, 41 3'no'~y ~:;r.'= ° % ~«pit , „myy oittl , too 441 .1 4 irt - - 1110 -- - • th:. ,Iri; ';'"' -4 , - Ator Itiptamo ,VOS I Ilia te. AM Atttlalt'.Y.l • ttviatts,44, 644.104whatitt. - A•i lo . l .it l iSt ' ' ••` '"ikiiiti,44oo4 • - - lixtitaW- - 'l j i l .,itimMd. kfiial#l§ 114 O in gltI L • , - , AX' -- • 64-* -0-.. f ‘ tx , -;a . . ,i••,,,,,w444,,t -. - *Or ~. - . = at. 41 -, 4. - - lig. mim:4 , , rid „. 1..„, ~, - _ri-• T .- - -.- Viii;tl4ol4hi* . - 2. ' , • - •i ;•"$ ,111, 1 1 - ir , r!`"- "7" i sigtoeitilifeAcliallta- ta 1,. Altr" j„g 1 It t o - - ",,Z-.7 , :.W., . 'g- " e , ~, •;.• ',.s " Vi.7.'S ' fr , l - 1 •:.i,,LfaPliAit.iii,oo iski vo c 2 ! 4o i " t t : ' r XI, F_ , T • - i=* 16 4#411 14 A4 7 z V ''Atif:lii, , *ls #ll-t"r'll4ii to•- 4 i_....=>. 7. --- „•, , A1.• - i' es i• .I; '' .4 141 f 1.1- 0 ihjalli 11 1 14 0044 4 1,1 P 1S ' ,-, Vf., -• ' MI 1 1 / 4 o , ~ ...P1 ~. -'-- Y 4- _ the f oie ii , , ' ~.ti#4.44:3,44000 .- , , '' i INKI . ilielt-9411114a*htoltimad• '-,:; • ' - '*-7,,c7--7.- , 7l,t‘by ' ' • Viiitialitiiii tuftialt? - •,. - ""'"' , - ..r. ,"/. ',' „ ' Illn. i . ,lf i (LI ‘• '-_ '•:.1g•-. - ..'r 04;7% 0 441 4 44 Abotwitil, -n_ Ateoto tot 10 :- : -.- ' - ipt-._ - ii* i ti.Voif l isi ifitfiklaiimitaklals Wlft,ilfr , .I4l:l4iiiik-,g)itliii,:?"-A:F is #te *. .,- i :! ` l :. 7 s7:litiiiii4l .....l. 4iok.V7o4*TigiT., ' ' -- -- 44 ll - -44' 114`4:toOkli ,ti!' _ 02,11 ',OW! r ....,,,,,, i 110t*,-.,_ • . -•,..4, t . „, ,„ ';,, ,, f 6-fr -. t c..-: 41, - , ~ is.ifttiiirawfte: 4 ` .4 a",.: -.' L - - ',4 4 , 1 0,4, 6f05 i 0ir , { 4 # 4,111 4V1 1 )M 6 ,`91r* t f..-7 * irWi'o4 - , tgOlg. , AtizFrfri a <9, , , i l i ti t i d i,; (l in --- 'i .411Nre*0iirgirli ii t !,, , ;.:- -.. ii: "i ii,e - Z*l'4l,:"! on aril - , -54-- , -,, vo i f_ ='' ' 1 ' ' - '440,0.. 1 1 4 1., 4 ,0_,..03.1.E1.-webt w i, 1 - ' ''''' 'o"•Ttv 410400,:;.,,,,t. 7i '''''''t 7,77 1 72.7 . 4%: : -.1. vit . ,1 4 1= 5 ie,g,n...., , ,,,„.. , ._„‘„,_4„, , ....,..,...,,,,,.. '24''' TT "g4 , 4"'•' - ` 1 " -4 7 .7 "47 . 1= ,14 '-' ' 70: .. ,441 , •=iikittivil t ~ ~,, ,,,vviortiikeisventlx-itielYlborr-.:ln " • ''- • • hi s t 4 1..i.Q. , 0 . - ~'4;ill, r.p,,at ...,,Li;,„,;a rand r • ialighitiii ristitther '' t1.9,-1,! P9F-...--,--,--NisoTiitiiiarneMtellloo.4t 4-4_ s , alisiiitte#M,- ---,.--, 'th. liiViiiiii:*4 I' : '1 -..,,ltltitOfi iiiIIIWWW-4,74i-iiiika44,,,* . 7 ...... i th ja .a n , " I ''- lIAL ' IL fliiillei4l7 - 1" erilk# 1 '•:' ,, , ••?..,,V2 , .•••-••,„ ~,,,•.:Ic •_.-1,54.46r.7•,-. - • _ 7 : I **m .0 4 ,,7 0 j: ~,..7,:; 64. ,„1 , ,....,, i ,... ' • " 211 litleAr9Y - t m ' v- ',lr., • Firfarfizja: . 4:* , ---, t ic_ . if. .. m . i,s lc ? :,,,,, ..,,,..-- , :off i l l' 4114iii t 11l .I'*/141::14,Kileel;61*+k got , 111 ..,-,WAY,L,;LiF..--.' C t ; li:el' ''.J7............,..-' ' , di thr ".. , 4,2- 449 1- daqaigastawfaltlX,••_.._ . _. ‘ - -, ?-- -0 ., .., -e...._• ii 4101,1451404114 potion • IMP' ttlitili , ,„,„, -, -•"---_. - ---y , , -,g , e '' -1 0 e crit",-stovowtolo r rm... , •._ ;; _.,,, . --1 -- --:,,.. -' ' , w, , ,, ,,4,1 -z a:: 1-i•-,,va, have 1 ' . • Arifflik , ": , 1 4- 4 • 1001 "r'l ' -- - - 1 - m -- s - d 'ailag l'irteltittlr :40patahos ' from' Maxim, 004 ! ~ ,' • th erapo ' di ufifailaU - ' li'' ta`tifMiti aio !CGoiiitra ,-•"1, lI,T, '-''' - '•,:k s „:" ~';',"'..„. ..” ,_ - ii i i i ite i. g.'ri 4-,, ttiiiiteifq'*.gzv ,0 1 1.4 'l r- , ti'Al it ' a d'ai o'l ''' ttiti „ .W.4,44*.0)1407,0,T,4•1 , 11 1 .. . f n. s _, i 'I, ,'-• ' - IF/ '64-4. 'imstirti# lo4lt * , -1 0,61 e1 1 .1 1, 1vIr i i, ? .:.-kkals ''''' liiittisiktiark on Mondarlaotalwg m il ,Te r -----t, - thisgwatitivioulatOitinic * kotaL • - I.*Milied hi'i , „,, ..- = - '"''' i"' ilidad4 afallanif, PA -P -PlThilliAdea tIKAPAr - ••• 4.- ' . ' ' - tom; , ;piiii<ll.lo4ot wai. o 7-t0ir.4 4 114.5mfAb97.•.!..-L .... 4 2 111? - t4.4 , i4 f .01XsiVAWSts hal, appoin t ed I .. hi ti Ai .to r j - A e fr - oh, otAprioo ;is, alweltwElair- a 4.411 ' listing; %tallow , I' and prayer:.' • -' • il*l4l6.e ' s hall ". - 00 :4 :! 3011 ' 044 ' 1i!t44,,,01611041) . adanty l l 4';% l i kk tad' 8 ** ,11 4 -,••;: ' ''' ariallialiblind.,;:lta hat a severe la_ .- -7.Xrtkge : 1 44 in , 14%4400. 1 .0 kftw. l 47iPte,7, ....s - . -...":" ' , _44.1.,-4 , - •••- "- - ' 1'" .p.' - '" ; ...... ~ ... Jun tal z.,•,iyA. 4 4-;74•14,9,,„,•-n- ,1 1'” . ' . 2 '•'' IJ, atbi .1 ,441;41 etct1, 101 3 3 ,0 111 " n " ,0- ,t„, - ' , ; ' -44' ' - 4110000016:11.01*rilkirMa0erh / ' . 'tkISA 4 , 414 - 414,1*;4161difful, of t he Taal - - 'll*.i'ttailkie 4 ,filetAtilltinbithlitOt v let. - X441 :41itaelV*N7.,'1111111* ''''-' .Demo: fa a 6 -41 I f **Oiligtlikluw w ' *,' Y 4" ' - -i it: t wi ..,fi tip . ticial'ro...oo.lr,r:!! '''''',d. , l , i&v goithe conviistoiowiliotkeree .. the *-w - -2; . .4- - ,-- - -" - r' --- hied - - -=''''' 44tAt14tiittot '4I, I CarOOL. aid , 611110/44600kitl f 41"1* -! 1- -: - i•j,"3 ;iPilli tt li r l ' Xiiii,X - 1..? 1 "; "'P li rl• l4 l io t1i110.ii.',1414-004A?#PPPin "0 tho .P.1 1 ,,,,41 .- - the = il f =n l * - jiiiiiiMailOtl4o ll ;. l4 !"”!,l9P i 4 iialigii&ZWilmiNsWlh l 4 l., #4 6 :frk - --- iiiiiillivNeeiiki* itZikitti:l4:: . - ..ii*C_ _ tl. A ~` r' - - ili le k •', --"` 1 ''''..rsEbssiburs,l,,h/A, voilsowir. .7,06"4 4 44. irliVM*IT °46 ii. iiiiikeijlittaklit4o44 l o;;;olo;*le,Yli#:‘i ' - --;iiiitii' , rY‘-:: : A-t*-: 13 40340 1 4-'. 11 :41#01, A e c : / / i- r ' 0 1 140,014.e4i',4***IP•Aal*T- 41 11 ~ G WOO ,- ,thip'"AfalitiMit,„: , LlittkiketiiiflXl:4l4o - : ,.. liak ll •‘fi lni wP" ' l3 - ''''''-'l4lfid 1474.., 7" , ~- '" ,--ilkfil -_iif*.ql4l,4#l*, lii ' • k11001t.0.-.Vkr.--, iiiitif; 1 044 :411P3at1141447* Xl N l # 4l, *t i fil'A-*+ 4,3 '!`- e t 413, 4 41 4 414b i 11i k. 06 0-ifPn_ i t 6 .! ' :* - faitogiiiktital l i - A*;44t 846'*.t )", *; V 1 474 4, Jhi - f'io:ekikixtoiox'r.tbi - fLrt , 1 'linsiiti4-i1ii :8 4 , 05 efo l ti*nrs4.ll-: .J*, 1- ' 4 4440,44 foiCAPtiont• ivi,, l 4 - sietttb,ottc •, - . , .,44ciah1K MailderKlfilailif tia tit u `k iii rte tit hit a t, e ,,f a mt uer 6, 1 Aolhogirilt Oki itidstatrnm, , ~ ... ~ , ~ 116 a; hitfirat watt; • 44. 6 t. the 111 0: 16 .X.1 144 * , , , i t m a or - ..1.4,,,,„5te 1ip5i,1434r47;--4 ,4 , ~ i l: 1/41, _,,,-- - an poitaithotaloamat thaw t ikd ..1 4 i=r1 taltoM &Malik% oat.b•llifittald ',..• - OtaCwistWllkiitoottebitter•WOwlail , Atarbko k ,n4o, , , - tttimm.forthi. dual) "3 t l4- • , Mrolk - lititr s nit , bwrojiJytto, AWL*: liesdiy pi'n'y 'r , .finkloifiriir,...t'ltfliat 4ht via thatt7oat, velithat! 'Mill taty„samosi that It uttered ono - tboagbt, or.withLAtleiiPpalnitle ,frmsulaf Pfmatiliaallif4Awescit wmapefasvit breathe for - tomb!'" lafilmornot on. word Tot the !Wit , la ',Xastiamlatt tha , zranimirlaw. viv-ii*fir !lif., ' good - awd trait: m en who hgra4liadlor.:llaadlo) , , ig ,, t4 :41/tlittra_il l ek n arliets= i pozia .: 11.-4 14* . er5:710V1R0L41091.0b2r : ' " ir i 4 lPagAlM - rliJOlhttettkeVakfi'l , 44 ll ,ll* 'in 4- ei tt, h rt i r i r : 4 4 .. *, ,r) , -4.i .440 Cetiftll'X'4ll,l4 , o;4lll t Iftithillitif ff . :l l f,l4M,.:**s.julp•- 1 00, Port L in; 4 toniwropiiiistat. wet, AglAr, and. 7•ri 4 ' '' '! 4 0 1 / 1 44:4 11 40041, 1 4/ . 4.0. ;the nark , 1 . 1 ' -4 :11t: tiOillialitilekgr - ..ft *Mb of ellin - z , Giti 7 l r ' itk,ol/0 ' it'ara lbliClol4llM4l/.ls.wr tam • arid' Oat ottlaitfarindatiMalatattlialitititt. sudvil l kjildoliAllet Sib 'AtivVfit aligi taL'4' 6 li • 4ti2kl " ime4 POt t i ib t i k siii : ttle4 r shave weammi w a *IX.MaOO41 0 IP - i • !4.0,4itt ikiwr i ttki- tr . . i _. ,It tajZfa.,. j,,,,,ltedopr-••‘',....fwii, ~ ~ .......,-. 4 4 , f , 14 444 ' 4 P -'„ ,- .. 1 -.,,, • ' i i. - c- • r. 4 ~- _ i"'ate=3 r~~ _,-_ I=IIM • da' a,....0.11V Ai otieued• " Ellittikallt 01014' 11 1 1 4 1 4 , T 49 , LA ,h0r A 1444 4 0.,* *Nerd enabling the rail` - I thliktAkt 4" - Sith ; ' Ott Itekthe3Mortor . reach lb° iiiince Delawar SWAM' , the 400 0 0 Afulf; - tithr:o4; l 4 ,l ll: berdell " 4 4 ,C4****tht *MOW 114 thilde • ‘ifei*. '''‘'oll4lo24l)lCth lay et the tles: l 27 . ' lo lth Oftediiirniger ( olo6f tftik - 101441144':114r- iisto4. 4l lo eiii* 66ll 4 6 willOdoitillor-liridlittithe-toitooar*ber g'nokte Timusw. ^ 3 „f-:irit444oo,to.„ ol lg rilta`7 ., ,sAikes o iki l it, ~:1..,, --liwriv-,41; r-alkWibiai*th? , ~.? -,:- • -Tr 04 - j'aikfoisi, , - 14410 . _ , ft V i r is -- ! s. #:"40--Tfiltita,_. rot:l4; iiktiktriop*A;ls f .f l ' i lilt i,- "tre-F-_-thi,',„luiw .Ir"4"sili' 1P1.14444,-, -:',-:•-•-:*iiioritt:102,,,,,wi,a,6_,A.vintaii.,,,,,itti* --.: ~.‘„Art,,fikit:Agal NA vnt la. 4l'AmilikitiOi., fitalitHie,elvlic,,A7,,,l,:oo„ Ai...1.kt... ... - i 1ufiM r.A. ,,, L , ,...i , 740ivt..,9#5.11 - ,4,0,-* ,-,-, c-,.,,:`,-...1„,;iii:,;-1,---\".' - il; ksviii;ooll'Ojltolir 44-lys.ftn-04402t7 "A..u-V- shi'dt ,Tiiiii!sinf2l/1/1.411t,-I*-4.3;i44#116:4440-itir.4' : '11144g1. stiiiitiiriiii.o4446, 4, tigirdivi'Asit7l , -,"4,, r, ,-,... ~, „ ,, t --,,,,--,„• 4- lefkiitf.l..-- l' i ;:::::ftwz>'-'e' --'‘'' ' - '',.. - - ilftr,T.l. '-‘-''''' ~4 • , -- '_.. - i 1 V 1,4,1 1 .—' '-` 44,iii4,411ii*, 040 ~ _. --10014109=--s:asyk liesitoe•imip,'o4l.o* -, ,-,.44Ait.:02, Ziiii.6;:boit4ii.pr!YPO: --;,,: titzrikon”, --,-.p.tig--, --pfdpijositil-.14": ~i... ..- --, ' ":-'-"k4fitiklt*."4*Tgl.'="lixii , by *Mir Ot Of, ii,_xki4t,w,ell`7,-- iiii; ~.'e•M'iith,_...tic --_,.,--...v0,10 .0.,4,4e"P,Ti'5i0,14.4., r u -- :f0- 44 "Poite*--", '';'l..ll-,OllAll ' - ''' v iiiiiriiii.,:itsidelle*oi'Nettil sz•;:1' ' 14 Jitu.ttoii," , --iii: „...., (..1,- ._,k: . - Tee ST Tay, at.'Washitigtoni comments npontheaction:,Of*ti , DemocAle masses of agaiaat:Con! viintion' at: liarria*g;'"lt übjebta . : : :, to the :lotion epan'seree4:groniair leliet,that" ct In itt '(The ItaleaD . ***ol9xt the:! : Barris. Juni nlitietnalgth4,l,-,i,rwit4<tha:.,reon.: l dints in the Philadelphia rause it does not dieeevir a - particle of differan& in respect of futdenuAllel and addS' the extraordi 114#0teekeet:ItT)44,-ae6:egeoed,in su ppo rt R pitt o m ., § . foktil# , ,rotection, and specific. as*, Mt every other measure of l ::Sitotcheing theilindies* The Stake, We heed not copy "aitir'agr ‘ er.- Meat between the inets. who' proiest eigatits,i the Office-With' (70)tieiliari and that Eddy itee(r. 'the,.'"!:ollotAnigota t ''',,ontinoisiod a dootrine .tiV. l . tWfcrettity,:t4,4%tke,;.Territetries , which; is ..:iuk.fittlY4 an! insult , Jo.= that platform .uperi Whicir , ttio , #eMooraesiest''known to stand Afifie ? =;•,"-butg_1*;,iniault`f•,,: toall Sovereignty is- contracted ,ind:controlled•ly the Prot*lsiOns of the te. 'comp* and: Engliati'Bills; lath' of ,whichl 'We:relief and - 40; ."gey: assert; ihnost in. 144. 8 ; tinte,,ogi. the; PoaPie of aTerriteryinif.exerclae their right to manage their- owns' affair ' hi'theirewn way'shall be 'a'fte'r they have ceased to:4 Territories. The ' iuteresfa of Pennsylvania , we, wouldsay in the hist, temper to thigtatet, are' to ns good'{ deallikelvshatthe hiterests.Of the South arettil The'fiteitii.',liredO not object that the States Won*, firstof Aire °ens „slavery,' iv wlalrive.-meartrthw domestic institution of tha:South: , ' , Tbleis the . sectional interest of The ii"sectional interest, ti9;;Atear'itiiis7"-quitiaa dear to us as elive'rY te , -The 4(414 , -0040er, indeed, that ttie Pre', •siderd,deeMed- - itilrapertant enough to quarti Yaliirith'flie;gaultiern *copli` asserting i&J ,Support •id this interest, •, we ,agree . Witit;.thf; Administration, people in thiSKquer ter,and evetr With ihe Black RepUblicans," 6nliP,edisiWaltilit Vinisiiiinta' is at last IpH,ou,,thiii,Anttlin'Aoutik,is,n, unit in support Its lOW :fflhe , maw' in #l6 AUL.* o , opposes slavery is=as utterly out idde :ref;, pititiP Ootifideirite' ae .the ruin 'biANitiiiiikliailia'Whiti.oppoieS' our. great Altera*, ; Americana and AsanOoratsin, the South , are-ail. for slavery, and in :Pennsylia pemectatet,"peptibhoins, and Americans, ; Tiri'att; But the men' whO bikeiktOesd,A6)ir.,....4sids:asoinst the diCtatiob .eitthe..-.lOth , of; M arch, at, Harrisburg, do not egi'esr-rwith -the . 'oflicti-holders - in regard 'to 'bthei':iiiiiaitirti;'Of the 'ilederid jninlittation,'l- no The Steles distinctly asserts. They. ,difier-ineiorably :on the thirty-million bill;-'they -differ irreconcilably:on the borinp -thins 'Of the Federal. Government, which the parasites of POwer applauded by a significant omission denounceh and they differ, above ail; in ' regard to the prosorip lion\ - *hid,' beeir exercised by thel tiesidefiVaii'd the Cabinet ,against behest men., who:dared to take up arms against Abe l 'shanielesS tests , Imposed upon all who Weald fall '" down - and , worship. the Wirnsia,,Peiley: . Admintstriiiion. We ,ruightreraind,The Stoles - that these offence's have been 'nowhere' more eloquently and stingingly deporincedlhan in its own cantons, -tint we:prefer` to ',place the. 'position of our trinruk ground` of PrticiPiei and to ifeclare, that `they are not animated by 41 an ebulltiintr ! , of /resentment against the Presi defitr The: tobelliona "minority,"' ea The States politely Calla theai are governed b y principle, ; end, they avow, to be their pa -Stietievirnese; They propose affillatiOn with 4tisintrty; whilis"theytarite`tolheir cause ever y otleltiem-hi,gennirylvontasinfl the Union: Ne]lia,oll.o, doubt that Vie States Will do jue4' tice, ,, to - , , these,npright and, self-reliant men by givinga prifrper. 7 .ceitstraction to the motives h*vo :aniiiiated:, theft determination; relitctantlYirrivCd but v iaving been reached,-to be cquiagetiusly, consistent;, 1,14 end eonatintlY-contliforedto a noble reault; r - ;` ,II IDNI,GHT MAIL 7.: 7 - Litter Alteins. 0 einaion al." • ' - Wieitncires, `,'idareh 25,1858. Senatorr.Uiiu la, retu'ned. very suddenly. from th #.0.01:€0 1 4 1 thi:1 evening ... ores called` OM/ f.y..,b1.511.,i411d4tint."-Airiess,nf.ltis'aen_lliberti4 , hatentlfelAssy,aliontirredve year! of age:- 11;4 die. 41 01 1164 :.thwiii4litihillever; -king ;polo too that -• September 4 ' 4 ;41114,444.-..a ilfirtiOlii /15 WOO ‘ 47,04410 , e*Ae ' _KYLigt( l 4O/,lti. efa*** o , Otis pf Popular 7Adixtinie atitlenteet,r,suAall mensionetuired.wbo did „not eArneforirard end eappott „Governor 'Walker in hie gleribriesourse.s' -Senator Ranter was himealt angrily upon --to oonte forward' and- say 'Syhelliet or akeinst Walker and _the _popular aimed-girt thein imalutiona Oat Akssfila now posisieslabei "PitglalaDerob erit,'-i6'.**44iiigilikief the President: • your - solleptiie(tint pOit, ;Mr.:Deker, could no doubtanswer heir - fir „the Ikea:Admit and-Judge Bl,ok ware concerned in, the; preparation of the resolutions:isiopted by the lite Mike -hoidens'. Con tra:Mimi: ' -.They'-'Mere • evidently tostoliedlats_berOsid - sutaitrudntly elaborated and fished ligr;Bitiler.; ourioue, "to sea how reeolution'e have been '„.rsjpohisi . by the men who framed them, and It ;will Ito no less interesting to watch how utterly the Harrisburg resolutions will •he rejected by the people of kemasylvania. • • " - 7 • It la arming Wheat- the:Pennitilistnia clerks to the departments trying to :oho tbe words of Judge Black; 'thatike" 11160.161.2era' Oie'ventiou at iffirtlsitieg` du tot Picker because he retatkio r i?iSaistrolledisy the Administration i°lo l loo l . 44 .1 0 4 i." . 0 1 ,0 that the At- Itorisej: eneral Dlimhtares like a madman, aid I, the jittleptaea.tien here rave in ready concord fame. "I They Say-. that , Gov;` Packer was fit ,bliellklylik-okt hie assume In reference to the haleief the i"" The' Mae of thirAdunziletraiten setting up ouch aa'Ajeatioh - to Governor , Packer - is "rldioutoul. irtolkAt:lsetia:afthAtfigated ;i4sgals it has put into (Moe the union; the plunderers in lIV -7140 ;•Aletutersatin Reams ; the defaulters it re. *it* *IV .fivOra,7 - andthe.edoutdrellem it cols tied from the public treasury. Judge AltoOt; , ,fortgitpi - that, %a, number' of Administration aren, in the ,Ligieliture -of Pennsylvania, voted piT, the eaten; of - the *ale to the Sunbury" and - Erie , gmAganyiesed-,that among. them ere 'ouch men ae Senator Philadelphia; Senator Steele, if lesserne Seuator Straub, of ; and Senates Brewer, of Pranktin, Every - calumny he heaps upon governor Packer, therefore, is a direct Insult to these. men . and all who voted with them.. riirtroth- is, if Governor Packer had agreed to tints himself ender NM load 'of Dessonipton, and bad to ' earteit hie fair renown and the_ audience of Peinsaylvanis, he would not only haviblem eleratedlate the Maddens* of the eideatibutosild, hare' been honored as the reel pient ot itaiitsanagor,and -madii the demigod for 6 0.8870. 1 ,dere to. Worship, . Do you:snow that lion,' Deriah Magollin, De: imeratifoinedate for Dinar:Mr. of Kentucky, le eon'luetleg kis canvass twin st plan that is a elk eideantlabulle telinienanierfin ,wittok Mr. Ba ri:o:4li test hip satellites attempting to ride .fon - bf , Petintiltinir 'down? If he goes On, as he .baa`atirted; may lent for the thunders from the ;pplitteat'Xititai here igainet Mama Therols'a 8 0 9 . :deat.'"ef - aiiti-Inigompten and Douglas De, leteerio Jialonittok7r and liagellin was an active DOsegbionit In 1866 - at the DirMittintltlonveition. He therefore all. ieits, isad traverses the •State,` lattingit berinderatood that he stands in hindly A reiatiene. to Judge Dangles.. He and tidier Ansi in - the Southwest seip that if Douglas 'and` :Ahem' had accepted '• the Lecompton test .and the !bribe, there would f l ot, -been = left a -keens, ; Spot ,or • the lie.,Blkat , -important . section the, ;Union: Net only would Dangles himself have been beaten for Senator , but - , we ,should have bad no ;Tarty in any this. States. Kentucky is itself,l9 the Northwest, anit the wave which muet have MOO ifei,lillnote,'ltidienni, Ohio, Michigan, aid. ;Minnesota, -br the event, of tbe su.rrander Of Douglas te the Ailisainistritioa,"'sxmli• not hare been stayed either :uMerituolty or Idirsourl.' There are facts :mirth reaalLing it the'prisent time , as allowing the' ,wisdom • sigieity of the movement against the rain fst'pewer here. 7- , • 7 I pensive - that bitter attack le made upon Go , vortor-Pgikei because he Appointed Mr...liinaline (lifteiintenderit of the State printing; the , tl*Pi'l'Ott, that itiootitto (who, le well known in Ifieliligton),,,eime from-New Jersey to take thli 4:A6e/though he wellborn la NorthaMpion (Minty; Pennsylvania. I wick you would fast remind the :orlimiiiteldirii.""efionr *State that Mr. Buchanan dr4 - o , 4'lleettatsire *Print Delb, who had just pre -orOgelyiliessalt iltiren of karma; to. en important . .elite:-.in Illinois, and-that he transferred; young 'Pitch; of Indiana, to take the Important' position' of Dlettlet'Atrorney fa Iliiuofe. It may alio be W'reinied .tliese',gentleasen that the;present eisiten: appointed by .. . Mr. Buchanan to an o*.iielipil.b,iive thousand drillers a gale; had not -,:-.l' ,, Mit4ltlit tiikelviltoll bef ore hel!iti appointed;anti l e?0,01:,‘ 4 04 ***Ms Aretilimated'hi' Philadelphia, 4ml ' if iii!,i'pso 4ilitirde in. New York—proving that he bad no '' i3e4614$ to itie United 13tatei. Yeti might tell. _ . „- . thoui, too , that therfAte sOVeralfOrsons holding 'aloe :under Collefiai ,Balcist,ilta' your custom hones; who live in?Xow Jerseyinnd who .do not -porkt AU-one: ; Of these, belie*. man named ( Sir, or-G*7”, whOfditrlng the late oampalgn, left' and *out to Jersey to, 'nendnet:. Iboomfiten, newspaper, abutting snob 'Then as.ityervin, AdraltiOligge k anti others. You should also 'call the attention of the oftlee.holders of Pennsylvania, who clamor against Gov. Packer and Judge Knox, to the fact that Mr. Buohanan not only oontinued In °Masan-Elm men in Illinois who opposed regular nominations In that State,,but removed all who sustained these nominationd.' Letter trees - iirtrrisberg. I.oorreeponderice of The I , re ' se..l Klitatainita, March PA, 188 P. stt An init to' teener:orate DOS 'Peousayliestia and NOW. ZereFl , ../erri'ComPlinY , V had been presented.' • • !Rile= Etalistead,l_olseirlis Stotrand;'Clieirlas• A. MM.! , ii 0 9 1 ,),84,14Wt, ,11.201siuse, tied 'R. 19.0 are'. unwed •4 corpus:torso, Capital sioikli 100 ; 60 , Cactinhare iNiti.,"The beard oidiriotoris Isbell. to 'erect ei steamboat' firiy betwech - some point south of thenery yhrd, at Philadelphia, and polntosouth of Cloutester, in New Jersey, at 'omits plate or plioen se may beet. seise pnblfo oonrenivide. Thia'eottahall eolstieue in torte for thirty yoke. . '" This Padre avenue and biausynek Paseengteitallwa r y a5.,46,-paasmi. yesterday, bad , ak borporaters '(atter many. erasures and. interpblistiona) , ",3ohe Lambert, yoseptiLltlpkis.lThefles b. Jartell, 'Tamen P. Nicholas . , Ohs*, B, char, 4'eteob taker, Nathan L. bilmekle,./ohn P. Preston, John Rooker, Dr: *Maui M.libiet; Robert P. Taylor," hairy, 'Orookey, Joseph A.' Clay, lobe Anspsoh. Jr.l thuntel Gown, :Oe 18 Nicholas; Robert liutobineon, Wm,p, Rooker, H. R. Dovetail, and Wm. 0: Rline.•., • • - Route, from or near Moen( Collard by the Ridge ave nue and Mausynnk turnpike's, or litter's lane 06 Mans yank endAtozborinish, - *Atlc the rietht -to eel:eh-net a double or Merle tract on said.turepihe road.,prorided, certain torfita let forth . in refelreoletti the right of Way, on said: road; are compiled With. The whole number of shares altall not Mooed 10,00 - $5O, each. - • A committee of several Unman . °Mune represent. intim Mutual Salome lend, Loan, and Sating Assoot: "Cons, of Philadelphia, have beenhere foraeveral dere urging the pusage of • lair to confer , noon them the I omen aid lemmatise of corporations and bodies rat tle: and to isondent charters' heretofore granted. this L the lame ineeetim in lewd to which the maga meet ing Of Germane ani. others was ; recently held !alone r Thorn reed in' place Au act to incorporate the ;Fitilmea's Pend lIIIMI4I/3110 OattlpSll7 of TeensylvanielS Corporatort, Robert Terry, Hiram-B. Webb:lids:sued Dlogley, Olserler ILVltealliliter, Joseph ,Plighas, John Mania, George'Pereell, Simonson Bennett, and Andrew Capttel etooki 850;000, with power to incfeaee to ' The sotto ineorporatis tine Roiled of 'Dlredtors or the , Tire Department lathe 'city of Philadelphia; has been read in both branched. and in the House has been re ferred to a egret totdattee of ' the city members Two bills have been read tit- the.gosse with this title; bet they era ssid-to be exactly Chatter. It Provides.. for • the election of a preeident, aloe presidents ; secre tary, laaaanreri and' five codsestioners. All officers, except the commissioners,. are to be elected .by the directors—the five commissioners to be eleCted by the representatives of the litre Departoseet,, lied the lint election -for said commissioners shall take pace on fourth Monday in May Loa • -Term one year.' No' one shall be eligible to be „a commissioner Oohed he shall have been for five years an settee mam bo or the/ire Department • Paid commisslooers shall take cogently:* of all complaints against lire companies, impose penalties, and remove disorderly or riot:tab companies from the department; co.Z • The bill Introduced by Mr. Parker, to reduce the numbir of Common Cotiwllloien, is droller to the till presented' last- ersucon.' It allows one Councilman in each ward to a popntation of 2.000, and one for A frac tion above that, excepting the T treaty-third ward TVA Its operations. The act Incorporating theThiledelphia Osty Passenger Railway Company, notwithstanding the Leto of the Governor and constitutiotml right, will doubtless be pelt through ender the drill and baste that have NO shamefully characterized this handset:l login. Wive aot. Atenne. FHE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Pennsylvania Legislature. ITAnittesinw, March 'LS Mt! The following bills were read, in pluire A supplement to the act locoiporating the City Bank of Philidelphla Also, one it inbresse the number of eldericen In 'the Eleventh part of Phlladerphirs. Mr. PAkliElt, one to reduce the munbel. of ilontsvon Councilmen in PhilidelPhier. The bill to appoint bioluds of vlaltriks of the poor house was paland finally. Also, the bill relative to disputtelbohnitirlet in Phil adelphia - „ The bill to alter the districts of the Supreme °mut and di them In Philadelphia and_ Pittsburg, was lon by atle iroto..yekeld, nay. 15. The following Ma wept posed : , - . An set to abolish the Northern 'Wrist o'f,the flu rem, Mint. The counties kph Northern district will, by this bill. be aktriehlid to the middle district, the court sitting ist Erirrieburg. - • An tat' to iocorporute the, Alchmond and Schuylkill Peseeorr Billway wee inunkid: Adjourned. The Governor Um Alined the suppluitoint to the Pair: mount and Arch.etreet Pas:lenges Railway, and an sot thitipirdee." : • , AYTERMONAIitha 011. The S ' aeXtonst at 8 P. ,kt:, ; The blli Inaorroyatelhe Pasainear Railway Relief saaotittlovi piat4l. " - Also so xat inearpotatlng th• Northam Market Com- rum, „ : Ths Renate 'proceeded to the conliderstless of the bill vetoed by the Governor, entitled - an sot tb tour. potato the , City Passenger Railway, (Chestnut and Walnut streets.) Bait moved to postpone the bill. Not agreed ts-lyeas Camp 211 • - P. long and spirited debate stunned on the bill Ind twilit the previous question was caned and sustained. ' The hone for ad.jeurnment arrived irldist the bill was milli pending, end the Senate adjourned: wilfiuntoOladtt r ass the Sam!, to!monolr. .The following Mlle were read in phis): Mr. Quostay, one , to. iooorporpts: the_ gruilier .014 Peees.pr Renrowl Company, of Phtladelphli.i - zAtleir,,ool•lo hiomt Crate the 'tetusejlintatis 'Mdw dorm* Reny Cosupeny. , • ."- • The Jelset, committee, ti'L.trhoutoria .refexed the trObjeit'of fieebauhiug law, Seported whiff titlblishl lust the ranre. Oa motion s it Was Owed Stifle bead. of the pubtlesalerodar ISY.sutabo.of,derw.thtose - : - _ -- A - mestitsr:Wilereatt , d from the floyenter , tetoing the Ofty' Pamseger Rahway{ (Ohestiut and Walnut streets). This 'House proceeded totbe tousiderStion of the messege, ' • The rub* requiting veto mews':es to lay over One day were suspended. Yisodtsig the questlonsball the bill pus, notwttbstandleg the veto '! —the Bout-e3 %. jOnnaed 44* artetooost, • • "iliVirltltcost - ess , stost, • ' The House met at 8 Y. M. . Th 6 coomideration of the Olty Pammonger hallway bill wee !foamed and paned not eithatanding tha veto— yeu 16; lugs 11., The Houma then took, up' Ake bill, which hao beau Tittoed- by the tiovernor s mitring Au appropriation to Ifeatmfhatar- Ottifege for a' Normal Bohool- After s o 2 pirtted debate _ the weto was austainad—yeas 62, II gym 4. . Tire'Railrord CoMmtitee were dincharged from the further eonaldomtion 'of the' bill inoorporaPng the Thirteenth and Ififteenik street Passenger Railway. This will bring the bill before the .lionse in opposi tion to the Committee. Adjourned. ;Veto MeeSage. • - -, Besotrrint CedMISR. Harrisbrarch 25, 1859. To the Renate and, House - 'Representatives of the Cornmonwealth tfunerapla Ginsimeltss ,! A bill has' been presented fbr the Nil-, souttVe approve; ehritiert 'cr An act to thoorpurste the Phtisdephis City Pansenger Railwly Company: l ' The bill totpolos to sothorho the incorporation of aompilay, with the toaor to cchstruot pearbagetrall• ways arta Chestnut sod Walnut innate; in the otty of Philtdelettia. upon Cedar termsand , conditions set forth le the bill , Tee etreate netted ace *ell 'Shown to be of the great est importance' to the-city of .Philatelphia, and any legislation affective ,them nhould ,be carefully vow aidersd, well matured,' and only adopted upon the clattresVevidence that it le -in mordants with the wishes ofthe - people of the' city.' and •partionierly of those directlY end Immediately interested in these greet' thoroughfares Unlike nearly all of the, hill, wh , oh WINO became law, reference to passenger rel. ways in the city of Philadelphie..the one under con sideretion does not require to Ito validity the meant of the local legialature of the city. The exclusion of this wine provision from the most importent bill of the cline is of more than doubtful propriety. . But the prinotpatobjoatlon. In my opthion, le that the, .tlenerel Amenably, et its - ceseion;passed an eat in. -ogrporatlogat company with power to coney the streets keened Nfor alike purpose. The act, however,containe eprovision that it Aphid not go Into operation until the *bent of City Connell. had been drat bed and obtained. Now, If this emeet hut been withheld it is clear eel dere. that the body whose provloce it Is mere Immedi ately •to regulate and contrdl the streets of the city are unfavorable. to this grant of power ; whilst, on the other hend,if the content of the Councils has been obtained and • the forme bet has thereby gone into opersems, I knew a no reason why that ant (should be repealed and the proposed one substituted ,in Its place end eared. Ifor sham remote, I em constrained tothitue to this bill the Executive approval, and herewith return it for reconsideration to the House of Havosentativite. where It originated. , WM. P. PACKER. From Washington. WannlntirOtl, Marsh 25.--Genetnl Ilerran Se still here awaiting the Cotton of our Government on certain atotlona of .the treaty with New Granada, negotiated in MO, relative to...the impositlor of toonagerand other taxes' and' by which Am.ricsn &Arens are p'aced on an equality with those of that Republic. The amendment to the Oattlfernin treaty, wblo l a went out by the last Mesmer, fa expected to reach Beguilet boforo the ad- JOUrriment of the No* Grenadian Congress. .fdr..Nioltlea denies the report that to hes employed exPeriewcod eeriwotptionographers to report tee op. preaching trial for publieation A. private letter, from a distinguished source at Pa rig, state. that Mr. Leraueor, Wrench ex-Minister to Mexico, will go to Nicaragua nomlneilr in the interest of the Belly Canal Cempsoy, but really as the ,interest of the Amperor Napoleon With ramose to- &mill to Prenott citizens the right to employ Asiatic. and Itfnoan apprentices in mining and agricultural enterprhea. Baltimore Affairs. ILlVrtuolia, March 26 —The Remind Branch of City Councils,. at their meeting thin craning. passed the Traverse Railroad bill, making the fare for cents, with a capitation tax of one tenth, provide for a park. The only amendment made was one limiting the extent of tbe.park to forty hutted of two hundred arras . The indignation meeting called for this evening against the bill, end in raver of the bill making the fare three cents, was a flute. • In the Orlininal Court this evening, the Jut) , in the case of the Mae is. Wm. Thetford aliasHoppy, a no• Unions New York thief. and Robert Button ; Indicted for ; the larceny of,over 140,000 from the PISMIPIe & ere , litatik a year since, after being out over twenty•fonr home, tendered a verdict convicting floppy and ac quitting Battu). The Rey, Mr. Ginettennl, the Roman Catholic priest who wee nerdy murdered on Wedneiday night' by bar ulster, still Hee in &Mutual condition. The Boston Post Office. ! WASHINGTON, Minh 211.—The Borden delegation, re. preeentiog the State.stfeet intend, hid an interview with the Postmaster General this ;morning, and reprt hte concurrence In the Attorney General's optnionititat the removal of the post office was illegal, ant hie deal. elon that it must be restored to Its former loostion, when the teolooatrittiM will be allowed a reasonable time. to exeeute bonds to mere. The Government from , The BoOtOn and ,Nava Scotia Telegraph , Scheme. - Boeeoa, Efaroh.2s,—The Boehm aad Noes Booths Telegraph Oebte project was opened in the State 80D4te yesterday, std, in a thin bonne, passed s 'second. reel it'd, by a vote of yeas le, me - ' More Gold Dlseoveries.• Lairsiarteavii s Midi 25 —The •Lawrenes Repubfi can, playa that a letter ban been received' Stan Mr. tory, one of the origins' Lawrence Cog pen, now lees. ted near El Pelte, in which he timbre that plenty tf Idiot gold has been diseovered along the banks of the Arkansas river, and that the diggings yield at the rate at front &raja ten cents per pan. Ils thinks the pros. poets for minors are better there, than ever existed in California. Non-Alrtvai 9CSteameys. OALlisi Me., Plinth 26.—. The lines cut of this point bave been interrupted since 8 o'clock thin evening. At that thowneither the ?Mimi nor Alpe (both deo at Halifax with dotes 4o the la(itoet.) hod boon signalled (;Blew. THE PRESS-PIIILAW,LIII4, ATUit.DAY, *ARCH 26, 1859. . , C r tmvispitiii;l6fOttr . 254 , 3 at,BaltevilaNialor 4astroyad by.dra host night. , Loos 618;00 , :ittb $l2 01* . ;latated. The Are la oup'posea to have cabitaattli ftolittbe friation of tba zoacianary ,„ Deatrnottive ,F teutm-Napole9o, Toteho, March_ 25 Oro St RlPsitOtil Ohio, this morelvac• destroyed , mealy itt the hesieem portion of That town. Ilke lon la estimated et lilthtlo j otterhhih• theris to a piquet - _ Destructive' rice at Janet, 11linotg. Mardi 'II —A. Ilre et Joliet, 11l , this destmved five atare,stlavolvlog nIo or $2.5,000 or $30.000. ' . ~ . _. irbo_ propeller ,C. ,C. Atgei. BALvmons. garob R¢,+lim propellor q - 0. Alger. from Philadelphia. for filalandfla, Va., before reported whore on the Northernlbotet in, fassapeake Ply, wee totted to thin hi:bor fart eight, And let; for het Oat. nation. -- - , ~', - Markets by Telegritph. . . Neat °litigates, Marsh 24 —Cotton, Salsa of 115 000 bated tOklat. en Milani, ,of Nil; • Middling is gusted -still 0. Mobasee • sells M 810, Qate 70e„ Corn 1100. Exalting° on ,4,oadott Auotell :at 8,4 an'. per cent. du Patarnoni, iLaroh 24 —Trion and Anebanged. Wheat drooplag: Corn 1 cent lower; 410 of white at 750780 yellow 83054 o: Prorlelera ead'ltlitske6, ?inlet and noebeepted p - Oreasisarod,Marbb 1$ —Ootton:..3 600 bales eYranged kande today At 12)(c for. good rulddilog. The emu of the %•eok amountto 11,0t0 Prides lave advanced ' diming The week; middling qualltlei harlopt" improved the most. , , • ; 'BC:VAN:cid, SW& 24 —Cotton-Jr be salmi of the week - add up 5,2M1 boleti, Mid the receipts 9,500 bales, against 12,250 bales, the receipts daring' the oorresponding - Week or ,last year. There - hi - a clock of 52,000 bales on hand. The !collets thhe farnbesd of last 'sar i at all Southern ports, amount to 810,,006 bales. . - anonsta, March f'4:—A. large speonlatire inquiry for Oottoti bee sinning up', - and 11 700 isa'es Were cold tools,* CUMIN/MCI, Blarchi2s,-Plour unohanged ; tales of ' 2 000 he's's; at $6,00a6.75 • Millitikey 0111 at 241j0. Mess Pork liens etgt7.td , Aialk Dteete--fieles of 250 tifti ita of 151des to-day at 81( 0. In Soon nod Lard there was apt lag done today. , - „ 1 , 61,w Ottaltims, Match 26 —ales of Cotton today, 16, - 000 betes,'Closing arniat 116; eell3‘ for relddlinge. Tbe.weekly statement shows the foLowing; Sales for the week, 88,000 bales; receipts for the Week, 24,000 tiles, against . for- the mu ne week 'last year, 66,000 halve ,• ateorts, 58 000. bales' tolateiporte for the as. eon, 1,187,000 bates; receipts aheed of Jut year, 122000 bates; receipts ahead, at 'CM Southern' ports, 818 550 balsa • stxk .1n; port, 410,000-baba r !stock a salve li n ts lid jest, 4,40.050 balm. Sugar buoyant at 0)(c. - Nene dell atig4.67. Rio (ekes 11X,0,1selsie of the *Mk, 4 ,020 bee' imports for the week:lo,soo beg+ total lnporte, 881,000 bige. untie, 178,500 bags ; sto:k in port, - 18,020 bags,-against 6,060 begs at the same t roe loot roe. . • - r, Ortiatturrim. 6.ltroh 26 —gars of 0 stfontaday 2 403 balm the market closing with ea aereuessg, tendency. The salsa include 1,800 bales Middling at 127(61813 Sara don. March 25-9otton 'market unchanged, with sloe of**, balsa. AOGOISTA, March 516 'Warne Vusidece WWI trans acted la 'Cotton to day ikithont quotable change; , Aet4les W 1 THI6 A*intoes AOADItiIY- or Idirow.--(}rind , DrOirlairi kotines—,c , Money," • • ' Ndrroasr Alltodas.—“Oladerolia”.....lktiehtlin; GymoiLetle,isnd Aniobstio feria. •' IdOotait. Now 111b1“.--. 4 flohnints . orohostro hearotto,” AMI7BIIII6NTI3 THIB AM!Bieri2lOlind " The School for flehudal." NAJIMIAL 131,11t018.- 6, thaaffirelle i l— ,, Lentill Olrows Compthym- 1 ! Squeettlgh, Gyamairtif, and Acrobatic, Mktg.' ) WEC11.V11.97 & CLAszi , e TBILV74I. %. Virglnfue))— , ( The Robbezia Wtfe." . Ninr WALk , dr-Brisgrr 'The Titeughtei theßeghltest The Gitmeeoak at the Wilderness." l'OADtler Or, FINE Anxe•—Eiijholomew'a Bjotdo o Parait Oe lon ; Or, 108 Reperitlali " • • . MoDolomites cielernis.—Seloetteas Moe Pier, Gems from Operas, Pantomimes, Denting, lima Singing, T'nointoile Gems frpm Operas, Negro Beeenteleitfee, Parma, Making, and Dancing) , ASSN/IDLY BUILDINGS ;441f001. MRS. NOATRIS. teßlte birdlime(' IN THE TWENTY; roilath ,VARD.-6. meeting of, the anisette of the Teen. V-feurt ward ward wise held lent evening at Odd Yid. lorre • Halt Whit t . hilagelo'hla; to oonaidet ' tLe irahjeri, of tbefnegiolenoy of the Waset.tVorks in that ward. The tone of the fielensblage was iterueet andlualnese. Fhb, *Rh no effort at Raneoroto epeechei tee point. lees deojunatino. i - John 1:11 Irall4r, Eei.. was oel)ed to the chair, with; iirsety.four. mine miss t dente and tour secretaries. near, (, Lea, Esq., offered the following preamble and rtiotntlona, whlelt,were imenimonely adopted : Whereas, The supply of water in the Twenty-fourth' Ward la wholly inauffialatit, aqd altogether nosertalb. ierefering our. eitinent • virtaelly defalcates" in 09.150 Of pre avot Itharpso. ne lindeeholder can depend upnq the' inbilesorbe for W . , dilly wants of his household, thee. inventing e large proportion, of our either.' from Intro.' during the water into theft prantsori, meetly redug the water -duplicate pt the ward siderberVP> ~the bhle report of the Chief . - Beilneer of toe, Department, as conatuntvegy sleet Ols at 1 y the creation of Melervoir,; nhbrrenilly Intended, the alty weuid me in ruining ekpeneee alone, ten per dent: per annum on the oast of the Improvement; and wliersae. - the comituetion of hitch a reservoir ;would inners as from our prose ot disk Wines. and greatly nominee to the safety, health,' and , nemlebt °tour citizens, while rigidly, inereasitig the revenue otitis city from the Water-service of the wards therefore, ~ Revolved, That Orem , eonelgerallon of prude:leg and erferinmy Omend loßuca the oily to delay no longer tbo psostractlon of a Reservoir for the Water Werke of the Twenty-fourth ward. , • *. • • ,•• , • .. • • liosoltret, That, fri the opinion or tblit met fee, our oltivous. in psylug jheirannosi water renfi ply for en adequate surety of water. sod for pro'6otion to tiro. , perty to be afforded tbefeW; and it is believed thtt, in case of, edeldent or damage rielslog, (time theldefeettre suoply'of Water, the city would be responsible: • - Resolved, That one. representatitli _Stied and Common Councils be inetrnoted tat lone no oppdttuaity of procuring the legleistion necessery for this purpohe, and that flour citmuld Mese iti upen the •Ittentlou or Mow Vs on alt eppropriaie oceek.lona, - - -Resolved, Tblat caplet of theta rerolia its ee-riePeet fully laid bolus beth.,terfuthhei of Ciontiellh ant the Mayor of the a.tv:, • '„ : Hon. W. IteVey addressed the dent jog at tome length. He etpreksed bin weawlet that some adore et Of this oberseter had not bout mode, longtigte - The Water Woke of the Twenty-foittla arardluntitevek been coMpleted; the Work that had .beinlietVine - Meant the Mind Pipe, beton only proplereWy Witte completion of the Water.Worlcloy s tilebf a reservoir. The peonle of the ward were almilimot / 1 6 bay water rent in adianes, and subjected to • penalty they did not; yet the eery .reports of; the Peeper: 41V allierra 'bowed that the o:ty was -unable- to do that fez . which they thus riveted payment beforehand' tinder pehelty. He Made, the following quotstione frime the report or the Chief Englueer of the Water Works "The Etead-Pfrolt was.neree intended for * oansidet s,epPly. but only to eon% the distriotto get tbfruse of the water at lace. It Wee then intended tooolMet the' frontages, and splay the money thus incanted to, build: log this r,otervoir end laying the moth. A • mash ler. gist *Mount of money 'hu alreedy been collected ant pelt into the city treasury, for the pipe originally laid in front of property, then would pay for the menhir and main. -The Eltamt.Plmi has served the purpose of a reservoir nineh Wolter than theta roost assent:e in its favor ever entielpetod. The number of water there and their Importance dements the Immediate aonotrnd ttopof this resartiolr, - . The rapid inereese in the dentin/ for water mule up , bn these works noskee the immediate erection st a re • Serrate nermesery he average daily amount of water the latter pert of 1856, when the worts were ilnet rue, was 101 008 gallons via 1456.148,854 gallons ; 141851, 884.108 gallons ,• in -1858, 559 390 gallons Prot title; it will be evideht that, in the warm mentheof the Doming climber, there -will bee delloierey, 18. with. out a rerertoir, the capacity of the work' le 1,000,a00 by - per day being ,the *meant that can be tamped by one enetne.a -• • , The Judge - Made - en eloquent comparison The twenty.focirth With the Other Wards of 'the e ,y obi% property which would 'repay tenfold in. tate ail that Was expended upon It front the public trestemy, and a Ward that had -ripened" more streets fifty, sixty, and eighty feet wads, with out h ills for d meshes, and did more. streetegrading, at private expense, than all tht of wards of the city together " Meaty M, brobert,,- Beal, B. Millar iJnmee Miller, Heilry C. tees I, I', if rear, roe. A. Rilrs, end others epi-ke upon ;Parlour* points esnheated wfth the °bloc% of the meeting, which adjourned after oppninting a committee of flee to keep the rubjeat in agitation. MR Titian DAYTII PannitaDrAClS or TIIR VON fvence were mourned yesterday opening. There wee a fall attendanee of mambo , a of Conference, old any number of 'ldles In the gallery. After deeotipnal eXeraluo, 'Thiele were cendnirted by the Bet. J. at tireenbank, the talents" of the der pre ceding were read and adopted, otter.rome emendation+, the moot Important of whleh wee the erasure from the journal of all the matter Nonoernicg the case of Mr. Paxson, alluded to yesterday, „ The resolnliM requiring lir. P. to pale OIADISCIaIOII on Church Dietary next year wee withdrawn, au' entire misapprebecolon having arisen' ea to the- feote or Its ease, ar d he was noanimanaly acquitted of all dirrerpoot to the Discipline or the Conference. ?teems V. Gray and F. Mullin were appointediecom mittee to collect Sunday. sehool statietlee Per the eel teatime of nolatonmy statistics,- one hereon Wu ap pointed from each distdet, as follows : N. Philadelphia ' 3E. Meredith. it Philadelphia ' 'M. B. Manger. Belding J. F. Menol.th. Wilmington ' J B. Verrill. Eaton ' W. 14. Beglaul. Boort Hill, ... J. Pa/torte& . , The Rev. 3. H. Piterel, from the Mission's of Lake Superior. wan introduced to the Conference. Me hal leho•ed for many years among the Indians of that re. Rion, and him written two books, iihretratog by noes do'e, .ko . the marnero • of the Indians, which Ye offered for rale at reasonable tutees The item; D. Miller, of the lowa Mission, wee next introduced. lie has been engaged bathe Ciermon work, and ham waisted to and witne zed numy remarkable eon. 1 . • rakes from infidelity and practical athelem. Name- Ceps of the moat _prominent of these cases had been gathered info a book, *Mob Mr. Miller offered for sale: 'The oz Initiation before the Conference of the mindi Matte for Deacons , orders was next in order. This oar& many wart very interesting. after the exercises pre. earthed by the raise of the church were towelled with, the following persons were admitted to full oonne .tlon, and cleated to Deacons' orders: Andrew Gather, Ugric. A. Cleveland, ' I llobett . Carton Thorne P Wesisy 0. Beat,' , Vries, ' *George Cummins, William B Gregg, William Ir.lalbatt; Alexander Blobard W. Humphries, 9`hoMst 1. POUI4OO Ydward 0. Irwin, Joseph IL Smith. James E. Bryan, 'Robert B. Hansard baring asked fora contlausnce,on trial, hie reesone forthis desire were explained-4one of them beteg a fear-of opposition from the Conflarenee, and another pecuniary embarrasemente. This ratter led to a long and animated debate Several members defended hie (tertian., abilltlee, and worth warmly, Bed several other' con t ended that he was ID der, LIM would never probably be able to relieve himself. Finally, the matter wait pttt to a vote, and Mr. !Tarrant was not Continued. A communication was received froth the sacra ay of the, btount Mortal, Cemetery, tendering the Confer ence on behalf of the sivotiatlon, a lot of ground in tte o'metery, embracing twenty thousand Knave feet, for the pea of the members of the Conference and tit oir ye• mantes. bleesre. Neill, lifcCaskoy, "and Atwood were appointed a - committee to prepare a paper exorenelog 'the sense of the Conference at this generate danstlen t and also to 'that tto cemetery, accompanied 'by the seeretary of the Mount Mulch A!soolation, awl Nana the lot of ground , • Bishop Scott took' roat pleasure Inrush:Von 10- sheath:pium greatly improved elate of health. The report of the trattees of the Wanters* Female College at Wilmington teak referred to a spoolid afar mittee of sem, tobe appointal by the char. The claim of Me. Lembdln haring iterpleted the stewarts, it was referred to tht Conference. Son dome I dieter/ el len aroffle'eta to the propriety of grabtiog The matter wee discussed fora little' time, an finally ended by the withdrawal of lie. Lambdin/ claim The Board's'? Stewards submitted to Ilse presiding Theban for Jain decision 'the following queetion, vie : "Where an effeotive minister bee recebred the did 'ofpOinsry olefin of $7OO ler himself, $lOO, for hie wife; and the specified dtsciplinary allowance for each , ol2ll4; hu the Board of Remade authority, In int% cues, to neshe en 'Manned appropriation from the Conforacce 'fund, Bishop Scott replied, "No, &tint as zero moth of the amount as -has been coneunted in nape,. my Unrolling onetime in the settles orbit' charge.'' ' The claim of Rai. Join/ D. Long woe referred to the Conference by the Board of Stewards. . _ Mr. Sanderadn objsotel to the olatm of Mr: L-ny, and the oNjectien wail Wooded, In speech, by the Rev{ Sir,Uoop,r. He said that the claim of Brother not maid have to -be disengage' sooner or later. There were mums why he should not be allowed a dividend from the funds of the Ohuroh, and the Conference ehould hear them. and settle the , quettion, A tong and animated debate ensued—a debate which oebisioued much Internet and exe,tement. The shim were crowded with menthols, end in the galleries there was neither Attending nor sitting room. It wee con, t, tided. by Mr. Leog'e friends that the objections crone isalel from his anti procUvitieg. ifs would ao* THE CITY. She u thth to glee Up hie claim on qr el , portion a . o. %tepee on that account Mr. Qatiley thought if he erne bailie petition "or Ittft Long, co that the Oonferettee rgonot Woes in toy Mien 'Wet withont g etting Into dtmoulty, be would 'teener sateratee It a life than: put a 'etiew in the way of the Otittroh. Mr. Quigley exhorted Mr. Losig not to hurt the iatereste of the Church in any weir, remarks of s vary,atihneted, if not violent denVIP ion A -enotlf:ta t*.adjoarn Was L earrled nnlti, tbo time boolog been already doerdderaol i V ektooded. Adjourned, With the benedlot on. . • AtbanerAN °BIM yostekday committed a man Mimed Heber John flutehinson, to ansiver charge of getting art to iiik kreteriPfitekaud. HO,"4l.oooiath Rikregbll Sheet, frbsllB Lombard, on Sun day `list. About fire o'clock imeke was keen haulm( 'from a emelt; dehble:bullding. No. 410 South Peveoth street,, abo v ep ere h a m. l e f yard The, alarm wee given`, brit' alt the doors were trued to late Seen teooraly restened. Coo of them *at fended oneot sod, era discovered in the eouth r eastern 'portionof the first floor, width wee oceupitd by Henry john Hntchlonon as a smell, grocery More. 'he flume were speedily estinnuietipd; however. Mr. ntobinron and hie wife were abrent it the time on volt to the ponthwestern part of !he env, The rear portion of the building Me 00011piad by a counts' of colored families. had eleminetlon, Mr, Hutchinson alleged ttjat hls eters had been entered and tottbed of a hum of r, oney, which be bed hiddlin swirl- that all the goods had been carried away, and the place fired In order to cover uo the robbery,. , At the same time he eadeavored SC throw sosplclon on a few eolorod families who lived adjoining. Who alfalf assumed a very =Marlow' appearance,,.and Mr. Blackburn determined .to rift the matter to the bottom. Hutchinsmaie Insinuations agalost his colored neighbor!' he was certain were untrue, as theywere 'Very reepootable., - There wtt oter oar-load of gneds, taken from the hate, and no robbers eofild take such a large amount in Ste middle of a iniet Sabbath day It was appertain ed thatblutabinron hed sheavy.inattraica on his goods to tbO Franklin Insurance Compahy, and, in eon:Tally with Mr. Robinett, an appreiesr of the company. made a atria eiamlnation of the premises It wee taund that regular train h. t been laid: and 'that the combhctl• blot owninted of dry wcod, chips, bark,yo.p.r, greedy rags email fire.worka, and a candlestick having In it a amid\ e, whiOb , wee trghtly fastened lit frith paper, apd which would hope Maned for four hours. This candle *as blared In troth a potation as to communicate to a pile of shavings, after havinebureed to a eartainleonth. The flame!' were discovered so quickly that oulykboitt one.third of the moraratlions were oonsilioed. nucbintonbiul been fit thethabit of carrying bin in earshot holler table pocket, and who licked about it, hesitated for some mit tate and then said that he bail Hirt hie pocket, The. taste be'og considered ?efficient grounds to Win rant Ms arrest, he woe taken into cut. tody, but continued to reiterate his ktory about the robbery although reialtiAta that It was impossible to have enteradttirough the back door withoot leaving 110 Ins mark of Moieties Mr Illacklinra then traced tbe geode to the house of a friend of Hotobinacn. In SA. blpe place. German desert near Third ) In thnflottrth Ward, ard during i Private eittibination on Thursday afternoon, the saddled admitted having removed them, paring that be beddone it on' sreount of fears enter tained of rubbers and are He then nolinowledged that the whole story of the Robbery wee a ,fabrication; that ho bad the money out at Interest, and that he hat deed the Place In the manner Mated. stylus that be had laid the,train immediately.hpon returning from the church, of Ishii.% be crag a strict member. /he building fe Wiled by lir. George W. Gayer, and is Minted in the Fire Association. Mice Mary , Jane Ilutobljunt, ,the niece 01,4 only rel&- tire In this onuntryot this pingtilaf,rinth, ached on Mr Blackburn yesiontsy, and lolormed him that'ebe bad tnine titd6 kluce left a small tatherrtny box contaiolog $lO In mouey, a couple: of. deguerrootyabi and „a few tokens of remembreoce, at the residence of her uncle. She also expressed her belief that the artiplse bait been removed from the house before the building was Seed Mr. Blackbitrn immediately cotornenced a search, and was reWsidhil by finding the greater part' of the articles at a pawnbroker's shop Tits ConxerLa on Thureday approved of an sot ant herislok the contraction of a Atlas,' on bheat. nut and Walnut stte , ate, with h proviso that the com pany bOhartimituit the road shall pay $lOO 000 towards thy conatruation of a bridge over the Schuylkill at Oheiapat street. This act le hot the bill which pissed through the Legislative the present week; but the obi act which was awned bytbp efordrbor, April list, 1 8 / 5 9.' This Iskt Mimed eath d received the approval of Common Council, but the sanction of Select Conirill was withheld until Thursday; when both branches ap proved the law with the merino already rained,—. The Watery of qrs. acts ill A little barites.i ill ant of 'April , 1800 has slainbared for some time.- 7 .1111* week a charter for a new enmpsny was in troduced Into the Legislature; and it west throngli both brannhes within twenty-four hours, without the untied preliminary of going ,through committee the charter authorial the oonstruotion cf the road with out the consenter OduorSits boing firet pbtained. - It merges that the company shall rive $llO 000 towards bridging the Schuylkill at Chestnut e rest. and it also <ionising s'elanse repealing An other.iusto authorising the coinitruationpf a, eity Milltraynion Chestnut and Walnut streets.. Tide bill pneedthrough Toth branches of the Legislature, but yesterday the Governor vs- Erred the bill. It pulsed both, branehee by mars than a two-thirds vote, however, andthe Probability is that it will pies over 'Ms veto, unless the action of Conncilb shall change the views of a considerable tinmbet of the legpdatore. . Much speonjation he indulged Inas to what will result if the bill vetoed by the Governor Is passed over me veto. METROIidEIT TRaliT ~SOCIETY.—The - Trent Soiletv the Methodist t ieropal Church held Ha' anelverkary last °vetting iii Orme/I-street Church. The edifice was crowded in every port by the membeis of the Conference and a number Of ladies and gentlemen. 74r. F. Fattier was ...ilea to the Asir. The Bev J. T. Cooper opened the meeting with prayer- . - The Bei: Adam Wa lime thee mi the dada,' report of the 'moiety, an ntstraot of whichhas been hereto fore pentithed. F Hem delivered an address in which he slated that the Tract cause was the meet thernue fillfliment of the command . of Christ to Me. items es, "Go ye Into all the world and li tbeospal every crea ture." In the course of all remarkt he Mitered the scenes of oolportour's „life didedg the led btinethe or the thr-distent West, and alsoparried hie audience with hire to where, the colporteur works motif the poor wretched who congregate airid well lathe crowded lanes sod allays of the city. carryiogilie G-spel memaks to the meet, ruined wretches of humanity The Bev T. fl De tlassesef New Tork, thee took the door, and Ina lucid and fervent address traced the pro gress of thefirant etas° In the Church, from T 146, when Wesley issued hie first treats for distribn, tion among the panple,down to 0862; When the society whosk anniversary they celebrated was formed wi bin ths' bounde Conforenel lie eontinutd Ms re marina at come lenkltth, interMitigling Ida history with t t the meeting adjourned trisvntlothlgentlemen,n auto,oe;. . • „ ON -WIIDNESDAY AFTBIIIIOO*, Whetting the account' of Mrs. B. L. Shepherd, at the-bigehanis , Butt, it wee found to be overdrawn, and upon examining Into the mile of the hierdeaft it . ttan amertained that Wren cheese, for • the aggregate amount of Seal, had been paid. Rome of thee* eheeks were drawn to order, and mfitra *ere made payable to the bearer. The hest 1 rged check was presented February lit, 2819 and since then the other theehe - hive been presented. and all by the same person. Mr. Beam' was sent for from the slayer's Mike, and while at the bank examining the forged cheese sod taking a rote of the deseriVion of tile person who had presented them, Me tame young um who had presented the otheteheolus entered and offered a similar forged check for one hundred dollars. The teller Immediately recognised the Mao, and the latter, discovering by the conduct of the teller that he free detedled; turned upon his heel and lied. ,Two 'young men evened In the bank opium over the counter 'in pursuit, and arrested theforger Just as he had taken shelter in the eilloe of De Beton and Brother, near the beak. The prieoner was taken the Central /Litton Bonze, where be gave the name f Robert. Franklin, but it is understood that this Is ddrans proper name He is a yettog man of about 23 yearn of age, of genteel appear. since, and he to said to be rovectably connected. Be tween two hundred and time hundred dollars of the ;money obtained upon the forged checks Was recovered. ' REARING IN THE Oita OP MRS.. HUDSON —DRYSNDANT 0010.11TTED.—The circumstances attend ing -the death of Hannah - Jane Toppini two or three weeks *go, havebeen &stalled in all their horrid °nor. salty. hire. Ileason'a alleged participation' in the orime,'her escape, her angular arrest in New York city, and arrival here, accompanied by Lieut. firer, ere alma fel:Maw The preliminary hesrlog in this pate, which wee tiled for Timed 7, was postponed on account of the inaellity of Mr. Mann' to be present to minden thei case on the part of the Comm mwealth. Yesterday morning at eight o'clock the bearing took Place, In the station.bonse, at the corner of front and bleeder ctreeta, before Alderman aboemakei. Mm Maroc wee present, 'accompanied by her conn ect, Mr O'Brien. the is a woman of medium also, rather sharp feature*, and not at all an unpleasant ex preesion of oonntenaoce. ger face bore evident marks of sorrow, and her behavior dorlog the hearing, though abject, and sorrow-stricken, yet was cool and posemeed. Several witnessed were examined, but the te , linacny elicited developed no feeds beyond Mope heretofore published in the teetletony at the coroner's inquest. Mrs. Modem was finally committed to await her trial. Tun PnEstoravr of the People's Conven tion, Wro. B. Thomas, E 1 q., hue appoluted the follow. tog gentlemen a committee to frame nabs for the fu ture government of the party, mid committee to re port at a subsequent meeting_ of the Convention, to be assumed b r the preeldent, at the request of fire men:- lama of the Convention Wards , Itirarla • Ist—William Elprer. 13th--Jobe Pry. 21—Merritt Gibson. 14th—Albert 0 Robert. 81—Brutus Pontoon.. 16th—James Bigger. 4th—Tames A Bowie. Mb—Charles Heft Bth—Abg J Barton. 17th—Mtrtin Boreef. dth—Johnsa Dirtier. . 18th—Riobsrd 7th—Jubn D Watson. 19th— Jammu Holgate. Bth—Fer' mud Bell, Jr. 20th—T. 0. °reemerge:. Orb—William D. Potts. hist—john f. profit, n, 10 0. Townsend. 221—John Waterhouse. lilt—Abel Lukens. 231-0. 8. Adler. 12th —C. t. Cheer. 21th—Glearge Connell. The comeilttee will meet in Room No. 21, third story, Merchants Exchange, this afternoon. Worrx Some of the Mayor's °Ulcers were rooting in the loft of the City Hall, they found a large bra contaleing a very ourions,rello. Oar evening con temporary, Who, so chuckles over a 'red o Or anything 'levering of mould or Ivy, Fposke of It thus ; "A gen tleman not connected with - the Mayor's offloe happened to ba present et the time, and directed atteetteri to the box, and staled that he had heard from come of the city enthorities, a number of foam ago, that It contdeed a clock which bad been sent out from Eng:and by one of the Penn family for the purpode of Wag placed in the cupola at the slattern end of the Jersey market. which atructiekin Market street, between Front and Bacon , ' streets. 'Toole wore procured end the box Wag opened, and the skeleton or a large cloak, with the aetaohed parte, each as the-immense leaches weights, pendulinn, &o . was found. The workmanship proved the clock to be very_ old, and there in, no doubt, a carious history at tached to the relict " . DANGEROUS Sronx.—Yesterday afternoon a boy named graekl , n Clark, agel fifteen years, resid ing at No. 221 North Sixth street, monied himself by emptylrg the contents of a 1114 of paler into a hot stove. ;The effect, as might be expected, was a /mitten exelnslon, which greatly terrified the inmates of the dwelling and chattered all the glass la the wiodowe The boy had lila bands badly burnt before be sou d make hie egress from the apartment, but osotti.odl dangerous injury. THE steamship KoYetene State, Captain Mfrslasso, eaped for Ofterieston yeaterday morning with a largo freight and the following passenger!: J. Warner Johnson, lady and daughter, Marlon% Gibbet:le end lady. hire. Tarns, Mies Terns, U. Botuggo and lady, Mee Anderson nod two children, Dr. Bradford, !dies B. 0. Druiford, U . 119 U. Wright, Mies La Conte, John Gar. and. 0. Epping, J. U. Dickson, 8. 8 Rooker, I'. B. Either, Thomas 11. Edwards, 0. T. narrow, William kfacalleter, Dr. Dletnaneader and lady, and twenty In 'the steerage. , SUDDEN DEATM.—..-A. 1\)11;40/CW11 citizen named Joseph llnffnagle, residing near Sherwood and Ridge road, in the Twentieth ward, died very suddenly ,about !even o'clock Dust evening. The mauler wee ric. tided to attend. THE stable of Michael McGinnis, in Queen Street, between Second and Third streets. on Thursday evening wan burned The games were discovered laud extinguished bears they had done any serious damage. JACOB OnEeeMill and Isaac Aetna Were ‘ftirost9d,for stealing chickens in Franklord, They are r ld hands In thin Inceineks. according to report, and were committed by Aldermen Elliott. YESTSIIDAY, wan a festival hi thii Catholic Church. as a feast of the Annunelation of the Pleased fiery It wee celebrated in all or the Cativ.l o churches of the city, RS a day of feet and obligation. A. MAN Wan . firown from a' throlture `car in the vicinity af Thirteenth street near Wood, on There. day evening, nati,brliy injured, THE New York .Tribune tap; au actor in Georgia, in the course of a play, kissed the wife `of a brother eater onoe oftener than the autho rized vereicou of the play required, and was there. upw2 h9V410/7 whipped by the outraged husbaud. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. i itiishiniibiic ititift..day at Her!in.' Cminnieus , a ~ Eli 0 t -"- ge,, 117 egeeand , Perambule. •k, -`' tOorreepondenmO Of the fitur ' York Tim I , ton, Batts Tuba, Table earl* eating Ohain`pete , eta, the liferieY Market. 2 1 '1 ; ' ...--' , ' ea _ 1 $17111,114, x err. 22 186e.—The Americans now in 7, ; ,43. t irri eSt i. po-h.:tr..186 , r...._ i 40 4 ,, 7 " .471 ' 64 ' PeILADSLPIILL, March gia, 386 b. Berlin were oL - the 19rh 'invited tri dine with fen ' • ~..,............a . o . r . _ _ Pennerlhania Central Railroad Stock advanced Anotitef . American ambeseadoe,liti Wadhington i e birth-day. i , ----- )f to day, At the stock board, elating arm with eel.g as' a commercioration of that event; and at the I ••' A 48M. needing naDrosd etc.,* was weaker than yea. appointed time nearly seventy persons assembled t , rday—selliaq et 24X. Fancy 'trail maintain Heir in the drawing-room of the Embassy. An old sew invincible dance's. Hearten was there, hale end 114170113, who And, firtMn youn g . been andunitited rith 'Washington— The I.legraph reperif thht the ilovernor vetoed the the Senator Adami. from Brom'at, now nearly 98 Pot Inborpoiatibg the Chettait and_ Walnut-etreete years of age, but fresh and 'hearty as a man of 1 Railroad O. mosey, and that the rule requiring veto- In; and soon the door was ope ned , and the Baron messages to over one day was enepended, and the law Von Humboldt, bending wi th yearn Of honors, en prated by the requisite vote et twelthiarr Whathet .tetud the room. li i . wan my firsts and, I Frontline, thi s be confirmed of hot, It seems doubtful whether till) 1 filY litet vie* tif t e wonderful old Man, whose game as groat with tie as with his own country+ action of flannel's in giving their mention to the te e n. phi t ao s prz e tr r alta t t e ive n a very indifferent idea of aet pissed .in April, 186 i, authorizing a railroad - to, tn. ba laid on the Meets named, will bear the legal ram- deed aluonft the fine fi st e4t o i rt h r a n v it e : ol 'er an s y ee O n t]e in f . " tiny which will be altercated Upon it. In the Arch hive ever men, it han on portrait hi the Kunst street Railroad Case the wart decided Very clearly that vorstellung here; it sby Hoagen, and represents the province of the flouncing was simply to acceptor Lim standing Greet in a lofty rooin, Before a table, Tried the action of the l ! egielature, and that it was al- to the left of a heavy midair' of gold and brown; together alit of thrlr poster to mcdity flirt action. In but I believe that it is impossible for him to staid giving consent to the laylrg, of talks on ShOstratt and SD he Mandl tliake. The filature glies the idea of d Walnut etreete, proilded $OO Ede be paid for the bald- r at s an dunholdt adds one to the number of small Medium, or slightly above medium, site; I tog of a bridge over the flab nylkill by the railroad coin. `; at men. - The white the stoopin forth I mow , I t seems undeniable that the Conneilsgive addl. o f t the old man ; his trestibling hair; hand, his ha g rdlj eons' legle`ation to that done et /Tait:ahem, and in so dietingntehable voice, and the general air of len- Mr as they do die they may exceed thrift profaner; and ghat in his movements, ifies.remarkable, and pre -1 their 'onion be illegal sad void. At all evente, there is pared me for the remark of the ambassador's Son, a question In the case which will doubtless ha raised who stood byme t •"How HtenbtedthaS aged since and hall-led ?or cattleinent to conk. " last February,!" tee, it was to; and the leader The reports of the boat tree ate dbubtlees effected of natttral solenetain the world—Otte wisest philoso by the trouble in the mines from ti l e water whiab the pher, the most laborious and °ridded investigator, he matt telab, perhaps, bee 'done more for his own inn ut Ist acidinery rains have caused to pour in to an I . department of leaning than Any that ever lived— ' extant which sets kli the venal preCautionary inearines . - old . it paining rapidly away. He la nrfw 89 - years 0 , i for draining at denser*. In the proem of Mining, the in September, if he *Wei roaches it, he will be 90; eprlngs are Very freijuently cat air underground, Pour - butt ose who look Upon him mournfully admit ; lag their euoply of water i.to the mine, and now each that his end speedily approaches . . lof these is swollen into A stream of Magnitude, and The dinner went off vii most - dinners do : the many of thee acting ha concert, threaten heavy date. hungry ate ; the thirsty drank } and there were ego to the works of the miners. That a tialamity of Walton, wit, and wine. After the dinner Gov. I tbis kind should overtake Mb coal operators at a tithe Wright arose, and In a brief, well-Worded address 1 when they have a prospect I f some relief, irter t h e i r gave " The day we celebrate;" tide was drank ~ long diontim of famine, lA 0 cause for general regret, standing,' as were the two or three succeeding itiasta—" The Royal Panay of Prelude," " The The foll Owing is the arociont of real transported over baited States," and in silence, "The Elemory of Ellett:100n and bloat Top n of : , Tone r General Washington." Secretary of. Legation fikipped,for the weak ending Thursday, March . Butler -r eplied to this Mast, by ran:teat of Gov. m a : "•1"'" '• " - 1 . 665 Wriakt in a neat speech. Then a toast wall given Aliment enliven previously this year Since Jan. nary let, 1869 a . - --." - Itiliort lon Huntboldt,',' dr &Med by himself ; - • 24,628 one—" Senator Adam'," also aria by himself ; Total amodet shipped 26 , 9 and then another to -the oilier Senator of Bremen. , Amount shipped to tame dote last year • 12,2 C whose absence wahegolained y a letter from him, read *Mr. Bhtter, Then the States Were toasted in ishreake 14,012 their turn ,_,_• "New I , ork" led the list, answered by The II tabbing, Perim - mitt, Mount Joy, and Len - the Rev. Mr. bodge, of New York, who gave ouster Befitted hos der:land a difldend of flee per "The Amertean Traveller." The other tcaste I tent: tt will mention were o h s by Mr. Thayer - . of Boston, ' , , , - .. The folloiting is'the sectinni of coal trauspofted on ttli Philadelphia and liaading'road during tile' weak ending Thursday, March 24,1859: Prom Port carbon " P0tt0vU1e.......„ Pendyiklll Raven " Auburn • • " Port 'rota for vivek Previously this veer... To same time het year '• 07 he following le the lirobittit of coot tratopptted on. he libuyllllll Nailgetion, for the *eek aiding That's .Iy, March 24,1850 Fiord Port Osytion Pottsville ,t Schuylkill 'Hoven POCC Clinton Total file the week ' Previolisly this year Tbial 'Po wee time Met yeet , . . J. D. CUOMO, Y,q , of Harrisburg, son'of the Hon: SiMMlCainrion, wee, on the resignation of the latter, Oletted Cashier of the Deck of Hidillatown, ,on last Mender. Robed A. titmice kas been elected preelnent of the Ilanh of the Btdte of Minna, in plea, of J. id• Engine, resigned. ' The Likens 'Valley coot trade, for the week ending Blarch id, and for the Beano, was as follows 'Week tyklins talk.) , Coal Company Shot MoUntain Total Laist Oar.. beoratoo 161 .4 245 The TiovortorCtstlioid coal trade' thus far; is is follirkt Pot , week endlog Marsh 19th. Previously ' Total • ' A 975 OG PIIIL&D2LF#I.I. STOOFL ILIGOILMIGIII MUM, , . ' . March 20,,1859. sitsansb II onitAlT,izoirs,& 00., snowmen, 040011, ASS *novISON sassras, sosirwssn 00E 00 01110 AID 00114101 8111000. , , t IMTREIT BOARD 8 Pennell 43% 10 do 43% 7 Frank it &lab R. 61 13 Minehill R .0 9 % 4'Penn Bk • 85% 2 Othird Bk I2X 0 do 12% 60 Lebigh Zino. mob 1 20 West Phil% R...b4 31x 100 Rending R . 94% 31 !dotes Onl Pref..loll BOARD& po City 5e New 103% 1000 Read R '8e.... 75% 1000 R2l witle...bs 94% adilo do .. ... 90% 409,113tu0c0an5 . 1 1 3 7 . 34% MO Elmira let to fa_ 72 100 d 90 , 1 Na! 61'72.. 88 25 N Peons R 916 Peoria R " 4 1 j' 45% t do ..... 43%1 - , EETWEEN -; • , 6000 B^ht Nay 2mp 80..28N Ltl Glratd Bk Qld 12N 80 Nei arena, - • 811019 No 740 pity 0e 99% 900- • 'do 993 1009 do 99% 2.100 pn Cal al _sop co 85 ago •• do-'......... 96 2000 gueqo6l3 DJ 016. 3 1 301 do• 'tab ga 2010 Bah N '92.t6ern- 1000 Leh V a 80..bbwa 49 41 IGO/ - do b6Tien 89% (MOOING MU* Bid. Asked. 41 86s 5 74 'O4 105 Pnile-ds 99% 99% 'it It 00% 99% Few —.103 103% Peons be '93% 95% Roacitug It 24% 24% ' bd.§ '70.. 86 854 mt Os '44 92% 96 " do 'BO 76% 75% Penne. B 43% 43% 0 let mt 01.101 101% 2d mt 63 . 94% 'Nor °Reel Von. • div off 49% 50 • prer 1044(105% Bahl Fay ds 'B2 72% 78 1900 Loblgli irsl ft 6...801( 1000 Chester Vol 11 10..41% 1060 0 & A 06 1 16.66wn 861( 1 5 WtitPblls R.... 61,v 10 do SIX 100 Clatoxison IL ..b5 6 1' 25 0 & Amll..bswa 111 8 do bson 111 6 - do 1 , 6%va lit 2 PIMA 8k..1161in 120 • .116.-2 ITADY. ' Bid. Asiad. Bahl Now Imp 6i' 78 78)f. EST. - 14C0320hl Nav 63 17.. 73 3001 City Bs 99,V change, March 25. BOAS°. New York Stock E 160 Harlem BaMord 12 200 Ohl te It I e7O 07% Ito do oliN 600 do 665 681( 60 -do -tlO 613.6' 200 Mb% Heat It 030 51.14 150 Mica BA , N I It 1191 250 Mott 8 Gaar 44% 50 do 430 44% 50 do 030 44t 200 11l Coat It 130 67 160 Hal & Ohl 11 68 1 00 'do rlO 66 1 00 0167 00 d 5 & Tel It 24% 860 67X 1 100 d 5 i6O 2434 60 dq bCO 24% 1000 Missouri 68 di 0000 do 160 88 6101 Louie's fitato ed 06.. 1000 Virginia Ot 97N 4000 Tenn en , 01% 3000 Nem It3dmXB3 72J( 210 111 Oen Bds 00% 20 Ohathsai Bk al 50 Del Ir, Had lid e6OlOl )50 Pa•itie Mail Co ,' , 78 100 N Y Cent R b 7 70 300 'Mrle Railroad 30 Harlem R Net 103 Read R l'.lo do 100 dO THE 01, ' ones are quiet, at $6 for nen —The market for On wi , hout change in price, eel at 5T.87,404. la Dlsolurel are learn of sues of 000 bble at $l6 for Jorge No 1 Mee $16c15.12X for do N 0.2, and $lO for No. 8 do Herring are dull_ - and heaiiatit ' ioo3 80 for P lotted; 1.60200 for No.l Smoked, eta 966580 e for Scaled do. noca.—State and Western le Sac 100 lower, with light receipts and tales of 7.200 bbla at $4 8005 25 for re jected; $5.5000 for Superfine State ; 58.4006.75 for ex tra do ; $6 6006 for tuperfine Western ; $ 5 60e8 60 for extra, and $6 60e6 SO for dripping brands of extra round 1100 p Ohio. Southern Stour le quiet, wi.h sales of 8 000 btole at $3 2606 80 for common to mixed, and 16e8 Si for extra. Canada Ilionr very quiet; extra at SO 40e7 80. Pots, and $5 ST for Pearl. •, though more active, Is les 4,C00 quintale laeorgels littAlN.—Wheat is dull and drooping, with - salsa of 4501 bushele at P. 40 for Western red, and $1 25 for mixed I lino's. Corn ii more settee, with sales of 30 WO bushels, at 890900 tor Western mixed, and 89es 00, for yellow Boutbero: Oats are quiet..sooslo for las Where, Peonsylvania, and Jersey, and bOsoOlo for Sta to, Canada, and Western. Nye is quiet with sales of 0,010 bushels, at 9034 1 5 e. Barley is moderately ac tive, with sales of 10 010 bushels at 6008ic. PR"" l " B . — Por k la heavy, with sales of 100 bbls at 5t7.50 for of Mese ; $10.12 for new do ; $l3 for Prime. Beef is steady, with eaten of 200 bbla at $6,50c7 for cot:toter Prime; $7.60n950 for country Meas ; $9.50 es 11.50 for repacked do; and siB for extra. O.t Meats are firm at yesterday's figures. Lord is unchanged, with sales of 800 bbls at 113012 cents. Butter and Ohosee ate unchanged. Y Is quiet, with sales of 800 bble at 28340. Oorrss.—The market bailie Is quiet but firm at lato rates, without sales to rote. OOPPES is in moderate' request, with email sales of Baltimore at 2330, and Lake at Ps. Borros.—The market, though more gated', continues firm. with sales of 4,000 Wee, mret'y on the spot, on a basis of 123 col2Nie for Middling Uplands. IbraWOOns oontinoet heavy, with Wes of 50 tone Bt. Domingo Logwood at $l4 60, orb. Reclaims —The exigaporente Include, to Liverpool, 165 balm trilvant Cotton. at 3 led ; 100 bales Bee Island at and 503 bales Rosin at 20. To Hamburg, per steamer, 60 bales Cotton, at No, and 150 tons measure. meet rood. at 850,405. Hines.—We note Wes of 600 IHo Grande at 260 6 months. /sou. —Bar iron is ∈ we note salsa of 160 tone re ii,ed at 558 E catch Pig is steady* 828.331, with sales of t'oo t •ne at 530. trauma la firm, with a fait demand from the trade at 2.5,1i02610 for Buenos Ayres, 2502511.5 for Oalifor nl4. and 21e2410 for Orinoco Motassze Is steady with tale,' ea blade inferior Mus covado at 250, 95 bbleland 185 blade do at 280 fol, 35 hbds played at 233(c, and 100 bbls New Orleans at 400 0.11,0.--Vieb Ode are' quiet. with sales of 250 bble Fps an at the East on private terms. Ition h firm but quiet, with males or 200 ton at 3;%0 4Xo, cash. CAMBRIDGE CATTLE MAIIKEIr—March 23 Whom number of Cattle at market 700; about 700 Beeves, ant 190 Stores, colligating of working Oxen, Milch Cows, and one; two, sod three yearn old Prices of Market Beef.—Extra,sBo3 60; drat quality 7.60.2j1; second quality. VI 0 60; third quality, 510; ordinary, 910. Prires of Store Cattle —Working Oxon,, per pair, $004120a176 ; Cows and Calves $30a95a60a03 ; year. tinge. nose; two.years old. $22.03; three.yeare old, $20a83 Sheep sod lambs —760 at market; prices In lots, 21048a5.60 each; Extra, f 0 48‘8, or bale per lb. Bides, 7)08 per lb; Tallow, Nage ter lb; Pelts, 1 600.75 each; Calfeklos, 14a16c per lb; Veal Calves, s4atialo. REltanie.—The prices for the beet quality of bref same sa last week, second quality sold better; there wad an advance equal to the decline of lest week. The aupply.of Sheep_ woo 4orti coneequently "sales Were Oink at prices equal to any week it season for corresponding quality. The Burlington and Ruilar trains had not arrived, owing to the damage to the road ' by the late rains BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET, Mach 24 —The offerings of Beef Cattle were 700 head, of which num ber 800 were driven off, 100 le t over, and the balance were sold at prices ranging from $4 to $5.25, see. aging $4 87X, which is an advanos of about 12)d cents 9, 100 founds. boos —The supply to•dey was good, and prices ranged from $7 5009 26 Are Rearm' and sales wero male at Woes Zang in (roux $1 76 to $6. OLD PA quriNa.—Thcoro Is a painling, said lo be by Reims, 'tithe shop wtad•,w of the Messrs, Stevens, at Now York, It is for sale.— prioe $760 , • ILL.—Madame Cora de Wilhorst, who is at tached to the Strakts.h (er& troupe, is seriously ill in Charleston. batter knows to, the reads of - lin; /16sires/ Its otistr as " Mr Brown," '"Biron Von Humboldt— the Ring of fielenrie=the' latchet of whose shoe other Kings are not worthy , to' unloose ;" and a toast to ofir ancient worthies ; wide ) Is:Outten be; cause the response was thadeby Mr. Adams, of Boston, grandson, 'and' .greuttlrandson of he Presidents ! who alluded „feelingly in his speech to the Mast:low Prensott, the news of-whose death had loot jag - arrived, - At an early hour Humboldt and Mr. Adami took their leave, and at eight hrthe evening—good, moral hour—we departed. •, T. Oirs 5i083,16 1,211 U 3 6,014 00 1 685 17 8,702 16 1 7,707 14 370,37114 d 88,169 05 A itoitAirrzti Nvottir,-The liucyrtta, Journird Ma-teal/rat Borne five years ago. a-carpen ter Moved from that place to - Missouri, where he sold a pair of horeeB to a stook buyer, reoeivieg all his pay in bills. on a .Hentacky bank. -When he attempted to, pass theta; they. were found to be counterfeit, , and the intrpents;,r.was arrested ; the horse-dialer sivore - he paid him in Indiana and the unfortunate tam' was sentenced to the penitentiary, - Ills wife failingtoobtain a pardon ' followed the horse-dealer for two years and a half, etching evidence thathe;nother husband, was the counterfeiter ; and at length her efforts were re warded At Newton, N. T., be was taken sick ; i the wife told her story to the physiolan, who dosed his patient heavily, and then told him he was about to die. The elok man was frightened, sea . for a minister, and confessed that he was connect ed with - a gang of counterfeiters, sad had paid the' bad. bills to the carpenter. Furnished: with the prooth of this confession, the-wife returned to Mis souri, secured the-release of her husband, and the couple are now residing at Nnoiville, Illinois. - Vitt. two 1 02 10 855 (0 3.151 ¢tl 11 1 125 10 SiLietet /Unity Nirdwa.r-tif the lautdy_,firme in thin oily 'which have, of lite ydara; greatly increased their bueineu and reputation, that of Mame. John 9 Head & Bon* may Wily: be entitled to it heading poel. tilm. After years of the °heed - study, pereeveranes end practical elpbrienee, they ;hue brought the art of Wier Plulturtri perfection, and are enabled to produce ware which few of their competitors in trade eatielmal, and none excel. When every article they Mahatma all the'brilliant appearance of sterling silver, and so els borately Chested, It is no wonder that their magi:Meat /time, situated on the northeast corner of Plinth and tittestnut street*, in the neaort all. who are desirc no of purchasing& auperior article 'otillver-plated Ware. They always keep•on hand a most splendid aid &rend' fled Anchor every article made In their business, from which their patrons can neliat to, suit their different tastes. .Themannfintriring department being under the pinions' superintendence of Me John O. Mead; aided by wear:urn of ability, they have obtained during the beet few months 'leveret patents for improvennnte In various articles, and are ocinstantly bringininefore the puMlo the fiultaof their' litx re in the way of nerr'lle algae, de., both loofa' end ornamental. They have at the present time in amine 'of manufacture an entirely new cs tor, adapted either for the breakfast table or the nick chamber 4 (upon which 4 patent, w atohtsined in February testa and which, .as iheirmi6citrieite, neatuese, and economy. they oonsider rum/walled,- They condense all their energy, talent, and preens to stand unrivalled bithe liroduetieri the'hesqlited and judring from the large orders constantly arriving from all parts of the Union ate entirely annensafal in their endeavors. In: stiort ! ,' .. Irci can confidently *tatii that the establirlonent of Mere John 1:1 ; ,)Head Sena Is the only firm so;extensively engaged in their.. 47 clarion manufactwo of silver•piated ware,' and they have„conseorientlr, a greater aseartmenp of 'Tn." argsle of a very Inhering quint!, inadeSrith' regard to dura bility, utility, and economy,lhan any other house In the United States. " ' - .. 9 4st 00 ..20,684 00 . • " Stock 9 9X " . 19X Waep , ttr.klso 91( 97s " 7e Ist mtg.. 71X 12 Lb Long 10% 11 Girard Bk Oon.. fOX SOX Len Coal fr. MM. b)% blx Lehigh IN Penni B 9% ox "-Si ea fb New Creek X X °staying& 10.... 0 63: Lehigh Zino.... LNETERX ON PALNSTINL,—Oar readereckholuM not fyrget that the Rev W. A. Barnes will deliver hie closing lecture on "Palestine,", at National Rail, this evening.. Over fifty math in, the Life of Christ and the 'Apostles are exhibited in these lectures, axnpying 'ln all 20,003 eguate'feet of canvas. YOUNG, MEN'S CHRISTIAN Assbcikrzok:—The monthly meeting of this athoolatlon will be held'on next Monday evening, in the Ssneom•etreet Baptist Church, Buxom street, below Ninth. These meetings a•e of the most interesting character, and at the lest the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. We are informed, bumper, that extia seats will be provided so that all may be accommodated on Monday night - LECTERNS ox Zoormxr.—On Tuesday, the 29th last., at Ail o'clock P. AL. the introductory one of a bonne of ten lectures, on the subject of Zoelogy, will be delivered in the Scientific and Olathical Institute northwest coraer ofCbestsut and Twelfth streets, by Professor J . Esnie, principal of the institute The de. eigo of these features will be show how all animals are embraced in one grand system, which won'erfol ozatem will be clearly described, and the position in it which all animals occupy—both of those now living and those flourielatoi in former geologies! periods. AS a matter of science, this sailed le one of the •deepest Interest, and as it In also one Which admits of clearer elucidation in the hands ore thoroughly scientific lecturer, auppllei with the means of Illustration, we commend our rea dere, wt o are at all Interested in this important branch of human knowledge,to attend the course about to be commenced by Professor Ennis. They will be delivered on Tuesdays and Thourairs of each week, between the hours of five and six In the afternoon. " THE FIRST BTU. TO OBEATBBSB 18 TO BB FRll• OM AND IftrusTnious."—The - second step (and on, of no les3 importance) is to deposit the proceeds of - each " frugality and industry " In the Franklin Baeing In Fourth street, below Oheetnut, where it will ness flee per cent. intermit, trhioh, added - to the principal and the Interest compounding thereon, will soon realise lt Corn sufficient to boor nee In bneiness, or naming a home, and he whole or any part can be withdrawn on demand. Farmers, Mechanics, clerks, end all other clarees of the community, having lime or small amounts, for long or abort periods, to Wren and bear interest, here have the opportunity offered without risk, there being a large capital an security, In addi tion to the investments made with the Ando on deposit. This company never tizepeoded. Bee advertisement in another column. THE CHESTNUT AND gALNUT•BTD HET :CITY HALLWAY —There le now no scarcity of charters for a c.ty railway on Chestnut and Walnut streets The Le &tattle° panned one on Wednesday, a•d City Councils passed another on Thursday; so thergais a probability of an intereatlng squabb'e between the two comp tales at to which is the Simon Pure, and the boat entitled to build the road. It is at leant vrtain that, let the rails be laid by whom they may, they will ben customers direct to the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of It.ckbill & Wilton, Nos. 008 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where a splendid assortment of garments for gentlemen and youths will be found. SE iSONADLE.—There ere many exoellont In this World, but wb,lob are only really se innertain nasons. One Of the bed things that we know or, how. ever, and one that le alto sys seasonable, Is the lussitus, superfine confectionery no, nufaigured and sold by Wear,. G. Whitman to Co., emend street, below Chestnut. On this point we are sustained by all the little'folks and their a metumasst in town, at lent by all that have ever tried them, and thsse who have not should do so without delay. I , Papas» please notice. 11111 LEGISLATURE, at Harrisburg, has just peered an sot eesettially abrogating the $303 exemption law, as far as the 4, poor " man is coneernsd. Under this unhappy state of Mega, It behooves all moa to practice eoonotoy, - whilk - can be meet effeo nallydone, to a great extent, by purchasing their Clothing only at the palatial store of Graorille etokea, No. OCT Chest nut street. Tug Corrrnantros of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now holden in this pity, is very largely attend ed by gentlemen from all parts of this and other States Before leaving oar city for their respective homes. we a•e requested to extend an Invitation to them, severally an t individually, to waist E ff. Eldridge's 6, 014 Fr tnk lin Hall Clothing Emporium," No. 821. Chestnut street. All our readers in quest of Spring Cloth log wit there Bid a stook uosurpissed by any other establishment in the city. MS attention of wholeeile pnrohaeere to par tioniarly invited to the large stook of Pine Hirer Plated Ware, manufactured by E. W. Carryl & Co , 714 Chest nut street. NOTHING injurious, 116 shim, no 133/0.111411D, ifiCOLl tiOned lu the Azumea Itatlog Powder. It is the beet for Cakes, Pau-cakes, - Pastry, ko. Manufactured at N 0.805 Market street. Every family should use it. ALL RETAIL DaY•GOODE Stores, or respeotabilitP, are provided with Brook's Ivory-polished Patent (flare Spool Cotton. Its superiority over all other Made hoe been certified to bythe Juries at the London and Paths World's Pairs. MERIT WATER iEI made sweet and akar by the ,nee of Nrann' Filters. They Ire conducive to health sea comfort. /tor sale at No ltd South Et coud street. • Jeans MIENS & CO. SEALER'S PATENT CARPET SWEEPER.—Ihe cheapest and moat TANK° sweecer In the °canary, for sale at 11. S. Fallon & Co.'s house furnishing store, 8. W. corner of Eecond and Dock streets, CITY ITEMS. ~F ~,~ 3 fhlcdtd NVhtteler-& 01710 E, CIS cmAatitinJ:iti: mh26lm Detougentenla of theA.taar acid bmoeA £4110131.D AT ONOII , IIIrATTENVID - HOCIPLAI9 , B, P* ll . 4l 4 l 4:BlTTABBB;prepated by Dr: 0. M. Jatkeon i ittilstelphts,Ta4 ant pin by demb i te and dealers in mediolas4aterforhera, will ourf`all die_ eaten erring front a 'fflinylare War k o nniseb, Prinnipal °Moe, 418 Agin Street, Thilatelybis--, It -., Great:Daiwalies . BEST QUALITY WRITE ;FA.Flraisryariv . A. Rimier Plates,4l.6oiiii,dizes, nsnal ;414,, $4.00 Ours-and &sneers, 24 please, at $l6O per dasen:. Tea or Relish Plates, 76 cents; pie daidsichalli_aatial COT 41 0 04 13 Goblets $2.00 je:r.dosies;'tiottlibt3 60 Tumblers -"- 1110 per"4:4 - tilittit42 60 The sieve etel - oaly''s portfoit oi the grief tsessehle cllitid'ttALL It is only reoesury for persona to WI end see the goods and prices, to be ilatinfiad a the truth of-the ebore. FO R ASH 0 N.kl W. J. Kgßa & Co.; mi2.5.2c UiIiNA HALL, b 29 011iSTBUT Eitreet. Achayettee -Medicated - raper -for ,the Mal er - 'Closet;ilieco4 irid in 2862; has' irqUired; In the brief period, it,haa been_publicly_ announaett, morn 'sterling and., profitable notoriety than anything heretofore of fared for the cure and prevention of .Ptles,,lt s- is not only a necessity as a pare sad medicatedrper, but it le a laariry which Doman willallow - itimmht or his family to be:without. -It is sold by all *potable druggists, fancy-goods de &era, and at the headquarbini of the dacov.rer, No. di ANN Street, New Tork: Tor We in lohilsdelnhia by T- R. OALIANDSR & CO.. (Third and Walnut streets,' BLAIR do WY.ISTEI, (cor ner itightb and Walnut,) FLASSABD & CO , (Chestnut and Twelfth,' and many others. naL23 Vthhe St The Ne Plas ti lts .. -Jalea Sliarre :Peg table LIQUID - HAIR' has no rvsl,ln the timid Perltoily hannteas,,ita action le lententineoue in abaci leg the ,o?lor of the hair Into a soli, brilliant,nattrial been, Nub, or anbinn, withoat_lejerlogarksir or rendering tt lamb, se ia Ihe CIO Ili* other Oa.' sold! FT aWdrnggiata, and by 11 - 12,118 - .11A17111. & 191 013ErTNITT Street, Philadelphia. _ _2413.1111-_ 'Greyer k Celebrat‘i'd irausiltAcietlits HAMNER A NZW 9ITLII—P,Nr.O2_IIaO. This Madan, Bete Irene twt, imile;,se_nexclokeed Nei the 'store, isquiring no 'rewinding of thread; it Henn, Tells, frather4 aud i Wl((hts tideliPsrler 07/di finishing each" seam by its own operatien, without re course to iht. bend.usedli;ellareoptired . blether ma chines. It will do better sad thesper.riewing Abell a searostrein ean, Wren if she Winks fOr•aiis wit an hoer. fe2S•tr Irri311141? YOB Ai CIIICIrptIt.-Xj ilecting • Illaeblnes.;',4lA imoreoem , mhe have '. 4 m1i*4 1,0 ,0 0 - 1 07.10000r4ila* ' 14e/r.nill_not' perform the math pnrehmeisrorpeema them to do, are informed that snutzwis NAOHliall .eim fail to do Leyland of work. 751 o one lima , dliappoLated in this. blaehinel. SINGU F. sio '062 Oanntiltrig. . , SLaget , aMeistueltlitchiitisi`—;:The sive Teuel -17 etw.ing Miehlti!e,'it $ 5O are.attraoAng eel venal attention. In all essential good qualities tier, are ninth the beet Maehineriever offered it a low price M. BENGNIt & 00., 602 CUMEITNIIT Street A New Artiele:3 A New Artieie. Pbsion'dc Ben's Conoins: foi the Hair. Phalan A Sn'aPoeadice for Phalan & Ban , i Coacdne , for , the Nair. Beet nadincen,ciech:Artiale ' linct - hileolicupent - Art* Yor Dresemgßisi'dl,W; ONcidinlic Classing,: 'ger prancing, Beautifying, Cleaning,- Curling, Frawring,, . , - acid . - • Seetering the Nati. Itestoring the Nair. 'tentacle& the Hair. t. Pkilois it boa , ' °MAIM lowitris for Phs Eon's Oaeabie - - giwantof Ommierfaiti. . lawareatOoaatl6ait~., := __ - • 44u6t ik!Uk. , 7 4 1 V C 4 mti; Mina" Po ; lot; mai bi *JUDO:ton; 7aMej In the every part of the Nutted Metes. Wholesale and Retail Depot_, „ Non. 514, - 491, andlellNlAOWAT,Niaslrerk, T. B. PRTBRION & BROB., No. 300 ORESTNUT +Urea, Wholesale tolo-K WIsdOW, Shadts, Lace Ciiitai as; Damask Car - taln Material's, Gilt OprnicemOVlszdA*l3ollaads, all co lors Railees -, Patent Fixtures -tor - Antades; Putnam's Shads Rollers, Cords, TasseWand,Brasses ; Bepe, Ho :pens, and Rloshes BrOestelles, _Window hide, Hu: antlialtplalery goods;eifinlesali.indiStaiL: _ tats'iiodyYb o' losetaitsna'atiaaVp Ages. W - Z611411T taal44i*S7f e3oinimirttrr - , Mei*: Seamen's Saving "FamiLL:Mortlieweat Cornet of 880041) and WALNUT - MAIM. Deposita:l4*mi " anual.sed „Imp "smdlinte; from all elaemei of tli a eemmazdti,.aad ;allows !Marla at , as, eats of. dye per cent . per annum. Money may beArtern'ey atteeks irititoo Thee of !Ma me. Mao-open 411 y; from ,P n0t115, - feclodc?sitad oo Mon day and f3Marlay apttl 9 la the evening. Preddent, Franklin - 1101; Treaanrer sad teeratary, Owlet Norris, Farrel, Herring,* Ce,, , iATICItiNOT/ID 111131. IRON RAFE WARREO , III3B , NO. 629 OURSTOUT EITR:1111t, (JayniOs Hall.) One-Trice Clothing osi Atte Latest Styles, and cede In the beet manner,- expressly for awrAnt. germ. We mark one lowest selling prices in nem MOWS sn each article. All soothe suds to order are warranted satisfactory, and ode cons-rioli artirim is strictly 'd earest to. We believe this to be the only fair way of toiling, as thereby snare treated alike. - Sevin Fand..—Vise • per Cent. Interest.— RATIONAL SAIIITY TRUST ,COMPAW4',44IItrr /treed, S. W. cosier TRIE D, Wren, received in any sum, large or email, and teemed plaid from the day at • depadt to the day of withdrawal. Honey ie received and payments pride daffy, without aottee. , The faveatmenta are made In keel ltstste, llortgigne, Ground Rental, and - sink brit-dun secturi -1 i e as the charter requires, Mee hours teem 9 o'olook n the morning until b cOolook to the afternoon; and on tionday and Thundejavenings until S o'slesk. fat ffifirriasti. At Friends' Meeting Henee. in Twelfth - street, the 231 foment, JOON T STEM sod JULIANA R., desist,: ter et o,lrer Perry, al of this city.' * On the 24th hastant, by the'Rer. city. _ LesOs, fet. the residence of /onetime L Wake. Brq . the bride hi. father. Me. PIRMAN D. BOMAR: of lislmesbarg, ahradelphia„to Mira ADDIS BLAHS, of ..toxehase, Philadelphia.: . - - - On the 18th of 'kappa, 1858' en Alderaien - imam Al'en Mr. THOMAS AXWORTIIT to Mks 91.111,1100 A BARRETT delight:alai Wllllamilsrrett, both of West Philadelphia.S , On the 9th of July. 1858, Mr. JACOB D. ZIEBKR to Hiss EMMA lourr, all of thi MW. • = - * illeatbs ' On 26.11 instant, Mrs. MARY, relict of Irene Leven, in the 98th year or tier age. - Funeral train the reeldence of bee.eon William Levan, M. M. corner of Twelfth and Callowhill streets, on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. interment at Wood land Cemetery._ On the 14'h day of March 1862, et New Orleans, Lt , lit re &LIZ etßll7/1 OLIN, relict of the tete Curtis Osey, formerly of this city- ' - • • ► Oa the morldrig of the 34th Instant, of ostarrh on the breest, itkOHEL.. youngest child of Joseph P Ind Merle Merielle Loughead, aged 13 loath scd 8 days Fermat from the Tettldenoo of bee fetter. 259 South gtfth Ares% above Bombe, title tBettaday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. - , - • • • - On Wednesday, 239. CLAIM SEANCES, eldest daughter of Dr. J 8 and alga D Houghton; aged 18. • The relatives and fmends of the family. era respect fully invited t. , w - attend the funeral. this 18seurday) ofte , noon, at 8 o'clock, from the residence of her pa. rents, No 810 North Eleventh street. above Omen. * _On the 23d' instant, JAHEO 8111110LEY, eon of Ephraim and Margaret Lukens, in the 18th year of his age. • The relatives apd friendeof the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resident* of his parents, No. 1016 Wallace street, this (Saturday) afternoon, March 26th, at 2 o'clock, without fort' .r notice. On the 23d Instant, JOSIAH A. Israup, in the loth pow of his sp.• The Tahitians and fnends of the family are reepeot• fully Invited to attend the funeral, from hin late red• demon, at Bet& Mill N. 4 ,on Enuday morning. 27th instant, at l 0 &ohmic. Interment at Blue Anchor, New Jersey. on the lath Instant, Mr. pIOREIB scorr, in the 76. h year of biz age. The 'relatives and friends of the family are resent fully Mallet Le attend the funeral from his Tate voi dance, No. 102 Arch street, thle (Batnrday) afternoon, et 8 o'clock.• , On the 22d litataot, suddenly, JOHN P. WARNER, Jr:, son of Antra and the late John Warner, in the 19:h year Olds age.- The relative* rod friends and those of the 'family are retMeotfally Invited to attend the fevers!, from his' Iso4. residence, No. 1522 Parrish street, this' (Saturday) after. noon 29tri. at 3 o'eloek, without further notice. Inter ment at Monument iyemeterv. , • * On the 234 meant. JOHN HAGERTY. aged MI pare. The relatives' end Mends of the family ate respect fully invited to attend the Suncral, from ..titet teelderee of hie brother, Hebert Hagerty, Long - Jane and-Durk road, this (8 stordav) afrernoon,, at_2 o'clock. Inter ment at OatlrMlnd Cemetery. * On the =Umtata; MARIA PLUNKETT, daughter of Charles and Replan A. Yost, aged 4 yearn and 5 months. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral,-, froth - the-nCII/1/111200 of-her grind parents, No. 1154 Pasattmlaord, thin (Saturday) morn at 9 o'clock. withoutimther nodes.' On the 214 instant, Both:only, Mr*. CAROLINE Brum, daughter of Mr. Ind. rick sod Sophia Cinthole, aged 25 yearn. ' The relatives and Mende of the family - ere respect fully invited to attend the Amend, from the /mildew° of Mr M.: La kin, No. 1:119 South Fourth street, en Sunday afternoon, at o'clock. without farther _unties. Oa the 24th instant, Mr. GEORGE W. HARVEY, aged is years. . , The relatives and friends aro invitrd to attend tie funeral, from his lab retina/me, Ile 719 Film, Wet' atreet o on Monday morning, at /6 ti'o greened to aosoldeonre Oemotozr. JONIIB & CO., 1104 MARICIT Strort.
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