•., ' i -- '.. i lj:.'-',. '... , - ~,,_„---_ p-,---,,,,•':'--,:•`, -:::,f ~,5.7"- ,"..t .::--4',',.., , t-L,,f4,,--,,,.'ic--,7-:::'l4'l!Y4«,•',',lk:''-''fr.flf.-4' Via 4 ::::i.'" 1 „fVV.:ti,ii'le-f :. ic-ti:”" 4 4:;.---4:: -tNs4-CA?I4 Yttlitf ,1.,,4-- ''., i;- t. 1 / 4 =7 , 4 :•:'"- , -=- :i'' :t,l7' 1 1 ~• ITy ; "41'0',1,7r.,,,AA-A• --, •'--,:•,:.'-‘4'i, 4 4.4 fit - . 0 , kin'is-5.0.ve-c-•r%.,. 'i:At-0,;_iz,g,,w,,,t-Z---“4,' :ffitt4''4:-,:-,st--1,4-1r118t94. - . -.7 : - .. - > 7 ,--' r •: , '• - : , ;* ,, '-•.,L , ' • ~..„ 1 -. iV•rr 1 ,=., .. t iLt ,- ;-•,- '-`-'1 ~ .w,t4f-1, V ei4 V 011°,42.-ii. golt:111) t °_,. th e' , y,. '-' -am ~, Lot, .---,' *-', 1-'W-. „'''' , IIiPT lts i li io t, plO , . tifil _, , ..--i_ . --tb.l-itlatist,..,repte- imii vre ;1.44 *. •''Y ''' -M;ArabViilllHq Vtt 4 -1 az* , i'',.A?:464 i itc' " 111P...4,,,wiectAviklimirAdi oiLl,, --. • , ,TiVa_ ' * i s ,' by to !FM:4ArAtr;ll,., ~. ~-,,,,,- ..„._,,„,,,, .. ,,,.......„, ,Tkekw'r)-ti,uthig i i i ,lit C -ilise T ', -.-- .- , auttob, ,t'. -.... #00. , tte711 14 -p.,..- titbi la'lll°, '..': " 1 0/0.010-IA. -',-,.,,' ' 41117 410',1",-,biad,'lmPte )'*iiiiiii* :10elik"Ogirieliii*U4*- 4. mit f--.4k'" 14tilthoilat_ °- ' ..„.. a .„,- , vibe ~, v.,,,t7e„, .. „ - ~..-au1,,, m , n .,...,,,,. t 4-, A ,-4, ..., ,i-* "404 0r.V.%74...,_____V, , . • ry.,t1'1tt0;464_,V41144„"..t.,...., ~,..- to -,2Poly,ti.T`ll----;,.......'"' ,,ttittk*9o,r..4.-41,tit,: To • ~ol i elit',. rr-"-eittiriiiii444.l9'., -.' ie :, ' . ";t" '' 1 : ',' isibrajtd,*(4.'..!toog 444 ,(11"11-1410 a 9 . P . 0 ~/ ., - - i ajg;t l, v, • i til wins ,LlllOl , 4 ' • - -,.„ -~„ 0 - '"Fl". 40.,:m0,0bne„,,,,-100% 'Pr L!, ~,t - - „ --.:.,./.r..„,i 111,.. 7 4 ,i., mirkvitaw , "" :'''''BrAllPeng lsaisat x , ALT --k kkitiftsC',,.-s'` ' -- j 16 4111 ,4 "11,-' - blitoimiin ? 4 ..7-illitlt il- *.ittit , i's" .., ' J.. *t'loFS'tfit..-A' 1141"-047,04,4 t.that 41t1} ;I'''''T' kr: *p1it1iL1itp4„7,,,,,,4 ~4,,,,,prwf,r-oabi. ..w3 ,241,11:AppA494,*".AC*i4lArflyitt;i ~,iiigoi),;,l4.. - ' ''"'''''':-gbi.4gll,---ilt;',iiotii*4-al'''''';':iidlictYCoiro4 "'... :tta--VA4-4t.*..tll„,,'Elin4.kiif ii;llllooLsrlai‘ - - ..---;..tiMmiu-0,1':77,Ti.-,tissaini' ~.- ' -04 ' ' '4oi,,rll4".c.a'ilt4**-F-11-tyl' .' 'al ?, ... • 'ot.46`ierilf4-jaitv.: ' 4 ,; : . t w, - - ,*littk, ~„,--, y r As ,• • - hiirliosi, r ','4 titf *4' cf-ltiCaitol...,lo44ll' - fii. OW ':::';, "„ ''ilotowoo:*,44-1.4-44,4°,...wi1:..0 Uiailti,'"ll" tA ._ _ ''-477.14:.__, .."" ' bOitest;`i,t( 7771,'Thit.Pfinil,g,- - ..3:' , 'L 't : , ' '= .4.i--iiiii-ittitilttskY.lFilt It'.ii 14 laY a . -4 , - :PP-4*p), ~,,Attr,a6V::- haft-,=-14,ieei Citbi , „!O , - --f--4-7!`; "Aii% libetvoi t 4 1 16 ' "4) PT?' 'l‘o*-11yhiliakzit-g-41 -llor4o /unction w!' item, . , ~,Aortimitiw isi 44 rtiting . , -'-' • , tarrifiltrekv' ,liatok,,frong,iste.,. e.,,c, • • sAed ni ck,' dos lwri;";bVii,htil infe 'i_ s ` yi' (i , .., ' ;411111artzsperis419V - - ' ItitsiOit y4t rt [ • Witl,Riolyqi*hOtlitt t-1- y,',filtit',thelstf ' --;;Z:,.:1*11_,,,4,0-45,`..! C-Itt*--4111" ..1 114 ,t. ~ f. ,, '-'," . ' `..7-. obit *at Alikk - i' , "' - e3,liiiiiiiiiitili, t•ff'r ' ' • ,-- '.'' ll i° - iiiiil6ll,Lkilablasa.:Yaii4i;_*44l"tren, 409)***thli+qtrik-L'4l4"ttiiis' 'e , *NW e . . 1,, t ,..,' ',in, *1411016"n, ijoi, ,_______,' ''' i 4i44ofielk- .. ' ije reddllAoo LP • IL , rm.... tilt. -- Thu. omit ',him' ert.' -. 4 oiramilit.''''' vete. Ant "' , , --- 'lLettiti;!ll°Pd" t°3toirbilsomit alum" , to et' -- ''' tUitti lorlt4#it ak,' oissiltitt°"l '...P.-4114`._i,,,,,- . !, tetlisteit • _7..',,,,, .4,4,4' r''• "' ''''', l llc.:ll"litOf#i*: d t ., r , A7l'opiiiititti4 gt , ~01:..,i ,iaajrloo4, 'T"'Z , r_16,7444 Illf Rhos -Ttobee- ol eak__„__..! iiiiikluori-toP -, pyink..„ hiimpup.a ..-. 6 - fitatia or' .. •, -, -psh4ol.! ,-,teuirie,Cobiplit,,,o9., ~;,, onda --. '-;.' .r.t.. *impel ,-,... - bi.oittliglil 3•4'' , . ---.,..latait.,i,rr,..l._iiiibsioprillaleg , the "tool and ' '';',4"i i t lt r ' ' - --4-4 abject of ""ifs*eAiii `liiii°'-`'f' '''.: 7. riamiloa- 64,,, towtfikif 4e -'" irai;sll the ~,, -.4-Lik'J..#r.4*qtbliriiitairs4.l,lkLlElL w riters, iiiiiiivaiwo/rtit! , wi l iriAtt k iiiii •- ho ~,,,,,1,0„...,,,,„ lurftlll434*4sttol zbi,oool7 VIIMWM,4 '' aid millikl44„ll...'h ...t t- -ifinuti 101" 111011bictitirM..A17-vs-:' .:-, ,-- Li"' ,Areifitl4l/I“*.-,,,,`, ; • -,e-e,itigar , ' ,oillitill **AM, ,2_iat‘'etilaWidlti, , a . im r tellll W. W . ''''' '' itstapr will-, ~..irkt .44 touft t - ; - co*. I*-_,, - _ 46 ,-, iis, •• . ,g,i;.Asiititivim--.1 - ~;Aitouirr'sfe477l be &4 ' - ''' - '''''' - ' omit tdattrE ,-, • t *mot i sill ~,..4 i' 1fia"„...,....,..10M--i.ib/iiittissetHlstr °".,i , ~,,wihliiii,,i4viii.l)ri,,,,- . :„ ~,, 6,,i,A20:14,1y0A1 :_.; . 4 r - i l l s g 4 o oill i o n 4i4.o ii `4 . , ." w ." iriiit.g.tl.. ir - '--a,7",1 6 7ga - ,l1 a A sZllNli*_tls At-4# ..i r sre,beiii „" ei,) iidii'uat ) ' , ;s ''" l, 4 , 1 , , ,, x - 4 0 , 40 , .14,,r'*° ,4adr n i li rk o lllOom-utia: • • .:-.,# 7 , l4far•-,mwcidesillie3kl44o l l, _ fitokiviiiilia": - - ---'"' • - , Ili, 4ipimiiiiiitAbitikiri , Awuniiii isiitted, ' ' iti 2.- '''' ' 'friola Tomei ....1.- beilaftotil 40 ,9` 0* - `: ii, ~e.l"kliejtil, V * ._..-ir-Aii, ',. qi -• e i gOio -1 i',V,-...„..yi„ dp-r. 'it 1 tr , 6 .. , . 3 .__ , _. e , : ',1,Hin,,4 1 a c.. Vic.., ~ 4* 7 1 ..,....-I.lt . , ' -44"."14,ti0, ?--Ft, -, .1100004%4 gsk ,B4 . 4 4;a7nee' ,';,,,f , . ;,,r. E - * - --/o, s , ' ''..., "-, ', . ' : 11 , 1 . -...4-t. i'„ .....!72 , 0 * -i iiire '4•lo. 544, ' igit#4l4!‘", ing044101,111 t' „ 1 t"dtln ' - ' !'gllllo i*alij. 4.r ' ". 5 ,-,7•TF•rtgo• ' ' ~ ' ik••4l,- mi.- i•opolpitiepfs ; • r''-::_71; • - P7' "- ~ 40111.7L,Aj4**0141; - , • :44 t y., - - -;,,, '#,J.14414,i-ipostkot ti .jilt ar`,.......„,"17-0, rzi,n-vi'`77tii A ttolleakit ,git: ,ft.5770n.. I'4i • - ,o, iiihmeqi.t..iiiparkb*F:4 l Wia101kAg.14,,,,J1:074744 , tinP,i!4l --ataii4,4 T..!*,e, ! ( 4 1 * i .40ift"fi-iikLAW°!-' fi v,-- 411 --Oti ' i. ,..2 . „ ~ , --, ~:. 's . =.' • , A*lll _ -.4 7 ',- . .1 - 17, '' ..- ', ' ,5 4 7.,, -14 1: :, - .....14,r7 , ~,,111t..-', nos. of.t.;:;:' 01.44411-,..it, -,:.,..,.,,___- .. 41,T=`,it4101„,..'4'11-IZiraiii:, -- - ‘ -if' -'''','1740164-Tliiiiii . ,ll l Vv. .414t•liaisilat' VANAC.T.P.OIII4."7/6*ti:iiirl. :*lll4o4fiC°tairoig,lo3,l4titli.ll.:4lLity 40, Ata° t .44- . 44 :#0. , .i.:0344” 4 ... 4 , ~,- ~„...,...,,,,..6n...it r t i't-4:. "mto 't-E- f . -mve kiihail: ,' lip -.Ty „! 7 ... 4, - - • , ats. ''' t''' t . .-",, • ' clittit,,, Iti*l ibattiiiiitoF' b7,'"4".. ilitoe i3.,,,Aft,i-,..eebe,„ ~. ; f5'„46,., "aid ',Brown. 4.1'-'7l ll43 friir ' 4/11411404, ni,...; Oa.- Thil& 4•1104", • -i„, - itm trot '4° - 74 _,.. :,- ibiZb#ol.-094,01' i ad 4' I.:4lll'lM7n''''i, ''',,,,,,e4i yf.:Z.,!•011. 7:4:1r0k i,r'' 411iftiflaPre-11=i7:4 ~, , ifi, Nati, -Tltv ' - iiadigiloigroa '-...- ' _ 4„,...,,,,,, , -frocadobek, _, . -, 4 •, - 1 4 ,t,j, c .cio,,at-simikitai ' - 4f it h e - 141 YakiiiiM . .-4, at ---,4,Lo;*eftlwk, - iiiad•- ,11 - .744„,,....,_,-..yr,io Allio , t'' ,--,'",,,, =!'ioiraserw7. 4 7l .-, t .,p„,,fr,,, .te , ''.l ', kA....,,,E.,... ~t,i,n4;',Vilt:Ai''''''_'. ~,,,.': giiiiiiilltin Ole' 4144'"1-.11.... in not 'di e d At . , ~ " 1.1 - ,' -' ~. .sort''' 1611"- ,ceebee,Hty.-`"lti,tfa! ''''ln"- Ler, , -,,,,',.=.iiiii* - atf° lsl Mt rritiiicttnettti*4lol,,,- : , ' ' '' .,- *404iiit.,,,,,1LL-P kt*--- .. _ . _ . '' J/ ' '; biotisid :-r;;,„ryifdar_, ~...., , ,in., ...Mik" , i f ~ .- - `t4 . - T .1 1iiii4•,,.._... 1*- `'ajr fail* 4 sii 4 4Y% c , :" - -- "of = • , ' ' -,•*"l'''-` --.-;,444azAtut7-77,..-,- 4 - Ati*" By P..f.' ~,,- arid"' 001, (1101 , , '''• by j- B. ,- . • -11. 14, 4 7171. sung a al ' ) ; -.!'''.--- - ',.--;'*7. 4 , ~-ffit.. , 4,i 612,1igli$D, , 4 ~ .114,5yfl'ilTOIIIP ,WriA6=l uk Sark.' '11,4 ,1 4 , -.1.,,,'" , Aii*il 8 , - ,'' ~ - 0 4 ,, , but 400, ro, ee „, ,#_.•'-rv, ,13 dikyseltiltage!i?' Bilis '-:',416'.;,;,....11,,T-74iwitibiillicit'llittM - . ' ,At...., , • ~...tur,4o-1 0.,........1.,,,,6reriember -411Wigiirlat, 'itriktlr., „,_, 2 1 100 'ffiiiis ,,• ~ ''''."..,, itil4 t hittieeto:" I" 14- ":"" littac :1 1 ; ~-1 '` '.l*ii.t'w.= %ail ite-licite-ii:rll44;Lq"' ', ' "''''lYt s #,-,..v.i' l li'-' l l4;fokt34X.4lj 7=t • l3 t lt°' ' • , " I ;, a a . so7 7 lAf l;'7l;rt * 447 1 0 ,k,fe1kt ,21 =19:014- - " ..4 r t % . '-, „..rtieuer ~,-*4,,,,,, fa, ' th4i 4iii:“ pan3rtaigle'--,l° rank` - -:,,f ,-- -' • ' 44* ,Com ~',,,,i ° p _ ~..,„A., iiiikplitce--uity..‘ina, .7. ~, iii. - 0,0„...„ 1 ,.., ...t, - - ...,e, ~,„ t !.. 't'diO4 - 101,1e, ~ t . , r li rvi er . Li eee ,i ''inll ` Ittrtn.',' 01 ire1f.,..1.17( ii,toit:' - 'l o lm c , Aiiiii-totto 'Ablit"' - 41 . ii,` efutiOterP-, 1 4 ,! . 07# 11 Y :.;:. -Y} t. ' , -,1 -....- ~. ill ..:l~~ i ~~. .~ ! i=.f.'' =x-Aliftei , --- lilhAif t 7TlWAiw*AO!t --,Pyt,4-**4-44,m,- iji*,eifitt,'',':: :1 - - :7;`,. , ms , -.'t';J;4loiiimiis#ol,4ll4.lo:o:,*34,P4P-Re • j'.! - ''.",:: , , fl'aip - ': - '' * . ijkt.*: hmt,TP, l 4.Y.T;t l , l we s ' ' ' ''ailikUi l 7-1 1 .14 4 Atig# 4 4:,WA mit OA - ro? • ite4,4o4in, fitho.,lo,l-0.4, 1 # mi. , ' -: g r ukilfwiiie =Om *iiiqtt*ratlho , '• ,- ; : , , , i:*;!#,t i Ni te l loit , 9 .oo.l= l " ,, ioryi pli,i 4 , o l ,4 l ; **** 1 40 4 :00.004400 4 - - - ..perform. It iii 4 'maker:be vittp*porbinc# • 4 4014 , irkrir } siiiiletiriesol*alkibrou be f'l7ll72;;;;l'ftilikOQi;4t"of xall 7 i, , ibi - 1 Z i r,41 ,0!4,1_,... ari se • Ili ' •: := ~ i.- , oiii, raw c i gliolto_v, , o.' Oryslillkniromuunt.; t° Tho:"contemilated'Extpt Session of isbl.thet on etztiot4,reeldetitial :cabinet ,ttit ray - tll'` -Oria* bf . - Pahaidering ,ttileiroirPty C,4140 an eau's: Suakin bee' hitherto 140 Soflittaitietnittii s the , parties which-bave resorted to ft, that all experienced politicians • regard it;e a last resort. The extra session called,by the lirhlg,Administra- Alen; 11 . 4 been carried into . majorities of th e J94p5.4 1 , bla.e:lMPaiga4ot,lB.lo, WAS fatal .to its, ascendancy,'. and Utterly; destroyed its power Tor idierieli 'ls atited that all the member, of the ';Cabinet,; except the; tie*. Postmaster General, see at " thitr, *noo6l'4l *fin ii*;byNleAt; of the great embarrassments depinitrient will Tier stll opted ` ;to`''for want of '.Mitilcient IMPEOpriattoiK - he" ravers' ,It, .t"ne'd that, today - the ' subject ',lie fully 4liacuas- . if in nitre seisiontid net ealled; eise*ente'Or natur e :diseredftahie to a iiiiiknktithrinta _bWre'sertel to.`;ithe 4 0 15 1 . some route s, i,e'dkaiejne'd:vilk. ;The *Xi : Mt in itdifsaitant state of qii•ifikabtpiy or .the 'i4elftt' It& .obligations they „, Ab:e . ,f9r*lefs atiall, it wilt probably ben aessaary i 6 o,e 4 . "? ,Celietiliii:id l - 41WithOtit Laving; been :Prt4ontollip i prepitat'ekbY 4 . creigresi, „an& a itai4da,tiAreits,Preeedent; May :144 so great that they dltiaiivintige4 that OasioFtp,ll/9 country rise a gainst ; a total and general , or atiy _ Important . interrupti'on. ol t thit - ,Matlayaffini,otno r maatinioation b etween aliens • Mien'. hi 'a palararint the National doVerMat nt surely provide against any such i.oool . ,epAtingency, ..All „private. le4lXlibtalesare;, t expresilY. prohibited, ; by' law tr.:4%44**i mail _The GoVern , *AC ban .eidhailie Control.over : tile bitsi neeaXio; haVing:thua,,Undertaken it, is rOusidetation of honor,. justice„end,'regard•:forthefinterests of the Americ n, people, to; discharge its duty in the , premises.,' , Though the` loghtlailve brancheS 'pf;the,tieverninent at the - butt emotion tidied Ifo.,*l.o!;*ilieetiaaryuppreprlations, through the - disagreements between ,the..tive .P.01:1108, Andt t heaxpdration of i their existence "in 14.14:; or ; Audi the. P 2 resi. dent " l e; not ; ; thereby absolved, limn, Ids nary to _ take :. all ,posijble. measurea, to , keep open the ehannela of, communication moon `flielieeple of the nation ,and ,:thin: cannot • belefrectiv,eik properly, and, legally , done, „Withont,liirther,anthority from Oongresi,bis an e*t.r.a 0138.0041 a imperative. One use of the 49;144 . 41303 calling an ex , iiiieitillenlii4e . .,'.dorbt, of a purely, partisan elected Vie,.#9ithar!Afit44lb4y, already members ,of , the present, Con. grace,, whils t iti . i..,llmpber of the _Southern States no have , yet been, held h i ' the ..tlegulat; time for holding ; the* in 13 ktatOB late 1 , to 'representation,.secure their' in au eXtra aiiiai*,.Mtleas special elections, are heid: If ?..*_ .. .7. 4 4",Metabers now e l ec t ed were called to getner; the Coi,#Oljok the House would be Republican party• ti q alifetienti,ii(4:Bogaieß sjotop probable fr om their, polltieal i cem. it will heMposaiblefor,,the,Sepobli , ;ittialorityin that body.. It IS • Keyy . do .. .......................... and lontl(Anteifeansr, combined ;wilt have a ple4 : 1q It ;but 4}r probable,that those Megtef as lull-Lecompt :!•trApproh actuAgontroitthe , AP% Orf44 l .lotbithe othei Democratic ,par •;•; he;Ad weat4„:,*iialii: be linneutably we'll in, before the '.Southern - ,States ' [o pportunity , „being, represent. 1 14: For minima, as, yell ; sailor lb4l. , ';4:!TOPer_ v at;tl,`, ; jeisi, One of , giying. ederY ,„•4 . VijAeoafairimaring in the ,coOni *iolioo .Is said. that :if an': extra session it cast , i t convened !ielure which Pne..,itzillAapPopeill • - fegOltrPr special o lo 4 l 9•44.*sy 44.;.1"..:0iri0 ,,,- 0 , any t**).44..:0#00/ 6 • *lt `.; - :Ac544.1'.41; • 7 7 • ' Ao 4l o4#lo"Oiß*4 ll o44initi , ;' , segit* 4 •4;: 1 , 4 -4 1 * - I!*‘#F 44 ;Aii l i , PX o b l OY be ' '4°odif cut is 10k44,.'lkar"cfnalgueitsct strong , enough. to possess 'a clear, majority :otnartiootthediscerdant elements of ; Sonth American_e`,";4oilearip;idtztiali4ration mocrate, ;--aridZ.antl-Lecompton men., In or the , l'oat Office Parrittinf such n, delay would pr., pOculiatly unthatinite; but, perbapi the mdeemeitieslof the counti**Ould compel the members ' to speedily adopt some-system for adjusting the ,difficulties”' arising; oat' °Vibe, political dia. 'rantertitikpointe? present? C/Ongreas, "preceding; as it _does;the groat Presidential election, of .1860; doubtless r./160pw441 course., of t agitating; • as :',.lefiPOiledble,, - themes, calculated te` ad' -- eikaNx Partisaw.interests in -that great coif= lest r`i - end if ,an - extra ' seasien is commenced three - 0f four menthe 'before 'the ordinary po.; iiutioiet'pfitutieei6O-apeigies,that wilt be expedient' that will be_reaoited to • is frightful to contain -00;1 -like ;Conduit ..of,Alle, tAdministrat ion ; will; doubt,e, be thoronghly • Scrutinized; and Investigating , tonimittees set to "work in every !miarter'where 'cor'ruption is ' inspect: ad. 'The last 9ongreis;: by, 'is ;rived on wavid,"':eentrichi, Mid - on ;the,,acconnts of ythe i .i it # ' .', l '3 . 4oo. o l 6 . l3 leni' gallila fririnting, gave ad a.. ioretaito ~of , whit map be, expected front an extra amnion ; ano; AlreadYi , , the debate-in : the Senate; at ifs" late session,lri regard to . the printing of the post ',bifida that - there - 11( still more:iroilif for 'those ' Inquisitor i al" bodies. 'Added extra session will be at tended- considerable 'Oxi,enae ,fo'fflicf" nation, anti will probably do nutch.to - swell the volume of political excitement,: hich, elfelliA fANTP., Of,things; rune entirely, too' high.. Ali of this might have been avoided if the precious houreat the Senate Itid•nist. peel? 6/.42 latiied- bythe unnecessary Aficussloner the famous ililrty-asilltou biKwidei*oe foolishly elleidell'Precedencitover 'pea* , of rest importance 'lo:the , e'ven to rho last days of the session`. - ; • : The' tribtiteTof respeckend pndse rendered , by theelesdhig Engllehlourtislitetheniemit. , ry ''sind 4e4te:,61 - Plifierrir,*; go hi'veriirstlfy 'Wig; fofnkiiii, *sighs; but chiefly an showing that rtOh ttiet*olio - AM zrtraigto.uad• of 'lite.: 41,4.4 1 4:444.010: - ind ..Eogland, : 0 0,0,willwilt 1 6 , ill4 l o,;i ) iii 3 A9,„or h4t ttieutiiiit kindly and Catholic. feelings. The pes ceidele ,hingraphltal notices, written with great all 14.4091HkOght:aiiilvitti, great attaattoa. Tioreef end - peity, alobe,:,gtid, Sub ; `-191ar and,chroitife; :11/ti iifirainy-snpfrffis;sll:npile in this tcib'ate: ,ThelliOrekizigenbi of Me World given a r i gtO r tc a 4; - IMA: M t m lO u ill z . l . o,.)lllliitra -1.0:44.40*.,4faais =mange' 'one : fttr , its, issue 'et *Wok 5:/The 4otaage Is at' enee:gerierei :an genuine. - " - "r' • • , , • reason, to believe that Mr.. Dia:l*e determined to:revia It the ifnitadlkatic ,4 dThe hidneenient held out ; ...c 4 j,'* l * ie said to have been A10;060, formhloh, helve!' tO , payeread,' thronghont; the 4 0 1 a - ,4i,9Ptifeli;*in'leineint4r 'to 'March-L.: travelling r evensee alp defrayed py the pen 3ftketi.i. DiOimits Enid to • have ewe ?snood' a odSf eteirainf:to hiive ,00iiiplit4i shelter Aide • whieli'ie • purposes. ik - P.043c Prim' Miriaittnee'in , • . ." , 4 12 *,?faiii:Isiirt47431Ottel-, - ,14 . - B. lißidlook, ;1001 . knolinlitleonistietlint trith , the'AelegripirintOreete ' 4 15 14 0 4 2 , , icOiditaif 3hOppedatuient Aseletant -Superintendent of 1 :4 1 11t0 fkiiittiireetertipiiiriOnr<tliti'?rdiurni Burros - Pollei of thil norupdaiiin - did,lelrieldon - trik,itin of impeder bus& setieral_depit4- dr4ti,:lkthrrisityknritit °truest liberaidalariesi,•an, 010 1 .0:01iitt:;dethfe-_!iidet - lb..oneidered ad rrieia jrd4s . dididiarridierari:Odeleidni , :itortos l l4r.-iutotiki t a :. 1 9*1A4 1 0/ 00'f6 i t 1 .44 0,41',#!W0t.443, Amerman , 'appoint.: pesitliiii"hed'airoided pie 4"titetttiatltt iultod to their 4141114°n, Into the , of their bt!iinvol oporsOlQua. - • c. Mohleyr at; Om 4 CHGe l tly of Music. itareAdo=radi:Grial - ifrose files!—we were Meth* . inimproleedra Stall lit the Haymarket Theatre, Liintionii*th - s toodfrerowd about baste, end galleriellrqulte Allod—for dreeletto event wee oboe to comet:lt Aplay wad oniGea eve of its blith, ant thileithiratt'OtkiseMesiera lieb,yhm were present he force itar. deist," as oreir 11renohinoousine. say ; on the In- Length's occasion. It was not i'hew play by en anony mous or unknown author, hnt:Lie 'free contribution to. deamatio literature, by one who" nd won fame and for tune as, novelist, playwrightoand,polltleisn—lllir Ed ward Lytton Buiwer : That play was the brilliant dra matic maths of r. Money." - This immedyjnies yweatoncolesh for, apart: from its intrlnilii literery merits and - aptitude to the times, I t enjoyed the advantages of a grand embinitionleset— each individual ohaiseiter, front thehlghest (Oho low estMelni personated hy,artistarof renown hi their pro lesselOn—Macready; Strickland; ,David Bees, Wrench, Mrs. Glover, Vining, Webster, Welter Lacy,,Helen Peen, &a.- Where are they how? The float enjoying ble olitien'essidtgesitate, the next tour shining lights of the stage dead long years ago, and the remainder in their profeesinual decadence., , , Nineteen TIMM haii Sown by, ye Balwer's comedy fe jeiltits'appllcatie to'hhe present timing ie it Was to thou of 1114d.':-nor le thi'aptittidecinifined to the' conm. Hy of Its, birth, for each character Ts individualized in our midst, and '?,the worship of the ,Golden Calf," Widish la thellieme of the author's settee, is, year by jai, blooming - Mori and mote the pointer religion. theknightly jtrefls, • Mid we hitt pike lire fingere on,. Come , Sir: Jake Vereysfwicsie *Monied end to the, aponpidation of nio".oy, at, all hazards and hi any , way (Alert ofthe danger of delibeiste pooket r pialitog), ;and th" marriage of their feirdirin'e' merponsibli(ties to r. settlements;" cedes little or nothing eon earning,: the inerite, of, the 'intended ' hushed be yowl, hie ,rest.eatate c r the extent of, hie -balance in hank. Georgeanci,. Veseys , out I be, found -hg the hundred, at' an) , :fashionable reining '`place to the 'limiter, or' at ‘Wiabindiod „Whilst Gongreante In eg oism 'young ladlei of- 3 " the 'Brit' famlllesili 'young ladle. whoae education has been thoroughly,rtinished," • ; who dress to perfection .11i themod approved Parisian , who sing a, little, play a, little, polk diiinely, and ;eve an' nelimited en,pliof small talk, aid who are only de relent in ode Antall 'portion of foraticine or ngantsdion-7,heszt=itriding matter which should'apper tehe oniy .4o:common,. vulgar .people 4 r s master with !Vrieloht.L"ppet• tedipla ehould-, be,. nothing to do;-ae its poimisilon might Interfere With perspectilre advantage a more teammate by Ito slisence ,Then, too, the political arena supplies ens with an unlimited number of- stouts and ,Ciiiissmores,• easree, vulgar, eager politiOlans, and smooth, &Matto, finished sp'ectileors on pubilicredulity, etch alike bent on one end-nzuelLoggrandizeinent r each alike ready with pa - triotlem as a plea thortilitcanery and peodstion. ! qaptatn Dudley Sniooth (otherwise - Eknootir the deadly) silo has a myriad of prototypes in Ripe well dross* gentlemen who turn np at every soma, and who lite by their men who handle the billiard cue and faro . pack with' acompliehed - dextoilty; who are adept; in the myeterlee of euc h re and -poker, and 'menpalm, the king atlfearte without fear of , deteation men,wbOie, lexicons are devoid di . the word honesty; men' who lire on the fat of the land, 'sod are clothed In the extreme of fashion t-non who, - like !Ards of live on their fellow-oreaturet. -• Soft, Insipid, human dolls of the Sir Frederick stripe, too, we bare to profusion at every opera, hail, and par ty, and, thank goodness! also;after all this leaven of the darker ode of humanity, we have felt many an Al fred Strelyn mid Otero Ligulaaele 'lighten ik! Plo• turemnd redeem it from the Are. ef polo. ...TrUel we 40 not the, quiet, refiectlre, and highly sensitise etu dent' en the etuface 'of this busy, everyday , money. mating world. f it home li not - there, ter he his no thing •In common with thosewhp lisp dollar' tbeir leeriest), and whose waking thoughts mid -nightly degree are of nopght else, until death_ olairns phut se his own; itTei'ittaiiiraliqd the Clara Dougimee in "the beet lositety;'! fjit Ig tlidee ;Inlet nooks end nor sire—the henna Of hisorthereielip rpm eeektheir - Nivea and the mothers of 'their - althea. ',.. Two more characters and the simile 'ls ended. Last, though not pad, coniee the balm wdow Lady 112nh- Us—bright 'and pydre,' in the ripe maturity of a treß 'eyed life," and -her hipootoniditto 'idiatier; Grapes— the woman all - stioehine, and • the mai all shade -both lifelike portrait!, Yet admirable, in their contseeporr Whfwe living realities are to,be,fpundedike,in our. daily walks and. son al Vee,thpugh nineteen peak 'have mooed, sad thopegiedy- of “Monarl was written for: another lemiepifar., iihd' to vit. the ed ge:ldea ,of el totally different phase of soelety,* our own, the ogre le just as keen, polished, and ',pitiable to vie how as It WO to *pap for whose iistrootton and 'reformation it wee pinned.' ' - The qieetion 'fah - lee—how was to Mani, tt proared and lisped -haat .night?,The lime was crowded," and the andlactre testifiesitheir approbation , loudrand fro quently, of theyeize . 4n imp, TA...celebrated Oirib• seine; Inset lII,' - general;y omitted.ii nicit`theatres, on shame of the nod, diftisMiiles; sari 'perstef apace, !welshes lamented - ,ninch - more coreplarily than 4 to Igerßitliet Theatre, of :9 ,6 .9#11;f1ia PreditoGoie of the Thes, cspecity, of the ,stage, which, Is amid/illy ireat; was made fiflyeedlagle: The fiertilth'is, 64de- Hers, end other accestoricimiaresli In Ada fieptng.:The waiter; who. obeln the -,eonititiet, dionande otr Pi t ted Momber, for the enutt- box, eitiorild W., Mien Wit in elub:llerary, Sad not in the otalume of,• geothinian's geitleinap." ingunii;tie; with 'hie perpdteaf bait' eiMi7 thri Pao *le Wee /4, 0 .014 On the eactome the perfect:4oj ire bare not time ,!‘.1,1 9 fr0w". 0 01 , 41 0 4 0117 4 -10 . 40 Voirat. ttlitior4,l44 TPYllit, but lima reran* tWomietsit•x4.oo, who ettle - bare beeri - JIV4h, doerieet,'Monrolex lenithie ntiberilTsheted hsti the; AM.• drib' pinta'. in7thiti' deffei,l4 044 61 1'1' *eater illOtt*Ifi l t 4 " ,1 04 0 !1 ciehtfot peettionwOule. es q‘%" il :' - „ - - c i t 'A I PPOS' play - eardestitglt, InAillgisaininmeeteditinne. !" I -,. Tem of-CforaLlouglas Wei paircrlinfy played - 0 7,N51,4kniePP -0 4 .0 .90 1, 14 1 .._*94, 9 too/P*4P • ri "pertionlerty In thilsat *di - where the, peezionate unto with Deep takes place., A very 1441 . 11, 0 WiMiterfPll7 irgered haai atteriaoa.sfr. tits, 1 past of ,thaphars - took too high l a tone n oin woiddre was Zoo _4skead. Merfoidin the "attend the drams , be lippmeol, rein} midi; and'inilie trio olorhig'sale wee *titbit mitild be deeirar rl DaildgeW , Sirlohn,' Ml' the Other bend, thoighs coaled oongsption wad Tar too rapid.' ' , There waormocerakm forth'. apptromt spatting against tarps, rolling four Words into one, and the Whims yin* „ - noW 'and then at (atilt,' consequence. Stout and Dudley BateptL tinOtitably played. 'Siam, lawyeri - was - .nearly 'inaudible when rending Gm will, Lord Gleesinere (Ur. Pomp) Tory fairly aetiel,, and. Mr. Reynolds's Sir_ Frederick deeithidly well 'done. - Miss catiterme made less Alin dolling Id 'Cieorgiasa, one of 'thole characters' Which's goe'd"Or- Armor am bring oat with-great effedt. , graves-aid Lady Fcenkitssoey,hsttakersfroview(ng the entire performance, as fleshe d -SBA charactere of the 'evening. Mr.' 'Mated has ico r a iej nertor In this pet,, and frequentliairiet haviii ei 'play it, haier 'him more tray etteettee. EmphatteallyMith all his oddities, Grocer lathe gentlemen of the play-as cot made him.., Miais Annis,Lonadare gave em Lathy Randen isiwaive-hearted,"kindly.natured, pleased, faced; bused wideir; whip feeli that she can meg a 6ot:tonged tie melancholy Grates, if she please'r, and n does it: ; , Her swiet-eptildiegeoice, we clear and main psi, andher ringlrg laugh,- were, well adapted to ttap part. 'The Angle; and dancing *en. went off &dip:dr4,4y. The performance s menus throughout; but the vastness of tie house eriediedifilonie for Manta 'thms „audience to bier the dialogue ° . When the performare hive, played here s few, nights ; more, they will lea 6 hew to fill,the r hope with their voices better than thiry - did Int night. ' At the close Or the play, the ca:tain - f il'amid gie c st a,pliensi; which called for Its being rated &Kiln. 'Mn, Bows, adernielnits.little mat of the tableau, addreasid the andiemse,,briefly and emphatically, alluding to es- - deevoiiieletch wire being made, elm said, by a cliq de, to him her reputation anti ant her down, which the, large attendance in this oecaelon'alsenred her Weald sent be allowed to be anecessful. She wee greatly applauded. Wernatmention, with the high-prate It merits, the I fine perforineica Of the Ommenlana, led by Mr, Seca.This eveetngtha Lady, of 4611111,M be perfor m ed.; -India-Ribber' Handle - .Cutlery. • ,it; will be:pareeived, by announcements in our advertising column, that .this ; beautiful cation is now lobo had, in 1.111 oily, at Nr. Jarnalre, 1020 Cheeknut, street,- and at . Air. Charles Dam wig's, 517 Qheetnut street, and 35 North" Eighth atreet. The buttery ; itself is 'Made roe North . Eighth bolt steel,` fullY equal to beet She ff ield; arid the ban =dial 'are - 13113de fieui lidia•rubber Mid gut ta:per ebs, by Mr. - 0. - Popperbueen, of New York,andbr his inns patent of Mardi , 31;11357, and fore prt ceding. patents, by the GoddYeare and Mr. Meyer. 'Oath handles, which are as, black as jet,, can he eleineed in, hot ; water; .retain their high polish, inl, neither Split nor loosen from the fork, Mote elegant and, ufefut abberioilee to the I;i:ruin:ire bf the table ()amok- hi, found', and they only rieedid ihtiodeitiOri here ibbe'irea:Y thoroughly admired .and 'adopted ' ' ar„ftruanion's CALook,—.B will he aeonl4 our, ainition'initunto3. Scott, auolloneet, will sill, On Tit itridaylnorning; at lop C l inietitie street; ( iet%'Paisttieou . t3aioon;)`s fide 'oolloothen- of 'oil- paintiamOronri the. - gallery of Meseri. , ll. DlesildOrff Co., of 'New _York, They on inhibition data then, and are well iwortig examination, biting the,lineit oollei t,ionollarekat auptima la this oity for.years 7 , • t•Rati, ' Hvgnnta.-=. Taman & Sons! BALL, inelnding•valuable btlid nem Stands, Inindaome and plain dwellings, cone try sea t s , Minnesota lands, ho., alb?. wittier ferty peoporties, , part, peremptory Sales, 11Y elderef Orptitimepintrt, pisenters 7; and °there. t 1 4 .01,1 Cenntri;i,' Books •AeoelieC 'the -Nevi' by the Stir et the Waist; The Oily; FoilinTH 'PAOL'-=.Bbip 'Heim 3hrtorna.--APoro. nine o'olOck last evenlpg a man, apparautly . about forty yearn pf age. who hgpeared `to be, verY mneb le toxleated; attempted `io'oonowtt entente bY drowning!' lid Wax hbraielf off of Plat 110 Int iti`ohmontl,Mtd the Cationic ind atter straggling ter some time in ,thevreter. WWI .;4#4170111b7 'Mime bfficers, wbo took tabs to the Nlieteentb•ward station house. NO refaced to give Lis news, and elated ble MOO et Wring hie design frustrated.. ECOPIT4I.OiB)I.7-4., c olored woirtati , aged thiriy:five Jesus, named ianb Iliown, Was severely Out ibiber head by nbrtek;' thrOwil by Cattiarioe tordeT, gustut au eguywhioh ',warred yesterday afternobn in Bottordetrest, below seventh.. Jibe wee taken to the Penbsyliarda Hospital: . ifixtioisE;....yesOrday afternoon,' tiwonian who impaired to 'be boneiderabii intoxicated dill 0016red fn the vicinity of Brent and 'MO streets', with a dead /Mild in hes, arms.- Ties body of the child won taken fO the Sixth-wind station-licasi,'and the Coroner notified to attend; r , ASSAULT AND BATTEDY.—A man moped, P. 'lad: Inning on; the sharge of donsmltting an. mann and batter." wlthlitent to kill, alibi the nerved' 6Y Arley If: Davis: 'Ha - wee takeitte atos Tyeritteth-watit ittation-hohea, 40144 -ialr,ito "awrOt a heating - 1 beloiging to la. 0, Coombs on the has Of the Oollooluilik croak, below George etreet, Seventeenth ward, wee slightly damaged by Sr., about elf o'olook last oventug, THE- PRESS-i ) .HIXADELPHIA TUESDAY, • MARCH 15, 1859. • TST -1- N-- B W - .W?n • . • PENN SYLVANIALgt/ISLAT -• f - The.Benitti ins! "et . - -Mr. Summit Yeadiu place a bill to inamorata the Schuylkill Transportation ()oratory. one to incorporate the Pottrrille and lahieril villa Railroad Company. •-.- - - Atter rioting on severs; pirate bills oL,naintariat, the Semite 10pr:rebid. • A - ,•"" • "'" - • mist!' • ' - The $Ollll6 A resolution was adopted that the Wows* adatirn over on Wednesday ; next, and that ,the use of the Halkha granted to the Democratic State Convention. The following bille were considered and puled Aiveat tilatire to the .Wessiatee and hiroyamensing Meadow Company. An aot,supplemeotarp to the set incorporating the Willow y -street Rattroad. An sot ',inheriting:the Philadelphia Dank tit prirehase:. additional real estate. An act to= Incorporate the Green-hill Market Ocon pent• An tot to infoipQrste the Ridge -Avenue and'Mana. rink Passenger RaltWay." ' ' An sotto Inoor_poFete t . tt,Daetern Market Company .or Ph il adelphia. • ' An aot to ln e orporate the Linton Building Association: ' aot :to lnoorporate the Delaware and &dull, kill At-eau:Ogg Company. , , An sotto authorise the Auditor General settle the aceennte,q,the Dtanklin Insurance Company oy•Phibt• delphii., • 1 ••• -I • ' ' Adjourned. • • - Y. • • Frimii .Washington; Wasninovon, March 14.—1 t is credibly aseeiterned_ that both England and Prance disclaim any other in-. tuition to eroding naval forces to the ooiet of Plaice; thin to procure due reparation for the wrongs cont. intttid to BritistO.and..french subjects The further statement is-made that it tot their puhpose to take aides with, or to favor either of the eoetendlog Mexioah Governments, ,Therd is uo reoson'to believe that our Government is apprehensive that anything will be done by them in conflict with the Monroe doc trine, or to ehange , .the .political institution* of that country. Judge Holt sntered upon the discharge o k ble dation as Pootmeeter toldiy. • ' The Boston committee bad an interview WA.btmitt reference to the removal Ot the poet ollievirt - thet eTty, and lie informed them be world consider theenbi,ot after bearing from .Postmuter Capon. , General Denver left Aldo afternoon for Oolifornia. His rellgiptiden, at Orimmlsibiney of lodise ;ABM* is to take effect on the Ist of April. Mr. MIX, the Chief Clerk of the Bari - Map han been commissioned as Acting Commlasioaer The (Irani Jury to•day commenced the eiteintnation of witnesses in the Malden case. Twelve or fourteen witnessee have been summoned. The last weekly Treasury IitAtOTCHOIt, WMOI3I to the 7th Inst., shows &balance to trio Treasury of $7.188,0 00 ; reoelpts daring the week, $715 000; drafts pitd,532,600; &Atte Issued, ;1,014,000; reduction,lB29,ooo794;eipts to Nov ,York for the week ending oh,itattosll last, $2,572 000, 'lnoln4tog $1,000,000 'on asconutqf United r States loan. 4 board, oonsisthignf Chief Engineers Wood, Inbar wood, antLOl:lQ. Will.•130/Ivene at the New York: May yard on t h e 28th lost ., for the examination of eandl• date!' for admission and promotion in the corps of eogt neera of the navy. „ Ohio( Clerk Bhogerp is npw'attlpg tg OoMmisploper of Fatents. E. Florenpa, of Pbiladelphie, who Issa been eve eines 'tile dose of the aticiod of Congas, ts now convalescent - I Joseph Miller, ca-member of Congress from blo, has been appointed Associate Justice for Ne'4raeks, the plaop of Jpge @simnel W. Blqok, appointed Gover nor_ - _ Arrival 61 the -Overland Mail: 1 , • 6T. Lou s, Match 14,—The overland mailfeenr,Ca. fonds has arrived, with OW granolas* dates to the le h ult. One passenger came through, and Bre way paseen gars arrived hire. The passengers report seems' tribes of Indians collected at the Apache Pass, for the purpose of inking treaties. . , , The Oattianatte Indiana have stolen eighty mutes from a drove belonging ts, the Oyorlerid Masi Controny, which` were designed to supply nations, along,thg_ route. A party of Range rs chee. , hare !started in plante d the Ca. ma TA* company aro supplying their emplothes 4 the stations with ammenitibn and Sharp's thus:, ' The depssitlon'of cicirern•r PSageleth, otki o noi a ,, is not confirmed • • " : •.• -OT From Xansms. ELscrohr op, ,Tlfw psi( on MAR OS. -- Leave/morns, ;Sarah 14.—Gove,rnor.bledary hYele eaed a proclamation for an election on the Jinni/ bleep , day in March . An accordance with ,the 44 of the 1.4111. lame proilding for the formation of a Oefietitutiob for e.totte Goyernment. Three months residence prior to tho election 14 regnialte to yd.. ..Aliesulhavink do diced their Inteiitlcida to Lebo w,/ eitissmi onanned. Delegate/I to the Gonititationill Oooreatlm Are to be elected. .. , -i„ Putrage by the Camariebet4. Er Lova, Mareh .13.—The. loss of -tlttliffeortho.: and Albuquerque Mari of lastrioveniber bin Irvin ilopeggted by the arrival here of Jolutßall, the eardnotok. Ifs has median affidavit. stating thcd when afloat 011 dr.y's mareh behind Lieutenant Beale , e party, be wad ettaiked I forty Opmq-nehes, badly. woun• ad, trVen.priatinnr, and the mill destroyed es aped from the to Laud in February, and, lifter sever.% ftsdiVOker firkl In reaching the settlements In safety. ' - Murder in tiootvilt, M. oon, Ga., Much 14 —A letter bitellioOn recolved from'AlbadY 18.00 Siejorannonnolog Or troord4r of Col. Joseph Bond, a c son or blapon: - Ili', killed on Saturday, near Albany, by Lucille Drown .4 -, Its dlfil.. cult) to believed to have originated to Brown. ipatng one of 001, flond ) nriegroes.:fool..Bond.wee aof the 71kroat - cotton Venter,' of the ElOnthi and net ono of our moat pontlar and publlolPiritotlntlsaio• ..; - • ' -'. • rq ~ .,.r ‘,,:t l : :::: :: :. 4l , : pr lf a.:2:_,: ll :i ld e d ,:u:La fdia ;. l ,,u o .lll , 4 : l7,:y e • 1t ...- a 001 : 4.: ^ : 11 : 10:0 4 : 71 . : 1 7 7 7; i ce t t i c:7 1 : 14: 91 *lto for many' years hair been atigked - sefi titi *ler to this ell. sot hYI lif.Vi-404 --- zipts.t4Wkintiag her iczir, He bibs iii•u dtrorteed:frokittaylipnrithe s *vas /Iraqi triofird wa.,*l?.- i, .: ..' , . , z41.0 ., • ~ ,. 77 ~.,..4...j . ,. - - . - .. .-, Tietag'i - Coltirr Viralw...,v - i - ,...,-.; •ek,wo - dumi.... in literriCtiErbalifvf..to 661 bated " "4441" 1 42 6 5 10 i li tall' l VlZ7lll 6ll ba t: ha l t iV i tr,lVOlrliatelqp Ile* ,044in5;?,71t4i 11• AR, lA% .1-, wee moorage 304abbetaii: ". !, ", „ ~. - • . 1: 18 vOok endliiggaitirdsi eHowe ! De •1188reagein pun* - •- • ' " uirtypitlon.,;, . 28,0 0 — Thser'easetzt 'ope 8,240 , 0421 • .;',_,2l!q depOlittn ' ' ' The Steamer Prince Albert. B. 7ogpa, U. p., March 14.—The shearoa4p Peace Albert his not yet snired"Thelziat is lin with hie. It Ie probable that the steamer .haa rip kr thallaY without atopplut here; he 000lwqueitoe of the Arrival of tor 4 Lyons.• 14 . — Her 'if • j at; !Agile Cap eas'issa arrived ; bar ng on boa& Ord 401511,, tla - newly appointed minister trilbis Vatted Mop ; • Suicidd-at Now Taax, , Mataita4.—Lanta Boatiformally a PEPS alas oSoar , kat uoyr oltizOn of Tots!, Mid himself 7 . olktorday, at the Iltiokigioxfs , , REETIZtO OF Ttlit'BOAltb OF,,FLEr aIbEOTOB4. epeotat nieetfng Or tin; Bulk oE t Xlre Diractoril held at their mop, unplug porno? of Ififtit Ind North aireete,•larit wienizt tiinonauter the draft of apt to bo sent-tw thelutelatare for the. tooorporatien of *0 Board of Fire Dl:gators. After tie ioll.biat been osilei, the'realitnation of bet. Wearer, r, f 1 a United Stater Mtge Company, wag re $4 and aunipted atilt grelentinla f i ts anoneepor v were renettod, sad qee wee ad- • 4 After a, few minutes',oectuloood ity the non. arrival of Mr. Thotripition, oheirdien of the committee, that gentleman arrived, wod,the report of the;commit tee. with the bill alinexed;w,le read by the Lidefeter".l The blilpro,videe, among otherzthinge, for acomode. sloe of flee persoru, to be' elected - by the board, tOfir came of difficulty or riot.atoper the grenitki I. e - Mommlsslopere to be at least thirty vestssge, and , aetive tremeir of dye ysare! Stealing:" Sy l hare power to anon witnesses , itdministar .eall foo s, and ionelah'ilii 'forme, deete-proptir se t deiefoilbe of dotty in the member!, Of the department., Their tenni of set , , vice to to,lia two.yriare, and tsalr,deehlon bfitebosub• led to the itotrovarof Councli:' The.teard, of directors are also authorized to deft' a badglifor venial tote by the Strewed and any forsonneunktreitiog Oil* badge le to becronidderiidl' guilty Or ,Milideleeetiore and envy be ninfahed for ouch' - Other provistmeraiit live to' the -powers. genii -OW , graddeoltt torloratloms w . were embodied .. • e After the bill hid bean reed, .Mr. Allen, of the Hope Hose, moved that the bill be printed, andiyo . letples be sent to each member. : ' • ' ; Mr. Thompson obj.itited. 7 T bill had hie& Atreacity pubiiebedvand every tiremao, in his opinion, liptd read it, , T,he reprinting wee =Seesaw. •-: -„M avid, r. Allen t fk re reply, the start" he asks or the printing Of'the'blll was that . bonsti'differOttee' peered between the one just read and the one printed. Mr. litirantel, if thi , Weishington Hose, - said hat no alteration it All had been' mtdmin the bill.; a was &Mane' to 'see it be threugh.^ Too Montt e had already been wasted. , • - 1 Mr, gooier Of Vairmotutt.Tiote, thopgbt t board bad better raise motley to pey,the printer,beforeinthe• rising the panting of doedment: VI Arter,Mone debate the 'motion sea lostwotakinixie , 12: Mr. ntimmel moved that the report be adopttd, and the bill be Mouldered motion by eaction ' Agrelto. The bill Wet reed by the smeary sodeairtili The questimbeirigen the'sentionamfointlias e gee commisalonets, Mr. Wegner, of the Menbartio Angina, moved th*t the provision teatricken bit: , Mr. Carroll, of the Niigata !foie, asked if "this cone. =sternum!, were to he salaried °Miura.. , Mr, %%orate:on replied'in the negative'. - ' Mr. Stinted conaidered the commleetonwe the main feature cf the hill. • The system' ptopoied - lbsd Worked like a charm in New York, and why, should it eot be tried here r • ' ' Mr..Willete, of the ~fitopire Hook and.h.adderi sup ported-the' proileo much leng'le. Why should not the tiremeiVe difibialtbm be tried by:it commlestoo 9f this board, and not by a outionittiteei Oonnaildas Is the - An milmeied debate alined. Mr. Miller, of Phitutei phis Hose, raid that the main • opposer the bit sip. peered to be to take the power out of the . oonineittee of Truets sod Fire Compattlea in COulloills.". The bUlipro ifded Ott thise eommisilenere should be thirty leers of age. He thought thert , eld firemen were not smolt better than Old granolas. " • Mr. ThOmpsatv said there - were Mere "granbite in Council than in this Board, Many of the Committee on Trusts and T ito pomproties,did not knew what o hose carriage wee. Mr. Wagner's motion was loot, and the amnion w a s adopted. - - Mr. Wagner then moved to -make: the feria oh the 00021U15001011' 0111:e eix menthe inel'A.l of two leafs, but it was rejected. On motion, tho' term of iirvlai *Ai qiflooett 14i ono year, by a vote of 16 yeas to 8 nays Mr. uhatabeyo, of Oa) United Btoteo lingtDe:lniied tetnake.the' commtoaloaeka.nimoyoble by,aetwo•thirdo rote If Board - Adopted. It was moved that the zolnbunto age Or 00131RelOg011- erebellied' at twenty-eeVen ybeia inatead of thirty. After a lengthy debate between Messrs. Mttler , tltini mel, and otheta,' thi motion woe loot. • The ninth notion, derlolog • the powers of commis alone, e, being midst. consideratien, Mt. Wainer molt d that the oommieSiboer• he antlErlsed to report their action to the Ward of director", Instead of tionnoilos authorited the, bill. Agreed to. , The section authorizing the adeptrod of • iChniiitical badge for Bremen being , trader consideration, It wits monad that it be,rejeates,- • Mr. Thor p e, bf Peraireranbe It'oseoipPosed nie tion. He thought the pmetleal action of the proposal badge getout would'be salutary. - • • •• • - Mr. Willett; withdrew Ma 140t104 to relent, and the section wee adopted„l: o - y , ;;„ The twelfth and last noniron wee to amended that all hues elected by the commiseionera, should be paid JO the tree o'er of the board of direetors, Instead of to the Association for the relief of diitibled firemen, ae prescribed in the bill, by a votoof ill ayes tog norm. ; Mr. Willett', of the Niagara' Roil, - moved that a see- Iron be added authorising , the:repeal of all lawe IWO* 'olistent, with the bill, Agreed to. •••-• , After 'sortie Sgenerill 'debate on lie-Matter or Appro• priatione bj Connell's, a motion was made to adopt this . draft entire,., • -- • : - Mr. Millet - norred Oattrolle the lined conelderatiot ,the ,WreAter',unt.). the next stated meeting,, . There *ere duly" thirty nienietwe Oetent, and thirty caul; no) xrpreeentihe 'ilea' or nipati.delegatea,„ . „; , 4/Atilt' dobeiethitice t atel the„aratioaji,poistpont fi arcloit:" 4„. 'fhb motion to adopt the draft is i hisreirtiseirrled, and the committee were inatruetetto send the bill to the Logislutuse. - The board then adjourned, at a few minutee to ten, " • - THE 1:::0 - 105.ETS" , • rstaritaapt*rat'' , -, -- 'j'Tteported• for TOO kreseJ - • Str#Atirel -00 02x -- (ThirtfleitititeAmwrie, abit , r JaisfiteiWriodWerTd:Tborapsse, ktiang, mid Rilet—Tlier" 'follmelng opt a love were delivered yesterday : portlier!' eip Thouvey,of-Lawrence vs. The Northwestern Ralf-. 'road Company and others. Eiror to the Court Of Com- 7 . molt Pleas of Larirence count,. °onion by chief Jet: the Lowrie. And now, March 14,180, this cause came On for hearing at the late term, at Pittsburg and was argued by counsel; and now, on full 'consideration thereof, it is ordered and decreed that the subset iption Of $OOO,OOO, made by the plaint:lf to the capital stock of the prorthweeterzeßatiroal OoMpeny, be, and the same liheratly, annulled end' set *side •, without prejudice, ImwelrerrAOStuy rights which third ,rorsons _may have lawfully acqut , ed an purchasers of the 'needs is,tted in payment of the maid atooh, And it le further crdered and decreed that' the defendant, the geld railroad coin ,any, do restore to the platotdff the s' , l 000 of bonds tanned by the plaintiff to the defendant that yet remain ,on hand, together with the coupons thereof 'And it s farther ordered and, deoreed , that the p',aintiff recover of tite'fltdd defendant thebum of $199,000, with. idtereat from the let day,of July, 1815, with coats I ,and the said defendant is allowed to pay the same or any part there of, by a return of hoods end coupons, Issued in jinni'. *nue of the aforesaid subscription of stock, other than theist abate mentioned of $2,000' - And ae agoinet the, defendants the bill is dLanalased. -• • . The Merchants' Imursuo& Company vs. Gain: Pei madam. Error to. the District Court of Philadelphia ooenty Judgment amttnid and record remitted: - QUerveileys.,Qatervelle, Error to the Court of ()Om. men Plead of Philadelphia county, Per curium Decree 'affirmed with wets and record remitted. Vhow.vi. Ober. ,Error to, the ,qoaxt of Common Men or PhilMelptiis'ootinti. , Oilmen by - Olnet Jus tice Lowrie.. ketone 0ffi1133513 :with roots end record re mitted; " • • - " ge toile Yd. Knapp, Brror to the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia county • Opinlon'by Chief Justice Lowrie: 'Tadgmentrigrmed and reoold . retnitted • Heffner , re, Weinrich & Pfeiffer. .Error to thi Court of -Common. Plea' of tchuylkill county. Opinion by /notice Woodward, , Judgment reversed and a venire fa Ude novo &Warded. " •- • -= • Demarest vs-McKee & dtaglli. Error to the Dietriot Court of Alleghebi. county. ' Opinion by Chief Justice Lowrie. Judgment affirmed and record remitted. Walter Hough, re, Edward 8. Jones and Martha 8. Jones. , Error to the. District Court of Philadelphia county ,Opinion by Justice Woodward. Judgment affirmed. ' .The York County Bank ye. John B Moore & Co.,„and David Taggart re: John L. Keys. Error to the District Court ofPhiladelphia county. Decree affirmed at the -cost of the appellant. Opinion by Jointer, Thoropson, Juatice Read dissents. : • 1 John B Powell vs. the Penneylvanis Railroad COM , Opinion, by Jnatiee Woodward Judgment af firtned'andit venire Wigs do novo awarded. Greene vs.lioarlet; Error to the District Cogrt of Philadelphia county. Opinion by Justice Thompson. Judgmegrtailltinedl• - •. , William Atwood vs. L yon & Lyon. Error to Court of Common Pleas Of Cheater county. Opinion by Jus tice Woodward. Judgment reversed, and a VeleiTet fades de novo awarded. - Bare ye 6erteer. Error -to the Dietriot Court of Philadelphia county. Opinion by Justice Thompson. Judgment affirmed. Mnether & Wolbert vs Lou!e V. Fackler, Error to the District Oonrt 0 - Philadelphia county. Opinion by Justice, Thompson. Judgment affirmed.. Glenn, trastee; &0., ve Boners Davis. Error to the Court of Cornwell Pleat; of preen county. Opinion by Justice Thompaon: Judgment of the Court of Odium= Pleas of Oreen,,county is affirmed for $288.76, after de. duptiog the 0f.563 as of the entirety of the Same, and ea to the'fasidue the judgment is reverted. ,• Jusep4 Tuelcer ye: Towle Bitting. Error to the pie triefOogrt of AVadelphis county. Opinion by Jeettoe Woodward. dad now, to wit, March' 14th, 2858, the jodgment, 8f gip Dietriel port yeyoreed and set !midi), and jabgment 11 entprod hemp for tote defendant On thp depcarrer,fer peal!. • Ta.'Etting pt at. lirrpr to tbP Court of lOom mon-411pas, of, Delaware county. Opinion by Justice Btrong. Judgment reversed sad a venire facials, de 1107 0 &WAIMEA. Thitiorongh of. P04E11 , 1110 vs Curry. Error to the Court bf Common Fleenor dchnpikill county. Oalnion by Justice Strong. The order of the court striking off the appeal IC reversed, and the record Is remitted , with irstruatione to reinotate the appeal. Binitivvs,Towapend. , Error to the District Dodd of PhiladelPhia 'eounti:: Opinion by Justice htiong. Judgment affitmed. 4llphen pt at. ys: W llilept S. Fletcher.; Err 'rot. to the Plis'ilet- pour' of l'illiadelpga !Minty. Opinion by lastiee Reed. "Juligment affirhied Parkinsoribt meet. rrorp no the grillide',o9rt of Philadelphia, county. ' Opinion try. Jhatlayßead. I De cree affirmed. „ Robert pum of Bary and Brie Unread' Comps eel:drivelsatethe Philaelphia, and 849 1 3 1 1 ompany. Nrror to !be Dilarlet Clean of Phil • de plata county. Opinion Jualide Itesd. 4640D:omit affirme'd. •• , - ' • ' • ' ' the Banbury and Erie Railroad Compriay v 4 Stephen Bitteeheuder, gred re TIN It it. ?tap. Error to l the Diatriot Court Orr iladelptiladeunty. Opinion by 4as tiee Reed. jadrm reyireed in both cases, and *rite Of -wink° fades di coin awarded; - • . The President, Direetore, and Company of the Berm of Pennsylvania,: to the use of William 0 Patterson arid °thins areigrees thereof; Is. Christian E Spangler. Uffer til t jhe District Court of Philadelphia ,conoty. Oplrdon 7usCai Deal ' Jwiginant• offinnild• Wlthingtoals appeal Error to thin Court of QOM. an Pleas of Philedelphitt oottsty. ()pinion' py Justus Reid. Decree affirmed. The Pennsylvania Coal Company, as gernisbre; es. William Costello. Error to the Court of Common Pins of Lucerne county.- Argued. Daniel Leisies To. The Lackawanna and Bloomsiarg . Itahroad. Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Lu er,stei sounty. Atone/ „ teliptEltie cfjp?i,T, Teriu, 1.815 t. Ito. 150. —'l46Sley.tetee, yielbtiu In error, Cornelius Eel loges, defendant in error. ,Error to District Cour4 for the city ind Bounty of 'Phillidelghla. ,• I , OPINION, BY READ, .1. the'elvil code of Louisiana, every traveler of Im2 movable, 'property must be in writing ;• neither shall part celeste'. he admitted, ar,iinet or beyond what is eontaided In NW ante, oil what'lnay have been sal+ .be ore, or at the time of making thslm, °Olinda'. The. authentic mot, se relates to contreete, is that which boa been executed before Wnotery public, or ether officer authorised to eteeute such' function', In the• presence of boo vitheseps, and to fall proof of the agreement twinkled in it, against the 'orotiog }attire, thole heirs or assign", unless it be 'd tared 'br voted' a NIL ' I gory. This forms a clear and Mellott statute el' frauds, end le Intended to exclude all parol a./ideates going to alter. altemo k rtzd let, or t v o mz i Ab e4srlt r t o o k u o e f ois i tzet of the Fottatt rea4p=4ate of Lonletapa, for the tuba., erkeNthimdkablerer:eltWelset .innst 100 governed_ ne - youtrtont by the law of that State, which:l,M ha, remognitud eye tywhers as the law orthe contract. t , The appllestlen of those fettled Wrieciplee of the law, let Unistana to the present case wilt epaulette to deter „mho with precielon the ordrqueetlonredlly Involved lAit• alfkongh tiPpalnotlY aompdroted by the ',amber of Jad'eitti proceedings at Idew Orleans, aid out want of fmnillarlty with the tenholosl language of the civil law. -attit'Wee brohghb to ,utoorer the 'balance of a note, given by the defendant below to the plaintiff, In part coteldetation of the purchase.money or certliin late to the city of New Orleans. The sole was evidenoo.l by what wee' peif4 in theproceedings an act of Dale, ay.:mind before a matey, pope, le the preienEe of toR wltesseqs. Prior to the exeontion of the opt of eele, it' ins four* that the property wee subject to a mortkrga, in favor of the minor children of John N. Johns .n, of whom the plaintiff was the tutor t; was alleged that the plain. titne, sgent agreed 'with the father of the defendant, acting' rot him, that the tacit mortgage In favor of the bistro ofJohn N 3ohdeen, for $42,809 ,ehonid be removed by the plaintiff as soon se the plaint ty should retden from B and that the second paymeet of $4,333.33 pa apt to be mile 11011 gip emt tot mortiteva'snould be remelted. ' Thle agfeement was not in' writing, and butt place a day'or two before the eigning of the cot of Bate TAO erd of sale is dated the.ltth April, 1833, and At e'goed by Cornelius Mellowed per pro, John x:Wa;rla, Wiloam Vellowea, John' T. Teter, neat. In .0 the sate John . P. yatrin,representing Pallowee„ acknok; ledges,' ltet for frd to contineration of the sum . , noodle tiontreanputfpulat one, tberelulf ter riiernitlei l fleAlatfir for and on • behalf of the said 0. Yellowes, , erg nd, sold, transferred, and delivered, and by these preee4te - does grant, bargain, cell, convey, transfer, amigo, and set , over, with a , full • guarantee. against all, troubles, delta; inOittages,' olelmr, evietiods, donations Nona, or other encumbrances what,oeve, net° Tinsley Jeter, tbp two Ipte of STOCIM/ thOreinott.r des:rated ‘• This side is made and accepted. for audio eoneidera• lion of the aunt of $l3 goo, do the term, conditions, and etipulatione folloviug, to wit t The said J. Jetsr has made And furnished three promlesory notes, all dated the let of Mitrch lest pskt, for the nom of scribed $4,1133.33 each,” which are therein particularly de .. , , . " And In order to secure the full, prompt, and final payment of all and elogolar the ..aforesaill notes, to gather w,th all interest that may mean thereon, the property herein conveyed remain. specially mortgaged eh* hypothecated lu favor of the present vendor. or aqy legal hold p or holders of Pm /lain notes; the pnrchater therebY blndine hime,ll not to allenee or an.nmher, the said proper,' to the prejullee or thin apt. From the certibeates hereunto' anoexed, there Ap pears no mortgage nor alienation to exist against e said property, ether than the one a norm Weinst. 4, And rt,w pammally came and intervened William roilowooi or %hie city, Who hatch, otligatee and firmly blade himself, bid heirs and amigos, to warrant and for ever defend the aforesaid lots of ground to the said Mosley. Jeter, hia heirs ; and attliatr, from a general 'mortgage, to eeonre the adrainistraVon bf Corroding fiallowes, as tutor of the minor otithlten of John N. Johnson, ae fully and completely as though he were calling for himself. ), It brelear, therefore, by the law of Tionielana, that the alleged ail' hal agreement was merged in the not of mile, and could payer be met up as an independent co , f. lateral °entreat, to' affect the payment of the 'totes mentioned in the act, and which formed the considers'. tion of the purchsee. The civil code egprenly rept*. apse ' auch an agreement, when it Melanie , neither shill petrol evidence be admitted against, er, beyond what fa contained in the ante, nor on what may have been eald•before - I /Slides, them is tho general warranty on the part of the plaintiff, and the intervention of h a brother, and his epeotal Warranty againet title special mortgage, clearly negativing tnd idea that the defendant celled upon the former converaation upon this subject .1 The Mist note was paid at maturity ; the almond bete due let and 4th November, 1880, was presented for non payment, and on the Bth of the saute mouth, Cornelius encores died his petition, in the fourth District Court of New Orleans, egidnet iTlnsley Jeter, alleging the non-payment of this note, which we, Secured by a special mortgage In gala act of sale, and which mild act of mortgage unposed a - confession of judgment, and praying executory process age nit the sa d two lots and the seta Jeter. On the came day an order, of seizure and site wee made by the court, and the proper writ for that purpose issued to the sheriff of New Orleans. Firm this decree an appeal was taken' to the Supreme Court, who, on the 80th April, 1880, amrmed the judg. leant or order at 'admire and sale, with meets in both emote. -- Oa the 10th Sovember 1884, Tinsley Jeter filed in the name 4th District Court hie petition against 0. & )9, Patterns, alleging boat he was a resident of Penney': Tanis, and certain (redolent acts ant statements of William Fellowee an, agent of Corneolus Fallouts, at the time and preceding the purchase of the two tote, by whieh his agent was Induced to accept the act of silo as before added ; oleo tact he, Tinsley later, did not know of amid .tams mortgage of $12,303, until re: oently, and that his father, John' Jolter bad no authority from him to take an encumbered title, and praying that this ono be ,tried before a jury, and , that there teajudgment agalnat LVllilam Pellowes ind Cornelius Ifitilowes, ine, and against eaoh of them, cancelling the sale of the af.resuld two lots of ground —that hie two unpaid notes he canceled sad de Leered np to him, and that he have j rogment r.r the amount of the dreamt°, with 8 per cent. inteteet and costa of suit, aud , for $6OO peal for ,t The defendant tiled an tinkerer, deny log all the aliegations of the plaintiff's petition, and that any false or fraudulent reprieenta- Mous were made to the plainttlf or Ida agent, or, that ally futudwran piucticed on either of them. Upon the trial the Jury found a verdict for the' dcoi (andante, and the court being satisfied with it, entered judgment for the defend/ante wan costs, and on the 18th May, 1855, a motion for a new trial was tatlilo,4 With costs. I.n the first came of Camellia Fellowee vo.'Thinley 'Teter, the defendant, on the 16th Juno, 1888, flied bin ,petition far an Nal:ldiom, alleging, amongst, other Wiwi,' the prior verbal apemen with the agent of tee plai•Vity,,the violation of it, the liteolvency of William Fellowes, and the apprehension that the heirs of John N..Johnaon wilt cootie mallet the property purchased of the plaintiff, by the deleridatit, and that, by reason of these teats, the petthonerde entitled to Muds° and have add' , ionsl security, and gaitrenty (or the title 'aforesaid, even until and after the cancella tion of the mortgage aforesaid; and Cornelius Bellow - should . be enjoined _from _proem:44g with the order. of seizure and lisle until the impurity aforesaid is given, On thelBth of June tae court refund the writ or dn. junction, with costs, and on the same day the sheriff sold the martgieted,promiten, et ,pablia vendee, to Ro bert Mott for Cornelius Fellowes, for the sum of $8 000; Which, paid the second note, soil also the sum of $1,117.68 on eanount 01, the third note, and for which credit was given and written on the face of the mite, and signed by the deputieherift ire the presence of the notary pUblio • • The first proceeding wan es upon a confeeston of judg , 'pent, end enddtd Wilt lovolvo a amnion upon the precedent verbal eg cement. ,The sea aid disposed of ell question* D E fraud; but the third, an we Understand the pritotioe of the courts of Loulaienta, dimidedagal net the very de; tepee attempted to he net np here; end 'therefore it es _ladled ta , and cal # never,tka raised ego a in any otber tr"bunal. . - 114 v idg exhonsted and. defonasa to the Elia e of the contract, Mr. Jolter cannot complain if the courts of Pennsylvania hold him bound by the decision of It competent tribunal In the Mete or Lout/ileac - In either aspect, therefore, whether as an original rimlution tender the laws of our slater 84te, or es big. dogiosesed in rem /salient/1m by the tlaelsionsuf.the courts ,Of the .B , atn of the contract, Ike judges bele', wereilsht, - end their judgment is aillimed;,*lth .:.: ; _DNITRDR6A.TiIIit DISTRICT - CORW-41:1qte -Oadiraleder.-4The case of Lewis Suter wiiiddlied-'op for trial. -The defendant is charged wltkpaseitirand selling counterfeit baltdollare upon Jima ilpence,, , 4 327 was empanelled, after much difficulty, when'thk , court adjourned. QUARTER BEBm:re--Judge Lndlow.—Ed. word Patterson was charged with burglary and larceny, In entering the premises • f Frederick Greensmith, and with taking a quantity of Jewelry therefrom, valued at $54 CO, The prosecutor testified thatheleeps a J4welry store in the southeast part of the city ; that on the - nightbf-ihnElit orlatinary= - Ifis NtOrtarall robbed - Ore quantity of jewelry, consisting of watches, ear-ringe t gold pens and pencils, linger.rinipl, , &o.; that pert, t f the' property was found in the possession of the defen dant. The defendant alleges that he won the property at a raffle.. 'Verdict, , gulltrof receiving the goods knowing them tp,be at 0411... - . Mary a li as 'Mari Powell , was obarget with the larceny of,pine yarns of„ealicsn, valued at $1 09, the property of Ilyrodilanidell, at Fourth and Arch streets. Verdict guilty . ' , ' John Holiday was charged with obtaining goods under false pretences, view' 49 fatitchne of cordage, 10 yard, of ,pateelling,•6 yards, of canvas,' and :a piece of rigging ,leather, Tallied at $23. 1$ la alleged that the detaudattt ob'isined the goods upon .his, saying that .heAvis the owner of, the ship limm a," whereas the defendant bad no. interest in the vessel. Verdict guilty. " . • THE-CITY. 07' See Birsi,P-aze. GuitinfiniittiiiiiP.ooitA stated meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon, at thar office in Seventh etteeti stove , Market Mr. Henan in the chair. Beetent-810tereZ fArnistreng, , Brownell, Brown, Oran; Damien. Day,ltrada'p, ' Gamble, Hame lin, Hutu, Oliver; Overbeck l Preen, Mehl, Smith, Henan, (president.) . • - The census of the house was taken on Saturday last. Tie total number of paupers wan 2,826; same time last year, 3,060; dehreaae this year; 224. Admitted during the put two weeke, 170 ; births, 7 ; deaths, 29: diachto old, 278; 'eloped, 87 ; hound out, 10 ; furnished with luditnge;BoB furbished with meals. 447. Whole mimber receiving out-door relief, 6,007 'adults and 7,Bia ohttorenonainding 1,110 colored. The outdoor agent reported that he had collected $206 In bonded casesand 8324 40 in support casee, which some Wore paid. over to the.tcasnrer. - Mr Brown asked when the committee, appointed to inquire into the course of Dr. Smith intended to repots? Mr. Smith eaid, he wis not etutirnuen of the commit, -toe, bat would answer for them. ,'_The ioniatittse had held three meatier', but nothing had been. elicited_ against:that gentleman. , .7. Mr. Brown moved-that the committee be Inatinoted to report at the next Meeting. The motion wan agreed to bya,vote of nine,to,six.-, ' • Mr: Smith Said he voted nay beams.) he wanted to . report to-day. • Mr. Brown moved that the co mmittee summon before them Mre Banker, Madame Minnie, Mrs. pagan, nnd a woman known as ' 6 Mary." Mr. Tamil said if Mr, Brown was anxious to examine these women, be should • bring these witnesses before the committee • - . „ Hera 'a:debate Maimed, trifling In Ma character, and ex tremely low and "vulgar od the part of some of the peril:me who took part - - - Hr. South subutated kreerdrition that a committee of three be appo'atedfoetiperlotendthe erection of the - bake-hone Agreed to, and Megan. Bmith.ermstrong, and Dodd were dygotatmlon the committee. ; Mr. Hamelin }submittal a resolution, that Mailed af ter to-day, all oat-door relief aeon, except in caries of sickneee and great emergencies. Agreed to. ' ' Mr;lntalapi edblaitteCehresolitio4 that the Steward he lastrnated, not to pat any &applies on the requisi tion beak' tailetut: there time appropriation to pay for the ism.. • ` ' • - ' Mr Armstrong desired to makei statement iii regard to the beef and muttonnontrant. He said last month there were 6 . 7.00 poundu of beef and mutton ,eon. Nomad at the Almshouse, and thought It borer to have thie matter looked into. Ho &warningly examined the book 4 at the store, and found that this amount was correet.' The amount served during the mile month last year was 80,878 pounds, from whleh must bn de ducted 41. t p, ouude ecoalleh which leaven a dlacrepan• cy of .11,011fmiunds. During Jean 4y, 1 1058; - Duke were delivered 40,115 Poiands, and the 'same month this year 09,409 pounds—an borealis df 29,294 pounds, while, the population last year pas 4'014 titer lupe set Ale year. thought` this dotter IMMO/ V) !holed into. Me did not chirp t4uat Mr. paws, the cantraetor. or ,any one elle was ggittv of doing' anything wrong, ;but things over at tilt gouge were done very loosely. The bBohe are kept by WP taper, and the meat was weighed by a pauper, either o; whom could be bought for teen.. ty.tive dents. Re was Unwilling that they (te gnu dianel.shogld le, 4 t eld responallile for the ute of .tbese smith eat& that, beeides the Iratipers, they !last month gave out 1,42 ululate paupers who temporarily 'stopped at the house. - Hewett glad that a committee bed been raised to examine into thie matter. Mr. Armstrong said he bad no cortlienee in the books an they are now kept at the house 4 magan was made that 4 ao4mitOte of aye, be ap • poffited fo riot fittgste the 'matter • frout`iinuary hat, 1850, to Man* ii, 1849. . Mr. Preall moved that' the metlion be laid upon 'the table„ Notagreed to,- , , Mr. Armatreng said that the colleetions of the gut dear agent- in - bond and support cues, foe , in 18.7, wee $lO 381. 15, against $9,600 In 1858, - &Uhl og of - 781 15. Re moved that a eotoolttoa be appointed easinine the anittell - to, and - Messrs' Arm-, strong, Bruit/Oliver, Dihnnlapr int Dawson, were sp• pointed on the iibmndttee, , , - Mr. Erroll, of 'toe - ixitimittee ippeinted `to Snippy) intathe offielal conduct nif Dr. Smith, the chief resi dent 'physician' of. the Almshouse, submitted a report thatthey bad three ineritlogli, but the evldenee elicited wail unimportant. Mrs. Fagan gip summoned to ap pear-before the erowitiitioe, but refused to , atterd or testify, unlefe in the office of her oorinsil i llfr, Odillon. Elbe says she considers the guardians her enemies. Mr. 'llatitelin shoved to refer the report - balm to the committee Mr, greall moved to amend that the committee ;tie dieeharged.frent a Perthsr_q:lldriatio - a Of Ike mulled, Thigh. gsie 4'1,0 to olltelt s 0 te. lkwas fluidly with- Minn; Wd 'the Original mo ton addpied ~The,bdts were,thert read and orderedro lie paid,. Adindied; SHOZMAKEks!. MErrallo.—Tho journeym , an , shoemakers, ladles , bramt, held apethermass meet ing iplerds7 attonoatiolvvispkilo. Ea; on fillithitinet.. beiewarottients" - pleily 1111 - fillter, - and the, meeting at times ,was quite enthusiattlet-- Mi. Jacob bole, the President, took the chair, end having called the ;meeting to orders toted that aloes the bust damonatration, another law bait. bed !rasa er terv4 sgrlort Cmealber of the assoelatien by -a alsosti, ,, or one who considered hiniself therhamplearrif the race of /cabs. There were cow-boys on the Amerlean Re:moieties!, and we haveuow-boye in our attempt,to beanie independent of cyranny and oppression Wg have hung - out Our banner—the ir.nra Lod stripes—at the Eighth and Fil bert-et-red Hall, It 'never bat been dmgr_eced—it osier shalt be in imr,hande, and it never will be, rifled doWn ntitil the victory is ours. [breat applante, cries'of thatis so . 1 We may have taint-hearted men among as, bid let me conjure them to cheer up—still be united andpse&eist &Mid front, ant soon out temporary trouble will pass * and prosperity and happiness light us over the pdatirtly of life: Atter a few worde of consolation, cheering up tie heute,of the drOoping, if any there he,-be introduced Mr. T. Fenn, an old veteran in the cause, who, attar a few remarks on 'the anNietY be entertained for the ' success of the cause, offered the fellowing - resolutions, which met with rounds of applause while they wake being read t Whereas, A number of the minufaiturers have said that they would give the prices 'inked for on our bill of wages, but that they Would not comply with our condi- Vona, e nd sign the bill, bearinse they had strong objvC. bone to doing so which they could not overcome i • , And whereas; Some of these "mains mannfictured made no objection against signing the bill presented by AuF brethren of the idea's Branch, showing conclusive ly that their objection was lint a miserable pretence, designed to - cover nlterior and slutscer purpose therefore Resolved,. That we do 11,0 will Inelat moon having - the bill of wages belied by a tioaa,`before ws will,Sto to work for him, if we have to wait a year longer, as as we are determined to'snoovid-.3et - the coat - he whited may. lerelvit4, Tile, we sneak-alt' all Qom:matron " and, ao einaintrinps with those poor. deluded 'oreatiires „who Bork for begs beidell,,ae ebirribn 'Abigail,. and hob:ether:Li u , - ,traltre,sild enemies' to ourselves,. Sur lane and children ' as well as their own Resolved, That our bill of wages is slut orie—a good one—andpledge_ oureelves again to mike It a sue easeful one. Weirs. Roberts, Afebanri,, Eoweri, and others, di- Veered etirring and elognerit speeches, advocating the cause of their fellow-workmen. Alter which, a letter was read from Orange, New Jentiy, soot by the proprietors of a large marritiactofy 1n that flourishing town, which staved that several hundred Philadelphia halide can have strindy,wors there, at full prices.. ,- , After a few remarks from Mr. R -Aladin, on the, no. mina, of the strength of union, three cheers were given for the newspaper press that' hare reported,the proceedings of the meetings, after which the "Jouralt where hearts were evidently lighter, sepirat&d4o meet again at the tell of the chairmen. , •-• • , CITY -ITEMS. - CHAPIN ,Trroupoly,, .EvEriuN,7:-.7T0-morrow evening at Con'entitali A lhe D will delliei bin 'great' leniuie op . . , .Woman and her Work," for the benefit of the Tinton TemPoriry Home. As it will probably be the het opportunity our contene will barn, for a long time, of hearing ttkie jclfotly butted orator, it prowlede'may be-anitoltated. LECTURE CE PALESTINE-By reference IO,ER ruivertleetuant elsewhere, it will be seen that fontlae tures on Palestine will be delivered , - at NatlonalVll, on Tne'iday, W,esinesday, ,Friday, an& Elaturdayove. nine of this week, by the Rev. Mr: A. Barnes, in the Doane of whiain tlfty-one !will be ex hibited, descriptive of principal events in the life of •Ohriat... ? • Wa would remind our readers that Mr. Lord'a hat realm's, at Spring Garden, 'will be , glean Wiese. ning, on Cromwell Wehave maid so nun% In favor of th ese great lecturrrittat at Is not necessary to repeat our praises bun :enterprising friends, Woolman & teed', at the Restsurant,'Boutheast corner of Eighth and Chest nut streets, haveinade arrangements for a regular *ap ply, and hareo'noir on hand, Taylor celebrat-d Albany XX Ale; also, Lauer's Reading Ate, Yhtladel phia'Ale, Orem Beer, Norfolk bysters,'oloneotecefee, Donk Oreek, large Ocle Plante, large, Salt Oaten. NIMIING can be more invigorating to those who aredtenvalessent than a moderate me of Catawba Brandy. Its strengthening properties are surprlstog. A. B. Hazard & Co., SOB Marketstreet, are the agents here.•• • , SPRING has oome—the gates of morning Beam with more refulgent gold ; Hine and dales she is adorning: - - What enchanting manes unfold! " With theooming of lovely Spring, we should prepare to meet her approaches in a becoming manner; to do which it Is only necesesty to pay a visit to the Old Franklin Hall Clothing Emporium, No. 921 Chestnut street and array tne'S self in ituli of Eldridge's elegant spring styles. , . , FOREORDINATION.—We onto knew an old man who Wired that" what was to be would - be.' He lived in Missouri, and was 0313 day going out several miles through 'region infested by very savage Indians. He always took_ ble gun with him,.but thistlamfound that come of the family had it out. As he would not go without It, game of hie Weeds tantalised him by say ing there wee no danger of thelndiansi 'that he would not die until his time had come, anyhow. " Yee,” said the old fellow, " tut eappoee I was to meet an to- Man, and his time bad come, it wouldn't do, no. hew, not lo j have" my gun Pr' That old fellow woe smart, anyhow ; and, If he lived In these perts would nd doubt buy h's clothing of Stokes, the fash ionable clothier, No. 607 Okeettiut etreet. THE SPARKLING CATAV/RA CHAMPAGNE, of the United States Vine Growers 0 mipany'a manufacture, to, without exception, a delicious, fruity wine, and can at all times' be 'tlepaltded upon. Agents; 508 Market street. COATIS ow Man.—A fighting man in BantuOiy lately revival the fashion of putting on a suit of` ail, when about going Into a conflict. The experiment was unfortunate; for, after the annor„ yea stripped off, the wearer of It Was, put through a comae otpistol balls; wbieb finished hie worldly career. It Is not likely that ilitbeta sadopttha Idea of going to tliablisksintth ,for a snit of clothes.. This fended fnehibnie outot ante' and modern gentlemen eschewing such lantern - peen - Uhl their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall, t t Backbit' and Wilson, Nee, 608 and 606 Chestnut street, above Matti. s.IiD.COMMERCIAL, 3 Pri-.1 - `..4ltat Malhey Market. ; pitalostents, March 14, 169. ,--,:i,titOokii,oontriine,eodLidi, though without change in - prides fine* :this morning's' Preis made ue pert • generaThil of one dollar a share in atookiiiiii Saturday before the meeting of the - Board, tvidili statement was only applicable to the stook of the IReading Railroad Company. Judge Read, to - day,-delivered the opinion tif ;the Supreme Court in the take of the ElatCot Pisuntrylvanta ye. Bparigler,-whiei idvotied the irtfestfrei whether or rootthe.noteser-t hatleintOmireletiiiiitheifed y , tte staidness in payment of debts' dne ti it. The deelebni. is in lattr - of Spangter,Prid to`iffeet that the notes mast be so received We give a copious extract from the opinion :"a` , „ ~ Continental termer baying diespriteared Nrith'itte close of the revolutionary war, the only currency of the Molted States at the time of the charter of the Bank of Penneyleania wag gold and eitter coins, and the bank.notee of the fourestatirg Institutions of Philadel phia, BriatonOind Netiltark, No apprehensions liebig , then entertained of the banks refusing to pay gold end silver on dernendttio.provisiOuS wort intreetteed into their Leta of ineorpolatfoilin am of hurl t contineen ey—nor are they to be found 4n - our laws until the, re , ' charter of ,the Philadelphist,Bank anit,of the Bank pt. the Northern Libertrik 1 - M1823. ' The 18th, 19th, and 20th eitleles of thus charter', and the same articles of the acts .te.techarter certain bank's, palmed - 18th March; 3824, provldSd MO in Me " of refusal to pay in gold or silver Miler their pates, bide, or obligationsior, any metiei • ,reteiVid - Mpon de pi:llll44th* ho:def /or, Owner' eheditd, retiel*Pletta i t 04 ° of the two gree•named banks 12 per tent.; and , f -the other 6 per cent from time of demand, - which war to be endorsed thereon' tly- the president' - or cashier, ant three months after „web.. : refusal JO pay, the : holder -or ' i proPrletsir' ,- might apply to, the judge of ' any court, who should give at laud ten days notice to Buell president or canalise, ,and ty the feats. were ellostantated, Yt wase Made'the rduty of the judge to reduce the same to writing, and transmit the same to the Governo,"Who warn to Ilene hie pro. Mametion, • diclaileig the 'charter to be forfeited, and from and after ten days Miley *mote of said prostame. thin the ehartertfithe Sled kolitd be absolutely hull and void, except for certain specified purpos4s. In . use of uppeesieni It was not lowest. for the bank to lunette own notes, or declare or make any new loan or diridend, until Mich notes, bine, or obligations,' were paid. None of the -- prOvisiona were in any of the acts incorporating the Bank of, Pennaylvasta, w hich. iu February, 1842, war unable ' to' redeem its paper eV. n with the currency of the day,' and could not pay the in. terest 'rine on - the State - debte - tUommonwealth Bank of Pennsylvania, 3 W. t 8 ,186') ' This'' and general continued suspe n sion of all the banks, - gave eke , ,to the - 'act, to provide , for„ the reenmption of= epecie - pments by the banks of-this Commonwealth, id tor other pu posee, , passed March 12, 1842,-P. L., p. This wee a general law,. and intended to provide for all oases of general assignment by banks for the benefit of. creditors.. The that section provided for the forfeltntsi: of the charter when a bank did not redeem Po notes, deposits, sind'other liabilltleOn gold end attest Coln. The second section ptovided for the application=td a, court or judge, a (tattles to the bent servieesi sad hearlocot the parties; and of the : provisions of the first section wore'vloliited, then the directors were to Make a general assignment to trcurtese, subject 4 l , #lll , IPP batten of the stockholders, in treat tot e tenetit of all their creditor'', !thick lunignment - was to be ap proved by the (tenet of Common Pleas, and recorded in the proper county within thirty daye. The aesignees were M preeeed, tit tell and collect , provided, how ever; Ant 'tide said: assignees ihall deceive, in payblent of debts due to Cold bank , , its own notes audobligations, and the cheeks 'of the. own' depesitoes at - After, some other provisions, It Wee provided 'that thecerpo.,' rate ,power of. the - bank. shcnid cease except for epee' , fled ,purposes . The third teetion,deasho 1; lewfal for, the 'direotore of a bank, whir - never t-Ley deemed it pedient; to wind rip the iffsirs,of ettelilesieb,.to,tmike a general . assignmeneOf 111,dhe estatend and preens'. of the bink-subjact to the conditions and movialone relating ~to auignments. by thadasetors of the bulb) . provided in the eecood section. This clearly appliSe to all voluntary general,assignmenta, and prices tome on a footing with computiory assignments made on the:ap plication et creditors, and the nextolase cif compulsory ataignminits ,ofreited MaJoritY of itockholdere. The proeision with regard to the recielits of ;tile notes of the,bank by the„mudgnees, yt, or,lo„ - Jeayulient df debts due' to' said bank,iipplies with eenai fordo to each of these three classes of 4eneeta aseignmenm,land thereforey in tasting' by the atinigneelnider a gerseral aisigament they are bound to receive the notes at pay nient,,witethef held by-the defeudsot at thollial otthe Commencement of the snit or aettuod afterward. S " Tale tiVes the present r .opsej mid -Vas tact et, ttth Me oh, 1842, 'which - (vitalised a similar 'minden as to the receipts of nits( aud Osaka . of depositori,ibut which set vat of. r a .temporary eharectsr, does not- in tegers', with the operation of the general remedial law, particularly at the State ceased in 1843, by the isle of its stock at a heavy lose; to-have our interest in dhe instittltion. 2 '' " ' ' en,* e t construction ~ e ; the act of 18424 in strict conformity with ail the previous and anbietinent legisla tion, and tilpartboularly approete An relation to this bank, to whose notes le: super io r arida given by the etroattais'of the ten th pett:h of_act of 1193. giegge,ql9l4,l4lr,clt,e4.l; F a iflitik.lNgt.r 4 iitv g 'f . AAA4 72.°" oot Po.iganniEp§,l§ E e2ooooqaottt , ' - ,+ • , .1. , IR , Y 4 ;,' ' W.• 1.4 i.tplg wtseamo.mM6ramotelts .......c.e,0....1 obsotialp.o—.43 . .1 .e ? . ..1 .. ....W V !d1t.... ° . ... - 0,06.01-a7Oll. ...1 .Nalcal.2.4NMN.wWW W ON WQW.in..W91.410 cr,OOW6I I . , 'W1. 4 i 4 .43g,WWW.14 - 1 W./M0.40...M V. V...... . e , ,,:ky1.k.3.03111•100.00...10./VMOPCO 1,....61,mmaia164611115.. (0.41......... et . ...0 ..A.....4..... 4 4.01 , P. OW. ' ...4 . ' 4/1 WV , Ut..... 3 o oa ...oho .sae t i rs ism 63 v o u S ... ~. ~, --I PP:=9: tooroi ,o 00-coll—lut . 3 Et te-a, to .4.0‘........... e, ok g -31 5 , ~,.......- , k-4....“.3..19.... -..... '''', , •-• , et: , d0.. , ,A.a..%1Amg - i4,21 .. ./Q 1 : 6 ,4( .. 0... ikilgie ' Ca1i....0-9,0g3.40na..6Wa11.T.U6 , . . 1..0 ti OMPWOEMEFEA w.UwwWl ,l4.o §.¢..§ E Am...W.A WOOO W 1001 h•-• 062. 0)00.W . • 1.-12tia'ath5Lisigrtg..5tiei I Atli g;sl7B-2i-att,wo-gm-dg .- The bat* ',Wive:Lent this Atones an easy and comfortable Staten! thlo'gi on'the pert of the, bar*, the loans remaining nearly stationary, whilelheie le handsome increase In theqleposits; The aggregates compare with, those of last 'week aa follows : , „ • , , March 7. March 14. 'Capital Stock 690,485 $11,689 50S-In. 120 Loans ... ..26,119,31a4 26,086,873.. De. 33,610 Specie 6,928 714 0,0443 14E4.19, 39,494 Doe fro other Bka. 1,950 840 1,799,535..1n. 149 689 Doe to Otheryto.. 3,861,920 ;'3 811,606..De...13 386 ,P 0 9 0 11114 16 . 878,3 011 V 1003,049. dd. 330 . 981 Circulation' 2 80.,837 2 900,894, De. 445 Cootie 11.46i1di leg , the *manager, presents the following statement of „the monitions of the Phife, dolphin Clearing Rouse, for the week ending March 12;0501: I; ; 1869. • , ,Cleatitr., Balances aid March 7thil,:t “ '' ' - 1.8,782 261 02 21 485 p 63' BthB 20.451 02 96,436 (0; ", -01h..2. , - ' ` 2921;512 21 •151866 62: ' " 10th 8,012,203 97 172 605 37; " 11th • ' • , .2,982,269:42 181466 32; ~ 12th 3 097 , 022 n 177,05'(16 • 419,03487/-29 41,006,601 , 011 .PHILADILPIIIA 6T004f. msogaziem sscls , Msrolt - 14, 1869: 111,02 TAD NY NANLBT, DROWN, & 00.,1111-1n71,11308 AND a:Gamma mamma, aoarzwaer Gomm Taut) AND 011818 OT . , ' PIM? : 2000 Penns .66'92% 800 do 02% 1400 do •-• 9214 2134 43 d 0.... 2494 9214 , ' 660 Olty ... .. 994 aoo o . 9000 ' 0149 , 630 .... .. ~ ..16,0 0319 914 600.• d 100 009 6snow 193 6001kb - 1441 6a 87% 2000 N' Penns' R 10':. 04K _500,. do 94% , LOO do - 94% 1400 N Nola R 58 • 10,0 Oalswis oust 10a: 703( 1 600 do, 70% 1000 • 70% 1500 ,*;_ do .14 1 1 1 11 T3VIIM 000 Oity 4103 X 1000 oam & AIDS: '76 871 Y A _ - • B.IIKIOND Iwo wieoru k S c4s 1000 do - 20 Mini&lldioh,RkV. 21% flirard Bank Old 13x immure PSI Asked. U /15e '74 1018104 99X 99x " It 99X 99* New... 103 10.3 X Ponca 0e 03 035 Reading It 24x 2434 - bda B 3 83 " mt Ca '44 91 92 do' 'BO 73' 737( Penns R • 43 43X I let out oe.loo • 101 x 2d mt 04 . 93,1 Mor Oinal ben. dly off 47X 44 prat - MUNN*, seta 'Nam Cla 'B2 71X,72 oms—ifEeDy PRILADB4IIIIA. OATTLX MABHBT s Manor 14 The entitle of Beef Cattle are not'adlirge, and priCea are unchanged, but the market has bean dill, and the salmi made at •the different yards [avow but little tillers- Gen, The following ire the particulars of the actions made public to-day : 26 Lardid. Dauphin county, 89010.50. 38 .1 Hamner, Lanotster county, $9.50010 50. 33 Shook. by Gipson, Lancaster emuaty. $94210.50. 40 J. Sm,th,-Lanca,ternOtity, $9 61010 75, 10 Coates & Traynor, Chester county, $94210 50. 19 A. Kennedy. Chester county, $901075. -24 by , Bradtey, , Virginia, 89.60010 26. - 19 Woodburn, by Strickland, Penneylvanla, $809.50 ]4 trackman, Lancasteccounty 59010 50, 23 J. Keller, Lancaster county, vow. 30 B. Gray, Ohio $8 50m1 0 . 14 IL Franke, Ohio, $BO9 . 10 T dlasteraon, Lancaster county, by .7 Abrahams, $94210.60. tu thatiden A Shelby, Buobe county, s9oloi .10 61. Scott, Obto;sB.6oM9 •-' • 87 Judge Biddable, by CO3,hy.yz,bio,ol2 Ma gland ; 89 26010 60: • - - " • . 42 Musselman, by P. blaPillen, Lancaster county, $9,504210 60 23 Bailor, by P. MoPillen, Lineuter county, $9.22 10,25. 32 D .W.T.4 tdo Lammater county, 9elo 26. , 62 Adams, by Seldomridgo, Ohio, $9e10.60. 35 James 111cPlIten;Oheater county, $9a.O.M. 16 W. MoJs.ll Lancetateb county, $9m10.26. 88 Jamel'Auld, by Beldonorldgei $OOl.O 25. 97 Knox, by beldomrldge, Lancaster county, s9elo 10 P. Hathaway, Lancagter county, $9010.26. 29 W. Cordat., Ohio, $1&0.60. 83 Kimble & Kirk, Chester county, $9.26e1010, 30 pcott & Kimble, Oboeter °minty. $9w10.60. 16 W. 6110:7411, Cheater county; g9elo. 31 Knotty by J. Toddy Lanaidter•conuty;49olo 60. ige;er connti:iielu 60. /7 Price, lAIO, by Neely, T. 9.26010.50. Only about 2,000 Sheep were et market this week and prices were rather better, salsa !ragtag at 63(reie VA; net: , Cows aud.Calvas 000tkon• dull 'Sims 'mr l Ch - cci'w4 browot $36 1446 ii!eioad qtallty, $26 to 130, Sad diA adore $l6 io Vlereich, Of Hoge, the arelvalc at Phillips'e * yard were &boat 2,100, all of which sold at $93 call)( the. 100 the, met, aocording to quality, ~._~;~~.<~ .:;~~~, _ may ,_ .s`awx.~d'.L. k~.1 .7+. ib. '111%.C.14 , 9 . siVirnirmung. .hb'llyei kit is raaszdtill l do:diy;but the r•- oeiptg to-mate coneessioneVialiAlh there ll . ,y*.llpk.d*ntsd either foierhl g nient` Si l ltiure'biisi L nii3Otlry..4llol44 4taatiaptiid 'idoeilrifer'thic;*#er'lpuonen,4loiii.soo '6 82 for en'tai,andWillme.ll9lfoir - PleAr ,, and- Certflifeit:Wi.l4llw ° "" e '.o T h l-Proffrol/4 1 04141k$Untall tear,* WO, smd the letter isrraptgd r #l4, . •,40404404 " °01 " . bbf fdrlthat d.. serlption VVl,eatecauea !Halo and the mitlere are buying, feinted! rit4iii " f*,oB,ollra-Aliogwl and . p ris ai t. redant,..l7,siiiSlitiTir 4 .oll44,...A . yrrja wanted, and readily emirimaiSiiiodijo bur. ,- ,pitesiitinatMairtilre, awt 'bent 0:000 but sentkani yellow flirt bisiiirylkou at 8 0 o,with more' ffering " . 4t thatirWAsts are ratter - dirl4ll64;'iturirt A t 294 bilir,founiinnts barn been ioleatlgekfo:r_bris...,Birkda nebtinuek gnlrsd DY; blit.Qiet a tennnown in s liSt it No. ISe beld at /p4toif:' !:03.140411#X6rf abontl6o belialal'birerSig*talheihreft are quiet, with onitek,,fsxassalisitles 'of - Sew Orleans - Sugar toli4ilf1)(08e - , aerViiiitt* te:qlkilVor tin"' Providoni44 eilittel4oliiiranniiiiinOtinOyi same as laltsnoted.. 11r Igiiii'i7roeedeodrthunserketis trity; : nianj - 16 site of 100 bus ykrinidli4efi•rilifidso.oo Whirl., at whieb.wito It fa offered freely withoutiindiggdOsserrt-,, ?toothy is wantetli $ issiiteryfax bye , diets is little or none here. Nbiekey Ia 111•114, with sales ordeadne at 'Ohio_ do. 30e, and Nnnoylvaels sC2lo . ifr Raton: - - . Ilevir YOI 1 11 pc1c).Excikafte;',11arch 14. '- t• --, -- - SINCIOND ;MAID. _ . 1 ' 6900 Yens es '9O ~ „..90% MEW R - - - /30 48 1000 blistouri ISt 164 -86 N 160. - do - ; 48% It.oo Brook 391 11 141 7 .10)%2101- ? " do - . 180 4716 2000 N Y Odd& 02 96 100 .-. do , _ 880 47% 4603 Ls C & M 1 11. - -- , x17% 100 • - 'do '„. .13 48 , 1000 111 Con 144 9O - 60_,Milli Coot 11. e 30516 tO ObalharaLlenV 0, 8231- 103-iffeh 0 k.N Is lb% 20 0 N T Ceo R elw-79% 100 .do - . b 801696 L 0 ' do ' - 110749{ 100 do • 03015 100 -do -- -, blO 79% 210. udorit '1 ;4 1 . 0 % '26 - `do ' ” " 70% 160 . 81ieh 8 oast - 4844. 700 Erie Railroad, fr, ,1 1.14 4 1 . 0 . - " , - 4 46 , ` _i:; ' = " 100'457i MlPie fie ilslYoolBo 77% 150 Galena 4,-OblM 88% 1 LO, . do, . . __L. e 10 _77.4 100., "' do- , -, -"a10 6-% 700 " Ito - -, '4BO. lag 20 r ,dO,-.4? - ..A..1, , - - -E 0, 44 178 'do - -'-' -21 _ 100; "do. ~,,,„1010 68% 65' do MO 77: 100 Melt & rolll "480 2d 300 g o dA i re! . it 1 489 2 1,54 , 90,0908 IO C . 400a10 . 69,44 - 61 V dd - ' . : ' 'mg io • do . ,- 4 -'0) 09 36 401,-...,40: . , f; , .160 elli itiOltrife': & l' ,*-- `, , 595 13 Pusan& B. . 117 ,150 -, 'st - s,de •,, - , - , 101 6955 1 190 - -',;,,-die ji. - s• b 60•117 - 'llr'".ltPs- 'l' . ."• 0 59X . . " ,-: , TEM 51101,1511111. - .. i 1-',4 - ' - Amiss' are - ioletht 16 76 for Pots, ank58.7606.81X for, Pearls, with sa'ea °LEO bbla. f- t -, • 7,, e % ,,,m Pnown --Mat* and Weatarle Rotor de. ,, htier• Br, 41111'64es Of 13,608 bbla at Et 25435 25 for rdeeted, 55 60 65 80 for supetasse 0tati5,116.4046a r" esseedo, $ 5 . 60 • 6 8 -fOrananlitiletWelhira,26 66¢,6'80 for tltrik do„ and 26,1060 86, for _shlppinsp„lnanda_ofsextess :round hoop Oisses. - .'routhisni Moor L" drat,, with asks. of 1,500 Ws at $8.2568.75 (Or Soinsizenf tormited, eV $6 5068 25 (or extra Canada Ploaris steady, with lfalea of 200 bbla 5028 60.7 befog antra. - 1, `g qti - GRAill =Wheat Widmer, wltbisales of 20 000 bus at 91 US for 'phissego etaing; -21:41101.60 for ted winter Western; $t 88 for lifitwanhese Illebt, ft riviss- , qu et at 866900. Barley 110111 it, 7 1.6 1 5ez,Oontie Osier. with salessors 1,:00..0 boa at ale (Or WelterViinized,i.,9oe9lo for-yellow ;, aod , 67X 4903 fin whila. - " , teiteine steady at hinfsio tortoutheravremmilesniainnt lail*f ; aot 6 d 662 e (or State', Westin . , faligiSillAibtoL„As-,7 , ' ' aifinifiXB4l . olfrill;liith'illleil at-Bootee of 4619 bales begs 390 lb. to arileeott Ijist 08161nheadolidhaeles do 4to Ibint lOsi'Graaisrnsid aloa .baloa-olodif, Id sadly', ow pleats tarcos.„ .-...-` ~,,.,_,., -- - - _. -, ... Hmatlsinrenotisihateefnf4oo'ities lab" 4110 b6®9o, sad 440 balsa Ilan st 4XesilX,e, II MOIL - :•—• ' T E ISV/ 810 / 11 1C-jkarlillsilairaill, usitkealsor„ef 200 bias at $17.7615e M. old'mtii'B.lso for new do,- efad $l3 for prime. Beef continues ftsm, with sales of 200 bids at $ 86007 for uplift!, Ohara- 2389 for eouotry mesa, $9.59011 for reputed °Otago do, and $1260016 for tot`tatO ,, 9o4t o Waste arsatteadtale,6lraoXa for shoul ders, sag% 11„10 teirlfaras: Ltidli ipalet, with sales of 15Q bids at • 1060124e.. ,Cotter end ose ee to tt triotstwtMP:4 .itilllQS .=i .r ,BlL•riesan . a r eulet, with sales of 600 bags at B,lle. •WussaFfietruentsustat2fge.. -3. , Jackson'' - 4-- Mann. JACKSON 'PRINTER. P/Wrkiiis 3.45*130241.„., _ .0 101, A ND iin+7 I gFARMI,..O Pikapti, _,F t . r . 1 46, 8 '.°1 le " " P.llllll9lellY J..04119kt_ Paconso., - .,-../INTA 94kaTRFA',..;.,:',Polanni. Paniiire.:. -:Yi*U i&& -011killifW.A:r.Parnso. ancs42o - Riad the evidence of to old 'entrain e fereassatoNOOPlANDbffillttitiftlittfltlS, the only aahnonhafial remedy for the eure of _dispapet, liter iseiiroui.tebittly, '-? 4 • ' - • . -;.••Dnitaiset.altagato. 8, 1868. Di. O. M. g JeUttgoge, Deo, Etrik—Thie 1, to certify that X waywy r itilith'iiititetairith - tyspepeie - sad liver Oomßlatpt tor,fiWilearaitak trifoti nii -- WitiViteat 'aliment phyabstsue of Phtlafelpisa x withiljttle or no relief from-Ahem, - ,lBB,o l oessoarea•taffractiflt tr/ th great prbitfataeS4f , nausea cf the stsunichi nisab34:Bnneritt 44111 . &O. WU induCk'bise'frltifa lss'trill'Llaffutftfr'n MIR KA* -syrrmuliiiii Vd6 r b'or?baSXtatiffi Mete that It wan unr ot.raetoring' see - to IS - faith, and also 14 ! °1 -I i t - ` 1°7 1 114 :_ 4 1- 1 "hieq. I . n r,F*l_ 44 -itt• - rigird Wow ,Dltterk aCtbst beit,resassfy forrihe Score Cameos , 44111 " isse, - ViisiatittriB thkprearariptione of our boat ph fifakinif , tneBeSirchare Willa Sines 'any cure,;and lialiClitat littlWer aohit - #llll symptom* TO l l7lctner-7,, , , , , „ „•-• ' ' -,1(0,M411.4014,0e01-, 'nied4hti! fa' ?or ititiVatedieaPiritt the Vatted Btatea, and at the - maw:twiny, No, 418 ARM .1 ••• '• Mewls kilt • e. 'DOUBLI•1111011D, witrantid equal 't4 any on* hon. dreddollar nutehine in the market. - = f - • No one liked to - - pueblos nail they ate oothded la Ita performance, Office at the florae-furnishing store of lobe it, Mar phay Co., No. 822 0103STNI7T:8tattotk •.r ' Seameti 7 i ' ffevins - Ittimd-4loithifelt *finer of SECOND aziI,WALNUt. Striate. Deposita inealrod in small and large amounts, from all ela'ainaircil.; the community, and allow* interest; gin rate of aro per cent. per Amman. Money may - 6s ditirrrby cheeks without loan of inte rior,: 0111 .91 CTIA , Whlrto3?:9,lFl.4g 6 o Wocar 61021 - day gfpd gatArAiyAgtilp in_ th e , ,r_zseident, 'eiikiotity;illiarlaq H. Sawing - Fruldl - ,=iftWe i 7-Per ;:!Cit,.l' ,l .l4, ll .Fflite -- NATIONAL SANITY- * -- Rtriti coitemer:wilAin Meat, B. W t tanner, 11:1111D, ,Money rebelled anisam; st paid from the Al . of deposit to the dap of withdrawal. gooey *88664 iiiirpaynieritifinBBB dials; 'without Dog_ AM - -,.,eladit•in .Beal Zatate, tfortgragea, Ground Bents, and such firat-elaseseouri ties as the 0144W/requires.. °floe hours brief fin'ilook the morning ‘O ll Abtsft!dr*.fh!iml oa Wiliedel Vhefseel'aelaliagginifn 8 fee , , `Shigerli Sinning Iffichie.-='the 11 Sewing disehheet, at Oa and didiare attriehns ma venni, 'altenAloni,j,ln: elkleseentlel kno gialljteOkey ire mach the beat Machines ever okered at a low Ohm '''t7ll.lll.llG< & 00., 2 } l3 l l lMrer B t , ‘" • if2T-Soi t Sewing Meltlneel..-6.11 }enemy; smelt' have been induced to boy Bening: hteiddeme - which will riot perform the work that,puroluteera expected Thom to do, ere Informed that 8/240ER'8 MAOBIeNB never fail to do any kind of work.' tfoinio Is diet disappointed in thee. Iffacbinee. I. M. 1111113.111Vdee0., Ja274m , - ; 602 clurovitiurotrimit. Ona-Prics Clothing, at ths.Lateat,Stileni and maile thikball lunar r } aßtualy , to; Icwcass, We mark eni , loweni selling prune Twit' Plabalill on each &Aldo: f - 4111 Cede itaide to ender ere warranted mattelsotory, ant oar 011 . -431303/11 11 strictly ut tered to. We believe tilt! to be the only lair way of so Skipreby AI is 01111144 IMO; s '1 1600 Lehigh Nay 603 Onion Cana Co.. 35 , 600 do 1 coop off 83X 1000 Blinks B 1 me To 71x 6 Penns B. lots .... 44 , ; do b 5 43) 19..- do 41): 50'LehIsk Zile:Cash y 9 47 ermaqtown Gas.. ay; 30 Union Bk,ffenn.. 98% 100 Beading R'' 24% N Peonslt ' 9% 60 Ostswfoos B •.esok -5% - 18 Ooniaffidstion•Bk. , 26% 2 do , 213,X 4 Perm k, Meek Bk. CO; - 0 Girard Bk 01d.... 12% 11 ./irepepeisi Thug la 4166balin oilfeefule whieh . experhome fru ea amplyprov ‘ ed to be remedia ble brthatlEßUTlikirlTlNlTlria ihir'irepria. The molt inveberatei forate.of ‘hia L dleirae t Wm( bariteom plaids mred - 4 tM. medloine: u ample- fiaitiMeay of some 14 oarillit Quisiu:iiravec, ;IC 1:1 IV; ' Tor Kaki* thL airy - ty p. Breen, armor TO% and Ohestaati' saisl tailithre'vo:, ionise Twelfthakainellit 1BOLILBfi.:. i 110.2(ta & Mach Bk. . 27% 121 tenni B 65 43)i , DPhitil.'• _; - iB R 26" "do ~ 12'Itarrtibarg do A New Artleis. .Atkir/. SchtNar Imp6r 7T 77% " Stook 9X 9X " Peet DA( Pag Wmap , tic Zama 9% 9% 701610,1g...71% 72 .. 'bong Wand .... 10% 11 . 1611ziud Bk Con.. 60% 60% LehOosl'it Nov. 69 61 'Lehigh Snip.... 28 28% Penna.l% 9% "67s 68 New Creek N °stamina tyi 6 X 1 Beira. of Counterfeits. , ' Beware of Counterfeits Large Bottles, Fifty Cleats. - Bmill lioltleri, , , Binalr 80tt1e5,.1,1.14y-tile Ceuta., For.sals,UY, l ll , ,JOntli t Crtlqintl y * FBl}ol 00045 Dealers' In thinihry pint of the Malted Steno. 15%0141140 anditatalil•Dopot, - • •1. Noe. Ed, 407, and 197 BROADWAY, New York. T. B. PETERSON & BROB. No. 306 ,, ONESTNIIT • k eltavir Ir. Baker's Celebraileid -Faintly Solving - MAOHINIIB - A NSW STYLI—PRIWS - 41511." : , This Machine semi from two ~a pooler s ie , pardaseed from the More requirini no, rewind ing ot:thretad'; It kiilliters;and Stltched-hi's'annerior style, finishing each seem by its own operation, without re course to the hand•needle; as - Is "required by other ma chines. It will do better and ,chesper sewing , than a seamstress can, even if She Work; for mei neat On hour. 1425 tC 117'131ND.P0,ft Card Eta :" Yon are reel - motin* tivitied to' ialt and exami ne the NEW STYLES of HATS for Gentlemen, pre pared by the ondireitoieenpt only for Eprfrier.weer., ,Whi. , it,TWEENVEROXJ Efir a rsit;' ah]o•~t 480 Olip3TNlllFlSteet Farrel, .1 r: , 33l3tkiiitt Driiiii* :',,, ,it•;:il.9giiidlsND, Agent, JONSEI & CO., ; 1 .64' kAWIT gtr A Nair 'Aiti ale.' Paton - k Bon's Om:lice for the Heir. Phslou V 1344 ..'! 0 9_ 491, A tr , t l " , r Philon A koii , e iqoaohte far the - Beet and Oiki4;it.eittaie Beat 'ea Ilitiariest Article For 'Breasteli- Beauttfilep - plenniai, - ?or tieilekegi Eitikadtylog,l/leaido' P t)i4lll _ Pf""Pf.finit, Cleaning, Curliag, 'and Ileatoring the Hair. . • • _ , ReiWrtng;the_H.4r. - Restoring the Fair. "Inquire ior l Pialosi IRA's iinadtie Inquire fur ,Ilhairni am 11NOTID TIMIII /iCo's' ir,)§ N. 629 a 0HE8TNIIT STRUT, (Nrne , l gen..) - idO•ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers