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NORTH BOITRTX6 8013221 1 ,1 iii•At - • '• • Orr, • •• •- • /8 kir D • all .p,M A N " r - EILOV)II3i 4LND 13X414L WARES, 1 - 444114144464,4044 - a *sit, - 44'40 snd - z . -4r sasirlad stook, , • • rAL tit ADAPTFD TO T9PrigNr4.lo OPutit,'EPTioßt TRAIT B tratiETTil3 4 Xl'o*llf SWEARINGE At,•) 2 9 l c 4 inidevo,Pit i N hta It-N,' em.,4; • • A sorwmprf Arrowpizeir or' • _OOQIDS, - =4 ^ 07 < Tg p t g cOXX liIIPOATATJOIN' , 1.0:1011jr/rd ih"rts'Prii.l,* !hots, thtaiicatAlberia taw. fo9- I ~5~ f ~.... ~ ids"~; , a~~3 , k~:~ -~ :c~:? M0641 . 4 . +EY, , JR911pi!,,,&,80148TER, BTAEHT • ' owed 'No •iitAte, ' • 24tENSE*ttiNrEi: STOCK; o. - • - *dr. • ' GLOVIIe aaa ONE MOitiOyitettfo ilioV4toptiod of Ilket- 81W - toil - tootortitiotoptaa to - • - • so 'Y.: -.EV6 e:IIOI3ERT, -,-, • ::0 0 4 4 1 1 1 1 9 2 ' 15/5413 ' , JIRSc AND JOBBERS - '-• , ..,4 1 . 1 .4Wvfklissi 001 tug, Lpontici , eiteBBllll, `OBBB4I La yßElNH.tiltiOlt, OCIODO, , • 4' 4 a; ; ;#14110.1: 117 •-• • , otuse4trmslyins 45a6b-oi- ...., .i.._,..L . ,,,,z- 4.,-.4, , ,,,, , v. r 7 ~,) ~, Is, ~ , -,1 , i vgospizPYg# t ls.lllNq"ol'oAll , !.,. - :I I I4IO:4O2O , =O—aF:STNUT :St., --O,9YPOOnT-t, •404pliiiY, grltittE • ARTS y . 'z ,, , ~,,14- it 0,,i1000,0 iClitikt,N,l4'lii,o.* Z11P1Y.4 1 4 5 . ro* , 4 o 4 ll qvitMillt Or.GOODI, ''-- ...vr..:,`Acfl..i. ,, l_A+-Uoteileristr pi/ , 1“;.1- 0,, !Oki otklAgy,, , ." ' , ..• :;t4...., 4,. . , -:. ' :''T . - : :.' ' '. ;::':., o l4 1 04. 1 ...ti4 , t . ' '°-' -k-,, , ,i,,,,:?...;;V:;.,1 P '' 4,... - f , ' • , ',.. i WoODltit MAIIE-, ,, iffititt; Puutlispiiis oxya , 4ApAwantiat-Tl.ol4vAsz, I:Vii44#o.o**Alliiitisisfei 4 t# usually *? 'be' ' - '4 , - • - -,-, fooriOpka:: ~i, , •iL.F.:;;;;:t.-1 -Pl- ; :p.iikiv,;: cr L 2 'ich ..i)::." :---• , •-'• liol7sE-FURNISIIIIiG!. W3,1* , ,,,r 10 0- . .9 .__•-•-..v.it., - . ~ v miolpaclilifriumiiiiihr pew. : t 4.3421rjr41.-AMWAINALIJ; ..1' Vit 1 4,,,,....**k .. „,,,, tili, ;4' •-:iivp4or .0 , 1,r_404 , 140- - -,,:,,, , ,../ . ..,13, ,,, :.}, - , , , , , ,,:k fAti,.. i z ;71 ~','.-4,,, , ? ,.d;g•:, -I i t ? '-„ , ,,:.1 i, _• WA* OS . :.-W =EVAN/5 ,&'Co. , , FOR ,TEM . INSPEOTTON of % Asir 'CUSTOMERS THE LiiiittEi3T AIiTVHANDSOMEBT , SPRING GOODS TIi6Y HAVE -EVER - O F. E4'D,' BILK ROBES, , - ,Tir9irro,uPcED ROBES A. LIS; ' " 'OttENE tr; ALL TEEP STYPES, ORGANDIES, pp. 40BILS, 11211112 NILIIROIDERIE#O), LAMS; 'GLOti;• r 't - _ tr • 1 1. ,, ,PARA4O/13, 4 •UarBRELLA.P, 4 8i0*, &a. GOAD 'ASSORTMENT, , STRAW ART' , VIOIAIi . 11LOW.1018. IiIIOII/111,' AND' STEW , TRIMMINGS, - • r • ' Of every variety, on new epee, Ind for soloist 44=41 'dumb ripen Mt poet, cash, at, H WARD'S,' NON. 103, 103 and 'lO7 ' kt 0 S*E C S 71,E1 , • rearlo-2in „ Above Arch, Rolf olds., lam - A- -S, LA CE arA.ra*;, , s zAl.azt,e*dk.-vms, =SEIM , - THOS. W., EVANS it CO.'S 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRI,NG . „ doom, 708 ca-xssermNlcrx PROCTOR & 114.01E-A4VOX6 'SILKS.'; strAUPLIoIs BROTILIBS - eleelviet; kr re' pee airiest", le_ooroplete yerlety of the - best eniliefee. three of LYONS, SLAM TASYSTA, of r!eb and -- Sleese teltutei - ss well s e Bleak' PODS{ 11011190;01013- BAlllfius Nt AMOR= Ato—swies Os AA Nie, le 'ell ' tithe elk iieSties,"of 'fiftpteifeil . inittes; whfoh , are offered mi,b coitedeeesi , sat tepid* piles auxt the VOW of the sum t potanal •notnotozu BLAME ..11013NS. animpLipa szonisfis, mheB 0111113TkitIT sad Efflttell Streets. WIDE' BiLENGZS AND AtEittiTOES. v,v.r dour &do colored,-White lod,Blgcdc-for P - hawld add 21(antliui. • - - - • , staumearinbiTneris, mbld OHISTNUT end EIGHTII EtMtf.. • t Ciiitn* &c.',:' rainaticttired' tra, MOM, itt00,4N4i..28 it - MATZROW' IN 40 *dui !MARVA. tg ad4l v 421 NO V - 013XLINT ri t ¢SBOIiTIWT pd BAIBR10;114 AiAYMMFLES. PLAID, STRIPED, &0., IIi24'OII,TED THIS SEASON mwENTINES, NEWITTLE TISSIM BAZZGE,Ro*Eki, ,FARXGES, Aar/CAD ' , W B 2 • ciitALLtga i :eic.l 'ilid,l2o OfitSTNITI' SEAL THREAD THIEVE. RE:A.1711,0% A§O,II.T.*BITT CLOAKS MANTILLAS 0 1 3 351 IV I N AT Wilk, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, TUESDAY, March 22. ,PfiILADELPHIA., gYiao:V;)(' EMEM Xl3l.''. . • , ~ We !tre 'offering for sale, ' " ' ' '' '''' ' ''' ', '''''':-: :AT'A St4ti AffirAirtfitipireiicii, - ,` f ' ' ..., A . limit exiivii;e rr eind'aiiiriplete isesostase4s)l : ' , 4l ',', RIBBONS of eieirrs; deee,Siption, ~ , ~, ;;': 1: 4 BONNBT KATDB.TALS, in Silk susd,Osiir4;t i""' . t t BRENDLE Rua AMBRIOAN , BLOWBRO; ROOMS; TARLATANS; ' ' ' :' .", BLOND LACES; .., . . , ' And 'ether killipeiVciglich!. ~I ALSO OT: .. f •• ..',' ' - f ,S TRA W. ,G: 9' 01'.1E5,. S'e lioesprlslag . °Tau pOseible variety ,p:1 BONNE11; BLOOMERS, PLATS, itlltis2B , ,AND, 00.XX,PRENV HAT - 8, BIEAKBR 7100D8,'Aitt:1 ; BIdIiit18, ~,,, `t - - p pan luieJudi: ' : " ~ :: ,- , 1 1 .;„ ROSEIMELM, 88,0,e)1CE,,&,P0, 7 1 .: 1 , , , . .. 4 3 1.IARKiiii'MMt 1 1';ri rem "' ' . (9 " merl i ' 19 '. 88 .1 0 u t # 13 0_ 147 .. , A 1 0 , ‘,;:, ,MET4IOPO4/TAN,,EPAcgsr :/(317,8 '• ' - . itaßOOfili ISEELLINERY.:GOODSp 'Of eve r deeorlpt i on, (auras, • BONNET' 811 )SENOR SLOWOILS and oeiticte; SIIOHSB , ;' - 'fk J.. 0. & W., • • . • .tupop,street;.:, ?iy.e.oaYALique. , 1859 i 8 4 - • „:„..-7,„ STRAW GOODS.. . Nei and - oemileii assortment . of OHMS, RIBBONBi FLOWM, m, • 7 - 2 ' etuss,,aucaup, AM *very other article In thiallne::. STRAW_ _l-30N14ETS STI:LELW min Empreeing in en seaortmeot tuaoquipt4 Ju„tallt ettvend to which we • Invite the attentlon,of'tnyere4 noes prrehealng for: Bash; or. on *bort tlineorilt Well to glue ne a call before /electing elleithere.' ,r 111., BERNIIEDE fe24.2m No. 21 8917T1E EINOOND,,Br.IIIF,X4: 1859 tT G Oa p s .EI THoMPSOI4: & JENTKIN%' : Xi..5'2 8' 11.1011ELE , 134'1VE inatte tlinattention of buyers to their exteinden of Ladies' Elmer and Bonnets Misses' Pis M t4e. amas; Men's,Tnyie; Bite; dal flowers,' Batches, Trimmings, ' Being exahurively engaged ha this bransirof bushine st purebosett will find it to theie-intereet to examlneinge' attack beforifurelinsing. '" trd .THOC Y% BRALEY; (formerly of ealey,) now engaged with the above house; from his friends en e*steleitheitof the steelier K. Theeeplosilhdenlilne: tebleamZ „ . NEW,STRA* GOODS:, • : *eetePleie agd ehoioe emedirtaieet , er „, :0 ciN N.F! S : 9 ,51A`X;P 7 ' . 4'i 7. ifirie44ll'.s maoc?mrrbe • i..,,-j 2 k l 4misxso#4lo. wit.o4viii*4l4l _ -• • .• at , Mal Nyetee on Arid east) GEO: IL. ROGERS Agent: IGTAINERY, STRAW' GOODS, • RIB. , BONS. , PLOWERS,-BILRB, MTOHES,./co., aitt now open and for Bala, at very low prlcee for ,cUh ate` eßort•tlele.bule 2 STRAUS, LIPPIILtR k COS, • • 8180ntti FECOND'Street•' ' Betweerritarket-and Otiestant... allelB-IE2 HATS; FURS, .. " ' A.T. 409DS, , • ARTIFIOIAL, FLOWERS, BZOTIS, do. 1-100FES & DAVIS, MA111:11/AOTORIBB AtipDBALERi , Noe.'l9 and 21 South Fourth Street, (up stain) ' PEILiVIILPatI," • Have on hind aneniirelinen end ooroplete .lock of above ntiods, laid in . for , 9=l, to which the attention ,of Wren). le invited. Untl,Ol9,ILL, late of the firm of Oree. loweli & Oa., long blown to the ti•ede, • would 1)9 plovelf force lila friend. at the arireroonleOr „Hegira, fi,li)•)res & • feb9-11m, ,STRAW, AND MITA4NI34IIr .. q9oDs.'„ Ifaririg removed from our old • stand, 45 South 13miOudi street, to , , 726 CHESTNUT STREET, . -' ' setwwwarr 1131Y11,11TH AND 4 1, 31:1111), 1 Wrier. now prepared to exhibit to our -numerous COMPLETE STOCK ; or - STE&W HATS, BONNETS, , Mahn , sod OIIILDEEN ) BiIhTg, - • PLOOldsui, &0., • EAEOIf AND OKAP I noNIIITs, • - 11/111NOR "LOWERS: ' RIBBONS, 11.13011X8, Embracing In all an assortment unequalled tm.thls city, and we respeotfully invite the attootton, of merchllnts to our Brim; Stock. • Muth and short4ime burial will find itepeclally their interest to give us a call, LINCOLN, WOOD, 04'NIONOLO .up• 1-IILIABORN i 7 5219 . 4E,5• ,; • Impottar and Mannlachafar of , SILIE AND STRAW BONNETS, L.NORORN and PANAMA HATS, ARTIPIOIAL 7114019.pR3, RUCHES, Ike. , To 'which the attention of Oity and Oo'antry Deaths, fiaolloMod. NO. 43M MARKET , ST.; Balmy PIPT IT fobtar.Ei STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. I. S. OUSTER, - ITANUFAOTUREB AND "IYAOLESALE MUM IN 1-1.A.71 • ' AND MILLINERY GOO•DB, 607 NORTH SECOND STREET, • • PHILADELPDIA. • fe2l,2ak* Vrouision- gopeca. B. auoakNEß & 00. E WHOLESALE DEADEN! PROVISIONS. And OUREDS of- , , • • CHOICE MEATS. No. 11 N. WATNit ist., and Rd and 956 N. FRONT et. , Agog BEItY,• PORE, LARD, and in iiwortoteut or i'BOVIIIIOND generally, inoludlng snd BiDif of our own outing,. both Oity and Westin . % °omitting, - on head EgalOgy guarantied. • . pittloularlirinfitedbi cell and eisiine ciut dont. •••• told/Rini* EMOV A L . ' - H.ANCOOk& tad • ruatnaiimg Rio s ing OI THEIOBLBBBATIOD HABIT SHIRTS, 1111 aMr RBIIIOVRD.TO No. /0.6 OWSB/7117T B'ittET. muck2at • „ , •at; Z' t ''' ", ' t.:••• Z:( , , , ,! . :±1, 4„.. • ~,: 1 t , lr ;I: 7 .3 , j.f. . Flg , 1 'ilf ‘ ' ... ': : ' `.: 1 4.4 - ''. ' 4,',- . • ;:44,. 1 „rx, -,,..7,.. i .- ,v ; ~-..-:.1-, 0, , ~. y: r, -r.', ,-•...,',.,. i g t 1 The Atlanuc 'Telegraph ()new .111 i) e;"' ' It must be confessed thet a for a long tl ~ e; 4Wli6ii heeiVehiniefillly i negleafurof Our 'co. tiring friend, the'Atlintie Telegraph. ~A er ali iaiiploiiiii'fiit, was intia6l6 . 6* it i lAdg lb ,io#' ! 1 4:1 . 4::ii8V4it'oiler - 'the, 'oiler - ' the :,i,thiArkatile'• I I ..i4ATIOr, in whieb,tiollowing the. example !of l'i.maork, which, ent off, about A. at , half-1 , cOck,), mnatad"that, affecting holiday eficMt rlgivis;•on the meniorable First 'of , September;r Adoesseeta rathdr eifelees,lfiletithgratbful; , to have ' been' sirsileite'on thia l inab,)ool, 3 as te: ,14y4 latelyheen.`,.; tfig4tefeil,,"l:9qaUse, el ;faire had our "oini. fun out of the 1111144,4 A, Oren itriltiml-- . -for vie , ilionld have , bed morn' )0004 then.to abandon ,even ,an',acqualibx - aliiie, fit'Ads , ..doifnfall apdidistrese. • - -- ,. -1 r. !'1 - '4.SWhetr• last*e Alluded,ickthe , Atlantic '1'016 , 1 , - * E -01; PA t, - Y °'r ea r t , o l4 2o 4 .l l ; 4 4wq'4o *... 41 06 l 'l'pL.' t*9 14 115 4 , 410t4:4;f#e,Gat'elliq ;to,- ~,,,,,oes River, frourthe; whaltis:ou Bello's , Y, to ' - t 1 k NO Vl W .ii ?r e fti*Vr 4 etili4.46 StOibit4 Di Sainit Lylism aiiiS4v*: bilika while , naboAisebr Id haVq:laidy?ies up fnit: ire.-•=tha r t =human'. - wia ' Serpeht'ltlaql(P4ipt-' 7 cTri,,iibelfeire,d'in;-Without-his ) ever shawing lmself•:--iliat mail Of, , dolenoe; nth t ided to S i lii - g , 11t.ppii69:0,14 hei s it the h`eid "of, Trinity` 4,:tay : ;:with one foot upon the extremity ofAhe pable-4.•dven h - 'O. shitifilities t gliirA`,syniptenss of i.At i i_46 , :; , Piseir*Vi 'oli'gratih, mesaages: 'do+, 1-* Crays .Trsnn„ in: New , York; pithily coM aiiiteatingtbsitzbe.iyia habit*tc(i;tip*lltp . AiXte :. kleisent.'inieknialipit i-=,ne; • doubt; to . ;those' who hold by the Old adage Thot no news „lege: o lo7,K ~I'. L ~, '„ ';',_: ,- . ;.: ,•s• ;• -, :,... • 1 6, ',':, , 1 g ben' 1i s of A:4lPrr was doing nothing; i nt Ais r epd of the Cable ,, the Sagacious ;Directors, '''i,:tho2otlieki*, in vptentfa;' in the ibuttavillt k , •lrelind, 'Sent another Adientida yOung'-geft. liitidainiall sera& thh'4tlaitie,+,f,orA, eXpiess 00:09, g ± SPii,iinr, Plln .6 l:9i'FalY,i remlxabig 1 ,ene of,the old dialcigtms;:w What'havoyeu he'll 1 5.5-C 4 i till i, P l .Y .i l'. 7 'i .l ( l6 AVgigt* . r:"7,-Wii e iilsk cousin, a.l• stashb ,P f young sailor, on hal g ,iiked ' the souscrfqmistion,,lfrfinklY:'indsveield, rAtfelpinegitsi f f' - 104t:So With illeWdentia ,' ,ifontleman Sent out to help Du . 6.itrre,'who'viss 4 :. obit" nothlegf:!'', : " :',',.'' l ",':;::`"l' . ,. '-!, :,,_ - :.•-$4 1. came, ';i'fi,i l Ort•that..,lsrilsrinur, i a grist el e c t rician , arrived at lisdifax ; ' , with Cdoi,blo44fielled''',apParaitis, *eh; tf_ enhe *St safely into•the little wooden hut, nt iritii ly Ray, would put a tongue;'int# 2he , ,,kithia6c :thiblu,'Ecit iciiiiel'it'4W:ispenli'; r:'.'lV",e, ,leave-re.. 01,elied.nointlination, of his havisg.yet coorcid coaxed ibe'Opinlintif.uttemuce. -AA': 0 0?ile that iti, ili.ziimt is - 1 4dftWea, tit:Juite ,i`teeehed , Tiinity ',Roy some time: ago; and It Slias also reported ;tbat_ . Thi,• - •Seurr, aCcMiipit t , r,C I II - 0 hisy,,aientra:centrado, had returned to ti . troops immediately after.' I li .. 1111r,i'':13"*.i . 1;11 mdditn have , quitted- teitn r, 04.11k r ii,Ilii - ed-ides, that,:there was utterance W-theCwhle; which could Mid must be forced ' :huge! it. g= MO hoard, Wojuppise, of the told 'iayine;that••lthe,`, bird which • could-- Slag !nod would:not sing,"Must be:lnkile sing. ,Had 4,1; siCceddeid perhaps We, Should havelii,td `,the -.Cabin :spreading itself considerably; ,by ihel.eiterdtiatcons - ,'delivery•.of , a 'great"; many entiwp tad inclelivereillnessages which had ; been • confide& to' it during ithe Many;,menths 'citArl_Villi*e.#9'' 04 0 404. . That - ,there ;is -, lssoliil v r for r anch,an' avalanche 'Ol . `4,o4tinflAcstion" wlll*Oident, 'l,Ol thoiseNho r , 0.4414 : ::**4 1-I.) 44 ll46 Vo'ildifii 2 kii°4 bf . ell.dlti,..4 l gitlia4.o 'O4O Baron Ntlfooool6ri ; unipit:4ooo44 . lte,elf of•a great-number Of. QS, - 1859 1 tunes which,his'cOurier bad vainly blevin into. It; dining a'ortieltof yery:Cold'weatherscicoldi• thatat - literallyrfroze •up all the . inelodies In It to tiald , qttestiol• ; ' ' 7 that"lik Hiftirraw' reliedjrpork an electrical apparatus of greater power than had • ever before, been applied' to. then foirpoies 'of, telegrapbl6 erionnannication:, We believe that' 'each aneeMisive experiment ivith'Suc.h ioweir ful instruments', could have' only one restilt--: , - namelY; to extend the; flaw which confessedly exists In , the Cable, and destroy, by a gaeries . of galvanic - attacks, the ; igatta:percha encireles;;With the !dew :of isolating,' the,wire _of, - corninunicattext which • runs through-tli , , cable, 'like a 'core: ortil Kospn'foihaylti g fore3edthis)Midef_is, that, Some- months ago,- we took a portion of the cable to the . faiitory , of boart,stitri tt . Bizr4t:iii this city, where a , galvanic battery, of very great power Is in ordinary . like for the Purpeses, of „their manh fsittiCes; and, : complying with - -request, - ono ;off the Intelligent;: oPeratdri, there, sending, an eicetrie current of.grriat force thiough 'the, actualfy • trteffsd Ifi,e` gattapurche . by !Mutt ihs wire waSatotroundid. - The came - pro.eass; frequently.:Tepeated, hid invariably thcsanie,results,-and had a - greater electric povier been :Miployed; the: copper wire' itself Wonld,havo heen.fttiaed—fer we saw a steel file fused, while londermateriby the same 'process; on a "anhaeqrlent:, docasiOn: ~ if Mr. HE . • Thereforrtinv , has used his mam moth battery, nothing Is more proliable then that he, has irretrievably ePOiled the Cable; in stead,of mending it; • •• - _ • , The Directors of the' Atlantic Telegraph ComPfusf., OA' their last ,general Meeting, In London, last Molithi.isported that "the cable' remains in prechiely the .satire State aft . de.. scribed - in the last report, and , for the reasons therein explained, no attempt can at present , be, made towards raising and mechanically re-, pairing it," and added the expression of a vague hope "that, - at the pioper, time, 'a' in dicions effort,SecOnded.4'areascaiable period of calm weather, may. even yet terminate in , bringing the, existing_ ,cable _lnto working or. der." , They-frankly confessed, through their Chairman, that the' cable which was laid down last autumn -"was not well adapted for the purposes for which it was_ intended." ; Re owned„also,.that Company bad not funds sufficient to raise, .with:w hope ;of repairing; the old cable, or to Vain hew one, constructed 'upon better prlncipleS. ' Therefore; resolved not to give up the ellip; the Cempany'llaie a, bill now before Perak' moat, for raising new *Hal to the. amount 'of $1,000,000. The British Government . des elines again to give . the Company an,thicendk final guarantee, hutnre willing to•guarante . e `eight per cent. for twenty•five years; - 'on Con : dition that this be paid - only while,the, tie Telegraph is in actual working order.' The old capital was raised in $0,000; abates. : The new capital will be distributed in sbarei of $ . 5 to $lO each; so as to allow the public at large to be taken in. The sanguine Chairman con cluded by saying that, including all past ex penditures and all, fixture Charges, (that is for the old Cable and the new,) the, sum expended would amount to about £1,021,000, and the receipts to £140,850 a year, which Would return a dividend of ten per cent. on the,entiri capital . including the 'old shares. So, at presont i reste the Atlantic Cable. Perhaps we should more correctly say, 'so at present rests that Cable. There, was some discussion, last autumn, about the feasibility of having an' Atlantic Telegraph from 'sonic. westwardly part of France, Portugal; or Spain, so' as tO render • Continental Europe hide penderit'ef England, which, with' one ferini- : nas in fieland;_ and the' Other in NewfOuhd, land, may monopolize or eoutrol tho,,Om municatipn between the Old and Now *rid at , With Ike - -Antites as la atattiia; "Ca'bie Might be more successful; perhaps, than It hatthegn hy running it fiptif Valentlato TrMity,Bay., ' • , Even Irbil° correcting as the proof" of thil article, we notice a telegraphic report from Canada, , that «a bill has been introduced in the legislative Assembly to incorporate. the' Traniatiantic Tolegrenh'COMpany.' pro-' 'Wes for a lino iront 'Quebec via Lahredor with a capital of a million, with tho•privilege of increasing, it to , fiv•O•tnillions ; the to• , be eonireenced within •one year and• com pleted to Labrador within three Years." La brador Is somewhat north of Nevifonndlend, but .We• do' not see what advantage Can! bo gained by latiking a c,ablo tOrMitule there =ME . T4IDAY, - ittAiCH..25; 1859: MII=MM=I GENERAL"''NE Las; wpeN,,st. honsewas advised - , 1 1 from Chicago, that' a package marked $2,0,00 had '1 likedlithitruetink thOlioluirrth send on!' fproor ith it,eoptaineßr.the.amotuft,: and.-ther. the, altnrire, qmParly,.would ; Perlitf.„-Qcr , referringito Abelrbeeksthey found that the,package Contained s3,..3otrisind that in hiresetifierieeihereliciill' he' a. vieit t to She PM°, of thp?earpressli oonsPety, etta - ,lnede r ky,..orie of, tlia.ilyM 09, d fp-, Ihrinad 'the eicimpany that belied Mao in littere Ninlthel - package' °volts adirkedrialtils', l and!thaf he area about-Os starkwittralletentivulor,chiosgo, 'meta* hdo Iheloo,a,of the parcel. ;On ,thls,cle,' termination , Millie' pritt;iliiireritireaknochpa'nyirro. forgo ed him there was,no 'necessity' for this couree, e‘theY package .andltwe ; others, since leielVed, and hid NOVO eed!qc.P' held them iii. their poiseeslon.P . Th'eplemininy Offer ;to . return„the ;packagei, - ;provided itheihouset sited tl, lisCof this amounts gent by this express for, the bat, ' trio" and viva up the extra inserahop br risks thepdidotot ,, take.i time that %oh} st , ; seripuequestien se ; this, ;involving as+itz doter Abe ; largest interest, wee settled... The question ohaihhr bt Wirier hie d d - a right, to breakthe keel' !of.pardragesientrasted toads carei.irt& detain that „heoeuseghoy difer teavain, Lfrorn,:the.insumut , fer. Ishi% they. haira been Insured;,,napno(be deter- , Milhl&Wieibh.fiArid Vie htfiei unbeildiredngeotid o 1101136 e same easkitSbether.W..hapkerhalert_vight; 9 1 e/IP ARAPA,,;w i thert he bolds the.,reoejltt. pAlhe, eprepacoa k pi l ,py fop,io god, elipattopm,to,)dif augivatbibion. " ' 44 •4C -47. 4 4 Comtnittett; rehultyrleilauldu Pike cotintyniial ols,lorAbst sappreasion,uf gangs of ruffians who' s ' have , mapfietwitkether people' property, property, see kiVdAtfade Josporiant.disonveries. ~A oot ,-, iiii!ipoitteeit or the Chleagri j PiesS 'kid 'Vilma& I)fityertafandaiiionit t - of iniqttityit °nee develoPed plastatitaPdipp,,,.ctne ' , person' was sh,ot,in .the,aht: °bloating a'horse and Lie ge 9p,antitirif counter-' 'felt ttn ,, *person. "Arfother 'was. caught on a stolen horse, and, refuehlt to:testify, as dellred—his _minima urging ; him ° tO reveal ne thing, atetsaying they `Would,,netliatig ; him tr 4 Loll froze over--was found dead:' 'Pertlontitvho ft, property counts trr wero , thfOr thousands, aequir d with greatrapidity, and many who were not:4W needed, are -found to belong to the ; gapg.,,Sonter , thirlY toi ,borBos have been found, and:r¢-.... stored to'llielkOivierii, and art amoard'ervilliiny:. trailed to its ththerieunielent 1111. st;!prmen. , BA'Prlann , fic ,TlA.—John Bain; who killed Singleton , far the ',Question of hie daughter, raa , seat to, be penitentiary, and renisidedqbere for two years before !hteould obtain a new , trisi;Arid who is now awalileg that trial inthe ; county. 31i wee yesterdif bliptisd by Rave George -,- berton and r'llilPEltroeffer, and ridelited into' the; A:lathed* ',Chinch', having beeome4Vihnvert . to' that faith Ifrom t listening torthen, Nerodat , of Übe chaplain daring hiseonduement at Columhus—Tvio of Kairo;daughters, one of them, the ;betrayed . ' girl sonkhridkienge, are now i n the',Same son whin himinf charge of clerelenyit both ' of thee, since the sad etent that dedroyedkthis payee or the fatally, haring fallen into ev,l.waYs•—.C.i#.' cinnati, Orropirer,„ Titetiale , `AitiSktra.—Last Monday, evening s horse adapinid'Ai a wagon was driven dowp Bad. King Street: at' Lenoaster, Pa., at orate itinat to. that of 'the , °initial , arriving withilfil majority from • Old Berkt,il and continued atthe iainelae' until the ,Mioeonsoter" arrived sbotit!heifi Way, down the first block s in North Queen *esti when nature ibiled'aiid 'down he went., ,`,Tire men,wer pr6mPtlY onlheilpVt; aniertei t tionsuitatlir.Pr flounced Alnif dia&;:but agreed ;to give hitt,' seine: oats, but notjbeing in possession of the. necessary' medleamints, they turned his nose round toward the stablevoli,re by, Which revived lard • and Ise imthtdiiteiy bet tie *hole. A BEAUTIFUL WHITE SLAVS 'IIANIEitITTEN. —A young , andbeentifut Agnes,Wright, wasieentUnitted in the Probate COurt, , at' Clete' ri• ; nati, by ; ,hert owner; Boubenzirright;nPiNeW. Orleans. Had it ,114 been known. she wag azelave, no one would liaye suspeotid thaeshe had a part!: cle of Arriean blood in her veins, ! Site,load, genteel manners and style ; was as'elegently'dralsed. as a Fourth-drool, , Tire , tpeoullar relation. her late master bore, Ito her is probablyile °nine' of her freedom. ...Agnes would pass anywhere Pr a Cauokision_weniati., A rnWinis l iciri:OsioN outlined last 'rpo morning the shop of a gunimith 'Brotinni street, New York. The proprietor 'of the shop, Jacob Perth,. was.- knocked insensible, but snag severe burns comprised. fartunately,-the extent ' his ivories.,' The building, . old wooden , strap. , lurk was nerlY 'demolished, but;,noteithstanding thin, none `.ht" .the - -"mosebers of Alfr.'Perth's'fa,,, mily, who 000nple& the Second leer; (were injured: , A YOUNG MAN named James Botith,ingedlo, ; was killed at Burlington,' Cans, on Thursday of ternoon , He was Plaointe *heavy plank upon .the • top; of a- high epilei'mhen the* -plank& filly, cimehing ; his head-Andrew „thaw snd, • a., steak' stirsts; - .Amt - smoehed, and the:blbodiargbrainlitidestve. ,a,tv*, - *4. - - em ploy: of IJohlt food.: of Worcester" Maiesebfe= setts, was :shockingly...Mined; on!Friday last. in eouseqbenoe of using burning fluid to.bindle afire., It blased_up suddenly, burning she, tipper, part bf, her body serenely, theugh:tiot dangetensly;„ ; 14:NSAS, elthollghl'Only tout ' eild,''donfaine a" poonlaiipb 'of 10,40, with artn:assessed•ralttation of $8,871,37.51 • It has nine oburobes, ten sehoole, four °daily 'and 'font weehlyvapers, seven job-printing offices, eighty , ' nine lawyere,,,'and-forty - dootors, _ t • Boston, iirrin lloy,Valried Albert t. Ster,Ons, lu lost his lite - on:fiaturdaY last from the careless habit of clinging behind carriages to - get a ride: When he let go thobartlage ' , to:Which he had been-clinging, ardoonribtes: closely following, ran over Lim , crushing 'hie bead, : I - ST. Purses Ciannapig, in - troy, slew YOrk; is to be rebuilt, litit not on th - same spot.. It will be bloated,, du She bilLsoufb .of ,the ,Po,eatenkill' oriels; known_ as Mount St:. Vindent:' 'rather nil-, %arm:ln. eipessis •a' confidant hdpi of baying it •reaily,by--- : • -1".• COTTON - FACTORY is-to beeistablisbed iu Vicksburg, biliedesdppi:7 850,000 - hire:been 'sub; scribed, for the ningeso,,,aud those .engaged in tbe, enterpride• have, no Aare of-beink• able to raise 9380:000, the sum of eels); With'whiohint proposed to-eommeime'operatiOni: . • Tss Mit.Winist itotel:ltehpers • reenritly denied .a toor oonsunintive . weinao, who wee ire: veiling a•comfortable. place to die: ie.,' Where upon. Messrs. Cook Sc Cti,,,,of.the-Phelps ktpdry entertained andoconwaide buried her. Mttid Estant DAssesli, sixteen yearn old, is lecturing in the Bentham Aides on, Morinonistia thedeekhtie of his. and Mrs. Dresser, whdpe estate from Saltrlike City some two years eirdie moles stir at the. time, - • • • ROYAL Monclani owned by John • aregorfl of Northfield, Vermont t died recently, by gettie,4' fssrin his stall. at ,the age of thirty-eight. Tie seemed 'perfectly viell 'up to 'the- day of his death, "and 'Was the Oldest horse khowit, . G . :Wanton op Mlthigtrar; who was re oently Whipped iri a icitigh and tumble fight, le Bald to have ;wound-'op a 'grand spree the. othir day, ,b,r‘ riding hie horse Into- hia own parlor, agd trying lAla fore feet the lieyeaf the piano. -. , • Tug 'Windham (qpnn.) Bank , remtived ;a , 'package frock . New York` cast week, byrexpree,s, eontaining $4OO, which sum a penitent' atlbe con. feasieriaV owned - he' had wrongfully olitairied fram the bank a muncher of years since; A- LITWIFIETM 0011721 Tr (000th) man wirer ttaes what ho calla a "email Nu' comfortable home 's'tead.", .He says. st there : la a barxwbot no lame, od the place." . Comfortable homestead.! OBSEILV#TORY IN ,MilviuortiiirA BB . 2— , Mize Maria Mitchell, the astronomer, is preparing, to'establialt an observatory at' 'le snitable,positinn within the limits of Nantucket, her native term , Mrs. Basin., who' ied suddenly at :Artstel3k Conn v racently, and has since Imien.Siipposedltn, be, alive, was buried on . o unday;leat i all doubt - as , to - her death h4itig, been i'mnoTed Ane,itytwolhOustarid'shad were received at Aleiiandtia. Virginia, MbridaY. — They were Orlin Bah, and' old it from eighteen to twenty-two &l iars per hundred. • ' -• • • Gooo.--The Mayor of Reading, Pa.,bao qr. amid the police to arrest all minors found hanging about bar- rooms in the.wrening. • • - .- I A aux in Maine, who , bad stolen a watob„ gave as an ,essase, that-he was unwell and. his, physiolen,adv,ised him to' mks sorything.... T.IIE -1.5.TE1 fatal duel in hte,tv, Orleans IS said to, baya i he en all abeitl'leoolottdoi, . ; 4 Th© Lumber Tride--Itrifta : Arriving. , , fFieoni the PittaburglilreningObioniile,-Mareh 281 ' ' Notwithstanding The scarcity of mow this year; so essential to the maims ofntho lumber business, the indications .are , that, the supply. will be hut little if anything bellied that pflast year. ,During the last few days the.number.Of rafts that pas sed down the Allegheny was very laige,-and'eVen to. 'day they are still'ranniog In great Cie - entities: large number' found a-market here, while others parsed „down to points below.. Tho rafismen coin plain bitterly of the danger to whieli_they are 4,, posed in running the gauntlet, of the 'ntnnerdus piers -whioh - stud the river at this point. The Boyllo and Charybdis of the ancients bad not more) terrors .for the mariners of those days than the pieta of our bridges for tbo raftsraen of ours. }lf ttior escape one pier, they perhaps run open attother,:' though , through the Weedy°. Outten, skill and nerve of - those hardy voyagers, but,' lbw accidents have occurred thus far this season.A board .raft , struck on the piers Intended for S l im Isterthwestera Railroad bridge yceterday, and later. in -the 'day a similar accident occurred opposite "the city—the rafts in both inatincei being , shat tered to pieces.' - The fragments of the ! latter ware_ ',aught near the. point, and severed, ,What be come of the former we did not loam TheAlleghenyiyhar usually so dull, now pie" sonta quith an animate d appearance. - 0 rowds of red abirtd throng the different honsos of entertain ,lnent slog, and,-the vendors of galvanis ed watches, plated :jewelry, ,Imiken bills, and " Old olotheii" are doing a soundling trade among them. An '000'81441 'free taht is -also gotten 'op, bat 'rinse the partial purithialloir.of Irwin streeti of , the "rata','-which Intinisa gone •by mado;it their, resort, disturbances of ,this kind are not so fre ,quent, ,as Wore, and , generally of : a . blOodieSS charOter. - • Worms on' Trees. For The Frees.] . The writer, "Pa Pierre,", in yesterday's paper, makes a small mistake in:entomology ; , t If - he. examines the cocoons! hot speaks of„ he will .find'they are the mere ahell f witb nothing in them—the biltterfly, or miller, a• it is sputetiiiles called, having made itaway through a bole in Om lower part of the 00000 n and deposited its eggain the bark of the tree last, fall, The: properi.tlnie to destroy them is before the insect 00111Q8. 4tit, some time in Eepternbcr.. • •''. 'zßespegtfully, 0. Si: El.• • 11 IL ' 4F' . tip ill 4 laiiiiij,o-aVt , t Etl , , 4%1,0 1. 1 44.4tref VA 2 1 ,A Al Wt. 011; •AriP 1 ~..„ i. 1 .. • , A': i 6...aiiiii ij i t iii n iiiiir ars iiiii t kilf!A ' 7 A1413[011( Ailiiiiiiilit *Val.." 4i . 13;00;.2it ' 1, 3 0 ', Atal:Willwatellilita.P.Vd=j4l,i - n '-. i ' 3 ' . ' - r? ,W466•61.5t:i /Iv 4 4. 0 , 444 L 11 .4 6 _4 4 +W1MAP1it. ' 3 44 3 4 fieltriren atotn:Z. 4 etkreiolotp4g, ,, 1 ..., ' 'ltiV c rrtititr4hiiirticii•iiiii.l-4 41 1•461inleilitili n : ,-- -41ItOrilorit. foriatriTrako"7alt i tn e p•I .11 Uat. • - -. NA1101147..0140te1." 014140 vAk1r" ttercipsnyn l3 '.llimeetrfi' ale , .. , izarllict , pa •••••.. , 4,1 ~,, ~ 11 3,o'_i c .1, , , i In<lClni: 7,-..ft',,t1.1 pi , ..„ ~ ; ,tot,toteir or, roe Agra. --,B4rOtolom•Vrlatatee I, fr Pavia se Ilort pgr; ( ere Rept•talit o , ' / hrotiti•oticont ' ii•tirisi:-*liitfetishiiintd Ptillsi .9•Ior froO9Pfrrel7salristhrosoprltetre•-••4010011., . Trioitturos e•mterves.--Zusehor °Penh Doste. 4,o patedtteli,Taitili,thl ' ';iiivoinstivt- * ' ' ' ! elleiitic*.tutt.mmektroieetarbt. . ti , - - " - , I: d I.- :-., .1 0. , .. , 7 • ' ,-, r: - P ^ , ;:. s ;Jo e'sl . ~ , i i ' ~, ' Pig 1fv4.P9.1)W. / '. 1,119-4 4 :13 , 01 1 7 A l figl°z, _ r e' stembJed.4 44 nornyreenalitgy) Kr. CoFarTeo.l.o,o4l:o4: he'siltortee Wet° eiittiely fiuge 'iiitik,fotii.''T' • 4 .„....„„...k.re,......,...,„iibe ~,,,,,,,,.... . ;Oct Oorlottil•goi,'l3ft Oita@ ,••1' tiete•ttaiel r l "" k Itere etrefteleil by tlittlO• 4, jihinsjOrSss.,, 1, ,-,• i ,-, .• Od snOtliot. the tillble ohil** ll l inti l b' 7":"! A Pinseurita. ~,, .„ {-, , -, 1 - : , 1U, , ' ~ r',..: ,, f,..1 - , Tit. BAT.. „„ 1ri5,,..0t irprjoli t And P5 ,, ri , J4 , 71, r . oneldetloitterluee, caste lowa thihti ClO•ferent . ..":.‘ ',wail:mitt or •tit• aittlrg Wadi irtook,t)oserrtt t In was Totes. ilium !teetotal , - -4be,trtri e In kiodst• tiottitstetie-eo•ditioirt %Vibe 61 .br t • yo r pr o •lnel' i orite•rrili o ii l9 69ll , , ,, - ir,,,i,p: MA:: Li ~ Aggroritte msatA w3re..,„. . . . • . „ „ „Moja° , ~Icl , liibtliklei. .... . . .•.1 ' • -- ' ""-.-241413 '..' '''i . i VililtiATso - 6iflr.t X:l'.,k 1:::: , ",..: Net, ,. , , er_uertil I, TWO lOVIIir kArrlOlllallriow,m7llll.-31 f,ifie; -Writ . , •• . , , ;ii , • , 1 -,- Or -- • " 1111 ' - ' l 4l O 'At LdifinnittZzgoilie" '' ' ' ': :...17046 4 1 1 ,1. 5 044,164U0i14.44, '-1 4,,inocrguit 5 , I '._ + ..• '...., : , 1 , ...t , 4 clif , ^ j 4l el , 447. '2 • ,At Chitsio-2Botilm.i c '' I t r, ' ir: =7" -- - 1550 , 40601 ~ /: . r "' l R 1 1. , ? - 1...vm.r i4,030 ;. 4 ...—x_..._ -• /,- . 4 .: ~, ~-, ..,. .g , 1...: .141121124 . At St. LopteroPerlediette •10.0 kt 601 • = Vlie i et eileo r ef the yowl. etaeantle II 66 92r 49 - the' dieweste,trore .1416 AO (02444 40) aetesseeoliztettier; Buda =N - AtitlVll ( ZWArk,#;E t ti°l: 3 4l All! ehru1 , 04 , :e 711 3 blignalcired4o o M444lo**l col: es 4114 alplee le o.l99lnesti,ate447, w 0 In 1141 tie , 4oll.Tt?e , ,Wiitaiti ltAiirttiiinAitWiele.nLeitte6N4 tn 9 s.isern qP nu l a ,Vc?4 o . l ._ - Pdp4vo,o o 7-7/I9 "'a , the Church; 41,9 eve oftde - 41 cow 'ef trios,* 'y , preete et the column:tor t1ie4.44K444448414141412e014.81 onA Wipe degaotfas lame, eio6,areeento rid trtsetpr Genersi" oenterhiee'.en'teefeekerof quietest remel 4t :SU:MI.66. ,P.Thiet Coromeottry alirktilonr• -rnlnna.nt 3 n A 0 ttrrtoOe tlANrifir-bnen ' O 9 .4: l o 4, l;:ttielitetyolieswiat be .1- os,tie !tills ; fora IWay, 1660 •., ta :Liz' 1 - et.w j...i 1 / 4 .:j.1 $ • .a.v,t, pe ox4l4ltif Pile elißelquiti PnliT4w"A'""l'l ~ '4 Wiercuiliee iriCluellitisti swam '•it2W,Eittr 5 •ll , 'C i bicegoi.M99a ga t4n13.t.,44604)11800,00k.,TA oti.emente were re'terre4 for f7rWi0441?"4. 4'. 7, 14WaYopor40 , thetienittaiiilliatikirOolailVW44 1 1 4 7,4 ' titliOg o,4 4.ThittelOniah44#lo_4l:-L;:i 1: . - T 4462 4.m1144.4 041144 F ostoraer ir Wt erelf he Melt istrelleiral+ .?' 4 iLi ea ,q 4 : , - 1 . ,, ••,. t 'Q n i Sun t z t„A 4 . o9l4 r l P%/ 1 0/•?4 ,8 . 1 Vi11i11.,i, ~ 'Chi .rti4 i oust-4. X. Atid•rionz,,X Itritts.,,,_. 70,".! . . ?t t orepet:-.T.,lttewobit insole,. r o. tit,' , OA Otance,-.T., TtanapannvA. YV. , Wilbp, T., yg. Rim, - pa - aa.7. Vir,:ll , rtbur,'V.K:tiitnrii;°;:ti.:gai'air. - '.. t - do treiiiggraittsl=-De.06610 `41 , 1,6 1 11t061 , ;=.7,441 , 11.1 921,Tract Couto . ,4 ~11,1kosser. 4'... 81404 a, 9,.11,1 , 0.0" Tliknbeaa' "A :"Jalkd" Jl"T:ltildr: !tritinSctbbafla:Oaie r sa,4ir.alattai'M D. OstrifFoYll ilit , Ittini.iti-s.f4eOrge Ileitio'cle; T. s! 1 / 2 11644,' , .. ~ ,T ba,, S eapoilia.-AVr iCeablar* Tbotimi.VOWira ' Tbomag W; Dlarttp,- Wilt i tato ll,‘ Itedomotail,:plat l' Ire , 4o , ereteecittietie4l ''''''''"'" l '''' ri•''''' ..! ~T hs f• 001 1 . 11 . tit P.P.m9g PIMP .0 1 *.fltod , t9 skberle` 00016, J . 111:81osonaerome racrfemattt.7'hattee tdOutiseer. .- .sieiont. Piktrerea , O. ,, Ti HarTeeltl , 70 Na ,11 C0raft: 0 a Gibson, L. B:Nusbes, N. Frew*, E T. 11..aisay.i 1, Da. Haniol j q. Y . cooper, rf 'w .., Xleanam,"l.:„CH -, 1 iingeCl 314 -c. ci :In fLIT: r . 4 .!.?,r.;11 , s.:, m ;,77 41 'bhp fellooing degooes.wesCiotecined.:ateit, tile's, 'ebaraeteri parsed : 7.`lY:'6'igitE V: Mr: Ilfigie; zu q.. trotmeook .cs :m: Wheetari.ilVlNtsenvgleglitalAgbp Frac ce. 8. T,.. 0 ardtafr.,..Wa. V,# , laa..p.-IC - ficAtairtvit,t ftv; M. 100p -fray- A , 11:e'ledpOet, G. T. Bair', ma Mr, Ayarit, J ; ikrek.'.. , W,f (el'AUb3l)lo:lllrattettiVT-t r i C 111 1:714 - Alta' iiiiie bittiirea' siCiieittir. l l'ilgo vII 4 IIWO o. tbe,einsysa of Akio steqy, pat' seep at to ipait ACATI; • kiarlittop4ah"tiikaitaiitqr.:ltir, r.combeht4tar r b t' *Jenne-nab bas rafilgbelailieleet litifinialiablailiCo • pcslttca to :that, , preap4bad. ,, l ll ;_, , Pauga.Wittf. : , .. 11 appeers4 only to tie Motterl - qtrett II Istory,.. „is meet' lied largely or titimiehleterlec - - la'aletfolimeliiteriirleg COPlotlooB 141 .,,P 1 9E10n - t.,9 tr , 4 7 1 ,u14 1 •C' Su 4° 1 1° 1 0 43- wattles*. ' - ' . ' )i;.„Tba -,- ,Bam Mears. , Nana, Marrar aaldlp Wyl P9rllga, iattlaonan? Rtiare,malntialuy •; entiteranio . •— )„ -•—i . , ,-. - , Thelmudgese - of Ittre,atelicaga vial taYeILEILI The ill. 1 wee 0410. ead,theee her.iag,elsl,„merespossieVp.tlis r chaise. •"'Tfiii stetrirds, ocattpileeplaceihrtaitstdd a alai.% raoalvotjhe egkolratg orcaolltatlonlisOclrrt a s. iburche L „. • - - '' , •tiaring tlie 141,341 : 0ot age eilliatligeritiilileli' . nosy aa ,tionty,gooferanot4laseialftMatisalraval, oonyertallop; swinge Oillerieo,bilolet,l,,blgys O. 11 of WO* Owl kiloWthisitial, a` sleet spectating., op.stetrg,.prorrielejnOllllol4,pt, inV}1 . ..4,11 fotiadliata lei &sada in 44 body of llii abure4. - ..s tee claithir or-Iniethrin iireistObea<tarisfileteirigr atimi.Wlt . tg,ga ,ottfectiew 'MC avettat - P-Aakamtar., I thtai;teellitipaitln'tbkiteitrotgeieralintit'area ) toteatete apd6ctiwo-trde hl , vote Ff. t• e iinembertideeldtdillitease;* The (Hahn MOO) of at, thettihd. :writhe wile and tint obildrencbadlabOnet;f r. a year , In the tract rerviee,wee ,refeled,,, Ott groped, thit 'inch irrifittiettld bi'int.lejnetlee tti cniter aline! Pee: Poathet B Wh° 4 ll TVA', lik#A# o "l 4o 2 . 7Per Ike" nein ,fleieral Motorman eerneatfy contended that tbp private "airootnatarieeit 'Of pone' benthieigieltoild matte dwelt upon anr.aceuarligbef,orpthnpqlolle.l,sf,bectlawd• of Stewards were' tally eentpetent to lottli all thee.. idateou ,- t -1;1 - ~Theßeir. Idegotobe thought that- thepubtle shoed& know -what norldeee theie are coidge4l:s4 to nuke; s t r .'vrhePatroggles and statrlngelltiVeavitle eltenetiler o labor to tho nano of , p!..? ft, The "Rev; ;Ooondp,, .tben Petro twist.i d others ,jaingd in the dleeneelorh tylkdi tra,eoptina , by •co-nroon consent: beYdri' thehonefized Per - a - , agragiarit. • - The report of the tresidiey of thee idtteation fund ' referred theldoinmlttee ' The econteay of free tielteta wen nntandedlo.thacot, 'femme' by the Second and Tblrdetreekißalliennt. ' , After :'eeteral • abnouneere eau , frondr— taree, ft d i.?ttr.,4 6 .410 4 0 1 ±44ia11:041491 0 * 9- 1 .and prayer r ACu LEicar.—[We publish the to twists challenge at the rigneat airri4= , c glove' , be bete thtioweidoWli tie iteeip`ot.`tti wltl baveaddltionalfacilitlai r ,fdi dieplaidesr 1E441111014a" lar, robot In enfolding, the hidden, inget,erteltef `Wtlt you do Inc 'faviirfci give pribilettirtkvonib doluntriejto the r follovilinr7cita2l , ' , your deilnestiewto tke r folloWins.eitalternis to anynkep te. ,in the lJnitedr Siaieo. to debate the following:poi t ' vie': 'that 'mint flue' many milagrenhe wbith can be proredv.brielidon and , itaturiela laws, tolaci herd their origin ream a Bonne above the .reeek othtunin intelligence at thationt Alley wertlrly 4 ul' " ' • I shall not ttedertelte,toornett tLsiUileie,as alitstory` of mnokled, for some four thititempt yeare,,to,bestritt.: IT bus • in all lta'detalle sWhatever MY owl" 'belief be).'ner,rbellT bolt myself responoiblet to itothse any Objeattona °Fetich" eihietido not bear dfrecify. tmou*" , jematat saran - de: ' "E. , • • t; • gtclog the. subject. to the uublie mininbletc. under thecaptfori of ii'lfeturee; Slier Pr - Mole. DzfitietiVand. their. liatnicily trithethe read of the Creation. the, Peluso, 4ko.,..7llndleatod Otinieiredini with ." The"ileginnlng f, 1; pr' " Eternity, .Philosiphically etonelderel,” I shall limit comments on ibis chapter to atjtrometny. and Innyn geo. ...logical objections ho., , ituantwe'rd, until Statism) the note normeetederith the tieliigit'Obele Diviner' mime th e cousiderationl. r .for order -is nee-trotrywitka outlet:tee camprehrulire a 4 d'itnpO r rtint ; Should any elreptieleeldfiented the 444 glans," taball require., for I:tmortant reemons)that objeatione'dr'sraurnen•nitill be in the form a' epno.ing panphlete whiehlaball etyeet to 4 , reeive cooids; I shalt eoeconsider myself reapovit blp i tp,apsyslr, old ki tinne in link otheiway.- Editors tn.° , her places:through the eau; cop . . _ _ _ ter a. foipi by giving trui chat lenge an tomert'Oe hi their *damns.* ••• - "t. I; OITIP32AN. I •- Tut'. Oortvimixonr of' SAbbath Selma]; tit. , the idethettsf noit yinitioile'attertitwje, at two o , olock, In !the_neten.Ohnrein, Iteiteltv near Arch.-,owing to t4e.ufgily Amin - pr•ruisi at tie the iitteotneee wee thin.. It was opon.d wtth 4., neon!, etoialioh.,‘ltfter'Orldelo'llrothet IC Peterson weselonted p_hooldent, sert.ThontelaonsoCses•ete7.: The: iteretary <tilled the, whielt,ocenplot.emze. times aftei"whielx, ether' buitneote in relition to Om tri ettot t hetere,. the tentrollgOlh t.tg/h 1 6114.4102 910. &a., Wee trensactol, and, the eentrentton i oft= • ' PItrVATE Samitifi Otritarir Smith's Company, Bth- Xatitarl; r oei Wednesday. IDs funeral will take Vats Thideikeineljobied the army in 1895. and earyed limier - General. ,Taylor. until Gen erafikott wee sent to Mexico,. when,he aka tranaterred to the' t coin`mand "'the . latter: "Ite .woinded at the battle of Ohurhhnace, Augimt 20th- while engaged with the sterinlogparty,:tlehme enjoyed" , penilou *Moe hie return' home. "- ' " • niriata hll4lisel 'Von was nolidinitted by Alderman morning , to anatPer the charge Cr an attempt lir - loopier: , AberiVirtee o'clock on the evening previous, Michael, while intoki:- eated, enter d a lacer beer eiloon at the °ornerier Fourth and' Oath:tribe streets; and get into Au alterea: Lion with the proprietor,: ObnatiattLßeagler. 'Dolor the wrangle, Fox drew a knife, Withlrhiett heatterept eitte stab If ergier;hut wee fens:rated end arrested., •Tnn Fran in tbk•efoio;ssl' , YitiMilifi:'Aillold, Nusband, & err 'Hared to have been, pnielyabehlential , Ail '6lretim... stancee, which attlie It - 11;109°10d atispielotra, have been eiplained i v th 9 firm eceopying the building varyeatis. The slant erigitt of the fire ie still a mattes , in question, bat 411 suspicions as to its helot the work of design have been remove!. . - - . 'A HOUSE in' Cat'toe etfeet, .1,)910! Tenth, waallearched - bi officer Nulty on Wedneeday,,Whit Iri. , ceiered some 'property Which is aripioxed to bare,bieia Stolen. k number of the artiolee were ideift"fiedby the proprietors of Up) Maabantaal,Bakery, ~..kqualltity, or harerars' yet ragas at the Fifte,enth=iraid station bowie awaiting e n owner ..; 1., E - .l , '''.' 4 - ".;•':.l. ••,, • 1 ~.., . .AN ATTEMPT WAE made! Ye.derday by xi.: Birch, the auctioneer, to sell,Bobbs , a celebratedtpletnte, thee , . Bull Broke L005e, , . , pat far iyao of A puffin ant bid, it wee ttruomeetiful. ' !Tile pitearoffered Wia $4OO, but it was nbt abeeptilble. ltia.telia r gnpuid aeon'sai the engraving or; this pictnreviere eold:att gee. r , The copies of the pictiareoffered were withdrawn. Tee.ilie.upsre je, the case of Mrs. 11B.dikitic 'eteiged Witb;pindueing the death Oilidtastoppist, 1 , 4 poitotheeti by' Alain:lan Vhcimaker . In,eos n squertell of tali. abieliab of tha -. District Attorney , i.fid a' +'e 131.1, paxtaatorrcaeaa. • It will be resureed Ahler.tioriethe 4 8 &Clerk. : • ~ ... , . .4T 1:. DATE hour on : , W , e4belOay, evening, erjoi‘ clothing In the bonne of toairlcl ItialeKNo, 1510 'Brook attest, back of the'illoihnth•gthia station-fienee tobk fire accidentally. •t• ifited Otinik , Wtire l, rpeedily BPPPrestedby the police,. Aware; children, 8104408 in the room, narrowly ermtped imiTheation. „. " ~ • ' TIIBItn 18 NOW lit eimille aroniriitiiiri. lii me! . „ a* a new itolitatiitiliai.iikay, and which - will be mostly colutpaanf men who nerved lii: the hid:lean war.; It Will probably be nadael the Beott• Girard.: The inn oil is In Fourth et - est, helor Copier ! ~ .„ -•', ' - ONE" gTEkItEII Herntna was „arreete4 on INClirietida3;, on the charge of coMmlitingrideasialeand battery upon linilly Denny; With in iirtetit toldu. . nil was held in $l,OOO bail for a fortairr,heatieg; , , i 1 • .„ , , . A NEGRO named Stephen Hopkins, was arr . -_ ;egad en Widneedey in thelsrentteth , leant; on `t e . , charge of having aat ntainetsgria7law,i/laseresarianr • nor,' vttha ruler. ' • ' , ... •' • ----- IgnoiT aOIIIIM bor - • aee yd b 7 A s nam• Of UN *if Ua'i' - ' 11. 11 4 i - grei:Prlng, Tt . aoii~ets is the ri 4 **, 61 initua - - =MEM Militiell , , , A C6` ,- ' l, }s ~!; via "Am — ghittiablitalowasiiii6mo stil4.>l.o'te'aintilitiit*:#l4lk• curried limo; Ow WWl* liiAilftikAidaithek the reseurees th,eilmegsens t g aeiuth% tie ballet' "A* t h t OI4 efIFIVOIN!',",k -z.e.& ; , ', ii i ithirsimuolloakitcoortfei~ciosunit 4(trartiogorn tsVoligidal is . winglyolikrebbarikieophkikii Acgslavi fgadollroploviit liiikatiruifteimiartioteitaium Ompolfithilkle ;aplta. - f i 4 'IMAM 1 41kf Aleavali•Oroui. PAT"' grtPle .9!" l 4#4l l liele Silk Pon- NtINaMP.MIt- *A.lt4lfeitYagitilflOpPTO- Vl lV P. S-/ A 4M M l4 ,NAM i dlailird lo 4 l. an j ltoe M u = d ,m 2_ , P4LSf o xlio.l4o"4 elqrAeft4inkft to ~ °I F _ 4 tol AtliMic!ra re Wl** sp 4=9 l ili tiiihr 14 ,1, 16 4 t 4**y e`uogoli% jwkr-..fitS9_ ..1 1/ .slt n t'AlAss&qa..: , frtY Actultiullisw4t siosei'untad; 9 4.. y bunt mil aim og rowan • „:„. '"'.int• iii6i4l;' 0.4.044r14.0.4 ' - ..- ',--. i wk.. -- muctibsr 4 =f4sit s zkva m v.r. a' u " kut f l r m ,sit t rAtoftai so I IU i. , 4 . 0. ~.. = Ise lettellr-' - pt"r"? -- , wot-1,11 i" . , ~ i p m , s - 'That I! hi a a ' Pr-4 '' '''' ' '' I'' teetrot MM. ~,..k - tall" lade Aloe'o 4 .adtd;ideldiftlidst dliildisrali kinig ie. Wait '; UM •%tioaki& ilk lot beet He the bible ot s4sst to „,.ttlet es**, toassitYtlissniesteann ' Salto . , aarAeal c iti i . 4 'a Mit UM Vtldred dlthedeet eiree's MO MN Mr IOW& Ow at vain, ' ar. —llia iil47d simki4 veg. to, web 4kgriOat Wit big ,IBirmadgikitiod nal, 'mom dereedeet wiehed-to egertil.o4....l"ywhtek anida agreed; they, rent over to` the taarisj whom t they cease to the owelethehieteot: tellselteditihie Us de. riddr. st iaOl'hlreratldea Ws ltNedieed; wee Vie tea% • 2-ssits, a e sot tedOP, blow- , oornos. Asa ma it all tilt butt bias mph, tie Wen hewl 'mummy vatrals bisthos;alelekkiliepe”eAheat Inealipl i he enansVainet of w !app. =4 , 0)1.444 oiti.-).06. tosodel;b_ t bowet elterwerde he, , , fr 4 o.vaaiketasevisequeuttada.rwee Ise OpiteltA so. thinV sotto on ttentotnotollintoeenellotatoVilta• oil* ; live Ala Plett JO sll4ltelptst.Ortio Peplarost tike tadletee cithte eantl. - I - lel' ties - Viem...epelt. marten) exeedest on hattbiSa raiddOiew eig /dew Wile' Ite eiVagiees,, • ~* Nee iffttleteffninotwoe fro, ei hie sant, 1,14, met non to Astiototoads by Dr. to: P' 'Oro . • Bemis* lodhed to ' MAW Ere foetal:. or saes imstlalea Wr 5 ` ,, 1-,1'4 4 1,- , i1. , '. P0r.4. 1— _, , tr. iimitv.am targ - gram tg they were:very Oret .. .1 seciveket A 0 04,1 , and • eiestber apse the elkeedr , vw 0, 1 , .1-. ww - r - 1 '"LDIII 4 . - t?ltlltrtelialletlettelkettlrestletreltreCankeek 'lmst4t at grZr•A l pft ir etelotaVaiwiWi . 1 0, Ng initikeFe ~, .p. i reel ass Ahr et asyrsres, stoatplekt oitlintrotebe nhillOwtlnesiiik•AoWi inn werdttonlyw rez0ti.„..,„,,,.......a, 7 , 44 - ro.r. , :i.74,m=artura,,,_ st at littnethet,tsdroistil bototorlis finstarte, onteinsosa inch pf the *aims gier lesule,htate Vltld,wit Mat it oat; heneeth' the beehive we• Iqedd Clem ele el hi/moor/ad'peottiotookkst!,l 1i , wit *Nit two -'s iti Is the death bi , 06011211#812/ the hada '; teireedd Wet a •I V Cl a el . hii i ihniZrAa°, f t necifz; Itottblosa code, sot intit Mon 110. test Mill *;0 , VW'. ol i : e v ~,,, ,, Ak0m, , ... ....... % i ~,,,t.,,, brans* rthrosn or 41ib *ell 'OW tie -Os snit libliailtio ft trsnth et lef4 Inch dbleht Alert ere: Mee meld rre9inte /he AO l iLitaigft-iti Amok Irmo 'ely M oral e p ' t tble.toted-Sol „ pam shame I thoosist, _whew thlt /le #4,l„freehld, • beed apes toteethiseiM eau M e' ad •' T *Opiktil•GM..lll4ltitt "lie Ilainifirt the /reel , 7 lA' the b'nfrot Wino 40intot &IA:: lioattlp IV, tointjeo rfies= n d *9 was Traesaredle overate Mir Ilea lane IWO* the pellet theaddithavihilild Wm ißreilli ;Aka NOV -WO just In Snot of 1 1.1P,01/frtht tottoolse-# llll o l k was A - tile MI of %eters; / yew. see wets/ era Ida seed) belt Ina iltotsPosituirt "" r '' ' ' , '.... A' se immottsee—l totelories fleaNtrillift beabli4rive mode thefreetere arltkhit . Mt; , fle fir ustosjosuet hitteis (autt twev Irani iso h t•itx!oulpircula fAretili. !tam sin oteld' sot toot -into ItOtato it 41411s mitIt'elie Z , e a Ve ti Vletio temity, ,-, - n• Melawd Sew* Xno no I._itst, _heather a &flag tar visrt lielpigaileyfts older thee I em; be was Mond inoelansiopsinites; , l a Cr o pl i o ns i tcr„,..,,,.***AF T =N= e . scored P"terieltlifihrbilleeWaranksifislllliereeml ; ,4 44 aro ysstrterellivkartmatowtsioseeeleOW:abil lehil. Tin*, tor tulip merit wY . 0 141 1 41 1 4 t InitNi* 1 SionottaliAtcolskfto , WittlinelroonfOro fost r"ea:lA .l h* rivet s ltiraMM* l "ll 4o, `TeritililtOriliv t. v allOitiftej4ll/ 1 144,/Mumetd taaa7 It- 101 4.1.0e ; 1 Zel i ZrAll I tsort =NUT .". it= 7„: , wined. eat end posed arstne to all the perthatvoss the 40 40 141 4 , "k5t 1 0 0 .1441 0 tin Inn, MIAs vii *oily stoilltd,"•se eteltogint AsterrionAt Met/ at WWII. virriittrdeiStitjs*au that i -AeiM t. gaianolg* WTM,tsatiVlo,l4laiak astkitiooiltr ab dc° 64w eUT* beelfotne ; tanoessonen 7ltd'sAwl A telAbxl4o ro 4 o ana s rp n pro , ~...p eetertwevity.letheese to 'ateric7- 1,4 - 1144, • • the fattUilinteriefil dialpettiest, Ilk OW 10 0- 7wdlek gr " t t2ra lh t i # o . 6 4 l4 Where t_Wittiliterosedi "Wirclorniclie - gamethe lefantint'e-Vitisl4l4 - C4clitillUidrialetiniewitobatieg APorl tbednratintitit*Wriertillitnta i teawthir c outside of Ilir;traCtenntar., t tame ant; scrylottitheentutiticliclettellclr. ; fondant teaks isarkeelotlis -liettfeibePialfilair ,rind Awe latenin attblet vtles flleint4ent iremet inuded bijitharr,orthonitrtelst - Cilicica i *tam initthirdifenteatltill ilentnnlioltlOnitinttg teneenedPhim et Analog. that rind hst nee filtnbee!, 4 1 m defeeilanktaid yen did thic - ht it, nd retitticlig - Yonlor - itheforifininigo `.tiottielitAtglit; TM& Viihini tilt rind ; Afflintofettitit oftleanYbstatt entioY AID; toortOthellt ; - -,X. , ealg Al- *reet na,Myt . ft.LmY beadier dalclini.imitinstio nen* . it of *one tile" Wheal didniotsle it filfeeettimi emote& in thllonle fondant and acknowledged tbaltelelptintrike hinti the deraedaniLdid not - ,ajtkosti - r,_ to: be , ratified - With laii,7seit , said- Would 'ea' inethar for a lt; ;lbw, degandent mina ,blotber -tbrierAtti some _words., about .itt , the defends* annetng„.7r7 brothel. "Of 4 ,iliticiWitie, 'arid: my, brother' - it do if•,T..thcldefiedasitrithetc hrtitedi- MY; biotin ui 6 o' bbriMirrir thlyawilto. - liovw, said: ; a! II ..r;:wialtle.l Oyer meTifit nowey win Melte retifiritt ;" mictirothir ritcltiotiel;4 It' yea Whet*); litikeant4 do itltoritir-ttiii lieleadaiat bald ha Would Inokartrike.iint; thrre; s ech.to noel olisr,Suithe tuatitet,loolunCiat again tatticliiithat lee *mid 'strike hintclirsf ; bibtheivtliin'ilingt neg . ti the • multothtnetritthillet tikeYlint eaferastierniddht of thomartet haele,:when. boither'to ' We brother ettiw ; „the ',defendant WM Xlinst:gonit stile :mop evrotl.l not do ro; they then both.; Out*.,rittatlas hrol her, a little in atincee, sind lasd,int ea. far as tk nattinee-wity - - bitween the - fttalle- tuyi brother's flee eneturneltonitn.the peaty las had ,jante left, When the "disfendent gem iipz a leow.,6olpelrienria, stria the 'vide or the h'dati; abbe* ger rib, - RSV tb :Oasts* a little am 'hot he* 110.. etre* , Met. with; WAY: bro ther did not gun " low 4 eentinh: for, hie body ,to blush thinintet atilt • dot fill ringsinry ben ' thin/114pin hcioni netballeent.int unalowwwouch 40.tenchece anfAbegteb-iifriflWrittew:tben street at'bloe'arid kldikeA fib defendant's Int yff Mk head; the defoliant then street him three or foe . titan* Kr, KeZoonkbe *mit eletattekttt!rtll u otor• - : 1 0 4 the, Once lido of tbe ptroet.,treen - be Same , over and •truak , the pitrttel_;* MY brother' wild; ti tnat- mu a mtorlirdir Ithorleuutruck - etkotimiciaofAtte petty 'no. my _troller If he , ,wes hurt. and bn oh no. n-t murif;' , my bretlion 114:11Innlbe and tbanietarted to go IrMiet?atal - nitrinitt 'paid that be was reply hurt 4 little in the beak pen of the brad, and bat 'imp tiny", „ (The defines &sleeted tnthe testfweny j of 'what bismish Objectin override/ )'`nirt.fin make - or bighted 14184* him - Ite'wes et AVM cod tinnier streste: on p ie way bow* ;we went leg/the/ try nee Roar., when inybrothee 0014.4 mid belted with ttriVer b'e' friends stained West and ?We who nretth hie: Wm Mewl toff nthatreit.kborel i celar, broths; mune Into Itite bent-Meet threvidontsw at: ,qty, t*r ram. and dinirg Yeeto his nominee silattee itheiniXselsiiihifoene Into the house, but he did net .dnenthjenlabt,:lnit _went 4 lently,lntri,the kitchen Om aftennirds rime cut and ght belle 41114 b bad'." bruited, lte werieintm thil'hitetten. stennittestitte. re. suained attest Anne minutes etuncltencircla sense ant i 'and pot the '..bottli limier Minoan' sajleor is'emidt'ded heat off tithed:" clintitierreto shout AetswientoetAnik:Vosn' went Jelbed wit ‘ b my brother; I lied lipeckt4 bed, aliettakig, an tort, 7. 0 a heard' an harnrestafon.. (Expellant not being nett in alideisee-1 Ithonahtthcwas In dream tI . tooted at .my. brother, and Ike was ;wiling for breath ; me aunt ,wet etandtrW aloitelde Of seattlang for the 'pot t where be complained of being injured; aunt attended bloc- shot ;fifteen- minutglE , whin , .flt;kettelniutiort ,seleatl; we sent for a ,phrelelan . ;,,hit rensitined. neon ' salons from that time until the titun,iif his Moth :1)r. }Wei pun, and amid not distonr-viluttWasi 410 Mat ter ;• our family doctor Cu Ink for, and earn; he 215. mined In an neconselons • condition log about Moo hours; tin time oft isiastilleinureenntlroteleielt upon 'the day rolletriortheaoteuresoe.i Cron. exeralwd: um:aged tesnir atm years, and my brother mnint now ne otkertneetylnee years old If he had lived. , The defendant and b.d.a, Vernal ineral ream 41'0, Craftier Was earner, end been to hie buttuota only put of this day: of ihe, res- Ourrenee ;' he 'Went it granular in thenrternoolni ][.. 121.1. not newer brother troth eight'orettiek in the worsting 'until about elghtnteloek Inthisitintint;: I wattpregent during Bathe eeristreseit* fh ih.;dslistelant suit my brother r. tbsdefendantwea eating. a ienteleaft ea - ;the- tied atrarkdam, and Tait bet romping, On trial., . UNITED. ~STA',l'te iptclifltiOy ~ Cotiiiff-L4nage Cadwalader:=,SeeterdsiZudgeAwhinisider charged the jury in the ens Of Peter Barn!, charged-with making onitterfeitnisteey; Otte whibrthey retired to dellbe rote upon_ cr tartlet. The prisoner was' defended by • Wifiam I hmilift Do gliirty k in very elecluent trona IC Hall wee the agwochit4 tooled tortbl defateNC,The ,jury intind:andin /*Mit an hone rehired stialliet not guilty.. • - • , The.ekse of iloodenwiti trim eailed,np yettetila.y for the purpose ortihing the deg for ;frial. The defendant aearged upon twelve or fifteen 'billy bullatment. Ety Consent'ot counsel the 2Stit *kV of April was Amid for trial.. Adjauralc , SUPlttlir. 43.0uR2;=-111:11tif *ice _UsWrie, ,ra Roofs n "'aid ' Stienk-- Shim oriel apseal Theor t dir ttl quail hpotar Wahl oraa was met Wee. t irrupt, ~.; . • - Yanh'fiertinkmaPit' Lennie Bailmait;itiortinistratent, ko , of Jelin th.liattitiszWdredated;Vs. grrog to tad Mutt ofernantn - Pleen of Carbon county. This rest wan an nettle& thou.& Trmo cu mi -Mie of $1,200. The defendant traltedtotalselli.2(lo, and Cita tree aloes; ;'„two_noteg,Arclatbet atioincling en tint eon, Were even in payment of his note. and began - he ob tains ,the money the ruirciea be whom the note' warty drain, felled. and brews/ unable to getither amount. MOO to gaythe money on the ground tcl' no consideration, Argued. • ,;;; ; ; , ^`''-4Paiti. 1-SVCIO. va.zthe aware alittitelzeofstrlnuretin oeurpany. Iwtit4 2 . o . .lftdrttooPti n. - ,BeflWe lelarrtCd• 38171 4W ll'ratil&l4,e/ieek4t stated-chat General .Morrisof,thia eity,bas hopreppointed obeitel'it ROM: - We irrity - emp_to be lieve that tharepart—istrue,.heosuse it *Mild in rive the *talon from cepa ,cf.114..)V,1fl Irmo =one of moot oolipetoni;:aiiieunplished and popular gentlemen the 'AO efigi,'iterittiti of the .Governineut.s Hie plabe - st , liaerreittnot be made good pot nen Au:Loom:give of any party neces sity for his removal which weld be metly.the ep porn mint of thCsexitleinin deelnittscliei htsime come rot the pteininVit'all'AVlittu.Lies prefer to 'consider aft tepid' as prinsitiiiie. - =N.4 York Doily Times. ;‘ lraolizatairja , green-groter 3n lrillama burg,',Naw[ York,: 'the - bud or a fesill# al: Art grope pp ohildreo,jelopedrlast weak.w..titot fat widow, ..the mother „of.,savoral Ift7f.and members of the b,tiOnti.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers