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' 1 11 -.7,:-. 4:000, Shot#64ot tbotrastesttsg; .; =',;‘,_,..., Tot: ibovilittrXlkv•A slosh traossvo; ,"" lo4+1.'""--livOilt , solfSrittosolytxt tsri " : '' •I c.." 4 1,4;-4.Lt!ssittgtPSlStibitlfr:Votilliiraloillea— _ ,-.• 3 T.lhiMluilsii*o0 1 tbrottith soy been ; . - I 2 1: ,:,,, , ,, , ziA44;!k luyetto4edos,„ “, , 4 , 1 '',", 4fitiv.fatkr Ss Altydirev4, mittppes,. ~, . '.. ersOonv o't email v .4., „,.„;,ilois toilklitabtrit:r root Ilps : ~.. - :4 - ', IViirptiaactby Aegt I* totoo b , , , ',- ? i .., 1114vv,hod` g actohla uirauntipit. !nay' _ - - ,, ,K;=9lsiiil uusittir? dek to WO, • - r reei,jtat iiiinfiti, beiiii lite.'` '- 4 , ' -'• , Vvotdiettitfolovotinfoolon-- -` i',4A I , egorotor4OroliVr; , tl ibis ! .- I".v.,, , .llluviwirtp.ot this conolitstom ' 4 ' 4 1` , . , ..4• !`" Ohl wcitild TurilikooOjeirlitc sui!,!siAi .. , .4 , ,,,-,. 114Ith'iltlk`avoithreadrogother,-; '-`0,'„,,, . „:.•,,,Woro viroxisht,ini one gigovit,lo cor4, r , ‘• 'l.`''' '=:' , l 3 7o' Olext sulkstitld,ts.,tstbor`4 S! _-- . , , : „!,„, , ,,ifttoiook or lloolco emit,olor le Unto— - .. cieteongliimalialbee nano, -, ' , ',” twettla tbeltooks wore Oh my, buirt, . - Avid ill that APIA oultkizie • • -- .„, '.. " Sp . !‘.. - 14 uok' uti, creek SI, fait& !ilia for Itro - xtt l yt Pod boa!". affecting ; ',- ,Tby eiiii ,s bilee; and crltibline :: 1`; ACii reef gelectieg , • ' - :rimiciitOlilei biA; Vibietet *lli ilia°' ' •,-,', ' ' Woulii kisilji'protadtv`shoro; 4 - ~ . ...0 .-• Thou nonlaistrinMisil aleftliceer be, • ' -' .11,t /. ' libiciletbleetied.ttlieer.. , '. . • ,' --.. •-‘, , initiiietiioneina , 4oll.t . mbeirli "' `' ' 4 ' ,4 ,z,':.::' , 4 l, 4feellittinfit ilkiltk NO& aplifi ilk, z. ijl', - ,w , i_Ciptsktrimf 4 Iliblerieluu7 , umpui•itatirt,l :;••••=1: ,, , , ` - ,z4". I V 11 1 ,2 1 / 3 1,44 1,6 * 2.4., , ,-, -; -, • r _,...',,, ,i'-'- ltill lui , Wiluouroi4 • iti up, ' ' .:' ? , ,.;F;''' . -,Tglitin`c.Plk;Pigliego tktii) - - • . ' - li r 1, , ,.. ' 4llitlilutthscorgetki, be. tail, tate, I ~ ~,.: ;' C , - Atr ,bsllollAtiOne :4 ; ''' ' , . , :-, ' , tatt!eibeiltitkell'atgrarstaltS) - PI, ,- ,my liesipidolit t s %nig pll— a `.: 7 o.qr-tiii•ii 6,,i,iiiitt - in vivo.; 44iisi 'l.:-. , .&,.iy , ;4 ,- .. IlitilßMitifToliei nail ' ''• `L.: ' ' , ` iirpisatioiiiitietwur Ai setiiilifitel: , l••• , i, , ,4.rwillokilitiitu xlipiiifi iupiiiiiii4:.:. ,--1 -. '-l: Beite`Ortglittand geld se Tower Hill ; - - , the &Upset alid.tho Piot L- ."' ENNEtp.frt xi 7999 01, . HALL ~.cp;ETHIN4 . filfrliltAilOr :13 ~ klll,ll. end s its iiaok c ifik *4(141'011i — V - Biroto ittib - 'io = ' ,--=~ ---- -::-''-:. 1,. - ,- kt,.,:v.A7.1> -',,,, t:r , rAtiumpar ma---• -, - - -- , -4„,,....,4 ,.4 .zv*R...E-,-,1, Ol s E . ~.. . . - - 4,: : ,- , , ,...):, , ,. , .)41.?52,4.41010ET BT . ET A i . ro , zvi - f -- ,;rd, ~,,%..,'-',, t.. t ' • .'f i'g i. t'-ill r ''2 - :' - 4 Sl l'r e PA 'il l ti4ndEiXth / r.- - Ikektlibil,-,;''''...:1'2. , _ • , .. Z.:,,,.. , . - pnildoitiwitrA , 11 ... ,N1?„11:1 7. : ' ,48e - liA.ttillS, , : • - ---, -_-- ~..„,- .'"._ 2 .,'':::..,,...':,2„2, - ,:. UltiTlPAinungia .- iiiirt'Aiiol4l3ll;.ll DBALBBIII ' •-'-' -,, ::' ;‘ -i ~ ' P fi , .:%! C r I - ''( ' l ' ,', ”, , - , IN , ','' '' ,- 13001'S ANI.:f sac:lEs. .. ..'' , •i 4,i.•_,, , ,, , it ',"..:- - 1 '„•:', AO - ~•-•,... ',., ' . '. 1, , ' •; ' J Z O I C ;.4 .! IL. ; 11 . 0 3 1. 4 1 41.ip ARCH STRBETB; 1 . :, , ,..11- , ..-" - ; ,,, A - : ,- t, `_.',./..,..,..:-- t - , , --_-,-;--- --.-• f , - - -1, ..-,, ' - ~": i 3-1 ,, .4 , 4 ,,, :-. - :s 4 :-; , -::•ll3titenitrlitt:''- - ' te2l:2m'. - ' '.1 44A. - W & I 'CO : '''-'''' '''. ' - 41 .. 1: 0. ,•:-':- , ~- • , ••• ~.. •, -, sDNALIR . I3 STRaw, inns. 86 ,, 8R0TT-T • vaoLEEATA t. .• ES. • iYr j a , s s , - • • - este!' ipite(l'thsti' ' " F ii 7 PEit r i%t : ', 4 S:T.bo- - iding SELOES;' to - offirisithe lotirestiptiatoi, o!Ctheiknewatarpril,-; -.' -- • "' 13M4TH; & CO., • 4 6 -3- 31AmOr4TRBET, • t.;tettie4hiii" 'r.."Atioticifiittittit4 B Albl - s;80 CO; = • •• • • ifitOLESALS ill 'D I 0 J 4 ,/T9 t ;IBIS9I:RILFO . I7Bta STREET: b 8 2qi 100 , .'±*:4 161 9. 16 :14",i40 1 • 7 or 460, a WHOLESALE 1 BOOT AND ti II OE • ,X4-NARK 7 ter 417LEET. • • j , • , !isgelinthitani44l',asiortment of Ilistsin . iFria - 01ti•wistra t!doixi c+Fnitiiiii7 on bind: • pRILADRI.PIIT'A BOOT AND SHOE MA,"NUF . d_OTO~Ii.• • & ,- (:)( 4 ):,- 49". fl4'-NORTH' YOU li STIL'AET;, 4114,111a* "otitattes'i, tisfy , at7t'th4ldienl t —" ' " - 0110iSi • ' • , • AND OAlll4llfl, • Witti,..4.without heels, to be „fotwi•in the otty, at the foliaes'ail pipes. :ptho7ltn Ong.I4OEtTYLES,IO9. '34 WI 01,15104,-D.BALVIS AND hIANUPAOTITAJIIIS ' • „AT#,AiIr.BONNETS- AND BATS; I 225 1 P, 0, T., to over as greet, intuoententa to taininrati of lOPtiOn P in e . . other-raactet, invite, an ex- FUVATH..I4T.BEETJ •I4-ps 'fidar tee Marohitntelitilelabllettalphla. EgiviOiCp',A,,SlN l . 6c 00, 800 T ANC w A.QT0,8Y.4 .1 , -t! an 4:44msl!e "took I 800 •, 'own wad gte of - ad dAserlol on!, of ,011 Ein , s io of atot Th'i 'W., atOrlt • f - , fobl-aat 1M2t1311 - BOORIC At rg-'-'1.11(11:18T #ol:4lTir Street, re. iwoeVi #lO4lllll 414 SOMMERS ERN' WJiB/ VlASlSSlELftllTilrporttsilsAsy bat = he co n .. ffisissi sikoatsfseithss ashiottobto Boots 8,14 Shoos-to 'shterhciiltf vinetvi ia u eiAiNztovotvg S#4llooo4osoilonso. of material. AricIVIROLLER; - 1 1111 1 _„04-tin101011-1100VAND BOON mAinva, • s!" ! ll74l44ooLimiletustreet. third-door above Chest , • Pfillfafolgtaa).• • Abe imblio gauntly belga etched' ballasei Oil bis own *coolant, as shattorharskiipittAlwaya; b! hippy to xeostro i tea. afaaailon of their faros. , de the , senior partner ot tkeiJJi-firpt bl i e t s • Bow?, Trobahly,sol riaesatoli to-se iopteatetliailublle of ble, tallita firderreTte 11101110* MOM Jeiblgtettaek. , , izitsunsubei tlicierabbf : 7 STY South WWI% Iltrfelt, third door above Obeethat. jafP."'r, ItEidVit - '44414c , 5 6K ao,, rdnd.M&NU►AOTOST Ol Ti* 08LER116.149,11A81T 88IE TB,' 1142f* RiMOTID TO 10211MILVSTNIIT STIMST. 5b, - ,i„4:, ,,, , , ,, , ,,, Eirg , sgoobs JobbdrA. 11.859 - SPRING 'TRA3).E: „ 131 -1 1ORTRIDPE & 13R0. , c,splautlokil & 00 1) , ' ivilkourEas 44, JOBBERS. G . O O'D • .... ...' 420 MARKET - STREET; , Rate store al:01410ra One of NoRTINg Aim DOMESTIC GOODS, pith ,a Mon to .the Interesta of 'CASE Aicip;,vl.9Au-r ortoas.osiDir plumate, - To whlch they respectfully Myth) the attention of the Trade. , - 11:=4. 'fil"Enork - constautlY on Laid, - end enters *lir be **domed promptly at the ' ',OWE/3T isAßicior Rem. , JeV2ns 111,'"N144‘PigQ1KTA;.TIONS. 2 5 9. .HERRING igc OTT, N. rii . . e boiiieeFotTßTlL and MARKET Ste., ' Are nowprepared to offor • SPLENDID 'AND COMPLETE AqSORMENT 11.11113 128 11 ° 01DERIES, , !'ANOY r0b.4.4103- " am. yARDO3•II.,LIVIORE & CO. • M' 40- antl•4ll NORTH THIRD STREET, , ..-•DADONTBRO AND MAMA IN • Siama, zutinuriS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LAOZS, LINENS, ErtEROIDERIES,,, a. HOSIERY,.GLOVES, MITTS & SHAWLS. DECOURSET, ,LAFOPROADE, & 00 4 impiiitioni Ora iebbere of OLOTHS; : O4ABSIIKBRES, VESTINGS, • ADD 000D8 0111A8ILALLT ADATILD TO _ • MEN ANID..BOYS""wgAit i . 83i, ',MARKET STREET, - Are uovii receiving their - - , 'STILING - IMPORTATIONE, To willett they Invite thOattention of their customers,, and perehameroot eneh-400de. tel-2m PEE ICE; & CO., IMPORTERS' AND jCiBBERB -iditticirt • *RC:DOMESTIC - DRY aoaps, 'BI4SI4ItKET.STREST. IMMO S H 4 -Fl-3 ,F4qH. RUE! 84 CO.. IMPORTA.IIB Of Ltsr - Erts,' • • ' *MTN (1450D1S - L4OES, sna . 829 IttAtKET lg TEEM'. oig•ire4aitiamtiaPotietitlie-beitiawr**Aii aterketely entietiee k IN the eineplete we hive eveireireriw; fabl-am • nalm - dr 1850. . • 00., , •,• N 9. 1. 44 Are now tooolvtng itioitoOlie and csielully selected 3toak of FOREIGN, :MO • Aldr*lOAN DRY GOODS, Towhiob: thoilitiftn,the stlentlon of oration, 410.1.1 ICE; FP l I,Xt - efa GOODS. f I - ~ • 'I,IIBSOIDESISS, ' • • , aderr :rrerior;no . _ ' • , to No. 52 MARKET Street, below Birth. lebi4a3 " JOSHUA L. 13A4N - , ; ;IMPOUTXR AIM :OMB I'ORMIGM AND, D9MESTIO DRY, „ 218 MARKET 'STREET. ' - NEW qOOD3 reoiting every day for'• - . s fehl.sm (ATV AND NEAE,TRADE. • 511 . 91481NT01NC),G41- 1 3T, & co., • Iniptitere and°hide .Thmslett OLOT'Fi®, . • O.IOIBIIIBBEH, • , , 9.EBTING3,anti TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. ':433-11AILKET 13T#BET, (UP tivaso,) febl-am BROWN 8c CO., f - /214'0:10149:AND 301113111118 FORE 11.1 - AND• DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NO.:iO7 ' MARICET STREET • North olds, Wire Third Street, feb/Sor • - PIt,ADBLPHIA. 1559 SPELNG IMPORiATION3 1859 #KELIZEI. MOSS, 622 2.IIARKIT street, and 616 ROMMIiROR Street, ! , 'IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 011.4*.A.ISTP P.A..N071" +31.00±,8, }IWO now Open a!ooilitplatit stook;to witoki they W ilts the attention of home , fribLan JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND .1013BEE8 Or B 1 ITYS S ~ FHENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN D_RY ,GOODS, 289 Ain 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, • , Above Roe Street. ET Sole AiOqi for • I ', • MERRIMAOK 6RO9NDEI I T fable gm they anon, ' 7xo; Wryer .I,Aacle Itra . ogL, BAIRN , D. B. ERVII .R.T.EdEL, 43.411.R43, 8s Co., LOA SINGIpt, 1..& w ; 4 00. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY O 3 - 9 0 D S, No: 47 NORTH THIRD STREET, panienztpurs. OV2 SPRING ST-OCIt Is now SOmplete in alt‘lta depaktmente ' and ready for 'Swift.. • Prompt-paylig merchants; Itomall parts Of tb era respectfully solicited to call and exa ' Was for flop:mil/et , retile-aT PHICAPELPPIA , VI I U,R I ". ._li' AECII 2 6. 1859. 'Min" &cobs 66'1 w b.:6 '5 'it A4l. , lE'Er Importers en/ Deeleroin ; . • SILK% 011A.W19, OR&VATBi gpILBAZINV, • pREBB POW*, /ko. t *..ee. • We ere , 00netently reeetrlng New iloinle froui 1.44 York and PhilFaletptria 'Airotione, to Which rye incite the attention of preohasere.•' ' - - Tebttinyi . S T. JOBORR Or AbOTION AND CIDNDRAIr FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRiGOODS, No. 3 BANK STREET, ' Between Beaond • and.Th{rd ) .below Market. narB-:lm • = - AN§pAO : l-1, REED, do 00.; WIIOLBbALE DEALURS DRY. GO GDS. , No. 180 NORTH THIRD svari; (floitthwelit corner Third and cb9117,5t5.,) z THILADBLYIETA SPRING OF 1859. , . , :JOAN:B; SON 3). 255 ItWtHET STREET ) " DIPOB.TI6B AND WIIOLIo9AZF 10.1311EltSir • , OASSIAIERES, AND vSsinsiata, To which the attention otlitiiii.Ra fa Invited. fef 8m k SILKS AND FANCY , GOODS. • , . ABBOTT, aolii4EB,' ed . 064 ' 889 HAREET STRRET, Are now prepared to odor s large NSW AND •41TTIIACITM STOWS, ',To which they.ask, THE ATTENTION OP' BUYERS. JAS. R. CAMPBEI2L & CO:; It9pkiiire aiid,Wliolentile DeM ete iA . 23i "si• cat 60,1) 8 • LIMNS, • WAIT.III GOOIT, - • ' OLOTHS;- - • OASSIUSRIBEI, BLANISZTa, to: ‘. No; 304 MARKET STRE. fe61:2134. " FIKIIHIAN, JONES,:ec co., lyttoulam..o DtaLk,Ro POR:BIGN A.:ND DOMEOT/O' DRY GOODS, , 240 34F,JraT STICeET, - roux alma below Third, Scutti tid e ,' • • 1.91 . 4411; PankeoNLYIIIA. gt4t ofteit. HENRY ,pOI-lEN, lIIPOATEIk AND DIALER F.ORFIdrN-•AND DO*ESTIO• .7 L S A I iqQ . NERY: antiwtruaia tar ANVEXOPIIS 214 14*.K11*, atitt" 117 Mint , op. istiolar4 ziva WltilliS6 atm. • • ' EICY7 di-itS . TNUT S'iREET, y=22.3111 OPPOSITE ifIN SWATS ROME. IS - Pia:NG TRADE 1659., , . ,SHIPLEY,, HAZARD, & .11UTOilINSoN, • - 112 OHRBTNUT, STREET, Ar noti opening a largeand,earied stook 'ot LA*llB 3 011ALLIVAS, TRIZTTi, and other *. DiLEVB GOODS, To which the ettention'oi the trade is intited Alio, DOMESTIO GOODS, Ootrivialog Osttkeige, Woodward Doeskins, 'Brown nesting* And ihirtinge, 'rime Otripes, Dine Viet Teelditute, ike,,Ari. • , 110FOCKFISEt SEIEETIXGS—Jast received irt.a.• And for ale by _ SHIPLNY, HAZARD. h HUTCHINSON, 112 01.§Atnnt strount. BISOHOFF's celebrated Oloths and Doe skins, together with other rdesltable wakee of German Woellstut, just recelyed and for sale by BHIPLRLY,IIAtAnD, h ItIiTCELINSOK GM-am 112 Chestnut etre tables' fartsa erimmingo. e , • &; A. KEMPER, 33 SOUTH POEM STREET, Importers end Wholetile In • • LADIES" DRESS TRIMAIINGS, Call the particular attention of the Trade to their Splendid assortment, of PBENOII POSIPONNETTE, and ASIBRIOAN PDBOII.IA BALL TBUIMINGB, 800 PBNDANT BILTTONS, &o. We are prepared to execute large orders for Bilk and kiereeillee Sri; Tassels, Collie, Buttons, &a ,at our Own Factor NMI gm nibolesalc QrT)rorcre. lUNGERICH .& SMITH, WHOLESAL, GROCERS, ' No. 48 NORTH THIRD STREET, 0 , PIIILADELPIIII earpcting. . _ CANTON MATTING-S. J. F. ,& E. R. ORNE, BUCOESBORB TO T. 4. B. ORNE,. 619 0131BSTZTUT STEM" OPPOSITE THE STATE.HOUSE, HAVE NOW OPEN Taxis ,SPRING IIiPORTATIONS CARPETINGS. ALSO, 1,000 PIEOES Or cus.wworsT OP ILL rim DESIRABLE STYLES, AT LOW PRICES. marlB.3m WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, WIIOLESALII WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. WAILEROBBII, IT SOUTH. IfOURTII. STREET. marl-2m • Below Market, East Side iiIVIETROPOLITAN TEA STORE." TEAS! TEAS! TEAS ! A choice selection of GRE,EN AND BLACK 'TEAS, br RECENT IMPORTATION, ALSO, COFFEE, ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY; DY RTEAM .ENGINE "YOUNG AMERICA:" CHARLES SMITH, Noe. 913 and 915, 155 BRET MEET ) 3AT:tTRD~Y~ 71LARQFt 26, 18G9: l',4 4: riitie - r.)ltiVeil4"Giilil"Feier. • thi3;gebet4Veitle'r that Iti.al4inieis:the far-off Doiados and, golden' boleOndas - have like Iglus fatal ; inis lea . :young; the dating= and'enterprising, At)dld nli avatieious, , thiongk moor imffen, overt mottutatn and . valloy ,, beyond- the tienal 4 ,oC,navigattoei into, the me regions of ”gorgone atelhydras dire;weven to the utter., iiidst•panta of: the earth: So it was, to go no further bscir;'' When' - :Portiignetio, Spanish, English, Mid: Dutch. navigators 'rani the nied race for the, 'glifteting dands'of the newrihund • continent.: Never ,before , Were fearldis enterinltie;' such' speCula; Monet !dog and kaiser, peasant'end patrician';', neile,';: more anifering,, eminrance, and • nein titnidtlthiclost" of life.' Where Can we; point liiireater, evidences of 'physical „courage and Claikalrcnisbearieg under; thOmOserinfortuitous circumstances, and in the, midst of heavy dis ergs s; ilian to the lilies ofo ORT IA; Of VIZ Of PfirOL', DE - LEON, Of s.o.lyoe - , 'of Sorti, and hosfaf theireotenaperitriei and followers, who rthshed hither and .thither,,into the'trery, Jan's ;dedittli, to iiiiate'thiiii'crating-uppetite for most liataticee;')Auffertrnate 'for, thems.elves, yet theyled ;the vanguard cif the' elnigUion that has rende thts , land richer than though it'wero bursting with jewels and gold. ' California s and Australia, the moat mi., guine expectatiOns Were 'antleiled ; but not ft . 3) in k i rsserßiveri ami c it .Isonr , pOrpose nort , more ; particularly. I to , to, .the incidents and result of this latter exodus from the United •Statkiii to - tha gold -fields of the, region on Or. abontthe 4:4th-parallel of north latittide. have, hafore us the report,of Mr. 11170ENT, the epe4,,Ogent 'Of our, Government ; and, as it Is fidrAnd clear on ail point/4 , we shall largely drag upon this louree'-nf informatithi. Tfid fe'rei which was excited by industri onsly;eirculated ruiners of Motel:is' gold i til,s ! coymies to. the northward of the Anierican pesseisionti was at its height in 'lltay or''.lune or-]spit. year: , - Ttcousaisliti Ironf Oregon • and IN,''atttt)rigton Territories and the State of Cali: fornialeft their Professions and occupations; and Mingled with thamad crowd that thronged to tlieto* 604 diggings. It is understood that q?,oon left the port of San traneisccrfor Eraser river; and that some B,ooT,*but ovarland'froM the northern tiesrof'Californiri; and from the. Territories of IrObliigton and:Oregon,: by way or• the, Dal- les and tort' IKatuloops, Not' one, came from iliii' , EAstern States overland. 'lt is ceMmei: Lary Stidltietit'cif 'th'e Of -the Frazeri river, lacere, to tell•that , only - kVA/ 'rentaincid . „. , in No:fereb'er last6f, the 83,000 that-went to work , them only sit montha'preriously. 'Cold hast*en - : found, bit in such small quantities; and of i:inch flue partieles;ii not to reward the lither4it,digging.fei .and; notwithstanding the•lafge tdmber Or, peCillo'prediPitated ibetO from • siay to October, the yiettiwas less than 'half froth 'the:entire field of•iiritlall In the Whole togiciri,bither,to Pros: locete,d;:thero' are eligible- placers enough to give:rbinnerative'employmont to, ,euly,ab.out; No gold bearing quartz ledge' `of tum'extent ' , has heen".faiind, but` little: Coarse:466ld. _ • • ' • • .Th : steriuntry„ Is atilt less attractive in' an agilciffiittaipidtit Vle*i• Towards the tiostit• its feitilred are recks;niorlatains;and a denim; growth of fir trees: The few:pat - cites Of open: 4tritlabe inctitit:4litt ate fitter :tot pasturage lhart;llhoplough,A.rortna l'Ort Katalciops, oii thOrniaont., river, their is -a , prairie of some tho mount,alus.are,minute stript(pt;:iallcy land, but. these litter - are geritiAlly fto difficult of acceislis to be almost linavailable for farming phitioses. i'bete le at t , up hind'under ottitivatfon ;hi' white strTii Obi itiordedla6licinlty of Fort' Kam- - loopsic Eastward, towards, the base :the liec*, Mountains, the country is more : open, bet the climate lion3re'unfivorable to agrlmil -4itral-pursuitithart on the coast. The and 'climate of Vancouver's Island are little better. Although itistWo hundred and severity miles long , 'and forty \ to fifty miles broad, yet it dontainel net more than some twenty or tiventy:live miles of open land.- It were needless, hero to recount the'petty ads of tyranny of liovaraor Dourizas, the ehlef factot of that giant monopoly the lind son'Wilay Company, a monopoly that, like the' old man Of' the Mountain in every respect, is soon to be hurled to its dotim,—noedleis to re count ibeeafortions of' the colonial authorl ties; high and low, the refusal to °ltaly °odd. Eel 'to American citizens dragged before the courts; demands for mining licenses and (Ma rone taxes of' all descriptions formining privi leges,.Whether the party *eat to the tat:Mork for that purpose 'or otherwise; and the eollu alone betiveen subordinate officials and others to deprive American citizens, of their justlymi qiered rights.' Suffice it for the present, that our Government has had . the •attetngest am: rubes that redress Will be made where it may justly bo afforded. .There Is one fact which ought not to be omitted. It is proven, and not denied , by the brigades of the Hudson's Bay Company, that they purchase from the Indians the property stolen from the white settlements of the United States, for.,Which they furnish, in retnrn ' arms and ammunition. The Spokanes and Cour d'Aleimi, who defeated Colonel Svzproz, sold out to the company's factors the property of the United States, with the brand of the United States upon them] and the arms taken from these Indians by Colonel Wationv, in his splendid campaign against them, last sum- Iner,bore the British mark. of 1851—going to show that they could only be supplied from the colonial authorities. So, instead of re straining savage incuraiona 'upon bur frontiers in Washington and Oregon, these officials of British Columbia would seem to instigrite the robbery and murder of our citizens. A pro. ; ceeding so diabolicaldemands the Instant of ective interference of our government to put a stop It. • Now, one word respecting the North western Boundary Commission. Northward from San Francisco; perhaps with ono or two exceptions, which we will pesenrtly allude to, the only valuable harbor is that Of Esquimalt, on the southern end of Vancouver'a Island. It has capacity for a whole navy, and vessels can lie there secure from every wind that blows. That !tavola° is beginning to be ap preciated by Great Britain, is already shown by the recent concentration at that point of quite a formidable squadron, and by the preparations said to be in progress for the construction of forts and other means of defence. Simulta neously with these movements, and, indeed, somewhat in athranee of them, the Russian Government has been, for some time, engaged in fortifying the mouth of the Amcor. For • several months past, vessels from above have been arriving at that point laden with heavy Raiff, Powder, shot, and shell, and other ma- terials for the construction of fortifications. It is evident fiat both Powers look upon theso points as very valuable as naval stations, and as possibly of great importance in other points of view in tho event of European war. Bati Juan, an island fourteen or fifteen miles lois; by about seven ..wide, and one of the group stretching from the Strait of B °saris to Goal Ilare,,has, two excellent :harbors; and Lopez Island, opposito and, separated from San Juan by a channel not mere than a mile wide, has another fine barber, perfectlY land-locked and safe at all times. These two islittids are claimed by Washington Territory as part of Whatcom county, and by the Bri tish Government as a part of, her possessions in thoTacifie. The subject has been ono of controversy between the British and Ameri. can CommissiOners to run the southwest boun dary line under the treaty of 184t$, and has flaw been referred by both to their respective Governments. The first article of that treaty provided that the line, should bo rim westward ly Ar along , the 40th parallel of north littitude ~ - , to the middle 0f.,. die channel which separates The continent froni `Vancouver's ,Island.; Lind theriCesonllwordlithkeugli the middle of the, said cliannol Mid :teca,straiht to, the Pacific. there are twoobatatiels between the: .continent and Vancouver's Island, both loOls• lug, out into Abe ' , straits "of ° Fuett 7 4ll9;stinite of Rostiris,tOtirew,, channel nearest .6 - the 71111nitina; end, the cisn'al 'de Biaro;whteb,he,-; sides, being:the,heaten- track; isinnch wider,. has .greater aVerage'deptit , ivater,'and is ileftTet to' Vallociiiyei's Wend. Object • In. running the bdundit,i'Y liuo,to the south, after it approached Vanoonver's Island, was to Save to England' thatlsland itself;:nrion,the South.. ern point•of which there was an English''set- Cement. It. was never expected. that Great Britain should have San, Juan and Lopez, which lie difently contiguips to our mainland. • From'all the de - v,eloriments made of Frazer river-,gold plicerti,• and British Columbia ge -1 nerally,the attrantionaare not of that degree to cause any furtin't fear on the part of Oregon and Caliternia:of,anYthing approaching depopula tion. On• the contrary, thero.ls%ju"st ebtince that enough Will be left with the ••oldinditin Governor to give him oppertunityfor the'eX-• ercise or his- tyrannical disposition." Oregon and California *ill have the rest, 'and' so ends the bubble, that , so, gaily blear out to thiotin from Dowcisg 'Street, of to Frazbr river' Irontllontreal, of "immense.coramercial ports,of Atte rich :trifle „of the Bait being poured into.the lap of British Colrimbia, th be transfirred.tolfontreal, and thence to he laid at the feet citiee4. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. I , r A (Anne° at - cttir , Exchangeti.. The current number of the Anterteerge Freshet& rian contains, another article on the Tne.nencur of the Press ', in 'which it introduces ,the following' oharateristiti Iteaheriem 'respeotingwhet' should he the true'objeet 'anCraission,Of secular joui nalet " We do not believe," says Mr= B--, " that newspapers are the, place for 'the : I:Mini:4 histor y 'of mime, or that eettpariers,should be turned into reading saloons of noorbld 'moral'attatochy; - or that we : should be ,COMPOIIie Weinman between two .4ityptian playa . -- a rain .of -Bee, era dark. ness so thick that it Inig . l4; felt:' And we ~iii pin 'end, ne 'paper wo uld suffer that should resolutely otos° he columns to everythinCtlitil dould — tia - VS road by a _Christian .father in the midst of his eons' and datightera." To this belief 'of Mr. Bseatier we would 'only add,' that itertain ..papere we wot of might not "in the end, suffer, " but their starve, than Would be inevitable if &Nixed 'of the went they now subsist nun. Such sheets, there: fore, to live in a pure aTmosphere—even: though undhabged in 'notes—would liateic "Put off, the, old man," and 'undergo soniething like regenera , lion. That many newspapers in the land might be malle.tbesubj,sets of such a ...xewbirtli‘" with adt vintage to the Moiale of the community, is Pretty , cortaln; but here comes in the Old Puttioot inquiry, are they a elected", to thisitaPpY change? . „ Spdakiiik of the " t0601a," wo are reminded of he ooneetentioue battle - of - oP,inione now pcogresa•; ng betwein two of onr:oity jouritals—ieprosentai, tivea of the Old and Now &hoot Presbyterian' ,theelogieS. ''this • direbasioh tvae, tre-boliovq, awakened by an artiele in thiiiiew school organ, enloglalog Albert, Barnes' het' book, on „the. "'Atorieirient.,'! Theld.„BelMaleigan:irl reP l 3'' , lag to Alia, 1345: ft is the begat of , the Read School that they bellive,Obrist, died for.ift-Men; that be died for thoseisho are now In hell—thab, is, that Ho reconciled 'thEM Godirmid their: ransom, made expiation for their sins, but all in which it ,ialistacterito as a - oentriiille-i. tied, find , a , dishonot ,t 0 :the Barlov.r haddirni that 'clie man . who so believe- have nts idea-Of 'a', loripture atonement; bat. have set up an .nation,of,,titeireall In Its Steed. The VereBohool; organ, inlts - refeinder to`thie l , calla the artiole'frow. ''high the 'effete, In raked, • , 'stnifhog ;,"; trid,• Io Vindlitation of ltd o- fdinder'. article; notifies its, routers that largo ordeis for a' second 'edition of it have beenreoeived. Phsbyierizn:', of the presont week , elso devoteiraii article to:llt.f, Bomberger's new boot on "Intent tltilvittion; Its relation' to Infant, `depraritY, infant regenere.l Lion, end Infant baptism." The writit,r - klinces at the ,abserditicticof bliok,_but has - tot,* the savage to eapoie theM. perhaps bit'' . was' z stitrals!:; , with it Id filled ; for it , is a curious melange of truth and error. - , " The Chriitian Observer ROME e to us with an ar 'Hole f airly written, and breathing a liberal spirit, devoted to the "Jews." The wrlter; howeverjalls into tho error of ascribing the great spiritual dis- advantages under which the Jews have labored for the past eighteen corittirles ttl theithiving " invoked the blood of Christ upon their and their children's heade" SurelY, if prayers offere.l in faith,, only, are beard, the cries of a- deluded mob, in answer to a cowardly ruler who Was afraid to do right—" his blood be on us, and on our obit driin;',—etreld hardly have been reeoxiled to the 'cietrinient of so many itirare,goneratio,ns. 'More over, if the - Crucified One himself-4e author of • faith—could pray, " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," it Is unbecoming in ns at this day to say that their 'own faithless prayer at the Cress has been "fearfully anseered." This week's number Of the Boston Pilot is largely filled with accounts of the celebration et St. Patriok's Day In almost ovary town of any importance throughout the Union, the Hibernian element entered Itito the delebtation Of the day with nettsnal fervor. • High Mass was said in the churches• lectures were delivered by eminent' Catholics; and the military paraded ; any number of toasts wale disposed of, among the most signiti• cant of Which; given in Boston, is probably the following: "Civil and Religious ,taberty Itis said to exist in JklassaohnsetieLvrould that it did.!" PENTECOBT " BEYOND 'inn ' WATERS —The eighty•three page treat, recently prepared by the Young- Man's Christian Assooletion of this oily, entitled "Pentecost,Or the Work of Gni is Philadelphia,," we have just learned has since been republished in Ireland, together • with er twenty; page prorate, written by Professor Gib son, who recently visited this country, and who while here tool: a very active part in the revival movements. Animated with the fires kindled in hie own heart while in Philadelphia, he has been instrumental in giving to his countryman the large amount of revival incidents condensed in this" Tract;" and that his cool is_in the work is suffisiontly Indicated by the tone of his preface, a copy of whioh has been handed to us by George 11. Stuart, Esq . FAREWELL LOVE•FEABT.-9n last Monday evening a " farewell. love-feast " was held at the Nazareth ,Methodist Episcopal Church, in view of the approaching close of tiro Rev. .Newton HeSton's pastoral' relations with that congregation. The,. church was filjed to its utmost capacity, and the 'services were at once interesting dind affecting. At the close of the religious services, the congregation gave their retiring pastor a substantial testimonial of their esteem, in the shape of a purse eonteining eighty quarter eagles. The presentation was made by Mr. Joseph Adamson, in a few appropriate re marks, which were feelingly responded to by the: recipient. During Mi. lesion's connection - with this church; abOut five hundred persons have boon added to the communion an confession of faith. QUAKERTOWN-4.IOYEAIENTB Or TUE 3314 TENT. —bo fruitful have been •the labors in connection Stith the Tabernacle Tont, at Quakertown, that the Christians of that locality have purchased the ground upon which the tent is created, and, in= stead of the temporary wood structure in which it has been sheltered during- the winter, arrange ments are making for building a permanent edi tion for public worship. We learn, also, that at an early day the ,4 Tent' pilgrimage will be commenced for the summer months, in which seve ral of the larger towns in Eastern Pennsylvania will be visited. SCIIOOI, DIFFICULTY IN Bosrow.—The Boston Courier, in speaking of the diffieulty that has occurred in the Elliot eohool, from-the refusal of eevoral hundred robolare, of Catholic) parents, to repeat the Lords Prayer, and the Command ments, except after the Douay version, for which .ono lad was punished, and over ono hundred sent away, speaks as follows: "We are astonished at this act of intolerance. Recent historical publications have raised the question whether the persecution of Roger Wit• ]tams In Massachusetts Was justifiable in the 'light of the age — We think that question may be dropped with these whc whip children for terns, ing, in obedience to their parents, to repeat pray ers which they behove to bo wrongly translated." SUNDAIr•SCHOOL SCHOLARS. - Dr. Hawes, •of Hartford, Coon , estimates tho whole number of Sabbath-school teachers in Great Beta and the United States at one million, and 'the number of scholars at seven millions. Of the seven million scholars, four millions are in Great Britain'and Moo millions in the United States. SIISPENBION. — ArahhIshop Hughes b as suspended Rev. Dr. Darman, of New-York, ' for saying that 'holl is paved with the skulls of bad priests,'and and other intemperate words.- The deposed priest, who ie a convert from Protestantlent, addressed his people in the street, last Sand'sy,. and. invites theta to loan an independent congregation. TWO -I rtNT yke, Dirmumcittr+Atity; the ~p„retideut4 d 4e t,inv te,Bngitkd)!Bi#en 4r;c: tooryi.plTpinp, pr, - " "Ain have sden - -or!iionrse you liaT*.prohally, yeti .haire invented's idetrliVllkindia , Of the. Washingtoarldotruntent tintkiinte ban hinny others ham*, eeenand itarated dollaraircctbatottne • i,arstaZnal.:lol•l-,i ify of those having the pinture hanging )nrteir ,fiqz.se all beer the oOttney "brink they have ,eoutribtttedlln, , refee a'. Mourn - dent to the vain and tma..Thc eontribatitt iiionif, ) l6htinerhitithat , themonament tenet railed it also Ztriie; taid , yets4ati;.; thor trus t tbsimoneyfor !two ,or, three yeare oa• 1 biek bee not hearaccountod for. t,The is r soirdi"' three jetteago the , Khew gothirigi 'here held a our. raptittbneend illegal elietion'idr'ofticeni Of 'the Board laving In charge the era s- Sting Of the monument and the , ore of , the moneys colleote,d„for that in:rodeo.: :0( ; ; ihurse, they made the board „Know-Nothings, sonde a.l dese4nt on the boats, opproPrlit4 everythiUg t 'nut In 'Diver the Infaniy or their'proneedingit 'wltti 4 piiedn Pa; teldilent; proclaimed that - . their 'order_ (of disorder), would finish the monument In, two years. .I.loney.vias'' offleoted; in two t Oafs, tett: . 'leo courses of atone-74e' 'put on the monument;' the monei int inio'.thelyaatpi deep, or somewhere elan, ifo sindouot• made of' it, and. 'the: board; izdetd; with'patilotle" ‘ 1 dodatolog,turneke tepoll of the ~ ersienaitatte,.:l t' he Mates, at an early , date, tuamasked Shia board lot denonneut ana'hinird of levellare;. and 'expenelEthU whole thing` the x eft en#t von, laigh.f,dl - ,tlie - intinielpal eleotois; In `1837,;' Abe . qatstes weamnatainent, end,tbe Ifnotr,rfothing-,melnity , kicked chit. prom that stmethe untlternanght, hold of the' people,' also, ihe monument has.got.into' decent hands. li , thdlast taissiiertinitAgroiti. la sot) wee pataid..verylappropriatelyieirWisibliagibt4birt)a 7 day, .and, approved , lfehroat7.2dth, Washington National Mentunentlloalety, „Int4,grautt it a charter: '' " • '`" ,This to o:matter Whieti intei4‘trithewhoiticninit MA., ivory =Li ributor. toE lluy Pattletlif idea will be with pleasure that AIL a itting avtte beldam!. the 'orgapiak: , ikon ,periectvd,,,utior the. ntr, ,#giree, , , on Tuesday tirght,2Zl bat. Buchanan. as ea odialo president , .1 of.thiersaiety, took the cnatr. 2, ... The anclety:weiv'orgenisedtlit;er' ilitertero a* ca.; tilfl.3llo,,'ltod,Of the original Members bat four iiturtiil cla,,,,V4to3`,oB‘:W,i,lY., Ae.,,!?*,:P,Amorc4; P. Yendall. The last mimed ;welcmed. theißraid.' ne ' who at some ensaddresae t h e,aua e t"'Abo t -1 thirty yeara'ago;iehen at member Of :the Eftioad" of 811-'1 presentatives, be uff.red resell:Mon foP hhe eination of ouch *monument ; The then preabli , ut,,dvdred, h tive the body of Washingti,a and of hinwidow intstr. d 'under the monument;` hut 'the; mat t er` Was ',',lcisplude'd. Until '1834, When B 'brought' it :Weis = ilongretut The effort ;was defeated,lienanse" , leini&inotrnedrrn, indigulti to nr,eot ,nny„munenent,to 410 peon isevil that whinh would'Ar r ow in the heat! mtew. 'Bir:Buchanan imought, and I ltlicridy, agree wahliati, that It Wee "rididalotheto'nrgi bet painting awl' icidp to re should- not lerimpkved in,:odying horine;toi greet hod deserving mon. . - i . • Thu, Mayor of the city ie. ez-019y40 , drat, 'licit president, and • General "Boott. Wan ciente& evened vice President / and Themini "Oatbei4, of the 'BMA of the Metropolis, third vine president; tretefrsr r J. 13.,11 Smith; esed Secretary.; J.', G.tllient ,rd he oork potatoes are es foliates BeottiNalter, J. J.' Abtri,Jaines'. 4earney,, Thos. Carberr y,, peroe;'Wei. A. Bradley, P: , B. Pe‘ndalf,'WatiterlaMOst,, M. P Maury,' "Ptiftmie Maiden, I. BAI. - Bietith;-W Wi. .teaton, :B. Whittlossy, B O. Tiylot, Theal 'Mt ford, W. W. CerCoran.andriO. Brent. , • 1 . :;-t, I ten stthat within areastroable parted 11,111 have , to write yon a Jutland true adconot of, the oermult:se on the completion bf the Nerroiral itienoniant witch' Tooke more liken shattered pillarlaii aver ice record nr 2 trluropleanderatierfaliles7. - tlf,l The Witehirgton:correepoedent,cl. the AftstongtAoi. la rather annoye at no airing ~t,learoltd, y et that the President fait t.id Ifeldirdih" Crltriere SW" titile. , t The writer takes it, to' lineit pictiablf 'too' Inrsh, anti certainly *tees pot draw-tbe.coettlltaese I ! d) t fttala.tfilei Bnahan,ae's osteashale, cold, shoulder ,to the „eminent Ugh tootle* ',,,Tia'n man mei %peak Well'iter th`efoielhat bit Ituilititisail liaafoi :yll6l Irish i'race, aorta it eOrt!ibieint that he hlmielf, is of Irish doiceit it atthi tante lime 'he inalonetee thut.the veratrable,Preeltient, iikepthers are very Irleh when' oiersarc io ha bedilretjery. T hirir Heir when the votee are Ited: st4s he, ..14r.:)T 1 S: O'Brien was in Bnillitunisti,' et; -- irowlif" be ' - tieird'i; keep in 'account when and' hole often he. weirtirdie with the President in Thrre.,lst Xte denvingt.tbeirrel that Mr Buchanan, and the,ritty. that - placed hi in the. White'lfoine , ewe very Minh to Mr. O'Brien' countrynien.l It 'Eta InsCtef, nftrzterietiy,"•allsio) the Mr.'o l ltifen's' , couipatilitts'iho'reactied thle - criaitry'i 'tome Years back, and were oitisercediring, the lair, cad vase, were strenuous adronalea,.`with'pen'and voice, feel Buchanan and bersorraesc. 2lee_-Tvish Neva, ot,tterr, York, then condoeted by P. Meagher and Form, watreartyin the flap, and waalollowed by,thet t other Latrine of the adopted- eit'Senrj'.ietill , 6¢ the Way; Were; llir-ri - leidtbilSeitratrerhatt atruch with thelreireititt'fitati x tiltediejfitdo,..wfatit'al telling - letter inlarter'ell tiold Tin& ry.:othirirtoble the; ~etamp:forldtur and the impsrlanbe it - the'Morivistskei time was'* graeistullyechnowledged.OthyAre - Pallidenti aad_promineat mernbusettlie qatt*,,,figtittOgifil ' 6l- d"rff*VtittorlAmikoltalll.,; impoktrd 4 , l,nottarseeknot to leave en At, styli ... , st., vitation''athkreifieientedlie act hal labererdo for blot,'te'sdy nothing ol" Mr. OtßrrentsioSirriptisithie 'before the World: 'l' i ttis evi dently the point of , view train which-be etielerA of the Pilit sees the matter; and he aridoinhtiejuetified in feeling disgusted. -IFor my part, I annst - dlifer;with him atlittleor so. ;It may bare been an extra truly .of courtesy ratite part of Mr. Buchanan to omit the dis tinguished. and upright * lelehman-T His, conscience probably oyerpolieted his diplomacy ;.and., ha, felt, it would be a 'VIM Injustice to pat bir-Bonth O' Brien , into the same chain s;ed category steJsitnes Gordon ,Bennett, of the Now York Herard. It wontil ,lieva been indecent to have done, cool; a thing and not Made a - diettno - tton between the pure patriot , of these de generate days and the notorious inventor of thilmost infernal maddest eztant-4toscrupulons, vindiative, and irreepone.ble Journalism. If Mr.'Buchanan found it neceseary to hire each a Journal, he did not find it tee. cessary to degrade by invitstion such a patriot and gen. Orman. Mr. Pilot, please read things aright, and mate a note. • ' ' Oards are out for a festival at the Washington Art Atisociation, on the 29th instant, when we-may expect verylaterreting. aird , ai progratnine writers say, an "instructive time." Poch eowiereulonee ale et, great benefit to art generally and artiste la particular, and ebould be onitivat-d., , _ , - There led letter 'ad certified in-our city poet video list for "The honeit man." I .learn that it has gene the rounds 'if the - leading' races - in 'Chi country from Beaton to St. Louis , and, no one has been found to 0,11 for it 'This argued more mo ,leety than I teas • prepated 'for. Not an honest min front Rouen's Point to Bt Pasof A committee heti been called here to settle- on' sone one min, who, f-r the honor of the city, will be authorized to cellist it. The Matt rumor has it, that the letter will be opened in Cabinet Connell i the O.bizet, on thle point, being de sirous to to a unit. Torrousross. A Park-from the Girard Estate. (Fgr The Frees.] A project having been lately submitted to the City Councils to have . a pablio park esta blished in part of the farm in the Neok. former ty belonging to Stephen Girard; it becomes' ia portant to consider upon what trusts Mi. Girard left any of' his real estate to the City: The farm in the Nock not being specifically 'devilltdi-was a portion of his residury estate; atal the 20th clause of the will makes the-following prerisieristeapeet ing the residuary , estate : "I do- give, devise, and beoneath all the red.' duo and -remainder of my real andpersonafestate of ovary sort and kind wheresoever situate (the real estate in Pennsylvania, charged as aforesaid,) unto the mayor, aldermen, and °likens of Phila delphia,' their sumsessers and assignees, in trust to and for the several usea intents kind purposes hereinafter mentioned, and declared of and con cerning the same, that is to, say, so far as regards my teal estate in Pennsylvania, in trust, that no part thereof shalt ever be sold or alienated by the said mayor, aldermen, and citizens of Philadel phia or their suceesiors. hut the same shall forever thereafter be let from time to timeto good tenants at ye etly'or other rents; and upon leases inpuseeS! eon, not exceeding five years from the Commence ment thereof, and that the rents, issues t and paci fits ariseng therefrom shalt be- applied towards keeping that part of the real estatesituateln the city and liberties of 'Philadelphia constantly in good repair, (parts elsewhere sitaati to beltept in repair by the tenants thereof rehPeotlvely) and to wards improving'the seem wherever necessary, by erecting new buildings, and that thenet residue (after paying the several annutees hereinbefore provided for) be applied to the 84[1:16 uses and pur. , pssos as are herein declared of and "ooncetuing the residue of my pertonal estate." From this it is Dade - ally char that the convert im of a:. y portion of (lizard's real estate into a public park, from which no rent would be receive blo by tho city, would be a violation of •hfr.,ol - will. It might expose the city to. a Suit from his heirs at ,law, to 4000701" gig property to perverted from the objects providedThr in his will. E, ' Flower 'Markets. [For The Preen l - Ma EtatOn: As tits, presonf, seems the proper, time for the establishment of "certain stands, or, looations for the ealeof different artioloe, wl.l you please allow mo, through tho , ooluinns of your paper, to •Saggefit to-those :in"authority•the pro priety, of allotting certain places' for the sale -of flowers—say a certain portion of the pavement of• each of our publio equates, Washington, 'Franklin, Rittenhouse, and Logan—where on two days the week . , Tuesday and -Saturday, until poem gardeners might have the opportunity ,of exposing tbeir plants for sale, both living In pots and made np Into" , boiluete.• The love of flowers should Barely be encouraged among us earnest refining in its influence, March 24,1859. Dn. Darr —This eminent missionary to India, we are sorry to say;refors; in his OorrOSpOridanoe with Dr. Tweedio, of Edinburgh; under date Of °stooge, January 3, to the enfeebled state of his hollth, rendering it expedient for him tb res : gn WS post for a time, that be might make 'para. y for health to Burtaah .=-CltristianTintelligeneer. STILL PROORISSi3INO —The revival at Baltimore, inareasea in power, and his reached the rich and fashionable classes, as well as -the lowest strata of society. Several prominent die• peradoes have apparently become converts, and have etohenged their revolvers and bottle-knives for Bibles. 111E=3131 - Pa4 l / 1 1111* beer 111 Every oceumxtelii 7;4 bi the nalre'er t e writer.":-EreedirritilieseiCEOrredlMlS to tb# , Wogii4W4i4 l *l atistli-ATillAishott4 be : written !tperi- - - ,; MESE We aali De Stsitkretleflrofile-genileloW bkrisall4/7 ead t lerthe ate*, .Ibe antis Yextrii4t wiiriortm Aketrikat*siiir'avitithwi lame* log to the genera resat!. ,v-fiENER4I; - 2 . :i NEWS: rannan"...4-tirerildriyclasti 7 titerViratnerl JoV&Hoehifirbiletengaged"ptintision-e ; :ththird etory,of ti.house in 0 man, Y ;ifeti-t4ibe rimed enst l wae.falien up or dead„. waaeorlyeled to Illaiserderiee; isid nicamdlio,addielarrelitliessi aril fiiiidfl*ditetirde7proneedid falsdilesi the venal atinegeilietatit ihr Iba liana/Mt which ;was appointed „ for,linday.r.ldbo , bet es..the,hour YaPiniated on that ay, tbtt.pody tabilitted-signs of retdr,ittriganhiptiam, 'Arid Oa -a .rfelt - tacilltoete I barman's!, to the astenishinenc orial;the young man in them OW. eilkrniatt, -r oVeoniiti;'Velletred to be deed;. way able 10 tonverni his friends. 1 -The pbYeiciant, however: proneeneirrbismrsient condition sa'extrasely,prittcal. and it-doubtful whether hei'Mayeallye` the injuilea 'euitiine by the •••4, , ` • • , d A, Brgarl.OriNG termini ; of' dity;laya the 11111Winkei` Wiles `rif 'the - thOtti; aome teat days since, wad Welly hit to *hem' the was•betrpthed; that alas loied linother— , his, hair‘amote cis lareadAsaket, owl at *dreg - Share Pnrehased'ilya veins Rt; arsenie s dfirst,,,WadOng a note , in ,German, fair One. , Bit the weenie didn't' workiiindt the lint day. , be . took , ten - grains: and wirOtafenltheilet ter. , That failed:te„hill him, and the,nent day. he toblr'fifteen grains,' end wrote anotharlettert, , and for ninadays le,haa been' t a king ardente, !rarest ing day; till liii is actually yea , ea. it, crtetwithatanding- •slia , ,:manilentetion caused by unregnitted love, and he *warm he will keep on till If 14, marries bica N er ipshicrio,liake his Poison into arsenic levee, ,aid.datit In g - c y aft* BY jitINO/ZPIN)Iis mien aa three ,lailies,:aisioniniibpsinme male friends:'idere orotteitg Pet' Loaf Briftri at Wdattington,l% tiee of thins arid oil, ap peared to her waist through ',as flooring,. a plank on the end Ostia @ba t hed placed her tieteiltsthit tipped up and , lett thioegit,t4ttneittely for the ItidyLfibeeiliieillie' gfenTatinalluslimita of the apettrliethiel istfellile'hid'filten ;and ft, Ingather adth , her: presarase:or wilt in extend ing her arms, Bayed her from deathJ., , ..• r, BOY , Ertrarh% 2 .4Sarot irtilleadaraboat hOOn e lsy egad , sahotst Ares -yeant r - aan Of Kr. George', Shatter.sOf ..Yorkt wee bitten and • dreadftillilaceritedin the left band and Ws . % the head -hy. a irielods 4og. lately pstkobiaid by Kr. - John E.*Weitseli; rwertgediewpraadaaa ' e b e boy was when attacked. Betides haying thole:theta severely, torbipts,top,aad leftlideof ; thee:animal. and: fortheed lrefet waehjah'irioNtathe !If! 'ear Idtthilarid e` Y house at the corner of Yeartetstth streireeand , Fotuth live:me:la New York‘lebtirlitia."l: - Bee. Abate ; were poisoned beer, ,Thetraday iron:eg. le is ;supposed, from the coffee !drank,at breakfast. Mra-Biath'am'die4 th e' day,lia , :ek th e others aro in a fair way at rarorery:7 - jeli, nOt kdown. whether' MO permuting wit'intardidaar- or the malt of nereloweese dr , aaaidetagit2lo - idridr silt be iPYestigetetlYb7 kh-S,FOrMrt. -L - ; 'Thiaxisa thapter -storm on ,Friday meek, mobile the faiopxor: Mr.. Jacob Sboff,.e fermer, , who resides ricer Colnichas,;Ohio.' were eiltiagilinner, - the lightning sralliabisieoir In pre Nary, •ktliing:ber inetaatly - , a er:tberaateei -111 sett brate into niecke:esery, plata the: taide.ithard.the faatilywae eatioV'emuL astglitY;AU l o l 4sl4 the koftar upon tttla table, bflit, 4 ELM• least tejaiibi stlt piliott'vegetit: ' Trintsijf,ltig Oirthir Sr& at tlietour published: - Thi3i gee tele tbillbeety to ..rpcelareentlAot: thalr,..raspeetive !Aebigrigatiew And. to all who , isw tteir , sselliriere ocsualt °contour, tliketbe appaiMmestatforierelestaatme Bthliath day lia,atilided, ithadatipt out various trageVentimeol' , 1.-183 TrattialMrl6 7 LOa:- , - F. A' Noyec, of Beaton, Mace., who -alined-hair's • more Neese in' bit - hag - Teird - plitek in his hoary, ' creakinfinta, :ale*, em<Rclaca,:oter thcl s vth~li off; a prettifiricloicorania,kentofh °insane aexiapa, at Semith•Riitisn,'snethere attiaittedlo'CMclhis,lays - ,bylereringi r•-kirrety:lt ;The *Fitted !iaicl Ike MP4 3 ford„ m Perm* aahle. nameclhn .k -ficlehick., erit, riiri eicay+lth a *Site girEnitheeAntelle ' -eighteen xelaia 'of 'sigrifi, eidtasiartildgftee:ViCittl: - .1!olqnos,w; a V I - ga RMA I ,4, - ,-42PYY ;1 1 94,0~.._, _ Me n 'Aid marriage *ern ^ 4 boat, A, VI Atelithinfit nifeed-Whitiag • JihiFiVe - ,- 113tranth'iro the 6iehi i `e' ;9.tiOnst.,, ,mat( siOd. about yonf, mut a.zrajdfflat of Frlatklin,:onsfitN. , P-a,, wag:burned to" death *ldle -este/CT ..;t.z. -11:,a11,1 - es130Y , Efintd;-441:iferii boy, about .Pixteen y *are, of_jrge rA esne4 _Peter,',-;waf, holik 019 Orerkevilte,le.;lo 4 ,lo-,o4.osfAtult- .Pr,thl#X!!lA- 'der Vaierttint. , ' - at'ltodiite e fitting out tvgrehtoirera7expidttlen:ac otquariqw.tnimii,r • Gyorisng Eh rglb wpalcst saWesistoihe I RWIN -Peer "Air county_. - : ttf it Si Tan Ton th Preobyteiy of` itku)Lifitipa:44,4 in 424 oeti*,'Poifooet 12tlii '4,z,v ieq.Pa : Tax Uili`opera lonsOit.o*OW, kjt %o-pabiatodoidithilth; oOetothiiW mPt o;ol44l.,k,Aufifker'iiirgioitot fio - 011600171: .el k ologr fr,Al4l' wife, to the frl6iaSfj of Bfletba.-hais th foltseltie at ouygothorioc othand d6foer daa h. tersoittp AWALlNt i blT : l4l,;fiztA,4lk e ri t nt, A oe t tere of the giotio, one Berope u 0tie..113, Asia n , one Africa, and one • ' `Acottrimen - -,-Piof:jtoeh -4'iitief.'herai,itioleeted the.D,wight.ProfeteetebiVorPidintitt Theology in the Yeas TheologioalSeminer7;:zeade vationt,hy the :death of Dr.-Teylororho,,front the founding of 'tha itonineiy,,Ooonpied thatposition.- , Tug 'eeetist rcoem..'cif ihe , inietstrattotr ofthe Oben* of..Eogiand,:to;: the 'people of , London, le represented u .16,freotioli ever - twelve -donate to each many median, anti obitd that ittende them': 7na•axiivusvaAer; to_ be observed on the Ilk niVernitint ALto Bth.' 2 - - ';'; s YES TERDAYL rat otignizili'. • I Reported for The Prestj - • • ' • - SUPREME COITIVT-=Ohief Lowrie,; and JostioisWowfward, Thompson. and Strong. Jasiob Hartman. 'oath's exeentor'of Bartholomew Huber, me. &Tref Mary Hater JAppeal ' of Jaeob liattnsansrmn the dome of •the' Orphans' Court ,irpon: the report of thi ,andltorp, and •,it notation; to're•settle and .ulthe ftrlbut'on on the remount •of. Jacob Efortman.: eating> exam/for of the will of Bartholomew Hubsw,deconsed.: Error, to the t) cold of 'Northampton county : !This 'Mee -froiiiyittla, - aktii.vplatrAhe cones adjormied. . brief I i ttin,II—SIBTRIACV-Tlin!, - cane or Winter irti :the D 4*w/ire. iniassecfriniii)ipx;fayaia-, onted) •A: juriir ••eas Marotta', and the jar, dla obansod fronithe furthir ennitdinitfonsit; the oars. John D swoon ye' James oirout.• - acittrist r - of :went • Jadarnmstlor the plaintiff - , Istexesso. Hort for thirty dare. , - ; - , Henrietta-Matti:owe vs. John T. Tap.. An action to recover daintgea for an alleged malicious proescetion. It-appears that the plaintlff;erlio is aeolored woman, Went out ft purchase Some, goods; that, oho went into two store& and attempted to pan a 510 note;which wee pronounced to be coaattribit at both - places.' She then went into - the atone of the defendant to buy embe'dry: goods, and acted if the 1.10 cots she had.before attempt: ed to pass woegood, and 1040 emulated two more notes, altogether amounting to 530, The-uetee were on the .Wiltiamthurg Bank. of Willlimeburg,'-b1.4-• ",The .de. fa Ault *eat outer his 'at,re to - see if thenote wan good, and came balk - in Wimp - toy with &policeman, who .arrested the ptllnhff, and , chirged his with - pining 'connterTeltAnoney. - , . ' he plaintiff wan' taken' before'Aldeionan" Coulter, - :who bound her 'curer to answer the cherga: , While:the hearing was taking,place,the,plaintlff ,alated that she had •refieived tlie moody from her hunband; who "had 1300, that,tort of miney;•,, • AC ,er the plaintiff wait. hound over to answer the chaige, , the ante iit'itieetion Was i,4lrin to a broker, Ith t pronounced. it to, be gepolee. ',The plainti ff wan then "dfachargtd. This °cosine its took place , about two yearaiao = hunk called - the Counterfeit . D e tector yrs. referred to lty the defendant whlehlaid that notee of the Etna ptes.d by the plaintiff were bai, and, upon this he arrested th 4 plaintiff. •On • - ; OYER AND TERMDIER—z-Judgea and Ludlow.—'Cite ease 4.f Mai Gaiseriberger, char fed with , hwnicidein killingßanner Beetnish,wse resumed; The defence well opened by Kr :Earl., one of;the oonentlfor the defendant, who told that h a ailent wet a .y•oung , man, too °early attached to the decedent to kill him in, tentionally. - , wait of The 104trict Attorney ; upon' the wait of the present: tion, ca'led Dr. Abell to the Chums stand • • kir. P. Coroil Brewster; upon-the part of the defend ant, o‘jecto I to the rid talselon of, the; testimony of thie *Armed, so the evidence fir the prosecution mad closed. Objection nYerruled . ' -- • PPr. Obeli:seam-4/ }rive the Meek Of skull-taken rom the head of the deo,edent. gamuei 0-amlett DistrictAttornil proposal to hand tide to the'jury. - The defendant tbkoted to this ;_butilila • objection*waa a so overruled... The piece of s tail easthenillantled to thee jiutrle, number of Witnesses - "re.ie''ltsamitied,iin • d t • iey . Solids: that they knew the deretut•ut - from the. time he . was 'a mere chtidup to the pnwent time, and that no had always borne a gd-d iiputatioit. and that they never knew_ or. the defeadent , a being in any quarinie. ' • The chain/ win:this or cnuneot wore =vie, and the oats referred to the Jury, who returned "not • A qtrican *net:annual. named Tolle 0. Baxter Wee arrested by Reserve Officer Conelihyeitsrday. He has been playing some very:strange 'freaks 'lately, and the most charitable coustrustion that Ewa be siren to thent in that he in insane. Be had order ad sp.oso worth of cigars from Henri. Itild,dieton fa Co r $l,OOO worth or pianos from I X.:GM:Ltd, and's quantity ofligeor from a home in Front street. He was to pay 'emit for the _articles, and as a cons.quence - he did not set them. The only harm doll! , thallsrtisia —from whom be'purchased to a great deal of _trouble in poking therw np. Mealia-Ididdletm — k - Cp - irers obliged to egad to New : Yarkfriramme of the lierrw - which he de sired., • One of the: trot was also faulted to pine with their custotter,lat the - Girard Home, hut as he was not St,-.Popg,there, the prOiriiitoirii of- that ,eatablnatiment suffered for the teAt - Einde time attics the make lodi- Ytwohised 11;000 We it of Honor tkiiill:P..filid ,dlet,ori3 and paid for It with a cheat sigopd -Jos 'Abate. :rho - same parion ap-catated in lumber sepanrutra space, 'and hafrpropoted to build a large theatre at rourth and Poplar streets. A.`CURIOCiI, and almost a seriona' 'Memo!, happened on Thursday evanisig. It 'Soma that ap4s9o reaidlngat Elerenth andjace atreeta,whti. had beet, smoking antgar;threw the remains ;rola • asoond, story-aindow Tee stamp 'fell 'lnto the pocket of e poem by, and perfeetly unooeseiona of 'what' had Up. peoed, he continued on hie Jopriisg., Ilpowarrising It Streetilm woe Ultoailand to and thalkilsolothms wee op Bre, and that the,whole aide of his coat fiat been concerned. . . TUE - LAST OP THE Syvolotr:-- , The last tnedi oal totnto.nnernent of the etatonliall he tosldthlittflei. noon in Jsyne's Ball, et. hal f-nant three Wolcott. a The gradusthig a-non will'Oonitist,nf both ladies and french - men. Dr. .1 EmoteOn' Kent the raaledio toq. A good bind of Mni4o '7lll, beta attendance. A Ilea art iB William 'Pate. • Alderman Shoemik er committed him yecterdaymortitug to sumer the &Legge of etedmeey,eral photographs, from 'A seers . • on Booed street, ' abate Ot tr. .amaag the plotom were those of Oararnor Plaktr and. nide Farrar, the tiagialani • ' THE Opuivrs:
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