , adaz, brldgi,Peinli'..44,Defilite ; V. Stintaisisien Illsiss? lomat apd'Albustaiireeirine The stortishie Etap4' ply tielfddiOlieV,lelkfir Ne}r Xotici MO ,Was Mei , by Spanish theriAlliOlbedr - mi. - lON - Yr:WI , W ar tosonigiiiiikoa4isaintasatro. mast 1 , p.-_,-,, •i ' r tienOTlO**fillrlinlfitlllOilD64;l ll l C it I - 44i l!), - ,1, Georgia,paper:thath ` e and several :of hie have withdrawn freewill, -Arizona eipedillobl'erg formed, and 'Mail' entitled' tad iineW adelifiCt ag , ' • isolating ender.the age Of-." Denning. siviAitoics -I.49:44AltOkriii , !';:l . :Th, Q fl - nti ,„lia' ba n cot this oompany arilsr..sontlrovoni la •Ailui dewing:the month of Jely. —'"i , -'1 I,' --* `="u'.A einialeareocimal•from lbov,Soonotaryr.of, the Trainor?,' adiressedle thr heads of the , differanv dirbilons of the SW York tattoo honsCregnest-' InktiminAndoffiloisiaplea by *hi& t6e pmt foroikgo***%4 4 : 66.l l l 4o ,l oretiik ; .44 eon.. sidatside minimum among tie trinifoupsouse Mile aid! ' . .Tiiiiia 'Monday shit& tliarstliefileinolo'sin the lAillr.t.TQlk :GRILt , 9 9 k 4 11 i; ,_ll4Claamt _clerk:, 51,500 , i-ohlef alirk : 51 ,500 ; seibstiaik ap praiser, ~ . 1 .- , r,' ,y C ohost . ; t he . 2 , 4%ii10kt gilleod . dAlliu *Afi'ii - i - moon abo,aoootatag to rapost, has been ordered' to 141 Wiheeehdtr 2 ;hY'lkt i l h ! i t-g!**,Ch# actg. is ecamallalkm,ilo , gor;teore:thea"twinti, 2•071 1, --Aid Ylliw, , ldrd4 3 lle'inir.**2 l r 4 liW , TaiMinsiokli9 .tfilino- 6 1.1424t. 'i,l' th l :44fiinigq! Im'eliniiirtio strived _at. Art Anteing,. with, at.' violation tin 4wattaw to ther-20th-snit., , nine daferlittitifieleible imanitifiseelred by deriver-, I land routi,lierfailioi - reettrecno 1)6111606n of Militia the)ightl4 4 ltetill ' •:`,"-• The Black Wier woollen lints, - it Witterthain N. Yt, were ooaenmed'by die on Friday lee(, and two persons killed killtid ontright, aild thistrair severely injured. . - - The Vanderbilt *teenier Ariel, Captain Aries. left PAT 'fork on Saturday fir Southsigiten and Hartu„Willtine:handred insr '#ecesicliengilik and .63/10:iii;21..ia 4'44." f :,. r , The Cli n t,. Ot Wistilpitop - oloi loft the' nue port trotttpiitivailitit - , , pasoovioric -, itpit 4itiiidriiit I,to 41,*#4 4 0;;100 rA0,146 33 try' sr*, efir 4lio:Oatiohlpifseit "la . 44 1 iitYt i lfiV'Atifiit'40ift+WIttili Aciotosiihiro Thol, itiolltliot*Pls64lolthii - • • Ci**6;ll443li - iiitaiVA r air! fiataniayi - Q.l.t ***) ovation , nos gotten: np bY)4Sitfilligt4Ao ll4 .' 2 ': .1 , 1 00 11 1 4 , 16 "g * until Baktrolkottli•46bOoinir Vitatooo 111 / 1 4. 04 1 0 Pikili l tti** l 4l.oi . : 4 ,f4;f o tfkl it P4oaisPlatto that the DomtnCoan.Qooerwnoof has:3 l : 4 l oil SP ith-ati 4 1 " 1 1!!!X1P 146 V1 wok 11114•145106*0.404*a1t*;. *Moro oao kundrodand: dea*; i 4 f{l ..: ' 0 1 7 1114 ,t ,44 1 4 *- ,l4 'frP i f e ; C r !, ,, !fff ,,4 1 1 # . over iii•provubwt -„ Olgtilavon - doattiaboonera,, hl N0*;70444:** 1 11;, # l4 ', 6 IW-fficl'o,Alkir. chat wed! rinks* Itenii' °inns "on Phlloctepliti, , oetboAloi* ptatooNovfrseeontly thi pleat l ;;` , , 4 • # • y r, tice n .aid*Olo of dipgotOilAt:, of ilkolrolllon'a tihrbflos Ajuico , istkoo,o9nier off~lt'y ;on P.ooftitOy; Ptaptittolplti*',3liC - Greet% -ReOrtvOir 'API' t ttOititific "Ifftltte. - '-- ' ' * l ie if , 6111 % - : nplle o r 4oe f , •oo fiat the titiaitlimi-iiltOs itilOOrittigAiglltf;lTioti of .., , iblitintl..l4,lBeittNl64,'ltts.otyttte - dotnalno witak 4147: 1 6iviiiii ' v 4 : 44 .11i : Vo• , iiiired . inobittsfios:zolottif;lo* t r! , y,. Ivy*: Ls tlatlilitieoloit*piore lotereating , tii,,olt okt: Hoes or the 0#40: - :10 ,1 0 11 fiklito* digitk 040 u*s , 0 0 ' 4i, P t ti be,btb or- 1 4 , 7, 1 1.44Y.-..1 cul t *.M;RT,P4 r t i V o r '9 l ifietillii.,'4 lo ., tiwkingli ,l : o 4l ,l 4 B 'l. l ii4liikirr/hOnigA. 44 fititti, tioeiVtlitifiklOWliglatignage IttiltetOncti', to'the toittliotifttott7illow 6going 6444140 W-I 244 kri*A1 1 10 1 90 4 1; = ' , ! 1- : ... _Oliteetelomfototi - tatit:itiment upon= lall ithlt• r orthoor4loottottotos a littio-is the steer `O4llO 4 ,VlCeps controoof prodaittoo with: , 040. , go, oithitlftfoi IV Chlesioja,le hi* ' 'iiiiiatiiti'9iir do or ' ii Os: rw. 4 4 _vilifik-irjr , - `iiiVviatiap - kitiiidedo 'Oda Ofttoiaojoi ,' Z4tioAliplo*limiteiptii: ' "'YAW AluitttitKothor atolls '4,;thito oltotootot,, ,IfiefitoorthOgroitilhitplitPiltatoqhototif cannot • allot wavy on lot , tato IfioLi.•Atttiotsto told of, thtoooolitile ttofittifFtliti:" . :Aft ,pr 4 PikPipbTior It J_*."fitblir, , xtbirtsid i ittd now'' ; lsoV ik el l"f .soritr i n i Oit ". thO - 6 P fifil, ' c i til a ro 'ist il r Elmanit i rtfol4 o l 4 ooltkAttAke tift; to thot t .' t Itortsoittotootttst 0., tolll4l‘ , ~ tifklpitithslifoot Oh doot-,tottothe , 1 - itromowirbtttjtud could 4 :'•,. , =- 4 -._ , lig s k ..10.-, ,4: sre f‘' t ' o_ l7 ." - 411 Vity to l Ill_siiiiil , 1444 iliiiiikieli... ! "+ tit '- , 7 ow -, toisoic.;o4,iit, ourot4t ~ktittotet, lane, imichgref":l k a ..r._,..."1,0.,40.444.04.40. iy. by _of itip . C g tiMittolithkett tiegtoomoUht.topory it ~ ,4W tegoitooli,„othoti whom thou LlfinliWilligtAtettaillitr Moot to 0 4 , 1 1kkitittle4jinfitTOtotit4Or t . -e,ii ''''''''''' .'""'V':!'l . [ -•grnik*MirOlitit*- il ii -- i lti: „ Val" it " togdgioisyslobot4444 7 ' W404051t4t - I!*litO*3 l ,obiklbit'iialittlit'oxdottoot' i ._ 01100 1 ,4),CW; 4 #O l O l lA i t z #l,o l 4 . -A / P rt 1 : , ioApel - 4irdk i:', - ,-$14.4 fitat p-z boolim ..it. ' ~.,,,'!, - ‘:Aildtiamtn.--On OltturdlY 60,4111 k at+ -1.(,0 . ositti , oottoty tojoutoof +toe Ohl , *tor hoTtcg •44 111 ,,,,Aiifttlitgititiot l iii tit ad totioso Fit -1111",-,14 most os'otoity - Tail out '• Ottm*Plitiot* WS IMO *OH *Whs. Ita tz.) The Canvass in Kkntinliy• ~ ,• canvass in Xentuckibtegse&ne 'eitOing one. The Adminiarrat t iop.lejfinflO aciither, at Louisville, condi:o43d colofert to the Democralin iiiirty; - „bitterly„tw. iiettioes the doctrine orlim-inhiv - ciitan, and 'datives, In its article of first of May, that thOposition' of intervention for slavery, first 'hy'the:-...Territerfal-, - Legislitute„ and .it .they failintisphyit t r, gouress i ci theViiited 'Stiti r ee," - laterventbiti lignite slavery— the tintrpo *Won,. 4hat'can be stiocesifyity 'maintained in the q ii i4 .4 4; t • •• • - tha,benioeratic,:candidate - : !Or, 'governor, takes exactly the :OPpitalte StOriiill,.'jind ta:gastMtietif ,by:Yiee T 'Proldent "Ertioxiartionim;..Henr."7.T.;*,;:.oititzisktii,,Who `hi t!Caritilifidtt'fbere.Cleetieri.to Congress, the .L'oultiiil4:44Oteitftilitlik:lti;fikfert ' Yeentlin, theLtiiingbit.Fiatestataii,?And by .a Dirge - bah ;SfAbitinifet ilifttietitiatfniiri and newspapers In that Stete . ; the Goarter ,; the'organ itfr: ) 11 . Rotikreitarideolarel that' this course on the' , Par( 'the'fitiincioritio '`eandldittes 'Go-• tyer»or and hie triendei;akainsf_tleidoitrine of interrenttOrt for s eurvery,f , has , excited.wlde- Spiead litikegtl9l3 , and , .„unless , result Demo -600 ii. 6 3404, V" - 'soted in this contest -by- the masses of the -Keiltitekk , DeinoettleyitWe • ask , our readers to' , ` be central'o an 1)-1 of , the Kentucky Deini*ernay, 'the teklititilV , StatitAitims,"*liieh journal Is ender 44M,Ikleit: irie:ife ef,*l4sTreefaelit Aiteldge, hes the, following remarks upon :the now Inteiventiola doktna rthieltie being centende,d• for Offi:Plimigf!#, l2l 4 Nefittalti - •. tii.tiongressienif interference is' to ittb sari nolitleali tni • - may ' ai.e' learned. tOtegird'airthe• fundamental doctrines of the IDeineenttlitpstitY;:tkiniitigurate tc - tioniestio ,iri..ofreathoniMet;'eltb - .thitt theory ; upon ,whiph.atonethefolietiots to be a hopti faCthe, per. ineeeet our eeethkimilditeultiee; and Itualltki,eeeeede,a,power„,Whiah,lfeetertodie s legitintateoktentLwertitt plittle„the extens i on of • •shi,f e t ra i l ittVi k 'Jliti ehiehate fi . etitrot ',Of. - all'Abo- Ittton.Corigresa,f pro ''titietiqtk l errtiletien , ilatOrarritorics irresistibly hfri,ieorelDitt,the polvier tolngielate &rite tide. Picat. • tinty i or right•tif `Congress to protect eenhot •be maintained without` admitting the pettier to abolish, If Oongrees can intervene for one! pdipee - ti it Min' I'M' "'nether. - The South oan ntiC ateert' a ;piiiielpie and i.eipeot to reap only De advtintagett.'2-W4 mast sbide to fait enforce. , : Tbe'',„ltet4tiets'of,'Campbell Men tacky, 90 Mondity„itilk,,, ; 'and; among others, isolator Die followinpeound;Demooratio re _Sobitione ,•••• "• - _ : • agEEZEMEE Iteibljuq," That' the Detioeraey Of Campbell "eititfiqeMtdiatti - the doetrine, Whether it 0001019 Dotage _North Of - &tali; that Congress• should legislate for hfieeiner the intiodeo lion of slavery into the Terfitorletfof the-llnited•States, or for or aga)nst its maintenance therein : believing as we do, that Dia *uneaten- that 'should be left - solely to the;hon*Ade inhabitantssaid l'orritorleato flo olaq•.heanstes.„ „, , o _ .„ 0 T ; he'Botewirsisitys . r. • "Ma, ‘Steveiiiiia , haVintr been balled tx t rilitledtheritestititat . some length, giving tipPAAtTrhflihr canted in &egress. and. vindf. •ca tirethe Fititioitallhdatittielitititin from the un just Wipirtildhishfite önitintedi ., 'He - took occasion to allude lb ' 3 / 4 11674atititten of.enoChient of, a slava' oodis - folthe'Territeriel, and. foliar; his own *ads. , . set'his be likejfiritaidindt ft." We will net 'attempt:even A syeepshtof,the powerfol•reasoning :by which be established,the, oorreetnest of his po sition., _ SOS* It, to .say, that hie, arguments were contineloctohisatta itoia, among whom wore save-, ral:intelligent - mentheril cr the -Opposition ParOt who I . Xforvasp4 their. Intention, Intense of the issue thus reis4xy, the Cppesttion leaden, t/oi vote with theltemoeracyst the.ooMing election 1' i ;: , Cht , ''ctirirteatiti. ,etnietiltn. fFrimi the, olutriesteotllrt#Y-1:• , -..i, : • , , 'lta Marron Sarrom,--T/ie Press, published ny illtr,; ; Forney,,fp. , Philadelphia; undertakes to anitwext hi unxioniiriqiiries of the Washington Shteell,, ay,* designs,. indpnlioy of the'Donglas ST/ f alter soyeretipty,party ,, in:the North" The wughtigion,Strass, aFtonvit other 'questions, asks —4 Da they, plaige.tbeniselyes - to . support the no. sulitions'of the -Olisliesten Convention,?"' The "Pr e is answers, affollOwe : ' ~ ; . ‘t 3: If tlienotd,niie:s'ot-the'bb,arlesioul;/ottveritiqn ihall ,hi ,the,l'opiesentatives, of the „principle of 1 nod-Intin34iation ail eopalisr*rereiguty, as act• cepted adroostell and understood in MO, as ex pi OM& and derandiSl'Tl-1818 - ; by thephim il: Don glasitlict,biutMoolatei endue applied by leading 'entham :statesman:pen do we pledge ourselves to' suliport theinereinima of that Oonrentian with all oar seat , ' Ibitlrott'thoother hand; that oonv'eri- Dep4bill lii nonimittal," in , 'any shone, to , the theofttio'UlaillentlY daryanced by- The states--' tbitibli-OovitriuttetiV-iirliobf:deilloated"" ki!pie" , preps gotten of , slavery "L-thakwo , shall rinquea , tionibly ormolu its itemineec' l 4: *" ,' , -••-. .. ' this Is plain. enorigh,•• Ind - - jig' as :air° mightheOkspeot_ed - froititAtte, previons - .coursuor ilits-p,xtr,, Who;noitTpAe* oe t the tharlestort Cour: rattan gust t. of =the prima-, pi d et., nonytithwrention. amt, Pcipular Barer/array, as ptedonlyeeatid;'azid,undersfeed in 1816, ,as ex lalned:;aar'definded,:by.Dtephen. A. Dougla# 1 an his - ritioelatei,VortilWill not be,supported by. ; r o. th ni,:Aii-tbily,ll,cpew that to such nomination, oat b e .11!4er.-.,PlellvititteV,lo,-iepsairt where -they,are, ,111 to operation and atitiatiim with the Diaok lie- 1 ranblioser Vitt", ./f :they attempt ,to _enter { the .9,hariestoe Convientfon;piey'ouaut +4l be turned, ,00 'of'}t;',lttit 'Wei - do t ot"ltible that stlity.wlir leettli attar IC-May are mutfh- more likely to take, part in thalllibiltepablfean'Conviniton, as they Dia: undeabtedlYivill With party In the next Petudential elisetiett,• ,. .. - 'yy - , , • - . _ .',; the toitigOing articleTienn the organ of the blinnion party in the. South, which has rekettedly declared tlutt, there is. no -r erne ,401.,„ qi"P,t, r eqit bl'Oe'Sli.ithern ` States,; and' hence' twgiti, only object Partfr,hrto • ,priiteitSlivery, is Merely important as ditclo eing•the‘Wniines'sd:frliiio*tio expectio man the ;tea National thiniOciatie, Convention: It :Isis semevihat original idea that the doctrine . 'entitietated:itethe''extritee from Tll2l' Pears; #6, wall place it igin co-Op e ra, *,4ffiliation; wit h; the , Black' Republican :Pail,Y,:f''' le - net the reVerse,of ' "this the 'fact?` and'inaY We ..fioi;:clatis" , The_ Mercury, which chimers for Ociagressional_ protection , for Ida- Very in the Territbries with:these who.clamor for the proldhitiOn:,bY Oortgreiiol„slavery is Terribiries:?„7, Indeed, the iiiitit Oil SYinit. tbi ezititingWith the ultra leaders of the North, is that bititt,'CtiFrlestion''Afetteitry And Its confreres,, both ,iooklig„ to ',Do; over thtow of this Union, and both preferring it; should ttheir; 'Particular" ideas 'l4 defeated: I!fiirtherit',l)Ouiocrats••hav,k great veneration ' 'for Democratic ',Usages : , so long , as they are ncitproitittdecito the' betrayal of Democratic in' l "-41P4'e , i'; ' 4 4 f,tii cite', most publicly commit- AO to the doctrine _of •,nim.intervention and -popular eOwiteigntrao not regard the Charles.' ,ton.CloaVitistiokakentiroly-latt."•Dat the 'Her-, -- tti•riwatifirt a thitni, improinelY ! iodifilirent to anehithrwilias are contained in the above arti - tie.,' - ' iy,,bY slfould theY,beeinbAri4iised by these 'inreit'S,r :,,They;loOkinfly, to , the; re-establish= 'rtiept of certain titling pritciplesWlthout wb fat the Debatcratlkpartyle tot worthy of respect ?xi 'o'o - tilyittiolt; : aid', If 'they can succeed in 'ilitiithey are:utterly, unconcerned as.to conse '4ueaces themselves: - -As. to getting into the National COnvoitilat, We 'advise The 'Mercury :)t4 Plnilialttlie elgritiof - the Dines, and then to Mk itself whether there is' not a much greater aigc y tt *, getthoSiovhe aet with Tne,Paess 46 enter that Convention ;' than to keep tli, enlinatt.;;l Noy think lit looks . that way - o4tir4 in this , icerner -of • the 'Continent., lisiariiel,f however, as the 'Mercury his, un ;leitekekto cid our. horoscope, let us ask ,a_ 'qUestion or:that jouruali 'ge florally so 'frank aridindepeuderit in'the utterance of its views : Will the Charleston 4ifeiinky; - and - these with Whoralta acts, render a cerdialeappOrt to the • f . ,nommees „of the National Remocrtitie 'Con-, 'veitionte he' Weld in'thitt `City in:1860, should ;that OeoVentleiei/ileiiie thei; Cincinnati plat-, Ttrnred 1868; ithdreinaa ict declare In favor of i „ L prciteeticin 'cif'llaVery lie the Territorial, .acid agelaitahelights . Of the TorritOrial Lees iattucf,l64belislr, it? , !Like • ' our categorical friend erthei, VirashinOn Statet, : ti we await ' tapply3yttit'aiiiietillieolicitude.'', • " "The Ttiffeirehe,e:' ' , T4,Wastlingto,i,:ifi . 4!;, , iikih in called by, tke,Adititideiriktion tiityea;, for; their own, par- "polia.ottie siniati: of Judge DOLTOLAB, and Krick' ; hr: taken -eerie iodine , to' do "injustice to tliti ptatea r Wpts Renrerany of Pennsylvania, de- Hass , ,dnoi;ine of icon-in= lerVentthils hie, re - PO* 6 A tbeAotrinanof , squatter 4sovereignty: ; We iitstedsniiettatithority •tbe Territorial Go- • if:for:44lo Way Ifni:4l'l.lbn fitOpnriy. tin; the Ointriry;lve ( ilisVe*talotained /Jt tO be the, duty of. the limit Le! Odatnres to supply every requisite gun.. lauty, Ot` tp . elnaobfill:pOiliOtialon of tbiir pro; ,piovi. ,non•lnterietition • tOi:;vifilists we poiltektir eiroply tli<aiiitiiiinee of Congress rfriAV ;any action in reptif , 'in.tbit• oir)terifAs .11}0:Palloy; :614DPVFP:11, Pefau::- principle - 6f the:Kansas-Nebraska eii.and la obedience to OsillPickOollolt:oe iht, • cijneinnati ,plikiptrm. lire differ , with Judge ioriepri,44.4:,Texrltintiat power,. CciaNthai,elle:Cal . aa"paiat•to ecmeeal our dis. , :66::;lirelogreituilh PoileY-df v rf,Rollli iIAZZS AlMPAltria, AUL q„ • 25.4" ,hintreyaNstiit , ; St.; Thomas k Bons -pamphlet entaleoAsvixtie*Oteit; Aims - eta °auto.; .ele g ani I vial. ) standa, bighteen Romp Woad and Tistrteenttiiiiiit Vitt' deiiii;Tiss# taih read, bo , altogether dill. ty , elght properties, by order of Orpheus' , Crourt, executors, and others, BY. MII).AtIG/47'.-MAtt. `'List,ter froriv4 , Obtasiontil4" ; fiforreanondence of,Thegress.lf,' , , :‘ eilumaT62!:, MaY, 8, 1850., ,Washington is a beautiful, thetigli al very dull, oily during the spring and summer, when Congress is not in session. The environs are t extremety lovely,mnd the,rides uneurpaseed— Many wealthy families of the neighborhood, and" nein few who reside elsewhere most of their time, have estab lished eplendid country _seats,within,n short die' tance•of thopetropelie, which rival all the refine mente, and-lux u ry of yoni Eastern nabobs. The heights of Georgetown are deedratiid nut& het of tbese`palatiel retreats, while in every other 'Midden: noble - mansions and ibmantio .groitbda greet the eye. At this particular season, when foliage 'aid! flowers - have' oarsman' ,far. beyond 'what is known in,your latitude, the Scone at any end of, these retreats is eharming alreest beyend, dsgeription, These ,advantages, ontside of the Mere °Metal interest of the city thief, are rapidly making - Washington a favorite resort in the Sum -The Washington 'Constitidittn bbooming as °Oaten endue Vulgar in its tone ae ever the Bed ford Gazette was.; Bowman, the editor, ignorant and conceited:as he ie„will. write, and Ms filthiest Paragrephe begin to make their daily appearance.' It itt now understood' that, he will not 'resign' hie pleas( se E:nierlutoitclene of Titbit° Printing, but will held on' to' that andlite' newspaper at the ' same tires - . • . . • The aitiole`in the tNew 'York .Trsbune. of ; the :20th orApril, in which thd propositionis made by Mr.; Greeley tpracitioallY.. to ignore the slavery, question in 1860, and„ to go into the,presidential camiaign, upon , the simple haste of a combination of,' the Opposition to the Democracy, 'has called forth .some strenuous protestations, particularly final the ultra' Republican leaden+ and 'papers:. The Vibune - nicantedi upon the idea that there is a 'certain " third' party?' _to conciliate, and that thisiiarty cannot bb rallied to the support of the :Opposition candidate,unies e the , idea is adopted of letting • .the -Republican or ' - extreme Mitt-slavery Bine ,-This counsel has been frankly 'auggeaod, no doubt, after inn 'consultation with the,Opposition feeders, North and Routh: It does not please the ultra Republicans. The National Wra;printed in this city, arid circulating widely all over" the' Scorch and Northwest, has boldly "dinwri its sword upon 'the proposition of the Tri bune, and gives it distinct notice that no such, plan will be, aulmeitted, to, and that without distinct and ample recognition of the Repirbiloane—indeed,! Without a full suriender of the Oppolitlon organi sation to the Republicans, under the Republican name—there can be no union anion the elements of, Opposition. ' It !await known that in Penney!, vaults the People's party was invented for the pur posis of supplanting the Republicans, and that it isMaintained, especially in Philadelphia, and else where throughout your in, in order to teach' she Republicans that there, can be no union upon extreme antislavery ideatt.,, It 'will `require 0011 , `elderable AID and „, gen eralshin to unite' the dif ferent elements'"Of the Opposition in 1860. Take,' for instamie, the' single faot that in Ken tucky the old line . Whigs, headed by Prentiss Drib* Lonieville Journal and others, have plant ed themselves upon the extreme &latrine of the protection of„ -slavery -slavery in the .Territoriei., How, sin theite'he brought in to instals , a'.ll,ePabilean who stands on the:Republican deotrine, Of '1p513, that Congress must' interfere for the prohibition of slavery in the Territories? Then yen have' the Americon,party of Nair Jersey headed .by Gem.' mode**, Stookton and Mr. Byard ; the old line W,hige in New York, headed by t h e two Broekeen, ei.Preeddent Pillmorei . ,and others; the Americans -in Massachusetts led by, Odvernor Banks ; the Tait Onwin Liberals in. Ohio ;' pni ? Americans in illinote and Indiana ; and probably more impor tant than all, the feet that in the oily of Phila delphia, the Opposition organization is almost en tirely ' controlled . by' the Americana. How can those import ant ingredients be, brought to 'gather on a 'minion :platform, with' Tiolltielatis 'who ere,' o ut and 'out, opposed to the doctrines of the Atimilisint party,' and ” who are committed against thesis, not" Merely because many of them are eilkens of foreign 'birth, but because the mast Of the leaden' •are publicly and'everywhereeem-, 'pitted to protect those, citizens of foreign birth? Then's:mum the wide - disagreement between other important scalene of the Opiosittea in the atorit, on the subject of slavery. The New York TH: bane lias irwept the 'nroapeet of the future with a hold glance, and hisauggested a bold remedy, but the Natictial 'Era and other Republioanjournals ' ar - m to be resolved upon' making no - conoessions to itheist,;suggestions. ;They would, rather be de- fesited.,,it is plear, than to triumph by a concession thatmouldenly make their Administration, in the 'Vint of the defeat of thei'Dimberioy fn 184 - • • under Tyler end Pilltrore2 s ' There seems to birne end to the cemplleations , of ear foreign Policy:Whother - abroad or at home, Mexioolkthe, prettenrtleuble of the Adreinistral, blob at Washington.--.A hind call is made by-The States liere,-,the,New, Orleans Bulletin, the Mo bile Register, ex-Minister, Forsyth, 'and other' .authorities, that Mr. Buohanap should interfere for the pOrptise of establishing peace between the factions in Mexiee, and to protect our interests and secure the fulfilment 'of treaty stlpulatiens. We, through our President, have recognised the Or Liiielei Government, and now that this Government is a failure, and hue been superseded bribe aueeemfal Monarchists, we are called upon, totntervene by forms of arms, to build in the seat" oof; the Mexloan country,, a .i.orrer which can not ' Ma;listain itself ! This 'suggestion • waritly_ 'combatted by "the National Intel& gencer as' dangerous in the' extreme. I am led to believe DOM excellent authority that the British-Government will certainly condemn Mr. Ottway, the Britlett,minister at the Mexican cap!. tai, for lending his intiaenea to the OIRLEO of Mira trin„nnprestionably the cause of intolerance Thelienah ,minister has taken thelnitie' side,' eu that Pianee and England "stand with 'the abioi& teteln Mex co, nest the etrengeet, 'and the United Stites with the Yriaret or Liberal polloy, *Web is the weakest:. Infos:elation received fermi New Or leans this evening leads .ma to believe that of alb the . dB:601110es ; into- which; our Government has fallen, that in reference to Mexico bide fair to be themest, vexatious. I, am : not dtepese •to blame lifr.,Buohalsan for blerecognifloit of Juarez's poll : ey e wh ich was unquestionably,the best that could be done at the tithe, but'le has left hi:dila' it st: very ugly train of responsibilities, •' Strange stifles are told of Senator Bigler, who, in hie anxiety to be re-elected to the Senate in 1961 is'making all sorts of promisee in different parts of iniur State. The Senator, I am told, Wakes It a point to; luiprers upon the State-Rights Democrats whenever he meets them that he differs from Mr. Buchanan-on a number :of questions. But the sponge is ready to wipe him out of the piece which ho maples.' -Mr. Greenwood, of Arkansas, the 'new Commis. siener 'of Indian , Affairs, la unquestionably the beat appointment' that Mr. Buchanan has made in 'a long Units. He is very well known in Philadel phia, and served 'in Congress not with ranch die. Unction, but with success, securing the confidence "and friendship of all parties, ' ' , 'Bishop, the new Commissioner of Patents, IS put Into pima shriply to let the people of Cosine°licut see that if they refuse' to . reward A representative for doing wrong hie. Buchanan will not. Mr Bishop votodloiLeoompto ' n •and went tho full Admlnls• tiatlen Ivies on all the scrolling monstrosities, and his constituents voted that-he should stay at home. Mr. Buchanan, however, has sharaoteristi• eally rseclved that ho shall not staint home, but shall hold n,higb °Moe noar his person. ' !Thelong letter of Coirernor Wise Is on, exhibition here at two of the newspaper 'Alex , Compositors, .editors, 'arid ,reporters go In and regard it with un- dissomblid imminent, and newspaper reader. shrink with liorroi from the 'enormous labor-Its perusai,would involve., It is proposed to have it issued in small volumes, in order to adapt It' to common consumption and comprehension 1 OCCASIONAL. Public Amusements. ' idloMmtur or Musto.-=—We - should be delighted to announce any novelty here; but the same old, haokneyed' operas are repeated., This .avenhig " La Favorite," with Gazsaniga, Stbfani, and Florense, and tomorrow "La Sonttambula,' , with Laborde, Sbrlglia, and Florence. • Adelaide - Phillips, 'who really sings better, with a younger and fresher:velem, than either of the other ladies, aid who'd the publie would like to hoar oftener will be shelved ! This is odd management, If Madame dissiniga were returning - to , Europe a 'hundred timasAfs 'She really going?) we should repeat that the most :tender, leave 7 taking cannot restore her voice, to what it was a couple of years, ,sgo, ileidramatio powers are undocayed. Gastanigali voice whioh has lest all its freshness -and mush Of Itiixisigr.. At any rato;ehis earl sect; -whioh':Laboide 'cannot. She PiPiCe/amininglY, with eavVeet voice, of limited 'range, but she's not draiiiitieland as for 0105011 mi, whioh ehows that feela",and;iinderstande, she has it not, AdelaidelVillpi has heen taught in a good school and her liTaney,) -.‘` filar the," Was the_ besi ,pereortatfini,"'dramatlesily and veoally in that Operri. ,The two - neve tenors arc good. Btofant fe nothing tieerfas good as Marie, though ad' 'vertised as almost equal to him ; but he has a good vefoo, , With fine exeou Gan; and he WAS well. Brig non's, voloe is sweeter, hut less powerful. SMfani 18 Wellileohidg, mod gramifulL-Drignoll was °out- Mon-looking and einem., Bbriglia, a curial, dark. ,faded mats, with anise rebut, defiolent in power, Is a good Senond tenor, 'Of Oast Formes we will ,only sky atatOted be sang in Gorman and• gd t cged in An g lieb, in, Itallan2Gpare, - ,Ort any stage in'!tt , rope, We wouldmot have *en allovied ever again' to Walt' Mr 'Ludlam, insflike manner. - Had he .done'SO;al,!.llavene,' thel„Oaptelp-General would hatieln4rehad hitsi :off to priion; with bread ;to hater, Mider, the escort of - a file Of Soldier/1., Th - chorus, !be' ocoasionally *eke_ out into ,Gerraao, Wadi( hiiiiibekin"leiVed the 81;4 Way- If "Martha", be again performed, let it be in one language—ltalian or German, but in one only, We eannottxpeOt a dingo iriLooStuine, but ther THE PRESS.-RHILADELPIIIA, MQN DAY, MAY 9, 1859. was not one person - in, dressed properly. 'Formes was ttiO. nearest.,,appOch to eorreotness, , = but an English farmerWeisld heiheve,had his bat bedizened,with red ribhrddi. , lia, another. - farmer; Wore a velvet snit.., Miss Phillips, vent, sported silks and satins Tothorde'disittised". as a servant, into a bleak - velvet hat. -The Morita `?, were dressed net like English farmers and female servants, bat as Italian - and Birlas peasants, and all the women, from the extensive female in front to the email singer in the centre, wore expansive , hoops! In e ,triarket-soone, watermelons Were l exposed fol • sale, watermelons bbing as'much knOWn in England in the time oflyen Anne 15 at Present. . IYALNUT7BTRBBT TREATRZ —Mr. Barry Sant van's engagement has hien renewed for the pre sent week: • This evening, he repeats liatafet,, (whloh he played for his benefit on Friday,) with Miss ; 'Anna Cruise as Dphelia. If any one doubted 'of the groat ability.ofdifr, Sullivan,l he should have seen him, on Thuraday evening,..tplaying Itinedick, In " Mutt Ado about Nothing"—a, play whioh draws less than any other written by ihak speare. , It la - sheer love of the - art, therefore, whioh•oan make any man play Bettedick. Mr. Wallaok, the elder, plays it, but all tee restlessly' and is besides some • forty years 'too old' for Ahe , Character, is Tenedieli cannot be taken at more 'thin thirty-One years of age. The Rinedick drawn by' BhaltSpettre in far' from being the .prinetpalt olutraotei M the play, though . Mr, IVallaok tries to make hint'so.' Mr. Walla*, NS Bensd* is perpetually in ;the foreground, while Mr Sal- Henn does not thus,,obttude himself on the aUdi enoe. ,Mr..t3ulliVan was dreised with . great taste,' and perforated, with toot Mrs: field, as "Patrice, WalbeloW par:-Lhor gaiety was. fOreed; and 'her oakum° (partioularly her head drew) was unbecoming. This lady merely-walks through her parts, acid has, thereforeialased o toll° the favorite she once was. Messrs. Bhewell Debate played well,—and so did Mr., Jack up to file Cliallengetoplaudio, where he ranted terribly. Mr.'Regers was, who)iY,out of.plaioasDoeberni." He an„ikotor , Wbose attempts at hunme.are pain. fat to witness: Ire is ON hard as bast-Iron: 'l'l.lbere did he learn to speak of ewe as an ? It man frOm - the 'Saxon Word mine, and should be pro., nounoed like its root. Mr. Rberle'a Verges wan much-better. In foot, not Mr. Rogers, brit Mr.. Hemphill, should have play,ed Dogber,ry. -, Anon, orator ,Turernu.—Mrs : Drew's benefit, on Bviday evening. was a bumper, as ru'iglA bo anticipated froth the versatility and popularity of this excellent actress. Thlieveillog. liSheEtbiorst to CoiquetA sad To-merrow, , John Gilbert's beiefit, "John Bull" :and "The' Warlock of the- Glen:" • On Friday evening, for Mr. Delman'a • benefit, "Robert ; Emmett', end, ,'.The Comedy oflrrors." Watore 8 NATIONAL THEATRE —Mi.' 'Wayne ()twine, opens, this theatre to-tight, with' P Minnie AMerlOan Cousin," 'with Miss Julia Daly,• a oletier actress and good vUoalist, in her original alternator. Mr. G. 'C. Charles is , also lathe oast, as will as in a laughable afterlieeo The prices here are sat at 25 and 15 cents, . , 111eDoNouaa's GAIISTIER.--4"anny .Poros,t, Jliiss O. Morley, Mr. Conrad, .lohnlliatne, and other good singers, belong to thie ,poputer hAiee„with dancers, instrumentalists and Etblopiani, of high repute. ltr. McDonough isdisianoing all 'compe - titers.- Onnis.:lfousa.—Mr. Iluntley;• with .a band of fifteen Minstrels, is in management here, and hie eiery prospect of thate•partiaular moon which mates money. : ' , • HAMM; AND SOCIETT.—To - morrow evening, at Musical Land Mall, this pooiety will prodpoa the Chevalier N,ewkornm's gratorio of , t David," a truly magnificent oemposition, 'Or. series of eompositiOns, which has long bean ponelai inEurope, and was lately most sruceessful in Boston : Dedteation of the New 11.10 ten Tent of the Young Men'® Christine Association. HERMON BY, BEANTLEY-STATEMENT, BY CIEO II STUART, EBQ ~ETC. , The. dedication, on Saturday afterndon,'of the new Union Tent. treated for missionary purees* by the Young Men'e Christian MooWien; oh the lot corner of Twelfth and Fitzwater streets, was an cmonsion of impressive intareet. , " This Tent le of the same site as the nne dedi cated in May, last year, though- ite interior eon, struotion, , we think, has been much improved upon, and promote, in whole, a ; much Mora in, siting appearance.. The benche3 ivith.whieh it i supplied aro till covered with green nil-cloth, in , stead of the ratoarpet coverings nied in the former, which were, besides being dismal in - hue, liable to the diaddiantage of retaining moisture, whist' the oil-cloth is caloulated tb resist. - Pbo settees, on the ample platform are,alea painted green, and, &tugs aurtala,,of the, stage color, is festoonml, mime tha inside, isapahle of lnttrig let &twit; 'lye, presume, ea fts; te.tapilese - the, stage alobe; for lea( ..'ent itself is superior :tit/04'0f dneli k ;'ooiered , with a preparatieri to'ciltbatavd Skier' !- At the appointed hour, 31 Pi M., Geo,,M •Stuartti Esq , who occupied the 'char t anneal:meal that the. exeroltes •Wodld cointhenead ' with prayer, by the Rev. 'fames Pratt, rector of the Church of Covenant. • • • ; = . , After prayer, the first hymn. commencing, ,'tAli bail the power of Jesas' name !"' was read by the Rev. John J. Murray, of the Methodist Robroopal Churchorhieh was then sung by the ommregation, with great Spirit, the"open ohoractor of the place in which they were imparting to the sacred song' a peculiar 'charm, which was. not unnoticed by, passersby of all classes, from the sturdy laborer driving his Aiay to the fancy young Mon who passed that ' way on their Baturdapeefterntiont drive—many of whom halted for several minutes as the service progressed Rev. J. P. Berg, of the Reformed Dutch Cherish —whose name was set down on the programme -for that portion, of the exercises—being absent, Rev. lamps Gibson,' of Belfast, Iretax was es. signed the duty of veadleg the Scriptures: , The beautiful and Impressive •,,ortraiture of " Ohristain Charity." .as contained in the 13th chapter of Paul's First Epistle to" the Corinthians, was - the portion selected. • • - • - • ~• The,,dedicatory prayer—earnestly offered, and yery,appropriately , framed—was .pext made, by I the Rev. George Duffield, P S: Presbyterian, at tbevonolnsion of which another hymn ,was rend, by, the Rev. Goldsmith D. l Ciarrow,Methodtst, and sabg by the congregation, who were" lect by Mr. Bird, the accomplished leader of the choir to the Church, Broad and Spruce streets; of:which Rev, Dr. Wylie it pastor. . ' The „next step iii order was the main feature of these opening Services, the preaching of the ,dedi-, eatery sermeet which was assigned to. the Rev. Wm. T. Brantley. D D", of the Baptist "Chetah. Before naminghis text he said be had beard these Berviees'announeed as •C‘ dedicatory," and yet he did not feel himself Galled upon to preach a dedi-. calory sermon. are believed the work of dates tion had already been performed It bad been dedicated to the service for which it was intended in the very net of 14 erection, and in the services which bad preceded him. , • The Word of God from which be would . address them, however, was contained in the 15th verse of the 24th chapter of Joshua, vie.; " Choose you this day whore, yo will serve " The discourse which followed was an earnest and lurid exposition of Scripture,, with , speolal refer enee.to its power and application to the souls of the unconverted. Ile was free to say that it was not in hie power to oonvert a single soul ; nor wee it id the power of all the ministers In the world to convert a soul. That work belonged to God,. and to Rim only. It was God's love which must seek and arrest the Sinner and commence the good *ink - in heart, and it wet God's grape alone that could earry Won .after, it was oommenoed.. .Yet it was true, that in a very important sense, every man had semething"to'do 'towards obtaining his salvo , thin. kman, for example, oould choose whether on the one hand, be would seek. such amoiations and read snob books as in , their tendency would lead him to infidelity; or on the other, whether-he would read such books as were more likely,; under the blaming of God, to teed him ,to salvation in Christ. _ The speaker proceeded at some length'to argue the unreasonableness of abstaining from 'clod's, service. The terms ripen- which salvalion was offered were eloquently dwelt upon, as being mob In their freedom es none could reasonably reject. Anil in' view of this, he cautioned ; all who heard him not to make a fatal decision. There was no neutral ground in this matter. " lie -that , !Snot forMo to magnet me," was , the standard by which each decisions are tried, and if any man said with in himself, "I will Peithef bef w God, norbgalost him, "be deceived himself .' The longer, 'too, that this decision, was deferral the more-rapid become the stream which was bearing the sinner dawn to the gulf of perdition, until, finally, the dig would come when salvation would be out of the question,' The history of the Church of Jews Qhrist proved that the great me of those Who ecnindsed its membership bad been brought to the truth in the morning of life. , The speaker here introduced certain college statistics to prove that from six teen to twenty years of age was lito moat P-o -pitious time for the new birth --There 'Might be, 'and were', he know, many oases pf conversion at a much later. period in life; yet there were fads enongh'to supply the fearful probability that,' un less they chose the service of God in the morning of life,,they were most likely, not to do so at all. "Choose ye then this day whom ye will serve" wee bitrearnest admonition. . ' Another point which should , net, be overlooked, as A mighty reason , for aotinF promptly in this matter, was, that '"io•dati " NOW" 'is IV*. day of salvation The present moment alone was ours ; we had no lease upon the future. ~, At the close of his sermon, Mr. George 13. Stuart, - president of the Young Men'e Christian:Ass - oda , %len, made an address fall of interesting statis • • ' tic's - Salvation, it was true, said Mr S.,'s; of the Lord ; yet, it was also true, that at all times and 'in alilagee:' God had oondoseended. to bless, the , humblest eirqrts of his children ,In their endeavors 'to extend bis kingdmit. In bid brief Mad -inte resting statement respebting -Slit 'tent movement; we learned that much good. bad already been ao complished by I. Thotiret tont was dedicated on the let of May, 11355. For - Eli - menthe it' bid re mained in' this; pity, 'during • *high. tinge; it hgd boon: pitohed in cis different localitiee ;,aud it,wee remarkable foot that, at every one of the sot- vices held in it, from Brit to last, there had been souls awakened , , „ During *that interval, 410 ,meetings. had been held in it, of .whiel 325 were in the English lan guage, and•ol in German. There were sermons preached during that time by 105. minieters„ and 100 others had either exhorted, prayed, or' taken me other pert 'la the religinue eervloes,'and•in whit:42 all' the Evangelism ',Churches in America had been repreoented. X ront an oetimatp made, 170,000 puts had been preached 'to during 'the suinmer in that 'tent, and'of that. nuniber some trio hundred were• hopefully converted, one of whom (Mr,G'J.,Mingins),had been selected . 4 the' Yonug Men's Christian AsseCiation as the suporin , tapdent Of the new tent they were then dedicating. Misdate teat, Mr. Stuart said, had boon. b Alt with the contributions of twenty-five gentlemen In this oity,(who subseribed flfsy dollars each)', of different Obriellan dehonalnations • , The aolletition (to meet certain oxpenses i !flour-, rod in fitting up the interior of the tent) was taken at the olose of Mr. Stuart's address, during will& an exhortation of extraordinary vigor and pun- Raney wait commeneed, by the Rev .' llf- -, C: Scotehmen,'who.has passed. the ittioitl4 life, -by' several years, but who certainly' evinees degree otheroiset:in his nailing, as .a4ituttor and - an oyangelist; - poisoned by comparktively feed of his profestrien in:More vigeronerniddle age, We bave seldom - heard'so^veet a veipe , 'Of =pungent truth ,ronpressed into So narreweeneipass as was want heed ' -We subeequently learned that Dr: Smith came to this country, forty years ago, an infidel; but that ten years afterward he was converted to the truth, and at mine entered upon the ministry, in which he has been a zealous laborer in the West ern-pert of our country ever Atm. ;The concluding psalm, of the afternoon wait 'reed by, the Rey. J. it Dales, United Presbvtirinit, at isonelesion of Whielt - prayer 'was offered and tee benediction pronounced by the Rev. E. De )Ativeinetz, of the Moravian Church. In the evening, at ,eight o'alook, servioes were gain held in the tent, when a 'oharaoteristie and. powerful discouree was preached by the Rev. John Chambers, from the following text of Scripture : " 4ut God forbid that I aboald glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jessie Christ, whereby the world is ornoitled unto 'me p hnd I unto the world. 'Per in Christ Jesus neither eireumeision availeth any thing nor unoireinnsion, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and m ercy , , end upon the Israel of God. prom henceforth let no inantrouble me; for I bear: , in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."' Services were held in , the tent yesterday after noon and evening. A prayer meeting was also held in it la the morning. from 7 to 8 o 'clock. In all these services, the• following gentlemen, of those not already named, took apart: Reverends X 'Judson Clark, Baptist ;-W. J. R Taylor, Re formed Dntob ; James Neill, Methodist; John Jenkins, X. S. Presbyterian; James M. Crowell, 0. S. Presbyterian; Daniel Bowers, Method'st ; Charles Baer. Lutheran; Themes G. Allen, Epis sepal ; E W. Hatter, Lutheran; Simnel P. Herron, Ref'd Presbyterian ; J H. Lightburn, Methodist; .Alfred Nevin; ELong, - German; Reformed ; Thomas Brainerd, X. S. Presbyterian ; J: Wheaton Smith, Reptist ; James Ohallen, Dis ciples of Christ; J. B Ripley, 0 S. Presbyterian ; R. - A. Carden, Episcopalian; 'Thee. S. MEIIOOIII, Biptist John Patton, N. S. Presbyterian; John W. Jackson, Methodist; Dr. Harper, Missionary ; G. CT Arnold,, - United Presbyterian ; T. W. 'J. Reformed Presbyterian; John G. Wilson, - Independent; and Mr. George-Jr iiiingins, who lea been already 'referred to as the superintendent of the new tent. Importfint from•lllexico. Tuv;;VIEW OF TUE MEXICAN COMPLICATION BY HOE. • JOHN FORSYTH, LATE AMERICAN MINISTER TO • The Tennessee,rat New Orleans, brings late and important intelligence 'tuna this distraoted' bout: try. Oar attentive and Intelligent correspondent furnisherus "a 'highly interesting history of the ex citing scenes and events of whioh the !axiom capital has been the theatre. The Aftiamon 'aphasia was greatly enraged at the recognition of the Juarez Government by the American minis ter,; and, but for the advice of the British and Preach ministers, would , have taken some very: rash stops. These men aro beginning now to reap the fruits of their; folly in their warfare upon the lite American minister and the persecution of American citizens fer•the purpose of annoying him and showing their contempt for the American Go vernment. Relying on the promises of Moos. De Gatirlao, of the support of Franca, they thought they could indulge their American prejudices with impunity. They are now, thanks to the proMptitude of Mr. McLane, discovering their emir. „Oar correspondent &amanita to us a copy of the protest of Bonilla, the Secretary of State of the Malkin Government,. against the act of recogni. San by Mr. McLane, and also against all treaties, -contracts, and arrangements that may be made by the same. This protest is dated at the National Palace, Mexico, April 44th, and signed by Manuel Diaz de Bonilla, in the name of the President. We'shall refer to this protest hereafter. We publish an,important Orontes. from the Bd. tisk mini/ass in'Mexido to her Majesty's consuls, announcing it to he the intention of , the British Government to help itself by fume to the means, whdrever found, for. the Settlement of the long neglected claims of, British subjects upon Mexico. Thilt is a - virtual declaration that Mexico has no 'Bovernmentworthy of the name, and is in a state of disintegration and anaro y,-which justifies its creditors to seise upon the effects of the "dying man " Nye hope our Government will remember, if this game of grab is to be played, that American citi zens are also large creditors of the bankrupt, and' their interests should. be looked after. There la hat? one solution of the Mexican question.' Thaf 'country cannot, govern - It must have a guardian from abroad, If It does not soon get that guardian upon conditions of peace and agree- Mitt, It will get it in the shape of a conqueror. If that guardianship is not Amerlean it wilt be Euro pean—if it is not legal, governmental and Atried eati, it will he tillbusterish and Amerloan, 'or Euro pean _Our Government will not see the truth, and few of Our people understand it. It is, nevertheless, a truth that time will &roe ,It the eenvietions of our Government and people—a truth perfectly apparent to -every intelligent foreigner whip hap ewer visited the country and studied the eharaoter of its people. The news we publish today is but counterpart of Mexican history for the past forty years, since' her emanelpation from the Spanish yoke, and one looks In van for any sign to en courage the hope of better ' things in the future. -nit fair and superbland is given over to anarchy, civil war, murder, and robbery. The disease Is .ahrbole and - Wearable, except through the infusion the blood and energy of a , foreign itoe.' , lintil :.,fftlisp a rtiVontinue to be a curse to Itself, en waste, so pMtilictpuralle,Acsi.and. a oerped—another China,- in short. before' ,and Preneh diplomacy aritlarms broke down the /hiders which. for ages, bad 'Aunt it out from the cly)lization of Eathrie.—Afailerßegister. . A Pair of Dlglon►a.s. From the Weablonto7 Motile It is reported in the Val York j mrnals that the Individual familiarly known to the publio as " the Chevalier Wykoff," has been seleoted to return our treaty with China to the capital of that empire, 'Besides the confidence implied in this t=oot, we believe government me eight dollars a day and exponent, for the gerviee. very nice appoint ment," the Chevalier may well exclaim. Of oeurse,Ar,Baohanan is ,free to employ what. ever agentMs may please in the administration of government. On onrpatt we claim, the liberty to protest against oneh 'appointments' ar are dis creditable to the,charaater of the °gantry. This Wykok" is a notorious vagaborid. If we ,aaiept his own 'version of hie expleite, he le about as retipsotahle Rothe paroons whose portraits adorn the antechamber of the thief of pollee. He is a Confidendis-man, and, be only differs from his aseootates by his pre•eminience in the profession. For years he has -been , peddling - his proterisions among the courts of Europe. It is his boast that Palmerston onoo - emploYed•llim to 'do' the „dirty work of the British Government. The utter profli gacy of his ohiracter its • well 'illustrated , in the Mot that, he turned the ,detaile of a penal lui miseriment into a moneymaking publication. Is such an individual a fit • representative of ibis Government on the theatre of his' infamous ex.' plaits? We krow, very.well what reply the Se nate would return to thifilnquiry, if they Were allowed an opportunity of pronouncing ,on the propriety of the Chevalier Wylion'e appointment. - But the Chevalier in not alone in his glory. Somewhere among the pimps and panders of Eu ropean prostitution. he will 'et:mounter a worthy associate in the person of Francis T. Grand. This men.also boasts of. a.commission from the Govern ment of the'United Staten The preolne grade of hie employment has not transpired, the , only oer teen fact being that his service is such as will not require' the ratification of his appointment by the Senate. There is a whisper that he reports on the o mduot of our ministers ,in Europe; and the rapidity of his Movements Sluicing the Continental capitals gives color to the su,smoion Grand is no' better than Wykoff; is is rather the mere consummate villain in proportion to his superior ability. Jiff Davis drew his portrait by a single stroke, characterizing him no' the basest Hessian oohent ail." Tf the thmightwere not toompuleive„Vre might wall imag ne the excess of profligacy in which those representatives of the greatrepublio will in dulge, at the expense of Government, and to the deplorable discredit of the national obaracter. Perhaps after all Alley are not in the employment of the Administration May we outlast the organ teleform an indignant-public, If the patronage of Herernment has boon so shamefully abused? No thlag-irould'give to greater pleasure than to re. Here 11 Demooratio Executive of the inferno - us as natation— - EXlranrdinaTY, Cirannstance--A Man - , Dying Twice. A man died in the Seventeenth ward, a day or two ago, who might be acid to have died one* be ton, and been recalled to life by a singular oir ourirstance. He had suffered for a long time from Coolumption, and grown weaker and weaker. and ma /wand more attenuated, until be could not staid or speak,' Ile felt that he had but a few daytt to live, and made every propitiation for ap protehing -dissolution, the wife watched beside him, and one morning be biokoned to her to put heihead to his lips, when be whispers I, " I am Ping, Jane," and took her hand. .„ alight spasm passed through his frame; a dee.dly pallor overspread hie fare ; hie oyes rolled upward, and the rattle of death was beard in his throat At that moment his wife soreimed, and heranted up with now vigor, and asked faintly , : " I hy did you that? .. Why did you not lot me din In peace ?" prom that, moment, he began to recover and grow stronger, and In a month he was enabled to 115461 his bed. and, werk, at his trade. He lived for nearly two yeais after that strange event, but finally was attooksd with a return of his old com plaint, and died after an illness of three months. ¶ lie it a very singular instance, but entirely true, and would seem to show that the soul of the' dying man was called book by the voice of a living heart, lingered for a while longer ere it left a kindred nature to battle with the world a . lone Ciinrzunati Enquirer, New York Stock Exchange—May 7.' 1010 1 U 9 69 '74 leg , 109,X 490 Ilanania P. •• •122 X . 3000 Virginia 8161 97% 200 Gal Ar. Ohio It - 60 1101 talon 82d Mt 574 50 do .' : ,r3O, 62x 3099Ln()&6 111 La 111 181; 100 do' oeo oax 75 Panda Mall BCo 66 ,100 Iltidson Itiv 11 WO 31 15 110 55 1701 do tOO 32,X 609 N's Oen 11100 717( Ira) oitv &, Tol It I tiO 26 600 do 71 X5OO -" do - • boo 261 100 do • .16 713 000 „do • 251‘ ' 95 Brie Railroad T 7 60 Ohio 4 e. It 111 030 Mg 400 Barn Prat t 3) 33X 100 do 59X 409 Reading It b:0 507( 100 - •do • MO 69X ,vo Mich Con R . 40 1200 do NO 69X - 160 do • 810 45n 200 "- do' •• -WO 60 50_'" do - • - al3O 46X 60 do 00 ;goo Mob ff B Gnar 3 It 101 • 'do , , ino 69 500 •do •• too 81% 100 do , •69X •• ‘ - , ;TUB BIABBBT/1 Q 0 8000 are idling In' lota at $6 76 lOO The ; nook , . ~ • 997 bbla. • 'COTTON quiet, and Wee limited; 13111.1SDST0FT8 -.Flour; Contlnnes Ileum j u v l price. have again advanoed 6®loo, SP; Obi ; .ales or all kinds 29;000 bble, Wheat toods norarda , - sales of 14 000 • tnediela, Wetly at $ t 6281 101 for - red ' and rribred West ern, and $1 20e1 25, for Alilwaukle WO. Corn—Sales of !ii boa bootie's at 080050. for jersey end round yel• lokr. and We for lidsifd Western. Rye boa advaneed to 0 0 06 e OP' bushel 'Baxley end Oats are In good. request . at buoyant prince, • Peoria toes —Pork la Intl:Arad for at $10‘10,210 25 for nser mess. and $l2 75c01Z SO for privity?, bbl. Out 'Nina and Lard are telling losefreely. - Beef la lineable nod firm. • • . , 7 . . • „ , INTEItkaTINcI,42EREEIONY;—The.cOinOT - St o l l ei 'ofihe Portuguese Synagogue, to be Constructed In Be ve4th street, above Arch, will be laid at roar Wolook this afternoon. The bnlldlnie is belng erected , for tbUtuse /of the rfingrell:itiOn it" obeeent Wdrehl Rani 01140 etreet, above bird. As the eerentoutee will ba' Ora' novel and Interesting character, we have no doubt a large ooncouree of people will be In attendenee. Letter from New York. 1 Later from, California. Ter. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY—INCREASE OF New ORLBANS, 001021,00alcog .11AILMOID RECEIPTS—ARRIVAL OF PRELATES op has arrived, with San Pranntleollatee to the 20th ult. THE: BOHAN CATHOLIC CHURCH-131111GRATiON--` The eteXpear Boners look' out one IMINOO seven Min deed thoeselnd-dollere id traitors. .. Tug HUT WALSH' FAAIILy—WASHINGTON The m'nfoenews is verf , favorable,ll.nd business ge• —TON COnnSMOn:OT TEP COUNTRY: The throughout ls Interne/og. •AND:EXPORTSILED.:IIP 2112' OUNN/200611 BUR- I',- eTketiNiemer blioraYsta Californ ia - Ores dateXto the let inst. DELL' AFTAIit. • . - ~Frohlee, was at 'Yeleps,yrith' 1 700 min, and Ampudia _ • Wee before thettity with 2,000 nice. [CorrespOidenee of The Tredi.l - Juares,i,had leaned a generat'exequalur to all the New Yong, May 1859. Americaprobneule. - The necessary reaps for the establishment of a fire. The English and French Sects were to leave Saeriii. 01642 astronomical rbservatory in the Central Park were aloe on the 21 het. Tnix 110 advires represent trouble between the Government and the Spanish offlclala—the consummated, a day or two since, by the election. of former trying to levy duties on the Beintah reseele, the trustees 'and Officers, under the act of lowers: Written same as those imposed on Honduras semis In Spanish - pissed by the last Legislature The trustees, forty in pie's. A Spanish waryinowl took aSteinialxbrig out of number, include come of the most prominent merchant' , po.t under the eyes otAtie atitheritiee, ands Carried her ale literary men of the town. The Hod. Luther /lie f dish is president of the hoard„ The commissioners o the Ceara! Park are extending - d 'the 'project all the aid in their power, white the , nic e n t enlargement fur ibilies the best possible site for the observatory: Every , ' thing; is now auspicious for •the establishment of the most extensive and complete institution of the kind on the Western continent, _1 '".. • - The tint indication of - Increased railroad receipt/1i niece the great revuleloo, is furnished in the published report of the earnings of the Hodson River Railroad Company for April, Which annanit . to $121,128.24; against $112,614 60 in the corresponding -month Jiet year .a gain of 28,508 64: • - Two eminent prelates of the RoMen,Getholle Church have arrived here within the week—the Rev. Dr. Blau abet Archbishop of Oregon, and the Rt. RceDr. La Basteda, the exiled Bishop of,Paelbla, Mexico. They are the guests of Archbishop Hughes. The number of emigrants arrived at this port for the week ending on the 4'h Instant, was 1,466, making a total of /1,194 Melee the:commencement of the year, against 12 487 for a corresponding periol in 1858, The following interesting reminiscences of the brothers of the late Mike Walsh, are publ i shed in a late number of the Memphis A ralaliche. is 'The children consisted of four brotherfand a slater, of whom Mum was the youngest, that bad been scat tered in all directions upon the death of their father. Mike alone remained with his mother A ino.t singu lar fatality beet them all. One of the brothers was sbotin a duel move a table in a Southern city; *mother fell by the side of the brave Crockett, at the masescre of the Alamo the third brother woe burned in the Ben Sherrod; and his sister perished 111 the ill-fated Lasing- - ton, The mother soon followed her children, leaving you: Mike to meet a death. under the circumstances, more terrible than any of the'rest i , Washington Irving, who reached the - very rips age of seventy-six on the third of last month, was in town a day or two ago, quite recovered from his late illness. With careful handling;surdi s as he lei how pritetising wards himself,, he looks as though he might score as many years' as old Sammy Rogers There is this dle feienee, however, between the two—Rogere breakfast ed ; Par • Irving dinea The tab's of Imports 'at this port, made op for the month of April, tahltit the commerce ,of the country in a flourishing condition—the - aggregate from Janiinry 1 to' May , 1, being more than twice the total for the same Oiled of. , lad' year, ind Minot np to the large figures of 1857, The f cii tings are is 'follows : " ' 1857. - , 1858. • 1859. Ent. for coninimp.., $57,311,960 $2 . 1 093 845 $61,697,937, Ent. for warehoneg 19 068 289 . 7 230 542 9,025,517, Free gords... , 6,592 569 .8,587 911 10,801 338 epeolOand baton.. 8 911,278 1,251,691 ' 511,815 Total eat at the Port 86,885,046' 40.233 489 'Bl 842 4 , 7 Wltbd'u to wareh'e 10,101,989 18 880,251 7,618,050 The goods tn. warehouse show - a elighttrieresse,,the gain on, the Month being about one million dollars. °emanating the very email stock in bond, this shows that,the goods are wanted se fast as received. The export tables furnish . results equally favorable— the amount senkabroad last month being largely to 01• sees over the corriaponding month in 1857 or 18c8-41M total in April '57 being $9,026 950 ; in '6B $6,746 211; In '59 $l3 033,860. The most gratifying fact in °armee. time , with these' Itioreised exporte, lei the unexpected Inareme in the expert 0! prodpae By the flat Of the Bupreine Court; confirmatory of the decision of the BerFogate of the ally of,Neyr York, the, notorioul Mrs Onmehighartt has bean prniconticed hot to hard been the wife of the murdered Doctor Horde% Thiel decadent le . the result of certain legal Proceeding , ' taken •by Mre.,o,, to obtain rossessionPf One:third of hie property as his widow. Whether In coosequenee of the dieareditable 'clismosuree made in a recent spicy pib iloation entitled Matrimonial Brokerage in the Me. tropolis,! , or frees a conselous inability to make even a plausible 'claim to 'the estate; mks failed to Appear' In court, and the nouneel for the heirs Irok an order dis• miming h. r appeal: thug rifting a qhfeini to any claim she may have to tie considered hie widow. Thus le the Ounningham.Berdell all'alefinally played Out. •' • r E LA T E NEWS= BY TELEGRAPH. , The Fire At Pittsburg. speom. MISPITOn• TO TUE PRESS. Pitmans°, May 7 —The following% steamboats were burnt to the water's edge, at the Pittsburg wharf, to day; atl2 o'clock : Henry Graff, ammonia, Belleruont, Jenny Gray, Jae Wood, Patio's, Commerce, Potomac, .Toe.Coan, Connell Bluff—ten bests. • There were no goods f. om the • Fiennistivania Ruff rood on either of these bones There are still plenty orblata at thbt point for the preinpt ablpromit of all frolghta at prerentloar pewee. ,TRREE DAYS LATER FROR CALIFORNIA [BY oycHLAND MAIL.] The New Territory , or Colorado. Bneouraglng News frourthe RV. Lome. Mao B.—the overland mall arrived he nicht with Ban Frei:mire° Wee to the 18th ,nit , three dare later than prev'ona advice!. The bill forming,the.ell lower counties ot California. WO a new territory', to be called Colorado, hat been painted by the Senate and Bent to the Governor for aprroval. The markets it Efan Prattles° were unchanged. ' Thera had been no arrlyals at Oen Francisco from the A,Vintle ports since the departure 'of the lad mall ; nor bad there been any clearances. • . The opera feretall detest from Oregon to the oth nit 0, J. BicConnietti Dtmotrat, bed been elected Mayor of , Portiatid by a largo majority. The dates from Yletorle were to the 9th ult. The steamer Brother Jooa•hen had brought down $lOO,OOO in Sold enst The mining news from the Upper Fraser river were - encouraging The lower country was nearly denerted, and laborers cruid not be had at•ittly f Ill*, all having gone to the mines, Conflagration at Pintsbarpt-Ten steam boats Darned. PITTBIII7ItO. 7.-.. At a quarter past 12 o'clock this aftirtumn, a die habits out on beard ehootaamoo Henry Graff. at the boding, and, qulekly eommunteatlng to 'the adjAning boats, in less -than. eve umlaute+ ten of them were enveloped in name, and soon proved a total • • - . The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, with the usual pod loot attending its operations, escaped almost en tirely. The 'shipment', et that. company for the Went were on board the steambottn Economy end Routh Arderlei which °seeped entirely. The', latter - b,at fortunately. had steam op, and was the meann of saving all the other hoes at the landing, twenty in number. She took a fleet of four lands itetow, which were 'merest the Ire. and thus left a pp which made it possible to 'eve the mt. , • - ' • The following boats were destroyed t "Henry Gtiff.ll - Bluff." p.Peirla," "James Wood," Belmont 11, "Jennie Grey,"' J.ll Conn," " Oremonia.l , and I. Commerce rt The denies spread with terrifie rapidity, and the heat wee so great that fears ware entertained for the safety of the warehouses on Water street. The exertions of the firemen were principally devoted to the saving of this property. The amount Of freight on %aloes was not large. A small portion of the freight on the whirl wanting shipment wee also destroyed: - SC , . Is as yet unknown how the flee originated. The loss is estimated at $155 000, Including $.10,010 worth of freight There is an insurance, so far as ascertained, of $60,000, mostly in Pittsburg offices. Reply of Ex-Illnister Forsyth. WiIitIIMITON, May li.—The Mobile Begtstar of Tow day , last contains the reply ores Minister Forsyth to the recent editorial in The Coastitatiora, widish *reigned certain reasons why be was not sent beak as onr ml- Mater. *He says the reeordir of the department show that It to unequivocally false that he was the first foe reign minister to recognise the Waage Government; thatjttat the reverse 'gels hi true. Hama' the last. That after , this the loam floieimmint was' foimad-at' Queretaro. He adds: That It is the reverse of the troth that he was ohm:Woes to the Liberal party, and it was his notorious sympathy re , It - that he au In debted for the hatred and hostility of the Znioago Go. 'torment. resulting at last in forcing him to break off his relations with it He severe'y oritimzes the rouse of the Administration towards him. Arrival of the Steamer Coatzacoalcas at New Orleans , WASHING row, Mai 8 —A, private despatch from'New Camas. received at noon yeate;dsy. annonoced the steamer Coalmenlcoe from tdinititiao, with the Cali fornia matte of the 20th utt Hinee then both the tele graph lines to New Orlease are reported out of order, and oar despatches have not come to hand. Fireman's Celebration at Easton. Restos, Pa., May B.—Great preparations are making here to give the Southwark AOBO Company, of Phila. delphis a grand delebratlon on their arrival here to morrow They will be the nodal guest& or the Pita , nix Hoke Company, bat the eiVenie have embarked en 'nesse in giving eelat to the °melon. The Southwark Hose will leave Philadelphia at half-pnet nine o'clock In the morning by the Worth Pennsylvania Railroad. i• wing the detention at Bethlehem, the company will rartake of a banquet p ovided by the Peraever ince none Company, of that atty. Non-Arriial of Steamers ST. Joan's, N. P., May B.—The steamer front Galway, with detest , to the 80th ult., Is eta , due here, bat has not yet been eisnalled. Riven nu Loops, (below Quebes,) )fey 8, o'clock P. M —The steamship Anglo tenon . from 'Liverpool, with linen to the 27th ult , has not yet been elgealled. The night is clear and the - weather flue. Typographical nospitalities. YEW Tose, May B.—The Typographical Union, or this city, ',l...laded yesterday to the dele gates returning from the recent Natlora! Oonventl6,2 in Boston. They visited the prominent polnta abort the city, partook of a biwillet elite Plorence Room, and were present at Laura K8(100'd tbeatt to In the eVening. Collision of Western Steamers -and Loss MEM AT Louts. May 7 —The stettners .tLeep may nand (leder Rapid." nollidedresterday,roerelr.g.near gain ey, 111. The former wee nook Immediately Throe or hi r dook paseetigers are reported to)itve,been Icet. ' ' riom Neu , ' AI Oat°. ' • ' • sr. Louts, May T.—The Banta Ye mail, with daten to the 18th rdt , arrived at laderienddrose this evening. General Covert, the agent thr the Navajo Ir.dians, re. Alerts all quiet. s, Burning of a younlry BOSTON. May T.—Mr: floor LiiatalateVe broil foundry, in Lewin etreetribest.Booton. eree burnt tele morning, with all its contents. Lime $9,000, upon which there in no insurance. Arceot of Maroney. 1 , 1N59 Whit, May B.—MaroneY, formerly the agent of Adams napress at Montgomery, Alabama, was arrested here last night, 'ahatged' with the reeent'robbery at Montgomery. Ire Was held to bail In Ile Is repotted to have Intended selling for Swope. The 'U. Frigate :it. Lawrence , item Boston. . &Brow, Shy 7, The U. S. frigate St, Lawreuce has been signalled oft - nightaint Light. ' ; of Professor .11.1ofee. New YORK, May B.—Protentor Mom arrived to day a petunia . on bowl the lettit Eatilh , fr o m A rr ' y 6. Markets y Tefegriiph. . . _ CINOINNaTI, May 4.--tiOU ' r 61:11tet 2.6,76®9 80 Whig. kky hoe *Wanda 280 Parton 'Hand buoyant ; eldee 6% 05930 i *losing at 7e9a • Mae Pork 'WO.. Lad quiet, 'Hooray, May 7 —tlottou market qultit I 'Cosa Mill' at 19 Tor rulddlloga, with sales of 1 1 900 hales, Woollen Mills ,at Watertown,New.york Destroyed by Fire.— TWO 'OP THS °pig:mons „ICILLEI? MID :THM?!EX WOUND ED WALTeRTOWit. N., Y., iday.6.—The Black Elver We o '. ten difilaadiftie Tillage; Wire 'destroyed by ere pester.' day. Theft e originated In the picking room. and before the operative - ion thithlid and fourth stories could be warned all egrees was cat °ff...., Some were rescued by ladders, and othonfjmnped out of the windows. Two patens were killed, and thlesen severely injared.„Tem reasived- fatal injuries: ,Others also received alight brulsei, and several are reported as There were sixty'pereons in the building at the , tlate of the fire. The leas amounted to $4O goo, on whtoh there 1 a par tial 'unarm:me. Froin the Upper Mietionri. Fr. LOnle, May 6 —MOM. Vaughan, the agent of the Blackfoot Indlansoirrivedyrsterday, ag Vort 'Moulton. from the head waters Of tha Ws/one. He raj* ta oat venal peace prevailing among the Indians Major Vaughan is on 'his way to Washington, THE CITY. I See First Page RECEPTION OP MORPHY.—The arrangements for remising Mr. Morphy, the, American Automat of Chem, When Ye elate this city are ; almost Completed. We have many reasons of our own (principally from our keowledge of the men wh4 have this matter Inland) for saying that when Mr Morphy arrives be will receive • Pennsylvania welcome, worthy of • Pennsylvania me tropolis The precirm time of Mr. Morphyfe &meal can not of course, be fired When lad heard from he was' In London, preparing to return, and he may be • pas senger in the Persia, now doe We hope to see him, end take him by ' the band, about the latter part of May or the first of June., The committee of arrangemente, Mr. P.llPnitgoinerr*, chairman, eta mire our (Mi sses' who may hedgehops of meeting Mr, Morphy, or of , witnessing his marrineas powers - over the man of cheep, to send in their names to the committee, at the Atheme tut ' , THE WORK of removing the market sheds on Market sheet, between arid 'Seventeenth streets, seems to be only half done. -They:epilog, etalle, and woodwork More been relieved, bet there is yet about a dozen cart-londs of rubbish scattered on the old market pavement. The rubbish mainly consists of plaster, bricks. stray hairdo, and *boat a doseu Iron Milers. The plaster 1,1 , 1 n a half pulverised slate; ;and Is balm; blown into the strfetei, Wain, and pavements of the neighborhood It bee got tobe •nuleance, and sichthe people in the vicinity call it. There wee • Contract made with, some enterprising isorp - oratonto remove diem inartete, , Mit deuinniktiaim - - Somebody should see that tbte cortraet is performed, A FATAL - L - issorr.ln the latter part of last week we ehronteled the. ,death of a German, boy s aged about 15 years, on the Baltimore itallroad. It was the result of an accident altogether, but yet that seeldent rnar`teleit a lesson. The deceased and bin brother were treadling rensielans. and 'had ooritracted a habit -of getting on the care clandestinely, and when they got In motion. of amusing ilia , passengers with their music. They bad been removed several times by the conductor*, bat they persisted in their - prstrtice until the senior, met his death, as before related. Boys should 'beware of this reckleseipreollerof -hinging around looomo .. tivea, especially when In (dotted S,LICIAT FlRE.—This morning, shortly after 'midnight, a fire'brekeotlilia freme bulldiriiOn Little Dock street near Spree& The building was occupied by nimber of Trick families, the Batumi breaking nut In 'a room occupied by 7ames Qnigley Quigley bad been intokicated, and when the r Blears broke into his rpom he was still in a itite' Of Intootirmtfon. 'Hewes resew*, ho' the officers with some little difficulty, so badly burned about the face and bands that he bed to be re ' Moved to the hospital.' ,Little' dazzles' was caused br the flames, which were soon ext.lnsulskod. The fire Is attributed to the carelessness of Qnigiey S t thrifir, Fran.=-7-Tha alarm of fire, about 4 o! I9okjedsniay afternoon, ems' caitseci by tbit' petibit burning of the root or a thrateteel bone, In Notronui CAA, in the nelgbborbcoiof ilecond end Oallowhill atiebte, The 114111811 communicated to an unoodunied atorn, owned by Minim Thar, adjoining th'e premises, bat were extingulebed before say sedans damage bad been done . At 9 o'aloot.on Saturday morning, the dwelling or Mr. Samuel Aldrich, !Seventh litreet, above Areh, wu the; ecene of an alarm, caused- by au(seh-box. ,, in. the Collar taking Bra_fron3 hot uke_a,wkintt baci,Peen plp!al in It. . impzarions.—=The annual iiißpectioa of,ttie Heidi brigade, under command of General Clhaviladei wilt take place, On Monde); itternitnn,•ilie 23111414'4in Broil street, south of the Baltimore Railroad depot The Inspection or the iteennd will be held ou the Both lost Mijor Pugh. the brigade inspector, has axed the time, leaving the officer, or the, brigade to decide upon the place. 'lke brigade hoe been ordered out at ten o'clock on the Meaning or that day. The third brigade, Gen-Wm. M. Reilly, .111 te inspect ed in the State Arsenal on Monday:, the PM bat. • FetteDs.- , -"-lihe' Southwark HOBO ' npeny , !saves for Easton to-day bit tafdre leaving they parade over some of one prirtelptkstreeta. Tbl* is the rokhrtvee rt— oorne gtt ::Washingon.npWashin'Furth Walnut, down Walnut to Third, np Tkird4o Plefiout. up Obestouttiblielh, tip Ntrithlo Sarebr&wrageth to Filth, up Fifth to Vine. down Vine to Pront,orp F. ont to the N rth Pennsylvania Iliiitiotati Dempsey's depot. The proemial will move at 7 o'clock, A. M.. preeleely. SU SPlOUltiff.—The or it man toutid fluting in the Soliarihill,rPreri opposite !Renege:l-street yesterday afferent:in, at stout One o'clock. It was identified as ..be'ng that of one Jaineelapay, who heabeen missing since last Tuesday It Is surmised by some Met be bad been really dealt wattles there are several bruises on his bead. Two men are in custody who are sweated of having some knowledge of the man's death. The coroner will hold an inquest to -day, FATAL ACOiDENT.-4. ' •Itand named David Love, Wu instantly killed on Friday, bytthecars of the Reeding Railroad. It mom he was driving a eon" over the private emoting lefront of We recideoce, softie two end a half ratio below Bridgeport,: near the Swede Furnace, and while ironing the t•stek be mit his death. The Roemer whistled twice, , ,before the train tams to the Grossing. Las Was a married man and leaves a wife and family. , . NEW LirEHARY SOoncir.-4. - soolety has' been formed, by a number of - Young men of this - city, ocher the name of the St Joeeples•Literary Institute, for their Improvement in literature. The following were Wetted the ofil•are at thelifirit mein - Dir t ' ti‘real.. dent, Edmund Y. Randall ; Secretary, Alfred 0 Yoffie; Treasurer. Treasurer. Francis X. Higley. IN CAMDEN on Saturday afternoon, near six 'vans, a little boy named Bateman, about eight years of age. was daagernnsly injured by:falling from a load or hay, and the whoel of the wagon passing over bin heed His wounds pre ;considered go pavers that lean are;entertained fog - recovery. - - A GOOD lasi —Jame® R. Nightlngale and Tohn B. Barton have been appointed special officers for .40.* on the Gloucester ediry boats, and sworn into offiee bf )deyor Henry - This arrangement is intended to pre vent moth of the towtylem which has damaged the reputatiowof Glotteeat•r for a long time. ATTEDE:TBD lioniray.—At an early hour on gaturday morning, the doOr of a" rosary store at tha southeast corner of Seventeenth and Lombard Streets,. woo broken open for the, purpose, of robbing it. The pllice beard the robbers at their wo k. and seared these off. failing, however, to make any capture Cormaxes.—During the .fire which occurred at - 13ttend and Rite atreeta;ort Fads] night, as before reported, the steam engine of the UPPB Hoes Comeau/ and the apparatus of the Fonthyark Engine Company name into collision at the corner of Third and Doak etreeta. No irjnry wee done to either apparatus. BODY' ft Satrirday morning the: droyied. biedyof,kboy;namid .. .Teeob Sobrnek, wu found filleting In the Delaware, near' Market . street "Coroner Benner bold en Inquest. The body bad been ntlesed fora week. His parents reside in Cherry street, betow Fifth ' ' - SUDDEN DEATlT.—Yesterday afternoon a afternoon a man named Edward Barnard, dropped dead in the vicinity of Seventh and Shipped streets. No cause le assigned for the unfortunate otrountetanoe An loqu•et wit be held today. boanitirrEn.—On Saturday morning a man named Gelatin • Lynette was committed by Alderman Gordon, on the charge of hitching 'borne to a cart which bad been left stand fig at the corder of Ell - gteenth and Sloped streeti, and driving cif with it. - , ioaniiirtrithOtit. five o'clock on Saturday afternoon Benjamin ,Parker 11111 severelj 'iajnrineby come' iron fallingon him at the abated factory of Orlf. fitil & Co., in Better lme. Re was taken to Ma resi dence, Gaydock Went, Sliteenth ward. iiiommirrEn.—On Saturday .morning Alder man femitigton committed a man named PhilipParlong for having attacked a woman named Mary McGuigan, at Bernath and Baker streets, sn4 pearly Injuring her Alas. MARY Itsmum. The wife of the late proprietor of a hotel on Sixth street,' near Chestnut, eitd yesterday morning, in the esylum of the Roejne As soct►tion. The causes a• her death are unknowa, and aooordiogly the coroner will hold as input to•day. lifurrAny.--The 'Morgan Rifles, of Manay tlk, Vaptelnillelateiling,' Intend' ieltbselthe ea, on the :nth lost They , will be the guests of CO npany A, Con tinental OulITll6, Captain Spear ' ' - THE city of, Providence, Rhode Island, hats ,ordered a Waal azglaa train one of one city- taaaleacto. ries Health Report. lisuma cmax, !gay 7, 18E.9. rlttertnents in City of Phitadaphta (tom Cu 30th of Apra to the TM of May, 1859. 12 , .. P. 2 MUM. E . 1, 7 t. 6108481/. ' it tl p .-.- Apoplexy ...... .... 4 Pever,Typbus.... 4 -Asphyxia, 7 ~ Typhoid.... 8 2 Buena - ' l 4 Gaogrenb 1 OincerofStomach. 1 Hemorrhage Casualties 2 1 Inlam'n 13:ant.... 2 ',7 Croup , 4 44 Sionchi.... ', 2• , Congest" of Luogni 221. 44 Liver ' „,1 . 1 of Brain 2 1 I " Lungs ' 3 11. Cholera Infant= 1 ' . - kgiticieum 1 ConsuirPn of Lunss 20 44 S. Fs - Bowels 3 3 Convulsions 118 44 ' Larynx.... 1 Oyar ode • I Intuesuelieption;... 1 Illarrbm 4.. 1 . Inanition " 1 2 'Llopey,Beass I 7 /IMMO - - 4 Chest 1 Mammas 1 6 4 4 Heart 1 1 ?deludes '' - ' 6 Disease of Brain... 1 Old Age 8 . Heart .. 2 1 Palsy 81 Drowned 1 - Scrofula 8 Debility 881 Still-born I 1 7 Effuelon on Brain.. 1 1 Unknown 1 Erysipelas.... .. , ... 1 1 Whooping Cough.. I Ftaatnre . --- - -1 Worms 1 Peter, Bilious 1 . Puerperal.. 1 - - 8 - 6 96 44 Scarlet' - 2 01 701 AZOV'S sugar trees-- ' ' 0 Under 1 yOsr 88 I From 40 to 80 . 13 Prowl to " ' 25 ' 44 On to 60. - 5 44 •2 to 5 " '" 29 ; . ,60 to' 10 • ' ICI 44 6to 10 4 44 TO to 80. 10 44 10 to 15 • ' 6 .‘c 80 'to 90 - 5 4 ; 16 to 20 1 ~ 90 to 100 44 20 to 30 ' ' " 80 to 40 161 , . ~ ~ From the Alrolhotoie :. 9 I Troia the salinity -- ' 2' People of Color 9 1 Males- .••• 60 ..'..486' 1 11°Y3 Girls • " . iluogia, t)lger. Fanei7 'By orderof UlOl FINANCIAL TLe:Witter Thdatoolk market Is very_dull,,The_State and' city loam "keep steady In price, al do also .bank stools and the principal railroad bonds.„ - Aii eprualatire starika,, howevurs alii!firs) ,4 7 dikvisiik ;Ow& oo air *hephire of two or threcoarpotattoat Meted hylosal ranee Tits?! pauengornsilioaesharee are the thecae of mutt tilt, 7 and a ;dealt° for specarletlye operatlone,but the herders " are chary of their offeilagria:.k,fiariall sala of tite r- Darby - stook Wei' snide'it s2oPaiabara:last the int:int paid 'ln, Want Philadelphlasedd at 62 - watt street: .3) Is if= ' feted for the new Greenauid eniteintilek, -- (POurth and - Eighth - 410 fOr the hiantairille; and &habit that might fit - named !take Oktetnaf rid have 'heard itiotatlons as high as $75 a share lath's:, latter road, for b. paid. in—offered it Is said parties Wiah‘to ge t , The boittiol 'thelonranizapoi - ortio _oomptas . . " • : The moaiterriarkettiaoseewitak, -IrAr Strobe haring a tenderesy-tomakoholdire little !mi.e twttf yet roit - witti t4o:tal oleo:ly how the finances or this ate are 'to footed thereby. ThentdPinini ofa ' i lob abd more affiptalitto laiopt to Mit, and the certainty that irist sort of thing will continue for sometime teine„sq,ii" 4_7 " , has nii"induinoli7 priyitt -4 -- leaders, though the hankie jaw - mire than:able to Atl ' comtoodtte all -who tome-with good impsr for die count. 4', e •r. - r Into. O•haruolumw Will 'lie 'recoil the Ictiertleeteetth - of Ike lease of Ili.' Obi% tiorkirof the Blatt of Ohio et. five years, with the description of the works and - the terms atipalated for. ,T1!oro pay be if Alarm for enterprise to recu r s „ , , Wahiawa COPeattdlioallottheattentlon (lour readers to the manufacture of;eonatirfeltitateettoyithe Altera= tion of a letotAnank-nnta,piatee, gotten tip , fog 1351gtie COOOOIII eslkd llll;Thamer Sant 'or Unlit; Indiana: Svery'rew days` we Pei' repot:to of them teireiejl7l9 l afresh. - A nazi of ociaritafto• day, We ah Indotoli to (Loots The tollowing,desoriptioti of thitiotii -.- from Pe i 57.10,1 1 ,3 Counterfeit Deis/est.t 10 rig. cattle, do • In the foregroand a cow le log down, and behind her at the AWL - swathe! stand ing iip, and to thiel,aft a torte looting orer • fence ; cattle and train of oars in the diet/tile • nailsbh owl le - half; length of a little girl with (wreath of gripes co her head left end lee , felealelealad t 'holding pall on her knees. - -2 e; wig. a farm Merle; a woman ands. men 'deeding bw a well; on right end Is ti female seated, holding , * a Gghre 2; on left end two ellrkt 4oliva; pin both ep ee, wig farmer t ouriiig fOorn•-a • pall fntd trough, from whieh three hogs srejeeding i,piginne on - the left; on right end le a farmer carrying basket of so ro ; on left le an evil male portrtdt. „ They have been alterrdto the following Peeks, —Conway Bank. , Conway; Mini.; , Thames Bank, Noe.: wick, Conn.; rannton Hank, Taunton, Mus , and will - detainees be !Mend to rimy core: •.- - Bgfaaeanynote arwiiingto either sedition*, and try and obey the law for mroventing the I hStets circulation of amtlCsatette rote gig sek' of Pinrurylvaniii " - - • - Witmalte room foe the ettatiteit imeiteery of the „ -.„ 0010,454 e given by the Miners' Jeweler°, Pottsville The onsatity MA by tallreadikli week le 22,26017 by canal. 74.013 07 ; for the ~west, 62,783.04 lone, against 82 824 for the corresponding week hut year. - The email leads the railroad , for the week 5,213 tone . The trade sums np this week as lotiowerronsall the yeitene, except the f(orth. Breach Cana, the trade whisk bee not onimencedjet, owtoLttisoinii - dentiges enst4lbed by recant nibs - - • - 11114:4 a4g4ys. E it' .1 67;41 Frs k r 4 °‘ s• bgllf; ErA l ;yr • zg.ai - : :1173cii O 1,190 I PErg _ _ . 91.2 A 1-.A.asttr`..:2, - Pq 1 , 9a . 71 , 0 0 -$.Ol -7 - !P. n; 4 - ~- 1 :"I 'gest esv . '-, es' te- 4..esoasti-si f l 2 ..“ ...F. 0..e... , ..w.mm. —1 IA • ..i..1-. I es.* 0rp.:1, - 6 .!`ils'imlo mt:46.-ieci.eo 1 r•Ti . ! trag I .c. It .BF2 1 :11, Zrs St. t." 2 a Zi: St IR a I - • _ c 0.7% n-. "... co coo ala - e. r. - .. 2 ta, - n'eng I gi il 211, tto; ' al? VottiAegni 1 ertia co'iieeras. - -ikoceoo''at I. t PI, .ag t a at.2 9 .T,Oata ,0-• I gi `a •a ftio increase Jo large Ibis look, In clam - penes of their Warr 110 . /yrlat, topt,lno sornopooppkvltlc 1111,8DILPHIA. STOOK EXOBANBI.II BALES, • -0 8 7 4 ,' 1 088 AtPoRTID BY 11 AXIAL. SLOWS, & CO.,HANIC•NoTIe STOOL, AID SLOIUNOR BROILFB,,II,OyI7IIII¢ST OoRNIIR THIRD ASS OHLSTLOT STRSITS. — - 111180TBQA.V.D. 40i 89.N0w Gio.loo , 2f; phus a D8r0,18,.. ; 11 100' do ."..Now,Bo3K 80 do , YO '-' do 411% ' 10 PorinA Mvots 13k.. 68 Si 10 troahrdloltiAk..... 27% 6 Lehlgo Vol!. 4 2N.. 20 Girard. 11k. ."- 4074 7 -do. 40% 3 • do - 40X -3 Catawisca R 6 110 Menlo (j0u01....66 PM, 6 • • :43 • - - 133 67.41 3 Wear Phili R 63 ••. AOOO 4k. --- no ea 6000 am /It Am di , E 3. 8O 6000 Oloetneati 60 , 6.5.d/3 60 0 do - 43 1000 Poonall 24 Mg Oti 405( 3:0? do 90 5 2000 Unot&Bid Tp Bds 69 4 Girard -Trnot.; I: 29 , 20 Unc. Bk, Tat 02.103 10 d io o 101 6 Norristown R ... 63 100 Read Rafiwn/tint 25% -I :.iIITW66N 209 Cam & Am fla )83 853‘ SCO do 86 1000 Read 11 Bo ) 86.. b 6 763( =2OOO It 6 64.. 95 16 Idorr.a Caual..bs 57% I :;136COND no Penns 6a 03 1000 Oat•wla let Mg to 56 1000 do ..... 4.i. , 56 • 4000 do - 66 10 0 Catawtt Chat 10. 71 600 do 7t 500 do 71 2000 &ht Nar 09 '82.. 75-- 1009 N Papas. 1t(ii.:..., 00. 8000 Pith, Fl W & Chi Con 7a 63 2060 do 63 . ..BOARDS: 36 Morris Cm1...".1.4 61.% 5 Union.l3k;Ten 4d.r5103 3 Harrisburg R 12 Minehlll R 59X 1000 1101.111 Canal 63. 91 10000 Mooinnati es 'O6 91 200 fiesthag 5... • • 26 S 15 do" 26 1 Acad lef dale Pre' 00 40- do b 5 b 3.- 101 M0rir14,01.155 b - 571" /50 L Maud Jr,b0,4 4 11 z 50 do .. 11,4 50 do b 5 11% 3100 Lehigh Zino.lois OLOStiiG PRI Bid. Asied. EME/12 Bfi; Anal. Boht Nay Stock. 91; Prof 78,11 13 Wmaetk.liltait 9 -- "Is Mints— 12 73 ta law Mast . lkx 173 i LaMialt 2158., 33% 621 f 12 Penns R 93 fa 60 ti• 4 L108.. - "` .92,4 93 011t111/11111 B ... 6 67 Ist rat tuts 56 66 )4 Filmic &South RB4 85 23 &RI RR—. 50 Race ft Vine 8t R 43 De es 14 Phil* es 100% 100% !". '.4.100)ip0% " Ns; Ponca 61 93% 94J( 86441ng 11" - - 26X46% bd4 , 7olnoffl4%*ll4X .c int 66 . 44 93 96 do 'B6 16 - - .76X Pains 40% 40% Mai 8s in off 9e,y 90X blot 04oal Oon. 67% 68 g. prof 108 109 1ia.84 'B3 76 76X .g Imp &e in off 81 81)( Philadelphia markets. . 1 - PHILADELPHIA, May 7—grenlog There to Erne little demand for Four but generally at a price below the rises of holden, who are 'slmes $0 75 for standard aupertne and s7e7 20 for common and good extra; a sale of 2,000 bbls of the latter, Ohio, was made at $7 per bbl." The flute are been, mode rately at from these figures up to t 7.50013 per bbl, the letter for Palmy brende,_ . , Ilyellour and Chrn Meal are, 'Oast taut arm, with small sales of thn" ferMei r il.t It 20 psi bbl: PUMA. kleallirlisid at $8 pee bbl - Without sales. Wheat--The market wontlimes nearly bare, and prime lasers wanted it full prices; sales Inoluding about 2 COO but In a small way at 767c1170e for rah ; and 160e155a for white wording to quality, the latter for Ky Nye Is better; 1,500 bushels Panne. sold at Ste 9 2c, including one lot to go into the country at 95e. Corn is sl , o firmer, with males of - thank B.oeo barbels mostly Southern yellow, at 90u ad Rate are held et, 681, which it abosethe mews buyers. We hear of no sales. Bark—a, sale of 2 &lairds drat Na / 4"doreitroli wee made at - 43 q toe. Cotton—The movement eon- Cense 'Mall, end the market dull at previous qapted. rates. Orocerles—There to not muck doing. Sugar and Z . :Assess ate held with more firmness, but the deemed Is Moderate. both from Abe trade and redeem ireus—The market le unehauged: and meee s PogiLls eel •; 'lll4,eAl wented,ntslB 4" bbl Lard hi eteadyWn3 for prime Western, to bble and Ice Butter Is Sus dull.. Whiskey,* better, but tbere Is little or none (gulag, and In the 'beeves of sable we quote Easton bbl at - 27e ; prTion do 2de; drudge 280, and Wads 270 4' Olen. CITY:i - I_TEMS - , -„• - . Goon taste , aud.jadignient Yids been tltsplayea in the selection of the bony throbbing goods of E. 8. Firm% & Co.'.. 8. W. aorrier of- Second and Doak. Every novelty for this particular season rill be (Good there. A'ifinterva. VALUABLE AND ELEGANT LIDRAR T. —l. Thomas fa Pooe will commence the sale, on the 24th May, of one of the best private Libraries cffered since the sale of the late Edward D. Ingraham's Par tieularein a catalogue; and flame sdvertiaamenie. PHILADELPHIA, SEPTIIMBER 15, 11358 -r have had in my hence the teed _smuttier, one of M. lours Yerkes , Bacelsior Upright, Refrigerator'', with matte estisfacsion. The mode ocreallatlon, indthe arrange menta for keeping the in teriuf apartrictsts diy,"are perfect. They require-hut I iI Ice, are very °out% - nlently constructed, and jadglig irciit the one I here la nee, I would recommend them without hesitation - 1e to a very superior article In every respect ' A. R. Roan, 1111 Lombard street,—Phila, rack le the demand for the above celebrated Re• frigerators, that agencies have been eatablirbed for the ,sale of them in Boston, New York, Baltimore, and all the principal Southern cities. A large and complete assortment of the various o . ges for sale at the store • f the manufacturer, 105 SontlaSeco ad street, below Chest nut. Alsoonperior Water Coolers in great variety for stores, hotels, and private dwellings. liouenvic —'Twas twilight :.the gun had Built beneath the Western hills. and the bright rays sehlah . streaked the eastern borison had disappeared, female, who bad been brit one Short week's bride, barlrg been led to the hymeneal altar with lively anticipations of future felinity, sat Mei included epertmeut with her haahand. eie Moved her SylPh-llket form to• wards the partner of her bosom , relied her delicate hand and taking theretoa - sea l & Of' Friss, reed— ', hey your clothee. ofrytuivllle Stokes, the great Clothier, No, 607 Chestnut street." • ,ROLLING oPp A ' LOG editor opt West Imitg doseried by his printout, who were on a stetke," was compelled to turn into the officehimselfln his -neat week's paper appeared a graphic account of the <dream stance, composed by the editor's own fir iicigirs'" Minolcdlng with the words—. talk of Me sublime art - of P 1,611109 ;blahs ouR Bonn It,s as CiAar as - it Rllog. of nlog, Wader, what *tort of band lave made at setting _up the following, sOnbliti4 ; your garments -at the Brown Btonwillithlig:11041: Roelthlll & Noe. .C-03 cad - ea Obutalit:stiesif t • ttiore bizth " 11.5;0agl: 1 til 9 Wed Phil", 11,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers