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I • • i • 111 11 le• 01/161ft% SietalrailOrtaiftli. 4 i4XI BA ' ST Q ' l MUET - RAINSPNII' , orkVig - &AK WAPATACMGHT • mid 11lid:bide, W ad eablli m Nos /1 Acit MIN T R iiii;4oo‘,oltpiao from Atustloti. ,-..-..- • *':<4 -'ii A. ti l i t i6l, A'S . , • -:-. •T. !I - 4 r . 7 .4: 41 ...,,,,,,, iha ,„ m in i. ~.. ~—: :, ~ :... ~,,.. • - • ••••••liisourralat tritabi,i, Id .. ~.• : . so stub' •••• Ili.' its midi , ' at • : •., • . „...ri ,_ , . 40131 ' •wartiOr pi.,<,.< ~ : . . ~, . . - <- < <-<-; < -- • ..< • , 7 1: ,, ,r, raperalf be 00434 : kit :. , ,-, .-.- • .-. ; , rso guarrell'OTAllnek:. • • voir macs r " - J4ll' LIMPS Chtswakes @armlet g roil; ivieiesi. 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T.4.1 - 374R„ - - A '1 , 4; , 2 - csaws#64344D _ nmoßitiok; =l/10 431 MARNIX 0 1 /-0 7 AT• • W•assolidierbmalK 7:AT /kMatAtarPOnk atop Corr, he wit 00•044 . 440P s o.ettmeat of Doss= Dienureis, In 'l3llk and Orspo, "ain't/if MiIERIOAti BLOWERS, • • BIJOBE,B, • IABLATANS, •••• Arallikligio2B; *Mug gods. , • : . ;•g•TAVA IPI .IO4: ) .;P ar t il ar ,iiiieviditi• a = vrawsueur-zsio" itallti l t 1 • "pig asa MSC.. • ..... • • • • libiamotocouroindC.ii,o9., '- • • I ruiliaiiiiirtraraw, • Per,aid4r.sti) tirsinkthAlisia et) ' FAL , " ;;BoT • - • • AND RE DP IRO, tr. Miat.4WOOD. 9 . lk luogoris, • • lopillp*llllllotl**llllloolllD.lllll33T, WiirtattiPl4lo443o!illtva,r, .• .• ns 0111111120*-STREET, N or th Bide, . gin t . : T ri l je r ttAnyllipys 9l U o •eir. /Lilt Ibool of adsompssiouslosUdleg L do. ;seta} isspisisixte ns aSMlL .12411D.11,j0d Ti sup, pllsotriti Moo. of 111(1LLIIIIIT • GOODC, MISS! gandat 'fiDtißome, Hilt, T Oa W-1103712114 from 25 Pinta to 50 dollars ;=riroll=ilXlritosirorrs, peon mad ise .sellistilia odes. ' lig.411111101.0111tHiM01114: do ii;ollt,./64 . qt for• ilmalsgs pouftelissC I .OiM .f ett- ..v01...t:•1 bt• t-t • INUMIII4IIIOIIO/APIL Minh ao. ....AWNP I 7- 4. 1 441 AVA '" ,WarMillowtalo thioilaysa.umaia i Llmaltx ; vim oormatut with to to !Ms 'twist,' 1151 - 711111 ef t 611/17 to MI alklttiproroar fri 4141 pa. • LWOW, WOOD, So IadROLS ••,..a • .'• • I • "Mt. • .1 :Ai 1 5 59 . MILLINSILY- L pi 4 STAAW.-1919Dait. ; , 1, New oil "caplets sesoeituest 014., -. OW% 11111M1.116 . 111.4111/1111111; r 4'; • -1%1 3'40:45 • . j`. ifinialit)4ll444l:l - ' 7". .7. : , "1.1:r • . 1, 1 1,1 1 0. 1 114 4 1 04 111 10, 14 lad . ! ,.. , :3 1 44 11 ;30411 9' jpeibabie • • -111..8.U.11146%*; A 9PPR:4811MIIIINE: • ;.•; - ............... , •• • • • • • ; •- • • 41, 1/14W.1118A: EDOIIIII, AND STRAW * 4 7,1 - '' TAZILIKIIOIIS, • • . 91 . 11110171/firlfrt7, are nor °pan; az7l for gala, at missal Alhafirraigas Aniaort. for aaab, at • • . • • , Nod , . 10 N.O EirOOMD , 44ITXEZ Oloa r ' • . sm., Ilf.','4 o .lo.olorlosbigglsigibp• WS; ~.: ~r I . I'~W HOIIBIi -? USNIBHIN4 . STOBT,, No ! . 1010 ORESTNIIT. ••• .•14•••1 e.t; • 1•:tra( 1..• • : . • . prrears-lis.AOADllllllr Olt Rill ASTI), , INNINITINNIrLiNiIIf, a now sad vary ooarliatat ante, Nit 140,1_ tandem!. :Win' %aid 1:• l. of iiiiassilftwa phi dovia Oat , iny tatift!fa #tiole to • rery Roam• wmisixian. unisnesnolui . WiT COOL, IM$ act PThTI*B v rJWpulor{ OBILDRIN'R OARRIAGIe. 'RATTAN taling,' and a complete 1 0 0 . 0m r 4 : er • 2 " -1 • • , HOUAIII4I7aNIaiIie.GOODS. . • VD • OLDDEITABLUIRID AND :...mollinammunamraor. sprentputegarr, : JOHN A. MURPFiEtr I ; ttT:STit IST, 4 1 1 1 41 ; sin! "krt. rem.t hil l. Oantirs, atevntintai tot Philadelphia of tlae E . ='o4- ‘ , l " Jr : 4 0'":1 1 # 4 .4 1 00.iiri„. : *OLOR,', • N, E. CORNBR OF BicvuNTll AND WALNUT ''' • START:TN,— ' ()ProstTß wasaniaxoN B QUASI,' sto•Atto.A .to hie .took of 711311108, eattable ,fl . • preeenhAs4 saming. melon, , ied . 9104,,h) the Welted in 011. w of obolno erciatoni, mid* will 14 Asoliteaterg,wftk piirsorul cup otligiteripozypb- 11.—/artientar ottiontlai PAST LOON& .; rf spl24allolll i)rovisif4:o;nisavi :j B. huoasztirekeocc;•:, s is wuoimmirairasiiram . . . • • --I 211 ..... . . r.. 4E • icmisro. c 1 4 ffi • • " • 4• i o}lolbil • IWIDATS: ; 110: 11 . 11.3061i* oil 11. IRON? R. • ••° - • ' rintAionaurs..l. 1111 Burt, .1.9)1111, LAID, • int! • la sago:le:int of 111011810111 HAIM Toriutaie, 664 IWO, Ali OVA airing,llllol 014 wd Wipotorn, tmollandiali• *a; gaga" ' l;iiscaillia. • *Diem : 1 11 11 4hirm.i,; •• I' 4 4, cc, . „•:111611141110 FififlE .::Iso.'f*.cilto**t.:'': e itio . VPhO!UAW Al.ll* • z t l4 • . 0 FURS. .01* pro., .aptaw BoraniTs-D , • • Ai, novella • 602 XARICJIVOISMET, • e , ee.ta.est . eoineeetUTlll." SFOiltigNS EiToCXOI.BB2LI O 4**), A IARWBST Ps1030%,„•,„ ; , , • . , e sraterG. , trinAs, • '1859 .1 .1 . 4 . 4 1 0 4 09 : Ma: • ...ILL. aSt :II AAA? IRO/ .slijisf; t, twai .1 , 1- ;: n 7 :;=4I:2IOSIVIOMMIt4 Mat at. , „ • , "mu .-3 1 1 *dr Aget - OAPFI, • BTRAW q, 000Dfo 144 . • • .1 7.1 -spa 'l lll o. l *r OP' 44 1 1!" 1 0. 1 g 4 . 11 , I 1 ) ,1:1_11 as ~;.a• IPO MEM kllll 3.14. !iv +II. ire ••• ••• IL&DELI - ZDZIEM ••• • - • 1' A ::•• e •'..1 1.7.1. , sr.,'n%.,J .. e..,,.,. ....., •- . ..t ~. 11. ~.4 ., ,, .... ,.h :titt. ..,, yr t e s , ~..f, t. , 1,•1 . . 4, 1,,,,R.;,'w.+: .... r. ~1 : 0 - , ••, .1 I •!: .• .'• ;•.,,.... : ~..r.- : .. it t . (ool l okiiee of Tbo iron.] T C cottons itaieltle' 1 . 8,59 • • . Mr DitAft. Tho leaden masses of mesas which curtained the Bast wero dissolving in 1.0644 tints;* and' breaking Into patches ,of purple and gold,' when I left Savona. :The sea spreade Its vast expanse to the right, end on the loft the mona. ialna 'troll* In an imposes eeddalrolle; and fads la gie,Otant mole of Genoa. •-• ,Itoke like k new exiateiri dawn of. day .It, Is glorious tri.inhelli; thi lYs Int:muse •of blossoms and .flowersotml unitsiq tlit matins of birds, as the sin glide the tree-tope; in prepares to 'run rids daily coarse, in the heavens, Striking eniblem of Him •whose heeling beams hive reaohed the lost monrot'Adent I wish, as sit by the - Wei side, and drink in at every pore the besuty:hf the eilelianting moue around me, I coild roe* OHM :fine lines ,of Mi l ton, b43ile- Sweet lathe breath of more—bor rtsieg sweet, With charm of /tallest birds; pleuent the inn, " When fret on this dellghtfla Lap bell , l l :(Y•tfi ' llto orient team'," ; •, .4,, - ' I am alone this 'morning, hating left my friend at Savona to follow , by diligence, and' being re. Moved of a tiftecu:pourids knapsack, you" may 0012. pelt% thit. roY untrammeled 'oircumetanoss are most favorable for an, enjoyable . dayli tramp. • Savona arid Albleola are,behind me, and looking very picturesque from the little knoll in whloh I Mt. The latter town is the ,birthplaoe of 'Pops Julius II; where the palace of the Di Rovers faintly, to which he belonged, is' still: seta. Strange to say, his father had gone down the seals of soots' life to the condition of a poor' &hermits, but the sou rose to 'the bistionrlo of Savona 'end. thence to the dignity it, the Papal cep. jvititi' hi .. 1 0. the church •en, peasant. , It is • welt ,fi521;,.4 1 1 adorned, but nothing .very remarkabl t No rowilthst Lhava over travelled istlquel, all its parts, to the Corniohe for beauty. and exael 'Jaime of obnstritationg. it frequently sweeps round -the'^aldoe - of the , wild- and' lovely -valley! whloh "ism thst ,cosat, !Insilco the gorge by a' pie: tiiie - :sque i rob. - plow it winds in seirpbatfne'citts pieelpitous cliffs, :stud froin:thilieripet yon look dein hundved!Of,"feek,latot e deelting Serf „belosi; while 'aplipastio,.' boulders( oveitaeitle you shore ; Alen gelled round t h e. curv e . Pe _pretty littlerhanit leads y ou down, through .. .dire groves and rioh vegetation to some little villa ge the shore:'-Notwithstanding all. thia•ltteellenty ef the, Sii , John Deva d t aohoolf sleeping in their Sairtiges lorslii road: 1 11 vexations to swami Misib beauty leattind Wasted _wadi tddi :Unsentimental' alsta who: - fdi oS hPiiiit !PPri.o.4 4 ‘." minds loss for the want of muss. Pie r r,ottte.l4- 'day is perfeptly charming ! • I wish I tweld:elie you an idea of -the kens stop fora moment to 'siontstinplate ! •- • , , , , • These monster Alps, rushing headlong into Opal 'l.w4in meditate reveal in g illuipies of I inow 4nOuntalieleiond ! -Thitosst Covered - with the rich green,maritime,l4, aakis firsii the isiss (ski reach With idllatittid little - tows% ending% a hocy view of titenOit;''Sird`tits'iliep blue sea . , dotted With sell and ' 'swepti stir, bre ed, delightfully; teinpuitingithe Lugo[, the Cad The Ootnicher;iiii flee lay lad` itid_iiancll;'lsittiiiingli - Pfififinifeelf attempting dasoriptlimair-have not. Ciao_ leieW s oak my *moil "I have sow;" reatilissilAsilittb•stidAtiVel;4ol"' fottr words in thelotteeyelitleteto.h'r' Moat tothatess4lng*Shist,tlio_bf**/ `1604,6 ltgitOriV AAltir 1859 1111., 7", s abowtt parrying away as si suensem, bite, of the wall, however, wliloh ithe,brought Me, iad r_ copy of the inacription whioh:ls duly ; em• blazoned on the lie washed , front of the'beige";;:, for.whlol, after soatmiog me from hoed Lolmipti and'being finite eatialled I We. I poor Ifiendildfi 'travelling on foot, with shoes by• thasslitio *MT forforncoondition; atm had' the modeityliso consideration to charge me no more thin 1 few cons, for what all the Americans and Saglithi as she , aaniraci me, paid, her In franca ,' ' As Jo 'whether Columbtu wee really born it,Vogoledo, or not, Is a "mooted pointi since there are several 'other nieces which lay'ecirtal olaime to the honc:r; One would be glad to keep up the pleasing Me t , tlon of haying seen the veritable house In whilth this grea t man lies' born, but the. Genoese assert their olatms so positively, and bring doonmenti solnoonteatable, especially the lest will and testa ment of Columbus himself, in whioh.he three or four timer adverts to Genoa as his birthplace, that one cannot really hold.pn_to the Cogoletto tradition. . Since I have been in Genoa I 4n had the pleasure of visiting the municipal palsies, In which 'are most carefully preserved Come 'autograph let ters of. Columbus, as well as a parohment book in which all the rights conferred upon him by the Goieniment are duly 'set forth. This precious document, with his last will, was sent by him In 1502 to the Bank of St. George , at Genoa. The will Itself was lost, and these records oamo to light some. years ego, having been disoovered among the papers of the,Osmiataao family, who, it Is suppoied, obtained them fraudulently from the archives of the bank. Those valuable paper' are now guarded by the authorities under triple look, in a small safe . built In a marble pedestal ;tor. . mounted by a bust of the great navigator. Ti`tey are politely shown to stranger., and the young Mew whom we found there most obligingly gave us *great deal of information, and translated the letters into Brenoh, as welt as portions of the will , an authentic copy of which has been found at ltladrid,,ln possession of the Duke di Veraguas, a desoendant of Columbus. .1 am exceedingly pleased. with Genoa, and lad it fully to answer the expeotations which the same of la ruperba," which has been glion to It, exalter. Its natural position is admirable, only. equalled, it Is mild, by constautinople And Npptaw. Nature,has given it a magialloent rampart wit mountains, every point of wbioh is strongly fora. fled The whole.olty to oircumvallsted , by an lat• memo wail and tosse r with strong forte, built nit the "very tope of there mountains, farming a pro., Monads from 8 to 10 miles in oircumferancw, and embracing Ake most splendid panorarole Viotti!' The deollsitles and ravines on the other aide of the wall are - very steep, and giro the place a moat . Impregnable look, There i.e another wall and lA.! n er fortification immediately surrounding the town,: the whole taking some 21,000 men to man effeotib: ally. Tam told that next •to Perim, Genoa is the most strongly , fortified - oily in the world. The : most contradictory reports fly about every day with reference to the war. The Piedmont's° ari for fight, and hundreds of volunteers are flocking to the standard of Victor Emmanuel. Whatever diplomacy may do, I think the excitement a th e , ,people so great that au outbreak of some kind inevitable, In any event, Sardinia, they say, will: be almost ruined, her outlay has boon so enorincras:, lyireat. Minos la a most superstitiously religions as well as terribly wicked place. Over all her gate. ate Statues of manta and the Virgin, with the Insorip- Von,. Genoa—la CMGs, dl Marla Santtssima!" liar churches • are perfeotly . gorgeous, and have Olt fabulous sums, being generally works of prl iate munificence. But all this seems not to hay° - • exorclied the evil Oae, and at night one is ready to believe Pandemonium itself set loose. as -the loud songs of Baeohanallan. troop" in the streets namely ever cease till after 2 or 3 o'olook in the morning. There are some twelve or fourteen thee• tees here in full blast, -1 believe, and what with the . milltari and sailors, is well as the turbulent Genoese then:wives, yoti may readily oonoelve the ooniusiMkand immorality whieb prevail, • Theetreete, with one or two c.-oeptlons, aro' tremely'riarrow—eo nanow indeed ae not to admit of a vebrole--tortuous, and la Marl iaatillaag as steep as to be mounted by flights of stairs. Iwas 'truck by' their great oleanliness, and in passing among the well-lit and pretty little 8400 by night; it is like going through a long oorrldor. The houses 'are in Wet, that the condom aimoet seem to touob ; and although tioifideas a narrow 'treat oonneete 'itself with all that ii mean and miserable, we'lloon learn their uilli!,,,here, and prise 'the grateNr 'shelter they• ategi kap . . the: light and heat of 4 *Meting inn, •• it • , ‘. ' - • lti some otgotte tom! 'ern% fit *blob you Old alinosi Wont your window shake bandit with ro'pposite, neighbor, Jou nod splendid pause,' and the ,thilidings 'generally of a very superior . o h at ieter. , In the streets Carlo Velioe, floes, and htoiiealme yon" God nothing bat palaces, many a which are of• marble, and the (Rootlet! of molt 110* . pyoporttons. 'The oourt yards, surrounciad• by. sae coollonattei of niirble', the magniaaent stair% WINS, lificondliig, in, moat Instaneee, v to,atiOtber id• *,staeoe,a,rt., thtoh i you Re orange' Ow •aatt sow** sad aiiito6 a 41/ 1 4 41 or: Altli;:•4 be• 4. •.1 I.• • , e. a 4 .seTuRiIAir.:MAX4OSI4 .40REICIA CORUSP9SRPNCE*4 Metter from Itatir—No. , V. • , MAYS, ,• it ; : AFF Q K 9. • ........., 790 , ': - A4ts you. an ;idea ':of gridadly r grandettr fflrtingl4t4,:poooliario,the, - palates of Genoa.. if e tfit thskinoat c oolishiate.i:areopeti to the pall= Ea,44 the' . treenwee of art" /ail iiiinitoite into 104,11:mtt'oupd pi tPtiiiast tioitii 3 Of Iptittinenti ass. 'featly; baWildering. , „Ilia gilding'alonn, it 1)C , ppf 08,91:414 itaion in the #alasse Bens °lk.' _OniPhn'.fraiiiii„.`Ttio Whole' rbercirlioni siti#,liiitror, with gilded oidiunitw,' elaborate dot ! gl Weillita t , T o, ornaments, and hie' the eq. . SeerPtertt ats#/s7 l pieilosii iiiefilii4n )4 1. 14 P4:* 1 4; itCO,O l a iritioll fif fotapiii-` T 1 i' tries in, gm •4rtoutpihniee are Of is irotii Wt Ider of, merit. ni, r lloOst , Yin ,Dsken in the WO. '04 4 l 4 11 4 ce ba,inliii ?ahem! Iliignoli Rossi; for RO On, ,Of ; 11h:44,1itindred thousand 4 91 1 linlen - fe(tWe r ; ' -,1 ), have Oetitio to'4h lend Of toy , slest; and 1 great asal, tit'oy ~f (terms, I Inuit do. 'alter lefter. . - ' _ • ITVit. T 'lnd_ jail dew comes in; and'tai lin, afoot auponnoti theleoldraL , anti ftd:,the report of War on: in& linn`nver is:in the Kind, ai Itnrriesi of AO path,: last eight; ,ser with. the Emperor, ' ft ideal 4 to l'fangary,mnd ikat Atisirlii . hiss ober, of,trimpe fr,om. the frbutfor; folcalleninntOier tgf ditic - Iti SO. Tgatr9ti" .81 0 1 0 6 0 4 iii ww, of' Mott. ;TiediSithi - Muti IF , iiihriattrui 66118044,in fiii *Olitt•lig , trb, ttbtlift 41*, tkLilitArantitit.'..o 'i. , , '.i"iiii;*Youlig *bar* aiint)antili:Ankfflonan ' ,Pet! 1 ,teortfellown thiedeelvisiare 'or liairi . .T *nil , told, +number . voluntiere, tau! it letheaglit. tot lOng moan iit'sraiii,gdo:. f, =:lNtstialaENCE: , rtr3 ary ;Week. "40mlika4I gr:l7 o, sont. 'week le renpioti; ,unkecodeniedotiid /tinnipbable `Mal, in Ware, the', f iintdieraary .week" td inch,' 'lnternet; and )uldiellittniitliiii in Rtiltadidrinia tat 'aini,getfeidtiiii half, *iekired iii:tholipinl,weither. hut ;foul* rAlrOff attenatnea upon ;(4ntor . ink Pludiall the .Inrierd chianti , edidneeln in Ailed to their nini*inginalty attend these anfika,annisi o nteee The,reek binefidiat nonfepatieno is inninagdfonidite, of Wanders, intiothari mks' of pystematie • beneficence ; Win,' in than coming, agetbq 'tin t to uniteihni? iffinpathinil ~ Clb • rietian 'neva - nail; ji ab!oil. 'they. ~—... .te be alike interested; cannot but be 0 11 4fRVief sa, bot . ta underaaiding. of eaoli other , 1 /0 ~,07, 41 /•..:' - : , ' , -The. - 6iuiniss *looted . at , nate!, ap*:' veldt o#l3itiM# 7 te,)astly , reerded.. a otH dreven Wpefti' - 0 ; 0 the (perhaps unbitended) leffearep,Nrldeti flair ' Ore' r deitined le siert piind; iit,`lire t lie lino . doubt tliii die isierid wile *pi., 41044 litArl' end 'realtilioits adopted at the rang ; iikeetiegrd' the ideinion/si-Vrbnid gootity;. the, / fr efinti 7 is ' Bible' - *tetyj the •-« Phdidelplds' Try.' y;finiffilinixterial Union, and citheri! 'that tri-held,' diem note, dutlug tbe ireek, will igment finftliture edloToney , of their, rap „ , . 4.1g//4*. -T, ' GA ifi &Mpg at 119 o cs! mor, .tfm tio : -81 . 2 .03 ,1 41W4tiednifiiir et Tbit raion;',-anYorigiinhOrtpi.„.*llloiL Wu; tiptenoi okYiesi. 211'e objects tbfs irobiti" IA» filly :otbol 64 t l o o, .ci..it , !:ifol!4 l ,t l Oh; of 111,80117PdPitarltiont -, stbst Oboxobywas tll , ll itiei by, the Rosr. 1-k*lenr? ,„ - • drerwted OhiMll,lltWilrit'st;Minsyripert Weiread the Steieteri, Rev: Therm ItothaltiVilplipopsl (Thumb, Atha* Whiettwilirairi 'that plo; - Bantion noW anotbeis deity of itliOnCtlvOitity•eight are identified with the rvisrleue liratmheetif the Preisblterlan:ohurch ; for. ii , orau theAlithadist s Proteetant three with the Protestant ilpisoimal;.- seven with the Baptist ;,•threa -with - the- German Reformed ; -three with the Imtherra; ,ono with The Independ ent ; one with the Disolpies'of: Christ, and ono wit4' tits • Morevisn'`,9hursh. , The • "-Reformed patch yr* not <included itr the list as read, al thhuglOve reeekniead'aileilitors cf that denomlna tiori taming the ruembets. -; 6 The -next business in order was the read'ng of THE ADDRESS, BY REV: DR. STOCKTON, PARTOR OP TIM OH - OROS OF .7.118 HEW TBOTAIINNT. , The *dare's, of vilitob the following is a meagre synopsis, wax measurably 'repetition, by request, of a disooursa- deliveredAy Dr; Stookton, on a re 'omit coeislon,' before' c. Thr Ministerial Union.;' rts deliver)", Yesterday morning, was one of the most successful efforts of that singularly gifted divine. , He !Verna' with a brief reference to themud.' feet . deoloision of the I Union," and the olrentn• itanoeftwhioli - tied led r to the production Of :the present address, statin g that those who had heard it when first- delivered would find mllOll - flew mai intyodueett in the.dlsoonree as revised, for all of which ha ismid and Candid consideration. As It was fill address, and noC,strietly & sermon, She tinker founded his remark's upon no portion ler text of Scripture though hie opening words' were in the form of an interrogative exhortation' used lby Peel, in s addressieg.the Cialitiens, to wit:. We did run well; who or what did binder us, that we should not continue to obey the truth 2" The drat , lognirtoonsidered was, " What Is the ideatof ilita Ministerial Union?" In 12is opinion St wis• the higheebtyPe ',o,chriatian union, rising in its gradatione iiotnewh at as follows: The titre' rniniater'of Ohrist'aliottid - possess a double portion' °fibs Spiritior 'Obrist ; and as all plod *as spa.: ppringingfrom,the sympathy otlihe Di 'vine stature, therefore the true ,minister sympa thb4, as a Christian, With all Christians, and as, i t ,`,..igaL4i, - with ell 'Ministers. The philosophy of this frinolpie was ierctOonotiely aketobed by the trifeaker,l6llowing the minister through.tlie _closet, atudylithic spirltualiaing influences of family him duties as 'a Paster among the separate tibmsa,of his peoPle, and their,coMmon home-the , 'seeable:7 ;, and finally; if ho was a denomination. ''alist—se nearly every minister now wee—blaming: ayreeki - with" his brethren in some dent); aittuitionai Some 13iiptist, - :,44e ,tinOist,,;Presbyteriati,„ Protestant,- Episcopal, or otiollk,pePoslioryi Book conoern, Reading room, or Ins tutu, which taeatings -were ,at once oharao. ed,as inopisr` and delightful. Yet, with all '',the grace within!). minister was not yet:se, ' tile &cid ideal was next taken np. Confining oar contemplation to our own city and` lioinity, . we 'found some thirty; demi:Mention, represented' by about three hundred oburolies; with their three' k dred pastors, and a large , ansiliery Supply in 'itt Otis religiOus and Similar relations. ; And what 4,t'o I ootillifne d the isfeaker ;'for just here arose a 'queallon of tho, deepest solioltude—are all these wtiaistars true ministers of Christ? Has Ife ,biWithed on them, as lie breathed on the Apostles, aelloSt " - Reeeire ye the . ' gel) , Ghost?". If' eo, 'thin ,iitcl :hie, 'other saying apply, to, them also: 4, one is; your Master, evert Christ; and all ye are brethren ;"‘artil if these things be so, "what are" 'in, that he shOtild presume to " withstand God?" But how was the verity of the profession of mi.: nistera to be determined?' Was it for them to stand aloof as a great ,Protestant majority, and, painting ,te'the • Roman:Catholic bishop, and the priests oonneoted -with 'her - twenty or thirty churches', or to' the Ugh Much Episcopal clergy, almost „egnally, ,reyolting to Protestant recognition, deaths ' and deplore, that they,' a 'least,- I are. ; not true rainiste ok o,hiiit? qE; • again; standing - 'aloof as , a ' - great , evin:, gelloaCinajority, was - it for them to point ;to the un T neangelloal;fas they were' Styled, and Pro. alai; the : latterAn their, minority, to' be "self ttleeted 'and..Christ-rejected? ~ , M 6,, no': 'wisely, lhiegreet Vostotion'oonid hot thus be dotetmlnid; for, - „notilthatenditig ' „our -prejedfeetiiltie believed *at nusnyaMeui these when! We_svonid" thae cosi , : demn:possees and Wunilfeit,lkeiapirlt of thibit ; and on' the - other hand, koweVer reluitantly the smf*sieri may be Snide ; it possible that among even the most Orthodox evingellOaCelrolos' might be found ministers , without :die; Spirit or Christ:: The; dotal' idea: of 'thierunion - of ministate then weertise all shOrild lie inoludod who give erldcuoa ig 'their; being Inspired - with As Spirit of Chris?, without ,iitiiirieg 'from: them benfortitity tit' aro/ . eree4i law;erdirianoe," , or usage: And he ironed ask, War tetrilite 'a noble ideal? Surely it Was: ,Saab " was the; ideal 'of the " Union" „they had formes, And for the terd'e sake, he hoped it would efoitOoterny.' 'lf theb, after presenting a`perfuot ibil; 00. e swum/ fiat° isonforne to it, the: fault mist' be *ltir thimselviet. 0 lease .tree, MIL ideal had ho eharepfler, - SOMi, and !molt were not at ,e 11: likeljyctronhie them for' Waikiki. •Theisiliai hales nO.dinger of tieing ovarian: by Stich "as'Wens not Waited ;AIM feat. visa nitheiyihat , they.them,'- aelvesrshonliffina'Voilsiq -The door; tlien,‘to kai r , nitudotOintaqiihr 4, llnionli .was:apen Jel-Wida any one oonld reasonably ilesiza-919,1114,100,11. that VoiddqeiPonefo thein,..gdeark-wetk olfsted wweleoke , as *OAS 004'4 lava = 1T41,14 freeAl/ hie; truth. ; 01 trua mlnistersof.,l9hrist baptised- wlty the,l3plsit,of, MOO, heirever`kii, mason" and joni eoqieStastleardoeignad ilons, ae 'fee, se Pitalible !brie( think' klikeriskii, l and auemble lilt/it'll," Was thiiiiintliation to all: ' The speaker said VS hadanellYsed that: portion of Cilirliit'stinyeitot Ide' Church,' as - contained in, the ltilfohapter of4ohn; • Which Tolstoi!: Memos ; peoiellj to "the 'ministry. ; Oneness • was the.pial Veiling, the nniveseel thought of kola : sums" se- Speatirigi, suoh ," holy, gather, kaep l -Aliktili thine own none, those whom then bast itven zoo; that thonnay,biltAtte,,aswp ase,! of this O, eyer. nes'iliteatid ap• ply fOrOe'k infaie 'hillinreis;bven as it hitalbeeiiiiiikil'Orlhoeie'vrlo fiam the l ibistaireliptik the's** of hhi diperintk Thie dying idea fotthinaiti ofithie followers, Thy Olirlot, keit amplified upon ,with great forks:kid bunt,' ,by the , spealter,.whose.yerjaoal,egenkt for the thee being to binnw_ith 4ba cplrit,of.tlta NOR's PriXl. 2 . , The speaker nest rijfeSieiftoißawaiiii in Paid P4Otla:tkiliii.:Clailathlaiii; :to; sh ow ' bola 'that the`esatiOkj4 li ))) eOltt - 1, 1, 14 ks then; 4.140.1'WW0*, AndAlier,elste amemettee tLq iNze, f4Ath. Pf#,lNAltilPfe; °f egt7t _% try,, :" The ininhitsj i "fir ex fife47if , 'wise 'Ole. 'Tire every to profit - - 1, - 4410 , 0.- 'gift of eaoh minister Is iniandaiCier,thee of Abe 'ministry in whoho , iirrit: tipattis‘,. whole Ohuroh, t,hoprinoittleyrtut,thp,namt, - 1 4 P l o l Pae Tr" .en iP i° l4; l4 A'frAlrftitO P ing,the whole Chntoh tottt,44”ll„ 'teetionot *blob onnitste , gene, and the Pultllfuent .9f All the i r , 'litobirra;Pr separation ' teethe aiiiiiiiit. Vial ; - deatinitlieT'ab-cdiniantiiiitibial li., wdoiustVonell, andizpiejadiee,i ninit prOvtivalb., dOttimbatal in thnehtwah:, It : wasirdy-: - 114ta glorious 'combination of ail, that theligheatimad .of 0 8 4,601311/ be attained..: , • - f ,-: , , . , „. „ Against - this kgraphio,pioture was drawn of: the ,91e,m . parative isolation of thitthrpe bandied Mini. ; tke within; the 'Jinni of " h Y their society. we're 'not inthalently, well Liminainted 'With east: other. ' The' more prominent of the dil'- llrent acele'Wnitisenerally'knoirit by reputation, bat , it:irate! Aumlier,',perhspi of equal -worth, were in rr'-'great measure unknown to each other, Instead lielig7=oo.workers. , with - each; other in the intimacy, pf. Irethren.. And ' Pit, what matt oala.thay had, - ednoational; social, and ppiritaal, tore glad and' glorious Tinian! . Old . mea, handing till.aiinnitint fruit all ripe and mellow; ,middle- VIII in , 11 1 ,, tNts4ing , kula- foliage C 1 11 :. *641E04 still .ragial*nridintninfi; andlanitig men, covered 10194* with the flitblishei of their biotwiming, ItiieVf. *lda is, isa "all' tbit'-iiiii wanted to enable eigi!ii4// , to perfeee-thidr! urefalpem, and leriVelha full`hrotherly . advantage of Theirgifts; - .was Shat therrhonld be cordially, united; , _ ' .„- , -; ' ~.:' The sPeak9r hero 4#94_nae.4 !eP.Fildire . eitterY; l i but 49nbUe9s welkdeamyea, allusio n tneyaried; :Aelelet of imr..ixilOtO, and the,, nieti:ei: iiiitne7l' Oel noit:iiiiye graced 'the pulp i t in America , ap`egait4 plkif4'wit . h !bide Of torte* labdi. Not to:bi t iiti 'teldloui, be remounted' ilioAii iliariliiiiltikfitiisi 'tita iilipteiiat diidgmat Othii.-1414* id titticonivi try, ;From one end of tcto'ibii4l4l:‘ adding;- 3140 :there wait material enenglilit any of Onaittri foirrg model cf ntiateterial,uujoni. Qemint *tokito•pun own !ctiltyof Brotherly, Pivq,-? ; the e Orpoher,e..ai ' elgmed, . "-would , God that It bettexAleeepved - lbl V, 0 , - 'lloolilui `kali - - niion - the. piesaiibid . .kek,lealkak - !: "Upton," h i e beheld 'OW 14 11 14 - CV OfiV.l*.JaV blitlisA tawipiib4.44. c i , OimbillAilMeAltigi*Xlifibidritkiiittlyt ~.. 7 e rittoo„`tkvio#s4.tiatot**;#o4 ' via . preimf iliejA . t :,_. ~ ..- , '-i.4 - 1,-,.01 :4 , :;- it: ax Apt enough fo,r.tp!!ttk,toriieft i IA saparatt denominational bazt4 qace'a will*: '44., 'IOW Mcetia'giiMoigiheniaalicia, might:in iliiii;*kivei gated strength pirseisie ; tlii - !dna - . iierfeo - lion of the'Preebytirlan—"-eliiii 'new `cahoot; the ItAidati ifie'Mettiodiat; or tha'Gplicitialian, is Wadi; 'hill it was i"atitt: mot* desirable. thing in have " Union'? ill& should:not --mefely.repreAnt the beauty and harmony of any OPC denomination; but that shall disclose the absolute perfection of ihti ministry of Christ in, whois. ~ . , ' - The last ,phose of the subject oonsidered wan the Practical uses of4e'rlision: Their, presort one; tom Rea to meet ones a month, arid spend tin hour and a half. He suggested' thitt the three half bourn this spent , be' , devoted, first,lo devotions tiactortdiy, to communteationi - f and thirdly, to' debates, A , few words .were devoted to .eaoh of these, divisions. To - the head of !‘ oommunioa; Roos" be meant to attach a very different import from the brief recitain end , exhortations of the. Daily, Prayer Meeting. , Hs melni - somithing more strictly and instructively minlitoritil in its character. Ai they 'were 'alf,studentief the Bi- Ma, sublime discoveries In the World spiritual was 'the 'minister's iirovinee, , and these should • be promptly communicated for the benefit of all. - • [At thin point, at the suggestion of Mr. °ham'. hers, and in oompliance:withssilmegientmotion by, Mr. Jenkins, the reading of the address was suspended for one hour, to give way for the Noon day Busineis Men's Prayer Mieting, the hour for Witt:a:haying been fatty reached. I. o'clock the business of the Ministerial Tinton was resumed, and Mr. Stookton continitedlifik bI eddreas." The joy of searohing . the Scriptures, andenter ing into that' fellowship with the Father, and hli Son, Jesus Christ, which their reading, ander, the guidance oftho Holy Spirit,, mparts, was here an= tetrad upon by the speaker, and set forth hca mas terly manner by .nutiMeous quotations from the Bible. If their joyln this respeot had not been "full," Ryas because of thole hexing neglected fellowaltifisith each other. The Bible was said to be a naints- 4 .the richest and mostprodictive of all mines ;.'and so, the soul of every faithful minister of Christ should be a cabinet, crowded with, the original treasures worked out and gathered from it by the patient labor of Ms own bands., If, then, said Mr. Stockton, they had due , ffellowsitip one with another," and eaoh - with all, how they might enrich each other—enrioh' the Church,' end' the world ! , The ateupanoy of the third, halivitour in debates was .also again referred to. Mush intereit,.he `theight, Might litt'elloited. - if duly infirmed anti moderated; by stiOfi'debstes: 'Questions' of great iiiricarit to 'our 'Heti Religion were constantly 'rising'' that would afford' the 'best of subjects for such discussions; and they:could not be considered in any better way than in ministerial union Par 'ties and themes might be provided In &dire", 1 6` . committees, or left dependent upon the:suggestions' of preoedent oommunicetions. , arid, the stirrings Of the ipirit'anuing the members at large: . • • Hid conobision Was:a snblitnelmitiration to hls eleinent'eddress. - • • • • • • • ' 'addresi was listened to with the most pro found attention, by a highly intelligent audience, bleeding a large number of clergymen, Di: 13toektonis, manner, which is, usually _impressive; ere, " rendered more remarkably so on. ti tle oceiuilom by, evident responsibilities iniiiesed,nren: him in undertaking the task of addressing so Mtge a body of his brethren in,the ministry oh Sri m ot en ieus a subject. ' Th e m'aeteilx ' manner'manner in , be. clb3Oceed of it was the subject Of g,eboial comment et the olose;'itid'a; unanimous vote of thanks wad, aitended to him for having delivered it.. - In cont. pliMme with the wished of the members „of the ""Union," 'the address in • full, we understand; will shortly be published in piunehlet form. , , Anornits UNION : Wincr,r-The new Vnlon, Tent, which we have already annonneed iff! completed, : W pi ; be dedioated with appropriate !elisions der viCes tlide afternoon and evening." It teleoated en. the lot northirest footzter of Twelfth and Fitsdrater sheets; in the immediate 'vleinity of Bedfoid, Da. kei, and Drinton - streets. • • ' The object is not; honker,. to oonlln&the mis sionary 'labors of 'this - herb tent. enterprise ;to that locality, but to move it from pleas to, place, within the limits of ,the fifty, wherever destitution may seem most tr, require it. If we.may judge :from ,the :dedieatery e t :groins of the "Tent " ; at: Breed end Locust qtreete;.a . yeer ago, the dorrieed to-4ity will be - of a varied sind"veriintereeting, ehaisibter should eie iyi.atur:ootunii'd viirablei the capacities of 'the p resent tent' Will 10! doubt be' tested In • the meetingd tbiscaftetneen, and evening. The sermon this afternoon ill be by the Derv. Brantley, Baptist ;vlhe One. MI6 evening by the p l ev.,,Jahrt,Oltambar?,. , On le , ' morrow (Sinday) afternoon, theta vif lie pre'soli= : lag in jas .IrteliSeri, Methodist; and in tale evening by the'Rei4Mises OMw.. 01140M:reboot lireibytWilai: 'Ministeriset seiveral 'other detioinhiations will rase }take part in Wet ex.::: troises; "-• I A - The Oberlin Saline cocoa Case; „ ~"overernirtybliy .41. , .411z. th , i Oberlin 11,1;s• ~m4er ,nlpaagll4 311111.raoplug,,and Imo eanteneed to pie bee el Won treaty tours ' , • j!!;9l;:illibill'ivitlet Vita settiontdd: . , IDI .• . f FAT' Ch1N2g4111.4"40,11fr0P443; -The' stesizribip_aditlrtagrol44lolo4 siredlet Yerkon Ihursdaylvsegps: &on` s ew Othianssind "famine. t h e heth Vral atit- 7a -ma - IThe (lihatrbaltings sl6B,o.oo„en,4eishi,front Now Orlemm.,.,o4.bosimieoniterietatimig Mirth! , east, gide., c?inioMiianied irilik`iiifyqiiiiief fcir Si* iiiipmentitaillyiAi's,rc'-14 held Thielincs4 Jhd learn -that theAlibnatem mlioViledf litew.,Yerk iitifelififoatt; -fitiAlamitt , bbi; riaie'isreo'ked4ifthifitikaisk, whin* they remeined , ,,Mlitansi; spidepenten t . ppop t oharity....Two hiuniiid addle - --ntinidcfaf arms wirtii'landifand4Pfthillie psi hisitakeirie HavillsYthiGneeriteninEd •Aruitr, Oglght4 „deptakiii. Stook op icand"2,BAittenes. - - Freight" netliii? Mit 6111)2 01%fr111:040n 1 1 X ito Z:l4lPir 'squaki,liess„lerkz,M? . 4 #f).; -Oritale 2.i.M 3 S'dot` "- '" IlpitaishtisetiVemaiphc the W litedirattesselsieinClier•Briimpiie,lll4estyis,** 01 of;esar, astsic. Cptiorinder - DAinitiogirolif4velo ' 4 , 14 , ---, 'tkli _ _ ....yrorq, Ayttlit• 'doio;citi,oooofint of beast • - iiiiathAir ;: il Ai4 ' aiiiilK ot, Nit` "au Pfikto wltholit int_ _ _ol,' or tlyi power of - leaving thoplaystf,:lot A. 'onol - rbalojt willfOrlfai Pilittirt titotcotetfoord, . mid the Motto& lAktot • ttoottliti „Lin Itajttliiving refused 'to takti tbiOn • ottyloilifeprd - 2 troth:Y*44dr itionyienbt tiolottiCtior_itatifylot of ftlothif &dolmen& they, Aokkartog:. sa " y, dootoffonta" to, firm thot, theyfy:: , rt. ootl;tittbo:Proi#l ..... _ ~.. ~ - a ivior. 7- Tho lionotttor ' - i_Wistir 2110 widif 441101 of , vwfieue tom** rt,lolP4llltdai rbioti -0 1iP4in to r... - . oQui TO 4,,, , onrum:_sillOYl. tirot their ruttier, ' o 'yeetin - 4 m , .•a-,tina, **Odra '-',, '"it - w , '.;: rf 'la':'l,'P - At fg. , 4/ - / 1 4_1,V , ' •eA,yolielYtifro' ImistioOontitti-gort,lialpiel to ifolortyldiffrtort fhb coniii. of hoilifojoiNfli Ai wie Ofthilikiiiiii,tiatiVi'zWeciftwovidaitureat i on ey,a tt , poldlattodiltlytitai for OA 100. x 1 lodge of the.pitblitil - •:„-,- --,:, • . ,_ _ .__, ...- Molltir(iiieii . ir Walt:, SiotOtit - ii: ' 'Thiiii folloOri I}l! , Y -, r , ;, I -."•-•' ...,.' 1 ~,' i, - , 'a , ,_• , "4.lo , Alcitxtomi issufams. ..,i. 2 : • : o kt , Convimfulp,pf trpte! :York., To th , s , 'PreytOtt' Or SN ki- Stiiiief:- -Vest litothire 6 Xitsis44i*cilts 444'0E4614:0d ' reYsCtrAPTift4.-24 •., sci eil irk .41t ,L sigraTeit ea, _OAT''' Yap tilitkiaitTner; %It , . 4,, iiii,Mtkkimoonsvt itAftliwitiaiki**lt*ratioldnii.e:.-/tip =P 1 14 8 4045 - 4 , 1140 ,Apyil,Anttwo taTiagiidi ilswit ItiOcileationN'dlif• - zeitliifirlit 2 (001001M;' ,- " - - ,. . 4 .P: ;IP '' , l t' ' •L , !::"At . 1-1 0'4 0 9 1 'CittIVTA‘Tim*Ti rffl.elP, 81 &!'d, ~bY, 0 DPW 0 171,41C'..11t7 I f,r 44,40 . 0 le.i Your UM - that:7' g.ERNAINDItt. This ie siiedeid6diry the folkiwing -;F , ?Qa',Bo<anßktostinliw Aratou, - 1809, fi - The New 'York . Coniention afeendided r iirderie diseuse.what - °centred eit 11 , ,this - day. arise from the ,fact th at this expedition could not. dieembarknit itasoutit:Of the great - din,' tone° we were =iron ` benzine the three ' boats-of the African Fore;itnaffilitat to li - 014,MM: - cargo and the thirty-fiv,e passenswes;As it wu, a I number remained on begird, beeidel 1.000 ponndeof balls.- The boats were seek had bondltton. that all the tognitions and arms got wetfunt:thsvhoste made somuolt - water thatthey nearlysarik; so %eh should we havq,aoceded to the - reliesitairmterions. and instiller requests of the captain, whddeeired' us to leave his mewl. in ;any manner,-both.men anieffeots Would have been lost witbitiAshort dias toned Of the venal. - , And as the state 'of the men, boate;and:niutddent wouldvaidaritimpossibie to disembark, in Cuba, the., Conventioridetermthed,tn cantinas Menlo*. in the dinatiot of rajkl,lif of der td eitneinthe Injeriesnand frontlet reminds to, can" out its purple, end to fulathe engagements entered into with :Oar brethein, ;It 'wants* well' 'remembered - that thnifildrleelheOonvoritfinthile, Eaffered,nnd will havntieuffer i lot causeown too, serioto,.on aecountef.. the oonfusion brought: about by the preceding event : In order at ire, 'should not strive to find ' out the meet' / th beet and: indirecit clauses whiohlsava to answer for thesis jarles, pemonally, morally, and pecuniarily. - For the , present the - blame melt I r , east' upon' the; caOtain' of - the African for the non , corirpliance his obligation—the bad state of,.thelbotts, the din' thine_ from the shore, and. the .uneertain place' Whine he wishedto land nianiteed'Of et the port of Thieves Giendes.-where ebould have taken us. for the su=n of 11,000 receivedby him-in New York. „We ,defer the finding - out °fee. other culpable' nartbie until 'it shall be possible; and - Convenient.- The Convention determined to formally protest,: once,, twice, , thrioe, . or as many times as may be requisite, against the captain, or the other cairns; direct or indirect, of Ott- misfortune In, some manner. Inwas determined to hold a gene-- ral Junta with all the brothers of." Ave Ida. ria" who an in this expedition, to gli there an account of the neolettio'ne,' and if , they-appreee of them, to authorize them bythein signatures for the consequences. ;In.,Virtne pf the.thirt# brothers who ' came with nii'wera 411(0. `tOmitlier4 and manifeeteCunanimotiely.that all-thatte oonv prehendedin this act le certain end gotquestionni ble, as are . also the foundations upon *Melt it is 'based', therefore they, approve' of - ratifying theini asking that the Convention mayluive &my, a n _the thirty, brothers another, to-be deposited,la the hands of the person who has thnionfiderion'of the taajdrite; ' • lowa •_.-, , Polegrin , Barnet,‘: • .% • Fernando D. Pine, , Enrique Frit°, _ M. Rittires, ' - Baidorbere'lraldee," • Arnego de'Ratnon VicintePladrantos, - .queira Ferragn,! ' • Antonio Leber's, PatiO ~. Andrea Cons,. Angueiin Lois Fernandes,' Mantel Is Garcia ; 4 Manuel S. Eaten, .1 - Ines J. Prieto, Lonna° Cistter,oB, Marone Cabrera , , Jose Blies idernmodes,, kneel° Nunes; •'" • Manuel Picini°, +V. Cerullo ' Gaspar eilva, , !Alejandro Arne, Miguel Zalvidar, Francini) Lithentl, -. ',Antonio Mar ie Betan; ' 'DM:Singe Alvarez, court; t t, , . -Juan Talavera,- - BmilioltaMirea; . Fel.ye iinentes, - , ;Lingua° pone, • • = - Mantel Villanovi: - " Norio - The ' ibelongliiktothe,thirty bro thers was delivered to.Puen Don Antonio Maria Betancourt, by, the consent of all. . • J.•.8.' ad hoe: After Which_ thk following somewhAt.ittdi- - onus,. yet distrewhig letter,: HATT' 1859.—My Dear Unite':-..4. Inform 'lon' we 'arrived' here after breity days veep, or better said; of aufferhqm. - because, .wo.were near drowning when close to Pubs; „the boatabronght ' th e disembarkatio n were' wed, for - nothing; arid went down; so -that' there litas been a great lose, for - all, the ammunition-hits got wet. -My heloved uncle, h ‘ ere I am- ,without a cent; and - only the clothes ors 'my beck; and the Junta says it -cannot ?give' us Maltitesatoe •be cause it is rather: short of fonds; o here .we are, thirty:4in' poer_felpwa ; who compose ..... entire expedition. - believe a greater act! of ,insenity:than this to be quite impossible-rtq go upon ugh an expedi; lion with Maly thirty-0 em en . According-to my' 'views there hi intrhopli late' tui 'the "Jaen wilts "! knock underitinniWe among negroes and,with, out a knowledge of the language—French heing • spoken here. 80, unile; 'if You ilo nOteitottle - money for my oertainly shoot ray : , self, for thinie vely.wretelsed,'anditisteir - pnedbl4 This city is called Port ii,Pilitalsithe Capital - of this m lserable ; land; wli te,wirbakto4ivs4 atentiOnin - eicbselo bk, ble - titlieentirariC 'The 'Old lady' - will liana tterleed - easo sorinthingi ;• - "Yer- - - .heits ,the latter easy 441411E0kb tofthe house of Tttraoio Afeles.liTeilhillea.„to,give you, all fetters for M L Bnitilt Veen. g , 110 not' Write much,,biosidee ao enterriblyiremloire desperation.' T haVsit . te Vey; a I have srif. 4 feted a - gfeat deal; !tad lakeninanY litter.drutghts; • otithough.thoy.paymnaute clistlnetiopxtholtith I do notarial!..: sande, receive many ?regards frgm Prieto an/Pentreelion tiflOor ItaFmtw: • Prttsi _, N. Prieto, care of-Jose Penes, 535. Powell street; - Philadelphia. • , - 'Finuidetnit from'the Marto deli iktirins; of the loth Attili for thellev York contemporary, the Oaterammblhihes today, • in its oilloiskp,arte - the interesting deoemektembiott, in another column and, 1;11 which we reprednoc . thekiews whim we gave in our turner no bump 'etirritog New York to invade our island;') sin , folly othiirmed. - , We call the ettitilthninf. the reader -telhati ; • "'si • 'l,, ; itirP'lo . .I` l- I , Z'r 1 I=lllM • .prwologiNft, Ottlog,t-liAexttrtas.: won= To oolek .rwpcsamos six;! , fa siisA 'fire , war ec.mmquaition.sertl•!- A t , / # 0 40 1 .-K • vrittes apes; We limn ba vestlY•terd god% iisoUtask Pat* kr ,ftAttitlitig**ll4..*. Itarr44ol4llpl Or tie de,* Voir pprWeeLikkligiti%. - °f Pr-4101,;c14',1, ofttil#7lPl**, 1111010111011.11014*Illi:•NJ-.:::.- i+l6k," nick: i Ilkfiniot. . :mom, htASA - ' ** ‘;iitilollll* " ' origionl; II - 'nimy niow- In. which thwine =IRV_ ~,. Aired; •Mit-thailanWof the Goats; of this fach e • not lin;ited in the iniAdloOtlonEor Ililoondkonnenlll h a w two thstl4s o 44 l ? - 1h libolagal - lpri rakerh..it . tol Elias 110W014,.,_ Who niiii zooiliploilag the WOE of ' tiiiii — toniCin i _WlAlnlntifin (hellion ffty UHF ,govolooolloini*ont/on of lit'Arllairklini*tnainkinilinimoltiolliti , 00 nnIorIonewoontoropm- )110,41,1; IF. I O4 I 4.batAINI. Pre - "'' - ' '': • Tel4Yo-o,w it - 04111 r- - ";A . , tee UN* ',. ISO %or' _ _, . ..,' lIK :601 , 1 3 41141:4:,Ni1ia1l IIILt11111)1PNIftillekt.$0-- r,40014WM4 O t tal. l 7 o 4d• IS tomotiov44,tht m .gkiwtOmi.:; mikotoloutter Aol, ntikitaLATZ4 t • • t. ts no - .44 11 t .2i 11r !,, _ri l .ak • fA111N1V.,&;37,17-::1,)- [ ''' elf+4 tirlittriin Itioartoiltod'iiii- the: met OA taffieratibilAskpfdalYolBs74 We Kona oflompontooft&vo -f... ~ ,,A - .!lU,- 10',',. i,- ~ - 4tttr.L . 4 . 11 4 1 4 0 1' Re 0 1 r i 5 Atlif “ - - O irrifriVriglw, al r o..,ArtV # 1 ,-M_ l rv.,l :•'Jniiii UraneriPsfiriodirAirnienqoil-thlf :Anion oinoi'.7lo,, 180; forinnoloido:-,:- 7 44 /itarnasoo..Tinlsorot,‘ rosmi.4l,itx, "4,44,"/PNaa *Ake . bungle Pholtlyl7: „Ription,rnnoilit ,PO E 'llfoglttiefio - ;Chi PlihitStithir, - ;;Tiniliti at iaLlibliiil Main ita/4 the linfteil Iltellil4sininent'ilf,ltkii- 4.4. 0d.'" , 1 Mr-f.v't , tV,:b ,56au,It-1, 4e- 1 1,t. i- INA Fatiltegagi*, . -S1411,11 0 1 .1 1 " 414 41 1 ' ) 4 CfpOliaitli)olo.• :Piettlf-*/ PKPffattl ititli as.il OiitOr A inebtrotah- - - ----, 4. - :re• ~7 faith- when! _ tarifa( tastsin!, toga* elaiM4toillitlitelaves;lPlii-Ariebralut Yroasei tirateditineeterielArrtridt got - I,kitath.irt their ittodirlioitgbill my,Afikw_ptstoia to ope(ef, opt terVid bf Tha'alittifatit lay - 0146 ma' itm' and etatitlWitiriiiffiaillograyetralit4.idihAW whisk lot ; K6V:z:e pin se Olt wreiviaapeesiihet -ii#ll§l 44 5. 914,04 4 - ATA OO I-ine*A I P9 I .XISOI,rt. I / 4 S 4b IA • • hitt eitc , ' 1pho" aiierit coop Joratirsdipatioditholi Jar tladed for em. t. be b 1011:114 10h1117,10, th at tea Ao l o* - 1,- vetor j • and aetpeatitteP treachery of theaevladiarte,l was,not tatlyttsib. , tietthaPtUltraerisW,--4A:c Esrl~ la the 311M M I ASSf,P 021 4 .1 1 4 Vat .ov tit sod Vialtientam guide* to Dealt it ;lei iitif io rivet theta' Ott ritaivitibtatieltid:aiirkftaii,:azdk**bielf:ll; rope from eatet,;;AratalkOtikseittariAitrifrit eria!gro,' inr the apt arming - .i,,pareftif: the; tam - 4,!eir told it was t(4lo,oo4lllialTaithaltt not of f "At bi't liett , a , thilaittatilesele ItiallartheNt saelabl•C' Althr -. l9 l piii4lll.*ramit - If we xt 44 tv.***o4 l :.,! 4.4Tigt *IA l Ab O -I, o 4M—TiAlit.W. t ic eor 4 4,lo._P PAPIPaid Knowing full well that** meet. fight Ikree, •POre4ito 1 010 -09NeY7btr's lfdtg i rkbetter 'oentettettltlt itt 11 O t tielyims theliki-wherkt *reined eiteintitid larfirdnjii:_re ned;while:ltrtbtraeVe'Aterralibit thlg4fl - we were greeted withrnAlutwei efet - L than, gave erders„to, Ott none toltilteue4 , ,ell , every one itist'"eould"be seen. jirWafa warm 'time for Mona Otto' heirs my anetildlling it - tenet two Indiana for every. &retaliate fifedcand taking, gem. of their hair. Tide has deterred ; theta froatkarthennoleating ea up. to , tkelreeent time, _ltthaeglt_they _ire, oeueeted hi L luse nten %era on the °molts side of the hari forty Men,: end tie I-; bellave_7' we' hate _ whipped dim rettkii.- side oft the rierwithialt I could do thetetrop on other, were it possible to' cross the Strewn with ail my Men: ilia eel - ahonid be` under the `reiesisitY of dividingg throlikatianyc as well el hoeing thelioer; with% litonetfoitritof emilo in width , to obstruct nryinCiements,--I thick it would he dengeronotg,attempt it without sesilt? once. , I anfsatisfled that fifty men would : be am ple, knowing ; sal do;that I °Mad whip 'three Mel not the river to cross: - - If; theieforti, yini can with propriety: and in-- areoriance with yOurlit- Alia, Dr withent-transoending:your , oelolat power, you will- sead_to.my aseistanoe,e4etechmtet l / 4 ,0f men- - - - - - liOplitie t o hoar from yea Cooti;Treat,'' " Respostfelly, your Olcorentaerient, -• tienumeAkOlfswer. GEVERAV:NgWgf Asitelfaurios.-11N Wise requelterts to say that be will not' leave the bountry before fall, as he"bas made arrangements' with 'respomdble' par ties in_New York for stimb exhort - for and iniportant aemnantioexperimente-this'eammer:= He leaves for New York on Friday nut,' te make the"neoes 'nary arrangements:. One-of these eseeritents is to be demonstratiee . Of'-the'preetfeability of masa inn the Atlantic With preeisionwithba from `West' folleit; : and‘Mithinlheeiratlebt of two ilegreei: Mad Vill'efinsistliziallhitlimit St. Louie to the - Atlantlo seabetid; it a pointlielireert Baltimore and the brNeitYoik , i Another is the 'priki4l..trig , and iruldineof the'balloOn- With fan-wheals and *adder.' Eels: talsti;t4 test'Mr. Page"! , pain `of 3iiebtint the Villain biltia,plan patinte&llol4o wean; 'lrivirndiiistand"there he _MS - - airenintle ar:rataat . an aeroneutie eintaintitic In New York; by a Intinber bferipirriMentelisti 3n this niatteCiand Hr: Wise has bean Winiritened to - meet thine Oltiankliiiulth it iiew t Oahe the enterprise - finder bledlteetkom. 'Some of the' mini in wealthy, and have already iiapanded considerable some of money in the.. in vestigations. , WAT hips, that, something armada ble may be the " Tenn orthesii:primeadine, aid that it may yet be the lot and; Lappbsem of the present gewandloa: to' enjoy - , ve - Anee -to - foreign lands' exemptjtora, the' terrors ' id' pains of sea alektiers.-4a.weiater4ro4"-fcnr!fl;!).- Tbnieday, ,ilvie :folleirineadditionil Boma tolohisig,.the- late . regrind iiAdent; the leading features hinitothre'reibllalted -t! /3400 tiie thKe. killed; Jeinee Gay: and Janes -Bannon, were "%Jared. _The explosion must ,hake .been Thelmiiimotivei wae;e " total wrack, - and the main body; of it SialibtOrrat;o4-007kii dred, feet freni.the slat- ere trail at quit point was del ellehmli ; this iaYli'l~ro hap --pertimuk of them .threinVinent 7that a hundred yar d .; one; of the. itinsiMothin, reds *me two or 'three , lir•distateter,lL and Aiur toaix feet loan) wis, atirAititidietaime of over !fun dred, felt, applontly lea stialghtline, sod pene trated the, earita:lfour'feit- The- bodies of-WoOds , and Nada wore fOind four huudied_feetfrotoJl• spot ;-; end friuk - IC statement of *rinUemin al o witnessed the catastrophe at smite , distattse;:they milt-have. been - . thrown up Siune one, hundred Drshsr maim). Emma party :ord is - appointed emigrants, who Mimeo on he 20:1k. of Merck last, returned yesterday., Ahes, proceed leg out as far a the their 'faith . in the gold' mina , gin snt,"'and-ihisr - looletlie heck track. Their appearance at Market square - with .their , Itsnd•barta and sicteking Intensuls,Attiaoted general attention, arstareatedwaitt gni* atoong acme timid Pilte'l Peakercile are noir ^Mut starting out.:;:lhes of th•Altnrsted.party _informed Its titer he Woad ears the Nita on th e evening trafti' - htigin Infotigh - of the Far WOO, dna be had just walked sit hundredlnilee, be intended:to - ride the balance of theAray. ,The fiViett , was norldeee for- him. - ge., Joseph (Mo.) Journal,. = • ' Mrarrair.—AbOut .two roucb, a wolf knewa Sim in ,Beekman, New York, blab - nod that' their premises wire " entered 'by %Mr- Ina $lO,OOO weith - or goc - 46 - 111realawsy. ;Very effort has beak asade.however, , tl thepar ,ti robbed, to keepAlm- matteet,6ool2-lnik but game of the deter - tins her the ease ha hand, and, HIES axpeatelt - - dayellipmenti - Wilk 'he Made a' few - -"' feet ihirtisioSAheitelitesalltel; 7ia9e de• 'sorted the' British , anal fierilee years ; and that, too, with more ,thea4o.3o pop due them. 10- bag es-thebristal paellas of fog- - ginus seamen le inentlaalek 3natteri 4" , ren:erekie, there so a ttherAikyverkl, to MekkaaysSpriiiatiSpipol " ret . lrostisAurial IA I** of cetitisadaottblitlit 14#81444.-21161fetilton Tsfejrialih r istlamteisiluidamiisso - tot,thCiter. at million obleths*,'tiStilannitiVsteXt___lliVa‘ ring to repeet, 'hat the groin 4 Wm vOrTtwi, , ,' Coasmahasitooriwtin Shutt iNirollijabag legit late ,411944f4t1in - , ;t I : ' 7 '7' ;~.. - ::.~;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers